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Thursday, 25 May

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Thursday, 18 May


We've added 10 new list tools "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Team Browserling keeps shipping!

Last week we added 20 new time tools and and today we just added 10 new tools to our Online List Tools collection.

I've done my job and now it's Google's job to index them and rank them well.

Here are the new list tools.

Next week we'll add even more tools. See you then!

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IndyWatch World News All Topics Summary Today.

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Thursday, 11 May


Meine Gte ist meine Inbox jetzt voll mit Denkmalschutz-Horrorgeschichten!OK, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Meine Gte ist meine Inbox jetzt voll mit Denkmalschutz-Horrorgeschichten!

OK, Leute, fassen wir zusammen: Kleine Menschen wollen hier endlich mal Macht ber andere ausben. Beispiele gibt es viele, ich will hier nur mal eines rausgreifen, aus Belgien. Ein Fuballfan hat sein Haus mit den Nationalfarben angemalt. Nicht mal sonderlich aufdringlich, finde ich. Das ging dann durch alle Instanzen und landete am Ende auch noch vor dem Staatsrat.

Eine Anmerkung noch, dann schliee ich das Thema hier. Falls ihr angesichts dieser an Feudalismus erinnernden Horrorzustnde berlegt, in die USA auszuwandern, denn die sind ja das Land der Freiheit und unbegrenzten Mglichkeiten, dann solltet ihr vorher Last Week Tonight ber Homeowners Associations gucken. Das ist noch schlimmer dort.

Die bunte Fassade hat mich nicht in Ruhe gelassen. ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die bunte Fassade hat mich nicht in Ruhe gelassen. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass dieses Haus unter Denkmalschutz steht. Stellt sich raus: Die Denkmalliste ist ffentlich einsehbar. Da findet man:

Stuttgarter Platz 16, Mietshaus (Vestibl, Treppenhaus), Lden, 1893-95 von Alfred Schrobsdorff

Stuttgarter Platz 19, Mietshaus, 1894-95 von Alfred Schrobsdorff
Windscheidstrae 20

Stuttgarter Platz 20, Mietshaus, 1904-05 von Fritz Schmidt
So und dieses Hostel? Das hat die Hausnummer 17.

Wie vermutet hat sich dieser CDU-Fuzzy den Denkmalschutz einfach mal kurz aus dem Arsch gezogen.

Ich wei! Die CDU lgt uns ins Gesicht?! Undenkbar! Ich bin mindestens genau so schockiert wie ihr jetzt gerade!

Update: Die Geschichte ist doch noch etwas komplexer. Wirkt ein bisschen so, als habe sich der Hostel-Besitzer das selbst zugefgt.

OK, jetzt schreibe ich doch noch mal was zu Amazon ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

OK, jetzt schreibe ich doch noch mal was zu Amazon Prime Video. Hier kam eine Anfrage rein, ob ich nicht einen lngeren Artikel dazu schreiben will, aber daraus wurde dann nichts. Die Gedanken habe ich mir jetzt aber schon gemacht. Und nun hat Heise diese Analyse meines hochgeschtzten Kollegens Kris Khntopp gebracht, die bei mir einen Fall von XKCD 386 auslst.

Daher hier nochmal meine lngeren Gedanken. Der Aufhnger fr die ganze Geschichte war ja nicht, dass Amazon von Microservice auf Monolith umgestellt hat, sondern dass sie damit 90% Kosten gespart haben.

Natrlich kann man hier eine tolle Diskussion der Vor- und Nachteile von Modularisierung und Microservices fhren. Aber geht halt am Punkt vorbei. Amazon hat das nicht aus strukturellen Grnden umgestellt, sondern weil das 90% billiger ist.

Warum ist das denn 90% billiger? Nun, dazu ein kleines Gedankenexperiment.

Nehmen wir an, ihr geht zu einem Hoster, und mietet bei dem zwei Rechner an. Die stehen am Ende im selben Rechenzentrum, und zwischen ihnen gibt es Ethernet. Der Traffic zwischen den Kisten kostet euch nichts. Denn der kostet auch den Hoster nichts. Das ist ein Kabel, ein Switch. Niemand kme auf die Idee, da einen Trafficzhler dran zu hngen, und euch eine Rechnung pro Kilobyte zu schicken.

Sagte ich niemand? Doch! Die Amazon Cloud macht das so. In der Cloud haben Amazon und co ein Nickel-and-Dime-Abrechnungsmodell etabliert, bei dem man fr Dinge Rechnungen kriegt, die beim Hoster mit drin sind, und die dem Cloudanbieter keine Kosten verursachen.

Traffic zwischen den Diensten. Traffic zur Festplatte. Benutzter Platz auf der Festplatte. Sowas.

Was hier also die immensen Einsparungen verursacht hat, das war keinesfalls eine "bessere Architektur". Nein. Das war die gezielte Vermeidung von Amazons Freudenhaus-Preisstruktur. Wenn Amazon fr Storage oder den Traffic zum Storage Geld sehen will, dann reduzieren wir am besten temporre Zwischenspeicher. Wenn Amazon fr den Traffic zwischen Microservices Geld sehen will, dann fusionieren wir die am besten zu einem Monolithen zusammen.

DAS ist hier passiert.

Auf architektonischer Ebene kauft man sich mit Verteilung (z.B. auf Microservices) hheren Durchsatz, aber zahlt mit steigender Latenz. Wenn die Latenz wichtig ist, dann versucht man die Pfade kurz zu halten. Wenn der Durchsatz wichtiger ist, dann zerlegt man den Prozess in mehr Stufen und baut ein Flieband-System, bei dem die Schritte entkoppelt sind, damit sie einzeln in die Breite skaliert werden knnen. Wenn man das geschickt macht, kann man sowohl hohen Durchsatz und geringe Latenz haben. Das ist dann aber mit Arbeit verbunden.

Die Story hier ist also meiner Ansicht nach nicht ber Microservices oder Monolithen oder...

Kann man jetzt eigentlich Nach-Hause-Telefonier-Software ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kann man jetzt eigentlich Nach-Hause-Telefonier-Software mit Telemetrie-Wohnsitz in der Cloud als deutsche Behrde datenschutzkonform einsetzen oder nicht?

Ich spoiler mal das Offensichtliche: Nein. Kann man nicht.

Nichtsdestotrotz haben die Bundeslnder ein Gutachten in Auftrag gegeben. In der Hoffnung, offensichtlich, dass der Gutachter high, besoffen und blind ist. Und von Microsoft bezahlt, denn selbst ein Blinder sieht, dass das nicht geht.

Und wie lief das Gutachten? Fragdenstaat wollte da mal reingucken, und das wurde ihnen verweigert.

Der Antrag ist nach 8 6 a) IFG NRW abzulehnen, da das Bekanntwerden des Rechtsgutachtens die Beziehungen zu anderen Bundeslndern beeintrchtigen wrde.
Wait ... what?!?
Die ALD hat einer Herausgabe zu recht widersprochen. Es handelt sich nmlich um ein internes Arbeitspapier der ALD, das der gemeinsamen Erarbeitung und Umsetzung einheitlicher Verhandlungsbedingungen dient.
Ja! Richtig gelesen! Das ist klar illegal, also hoffen sich damit den Preis senken zu knnen. Hey Microsoft, wir bezahlen euch und die amerikanischen Geheimdienste doch schon mit dem illegalen Zugriff auf alle Daten unserer Bevlkerung, die wir hier ohne sie zu fragen ans Messer liefern!1!! Da knnt ihr doch sicher den Kaufpreis etwas senken? Schlagt das doch einfach auf die Wartungskosten drauf, die zahlt bei uns ein anderer Topf.

Immer dran denken: Diese Leute sind von uns Steuerzahlern bezahlte Dienstleister, deren Auftrag es ist, sich an Recht und Gesetz zu halten.

Wie kriminell mssen die noch werden, bevor man die einfach mal alle rausschmeit?

Zu der bunten Fassade kam ein beunruhigender Leserbrief ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Zu der bunten Fassade kam ein beunruhigender Leserbrief aus der Schweiz rein:

Naja, fr Schweizer ist das eher harmlos. Hier musste unlngst ein Hausbesitzer sein Haus neu anmalen lassen, weil der gewhlte Weisston der Fassade einen leichten Blaustich hatte. Das Haus war nicht denkmalgeschtzt oder sowas. Begrndung der Gemeinde: die Farbe wre im Vergleich zu den Nachbarhusern zu "kalt". Vor ein paar Jahren musste hier in der Nhe ein Hausdach neu gedeckt werden. In der Schweiz brauchst du (je nach Gemeinde) eine Baugenehmigung fr die Ziegel (oder was auch immer) auf deinem Hausdach.

Der gute Mann hatte eine solche und durfte sein Hausdach golden decken. Als das Dach fertig war, kam die Gemeinde, das Dach sei zu auffllig und wrde Autofahrer ablenken und er musste es neu in neutraler Farbe decken. Ich habe in meinem Haus vor ein paar Jahren zwei Fenster erneuert. Die alten Fenster waren weiss, die neuen Fenster sind weiss. Hatte ich als Auflage in der Baugenehmigung und als die Fenster ausgetauscht waren, kam ein Gemeindebttel vorbei und hat Fotos von den neuen Fenstern gemacht, damit die Gemeinde prfen konnte, ob die Fenster auch wirklich weiss sind. Bei einer Fassade wie der von dem Hotel wrde hier vermutlich direkt ein abbruchtrupp der Gemeinde anrcken.

Ich habe keinerlei Verstndnis fr sowas.

Aus meiner Sicht sind das kleine unwichtige Menschen, die endlich auch mal Gewalt ber andere haben und das dann ausnutzen, um ihre eigene Unwichtigkeit fr eine Sekunde vergessen zu knnen. Abstoendes Verhalten!

Update: Das hier scheint der Fall zu sein.


Bidens Made Millions Exchanging Political Favors For Foreign Money, Then Tried To Cover It Up: Oversight Report "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Rep. James Comer and Oversight Committee detail Biden corruptionPresident Joe Biden is at the center of a political favor-selling scheme and subsequent coverup, Republicans say.


Children Flee Schools As Gunmen Burn Buses, Tricycles In Onitsha/ Uli "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Primary and Secondary school children in the Uli Ihiala Local Government Area of Anambra State have fled their schools following the menace of the unknown gunmen suspected to be either members of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) or the Eastern Security Network (ESN) in the area. This development was a result of the attacks by...

The post Children Flee Schools As Gunmen Burn Buses, Tricycles In Onitsha/ Uli appeared first on New Telegraph.


Military Situation In Iraq On May 10, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Iraq On May 10, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • Iraqi warplanes attacked ISIS hideouts in the Hamrin Mountain;
  • Iraq hosted its third international water conference to discuss growing threats of drought and water scarcity and the effects of climate change;
  • The Iraqi Army has killed over 100 ISIS terrorists since the beginning of 2023, according to a spokesperson for the Iraqi Army.


The post Military Situation In Iraq On May 10, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


BVN Has 10-Year Lifespan, Say CBN, DMOs Website "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

More than nine years after the Bank Verification Number (BVN) scheme was introduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), there are indications that a lot of Nigerians are ignorant of the fact that their BVN expires after 10 years. Reason: A trending Whatsapp video made by a man who identifies himself on social media...

The post BVN Has 10-Year Lifespan, Say CBN, DMOs Website appeared first on New Telegraph.


Foreign Ministry: China won't forget NATO's 'barbaric' acts in Yugoslavia "IndyWatch Feed World"

The remarks came on the anniversary of the 1999 embassy bombing that killed three Chinese journalists Beijing has neither forgotten nor forgiven the May 1999 bombing of its embassy in Belgrade, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told reporters on Monday. Wang condemned the US-led bloc for creating conflict while posing as a defensive alliance, urging it to "seriously reflect" on its crimes. Wang noted that May 7 was the anniversary of the embassy attack, in which three Chinese journalists were killed and 20 diplomatic staff were injured. "The Chinese people will never forget what they sacrificed to uphold the truth, fairness and justice. Nor will we ever forget this barbaric atrocity committed by US-led NATO," he told reporters.


Hackaday Prize 2023: 65uino 6502 Learning in a Familiar Package "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

[Anders Nielsen] presents his entry for the 2023 Hackaday Prize: The 65uino. Which as you might be able to guess, is a 6502-based microcomputer wedged into an Arduino Uno form factor (well, almost wedged in, but well let it slide) The premise is simple, older micros are easier to understand, the board can be build up from new-old or salvaged stock, and thats more chips on boards and less sitting on a dusty shelf. After all, even though the 6502 in its original form is long obsolete, its far better to be pushing some electrons around, than sitting there decaying.



Nietes "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

De muy chiquitos y chiquitas, marcharon de la mano de sus madres y padres pidiendo justicia por sus abuelos y abuelas desaparecidos por la dictadura hoy continan para hacer memoria, convocando a quienes quieran acompaarles en la defensa de los derechos humanos de ayer y de hoy.

Hoy los pauelos blancos quedan en las baldosas de la plaza 25 de mayo de Rosario, y all estn ellas y ellos siguiendo estas huellas, les NIETES

Cundo surge y por qu la necesidad de juntarse?

Les nietes estuvimos siempre presentes, en cada marcha, convocatoria o actividad por los derechos humanos. Cada une desde su lugar, de chiquites corriendo y cantando, tambin militando desde centros de estudiantes u organizaciones similares. Siempre estuvo la idea de organizar un espacio propio, y en septiembre de 2021, en la memoria de Juane Basso, un compaero de HIJOS, histrico militante por los derechos humanos, pero tambin amigo y familia, decidimos organizarnos colectivamente. Un jueves convocamos como Nietes a la ronda de Madres, en la histrica Plaza 25 de Mayo de Rosario. Y as empez. Lo conformamos buscando trazar una lnea que conecta el pasado con el futuro, levantando banderas histricas, pero desde una nueva perspectiva, la de nuestra generacin. Por supuesto con la lucha de las Madres y Abuelas de la Plaza de Mayo como faro e interpelades por la lucha por la memoria, la verdad y la justicia de H.I.J.O.S.

Nuestro nombre se debe a que somos Nietes de aquella generacin. Si bien varies de nosotres tenemos familiares que han sido militantes en los aos 70, hay otres que no. Por eso siempre buscamos dejar en claro que eso no es lo nico que nos identifica, porque las marcas que dej el ltimo genocidio en nuestro pas siguen vigentes al da de hoy, por tal motivo hacemos hincapi en que la ltima dictadura cvico, eclesistica, militar y empresarial nos atraves a todes, ms all de los lazos biolgicos.

Creemos necesario juntarnos para que nuestra generacin pueda seguir estas luchas y llevarlas adelante, porque entendemos que ningn derecho conquistado est asegurado, y si bien se ha avanzado mucho en nuestro pas en materia de derechos humanos todava nos queda mucho por delante: cientos de personas todava no conocen su verdadera identidad, hoy en da hay militares criminales y asesinos que todava no han sido juzgados y muchos otros gozan con el privilegio de la domiciliaria, los civiles cmplices de la dictadura no han sido juzgados y hasta los vemos presentndose a elecciones o gobernando.

Nos juntamos, entre otras cosas, porque seguimos luchando por el modelo de pas con el que soaban nuestres 30.400 compaeres: un pas libre, justo, soberan...


14 popular AI algorithms and their uses "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Amid all the hype and hysteria about ChatGPT, Bard, and other generative large language models (LLMs), its worth taking a step back to look at the gamut of AI algorithms and their uses. After all, many traditional machine learning algorithms have been solving important problems for decadesand theyre still going strong. Why should LLMs get all the attention?

Before we dive in, recall that machine learning is a class of methods for automatically creating predictive models from data. Machine learning algorithms are the engines of machine learning, meaning it is the algorithms that turn a data set into a model. Which kind of algorithm works best (supervised, unsupervised, classification, regression, etc.) depends on the kind of problem youre solving, the computing resources available, and the nature of the data.

In the next section, Ill briefly survey the different kinds of machine learning and the different kinds of machine learning models. Then Ill discuss 14 of the most commonly used machine learning and deep learning algorithms, and explain how those algorithms relate to the creation of models for prediction, classification, image processing, language processing, game-playing and robotics, and generative AI.


Symmetric graphene quantum dots for future qubits "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Quantum dots in semiconductors such as silicon or gallium arsenide have long been considered hot candidates for hosting quantum bits in future quantum processors. Scientists at Forschungszentrum Jlich and RWTH Aachen University have now shown that bilayer graphene has even more to offer here than other materials.

The double quantum dots they have created are characterized by a nearly perfect electron-hole-symmetry that allows a robust read-out mechanismone of the necessary criteria for quantum computing. The results were published in Nature.

The development of robust semiconductor spin qubits could help the realization of large-scale quantum computers in the future. However, current quantum dot based qubit systems are still in their infancy. In 2022, researchers at QuTech in the Netherlands were able to create 6 silicon-based spin qubits for the first time. With graphene, there is still a long way to go. The material, which was first isolated in 2004, is highly attractive to many scientists. But the realization of the first quantum bit has yet to come.


Nuclear Power Breakthrough Makes Limitless Energy Possible "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Editors note: Nuclear Power Breakthrough Makes Limitless Energy Possible was previously published in December 2022. It has since been updated to include the most relevant information available.

For a moment, imagine a world of limitless energy one where energy is so abundant that everyone can power their homes and businesses for mere pennies.

These days, its tough to imagine a world like that. Last winter, the average U.S. heating bill was $1,000.


Military Situation In Syria On May 10, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Syria On May 10, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • On May 10, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no cases of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours;
  • On May 10, the Foreign Ministers of Russia, Syria, Turkey and Iran met in Moscow;
  • On May 10, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad received an official invitation by Saudi Arabias King Salman bin Abdulaziz to attend upcoming summit of the Arab League in Jeddah;
  • On May 9, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Taqad;
  • On May 9, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Kafr Taal.


The post Military Situation In Syria On May 10, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


Cascada de colores marchitos: 143 millones de mujeres desaparecidas en el mundo "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Mientras las personas recorran la galera, la poeta Citlali Santos enton una serie de versos. Desde la experiencia personal, las rimas protestaron por la dignidad y el respeto anhelado para las mujeres.

La protesta crea conciencia, el arte da reminiscencia, y cuando se juntan, logran la trascendencia. En un pas con 10 feminicidios diarios, las palabras ya no son suficientes. Aparece la necesidad de impactar a travs de lo visual, pues as los ojos no pueden escapar. Entre la agona, por sociedades machistas y patriarcales, nace la pregunta: qu podemos hacer?

La galera de la Biblioteca Interactiva Pedro Arrupe, SJ de la IBERO Puebla fue escenario de una agridulce respuesta. Desde la entrada, era imposible ignorar la cascada de colores marchitos que invadan el panorama. Pares de zapatitos de beb colgaban en falsa esttica, ya que cobraban movilidad por su historia heredada y el inevitable impacto emocional hacia los espectadores.

Lo cotidiano se vio interrumpido por una exposicin que busca recordar a las mujeres desaparecidas, mostrar la obra artesanal de mujeres en todo el mundo y empoderar en lo econmico a las mujeres en situacin de vulnerabilidad. Cada par de zapatitos representa 10,000 mujeres desparecidas muertas.

La idea germin en las manos de la organizacin multicultural The Gendercide Awareness Project (Proyecto de Concientizacin sobre el Generocidio Femenino). Este programa, con sede en Dallas, Texas (EE. UU.), tiene dos objetivos: crear consciencia sobre el generocidio femenino y facilitar el acceso a la educacin de nias en situacin de vulnerabilidad en distintos pases.

Un punto clave, de la instalacin artstica yace en dejar clara la diferencia entre feminicidio y generocidio femenino. Se define como feminicidio a la accin de privar de la vida a una mujer por razones de gnero; en tanto, el generocidio femenino es la violacin institucional de los derechos de las mujeres.

La coordinadora de Difusin Cultural, Cecilia Macas Ramrez de Arellano, y la responsable de Patrimonio Artstico y Galeras Universitarias, Zurisadai Guarneros Silva, presidieron el evento con bienvenidas y agradecimientos a colaboradores, autoridades, estudiantes, colectivos, asociaciones civiles y representantes de organismos gubernamentales.

La responsable del Observatorio de Violencia Social y de Gnero de la IBERO Puebla, Ana Gamboa Muoz, comparti: La realidad, en muchas ocasiones, supera los eufemismos, ...


Newcastle Plans Raid Of Chelsea "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Newcastle United are concerned that Chelsea will ask for ridiculous money for the players Eddie Howe wants to sign this summer, according to reports. The Magpies are keen on several Blues stars and have been linked to Conor Gallagher, Mason Mount, and Christian Pulisic to name a few. Newcastle has a strong chance of qualifying...

The post Newcastle Plans Raid Of Chelsea appeared first on New Telegraph.


La maternidad es un verbo y nos invita a pensarnos como tas de los 43 "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Hacer de la maternidad un verbo en plural desafa la imagen impuesta de la madre abnegada, la que sacrifica todo por el hijo, la imagen de la madre sufriente, la llorona, la que camina sin rumbo fijo, perdida entre sus lamentos -indica la autora-. Es otra forma de asumir la maternidad como un acto poltico. Como lo hacen miles de madres de desaparecidos a lo largo y ancho del pas La autora nos invita a detenernos en las palabras de las madres de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa para escuchar cmo insisten que la maternidad es un ejercicio colectivo por la verdad y contra las violencias extremas. Reconocerse madres de una generacin de desaparecidos es una forma de politizar la maternidad porque afirma que el bienestar de lxs hijxs es una responsabilidad colectiva. La maternidad en plural tambin es una invitacin a repensar nuestro papel a su lado. Ms all de la empata y de la solidaridad la autora se pregunta qu significa asumir el rol de tas de los 43 desaparecidos y de miles ms, qu tendramos que conocer de sus sueos y anhelos, cmo los tendramos que incorporar a nuestras luchas cotidianas y cmo establecer lazos de hermandad de lucha con sus madres. La autora considera que las repuestas a estas preguntas fortalecen nuestras capacidad de luchar por la verdad y por la justicia en una coyuntura poltica sumamente compleja.  

Cuando las mams de los 43 normalistas desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa repiten una y otra vez que el Estado les desapareci a un hijo pero ahora buscan a 43 hijos y a miles ms, nos recuerdan que la maternidad, adems de una identidad establecida por medio de un vnculo sanguneo, es tambin un verbo en plural. La maternidad se afirma por medio de actos cotidianos que cuidan, educan, e incorporan a la vida social a nuevas generaciones. Se expresa por medio de la acumulacin de actos que posibilitan el cumplimiento de los sueos colectivos y  de una vida digna. 

De cara a las condiciones de violencia extrema que se viven en el pas, de cara a las lagunas de impunidad que se extienden como manchas sobre los paisajes sociales, de cara a las heridas profundas que ello ha provocado, los compromisos que asume una maternidad colectiva tambin se vuelcan a encontrar el paradero de las y los desaparecidos, de acompaarse entre llantos y el coraje desbordado, de exigir la verdad, de tejer un terreno que haga de la justicia una posibilidad accesible. 

La semana pasada le pregunt a doa Cristina Bautista, madre de Benjamn Ascencio Bautista, mujer nahua, originaria de Alpoyecancingo de las Montaas, municipio de Ahuacuotzingo, Guerrero, sobre lo que significa para ella buscar a 43 hijos y a miles ms, de qu manera se identifica, al igual que otras madres de los 43, con la maternidad expresada as, como un verbo en plural, y cmo influye en su forma de luchar por la verdad y entender la justicia. 

Quise escuchar sus reflexiones porque nos encontramos en una coyuntura...


U.S. Support for Nuclear Power Soars "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As the country looks to decarbonize, nuclears popularity climbs to the highest level in a decade:

A Gallup survey released in late April found that 55 percent of U.S. adults support the use of nuclear power. That's up four percentage points from last year and reflects the highest level of public support for nuclear energy use in electricity since 2012.

[...] Nuclear energy has historically been a source of immense controversy. A series of high-profile nuclear accidents and disasters, from Three Mile Island in 1979 to Chernobyl in 1986 to Fukushima in 2011, have raised safety concerns even though the death toll from fossil fuel power generation far outstrips that of nuclear power generation. Several government nuclear programs have also left behind toxic waste that place disproportionate burdens on Indigenous communities.

But nuclear power doesn't produce carbon emissions, and it's more consistent and reliable than wind and solar energy, which vary depending on the weather. For these reasons, the Biden administration has identified nuclear energy as a key climate solution to achieve grid stability in a net-zero future. The administration is pushing for the deployment of a new generation of reactors called "advanced nuclear": a catch-all term for new nuclear reactor models that improve on the safety and efficiency of traditional reactor designs.

In a recent report, the Department of Energy found that regardless of how many renewables are deployed, the U.S. will need an additional 200 gigawatts of advanced nuclear power enough to power about 160 million homes to reach President Joe Biden's goal of hitting net-zero emissions by 2050.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Sanctions Drive Chinese Firms to Build A.I. Technologies which do not rely on Cutting Edge U.S. Semiconductors "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Sanctions Drive Chinese Firms to Build A.I. Technologies which do not rely on Cutting Edge U.S. Semiconductors appeared first on Global Research.


At Least 32% of U.S. Mass Shooters Were Trained to Shoot by the U.S. Military "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

There seem to me to be two key reasons that a sane communications system would not censor this topic.


At Least 32% of U.S. Mass Shooters Were Trained to Shoot by the U.S. Military "IndyWatch Feed War"

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 10, 2023

Its been two years since I wrote on this topic. At that time, at least 36% of U.S. mass shooters had been trained by the U.S. military. Since then, a grand total of nobody at all has written on the topic.

Im picking it up again, because people have started asking about it, prompted by a former Marine using apparently trained skills to murder a subway rider in New York, and shooters in Atlanta and Texas actually being identified as veterans in news reports an extreme rarity.

However, working from the database of mass shooters created by Mother Jones, I cannot include the Atlanta shooter, who did not kill at least four people, and I cannot include any strangulations, because those are not shootings. In fact, the recent Texas mass shooter is the only one of the 15 cases Ive added to the database from the past two years whom Ive been able to identify as a veteran. There have of course been more than 15 shootings, but most of them dont make it into the Mother Jones database, and some that do I eliminate in order to create a meaningful comparison. In the United States, 14.76% of the general population (male, 18-59) are veterans. By limiting my database to male U.S. citizen mass shooters, aged 18-59, I can point out that 32% of them are veterans.

Needless to say, out of a country of over 330 million people a database of 122 mass shooters is a very small group. Needless to say, statistically, virtually all veterans are not mass shooters. But that can hardly be the reason for not a single news article ever mentioning that mass shooters are over twice as likely to be veterans as the general population. After all, statistically, virtually all males, mentally ill people, domestic abusers, Nazi-sympathizers, loners, and gun-purchasers are also not mass-shooters. Yet articles on those topics proliferate like NRA campaign bribes.

There seem to me to be two key reasons that a sane communications system would not censor this topic. First, our public dollars and elected officials are training and conditioning huge numbers of people to kill, sending them abroad to kill, thanking them for the service, praising and rewarding them...


Nutanix Central simplifies management of hybrid multicloud environments "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Nutanix has unveiled Nutanix Central, a cloud-delivered solution that provides a single console for visibility, monitoring, and management across public cloud, on-premises, hosted or edge infrastructure. This will extend the universal cloud operating model of the Nutanix Cloud Platform to break down silos and simplify consistently managing apps and data anywhere. Most organizations today are struggling with the complexity of managing an increasing number of environments across on-premises, public cloud, and the edge, leading to More

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Palestine Is Boiling and Will Not Cool Down "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The US Silence on Israeli Nuclear Weapons and the Right-wing Israeli Government "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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WHO Plans to Launch Global Digital Health Certificate "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Easily bypassed patch makes zero-click Outlook flaw exploitable again (CVE-2023-29324) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Among the vulnerabilities fixed by Microsoft on May 2023 Patch Tuesday is CVE-2023-29324, a bug in the Windows MSHTML platform that Microsoft rates as important. Akamais research team and Ben Barnea, the researcher whos credited with finding the flaw, disagree with that assessment, because the new vulnerability [CVE-2023-29324] re-enables the exploitation of a critical vulnerability [CVE-2023-23397] that was seen in the wild and used by APT operators. About CVE-2023-23397 CVE-2023-23397 is an EoP bug in More

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May 29: Buhari Seeks Approval Of $800m Loan Request From Senate "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Barely 19 days to hand over the mantle of leadership to the incoming President, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday requested a whooping sum of $800 million loan. New Telegraph reports that this was contained in a letter sent to the senate for approval for the new loan. The in letter read during...

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High School Students Who Died Suddenly or Unexpectedly After Taking COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. Foreign Deaths in 2021 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Prove Identity partners with Visa to eliminate manual account registration "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Prove Identity announced a new partnership with Visa to empower brands to increase secure loyalty account enrollment by eliminating manual account registration and pre-filling application forms with verified information. Visa clients will now have access to Proves Prove Pre-Fill identity verification solution, which enables consumers to opt into pre-filling registration forms securely and with ease. Brands benefit by driving loyalty accounts while also preventing identity and bot fraud. Leading fintechs, banks, and merchants leverage Prove More

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N/East Fulani Pastoralists Challenge New NEDC Board On Cattle Production "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The North-Easts Fulani pastoralists have tasked the new board of the North-East Development Commission (NEDC) with stepping up its support for them to hasten the restoration of the regions glory days of transhumance, vast cow production, and cross-border livestock commerce before the rise of Boko Haram. A new 12-member board of the commission has been...

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Deadly Pattern: 20 journalists died by Israeli military fire in 22 years. No one has been held accountable. "IndyWatch Feed War"

The May 11, 2022, killing of Al-Jazeera Arabic correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh is part of a deadly, decades-long pattern. Over 22 years, CPJ has documented at least 20 journalist killings by members of the Israel Defense Forces. Despite numerous IDF probes, no one has ever been charged or held responsible for these deaths. The impunity in these cases has severely undermined the freedom of the press, leaving the rights of journalists in precarity. A CPJ special report. 

Published May 9, 2023


Emefiele: Rt200 Forex Repatriation Rises 40% To $5.6bn "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Foreign exchange repatriation into the economy as a result of the Central Bank of Nigerias (CBN) RT200 Programme rose by 40 per cent to $5.6 billion in less than a year of the implementation of the scheme, the apex bank Governor, Mr. Godwin Emefiele, has said. Emefiele, who stated this yesterday at the third edition...

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The Microsoft Initiative (OSI) Against Free Software, an Initiative Funded by Microsoft "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Nick Vidal is at it again

OSI promoting Microsoft

Summary: OSIs Web site is now composed by Microsoft staff; under the guise of Drafting a charter for an Open Source project there is promotion of GitHub, which is proprietary and attacks Free/Open Source software. Microsoft has truly hijacked OSI.


Adelekes Victory At SCourt, Shining Light Of Immeasurable Value, OSEMA Boss "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

General Manager of the Osun State Emergency Management Agency (OSEMA), Mr Amos Adejinle, has felicitated Governor Ademola Adeleke over his victory at the Supreme Court on Tuesday, describing him as a shining light of immeasurable value. Adejinle, in a congratulatory message he personally signed and made available to newsmen in Osogbo, the Osun State capital,...

The post Adelekes Victory At SCourt, Shining Light Of Immeasurable Value, OSEMA Boss appeared first on New Telegraph.


Linux 6.5 To Boast Improved Handling For Intel Hybrid CPUs With Hyper Threading "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Going back to last August were Intel patches to help Intel hybrid CPU handling on Linux by avoiding unnecessary task migrations within SMT domains. Coming this summer those Intel patches are finally set to arrive with the Linux 6.5 kernel cycle...


Osinbajo: Buhari Govt Has Increased Power Supply In Nigeria "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Vice President of Nigeria, Prof Yemi Osinbajo (SAN), yesterday commissioned the Afam 3 Fast Power 240-megawatts (MW) turbine in Oyigbo Local Government Area of Rivers State. He said the project which has the capacity to add 966MW to the national grid and was executed by Trans-corp Power, in collaboration with General Electric and the...

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Encountering Late / Post-Soviet Labor: A Conversation with Clment, Mandel, and Pirani "IndyWatch Feed World"

Encountering Late / Post-Soviet Labor: A Conversation with Clment, Mandel, and Pirani

Textile workers from the Dunaevsy factory Khmelnitsky region (Source Wikimedia)

Note from LeftEast editors: The topic of this roundtablethe transformation of Soviet working classes in the 1980s to 2000sis a deeply depressing one. While there are nuances and variationsin some places things were worse than in others, its fair to say that the worst possible scenarios for the working classes prevailed everywhere. And that was in a sense predetermined: capitalism was on a triumphant march everywhere, a process that the collapse of the USSR massively accelerated, there were very few people in our region who understood what was going on and even fewer who tried to organize any resistance, or at least the kind of resistance that we could really identify with.

Read More


Is WHO a Front Organization for the Takeover of U.S. Government? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., The Defender Editors note: This is part one of a two-part series on how the World Health Organizations proposed pandemic treaty...

Is WHO a Front Organization for the Takeover of U.S. Government?


Kasada and Signifyd join forces to combat eCommerce fraud "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Kasada partners with Signifyd to help eCommerce providers deliver on their core business priorities to reduce fraud while improving the user experience. Together Kasada and Signifyd provide an impenetrable barrier against fraud. Kasadas anti-bot platform stops automated online fraud before it happens, while Signifyds Commerce Protection Program protects against additional fraud forms and consumer abuse. Many retailers and eCommerce organizations often face the challenge of balancing fraud prevention with a seamless customer experience. But they More

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Rita Edochie Gives Yuls First Wife, May Assurance "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Famous Nollywood actress, Rita Edochie has assured Yul Edochies first wife, May that no one can take her home despite Yul taking sides with his second wife, Judy Austin. This is coming 72 hours after Yul Edochie shared a video of his second wife, Judy Austins childbirth testimony that she made on social media, while...

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Argonnes Polybot Joins the Self-Driving Lab Club "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

New materials are urgently needed to make better components used for sustainable energy. Technologies like nuclear fusion and quantum computing need materials that can tolerate high levels of radiation or support quantum computing while being safe, cost-effective, and sustainable. But those materials dont yet exist, and discovering them is a Herculean task that involves synthesizing and testing large numbers of hypothesized materials.

The discovered materials are a very tiny fraction of the hypothesized materialslike a droplet of water in an ocean, wrote MIT professor of nuclear science Mingda Li over email.

The ability to carry out its tasks without human intervention makes a self-driving lab a closed-loop system, which Polybot achieved last June.

One tool researchers are increasingly using to help with this discovery process are self-driving labslaboratory systems that combine advanced robotics with machine learning software to run experiments autonomously.

For instance, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratorys A-Lab just opened last month and aims to prospect for novel materials that could help to make better solar cells, fuel cells, and thermoelectric technologies. (The lab says the A in its name is deliberately ambiguous, variously standing for autonomy, AI, abstracted, and accelerated.)

Another recently-minted self-driving labnamed Polybot at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Ill.has been in business a little longer than A-Lab and, as a result, has climbed the ladder of lab autonomy toward its own material science quests. Polybot consists of chemical analysis equipment, computers running machine learning software, and three robots. There is a synthetic robot that runs chemical reactions, a processing robot that refines the products of reactions, and a robot on wheels with a robotic arm that transports samples between stations. Robots are programmed using Python scripts and perform all manual tasks in an experiment, like loading samples and collecting data.

Data collected from experiments are then sent to the machine learning software for analysis. The software analyzes the results and suggests changes for the next set of experiments, such as adjusting the temperature, quantity of reagents, or length of reactions. The abilit...


Us Govs, Okonjo-iweala, Others To Lecture Nigerian Govs On Governance "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Two former American governors, Terry McAuliffe and OMalley Martin Joseph as well as the current Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, are among personalities billed to speak at a two- day induction ceremony organised by the Nigeria Governors Forum (NGF) for new and returning governors. This is as the PDP Governors Forum will tomorrow...

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Walk by Faith as a Form of Manifestation "IndyWatch Feed War"

Its believed that, for thousands of years, certain members of human clans would wield some kind of magic stick. For example, heres one carved to look like a viper that was found in Finland. They claim its over 4,000 years old:

In some cultures, if the shaman or medicine man pointed such a stick at someone, that person would be immediately stricken dead. Stories abound across the globe of precisely this happening.

In many indigenous clans, the members would be raised to fear this stick from early childhood and thus, never do anything to cause it to be aimed at them. After centuries of conditioning, this conviction became sacrosanct.

Even if that stick contained no magic at all, belief al...


Experts Detail New Zero-Click Windows Vulnerability for NTLM Credential Theft "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cybersecurity researchers have shared details about a now-patched security flaw in Windows MSHTML platform that could be abused to bypass integrity protections on targeted machines. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-29324 (CVSS score: 6.5), has been described as a security feature bypass. It was addressed by Microsoft as part of its Patch Tuesday updates for May 2023. Akamai security


A Certain Form of Thieving: The US Banksters Strike Again "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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LogRhythm integrates with Mimecast to defend users against email-based threats "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

LogRhythm and Mimecasts integration will help organizations around the globe protect against modern cyberattacks. Organizations need the ability to correlate data from their disparate security products and services to distinguish the real threats from false alarms. LogRhythm SIEM integrates Mimecasts email security capabilities with LogRhythms enterprise threat management. LogRhythms scenario and behavioral-based analytics automatically consumes email security data from the Mimecast cloud service, along with other security data from across an organization to deliver real-time More

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Inaugural Indigenous womens forum spotlights Congo Basin conservation "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

On May 8, the first forum of Indigenous women and local communities from Central Africa and the Congo Basin opened in Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo. This forum, organized by the Network of Indigenous and Local People for the Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystems in Central Africa and the NGO Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), is bringing together in one place leaders from national Indigenous womens organizations, political actors in environment and land management and big philanthropists including the Bezos Earth Fund and Christensen Fund. The aim is to raise awareness and strengthen the role of Indigenous women in the management and conservation of the Congo Basin, the largest rainforest in Africa. We, women, are on the front line of biodiversity and climate resilience. It is important that we are taken into account, that we are listened to and that we can act, says Brunelle Ibula Bolondo, an Indigenous Motwa woman from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). At the end of the five-day forum, organizers hope to create a subregional fund for Indigenous women in Central Africa for biodiversity conservation and climate resilience. They hope for the commitment of donors to dedicate funds to support the newly established Southern Womens Alliance for Tenure and Climate and support the call to help fund Indigenous, local and Afro-descendant womens organizations in Latin America. Local women plant manioc and collect firewood in Lokolama/Penzele Indigenous pygmy village, Bikoro district, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Image Daniel Beltr / Greenpeace.This article was originally published on Mongabay


Down the Drain "IndyWatch Feed World"

Sewage pollution by the water companies is just one of the deadly attacks on our rivers.

By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 3rd May 2023

I cant help feeling a small surge of gratitude every time an environmental issue breaks the surface. That the state of Englands rivers seems at last to have become an election issue feels slightly miraculous, after so many years in which campaigners have swum against the political flow.

In wards across the country, people who are furious about the pollution of their rivers and coasts seem prepared to vote accordingly in Thursdays local elections. The Labour party has at last smelled blood in the water. Keir Starmer has promised real action on this scandal, but the action doesnt yet extend even to renationalising the water companies, though this policy would be overwhelmingly popular.

While Im glad to see this flood of public concern, there is a danger here: of reducing the issue to sewage pollution. This problem, in turn, is reduced to the malfeasance of the water companies. Sewage pollution is a massive and disgusting cause of rivercide in the UK. But if it were eliminated entirely our rivers would still be dying.

The assaults extend from source to sea. They start with the extreme mismanagement of our uplands. As they are burned, drained and overgrazed, their capacity for retaining water is reduced. Instead of acting as giant sponges that gradually release the water they contain, the degradation of the uplands ensures that water levels fluctuate violently: one day a river might be in flood, soon afterwards its flow might be dangerously low.

As rivers descend from the hills, they come under further assault. Last month, a farmer called John Price was jailed for a year and told to pay more than 1.2m in court and restoration costs for his massive vandalism of the River Lugg in Herefordshire. He had sent an 18-tonne earthmover into the river to dig out gravel, uproot trees and reprofile the banks, destroying the spawning beds of fish, trashing a 1.5km stretch of the river and polluting a further 7km. As the ju...


Sowing seeds of plunder: A lose-lose situation in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed World"

It's a lose-lose situation for Ukrainians. While they are dying to defend their land, financial institutions are insidiously supporting the consolidation of farmland by oligarchs and Western financial interests. So says Frdric Mousseau, Policy Director of the Oakland Institute, an independent think tank. Depending on which sources to believe, between 100,000 and 300,000 Ukrainian soldiers (possibly more) have died during the conflict with Russia. That figure, of course, does not include civilian casualties. The mainstream narrative in the West is that Russia grabbed Crimea and then invaded Ukraine. Russia is portrayed as the outright aggressor which wants to restore its control over large swathes of Europe. However, this narrative is false and has been debunked by various commentators who explain in some depth how Ukraine has been used and manipulated as part of a geopolitical campaign formulated by neoconservatives in Washington to destabilise Russia.


California Catholic diocese files for bankruptcy amid 330 sex abuse lawsuits "IndyWatch Feed World"

The sex abuse claims allegedly occurred in the 1960s, 70s and 80s by priests who are either dead or not active, the diocese said. The Catholic Diocese of Oakland announced on Monday that it filed for bankruptcy amid 330 sex abuse lawsuits in an effort to stabilize its finances, the group said. Most of the claims center on sex abuse crimes that occurred in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s by priests who are no longer active in ministry or are deceased, the diocese said. In a letter to parishioners, Bishop Michael C. Barber said the diocese believes "this process is the best way to ensure a fair and equitable outcome for survivors."


Lighttpd 1.4.70 Adds Native Windows Build Support, Faster CGI Spawning "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

open-source web server that focuses on being very speedy and lightweight on CPU and memory resources...


Carmageddon: The Electric Car Fiasco "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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A theory with more questions than answers about the hard problem of Consciousness "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A book review of Antonio Damasio's: book "Feeling and Knowing," with the reviewer's comments.


What next for convicted sex offender Donald Trump? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I must admit I was surprised at how quickly the jury came to its verdict that Donald Trump had sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll and defamed her by accusing her of perpetrating a hoax. I had predicted that he might get off simply because he was an ex-president and am glad to have been proven wrong. The fact that they took less than three hours to bring in their verdict means that they had no doubts or major disagreements about their decision on the actual charges. Most of their time was likely spent on deciding what the size of the financial penalties should be.

This case shows that convicted sex offender Trumps constant lying has finally caught up with him. In cases like this where there is no physical evidence and adjudication depends on which side the jury finds more credible, the indisputable fact that convicted sex offender Trump has not only boasted of sexually assaulting women but also lies shamelessly had to have swung the jury in Carrolls favor.

Convicted sex offender Trump will of course appeal, if only because he has to, to try and save face. It will be interesting to see on what grounds he will appeal. The strategy to do so on the basis that he was denied the chance to testify got torpedoed when the judge allowed him to apply at the last minute to testify but he failed to do so. His lawyers may try to argue that the judge made biased decisions against them. They may also try to argue that some kinds of evidence (such as the infamous Access Hollywood tape) should not have been allowed. They may also object to the fact that women who were not part of the case were allowed to testify about convicted sex offender Trump assaulting them in order to show a pattern of behavior by him.

The verdict will have major political ramifications. Up until now, convicted sex offender Trump has managed to avoid being personally held accountable for his actions, even as his businesses and associates have been found guilty of various crimes. This verdict has damaged the image of him being Teflon-coated.

As usual, we have the claims of MAGAts that this, like all the other negative things that have occurred, will actually be good for convicted sex offender Trump because it will energize his supporters and get them to contribute money. The rabid members of his fan base will no doubt rally round but I just cannot see how this will not hurt him with those who are not as firmly committed to him. The steady accumulation of damaging events has to take a toll on alllbut the most blinkered of his fans.

Already some Republican leaders...


US threatened WWII vets over Victory Day parade - envoy "IndyWatch Feed World"

American veterans were reportedly told their passports would be canceled if they traveled to Russia. The US government intimidated several WWII veterans who wanted to fly to Moscow for the Victory Day parade, Russian ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov claimed on Monday. US officials have blocked US veterans from reuniting with their Russian comrades in arms for the second year in a row, Antonov announced, even threatening to cancel their passports if they flew to Russia.


Supercon 2023 is On, We Want You! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Were absolutely excited to be able to announce that the Hackaday Supercon is on for 2023, and will be taking place Nov 3 Nov 5 in sunny Pasadena CA. And with that, wed like to open the floodgates: wed like to hear your proposals for talks and workshops! The Call for Speakers and Call for Workshops forms are online now, and youve got until July 18th to get yourself signed up.

It seems like only six months ago that we were all gathered together, soldering in the back alley, hatching grand plans for world domination, or simply trying to figure out how to program a four-bit computer to blink some darn LEDs. But here we are, as [James Newton] pointed out, at the furthest point from the Supercon Sun. With every passing day we sail closer toward the next Supercon than to the last one. (And frankly, its e...


Codenotary partners with Snyk to ensure the integrity and security of the entire software supply chain "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Codenotary and Snyk alliance agreement provides enhanced security and trust for the modern development organization seeking to assure that only known and trusted artifacts are used in software builds. Vulnerability scanners are widely used by organizations of all sizes and across all industries to identify security weaknesses in their software and systems. With the increasing emphasis on cybersecurity and the growing sophistication of cyber attacks, maintaining code security early and across the development process has More

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Wednesday, 10 May


It Appears that the US Government Is Totally Corrupt "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Syrias Return to Arab League Is a Big Deal "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Ukraine cancels traditional holiday celebrating defeat of Nazis "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Russian Foreign Ministry has called President Vladimir Zelensky a "traitor" for proposing to shift Victory Day to May 8. Ukraine may break the Soviet tradition of celebrating Victory Day on May 9 after President Vladimir Zelensky suggested holding commemorative ceremonies on May 8 instead. The idea was quickly slammed by officials in Moscow. In a message on his Telegram channel on Monday, Zelensky explained that his proposal was based on the fact that it was "on May 8 that most nations of the world remember the greatness of the victory over the Nazis." He added that the German Third Reich's unconditional surrender was signed on that day.


Images of Massive US Embassy Compound in Lebanon Elicit Jeers and Questions "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Corona War. Theyre Coming After Our Thoughts "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Zionisms brutal legacy "IndyWatch Feed War"

Palestinians block Israeli soldiers during a protest against the expansion of Jewish settlements, on April 28, 2023, in the West Bank village of Beit Dajan, east of Nablus. (Photo: Mohammed Nasser /APA Images)Understanding Zionism, which seeks to create a Jewish state through the displacement of Palestine's indigenous population, is essential to understanding the last 75 years of the ongoing Nakba.


Link "IndyWatch Feed War"


The Kremlin revealed on Wednesday that itll formally withdraw from the long-defunct Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) that it had already partially suspended participation in and then pulled out of its mechanisms in 2007 and 2015 respectively due to NATO failing to fulfill its commitments. This arms control pact did exactly what its name implies by limiting the deployment of conventional forces in Europe, the purpose of which was to preemptively avert future security dilemmas.

That noble goal was sabotaged by the US as part of its global power play that began after the former Bush Administrations withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty in 2002 on the false pretext of needing to build a missile defense shield in Europe to protect against Iran and North Korea. In reality, this was actually aimed at eventually neutralizing Russias nuclear second-strike capabilities in order to place it in a position of nuclear blackmail so as to coerce never-ending concessions from it.

Despite being defunct for eight years already, Russia had thus far been reluctant to formally withdraw from the CFE Treaty since it held out hope (naively in hindsight) of US-led NATO once again complying with this pact as part of the larger deal that it sought to negotiate with the West. Even after Moscow was compelled to commence its special operation in Ukraine, its leadership still thought that the Wests return to the CFE Treaty could factor into a forthcoming peace treaty for reforming European security.

The timing behind this decision, being over one year since the start of this proxy wars latest phase, suggests that some of the subsequent events that unfolded since then were most responsible for the Kremlins recalculations in this respect. In particular, this likely concerns the...


Big Tech companies are becoming more powerful than nation-states "IndyWatch Feed World"

They are already richer than many countries, and the rise of AI looks set to increase their influence. A few years ago, I was having dinner with a friend who worked at Google. As we were discussing the ins and outs of the tech world, he casually remarked: "Google is going to take over the world you know." Driving home and reflecting on that remark I thought: "How curious." But now, as I contemplate the shambles our democracy has become, I'm more inclined to think: "How prescient." Democracy is under threat not just in the U.S. but in many other countries as well. But the precipitous actions of newly minted authoritarian leaders and the turmoil in Western democracies are just a few of the puzzle pieces needed to figure out how we got to this point. Another less discussed trend is that U.S. citizens are being subjected to a relentless onslaught from intrusive technologies that have become embedded in the everyday fabric of our lives, creating unprecedented levels of social and...


Pfizer Vaccine Harms to Women and Babies: UK Media Regulator Ofcom Goes After Noami Wolf and Mark Steyn, for Telling the Truth "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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US Corporations Cash In on Ukraines Oil and Gas "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Suddenly wishing I knew how to sew "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ray Troll has come out with a line of fabrics.

Maybe its a good thing I dont know how to sew, because you know I would not exercise restraint and would emerge in a fabulously garish wardrobe.


Sowing Seeds of Plunder: A Lose-Lose Situation in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Protest Song Of The Week: I Know How It Feels By Dropkick Murphys "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Originally published at Ongoing History of Protest Music

Armed with his weapon of choice, a guitar with the words This Machine Kills Fascists painted on it, Woody Guthrie was a pivotal contributor to the canon of protest tunes. He composed nearly 3,000 songs, many of which remained unpublished. This has allowed a new generation of artists to
set these unused lyrics to music and create anthems that still resonate in modern society.

One group that recently did this is the Celtic punk band Dropkick Murphys. The first time they made use of unused Guthrie lyrics was Gonna Be a Blackout Tonight for their 2003 album Blackout. They followed that up with their most well-known song, Im Shipping Up to Boston, which appeared on their 2005 album The Warriors Code.

After discussions with Woodys daughter Nora, the band recorded an entire album of Guthrie lyrics in 2022 called This Machine Still Kills Fascists. During the same session, they also recorded a second album of Guthrie-penned lyrics, Okemah Rising, which will be released on May 12, 2023.

Every night, when the audience is singing along with Woodys words, his steadfast defense of the working class, and his fight against social injustice and the abuse of political power comes across loud and clear, said vocalist Ken Casey, the bands founder. So as long as Dropkick Murphys are involved, Woodys message will always be heard.

The first video and single from the upcoming album is I Know How It Feels.

And I know how it feels to work til you drop. And its 10,000 bills that you owe, the song declares. It continues, [I] know how it feels when you got calloused hands. And blisters on both of your feet. You cant pay the rent, so the men take your things. And throw you right out on the street.

With the working class under growing pressure and ongoing labor strikes and protests around the world, the song is a message of solidarity for the downtrodden.

The song weaves its way to a verse of empowerment: I know how it feels to join a union. Speak up like a man and fight. I know how it feels to march and sing. When you know that your fight is right.

Watch/listen to Dropkick Murphys I Know How It Feels:



Equity and the Race to the Bottom "IndyWatch Feed World"

Over the last few years, the rallying cry of "woke" activists has become "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" (often abbreviated to DEI). There is little reason to object to such principles on the surface. After all, America was founded on the principle that all people are created equal. Unfortunately, the meaning of words can change over time. Rather than the Founders' vision of equal opportunity for all, the use of the word "equity" today denotes equal outcomes for all. The implementation of this "equity agenda," however well-intentioned, will lead to terrible consequences. One of the prophets who warned us about the dangers of this understanding of equity was the great twentieth-century novelist Kurt Vonnegut. In his 1961 short story, "Harrison Bergeron," Vonnegut imagined a society with perfect equity. "Nobody was smarter than anybody else," the narrator says. "Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else." As Vonnegut shows, a society looking to equalize outcomes for all...


Revelstoke collaborates with Check Point to automate detection and response solutions "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Revelstoke announced partnership with Check Point to enhance edge network security, endpoint and XDR with low-code, high-speed automation, and to empower SOC teams to work more accurately and efficiently. Cybersecurity professionals seek to overcome challenges due to talent shortages, increasing adversary sophistication, frequency of attacks, and complexity of the attack surface. The Revelstoke and Check Point partnership helps provide solutions to these key challenges by orchestrating Check Points high fidelity endpoint detection, cloud-native protection, and More

The post Revelstoke collaborates with Check Point to automate detection and response solutions appeared first on Help Net Security.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

JAKARTA Indonesia has made strides in developing its plantation industry, catapulting the country into the worlds largest producer of palm oil. Its sprawling plantations produce more than half of the palm oil consumed by the global market. With the rapid expansion of palm oil plantations come a number of issues, from deforestation to agrarian conflicts. A new book produced by Mongabay Indonesia and environmental NGO Kaoem Telapak tries to capture those issues. The book, titled in Indonesian Di Antara Janji Kesejahteraan dan Dampak Sosial Lingkungan, is written by 23 journalists who went to 20 palm oil-producing regions in Indonesia to investigate the industry. Why did we collaborate with Mongabay in this book? Because we all know that palm oil is a main commodity [of Indonesia], which contributes significantly to the countrys GDP and also job creation, Kaoem Telapak director Mardi Minangsari said during a recent online discussion of the book. But we cant close our eyes to the problems that plague this industry. The book covers five main topics. The first focuses on issues that palm oil farmers face. The second highlights conflicts between local communities and palm oil companies. Third is the ecological and environmental impact of the palm oil industry, such as forest loss and pollution. Fourth, the journalists dug into the relationship between palm oil farmers and companies and how firms sometimes dont make good on their promises. Lastly, the writers looked at some of the initiatives that farmers have taken in cultivating their plantations inThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Julia 1.9 released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Version 1.9 of the Julia language has been released. Notable changes include improved caching of native code, faster load times via a "package extensions" mechanism, better memory-usage introspection, and more.


Am I surprised that Jordan Peterson was a bad psychiatrist? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

No. Not at all.

Heres a video that looks at him from the perspective of his professional duties. You wont be surprised either at how bad he was at his job, both teaching and clinical work.


Exclusive: Bill Gates on the future of nuclear energy, AI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

TerraPower, founded by billionaire and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates in 2008, is opening a new nuclear power plant in Kemmerer, Wyoming. The plant will be the first of its kind, with the company hoping to revolutionize the nuclear energy industry in the U.S. to help fight climate change and support American energy independence.

Nuclear energy, if we do it right, will help us solve our climate goals, Gates told ABC News. That is, get rid of the greenhouse gas emissions without making the electricity system far more expensive or less reliable.

Gates met with ABC News chief business, economics, and technology correspondent Rebecca Jarvis in Kemmerer to talk about the project.


OpenAIs new Shap-E tool is Dall-E for 3D objects "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Shap-E is a model that allows you to generate 3D objects from text, building off OpenAIs other AI tools.


Nvidias mid-range GPU could launch soon and thats great news for everyone "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

New rumors reveal that the Nvidia RTX 4,060 Ti could be coming out as soon as May 2023, with two other models following in July 2023.


Elon Musk Tells Followers Not to Trust WhatsApp Over Microphone Bug "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A Twitter engineer says the app accessed his phones mic as he slept, prompting Musks response, though he has an incentive to attack a rival app. WhatsApp blames the issue on a Google bug.


Security updates for Wednesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (emacs), Fedora (chromium, community-mysql, and LibRaw), Red Hat (nodejs nodejs-nodemon, nodejs:18, and webkit2gtk3), Slackware (mozilla), SUSE (amazon-ssm-agent, conmon, distribution, docker-distribution, google-cloud-sap-agent, ignition, kernel, ntp, prometheus-ha_cluster_exporter, protobuf-c, python-cryptography, runc, and shim), and Ubuntu (ceph, freetype, and node-css-what).


Fatal Accident in Chouf Raises Concerns on Zip Line Safety "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A young man fell to his death from a high altitude while zip lining in Mazraat El Chouf. The victim is Jad Thebian, a first sergeant in the Lebanese Army. The zip line in question was recently featured on a popular Egyptian influencers page, who shared a story yesterday warning people of its safety following the tragic incident.

The responsibility here lies 100% on the company operating this zip line, but also on the authorities and related ministries (Tourism mainly) for not thoroughly inspecting such dangerous activities and making sure they are safe at all time.


Smashing Pumpkins frontman paid ransom to a hacker who threatened to leak the bands songs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The frontman of the American alternative rock band Smashing Pumpkins, Billy Corgan, has revealed he paid hackers who stole the bands songs

The frontman of the alternative rock band Smashing Pumpkins, Billy Corgan, revealed he paid a ransom after a hacker stole the bands songs and threatened to leak them.

The hacker stole some of the most important songs from the bands three-part rock opera Atum before the launch on the market planned for May 5, 2023.

The leak could have had a dramatic impact on the promotion and the sales of the bands album, for this reason, Corgan opted to pay the ransom. The FBI investigated the case, according to Corgang the hacker also stole similar material from other unnamed artists.

They were all probably the most catchy, single-y type songs. So not only is it six months too early, youre pretty much giving away the album before you even have a chance to set your feet into the ground. Corgan told the Klein Ally Show. Somehow, some hacker was offering the files for money, and we were able to trace it and pay off and keep it from leaking. The FBI got involved. I dont know how they got what they got. It was a mercenary person who had hacked somebody, I dont want to say who, and they had other stuff from other artists. It wasnt like some Pumpkins fan who was hellbent on breaking it on Reddit. Somehow, they gave some information that allowed the FBI to track them.

The theft of intellectual property and documents from public figures such as artists and celebrities is very concerning. The industry behind them is often completely unprepared. Even famous people often completely ignore the importance of the security of their devices and become easy prey for hackers and cybercriminals.

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Why American and Kiev regime media keep insisting Russian Kinzhal hypersonic missile was shot down? "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | May 10, 2023

For approximately a week, the Kiev regime has been claiming it shot down one of Russias hypersonic missiles, specifically the 9-A-7660 Kinzhal. According to the unsubstantiated (to say the least) claims, on May 4, air defense units deployed in and around Kiev shot down one of the air-launched hypersonic missiles allegedly fired by Russian Aerospace Forces. Various local sources published images supposedly proving the incident took place. In the first two days, the news went largely unreported by non-Ukrainian sources, but on May 6, CNN, the infamous neoliberal mouthpiece and the flagship of the mainstream propaganda machine among news networks, broke the story in the political West.

According to CNN, commander of the Neo-Nazi juntas air force, three-star General Mykola Oleshchuk, announced in a Telegram post that a Russian Kinzhal [commonly designated as Kh-47M2 by various media sources] was inbound until being successfully intercepted using American Patriot missiles. The intercept supposedly took place on Thursday night, with the Kiev regime forces claiming this is the first time the much-touted US Patriot SAM (surface-to-air missile) system shot down a target, and no less than a hypersonic one. The aforementioned images published by various sources show an object which indeed seems to have been hit by the Patriots kinetic kill vehicle.

Yes, we shot down the unique Kinzhal, General Oleshchuk stated, adding: It happened during the night time attack on May 4 in the skies of the Kyiv region.

Oleshchuk claims that the missile was launched by a MiG-31K jet from the Russian territory and was then shot down with a missile fired by a battery of Patriot SAM systems. In a separate statement from Neo-Nazi juntas air force spokesman Yurii Ihnat, given to Kiev-based Channel 24, he was boasting about the US-made Patriots supposedly proven capabilities:

They were saying that the Patriot is an outdated American weapon, and Russian weapons are the best in the world. Well, there is confirmation that it effectively works against even a super hypersonic missile successful interception of the Kinzhal is a slap in the face for Russia.

However, no military analyst worth hi...


Sophisticated DownEx Malware Campaign Targeting Central Asian Governments "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Government organizations in Central Asia are the target of a sophisticated espionage campaign that leverages a previously undocumented strain of malware dubbed DownEx. Bitdefender, in a report shared with The Hacker News, said the activity remains active, with evidence likely pointing to the involvement of Russia-based threat actors. The Romanian cybersecurity firm said it first detected the


In the Eye of the Polarizing Storm(s) "IndyWatch Feed War"

It is indeed a tale of many cities, worlds, perspectives, and then we have beliefs and morals. Add to that alternative and ulterior modes of realities, and we have a virtual Babels Tower of conflicting, contradicting and confusing form of discourse, or debate.  Never mind the Matrix angle of things! In todays Western Culture (sic), where I am firmly rooted (USA, West Coast, Rural Oregon, Tourist By-way, Retired & Service Economy),  there is not so much nuance anymore, inside the souls hearts and minds of my fellow Americans. When you really look at it, nuance (deep thinking, considering multiple ideas, counter-intuitive thinking, and conceptualizing contradictory  debates), or lack thereof, means lack of not only critical thinking, or even a deep mire into not only dumb-downing and infantilization, but of self-delusion, amnesia and agnotology.

Fight Club Quotes Stickers | Redbubble


Yet our distress comes from no failure of substance. We are stricken by no plague of locusts. Compared with the perils, which our forefathers conquered because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for. Nature still offers her bounty and human efforts have multiplied it. Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use of it languishes in the very sight of the supply. Primarily this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankinds goods have failed, through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and abdicated. Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men. True they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence. They know only the rules of a generation of self-seekers. They have no vision, and when there is no vision the people perish.

The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit.

Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits. These dark days will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto...


Thorough analysis by Clintel shows serious errors in latest IPCC report "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

We are sorry to conclude that the IPCC has done a poor job of assessing the scientific literature.


Heavy floods, landslides in Yemen kill at least 24 "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Torrential rain and flooding has killed at least 24 people in Yemen since the beginning of May, with the country's National Meteorological Center on Tuesday issuing a new warning to Yemenis against traversing watercourses. The meteorological center in Sanaa forecast rainfall across the country's central and northern highlands in Saada, Hajjah, Dhamar and other regions, advising residents to avoid traveling through and staying in flood courses. The same center issued a similar warning about excessive rainfall, inundation and landslides in mountainous regions of the country. The warnings come as local media and villagers claim that heavy rains triggered severe floods that killed at least 24 people and washed away farms, residences and vehicles. Other local media reports place the death toll from flooding since the beginning of the month at more than 40.


Iraqi documents say Hashd al-Shaabi fighters have doubled in two years "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iraqi documents say Hashd al-Shaabi fighters have doubled in two years

Appendixes of Iraq's draft budget record massive increase in number of paramilitary personnel paid by the state
Suadad al-Salhy Wed, 05/10/2023 - 13:56
Members of the paramilitary Popular Mobilisation Forces take part in their graduation ceremony at a military camp in Karbala in 2019 (Reuters)
A Hashd al-Shaabi graduation ceremony at a military camp in Karbala in 2019 (Reuters)

The Hashd al-Shaabi paramilitary umbrella group has doubled in size over the past two years, making it the third-largest force in the country, documents related to Iraqs draft budget seen by Middle East Eye suggest.

The proposed 2023 budget, which the government submitted to parliament last month and has been reviewed by MEE, shows the Hashd is about half the size of the regular military. Security forces under the interior ministry are about three times the size of the paramilitary.

If passed, the new budget would give Hashd al-Shaabi 3.56 trillion Iraqi dinars ($2.7bn).

The significant increase in Hashd al-Shaabi fighters over just two years, as well as the large budget allocated to the force, raises many questions about the nature of the role it will play in the next few years.

Hashd al-Shaabi, also known as the Popular Mobilisation, was established in June 2014 to unite armed factions and volunteers to fight against the Islamic State group. It is led by the Popular Mobilisation Authority (PMA), a governmental umbrella that oversees the various groups activities.



Flash flooding in Houston as cars submerged "IndyWatch Feed World"

Houston is experiencing flash flooding as heavy rain drenches parts of the state on Tuesday leading to cars submerged in water and water rescues.


How Khader Adnan Unified the Palestinian People from an Israeli Prison Cell "IndyWatch Feed World"

Khader Adnan was not a terrorist with Israeli blood on his hands, as pro-Israeli propagandists have been repeating in the news and on social media.

If the former Palestinian prisoner, who died in his Israeli prison cell following 87 days of an uninterrupted hunger strike, was indeed directly involved in armed resistance, the story would have had a completely different ending.

Armed Palestinian resistors are either assassinated or detained and tried by Israeli military courts to spend prolonged sentences in Israeli prisons, following brief trials that lack fairness or due process.

Adnan was a charismatic leader but not an actual fighter by the strict definition of the word. Nevertheless, he inspired Palestinians from his humble home in the village of Arraba, southwest of Jenin, which, along with Nablus, is the home of Palestines most formidable resistance.

Adnan had a math degree from the University of Bir Zeit, graduating in 2001. However, due to repeated arrests by Israeli occupation forces, Adnan, a young man in his early 20s, was denied the opportunity to pursue his Masters Degree from the same university in the West Bank.

Adnan was also denied the opportunity to work in his field. So instead, he worked in a local bakery in Arraba and eventually established a small bakery in the nearby village of Qabatiya. But Adnan has done more than feed his community with bread. He also inspired them.

This very quality put him on a crash course, not only with the Israeli occupation but also with the Palestinian Authority.

Adnans first arrest by Israel was in 1999 when the young student was held for four consecutive months. Since then, he has been arrested at least 12 times and imprisoned for over eight years. On six different occasions, he carried out hunger strikes, the shortest of which lasted 25 days and the longest for 87. The latter was his longest and his last.

Expectedly, Adnan was also an agent provocateur by the standards of the Palestinian security app...


Kevin McCarthy blocks Nakba event from happening in capitol, says he will honor Israel instead "IndyWatch Feed War"

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy on May 1, 2023. (Photo: Twitter/@IsraeliPM)House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has blocked an educational event about the Nakba featuring Rashida Tlaib at the Capitol, saying he will honor Israel instead.


Unmasking the Truth "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Unmasking the Truth appeared first on Global Research.


But How Can I Help the Canadian Military? "IndyWatch Feed War"

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 10, 2023

Its so inspiring that the Canadian military asked the public what it could change to get people to be willing to join. The obvious U.S. answer of poverty and grotesque prices for education probably wont work or at least may not be sufficient in the near term. And people would probably object to mandatory JROTC. Unfortunately, I missed the deadline to answer the survey, but I really want to help the Canadian military, so here are my answers to the questions:

Supporting our people

  • How can National Defence modernize our approach to supporting a life in service, which has both unique rewards and unique challenges?
    Shift 100% of the budget to paying reparations to victims.
  • What do prospective CAF members expect from their service?
    Moral injury, physical injury, global contempt, suicidal tendencies.
  • How can the CAF increase its attractiveness in the 21st century labour market?
    Lose the uniforms and the weapons. Murder is pass.
  • What culture change reforms are needed to ensure that the CAF is a modern military that can implement its defence policy?
    Train the entire nation in unarmed civilian defense.


Building organizational capacity

  • What insights might be adapted from other business sectors and the private sector writ-large to make Defence more effective and efficient?
    Other business sectors? Admitting that organized murder is a business is a bad look.
  • How can DND/CAF best learn from innovators and entrepreneurs? Defence experts?
    Replace CANSEC weapons show with a gathering of experts in actual defence of human life and the environment.
  • How often should the Defence Policy be reviewed and updated?
    Every time people catch on to its BS enough to ruin recruitment goals.
  • How can ongoing engagement be reflected in that update?
    By pretending...


Dhaka faces manifold problems as water bodies diminish "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

On April 4, a large fire gutted thousands of shops at a popular clothing market named Banga Bazar in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka. Firefighters complained of water scarcity as a big barrier to controlling the fire. Around 10 days later, there was another massive fire in one of Dhakas crowded markets. Complaints from firefighters were the same water scarcity. The biggest challenge in Dhaka when a fire incident occurs is water availability. If we dont get an adequate amount of water supply on time, it has become a Herculean task to bring the fire under control, Brig. Gen. Md. Main Uddin, director general of Fire Service and Civil Defense, told Mongabay. He said even the capital has no fire hydrants on the street. As water is the key to dousing fire, we faced problems in almost every incident. We cannot bring any fire under control only through the water we carry with us. So lakes, ponds and other water bodies should be preserved at any cost; otherwise, our challenges will be tougher day by day as the fire incidents are on the rise. According to FSCD data, there were 12,182 fires in 2009 and this number swelled to 24,102 in 2022 which means almost double the number of fire incidents across the country. These two are not just isolated incidents; rather the fire has become a common phenomenon in the megacity for the last couple of years with the vanishing of water bodies in Dhaka. Firefighters and urbanThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Nutanix announces data services for Kubernetes and cross-cloud data mobility "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Nutanix announced new capabilities in the Nutanix Cloud Platform to enable customers to integrate data management of containerized and virtualized applications on-premises, on public cloud, and at the edge. This includes comprehensive data services for Kubernetes applications as well as cross-cloud data mobility. According to IDC, by 2025 there will be 750 million new logical applications, more than the past 40 years of computing, all generating large amounts of data across clouds. This means it More

The post Nutanix announces data services for Kubernetes and cross-cloud data mobility appeared first on Help Net Security.


Import Dependency and Chinas Food Security "IndyWatch Feed War"

The issue of food security has been in the news after Xi Jinpings recent article on agricultural self-reliance in Qiushi journal, a magazine published by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC). In this article, he pointed out that the Russia-Ukraine crisis has demonstrated that agriculture has become a foundation of national security and called for food self-sufficiency as one of the top priorities in the coming years. Even the government work report for 2023 has declared stabilization of grain output as one of the top priorities for the government and aims to achieve grain output of over 650 million tonnes (referred to as military order by Chinas agriculture minister), which has been continuously achieved since 2015 (Figure 1).

However, during the Xi era, Chinas per capita output of grains has increased only marginally from 462.5 kg in 2013 to 483.5 kg in 2021. This has resulted in growing dependency on imports during the same period, which, according to Xi, is a national security concern. This dependency has created several vulnerabilities for China which can be exploited in times of crisis. China is currently the largest producer as well as the largest importer of several other food items and thus, Chinas food security efforts will inevitably have an impact on the world.

(Figure 1) Source: National Bureau of Statistics

The Extent of Import Dependency

The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation has defined three levels of food self-sufficiency below 80% as food deficit, between 80%-120% as food self-sufficiency and above 120% as food surplus country. Chinas food self-sufficiency rate has decreased from 101.8% in 2000 to 76.8% in 2020 and is further expected to decrease to 65% by 2035 if timely measures are not put in place. Rising import dep...


I dont want to be at the mercy of people like Harlan Crow "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

One of the excuses Im seeing from defenders of Clarence Thomas and Harlan Crow is the claim that Crow was being generous and kind and you dont want to discourage people from being kind, do you? Dahlia Lithwick is having nothing to do with that.

Theres also something specifically infuriating about the way defenders of the deep spiritual kinship between Harlan Crow and Clarence and Ginni Thomas root their argument in the fact that paying for an at-risk youths private school tuition is a noble actcharity even. The problem with that is, this is a conservative legal movement that is racing to subvert voting, public education, the administrative state, and (at present) the possibility of student loan forgiveness. So Harlan Crows replacement of an entire New Deal safety net with an ad hoc charitable benefits system administered by himself and directed only at the offspring of personal friends is specifically infuriating. Because the kids who receive the generosity of the Crows private charity are not yours, and the kids who receive the protections of EPA regulation are not yours, and the kids who receive the benefits of going to schools where nobody will shoot them are not yours. The beauty of Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow is that they always get to determine who benefitsand guess what? Unless and until you are related to a sitting Supreme Court justice: It will be not you.

The lesson we are learning from the new scandals at the high court go way beyond ethics reform. This is no longer an ethics problem. This is a democracy reform problem, and it signals first and foremost an effort to deform democracy to serve the Harlan Crows and the Leonard Leos of the world. It also signals a view of democracy in which they will determine whose private life is private and who are the gossips. (You may still know them as journalists.)

Right, lets replace the social safety net with crony capitalism. Thats not generosity, thats selfishness.


Older Adults May Achieve Same Cognition as Undergrads "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Learning multiple tasks led to cognition improvements that got better with the passage of time:

A set of recent studies demonstrates for the first time that learning multiple new tasks carries benefits for cognition long after the learning has been completed.

The finding affirms a long-held assertion of the lead researcher, Rachel Wu, who is an associate professor of psychology at UC Riverside. That is, older adults can learn new tasks and improve their cognition in the process, if they approach learning as a child does.

"Our findings provide evidence that simultaneously learning real-world skills can lead to long-term improvements in cognition during older adulthood," Wu and her colleagues wrote in a recently published paper in the journal Aging and Mental Health. "Overall, our findings promote the benefits of lifelong learning, namely, to improve cognitive abilities in older adulthood."

[...] For both studies, the participants learned at least three new skills, such as Spanish, using an iPad, photography, painting, and music composition over three months in a UC Riverside classroom for older adults. Cognitive tests were administered in a research lab before the start of the classes, halfway through the classes, and after three months of classes. There were then follow-up tests at three months, six months, and one year after the end of the classes.

[...] The overall cognitive scores at three months, six months, and one year after the intervention were significantly higher than before the intervention, more than three times higher by many measures. In fact, the more time that passed after the learning had ceased, the higher the scores grew.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


SOMALIA: Conflict in Las Anod dims Somalilands diplomatic dreams "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Analysts say the crisis, which has displaced more than 200,000, is damaging foreign perception of Somaliland, long seen as relatively more stable than Somalia.

Since February 6, there has been fighting in the disputed city of Las Anod between forces in the self-declared state of Somaliland and local militia from the Dhulbahante clan in northern Somalia.

The city, also known as Laascaanood, is located between Somaliland and Puntland, a nearby semi-autonomous region in Somalias northeast. Both regions are laying claim to the city.

According to data received from hospitals in Las Anod, the death toll stands at 299, with 1,913 injured and more than 200,000 displaced since the conflict began.

Somalilands forces have retreated approximately 50km (31 miles) further westwards from its military base in Tukaraq, to military bases on the outskirts of Las Anod, reportedly launching attacks from there.

But analysts say beyond causing chaos in Somaliland, long celebrated for relative stability compared with Somalia, the war is also denting the regions campaign for international recognition.

The international community still regards the region as part of Somalia, despite decades of lobbying by regional officials on the foreign scene.

Division and secession

The region sees itself as a successor state to the State of Somaliland which existed for five days in June 1960 on todays territory and had relations with 35 countries, including China, Ethiopia and Israel.

On July 1, 1960, the State of Somaliland voluntarily united with the Italian-ruled south to form the Somali Republic. Three decades later in May 1991 Somaliland declared secession from Somalia, reclaiming the borders of the old British Somaliland protectorate.

The secession came as Somalias military government headed by Siad Barre attacked northern cities to crush a rebellion by the Ethiopia-backed Somali National Movement (SNM).

Today, Somalias federal government consists of five states, including Puntland. Until 2007, when Somaliland seized Las Anod, the city was under Puntland administration.

Since it broke away, Somaliland has been under the dominanc...


PRIVATE BLOG The Debt Crisis of June "IndyWatch Feed World"

PRIVATE BLOG The Debt Crisis of June

Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

The post PRIVATE BLOG The Debt Crisis of June first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


The West risks creating a 'Snow ISIS' in Europe with extremists going to fight in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed World"

A neo-Nazi terrorist threat could emerge from the fog of war as radicals return from the frontlines. A new assassination attempt shook Russia last week, targeting a prominent civilian figure this time, writer Zakhar Prilepin, whose car was blown up in Nizhny Novgorod region. The hit, which Prilepin survived, is reminiscent of the incident that killed political scientist and activist Darya Dugina last year near Moscow, and also the bombing that targeted military blogger Vladlen Tartarsky and leveled a Saint Petersburg caf. These attacks are similar to those routinely condemned by the West when they're committed by jihadists. But Western officials' clear lack of interest in identifying or denouncing the perpetrators of these incidents speaks volumes.


Failing A PCIe 5.0 NVMe SSD In Less Than 3 Minutes Without Extra Cooling "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Following the Corsair MP700 PCIe 5.0 NVMe SSD review under Linux with many readers being surprised by file-system errors when not adding extra cooling like the motherboard's passive M.2 heatsink and being curious about the situation myself, here are more tests of ultimately how this drive will reliably hit file-system errors in three minutes or less without added cooling...


Somerset in the UK hit by flash floods and mudslides as major incident declared "IndyWatch Feed World"

A major incident has been declared in Somerset after heavy thunderstorms caused severe flash floods and mudslides across the county. Entire villages have been cut off with people ordered to leave their homes on Tuesday as water levels reached 4ft-high in the worst affected areas. Parents of children at two primary schools in the county were told they should not go to the school because of flooded roads, it was reported on social media.


Sowing Seeds of Plunder "IndyWatch Feed War"

Its a lose-lose situation for Ukrainians. While they are dying to defend their land, financial institutions are insidiously supporting the consolidation of farmland by oligarchs and Western financial interests.

So says Frdric Mousseau, Policy Director of the Oakland Institute, an independent think tank.

Depending on which sources to believe, between 100,000 and 300,000 Ukrainian soldiers (possibly more) have died during the conflict with Russia. That figure, of course, does not include civilian casualties.

The mainstream narrative in the West is that Russia grabbed Crimea and then invaded Ukraine. Russia is portrayed as the outright aggressor which wants to restore its control over large swathes of Europe. 

However, this narrative is false and has been debunked by various commentators who explain in some depth how Ukraine has been used and manipulated as part of a geopolitical campaign formulated by neoconservatives in Washington to destabilise Russia. 

The expansion of NATO towards the east, the US-backed coup in 2014 followed by eight years of the shelling of the ethnic Russian eastern parts of the country by the regime in Kyiv resulting in around 14,000 deaths led up to the military intervention by Russia, which regards the expansionism and militarism as an existential threat.

It is not the purpose of this article to explore these issues. Much has already been written on this elsewhere. But billions of dollars worth of military hardware has been sent to Ukraine by the NATO countries and hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainians have died. 

They died in the belief that they were protecting their nation their land. A land that is among the most fertile in the world.

Professor Olena Borodina of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine says:

Today, thousands of rural boys and girls, farmers, are fighting and dying in the war. They have lost everything. The processes of free land sale and purchase are increasingly liberalised and advertised. This really threatens the rights of Ukrainians to their land, for which they give their lives.

Borodina is quoted in the February 2023 report by the Oakland Institute in War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraines Agricultural Land, which reveals how oligarchs and financial interests are expanding control...


The Next Frontier For The Hypersexualized Left: Normalizing Pedophilia "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

child hands painted rainbowIn its lust to destroy every taboo about sexual behavior, the left is never satiated. Next up? Acceptance of pedophilia.


Moment of massive avalanche in British Columbia captured on drone camera "IndyWatch Feed World"

A Victoria photographer says it was 'pure, dumb luck' that he was able to shoot some rare drone video of a British Columbia avalanche.


What Is the Winning Formula for Your Fantasy Cricket Team? "IndyWatch Feed World"

Fantasy Cricket is perhaps the most popular online gaming platform in India. It is often considered a game of skills where the users can create a virtual team of eleven real-life players to participate in a contest or league. Fantasy cricket was a phenomenon that came into existence over a decade ago, but the platform saw exponential growth over the last few years, especially since the 2020 lockdown period. Since cricket is the most popular sport in India, no wonder why fantasy cricket has been a huge hit among fans.

Today, there are several online gaming platforms, apps, and websites offering Fantasy Cricket to their user base or audience. Each platform and fantasy app may have unique features, but the main aim of the users is to win the game and earn exciting cash rewards. To make sure you win and earn points, you should have the right team in place. This is where the knowledge and understanding of the game come to relevance. Since it is a game of skill, you need to have the ability to make strategic and informed decisions in order to get succeed in Fantasy Cricket. A few tricks, patience, and determination to succeed would ensure that you win the tournaments.

Here Are Five Tips to Get Succeed in Fantasy Cricket


1. Research Is Essential

Research is crucial while picking the players to form your fantasy cricket team. Oftentimes, Fantasy Cricket players do not do any research while picking up the team, thus they end up picking up random players and lose the contest as well as money if selected players fail to perform. When you do research, you will get a fair idea about the selection of both teams playing an actual match. The need for proper and in-depth research is essential when you are playing in a fantasy cricket league. The research includes pl...


Lawmakers Slam DOJ For Refusing To Protect Supreme Court Justices "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Supreme Court building with protestors with fists raisedBiden's DOJ continues to turn a blind eye when protesters and mobs attempt to intimidate SCOTUS justices and swarm their private residences.


Re: CVE-2023-2253: distribution/distribution: Catalog API endpoint can lead to OOM via malicious user input "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Cathy Hu on May 10


The github advisory is public now:

Please refer to the advisory for more information and the affected
versions and fixing commits.


Turlas Snake malware network disrupted by Five Eyes authorities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The US Justice Department announced the completion of court-authorized operation MEDUSA, to disrupt a global peer-to-peer network of computers compromised by sophisticated malware, called Snake (aka Uroburos), that the US Government attributes to a unit within Center 16 of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB). For nearly 20 years, this unit, referred to in court documents as Turla, has used versions of the Snake malware to steal sensitive documents from hundreds of More

The post Turlas Snake malware network disrupted by Five Eyes authorities appeared first on Help Net Security.


Americas Founders Didnt Support Open Borders, And Neither Should We "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

european immigrants at Ellis Island'The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits.'


California statewide snowpack is over 300% of average "IndyWatch Feed World"

It is no secret that the winter of 2022/23 will go down in history as one of the best ever. 18 resorts throughout the western United States set snowfall records, many of them in California. The banner year continues to leave a lasting impression as the current snow water content as of May 8 for the entire state of California is at 304% of normal. Most impressive is the Southern Sierra which is currently at 401% of normal. The Northern Sierra/Trinity area is at 258%, while the Central Sierra is at 295%.


Chilekwa Mumba, 2023 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The 2023 Goldman Prize goes to this man:

Alarmed by the pollution produced by the Konkola Copper Mines operation in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia, Chilekwa Mumba organized a lawsuit to hold the mines parent company, Vedanta Resources, responsible. Chilekwas victory in the UK Supreme Court set a legal precedentit was the first time an English court ruled that a British company could be held liable for the environmental damage caused by subsidiary-run operations in another country. This precedent has since been applied to hold Shell Globalone of the worlds 10 largest corporations by revenueliable for its pollution in Nigeria.

Our thanks to Jocelyn C. Zuckerman for this conversation with him:


Get Behind Me, After School Satan Club! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Middle schoolersA judge ruled in favor of forcing a middle school to host an After School Satan Club, in the latest example of a disturbing trend.


Merrick Garlands Refusal To Protect Supreme Court Justices Endangers The Country "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Tim Kaine and Merrick GarlandThe responsibility for leaving conservative justices with hostile groups planted outside their doors rests with Merrick Garland.


Why Honeytokens Are the Future of Intrusion Detection "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A few weeks ago, the 32nd edition of RSA, one of the world's largest cybersecurity conferences, wrapped up in San Francisco. Among the highlights, Kevin Mandia, CEO of Mandiant at Google Cloud, presented a retrospective on the state of cybersecurity. During his keynote, Mandia stated: "There are clear steps organizations can take beyond common safeguards and security tools to strengthen their


Gaza: Palestinian mourns fiancee killed in Israeli air strike "IndyWatch Feed War"

Gaza: Palestinian mourns fiancee killed in Israeli air strike

Dania and her sister Iman Adas were killed in an Israeli attack on Gaza on Tuesday. Their loved ones recount a devastating night
Maha Hussaini Wed, 05/10/2023 - 12:14
Muhammed Saad, who was due to marry Dania in July, at home in Gaza on 9 May 2023 (MEE/Muhammed Hajjar)

Muhammed Saad left the home of his fiancee, Dania Adas, at around 2am after he finished helping her with her studies. When Saad arrived home, his father had already been on the phone with his prospective father-in-law.

"Dania is dying, call an ambulance," he told him.

Saad did not realise what had happened until he arrived at al-Shifa hospital in Gaza, where he was informed that Dania had been killed in an Israeli air strike on their neighbours home in the early hours of Tuesday.

Her sister, Iman, 17, was critically injured and succumbed to her wounds a few hours later.

The air strike targeted the home of Khalil al-Bahtini, a northern Gaza commander of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) resistance group, in the Shaaf area of eastern Gaza.

Bahtini was killed along with his wife Laila and...


In New Video, Tucker Carlson Announces Upcoming Show On Twitter "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Tucker CarlsonFormer Fox News host Tucker Carlson announced Tuesday he will be taking his show to Twitter.


21 die as fires rage in swaths of Russia's Urals (UPDATE) "IndyWatch Feed World"

Raging fires have consumed swaths of Russia's Urals mountains, killing at least four people, razing hundreds of homes, forcing evacuations and spurring investigations, officials said on Sunday. Wildfires are common in late spring and summer across Russia's vast forests and grassy steppes, but some recent blazes have fanned suspicions of negligence. The fires spread to some settlements in the southern region of Kurgan, prompting a visit by Alexander Kurenkov, the emergency minister, early on Monday. "A difficult situation has developed," Kurenkov said in a post on the Telegram messaging app.


Never leak secrets to your GitHub repositories again "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

GitHub is making push protection a security feature designed to automatically prevent the leaking of secrets to repositories free for owners of all public repositories. Previously, the feature was available only for private repositories with a GitHub Advanced Security license. This wider availability is aimed at helping developers and maintainers across open source proactively secure their code. Prevent leaking secrets with GitHub push protection Credential leakage is one of the most prevalent causes More

The post Never leak secrets to your GitHub repositories again appeared first on Help Net Security.


New Ukrainian Restrictions Suffocate Journalism Near the Front Line "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Green, yellow, and red. The colors known worldwide as the colors of traffic lights now also direct where journalists can work in Ukraine. Red zones are obviously a no-go; yellow is only allowed with a press officer, while green is the color of freedom and means no restrictions.

Some areas that used to be accessible to reporters are now closed or restricted to having a press officer following your every move and listening to all your conversations. If you break the rules, it may mean the cancellation of your press accreditation without the possibility of renewal.

Let me first make it clear that I am biased. As a journalist who frequently covers the Russian invasion near the front line, I am frustrated and annoyed by the new rules, which were implemented in March. They limit my ability to tell the stories of human suffering in the war zone, which has been my focus since I moved to Ukraine in 2019.

During a recent trip to the Donbas, I had to cancel four stories. Two were in civilian areas which were suddenly in the red zone and closed. That meant that I could not tell readers about the destruction caused by Russian attacks and the terrible conditions for the remaining locals. 

I also had to cancel reporting trips with two Ukrainian military brigades. The brigades were happy to take me but werent allowed due to the new rules. This meant two fewer articles about who the soldiers defending Ukraine really are. Such stories give soldiers names and faces, so people far away can see them as more than just numbers in the daily casualty count. Such stories make the war real.

What Is the Government Thinking?

Under the new rules, the red zones begin 15 kilometers (~9 miles) from the front line in certain areas. Previously, reporters could drive as close as one kilometer away (~.6 mile). Some people speculate that the government has done this to hide Ukrainian troop movements concerning the looming counteroffensive. Other people say the new rules are there to protect journalists from danger. Recently, La Repubblica journalist Corrado Zunino was wounded and Ukrainian journalist Bohdan Bitik was ...


Clever Optics Make Clocks Digits Float in Space "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A clock made with LED displays and reflective film

If youve never heard of Aerial Imaging by Retro-Reflection, or AIRR for short, youre probably not the only one. Its a technique developed by researchers at Utsunomiya University that uses beam splitters and retroreflective foil to create the illusion of an image floating freely in the air. Hackaday alum [Moritz v. Sivers] has been experimenting with the technique to make what else a clock, appropriately called the Floating Display Clock.

The most commonly available retroreflective films are typically used for things like street signs and high-visibility clothing, but also work perfectly fine for homebrew AIRR setups. [Moritz] tried several types and found that one called Oralite Superlens 3000 resulted in the best image quality. He combined it with a sheet of teleprompter glass and mounted both in their appropriate orientation in a black 3D printed enclosure.



The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Solution "IndyWatch Feed War"

Thomas Jefferson opined of the Rothschild-led Eight Families central banking cartel which came to control the United States, Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day, but a series of oppressions begun at a distinguished period, unalterable through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan Continue reading The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Solution


The Democrats Debt Ceiling Position Makes Zero Sense "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Karine Jean-PierreIf you want to spend without any limit in perpetuity, just say so.


Mastermind Behind Twitter 2020 Hack Pleads Guilty and Faces up to 70 Years in Prison "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A U.K. national has pleaded guilty in connection with the July 2020 Twitter attack affecting numerous high-profile accounts and defrauding other users of the platform. Joseph James O'Connor, who also went by the online alias PlugwalkJoe, admitted to "his role in cyberstalking and multiple schemes that involve computer hacking, including the July 2020 hack of Twitter," the U.S. Department of


15 Enduring Mothers Day Gifts That Wont Die In A Vase "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

happy mother giving daughter a hugMost women would never turn down a fresh-cut bouquet, but here are some other ideas that will outlive anything that comes in a vase.


What You Need To Know About Next Weeks Court Hearing On Arizonas 2022 AG Race "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Abe Hamadeh speaking at an event in ArizonaHamadeh blasted Democrats for their hypocrisy when it comes to their mantra of 'count every vote.'


Israeli guards kill armed Jewish woman in black burqa "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israeli guards kill armed Jewish woman in black burqa

Young Jewish woman is a former Israeli soldier. She held an airsoft gun and shouted 'Allahu Akbar' before being shot dead in the occupied West Bank
MEE staff Wed, 05/10/2023 - 11:32
A selfie taken by the Israeli woman prior to being shot by soldiers (social media)

An Israeli woman was shot dead at a checkpoint in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday after running at a soldier and shouting "Allahu Akbar".

The 27-year-old Jewish woman was identified as a resident of the southern Israeli city of Beer Sheva and was reportedly holding an airsoft gun. She was also identified by the defence ministry as a former soldier in the Israeli army.

The army said a preliminary probe revealed that the woman, who was dressed all in black, arrived at the Metzadot Yehuda crossing from the direction of the settlement of Beit Yatir in the south Hebron Hills. 

The defence ministry said the guards reacted quickly and neutralised her before she could open fire.

A selfie taken prior to the incident apparently showed the woman dressed in a niqab. The motive for the incident remains unclear. 

The incident comes as Israel continues to target the Gaza Strip with air strikes.

Israel on Tuesday launched a new offensive in Gaza dubbed Operation Shield and Arrow, killing 15 Palestinians, including four children and five women. Air strikes on...


Is Parking Reform Hurting the Poor in San Francisco? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Street parking in San Francisco. (Source: Flickr/Russell Mondy.)

Public policy has winners and losers. Nothing your city can do that is of consequence will produce winners 100% of the time.

In 2018, San Francisco became one of the first U.S. cities to eliminate all parking mandates. No longer is new development in the city required to provide off-street parking spaces. One of the many benefits promised by advocates of this program was that it would lower the cost of developing badly needed housing. Mission Local reports that, sure enough, since 2019, the citys centrally located Mission District has added 732 new affordable apartments with zero new parking spaces.

The same Mission Local piece reports, however, that this has become a huge problem for working-class residents of these buildings. The article by Annika Hom is full of anecdotes of stressed-out residents losing hours of their lives to moving their cars around between scarce street parking spaces to comply with city time limits and street sweeping schedules, struggling to juggle commutes and kids school schedules and other travel commitments, and in some cases, racking up thousands of dollars in parking fines.

Although San Francisco is one of the easiest American cities to live car-free in, 47% of households earning less than $100,000 annually have at least one car. 22 percent of low-income San Franciscans drive to work. And that includes people whose specific jobs more or less require it, becausefor exampletheir destination is not transit accessible, or they need t...


COVID-19 Crisis Not Over, UK Deaths About 21% Higher Than Before the Pandemic "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I CHECKED about 1.5 hours ago to see if the 10 May 2023 ONS numbers were already online. They were indeed, maybe around 9:30AM.

Deaths in week 17 in 2023

What does the latest data tell us? Compare 2019 deaths count:

Deaths in week 17 in 2019

Now watch this year:

The week 17 latest data

Focus on week 17, the latest on record. From 10,059 deaths in 2019 it rose to about 12.2k in the same week of this year, yet WHO tells us pandemic stuff matters no more and its time to get back to normal. Dont listen to WHO. Rely on data, not bureaucrats and politicians who masquerade as health experts.


Indiana woman dies after vicious dog attack "IndyWatch Feed World"

In Indiana woman was killed and her son hospitalized after being mauled by a dog, according to police. Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) officers were alerted to reports of an aggressive animal on Forsythia Drive at about 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 9. When officers arrived, they spoke with a neighbor who said someone had been attacked by a dog at a nearby home, according to Fox59. Police made their way into the home, and they found a woman on the ground inside the nearby garage. There were 81 fatal dog attacks across the U.S. in 2021, with 17 being registered in the Midwest, according to This was a noticeable increase in such deaths from the year before, when there were 62 fatal dog attacks, with 18 registered in the Midwest.


Intel's Vulkan Linux Driver Enables GPL By Default While Hiding Mesh Shaders "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Intel's open-source "ANV" Vulkan Linux driver within Mesa is now enabling graphics pipeline libraries (GPL) functionality by default but at the same time has demoted their Vulkan mesh shader functionality to being hidden behind an environment variable until some unexplained hangs can be sorted out...


Paradise forgotten "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

While there is much to mourn about the passing of legendary American singer and actor Harry Belafonte, we should hold a place for his bold statement-album against apartheid South Africa.

South African TV show After Dark, June 1988 with Trevor Hyett and guests Harry Belafonte, Denis Worrall, Essop Pahad, Breyten Breytenbach, Nick Mitchell, Victoria Brittain, and Ismail Ayob. Image via Open Media Ltd. CC BY-SA 3.0.

Harry Belafonte, who died on April 25, has a strong claim to being the first truly transcendent pop superstar. Both a singer and actor, his towering range and captivating stage persona propelled him into the conscience of white audiences in the troubled middle decades of the last century. At a time when attitudes towards blackness were predominantly marked by bigotry and prejudice, Belafonte became a household name around the world. He sought ever newer registers for black livingness, achieving a level of international stardom that showed off the beauty of the spirit in black life during the long era of white supremacys chokehold. Belafonte used his fame both openly and subversively, promoting the cause of freedom, creating awareness of black cultural practice in ways that looked beyond North America, and always tirelessly striving to present black life as rich, complex, and worthy of seeing.

Belafontes role as part of a talented vanguard of mid-century black auteurs in America cannot be overstressed. He and Sidney Poitier, Nina Simone, Miles Davis, and James Baldwin, among others, used their platforms as a radical critique of a society that was never meant to include them, during an era that spanned Jim Crow segregation, McCarthyism and its weird paranoias, civil rights, and the difficult emancipatory back-and-forth decades that followed. Its intriguing to countenance that the Harry Belafonte who was chased through Mississippi by the Klan after he and Poitier brought financial relief to harassed and stressed civil rights workers in the febrile Freedom Summer of 1964, was still alive half a century later to witness the election of Barack Obama and the inevitable white backlash that brought Donald Trump to office. With his diaspora-inflected voiceone that somehow managed to be velvety and to carry gravitas at the same timeBelafonte gave vibrant audibility to multiple theaters of black struggle for a place in the sun, both through his own work and through the work of those artists whose work he championed and cared for, including Miriam Makeba and Hugh Masekela.

As popular sonic trends began to pivot away from matine...


Airtable is bringing AI to your workflow that could help make your team more productive "IndyWatch Feed World"

The popular workplace collaboration platform is rolling out new AI-powered tools aimed at reducing the friction on your to-do list.

Artificial intelligence is powering tools that can help you write blog posts, develop programming scripts, and even do your taxes. And if you work at one of the hundreds of thousands of businesses that utilize the popular workflow platform Airtable, AI may soon help you supercharge your productivity.

Read Full Story


D8VK v1.0 Released For Running Direct3D 8 Games Atop Vulkan "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While DXVK is used by Steam Play for implementing Direct3D 9/10/11 APIs atop Vulkan and there is also VKD3D-Proton for Direct3D 12 on Vulkan, D8VK's aim is for the aging Microsoft Direct3D 8 API atop Vulkan for enhancing the experience of older games on Linux...


Israeli attack on Gaza kills entire families in effort to assassinate resistance leaders "IndyWatch Feed War"

An overhead shot from the funeral of the 12 Palestinian martyrs killed during an overnight Israeli airstrike on Gaza, showing throngs of mourners carrying the bodies of the slain.The only possible outcome of the recent Israeli airstrikes on residential sites in Gaza was a massacre, but Israel conducted them anyway. The delayed response from resistance factions might signal new resistance tactics.


"Too Greedy": Mass Walkout at Global Science Journal Neuroimage Over "Unethical" Elsevier Fees "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

'Too greedy': mass walkout at global science journal over 'unethical' fees

More than 40 leading scientists have resigned en masse from the editorial board of a top science journal in protest at what they describe as the "greed" of publishing giant Elsevier.

The entire academic board of the journal Neuroimage, including professors from Oxford University, King's College London and Cardiff University resigned after Elsevier refused to reduce publication charges.

Academics around the world have applauded what many hope is the start of a rebellion against the huge profit margins in academic publishing, which outstrip those made by Apple, Google and Amazon.

Neuroimage, the leading publication globally for brain-imaging research, is one of many journals that are now "open access" rather than sitting behind a subscription paywall. But its charges to authors reflect its prestige, and academics now pay over 2,700 for a research paper to be published. The former editors say this is "unethical" and bears no relation to the costs involved.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Here are the top skills you will need for an A.I.-powered future, according to new Microsoft data "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Work Trend Index report found that leaders believe analytical judgment, flexibility and emotional intelligence are essential skills for the future of work.


Physicists Create Elusive Particles That Remember Their Pasts "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In two landmark experiments, researchers used quantum processors to engineer exotic particles that have captivated physicists for decades. The work is a step toward crash-proof quantum computers.


Israel's Gaza offensive kills 21 Palestinians, prompting rocket fire at Tel Aviv "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel's Gaza offensive kills 21 Palestinians, prompting rocket fire at Tel Aviv

At least five children and five women among those killed since the start of the Israeli operation on Tuesday
MEE staff Wed, 05/10/2023 - 10:07
A mourner reacts during the funeral of a Palestinian killed in an Israeli strike in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip 10 May 2023 (Reuters)
A mourner reacts during the funeral of a Palestinian killed in an Israeli strike in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip 10 May 2023 (Reuters)

Six Palestinians, including a 10-year-old girl, were killed in Gaza on the second day of Israeli bombing, with Palestinian groups firing dozens of rockets at Israel in return, targeting cities as far as Tel Aviv.

Starting from Wednesday noon local time, Israeli fighter jets launched air strikes in several locations across Gaza throughout the day, including in Rafah, Khan Younis, Beit Lahia and other areas.

The Palestinian health ministry said at least five Palestinians have been killed, bringing the death toll since the start of the Israeli offensive on Tuesday to 21, including five children. At least 64 others have been wounded. 

The Palestinian Joint Command, an umbrella body of armed factions in Gaza, including Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, launched rockets towards Israel in response, targeting Tel Aviv, Sderot, Ashkelon and other areas in central and southern Israel.

There were no immediate reports of casualties in Israel. 


Court Sentences Man for Selling Pirated Textbook PDFs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

criminologyObtaining a proper education can give people a leg up in life, but this privilege does come at a price.

Studying can be a costly endeavor, requiring expensive textbooks that may only be in use for a single semester. To reduce costs, some students choose to share books or buy cheaper second-hand versions. Textbook piracy is also widespread and in many cases considered socially acceptable among students.

Last year, a Danish student survey found that nearly half of all students who use digital textbooks obtain copies through illegal means. Most students are well aware that selling and pirating books is against the law, but 68% still found it acceptable to share pirated books with friends or other students.

Criminal Conviction

Rights Alliance, a Danish anti-piracy group that represents rightsholders in several sectors, has had this issue on its radar for a few years now. Thus far, it has resulted in several criminal convictions of what, at first glance, seem rather small offenders.

This month another case went before the court after a 25-year-old man was found guilty of selling PDFs of pirated textbooks to 12 people. The offender avoided a prison sentence, in part due to the lengthy proceeding, but was ordered to pay a fine of 5,000 Danish kroner (~$670) in compensation, while 2,450 kroner (~$360) were confiscated.

The court concluded that the man sold 56 pirated copies in total, which he stored on a Microsoft OneDrive server. This wasnt a typical hardcore criminal operation, however, as the seller himself wasnt the source. He received the pirate books for his social work study from other students and decided to sell them to others online.

While this type of activity is clearly illegal, the sentence also has an ironic twist. A quick calculation shows that the fine and confiscated money amount to less than $20 per pirated textbook, meaning that buying them legally would probably have been more expensive.

Facing the Consequences

Commenting on the recent verdict, Rights Alliance director Maria Fredenslund says the case highlights that relatively small acts of piracy can have real criminal consequences.

Thanks to an effective effort by the police, it was possible to stop the systematic sale before the consequences became too great. This case shows that systematic illegal sales are not reserved for an overwhelming profit. Just a few completed sale...


US disrupts Russia-linked Snake implants network "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The US government announced to have disrupted the peer-to-peer (P2P) network of computers compromised by the Snake malware.

The Snake implant is one of the most sophisticated implants used by Russia-linked threat actors for cyberespionage purposes. The malware has been designed and used by Center 16 of Russias Federal Security Service (FSB) in cyber espionage operations on sensitive targets. The FSB created a covert peer-to-peer (P2P) network of machines worldwide that were infected with the Snake malware.

The P2P network is used to operational traffic to and from Snake implants on the FSBs ultimate targets. The malware uses custom communications protocols designed to avoid detection.

The development of the Snake malware, aka Uroburos, started in late 2003 and was completed in early 2004. The threat is continuously upgraded and the authors re-designed it after the public disclosures.

The US experts identified Snake infrastructure in over 50 countries worldwide, including the United States and Russia. The U.S. agencies monitored FSB officers assigned to Turla that used the Snake malware as part of their daily activity from a known FSB facility in Ryazan, Russia.

The Department of Justice (DoJ) announced the court-authorized disruption of the network used by the malware.

The Justice Department today announced the completion of a court-authorized operation, code-named MEDUSA, to disrupt a global peer-to-peer network of computers compromised by sophisticated malware, called Snake, that the U.S. Government attributes to a unit within Center 16 of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB). reads the press release published by DoJ. For nearly 20 years, this unit, referred to in court documents as Turla, has used versions of the Snake malware to steal sensitive documents from hundreds of computer systems in at least 50 countries, which have belonged to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member governments, journalists, and other targets of interest to the Russian Federation.

US authorities code-named the operation as Operation MEDUSA, and the FBI developed a tool named PERSEUS to disable Turlas Snake malware on compromised computers. PERSEUS issues commands that cause the Snake malware to overwrite its own core components



Yoons Diplomacy with Kishida and Biden: One Step to Korean War 2.0 and Two Steps to Hot Sino-American War? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Yoons Diplomacy with Kishida and Biden: One Step to Korean War 2.0 and Two Steps to Hot Sino-American War? appeared first on Global Research.


This and That "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  US/China The ongoing competition between the United States and China is reminiscent of the Cold War with the Soviet Union. As Chinas expanding global ambitions raise concerns, historical lessons from the Soviet challenge recognizing the global battle of ideas, blending force and diplomacy, and making difficult trade-offs can be applied to addressing Chinas growing []

The post This and That appeared first on Virtual Mirage.



Cosmic Warfare

I have to blog about this story shared by V.T., because having written a book about the weaponization of plasmas (The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare,

The post PLAYING WITH PLASMAS appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Royal Dilemma: The People who Most Support Ditching the Monarchy are Climate Alarmists "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A hilarious dynamic has emerged in Commonwealth nations, in which the most committed anti-monarchists also want King Charles to help them win the climate war.

Health Insurance Claim Denied? See What Insurers Said Behind the Scenes "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

When a health insurance company is deciding whether to pay for your medical treatment, the company generates a file around your claim. All the records associated with your case should be part of your file. This includes documents explaining the reasons your claim was denied.

You have a right to see this file. Federal regulations require most health insurance plans to give people an opportunity to review documents related to their claim for free. So if your insurer talks to your doctor, if a nurse takes notes, or if two people speak about it on the phone, all of those records should be available to you.

Its a treasure trove of information, said Juliette Forstenzer Espinosa, a health lawyer and senior lecturer of health policy at George Washington University. But most people have no idea how to get it.

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Airbnb stock price tanks on news of cheaper plans and bookings miss. Heres whats happening "IndyWatch Feed World"

The home-sharing platform reported increased revenue in its first-quarter earnings report, but shares nevertheless fell after hours.

Airbnb reported its Q1 earnings yesterday, and the news and comments from the companys announcement sent the stock plummeting after the bell. As of the time of this writing, the home-sharing companys stock was down over 14% in premarket trading, marking one of the stocks worst hits in years. Heres what you need to know.

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Background to Council Elections: Derry and Strabane "IndyWatch Feed"

There are 40 councillors on this council.

The main focus of attention will be the struggle for dominance between Sinn Fin and the SDLP, especially in those District Electoral Areas (DEAs) lying in the constituency of Foyle. SF took a hammering at the 2019 council elections, although little of the spoils went to the SDLP. Subsequently, in the Assembly election, while the SDLP held almost all of its vote in Foyle and West Tyrone, Sinn Fens performance was poorer losing 3.8% vote share in Foyle, its worst performance at that election.

This council is critically important for the SDLP. It simply cannot afford a bad performance here. If it looks to be faltering in Derry the questions over its future, and especially over its leader, will multiply.

On the outgoing council both the SDLP and SF won seats in all seven District Electoral Areas (DEAs). The DUP took seats in 4; the UUP, Alliance and PBPA in 2 each; and Aont in 1. Four of the DEAs also elected Independents. Nationalists have by far the biggest vote share, although both they and unionists lost share to others. Half of the increase in others came from PBPA.

Chart, pie chart Description automatically generated

Chart, pie chart Description automatically generated

The nationalist vote includes four Independent councillors. Details will be found within the individual DEA sections.

The full make-up of the council in 2014 and 2019 can be seen in the chart below.

Chart, histogram Description automatically generated

Eight seats changed hands.

Aont took a seat (their only one in Northern Ireland) in Ballyannett which had previously been held by an Independent who did not contest the election. SF lost seats to PBPA in Foyleside and also in The Moor, to the SDLP in Derg, and to an Independent in Sperrin. Alliance took a seat from the DUP in Waterside and from the SDLP in Faughan. There was also an Independent to Independent change in Foyleside.

The main changes in vote share were the 8% point fall for SF, and the 6% point increase for PBPA. Alliance recorded a 3% increase.



U.S. Government Neutralizes Russia's Most Sophisticated Snake Cyber Espionage Tool "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The U.S. government on Tuesday announced the court-authorized disruption of a global network compromised by an advanced malware strain known as Snake wielded by Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB). Snake, dubbed the "most sophisticated cyber espionage tool," is the handiwork of a Russian state-sponsored group called Turla (aka Iron Hunter, Secret Blizzard, SUMMIT, Uroburos, Venomous Bear,


Yes, Andrew Sullivan Demanded W. Bush Nuke Iraq "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Scott Horton | The Libertarian Institute | February 25, 2023

He wrote on October 17, 2001:

THE COMING CONFLICT: The sophisticated form of anthrax delivered to Tom Daschles office forces us to ask a simple question. What are these people trying to do? I think theyre testing the waters. They want to know how we will respond to what is still a minor biological threat, as a softener to a major biological threat in the coming weeks. They must be encouraged by the panic-mongering of the tabloids, Hollywood and hoaxsters. They must also be encouraged by the fact that some elements in the administration already seem to be saying we need to keep our coalition together rather than destroy the many-headed enemy. So the terrorists are pondering their next move. The chilling aspect of the news in the New York Times today is that the terrorists clearly have access to the kind of anthrax that could be used against large numbers of civilians. My hopes yesterday that this was a minor attack seem absurdly nave in retrospect. So they are warning us and testing us.

At this point, it seems to me that a refusal to extend the war to Iraq is not even an option. We have to extend it to Iraq. It is by far the most likely source of this weapon; it is clearly willing to use such weapons in the future; and no war against terrorism of this kind can be won without dealing decisively with the Iraqi threat. We no longer have any choice in the matter. Slowly, incrementally, a Rubicon has been crossed. The terrorists have launched a biological weapon against the United States. They have therefore made biological warfare thinkable and thus repeatable. We once had a doctrine that such a Rubicon would be answered with a nuclear response. We backed down on that threat in the Gulf War but Saddam didnt dare use biological weapons then. Someone has dared to use them now. Our response must be as grave as this new threat.

I know that this means that this conflict is deepening and widening beyond its initial phony stage. But what choice do we have? Inaction in the face of biological warfare is an invitation for more in a world where that is now thinkable. Appropriate response will no doubt inflame an already inflamed region, as people seek solace through the usual ideological fire. Either way the war will grow and I feel nothing but dread in my heart. But we didnt seek this conflict. It has sought us. If we do not wage war now, we may have to wage an even bloodier war in the very near future. These are bleak choices, but what else do we have? [Italics his]


A Look Inside a Vintage Aircraft Altimeter "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Theres a strange synchronicity in the projects we see here at Hackaday, where different people come up with strikingly similar stuff at nearly the same time. Were not sure why this is, but its easily observable, with this vintage altimeter teardown and repair by our good friend [CuriousMarc] as the latest example.

The altimeter that [Marc] dissects in the video below was made by Kollsman, which is what prompted us to recall this recent project that turned a jet engine tachometer into a CPU utilization gauge. That instrument was also manufactured by Kollsman, but was electrically driven. [Marc]s project required an all-mechanical altimeter, so he ordered a couple from eBay.

Unfortunately, thanks to rough handling in transit they arrived in less than working condition, necessitating the look inside. For which were thankful, of course, because the guts of these aneroid altimeters are quite impressive. The mechanism is all mechanical, with parts that look like something [Click Spring] would make for a fine timepiece. [Marc]s inspection revealed the problem: a broken pivot screw keeping the expansion and contraction of the aneroid dia...


Israeli military dog terrorizes Palestinian children in Al-Fara refugee camp "IndyWatch Feed War"

Defence for Children Palestine | May 8, 2023

An Israeli military dog attacked 13-year-old Raja and terrified 8-year-old Nidal when Israeli forces entered their home in Al-Fara refugee camp in the middle of the night. Rajas leg wounds are still healing, while Nidal refuses to sleep alone.

Israeli forces destroyed a Palestinian school in Masafer Yatta

Defence for Children Palestine | May 8, 2023

In November 2022, Israeli forced demolished a Palestinian elementary school in the rural community of Isfay Al-Fouqa, located in the Masafer Yatta region of the southern occupied West Bank. Now, children are trying their best to learn in a tent.


California launches new snitch hotline to report 'hate acts' and 'hate incidents' - including 'name calling' "IndyWatch Feed World"

California launches new snitch hotline to report 'hate acts' and 'hate incidents' - including 'name calling' | 9 May 2023 | California California has launched a new hotline for residents to report "hate acts." Last Thursday, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and the California Civil Rights Department announced the launch of CA vs Hate. Through the hotline, Californians will be able to snitch on their neighbors for committing "hate acts," which the service explicitly states do not always include violence. "A hate incident is a hostile expression or action that may be motivated by bias against another persons actual or perceived identity," the website states. Some examples of "hate incidents," according to the website, are "refusing service," "derogatory name calling," and bullying. The new hotline, Newsom [a sociopath] explained, is "an unequivocal message that hate will not be tolerated" in California. [Yup, that's "name-calling." Report away!]


Water Heater Maintenance Tips from Plumbers: How to Extend the Life of Your Unit "IndyWatch Feed World"

A water heater is an essential appliance in your home, providing hot water for bathing, cooking, and cleaning. However, many homeowners neglect to maintain their heaters, leading to premature breakdowns and costly repairs. Fortunately, with a little bit of effort and attention, you can extend its life and save yourself time, money, and inconvenience.

In this article, well discuss some easy water heater maintenance tips from plumbers that you can follow to keep your unit running smoothly and efficiently.

Check the Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve


The temperature and pressure relief (TPR) valve is a critical safety feature of your water heater that prevents it from overheating and exploding. Plumbers recommend testing this valve at least once a year to ensure that it is functioning correctly. To do this, turn off the power to the unit, locate the TPR valve on the top or side of the tank, and lift the lever to allow some water to discharge. If you dont see any water come out or if the valve continues to leak after you release the lever, it may be time to replace the valve.

Drain the Tank

Sediment buildup is a common problem in water heaters, which can reduce their efficiency and lead to corrosion and leaks. To prevent this, plumbers suggest draining the tank every six months or so. To do this, turn off the power and cold water supply to the unit, attach a hose to the drain valve at the bottom of the tank, and run it to a drain or bucket. Open the valve and allow the water to drain until it runs clear. Then, close the valve and turn on the water supply and power to the unit.

Insulate the Tank and Pipes



Of course Nintendos Super Mario movie confounded the critics "IndyWatch Feed World"

The video game giant that always goes its own way made a video game movie unlike any other. And audiences get it, which is all that matters.

Two years ago, I talked with Nintendo Global President Shuntaro Furukawa about the companys then-upcoming movie based on its Super Mario franchise. At the time, virtually nothing had been disclosed about the film, a coproduction with Illumination, best known as the mastermind of the Minions animated franchise. Furukawa didnt spill any secrets. But he stressed that the movie, as well as other brand extensions such as Universal Studios Super Nintendo World theme-park lands, werent going to venture far from the elements familiar from four decades of Nintendo video games.

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Artificial intelligence study decodes brain activity into diaglogue "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Scientists at UT Austin conducted a study where they created a 3D view of a persons mind and used artificial intelligence to decode brain activity into dialogue.

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A coven of British witches and pagans pledge their allegiance to King Charles, claiming he is very pagan and supportive of their beliefs "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Leo Hohmann May 9, 2023

I posted an important article last week detailing how King Charles III is the leader of the global Sustainable Development movement being implemented through United Nations Agenda 2030 with help from the World Economic Forum. I noted in that article his near religious fervor in supporting the so-called green agenda, complete with its insane plan for total decarbonization that, if successful, would lead to mass starvation and depopulation of the planet. Taken to its extreme, this is a form of earth worship, I reported.

And lets not forget what took place at last years United Nations COP 27 Climate Conference in Egypt, when blatant pagan earth worship was on full display.

For more on this, see my Oct. 25 article in which climate activist Dennis Meadows clearly explains in a video that the climate crisis can never be solved without drastic population reduction.

Now comes this bombshell from the U.K. tabloid The Sun, which reports that witches and pagans from across the United Kingdom gathered to cast spells in support of King Charles during a special coronation ritual ceremony.

The spells involved lighting blue, red and white candles, burning incense, scattering rose petals and giving magical gifts to each other on Coronation Day.

The witches began casting spells several days ahead of the May 6 coronation of King Charles.

Julie Aspinall, a 58-year-old self-described pagan, witch and the main organizer of the event, spoke in depth with The Sun.

She said the witches coronation ritual took place at the Festival of Witches and Pagans, being held in Coventry over the coronation weekend.

More than 2,000 people were expected to attend the festival, which featured a range of workshops from wand-making and spell-casting to crystal skull healing. A series of night rituals were also planned, according to the official website description of the event, which stated:

We have been tasked by the Great Mother to teach the ways of the witch and pagan to those that need it. We work hard to develop young curious minds, d...


They Move Like Blind Drunks Searching for Clarity in a Construction Site During The Dark of The Moon. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Reflections in a Petri Dish May 9, 2023

Dog Poet Transmitting..

Day follows day with absurdity piled upon absurdity. From the top of the dung heap, the royalty of flies, feast upon the decaying matter that forms the altar they have built to themselves. It is naught but a filthy mirror, smeared with the offenses they have committed upon themselves and others.

There in the marketplace of useless things the merchants buy and sell. They rub their hands together. They are sure that a good deal went down deep and low. They are as sleek as otters surfing on an oil slick as it washes up on shore. Their expensive custom suits conceal the horizontal expansion of appetites indulged in at the expense of others whose lives and dreams they have consumed. Who can ever stop them?

They have purchased the governments. Law enforcement exists as their own army of rent-a-cops. They administer the cash register religions that have been further and further translated by them into the single dictate; me first, you later maybe. They crucified the one who lives still as a testament of what happens when you get out of line with the currency gobblers. Everything is backward and upside down.

From the cradle they have shaped the masses to see them as the rightful masters. They have fashioned the template of the temporal, and the controlled opposition too. You can go the wrong way in either direction! Its so fun! Life is a series of amusement park rides where cartoon characters sell you your weevil-ridden daily bread in Styrofoam shrink-wrap; with a straw.

From Pliny the Younger to Strictly from Hunger, your history is written for you to remember as something that happened at another time, as something that is happening now through acclamation, for this is the best of all possible worlds. From Candide to Candida, a fungus in the mind becomes a fungus from the mouth. It feeds on itself in a cannibal culture, where for some paradise is a parasite with no one the wiser.

They tell you this is the way it must be, and the way it always is. Better to be on the top than on the bottom, but in truth everything reverses itself. Existence is based on trading places. What you serve up gets served back to you. There is no workaround except for Grace. This is the inflexible law of action and reaction on every plane. On the higher planes, the residents have learned to exchange only the best of what they desire to receive. The lower down you go, the more brutish, callous, and uncaring it gets.

You dont wind up anywhere you didnt arrange for.

The Scamdemic that didnt happen except in the minds of the people stupid enough to believe in it, AND trust authority; when they put a Grim Reaper mas...


Tunisia: Israeli among five killed in attack near synagogue "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Tunisia: Israeli among five killed in attack near synagogue

Two Jewish cousins, one French and one Israeli-Tunisian, are among the dead following an attack near Ghriba synagogue
MEE staff Wed, 05/10/2023 - 08:13
Police secure an area near the Ghriba synagogue following a shootout on the resort island of Djerba, on 9 May 2023 (AFP)

A Tunisian security officer shot dead five people, including an Israeli citizen, on Tuesday near Africa's oldest synagogue, on the island of Djerba, where hundreds of worshippers were taking part in an annual pilgrimage.

The officer, a guard at a naval installation on Djerba, first killed a fellow officer and took his ammunition before heading towards the Ghriba synagogue, according to the Tunisian interior ministry.

He then opened fire indiscriminately at security units located near the synagogue, killing two Jewish visitors and a security officer. A third security officer later died in hospital. 

Four more police officers were also wounded, one critically, hospital sources said, along with four other visitors.

The two civilians killed were cousins, a 30-year-old dual Tunisian-Israeli citizen and a 42-year-old from France, according to the Tunisian and Israeli foreign ministries.

The attack sparked panic among the hundreds of people visiting the synagogue.

It is the first attack on...


Does NATO Fear a Russian Nuclear First Strike? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Introduction May 9, 2023

It should be borne in mind that President Putin has not entirely ruled out the possibility of a nuclear first strike, should Russia face an existential threat.

Thats why the recent flurry of activity among NATO surveillance aircraft, including planes that scrutinize the atmosphere for telltale signs of nuclear activity, should be a cause for concern.

Are the Western powers concerned that Russia may be preparing a nuclear strike on the West?

Large NATO Air Deployment w/ Nuke-Sniffer Aircraft

Hal Turner The Hal Turner Show May 9, 2023

Something seems to be up around the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  A large NATO air deployment is presently active; far larger than most prior air saturation.

We begin with A US Air Force Constant Phoenix which is a nuke-sniffer aircraft, running an odd air search pattern off the coast of the United Kingdom.  This aircraft takes air samples to detect the presence of nuclear material.  As seen on e radar tracking image below, the plane seems to be searching for what, may, be a deployed Russian POSEIDON nuclear drone, or submarines that carry such a drone.

Click to enlarge

Russia invented this unstoppable nuclear torpedo drone with the idea it can detonate a kilometer beneath the sea so as to generate a nuclear tsunami against the coastline of an enemy.  If that were to take place, a wave upwards of 1500 METERS tall (4500 feet) would wash-up on an enemy coastline, carrying deadly levels of radiation, and utterly smash everything within about twenty MILES of a coastline.

Worse, because that water would carry heavy doses of radiation, the enemy country would be unable to accommodate life for thousands of years!

Heres the aircraft search pattern:


UN Chief Says Ukraine Peace Talks Not Possible Right Now "IndyWatch Feed War"

Moscow Times May 9, 2023

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said peace negotiations to end the conflict in Ukraine were not possible at this moment, in an interview published by Spanish daily El Pais on Tuesday.

His statement came as the leaders of Russia and Ukraine both called for victory during events commemorating the end of World War II.

It is clear that the [two] parties are completely absorbed in this war and are convinced that they can win, the UN chief was quoted as saying by the newspaper.

Guterres said he hoped it was possible in the future to bring Russia and Ukraine to the negotiating table.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday at Moscows Red Square Victory Day parade that the world was at a turning point and claimed a war had been unleashed against Russia.

The day before, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky vowed that Russian forces would be vanquished just as Nazism was defeated.

On Tuesday, Guterres received the Carlos V European Award, given to individuals and organizations that have contributed to the enhancement of Europes cultural and historical values or to EU integration.

Universal values, principles and ideas which unite us as the human family have not been under so much threat since the creation of the United Nations, Guterres said.

Thats why we have to raise our voice and reaffirm our values. And above all, we need peace, he added.



Navy suddenly tells retiring troops they owe 3 more years of service amid recruiting troubles "IndyWatch Feed War"

USNS Comfort

Kyle Kleeman American Military News May 9, 2023

At least 65 military doctors and dentists in the Navy Reserves were told on Friday that they still had to undertake at least three more years of service, a shocking development caused by administrative record-keeping errors in their retirement credits, officials claimed as the U.S. military continues to face a historic decline in military recruits.

According to NBC News, multiple officers voiced their displeasure with the order, including one dentist who said, Theyre trying anyway possible to retain us, even if it is trying to strong-hand us.

To retire from the military with included benefits, members must serve a minimum of 20 years of qualifying service. Previously, physicians and dentists who successfully completed the Armed Forces Health Professionals Scholarship Program were credited with up to four years in retirement credits if they then followed up and joined the Selected Reserve the militarys main reservists force after completing their active-duty service requirements.

According to a 2002 Army memorandum, the Army, Navy and Air Force were using that credit as an incentive in an attempt to retain employees in the healthcare field, considered to be a critical wartime shortage specialty.

Starting last year, Navy Reserve members started to see their credit from participation in the program vanish off their official record. The Air Force and Army have confirmed that they do still include participation in the program as credit towards military retirement.

I feel like Im trapped, a doctor said. Its terrible. Its unfair. Its dishonorable.

In January 2022, one doctors record showed that he had completed 19 years of qualifying service. Six months later, it showed a decrease to 16 years.

Cmdr. Rick Chernitzer, a Navy Personnel Command spokesperson, stated to NBC News that a data migration issue within the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System prematurely credited four years of service credit to officers official records.

The clerical error previously permitted 95 people to retire with full benefits before being eligible, Chernitzer commented.

The Navy has said that the affected workers will still retain credit for their service during those years but only after they reach the required 20 years of qualifying service to officially retire. The military healthcare workers have voiced their complaints about the fact that this defeats the whole purpose of the promised recruitment incentive.

One of the dentists voiced his dissatisfaction and said he would not have accepted the offer in the first place had he known.

The four years was...


Globalist elites provoking bloody conflicts and coups - Putin "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Russian leader has accused Western powers of trying to build a system of "robbery, violence and suppression". Western elites have forgotten the consequences of the Nazis' "insane ambitions," Russian President Vladimir Putin has said during his Victory Day Parade speech on Red Square in Moscow. Russia believes that "any ideology of superiority is by its nature disgusting, criminal and deadly," the president pointed out. "The globalist elites keep insisting on their exceptionalism; they pit people against each other, split societies, provoke bloody conflicts and coups, sow hatred, Russophobia and aggressive nationalism, destroy traditional family values that make human a human," Putin said.


Homeless Encampments Are Exploding In Size All Over America As Rents Soar And Evictions Surge "IndyWatch Feed War"

<h1 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Michael The Economic Collapse May 7, 2023</strong></h1> <p>Communities all over the United States are being taken over by giant homeless encampments, but we are supposed to believe that this is perfectly normal.  The Biden administration is trying very hard to convince all of us that the economy is in fine shape even though many of our most prominent corporations <a href= ""> are currently conducting mass layoffs</a> and even though Challenger, Gray & Christmas is telling us that the number of jobs cuts during the first three months of this year was up 396 percent compared to the same period last year.  Just like in 2008 and 2009, large numbers of people that have lost their jobs or their businesses are ending up living in the streets, and as a result homeless encampments are absolutely exploding in size from coast to coast.</p> <p>In Marin County, California the average price of a home is 1.4 million dollars, and it is one of the most prosperous areas of the entire country.</p> <p>But it is also home to vast hordes of homeless people.  In fact, one of the biggest homeless encampments in Marin County is now <a href= ""> more than two miles long</a></p> <p style="padding-left: 40px;">Hundreds of locals in one of San Franciscos wealthiest counties have been forced to pack up their lives into RVs and trailers after being pushed out of the housing market.</p> <p style="padding-left: 40px;">Shocking photos show the ever-growing line of trucks and other vehicles along 101 Highway which now stretches over two miles in one of the largest encampments in the country.</p> <p>The Federal Reserve knew that pumping vast amounts of money into the system would make the wealthy even wealthier, but they also hoped that some of that wealth would eventually trickle down to the poor.</p> <p>Sadly, that didnt really happen.</p> <p>Instead, the gap between the wealthy and the poor has gotten larger than it has ever been before, and now we are witnessing scenes <a href="">like this</a> all over the nation</p> <div align="center"><br> </div> <p>I was absolutely floored when I first viewed that footage.</p> <p>Those that live there are trying to make the best of it.  In fact, one woman that recently moved in is comparing it to...</p>


Biden accuser Tara Reade asserts shes not suicidal before potential testimony: If anything happens to me "IndyWatch Feed War"

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Bizpac Review May 8, 2023

Tara Reade has previously and adamantly accused President Biden of sexually assaulting her in the 1990s and, as she prepares to testify in front of Congress on his alleged attack, she is making it very clear she is not suicidal and if anything happens to her, all roads lead to Joe Biden.

Reade is an author and podcast host who claimed in a 2019 first-person piece that Biden made unwanted sexual advances on her while she was working in his Senate office as an intern in 1993.

She made the statement in a cryptic message posted to Twitter, I want to make something clear. If something happens to me, all roads lead to Joe Biden. Joe Biden and DNC political machine threats, bullying and intimidation over the last three years will not work.

I am not suicidal. I should not be under investigation nor am I a foreign agent. I am a private citizen. I was a former staffer of Joe Bidens that has chosen to step forward to tell the truth. The tactics using intimidation and bullying to silence me and suppress me using DOJ and FBI and social media will not work. Leave me alone. I will testify under oath in Congress if asked to do so and tell what happened and what I know. The Biden corruption must end. Period Thank you @RepMTG and @mattgaetz for inviting me to testify and caring about the truth! Reade concluded.

U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Rep. Matt Gaet...


Video: Biden Suffers Complete Mental Stoppage While Speaking At Event "IndyWatch Feed War"

Steve Watson SUMMIT May 8, 2023

During remarks before a screening of the Disney produced action comedy television series American Born Chinese, Joe Biden attempted to pronounce the names of some of those involved and suffered a complete mental breakdown.

The event was held to honour AANHPI heritage month, but as Biden attempted to gibber his way through his teleprompter comments, his brain stopped functioning.

Biden slurred some sounds and froze up for almost fifteen seconds before saying I think I pronounced that correctly, she can call me Joe Bidden.


No, you absolutely did not pronounce that correctly, it was just a mish mash of sounds.

The latest example of his mental incapacity came after Biden told the audience that he was basically good for nothing:

He also took a moment to tell everyone how attracted he was to the children present:

Earlier in the day he gibbered his way through a separate teleprompter battle:


Biden Administration Claims Full-Time Mothers Hurt The Economy "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

mother cooking with daughterThe Biden administration claims it is bad for women to care for their families because that damages GDP growth. Know what damages GDP growth? Motherless kids.

High-Dose Vitamin D May Treat Incurable Diseases: Experts "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This is something that i had suspected but had no literature to work with.  what we learn is that 10,000 IU is a good starting point for high internal vitimin D and that we tolerate even 50,000 IU as well with notable benefits.  however, 10,000 IU seems  a good start though what is now recommended is 4000 IU.

We went through all this with vitimin C.  50 IU climbed steadily and now 6000 IU is reasonable while 100,000 IU is useful if you are dying.

I now have a source of 2500 IU vitimin D.  four tabs per day is a plan that works.  Again watch out for changes that are negative.

Natural sources cannot give you enough but can carry useful components we know little about.

High-Dose Vitamin D May Treat Incurable Diseases: Experts

The sunshine hormone reveals surprising effects on several diseases at doses far beyond official guidelines

Mar 3 2023

Supplements such as vitamins D and E are essential to skin health, especially if fish or other suggested foods aren't readily available. (Kelvin Wong/Shutterstock)

Vitamin D supplements are currently recommended at a dose of 600 international un...

Methane may not warm the Earth quite as much as previously thought "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

good discussion on Methane.

for the record, i consider the methane to global warming MEME even more absurd scientifically than the carbon dioxide to global warming MEME.

The geological record tells us the the science is Global Warming to higher carbon dioxide, and that we are geolgically deficient now in carbon dioxide and should really do something about all that like burn hydrocarbons a lot.

Methane on the other hand is a light gas and if it is hot, lighter still and constantly trying to go to the stratosphere.  Real production is biological from every soil we have and yes it is rising.  Measuring cow gas is a fools errand.  now justify your scientific career a century from now.

It took a gang of simply normal folk to come up with all this who obviouly are part of a scheme nothing to do with science..

Methane may not warm the Earth quite as much as previously thought

The gas absorbs both longwave and shortwave radiation, with competing effects on climate

Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is emitted through a number of human activities, including cattle farming.


APRIL 18, 2023 AT 9:00 AM

Primary water: And why we are never running out of water "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I am startled that i did not pick up on this decades ago. Of course it is true.  The surface of the earth is wet and we can trace a clear hydraulic cycle that includes the oceans and definately excludes geological water.  Add that fresh water itself is a rarity in terms of the hydraulic cycle.  what rain we get then spends itself washing salts and other soluables into our ocean.

Then understand that our rocks are all deeply oxidized.  This means that they are tightly bound.  Deep enough though the temperature will begin to break up those bonds and release oxygen which will combine with readily available hydrogen to make highly mobile water.  so of course, our planet outgasses water, and CO2 and SOx.  It is usually all three at the surface.

Understand that that the removal of the upper crust forming the Pacific Basin allowed rapid water escape from the mantle and the actual creation of our oceans.  this has not happened on Venus or Mars, though water involvement has been shown there.  This has reduced the engineering problem down to using the moon to remove the crust only.

The mantle consists of mostly silicates or silicon oxide.  Hot enough to break down those bonds should induce water production in the mantle.  Thus simple reduction in the mantle should produce a flood of water ,particularly if you peel half the overlying crust away to speed it all up.

To terra form Venus, we need to produce a gravity ship perhaps the size of our moon and then use it to peel back the crust of Venus.  This produces a crust covered moon just like ours.  likely even looks like ours as well. molten rock would form marias like ours and a trash heap on the other side like ours.

I do think that the Moon went back in TIME in order to do this by dropping into our gravity well to lock in location..

Primary water: And why we are never running out of water

Cultivate Elevate on Jun 26th 2022

Its hard to get the point across to many people in the U.S. that the Earth makes water. We can access it...

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