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Thursday, 04 May


Imgur will Pornos lschen und Neuuploads verbieten ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Imgur will Pornos lschen und Neuuploads verbieten und anscheinend gehen sie auch gegen anonyme Uploads vor.

Imgur war der facto der Image-Host von Reddit, und insbesondere auch Reddits Milliarden von Porno-Subreddits. Dort herrscht entsprechend gerade Apokalypse-Stimmung, und man sucht hnderingend Ersatz.

Wer htte gedacht, dass der Krieg gegen Pornographie nochmal so hochkochen wrde? Schei Puritaner immer.

Wir mssen endlich die Strompreise deckeln, findet ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wir mssen endlich die Strompreise deckeln, findet Habeck.

Wie? Nein, nicht fr euch. Fr die Schwerindustrie.

"Wenn wir die Preise deckeln, verlieren wir Geld, wenn wir sie nicht deckeln, verlieren wir womglich die Industrien der Zukunft", sagte Habeck.
Oh aber na klar, die Industrien der Zukunft. Die zeichnen sich alle durch ihren immensen Stromverbrauch aus. So Zukunftstechnologien wie Stahl- und Aluminiumproduktion.

Immerhin mssen wir uns um die politische Zukunft von Habeck keine Sorgen machen. Wenn die Grnen aus dem Parlament fliegen, kann er auch bei der FDP mitlaufen, und ein paar Aufsichtsratsposten hat er sich mit dem Vorschlag bestimmt auch gesichert.

Gute Nachrichten! Immer noch ber 7% Inflation!!1!Was ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Gute Nachrichten! Immer noch ber 7% Inflation!!1!

Was daran positiv sein soll? Nun, h, vielleicht das hier?

Fr Entspannung sorgte die Entwicklung der Nahrungsmittelpreise: Diese kletterten nur noch um 17,2 Prozent, nachdem sie im Mrz noch um 22,3 Prozent gestiegen waren.
Oh nee, warte, das ist ja auch apokalyptisch schlecht. Wie wre es hiermit?
Energie verteuerte sich mit 6,8 Prozent unterdurchschnittlich, nach einem Zuwachs von 3,5 im Mrz und plus 19,1 Prozent im Februar.
Wohlgemerkt: Die reden hier immer in der Ableitung. Die zahlen Steigen. Die vergleichen hier die 2. Ableitung, die Vernderung der Steigerungsrate.

Seht ihr? Alles super! So hohe Werte haben wir noch nie gemacht! Wir sind wieder wer!!

Update: Nota Bene: Die Zahlen sind so hoch, obwohl sie gerade die Berechnungsmethode gendert haben, damit die Zahlen nicht so krass aussehen.

Es geht los: IBM ersetzt Arbeitspltze durch "knstliche ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Es geht los: IBM ersetzt Arbeitspltze durch "knstliche Intelligenz".

Laut IBM-Chef Arvind Krischna knnten zum Beispiel in der Personalverwaltung binnen fnf Jahren rund ein Drittel der Stellen durch KI und Automatisierung ersetzt werden
Finde ich gut. Das garantiert geradezu, dass nicht auch versehentlich ein fhiger Mensch durchrutscht bei den Einstellungen. Denn wer will denn bitte bei einer Firma arbeiten, die die Mitarbeiterselektion einer "KI" berlsst?

Es knnte keine verdientere Firma treffen, wenn ihr mich fragt.

Der Einsender kommentiert:

Wenn Marx das gewusst htte, wie der Kapitalismus konkret endete ...

Wenn in Utah die Tage die Revolution ausbricht, knnte ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wenn in Utah die Tage die Revolution ausbricht, knnte es Samenstau gewesen sein :-)

In response to a new law that requires porn sites to verify users ages, Pornhub has completely disabled its websites for people located in Utah.

Lacher des Tages: Kanada schreibt jetzt gesetzlich ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Lacher des Tages: Kanada schreibt jetzt gesetzlich eine Quote an "Kanada-Content" fr Streamingdienste in Kanada vor.

Wartet, das ist noch nicht der Lacher.

Die Pornobranche so: Das betrifft auch uns!

Ich kam zu dem Artikel, weil mir jemand diesen Link schickte, der sich auch wie eine Satire liest. Eine von Kirchenfunktionren gegrndete Anti-Porno-Kreuzzug-Lobbygruppe namens NCOSE (hie bis vor ein paar Jahren "Morality in Media", I kid you not!) hat jetzt eine Kampagne gestartet, um Reddit pornofrei zu zensieren. Da wrde man ja erstmal sagen: Viel Glck. Aber vor ein paar Jahren gelang ein hnlicher Coup mit Tumblr, an das sich die lteren unter euch noch erinnern werden. Die Site war danach tot.


From Sketchy Balloting To Shady Funding, New Montana Laws Say No To Rigged Elections "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Welcome to Montana signGov. Greg Gianforte signed a series of bills banning the use of outside private money and ranked choice voting in Montana elections.


Making Press Freedom a Reality in Somalia "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

World Press Freedom Day, commemorated today, 3 May 2023, highlights the vital role played by journalists and news media organizations in furthering social development and ensuring that citizens enjoy their fundamental right to freedom of expression. This years chosen theme Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights sends out the clear message that, without this freedom, human rights cannot be guaranteed.

To mark World Press Freedom Day, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) appeals to the Federal Government of Somalia, as a duty-bearer, to set a positive precedent by taking swift action to implement the key benchmarks for press freedom and freedom of expression that are enshrined in the countrys Provisional Constitution. We hereby call on the Government to:

1. Declare, as a matter of urgency, a moratorium on the arbitrary arrest and prosecution of journalists for carrying out their professional duties. Historically, working journalists have been taken to court under an obsolete penal code which is inconsistent with the Provisional Constitution and with Somalias international human rights obligations. The moratorium should remain in place until the penal code has been fully reformed.

2. Enact an Access to Information Law as stipulated in Article 32 of the Provisional Constitution and in line with the African Union Model Law on Access to Information. Although access to information is an inalienable democratic right of all Somali citizens and is essential to Somalias successful transition to democracy, no progress has been made in developing the necessary legislation since the Provisional Constitution was adopted more than 10 years ago.

3. Break the cycle of impunity associated with crimes committed against journalists and hold perpetrators to account by empowering the Office of the Special Prosecutor to conduct credible investigations into such crimes and, thereby, ensure that all guilty parties are brought to justice.

Drawing on our deep knowledge of the immense challenges faced by journalists in Somalia, we urge all key stakeholders to lend their support to making press freedom a reality for the media community in Somalia and unlocking its potential to promote full respect for human rights.



Israels fault lines and the loss of a Jewish humanity "IndyWatch Feed War"

A photo of Thomas Friedman (right), juxtaposed next to a a photo of Hannah Arendt (left)Thomas Friedmans condemnation of Netanyahus judicial overhaul is based on the false premise that the Israeli judicial system protects democracy. It never has for the millions of Palestinians under colonial rule.


NLC, TUC Strike Causes Electrical Power Outage In Imo "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The strike embarked upon by the Organized Labour under the aegis of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) in Imo State, have cut off the states energy supply. The Enugu Energy Distribution Company Plc (EEDC) Head of Corporate Communication, Emeka Ezeh disclosed in a statement issued on Wednesday. According to []

The post NLC, TUC Strike Causes Electrical Power Outage In Imo appeared first on New Telegraph.


Hackers are taking advantage of the interest in generative AI to install Malware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Threat actors are using the promise of generative AI like ChatGPT to deliver malware, Facebook parent Meta warned.

Threat actors are taking advantage of the huge interest in generative AI like ChatGPT to trick victims into installing malware, Meta warns. The hackers attempt to trick victims into installing malicious apps and browser extensions on their devices.

In March, security experts at Meta found multiple malware posing as ChatGPT or similar AI tools.

Since March alone, our security analysts have found around 10 malware families posing as ChatGPT and similar tools to compromise accounts across the internet. For example, weve seen threat actors create malicious browser extensions available in official web stores that claim to offer ChatGPT-related tools. reads the Metas Q1 2023 Security Reports. In fact, some of these malicious extensions did include working ChatGPT functionality alongside the malware. This was likely to avoid suspicion from the stores and from users.

The company detected and blocked over 1,000 unique malicious URLs from being shared on its apps.

Meta also shared their findings with industry peers and other players in the cyber defense community.

The rapid evolution of generative AI space is attracting threat actors, for this reason, Meta recommends being vigilant on the evolution of the threat landscape.

ChatGPT is the new crypto. said Meta Chief Information Security Officer Guy Rosen.

Meta also revealed that its research teams are working on the adoption of generative AI to detect and block online influence campaigns.

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Cops Raid Swedish VPN Provider Only to Find Out There's No 'There' There "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cops Raid Swedish VPN Provider Only to Find Out There's No 'There' There

Cops Raid Swedish VPN Provider Only To Find Out There's No 'There' There:

[...] So, it always gives me pleasure to learn that cops armed with court orders approached a privacy oriented tech company only to find out the stuff they wanted didn't actually exist at the place they searched. Due diligence is a thing, investigators. Your boilerplate is obviously false if you've claimed (based on "training and expertise") that the place you want to search contains the information you wish to obtain.

That's the case here. A Swedish VPN provider was raided by local law enforcement, but was unable to produce any of the information officers were searching for... something officers might have realized prior to the search if they'd bothered to read the terms of service. Here's Michael Kan with the details for PC World:

The company today reported that Swedish police had issued a search warrant two days earlier to investigate Mullvad VPN's office in Gothenburg, Sweden. "They intended to seize computers with customer data," Mullvad said.

However, Swedish police left empty-handed. It looks like Mullvad's own lawyers stepped in and pointed out that the company maintains a strict no-logging policy on customer data. This means the VPN service will abstain from collecting a subscriber's IP address, web traffic, and connection timestamps, in an effort to protect user privacy. (It's also why Mullvad VPN is among our most highly ranked VPN services.)

If the cops had run a search of Mullvad's website before running a physical search of its offices, it might have discovered the stuff they swore would be found there actually wouldn't be found on Mullvad's premises. It's not like it's that difficult to find:

There is a law to collect user data in India and other countries. Does this affect Mullvad?

Mullvad does not collect user data. Mullvad is based in Sweden and none of the Swedish regulations (


Depleted Uranium: Courts Accept Cancer Risk Denied by Army "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Journalism is Not a Crime "IndyWatch Feed War"

May 3 marks the 30th anniversary of Press Freedom Day, inaugurated in 1993 by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) with support from the United Nations (UNESCO). RSFs original 1991 report provided a round-up of journalists killed throughout the world and laid the groundwork for what eventually became the Press Freedom Index, which now ranks freedom of the press in some 180 countries. Each year since 1993, this index is published on Press Freedom Day.

For the last two years, the United States ranked 44th and 42nd respectively on the Press Freedom Index, and in 2020the year of the George Floyd murder and major Black Lives Matter protests, not to mention a contentious presidential electionthe US ranked 45th and found itself listed as one of the most dangerous places in the world for journalists. Press Freedom Tracker, an initiative led by the Freedom of the Press Foundation and the Committee to Protect Journalists, catalogued hundreds of attacks on reporters including physical assaults, arrests and detentions, along with the wanton destruction of their cameras, phones, and other equipment.

Trevor Timm, executive director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, noted that more than 80 percent of these violations of the First Amendment were committed by law enforcement officers. The overall and ongoing challenges journalists face here and around the globe are serious cause for alarm.

Journalism is Not a Crime

In a stunning display of hypocrisy, reported by Marjorie Cohn for Truthout, US President Joe Biden recently called out Russia for its arrest and detention on espionage charges of the Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who is stationed in Moscow. On April 29th, Biden attended the annual White House Correspondents Dinner, where he denounced Russias actions and stated that journalism is not a crime. US Senate leaders echoed this sentiment in rare bipartisan fashion. Yet, Bidens own administration, like Donald Trumps before him, continues to doggedly pursue the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange under the Espionage Act. Assange has languished in a British prison the past four yearsall for publishing factual documentation of US war crimes and misconduct that span nearly two decades.

While a handful of members of Congress have called for dropping cha...


Hope 2 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I love when seedlings are at that point where you can still see how the seed was constructed. Monocot or dicot, and all that.

Genovese basil

I maybe planted more basil in that pot than I should have, so Ill probably rip a few of them out by their roots and eat them, as they get bigger.


Grow my little children, all the better to eat you. Or something.

Thai peppers

This year I need to figure out if I have to somehow pollenate those little fellows. When they get bigger, though.

The weather here has been unusual, which I suppose is the new usual normal springtime but then maybe an ice storm or frost. I didnt try to collect maple syrup because the maple trees had no idea when to bud, and I didnt want to start tormenting them for sap, because they had sufficient problems on their own. Also, collecting sap is a great big pain in the butt, and so is boiling it down, and filtering it. Its all a great big pain in the butt.


Superlawyer Robert Barnes The Real History of Robert Kennedy Jr. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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THURSDAY NIGHT ~ Inflation Reduction Act Roadshow (5/4/23) "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Learn about this important legislation that affects all of us .

Inflation Reduction Act Roadshow set for Thursday, May 4th @ 6 PM

Dear Friends and Concerned Citizens ~ Calling all folks near Morgantown!

This Thursday, May 4th at 6:00PM, come visit us at the IRA Roadshow! Join this free informational event to learn about how individuals, municipalities, and organizations in West Virginia can benefit from millions of dollars of investments contained in the Inflation Reduction Act.

Last summer, Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act which includes historic investments in clean energy, energy efficiency, and community development initiatives.

At these events, community members and elected officials will have the opportunity to learn from experts from around the state about how to put these investments to use in homes and communities.

WHAT: FREE informational event

WHEN: Thursday, May 4th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm

WHERE: Sincerest United Methodist, 479 Van Voorhis Rd, Morgantown WV 26505

RSVP now to engage in this opportunity in northern West Virginia.

WV New Jobs Coalition is a coalition advocating for stronger communities for a brighter future here in West Virginia. Join us as we work to move state and federal policies to improve climate, healthcare, jobs and justice for all in West Virginia.

Join our Mailing List Donate Volunteer Share Your Vision for WV

WV New Jobs Coalition is a growing campaign made up of: American Friends Service Committee of WV, Common Defense of WV, WV Working Families Party, Sierra Club of WV, SEIU District 1199, West Virginia Citizen Action Group and more!


Russian Strikes Across Frontlines Destroy Hundreds of Tons of Ukrainian Munitions: Attrition Limiting Ukraines Ability to Sustain War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Framework Provides New Details On Its Upgradeable/DIY AMD Ryzen Laptop "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Back in March Framework Laptop announced an AMD Ryzen upgradeable laptop model but were initially light on details. Today they've revealed more information on this forthcoming product as well as opening up pre-orders...


Disarm the IRS, De-Militarize the Bureaucracy, and Dismantle the Standing Army "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Cropped 3 May 2023: Record ocean heat; Meat advertising tactics; East African drought "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Welcome to Carbon Briefs Cropped. 
We handpick and explain the most important stories at the intersection of climate, land, food and nature over the past fortnight.

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Scientists have raised the alarm over unprecedented ocean heat. Since mid-March, global sea surface temperatures have been higher than at any time since records began in the 1980s, fuelling concerns about the pace of human-caused warming.

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  • Sign up to Carbon Brief's free "Cropped" email newsletter. A fortnightly digest of food, land and nature news and views. Sent to your inbox every other Wednesday.

The meat and dairy industry is trying to present a greener, friendlier image through different advertising methods including some borrowed from Big Oil according to two recent articles published by the climate-focused investigative outlet DeSmog. 

Much of east Africa continues to be gripped by devastating drought, with aid agencies reporting that one person is dying of hunger every 30 seconds in the region. An analysis found that the drought was made at least 100 times more likely by climate change.

Key developments

Unseen ocean heat

UNCHARTED TERRITORY: Since mid-March, global average sea surface temperatures have been higher than at any time since records began in 1982, fuelling concerns that Earth is entering uncharted territory because of climate change, the Guardian reported. Global sea surface temperatures reached 21.1C at the start of April, topping the previous high of 21C in April 2016, according to data from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The Guardian added that these temperatures typically dip towards the end of April after reaching their annual peak in March or early April, but that temperatures have remained high this year for...


N52m Anambra Swimming Pool Abandoned As Rodents/Reptiles Take Over Facilities "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The over N52 million Olympic size Anambra Swimming Pool constructed three years ago by the state government has become a recluse of its initial self following the abandonment of the facility. Recall that the swimming pool was constructed in 2020 for the 12th Biennial Police Games held between February 29 and March 2nd that year. []

The post N52m Anambra Swimming Pool Abandoned As Rodents/Reptiles Take Over Facilities appeared first on New Telegraph.


How Pfizer Bribes Led to Vaccine Mandates "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post How Pfizer Bribes Led to Vaccine Mandates appeared first on Global Research.


Americas Obesity Epidemic Thins Out Pool of Potential US Army Recruits "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sputnik 03.05.2023

In one of its worst years ever, the US Armys official figures showed that it failed to reach last years goal of 60,000 new recruits, falling short by about 15,000.

It looks as if the US Army wont be able to live up to its recruitment expectations this year, since a considerable number of prospects simply cannot cut the mustard.

Speaking at a congressional hearing this week, US Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth said they are not going to make the projected goal of 65,000 new soldiers.

We are doing everything we can to get as close to it as possible; we are going to fall short, she noted.

According to local press reports, the US Army had also missed its recruitment target of 60,000 last year, falling short by about 15,000 active-duty recruits.

This trend is due to the considerable number of prospective recruits turning out to be unfit for service, or either failing the entrance exam meant to gauge their intelligence or being too overweight to serve, one US media outlet revealed.

Only about 23% of Americans aged 17 to 24 can meet the Armys expectations, the media outlet notes, citing Pentagon figures.


Hold the Line: A Feature Interview with Canada Truckers Leader Tamara Lich "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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What China Is Really Playing at in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Pending WW III Resolution in Congress to Defend Ukraine Against Russia "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Rerunning Bidens Blunderland, Im Running for Reelection "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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AIbom Gives 3-Week Ultimatum To Contractors To Complete Projects "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Akwa Ibom State Government has given some school project contractors 29 days ultimatum to complete all pending projects assigned to them or face sanctions. The matching order was given on Wednesday by the Executive Chairman of the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB), Rt. Hon. Anietie Etuk during an emergency meeting with the contractors []

The post AIbom Gives 3-Week Ultimatum To Contractors To Complete Projects appeared first on New Telegraph.


2.4 Million Participate in May Day Demonstrations Across France "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Obamas Broken Promises in Afghanistan "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Raspberry Pi OS Updated - Now Powered By Linux 6.1 LTS, Updated libcamera "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

their Debian Linux based distribution currently built atop the Debian 11 "Bullseye" base...


You can now use passkeys to login into your Google account "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Users can now create passkeys for their Google account, the company has announced on Wednesday. Passkeys will enable users to sign in to their Google account on all major platforms and browsers with their fingerprint, face recognition, or a local PIN. The advantages of using a passkey A passkey is a digital key that is linked to a user account and a website or app. It lets users prove who they are without needing to More

The post You can now use passkeys to login into your Google account appeared first on Help Net Security.


The Battle Against Bewitchment: Upsetting Settled Minds "IndyWatch Feed World"

Gary Z McGee, Contributor
Waking Times

Philosophical thinking that doesnt do violence to ones settled mind is no philosophical thinking at all. ~Rebecca Goldstein

Comfort zones are a curious thing. So warm and secure. So safe and reassuring. So satisfying and certain. Beliefs have a similar effect on us. Especially the core beliefs that we take for granted. But beliefs are comfort zones with reinforced invulnerability; or, at least, the illusion of it.

Such reinforcements are like prison bars that most of us are not even aware of. Were so completely indoctrinated, so utterly pre-programmed, that we dont even know that we dont know that weve been conditioned to blindly believe in something simply because enough people convinced us it was true.

The problem with reinforced comfort zones is that there is no growth. A regular comfort zone, you can stretch. A reinforced comfort zone, youre usually not even aware it needs to be stretched. A regular comfort zone allows for trial and error, it allows for questioning, and so there is at least potential for self-improvement and self-overcoming. But a reinforced comfort zone does not allow for trial and error. It doesnt allow for blasphemous questioning, because it is taken for granted as already perfect or simply the way it is.

Regular comfort zones can be healthy, giving us a safe haven, a place where we can heal and lick our wounds. But reinforced comfort zones are unnecessary safety nets based upon fear (of God, the Unknown, Death) placation, and self-pity. Its a place where cognitive dissonance rules and any notion of attempting to think outside the box is met with: You simply need to have faith in the box.

The Battle Against Bewitchment:

Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language. ~Ludwig Wittgenstein

Self-Inflicted Philosophy is at the forefront of the battle against bewitchment. Self-inflicted philosophy is about upsetting settled minds. Its about toppling the reinforced comfort zones of blind belief. Its about flattening the box that everyone talks a big game about thinking outside of but when it really comes down to it, they cling to the box...


Development Release: Dragora GNU/Linux-Libre 3.0 Beta 2 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Dragora GNU/Linux-Libre is a distribution created from scratch with the intention of providing a stable, multi-platform and multi-purpose operating system. It is built upon 100% free software. The project has published its second beta release for which....


Importance of Culture to an Event Company "IndyWatch Feed World"

The success of any event company is heavily tied to its ability to understand and appreciate the cultural nuances associated with hosting an event. As an event planner, having a solid understanding of different cultures can make or break your reputation as a successful host. Not only does it make for happier attendees, but it also leads to higher customer satisfaction rates that generate repeat business and referrals from clients who were pleased with the service they received.

Cultural understanding allows you to deliver events tailored specifically for each clients unique needs while demonstrating respect for differing values, beliefs and customs. In this blog post, well explore why culture is so important when running an event company and provide three examples on how you can incorporate culture into planning your events.

What is Culture and How Does It Relate to Event Planning?


Culture is a complex concept that refers to the shared set of beliefs, values, customs, practices, and behaviors of a particular group or society. It influences the way people interact with one another, their attitudes toward different issues, and their overall worldview.

When it comes to event planning, understanding the cultural background of your attendees is crucial in ensuring that the event is not only enjoyable but also respectful and appropriate. Incorporating cultural elements such as food, music, and decor can create a unique and memorable experience for attendees.

On the other hand, failing to acknowledge cultural differences can result in unintentional offense and a negative impact on the event. Therefore, it is essential to hire corporate event planners you can count on.

Understanding Your Audience Through Cultural Awareness

In our diverse world, understanding your audience through cultural awareness has become more important than ever. Taking the time to understand different cultures, customs, and beliefs can help you connect wi...


It's May and snowing in high-altitude areas of Himachal Pradesh, India - up to a foot deep "IndyWatch Feed World"

It's May and the high-altitude areas of Himachal Pradesh are still receiving snowfall, making the hill destinations more picturesque. The unseasonal precipitation in the state has pushed down the mercury by several notches, weather experts said on Wednesday. Tourist spots near Shimla like Kufri and Narkanda have experienced moderate to heavy rains. However, nearby destinations of Manali and Kalpa, 250 km from the capital, witnessed mild spells of snow. According to HP Traffic, Tourists and Railways Police, heavy snowfall in the Chanshil area blocked roads with one feet snow. "Two JCBs deployed to clear snow and 30 vehicles stranded. Efforts are underway to clear the snow from the road surface," it said.


An Age Old Battle: Collectivism Versus Liberty "IndyWatch Feed World"

April 4th, 2023 By Ethan Indigo Smith Contributing writer for Wake Up World You are in an institution and there are many institutions around you. We all exist in national institutions and are surrounded by institutions within our nation. Institutions exist because of individuals, and yet sometimes become more important in the minds of individuals than other []

The post An Age Old Battle: Collectivism Versus Liberty first appeared on Wake Up World.


Barcodes Enter the Matrix in 2027 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Beep. Weve come a long way since June 26, 1974 when the first bar code was scanned at a grocery store in Troy, Ohio. That legendary pack of Juicy Fruit proved that even the smallest of items could now carry numbers associated with inventory and price.

By now, were all too familiar with this sound as self-checkouts have become the norm. Whereas you yourself could at one time literally check out during the transaction, you must now be on your toes and play find the bar code on every item.

What does the consumer gain from the bar code today? Practically nothing, except the chance to purchase, and potentially return, the item without too much hassle. Well, the non-profit outfit that runs the bar code world GS1 US wants to change all that. By 2027, they are confident that all 1D bar codes will be replaced with 2D bar codes similar to QR codes. Why?

Sunrise, Sunset: 2027

In a worldwide initiative called...

Wednesday, 03 May


Diphtheria: Nigeria Records 557 Cases, 73 Deaths WHO "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Since the start of 2023, at least 557 confirmed cases of diphtheria have been found in Nigerias 21 states. The World Health Organization study who revealed this on Wednesday said the number of fatalities has also increased to 73, with a case-fatality ratio of 13%. According to WHO, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and []

The post Diphtheria: Nigeria Records 557 Cases, 73 Deaths WHO appeared first on New Telegraph.


Vanta Vendor Risk Management automates security reviews and remediates issues "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Vanta launched Vendor Risk Management (VRM) solution, enabling organizations to accelerate, automate and simplify third-party vendor security reviews and due diligence. Featuring vendor auto-discovery and continuous vendor assessment and remediation workflows, Vantas VRM offering significantly reduces the time and costs for security experts and novices alike to review, manage and report on third-party vendor risk. The era of app overload Application proliferation is on the rise as organizations grapple with uncovering and securing hundreds of More

The post Vanta Vendor Risk Management automates security reviews and remediates issues appeared first on Help Net Security.


Gov. Emmanuel Felicitates Journalists On World Press Freedom Day "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Akwa Ibom State Governor, Udom Emmanuel, has felicitated the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) Akwa Ibom State Council, on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day. In a press release issued by his Chief Press Secretary and Senior Special Assistant on Media, Ekerete Udoh, Governor Emmanuel lauded the robust relationship that has existed between the []

The post Gov. Emmanuel Felicitates Journalists On World Press Freedom Day appeared first on New Telegraph.


When South Africa came close to civil war "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

During the time that I was a student in Sri Lanka, South Africa was an apartheid state. Nelson Mandela was an iconic figure for us as a freedom fighter, along with Che Guevara, but he had been languishing in prison since 1962, his arrest reportedly facilitated by the CIA. (The US for a long time supported the apartheid state of South Africa while giving lip service to human rights.) White supremacy was so deeply entrenched that I thought it would never yield unless there was a violent uprising by the Black and colored population that would result in enormous bloodshed. I expected Mandela to die in prison. So the peaceful transition to a democracy that resulted in majority rule and Mandela being elected president was one of the big surprises that taught me that one should never discount the possibility of things turning out better than one might have realistically expected.

The architects of that transition were Mandela and F. W. de Klerk, the president of that apartheid regime. de Klerk had the foresight to see that apartheid had to end one way or the other and that it was better to be part of the transition than being forced out. He saw the writing on the wall more clearly than his white predecessor presidents and so he released Mandela from prison in 1990.

I was in the US at the time and I recall being glued to the TV that was broadcasting live from the gates of the prison, waiting for the moment that Mandela walked out to freedom. I still remember that moment when he came out, not the shabby and beaten figure that one might have expected given his long stint in Robben Island prison, but elegant, striding out in a dignified manner wearing a natty suit and his trademark beaming smile. I had told my two daughters to watch with me even though they were far too young to appreciate the significance of the event, because I told them that it was a historic moment. (Recently I asked them if they remembered that moment and they said that while they could not remember the details of what they saw, they do remember me telling them that what was happening on the TV was really, really important and that they should watch. That may be the only time I ever told them that they should watch TV.)

After Mandela was released, there were negotiations between de Klerks government and the African National Congress that Mandela had led even while in prison about how to make the transition. While those talks were never easy (de Klerk faced pressure from die hard Afrikaners to resist giving in to the ANCs demands and similarly Mandela faced pressure from his more militant supporters to not yield anything to the government) they managed to keep talking and making progress.

Then came a crisis. Two racist white South Africans shot dead Chris Hani in the street just outside his home. Hani was the general secretary of the Communist...


International Far-Right Fight Night Comes to Budapest "IndyWatch Feed War"

This weekend, Budapest is due to play host to an event that far-right extremists have bragged online will be the biggest radical nationalist event since coronavirus. 

Scheduled for 6 May, the organisers of European Fight Night boast that the event in the Hungarian capital will feature up to 15 combat sports fights with participants from 12 different countries. 

According to social media posts promoting the event, it will also play host to concerts and opportunities to buy merchandise from far-right fashion brands. Yet despite the publicity push, secrecy remains a priority. Similar events in Germany have previously been banned. Organisers have also stated attendees wont be allowed to take photos or videos, and that theyll kick out anyone who does or who shares the exact location of the event.

Observers have long sounded the alarm on the international far rights use of combat sports to train up for physical confrontation and prepare for attacks against their perceived foes.

Some experts like Robert Claus, who wrote a book on the far-right martial arts scene, even say that combat sports events like European Fight Night also help facilitate international networking and recruitment.

Past research by anti-facist groups has linked the organisers of European Fight Night to some of the most secretive far-right extremist groups in Europe including violent neo-Nazi groups that have been banned in several countries. One of the organisers of European Fight Night has even discussed links to local chapters of these banned groups in previous media interviews.

Meet the Organisers

European Fight Night, at least publicly, presents itself as having three primary organisers: Hungarys Legio Hungaria, Germanys Kampf der Nibelungen (Battle of the Nibelungs), and Pride France. 

In a video released on multiple Telegram channels on February 27, members of each of the three main organising groups appeared side by side to promote the Budapest event and encourage their far-right comrades a...


EPL: Guardiola Throws Jibes At Arsenal "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Arsenal sit top of the Premier League table with two points clear of Man City, though the reigning champions retain two games in hand. The expectation is Man City will win enough of their remaining games to clinch a third successive title, while Arsenal could end the season having spent a record number of days []

The post EPL: Guardiola Throws Jibes At Arsenal appeared first on New Telegraph.


Google Introduces Passwordless Secure Sign-In with Passkeys for Google Accounts "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Almost five months after Google added support for passkeys to its Chrome browser, the tech giant has begun rolling out the passwordless solution across Google Accounts on all platforms. Passkeys, backed by the FIDO Alliance, are a more secure way to sign in to apps and websites without having to use a traditional password. This, in turn, can be achieved by simply unlocking their computer or


ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus adds offline MFA to improve remote work security "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

ManageEngine announced that its identity security solution, ADSelfService Plus, now offers offline MFA for Windows. This new feature allows organizations to secure their data with next-gen authentication methods that prevent unsecured access to remote machines even when they are disconnected from the internet or when the authentication server is inaccessible. Offline MFA greatly improves the security posture of organizations by allowing users to access their machines only after confirming their identity using MFA, even if More

The post ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus adds offline MFA to improve remote work security appeared first on Help Net Security.


Illinois interstate crash involving 72 vehicles leaves six dead, more than 30 injured: 'Horrific' "IndyWatch Feed World"

One of the six people killed in the crash has been identified as an 88-year-old woman. A massive car crash involving 72 vehicles in Farmersville, Illinois, Monday morning left at least six people dead and 37 people injured, police said. According to Illinois State Police, the surviving victims - whose ages ranged between 2 years and 80 years old - were transported to local hospitals with various injuries. Some of whom are said to be in critical condition. "At 10:55 a.m. there was a crash on northbound Interstate 55 at Milepost 76. At the same time, there were numerous crashes on southbound Interstate 55 at Milepost 76. The crashes occurred within a two-mile stretch from roughly Milepost 76 to Milepost 78," the police statement read.


DeSantis signs bill to authorise death penalty for child rapists in Florida "IndyWatch Feed World"

"We think that in the worst of the worst cases, the only appropriate punishment is the ultimate punishment." Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation Monday that will allow convicted child rapists to be given the death penalty, a move that will likely trigger a confrontation in the U.S. Supreme Court. Florida lawmakers passed HB1297 last month, paving the way for rapists of children under the age of 12 to be sentenced to execution without jury unanimity.


Erik Ten Hag Challenges Garnacho To Fight For His Place "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Manchester United Manager, Erik Ten Hag wants Alejandro Garnacho to challenge for a regular starting spot as the 18-year-old returns from injury. Garnacho was named last seasons Jimmy Murphy Young Player of the Year after playing a key role in Uniteds FA Youth Cup triumph and went on to make his first-team debut in April. []

The post Erik Ten Hag Challenges Garnacho To Fight For His Place appeared first on New Telegraph.


US Double Standards On World Press Freedom Day "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The following article was made possible by paid subscribers. Support independent journalism on whistleblowers and press freedom and become a subscriber with this special World Press Freedom Day offer.

For the United States government, World Press Freedom Day is an opportunity to further project an image of the U.S. as a supposed champion of journalism and human rights. But that projection is muddied greatly by the prosecution against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

An event was hosted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) at the UN headquarters in New York. It marked the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day.

Dr. Agns Callamard, the secretary general for Amnesty International, called attention to the double standard of so-called democratic countries while discussing challenges to protecting press freedom.

It is not just what is happening in Iran or in Russia that should worry us, although it should worry us a lot. It is also what is happening here [in the U.S.], Callamard said. Who is imprisoning Julian Assange? Who is creating more laws to curtail the freedom to protest? All of those indicators and trends are occurring within the so-called democracies of the world.

Callamard added, Sadly, the playbook of autocracy, of control over conscience, of control over speech, has been well-learned by our so-called democratic leaders.

President Joe Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have wielded the playbook of autocracy through deliberate acts of omissionby consistently dodging any attempts by reporters or civil society leaders to hold them accountable for pursuing the Assange case.

At the White House Correspondents Dinner on April 29, Biden highlighted Russias detention of Evan Gershkovich and the abduction of Austin Tice in Syria over a decade ago.

Then Biden proclaimed, Tonight, our message is this: Journalism is not a crime.

However, that message seems fraudulent as the U.S. government remains committed to prosecuting Assange and keeps him in jail.

Assange has been a target of surveillance and subject to some form of arbitrary detention for more than a decade. The journalism he oversaw as WikiLeaks editor-in-chief, which involved publishing classified documents from the U.S. government, effectively made him a target.

Last year, Blinken uttered the following on World Press Fre...


Voyager as Technosignature "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Voyager as Technosignature

Heres an image that brings out the philosopher in me, or maybe the poet. Its Voyager 1, as detected by a new processing system called COSMIC, now deployed at the Very Large Array west of Socorro, New Mexico. Conceived as a way of collecting data in the search for technosignatures, COSMIC (Commensal Open-Source Multimode Interferometer Cluster) taps data from the ongoing VLASS (Very Large Array Sky Survey) project and shunts them into a receiver designed to spot narrow channels, on the order of one hertz wide, to spot possible components of a technosignature.

Technosignatures fire the imagination as we contemplate advanced civilizations going about their business and the possibility of eavesdropping upon them. But for me, the image below conjures up thoughts of human persistence and a gutsy engagement with the biggest issues we face. Why are we here, and where exactly are we in the galaxy? In the cosmos? Spacecraft like the Voyagers were part of the effort to explore the Solar System, but they now push into realms not intended by their designers. And here we have the detection of doughty Voyager 1, still working the mission, somehow still sending us priceless information.

Image: The detection of the Voyager I spacecraft using the COSMIC instrument on the VLA. Launched in 1977, the Voyager I spacecraft is now the most distant piece of human technology ever sent into space, currently around 14.8 billion miles from Earth. Voyagers faint radio transmitter is difficult to detect even with the largest telescopes, and represents an ideal human technosignature for testing the performance of SETI instruments. The detection of Voyagers downlink gives the COSMIC team high confidence that the system can detect similar artificial transmitters potentially arising from distant extraterrestrial civilizations. Credit: SETI Institute.

Voyager 1 is thus a dry run for a technosignature detection, and COSMIC is said to offer a sensitivity a thousand times more comprehensive than any previous SETI search. The detection is unmistakable, combining and verifying the operation of the individual antennas that comprise the array to show the carrier signal and sideband transmissions from the spacecraft. The most distant of all human-made objects, Voyager 1 is now 24 billion kilometers from home. For one participant in COSMIC, the space...


Kievs counterattack unlikely to succeed due to excessive casualties "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Lucas Leiroz | May 3, 2023

Ukrainian plans to launch a counteroffensive look rather difficult to implement. At a meeting of Russian top military officials held on May 2nd, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu reported the official assessments on Ukrainian casualties during the last month. The government estimates that more than 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers were killed or seriously wounded in April. According to Shoigu, Kiev is unable to prevent its troops from suffering serious damage on the frontlines, despite unprecedented military assistance by Western powers.

The Russian data comes amid a scenario of collective skepticism about the possibility of Kiev reversing the military scenario of the conflict. More and more Western public opinion seems skeptical about a Ukrainian victory, considering that the territorial losses of Kievs troops are notorious and that the Russians are increasingly advancing towards the complete liberation of the territories reintegrated to the Federation. Now, with the release of this data about the number of casualties, the tendency is for this skepticism to increase, which complicates the Western war plans.

The big Western media outlets have been reacting to this situation through a kind of damage control partially admitting that things are not going well in Ukraine, but suggesting that if more weapons are sent, the scenario could change. Some journalists use the rhetoric that there is a supposed counteroffensive plan to be implemented sometime this season, which would allegedly allow Ukrainian troops to achieve a major territorial advance, expelling the Russians even from peaceful territories such as Crimea. But the existence of data like this one revealed by the Russian Ministry makes it difficult to believe in the possibility of such a move.

Although the mainstream media tends to prevent the spread of information about Ukrainian problems, it will be difficult to stop the collective skepticism, as this is not the first time that numbers informing about the catastrophic situation of the Ukrainian forces have been revealed. On several occasions in recent months, reports on this subject have appeared. Included in the recent wave of leaked documents was a Pentagon assessment that between 124,000 and 131,000 Ukrainian soldiers were killed by Russian forces. In estimates made by other intelligence agencies, there are even higher figures, with some reports giving statistics as high as 200,000 to 300,000 Ukrainian casualties. These reports circulate freely on the internet, so, as much as there are attempts by mainstream media to censor the data, the multiplicity of sources makes this work really difficult.

As expected, the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev continues to deny all these reports and claim its ability to carry on the fight. In February, Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov stated that the nu...


Attackers are trying to exploit old DVR vulnerabilities (CVE-2018-9995, CVE-2016-20016) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Five years ago, security researcher Fernandez Ezequiel discovered a vulnerability (CVE-2018-9995) in many digital video recorder (DVR) brands and released a tool for exploiting it. The vulnerability is still being exploited in the wild, FortiGuard Labs warns: the companys intrusion prevention systems have registered 50,000+ unique exploitation attempts in the past month. About CVE-2018-9995 CVE-2018-9995 is an authentication bypass vulnerability that can be triggered with a simple exploit sent via a maliciously crafted HTTP cookie More

The post Attackers are trying to exploit old DVR vulnerabilities (CVE-2018-9995, CVE-2016-20016) appeared first on Help Net Security.


Chinese Hacker Group Earth Longzhi Resurfaces with Advanced Malware Tactics "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A Chinese state-sponsored hacking outfit has resurfaced with a new campaign targeting government, healthcare, technology, and manufacturing entities based in Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, and Fiji after more than six months of no activity. Trend Micro attributed the intrusion set to a cyber espionage group it tracks under the name Earth Longzhi, which is a subgroup within APT41 (aka HOODOO


Palestinian groups call for boycott of upcoming Marvel movie over character that represents the Israeli apartheid state "IndyWatch Feed War"

The cover of 1980s The Incredible Hulk #256, where the character Sabra was introduced.A number of Palestinian film and arts organizations are calling for a boycott of Marvel Studio's forthcoming Captain America movie over its inclusion of an Israeli superhero.


Study offers fresh hope for people living with chronic back pain "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Long-term sufferers of chronic back pain experienced dramatic reductions in pain and related disability that remained at their one-year follow-up after taking part in a new treatment tested by Curtin-Macquarie-Monash University research.

Published today in the journal The Lancet, the research found large clinically significant improvements in the intensity of pain and pain-related disability among almost 500 people who had been seeking help for their pain for an average of four years before trialing the new treatment.

The treatment, which delivered a health care and work productivity saving of more than $5,000 per person, took a whole-person approach by also helping people to make lifestyle changes aimed at improving their social and emotional health.


The worlds largest hydrogen-electric, propulsion-powered zero-emission aircraft "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Joe Nicholson-Alaska Airlines.

The retrofitted aircraft will expand the reach and applicability of zero emissions flight technology, further advancing the aviation industrys quest towards achieving net-zero carbon emissions.


Dashlane Passwordless Login eliminates the need to create a master password "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Dashlane introduced Passwordless Login, a technology that eliminates the need to create a master password to access Dashlane. The company was the first password manager to offer an extension that supports passkeys and this is the next step in that evolution. With Passwordless Login, users will be able to securely access their Dashlane account without having to create and remember a single password. As digital profiles have multiplied both professionally and personally, its become increasingly More

The post Dashlane Passwordless Login eliminates the need to create a master password appeared first on Help Net Security.


DARPA is making Nikola Teslas dream of wireless energy a reality "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

First of all, the environment has changed, and the need for more resilient energy transport methods for military operations is at a premium, explained Col. Paul Promo Calhoun to Popular Mechanics in an exclusive interview. American forces operate globally like the special operations units he resupplied as a C-17 cargo pilot, from outposts in the South China Sea to the Iraqi desert. Since there is no simple way to power them, many forces use their radars, anti-drone microwave weapons, lasers, or other energy-intensive equipment. And with each passing year, the severity of the issue increases.


Scientists Engineer Longevity in Cells With a Hack That Extends Lifespan "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Our cells naturally degrade over time, which is part of the reason were not as mobile and sprightly aged 80 as we are aged 8. Now scientists have figured out a way to boost cell lifespan and longevity using a synthetic genetic clock.

Researchers from the University of California San Diego based their findings on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, making it unlikely that humans might live forever any time soon but the team thinks that the work could be developed to eventually help the human body age in a healthier way.

By rewiring the yeast cells, the researchers were able to boost their lifespan by 82 percent on average. Its a promising development in the control of cellular aging and treating age-related conditions.


Card Skimmers and ATMs Used to Drain EBT Accounts in SoCal "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Waqas

Thirteen people have been arrested for allegedly stealing millions of dollars from low-income Southern California residents, according to

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BEST OF THE WEB: 26 inches of record snow wallops Michiganders in May: 'Feels like the never-ending winter' (UPDATE) "IndyWatch Feed World"

Winter just won't go away in parts of Michigan as some people are getting walloped on May 1st, more than a month after spring officially arrived. We're talking a foot and a half of snow in the Upper Peninsula with even more on the way. Long-time Yooper, Mandy Carlson Moebius, says she can't believe the amount of snow they've gotten in her Marquette County home of Ishpeming. She says the snow started falling around midnight and it was still coming down as of 7:00 p.m. with no end in sight. "This feels like the never-ending winter," Moebius frustratingly told MLive. "The snow was almost gone only to come back with a vengeance. We are so ready for spring to arrive."


Rise Of Skynet? Robot Dog Gets ChatGPT Brain "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden A team of artificial-intelligence engineers equipped a Boston Dynamics robot dog with OpenAIs ChatGPT and Googles Text-to-Speech voice, creating what could be...

Rise Of Skynet? Robot Dog Gets ChatGPT Brain


Security updates for Wednesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (avahi, kernel, linux-5.10, nodejs, webkit2gtk, and wpewebkit), Gentoo (chromium, google-chrome, microsoft-edge, dbus, dbus-broker, dhcp, firefox, firejail-lts, libapreq2, libsdl, libsdl2, lua, proftpd, python, PyPy3, sudo, syslog-ng, systemd, tor, uptimed, vim, and xfce4-settings), Oracle (emacs and libwebp), Red Hat (libwebp), Scientific Linux (libwebp), and SUSE (ceph, ffmpeg-4, git, pdns-recursor, and shim).


How to Dress for Success: Cycling Clothing Tips for Beginners "IndyWatch Feed World"

Cycling is an excellent form of exercise and an exciting way to explore the outdoors. Whether youre a seasoned cyclist or a beginner, choosing the right clothing is essential for a successful ride. Proper cycling clothing not only makes you look professional but also helps keep you comfortable and safe while cycling.

If youre new to cycling, it can be challenging to know where to start when it comes to dressing for success on a bike. In this article, well provide you with some tips on how to dress for success in cycling and ensure youre comfortable, safe, and look the part.

1. Choose the Right Jersey

A jersey is an essential piece of cycling clothing for any cyclist. Theyre made of moisture-wicking fabric that helps keep you dry and comfortable while cycling. Theyre also designed with a longer back to prevent them from riding up when youre leaning forward on your bike.

When choosing a jersey, look for one that fits snugly but isnt too tight. You dont want it to be so tight that it restricts your movement or feels uncomfortable. A good jersey should be comfortable and allow you to move freely while cycling.

2. Invest in Padded Shorts


Padded shorts may not be the most attractive item of clothing, but theyre a must-have for any cyclist. Theyre designed to provide cushioning to your sit bones and reduce friction, which can prevent chafing and saddle sores.

When choosing padded shorts, look for ones that fit well and have a good amount of padding. The padding should be thick enough to provide cushioning but not so thick that it feels bulky. If youre not comfortable with the tight-fitting lycra shorts, you can opt for baggy shorts with a removable padded liner.

3. Get the Right Shoes

Cycling shoes are another essential piece of clothing for any cyclist. Theyre designed...


Jealous Woman Stabs Pregnant Co-Wife To Death In Lagos "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A 42-year-old Fatima Rahman has been charged at the Ikoyi Custodial Centre over the murder of a co-wife identified as Adiza, at her residence in Alejo Street, Ijede, in the Ikorodu area of Lagos State. New Telegraph reports that the suspect who is from Chad Republic was prosecuted before Magistrate P. E Nwaka at a []

The post Jealous Woman Stabs Pregnant Co-Wife To Death In Lagos appeared first on New Telegraph.


Boy mauled to death by stray dogs in Uttar Pradesh, India "IndyWatch Feed World"

A 12-year-old boy was mauled to death by a pack of stray dogs in CB Ganj area in Uttar Pradesh's Bareilly. A child was also injured in the attack. The incident occurred on Tuesday when the canines attacked the victim, Ayaan, who was playing with his friends in Khana Gauntiya village. The boy ran for his life as the stray dogs went after him. However, he fell down on the ground, following which the dogs pounced on him and attacked him. Passers-by saw the boy being attacked by dogs and rescued him. He was rushed to a hospital but succumbed to his injuries.


Be Prepared for More Fake News, Cloned People and Manipulated Images "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Chris Burt The growing accessibility and power of deepfakes and generative AI are causing headaches for fraud prevention professionals and forensic investigators, and the...

Be Prepared for More Fake News, Cloned People and Manipulated Images


Cartoon Movement incorporates CartoonArts International "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Cartoon Movement US

Today is not only World Press freedom Day, it also marks the expansion of Cartoon Movement into the US. We eare officially taking over the activities of American syndicate CartoonArts International.

This means that starting today, we'll step in to provide content for the political cartoon categories formerly provided by CartoonArts, on GoComics. You can check them out here:

Views of the World

Cartoon Movement will also take over the existing clients of CartoonArts, and integrate the editorial cartoons and caricatures of CartoonArts and its global roster of artists into its platform.


7 dead, 37 hospitalized after blinding dust storm causes pileups on Illinois highway "IndyWatch Feed World"

The death from Monday's pileups in rural Illinois rose to seven, Illinois State Police said in a statement. "The severity of the crash masked the remains and what was previously believed to be the remains of one individual was two," the agency said. Officials said vehicles were so mangled, with some in flames immediately after the pileups, that criminal investigative techniques have been deployed to identify some of the victims. "Due to the severity of the crash and the fire, we have activated our crime scene services and traffic crash reconstruction units," state police said by email Tuesday. Thirty-seven other people, ages 2 to 80, were hospitalized with injuries from minor to life-threatening, Illinois State Police said earlier.


The Big Chill Will Save California from the Big Melt "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

But it now appears that the weather gods have decided to be kind, and meteorological salvation is now in California's future.

Watch: AMD openSIL For How AMD Is Working On Open-Source Firmware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

One of the most exciting open-source software announcements so far this year has been around AMD openSIL for providing open-source CPU silicon initialization that works with the likes of Coreboot. The video from the AMD openSIL announcement in Prague is now available for those interested in learning more about this AMD open-source firmware effort...


The Ultimate Guide to Hockey Memorabilia: What to Collect and How to Display It "IndyWatch Feed World"

Memorabilia are collectable items that remind of the greatest events in the history of any sport. Most sports enthusiasts are willing to pay a lot of money to collect memorable items that help them relive their most cherished sports moments.

Getting hold of authentic memorabilia is not an easy task. There are several organizations that can dupe you with false signatures. So if you are an ice hockey fan and want signed hockey memorabilia, do look for an original store that sells these collectables.

What All Can Be Considered As Ice Hockey Memorabilia

You may be a big fan of ice hockey; however, you may not know what exactly counts as collectables. So here are some common items that can be considered as memorabilia.

Hockey Sticks


The hockey stick with which your favorite players slide the puck and eventually score a goal is probably the most crucial element of the game. So the hockey stick of famous players is an item which is worth collecting. However, most people wish to buy those hockey sticks that have been used in some famous match or to score a splendid goal.

Also, you may want to get the autograph of the player who used that hockey stick so that the authenticity of that stick is verified. Having a signed hockey stick also has another advantage. If you ever wish to set up an exhibition of all the items that you have collected, the visitors to that exhibition will be more interested in seeing or purchasing things that have been signed by the players.

The Puck





The conference Activism is organized by the Centre for Comparative Migration Studies, the Centre for the Study of Democracy and the Department of Political Science of Babe-Bolyai University and will take place on 4 and 5 May 2023.

A call for contributions for presentations and panels was circulated in March. The signatories here organized ourselves and applied with two thematic panels: The resurgence of the Romanian far-right and anti-fascist counteraction and Decentering Westernization: activism in multispecies, decolonial and queer-feminist worlds of the semi-periphery.

Read More


UK-Caribbean Partnership Takes on Safe Bets, Confronts New Realities "IndyWatch Feed War"

Much as in 2021, when Whitehall released the Integrated Review 2021 (IR2021) ahead of the Tenth United Kingdom (UK)-Caribbean Ministerial Forum, just days prior to the eleventh such meeting to be held on May 18th in Jamaica, Whitehall has published the Integrated Review Refresh 2023 (IR2023). Just as IR2021 puts forward a single and contemporary whole-of-government strategy, which is complemented by numerous other strategies', IR2023 constitutes an update of relevant policy priorities. It treats holistically with the UKs national security, foreign and defence policy, and international development approach.

Accordingly, IR2023 will impact the broad sweep and orientation of the UKs external action in the Caribbean, including the 14 sovereign member states of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), as well as Cuba and the Dominican Republic.

It is not lost on CARICOM that IR2023 will inform Londons priorities in respect of the Eleventh Ministerial Forum, which will bring together UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office higher-ups (among others) and counterparts from Caribbean countries and UK Overseas Countries and Territories in the Caribbean. The Forums agenda is still to be finalized.

A May 16th to 17th meeting of the CARICOM Council for Foreign and Community Relations (COFCOR) is expected, among other things, to come up with a coordinated CARICOM position on the upcoming high-level, biennial UK-Caribbean dialogue. No doubt, IR2023 will occupy delegates attention at the COFCOR meeting, even as CARICOM is expected to seek to build on the current political accord and action plan between the two sides.




Russia's Wagner in Africa: Everywhere, All At Once. "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Is the US exaggerating Wagner's influence in Sudan as a pretext for more direct engagement? Since the Sudan civil war broke out last week, all major powers have been publicly signaling for peace and stability in the region. As one cease-fire after another collapses, Sudan has caught the world's attention as the next nation that has the capacity to fall into chaos similar to the civil wars that overtook Libya and Yemen. As the US, Russia, China, France, and other global powers increase their foreign involvement, regional conflicts become global affairs and fall into larger battles for international power and influence. Particularly, Africa has become a primary front for a new Cold War. The present instability of Sudan creates a window of opportunity for foreign alliances as they compete for credibility, natural resources, and regional influence. In US media, there is an orchestra of voices talking about a growing influence of Russian paramilitary organization Wagner in the Sudanese...


FULL LIST: Names Of Premier League Hall Of Fame "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Premier League Hall of Fame has continued to pay homage to former players and managers who have made outstanding contributions to the competition Premier League competition since its inception in 1992. Individuals who made this prestigious list are awarded a membership to the Premier League Hall of Fame, which recognises true greats of English top-flight []

The post FULL LIST: Names Of Premier League Hall Of Fame appeared first on New Telegraph.


Rerunning Bidens Blunderland "IndyWatch Feed War"

President Joseph Biden has done what many from his own party dreaded but dare not say. Last month, via a painful video, the aged Democrat declared his candidacy for a second term in the White House, branding himself a defender of US democracy. For a politician lacking the mettle of competence, awareness, and, at certain points, basic clarity of the world he inhabits, this was astonishing. The doddery are in; the young, or younger, are frowned upon as incapable of taking the mantle.

The result is a candidate being kept, like the Mikado, close at hand, let out on occasion to see some sunlight, but otherwise shut off from the world. Even when Biden is allowed out for his walk and scripted speech, his handlers only do so with a sense of dread: when will he slip or, as Hilary Clinton liked to call it, succumb to misstatement?

The New York Times was careful on the lead-up. Behind the scenes, advisers, and allies are weighing how soon the president should set in motion a re-election operation an announcement that will surprise no one but will signal the start of a challenging new phase of his presidency.

What an understatement. Most Democrat voters do not want a second Biden presidency. A vote cast his way will be done grudgingly, especially if the rival GOP candidate is Donald Trump. The machinery of the party is already getting ready to deny oxygen to fresher faces.

Biden does command a following, of sorts, though the thinking behind it is shallow. Ezra Klein, for instance, has decided that age is not quite the problem some claim it to be. The aging figure proved and keeps proving doubters like me wrong. He won the Democratic primary, even though voters had no shortage of fresher faces to choose from. He won the general election handily, despite Donald Trumps vaunted talents as an insult comic and a social media force. Klein goes on, with almost delusionary conviction: Voters seemed perfectly happy with Biden as a communicator.

One who could not disagree more with the idea of Biden 2.0 is Julian...


I never thought Id say I was grateful for Steven Crowder "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Hes such an unfunny, horrible, selfish little man, but I am thankful that he has taught me about another plank of the conservative agenda: they want to abolish no-fault divorce. I had no idea! I assumed this was a safe and entirely reasonable right!

Steven Crowder, the right-wing podcaster, is getting a divorce. No, this was not my choice, Crowder told his online audience last week. My then-wife decided that she didnt want to be married anymore and in the state of Texas, that is completely permitted.

Crowders emphasis on the state of Texas makes it sound like the Lone Star State is an outlier, but all 50 states and the District of Columbia have no-fault divorce laws on the books laws that allow either party to walk away from an unhappy marriage without having to prove abuse, infidelity, or other misconduct in court.

It was a hard-fought journey to get there. It took more than four decades to end fault-based divorce in America: California was the first state to eliminate it, in 1969; New York didnt come around until 2010. (And there are caveats: Mississippi and South Dakota still only allow no-fault divorce if both parties agree to dissolve the marriage, for example.)

Researchers who tracked the emergence of no-fault divorce laws state by state over that period found that reform led to dramatic drops in the rates of female suicide and domestic violence, as well as decreases in spousal homicide of women. The decreases, one researcher explained, were not just because abused women (and men) could more easily divorce their abusers, but also because potential abusers knew that they were more likely to be left.

Today, more than two-thirds of all heterosexual divorces in the U.S. are initiated by women.

I had no idea. I was married in 1980, and I just assumed that this was an entirely voluntary association, taking for granted that she had the same rights I do. Was that a radical idea? I guess it was, once upon a time. What I take for granted is under threat from Republicans now.

Republicans across the country are now reconsidering no-fault divorce. There isnt a huge mystery behind the campaign: Like the crusades against abortion and contraception, making it more difficult to leave an unhappy marriage is about control. Crowders home state could be the first to eliminate it, if the Texas GOP gets its way. Last year, the Republican Party of Texas added language to its platform calling for an end to no-fault divorce: We urge the Legislatur......


JUST IN: Kremlin accuses Ukraine of trying to assassinate Putin "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Russia says two drones attacked the Kremlin in Moscow last night in what it alleges was a Ukrainian attempt to kill President Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin claimed two drones had been used in the alleged attack but they were disabled by Russian defences, reports the BBC. Putin was not in the Kremlin at the []

The post JUST IN: Kremlin accuses Ukraine of trying to assassinate Putin appeared first on New Telegraph.


Gemini Links 03/05/2023: Second Batch (Still Experimental) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Games

      • Excellent Games: The Longest Journey

        The Longest Journey is perhaps the pinnacle of the point and click genre. It certainly occupies that place for me.

        And, it seems Im not alone. Its currently the first point and click in the Metacritic PC Game all time rankings, at spot #78 with a score of 91.


        Running on Linux

        This is a bit of a challenge.

        The game is available on GOG and Steam, but probably wont work out of the box. There is an updated VM called ResidualVM that runs on Linux, but youll need to compile a recent enough version, and that didnt work for me.

        Heres how I got it working.

      • SpellBinding: RBCDHKA Wordo: WHEAT
    • Politics

      • April 2023

        April was a month with quite a few things. We did not get out for the Easter week but since Valencia celebrated this year not only Monday Easter but also the three following Mondays, we leveraged that to spend the less crowded following weekend. We rented a small rural apartment in Gtova, a small town in the near mountains. We also kept our regular visits to the Carmen Cultural Center, spent a bit of time in the annual Valencias kite festival and ended the month with a couple of family gatherings.


        Not much to highlight on the professional side. We got announced that our Shut it Down Days will continue for the following fiscal year, but only one Friday per month, which is half of what we had since COVID started but still a nice to have.

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. Its like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.


Ubuntu 23.10 "Mantic Minotaur" Opens For Development "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Following last month's release of Ubuntu 23.04, the "Lunar Lobster", Ubuntu 23.10 development is now officially opened under the "Mantic Minotaur" codename...


Eine neue Epoche der Konfrontation "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Systemumdenken in der Landkriegsfhrung

Die Arbeiten am Main Ground Combat System (MGCS) sind offiziell im Jahr 2017 gestartet worden. Das MGCS wird gewhnlich als Kampfpanzer der nchsten Generation bezeichnet ein wenig verkrzend: In der Branche ist von einem qualitativen Sprung die Rede, hnlich etwa demjenigen vom Propellerflugzeug zum Dsenjet. Ralf Ketzel, Geschftsfhrer des Rstungskonzerns Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW), hat im Herbst ausdrcklich konstatiert, das Projekt werde kein Panzer sein.[1] Die Unterschiede seien gro; so solle nicht nur der Turm der Ort mit der grten Gefahr, im Gefecht zu Tode zu kommen knftig unbemannt sein; man plane darber hinaus komplett neue Elemente wie Roboter und ferngesteuerte berwachungsgerte, die digital eng vernetzt seien und eine Art verbundenes Kampfsystem bildeten. Das MGCS, das in intensiver Kooperation mit den Nutzern entwickelt werden solle in der Praxis also wohl insbesondere mit der Bundeswehr , bringe ein weitreichendes Systemumdenken in der Landkriegsfhrung mit sich. Ausfhrliche Strategien, die in diese Richtung weisen, hat das Deutsche Heer bereits vor Jahren entwickelt und auch ffentlich vorgelegt, darunter Konzepte, die Knstliche Intelligenz (KI) zur Kriegfhrung nutzen ( berichtete [2]).

Mehrjhrige Verzgerungen

Das MGCS ist explizit als deutsch-franzsisches Projekt konzipiert worden: zum einen, weil die Kosten extrem hoch sind sie werden auf 100 Milliarden Euro geschtzt , zum anderen, um die Verschmelzung der nationalen Waffenschmieden in der EU zu einer kontinentalen rstungsindustriellen Basis voranzutreiben. Das gelingt bisher nicht; vielmehr ist die Zukunft des Vorhabens ungewisser denn je. Zur Umsetzung des Projekts haben Berlin und Paris vor Jahren den Zusammenschluss der Panzerbauer KMW (Deutschland) und Nexter (Frankreich) zu KNDS durchgesetzt; auch Rheinmetall (Deutschland) ist in das Vorhaben eingebunden. Krzlich hie es in einem vertraulichen Bericht des Bundesverteidigungsministeriums, auf vier von acht zentralen Technologiefeldern sei immer noch nicht geklrt, welcher Konzern jeweils Hauptauftragnehmer werden solle.[3] Fordere die deutsche Seite bei deutschen Schlsseltechnologien eine sichtbare Fhrungsrolle ein, gebe es in Frankreich gewichtige Bedenken dagegen. Die bislang strittigen Themen htten weiterhin keiner Lsung zugefhrt werden knnen. Da es lngst zu mehrjhrigen Verzgerungen im ursprnglichen Programmplan gekommen sei, sei die ursprnglich geplante Fertigstellung des MGCS im Jahr 2035 nicht mehr realisierbar. Man rechne nun frhestens 2040 damit.

Nationale Lsungen

Mittlerweile wird auch ein komplettes Scheitern des Projekts nicht mehr ausgeschlossen. So wurde krzlich der Generalstabschef des franzsischen Heeres, Pierre Schill, mit der Aussage zitiert, fr Paris sei die Herstellung eines Nachfolgemodells fr den Kampfpanzer Leclerc eine s...


Gemini Protocol Promoted to First-Class Citizen in Techrights Daily Links "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Summary: After 15 years were adding an edition of Daily Links thats devoted only to Gemini/Gopher; we also give a quick update on IRC

Our Daily Links turn 15 this year. They started in 2008. Due to the growing importance of Gemini and (perhaps more importantly) increased volume of new material, today weve begun posting Gemini links separately. Not much would seem different, except our Daily Links would be split (Gemini/Gopher in one, HTTP/S in another). We hope readers on both sides or both worlds are fine with these changes. If not, let us know in IRC.

Our IRC community celebrates 15 years later this month.Were aware that the IRC applet on the right hand side (HTTP/S) isnt working. It hasnt worked since December and many sites have reported the issue (they embed from Perhaps self-hosting Kiwi IRC would be the next endeavour for us. That project is still alive as well (last patch/change committed days ago). In the meantime, Mibbit is still available here. Our IRC community celebrates 15 years later this month. We adopted it and started in May 2008.


AOC and Matt Gaetz join forces on bill to ban lawmakers from owning stock "IndyWatch Feed World"

A new bill has been introduced in the House of Representatives that aims to prohibit members of Congress from owning and trading individual stocks, in an effort to prevent any potential insider trading scandals. The bipartisan legislation, called the Bipartisan Restoring Faith in Government Act, is sponsored by both Democrats and Republicans and was introduced by Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Matt Gaetz, Brian Fitzpatrick, and Raja Krishnamoorthi. The proposed legislation would require lawmakers to place their stocks into blind trusts, which would be managed by an independent trustee who would be responsible for making all investment decisions.


Python 3.12: Faster, Leaner, More Future-proof "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Improvements to future versions of Python are set to speed it up, slim it down, and pave the way toward even better things:

Because Python is a dynamic language, making it faster has been a challenge. But over the last couple of years, developers in the core Python team have focused on various ways to do it.

At PyCon 2023, held in Salt Lake City, Utah, several talks highlighted Python's future as a faster and more efficient language. Python 3.12 will showcase many of those improvements. Some are new in that latest version, others are already in Python but have been further refined.

Mark Shannon, a longtime core Python contributor now at Microsoft, summarized many of the initiatives to speed up and streamline Python. Most of the work he described in his presentation centered on reducing Python's memory use, making the interpreter faster, and optimizing the compiler to yield more efficient code.

Other projects, still under wraps but already showing promise, offer ways to expand Python's concurrency model. This will allow Python to better use multiple cores with fewer of the tradeoffs imposed by threads, async, or multiprocessing.

[...] One long-dreamed way to solve this problem is to remove Python's GIL, or Global Interpreter Lock. The GIL synchronizes operations between threads to ensure objects are accessed by only one thread at a time. In theory, removing the GIL would allow true multithreading. In practiceand it's been tried many timesit slows down non-threaded use cases, so it's not a net win.

Core python developer Eric Snow, in his talk, unveiled a possible future solution for all this: subinterpreters, and a per-interpreter GIL. In short: the GIL wouldn't be removed, just sidestepped.

Subinterpreters is a mechanism where the Python runtime can have multiple interpreters running together inside a single process, as opposed to each interpreter being isolated in its own process (the current multiprocessing mechanism). Each subinterpreter gets its own GIL, but all subinterpreters can share state more readily.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Lawsuit Shows Governments Hands All Over The Election Integrity Partnerships Censorship Campaign "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

man wearing mask votes in 2020 electionWhile private platforms did the censoring, the complaint establishes it was the government that initiated and pushed for that censorship.


2011 emails reveal Hunter Biden helped business associates get access to VP Biden, top aide "IndyWatch Feed World"

'This is the guy with the magic paper that you had me meet with,' VP Biden's deputy chief of staff said in 2012 email to Hunter Biden. President Joe Biden and his deputy chief of staff appear to have met with three of Hunter Biden's business associates, at least one of whom was a foreign national, at the White House in the summer of 2011 when he was vice president, according to emails and White House visitor logs reviewed by Fox News Digital. At the time of the meeting, Hunter was trying to secure a deal with those associates in bonds worth billions of dollars.


Immersive Labs Resilience Score strengthens executive decision making in cyber crises "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Immersive Labs announced the launch of the Immersive Labs Resilience Score. The score measures an organizations workforce preparedness for cyber attacks and breaches based on Immersive Labs years of benchmarking data across industry verticals. The score will help organizations identify weaknesses in their teams cyber capabilities, address skills gaps to prevent or mitigate damage to their revenues and brand reputations, and contribute to the factors that can lower insurance premiums. The Immersive Labs Resilience Score More

The post Immersive Labs Resilience Score strengthens executive decision making in cyber crises appeared first on Help Net Security.


Why its important to talk about about the famine rationally without invoking old hatreds "IndyWatch Feed"

I was on Nolan on Monday with Mark Simpson to talk about the famine, Sir Charles Trevelyan and possible reparations. Its a subject close to my heart, not least because generationally my own great grandfather was 19 in 1845, the onset of the famine.

Featured was an interview with Laura Trevelyan, one time BBC journalist and great great granddaughter of the man who, as assistant secretary to the Treasury was responsible for famine relief in Ireland under the Premiership of Lord John Russell.

My great grandfathers homestead wasnt the worst hit. His landlord (the Second Earl of Leitrim) was one of the more liberal landlords. According to family stories, being right at the end of a northern peninsula the blight was slower to attack their crop.

In 1995, on the 150th anniversary of the great famine I was asked to research a presentation for use in Northern Irish schools. It opened a door on not only on the terrible tragedy that enfolded life in the south and west of the island, but its causes.

If I was to put my finger on when partition rather than the unity dreamed of by the rebels of 1798, became almost inevitable Id say the famine was it. Not that youd have guessed it in the early years or even through Black 47 when it was at its worst.

The most engaging part of my research was a long shift in the newspaper archives which was then housed in the basement of Belfasts Central Library. As I flicked through each year, I dropped in at random intervals on the editorials of the News Letter.

It had to be that title because the only other paper in Belfast at the time was The Vindicator which ran briefly (from May 1839 to September 1848), and whilst there were some references to it in the News Letter, there were no paper copies in the Library.

What was striking was the way in which the Belfast title found itself in a prolonged and pitched battle with the Times of London over where the blame lay for such a catastrophic event. The Times took the view it was all the fault of the feckless victims.

The News Letter was fierce in its defence of the character in what it referred to as the people of south and west of Ireland and adverted to the weakness of the response of London, where most of the power and the agency lay after the Act of Union.

Its defence was in a free, declamatory prose that continued for four years. But the fight petered out after the Young Ireland rebellion of 1848 and as typhus began to spread misery beyond those whose fate was exclusively tied to the health of the potato.

The other thing that struck me was that in England at least, Irelands fate was settled by the victory of the mercantilism of the Protectionist Conservatives who believed that the balance of trade must always favour exports over the free trade Pe...


Walter J. Ong's Work and ChatGPT (REVIEW ESSAY) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

As part of my ongoing effort to promote the work of the American Jesuit Renaissance specialist and pioneering media ecology theorist Walter J. Ong (1912-2003; Ph.D. in English, Harvard University, 1955), I now want to explain which aspects of his work are most relevant for contextualizing the storage and retrieval dynamics of ChatGPT.


Top banks could be liable for Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking: judge "IndyWatch Feed World"

Two banks and a bank executive could be liable for Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking, a judge has ruled. Plaintiffs have presented enough evidence that JPMorgan Chase, longtime JPMorgan executive Jes Staley, and Deutsche Bank could be liable for Epstein's sex trafficking, U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff said on May 1 as he rejected motions to dismiss cases brought against Staley and the institutions. "Plaintiffs have pled sufficient facts to support their allegations that JP Morgan had ... knowledge of Jeffrey Epstein's sex-trafficking venture, either directly or by recklessly disregarding what was plainly to be seen," Rakoff, a Clinton appointee, wrote in a 54-page decision.


Neural networks on photonic chips: Harnessing light for ultra-fast and low-power artificial intelligence "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Neural networks are distributed computing structures inspired by the structure of a biological brain and aim to achieve cognitive performance comparable to that of humans but in a much shorter time.

These technologies now form the basis of machine learning and that can perceive the environment and adapt their own behavior by analyzing the effects of previous actions and working autonomously. They are used in many areas of application, such as speech and image recognition and synthesis, autonomous driving and augmented reality systems, bioinformatics, genetic and molecular sequencing, and high-performance computing technologies.

Compared to conventional computing approaches, in order to perform complex functions, neural networks need to be initially trained with a large amount of known information that the network then uses to adapt by learning from experience. Training is an extremely energy-intensive process and as computing power increases, the neural networks consumption grows very rapidly, doubling every six months or so.


This solar-powered motorhome was designed by students "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A solar-powered motorhome, shaped like a huge elongated teardrop, silently rolled into Madrid on Friday as part of a month-long journey from the Netherlands to southern Spain to highlight more sustainable modes of transport.

Engineering students at the Technical University of Eindhoven in the Netherlands created the blue and white vehicle, named Stella Vita Latin for star and life to inspire car makers and politicians to accelerate the transition toward green energy.

Expansive solar panels on the roof and on lateral wings that unfold when the vehicle stops allow the self-sustaining house on wheels, or SHOW, to travel up to 740 km (460 miles) on a sunny day, while the battery can also power a fridge, coffee maker and laptop in the two-person cabin.


How smart is ChatGPT really and how do we judge intelligence in AIs? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Following claims that an AI has shown sparks of artificial general intelligence, what are we to make of the hype surrounding this technology? AI expert Melanie Mitchell is your guide.

By Daniel Cossins


A company says it added mammoth DNA to plant-based burgers and that they tasted much more intense and meatier than the cow version "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Paleos CEO said there were more aromatic compounds associated with grilled meat present when the mammoth protein was added to plant-based burgers.


Brain activity decoder can reveal stories in people's minds "IndyWatch Feed World"

A new artificial intelligence system called a semantic decoder can translate a person's brain activity while listening to a story or silently imagining telling a story into a continuous stream of text. The system developed by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin might help people who are mentally conscious yet unable to physically speak, such as those debilitated by strokes, to communicate intelligibly again. The study, published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, was led by Jerry Tang, a doctoral student in computer science, and Alex Huth, an assistant professor of neuroscience and computer science at UT Austin. The work relies in part on a transformer model, similar to the ones that power Open AI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard. Unlike other language decoding systems in development, this system does not require subjects to have surgical implants, making the process noninvasive. Participants also do not need to use only words from a prescribed list. Brain activity is...


5 skills that AI will never replace "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In light of these changes, there is growing concern about the future of employment worldwide. Surveys suggest that one-fourth of all jobs are at risk of being automated, which understandably makes people worry about job security. However, there is evidence to suggest that the impact of automation may not be as dire as some may fear.

Contrary to popular belief, the automation of jobs is not necessarily synonymous with the elimination of jobs. Instead, it is likely to change the nature of occupations by taking over easy and repetitive tasks, which will free up employees to focus on work that requires higher-level interpersonal skills. This shift is expected to create a demand for workers who are skilled in areas such as communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

In conclusion, the nature of labor is evolving at an unprecedented pace due to the rise of technology. Automation and AI are transforming the types of jobs available in many industries, creating new opportunities for workers with higher-level skills. Although there may be concerns about job security, the impact of automation is expected to change rather than eliminate occupations, providing a chance for workers to develop new skills and remain relevant in an ever-changing job market.


Moon Mission Failures, or Why Are Lunar Landings So Hard? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

China's Chang'e-4 mission made the first-ever landing on the far side of the Moon in 2019. (Credit: Xinhua/Alamy)

Given the number of spacecraft (both crewed and uncrewed) that touched down on the Moon during the Space Race its sometimes hard to imagine why today, with all our modern technology, our remotely operated vehicles seem to have so much trouble not smashing themselves to bits on the regolith surface.

This is the focus of a recent article in Nature that explores the aspects which still make soft landings on our closest space body so much harder than the tragic lithobraking as most recently demonstrated by ispaces M1 lander.

So far only three entities have successfully landed a craft on the Moons surface: the government-funded space agencies of the US, USSR, and China. Of them, only China managed to do so on their first try in 2013 (Change-3), and again in 2019 on the far side of the Moon (Change-4). What is the toughest part about a Moon landing...


Run, Biden, Run! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Quelle surprise: the old guy who likes being president (and isnt bad at it) wants to keep doing it!

I never thought this reelection campaign was in doubt, if only because I couldnt see the alternative. Eighty-year-old Joe Biden has the gravitas to finish off Trump again, and sometimes it takes a wily old coot to beat a psychotic old coot.

As old people will tell you, age is a relative thing. (As Im only partly old, Ill only partly tell you that.)

And anyway, 80 is the new 60. (Gail Collins thinks 90 is the new 60.) My father-in-law is fitter than I am. The combined age of the three surviving Rolling Stones is 233. Bob Dylan is how old now? (Dont worry, copyeditor, I know: hes 81.)

Even in the US Senate the average age is 64 (cue the Beatles song theyre all old enough to know by heart). What do you expect with access to better health care than most of us have? (Well, mines pretty good; I live in England.)

Of course theres a tradition to this.

Strom Thurmond, that cranky old racist, sat in the Senate till he was 100. First elected to the South Carolina Senate in 1932, he was still rolling around the Capitol in his wheelchair almost 70 years later.

He was a one-man US history lesson, at 22 knocking up his familys 16-year-old Black maid, parachuting behind enemy lines on D-Day (he won a Purple Heart), running a third-party presidential campaign as a segregationist Dixiecrat in 1948, and filibustering for over 24 hours in 1957 against desegregation.

In 1964, he voted against the Civil Rights Act and became a Republican. He made no bones about who he was: There were no skeletons in his Ku Klux Kloset it was all out in the open, and he never changed.

Please Donate to WhoWhatWhyOther oldsters get softened by age. Barry Goldwater, running as the Republican nominee for president in 1964 (he lost in a landslide to Lyndon Johnson), ...


Operation SpecTor: $53.4 Million Seized, 288 Vendors Arrested in Dark Web Drug Bust "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An international law enforcement operation has resulted in the arrest of 288 vendors who are believed to be involved in drug trafficking on the dark web, adding to a long list of criminal enterprises that have been shuttered in recent years. The effort, codenamed Operation SpecTor, also saw the authorities confiscating more than $53.4 million in cash and virtual currencies, 850 kg of drugs, and

Download the eBook: What Does it Take to be a Full-Fledged Virtual CISO? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Almost half of MSP clients fell victim to a cyberattack within the last 12 months. In the SMB world, the danger is especially acute as only 50% of SMBs have a dedicated internal IT person to take care of cybersecurity. No wonder cybercriminals are targeting SMBs so heavily. No wonder SMBs are increasingly willing to pay a subscription or retainer to gain access to expert C-level cyber-assistance


Apple and Google combat unwanted Bluetooth location-tracking "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Location-tracking devices help users find personal items like their keys, purse, luggage, and more through crowdsourced finding networks. However, they can also be misused for unwanted tracking of individuals. Apple and Google jointly submitted a proposed industry specification to help combat the misuse of Bluetooth location-tracking devices for unwanted tracking. The specification will allow Bluetooth location-tracking devices to be compatible with unauthorized tracking detection and alerts across iOS and Android platforms. Samsung, Tile, Chipolo, eufy More

The post Apple and Google combat unwanted Bluetooth location-tracking appeared first on Help Net Security.


Two small earthquakes hit the Netherlands "IndyWatch Feed World"

On Sunday evening April 16th, an earthquake measuring 2.5 on the Richter scale was felt by residents of the Dutch province of Limburg. Residents in the vicinity of the Dutch cities of Venlo and Roermond in particular felt the earthquake. The epicenter of the earthquake was located in the German city of Brggen, which lies very close to the border with the Netherlands. It occurred at a depth of 19 kilometers (12 miles). Several Dutch residents of Venlo tweeted about the event:


Fortify your Mac with Intego the award-winning Mac antivirus "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Graham Cluley Security News is sponsored this week by the folks at Intego. Thanks to the great team there for their support! Established in 1997, Intego is the leading company for Mac antivirus, providing powerful and reliable protection against malware, viruses, and other online threats. Intego offers a wide range of comprehensive security products designed Continue reading "Fortify your Mac with Intego the award-winning Mac antivirus"


Can We All Finally Admit Ted Lasso Is A Terrible Show? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Jason Sudeikis as Ted LassoThe first season of Ted Lasso took popular culture by storm. Two seasons later, what was the most promising show in years has become little more than a solipsistic mess of feel-good pablum.


TORONTO: Barrick Gold Protested -- Global Abuse of Indigenous Peoples and Lands "IndyWatch Feed War"

"Were both inside and outside Barrick Golds shareholder meeting. Were bringing the voices of communities around the world resisting Barricks violent, destructive mining projects. The protests cheers are clearly audible inside the meeting where 100% of the questions asked to CEO Mark Bristow have highlighted Barricks harm. A huge screen is also playing this video outside:


The Brooklyn-Queens Expressway Isnt a Park Project, Its a Highway Expansion "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


The expiration date for the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway (BQE) is fast approaching and New Yorkers are eager to know its fate. For years, residents and city officials have been divided over whether to rehabilitate the often traffic-choked expressway or dismember it entirely, but everyone could agree that addressing the crumbling conduit's fate is urgent. In March 2023, it appeared the city and state finally landed on a plan. To the surprise of many Brooklynites, that plan involves expanding the BQE.

The city hinted at plans for the BQE back in December 2022, when three renderingsThe Stoop, The Terrace, and The Lookoutwere released. The renderings focused on the 1.5-mile section known as BQE Central, which suspends traffic using a triple-cantilever design. BQE Central has been so belabored by the weight of trucks it wasnt designed to carry that multiple lanes have been closed off for years to ensure it doesnt collapse. Locals were as concerned about its stability as they were hopeful that the long-term closures could give way to a Brooklyn without the BQE of the past: a six-lane behemoth that rattled adjacent brownstones. 

However, critics immediately pointed to how deceptively the renderings packaged an unwanted return to what once was a park project, even referring to the concepts as archetypal greenwashing. I think given their focus on rebuilding a six-lane behemoth, they did a lovely job of presenting it with lots of green magic marker, and I think theyre creative people given the wrong premise, remarked Brooklyn Heights Association board member and resident, Cindy McLaughlin, after the release of the three renderings.

The newest concepts have been met with equal consternation: The [DOT] meeting on th...


Google Chrome will lose the lock icon for HTTPS-secured sites "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In September 2023, Google Chrome will stop showing the lock icon when a site loads over HTTPS, partly due to the now ubiquitous use of the protocol. The misunderstood Lock icon It took many years, but the unceasing push by Google, other browser makers and Lets Encrypt to make HTTPS the norm for accessing resources on the Web resulted in an unmitigated success; according to Google, over 95% of page loads in Chrome on Windows More

The post Google Chrome will lose the lock icon for HTTPS-secured sites appeared first on Help Net Security.


T-Mobile suffers second data breach this year "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

T-Mobile has revealed a second data breach that occurred in 2023, which reportedly exposed customer data and account PINs, leaving many T-Mobile users vulnerable to potential fraud and identity theft. What happened? The attack started on February 24 and lasted until March 30, and affected 836 customers. In March 2023, the measures we have in place to alert us to unauthorized activity worked as designed and we were able to determine that a bad actor More

The post T-Mobile suffers second data breach this year appeared first on Help Net Security.


Evacuations and rescues after floods in Emilia Romagna, Italy "IndyWatch Feed World"

Firefighters in Italy have carried out dozens of rescues and evacuations after flooding and landslides in areas of the Emilia Romagna region. On 03 May 2023, Vigili del Fuoco, the fire and rescue department in Italy, reported 400 interventions due to flooding and landslides in the Emilia Romagna region in the north of the country.


Iran seized oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz, says US navy "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iran seized oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz, says US navy

United States says Panama-flagged tanker seized by Iranian forces in second such incident in less than a week
MEE staff Wed, 05/03/2023 - 11:19
An Iranian Navy warship takes part in the 'National Persian Gulf day' in the Strait of Hormuz, on April 30, 2019 (AFP)

Iranian forces have seized an oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz, the US navy said on Wednesday, the second such incident in less than a week.

The Panaman-flagged tanker, Niovi, was sailing around the coast of the United Arab Emirates, from Dubai towards Fujairah, when it was stopped by Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) navy forces, the US navy said.

"A dozen fast-attack craft swarmed the vessel in the middle of the strait," said a statement from the Bahrain-based US Fifth Fleet.

"The [IRGC] subsequently forced the oil tanker to reverse course and head toward Iranian territorial waters off the coast of Bandar Abbas."

Iran's Tasnim news agency reported the seizure of a "violator" ship, but did not go into reasons for the capture.

The move comes as Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi was visiting Damascus, capital city of its close ally Syria, on Wednesday.

During the visit, Raisi congratulated Syria's President Bashar al-Assad for "achieving victory" in the country's 12-year-long civil war, "despite the threats and sanctions imposed on you", according to official medi...


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The input driver updates were merged on Tuesday for the ongoing Linux 6.4 merge window...


Rwanda - Dozens dead after floods and landslides in Western and Northern Provinces "IndyWatch Feed World"

Dozens of people have lost their lives after heavy rain, floods and landslides in the Western and Northern provinces of Rwanda over the last few days. According to the state broadcaster, Rwanda Broadcasting Agency (RBA), as of 03 May 2023, 95 people have died in Western Province and 14 in Northern Province. Heavy rain triggered flash flooding and landslides from 02 to 03 May 2023. Franois Habitegeko, governor of the Western Province, told Reuters that the hardest-hit districts were Ngororero, Rubavu, Nyabihu, Rutsiro and Karongi. According to the governor, 14 people have died in Karongi, 26 in Rutsiro, 18 in Rubavu, 19 in Nyabihu and 18 in Ngororero.


Russia-Ukraine war: Grain deal may expire unless Moscow is persuaded to renew "IndyWatch Feed War"

Russia-Ukraine war: Grain deal may expire unless Moscow is persuaded to renew

Turkey warns that Russian demands over prisoner exchanges and exports may be hard to resolve by 18 May deadline
Ragip Soylu Wed, 05/03/2023 - 11:13
Asl Tia, a cargo vessel carrying Ukrainian grain, sails on Bosphorus to Marmara sea, in Istanbul, on 2 November (AFP)
Asl Tia, a cargo vessel carrying Ukrainian grain, sails into Istanbul on 2 November 2022 (AFP)

Turkey warned on Tuesday that a landmark deal between Ukraine and Russia protecting grain supply shipments will expire on 18 May if the Russians cant be persuaded to renew it.

Ibrahim Kalin, a chief adviser to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, told journalists in Ankara that efforts were under way to persuade the Russians to extend the deal, which allows shipments of more than 25m metric tonnes of grain to be exported to 45 countries via the Black Sea.

The deal was brokered by the United Nations and Turkey last July, in an effort to combat a global food crisis sparked by disruption to grain supplies following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The deal was renewed in March, for 60 days.

However, Moscow has fresh demands, including over a mooted prisoner exchange and exports.

The Russians have demands in terms of ammonium and fertiliser exports, Kalin said.

Kalin said Erdogan spoke to President Vladimir Putin la...


Meet the forest fishers restoring mangroves and livelihoods in Mexico "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In the village of Costa de San Juan, mangroves still dominate the landscape. Located on the shores of the Alvarado Lagoon System in Mexico, village homes sit on the edge of water channels, and residents use canoes to get around. The villages inhabitants, numbering fewer than 100 people, learned from their grandparents how to fish and live in this vulnerable ecosystem. However, they didnt always value the areas natural richness. Declared a Ramsar site in 2014, the Alvarado Lagoon System is the third-largest wetland in Mexico. However, ranching, fires, clandestine logging and pollution have taken a toll on both the mangroves and water quality. Locals cleared mangroves here in spite of a 2007 wildlife law that banned removal, refilling, transplanting or any other activity affecting the integrity of the ecosystems water flow. In 1976, the region had 21,150 hectares (52,263 acres) of mangrove forest, but by 2015 more than one-third of the forest had been destroyed, a loss of 7,418 hectares (18,330 acres), according to the study Mangroves of Mexico/Extension, distribution and monitoring by Mexicos National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (Conabio). Access to the Costa de San Juan community is only via boat. Image by scar Martnez. The National Forest Commission (Conafor) estimates a loss of 149 hectares (368 acres) of mangrove per year in the Alvarado Lagoon System, which hosts six municipalities and more than 200 towns. But mangroves here provide a number of ecosystem service. They are a refuge for young individuals of marineThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Quick Quiz: Mapping Militarism 2023 "IndyWatch Feed War"

By David Swanson, May 2, 2023

Can you test yourself with this quick quiz?

A picture can be worth a trillion words or a couple of trillion dollars when its a picture of military spending.

Weve just published a new collection of maps for Mapping Militarism 2023. As always, they are at and available for your use. If you go there, you can pick a map, and zoom in and out. You can click on a country to get details. You can move the slider back to see earlier years. You can switch to list-view and get the information in text form. You can click source to see the origins of the data and exactly what it means.

Can you guess what the map above is?

Look up, not down, until youve guessed.


Heres the answer:

Its NATO members and partners (in red). The position of the North Atlantic might be what makes it tricky. Bet you didnt know New Zealand was even in the North Atlantic.

How about this one?

Heres the answer:

Thats countries with wars (in red).

This next one is almost a mirror image. It must be the peaceful nations of the world, right? What do you think?



What You Need to Know About Stillbirths "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

Every year, more than 20,000 pregnancies in the U.S. end in a stillbirth, the death of an expected child at 20 weeks or more of pregnancy. Research shows as many as 1 in 4 stillbirths may be preventable. We interviewed dozens of parents of stillborn children who said their health care providers did not tell them about risk factors or explain what to watch for while pregnant. They said they felt blindsided by what followed. They did not have the information needed to make critical decisions about what happened with their babys body, about what additional testing could have been done to help determine what caused the stillbirth, or about how to navigate the process of requesting important stillbirth documents.

This guide is meant to help fill the void of information on stillbirths. Its based on more than 150 conversations with parents, health care providers, researchers and other medical experts.

Whether youre trying to better prepare for a pregnancy or grieving a loss, we hope this will help you and your family. This guide does not provide medical advice. We encourage you to seek out other reliable resources and consult with providers you trust.

We welcome your thoughts and questions at You can share your experience with stillbirth with us. If you are a health care provider interested in distributing this guide, let us know if we can help.

What Is Stillbirth?

Many people told us that the first time they heard the term stillbirth was after they delivered their stillborn baby. In many cases, the lack of information and awarenes...

No Safe Place: On Memory, Trauma and Truth "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Part seven of the Violation podcast reveals new information about Jake Widemans past and explains what happens next in his legal case.


Rust Null Block Driver Published To Begin Experimenting With Rust For Linux Storage "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

To help facilitate the exploration of the Rust programming language for Linux storage purposes within the kernel, Samsung engineer Andreas Hindborg has published a null block driver written in this memory-safe programming language...


Captulo Chile WBW: Entrevista a Gabriel Aguirre Organizador Amrica Latina "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Aconcagua Chapter of World BEYOND War, May 3, 2023

En el siguiente video Juan Pablo Lazo responsable del captulo de la Biorregin de Aconcagua (Chile), presenta en el programa la Telaraa, que es realizado por diferentes organizaciones chilenas que trabajan por la Paz, a Gabriel Aguirre organizador de Amrica Latina de World BEYOND War, para hablar sobre los esfuerzos de construccin y fortalecimiento de WBW en la regin y las diferentes iniciativas vinculadas a la Ola de la Paz el 8 y 9 de Julio del 2023.

Chile WBW Chapter: Interview with Gabriel Aguirre Latin America Organizer.

In the following video, Juan Pablo Lazo, responsible for the chapter of the Aconcagua Bioregion (Chile), presents Gabriel Aguirre, organizer of Latin America of World BEYOND War, in the program La Telaraa, which is carried out by different Chilean organizations that work for Peace. , to talk about the efforts to build and strengthen WBW in the region and the different initiatives related to the Peace Wave on July 8 and 9, 2023.


The post Captulo Chile WBW: Entrevista a Gabriel Aguirre Organizador Amrica Latina appeared first on World BEYOND War.


"Sex Becomes The New Religion and Thereupon Babylon Rises and Falls. God is Displaced by The Rutting Stag." "IndyWatch Feed World"

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

For years now... we have been talking about Materialism= Atheism= Satanism= Insanity= Cultural Implosion. The Sexual Force is the driving force that demonstrates through Materialism. In the early days, we had defined courtship rituals. We had appropriate soundtracks. We had romance in the air. It had its seasons... just like Spring for Nature.

Slowly... and then picking up speed, and then... now... on the verge of free-fall, The Sexual Nature was bent ever more and more out of shape, while being bent over on electronic media until The World began to look like the inside of Picasso's mind after two weeks of huffing compressed air... Thunderbird wine... and McDonald's Unhappy Meals from Door Dash.

When the dance between men and women is... more or less... balanced; families are a thing. Life... more or less... flows in predictable routes. Civilization, of some form, exists. Of course... there is always the threat or the presence of war. We need our coming-of-age rituals. There's government and law enforcement that regulates behavior because... some people follow The Commandments and some don't. Most of the time, most people follow The Commandments.

Then... Materialism whips up desire and people want more and more Stuff, which they acquire with more and more disappointment, once The Ozzie and Harriet Happy Hour is over. Normal sex seems confining, and... that is because one cannot find lasting satisfaction in any form of material body sex. This leads to ever greater and greater detours into depravity until depravity is the order of the day.

Everything gets normalized because everyone has to be free to live their own truth... no matter what kind of gruesome lie that might turn into. This includes the ever-increasing demographic of the mentally ill because... Materialism leads to Insanity. It NEVER leads to a greater and more pervasive sanity; not ever. There is no longer any treatment. There is only support and encouragement, with maniacal laughter as the soundtrack.

Satanism is the religion of Materialism... when Materialism reaches a certain line on The Dial. This is how drag queens have become the poster freaks of our time. The single greatest imperative of Satanism is the despoliation of innocence, and that is why the drag queens are coming after the children.

Satanism does not have a compelling vision of some shining city on the hill. Satanism'...


Preparing for a Garden Shed Move: Tools and Equipment Youll Need "IndyWatch Feed World"

Moving a garden shed may seem daunting, but it can be a relatively straightforward process with the right tools and equipment. Homeowners often need to relocate their garden sheds for various reasons, such as a yard redesign, property sale, or simply wanting to rearrange their outdoor space. Understanding the necessary tools and equipment is crucial for a successful shed move, and this article aims to guide just that.

Catering specifically to homeowners, this in-depth article offers insights into the tools and equipment needed for an efficient shed move, whether its a DIY project or requires professional assistance. Additionally, the article will cover essential safety gear and provide step-by-step instructions to ensure a smooth and hassle-free relocation of the garden shed. Following the tips and advice provided, homeowners can confidently tackle the shed moving process and enhance their outdoor living space.

Assessing the Shed Moving Task


Before diving into the tools and equipment required, its crucial to assess the specific requirements of the shed move. Factors to consider include the size and weight of the shed, the distance it needs to be moved, and the areas terrain. Additionally, its essential to check if the sheds structure can withstand being moved. Hiring a professional shed moving company, such as Shiply, might be the best option if its a more oversized shed or if the move requires navigating challenging terrain. However, homeowners can tackle the shed-moving process for smaller sheds and simply move.

Essential Tools and Equipment

When preparing for a DIY shed move, having the right tools and equipment can make all the difference. The following items are crucial for a successful move:

  1. Pry bar or crowbar: A pry bar or crowbar is necessary to lift the shed off the ground and create space for moving equipment.
  2. Jack: A hydraulic or mechanical jack is needed to raise the shed, providing room for installing support beams or rollers.
  3. Support beams or roller...


Apple and Google Join Forces to Stop Unauthorized Location-Tracking Devices "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Apple and Google have teamed up to work on a draft industry-wide specification that's designed to tackle safety risks and alert users when they are being tracked without their knowledge or permission using devices like AirTags. "The first-of-its-kind specification will allow Bluetooth location-tracking devices to be compatible with unauthorized tracking detection and alerts across Android and


These are the 10 best and worst states for working mothers "IndyWatch Feed World"

Working mothers on average still earn 73 cents to every dollar a man earns. Some states do better than others.

About 73% of women with children under the age of 18 work, but they face an uphill battle. On average women earn 83 cents to every dollar a man earns, but this drops to 73 cents for working mothers. They also take on an average of two hours more of daily unpaid household labor, according to the Institute For Womens Policy Research.

Read Full Story


As Europeans Strike First to Rein in AI, the US Follows "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The European Union is writing legislation that would hold accountable companies that create generative AI platforms:

A proposed set of rules by the European Union would, among other things. require makers of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT,to publicize any copyrighted material used by the technology platforms to create content of any kind.

A new draft of European Parliament's legislation, a copy of which was attained by The Wall Street Journal, would allow the original creators of content used by generative AI applications to share in any profits that result.

The European Union's "Artificial Intelligence Act" (AI Act) is the first of its kind by a western set of nations. The proposed legislation relies heavily on existing rules, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Digital Services Act, and the Digital Markets Act. The AI Act was originally proposed by the European Commission in April 2021.

The bill's provisions also require that the large language models (LLMs) behind generative AI tech, such as the GPT-4, be designed with adequate safeguards against generating content that violates EU laws; that could include child pornography or, in some EU countries, denial of the Holocaust, according to The Washington Post.

[...] But the solution to keeping AI honest isn't easy, according to Avivah Litan, a vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner Research. It's likely that LLM creators, such as San Fransisco-based OpenAI and others, will need to develop powerful LLMs to check that the ones trained initially have no copyrighted materials. Rules-based systems to filter out copyright materials are likely to be ineffective, Liten said.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


THE MOON, MARS, AND DEJA VU "IndyWatch Feed War"

Cosmic Warfare

This story was spotted and shared by G.B., and the reason I'm blogging about it is...well, deja vu and "here we go again."   It

The post THE MOON, MARS, AND DEJA VU appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Midweek Mischief "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

       Bullet Points: ** More Epstein Revelations (Gateway Pundit) ** Pedo Joes painful senility is continually on display what can I say but, Four More Years! ** (Science Alert) Weve long known that Mars doesnt have a global magnetic field. On Earth, the magnetic field helps keep the atmosphere and water from []

The post Midweek Mischief appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


The Practical Impossibility of Large-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

From MasterResource By Steve Goreham May 2, 2023 CCS has been slow to take off due to the cost of capture and the limited salability of carbon dioxide as

Overinflated: The Journey of a Humble Tire Reveals Why Prices Are Still So High "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

The trouble that brought Heather Brown to Tire Town Auto Service in Picayune, Mississippi, had started with a shake as she drove down the interstate. The tires she relied on to guide her gold 2014 Nissan Rogue and grip the asphalt when she braked seemed to shift and bounce unpredictably. The 29-year-old single mom had purchased the used SUV in early 2022, and when she brought it to a dealership, a mechanic diagnosed a condition that was potentially dangerous for Brown and her 10-year-old son: The steel cords in all four of her tires were separating.

Brown replaced two of the tires in July and tried to save for the other two. But inflation kept eating away at her paycheck from her $14.31-an-hour job at a nursing home. So, needing the tires and with Christmas on the way, she took out a personal loan and pulled up to Tire Town on a drizzly Saturday morning in late November.

Tire Town sits at the intersection of Mississippi Highway 43 and U.S. Highway 11 near a Waffle House, a supermarket and a Family Dollar. Unlike the instantly recognizable fast food chains and box stores that anchor the American landscape, tire shops tend to blend in along highways and access roads. Grimy. Tedious. Necessary. Most Americans, rich or poor, have had the experience of popping a tire, upending their day and forcing them to wait in a tire shop with strangers whove had the same miserable luck.

Brown, who has wavy dirty blond hair and wore a gray sweatshirt and jeans, clutched her keychain as she approached the counter.

Hi, I called about the tires, she said hesitantly, quickly adding, The Nissan Rogue.

Brianne Williams, a Tire Town salesperson, pulled up Browns records on a computer. You just need two of them, right?

Yeah, just two, Brown said.

Williams went over some options, describing Tire Towns road hazard package, which includes free flat repairs and discounts on replacements if the tires are damaged before the treads wear out.



Melbet Official App In India Review 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Melbet Official App In India Review 2023

Service with nice respect for the Indian players, so you could have the chance to replenish your gaming account or some other in style foreign money. Melbet offers a self-test questionnaire as properly for customers to evaluate if their spending is going out of hand. Please make certain to ask your self these questions every so often to play safe and addiction-free.

Money and winnings from prize spins require wagering with a wager of 40. To wager them, you have to spend on bets an quantity that exceeds the bonus quantity by 40 times. When a deposit is made to the gaming account, it goes to be seen in the cabinet upon affirmation of the transaction on the official payment method web page. The minimum deposit quantity is 75 BDT via Perfect Money, and this quantity varies for each methodology.

Android is taken into account to be the most well-liked system for mobile gadgets all over the world. A particular downloadable melbet apk file has been developed for it, which lets you install the Melbet app on a gadget convenient for the participant. Downloading is on the market from the official web site or via a search on the Internet, in the Google Play Melbet app retailer. Melbet is primarily a sports activities betting platform, and this dedication to sports could be seen in its coverage, types of bets, and promotions out there. And to deliver one of the best betting experience, Melbet Betting Company provides bespoke betting solutions and information that may work for punters from India. In the extremely aggressive online gambling business, some operators concentrate on a few categories of games, and theres Melbet.

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Link "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Cameroon cocoa growers plant fruit trees to slow forest have begun planting fruit trees alongside their cocoa trees. Agroforestry promoters hope additional income from the sale of this supplementary harvest will help protect the nearby Ntui Community Forest from further expansion of cocoa plantations. Divine Foundjem Tita, a researcher with the International Center for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) which is a partner in this agroforestry project, told Mongabay that following a recent inventory in 2023, cocoa farmers had taken over 60-65% of this community forest established in 2008. Survival instincts and pressure from the migrant population settling in the area are the reasons farmers have pushed forward for expanding into the forest, Tita said. In April 2022, Netherlands-based IDH, which works to promote and leverage finance for more sustainable production and trade of commodities like cocoa, along with ICRAF and Telcar, the local presence of agriculture commodity giant Cargill, launched a project to encourage farmers here to plant trees that could produce other valuable fruit on their existing cocoa plantations, instead of expanding into new areas of the forest. The agroforestry initiative is only one component of a wider effort that will also try to improve sustainable cocoa-growing practices and productivity, map high-conservation-value areas in what remains of the community forest, and monitor carbon storage with a view to eventually earning income from carbon credits for both forest and plantations. The whole idea of promoting agroforestry around the Ntui Community ForestThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Melbet Bangladesh Platform Evaluation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Melbet Bangladesh Platform Evaluation

With sports like football, cricket, basketball, tennis, and extra available for betting, theres something for everybody. Their on line casino part is also numerous, offering video games like slots, roulette, blackjack, baccarat, and more. Moving away from casino video games, there is the option to guess on sports activities. For some cause, most websites give up the chance to be bookmakers.

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Greatest Betting Apps In India "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Greatest Betting Apps In India

Melbet Casino is unavailable in nations the place online casinos or betting organizations are restricted. Verification is optionally available and is simply wanted if the safety service suspects fraud in your activity. You may select between a on line casino bonus and sports activities betting bonus. Like all of the others, this casino has its personal nice official bonus offers. There are rewards on first deposits (the so-called welcome bonuses) and other forms of further opportunities, corresponding to momentary presents or weekly exclusives. This casino options support for a wide range of cryptocurrencies.

With these versions, youll have the ability to bet on cricket, kabaddi and other sports activities, get bonuses, use the cash register and talk with support. And thanks to the user-friendly interface the app can be used even with one hand. The first and crucial factor that you must do is to choose an acceptable bookmaker.

Create an account on the Melbet website or by way of the mobile app and we have shown you in detail how to do that above. We cowl all popular eSports events and provide a extensive variety of outcomes for betting. This combination of characters have to be entered in the applicable area when creating an account. This is a common promo code with no expiration date, which activates all present Melbet India bonuses as of the current date. Of course, for downloadable purposes, sure minimal system necessities should be met to avoid any incompatibility.

One of the primary positives of signing up for Melbet is that the withdrawal process is actually pretty fast. They declare that withdrawal takes roughly quarter-hour for the funds to hit your personal financial institution accounts. However, you should remember that your account must be fully verified earlier than you can also make a withdrawal.

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On this platform, punter gets the possibility to wager on a multitude of sports activities and casino video games. Even if you wish to reap the advantages of eSports betting rising interest, it is attainable with Melbet on line casino. However, you can see the most important availability of markets on this site relating to soccer. However, the positioning boasts a diverse vary of sports events with unimagi...


The Power of Empowering Your Employees: 10 Tips for Managers 2023 "IndyWatch Feed World"

What is the primary thing that enhances the productivity of the employees? It is empowerment!

Enfranchising an individual at the workplace is a well-known effective strategy that enables smooth functioning, effective communication, and improved performance. It is why many managers are adopting tactics or opting for the best leadership courses NZ to learn everything about good management skills and quality. It consists of numerous modules that focus on updating oneself with new techniques, such as empowering colleagues, working as a team, and much more. In short, it brushes the abilities that lead to productive workplace management.

Nowadays, managers not only delegate tasks to the employees they do several other jobs to foster employee growth, creativity, overall satisfaction, and trust. All of this can be readily accomplished if the management often empowers their team members. But how exactly can one empower their staff in the professional realm? It might be a brief motivational speech or recognize staff for their efforts. But is that sufficient? Certainly not! So, lets look at some new tips for managers to implement in 2023 to empower their workforce.

Ten Tactics For Managers To Empower Their Staff Members


Employee empowerment is critical for building a long-term business. While many companies are made from scratch by one or two entrepreneurs hard work and devotion, actual success results from many individuals working together.

Multiplying oneself also multiplies the capabilities and power of the organization. It is where the manager comes into the scenario and is responsible for not only building a team but also using the abilities of each member properly, which is a result of positive empowerment. In a nutshell, empowering employees shoul...


NSW Police Hit Kirralie Smith With Trans-Activist Apprehended Violence Order "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT CALDRON POOL  New South Wales police have hit Kirralie Smith with an...


Douglas Macgregor: "Russia HAS WIPED THEM OUT, THIS IS IT" "IndyWatch Feed War"

Douglas Macgregor: "Russia HAS WIPED THEM OUT, THIS IS IT" in Exclusive Interview


Kerfmeter Measures Laser Cutter Kerf Allowances on the Fly "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Nothing beats a laser cutter and a sheet of Baltic birch plywood or MDF when it comes to making quick, attractive enclosures. Burning out all the pieces and fitting them together with finger joints is super satisfying right up until you realize that you didnt quite get the kerf allowance right, and your pieces dont fit together very nicely. If only there was a way to automate kerf measurement.

There is, in the form of Kerfmeter. It comes to us by way of the lab of [Patrick Baudisch] at the University of Potsdam, where theyve come up with a clever way to measure the kerf of a laser cutter right during the cutting session. With the Kerfmeter mounted directly to the laser cutter head, a small test artifact based on an Archimedean spiral is cut into a corner of the workpiece. Pins on a small motor engage with the object and turn it until it jams in its hole; the wider the kerf, the greater the angle. Once the kerf is calculated, the rest of the design can be dilated by the proper amount to achieve a perfect fit. The video below shows it better than words can explain it.

What we like about this is its simplicity all it involves is a motor and a microcontroller, plus a little software. It seems much faster than using a traditional kerf gauge, not to mention more precise. And while it does use up a little bit of material, the test pattern is really pretty small, all things co...


At. Freaking. Last. Airbnb is fixing its core design problems, says CEO Brian Chesky "IndyWatch Feed World"

The services latest update includes over 50 improvements to the core user experience around topics like pricing, identity, and simply understanding if the host expects you to take out the trash.

Weve all been there.

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Airbnb is going back to its apartment-sharing roots with Roomswhile trying to fend off regulation "IndyWatch Feed World"

Your NYC Airbnb might not be legaland the city is cracking down. Airbnb has a solution.

Airbnb, the short-term-rental behemoth, announced today that its putting Roomsthe concept that basically jump-started the sharing-economy movement back in 2008front and center on its platform.

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Buckingham Palace on lockdown after man arrested for throwing shotgun cartridges onto grounds "IndyWatch Feed World"

Buckingham Palace on lockdown after man arrested for throwing shotgun cartridges onto grounds --The lockdown at Buckingham Palace came days ahead of King Charles coronation | 2 May 2023 | A man was arrested Tuesday for allegedly throwing shotgun cartridges onto the grounds of Buckingham Palace, just days ahead of King Charles's coronation. Metropolitan Police said officers detained the suspect around 7 a.m. after he approached the gates of Buckingham Palace and threw what is suspected to be shotgun cartridges into the Palace grounds. The cartridges have been recovered and are being taken to a specialist for examination, police said. The suspect is charged with suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon. The Palace was cordoned off after the man was also found to be in possession of a suspicious bag. Specialists attended and carried out a "controlled explosion" as a precaution, police said, without elaborating.


Bombshell report reveals emails showing Hunter Biden helping his business associates gain access to then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2011 "IndyWatch Feed World"

Bombshell report reveals emails showing Hunter Biden helping his business associates gain access to then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2011 --The latest is another claim of influence peddling by Hunter to enrich the Bidens | 2 May 2023 | Hunter Biden facilitated a meeting at the White House between business associates and his father in 2011, according to newly revealed emails between President [sic] Joe Biden's son and his business associates. Then vice-president Biden and his deputy chief of staff at the time, Alan Hoffman, engaged in a meeting with three business associates of Hunter's, one of whom was a foreign national, according to new emails. The latest revelations is just another in a series of shocking reports involving the president's son and his foreign business deals and influence peddling. Hunter is under several investigations, most stemming from his abandoned laptop, which had slews of damning information that investigators claim could prove he used his father's office to enrich himself and his family. Emails obtained by Fox News Digital shows Hunter Biden organizing the meet-up around the time he was trying to secure a deal with the business associates who attended the White House meeting. If Hunter were able to secure the meeting between the associates and his father - the vice president - it could lead to a bonds deal worth billions.


Bush, Obama, and Clinton start NGO to fly migrants into communities across the U.S. "IndyWatch Feed World"

Bush, Obama, and Clinton start NGO to fly migrants into communities across the U.S. | 22 April 2023 | American Express Global Business Travel and Welcome.US have reportedly teamed up with former presidents Obama, Clinton, and George W. Bush's nongovernmental organization (NGO) called Miles4Migrants to fly migrants to communities across the U.S. Welcome.US is an NGO that was initially launched to work with Joe Biden's administration to facilitate some of the 85,000 [unvetted] Afghans who came into the U.S. in 2021 and 2022 after the debacle created when the U.S. evacuated from Afghanistan, according to Breitbart. Welcome.US is also linked to leftist billionaire [deep-state dirt-bag] George Soros's Open Society Foundation through some of his board members sitting on their "National Welcome Council." ...According to Sen. Ron Johnson's (R-WI) comments in a hearing earlier this week, roughly five million illegal immigrants have entered the United States since Joe Biden took office [literally, *took* office] in 2021.


Hackers Exploiting 5-year-old Unpatched Vulnerability in TBK DVR Devices "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Threat actors are actively exploiting an unpatched five-year-old flaw impacting TBK digital video recording (DVR) devices, according to an advisory issued by Fortinet FortiGuard Labs. The vulnerability in question is CVE-2018-9995 (CVSS score: 9.8), a critical authentication bypass issue that could be exploited by remote actors to gain elevated permissions. "The 5-year-old vulnerability (

An AI startup pledges to help, not replace, journalists "IndyWatch Feed World"

Nota, which can generate headlines and short video from stories, is featured in a new Journalism Hub from Microsoft.

A new Journalism Hub from Microsoft, launched Wednesday in honor of World Press Freedom Day, is designed to connect newsrooms with digital tools that can offer a boost in whats otherwise a fraught moment for the free press.

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You need an e-reader, and heres why "IndyWatch Feed World"

E-books are good for you, incredibly convenient, and best consumed on a device built for the purposesuch as a Kobo.

Ive always loved reading books. Lately, though, its dawned on me that Im not the book reader I once was. Im not just talking about ones printed on paper. Even e-books have been getting less of my attentiondespite the fact that Im consuming more words than ever.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Laser Cutting and Engraving Acrylic 2023 Guide "IndyWatch Feed World"

Acrylic is a versatile material that is used for a wide range of applications, including signage, displays, and artwork. When it comes to creating precise and intricate designs on it, laser cutting and engraving are the go-to methods. However, as with any process, there are common mistakes that can be made when laser cutting and engraving acrylic. In this guide, we will discuss some of these mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Not Using the Right Settings


One of the most common mistakes people make when laser cutting and engraving acrylic is not using the right settings. This can result in incomplete cuts, burns, or melting of the material. It is essential to choose the correct laser power, speed, and frequency for the specific type of acrylic you are using. Different types have different melting and cutting points, so it is important to experiment with various settings until you find the right combination that produces the desired results.

2. Not Cleaning the Acrylic

Another mistake that can be made is not cleaning the material before starting the process. Any dirt, dust, or debris on the surface of the acrylic can interfere with the lasers ability to cut or engrave accurately. Before starting, it is crucial to clean it with a lint-free cloth and a gentle cleaning solution to remove any contaminants.

3. Not Using the Right Type of Acrylic

Using the wrong type of acrylic is another common mistake when laser cutting and engraving. Not all types are created equal, and some are better suited for laser cutting and engraving than others. For example, cast acrylic is the best option for laser cutting and engraving because it produces a smooth, clear edge when cut. Extruded one, on the other hand, can result in a cloudy, frosted edge when cut. It is important to choose the right type of it for your spec...


Researchers found DoS flaws in popular BGP implementation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Vulnerabilities in a software implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) that could be weaponized to trigger a DoS condition on BGP peers.

Forescout Vedere Labs researchers discovered multiple vulnerabilities in the software implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). The issues reside in the BGP message open-source implementation of the protocol. The flaw can be exploited to trigger a denial of service (DoS) condition on vulnerable BGP peers.

Technically the flaws can be exploited to drop all BGP sessions and routing tables, rendering the peer unresponsive.

The researchers pointed out that Border Gateway Protocol implementations are widely adopted, common uses include traffic routing in large data centers and BGP extensions, such as MP-BGP, or for MPLS L3 VPNs.

The FRRouting implementation is currently used in the networking solutions of several major vendors, including nVidia Cumulus, DENT, and SONiC.

Attackers may leverage any of the three new vulnerabilities to achieve a DoS on a vulnerable BGP peer, thus dropping all BGP sessions and routing tables and rendering the peer unresponsive for several seconds. The DoS condition may be prolonged indefinitely by repeatedly sending malformed packets. reads the advisory published by the company.

The discovery is the result of a broader analysis of seven popular Border Gateway Protocol implementations, three open-source (FRRoutingBIRDOpenBGPd) and four closed source (Mikrotik RouterOSJuniper JunOS,...


U.S. sends warplanes with bunker-busting bombs to Mideast in message to Iran - report "IndyWatch Feed World"

U.S. sends warplanes with bunker-busting bombs to Mideast in message to Iran - report | 29 April 2023 | In a show of force to Iran, the United States military has equipped aircraft sent to the Middle East with advanced bunker-busting bombs, American officials told The Wall Street Journal on Friday. According to the report, around a dozen A-10 Warthogs were refitted to allow the attack aircraft to carry up to 16 of the precision-guided GBU-39/B bombs. The paper said it was the first time the aging A-10 planes were equipped with the 113-kilogram (250-pound) bunker-busting munitions.


We Can Dump The Useless, Politicized SAT Without Dumping Standardized Testing Altogether "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) examinees from Yokota High School fill out the information on a mark sheet before starting the ASVAB test at Yokota Air Base, Japan, Nov. 3, 2021. 120 Yokota high school students from 10th to 12th graders took the ASVAB examination. This is the largest administration of the ASVAB test ever given in the Pacific. (U.S. Air Force photo by Yasuo Osakabe)States are realizing there is a much-needed alternative to today's watered-down, useless standardized tests: the Classic Learning Test.


Cormac McCarthy Leaves His Last Will And Testament In Two Novels "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Cormac McCarthys two 2022 novels, 'The Passenger and Stella Maris, feel like a moratorium on the 20th century.

First-of-Its-Kind Image Captures a Black Holes Shooting Jet "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

<p><i><img height="300" src= "" width="400"></i><br> <br> I am extremely sceptical regarding these interpretations.  Not least because a galaxy is rotating and any pulse will also be rotating.  The only way for any of this to do any of this is to travel at lightspeed and then decay back into visible particles.  That tells us that photons are exiting the black hole and not matter directly which is what i actually expect.</p> <div><br></div> <div>I do think that matter is unwound into photons carrying scale and a lot of memory in terms of its original matter state.  It is possible information remains conservecd and that is why we have reversal back into matter with ample exit velocity.</div> <div><br></div> <div>Just stop talking about jets thousands of light years in length ever been made of matter.<br> <div><br></div> <div><br></div> <div><br> <br> <i style="font-weight: bold;">First-of-Its-Kind Image Captures a Black Holes Shooting Jet</i><br> <br> <i>The finding could help reveal how black holes launch such high-energy ejections</i><br> <br> <br> <a href="" style="font-style: italic;">Will Sullivan</a> <div><i><br></i></div> <div><i>April 28, 2023</i> <div><i><br> The first image to show the shadow of black hole M87 as well as its jet R.-S. Lu (SHAO), E. Ros (MPIfR), S. Dagnello (NRAO/AUI/NSF)<br> <br> In a stunning new image, astronomers have captured a black hole at the center of a distant galaxy expelling a high-energy jet of matter out into the cosmos.<br> <br> The jet is longer than the galaxy that contains it, stretching for 5,000 light-years. Scientists have known that black holes emanate jets, but this image is the first to show the jets base connecting to the black holes <a href= ",plunging%20into%20the%20black%20hole."> accretion disk</a>, or the collection of matter that releases radiation as its sucked inside the void.<br> <br> <br> This is an amazing result, <a href= "">Sasha Tchekhovskoy</a>, an astrophysicist who studies black holes at Northwestern University and did not contribute to the research, tells <a href= ""> Sky & Telescopes Camille...

The Ancient Architecture that Defies Earthquakes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Rather interesting, but somehow we really do not want this technology anywhere.  It works for three story structures in earthquake country.

We can do as well with out stick frame 0buildings whose major mandate is to simply not kill anyone.

I also know that we can build houses using stress skin panels using even wood cut stock and polyurethane foam to bind it all.  This takes over half the mass out and makes a structure able to withstand the worst quake known.

At the present we have mini homes now been built by Tesla that are as good ,but also with a steel beam floor.  Thus we need not be tied to a failing foundation.

So yes, we can do way better and we are actually doing this now.

The Ancient Architecture that Defies Earthquakes

Stone buildings in northern India reveal secrets of old structures that could save lives.

April 28, 2023

The powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria on February 6 killed almost 50,000 people, most of whom died under rubble.

The tragedy falls in a decades-long history of outsized death and destruction from recent earthquakes: The 1999 zmit earthquake near Istanbul killed at least 17,000 people; the 2001 Gujarat earthquake in India killed upward of 20,000; and the 2005 Kashmir earthquake in Pakistan killed more than 87,000 and left some 3.5 million people unhoused. The immediate cause of the human tragedies was not the shaking ground itself, but the buildings people were in, most of which were constructed of reinforced cement concrete, a relatively quick and cheap building method.


We Simply Don't Have The Ammo "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This is getting ugly.  just how did the Ukranians not cobble up ammo manufacturing someplace safe?  Here their most eager supplier has cleaned out their surplus inventory.  

This war provided every ally an opportunity to get rid of all old ammo.  They still have plenty, but in their own reserve.  This cannot be shipped.  And why is new production is not forth coming.  Who is paying for it all as well?

Again, the ukrainians are defending a line,  the line is just where Russia wants it.  They are now shelling and hitting that line with impunity.  Think about the Korean 38th parallel.  three years before a cease fire.  Sooner or later they must sit down and at least stop shooting.

"We Simply Don't Have The Ammo" - Polish General Says Can No Longer Supply Ukraine, Warns Russia Has Resources To Continue War

SATURDAY, APR 29, 2023 - 04:00 AM

Speaking at a strategy session of the National Security Bureau, the Polish Armed Forces chief of staff General Rajmund Andrzejczak said that when he analyzes the war in Ukraine politically, he is pessimistic.

This is, he explained, because there is nothing that indicates that Russia will lack the resources to continue the conflict.

Q vs the Wizard of Oz Machine "IndyWatch Feed Tech"


this is looking more and more like a trap for the NWO and the CCP as well in which their plans were accelerated and put off balance as well and into which all hidden currency stores will be evaporated.

Once upon a time, decades ago, i came to understand MIL INTEL practise enough to see it.  Thus when Q showed up, recognized it and ultimately worked out that they were been fed information from thye future.

the show goes on and it is surely the last act.

Q vs the Wizard of Oz Machine

By Mike King

The most rational objection raised against the Q and the "White Hats" scenario -- and its Q-related offshoot about the ongoing Gitmo arrests / executions and imposter replacements of various big names from government, media and Hollyweird -- is that such special operations could not be kept hidden. Dirty politicians as well as the mighty Deep State media would NEVER just stand down quietly and allow The Cabal to be slowly gutted and destroyed in this manner. The very idea of such meek compliance from the Judenpresse is absurd. The "bad guys" worldwide, through their media, would by now have been screaming from the rooftops about the "fascist coup" -- scaring millions of frightened libtards and normies out into the streets demanding an end to the "human rights violations."

This is a solid and logical objection because such a colossal operation would indeed not only require the White Hats to construct a stupendous illusion machine on par with the 100 + year old "Mainstream Media" -- but they would also have to silence the existing Wizard of Oz Illusion Machine in order to protect the Gitm...


SpaceX's Starship Didn't Immediately Respond to a Self-Destruct Command "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Musk explained it exploded after a 40-second delay:

I think that many people had already reached this conclusion but it is nice to have confirmation about the time delay.

In a Twitter audio chat on Saturday, SpaceX's founder, Elon Musk, shared more details about what went awry during the first fully integrated Starship rocket and Super Heavy booster launch in April. One of the biggest revelations: The self-destruct setting took 40 seconds to work a seemingly short time, except when you're uncertain if the massive rocket you just launched will blow up before hitting land. To recap the day's events, the rocket and booster cleared the launch pad before being unable to separate from each other, flipping and, finally, blowing up. The automated command should have immediately caused an explosion, but tumbled around for a bit first. [...]

In one of many spins on the day's failures, Musk claimed it was because "the vehicle's structural margins appear to be better than we expected." While SpaceX previously said the only goal was that initial takeoff, a lot clearly went wrong.

The delayed self-destruction wasn't the only issue following the launch from SpaceX's facility in Boca Chica, Texas. After the eventual explosion, debris fell across about 385 acres of land made up of the SpaceX facility and Boca Chica State Park. The latter resulted in a 3.5-acre fire. Musk's response? "To the best of our knowledge there has not been any meaningful damage to the environment that we're aware of."

The FAA has already announced it's investigating the events and will ground Starship until "determining that any system, process or procedure related to the mishap does not affect public safety." Even with all of that, Musk went so far as to call the launch "successful" and "maybe slightly exceeding my expectations."

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


How companies can solve the mental health crisis happening in the workforce "IndyWatch Feed World"

The perks that may have once seemed optional are now essential.

Like so many entrepreneurs, Cesar Carvalho started his company to serve his own needs, betting that a lot of other people had the same problem. In 2012, Carvalho was a McKinsey consultant, working everywhere from his office to his home to on the road serving clients. He wanted a wellness solution that would integrate into his hectic schedule while allowing him access to gyms and classes that catered to his physicaland mentalhealth. So he cofounded and is CEO of Gympass, which grants employees of subscribed businesses access to not only workout classes, but also wellness services, including nutritionists.

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Gemini Links 03/05/2023: Our First Gemini-Only Batch "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • The Case of the Inconsistent Consistent Chirp

        Bunny and I were plagued with the most insidious inconsistently consistent chirp over the past few days here at Chez Boca. There would be this distinct chirp. Just one. And by the time you think it wont happen again, it would happen again. And then nothing. For hours. Or maybe the rest of the day even. But sure enough, it would pick up againa single chirp, then silence, then maybe another chirp, repeat for a few minutes then, nothing more for hours.

        When it first started, I thought maybe one of the UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply)es was responding to some power fluctuation, but no, they squeal quite loudly, and none of them showed any form of distress when I checked. This was more of a short chirp than a loud squeal. And by the time I was tired of looking at whatever UPS I thought it might be and turn away, there was another chirp.

    • Technical

      • The Sysadmin Person

        I was reading a blog post about the challenges facing new twitter clone Bluesky[1], and it reminded me of a idea Ive had bouncing around for a while. While federated protocols like ActivityPub and Blueskys new ATProto do help fight many of the issues found with closed source centralized social media, they do have their shortcomings. One of the biggest (in my opinion, at least) is finding a trustworthy homeserver. Most people dont want to put that much thought into their social media setup, so they flock to whichever homeserver is already most popular, and recreate the cenralization problems that the protocol was trying to fight in the first place. Even if you convince this theoretical new user to avoid the most popular homeserver, how are they to know which one to trust with their data?

      • Programming

        • Memoization

          Memoization is a fancy term for having a cache of already computed results for something expensive or often calculated. Ideally the cache lookup s...


Major Reservoirs Of Clean Hydrogen Found In Mali, And Could Create Electricity Without CO2 Emissions "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Hydrogen Central

Mali happens to be the eighth biggest country in the African continent, and its located in West Africa. Its home to many incredible UNESCO World Heritage sites. And just recently, there is an inflammable gas being drawn from the earth that makes tons of electricity without any CO2 emissions in the town of Bourakbougou.

This mysterious gas, which shines with a sparkling ocean water blue color in the daytime and like golden dust at night, was found by the Malian energy entrepreneur, Aliou Diallo, who believed that it could possibly represent a fortune.

Back in 2012, he enlisted Chapman Petroleum to help him figure out exactly what kind of gas it was. What they found out was that it was 98% hydrogen. Then some months later, Petroma which is Diallos firm installed a pilot unit to turn that same gas into electricity that produced water as its exhaust product, transforming the village into one with reliable, plentiful electricity.

In the ten years since making this discovery and turning it into electricity, scientists now believe that this could be a potential inexhaustible natural energy source that happens to have zero emissions. As a result, they researched further by looking for more information on these underground hydrogen reservoirs.

Then in 2018, a published paper was released by a science team on the Bourakbougou hydrogen well that found evidence they got from at least twelve exploratory wells in the same area that it was possible to confirm the presence of an extensive hydrogen field featuring at least five stacked reservoir intervals containing significant hydrogen that cover an estimated area well superior to 8 km in diameter.

In addition, the study also found that the current estimate of its price for is way cheaper than that of manufactured hydrogen which either co...


CISA Issues Advisory on Critical RCE Affecting ME RTU Remote Terminal Units "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Tuesday released an Industrial Control Systems (ICS) advisory about a critical flaw affecting ME RTU remote terminal units. The security vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-2131, has received the highest severity rating of 10.0 on the CVSS scoring system for its low attack complexity. "Successful exploitation of this


IBM Outsourcing Thousands of Jobs to AI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: Bloomberg: International Business Machines Corp. Chief Executive Officer Arvind Krishna said the company expects to pause hiring for roles it thinks could be replaced with artificial intelligence in the coming years. Hiring in back-office functions such as human resources will be suspended or slowed, Krishna said in an interview. These non-customer-facing roles []


Microsoft Windows in BRICS Laptops/Desktops: Monopoly Bricked? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

(Not even counting Android; Microsoft Windows is only on a quarter of Internet-connected computers by such measures)

Windows market share in Brazil: (laptops/desktops only, not counting mobile)

Windows market share in Brazil

Windows market share in Russia: (laptops/desktops only, not counting mobile)

Windows market share in Russia

Windows market share in India: (laptops/desktops only, not counting mobile)

Windows market share in India

Windows market share in China: (laptops/desktops only, not counting mobile)

Windows market share in China

Windows market share in South Africa: (laptops/desktops only, not counting mobile)

Windows market share in South Africa

Summary: An Unknown OS (not Windows) is taking market share away from Windows; whatever is going on with these statistics, it seems clear Microsoft isnt coping with a fast-changing world, hence so many layoffs (far more than 10,000 the official number that media loves parroting without investigating; Microsoft is 42 billion dollars in debt and the debt grew more than tenfold since 2010)

Microsoft, the worlds most valuable company, declared a profit of $4.5 billion in 1998; when the cost of optio...


Could ChatGPT Create a New Religion? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Flashback 2017: Inside the First Church of Artificial Intelligence Via: Daily Mail: The world is on the verge of a new religion created by artificial intelligence, the historian Yuval Noah Harari has claimed. The academic known for his bestselling book Sapiens said software such as ChatGPT could attract worshippers by writing its own []

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