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Thursday, 18 May


We've added 10 new list tools "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Team Browserling keeps shipping!

Last week we added 20 new time tools and and today we just added 10 new tools to our Online List Tools collection.

I've done my job and now it's Google's job to index them and rank them well.

Here are the new list tools.

Next week we'll add even more tools. See you then!

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Friday, 12 May


Wisst ihr, was sich gerade als Bullshit herausgestellt ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wisst ihr, was sich gerade als Bullshit herausgestellt hat? kostrom-Zertifikate aus Island. Island hat ne Menge kostrom und betreibt damit u.a. ihre Alu-Htten. Soweit, so gut.

Aber habt ihr euch mal gefragt, wie die EU es schafft, den kostromanteil zu erhhen, ohne was fr kostrom zu tun? Nun, sie haben einen Deal mit Island gemacht. Island verkauft Europa "kostrom" in Form eines "Zertifikats".

Deutsche Industrie verbrennt nach wie vor Fossilien. Eine Leitung fr kostrom gibt es nicht aus Island.

Aber unsere Industrie tut dann so, als sei der Strom ko gewesen, weil sie ein Zertifikat von Island gekauft haben. Island hat dann auf dem Papier virtuelle Fossilien verbrannt, und frisst sozusagen unsere Snden.

Das ist ja schon skandals genug, aber jetzt kam raus: Island hat sowohl die Zertifikate verkauft als auch ihr Aluminium als kostrom-produziert beworben. Damit haben sie natrlich faktisch vllig recht, denn deren Alu ist ja mit kostrom produziert. Aber dann kann ja unsere Industrie nicht mehr so tun, als sei hier irgendwas kologisch.

Daran scheitert der Zertifikats-Bullshit jetzt. DARAN! Nicht etwa daran, dass das die ganze Zeit Verarsche war!

Gut, kann gar nicht frh genug scheitern. Als nchstes scheitert hoffentlich das Greenwashing ber Carbon Offsets.

Oder, wisst ihr, alternativ knnten wir auch mal eine Regierung whlen, die einen Plan hat, der nicht auf "wie belgen uns selbst und machen weiter wie immer" hinausluft. Mal rein hypothetisch gesprochen jetzt.

Lindner hat eine tolle Idee: Warum schenken wir nicht ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Lindner hat eine tolle Idee: Warum schenken wir nicht den Banken 2,2 Milliarden Euro?

Zustzlich zu dem Geld, das sie "schpfen" drfen. Und den Zinsen, die sie fr Staatsanleihen kassieren. Und fr Einlagen bei der Zentralbank.

Aber immerhin haben sie im Gegenzug die ganzen Filialen zugemacht, die lieben Banken!

Die SPD simuliert noch ein bisschen Bauchschmerzen, um dann am Ende umso kraftvoller umzukippen. Lasst euch da mal keinen erzhlen von der Sddeutschen.

Nicht der Faktencheck, den wir brauchen. Aber der Faktencheck, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Nicht der Faktencheck, den wir brauchen. Aber der Faktencheck, den wir verdient haben:

Nein, am Reichstag wehte am Montagmorgen keine sowjetische Siegesfahne

Wo wir gerade bei Extrembeispielen fr schlechte Methodik ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wo wir gerade bei Extrembeispielen fr schlechte Methodik waren: Wusstet ihr, dass jedes Jahr in den USA 250.000 Menschen durch Fehldiagnosen in Notaufnahmen sterben?

Nicht? Macht nichts. Ist kompletter Bullshit. Allerdings verbreitet von einer US-Bundesbehrde.

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ) mission is to produce evidence to make healthcare safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable, and affordable, and to work within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and with other partners to make sure that the evidence is understood and used.
Da hat die Aussage gut reingepasst, also hat man mal eben von einem Fall in einer kanadischen Notaufnahme vor ber 10 Jahren ... extrapoliert.

Fnord der Woche: Es gibt voll viele Fake-Artikel in ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Fnord der Woche: Es gibt voll viele Fake-Artikel in wissenschaftlichen Journals!!1!

Wie schlimm ist denn das Problem? So schlimm:

up to 34% of neuroscience papers published in 2020 were likely made up or plagiarized; in medicine, the figure was 24%.
Scheie, Bernd! Das ist ja furchtbar!!

Hmm, vielleicht sollten wir noch kurz einen Blick auf die Methodik werfen. Nur so pro forma, wissenschon.

Sabels tool relies on just two indicatorsauthors who use private, noninstitutional email addresses, and those who list an affiliation with a hospital.
h ... wie meinen?!
It isnt a perfect solution, because of a high false-positive rate.
Was du nicht sagst, Sherlock!
Other developers of fake-paper detectors, who often reveal little about how their tools work, contend with similar issues.
Tja, h, dann solltet ihr vielleicht mal gepflegt die Fresse halten, bis ihr eine belastbare Datenlage habt!

Unglaublich. Dass die sich berhaupt trauen, auf der Grundlage ein Paper zu verffentlichen! Das sich dann ber die wissenschaftlichen Standards anderer Papers aufregt!!

Ein Leser empfiehlt als seichte Unterhaltung den McKinsey ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ein Leser empfiehlt als seichte Unterhaltung den McKinsey cloud cost-optimization simulator, mit so groartigen Ratschlgen wie:

Adopt lean provisioning and rightsizing
Leverage savings plan/reservations
Ja Scheie, Bernd! Da htten wir auch selber drauf kommen knnen! Wir mssen uns einfach noch tiefer vertraglich in den Lock-In begeben!!1!

Wenn du Probleme hast, musst du es einfach ab jetzt richtig machen!1!!

Oder, mit anderen Worten: GIT GUD!

Kaum verknde ich das Ende der Denkmalschutz-Debatte, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kaum verknde ich das Ende der Denkmalschutz-Debatte, kommen hier Leserbriefe von Denkmalschutz-Mitarbeitern rein. Na gut. Ausnahmsweise:

Ich arbeite selber in der Berliner Verwaltung in einer Denkmalschutzbehrde und bin hufig mit solchen Fllen konfrontiert. Nach dem Berliner Denkmalschutzgesetz sind Werbeanlagen und sowieso alle Manahmen an einem in die Liste eingetragenen Baudenkmal, Denkmalbereich oder Gartendenkmal denkmalrechtlich genehmigungspflichtig.

Es gibt zudem einen ganzen Paragraphen ber den Umgebungsschutz eines Denkmals. Darin heit es, dass die unmittelbarer Umgebung eines Denkmals, soweit fr Erscheinungsbild von prgender Bedeutung, durch Manahmen nicht so verndert werden darf, dass Eigenart oder Erscheinungsbild des Denkmal gestrt werden.

Wie weit der Umgebungsschutz reicht, ist je nach Manahme und Denkmal unterschiedlich zu bewerten (ein besonders exponiertes Denkmal, wie beispielsweise eine Burg auf einem Hgel, hat einen anderen Umgebungsschutzbereich als ein Mietshaus in der Berliner Innenstadt). Es gibt hier also keine einheitlich anzuwendende Regel, daher sind Entscheidungen im Rahmen des Denkmalschutzgesetzes immer Ermessensentscheidungen. Gleiches gilt fr die Erheblichkeit der Strung des Erscheinungsbildes durch Manahmen im Umgebungsschutzbereich eines Denkmals. Auch hier wird nach Ermessen entschieden. Ermessensentscheidung im Bereich des Denkmalschutzes verlangen ein hohes Ma an Fachkenntnissen verschiedener Fachrichtungen (Kunstgeschichte, Architektur, Bauingenieurwesen, Restaurierung, Recht usw.), spezifischer Ortskenntnis und immer auch ein Abwgen mehrerer Mglichkeiten.

Grundstzlich kann man sagen, dass bei einem Neuanstrich eines Nachbargebudes eines Denkmals oder bei einem Neubau neben einem Denkmal immer zurckhaltende Farben genehmigt werden, die das Denkmal nicht dominieren, aus der Ortstypik rausfallen oder in der Materialitt so schlecht sind, dass die Nachbarschaft eines Denkmals nach ein paar Jahren vernachlssigt oder gammlig aussieht. Die Bauwerke und Anlagen in der Umgebung eines Denkmals haben sich grundstzlich immer an der Qualitt des Denkmals zu messen, ohne sich stilistisch anzubiedern aber auch ohne das Denkmal in seiner Wirkung zu stren oder krass hervorzustechen. Bei solchen Fllen werden brigens auch immer die Stadtplaner der Bezirke mithinzugezogen. Auch die prfen, ob die Manahmen sich in die Eigenart der nheren Umgebung einfgen.

Dem Eigentmer war dem Tagesspiegelartikel zufolge ja bewusst, auf was er sich einlsst und der Deal mit dem Bauamt klingt mehr als freundlich: er muss nur sehen, dass seine Fassade weiterhin ordentlich aussieht. In anderen Berliner Bezirken wre die Fassade sicherlich lngst schon wieder monochrom gestrichen

Jetzt weit du vielleicht etwas mehr darber, warum ausnahmsweise mal nicht irgendein CDU-Fuzzi schuld war.

Solche Flle nerven mich brigens in der Praxis sehr, weil sie mich davon...


The Federal Governments Congestion Mitigation Money Is Funding a Parking Lot "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Conshohocken Station, near Philadelphia. (Source: Wikimedia Commons/TastyPoutine.)

Like countless transit agencies nationwide, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) has attributed its operational challenges to the failure to restore ridership decimated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Ridership along the Regional Rail lineswhich connect Philadelphias core to peripheral suburbs and cities as far as Trenton, New Jerseyis, according to SEPTA, hurting the most. 

Part of the agencys plan to make the Regional Rail system more useful to more riders involved applying $10 million in federal dollars available through the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality program (CMAQ) toward building a parking garage. However, on April 27, 2023, as SEPTAs board was scheduled to vote on $25 million in contracts to begin construction on the garage, the item was tabled in what activists and locals are calling a transit win.

Constructing the parking facility was projected to cost SEPTA nearly $50 million in total and would quadruple the number of available parking at its Conshohocken Station, located approximately 15 miles outside of Philadelphias center. The stations current 118 parking spots, not counting available street parking, would balloon to 528 and each additional spot was projected to cost $117,878. 

For Daniel Trubman, who spoke out against the project at the board meeting, it was disappointing to see money and energy seemingly in service of improving transit be appropriated for car infrastructure: This garage is just another extre...


Crud-to-crude: The global potential of biofuels made from human waste "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Last year, a car fueled by human waste toured the European countryside, covering more than 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles). It was the culmination of To-Syn-Fuel, a pathfinding project using technology developed by Germanys Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT to make 50,000 liters (13,200 gallons) of biocrude oil from 500 tons of sewage sludge. The trip marked a milestone in global efforts to convert human waste into a viable transportation fuel, according to Robert Daschner, head of the department of renewable energy at Fraunhofer UMSICHT, which led the multi-partner project funded by the EUs Horizon 2020 program. Using To-Syn-Fuel can achieve carbon savings of up to 85% compared to fossil fuels, he wrote to Mongabay in an email. But that historic EU road trip was only an intermediary goal: Next up is the construction of a larger-scale crud-to-crude facility in Germany, built upon lessons learned from a smaller proof-of-concept demonstration plant. The aim is to process up to 400,000 metric tons of sewage sludge into sustainable aviation fuel by 2030, Daschner wrote. If this, or other promising crud-to-crude pilot projects, achieve truly scaled-up success, science and industry could crack one of the hardest nuts for realizing a post-fossil fuel economy: a transportation liquid fuel, with low-carbon potential. to power cars, trucks, jets and ships. Fraunhofer UMSICHTs Robert Daschner says an industrial-scale biocrude oil manufacturing site is in the works in Germany. Fully accounting for the potential carbon savings will only be possible once this project is up and running. Image Fraunhofer UMSICHT.This article was originally published on Mongabay


A Guide To Getting Through Your First Summer After College "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

College years are a time of endless possibilities, where you embark on a journey of self-discovery and make memories that will last a lifetime. The excitement of moving away from home, meeting new people, and experiencing new cultures is truly unbeatable. College years are when you learn not only from your textbooks but also from []


Finally, Pastor Fatoyinbo Breaks Silence On Battling With Undisclosed Sickness "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Biodun Fatoyinbo, the General Overseer of the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA), has finally broken the silence following the rumour making the round about his health status. Fatoyinbo came out to clear the air on not be able to withstand an undisclosed ailment after his frail and lean photos emerged online last year. New Telegraph...

The post Finally, Pastor Fatoyinbo Breaks Silence On Battling With Undisclosed Sickness appeared first on New Telegraph.


LIVE: Prayer Action at Peehee Muhuh /Thacker Pass Lithium Mine "IndyWatch Feed War"

Protecting the unmarked burials and the water, in the spirit of the Ghost DancersLive from Peehee Mu'huh, Thacker Pass Lithium MineThursday, May 11, 2023, 6 amWatch now the second time in a month, Paiute elders are blocking construction with prayer.Elders are calling for people to "Come help us in a good way, stand up and be


8 Wellness Items to Help You Stay on Track on Vacation This Summer "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Summer is just around the corner, and for many of us, that means vacation time! While taking a break from the daily grind is essential for our mental health and well-being, it can also throw our healthy habits off track. From indulging in delicious food and drinks to skipping workouts, maintaining a healthy lifestyle on []


US embassy intensifies meddling in Lebanons presidential selection: Report "IndyWatch Feed War"

May 10 2023 ByNews Desk Washington is reportedly pushing once again to secure the army chiefs presidency after Saudi Arabia clarified that it will not veto Hezbollah-backed candidate Suleiman Franjieh US ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea has redoubled efforts to meddle in Lebanons presidential deadlock in a bid to dissuade political leaders from backing Marada []


Dads Army: List Of Russian Army Equipment Deployed In Ukraine Older Than Our Parents "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer, Joost Oliemans and Kemal
Those expecting the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine to be a spectacle of Russian military might were soon left sorely disappointed. Yet the degradation of its combat abilities has continued apace, and one year into its war the cracks in the Russian military machine are starting to widen into chasms. Sustaining losses that meanwhile number over 1800 tanks and more than 2000 IFVs, the Russian Army has already reached the point at which it is no longer able to replace lost equipment with armament that is at least roughly equivalent to the combat worth of the equipment lost. [1] In order to replace its lost T-72B3 Obr. 2016s and T-80BVMs MBTs, the Russian arms industry hasn't churned out any of the much anticipated T-14 Armatas, but rather begun introducing hundreds of refurbished or upgraded variants of the antiquated T-62 MBT and even 1950s-era T-54s in an unmodified state. [2]
The situation is hardly any better for other components of the Russian Army, with 1950s and 1960s-era BRDM-2 AFVs and BMP-1 IFVs and BTR-50 APCs finding their way to frontline units as Ukrainian forces are starting to take delivery of advanced Leopard 2A6s, M1 Abrams MBTs and M2A2 and CV90 IFVs from partners in the West. While Russian tank repair plants busy themselves upgrading ageing equipment to feature additional protection so that they can theoretically stand a chance on the battlefields of Ukraine, the brunt of its reactivated relics is sent to the front in a virtually unmodified state, save for an oil change.
This emerging makeshift military has meanwhile included a hodgepodge of other antiquated materiel, including howitzers from the 1940s, AFV-mounted naval guns from the 1950s and even Mosin-Nagant bolt-action rifles that have been noted to be i...


[$] Reconsidering the direct-map fragmentation problem "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Mike Rapoport has put a considerable amount of effort into solving the problem of direct-map fragmentation over the years; this has resulted in proposals like __GFP_UNMAPPED and a session at the 2022 Linux Storage, Filesystem, Memory-Management, and BPF Summit. Rapoport returned at the 2023 Summit to revisit this issue, but he started with a somewhat surprising spoiler.


7 Ways To Increase Your Creative Expression "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Creativity is a fundamental part of being human. Its essential to expressing ourselves, solving problems, and finding fulfillment in our lives.  However, with our fast-paced, technology-driven world, it can take time to nurture our creativity. Fortunately, there are many ways to increase your creative expression. Here are seven ways to do it. 1. Practice Mindfulness []


Stable kernels 6.3.2, 6.2.15, 6.1.28, and 5.15.111 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Greg Kroah-Hartman has announced the release of the 6.3.2, 6.2.15, 6.1.28, and 5.15.111 stable kernels. These all contain important fixes throughout the kernel tree, as usual.


Washington Wants War with China Served Hot, Not Cold "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Connor Freeman | Libertarian Institute | May 11, 2023

The ruling class in Washington is planning on using Americas sons and daughters as cannon fodder to wage their long-awaited war against China. President Joe Biden along with the other de facto employees of the military industrial complex, including in Congress, have not made their plans a secret. Contrarily, they are quite happy to brag about basically any escalation they can get.

Hawks in the Pentagon, along with those in the administration and legislative branchincluding the key leadershiphave been speaking explicitly about the coming war with China for a while now, usually boasting about all they are doing to prepare for, as well as provoke, such a conflict.

This all began in earnest during the Barack Obama administration. War with China, despite the Republican Partys obsession with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), is the Progressive Democrats project led byamong othersthe likes of Obama, Biden, Hillary ClintonKurt Campbell, Antony Blinken, Lloyd Austin, and Michelle Flournoy.

In 2011, Obama launched the pivot to Asia. The policy has been expanded by each successive administration. Obamas project for the new American century entails the largest military buildup since the Second World War, shifting hundreds of bases as well as two-thirds of all U.S. Air and Naval forces to the Asia-Pacific region. Washington is encircling China for a future war with Beijing. In the words of Lew Rockwell, The U.S. seeks to encircle China and make it bow down before the hegemon....


Rare Myocarditis After COVID Shots: Study Rules Out Some Common Culprits "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers ruled out overexuberant antibodies in an autoimmune response:

The mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines have proven remarkably safe and effective against the deadly pandemic. But, like all medical interventions, they have some risks. One is that a very small number of vaccinated people develop inflammation of and around their heartconditions called myocarditis, pericarditis, or the combination of the two, myopericarditis. These side effects mostly strike males in their teens and early 20s, most often after a second vaccine dose. Luckily, the conditions are usually mild and resolve on their own.

With the rarity and mildness of these conditions, studies have concluded, and experts agree that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risksmale teens and young adults should get vaccinated. In fact, they're significantly more likely to develop myocarditis or pericarditis from a COVID-19 infection than from a COVID-19 vaccination. According to a large 2022 study led by researchers at Harvard University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the group at highest risk of myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccinationmales ages 12 to 17saw 35.9 cases per 100,000 (0.0359 percent) after a second vaccine dose, while the rate was nearly double after a COVID-19 infection in the same age group, with 64.9 cases per 100,000 (0.0649 percent).

Still, the conditions are a bit of a puzzle. Why do a small few get this complication after vaccination? Why does it seem to solely affect the heart? How does the damage occur? And what does it all mean for the many other mRNA-based vaccines now being developed?

A new study in Science Immunology provides some fresh insight. The study, led by researchers at Yale University, took a deep dive into the immune responses among 23 peoplemostly males and ranging in age from 13 to 21who developed myocarditis and/or pericarditis after vaccination.

Since the rare phenomenon was first noted, immunologists and other experts have hypothesized that the vaccine could be spurring several aberrant immune responses that would explain the inflamed hearts, such as an autoimmune response or an allergic reaction. And the new study rules some of them out.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Spain Allocates 2.2bn To Combat Drought "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Following the impact of protracted drought in the country, the Spanish government has revealed plans to spend 2.19 billion euros ($2.4 billion) on new water supplies, subsidies and direct aid to farmers to alleviate the worsening situation they say has decimated the agricultural sector. The countrys water reserves are typically just half full, and in...

The post Spain Allocates 2.2bn To Combat Drought appeared first on New Telegraph.


Counting Down: List Of Russian Army Equipment Not Yet Destroyed In Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
Russia's one year anniversary of its special military operation in Ukraine marks a pivotal point not just for its symbolic significance, but also because it coincides with a sudden realisation on our part. That being that keeping track of the types of armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) and aircraft in use by the Russian Armed Forces that have been destroyed has become considerably harder than listing those that haven't been, and subtracting from that list as time progresses. Hence, the list that follows.
Obviously, not all equipment in use with Russia's military may be deployed in Ukraine or even be actually operational for that matter, so to keep things manageable this list will include only those systems that have been acknowledged to be in mass production. Nevertheless, certain systems may be included or omitted on a case-by-case basis for instance because they are expected to be used operationally or, conversely, because including them would be impractical. Categories that have been excluded are small-sized (EOD) UGVs, civilian-grade UAVs, transport and training aircraft, naval vessels, coastal defence (missile) systems and (armoured) trucks. This list is updated as additional vehicle types are confirmed to be destroyed or captured.

Our list showing Ukrainian Army equipment not yet destroyed or captured can be found here
(Click on the equipment type to get a picture of it)



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Video: When The Lie Becomes The Truth. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Video: When The Lie Becomes The Truth. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky appeared first on Global Research.


[$] A storage standards update at LSFMM+BPF "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Storage technology may seem like a slow-moving area, but there is, instead, a lot of development activity happening there. An early session at the 2023 Linux Storage, Filesystem, Memory-management and BPF Summit, led by Martin Petersen and Vincent Hach, updated the assembled group on the latest changes to the storage landscape, with an emphasis on the Compute Express Link (CXL) 3.0 specification.


Bioacoustic analysis made easier: Q&A with Rainforest Connection CEO Bourhan Yassin "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

For scientists and ecologists studying wildlife, listening to the sounds of nature is all the rage now. And with good reason. The exponential growth in the use of audio to study, monitor and track wildlife and biodiversity can be attributed to its very many advantages. For one, its noninvasive; audio data can be gathered without capturing animals and by virtue of installing audio recorders across forests. Passive acoustic monitoring, or bioacoustics, is also capable of collecting large amounts of data that can be used to monitor entire landscapes, detect species and understand the behavioral and communications patterns of animals. This makes the methodology more efficient than traditional camera-trapping and remote-tracking techniques. But large amounts of data mean more audio to parse. Despite its advantages, the labor-intensive analysis of audio data makes it difficult to sift through the data and derive meaningful conclusions from it. In recent years, artificial intelligence and machine learning have made the analysis work easier. However, not everyone has the budget and technical expertise to use these tools. Arbimon, a free online platform by conservation technology nonprofit Rainforest Connection, aims to fill that gap. The platform allows scientists and ecologists to upload their audio data and enables them to run sophisticated analyses on it. More recently, Arbimon has introduced tools that allow users to detect sounds from audio data and group them based on various factors, such as range and frequency. The platform was designed to specifically address the gap between research and conservation, so that weThis article was originally published on Mongabay


ASUS Details ROG Ally Specs - $699 Gaming Handheld With AMD Z1 Extreme "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Today was the big reveal of ASUS' ROG Ally with the specifications and pricing in full for this new gaming handheld that will be shipping on 13 June...


Jump Like Mario With This Weighted Wearable "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Virtual reality has come a long way in the past decade, with successful commercial offerings for gaming platforms still going strong as well as a number of semi-virtual, or augmented, reality tools that are proving their worth outside of a gaming environment as well. But with all this success they still havent quite figured out methods of locomotion that feel natural like walking or running. One research group is leaping to solve one of these issues with JumpMod: a wearable device that enhances the sensation of jumping.

The group, led by [Pedro Lopes] at the University of Chicago, uses a two-kilogram weight worn on the back to help provide the feeling of jumping or falling. By interfacing it with the virtual reality environment, the weight can quickly move up or down its rails when it detects that the wearer is about to commit to an action that it thinks it can enhance. Wearers report feeling like they are jumping much higher, or even smashing into the ground harder. The backpack offers a compact and affordable alternative to the bulky and expensive hardware traditionally used for this purpose.

With builds like these, we would hope the virtual reality worlds that are being created become even more imme...


A woman was diagnosed with incurable lung cancer after doctors sent her home with cough syrup "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Alix Burnard, 29, said she was so sick that she couldnt leave the house without a cup to catch her phlegm and eventually couldnt climb stairs.


Espacio de formacin, cuidado y lucha: Casa Ubuntu lanzada en Cachoeira, en el Recncavo Baiano "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El 26 de marzo, la Divisin de Comunicacin de Teia dos Povos sali a la carretera y lleg a Cachoeira, en el Recncavo Baiano, para registrar el inicio de un proyecto muy relevante para lo que venimos creando como articulacin de pueblos en lucha. La ciudad, escenario de grandes batallas contra la dominacin europea de Brasil, ambiente donde germinan y resisten la fe y la cultura del pueblo negro, es el lugar que alberga Casa Ubuntu: Manifiesto Preto. Iniciativa de la Articulacin de Mujeres del Engenho da Ponte, Casa Ubuntu es un espacio de valorizacin de la produccin agroecolgica de las comunidades tradicionales, movimientos culturales de la juventud negra, del intenso debate sobre la cuestin racial en este pas y en el mundo, del dilogo entre mujeres que tejen el poder popular y tambin los hombres que estn en sintona con esta lucha.

La Casa, por cierto, sumamente acogedora, fue inaugurada en un evento que recibi ms de cien personas, entre lderes quilombolas, representantes de organizaciones y movimientos sociales, artistas y comunicadores. El primer espacio de discusin abierto por Casa Ubuntu tuvo lugar en la Praa Maciel, donde comienza la Feria Libre de Cachoeira.

Bajo la influencia de las lluvias de marzo, bajo un toldo, mujeres, hombres y jvenes dialogaron sobre las demandas de sus comunidades, sus movimientos, avances y desafos cotidianos. Las personas se conocieron, intercambiaron ideas, compartieron dolores y alegras. Finalmente, se juntaron en un recital potico y musical para celebrar la ocasin, esto despus de compartir un banquete colectivo con platos pertenecientes a la cocina tradicional de los quilombos pescadores de la regin.

Mariscos y otros alimentos agroecolgicos compusieron la mesa en la reunin de lanzamiento de Casa Ubuntu. Comer juntos es celebrarnos a nosotros mismos (Foto: Divisin de Comunicacin de Teia dos Povos)

Ubuntu, desde su primer da de funcionamiento, se ha consolidado como un espacio autnomo, formativo, potenciador del arte y la creatividad. Erigida por muchas manos que, al unsono, organizarn las prximas actividades que se realizarn en este lugar que est dispuesto a recibir no slo a la gente del Recncavo, sino a toda Bahia. El sitio tambin funcionar como un centro de distribucin de la produccin de las comunidades: artesanas, alimentos, accesorios y ropa, incluida la marca Quilombo ArtModa, son algunos de los artculos que se podrn adquirir en la Casa.



Security updates for Thursday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (firefox-esr and nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx), Fedora (firefox, java-11-openjdk, LibRaw, moodle, python-django3, and vtk), Slackware (mozilla), SUSE (buildah, cloud-init, container-suseconnect, firefox, golang-github-prometheus-prometheus, kernel, and ntp), and Ubuntu (heat, linux-azure-fde-5.15, linux-raspi, linux-oem-5.17, linux-oem-6.0, linux-raspi, linux-raspi-5.4, linux-raspi2, neutron, openvswitch, and sqlparse).


Hes Been Dead for Nearly 10 Years. Now Hes Narrating Your Audiobook "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Companies including Apple and Google are embracing the new technology for recording audio versions of books: Its a wow moment.


Alphabet gains $131 billion in market value after it unveils AI ambitions at I/O conference "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Investors have cheered news outs of Alphabets I/O conference, with the stock posting a two-day gain of 9% during Wednesday and Thursdays sessions.


Why artists shouldnt fear AI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Advancements in generative art have many human artists on edge. But should they be worried?


Re: New Linux kernel NetFilter flaw gives attackers root privileges "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Florian Weimer on May 11

* Tobias Heider:

Doesn't unprivileged chroot need user namespace support? So a side
effect of disabling it might be to force applications to switch to
userspace emulation of pathname lookup. That doesn't seem like a good



UAE welcomed Israeli military aid following 2022 Yemeni airstrikes: Report "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

May 10 2023 ByNews Desk Israels haste to aid its Arab partner came in stark contrast to the muted response of the US The UAE received extensive security assistance from Israel in April 2022 following a series of missile and drone strikes deep inside Abu Dhabi launched by Yemens Ansarallah resistance movement. According


Uk Sends Long Range Missile To Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

As the war between Russia and Ukraine and intensify, the Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace has confirmed that the United Kingdom (UK) government is sending long-range missiles to Ukraine. The minister said that Storm Shadows missiles will be provided to Ukraines military. New Telegraph gathered that some of the missiles are already in Ukraine with Mr...

The post Uk Sends Long Range Missile To Ukraine appeared first on New Telegraph.


EKSG Donates Relief Materials To 112 Rainstorm Victims "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

In a bid to rescue some citizens from the pangs of homelessness, the Ekiti State Government has donated relief materials to 112 victims of rainstorms in two communities in the state. The government expressed sympathy and grieve over the pains experienced by the victims, whose building rooftops were blown off at Oke-Ako and Ijesa-Isu Ekiti,...

The post EKSG Donates Relief Materials To 112 Rainstorm Victims appeared first on New Telegraph.


GOC Lauds Diri For Supporting Troops In Bayelsa "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The General Officer Commanding 6 Division of the Nigerian Army, Maj.-Gen. Jamal Abdulsalam has lauded the Bayelsa State Governor, Douye Diri, for supporting the army and troops posted in the state. Abdulsalam, who led officers of the division to visit Diri in Government House Yenagoa on Thursday said out of the four states under the...

The post GOC Lauds Diri For Supporting Troops In Bayelsa appeared first on New Telegraph.


Pakistans top court orders release of ex-PM khan, declares his arrest invalid "IndyWatch Feed War"

Press TV May 11, 2023

Pakistans top court has ordered the anti-graft agency to release former Prime Minister Imran Khan from its custody amid violent and widespread protests sparked by his detention.

The Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that Imran Khans arrest earlier this week, which sparked deadly protests across the South Asian country, was illegal and invalid.

Your arrest was invalid so the whole process needs to be backtracked, Pakistans Chief Justice Umar Ata Bandial told Khan, who has been in custody since Tuesday.

Earlier in the day, the court directed the the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to present the former premier before the court.

Subsequently, Khan was presented in court amid tight security about 5:45 pm local time. The top courts order on Thursday came after Khans legal team challenged his arrest by the NAB on Tuesday.

The shock arrest has triggered violent protests across the country, prompting the government to call out the army to help restore order.

Tensions remained high on Thursday with paramilitary troops and police on the streets in big cities.

Supporters of Khans Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party have attacked military establishments and set other state buildings and assets ablaze.

A total of nearly 2,500 people have been arrested so far and at least 11 killed and dozens injured. Authorities have also arrested at least three senior leaders of PTI party as of Thursday.

Footage shared by an Islamabad police official showed military vehicles with mounted guns lined up on the side of a road and soldiers holding assault rifles.

Mobile data services remained suspended and schools and offices were closed in two of Pakistans four provinces. Social media platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram have been blocked.

More than 100 police cases have been registered against Khan by the government since his removal from power in April 2022 after he lost a confidence vote in parliament.

Pakistans President Arif Alvi, who is also a senior PTI leader, said he was alarmed, shocked and deeply disturbed over the situation in the country.

After his ouster in April last year, Khan accused an unnamed foreign power in a clear reference to the United States of funding a conspiracy to topple his democratically elected government.

Khan insisted that the foreign power sent millions of dollars to opposition parties to launch a no-confidence vote against him in the parliament.

The former prime minister has declared he fears for his life if detained, and that authorities wan...


Europa sancion una ley contra la deforestacin importada "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Martn Katz / Greenpeace

El Parlamento Europeo aprob una ley para limitar la importacin de productos que procedan de zonas recientemente deforestadas. De cumplirse la normativa, no podrn ingresar a ese continente las carnes, soja, madera, caf y palma provenientes de regiones desmontadas. En Argentina se arrasaron siete millones de hectreas de monte nativo entre 1998 y 2022.

Tras ms de dos aos de discusin y con el impulso de organizaciones ecologistas, el Parlamento Europeo aprob por amplia mayora una ley que buscar cerrarle la puerta a la importacin de productos que procedan de zonas recientemente deforestadas. A partir de esta ley, Europa no aceptar productos que procedan de tierras deforestadas ni que hayan provocado deforestacin despus del 31 de diciembre de 2020.

Segn la FAO, el consumo de la Unin Europea (UE) representa el diez por ciento de la deforestacin mundial. El aceite de palma y la soja constituyen ms de dos tercios de esta cifra.

De ahora en ms, las empresas tendrn que demostrar que sus productos cumplen la legislacin correspondiente del pas de origen, incluida la relativa a los derechos humanos, y que al producir se respetaron los derechos de los pueblos indgenas. Las multas por incumplimiento podrn ser de hasta el cuatro por ciento del volumen de negocios anual total que la empresa penada tenga en la UE.

Esta norma contra la deforestacin importada implica que en el mediano plazo no podrn ingresar a Europa productos realizados en desmontes posteriores a 2020 (ya sean legales o ilegales) tales como ganado, soja, madera, cacao, caf, palma, caucho, carbn y papel. La ley tambin incluye a los derivados de estos productos, como chocolates o muebles.

Las autoridades competentes de la UE debern tener acceso a informacin (como las coordenadas de geolocalizacin) y realizarn controles con ayuda de herramientas de seguimiento por satlite y anlisis de ADN para comprobar de dnde proceden los productos. Aunque no se vetar a ningn pas ni materia prima, las empresas solo podrn vender productos en la UE si el proveedor de los mismos ha emitido una declaracin de diligencia debida.

La nueva ley fue aprobada en abril pasado por 552 votos a favor, 44 votos en contra y 43 abstenciones. A partir de su entrada en vigencia, un comit de la Unin Europea clasificar a los pases, o a partes de ellos, como de bajo, medio o alto riesgo mediante una evaluacin en un plazo de 18 meses. Esto implica que cuanto mayor sea el riesgo deforestacin, mayor ser el control sobre las empresas para exportar a Europa....


Joe Bidens Approval Rating Continues to Plummet as Trump Rises "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Edo 2024: Aspirant Accuses Edo Govt Official Of Reprehension, Abuse Of Position "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A governorship aspirant of the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Edo State, Hon. John Yakubu has accused an unnamed senior state government official of orchestrating the destruction of his bill boards in strategic locations across Benin City, the state capital. Addressing a press conference on Thursday, Yakubu accused the senior government official...

The post Edo 2024: Aspirant Accuses Edo Govt Official Of Reprehension, Abuse Of Position appeared first on New Telegraph.


CCAN Applauds EPAs New Carbon Rules As A Step Towards Climate Justice "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Washington, DC Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a proposal to tighten restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions from fossil-fuel power plants. EPA proposed two new rules: one for existing coal and gas plants, and one for new gas plants. The largest facilities must make the earliest and most substantial carbon emission cuts, while retiring coal plants and peak-demand gas units face more lenient standards. New gas plants must implement the latest emission reduction technologies within a specific timeframe.

Statement from Quentin Scott, Federal Director for CCAN:

CCAN is thrilled by the announcement of EPAs new rules. These rules are another step towards fulfilling President Bidens campaign promise to address the climate crisis by implementing necessary and cost-effective changes in the power sector, which is one of the nations largest contributors to air pollution. EPAs moves to reduce greenhouse gas emissions combined with provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act   are expected to lead to a 50% reduction in nationwide greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. This would put the U.S. on track to reach the levels that scientists have said will be required for us to avert climate catastrophe.

Last month CCAN organized 150 leaders and concerned community members in front of EPA Headquarters demanding for this rule to be released. We are encouraged by EPAs responsiveness to the concerns raised by climate, environmental justice, and health leaders. EPAs decision to forego industry-friendly delays in implementing pollution rules is a posit...


Favorece el saqueo: especialistas denuncian la industria minera en Mxico "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Pobreza, crisis ambiental, violencia y despojo. Esos han sido los resultados de la industria minera en Mxico, cuyos daos son irreversibles y arrasadores sin importar el mbito en que se inserte ambiental, social o legal. As lo explic la Dra. Leticia Merino Prez, investigadora del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales UNAM, en la conferencia Expansin de la minera en Mxico y sus implicaciones socio ambientales.

Esta sesin se inserta en el Seminario de Investigacin Primavera 2023 del Instituto de Investigaciones en Medio Ambiente Xabier Gorostiaga, SJ de la IBERO Puebla, coordinado por la Dra. Valentina Campos Cabral, quien fungi como moderadora en este evento. Desde su perspectiva, estos espacios de dilogo son necesarios para abrir la discusin sobre la defensa por los derechos humanos en las comunidades afectadas por el extractivismo minero.

Estamos en un momento histrico que define el futuro de los derechos humanos de pueblos y comunidades indgenas, pero tambin del cuidado de la casa comn. Ambos temas son de principal importancia para la Universidad: Dra. Valentina Campos Cabral.

Para entender el fenmeno es necesario conocer el escenario histrico en el que se inserta. La Dra. Leticia Merina identific un punto de quiebre para Mxico en 1995con el Tratado de Libre Comercio de Amrica del Norte (TLCAN). Este paquete de reformas legales permiti la comercializacin indiscriminada de los recursos naturales del pas, en especial, sus minerales.

Este auge convirti al pas, y posteriormente a Amrica Latina, en las regiones predilectas para la explotacin de bienes a costa de un discurso de economa neoliberal que, hasta la actualidad, argumenta que es necesario para acabar con el hambre, la pobreza, y tener un desarrollo sustentable. Para la investigadora, estas promesas estn vacas, y solo siguen un discurso colonial.

Las cifras dadas por la Comisin Econmica para Amrica Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) estiman que de 1970 a 2017 la extraccin de minerales creci un 622%, en los que se alcanzaron 3,972 millones de to...


Kwarapoly Seeks Alumni Influence For MFB Licence Approval By CBN "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Management of the Kwara State Polytechnic (Kwarapoly), Ilorin, has appealed to the alumni of the institution to facilitate the approval of the licence for the Kwarapoly Microfinance Bank through their various connections in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Speaking during activities marking 50 years of establishing the institution in Ilorin on Thursday which...

The post Kwarapoly Seeks Alumni Influence For MFB Licence Approval By CBN appeared first on New Telegraph.


Israels Systemic Targeting of Journalists "IndyWatch Feed War"

Tomorrow marks one year since veteran journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was murdered by the Israeli military while covering an Israeli invasion of Jenin refugee camp. The brutal silencing of her voice, and the images of Israeli riot police beating mourners at her funeral, will be remembered as defining moments exposing the cruelty of Israeli apartheid.

As part of our ongoing series on freedom of expression, we recognize that Shireens case is not an anomaly, but reflects decades of Israeli impunity for the systemic targeting of journalists. This visual honors the journalists who were killed simply because their voices exposed the atrocities of Israeli settler colonialism and apartheid.

This visual covers the period from 20002022, based on a comparative review of six different sources of documentation. Organizations citing lower figures usually adopt a narrower focus on journalists killed on assignment. Higher figures sometimes cover a wider time period, use a broader definition of journalist, or include cases involving other perpetrators.

The stories of James Miller and Shireen Abu Akleh show a recurring pattern. Both journalists were killed with a single shot just below their press helmets. In both cases, they were clearly identifiable by their blue press vests and were standing in a group with other journalists. Israeli military spokespeople lied about crossfire from Palestinian armed groups in both incidents. In Millers case, a...


Vice President of Imran Khans Opposition Party Arrested in Pakistan "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sputnik 10.05.2023

Fawad Chaudhry, the vice president of the opposition Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party in Pakistan, has been arrested from outside the Supreme Court premises, Pakistani media reported on Wednesday.

Chaudhry was arrested late Wednesday night after he came out of the apex court premises after having spent over 12 hours inside the Supreme Court in a bid to evade the arrest, media reported.

It was earlier reported that Shah Mahmood Qureshi, the vice chairman of the PTI, and PTI Secretary-General Asad Umar were also arrested in Pakistan.

The Pakistani authorities said Monday that former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan had been taken into custody following a hearing of the Islamabad High Court in the Al-Qadir Trust case.

PTI called on citizens of Pakistan to gather for mass protests, demanding Khans release.

On Tuesday, Pakistans authorities said Khan was facing an inquiry by the National Accountability Bureau in the Al-Qadir Trust case, related to a settlement between the PTI government and a property tycoon, which reportedly caused a loss of 50 billion Pakistani rupees ($17.6 million) to the national exchequer.

The actions spurred mass protests across the country, with activists setting police vehicles on fire and damaging government property and the police using tear gas and water cannons to disperse the crowd.


Under the Microscope: Watchdog Shines Light on Activities of Neo-Nazi Cell "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Far-right extremism is surging in the US as small neo-Nazi cells, many of them connected, are popping up throughout the country. Now, an investigation of just one of them a New England-based neo-Nazi gang offers a glimpse into the criminal activities and inner workings of the group, its ties to other extremists, and the lack of legal action against gang members.


The numbers show that this is a serious issue. Acts of domestic terrorism, most of which have been committed by right-wing groups, shot up by 357 percent between 2013 and 2021, and three-quarters of extremism-related murders in the past 10 years were committed by right-wing extremists. 


To show how much impact just one of these right-wing groups has, Task Force Butler, a watchdog organization, has investigated Nationalist Social Club, or NSC-131 (131 is an alphanumeric abbreviation used by the group for anti-Communist action). The findings of the probe were recently released in a comprehensive report


[NSC-131 is] a violent terrorist gang that primarily functions to plan, train, and obtain weapons for the explicit purpose of engaging in acts of violence and harassment against religious, racial, and ethnic minorities, the LGBTQIA+ community, and others deemed enemies, the investigation found. The report also stresses the need for law enforcement to recognize the inherent criminal aspect of NSC-131.  


Every single criminal act that an NSC-131 gang member engages in on behalf of the organization is the result of a conspiracy by, with, and through the organizations hierarchical leadership structure, and should be treated as such by law enforcement, the report states.


The document is not publicly available. 


Project Husky was released upon request to journalists, researchers, and law enforcement, and painstakingly outlines the criminal activities and violent ambitions of NSC-131. The r...


From EE to VC: Eileen Tanghal's Journey "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Eileen Tanghal, cofounder of the venture capital firm Black Opal Ventures, didnt set out to be a venture capitalist. The electrical engineer left her job at a semiconductor startup to pursue an MBA so she could better understand the business side of technology. During a summer break, she was chosen for an internship with a venture-capital company that funded high-tech startups. Her engineering background got her the position. Tanghal went on to work for several tech-focused VCs before launching Black Opal in 2021.

My cofounder, Tara Bishop, and I began as angel investors, investing our own money, she says. We invested primarily in early-stage startups, meaning they were still developing and validating their idea for a product and had raised little or no money yet.

In 2022, Black Opal, based in New York City, expanded to managing a fund that invests other peoples and institutions money, primarily funding startups in health care and life sciences.

Eileen Tanghal


Black Opal Ventures, New York City




MIT, London Business School

We want to improve health care accessibility and affordability, Tanghal says. To do this, we look at companies working with emerging technologies and also those applying technologies that are well established in one industry but not yet leveraged in health care or life sciences.

The IEEE member is also working to hire more women and underrepresented minorities within the Black Opal portfolio, including the recommendation of specific individuals for leadership positions within the companies it funds. A diverse workforce, says Tanghal, produces the most inclusive and most profitable products and services.

From engineer to investor

Tanghal earned a bachelors degree in electrical engineering and computer science, with a minor in economics from MIT in 1997. The classes she took on semiconductors led to her first job, at PDF Solutions, a startup semiconductor consultancy firm, in Santa Clara, Calif. She specialized in optimizing the process of making transistors and improving manufacturing yields.

My experience at PDF included using digital twinswhich are digital representations of real-world products and processesto improve development, t...


RKVST Instaproof adds transparency and traceability to data wherever it is stored "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In todays world of fake news and AI-generated content, it is increasingly difficult to know if documents and files are trustworthy. But now anyone can easily verify the provenance of any file by simply dragging and dropping that file onto RKVST Instaproof to get the information they need to decide what data to trust. Its just as simple to use RKVST to create a strong provenance record for your data. While organizations have become adept More

The post RKVST Instaproof adds transparency and traceability to data wherever it is stored appeared first on Help Net Security.


The Origins of Our Investigation Into Clarence Thomas Relationship With Harlan Crow "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

Our reporting on the relationship between Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Harlan Crow, a Texas billionaire and Republican megadonor, has touched off a national conversation about the ethics of the Supreme Court. Other news organizations have stepped up their scrutiny of the high court, and our stories have been cited thousands of times in editorials, op-eds and Congress.

The lavish travel Crow funded and the previously undisclosed real estate deal and tuition arrangements between Crow and Thomas that our reporting revealed has become fodder for the dueling narratives of American politics.

Todays report continues a steady stream of revelations calling Justices ethics standards and practices into question, Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said in response to our story about the tuition payments. I hope that the Chief Justice understands that something must be done the reputation and credibility of the Court is at stake.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., shot back at a recent hearing of the committee: This is an unseemly effort by the Democratic left to destroy the legitimacy of the Roberts court. Theres a very selective outrage here.

The furor seems destined to continue. And so we thought it might be useful if we said a bit more about the origins, timing and criticisms of our journalism on this subject.

Editors at ProPublica have been thinking about the need to l...

LLVM Clang 16 vs. GCC 13 Compiler Performance On Intel Raptor Lake "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

For those wondering how the recent releases of the Clang 16 and GCC 13 are competing for the fastest generated binaries of these leading open-source compilers, here is a fresh round of benchmarks from an Intel Core i9 13900K "Raptor Lake" system looking at the performance for a variety of C/C++ workloads built under each of these compilers.

A year after the assassination of Shireen Abu Akleh "IndyWatch Feed War"

Two side-by-side photos of Shireen Abu Akleh (left) and Shatha Hanaysha (right), both wearing their press vests and protective gear.If you ask me how I feel a year after Shireen Abu Aklehs assassination, I would tell you that I feel angry because both Shireen and I died under the tree that day. Shireen awaits justice from heaven, while I wait for it down here on earth.


EU steunt NAVO' Proxy War Financieel "IndyWatch Feed War"


Borrell vertelt hoe de EU het Oekraense leger bijstaat in oorlog met Rusland. Borrell Rusland wil verslaan zodat Europa meer boter heeft?

Borrell: "We hebben 17.000 Oekraense soldaten getraind, tegen het einde van het jaar zullen we 30.000 Oekraense soldaten trainen. 

We zullen ook een miljoen granaten van 155 mm en meer dan 1.000 raketten voorbereiden. 

70 miljard euro zal de komende 3 jaar in onz...


Sharia Law Should Be Adopted In Prosecution Of Traffic Violators FRSC "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Mr Yusuf Abdullahi, Sector Commander of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) in Bauchi State, has called for the use of Sharia Law in the prosecution of traffic offenders to reduce the number of accidents on the nations roads. The Corp Commander made this known on Thursday while speaking in an interview with the News...

The post Sharia Law Should Be Adopted In Prosecution Of Traffic Violators FRSC appeared first on New Telegraph.


JUST-IN: 18 Days To Handover, Buhari Makes Top Security Appointment "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The outgoing President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari has assigned a retiring Garba Baba Umar, Assistant Inspector General of Police as the Senior Security Adviser (SSA) on International Police Cooperation and Counter-terrorism in the office of the Minister of Police Affairs. New Telegraph gathered that this is to make Nigeria keep the...

The post JUST-IN: 18 Days To Handover, Buhari Makes Top Security Appointment appeared first on New Telegraph.


System76 Making Progress With COSMIC Desktop - 10-bit Color Support Added, HDR Plans "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The folks at System76 have published a new blog post that summarizes their software progress over the course of April on further advancing their Rust-written COSMIC desktop environment...


Andrey Sushentsov: The EU'd 'new' Eastern members are now running the bloc "IndyWatch Feed World"

Badly thought-out expansion has cost Germany its previous leadership of the organization and left the tail wagging the dog The Ukrainian crisis is giving rise to new strategic shifts. Alongside the shift away from a US-dominated world order, the conflict shows the emergence of a new balance of power in Europe that eludes the comprehension of Western analysts. At the heart of the new strategic situation in Europe is an "inflation of the influence" of Eastern European states that was unimaginable thirty years ago. In its current form, the European Union, whose development - both economic and political - has been driven for almost seventy years by the countries of Western Europe, has essentially lost its sovereignty. At the beginning of the 1990s, at the height of post-Cold War integration plans, there was a real possibility of forming a full European confederation: Western European countries were thinking about their own defense policy, separate from the US, and were planning to go...


Serbia and China Mark Anniversary of Embassy Bombing by NATO "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Time for Arabs to Come Together and Rethink Strategic Alliances "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Experts share details of five flaws that can be chained to hack Netgear RAX30 Routers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers disclosed the details of five vulnerabilities that can be chained to take over some Netgear router models.

Industrial and IoT cybersecurity firm Claroty disclosed technical details of five vulnerabilities that be exploited to hack some Netgear router models.

Team82 disclosed five vulnerabilities in NETGEARs Nighthawk RAX30 routers as part of its research and participation in last Decembers Pwn2Own Toronto hacking competition. reads the advisory published by the security firm. Successful exploits could allow attackers to monitor users internet activity, highjack internet connections and redirect traffic to malicious websites or inject malware into network traffic. An attacker could also use these vulnerabilities to access and control networked smart devices (security cameras, thermostats, smart locks), change router settings including credentials or DNS settings, or use a compromised network to launch attacks against other devices or networks.

The vulnerabilities, tracked as CVE-2023-27357, CVE-2023-27367, CVE-2023-27368, CVE-2023-27369, CVE-2023-27370, were demonstrated by Claroty researchers during the 2022 Pwn2Own Toronto hacking contest as part of an exploit.



Commodity Profile: Coffee "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In the second of a new series explaining how key commodities are affected by and contribute to climate change, Carbon Brief looks at coffee from how it is grown in the worlds bean belt to where it is roasted, traded and consumed with a special focus on Colombia and Ethiopia.

Coffee is the most popular drink in many countries and the most widely traded tropical product in the world. The world produces almost 11m tonnes of coffee per year and consumes about the same.

The global coffee trade accounts for 2.5% of the worlds agricultural commodity trade by value but less than 0.6% of its trade by weight.

In total, the global coffee trade is worth about $31bn per year. More than 60% of that value comes from the trade of green, or unroasted, coffee beans and nearly 40% is generated by the trading of roasted beans.

Several of the top importers of green coffee such as the US, Germany and Italy are also among the top exporters of roasted coffee beans.

Coffee is grown across wide swathes of the tropics, with the area bounded by the tropics of capricorn and cancer sometimes called the bean belt or the coffee belt. The two most important varieties are arabica and robusta.

The post Commodity Profile: Coffee appeared first on Carbon Brief.


New APT Group Red Stinger Targets Military and Critical Infrastructure in Eastern Europe "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A previously undetected advanced persistent threat (APT) actor dubbed Red Stinger has been linked to attacks targeting Eastern Europe since 2020. "Military, transportation, and critical infrastructure were some of the entities being targeted, as well as some involved in the September East Ukraine referendums," Malwarebytes disclosed in a report published today. "Depending on the campaign,


Premiere League Big Four Interested In Marc Guehi "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Crystal Palace defender, Marc Guehi is reportedly attracting the interest of big clubs ( the big 4) in the Premier League. Thats according to a recent report from the Daily Mail, who claims Guehi, 22, is being eyed by Tottenham, Arsenal, and Manchester United ahead of this summers transfer window. The interest in the 22-year-old...

The post Premiere League Big Four Interested In Marc Guehi appeared first on New Telegraph.


Stories From The Deep: Indonesias Experimental U-Boat Midget Subs "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
Military enthusiasts are always on the hunt for new captivating war stories. Mark Felton has already done a great job in bringing a great number of elusive war stories to the attention of a worldwide audience, and yet more stories lay hidden in dusty archives or elusive photographs, waiting to one day be uncovered. One such story details the design and construction of Midget U-Boats by a German submariner - working together with Indonesian freedom fighters that had served in the Dutch Navy - on the island of Java in 1947. [1] Though one of the contraptions sank during its first sea trial, their design and construction by a German submariner (rather than an actual designer) in a steel factory with no professional tools means was nonetheless an impressive feat.

The German submariner had been part of the Gruppe Monsun, a force of German (and Italian) U-boats that operated in the Pacific and Indian Oceans during the Second World War. Operating from bases in Japanese-controlled Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia (then still the Dutch East Indies), this area of operations was the only place where German and Japanese (and Italian) forces actually fought in the same theatre. After Germany's surrender on the 8th of May 1945, the four German submarines and two Italian submarines that had remained present were taken over by the Japanese, with their crews interned in Indonesia or used to operate the now Japanese-controlled submarines.
Interestingly, the two Italian submarines Luigi Torelli and Comandante Cappellini had already been captured by Japan once before. This occurred after Italy's surrender in September 1943. The boats were then handed over to the German Kriegsmarine in Sabang, Indonesia, which continued to operate the submarines with a mixed German-Italian crew. After the...


The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Solution "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Part V of a five-part series Thomas Jefferson opined of the Rothschild-led Eight Families central banking cartel which came to control the United States, Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day, but a series of oppressions begun at a distinguished period, unalterable through every change of ministers, too []


Nakba commemoration elicits racism from right-wing Zionists, silence from the liberals "IndyWatch Feed War"

A Palestinian man overlooks the Jaramana Refugee Camp in Damascus, Syria in 1948. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)When Rashida Tlaib tweeted about the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, AIPAC described her history as "dangerous lies." Meanwhile, liberal Zionist statements on Israel's founding contain Nakba denial as well.


Akira ransomware what you need to know "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Akira is a new family of ransomware, first used in cybercrime attacks in March 2023. Read more about the threat in my article on the Tripwire State of Security blog.


Tomgram: Engelhardt, A Future Beyond My Imagination "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

After almost 79 years on this beleaguered planet, let me say one thing: this can't end well. Really, it can't. And no, I'm not talking about the most obvious issues ranging from the war in Ukraine to the climate disaster. What I have in mind is that latest, greatest human invention: artificial intelligence[...]


Ecuador to boost protection of Galpagos in biggest debt-for-nature deal ever "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

On May 9, Ecuador launched a plan that would effectively wipe out the interest on part of its debt in exchange for its protection of the Galpagos Islands, one of the most biodiverse marine regions in the world. The strategy will allow Ecuador to convert $1.6 billion of its existing commercial debt into a $656 million loan issued as a bond by the global investment bank Credit Suisse. Over the course of 18 years, Ecuador would repay this new loan, and also provide about $18 million each year for the conservation of the waters surrounding the Galpagos Islands. Much of the funding would be focused on managing the newly established Hermandad Reserve and the existing Galpagos Marine Reserve (GMR), as well as sustainable fishing and climate resilience efforts. The plan would also finance an endowment aimed to generate ongoing funding for marine conservation. Such transactions, known as debt-for-nature deals, have been completed in at least 16 other countries, but Ecuadors deal is the largest to date. In addition to substantially supporting marine conservation efforts, the deal should save Ecuador about $1 billion in borrowing costs. The worlds biggest ocean-friendly debt swap is coming together in Ecuador to protect its unique natural resources, Pablo Arosemena Marriott, Ecuadors minister of economy and finance, said in a statement. This strategy decreases public debt, boosts fiscal stability, and creates opportunities to address basic needs like healthcare and education. Reef off Darwin and Wolf Islands, northwest Galpagos. Photo by Greg Asner /   JoseThis article was originally published on Mongabay


The Federal Reserve Cartel. The Roundtable and The Illuminati "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Part III of a five-part series According to former British intelligence agent John Colemans book, The Committee of 300, the Rothschilds exert political control through the secretive Business Roundtable, which they created in 1909 with the help of Lord Alfred Milner and South African industrialist Cecil Rhodes. The Rhodes Scholarship is granted by Oxford University, while oil industry propagandist []


British hacker pleads guilty to hacking schemes, faces 77 years in prison "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Habiba Rashid

Joseph James O'Connor was part of a hacking group that hacked over 130 Twitter accounts in July 2020.

This is a post from Read the original post: British hacker pleads guilty to hacking schemes, faces 77 years in prison


Qrypt and Carahsoft join forces to provide quantum secure encryption to federal agencies "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Qrypt has formed a partnership with Carahsoft. Under the agreement, Carahsoft will serve as Qrypts Master Government Aggregator, making the companys quantum-secure encryption technology available to the Federal Government through Carahsofts reseller partners, Information Technology Enterprise Solutions Software 2 (ITES-SW2) and National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) contracts. Quantum computers have the potential to revolutionize the world as we know it, but they are also poised to threaten traditional encryption methods, leaving highly sensitive data More

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Ubuntu 23.10 Looks To dhcpcd5 For Replacing ISC DHCP Client "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The ISC DHCP software was marked end-of-life at the end of 2022 and thus Ubuntu Linux developers have been deciding on a new isc-dhcp-client package replacement to use by default...


NATOs Planned Liaison Office In Japan Will Accelerate The Expansion Of AUKUS+ "IndyWatch Feed War"


The US Is Rounding Up Allies Ahead Of A Possible War With China, which the former plans to fight via the emerging alliance system that can be described as AUKUS+ if it unfolds. This refers to that regional groups function as the core of a larger anti-Chinese network that informally includes Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, and South Korea. NATO will also obviously play a role too, with that bloc building upon its Secretary-Generals related statement of intent by opening a liaison office in Japan.

Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi told CNN that this development is supposedly due to the Ukrainian Conflict making the entire world less stable, but the reality is that this is part of a preplanned move to more effectively coordinate the containment of China. It would have happened on a different pretext had that aforementioned conflicts latest phase not broken out last year, but that event provided a convenient excuse for speeding up their plans and disguising them as anti-Russian instead.

NATOs liaison office in Japan will serve as that alliances first official outpost in the Asia-Pacific, thus enabling it to more directly organize AUKUS+s expansion. Assembling that regional dimension of this emerging system is important in and of itself, but the European one is indispensable for maximally pressuring China. Its therefore expected that more countries from the continent will soon dispatch vessels to the region as part of the joint operations that the liaison office will organize.

This is precisely what EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell had in mind when suggesting late last month that member states should patrol the Taiwan Strait. Since practically every EU member is also part of NATO, this de facto amounts to that alliance doing this, which is dangerous due to the risk of this provoking an incident with China that could prompt the implementation of Article 5. Thats probably the point though, namely to create a crisis that can justify the further acceleration of AUKUS+s expansion.

Nothing good is therefore expected to come from the opening of NATOs...


Ex-Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon: Covid Vaxx Push a Supranational Operation Intended to Maim and Kill Deliberately "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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Who is behind Canadas state-level Sinophobia? "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Timur Fomenko | RT | May 11, 2023

On Tuesday, China and Canada engaged in a tit-for-tat expulsion of diplomats. The row was triggered by allegations that Chinese diplomat Zhao Wei hadinterfered in Canadian politics, apparently targeting anti-China Conservative MP Michael Chong.

The claims created a media firestorm in Ottawa after the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service (CSIS) reportedly accused an accredited Chinese diplomat of targeting Chong. Justin Trudeaus government, under political pressure from the opposition, subsequently decided to act.

This row isnt the first to derail relations between China and Canada. Its one of many, including Ottawas decision to arrest Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou in 2018, Chinas retaliatory arrest of Canadian nationals Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, Ottawas sporadic allegations of Chinese interference, and then Xi Jinpings harsh rebuke of Trudeau on the sidelines of the G20 summit last November. Its fair to say that relations between the two countries are in a state of freefall. But the question might be asked, who is the real culprit here? Or more to the point, who governs Canada?

Allegations of foreign interference are a funny thing, because they tend to only be used against countries who represent an ideological or cultural other. They never focus on certain allied countries that actually do interfere in the nations politics, controlling its media and political discourse, while using think tanks, often sponsored by military and government bodies, and to deliberately cause controversies in Canada in order to steer the country in a certain direction. It seems, for example, very fishy that in the midst of this whole saga, the US-sponsored Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank published an article calling for Canada to join AUKUS, the Australia, UK, US Pacific military alliance.

If it was not obvious enough already, no country has interfered in Canadian politics more than the United States. Although Canada appears more progressive and forward-thinking than its southern neighbor in many respects, the reality is that Ottawa is a loyal and obligated follower of the US and steadfast in its commitment to Anglophone exceptionalism. Although Canada is geographically larger than the US, its population is about 10% the size and as such, it is strategically, economically, culturally, and geographically dominated by Washington, giving it very little leverage in its foreign policy direction.

Arguably, out of all the Fi...


How Attack Surface Management Supports Continuous Threat Exposure Management "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

According to Forrester, External Attack Surface Management (EASM) emerged as a market category in 2021 and gained popularity in 2022. In a different report, Gartner concluded that vulnerability management vendors are expanding their offerings to include Attack Surface Management (ASM) for a suite of comprehensive offensive security solutions. Recognition from global analysts has officially put


Gaza: Palestinian boy dies after panic attack from Israeli bombing "IndyWatch Feed War"

Gaza: Palestinian boy dies after panic attack from Israeli bombing

Tamim Daoud, aged four, died during Israel's latest assault on Gaza. 'My little sons heart could not bear it,' his father told MEE
Aseel Mousa Thu, 05/11/2023 - 15:00
Tamim Daoud, aged four, died following Israel's assault on Gaza (Social media)

On Monday night, Tamim Daoud, a four-year old Palestinian boy, went to bed at home in al-Remal, a neighbourhood in the centre of the Gaza Strip.

Daoud, who was eagerly awaiting his fifth birthday next month, was woken along with his family at 2am by the sound of Israeli bombs. 

My son Tamim was sleeping when an Israeli air strike targeted a residential building near our home, Mohammed, the boys father, told Middle East Eye.

He woke up frightened and terrified.

The sound of the bombing was deafening, and even after the air strikes had finished the Daoud familys building still reverberated. Windows had been shattered. The neighbourhood was blasted apart. 

Tamim wept heavily. He was having a panic attack. His mother Lina, 29, who is eight months pregnant, tried to soothe him back to sleep but the boy continued to cry. He grew short of breath, gasping d...


A Momentous Election or a Decisive Referendum: #Sharia4Turkey "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The big day is coming, and its do or die for the New Turkey project and Erdogans AKP legacy.

Dr. Can Erimtan

21st Century Wire 

Opponents of the ruling Justice and Development Party (or AKP) see a brand new day ahead, following the May, 14th general elections. But, AKP founder and Turkeys incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdoan (aka the Prez) fully intends to remain in power and stay put in his humble palatial abode at Betepe in the nations capital.

Economic woes, poverty and high unemployment are factors that would seem to indicate that the opposition has a chance of winning this time around. But . . . on the hand, as the saying goes, this is Turkey (or buras Trkiye) and the AKP base is large, loyal and decidedly dedicated. And additionally, there are still large swathes of undecided voters and hordes of potential disruptive ...

Linux Fu: C on Jupyter "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If you are a Pythonista or a data scientist, youve probably used Jupyter. If you havent, it is an interesting way to work with Python by placing it in a Markdown document in a web browser. Part spreadsheet, part web page, part Python program, you create notebooks that can contain data, programs, graphics, and widgets. You can run it locally and attach to it via a local port with a browser or, of course, run it in the cloud if you like. But you dont have to use Python.

You can, however, use things with Jupyter other than Python with varying degrees of success. If you are brave enough, you can use C. And if you look at this list, youll see you can use things ranging from Javascript, APL, Fortran, Bash, Rust, Smalltalk, and even MicroPython.

There are a few reasons I use the term varying degrees of success. First, not all of these kernels are official, so you never know how old some of them are until you try them. But whats more, Jupyter works better with scripting-type languages that can run little snippets without a lot of effort. Not all of these languages fit that descr...


Bidens Push To Make Military Vehicles Climate-Friendly Hands Americas Military Infrastructure To Red China "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

U.S. Marines and Ukranian Army working together in IraqTransitioning the military into a 'green' fighting force would outsource America's military hardware to its greatest adversary and damage its readiness.


Cynalytica releases OTNetGuard 4G/5G sensor to provide secure critical infrastructure monitoring "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cynalytica has launched the OTNetGuard 4G/5G sensor that offers a capability for cellular backhaul for communications monitoring of ICS/SCADA and OT environments, providing a secure out-of-band monitoring capability for critical infrastructure operators. As the threat landscape for industrial control systems and supervisory control and data acquisition systems continues to evolve, organizations need to be more vigilant than ever to monitor and protect their critical assets. The OTNetGuard platform is designed to meet this challenge head-on, More

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Spanish Police Takes Down Massive Cybercrime Ring, 40 Arrested "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The National Police of Spain said it arrested 40 individuals for their alleged involvement in an organized crime gang called Trinitarians. Among those apprehended include two hackers who carried out bank scams through phishing and smishing techniques and 15 other members of the crime syndicate, who have all been charged with a number of offenses such as bank fraud, forging documents, identity

Thursday, 11 May


America faces major hurdles trying to form Asia-Pacific NATO "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | May 11, 2023

While serving as the UK Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss pompously announced that so-called Global NATO was in the making, while also calling for the United Nations to be reformed to the political Wests liking (although quite the opposite is sorely needed). However, the ever-belligerent power pole seems to be having trouble forming even the Asia-Pacific NATO, let alone a global organization that would gather virtually all of Washington DCs vassals and satellite states. The main issue seems to be stemming from the unresolved historical disputes of the Second World War and the way it affected the Asia-Pacific region.

It should be noted that attempts to create a NATO equivalent in the region are hardly new. The United States has been trying to accomplish this for decades during the (First) Cold War. However, the deals would usually fall apart faster than it took them to be signed by all parties involved. Such disunity greatly contributed to the humiliating defeat of US aggression in Vietnam/Indochina half a century ago. Nowadays, similar disunity is once again emerging among Americas East Asian satellite states, specifically between South Korea and Japan. The US insists that the two countries should set their differences aside and go for a historical push that would lead to complete reconciliation.

However, numerous Japanese war crimes during WWII (as well as in the decades prior) are deeply ingrained in the minds of the Korean people, on both sides of the 38th parallel. In fact, its one of the few things both Seoul and Pyongyang actually agree on, albeit tacitly. A recent South Korean court case was supposed to resolve the issue of several major Japanese companies using forced labor in Korea during WWII, but Tokyo was still left unscathed by the process, which angered many Koreans. South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol dubbed the court decision a step towards trilateral cooperation to defend freedom, peace and prosperity not only in our two countries, but also around the world.

The trilateral cooperation he was referring to is between the US, Japan and South Korea. However, only a third of South Korean citizens support the deal, as they consider it didnt truly address Japanese war crimes. Worse yet, this isnt the first time such deals have fallen through. In 2015, a similar arrangement regarding the so-called comfort women battalions, another Japanese war crime that went largely unpunished, collap...


Saudi women's rights activist pursues lawsuit against UAE firm and ex-US operatives "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Saudi women's rights activist pursues lawsuit against UAE firm and ex-US operatives

After judge dismisses original case, lawyers representing Loujain Hathloul file amended complaint against DarkMatter and former US intelligence officers
Dania Akkad Thu, 05/11/2023 - 14:56
Loujain Hathloul, speaking with her sister, Lina, the day she was released from a Saudi prison, in February 2021 after 1,001 days (AFP)

Saudi human rights activist Loujain Hathloul is pushing ahead with a US lawsuit against an Emirati cyber-surveillance firm and three former US intelligence operatives accused of hacking her iPhone.

This week, Hathlouls lawyers filed an amended complaint with the US federal court in Oregon against DarkMatter Group and the three men weeks after a judge dismissed their earlier case.

Judge Karin Immergut found that there was insufficient contact between the defendants and the US for her court to exercise personal jurisdiction, but left the door open for Hathlouls team to prove otherwise.

The amended complaint, filed on Monday, alleges that DarkMatter and the former operatives used US technology and their US intelligence training to help Emirati security services spy on Hathloul.

The Emiratis, her lawyers argue, used the information gleaned from Hathlouls phone to arrest and extradite her to Saudi Arabia where she was detained, imprisoned, and tortured.



We are in the final! Please vote for Security Affairs and Pierluigi Paganini "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Dear readers and friends, once again we are in the final of the European Cybersecurity Blogger Awards 2022 and I need your support.

Please help me in reaching this new target. I work hard every day to provide updated news to students, passionate readers, and of course, cyber security professionals.

I do it for passion and it is a pleasure for me to share with you my experience and lessons learned on the field.

Now I need your support, just a minute of your time.

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Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs  hacking, Gmail)

The post We are in the final! Please vote for Security Affairs and Pierluigi Paganini appeared first on Security Affairs.


Hundreds of muttonbirds fall from the sky in storm in New Zealand "IndyWatch Feed World"

Freezing gale force winds are believed to be behind the downing of hundreds of tt (muttonbirds) in Central Otago, northern Southland and the Lakes District last night. It is believed the birds were migrating south to the Tt/Muttonbird Islands for breeding season, but were blown off course and exhausted by the wintry blast. Garston business owner Robert Durling said he was alerted to the plight of the birds when he heard a thump on his roof, about 9pm last night. "We just thought it was a possum or a big clump of snow. "Then we heard another one, so I went out to have a look, but I couldn't see anything. "Then all of a sudden, I saw this odd-looking bird on the lawn, and then I saw two or three of them, and then another one crashed into the tree beside us, and they kept hitting the roof for ages."


Think Before You Click "IndyWatch Feed War"

Human Wrongs Watch

Mitigating the risks of e-commerce to plant health



Agricultural items, such as plants, insects, soil or seeds, purchased online can pose a significant risk to a countrys local plants and animals, hurting biodiversity. Check to make sure that any of these items you buy has a phytosanitary certificate ensuring it is safe for import. FAO/ Ezequiel Becerra

11 May 2023 (FAO)* People around the world have taken to e-commerce due to its convenience, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, many people may not realize that plants and regulated goods...


Grain Trail: Tracking Russias Ghost Ships with Satellite Imagery "IndyWatch Feed War"

The main grain terminal at the Port of Sevastopol in occupied Crimea has fallen quiet in recent years at least according to ship monitoring services.

Automated Identification Systems (AIS) tracking data, which provides open source information on the positioning and movement of ships, shows few ships visiting the Avlita grain terminal in Sevastopol since Russia annexed the territory from Ukraine in 2015. 

International sanctions on the city of Sevastopol and the Avlita terminal (which has also been referred to as Aval in some media reports and registers) could explain why traffic has seemingly been so low. 

But other open sources paint a radically different picture of events at the terminal.

Satellite imaging services such as Planet, social media posts and a new Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) tool built as part of Bellingcats Tech Fellowship scheme, show that vessels have in fact covertly continued to make regular visits.

Bellingcat identified at least 179 days in the first 12 months of Russias full-scale invasion where ships had been present at Avlita terminal with their AIS transponders turned off. 

This appears to support the findings of several media reports that claimed activity at the terminal has continued apace.

The Financial Times, Bloomberg, CNN, Reuters, the BBC, the Wall Street Journal and Associated Press have all reported on apparent grain exports at the terminal since the onset of Russias full-scale invasion, even highlighting some of the shi...


INTERVIEW: Chay Bowes What They Wont Tell You About Russia "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Why NATOs proxy war against Russia is based on pure western propaganda.

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on May 9, 2023, Patrick talks with independent journalist Chay Bowes about the May 9th Victory Day celebrations in Moscow and gives a brief history lesson on the events of WWI and WWII and how these led to the current conflict in Ukraine, and why NATOs proxy war against Russia is based on pure western propaganda. All this and more. Listen:

More from Chay:

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):




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SAP and Google Cloud expand collaboration to advance enterprise AI development "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

SAP and Google Cloud announced an extensive expansion of their partnership, introducing a comprehensive open data offering designed to simplify data landscapes and unleash the power of business data. The offering enables customers to build an end-to-end data cloud that brings data from across the enterprise landscape using the SAP Datasphere solution together with Googles data cloud, so businesses can view their entire data estates in real time and maximize value from their Google Cloud More

The post SAP and Google Cloud expand collaboration to advance enterprise AI development appeared first on Help Net Security.


Distribution Release: EuroLinux 9.2 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The EuroLinux team have announced the availability of EuroLinux 9.2, a clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 which includes a number of key package updates. "On May 11, 2023, we released compatibility with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2.....


Catanzaro: GNOME Core Apps Update "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Michael Catanzaro has posted an update on the state of the GNOME core apps collection and the process used to make changes to it.

Although most of the core app changes have gone smoothly, we ran into some trouble replacing Terminal with Console. Console provides a fresher and simpler user interface on top of vte, the same terminal backend used by Terminal, so Console and Terminal share much of the same underlying functionality. This means work of the Terminal maintainers is actually key to the success of Console. Using a new terminal app rather than evolving Terminal allowed for bigger changes to the default user experience without upsetting users who prefer the experience provided by Terminal. I think Console is generally nicer than Terminal, but it is missing a few features that Fedora Workstation developers thought were important to have before replacing Terminal with Console. Long story short: this core app change was effectively rejected by one of our most important downstreams. Since then, Console has not seen very much development.


The Constitution, Congress and Government Debt "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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De Hoerigheid van de Locale Pers "IndyWatch Feed War"

Op de cover van de PS-bijlage van Het Parool was op 6 mei 2023 een ontspannen sociaal-democraat te zien, de voormalige PVDA-bons Lodewijk Asscher, oud hoofdstedelijke wethouder, oud minister, die de lezer lachend meedeelt: 'De stad is uit het lood geslagen.' Deze constatering werd vergezeld door de mededeling dat 'Lodewijk Asscher niet meer de haast [heeft] van een politicus en ziet wat beter kan.' Het staat er echt, en Het Parool meent dit echt. Men zou nog kunnen denken dat de redactie van de locale krant de Nederlandse taal niet beheerst, maar dat is niet het enige. 

Wat beweert Het Parool hier? Welnu, dat Lodewijk heeft ontdekt wat elke Amsterdammer al lang weet, namelijk dat 'de stad uit het lood is geslagen,' ironisch genoeg als gevolg van ondermeer het failliete beleid dat Asscher als PVDA loco-burgemeester heeft gevoerd. Na zijn vertrek bleek hij de stad met een grote schuld te hebben opgezadeld, en zijn beleid voor de binnenstad was uitgelopen op een platte vercommercialisering van de historische binnenstad, die een vrijplaats is geworden voor de buitenlandse onderwereld die hier via het vastgoed circuit zijn vele miljoenen aan zwart  geld witwast. Dit alles is het resultaat van het feit dat de neoliberale Lodewijk toen kennelijk 'haast' had en daardoor niet zag 'wat beter' kon, althans, zo moet men opmaken uit de tekst op de cover. 



Google will provide dark web monitoring to all US Gmail users and more "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Google announced the opening of the dark web monitoring report security feature to all Gmail users in the United States.

Google is going to offer dark web monitoring to all U.S. Gmail users, the feature allows them to search for their email addresses on the dark web. Dark web scans for Gmail address was previously only available to Google One subscribers in the US.

The upcoming feature will be also extended to users from select international markets.

Once an email address is discovered on the dark web, Google will urge users to enable two-step authentication (2FA) to protect their Google accounts.

Previously only available to Google One subscribers in the U.S., were expanding access to our dark web report in the next few weeks, so anyone with a Gmail account in the U.S. will be able to run scans to see if your Gmail address appears on the dark web and receive guidance on what actions to take to protect yourself. Well soon be expanding access to our dark web report to select international markets. reads the announcement published by the IT giant.

Google Ones dark web report feature scans the dark web for user personal info (i.e. name, address, email, phone number and Social Security...


Military Situation In Yemen On May 11, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Military Situation In Yemen On May 11, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • The Liaison and Coordination Officers Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 92 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah in the past 24 hours;
  • Al-Dara al-Watan forces took control of Al-Wadiah border crossing in Hadhramaut province by the order of the Saudi coalition command in Yemen;
  • Four STC members were killed by an IED explosion in the Mahfad district.


The post Military Situation In Yemen On May 11, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


DCI partners with DataVisor to help banks fight fraud "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Financial fraud has increased substantially as the trend towards mobile banking and digitization accelerates. In 2022 alone, the Federal Trade Commission received over 1.1 million reports of identity theft and over 440,000 reports of credit card fraud. To help banks detect and mitigate fraud proactively, DCI has partnered with DataVisor to prevent against evolving fraud threats. As a result, DCI customers can now better detect and mitigate application and identity theft, transaction fraud, account takeovers, More

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James Delingpole talks to Patrick Henningsen "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

James Delingpole, host of the The Delingpod, talks with 21WIREs editor and founder, Patrick Henningsen, about the war propaganda of the deep state infiltration of the western mainstream media and the incredible Russiagate hoax, as well as the current folly of NATOs proxy war in Ukraine. They also discuss the last three years of Covid-19 hysteria, the vaccine deception, the new Lab Leak official conspiracy theory and the fundamental problem with virology, climate change theory, and the weaponisation of mainstream science. All this and more. Watch: 

READ MORE PROPAGANDA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Propaganda Files


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Leaked Google engineer memo warns that Big Tech could lose AI race to the little guys "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A leaked memo from a Google employee makes a bold claim thats taking hold in Silicon Valley and beyond: Big Techs advantage in artificial intelligence is shrinking quickly.

The memo, published Thursday on the website for the tech research firm SemiAnalysis, soon became a top story on AI forums, including the popular HackerNews message board and Reddits /r/MachineLearning community, which has more than 2.6 million members, and sparked commentary from some of the biggest names in AI.

A Google spokesperson confirmed the memo was authentic but said it was the opinion of one senior employee, not necessarily the company as a whole.


Physicists create long-sought topological quantum states "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The exotic particles are called non-Abelian anyons, or nonabelions for short, and their Borromean rings exist only as information inside the quantum computer. But their linking properties could help to make quantum computers less error-prone, or more fault-tolerant a key step to making them outperform even the best conventional computers. The results, revealed in a preprint on 9 May1, were obtained on a machine at Quantinuum, a quantum-computing company in Broomfield, Colorado, that formed as the result of a merger between the quantum computing unit of Honeywell and a start-up firm based in Cambridge, UK.

This is the credible path to fault-tolerant quantum computing, says Tony Uttley, Quantinuums president and chief operating officer.

Other researchers are less optimistic about the virtual nonabelions potential to revolutionize quantum computing, but creating them is seen as an achievement in itself. There is enormous mathematical beauty in this type of physical system, and its incredible to see them realized for the first time, after a long time, says Steven Simon, a theoretical physicist at the University of Oxford, UK.


Researchers discover liquid quasicrystal with dodecagonal tiling pattern "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An unusual quasicrystal has been discovered by a team from the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), the University of Sheffield and Xian Jiaotong University. It has a dodecagonal honeycomb structure that has never been seen before. Until now, similar quasicrystals were only known to come in a solidnot liquidform. The team presents its results in the journal Nature Chemistry.

Quasicrystals have a special structure. They have a regular pattern similar to normal crystals, however, in normal crystals, the arrangement of the individual components is repeated over and over at . In the case of quasicrystals, the components do not fit together in such a periodic pattern. This special structure gives them special properties that normal crystals do not have.

The newly discovered consists of dodecagons, which in turn are made up of a mixture of triangular, square and, for the first time, trapezoidal shaped cells. These are generated from the self-assembly of T-shaped molecules. We have discovered a perfectly ordered liquid quasicrystal. Such a material has never been seen before, says chemist Professor Carsten Tschierske at MLU.


UK-based tech company claims quantum computing breakthrough "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Scientists at a UK-based tech company believe they are now a step closer to building a quantum computer that can solve real-world problems, after making progress towards creating a system that protects against errors.

Experts at Quantinuum said they have made a breakthrough towards making quantum computing fault tolerant, which would give the system the ability to continue operating without interruption, even if one or more of its components fail.

The race to build a fully functional quantum computer has mostly focused on correcting errors that affect the system, but Ilyas Khan, the companys founder and chief product officer, said no-one has shown an actual demonstration of a step towards qubits, the quantum equivalent of what we refer to as a bit in existing computers, that are naturally fault tolerant.


Russia Concludes Investigations on Donbass Genocide "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Growing LNG Awareness in Congress ~ Risks of Growth in Liquified Natural Gas "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

<div class="wp-caption alignleft" id="attachment_45325" style= "width: 330px;"><a href= ""> <img alt="" class="size-full wp-image-45325" height="270" src= "" title="FE3816E4-BA5C-43E2-B921-A426A90181A8" width="330"></a> <p class="wp-caption-text">Join in with POWHR to limit dangerous pipelines in rugged terrain and thru rivers & streams

Some 44 Lawmakers Sound the Alarm on Threat of LNG Expansion</strong><br> .<br> .<br> From an <a href= ""> Article by Olivia Rosane, Common Dreams</a>, May 8, 2023<br> .<br> .<br> Senators and representatives have signed a letter calling on the Biden administrations Council on Environmental Quality to give greater scrutiny to the LNG supply chain from wellhead to shipping overseas. <p>More than 40 U.S. lawmakers signed a letter Monday to sound the alarm on the recent expansion of liquefied natural gas infrastructure and capacity and call on the Biden administration to give greater scrutiny to the LNG supply chain from wellhead to shipping overseas.</p> <p>The legislators letter to the <strong>Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Chair Brenda Mallory</strong> comes amidst an uptick in LNG exports from the U.S. to Europe in the wake of Russias invasion of Ukraine. Climate campaigners have warned that fossil fuel companies have used the war and subsequent energy crisis as an excuse to lock in more LNG infrastructure that could push the 1.5C temperature goal out of reach and hasten more extreme climate impacts.</p> <p>Our ability to combat the worst impacts of the climate crisis depends, to a significant degree, on whether the United States approves proposed LNG pipeline and export terminal projects on top of the already-substantial LNG infrastructure, the lawmakers wrote in the letter. Even without including upstream leaks, the continued buildout of LNG infrastructure is at odds with the Paris climate goals and U.S. climate commitments.</p> <p>The CEQ is currently finalizing its <strong>National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Guidance on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Climate Change</strong>, which would advise federal agencies on how to assess proposed infrastructure projects contribution to the climate crisis, The Washington Post explained. The administration of former President Donald Trump issued a rollback in 2020 mandating that federal agencies considering projects under NEPA should not take their indirect climate impacts into account.</p> <p>While the Biden administration has already reversed this rule, it is now working on more detailed instructi...


Winter arrives early in New Zealand with up to 20 inches of snowfall "IndyWatch Feed World"

Heavy snow falls reached the south island of New Zealand, with snow falling to around 400m (1312ft) on Wednesday, May 10, 2023. State Highway 94 was closed on Wednesday evening at Mount Hamilton, between The Key and Centre Hill, but reopened again at 10:15 p.m. It is still recommended to carry snow chains in the area. Ski resorts near Queenstown received between 20-50cm (8-20 inches) of snow. New Zealand's south island is home to many spectacular ski resorts, such as The Remarkables, Coronet Peak and Cadrona


UN Must Investigate U.S. Role in Mose Assassination "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Haiti/Americas Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) and BAP member organization, MOLEGHAF, request the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) launch a serious and in-depth investigation into the assassination of former Haitian de facto President Jovenel Mose. We demand to know the truth concerning U.S. and other foreign countries complicity in plotting to kill Mose, as well as to assassinate activists and ordinary Haitian citizens.

The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) recently published information based on newly obtained evidence from the ongoing U.S. prosecution of the alleged assassins. It reveals the seeming complicity of foreign embassies in Haiti, including those of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Taiwan.

The Haiti/Americas Team and MOLEGHAF, in addition, strongly denounce the recent U.S. attempts to have Brazil lead another military invasion and the occupation of Haiti. We also denounce efforts by defense contractor Wesley Clark to work with the unelected and illegitimate Ariel Henry to organize a paramilitary group in Haiti to rival [Russias] Wagner Group. The Haiti/Americas Team and MOLEGHAF are against Haiti being used as a geopolitical chess piece for the United St...


Military Situation In Bakhmut On May 11, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Bakhmut On May 11, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • Russian forces captured several buildings on Chaikovskoho street;
  • Russian forces took control of Post Office in the north-west of Bakhmut city;
  • In the north-west of Bakhmut, Wagner fighters advanced along the streets of Medvedev, Chernyakhovsky, Tolbukhin;
  • Wagners assault detachments captured several positions near the intersection of Levanevsky and Defenders of Ukraine streets;
  • The AFU captured some Russian positions and advanced about 600 meters near the Chasov YarBakhmut road;
  • The AFU captured some Russian positions and advanced up to 600 m near Bogdanovka.


The post Military Situation In Bakhmut On May 11, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


Comcast Business, Fortinet, and Exclusive Networks team up to offer fully managed IT services "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Comcast Business, Fortinet, and Exclusive Networks teamed up to deliver a new distribution sales route and managed SD-WAN services for value-added resellers (VARs) and managed service providers (MSPs). The collaboration expands the Masergy Guardian Portfolio, adding additional sales routes and helping resellers offer fully managed SD-WAN and security management services in more markets. The Masergy Guardian Portfolio supports the reseller community with a combined offering that uniquely converges networking, security, and services making it More

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Fauci, Fear, Balance and the Grid "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Focusing too narrowly on public responsibility (CO2 reduction, equity, social justice) without adequate concern for economics and reliability is a recipe for disaster.  Bring on the balance.


Re: New Linux kernel NetFilter flaw gives attackers root privileges "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by David Leadbeater on May 11


While I think more explicit configurability is good and needed here,
it's possible to selectively block user namespaces by blocking
unshare/clone/setns via seccomp policies. For example Docker's default
policy[1] blocks unshare() and certain arguments to clone().

This is also configurable in systemd through the "RestrictNamespaces"
property on a service. The downside is this is per service, for
example setting...


Rare funnel cloud hovers over Montana mountains "IndyWatch Feed World"

Video captures views of a funnel cloud forming over Mission Valley in western Montana early Tuesday evening. Recorded by Isley Reust, the footage shows a dark gray cloud hanging over the black, snow-laced mountains in the distance. From that cloud, a funnel extends below, appearing to kick up snow into the air. Tornadoes rarely form over mountains, as conditions would not be optimal, according to the National Weather Service. They noted, however, that tornadoes have crossed the Appalachian Mountains and a 10,000-foot-tall mountain in Yellowstone National Park. About 300 miles northwest of Yellowstone, the town of St. Ignatius was able to see such a unique sight forming over their own mountains. "I'm happy I got to witness it," Reust said in a tweet.


Shipping Container Hire vs Self-Storage "IndyWatch Feed World"

When youre bursting at the seams with stuff and need extra storage space, you have two popular options: self-storage or shipping container hire. But between these two handy storage solutions, which one of these shipping container services is better?

Self-Storage is a service companies provide that lease storage space to individuals or businesses. It can be in the formation of a room, locker, container, or outdoor space.

Shipping Container Hire involves renting a shipping container delivered to your desired location. These containers are typically made of steel and come in various sizes ranging from 8ft to 40ft.

The Pros and Cons of Self-Storage


  1. Self-storage eliminates the headache of complicated rental procedures and the burden of transporting your own container.
  2. Some self-storage facilities offer temperature and humidity control to safeguard your belongings from extreme weather conditions.
  3. Security measures such as CCTV cameras and security staff provide extra peace of mind.


  1. Some storage facilities may have limited access hours, which can be inconvenient if you need to access your items outside those hours.
  2. Finding the ideal storage space for your belongings can be tricky when units come in predetermined sizes.
  3. The cost of self-storage can add up over time, especially if you require a larger space.

The Pros and Cons of Shipping Container Hire


  1. Shipping containers can be delivered right to your doorstep, making storing your belongings easy and efficient.
  2. Some Shipping Container companies even offer Serviced Storage, meaning they will pack the Shipping Container for you.
  3. They are mobile, so you can opt to have the container stored at your premises or a Storage Facility.
  4. You can choose from a variety of sizes depending on your needs and budget.
  5. Renting a shipping container can be...


Germany Planning to Use Spare Nord Stream Pipes for New Floating LNG Facilities "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Flight From the US Dollar "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Danger Within: The Government Is Turning America Into a Constitution-Free Zone "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Military Situation In Syria On May 11, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Syria On May 11, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • On May 11, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 2 times: 1 in Idlib province, 1 in Latakia province;
  • On May 11, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SDF positions near Tel Tamar;
  • On May 11, an SAA officer was killed and four policemen were wounded in a car explosion in Damascus. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack;
  • On May 10, foreign ministers of Syria, Turkey, Russia and Iran met in Moscow to discuss normalization of ties between Ankara and Damascus.


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Bold Gambits on the West Asian Chessboard "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Sadistic GOPs Debt Limit Ploy vs. the People "IndyWatch Feed War"

Raising the federal debt limit over the years has secured unconditional routine Congressional passage and was endorsed by presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. After all, it allows the U.S. Treasury to pay past and existing bills, not expand future spending.

Routine, that is, until the recent arrival of the mad-dog Republicans with their monetized brains indentured to the war-making military industrial complex and Wall Street speculators gambling with other peoples savings.

It wouldnt have mattered if the Democrats campaigned in 2022 as did vigorous New Deal Democrats instead of campaigning like willing servants of corporate cash and political/media consultants conflicted with their corporate clients. Imagine, in New York, a state controlled by a Democratic Governor and Democratic state legislature, Republicans won four U.S. House seats previously held by the blundering Democrats. The GOP could have been vanquished. (See,

Instead, the GOP squeaked through with a tiny majority to take over the U.S. House and let some 30 off-the-wall crazies turn the screws on their Speaker Kevin McCarthy. He hails from impoverished and neglected Bakersfield, California.

Fearing the crazies might dislodge him, McCarthy has accepted many of their cruel budget cuts as a condition of lifting the debt limit. Failing to raise the debt limit will result in an unprecedented default by the U.S. Treasury sometime in the early summer. Taken together, the GOP cuts represent a congealed and vicious assault against defenseless Americans. Of course, the avaricious plutocrats, with their hands deep in Uncle Sams pockets, have been shielded from any financial pain by the demands of these ruthless Republicans.

Congressional history has rarely witnessed such a corrupt, cruel and explicit drive to turn the delegated sovereignty of the people against the citizenry.

The Republican-demanded cuts totally exclude the vast, bloated military budget, which amounts to over half of the entire federal governments operational budget, and doesnt reduce the huge corporate welfare giveaways and bailouts. Republicans leave intact the huge gaping tax escapes for super-wealthy individuals and giant corporations. The latter bonanza implicitly rejects Bidens revenue producing proposals to eliminate some of Trumps 2017 tax cuts for the very rich like Trumps family.

A partial litany of the latest heartless GOP horrors that will result from the budget cuts they are anticipated to propose include:

Reduced funding for nutritio...


Sierra Leone - 7 fatalities after floods hit Freetown "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

At least 7 people have lost their lives after storms and heavy rain caused flooding and mudslides in parts of Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone in West Africa. Stormy weather hit the city from 09 to 10 May 2023. Flash flooding swept through city streets, washing away cars and damaging buildings. Six people died and 2 were injured when a wall collapsed due to flooding in Cline Town. Another fatality was reported after a mudslide in the Moyeiba area of the city. The National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) also reported flood damage to the Leone Oil Facility in Kissy. Sierra Leone Red Cross Society were providing support to affected communities Cline Town, including first aid services and psychosocial support for affected families.


Lack of large prey may be feeding rise in Nepals human-tiger conflicts "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

KATHMANDU Until a few months ago, residents of Geruwa, a rural municipality in western Nepal, used to rush to their homes before dusk and shut themselves indoors. That was the only way they knew to protect themselves and their livestock from the tigers that would prowl this area on the fringes of Bardiya National Park, home to a third of Nepals endangered Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris). Those few months were particularly difficult for us as the tigers attacked both livestock and humans, says Dharma Prakash Tharu, a spokesperson for the municipality. Although local authorities dont have official data for the number of cattle lost, residents say almost every household has lost some of its animals to the tigers. And its not just livestock: More than two dozen people have been killed by tigers in and around the national park in the past five years. As the global community applauds Nepals achievement of nearly tripling its tiger population in 12 years, human-tiger conflict has emerged as one of the biggest challenges to conserving the big cats, with researchers exploring the potential causes and solutions. One factor that has started receiving attention is the lack of apex prey for these apex predators in Bardiya National Park, home to 125 of Nepals 355 tigers. Based on the available data, we can say that the tigers in Bardiya prey on small and medium-sized prey such as spotted deer [Axis axis] and wild boar [Sus scrofa], says conservationist Jhamak Bahadur Karki, who raised theThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Pakistan Goes to Anarchy and Self-Destruction "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Military Situation In Donbass On May 11, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Donbass On May 11, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Stupochki;
  • Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Avdeevka;
  • Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Ugledar;
  • The Russian Army destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Belokuzminovka;
  • The Russian Army destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Preobrazhenka;
  • The Russian Army slightly advanced near Bilogorivka;
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Mariinka;
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Ugledar;
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Pervomaiske;
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Bakhmut;
  • Up to 60 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 armored vehicles, 2 motor vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Russian MOD;
  • Up to 240 Ukrainian servicemen, 4 motor vehicles, 3 armored vehicles, 1 Gvozdika were destroyed by Russian artillery on Donetsk front, according to the Russian MOD;
  • Up to 70 Ukrainian servicemen, 7 motor vehicles, 3 armored vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery in South Donetsk and Zaporozhye region, according to the Russian MOD.




Shaping the Future Agenda. The Digital World Brain "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Record-breaking heat wave blasts Southeast Asia "IndyWatch Feed World"

Record-breaking heat has blasted Southeast Asia over the past several weeks, causing deaths and hospitalizations, schools to close and farmers and business-owners to suffer economic losses. In Vietnam, the temperature hit a record 44.2 degrees Celsius (111.5 F) on Sunday. In Myanmar's central Magway region, it soared to 46 C (114.8 F). Thailand's capital of Bangkok had its hottest day on record on Sunday, when the heat reached 41 C (105.8 F), while in Laos, the temperature broke last month's national record to hit 43.5 C in Luang Prabang.


There Is No Escape From Telling. Edward Curtin "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Get Ready for Pfizers TURBO-CHARGED GUIDED MISSILE Cancer Drugs "IndyWatch Feed War"

Karen Hunt Our fearless leaders love war. They love talking about it. They love playing war games. They love fighting in actual wars. Thats because they always benefit from themany kind of war. Were going fight this and win, they say. Were all in this together, they say. Except, whatever this is, what they really


Feds Started A Dangerous Game With Hunter Bidens Laptop, But GOP Lawmakers Can Finish It "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

laptop sitting in a dark roomHere's how to unravel the government's info op falsely branding Hunter Biden's laptop as 'Russian disinformation.'


CNNs hour of lies "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Last night, CNN hosted a town hall for Trump. I didnt watch it. My trust in the that news outlet was already low, but after they announced they were going to host this debacle, Im writing the network off. The town hall was a catastrophe for the truth.

Donald Trumps long-awaited return to CNN went off the rails almost immediately on Wednesday night, with the former president using the exclusive town hall event to repeatedly lie, mislead viewers, and steamroll CNN moderator Kaitlan Collinsall to the delight of a Trump-adoring crowd.

From the very first seconds of the town hall, Trump was lying. When Collins opened the event with a softballWhy should Americans put you back in the White House?Trump immediately leaned into his normal election lies. He repeated debunked theories and passionately argued the election was stolen.

When he got his first question from the crowdWill you suspend the polarizing talk about election fraud?a question that had already been answered in the first minute of the town hall, Trump just pushed forward with more disproven election falsehoods.

Collins, by the way, was recruited from Tucker Carlsons Daily Caller. The CNN executives had to know she was a poor choice, on top of knowing that Trump was going to lie non-stop, and that his audience was going to love it. They figured it out partway through (I knew what was going to happen last week when I heard about this nonsense put me in charge of CNN, already, Im smarter than anyone there.)

Halfway through the town hall, CNN staffers were acknowledging the event was a disaster for the truth.

This is so bad, one of CNNs on-air personalities told The Daily Beast before the first commercial break. I was cautiously optimistic despite the criticism it is awful. Its a Trump infomercial. Were going to get crushed.

One of the worst hours Ive ever seen on our air, another CNN staffer told The Daily Beast.

And yet another on-air commentator for CNN was clear this wasnt a good night for the cable news channel. Im floored by this whole evening, this person said.

Right now, analysts at the network are reading over the viewership stats, and if this hour of non-news and MAGA propaganda was popular, you can expect to see lots more of it for the next year and a half.

Wait, I just realized the presidential race has already begun, and is going to go on interminably. Another reason to turn CNN off.



What Donna Reed Can Teach Us About Motherhood "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

black and white photo of family in the 1950s, Donna Reed showIf we cant even define what a woman is these days, who is to say Mothers Day wont end up as something you only see celebrated in reruns?


Its Past Time To Prioritize Skills-Based Immigration "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

farm laborer, CaliforniaCreating a skills-based immigration policy and enforcing E-Verify would help the U.S. economy, American workers, and legal immigrants.


Turkey elections: Presidential candidate Ince withdraws "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey elections: Presidential candidate Ince withdraws

Opposition politician decides to quit following online smear campaign that alleged he had affairs with women and was fabulously wealthy and corrupt
MEE staff Thu, 05/11/2023 - 12:36
Muharrem Ince makes a statement after applying for the presidency to the Supreme Election Board (YSK) in Ankara on 20 March (AFP)

Turkish presidential candidate Muharrem Ince said he is withdrawing from Sunday's election, citing slander and heavy criticism.

Ince was one of four candidates for the presidential election, but with polls showing him hovering around 2 percent of the vote, the 59-year-old was never a true contender.

At a news conference on Thursday, Ince said he decided to quit following a smear campaign that used fake images of him having affairs with women and painted him as corrupt and wealthy.

His name will still appear on the ballott as they have already been printed.

"I'm withdrawing my candidacy," Ince said. "I am doing this for my country."

Ince also said he was withdrawing so the joint opposition Table of Six coalition could not blame him if its candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu loses.

A recent poll showed Kilicdaroglu ahead of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan by a few percentage points, but falling just short of the 50 percent majority needed to win in the first round.

Although Ince did not endorse any candidate after dropping out, his wit...


Gaza: Names and faces of children killed in Israel's onslaught "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Gaza: Names and faces of children killed in Israel's onslaught

In three days of bombings, at least five Palestinian children have lost their lives as efforts to mediate a truce falter
MEE staff Thu, 05/11/2023 - 12:35
A collage of the five children killed since Tuesday in Gaza

Israel's current offensive against targets in Gaza is now on its third day and has killed at least 25 Palestinians, including five children.

The killings have prompted widespread condemnation from the international community. 

In a statement on Wednesday, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres denounced civilian deaths in Gaza as "unacceptable" and appealed for them to "stop immediately".

The Arab League also slammed the "barbaric Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip, which targeted civilians, children and women in residential neighbourhoods".

A number of governments also issued their condemnation of the attacks, including the Brazilian, Jordanian, and Turkish governments.

Egypt had been leading efforts to broker a ceasefire, however intense fighting continued on Thursday, with Israeli air strikes pounding Gaza and hundreds of Palestinian rockets fired at southern and central Israel. 

Below are the names and faces of the children killed as of Thursday.*

Mayar Tariq Ibrahim Ezz el-Din, aged 11



Strong Encryption Is A Must If Big Tech Is Creating Back Doors For Feds "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson interviewBig Tech has been all too eager to share its users information.


Militaries Are Driving the Climate Crisis "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Al Jazeera, May 11, 2023

For years, climate activists have centered their work around stopping some of the worlds biggest polluters from fossil fuel companies, to the meat industry, to industrial farming. And while they remain some of the biggest contributors to the climate crisis, theres a lesser known climate culprit thats often forgotten: the military.

Experts have pointed out that the US Department of Defense is the worlds single largest greenhouse gas emitter, with the US military referred to as one of the largest climate polluters in history.  In fact, research suggests that if all of the worlds militaries were a country theyd be the fourth largest emitter across the globe.

And beyond the emissions from Humvees, warplanes, and tanks, modern warfare has a devastating effect on the planet. From bombing campaigns to drone strikes, warfare releases greenhouse gas emissions, compromises geodiversity, and can cause soil and air contamination.

In this episode of The Stream, well look at the scale of military emissions, and whether a less militaristic society is not only good for people, but also for the planet.

The post Militaries Are Driving the Climate Crisis appeared first on World BEYOND War.


Comer, Grassley Blast FBI For Blowing Off Congressional Subpoena "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

James ComerA pair of top Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill blasted the FBI on Wednesday for ignoring congressional oversight requests.


Tucker Carlson Is Now with the Home Shopping Network "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"



From their own mouths we hear what Tucker Carlson, Don Lemon, Boris Johnson and others are up to now.


Tucker Carlson

Hello, Im Tucker Carlson and welcome to the Home Shopping Network. Have you ever wondered why you cant get a normal M&M or straight Tootsie roll anymore? Why has all the candy suddenly turned gay or trans? Its weird, isnt it? And yet the government would have you believe that candy is just candy. Well here at the Home Shopping Network all the candy we sell has traditional American values and doesnt believe in the climate hoax or Critical Race Theory. Our candy is all-American, for Americans, sold by Americans, and made in China. In a minute Ill be talking to the MyPillow guy about how a lot of the candy on sale in America right now has been involved in a Venezuelan conspiracy to subvert electronic voting machines, but first well pause for this important message about how you can buy our special ice cream that wont turn your kids into weird furries.

Don Lemon

Hi, Im Don Lemon and on the Lemonpod this week were going to be talking about how most women, like Nikki Haley, are way past their prime when they pass 39. But well let you know how women in their 40s can try to preserve themselves, in both body and home, with our beautiful Lemon products: Lemon eye liner, Lemon face scrub, and Lemon Floor Wax.

Donald Trump

Hello, my fellow Americans, this is your favorite president, the best host of The Apprentice, and the finest seller of NFTs the crypto world has ever seen. Im letting you get in on a truly bigly deal by letting you buy my new beautiful coffee table book Trumps Burgers. This amazing book contains pictures of some of my favorite burgers, taken by my personal photographer, with a text wr.....


Mo Money Mo Problems "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

My husband and I are used to struggling. Weve never truly been what many consider comfortable. But I recently noticed something.

When our daughter was born, we barely had anything. We worked hard, but my husband and I were both making only twelve dollars an hour. But heres whats interesting we made it work. 

Fast forward to today. My daughter is now seven and we make quite a bit more than twelve dollars an hour, but were barely scraping by. This past year we have felt more pressure and desperation than we ever have. 

If at one time we made twelve dollars an hour work, why are we broke now?

I feel our life was simpler when we were younger. We have less stuff. Now we have more subscriptions, bills, expenses, etc. 

Kinda weird, but I also think we didnt realize how expensive having eight cats would be. One of our cats was recently injured and while we would do anything for our kitties, that 700-dollar vet bill hurt. 

Things are even shittier in the US right now, and Im sure that contributes to why we are broke. 

This is a short post, but Im curious if any of you can relate. Have you made your life work for less money than you have now? Did your life get more complicated when you made more money?


What Is Fairspin-Mirror Everything You Need to Know "IndyWatch Feed World"

Fairspin-Mirror is a decentralized blockchain-based platform dedicated to providing a fair gaming experience for players. It enables players to enjoy their favorite games without fear of manipulation or fraud. It also provides a safe and secure environment for users to bet, play, and win real money.

Fairspin-Mirror is the first blockchain-based online gambling platform. It provides a platform for players to bet, play, and win real money in a secure and transparent environment. The platform also provides an extensive library of games, including slots, poker, and blackjack. The platform is powered by a decentralized random number generator, which ensures that each game is fair and unpredictable. Fairspin-Mirror is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which is a public blockchain network that provides a secure and transparent platform for its users.

Fairspin-Mirror also offers a unique set of features to enhance the gaming experience. For example, it allows players to bet on their own results and track their own statistics. This is beneficial for players who are looking to improve their gaming skills. Additionally, the platform also provides a secure and transparent environment for players to deposit, manage, and withdraw their funds.

The platform also features a unique system of rewards, which rewards players for their success in the games. These rewards can be used to purchase items, such as game tokens, or to gain access to exclusive offers. This rewards system encourages players to continue playing and encourages them to increase their winnings.

Fairspin-Mirror is committed to providing a secure and transparent environment for its users. In addition to its blockchain-based system, the platform also utilizes advanced security measures to protect users funds and data. Furthermore, the platform also provides a comprehensive customer support system to ensure that all players are able to receive help and assistance when needed.

Overall, Fairspin-Mirror is an innovative platform that provides a secure and transparent environment for players to bet, play, and win real money. With its decentralized random number generator and rewards system, it ensures that each game is fair and unpredictable. Additionally, the platform also provides a secure and transparent environment for users to deposit, manage, and withdraw their funds. With its advanced security measures and comprehensive customer support system, Fairspin-Mirror is the ideal platform for players looking to enjoy a fair gaming experience.

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Peering Beyond the Clouds: A Guide to Bellingcats Ship Detection Tool "IndyWatch Feed War"

Editors Note: The tool detailed in this article has been developed as part of Bellingcats Tech Fellowship program and can be accessed in full here. Read Bellingcats investigation into grain exports at the Port of Sevastopol here.

Ships have been covertly docking at a sanctioned terminal in the Crimean port of Sevastopol since the onset of Russias full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Media reports have previously noted how individual ships had been docking at the Avlita grain terminal, contradicting Automated Identification Systems (AIS) tracking data that publicly monitors the movements of vessels.

Bellingcats full investigation can be seen here and raises questions as to what the ships have been loading and why the need for secrecy.

While Ukraine has accused Russia of looting grain from occupied areas in the south and east of the country, Russia has denied this. 

Satellite imagery from Planet helped Bellingcat identify many of the days when ships were present at the terminal. But a tool developed as part of Bellingcats Tech Fellowship scheme provided further important details on days when there was no satellite coverage.

What follows is an introduction to the tool and its practical uses, as well as further explanation on how it was applied to monitor events at the Avlita terminal.  

The Ship Detection Tool

The Ship Detection Tool is a satellite imaging tool that uses Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery to identify ships in port, at anchor or at sea. It was critical to uncovering the presence of ships at the Crimean port of Sevastopol in the days and months after Russias full-scale invasion of Ukraine began. Bellingcat found that ships had docked at Avlita grain terminal (which has also been referred to as Aval in some media reports and registers) on at least 179 days during the first year of the war.

The tool itself is now publicly available here and can be used to carry out further investigations into vessel movements from sanctioned ports or for a variety of other investigative purposes.

How Does the SDT Work?

Instead of relying on reflected sunlight like optical satellites do, Sentinel-1 sends a pulse of radio waves. It then uses the echo generated to gather information from the earths surface. 

When Sentinel-1 sends a pulse of radio waves onto a flat surface like the sea...


Gaza resistance pummels Israel, threatens to fight for longest period of time "IndyWatch Feed War"

May 10 2023 ByNews Desk Israeli warplanes have continued to bombard dozens of locations in the Gaza Strip, leaving several civilians dead Hundreds of Palestinian rockets continued to rain down on Israeli settlements and cities on 10 May, sending settlers fleeing for bomb shelters and causing significant damage to buildings in the settlements of Ashkelon and Sderot. []


Anger spreads in Pakistan as govt arrests nearly 1,000 Imran Khan supporters "IndyWatch Feed War"

May 10 2023 ByNews Desk Clashes between citizens and security forces broke out in several cities following the dramatic arrest of the former PM who was ousted in a US-backed coup Pakistani police have detained at least 945 supporters of ousted prime minister Imran Khan in Punjab, the countrys most populous province, since protests erupted on 9 []


Connecting With Your Community Is Easier (and More Powerful) Than You May Think "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


(Source: Unsplash/Samantha Gades.)

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending my first Strong Towns Local Conversation group, which I believe was the first for Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Steve Snyder spearheaded the event. Steve is a dad and community organizer, and knows his way around a barbeque, thanks to several years of living in Australiasomething I discovered when I attended a memorable front-yard barbeque at his place last summer. Steve ran for city council last year and although he didnt win, hes still trying every day to make his neighborhood more loveable. Organizing a Strong Towns Local Conversation Group was something Steve had been wanting to do for a long time, and once the dust had settled from his campaign wrap-up, he pitched a date and time.

On a drizzly Thursday evening, my husband and I arrived to find Steve and a few other folks already at the appointed spot. We were meeting at The Forks, which is one of Winnipegs very best places. Located centrally where two major rivers join, The Forks is a national historic site and includes a ton of restaurants, museums, shops, public art, and comfy indoor and outdoor spaces to hang out. Steve had chosen the food hall as our meeting place, and, one by one, more people joined our little group, drinks in hand and maybe a little uncertain or shy, but looking happy to be there.

It was a busy night in the food hall, but eventually we found a big table where we could all sit together, and Steve placed a little laminated Strong Towns sign on the table so that others could find us. In short order, several more people joined our group, and all told we were a dozen. Steve kicked off a round of introductions, and we all shared our names, what pa...


How we can defeat Drag Queen Story Hour "IndyWatch Feed World"

Eltham, next Wednesday 17th May at Noon. READ MORE AT XYZ Drag Queen Story Hour...


Why proper disinfecting is important for office cleaning "IndyWatch Feed World"

A clean workplace environment is crucial for employees health and wellbeing. Soap and water cleaning is not enough to remove harmful pathogens that can cause illness. The right disinfection techniques are essential for killing germs, bacteria, and viruses that can cause diseases.

One effective way to ensure a clean workplace environment is by using disinfectants. Disinfectants are chemical agents that are designed to kill or inactivate microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. They are available in various forms, including sprays, wipes, and solutions.

When choosing a disinfectant, it is essential to consider the type of surface to be disinfected, the type of pathogen present, and the level of disinfection required. Some disinfectants are more effective against specific pathogens than others. For example, bleach is highly effective against many viruses and bacteria, but it may not be as effective against certain types of fungi.

Employers should also consider the air quality in their workplace. Poor indoor air quality can contribute to the spread of illness. Regularly cleaning and maintaining heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems can help improve air quality and reduce the spread of germs.

Why Disinfection is Important


The modern office is a hotbed of harmful pathogens, making disinfection an essential component of janitorial services. Pathogens can spread from person to person through direct contact with contaminated surfaces or through the air. Employees can transfer these pathogens by coughing, sneezing, or touching contaminated surfaces.

Green cleaning is essential in preventing the spread of pathogens in the workplace. Cleaning products used should be environmentally friendly. Pathogens can live on surfaces for days, so it is essential to disinfect shared surfaces such as desks, door handles, keyboards, and light switches regularly. Sick employees can reduce productivity and pass on their illness to oth...


Gaza: Israel's killing of children denounced around the world "IndyWatch Feed War"

Gaza: Israel's killing of children denounced around the world

Governments and international bodies condemn 'unacceptable' killings as death toll reaches 25, including five children
MEE staff Thu, 05/11/2023 - 11:07
Mayar Tariq Ibrahim Ezz el-Din (11) was killed during an Israeli raid on 9 May 2023 in Gaza City. She is among five children killed in three days of bombings (Twitter)

The killing of Palestinian civilians and children during Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip has been condemned by many in the international community.

At least 25 Palestinians have been killed in the latest round of attacks on Gaza. On the third day of strikes, on Thursday, four people were already dead by the afternoon.

In a statement on Wednesday, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned civilian deaths in Gaza as "unacceptable" and appealed for them to "stop immediately".

"Israel must abide by its obligations under international humanitarian law, including the proportional use of force and taking all feasible precautions to spare civilians and civilian objects in the conduct of military operations," Deputy UN spokesperson Farhan Haq said, speaking on Guterres behalf.

The Arab League also slammed the "barbaric Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip, which targeted civilians, children, and women in residential neighbourhoods".


HomeVestors Praised ProPublicas Reporting, Then Tried to Bury It "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

On April 18, HomeVestors of America executives held a virtual meeting for its nearly 1,150 franchisees. The purpose: Alert local We Buy Ugly Houses operations about a forthcoming ProPublica investigation into their business tactics.

It is not going to be flattering for us, HomeVestors CEO David Hicks warned.

Our reporting found HomeVestors franchisees who used deception and targeted the elderly, infirm and those so close to poverty that they feared homelessness would be a consequence of selling. The franchisees were trained by HomeVestors to look for signs of desperation and pounce on so-called distressed sellers. Many used legal tactics, described as predatory by five experts, to trap sellers in below-market deals.

A HomeVestors spokesperson said in a statement that ProPublicas reporting examined a small fraction of the more than 71,400 homes bought by its franchises since 2016. "We do not discriminate or target our advertising to any specific demographic groups based on age, race, or socio-economic status, the company said. It has removed several franchises and is investigating some cases identified by ProPublica to determine appropriate action.

After we first contacted the company in early March, a former FBI spokesperson who specializes in crisis and special situations and reputation management began answering questions on their behalf.

Hicks, through this spokesperson, declined requests for interviews. But during the virtual meeting which ProPublica obtained a recording of the CEO alternated between accusing the news organization of writing attack articles and praising the rigor of our investigation.

Its amazing what they have brought up, he said.



Unhealthful Connections "IndyWatch Feed War"

<p><a href= ""> <img alt="" class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-140071" height= "667" src= "" width="500"></a></p> <p><a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank">The WHO has a worrisome reliance on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, <em>Quartz</em>.</p>


The Ugly Truth Behind We Buy Ugly Houses "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

Cory Evans was well-versed in the HomeVestors of America playbook when he arrived at a suburban Los Angeles home on Nov. 4, 2016. His franchise with the We Buy Ugly Houses company had executed more than 50 deals in the preceding two years. Patriot Holdings would soon become one of the companys most successful franchises by following HomeVestors strategy of finding homeowners in desperate situations, then convincing them to sell quickly.

The homeowner, Corrine Casanova, had bought the three-bedroom Baldwin Park bungalow with her husband in 1961 and now owned it outright. After raising three children there, she was days away from leaving it for an assisted living facility and had called the number on a HomeVestors ad.

I was wondering if I could get an estimate of the value of my home, she told the woman who answered the phone. My husbands gone, so its just me now.

Evans, who ran the business with three of his brothers, had developed a reputation among other franchisees in the area as a hard closer. Casanovas house was paid off, giving Evans room to go low with his offer because there wasnt a mortgage to settle. He calculated the profit he wanted to make and presented Casanova with a 10-page purchase agreement during the short visit to her house.

But Casanova was incapable of engaging in a complex negotiation. Although she was once a skilled bookkeeper and president of the local womens club, dementia now carved into her short-term memory: A recent neurological assessment had found the 82-year-old was unable to say what year it was or name the city she was in. She routinely mistook her adult son for his uncle.

Corrine Casanova (Courtesy of David Casanova)...

How Montanas TikTok ban could affect influencers and politicians alike "IndyWatch Feed World"

Last month, Montana became the first state to approve a full ban of TikTok.

Billings, Montana, local Jonah Prill never would have pursued a music career in Nashville if it werent for TikTok.

Read Full Story


New Documents Show Qatar Granted Millions to Texas A&M "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • The organization Judicial Watch obtained records from Texas A&M revealing it received almost $486 million in grants and contracts from the Qatar Foundation, raising questions about Qatari funding of American institutions.
  • The information was released in a court victory obtained by Zachor Legal Institute, an advocacy group fighting antisemitism, which sought information about potential influence by the Qatar governments funding of certain Texas A&M University programs.
  • The case was resolved in favor of Judicial Watch and Zachor Legal Institute in March 2023, with the documents being ordered to be made public by Judge Amy Clark Meachum.
  • There appear to be discrepancies between what Texas A&M reported to the federal foreign gift reporting system and what was listed in their gift reporting received by Judicial Watch.
  • The litigation also aimed to shed light on how Texas A&M established a degree-conferring campus in Qatar without the Texas Legislatures permission or involvement. Read More

The post New Documents Show Qatar Granted Millions to Texas A&M appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Exclusive: Iraqi finance committee deputy calls for diversification away from US dollar "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

May 10 2023 The Cradle speaks to Iraqi parliamentarian Hussain Mouanes on the various economic, financial, and political challenges facing Sudanis government. By Zaher Mousa Parliamentarian Hussain Mouanes is a member of the Finance Committee in the publicly-elected Iraqi Council of Representatives. He has been politically active through many different stages of Iraqs recent history, including the Baathist era, []


Meta Uncovers Cyber Espionage Operations Across South Asia "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Meta identified three advanced persistent threat (APT) groups using elaborate fictitious personas on Facebook and Instagram to target individuals in South Asia with social engineering tactics.
  • The APT groups masqueraded as recruiters, journalists, military personnel, and romantic connections and relied heavily on social engineering rather than malware to trick victims.
  • Meta disrupted 110 accounts linked to Bahamut, 120 accounts associated with a Pakistan-based APT group, and 50 accounts tied to an India-based threat actor dubbed Patchwork.
  • Meta also took down six adversarial networks from the U.S., Venezuela, Iran, China, Georgia, Burkina Faso, and Togo that engaged in coordinated inauthentic behavior on various social media platforms. Read More

The post Meta Uncovers Cyber Espionage Operations Across South Asia appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Selected Articles: The Corona War. Theyre Coming After Our Thoughts "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Corona War. Theyre Coming After Our Thoughts

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, May 10, 2023

It came to me after a conversation I had with an Australian colleague who has been studying psychoanalytic psychotherapy at an institution in the

The post Selected Articles: The Corona War. Theyre Coming After Our Thoughts appeared first on Global Research.


Virginia Middle School Student Faces Charges "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • A student at Kenmore Middle School in Arlington, Va., is facing charges after allegedly posting a photo of a gun and threatening messages in a group chat.
  • A police investigation found no ongoing threat to the community.
  • The student is facing potential criminal charges and disciplinary action by the school. Read More

The post Virginia Middle School Student Faces Charges appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Sudan Talks Held in Saudi Arabia Reveals Underlying Crisis of Governance "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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