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Thursday, 18 May


We've added 10 new list tools "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Team Browserling keeps shipping!

Last week we added 20 new time tools and and today we just added 10 new tools to our Online List Tools collection.

I've done my job and now it's Google's job to index them and rank them well.

Here are the new list tools.

Next week we'll add even more tools. See you then!

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Thursday, 11 May

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Wednesday, 10 May


Eine der bekannteren Touristenattraktionen in Berlin ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Eine der bekannteren Touristenattraktionen in Berlin Charlottenburg ist die Fassade eines Hotels neben der Stadtbahn-Trasse Ost-West. Die kann man aus dem vorbeifahrenden Zug sehen, und die ist ein Farbtupfer in einem ansonsten eher drgen Einheitsgrau.

Vllig klar: Da muss das Ordnungsamt einschreiten. Das geht so nicht. Das ist ja wie bei Hot Fuzz! Die Fassade lsst den Rest der Fassaden schlecht aussehen! Die muss da schnell weg!1!!

Zur Begrndung hie es, die farbenfrohe Fassade, die auch von der Stadtbahn-Trasse der S-Bahn aus zu sehen ist, passe nicht in die Umgebung. Der Eigentmer muss bis Montag erklren, ob er das Haus, wie vom OVG verlangt, jetzt beige oder grau anmalt.
Beige oder Grau?! Wieso nicht kackbraun als Option?!

Komm, das geht so nicht. Da reden wir mal mit dem Stadtrat. Das kann sich ja wohl nur um ein Missverstndnis handeln.

Der zustndige Bezirksstadtrat Christoph Brzezinski (CDU) sagte dem rbb, der Ermessenspielraum sei sehr gering. Die Fassaden-Gestaltung verstoe gegen den Denkmalschutz und das baurechtliche Verunstaltungsverbot. Deshalb habe der Rechtsstaat keine andere Mglichkeit, als das Urteil durchzusetzen.
Oh Scheie. Da sitzt jemand von der CDU. Na gut, dann ist die Sache verloren. Wenn irgendwo an irgendeiner Stelle jemand von der CDU am Hebel sitzt, verliert immer die Gesellschaft.

Die Berliner Wasser-Betriebe haben bislang einen recht ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die Berliner Wasser-Betriebe haben bislang einen recht guten Ruf in der Bevlkerung. Zu Unrecht, wie sich rausstellt.

Seal's mystery ability to tolerate toxic metal could aid medical research, say scientists "IndyWatch Feed Pacific"

One of the world's most isolated aquatic mammals, Arctocephalus philippii, can tolerate high levels of cadmium, as well as other metallic pollutants, without suffering ill effects. A. philippii is the second smallest species of fur seal and lives only on the Juan Fernndez archipelago and one or two nearby islands in the Pacific Ocean, hundreds of miles off the coast of Chile. By the 19th century, the species had disappeared and was believed to be extinct until, in the 1960s, a small colony was found in a cave on the island. Since then, the Juan Fernndez seal, which has become a protected species, has slowly recovered and has a population of around 80,000. "We collected samples of their faeces and found they contained extremely high levels of cadmium and other elements such as mercury," said Constanza Toro-Valdivieso of Cambridge University's conservation research institute. "The discovery was very surprising," she said. "Cadmium is poisonous to mammals but somehow these seals were processing it and passing it through their digestive systems and seem to be suffering little harm in the process." High levels were found not only in its faeces but in the bones of seals that had died of natural causes. The researchers also found high levels of silicon in their bones, which may be offsetting the impact of cadmium, they suggest. "The discovery that these animals appear to tolerate high levels of cadmium in their bodies has important medical implications," said Toro-Valdivieso. "These animals have a lot to tell us."

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Troubled Pakistan Arrests Former PM Imran Khan "IndyWatch Feed War"

Today former prime minister of Pakistan Imran Khan was arrested while visiting the Islamabad High Court in an unrelated case. The arrest comes at a critical point for Pakistan's economy. Behind the scene U.S. and China are wrestling for influence....


Bombardeo de Israel asesina a 13 palestinos en Gaza "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

3 familias asesinadas, 11 viviendas destruidas. Durante la madrugada de hoy, 13 ciudadanos murieron, entre ellos cuatro nios, y a lo menos otros 20 resultaron heridos, como consecuencia de la agresin militar israel a la Franja de Gaza. Los equipos de rescate y de ambulancias continan evacuando a las vctimas de las reas que han sido atacadas con misiles dirigidos.

Durante la madrugada de hoy martes, los aviones de combate de la ocupacin israel lanzaron varios ataques en reas residenciales de la Franja de Gaza.

El ejrcito de ocupacin dijo que llev a cabo incursiones a sitios del Movimiento Yihad Islmico. No obstante apartamentos y viviendas de lderes del Movimiento Yihad Islmico en la Franja de Gaza los que han sido atacados y esposas y familiares de los lderes y algunos de sus hijos tambin fueron asesinados y heridos.

Entre los fallecidos, 3 son lideres del Movimiento Yihad Islmico.

Ataques para calmar a la ultraderecha

Aparentemente stos mortferos ataques se deben a la presin ejercida por parte de la ultra derecha que forma parte de la coalicin gobernante donde el ministro israel de seguridad nacional Itamar Ben Gvir boicote las reuniones del gobierno de la semana pasada, justificando su accin debido a la debilidad de Netanyahu tanto frente al lanzamiento de cohetes desde Gaza la semana pasada como la pobre respuesta israel frente a las protestas palestinas en contra de la ocupacin militar, insistiendo en arremetidas ms sangrientas del ejrcito y de los colonos.

Cabe recordar que cada vez se producen conflictos internos en Israel, se llevan a cabo sangrientos ataques en contra de los palestinos para calmar a los sectores ms ultras y fundamentalistas de la sociedad israel. 

Fuente: corresponsal de en Jerusaln ocupada 

Este material se comparte con autorizacin de Palestina Libre


La sntesis del capitalismo argentino "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Vicentn: una arqueologa de la construccin de la impunidad a favor de los delincuentes de guante blanco, un nuevo captulo del capitalismo argentino mientras se multiplican las necesidades populares ante la perversin de los precios que aumentan por la necesidad de mantener las ganancias de los formadores de costos.

Vicentin es la sntesis del capitalismo argentino.

Un conglomerado de treinta y tres empresas que surgi en un almacn de ramos generales a finales de los aos veinte del siglo pasado en el norte profundo santafesino mientras La Forestal saqueaba 3 millones de quebrachos colorados, extranjerizaba la riqueza, pauperizaba el territorio y empobreca la poblacin hasta sesenta aos despus de su cierre, una fenomenal deuda social que jams fue reclamada ni por los gobiernos nacionales ni provinciales.

Estado bobo y cmplice al servicio de Vicentin durante ms de noventa aos que siempre premi la fiesta privada de pocos y consagr la impunidad hasta el presente.

Los dolores de las mayoras argentinas y santafesinas son tambin resultado de esa permanente colonizacin del estado al servicio del gran capital argentino.

Vicentin fug 791 millones de dlares entre agosto de 2019 y enero de 2020 y gener una deuda por casi 1.600 millones de dlares con 1.698 acreedores a los que pretende pagarle un veinte por ciento como mucho en quince aos y sin traer un solo peso de lo que sacaron de las arcas del Banco de la Nacin Argentina.

Ahora, a tres aos del inicio del proceso preventivo de acreedores, el banco fundado por Carlos Pellegrini, junto a la AFIP, presentaron una impugnacin contra la propuesta del grupo, desaparecedor en los aos setenta, fugador en el tercer milenio y exportador, desde su puerto rosarino, de cientos de kilogramos de cocana en 2021 aunque nadie acuse a los integrantes del directorio.

El escrito de la institucin bancaria es la sntesis de un nuevo saqueo contra el pueblo argentino amparado desde la poltica y el poder judicial.

Una arqueologa de la construccin de la impunidad a favor de los delincuentes de guante blanco, un nuevo captulo del capitalismo argentino mientras se multiplican las necesidades populares ante la perversin de los precios que aumentan por la necesidad de mantener las ganancias de los formadores de costos.

El Banco Nacin, a travs de la abogada Vanina Gay, present el martes 2 de mayo una fundamentada impugnacin contra la llamada propuesta final del consorcio Vicentin. All seala que se violan principios troncales del derecho concursal como el principio de universalidad del proceso, la pars conditio creditorum, es decir la igualdad de trato a los acreedores y la libertad de concurrencia, porque los bienes ms valiosos quedan vedados a la inmensa mayora de los acreedores, siendo trasvasados, selectiva y directamente, a los que apl...


CVE-2023-2253: distribution/distribution: Catalog API endpoint can lead to OOM via malicious user input "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Cathy Hu on May 09

Publishing to oss-security as our agreed maximum embargo date has
passed now


( is the Open Source
Registry implementation for storing and distributing container images
using the OCI Distribution Specification.

Systems that run distribution/distribution on memory-restricted
environments can suffer from denial of service by a crafted malicious
/v2/_catalog API...


Rema Requests For An Indian Name As He Takes Fans Around Country (Video) "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Award-winning Afrobeats singer, Divine Ikubor, popularly known as Rema has continued to take Nigerians on a tour as he visits India. The singer who is currently in Mumbai, India for his upcoming show has taken to his Instagram story to share videos of the warm welcome he received from citizens of the country. In a...


A Welcome Sign in Texas Kept Getting Hit. TxDOT Wanted Nothing To Do With It. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Until recently, a city situated between Austin and Waco greeted motorists traveling along Interstate 14 with a sign that read, Welcome to Killeen. The sign not only welcomed drivers to city limits, but also fertilized a dispute between the city government and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) after it was repeatedly struck by wayward vehicles throughout its lifespan. TxDOTs inertia in response to this series of crashes exhibits just how narrowly transportation agencies view their commitment to road safety.

The I-14 freeway goes straight past the sign without any turn. The sign is not especially close to the road. But for some reason, people keep running into it, reported KCENTV, the local NBC affiliate in 2021. Even after an 18-year-old fatally crashed into the sign, neither the city of Killeen nor TxDOT were willing to take responsibility, though the former had been absorbing the costs of repairs over the years. 

At the time, TxDOT waived all accountability, asserting that the Welcome to Killeen sign sits outside of its clear zone. By the USDOTs definition, the clear zone is an unobstructed, traversable roadside area that allows a driver to stop safely, or regain control of a vehicle that has left the roadway, in this case spanning approximately 30 feet. 

TxDOT maintained throughout its communications that repair and maintenance of the sign was the citys responsibility, since the sign sat outside of the clear zone. Ultimately it was the city that removed the sign in late 2021, at its own expense. 



Cobweb art "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I have realized that the way I raise spiders, in a plastic container with a 2-dimensional wooden frame assembled from coffee stirrers and hot glue, means that the spiders build cobwebs constrained to only 2 dimensions. Now Im thinking it would be easier to study the rules they use to make these networks. Hmmanother student project?

This photo was shot with my iPhone. I think I could get something better with my Canon R and a lens opened wide, to f/1.4 or thereabouts, and a dark background set way back and out of focus. I may have to do some photography experiments.


"They Move... Like Blind Drunks... Searching for Clarity... in a Construction Site... During The Dark of The Moon." "IndyWatch Feed World"

 Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Day follows day... with absurdity piled upon absurdity. From the top of the dung heap, the royalty of flies, feast upon the decaying matter that forms the altar they have built to themselves. It is naught but a filthy mirror, smeared with the offenses they have committed upon themselves and others.

There in the marketplace of useless things... the merchants buy and sell. They rub their hands together. They are sure that a good deal went down... deep and low. They are as sleek as otters surfing on an oil slick as it washes up on shore. Their expensive custom suits conceal the horizontal expansion of appetites indulged in... at the expense of others... whose lives and dreams they have consumed. Who can ever stop them?

They have purchased the governments. Law enforcement exists as their own army of rent-a-cops. They administer the cash register religions that have been further and further translated by them into the single dictate; me first, you later... maybe. They crucified the one... who lives still... as a testament of what happens when you get out of line with the currency gobblers. Everything is backward and upside down.

From the cradle... they have shaped the masses to see them as the rightful masters. They have fashioned the template of the temporal, and... the controlled opposition too. You can go the wrong way in either direction! It's so fun! Life is a series of amusement park rides where cartoon characters sell you your weevil-ridden daily bread in Styrofoam shrink-wrap; with a straw.

From Pliny the Younger to Strictly from Hunger, your history is written for you to remember as something that happened at another time, as something that is happening now through acclamation, for... this... is the best of all possible worlds. From Candide to Candida, a fungus in the mind becomes a fungus from the mouth. It feeds on itself in a cannibal culture, where... for some... paradise is a parasite with no one the wiser.

They tell you this is the way it must be, and... the way it always is. Better to be on the top than on the bottom, but... in truth... everything reverses itself. Existence is based on trading places. What you serve up... gets served back to you. There is no workaround except for Grace. This is the inflexible law of action and reaction on every plane. On the higher planes, the residents have learned to exchange only the best of what they desire to receive. The lower down you go, the more brutish, callous, and uncaring...


Ecocidio y falta de transparencia en obras del CIIT, denuncian defensores zapotecas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Unin Hidalgo, Oaxaca. Defensores zapotecas denunciaron la ausencia de consulta, falta de transparencia y el ecocidio provocado por el derribo y quema de decenas de rboles endmicos y no endmicos para la reahabilitacin de la lnea K en el tramo de Unin Hidalgo-Juchitn del Corredor Interocenico.

La Lnea K es uno de los brazos hacia el oriente del megaproyecto federal, explica Norberto Altamirano, vocero de los comunidad Agraria de Unin Hidalgo. El pasado 7 de febrero, el jefe de la Unidad Coordinadora de la Secretara de la Marina (Semar) y el Corredor Interocenico del Istmo de Tehuantepec (CIIT), Juan Carlos Vera Mingares, oficializ el arranque de las obras de esta lnea ferroviaria, siendo uno de los cinco tramos el de Unin Hidalgo-Ixtepec, Oaxaca.

La lnea K incluye 459 kilmetros de rehabilitacin de cinco tramos de va frreas desde Ixtepec a Ciudad Hidalgo, Chiapas, y tambin de 27 estaciones, una de las cuales estar en Juchitn, con una inversin de 30 mil millones de pesos.

Norberto Altamirano, el activista Edgar Martn y el defensor comunitario y ambientalista Vctor Fuentes alertaron sobre el dao ambiental que se provoca con la obra y denunciaron que no existe transparencia en la informacin relacionada con los impactos ambientales, culturales y sociales.

Para la rehabilitacin no hubo consulta, la obra lleg y se impuso, y cuando la transparencia no es el fuerte del gobierno municipal, los rumores y la especulacin llenan de respuestas a tantas preguntas de la ciudadana, expres Altamirano.

Agreg que para los comuneros de Unin Hidalgo, la remodelacin de las vas frreas pone en entredicho el papel del presidente municipal Juan Jess Rasgado Martnez, quien no ha sabido atender los problemas vinculados a estos trabajos.

La preocupacin gira en torno de qu, cmo y quines pueden favorecerse con los trabajos que detonar la obra. Al no haber informacin, se ignora el tratamiento y contencin de daos que generen las construcciones, seal.

Por lo pronto, los activistas coincidieron en que el edil no fue capaz de contener el derribo de rboles de ceiba y Guanacaste de al menos 20 aos, como tampoco ha informado del destino de toda la madera que el personal de seguridad pblica extrajo de los rboles cados.

Victor Fuentes, defensor del Ro Espritu Santo y activista ambiental, dijo que es una tristeza que los rboles hayan terminado en tablones de madera, y que no haya existido un proyecto ordenado para esta obra.

Se quemaron las maderas, las cortaron hasta acabarlas, rboles de muchos aos, rboles que tienen historia y que tienen vida en nuestro Unin Hidalgo, lo cual ha sido un ecocidio tremendo, pero hasta ahora ninguna autoridad ambiental ha dicho algo al respecto, al contrario, sin conservacin y sin informacin nos impondrn esta obra de rehabilitacin, precis.

Edgar Martn Regalado agr...


WHO Plans To Launch Global Digital Health Certificate "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Mac Slavo The World Health Organization (WHO) is still going ahead with its global digital health certificate even as it claims the COVID-19 scamdemic...

WHO Plans To Launch Global Digital Health Certificate


[$] Faster CPython at PyCon, part one "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Two members of the Faster CPython team, which was put together at Microsoft at the behest of Guido van Rossum to work on major performance improvements for CPython, came to PyCon 2023 to report on what the team has been working onand its plans for the future. PEP 659 ("Specializing Adaptive Interpreter") describes the foundation of the current work, some of which has already been released as part of Python 3.11. Brandt Bucher, who gave a popular talk on structural pattern matching at last year's PyCon, was up first, with a talk on what "adaptive" and "specializing" mean in the context of Python, which we cover here in part one. Mark Shannon, whose proposed plan for performance improvements in 2020 was a major impetus for this work, presented on the past, present, and future of the Python performance enhancements, which will be covered in part two.


Osinbajo Inaugurates Afam 3 Power Plant In Rivers "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The 240-megawatt Afam 3 Fast Power turbine has been unveiled by the Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo on Tuesday in Rivers State. New Telegraph reports that the project is a division of the Transcorp Group, which has offices in Oyigbo, a town outside of Port Harcourt, the states capital. Osinbajo, who arrived at the location...


Lithium Mining is Green Colonialism -- Duck Valley Paiute-Shoshone Appeal to UN Forum on Indigenous Issues "IndyWatch Feed War"

Duck Valley Paiute-Shoshone Council Member Addie Parker/Image by Censored NewsLithium Mining is Green Colonialism -- Duck Valley Paiute-Shoshone Appeal to UN Forum on Indigenous IssuesBy Brenda NorrellCensored NewsApril 19, 2023French translation by Christine Prat YORK -- Duck Valley Paiute-Shoshone Council Member Addie Parker appealed to the U.N.


EU deforestation tracking regulation sparks division among groups, producers "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

JAKARTA As the European Union is set to adopt a landmark regulation that prohibits companies from trading commodities from deforested areas and illegal sources, the proposed law continues to be divisive. On one hand, governments of palm oil producing countries like Malaysia and Indonesia have rejected the law, saying its requirements are too strict for producers to follow. On the other hand, civil society groups say the EU deforestation regulation is not strong enough to achieve its end goal, which is to combat global deforestation. Agriculture is one of the largest drivers of deforestation globally. And deforestation is responsible for about 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change. The landmark law aims to tackle the EUs contribution to this by eliminating deforestation from the supply chains of a range of everyday items sold in Europe. The EU is responsible for 16% of tropical deforestation associated with international trade, second only to China. The law, officially called the European Deforestation Regulation, targets cattle, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, rubber, soy and wood as well as commodities that have been fed by or made using those products, such as leather, chocolate, printed paper and furniture. The EU is expected to adopt the law in the first half of 2023 as the European Parliament has recently passed the law. Now the law only needs formal approval from EU countries, which are represented by the European Council, for it to come into force. The councils approval is expected in the next couple ofThis article was originally published on Mongabay


At-home Yoga Eases Anxiety, Improves Memory Among Stressed-out Workers "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Shyla Cadogan You may have heard that mindfulness has a host of benefits, namely helping to promote relaxation when things get overwhelming. Now, yoga...

At-home Yoga Eases Anxiety, Improves Memory Among Stressed-out Workers


High School Students Who Died Suddenly or Unexpectedly After Taking COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. 16 Cases in 2022 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post High School Students Who Died Suddenly or Unexpectedly After Taking COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. 16 Cases in 2022 appeared first on Global Research.


Cops Handcuff 9yo Boy With Special Needs to a Pole, Forcibly Hospitalize Him for Episode in Class "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Matt Agorist The Walpole Public School System and the Walpole Police Department in Massachusetts are facing public outrage after handcuffing a 9-year-old student to...

Cops Handcuff 9yo Boy With Special Needs to a Pole, Forcibly Hospitalize Him for Episode in Class

Moisture Duck Gives You a Green Thumb "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Around the Hackaday bunker, any plant other than a cactus has a real chance of expiring due to thirst. Perhaps we should build some of [MakersFunDuck]s Moisture Duck boards. As you can see in the video below, the simple PCB with an ATtiny13A tells you when it is time to water the plants. The video also covers several exotic methods of determining the watering status, some of which are pretty complex.

The board is simple because the operation of the device is simple. A fixed resistor creates a voltage divider with the soil, and dry soil has higher resistance than moist soil. A pot sets a threshold, and the microcontroller measures the voltages.

Of course, if you cant remember to water the plants, you probably cant remember to change batteries either. So the device sleeps most of the time, and only wakes up every eight seconds to conserve battery. It would be nice to alarm on a low battery, and, honestly, we would probably have made the sleep time longer.

The video covers how he minimizes corrosion, but we arent sure how well the board will survive in damp soil, but with a little protection, it might last a while. Besides that, you could probably just consider them almost disposable.

If you are really lazy, you can also automate the actual watering. You can even build that into...


OneLayer Bridge discovers, assesses, and secures IoT device activity "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

OneLayer released OneLayer Bridge, a security solution for private mobile networks. The use of private cellular networks allows organizations to improve IoT and OT device connectivity. As the adoption of these networks increases, organizations must consider the essential aspect of network security. OneLayer Bridge has been designed to provide seamless and secure connectivity between the enterprise cellular networks and IT/OT networks. Aptly named Bridge, the product serves as a critical link, bridging the gap between More

The post OneLayer Bridge discovers, assesses, and secures IoT device activity appeared first on Help Net Security.


Chelsea Identifies Onana As There Main Target "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Inter Milan is reportedly open to allowing Andre Onana to depart this summer just days after Chelsea was linked with a move for the Cameronian international. Just under a year has passed since Onana joined the Serie A giants on a free transfer from Ajax and he began the season acting as backup to Sami...


Lawan, Gbajabiamila Rate 9th NAssembly Above Previous Assemblies "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

decry rubber stamp stigma The President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan, and Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila, on Monday, asserted that the 9th National Assembly performed far better than five other assemblies before it since 1999. This was as the two presiding officers decried what they described as misperception and misunderstanding...


Femi Otedola Speaks On Friendship With Tony Elumelu, Says He Backstabbed Me "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Billionaire business mogul, Femi Otedola has bluntly and publicly dismissed friendship with Tony Elumelu, the Chairman of United Bank of Africa (UBA). The business investor who spoke on Tuesday with newsmen alleged that Elumelu betrayed his trust after going into business with him in 2005. According to him, Elumelu took over his investment in UBA...


Threshold for X-ray flashes from lightning is identified "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

New insights into how X-ray flashes are produced during lightning strikes have been made by research.


P3 P4400 Kill A Watt Electricity Usage Monitor "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Its no secret that electricity bills are on the rise. With the P3 P4400 you can cut your energy costs and find out what appliances are actually worth keeping plugged in by finding power-wasting appliances. Simply connect any appliance to the Kill A Watt EZ, it will then assess how efficient each appliance really is.


Vive el pas grave desmantelamiento de las instituciones culturales "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Las instituciones culturales no estn siendo defendidas enrgicamente por quienes trabajan en el sector, asegur la crtica de arte y activista Mara Minera, conductora de la mesa de dilogo Qu hacer frente al desmantelamiento del aparato artstico y cultural?, cuarta sesin del Foro La crtica en su laberinto: Qu hacer?, organizado por la Ctedra Internacional Ins Amor en Gestin Cultural y el Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco (CCUT).

Somos tristemente testigos de cmo se las desmantela sin piedad, de qu manera los presupuestos se encogen hasta niveles de inoperancia y desaparecen espacios y programas antes dedicados a la cultura, lament.

En el mismo tenor, la periodista Adriana Malvivido coment que la poltica de austeridad de la actual administracin federal ha conducido a un desmantelamiento con hacha y sin matices, y lament que desaparezcan instituciones culturales porque si bien no son perfectas, nos han llevado dcadas construir. Cit como ejemplo la desaparicin del Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA), as como que en plena pandemia se extinguieran 109 fondos y fideicomisos que garantizaban la continuidad de presupuestos para ciencia, cultura y tecnologa.

De igual modo, mencion la cancelacin de la Feria Internacional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil luego de 40 aos de xito y el cierre del Museo Dolores Olmedo, cuyo acervo integrado por obras pictricas de Frida Kahlo y Diego Rivera se traslad al Complejo Cultural Bosque de Chapultepec, algo que, sostuvo, va contra la voluntad notariada de la mecenas, quien lo don al pueblo de Mxico, y en particular a los habitantes de Xochimilco. Todo esto ante el silencio cmplice de las instituciones.

Por su parte, el filsofo e historiador Bolfy Cottom opin que la cultura se halla a la deriva y profundamente centralizada. Tenemos un gran vaco que es llenado por cualquier ocurrencia Observamos un debilitamiento de las estructuras del Estado, hemos perdido la oportunidad de reencausar las polticas pblicas mediante la alternancia.

Record que no se aprovech la oportunidad cuando el PAN arrib al gobierno ni tampoco despus cuando el PRI lo retom. No se aprendi la leccin y se profundizaron los vicios estructurales. En ese sentido, la alternancia con Morena francamente signific un desencanto, al permitirse la llegada de un rgimen populista y, con l, de un populismo cultural que solo usa...


Tesla asked about its points for improvement the EV community delivered "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Elon Musk has been pretty open about the idea of using social media platforms like Twitter to communicate directly with customers. Tesla highlighted this in its 2022 Impact Report, with the company noting that its social media accounts have helped it reach 1 billion views on Twitter last year.

With Twitter now being owned by Elon Musk, it is no surprise that his companies like Tesla are now more active on the platform. And in a recent post, the official Tesla account asked Twitter users what it could improve. The EV community, from fans to longtime owners, responded, to a great degree. As of writing, Teslas post has attracted over 22k comments.

A look at the comments on Teslas post would show that there are numerous calls for better service. Service has been Teslas Achilles heel for some time now, and with the company adopting a best service is no service stance, some owners have reported experiencing difficulties contacting Tesla for issues with their vehicles. Comments on Teslas post suggest that customer service is still a key point of improvement for the company.


Metamaterial Concrete: Reinventing the Most Widely Used Construction Material "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Engineers at the University of Pittsburgh are bringing concrete into the 21st century by reimagining its design. Concrete, which has its roots dating back to the Roman Empire, remains the most widely utilized material in the construction industry.

A new study presents a concept for the development of smart civil infrastructure systems with the introduction of metamaterial concrete. The research presents a concept for lightweight and mechanically-tunable concrete systems with integrated energy harvesting and sensing capabilities.

Modern society has been using concrete in construction for hundreds of years, following its original creation by the ancient Romans, said Amir Alavi, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at Pitt, who is the corresponding author on the study. Massive use of concrete in our infrastructure projects implies the need for developing a new generation of concrete materials that are more economical and environmentally sustainable, yet offer advanced functionalities. We believe that we can achieve all of these goals by introducing a metamaterial paradigm into the development of construction materials.


Time Twisted in Quantum Physics: How the Future Might Influence the Past "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 2022 physics Nobel prize was awarded for experimental work demonstrating fundamental breaks in our understanding of the quantum world, leading to discussions around local realism and how it could be refuted. Many theorists believe these experiments challenge either locality (the notion that distant objects require a physical mediator to interact) or realism (the idea that theres an objective state of reality). However, a growing number of experts suggest an alternative approach, retrocausality, which posits that present actions can affect past events, thus preserving both locality and realism.

The 2022 Nobel Prize in physics highlighted the challenges quantum experiments pose to local realism. However, a growing body of experts propose retrocausality as a solution, suggesting that present actions can influence past events, thus preserving both locality and realism. This concept offers a novel approach to understanding causation and correlations in quantum mechanics, and despite some critics and confusion with superdeterminism, it is increasingly seen as a viable explanation for recent groundbreaking experiments, potentially safeguarding the core principles of special relativity.

In 2022, the physics Nobel prize was awarded for experimental work showing that the quantum world must break some of our fundamental intuitions about how the universe works.


AI Chatbot to Replace Human Order-Takers at Wendys Drive-Thru "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: Techspot: Your next interaction at the drive-thru could be with an AI chatbot instead of a human order-taker, and you might not even know it. Fast-food giant Wendys has partnered with Google to trial an artificial intelligence chatbot at one of its restaurants in its home state of Ohio. The chatbot will be trained []


Israel renews Gaza bombing after killing 13 Palestinians "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel renews Gaza bombing after killing 13 Palestinians

Two more people are killed in the fresh strike, taking the days death toll to 15
MEE staff Tue, 05/09/2023 - 16:11

Israeli fighter jets renewed their bombing of the Gaza Strip on Tuesday hours after killing 13 people, including 10 civilians, in the early morning. 

Local media reported that an air raid targeted a vehicle in Qarara town in Khan Yunis near the eastern fence separating Gaza and Israel, resulting in two additional fatalities, bringing the day's total death toll to 15.

The Israeli military stated that the strike targeted an anti-tank guided missile cell. This attack followed several raids by the Israeli military in Gaza, which began shortly after 2am local time and killed at least four children, four women, and three Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) commanders.

In response, the Joint Operations Room (JOR), an umbrella body of armed factions in Gaza, including Hamas and PIJ, issued a statement warning that Israel "will pay the price" for the raids.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Israelis living in cities near the Gaza border have evacuated to other parts of the country, anticipating reprisal attacks. Bomb shelters have been opened, and roads and beaches have been closed.

More to follow...



Guardian grossly misleads in report on Gaza anti-terror op "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Guardians deceptive coverage of the IDFs attack on Gaza terrorists early Tuesday morning, which killed three senior leaders of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), begins in the headline:

Israel bombs Gaza Strip, killing three Islamic Jihad leaders and nine civilians

The claim, in an article by the outlets Jerusalem correspondent Bethan McKernan, that nine civilians were killed is based entirely on statements by the Hamas-controlled Gaza health ministry, and so shouldnt be reported in the headline as if it was a fact.  Indeed, later in the article, its acknowledged that an Israeli military spokesperson said the army was looking into reports of civilian deaths but had no immediate comment.

McKernan continues:

The Israeli attack came despite a fragile ceasefire in place since a day of cross-frontier exchanges of fire last week triggered by the death on hunger strike of Khader Adnan, a prominent political figure affiliated with Islamic Jihad held in Israeli custody.

Whats referred to by McKernan as a cross-frontier exchange of fire was a PIJ initiated attack an unprovoked volley of over 100 rockets fired into Israel which injured three foreign workers.  The language used by the Guardian obfuscates the vital question of who started the exchange of fire.

McKernans misinformation on the broader context behind todays hostilities continues:

Tensions in the protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict have soared over the past year: more than 100 Palestinians and at least 19 Israelis and foreigners have been killed in 2023 so far across Israel and the West Bank and Gaza Strip, leading to fears of wider escalation.

The Guardian fails to clarify that while all but one of the Israelis killed this year were civilians, the overwhelming majority of the Palestinians killed have either been either terrorists or males involved in violent clashes at the time of their deaths a fact we demonstrate on this page.

The mi...


Military Situation In Bakhmut On May 9, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Bakhmut On May 9, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • The AFU repelled Russian attacks on Chasov Yar-Khromovo road;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue near Khromovo;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue along Yubileynaya street;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue along Chaikovskoho street.


The post Military Situation In Bakhmut On May 9, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


Consider This "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  An uncomfortable meme   Bullet Points: ** One brand of at-home COVID-19 test is being recalled amid a warning from the Food and Drug Administration that the test could lead to a bacterial infection. SD Biosensor, Inc. Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Tests, distributed by Roche Diagnostics should be thrown out, according to a new release []

The post Consider This appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


El hospital de la muerte materna "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

En sus 30 aos, El Sur ha sido un espacio abierto para darle voz a los olvidados.

Para Tlachinollan ha sido un peridico que por su veracidad y objetividad  se ha transformado en una fuente confiable y crtica para una sociedad diversa y vida de informacin veraz.

El Sur tiene el gran mrito de ser un contrapeso a los gobernantes que violan los derechos humanos.

Reciban un gran abrazo por su persistencia, valor e independencia.

Ante el escndalo del alto nmero de muertes maternas que desde hace dcadas se registran en la Montaa y Costa Chica de Guerrero, el gobierno de Vicente Fox tom la decisin de construir el Hospital del Nio y la Madre Indgena en la ciudad de Tlapa. A casi dos dcadas de la creacin de este centro hospitalario, las muertes maternas de mujeres indgenas forman parte de las estadsticas del oprobio que padece la poblacin ms indefensa de la Montaa. Varias madres continan muriendo por parto, sobre todo, las que viven en las comunidades ms apartadas. En esos lugares son las parteras que se encargan de brindar atencin bsica a las mujeres embarazadas y les auxilian en el trabajo de parto. Cuando su embarazo se complica es difcil trasladarlas a la ciudad de Tlapa por el alto costo del viaje especial que tienen que pagar las mismas madres de familia. Algunas son atendidas en las cabeceras municipales, sin embargo, por la carencia de infraestructura mdica regularmente las remiten a la ciudad de Tlapa.

Los servicios pblicos de salud en el estado no solamente carecen de lo bsico en trminos de personal mdico, equipo y medicamentos, sino que su estructura es obsoleta y los pocos mdicos que ah trabajan solamente se reducen a tomar los signos vitales y hacer una valoracin general del estado de salud, elaborando una receta para que los familiares compren en las farmacias particulares los medicamentos. A lo largo de los aos este hospital que se maneja con la figura del OPD, es un rgano Pblico Descentralizado, cuyos recursos financieros han sido desviados para beneficio de los altos funcionarios de la salud. Esta Secretara de Salud en anteriores administraciones ha funcionado como la caja chica del gobierno del estado, los recursos millonarios que en los sexenios anteriores se utilizaron en el Seguro Popular no se invirtieron para contratar a ms personal mdico, ni para cubrir el cuadro bsico de medicamentos. Al constatar que los familiares de los pacientes estaban dispuestos a comprar la medicina, se volvi una prctica generalizada en los hospitales pblicos de cargar los gastos a los enfermos mayoritariamente pobres del estado.

En lugar de garantizar el equipamiento mdico para una adecuada atencin de las madres indgenas que bajan de las comunidades por las complicaciones que tienen en su embaraz...


CertifID provides identity verification designed to combat seller impersonation fraud "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

CertifID released an identity verification solution to help title agencies and real estate firms combat seller impersonation fraud. The solution augments CertifIDs existing capabilities that evaluate more than 150 markers of fraud, including the verification of wiring instructions and bank account information. The new solution is aimed at addressing an alarming increase in seller impersonation scams involving vacant land. The real estate industry overall continues to be a top target for fraud, according to the More

The post CertifID provides identity verification designed to combat seller impersonation fraud appeared first on Help Net Security.


Lessons From Afghanistan for Russia: Open Press and Mothers the Only Way to End War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Its everyone elses fault but ours has become the constantly hammered mantra of the Kremlin when it comes to justifying its brutal war in Ukraine in which tens of thousands have already died on both sides, although far more of them Russian troops. Mixed with misinformation, a blatant omission of the facts and outright lies, it is also the stance cynically presented by Russian diplomacy abroad, particularly within the context of the United Nations. Not only does Russia remain a permanent member of the Security Council, enabling it to dominate agendas, but it continues to assure political appointees, such as the head of the UN in Geneva


Speaking last week to the UN Foreign Press Association (ACANU) at the Russian mission in Geneva, just opposite the Palais des Nations where the European headquarters of the UN are located, Moscows ambassador, Gennady Gatilov, launched into a litany of criticisms against the West to justify his countrys continued illegal military occupation of the Crimea and other parts of Ukraine, including its ongoing bombardment of civilian targets. He made no mention of Russias horrendous human rights abuses, such as alleged war crimes, which are being currently documented by the UNs High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva as well as other international human rights and law organizations.


Gatilov also claimed that the majority of countries in the developing world did not support the Wests stance regarding Ukraine. In March 2022, 141 nations voted against the invasion with four opposing and 35 abstaining. Last month, Brazilian President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, who had previously refused to condemn it, opted to criticize Russias war but stressed that the world must now seek to stop it.


Gatilovs points were unabashedly similar to the views steadfastly maintained by both President Vladimir Putin and his foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, ranging from NATOs illegal bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 during the Kosovo crisis (considered part of a humanitarian operation by NATO) to the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. While listing his criticisms, the ambassador failed to note that that while certain Western countries, notably the United States and United Kingdom contrary to the UN position, did indeed indulge in deliberate disinformation and falsifications for interventions such as Iraq, the press was still free to report and ultimately, in many cases, held such abuses to account.



The Difference Between Secrets and Lies Can the White House even understand the difference? "IndyWatch Feed War"


Recent developments in Washington relating to Ukraine and the Middle East remind me that there is a big difference between maintaining secrecy when a situation warrants it and lying over issues where there is no compelling reason to do so beyond political expediency. Having spent more than twenty years in American intelligence agencies where secrecy was the operative norm, I would illustrate that difference as follows: a legitimate secret would be something like not revealing information that would place people or vital national interests in jeopardy, while a lie would be committing a crime and fabricating a narrative that would deny or obfuscate that anything dire had actually taken place. When it comes to lying, I am, of course, referring to the bizarre behavior by the United States government, most particularly ever since 9/11, to commit war crimes and then come up with reasons for its foreign and national security policies to have taken a singular aggressive and coercive turn not justified by reality or by any real threat. That shift in behavior has had a profoundly negative consequence, with much of the world now inclined to identify the United States as the most dangerous country globally speaking in terms of being the greatest threat to peace among nations.

One might reasonably award the gold medal for creative destruction in that light to the Administration of George W. Bush, which elevated lying to a level hitherto hardly imagined in Washington. Bush had a neocon dominated foreign policy team, concentrated in the Pentagon with Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Doug Feith and with Scooter Libby in the Vice Presidents office, which did not hesitate to stovepipe fabricated information through the system to justify a totally fraudulent war against Iraq. The conspirators, most of whom were Jews who had close ties to the Israeli government, were supportive of the Jewish states desire to have the US attack Baghdad. They were joined in their drive to war by a hapless Secretary of State Colin Powell, a woefully ignorant National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and a ruthlessly ambitious George Tenet at CIA to go along for the ride. Within that context, what the president of the United States actually thought, if he was thinking at all, remains unknowable. The result was the catastrophe of Iraq, with hundreds of thousands of dead civilians over a totally invented threat of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of Saddam Hussein. Currently, twenty years after the event, Washington still has soldiers in Iraq even though the Iraqi parliament has repeatedly asked them to leave.......


COVID Vaccine Mandates at Health Care and Other Institutions Are Being Struck Down Across US "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

When President Joe Biden decreed on Sept. 9, 2021, that more than 100 million Americans must get an experimental COVID mRNA vaccine injection, few in politics and media seemed to grasp what a monumental fraud that government initiative would turn to be. After two years of cumulative data on VAERS and other vaccine injury databases, it turned out that the toxic injections were neither safe and effective approved on a dubious emergency-use basis.

Now two years on, many more people are aware that this was a government-led scam, and the dominos are falling fast

Alice Giordano
at Epoch Times reports

Efforts to overturn vaccine mandates for both hospital patients and health care workers appear to be gaining momentum across the United States.

In what is seen as a major victory for transplant patients who did not take the COVID vaccine, one of the largest transplant centers in the United States reversed its policy to require the jab in order to be eligible for an organ transplant.

The University of Michigan (UM) announced its new policy on May 4 just before court proceedings were about to get underway in a lawsuit filed against it for declaring patients ineligible for an organ transplant unless they agreed to the jab.

The suit was filed on behalf of several patients by David Peters of Pacific Justice Institute who in celebrating the reversal simply stated were winning!

In a written statement, UM said it was new information that led to the voluntary decision to reverse its policy.

The University hereby g...


Firefox 113.0 released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Version 113.0 of the Firefox browser is out. Changes include improved picture-in-picture support, blocking of third-party cookies in private windows, some accessibility improvements, and more. "A 13-year-old feature request was fulfilled and Firefox now supports files being drag-and-dropped directly from Microsoft Outlook".


Fortinet warns of a spike of the activity linked to AndoryuBot DDoS botnet "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A DDoS botnet dubbed AndoryuBot has been observed exploiting an RCE, tracked as CVE-2023-25717, in Ruckus access points.

FortiGuard Labs researchers have recently observed a spike in attacks attempting to exploit the Ruckus Wireless Admin remote code execution vulnerability tracked as CVE-2023-25717. The activity is associated with a known DDoS botnet tracked as AndoryuBot that first appeared in February 2023. The bot supports multiple DDoS attack techniques and uses SOCKS5 proxies for C2 communications.

used by multiple Ruckus wireless Access Point (AP) devices. A remote, unauthenticated attacker can exploit the vulnerability to execute arbitrary code and take complete control of a vulnerable device.

Fortinet researchers also reported that a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) code for this vulnerability is publicly available and urges owners to install the patch as soon as possible.

Once compromised a device, the AndoryuBot downloads a script from the URL http[:]//163[.]123[.]142[.]146 for further propagation.

Once a target device is compromised, AndoryuBot quickly spreads and begins communicating with its C2 server via the SOCKS protocol. In a very short time, it is updated with additional DDoS methods and awaits attack commands. states the report published by Fortinet. Users should be aware of this new threat and actively apply patches on affected devices as soon as they become available.

The variant analyzed by the researcher...


Indigenous groups voice support for REDD+, despite flaws "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A group of Indigenous-led organizations released a letter May 9 supporting forest protection efforts known collectively as REDD+ projects. They argue that REDD+, short for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, provides much-needed funding for economic development and climate-related work. They also note that Indigenous and community views on the mechanism have been largely absent from the current debate about climate action and payment for results related to climate change. REDD projects aim to encourage communities to keep forests standing, providing payments in return for meeting specific metrics. (The plus sign was added after REDDs inception by the United Nations in 2005 to draw in more focus on conservation, sustainable forest management and carbon stocks.) The goal is that credits from the additional carbon kept out of the atmosphere as a result of this work are sold to companies and individuals, often to compensate for emissions from activities like manufacturing or travel. That, in turn, provides a stream of funding to these organizations and communities. But the processes by which those amounts of carbon are calculated have come under scrutiny recently. A series of articles published in early 2023 by The Guardian newspaper in the U.K., the German weekly Die Zeit and the nonprofit journalism outfit Source Material have raised questions about whether these credits actually help address climate change. The journalists own analysis, combined with scientific research, suggested that many credits may be based on dubious calculations. A farm with a forest in the distance near a REDD+This article was originally published on Mongabay


UNIUYO Applauds Fens Properties On Quality, Timely Project Delivery "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The management of the University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State has commended Fens Properties Nig Ltd for setting standards in quality, timely and cost-effective delivery of projects in the institution. Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof Nyaudo Ndaeyo handed down the commendation in Uyo on Tuesday at the Handing Over/Taking Over of a block of...


Serbian president reveals what West wants him to do "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | May 9, 2023

The West has not given up on steamrolling Serbia into imposing sanctions on Russia, the countrys president, Aleksandar Vucic, has revealed. However, he said Belgrade has so far been able to resist the pressure.

Speaking to Serbias Happy TV channel on Monday, Vucic said that whoever comes [to Belgrade feels their] first obligation is to explain to me that I am a jerk who did not introduce sanctions.

The Serbian head of state acknowledged that he had already gotten used to constant pressure [and] ultimatums from Western representatives.

Last month, the European Parliaments Foreign Affairs Committee slammed Serbia for its failure to join the EU sanctions against Russia, and urged Belgrade to shut down Russian disinformation outlets, including RT Balkans.

The US State Department also called for a ban on the media outlet, which began broadcasting in November 2022.

Speaking in mid-March, President Vucic reiterated that his governments position is to not impose sanctions on Moscow over its actions in Ukraine. He made it clear that this could be changed only in circumstances when there is no way out.

His remark came in response to calls made earlier that month by the countrys Economy Minister Rade Basta on social media. Basta argued that Belgrade should impose punitive measures because Western pressure was becoming unbearable.

The minister quickly came under fire from within his own party for his comments.

Serbia has resisted pressure from the EU and the US to sanction Russia, citing, among other things, the apparent discrepancy between Western demands that Belgrade recognize the independence of the breakaway province of Kosovo and their simultaneous insistence on Ukraines territorial integrity.


SafePaaS UPAM offering enables discovery, monitoring, and control of privileged accounts "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

SafePaaS announces its Unified Privileged Access Management (UPAM) solution to protect the digital enterprise without the complexity of traditional PAM solutions that fail to meet the evolving needs of todays dynamic, complex organizations. SafePaaS UPAM offering enables in-depth cyber mechanisms by allowing for the discovery, monitoring, and control of access to privileged accounts, management for interactive privileged access, and just-in-time (JIT) privilege approaches. As threat landscapes and cybersecurity threats continue to grow and evolve at More

The post SafePaaS UPAM offering enables discovery, monitoring, and control of privileged accounts appeared first on Help Net Security.


Arkansas Army National Guard Takes Over Multinational Training for Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post Arkansas Army National Guard Takes Over Multinational Training for Ukraine appeared first on Global Research.


Egbewole Mourns Akinkugbes Matriarch "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Ilorin, Prof. Wahab Olasupo Egbewole, SAN, has commiserated with the family of the pioneer Vice Chancellor of the University, the late Prof. Oladipo Olujimi Akinkugbe, on the demise of their illustrious Matriarch, Prof. Folashade Akinkugbe. The Akinkugbe matriarch died last Wednesday (May 3, 2023) at the age of...


Former Pakistani PM detained "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Cradle | May 9, 2023

Former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan has been arrested by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) from the Islamabad High Court (IHC), Geo News reported on 9 May.

Khan was taken into custody by security personnel known as Rangers outside the IHC where he had gone to seek bail as a result of graft charges.

According to Fawad Chaudhry, the official spokesperson of Imran Khans Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf party (PTI), the ex-prime minister has been abducted from court premises. Scores of lawyers and general people have been tortured.

Khan was arrested in connection with the allegations that Bahria Town allotted land worth 530 million rupees to the Al-Qadir Trust, owned by the PTI chairman and his wife, according to Islamabad police.

Khan has been whisked away by unknown people to an unknown location, Chaudhry said.

According to Imran Khans spokesman Raoof Hasan, He was taken away before he could appear before the judges, which is in violation of all laws.

The party has given a call to immediately start protests across Pakistan, PTI leader Azhar Mashwani tweeted.

Khans arrest was not authorized by IHC Chief Justice Aamer Farooq, however, who requested the attorney general appear before the court within 15 minutes and instructed him to immediately find out who was behind the arrest.

If an inquiry has to be conducted, action will also be taken against the prime minister and ministers, the chief justice said.

Security forces previously attempted to detain Khan last March after an Islamabad court issued an arrest warrant to ensure his attendance in court to face graft charges.

However, security forces were blocked by hundreds of the former prime ministers supporters, who gathered outside his Lahore home to prevent his arrest. The clashes between both sides, in which security forces fired tear gas and water cannons, and Khans supporters threw stones, led to dozens of injuries.

The former cricket star, who was ousted as prime minister in a no-confidence vote in parliament in April 2022, went to Islamabad to appear before three courts on charges of selling state gifts and failing to disclose assets but failed...


SCourt Affirms Adeleke As Osun Governor "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Supreme Court on Tuesday affirmed Ademola Adeleke as the validly elected Governor of Osun State. The apex court, in its lead judgement delivered by Justice Emmanuel Agim, dismissed an appeal that was lodged against Adelekes election victory by the former governor of the state, Adegboyega Oyetola, who was the gubernatorial candidate of the All...


INTERVIEW: Luther Debunk the Junk (Science) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Dismantling the scientism surrounding the junk science of virology and Big Pharma. 

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on May 8, 2023, Patrick talks with Luther about dismantling the scientism surrounding junk science, and how academic and Big Pharma elites routinely bamboozle the general public, and violated their own scientific standards during the Covid crisis, along with endless medical propaganda and tropes designed to gaslight people into believing the most implausible narratives about contagions and novel viruses. Listen:

More from Luther:

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):





Waterfall Security Solutions and Atlantic Data Security improve protection for OT networks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Waterfall Security Solutions and Atlantic Data Security announced a partnership to protect data centers, building automation systems and critical infrastructure facilities. With attacks on OT networks becoming more powerful and pervasive, this new partnership provides owners and operators with solutions that dramatically improve the security posture and preparedness of physical operations. Providing our clients with the strongest and most advanced OT cyber protection is a top priority for Atlantic Data Security, said Scott Kasper, Executive More

The post Waterfall Security Solutions and Atlantic Data Security improve protection for OT networks appeared first on Help Net Security.


Alloys "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Imagine my surprise when I learned that bronze does not refer only to the classic tin/copper alloy. Generally, it does, but when youre talking about other alloys, they are also often called bronzes of various sorts.

For example, there is the rightly famous Japanese shakud which is, variously, gold (2-7%) and copper, or silver and copper. Those are bronzes, and as you probably guessed can get pretty expensive to produce unless you are funded by your local daimyo, or Peter Thiel, or whatever.

Ive been a bit stymied, lately, because I have two blades to produce collars for (habaki) and when I poured out some silver (argentium, which is I think silver with a tiny bit of ? chromium) in it to reduce oxidation my little block of material crumbled when I hammered on it. That is so incredibly frustrating, because you dont have a blade collar, and youre crawling around on the floor picking up little crumbs of silver, while all the off-cuts and grindings of steel are wreaking havoc on your kneecaps. Also, I have a certification from my doctor that says I am officially too old for that shit. (I turned 60 last November)

I decided to explore a few other alloys, including doing something truly dastardly: adding aluminum. Of course I am assuming you know that, once upon a time (before the bauxite/electrical reaction) naturally occurring aluminum was rare and more valuable than gold. Theres a helmet some prince or other had, made of aluminum, that was very very la dee da in its day, but nowadays most people would not shrug at it. I decided that alloys involving aluminum are actually very la dee da in Edo Period Japan, because aluminum was more precious than gold. So, Id experiment with aluminum bronzes.

[This is actually from an earlier session but it all looks pretty much the same]

The smelter was already sitting on the floor, on a big steel plate, ready to go, so, why not?

I use the small smelter, which was a couple hundred bucks, and is much more predictable and easier to work with than putting a crucible into a forge. Also, when youre carrying a crucible to/from a forge there is a slight chance the crucible will crumble and youve just dropped some really hot stuff from a height. Ive developed the habit of working close to the floor so things have a minimal distance to fall and splash. Molten metal splashes and sticks to shoes, floor tiles, skin, whatever. And it takes a while to cool.

Here, I was going to embed some video of a piece of AlCu in a vise getting whacked on with a forging hamm...


Samsung to Detail Second-Gen 3nm Node, but Admits It is Behind TSMC "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Samsung to unveil first details about SF3 process technology with MBCFETs:

Although Samsung Foundry started to produce chips using its SF3E (aka 3nm gate-all-around early) manufacturing technology last June, the company only uses this tech for select chips, and it's not expected to be used widely. Meanwhile, the company is working on its second-gen 3nm-class node called SF3 (3GAP) and will disclose more information about it at the upcoming 2023 Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits in Kyoto, Japan.

Samsung's Sf3 (3nm-class) fabrication technology (set to be introduced at the T1-2 session) will use the company's second-gen Multi-Bridge-Channel field-effect transistors (MBCFET). This new fabrication technology builds upon the first-gen GAA device (SF3E) that's already in mass production, incorporating further optimization.

Samsung claims that compared to SF4 (4LPP, 4nm-class, low power plus), SF3 offers a 22% higher performance at the same power and transistor count, a 34% power reduction at the same clocks and complexity, and a 0.79x logic area reduction. However, Samsung doesn't compare its SF3 to SF3E, and there is no word about the SRAM and analog circuit scaling.

One of the main benefits of GAA transistors over FinFET devices is the reduced leakage current since their gate is surrounded by the channel on all four sides. Additionally, the channel thickness can be adjusted to enhance performance or reduce power consumption.

Samsung now says that the SF3 platform offers greater design flexibility enabled by various nanosheet (NS) widths of the MBCFET device within the same cell type. It is unclear whether it means that the original SF3E lacks one of the key capabilities of GAA transistors, but Samsung's phrasing at least implies it.

An image that Samsung demonstrates in its paper depicts damage on top of the nanosheet during the metal gate process, so we may speculate that one of the aspects that the company will cover are production challenges it encountered with its GAA-based SF3E production node.

Interestingly, recently the company admitted that its fabrication processes are behind those of TSMC, and it will take at least five years to catch up.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews....


BREAKING: Supreme Court Affirms Adelekes Victory As Osun Governor "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Supreme Court has affirmed the victory of Governor Ademola Adeleke of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as the governor of Osun State. The Supreme Court said former governor, Gboyega Oyetola and the All Progressives Congress (APC) failed to prove their case of improper accreditation of voters and over-voting. Details shortly


Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On May 9, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On May 9, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • Ukrainian servicemen attempted to cross the Dnieper river on seven speedboats and land on the left bank, north of the city of Aleshki. Russian servicemen thwarted the landing of the Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group;
  • Russian artillery destroyed two ammo depots of 72nd Mechanized Brigade and 128th Mountain Assault Brigade of AFU in Zaporozhye region;
  • Artillery duels between the AFU and the Russian Army continue on the outskirts of Gulyaipole;
  • The AFU reportedly destroyed 2 control points, 2 areas of manpower and equipment, 3 ammunition depots of the Russian Army in the past 24 hours;
  • Up to 70 Ukrainian servicemen, 4 motor vehicles, 3 armoured vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery in South Donetsk and Zaporozhye region, according to the Russian MOD;
  • Up to 50 Ukrainian servicemen, 7 motor vehicles, 1 Msta-B howitzer in Kherson region, according to the Russian MOD.


The post Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On May 9, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Fron...


Did Intel-Linked Dataminr Play Sinister Role in Hunter Biden Laptop Suppression? "IndyWatch Feed World"

On April 20, former acting CIA Director Michael Morell admitted he orchestrated the joint letter that torpedoed the New York Posts bombshell reporting on Hunter Bidens laptop in the weeks leading up to the November 2020 US Presidential election, at the direct request of Joe Bidens campaign team.

That letter, published by Politico, asserted the leaked material bore unambiguous hallmarks of a Kremlin information operation. In all, 51 former senior intelligence officials endorsed the declaration on the basis their spying careers made them deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case, despite an avowed lack of evidence to support the charge.

This intervention was sufficient for Twitter to block all sharing of the NY Posts exposs and ban the outlets official account. These measures were later undone due to intense backlash, but by then, the damage was done, and the articles thoroughly discredited. Joe Biden himself even cited the joint letter in a presidential debate with Donald Trump in order to deflect accusations of impropriety in his sons Ukrainian dealings.

In private sworn testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, Morrell recounted how Antony Blinken, now secretary of state and then a senior Biden campaign official, reached out to him three days after the NY Post published an email indicating Hunter had introduced a Ukrainian business partner to his father.

Morrell, at the time tapped as a potential CIA director in a future Biden administration, avowedly organized the letter to help [Biden]because I wanted him to win the election. Following Blinkens call, he contacted retired CIA senior operations officer Marc Polymeropoulos for assistance in compiling the letter, and over the next two days gathered signatures from his intelligence community cohorts to lend an imprimatur of expert legitimacy to its dubious contents.

This revelation has reignited a welter of controversies, not least because the Elon Musk-approved #TwitterFiles recently exposed how the social networks suppression of NY Post was executed despite significant internal doubts about the assorted intelligence officials Russian disinformation charge. Serious questions now hang over the Biden familys activities in Ukraine, the legitimacy of the 2020 election result, and the role of Twitter and other social networks as effective wings of the US national security state.


The Great Reset and the Grand Refusal Michael Rectenwald "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Mises Media In recent years, Americans have suffered from the horrors of covid tyranny, government-directed corporate censorship, and now our current banking crisis. The...

The Great Reset and the Grand Refusal Michael Rectenwald


Canada To Invest In Ogun Agriculture, Technology, Infrastructure Sectors "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Poised to strengthen over 60 years of bilateral relationship with Nigeria, the Canadian Government has indicated an interest in investing in the agricultural and technological sectors of the Ogun State economy. The Canadian Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr Jamie Christoff, who stated this at the Governors Office, Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta, when he paid a courtesy call on...


Wisdom Meets Design: Inspiring Quotes From Milton Friedman "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Hailed as the godfather of conservative libertarianism, Milton Friedman quotes openly attacked Keynesianism in an era when most economists widely accepted its fundamental premises. Friedman...

Wisdom Meets Design: Inspiring Quotes From Milton Friedman


Feds Take Down 13 More DDoS-for-Hire Services "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) this week seized 13 domain names connected to booter services that let paying customers launch crippling distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Ten of the domains are reincarnations of DDoS-for-hire services the FBI seized in December 2022, when it charged six U.S. men with computer crimes for allegedly operating booters.

Booter services are advertised through a variety of methods, including Dark Web forums, chat platforms and even They accept payment via PayPal, Google Wallet, and/or cryptocurrencies, and subscriptions can range in price from just a few dollars to several hundred per month. The services are generally priced according to the volume of traffic to be hurled at the target, the duration of each attack, and the number of concurrent attacks allowed.

The websites that saw their homepages replaced with seizure notices from the FBI this week include booter services like cyberstress[.]org and exoticbooter[.]com, which the feds say were used to launch millions of attacks against millions of victims.

School districts, universities, financial institutions and government websites are among the victims who have been targeted in attacks launched by booter services, federal prosecutors in Los Angeles said in a statement.

Purveyors of booters or stressers claim they are not responsible for how customers use their services, and that they arent breaking the law because like most security tools these services can be used for good or bad purposes. Most booter sites employ wordy terms of use agreements that require customers to agree they will only stress-test their own networks and that they wont use the service to attack others.

But the DOJ says these disclaimers usually ignore the fact that most booter services are heavily reliant on constantly scanning the Internet to commandeer misconfigured devices that are critical for maximizing the size and impact of DDoS attacks. Whats more, none of the services seized by the government required users to demonstrate that they own the Internet addresses being stress-tested, something a legitimate testing service would insist upon.

This is the third in a series of U.S. and international law enforcement actions targeting booter services. In December 2022, the feds seized f...


How Urban Planners Disenfranchised Black Communities in West Oakland "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In keeping with mid-20th century segregationist federal guidance, West Oakland, California officials in the 1940s deliberately put the most polluting industries and biggest highways in Black neighborhoods saddling them with cancer, asthma, and other health impacts. In white neighborhoods, diesel-powered trucks were banned from operating, as planners chose to divide Black communities with highways instead.

The intentional planning of these uses was historically racist, Oakland Planning Commission member Jonathan Fearn told the Washington Post. The planning profession has to reconcile that because they have been complicit in this whole issue, not only in Oakland, but in cities all across the country.

The California Air Resources Board has taken steps to lessen the pollution burden faced by these communities through encouraging electric trucks powered by renewable energy, and electric equipment at busy ports, but health officials say the substantial buildup of pollution will continue to take a toll for decades.

All my kids have allergies and asthma, myself too, Margaret Gordon told the Post, while showing them the layer of dark gray pollution blanketing her West Oakland home. It aint dust. Its diesel particulates. And at her age, its hard to keep clean. Im not getting on too many ladders at 75 years old. I know better than that. Nonetheless, her age isnt keeping her from cleaning up everyones air. As the co-founder of the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project, Gordons work since 2003 has created a block-by-block pollution monitoring for California officials enforcing a 2017 law aimed at exactly this issue. I aint got but 15 more years myself, Gordon told the Post. If they cant do it in 15 more years, I dont know what to tell them.

For a Deeper Dive

Washington Post

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Newly Released Images of Massive US Embassy Compound in Lebanon Prompt Questions "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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War for Profit: A Very Short History "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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DigiCert and Oracle join forces to help joint customers manage their digital trust initiatives "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

DigiCert announced a partnership to provide DigiCert ONE, the platform for digital trust, on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). Customers will benefit from DigiCert ONEs fast time to value combined with OCIs high-performance and security-first architecture for single and multi-cloud deployments. Moving forward, DigiCert and Oracle will collaborate on further integration into the OCI ecosystem to help joint customers manage their digital trust initiatives in a unified architecture. Collaboration and deeply integrated security are a few More

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More Than 200 Prescriptions Are Known to Cause Depression "IndyWatch Feed World"

May 10th, 2023 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Historically, conventional science views depression as a side effect of a chemical imbalance in the brain. Most pharmaceutical-oriented solutions for depression still to this day revolve around this theory, even though the serotonin-hypothesis has been largely debunked.1 As noted in a 2014 paper on antidepressants:2 []

The post More Than 200 Prescriptions Are Known to Cause Depression first appeared on Wake Up World.


Tomgram: Andrea Mazzarino, The Privatization of War, American-Style "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The way mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin and his private army have been waging a significant part of Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine has been well covered in the American media, not least of all because his firm, the Wagner Group, draws most of its men from Russia's prison system. Wagner offers "freedom" from Putin's labor camps only to send those released convicts to the front lines of the conflict[...]


Share Your Projects: Making Helpful PCBs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When it comes to things that hackers build, PCBs are a sizeable portion of our creative output. Its no wonder PCB design is a powerful way to participate in the hardware world, making your ideas all that more tangible with help of a friendly PCB fab. Its often even more lovely when the PCB has been designed for you, and all you have to do is press send bonus points if you can make a few changes for your own liking!

A lot of the time, our projects are untrodden ground, however, and a new design needs to be born. We pick out connectors, work through mechanical dimensions, figure out a schematic and check it with others, get the layout done, and look at it a few more times before sending it out for production. For a basic PCB, that is enough but of course, its no fun to stop at basic, when theres so many things you can do at hardly any cost.

Lets step back a bit youve just designed a board, and its great! It has all the chips and the connectors you could need, and theoretically, its even supposed to work first try. Now, lets be fair, theres an undeniable tendency the more PCBs you design, the better each next one turns out, and you learn to spend less time on each board too. As someon...


NO Joe. No Nancy. No Chuck. No, No No, But Yes to Who? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

No Joe. We don't want you to run another term. No Nancy, Chuck, Barack and the rest of you hack Democrat Leaders and your CNN and MSNBC echo chamber media----No, I am not saying "Democratic leaders" because you, as leaders are not engaging in Democracy. You are trying to force the majority of Democrats and really, all voters, to accept that there is no other choice but Joe.

Tuesday, 09 May


De Nihilistische Afgoden in Nederland "IndyWatch Feed War"

De grootste gedachtenfout van de marxisten was dat na de burgerlijke revolutie, het proletariaat de macht van de bourgeoisie zou overnemen. Maar mede door de voortdurende perception management is dit niet gebeurd. De niet aflatende propaganda voor de consumptiecultuur bleek sterker dan het verlangen naar vrijheid door medezeggenschap. Hoe nu verder, nu ook de materialistische cultuur op haar grenzen is gestuit? 

In de politiek kent men geen eeuwige vriendschappen, alleen eeuwige belangen. Zoals bekend komt aan elk imperium eens een einde, maar wat dan in een wereld vol massavernietigingswapens? Armageddon? Collectieve zelfmoord? Waar komt dit nihilisme vandaan? Friedrich Nietzsche schreef nadat hij God dood had verklaard in een brief aan zijn vriend Overbeck over dit nihilisme: Es wird einmal an meinen Namen die Erinnerung an etwas Ungeheueres anknupfen an eine Krisis, wie es keine auf Erden gab, an die tiefste Gewissens-Collision, an einde Entscheidung, heraufbeschworen gegen Alles, was bis dahin geglaubt, gefordert, geheiligt worden war. En toen de we...


US Media Promotes Absurd Claim that Russia Staged Attack on Kremlin "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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ThreatBlockr integrates with GreyNoise to guard against false positives "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

ThreatBlockr and GreyNoise announced a partnership that will enhance the ThreatBlockr platform. By leveraging GreyNoise data, ThreatBlockr customers now have automatic access to this enhanced cyber intelligence and the largest cyber intelligence data set that protects against false positives. False positives can often cause disruptions and wasted time, which can lead to security controls being deactivated and open the floodgates for bad actors, said Pat McGarry, CTO of ThreatBlockr. By incorporating GreyNoise into our platform, More

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Watching Charlies Coronation: The Disenchanted Glass "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Trump lies to the bitter end "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The jury in the civil battery and defamation case brought by E. Jean Carroll against Donald Trump is scheduled to retire to consider the verdict today.

Last Thursday, while on a golf trip to Ireland, Trump said that he would be cutting short his trip and returning to the US so as to confront his rape accuser at his trial, even though he had not been on the original witness list.

Trump told reporters last week he would probably attend the trial.

Im going back to New York. I was falsely accused by this woman, I have no idea who she is its ridiculous, he claimed. Ill be going back early because a woman made a claim that is totally false, its fake, he added.

Trump also called the case a political attack and claimed the judge was extremely hostile and doesnt like me very much.

But shortly after that, his lawyer Joe Tacopina said in court that they were resting their case and usually that closes the door to any more witnesses. I think Trump made his statement as an act of bravado, never intending to carry it out, but designed to show his confidence and also so that when the judge refused to allow him to testify, he could once again claim that the judge was biased against him.

But US district judge Lewis Kaplan judge called his bluff and said that he would leave the window open until Sunday evening for Tacopina to file a request for Trump to appear. But of course Trump chickened out, no such request was made, and he did not testify.

Earlier, Tacopina wanted to tell the jury that Trump wanted to testify but would not out of consideration for the security burden caused by his appearance. But the judge was having none of that obvious self-serving excuse either. Trump could testify or not testify, that was his choice to make, but he could not claim that he wanted to but was being solicitous of the inconvenience caused to others. (When has Trump ever cared about the needs of others?)

If former President Donald Trump opts not to attend his trial next week in which he stands accused of defaming and battering writer E. Jean Carroll, a federal judge ruled Thursday that his lawyer can make no mention of the burdens that might spare New York City.

Trump attorney Joe Tacopina had asked the judge on Wednesday to inform the jury that if Trump didnt appear for the trail in lower Manhattan, it would...


AI Is About To Be Everywhere "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Aden Tate Do you remember when drones were first released to the commercial market? There was a lot of talk about the privacy implications...

AI Is About To Be Everywhere


The Federal Reserve Cartel. The Roundtable and The Illuminati "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Every accusation a confession "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

See that guy draped with ammo for his gun? Thats Bryan Slaton, a Republican slimeball from Texas, who committed an act that finally got him ousted from the legislature.

A Republican Texas state lawmaker who once proposed to ban children from attending drag shows to supposedly shield them from being groomed for abuse has resigned after he was found to have engaged in inappopriate sexual conduct with a 19-year-old intern.

Bryan Slaton, 45, resigned Monday while facing mounting calls from the states Republican party and conservative groups to step down. A state House investigation last week determined that he supplied alcohol to the intern and another young staffer, had sex with the intern after she had become intoxicated, and later showed her a threatening email while saying everything would be fine if she kept quiet about the encounter.

He is not a nice man.

Slaton, who has called for abortion to be a capital offense, had unprotected sex with the young woman and procured Plan B pregnancy-prevention medication the next morning, according to a friend of hers.

By capital offense, of course, he means the woman ought to be executed, not the man who gave her Plan B to protect himself. In fact, he would probably find it useful to have his victims terminated the morning after.

Wait until you get a load of Slatons defense

Proud East Texan Slaton, whose website credits him as having values and principles that resemble(represent) the great people of East Texas, (a designation with which the people of East Texas may choose to decline), has not expressed contrition for his acts. His lawyer instead said that the complaints should be dismissed because the behavior occurred in Slatons Austin residence, not the workplace.

Right. Rape is perfectly fine if you do it in the home you share with your wife and young child. And would you believe he is a devout Christian who has been fulsomely praised for his faith?

Born in Mineola, Texas, Bryan Slaton is a proud East Texan with values and principles that resemble(represent) the great people of East Texas. These values were formed as he grew up regularly participating in churc...


King Charles: Patron of a Disgraced Regiment "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Israel jails former Jerusalem minister under administrative detention order "IndyWatch Feed War"

The former Palestinian minister of Jerusalem affairs on 26 September 2011 [Mahfouz Abu Turk/Apaimages]
MEMO | May 9, 2023

The Israeli occupation authorities jailed former Jerusalem Minister Khaled Abu Arafa for four months on Monday under an administrative detention order. The order was imposed a week after he was kidnapped by Israeli occupation forces from his temporary residence in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah.

Abu Arafa and three other Jerusalemites were stripped of their Israeli identity documents when they won seats in the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary election. They were all jailed under administration detention orders which were renewed regularly with neither charge nor trial until they were released in May 2010. They were then expelled from Jerusalem after staging a protest in the office of the International Red Cross in the city that lasted until September 2011, and were forbidden from returning to the occupied city.

Since then, they have been living in temporary homes in the occupied West Bank. This has not stopped the occupation authorities from harassing and now detaining them under new administrative detention orders.


The Anglo-American Hand Behind the Rise of Fascism Then and Now "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This May 9th, the world will celebrate Victory Day. For those who have not closed their eyes to the integration of leading unreconstructed Nazis, Italian Fascist, and Japanese fascists into the Anglo-American intelligence complex after World War Two this celebration is bitter sweet to say the least. In West Germany, the head of Nazi intelligence, Read More...

The post The Anglo-American Hand Behind the Rise of Fascism Then and Now appeared first on The Last American Vagabond.


NATOs Great New Idea: Lets Start a War with China! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Military Situation In Ukraine On May 9, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Ukraine On May 9, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • The Russian Army destroyed an ammo depot of AFU near Balakleya;
  • The Russian Army destroyed an ammo depot of AFU near Vodyanoye;
  • The Russian Army destroyed an ammo depot of AFU near Kirovo;
  • The Russian Army destroyed an ammo depot of AFU near Kramatorsk;
  • The Russian Army destroyed an ammo depot of AFU near Verkhekamenskoye;
  • The AFU reportedly destroyed 2 control points, 2 areas of manpower and equipment, 3 ammunition depots of the Russian Army in the past 24 hours;
  • Russian forces destroyed 3 tanks, 5 armoured vehicles, 7 motor vehicles, 1 howitzer in the Kupyansk region;
  • Russian forces destroyed 3 armoured vehicles, 1 Akatsiya artillery system, 2 howitzers in the Krasny Liman region;
  • Russian forces destroyed 1 tank, 4 armoured vehicles, 6 motor vehicles, 2 howitzers in the Donetsk region;
  • Russian forces destroyed 7 motor vehicles, 1 Msta-B howitzer in the Kherson region;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Mariinka;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Kupyansk;
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Bakhmut;
  • Russian air defense systems shot down 10 Ukrainian drones near Novovodyanoye, Kremennaya in the LPR, Kirillovka, Petrovskoye, Egorovka in the DPR, Vasiliyevka in the Zaporozhye region, in the Peschanovka in the Kherson region;
  • Russian forces attacked the AFU infrastructure in Kiev with high-precision weapons and drones;
  • Russian forces attacked the AFU infrastructure in Dnipropetrovsk with high-precision weapons and drones;
  • Russian forces attacked the AFU infrastructure in Sumy with high-precision weapons and drones;
  • Russian forces attacked the AFU infrastructure in Zaporozhie with hig...


Biden unilaterally extends national emergency targeting Syria "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Cradle | May 9, 2023

On 8 May, US President Joe Biden signed a new one-year extension for the national emergency declared concerning Syria, just one day after the Arab League approved Damascus reentry to the bloc despite Washingtons objections.

Initially signed in 2004 by former president George W. Bush, Executive Order 13338 classified Syria, a nation nearly 10,000km away from Washington, as an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States.

The United States will consider changes in policies and actions of the Government of Syria in determining whether to continue or terminate this national emergency in the future, Bidens letter concludes.

On Sunday, White House officials confirmed that crushing US sanctions on Syria would continue to be enforced despite an ongoing push by the Arab world to normalize ties with the war-torn country.

We do not believe that Syria merits readmission to the Arab League at this time, and its a point that weve made clear with all of our partners, US State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel said on 7 May.

Since 2011, Syria has been the setting of a brutal war sponsored by several members of NATO and regional nations like Qatar and Saudi Arabia. This includes the ongoing occupation of large swathes of its territory by the US and Turkiye and the plundering of its natural resources and humanitarian aid by anti-government militias.

While the CIA was tasked with arming and training extremist groups in Syria since late 2012, US troops officially entered the fray once Damascus asked for Russias help to push back against ISIS in 2015.

Seeing the gains the Syrian and Russian armies made against ISIS and other armed groups, the US partnered with the Kurdish Peoples Protection Units (YPG) to create the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), effectivel...


Kyndryl collaborates with Fortinet to modernize mission-critical networking "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Kyndryl introduced a managed Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) solution powered by Fortinet, which aims to help customers enable advanced network security initiatives. The solution combines Fortinets cloud-delivered security and secure networking solutions with Kyndryls network and security services to design, build, manage, and modernize mission-critical networking for customers across industries. SASE converges networking and security capabilities capbilties into a unified cloud-delivered service. SASE offers Secure Web Gateway (SWG), Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), Cloud More

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Operation ChattyGoblin: Hackers Targeting Gambling Firms via Chat Apps "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A gambling company in the Philippines was the target of a China-aligned threat actor as part of a campaign that has been ongoing since October 2021. Slovak cybersecurity firm ESET is tracking the series of attacks against Southeast Asian gambling companies under the name Operation ChattyGoblin. "These attacks use a specific tactic: targeting the victim companies' support agents via chat


On anniversary of Shireen Abu Aklehs death, new report details Israels history of killing reporters with impunity "IndyWatch Feed War"

Palestinians carry the flag-draped body of veteran Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh as it is carried toward the offices of the news channel in the West Bank city of Ramallah, on May 11, 2022. (Photo: Wajed Nobani/APA Images)A new report from the Committee to Protect Journalists shows the Israeli military has killed 20 journalists since 2001 and not one soldier has been put on trial.


Glycogenesis/ Glycogen Synthesis "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This video explains the process of glycogenesis.

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Researchers Uncover SideWinders Latest Server-Based Polymorphism Technique "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Over the past year, SideWinder has been linked to a cyber attack aimed at Pakistan Navy War College (PNWC) as well as an Android malware campaign that leveraged rogue phone cleaner and VPN apps uploaded to the Google Play Store to harvest sensitive information.

The latest infection chain documented by BlackBerry mirrors findings from Chinese cybersecurity firm QiAnXin in December 2022 detailing the use of PNWC lure documents to drop a lightweight. NET-based backdoor (App.dll) thats capable of retrieving and executing next-stage malware from a remote server.

What makes the campaign also stand out is the threat actors use of server-based polymorphism as a way to potentially sidestep traditional signature-based antivirus (AV) detection and distribute additional payloads by responding with two different versions of an intermediate RTF file.


Ming the Clam: Why Did Scientists Kill The Oldest Known Animal? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Oldest known animal killed and secrets of immortality.

Ming the ocean quahog lived peacefully for over 500 years off the coast of Iceland. So why did a team of researchers dredge it up and kill it?


: "IndyWatch Feed War"

  9 2023 . . []


Security updates for Tuesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Fedora (java-11-openjdk-portable and rubygem-redcarpet), Red Hat (autotrace, bind, buildah, butane, conmon, containernetworking-plugins, curl, device-mapper-multipath, dhcp, edk2, emacs, fence-agents, freeradius, freerdp, frr, fwupd, gdk-pixbuf2, git, git-lfs, golang-github-cpuguy83-md2man, grafana, grafana-pcp, gstreamer1-plugins-good, Image Builder, jackson, kernel, kernel-rt, krb5, libarchive, libguestfs-winsupport, libreswan, libtiff, libtpms, lua, mysql, net-snmp, openssh, openssl, pcs, php:8.1, pki-core, podman, poppler, postgresql-jdbc, python-mako, qemu-kvm, samba, skopeo, sysstat, tigervnc, toolbox, unbound, webkit2gtk3, wireshark, xorg-x11-server, and xorg-x11-server-Xwayland), SUSE (cfengine, cfengine-masterfiles, go1.19, go1.20, libfastjson, python-cryptography, and python-ujson), and Ubuntu (mysql-5.7).


Helping climate-compatible trees spread their seeds may benefit Europes forests "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

There will be a significant loss in the benefits that European forests provide for humans and nature this century, concludes new research. 

However, it also finds that these losses can be reduced but not entirely stopped by more strategic tree-planting.

The study says that ecosystem services supplied by forests, such as protecting soils or providing food, will reduce by 15% on average by the end of this century under a moderate-emissions scenario.

These losses can be partly mitigated if more consideration is given to the type of trees planted across the continent, the study finds. 

However, the research, published in Global Environmental Change, says the Mediterranean will still see high losses of key benefits as conditions become more arid this century even with the new strategies assessed in the study. 

A researcher who was not involved in the study tells Carbon Brief that the findings resonate with other research showing that forests, especially in the Mediterranean area, are being quite severely affected by changes in weather patterns. 

Decrease in forest production 

Forests provide a wide range of benefits to humans and the environment. Some of these are direct, such as wood for fuel and construction. Others are indirect, such as protecting soils from erosion. 

A 2020 report from the EUs Joint Research Centre says that forests are the blocs largest land ecosystem. They harbour biodiversity and contribute significantly to climate change mitigation, the report adds. 

Around 10% of the EUs annual greenhouse gas emissions are absorbed and stored in forest soils and trees, according to the European Environment Agency.  

But climate change has already made forests in Europe more vulnerable, according to a 2021 Nature Communications study. It found that carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation and other key services could be seriously compromised in future due to the impacts of climate change. 

And heat extremes and floods will become more frequent in Europe over the coming decades, with a range of impacts on forest services, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). ...


FBI seized 13 domains linked to DDoS-for-hire platforms "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The U.S. DoJ announced the seizure of 13 new domains associated with DDoS-for-hire platforms as part of Operation PowerOFF.

The U.S. Justice Department announced the seizure of 13 domains linked to DDoS-for-hire services as part of a coordinated international law enforcement effort known as Operation PowerOFF.

DDoS-for-hire or booter services allows registered users to launch order DDoS attacks without specific knowledge.

According to DoJ, data relating to the operation of DDoS-for-hire services seized in the past by law enforcement show that hundreds of thousands of registered users have used these platforms to launch millions of attacks against millions of victims (i.e. School districts, universities, financial institutions and government websites).

The authorities pointed out that ten of the 13 domains seized as part of Operation PowerOFF are reincarnations of booters that were seized in December. In December 2022, the FBI seized 48 domains linked to DDoS-for-Hire service platforms as part of the same Operation PowerOFF.


Mobile App Development Trends That Will Dominate in 2023 "IndyWatch Feed World"

There are 1.96 million apps available on the Apple Store, but not all of these apps are successful at making an income. App development improves and changes every year, so there are always new technology trends to track. For example, the features of app design that hook users to the mobile application loading speed.

So, what are the new mobile app development trends to watch out for in 2023?

If youre developing an app, you will want to write these down

Get Ready for AI App Development


The news is full of reports on AI ( Artificial Intelligence) technology, and how its impacting app development, so you need to start learning how it can be used for your business. Even though AI has been around for years, its becoming more integrated into other software to enhance the user experience.

Expect to see the use of AI for face recognition, speech recognition, and predictive maintenance. AI is there to help improve the functionality of apps and increase their awareness of problems. So, it can help app developers identify issues and fix them quickly.

More Virtual Reality

Brands like Amazon are already using AI to build language tools that make it easier for businesses to interact with their service. As virtual reality increases in popularity, users want a more realistic app experience. They want to see how their shoes will lift or if they can place an item in a room.

Using platforms like can support you with customizing the app features so your users have everything they want when browsing your website. But, its important to think ahead and incorporate other VR elements like live view and try-on o...


On the first anniversary of your departure, there is light amid the darkness "IndyWatch Feed War"

Collage of Shereen Abu Akleh's funeral procession by Sharif Mosa featuring a photo by AP photographer MayaA year after the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, the killers remain free, shielded by a broken international judicial system. But a light can be glimpsed in those who carry forward Shireen's memory.


Finding Reconnection through the Power of Human Touch "IndyWatch Feed War"

The famous rescuing hug

I was recently reminded of the incredible story of the rescuing hug photo (above). To sum up the basics:

Kyrie and Brielle Jackson were born on October 17, 1995 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Kyrie weighed only 2 pounds, 3 ounces. Brielle was even smaller and far more frail.

As per hospital policy, they were placed in separate incubators to reduce the risk of infection. Kyrie slowly began to thrive but Brielle did not. She experienced heart and breathing problems and was put in critical condition on November 12 seemingly near death.

Nurse Gayle Kasparian decided to try something unheard of at the time. She got the parents permission to place the twins in the same bed. Heres what happened next:

No sooner had the nurse closed the incubator door, than the fragile Brielle snuggled up to Kyrie and began to calm down. Within minutes, her blood-oxygen readings improved. Kyrie wrapped her left arm around her smaller sister. Brielles heart rate stabilized and her temperature rose to normal.

Long story short: The blessed power of human touch and connection prevailed. The twins survived and are living full healthy lives.



Russian citizen killed in Israeli raid "IndyWatch Feed War"

The aftermath of the Israeli strikes on Islamic Jihad targets in the Gaza Strip, May 9, 2023 AP / Yousef Masoud
RT | May 9, 2023

The Israel Defense Forces launched operation Shield and Arrow against the leaders of Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza on Tuesday morning, allegedly killing several high-ranking militants as well as their wives, children and other civilians nearby.

A spokesperson for the Palestinian Health Ministry, Ashraf al-Qedra, told RIA Novosti that one of the victims was a citizen of Russia, Jamal Abu Haswan, who died in Gaza City as a result of shelling by the Israel Defense Forces.

A neighbor and friend of the deceased told the agency that a rocket hit the apartment where Abu Haswan lived, which led to his death along with his wife and son. According to RIA, Abu Haswan worked at a medical facility that specializes in physical therapy and medical rehabilitation.

The air raid took place at around 2am local time and left at least 20 people injured in addition to the 12 killed, accord...


Lionel Messi's move to Saudi Arabia 'a done deal' "IndyWatch Feed War"

Lionel Messi's move to Saudi Arabia 'a done deal'

Saudi source tells AFP 'contract is exceptional. It is huge', but name of the club yet to be known
MEE and agencies Tue, 05/09/2023 - 14:04
In this file photo taken on 22 November 2022, Lionel Messi celebrates after scoring a goal which was disallowed for an offside during the Qatar 2022 World Cup Group C football match between Argentina and Saudi Arabia at the Lusail Stadium in Lusail, north of Doha. Argentine superstar Lionel Messi will play in Saudi Arabia next season under a
Argentine superstar Lionel Messi will play in Saudi Arabia next season under a "huge" deal, a source with knowledge of the negotiations told AFP on May 9, 2023 (AFP)

Paris Saint-Germain star Lionel Messi will play in Saudi Arabia next season, a Saudi source familiar with the negotiations told AFP on Tuesday, describing the contract as "enormous".

The departure of the Argentine world champion for the Gulf kingdom is "a done deal. He will play in Saudi Arabia", said the source on condition of anonymity.

"The contract is exceptional. It is huge. We are still finalising a few details," the source added, without revealing the name of the club concerned.

Asked for comment by AFP, PSG only said that Messi's contract is valid until 30 June.

"If the club had wanted to renew his contract, it would have been done sooner," a source at the Qatari-owned Parisian club said. According to this second source, the Argentinian will honour his existing contract with PSG as planned and no official communication from the club is to be expected.



Fraudulent Certification of Fracked Gas Pipeline Welding Results in Two Arrests in Western Penna. "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

SEPARATE INCIDENT IN LAWRENCE COUNTY ~ Pipe falls off truck killing worker in March 2019

Two arrested in pipeline fraud in Lawrence County

From the Article by Debbie Wachter, New Castle News, May 5, 2023

The state Office of the Attorney General filed criminal charges in Lawrence County against two men accused of falsifying paperwork and endangering others while working on a natural gas pipeline.

Joseph Berkich, 45, of Daisytown, Washington County, is charged with falsifying industrial radiologist certification documents to obtain X-ray examination work on a natural gas pipeline project for EnTech Energy of New Castle, then conspiring with Welton Darl Shipe to cover-up his deception.

Shipe, 61, of Baker, West Virginia, a quality assurance manager on the project, is charged with providing false statements to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection about the pipes condition and repairs that he commissioned surreptitiously.

The men are related by marriage and knew each other when they conspired to commit the crimes charged this week, according to information from the attorney generals office.

The pipeline involved was a 34-mile stretch of the Mark West Liberty Pipeline that transports natural gas liquids such as propane, normal butane, isobutane and higher molecular weight hydrocarbons from natural gas processing plants that are located in West Virginia and Pennsylvania, to fractionation facilities in Ohio and Pennsylvania, according to the court papers and information from a news release from the attorney generals office.

EnTech Energy, located at 105 Mahoning Ave., manufactures components used in natural gas pipelines. A company principal informed state agents Berkich was the lowest bidder on a Mark West Energy Project. He and Steel City Gamma, his former company, began working for EnTech around Aug. 16, 2019, and were fired as a subcontractor around Nov. 1 that year. Berkichs company performed six jobs for EnTech, the report said. Those jobs were to have been part of a Mark West pipeline located in West Virginia.

A certified welding inspector had notified the agents that September he found a total of five bad welds Berkich deemed acceptable. Two were at the EnTech facility in New Castle, one was at a staging area before being placed in a field an...


PwC partners with Microsoft and Icertis to accelerate enterprise digital transformation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

PwC, Microsoft and Icertis announced a new strategic collaboration that will provide C-suites with a powerful, innovative AI-driven approach to contract management that enables accelerated enterprise-level digital transformation. The new collaboration builds on the strength of existing relationships Microsoft has with both PwC and Icertis. It offers a contract intelligence platform that provides C-suites with the ability to unlock critical business insights from data embedded in contracts and use it to automate end-to-end business processes. More

The post PwC partners with Microsoft and Icertis to accelerate enterprise digital transformation appeared first on Help Net Security.


Intel's Experimental Xe Driver For Linux Lacking HuC Media Support For DG2/Alchenist "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While Intel's in-development Xe kernel graphics driver is focused on supporting Tigerlake/Gen12 graphics and newer integrated/discrete graphics with this modern open-source driver with many design improvements over the aging i915 kernel driver, there looks to be one feature that as currently positioned will be missing for DG2/Alchemist: HuC support for helping with media offloading...


The Auto Industry in Jonestown "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Thus does EPA deviously announce its intention to force manufacturers to make, and consumers to buy, all or almost all electric vehicles.

Return to Ajjur "IndyWatch Feed War"

One of the remaining houses that exist from the Palestinian village of Ajjur, June 24, 2018 (Photo: Davidbena/Wikimedia)A visit to the destroyed Palestinian village of Ajjur reveals the violence and anxiety at the heart of the Zionist enterprise.


Chasing giants: Q&A with megafish biologist and author Zeb Hogan "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In 2005, fishers in northern Thailand captured a Mekong giant catfish of gargantuan proportions. Tipping the scales at 293 kilograms (646 pounds), the critically endangered Pangasianodon gigas raised a question in conservation biologist Zeb Hogans mind: Is this the biggest freshwater fish ever caught? Posing the question in a public announcement following the find, Hogan expected to be inundated with phone calls and emails from fish biologists, researchers and fishers detailing close encounters with leviathans living in the murky depths of our planets lakes and rivers. But that never happened. He received no communications. Probing the question further, Hogan soon realized that nobody had ever looked at the issue on a global scale. Simply, nobody knew the identity of the worlds largest freshwater fish. Hogan, currently a conservation biologist at the University of Reno, Nevada, in the U.S., and co-lead of the USAID-funded Wonders of the Mekong project, was hooked. His interest piqued, he embarked on a decades-long worldwide exploration of the lakes and rivers across the world to uncover the mysteries of their giant inhabitants. Chasing Giants: In Search of the Worlds Largest Freshwater Fish is the story of his discoveries during that search. He and co-author Stefan Lovgren, a journalist, connect freshwater science with adventure, recounting extinctions, rediscoveries of species long thought to be lost, and, of course, close encounters of the aquatic kind with some of the most spectacular fish on Earth. In the book, Hogan and Lovgren are eager to not only instill wonder about giantThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Whatever happened to Dr Oz? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Thats a question nobody bothered to ask, until now. Oz lost hard to Fetterman in his senate campaign, and turned himself into a standing joke with his bizarrely out-of-touch efforts to find common ground with Pennsylvanians, despite being from New Jersey. So what is he up to now? He seems to have abandoned Pennsylvania and any political aspirations, and is trying to resume his medical grift.

In running a polarizing political campaign, Oz risked all of that. Now, it appears hes trying to get it back.

Indeed, after the election, reports emerged that Oz attempted to restart his daytime show, which ended in January 2022, before he kicked off his Senate bid. But his jaunt into politics soiled his marketability with a mainstream audience.

Perhaps more importantly, his Senate run entailed months of scrutiny from the press, and Ozs opponents, dissecting his more dubious medical claims and business practices, tarnishing his reputation further.

All 13 seasons of his show were also produced by Winfreys Harpo Productions. Winfrey endorsed Fetterman in November.

Hes still a big joke, and his social media presence is permanently stained.

But even as Oz attempts to pivot back into the medical personality that built his fortune, onlookers arent always so receptive. While he still boasts fans in the comment sections whove lauded his semi-return to public life, many are still trolling the once-candidate with the same jokes that hung over his Senate run.

None of that will hurt his money-making con, though. Hes spending a lot of time in Florida nowadays, where he can fleece the MAGA sheep. One of the goals of the pseudoscience scam is to identify a ripe crop of gullible rubes, and his campaign did successfully accomplish that.


Product Security: Harnessing the Collective Experience and Collaborative Tools in DevSecOps "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In the fast-paced cybersecurity landscape, product security takes center stage. DevSecOps swoops in, seamlessly merging security practices into DevOps, empowering teams to tackle challenges. Let's dive into DevSecOps and explore how collaboration can give your team the edge to fight cyber villains. Application security and product security Regrettably, application security teams often intervene


US to gift Taiwan $500 million in FREE weapons "IndyWatch Feed World"

Taiwan is in talks with the Pentagon for half a billion US dollars in free weapons following delays in much-needed arms deliveries, the island's defence minister said on Monday. Defence Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng told the Taiwanese legislature that the talks had been under way for at least four months, confirming for the first time that the United States would send the free munitions. "These extra weapons will be given to us for free and will not be deducted from the purchase list which has been delayed by the US," Chiu said when pressed by lawmakers on the deal.


Heavy rain in southwest Germany floods basements, forces train routes to temporarily close "IndyWatch Feed World"

Heavy rains in southwestern Germany have flooded roads and basements, forced train routes to close temporarily and left some residents trapped in their homes. In Zollernalbkreis county in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, hundreds of firefighters were on duty late Sunday after thunderstorms led to creeks bursting their banks and flooding streets, German news agency dpa reported Monday. Several families in the town of Balingen were unable to leave their homes because floodwaters had risen around the buildings, according to dpa. They had to flee to upper floors where they waited until firefighters rescued them using ladders.


ASUS ROG CROSSHAIR X670E Hero Sensor Monitoring To Come With Linux 6.5 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Sadly missing out on the Linux 6.4 kernel merge window by a few days is support for sensor monitoring with the ASUS ROG CROSSHAIR X670E Hero motherboard...


The Difference Between Secrets and Lies. Can the White House Even Understand the Difference? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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King Charles III: Policing the Republican Protests "IndyWatch Feed War"

In Britain, pageantry has always been a palliative and plaster for the dark and dismal. Be it in times of crisis, the chance to put on an extravagant show, usually at vast expense, is not something to forego. Central to this entertainment complex is the Royal family, that archaic vestige of an era that refuses to pass into history.

The Coronation of King Charles III was yet another instance of that complex in action. It was a spectacle, redolent of ancient ceremony, aged ritual, punctuated by the monarchs statements of I do.

While this delighted a goodly number of punters, the whole affair also presented Republic and others of like mind to avail themselves of the chance to protest. Republic is one of the key groups attempting to stir the waters of change, running petitions, arranging protests and selling merchandise for the cause. On this occasion, the group was promising some of the biggest protests against the monarchy, with demonstrators sporting Not my King placards.

Unfortunately for the protesters, and for the right to assemble in general, the UK Parliament made sure to pass laws for that precise eventuality. Nothing would be left to chance. Security Minister, Tom Tugendhat, explained away the coincidental nature of the Public Order Act 2023 and it coming into effect just days before the Coronation. Were not just thinking of our own security but the security of heads of states, and were dealing with protest groups who have nothing to do with the UK but to do with foreign leaders visiting the UK.

The 2023 statute builds on measures that were already used against anti-monarchy protests following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. As human rights legal academic David Mead noted at the time, the right to protest peacefully is protected in domestic law, while free expression is also protected by the European Convention on Human Rights via the Human Rights Act. But this did not prevent the police from making adventurous use of various countering provisions, though it was not clear what they were. Attention was paid to the possible use of section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986, public nuisance, or arrest to prevent a breach of the peace.

Evidently, the Tory government did not feel these measures adequate in their severity. The 2023 Act specifically outlines such offences as locking on and being equipped for locking on, in addition to expanding stop and search powers. Police making use of such powers may, provided they are of or above the rank of inspector, authorise stop and search without the need for suspicion.

The locking on offe...


Military Situation In Syria On May 9, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Syria On May 9, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • On May 9, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no cases of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours;
  • On May 8, a civilian was killed during clashes between two Turkish-backed factions in Marea;
  • On May 8, a Syrian serviceman was killed by a land mine explosion in Sabikhan desert.


The post Military Situation In Syria On May 9, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


Northern Japan's Iwate prefecture observes latest snow on record on May 8 "IndyWatch Feed World"

The northern Japan prefecture of Iwate saw its latest snowfall on record on May 8 as a front brought unusually cold weather to the area. According to the Morioka Local Meteorological Office, a low-pressure system and front off the Sanriku coast brought cold air into the region, resulting in snow mainly in and around the mountains. It was a complete change from the warm spring and early summerlike temperatures the prefecture has been seeing recently. The Iwate Prefecture town of Ichinohe recorded 3 centimeters of snow on May 8, the first day after the Golden Week holidays in Japan. Since statistics began, there is no record of snow at observation points in the prefecture after May 3, and this year's snowfall is believed to be the latest ever.


Sudan Conflict: Peace Prospects Dwindle as Both Sides Dig In "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The conflict between the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) has unleashed widespread violence and instability throughout the country for almost a month now. At the beginning of the conflict, there was a belief that one side would be able to take control of the country decisively, yet the conflict now shows no signs of ending anytime soon. While there are ongoing de-escalation efforts and peace initiatives from global and regional influencers including the United States (US), Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel, it is highly unlikely that there will be any peace between the two groups in the foreseeable future, due to several underlying factors that continue to fuel the conflict.

Firstly, the RSF is a paramilitary force, or a militia of sorts, that was created in 2013 to support the Sudanese government in combating rebels in the region of Darfur. In other words, the RSF was originally not a part of a nationally organized army authority and most of the RSF fighters are from the tribes of Janjaweed in western Sudan. The word Janjaweed itself means devils on horseback. The group is currently made up of heavily armed troops with mostly light weapons, making them move easily and more flexibly across Sudan. In contrast, the SAF is Sudans official military and has a larger and more sophisticated heavy arsenal that is made up of both ground and air forces, making it more versatile in the battlefield yet slow to counter the RSFs swift movements and guerrilla warfare tactics.

Thus, the contrasting fighting tactics between the RSF and SAF is challenging for both sides, and this stands as one of the main reasons why the fighting is likely to continue for a longer period than originally imagined. One facet of this battlefield dynamic is evident in SAF air force attempts to counter the rapid moves of the RSF on the ground while the RSF attempt to occupy civilian districts to pressure the SAF not to attack. Overall, the RSF has demonstrated its military capabilities in previous conflicts in Darfur, and the groups ruthlessness has been key to its successes. However, despite its military might, the RSF is mainly composed of militias, which makes its operations less organized and coordinated than those of a regular national army, therefore giving an extra edge to the SAF, which roughly has the same number of fighting manpower as the RSF.

Secondly, it was reported that the SAF commander and acting leader of Sudan, general al-Burhan, held a secret meeting with the RSF leader, Hemedti, in a farm located in the outskirts of Khartoum on April 8, just days before the military confrontation kicked off between both sides. In that meeting, the RSFs Hemedti demanded from al-Burhan that Egypts military jets to be removed from Merowe air base while al-Burhan deman...


US food insecurity worse than official reports estimate, study reveals "IndyWatch Feed World"

More people are having trouble getting food on the table, according to a recent study. While food insecurity is a growing concern in the United States, the research suggests the number of people with limited access to food is actually higher than what official reports estimate. Food insecurity is a term for not having access to enough food to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle for everyone living in a single household. The U.S. Department of Agriculture sends out an annual survey to collect data on food spending and access to food per household. The data helps to inform policies which address the causes and consequences of food insecurity. However, with the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, the current study finds these reports underestimated recent food insecurity cases by as much as one-third. The rate of national food insecurity did not change by much in 2019 (10.5%), 2020 (10.5%), and 2021 (10.2%). In California, food insecurity actually went down by one percent from...


I predicted this "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The president of the University of Minnesota, Joan Gabel, has decided to leave her $700,000/year position to get paid even more somewhere else. And no one wept.

However, now we begin the dance to hire a new overpaid administrator, and the first step is to hire an interim president for a year or so while we spend a lot of money wooing someone new. The Board of Regents presented us with a list of candidates, and I looked over that list with a cynical eye for the worst possible candidate, and predicted which one the regents would pick. Of course I was dead on.

The University of Minnesota Board of Regents on Monday picked former Hormel Foods CEO Jeff Ettinger to serve as interim president.

Ettinger is expected lead the U on a temporary basis while the Board of Regents searches for a new permanent president. The board looked for candidates for an interim who would not seek the position permanently.

Ten of the 12 board members voted for Ettinger, including Regent Mary Davenport.

Ettinger is somebody from the outside, from a different point of view, a different walk in life who comes into higher education with some base knowledge, but brings something bigger, Davenport said.

How could I know this was coming? Because I know our regents, and I just scanned the list for the businessman with no personal knowledge of academia.

Ettinger, who has a law degree, had the least amount of academic experience of the four finalists.

He told the board that his experience leading Hormel will translate well to the university.

Right. Hormel. The company that churns out processed meat, like Spam. Just like the university churns out meat for capitalism?

Well be rid of him soon enough, but were going to continue to be saddled with this inappropriate Board of Regents forever, and theyre going to pick the next president.

Maybe Im being unfair. We just got a letter from the president of the board of regents, further explaining his background and experience.

Previously, he was the chief executive officer of the Hormel Foods Corporation in Austin, MN from 2005 to 2016. He ascended to CEO after...



Cyberpress Launches Cybersecurity Press Release Distribution Platform "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Cyberpress

Dubai / May 1st 2023 / Cyberpress Cybersecurity gets a new dedicated newswire. Cyberpress, a press release

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Australia: Woman Survives on Wine During Five Days Stranded in Australian Bush "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Australia: Woman survives on wine during five days stranded in Australian bush:

A 48-year-old woman survived five days stranded in the bush in Australia by eating sweets and drinking a single bottle of wine.

Lillian Ip set off on what was meant to be a short trip on Sunday, travelling through dense bush in Victoria state.

But she hit a dead-end after taking a wrong turn, and her vehicle became stuck in the mud.

Ms Ip - who doesn't drink - only had a bottle of wine in the car as she was planning to give it as a present.

After five nights stranded, she was discovered by emergency services on Friday as they flew overhead as part of a search.

"The first thing coming in my mind, I was thinking 'water and a cigarette,'" Ms Ip told 9News Australia. "Thank god the policewoman had a cigarette."

[...] "The only liquid Lillian, who doesn't drink, had with her was a bottle of wine she had bought as a gift for her mother so that got her through," Wodonga Police Station Sergeant Martin Torpey said.

"She used great common sense to stay with her car and not wander off into bushland, which assisted in police being able to find her."

Ms Ip was taken to hospital to be treated for dehydration, but has since returned home to Melbourne.

I'm just off to repack my survival bag.....

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


An Ice Giants Possible Oceans "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An Ice Giants Possible Oceans

Further fueling my interest in reaching the ice giants is a study in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets that investigates the possibility of oceans on the major moons of Uranus. Imaged by Voyager 2, Uranus is otherwise unvisited by our spacecraft, but Miranda, Ariel, Titania, Oberon and Umbriel hold considerable interest given what we are learning about oceans beneath the surface of icy moons. Hence the need to examine the Voyager 2 data in light of updated computer modeling.

Julie Castillo-Rogez (JPL) is lead author of the paper:

When it comes to small bodies dwarf planets and moons planetary scientists previously have found evidence of oceans in several unlikely places, including the dwarf planets Ceres and Pluto, and Saturns moon Mimas. So there are mechanisms at play that we dont fully understand. This paper investigates what those could be and how they are relevant to the many bodies in the solar system that could be rich in water but have limited internal heat.

Image: This is Figure 1 from the paper. Caption: Densities and mean radii of the Uranian moons compared to those of other large moons and dwarf planets. Miranda has a low density similar to Saturns moon Mimas, whereas the densities of the other Uranian moons are more similar to Saturns moons Dione and Rhea. After Hussmann et al. (2006).

The interest is more than theoretical, for as weve recently discussed the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey for 20232032 has put a Uranus Orbiter and Probe mission on its short list of priorities. A mission to Uranus would open up the prospect for confirming oceans, or the lack of same, within the five large moons. Recent work explored in the Castillo-Rogez paper has made the case that magnetic fields induced by such oceans should be detectable by a Uranus orbiters flybys.

Much has happened to call for new modeling of this system. The paper notes recent advances in surface chemistry and geology, revised models of system dynamics, and the knowledge gained on icy bodies in the size range of the Uranian moons as studies have continued on Enceladus and the moons of Saturn as well as Pluto and Charon, not to mention the availability of data fro...


Global Britain and King Charless Great Reset "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Syria takes steady steps on the diplomatic stage "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article talks about the new Syria Arab relations and Syria coming back to the Arab League


Palestine is boiling and will not cool down "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article talks about the latest tension in Palestine between the Israelis and the Palestinians


China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will be extended to Afghanistan "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The foreign ministers of Afghanistan, China and Pakistan have reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen trilateral cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and jointly extend the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to Afghanistan. Following the trilateral dialogue, the three sides issued a joint statement, expressing their determination to leverage Afghanistan's potential as a hub for regional connectivity.


At least 130 killed in landslide in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo, as country battered by flash flooding "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

At least 130 people have been killed after a landslide at a mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo as the country is battered with flash flooding. Search operations have baredly started but officials believe there are already 130 dead at the mine in Rubaya, North Kivu in the DRC. Terrifying footage shared on social media show a mass of people sprinting across the mountainside as the ground comes loose and buries them underneath. It comes amid devastating flooding in eastern Congo which was thought to have killed close to 400 people as of Sunday. That number will rise to 530 after today's tragedy.


Webb Protocol raises $7 million to build interoperable privacy in Web3 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Webb Protocol raised $7 million in a seed funding round co-led by Polychain and Lemniscap, with participation from Zeeprime, CMS Holdings among others. The funding will go towards growing Webbs staff base, accelerating the development of innovative privacy tools and protocols including Zero-Knowledge and Multi-Party Computation (MPC) solutions while creating the most privacy-centric and streamlined user experience possible. Considering the frequency with which assets are transferred across various chains, the risk of data More

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No WWII No Victory Parade in Moscow and No War in Ukraine Today If the West Had Not Rearmed Germany! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

With the world of the plundering Colonial Powers deep in the chaos of the Great Depression, a disastrous failure of rule by the banks of the capitalist countries and the United States internally threatened by local organizations of socialists and communists, US capital flowed into weaponizing Nazis.


Collectivism Versus Individuation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Collectivist institutions restrict individual liberty, self-development and individuation ultimately repressing everyone.


There's Nothing "Clean" About a "Clean" Debt Ceiling Increase "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

What does a "clean" increase mean? It means no politician has to give up anything. Nobody on Capitol Hill or at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has to make any sacrifices. Congress just votes to increase the limit on a very special credit card, spent by it but billed to taxpayers (including future unborn generations).----It seems like magic. But, of course, magic isn't real. And there's nothing "clean" about it.


Government-Funded Censors Violated Congresss Mandate To Target Only Foreign Disinformation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

special agents guard state department'None of the funds ... shall be used for purposes other than countering foreign propaganda and misinformation,' Congress mandated. But the State Department didn't care.


Democrats Far-Reaching Reforms Are The Real Threat To Election Security, Not Violent Conservatives "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A California poll worker sanitizes a voting booth following its use at a Voter Assistance Center in Davis, CA during the 2020 General Election.Democrats have long played upon imaginary fears to instill unity in the ranks before launching a major policy push.


Syria Returns to Arab League with Saudi Arabia at the Helm "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Is NATOs North Atlantic Naval Command at Norfolk in the Russian Crosshair? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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A walk in the wetlands "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Last night, Mary and I went for a bit of a hike at the Wetlands Management Office they have a trail through a big chunk of very soggy land, full of ducks.

(Yes, thats what the untilled prairie grasslands look like this time of year.)

It does look a bit brown, but spring just started. Give it time. We did find some prairie pasqueflowers, the first flowers of the season.

We also found spiders, of course, but maybe Ill throw a few of those photos in a separate article on Patreon, so this one can be spider-free.


PipeWire Audio Backend Comes To QEMU "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Adding to the list of features coming with QEMU 8.1 is now having a native PipeWire audio back-end...


New Zealand - More floods in Auckland after 50mm of rain in 1 hour "IndyWatch Feed World"

Authorities in Auckland, New Zealand, declared a state of emergency in response to the threat of flooding and landslides caused by very heavy rainfall on 09 May 2023. Auckland and parts of New Zealand's North Island saw severe flooding after record rain in late January this year, and again following Cyclone Gabrielle in February. MetService New Zealand reported rain rates of 40-50mm per hour in areas of Aukland. Fire and Emergency reported 277 weather-related calls, including 19 calls in Northland and 258 calls in Auckland. Around 100 of the incidents were considered serious, and included responding to landslides, falling trees and trapped cars. Civil Defence in Aukland opened shelters for evacuees in Massey and Albany.


Israel's military killed 20 journalists in 22 years, but 'no one has been held accountable' "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel's military killed 20 journalists in 22 years, but 'no one has been held accountable'

A report commissioned for the first anniversary of killing of Shireen Abu Akleh shows that targeting journalists by Israel is a 'daily pattern'
MEE staff Tue, 05/09/2023 - 12:34
Journalists take part in a candlelight vigil to condemn the killing of veteran Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, 11 May 2022 (AFP)

Israel has failed to hold any person accountable for the killing of 18 Palestinian and two foreign journalists over the past 22 years, according to a report published on Tuesday by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

In its report, "Deadly Pattern," CPJ reveals that since the death of Muhammad al-Bishawi, a journalist from the city of Nablus, in an Israeli air strike in July 2001, Israeli forces have not held anyone accountable for killing a journalist.

The report was commissioned for the first anniversary of the killing of the Palestinian-American Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin, while on assignment covering a raid on the city.

Bishawi was killed by a missile while interviewing a Hamas leader in Nablus during the peak days of the Second Intifada.



Conservatives, Get Busy Ballot Harvesting Or Get Busy Losing "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ballot dropboxUseful legislative steps are being taken to ensure election integrity, but the reality is that the GOP needs to increase ballot harvesting.


Vint Cerf on 3 Mistakes He Made in TCP/IP "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The co-creator of the Internet's protocols admits his crystal ball had a few cracks:

Vint Cerf, the recipient of the 2023 IEEE Medal of Honor for "co-creating the Internet architecture and providing sustained leadership in its phenomenal growth in becoming society's critical infrastructure," didn't have a perfect view of the Internet's future. In hindsight, there are a few things he admits he got wrong. Here some of those mistakes, as recently told to IEEE Spectrum:

  • 1) "I thought 32 bits ought to be enough for Internet addresses."
  • 2) "I didn't pay enough attention to security."
  • 3) "I didn't really appreciate the implications of the World Wide Web."

These are only his top three - can you think of some that are missing from that group? What about any mistakes that aren't top 3 but still in hindsight should have been done differently?

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


US to provide Ukraine $1.2 billion in long-term security aid "IndyWatch Feed World"

The U.S. will provide $1.2 billion more in long-term military aid to Ukraine to further bolster its air defenses as Russia continues to pound Ukraine with drones, rockets and surface-to-air missiles, U.S. officials said Monday. The aid package is expected to be announced on Tuesday and the money will be provided under the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative. Unlike the U.S. equipment, weapons and ammunition that are more frequently sent to Ukraine from Pentagon stocks so they can be delivered quickly this money is to be spent over the coming months or even years to ensure Ukraine's future security needs. The assistance initiative will fund HAWK air-defense systems, air-defense munitions and drones for air defense. It will also buy artillery, rockets, satellite imagery assistance, and funding for ongoing maintenance and spare parts for a variety of systems, according to the officials. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the aid package has not yet been formally...


A meteorite may have crashed through the roof of a New Jersey home on May 8, police say "IndyWatch Feed World"

Officials were trying to determine if a metallic object that smashed through the roof of a Hopewell Township house Monday was a meteorite. The oblong, 4-inch-by-6-inch object penetrated the the roof of Old Washington Crossing Pennington Road ranch-style home, then crashed through the ceiling and stopped after it hit the hardwood floor, according to a statement from the Hopewell Township Police Department. The house was occupied at the time but no injuries were reported, police said. The department said it has contacted several other agencies to aid in identifying the object and safeguarding the residents.


Microsoft Warns of State-Sponsored Attacks Exploiting Critical PaperCut Vulnerability "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Iranian nation-state groups have now joined financially motivated actors in actively exploiting a critical flaw in PaperCut print management software, Microsoft said.

The tech giants threat intelligence team said it observed both Mango Sandstorm (Mercury) and Mint Sandstorm (Phosphorus) weaponizing CVE-202327350 in their operations to achieve initial access.

This activity shows Mint Sandstorms continued ability to rapidly incorporate [proof-of-concept] exploits into their operations, Microsoft said in a series of tweets.


Kremlin responds to Ukraine Intel Chief's threat to "kill Russians anywhere" "IndyWatch Feed World"

Maj. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, the head of Ukraine's military intelligence agency, in an interview with Yahoo News published Friday addressed the recent string of assassinations and cross-border attacks on Russian territory. In reference to the August car bombing death of Daria Dugina (Yahoo underscored in its lead-in that "U.S. intelligence has attributed Dugina's killing to the Ukrainian government"), Gen. Budanov offered the following ultra-provocative statement: "we've been killing Russians and we will keep killing Russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of Ukraine."


The Culture War Isnt The Most Important Issue Of 2024, Its The Only Issue "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Trans protestRepublicans who complain about the 'culture war' have no idea what time it is, or what kind of leadership this moment demands.


King Charles III: Policing the Republican Protests "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post King Charles III: Policing the Republican Protests appeared first on Global Research.


Bungie Wins $6.7 Million in Damages From LaviCheats "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

<p><img alt="lavicheats logo" class= "alignright size-full wp-image-234792" height="170" src= "" width="300">Over the past several years, major videogame companies have taken cheat developers, sellers, and resellers to court in the United States.</p> <p>In 2021, American videogame company <a href= "">Bungie</a> upped its game with lawsuits against three major players; <a href= ""> Elite Tech Boss</a>, <a href= ""> LaviCheats & VeteranCheats.

Bungies legal campaign is beginning to pay off. Last summer, the case against Elite Tech Boss resulted in a consent judgment where a key defendant agreed to pay <a href= ""> $13.5 million</a> in damages. This was followed by a <a href= ""> $12 Million default judgment</a> last month against Veterancheats.</p> <p>The case against cheat reseller LaviCheats reached its conclusion at a Washington federal court this week. Like the cases against the other cheat operations, this lawsuit wasnt fully litigated.</p> <h2>Lavicheats Doesnt Show Up in Court</h2> <p>Earlier this year, Bungie <a href= ""> filed a motion</a> for default judgment against LaviCheats. The game company asked the court to rule on the matter without hearing the defendant, as they apparently have no interest in making a court appearance.</p> <p>Bungie believes that the cheat seller is operated by India-resident Kunal Bansal, AKA Lavi. No known address exists for this person so to alert Bansal to the legal proceeding, Bungie sent an email and posted a message in the <a href= "">LaviCheats forums</a>.</p> <p>These unusual serving options were authorized by the court and achieved the desired result. Although there was no response from the defendant in court, Destiny 2 cheats were removed from the LaviCheats website.</p> <h2>$6.7 Million Default Judgment</h2> <p>In the absence of a proper defense, United States District Judge Tana Lin assumed that Bungies copyright infringement claims were true. The same also applies to the financial damages reported by the video game company.</p> <p>This week, Judge Lin ruled on the motion for default. After concluding that the court has jurisdiction over the foreign defendant and that a default judgment...


Majority of Americans oppose gender-affirming care for minors, trans women participating in sports: poll "IndyWatch Feed World"

A majority of Americans oppose allowing gender-affirming care for minors and transgender women participating in women's sports, a poll found. A Washington Post-KFF poll found that 68 percent of adults oppose access to puberty-blocking medication for transgender children ages 10-14 and 58 percent oppose access to hormonal treatments for transgender kids ages 15 to 17. More than 60 percent said transgender women and girls should not be allowed to compete with other women and girls in youth, high school, college and professional sports.


Lightning strike kills 3, injures 9 in Banate, Philippines "IndyWatch Feed World"

A lightning strike that hit a family of 12 killed three members in Sitio Giragid, Barangay Magdalo, Banate town around 12:18 p.m. yesterday. Declared "dead upon arrival" at the hospital were Mila Soberano, 38; Rosalie Soberano, 48; and Britney Labos, 14, who was around three months pregnant, according to her live-in partner. Meanwhile, injured were Felomino Sadiangibon, 77; Janelyn Igona, 38; Carlo Soberano, 11; Jumar Soberano, 42; Larry Soberano, 30; Sharime Soberano, 20; IJ Siberano, 20; Aime Soberano, 14; and Ivan Soberano, 44. They were treated at the Barotac Viejo District Hospital.


Trump Interior Secretary: The Monstrous Administrative State Killing Self-Government Must Be Stopped "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

David BernhardtDavid Bernhardt has written a screed against the burgeoning administrative state built on his firsthand experience as a Beltway insider.


Texas massacre suspect charged with 5 counts of murder as investigators say his longtime partner gave him food and clothes while on the run "IndyWatch Feed World"

The longtime partner of a man accused of gunning down five people, including a 9-year-old, in a neighboring Texas home seemed to be cooperating with authorities - but was actually helping the suspect evade them during a dayslong manhunt, a prosecutor said Wednesday. The suspected gunman, Mexican national Francisco Oropesa, was caught Tuesday and has been charged with five counts of murder after the mass shooting Friday night, authorities said. Oropesa, 38, said very little while the charges were read to him Wednesday in the San Jacinto County jail. Through an interpreter, "He basically said, 'I see, I see, I see,'" County Justice of the Peace Randy Ellisor said.


When did body parts become offensive? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Of course, this post came to mind after hearing about the Statue of David controversy in Florida, but I have a more personal example.

I live in a small, three-bedroom house with one tiny bathroom to share with my husband and daughter. We always leave the bathroom door open so if someones showering, the toilet is available, etc. Its no big deal to us because were family.

Last weekend I was unaware that the neighbor girl was over at our house because I was in the shower with the door open. I didnt hear her come in. I get out of the shower, dry off, and walk completely naked to our bedroom across the hall (like I always do), but when I get in the hall, I see the neighbor girl. I run to the bedroom and slam the door. I was so pissed at my husband for not letting me know that someone else was in the house that I yelled at him so much so that I scared my daughter and the neighbor girl away. Turns out my husband was sitting on the couch with no pants on just a t-shirt and boxers and didnt want to get up. The neighbor girl sometimes lets herself in so I guess this was bound to happen sooner or later. My family is hardly ever fully dressed when were hanging out at home.

But why was this such a big deal to me why did I have to yell? Considering my history of eating disorders, Im not exactly comfortable with my body, but still, the neighbor girl is only five what does she care about the shape of my body? 

Of course, in the back of my mind, I thought if a child other than my own sees me naked, could it be misconstrued as something sexual? Its a scary thought and I certainly dont want to make anyone uncomfortable.

If this were to happen again, I would try to be calmer. Its probably not as big of a deal as I made it.

But really, who told us to cover up? Why cant kids see the Statue of David? Why are body parts offensive?

Does this have to do with religion? Is this a Puritan thing?

What do you think and how would you have responded to my neighbor girl situation?


Minimal USB Device Connects With Just a Couple of Resistors "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If youre like most of us, your basic approach to building something boils down to: Whats the minimum amount I need to do to get this to work? Its not a bad strategy in general, but the minimal build is rarely enough to meet all the requirements, as this extremely minimal but functional USB device illustrates.

Functional, yes, but as [TM] explains, only if you define functional as being recognized by your operating system. The BOM for that job turns out to be really small a 3.3-volt regulator, its capacitor, and a pair of resistors connected to a DIP switch. The resistors, 1.5k each, are connected to the D+ and D- lines of the USB connector and pull their respective lines up to 3V3 when their switch is closed. If the D- switch is thrown, it indicates a low-speed connection is requested, while D+ requests a speedier connection. Either way, its enough to get the familiar USB connect sound in Windows, and to see it listed in Device Manager or dmesg on Linux.

With no microcontroller to return a device descriptor, not much else happens, of course, but its still interesting that so little is needed to at least get the host machine to know that something was p...


The Mexican family who gave up fishing to monitor and rescue sea turtles "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

BAHA DE KINO, Mexico For several years, Cosme Becerra was tasked with sacrificing a sea turtle to be eaten at a festival. In the mid-1990s, the fisherman received a large live turtle several days before one of these events. He kept the turtle in his familys bathroom, waiting for the day of the festival. But it wouldnt stop making a noise hoooo hoooo, said Becerra, imitating the animals wheeze that he heard night after night. That sigh that noise wouldnt let me sleep, said Becerra. On one side, I was hearing it, and on the other side, Moni, my wife, would not let me sleep, saying to me: Poor little thing, she looks like a woman; look at how shes crying. Did you see her tears? Theyre all over the floor. Let her go, please. Although he did not want to, because the turtle belonged to somebody else, Mnicas insistence made Becerra return the turtle to the sea the following day. We released her, and since then, we have not gone back to consuming turtles or killing them, Becerra said of that moment, which is seared in his memory. Before a Mexican law prohibited the practice in 1990, fishers saw turtles they occasionally caught by accident as a source of extra income that could help in the event of an economic emergency, like when one of the children in the Becerra family was hospitalized. For that reason, years later, in 2010, Cosme Becerra wanted toThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Microsoft Authenticator push notifications get number matching "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Microsoft has enabled number matching for Microsoft Authenticator push notifications to improve user sign-in security. Authenticator MFA number matching in action (Source: Microsoft) If the user has a different default authentication method, theres no change to their default sign-in. If the default method is Authenticator, they get number matching, Microsoft clarified, and noted that users cant opt out of this feature. MFA number matching Number matching provides an additional layer of security by displaying a More

The post Microsoft Authenticator push notifications get number matching appeared first on Help Net Security.


The Big Catch-up: Chelsea Clinton Partners With WHO, Gates Foundation on Largest Childhood Immunization Effort Ever "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT THE DEFENDER  The Big Catch-up initiative, described by the World Health Organization...


Super Bowl Champ Harrison Butker Is Right: Getting Married And Having Kids Is How To Save The World "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Harrison Butker delivering address at Georgia TechUntil Christ comes again, marital and familial ties offer our best hope for making the world we leave behind a good and lovely one.


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

Nordstrom announced this week that it would be closing its San Francisco stores due to deteriorating conditions in the city, vacating 300,000 square feet of retail space in the formerly upscale Westfield San Francisco Centre. They are not alone. Fellow clothier, Anthropologie, Office Depot, and grocer Whole Foods have also closed or announced plans to close shortly due to safety concerns amid an unchecked crime wave brought about by a refusal to prosecute crime. San Francisco is just one city in which social and economic order is collapsing. Most blue states have enacted laws that treat theft of amounts below a given threshold - $700-$900 - as misdemeanors, meaning that even if a thief is caught stealing merchandise whose value falls below the threshold (a big if), he or she will be issued a summons but not arrested. The threshold amount, by the way, is per incident, not per person. So even if the same person is caught red-handed on multiple occasions, he or she will not be...


Gemini Links 09/05/2023: Personal Stuff and Proportional Coding "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • GNU/Linux

    • Personal

      • Re: JeanG3nie: Id rather be Ferrari than Ford

        For me its liking bare fingers on acoustic guitar strings, attempting to hit higher vocal notes through 62-year-old vocal chords that might have encounters one cigarette too many the night before. Its ftping files Id vimd to a gemini account instead of typing into either a textarea or a javascript-mediated equivalent.

      • Growing in the Wrong Places

        The city that I live in used to be a steel production town, it has since morphed into a hybrid college town and regular small city, but the scars are still here. An environmental survey of a pond near my house revealed that the only way to clean it would be to either cover the whole thing over and forget it existed, or dig out >6 feet of contaminated sludge from the floor of the pond. There isnt 0 green-space in the city, but there is at least a 3:1 ratio of abandoned parking lots to flora. Nature within the city is often seen as a problem that needs to be overcome, rather than a harmonious relationship. In spite of this, small plants jut through cracks in the sidewalk made by the roots of trees. Squirrels use the power lines in lieu of dense forests, and geese inhabit the parks in droves, daring anybody to challenge their authority.

      • Ne-an-nes!

        Yesterday I sang the Liturgy in Byzantine chant at another church than the one I usually attend. It was stressful (I was protopsaltis and it was my first rodeo at that particular klros), but ultimately it was a good experience. I really enjoyed improvizing during the Anaphora, the Cherubic Hymn, and the communion hymn. The 2 other chanters were good isokrats and I appreciated their help in pointing me to the right hymns for the day and filling in the places I was unsure on.

        The weather has been beautiful, and spring is finally here. Its pretty warm here most days, sometimes even getting to 75. Ive been playing koi-koi with my family and a...


Children targeted by WHO Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT SPECTATOR AUSTRALIA The World Health Organisation has orchestrated a framework for policy...


Imran Khan: Pakistan arrests former prime minister over corruption cases "IndyWatch Feed War"

Imran Khan: Pakistan arrests former prime minister over corruption cases

Arrest comes day after warning from military against 'baseless accusations' from the former cricket star
MEE and agencies Tue, 05/09/2023 - 11:30
Supporters of Pakistan's former prime minister Imran Khan, carry placards displaying a portrait of Khan during a protest in Karachi on March 19, 2023, demanding release of arrested party workers in recent police clashes (AFP)
Supporters of Pakistan's former prime minister Imran Khan demand the release of arrested party workers in a protest in Karachi, 19 March 2023 (AFP)

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was arrested during a court appearance in the capital Islamabad on Tuesday over dozens of outstanding corruption allegations.

"Imran Khan has been arrested in the Qadir Trust case," the official Islamabad police Twitter account said, in reference to a corruption case.

Officials from Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party urged their followers to rally in support of the former cricket star, who was ousted in a parliamentary vote of no confidence last year.

However, police warned that an order prohibiting gatherings of more than four people would be strictly enforced and local TV stations showed chaotic scenes outside the court as hundreds of Khan's supporters clashed with the police.

Khan's arrest comes a day after the military warned him against making "baseless allegations" after he again accused a senior officer of plotting to kill him.



Give a Little Grace "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


(Source: Flickr/Jon Viscott.)

At minimum, every good story needs at least four characters in order to work: a hero, a villain (or some kind of obstacle), a guide, and helpers. As we all know, life itself makes for the best stories, so it follows that these four main characters can be found in real life, too, not just in the movies. In no rigid or particular order, we may find ourselves encountering (or even becoming) each of these four characters within the various spheres of life and the various relational roles we inhabit.

Personally, Ive found that being able to identify these four elements at any given season of life adds a sense of meaning and adventure to the world, even when it comes to the most granular, ordinary affairs. Even if its just a matter of getting all the chores and errands done and making dinner on time, in one way or another, we are all heroes on an adventure of personal growth. Thinking this way can infuse the smallest affairs of life with an extra layer of meaning.

As Ive explored before in a past piece about inner resistance, this heros journey can be especially useful if youre getting involved in your city on the local level. While we may not be heroes in the life-saving, cape-wearing sense of the word, helping our cities become more beautiful and resilient is truly an adventure. It usually doesnt take long before you start finding helpers and guides; its also not long before you meet a few villains or sources of resistance. That might look like politicians who are invested in the status quo, department heads who are afraid to test new ideas, or staffers...

We Just Dropped the Full Agenda for National Gathering 2023! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Pick almost any issue youre trying to address in your communityroad safety, missing middle housing, parking reformand the Strong Towns National Gathering will provide you tools, knowledge, and support to accomplish your goal. Weve finalized the calendar for the event (May 3031 in Charlotte, North Carolina), and its not too late to get your ticket and join us there.

Sessions will be led by Strong Towns staff (including Strong Towns 101 with Chuck Marohn) and leading experts in the many fields that make up the Strong Towns movement. Youll hear from M. Nolan Gray about how zoning has held your city back; Tony Jordan and Jane Wilberding about the many benefits of removing parking requirements; plus panel discussions on fighting highway expansion, helping incremental developers succeed, and running for elected office. Youll find a complete agenda with detailed session descriptions here

See the Agenda

Strong Towns members who want to get more deeply involved in their communities can attend sessions with Edward Erfurt about our innovative new Crash Analysis Studio, and learn how to find or start a Local Conversation with John Pattison. Were also looking forward to presenting the award for the 2023 Strongest Town to a delegation from Brattleboro, Vermont. 

Best of all, youll be in the room with other passionate citizen-advocates who can share experiences and pr...


Half of America's banks are potentially insolvent - this is how a credit crunch begins "IndyWatch Feed World"

The twin crashes in US commercial real estate and the US bond market have collided with $9 trillion uninsured deposits in the American banking system. Such deposits can vanish in an afternoon in the cyber age. The second and third biggest bank failures in US history have followed in quick succession. The US Treasury and Federal Reserve would like us to believe that they are "idiosyncratic". That is a dangerous evasion. Almost half of America's 4,800 banks are already burning through their capital buffers. They may not have to mark all losses to market under US accounting rules but that does not make them solvent. Somebody will take those losses.


Linux Patches Updated For Parallel CPU Bring-Up "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While missing out on the recently-closed Linux 6.4 merge window, one of the patch series seeing a lot of activity in recent weeks/months has been around parallel CPU bring-up in order to speed-up the Linux kernel boot process for today's high-end desktops and many-core servers...


Palestinian casualties in 2023 the facts "IndyWatch Feed War"

As we have all too often had cause to note in recent months, the British medias coverage of the deaths of Palestinians has repeatedly failed to adequately distinguish between civilian casualties and members of terrorist organisations or people mostly male   involved in acts of violence at the time.

CAMERA UK has been recording Palestinian casualties since the beginning of the year based on information provided by the ITIC and cross-checked with additional sources.

This resource will be updated periodically to include the latest verified information.

Key: AAMB Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (Fatah)

        PFLP Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

        PIJ Palestinian Islamic Jihad

        PASF Palestinian Authority security forces

        c/t counter-terrorism

January 2023:



Texas Public Records Loophole Lets Cities Keep Suicide Reports From Families of Dead Soldiers "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

This article is co-published with The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan local newsroom that informs and engages with Texans. Sign up for The Brief Weekly to get up to speed on their essential coverage of Texas issues.

When Patty Troyans son Logan Castello died by suicide in November 2019 in his Central Texas home, she immediately tried to understand what prompted him to take his own life not long after getting married and days before a planned family Thanksgiving gathering.

Never miss the most important reporting from ProPublicas newsroom. Subscribe to the Big Story newsletter.

Castello was a 21-year-old private first class in the Army. He was stationed at Fort Hood but had died in his off-post home in Killeen, a city of about 156,000 people that abuts the massive military installation. Troyan assumed shed get some details about what happened from the civilian police, who responded to the scene.

But what she got back only left her with more questions. The city of Killeens legal department sent her 19 pages of police records, but almost every detail about what happened was redacted. No one told her that they suspected foul play, and theres no indication that Castello was being investigated by police at the time of his death.

The heavily redacted incident report that Castellos mother, Patty Troyan, got about her sons death. Only three lines of narrative were not redacted. (Obtained and highlighted by ProPublica and The Texas Tribune)

I couldnt understand it. I couldnt understand why so much was redacted, Troyan sa...


Free press? White House bans New York Post from Biden event as Hunter indictment looms "IndyWatch Feed World"

The White House press office barred The Post from attending President Biden's only daytime public event Monday as federal prosecutors near a decision on criminally charging first son Hunter Biden for tax fraud and other crimes. The Post has closely covered the president's ties to his relatives' foreign dealings and first reported in October 2020 on files from Hunter's abandoned laptop that link Joe Biden to ventures in China and Ukraine. Biden, who falsely characterized The Post's reporting as Russian disinformation, appeared with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to talk about airline policies in the White House-adjacent Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

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