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Sunday, 07 May


Ich habe eine Mail von jemandem gekriegt, der bei Sdlink ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ich habe eine Mail von jemandem gekriegt, der bei Sdlink einen Einblick in die Trassenplanung hat.

Der erzhlt, dass die ganzen "nicht in Sichtweite von MEINEM Hof!1!!"-Bayern da so im Wege gestanden haben, dass sie deshalb 2015 laut Fuck It gerufen und sich auf unterirdische Trassen verstndigt haben.

Nur scheint den Leuten nicht klar gewesen zu sein, was das fr ein Aufwand und was fr Kosten das sind, die ja am Ende von den Stromkunden getragen werden mssen. Auf dem Weg ist dann halt mal ein Fluss oder eine Autobahn, und da kannst du dann nicht einfach ein Kabel drber ziehen, sondern du musst so 50m tief unten durch einen Kabalkanal schieen.

Er erzhlt dann, wie er das erste Mal bei einer Ortsbegehung dabei war. Ein Ort, wir erinnern uns, an dem unterirdisch gelegt werden muss, weil die "Anwohner" (in Bayern ein sehr weit gefasster Begriff) vor Elektrosmog Angst hatten.

Und was sah er da? Stromleitungen. berirdische. Nicht nur eine! Mehrere! Praktisch die gesamte Trasse lang gibt es schon berlandleitungen.

Soviel also zu dem "Argument", das wrde die Landschaft verschandeln, wenn man da berlandleitungen hinbaut.


Der Blockchain-Prsident von El Salvador hat umgeschult, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Der Blockchain-Prsident von El Salvador hat umgeschult, setzt jetzt auf Steuererlass fr "Technik-Innovationen". Was zhlt darunter? Nun, ...

Ive just signed into law, the INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY MANUFACTURING INCENTIVES ACT, that eliminates all taxes (income, property, capital gains and import tariffs) on technology innovations, software and app programming, AI, computer and communications hardware manufacturing.
Nachdem ihm der Blockchain-Schei zwischen den Fingern explodiert ist, setzt er jetzt lieber auf ... KI. Das wird bestimmt viel besser laufen.

Gut, immerhin gibt es da weniger Scam als bei den Coin Bros. Marginal.

Scheie, Bernd! Erst baut Elron Murks ein Starlink, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Scheie, Bernd! Erst baut Elron Murks ein Starlink, dann will China reagieren. Cheffe, das sieht nicht gut aus. Wir sollten vielleicht auch was machen?

OK, kein Problem. Machen wir auch schnell was. In heier Luft und Paper Launches sind wir schon immer fhrend gewesen!

A consortium of nearly every major European satellite company announced Tuesday that it plans to bid for a proposed satellite constellation to provide global communications. Essentially, such a constellation would provide the European Union with connectivity from low-Earth orbit similar to what SpaceX's Starlink offers.
Am besten wir outsourcen die Details an Huawei. Dann funktioniert das am Ende wenigstens.

Oh warte, es gibt noch ein paar Details!

European Union Commissioner Thierry Breton announced the continent's plans for this constellationknown as Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security by Satellite, or IRISlast November. The European Union will provide 2.4 billion euro, with additional contributions expected from the European Space Agency and private investments.
Mit etwas Glck kriegen die eine Bodenstation gebaut, bevor die Kohle alle ist.

Du weit, dass das ein durchschlagender Erfolg wird, wenn die Telekom das seriseste Unternehmen auf der Liste ist. *wieher*

Wir sollten einen Wettpool erffnen, welche Buzzword-Tech da gebaut wird. Blockchain, KI, was mit Quanten, Metamaterialien. Habe ich was vergessen?

Update: Kernfusion!!

Noch ein Leserbrief zu Wrmepumpen:nicht nur, dass ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Noch ein Leserbrief zu Wrmepumpen:

nicht nur, dass es zu wenig Strom fr die Wrmepumpen gibt -- bei uns in der Umgebung ist das Grundwasser in den letzten Monaten so stark abgesunken, dass die Brunnen der Grundwasserwrmepumpen nicht mehr tief genug sind und somit nicht funktionstchtig. Seit Mrz haben wir einen kompletten Heizungsausfall.

Dieses Risiko ist in meinem Bekanntenkreis nirgends auf dem Schirm gewesen. Jetzt mssen wir schnell entscheiden, ob wir noch eine Gasheizung kaufen bevor die verboten werden.

hm. Wat?

Leserbrief zu Wrmepumpen und Netzausbau:Stromtrassen?Wo ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Leserbrief zu Wrmepumpen und Netzausbau:

Wo denkst Du hin?

Nach der Privatisierung der Stadtnetze haben die privaten Eigentmer diese einfach verkommen lassen und - genau wie die Bahn ihr Schienennetz - auf Verschlei gefahren.

Die Stadt Hamburg musste nach einem Volksentscheid ihre Energienetze von Vattenfall (sind die nicht auch in Berlin "zustndig"?) zurckkaufen.

Und hat als erstes stadtteilweise die Brgersteige aufgerissen und die Haushaltsversorgung erneuert.

Stromtrassen? Ja, werden wir sicher brauchen, um den Windstrom von der Nordsee nach Bayern zu bekommen, klar.
Aber solange die Kommunen ihre "mit Milliardengewinn" privatisierten Energienetze von Kapitalisten "bewirtschaften" lassen, spielen die Stromtrassen berhaupt keine Rolle. Mit oder ohne: Flchendeckendes Ausrollen von Wrmepumpen (und Wallboxen fr E-Autos) wird erstmal zu (elektrisch) beheizten Gehwegen nach islndischer Bauart fhren

Anmerkung der Redaktion: Ja, Vattenfall ist auch in Berlin zustndig.

Update: Oh nee warte, stimmt gar nicht, Das Berliner Stromnetz gehrt inzwischen wieder der Stadt, die das fr teuer Geld und unter hohen Verlusten zurckgekauft hat, nachdem sie merkten, dass der Kapitalismus auf Profitmaximierung und nicht auf Nachhaltigkeit optimiert.

Die Bundesmarine hat Softwareprobleme.Bis die Probleme ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die Bundesmarine hat Softwareprobleme.

Bis die Probleme behoben sind, dauert es nach Schtzung der Marine zwei bis zweieinhalb Jahre.
Kann man nichts machen.

Es gibt mal wieder ein geleaktes Google-Memo, diesmal ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Es gibt mal wieder ein geleaktes Google-Memo, diesmal ber "KI" und Large Language Models.

Der Titel: We have no moat, and neither does OpenAI.

Moat im Sinne von Burggraben. Wir haben nichts, was uns fr Disruption schtzt. Und wir werden gerade disrupted. Von Open Source.

Als Facebook ihr Model verffentlicht hat, und dann die Gewichte geleakt sind, hat es damit der gesamten Industrie den Teppich unter den Fen weggezogen.


The Northwest Has Been Having a Thunderfest! Why We Can Blame this on California Low Pressure. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Thousands of lightning strikes have hit the Pacific Northwest during the past several days. 

 A stormfest of lightning!

Lightning over the Kitsap Peninsula
Picture courtesy of Adam Sapek

For the 24-h ending at 1 AM this morning (Friday), lightning was widespread over the entire region (each + or - sign is an individual lightning stroke)

During the previous day, eastern Oregon and Washington enjoyed the lightning shows



Russian oil floods global markets "IndyWatch Feed War"

 Russian oil floods global markets via major Asian intermediaries

Despite western sanctions, there is more Russian fuel being exported around the world than before the Ukraine crisis. It's just coming via Saudi Arabia, India, China, and other trading states with steep commissions.
By ...


Tucker Carlson Shared a Terrifying Message "IndyWatch Feed War"


Video: Tucker Carlson Shared a Terrifying Message. How Filthy and Dishonest are Our News Media

The Government is Arresting People for Saying Things that the White Houses Does Not Like



A Newly Developed Hydrogel Can Wipe Out Brain Cancer in Mice "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Glioblastoma is one of the most common and aggressive forms of brain cancer, and its one of the hardest to treat. There may be good news on the horizon, however.

A newly developed hydrogel, tested on mice, cleaned up traces of glioblastoma tumors and stopped them from returning. The hydrogel was so effective that there was a striking 100 percent survival rate in the animals.

Although we cant be sure that the same treatments will achieve that level of success in humans, its a hugely promising new approach.


Developer Inserts Bug in Bitcoin OrdinalsHow Bad Is It? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The transaction in question, which did not include any satoshis (smallest unit of BTC), was found in block 788200.

[The Ordinals protocol] validated the inscription (3492721) attached to the input, which sounds like a bug, Ludo Galabru, staff engineer at Hiro Systems commented on the issue on GitHub. Philosophically, the satoshi inscribed was transferred to the miner as a transaction fee, but was nevertheless inscribed by its previous owner.

The Ordinals creator Casey Rodarmor agreed that it shouldnt be possible to inscribe sats that you dont own, suggesting the transaction is indeed a bug.


Texas petrochemical plant fire sends 9 workers to hospital "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

HOUSTON (AP) Fire erupted at a petrochemical plant in the Houston area Friday, sending nine workers to a hospital and causing a huge plume of smoke visible for miles.

Emergency responders were called to help around 3 p.m. at the Shell facility in Deer Park, a suburb east of Houston. The city of Deer Park said in an advisory that there was no shelter-in-place order for residents.

Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said earlier in the day that five contracted employees were hospitalized for precautionary reasons, adding that they were not burned. He said they were taken to a hospital due to heat exhaustion and proximity to the fire.


New study finds long-term musical training alters brain connectivity networks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new study published in Human Brain Mapping revealed that long-term musical training can modify the connectivity networks in the brains white matter.

Previous research has shown that intense musical training induces structural neuroplasticity in different brain regions. However, previous studies mainly investigated brain changes in instrumental musicians, and little is known about how structural connectivity in non-instrumental musicians is affected by long-term training.

To examine how the connections between different parts of the brain might be affected by long-term vocal training, the researchers of the study used graph theory and diffusion-weighted images. Graph theory is a mathematical framework used to study the networks architecture in the human brain, while diffusion-weighted imaging is an MRI technique that measures the diffusion of water molecules in tissues, providing information on the structural connectivity of the brain.


Legacy of Death -- New Uranium Mines Target Navajos at Church Rock and Australian Aboriginals "IndyWatch Feed War"

Warning sign at United Nuclear spill site at Church Rock, N.M.Canadian company now endangering Dine' in New Mexico, and Aboriginals in Australia, with new uranium miningBy Brenda NorrellCensored NewsApril 3, 2023French translation by Christine Pratt: Dine' in Church Rock were not told about the new uranium miningRead the update at NM Political Report:https:


SONNET: I Googled Grief "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The intermittent sonneteer thinks back on a daddy he never knew.


Connecticut Normalized Clemency. Not Anymore. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

After commuting nearly 100 sentences in less than two years, the state is facing a backlash.


Unicoin: Universal Monetary Unit Paves the Way to Global Currency "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Marie Hawthorne In March, Daisy wrote about FedNow, the instant payment system currently in the works. The American banking and government systems expect to...

Unicoin: Universal Monetary Unit Paves the Way to Global Currency


Kuwait to join Shanghai regional bloc as dialogue partner "IndyWatch Feed War"

MEMO | May 6, 2023

Kuwait signed a memorandum of understanding on Saturday to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a powerful regional bloc led by China and Russia, Anadolu reports.

The document was inked on the sidelines of a meeting of the SCO foreign ministers on May 4-5 in Panaji city, India, the state news agency KUNA reported.

Kuwaits joining of SCO as a dialogue partner is the first step towards joining the organization as a full member in the future, said Kuwaiti Ambassador to India Jassim Al-Najem.

He added that the accession of some Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries as dialogue partners to the SCO confirms the growing importance of the organization.

On March 29, Saudi Arabia agreed to join the SCO as a dialogue partner in preparation for full membership.

The SCO was founded in June 2001 by China, Russia, and the Central Asian states of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

The Eurasian political, economic, and security alliance is recognized as the worlds largest regional organization, with eight members, four observer states and several dialogue partners, including Turkiye.

Pakistan and India became full members in 2017.

Iran, an SCO observer state since June 2005, had its permanent membership approved in September 2021 and signed a memorandum of commitment a year later for its full accession.


Haw haw haw "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ken Ham was asked if Muslims are going to hell. His answer:

Well, it doesnt matter if one is a Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Catholic, Mennonite, Muslim, Methodist, Hindu, Sikh, Orthodox Jew, or any other denomination or religious groupif a person has not repented of sin and received the free gift of salvation offered through the Lord Jesus Christ (being born again), they will be separated from God for eternity in a place the Bible calls hell. And sadly, the majority of people will go there as Jesus warned, Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many (Matthew 7:13).

Shorter Ken Ham: yes.


Liberados 10 colombianos secuestrados en San Luis Ro Colorado "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El secuestro habra ocurrido desde el 2 de mayo. Tras denuncia de consulado de Colombia se inici operativo de bsqueda en zona de Colorado Regeneracin, []

La entrada Liberados 10 colombianos secuestrados en San Luis Ro Colorado se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


The War in Ukraine: Made in Washington Not Moscow "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Putin does not want Washingtons nuclear missiles parked on his western border in the Ukraine. For security reasons, he cannot allow this. He has made this excruciatingly clear over and over again. If US and NATO missile systems are deployed in Ukraine, their flight time to Moscow will be only 710 minutes"

The post The War in Ukraine: Made in Washington Not Moscow appeared first on Global Research.


Military Situation In Donbass On May 6, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Donbass On May 6, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • The Russian Army destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Kramatorsk
  • The Russian Army destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Avdeyevka
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Mariinka
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Ugledar
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Pervomaiske
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Bakhmut
  • Up to 65 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 armoured vehicle, 1 pickup were destroyed by Russian artillery on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Russian MOD
  • Up to 300 Ukrainian servicemen, 3 infantry vehicles, 4 armored vehicles, 1 Grad MLRS were destroyed by Russian artillery on Donetsk front, according to the Russian MOD
  • Up to 90 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 tank, 5 motor vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery in South Donetsk and Zaporozhye region, according to the Russian MOD
  • The AFU reportedly destroyed 5 concentrations of weapons and military equipment, 3 ammunition and fuel depots, an air defence asset and 5 other important targets of the Russian Army in the past 24 hours



Fake News Alert: Its Extremely Unlikely That Kiev Shot Down A Hypersonic Missile "IndyWatch Feed War"


The Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force claimed on Saturday that his forces shot down a hypersonic missile with the help of the US Patriots, which Mainstream Media outlets like CNN took at face value to question Russias related capabilities. Its extremely unlikely that this happened, though, since no air defense system anywhere in the world at this time is able to intercept any such projectile traveling at ten times the speed of sound. At most, there might have been an accidental hit or a technical malfunction.

Either of those scenarios would represent statistical anomalies, especially the first one, which means that its almost certainly the case that Kiev is just lying through its teeth yet again. It makes sense why it would do so at this particular time since its perception managers hope to dent Russians pride ahead of Victory Day, sow the seeds of doubt about its hypersonic capabilities with the intent of deterring purchases whenever theyre eventually put to the market, and exaggerate the Patriots effectiveness.

Furthermore, Kiev was likely tipped off about CNNs investigation into Russias electronic jamming of their much-hyped HIMARS missile systems by some of those same Pentagon officials that the outlet cited in their report, which was also released on Saturday. In response, they could have then prepared this latest fake news provocation with the expectation of carrying it out on the same day that CNNs report was published, thus distracting the public from this unsavory story.

Even so, as was noted in the introduction, CNN had no problem taking their sides claim at face value and subsequently spinning it for maximum anti-Russian soft power effect. It obviously has the experts on hand who, if they were honest, would have informed them that the Patriots are incapable of shooting down hypersonic missiles. By not relying on those professionals insight prior to publishing their report and inserting their opinion into it, CNN once again exposed its anti-Russian bias.

The same observation can be said about all those other Mainstream Media outlets that reported on this fake news story without including any reference to the Patriots lack of requisite capabilities for achieving this literally unprecedented military feat. They uncritically repeat Kievs most ridiculous claims about the NATO-Russian...


Supplement "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    Meme-of-the-day The face you make when you realize that you let the narcissistic woman you married turn you into a whining, little bitch and consequently, the laughingstock of the world.   Bullet Points: ** LSP covers the pre-game show from Whitehall. The lancers didnt have lances and the Royal Horse Artillery had no []

The post Supplement appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Jorj Abou Mhaya Wins 8th Mahmoud Kahil Award For Graphic Novel "IndyWatch Feed World"

Lebanese artist Jorj Abou Mhaya has won the 8th Mahmoud Kahil Award under the Graphic Novel Category. The award was created in 2014 and is aimed at promoting comics, editorial cartoons and illustration in the Arab world through the recognition of the rich talent and creative achievement of artists from the region. Mahmoud Kahil award is part of the Mutaz & Rada Sawwaf Arabic Comics Initiative an academic body for the study of Arabic Comics at the American University of Beirut.

Ive been following Jorj for many years now, especially following the 2019 revolution in Lebanon and his brilliant comics on the Lebanese political scene. He is an accomplished designer, painter, cartoonist and illustrator and has published his own graphic novel back in 2012 (Ville avoisinant la terre). Last year, Jorj produced with a group of talented Lebanese Alephia 2053: the first dystopian animation movie produced in Lebanon.

Congrats to Jorj and all the winners!


Andrew Kuess, author of "Space Age Arcologies: The Cosmic City States Of Tomorrow", joins our Space Settlement Board. "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Andrew Kuess, author of "Space Age Arcologies: The Cosmic City States Of Tomorrow", joins our Space Settlement Board.


Over 126,000 Donbass Residents Recognized as Victims Since 2014 Investigative Committee "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sputnik 06.05.2023

Russian investigators have established that over 126,000 residents of the Donbass region became victims of the crimes committed by Kiev since 2014, with the damage to the Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics surpassing 228 billion rubles ($2.9 billion), the head of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, said.

More than 9,500 civilians were injured in the armed conflict, and over 5,000 civilians were killed. Over the entire period of the investigation in this criminal case, more than 259,000 people were interrogated, and over 126,000 people were recognized as victims, including about 24,000 minors, Bastrykin said.

Bastrykin also said that the investigation analyzed the destruction in the cities of Mariupol, Rubezhnoe, Schastie, Krasnyi Luch, Stakhanov, Kirovsk, Alchevsk, Lisichansk and others, adding that the damage assessment in other cities was underway.

Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022, after the DPR and LPR appealed for help in defending themselves against Ukrainian provocations. In response to Russias operation, Western countries have rolled out a comprehensive sanctions campaign against Moscow and have been supplying weapons to Ukraine.

On September 30, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the heads of the DPR and LPR, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, signed agreements on the accession of these territories to Russia, following referendums that showed that an overwhelming majority of the local population supported becoming part of Russia.


Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On May 6, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On May 6, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • Russian forces shot down 2 Ukrainian Su-25 fighter jets near Zolotaya Balka and Tyaginka
  • Ukrainian artillery targeted an artillery firing position of Russian forces near Myrne
  • Artillery duels between the AFU and the Russian Army continue on the outskirts of Gulyaipole
  • Up to 90 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 tank, 5 motor vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery in the South Donetsk and Zaporozhye region, according to the Russian MOD
  • Up to 80 Ukrainian servicemen, 23 motor vehicles, 15 armoured vehicles, 4 howitzers in Kherson region, according to the Russian MOD


The post Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On May 6, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


US Chipmakers Not Happy About Being Locked Out of China "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Always Be Closing deals to grab that sweet, sweet renminbi:

The US semiconductor industry wants to have its cake and eat it, or rather it wants to have continued access to the huge Chinese market despite Washington's ongoing campaign to limit Beijing's access to advanced chip technology.

This latest turn in the chip wars is due to concern among US chipmakers over the rules governing what investments companies will be able to make in China. These need to be clearer, according to the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), so that the companies know where they stand.

The SIA wants clear "guardrails" regarding the rules Washington plans to attach to the subsidies it will dole out as part of the CHIPS Act funding designed to boost semiconductor manufacturing in America.

US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo last year warned that companies receiving CHIPS Act cash would be forbidden from building advanced technology plants in China for a period of 10 years, and would only be allowed to expand any mature node facilities in China for the purpose of serving the Chinese market.

In an interview with Bloomberg, SIA president and CEO John Neuffer claimed that China was the semiconductor industry's biggest market: "Our view is that we need to play in that market."

The SIA said it just wants "clear rules of the road" so that what the US government deems a national security concern is well defined and the companies are able to take heed and plan ahead accordingly.

It isn't just US companies that are unhappy with strings attached to CHIPS Act funding. Semiconductor giant TSMC is said to be seeking up to $15 billion in subsidies to help build two chip fabrication plants in Arizona, but has expressed concerns about rules that may require it to share profits from the fabs with the US government as well as provide detailed information about its operations.

The 10-year ban on Chinese investments is a bone of contention for Samsung Electronics and SK hynix too.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Why Microsoft Was Trying to Buy Activision and Look Big in 2022 (XBox Was Failing, XBox as a Whole Might Die Soon) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

XBox is far from the top, as shown below, and sales of XBox have collapsed in recent years (Microsoft keeps the recent numbers secret because its embarrassing)

XBox sales really bad

Summary: There have been several speculations online lately (weve also cited several) that XBox would be shut down if it carried on along the present trajectory; it also looks like the record-breaking takeover bid (Activision) was a last-ditch effort at comeback through exclusives (Microsoft fell way behind in this regard)

Further to this previous post and some recent Daily Links [1, 2], weve decided to belatedly study publicly-available data and charts, seeking to figure out what led to articles such as this one: (not the only such article so far this month)

Is Xbox Shutting Down in 2023?

We can now better understand this.

Comparing 2023, 2022, and 2021, it becomes apparent that the Microsofts XBox b......


Space waves offer new clues to space weather "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

More accurate space-weather predictions and safer satellite navigation through radiation belts could someday result from new insights into space waves, researchers at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University reported.

The groups latest research, published on May 4, 2023, by the journal Nature Communications, shows that seasonal and daily variations in the Earths magnetic tilt, toward or away from the sun, can trigger changes in large-wavelength waves.

These breaking waves, known as Kelvin-Helmholtz waves, occur at the boundary between the solar wind and the Earths magnetic shield. The waves happen much more frequently around the spring and fall seasons, researchers reported, while wave activity is poor around summer and winter.


17-Year Old Victor Guillermin Climbs Lebanons Baatara Gorge "IndyWatch Feed World"

Victor Guillermin, at only 17 years of age, has become the second climber only to ascend Lebanons most challenging rock climb: Baatara Gorge, also known as Avaatara. David Lama is the only other climber to have done so back in 2015.

The Baatara Gorge Waterfall is one of Lebanons most popular destinations located 2 hours away from Beirut. It was discovered by French Henri Coiffait in 1952 and was fulled mapped out in the 1980s by the Splo club du Liban. It became known at the time as the Cave of Three Bridges, as one can see three natural bridges rising one above the other as shown in the picture below:

Credits: FlyoverLebanon

Avaatara is the Arab worlds only 9a climb, and the first in the Middle East. As explained by Lorient Le Jour in this elaborate article, all rock climbing routes are rated numerically according to difficulty. The higher the number, the more difficult the climb. Routes graded 7a+ to 7c+ are generally considered to be professional-level climbing. Routes 8a and above are considered elite.

Its too bad I havent any video of his climb, one similar to the David Lama, or maybe it wasnt released yet. Guillermins climb was covered by Lebanons talented sports photographer Lea el Medawar.


Video: Supported by Bill Gates, The WHO Plans to Have 10 Years of Pandemics (2020-2030) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

First published by Global Research on June 1, 2022


THE PLAN shows the official agenda of the World Health Organization to have ten years of ongoing pandemics, from 2020 to 2030.

This is revealed by a WHO virologist, Marion

The post Video: Supported by Bill Gates, The WHO Plans to Have 10 Years of Pandemics (2020-2030) appeared first on Global Research.


Cambridge Union criticised over Israel-Palestine debate name change "IndyWatch Feed War"

Cambridge Union criticised over Israel-Palestine debate name change

The private society faced backlash from speakers and students for removing the word 'occupation' from motion on the conflict
MEE staff Sat, 05/06/2023 - 15:08
Wadah Khanfar, president of the non-profit al Sharq Forum, speaks at the Cambridge Union on 4 May 2023 (Screengrab)

The Cambridge Union is facing accusations of undermining free speech after it changed the title of a debate on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The prestigious society held a discussion on the conflict on Thursday but two of the invited speakers, Avi Shlaim, Emeritus Professor of International Relations at Oxford University; and Wadah Khanfar, president of the non-profit al Sharq Forum; criticised the decision to remove the word "occupation" from the motion which framed the debate.

The initial motion was advertised as: 'This House Believes the West should put greater pressure on Israel to end its occupation' but was later changed to 'This House would pressurise Israel to exchange land for peace.'

It's unclear when the change took place but according to the union's website and the latest issue of its magazine, the event was being advertised under the most recent name since 24 April.

"Had I known that this is the motion I would have spoken against it, because I don't believe in land for peace," Shlaim told the union during his 14-minute address.



Odessa Massacre 9 Years On Wests Shameful Silence "IndyWatch Feed War"

Strategic Culture Foundation | May 5, 2023

This week saw the ninth anniversary of a shocking massacre of 42 civilians in Odessa by Ukrainian fascists. Only weeks prior to that, the fascists political leaders had carried out a violent coup in Kiev.

The barbarity of the Odessa atrocity was unspeakable but emblematic of the NATO-backed fascist regime that seized power illegally in February 2014.

Significantly, and shamefully, the Western media and governments hardly mention that horror, or if they do, they tend to distort the incident and typically, yet baselessly, accuse Russia of disinformation.

On May 2, 2014, hundreds of protesters in Odessa against the fascist Kiev regime became embroiled in violent clashes with supporters of the regime. Thousands of far-right paramilitaries belonging to the NeoNazi Right Sector had been transported from the north to the southern port city of Odessa on the Black Sea under the guise of attending a football match.

Street battles ensued all day with cobblestones, Molotov cocktails and gunfire exchanged by both factions. By evening, the more numerous pro-regime crowds turned their focus on a tent encampment of anti-regime protesters near the Soviet-era Trade Unions building in the center of Odessa. The encampment was a peaceful gathering which included women and children. It had been set up for several weeks to demonstrate opposition to the Maidan events in Kiev.

The anti-regime protesters were opposed to the coup that had taken place in Ki...


Khader Adnans death was willful and deliberate "IndyWatch Feed War"

Rights groups, experts, and Khader Adnan's legal team say that Israel caused his death through deliberate medical negligence and cruel and inhumane treatment. In other words, Israel wanted him dead.


The New Hotness "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If theres one good thing to be said about the chip shortage of 2020-2023 (and counting!) its that a number of us were forced out of our ruts, and pushed to explore parts that we never would have otherwise. Or maybe its just me.

Back in the old times, I used to be a die-hard Atmel AVR fan for small projects, and an STM32 fan for anything larger. And Ill freely admit, I got stuck in my ways. The incredible abundance of dev boards in the $2 range also helped keep me lazy. I had my thing, and I was fine sticking with it, admittedly due to the low price of those little blue pills.



5G Networks Are Performing WorseWhats Going On? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By now, the cellular industrys rollout of 5G networks is three or four years old. And while the industry is still hunting for that killer use case that will cement 5Gs place in the highest echelons of cellular technology, the generation is doing, at its core, what it was supposed to dosort of.

5G networks are continuing to deliver better and faster service than 4G in general. Compared to 5G service from a year ago, however, the networks upload and download times have generally declined around the world, according to speed test data from network diagnostics company Ookla. Even the most robust 5G networks are currently barely cracking 1 gigabit per second, well short of the International Telecommunication Unions stated ideal download speed of 20 Gbps.

Part of the problem is the same problem had by every cellular generation. There are the normal growing pains as more customers buy new phones and other devices that can tap into these networks. You look to 4G and we had the same, says Mark Giles, an industry analyst at Ookla. So with initial deployments of 4G, there was a lot of capacity to soak up those early users. And then as more and more users come on that capacity gets used up, and you need to look at densification.

Failing to build millimeter wave networks out hasnt helped 5G through its growing pains.

Giles points out that most network operators began their 5G rollouts by deploying non-standalone 5G networks. In these instances, the 5G network is built on top of the existing 4G networks core infrastructure. While non-standalone 5G isnt expected to perform as well as the alternativestandalone 5Git is much cheaper and easier to deploy because it doesnt have to be built out from scratch.

This strategy has hampered 5G deployments, because operators are limited to building 5G networks wherever they have existing cell towers and other infrastructure. But cost isnt the only factor. There are also regulatory and permitting problems that operators are running up against. Particularly in dense urban areas, sometimes the big...

Saturday, 06 May


Sneering at people could be Trumps downfall "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The last witness for E. Jean Carroll in her rape and assault case against Trump is a close friend of hers (Carol Martin) who testified that Carroll had told her about her experience at the hands of Trump just two days after the attack but that she had advised her not to go to the police because Trump would bury her with lawyers.

Donald Trump loves to sneer at and belittle people. It is the sign of a petty and insecure person and a bully, and in his case it could lead to his downfall. Although he has not appeared as a witness in the trial, the video recording of his deposition was played and it featured something that could hurt his case.

Trump seems to think that his sneering statement that Carroll was not my type, something that he has said at public meetings and in his deposition, would be a good defense against the assault charge. The catch is that when shown a photograph from long ago with Carroll and another man and woman and asked to identify them, he identified the woman facing the camera (Carroll) as his then-wife Marla Maples, even though it was the other woman who was Maples. So much for Carroll not being his type.

The picture featured Carroll, Trump and their spouses of the time. The former president looked at Carroll in the photograph and mistook her for his second wife, Marla Maples.

Thats Marla. Yeah, thats my wife, he said.

Carrolls lawyer pointed out that it was her client.

Trump replied: Its very blurry.

The former president repeated his assertion that Carroll was not my type. He said the same about another witness, Jessica Leeds, who has testified that Trump sexually assaulted her on a plane in 1979. Then he said the same, unprompted, about Carrolls lawyer, Roberta Kaplan.

You wouldnt be a choice of mine either, to be honest. I hope youre not offended, he told the lawyer.

He also accused Kaplan of being a political operative against him.

You can watch the video of it.

Apart from the sneering and everything else, does he think that it is a defense of assault to say that a woman is not my type? Rape and sexual assault are usually about assertions of power. They are not romantic encounters.

It appears that Trumps lawyers are not going to present any witnesses of their own. His lawyer said that the...


Palestinians overwhelmingly support armed struggle to end occupation "IndyWatch Feed War"

Three-fourths of Palestinians in occupied territories believe it is impossible to create a Palestinian state. As a result, 54 percent "support a return to armed confrontation and intifada."


The Long Shadow of BlackRock "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Josh Walkos During the last two major crises, in 2008 and 2020, the average person was worried about their retirement or the small business...

The Long Shadow of BlackRock


Challenging the Israeli narrative through art at the Palestine Museum US "IndyWatch Feed War"

Visitors admire the The Palestine Museum US in Woodbridge, CT is challenging the Zionist-Israeli narrative in the United States by telling the Palestinian story through the arts.


Police Get a Green Light to Use Force Against Unarmed Individuals Who Have Already Surrendered or Complied "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By The Rutherford Institute The U.S. Supreme Court has once again refused to hold police accountable for using force on unarmed individuals who have already...

Police Get a Green Light to Use Force Against Unarmed Individuals Who Have Already Surrendered or Complied


Military Situation In Syria On May 6, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Syria On May 6, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • On May 5, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 4 times: 1 in Idlib province, 3 in Latakia province
  • On May 6, two SDF members were killed in a Turkish drone attack in Tel Hamis
  • US-led forces killed 13 ISIS operatives and detained 28 others in both Syria and Iraq in April, according to the CENTCOM
  • There are enough votes among Arab League members to approve the return of Syria, according to Ayman Safadi, Jordans Minister of Foreign Affairs


The post Military Situation In Syria On May 6, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


The American Government Arguably Played A Role In Kievs Arrest Of US Journalist Gonzalo Lira "IndyWatch Feed War"


Dual American-Chilean national Gonzalo Lira was recently arrested by Ukraines secret police on charges pertaining to wartime propaganda, for which he faces the possibility of 5-8 years in jail. The US Governments (USG) silence on this incident completely contrasts with its hysteria over Wall Street Journal (WSJ) employee Evan Gershkovichs arrest in Russia last month on charges of espionage after he was caught red-handed soliciting classified military-industrial information from a regional lawmaker.

This is a betrayal of American principles since the freedom of speech is regarded as a sacred right of all its citizens no matter where they might be at any given time. Regardless of whatever one might think about Liras views and the particular piece of Ukrainian legislation that was cited as the basis for arresting him, the USG is supposed to support the rights of its nationals abroad. This is especially so whenever theyre arrested for expressing an opinion and/or practicing journalism like he was.

Its silence in the face of this scandalous incident suggests a degree of complicity in, or at the very least tacit approval of, Liras arrest since nothing else cogently explains the conspicuous lack of any response. These su...


It is all out of my hands now "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

My exams look nothing like this. I must be doing them wrong.

Ive been giving open book, open notes, online exams with no proctors, no timing, nothin but heres some questions, have fun answering them for the last few years, prompted in part by the pandemic. I like it this way. It de-emphasizes rote memorization and requires them to understand the concepts (it also requires me to ask questions that cant be answered with a recitation or regurgitation.) I also encourage them to study together and collaborate on figuring it all out although they are required to write answers in their own words, no copying and pasting.

Anyway, all of my final exams are now written and posted to our Canvas site, and I have nothing more to do. Until Friday at 6pm, that is, when all these exams come winging back to me, demanding my immediate attention.

I think Ill go for a walk.


When the trading gets rough, the pros go insider "IndyWatch Feed War"

The farm to table vertical integration of the gates foundation investing racket

by el gato malo bad cattitude may 6, 2023

in the aftermath of great events, who knew what and when did they know it? is always an interesting question.

the US intelligence community (michael spenger substack ) was suspected to have caught wind of covid back in november 2019.

astonishingly, the IC itself denies this and claims they were in the dark until later

Every official interviewed by the Committeefrom working level analysts at NCMI to an official with relevant knowledge at the NSCsaid that their first indication of a novel virus came with the publication of the ProMED notice published at 11:59 p.m. on December 30, 2019 that reported the announcement of a novel virus by the Wuhan Municipal Health Committee.

In sum, the first warnings of COVID-19 came from the non-IC based public health trackin this case disease surveillance conducted by local public health authorities in Wuhan.

but this invites some pretty pointy questions about their competence, no?

because it sure looks like pretty much everyone on the super special inside track of business and finance CLEARLY kne...


The Homage of the Slaves "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iain Davis As the coronation of Charlie-boy approaches, the Royal household thought it would be nice to offer the British public the opportunity to swear their allegiance to King Charles III and declare themselves his slave. This homage of the people has been very popular amongst some. Presumably, theyre dead keen to live a life of slavery.


New York Gas Stove Ban Beginning of the End or End of the Beginning? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The proposed wholesale shift to unwanted technology without proper accounting of costs will be under intense scrutiny this year.

Pipe FMODE_NOWAIT Support Sent In For Linux 6.4 As A 10~23x Performance Improvement "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While the Linux 6.4 merge window is closing this weekend, today on the last full day of the period is Jens Axboe submitting pipe FMODE_NOWAIT support as what he's described as a big performance and efficiency improvement...



Dave Gahary joins me on the podcast today 06/05/23 for a big show to break...



I could hear someone saying, No Barrister, dont be pessimistic. Hear me out. Its only one who has lost touch with this country in the last thirty years or even more that will go to sleep over our petition in the court. Yeah, by law, we have a prima facie case and by the facts []


I toured an apartment built in a factory, and Im convinced that these high-tech homes are the future of city living "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I was shocked by how luxurious it was, from a bed that descends from the ceiling to built-in surround sound to lighting that can change to your mood.


Whatever happened to the theory of everything? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It is only the optimists who achieve anything in this world theorist John Ellis once read this adage on a candy wrapper. It stuck with him, so much so that in 1986 he referenced this candy-wrapper wisdom in his Nature article The superstring: theory of everything, or of nothing?

I was pretty upbeat, Ellis says. I was pretty positive about it.

According to Ellis, theory of everything is a rather tongue-in-cheek term for an encompassing framework that links together all physical phenomena on a fundamental level. The idea went viral, both scientifically and culturally. Numerous authors, philosophers and scientific influencers jumped on the bandwagon, including the makers of a 2014 biopic about Stephen Hawking.


How high a fever is too high? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A fever is the immune systems response to an infection or invader. Most fevers drop after people take over-the-counter medications. People should call a doctor if their fever reaches 103 F and go to an emergency room if it reaches 105.


AI will change the role of developers forever. Heres why thats good news "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Senior execs at two blue-chip organizations explain how theyre embracing automation and why everyone in these businesses, including IT pros, are reaping the rewards.


Military Situation In Bakhmut On May 6, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Bakhmut On May 6, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • Evgeny Prigozhin, the head of Wagner PMC went to the Bakhmut front line and stated that Bakhmut is 2.5 km away from being fully liberated. Wagner will continue the advance to take full control of the city
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue along Chaikovskoho street
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue near Bogdanivka
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue near Khromovo


The post Military Situation In Bakhmut On May 6, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


RISC-V With Linux 6.4 Adds Hibernation / Suspend-To-Disk Support "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

One of the missing RISC-V features now in place for the in-development Linux 6.4 kernel is system hibernation / suspend-to-disk support...


Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide: Dr. Naomi Wolf on the Pfizer Confidential Report "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The truth is: Ive been rendered almost speechless because recently Ive had the unenviable task of trying to announce to the world that indeed, a genocide or what Ive called, clumsily but urgently, a baby die-off is underway.

The post Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide: Dr. Naomi Wolf on the Pfizer Confidential Report appeared first on Global Research.


New UK King Charles III May Resolve Rosebank North Sea Oil Question? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Some 40 Members of the European Union Congress say Foul!

Tory former net zero tsar calls for halt to Rosebank North Sea oil project

From the Article by Fiona Harvey, The Guardian UK, April 25, 2023

The UK governments former net zero tsar has urged ministers to halt the development of the Rosebank oilfield in the North Sea, or risk destroying the UKs credibility on the climate crisis.

Chris Skidmore, the influential Conservative MP who led the review of the UKs climate goals, writes in the Guardian on Tuesday of his concern that the development could derail net zero.

Skidmore told the Guardian: There is no such thing as a new net zero oilfield. Approving Rosebank would undermine UK claims to climate leadership on the world stage, undermine what the climate science tells us and undermine our efforts to achieve a net zero Britain by mid-century. To enhance our energy security, the government must say no to Rosebank, and instead give the green light to energy efficiency, rooftop solar, onshore wind and other forms of clean energy supply.

Skidmore, a former energy and science minister, is the first Tory MP to openly oppose the Rosebank project. Rosebank is a massive potential North Sea development, three times bigger than the controversial Cambo field that was put on hold more than a year ago. It has the potential to produce 500m barrels of oil, which when burned would emit as much carbon dioxide as running 56 coal-fired power stations for a year.

The Observer reported earlier this month that Rosebank would effectively blow the UKs carbon budget in the next decade, as greenhouse gas emissions from its operations alone not counting emissions from any oil produced would exceed the guideline amounts for the oil and gas sector.

Skidmore warned that going ahead with Rosebank could therefore be a problem for many UK industries beyond the North Sea, and inhibit the growth of green energy. Other sectors of the economy, which are already playing their part to reach net zero, would have to cut their emissions further and faster to enable the UK to stay within its carbon budgets. Further, fields such as Rosebank may inhibit the UKs transition away from fossil fuels due to competition for critical and limited supply chains that both industries share, including ports, vessels and...


World Economic Forums Young Global Leaders Revealed "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

For several decades, this program has nurtured compliant leaders acting as WEF agents in governments around the world. The consequences are far-reaching and may turn out to be devastating for humanity.

The post World Economic Forums Young Global Leaders Revealed appeared first on Global Research.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Implicit SPMD Program Compiler (ISPC) as their C language variant with extensions for enhancing single-program, multiple-data programming for both CPUs and GPUs...


De AIVD-Waarheden van Erik Akerboom 11 "IndyWatch Feed War"

Erik Akerboom, ik kijk naar de kroning van Charles de Derde, uitgezonden door de BBC. Ik hoop dat ook u deze christelijke ceremonie bekijkt, want het toont meedogenloos aan dat de symboliek van de kroning niet meer doorleefd is. Zij is ontdaan van authority and wisdom, justice and mercy. De kijker ziet een pompeus en vreugdeloos toneelstuk van hoogwaardigheidsbekleders met als hoofdrolspelers een uiterst nerveuze koning en zijn angstig kijkende gemalin, alles genadeloos geregistreerd door talloze cameras. So help me God. De enige emoties die het oproept bij een onafhankelijke waarnemer zijn een  medelijden en spotlust met de verdere ontmaskering van het Britse rijk, tot voor betrekkelijk kort de master of the world, die zelfs over de golven van de oceanen heerste. Hoe gezagsgetrouw de massamedia dit schouwspel ook proberen te 'verkopen' aan het grote publiek, des te meer hun inzet het beeld bevestigde dat het hier niet meer was dan een manifestatie uit het tijdperk van de hooggotiek. Alles overleefde traditie, omkranst door de grootste militaire parade sinds het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog.  Kortom, Erik Akerboom, de elite die u tracht te beschermen, met al haar pracht en praal staat in haar hemd, net als in het wereldberoemde sprookje, opgetekend door Hans Christian Andersen. Of zoals president Abraham Lincoln opmerkte: You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. Hoe nu verder? Daarover de volgende keer meer. 


Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of "economic warfare": a war against humanity.

The post Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid appeared first on Global Research.


What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations

The post What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy? appeared first on Global Research.


Sony Won the Console Wars a Long Time Ago "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This is what it looks like based on Web access (not the best metric, but one Microsoft would rather hide):

Console Operating System Market Share Worldwide Feb 2022 - May 2023: XBox share very low

Summary: XBox has given Microsoft monumental losses and with the Activision deal falling through we can expect many more XBox layoffs (there were plenty such layoffs so far this year)


[TONIGHT] Book presentation w/ Peter Gelderloos | Strategies for ecological revolution from below "IndyWatch Feed"

[English below]Auteur van het boekThe Solutions Are Already Here :strategies for ecological revolution from below Dinsdag 6 mei om 20:00 uuradres: MKZ Eerste Schinkelstraat 16 Amsterdam  Wat gebeurt er als we praten over klimaatverandering in plaats van een bredere ecologische crisis?Wanneer we praten over de noodzaak voor meer duurzame energie Lees verder/Read more

The post [TONIGHT] Book presentation w/ Peter Gelderloos | Strategies for ecological revolution from below appeared first on Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam.


Graeme MacQueen: The Inside Job Hypothesis of the 9/11 Attacks: JFK, Fidel Castro and the American Left "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Incisive and carefully documented analysis by the late Prof. Graeme MacQueen. His legacy will live 

First published by Global Research on March 15, 2017



On November 23, 1963, the day after John F. Kennedys assassination, Fidel

The post Graeme MacQueen: The Inside Job Hypothesis of the 9/11 Attacks: JFK, Fidel Castro and the American Left appeared first on Global Research.


Gemini Links 06/05/2023: Serving Gemini in Dart "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • Mortal Taste

        On the advice of a friend, I got a subscription to James Hawes Turret House Press, a Montreal-based small press. I like to subscribe to small presses where I can, especially Canadian. I usually have a bunch of lit mag subscriptions, and then a few small press subscriptions, getting everything they publish in a year. Its a lot, and its sometimes hard to keep up, but its amazing to try to navigate the currents of a small amount of everything being published. Some of its amazing. Some of its not to my taste, and all of its worthwhile.

        So I got my first Turret House package the other day, and one of the items is Mortal Taste, a selection of poems by the late Artie Gold (from a manuscript thought lost, but recently found in the McGill University archives), and poetic responses by George Bowering.

      • On Bare Earth

        I like to walk barefoot, at least in the yard. Have for a long time.
        Nothing extreme, no barefoot 5Ks or anything like that, just bare
        feet on the ground. The beach too, when Im there. But who doesnt
        love that?

        The other day, I walked outside and noticed something: the earth was
        very warm. This was due to the spring weather, and sun, of course. But
        it was the first time I felt it this season, and it made me think a

      • christyotwistys 5 questions for May, 2023
      • Car Detailing

        Car Detailing is a really fun, rewarding hobby, BUT it can be VERY time consuming. However, that would depend on how deep you dive into the rabbit hole, its similar to ricing your favorite WM Install.

        The Car Detailing Industry has millions of products, all slightly different, but very similar. The amount of product options to choose from are overwhelming. This is where this post comes in.
        Considering my...


Snow, extreme heat cause Mississippi River to overflow flooding towns "IndyWatch Feed World"

Parts of the Upper Midwest flooded after the Mississippi River overflowed due to a stint of heavy snow followed by extreme heat. After rapidly overflowing its banks and pouring into homes and businesses along its upper reaches, the Mississippi River has crested in much of the Upper Midwest, easing fears of a record disaster, even though major flooding is forecast to continue in the region through mid-May. The river was peaking Wednesday at Dam 17, just north of New Boston, Illinois, said Mike Welvaert, a service coordination hydrologist with the North Central River Forecast Center. "We're looking for the crest between Keokuk (Iowa) and St. Louis over the next two to three days."


Sudan crisis: Air strikes pound Khartoum ahead of first talks in Saudi Arabia "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sudan crisis: Air strikes pound Khartoum ahead of first talks in Saudi Arabia

Sudanese army and paramilitary RSF confirm sending envoys to Jeddah for US-Saudi sponsored talks
MEE staff Sat, 05/06/2023 - 12:27
Smoke billows during fighting in the Sudanese capital Khartoum, on 3 May 2023 (AFP)

Air strikes pounded Sudan's capital, Khartoum, on Saturday, as fighting entered a fourth week only hours before the warring parties were to meet in Saudi Arabia for their first direct talks.

The US-Saudi initiative is the first serious attempt to end the fighting between Sudan's army, led by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and his erstwhile-ally, Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, also known as Hemeti, who commands the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

At least 550 people have been killed and thousands wounded in the conflict, with hundreds of thousands fleeing either internally or to neighbouring countries, according to the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project.

The army confirmed it had sent envoys to Saudi Arabia to discuss "details of the truce in the process of being extended" with the paramilitary forces.

Hemeti also confirmed his group's attendance, saying he hoped the talks would achieve their intended aim of securing safe passage for civilians.


Anghami is Introducing AI-Powered Podcasts "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

With everyone talking about AI in the past months, Anghami took a big leap forward by launching its AI Powered Personalized Podcast, the first of its kind in the world. The leading music and entertainment streaming platform in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is set to unveil soon this new feature that will allow users to create their own personalized podcasts.

How does it work?
By providing Anghamis AI with a set of topics, users will receive a customized daily digest, available through a forthcoming premium subscription tier. Topics range from local and global news, to music, sports, technology, business, and more. To enhance personalization, users can select their preferred voices, choose from a variety of languages including English, Arabic and French and customize their own podcast with a unique description and title. Anghamis AI then crafts a podcast specifically tailored to their interests, providing a unique and unparalleled experience a significant shift in how we receive daily updates.

The aim is to create a unique audio journey for its users using openAIs GPT models.

For those interests, you can already sign up [here].


Dragon Breath APT Group Using Double-Clean-App Technique to Target Gambling Industry "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An advanced persistent threat (APT) actor known as Dragon Breath has been observed adding new layers of complexity to its attacks by adopting a novel DLL side-loading mechanism. "The attack is based on a classic side-loading attack, consisting of a clean application, a malicious loader, and an encrypted payload, with various modifications made to these components over time," Sophos researcher


Heavy downpours cause flooding, damage in South Korea - 17 inches of rain in an evening "IndyWatch Feed World"

Heavy rainfall in the southern part of South Korea caused property damage Friday, the Children's Day holiday, while also forcing multiple flights and ship services to be canceled. According to municipal officials in Gwangju, some 270 kilometers south of Seoul, the platform at Airport Station on Gwangju Metro Line 1 was flooded with muddy water Friday afternoon, forcing trains to pass without stopping at the station for over an hour, starting at around 4:45 p.m. Gwangju said its western district of Gwangsan had received 39 millimeters of rain per hour, as of 4:30 p.m., which flooded facilities and roads.


Remembering Elie Choueiri (1939-2023) "IndyWatch Feed World"

Lebanon lost this week one of its greatest musicians, and one of the last few artists from the Rahbanis golden era. Elie Choueiri passed away at the age of 84, leaving behind a legacy through his music, plays and shows.

After starting his career in 1960 in a Kuwaiti radio, Choueiri returned to Lebanon and collaborated with the Rahbani brothers and Fairouz in over 25 works during the 60s and 70s including , , , many of which were presented at the Baalbeck festivals. Choueiri also had his own show in the mid 70s with late journalist Sami Ghamika, stood beside Sabah on stage and wrote many songs for Wadih el Safi. One of his most popular songs Iyyam el Lulu sparked a dispute between Sabah and Samira Tawfiq.

Choueiri is also known for his many patriotic songs. In 2017, he received the insignia of Commander of the National Order of Cedar in 2017 for his musical career.

Here are some of his most popular songs:


Michigan school ignores free speech to spare Biden supporters' feelings "IndyWatch Feed World"

A middle school in Michigan bucked free speech to spare the feelings of Biden supporters. Tri-County Middle School in Howard City, Michigan, showed political favoritism and its lack of commitment to free speech by demanding that two students remove anti-Biden sweatshirts in February 2022. The sweatshirts said "Let's Go Brandon," a political slogan that is a euphemism for "F*** Joe Biden." Now, the two students, along with the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, are suing the school for viewpoint discrimination.


Am I indoctrinating my daughter? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Im sure all families indoctrinate their children to a degree even if its not religious.

My daughter recently had a birthday, and one of her friends gave her a Claires gift card. The only Claires near us is in the mall, so we went to the mall for the first time in years. We were there for about an hour before I got freaked out at the number of people there. I didnt think people shopped at malls anymore, but I was definitely wrong. Old people, young people everybody was there.

We stopped at the food court for lunch and there happens to be a Chic-fil-A in our mall. Of course, it was closed because it was Sunday, but my daughter points at it and says, Thats the restaurant we hate. I giggled because it was cute as hell, but maybe I shouldnt have.

My work often has Chic-fil-A cater our meetings and trainings, and I always go home and bitch about it to my husband. Im sure thats where my daughter is getting this from. But I realized, Ive never actually sat down and explained to my daughter why I dont like Chic-fil-A. Shes just repeating what she hears.

Is that wrong? My daughter now hates a restaurant that she knows nothing about and has never eaten at. 

Maybe this is just a small example but is it really that different than religious families?

I really want to raise my daughter in a way that she learns to question everything and think for herself even if she ends up believing something other than what my husband and I believe. I want her to feel independent and free to explore whatever she wants.

So what about your family do you feel you have indoctrinated your children even if you arent religious? Is that good or bad? Do you catch yourself doing it?


Inside a Ukrainian Training Course Ahead of Counteroffensive "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

KHARKIV REGION, Ukraine A cool trickle of rain nourished the earth one late April morning as the platoon of Ukrainian soldiers made their way to the edge of the top of a hill.

Not far away sat their objectives: a playground and a school. The soldiers needed to capture both, but not for an actual mission. They were participating in an exercise that was the culminating event of a two-week training course run by instructors who previously served in Western militaries.

The training aimed to sharpen the troops abilities ahead of a highly anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive aimed at retaking territory captured by Russia. Several dozen troops from Ukraines Army and National Guard participated in the course, which was led by Trident Defense Initiative (TDI), a private training organization. Commanders had requested that their units participate in the course, which taught the troops NATO-style tactics related to combat operations, first aid and medical care, and more. For some of the Ukrainian troops, these were entirely new concepts.

As the platoon moved its way across the top of the hill, Cody, a former US Army soldier now working as a combat instructor with TDI, yelled at the lead Ukrainian soldier, Misha, to lie down. As he walked along the edge of the hill, Misha was skylining himself, a fatal mistake in which a person is clearly visible against the sky. In an actual combat operation, skylining would reveal Mishas position and make him an easy target.

Misha lay down on the grass and put down his rifle. Cody crept up from behind and told Misha to pick it back up. Some of the troops regularly put their weapons aside, an improper practice by US military standards that Cody wanted to rectify. From this vantage point, Misha surveyed the land and considered how to proceed. Several hundred yards ahead sat the playground that he and the other soldiers needed to capture before continuing to their next target. 


Western combat instructors with Trident Defense Initiative (TDI) deliver a safety brief before beginning range practice to sharpen Ukrainian troops shooting and reaction skills. Photo credit: Hunter Williamson / WhoWhatWhy



How To Model a Twisted Part in FreeCAD "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Quick references are handy, but sometimes its nice to have a process demonstrated from beginning to end. In that spirit, [Darren Stone] created a video demonstrating how to model a twisted part in FreeCAD, showing the entire workflow of creating the part as a blend of surfaces and curves that get turned into a solid.



What Weve Heard Since December: The Biggest Microsoft Layoffs Will be Starting This Summer "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

10 hours ago:

Biggest cuts are yet to come. Next round will be soon and more than prior. Hold onto your butts

Summary: With deep staff cuts happening in Azure and Microsoft itself questioning the future of Xbox (both already had many layoffs this year), one is left wondering how many rumours like the above it takes to simply reckon that some people high up at Microsoft know too much; this morning I heard about a Microsoft manager who is dumping his shares (he lost faith in the company) and I keep hearing about many layoffs coming in July (the commonality in rumours is the month of July)


WordPress Advanced Custom Fields plugin XSS exposes +2M sites to attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A reflected cross-site scripting vulnerability is the Advanced Custom Fields plugin for WordPress exposed over 2 million sites to hacking.

Assetnote researchers discovered a reflected cross-site scripting vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-29489 (CVSS score: 6.1), in the Advanced Custom Fields plugin for WordPress. The ACF field builder allows users to quickly and easily add fields to WP edit screens with only the click of a few buttons.

An authenticated attacker can exploit the flaw to achieve command execution, if targeting a logged-in cPanel user.

It is possible to execute arbitrary JavaScript, pre-authentication in the context of a victim, on almost every port of a webserver using cPanel within its default setup. reads the advisory published by the researchers. reads the advisory. Even on port 80 and 443, it is possible to reach the /cpanelwebcall/ directory as it is being proxied to the cPanel management ports by Apache. Because of this, an attacker can not only attack the management ports of cPanel but also the applications that are running on port 80 and 443.

The researchers pointed out that the issue is exploitable regardless of whether or not the cPanel management ports (2080, 2082, 2083, 2086) are exposed externally. The researchers reported that the issue is also exploitable to target websites on ports 80 and 443 if they are being managed by cPanel.

The attacker can exploit the issue to hijack a legitimate users cPanel session and carry out malicious activities, including uploading a web shell and gaining command execution.

Vulnerable versions are:

  • < 11.109.9999.116
  • <
  • <
  • <

administrators are recommended to upgrade their installs to any of the following cPanel versions or above:

  • 11.109.9999.116

The vulnerability was discovered by Shubham Shah from the Assetnote Security Research Team.

The flaw was disclosed to cPanel on January 23, 2023, and on March 1st, it was fixed and public disclosure released on cPanel website.

The issue could have a huge impact because the plugin has over two million active installations.

cPanel has a vast attack surface and it needs more attention from the security researcher...


University accused of 'woke gobbledegook' after cutting the word 'woman' from its maternity leave policy - as MPs slam it for 'erasing' the experience of women "IndyWatch Feed World"

A university has been accused of 'woke gobbledegook' after it cut the word 'woman' from its maternity leave policy. Guidance from the University of the Arts London (UAL) tells staff maternity applies to 'all genders'. The university was last night slammed by MPs and free speech campaigners who accused it of 'erasing' the experience of women.


Fire and floods across western Canada force evacuations "IndyWatch Feed World"

A week of record hot weather in western Canada has forced thousands of people to evacuate their homes, as wildfires rage in parts of Alberta and rapid snow melt triggers flooding across interior British Columbia. By Friday, more than 13,000 people were under evacuation orders in Alberta, as 78 fires burned. Among the worst-hit areas was the territory of the Little Red River Cree Nation, which comprises three communities in the north of the province, where the 1,458-hectare (3609-acre) Fox Lake fire consumed 20 homes and the police station. The entire 7,000-strong population of Drayton Valley, 140 km (87 miles) west of the provincial capital Edmonton, was also ordered to evacuate late on Thursday night.


Cal-Berkley University professor who lived her whole life as a Native American and used it to get prestigious jobs is actually WHITE "IndyWatch Feed World"

A professor at the University of California-Berkeley has come under fire after she apologized for 'incorrectly' identifying as Native American her 'whole life.' In a lengthy statement on Monday, sociology professor Elizabeth Hoover confirmed she is not actually a member of the Mohawk and Mi'kmaq tribes as she had been told growing up in upstate New York, affirming: 'I am a white person.' She said she never knowingly falsified her identity or tried to deceive anyone, writing on her personal website: 'I'm a human. I didn't set out to hurt or exploit.'


Linus Torvalds Cleans Up The Intel LAM Code In Linux 6.4 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While these days Linus Torvalds is mostly dealing with herding new code into the Linux kernel and being a gate keeper rather than actively developing new kernel code himself, for the in-development Linux 6.4 he's found himself doing a bit of coding...


KDE Developers In Germany Planning For Plasma 6.0 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Prominent KDE developer Nate Graham shared that key KDE developers are currently in Germany for an in-person Plasma 6.0 development sprint...


Avalanche in Denali National Park, Alaska, kills parks employee "IndyWatch Feed World"

An avalanche killed a Denali National Park and Preserve employee while he was backcountry skiing within the park on a north-facing slope near Mile 10 on the Park Road on Thursday, May 4. Around 1 pm an individual reported to staff that they had observed a lone skier triggering an avalanche on an unnamed slope south of Jenny Creek and East of Savage River. Denali rangers were dispatched and observed an unoccupied truck at the Mile 11 pullout. A ranger used a spotting scope to look for survivors in the area where the avalanche occurred. Two skis, one vertical, one lying flat on the surface, as well as an orange bag were observed in a debris field in the avalanche area. Mountaineering rangers were dispatched with a helicopter and conducted a quick aerial reconnaissance of the area and then landed to configure for a short-haul operation. Two rangers with basic life support equipment were inserted via short-haul to the scene. Upon reaching the scene it was determined that the skier had...


Colossal Financial Pyramid: BlackRock and The WEF Great Reset "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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First published by

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Video: Pfizer Has a Criminal Record. Is It Relevant? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).




Introductory note

In September 2009, Justice Department attorneys and

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CDC director Rochelle Walensky resigns, citing end of COVID-19 pandemic "IndyWatch Feed World"

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky will leave her post next month, citing in a Friday resignation letter the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. "I have never been prouder of anything I have done in my professional career," Walensky, 54, wrote to President Biden, informing him that her last day will be June 30. She added that she had "mixed feelings" about the move but noted that the end of pandemic-era emergency declarations was an appropriate moment to step down.


'Premeditated and admitted lie': Intel pros slam Biden laptop letter after bombshell revelation "IndyWatch Feed World"

Ex-CIA boss Morell wrote colleague that the Hunter Biden laptop letter was a "talking point" to help Joe Biden at debate. In a rare and candid email exchange between two former CIA bosses, Michael Morell told John Brennan in October 2020 that he was organizing a letter of 51 intel experts claiming the emergence of the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian influence operation because he wanted to give Joe Biden's campaign a "talking point to push back on" Donald Trump during the last presidential debate of the 2020 election, according to documents obtained by Just the News. Brennan, who served as CIA director under President Barack Obama, willingly agreed to sign the letter after being told of its political intentions. "Ok, Michael, add my name to the list," Brennan wrote Morell on Oct. 19. 2020. "Good initiative. Thanks for asking me to sign on."


CEO Stadler to Plead Guilty Eight Years After VW/Audi Diesel Scandal "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Multiple sites have been reporting that former Audi CEO, Rupert Stadler, will plead guilty for his role in the 2015 emissions scandal where Audi and VW software was modified to evade emissions testing. The proprietary software embedded in the cars was modified to detect when the cars were being operated in testing conditions and modified the vehicle's operation to reduce emissions enough to pass the inspection. However, during normal operation, they polluted like crazy, up to 40x the NOx shown during testing conditions. The plea deal he has been offered to him in this trial which started 2020 is expected to be a 1.1 million fine and serve a suspended sentence of up to two years. Stadler has spent several months in pre-trial detention to prevent him from interfering with witnesses further.

Remember Dieselgate? It's been nearly a decade since a whistleblower outed Volkswagen and its sister brands in 2015 over tech invented in 1999 that was designed to fool emission testing. Despite the company facing fines worldwide, having involvement in further probes, and being forced to buy back affected cars, the automaker and its problem-era executives are still facing legal backlash.

The scandal has cost those automakers tens of billions so far. There was an initial attempt to blame only low level employees. However, as the trial shows there was more to it than that and that plans came from the highest levels. Further documents show that the emissions software had been in cheat mode for many years.


Horror as boy, 2, mauled to death by family's German Shepherd in Costa Rica "IndyWatch Feed World"

A two-year-old boy has been mauled to death by the family's pet dog in Costa Rica. The tragic incident happened in the morning of May 1 in San Isidro de El General of the Central American country at his family home. It has been reported that the German Shepherd, named Tayler and was four years old, suddenly latched onto the Dexter Yael's neck after he had fallen on top of the animal, according to the child's relatives. Dexter's father Alex Guerra told local media: "I wasn't at home at the time. But from what I understand, my son kind of stumbled on top of the dog and that's when it attacked him."


Lightning strike kills two motorcyclists in Balochistan, Pakistan "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least two people were killed and two others sustained injuries after lightning struck them on the National Highway near Luck Pass area of Mastung district during heavy rain on Friday. Mastung Station House Officer (SHO) Mujeeb Baloch told APP that the victims were on their way to Mastung from Quetta on two bikes when they were hit by lightning during rain. As a result, two of them died on the spot and two others sustained injuries. The bodies and the injured were rushed to Nawab Ghous Bakhsh Raisani Hospital Mastung. Both the injured were stated to be in critical condition. The bodies were identified as Riaz Ahmed and Ehsan-ul Haq residents of Darikhan Thal area.


Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and the Turkey-Syria Earthquake: An Expert Investigation is Required "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The media categorized the initial earthquake (February 6, 2023) as the most powerful in the region in at least a century. That is an understatement. In regards to Southern Anatolia, it is the largest earthquake in more than seven centuries.

The post Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and the Turkey-Syria Earthquake: An Expert Investigation is Required appeared first on Global Research.


Israeli forces kill two Palestinians in West Bank city of Tulkarm "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israeli forces kill two Palestinians in West Bank city of Tulkarm

Hamza Khrewish and Samer al-Shafei were killed in Israeli raid on Nur Shams refugee camp
MEE staff Sat, 05/06/2023 - 10:05
Hamza Khrewish was killed alongside Samer al-Shafei during an Israeli raid on Nur Shams refugee camp in the occupied West Bank (social media)

Israeli forces killed two Palestinians on Saturday morning during a raid on the occupied West Bank city of Tulkarm.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said Hamza Khrewish, 22, and Samer al-Shafei, 22, died of bullet wounds to their chest, neck and abdomen while en route to the Thabet Thabet government hospital. 

The Israeli army said it conducted the raid on Nur Shams refugee camp to arrest two Palestinians for involvement in a "shooting attack" earlier this week in the (illegal) Israeli settlement of Avnei Heftz, where an Israeli was wounded. 

Israeli forces stormed the camp and encircled the compound where Khrewish and Shafei were residing, while snipers were posted on surrounding rooftops as reinforcements, Haaretz quoted an eyewitness as saying.

"The two gunmen were shot and killed after attempting to flee the scene," the Israeli army said in a statement, adding that two other people had been arrested in the raid. 

The army said that it had confiscated two m-16 rifles, military vests and magazines during the raid in Tulkarm. 

Tulkarm declare...


Rare tornado strikes Los Angeles County, buildings damaged "IndyWatch Feed World"

FOX Weather correspondent Max Gorden said the roof from a behavioral health service building in Carson, California came off from a EF-0 tornado. This is the second tornado to hit Los Angeles County this year.


Weekend Crib Notes "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    Retro   Canned Posca? Yes,  Ive heard that its coming back. The antique drink Posca is based on red wine vinegar and honey and it was popular throughout antiquity. Not just in the Roman Empire. The effects of its isotonic properties were known to the ancient world and thus Posca was cherished by []

The post Weekend Crib Notes appeared first on Virtual Mirage.



Tidbits of Conspiracy News

This was another one of those weeks inn which my inbox was literally deluged with blog-worthy articles. So our thanks to the following for

The post TIDBITS: THIS WEEKS HONOURABLE MENTIONS appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Electricity Statism and Misdirection: Introducing Doug Lewins Texas Energy and Power Newsletter (well-funded propaganda) "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The big guns of climate alarmism and forced energy transformation are out to prevent Texas from shoring up its grid from the cancer of wind and solar.


Failure of secret US-Syria talks "IndyWatch Feed War"

According to the Lebanese daily L'Orient-Le Jour, the United States held negotiations with Syria in February-March in Oman. President Bashar al-Assad went to Oman on 23 February. The negotiations failed due to Washington's refusal to withdraw its troops. which are occupying the North-East of the country. The United States justifies its presence in Syria with the argument that it is fighting ISIS. However, the Syrian government forces - with the help of the Russian Federation and Iran - are (...)


Denuncian amenaza de desalojo de la Casa de la Loma de la Abuela en Oaxaca "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. Integrantes de la Casa de la Loma de la Abuela Liberacin Territorial en Oaxaca denunciaron el intento de desalojo del que fueron vctimas este 5 de mayo, por parte del expreso poltico Damin Gallardo, quien hace dos aos se comprometi a respetar el espacio ocupado por defensoras y vctimas de misoginias, criminalizacin y exilio por denunciar megaproyectos.

Las habitantes de la Casa sealaron que Gallardo lleg de forma violenta para desalojar el lugar sin previo aviso, al cual se opusieron. Pactamos no ceder a sus presiones y liberar este espacio para desarrollar caminos comunitarios autnomos y de libre determinacin en defensa de la vida, el territorio, la dignidad y la justicia, sealaron.

La Casa de la Loma de la Abuela funciona para resguardar a vctimas de desplazamiento forzoso por defender territorios en Abya Yala y a la defensora perseguida Aura Lolita Chvez Ixcaquic, realizar procesos de sanacin colectiva de mujeres vctimas de violencia, acuerpar a mujeres migrantes y racializadas y gestionar procesos de educacin popular feminista comunitaria.

Las mujeres destacaron que hace un mes se les inform que la Guardia Nacional entrara a controlar San Jos Atzompa, a lo que se opusieron. Sospechamos que la Guardia nacional est detrs de todo esto. No queremos a la Guardia Nacional en nuestros territorios, finalizaron.

A continuacin el comunicado completo:

Amenaza de desalojo en Casa de la Loma de la Abuela Liberacin Territorial en Oaxaca

El valor de la palabra:

Hace dos aos encontramos esta casa abandonada, determinamos vivir aqu mediante un pacto sagrado de la palabra que el expreso poltico Damian Gallardo asumi con nosotrxs. Le informamos que venimos de expresiones de misoginias, criminalizacin y defensa territorial con exilio por denunciar megaproyectos. Hemos invertido de nuestro esfuerzo, dinero y cario para hacer habitable el espacio. Ahora tenemos un temazcal, un espacio de ceremonias maya, una cocina comunitaria, luz, agua y otros servicios.

En este pacto sagrado con Damian Gallardo acordamos habitar el espacio durante 5 aos. Hoy, de forma violenta, se presenta Damian para desalojar el espacio sin previo aviso, por lo que hoy pactamos no ceder a sus presiones y liberar este espacio para desarrollar caminos comunitarios autnomos y de libre determinacin en defensa de la vida, el territorio, la dignidad y la justicia.

Hacemos responsable a Damian Gallardo por cualquier ataque de aqu en adelante. Quedamos en alerta permamente y en guardia.


Abya Yala resiste:
La casita estaba sirviendo para:
. resguardar a comps con desplazamiento forzoso por defender territorios en Abya Yala.
. Para procesos de sanacion colectiva de mujeres que sufrimos de violencia.
. Para acuerpar a co...


The Galician genocide: How Russian identity was wiped out in what is now Western Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Dmitry Plotnikov | RT | March 15, 2023

Galicia, a historical region in the West of Ukraine, is currently the center of the countrys nationalist movement. However, things were once very different. A little over a hundred years ago, representatives of opposing Russophile and pro-Ukrainian political movements competed for the loyalty of the local Ruthenian population, also known as Rusyns. Galicias Russophiles welcomed the beginning of the First World War as a step toward an anticipated reunion with Russia. However the Ukrainian movement remained loyal to Austria-Hungary. With the help of the latter, Vienna killed off the Rusyn intelligentsia, which it considered a fifth column. To accomplish this, the Hapsburgs set up concentration camps.

What happened next amounted to a genocide.

Ukraines most nationalist region was once a hotbed of pro-Russian sentiment  how and why did it change?

The beginning of the tragedy  

By the start of the First World War, the Russophile movement in Galicia was experiencing tough times. As a result of the divide and rule policy implemented by the Austrians, the movement suffered a split. The oldest and most respected organizations ended up in the hands of pro-Austrian leaders who advocated Ukrainian, not Rusyn, identity.

After the army of the Russian Empire crossed the border on August 18, 1914, and launched an offensive in Galicia, mass repr...


India Buyer Care "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

India Buyer Care

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Visiting And Exploring The 1xbet Official Betting Sites In India "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Visiting And Exploring The 1xbet Official Betting Sites In India

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Taiwan Is Joe Bidens Carter Conundrum "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Taiwan ChipAmericans are living through the 1970s all over again.


India Customer Care "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

India Customer Care

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UK Police Applaud Five-Year Jail Sentence for Fugitive IPTV Reseller "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

iptvOffering piracy-related services is a serious offense in the UK for which several vendors have received multi-year prison sentences in recent years.

These sentences are typically announced by copyright holders or the police, as a deterrent for those who might be tempted to follow in the same footsteps.

Reporting on these news releases can be tricky, as the information tends to be limited. This is particularly true when court documents are unavailable, something true for another conviction announced today.

Five-Year Prison Sentence

City of London Police have just announced that at Liverpool Crown Court today, 54-year-old Mark Brockley was sentenced to five years in prison. Police were alerted to Brockleys activities in 2018, when BT reported the now-suspended Twitter account @Infinity_IPTV in connection with sales of illegal IPTV subscriptions.

Brockley reportedly charged 15 per month for a subscription. Between October 24, 2014, and May 8, 2019, the operation made 5,251 sales and generated 237,058. Of these sales, 1,408 directly referenced IPTV and no taxes were paid on the income.

Police visited Brockley in 2019 and seized his laptop and mobile phone, which linked him to the Infinity IPTV Twitter account. Based on this and other evidence, Liverpool Crown Court found Brockley guilty of supplying articles for use in fraud and the fraudulent evasion of income tax.

City of London Police are pleased with this outcome. According to Detective Constable Geoffrey Holbrook of the Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU), the IPTV seller continued even after he was interviewed by police.

Brockley made tens of thousands of pounds from an illegal activity and used the money to fund his lifestyle. Despite being interviewed by PIPCU officers and knowing that his actions were against the law, he continued to sell IPTV subscriptions.., Holbrook notes.

Fugitive + Dog

There is one major unresolved issue in this case, however. The former IPTV seller has disappeared and was sentenced in his absence, current whereabouts unknown.

We are now appealing for information on Brockleys whereabouts, and ask anyone who may be able to help to contact the City of London Police, Holbrook says.

The authorities believe that the IPTV seller didnt flee alone. The man reportedly took his dog with him and presumably set course for France. City of London Police are encouraging anyone with knowledge of Brockleys whereabouts to come forward. This can also be done anonymously through the Crimestoppers hotline....


Qu se necesita saber para proteger los derechos de los trabajadores en lugares de trabajo digitalizados? "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Una investigadora trabaja en un cdigo en el Edificio de Investigacin de Inteligencia Artificial de la Universidad de Tubinga. Muchos trabajadores afirman que nunca han sido informados sobre qu tecnologas utiliza su empleador para su gestin. Igualmente preocupante es el hecho de que los directivos estn desplegando tecnologas que no han entendido bien. (Sebastian Gollnow/dpa Picture-Alliance via AFP)

En todos los sectores de la economa mundial, los empleadores utilizan sistemas de gestin automatizados y algortmicos (SGA) de diversos tipos para, supuestamente, aumentar la productividad y la eficiencia. Aunque esta bsqueda no es de ninguna manera nueva, ya que desde los albores del capitalismo, los empleadores han vigilado a los trabajadores y han tratado de mejorar la productividad, s lo son la intensidad y la amplitud de las repercusiones de estos sistemas. Aunque algunos SGA pueden tener un impacto positivo en las condiciones de trabajo, muchos no lo tienen. En todo el mundo, los trabajadores sealan toda una serie de impactos negativos, entre otros la intensificacin del trabajo y del ritmo de trabajo, la discriminacin y los prejuicios, as como la prdida de autonoma y dignidad.

Aun cuando, lamentablemente, estos efectos son cuestiones con las que los trabajadores y sus sindicatos han tenido que lidiar incluso mucho antes de la digitalizacin del trabajo, los medios que producen estos efectos negativos son diferentes. Por lo tanto, evitar que se produzcan en los lugares de trabajo digitalizados requiere precisamente que entendamos estos medios. En el caso de la (semi)automatizacin y los SGA implica que entendamos qu son los datos, los algoritmos, la inteligencia artificial (IA)/el aprendizaje automtico, las inferencias y muchos otro elementos ms, y cmo pueden afectar a su vez a los trabajadores.

Cules son, pues, los sistemas de gestin automatizados y algortmicos que ya estamos viendo? La clasificacin del Berkeley Labour Center es til en este sentido e identifica tres tipos diferentes de sistemas:

Anlisis de recursos humanos, tales como la contratacin, la evaluacin del desempeo y la formacin en el puesto de trabajo.
Gestin algortmica, tales como la programacin de la fuerza laboral, la coordinacin y direccin de las actividades de los trabajadores.
Automatizacin de tareas, en la que algunas o incluso todas las tareas que componen un puesto de trabajo se automatizan mediante tecnologas que operan con bases de datos.

Los tres tipos tienen en comn que 1) delegan las decisiones de gestin en sistemas (semi) automatizados; 2) todos utilizan y recopilan datos, ya sea de los trabajadores y sus actividades, o de l...


Inside a Pair of Smart Sunglasses "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If youre willing to spend $200 USD on nothing more than 100 grams of plastic, there are a few trendy sunglasses brands that are ready to take your money before you have time to think twice. Sure, you can get a pair of sunglasses for an order of magnitude less money that do the exact same job, but the real value is in the brand stamped into the plastic and not necessarily the sunglasses themselves. Not so with this pair of Ray-Bans, though. Unlike most of their offerings, these contain a little bit more than a few bits of stylish plastic and [Becky Stern] is here to show us whats hidden inside.

At first glance, the glasses dont seem to be anything other than a normal pair of sunglasses, if a bit bulky But on closer inspection they hide a pair of cameras and a few other bits of electronics similar to the Google Glass, but much more subtle. The teardown demonstrates that these are not intended to be user-repairable devices, and might not be repairable at all, as even removing the hinges broke the flexible PCBs behind them. A rotary tool was needed to remove the circuit boards from the ear pieces, and a bench vice to remove the camera modules from the front frame. We can presume these glasses will not be put back together after this process.

Hidden away inside is a pair of cameras, a Snapdragon quad-core processor, capacit...


Tren Maya: cunto cuestan las promesas de prosperidad y desarrollo turstico? "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El 16 de diciembre de 2018, tan solo 15 das despus de que empezase legalmente su mandato. el presidente Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador dio inicio a la construccin de su proyecto insignia: El Tren Maya. La promesa de 1.500 km de va frrea que transformara la regin Sur-Sur Este de Mxico, la menos industrializada y ms empobrecida de Mxico, haba sido uno de los elementos clave durante su campaa electoral.

Ms de cuatro aos despus, su gobierno contina insistiendo en la vinculacin del Tren Maya con el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida y la prosperidad econmica de las Estados por los que pasar, llegando incluso a manipular datos e informes para defender que su propuesta es la de impulsar una industria turstica diferente basada en la construccin de un sistema de transporte sustentable y eficiente. 

Este material se comparte con autorizacin de El Salto


Fyodor Lukyanov: 20 years after Bush declared 'mission accomplished,' it's clear that Iraq was the graveyard of American ambition "IndyWatch Feed World"

George W. Bush's illegal invasion came at a time when the US was the only real global power, and high on its own self-confidence. Twenty years ago, in May 2003, then-US President George W. Bush landed on the deck of the Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf and declared "mission accomplished." The Texan announced the liberation of Iraq and the end of active combat, in effect a military victory. This was technically true. Baghdad was under American control, and although Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had escaped, he would be captured six months later. In fact, the invasion by Washington and its coalition had destroyed Iraqi statehood, led to a bloody civil war, the disintegration of the country, a dramatic shift in the balance of power in the region (not in the Americans' favor, by the way), and was the root cause of the series of upheavals that engulfed the Middle East in the 2000s and 2010s.


La desaparicin de personas, tema imperioso y sumamente sensible "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La investigacin y las experiencias latinoamericanas sobre la desaparicin de personas, as como la obligacin de buscar a las vctimas y aclarar su situacin fue el motivo que convoc a especialistas en el tema en el Coloquio internacional Tiempos complejos, acciones que no esperan. Experiencias latinoamericanas en la bsqueda de personas desaparecidas y acompaamiento a familiares en pandemia.

Durante la inauguracin del evento, realizado en el Auditorio Mario de la Cueva, de la Torre II de Humanidades, Rubn Ruiz Guerra, director del Centro de Investigaciones sobre Amrica Latina y el Caribe (CIALC), agradeci la participacin de acadmicos y expertos, y puso nfasis en la invaluable contribucin que aportaran las y los representantes de los grupos presentes: Colectivo Ral Trujillo Herrera. Por los desaparecidos de Guerrero; Asociacin de familiares de detenidos, desaparecidos y vctimas de violaciones a los derechos humanos en Mxico; Hasta encontrarlos; Colectivo Una luz en el camino; Familiares en bsqueda Mara Herrera/Brigada Nacional de Bsqueda; Colectivo Solecito; Malynali Red CfC, entre otros.

Asever que esta actividad acadmica nos har pensar, dolernos y tener algunos elementos de esperanza.

El Coloquio fue coordinado por Silvia Soriano, investigadora del CIALC, y Silvia Dutrnit, acadmica del Instituto Mora, quien ley un mensaje de la coordinadora de Humanidades, Guadalupe Valencia Garca, en el que afirm: La UNAM en su defensa incesante de la dignidad, la libertad y la crtica socialmente comprometida debe ser partcipe de todo tipo de dilogos sociales, jurdicos y humansticos, incluso de temas que resultan particularmente difciles como el de este evento.

Dolorosamente continu leyendo la desaparicin de personas se ha exacerbado en los ltimos tiempos en Mxico y en otras partes de Amrica Latina. El asunto tiene muchsimas implicaciones sociales, polticas, emocionales, y no puede sino ser un tema urgente y extremadamente sensible, sobre todo para aquellas personas que han padecido esta lamentable y traumtica experiencia.

Nuestro subsistema de Humanidades ha asumido el compromiso universitario de participar, desde la trinchera de las ideas, la investigacin comprometida y la bsqueda de soluciones a problemas tan lastimosos como el que aqu se debatir, dijo.

En su oportunidad, Alejandro Valencia, abogado con cerca de 30 aos de trayectoria en la promocin y defensa de derechos humanos y con una vasta experiencia en temas de verdad histrica y en comisiones de la verdad en Amrica Latina, ofreci la conferencia inaugural en la que consider fundamental en el proceso de trabajo de una comisin de la verdad la participacin de las vctimas, es decir, la centralidad de ellas. La escucha para recoger esas vivencias, el impacto y que ha hecho para haber sobrevivido.

La desaparicin causa un impacto psicosocial muy grave. El...


Meet King Charles, The Great Resetter "IndyWatch Feed War"

Corbett  05/05/2023 

While most of the the publics attention is falling on the obvious issuesthe monarchys increasing irrelevance to the 21st century, the colossal waste of taxpayer resources that go towards the upkeep of the worlds richest family and their multiple palaces, the dark history of slavery and other colonial abuses for which royals of the far-distant past are responsiblefew are aware of just how dark the history of the royal family is, or just how twisted Charles vision for the future of the United Kingdomand, indeed the worldreally is.

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Delta Govt  To Access $20m From World Bank Assisted Water Project "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Delta State logo

LAGOS MAY 6TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The Delta State Government says it is working on plans to access a $20 million grant under the World Bank Sustainable Urban and Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene programme.

Samuel Mariette, the Commissioner for Water Resources, made this known on Thursday in Asaba, the state capital.

He spoke when a team of officials from the World Bank and Federal Ministry of Water Resources paid a courtesy visit on the state Governor-elect, Chief Sheriff Oborevwori.

Mariere said that the SURWASH programme was geared toward providing the people with portable drinking water as well as access to improved sanitation services.

Mariere said it was a six-year programme, which had just commenced in the state.

He said: Recently, the sum of $1 million was released to the state for the initial advance, which we have already started putting into use.

Although, we just got the money last week, but we have been able to award the first sets of contracts.

We succeeded in awarding the Asaba/Okpanam/Ibuza Urban Water Supply project because it is actually not right that Asaba, the state capital, does not have access to clean water.

Every household that drinks that water will have access to $75 and this is a good result for us as a state.

He also said the state intended to go into Public Private Partnership, where the contractor would run the project for one year.

Mariere also said that aside the Asaba/Okpanam/Ibuza water supply project, the state has other rural water projects to be implemented under the SURWASH programme.

On his part, the Task Team Leader from World Bank, Garard Soppe, said the delegation was in the state to discuss way forward toward the first 100 days in office of the governor-elect.

Soppe said: We are in Delta because the sate is ahead of the six other states where SURWASH programme is being implemented in the country.

And we also wished to discuss way forward to your first 100 days in office.

Responding, Oborevwori said that his administration would partner with the World Bank in its short, medium and long term development programmes.

Oborevwori told the delegation that he had inaugurated a transition committee to midwife the smooth take off of his administration in the state.

He said...


Global Population recovery and Expansion. "IndyWatch Feed Tech"


As I have been posting, properly Terra forming Terra will take at least 100,000,000,000 of us, just for the land and possibly several times all that to also fully optimize the marine environment.  all this is on a fully sustainable basis which we are clearly getting better at.

we now need a proper economic protocol to supoort child bearing by young mothers at the safe rate of four each, likely going from 18 through 26.  this needs to include educational support, childcare support from older women and carreer preparation.  The hard point is that it also needs to be mandated which is obviously difficult to swallow, but also allows choice selection for the men to be addressed quite differently

After all, men can earn credits based on work performance, education performance and also behavior.  Criminals get cut out and this is a huge disincentive for bad behavior.  Real marriage can then be postponed until the age of thirty and perhaps woven in with some biological offspring.

We have proven that the last fifty years is a somewhat failed experiment in terms of child production and even child care.  We certainly cannot leave it where it is.

I use the number four because it is certain to expand the population.  Once an optimal size is achieved, it is no trick to drop the mandate to three and put it under the control of a natural community.

Giant Cyclers for Radiation Safe Earth to Mars Journeys "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

These are some real numbers.  We are also now getting the mass lift capacity to support all this.  For Mars, the first task is to build a huge rotating space station in near earth orbit allowing a destination for a daily lift of 100 tons.  The station itself has an open hub in the center to allow craft to come in, be berthed and unloaded.  The ring is perhaps at the half mile radius point and the cables serve as well to elevate goods down to the ring where virtual gravity can be one g.  we can also produce an artificial atmosphere on the ring using some form of plastic or bubble material.

This is a working factory and we can use safe rooms for protection.

Once fully operational, we can build and assemble freight sticks able to transit to Mars.  Again we need a crew safe room and a fast spinning ring tube to allow for fitness and sleep at one g.  This is obviously more challenging but it should be doable.  what is going to Mars is the material for another space station just like the Earth Space Station.  Again we can power launch a stick every day for mars.  Maximum thrust can be suppied initially to get up to speed and that component can break off possibly and return.

building the Mars space station allows using a robust heavy lander also able to bring tonnage down to surface.

I do think that we want to take advantage of observed tunnels on Mars to establish an exploratin base.  Otherwise we will need to build bunkers to do the same.  All in taking years we can establish a survivable footprint on Mars.  What we cannot do so well is try for light and cheap.  It will only break.


Horrific Slaughter: Russia Finally Admits to Destroying NATOs Deep Underground Command Bunker in Kiev "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Even a deep bunker cannot save you from a direct penetrating hit down to 120 meters.  This was obviously a critical command and control center and all foreign personnel were there secretly.  That means they do not exist.  It is possible that this may have had a silo design if we are talking about pulling bodies out.

Somehow I continue to prefer a tent arrangement and shifting location daily along with plenty of foxholes.  Understand a Canadian regiment stood off three full massed assaults from thousands of Chinese soldiers in the Korean War by calling down artillary on top of themselves in foxholes and only suffered two casulties or so.

A bunker is still a target only proof against regular artillary.

Horrific Slaughter: Russia Finally Admits to Destroying NATOs Deep Underground Command Bunker in Kiev

The head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy, German Galushchenko, separately admitted that the missile attack damaged at least three thermal power plants.

-April 30, 2023

As reported on March 12 by the Greek portal of political and military information Pronews, citing American sources, in the course of an operation to retaliate for a provocation in the Bryansk region, a Russian hypersonic missile Dagger struck...

Faulty Memory Is a Feature, Not a Bug "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Two critical assertions from myself.

1  a photographic memory allows you to own every error made by mankind and even believe that they are true.

2  train your memory to remember the FUTURE.  That turns out to be the royal road to genius.

Now contemplate and set out to feed your mind.  A lot.  Thousands of words every day since i was nine years old.  no library was immune to me and reading was also my entertainment.  Imagination is wonderful and we use it to help see the future which is where i have really lived my life while waiting for the FUTURE.

This by the way is why you first set out to master as much of the mathematica as you can handle.  It allows you to examine critically those changing memories and not accept anything.  Logic trees work.

Faulty Memory Is a Feature, Not a Bug

Forgetting and misremembering are the building blocks of creativity and imagination.


May 2, 2023

In 1942, the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges published a short story called Funes the Memorious. The unnamed narrator recounts a story from his memory, which centers on a Uruguayan man named Ireneo Funes. The narrator learns Funes has fallen off his horse, hitting his head and leaving him housebound. Not long after, Funes contacts the narrator, asking to borrow some of his books in Latin, which is the narrators specialty. He gives Funes a selection of his most difficult Latin texts, ones that he has trouble making sense of himself.


Pedidores de lluvia "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Durante los primeros das de mayo, las abuelas y abuelos realizan rituales para pedir en los cerros, en los ojos de agua, cuevas y lugares sagrados, la lluvia necesaria para la siembra. Para los pueblos originarios, la lluvia y el agua son elementos que forman parte de su territorio, pero tambin son vistos como un bien limitado que causa disputas. Acompanos en este programa a hacer un recorrido por diferentes rituales de peticin de lluvias, retomando el agua como un elemento vital para la vida y reflexionemos sobre la importancia de generar construcciones sociales distintas a los usos capitalistas que nos permitan cuidarla.


  • Peticin de lluvias en San Pedro Atlapulco Atlapulco Radio Comunal y CESDER
  • La gente que habla la palabra del agua Radio Chilate
  • Construccin social del agua Radio Tsinaka
  • Cine Cenzontles: Aj, cortometraje de pedimento de lluvia en Huamelula, Oaxaca Mauricio lvarez
  • Atlanka Chokomeh: los nios que traen la lluvia Gisela Hernndez
  • Conduccin: Edna Karen Crdenas y Lorena Gmez (Boca de Polen)
  • Imagen: Rubn Daniel Hernndez Lobato

Publicado originalmente en Canto de Cenzontles


Growing German-Polish Rivalry. Yet Another Fissure Within Western Alliance "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Zelensky Must Choose Between Talks or Losing More Territory. Former US Army Chief "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Mayo en resistencia "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Homenaje a Eduardo Llerenas. Foto: VHG

La Universidad de El Salvador solicita una conferencia sobre decolonizacin como inicio de un coloquio. Empezar con la globalizacin fallida animada por la destruccin de la URSS y el bloque socialista, el ataque a las Torres Gemelas y las dictaduras americanas. Saltar a las transvanguardias y citar la centenaria Hoja Actual del Estridentismo: Chopin a la silla elctrica, a los brasileos de Antropofagia y Claxon de los veinte, a los africanos no alineados, para rematar con Roque Dalton, la irona, el sarcasmo y el placer; Yolocamba I T, la teologa de la liberacin, la memoria, la verdad y la justicia internacionalistas.

Contra el coloniaje, gran homenaje cantado y bailado a Eduardo Llerenas y Discos Corasn, Doctorado en Cambridge en clculo complejo, fue con Beno Lieberman, tambin ingeniero, a recoger huapangos y sones en las Huastecas. Gran aportacin de praxis esttica con todo y apropiacin lingstica y musical. Gran bailongo y cantos con falsetes de Soraima y su familia y los Camperos de Valles en el gran desfile bailado de bordados y tejidos en ropajes y tocados de los asistentes al Museo de Culturas Populares el pasado domingo 30 de abril y que gozaron tambin las atinadas y bellas rimas de la poeta Evelin Acosta.

Da del trabajo, insisten las televisoras. Da de los trabajadores marcan sindicatos no charros para reclamar la economa poltica organizada por la Secretara del Trabajo con la reforma laboral de la Cuarta Transformacin. Senadores y diputados impidieron aprobar la reduccin de la jornada laboral y proteger las pensiones. Dan envidia los franceses. Ya se logr en Mxico anular miles de contratos colectivos desconociendo a las asambleas a cambio de fortalecer a los sindicatos charros. A la par, crece y se fortalece la economa informal, los trabajadores en los servicios sin derecho laboral alguno, el creciente nmero de desempleados.

Homenaje a Eduardo Llerenas. Foto: VHG

La represin militar crece en el Istmo de Tehuantepec con la construccin del canal seco de Coatzacoalcos a Salina Cruz con el consiguiente despojo territorial y destruccin comunitaria de los pueblos insurrectos y reprimidos por la Guardia Nacional, brazo armado de la monstruosa empresa militar propietaria de puertos, aduanas, aeropuertos, obras monumentales como el Tren Maya. Pleno derecho a la represin para la Guardia Nacional. Luchas de larga data construyen la genealoga de las resistencias, como la del Frent...


Odje Recounts Ordeal In Kidnappers Den, Says Most Dreaded Of His Abductors Gave Him N5k To Return Home "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS  MAY 6TH (URHOBOTODAY)-HUMAN rights lawyer, Dr Akpo Mudiaga-Odje, has recounted how the most fearsome of his abductors handed him N5,000 for transportation back to his home.

He said he trekked one and a half kilometres on bare feet to the attention of a motorcyclist who took him to his home.

Unidentified gunmen had kidnapped Mudiaga-Odje from his office at about 7pm on Sunday and whisked him away to an unknown destination.

He however, regained his freedom at about 12:17 am on Monday after his abductors released him from their hideout.

Describing his release as an act of God, Mudiaga-Odje, in a gratitude statement said he was not manhandled by the kidnappers.

He however, did not say whether or not a ransom fee was paid to secure his release.

Mudiaga-Odje said; I was not manhandled. My phone and Sim card were returned to me. Some stuff we earlier bought from ShopRite for the kids were also returned.Whilst on lying face down along the bush part, I begged to be given the books in the car booth and they obliged me.

And with a sudden divinely ordered change of mood, the most fearsome one amongst them miraculously handed me the sum of five thousand naira to find my way back home as the uncommanded commander of creation and creatures decreed for my life

He expressed appreciation to friends and Nigerians who prayed for his release, saying my dearly beloved bloodlines, I am terribly short of words to accentuate my deep gratitude for your spiritual outpouring by a galaxy of solid prayers for my safety and release from six hours of gruelling experience of abduction from my office by 7pm on Sunday 29th, April 2023 by three armed men.

Indeed, your divine prayers worked as I was eventually released unscathed by 12.17am on that day into the forest of the Savannah.The same Neguso Negast (Lord of the earth), moved me through this dangerous evil forest, by giving me remarkable strength to trek one and half kilometers on bare feet to the attention of a compassionate bike man, who eventually took me to home sweet home.




IOF shoot dead two Palestinians in cold blood during Tulkarm storming "IndyWatch Feed War"

May 6, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen Net + Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  Israeli occupation forces storm the Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarm and assassinate two Palestinian youths. Al Mayadeen correspondent in occupied Palestine reported on Saturday that the Israeli occupation forces and commandos stormed the Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarm, in the occupied West []


Coronation Day: The Functions of the Monarchy "IndyWatch Feed"

The coronation of the sovereign is a dangerous time for the UK state because it forces our constitutional monarchy to reconcile the contradictory governing systems of a parliamentary democracy elected by the people of Britain and a Head of State inherited by birth. To oversee this unification, Charles Mountbatten-Windsor who became the UK sovereign upon the death of his mother last September without the unnecessary bother of a vote from the UKs 67.5 million citizens will have his coronation sanctified by the British People pledging their allegiance as subjects not just to him but also to his heirs and successors. The Authorised Liturgy for the Coronation Rite of His Majesty King Charles III, overseen by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will include the following call to obedience:

I call upon all persons of goodwill of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of the other Realms and the Territories to make their homage, in heart and voice, to their undoubted King, defender of all.

All who so desire, in the Abbey, and elsewhere, say together:

I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.

But to what, exactly, are the peoples of the UK and the Commonwealth realms being asked to swear allegiance? What function does the UK Monarchy serve in our economics, society and politics? And why is the coronation being sanctified by the Head of the Anglican Communion and Church of England whose Supreme Governor is also our King?

1. The Economic Function of Monarchy

Those who claim that the UK sovereign is merely a symbolic role and contributes to the UKs revenues from tourism either do not understand or are lying about the true function of our Monarchy. The Crown Estate, which is inherited by the reigning monarch, in addition to an urban portfolio worth 9.1 billion, owns 15,500 acres of the Windsor estate, 287,000 acres of agricultural land and forest, 55 per cent of the UKs foreshore, plus the seabed out to 12 nautical miles some 23.6 million acres in total. Valued at 28 billion and producing a 312.7 million net revenue profit in 2022 from which, as a designated Crown body, it is exempt from income tax, corporation tax and capital gains tax there is no other organisation in the world that resembles the Crown estate as a legal entity. And if you think this immense wealth is no different from that accumulated by the...


Delta-Gov Elect Oborevwori Wins Again As Court Of Appeal Quashes Another Suit Challenging Qualification "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MAY 6TH (URHOBOTODAY) COURT of Appeal sitting in Abuja, Friday, dismissed a pre-election case brought before it by Chief Ikie Aghwarianovwe, seeking the disqualification of Delta State Governor-elect, Rt Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori. 

Chief Ikie had sometime in October 2022 dragged Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori and the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP to court, alleging that the former submitted false documents to INEC to aid his qualification for 2019 House of Assembly election in Delta State. 

In the suit which was initially assigned to the Hon. Justice Ekwo of the Federal High Court, Abuja, but subsequently transferred to Asaba, Delta State, Chief Ikie also claimed that as a result of the alleged forged documents, Rt. Hon. Oborevwori was not qualified to contest the 2023 gubernatorial election.

While denying the allegation of forgery, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori and PDP raised objection that the suit was statute barred, pointing out that documents submitted to INEC in 2018 towards the 2019 general election, could not be a ground for disqualification of a candidate in 2023.

The trial Court upheld the Defendants objection, saying that Chief Ikie failed woefully to substantiate the allegations of forgery.

Dissatisfied, Chief Ikie went to the Court of Appeal to appeal the judgment. But the Court of Appeal sitting in Abuja in a unanimous judgment, delivered by Justice Peter Olabisi Ige, upheld judgment of the trial court and resolved all the issues for determination in favour of Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori.

Coming down heavily on Chief Ikie for alleging falsification of documents without calling the institutions that issued the certificates to Rt. Hon. Oborevwori, the Court held that Chief Ikies case was moribund and could not be revived under any guise.

The Court of Appeal ordered Chief Ikie to pay N2 million cost to PDP and Rt. Hon. Oborevwori.




Meet King Charles, The Great Resetter "IndyWatch Feed War"

Prince Charles gets told what to do by Lord Rothschild

James Corbett The Corbett Report May 5, 2023




Chomskys Ties to Jeffrey Epsteinand Suspected 9/11 Mastermind Ehud BarakExposed "IndyWatch Feed War"

Kevin Barrett The Unz Review May 4, 2023

In early summer 1992 I caught the documentary film Manufacturing Consent when it opened in San Franciscos Castro Theater. That film changed my life. It showcased Noam Chomsky, an accomplished linguistics professor, and his analysis of corporate media propaganda. Manufacturing Consent convinced me that the American academy could tolerate, and indeed celebrate, serious social criticism. If Chomsky, a radical opponent of Americas most powerful institutions, could not only survive but thrive in academia, speaking truth to power and building a huge audience along the way, why couldnt others do the same?

Before that screening, I had been a profoundly alienated bohemian haunting the margins of academia, so disgusted by all of Americas institutions that I could scarcely have imagined working for them. (Learning the facts about the JFK assassination at age 16 can do that to a person.) But Chomskys example inspired me. It made me want to join him and the other academic critics of US empire, convince our colleagues of the truth of our arguments using logic and evidence, and help the USA return to its anti-imperial roots and then some.

So it was largely thanks to Chomsky that I entered a Ph.D. program in 1995. But by then I had noticed two glaring anomalies in his political thought. The first, and most important, was that his analysis of the JFK assassination seemed insane. Chomsky argued that the assassination was obviously a conspiracy, and not the work of a lone nut as the official story has itbut that it didnt matter who killed JFK, because the assassination didnt change any policies! Since he felt it was so utterly unimportant that the president was murdered by conspirators powerful enough to force their ludicrous cover story on the world, Chomsky evinced no interest whatsoever in identifying the perpetrators, and discouraged his followers from further interest in the topic.

Take for example all this frenzy about the JFK assassination. I mean I dont know who assassinated him and I dont care, but what difference does it make? Noam Chomsky

The other anomaly involved the question of Palestine. Though Chomsky has verbally sympathized with Palestinian suffering, and admitted the justice of the Palestinian cause, he has vociferously obstructed the two most promising strategic efforts that could help Palestine defeat Zionism: The boycott-divestment-sanctions (BDS) movement, and the campaign to expose Zionist control over US Mideast policy.

Alison Weir once asked Chomsky why he opposed BDS and why he had falsely claimed that it was bad for Palestinians (who almost unanimously support it). The reason is very si...


Russia-U.S. ties on verge of open armed conflict over Ukraine: Russias deputy FM "IndyWatch Feed War"

Xinhua May 5, 2023

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov (pictured above) warned on Thursday that Russia and the United States are on the verge of an open armed conflict over Ukraine, but Moscow is trying to prevent this.

Ryabkov said that Moscow knew that Kiev was acting under Washingtons instructions when it chose to attack targets in Russia, including a drone strike on the Kremlin, adding that both Ukraine and the United States looked ridiculous when they denied their involvement in the attack.

Noting the growing risk of escalation in recent months, he said the United States continued to use Ukraine as a tool to stage and carry out audacious and dangerous acts of provocation.

Moscow patiently and calmly made it clear to Washington that further escalation was unacceptable, Ryabkov said, adding that it was necessary for both sides to have contact.



The Future of the Monarchy: King Charles IIIs Coronation and Beyond "IndyWatch Feed"

The news that not only President Michael D Higgins and Taoiseach Leo Varadkar but also Sinn Fins Northern Ireland leader, Michelle ONeill, are to attend the coronation of King Charles III underlines the enormous improvements in relations between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland since the Good Friday Agreement.

Their presence in Westminster Abbey reflects the success of the visit by the late Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip to the Republic in 2011, as well as the many visits made by the then Prince Charles.

On the whole, the response in the Republic following the Queens death was respectful, and acknowledged the deep sense of loss felt by the British people, so many of whom have family ties to Ireland. Arguably, it also showed an awareness of the affection felt for her by the unionist population in Northern Ireland.

However, the coronation inevitably gives rise to debate on the future of the monarchy. Undoubtedly, much of the support for the institution when the Queen was alive reflected the longevity of her reign, an admiration for her sense of duty, and the feeling that she was one of the last of the war-time generation that endured the Blitz on London and other British cities.

The question is to what extent King Charles can maintain the momentum. A YouGov poll found 51% believe the coronation should not be publicly funded, as against 32% who do.

The recent series of Guardian articles on royal financing, the ongoing controversy about Harry and Meghan and the scandals about Prince Andrew have to be seen in the context of a generational divide in views on the royal family.

Over 50% in opinion polls want to retain the monarchy, but this compares to 60% in 2019. What is particularly significant is that nearly 40% of those aged 18-24 favour an elected head of state.

The challenge for the royal family is to seek to win the support of the young generation, and Charles undoubtedly will hope that Prince William and his wife Kate will be the firms weapon in that regard.

As an Irishman long resident in England, I am well aware of the ambivalent attitudes of many Irish towards the royal family. For many, they are seen as synonymous with the centuries of ill-treatment of Irish people and yet my memory from when I lived in Ireland is that there was still a lot of interest in the actions of the royals, and the welcome given to the late Queen in 2011 reflected a change in attitudes as part of the peace process.

The longer I am here, the more I understand the different perspectives British people have on the monarchy. For the older generation, it is seen as part and parcel of Britishness, as the one unchanging institution in a country which has experienced enormous change in their lifetimes.

Moreover, the monarch is seen as being above politics and I have heard comments to the idea of a politician becoming head of state, and that,...


Former CIA Officer Reveals Possible Motive Behind Kremlin Drone Attack "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ilya Tsukanov May 4, 2023

Drone strike on the Kremlin. Click to enlarge

The Ukrainian proxy war between the West and Russia escalated hours after midnight on Wednesday after a pair of drones believed to have been launched by Ukraine targeted the Kremlin. Commenting on the escalation, former CIA intelligence officer Larry Johnson said its a sign that Washingtons Ukraine policy is in freefall.

The United States is responsible for the drone attack on the Kremlin because decisions on such attacks are made not in Kiev, but in Washington, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. Washington should understand clearly that we know this, the spokesman told reporters Thursday.

Wednesdays brazen attack on the Kremlin, thought to have been targeting Russian President Vladimir Putin, was foiled by local electronic warfare systems, which disabled and down the pair of unmanned aerial vehicles before they could reach their final targets. Moscow vowed to retaliate at a time and place of its choosing, with authorities in Kiev reporting the most extensive Russian aid raids since the start of the year on Thursday.

Ukraines authorities earlier sheepishly denied involvement, disingenuously claiming that Kiev has limited its attacks to the fight on our territory, a remark in clear contradiction to previous similar drone attacks in Crimea, Belgorod and Voronezh, the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, and a base used by Russian strategic aviation in Engels, Saratov region.

Larry Johnson said the attempted attack on the Kremlin is highly symbolic, even if its tactically insignificant.

[It] didnt cause significant damage. The psychological impact, though, there are people that disagree on this, my view is that this is going to galvaniz...


Positive Thinking "IndyWatch Feed War"

Todd Hayen I keep trying to feel good, and I try to see the good in my life, the things that I am grateful for, and the beauty all around me. I dont think I have a problem with this, as long as it doesnt include trying to see the good in my government (Trudeau


Retirement planning tips for Gen Z "IndyWatch Feed World"

When youre still decades away from hanging it up, retirement planning is easy to put on the back burner. Heres what you can do in your 20s and 30s to make sure youll be on track.

Retirement is hardly a priority in your 20s and 30s. Youre still a newly-minted adult, so worrying what your 70-year-old self is going to need pales in comparison to your developing career, your student loan payments, and that rattling noise coming from your cars engine.

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How a Detroit company is lifting women out of poverty by transforming graffiti into jewelry "IndyWatch Feed World"

Amy Peterson left her job with the Detroit Tigers to launch Rebel Nell.

More than a half century after it first began to appear on subway cars and concrete walls, spray paint graffiti has become part of the urban landscape.  Some see it as artistic expression with cultural value; others see property-defacing vandalism. But to Amy Peterson, founder of Rebel Nell, a mission-driven jewelry company in Detroit, graffiti looks like opportunity.

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How drag duo the Boulet Brothers are building a queer horror empire "IndyWatch Feed World"

The impresarios behind Shudders Dragula reality series have a podcast, live shows, and a project with horror juggernaut Blumhouse Productions.

Waiting for your favorite holiday to roll around can be a real drag. Halloween enthusiasts no longer have that problem. AMC-owned horror streamer Shudder is using its hottest commoditydrag duo the Boulet Brothersto make half-Halloween a thing with The Boulet Brothers Halfway to Halloween TV Special.

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How Can You Spin This, 5D Bloggers? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Rolo Slavskiy The Slavland Chronicles May 5, 2023

OK, so, the last Prigozhin interview was more than an hour long. That meant that most people didnt watch it because they couldnt be bothered. Here is a 30 second clip though.

Here is what Prigozhin says in it:

These are the Wagner guys who died today. Their blood is still fresh. Film them all now. And now listen to me you fucking bitches. These men are someones fucking fathers and someones sons, and the scumbags who dont provide us with ammunition will eat their remains in hell. We have a 70% shortage of shells. Shoigu, Gerasimov, where is the fucking ammo? Look at them you bitches! Youre sitting in expensive clubs, your kids are enjoying life and making YouTube clips. You think that you own everything and have the right to control their lives? You think that if you control the ammo warehouses, you have the right? It is simple math! If you give us a normal amount of ammunition, the losses become 5 times lower. They came here as volunteers [to fight for Russia] so that you can continue getting fat in your fancy offices behind red wood desks. Take this into consideration!

Is this not clear enough? Punchy enough? Explicit enough?

What will they say?

Option a) ignore it and maintain the conspiracy of silence (cant upset the Western babies who cant handle bad news and will stop donating)

Option b) spin it as a 5D disinfo black ops play by Prigozhin to lure the Ukrainian army into a trap (Shoigu is in on it and helped cook up the scheme with Prigozhin)

Option c) attack Prigozhin and Wagner as Nazis, liars and traitors.

Lets see what they do.

Subscribe to The Slavland Chronicles

By Rolo Slavskiy    Hundreds of paid subscribers

Russia and the war against the Liberal occupation regime.




New Footage Shows El Paso Engulfed In Mass Migration Dumpster Fire As State Of Emergency Declared "IndyWatch Feed War"

Zero Hedge via Info Wars May 5, 2023

On Monday, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre made an absurd claim: When it comes to illegal migration, youve seen it come down by more than 90% under the Biden administration. And if that was the case, why did a Democrat mayor of a Texas border town declare a state of emergency?

Well, new footage from border town El Paso, Texas, shows a sobering view of a worsening migrant crisis that the Biden administration, liberal media, and progressive politicians have ignored for two years while calling anyone who pointed it out racist.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Blasts Open Borders: Not Anti-Immigrant to Oppose Illegal Immigration "IndyWatch Feed War"

John Binder May 4, 2023

Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is blasting open borders, saying it is not anti-immigrant to oppose illegal immigration to the United States which comes with immense economic and social burdens that overwhelmingly fall on working and middle class Americans.

Kennedy, who announced his populist presidential campaign last month, is defending Americans against the political lefts assumption that opposition to an open border equates to endorsing anti-immigrant bigotry.

Keeping criminal illegal aliens, such as four-time deported illegal alien Francisco Oropesa Perez-Torres, who is accused of murdering a family of five in Texas, out of American communities ought to be a priority, Kennedy wrote in the Twitter post.

President Joe Biden has ignored Oropesas status as a multi-deported illegal alien. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has likewise refused to comment on the suspect.

Francisco Oropeza Perez-Torres has been arrested for the murder of 5 people including a 9-year-old boy, Kennedy wrote. Torres is a Mexican already deported 4 times. It is not anti-immigrant bigotry to demand an immigration system that keeps out criminals. In fact, letting them in stokes bigotry.

In addition, Kennedy wrote that Americans can be both pro-immigration and pro-closing the border with a focus on eliminating chaos in U.S. border towns that is currently taking hold as President Joe Bidens administration ends Title 42, the public health authority, on May 11.

Right now we have chaos at the border, Kennedy wrote. Human trafficking, crimin...


The boycotts are working: Keep PUNISHING woke corporations by denying them your financial support "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ethan Huff Natural News May 5, 2023

Not long after Anheuser-Busch decided to make a mockery of women by honoring transgender male-in-drag Dylan Mulvaney, Bud Light sales fell by 26 percent. This is proof that voting with your wallet really does work to punish companies for going woke.

The same is true of Fox News, which lost half of its viewers in the 8pm nightly time slot after it canned conservative commentator Tucker Carlson. In the days after Carlson was let go, that same time slot saw more viewers watch Chris Hayes at MSNBC.

Keep in mind that with Carlson on board, Fox had more viewers in the 8pm time slot to watch him than the National Basketball Association (NBA) did during the playoffs that is how popular Carlson was and is. Now, Fox will likely go the way of MSNBC and CNN, both of which are barely watched except on the television screens at airports.

These are just two examples of the power of boycotts. We the People may not think they hold any power to make change, but in cases like this, choosing not to buy or not to watch can make or break a company or media outlet, which we are now witnessing with both Anheuser-Busch and Fox News.

(Related: Check out our earlier coverage about how woke corporations use wokeism as a cloak to try to hide their true evil intentions.)

Conservative Americans are also moving to red states to escape woke politics

Beer drinkers who used to drink Bud Light are now choosing Coors Light or Miller Light instead. And people who watch Carlson will follow him wherever he goes since their loyalties are to him and his beliefs, and not to Fox News.

Fox and Bud had better learn from this if they hope to keep their respective companies afloat. Some evidence exists to suggests that infiltrators at these two companies may be intentionally trying to drive them into oblivion, which appears to be working.

Whatever the case may be, voting with your remote and your wallet are two powerful ways to hold woke companies in check. Carefully choosing which products to buy and which networks to watch will also help bring more support to other companies and media outlets that have not gone woke.

With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, many Americans are also now voting with their roots, as some have chosen to leave blue states and move to red states and vice versa for leftists.

Division is never a good thing for a country that is meant to be united in strength, but with the leftist takeover of companies, media outlets, and other institutions, there is little alternative for con...


ABC Australia bashing elderly again and encouraging social conflict - Article by Sally Pepper "IndyWatch Feed World"

ABC again - interest rates now.  After multiple interest rate rises from the Reserve Bank, the effects are biting into the living standards of ordinary Australians trying to pay off their housing mortgages. The banks pass on the rises very rapidly to mortgage holders who are impelled to find the extra money. There is no mercy as far as I know .  Those with bank deposits gain a little as their interest earnings increase. Many holding term deposits, however have to wait until maturity of their term deposits to lock in a higher rate of interest. This could be months away. 

Typically older people are the ones earning interest on bank accounts and term deposits, which is considered a relatively safe (notwithstanding  the ravages of inflation) way of providing retirement income.

Those holding bank accounts and therefore earning the extra interest  are being characterised, particularly on the ABC as being 1. old and 2. ecstatic about their higher earnings 3. uncaring about the effects of high interest rates on borrowers.

The ABC does this by providing a platform for callers to vent their dislike of older people (termed baby Boomers) - a highly visible group.  The ABC would not give this platform to expressions of dislike of any other group in our society. The Age does it also. Here is a letter published in The Age on May 4th 2023  expressing an oft repeated opinion and one which is heard over and over on the ABC. .  This letter (May 3rd 2023) characterises a whole generation of people as unfeeling and unaware of the effect of interest rate rises on borrowers. It paints them as gleeful about a few extra dollars due to interest rate rises over which they have no control. 

"One group takes the hit
About 37 per cent of the population have home loans. This group takes the hit for all of us in trying to bring inflation under control. That is unfair. Contrast this with millions of Baby Boomers who own their own homes and celebrate interest rate increases.


The Reserve Bank should be given more tools (other than lifting the cash rate) to share the burden across the population.
Andrew Barrington, Barwon Heads"

It's a very divisive conversation setting  one generation against another.  Mortgage repayments are now huge because loans have to be huge to buy any property at all, so any increase in interest rates really bites into household budgets for those with mortgages. Wages are stagnant, so people have little room to move.  Already, typically two wage earners are needed to meet repayments. It is terrible!

Neither group - middle of the road oldies with term deposits nor young people who are stressed with high rents or mortgages - are in good positions.  For both gr...


New Vulnerability in Popular WordPress Plugin Exposes Over 2 Million Sites to Cyberattacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Users of Advanced Custom Fields plugin for WordPress are being flaw. The issue, assigned the identifier CVE-2023-30777, relates to a case of reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) that could be abused to inject arbitrary executable scripts into otherwise benign websites. The plugin, which is available both as a free and pro


A Dedicated GPU For Your Favorite SBC "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Raspberry Pi is famous for its low cost, versatile and open Linux environment, and plentiful I/O, making it a perfect device not only for its originally-intended educational purposes but for basically every hobbyist from gardeners to roboticists to amateur radio operators. Most builds tend to make use of the GPIO pins which allow easy connections to various peripherals and sensors, but the Pi also supports PCI devices which means that, in theory, it could use a GPU in much the same way that a modern computer would. After plenty of testing and development, [Jeff Geerling] brings us this custom graphics card interface for the Raspberry Pi.

The testing for all of these graphics cards has been done with a Pi Compute Module 4 and the end result is an interface device which looks much like a graphics card itself. It splits the PCI bus out onto a more familiar x16 slot connector and adds physical connections for power, USB, and Ethernet. When plugged into the carrier board, the Compute Module can be attached to any of a number of graphics cards, including the latest and highest-end of Nvidia and AMD offerings.

Perhaps unsu...


Offshore Wind Anyone? NATO Claims Russia has MINED Undersea Pipes and Cables "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

NATO claims Russia has already laid explosive charges, ready to detonate when the Kremlin gives the go order.

Google Will Remove Secure Website Indicators in Chrome 117 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Google will remove secure website indicators in Chrome 117:

Google announced today that the lock icon, long thought to be a sign of website security and trustworthiness, will soon be changed with a new icon that doesn't imply that a site is secure or should be trusted.

While first introduced to show that a website was using HTTPS encryption to encrypt connections, the lock symbol is no longer needed given that more than 99% of all web pages are now loaded in Google Chrome over HTTPS.

These also include websites used as landing pages in phishing attacks or other malicious purposes, designed to take advantage of the lock icon to trick the targets into thinking they're safe from attacks.

"This misunderstanding is not harmless nearly all phishing sites use HTTPS, and therefore also display the lock icon," Google said.

[...] The lock icon will be changed in Chrome 117 with a "variant of the tune icon," a user interface element commonly linked to app settings and designed to show that it's a clickable item.

[...] This move was first announced almost two years ago, in August 2021, when the company revealed that secure website indicators are no longer needed and would be removed from Google Chrome's address bar since over 90% of connections are made over HTTPS.

"When HTTPS was rare, the lock icon drew attention to the additional protections provided by HTTPS. Today, this is no longer true, and HTTPS is the norm, not the exception, and we've been evolving Chrome accordingly," Google said.

[...] It's worth noting that Google Chrome will continue to alert users of insecure plaintext HTTP connections on all platforms.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.

The death of a place to sit "IndyWatch Feed World"

Fast-food restaurants like McDonalds and Taco Bell are getting rid of dining rooms. Its not just customers who are losing out.

Go to just about any fast-food restaurant in the late morning, and youll see older adults enjoying a cup of coffee with friends. Head there in the late afternoon, and youll encounter teens getting into (just a little) mischief after school. These scenes exist because our fast-food restaurants are more than a place to grab an inexpensive bitetheyre social necessities.

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Sudan: The New Geopolitical Battlefield Between East and West? "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The potential outbreak of a civil war sparked by a factional fight within Sudans military government poses a destabilization threat beyond the nations borders into Africa, West Asia, and the emerging multipolar order. This suits the west just fine. The story of Sudan is one of contrasts and contradictions. It is a country with tremendous Continue reading Sudan: The New Geopolitical Battlefield Between East and West?


Belgrade Forums Appeal to Endorse Dialogue, Diplomacy and Detente as the Only Possible Path for Preventing a Global Conflict that Threatens the Future of Humanity "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Acuerdan cambio de moderadora para segundo debate al gobierno del Edomx "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Representantes de Delfina Gmez ante el IEEM, y de Alejandra del Moral, acuerdan cambio de la moderadora para el segundo debate al Gobierno del Edomx. []

La entrada Acuerdan cambio de moderadora para segundo debate al gobierno del Edomx se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


WHOs Latest Statement Says More About WHO Than It Says About COVID-19 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Were worse off even by lockdown standards (2020)

Weekly number of deaths in England and Wales from January 2020 to April 2023

COVID-19 is solved; But deaths are off the chart!

IT is exceedingly frustrating to be governed by institutions or public organisations funded by pharmaceutical companies (patent licensors) and their shareholders. The conflict of interest is profoundly yet rarely mentioned.

Based on the hard data, or the after-the-fact analysis, COVID-19 has left society far less healthy. In the UK and Ireland, for instance, far more people than one might expect are dying each day. The media doesnt talk about it (or barely/seldom mentions it), but many critical thinkers have openly expressed concerns about these figures. The causes barely included suicides (theyre less than 5% of these gains); so what is it?

That WHO has become a bit of a COVID minimiser (not denier), helping to shape the narrative for companies whose products barely helped, says a lot about WHO and the UN. Dont take health advice from these bureaucrats.


The Hate & Great Divide Tearing Apart Even Families "IndyWatch Feed World"

COMMENT #1: I see you are not a 100% diehard Republican or a Democrat. Not sure what that makes you. Perhaps you should run for president.


COMMENT #2: The more I have looked into everything, the more I see your point. The majority of people think linearly. Everything is just a straight line. It seems hopeless to ever get humanity to advance and see the world of cycles.


COMMENT #3: You are as biased as Tucker. Your day is coming too.


COMMENT #4: These are trying times. I and my son no longer talk. He voted for Biden and I for Trump. He refuses to relent and we no longer have respect for one another. Never thought this would come to that.


REPLY: First, I am sure you are being sarcastic. I think they would assassinate me before my hand ever got close to the book to swear in. I dont have the passion to rule from the White House. I believe in cycles, not the authoritarian rule. The country is too deeply divided. I am middle of the road. I believe in individual freedom of speech, religion, and rights. Our company is like the UN. We have offices around the world with different races, creeds, and ethnic backgrounds. We all get along and we all respect each other. Our staff is there because they are qualified not to fill some slot to pretend we are diversified.



New megalithic monument discovered in heart of Andalusia in southern Spain - 5,000-year-old secret "IndyWatch Feed World"

Archaeologists in Spain uncovered a previously overlooked tomb while investigating the formation of La Pea de los Enamorados, also known as the sleeping giant. The Antequera archaeological site in southern Spain is home to a number of ancient structures dating back to the third and fourth millennia BC, including the Menga, Viera, and El Romeral megaliths. According to a study that was published on April 15 in the journal Antiquity, the Antequera site contains both man-made and "natural monuments," but is best known for its prehistoric megaliths. The "natural monuments" at the site include La Pea de los Enamorados, a stone "sleeping giant" that towers about 2,900 feet above the ground, researchers said. The Sleeping Giant had a 5000-year-old secret hidden in his chest: Piedras Blancas megalithic grave. The rectangular stone structure was built at least 5,000 years ago, according to the study. It was used for millennia in three distinct phases before being abandoned between 1950...


How Ireland is celebrating the king's coronation "IndyWatch Feed World"

LIKE all other 8 billion inhabitants of planet earth, Ireland is 'Coronation Crazy' and is fit to burst with excitement at the prospect of King Charles donning a crown in front of adoring and loyal public. And here's all the ways Ireland is celebrating the historic occasion: - Special masses will be laid on around Ireland, allowing people a place to pray for torrential rain to hit London. - Getting the calculator out and working out how much good 100mn could do for poor people across Britain if it wasn't been spent on a party for Charles. - Generally staring in the direction of England incredulously while wondering if they should contact NHS mental health professionals on England's behalf. - Any horse born in Ireland on Coronation Day must bare the name Camilla


Davos and the Purloined Letter Conspiracy. Klaus Schwabs Global Leaders of Tomorrow "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Hypocritical Commemorations "IndyWatch Feed War"

Selected days for commemoration serve one fundamental purpose. Centrally, they acknowledge the forgotten or neglected, while proposing to do nothing about it. Its the priests confession, the chance for absolution before the next round of soiling.

These occasions are often money-making exercises for canny businesses: the days put aside to remember mothers and fathers, for instance. But there is no money to be made in saving writers, publishers, whistleblowers, and journalists from the avenging police state.

World Press Freedom Day, having limped on for three decades, is particularly fraught in this regard. It remains particularly loathsome, not least for giving politicians an opportunity to leave flimsy offerings at its shrine. These often come from the powerful, the very same figures responsible for demeaning and attacking those brave scribblers who do, every so often, show how the game is played.

Every year, we see reactions often uneven, and almost always hypocritical. The treatment of US journalist Evan Gershkovich is the stellar example for 2023. Here was the caged victim-hero scribbler, held in the remorseless clutches of the Russian Bear.

It gave US Secretary of State Antony Blinken an opportunity to do the usual cartwheel. Far too many governments use repression to silence free expression, including through reprisals against journalists for simply doing their jobs, goes his May 3 press statement. We again call on Russian authorities to immediately release Wall Street reporter Gershkovich and all other journalists held for exercising freedom of expression. What, then, of the Australian publisher and founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange?

With unintended, bleak irony, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) also thought it fitting to rope in the Secretary at a World Press Freedom Day event organised in conjunction with the Washington Post. Talking to his interlocutor, the Posts David Ignatius, Blinken spoke of efforts to fight back and push back around the world to help journalists, who in one way or another, are facing intimidation, coercion, persecution, prosecution, surveillance. This seemed grimly comical, given that the United States, through its agencies, has engaged in intimidation, coercion, persecution, prosecution and surveillance against Assange, whose scalp they continue to seek with salivating expectation.

In the course of the event, Ignatius and Blinken encountered Code Pink activists Medea Benjamin and Tinghe Barry. Both were keen to test the Secretarys lofty assessments about Washingtons stance on free expression and journalistic practice. Excuse me, we cant use this day without calling for the freedom of Julian Ass...


Video: Ahorcan y someten a indigente en metro de Nueva York, EE.UU. "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El exinfante de la marina de 24 aos se abalanz contra un hombre en el metro de Nueva York y lo estrangulo durante varios minutos []

La entrada Video: Ahorcan y someten a indigente en metro de Nueva York, EE.UU. se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


1090 MHz ADS-B Mode-S Military Aircraft Logs "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military aircraft transponder logs from January 2014 to present (last updated 6th May 2023), using 1090 MHz ADS-B Mode-S receiver located near Manchester International Airport.


The Covid Plandemic: Fear Is the Name of the Game The Legal Approach "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Fuera Mscaras! Lilly Tllez le pide a panistas aceptarse de derecha "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Lilly Tllez pidi a los integrantes de su partido, que se definan y que no se sientan presionados por vincularse con la derecha poltica.   []

La entrada Fuera Mscaras! Lilly Tllez le pide a panistas aceptarse de derecha se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Leaked Internal Google Document Claims Open Source AI Will Outcompete Google and OpenAI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In the world of large language models (LLM), the focus has for the longest time been on proprietary technologies from companies such as OpenAI (GPT-3 & 4, ChatGPT, etc.) as well as increasingly everyone from Google to Meta and Microsoft. Whats remained underexposed in this whole discussion about which LLM will do more things better are the efforts by hobbyists, unaffiliated researchers and everyone else you may find in Open Source LLM projects. According to a leaked document from a researcher at Google (anonymous, but apparently verified), Google is very worried that Open Source LLMs will wipe the floor with both Googles and OpenAIs efforts.

According to the document, after the open source community got their hands on the leaked LLaMA foundation model, motivated and highly knowledgeable individuals set to work to take a fairly basic model to new levels wh...


Latest Aerial Shots of The New US Embassy Awkar Campus "IndyWatch Feed World"

The new US Embassy campus in Awkar is starting to take shape, as seen from the latest photos shared on the embassys FB page following a visit by US Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy C. Shea. The massive new campus is being built over an area of 174,000 square meters and is expected to be completed in 2023 but Im sure the pandemic has pushed its completion by a year or two.

Size-wise, a 43-acre embassy in Beirut would make it the second largest in the world behind Baghdad.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Writers Strike Looks to Be a Long Fight, as Hollywood Braces


May 3, 2023

LOS ANGELES (AP) Hollywood writers picketing to preserve pay and job security outside major studios and streamers braced for a long fight at the outset of a strike that immediately forced late-night shows into hiatus, put other productions on pause and had the entire industry slowing its roll.

The first Hollywood strike in 15 years commenced Tuesday as the 11,500 members of the Writers Guild of America stopped working when their contract expired.

The union is seeking higher minimum pay, more writers per show and less exclusivity on single projects, among other demands all conditions it says have been diminished in the content boom of the streaming era.

Everythings changed, but the money has changed in the wrong direction, said Kelly Galuska, 39, a writer for The Bear on FX and Big Mouth on Netflix, who picketed at Fox Studios in Los Angeles with her 3-week-old daughter. Its a turning point in the industry right now. And if we dont get back to even, we never will.

The last Hollywood strike, from the same union in 2007 and 2008, took three months to resolve. With no talks or even plans to talk pending between the WGA and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, which represents studios and productions companies, there is no telling how long writers will have to go without pay, or how many major productions will be delayed, shortened or scrapped.

Well stay out as long as it takes, Josh Gad, a writer for shows including Central Park and an actor in films including Frozen, said from the Fox picket line.

The AMPTP said in a statement that it presented an offer with generous increases in compensation for writers as well as improvements in streaming residuals and was prepared to improve its offer but was unwilling to do so because of the magnitude of other proposals still on the table that the guild continues to insist upon.

The writers were well aware that a sto...


Czech FM says no 'future' for China's 14+1 initiative at meeting with US' Blinken "IndyWatch Feed World"

The cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries, the 14+1 initiative, has lost its significance for the Czech Republic, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lpavsky said Thursday. "I thanked the US on their strategic leadership on China. I assured [US] Secretary [Antony] Blinken that we are ready to work with them within the European framework. The 14+1 has neither substance nor future," he said in an interview with Politico. The 14+1 is an initiative launched by the Chinese Foreign Ministry to promote business and investment relations between China and 14 nations from Central and Eastern Europe. It is also aimed at the areas of culture, science, education, and tourism.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

What Do Striking Hollywood Writers Want? A Look at Demands

Associated Press

May 3, 2023

The 11,500 members of the Writers Guild of America went on strike Tuesday after negotiations with Hollywood studios that began in March failed to result in an agreement. The guild has billed the issues behind the labor dispute as an existential crisis. Writers say theyre facing a host of new issues brought on by streaming and other recent technological shifts in the industry.

Heres a look at the demands behind the first Hollywood strike in 15 years, as the industry braces for a long hiatus:


The guild is seeking higher compensation for writers across the board. Though there are more jobs available to WGA members than ever before because of the proliferation of streaming services, pay for most writers is down. Ten years ago, 33% of TV writers were paid the minimum rate. Now, according to the WGA, 49% are. Accounting for inflation, writer pay has declined 14% in the last five years. The median weekly writer-producer pay is down 23% over the last decade, with inflation factored in. Writers say many of their members arent even making a living wage. They are also seeking increases for their pension plan and health fund.


For more than half a century, residuals have been a foundational way for writers to make money. But streaming has upended those payouts. Writers used to be handsomely compensated anytime their work went into syndication or was sold for overseas territories. Reruns meant a big payday. But now, series and films often simply land a streaming service and stay there. Streaming services also generally dont share viewership data with filmmakers and writers, meaning writers dont know how valuable their work has been. To replace backend residuals, the WGA is seeking more upfront fees.


The union wants TV shows to staff a certain number of writers for a period of time. At issue is the rising practice of mini rooms where only a handful of writers are working on a serie...


Poet Ounsi el Hage Honored with a Tile on His Achrafieh Residence "IndyWatch Feed World"

A tile in memory of Poet Ounsi el Hage was placed today on the entrance of the building where he once resided for 55 years. Ounsis daughter posted on Facebook about it thanking Ounsis friends and shared a picture of the honorary tile and the Achrafieh building.

Ounsi el Hage is a famous famous contemporary poet, journalist and translator. He started his professional career in 1956 as a director of the Cultural section of Al-Hayat newspaper before moving to Annahar where he became a permanent editor for the non political content. Ounsis Lan is considered the first ever compilation of poems in prose in Arabic language.

Ounsi was celebrated by a Google Doodle on his 79th birthday. I also found a nice documentary on the poet which I shared below:


Video: Derrumbe en obra en alcalda Cuauhtmoc deja sepultados a trabajadores; esto se sabe "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Un derrumbe en una construccin de departamentos se registr este viernes, dejando a tres trabajadores lesionados y a una persona detenida. Regeneracin Mx, 5 mayo []

La entrada Video: Derrumbe en obra en alcalda Cuauhtmoc deja sepultados a trabajadores; esto se sabe se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


48% of Americans concerned about safety of their money, multiple bank stocks plunge rattling Wall Street "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Wall Street Journal chief economics correspondent Nick Timiraos discusses how the Silicon Valley Bank collapse weakened the banking industry on 'The Big Money Show.' Nearly half of Americans are losing their faith in banks after the U.S. banking system faced a series of blows that was an eerie reminder of the 2008 financial crisis. According to a recent Gallup poll, 48% of Americans are concerned about the safety of their funds in banks or other financial institutions. Of them, about 19% reported feeling "very" concerned, and 29% said they were "moderately" worried, according to the data. Comparatively, about 30% were "not too worried," and 20% weren't stressed at all.


How to fight for Covid truth "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Guy Hatchard | TCW Defending Freedom | May 6, 2023

The writer is in New Zealand.

Every day brings more news of extreme efforts to promote biotech vaccines and cancel those asking questions.

For example Dr Mark Tykocinski, an immunologist with a spotless academic record who is president of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia may be about to lose his job. His sole mistake appears to be liking tweets by former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson who questions vaccine safety.

British MP Andrew Bridgen has been expelled from the Conservative Party. According to Bridgen, a senior UK politician has privately admitted to him that he may well be right about Covid vaccine harms, but said the government is expecting to suppress public information about Covid vaccine adverse effects for the next 20 years, citing lack of political appetite for a public disclosure.

Statistician Professor Norman Fenton was locked out of his Twitter account following a complaint that he had broken German law by claiming Covid data manipulation...

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