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Friday, 05 May


Im November: Whole Foods verkrzt in San Francosco ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Im November: Whole Foods verkrzt in San Francosco die ffnungszeiten. Begrndung: Hohe Diebstahlraten und feindlich gesinnte Leute.

Vor ein paar Wochen: Whole Foods schliet ihren Laden in San Francisco wegen "employee safety concerns". Oh und zu vielen Raubdelikten.

Jetzt so: Nordstrom schliet beide Lden in Downtown San Francisco. Sie bleiben unkonkret, aber der Betreiber der Mall, in dem einer der Lden war, sagt folgendes:

"A growing number of retailers and businesses are leaving the area due to the unsafe conditions for customers, retailers, and employees, coupled with the fact that these significant issues are preventing an economic recovery of the area," the statement said.

The mall's owner went on to say that it had expressed serious concerns to city leaders for many years and "urged the city to find solutions to the key issues and lack of enforcement against rampant criminal activity."

Was ist denn da bitte los? Whole Foods ist sowas wie eine Bioladen-Kette. Das Essen da ist vergleichsweise teuer, deren Lden sind eher nicht in heruntergekommenen Gegenden. Nordstrom ist eine Bekleidungskette, vielleicht vergleichbar mit C&A. Normalerweise wrde man denken, dass sich Kriminalitt erstmal bei Juwelieren und Apple Stores und sowas zeigt.

Ich fhlte mich spontan an Escape from L.A. erinnert. Weia.

Endlich auch mal gute Wirtschaftsnachrichten: Der Dollar ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Endlich auch mal gute Wirtschaftsnachrichten: Der Dollar verliert langsam seinen Status als "Reservewhrung". 2001 waren noch 73% der Einlagen in Dollar, heute sind es noch 58%.

The dollar suffered a stunning collapse in 2022 in its market share as a reserve currency, presumably due to its muscular use of sanctions, Jen and Freire wrote. Exceptional actions taken by the US and its allies against Russia have startled large reserve-holding countries, most of which are emerging economies from the so-called Global South, they said.
Oh, ach? Die Sanktionen sind auch mal schdlich fr die USA, nicht immer nur fr alle anderen?

Microsoft versucht schon wieder, mit unlauteren Tricks ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Microsoft versucht schon wieder, mit unlauteren Tricks ihren Kunden Edge berzuhelfen. Diesmal: Outlook ffnet Links nicht mit dem eingestellten Browser sondern mit Edge. Weil, h, ... zur Steigerung der, uhm, Produktivitt und so!1!!

Oh und fr Teams wollen sie das auch einfhren.

Ich kann da nur empfehlen, was ich eh schon seit Jahren empfehle: Outlook und Teams nicht einsetzen.

Gute Nachrichten! Nein, diesmal wirklich!!Landgericht ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Gute Nachrichten! Nein, diesmal wirklich!!

Landgericht Mnchen: Massenabmahnungen wegen Google-Fonts-Einbettung waren rechtsmissbruchlich. Das Gericht fhrt aus, dass die Abmahner die Webseiten ja gar nicht persnlich besucht haben, sondern das war ein Crawler.

"Vielmehr wurde ein automatisiertes Programm (sog. Crawler) eingesetzt, um Websites aufzufinden, auf denen Google-Fonts dynamisch eingebunden waren. (...) Wer Websites gar nicht persnlich aufsucht, kann persnlich auch keine Verrgerung oder Verunsicherung ber die bertragung seiner IP-Adresse an die Fa. Google in den USA verspren", heit es zur Begrndung.

Wartet, wird noch besser.

Wer sich bewusst und gezielt in eine Situation begibt, in der ihm eine Persnlichkeitsrechtsverletzung droht, um daraus Ansprche abzuleiten, sei nicht schutzbedrftig.
Wo sind solche Richter, wenn die Urheberrechtsmafia irgendwelche computerlosen Omas wegen offener WLANs verfolgt?

Ja warte mal, Fefe, wenn das rechtsmissbruchlich war, war das dann Betrug?

Das Gericht entschied jedoch nicht ber die Frage, ob es sich bei den Anschreiben um einen strafbaren Betrugsversuch oder vollendeten Betrug gehandelt hat. Darber "hat die Staatsanwaltschaft in dem von ihr gefhrten strafrechtlichen Ermittlungsverfahren zu entscheiden".
Wenn ihr mich fragt, knnte man hier auch darber nachdenken, ob das nicht schwerer Betrug ist, weil eine Bande gewerbsmig gehandelt hat.

Ein Leser erzhlt folgende krasse Geschichte:Vor ca. ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ein Leser erzhlt folgende krasse Geschichte:

Vor ca. 3 Tagen haben alle Videobrillen des kroatischen Herstellers Orqa zeitgleich den Betrieb komplett eingestellt und keiner wusste bisher, warum das so ist und wie man das behebt.

Diese Videobrillen werden als Videoempfnger und Bildausgabegert fr (Hobby-) Drohnen und Flugmodelle genutzt, um die Flugmodelle aus der Pilotenperspektive zu steuern.
Fr die Besitzer dieser (recht teuren, ca 600) Gerte hie das, dass diese an einem Sonntagnachmittag - zur besten Hobbyzeit - pltzlich gar nicht mehr fliegen konnten. Quasi die Apokalypse fr den Hersteller der Videobrillen, da dieser ausschlielich von diesem einem Produkt lebt.

Der Hersteller sprach erst von einem Softwarebug, der mit Zeit/Datum zusammenhngen sollte.
Mittlerweile hat sich aber herausgestellt, dass ein ehemaliger contractor von Orqa vor einigen Jahren schon eine Firmware-"Zeitbombe" in den Bootloader eingebaut hatte, die gezielt an diesem Sonntag die Hardware weltweit funktionsunfhig gemacht hat, um Lsegeld von Orqa zu erpressen - ganz unter dem Vorwand von "Lizenzkosten".
Offensichtlich wurde hier Entwicklung outgesourced und nicht weiter berprft.

Der Vorfall wurde mittlerweile von Orqa auf deren Webseite exakt so besttigt.

Das Problem wurde bisher noch nicht behoben und die Hardware ist nach wie vor fr alle Kunden funktionsunfhig.
Das drfte auerdem meines Wissens nach einer der ersten dokumentierten Flle von Ransomware auf Consumerhardware sein.

(Unabhngig von dieser Story werden diese Videobrillen - wie viele nhliche Modelle anderer Hersteller - auch aktuell im Ukrainekrieg eingesetzt, um dort mit Sprengladungen bestckte Drohnen zu fliegen. Die Piloten dort werden von dem gleichen Problem betroffen sein, der Ransomwareangriff hat damit aber keinen direkten Zusammenhang)

"We experimentally verify this attack by compromising ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

"We experimentally verify this attack by compromising the AMD Secure Processor". Der AMD Platform Security Processor ist das AMD-Pendant zur Intel Management Engine, die pro Jahr einen Nebelwerfer-Buchstaben mehr dazu kriegt, und jetzt CSME heit (Converged Security and Management Engine).

In dem Paper geht es um das "Software-TPM", das bei AMD in dem PSP luft, dem Platform Security Processor, inzwischen auch umbenannt zu AMD-SP (AMD Secure Processor).

Ist mir ja ein Rtsel, wieso die stndig ihren ganzen Schei umbenennen mssen. Wobei. Immer nach einem vollen Bruch der Security, oder? :-) Nene, lieber Kunde, das hier ist was GANZ anderes als der unsichere Schlangenl-Schei von neulich!1!!

In dem Paper greifen sie einmal den internen State des Software-TPM ab und knnen dann damit Bitlocker (full disk encryption unter Windows) aufmachen. Das ist eine ziemliche PR-Katastrophe fr AMD. Die haben gerade eh Stress, weil deren CPUs so eine heie Scheie sind, dass sie sich durchs Mainboard schweien knnen.

Whrend bei AMD die Prozessoren in Flammen stehen, ist es bei Intel die Quartalsbilanz. Gerade keine gute Zeit fr CPU-Bauer.

Update: So, hab mal reingeguckt in das Papier. Die verwenden Hardware-Angriffe, also Voltage Glitching. Dafr muss ein Angreifer physischen Zugang zum System haben.

Die meisten Threat Models gehen nach wie vor davon aus, dass man einen Angreifer mit physischem Zugang nicht aufhalten kann. Allerdings behaupten ja TPMs implizit genau das. Insofern ist das gut, dass das mal jemand geprft hat. Auf der anderen Seite ist die berraschung jetzt nicht ganz so gro wie wenn sie, sagen wir mal, blo von einem USB Stick gebootet htten oder so, und dann nachtrglich die Measurements bernageln knnten. So ist das ein bisschen ... antiklimaktisch gerade.

Gut, aber was heit das in der Praxis? Na das, was Experten schon immer gesagt haben. Bitlocker macht man mit TPM und mit einer starken Passphrase. Damit verhindert man zwar nicht, dass jemand mit physischen Hardwarezugriff den Bitlocker aufmachen kann (der Zoll z.B. kann dir eine Hardware-Wanze unterschieben, die die Passphrase von der Tastatur mitliest und nach Hause telefoniert). Aber das war schon immer das Bedrohungsmodell unter Paranoikern. Wenn jemand physischen Zugriff auf meine Hardware hatte, ist es nicht mehr meine Hardware. Darum erkennt man Paranoiker daran, dass sie beim Referentendinner ihren Laptop dabei haben. :-)

Brillante Idee: "Use AI to detect fake reviews and ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Brillante Idee: "Use AI to detect fake reviews and scams". Eine Browser Extension. Die Firma wurde gerade von Mozilla gekauft.

Was kann DA schon schiefgehen!

Palmer tritt aus den Grnen aus.Seid ihr auch so froh, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Palmer tritt aus den Grnen aus.

Seid ihr auch so froh, dass wir jetzt endlich die People of Color gerettet haben? Da kann man endlich wieder bedenkenlos die Sweatshop-Sneaker auftragen, und die Unterwsche aus Bangladesch. Und die Sweatshop-Jeans. Dann schn einen Sweatshop-Plantagen-Kaffee trinken, und ein Selfie mit dem Sweatshop-Smartphone machen. Hauptsache der Palmer sagt nicht mehr "das N-Wort".

Das Leben ist wieder gut bei den Grnen!

Was fr ein verlogenes Pack. Ekelhaft.

Lacher des Tages: Der arme Lindner muss jetzt gegen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Lacher des Tages: Der arme Lindner muss jetzt gegen Subventionen fr Industriestrom sein. Weil der Vorschlag von Habeck kam.

Was fr eine Realsatire!

Der muss sich aber warm anziehen, sonst wird als nchstes Habeck der neue FDP-Kanzlerkandidat. Klientelpolitik macht der jedenfalls aktuell berzeugender als die FDP mit ihren Hoteliers :-)

Ein Fotograf hat versucht, seine Bilder aus den Trainingsdaten ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ein Fotograf hat versucht, seine Bilder aus den Trainingsdaten von LAION entfernen zu lassen. Ergebnis: "Nein". Und eine Anwaltsrechnung ber knapp 900 Euro.

Begrndung: Wir haben deine Bilder nicht mehr, die sind in die trainierte KI eingeflossen und knnen jetzt nicht mehr entfernt werden. Durch deinen Copyright-Antrag sind uns Kosten entstanden, die muss jetzt jemand tragen. Wir haben ja nichts falsches gemacht, also: Du.

Laion sind die hier. Ein gemeinntziger Verein aus Hamburg. Die Kanzlei mit der Rechnung war Heidrich Rechtsanwlte, as in Jrg Heidrich, Heise-Justiziar. Der Fotograf heit Robert Kneschke. Seine Darstellung des Sachverhalts findet ihr in seinem Blog.

Aktuelle Eskalationsstufe:

Update 27.04.2023, 16:25 Uhr:
Wir haben eben die Klage gegen LAION e.V. vor dem Landgericht Hamburg eingereicht.
Na da bin ich mal gespannt, was aus der Geschichte wird.

Update: Mir haben mehrere Leser geschrieben, dass das sogar noch ein bisschen absurder ist. LAION hat gar kein KI-Modell von den Fotos sondern blo eine Liste mit URLs zu den Bildern. Das rckt das Auskunftsersuchen des Fotografen fr mich in ein anderes Licht.


US denies any involvement in Kremlin drone attack "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  The US has denied Russian claims it masterminded an alleged drone attack on the Kremlin. The White House said the US had no involvement at all, adding the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov was lying,  reports the BBC Russia has accused Ukraine of carrying out the alleged attack with Washingtons support, claiming it was an []

The post US denies any involvement in Kremlin drone attack appeared first on New Telegraph.


Cyberpress Launches Cybersecurity Press Release Distribution Platform "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Cyberpress

Dubai / May 1st 2023 / Cyberpress Cybersecurity gets a new dedicated newswire. Cyberpress, a press release

This is a post from Read the original post: Cyberpress Launches Cybersecurity Press Release Distribution Platform


Edo: Gunmen Abduct 12 Travellers, Mother Escapes, Abandons 9-Year-Old Daughter "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

No fewer than 12 people including a nine-year-old girl, were reportedly kidnapped by gunmen suspected to be Fulani herdsmen along the Afuze-Ihievbe-Auchi road, in Owan East Local Government Area of Edo State. The incident which reportedly occurred on Tuesday, between 6 and 7 pm, was made known in a viral video that emerged on social []

The post Edo: Gunmen Abduct 12 Travellers, Mother Escapes, Abandons 9-Year-Old Daughter appeared first on New Telegraph.


Edo Kidnapped Victims: Police Rescue 2, After Perpetrators "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The operatives of the Edo State Police Command on Thursday rescued two out of the 12 kidnapped victims in the state. New Telegraph had earlier reported that the victims were kidnapped on the Afuze-Auchi road, Ihevbe community in Owan East Local Government Area of Edo state. The victims were said to be travelling to Auchi []

The post Edo Kidnapped Victims: Police Rescue 2, After Perpetrators appeared first on New Telegraph.


Sudan Crisis: We Need More Aircraft To Evacuate Nigerians FG "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Following the evacuation of over 376 Nigerians from Sudan, the Federal Government has called on imminent Nigerians that it needs more aircraft to evacuate other citizens stranded in the war-torn country. Speaking at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport, Abuja on Thursday, the Chairman, of Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM), Abike Dabiri-Erewa said if 4 additional airplanes []

The post Sudan Crisis: We Need More Aircraft To Evacuate Nigerians FG appeared first on New Telegraph.


PacWest Bancorp Shares Crash "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: AFP: Shares of PacWest Bancorp were in free fall Thursday after the banks attempt to reassure investors fell flat amid another pummeling of US regional bank stocks. Near 1600 GMT, shares of PacWest were down more than 50 percent. Other leading banks were also on the back foot, including Western Alliance (-43 percent), Zions []


The Case of the Missing Climate Crisis:  Greek Edition "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Given the European declaration of climate emergency, along with the establishment of a ministry of climate crisis in Greece, this dataset was also investigated from a climatic perspective using the longest of the data records to assess whether or not they support the climate crisis doctrine.


Troll Threatens Seyi Law Over Presidential Choice "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nigerian UK-based comedian, Seyi Law has shared a disturbing message his wife received from a troll over his presidential candidate. It would be recalled that Seyi Law lost the love and support of fans when he declared his love for Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress (APC) as his presidential candidate. Seyi []

The post Troll Threatens Seyi Law Over Presidential Choice appeared first on New Telegraph.


Peso mexicano goza de su mejor nivel desde 2017 "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El peso contina fortalecindose en los mercados internacionales. Acertada estabilizacin y crecimiento de Mxico por parte de la 4 T encabezada por AMLO Regeneracin, 4 []

La entrada Peso mexicano goza de su mejor nivel desde 2017 se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Link "IndyWatch Feed War"

Kit Knightly Yesterday evening, the Russian Government claims, two drones attacked the Kremlin with the intention of assassinating President Vladimir Putin. The Russians assert these drones were sent by the Ukrainian government. The drones were allegedly picked up by the Kremlins air defenses and blown to pieces before they could do any harm. The Russian


We Already Live in a Hydrogen Economy: Steel Production, Generator Cooling, and Welding Gas "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Metallurgist working by the blast furnaces in Tinec Iron and Steel Works. (Credit: Tineck elezrny)

Although generally hydrogen is only mentioned within the context of transportation and energy storage, by far the most useful applications are found in industrial applications, including for the chemical industry, the manufacturing of steel, as well as that of methanol and fertilizer. This is illustrated by how today most of all hydrogen produced today is used for these industrial applications, as well as for applications such as cooling turbo generators, with demand for hydrogen in these applications rapidly increasing.

Currently virtually all hydrogen produced today comes from natural gas, via steam methane reformation (SMR), with potentially methane pyrolysis making natural gas-derived hydrogen a low-carbon source. The remainder of hydrogen comes from coal gasification and a small fraction from electrolysis of water. The hydrogen is often produced on-site, especially at industrial plants and thermal power plants. So aside from any decarbonization efforts, ther...


Fungal Attacks Threaten Global Food Supply, Researchers Say "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to


Fungal Attacks Threaten Global Food Supply, Researchers Say (Maria)

The author writes, Fast-rising fungal attacks on the worlds most important crops threaten the planets future food supply, scientists have said, warning that failing to tackle fungal pathogens could lead to a global health catastrophe. Fungi are already by far the biggest destroyer of crops. They are highly resilient, travel long distances on the wind and can feast on large fields of a single crop. The impact of fungal disease is expected to worsen, the researchers say, as the climate crisis results in temperatures rising and fungal infections moving steadily polewards. 


Kremlin Drone: Zelenskyy Denies Ukraine Attacked Putin or Moscow (Sean)

The author writes, Ukraines President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has denied his country carried out an alleged drone attack on the Kremlin, which Russia says was an attempt on President Vladimir Putins life. We dont attack Putin or Moscow. We fight on our territory. We are defending our villages and cities, he said, speaking on a visit to Finland. The Russian presidents office said defenses downed two drones overnight. It threatened to retaliate when and where it considered necessary.


Jordan Neely Just Needed Some Help (Dana)

From Defector: A 30-year-old black man named Jordan Neely died on a New York City subway train on Tuesday. He was upset, yelling, possibly in the midst of a mental health crisis, and then a white man came over and put him in a chokehold and held him in that chokehold for 15 minutes, by the end of which Neely was dead. Thats pretty straightforwardly murder, by any reasonable moral standard if perhaps not by whichever tortured legalistic one will be offer......


Taibbi And Musk Are Not The Story "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Taibbi has been a journalist, and let the chips fall wherever, which also means, never become part of the story you're reporting. That's high praise (well-deserved I think), and a near-impossibility in this case, even without an embarrassed media establishment hellbent on making him the villain of the story, in hopes of a spectacle that could displace the real story. Which also says something about culture.


Author Of Limits To Growth (1972) Still Promotes Population Reduction Of 86% "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Meadows is insane to think that getting rid of 6 billion or so human inhabitants of earth can be peaceful or fair. Yet, his Club...

Author Of Limits To Growth (1972) Still Promotes Population Reduction Of 86%


A Philippine town and its leaders show how mangrove restoration can succeed "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

PRIETO DIAZ, Philippines Working quietly before a bucket of rabbitfish, known locally as danggit, two women precisely cut open each fish with square knives, gutting and deboning before repeating the process. A third woman scrubs each mirror-image fish fillet, about the size of a cigarette pack. Today is a slow work day, but during peak seasons, such as November and December, we have a long table of 30 workers here for a ton of danggit catch, Racquel Dio told Mongabay during a visit in mid-February. Processing danggit into dried, salted fish has become her main source of income, as it has for the two other women working today. Danggit graze on seagrass that cover 800 hectares (nearly 2,000 acres) of the seabed off the town of Prieto Diaz in Sorsogon province, 360 miles (580 kilometers) south of Manila. Prieto Diazs integrated marine ecosystems of seagrass meadows, coral reefs and mangrove forests are thriving, thanks to more than three decades of community-led coastal reforestation and protection efforts. With a stable population of diverse trees, its 1,034-hectare (2,555-acre) mangrove ecosystem has grown to be the largest in the Bicol region, the southeastern-most peninsula of the main island of Luzon. Racquel Dio and Ruth gutting and deboning danggit. Image by Mavic Conde for Mongabay. Prieto Diazs integrated marine ecosystems of seagrass meadows, coral reefs and mangrove forests are thriving, thanks to more than three decades of community-led coastal reforestation and protection efforts. Image by Mavic Conde for Mongabay. Community-based management In theThis article was originally published on Mongabay


House CCP Committee Investigates Nike, Adidas, And Other Brands For Selling Products Made From Chinese Slave Labor "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Nike Superfly soccer cleatsThe House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced that it has launched investigations into major clothing brands such as Nike and Adidas for allegedly selling products made from Chinese slave labor. On Tuesday, the committee sent letters to the CEOs of Nike, Adidas, and SHEIN with a series of questions aimed at []


Navy Warns Sea Pirates To Stay Clear Nigerian Waterways "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Flag Officer Commanding, Eastern Naval Command, Rear Adm. Olusola Oluwagbire, has warned sea pirates to stay clear of Nigerian waterways, especially in his area of responsibility in the state. Oluwagbire gave the warning during his maiden inspection of the base and units of the Naval Command in NNS Jubilee at Ikot Abasi Local Government []

The post Navy Warns Sea Pirates To Stay Clear Nigerian Waterways appeared first on New Telegraph.


Sudan Crisis: FG Welcomes 376 Nigerians Back Home "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

assures safe return of all Nigerians A total of 376 Nigerians stranded in Sudan have arrived safely in Abuja following a successful evacuation by the Federal Government. The first batch of 94 evacuees touched down late last night aboard a Nigerian Airforce Hercules C-130 while the remaining 282 persons came back on an AirPeace flight. []

The post Sudan Crisis: FG Welcomes 376 Nigerians Back Home appeared first on New Telegraph.


Ive Released All Local Government Money Oyebanji "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Ekiti State Governor, Mr Biodun Oyebanji on Thursday said his administration has released all monies accruable to the 16 local government councils from the Federation Account since assuming office about seven months ago. Governor Oyebanji who stated this while receiving the Auditor-General for Local Government, Dr (Mrs) Iyadunni Oke noted that local government administrators no []

The post Ive Released All Local Government Money Oyebanji appeared first on New Telegraph.


Adis a los refrescos? Estas son las marcas que Profeco sacara del mercado "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

En su estudio de calidad de mayo, la Profeco analizo en su laboratorio de calidad a 46 marcas de refrescos; estos fueron los resultados. Regeneracin []

La entrada Adis a los refrescos? Estas son las marcas que Profeco sacara del mercado se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Reactions As Jane Mena Welcomes Korra Obidi In Grand Style "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nigerian dancer and popular twerk queen, Jane Mena has stirred up a reaction online after welcoming her colleague, Korra Obidi in a grand style at the airport. Korra Obidi, who is a US-based dancer made known that she would be coming to Nigeria for a visit. Not knowing her bestie already planned for her arrival []

The post Reactions As Jane Mena Welcomes Korra Obidi In Grand Style appeared first on New Telegraph.


Reps Ask INEC To Remove Dead Voters From Register "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The House of Representatives on Thursday urged the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to remove the names of millions of people who are dead and non-existent persons from the Voter Register. The call followed the adoption of a motion on the urgent need for INEC to develop a mechanism to clean up its system of []

The post Reps Ask INEC To Remove Dead Voters From Register appeared first on New Telegraph.


The Battle Plan For Combating IPTV Piracy in Europe Has Arrived "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

iptvAfter protest, disappointment, hand-wringing, and at times, sheer frustration, the European Commission has officially unveiled its full recommendation for combating piracy of live sports and musical events.

The Recommendation

The European Commission begins with a broad overview of the value of live events and the problems faced by rightsholders when tackling pirate IPTV and similar unlicensed streaming services.

From a reference perspective, particularly related to specific challenges and various aspects of relevant law, the ECs recommendation provides a great overview that makes for interesting reading. If explaining the illegal streaming problem had been the main aim, the document would receive solid marks. As a road map for solving tough issues in a short time frame, not so much.

Right from the very beginning its extremely clear that the EC understands almost every aspect of the challenges faced by rightsholders. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the report is dedicated to coverage of those challenges, for consumption by the very entities that supplied the information to the EC in the first place. Some of the key points in the initial overview can be summarized as follows:

Unauthorized supply, technical challenges

Main value in live sports broadcasts lies in the exploitation of live transmission
Illegal retransmissions can cause significant losses to rightsholders/broadcasters
Increasingly sophisticated means make content available via IPTV/apps/websites
Streaming piracy is a global phenomenon, increasingly reliant on offshore hosting
Offshore hosting minimizes pirates exposure to copyright or criminal law in the EU
Piracy-as-a-Service makes it easy to create pirate sites and start generate revenue
Some infringing services mirror legitimate streaming services
CDNs/reverse proxies often misused to obfuscate sources of pirate streams

These issues are common knowledge and the subject of countless reports, mostly published by rightsholders; the presence of the terms offshore hosting and Piracy-as-a-Service are evidence of that...


Which Jobs Will Be Most Impacted By ChatGPT? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden On November 30, 2022, OpenAI heralded a new era of artificial intelligence (AI) by introducing ChatGPT to the world. The AI chatbot stunned users...

Which Jobs Will Be Most Impacted By ChatGPT?


The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Covers Software Patents Again "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cory Doctorow
By Dominik Butzmann / re:publica re:publica faces 2019, CC BY-SA 2.0.

Summary: Cory Doctorow and Joe Mullin (EFF) wrote about software patents this week; this shows that the EFF can still pivot in the right direction if it really wants to

As it turns out, Joe Mullin is fortunately still around (at the EFF, he used to be in the media) and the other day he cautioned the U.S. Solicitor General Trying To Change The Law To Benefit Patent Trolls. His EFF colleague, Mr. Doctorow, said at almost the same time: In theory, patents are for novel, useful inventions that arent obvious to a skilled practitioner of the art. But as computers ate our society, grifters began to receive patents for doing something weve done for centurieswith a computer. With a computer: those three words had the power to cloud patent examiners minds.

He then changed the subject from software patents to patent trolls (the EFF habitually changes the subject to bad patents or trolls). To quote: Patent trolls who secure with a computer patents and then extract ransoms from people doing normal things on threat of a lawsuit are an underappreciated form of tech exceptionalism. Normally, tech exceptionalism refers to bros who wave away things like privacy invasions by arguing that with a computer makes it all different.

Quoting Mr. Mullin, regarding the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and 35 U.S.C. 101: Government officials should be working to reduce, not increase, the burden that low-quality patent lawsuits impose on innovators. So were concerned and dismayed by recent briefs filed by the U.S. Solicitor General, asking the Supreme Court to reexamine and throw out the best legal defenses regular people have against patent trollscompanies that dont make products or provide services, but simply use patents to sue and th...


Former US officials, academics demand Biden suspend assistance to Tunisia government "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Former US officials, academics demand Biden suspend assistance to Tunisia government

Letter signed by nearly two dozen ex-US officials, academics and activists says Washington shouldn't reward Kais Saied's actions
MEE staff Thu, 05/04/2023 - 17:18
Tunisian President Kais Saied during the US-Africa Leaders Summit at the Walter E Washington Convention Center in Washington on 14 December 14 2022
Tunisian President Kais Saied during US-Africa Leaders Summit at Walter E Washington Convention Center in Washington, on 14 December 2022 (AFP)

A coalition of US academics, former American officials and rights activists have come together to publish a letter demanding that President Joe Biden suspend all assistance to the Tunisian government over its continued crackdown on civil society and opposition figures.

The letter, signed by nearly two dozen people including former ambassador to Tunisia Jake Walles, ex-deputy national security advisor Elliot Abrams, and former US diplomat Stephanie Williams, further called on Washington to impose sanctions on Tunisian President Kais Saied and other officials in the ministers of interior, defence, and justice.

"The United States should not reward such behavior with aid, loans, praise, and photo-ops," the letter said.

"Lending our taxpayer dollars and legitimacy to Saied will only encourage other populist leaders to believe that they too can get away with dismantling democratic institutions. If the US is truly serious about shoring up democracies worldwide, it must send a signal that there are real costs to democratic backsliding."

Since July 2021 when Saied unilaterally suspended parliament and dissolved the government, Tunisia has been engulfed in a deepening political crisis and a growing crackdown on opposition groups.



A Ray of Hope for Some Coral Reefs "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Sometimes, change is good. 

Scientists at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science have discovered a new resiliency in certain coral reefs in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Dominant, foundational coral species on those reefs have survived multiple marine heat waves so far by changing out the symbiotic algae within their cells to build heat tolerance. This adaptation could help those reefs survive into the 2060s well beyond current projections for coral reefs as a whole.

Coral reefs are rich and vital marine ecosystems. Despite taking up less than 1% of the ocean floor, they are home to more than 25% of all marine life providing food, shelter and habitat. In fact, coral reefs could be the most biodiverse ecosystem on the planet even edging out tropical rainforests. 

Individual coral colonies are made up of duplicated individual coral polyps, which replicate themselves to create massive structures and reefs. Each coral polyp, itself a complete animal, contains symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae. The microscopic algae photosynthesize and provide corals with energy that the hosts use to grow. In exchange, the algae have a safe place to live within the corals and use their hosts waste to photosynthesize.

Close-up of a Pocillopora coral colony off Gorgona Island, Colombia, which may be more heat stress-resistant. University of Miami Rosenstiel and Earth Science

Climate change is causing water temperatures to increase to unprecedented levels, threatening coral health worldwide. Typically, as water te...


Can the U.S. Adjust Sensibly to a Multipolar World? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Drawing by Jerzy Wasiukiewicz

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, World BEYOND War, May 4, 2023

In his 1987 book The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, historian Paul Kennedy reassured Americans that the decline the United States was facing after a century of international dominance was relative and not absolute, and is therefore perfectly natural; and that the only serious threat to the real interests of the United States can come from a failure to adjust sensibly to the newer world order.

Since Kennedy wrote those words, we have seen the end of the Cold War, the peaceful emergence of China as a leading world power, and the rise of a formidable Global South. But the United States has indeed failed to adjust sensibly to the newer world order, using military force and coercion in flagrant violation of the UN Charter in a failed quest for longer lasting global hegemony.

Kennedy observed that military power follows economic power. Rising economic powers develop military power to consolidate and protect their expanding economic interests. But once a great powers economic prowess is waning, the use of military force to try to prolong its day in the sun leads only to unwinnable conflicts, as European colonial powers quickly learned after the Second World War, and as Americans are learning today.

While U.S. leaders have been losing wars and trying to cling to international power, a new multipolar world has been emerging. Despite the recent tragedy of Russias invasion of Ukraine and the agony of yet another endless war, the tectonic plates of history are shifting into new alignments that offer hope for the future of humanity. Here are several developments worth watching:

De-dollarizing global trade

For decades, the U.S. dollar was the undisputed king of global currencies. But China, Russia, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and other nations are taking steps to conduct more trade in their own currencies, or in Chinese yuan.

Illegal, unilateral U.S. sanctions against dozens of countries around the world have raised fears that holding large dollar reserves leaves countries vulnerable to U.S. financial coercion. Many countries have already been gradually diversifying thei...


The Pit! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I set up a simple pit trap in my garden. It worked! Got some spiders!


Biden's 'criminal BRIBERY' scheme with a foreigner: GOP claims then-VP offered cash for access "IndyWatch Feed World"

The FBI has a document detailing a 'criminal scheme' where Joe Biden gave a foreign national cash for access when he was vice president, Republicans said in a bombshell development in the investigation into the president's family. A whistleblower has come forward with stunning claims that a file 'includes a precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme (involving Biden) was employed as well as its purpose', top GOP members of the House and Senate have said. Senator Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., have now issued a subpoena to the FBI demanding the internal document be handed over. It is a significant update in the Republican 'influence-peddling' probe into the Biden family and come just hours after a report said prosecutors were close to deciding whether to criminally charge Hunter Biden in his tax and gun probes. The House Oversight Committee has accused multiple members of the Biden family - including Hunter and Hallie -...


Zelenski's Regime Is Finished "IndyWatch Feed War"

Yesterday's drone attack on the Kremlin (and other installations) mark the end of the Zelenski regime. While Russia had so far refrained from regime change in Kiev it will now have to pursue it. The former prime minister of Israel...


Mxico con desempleo ms bajo del mundo, 668 mil nuevos empleos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Inegi: 70 mil nuevos empleos informales y 135 mil formales. A marzo de 2023, Mxico con desempleo 2.4%, Sudfrica altsimo: 32.7% Regeneracin, 4 de mayo []

La entrada Mxico con desempleo ms bajo del mundo, 668 mil nuevos empleos se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


"This Goes On Until Chicken Little Dies from a Heart Attack. All This Bullshit is About Keeping You in Line." "IndyWatch Feed World"

 Dog Poet Transmitting.......

What did we say here last week? Was it last week? We said that Rupert the Sly does not like talk about God, and Tucker was doing too much of that sort of thing, and... apparently it hit too close to home this time, cause... look what I found. A Fox spokesbot vigorously denied that this was true so... that pretty much confirms it.

A number of powerful psychic weather fronts are converging into the threat of a perfect storm; bank failures... rising interest rates... runaway inflation... these are not areas I generally or... even rarely... pay attention to, BUT... when you factor in other conditions and events... they can lead to a serious eyebrow raise. Let's not forget enforced chaotic migration... looming bigger than ever.

Tribe Ukraine... interchangeable with, Team Ukraine, just did a less than bang-up job on an assassination attempt against Vladimir Putin. Interestingly... (or is it ironically?) they are right next door to Poland, so... heh heh... anyone seen The Tall Ships lately? On further reflection, maybe that wasn't funny... heh heh; moving right along.

Actually, it's not funny... not in Moscow and I think the fecal matter is about to hit the whirling mechanism.

As far as the bank failures... financial trouble zones, etc.; the Gangster Bankers are positively trembling over the prospect of a world war to fix their double bookkeeping problems. They need this war in a big way. They're up against it... mostly because of The Apocalypse and The Awakening.

These are two irresistible forces. It's a coupling of exposure and realization. Both of these supernatural forces are coming down hardest upon the heads of those who dare not have their works exposed to the eyes of a population that is now rubbing the sleep from their eyes.

I'm sure that many think that most people are still deeply asleep. People are asleep in Times of Material Darkness for so long as the ship of life is sailing on untroubled... soporific waters. When the winds come up and begin to howl across the decks... when the waves rise all around the ship... when your world starts lurching from side to side... up and down... it is no longer easy to stay asleep... how do you sleep when your beds are burning

This is what e...


Russia Hoaxers Clapper, Brennan Will Answer To Weaponization Committee For Letter Calling Hunter Biden Laptop Disinfo "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

James ClapperFormer Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan will sit for transcribed interviews.


Newer is Not Always Better (the Case of Automobiles) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The car drives you!

Summary: Techrights recommends caution against tech maximalism; not everything that can be done with/on a computer should, in practice, be done that way; a careful balance is needed, taking stock of pros and cons

TODAY in IRC we had a lengthy discussion about the downside of supposedly modern or smart cars*. Itll be in the IRC logs tomorrow. Its very informal. Its going way beyond aspects like cost and privacy those two are commonly discussed these days. We did a series about it over a year ago.

People are simply asked to buy the latest no matter what Trojan horses are included (mandated) in these.What compels people to blindly assume that newer is always better when its perfectly clear that users arent in control and products are tailored (over time) to better suit the manufacturers, the stores etc.? People are simply asked to buy the latest no matter what Trojan horses are included (mandated) in these.

This subject keeps coming back. People who drive need to buy cars (occasionally) and there are many things they see which they strongly dislike.

The one [new article] about cars can be motivation for revisiting cars/embedded systems and software freedom, one person told us this week, suggesting it as a topic and stating that the focus was in-house expertise vs outsourcing, in cars.

To quote the portion weve already included in Daily Links:

I would argue relying too much on external software vendors and not seeing software as a first-class citizen is the root cause. But Volvo Cars is wisely moving away from that model by bringing software developers in-house. Google and Apple partner with vendors for commodities. Software and data just happen to be too key to treat it that way. As I argued in a previous post, the automotive industry needs to own their data and set up to make it to the mobility-driven phase.

Having someone from software-...


A Quarter of Downtown Dallas Is Parking Lots. Could That Change? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


This article was originally published on D Magazine. It is shared here with permission.


A parking lot in Dallas. (Source: Flickr/Daniel Lobo.)

About a quarter of land in Dallass city center is used for parking, a percentage roughly shared by the Texas cities of Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio. Concrete covers 42% of Arlingtons core, while just 17% of Austins city center is used for parking. The capitol city features the lowest parking percentage of anywhere in the state, according to a map from the Parking Reform Network.

The Parking Reform Network analyzed parking lots in the densest, most central, and most valuable real estate in 50 cities, then compared how a citys land use measures up to other cities of similar sizes. (In Dallas, the organization stuck to the downtown core.) It then assigned each city a score. The lower the score, the less land a city has devoted to parking compared to the average for a city its size.

Translated: 24% might sound good, but Dallas scored a 75, putting it in the upper echelons of municipalities with a ton of parking space in high-demand areas. Arlington, where more than 40% of its most dense real estate is devoted to resting vehicles, scored 100. Austin, where less than 20% of its city center land is parking, scored a 43.



PRESS RELEASE: Sign on Letter Demands Justice for Forest Defender Killed by Police near Atlanta "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Contact:     +1 (314) 210-1322   Sign on Letter Demands Justice for Forest Defender Killed by Police near Atlanta 2 May 2023A sign on letter released on Earth Day (April 22) 2023 and closed on May Day (May 1) 2023 put out by Global Justice Ecology Project demands justice for Manuel Paez Teran, known as Tortuguita, who was killed by police in a hail []

The post PRESS RELEASE: Sign on Letter Demands Justice for Forest Defender Killed by Police near Atlanta appeared first on Global Justice Ecology Project.


Why New Zealand Should Abolish Its Military "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Deborah Williams of tautahi, Christchurch, World BEYOND War, May 4, 2023

Submitted to the New Zealand Defence Strategy Review 2023.


I am 76 and to my knowledge there have been no invasions of Aotearoa in my lifetime.

We have about 15,000 km of coastline which is apparently the ninth longest in the world (1). It would be impossible to patrol all coastlines to avoid being invaded by sea. We have a hard enough job to patrol our maritime Exclusive Economic Zone from 12 to 100 nautical miles and keep our fisheries safe.

We have no need for a so-called Defence Force which costs more than $116 million per week plus the $20 billion more this decade for military planes, frigates, other military paraphernalia and cyber warfare (2022 Budget). According to a recent Radio New Zealand (RNZ) report The government has spent $2.3 billion to buy new P8 Poseidons to replace the Air Forces ageing Orion planes. The fleet will be used for maritime patrols and overseas deployments, flying from Manawat (2).

We cannot have a well-trained combat-ready force to defend our country. A recent RNZ (Radio New Zealand) report noted that the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) has had an attrition rate of nearly 30 percent of its full-time, uniformed, trained and experienced staff over two years. This means that some ships and planes cannot be used for lack of personnel. The Defence Force has had to make two special payments this year in a bid to retain those still engaged in the Force. In addition, if new recruits come into the fold, it takes up to four years to train them (3).


It is time for Aotearoa NZ to have a truly independent foreign policy. We have no business being in other peoples wars.

We have gone to war a number of times with Britain. As many of us Pkeh have our origins in the British Isles, there was this loyalty to the Mother Country. However, when it was time for Britain to join the European Union in 1973, there was no reciprocal loyalty shown to us in the downturn in trade with that country. We had to find new markets for our agricultural products.

We invaded Trkiye in World War 1 at great cost to both sides in lives lost or ruined. Later we invaded places like Vietnam under the umbrella of the Americans and caused endless damage to that country and its people and to our soldiers. These wars were not ours to fight. They were wars of modern imperialistic countries. Now we are training Ukrainian soldiers which effectively means that we are participating in this conflict with Russia.

By going to other peoples wars we are just perpetuating war.

General Stanley McChrystal, then commander of U.S. and NA...


ChatGPT: Youre Not Ready For The New Wave Of Cyberattacks "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Philipp Pointer Although its only been a few months post-launch, AI chatbot phenomenon ChatGPT has completely taken over the internet. Its quick ability to...

ChatGPT: Youre Not Ready For The New Wave Of Cyberattacks


Sunken 19th century quarantine hospital and cemetery found off Florida Keys "IndyWatch Feed World"

The hospital had been used to house yellow fever patients before falling into disuse in 1900, then gradually slipping below the waterline in Dry Tortugas National Park off the coast of Florida. For more than 100 years, the sparkling turquoise waters of Dry Tortugas National Park in the Florida Keys have concealed a grim historical relic. Beneath the waves, archaeologists recently discovered the remains of a submerged 19th-century quarantine hospital and adjoining cemetery. According to a statement from the National Park Service, park staff, alongside members of the National Park Service's Submerged Resources Center, the Southeast Archaeological Center, and a University of Miami graduate student, made the discovery while conducting a survey in August 2022.


New report unveils how CIA schemes color revolutions around the world "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

By Yuan Hong | Global Times | May 4, 2023

For a long time, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has plotted peaceful evolution and color revolutions as well as spying activities around the world. Although details about these operations have always been murky, a new report released by Chinas National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center and Chinese cybersecurity company 360 on Thursday unveiled the main technical means the CIA has used to scheme and promote unrest around the world.

According to the report, since the beginning of the 21st century, the rapid development of the internet offered new opportunity for CIAs infiltration activities in other countries and regions. Any institutions or individuals from anywhere in the world that use US digital equipment or software could be turned into the CIAs puppet agent.

For decades, the CIA has overthrown or attempted to overthrow at least 50 legitimate governments abroad (the CIA has only recognized seven of these instances), causing turmoil in related countries. Whether it is the color revolution in Ukraine in 2014, the sunflower revolution in Taiwan island, China, or the saffron revolution in Myanmar in 2007, the green revolution in Iran in 2009, and other attempted color revolutions the US intelligence agencies are behind them all, according to the report.

The US leading position in technologies of telecommunication and on-site command has provided unprecedented possibilities for the US intelligence community to launch color revolutions abroad. The report released by the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center and 360 disclosed five methods commonly used by the CIA.

The first is to provide encrypted network communication services. In order to help protesters in some countries in the Middle East keep in touch and avoid being tracked and arrested, an American company, which, reportedly, has a US military background, developed TOR technology that can stealthily access the internet the Onion Router technology.

The servers encrypt all information that flows through them to help certain users to surf the web anonymously. After the project was launched by American companies, it was immediately provided free of charge to anti-government elements in Iran, Tunisia, Egypt and other countries and regions to ensure that those young dissidents who want to shake their own governments rule can avoid the scrutiny of the government, according to the report.

The second method is to provide offline communication services. For example, in order to ensure that anti-government personn...


On The Hypocrisy Of The New EU Sanction Regime "IndyWatch Feed War"

Once upon a time the European Union rejected secondary sanctions which the U.S. used to press third party countries to follow its sanction regimes against other once: Making use of the centrality of the US in the global economy, it...


BeagleStamp Makes Soldering Linux into Your Projects Easier "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Four square, unpopulated purple PCBs sit in front of a tube of soldering flux on a light grey work surface. The PCBs are only 1

There are a lot of things you can do with todays powerful microcontrollers, but sometimes you really need a full embedded Linux setup. [Dylan Brophy] wanted to make it easier to add Linux to his own projects and designed the BeagleStamp.



How European Cities are Breathing New Life into the BDS Movement "IndyWatch Feed World"

A succession of events starting in Barcelona, Spain, in February, and followed in Lige, Belgium, and Oslo, Norway, in April sent a strong message to Israel: The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) is alive and well.

In Barcelona, the citys Mayor canceled a twinning agreement with the Israeli city of Tel Aviv. The decision was not an impulsive one, although Ada Colau is well-known for her principled positions on many issues. It was, however, an outcome of a fully democratic process initiated by a proposal submitted by left-wing parties at the city council.

A few weeks after the decision was made, specifically on February 8, a pro-Israeli legal organization known as The Lawfare Project, announced its intentions to file a lawsuit against Colau because she supposedly acted beyond the scope of her authority.

The Lawfare Project was meant to communicate a message to other city councils in Spain, and the rest of Europe, that there will be serious legal repercussions to boycotting Israel. To the organizations and Israels big surprise, however, other cities quickly advanced their own boycott procedures. They include the Belgian city of Lige and Norways capital city, Oslo.

Liges local leadership did not try to conceal the reasons behind their decision. The city council, it was reported, had decided to suspend relations with the Israeli authorities for running a regime of apartheid, colonization and military occupation. That move was backed by a majority vote at the council, proving once more that the pro-Palestinian moral stance was fully compliant with a democratic process.

Oslo is a particularly interesting case. It was there that the peace process resulted in the Oslo Accords in 1993, which ultimately divided the Palestinians while giving Israel a political cover to continue with its illegal practices while claiming that it has no peace partner.

But Oslo is no longer committed to the empty slogans of the past. In June 2022, the Norwegian government declared its intention to deny the lab...


Israel pushes for Hajj flights to Saudi Arabia amid stalled normalisation "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel pushes for Hajj flights to Saudi Arabia amid stalled normalisation

Israel presses for direct flights to Saudi Arabia after Riyadh's overtures to Iran and Hamas leaves it out in the cold
MEE staff Thu, 05/04/2023 - 16:24
Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen addresses at a press conference after talks with his German counterpart at the Foreign Office in Berlin, Germany, on 28 February 2023 (AFP)

Israel is pushing Saudi Arabia to allow Palestinians with Israeli citizenship to fly directly to the kingdom to perform the Hajj and Umrah religious pilgrimages, a potential step towards normalising relations when progress has recently stalled.

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said on Wednesday that the country was following up on an earlier request to allow the flights.

"This issue is under discussion. I cannot tell you if there is any progress," he said in an interview with Israel's Army Radio. "But with that, I am optimistic that we can advance peace with Saudi Arabia."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu put expanding ties with Saudi Arabia at the forefront of his new government when it came to power last year. In December, he took to Saudi Arabian state television to claim that normalisation was key to peace between Israel and Palestine. 

Last summer, Israel and Saudi Arabia appeared to be inching closer to a series of deals that could set the stage for the future establishment of official diplomatic relations.



Netflix Loses a Million Subscribers in Spain After Greedy Password Sharing Crackdown "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Netflix Loses A Million Subscribers In Spain After Greedy Password Sharing Crackdown:

We've noted repeatedly how Netflix's password sharing crackdown is a stupid cash grab that alienates and annoys loyal customers, duplicates existing efforts to restrict "freeloaders," won't give the company the financial windfall it thinks, and just generally represents how the company has inevitably shifted from innovative disruptor to the kind of tone deaf cable giants it used to criticize.

The plan basically involves charging users an extra $2-$3 a month if it's found that someone is using your account outside of your home. The problem: Netflix has already been imposing blanket price hikes, and it already limits the number of simultaneously streams per account, forcing users to subscribe to more expensive tiers if they want to expand the limit.

While the crackdown isn't expected to hit U.S. subscribers until the end of the second quarter (aka soon), the effort has generally been a hot mess in the smaller countries Netflix first used as guinea pigs to test both the underlying tech and company messaging.

The company had to suspend the efforts in countries like Argentina, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic, after users were equal parts befuddled and annoyed. And in Spain, estimates are that the company saw a defection of more than one million subscribers largely due to the higher, unnecessary fees:

"There are of course inherent risks with clamping down on password sharing, particularly when back in 2017 Netflix was seen to be actively encouraging it. Some users were expected to be lost in the process but losing over 1 million users in a little over a month has major implications for Netflix and whether it decides to continue with its crackdown globally.

Interestingly, there is no strong demographic skew to those who cancelled, signaling a more outright rejection of the password sharing clampdo...


Experts devised a new exploit for the PaperCut flaw that can bypass all current detection "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

VulnCheck researchers devised a new exploit for a recently disclosed critical flaw in PaperCut servers that bypasses all current detections.

Cybersecurity researchers from VulnCheck have developed a new exploit for the recently disclosed critical flaw in PaperCut servers, tracked as CVE-2023-27350 (CVSS score: 9.8), that bypasses all current detections.

The CVE-2023-27350 flaw is a PaperCut MF/NG Improper Access Control Vulnerability. PaperCut MF/NG contains an improper access control vulnerability within the SetupCompleted class that allows authentication bypass and code execution in the context of SYSTEM.

On April 19th, Print management software provider PaperCut confirmed that it is aware of the active exploitation of the CVE-2023-27350 vulnerability.

The company received two vulnerability reports from the cybersecurity firm Trend Micro for high/critical severity security issues in PaperCut MF/NG. 

Trend Micro announced they will disclose further information (TBD) about the vulnerability on 10th May 2023.

The company addressed both vulnerabilities with the release of PaperCut MF and PaperCut NG versions 20.1.7, 21.2.11 and 22.0.9 and later, it highly recommends upgrading to one of these versions containing the fix.

Huntress researchers have observed post-exploitation activities within its partner environments after attackers exploited the above PaperCut MF/NG vulnerabilities.

Huntress security researcher Caleb Stewart also devised a proof-of-concept exploit for these threats, below is the video PoC shared by the company:

From our recreated proof-of-concept, we observed child processes spawned underneath the pc-app.exe process. The screenshot below sho...


Worlds largest tropical reforestation project slowed by Covid, Bolsonaro, fires "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

It was dubbed the largest tropical forest restoration in the world by Conservation International when the plan was announced at the Rock in Rio bash in 2017. The goal was ambitious: CI, along with the Brazilian government and several NGOs, pledged to plant 73 million trees across five states in the Brazilian Amazon, covering 30,000 hectares (about 74,000 acres) at 93 sites, ranging in size from 0.1 to 573 hectares (0.2 to 1,416 acres). This is a breathtakingly audacious project, Conservation Internationals CEO, M. Sanjayan, said at the time. The fate of the Amazon depends on getting this right. CI and its partners pledged to finish the project in six years. They wont. Currently, the NGO has achieved less than 20% of its pledge, with the deadline to complete the rest looming at the end of 2023. But, of course, that pledge was made in 2017, which to many feels like a lifetime ago. CI restorers say the project was hampered by two key issues that happened since then: COVID-19, and Brazils Jair Bolsonaro. We didnt anticipate the political context the change in national leadership, said Miguel Moraes, Conservation International Brazils senior director, referring to the 2018 election of Bolsonaro as president. From the moment he took office at the start of 2019, Bolsonaro began gutting Brazils environmental protections and opening up the Amazon to logging, agriculture and mining, leading to a massive rise in deforestation across the biome. During his four years as president, deforestation shot up byThis article was originally published on Mongabay


8 Unforgettable Logos and What New Business Owners Can Learn From Them "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Logos are a vital part of any business. They help to establish the brand identity, create brand recognition, and make a lasting impression on potential customers. If youre just starting a business, try using a logo maker to create a logo that will tell your brands story and draw customers in.  In this article, we []


Parents who raised kids on Disney movies about rebelling against parents not sure why kids are rebelling against their parents "IndyWatch Feed World"

Local parents Dave and Stacey Martin, who raised their daughter on Disney movies that glamorized rebelling against parents, are flabbergasted to see their teenage daughter now rebelling against her parents. "I just don't get it," said Dave Martin to reporters. "Every movie and song she listened to growing up featured positive messages about listening to her heart, and now she won't listen to me! It's so weird!" Sources say Dave's conflict with his daughter came to a head last night when she defied her father like Moana to sneak out of the house like Ariel, which led to her meeting a strange man just like Pocahontas, only to hang out with the wrong crowd and get gender-confused like Mulan. "What on earth could possibly be influencing her to behave so recklessly?" said Mr. Martin. At publishing time, the parents had addressed the situation by making their daughter stay home all weekend and do chores like Cinderella.


Patch now! The Mirai IoT botnet is exploiting TP-Link routers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Businesses should patch their TP-Link routers as soon as possible, after the revelation that a legendary IoT botnet is targeting them for recruitment. Read more in my article on the Tripwire State of Security blog.



In 1999, when democracy resurfaced in Nigeria, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Imo state held its Governorship election primary. Here, Orlu and Okigwe zones were far from victory. That primary election was won by a gentleman and great son of Owerri zone, Chief Humphrey Anumudu. But in the spirit of love, peace and unity, []


Bing is Dying and Chatbots Wont Save Bing "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Dont believe the hype (a shameless lying blitz)

Microsoft layoffs, chatbot hype campaign starts to distract; Bing down from 6% to 5.something (despite loads of marketing); Google has actually gained ground

Summary: The father of Bing left Microsoft, many Bing employees were laid off earlier this year, and the remaining ones relocated out of their office in Bellevue; the media is meanwhile hyping up the Bing brand (we saw new examples this morning) and pretending that Google is doomed; the data does not support this phony narrative (its more or less the same in other regions around the world; overall, worldwide, Bing market share is measured at about 2.5%)


Russias coming revenge attack on Ukraine for the attempted assassination of Putin "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Gilbert Doctorow | May 4, 2023

Yesterday The New York Times only published a tiny article on the Kremlins assertion that Ukraine had targeted Putin in a drone attack on the Kremlin. On the contrary, The Financial Times considered the issue to be of prime importance and gave it lead position in their online edition. And what about the Russians, how did they deal with this?

The hourly news programs were very restrained, giving the story top place but only a minute or two of attention. However, the talk shows gave it extensive attention. Sixty Minutes focused on the U.S. official reaction to the Kremlin charges, with an excerpt from the interview that Antony Blinken gave. In his remarks, Blinken first put in question the whole incident, saying dismissively that you cannot believe anything the Kremlin says. Then he went on to say that Kiev can do anything it deems necessary to repel the aggressor and recover its sovereign territory, for which it has American support. The hosts left it to the audience to interpret Blinkens words, though none but blithering idiots would fail to understand from Blinken that the USA was in cahoots with Kiev on such an attack. Those who are politically informed about Washington would understand that Blinken is now wholly controlled by his nominal subordinate, Victoria Nuland, since what he said was  exactly what she would say, meaning hawkish, anti-Russian in the extreme.

Beyond that, Sixty Minutes directed attention to Zelenskys convenient departure for Finland shortly after the attack on the Kremlin. They also noted that his stay in Finland has been extended by a day, that he is now headed for Germany, where there was no expectation of his visit, and that he is being transported by a U.S. military plane. Here again, without saying it, the program hosts allow the audience to reach the logical conclusion that Zelensky was directly involved in the plot to assassinate Putin and that the United States was at his side all the way.

The talk show Evening with Vladimir Solovyov was less subtle. The host opened by reminding his audience of what Dmitry Medvedev, former President and head of the Russian Security Council said earlier in the day: that Ukraine is now a terrorist state, that there is no longer any justification for negotiating with Zelensky and that the Kiev regime must be destroyed.

For those who think that Solovyov and Medvedev were just sounding off and have no credibility, I point out that the Volodin, Speaker of the State Duma, yesterday also called for the destruction of the decision-making bodies in Ukraine, which means, of course, the presidential administration first of all.

While Ameri...


Why Isnt the Democratic World a World? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Alain Badiou is undoubtedly among the greatest of living philosophers; one that may fairly be credited with rescuing philosophy from academic irrelevance, and the twin enemies of scientism and historicism. For Badiou, philosophy does not merely interpret the world (as Marx famously asserted in his Theses on Feuerbach). For an interpretation of the world, we would do better to look to myths, religions, and the various wisdom schools. Philosophy, presupposing mathematics, is a fundamentally rational and conceptual rather than hermeneutic undertaking, aimed at answering the question: does there exist anything with a universal value, and if so, how is this possible? Badiou secured his place in the philosophical pantheon with three massive tomes, which together provide a rigorous account of Truths, or the production in time and space of things to which we may ascribe universal value: Being and Event (1988), Logics of Worlds (2006), and The Immanence of Truths (2018).

Images of the Present Time (Columbia University Press, 2023) contains a series of three seminars delivered between 2001 and 2004. The first section presents a sustained philosophical analysis of contemporary nihilism and is initially taken up with the question of identifying the emblem, that is, the master signifier of the present time and Badious claim is that democracy is that emblem, a political system that does not prohibit or restrain, or not excessively. This raises the question of how democracy is correlated with freedom: given that fewer and fewer things are prohibited, what does that say for freedom under this regime? Ultimately, not so much: as Descartes already knew, indiscriminate freedom, or the freedom to do whatever you want, is at best the lowest degree of freedom. Thinking youre a free Subject just because whatever you want to do or say is not prohibited is sheer nonsense. It is true, for example, that almost nothing is prohibited in public speech, yet that does not mean that something significant has been publicly pronounced if nothing is prohibited and yet nothing, properly speaking, has been said, freedom does not exist.

Badious central thesis is that, at the present time, there is no world in fact, there is no present, strictly speaking. Why isnt the democratic world a world? In brief, because it is a world in which everyt...


5-4 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  In the big run-up to Cinco de Mayo (not celebrated in Mexico), we need to keep in mind that its not cool to culturally appropriate Mexican food and pinatas until tomorrow.   This Day in History On this day, 4 May 1929, actor and Dutch resistance activist Audrey Hepburn was born in Belgium. Her []

The post 5-4 appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Facebook warns of a new information-stealing malware dubbed NodeStealer "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Facebook discovered a new information-stealing malware, dubbed NodeStealer, that is being distributed on Meta.

NodeStealer is a new information-stealing malware distributed on Meta that allows stealing browser cookies to hijack accounts on multiple platforms, including Facebook, Gmail, and Outlook.

The malware was first spotted in late January 2023 while targeting the browsers of Windows systems. It can target multiple web browsers, including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, and Opera.

The researchers explained that NodeStealer is a custom Javascript malware that bundles the Node.js environment. The author uses Node.js to allow malware execution on multiple OS, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

The info stealer is believed to have a Vietnamese origin and was allegedly distributed by threat actors from Vietnam. 

The social network giant took action to disrupt the malware campaign and support victims in recovering their accounts.

The malware is disguised as PDF and XLSX files and their filename was chosen to trick victims into opening them starting the infection process.

As part of this effort, we submitted takedown requests to third-party registrars, hosting providers, and application services such as Namecheap, which were targeted by these threat actors to facilitate distribution and malicious operations. reads the post published by Facebook. These actions led to a successful disruption of the malware. We have not observed any new samples of malware in the NodeStealer family since February 27 of this year and continue monitoring for any potential future activity.

The good news is that Facebook discovered the threat within two weeks of it being distributed

At the time of its discovery, the malicious code had a single detection on the VirusTotal platform.

One of the samples analyzed by the company was a Windows executable file disguised as a PDF file with a PDF icon. The threat actors changed the metadata in an attempt to disguise the file as a MicrosoftOffice product.

This sample is written in Javascript, executed using Node.js, and compiled into a Windows executable using a tool from the Node Package Manager (NPM) called pkg. This sample is around 46 MB in size, but experts discovered files with a size between 46 and 51 MB.

NodeStealer maintains persistence using the auto-launch module on Node.js.

The Chrome browser encrypts the users information before storing it, the encrypted_key is stored in the Local State file and Base64 en...


Navy confirms using drag queen influencer as a 'digital ambassador' to attract recruits "IndyWatch Feed World"

The U.S. Navy confirmed to Breitbart News on Wednesday that it used a drag queen influencer as one of its "digital ambassadors" to attempt to recruit "a wide range of potential candidates." The influencer is active-duty U.S. Navy Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, whose stage name is "Harpy Daniels." Kelley served as part of the Navy's pilot ambassador program from October 2022 to March 2023 and has openly performed as a drag queen for awhile, but garnered broader public attention this week after a video of him circulated on social media. Kelley announced in November 2022 in a video on his Instagram page that the Navy asked him to be their "first" "Navy Digital Ambassador."


Can the U.S. Adjust Sensibly to a Multipolar World? "IndyWatch Feed War"

In his 1987 book The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, historian Paul Kennedy reassured Americans that the decline the United States was facing after a century of international dominance was relative and not absolute, and is therefore perfectly natural; and that the only serious threat to the real interests of the United States can come from a failure to adjust sensibly to the newer world order.

Since Kennedy wrote those words, we have seen the end of the Cold War, the peaceful emergence of China as a leading world power, and the rise of a formidable Global South. But the United States has indeed failed to adjust sensibly to the newer world order, using military force and coercion in flagrant violation of the UN Charter in a failed quest for longer lasting global hegemony.

Kennedy observed that military power follows economic power. Rising economic powers develop military power to consolidate and protect their expanding economic interests. But once a great powers economic prowess is waning, the use of military force to try to prolong its day in the sun leads only to unwinnable conflicts, as European colonial powers quickly learned after the Second World War, and as Americans are learning today.

While U.S. leaders have been losing wars and trying to cling to international power, a new multipolar world has been emerging. Despite the recent tragedy of Russias invasion of Ukraine and the agony of yet another endless war, the tectonic plates of history are shifting into new alignments that offer hope for the future of humanity. Here are several developments worth watching:

De-dollarizing global trade

For decades, the U.S. dollar was the undisputed king of global currencies. But China, Russia, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and other nations are taking steps to conduct more trade in their own currencies, or in Chinese yuan.

Illegal, unilateral U.S. sanctions against dozens of countries around the world have raised fears that holding large dollar reserves leaves countries vulnerable to U.S. financial coercion. Many countries have already been gradually diversifying their foreign currency reserves, from 70% globally held in dollars in 1999 to 65% in 2016 to...


[$] The ongoing trouble with get_user_pages() "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 2018 Linux Storage, Filesystem, and Memory-Management (LSFMM) conference included a session on get_user_pages(), an internal kernel interface that can, in some situations, be used in ways that will lead to data corruption or kernel crashes. As the 2023 LSFMM+BPF event approaches, this problem remains unsolved and is still the topic of ongoing discussion. This patch series from Lorenzo Stoakes, which is another attempt at a partial solution, is the latest focus point.


Robot Hand Manipulates Complex Objects By Touch Alone "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In terms of human features that robots are probably the most jealous of, fingers have to be right up there with eyeballs and brains. Our fleshy little digits have a crazy amount of dexterity relative to their size, and so many sensors packed into them that allow you to manipulate complex objects sight unseen. Obviously, these are capabilities that would be really nice to have in a robot , especially if we want them to be useful outside of factories and warehouses.

There are two parts to this problem: The first is having fingers that can perform like human fingers (or as close to human fingers as is reasonable to expect); the second is having the intelligence necessary to do something useful with those fingers.

Once we also add visual feedback into the mix along with touch, we hope to be able to achieve even more dexterity, and one day start approaching the replication of the human hand.
Matei Ciocarlie, Columbia:

In a paper just accepted to the Robotics: Science and Systems 2023 conference, researchers from Columbia University have shown how to train robotic fingers to perform dexterous in-hand manipulation of complex objects without dropping them. Whats more, the manipulation is done entirely by touchno vision required.

Robotic fingers manipulate random objectsa level of dexterity humans master by the time theyre toddlers.Columbia University

Those slightly chonky fingers have a lot going on inside of them to help make this kind of manipulation possible. Underneath the skin of each finger is a flexible reflective membrane, and under that membrane is an array of LEDs along with an array of photodiodes. Each LED is cycled on and off for a fraction of a millisecond, and the photodiodes record how the light from each LED reflects off of the inner membrane of the finger. The pattern of that reflection changes when the membrane flexes, which is what happens if the finger is contacting something. A trained model can correlate that light pattern with the location and ampl...


US banking crisis deepens "IndyWatch Feed World"

Regional lender PacWest Bancorp has become the latest American bank to be caught up in the worst crisis in the sector since 2008. The bank has confirmed it is in talks with potential partners and investors about strategic options, following a 60% stock rout. Shares in the bank nosedived in after-hours US trading on Wednesday over reports the Los Angeles-based lender was mulling a sale. PacWest's shares were down as much as 48% in early trading on Thursday. "The bank has not experienced out-of-the-ordinary deposit flows following the sale of First Republic Bank and other news," PacWest stated on Wednesday. "Our cash and available liquidity remain solid and exceeded our uninsured deposits," it added. According to the lender, discussions with potential buyers and investors "are ongoing" and the company will continue "to evaluate all options to maximize shareholder value."


IBM Has Measurably Lessened Activity in Red Hat Web Sites (It Started When Layoffs Were Announced Last Month) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Summary: and scaled down their activity around the time Red Hats CEO announced that 700+ workers would be made redundant; are writers among the casualties of these cuts?

T HIS is a subject we deem especially and exceptionally sensitive because many good people lost their jobs at Red Hat. Some were technical, some were less technical. We know some names, but this post will name nobody.

My wife and I have been reading every day for about a decade, so these trends are easy to spot or feel (even the mere absence of something gets noticed).Last year we took note of neglect in (a Red Hat site for well over a decade already) and weeks later the site picked up pace again, publishing 2-3 new articles per day, except weekends (sometimes on weekends too they published new material). Unlike months prior, they didnt post obnoxious stuff; they had actually published some tasteless things last year.

My wife and I have been reading every day for about a decade, so these trends are easy to spot or feel (even the mere absence of something gets noticed). The sites editors changed a few times over the years (we wont name them; we want to keep this impersonal).

The Linux Foundation has been very quiet this year and it is intentional; they try to keep a low profile for a reason.So what exactly is going on? Let us know. Were generally thankful for what the site offered since its birth and it would be a shame if it became something like in affect killed by the Linux Foundation when it fired all the staff writers and all the editors without prior notice or an explanation. Revenue was growing fast back then, unlike...


The GOP ignore these warning signs at their peril "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Michigan is seen as a swing state but recently in both the 2020 presidential election and the 2022 mid-terms, the state has swung Democratic.

Across Michigan, which Trump lost by 2.8 points, voters have overwhelmingly rejected election denialism and embraced measures to expand voting access. Proposition 2, a ballot measure that established early voting and expanded absentee voting passed by 60%. Secretary of state Jocelyn Benson won her seat in a definitive race against Kristina Karamo, who spread conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election, and voters in the state elected Dana Nessel as attorney general over Matthew DePerno, who led multiple unsuccessful legal challenges to the 2020 presidential election in Michigan.

But things were quite different in Hillsdale county, which remained a Republican stronghold in which Karamo earned 66% of the vote and DePerno swept, nearly earning 70% of Hillsdale county voters in his election. This county is also the home of Hillsdale College, a prominent conservative Christian college. (I was invited there during the height of the Intelligent Design controversy to debate ID proponents.)

The county was also a hotbed of election denialism with the township clerk Stephanie Scott engaging in all manner of shenanigans in support of the Big Lie that the election was stolen from Trump. This was too much for the Michigan Bureau of Elections who stripped her of her election overseeing duties.

Elected in Adams Township in 2020, Stephanie Scott, who ran unopposed, has spent her years as a clerk a position that would typically oversee township elections mostly removed from the electoral process. After she refused to turn over a voting machine for regular maintenance in 2021, allegedly shared confidential voter data with a third-party IT analyst, and spread lies about election-rigging, the Michigan Bureau of Elections removed Scotts power to administer elections.

Subsequently a recall petition was initiated against Scott and her ally, township supervisor Mark Nichols. The vote was held yesterday and both of them lost.

In a rebuke to election denialism and extremism, a small, heavily Republican township in Michigan successfully recalled a clerk who has been accused of elevating election denialism and her ally on the township board. The outgoing clerk, Stephanie Scott, and township supervisor Mark Nichols were replaced by Suzy Ro...



3 bodies found after 6 go missing in Nepal avalanche "IndyWatch Feed World"

Three bodies were found on Wednesday by security personnel in Nepal after six people went missing while picking a precious Himalayan herb meant for vitality, as avalanches struck two remote mountainous regions of the country, media reports said. Yarshagumba is a half herb and half insect, believed to have the power to increase vitality and sexual energy. The herb, also known as caterpillar fungus, is found in the high Himalayas. Security personnel found the bodies of two women and a man, who were among the five people who went missing on Tuesday in an avalanche which occurred in the mountainous area of the Darchula district, MyRepublica newspaper reported.


AI Spera launches Criminal IP FDS plugin to prevent fraudulent login attempts on WordPress "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Criminal IP, an OSINT-based search engine provided by AI Spera, launched a new WordPress plugin called Anti-Brute Force, Login Fraud Detector, also known as Criminal IP FDS (Fraud Detection System). This latest development promises to revolutionize the digital security landscape by providing a comprehensive solution to detect and prevent fraudulent login attempts on WordPress websites. Criminal IP, a Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) search engine, has recently launched a powerful WordPress security plugin called Anti-Brute Force, More

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7 Natural Ingredients to Boost Liver Health: A Guide to Holistic Liver Protection "IndyWatch Feed World"

May 5th, 2023 By Ty and Charlene Bollinger Guest Writers for Wake Up World The liver, one of the most vital organs in our body, is responsible for a multitude of essential functions such as detoxification, metabolism, and digestion. Given the pivotal role it plays in maintaining our overall health, it is crucial to take []

The post 7 Natural Ingredients to Boost Liver Health: A Guide to Holistic Liver Protection first appeared on Wake Up World.


Intel's One Line Of Linux Code For Speeding-Up Sapphire Rapids On Ubuntu "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Recently I noticed out-of-the-box on Ubuntu Linux the performance of Intel Xeon Scalable "Sapphire Rapids" processors was much improved for some workloads compared to tests done just weeks ago on the same Sapphire Rapids server. It ended up being an issue coming full-circle and ultimately boils down to one line of code added within the Linux kernel.


Virgin Galactic Cautiously Returns To Flight "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

After Richard Branson delivered some inspiring words from his seat aboard SpaceShipTwo Unity, he unbuckled himself and started to float around the vehicles cabin along with three other Virgin Galactic employees. Reaching an apogee of 86 kilometers (53 miles), the passengers enjoyed four minutes of weightlessness during the July 2021 flight that was live-streamed over the Internet to an audience of millions. After years of delays, SpaceShipTwo had finally demonstrated it was capable of taking paying customers to the edge of space. As far as victories go it was pretty impressive.

Yet despite the spectacle, weeks and months went by without an announcement about when commercial flights of the worlds first spaceline would finally begin. Now, nearly two years after Bransons flight, Unity has flown again. Except instead of carrying the first group of customers, it performed the sort of un-powered test flight that Virgin Galactic hasnt performed since 2017. Clearly, something didnt go to plan back then.


Thursday, 04 May


Snow-laden Sierra gets more snow halfway through spring, up to 15 inches in 48 hours "IndyWatch Feed World"

The calendar may show spring is halfway to summer, but it's still snowing in California. In the Sierra Nevada, the Heavenly ski resort at Lake Tahoe reported Wednesday that 15 inches of snow had fallen over 48 hours, burnishing the epic snowpack left by a relentlessly wet winter. Northwest of Tahoe, 5.5 inches was recorded over two days at the University of California, Berkeley, Central Sierra Snow Lab, raising its season total to 743 inches. "Another 2.6" of snow over the last 24 hours brings our 2-day total to 5.5" and our season total to 743," researchers at the lab tweeted. "As expected, we're still seeing melt but the rate has slowed due to the clouds and cooler temps." Strikingly, winter weather advisories were to take effect Wednesday night in Southern California mountain ranges. Forecasters predicted 4-8 inches of snow above 6,000 feet and local totals up to 14 inches.


Club of Rome Limits to Growth Author Promotes Genocide of 86% of the Worlds Population "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Providing Syria with the Means to Reconstruct and Recover "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Whither Ukraines Counteroffensive? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Tomgram: Hartung and Freeman, The Twenty-First Century of (Profitable) War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The military-industrial complex (MIC) that President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned Americans about more than 60 years ago is still alive and well. In fact, it's consuming many more tax dollars and feeding far larger weapons producers than when Ike raised the alarm about the "unwarranted influence" it wielded in his 1961 farewell address to the nation[...]


Gov. Kemp Signs Bill Banning Dark Money From Georgia Elections, Dashing Democrats Latest Infiltration Efforts "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Brian Kemp delivering his 2022 victory speechGov. Brian Kemp signed a bill on Wednesday prohibiting local election offices from using any kind of private funding to conduct elections.


HUB Security raises up to $16 million to fuel technology development "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

HUB Security entered into an agreement for up to $16 million in gross proceeds from Lind Global Asset Management VI LLC, an investment entity managed by The Lind Partners, a New York based institutional fund manager (together, Lind). This investment is expected to provide HUB Security with additional resources to fuel its rapid growth and development, enhance its financial stability, and enable the Company to pursue its future plans. The additional funding from The Lind More

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Washington responsible for attack on Kremlin Moscow "IndyWatch Feed War" May 5, 2023

All of Kievs decisions are ultimately dictated by Washington, including which targets to hit and by what means, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov claimed on Thursday. His comments came after two Ukrainian drones unsuccessfully attempted to strike the Kremlin in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Such decisions the definition of goals, the definition of means, and so on all this is dictated to Kiev from Washington, and we are well aware of this, Peskov told reporters.

The spokesman for President Vladimir Putin dismissed attempts by US and Ukrainian officials to disown Wednesdays attack as laughable, insisting that we know full well that decisions to carry out such terrorist actions are made not in Kiev, but in Washington. 

Peskov asserted that it is important that the US clearly understands that Russia is aware of its involvement in Ukraine and how dangerous such direct involvement is. 

The spokesman said that Kievs attempted drone strike on the Kremlin is being thoroughly investigated, but did not provide estimates on when any conclusions would be officially announced.

Peskov reiterated that Moscow reserves the right to respond to the attack with a variety of steps. Although declining to specify what those measures might be, the Kremlin official insisted they would be carefully considered and in line with Russias interests. 

Putins office reported on Wednesday that two Ukrainian UAVs had been disabled by air defenses while trying to strike the presidents Kremlin residence in Moscow in the early hours of the morning. Putin was not in the Kremlin at the time of the incident and no one was hurt, the statement added.

Russia described the failed drone strike as a pre-planned terrorist act and an attempt on Putins life perpetrated by Kiev.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has denied his countrys involvement in the attack, while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that Washington could not in any way validate Russias claims.

US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby responded to Peskovs comments by insisting that Washington was in no way involved in the incident. We dont do that and we had nothing to do with it, he told MSNBC.

The Kremlin has vowed that Moscow will retaliate to the raid anywhere and anytime it deems necessary, while senior Russian lawmaker Vyacheslav Volodin has called for the use of weapons capable of stopping and destroying the Kiev terrorist regime.



Toxic Chemicals Are Pouring Out of Consumer Products Here Are the Most Dangerous "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Who Stole the 2020 Presidential Election? Antony Blinken and others have much to answer for "IndyWatch Feed World"

The corruption engaged in by the Democratic Party leadership appears to be never-ending and no one is ever held accountable. A recent report described how Michael Morell, the former acting Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director, colluded with Antony Blinken, who was then a senior official in the 2020 Joe Biden presidential campaign, to prepare and find signatories to a letter to discredit those seeking to exploit the emerging Hunter Biden laptop scandal, which was threatening to do real damage to the Biden electoral prospects. Following in the footsteps of the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign, which sought to use fabricated information from the Steele dossier to smear Donald Trump and some of his advisors, Blinken suggested that Morell promote the argument that the laptop story involved Russia and should be dismissed as little more than a disinformation operation ordered by President Vladimir Putin. At the time, there was no evidence whatsoever to suggest that Russia had had...


Report reveals 6,500 hospital sexual assaults in England and Wales over four years "IndyWatch Feed World"

More than 6,500 rapes and sexual assaults have been recorded in hospitals in England and Wales, over nearly four years, with only 4.1% of suspects known to have been charged. A Women's Rights Network report, authored by University of Reading Professor of Criminology, Jo Phoenix, found that one in seven of these crimes occurred on hospital wards. Shocking crimes, including the rapes of several children under 13, have been disclosed by 35 police forces, responding to Freedom of Information requests sent to 43 forces across the U.K. Professor Phoenix said, "The figures are shocking and prove that NHS Trusts are failing in their duty to protect both patients and staff. Further, the fact that 95.9% of all reports were either no-further-actioned or not recorded is also truly appalling. Although there are no reasons given within the research for this alarmingly low figure, what is clear is that there appears to be ingrained inertia in dealing with this safeguarding and policing failure."


Indonesias new capital wont sacrifice the environment: Q&A with Nusantaras Myrna Asnawati Safitri "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

JAKARTA The ongoing development of Indonesias new capital city, Nusantara, in eastern Borneo has raised alarm bells among environmentalists and human rights defenders around the world as the region is home to extraordinarily rich ecological and social resources. President Joko Widodo announced in August 2019 an ambitious plan to relocate Indonesias capital from Jakarta to Borneo, a few weeks after he was sworn in for his second and final term in office. Widodo hadnt mentioned the plan during his campaign or his previous term, leading observers to question the reasoning behind it and whether he would actually go through with it. Widodo said the relocation was needed as Jakarta is rapidly sinking, overpopulated and dangerously polluted. In addition, he said moving the capital outside the island of Java would reduce development inequality between western Indonesia and the less industrialized, more impoverished eastern islands. Widodo also pledged that the new capital, known as IKN Nusantara, would be a forest, green city with a construction strategy that poses minimal environmental damage and a development design that aims at net-zero carbon emissions once completed. The president expects that up to 80% of the funding for this new city built from the ground up will come from private investors, with the remainder allocated from the state budget over the next several years. A map showing the region allocated for Indonesias new capital city, Nusantara. Image courtesy of the Indonesian government. The Nusantara Point Zero has become an icon for Indonesias new capital city,This article was originally published on Mongabay


New C features in GCC 13 (Red Hat Developer) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Red Hat Developer site has an overview of some of the new C-language features supported by the GCC 13 release.

The nullptr constant first appeared in C++11, described in proposal N2431 from 2007. Its purpose was to alleviate the problems with the definition of NULL, which can be defined in a variety of ways: (void *)0 (a pointer constant), 0 (an integer), and so on. This posed problems for overload resolution, generic programming, etc. While C doesnt have function overloading, the protean definition of NULL still causes headaches.


21 bodies exhumed in investigation of Kenyan cult "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Twenty-one bodies have been exhumed in eastern Kenya in an investigation into a cult whose followers are believed to have starved themselves to death, police sources have said. On Saturday officials reported seven deaths in connection with the inquiry after the arrest of Paul Mackenzie Nthenge, who reportedly told followers to starve themselves in order to "meet Jesus". "In total since yesterday, we have 21 bodies," a police source told Agence France-Presse on condition of anonymity, after exhumations in the Shakahola forest outside the coastal town of Malindi.


Russias Military Performance Doesnt Match the Propaganda "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Ukrainian Attack on Kremlin Is a Criminal Provocation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Security updates for Thursday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Fedora (python-sentry-sdk) and Ubuntu (python-django and ruby2.3, ruby2.5, ruby2.7).


Airgap Networks enhances its Zero Trust Firewall with ThreatGPT "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Airgap Networks announced that it is bringing the power of AI to its Zero Trust Firewall with ThreatGPT. Built on an advanced AI/ML model designed to protect enterprises from evolving cyber threats, ThreatGPT delivers a new level of insight and productivity for network security teams. Perimeter firewalls struggle with todays combination of a complex, dynamic endpoint architecture and the real-world pervasiveness of legacy systems and headless devices. Airgap ZTFW complements existing perimeter firewall infrastructure by More

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Blaming conservatives for collapse: Damned if they do, damned if they don't on the debt ceiling "IndyWatch Feed World"

In 2021 I published an article titled 'The Fed's Catch-22 Taper Is A Weapon, Not A Policy Error' in which I outlined the deliberately engineered trap the Federal Reserve has created for the American economy. Specifically, I confronted the issue of strangled liquidity through increasing debt costs vs continued money printing and inflation. It's an issue that Jerome Powell warned about in 2012, years before he became Fed Chairman; the consequences of creating a stimulus dependent system and then abruptly cutting off the life support. As soon as he was installed as the head of the central bank he implemented the very policies he predicted would cause a crash. The result? We just saw the beginning of the end with the latest banking crisis involving companies like SVB, First Republic and Credit Suisse - It's not just US finances, but banks around the world that rely on liquidity injections from the Fed to stay afloat. The central bankers addicted the system to cheap easy debt and now...


Drone Attack on Kremlin May Further Escalate Conflict with Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Scandal in Tasmania: The Edifice Sports Complex Runs Amok "IndyWatch Feed War"

Profligate, a betrayal of public service, a misspending of state goods, a fiscal barbarism. By any estimation, recent efforts regarding sport in the small Australian state of Tasmania, unmoored from the mainland, distant, and, in many ways, depressed, has become the unexpected centre of a debate: Why on earth should the public purse at both State and Federal level fork out hundreds of millions in dollar currency for a stadium for Australian Footballs newest recruit? There are, lets face it, other handy alternatives.

Historically, Australian sport has been bosom-tied to corrupt administrative and state management. Administrators of the myriad sporting codes are typically conceited in assuming they provide a service for an increasingly obese populace. The sports personalities turn up and play; spectators turn up in their colours, pies and beers; the sporting hierarchs can then claim they are doing society a service. The logical equation that follows from this is revenue raising for the facilities as long as the sporting body is not the one doing it.

What is being proposed in Tasmania, a state suffering from chronic homelessness, chronic indigence and desperation on the health front, is a carbuncle stadium on a waterfront at Macquarie Point, a project that promises to cost $715 million. Those attending it will not be doing so for an aesthetic appreciation of the view: they will be in the enclosed stadium itself, watching the gladiatorial performance. All of this is deemed necessary for Tasmanias imminent welcome into the fold of the Australian Football League (AFL).

The jaundiced view from the Tasmanian Liberal government, led by Premier Jeremy Rockliff, is that having a spanking new stadium to accommodate a spanking new team at Macquarie Point is just the ticket. The suggested price tag of contribution from his government: $375 million.

In an exercise of indulgent and shameless deception, Rockliff, as the AFLs Manchurian Candidate, has dressed the entire enterprise up as an urban renewable project like no other that has ever been seen here in Tasmania. Entertainment, he dreams, will be coupled with the unlocking of potential, where we can build a world-class multipurpose entertainment and sporting where all Tasmanians can enjoy.

From the Commonwealth, $240 million is promised in what Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is calling an exciting project, in addition to $65 million towards upgrading the UTAS Stadium in Launceston. Albanese has been busy fluffing up matters by claiming that this whole act of profligacy had less to do with football than a grand exercise in social redevelopment, an exercise of structural oxygenation that will produce (no modelling, evidence or otherwise is supplied) 4,200 jobs.

Attempts have been ma....


City of Dallas hit by ransomware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The City of Dallas, Texas, has suffered a ransomware attack that resulted in disruption of several of its services. What do we know so far? Wednesday morning, the Citys security monitoring tools notified our Security Operations Center (SOC) that a likely ransomware attack had been launched within our environment, the Citys public statement revealed. Subsequently, the City has confirmed that a number of servers have been compromised with ransomware, impacting several functional areas, including the More

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Researchers Discover 3 Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Azure API Management Service "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Three new security flaws have been disclosed in Microsoft Azure API Management service that could be abused by malicious actors to gain access to sensitive information or backend services. This includes two server-side request forgery (SSRF) flaws and one instance of unrestricted file upload functionality in the API Management developer portal, according to Israeli cloud security firm Ermetic. "


How and why the Pentagon gets rewarded for being corrupt "IndyWatch Feed World"

America's military is the only branch of the federal Government that the American people respect, and "The military" is also the most respected of all institutions in America. The military is also the most corrupt part of the federal Government, and the only part of the federal government that's so corrupt that it has never been audited. Although the U.S. Congress recently required it to pass an audit i.e., to become approved by an independent team of auditors as to the completeness and honesty of its financial records the five audit-attempts that were then made all failed and had to be aborted, and no audit has yet been successfully completed on the most corrupt and publicly respected branch of the U.S. federal Government. Instead of the military getting less money in the federal budgets as a consequence of that, it still keeps getting not only increasing budgets but an increasing proportion of the Government's money. It gets rewarded as - if it weren't what it is. And what it...


Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Rosa Addario, Kathy Kelly "IndyWatch Feed War"

USA's Military Empire

By Gorilla Radio, May 4, 2023

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded May 3rd, 2023

A generation in to the communications revolution begun by the internet, governments around the World are busy devising ways to limit, throttle, or eradicate entirely the ability of the citizenry to freely share their opinions, or express political dissent. And, Canada is no exception.

Last week, Bill C-11 received ratification from the Senate, despite the government rejecting crucial amendment proposals put forward by that body.

Rosa Addario is a Canadian telecommunications technology researcher. Shes currently Communications Manager at OpenMedia, a quote, community-driven organization [working] to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free.

Rosa Addario in the first half.

And; the current conflict in Ukraine is proving to be the engine of a technological acceleration in both the methods and means of prosecuting war. Fortunately, those working for peace are too engaging new strategies and technologies to help bring the insanity of this, and the next, war to a halt.

Kathy Kelly is a long-time peace and justice activist, essayist, author, and recipient of numerous awards for her peace service, including multiple nominations for the Nobel Peace prize. These days shes serving as Board President at World BEYOND War, where among other things, shes busy co-coordinating the November 2023 Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal.

Kathys many articles appear at sites across the web, including, where I found her recent piece, To End All Wars, Close All Bases.

Kathy Kelly and World BEYOND Wars latest tech...


Researchers Uncover New Exploit for PaperCut Vulnerability That Can Bypass Detection "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cybersecurity researchers have found a way to exploit a recently disclosed critical flaw in PaperCut servers in a manner that bypasses all current detections. Tracked as CVE-2023-27350 (CVSS score: 9.8), the issue affects PaperCut MF and NG installations that could be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code with SYSTEM privileges. While the flaw was patched by the


The Mayotte Island Crisis: Putrid Leftover of Frances Imperialist and Colonialist Scrooge? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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AppOmni releases Salesforce Community Cloud Scanner "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AppOmni announced free Salesforce Community Cloud Scanner to help organizations secure their Salesforce Community websites from data exposure risks and misconfigurations. Salesforce data leaks recently identified by Krebs on Security have resulted in exposure of numerous Salesforce Community Cloud customers sensitive data. These data leaks occur when Salesforce customers access control permissions are misconfigured. The Salesforce misconfigurations, along with others previously discovered by AppOmnis Principal SaaS Security Engineer Aaron Costello, are frequent targets for threat More

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China, Russia, Oil, Gas, Coal, Climate "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The alarm bells only ring for those willing to listen. Its high time the West re-evaluates its energy and climate change approach before it is too late.

States Prepare to Send Checks to Consumers Tricked Into Paying for TurboTax "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

One year ago, all 50 states and the District of Columbia announced a $141 million settlement with Intuit, the maker of TurboTax. The investigation, led by New York Attorney General Letitia James, centered on how the company had steered customers into paying for tax preparation even though they qualified for a free government program. The attorney general said the probe was sparked by ProPublicas reporting in 2019.

About 4.4 million low-income Americans will receive payments under the agreement. On Thursday, James announced that the process of actually mailing checks to all those people will begin next week.

TurboTaxs predatory and deceptive marketing cheated millions of low-income Americans who were trying to fulfill their legal duties to file their taxes, she said. Today we are righting that wrong and putting money back into the pockets of hardworking taxpayers who should have never paid to file their taxes.

The payments range from $29 to $85, depending on how many years each eligible consumer used TurboTax. (A number of people cited in ProPublicas articles said they had paid over $100 for what they had thought would be free services.) The agreement covered 2016 through 2018. Those eligible for payments will be contacted by email and will not need to file a claim.

Intuit did not admit wrongdoing in the settlement.

As ProPublica documented in...

Open 3D Engine 23.05 Released With Many New Features "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It's been just under two years since Amazon's Lumberyard game engine was spun into the Open 3D Engine and the Open 3D Foundation established under the Linux Foundation. Today the project is celebrating its newest open-source game engine update with Open 3D Engine 23.05...


CIA May be Regarded Around World as a Rogue Elephant, But Operatives Can Still Churn Out Books that Make Themselves Look Like Heroes "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Russian and African Media Practitioners: Promoting Russia-Africa Relations "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Scrapping Charles Darwin: Hindutvas Anti-Scientific Maladies "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Top Polish general says situation does not look good for Kiev "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | May 4, 2023

For well over a year, the mainstream propaganda machine has been trying to convince everyone that the Kiev regime forces are massively overperforming against Russia. However, behind all the Western disinformation clutter, NATO military commanders are extremely concerned with the fact that what would be the second most powerful military in NATO (if it were a member) is being quite literally wiped out, with the casualty ratio going as high as 10:1 or even 11:1, and not in its favor. Worse yet, the Neo-Nazi junta forces include tens of thousands of NATO mercenaries and radicalized volunteers, whose casualties are estimated to be well into five figures counting. General Rajmund Andrzejczak, Chief of General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces, recently warned about this.

War always was, is, and there is nothing to indicate otherwise a matter of politics, and in its determinants has a substantial number of economic factors: finance, infrastructure issues, social issues, technology, food production and a whole set of problems that must be put into this box to understand this conflict When I look at the conflict in Ukraine, I mainly see it through these political lenses, and unfortunately it does not look good, Andrzejczak stated in the closing days of April, during a strategic debate at the National Security Bureau, adding: I think that there is nothing that indicates Russia would be unable to sustain its war effort, and that Western economic warfare efforts had failed to prevent this.

Those financial instruments which it had before the conflict, the dynamics of spending, the effectiveness of sanctions, and the whole complex economic situation speak to the fact that Russia will have the money for this conflict, Andrzejczak said and then warned that Kiev doesnt have remotely similar capabilities: We know how much the country needs per month. We know what American assistance amounts to, that of the entire collective West amounts to. We also know what Polish assistance is in this area, because we are the second-largest donor and should probably be a major inspiration for others. The speed of attrition in the financial area is, in my opinion, unfavorable, unfortunately.

The Polish Chief of General Staff further added: There was little indication that millions of Ukrainians who had left the country would be ready or willing to return home to rebuild. Many Western leaders failed to realize how far Ukraine is from winning the war. The Western Bloc just doesnt have the ammunition, in...


One more day, I think "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ive got a committee meeting coming up at 8am, and then Im closeting myself in the office for the day to hammer out two final exams. Once I get that done, all my heavy responsibilities vanish until the end of next week, when those exams come back and I have to grade them.

I can do this. One big push, and then its a summer of spiders.


Syria Takes Steady Steps on the Diplomatic Stage "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The corruption is just oozing out "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

No one is done with Clarence Thomas. He has another channel for his bribery stream.

In 2008, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas decided to send his teenage grandnephew to Hidden Lake Academy, a private boarding school in the foothills of northern Georgia. The boy, Mark Martin, was far from home. For the previous decade, he had lived with the justice and his wife in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Thomas had taken legal custody of Martin when he was 6 years old and had recently told an interviewer he was raising him as a son.

Tuition at the boarding school ran more than $6,000 a month. But Thomas did not cover the bill. A bank statement for the school from July 2009, buried in unrelated court filings, shows the source of Martins tuition payment for that month: the company of billionaire real estate magnate Harlan Crow.

I was dismayed by the first sentence of the second paragraph. People are paying $6000/month for a boarding school? Thats nuts. I could never afford that kind of payout, nor could most people. This must be how trickle down economics works the people with many millions of dollars subsidize the lifestyle of people who run over-priced private boarding schools.

Also, raising him as a son apparently means shipping the kid off to a school where we wont have to see him for nine months of the year.

Worse, in this case, is that Thomas has a billionaire sugar daddy paying the bills, and Thomas knew this was an ethical problem, because he kept it secret.

Thomas did not report the tuition payments from Crow on his annual financial disclosures. Several years earlier, Thomas disclosed a gift of $5,000 for Martins education from another friend. It is not clear why he reported that payment but not Crows.

Not clear? Crystal clear. He knew this was shady and was feebly trying to hide it.

Oh, hey, remember Herschel Walker, one of the dumbest Republican candidates ever (he lost)? Hes also in the news.

When Herschel Walker emailed a representative for billionaire industrialist and longtime family friend Dennis Washington in March 2022, he seemed to be engaging in normal behavior for a political candidate: He was asking for money.

But unbeknownst to Washington and the billionaires staff, Walkers request was far more out...


Rescuing Philosophy from Academic Irrelevance: Images of the Present Time (2023) by Alain Badiou "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The lesson of the turtle and the dove "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The South African musician known as Madosini passed away in 2022. She was one of the last of a generation who learnt to play traditional Xhosa instruments, in so doing sharing the spirituality, dignity, and joy of Xhosa culture through her inimitable song.

Image supplied by author.

Born near Umtata in the Eastern Cape, South Africa on December 25 1943, the musician known as Madosini passed away in 2022 just two days before her 79th birthday. From humble beginnings and considered a prodigy with the uhadi (bow), umrhubhe (mouth bow) and isitolotolo (jaw harp), Madosini gained international stardom in the world music community. If you have ever listened to a live concert by the musician you wouldve understood why. Madosini was one of the last of a generation who learnt to play these instruments in the traditional way, like the many who came before her.

The Xhosa composer and storyteller performed with the likes of Brazils Gilberto Gil, British rock singer Patrick Duff, at the Medellin International Poetry Festival in Colombia and at numerous WOMAD festivals around the world. Madosini was also the first musician to be recorded and documented in the latters Musical Elders Archives project.

The multi-instrumentalist collaborated with local artists Thandiswa Mazwai, Ringo, Derek Gripper, Jonny Blundell and Lulu Plaatjies, and released an album entitled AmaThongo, regularly playing with Hilton Schilder and Pedro Espi-Sanchis, the latter who also acted as her manager.

Back in 2016 Madosini performed four concerts in Cape Town for the public art project Any Given Sunday, curated by Riason Naidoo. Three of these were organized concerts at Moholo LiveHouse in Khayelitsha, Institute for Creative Arts (ICA) at the University of Cape Town and Straight No Chaser Jazz Club at The Drawing Room in Observatory.

In this series the Xhosa musician invited musicians Schilder (melodica), Dizu Plaatjies (talking drum), Glen Ahrendse (mouth bow), Espi-Sanchis (ixilongo flute), Mpho Molikeng (sekgankula, lesiba), Nothembele Vuma Maka (fluit mouth organ), among others. They played to full and diverse audiences.

In keeping with the random and covert nature of the interventions in the public art project, an impromptu performance took place at the square opposite Langa taxi rank, barely one 100 meters from where Madosini was living in the township.

This rare interview with Madosini was done on August 22 2020 and gives intimate insight into the background, music and philosophy of an eminent South African musician who shared so much of the spirituality, dignit...


Egypt takes lead role on global counter-terrorism network despite rights concerns "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Egypt takes lead role on global counter-terrorism network despite rights concerns

Appointment, alongside EU, condemned by rights groups who fear Cairo will use position to further 'weaken human rights protections''
Simon Hooper Thu, 05/04/2023 - 13:41
EU official Charles Fries (L) and Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoukry at the GCTF's meeting in Cairo on Thursday (@MFAEgypt)

Egypt has assumed the co-leadership of an influential global body shaping counter-terrorism policies despite condemnation of its appointment over Cairos "abuse of international counterterrorism norms".

Egypt formally took over as a co-chair, with the European Union, of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) at a meeting of the organisations coordinating committee in the Egyptian capital on Thursday.

We are honoured to be hosting the first GCTF Coordinating Committee meeting co-chaired with the European Union, in which all parties underscored their collective commitment to continue fighting this global scourge, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said in opening remarks.

Charles Fries, the deputy secretary general of the European External Action Service, the EUs diplomatic body, told the meeting that "tackling the scourge of terrorism" in Africa would be a strategic priority of the EUs joint tenure with Egypt, which runs until 2025.

The EU is committed to assuring the GCTF is dynamic, action-oriented, and remains fit-for-purpose, said Fries.

But in a letter sent to EU foreign policy chief Josep...


Dangerous Crossroads: Pending U.S. Congressional Resolution on War Against Russia "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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My MP and an exercise in vaccine damage denial "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Nicholas Britton | TCW Defending Freedom | May 4, 2023

A few weeks ago I wrote to my MP to ask if he attended Andrew Bridgens debate in the House of Commons about the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines. Of course, I knew he wasnt among the handful of people who stayed in the chamber for the debate, but I wanted to convey my deep disappointment at the lack of interest by those elected by us and paid by us to represent us on such important issues.

I finally got a reply about a month later. He said he was in his constituency that day but was aware of Mr Bridgens speech. Below are some extracts from his letter. I have not identified him because this is not a name-and-shame exercise, but an illustration of how politicians are still in complete denial about this issue and are quite happy giving us misinformation in the form of the usual unsubstantiated slogans and tropes. I dont know whether this MP believes any of what he wrote or whether he is just saying what hes been told to say. I know he is a party loyalist who always falls in line with the leadership; he is not an independent thinker. Either way, I dont like being lied to or hoodwinked.

Its interesting that at no point does the MP refute anything Andrew Bridgen said, nor does he provide any evidence or argument to contradict his statements. That would be a tricky one, I guess, since Mr Bridgen was quoting from official figures. Its also troubling to see such blatant denial of what is now being revealed around the world about the vaccines and which is even starting to creep into the MSM Ive recently noticed a few reports concerning vaccine injuries. Still, it remains an uphill struggle to convince some people that they are being lied to by the authorities. We are not trying to prove the existence of aliens or anything equally intangible, we are just trying to get those in authority to acknowledge what is screaming at them from their own official statistics. The result, as this letter shows, is for them to behave like recalcitrant children told to tidy their bedrooms, and to stick their fingers in their ears while loudly shouting conspiracy theorist, misinformation, or anti-vaxxer.

Here are the extracts (in bold) from the letter. Ive added my thoughts below each.

I would point out that extensive independent research shows that COVID-19 vaccines are extremely successful at preventing deaths. They remain our best line of defence and the most effective way to enable us to live with the virus.

Extremely successful? Where is the independent evidence for that? Id have thought he would be able to provide one or two examples of that extensive independent research if he believes in it so fervently.



SpaceX Completes First Fully Expendable Falcon Heavy Mission "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

SpaceX Completes First Fully Expendable Falcon Heavy Mission

SpaceX Completes First Fully Expendable Falcon Heavy Mission:

The triple-core rocket blasted off on Sunday evening to deliver three satellites to a high Earth orbit.

SpaceX's giant Falcon Heavy rocket successfully delivered three satellites to high Earth orbit on April 30. The launch marked the first time that none of the rocket's boosters were recovered.

Wild SpaceX Video Shows Hottest Reentry Yet of Reusable Rocket Fairing

Wild SpaceX Video Shows Hottest Reentry Yet of Reusable Rocket Fairing:

The dramatic footage shows a Falcon Heavy fairing blazing through the atmosphere at speeds reaching Mach 15.

The most recent flight of SpaceX's Falcon Heavy was historic in that it was the rocket's first fully expendable mission, and it was also the first Falcon Heavy mission to include previously flown fairings. As new footage attests, the fiery return of these fairings was a sight to behold.

After several delays, the Falcon Heavy blasted off from Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Sunday, April 30 at 8:26 p.m. ET. The triple-core rocket successfully deployed its primary payload, the broadband ViaSat-3 Americas satellite, and two smaller satellites to geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO).

Key to SpaceX's ongoing success is its devotion to reusabilityit's a lot cheaper to recover your engines and reuse them than to produce new ones for every launch. For this mission, however, none of the rocket's three booster stages could be recovered, as they expelled all their fuel in the effort to get the payloads to GEO. That said, SpaceX did make the attempt to recover the rocket's fairings, so in that sense it wasn't a fully expendable mission.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


X.Org Foundation To Become Part Of The SFC "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

X.Org members have approved of the X.Org Foundation letting the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) become its fiscal sponsor...


The Tucker Carlson Hatchet Job "IndyWatch Feed War"

Brother Nathanael Real Jew News May 3, 2023

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Estonia and The Importance of Not Letting History Be History "IndyWatch Feed War"

One of the most important building blocks for any state is a thorough understanding of its past and how the past can help inform its future. As many states have imperial legacies or were tossed back and forth amongst empires over centuries, the past can be both a weapon and a tool depending on who wields it. In Estonia, the past has been wielded effectively since independence was regained in 1991 in service of a renewed sense of nationhood and identity in the modern Europe of the 21st century. This does not mean that it has always been an easy journey for Estonia, as its occupier and aggressor across the Narva River is often all too eager to attempt to stifle its progress as a multi-ethnic European state. Furthermore, Estonia has had to contend with countless controversial monuments from its time under Soviet occupation that either inspire or disgust based on the intended audience.

Estonia has chosen to place its most controversial and sensitive monuments as out of public view as possible, lingering on the edges of its capital city for those who remain curious to come and visit. On the outskirts of Tallinn not far from its airport, the Bronze Soldier is arguably Estonias most controversial Soviet-era monument. It now sits in a military cemetery next to a busy motorway after its removal from central Tallinn sparked unrest in 2007 from segments of Estonias ethnic Russian minority, aggravated by Moscow and a vicious cyberattack and disinformation campaign. If you decide to take the 30-minute walk from Tallinns old town, the initial route on Google Maps will take you through an endless stream of back alleys, hospital parking lots, and sparsely paved walking trails. For the intrepid traveller, however, it is a doable and even comfortable walk, but it is not without effort, which is the point. The Bronze Soldier now also sits next to NATOs cyber defence centre, which is incredibly fitting as Estonias cyber capabilities are second to none within the NATO alliance.

Just north of Tallinn along the Gulf of Finland, the largest collection of Estonias Soviet-era monuments, including statues of Stalin and Lenin, is housed in the courtyard behind the Maarjamae Castle Museum. Upon entering the museum, the visitor is greeted by former Estonian President Lennart Meris quote: the notion that the time of Stalins and Hitlers is over is dangerous. After regaining its independence in 1991 and joining both the EU and NATO in 2004, Estonias leaders have maintained this position and stance towards Russia even as Tallinns European partners further west have been all too eager to begin anew. This is aptly demonstrated in Russia scholar Keir Giles new book Russias War on Everybody, which contains a remarkable quote from former French President Nicolas Sarkozy a...


Turkey elections: Can the opposition stay together if they win? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey elections: Can the opposition stay together if they win?

Cracks within this unlikely alliance have emerged way before polling day. Sources are divided over whether the parties' gentleman's agreement will be enough to govern
Ragip Soylu Thu, 05/04/2023 - 13:02
Presidential candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu makes a speech at an electoral rally in Izmir, Turkey on 30 April (Anadolu Agency)
Presidential candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu makes a speech at an electoral rally in Izmir, Turkey on 30 April (Anadolu Agency)

As Turkey approaches its 14 May elections, an opposition victory is increasingly plausible.

But international investors and foreign diplomats are fixated on one major concern: Would the co-called Table of Six opposition coalition stay united after capturing the presidency? 

It is an unlikely alliance, to say the least. You have nationalists sitting with Islamists, secular liberals side-by-side with social conservatives, and politicians who have always fought the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) alongside former ministers in Erdogans previous government. Big parties would have to share power with parties that struggle to get one percent of the vote.

Their alliance is held together by a president they all hate. Their programme is stitched together in a 234-page book, the Memorandum of Understanding on Common Policies, an opposition bible covering everything from the economy to foreign policy to the environment.

Ibrahim Canakci, Deva party deputy chairman, taps it, picks it up, and puts it down frequently. He says any dispute within the opposition could be resolved by going over the Memorandums extensive text.



Ukrainian Civilians Face Death, Dislocation, And Deportation In Putins Grisly War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ukrainian CitizensRussian media reported last August that 3.4 million Ukrainians, of whom 555,000 were children, were in Russia as a result of the war.


NAACP Branch Targets Republican Councilwoman With 7 Kids At 6 a.m. Outside Her Home "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

NAACP Amy Drake protestRepublican official Amy Drake cited the FBI's definition of domestic terrorism: 'Appearing to be intended to influence the policy of government by intimidation or coercion.'


Evacuations and rescues after floods in Emilia Romagna, Italy - 2 dead after "Unprecedented" floods - 7 inches of rain in 24 hours (UPDATE) "IndyWatch Feed World"

Firefighters in Italy have carried out dozens of rescues and evacuations after flooding and landslides in areas of the Emilia Romagna region. On 03 May 2023, Vigili del Fuoco, the fire and rescue department in Italy, reported 400 interventions due to flooding and landslides in the Emilia Romagna region in the north of the country.


Arthur Shield tackles safety and performance issues in large language models "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Arthur introduced a powerful addition to its suite of AI monitoring tools: Arthur Shield, a firewall for large language models (LLMs). This patented new technology enables companies to deploy LLM applications like ChatGPT more safely within an organization, helping to identify and resolve issues before they become costly business problems or worse, result in harm to their customers. Recent advancements in large language models from OpenAI, Google, Meta, and others have spurred a rush More

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Is my money safe in a bank? Nearly half of Americans think its not, according to a Gallup poll "IndyWatch Feed World"

A new survey reveals that 48% of Americans are concerned about their money, a pattern similar to the one seen during the 2008 financial crisis.

Almost half of Americans are worried about the safety of the money they keep in banks amid the current state of financial uncertainty, according to a poll released Thursday by Gallup.

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Deadly floods and landslides in 3 districts of Uganda - at least 6 dead "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Update, 03 May 2023: Early on 03 May 2023 the Uganda Red Cross Society reported at least 6 people died after heavy rain triggered landslides in Kisoro District in Western Uganda Region. Five members of the same family died when a landslide struck their home in Biizi village in Murora Sub-County. Another person died in a separate incident in Gihuyaga village, also in Murora Sub-County. One person was injured and taken to hospital. Original report, 01 May 2023: Heavy rain had triggered flooding and landslides in 3 districts of Uganda since 24 April 2023. Homes have been destroyed and at least 6 people have died, with 3 others reported missing.


Which Middle East rulers were at Elizabeth IIs coronation in 1953? "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Which Middle East rulers were at Elizabeth IIs coronation in 1953?

The last crowning of a British monarch was attended by an array of Arab rulers, including several who were later deposed, exiled or executed
Rayhan Uddin Thu, 05/04/2023 - 12:30
Queen Elizabeth II arrives for her coronation on 2 June 1953 at Westminster Abbey in London (AFP)
Queen Elizabeth II arrives for her coronation on 2 June 1953 at Westminster Abbey in London (AFP)

King Charles IIIs coronation on Saturday will be attended by several leaders and royals from the Middle East and North Africa - a region in which Britain has a long and chequered history as a former colonial power.   

King Abdullah of Jordan and his wife Queen Rania have already set off for the UK ahead of their attendance.

Also likely to attend, according to The Times, are Dubai Emir Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, King Mohamed VI of Morocco, and Omani Sultan Haitham bin Tarik. 

The last time a British monarch was crowned, 70 years ago, the political make-up of the Middle East was very different

Queen Elizabeth II's coronation on 2 June 1953 came at a time Britain still had a sprawling empire, wielding direct and indirect control over vast swathes of the world, including in the Middle East. 



Morocco: King Mohammed VI declares Amazigh New Year as national holiday "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Morocco: King Mohammed VI declares Amazigh New Year as national holiday

Amazighs believe 13 January was the first day King Sheshonq ascended to the throne of Egypt 2973 years ago
MEE staff Thu, 05/04/2023 - 12:29
Amazigh singer Fatima Tabaamrant performs during a festival to celebrate the new year, showing the Amazigh flag in 2015 (AFP)
Amazigh singer Fatima Tabaamrant performs during a festival to celebrate the new year, showing the Amazigh flag in 2015 (AFP)

Morocco's King Mohammed VI issued a decree on Wednesday to declare Amazigh New Years Day a national holiday, according to the royal court in Rabat.

The Amazighs, also known as Berbers, had campaigned for years in Morocco for the first day of their calendar - which falls on 13 January - to be officially acknowledged.

Morocco's royal court on Wednesday said that King Mohammed VI "decided to declare Berber New Years Day an official paid national holiday, equal to the Muharram Fatih of the Hijri year and the Gregorian New Year," in reference to the Islamic and Christian calendars.

Amazighs believe that the date marks the first day the Libyan king Sheshonq, who they venerate as a prince, ascended to the throne of Egypt 2,973 years ago.

The Amazigh calendar, dictated by the changes in seasons, is also celebrated by Arabic-speaking Moroccans, who call 13 January the beginning of the agricultural year.

The royal court's statement said that Amazigh was "an essential component of the authentic Moroccan identity, enriched by the p...


Alec Baldwin Gets The Best Justice Money Can Buy "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Alec BaldwinProsecutors dropped criminal charges against Baldwin, while his working-class employees take the fall, proving we have two systems of justice.


Fin whale stranded off Bridlington, UK dies "IndyWatch Feed World"

A whale has died after becoming stranded off the East Yorkshire coast. The 55ft (17m) long creature was confirmed dead off Bridlington's South Beach at around 18:00 BST on Tuesday, British Divers Marine Life Rescue told the BBC. It was believed to be a male fin whale, the world's second-largest animal after the blue whale. Bridlington's mayor Mike Heslop-Mullens had earlier urged people to keep away while efforts were made to save it.


Biden to end COVID-19 vaccination requirement for federal workers, international travelers "IndyWatch Feed World"

President Joe Biden announced plans to lift the COVID-19 vaccination requirement for federal employees on Monday. The White House said the vaccination requirement would end for federal employees and contractors on May 11 when the national coronavirus emergency is also due to end. It also applies to international travelers. "While vaccination remains one of the most important tools in advancing the health and safety of employees and promoting the efficiency of workplaces, we are now in a different phase of our response when these measures are no longer necessary," the White House said.


8 Reasons to Try Online Casinos "IndyWatch Feed World"

If youre thinking about playing at an online casino but arent entirely sure whether or not to try, look no further. Weve put together this list of our top eight reasons why you should give it a go. Millions of players from all over the world access online casinos every day to play real money games and enjoy all of the thrills that come with them.

Take a look at some of the biggest benefits of online casinos and see why so many players log on every day.

1. Its Safe And Convenient


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Online casinos are always open, so to speak, as they are always operating. This doesnt change, regardless of whether you choose to play during peak times or even in the early hours of the morning. In addition to this, most online casinos dont require you to download any software, so you can conveniently play from your web browser.

2. Easy Payment Methods

When playing online, players can choose from many different options for managing their accounts. Lots of sites will have multiple options for managing accounts. These can be used to facilitate deposits and withdrawals.

The payment methods available at online casinos are varied and include popular options like credit and debit cards, bank transfers, and cryptocurrencies. Instead of needing a wallet full of cash like you would at a traditional land-based casino, online casinos offer great ways to safely manage your funds.

3. Excellent Customer Support



Did FBIs Censorship Liaison Hide Colleagues Connection To The Hunter Biden Scandal? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

guy in FBI jacket talking on the phoneA close analysis of the Missouri v. Biden court filings suggests the FBI is not being forthright in identifying the players involved


Meteor fireball over Florida and Georgia on May 3 "IndyWatch Feed World"

We received 5 reports about a fireball seen over FL and GA on Wednesday, May 3rd 2023 around 09:40 UT. For this event, we received 2 videos.


Why the Things You Don't Know about the Dark Web May Be Your Biggest Cybersecurity Threat "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

IT and cybersecurity teams are so inundated with security notifications and alerts within their own systems, its difficult to monitor external malicious environments which only makes them that much more threatening.  In March, a high-profile data breach hit national headlines when personally identifiable information connected to hundreds of lawmakers and staff was leaked on the dark web. The


Spinrilla Will Shut Down and Pay $50m Piracy Damages to Music Labels "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

spinrillaMusic fans love to share mixtapes and have done so for decades but sharing these tapes over the Internet is not without risk.

Popular hip-hop mixtape site and app Spinrilla has millions of users and is well aware of the pitfalls. In 2017, the company was sued by several RIAA-backed labels, including Sony, Warner, and UMG, which accused the company of massive copyright infringement.

Spinrilla specializes in ripping off music creators by offering thousands of unlicensed sound recordings for free, the RIAA commented at the time.

Spinrilla Fought Piracy Accusations

The hip-hop site countered the allegations by pointing out its RIAA-approved anti-piracy filter and highlighting how it actively worked with major record labels to promote their tracks. In addition, Spinrilla stressed that the DMCAs safe harbor protects the company from liability.

As the case progressed both parties filed motions for summary judgment. The music companies requested rulings to establish that Spinrilla is liable for direct copyright infringement and that the DMCA safe harbor doesnt apply. Spinrilla countered with cross-motions, filed under seal, in which they argued the opposite.

Court: Spinrilla is Liable

In December 2020, US District Court Judge Amy Totenberg ruled that Spinrilla is indeed liable for direct copyright infringement. In her ruling, Judge Totenberg concluded that 4,082 copyrighted sound recordings were streamed at least once through Sprinrillas website or app.

Without the DMCAs safe harbor protection, Spinrilla faced a severe disadvantage in the event the case went to trial. With 4,082 copyrights at stake, potential damages would exceed $600 million if the jury found that the infringements were willful.

In recent weeks it looked like both parties were gearing up for a trial but, at the last minute, Spinrilla accepted a settlement and voluntarily submitted an offer of judgment to the court.

$50 Million + Shutdown

Spinrilla doesnt go li...


The $30 Billion Ike Dike Will Not Save Houston From Climate Change "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In September 2008, Hurricane Ike made landfall near Galveston, Texas, as a Category 4 storm with around 20 feet of storm surge. Even though the hurricane caused more than $7 billion in damage, it soon became clear that the disaster could have been much worse: If the storm surge had struck the coast at a different angle, water might have funneled up the Houston ship channel and inundated the citys all-important petrochemical hub, not to mention thousands of homes.


In the aftermath of the storm, Texas officials searched for a way to protect Houston from similar events in the future, and they soon settled on an ambitious project that came to be known as the Ike Dike a chain of sea walls and artificial dunes along the 50-mile-length of Galveston Bay, anchored by a two-mile-wide concrete gate system at the mouth of the ship channel. The gate would stay open during calm weather to allow ships to enter and exit the channel, but would close during hurricanes, shielding the city and its oil infrastructure from flood events.


The Ike Dike has since become synonymous with hurricane resilience in Houston: Local officials have spent a decade lobbying for the project, and now its closer than ever to becoming a reality. The US Army Corps of Engineers, the nations chief builder of levees and flood walls, secured congressional approval to move forward with the barrier last year. The $31 billion system is the largest project that the Corps has ever undertaken, with the gate system accounting for two-thirds of the cost. The agency says it will take around two decades to complete.


Despite the massive scale of the project, theres one big problem: Experts say the Ike Dike wont reliably protect Houston from major storms. The barriers may not actually be tall or strong enough to handle extreme storm surge, especially as climate change makes the rapid intensification of hurricanes more likely. And......


Jet Engine Tachometer Turned into Unique CPU Utilization Meter "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When youve got a piece of interesting old aviation hardware on your desk, what do you do with it? If youre not willing to relegate it to paperweight status, your only real choice is to tear it down to see what makes it tick. And if youre lucky, youll be able to put it to work based on what you learned.

Thats what happened when [Glen Akins] came across a tachometer for a jet airplane, which he promptly turned into a unique CPU utilization gauge for his computer. Much of the write-up is concerned with probing the instruments innards to learn its secrets, although it was clear from the outset that his tachometer, from Kollsman Instruments, was electrically driven. [Glen]s investigation revealed a 3-phase synchronous motor inside the tach. The motor drives a permanent magnet, which spins inside a copper cup attached to the needle on the tachs face. Eddy currents induced in the cup by the spinning magnet create a torque that turns the needle against the force of a hairspring. Pretty simple but how to put the instrument to work?

[Glen]s solution was to build what amounts to a variable frequency drive (VFD). His power supply is based on techniques he used to explore aircraft synchros, which...


Growing Pains "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

While youre here enjoying Jon Richardss latest cartoon, please take a moment to read these articles on currentrelated topics: 


4 things that people dont tell you about success "IndyWatch Feed World"

Career success is amazing, but often comes with feelings of self-doubt and anxiety.

When Laura Gassner Ottings first big idea book, Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life, came out in 2019, it debuted at No. 2 on The Washington Post best seller list, right behind Michelle Obamas book Becoming. The success was greater than she expected, and it led to lots of speaking invitations.

Read Full Story


Germany to further liberalize immigration "IndyWatch Feed World"

Berlin will deal with its shortage of skilled workers by attracting more foreigners, Labor Minister Hubertus Heil told the FT. Germany will drastically ease entry and citizenship requirements for foreign workers in a bid to deal with serious shortages in its workforce, Labor Minister Hubertus Heil has told the Financial Times (FT) in an interview published on Tuesday. Berlin will develop one of "Europe's most modern immigration regimes," he said, referring to new immigration legislation expected to be passed by lawmakers this month.


Meta Uncovers Massive Social Media Cyber Espionage Operations Across South Asia "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Three different threat actors leveraged hundreds of elaborate fictitious personas on Facebook and Instagram to target individuals located in South Asia as part of disparate attacks. "Each of these APTs relied heavily on social engineering to trick people into clicking on malicious links, downloading malware or sharing personal information across the internet," Guy Rosen, chief information


Indonesia legalizes illicit oil palm farms in program slammed as opaque "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

JAKARTA Illegal oil palm plantations spanning an area one and a half times the size of London have been amnestied under an Indonesian government program that critics say incentivizes large corporations over the small farmers whom it was intended to help. A total of 237,511 hectares (586,902 acres) of plantations have effectively been legalized under the program, which began in 2020. There are a combined 3.37 million hectares (8.33 million acres) of oil palm plantations considered illegal under Indonesian law because they were established on land zoned as forest areas. Thats an area larger than Belgium, accounting for a significant portion of the palm oil output in Indonesia, the worlds biggest producer of the commodity. To address the problem, the government introduced the amnesty scheme through the so-called omnibus law on job creation in 2020. The hugely controversial law, deemed unconstitutional in a court challenge yet somehow still in force, did away with criminal punishment for illegal plantations and their operators, and instead allowed them to be legalized by paying fines and applying for rezoning of the land to non-forest area. The amnesty scheme has drawn criticism from activists and some lawmakers. Critics say the scheme whitewashes the crimes of setting up plantations inside areas zoned as forest, where deforestation, wildfires and land conflicts are rife. And while the Ministry of Environment and Forestry says the amnesty program is also geared toward small farmers who manage illegal smallholdings, most of the plantations that have benefitted to date are run by companies, accordingThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Russia-linked Sandworm APT uses WinRAR in destructive attacks on Ukraines public sector "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

CERT-UA is warning of destructive cyberattacks conducted by the Russia-linked Sandworm APT group against the Ukraine public sector.

Russia-linked APT group Sandworm is behind destructive cyberattacks against Ukrainian state networks, the Ukrainian Government Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-UA) warns.

The Sandworm group (aka BlackEnergyUAC-0082Iron VikingVoodoo Bear, and TeleBots) has been active since 2000, it operates under the control of Unit 74455 of the Russian GRUs Main Center for Special Technologies (GTsST).

The group is also the author of the NotPetya ransomware that hit hundreds of companies worldwide in June 2017. In 2022, the Russian APT used multiple wipers in attacks aimed at Ukraine, including AwfulShredCaddyWiperHermeticWiperIndustroyer2IsaacWiperWhisperGatePrestigeRansomBoggs, and ZeroWipe. 

The threat actors allegedly obtained access to Ukraines public networks by using compromised VPN credentials.

CERT-UA started investigating the attack after it received information about an attack against an ICS system of one of the state organizations of Ukraine.

The attackers used a BAT script dubbed RoarBat that recursively searches for files with specific...


US Navy hires active-duty drag queen to be face of recruitment drive "IndyWatch Feed World"

The US Navy invited an active-duty drag queen to be a "Digital Ambassador" - as part of a recent drive "to attract the most talented and diverse workforce" and combat plunging recruitment. Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, who identifies as non-binary, was appointed as the first of five Navy Digital Ambassadors in a pilot program that ran from October to March. Kelley, whose stage name is Harpy Daniels, has shared their journey on TikTok and Instagram, where they described how they began performing onboard and became an "advocate" for people who "were oppressed for years in the service."


Re: Perl's HTTP::Tiny has insecure TLS cert default, affecting and other modules "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Reid Sutherland on May 04

Moritz Bechler wrote:

Performing outside queries is not a reasonable default in terms of
security. It's up to the developer if they wish to open up the user to
that risk. Libraries cannot shift defaults on a whim, this is why they
have documentation.


Re: semi-public issues on (linux-)distros "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Johannes Segitz on May 04


first of all let me take the opportunity to thank you for your work in this
area. I'm not a member of the distros list anymore (have been for years),
but I appreciate very much what you do for the community.

I agree. And I'm happy to see that this is being discussed, as I've seen
Daniel talking on Mastodon about this and it would be a shame if they
wouldn't provide their high quality reports to distributions up front...


Palestinian woman shot dead in West Bank after alleged stabbing attack "IndyWatch Feed War"

Palestinian woman shot dead in West Bank after alleged stabbing attack

Iman Odeh, 26, was killed near the town of Huwwara after reportedly stabbing an Israeli man who was taken to hospital
MEE staff Thu, 05/04/2023 - 11:36
Israeli soldiers stand before Palestinian protesters (not pictured) gathering for a Land Day demonstration in the Palestinian town of Huwara in the occupied West Bank on March 31, 2023 (AFP)
Israeli soldiers in Huwwara in the occupied West Bank on 31 March 2023 (AFP)

A 26-year-old Palestinian woman was shot dead in the occupied West Bank on Thursday after an alleged stabbing attack that left one Israeli injured, medical and local media sources said.

Iman Odeh was killed near the town of Huwwara, the Palestinian health ministry said in a short statement.

The Israeli army said an attacker had been "neutralised" while Magen David Adom, Israel's equivalent of the Red Cross, said it had treated a stabbed 20-year-old Israeli man before he was taken to hospital.

This incident raises the total number of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces and settlers sin...


Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests "IndyWatch Feed World"

by Jon Rappoport (To join our email list, click here.) Continuing my greatest COVID hits...


AMD SoundWire Merged For Linux 6.4 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Going back to 2016 Intel began working on MIPI SoundWire support for Linux and now in 2023, AMD has joined the party with their initial AMD SoundWire support driver landing in the mainline kernel...


ChatGPT and other AI-themed lures used to deliver malicious software "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Since the beginning of 2023 until the end of April, out of 13,296 new domains created related to ChatGPT or OpenAI, 1 out of every 25 new domains were either malicious or potentially malicious, Check Point researchers have shared on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Meta said that, since March 2023, theyve blocked 1,000+ malicious links leveraging ChatGPT as a lure from being shared across their technologies (Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.). Impersonating ChatGPT Threat actors generally disguise malware More

The post ChatGPT and other AI-themed lures used to deliver malicious software appeared first on Help Net Security.


Virology: Fake Science "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT HARVOA.ORG by Jim West Virology is at the root of much unsupported...


The Hidden Lessons of Catastrophic Tree Loss "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


A shady stretch of sidewalk. (Source: Author.)

The thing I love most about my neighborhood (aside from the people, of course) is also the most fragile.

When I first moved here, I had no idea that fully half of the stunning street trees would be gone within 10 years. I did not picture my future self lingering over old Google Streetview captures, longing for the days where there was a massive, mature tree in front of every home, and wistfully remembering a time when you could walk the full length of the block in a rainstorm and barely get wet.

Those days are gone, and that lush and endless canopy is just a bittersweet memory now. The reason for all that devastation? Dutch Elm Disease (DED).

Because virtually all the trees in my neighborhood were elms, when DED arrived on the scene, they were all under threat. But it could just as easily be the trees where you live, succumbing to emerald ash borer, oak wilt or laurel wilt, chestnut blight, or the Asian longhorn beetle.

What all these insects and pathogens have in common is their ability to devastate tree populations in short order. Sometimes trees slowly decline and eventually die, others succumb quickly and become unstable and hazardous. Death is a natural part of the life cycle of all living things. So why are these particular threats so dangerous?

The answer is that in towns and cities across North America, urban forests are often made up primarily of just one or two tree species. These are called monocultures. And when you have a huge population of one type of tree, a single disease spreads rapidly and can wipe out thousands of trees in short order.



Apricorn introduces Aegis NVX hardware-encrypted USB storage device "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Employing proprietary architecture, the Aegis NVX is the first Apricorn encrypted device to feature an NVME SSD inside, to address the immediate protection of raw data delivered directly from its source at high speeds. Initial capacity offerings will be 500GB, 1TB, and 2TB, with a price range of 280.00 600.00 MSRP. The NVX was conceived to meet demands and product requirements such as for use with high-definition video cameras with the capability to write More

The post Apricorn introduces Aegis NVX hardware-encrypted USB storage device appeared first on Help Net Security.


Printk Changes For Linux 6.4 Are Light With Still Waiting For Threaded/Atomic Console "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The printk code changes were merged last week for the ongoing Linux 6.4 merge window and it's notable not for what is in the pull request but rather what is still outstanding...


GPUOpen's Render Pipeline Shaders 1.1 Released With Linux Support "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

At the end of last year AMD's GPUOpen group released the Render Pipeline Shaders "RPS" SDK for graphics applications and engines leveraging Direct3D 12 or Vulkasn as an open-source render graph framework. On Wednesday the Render Pipeline Shaders SDK 1.1 was released and is complemented by Linux support...

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