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Saturday, 06 May


Habt ihr das auch gehrt? Mit dem Angriff Wrmepumpe ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Habt ihr das auch gehrt? Mit dem Angriff Wrmepumpe kommt das alles in Ordnung?

Nun, ... Vonovia hat das auch gedacht und Wrmepumpen auszurollen versucht. Ergebnis:

Ein Grund sei, dass wegen fehlenden Netzausbaus nicht gengend Strom zur Verfgung stehe, sagte Vonovia-Vorstandschef Rolf Buch am Donnerstag. Rund 70 installierte Gerte seien noch nicht angeschlossen, sagte eine Firmensprecherin.
Ach. Ach was.

Wofr brauchen wir Stromtrassen?! Bei uns kommt der Strom aus der Steckdose!!1!

Beim Deutschlandticket gibt es noch das eine oder andere ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Beim Deutschlandticket gibt es noch das eine oder andere Softwareproblem. Kann man nichts machen.

Insbesondere konnte man nicht erwarten, dass sie die MONATELANGE Verzgerung nutzen, um das System zum Start in funktionsfhigem Zustand zu haben.

Einmal mit Profis arbeiten ey.

Wisst ihr, wie Amazon Prime Video ihre Kosten um 90% ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wisst ihr, wie Amazon Prime Video ihre Kosten um 90% gesenkt hat? Sie haben den Microservice-Hipster-Cloud-Lock-In-Tech-Stack weggeschmissen und sind zurck zu einem schnen klassischen Monolithen. Wenn sie den jetzt noch bei einem normalen Hoster statt bei Amazon hosten, knnen sie nochmal 90% sparen!1!!

Gut, sie htten auch auf KPMG hren knnen (ich wei!!), die jetzt eine Cloud-Exit-Strategie verkaufen. Nachdem sie jahrelang ihre Kunden in die Cloud getrieben haben. Wobei KPMG damit natrlich nicht meint, dass man die Cloud verlassen soll, wie der Name verspricht, sondern dass man seinen Cloud-Schei in andere Clouds migrierbar hlt. Was das Problem nicht lst. Aber hey, ist KMPG. Was habt ihr erwartet.

PS: Nach Cloud Exit googleln ist eine Comedy Goldgrube. Htte uns doch nur vorher jemand gewarnt!1!!

Das Amtsgericht Mnchen fllt ein Grundsatzurteil ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Das Amtsgericht Mnchen fllt ein Grundsatzurteil zu Klimaklebern. Eine Sitzblockage ist eine Versammlung, keine Ntigung. Polizeigewahrsam ist keine geeignete Manahme zur Abwendung weiterer Klebeaktionen (und daher unzulssig). Ingewahrsamnahme von Aktivisten lassen sie auch nicht durchgehen. Freiheitsentzug ist der tiefstmgliche Eingriff in die Grundrechte und daher bei geringfgigen Straftaten unzulssig.

Update: Das ist vom letzten Jahr und hhere Instanzen sehen die Sache andersherum :-(


U.S. Forests Struggling to Adapt Fast Enough to Climate Change, Study Finds "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Rising sea levels, accelerated coastal erosion, severe flooding and drought, rapid melting of Arctic sea ice and more frequent and intense wildfires are all symptoms of climate change that are changing our planets landscape. In some places, these changes are happening too fast for plants and animals to keep up.

A recent study by researchers at University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), and the United States Forest Service have uncovered warning signs that forests in the Western U.S. are struggling to adapt to the rapidly changing climate.

If youre concerned about forest health then one thing you want to observe is whether the rate at which forest composition changes is roughly equivalent to the rate at which the climate changes, said lead author of the study Kyle Rosenblad, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley, in a press release from the Rausser College of Natural Resources. We found that climate change is outpacing the ability of forests and tree biomass to keep up, which is a potential concern for forest managers.

The study, Climate change, tree demography, and thermophilization in western U.S. forests, was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

According to the study, in the past ten years, forests in the West have become more and more dominated by...


How AI Technology Can Dramatically Increase Research Speed "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

While Im still a bit leery of the art, I think my real problem with most of the stuff were calling AI is the context in which it exists, same as with other forms of automation. Theres also a reasonable concern about the energy requirements of this technology, but today were going to look at one of the was in which it could be a huge benefit to all of us.

The development of computing machines in the 20th century made a lot of things possible, including new avenues and scales of research. The climate models that have, despite what you may have heard, done a surprisingly good job at projecting future warming, needed the capabilities of computers. Like its predecessors, this new AI technology opens up new approaches to research that were previously off the table.

An artificial intelligence system enables robots to conduct autonomous scientific experimentsas many as 10,000 per daypotentially driving a drastic leap forward in the pace of discovery in areas from medicine to agriculture to environmental science.

Reported today in Nature Microbiology, the team was led by a professor now at the University of Michigan.

That artificial intelligence platform, dubbed BacterAI, mapped the metabolism of two microbes associated with oral healthwith no baseline information to start with. Bacteria consume some combination of the 20 amino acids needed to support life, but each species requires specific nutrients to grow. The U-M team wanted to know what amino acids are needed by the beneficial microbes in our mouths so they can promote their growth.

We know almost nothing about most of the bacteria that influence our health. Understanding how bacteria grow is the first step toward reengineering our microbiome, said Paul Jensen, U-M assistant professor of biomedical engineering who was at the University of Illinois when the project started.

Figuring out the combination of amino acids that bacteria like is tricky, however. Those 20 amino acids yield more than a million possible combinations, just based on whether each amino acid is present or not. Yet BacterAI was able to discover the amino acid requirements for the growth of both Streptococcus gordonii and Streptococcus sanguinis.

To find the right formula for each species, BacterAI tested hundreds of combinations of amino acids per day, honing its focus and changing combinations each morning based on the previous days results. Within nine days, it was producing accurate predictions 90% of the time.



Prisiones para migrantes en Estados Unidos deberan ser abolidas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Las prisiones para migrantes en Estados Unidos muestran la complejidad y las contradicciones de la migracin en ese pas, afirm Csar Cuauhtmoc Garca Hernndez, acadmico de la Universidad Estatal de Ohio, Estados Unidos.

En las prisiones de inmigracin hay personas detenidas por el poder de la ley administrativa, y otras bajo cargos penales para castigarlas por ir a ese pas, abund al ofrecer una conferencia acerca del tema en el Centro de Investigaciones sobre Amrica del Norte (CISAN) de la UNAM.

Ante Ariadna Estvez Lpez, investigadora del CISAN, quien fungi como moderadora, el abogado experto en migracin dijo que, si se busca, se pueden encontrar modelos de inocencia con nios demasiado pequeos para que se les pida su opinin, y modelos de repulsin en adultos estadunidenses que cometen atrocidades.

La forma en que se cubre la detencin de migrantes, tanto en Estados Unidos como en Mxico, donde est creciendo, es una suposicin de que sta debera existir, que las personas tendran que ser detenidas slo porque estn en movimiento, asegur.

El especialista seal que los migrantes representaron aproximadamente la mitad del crecimiento de la fuerza laboral estadunidense entre 2002 y 2018, de acuerdo con datos de la Oficina de Presupuesto del Congreso.

Garca Hernndez consider que el encarcelamiento de migrantes en Estados Unidos se dio por el miedo a las personas categorizadas como racialmente indeseables. Prosper gracias a las ganancias corporativas y a ejercicios polticos inesperados, mientras gente real sufre.

Sostuvo que las prisiones de migrantes en Estados Unidos son indefendibles y deberan ser abolidas. Hoy en da estn en todas partes de EE.UU. y toman muchas formas: desde un viejo motel hasta un edificio con puertas de acero, o con paredes que parecen llegar hasta el cielo.

Coment que algunas personas estn en las crceles porque se atrevieron a buscar seguridad en EE.UU.; otros no cumplen con sus requisitos sobre la forma de llegar a ese pas. Ir a esa nacin sin el permiso del gobierno federal es un delito federal menor. El reingreso no autorizado su primo hermano es un delito grave. Por el primero es posible el encarcelamiento hasta por dos aos, y en el segundo hasta 20 aos, aunque por lo regular las sentencias son de aproximadamente 18 meses, seal.

Garca Hernndez agreg que otras personas viven encerradas aunque tienen permiso de vivir en Estados Unidos, pero el gobierno federal est tratando de quitrselos.

Afirm que parece que el futuro es brillante para las prisiones de migracin. En los das posteriores a la eleccin de Donald Trump el valor de prisiones privadas se dispar en el mercado y fue un buen momento para estar en el negocio de encerrar a los inmigrantes.

Si bien reconoci que Trump intensific las cosas en contra de los migrantes, la hostilidad hacia ellos no comenz con l. Nue...


Bonsai Tree Persimmon Still Mysterious "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Previous post.

This year the tree took its time to start growing it only started a few days ago, at the beginning of May. I was already worrying again since this is the only specimen that I have and if it dies, it is unlikely I would ever be able to replace it it took about ten years to find one seed, dammit. But it started to grow, finally. and it looks promising.

Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

Last year it grew three branches on the main stem in the end. I cut them all down this year and they all are sprouting 2-3 buds so it is branching out, which is good.

We shall see what form the tree chooses. Preliminarily it appears to be suitable for formal broom style. I am reluctant to use wire on this wood at all, it grows relatively fast in thickness and length so there is a great risk of ingrowth, plus it is a very hard and strong wood so it would probably be prone to breaking when stressed incorrectly. And broom style often does not require the use of wire, just judicious pruning. And spreading the soft twigs apart early in the spring, which can be done by simply inserting a piece of cardboard between them as a temporary spacer. Which I did last year and I probably will have to do this year again since the tree still has a very strong tendency to grow straight upwards. That is normal for seedlings and it should slow down as it matures.

I have also worked on my other bonsai, repotting them. When they are picture-worthy again, I hope to write a few more articles about species suitable for beginners. Right now, I am very tired. A bit more than usual because in addition to re-planting the trees, I have also built a shade over them. It was necessary because my trees suffered greatly these last few years when it rained very sparsely and the summer heat was abnormally intense. I had to, on occasion, put some trees manually into the shade near the house, so I have decided this year to bring shade to all of them right from the start. I hope it will also mean I will need less water for the trees during the summer.

Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

I have re-purposed welded U-poles f.....


De AIVD-Waarheden van Erik Akerboom 10 "IndyWatch Feed War"

Erik Akerboom, deze foto is gemaakt op 4 mei, de dag van de dodenherdenking. Met betrekking tot de corrupte elite is bekend geworden dat, in de woorden van de prominente Amerikaanse onderzoeksjournalist Glenn Greenwald:

Weeks before the 2020 campaign, Antony Blinken called ex-CIA Director Michael Morell, causing Morell to issue a letter in the name of 51 CIA/DHS (Department of Homeland Security. svh) agents that led them and the media to spread an absolute lie: the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. 



How Jackson State University Fits within the Construct of the Vietnam Era and the U.S. Peace Movement "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

By C Liegh McInnis, World BEYOND War, May 5, 2023

Presented during the May 4, 2023, Vietnam to Ukraine: Lessons for the US Peace Movement Remembering Kent State and Jackson State! Webinar hosted by the Green Party Peace Action Committee; Peoples Network for Planet, Justice & Peace; and Green Party of Ohio 

Jackson State University, like most HBCUs, is the epitome of the black struggle against colonialism. While the vast majority of HBCUs are established during or just after Reconstruction, they are mired in the American colonial system of segregating and underfunding black people and black institutions so that they never become more than de facto plantations in which white oppressors control the curriculum to control the intellectual aptitude and economic progress of African Americans. One example of this is that, well into the late 1970s, Mississippis three public HBCUsJackson State, Alcorn, and Mississippi Valleyhad to get approval from the state College Board just to invite speakers to the campus. In most aspects, Jackson State didnt have the autonomy to decide its educational direction. However, thanks to great leaders and professors, such as former President Dr. John A. Peoples, poet and novelist Dr. Margaret Walker Alexander, and others, Jackson State was able to circumvent Mississippis educational Apartheid and become one of only eleven HBCUs to achieve Research Two status. In fact, Jackson State is the second oldest Research Two HBCU. Additionally, Jackson State was part of what some call the Civil Rights Triangle as JSU, the COFO Building, and Medgar Evers office as head of the Mississippi NAACP were all on the same street, diagonal from each other, forming a triangle. So, just off the campus of JSU, is the COFO Building, which served as the headquarters for Freedom Summer and attracted many JSU students as volunteers. And, of course, many JSU students were part of the NAACP youth branch because Evers was instrumental in organizing them into the Movement. But, as yall can imagine, this didnt sit well with the majority white College Board or the majority white state legislature, which led to additional cuts in funding and general harassment of students and teachers that culminated into the 1970 shooting in which the Mississippi National Guard surrounded the campus and the Mississippi Highway Patrol and Jackson Police Department marched onto the campus, firing over four hundred rounds into a female dormitory, injuring eighteen and killi...


Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On May 5, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On May 5, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • Russian artillery shelled the AFU command and observation posts near Nestryga Island in the Kherson region;
  • Russian artillery shelled the AFU command and observation posts near Novoandreevka;
  • Artillery duels between the AFU and the Russian Army continue on the outskirts of Gulyaipole;
  • Up to 30 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 armored vehicles, 3 motor vehicle were destroyed by Russian artillery in the South Donetsk and Zaporozhye region, according to the Russian MOD;
  • Up to 35 Ukrainian servicemen, 6 motor vehicles, 2 howitzers, a Gvozdika artillery system in the Kherson region, according to the Russian MOD.


The post Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On May 5, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


WordPress plugin vulnerability puts two million websites at risk "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Millions of WordPress-powered websites are using the Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields Pro plugins, which security researchers say have been vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.


Revista Ciencia Digna: agrotxicos, salud y organizacin comunitaria frente al extractivismo "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Rachel Carson, autora del libro La primavera silenciosa, publicado en 1962 y que detalla el impacto de los agroqumicos.

La Unin de Cientficos Comprometidos con la Sociedad y Naturaleza de Amrica Latina (Uccsnal) public el tercer nmero de su revista. Realiza un recorrido del impacto del agronegocio, el rol de la academia y casos de resistencia territorial. Cuenta con un dossier especial en homenaje a la investigadora Rachel Carson, autora del histrico libro La primavera silenciosa.

Algo de esa bravura
en la sangre
de las Madres del Barrio Ituzaing
y de las que gritan que ya basta de ponzoas
sobre estos cuerpos.
Sus nombres se espigan en el trigal
y es urgente cosecharlas
y multiplicarlas.

Estos versos son un fragmento del poema Ancestras, escrito por Viqui Veronesi, apicultora, docente y poeta de Entre Ros. El texto literario cierra el tercer nmero de la Revista Ciencia Digna, de la Unin de Cientficos Comprometidos con la Sociedad y la Naturaleza de Amrica Latina (Uccsnal). La publicacin presenta diversos trabajos que articulan la problemtica del uso de agrotxicos en Sudamrica y otras realidades que surcan el continente de luchas por la tierra y contra un extractivismo que promete energas renovables en el Norte a costa de los bienes comunes del Sur. 

A 60 aos de La primavera silenciosa: los agrotxicos en Brasil y Argentina

La tercera edicin de la revista Ciencia Digna comienza con un dossier dedicado a recordar los 60 aos de La Primavera Silenciosa, el histrico libro de Rachel Carson. Fue la primera publicacin que present evidencias del dao de los plaguicidas en la salud humana y la naturaleza, lo que impuls la prohibicin del DDT y otros agroqumicos altamente peligrosos. Seis dcadas despus, y como se muestra en los artculos recogidos en la revista, se siguen usando varios de los plaguicidas tratados por Carson en su investigacin, pero a ellos se han sumado nuevas sustancias en los sistemas agrcolas. 

El primer artculo, escrito desde Brasil por Leonardo Melgarejo y Accio Zuniga Leite, presenta una fuerte crtica e interpelacin a la denominada Revolucin Verde y examina la situacin actual en ese pas. Afirman que, all, la expansin del agronegocio sirvi a intereses polticos, alter la estructura de la tierra y la direccin de la economa poltica brasilea ampliando el espectro del hambre y profundizando su situacin como colonia exportadora de productos agrcolas de bajo valor econmico.

Guiado por esos intereses, especialmente despus del golpe de Estado parlamentario de 2016, Brasil asumi el estatus de mayor importador mundi...


ClimateTV Live at 1PM EDT Embracing Petro-Masculinity "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Join us for episode 62 of Climate Change Roundtable, titled Embracing Petro-Masculinity Yes, you read that right. The left has come with yet another ridiculous label to slur climate realists,


Neural Networks on Photonic Chips: Harnessing Light for Ultra-Fast and Low-Power AI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Photonic circuits are a very promising technology for neural networks because they make it possible to build energy-efficient computing units. For years, the Politecnico di Milano has been working on developing programmable photonic processors integrated on silicon microchips only a few mm2 in size for use in the field of data transmission and processing, and now these devices are being used to build photonic neural networks:

"An artificial neuron, like a biological neuron, must perform very simple mathematical operations, such as addition and multiplication, but in a neural network consisting of many densely interconnected neurons, the energy cost of these operations grows exponentially and quickly becomes prohibitive. Our chip incorporates a photonic accelerator that allows calculations to be carried out very quickly and efficiently, using a programmable grid of silicon interferometers. The calculation time is equal to the transit time of light in a chip a few millimeters in size, so we are talking about less than a billionth of a second (0.1 nanoseconds)," says Francesco Morichetti, Head of the Photonic Devices Lab of the Politecnico di Milano.

"The advantages of photonic neural networks have long been known, but one of the missing pieces to fully exploit their potential was network training.. It is like having a powerful calculator, but not knowing how to use it. In this study, we succeeded in implementing training strategies for photonic neurons similar to those used for conventional neural networks. The photonic 'brain' learns quickly and accurately and can achieve precision comparable to that of a conventional neural network, but faster and with considerable energy savings. These are all building blocks for artificial intelligence and quantum applications," adds Andrea Melloni, Director of Polifab the Politecnico di Milano micro and nanotechnology center.

Originally spotted on The Eponymous Pickle.

Journal Reference: Sunil Pai et al, Experimentally realized in situ backpropagation for deep learning in photonic neural networks, Science (2023). DOI: 10.1126/science.ade8450

Related: New Chip Can Process and Classify Nearly Two Billion Images Per Second

Original Submission...


Hackaday Podcast 217: The Unintentional Space and 3D Printing Episode "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Hackaday Editors Elliot Williams and Tom Nardi definitely didnt plan on devoting most of this episode to 3D printing and space stories, but lets be honest, it was bound to happen sooner or later. After an update on the Hackaday Prize, the discussion moves on to a pair of troubled spacecraft and the challenges of exploring the final frontier. From there youll hear about a chocolate 3D printer weve had our eyes on for years, the tools you should have next to your own (non-chocolate) 3D printer, and a bit of contemplation of what it really means to design for 3D printing versus traditional manufacturing methods. But its not all plastic fantastic by the end of the episode youll also hear about some particularly bold high-altitude aviators and the surprisingly short time we have left with the humble barcode.

Check out the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!



Condenan a dos aos de prisin a defensores tseltales en Chiapas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. Los defensores tseltales del territorio Csar Hernndez Feliciano y Jos Luis Gutirrez Hernndez fueron sentenciados a dos aos de prisin en Ocosingo, Chiapas, por haber protestado el 15 de octubre de 2020 contra la imposicin de un cuartel de la Guardia Nacional en San Sebastin Bachajn.

La sentencia contra los defensores se dict a pesar de que se presentaron pruebas de la represin, la tortura y los malos tratos a los que fueron sometidos por la polica de Chiapas cuando fueron detenidos durante la protesta del 15 de octubre de 2020, mismo da en que otras 11 personas resultaron heridas.

El Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolom de las Casas (Frayba) lament la decisin del juez Agustn Lpez Martnez, Juez de Enjuiciamiento de le Regin Tres, del Distrito Judicial de Ocosingo, que dict formal prisin para los dos mayas tseltales el pasado 24 de abril, tras el juicio oral de los defensores.

A lo largo de todas las audiencias, explic el Frayba, se logr demostrar la falta de elementos slidos para acreditar el delito de motn por el que la Fiscala del Estado de Chiapas les ha acusado desde 2020, as como que los testigos presentados no acreditaron pertenecer al cuerpo de polica estatal ni su participacin durante los hechos de la protesta del 15 de octubre de 2020. De igual manera, la Fiscala no demostr la calidad de peritos y legistas expertos en su materia dentro de la investigacin que sostenan el dicho de los elementos que acusaban a los defensores comunitarios, acus el Frayba.

El Frayba asegur que la decisin de encarcelar a los defensores tseltales, quienes adems fueron sometidos a tortura y malos tratos desde su detencin, criminaliza la defensa de la tierra y el territorio en detrimento de los derechos a la autonoma y autodeterminacin de los pueblos originarios.

Hacemos un llamado al gobierno del estado de Chiapas a detener la criminalizacin y judicializacin  de las personas defensoras de derechos humanos y de la vida, finaliz el Centro.

A continuacin el comunicado completo:

El 15 de octubre de 2020 durante las acciones de manifestacin pacfica ante la construccin del cuartel de la Guardia Nacional en el territorio comunitario de San Sebastin Bachajn, Csar Hernndez Feliciano (Csar) y Jos Luis Gutirrez Hernndez (Jos Luis) mayas tseltales del pueblo de Chiln y defensores de derechos humanos, fueron reprimidos por policas estatales, as como torturados e incomunicados; 11 personas ms resultaron heridas.

El pasado 24 de abril de 2023 inici el juicio oral de Jos Luis y Csar, defensores del territorio, durante el desarrollo de las distintas audiencias se logr demostrar la falta de elementos slidos para acreditar el delito de motn por el que la Fiscala del Estado de Chiapas les ha acusado desde 2020; los testigos presentados no acreditaron pertenecer al cuerpo d...


Strong Towns National Gathering: Learn How To Fight Parking Mandates From the Experts "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


(Photo source: Unsplash/Raban Haaijk.)

Parking, or, more specifically, mandates to include it in residential and commercial construction, plays an outsized role in the struggles of North American cities. These arbitrary requirements prevent small businesses from opening and homes from being built; they fill our cities with wasteful, empty space; and they drain the financial productivity of our neighborhoods. Strong Towns is so committed to repealing parking minimums weve dedicated one of our core campaigns to the issue. Now, attendees at our 2023 National Gathering (May 3031 in Charlotte) can hear directly from some of the most knowledgeable and effective advocates on this issue.

Tony Jordan and Jane Wilberding of the Parking Reform Network will explain the adverse effects of parking mandates, celebrate the substantial momentum for reforming them, and teach you how to organize and build a coalition for parking reforms in your city. Armed with this knowledge and understanding, youll be a more effective advocate to explain to local leaders and citizens why this is such a vital issue for towns and cities across North America.

The Parking Reform Network has been a valuable Strong Towns partner and contributor. Check out some of their most persuasive calls to action from our archives: 

A New Way to Look at Minimum Parking Requirements

The simplest way to integrate parking reform in a zoning code is simple: There are no provisions that establish a minimum nu...


Ukraine's much-anticipated 'counteroffensive' could end in disaster "IndyWatch Feed World"

Are the Armed Forces of Ukraine ready to mount such a high-stakes operation and what challenges will they face? Talk about a counteroffensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) has been doing the rounds for months, but it is still not clear when it might begin or whether it will happen at all. Previously, RT analyzed the readiness of the AFU for such an operation, but this time we will discuss the main challenges that may prevent Kiev's troops from implementing or developing its political leaderships aims. And, perhaps most importantly, those of its Western sponsors. What is the AFU's main challenge in mounting this sort of endeavor? We currently do not have any idea of where the AFU's counteroffensive could take place, although Russian military bosses will be well aware of troop movements. If it involves an attempt to breakthrough the front line, then in addition to preparing reserves for battle, the AFU will need high-precision weapons. Ukrainian troops will have to use...


PX Stuff "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

OK, perhaps I should remove my ebay alert for Gary Panter, because Im starting to have a sufficient volume of Panter ephemera

James Dean, dude.

Back Again.

This blog post is part of the Punk Comix series.


(Des) montajes: FUEGOS: Lo mejor de la escena teatral  en Mxico / Primer cuatrimestre 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Por Alexandro Guerrero                                                                 Me despierto cada noche envuelta en el incendio de mi propia sangre. MARGUERITE YOURCERNAR. FUEGOS. RegeneracinMx.- REVUELO Compaa Teatral,  irrumpe difana []

La entrada (Des) montajes: FUEGOS: Lo mejor de la escena teatral  en Mxico / Primer cuatrimestre 2023 se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


George Floyds Murder Reminds Us: Israels Knee Sits on the Neck of Black America "IndyWatch Feed World"

Nearly three years have passed since, on 25 May 2020, four Minneapolis police officers were involved in killing George Floyd. Then, the iconic shots of Derek Chauvin kneeling on Floyd sparked a rejuvenated mass movement against structural racism in the police, specifically about using the knee-on-neck technique. The iconic photo meant that Chauvin became the poster boy for the technique. But subsequent video evidence indicated that at least three of the four cops involved in the incident had knelt on Floyds back or neck in the encounter at the same time. This is important since, as we show in this investigation, the local police department had trained all four officers in training sessions that routinely involved the knee-on-neck technique. We also show that this technique is directly linked to training overseen, indeed certified, by Israeli institutions and used by police training officers in Minneapolis.

In response to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Israeli National Police Spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld tweeted that there is no procedure that allows an officer of the Israel police to carry out an arrest by placing a knee on the neck of a suspect.

This and similar interventions quickly punctured the outrage building over the death of Floyd and about the alleged role of Israel in the deadly technique that caused his death. Some posted photos of Israeli police kneeling on Palestinian necks, of which there are many. Still, they were overwhelmed by a chorus from pro-Israel sources turning the original allegation into one more instance of antisemitism. The Simon Wiesenthal Center tweeted about Palestinians setting social media aglow with their &#8220...


Military Situation In Donbass On May 5, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Donbass On May 5, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • The Russian Army made a tactical advance near Belogorivka village;
  • The Russian Army destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Slavyansk;
  • The Russian Army destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Belogorivka;
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Mariinka;
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Ugledar;
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Pervomaiske;
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Bakhmut;
  • Up to 70 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 infantry vehicle, 2 pickups were destroyed by Russian artillery on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Russian MOD;
  • Up to 255 Ukrainian servicemen, 6 motor vehicles, 2 armored vehicles, 2 howitzers were destroyed by Russian artillery on the Donetsk front, according to the Russian MOD;
  • Up to 30 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 armored vehicles, 3 motor vehicle were destroyed by Russian artillery in the South Donetsk and Zaporozhye region, according to the Russian MOD;
  • The AFU reportedly destroyed 5 tanks, 17 armoured vehicles, 13 artillery pieces, 3 MLRS systems and 4 anti aircraft systems of the Russian Army in the past 24 hours.



LibreOffice 7.5.3: Coming Soon to a Repository Near You "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

LibreOffice 7.5.3 offers improved compatibility with MS Office, as well as numerous minor improvements throughout the suite.

The post LibreOffice 7.5.3: Coming Soon to a Repository Near You appeared first on FOSS Force.


One elephant a day: Sri Lanka wildlife conflict deepens as death toll rises "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

COLOMBO On average one elephant has died each day in Sri Lanka in the first three months of this year, with nearly half of those deaths due to human causes. This escalation of the perennial problem of human-elephant conflict on the island has prompted calls for urgent solutions to save this endangered and iconic species. Sri Lankas Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) recorded 151 deaths of Sri Lankan elephants (Elephas maximus maximus) between Jan. 1 and April 28. Of these, at least 67 were due to human intervention, including shooting deaths (38) and electrocution caused by electric fences (23). Six elephants died after eating so-called jaw bombs, improvised explosive devices concealed in food bait that detonate when bitten. The devices are used by farmers to keep animals from their crops. Ravi Corea, founder and president of the Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society (SLWCS), said he fears Sri Lanka might be on track to set a new unwanted record for the highest number of elephant deaths in a single year. Elephant deaths last year hit an all-time high of 433, while human fatalities from these conflicts was also a record 145. Every time the department sends out these statistics of elephant deaths, there is always an increased hue and cry. This is a good sign. But unfortunately, that outcry subsides with time, Corea told Mongabay. The government estimates the population of Sri Lankan elephants, a subspecies of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), at about 7,000. But wildlife conservationists suggest theThis article was originally published on Mongabay


'Nearly A Third Of The World Economy Is Now Subject To Sanctions' "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) just published a study about: The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions. The results are as any observer of such acts would expect. Sanctions are used too broadly. They hardly ever serve their...


A History of NASA Supercomputers, Among Others "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The History Guy on YouTube has posted an interesting video on the history of the supercomputer, with a specific focus on their use by NASA for the implementation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models of aeronautical assemblies.

The aero designers of the day were quickly finding out the limitations of the wind tunnel testing approach, especially for so-called transonic flow conditions. This occurs when an object moving through a fluid (like air can be modeled) produces regions of supersonic flow mixed in with subsonic flow and makes for additional drag scenarios. This severely impacts aircraft performance. Not accounting for these effects is not an option, hence the great industry interest in CFD modeling. But the equations for which (usually based around the Navier-Stokes system) are non-linear, and extremely computationally intensive.



Video: Tucker Carlson Shared a Terrifying Message "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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OMS da por terminada la emergencia sanitaria mundial por Covid "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Covid: Mortalidad desacelera de 100 mil por semana en enero de 2021 a poco ms de 3 mil 500 al 24 de abril. Por Covid []

La entrada OMS da por terminada la emergencia sanitaria mundial por Covid se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Criminalidad Empresa-Estado: alianza eficiente para el despojo en Colombia "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

<p>Cementera Argos, la multinacional del carbn Drummond, mineras Continental Gold Limited, Anglo Gold Ashanti, Fondo Ganadero de Crdoba, empresas agroindustriales (Palma de aceite, Bananeras), Inmobiliarias, entre las empresas condenadas a Restituir Tierras despojadas en el marco del conflicto armado.</p> <p>________________________</p> <p>Tal vez una de las ganancias de la prdica de los sectores de poder hegemonizado en Colombia al estimular una presin de odio contra el acuerdo de Paz alcanzado entre las FARC-EP y el Estado fue el de mover la voluntad de la poblacin para votar el no al a paz en el referendo de octubre de 2016. El objetivo de fondo fue el de limitar el alcance de la verdad y la justicia, generando as un entorno protector para los empresarios, polticos, militares de alto nivel y a extranjeros responsables de despojo, violencia y dolor; proteger de fondo, un modelo econmico de muerte (Mesa Duque & Insuasty Rodrguez, 2021) que hoy pervive y se expande.</p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-full"><img src= ""></figure> <p>Luego de la firma del acuerdo de Paz entre las Farc y el Estado (2016) quedaron activos factores y actores reales de poder protegidos por la impunidad; factores y actores que poco a poco, desde su influencia en el ejecutivo, el legislativo, sectores del poder judicial, el poder militar y el control de los medios de comunicacin masiva, aceitaron la maquinaria de guerra que hoy tiene sumido al pas en una espiral de viejas y nuevas violencias en los territorios productivos y/o con promesa productiva.</p> <p>Lo cierto es que el pas an no ha profundizado en una Verdad que toque a los grandes responsables, los peces gordos del mundo poltico, empresarial nacional e internacional (terceros civiles) responsables del reciclaje permanente de la guerra, esos que mantienen y se benefician del <em>estatus quo</em> y que ahora tambin enrutan bateras en contra de los intentos de avanzar en algunas reformas necesarias que, de manera insistente, promueve el Gobierno de Gustavo Petro; pequeos ajustes a una cerrada estructura normativa, institucional, cultural y hasta de creencias que les ha permitido, a un grupo muy reducido de personas, mantener sus elevados privilegios.</p> <p>El libro: lites, poder y principios de dominacin en Colombia (1991-2022): Orgenes, perfiles y recuento histrico, concluye: 1281 personas que pertenecen a la lite colombiana, en las ltimas tres dcadas, el 0.02% de la poblacin, han dirigido el rumbo del Estado y la Economa en Colombia (Pearce & Velasco Montoya, 2023).

Ahora bien, las sentencias de Restitucin de Tierras (entre otras) vienen dejando en evidencia un modus operandi que devela cmo lites locales, regionales, nacionales e internacionales han aumentados su poder y riqueza gracias a la guerra en tanto les h...


Children 5-12 Years Old Who Were Injured or Permanently Disabled by Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. 25 Horror Stories Every Parent Should Have in Their Legal Files "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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US bipartisan legislation to expand on anti-BDS efforts "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

US bipartisan legislation to expand on anti-BDS efforts

The new legislation will block individuals and companies from participating in boycotts by international governmental organisations
MEE staff Fri, 05/05/2023 - 16:18
Representative Josh Gottheimer during a press conference at US Capitol Building in Washington DC, on 27 January 2023 (AFP)

New legislation is aiming to prevent US companies and individuals from participating in boycotts of countries friendly to the US organised by international governmental organisations. 

The legislation, introduced by Republican representative Mike Lawler and Democratic representative Josh Gottheimer, looks to expand on previous  federal law which only bars companies and individuals from participating in boycotts organised by foreign countries, Jewish Insider reported. 

The new legislation will require companies and individuals to report to the US government when asked to comply with boycotts. 

The bill's text does not specifically identify Israel, but Lawler and Gottheimer said in statements that the change comes in response to the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement which targets Israel.

The BDS movement is a non-violent initiative that seeks to challenge Israel's occupation and abuses of Palestinian human rights through economic, cultural, and academic boycotts, similar to the successful boycott campaigns of apartheid South Africa.


Ukrainian Banker Offers Cash for Drone Terror in Russia "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Zelensky must choose between talks or losing more territory former US Army chief "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ahmed Adel | May 5, 2023

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will have to choose between peace talks with Moscow or the continuation of the conflict and the loss of more territory, former US Army Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis wrote in an article.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is loath to agree to any deal that leaves Ukrainian territory in Russian hands. The reality, however, is that he does not have what it takes to fully force Moscow off his territory. The most realistic choice he faces is between negotiating an end to the fighting that allows Ukraine to hold what it has, or to continue fighting and lose even more ground. That decision is Zelenskys alone to make, but America also has agency and must look out for its own interests, Davis wrote in 19FortyFive.

According to him, the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is unlikely to be successful since they do not have enough troops to cope with the Russian military given the superiority in the number of soldiers, weapons, and equipment.

The former lieutenant colonel also reflected on his own countrys policy regarding the armed conflict, lambasting the promise to continue giving Ukraine what it needs for as long as it takes because it is not a sustainable strategy and will almost certainly not produce a beneficial result for either the US or Ukraine. A course correction is therefore required, he stressed.

Davis added that many in Europe already recognise that Ukraine cannot win in a practical time frame at a reasonable cost.

In the end, the author states that, as horrible as it would be for us to accept ending the war on undesirable terms, it would be even worse to ignore reality and continue pursuing an unattainable military objective. The cost for the former is unpleasant. The cost to the latter could be infinitely worse.

In early April, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken hinted that the Ukrainian Armed Forces might carry out an offensive in the coming weeks. For his part, the Ukrainian Defence Minister, Oleksii Reznikov, appealed to wait until the end of the mud season, known as Rasputitsa, so that the roads are useable.

Spokesman for the Russian Presidency, Dmitry Peskov, noted that any statements about the planned offensive by the Ukrainian military are being carefully monitored and considered in their own planning of the special military operation. In this way, Russia has had ample time to prepare for this Ukrainian offensive, and although gains might initially be made, it is expected that it will fizzle out and be followed by a major Russian counterattack.

The New York Times n......


Inteligencia Artificial, extractivismo digital y socialismo "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

En  noviembre  del  ao  2022, la  empresa OpenAI abra al  pblico el  acceso  al  programa  de  Inteligencia  Artificial  ChatGPT  (por  Generative  Pretrained  Transformer).  A  partir  de  entonces  se  desat  una  carrera  por  la  inteligencia  artificial entre  varias  empresas  y  varias  aplicaciones y  plataformas.  El  acceso  a  ChatGPT es libre, pero el acceso a su versin mejorada ChatGPT-4 y subsiguientes,  es de pago mensual.  

En poco tiempo, los suscriptores de estas plataformas de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) se cuentan ya por decenas de millones. Asimismo, las aplicaciones y empresas de  inteligencia  artificial  empiezan  a multiplicarse  en  varios  mbitos:  diseo  grfico,  programacin,  elaboracin  y  redaccin  de  textos,  elaboracin  de  imgenes,  programas gestores de video, etc.  

En  poco  tiempo  se ha  producido una  verdadera  eclosin de  aplicaciones,  plataformas  y  programas  de  IA.  Al  mismo  tiempo,  la  irrupcin de  la  IA  ha  provocado un fuerte debate que integra dimensiones polticas, sociales, ideolgicas  y culturales. 

A  los  pocos  meses  del lanzamiento del  ChatGPT-3,  una  serie  de  personalidades  polticas  y  grandes  empresarios  como  Elon  Musk, Steve  Wozniak, Yuval  Harari, entre  otros, pidieron  a  las  empresas  de  Inteligencia  Artificial  una  tregua  para  poder  asimilar  el  impacto  de  esta  tecnologa  en  las  sociedades por  ser  una  amenaza para la humanidad (BBC, 2023). Sin embargo, la empresa OpenAI indic  que  para  fines  del  ao  2023  estara lista  su  versin  ChatGPT-5,  aunque  luego  afirm que podra tardar un tiempo ms pero indic que incrementara el ChatGPT  a 32 mil token. As, lo que podran lograr estas nuevas versiones de IA desafan a la  imaginacin. 

Las  posiciones  ante la  IA  han  oscilado  entre minimizarlas  y  denominarlas  loros  estocsticos  (como  lo  ha  afirmado  Emily  Bender  y  Timmit  Gebru,  entre  otros (Bender, Gebru, McMillan-Major, & Shmitchell, 2021)),  hasta la  posicin  de Henry  Kissinger  que  indica  que la  IA  cambia  las  reglas  de  juego  de  la  sociedad  y,  por  tanto, el sentido mismo de la realidad (Weatherby, 2023); es decir, Kissinger pone a  la&nbs...


The Long Shadow of BlackRock "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

During the last two major crises, in 2008 and 2020, the average person was worried about their retirement or the small business they had taken their life to build up into a viable enterprise. While they were in the fog of war at this time, largely unaware of the high-level moves being made, the financial Read More...

The post The Long Shadow of BlackRock appeared first on The Last American Vagabond.


Navigating the Shoals of Cognitive Dissonance in a Sea of Big Lies "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Latin America had the most attacks on environmental defenders in 2022, says report "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The human rights organization Front Line Defenders has published its Global Analysis 2022, a report on the state of people who have dedicated their lives to defending the environment, Indigenous peoples, women and the LGBTIQ community. According to the report, 401 environmental and human rights defenders were killed in 26 countries around the world last year. The report also analyzes the scope and severity of violence against human rights defenders. Latin America continues to be the region with the highest number of murders of human rights defenders, according to the organizations interim director, Olive Moore. It is also the most dangerous context for human rights defenders, in addition to the war between Ukraine and Russia, she said. Of the five countries that accounted for more than 80% of murders of human rights defenders, four are in Latin America: Colombia with 186 murders, Mexico with 45 murders, Brazil with 26 murders and Honduras with 17 murders. Meanwhile, Ukraine had 50 cases. The report states that almost half, exactly 48%, of the total number of murders last year targeted defenders of land rights, the environment, and Indigenous rights. Nemonte Nenquimo and the Waorani community at a march. Image by Mateo Barriga, Amazon Frontlines. Colombia has the highest number of murders of rights defenders In 2022, 46% of the total recorded murders of rights defenders worldwide took place in Colombia. The organization Somos Defensores documented 186 murders. For example, on February 22nd, 2022, in the department of Cesar, Colombia, Jorge Tafur and TefiloThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Republicans Move To Curb Bidens Federal Interference In Elections "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

New York Rep. Claudia Tenney speaking during a committee hearing hearingRepublicans introduced legislation on Tuesday to combat Biden's attempts to insert the federal government into state and local elections.


Biden Hypocritically Slams Arrest of US Journalist in Russia But Pursues Assange "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Snares dont discriminate: A problem for wild cats, both big and small "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In 2019, researchers declared the Indochinese tiger extinct in Laos as widespread snaring in Nam Et-Phou Louey National Park picked off the last few individuals of Panthera tigris corbetti. Two years later, scientists found that smaller cat species, such as the clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) and marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata), were also in decline in the park. It was thought that in the absence of larger predators, smaller cat populations would boom, but this wasnt the reality on the ground. We didnt see that in the data. We saw their numbers going down too, says Jan Kamler, with the University of Oxfords Wildlife Conservation Research Unit. I think, generally, snaring is the greatest threat to felids in Southeast Asia, more than habitat loss in some places like Laos and Cambodia that still have habitat, its the snaring that has driven them out of these areas. Other conservationists say that human-wildlife conflict, persecution and habitat degradation are likely more important factors, especially for the smaller cat species. Across the border in Vietnam, snaring has already wiped out many felid populations, according to researchers. Aside from a solitary sighting of a marbled cat in 2019 on the border with Laos, only leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis), which may be too small and light to trigger widely used foot snares, remain in the country. Snaring has basically decimated the wild cat community [in Vietnam], says Andrew Tilker, species conservation coordinator with Re:wild, an NGO. He says it has played a major role inThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Mirantis k0s updates simplify management of Kubernetes clusters "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Mirantis announced the latest update of open source k0s, which adds compatibility with the latest release of Kubernetes 1.27, as well as improvements and bug fixes to k0s. The latest update of Mirantis k0s makes improvements that simplify installation and management of Kubernetes clusters. New features include support for containerD plug-ins that simplify running, for example, WASM and gVisor container sandboxes, making it easier for users to extend their clusters with additional container runtimes. Also, More

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Rep. Betty McCollum reintroduces bill prohibiting US aid from aiding Israeli human rights abuses "IndyWatch Feed War"

Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) during hearing on the Department of Agriculture Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2020 at the Rayburn House Office Building, in Washington, D.C., April 9, 2019. (USDA photo by Preston Keres)Rep. Betty McCollum and 16 cosponsors have reintroduced a bill prohibiting Israel from using US aid to detain Palestinian children, destroy Palestinian homes, or unilaterally annex Palestinian land.


[$] The end of the accounting search "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Some things, it seems, just cannot be hurried. Back in 2007, your editor first started considering alternatives to the proprietary accounting system that had been used by LWN since the beginning. That search became more urgent in 2012, and returned in 2017 with a focused effort to find something better. But another five years passed before some sort of conclusion was reached. It has finally happened, though; LWN is no longer using proprietary software for its accounting needs.


Sudan: The New Geopolitical Battlefield Between East and West? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Does The Atlantic Alliance Need a Name Change: NATO Opens Japan Office, Deepening Indo-Pacific Engagement "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Six Tips for Staying Hydrated When on Vacation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Summer vacations are a time to unwind, relax, and escape from the stresses of everyday life. Whether hitting the beach, exploring a new city, or embarking on a road trip, summer vacations offer a much-needed break to recharge and rejuvenate. While planning a summer vacation can be exciting, its important to prioritize safety and health. []


Force-Marching the Europeans. U.S. Campaign to Divide the World into Confrontational Blocs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Discord Leaks Created Tension Between the US and Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

For those that haven't yet watched the AMD openSIL presentation from the OCP Regional Summit in Prague from April, the most interesting takeaway was deserving of its own article... AMD openSIL is planned to eventually replace the well known AGESA and that it will be supported across AMD's entire processor stack -- just not limited to EPYC server processors as some were initially concerned but will support all AMD processors...


Join Me in New York with the Golden Rule "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Golden Rule is a beautiful boat. I've been on it in San Diego. It's also an important boat. It set sail in 1958 to stop nuclear testing in the atmosphere, and inspired many peace makers and peace ships that followed. The restored Golden Rule is voyaging once more, sailed by Veterans For Peace, to show that a nuclear peace is possible, and that bravery and tenacity can overcome militarism.


Lanzan lotera Luces de la resistencia de alternativas energticas y la defensa del territorio "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La Sanda Digital lanz a travs de sus plataformas la lotera Luces de la resistencia un material didctico y divertido que permite a las nieces y juventudes sensibilizarse e involucrarse en los procesos en defensa del territorio, adems pueden nombrar colectivamente a travs de sus diseos coloridos y animados la fuente de energa y elementos de la vida comunitaria que permiten la existencia humana.

Esta lotera es resultado del Laboratorio de creacin colectiva de acciones de comunicacin que la organizacin La Sandia Digital convoco en septiembre de 2022 en Xochimilco ciudad de Mxico como parte de la campaa Luces de las resistencias este proceso de formacin surge a Raz del lanzamiento del Documental La energa de los pueblos realizado entre 2019 y 2020 que nombra, visibiliza e integra a diversas organizaciones y colectivas que trabajan en defensa de los derechos de los pueblos y comunidades a la autonoma energtica, como las experiencias comunitarias de la aldea Unin 31 de Mayo, en Guatemala, de la Organizacin Popular Francisco Villa de Izquierda Independiente, en la periferia de la Ciudad de Mxico, y de las cooperativas indgenas de la Sierra Norte de Puebla, nos muestran, desde diferentes aspectos, que se puede pensar la energa para dignificar la vida, para el bien comn y el cuidado de los territorios.

Durante el laboratorio las y los participantes del taller de grafica comenzaron a imaginar esta lotera a travs de la pregunta cul es la energa de los pueblos? Revisitamos el tradicional juego mexicano generando cartas inditas que representan las fuentes de energa necesarias para nuestras luchas comunitarias, para que las infancias nombren de manera ldica lo que aman y quieren cuidar apunta La Sanda Digital.

Son 38 tarjetas y seis cartones en espaol, Nahutal y Totonak, que representan donde el sol, el agua, el movimiento, la resistencia, la comunidad, los elementos que la forman son representadas de manera artistica lo que aman y defienden en los territorios. Su descarga es de acceso libre y pueden descargarla en la pagina web de la Sandia Digital.

Descarga Lotera Luces de la Resistencia | Ver el Documental La energa de los pueblos

Este material se comparte con autorizacin de...


Gemini Links 05/05/2023: Standing To Code and More "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • SpellBinding: SHILOPD Wordo: DEFER
      • Woke up, fell out of bed

        Im tired, though, having awakened to pee about 3:50am, and never really falling back asleep again.

        So its been a bit of internet, leftovers for breakfast, and capturing three fun photos:

        - the moon in a portion of the horizon I suspect its not seeing in much, along with an interesting double due to the pane of glass the photo was captured through

    • Technical

      • Standing To Code

        Over a decade ago I read suggestions that standing to work might be healthier than sitting, and tried it.

        Shortly afterwards it seems like a lot of the world did the same: desks at my office were gradually swapped for motorized sit/stand desks, and such desks became the default.

        It also quickly became apparent that despite having the choice right in front of them most people were going to mostly sit.

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. Its like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.


Amid BDS pressure Sam Smith cancels Tel Aviv concert, citing logistical difficulties "IndyWatch Feed War"

The singer Sam Smith standing in a promotional photo.Sam Smiths decision to cancel an upcoming concert in Israel is being celebrated by activists, "Pressure from activists, organizers, and supporters of the BDS movement played a crucial role in this outcome."


EU Backs Controversial Dutch Plans to Shut Down Farms in Bid to Reduce Nitrogen Emissions "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Restored Health and Vitality from Ditching My Cell Phone "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Will Meat be Banned? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Pay UpOr Else! IRS Spending MILLIONS On Weapons! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By The Ron Paul Liberty Report According to a watchdog group, the Internal Revenue Service may be competing to become a new branch of the...

Pay UpOr Else! IRS Spending MILLIONS On Weapons!


Ukrainian War Crimes Reported, Zelensky Applauded in The Hague "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Turkey elections: Kilicdaroglu vows to run again if the results are cancelled "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey elections: Kilicdaroglu vows to run again if the results are cancelled

Erdogan rival isn't afraid of a rerun if high election board cancels elections, as it did in Istanbul's 2019 mayoral vote
Ragip Soylu Fri, 05/05/2023 - 15:25
Turkey's Republican People's Party (CHP) chairman and presidential candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu at a rally in Kocaeli, on 28 April 2023 (AFP)
Turkey's Republican People's Party (CHP) chairman and presidential candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu at a rally in Kocaeli, on 28 April 2023 (AFP)

The Turkish oppositions joint presidential candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu has vowed that he would participate in a rerun of elections if Turkeys high election board cancels results because they are too close to call. 

Turkey has presidential and parliamentary elections on 14 May and polls indicate the race is neck and neck. Experts believe the elections are the biggest challenge to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's rule in 20 years.

Speaking to BBC Turkish, Kilicdaroglu said Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu had been behaving as if elections in Turkey arent a natural state of affairs but a western-backed coup attempt. 

The government itself has chosen 14 May as the date of elections, Kilicdaroglu said. I dont trust neither Soylu nor the high election board. 

Kilicdaroglu said the high election board illegally cancelled the Istanbul mayoral elections in 2019 when the results showed the incumbent, from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), was losing by a very narrow margin, citing electoral fraud. 



Pandemic New Normal: Sharp Increase in Deaths Across All Age Groups "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

England and Wales death totals by week:

2019 deaths: England and Wales death totals by week

Further to what I published on Wednesday, heres a breakdown of increase in deaths by age group, debunking the notion that it is impacting only very old people.

The number on the left is the total deaths for week 16 (latest on record) in 2019, compared to the same week in 2023 (shown on the right below), i.e. last month:

For ages 15-45, 321 compared to 251: 28% increase in fatalities
For ages 45-64, 1478 compared to 1100: 34.4% increase in fatalities
For ages 65-74, 1878 compared to 1446: 30% increase in fatalities

Seems like a national health crisis, but the media hardly talks about it, so lets pretend its not happening.


Sudan crisis: Syrians and Yemenis stuck in Port Sudan as they seek escape from war "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sudan crisis: Syrians and Yemenis stuck in Port Sudan as they seek escape from war

Yemenis and Syrians who fled war to come to Sudan, are now sleeping on the floors of municipal buildings in Port Sudan as conflict forces them to move and Saudi Arabia stalls
Mohammed Amin Fri, 05/05/2023 - 15:20
People from Syria and Yemen wait in Port Sudan on 4 May 2023 (Reuters/El Tayeb Siddig)

Mahmoud al-Shaibani was working at a restaurant in Khartoum when fighting broke out between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on Saturday 15 April. 

A refugee who fled war in his homeland, Yemen, al-Shaibani had settled into life in the Sudanese capital. Everything was OK, then the war erupted, he told Middle East Eye. It was very aggressive.

He and his family decided to leave the city, which has been at the centre of the raging fighting ever since it began. 

They first went to Wad Madani, south of Khartoum, in the eastern-central part of Sudan.

The situation was not that good there in terms of services, Shaibani said. So we moved to Port Sudan because the evacuation was supposed to be happening here.

Now he is in Port Sudan, Shaibani and his family are struggling,...


Edward Snowden Hope: New Design + Freedom of Speech Quotes "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

There is freedom of speech, but I cannot guarantee freedom after speech.  Idi Amin Listen: A blog post isnt going to change anyones mind about free speech. Freedom...

Edward Snowden Hope: New Design + Freedom of Speech Quotes


NYT journalist Maureen Dowd accidentally reveals how journalism killed itself "IndyWatch Feed World"

Veteran New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wrote a column last week called "Requiem for the Newsroom." In it, she bemoans how the newsroom, once a purpose-driven place of clattering typewriters and eccentric personalities, has been replaced by work-from-home isolationists. The "percussive soundtrack" of the old newsroom, the "louche glamour," is gone, she lamented. Dowd is partly right on this. As I recently wrote in the Washington Examiner, today's journalists are boring compared to the crazy and swashbuckling writers of the past. The digital revolution keeps everyone's hands clean in today's media. However, Dowd never addresses what is killing newsrooms every bit as much as technology and good manners: corruption. The media are made up of ideologues, and they have become too corrupt to be trusted.


Not Your Grandfathers Military-Industrial Complex "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Ben Freeman, William D. Hartung and Tom Engelhardt Honestly, it should take your breath away. We are on a planet prepping for further war...

Not Your Grandfathers Military-Industrial Complex


Project INVICTUS: Inside the UKs Human Rights Busting Campaign to Spy on Refugees "IndyWatch Feed World"

In recent months, the British governments war on refugees has included a relentless deluge of vicious xenophobic rhetoric from ministers and human rights-busting, UN-condemned legislation in the form of the Illegal Migration Bill, and is seemingly intensifying with each passing day.

Despite backlash from the public and certain sections of the media, this virulent animus enjoys bipartisan support and is likely to be a key battleground in the next general election. The Conservatives and Labour are already vying to prove which can be more efficiently barbaric and prevent the most refugees from reaching British soil. In the meantime, migrants attempting to cross the English Channel routinely die en route.

MintPress News can exclusively reveal a hitherto clandestine dimension of Londons horrific abuse of refugees. The Home Office is spying on their smartphones and movements, hoping they will lead authorities to people smugglers and organized crime groups.

Britains unwitting, non-consensual recruitment of refugees as living tracking devices is conducted in deliberate breach of national and international data protection regulations. It may also contravene the European Convention on Human Rights.

Precisely when and how the Home Office struck upon this monstrous stratagem isnt clear. However, leaked documents reviewed by MintPress News indicate a trial scheme, dubbed Project INVICTUS, was launched in November 2021. The private military intelligence company Prevail Partners led the effort on behalf of Clandestine Channel Threat Command. A Home Office unit, it brings together the whole of Government to end the viability of the small boat route.


Commercially Immature

An initial impressions report on major themes of this trial, authored a month later by Prevail, lays out its dimensions. First, the need for paramount confidentiality at all times was writ large:

Operationally, the capability sought to provide information start points to the  [Home Office] Intelligence Fusion Cell (IFC), complementing other forms of open-source data. The concept of the trial envisaged a series of passive data collection gates deployed overseas in Belgium (Operation TARTAN) and domestically in the UK, har...


Group storms Abuja in solidarity with Tinubu "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A Lagos based Group, Movement for Greater Lagos (MGL) recently stormed the Unity Fountain in Abuja to show solidarity with the President-Elect, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, urging Nigerians to support him to realise his plan for the country. The MGL which is being sponsored by a former Chief of Staff to Gover- nor Akinwunmi []

The post Group storms Abuja in solidarity with Tinubu appeared first on New Telegraph.


5-5=Cinco de Mayo "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    Today America celebrates the Mexican victory over the French at Puebla in 1862. Yes,  its an important day in the American Southwest (primarily) where Cinco de Mayo is actually celebrated. Its culturally important to recognize the day in many places even though the Battle of Puebla was even somewhat insignificant at the time. []

The post 5-5=Cinco de Mayo appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Global Research: Calling for Peace Negotiations, Seeking and Telling the Truth "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It has always been our mandate to tell and spread the truth even in the midst of censorship, working continuously to reverse the psychological effects of lies and war propaganda.

Humanity is at a dangerous crossroads. Truth remains a powerful

The post Global Research: Calling for Peace Negotiations, Seeking and Telling the Truth appeared first on Global Research.


Freedom Convoy's Tamara Lich says Trudeau 'stomped' on Canadian unity, releases new book Hold the Line "IndyWatch Feed World"

Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich says the "beautiful story" of how the trucker protest brought Canadians together for a common cause was the inspiration for her new best-selling book, Hold the Line: My Story from the Heart of the Freedom Convoy. "Well, I think it's just such a beautiful story ... of community and a nation coming together. I get messages from people all the time ... People, they want to know how I'm doing, how I'm holding up. This was a way of saying, 'Hey I'm doing okay.'" Lich spoke to The Post Millennial Thursday in an exclusive interview.


AutoCrypt KEY provides the key management features needed for automotive production "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AutoCrypt KEY enables OEMs and suppliers to manage all types of cryptographic keys used for the components of connected and electric vehicles. Modern vehicles function through communications, including internal communications between ECUs and application processors, and external connections with nearby vehicles, roadside infrastructure, mobile devices, and charging stations. To ensure that all transmitted data are safely encrypted and all connected components can be securely verified, the use of cryptographic keys is essential in establishing trust More

The post AutoCrypt KEY provides the key management features needed for automotive production appeared first on Help Net Security.


This Week in Security: Oracle Opera, Passkeys, and AirTag RFC "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Theres a problem with Opera. No, not that kind of opera. The Oracle kind. Oracle OPERA is a Property Management Solution (PMS) that is in use in a bunch of big-name hotels around the world. The PMS is the system that handles reservations and check-ins, talks to the phone system to put room extensions in the proper state, and generally runs the back-end of the property. Its old code, and handles a bunch of tasks. And researchers at Assetnote found a serious vulnerability. CVE-2023-21932 is an arbitrary file upload issue, and rates at least a 7.2 CVSS.

Its a tricky one, where the code does all the right things, but gets the steps out of order. Two parameters, jndiname and username are encrypted for transport, and the sanitization step happens before decryption. The username parameter receives no further sanitization, and is vulnerable to path traversal injection. There are two restrictions to exploitation. The string encryption has to be valid, and the request has to include a valid Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name. It looks like these are the issues leading Oracle to consider this flaw difficult to exploit vulnerability allows high privileged attacker.

The only problem is that the encryption key is global and static. It was pretty straightforward to reverse engineer the encryption routine. And JDNI strings can be fetched anonymously from a trio of endpoints. This lead Asse...


Intel's Vulkan Linux Driver Increases Instruction Heap - Fix For Overwatch "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Intel's ANV open-source Vulkan driver has increased its instruction heap size to 2Gb in order to address a hang experienced with the game Overwatch while this is also likely to help other software/games moving forward...

Friday, 05 May


Join Me in New York with the Golden Rule "IndyWatch Feed War"

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 5, 2023

The Golden Rule is a beautiful boat. Ive been on it in San Diego. Its also an important boat. It set sail in 1958 to stop nuclear testing in the atmosphere, and inspired many peace makers and peace ships that followed. The restored Golden Rule is voyaging once more, sailed by Veterans For Peace, to show that a nuclear peace is possible, and that bravery and tenacity can overcome militarism.

Im planning to greet the Golden Rule and its crew and take part in a rally for peace and the environment in Jersey City on May 20th, and a peace march beginning at Riverside Church in Manhattan on May 21st. Can you join us? For detailed information, see

Heres the schedule, as of now:

May 18th, Afternoon/eve  Arrival, Docking and greeting of the Golden Rule
Chelsea Piers Marina @ 18th Street, Pier 59. Public walkway just above its slip. Welcome and view the ketch.

May 19th,  11 AM to 3 PM (live streaming from Golden Rule)
5 environmentalists sail with VFP to Newark Bay, to discuss their work.

May 19th  6 PM to 8 PM, Riverfront Park, Newark

May 20th  11 AM to 1 PM  Liberty State Park, Jersey City  
The GR will share a message of disarmament and demilitarization victories and highlight the ongoing environmental injustice struggles of Newark, Jersey City and other Passaic River Communities that have wrestled for too many years with the toxic polluting legacy of the industrial and military complex, as well as current pollutions that still persist in overburdened diverse communities.

Sunday May 21st  Noon meet outside Riverside Church,  490 Riverside Drive, NYC 
Peace Walk of area.  (Some may wish to attend the dynamic 10:30 AM service.)   Stop in Riverside Church, walk to Sr. Megan Rices childhood home,  visit Pupin Hall and hear Columbia University Prof. speak of the origins of the atomic research.   We plan to stop at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and hear about that nuclear abolition history, and the Marshall Islands. Will end at the 15 ft. statue that survived the Hiroshima blast, a gift of peace and hope to NYC in 1955.

Sunday May 21st   6:30 PM Assumption/All Saints Church, 344 Pacific Ave, Jersey City
Dinner and panel discussion on militarism in the Philippines, GR presentation...


This regime is not subject to evolution an interview with Ilya Budraitskis "IndyWatch Feed World"

This regime is not subject to evolution an interview with Ilya Budraitskis

From Meduza: Alexander Zemlyanichenko / AP / Scanpix / LETA

Note from LeftEast editors: This interview was initially published by Meduza and translated by Anna Razumnaya.

Political writer Ilya Budraitskis explains the lefts vision of decentralized governance and why Russias Communist Party must exit together with Putin.

The invasion of Ukraine confronted Russian society with the consequences of a decades-long transformation that began, among other things, with Vladimir Putins introduction of a new Labor Code. The new labor legislation, passed in December 2001, curtailed the rights of labor unions, contributing to social atomization and to the crumbling of solidarity politics.

Read More


Heading to a Beach This Summer? Heres How to Keep Harmful Algae Blooms From Spoiling Your Trip "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

By Brad Reisfeld

Plunging into the ocean or a lake is one of the great joys of summer. But arriving at the beach to find water thats green, red or brown, and possibly foul-smelling, can instantly spoil the party.

As a toxicologist, I study health risks from both synthetic and natural substances. Ive conducted research into early detection of harmful algal blooms, or HABs, which are an increasing threat to humans, animals and the environment.

Toxins produced during these blooms have been implicated in human and animal illnesses in at least 43 states. Scientists have estimated that in the U.S. alone, freshwater HABs cause more than US$4.6 billion in damage yearly. Heres what to know about them if youre bound for the waters edge this summer.

Harmful algal blooms have become a regular occurrence along large stretches of Floridas coast in recent years.

Tiny Organisms, Big Impacts

Algae and cyanobacteria often called blue-green algae are simple, plantlike organisms that live in water. They can grow out of control, or bloom, especially when the water is warm and slow moving. Climate change is making water bodies warmer, increasing the risk of HABs.

The other major factor that drives blooms is high levels of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, which fertilize algae. Nutrient pollution comes mainly from agriculture, wastewater treatment plants, septic systems and fossil fuel combustion.

Sometimes these blooms contain organisms that produce toxins an umbrella term for many poisonous substances that come from animals or plants and can make people and animals sick and adversely affect the environment. These events are called harmful algal blooms.

HABs occur ...


May 29: Fuji Star, Pasuma Alabi, set to storm Lagos Island "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Fuji star, Alabi Pasu- ma, is ready to thrill his fans once again. The celebrated Fuji music icon who just lost his darling mother will once again take his fans on the Island and environs to another entertaining trip which hes known for. Come May 28, a day before the inauguration of the President-elect, Asiwaju []

The post May 29: Fuji Star, Pasuma Alabi, set to storm Lagos Island appeared first on New Telegraph.


NCC disowns fake LinkedIn account of Danbatta "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has disowned a LinkedIn account linked to its Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Prof Umar Garba Danbatta, stating that the account is a fake one. In a statement yesterday, the NCC Director of Public Affairs, Reuben Muoka, said the account was opened to de- fraud unsuspecting people. He []

The post NCC disowns fake LinkedIn account of Danbatta appeared first on New Telegraph.


New Android Malware 'FluHorse' Targeting East Asian Markets with Deceptive Tactics "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Various sectors in East Asian markets have been subjected to a new email phishing campaign that distributes a previously undocumented strain of Android malware called FluHorse that abuses the Flutter software development framework. "The malware features several malicious Android applications that mimic legitimate applications, most of which have more than 1,000,000 installs," Check Point said in


The scam that spins '95% vaccine efficacy' from a placebo "IndyWatch Feed World"

We have provided numerous explanations (see here, and here) and videos (see here and here) explaining why a vaccine that is actually merely a placebo will inevitably appear to have high efficacy if there is a time delay after vaccination during which the participant is classified as 'unvaccinated'. Some people have claimed that the examples - using hypothetical data - are unrealistic and that, with different assumptions about the underlying infection rate, the illusion would not happen. Not true. This example simulates a vaccine roll-out and efficacy evaluation which is essentially how all the 2021 observational studies of the Covid vaccines were conducted.


US to set up military bases in Finland "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | May 5, 2023

The formal admission of Finland on April 4 was the latest move in the process of globalizing NATO. At the time, the belligerent alliances Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg insisted that Helsinkis membership will be good for [its] security, for Nordic security, and for NATO as a whole. Nobody ever explained how exactly this is good for Finlands security. Russia and Finland share a border over 1300 km long, meaning its ascension has nearly tripled the line of direct contact between NATO and Russia, as the combined border between them has previously been approximately 700 km. Now being well over 2000 km long, the border could be a major source of tensions.

Precisely this is happening now, as the United States and Finland are finalizing a deal that would allow the Pentagon to establish a permanent military presence in the Scandinavian country. According to a report by Newsweek, published on May 2, a senior official of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mikael Antell, confirmed that Helsinki and Washington DC are negotiating a so-called Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) that would allow for the construction of significant military infrastructure on Finnish soil. Apparently, the aforementioned agreement doesnt include the deployment of US nuclear weapons, yet. However, the Finnish government and military officials are yet to specifically rule out the possibility of hosting nukes.

Considering the fact that, for months, Helsinki has been refusing to give any guarantees such weapons will not be deployed on its territory, this is quite telling and concerning. While the US already has nuclear weapons stationed in five NATO countries under several bilateral nuclear sharing programs with each, specifically Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Turkey, these are relatively far away from core Russian regions. On the other hand, Finland is not. Saint Petersburg, Russias second most important city, is less than 200 km away from the Finnish border, putting it well within the range of tactical ballistic, cruise and, most alarmingly, prospective hypersonic missiles (provided the US deals with its technological shortcomings).

If Helsinki and Washington DC were to go ahead with such plans, it would be the first case that a country has hosted American nuclear weapons after the end of the (First) Cold War. The same goes for Poland, whose insistence on having nuclear weapons deployed on its territory has already pushed Russia to deploy its own t...


Turbo Tax refunds to go out to the people they defrauded "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Some time ago, the government made a deal with private tax preparation companies that they would not create their own tax preparation software that people could use to file their taxes for free (which would be the logical thing to do) and, in return the private companies would provide free tax preparation software to low income groups. But what the invaluable investigative journalistic outfit ProPublica discovered was that the private companies buried access to the free software so that almost no one could find them and, in addition, used fraudulent means to make people think they needed more expensive packages than they actually required.

State governments sued them and as a result, refunds are bing issued to those thus defrauded.

One year ago, all 50 states and the District of Columbia announced a $141 million settlement with Intuit, the maker of TurboTax. The investigation, led by New York Attorney General Letitia James, centered on how the company had steered customers into paying for tax preparation even though they qualified for a free government program. The attorney general said the probe was sparked by ProPublicas reporting in 2019.

About 4.4 million low-income Americans will receive payments under the agreement. On Thursday, James announced that the process of actually mailing checks to all those people will begin next week.

TurboTaxs predatory and deceptive marketing cheated millions of low-income Americans who were trying to fulfill their legal duties to file their taxes, she said. Today we are righting that wrong and putting money back into the pockets of hardworking taxpayers who should have never paid to file their taxes.

As ProPublica documented in story after story, TurboTax for years lured consumers with the promise of free tax filing and then deployed a range of tricks and traps to steer them to paying products.

Meanwhile, Intuit has lobbied for decades to prevent the government from developing a free tax filing system. One result of that fight, 20 years ago, was the IRS Free File program: In exchange for the IRS agreeing not to develop a free filing system, the tax prep industry agreed to offer something similar. On paper, the program allowed 70% of taxpayers to file for free. But only a tiny percentage of people ever used Free File in part because Intuit, H&R Block and others actively sought to prevent taxpayers from finding out about it while pushing their own free products.

After ProPublicas articles in 2019, the situation shifted. The IRS and the tax prep companies dropped the provision that prevented the IRS from making its own free filing system. H&R Block and TurboTax dropped out of the Free File program. And the IRS is actively studying how a public free filing program might work....


Saudi Arabia to close renowned Arabic and Islam-focused London school "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Saudi Arabia to close renowned Arabic and Islam-focused London school

Parents told King Fahad Academy likely to shut after 38 years, in blow to Middle Eastern and North African communities
MEE correspondent Fri, 05/05/2023 - 14:34
The entrance to the King Fahad Academy in west London's Acton (MEE)
The King Fahad Academy in Acton, west London, was founded by the Saudi king in 1985 (MEE)

A renowned independent school popular with Londons Middle Eastern and North African diaspora is faced with closure in September after 38 years, after Saudi Arabia withdrew its backing.

Combining Arabic and Islamic Studies along with a British curriculum, the King Fahad Academy in Acton, west London has been serving the educational needs of Londoners from Arab and Muslim backgrounds since 1985.  

Teachers at the Saudi-backed school were told about the closure in person on Tuesday, after returning from a combined Easter and Eid three-week break. 

Dismayed they were losing their jobs with little notice, many became visibly upset, Middle East Eye was told.

As a former student, parent and current teacher Im still in shock, said one teacher, who did not wish to be named. My main concern is the welfare of our children, and as a parent I have still not formally been informed about the closure.

Parents learned of the planned closure earlier this week through hearsay, only receiving confirmation from the school on Friday afternoon.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is...


Security updates for Friday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (chromium, evolution, and odoo), Fedora (java-11-openjdk), Oracle (samba), Red Hat (libreswan and samba), Slackware (libssh), SUSE (amazon-ssm-agent, apache2-mod_auth_openidc, cmark, containerd, editorconfig-core-c, ffmpeg, go1.20, harfbuzz, helm, java-11-openjdk, java-1_8_0-ibm, liblouis, podman, and vim), and Ubuntu (linux-aws, linux-aws-hwe, linux-intel-iotg, and linux-oem-6.1).


Introduction to the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2) "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Dont be color blind! ARCH2 is gray, or blue, or . green?

NETL Director Outlines Labs Role in Transition to the Hydrogen Economy

From the Address by Brian Anderson, National Energy Technology Laboratory, May 4, 2023

NETL Director Brian Anderson highlighted the expertise of the Labs researchers to advance innovations and scientific discoveries that support the development of regional clean hydrogen hubs across America, including a project planned through a partnership with the State of West Virginia, EQT Corp., the nations largest natural gas producer, and others.

Speaking Tuesday, May 2, at the West Virginia Manufacturing Energy Growth Summit at the Oglebay Resort in Wheeling, Anderson explained that hydrogen energy has the potential to decarbonize multiple economic sectors, including heavy-duty transportation and steel manufacturing, create good-paying jobs and pave the way toward a grid powered by clean energy resources.

West Virginia could serve as an ideal location for a clean hydrogen hub due to its unique access to ample low-cost natural gas feedstock as well as its outstanding workforce and technology capabilities and carbon sequestration potential, Anderson said during a panel discussion that focused on plans to establish ARCH2 the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub.

A network of clean hydrogen producers, potential clean hydrogen consumers and connective infrastructure located in close proximity, a hydrogen hub can reduce emissions from multiple carbon-intensive sectors and open a world of economic opportunity to create clean energy businesses and jobs, Anderson said.

NETL has served as a participating entity in ARCH2 since it was established in September 2022. The ARCH2 team is composed of entities with operations across the Appalachian region spanning the hydrogen value chain as well as energy technology organizations, including NETL, that will provide commercial, technical and programmatic leadership for the development and buildout of the hub.

Concentrated in Appalachian counties across West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Kentucky, ARCH2 will leverage diverse regional resources to build a sustainable clean hydrogen hub that can scale and integrate into a national clean hydrogen network.

In January, the ARCH2 team received notification from the U.S. Department of Energys (DOE) Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations that it was among applicants encou...


Doctors Have Performed Brain Surgery on a Fetus in One of the First Operations of its Kind "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A baby girl who developed a life-threatening brain condition was successfully treated before she was born:

Her parents signed up for a clinical trial of an in-utero surgical treatment to see if doctors could intervene before any of these outcomes materialized. It seems to have worked. The team behind the operation now plans to treat more fetuses in the same way. Other, similar brain conditions might benefit from the same approach. For conditions like these, fetal brain surgery could be the future.

The baby's condition, known as vein of Galen malformation, was first noticed during a routine ultrasound scan at 30 weeks of pregnancy. The condition occurs when a vein connects with an artery in the brain. These two types of vessels have different functions and should be kept separatearteries ferry high-pressure flows of oxygenated blood from the heart, while thin-walled veins carry low-pressure blood back the other way.

When the two combine, the high-pressure blood flow from an artery can stretch the thin walls of the vein. "Over time the vein essentially blows up like a balloon," says Darren Orbach, a radiologist at Boston Children's Hospital in Massachusetts, who treats babies born with the condition.

The resulting balloon of blood can cause serious problems for a baby. "It's stealing blood from the rest of the circulation," says Mario Ganau, a consultant neurosurgeon at Oxford University Hospitals in the UK, who was not involved in this particular case. Other parts of the brain can end up being starved of oxygenated blood, causing brain damage, and there's a risk of bleeding in the brain. The extra pressure put on the heart to pump blood can lead to heart failure. And other organs can suffer tooespecially the lungs and kidneys, says Ganau.

Fetuses with the condition are thought to be protected by the placenta to some degree. But that changes from the moment the umbilical cord is clamped at birth. "All of a sudden there's this enormous burden placed right on the newborn heart," says Orbach. "Most babies with this condition will become very sick, very quickly."

Journal Reference:
Darren B. Orbach, Louise E. Wilkins-Haug, Carol B. Benson, et al., Transuterine Ultrasound-Guided Fetal Embolization of Vein of Galen Malformation, Eliminating Postnatal Pathophysiology [open], Stroke, 2023. DOI:

Original Submission

Read more of this story at...


GJ 486b: An Atmosphere around a Rocky M-dwarf Planet? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

GJ 486b: An Atmosphere around a Rocky M-dwarf Planet?

I might have mentioned the issues involving the James Webb Space Telescopes MIRI instrument in my earlier post on in-flight maintenance and repair. MIRI is the Mid-Infrared Instrument that last summer had issues with friction in one of the wheels that selects between short, medium and longer wavelengths. Now there seems to be a problem, however slight, that affects the amount of light registered by MIRIs sensors.

The problems seem minor and are under investigation, which is a good thing because we need MIRIs capabilities to study systems like GJ 486, where a transiting rocky exoplanet may or may not be showing traces of water in an atmosphere that may or may not be there. MIRI should help sort out the issue, which was raised through observations with another JWST instrument, the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec). The latter shows tantalizing evidence of water vapor, but the problem is untangling whether that signal is coming from the rocky planet or the star.

This points to an important question. GJ 486b is about 30 percent larger than Earth and three times as massive, a rocky super-Earth orbiting its red dwarf host in about 1.5 Earth days. The proximity to the star almost demands tidal lock, with one side forever dark, the other facing the star. If the water vapor NIRSpec is pointing to actually comes from a planetary atmosphere, then that atmosphere copes with surface temperatures in the range of 430 Celsius and the continual bombardment of ultraviolet and X-ray radiation associated with such stars. That would be encouraging news for other systems in which rocky worlds orbit further out, in an M-dwarfs habitable zone.

Sarah Moran (University of Arizona, Tucson) is lead author of the study, which has been accepted for publication at The Astrophysical Journal Letters:

We see a signal, and its almost certainly due to water. But we cant tell yet if that water is part of the planets atmosphere, meaning the planet has an atmosphere, or if were just seeing a water signature coming from the star.

Image: This graphic shows the transmission spectrum obtained by Webb observations of rocky exoplanet GJ 486b. The science teams analys...


Meet King Charles, The Great Resetter "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By The Corbett Report While most of the the publics attention is falling on the obvious issuesthe monarchys increasing irrelevance to the 21st century, the...

Meet King Charles, The Great Resetter


Fentanyl overdose deaths skyrocket 279% since 2016 amid nationwide drug crisis "IndyWatch Feed World"

Fentanyl is fueling the worst drug crisis in the history of the US. New federal data shows the rate of overdose deaths linked to the synthetic opioid has skyrocketed over the last five years. According to a report released early Wednesday by the National Center for Health Statistics' National Vital Statistics System, the rate of fentanyl-related overdose deaths jumped 279% between 2016 and 2021, rising from 5.7 per 100,000 to 21.6 per 100,000.


Mr. Guaid Goes to Washington "IndyWatch Feed War"

Juan Guaid continues to advocate punishing the Venezuelan people with US coercive economic measures. Recently shipped to Washington DC, the former interim president of Venezuela pleaded, You cant use a kind or soft approach, such as easing the suffering, because it would normalize dictatorship.

Guaid was livestreamed May 3 from the quasi-governmental Wilson Center. Located in the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC, the Wilson Center is a think tank established by the US Congress, which conducts research to inform public policy in service of the US empire.

Former US Ambassador to Venezuela William Brownfield opened with remarks about the need to compel the government of Venezuelan President Nicols Maduro. Then Wilson Center head Mark Green obsequiously introduced Guaid. Before helming the Wilson Center, Green was executive director of the McCain Institute and prior to that administrator of the USAID, both CIA cut-outs.

The Wilson Center program was interrupted by pro-Venezuelan government protesters, accusing Guaid of being a thief and a fraud. Although blacked out on the livestream, this video of the action was posted on Twitter.

In an orchestrated Q&A, a Venezuelan friendly to Guaid asked why...


Western-Mediterranean heatwave almost impossible without climate change "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The extreme heatwave that swept across Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Algeria in April 2023 was at least 100 times more likely due to climate change, according to a new rapid attribution study.

During the last week of April, temperatures surged up to 20C higher than normal across large parts of the western Mediterranean, reaching an intensity more typical of mid-summer.

Temperatures exceeded 40C in parts of Morocco and Algeria. And, in Spain, temperatures reached 38.8C at Crdoba airport not only breaking the previous April record by nearly 5C, but also setting a new April record for all of Europe.

In its most rapidly produced study to date, the World Weather Attribution service, which launched in 2014, finds that the heatwave was up to 3.5C hotter than it would have been in a world without climate change.

The study adds that, even in todays climate, the heatwave was unlikely, with roughly a 0.25% chance of happening in a given year.

Mediterranean heatwave

During the final week of April 2023, a wave of superheated air from the Sahara desert swept northward towards the Mediterranean. Temperatures surged up to 20C higher than normal across large parts of Morocco, Algeria, Spain and Portugal, with many local April temperature records broken by up to 6C.

twitter.com_ScottDuncanWX_status_1651632539025514499 (2)



The end of a stressalicious semester "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Today is officially the last day of instruction, but there wont be much instruction going on its all administrative stuff for me, acquainting students with the record of their past performance, pointing at the specter of the imminent final exam like a ghost of Christmases yet to be, polishing up that final exam and posting it for them to procrastinate and worry over, the usual bad time at the end of a difficult school year.

Next year will be better, right?

It could be worse. Look at these spider photoreceptors!

It turns out that if spiders arent properly fed, their photoreceptors start to die off.

Researchers looked at the bold jumping spider (Phidippus audax), a common species that relies very much on light-sensitive photoreceptors in its large eyes to spot prey. When the spiders dont get enough nutrients, these photoreceptors can be lost.

Photoreceptors are energetically costly, says biologist Elke Buschbeck from the University of Cincinnati. Its hard to keep up with their energy needs.

If you deprive them of nutrition, the system fails. Its the functional equivalent of the macula in our eyes.

See, if I dont have enough research time to take care of my spider colony, they might go blind. Ill run that by the administration and see if I can get a reduction in teaching load.*

*Note: it will not work.


Texas man convicted of fatally shooting Black Lives Matter protester won't get new trial, judge rules "IndyWatch Feed World"

A judge has ruled that the man convicted of fatally shooting a Black Lives Matter protester in Austin, Texas, back in July 2020 won't get a new trial. The decision on Wednesday comes after Daniel Perry's defense team requested a new trial and Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced he would pardon Perry, an Army sergeant. Perry, who is white, was convicted of shooting and killing Garrett Foster, also white, after protesters reportedly surrounded Perry's car, and Foster, who was carrying an AK-47 across his chest, attempted to talk to him. A jury found Perry guilty in early April.


Delta sets up taskforce to curb illegal revenue collection "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Delta State Security Council has mandated the state Police Command to work closely with the states Joint Task Force on Road Tax and Revenue Leakages, headed by Malachi Moye, to rid the state of illegal revenue taskforces, with a view to eradicating their unwholesome activities. In a letter to the Commissioner of Police, Ari []

The post Delta sets up taskforce to curb illegal revenue collection appeared first on New Telegraph.


Silence of the Grid Experts "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Utility experts are charged with complying with reliability standards rather than maintaining reliability.


Turkey elections: LGBTQ+ community used as a political football as polling day nears "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey elections: LGBTQ+ community used as a political football as polling day nears

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly accused LGBTQ+ people of threatening the 'sanctity of the family'
Alex MacDonald Fri, 05/05/2023 - 13:53
A man holds a rainbow banner during a demonstration in Ankara, on 25 November 2022 (AFP)

The LGBTQ+ community in Turkey is increasingly been used negatively as a campaigning issue in the run-up to next week's elections as conservative politicians seek to shore up their "family" credentials by attacking it.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is running for re-election on 14 May alongside his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), has repeatedly referenced LGBTQ+ people during his campaign.

Speaking at a rally last month, he called the opposition parties pro-LGBTQ+ and said he and his allies believed in the "sanctity of the family".

Dont listen to these LGBT people. You shouldnt stand against the family. The CHP is pro-LGBT, the IYI Party is pro-LGBT and the HDP is pro-LGBT," he told an audience in the western province of Bursa.

The CHP (Republican People's Party) and IYI Party are part of the National Alliance running against Erdogan and the AKP, and polls indicate they stand a serious chance of unseating them for the first time since 2002.

The HDP (People's Democracy Party) is a pro-Kurdish leftist party that is supporting the opposition in the 14 May elections, although they are not formally part of the alliance.



North Korea-linked Kimsuky APT uses new recon tool ReconShark "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

North Korea-linked APT group Kimsuky has been observed using a new reconnaissance tool dubbed ReconShark in a recent campaign.

SentinelOne researchers observed an ongoing campaign from North Korea-linked Kimsuky Group that is using a new malware called ReconShark.

The reconnaissance tool is delivered through spear-phishing emails, OneDrive links leading to document weaponized downloads, and the execution of malicious macros.

Kimsuky cyberespiona group (aka ARCHIPELAGO, Black Banshee, Thallium, Velvet Chollima, APT43) was first spotted by Kaspersky researcher in 2013. At the end of October 2020, the US-CERT published a report on Kimuskys recent activities that provided information on their TTPs and infrastructure.

The APT group mainly targets think tanks and organizations in South Korea, other victims were in the United States, Europe, and Russia.

In the latest Kimsuky campaign, the state-sponsored group focused on nuclear agendas between China and North Korea, relevant to the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.

The threat actor recently targeted the staff of Korea Risk Group (KRG), the information and analysis firm specializing in matters directly and indirectly impacting the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK). SentinelOne reported that the same campaign is still targeting other entities and individuals in at least the United States, Europe, and Asia, including think tanks and universities.

For the deployment of ReconShark, Kimsuky continues to make use of specially crafted phishing emails. Notably, the spear-phishing emails are made with a level of design quality tuned for specific individuals, increasing the likelihood of opening by the target. This includes proper formatting, grammar, and visual clues, appearing legitimate to unsuspecting users. reads the analysis published by SentinelOne. Notably, the targeted emails, which contain links to download malicious documents, and the malicious documents themselves, abuse the names of real individuals whose expertise is relevant to the lure subject such as Political Scienti...


Could the Recent Bank Failures be a Push for CBDC? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Martin Armstrong Monday saw the largest banking failure in the US since 2008 after First Republic went under, marking the third death of a...

Could the Recent Bank Failures be a Push for CBDC?


Military Situation In Bakhmut On May 5, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Bakhmut On May 5, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • Wagner forces are advancing towards Larysy Shepitko street in the north-western part of the city;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue along Chaikovskoho street;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue near Bogdanivka;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue near Khromovo;
  • Evgeny Prigozhin reported that his units will leave their positions in Bakhmut because of the shell hunger artificially created by Russian military commanders.


The post Military Situation In Bakhmut On May 5, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


War and Murder Since Vietnam "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I'm going to be brief and generalize and give some tentative conclusions in order to fit into 10 minutes what I think happened in Vietnam and what I think are some of the key lessons for peacemaking now from peacemaking at the time of what the Vietnamese call the American War.


Souls for Sale "IndyWatch Feed War"

In a society built on lies, the search for truth is a game.

Consider the debate surrounding alleged threats to the BBCs independence, even as the BBC itself reports of its outgoing chairman:

As for Mr Sharps departure, I understand conversations between the BBC and the government have been had in recent days. Youd expect that.

The BBC chairman is a political appointment.

If that doesnt justify Twitter labelling every BBC journalist UK state-affiliated media, we dont know what does.

Or consider how, cap in hand, the Guardian now presents itself as a Media Lens-style operation, declaring at the end of its articles:

As a reader-funded news organisation, we rely on your generosity. Please give what you can, so millions can benefit from quality reporting on the events shaping our world.

We wonder how many readers funding this heroic mission are aware that, last year, Guardian editor, Kath Viner, received a 42 per cent pay rise of 150,000, taking her salary to 509,850. Brazen claims that the Guardian is free from commercial influence appear in the pages of a newspaper overflowing with corporate adverts on which it is deeply dependent. Last year, print and advertising generated revenues of 71.5m and 73.7m respectively. The Guardian is owned by the Scott Trust, which runs a 1.3bn investment fund.

Even if we try to imagine corporate journalists rising above this nonsense, its impossible to conceive of them examining deeper issues of med...


Blatant both-siderism from a physicist "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A lot of people have been asking me to comment on a recent video by Sabine Hossenfelder. I knew who she is she is a science communicator who specializes in physics, and Ive seen a few of her videos. They were OK, not particularly interesting to me, just because Im on the biology side of the spectrum. Great, though, more people talking about science is a net positive.

But then she did the stereotypical physicist thing: she studies the fundamental building blocks of the universe, energy and matter and mathematics, so she decided to slide over into a field she knows nothing about and explain it to us. Thats why people were pestering me to critique her recent video, titled Is being trans a social fad among teenagers? I guess having a Ph.D. in physics makes you an expert in psychology and sociology as well as biology.

I took a look. I only made it 34 seconds into the video before I closed it and said, Fuck this. This is how she opens:

On the one side you have people claiming that its a socially contagious fad among the brainwashed woke who want to mutilate innocent children. On the other side there are those saying its saving the lives of minorities who have been forced to stay in the closet for too long. And then there are normal people like you and I who think both sides are crazy and could someone summarize the facts in simple words, which is what I am here for.

I am done. Ill never be able to watch another of her videos. Youd think a physicist would at least understand logic, but theres the fallacy of the false dilemma coupled to a bad case of physicists arrogance. Its both-siderism with a vengeance. She claims to be all about No hype, no spin, but she just made a false equivalence between people who are trying to legislate invasive, destructive meddling in peoples lives, and people who want to be left alone to live their lives without interference, and calls both of them crazy. That she thinks the right to live a life without being tortured by religious fanatics is crazy is most definitely taking a side and putting a fierce spin on her opinion.

Goodbye, Sabine.

And sorry to everyone who wanted me to comment on the rest of her ideas. Theres 27 more minutes of that crap and I just couldnt bear to continue. Im cis, and I have no idea how trans people can persist in a society where that kind of nonsense gets served up at you constantly.

While Im weak and unable to stomach such stupidity, at least Rebecca Watson, the Iron Skeptic, managed to cope. Heres her take on Hossenfelder.



AMD Virtual NMI Support For KVM Virtualization Merged Into Linux 6.4 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Going back to mid-2022 AMD engineers have been working on Virtual NMI support with SVM for the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) as an efficiency optimization. With the in-development Linux 6.4 kernel the AMD VNMI support has been merged...


A major problem with fusion is solved leading us closer to a perpetual energy source "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Fusion reactor.

Without a doubt someday it is possible to have fusion power plants providing sustainable energy resolving our long-standing energy problems. This is the main reason so many scientists throughout the world are carrying out research on this power source. The generation of power from this method actually mimics the sun.


Laser pulses triple transition temperature for ferromagnetism in a rare-earth titanate "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers in Germany and the U.S. have shown for the first time that terahertz (THz) light pulses can stabilize ferromagnetism in a crystal at temperatures more than three times its usual transition temperature. As the team reports in Nature, using pulses just hundreds of femtoseconds long (a millionth of a billionth of a second), a ferromagnetic state was induced at high temperature in the rare-earth titanate YTiO3 which persisted for many nanoseconds after the light exposure. Below the equilibrium transition temperature, the laser pulses still strengthened the existing magnetic state, increasing the magnetization up to its theoretical limit.

Using light to control magnetism in solids is a promising platform for future technologies. Todays computers mainly rely on the flow of electrical charge to process information. Moreover, digital memory storage devices make use of magnetic bits that must be switched external magnetic fields. Both of these aspects limit the speed and energy efficiency of current computing systems. Using light instead to optically switch memory and computing devices could revolutionize processing speeds and efficiency.

YTiO3 is a transition metal oxide that only becomes ferromagnetic, with properties resembling those of a fridge magnet, below 27 K or 246C. At these low temperatures, the spins of the electrons on the Ti atoms align in a particular direction. It is this collective ordering of the spins which gives the material as a whole a macroscopic magnetization and turns it ferromagnetic. In contrast, at temperatures above 27 K, the individual spins fluctuate randomly so that no ferromagnetism develops.


Tiny 22-lb Hydrogen Engine May Replace the Traditional Combustion Engine "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The machine, which weighs only 22 lb (10 kg), is a single-piston-linear-engine, that runs exclusively on hydrogen. As it has only 20 components and one moving part, the engine is also much cheaper to produce and maintain than traditional engines.


War and Murder Since Vietnam "IndyWatch Feed War"

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 5, 2023

Remarks from May 4th webinar with Green Party Peace Action Committee; Peoples Network for Planet, Justice & Peace; Green Party of Ohio 

Im going to be brief and generalize and give some tentative conclusions in order to fit into 10 minutes what I think happened in Vietnam and what I think are some of the key lessons for peacemaking now from peacemaking at the time of what the Vietnamese call the American War.

I think that the U.S. public has been much more aware from that time to now of the extent to which the U.S. government is principally the worlds primary war machine. We all sometimes get some facts wrong. Sometimes exaggerate. Some make the mistake of imagining that the rest of the worlds warmakers are admirable, just as some peace activists made the mistake of cheering for the Vietnamese side of the war on Vietnam though they had the excuse we do not of far less knowledge of the superior power of nonviolent action.

(Now, as everyone prepares to ask me how a friendly little sit-in can stop bombs from landing on your head, I encourage you to envision a completely different approach of noncooperation with occupation and to see the list of successes at )

But mostly, I think, people fail to quite grasp just the extent to which the U.S. government is responsible for the institution of war. In the latest numbers on military spending, of 230 other countries, the U.S. spends more than 227 of them combined. Russia and China spend a combined 21% of what the U.S. and its allies spend on war. Since 1945, the U.S. military has acted in a major or minor way in 74 other nations. At least 95% of the foreign military bases on Earth are U.S. bases. Of 230 other countries, the U.S. exports more weaponry than 228 of them combined. Most places with wars manufacture no weapons.

The war on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia remains the worst thing the U.S. military has done. The U.S. dropped more than three times the bombs it had in WWII, combined with a massive ground war, plus spraying from the air tens of millions of liters of Agent Orange, not to mention napalm. Tens of millions of bombs remain une...


Military Situation In Syria On May 5, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Military Situation In Syria On May 5, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • On May 5, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no cases of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours;
  • On May 4, the HTS arrested three members of Sham Legion in Ariha town;
  • On May 4, 199 Syrians arrived at Damascus Airport in the second batch evacuated from Sudan.


The post Military Situation In Syria On May 5, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


A Glimpse into Homelessness "IndyWatch Feed War"

The estimated number of homeless people in Canada ranges from 150,000 to 300,000, and the figure has been rising. Homelessness Statistics in Canada, 4 February 2023, Statscan

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) counted around 582,000 Americans experiencing homelessness in 2022.


For Western ranchers, harsh weather has meant brutal losses during prime calving season "IndyWatch Feed World"

In remote southeast Oregon, about the only place to stop for a hundred miles is the Oasis Cafe in Juntura. Travelers come in for coffee and to warm up near the wood stove. Locals gather here too. Rancher Glenn Harris sits down with a couple of his neighbors for a hot burger. He's talking about what everyone's talking about right now: How this bitter spring has been devastating for newborn calves. "We had about two feet of snow at least on top of five or six inches of ice," Harris said. "Those calves are born and they just melt right down to that ice."


Global Reforms Loom over Canadian Mining Industry "IndyWatch Feed War"

Canadas mining industry, with its vast mineral reserves, is a significant contributor to the nations economy and plays a crucial role in employment, government revenues, and advancing the countrys energy and security objectives. However, as the mining industry navigates rapid shifts in reforms and regulations, Canadian firms operating outside of the country will have to weather the prospects of nationalization abroad, and possible industry consolidation at home.

The post Global Reforms Loom over Canadian Mining Industry appeared first on Geopolitical Monitor.


Mongabays What-to-Watch list for May 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In April, Mongabay released videos covering the Indigenous action in conservation in Brazil and the Philippines, farmers stories in India and Cambodia, microplastic pollution, the role of technology in wildlife conservation, and more. In Brazil, a gold database with samples obtained from different parts of the country is helping the Federal Police determine the origin of seized or suspicious gold. In an unrelated reporting, Indigenous leader Junior Hekurari Yanomami explains why people worldwide should stop buying gold. Rice and subsistence farmers around Tonle Sap lake in Cambodia lost their rights to farm on their lands in 2021. How will the upcoming elections in the country change this situation? In India, scientists have found microplastics in the most relevant of ingredients salt. Especially sea salt. Artisanal fishermen in Tamil Nadu, who have fished in their waters for generations, are now fighting off pollution from industrial shrimp farms. In Madhya Pradesh, farmers from 60 villages have opted natural farming protect their crops from climate impacts. Japans old practice of reforestation with fish forests, practiced by local fishing communities, has always been believed to have worked. And now, scietific studies have proved them right. Villagers from next to a forest in the Philippines are changing the way civet poop coffee is consumed the beans they collect are from the wild, and the civet population in the forest remains healthy. Technology advancement in wildlife conservation ranges from underwater in the deep oceans to tiny insects chirping around us. Scientists are monotiring pregnantThis article was originally published on Mongabay


God tax the king "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The British royalty has tried to shake off its colonial past. But its long reign over these wrongs was succeeded by a new form of plunder, exacted today by Britains tax haven empire.

Prince Charles in Kigali, Rwanda. Image credit Simon Dawson for No. 10 Downing Street via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

The worlds biggest tax haven empire has a new king. King Charles III will be anointed, blessed, and consecrated on May 6. He is sovereign over Great Britain, the Crown Dependencies, and the British Overseas Territories, which collectively inflict nearly 40 percent of the tax revenue losses around the world.

Britain was starting to spin its web of tax havens around the time Charles was born in the late 1940s. Britain allowed and often encouraged this insidious second empire as many nations were breaking from the shackles of European and British colonialism. Currently, British tax havens aid and abet multinational corporations shifting profits out of the countries where most of the real business happens. Wealthy and powerful individuals are also able to hide money and assets behind the secretive laws of the spiders web.

The Tax Justice Networka coalition of activists, and scholars campaigning against tax avoidancesent an open letter to King Charles urging the monarch to address the economic and human cost imposed by the British tax havens over which he is sovereign. The letter details the organizations latest research which estimates that British tax havens mete out a total tax loss of more than US$189 billion per year on the world. The total tax losses are more than three times the humanitarian aid budget the UN needs this year to help 230 million people living on the brink after multiple disasters.

While Britains overseas aid has dwindled in recent years, unwinding the web of tax havens instead would help many governments fulfill the rights of their citizens. If we were to reverse the tax revenue losses caused by the UK spiders web, there would be 36 million more people with access to basic sanitation, 18 million more pe...


OTB#72: The Seventh Seal "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ive blogged about this movie before, and its not a new entry on the 2022 directors list, so I shouldnt be re-watching it now, eh why not.



Background to Council Elections: Ards and North Down Council "IndyWatch Feed"

This Council has 40 councillors. The DUP, UUP and Alliance each had representation in all seven District Electoral Areas (DEAs) at the last election, Greens in 3 and the SDLP in 1. Whilst still having a majority of votes, unionists recorded their biggest drop in vote share of any Council.

Chart, pie chart Description automatically generated

Chart, pie chart Description automatically generated

Three Independents were elected. Two have had their votes included with the unionist share Tom Smith (Bangor East & Donaghadee) who was elected in 2014 for the DUP and Jimmy Menagh (Newtownards) who was elected as Independent on a unionist platform. The third, Ray McKimm (Bangor Central), is included with other. For the reasons for that classification please see the Bangor Central section below.

The make up of the Council in 2014 and 2019 is shown in the following chart.

Chart, histogram Description automatically generated

Six seats changed hands. The DUP lost in Bangor West and Holywood to Alliance, who also took a seat from the UUP in Newtownards. Another UUP loss took place in Bangor Central to Independent McKimm. By retaining his seat in Bangor East Independent Smith inflicted a further loss on his old party, the DUP. The UUP picked up a gain in Bangor East by holding the seat which Alan Chambers had retained as an Independent in 2014 before he joined the UUP to contest an Assembly seat.

The most significant changes in vote shares were the 9% increase for Alliance and the 6% for Greens. In addition the cumulative loss for Other Unionists (largely UKIP and Conservatives), Independent Unionists and TUV starved the DUP of many of the transfers which had bolstered its seat tally in previous years.

Four of the DEAs fall within the North Down constituency and three within Strangford. The Assembly votes in those constituencies suggest that the UUP and the Greens could be under pressure here in May. The total unionist vote share was 3 points up between the council elections and the Assembly in North Down and static in Strangford. The DUP will be hoping to pull back some ground but at the same time faces challenges from the TUV. Any Alliance gains would m...



Hackers Targeting Italian Corporate Banking Clients with New Web-Inject Toolkit DrIBAN "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Italian corporate banking clients are the target of an ongoing financial fraud campaign that has been leveraging a new web-inject toolkit called drIBAN since at least 2019. "The main goal of drIBAN fraud operations is to infect Windows workstations inside corporate environments trying to alter legitimate banking transfers performed by the victims by changing the beneficiary and transferring


Sirius Might be Hiding Money Aborad (Deep Debt in the UK) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Internal documents show evidence

Sirius caricature/Sirius chart: The Sugar Daddy; Witch-hunter; the accomplice; several wives; mr. kink; fraudster in chief

Summary: The finances of Sirius are dodgy; with at least three different shells (in at least two countries) and an unknown number of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), its hard to know where money comes from and where it is going to (even the companys registered address isnt authentic anymore)

AS noted this morning, the police is far too slow (if not reluctant) to investigate crimes of Sirius Open Source, so lets examine the facts, based on the Sirius Business Case as it was presented 12 months ago.

Quite a few people were involved in the blunders and the crimes. We chose not to name them. Anyway, of note are the following parts:

Sirius income

Where did the surplus go? Another country? Seems plausible. There we go:

Sirius US

They dont even mention the Gates Foundation because of the non-disclosure agreement, but its what likely drew the CEO to the US because, according to him, it was the first Sirius US client (strange, right?) and it was never mentioned anywhere in writing.

Several things are noteworthy and might be relevant to the police investigation. First, in March the CEO was publicly advertising that he had money (about 100,000 pounds per year to offer in salaries). So where does he hide the money? Where did that money come from? In the report he kept secret from us the finances in the US. Well, maybe he stashed it aside over the years and now he hides money in the US (from his ex-wives), who knows

The only other possibility is that he fakes everything or that he advertises openings for which he cannot even pay a s...


[Revealed] The Financial Secrets of Sirius Open Source (Do the Former Wives of the CEO Know?) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Internal documents show evidence

Sirius caricature/Sirius chart: The Sugar Daddy; Witch-hunter; the accomplice; several wives; mr. kink; fraudster in chief

Summary: The finances of Sirius are dodgy; with at least three different shells (in at least two countries) and an unknown number of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), its hard to know where money comes from and where it is going to (even the companys registered address isnt authentic anymore)

AS noted this morning, the police is far too slow (if not reluctant) to investigate crimes of Sirius Open Source, so lets examine the facts, based on the Sirius Business Case as it was presented 12 months ago.

Quite a few people were involved in the blunders and the crimes. We chose not to name them. Anyway, of note are the following parts:

Sirius income

Where did the surplus go? Another country? Seems plausible. There we go:

Sirius US

They dont even mention the Gates Foundation because of the non-disclosure agreement, but its what likely drew the CEO to the US because, according to him, it was the first Sirius US client (strange, right?) and it was never mentioned anywhere in writing.

With two grown up girls in the UK and two more young girls in the UK the CEO (two failed marriages) is probably chased for many other expenses.Several things are noteworthy and might be relevant to the police investigation. First, in March the CEO was...


#BBCRedlines looks at the battle within Nationalism during #le23 "IndyWatch Feed"

The View looks at the state of nationalism ahead of #LE23 Broadcast on BBC Northern Ireland on May 4th, 2023 Listen to the full podcast here



Is it Halloween already? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Bats and spidersit makes me think of Halloween, anyway. Ill stick a photo below the fold of a spider eating a bat so you can get into the festive spirit, too.

It seems there is a bit of a conflict going on in northern Australia, with bats snatching up spiders and spiders snaring bats.

Ms Maclean said there had been several other recorded incidents of bats caught in spider webs but, conversely, some microbats in the Far North were known to eat golden orb spiders out of their webs.

[Golden-tipped bats] have two large teeth that are specially housed in the bottom jaw, she said.

They can tell which side of the web the spiders in, they fly in, they grab the body of the spider with the teeth, and then they fly backwards out of the web with it.

They kind of suck the contents of the abdomen out they dont particularly eat the legs and things.

I dont feel at all bad if a bat occasionally meets a grisly end.


Former CIA officer says decision to drone attack Kremlin was made by the United States "IndyWatch Feed World"

Deadly escalation an effort to provoke major Russian response. Former CIA intelligence officer Larry Johnson says the decision to launch a drone attack on the Kremlin was made by the United States. The Wednesday attack, which was likely to have been targeting Russian President Vladimir Putin, was stopped by electronic warfare systems which disabled the drones before they could reach their target. According to Johnson, the attack must have been spearheaded by the Biden administration and the US military-industrial complex because "decisions on such attacks are made not in Kiev, but in Washington."


More than 1,000 evacuated as Guatemala volcano erupts "IndyWatch Feed World"

Guatemalan authorities evacuated more than 1,000 people and closed a road as Central America's most active volcano erupted Thursday, spewing thick clouds of ash over farms and towns not far from the capital city. Civil protection official Oscar Cossio said 1,054 people had been evacuated from five communities near the foot of the volcano and moved to a sports hall for shelter. He said that number was likely to rise as a full accounting of the evacuees was carried out. Guatemala's Conred disaster center said the volcano named Fuego, Spanish for "fire," was sending out "pyroclastic flows" -- a high-temperature mix of gas, ash and rock fragments "which descend with great speed down the flanks of the volcanic complex."


New York Governor Celebrates New $35 Million Abortion Pill Pipeline For College Women "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Gov HochulI cried for the many women who have suffered because of abortion, which all too often is not presented to them in truth before their decision.


Wage Suppression and the Fate of the Republic "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In an era when the Federal Reserve eyes wages as potential instigators of inflation, the questions of how wages are determined and what forces work against fair bargaining between labor and management remain more relevant than ever. 


On this weeks WhoWhatWhy podcast we examine workers wages with Michael Lind, distinguished author, journalist, and co-founder of the think tank New America. Lind has taught at Harvard and Johns Hopkins, and is currently a professor at the University of Texas, Austin. His new book is Hell to Pay: How the Suppression of Wages Is Destroying America.


Lind describes the clandestine alliance between bipartisan political and business interests, which, in his view, has systematically crippled American workers bargaining power. This, according to Lind, has led to unfairly low wages and a consequent decline in American society at large. 


He issues a stark warning: Unless workers power is restored, our republic will inevitably collapse. As we navigate the uncharted landscape of limitless technological advancement, including AI, and a globalized, borderless workforce, Linds predictions hold ever greater weight.


He offers compelling explanations for the current reluctance of workers to unionize, the misalignment between wages and productivity, and the myth of perfectly competitive markets.  At the same time, Lind lays out specific proposals to limit offshoring, advance union membership, and champion collective bargaining, which he argues are the keys to reducing income inequality, political polarization, and even enhancing family formation, in todays and tomorrows United States.



Linux Cell Phone? Build OURPhone "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

[Evan] couldnt find a phone he liked, so he decided to build his own. There are advantages and disadvantages, as you might expect. On the plus side, you have the ultimate control. On the negative side, it doesnt quite have the curb appeal at least to the average user of a sleek new cell phone from a major manufacturer.

The phone uses a Raspberry Pi, along with a 4G modem and a 480800 touchscreen. Theres a laser cut box that measures 90x160x30 mm. For reference, a Google Pixel 7 is about 73x156x9 mm, so a little easier on the pocket.

But not one the pocketbook. The OURPhone only costs about $200 USD to build. There are trade-offs. For example, the touchscreen is resistive, so youll want a stylus (theres a slot for it in the case). On the other hand, if you dont like something, it is all there for you to change.

Obviously, a better screen would help. Thinner batteries might be a good enhancement too. But thats the beauty of an open project. You can do all these things and more.

We wondered if you could get one of the mobile Linux editions to run or even Android. It seems like the hardest part is coming up with a sophisticated enclosure.


ProPublica Selects 11 for Investigative Editor Training "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

We are excited to announce the names of the 11 distinguished journalists chosen to launch ProPublicas new investigative editor training program.

The ProPublica Investigative Editor Training Program was established to expand the ranks of editors with investigative experience in newsrooms across the country, with a focus on journalists from underrepresented backgrounds.

This program is funded by the Jonathan Logan Family Foundation, which supports journalism, film and arts organizations whose work is dedicated to social justice and strengthening democracy.

Participants will undergo a five-day intensive editing boot camp in New York, with courses and panel discussions led by ProPublicas senior editors. After the boot camp, participants will gather virtually every two months for continuing development seminars and be assigned a ProPublica senior editor as a mentor for advice on their work and careers.

Were encouraged by the response weve received for this effort. All told, 159 people applied for 10 advertised slots for this years training. The applicants represented a broad array of news organizations across the country. And due to their impressive credentials, we added one more slot than wed initially planned.

This is an exciting moment for both ProPublica and the field of investigative journalism, said Stephen Engelberg, editor-in-chief of ProPublica. The breadth of our applicant pool demonstrates the deep interest in publications at every level in developing the skills that will give readers the in-depth reporting our democracy so desperately needs.

Were thrilled to introduce the inaugural cohort of the ProPublica Investigative Editor Training Program:

Maha Ahmed is managing editor at...


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Auchan hypermarche in Cergy is at the location of the red balloon in the image above. It is a short walk from the ESSEC campus (lower center of map). Click to go to the map on Auchans website

On each of the occasions I have read articles about Annie Ernaux I have been reminded of the first of my five years teaching at ESSEC. During the 2000-2003 academic years I lived on campus for extended periods away from home and family in Costa Rica. My grocery shopping was at the same...


Europol Operation Arrests 288 in Massive Dark Web Drug Bust "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The notorious Monopoly Market site has been seized and 288 suspects have been arrested:

Monopoly Market has been seized by authorities, while 288 suspects have been arrested. These individuals are believed to have bought or sold drugs on the dark web through this site.

The international operation called SpecTor involved "separate complementary actions" in Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Brazil, the UK, the US and Switzerland. The information used to conduct the operation stemmed from "troves of evidence provided by German authorities", according to Europol which coordinated the international law enforcement action. These German authorities successfully seized "criminal infrastructure" in December 2021, which was used to create evidence for hundreds of national investigations.

"A number of investigations to identify additional individuals behind dark web accounts are still ongoing," Europol wrote in a statement. "As law enforcement authorities gained access to the vendors' extensive buyer lists, thousands of customers across the globe are now at risk of prosecution as well."

The US Department of Justice claims that Operation SpecTor led to more seizures "than any prior operation". The total seizures include 117 firearms, 850kg of different drugs and $53.4m in both cash and virtual currencies.

Commenting on the successful operation, Europol executive director Catherine De Bolle said the law enforcement coalition proves that "we all do better when we work together".

"This operation sends a strong message to criminals on the dark web: international law enforcement has the means and the ability to identify and hold you accountable for your illegal activities, even on the dark web," De Bolle said.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Former Uber CSO avoids prison for concealing data breach "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Joe Sullivan, the former Uber CSO who has been convicted last year for attempting to cover up a data breach Uber suffered in 2016 and kept it hidden from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), has been sentenced to three years of probation plus 200 hours of community service. The conviction Sullivan became Chief Security Officer at Uber in April 2015, and in November 2016 testified before the FTC under oath that the company had taken More

The post Former Uber CSO avoids prison for concealing data breach appeared first on Help Net Security.


Linux 6.4 Closes The Door On Intel Thunder Bay "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While Intel Thunder Bay sparked rumors years ago as potentially being a mix of Intel x86 cores and Movidius VPU cores, although the Linux patches put it as ARM cores paired with the Movidius VPU, Thunder Bay is no more. As I wrote back in March, Intel Linux engineers have acknowledged Thunder Bay is cancelled and there are no end-customers/users so they are going ahead and removing the Linux support...


The Lesson Of Jordan Neely: Your Courage And Sacrifice Will Be Punished "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

man standing in front of moving subway trainYoung American men will be taught the hard way that selflessness, courage, and their masculine instincts will get them 20 to life in prison.


Envisioning a Safer Future for This Deadly Intersection in Richmond, VA "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


The Richmond Crash Analysis Studio is inspiring prevention-based solutions to reduce the number of fatalities on our streets. During the session preparation, local resident of Richmond, Virginia, and Strong Towns member Erik Bootsma contacted us. Bootsma is very familiar with the conditions on the Virginia Commonwealth University campus where the crash took place; he wanted to be part of the local engagement process to improve the conditions on the campus.

Similar to many of you, Bootsma watched the Crash Analysis Studio live, and listened to the humble observations that resonated with his own experiences on the campus. He also listened to the numerous recommendations shared by the panelists. Bootsma took these recommendations to heart and applied his skills as an architect to illustrate the panels recommendations.

He completed these drawings prior to the Crash Analysis Studio Report being published, and shared this work on Twitter. Like the panelists, Eric shared in a mutual discovery of the contributing factors and revised his recommendations for this intersection. He felt the need to share his talents to advance the conversation and inspire change.

Existing conflicts at the current intersection are shown in red. (Source: Erik Bootsma.)



Conservatives Won The Word Woke. Now Its Time To Reclaim Accurate Language Everywhere "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Photo of AP Twitter post about the word By describing woke ideologies and their fruits at face value, conservatives felled the lefts self-conferred monopoly on how, when, and where the term could be used.


LoongArch With Linux 6.4 Lands Optimizations, New Functionality "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Chinese tech company Loongson continues working on improving the upstream Linux kernel support for their MIPS-derived, RISC-V-inspired domestic CPU architecture. With the in-development Linux 6.4 kernel is another batch of optimizations and implementing more kernel functionality for the LoongArch CPU architecture...


N. Korean Kimsuky Hackers Using New Recon Tool ReconShark in Latest Cyberattacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The North Korean state-sponsored threat actor known as Kimsuky has been discovered using a new reconnaissance tool called ReconShark as part of an ongoing global campaign. "[ReconShark] is actively delivered to specifically targeted individuals through spear-phishing emails, OneDrive links leading to document downloads, and the execution of malicious macros," SentinelOne researchers Tom Hegel


Lack of Visibility: The Challenge of Protecting Websites from Third-Party Scripts "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Third-party apps such as Google Analytics, Meta Pixel, HotJar, and JQuery have become critical tools for businesses to optimize their website performance and services for a global audience. However, as their importance has grown, so has the threat of cyber incidents involving unmanaged third-party apps and open-source tools. Online businesses increasingly struggle to maintain complete visibility


Experimental AV2 Support Added To AVIF Image Encoder "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The reference AVIF image encoder for the AV1 Image File Format has added experimental support for AV2, the next-generation codec that remains in development by the Alliance for Open Media...


Fleckpe Android malware totaled +620K downloads via Google Play Store "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Fleckpe is a new Android subscription Trojan that was discovered in the Google Play Store, totaling more than 620,000 downloads since 2022.

Fleckpe is a new Android subscription Trojan that spreads via Google Play, the malware discovered by Kaspersky is hidden in photo editing apps, smartphone wallpaper packs, and other general-purpose apps.

The malicious campaign has been active since 2022, the experts discovered eleven apps infected with Fleckpe on Google Play, which have been installed on more than 620,000 devices. Once discovered, the apps have been quickly removed from the Play Store, but the threat actors might have already uploaded other tainted apps that have yet to be discovered.

Upon executing one of the infected apps, it loads a heavily obfuscated native library containing a dropper that decrypts and runs malicious code from the app assets.

The payload sends information about the infected device to the C2 servers, including the MCC (Mobile Country Code) and MNC (Mobile Network Code). In turn, the C2 server returns a paid subscription page. The Trojan opens the page in an invisible web browser and attempts to complete a subscription of the victim. In case the subscription process requires a confirmation code, the malware is able to get it from the notifications.

Once installed, the apps continue providing their legitimate functionality, for example, installing wallpapers, after the victim has been subscribed to a paid service

The experts noticed that the authors of the malware are upgrading it, for example, they moved most of the subscription code to the native library. The payload is only used to intercept notifications and view web pages. This move makes hard the analysis and the detection of the malware.

Most of the victims are from Thailand, however, other infections were observed in Poland, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore.

Sadly, subscription Trojans have only gained popularity with scammers lately. Their operators h...


Space Tech Is Soaring into New Frontiers. Here's Your Roadmap. "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The space technology industry is defying gravity both literally and figuratively driving innovation that pushes into new frontiers.

Keysights new in-depth survey of the latest trends in this fast-paced industry can help you identify:

  • Top satellite applications driving market growth
  • Top enabling technologies, technology trends, and novel solutions
  • What space technology leaders consider to be the top challenges and applications with the greatest future impact

The report provides industry analysis that adds essential context to the survey findings.

Register now to download this free whitepaper.


West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice Runs for Senate Amid Stacks of Unpaid Bills "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article was produced for ProPublicas Local Reporting Network in partnership with Mountain State Spotlight. Sign up for Dispatches to get stories like this one as soon as they are published.

For years, West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice has been dogged by allegations that his family businesses havent paid their debts, including fines for environmental violations at their coal plants. One bank is even seeking to garnish his salary as governor to cover an unpaid personal guarantee of a business loan, court documents show.

But these disputes are likely to resurface in what will be one of the most hotly contested races for control of the U.S. Senate in 2024. Last week, Justice, a Republican who is immensely popular in the state, announced that he will challenge U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat who is often the swing vote on key legislation.

A review by ProPublica in 2020 found that, over three decades, Justices constellation of mining, farming and hospitality companies were involved in over 600 lawsuits in more than two dozen states. Many were filed by workers, vendors, business partners and government agencies, alleging they werent paid. Often, similar cases were filed in multiple jurisdictions, as lawyers for plaintiffs tried to chase down a Justice companys assets to settle debts.

By late 2020, the total in judgments and settlements for Justice family businesses had reached $140 million, ProPublica and Mountain State Spotlight found.

Since then, his family business empire has faced more turmoil. Lenders are...

Researcher Meredith Whittaker says AIs biggest risk isnt consciousnessits the corporations that control them "IndyWatch Feed World"

The former Googler and current Signal president on why she thinks Geoffrey Hintons alarmism is a distraction from more pressing threats.

AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton, a 75-year-old computer scientist known as the Godfather of AI, has made waves this week after resigning from Google to warn that AI could soon surpass humans in intelligence and learn how to destroy humanity on its own.

Read Full Story


Wabote: Transparency, new master plan vital for Niger Delta devt "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

NCDMB board The Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) Executive Secretary Simbi Kesiye Wabote has said transparency, prudent management of financial resources and a new master plan are some of the strategies that will make the private sector support the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC). He made the submission in the keynote address he []

The post Wabote: Transparency, new master plan vital for Niger Delta devt appeared first on New Telegraph.


dav1d 1.2 Released With More SIMD Optimizations "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Dav1d as the open-source AV1 video decoder developed as part of the VideoLAN project is out with a new minor feature release...


Packagist Repository Hacked: Over a Dozen PHP Packages with 500 Million Compromised "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

PHP software package repository Packagist revealed that an "attacker" gained access to four inactive accounts on the platform to hijack over a dozen packages with over 500 million installs to date. "The attacker forked each of the packages and replaced the package description in composer.json with their own message but did not otherwise make any malicious changes," Packagist's Nils Adermann said


Bolt Food increases presence in Lagos environs "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Bolt Food has announced its expansion into inner cities in Lagos, enlarging its coverage in the state and delivering on its promise to continue providing easier access to daily essentials. The leading mobility platform launched its food delivery vertical in Lagos in 2021, which provides customers with competitively affordable and efficient food delivery service while []

The post Bolt Food increases presence in Lagos environs appeared first on New Telegraph.


Critical RCE vulnerability in Cisco phone adapters, no update available (CVE-2023-20126) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cisco has revealed the existence of a critical vulnerability (CVE-2023-20126) in the web-based management interface of Cisco SPA112 2-Port Phone Adapters. The adapters are widely used to integrate analog phones into VoIP networks without the need for an upgrade. About the vulnerability (CVE-2023-20126) CVE-2023-20126 can be exploited without prior authentication. This vulnerability is due to a missing authentication process within the firmware upgrade function. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by upgrading an affected device More

The post Critical RCE vulnerability in Cisco phone adapters, no update available (CVE-2023-20126) appeared first on Help Net Security.


9-month-old killed, woman seriously injured in dog attack in Waterloo, Iowa "IndyWatch Feed World"

A dog was put down after a baby was killed and a woman was seriously injured in Waterloo, Iowa. In a news release, Waterloo Police Department said officers were called out Thursday just after 7 a.m. about an animal attack at 1280 Scott Avenue. Once officers and Waterloo Fire Rescue arrived at the scene, they found two victims inside the house that had been bitten by a dog. Police said, according to KWWL, that the 49-year-old woman was airlifted to the hospital for serious injuries. A 9-month-old baby was pronounced dead at the scene, police say.


Davis sets an all-time West Virginia record for May snowfall - 20 inches in 3 days "IndyWatch Feed World"

The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh reports the Tucker County town of Davis officially received 20.3 inches of snow during the first three days of May. The accumulation is an all time record for anywhere in West Virginia for snowfall in the month of May. "We had started to make the transition. The trees had budded, flowers were coming up, and people were cutting their grass last week. All of the traditional signs of spring were happening and all of a sudden we had three days of snow," said Davis Mayor Alan Tomson. It wasn't just three days of snow. It was three days of driving, pounding, wet snow which quickly started to pile up each night.


U.S. Hits Z-Library With New Domain Name Seizures "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

zlibraryBy providing free access to millions of books, Z-Library became the go-to site for many readers in recent years.

Z-Librarys very existence was put to the test last November when U.S. law enforcement agencies seized over 200 domain names connected to the site. Two alleged Z-Library operators from Russia were arrested in Argentina as part of a criminal investigation.

Down, Not Out

Despite the gravity of the copyright infringement accusations and pending extraditions, Z-Library never went completely offline. The site continued to operate on the dark web, offering millions of pirated books and articles as it did before.

The site eventually returned on the clearnet too, providing a unique subdomain for all Z-Library users. The idea behind this move was to make it more difficult for law enforcement to take down the whole operation all at once.

This setup worked well for a few months allowing the remaining Z-Library team to focus on expanding the community. Starting this week, however, legal trouble hit Z-Library once again when the U.S. Department of Justice carried out a new round of domain name seizures.

New Domain Seizures

A few days ago we noticed that several domain names associated with the shadow library had stopped working. Instead, users were directed to a seizure banner which most of the sites users are familiar with by now.

The first seized domain we spotted was It previously redirected to the main login portal at which was still operational at the time. Soon after, however, these domain names were seized by U.S. authorities along with and


The seized domains now point to the name servers of which are controlled by the U.S. Government. Since Z-Library has domains at multiple registries, its possible that more seizur...


Seafloor life abounds around hydrothermal vents hot enough to melt lead "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

On March 12, a team of scientists gathered in the control room of the RV Falkor (too), an oceanographic research vessel operated by the Schmidt Ocean Institute. They watched the monitor of a camera-wielding underwater drone, or ROV, as it explored the deep sea 2,000 meters (6,600 feet) below the ship. When the screen showed a plume of black smoke, the scientists cheered. The video showed a sprawling field of hydrothermal vents fissures in the seabed where seawater mixes with magma on the Puy des Folles Volcano on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Some of the vents, known as black smokers, had formed tall chimneys of iron sulfide deposits that gushed out dark, sulfurous plumes with temperatures up to about 340 Celsius (644 Fahrenheit), hot enough to melt lead. Despite the sizzling water, the vents swarmed with shrimp and other deep-sea life perfectly adapted to this environment. Previous expeditions to this part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, an underwater mountain range that marks the boundary between two tectonic plates, have failed to find hydrothermal vents. But a team of international scientists from 11 research institutions managed to find them for the first time in more than 40 years in 700-kilometer (423-mile) stretch of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge by employing a new strategy. They first created a seafloor roadmap using the RV Falkor (too)s multibeam sonar. Then they used instruments to find traces of hydrothermal activity in the seawater, such as changes in temperature and the particle content of the water,This article was originally published on Mongabay


TurboTax may send you a check this month if you paid to file your taxes. Heres what to know "IndyWatch Feed World"

TurboTax maker Intuit agreed to pay $141 million after it was accused of deceptive practices. Payments are expected to go out this month.

When most people use Intuit-owned TurboTax, they hope to get a nice refund from the government. But millions of American TurboTax users may now be getting a payment directly from Intuit instead. Thats the result of a 2022 settlement between Intuit and all 50 states after the company was accused of misleading customers over its free tax software.

Read Full Story


Rep. Colin Allred Declares Intent to Unseat Ted Cruz in 2024 [Video] "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Democrat Rep. Colin Allred intends to unseat Sen. Ted Cruz in 2024. In the May 3 announcement video, he challenges the Senators record, particularly his me first method of governing: Im running for [the] U.S. Senate because Texans deserve a Senator whose team is Texas. Ted Cruz only cares about himself. Additionally, the Representative compared []

The post Rep. Colin Allred Declares Intent to Unseat Ted Cruz in 2024 [Video] appeared first on Guardian Liberty Voice.


Kwara out to end ordeal of rural women in sourcing potable water "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The importance of drink- able water to human ex- istence cannot be overem- phasised. Water, according to C. V. Raman is the elixir of life, the most wonderful and powerful thing on the earth. Globally, there- fore, water is essential to survival because every cell in the human body, according to research, is said to []

The post Kwara out to end ordeal of rural women in sourcing potable water appeared first on New Telegraph.


The Aviation Daily "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    You all know what it is.  The A-5 is also one of my very favorites. Naval nuclear strike, before we relied on cruise missiles.   MQ-20 General Atoics Aeronautical Systes (GA-ASI) has announced that it successfully conducted ft maneuvers with its MQ-20 Aenger drone using artificial intelligence aided y low et orbit satellite []

The post The Aviation Daily appeared first on Virtual Mirage.



User Answers

Every now and then I get articles that are seemingly unrelated, and I have to blog about them in one fell swoop. and that's

The post OF OCTOPUSES AND NANOWIRES appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Vacancy: Three-week summer journalism internship at Carbon Brief "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Carbon Brief is offering an exciting opportunity for students, or recent graduates, to work with the team for three weeks this summer. This journalism internship will be paid the London Living Wage, with an additional travel bursary.

Job description

Carbon Briefs award-winning journalism and analysis is respected by scientists, journalists, policymakers and campaigners around the world. We write articles and create data visualisations, infographics and videos to explain the latest climate science and related policy issues.

Youll spend time shadowing members of staff and helping out with the different tasks carried out by each part of the team. This includes journalists working on topics ranging from climate science to Chinas emissions, as well as specialists working on multimedia and social media.

If youre interested in whether Shells new climate scenario is as radical as it says, or how meat and dairy production is driving climate change, then this is the placement for you.

What you will do

  • Assist with research for articles.
  • Help decide how Carbon Brief covers the latest developments in climate change.
  • Create and discuss content for social media.
  • Have the opportunity to publish an article for Carbon Brief.

What you will learn

  • Experience how a small, independent journalism team works in practice.
  • See how Carbon Brief puts together articles.
  • Learn how we interrogate news, data and reports.
  • Pick up skills on how to make best use of multimedia in your journalism.

Your skills

  • Interest in or willingness to learn about climate change.
  • Interest in writing and journalism, including data-driven journalism.
  • Commitment to the integrity of journalism.
  • Competency in word processing and spreadsheet packages, such as MS Word/Excel or Google Docs/Sheets.
  • Excellent spoken and written English.
  • Experience with social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, would be a benefit.

Location: We envisage that the internship will take place at our offices n...

Electrified Compressors and the Great Texas Blackout (a threat to grid reliability everywhere) "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

But gradually, compressors were electrified so slowly that, to follow the parable, they, like the frog, didnt notice what was about to happen.

How Rep. James Clyburn Protected His District at a Cost to Black Democrats "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

The meeting was arranged in secret. On Nov. 19, 2021, the chief of staff for South Carolinas Senate Judiciary Committee texted Dalton Tresvant, a key aide to Rep. Jim Clyburn, the states most powerful Democrat.

Never miss the most important reporting from ProPublicas newsroom. Subscribe to the Big Story newsletter.

Hey Dalton - Andy Fiffick here, he said. We wrapped up some morning things quicker than we thought, so if you want/can come earlier than 1:30 were available.

The state legislature had begun the crucial task of redrawing voting district lines after the 2020 census. Even small changes in the lines can mean the difference between who wins office, who loses and which party holds power. As the process commenced, Clyburn had a problem: His once majority Black district had suffered a daunting exodus of residents since the last count. He wanted his seat to be made as safe as possible. Republicans understood the powerful Black Democrat could not be ignored, even though he came from the opposing party and had no official role in the state-level process. Fortunately for them, Clyburn, who is 82 and was recently reelected to his 16th term, had long ago made peace with the art of bartering.

Early in South Carolinas redistricting process, an aide to Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn delivered a map to Republicans that outlined the lawmakers desires. (South Carolina Senate)

Tresvant made his way to the grounds of the antebellum Statehouse, a relic still marked by cannon fire from Shermans army. The aide carried a hand-d...


Shallow 6.2 Magnitude earthquake hits Japan "IndyWatch Feed World"

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Japan on Friday. Officials said there was no preliminary damage and no tsunami threat. The earthquake struck Ishikawa prefecture near the central-west coast of the main Japanese island of Honshu, according to the US Geological Survey's earthquake information center.


Import Duty: FG hikes tariff on rice, wheat, others "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Federal Government has disclosed that it is reviewing the Import Adjustment Tax (IAT) upward on key agro commodities, including rice, wheat, and others being imported into the country. The Minister of Finance, Bud- get and National Planning, Hajiya Zainab Ahmed, in a document titled Revised Import Adjust- ment Tax (IAT) for ECOWAS CET (2022-2026), []

The post Import Duty: FG hikes tariff on rice, wheat, others appeared first on New Telegraph.


Microsofts Total Debt (Current and Longterm) is About 80 Billion Dollars "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Based on Microsoft's balance sheet as of January 24, 2023, long-term debt is at $44.12 billion and current debt is at $4.00 billion, amounting to $48.12 billion in total debt. Adjusted for $15.65 billion in cash-equivalents, the company's net debt is at $32.47 billion.

Microsoft's total debt last quarter was 79.312 billion

Summary: Dont be too baffled by very large-scale Microsoft layoffs (a lot more were laid off than the media admits*) and endless vapourware, even attempts to take over other companies (maybe just to offload debt before insolvency**)

Microsoft, the worlds most valuable company, declared a profit of $4.5 billion in 1998; when the cost of options awarded that year, plus the change in the value of outstanding options, is deducted, the firm made a loss of $18 billion, according to Smithers.

The Economist, 1999

* Number of rounds of layoffs seems to be two or three so far this year; its rather clear, based on scattered reports, that it is multiple rounds and not just a one-off in January.

** To quote a Techrights associate: Its important to drive home the point that Microsoft has hidden an $18 billion loss in 1999 and probably also a running loss ever since with the help of the occasional bailout and offloading debt onto newly-acquired victims.


Mind-reading technology has arrived "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An AI-powered brain decoder can now read your thoughts with surprising accuracy.


Sensitive data is being leaked from servers running Salesforce software "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Servers running software sold by Salesforce are leaking sensitive data managed by government agencies, banks, and other organizations, according to a post published Friday by KrebsOnSecurity.

At least five separate sites run by the state of Vermont permitted access to sensitive data to anyone, Brian Krebs reported. The states Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program was among those affected. It exposed applicants full names, Social Security numbers, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and bank account numbers. Like the other organizations providing public access to private data, Vermont used Salesforce Community, a cloud-based software product designed to make it easy for organizations to quickly create websites.

Another affected Salesforce customer was Columbus, Ohio-based Huntington Bank. It recently acquired TCF Bank, which used Salesforce Community to process commercial loans. Data fields exposed included names, addresses, Social Security numbers, titles, federal IDs, IP addresses, average monthly payrolls, and loan amounts.


Twinning? Two Side-by-Side Mansions in Florida Built for Twin Brothers Just Listed for $54 Million "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Located in Fort Lauderdale, the French country-style homes have their own pools, but share the bass-stocked lake between them.


Its the End of a World as We Know It "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Astronomers spotted a dying star swallowing a large planet, a discovery that fills in a missing link in understanding the fates of Earth and many other planets.


Life After Death? Cryonicists Try To Defy Mortality By Freezing Bodies "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cryonicists hope that modern technology will one day bring frozen bodies back from the dead. But how realistic is a second life after a deep freeze?


AI could run a million microbial experiments per year, says study "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An artificial intelligence system enables robots to conduct autonomous scientific experimentsas many as 10,000 per daypotentially driving a drastic leap forward in the pace of discovery in areas from medicine to agriculture to environmental science.

Reported today in Nature Microbiology, the research was led by a professor now at the University of Michigan.

That , dubbed BacterAI, mapped the metabolism of two associated with with no baseline information to start with. Bacteria consume some combination of the 20 amino acids needed to support life, but each species requires specific nutrients to grow. The U-M team wanted to know what amino acids are needed by the beneficial microbes in our mouths so they can promote their growth.


DreamFace: Progressive Generation of Animatable 3D Faces under Text Guidance "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Emerging Metaverse applications demand accessible, accurate, and easy-to-use tools for 3D digital human creations in order to depict different cultures and societies as if in the physical world. Recent large-scale vision-language advances pave the way to for novices to conveniently customize 3D content. However, the generated CG-friendly assets still cannot represent the desired facial traits for human characteristics. In this paper, we present DreamFace, a progressive scheme to generate personalized 3D faces under text guidance. It enables layman users to naturally customize 3D facial assets that are compatible with CG pipelines, with desired shapes, textures, and fine-grained animation capabilities. From a text input to describe the facial traits, we first introduce a coarse-to-fine scheme to generate the neutral facial geometry with a unified topology. We employ a selection strategy in the CLIP embedding space to generate coarse geometry, and subsequently optimize both the details displacements and normals using Score Distillation Sampling from generic Latent Diffusion Model. Then, for neutral appearance generation, we introduce a dual-path mechanism, which combines the generic LDM with a novel texture LDM to ensure both the diversity and textural specification in the UV space. We also employ a two-stage optimization to perform SDS in both the latent and image spaces to significantly provides compact priors for fine-grained synthesis. Our generated neutral assets naturally support blendshapes-based facial animations. We further improve the animation ability with personalized deformation characteristics by learning the universal expression prior using the cross-identity hypernetwork, and a neural facial tracker for video input. Extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments validate the effectiveness and generalizability of DreamFace. Notably, DreamFace can generate of realistic 3D facial assets with physically-based rendering quality and rich animation ability from video footage, even for fashion icons or exotic characters in cartoons and fiction movies.


NUC: Masters, PhD required to attain professorship rank in medicine "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The recently inaugurated Committee on the Status of Medical Education in Nigerian Universities has met with the Executive Secretary, National Universities Commission (NUC), Prof. Abuba- kar Rasheed, to present to him an interim report on their assigned task. This is as the NUC reiterated its stance on the need for medical doctors in the academics []

The post NUC: Masters, PhD required to attain professorship rank in medicine appeared first on New Telegraph.

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