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Friday, 30 June


Leserbrief zu den VW-Privatflugzeugen:ich wei von ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Leserbrief zu den VW-Privatflugzeugen:

ich wei von einem befreundeten Porsche-Mitarbeiter Folgendes: Die entwickeln da gerade ein neues Auto und sind nun in der Testphase. Weil der Konzernvorstand aber der Meinung ist, man msse die Tests aus Prestigegrnden jetzt bei VW in Wolfsburg machen, statt sie in auf dem Porsche-Werksgelnde in Stuttgart (welches brigens bestens dafr geeignet wre) durchzufhren, werden Heerscharen an Ingenieuren teilweise tglich morgens nach Wolfsburg geflogen und am Abend wieder zurck. Warum? Weil es schnell geht: Porsche hat fr die Privatflieger eine eigene Fast-Lane in Stuttgart und die Mitarbeiter bentigen keine Sicherheitskontrollen. Und: Es kostet den meisten Mitarbeitern nicht viel mehr Zeit, als von Zuhause ins Stammwerk zu fahren. Diese Praxis wird wohl schon seit vielen Jahren so gepflegt
Ist natrlich erstmal unsubstanziiertes Hrensagen. Aber Hrensagen, das unsere Vorurteile besttigt, geht immer!!1!

Was passiert, wenn Giffey Brgermeisterin wird? Eine ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Was passiert, wenn Giffey Brgermeisterin wird? Eine Weile nichts, dann sowas hier.

  • Wachschutz an 12 Neukllner Schulen entfllt
  • Tagesreinigung an den Neukllner Schulen entfllt
  • Obdachlosenhilfe wird reduziert
  • Wegfall der aufsuchenden Suchthilfe
  • Wasserspielpltze werden geschlossen
  • Kaputte Spielgerte auf Spielpltzen werden nicht mehr erneuert
  • Mllentsorgung in Grnanlagen wird halbiert
  • Schlieung von drei Jugendfreizeit- bzw. Familieneinrichtungen
  • Reduzierung der Stadtteilkoordination ab 2025
  • Jugendreisen fr besonders betroffene Jugendliche werden nicht mehr finanziert
  • Alt-Rixdorfer Weihnachtsmarkt fllt weg
  • Freie Stellen im Bezirksamt werden temporr nicht nachbesetzt
Wer sich jetzt denkt: Nur die CDU konnte den Weihnachtsmarkt schlieen! Der hat vllig Recht. So eine gute Kraft wie die Giffey hat die CDU lange nicht mehr gehabt.

Ja aber Fefe, was hat denn Neuklln mit Giffey zu tun? Da kommt Giffeys politische Karriere her.

Ich frage mich ja, wieso man angesichts dieser Sparmanahmen Neuklln nicht einfach komplett zusammenklappt und dann vielleicht noch mal mit dem Besen rbergeht. Wieso so tun, als habe Giffey Hoffnung brig gelassen.

Diese Frau ist echt wie ein Heuschreckenschwarm. Wo die war, wchst nichts mehr. Ein anderes Modell als weiterziehen hat sie auch nicht.

Ach komm, Fefe, so schlimm kann das doch nicht sein in Neuklln nach der Giffey. Oh doch, ist es!

... bei den Regelaufgaben ist nicht einmal Stabilitt mglich!, heit es in dem Schreiben, das B.Z. vorliegt. Sogar mit der Schlieung von Brgermtern wird gedroht.
Finde ich auf der anderen Seite nur gerecht, wenn jetzt ein CDU-Oberbrgermeister das ausbaden muss.

Ich finde: Wer ab jetzt einen neuen Personalausweis braucht, geht nicht zum Brgeramt sondern direkt zum regierenden Brgermeister. Wenn die da nicht untergehen vor Schmerzen, dann glauben die, das knnen sie aussitzen.

Auch das noch!Taiwan hat gestern zwei russische Kriegsschiffe ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Auch das noch!

Taiwan hat gestern zwei russische Kriegsschiffe vor seiner Ostkste entdeckt. []

Die Kriegsschiffe absolvierten Aufgaben im Rahmen einer weitrumigen Meeresberquerung, die eine Simulation einer Seeschlacht zur Abwehr eines Raketenangriffs eines simulierten Feindes auf See beinhalte, berichtete Interfax.

Man wrde denken, der Putin hat mal langsam die Hnde voll.

Wir hatten lange kein Tagesschau-Bashing mehr!Hier ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wir hatten lange kein Tagesschau-Bashing mehr!

Hier ist eine aktuelle Tickermeldung:

USA verhngen Sanktionen gegen vier Goldkonzerne

[...] Bei den betroffenen Unternehmen handelt es sich um [...] und Limited Liability Company in Russland.

h, nein. Limited Liability Company ist das englische Wort fr GmbH. Sie haben im Guardian abgeschrieben, wo steht:
The companies hit with sanctions on Tuesday included [...] Russia-based Limited Liability Company DM.
Wer Englisch kann, ist klar im Vorteil!

Update: Kontext.

Du weit, dass die Kstenwache eine saubere Operation ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Du weit, dass die Kstenwache eine saubere Operation fhrt, wenn sie erstmal den berlebenden die Telefone wegnimmt, damit es keine Videos davon gibt, wie sie Flchtlinge haben absaufen lassen.

Wenn ihr brigens die irische Datenschutzbehrde ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wenn ihr brigens die irische Datenschutzbehrde kritisieren wollt, war gestern die letzte Mglichkeit, das legal zu tun.

Irland kriminalisiert lieber Kritik als das Problem zu klren.

In Delhi gibt es eine neue Sehenswrdigkeit. Die FDP. ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

In Delhi gibt es eine neue Sehenswrdigkeit. Die FDP. Beim Versuch, die teuren Arbeitspltze unserer Kinder durch Billiglohnsklaven aus Indien zu ersetzen.

VW (ja, der "Autokonzern") verbrennt pro Jahr 8 Millionen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

VW (ja, der "Autokonzern") verbrennt pro Jahr 8 Millionen Liter Kerosin. In ihrer Flotte (!) aus Privatflugzeugen.

Der Groteil der Flge sind Geschftsflge von VW-Mitarbeitenden.
Ja, natrlich. Mit dem Auto fahren geht ja auch nicht, dafr sind die Autos zu schlecht und die Straen zu verstaut. Und was bleibt da brig? Die Bahn? MWAHAHAHA
Sechs der Maschinen sind seit 2017 in Braunschweig registriert, beim Volkswagen AirService, zwei in Salzburg beim Porsche Air Service. Zuvor hatte der Konzern seine Firmenflotte lange Zeit ber eine Tochterfirma auf den Cayman Islands betrieben.
Das mssen sie aber nicht mehr machen, denn ber dieses vorgetuschte Charter-Business ist die Nummer steuerfrei.
Doch es hat noch einen Vorteil: VW muss im Gegensatz zu anderen Firmen, die ihre Flugzeuge nur selbst nutzen, keine Energiesteuer zahlen. Denn gewerbliche Anbieter von Passagierflgen sind im Unterschied zu privaten Betreibern davon befreit.
Da brauchst du dann auch keine Cayman Islands mehr, klar.
Hinzu kommt, dass VW fr seine Jets auch keine Verschmutzungsrechte im Rahmen des europischen Emissionshandels kaufen muss. VW spart so weitere Hunderttausende Euro im Jahr. Denn erst ab 10.000 Tonnen CO2 pro Jahr mssen gewerbliche Luftfahrtunternehmen fr ihre Emissionen, die sie innerhalb Europas verursachen, zahlen. Bei Firmen, die ihre Jets komplett selbst nutzen, liegt der Wert dagegen bei 1000 Tonnen.
Und so musst du halt pro Jahr einen Deppen finden, der einen der Jets fr einen Kurzflug mietet, und schon bist du steuerfrei.

Groaktionr bei VW ist brigens das Land Niedersachsen, falls ihr das nicht auf dem Schirm hattet. Das gibt diesen Steuerspartricks nochmal ein besonderes Geschmckle.

Etwa drei Viertel der insgesamt etwa 2800 Flge im vergangenen Jahr hatten laut VW einen geschftlichen Zweck.
Ja, richtig gelesen! Die fliegen da auch mit in den Urlaub.

Ja aber Fefe, drei Viertel ist doch kein schlechter Wert? Nun, ...

Doch einige der Flugbewegungen werfen Fragen auf, etwa warum am 28. November 2022, am Tag nach dem WM-Spiel Spanien-Deutschland in Katar, gleich zwei VW-Langstrecken-Jets vom dortigen Flughafen abhoben, einer Richtung Stuttgart, der andere nach Salzburg. Beide waren erst kurz zuvor aus Deutschland beziehungsweise sterreich dorthin geflogen. VW teilte mit, diese Flge htten "dienstliche Zwecke" gehabt.
Oh. Soso. Dienstliche Zwecke, ja? Das stinkt sogar der Tagesschau so sehr, dass sie das in Anfhrungszeichen setzen.


Timeline of IBM Killing Two Months Ago (Open Source Isnt Important to IBM) "IndyWatch Feed Tech" timeline: 23 days ago; Leftovers in drafts; Last normal day; Week of Red Hat layoffs; 34 days pass

Summary: Based on internal sources, the correspondents stopped accepting new stories; this coincided with the Red Hat layoffs, so its possible that editorial team got laid off (IBM does not see as strategic for Red Bait) or at best sent to another department, just like Linux Foundation did to (all writers and all editors fired months before the pandemic)


Military Situation In Yemen On June 29, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Military Situation In Yemen On June 29, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • The Liaison and Coordination Officers Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 62 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah in the past 24 hours;
  • Saudi artillery struck border areas of Shada district west of Saada;
  • Saudi drones attacked border areas of Shada district west of Saada;
  • Aidarus al-Zoubaidi, chairman of the STC said in an interview with The Guardian that the West should accept a new reality in which northern Yemen is run by the Houthis (Ansar Allah) and the south by the Southern Transitional Council.


The post Military Situation In Yemen On June 29, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


Nicaragua takes complaint to UN over US refusal to pay compensation for backing death squad "IndyWatch Feed War"

Press TV June 28, 2023

Nicaragua has lodged a complaint with the UN against the US for its refusal to comply with a ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordering it to compensate Managua for its support of a notorious death squad in the 1980s.

The announcement was made by Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega at a ceremony in Managua commemorating the 37th anniversary of the ruling by the International Court of Justice, which condemned the US for carrying out military and paramilitary activities in and against Nicaragua.

We will go to court to accuse the United States so that they repair the damage they have done to Nicaragua as much as possible, said Ortega.

He said the decision was made despite friendly nations advising him that taking the matter to the UN will be an exercise in futility.

When we talked about going to court to sue the United States, even brotherly nations, friendly nations, told us: that is a lost case, you will not even be able to make any progress there in court.

The Court has undoubtedly been a point of reference in the battle for independence, for the sovereignty of Nicaragua, in the face of the recourse of the powers, of the use of force, we have defended ourselves with the force of law.

The Nicaraguan Foreign Ministry has written a letter to UN chief Antonio Guterres, calling on the body to make the US pay its long-overdue debt to Nicaragua.

The United States has long been accused of interfering in the internal affairs of Nicaragua, as well as many other Latin America nations.

President Ortega came to power in 1979 with the victory of the Sandinista Revolution that toppled US-backed dictator Anastasio Somoza.

Then-US President Ronald Reagan, citing the threat of an expansion of Cuban and Soviet influence in the region, signed off on US financing for a right-wing militia, called the Contras, to launch cross-border attacks against the Sandinistas.

The ICJ in 1986 held that the US had violated international law by supporting the Contras and by mining Nicaraguas harbors.

The United States refused to participate in the proceedings, and following the judgment withdrew from the ICJ.

The US also blocked enforcement of the judgment by the UN Security Council and thereby prevented Nicaragua from receiving any compensation.

Ortega, who helped depose the Somoza dictatorship in the late 1970s, has been in power for 16 consecutive years. He served as president in the 1980s before losing power in 1990. He, however, staged a stunning comeback in 2007.


AMD Bringing ROCm To More RDNA3 GPUs Later This Year "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AMD has issued a formal announcement now for the ROCm 5.6 compute stack release that was already covered on Phoronix earlier today. In AMD's announcement of ROCm 5.6 though there is a tease of what's to come later this year.....


La conquistualidad permanente "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Arte: Carolina Heritier

En Jujuy, ese insospechado margen lejano y perifrico donde ms de una vez se decidi la historia de la nacin argentina, est ocurriendo nuevamente una batalla para cuidar que la Repblica no perezca. Desde la Puna, los salares y la Quebrada de Humahuaca, las gentes defienden la tierra que habitan desde por lo menos 1.800 aos. Saben que la conquista nunca se ha cerrado. Se levantan contra la intencin apropiadora de la poltica y contra el poder totalitario que se avecina.

No has de olvidar, hijo mo,
jams has de olvidarte:
como el gaviln que todo lo mira
y cuyo vuelo nadie alcanza.
Aprende las maas del blanco

Pero para volver

Es con estas palabras, cancin pensada en quechua pero hablada en castellano, que Jos Mara Arguedas, en su novela Todas las Sangres, enva al adorable Demetrio Rendn Wilca a la escuela capitalina, limea, para aprender las maas del blanco, a entender sus polticas, argucias, falsedades y picardas, pero para volver. 

En esa misma obra, su penltima novela, de 1964, la menos comprendida y en su momento mal recibida, el visionario Jos Mara, que no solo era un escritor de ficcin sino tambin un antroplogo por formacin, traza un tapiz en el que podemos ver el mapa del quin-es-quin en nuestro continente hasta el da de hoy. Lo que el autor nos dice en su genial relato, y lo que lo lleva al maltrato inmediato de los intelectuales progresistas de su tiempo, es que es en los pueblos -hoy llamados originarios- que reside la consciencia clara de la idea de soberana sobre un territorio. Ms an, que los pueblos son los nicos capaces de ponerle el cuerpo a la defensa y preservacin de la dignidad soberana, no solo local o regional sino tambin de la nacin frente al mundo, confrontando y venciendo las maas del blanco. En su novela, es la comunidad andina de Demetrio Wilca la que acude a proteger sin descanso el corazn de plata de la mina para que no sea comprada por una empresa norteamericana.

Hay muchos Vilcas en la Quebrada de Humahuaca y en la Puna jujea. Son de El Moreno, Tres Pozos, Casabindo, Rinconada, Lagunillas, Cangrejillos, Cieneguillas, Caspal, Santa Catalina, Coranzul, Susques, Abra Pampa, Tres Cruces, Mina el Aguilar, Humahuaca, Tilcara, Purmamarca, Jujuy capital. Innumerables pueblos de Vilcas y sus parientes y hermanos de historia, coyas del Collasuyo, el Suyo del sur de la antigua organizacin incaica, estn en este momento empeados en lo mismo que Demetrio y los suyos defendan para siempre en el relato ms antropolgico que ficcional de Arguedas. 

Mucha de la gente que ha salido a...


Human Activity Affects Wildlife, Even in Nature Reserves "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

<p>During last years United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, the <a href="">Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework</a> was adopted. The framework includes 23 goals to reverse species and <a href= "">habitat loss</a> by 2030, including setting aside, protecting and managing 30 percent of Earths <a href= "">marine</a>, coastal and terrestrial areas for nature, known as <a href= "">30 x 30</a>, according to The Nature Conservancy.</p> <p>The 30 x 30 initiative has the support of more than 100 countries, evidence of the worldwide push for <a href= "">conservation</a>. However, a new <a href= "">study</a> by scientists from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Wageningen University & Research and Rice University indicates for the first time that protected areas do not keep the tropical mammals living within them from being affected by human activity that occurs outside their borders, a press release from Rice University said.

Living inside protected areas may not automatically protect tropical mammals from the effects of human activities, said <a href= ""> Asuncin Semper-Pascual</a>, a postdoctoral researcher at NMBU and lead author of the study, as The Guardian reported. We have evidence that animals are affected by both what is happening inside and outside of the protected areas.</p> <p>Tropical mammals like the mountain <a href= ""> gorilla</a>, <a href= ""> jaguar</a> and Sunda <a href= ""> pangolin</a> were found to not be fully protected from harmful human activities, even deep inside nature reserves.</p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large">...</figure>


Contextual Dissonance "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    F/A-18 Boeing Advanced Super Hornet Prototype Note the enclosed weapons pod (EWP). The role of the EWP is to help cut the crafts RCS by half while not decreasing its capability in payload compared to older F/A-18 models.   Bullet Points: ** NATO (h/t Claudio) A brief mutiny in Russia over the weekend []

The post Contextual Dissonance appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Another Year Of Bidenflation Means More Record-Breaking Independence Day Cookout Costs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Independence Day burgersAmericans will pay 17 percent more for hamburger buns, 5 percent more for potato salad, and 4 percent more for ground beef than last year.


Despojo Verde. Colombia "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Estos aires de transicin y era verde, sobre la misma matriz de produccin capitalista, con su mira puesta en no detener el crecimiento econmico y con un nuevo orden multipolar que se proyecta bajo esta misma lgica, ponen al planeta ms all del borde de su capacidad.

Los amplios anuncios y liderazgo del presidente Gustavo Petro en materia ambiental y transicin energtica, han puesto en un lugar de mira tanto al mandatario como los grandes capitales y las invaluables reservas naturales con sus claras consecuencias para las comunidades que all habitan y el equilibrio ecolgico.

Esta realidad ya genera crisis, tensiones regionales, guerras por el control de dichos recursos, regresando haca dinmicas coloniales, de control, acelerando procesos de acaparamiento de tierras an disponibles y propiciando una nueva ola de despojos violentos contra comunidades originarias, sobre todo sabiendo que las tierras disponibles hoy, les pertenecen.


Se sostiene la idea que ajustes verdes al sistema actual resolvern el problema climtico dando paso a un mundo ms ecosostenible, sin confrontar el sistema como tal o al menos sin enfrentar de manera real la dependencia del petrleo, una dependencia que se increment luego de la pandemia y como resultado de la guerra desatada en Ucrania que se acompaa de estrategias de control econmico y cultural.

Seguir contaminando en el norte, pero pagar en el sur, una suerte de permiso contaminante es una abierta contradiccin y un autoengao.

Acelerar la maquinaria de produccin ahora verde implica una rpida bsqueda y control de territorios donde abunden los minerales que necesita esta transicin y que tambin estn en los pases del sur, litio, cobre, aluminio, tierras raras, etc.

Lo cierto es que los conflictos se han incrementado en diversas regiones de Amrica Latina, como lo afirma Ral Zibechi (2023) El 40% de la tierra latinoamericana an est en manos de pueblos originarios, negros y campesinos. Sobre ellos est avanzando el extractivismo. Arrebatarles la tierra a los pueblos es como arrebatarles la vida, por eso la defienden con esa contundencia (Zibechi, 2023).

Colombia no es la excepcin, solo tres casos nos ejemplifican lo que acontece.

Bonos de carbono en el Macizo Colombiano.

Los Bonos Carbono creado y pactados en Kioto, son en esencia un negocio basado en el concepto de reduccin y compensacin de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) su objetivo combatir el cambio climtico. Son instrumentos financieros que buscan generar una...


Lakota Language Advocate Prevails in Attack on Teaching License "IndyWatch Feed War" Language Advocate Prevails in Attack on Teaching License Austrian and Czech heads of the Lakota Language Consortium were unable to take away the teaching license of Ray Taken Alive, Lakota language teacher. The LLC was already banned by the Standing Rock Lakota Nation in North Dakota. LLC believes it owns the images and words of


The Downside Of Dry "IndyWatch Feed World"

Baitings reservoir in Ripponden, West Yorkshire, in summer 2022, when the total stock of water in Englands reservoirs was at its lowest level since 1995. Photograph: Danny Lawson/PA

We do not favor panic button words in headlines; but when the cap fits, wear it:

Drought is on the verge of becoming the next pandemic

While the world becomes drier, profit and pollution are draining our resources. We have to change our a...


Bitcoin Mining Boom Continues in Texas as State Shatters Energy Records "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All is not well in rural Corsicana, Texas. The city and surrounding county have fallen into a state of disrepair, according to local resident Jackie Sawicky.


Our roads are terrible, this week we were having brownouts, and as of this minute, my water is out, Sawicky told Deceleration. Our infrastructure is absolutely on the brink of failure and what are they doing? Theyre going to bring in the worlds largest bitcoin mine.


A recent report from the American Society of Civil Engineers supports Sawickys observations, grading Texas overall with barely passing marks for the state of its roadways, wastewater systems, and levees and dams.


Concerned about social and environmental impacts, Sawicky founded the Texas Coalition Against Bitcoin Mining and launched an online petition warning about noise pollution, rising water and energy costs, and more. At the time of this writing, it has garnered 1,180 signatures from residents opposing what is expected to be the states largest bitcoin mine to date.


 Jackie Sawicky, Corsicana, TX

Jackie Sawicky, Corsicana, TX. Photo credit: Deceleration



We do not want the increase in environmental temperature in the immediate vicinity of the factory-that-produces-nothing, the petition reads.



Faced with escalating extreme weather due to climate change, Texas needs to upgrade infrastructure and transition away from fossil fuel use. The urgency of this need was felt keenly in 2021 when winter storm Uri cut power to millions acros...


WISeKey upgrades its WISeID digital identity and privacy platform "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

WISeKey has unveiled a major upgrade to its digital identity and privacy platform,, designed to provide users with enhanced protection against identity theft and increase privacy in todays hyper-connected digital world. The new generation of WISeID builds upon WISeKeys tradition of pioneering advanced cybersecurity solutions and introduces a suite of significant improvements to further secure users digital identities and personal data. New free identity validation: Now all WISeID users can verify their real identity More

The post WISeKey upgrades its WISeID digital identity and privacy platform appeared first on Help Net Security.


A 3 meses del incendio en estacin migratoria, 15 mujeres sobrevivientes no son reconocidas como vctimas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Este martes 27 de junio se cumplieron 3 meses del incendio en la estacin migratoria de Ciudad Jurez donde 40 personas murieron, 28 resultaron lesionadas y 15 mujeres sobrevivieron. A la fecha, estas mujeres no han sido reconocidas como vctimas de los hechos; adems, organizaciones de la sociedad civil denuncian que las acciones de las autoridades mexicanas para investigar el caso, reparar el dao a las vctimas y sus familias no son transparentes. Igualmente, acusan que la revictimizacin y hostigamiento a las y los sobrevivientes y sus familias han permeado todo el proceso.

A travs de un comunicado, las organizaciones que acompaan a seis personas sobrevivientes y sus familias explicaron que tienen conocimiento de cmo el Instituto Nacional de Migracin (INM) las y los presiona para que dejen de comunicarse con la sociedad civil, condicionando el apoyo que reciben para gastos de estancia en Mxico y atencin mdica derivada del incendio, y al que por ley tienen derecho. Esta situacin puede tener la consecuencia de ser deportados a sus pases de origen.

Asimismo, sealan que el INM, como presunto responsable de la tragedia del incendio, no puede ser tambin quien atiende a las familias, pues esta funcin es responsabilidad de la Comisin Ejecutiva de Atencin a Vctimas (CEAV). Como ejemplo refieren que el 16 de junio, el comisionado del INM, Francisco Garduo quien se encuentra en proceso de investigacin por el incendio se reuni con representantes del gobierno guatemalteco para dar seguimiento a la reparacin del dao de sus connacionales, acciones que le corresponden a la CEAV. Adems, los agentes de Migracin han llevado a las personas a sus citas ante la Fiscala General de la Repblica (FGR), lo que podra constituir un proceso de coaccin.

Por su parte (apuntan las organizaciones) la CEAV se ha mantenido al margen del proceso, delegando sus responsabilidades al INM y revictimizando a las familias al dejarlas en manos de sus agresores. La Comisin no les ha brindado acompaamiento psicosocial continuo y tampoco ha actuado para gestionar la atencin multidisciplinaria y el proceso de reparacin del dao en el corto, mediano y largo plazo.

En el corto plazo, los sobrevivientes y sus familias necesitan solventar gastos en sus pases de origen cuidado de hijas e hijos, pagos de servicios, etc.; en el mediano plazo, necesitan traer a sus hijas e hijos a Mxico, asegurar el acceso a educacin, proteccin y certeza para r...


Nicola Sturgeon told off for bashing Brexit at Covid inquiry "IndyWatch Feed"

The former first minister also said she deeply regrets the impact of Brexit on Scotlands pandemic preparedness


Previously undetected ThirdEye malware appears in the threat landscape "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new Windows information stealer dubbed ThirdEye appeared in the threat landscape, it has been active since April.

Fortinet FortiGuard Labs discovered a previously undetected information stealer named ThirdEye.

The malicious code is not sophisticated and can allow operators to steal various information from the infected machines.

Fortinet started investigating the threat after the discovery of an archive file with a file name in Russian, .zip (time sheet in English). The zip archive contains two files with .exe extension preceded by another document-related extension (double extension).


The malware was in an executable that masqueraded as a PDF file with a Russian name CMK .pdf.exe, (CMK Rules for issuing sick leaves.pdf.exe in English)

Screenshot of Figure 1. CMK .pdf.exe

Upon executing it, the ThirdEye infostealer harvests system information, and enumerates files and folders, running processes, and network information. Then the malware sends collected data to C2 server.

The malware name comes fr...


[Meme] Many Months for Police to Come to the Scene of the Crime (Many Victims Confirming Crime Took Place) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

You dont expect so much time to pass and persistent nags to become necessary after contacting the cops, but this is apparently "normal" now

March, April, May, June, July

Summary: I contacted British police back in March regarding crimes committed by Sirius Open Source; June is almost finished and only after escalating to the political system in London it seems like finally theres some progress


EU delivers neither peace nor prosperity Hungarian PM "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | June 29, 2023

The Hungarian government has blasted the EU, declaring that in its current state it brings neither peace nor prosperity to member states. Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who was attending a summit of bloc leaders in Brussels, offered a similar assessment of the bloc.

Orbans position was relayed via his governments official Facebook account on Tuesday, the first day of the high-profile two-day gathering in Brussels. The statement apparently came from an interview that the Hungarian leader had given to the German media earlier in the week.

Asked by the German tabloid Bild whether he could explain the rising popularity of Alternative for Germany (AfD), a right-wing political party, the prime minister cited disillusionment with the EU as a possible cause.

The European Union was created for two reasons. The first is peace and now there is war. The second is prosperity the economy is in an increasingly worrying state, it is difficult to maintain competition and it is increasingly difficult to ensure prosperity for people, Orban argued.

That is why I see the so-called protest parties gaining strength everywhere in Europe. Im not talking about Germany alone, Im talking about Europe in general, he added.

Hungary stands out among EU members for having consistently criticized the Wests approach to the Ukraine conflict. Arming and training Kievs troops and punishing Russia with economic sanctions have not brought a truce any closer and have caused serious damage to the bloc itself, according to Budapest.

Ukraine is one of the top items on the agenda of the EU summit. The blocs leaders are expected to offer some form of security guarantees to Kiev and provide assurances of continued military assistance.

Orban told Bild that Ukraine has no chance to win against Russia regardless of the amount of Western money that is poured in, because eventually Kiev will run out of manpower.


System76 Launches Nebula PC Cases For DIY Builds "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

For those that have been fans of System76's Thelio desktop computer cases but prefer building your own systems, System76 today officially launched their "Nebula" line of PC cases...


To Protect Its Oceans, Canada Bans Waste Water Dumping From Cruise Ships "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In an effort to bolster Canadas environmental standards, the country has banned cruise ships from dumping wastewater and sewage close to the shoreline. Measures governing discharge of the pollutants had previously been voluntary.

Government officials pointed out that the new laws are in line with or surpass International Maritime Organization standards, reported The Maritime Executive.

Cruise ships are an important part of our economy and tourism sector, but they need to operate in a more sustainable manner, said Transport Minister Omar Alghabra, as Reuters reported. According to Alghabra, cruise ships generate more than $3 billion a year for Canadas economy.

The measures introduced today are additional tools in our toolbox to keep them accountable. We are committed to continuing to work with industry to implement these measures, keeping our coasts clean for Canadians to enjoy, Alghabra added, as reported by Cruise Hive.

Canada said those who dont comply could face fines as high as $190,000, Reuters reported.

The new regulations were originally introduced as voluntary measures in April of last year.

The measures cover the discharge of greywater, which includes the effluent from showers, sinks and washing machines, within a range of three nautical miles from Canadas shoreline.

The rules also require ships moving through Canadian waters outside of the Arctic to improve their treatment of greywater and sewage jettisoned from three to 12 nautical miles out.

Environmental groups and West Coast Environmental Law called for additional rules governing the water used to clean exhaust cleaning systems called scrubbers that flush sulfur from the fuel of the enormous ships which is responsible for 90 percent of cruise ships liquid waste.

A spokesperson for Alghabra said the government and the shipping industry would work together to find a way to reduce or eliminate scrubber water effluent.

The new regulations could prove particularly difficult for older cruise ships, The Maritime Executive said. Newer lines are equipped with the state-of-the-art wastewater treatment systems.

Making the originally voluntary directives mandatory was partially a response to environmental groups petitioning the government with more than...


NASA Plans to Mine the Moon "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post NASA Plans to Mine the Moon appeared first on Global Research.


Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On June 29, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On June 29, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • The Russian Army repelled AFU attacks near Marfopol;
  • Fighting is ongoing near the village of Rivnopil;
  • Fighting is ongoing near the village of Makarivka;
  • Russian artillery struck AFU positions in Velikaya Novosyolka;
  • Russian artillery struck AFU positions near Gulyaipole;
  • Russian artillery struck AFU positions near Orikhiv;
  • Up to 50 Ukrainian servicemen, 3 motor vehicles, 1 Msta-B, 1 D-20 and D-30 howitzer in Kherson region, according to the Russian MOD;
  • Up to 235 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 tanks, 3 armored vehicles, 2 motor vehicles, 2 howitzers in Zaporozhye region, according to the Russian MOD;
  • The AFU artillery struck a Buk SAM system near Novopetrykivka.


The post Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On June 29, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


[$] Emacs for Android "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Emacs editor is not tied to the Linux kernel; indeed, it was created some years before Linux existed. The Emacs code base is intended to be portable, and the editor runs, with varying levels of support, on a wide variety of systems. Recently, an energetic developer has worked to extend the set of supported systems to Android; the result is a working port, but whether that port will be accepted into the Emacs mainline is the topic of ongoing conversation.


4 Actions Needed Now From City of London Police and Action Fraud "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Summary: The investigation of Sirius Open Source and any remedial actions for the crimes committed

  1. The perpetrators of the fraud all need to be held accountable. This may also mean extradition and arrests. Several people were aware if not directly involved, possibly not limited to Sirius management but also the IFA and the accountants (without their active or passive cooperation it would not work; they legitimised this fraud).
  2. The money which got stolen from all the staff needs to be recovered; it is expected the company will claim that theres no money left, having emptied accounts and maybe hid the money somewhere far away, maybe under other peoples names, possibly in anticipation of the fallout as soon as victims find out. This step may require subpoenas (to unveil the list of victims, then get in touch to inform them one by one).
  3. Compensation to Rianne and myself, as we were both workers who were mistreated on numerous different grounds (as above, the company may pretend that it cannot afford this). Financial accountability for this elaborate embezzlement can be passed outwards as deep-pocketed facilitators existed*.
  4. Unseal the non-disclosure agreement signed with the Gates Foundation in 2019. The timing suggests a correlation with sham staff contracts and two new shell companies, one in Washington State, not far from the Gates Foundation; this also coincided with Techrights pursuing nearly 3,000 pages from police in Washington State those pages were eventually received from Seattle police* and did in fact confirm an arrest for pedophilia at the home of Bill and Melinda Gates.

* It is our knowledge and understanding that the company began hiding behind its accountant (I confronted the CEO about the change of address over the telephone a very long phonecall this past October or a day after it had happened). The company has an address at the heart and centre of London. Even its shell has the same address in London. We understand that the City of London Police is now involved (weve receive formal communications from the City of London Police) and weve also heard from someone who reckons the wheels are in motion at the police, for reasons we shall cover in the future. The City of London Police does have the powers to locate and apprehend these people. I am just a citizen, Im not a cop, and Ive asked the police since March to take a...


Veto-Proof North Carolina Republicans Are Advancing Half-Baked Election Integrity Measures "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

North Carolina state legislative buildingElection integrity activists are calling on North Carolina Republicans to pass stronger legislation that would safeguard future elections.


Perception Point introduces AI model to detect and prevent BEC attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Perception Point reveals its latest detection innovation, developed to counter the emergent wave of AI-generated email threats. The AI-powered technology leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) and Deep Learning architecture to effectively detect and prevent BEC attacks, a cyber threat which is currently undergoing a seismic shift due to the rise of Generative AI (GenAI) technologies. Threat actors are increasingly abusing evolving GenAI technology to perpetrate more sophisticated, highly targeted attacks against organizations of all sizes. More

The post Perception Point introduces AI model to detect and prevent BEC attacks appeared first on Help Net Security.


GIMP 3.0 Release Candidates Hoped For This Year "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

There's been hopes of seeing the GIMP 3.0 release in 2023 or at least release candidates. GIMP developers recently finished a week-long meet-up and it's looking like they may be on track for at least beginning the GIMP 3.0 release candidate phase this year. GIMP 3.0 has remained quite elusive and in the works for the past decade as the much anticipated port to GTK3 and a host of other enhancements to this open-source alternative to Adobe Photoshop...


The Surprisingly Popular World of Online Trainspotting "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Aided by station-mounted cameras, fans are breathing new life into America's forgotten railway towns online and IRL:

The world of railfans and trainspotters is hardly new. Since the advent of the railroad, hobbyists and professionals have taken photos of local trains, traveled to see their favorite railways, and simply passed the time sitting on platforms to enjoy the view.

But the community saw a digital boost during the pandemic, when the act of watching livestreams of trains soared in popularity. Many say they were drawn in by the community around the feeds, the romantic lore and history of rail travel in the US, and the regularity of trains passing through at a time when the world felt chaotic.

"A lot of people said during lockdown the camera really saved their sanity, because it was a way to connect with people they weren't able to see in person at the time," said Robert Scott, a railfan who volunteers as a moderator for a live camera in Chehalis, Washington. "Some people keep the feed on 24 hours a day in the background because they like the familiarity of the regular passing of trains."

Today there are an increasing number of live rail-stream hubs, including RailwayCams, RailStream, and One of the most popular is Virtual Railfan, founded in 2009 by a lifelong train obsessive named Michael Cyr. Cyr said he was sitting on the platform of a rail station in Folkston, Georgia a small town with a big local railfan culture when he realized his hobby could be brought online, allowing more people to engage. The following year, the first Virtual Railfan camera was set up in Folkston and attracted a few dozen viewers, a crowd that eventually grew to several hundred.

The company advertises itself as offering one of the most realistic online trainspotting experiences, featuring live audio and 1080HD cameras many of which can be moved to see different angles of the incoming locomotives. "We wanted to bring the whole experience," Cyr said. "If you can't be there, we're going to be the next best thing." Virtual Railfan takes in revenue from paid memberships that offer additional features like playbacks of older streams and advertisements from its YouTube channels.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Kiev's proposal to rename major city is 'lunacy' - Ukrainian MP "IndyWatch Feed World"

A proposal by Kiev to rename the city of Zaporozhye was dismissed on Tuesday as "completely absurd" by Ukrainian MP Maksim Buzhansky. The city is controlled by Ukrainian forces, but is the capital of a region of the same name that voted to join Russia last autumn. Buzhansky was responding to an initiative by Ukraine's National Commission for State Language Standards. The organization has released a list of over 1,400 placenames, including Zaporozhye, that it recommends should be changed under a law "on the prohibition of propaganda of Russian imperial policy and the decolonization of toponymy." All the names on the list do not align with the Ukrainian language or are "related to Russian imperial policy," the statement claimed. The commission would not elaborate on why Zaporozhye, which is occupied by Ukrainian troops, had ended up on the list. Referring to the city, the commission suggested that the authorities "justify keeping the current name or propose a new name" within six...


'Tooth decay, stunted growth' in children reported by UK nurses as soaring inflation takes its toll on families "IndyWatch Feed World"

Children across Britain are suffering worsening levels of tooth decay, anxiety and stunted growth as the cost of food continues to soar, a survey of school nurses has found. The scale and severity of health issues facing pupils has worsened in the past year as food prices soared to their highest level in 45 years, according to research. Nurses reported children squirrelling away school meals to take home to their parents, while a growing number were being taken to A&E after fainting due to hunger.


Solar Cycle 25s Maximum Might Arrive Earlier And Hit Harder "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden Solar Cycle 25 has been underway since April 2019. Ever since the cycle began, the sun has become more active, unleashing solar...

Solar Cycle 25s Maximum Might Arrive Earlier And Hit Harder


Now They Are Actually Working On A Plan To Block Out The Sun "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Michael Snyder What are they thinking?  Without enough sunlight, life on this planet would not be able to survive for long.  So when global...

Now They Are Actually Working On A Plan To Block Out The Sun


Overfishing Is Pushing Coral Reef Sharks Toward Extinction, Study Finds "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

According to a new study by the Global FinPrint project, overfishing is causing coral reef sharks to be driven toward extinction much more than previously thought.

Reef sharks are the top predators in Caribbean reef communities and play a large role in maintaining the delicate balance of the reef environments food webs.

However, they are under threat from overfishing, as their meat and fins are highly valuable in international markets, according to WWF.

Each year, hundreds of reef sharks are killed or injured after being caught unintentionally as bycatch. They can also fall victim to ingesting or becoming entangled in marine debris such as plastic bags, bottles and cans.

Sharks have a very vulnerable life history. They dont reproduce very quickly, and so when you start to fish them out, they decline very quickly and recover very slowly, Colin Simpfendorfer, lead author of the study and adjunct professor of marine and aquaculture science at James Cook University in Australia, told Mongabay.

The coral reef habitat of reef sharks and other marine animals is becoming increasingly degraded and destroyed by coastal pollution and development.

The study, Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays, was published in the journal Science.

Reef sharks act as managers of the coral reef marine ecosystem, which is relied on by hundreds of millions of people, reported AFP.

For the study, more than 22,000 hours of footage was collected by the researchers from coral reefs across the Middle East, Africa, Australasia, Asia and the Americas.

The scientists found that, of the most common reef shark species, five of them blacktip reef, whitetip reef, Caribbean reef, gray reef and nurse had declined by 60 to 73 percent.

The team of more than 100 scientists derived the depletion data from a computer model estimating how many sharks there would have been without human influences.

In 14 percent of reefs where sharks had previously been documented, there were no longer any...


Despite A SCOTUS Victory For Fair Admissions, The Fight For Meritocracy Must Continue "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

students in a college lecture hallThe Students for Fair Admissions vs. Harvard case has galvanized a new generation of pro-meritocracy Asian American activism that will continue beyond the cases immediate ramifications.


What Needs to Happen Next With Sirius Open Source "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Summary: The investigation of Sirius Open Source and any remedial actions for the crimes committed

  1. The perpetrators of the fraud all need to be held accountable. This may also mean extradition and arrests. Several people were aware if not directly involved, possibly not limited to Sirius management but also the IFA and the accountants (without their active or passive cooperation it would not work; they legitimised this fraud).
  2. The money which got stolen from all the staff needs to be recovered; it is expected the company will claim that theres no money left, having emptied accounts and maybe hid the money somewhere far away, maybe under other peoples names, possibly in anticipation of the fallout as soon as victims find out. This step may require subpoenas (to unveil the list of victims, then get in touch to inform them one by one).
  3. Compensation to Rianne and myself, as we were both workers who were mistreated on numerous different grounds (as above, the company may pretend that it cannot afford this). Financial accountability for this elaborate embezzlement can be passed outwards as deep-pocketed facilitators existed*.
  4. Unseal the non-disclosure agreement signed with the Gates Foundation in 2019. The timing suggests a correlation with sham staff contracts and two new shell companies, one in Washington State, not far from the Gates Foundation; this also coincided with Techrights pursuing nearly 3,000 pages from police in Washington State those pages were eventually received from Seattle police* and did in fact confirm an arrest for pedophilia at the home of Bill and Melinda Gates.

* It is our knowledge and understanding that the company began hiding behind its accountant (I confronted the CEO about the change of address over the telephone a very long phonecall this past October or a day after it had happened). The company has an address at the heart and centre of London. Even its shell has the same address in London. We understand that the City of London Police is now involved (weve receive formal communications from the City of London Police) and weve also heard from someone who reckons the wheels are in motion at the police, for reasons we shall cover in the future. The City of London Police does have the powers to locate and apprehend these people. I am just a citizen, Im not a cop, and Ive asked the police since March to take ac...


Support for US in Israel reaches 20-year high - poll "IndyWatch Feed World"

Public support for the US among Israelis has reached a two-decade high, according to a new survey of residents in 23 nations. While backing for Washington has generally declined across Europe, Poland remains an exception and demonstrates the highest level of support. Asked about their views toward the US for a Pew survey published on Tuesday, 87% of Israelis polled said their opinion was generally favorable, with just 12% responding in the negative. That figure is the highest since Pew started conducting the survey in Israel in 2003, with ratings steadily creeping upward. The US has long maintained close ties with Israel, with former Secretary of State Alexander Haig once likening the country to an "American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk." It continues to receive billions of dollars in US aid annually, much of it spent on military hardware.


A Major Quantum Computing Leap With a Magnetic Twist A New Paradigm "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A University of Washington.

Founded in 1,861, the University of Washington (UW, simply Washington, or informally U-Dub) is a public research university in Seattle, Washington, with additional campuses in Tacoma and Bothell. Classified as an R1 Doctoral Research University classification under the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, UW is a member of the Association of American Universities.


Russia and Zimbabwe are 'like-minded' - ambassador "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Russia and Zimbabwe are "on the same page" regarding international law and the principle of non-interference, Moscow's ambassador in Harare, Nikolay Krasilnikov, told RT in an exclusive interview on Tuesday. "For Russia to interfere in internal affairs, it's absolute nonsense," Krasilnikov said, adding that his country would "not follow the American way" and that Moscow and Harare place no pressure on each other.


Serious adverse events from Pfizer's mRNA vaccine are not "rare" "IndyWatch Feed World"

Drug regulators and public health agencies have saturated the airways with claims that serious harms following covid vaccination are "rare." But there has been very little scrutiny of that claim by the media, and I could not find an instance where international agencies actually quantified what they meant by the term "rare" or provided a scientific source. The best evidence so far, has been a study published in one of vaccinology's most prestigious journals, where independent researchers reanalysed the original trial data for the mRNA vaccines. The authors, Fraiman et al, found that serious adverse events (SAEs) - i.e. adverse events that require hospitalisation - were elevated in the vaccine arm by an alarming rate - 1 additional SAE for every 556 people vaccinated with Pfizer's mRNA vaccine.


Zelensky Causing Nuclear Hysteria Over Fake Claims "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post Zelensky Causing Nuclear Hysteria Over Fake Claims appeared first on Global Research.


Tomgram: Michael Gould-Wartofsky, State Terror in the Age of Counterterrorism "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

"There must be some kind of way out of here..."----As night fell over the South River Forest, the music festival was in full swing. Young and old swayed to the sounds of Suede Cassidy. Families gathered around the grill. Little ones frolicked in an inflatable bouncy house bedecked with a banner that read: "Stop Cop City[...]"


Know Snow: Monitoring Snowpack with the SNOTEL Network "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

With summer just underway here in North America, it may seem like a strange time to talk about snow. But when you live in North Idaho, winter is never very far away and is always very much on everyones mind. Our summers are fierce but all too brief, so starting around September, most of us begin to cast a wary eye at the peaks of the Bitterroot range in the mornings, looking for the first signs of snow. And in the late spring, we do much the same, except longingly looking for the first signs that the snowpack is finally breaking up.

We all know how important snow is, of course. Snow is our lifeline, nearly the only source of drinking water we have here, as well as the foundation of our outdoor recreation industries. We also know that the snowpack determines our risk for wildfires, so while the long, dark winters may take a psychological toll, the longer the snow stays on the mountains, the less chance we have of burning come summer.

These are all very subjective measures, though, and theres way too much riding on the snowpack to leave it up to casual observation. To make things more quantitative, the US Department of Agricultures Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has built a system across the western US that measures the snowpack in real-time, and provides invaluable data to climatologists, fish and game manag...


Keepit launches backup and recovery service for Microsoft Azure DevOps "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Keepit launched new backup and recovery service for Microsoft Azure DevOps. Azure DevOps has limited disaster recovery coverage. If a company loses its Azure DevOps data, it loses access to development operations, which means it loses the ability to track, document and deliver what software its building. Those losses can have a severe impact on the development teams productivity and ability to deliver to its customers, said Paul Robichaux, Keepits senior director of Product and More

The post Keepit launches backup and recovery service for Microsoft Azure DevOps appeared first on Help Net Security.


After Ordering Agencies To Track Emissions, Biden Admin Doesnt Know How Much Fossil Fuel Its UN Climate Trips Burned "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

John KerryIowa Sen. Joni Ernst presented her monthly squeal award to John Kerry for the Biden administration's fossil-fueled trips.


Colombian chef spearheads a food-based bioeconomy in the Colombian Amazon "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

When Mauricio Velasco Castro graduated from culinary school in Bogot, he didnt look for a job in one of Colombias fine dining restaurants or for an internship abroad. Instead, he chose the jungle. While many of my classmates headed to France or Canada or somewhere else where there is more money and opportunity, I returned to the Putumayo to live with Indigenous communities and learn about their use of local ingredients, Castro said in May when I visited him at Amazonico, his restaurant overlooking the Mulato River in Mocoa, the capital of the Putumayo department, where Castro, 26 years old, was born and raised. I ended up visiting and living with nine different communities, and what I learned beyond the actual cooking techniques was how to look at food from an entirely different perspective than I learned in culinary school, said Castro. Chef Mauricio Castro is gathering herbs that he will use in Amazonico, his restaurant in downtown Mocoa. Image by Mauricio Castro. Nestled in the emerald foothills of the piedemonte amazonico, Mocoa is crossed by rivers rushing down from the lush peaks above it. According to the Wildlife Conservation Society, the Andes-Amazon Piedmont of Colombia is one of the most biodiverse in the world, hosting species and features from the worlds largest rainforest and from the Andes. The Serrania de los Churumbelos National Park, for example, located just outside of Mocoa, is home to large mammals like the Andean spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) and the jaguar (Panthera onca), 114This article was originally published on Mongabay


China Briefing 29 June 2023: China-German climate deal; Coal vs clean; Record-breaking heatwave; Revving EVs "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Welcome to Carbon Briefs China Briefing. 

Carbon Brief handpicks and explains the most important climate and energy stories from China over the past fortnight.


ELECTRICITY GENERATION: China saw a rapid increase in electricity generation and renewable power capacity in the first five months of 2023.

RECORD-BREAKING HEATWAVE: The capital Beijing recorded its hottest June day in 60 years. The heatwave was linked to climate change in multiple Chinese media outlets. 

EV TAX CUT: China extended its 520bn yuan ($72.3bn) tax relief package for the EV industry to 2027, after recording strong growth in production and sales this year.

SPOTLIGHT: In this issue, Carbon Brief looks at a new China-Germany climate agreement and wider climate-related geopolitical tensions. 

NEW SCIENCE: Peer-reviewed studies examine Chinas climate-smart farm management and energy market reform

Key Developments

Rising electricity generation and clean capacity

POWER SURGE: Chinas electricity output grew again, by 3.9% year-on-year in the first five months of 2023, state central planner the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) announced. A key driver was demand from primary industry, which grew by 11.6%, it said. In a post on WeChat, consultancy Guotai Junan Securities Research said that thermal power generation  mainly coal  increased by 6.2%. This was despite wind, solar and nuclear growth of 18.4%, 5.7% and 5.0%, respectively, it noted, with hydropower down 19.2% compared to the same period last year. The post also pointed to record heat as a factor driving electricity demand (see...

Thursday, 29 June


Former Group-IB manager has been arrested in Kazahstan "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The former head of network security at Group-IB has been arrested in Kazakhstan based on a request from U.S. law enforcement.

Nikita Kislitsin who worked as the head of network security at Group-IB, as well as its Russian-based spinoff company (known as F.A.C.C.T.), has been arrested in Kazahstan based on a request from the U.S. law enforcement. Prior to that, the CEO of Group-IB, Ilya Sachkov, was arrested by law enforcement back in September 2021 and currently remains in prison.

The arrest of Kislitsin was executed on June 22nd, but the news surrounding it became public just today 6 days after the detention. Kislitsins Linkedin page and other public social media profiles were wiped prior to that. 

According to the indictment which was unsealed by U.S. law enforcement earlier, Kislitsin was involved in the monetization of stolen data which was exfiltrated from multiple companies including Formspring. Later, Group-IB released a statement saying these actions (of US Department of Justice (DOJ) are unacceptable and a violation of the rights of their employee. 

Following his detention, on June 28th, Russia suddenly expressed their own interest in Kislitsin, the court of Moscow then issued an urgent arrest warrant for Kislitsin with unnamed charges related to the unauthorized access of protected computer information. Russia said it will also seek his extradition from Kazakhstan.

Their statement reads below:

By the decision of the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow, a measure of restraint in the form of detention was chosen against Nikita Igorevich Kislitsyn, who is accused of committing a crime under Part 3 of Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal access to legally protected information using his official position) for a period of 2 months, calculating the period from the moment of his extradition to the territory of the Russian Federation or from the moment of detention of t...


Lawmakers in Gaza file complaint against Israels siege on Gaza at the ICC "IndyWatch Feed War"

Chairman of the Political Committee at the Palestinian Legislative Council, Mahmoud al-Zahar, speaks during a press conference in Gaza City, on March 1, 2023, while flanked by other members of the Council as he stands at a podium.Members of the Palestinian Legislative Council in Gaza have lodged a complaint to the International Criminal Court protesting Israeli crimes against humanity resulting from the 17-year-long Gaza siege.


Over 1500 gas stations disrupted in Canada, after energy giant hacked "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Suncor, one of the largest energy companies in North America, has suffered a cyber attack that left Canadian motorists unable to make gas station purchases with payment cards, and even disabled car washes. Read more in my article on the Hot for Security blog.


Russias Intel (FSB) Spooked the CIA on Prigozhin Coup "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post Russias Intel (FSB) Spooked the CIA on Prigozhin Coup appeared first on Global Research.


Qualcomm Adreno 700 Series GPU Support Published For Open-Source Linux Driver "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Linaro engineers have been working out support for the latest-generation Qualcomm Adreno 700 series graphics processors found in the newest Snapdragon SoCs. Published on Wednesday were the initial MSM DRM kernel driver patches for bringing up the A700 series open-source graphics support...


Putin Orders Reality Check: No Ukrainians Left on the Battlefield, No Sovereignty in Kiev "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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The post Putin Orders Reality Check: No Ukrainians Left on the Battlefield, No Sovereignty in Kiev appeared first on Global Research.


Financial Times recycles conflict root cause misinformation "IndyWatch Feed War"

Financial Times article by their Jerusalem correspondent James Shotter (US hits at Israels plans for more settler homes in West Bank, Jun 27) wasnt much different from most pieces at the outlet focusing on Israeli communities across the green line.

By that, we mean that its fundamental premise is that settlements are the main impediment to peace, and that it relies entirely, for context, on an unchallenged quote by an NGO (Peace Now) which presumes that peace would happen now if Israel would withdrawal from the territories, while asking nothing of the Palestinians.

In the article, the groups wild claim that The Israeli government is pushing us at an unprecedented pace towards the full annexation of the West Bank is unchallenged.

But, perhaps the best illustration of this premise can be seen in the following formulaic assertion from Shotters piece:

The international community regards the settlements in the West Bank territory Palestinians seek as the heart of a future state but which Israel has occupied since 1967 as illegal, and a US state department spokesman said the US was deeply troubled by the news.

Briefly: the last time we checked, the United States was part of the international community, and the fact is the U.S. does not consider settlements illegal.

Now, lets unpack what the words highlighted above various iterations of which have been made frequently by Shotter are conveying: Tha...


Military Situation In Ukraine On June 29, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Ukraine On June 29, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • Russian artillery struck AFU positions near Orekhov;
  • Russian artillery struck AFU positions near Dibrova;
  • Russian artillery struck AFU positions near Sinkovka;
  • Russian artillery destroyed a command post of AFU near Kramatorsk;
  • Russian artillery destroyed an ammo depot of AFU near Novopavlovka;
  • Russian forces destroyed 30 Ukrainian servicemen, as well as 3 motor vehicles in the Kupyansk region;
  • Russian forces destroyed 2 armored vehicles, 3 pickups, 2 howitzers in the Krasny Liman region;
  • Russian forces destroyed 2 armored vehicles, 2 pickups, 1 Krab artillery system in the Donetsk region;
  • Russian forces destroyed 3 motor vehicles, 1 Msta-B, D-20 and 1 D-30 howitzer in the Kherson region;
  • The Russian Army repelled AFU attacks near Pervomayskoye;
  • The Russian Army repelled AFU attacks near Orekhov;
  • The Russian Army repelled AFU attacks near Kuzmino;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Bakhmut;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Mariinka;
  • Russian air defense systems shot down 8 Ukrainian drones near Opytnoye in the DPR, Karmazinovka, Privolye, Ploshchanka, Oborotnovka in the LPR, Balochki and Peremozhnoye in the Zaporozhye region;
  • Russian air defense systems shot down 3 Storm Shadow cruise missiles and 6 HIMARS multiple-launch rocket system projectiles during the day;
  • The AFU reportedly hit 1 control point, 12 artillery units, 1 gathering area, 2 ammo depots in the past 24 hours.



Fluhorse: Flutter-Based Android Malware Targets Credit Cards and 2FA Codes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cybersecurity researchers have shared the inner workings of an Android malware family called Fluhorse. The malware "represents a significant shift as it incorporates the malicious components directly within the Flutter code," Fortinet FortiGuard Labs researcher Axelle Apvrille said in a report published last week. Fluhorse was first documented by Check Point in early May 2023, detailing its


Another stereotype squashed by the evidence "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

An Aw woman holds hunting bows and arrows in Brazils Caru Indigenous Territory in 2017

A thousand just-so stories have suddenly cried out in shock and died a miserable death. Hunter-gatherer societies dont think that hyphen separates men from women? This is what you learn when you dont do your anthropological research by surveying Psych 101 classrooms in Western colleges. These researchers actually did a world-wide survey of foraging cultures!

For decades anthropologists have witnessed forager womenthose who live in societies that both hunt and gatheraround the world skillfully slay prey: In the 1980s, Agta women of the Philippines drew bows and arrows as tall as themselves and aimed at wild pigs and deer, and Matses Amazonians struck paca rodents with machetes. Observations from the 1990s described Aka great-grandmothers and girls as young as age 5 trapping duiker and porcupine in central Africa.

A study published today in PLOS ONE has united these reports for a first-of-its-kind global view of women hunters. Reviewing accounts penned by scholars who study culture, known as ethnographers, as well as those by observers between the late 1800s and today, the researchers found that women hunted in nearly 80% of surveyed forager societies.

These data flatly reject a long-standing myth that men hunt, women gather, and that this division runs deep in human history.

It makes sense. Youre not going to tell half your community that they cant exploit a rich and highly-valued food source, so of course women would poke tasty animals with sticks when they could. Restricting womens choices is a pathological condition that could only be tolerated in a wealthy society with a wasteful surplus already. There were some gender differences, and hunting was a wholesome activity that could be enjoyed by the whole family!

The reports also revealed considerable flexibility and personal preferences, both within and across cultures. Individuals wielded various weapons including spears, machetes, knives, and crossbows. Some relied on hunting dogs, nets, or traps. Women followed tracks to big game and beat the ground with sticks to flush out critters. Child care posed little problem: Mothers carried infants or left them at camp with other community members; older children o...


openDemocracy creates advisory group to support coverage of Russias war "IndyWatch Feed"

If we reach our 50,000 goal, an new advisory group on board to help steer oDRs development


Transhumanism and the Philosophy of the Elites "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Shakespeare controversy keeps going "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

If you want to ignite a firestorm among scholars of English literature, just bring up the possibility that the author of the works that now constitute the Shakespeare canon were not written by the historical figure William Shakespeare but by another author who, for whatever reason, chose to be anonymous and had him act as a front. To keep the issue under discussion clear, some people refer to the author of the canon as the Bard and to the historical figure as William Shakespeare, so that the question can be formulated as to whether the Bard was William Shakespeare or someone else.

One would think that the issue would have been resolved by now but part of the problem is that although many doubts can be raised as to Shakespeare being the Bard, the alternatives also have problems. Furthermore, one could analyze the question from different disciplines such as literature, history, and linguistics, each with their own methodologies, and arrive at different conclusions.

Elizabeth Winkler is the latest to enter into this minefield with a new book, according to this article.

The doubters point to Shakespeares lack of higher education and aristocratic background and the scarcity of personal documents and literary evidence directly linking him to the works. Some suggest candidates such as Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe or Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, as potential authors of Shakespeares plays.

It would of course have been the hoax of the millennium: no need to fake a moon landing. The theory remains decidedly fringe, outside the mainstream academic consensus and, as Winkler puts it, not permitted. In her book, Shakespeare Was a Woman and Other Heresies, she writes that it has become the most horrible, vexed, unspeakable subject in the history of English literature.

In literary circles, even the phrase Shakespeare authorship question elicits contempt eye-rolling, name-calling, mudslinging. If you raise it casually in a social setting, someone might chastise you as though youve uttered a deeply offensive profanity. Someone else might get up and leave the room. Tears may be shed. A whip may be produced. You will be punished, which is to say, educated. Because it is obscene to suggest that the god of English literature might be a false god. It is heresy.

But Winkler not only looks at the authorship question but also at why this topic arouses such strong passions on all sides, and why defenders of Shakespeare as the Bard are so determined to rebut any challenge to his authorship. After all, there is nothing really tangible involved in the answer, either money or other forms of reward. We have the canon. Shouldnt that be enough?

Her book makes three compelling arguments: tying th...



Daon introduces AI.X technology to combat deepfake threats "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Daon announces the addition of AI.X technology to expand the capabilities of its IdentityX and TrustX platforms. Designed for emerging identity threats from generative AI technology, AI.X includes pioneering technology that protects against deepfakes across voice, face, and document verification. The breadth of Daons research and capabilities is vital to its worldwide customer base. On the facial biometrics front, Daon has worked for over 8 years in Presentation Attack Detection (PAD). The rapid evolution of More

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Link "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Call to support a GoFundMe set up to help several Cleveland-area organizers get through some severe or chronic health emergencies.

Donate HERE

The funds raised will be shared between various individuals and an organization to help them meet their needs and remain active in our movements.

Health emergencies and chronic health problems are increasingly becoming a part of our daily life, and we need to find ways to organize support and mutual aid not only for our movements to be inclusive but also to face the realities of an increasingly unhealthy world and an increasingly mercenary, poisonous, and exploitative system.

Some of the people being supported by this fundraiser prefer to remain anonymous, but here are the bios and calls for support from three of the beneficiaries.

Peter G just got diagnosed with a potentially fatal brain tumor. He is scheduled for a major brain surgery that comes with a lengthy recovery period, and after that will probably go through a program of chemo or radiation, and after that frequent scans because of the possibility of recurrence. He doesnt have insurance and is reliant on financial assistance, which requires him to remain at a poverty-level income. Additionally, he lost his main job driving a truck because of the seizure risk associated with the tumor. Recovery from neurosurgery and chemo or other treatments will probably also prevent him from working over much of the coming months.

Peter had also been supporting a friend and comrade in prison, as well as a family member with chronic health problems. A part of his share of this fundraiser will go to supporting those two people, and any other funds that would put him over the limit for receiving financial assistance will instead go to solidarity campaigns, for people in prison or facing charges.

Peter is a lifelong anarchist writer and organizer who recently moved to Cleveland. His recent books include The Solutions Are Already Here: Strategies for Ecological Revolution from Below (Pluto Press), Worshiping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation (AK Press), and the scifi novella Hermetica (Detritus Books). He writes a newsletter at

Kaniku Nukezi is a non-binary nomadic freedom fighter and former protest organizer/strategist/public speaker currently based out of Cleveland, OH. They are multiply disabled, immunocompromised, struggling with Long Covid, and identify as politically MAD/insane. They have been dealing with food and housing insecurity and unemployment for 2 years (in part due to state repression and legal red tape) and need help getting to a place of stability. Their goal is to purchase a used, well r...


Be Very Skeptical of US Intel Claiming That Russias Army General Surovikin May Have Helped Plan Prigozhins Coup "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Prominent Canadian liberal politicians attend degenerate "Pride" parade where fetishists expose themselves to children "IndyWatch Feed World"

Prominent figures participated in the Toronto pride parade on Sunday, including Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland, among others. The parade, put on by Pride Toronto, included people walking in puppy play and furry costume fetish gear. Several adults exposed themselves to the audience in attendance. Bud Light helped sponsor the event.


A letter denouncing pesticides in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A letter denouncing pesticides in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil The following is a letter written in 2023 that denounces pesticides in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. It was written by a teacher at the Indigenous Intercultural Faculty in Dourados, Ms. Sandra Procpio.  Original Version (Portuguese) Translated Version (English) []

The post A letter denouncing pesticides in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil appeared first on Global Justice Ecology Project.


MintPress News Is Being Targeted: Join Us in Standing up to the War Machine "IndyWatch Feed World"

Hey everyone, Im Mnar Adley, founder and director of MintPress News and editor of our video project  Behind the Headlines.

This decade has felt like a whirlwind, watching in real time the crackdown on independent journalism and alternative voices.

In the last year alone, MintPress was banned from PayPal with our balance seized, blocking donations to our website and as leaked emails reveal, this took place with possible involvement of British intelligence and the U.S. government.

At the same time, GoFundMe took down our fundraisers and banned us from their platform.

Our journalists have been detained, interrogated, surveilled, canceled and lobbied against by national security agencies and special interest groups, including directly by the Israel lobby. Our Wikipedia page has been written and managed by a mafia of pro-NATO editors and Israeli lobby groups. This, in addition to aggressive algorithmic blacklisting by Googles Project Owl and Big Tech giants, shadowbanning from the likes of Twitter, Facebook & TikTok, all of whom weve exposed to have a deep relationship with the military-industrial complex to control your newsfeed and ensure a pro-war narrative is dominant.

We wear this as a badge of honor.

This is just a taste of what weve faced as an independent media outlet that has been at the forefront of exposing the profiteers of the permanent war state holding the military class accountable, as every journalism outlet should be doing as protected by our first amendment.

Journalism is being criminalized.

This is why were turning to our readers and supporters to help us sustain our watchdog journalism. While Big Tech ramps up its efforts to make our journalism algorithmically disappear, were ramping up our efforts to circumvent this censorship and provide our readers with the most hard-hitting journalism that empowers we the people.

But to continue to do this and keep our investigative journalism free and accessible without a paywall, were appealing to our readers for their financial support. Suffice it to say big governments and corporations are not exactly banging down our door to support us.

We just launched our annual fundraiser to help sustain us, and I hope that you will join us as we continue to fight against the war machine in this information war.



Seymour Hersh: Prigozhins Folly "IndyWatch Feed World"

Seymour Hersh / Substack The Biden administration had a glorious few days last weekend. The ongoing disaster in Ukraine slipped from the headlines to be replaced by the revolt, as a New York Times headline put it, of Yevgeny Prigozhin, chief of the mercenary Wagner Group.
The focus slipped from Ukraines failing counter-offensive to Prigozhins threat to Putins control. As one headline in the Times put it, Revolt Raises Searing Question: Could Putin Lose Power? Washington Post columnist David Ignatius posed this assessment: Putin looked into the abyss Saturdayand blinked.

Secretary of State Antony Blinkenthe administrations go-to wartime flack, who weeks ago spoke proudly of his commitment not to seek a ceasefire in Ukraineappeared on CBSs

Blinken, unchallenged by his interviewer, Margaret Brennan, as he knew he would not bewhy else would he appear on the show?went on to suggest that the defection of the crazed Wagner leader would be a boon for Ukraines forces, whose slaughter by Russian troops was ongoing as he spoke. To the extent that it presents a real distraction for Putin, and for Russian authorities, that they have to look atsort of mind their rear as theyre trying to deal with the counter offensive in Ukraine, I think that creates even greater openings for the Ukrainians to do well on the ground.


At this point was Blinken speaking for Joe Biden? Are we to understand that this is what the man in charge believes?

We now know that the chronically unstable Prigozhins revolt fizzled out within a day, as he fled to Belarus, with a no-prosecution guarantee, and his mercenary army was mingled into the Russian army. There was no march on Moscow, nor was there a sign...


WebKitGTK and WPE WebKit Security Advisory WSA-2023-0005 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez on Jun 29

WebKitGTK and WPE WebKit Security Advisory WSA-2023-0005

Date reported : June 29, 2023
Advisory ID : WSA-2023-0005
WebKitGTK Advisory URL :
WPE WebKit Advisory URL :...


Rare 'omega sun' mirage photographed over the Outer Banks of North Carolina "IndyWatch Feed World"

Meteorologist Rodney Chai has seen a lot. As lead meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Burlington, Vt., he has dealt with his fair share of wild weather. But when he glanced at the setting sun from the Outer Banks of North Carolina earlier this month, he spotted something new. Chai snapped a photo of an "omega sun," also known as an "Etruscan vase." In his photo, the sun appears to have morphed into a shape reminiscent of a cartoon keyhole. The solar disc resembles a circle balanced atop another circle. What was actually happening was an "inferior mirage," the product of sunlight being bent upward by a layer of warm air over the water. Contrary to popular belief, mirages are not relegated to hot arid deserts, and instead frequently appear over bodies of water where air temperature varies considerably with height. That can bend, or refract, light, distorting what we see. The result? A picture-perfect peachy omega, sunny side up.


DEI working exactly as intended "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Conservatives like to dismiss Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion statements as empty posturing and virtue signaling, as the politicization of science, as discrimination against conservative points of view. I would counter that by saying that they work.

Case in point: UCLA didnt hire a professor, Yoel Inbar, in part because grad students pointed out that he didnt support DEI. This annoyed Matt Yglesias, who wrote:

Guy says DEI statements as a hiring tool is just way to screen candidates for an allegiance to a certain set of beliefs.

Grad students pen letter saying that shows he shouldnt be hired since he doesnt pledge allegiance to the right beliefs.

That certain set of beliefs is the idea that we should respect all of our students, and give every one an equal opportunity to succeed. (I dont know what happened to Yglesiass brain, I think he has a terminal case of centrism.)

Inbars case was well-researched by the students, and they responded with a lengthy letter documenting his inadequacies. Inbar has a podcast with 101 episodes in which he discusses various topics relating to current events in academia, including but not limited to: diversity statements, anti-racism in psychological organizations, sexism and racism on college campuses, freedom of speech, polarization, and conservatism in psychology. Isnt that nice? He provided a wealth of data, the data was evaluated, and his proposal was rejected. Evidence-based scientific reasoning! Exactly what we want!

Most concerning to us as students is Dr. Inbars opposition to institutions endorsing positions on sociopolitical issues he has deemed contentious or controversial. In particular, he takes a strong stance against promoting DEI initiatives through the use of diversity statements and DEI criterion to evaluate research. He also takes a firm position against the use of diversity statements as a tool in the hiring process, and specifically criticizes their use in the University of California systems faculty application process. In episode 15, he remarks that his skepticism about these [diversity statements] is they sort of seem like administrator value signaling. It is not clear what good they do, how theyre going to be used He continues, to lots of people on the left, diversity is such...


Skyhigh Security enables organizations to adopt AI applications in a secure manner "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Skyhigh Security announced its enabling organizations to adopt artificial intelligence applications in a secure manner that protects sensitive, confidential, and business critical information through its Security Service Edge (SSE) portfolio. Skyhigh Securitys technology protects data and stops threats in the cloud across all websites, SaaS applications, IaaS environments and Shadow IT, from a single, cloud-native enforcement point. Skyhigh Securitys purpose-built SSE platform is future-proofed with advanced data protection controls that directly apply to AI apps More

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The Verdict of Instrumental Methods "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

We're faced once again with the enormity of contemplating a science that has collapsed into a partisan narrative; partisans hostile to ethical practice.

The post The Verdict of Instrumental Methods first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Can We Live In A World Without Silver? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Jon Forrest Little The World Silver Survey is an annual report published by The Silver Institute since 1990. It provides market participants with supply...

Can We Live In A World Without Silver?


Trkiye Economy: Evaluating Erdogans Return to Orthodox Policy "IndyWatch Feed War"


The Turkish economy has been in a precarious state over the past years, grappling with soaring inflation rates, a deteriorating lira, and dwindling foreign reserves. Amidst an economic crisis and his re-election victory in May, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has adopted a new economic strategy. This article explores the potential implications of Erdogans policy shift, considering the severe financial pressures currently confronting Trkiyes economy.

President Erdogan has long adhered to an unorthodox monetary policy philosophy, specifically in maintaining low-interest rates. Underpinning Erdogans desire for low rates was a controversial and contrarian idea that high-interest rates lead to inflation rather than curb it. Erdogans approach has been widely criticized for exacerbating the countrys economic woes.

Last month marked a significant departure from this stance. The Central Bank of Trkiye, under the new leadership of financier and investment banker Hafize Gaye Erkan, hiked the main interest rate from 8.5% to 15%. Erdogans appointment of Erkan to lead the central bank, coupled with his appointment of economist Mehmet Simsek as the countrys finance minister, signals a change in economic policy. Simsek served as finance minister under Erdogan in 2009 for over six years, where he was credited with managing Trkiyes recovery during the global financial crisis.

The post Trkiye Economy: Evaluating Erdogans Return to Orthodox Policy appeared first on Geopolitical Monitor.


Child refugees are being forced to wait months for UK school places "IndyWatch Feed"

Vulnerable children are missing out on crucial development because of long delays in the education system


In Memory of Bear Braumoeller "IndyWatch Feed World"

Sometimes you come across people that permanently change the way you think. About life, yourself, or an area of study. They instill a sense of resolute optimism about the world and your abilities. Bear Braumoeller was that person for us. Wise, accomplished, brilliant, humble, and kind. Anyone who can be remembered that way lived life well. Bear is one of those people. He was our professor, mentor, colleague, and friend. We were richer for knowing him, and are poorer for his passing.

We first got the chance to meet Bear during our recruitment process to Ohio State. We gravitated toward him and his research. Bear went out of his way to bring in the best and brightest graduate students to the program, and was absolutely relentless in his efforts. He took phone calls from us, discussed all of our options, and went out of his way to procure funds and opportunities for every student. Bear was known to showcase some of the best places to eat in Columbus, too. We all got along with Bear immediately, and he became a powerful force in our proverbial corner, helping us navigate and thrive in graduate school.

Weve been fortunate to have terrific professors, but Bear was an unusually good professor. In graduate seminars, we were exposed to a wide breadth of topics in political and social science. The breadth that Bear introduced in his courses was unique for a political science class. Most importantly, he taught us how to read books and articles critically and constructively. Graduate students are often great at tearing apart a piece of scholarship. And thats important. But published works are generally published for a reason, he reminded us, and so its equally important to identify their strengths in addition to their weaknesses. That approach cultivated humility (there are always tradeoffs in research) but was also encouraging. If graduate students think pieces published by top scholars in good journals are bad because we only focus on their downsides, how could we possibly do good work?

Bears take on the literature and the discipline was just like his research interests: complex, rich, and nuanced. He loved what he studied, and his knowledge in these areas often seemed encyclopedic. He would recommend a citation and quote on a whim, from memory. He always asked big, important questions, and he did his best to answer them. His two books, The Great Powers and the International System and Only the Dead, address two important questions in international politics: how leaders and historical circumstances jointly shape major historical outcomes, and whether war is declining. He was methodologically sophisticated, but for him it was about getting closer to the truth. He truly didnt care what method you used if it fit the question. He had a great academic pedigree (University of Chicago, University of Michigan) but he wasnt elitist. He wanted to hear from smart people, and he believed in demystifying the academy, making it acc...


A Dietitians Take: 3 Reasons Why You Should Eat Wild Blueberries "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Shyla Cadogan, RD What you put into your grocery cart, and subsequently your home, is what matters most when it comes to what goes...

A Dietitians Take: 3 Reasons Why You Should Eat Wild Blueberries


Unmasking Israels Failed Raid: The Battle of Jenin and Its Resilient Community "IndyWatch Feed World"

On June 19, a large Israeli military force raided the northern Palestinian town and refugee camp of Jenin from multiple directions. Not only did the raid fail, it backfired, and it also created a precedent in Israels decades-long war on the ever-rebellious Palestinian region.

Israel killed eight Palestinians and wounded 91 more following hours of clashes involving Israeli soldiers on the one hand, and unified Palestinian Resistance groups, on the other.


Israel only admitted to the wounding of eight of its soldiers, with some Israeli media outlets speaking of critical injuries among the invading troops and others claiming only moderate wounds.

The reality on the ground, however, suggested that an extraordinary battle had taken place. Locally produced videos showed Israeli military vehicles blown up,  engulfed in clouds of fire and smoke, among them the Panther troops carrier known as Nimr a monstrous, well-fortified vehicle used in moderate to heavy combat.

A total of seven vehicles, along with a military helicopter, were blown up or damaged in what was meant to be a routine Israeli raid on Jenin, which has often resulted in the killing of several so-called wanted Palestinians a reference to fighters who resist the Israeli military occupation.

The military wings of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad the main resistance forces in Jenin, in addition to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades issued statements detailing the courage of their fighters and celebrating the legacy of those who have been killed in the fighting.

But not all Palestinians killed were fighters. Israel targets civilians, including children, women, medics, and j...


Video: Ukraine to Challenge the Russian Air Force. Scott Ritter "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Immuta simplifies data security and monitoring in Snowflake with platform updates "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Immuta launched its latest platform enhancements to deliver simplified data security and monitoring in Snowflake so that joint customers can unlock more value, reduce costs, and speed up innovation. These new features include strengthened data mesh support, enhanced security for AI workloads in Snowpark, and advanced Data Security Posture Management (DSPM). The partnership between Immuta and Snowflake continues to have strong momentum, fueled by the growing adoption of their solutions at organizations across industries, including More

The post Immuta simplifies data security and monitoring in Snowflake with platform updates appeared first on Help Net Security.


Elon Musk Announces 5 NEW Teslas For 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Elon Musk Announces 5 NEW Teslas For 2023:- Tesla company has achieved remarkable growth in recent years with just four vehicles in its lineup: the Model S midsize sedan, Model X midsize crossover, Model 3 compact sedan and Model Y compact crossover.

Combined, those four nameplates now dominate the U.S. luxury car segment and top the EV charts. Tesla is the second-best-selling brand after Toyota in California, which often sets future-product trends for the nation. But Tesla fans are clamoring for more. And financial analysts watching Tesla stock warn of growing competition.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has been promising new models for years 2023. Musk, who is known for missing product deadlines, is now hailing 2023 as the start of a new product cycle. He said that the missed deadlines have come, in part, from the need to first scale up production of the companys current models.


RFK Jr. answers medical freedom leaders' questions: "How would you fix U.S. health policy?" "IndyWatch Feed World"

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Tuesday hosted a roundtable discussion with leading critics of prevailing health policy who debated topics ranging from public health agency capture to climate change. Approximately 11,000 viewers watched live as Dr. Pierre Kory, Maureen McDonnell, Mikki Willis, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Patrick Gentempo, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Sayer Ji and Del Bigtree asked Kennedy, founder and chairman on leave from Children's Health Defense (CHD), a series of questions about how his administration would address key issues of concern to the medical freedom movement. "This is the moment when the collapsing center, the disintegrating center, the dysfunctional health system finally opens up and what has so long been 'alternative' might become a new mainstream that could transform the health of this country," roundtable facilitator and author Charles Eisenstein said, kicking off the discussion.


Ukraine and the Apocalyptic Blame Game "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Arabic press review: Left in a coma for days, imprisoned Egyptian lawyer dies "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Arabic press review: Left in a coma for days, imprisoned Egyptian lawyer dies

Rights groups say Ali Abbas Barakat, who had Hepatitis C, died from medical neglect. Meanwhile, Emirati officials interrogate Lebanese diplomat and Algerian handball players disappear in Germany
Mohammad Ayesh Thu, 06/29/2023 - 13:09
Ali Abbas Barakat had been imprisoned since 2016, but acquitted on all convicitions until he disappeared in June 2022 (Twitter/@cfjusticeorg)

Egyptian lawyer dies as a result of medical negligence

An imprisoned Egyptian lawyer and human rights defender was in a coma for two days before he was transferred to an intensive care unit where he died earlier this month, human rights groups told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed newspaper.

Ali Abbas Barakat had been in prison since 2016. He had been convicted in multiple court cases, but had appealed and been acquitted on each account, including his latest acquittal in May 2022.

On 17 June last year he was transferred from prison to a police station in preparation for his release, but instead, he disappeared. On 7 July, he reappeared at the Supreme State Security Prosecution in Cairo where he was accused of joining a terrorist group. 

Lawyers supporting Barakat have said he was tortured during his period of disappearance and have demanded an investigation into his detention and disappearance which they say was without any legal basis.

Earlier this month, the newspaper reported that Barakat, whose health had deterorated as a result of a Hepatitis C infection, felt very tired and was left inside his cell without medical treatment. His family was prevented from checking on or visiting him.



Keep Australia safe: Dystopian draft bill against misinformation unveiled "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT COINTELEGRAPH  A draft bill from the Australian government is threatening tech and...


Fear and Loathing in the City of Westminster "IndyWatch Feed War"

CJ Hopkins Our descent into City Airport was like the drop-ship scene in the movie Aliens. The BA CityFlyer Embraer 190, a narrow-body twin-engine airliner, rolled over into a 40-degree bank and started bucking like a mechanical bull. Simulated chimes began chiming frantically. Flight attendants bolted for their seats. The German businessman in the seat beside


Twilio partners with Frame AI to uplevel contact center experiences with AI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Twilio and Frame AI announced a partnership to leverage AI to enhance customer engagement delivered within Twilio Flex. With the help of Frame AIs platform, Twilio Flex (the cloud-based digital engagement solution for personalized interactions across contact centers, sales, and in-app concierge) will be able to provide decision makers with key insights and recommendations to optimize their contact center operations and, in turn, improve customer experiences. This key partnership news follows the recent announcement of More

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My nightmare "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This is a story that worries me.

Jinming Li, an arts and business student in the class, was an eyewitness to the event. According to Li, a man of about 20-30 years of age entered the class and asked the professor what the class was about. The man closed the door, pulled two knives out of his backpack and proceeded to attack the professor. Students ran to the back of the class to exit out of the one class entrance.

It was a gender studies class at the University of Waterloo. You know what triggered it it was an act of stochastic terrorism driven by the right wings current moral panic.

The good news is that while a professor and two students were slashed, theyre alive and recovering. The attack occurred in Canada, with knives. Here in the USA, it would have been guns, probably an assault rifle, and the only question would be how high the body count would go.

We do have one thing in common with Canada: an ineffectual response to such events. Waterloo has an app they provide to students, faculty, and staff thats supposed to send out an alert when active threats are on campus. It took 90 minutes to send out warnings, well after the danger was over.


American Patriotism Is On Life Support. Lets Revive It Again "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

cowgirl holding usa flag on horse in arenaToday, displaying the flag makes you a right-wing extremist, white supremacist, or any number of false stereotypes. Why is that?


Global Research Fundraising Campaign: Message of Thanks to Our Readers "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Dear Readers,

We are approaching the 22nd founding anniversary of Global Research, which was established on September 9, 2001.

Through these years, the quest for truth and government accountability has only grown stronger and clearer. We held our ground in

The post Global Research Fundraising Campaign: Message of Thanks to Our Readers appeared first on Global Research.


Artificial Intelligence: A Tool of Empowerment and/or Devastation and Impoverishment "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post Artificial Intelligence: A Tool of Empowerment and/or Devastation and Impoverishment appeared first on Global Research.


Skepticon registration is now open "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Hey! Did you know you can register for Skepticon 15, the totally free skeptic/atheist conference to be held 11-13 August in St Louis, right now?

Now you do.


Yes, Trans Exhibitionists Showing Their Junk To Kids Is Directly Downstream Of Redefining Marriage "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

woman officiates gay weddingIndulging and endorsing falsehoods about the nature of marriage and sex only leads to more lies and more injuries.


Nursing Assessment Software: A Comprehensive Guide for Healthcare Professionals "IndyWatch Feed World"

As technology continues to evolve, so does the healthcare industry. One of the most significant advancements in healthcare technology is nursing assessment software. Nursing assessment software is a vital tool that has revolutionized how healthcare professionals conduct patient assessments. In this article, we will explore what nursing assessment software is, how it works, its benefits, and how it has impacted the healthcare industry.

What is Nursing Assessment Software?


Nursing assessment software is a type of software that is designed to help healthcare professionals, particularly nurses, assess patients efficiently and effectively. The software utilizes electronic documentation and analysis to improve the accuracy and speed of patient assessments.

How Does Nursing Assessment Software Work?

Nursing assessment software typically works by guiding the user through a series of questions and prompts related to the patients condition. The software then uses the data gathered to create a comprehensive assessment report. The report can include information such as the patients medical history, current symptoms, vital signs, and any other relevant data. You can request a demo from Healthcare Staffing Hire to try out Nursing Assessment Software.

Benefits of Nursing Assessment Software



Electric Cars Are An Expensive Scam "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Gustave Trouv's personal electric vehicle (1881)If EVs were really an innovation, the state wouldn't have to bribe and force companies to produce them.


Reports of sea lion attacks in Orange County, California "IndyWatch Feed World"

Sea lions sickened by poisonous algal blooms have been attacking people at a beach in Orange County who get too close. Marine wildlife experts are urging people to keep their distance if they see a sick sea lion. Chip Yost reports for KTLA 5 News at 6, June 27, 2023.


PoC for Arcserve UDP authentication bypass flaw published (CVE-2023-26258) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An authentication bypass vulnerability (CVE-2023-26258) in the Arcserve Unified Data Protection (UDP) enterprise data protection solution can be exploited to compromise admin accounts and take over vulnerable instances, MDSec researchers Juan Manuel Fernndez and Sean Doherty have found and have released a PoC exploit for it. CVE-2023-26258, a PoC exploit and additional tools CVE-2023-26258 was discovered during a simulation of a ransomware attack. The [MDSec ActiveBreach red team was] attempting to compromise the organizations More

The post PoC for Arcserve UDP authentication bypass flaw published (CVE-2023-26258) appeared first on Help Net Security.


5 Tips on Unpacking and Organising Your Belongings "IndyWatch Feed World"

The stress of the moving process does not end when you arrive in your new home. Whilst a wave of relief is inevitable when you see your items delivered safely, you might find it challenging to unpack and organize your belongings in your new home, especially if youre moving for the first time.

Unpacking and organizing is challenging, but there are several ways you can turn this into a positive experience. You can include packing and unpacking services when you hire professional removalists or follow a process so you can do it yourself without unnecessary stress. Below are some tips you can follow to make these tasks easier and more convenient for you.

1. Create a system


To make it easier to organize your belongings, create a system on how you will unpack and organize your belongings. In case you dont remember all the contents of your bags, go through your inventory to determine what items you took with you and what needs to be prioritized. Ideally, unpack and organize your belongings according to usage. Another option is to unpack and organize by room.

2. Prioritise essential items

Unpack your essentials box or bag first. If you did not take these items in your car, these should be the first containers off the truck. Always prioritize unpacking your essentials box as there are the items that you will be using upon arrival and until you unpack all your belongings.

In case you didnt pack a separate box for this, carefully check the labels of each box to locate the items you will need in the next few days. Find important documents, electronics, medication, toiletries, and food supplies.

3. Plan where items must be placed



Democrats Sidelined Grassley In Questioning Whistleblowers Because He Knew Way Too Much "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Chuck GrassleyNo wonder whistleblowers want to talk to Grassley: They have no stauncher advocate.


Demo Relativity for a C-Note "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If you are a science fiction fan, you probably hate the theory of relativity. After all, how can the Enterprise get to a new star system every week if you cant go faster than the speed of light? [Nick Lucid] wants to set you straight: it is real, and you can prove it to yourself for under $100.

The idea uses muons created in our atmosphere by cosmic rays colliding with gasses in the atmosphere. So how do you detect muons yourself? [Nick] shows you how to do it with a fish tank, dry ice, and rubbing alcohol. If that sounds like a cloud chamber, you arent wrong.

A cloud chamber is undeniably cool, but how does it prove relativity? Youll see several kinds of particles interacting with your cloud chamber, but you can tell which ones are muons by the size and motion of the streaks. The muons dont last very long. So youd expect very few muons to make it to the surface of the Earth. But they not only reach the surface but go deep under it, as well.

So how do you explain it? Relatively. The muon experiences its average 2.2 microseconds lifetime in what appears to us to be over 150 microseconds, even if it is moving relatively slowly for a muon. Some muons are faster or live longer, so we see a lot of them hit the Earth every minute of every day. This is due to time dilation and also explains length contraction because the muon moves at a certain speed, yet it appears to go further to us than to the muon.

Coincidentally, we recentl...


The largest land set-aside in history "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The commitment to environmental governance in the 1990s was preceded by a civil society movement to create national parks and wildlife refuges. In the first half of the twentieth century, the Amazonian nations created a dozen or so national parks, thanks largely to the efforts of farsighted and passionate individuals with political influence. In most cases, these efforts were both isolated and unsustainable because governments failed to allocate financial resources for their management and protection. Serious efforts to create national protected area systems began in the 1970s as part of the global effort to protect nature and wildlife. International NGOs and the United Nations played prominent roles because they had public relation skills and the legitimacy to garner the attention of national governments. More importantly, domestic opinion supported their creation. The protected area network can be roughly stratified into strict protection areas and sustainable-use areas; indigenous territories are broadly organised into community-based landholdings, which tend to be smaller in area and territorial based reserves that include multiple communities. Data source: Rede Amaznica de Informao Socioambiental Georreferenciada (RAISG), The first cohort of protected areas was characterized by spectacular examples of biodiversity and scenic beauty: the tepuis of Venezuela, the isolated table mountains of Colombia and the snow-covered peaks of the High Andes. Academics used their knowledge, which was still rudimentary, to advocate for selected lowland landscapes that were exceptionally diverse or ecologically unique. Brazil established reserves in different parts of the Amazon, operating on the assumption that they would beThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Muslim countries condemn Quran burning in Sweden "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Muslim countries condemn Quran burning in Sweden

Morocco recalls ambassador to Stockholm, while Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, and several other governments denounce the provocative act
MEE staff Thu, 06/29/2023 - 11:58
A picture taken during Friday prayers at Stockholm's largest mosque, on 17 December 2010 (AFP)
Friday prayers at Stockholm's largest mosque, 17 December 2010 (AFP)

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Egypt were among many Muslim-majority countries to condemn the burning of the Quran by a man in Sweden during the festival of Eid-al-Adha on Wednesday. 

Morocco recalled its ambassador to Sweden following the incident in Stockholm, and summoned Sweden's charg d'affaires in Rabat to express its "strong condemnation of this attack and its rejection of this unacceptable act".

The UAE also summoned the Swedish ambassador in protest.

Salwan Momika, a 37-year-old Iraqi man living in Sweden, tore up several pages of the holy book, stomping on it and setting pages alight outside the largest mosque in the Swedish capital.

Momika carried out the provocative act under heavy police presence after being granted permission to do so by Swedish authorities. Despite allowing it on free speech grounds, Swedish police later launched an investigation on the basis of "agitation". 



The Right Way to Enhance CTI with AI (Hint: It's the Data) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cyber threat intelligence is an effective weapon in the ongoing battle to protect digital assets and infrastructure - especially when combined with AI. But AI is only as good as the data feeding it. Access to unique, underground sources is key. Threat Intelligence offers tremendous value to people and companies. At the same time, its ability to address organizations' cybersecurity needs and the


From Heights to Insights: Understanding Drop Test Machines and Their Applications "IndyWatch Feed World"

In a world where technology is constantly evolving, ensuring the durability and reliability of products has become a paramount concern for manufacturers. Whether its a smartphone, a laptop, or a delicate piece of scientific equipment, the ability to withstand accidental falls is a critical factor in determining a products success. This is where drop test machines come into play, bridging the gap between heights and insights.

The Role of Drop Test Machines

The Role of Drop Test Machines

Picture this: youre holding the latest smartphone in your hands, marveling at its sleek design and advanced features. But what if you accidentally drop it? Will it survive the fall and continue to function flawlessly? Well, thats where drop test machines come in. These machines are designed to simulate real-world scenarios by subjecting products to controlled drops, ensuring they can withstand the inevitable accidents of everyday life.

These are engineering marvels in their own right. They consist of a sturdy frame, a height-adjustable platform, and a system to release the product at a precise angle and velocity. The product under test is securely mounted on the platform, and with a simple push of a button, it begins its descent into the unknown. The machine records critical data, such as impact force, acceleration, and displacement, providing valuable insights into a products ability to withstand falls.

Advantages over Manual Drop Tests



North Korean Hacker Group Andariel Strikes with New EarlyRat Malware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The North Korea-aligned threat actor known as Andariel leveraged a previously undocumented malware called EarlyRat in attacks exploiting the Log4j Log4Shell vulnerability last year. "Andariel infects machines by executing a Log4j exploit, which, in turn, downloads further malware from the command-and-control (C2) server," Kaspersky said in a new report. Also called Silent Chollima and Stonefly,


Fifth dead gray whale washes up along Washington coast in a month "IndyWatch Feed World"

The fifth gray whale to wash up on Washington's coast this month alone was found dead on the state's outer coast on Tuesday. Since 2019, wildlife authorities have been looking into an extraordinary increase in the number of gray whale strandings. Since 2019, there have been at least 100 gray whale strandings from Mexico to Alaska, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In 2023 there have already been 63. In a typical year, Washington would experience 4-6 whale strandings; it has already experienced that many in June.


Israel: Netanyahu drops key clause in judicial overhaul "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel: Netanyahu drops key clause in judicial overhaul

Prime minister says he "threw out" element of reform that would allow parliament to override the Supreme Court by a slim majority vote
MEE staff Thu, 06/29/2023 - 11:38
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting in his office in Jerusalem, 25 June 2023 (AFP)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dropped a central part of his government's judicial overhaul, but will still push ahead with the reforms, he said on Thursday. 

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Netanyahu said that his government would no longer seek to grant the Knesset, Israel's parliament, the authority to overturn Supreme Court rulings.

"I threw that out," Netanyahu said of the clause to override the Supreme Court ruling by a slim majority vote in the parliament. "I already changed a few things right after the original proposal was put forward."

The proposal to give the government more power over judicial appointments would also be revised, the premier added.

"The way of choosing judges is not going to be the current structure, but it's not going to be the original structure," he said, without giving any further details.

He said that he would still keep and push other elements of the overhaul.

Israelis have launched mass protests since January over t...


AMD ROCm 5.6 Released With A Focus On Improving AI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It was just one month ago that ROCm 5.5.1 debuted while overnight AMD has promoted ROCm 5.6 to stable with more improvements and a particular focus on enhancing the AI capabilities for Radeon GPUs and Instinct accelerators. The ROCm 5.6 release also arrives just two weeks after AMD CEO Lisa Su re-affirmed their support for ROCm and working with the community to further enhance it...


Android Spy App LetMeSpy Suffers Major Data Breach, Exposing Users' Personal Data "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Android-based phone monitoring app LetMeSpy has disclosed a security breach that allowed an unauthorized third-party to steal sensitive data associated with thousands of Android users. "As a result of the attack, the criminals gained access to email addresses, telephone numbers and the content of messages collected on accounts," LetMeSpy said in an announcement on its website, noting the


Alarming discovery by citizen scientists sparks concerns illegal logging will continue "IndyWatch Feed World"

Citizen scientists from Wildlife of the Central Highlands (WOTCH) and the Victorian Forest Alliance (VFA) have discovered state-owned logging company VicForests has continued to illegally destroy numerous endangered Tree Geebungs while doing regeneration works. The area is within the Immediate Protection Areas announced by the Daniel Andrews government back in 2019. One tree knocked over is estimated to be hundreds of years old.

The groups have reported the illegal logging of the endangered plant, calling for VicForests to be charged for violating state environment laws. The Environment Departments regulator has responded saying they dont have the power to act on the breach because the protection areas havent been formalised.

State-owned VicForests have once again been caught red-handed. The agency repeatedly flouts the law, while the regulator does nothing to stop them. Despite the governments plan to bring an earlier end to native forest logging, we hold grave concerns for forests and endangered species like the Tree Geebung, that are still under threat from VicForests destructive logging. VicForests needs to be wound up, said Chris Schuringa, Victorian Forest Alliance Campaign Coordinator.

While the government has said they are phasing out native forest logging on Jan 1, they have not made a decision about the future of failed state-owned logging agency VicForests.

Tree Geebung (Persoonia arborea) is a mid-story tree found only in the tall wet forests of Victorias Central Highlands. Research shows trees over 20 cm in diameter can be hundreds of years old. On 26 October 2022, Warburton Environment Inc. . In his judgement, Hon. Justice Garde stated;



SCOTUS overturns Affirmative Action: what it means for workplace DEI "IndyWatch Feed World"

A look at the impact of affirmative action bans across states In light of the U.S. Supreme Courts affirmative action ruling.

The Supreme Court issued its decision in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. (SFAI) v. President and Fellows of Harvard and SFAI v. University of North Carolina today. The court said that admissions programs that relied in part on racial considerations violate the Constitution, effectively ending affirmative action in the U.S.

Read Full Story


An Inconvenient Tree "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


(Source: Unsplash/Jonathan J. Castellon.)

The heat of summer is firmly here in my little corner of the world. Weve already had several days with heat warnings, and Ive been reflecting on how much of a difference trees make for people in cities (this thought is especially top of mind as I wait at a bus stop in full sun with virtually nothing but concrete and asphalt nearby).

Trees are arguably the hardest working and highest returning municipal infrastructure there is. We all know that trees look beautiful and are good for the environment, but there is so much more that they contribute to a citys bottom line. They significantly reduce stormwater runoff and reduce the burden on sewer systems, they prolong the life of asphalt by keeping it cooler, and they increase property values and therefore the tax base.

For residents, the presence of trees nearby has a major impact on home heating and cooling costs, it improves air quality, and calms traffic. Theres even research showing that neighborhoods with more street trees experience less crime

Given all that trees do, right up to and including making money, cities should be enthusiastically planting tons of them, everywhere they possibly can. 

And yet, most places arent. What gives? 

Of course, planting trees isnt as simple as digging a hole, popping a seedling in, and filling it up with dirt. Care must be taken to put the right tree in the right place, and a tree without a plan to maintain it is a recipe for failure. 

In my years advocating for public trees, Ive learned that theres a l...


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

DRM subsystem maintainer David Airlie of Red Hat has sent out the big batch of feature updates to this collection of open-source graphics/display drivers for Linux 6.5...


Women hunt in majority of foraging societies, and use a greater variety of weapons and tactics than men, study finds "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A common belief is that, throughout history, men have been the hunters and women the gatherers. But new analysis turns this on its head - revealing that women hunt in the majority of foraging cultures and employ a greater variety of weapons and hunting strategies than their male counterparts. Researchers from Seattle Pacific University analysed data from the past 100 years on 63 foraging societies around the world, including in North and South America, Africa, Australia and Asia. They found women hunt in at least 79 per cent of these cultures, regardless of whether they have children or not. More than 70 per cent of female hunting appears to be intentional, the team said, as opposed to the opportunistic killing of animals encountered while performing other activities.


Poll: 4 in 10 Californians are considering leaving due to cost of living "IndyWatch Feed World"

California's homes cost more per square foot to build and are continually rising. The lure of California has enticed many to make this state their home. Great weather, beaches, opportunity, and being among the top 5 economies in the world, all factor in its attraction. But whether these elements are sufficient to retain residents is something yet to be seen. A The California Community Poll at the beginning of June shows that about 43% of Californians believe the state is heading in the wrong direction, 28% have mixed feelings about the direction of the state while another 28% think it is going in the right direction. One percent aren't sure. With 1,354 interviews, the poll's margin of error is +/- 2.7%.


OpenCV 4.8 Released With TensorFlow Lite Model Support, AVIF Image Handling "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

OpenCV 4.8 was released yesterday as the newest feature update to this leading open-source computer vision (CV) library...


How Parents Outraged by Library Books, Diversity Initiatives and Sex Ed Transformed One New Jersey School Board "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for Dispatches, a newsletter that spotlights wrongdoing around the country, to receive our stories in your inbox every week.

This story is part of a series that explores how school board meetings across the country are fomenting conflicts and controversies that have led to violence and arrests. Are you interested in a virtual event on this topic? Let us know here.

The woman at the podium was 14 seconds into reading a passage from a library book by a nonbinary author an attempt to prove that the county board of education promotes obscene material and porn, as shed described it when school board president Catherine Kazan cut her off.

I dont think thats appropriate, Kazan said. Theres young people in the audience.

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Of course its appropriate! the woman, Pamela Macek, countered, raising her voice to be heard over the cacophony of cheers from the people seated behind her in the auditorium.

Maam, you can verbalize your complaint without reading the book, Kazan said.

No, no! Oh no! Macek bellowed, shaking her head from side to side. You aint shutting me up.

She resumed reading from the book, Gender Queer: A Memoir, eking out about a dozen more words before her mic was cut. But still she kept at it.

If this continues, we will clear the room, Kazan warned, holding up her palm. Glancing up in search of help, Kazan said, Officer, please?

But Macek continued her complaint about books in the high school library. There are teenagers! she yelled, loud and clear in the absence of a microphone. With strap-ons! Giving blow jobs!

Kazan banged her gavel three times. Officer! Officer! I could use a little help here. The woman refuses to leave the podium, and shes being disruptive.


A Dozen Cities Set Youth Curfews This Year, Even Though They Dont Reduce Crime "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Texas recently banned juvenile curfews, while cities like Baltimore and Memphis have doubled-down on them.


Luxembourg legalises cultivation and consumption of cannabis at home "IndyWatch Feed World"

It's official: Luxembourg deputies greenlit a bill on Wednesday that allows for limited cannabis cultivation and consumption at home. 38 deputies voted in favour of the bill, with 22 against. The parties DP, LSAP, Di Grng, di Lnk and ADR had already announced in advance that they were in clear favour of bill 8033. A repressive policy towards drugs is "an absolute failure", said Minister of Justice, Sam Tanson (Di Grng) at the end of the debate. For that reason, "we must dare to take another path" and "seek solutions". Her party colleague Jose Lorsch remarked: "It's not a question of trivialising or promoting cannabis", but with this bill "it is a question of combating drug-related crime and the sale of cannabis on the black market." She added that this would also lead to better quality products, as those offered on the illegal drug market are "more harmful to the health of users".


Linux 6.5 Crypto Adds New AMD CCP Hardware, StarFive RISC-V Bits "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Herbert Xu has submitted the crypto subsystem updates for the ongoing Linux 6.5 merge window with new hardware support and some crypto API enhancements...


Opec bans reporters from conference amid falling crude prices "IndyWatch Feed World"

Opec has cancelled accreditation for reporters from three major news organisations ahead of a conference in Vienna where the head of BP and the European Union's top energy official are set to speak. The Saudi-led oil cartel withdrew accreditation from Reuters, the Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg, the latter reported on Wednesday. "We are very concerned by the prospect of OPEC excluding certain journalists, including from Bloomberg, from next week's seminar," Bloomberg News said in a statement. "For the sake of market transparency, we strongly advocate for OPEC to allow journalists from relevant global news outlets to attend."


Mission Impossible: The Presidents Tough Sell of Bidenomics "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Its the economy, stupid has been a mantra in presidential politics forever. Therefore, it is no surprise that President Joe Biden has set out to make Bidenomics a centerpiece of his reelection campaign. There is just one problem: The economy he is trying to sell to Americans is a lemon.

Essentially, the challenge Biden faces is that he has to make the case that the economy is stupid.

He has to convince regular Americans that the hardships they are currently facing, such as paying more for the same things they have been buying forever, are not his fault but rather the result of an economy that is designed to favor those at the top to the detriment of everybody else.

To do so, he will need an assist from the media, which has to put the current situation in perspective for the vast majority of voters who are not overly educated when it comes to the economy (to put it mildly).

If you put it that way, its pretty clear that Biden seems doomed to fail.

But the president appears to be determined to make sure that it wont be for a lack of trying on his part, which brings us to the major address on the economy that he delivered in Chicago on Wednesday.

In it, Biden said many of the right things.

Most importantly, he pointed out that trickle-down economics, i.e., the system favored by Republicans, in which the rich get all the money and then a little something dribbles down on everybody else (hint: it aint money), doesnt work.

The trickle-down approach failed the middle class. It failed America. It blew up the deficit. It increased inequity, Biden said. People working as hard as ever couldnt get ahead because its harder to buy a home, pay for a college education, start a business, retire with dignity.

The president also pointed out that 13.4 million jobs have been created in the past two years and that the US is doing better than its peer nations when it comes to economic growth and curbing rampant inflation.

Obviously, it must be noted that any economic indicator can be fudged, and that the influence of presidents both good and bad on short-term economic developments is limited.

For example, it is easier to create a ton of jobs in a country that is emerging from a multi-year pandemic during whi...


Man killed by lightning strike in Krasnodar, Russia "IndyWatch Feed World"

In a tragic incident with a probability of one in 3 million that occurred on Tuesday, June 27 in southwestern Russia, a man dies instantly after being struck in the head by lightning. The shocking event was captured by a video surveillance camera located in a vegetable warehouse in the Krasnodar region, Russia. In the video that has gone viral on social networks, you can see the exact moment in which a electric shock hits man while walking in the rain.


Key points from Putin's Wagner mutiny speeches "IndyWatch Feed World"

RT has summed up the Russian president's most significant statements regarding the short-lived rebellion by Evgeny Prigozhin's PMC. Russian President Vladimir Putin has given several speeches describing his attitude to last week's mutiny by the Wagner private military company led by Evgeny Prigozhin. On Friday evening, Prigozhin directed his forces to march towards large Russian cities with the stated goal of removing several generals whom he accused of treason. The uprising was aborted the following day after Belarus mediated a deal with Moscow.


AI Helps Show how the Brains Fluids Flow "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new artificial intelligence-based technique for measuring fluid flow around the brain's blood vessels could have big implications for developing treatments for diseases such as Alzheimer's:

The perivascular spaces that surround cerebral blood vessels transport water-like fluids around the brain and help sweep away waste. Alterations in the fluid flow are linked to neurological conditions, including Alzheimer's, small vessel disease, strokes, and traumatic brain injuries but are difficult to measure in vivo.

A multidisciplinary team of mechanical engineers, neuroscientists, and computer scientists led by University of Rochester Associate Professor Douglas Kelley developed novel AI velocimetry measurements to accurately calculate brain fluid flow. The results are outlined in a study published by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[...] The work builds upon years of experiments led by study coauthor Maiken Nedergaard, the codirector of Rochester's Center for Translational Neuromedicine. The group has previously been able to conduct two-dimensional studies on the fluid flow in perivascular spaces by injecting tiny particles into the fluid and measuring their position and velocity over time. But scientists needed more complex measurements to understand the full intricacy of the systemand exploring such a vital, fluid system is a challenge.

Journal Reference: Artificial intelligence velocimetry reveals in vivo flow rates, pressure gradients, and shear stresses in murine perivascular flows -

Originally spotted on The Eponymous Pickle.

Related: Single Brain Scan Can Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease Quickly and Accurately

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Court Sentences YouTube Content ID Scammer to Over Five Years in Prison "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

sad tubeYouTubes Content ID system helps rightsholders and content creators prevent copyright infringement.

Copyright holders can either remove problematic content from the video platform, or they can choose to monetize it.

Monetization is preferred in many cases and can be quite lucrative. Over the years, the Content ID platform has generated more than $9 billion in claimed advertising revenue.

Criminal Content ID Scam

This option isnt just utilized by legitimate owners, scammers have been making use of it too. While its unknown how often the system is abused, an indictment published by the Department of Justice in late 2021 showed that a U.S. company run by two men built a multi-million dollar business on this scheme.

A criminal investigation had uncovered a massive YouTube Content ID scam. By falsely claiming to own the rights to more than 50,000 songs, the pair generated more than $24 million in revenue.

The scammers company, MediaMuv LLC., wasnt a direct member of the Content ID program. Instead, it operated through a trusted third-party company, which had access to the platform,

Last year, one of the defendants confessed to his part in the MediaMuv copyright swindle by pleading guilty. Webster Batista Fernandez described it as a relatively simple scheme: find Latin American music that wasnt yet monetized on YouTube and claim the content as their own.

The number two of the operation, Jose Teran, signed a plea agreement this February. While he wasnt the driving force, Teran participated in the criminal conspiracy and plead guilty to money laundering and wire fraud.

Appropriate Sentence?

This week, Teran was the first to be sentenced for his role in the operation. The defense requested a mild probation or home confinement sentence, which would allow the defendant to continue to care for his family.

[Mr. Teran] respectfully asks that the Court exercise its discretion to sentence him in a manner that allows him to continue supporting his family while working to make the victims whole, the attorney wrote.

The prosecution, on the other hand, argued that a multi-year prison...


White House confirms Biden using breathing machine after appearance with thick mask lines on his face sparks more health questions "IndyWatch Feed World"

The White House said Wednesday that President Joe Biden, 80, has started using a CPAP machine to treat his sleep apnea - after he was spotted with visible indentations on his face. The mask lines were apparent as the president spoke with reporters on the South Lawn Wednesday morning before a day trip to Chicago. The West Wing quickly shut down conspiracy theories by confirming the lines were caused by the device that helps sufferers breath when they sleep. 'Since 2008, the president has disclosed his history with sleep apnea in thorough medical reports. He used a CPAP machine last night, which is common for people with that history,' White House spokesperson Andrew Bates told


Intel Pushes New Meteor Lake-S Driver Code Into Linux 6.5 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

For months there have been rumors whether Intel would cancel Meteor Lake-S desktop processors and leave next-generation Core desktop CPUs solely to a Raptor Lake Refresh or rumors as well Meteor Lake-S would be just for lower-end Core i3 and Core i5 level processors. Whatever Intel ends up doing, their Linux engineers continue pushing Meteor Lake-S related code into the Linux kernel...


Sudan Army chief's mobilisation call divides opinion "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sudan Army chief's mobilisation call divides opinion

Civil society groups reject call to join armed forces warning it will only extend the conflict
Mohammed Amin Thu, 06/29/2023 - 10:36
Muslim worshippers listen to the Eid Al-Adha prayer sermon in Sudan's eastern Gedaref region, on 28 June 2023 (AFP)

A call by the head of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) for mass mobilisation against his rivals in the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has divided opinion across the conflict-ridden country.

In a speech late on Tuesday, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan said the young and all those who were capable should not "hesitate or delay in playing this national role in their place of residence or by joining the armed forces".

His speech, which has been interpreted as indicating his forces could be losing ground to the RSF just over two months since their conflict began, received a mixed reaction.

Pro-democracy and civil society groups, who largely view Burhan as the head of a coup government since he seized power in July 2021, were less than impressed.

"We have nothing to do with the war that Burhan is calling for," said one member of a resistance committee.

He said there was nothing to be gained in supporting either the army or the RSF, whose leader Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo - better known as Hemeti - aided the July 2021 coup.

We are basically standing against the two warring parties and believe that they are part of the counter-revolution and they just have a conflict of interests currently," s...


Large tornado sweeps through southern Kimball County, Nebraska "IndyWatch Feed World"

A large tornado ripped through farm land in southern Kimball County at 6:39 p.m. Wednesday evening. National Weather Service Trained Weather Spotter Greg DeWeese anticipates the damage to be limited to crops and power lines. He says he didn't spot any visible damage to homes or other structures. DeWeese reported quarter size hail in the storm and noted power line damage on County Road 10. Another trained weather spotter reported hail the size of baseballs six miles south of Albin, Wyo.


Man sets fire to Koran pages outside Stockholm mosque whilst protected by police "IndyWatch Feed World"

A man set fire to pages of the Koran outside Stockholm's main mosque Wednesday, drawing a swift condemnation from Turkey which is holding up Sweden's bid to join NATO days ahead of a summit. Swedish police had granted a permit for the protest in line with free-speech protections but also opened an investigation into the man, originally from Iraq, for "agitation against an ethnic group". Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan called the burning of the pages of the Islamic holy book "despicable."


Major research lost after custodian flips switch on lab freezer to stop 'annoying alarms,' lawsuit claims "IndyWatch Feed World"

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute alleges it lost decades of scientific work because worker sought to stop "annoying alarms" coming from lab that contained super-cold freezer. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute filed a million-dollar lawsuit against a cleaning company after a custodian, seeking to stop an "annoying" beep, allegedly turned off a lab freezer and killed decades of "groundbreaking" research. The school in Troy, New York, had contracted with Daigle Cleaning Systems Inc. to clean the Cogswell Building lab between Aug. 17, 2000, and Nov. 27, 2020, according to a civil complaint filed this month in Rensselaer County.


UK plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda unlawful, court rules "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

UK plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda unlawful, court rules

Court of Appeal ruling by three senior judges finds government policy illegal, but Home Secretary remains 'fully committed' to policy
Rayhan Uddin Thu, 06/29/2023 - 10:13
Protesters hold up placards as they gather close to the Brook House immigration removal centre beside Gatwick Airport, south of London on 12 June 2022 (AFP)
Protesters gather close to the Brook House immigration removal centre by Gatwick Airport, south of London, 12 June 2022 (AFP)

The UK government's plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda has been ruled unlawful by the Court of Appeal.

Three senior judges, Lord Burnett, Sir Geoffrey Vos, and Lord Justice Underhill, made the ruling on Thursday. 

In December, the high court in London ruled the plan to send to Rwanda asylum seekers who arrive in the UK on small boats lawful. But an appeal was lodged by asylum seekers and a rights group, and supported by groups including the UNs refugee agency, UNHCR.  

The appeal was brought by 10 asylum seekers from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Albania, and Vietnam, as well as the charity Asylum Aid. All the asylum seekers arrived in the UK by crossing from France via the English Channel in small boats. 

The cases were heard at the Court of Appeal between 24 and 27 April, during which the UNHCR was permitted to make submissions as an "interested party" and to file evidence. 

By a majority, the court accepted the appeal on the grounds of whet...


Brazil nut harvesting proves a win-win for forest and community livelihood "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The trip from the heart of Almeirim municipality, on the banks of the Amazon River, to the rural community of Cafezal takes nearly three hours on the fast boat, referred to as the flyer by the people living on the river. But to get to where the nut trees are, its another three hours by motorboat, says Otaclio Frana Alves, co-founder of ASMACARU, an association of Brazil nut gatherers. The route crosses the Marapi stream, passing by barges laden with the fruit. ASMACARU was founded in 2001 to organize the Brazil nut production chain so that its members, known here as agro-extractivists, could increase and even diversify their income. During the harvest season, which runs from March to July, the gatherers live in the rainforest, collecting fallen Brazil nuts, the fruit of one of the Amazons most emblematic trees, Bertholletia excelsa. Known for being old-growth trees, these giants can live for up to 500 years on dry ground, reaching heights of 50 meters (164 feet), with trunks up to 5 m (16 ft) in diameter. The associations members organize themselves by the different areas where the nut trees grow, or what they call the placements. Cafezal holds a permanent concession for harvesting nuts in seven of these areas, all granted to the 26 members of ASMACARU. The distribution of the Brazil nut trees is broad and disperse: the distance from one placement to another can be as much as 10 kilometers (6 miles). Agro-extractivism as a model for the futureThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Audio emerges of Trump apparently discussing 'highly confidential' classified docs detailing potential Iran attack "IndyWatch Feed World"

An audio recording has emerged of former President Donald Trump apparently discussing classified material in July 2021 related to a potential military strike against Iran. In the two-minute recording, obtained by CNN on Monday, Trump, 77, is heard shuffling through papers and discussing a purported plan hatched by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley to launch an attack against the US adversary while acknowledging that the information is "highly confidential" and "secret." "Well, with Milley let me see that. I'll show you an example," Trump's distinctive voice is heard saying on the recording.


Emefiele: How to kill an orphan "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

ORPHAN BOY AND FALL GUY: Just yesterday, President Bola Tinubu declared he would not prosecute immediate past president, Muhammadu Buhari and his close aides This column was never under the illusion for a moment that he would. Pulling in Buhari and his 40 thieves would require much courage. But thats one vital ingredient thats absent []


Sponsored by US-NATO - Ukraine mercenaries trapped in minefield hell - Drone footage: "IndyWatch Feed World"

Look at this footage and ask yourself why Australian PM Albanese just sent another 70 armoured vehicles to Ukraine. For what? There are no good answers, but Mr Albanese isn't likely to find himself with his legs blown off in Ukraine-Russia, struggling on his elbows for the shelter of the last tank, although that is where he and the other US-NATO supporters should all be sent. As the introduction to the video linked-to inside says: There's a reason that BBCWorld, CNN, and Australia's ABC, won't show you the brutal reality of the Ukrainian failed counteroffensive. Ukraine stuffed up the MINSK accords and has rejected three recent peace-proposals in exchange for a lot of money and hell on earth. For god's sake, compromise! Nothing is worth this.



Democracy Edition "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  Bullet Points: ** How Democratic Socialism Wrecked Sweden (The Federalist) What is less understood than the financial cost of democratic socialism in particular and welfare statism, in general, is the intangible spiritual costs: It slowly suffocates the individualist spirit. A Swede will most likely tell you that hes happy and that Sweden is []

The post Democracy Edition appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Hands Off Online Free Speech! Sign the petition "IndyWatch Feed World"

SIGN THE PETITION NOW  George Orwell wrote the book 1984 in which a totalitarian government...


Illinois Officials Will Try a Second Time to Make Good on Pledge to Reform Student Ticketing "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for Dispatches, a newsletter that spotlights wrongdoing around the country, to receive our stories in your inbox every week. This story was co-published with the Chicago Tribune.

Top Illinois officials agreed last year that police shouldnt ticket students for minor misbehavior at school and pledged to make sure it didnt happen anywhere in the state. But a bill to end the widespread practice fizzled this spring because of disagreement over whether it would accomplish its goal and confusion about whether police would still be able to respond to crime on campus.

Now, legislators and activists are regrouping with a goal of rewriting the bill and passing it in the next legislative session. They say they are committed to changing state law because not all school districts complied when the Illinois State Board of Education superintendent implored them to stop working with police to issue municipal citations for noncriminal matters tickets that can lead to fines of up to $750.

The push for change followed publication of The Price Kids Pay, a 2022 investigation by ProPublica and the Chicago Tribune that revealed how school-based ticketing was forcing families into a quasi-judicial system with few protections that sometimes landed them in debt. A state law already bans school officials from fining students directly, but administrators instead have been cooperating with police, who issue citations for violating local ordinances. The proposed legislation aimed to shut off that option.

In addition to the former state school superintendents strong stance, Gov. J.B. Pritzker said last year that he wanted to make sure that this doesnt happen anywhere in the state. His spokesperson said Monday that his position has not changed. Current state Superintendent Tony Sanders also said he backs legislat...


Madonna intubated in ICU after being found unresponsive in NYC "IndyWatch Feed World"

Madonna has been rushed to a New York City hospital after being found unresponsive, Page Six has exclusively revealed. The pop icon, 64, was discovered at a residence on Saturday before being admitted to the ICU where she was intubated overnight. Madonna's longtime manager, Guy Oseary, shared on Instagram Wednesday that his client had "developed a serious bacterial infection which led to a several-day stay in the ICU."


The disgrace of Australias pandemic betrayal "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Paul Collits | TCW Defending Freedom | June 27, 2023

What exactly do you do when your country betrays you and disgraces itself before the world?  When you find out that it is run by thugs and goons? When just about no one in the political class has the moral compass and the spine to stand up for you? When your fellow citizens turn on you if you dared to question things?

If you are John Stapleton, a retired Aussie journalist, you write a 450-page book about it. You call it Australia Breaks Apart. You write uncomprehendingly, elegantly, passionately, even elegiacally, ashamed, still shaking your head in disbelief, three years after a ho-hum virus called by the powers-that-be Covid reached our shores.

Surely these words could be writ...


The Yorubas are the most culturally-conscious ethnic group in Nigeria. "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Yes, there is no argument that the Yorubas are the most culturally-conscious ethnic group in Nigeria. Any time I say that the Yorubas are the most culturally-conscious ethnic group in Nigeria, some people contact me with righteous anger to disprove it. But the facts are clear. In 2019 I wrote an article on it, comparing []


Olympian Okorodudu Passes On Hospital Hold On  To Corpse Over Unpaid N.6m Bill "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 29TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Former Nigerian boxer, Jeremiah Jerry Okorodudu, died at a private  hospital in Lawandon, Lagos on Wednesday night after battling with foot ulcer that left him bedridden for weeks, The PUNCH reports.

Okorodudus wife, Adenike, confirmed the news of his death to The PUNCH.

However, Adenike said the hospital was not willing to release her husbands corpse until the outstanding N600,000 medical bill is paid.

He is dead now but we still need to pay N600,000 to get his body out of the hospital, Adenike told The PUNCH.

He was aged 64.

The PUNCH reported last week that the Olympian was feeling better following several transfers from different hospitals, mainly due to lack of funds, before he was brought to the Lawanson hospital.

Secretary-General, Nigeria Boxing Board of Control and the President, West Africa Boxing Union, Remi Aboderin, also confirmed that the Olympian had passed away.

It is true about his death. I just confirmed it after you called me and I reached out to some colleagues, Aboderin told The PUNCH.

It is unfortunate that he died this way, and I am actually lost for words. May his soul rest in peace, he said.

The Vice President, Nigeria Boxing Federation, Azania Omo-Agege, told The PUNCH that he sent his wife some money on Tuesday for the hospital bills of the former boxer.

I just sent them money yesterday (Tuesday). I sent them N100,000 and we were planning for the amputation (of his leg) on Friday, this is very sad, he said.

Okorodudu represented Nigeria at the Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games, where he competed in the middleweight category.

He was a gold medallist at the Oluyole 1979 National Sports Festival in Ibadan.

His medical predicament began in 2020 with a boil affliction that affected his mobility. He then had a successful surgery at Dans Hospital, Ikorodu, Lagos.


It is unfortunate that he died this way, and I am actually lost for words. May his soul rest in peace, he said.

The Vice President, Nigeria Boxing Federation, Azania Omo-Agege, told The PUNCH that he sent h...


Guterres Condemns Israels Recent Advancement of Plans to Build in Occupied West Bank "IndyWatch Feed War"

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN NEWS)* The [United Nations] Secretary-General condemned on Wednesday [] Israels recent advancement of plans for over 5,500 housing units in settlements in the occupied West Bank. He also denounced the retroactive regularization of three outposts adjacent to the settlement of Eli.

Israeli authorities demolished Bedouin homes in the vulnerable community of Abu Nwar, Area C, near East Jerusalem in the West Bank.
File UNRWA | Israeli authorities demolished Bedouin homes in the vulnerable community of Abu Nwar, Area C, near East Jerusalem in the West Bank.


Orwellian Nightmare Ahead for Australians "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT CALDRON POOL  On George Orwells birthday, the Australian federal government declared it...


Feds Catch Hundreds of Suspected Terrorists at Border "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection data reveals that in the current fiscal year, there have been hundreds of known or suspected terrorists apprehended at the northern and southern borders.
  • The number of known or suspected terrorists apprehended at the borders has seen a 30 percent increase in one month, with a total of 464 individuals apprehended, raising concerns about border security and national security threats.  Read More

The post Feds Catch Hundreds of Suspected Terrorists at Border appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Savers Value Village IPO: Stock priced, shares in the thrift store chain trading today on NYSE "IndyWatch Feed World"

The owner of a chain of for-profit thrift stores is set to have its initial public offering today after pricing shares above its range.

Savers Value Village, Inc, owner of for-profit thrift stores across the United States and Canada, is set to have its initial public offering today, Thursday, June 29. Heres what you need to know about the thrift store chain and its IPO:

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What politician in their right mind would want to go into an executive to administer such terrible cuts? "IndyWatch Feed"

It seems every day, we get news of yet more cuts. We have schools with food banks, plans to turn off streetlights, and the health service has waiting lists so long that many people will not live to get the operation they so badly need. It is all very grim.

It does all beg the question, what politician in their right mind would want to go into an executive to administer such terrible cuts? Imagine the grief whatever poor sod is education minister would get from the Nolan Show as they announce yet more cuts to schools budgets. The pressure would be intolerable.

As much as our politicians may claim they want to get back to work, but I expect they are breathing a sigh of relief that they are not getting the flack for all the cuts.

Will the executive be restored in the autumn? Or will we keep on drifting rudderless?

It is hard to be optimistic. The cost of living increases are hurting a lot of families. Drug abuse has gone mainstream. Many sectors are still under pressure with staff shortages and high burnout rates.

Could someone PLEASE give us some hope? Even just a tiny bit?


Alleged Embezzlement: Group backs Clarks Okowas Investigation, Faults Group Suing For Peace "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 29TH (URHOBOTODAY)-A group called Movement for the Survival of Niger Delta People (MOSOND) has thrown its weight behind elder statesman, Chief Edwin Clark over his petition to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) against former Governor of Delta State, Ifeanyi Okowa for allegedly mismanaging the 13 per cent crude oil derivation funds meant for the development of the oil producing communities in Delta State in the last 8 years.

MOSOND was responding to a set of youth leaders who had led a delegation to the Chairman of the Delta State Traditional Rulers Council, HRM Felix Mujakperuo, the Ovie of Okpe Kingdom, on the need to summon an emergency meeting of all traditional rulers in the State to appeal to Chief Edwin Clark to cease fire on his call for the probe of Okowa.

MOSOND in a press statement signed by its publicity secretary, Dr. Sebastine Agbefe and made available to newsmen said the so-called youths are not just grandfathers and old men parading themselves as youth leaders, but also aides of the former governor who enjoyed patronage from siphoning the funds of the oil producing communities.

Platinu Post



Microsoft BASIC For the Dragon 64 Recovered "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

There are a great many pieces of software of yesteryear that are no longer readily accessible. Its now possible to cross Microsoft BASIC for the Dragon 64 off that list, with the source code now posted for all to enjoy on GitHub.

The repository concerns the Microsoft 16K BASIC Interpreter as built for the Motorola 6809, as used in the Dragon 64 computer. This is also known as BASIC-69 or Extended Color Basic.

Hilariously, the source code was recovered from 340 pages of fan-fold tractor paper stored in four bundles. The output of a Motorola assembler was printed back in 1983 at Dragon Datas R&D facility in Wales, and was recently recovered after being stored in an attic for much of the last four decades. The paper was carefully scanned at the 2022 Dragon Meetup, before passing the resulting images through OCR software. The output was then manually corrected and the source code was complete for both the 32K and 64K mode ROMs. There are some differences between the scanned source and what Microsoft shipped, which is outlined in the repository.

Weve seen other heroic retrocomputer recovery efforts before, too, like the work to save the Polish CROOK OS. If youve been working on similar feats, be sure to let us know.


New National Security Cyber Section "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • The U.S. Justice Department has established the National Security Cyber Section, called NatSec Cyber, to combat state-sponsored hackers from China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.
  • The new unit aims to increase the departments ability to disrupt cyber campaigns, prosecute nation-state cybercriminals, and address cyber threats to national security.
  • The creation of NatSec Cyber follows concerns over the growing threat posed by state-sponsored hackers and recent cyberattacks attributed to China, North Korea, and Russia. The unit will play a crucial role in responding to evolving cyber threats and protecting national security.  Read More

The post New National Security Cyber Section appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Delta Police Rescue Hostage From Cultists Den In Sapele Environ "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 29TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The police command in Delta has rescued a victim held hostage by suspected cultists.

This was revealed on Wednesday in Warri by police spokesman for Delta, DSP Bright Edafe. 

Mr Edafe told reporters that the victim was rescued on Sunday by police operatives from the Sapele Division while on visibility patrol within Sapele and environs.

The police operatives heard some suspected cultists chanting Aro Mate and swiftly moved to the area.

The suspects, on sighting the police, took to their heels, leaving behind a victim they were holding hostage with the intention to murder him.

The victim was rescued unhurt and has since reunited with his family, he said.

Mr Edafe said that one pump action gun was recovered from the scene, adding that investigation into the matter was ongoing.

He said that the Commissioner of Police, Delta Command, Wale Abass, had given the assurance that the command would sustain the fight against crimes.





Three Convicted of Stalking Chinese Nationals in US on Behalf Of China "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Three defendants have been convicted in New York for acting as illegal agents of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and engaging in interstate stalking as part of Operation Fox Hunt.
  • The defendants, including a retired NYPD sergeant, conducted surveillance and engaged in a campaign of harassment and coercion to force certain U.S. residents to return to China.
  • The PRC government officials directed the defendants to intimidate, threaten, and surveil the victims and their families, using tactics such as leaving threatening notes and conducting surveillance.
  • The defendants face significant prison sentences, and their convictions highlight the Chinese governments illegal behavior in the U.S. and its attempts to reach across borders for transnational repression.  Read More

The post Three Convicted of Stalking Chinese Nationals in US on Behalf Of China appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Satellite Imagery Reveals Russia Caused Flooding in Occupied Ukrainian Town Before Counteroffensive "IndyWatch Feed War"

Satellite imagery obtained by Bellingcat suggests that Russia created a dam on the outskirts of the occupied Ukrainian city of Tokmak in Zaporizhzhia oblast ahead of Ukraines counteroffensive. This was previously reported by the Center for Journalistic Investigations, which noted that the move was part of a greater trend of creating water obstacles for the Ukrainian counteroffensive. However, Planet satellite imagery seen by Bellingcat now offers a more detailed view of the scene. The Kharkiv Human Rights Protection group also noted a trend of deliberate flooding across Zaporizhzhia oblast by Russian forces.

Water has been used as a tool on several occasions since the onset of Russias full-scale invasion.

In these instances, dams were broken to flood downstream areas, likely in order to complicate offensive efforts of the enemy. This would lead to higher water levels and muddy ground downstream along with the longer-term outcome of dried up reservoirs. 

Both sides have used these tactics so far, with Ukraine admitting to doing so in Demydiv just north of Kyiv at the start of the war. Ukraine is also reported to have blown up the floodgates of the Oskil reservoir dam in April 2022 to complicate Russian efforts. However, Russian forces are suspected of fully destroying the Oskil dam as a Ukrainian counteroffensive advanced later that year. 

It now appears that Russia may be considering flooding tactics in Tokmak.

The red line represents the approximate frontline in the war while green lines...


Minnesota School Closed Due to Threat "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Prior Lake High School in Savage, Minn., closed due to a potential threat.
  • According to an email sent by the school district, the schools Threat Assessment Team and Savage Police Department followed up on the report immediately, and out of abundance of caution have decided to close the campus.  Read More

The post Minnesota School Closed Due to Threat appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Experts published PoC exploits for Arcserve UDP authentication bypass issue "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Data protection firm Arcserve addressed an authentication bypass vulnerability in its Unified Data Protection (UDP) backup software.

Data protection vendor Arcserve addressed a high-severity bypass authentication flaw, tracked as CVE-2023-26258, in its Unified Data Protection (UDP) backup software. Threat actors can exploit the vulnerability to bypass authentication and gain admin privileges.

Arcserve Unified Data Protection (UDP) software delivers an all-in-one data and ransomware protection solution to neutralize ransomware attacks, restore data, and perform effective disaster recovery (DR).

The vulnerability was discovered by researchers from MDSec ActiveBreach during a simulation of a ransomware attack. The experts were attempting to compromise the organizations backup infrastructure.

During a recent adversary simulation, the MDSec ActiveBreach red team were performing a ransomware scenario, with a key objective set on compromising the organisations backup infrastructure. reads the analysis published by the researchers. As part of this simulation, Juan Manuel Fernandez and Sean Doherty carried out a detailed analysis of the software used to perform backups (ArcServe UDP). Within minutes of analysing the code, a critical authentication bypass was discovered that allowed access to the administration interface.

The experts analyzed the traffic between their browser and the UDP admin interface and captured SOAP requests containing AuthUUIDs. Then the researchers demonstrated how to obtain...


Security updates for Thursday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (chromium and maradns), SUSE (iniparser, kubernetes1.23, python-reportlab, and python-sqlparse), and Ubuntu (accountsservice and linux, linux-aws, linux-aws-hwe, linux-azure, linux-azure-4.15, linux-dell300x, linux-gcp, linux-gcp-4.15, linux-hwe, linux-kvm, linux-oracle, linux-raspi2, linux-snapdragon).


Why More US Bradley Armored Vehicles Wont Boost Ukraines Counteroffensive "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Oleg Burunov Sputnik 28.06.2023

What Washington has delivered to Ukraine is a non-upgraded capabilities, retired US Air Force Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, a former analyst for the US Department of Defense, told Sputnik.

The Biden administration has announced another $500 million military package to Kiev, which includes, among other weaponry, 30 US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles.

At least 17 such vehicles were earlier damaged or destroyed by Russian troops amid the Ukrainian armys unsuccessful counteroffensive attempt....


Critical Security Flaw in Social Login Plugin for WordPress Exposes Users' Accounts "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A critical security flaw has been disclosed in miniOrange's Social Login and Register plugin for WordPress that could enable a malicious actor to log in as any user-provided information about email address is already known. Tracked as CVE-2023-2982 (CVSS score: 9.8), the authentication bypass flaw impacts all versions of the plugin, including and prior to 7.6.4. It was addressed on June 14, 2023

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