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Friday, 23 June


Habt ihr das auch gehrt? Der Chef von OpenAI macht ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Habt ihr das auch gehrt? Der Chef von OpenAI macht Lobbyarbeit fr weltweite AI-Regulierung?

Das ist natrlich Bullshit.

The CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, has spent the last month touring world capitals where, at talks to sold-out crowds and in meetings with heads of governments, he has repeatedly spoken of the need for global AI regulation.

But behind the scenes, OpenAI has lobbied for significant elements of the most comprehensive AI legislation in the worldthe E.U.s AI Actto be watered down in ways that would reduce the regulatory burden on the company, according to documents about OpenAIs engagement with E.U. officials obtained by TIME from the European Commission via freedom of information requests.

NA SOWAS! Der lgt uns blo ins Gesicht, weil er mchte, dass nicht so offensichtlich ist, dass er einer der Bsen ist und nicht einer der Guten?

Also DAMIT konnte ja wohl NIEMAND rechnen!1!!

Hunter Biden hat einen Plea Deal angenommen.A court ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Hunter Biden hat einen Plea Deal angenommen.

A court filing from David Weiss, the US Attorney for District of Delaware, said that the presidents only living son will plea guilty to two federal charges of willful failure to pay federal income tax one charge of a firearm by a person who is an unlawful user or addicted to a controlled substance. At the time, Mr Biden, the sole surviving son of the presidents first marriage, was actively addicted to drugs.
Kontext fr die Geschichte: 2014, 2020 und Nachschlag. Die Republikaner versuchen seit Jahren, Hunter Biden irgendwelche pdophilen Satanisten-Korruptionsverschwrungen anzuhngen, mit fremschmwrdigen Mitteln. Trotz prominenter Frsprecher wie Glenn Greenwald ist bisher nichts hngen geblieben.

Ist das jetzt anders? Hmm. Also von Pdophilie und Korruption sehe ich da nichts. Auf der anderen Seite kann es natrlich sein, dass Joe Biden seinem Sohn gesagt hat, er soll mal ein paar Bagatelldelikte zugeben, damit er sagen kann, der Rechtsstaat habe die Sache untersucht und aufgeklrt. Eine Schusswaffe illegal zu fhren ist in den USA eine Ordnungswidrigkeit, die mit bis zu einem Jahr Gefngnis oder $2500 Strafe bewhrt ist. Wenn Biden einen Deal gemacht hat, dann wird er mit weniger Strafe wegkommen.

Der andere Punkt ist Steuerhinterziehung. Nunja. Das kann man jetzt als "machen eh alle" sehen, oder man kann sich an Al Capone erinnert fhlen, den sie am Ende auch wegen Steuerhinterziehung drangekriegt haben, weil man den Rest nicht nachweisen konnte.

Die ganzen republikanischen Verschwrungstheorien sind hier jedenfalls nicht belegt worden. Ich bin ja fast ein bisschen berrascht, dass die Democrats das nicht noch mehr unter den Teppich gekehrt gekriegt haben. So ala "er macht zwei Wochen Community Service" oder so.

For the record: Die Laptop-Nummer halte ich immer noch fr Bullshit. :-)

Kennt ihr den schon? Restaurant in Kalifornien stellt ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kennt ihr den schon? Restaurant in Kalifornien stellt Fake-Priester ein, der dann den Arbeitern (natrlich Mexikanern) "die Beichte abgenommen" hat. Hast du auf Arbeit Geld unterschlagen? Bist du zu spt gekommen oder zu frh gegangen?

Der "Priester" hat das dann dem Arbeitgeber verraten, klar.


Garibaldi and three other restaurant owners and operators were ordered to pay $140,000 in back wages and damages to 35 employees. The restaurant will also have to pay $5,000 in civil penalties.
Da liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass diese Restauranteure auch ansonsten Scumbags waren. Und tatschlich:
Investigators also found that the restaurant denied employees overtime pay, managers were paid bonuses from the employee tip pool and some employees faced adverse immigration consequences for cooperating with investigators.
Oh und natrlich hat er seinen Arbeitern auch mit "immigration issues" gedroht.

Gute Nachrichten! Es gibt eine neue Krypto-Brse. ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Gute Nachrichten! Es gibt eine neue Krypto-Brse. Gutes Timing auch! Fngt direkt nach dem reihenweisen Untergang der anderen an. Wartete noch Binance ab, ging dann live.

Und wer betreibt diese neue Krypto-Brse? Wieder irgendwelche schmierigen Scammer aus dem Internet? Nein, nein!

These firms join a coalition of founding investors, including Charles Schwab, Citadel Securities, Fidelity Digital AssetsSM, Paradigm, Sequoia Capital, and Virtu Financial.
Da fehlen ja nur noch Goldman Sachs und HSBC in der Liste der Old School Bankster! Was meint ihr, haben die ber ihre Kumpels bei der FTC dafr gesorgt, dass die Konkurrenz vorher plattgemacht wird?


Wasmer 4.0 WebAssembly Implementation Brings WASIX Support "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Wasmer is an open-source WebAssembly implementation that is focused on running sandboxed applications everywhere thanks to the power of WASM while being as performant as traditional native applications. Today marks the availability of Wasmer 4.0 as another step forward for this project...


Shop and Sell Your Clothes Sustainably With These 13 Buyback and Resale Programs "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Even when bought for cheap, new clothing comes with a big environmental price tag. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the fashion industry is responsible for 10% of global CO2 emissions. In the face of these issues, many top fashion brands are adopting a more circular approach to selling, bringing worn items back to their storefronts instead of sending them to the landfill. Resale and buyback programs allow customers to send used clothing back for either money or store credit. From there, the items are either recycled, upcycled into new products, or resold by the company. These are a few companies that want to buy back your unwanted clothes, and have online secondhand shops that are well worth a visit. 

Allbirds ReRun

allbirds / Instagram

Since their launch in 2016, Allbirds sneakers have become a big name in the shoe space and now theyre making used and imperfect footwear available through their new ReRun program. Head to one of three participating retail locations in Los Angeles, California; Oak Brook, Illinois; and New York, New York to trade in used Allbirds sneakers in exchange for a $20 gift card. If your shoes have really seen their last day, the company will recycle or donate them for you free of charge. 

ArcTeryx ReBird

ArcTeryxs ReBird initiative isnt just for buybacks its also a resource for repairing and repurposing outdoor apparel. If you dont want to part with your gear, the ReCARE prog...


Sea Birds Last Refuges: 4G and 5G Radiation Sickness from the Cell Towers "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Sea Birds Last Refuges: 4G and 5G Radiation Sickness from the Cell Towers appeared first on Global Research.


Hunting in the Shadows "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

       Bullet Points: ** VBIEDs Think of a fireship, then pull forward 400 years and think of an ancient Russian tank. ** Among things one can know: The Joe Biden presidency is whirling around the drain in plain sight, and with it, the Globalist hopes and dreams of making everybody eat bugs []

The post Hunting in the Shadows appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


MAGA: Flight From Reality "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It is just extraordinary that Donald Trump still has cache in the Republican Party, remains the frontrunner for 2024, and has a legitimate chance to win the election. According to the new indictment, Trump removed many of the most top secret documents possessed by the US government and left them, willy nilly, around his Mar-a-Lago club. Stacks of them floated around the bathroom and in other public areas, where anybody could read about US nuclear secrets, espionage operations, and so on. In fact, we may find that the blown cover of a number of undercover intelligence operatives over the last few years in some cases leading to the agents death were the direct result of Trumps actions.


It is difficult to find a word or phrase that manages to capture Trumps bizarre behavior. Insane? Boorish? Completely without care or regard for anything? Unconscious? Moronic? Suicidal? Nothing quite fits. There somehow isnt a word or phrase capacious, blousy, enough for this.



I find Trump is more like a media fungus than a virus. He is an expression of the rot that festers on the decay of an overripe civilization, filling up all the available space as it continues to mindlessly colonize our attention.



Maybe the closest is something like utter abandonment: He seems driven by a nihilistic sense that nothing matters. Therefore he pushes the envelope however far he wants in any direction just to see what happens. Perhaps he has an underlying religious motivation, in a strange sense: Perhaps Trump, himself, is curious to see if God or justice exists in some form in the world, if there is any law to which he is subject, anyway he can actually be punished or restrained.


One friend of mine told me that she saw Trump as a performance artist. I find that idea compelling. Is he acting out some role he finds himself forced into, under invisible compulsion (wetiko spirit possession?), to perform?


Doug Rushkoff coined the term media virus for memes that self-replicate and propagate through the media. I find Trump is more like a media fungus than a virus. He is an expression of the rot that festers on the decay of an overripe civilization, filling up all the available space as it continues to mindlessly colonize our attention.


Robert Reich just wrote a compelling essay a...


In Conversation With an Expert: Erik Bootsma "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Erik Bootsma (left) and his design for an urban village in Detroit (right). (Source: Erik Bootsma.)

As an architect with a portfolio of ecclesiastical projects, Erik Bootsma understands the finer points of designing and building a place thats special and safe. He tries to apply those same keen eyes to the built environment, which has led him to become more involved with both his city and Strong Towns. 

Bootsma recently participated in two Crash Analysis Studio sessions, serving as the technical advisor for a crash in Meridian, Idaho, and helping compile data on a crash that happened in Richmond, Virginia. Strong Town recently caught up with Bootsma and asked about his efforts as an advocate for safer streets. (The following conversation was edited for clarity.)

What did you see in the Virginia and Idaho crashes that inspired you to get involved?

The Richmond one is where I live. It's an area of town that I pass through often, and I'm particularly interested in trying to do things to improve traffic safety and street design in the city. I serve on the city's Safe and Healthy Streets Commission, which is responsible for Vision Zero. I helped gather some of the evidence that we were looking at with Sharon Shaw, who had nominated the Richmond crash. She and I became friends through our Local Conversation. And in this one, in particular, as an architect, I'm  very much just about measurements and numbers and that type of thing in the design. How do we come up with ways to actually improve the design? Then after this crash,...


Breaking. Video: BlackRock Recruiter Who Decides Peoples Fate Says War Is Good for Business While Spilling Info on Asset Giant "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Breaking. Video: BlackRock Recruiter Who Decides Peoples Fate Says War Is Good for Business While Spilling Info on Asset Giant appeared first on Global Research.


US Military Personnel Targeted by Unsolicited Smartwatches Linked to Data Breaches "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Waqas

Service members in the United States military have been receiving unsolicited smartwatches through the mail, which unsurprisingly contain malware.

This is a post from Read the original post: US Military Personnel Targeted by Unsolicited Smartwatches Linked to Data Breaches


Key takeaways as Whitty and Vallance give evidence to Covid inquiry "IndyWatch Feed"

Pair say UK lacked capacity to scale up testing and treatment, and not enough was done about health inequality


Interior Sec. Haaland Supports Digging into Paiute Massacre Site for Lithium "IndyWatch Feed War"

Paiute Shoshone elder Josephine was grief-stricken after the police raid on Ox Sam Camp. The Eagle Feathers and Staff were illegally confiscated and disrespected.Interior Sec. Haaland Supports Digging into Paiute Massacre Site for LithiumRaided and terrorized by police, their Eagle Feathers taken, now Interior Sec. Deb Haaland has broken their hearts, imperiling future generations. Ox Sam Camp at


Una crnica de la ausencia en la Montaa "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El telfono son a la una de la maana, cuando las sombras haban cado completamente en la casa y solo permaneca una tenue luz de esperanza. Era un hombre de aproximadamente 30 aos, con una voz grave que hablaba apresuradamente para dar la noticia de que a Antonio lo tenan en un cerro. Estaba cautivo. La familia pidi una fotografa para cerciorarse de que se trataba de Antonio, pero no fue posible. La voz en el auricular insisti que ese era el momento para que fueran por Antonio porque no habra ms oportunidad. Por un instante su esposa tuvo la sensacin de que poda recuperarlo, sin embargo, pasaron los segundos y se hundi en un pozo oscuro. La llamada telefnica concluy, dejando un hueco en el corazn y una desesperacin insoportable en el alma. La esposa quera salir corriendo de su casa, pero al ver a sus hijas e hijos abandon la idea. Toda esa noche no durmi pensando en las probabilidades de que Antonio volviera en el despunte del alba al da siguiente las horas se hicieron eternas buscndolo en las barrancas y cerros, pero de nada sirvi porque han pasado cinco aos sin que se sepa de su paradero.

Estas historias las cuentan 35 familias que conforman el Colectivo Lucirnaga de la Montaa de Guerrero. A cinco aos de espordicas bsquedas las familias siguen con el dolor en el corazn. La incertidumbre cincela su alma y cada vez que les llega el recuerdo se derrumban de melancola y abrazan la locura de la verdad.

Este 21 de junio se realiz la octava jornada de bsqueda en uno de los cerros de Tlapa, donde es de conocimiento de la poblacin que es tiradero de cuerpos. A las 12 del da, cuando la tierra desprende ese olor peculiar de algn cuerpo en descomposicin, as sea de un animal, los zopilotes giran en crculos sin descanso.

Despus de un ao el Colectivo Lucirnaga volvi a realizar una jornada de bsqueda. Con la crisis sanitaria las bsquedas se suspendieron. Las madres y padres de familia se enfermaron, incluso murieron de Covid-19 como don Gregorio. Con todo el corazn queran abrazar a sus seres queridos y a pesar de que no pudieron encontrarles, lucharon hasta el ltimo suspiro.

En esta jornada de bsqueda fueron pocos elementos de la guardia nacional y el ejrcito para dar seguridad. Asistieron dos funcionarios de la Comisin Nacional de Bsqueda (CNB) y miembros del Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montaa Tlachinollan. Las familias criticaron el poco inters de las autoridades, principalmente de la Fiscala General del estado de Guerrero y la Comisin Estatal de Bsquedas de Personas.

Eran las 7 de la maana cuando empez la bsqueda. No era nada alentador porque las autoridades dijeron a las familias que no venan a buscar, sino a tomar fotos y coordenadas de los posibles lugares para posteriormente planear una jornada de bsqueda. No era la idea, pero las diferencias se fueron con la frescura de la maana, entre las veredas. La pequea caravana de bsqueda at...


Represin en Jujuy: Morales quiere ser el dueo del agua "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: El martes 20 Jujuy vivi una de las represiones ms violenta de su historia. (Luan Colectivo)

El estallido en Jujuy incluye una muy cuestionada reforma constitucional, la disputa por los territorios, los bajos salarios y la pobreza, una feroz represin, un gobernador feudal y los pueblos indgenas que rechazan el extractivismo. El Da de la Bandera, el Inti Raymi, la Pachamama y veinte cortes de ruta en la Quebrada, San Pedro, Ledesma y Calilegua.

Desde Jujuy Cobertura conjunta de Tierra Viva y Ctrica

Los cortes en Volcn, Purmamarca y La Quiaca se mantienen, avisa Patricia que es docente de una escuelita de la Quebrada de Humahuaca y que tiene miedo a dar su apellido: Hay listas negras. Nos amenazan con echarnos si reclamamos. Sus padres viven en Tilcara y ve con miedo la reforma de la ya vigente Constitucin provincial. La ruta 9 est intransitable, pero est tranquilo porque toda la fuerza policial est en San Salvador, explica. Su voz fue la antesala de lo que sucedi el martes en la capital provincial: una de las ms violentas represiones que recuerde Jujuy.

En la ciudad hubo de todo: militantes de diversas organizaciones, provocadores policas disfrazados de civil rompiendo locales y hasta miembros de organizaciones de Derechos Humanos presos ilegalmente. Eva Arroyo, Carolina Luna, Nstor Mendoza y Ana Uro, de Hijos Jujuy, fueron detenidos slo por portar un chaleco que se identifica con el secretario de Derechos Humanos de la Nacin, Horacio Pietragala, que das antes haba visitado la provincia ante la represin en la Quebrada de Humahuaca.

Esa Quebrada que en 2003 fue declarada por la Unesco como Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de la Humanidad y que hoy arde de bronca a lo largo de toda su extensin. El sbado 17 amaneci con represin en Purmamarca, en el corte de ruta que mantenan los pueblos originarios. Se repitieron cuatro represiones a lo largo del da. Hubo detenidos y heridos. Uno de ellos, de solo 17 aos (Mijael Lamas) perdi un ojo por el disparo de un polica.

Gerardo Morales lleg a la gobernacin con la promesa de eliminar los cortes de ruta que antes eran protagonizados por Milagro Sala. Consigui los votos de la clase media y lo primero que hizo fue meter presa a la dirigenta por acampar en Casa de Gobierno. Con mano dura, la provincia se mantuvo sin cortes hasta ahora.

La interrupcin de vas de circulacin lo obsesionan al radical. La prohibicin de los cortes de ruta es una conviccin, sostuvo en una conferencia de prensa que no lo fue porque casi no acept preguntas.

Foto: Luan Colectiva

Da de la Bandera, represin y el Apagn de Ledesma...


Philippines: Knowing Who Your Friends Are "IndyWatch Feed War"

On 3 April 2023, deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh announced the United States expanding into four new military sites in the Philippines.

In addition to the five existing sites, these new locations will strengthen the interoperability of the United States and Philippine armed forces and allow us to respond more seamlessly together to address a range of shared challenges in the Indo-Pacific region, including natural and humanitarian disasters, said Singh.

A day later, 4 April, the US embassy in the Philippines announced a joint US-Philippines military exercise, Balikatan-2023, to be held from April 11 to 28. It was billed as the largest military manoeuvres in the history of the Philippines, with more than 5,000 Philippine troops and more than 12,000 US troops taking part.

To anyone familiar with the world map, it jumps out immediately that the Philippines geographical proximity to Taiwan and the South China China is exactly what the US is looking for in its Pivot to Asia (specifically China): a location where the US can try and impose containment on China.

This realization was clear to China, and Chinas Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Yi responded guardedly: China has sent a signal to the Philippines to not allow third parties to sabotage the friendly relations between the two countries.

Helping Those in Need

More recently, on 16 June, the Philippines news website ran a piece on a request put out by Philippines president Ferdinand Bongbong Marcos Jr to help his country procure affordable fertilizer.

Did the US step up?

China stepped up and donated 20,000 metric tons of urea fertilizer to the Philippines.

This donation that came from China was a product of our request from all our friends around the world during the crisis when fertilizer well, what we are still feeling now when fertilizer prices went up and the availability was also because of the supply chain problems that we are experiencing with our usual suppliers and China did not t...


Gemini Links 22/06/2023: Zond 0.4.0 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal/Opinions

    • Politics and World Events

      • It all adds up

        I think it might seem that way by forgetting were all constantly lying/cheating/deceiving in gobs of little ways that seem harmless in and of themselves, especially when others arent looking (e.g. throw the cigarette butt out the car window), but integrated over time and masses appear as consequences incongruent with the nature of the underlying harmless in and of themselves ways.

        In other words, we posit *far* better actors as the individuals in crowds, therein becoming confounded when their collective behavior somehow doesnt reflect the individuals we posited.

    • Technology and Free Software

      • Internet/Gemini

        • Random Articles on Gemipedia

          I love getting feedback on the things I make. It absolutely makes my day. Its also a steady source of suggestions on how to improve things. Yesterday I got an email from Santiago asking to add a Random Article function to Gemipedia to use for discovery. This will redirect you to random articles on Wikipedia.

          So when I went to add a `GetRandomArticle()` method to our Wikipedia API client, I was surprised to find it already existed! Turns out, I had added this functionality last year without directly exposing it to the user and I had comple...


Paris explosion: More than 30 injured after blast "IndyWatch Feed World"

Thirty-seven people have been injured, four of them seriously, after a large explosion in central Paris. The blast took place in a building that housed a design school and the Catholic education system headquarters in Rue Saint-Jacques, in the fifth arrondissement of the French capital. Emergency workers are searching through the wreckage of the building, with one person still thought to be missing. According to witnesses, there was a strong smell of gas before the blast. Local deputy mayor, Edouard Civel, said on social media the cause was a "gas explosion". But authorities said the cause of the blast had not yet been determined.


One Year After The Dobbs Decision, The Supreme Court Is Still Under Attack "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Supreme Court in flamesThe coup against the court continues because Democrats, the Biden White House, and the DOJ gave it permission to.


Dual Channel POV Display also has Nixie Tubes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Whats a tachyscope? According to [Daniel Ross], it is an animated display from an alternate timeline circa 1880. The real ones, of course, didnt have LEDs and microcontrollers. The control unit looks like an old-timey radio, complete with Nixie tubes. The spinning part has blue and white LEDs, each accepting data from one of two serial ports. You can select to see data from one port, the other, or both. You can see the amazing contraction in the video below.

The LEDs are surface mounted and placed inside a glass test tube. Each display has its own processor. The project appears to have a PCB, but it is just a piece of fiberglass with a color print on top of it and holes drilled with a rotary tool. The board has no actual conductors everything is point-to-point wiring. The base of the unit is old cookware. The slip ring is pretty interesting, too. It uses an old video tape head, D-cell batteries cut up, and contacts from a relay.

You might remember [Daniel] from his steampunk Victorian computer project, including a punk teletype and a magic eye tube. If you want some theory on these kinds of displays, we can help. If you just want a s...


Del racismo a la inminente migracin del norte global "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Cuando el calor se extiende por todos lados, incluso por aquellos pases mal llamados de primer mundoc resulta evidente una realidad cada vez menos lejana, que los habitantes de stos lugares tengan que hacer aquello que condenan: migrar para sobrevivir.

Resulta irnico que comencemos a presenciar amplios desplazamientos en el norte global detonados por desastres resultantes de catstrofes naturales, de acuerdo con el Centro de Monitoreo de Desplazamientos Internos ms de medio milln personas en Estados Unidos, 45 mil desplazamientos en Francia por los mismos motivos , lo que lleva inevitablemente a ver el modo en que los migrantes son tratados en stos pases no solo por los gobiernos y funcionarios estatales sino por sociedades que cada vez se muestran ms racistas. El fortalecimiento de la derecha en Europa y la implementacin de estrategias de control social que se enfocan en mover el odio contra el diferente, el otroa, el okupa, el rebelde, mediante justificaciones como la seguridad y la proteccin del patrimonio personal y privado han llevado a tener en ste momento las peores condiciones para enfrentar la catstrofe del calentamiento global.

La xenofobia y las prcticas extractivistas promovidas por corporaciones del norte global en el sur del planeta son la formula para la destruccin, para nuestra extincin paulatina. Morimos con la naturaleza que agoniza, ardemos con los rboles y la tierra.

La derecha es conocida por su posicin negacionista respecto al calentamiento global y por su postura racista acerca del origen de la migracin, as como por su negacin sobre la deuda del Primer mundo con los pases de origen.

En Amrica Latina, aunque an hay amplios sectores que perpetan la lgica destructiva y desechable del ambiente, ha comenzado a haber ms conciencia acerca de la urgencia de cambiar el modo en que nos relacionamos con el medio ambiente. La enseanza de los pueblos indgenas sobre la conexin entre el medio ambiente y la vida social y comunitaria es central en la presencia latente y floreciente de ese modo de ver sta relacin. Aunque prevalece la tendencia, sobretodo urbana de que los cambios deben ser individuales existe una mayor conciencia sobre la necesidad de cuidar el agua, existe porque la carencia y el modo en que se estn agotando los recursos naturales es cada vez ms visible, se padece, se constata en el cuerpo.

En Europa los recursos naturales an parecen abundantes, el agua se derrocha, el modo en que se consume y desecha refleja que la conciencia de la conexin humana con la tierra y el medioambiente es lejana, minoritaria. El calor, el aumento de temperaturas, la sequa son los sntomas que no se pueden ocultar, pero que paradjicamente parecen invisibles. Comienza a haber migraciones...


Tesla hacker discovers secret Elon Mode for hands-free Full Self-Driving "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A Tesla software hacker has found an Elon Mode driving feature that seems to allow Tesla vehicles with Full Self-Driving to operate without any driver monitoring.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk might have his very own supersecret driver mode that enables hands-free driving in Tesla vehicles.

The hidden feature, aptly named Elon Mode, was discovered by a Tesla software hacker known online as @greentheonly. The anonymous hacker has dug deep into the vehicle code for years and uncovered things like how Tesla can lock you out of using your power seats or the center camera in the Model 3 before it was officially activated.

After finding and enabling Elon Mode, greentheonly ventured out to test the system More.

Elon Musk might be driving FSD hands-free.


Robots have developed the skill to learn "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new model will allow robots to mimic human actions fast. Scientists are using this model to train robots so that they could do daily chores just like the way we do.

Are you among those who often dream of a day when a robot will do all the everyday household chores for you? A team of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) has figured out how to turn your dream into reality.

In their latest study, they proposed a model that allowed them to train robots to do household tasks by showing them videos of people doing ordinary activities in their homes, like picking up the phone, opening a drawer, etc.


Microsoft places its bets on quantum computing "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Microsoft today announced its roadmap for building its own quantum supercomputer, using the topological qubits the companys researchers have been working on for quite a few years now. There are still plenty of intermediary milestones to be reached, but Krysta Svore, Microsofts VP of advanced quantum development, told us that the company believes that it will take fewer than 10 years to build a quantum supercomputer using these qubits that will be able to perform a reliable one million quantum operations per second. Thats a new measurement Microsoft is introducing as the overall industry aims to move beyond the current era of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computing.

We think More.

At its Ignite conference, Microsoft today put its stake in the ground and discussed its progress in building a quantum computer and giving developers tools to experiment with this new computing paradigm on their existing machines.

Theres a lot to untangle here, and few people will claim that they understand the details of quantum computing. What Microsoft has done, though, is focus on a different aspect of how quantum computing can work and that may just allow it to get a jump on IBM, Google and other competitors that are also looking at this space. The main difference between what Microsoft is doing is that its system is based on advances in topology that the company previously discussed. Most of the theoretical work behind this comes from Fields Medal-recipient Michael Freedman, who joined Microsoft Research in 1997, and his team.

What topology does is that it gives you this ability to have much better fidelity, Microsofts corporate vice president for quantum research Todd Holmdahl told me. If you look at our competitors, some of them have three nines of fidelity and we could be at a thousand or ten thousand times that. That means a logical qubit, we could potentially implement it with 10 physical qubits. What the team essentially did is use Freedmans theories to implement the error correction thats so central to quan...


DeepMinds co-founder suggested testing an AI chatbots ability to turn $100,000 into $1 million to measure human-like intelligence "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

DeepMinds co-founder believes the Turing test is an outdated method to test AI intelligence. In his book, he suggests a new idea in which AI chatbots have to turn $100,000 into $1 million.

A co-founder of Googles AI research lab DeepMind thinks AI chatbots like ChatGPT should be tested on their ability to turn $100,000 into $1 million in a modern Turing test that measures human-like intelligence.

Mustafa Suleyman, formerly head of applied AI at DeepMind and now CEO and co-founder of Inflection AI, is releasing a new book called The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Centurys Greatest Dilemma.

Mustafa Suleyman said the original Turing Test is outdated because its unclear whether its a meaningful milestone for AI intelligence anymore.


Brain noise doesnt explain consciousness "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The foremost physiological effect of psychedelics in the brain is to significantly reduce activity in multiple brain areas, which contradicts the mainstream reductionist expectation. Physicalist neuroscientists have proposed that an increase in brain noise explains the subjective richness of a psychedelic experience, but a psychedelic experience isnt akin to TV static, argues Bernardo Kastrup.

Before 2012, the generally accepted wisdom in neuroscience was that psychedelic substanceswhich lead to unfathomably rich experiential statesstimulate neuronal activity and light up the brain like a Christmas tree. Modern neuroimaging, however, now shows that they do precisely the opposite: the foremost physiological effect of psychedelics in the brain is to significantly reduce activity in multiple brain areas, while increasing it nowhere in the brain beyond measurement error. This has been consistently demonstrated for multiple psychedelic substances (psilocybin, LSD, DMT), with the use of multiple neuroimaging technologies (EEG, MEG, fMRI), and by a variety of different research groups (in Switzerland, Brazil, the United Kingdom, etc.). Neuroscientist Prof. Edward F. Kelly and I published an essay on Scientific American providing an overview of, and references to, many of these studies.

These results contradict the mainstream metaphysics of physicalism for obvious reasons: experience is supposed to be generated by metabolic neuronal activity. A dead person with no metabolism experiences nothing because their brain has no activity. A living person does because their brain does have metabolic activityor so the story goes. And since neuronal activity supposedly causes experiences, there can be nothing to experience but what can be traced back to patterns of neuronal activity (otherwise, one would have to speak of disembodied experience). Ergo, richer, more intense experiencesuch as the psychedelic stateshould be accompanied by increased activity somewhere in the brain; for it is this increase that supposedly causes the increased richness and intensity of the experience.


A New Lab-Grown Meat Factory in Spain Will Churn Out 1,000 Metric Tons of Beef Per Year "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cultured meat starts with the extraction of cells from an animals tissue, be it a pig, cow, chicken, fish, or any other animal we consume. The cell extraction doesnt kill or even harm the animal. The cells are mixed with a cocktail of nutrients, oxygen, and moisture inside large bioreactors. Mimicking the environment inside an animals body, the bioreactors are kept at a warm temperature, and the cells inside divide, multiply, and mature. Waste products are regularly removed to keep the environment pure.

Once the cells have reached maturitythat is, grown into small chunks of muscle-like materialtheyre harvested from the bioreactors to be refined and shaped into a final product. This can involve anything from extrusion cooking and molding to 3D printing and adding in artificial fat.

JBS says the factory its building in Spain will be able to produce more than 1,000 metric tons of cultivated beef per year, and could expand capacity to 4,000 metric tons per year in the medium term. Thats smaller than Believer Meats facility in the US, which will have an annual production capacity of 10,000 metric tons. But whats noteworthy about the JBS factory is that its focused on producing beef.


The Overview Effect: It will transform how you think forever "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

On this day 52 years ago, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the Moon. Heres what they said about The Overview Effect and how it transforms the way you think forever.

Have you heard of the overview effect? Its an interesting phenomenon that, for the time being, is exclusively reserved for astronauts. It refers to the overwhelming feeling astronauts get when witnessing for the first time the Earth from space.

It was first experienced by Yuri Gagarin in April 1961 when he became the first human to orbit the Earth. The event led him to marvel at Earths beauty, saying, People of the world, let us safeguard and enhance this beauty, and not destroy it.

Eight years later, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, all astronauts walking on the Moon, also reported feeling a profound and stunning sense of clarity when first witnessing the Earth from so far.

Michael Collins described his experience, saying The thing that really surprised me was that it [Earth] projected an air of fragility. And why, I dont know to this day. I had a feeling its tiny, its shiny, its beautiful, its home, and its fragile.

You can imagine that this overview effect is important because it results in a tremendous desire to protect the Earth. But thats not the only reason. In our video, we explain why the overview effect is so important and how the term was first coined.


[$] Delegating privilege with BPF tokens "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The quest to enable limited use of BPF features in unprivileged processes continues. In the previous episode, an attempt to use authoritative Linux security module (LSM) hooks for this purpose was strongly rejected by the LSM developers. BPF developer Andrii Nakryiko has now returned with a new mechanism based on a privilege-conveying token. That approach, too, has run into some resistance, but a solution for the strongest concerns might be in sight.


Researchers released a PoC exploit for CVE-2023-20178 flaw in Cisco AnyConnect Secure "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code for high-severity vulnerability (CVE-2023-20178) in Cisco AnyConnect Secure was published online.

A security researcher has published a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code for the high-severity vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-20178 (CVSS score of 7.8), impacting Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client and Secure Client for Windows.

AnyConnect is a secure remote access VPN (Virtual Private Network) solution developed by Cisco Systems.AnyConnect is widely used by organizations to enable their employees or students to access internal resources and services from remote locations.

An attacker can trigger the vulnerability to elevate privileges to those of SYSTEM.

A vulnerability in the client update process of Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Software for Windows and Cisco Secure Client Software for Windows could allow a low-privileged, authenticated, local attacker to elevate privileges to those of SYSTEM. The client update process is executed after a successful VPN connection is established. reads the advisory published by the company. This vulnerability exists because improper permissions are assigned to a temporary directory that is created during the update process. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by abusing a specific function of the Windows installer process. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to execute code with SYSTEM privileges.

The experts pointed out that during the software update process, a temporary folder is created to store copies of files that are being modified. The operation is performed to allow a rollback operation if the case of failure of the installation process.

A threat actor can use an exploit to start an update process that creates a temporary folder, then it can trigger a rollback process. At this point, the attacker code can store malicious files in the temporary folder to achieve their execution.

Cisco credited the researcher Filip Dragovic for reporting the CVE-2023-20178, the expert also released a PoC that triggers an arbitrary file delete with System privileges.

When a user connect to vpn, vpndownloader.exe process is started in background and it will create directory in c:\windows\temp with default permissions in following format: .tmp...


Why China ignores the US "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Fernando Gaillardo New Eastern Outlook 22.06.2023

Beijing rejected Washingtons offer to conduct negotiations between Ministers of Defense on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue Summit against the background of mutual misunderstanding.

The Singapore Security Summit for many years has served as a neutral forum for discussing controversies in the Asia-Pacific region, where even outspoken opponents can meet and clarify their mutual grievances without sacrificing credibility. This is why the PRCs refusal to hold a meeting between Li Shangfu and Lloyd Austin has attracted increased global attention.

The formal reason for rejecting the request was that the Chinese Ministers of Defense was under US sanctions. Li Shangfu previously supervised the revamp of the PLA and promoted the purchase of Russian Su-35 fighter jets and S-400 air defense systems, which angered the Trump administration at the time.

Beijings neat diplomatic move is a camouflage for Washingtons complete disregard for Chinas foreign policy approaches and interests, including a hint of encroachment on sovereignty. US Air Force conducts about 1,000 surveillance missions per year near Chinas maritime borders, while checking the readiness of Chinese air defense forces. The Navy also seeks to come up big in its area of responsibility by regularly sending ships to areas contested by China. Remarkably, even during the persistent attempts of the State Department to organize a meeting at the forum, the ships coming from the US to Japan for exercises could not resist and circled around Taiwan, just in case.

The problem of the island that does not recognize Beijings authority is most revealing. Technically, the fact that Taiwan is part of the PRC was stated in The Joint Communiqu on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and USA, 1979, and then in the 1982 Communiqu, which reaffirmed the provisions of the previous document. The duplication was necessary because after the establishment of diplomatic relations with the PRC, the United States passed a separate law that allowed to continue to pour weapons into Taiwan and justifying its military presence without recognizing it as a state.

Washington constantly broadcasts an interest in reducing tensions or even resetting relations, but is it worth trusting a partner that is constantly looking for loopholes to avoid even documented agreements? Given the recent demarches, Beijing has decided that there is nothing to talk about with the United States.

A few days after the event, the US media reported that the ministers did meet and, allegedly, discussed pressing issues, but there was no coverage of the event by officials of either country. According to eyewitnesses the ministers,...


Instalan vallas en la Glorieta de las Mujeres que Luchan para colocar Joven de Amajac "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. Trabajadores de la Ciudad de Mxico colocaron en la madrugada vallas alrededor de la Glorieta de las Mujeres que Luchan, antes Glorieta de Coln, para imponer la estatua de la Joven de Amajac que la exjefa de gobierno Claudia Sheinbaum encomend al nuevo titular Mart Batres.

De acuerdo con informes preliminares, la estatua de piedra de la Joven de Amajac ser colocada enfrente de la Glorieta de las Mujeres que Luchan, instalada en septiembre de 2021 por colectivas y mujeres activistas para conmemorar a las defensoras de la tierra, madres buscadoras, vctimas de feminicidio y desaparicin, periodistas y mujeres luchadoras en el pas.

Los trabajadores de Obras y Servicios de la Ciudad de Mxico instalaron las vallas, retiraron luminarias e iniciaron los preparativos para colocar la estatua de la Joven de Amajac, que Sheinbaum pretendi imponer en lugar de la Glorieta de las Mujeres durante su gobierno.

El pasado 15 de junio, Sheinbaum encomend a Mart Batres en un evento pblico colocara la estatua en avenida de la Reforma, donde se encuentra la Glorieta.

En respuesta a su declaracin pblica, las mujeres que defienden la Glorieta sealaron que era evidente el enojo de Sheinbaum por no haber logrado imponer un proyecto que jams tuvo aceptacin y es ya un referente de su fracaso y tambin de su soberbia, y celebraron que gan la dignidad al impedir la imposicin de la escultura en su espacio de memoria.


The ramifications of EU efforts to isolate China "IndyWatch Feed War"

Press TV June 22, 2023

The European Commission is proposing a 10 billion fund to develop strategic technologies in order to become less dependent on high tech imports from China.

It also wants to block EU nations from dealing with China when it comes to so called sensitive technologies. The claim is that its to reduce risk.

It would appear that positive ties being advanced outside of the Wests control are putting Washington and Brussels on edge.

Trade between the EU and China is worth an incredible 2.3 billion euro per day. Some analysts believe the US is trying to scupper this vital economic link.

During recent European Parliament debates, lawmakers have heavily criticized the EUs policy towards Russia and China.

The fallout from energy sanctions against Moscow is severely harming EU citizens and businesses.

At a time of dire economic pressures, the European Commission wants to prioritize the government in Kyiv.

Analysts say vested interests in the United States are benefiting most from deteriorating EU-Russia and EU-China relations.

EU leaders are due to hold a summit at the end of next week to discuss the Commissions trade proposals.

Its already clear there are major concerns in member states because current arrangements with China are so lucrative.

It is reported that some EU countries believe the European Commission is overstepping the mark.


Then-first lady of US Virgin Islands worked for Jeffrey Epstein and helped get visas for his victims: court docs "IndyWatch Feed World"

The then-first lady of the US Virgin Islands was a well-paid employee of already convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and even helped him get visas "to bring victims to his island," according to court documents. The startling allegations about Cecile de Jongh were made by JPMorgan Chase in response to a lawsuit brought by the islands' attorney general over the banking giant's own years-long financial support of the now-dead pervert. In a filing Wednesday, the bank again made the accusation that the islands' "government officials actively facilitated Epstein's crimes" with the first lady "his 'primary conduit' for spreading money and influence." De Jongh ran Epstein's business operations for several years including when her husband, John de Jongh, was the territory's governor, noted the filing, which included dozens of emails. In 2007 the year her husband took office de Jongh was paid $200,000 in salary and bonuses by Epstein, who also paid for the power couple's kids'...


Linux Foundation Has New Report About Open But It Uses Proprietary Software on Proprietary Platform "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Published this week (yesterday):

Contractor of LF, 2.5 million dollars a year

Contractor links to this:

LF Energy greenwash openwash

Mind the wording again (chain of pages):

On open source at LF

Notice how they made this report:

Very open... Apple and Adobe

From the body of the report:

Microsoft and Shell are strategic members... for openwashing and greenwashing

Summary: The Linux Foundation is like an animal charity where the administrators eat meat; they keep talking about Open Source, but nobody there seems to be adopting it; theyre just using Linux for openwashing and greenwashing, even for Microsoft


Ecological doom loops edging closer "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Ecological doom loops edging closer

brendan 22nd June 2023
Teaser Media


MUSK Vs. ZUCK! But Something BIGGER Is UNDENIABLE! "IndyWatch Feed World"

This report explains whats going on with Musk and Zuckerberg but also delves into something that is much bigger.

The post MUSK Vs. ZUCK! But Something BIGGER Is UNDENIABLE! appeared first on We Are Change.


EU Transfers to Ukraine Another $1.6Bln in Financial Assistance Von der Leyen "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sputnik 22.06.2023

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Thursday the European Union have transferred to Ukraine another 1.5 billion euros ($1.6 billion) in financial assistance to support its infrastructure.

Today we disburse another 1.5 bn for Ukraine in macro-financial assistance. We help keep Ukraines services and infrastructure afloat in its brave fight for freedom, von der Leyen tweeted.

She also promised to give Kiev more money, recalling the recently announced 50 billion euros of four-year financial reserves for Ukraine.

The head of the commission reiterated the EU was willing to provide Kiev with long haul support.

Earlier, the European Commission has reviewed the draft EU budget for the 2024-2027 period and asked member states to increase it by 66 billion euros ($72 billion), mostly to fund assistance for Ukraine.

Western countries have supplied Ukraine with military aid since the start of hostilities in February 2022. The support evolved from lighter artillery munitions and training in 2022 to heavier weapons, including tanks, later that year and in 2023.


New emails show COVID vaccine mandates were based on a lie "IndyWatch Feed World"

It is not uncommon for politicians or bureaucrats to lie. What seems to be unique, though, is just how common and consequential the lies were during the COVID pandemic. On Monday, we got a bombshell. New documents indicate the entire justification for vaccine mandates was based on a falsehood and that public health officials knew it. Emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and former NIH Director Francis Collins were aware of, and discussed, "breakthrough cases" of COVID in January 2021 right when the vaccines became widely available. In her email, Walensky says that "clearly," it is an "important area of study," links to a study raising the issue, and assures the person she is sending it to that Dr. Anthony Fauci is looped into these conversations.


AlmaLinux Figuring Out Path Forward Following RHEL Source Code Policy Change "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AlmaLinux, the popular community-oriented distribution that was established following Red Hat's decision to discontinue development on CentOS (non-Stream) and is backed by AMD and other organizations, is trying to chart its path forward following Red Hat's latest curve ball...


Latest news from the front "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Gilbert Doctorow | June 22, 2023

This mornings edition of the news and discussion program Sixty Minutes on Russian state television opened with the now traditional montage of excerpts from U.S. television reporting on transgender  issues. Today this was the latest court decisions on state legislation banning sex change operations in children. That sort of material is now the daily filler on Russian news, providing a nice distraction from the misery of war and a clear demonstration of what degenerates the Americans have become.

However, this distraction was cut short and ten minutes into the program we were shown live images of the ongoing meeting of the RF Security Council chaired by Vladimir Putin. The meeting was virtual not in-person. The President was seated at his desk in his Kremlin office with the other participants shown on television monitors. We caught the moment when Defense Minister Shoigu was reporting to Putin on the summary results of the fighting since the start of the Ukrainian counter-offensive at the start of the month: 246 Ukrainian tanks, including13 German Leopards, have been destroyed and a bit more than 13,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed. Yes, killed. In addition there must be the injured.

This, of course, was the part of the session fit for public dissemination. What really brought the Council together today was something else: to consider Russias response to latest developments in the war zone, namely the Ukrainians destruction yesterday of several bridges connecting the Kherson oblast under Russian control to the Crimea. It has already been determined that the attackers used the British supplied cruise missiles Storm Shadow. This looks very much like the tripwire that Shoigu had in mind a couple of days ago when he said that Russia will bomb the decision making center in Kiev if its territory is attacked. So we may well expect something to happen now.

Then there was surely another issue on the table arising from developments described in a 5-minute report by a journalist with the German Bild magazine which the Russians put up on the screen. His televised report was devoted to the consequences of the explosion at the Kakhovka dam and the emptying of the vast reservoir behind it, which, per the journalist was, as measured in square kilometers, larger than the Berlin metropolitan area.

After opening his remarks with the Hail Mary assertion that the Russians were responsible for this disaster, he went on to describe very persuasively why the emptying of the reservoir now serves Ukrainian military interests perfectly. Most of the land which had been under water is now dry and can very likely support tanks. In the new conditions, the distance separating Ukrainian and Russian forces...


Distribution Release: Proxmox 8.0 "Virtual Environment" "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Proxmox is a commercial company offering specialised products based on Debian GNU/Linux. the company's latest release is Proxmox 8.0 "Virtual Environment" which is based on Debian 12. The release announcement lists new features in the distribution: "We're very excited to announce the major release 8.0 of Proxmox Virtual....


Carbon Dioxide Storage Underground Raises Many Questions [Expensive] "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

<div class="wp-caption alignleft" id="attachment_45849" style= "width: 300px;"><a href= ""> <img alt="" class="size-medium wp-image-45849" height="199" src= "" title="3B7D9544-5B6E-47B1-A240-5F484CD65FD3" width="300"></a> <p class="wp-caption-text">Louisiana under study for storing CO2 underground</p> </div> <strong>Federally-funded carbon waste disposal projects ignite opposition</strong> <p>From an <a href="">Article of the Oil & Gas Watch Newsletter, June 21, 2023

GRAND ISLE, Louisiana This barrier island reaches like a spindly crab leg more than 50 miles out into the Mississippi River Delta south of New Orleans, with a row of fishing cabins perched atop 10-foot pilings and shrimp boats trawling offshore near oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico.</p> <p>The delicate lacework of wetlands that produce those shrimp have long been under assault from climate change and oil and gas development. But now the wetlands here are facing a new threat: a federally-funded project to combat climate change.</p> <p>A Dallas-based called company called Cox Oil recently received federal funding to help build a 110-mile carbon dioxide pipeline from petrochemical plants in Geismar, Louisiana, to Grand Isle. The idea is to bury the chemical factory pollution up to 300 million metric tons of carbon dioxide captured from smokestacks, then cooled into a liquid state in depleted oil wells beneath the floor of the Gulf of Mexico offshore of this barrier island.</p> <p>The so-called Louisiana Offshore CO2 Hub project received $8.4 million from the Biden Administration on May 22. An added financial boost for Cox a struggling company operating in Chapter 11 bankruptcy is that it and its partners will be able to use the liquid carbon to blast more oil and gas out of the ground, a process called enhanced oil recovery, a Cox presentation on the project explains.</p> <p>The carbon storage project is one of at least 27 proposed in Louisiana and more than 100 nationally because of billions of dollars in federal carbon capture subsidies that were included as part of the Inflation Reduction Act signed by President Biden.</p> <p><a href= ""> Keep Reading This Article .</a></p>


Do Unjust Systems Want Student Debts to Continue Forever? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Ever-Widening War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Seagrass Meadows Decline in Every Climate Scenario in Stanford Study "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

<p><a href= ""> Seagrasses</a> are ancient <a href= "">plants</a> that evolved in the <a href= "">ocean</a> before moving to <a href= "">land</a> and then back to sea about 140 million years ago, according to a <a href= ",network%20of%20marine%20protected%20areas."> Stanford University</a> press release.</p> <p>Lying just below the surface of the coastal tides, <a href= "">seagrass meadows</a> remove <a href= ",Carbon%20Dioxide%20From%20Human%20Breath%20Can%20Be%20Used,for%20Rooftop%20Gardens%2C%20Scientists%20Say&text=Founded%20in%202005%20as%20an,issues%2C%20causes%2C%20and%20solutions."> carbon dioxide</a> from the air and produce the oxygen essential to life on Earth.</p> <p><a href= "">Manatees</a>, <a href="">sea turtles</a> and other herbivores graze on seagrasses, and they provide shelter for <a href= "">fish</a>, shrimp and marine invertebrates. About 20 percent of the biggest commercial fisheries in the world use them as nurseries.</p> <div class="further-reading"> <div class="reading-content"> <div class="reading-title">More From EcoWatch</div> <ul> <li><a href= "">How Well Does Solar Hold Up in Extreme Weather?</a></li> <li><a href= ""> What Are the Best Solar Panels for Hot Climates?</a></li> <li><a href= "">What Is Solar Energy & How Does it Work?

In a new study from Stanford, researchers modeled seagrass species distribution worldwide at two separate timepoints in the future and found that these underwater savannahs may be in peril.</p> <p>Marine species are predicted to be greatly affected by <a href= "">climate change</a>, partially due to the fact that oceans absorb about 80 percent of the excess heat created by <a href= "https://ww...


Feature Photo: Woman stands in a doorway at the Quilombola community of Angelim II, Esprito Santo state, Brazil. "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Feature Photo: Woman stands in a doorway at the Quilombola community of Angelim II, Esprito Santo state, Brazil (May, 2023).     This photo was taken on a fact finding delegation by the Campaign to STOP Genetically Engineered Trees in the states of Esprito Santo, Bahia and Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The delegation was organized by Global []

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Turkey, Syria Agreed On Russian Roadmap To Normalize Relations "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey, Syria Agreed On Russian Roadmap To Normalize Relations

ILE IMAGE: imal Mldr Anadolu Ajans

Turkey, Syria and Iran have agreed with the concept of a road map submitted by Russia to normalize relations between Ankara and Damascus, Russias special presidential envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentyev told Sputnik on June 22.

Work on the roadmap draft began after a meeting between the foreign ministers of Russia, Turkiye, Syria and Iran that was held in Moscow on May 10. Deputy foreign ministers of the four countries met in Astana on June 20 to discuss the draft.

All parties generally agreed with the concept of a road map to advance the process of normalizing relations and expressed their views and proposals. Now they need to be systematized and coordinated, Lavrentyev said.

The senior diplomat noted however that progress in the Turkish-Syrian normalization process would take some time.

The most important thing is that the process is moving forward, and there is progress. It cannot be delayed much, everyone agreed with this, Lavrentyev said.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the roadmap prioritized restoring the Syrian governments control throughout the country, ensuring the security of the Syrian-Turkish border and eliminating the possibility of cross-border attacks or terrorist infiltration.

While the Syrian-Turkish normalization process is clearly moving forward, an agreement between Ankara and Damascus does not appear to be near.

Earlier this month, several Syrian soldiers were killed in Turkish artillery and drone strikes that targeted areas in northern Syria held by Kurdish forces considered by Ankara to be terrorist groups. In response, Damascus deployed a large force in the region.



In-depth: How climate change affects health in Africa "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Africa is uniquely vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, tens of millions of Africans are already feeling the negative health impacts of climate change, in the form of heat stress, extreme weather and increased transmission of infectious disease. 

However, research on the continent faces severe challenges due to a lack of funding and access to data. 

Last week, a range of stakeholders academics from both climate science and health science, as well as policymakers, humanitarian workers and more gathered at the American Geophysical Unions headquarters in Washington DC for the Chapman Conference on Climate and Health for Africa

More than 120 participants from 24 countries attended the meeting, with presentations ranging from the effects of extreme heat on maternal health and the climate drivers of malaria through to local perceptions of climate change and regional down-scaling of climate models. 

Carbon Brief attended the conference and has captured and summarised key messages from the research community, policymakers and health professionals as well as directions the group identified for future work. 

Climate and health: an overview

On the first day of the conference, attendees heard presentations laying out a range of ways that climate change impacts health

In one of the opening plenaries, Dr Rick Spinrad, the US National Oceanic and Atmospher...


Musk picks location for 'cage match' with Zuckerberg "IndyWatch Feed World"

Twitter owner and Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Facebook parent Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg may meet in Las Vegas for a high-profile "cage match." The two billionaires have been exchanging barbs on social media throughout the past week, over Zuckerberg's plans to launch a Twitter rival. The tete-a-tete began with Musk's reply to a tweet from Mario Nawfal from International Blockchain Consulting on June 20, who wrote "META to Release 'Twitter Rival' Called THREADS." Threads will reportedly be a standalone, text-based social network app that Meta plans to launch through Instagram to challenge Twitter. Musk responded to the tweet with: "I'm sure Earth can't wait to be exclusively under Zuck's thumb with no other options. At least it will be 'sane.' Was worried there for a moment."


Security updates for Thursday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (avahi, hsqldb, hsqldb1.8.0, minidlna, trafficserver, and xmltooling), Oracle (.NET 6.0, .NET 7.0, 18, c-ares, firefox, kernel, less, libtiff, libvirt, python, python3.11, texlive, and thunderbird), Red Hat (c-ares, kernel, kernel-rt, kpatch-patch, less, libtiff, libvirt, openssl, and postgresql), Slackware (bind and kernel), SUSE (bluez, curl, geoipupdate, kernel, netty, netty-tcnative, ntp, open-vm-tools, php8, python-reportlab, rustup, Salt, salt, terraform-provider-aws, terraform-provider-null, and webkit2gtk3), and Ubuntu (bind9, linux-aws, linux-azure, linux-bluefield, linux-gcp, linux-gke, linux-gkeop, linux-ibm, linux-kvm, linux-oracle, linux-raspi, linux-azure, linux-gcp, linux-ibm, linux-kvm, linux-oracle, and linux-ibm).


Daniel Ellsberg: A Fathers Legacy to His Son and His Country "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Google Cloud Launches New AI-Powered Anti-Money-Laundering Product For Big Banks "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden Money laundering is a major issue for financial institutions. Banks have long relied on humans to monitor rules-based systems that detect suspicious...

Google Cloud Launches New AI-Powered Anti-Money-Laundering Product For Big Banks


The Art of Diplomacy: Biden Blows Up Blinkens Mission to China "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Forecast for the First Half of Summer "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

 Since summer just arrived, it is natural to examine the extended forecasts for the first portion of our warm season.

There is substantial forecast skill for the next ten days, particularly if one examines the ensemble of many predictions of the best forecasting system in the world:  the European Center.    

Below is the EC prediction for precipitation (the difference from normal) for the next 10 days. Drier than normal over western Washington, but near normal over California and east of the Cascade crest.   This is good:  the areas of historical wildfires expect to have near-normal precipitation.

For temperature, most of the West will be cooler than normal, except for western Washington and BC, as well as the Columbia Valley, with the warm areas of Washington being only modestly above normal.  We have seen a lot of this pattern during spring.

Turning to the longer time range, let's examine the international seasonal ensemble system combining many leading long-range models (IMME).   For July it is going for near-normal precipitation...


Sweden wins with lowest pandemic mortality in Europe, BBC analysis shows "IndyWatch Feed World"

Sweden, having famously refused to follow the world in imposing lockdowns and mask mandates in 2020, had the best Covid pandemic record in Europe, a new analysis by the BBC shows. The U.K., meanwhile, had one of the worst over the three years from March 2020 to February 2023.


Climate change and moisture recycling in the Amazon "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Starting in the 1990s, ecosystem ecologists and atmospheric scientists in the Brazilian space agency embarked on a sophisticated collaboration with NASA and other international research institutions; their goal was to understand and model the interactions between the atmosphere, the ocean and the forest ecosystem. They collected data using instruments mounted on satellites, airborne platforms and canopy towers, a collaboration that discovered how cyclical anomalies in ocean temperatures, such as El Nio/La Nia, drive the decadal-scale droughts and floods that impact the Amazon. Their most important finding was to elucidate how tropical forests recycle water between the surface and the upper troposphere via a process known as deep convection; sometimes referred to as a biotic pump; this natural system maintains the high precipitation that defines the Amazon rainforest. The South American Monsoon is established and controlled by the rotation of the Earth, the seasonal shift of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), the height of the Andes, and atmospheric pressure gradients driven by temperature differences across the South American land mass. Data source: Marwan, N. and J. Kurths. 2015. Complex network based techniques to identify extreme events and (sudden) transitions in spatio-temporal systems. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 25 (9): 097609. The impacts of deforestation, forest fragmentation and forest degradation are all weakening water recycling, and this is enhancing the intensity and frequency of seasonal and interannual drought. The risk is particularly acute in the Southern Amazon, a climatic transition zone where subtle shifts in ecological succession can determineThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Amazon under fire from the FTC and Bernie Sanders "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

One of the best appointments that Joe Biden made is that of Lina Khan to head the Federal Trade Commission. She is a vigorous enforcer of anti-trust laws and unfair trade practices and the FTC has just announced a new lawsuit against the company for unfair practices after winning another lawsuit.

The FTC, the US agency charged with consumer protection, filed a federal lawsuit in Seattle, where Amazon is headquartered, alleging that the tech behemoth knowingly duped millions of consumers into unknowingly enrolling in Amazon Prime through a secret project internally called Iliad.

The lawsuit marks the first time the agency has brought Amazon to court since its chair, Lina Khan, took the helm in 2021. Khan, a former antitrust scholar, has been widely expected to take a harder line on tech firms that have for years enjoyed unabated growth and little regulation.

In its complaint, the FTC said Amazon used manipulative, coercive or deceptive user-interface designs known as dark patterns to trick consumers into enrolling in automatically renewing Prime subscriptions.

It said the option to purchase items on Amazon without subscribing to Prime was more difficult in many cases. It also said that consumers were sometimes presented with a button to complete their transactions which did not clearly state it would also enroll them into Prime.

The FTC said that one of Amazons primary business goals and the primary business goal of Prime is increasing subscriber numbers. Antitrust advocates and big tech watchdogs applauded the move and called for more action against the e-commerce giant.

Amazons monopoly over online shopping has resulted in a race to the bottom for the rest of us violating our privacy, scamming us into keeping Prime memberships, and blocking us from even seeing the best available products, said Kyle Morse, deputy executive director of the Tech Oversight Project, a non-profit watchdog organization. Jeff Bezos and Amazon represent the very worst of big tech, and their contempt for their customers is glaringly obvious in how they conduct business.

The lawsuit follows another Amazon-related win by the FTC just a few weeks ago. Earlier this month, Amazon agreed to pay a $25m civil penalty to settle allegations it violated a child privacy law for storing kids voice and location data recorded by its popular Alexa voice assistant. It also agreed to pay $5.8m in customer refunds for alleged privacy violations involving its doorbell camera Ring.

Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders, chair of the influential Senate committee on health, education, labor and pension (HELP), has la...


At least 80 injured as golf-ball-sized hail pelts crowd at Colorado's Red Rocks Amphitheatre "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least 80 people were injured Wednesday evening during an outdoor Louis Tomlinson concert in Colorado when a storm carrying golf-ball-sized hail moved over the stadium and relentlessly pelted the crowd. Medics raced to the Red Rocks Amphitheater just after 9 p.m. to find 80 to 90 people injured - mostly cuts but some victims with broken bones, according to West Metro Fire. Seven people were taken to a local hospital for treatment. Videos from the crowd show a chaotic scene as people were struck by the hail, with victims showing off multiple welts and bruises as hail piled up on the ground and torrential rains instantly turned parts of the stadium into raging rivers.


Is Putin Bluffing on Redlines? Ask Putin. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Video: The Secret Post-War Transfer of Ukrainian Nazi SS to Britain and Canada "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Exabeam appoints Adam Geller as CEO "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Exabeam has unveiled that Adam Geller has been appointed as CEO. Michael DeCesare is stepping down as CEO and President, but will continue to serve as a Board advisor. Geller is a well-respected Silicon Valley leader who has built a 25-year career in the information security industry leading product teams that designed and delivered cutting-edge cybersecurity offerings. Under Gellers leadership as CPO for the last three years, Exabeam rearchitected its products to be cloud-native and More

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China Plans Its Own Megaconstellation To Challenge Starlink "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Satellite internet used to be a woeful thing. Early networks relied on satellites in geostationary orbits, with high latency and minimal bandwidth keeping user demand low. That was until Starlink came along, and provided high-speed, low-latency internet access using a fleet of thousands of satellites in Low Earth orbit.

Starlink has already ruffled feathers due to concerns around light pollution and space junk in particular. Now, it appears that China may be readying its own competing constellation to avoid being crowded out of low orbits by the increasingly-popular service.

Getting Crowded



5 Ways to Fight Cancer this Summer "IndyWatch Feed World"

June 23rd, 2023 By Charlene Bollinger Guest Writers for Wake Up World Summer is officially here! Pools are opening, schools are letting out, and the backyard BBQ has returned. If there ever was a time to get up, get going and GET OUTSIDE, this would be it! What are you doing this season to celebrate []

The post 5 Ways to Fight Cancer this Summer first appeared on Wake Up World.

Thursday, 22 June


Kids, 'drugs, sex toys,' dead man in South Boston apartment: 'Sickening' "IndyWatch Feed World"

Officials call for ramped-up inspections of public housing projects Four children living in squalid conditions while being hidden from first responders were found in an apartment filled with "alcohol, drugs, sex toys" and a dead man, according to an incident report and outraged officials. "This is sickening," said At-Large City Councilor Michael Flaherty. "I was informed by people at the scene that there were drugs, alcohol, sex toys all around the apartment as well as a dead body on the floor." That fire department report, obtained by the Herald and confirmed by police response, states that a BFD crew was sent to Old Colony Avenue Saturday morning for a call that a man had gone into cardiac arrest and required medical attention. That address is the Mary Ellen McCormack Housing complex run by the city. However, according to the incident report, firefighters found more than just a routine medical emergency. "The apartment was in extremely unsanitary conditions. Approximately 6...


Iranian press review: Turkeys new foreign minister under spotlight in Iran "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iranian press review: Turkeys new foreign minister under spotlight in Iran

Meanwhile, bootleg alcohol claims lives, climate migration hits poorest province, and neighbouring countries put a halt to buying Irans exported petrol
MEE correspondent Thu, 06/22/2023 - 14:58
Turkey's newly appointed foreign affairs minister, Hakan Fidan, waves goodbye to his predecessor after a handover ceremony in Ankara, 5 June 2023 (AFP)

Turkeys Hakan Fidan is focus of interest in Iran

Speculation continues in Iran over Turkeys new policies toward its neighbouring countries, just over one month after the re-election of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Last week, Farsi media focused on Turkeys newly appointed foreign minister, Hakan Fidan, and his role in shaping Ankaras foreign policy in recent years.

Before his appointment to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Fidan served for 13 years as the director of Turkeys National Intelligence Organisation.

The Telegram channel, Afsaran_ir, which is close to Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), welcomed the new appointment in Turkey, highlighting Fidans anti-Israel policies.

The channel claimed that Fidan had developed close ties with the IRGC after Israels forces raided the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in 2010.


KDE's KWin Begins Plotting Path To Vulkan Support "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Going back a few years there has been experimental development around a Vulkan back-end for KDE's KWin compositor while now a road-map is being formalized for actually bringing Vulkan support to fruition...


Promoting Israeli Apartheid in Canadian Schools Not Okay "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Pentagon Says Accounting Error Provides Extra $6.2 Billion in Ukraine Military Aid "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Daniel Ellsberg Is Lauded in Death by the Same Media that Lets Assange Rot in Jail "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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TSP2021: The Dong with the Luminous Nose "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Dong with the Luminous Nose. Jonny Phillips. 2021.

I was unable to locate this film anywhere for my Tilda Swinton project. If somebody knows where it can be found (either in some physical format or online), please let me know.


Summer flooding and hailstorms devastate northern Murcia, Spain "IndyWatch Feed World"

Just when it seemed the rainy season was over, the heavy precipitation led the Argos River to overflow in Caravaca de la Cruz and Cehegn, and there were 26 separate calls to emergency services for flooding in people's homes. According to the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), in the area around Caravaca up to 41 litres of water were recorded in just one hour and 11.6 litres in just 10 minutes, causing the rains to wash away several rubbish containers, while hailstones "as big as golf balls," according to one witness also caused heavy damage to the peach, almond and apricot orchards.


Bob Ballard on finding the Titanic and his search for Amelia Earhart "IndyWatch Feed War"

Video Title: Bob Ballard on finding the Titanic and his search for Amelia Earhart | Rhode Island PBS Weekly. Source: WSBE Rhode Island PBS. Date Published: April 30, 2023. Description: 

Pamela Watts' in-depth interview with University of Rhode Island Oceanographer Bob Ballard, who recounts finding the Titanic in 1985, which was flanked between two nuclear submarines. Now in his 80s, hes still on the hunt--exploring new worlds and unraveling some of historys most-puzzling mysteries, including what may have happened to aviator Amelia Earhart.


Zelensky Admits Progress in Counteroffensive Slower Than Desired, Divisions within NATO "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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<Homer drooling noises> "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Look at that fish!

Its beautiful. Thats the only thing I care about in this photo I want someone to buy me a fishing junket to Alaska. My dad managed to make a few salmon fishing trips in his last years, and I think they made him happy.

By the way, the guy on the right is a supreme court judge. He got flown on a private plane to this fishing camp, with a billionaire, Paul Singer, footing the $100,000 bill. It paid for Singer to do that, since he had several cases before the court, and got favorable rulings. That fish is a bribe.

Its looking like Leonard Leo, the Federalist Society goon, is hooking up each Supreme Court appointee with their very own billionaire sugar daddy. Clarence Thomas got one, Sam Alito got one, I wonder whose patronage each of the other judges got? Somebody had to have paid off Kavanaughs loans. Id like to know who. Let us know who bought each member of the Supreme Court.

Still, that is a magnificent King Salmon. Thats the price of a corrupt judge? OK, maybe some ethics rules would be good.


Civil Society Groups Warn About EU Digital ID Wallet Privacy, Discrimination Risks "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Re: CVE-2023-31975: memory leak in yasm "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Demi Marie Obenour on Jun 22

glibc exports a function for this exact purpose, and sanitizers call it
precisely to avoid false leak reports. Static analyzers can also be
told to act as if that function is called.


Apple issues fix for zero-day flaws used in spy attacks against Kaspersky. Patch now! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If you have an Apple computer, watch, or smartphone you have hopefully already received a notification that you should install an update to your operating system. And yes, you really should update your devices.


China hits back at Biden over 'dictator Xi' comments "IndyWatch Feed World"

The US president's remarks are "absurd" and amount to "an open political provocation," the Chinese Foreign Ministry has said Beijing has pushed back against remarks by US President Joe Biden referring to Chinese leader Xi Jinping as "a dictator," claiming that the statements are outright offensive. Speaking on Tuesday at a fundraiser in California, Biden addressed the controversy surrounding a Chinese balloon that entered US airspace earlier this year, suggesting that Xi did not know the vessel was even there. "That's a great embarrassment for dictators. When they didn't know what happened. That [balloon] wasn't supposed to be going where it was. It was blown off course," he said at the time. On Wednesday, speaking at a regular press conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning described the remarks as "extremely absurd," adding that they "seriously violated China's political dignity." She said that such statements also violate diplomatic etiquette and contradict basic...


Ukraines Long Road to Potential Admission to NATO "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Indonesia to expand smart fisheries program aimed at empowering communities "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

JAKARTA Small-scale and traditional fishers make the greatest contribution to Indonesias total fish production, driving the countrys rise as one of the worlds top fishing nations. In an effort to strengthen this base, the government is expanding a modernization program that should help fishers boost their productivity, achieve sustainability standards, and improve their overall socioeconomic welfare. The so-called smart fisheries village (SFV) program was initially introduced in 22 fishing communities, according to the Indonesian fisheries ministry. Outside its main fishery focus, the expanded program will also integrate aspects of tourism, banking, telecommunications and agriculture to support the development of the participating communities. Indonesia harvested 84.4 million metric tons of seafood in 2018, making it one of the biggest marine capture producers in the world, according to the U.N.s Food and Agriculture Organization. The fisheries sector employs about 12 million Indonesians, with most of the fleet today, about 650,000 vessels, operated by small-scale and traditional fishers. The concept is not us giving help, but providing the leverage that these villages can use to develop and become intelligent or smart together to boost the villages economy, fisheries minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said in a statement. Officials and residents kick off the smart fisheries village program in a community in South Sumatra province. Image courtesy of the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. Most of the initial batch of smart fisheries villages are on the island of Java. Other areas are in South Sumatra and West Sumatra provinces, Sulawesi Island, andThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Paris Summit, New Global Financing Pact: Expected Impact on Africas Growth and Development "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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US should pay the bill for devastation in Ukraine Russian envoy "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | June 22, 2023

The Ukraine conflict was instigated by the US and other Western countries, and as such it is up to Washington to pay for the reconstruction of the ravaged nation, Russias ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, claimed on Wednesday.

Antonov was asked to comment on a statement by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who, while speaking at a Ukraine reconstruction conference in London, claimed that Russia will eventually bear the cost of restoring the country.

The Russian diplomat pushed back against Blinkens remarks, saying the conflict between Moscow and Kiev was the result of years of deliberate efforts by the United States to create a hotbed of tensions at our borders, to turn Ukraine into anti-Russia, which involved a Western-backed coup in the Ukrainian capital in 2014.

Antonov claimed that the US was actively fanning hostilities by pumping Kiev with weapons, while nipping any peace initiatives in the bud. This means that the administration is fully responsible for what is happening in Ukraine. Thats why it is up to the United States to rebuild the country, he stated.

He went on to state that while it is possible to restore houses destroyed by American weapons, it will be much more difficult to erase the humanitarian consequences of the conflict.

How will Washington evaluate the lives of innocent people? How is the United States going to settle accounts with the Ukrainians, whom they are driving into reckless frontal assaults in todays so-called counter-offensive? the envoy asked.

While Western countries have pledged billions of dollars in reconstruction assistance to Ukraine, some of Kiev backers have also called for the seizure of Russian assets that were frozen after the start of the Ukraine conflict, to be used for reconstruction. While legal hurdles have so far prevented this from happening, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov has described the initiative as pure banditry.


Can the European Leg of the Triad Break Free from the Atlantic Alliance? "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Zoulikha Bouabdellah (Algeria), Envers Endroit Geometrique (Geometric Reverse Obverse), 2016.

Zoulikha Bouabdellah (Algeria), Envers Endroit Geometrique (Geometric Reverse Obverse), 2016.

It is difficult to make sense of many events these days. Frances behaviour, for instance, is hard to square. On the one hand, French President Emmanuel Macron changed his mind to support Ukraines entry into the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). On the other hand, he said that France would like to attend the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) summit in South Africa in August. Europe is, of course, not an entirely homogeneous continent, with problems afoot as Hungary and Turkey have refused to ratify Swedens desire to enter NATO at its annual summit in Vilnius (Lithuania) in July. Nonetheless, the European bourgeoisie looks westward to Wall Streets investment firms to park its wealth, yoking its own future to the regency of the United States. Europe is firmly wedded to the Atlantic alliance with little room for an independent European voice.

At the...


Norton parent firm Gen Digital, was victim of a MOVEit ransomware attack too "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Norton parent firm, Gen Digital, was the victim of a ransomware attack that exploited the recently disclosed MOVEit zero-day vulnerability.

Gen Digital Inc. (formerly Symantec Corporation and NortonLifeLock) is a multinational software company that provides cybersecurity software and services. 

The company owns multiple brands, including Norton, Avast, LifeLock, Avira, AVG, ReputationDefender, and CCleaner.

Gen Digital said it was the victim of a ransomware attack, threat actors have exploited the recently disclosed MOVEit Transfer vulnerability CVE-2023-34362.

MOVEit Transfer is a managed file transfer that is used by enterprises to securely transfer files using SFTP, SCP, and HTTP-based uploads.

The vulnerability is a SQL injection vulnerability, it can be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker to gain unauthorized access to MOVEit Transfers database.

The Clop ransomware group recently claimed to have hacked hundreds of companies globally by exploiting MOVEit Transfer vulnerability.

The Clop ransomware gang (aka Lace Tempest) was credited by Microsoft for the campaign that exploits a zero-day vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-34362, in the MOVEit Transfer platform.

The ransomware gang published an extortion note on its dark web leak site claiming to have information on hundreds of businesses.

The company confirmed that the threat actors had access to the personal information of employees. Exposed data include names, addresses, birth dates, and business email addresses.

We use MOVEit for file transfers and have remediated all of the known vulnerabilities in the system. When we learned of this matter, we acted immediately to protect our environment and investigate the potential impact. We have confirmed that there was no impact to our core IT system...


World Refugee Day Marked by 108 Million Being Displaced "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Zionist Role in 1950s Attacks on Iraqi Jews Confirmed by Operative and Police Report "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Global Research, June 21, 2023 British-Israeli historian Avi Shlaim cites incontrovertible evidence from former Jewish agent showing Zionists bombed sites to encourage migration to Israel Middle East Eye 19 June 2023 By Rayhan Uddin Region: Middle East & North Africa Theme: Intelligence In-depth Report: IRAQ REPORT All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below []


Dutch archeologists uncover Stonehenge of the Netherlands "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Digs around the open-air sanctuary started in 2017, but the results have only just been made public.


Using electric fields to control the movement of defects in crystals "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An international team of researchers, led by University of Toronto Engineering Professor Yu Zou, is using electric fields to control the motion of material defects. This work has important implications for improving the properties and manufacturing processes of typically brittle ionic and covalent crystals, including semiconductorsa crystalline material that is a central component of electronic chips used for computers and other modern devices.

In a new study published in Nature Materials, researchers from University of Toronto Engineering, Dalhousie University, Iowa State University and Peking University, present real-time observations of dislocation motion in a single-crystalline that was controlled using an external electric field.

This research opens the possibility of regulating dislocation-related properties, such as mechanical, electrical, thermal and phase-transition properties, through using an electric field, rather than conventional methods says Ph.D. candidate Mingqiang Li, the first author of the new paper.


MagLev Aero unveils breakthrough HyperDrive eVTOL propulsion system "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A fascinating eVTOL project is about to come out of stealth, showcasing a breakthrough HyperDrive propulsion technology that MagLev Aero claims is dramatically more quiet, efficient, safe, sustainable and emotionally appealing to the mass market.

Representatives from the Boston-based company have made their way to the Paris Air Show, where theyre preparing to reveal a very different approach to electric vertical lift aircraft, drawing on the magnetic levitation technology used in high-speed trains.

What we appear to have here is an annular lift fan arrangement. The aircrafts cabin appears to be surrounded by a huge ring-shaped duct, into which at least one large-diameter, many-bladed fan is mounted.


Minimal or Absent Evidence "IndyWatch Feed War"

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Carl Sagan, Cosmos, 1980.


First Directory of Virtual CISO Providers Launched by Cynomi "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Deeba Ahmed

The vCISO Directory comes to answer the increasing need of SMBs to manage their cybersecurity and helps them

This is a post from Read the original post: First Directory of Virtual CISO Providers Launched by Cynomi


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Losing sleep over Generative-AI apps? You're not alone or wrong. According to the Astrix Security Research Group, mid size organizations already have, on average, 54 Generative-AI integrations to core systems like Slack, GitHub and Google Workspace and this number is only expected to grow. Continue reading to understand the potential risks and how to minimize them.  Book a Generative-AI


Security theater, path dependence, and snow globes "IndyWatch Feed World"

I just returned from a two month fellowship at Edinburgh University, accompanied by my family. The trip included talks in Germany, Italy and England. These side-trips required a lot of packing, and generated a lot of souvenirs, specifically snow globes to mark each place we visited.

This led to a problem when going through airport security, however. Snow globes count as liquids, and have to be included in those annoying little plastic bags; as a result, we had to find tiny snow globes to avoid the wrath of security agents. Failure to do so runs the risk of your bag being pulled aside to be searched, whichespecially if transferring through Heathrowcan be an agonizingly long process.

As I sat and waited for the security guard to decide if my Florence snow globe was a secret bomb, I thought about how path dependence and security theater had combined to create this ridiculous situation.

The ever-expanding airport security

Many may not remember why we have to take all liquids and gels out of their bags. It has to do with a specific disrupted terrorist plot. In 2006, British law enforcement discovered a group of al-Qaeda operatives were planning to board several transatlantic flights with the components of a bomb hidden in drink bottles. They would assemble the bomb during the flight and detonate. They arrested those involved, and authorities put in place the restrictions on carry-on liquids.

Other airport annoyances are also tied to disrupted plots. In late 2001, an al-Qaeda operative attempted to detonate a bomb that had been hidden in his shoe but it failed to go off. Passengers subdued him. Authorities then required everyone boarding a plane to take off their shoes.

Do government agents really think terrorists would fill a snow globe with explosive liquid?

And of course TSA only exists because of a tragically successful plot. Before 9/11, private companies handled airport security. Many experts believed the attack demonstrated the need for a central government agency, so the Transportation Security Administration was established, moving to the Department of Hom...


Alert: Million of GitHub Repositories Likely Vulnerable to RepoJacking Attack "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Millions of software repositories on GitHub are likely vulnerable to an attack called RepoJacking, a new study has revealed. This includes repositories from organizations such as Google, Lyft, and several others, Massachusetts-based cloud-native security firm Aqua said in a Wednesday report. The supply chain vulnerability, also known as dependency repository hijacking, is a class of attacks that


The Weirdness of Vimeo "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

So, I was looking for Das offene Universum, a movie from 1990 (featuring Tilda Swinton) that hasnt been available for decades. But suddenly its on Vimeo! But you have to pay to watch it, so I create an account and buy it.

And look! Download link! I like that!

Of course, clicking that cloud symbol doesnt do anything, because this is Firefox and web pages usually dont work in Firefox any more. (And I love that theyve apparently had so many reports from people that they cant figure out how to download that theyve spelled it out as click the cloud to download. Instead of just having a button that says download.)

User Experience Design FTW!

Anyway, so I go to Chrome and log in and



Liberal and Left Silence on National Security Police State When Used against Trump and His Supporters "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The National Security police state now regards the Democratic Party as a more useful tool to criminalize opposition to US wars and maintain their control over the US government. We see this in the attack on the Uhuru Movement as being in the pay of Russia, in the imprisonment and torture of Julian Assange, in the jailing of numerous whistleblowers, in the censoring of hundreds of anti-war websites, claiming they spread Russian disinformation. Unfortunately, not a few who consider themselves on the left or liberals acquiesce to these attacks. Many actually repeat them.

Many more self-described leftists and liberals are supportive and participate in national security state/Democratic Party attacks on Trump and his supporters. In doing so, first, they are oblivious to the fact that these repressive police state operations will be used against them in the future. We saw that when we okayed blocking access to Alex Jones website because of his abusive and cruel attacks on the Sandy Hook families and killings as a hoax. Once we tolerated that, the national security state used the same measures against hundreds of our own anti-war websites.

Second, in supporting police state operations against Trump, leftists are caving into the Democratic Party and the national security state, some at a faster rate than others. Traditionally, liberals and leftists have always considered, either consciously or not, the Democrats as the lesser evil. They paint Republicans, particularly with the rise of Trump, as a fascist threat that must be stopped. In reality, the ruling class has no need for fascism in the present political climate of a quiescent and disorganized working class.

The Man with the Horned Hat and Obstruction of an Official Proceeding

We saw liberal and left supporters of civil liberties silent after the imprisonment of Jacob Chansley, the January 6 man with the horned hat. He was sentenced to 3 years for obstruction of an official proceeding, even though the prosecutors admitted he was non-violent, that the videos of him in the Capitol showed he was respectful of the police, and was actually guided around by some of them.

Jimmy Dore reported that police agencies had infiltrated the groups involved in January 6 long before it occurred, so they knew well enough what to expect. Dore also reported over 100 undercover police (FBI, Department of Justice and Homeland Security police, DC Metro Police, Secret Service, etc.) were part of the January 6 crowd both outside and inside the Capitol.

For those of us who see the need for fundamental social change in this country, as most in the US n...


These Are The Worlds Most Competitive Economies (US Falls To 9th!) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden This years World Competitiveness Ranking, published by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) evaluates 64 economies based on more than 300 indicators across...

These Are The Worlds Most Competitive Economies (US Falls To 9th!)


$10 million reward offered for information on Cl0p ransomware gang "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Fancy $10 million? Of course you do! Well, all you have to do is provide information that helps identify or locate members of the notorious Cl0p ransomware gang.


Camaro Dragon Hackers Strike with USB-Driven Self-Propagating Malware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Chinese cyber espionage actor known as Camaro Dragon has been observed leveraging a new strain of self-propagating malware that spreads through compromised USB drives. "While their primary focus has traditionally been Southeast Asian countries, this latest discovery reveals their global reach and highlights the alarming role USB drives play in spreading malware," Check Point said in new


Facing the Stigma of a White Author Writing About Indigenous People "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By John C.A. Manley There is a bit of a stigma in the writing community about authors who are not Indigenous writing about Indigenous people....

Facing the Stigma of a White Author Writing About Indigenous People


Lightning kills 2 brothers in Naogaon, Bangladesh "IndyWatch Feed World"

Two children died after being struck by lightning at Jalalabad village of Raninagar upazila in Naogaon on Wednesday noon. The deceased were identified as Samiul Islam, 10, and Rifat Hossain, 3, sons of Lavlu Fakir of the village. Lavlu Fakir has no children except these two sons. Selim Reza, officer-in-charge (investigation) of Raninagar Police Station, said the two brothers were playing at the courtyard of their house when a streak lightning struck them, leaving the duo critically injured. Later, they were taken to the Upazila Health Complex where they died. The bodies were later handed over to the family, the officer added.


vCISO Directory helps SMBs manage their cybersecurity "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The industrys first-ever directory of virtual CISO (vCISO) service providers has gone live. This list of vCISO providers means that SMBs can tap the expertise of qualified cybersecurity professionals to protect their digital assets and ensure compliance. To help organizations shore up their cyberdefenses, MSPs, MSSPs, and consultancies have developed vCISO services. They enable businesses to avail themselves of the expertise and skills of a professional CISO to improve their cybersecurity posture, while only paying More

The post vCISO Directory helps SMBs manage their cybersecurity appeared first on Help Net Security.


Wrong (Again), CBC, Climate Change Isnt Causing a Decline in Wine Production "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Indeed, grape production has grown by more than 86 percent, and wine production increased by more than 97 percent.

The post Wrong (Again), CBC, Climate Change Isnt Causing a Decline in Wine Production first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

Jewish Power lawmaker threatens to blow up summer camp for Palestinian and Israeli children "IndyWatch Feed War"

Almog Cohen, right, addresses a rally of the the far-right Otzma Yehudit party in Israel (Photo: Jack Guez/AFP via Getty Images)Almog Cohen, a member of Itamar Ben-Gvir's Jewish Power party, threatened to "blow up" an Israeli youth center because of plans to host a joint Palestinian-Israeli summer camp.


Obama suggests 'digital fingerprints' to counter misinformation 'so we know what's true and what's not true' "IndyWatch Feed World"

Obama says he's been target of 'deepfakes,' predicts next election cycle will be rife with false info Former President Barack Obama suggested in a new interview the development of "digital fingerprints" to combat misinformation and distinguish between true and misleading news for consumers. Obama sat down with his former White House senior adviser David Axelrod for a conversation on the latter's podcast, "The Axe Files," on CNN Audio. During the interview, Axelrod noted he's seen "misinformation, disinformation, [and] deepfakes" targeting Obama. "As I've told people, because I was the first digital president when I left office, I was probably the most recorded, filmed, photographed human in history, which is kind of a weird thing," responded Obama. "But just the odds are that I was. As a consequence, there's a lot of raw material there." The former president added that the deepfakes digitally manipulated images, audio or video that appear legitimate


Jerry Coynes bogus fears of ideological subversion "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I have an unfortunate history with CFI and The Skeptical Inquirer. I ought to be aligned with the principles of skepticism, but too often organized skepticism has been this stodgy, hidebound dinosaur that is more interested in conserving the privileges of a narrow group of people than in actually implementing productive change. So I abandoned it, writing this in 2011.

[Diversity] has long been an issue with the skeptical movement. I used to subscribe to the Skeptical Inquirer, a very good magazine with well-written and substantive articles on skeptical issues, but I let my subscription lapse. It was a strange thing that prompted it; several years ago, there was an issue lauding the leaders of the skeptical movement, and it had a nice line drawing of four or five of these Big Names on the cover: and every one was white, male, and over 70 years old. I looked at it, and I wasnt mad or outraged every one of them was a smart guy who deserved recognition but I saw it, sighed, and felt that not only was this incredibly boring, but that organized skepticism was dead if it was going to turn into a gerontocracy. I didnt let my subscription lapse in protest, but out of lack of motivation.

Then, a few years ago, they fired Kavin Senapathy, a huge self-own. I commented on that:

That refusal to deal with the biggest social struggles of our time is what has always left me infuriated with the skeptic movement oh, sure, lets debunk ghosts and chupacabras and UFOs, but racist and misogynist beliefs are just too hard. They love the magic tricks and tests of dowsing, but eugenics? No one in organized skepticism seems to be smart enough to cope with that.

Merging with the Richard Dawkins Foundation didnt help, and actually made it worse.

Kavin revealed some rather obvious inside information:

Two years ago, in an inept attempt to address the issue, CFI published a special issue of Skeptical Inquirer: A Skeptics Guide to Racism. The issue, penned exclusively by white men, demonstrated CFI leaderships woefully shallow grasp of how racism works. In an article on critical thinking approaches to confronting racism, the magazines deputy editor, Benjamin Radford, referenced the view of evolutionary psychologist and author Steven Pinker that the overall historical trends for humanity are encouraging a view that has been criticized a...


Meet the Indigenous women taking on corruption in Guatemalas elections "IndyWatch Feed"

Indigenous women are challenging the countrys powerful elites in the elections on 25 June


Hackers threaten to release photos of Beverly Hills plastic surgery patients "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Patients of a Beverly Hills plastic surgery clinic face the potential horror of having highly sensitive images of their bodies leaked onto the internet by hackers. Read more in my article on the Hot for Security blog.


The Rebellious Youths of Jenin are Not Terrorists "IndyWatch Feed War"

On 20 June, the army invaded with great force the city of Jenin and killed several of its inhabitants. Today, Palestinians took an act of revenge and killed Israelis in the West Bank settlement of Eli. The cycle of bloodshed continues to turn and claim ever more and more victims, of both peoples. The Israelis killed today in the settlement of Eli, like the Palestinians killed yesterday in Jenin, are all victims of the continued and aggravated occupation.

Those who deepen the occupation and build ever more settlements are guaranteeing the continuation of bloodshed. Those who call for a major military operation to defeat the Palestinians are perpetuating  a dangerous delusion. It is enough to remember that this entire occupation, with its 56 years, resulted from what seemed the fastest and most decisive victory in the history of Israel, the defeat of three armies in six days. But all that this victory brought Israel was the perpetuation and deepening of the conflict with the Palestinians, with the army required to repeatedly reconquer the same places, repeatedly invade the same cities and villages and for all that it did not succeed and will not succeed in defeating the Palestinian resistance.

Only a peaceful solution that will enable the Palestinians to live a sovereign life in their own independent state can bring a future of peace to Israel.

Gush Shalom: This is not terrorism, the city of Jenin is rebelling against the oppressive occupation regime.

The residents of Jenin fight and sacrifice their lives in a just struggle to be a free people in their country. Gush Shalom calls on the soldiers of the occupation army to refuse orders and fill the military prison.

The media reports tell of soldiers fighting against terrorism.

The Palestinians who fight, with inadequate arms, against the most powerful army in the Middle East are stigmatised as terrorists and their killing is described as an elimination or a liquidation.  This terminology is nothing but false and ugly propaganda. There is no terror in Jenin except for the terror that the occupation army tries to intimidate the citys residents. Jenin is a rebel city, a city whose inhabitants have had enough of fifty six years of oppressive occupation and embarked on an all-out rebellion.

While masses of protesters against the Netanyhau governments anti-democratic reformscoup crowd the streets of Tel Aviv, singing the Israeli national anthem and emphasize the words To be a free people in our country, a short drive away young Palestinians are ready to fight and sacrifice their lives in a justified struggle to be a free...


New York Magazine Hates That Uppity Clarence Thomas And His White Wife "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Clarence and Ginni ThomasJustice and Ginni Thomas stand boldly in the way of the left's 150-year campaign to turn Americans into the serfs of an almighty bureaucracy.


Brazil cattle die as cold temperatures batters large beef state "IndyWatch Feed World"

Nearly 3,000 head of cattle died from hypothermia in Brazil's Mato Grosso do Sul state in recent days, according to a statement posted on the website of local veterinary services on Wednesday. The deceased animals represent a tiny fraction of Brazil's cattle herd of about 224 million head and their deaths and are unlikely to compromise beef production at meatpackers like JBS, which operate in the state. But they drew attention as they are uncommon. Temperatures in the most affected areas ranged from 6 to 9 degrees Celsius (43 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit), according to local press reports. Alcides Torres, owner of agribusiness consultancy Scot Consultoria, said local cattle breeds can withstand the low temperatures of the country's winter, which started today. "Brazil exports live cattle for slaughtering in Turkey below snow," Torres said. "It was the cold but there was something else."


Open Source Tool | MPT: Pentest In Action! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Jyoti Raval on Jun 22

Managing Pentest (MPT: Pentest In Action) [image: HITBSecConf HITB2022SIN]

MPT aims to provide one stop solution for managing all pentests that are
running across organisation.

Security penetration testing is more than necessary. If not all, most
organisations either have their own penetration testing team...


Bangladeshs bird restaurant serves up snacks with a side of conservation "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

DHAKA It was a misty winter morning in February 2012. Shomour Kumar Ghosh started out his day by opening his sweetmeat shop in the district of Pabna in western Bangladesh and sitting in a chair to catch the suns warmth. He then noticed a flock of mynas, known locally as shalikh, gathered in front of his shop, apparently looking for food. Out of curiosity and love for animals, the 50-year-old scattered a handful of chanachur a mix of fried lentils, peanuts, chickpeas and more, often known as Bombay mix to the birds. They ate the offering and flew away. What happened the next day was beyond anything Ghosh could have imagined. I was surprised the next day when I saw nearly 100 shalikh birds coming in front of my shop around the same time. I gave away food to them and the number continues to rise, Ghosh told Mongabay over the phone. It was the dead of winter here, and the crop fields that the birds usually flock to for feeding were barren. As a result, the birds were now frequenting urban areas in search of food. The surprising fact is that the shalikhs come and take food and then left without making any sound, Ghosh said. Shomour Kumar Ghosh has fed the mynas outside his shop every day since 2012. Image by Sharon Kumar Ghosh. He gradually he fell in love with the birds, he said, and decided to have his breakfast along with them inThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Backgrounder: Conflict in Manipur "IndyWatch Feed War"

The ethnic clashes in Manipur, a northeastern state in India, stem from a deeply embedded historical conflict between the Meitei community, who primarily inhabit the Imphal Valley, and the hill tribes, mainly the Kukis and Nagas. The violence was sparked by a tribal solidarity march against the Meitei communitys demand for Scheduled Tribe (ST) status, a move that could radically alter the distribution of political power in the state.

The ethnic tension and violence in Manipur pose a considerable challenge to Prime Minister Narendra Modis administration, testing its ability to navigate complex historical and ethnic dynamics while maintaining national integrity. Exacerbating this conflict is a confluence of unique geography, endemic communal violence, and transnational concerns that will likely impact Indias relationship with neighboring Myanmar.


Historical and religious context of violence in Manipur 

The conflict in Manipur is firmly rooted in the regions historical, cultural, and religious milieu. Manipur is a multi-cultural hub with diverse ethnicities, each zealously safeguarding its cultural heritage, land, and rights. Predominantly, Meiteis are Hindus, while Kukis and Nagas are Christians. This religious schism often mirrors the ethnic divide, thus deepening inter-community rivalry. Recent attacks on places of worship highlight the sectarian aspect of this conflict.

The historical roots of violence in Manipur can be traced back to the colonial era when the British classified the populace into Hills and Valley, each governed by different laws. This classification furthered the sense of distinction between the Meiteis, who primarily inhabited the valley region, and the tribal communities residing in the hills, such as the Nagas and the Kukis. After Indias independence, this distinction was reflected in the form of a political structure that granted Scheduled Tribe (ST) status to the hill tribes but not to the Meiteis. This status confers certain benefits, including reservation in government jobs and educational institutions, a critical source of contention between the groups.

The Meiteis demand for ST status threatens to disrupt the economic benefits the other groups have enjoyed and risks changing the political landscape. ST status could shift political power and influence towards the Meiteis due to the sheer size of their community, which makes up over half of Manipurs population....


Micro Center to Launch New Stores in Miami and Charlotte Next Year "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While Best Buy, America's largest brick-and-mortar electronics retailer, has been closing stores this year among bleak PC sales, Micro Center has plans to continue expanding its retail footprint. Earlier this year, the company announced that it would be adding three new stores by the end of 2024, with the first opening in Indianapolis this summer.

Today, Micro Center has officially revealed the locations of the final two new locations, which will open in Miami and Charlotte next year. When all three new stores have opened, the company will have 28 outlets in the U.S. across 19 U.S. states, ranging from California in the west to New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts in the east. You can see a complete list of store locations on the company's site.

[...] Founded in Columbus, Ohio in 1979, Micro Center is a favorite shopping destination for anyone who builds PCs, tinkers with Raspberry Pis or does any kind of 3D printing. The company stocks more than 400 types of filament, along with 3D printers and accessories from major vendors such as Creality and AnyCubic. It's also one of the few places where you can buy Raspberry Pi boards at MSRP, provided that they are in stock.

Unlike Best Buy, Amazon and Newegg, Micro Center's business model revolves pretty-much exclusively around getting customers to come into the store. Most of the products are not available for purchase online, though you can reserve them for in-store pickup.

Micro Center is also one of the few places you can actually see and touch high-end peripherals and components. The stores stock well over 150 different gaming keyboards from brands such as Razer, Corsair and Asus. They also have about the same number of PC cases, including those from Lian Li, Fractal Design and NZXT. The Fractal Design North, our current pick for best PC case, is available to see and buy with all of its wood-paneled glory.

Can you imagine a world where you can base your purchase decisions on seeing something in person and not having to hope that what you're buying is the same as the picture you are shown on a web page?

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Video captures massive avalanche in Xinjiang, China "IndyWatch Feed World"

A video taken by tourists recorded a monster avalanche in the snowy mountains of Oytagh Glacier Park in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on June 19. Large masses of snow tumbled down from the mountaintop and quickly covered the hillside. Workers at Oytagh Glacier Park believe the recent rise in temperature caused the snow to melt, resulting in the avalanche. The site of the avalanche is a no-man's land. So far, there has been no report of casualties or property damage.


UN seeks to introduce global ID that would be tied to an individuals bank account "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT NEWS TARGET  Once again, the grand masters of the universe at the...


Thailands Outgoing Government Disgraces Itself One Last Time on Myanmar "IndyWatch Feed War"

When Thailand announced that it intended to host a meeting with Myanmars generals in order to fully re-engage the junta, it set off alarm bells among both pundits and ASEAN member states. First, the meeting violated a long-standing plan that dates back to April 2021 among member states, that Myanmars generals would be excluded from meetings. It also meant that for the second straight year, that an ASEAN member state would conduct a form of rogue or cowboy diplomacy, where engagement with the junta increased its legitimacyand worse, led to a public relations spectacle, as was the case with Cambodias then-Special Envoy.

The meeting, which was held in Thailand over June 18 and 19, was at the invitation of the soon-to-be outgoing Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai, who prefaced his invitation with a reference to the recent ASEAN Summit held in Indonesia this past May, where ASEAN leaders allegedly pledged to re-engage at the highest levels. The meetings attracted major criticism from pro-democracy stakeholders in Myanmar, and regional partners such as Singapore, who almost undiplomatically through its Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan, said it would be premature to re-engage with the junta at a summit level or even at a foreign minister level.

Reeling after the failed talks, Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha noted that Thailand and Myanmar share more than 3,000 kilometers of land and sea borders, and that billions in oil and gas revenue between the two countries was at stake in the eventual outcome. The Thai Foreign Minister was even more bold, suggesting that Thailand is the only country that wants to find a solution and none of the other ASEAN members care as much as us, an obvious insult to the collective work of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, who head ASEANs bloc of countries that have rejected direct engagement with Myanmars junta.

But Thailand cannot be so naive to think that other ASEAN countries do not understand Bangkoks motivations. Thailand has accommodated Myanmars military long before the February 2021 coup, with military generals on both sides engaging in personal relationships, which date back to 2012, when Gen. Min Aung Hlaing was...


Trudeau Adds Parental Proponents of Traditional Family Values to His Enemies List "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Trudeau Adds Parental Proponents of Traditional Family Values to His Enemies List appeared first on Global Research.


Rocket production in Gaza: A history of innovation and perseverance "IndyWatch Feed War"

June 22, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Ali Halawi Operation Avenging the Free has marked another episode in the progression of the Resistances military capabilities, this article will examine the historical context and the evolution of Palestinian rocket capabilities and specific innovations which have titled the balance of power in favor of Gaza. The []


Philippines: Knowing Who Your Friends Are "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Philippines: Knowing Who Your Friends Are appeared first on Global Research.


Covid Vaccine Killed Shane Warne: According to President of Australian Medical Professionals Society "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT XYZ  Several highly credentialed doctors are connecting the death of cricket legend...


Declassified Files Expose British Role in NATOs Gladio Terror Armies "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Australian Cricket Legend 52 Year-Old Shane Warne Died Suddenly From Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Heart Injuries on March 4, 2022 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Australian Cricket Legend 52 Year-Old Shane Warne Died Suddenly From Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Heart Injuries on March 4, 2022 appeared first on Global Research.


Deep State Abuse of AI: The Biggest Danger of AI and Yet Nobody Talks About It! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Coolest Library on Earth "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In a narrow aisle of shelves packed with cardboard boxes, Jrgen Peder Steffensen grins like a mischievous child unwrapping a holiday present as he pulls out a plastic-wrapped hunk of ice from a box marked Keep Frozen.


The bag of ice contains the transition from 1 BCE to 1 CE, he says. That means we have the real Christmas snow.


This piece of ice, a bit longer than his arm, doesnt visibly look different from modern ice. Yet bubbles trapped in it preserve the chemistry of the air in Greenland from more than two millennia ago. But we cant find any traces of reindeer, or magical dust, Steffensen quips.


In this freezer facility in Denmark, Steffensens team at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen stores some 40,000 segments of ice cores, long cylinders of ice from polar regions that preserve the history of past climate. Beyond cataloging frozen treasures, Steffensen collaborates on research that chisels out historical secrets hidden in ice, and runs logistics for an international drilling project in Greenland to retrieve even more deep-core samples.


Copenhagen is one of several places in the world where pieces of ice cores drilled from our planets extremities are kept safely cold. Other large research freezers are located in the United States, Australia, France, Italy, Germany, Russia, and Japan. According to Steffensen, Copenhagen has the most samples from the worlds deepest cores, amounting to 15.5 kilometers (9.6 miles) of ice. Thats about the distance from Steffensens laboratory in central Copenhagen to this unassuming yellow-tiled warehouse in an industrial park, where the ice archive has been housed since 2019. Both the lab and the freezer spaces are temporary, awaiting the completion of a massive construction project for a new university facility. The archive also keeps an additional five kilometers (3.1 miles) of ice from shorter cores drilled in Greenland, Antarctica, Iceland, Patagonia, and a glacier in a Slovakian cave. Some ice samples came from initiatives with strong Danish involvement, while others came from researchers abroad looking for a chilled home.


Ice cores serve as important historical records for scientists interested in how our planets climate has changed, whether in the distant past or more recently. Like tree rings, layers of snow that fell and formed these cores can be counted and correlated to years in the past. In a core drilled from a place that sees minimal melting, all those annual layers of snowfall are just in one undisturbed sequence back in time, Steffensen says. The deeper you go, the farther back in time you go.




Microsoft warns of rising NOBELIUM credential attacks on defence sector "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Waqas

The NOBELIUM group is also known as Midnight Blizzard.

This is a post from Read the original post: Microsoft warns of rising NOBELIUM credential attacks on defence sector


Linux 6.4 Squeezes In Crash Fix For New AMD Ryzen 7040 Series Laptops "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Sent in today for the mainline Linux kernel -- days ahead of the expected Linux 6.4 stable release -- is a crash fix for just-released AMD Ryzen 7040 series laptops...


De Onthullende Yoeri Albrecht Affaire 16 "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ondanks het feit dat de westerse staatsomroepen  en de commercile pers het doen voorkomen alsof het hele Westen met een kadaverdiscipline achter zijn leiders aan marcheert, is dit een gevaarlijke vertekening van de werkelijkheid, zoals ondermeer lijkt uit de opkomst van de Amerikaanse presidentskandidaat:

Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. (geboren 17 januari 1954), een Amerikaanse milieuadvocaat, politicus en schrijver... Kennedy is een zoon van de Amerikaanse procureur-generaal en senator Robert F. Kennedy en neef van de Amerikaanse president John F. Kennedy. Na opgegroeid te zijn in de omgeving van Washington D.C. en Massachusetts, studeerde hij af aan Harvard University Kennedy is een zoon van de Amerikaanse minister van Justitie en senator Robert F. Kennedy en neef van de Amerikaanse president John F. Kennedy. Na opgegroeid te zijn in de omgeving van Washington, D.C. en Massachusetts, studeerde hij af aan de Harvard University en behaalde hij zijn Juris Doctor-graa...


Xonotic 0.8.6 Released With Various In-Game Improvements "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Xonotic 0.8.6 is out as the latest update to this long-running, open-source first person shooter game...


A Closer Look At Black Lives Matters Bankruptcy Shows Radical Leftists Still Have Millions In Their Coffers "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

crowd standing in front of giant Black Lives Matter bannerEven if Black Lives Matter Global Network were to go bankrupt, other well-off organizations at the heart of the BLM movement would live on.


Greece shipwreck: At least 209 Pakistanis were on board, say officials "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Greece shipwreck: At least 209 Pakistanis were on board, say officials

Investigation agency bases figure on testimonies from relatives of people believed to have been on board
Katherine Hearst Thu, 06/22/2023 - 12:46
Relatives of a man missing after the boat sunk off the coast of Greece, at the district hospital in Khuiratta in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, 20 June (Reuters)
Relatives of a man missing after the boat sunk off the coast of Greece, at the district hospital in Khuiratta in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, 20 June (Reuters)

At least 209 Pakistani nationals were on board the fishing boat carrying an estimated 750 people that sank last week, Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) said on Wednesday.

The overloaded trawler capsized and sank off the coast of Greece last week, in what is viewed as the regions deadliest sea disaster in years. The majority of its passengers on the boat were reportedly from Egypt, Syria and Pakistan.

The FIA, an agency which has been tasked by the Pakistani government with investigating the disaster, based the figure on testimonies gathered from families whose relatives were on board the trawler and are still reported missing.

According to the data, 181 people were from Pakistan and 28 from Pakistan-administered Kashmir.

Currently, the death toll stands at 82, with an estimated 500 missing. Pakistan's foreign ministry has so far confirmed that only 12 of the 104 survivors are from Pakistan. Local media reports said around 300 people from Pakistan were likely on board.



The Irony of World Refugee Day: Celebrating, then Blaming the Victims "IndyWatch Feed World"

Fadi, a Syrian teenager with curly hair and an acne-covered face, has miraculously survived one of the greatest migrant boat disasters in the modern history of the Mediterranean.

Only 104 people have been rescued from a boat that carried an estimated 750 refugees after it capsized on June 13 in the open sea near the coastal town of Pylos.

Scores of lifeless bodies have been pulled out from the water, and many more have washed ashore. Hundreds are still missing, feared dead, many of whom are women and children, as they huddled on the lower deck of the 30-meter boat.

Fadi survived. A heart-rending photo shows the young Syrian sobbing as he met his older brother, Mohammed, who rushed to the port of Kalamata, Greece, to see him. The two brothers could not embrace, as Fadi was still trapped behind metal gates in a confinement made for the survivors.

The latest boat disaster tells a much bigger story than the sympathetic news headlines attempted to convey. It is a story of war, poverty, inequality and despair.

The identity of those who died at sea gives us clues to the origins of the story. They were Syrians, Palestinians, Afghans and more. These refugees were seeking safety, coveting mere survival.

The sad irony is that the latest episode of this seemingly endless horror took place exactly one week before the United Nations was set to celebrate World Refugee Day, held on June 20 of each year.

Most references to this day by the UN, UN-related organizations and international charities around the world seem to emphasize empowerment and positivity. A statement by the UN Refugees Agency (UNHCR) spoke of honoring the refugees around the globe and referenced Refugee Day as one that celebrates the strength and courage of refugees.

The contradictions of the discourses pertaining to the refugees should be too obvious to miss. But we often do. Too many lavish dinners will be catered in the name of the refugees in many Western capitals and embassies around the world. Diplomats will demand action, and well-paid intellectuals will enunciate the moral and ethical responsibilities of governments and civil societies...


Adam Schiffs Censure Is The Bare Minimum "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Adam SchiffMembers of the House Ethics Committee should investigate whether to recommend Adam Schiff's expulsion from the lower chamber.


Water spout in Gulf of Mexico filmed from Sanibel Island, Florida "IndyWatch Feed World"

Laura Wille Yocham enjoyed a spectacular display of weather from the Sanibel Island beach she was walking along on Wednesday (June 20). She saw a whirling column of air and water mist in the Gulf of Mexico, or more commonly known as a water spout. "I was out on the beach shelling, turned around and there it was," Yocham said. "So amazing!" Yocham pulled out her smartphone and took a 17-second video of the awesome display of weather. She is from Kansas and it was her first time seeing a water spout. She is staying at the Island Inn on Sanibel. "My husband and I got married here at the Inn, on the beach, in 2014." Yocham said. "My husband and I have come every year since 2013. I brought my Mom and her best friend down to go shelling. We're having a blast. So happy to be supporting the Island after Hurricane Ian. Prayers for a full recovery for everyone."


Chinas Escalators to Nowhere "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

With regard to the Chinese government destroying the banned food crops, see: Maos Great Famine: The History of Chinas Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-62 by Frank Diktter Via: laowhy86:


Palestinian girl killed by Israeli sniper mourned by family who witnessed shooting "IndyWatch Feed War"

Palestinian girl killed by Israeli sniper mourned by family who witnessed shooting

Sadeel Naghniyeh, 15, died after being shot by an Israeli sniper in the Jenin refugee camp on Monday. Her nine-year old brother witnessed the shooting
Leila Warah Thu, 06/22/2023 - 12:21
Sadeel Naghniyeh in Jenin government hospital after being fatally shot (Supplied)

Sitting in the living room of her home in the Jenin refugee camp, metres away from where Israeli forces killed her 15-year-old cousin, Mallak Naghniyeh choked back tears as she tried to explain how much Sadeel Naghniyeh meant to her. 

Sadeel was like my little sister. We went everywhere together. Whenever she needed something, I was by her side. She was a beautiful, patient soul, Mallak, who is also 15, told Middle East Eye. 

Sadeel was on her way to visit Mallack, who lives next door, when an Israeli sniper shot her in the head as she stood in the driveway she shared with her uncles family.  

Like everybody else, she was filming. She sent me a video of a military jeep. That was the last message I got, Mallak said. The two Palestinian girls had been messaging throughout Mondays Israeli army raid on Jenin, in the occupied West Bank. 

I heard screaming outside, Mallak said, struggling to speak without crying. So, I called Sadeel to check in, but my mum answered and told me Sadeel had been shot in the head."


Henningsen: Ukraine Threw Away Peace Deal With Russia "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Putin shocks world with receipts from last years draft treaty to end the war in Ukraine.

In episode #469 of the SUNDAY WIRE which aired on June 18, 2023, Patrick reveals how Putin revealed to an African leader at a meeting in St. Petersburg the details of a draft treaty for Ukrainian neutrality and an end to fighting which was initially signed by Ukraine in March 2022 before Kiev reneged on the deal, and chose the road to total ruin instead. This likely came after pressure from UK and US to stay the course on their disastrous war. Listen:





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Unveiling the Unseen: Identifying Data Exfiltration with Machine Learning "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Why Data Exfiltration Detection is Paramount? The world is witnessing an exponential rise in ransomware and data theft employed to extort companies. At the same time, the industry faces numerous critical vulnerabilities in database software and company websites. This evolution paints a dire picture of data exposure and exfiltration that every security leader and team is grappling with. This


U.S. House Votes to Censure Corrupt Congressman Adam Schiff "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

When it comes to hyperbolic pronouncements and plying official disinformation, no ones as notorious as Democrat Congressmen Adam Schiff. His lies would become the basis for contrived fake impeachment hearings designed to push Donald Trump form the White House. So when the Republicans took control of the House in January, it was only a matter of time before Schiffs systemic corruption would catch up to him. 

For years, Schiff repeatedly lied to Congress and the American public about the fake Russiagate hoax, and made an infinite amount of false statements and accusations, but has never been held to account for his litany of egregious behaviour and corruption.

Schiff made himself House intelligence chair and led Trumps first impeachment where Democrats sought to remove Trump from office for seeking factual evidence exposing Biden family corruption in Ukraine. He even published a book about the phoney Russia investigation.

Schiff is currently running for US Senate in California.

In the end, Schiffs lies that cost American taxpayers hundreds millions of dollars, as he repeatedly abused his position as chairman.

In addition to all this, Schiff is also associated with the controversial Ukraine-linked American investment house Franklin Templeton Investments who, along with Hunter Biden and associates, are also implicated in the $7.2 billion Ukrainian state bond scandal.

This week, Congress have voted to censure Schiff

Zero Hedge reports

It has not been a good day for the Congressman from California.

First he was owned by John Durham, while the democrat attempted a character assassination, and now the House of Representatives voted to censure Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on June 21, a week after an initial resolution to do so was tabled.

The tally wa...


Interesting Home Upgrades That Are Really Worthwhile "IndyWatch Feed World"

Whether you recently purchased a new home of your own, or youre planning a long-awaited remodel that is finally coming to fruition, investing in your property is always a good idea. Not only will home upgrades enhance the value of your home, helping you to attract more potential buyers and earn a higher selling price, but they can improve your quality of life too. However, as home improvement trends continue to evolve, its sometimes difficult to know where you should spend your hard-earned money. If youre thinking of going beyond just a new coat of paint or a home dcor upgrade when investing in your home, then its important to focus on enhancements that will really pay dividends. Here are some interesting and appealing home dcor upgrades that are worthwhile.

Enhanced Bathroom Spaces


A great bathroom is a major selling point in any home. After all, a bathroom isnt just an important part of our daily hygiene routine, its a big part of many self care routines and strategies. However, simply upgrading your bathroom dcor might not be enough to really enhance your homes selling potential. If you want to stand out on the real estate market, you need to go to the next level. Rather than just investing in a new toilet, consider purchasing an innovative bidet system that helps you, and any future buyers, to maintain their hygiene without overspending on toilet paper. You could also look to upgrading your shower. Zero threshold showers are excellent for forever homes, as they allow for excellent accessibility, particularly as you get older and start to deal with mobility issues.

Beautiful Garden Escapes



Turkey's Central Bank hikes interest rate to 15 percent to tackle inflation "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey's Central Bank hikes interest rate to 15 percent to tackle inflation

Turkish lira falls 2.5 percent to 24 to the dollar, a record low
Ragip Soylu Thu, 06/22/2023 - 12:03
Turkey's Central Bank has increased interest rates from 8.5 percent to 15 percent to counter sky-high inflation (Anadolu Agency/File photo)

Turkey's Central Bank has increased interest rates from 8.5 percent to 15 percent to counter sky-high inflation.

Following the decision, the Turkish lira dropped 2.5 percent to its weakest on record against the US dollar, exceeding 24 lira per dollar.

The monetary policy committee made the decision on Thursday as part of a process to "establish disinflation as soon as possible", the central bank said in a statement.

It added that tightening measure would continue "as and when necessary" until there was a "significant improvement in the inflation outlook". 

The inflation rate in Turkey, which soared to 85 percent in December, curently stands at around 40 percent. 

In recent years, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has subscribed to an unorthodox economic theory that high interest rates cause inflation.

He had previously pressured the Central Bank to cut borrowing costs and increase credit access, despite conventional wisdom saying otherwise. 

The lira has shed more than 90 percent of its value over the past decade, and the country's soaring inflation has driven away foreign investors.

'Not enough'

In a bid to turn...


The Many Robots That Ventured Into the Chernobyl NPP #4 Reactor "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Before the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP, spelled Chornobyl in Ukrainian) disaster in 1986, there had been little need for radiation-resistant robots to venture into high-risk zones.



CVE-2023-34241: CUPS: use-after-free in cupsdAcceptClient() "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Zdenek Dohnal on Jun 22

Hi all,

there is currently the embargoed CVE-2023-34241 in CUPS project:


Cups logs data of free memory to the logging service AFTER the
connection has been closed, when it should have logged the data right


The exact cause of this issue is the function httpClose(con->http) being
called in scheduler/client.c before

|httpClose(con->http); cupsdLogClient(con, CUPSDLOGWARN, "IP lookup
failed -...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Collaboration Key in Tackling Insecurity in Africa  


June 21, 2023

Mapping Africa

Governments and private institutions must prioritise effective collaboration to tackle insurgencies and proliferation of arms in the Sahel and coastal regions of Africa to propel sustainable peace and development.  

That was the call made when the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Japan launched a US$491,940 one-year project in Accra.

The project would have implementation support from the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC).

Ghana, Benin, Togo, Cote dIvoire, Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso are the beneficiary countries of the   project, themed: Preventing violent extremism, radicalisation and small arms proliferation in the Sahel and adjoining Coastal Countries in West Africa.

Speaking at the launch, Dr Angela Lusigi, UNDP Resident Representative, emphasised the need for a stronger State and non-state to help fight threats that undermined peace, security and development in African countries.

To ensure a stable West African sub-region, we need more effective collaboration and partnerships across borders to effectively deal with root causes and stamp out the double threat of violent extremism and small arms proliferation, she said.

Dr Lusigi explained that the rising insecurity and instability across borders was fueling forced displacement and contributing to increased multi-dimensional poverty as well as structural and gender-based inequalities.

That, she said, had to be eagerly addressed, and remarked that UNDP was working with national institutions, security agencies and communities to digitally track and prevent small arms proliferation and reverse the effects of small arms violence.

The Commandant at KAIPTC, Major General Addo Gyane stated that rising armed conflict, deteriorating security, widespread poverty and the impact of climate change were posing a real threat to countries in the sub-region.

Attacks on civilians and infrastructure and conflict between the state and...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Government of Ghana Will Not Hasten the Transition to Electric Vehicles


June 19, 2023

Mr. Frederick Obeng Adom, Deputy Minister for Transport, has said the government would ensure a gradual and convenient shift towards the use of electric vehicles (EVs) in the country.

He said stakeholders acknowledged the heavy dependence on internal combustible engines (ICEs) and would ensure a roll-out that would benefit all players including the transport sector.

The Deputy Minister gave the assurance during the first regional consultative meeting on the draft National Electric Vehicle policy, being held in the Volta Regional capital.

Mr Adom said all 3.2 million registered vehicles in the country were being powered by fuel-burning ICEs, and that the transition was being structured to ensure that stranded resources automobile skills and industries, were taken care of.

Government is not going to hasten the transition to EVs. It is going to be a very gradual process as we build into the EV system, he stated.

Mr. Adom noted how push through measures including tariff increments for the importation of vehicles running on ICEs, constituted calculated steps towards the transition, and that the draft policy was sure to provide the needed regulations and provisions for a sustainable rollout.

The Deputy Minister said the transport sector remained crucial in the new regime for its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and was therefore one of the focuses of the electric vehicle framework and policy.

He said it was important that Ghana took advantage of opportunities abounding in new energy sources towards a net-zero emission future, and that extensive stakeholder consultation was required in producing the best national policy in the interest of all.

Madam Doris Duodu, Deputy Director for Renewable Energy at the Ministry of Energy, said Ghana was well-positioned to lead the emerging era of electric mobility in Africa.

She said the nations wealth of electrical energy would play to its advantage in the promotion and success...


Lucky No. 13? Latest images could add to Nepals 12 wildcat species "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

KATHMANDU In early February 2022, a team of tiger researchers started downloading images from camera traps as part of a population census for the big cat in Nepal. They had to analyze 40,111 images taken by camera traps in the Chitwan-Parsa Complex, a key tiger habitat, from Dec. 5, 2021, to Feb. 7, 2022. Babu Ram Lamichhane, then a senior conservation officer at the semigovernmental National Trust for Nature Conservation, was scrolling through the photos of relatively common wildlife such as golden jackals (Canis aureus) and large Indian civets (Viverra zibetha) when he stumbled upon an image that made him stop and stare. It was a small cat with a sandy coat and black stripes and spots, photographed walking in front of the camera. It had a ringed tail with a black tip, and ears that were slightly tufted. Lamichhane, who had never seen a wildcat like this before, wondered whether it was a new species, or a rare subspecies of an existing wildcat, or a hybrid. I compared its features with that of the Asiatic wildcat [Felis lybica ornata] and found them to be similar, Lamichhane, the lead author of a recent study documenting the finding, told Mongabay. Camera trap photo of the Asiatic wildcat spotted in Nepal. Image courtesy of DNPWC/NTNC. When it comes to feline diversity, Nepal is the proverbial cats cradle. Its home to 12 wildcat species, ranging from the majestic tiger (Panthera tigris) and elusive snow leopard (Panthera uncia), to the diminutive Pallass catThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Insulate Britain activists say new anti-protest laws wont stop disruption "IndyWatch Feed"

People arrested for protesting outside court say Suella Bravermans latest clampdown wont deter them


Dam-building spree pushes Amazon Basins aquatic life closer to extinction "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

People need to think about river basins or freshwater systems like a heart, a living system, says Bernardo Caldas, from WWF-Brasil. Caldas is the co-lead author of a new study investigating how freshwater systems in the Amazon Basin are interconnected. Its the first study of its kind to combine two layers of analysis of 6,000 rivers from across the Amazon Basin, which together make up some 343,000 kilometers (213,000 miles) of waterways. On one level, the study details the current level of connectivity of these rivers, as well as pointing to how this could change in the future if all the hydroelectric dams currently planned for the region are built. The second layer of analysis looks at the presence of migratory fish, turtle and dolphin species in the same rivers, detailing the importance of free-flowing rivers whose course is uninterrupted by hydropower dams. Furthermore, the study examines how the rivers of the Amazon Basin are connected to lakes formed by flooding during the rainy season and play an important role in the life cycles of the species focused on in the study. It is these more sensitive environments, such as the floodplains, that end up being most affected by the hydroelectric dams, Caldas says. The rhythms of the waterways of the Amazon Basin, marked by low- and high-water periods, are vital to the health of the aquatic ecosystem, yet have been disturbed by a number of factors, such as a changing climate, deforestation, changes in land use, uncontrolled and disorderlyThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

ECOWAS Member States Require Roadmap for Regulation of Small Arms


June 22, 2023

Baba Gana Wakil, Resident Representative of ECOWAS in Ghana, has urged Member States to create a roadmap for effective integration of the harmonized guideline of the ECOWAS Convention on Small Arms and Light Weapons into national legal frameworks.

He said the roadmap would help promote accountability, transparency, and responsible arms trade.

Baba Wakil made the call at the opening of a three-day stakeholder sensitization workshop on the Harmonized Guideline of the ECOWAS Convention on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Arms Trade Treaty in Accra.

The workshop organised by the ECOWAS Commission in partnership with the Foundation for Security and Development in Africa (FOSDA) is also for the development of a National Strategy on Small Arms Control.

The workshop is aimed at bringing together key stakeholders to collaborate and develop an effective and comprehensive national strategy on small arms control as a vital step towards the operationalization the ECOWAS Convention on Small Arms and Light Weapons and the Arms Trade Treaty.

He said, together, we can identify innovative strategies, best practices, and practical solutions to enhance the implementation of these vital instruments. Your commitment, knowledge, and dedication are critical to achieving our shared objectives of peace, security, and sustainable development.

He said the workshop was also to acquaint relevant stakeholders in the ECOWAS Region with the harmonized guideline of the ECOWAS Convention and for participants to gain a deep understanding of the provisions, principles, and obligations outlined within the frameworks.

Baba Wakil said small arms and light weapons, ammunitions and their components have inflicted immeasurable suffering on societies, and their widespread availability had fueled conflicts, perpetuated violence, undermined stability, and hindered socio-economic development.

The devastating consequences of these weapons are felt by individuals, families, and entire comm...


Far-Right Extremist Ideology Spreading Like an Oil Spill in Europe "IndyWatch Feed War"

Human Wrongs Watch

By Baher Kamal

MADRID, Jun 22 2023 (IPS)* The abuse of human rights has sharply increased with the steady rise of the right and far-right parties in the wealthy industrialised countries, whose extremist ideology is now spreading faster than ever in Europe.


Santiago Abascal, leader of Spains far-right Vox party. The party could soon be in government, after the 23 July 2023 general elections. Credit: Shutterstock

Indeed, most of the European Union 27 member countries are now either formally ruled by or strongly influenced and supported by extremists and populist parties, which publicly negate basic human rights, while masking their policies of...


Hajj: Why Pakistanis in the West are 'going home' to apply for the pilgrimage "IndyWatch Feed War"

Hajj: Why Pakistanis in the West are 'going home' to apply for the pilgrimage

Pakistanis in US and UK are applying for Hajj via Islamabad because of better prices and a smoother process
Areeb Ullah Thu, 06/22/2023 - 11:40
Thousands of Muslim pilgrims make their way across the valley of Mina, near Mecca in western Saudi Arabia 9 July 2022.
Thousands of Muslim pilgrims make their way across the valley of Mina, near Mecca in western Saudi Arabia, on 9 July 2022 (AFP)

Sitting under a white canopy encrusted with fairy lights at a training session in London for Hajj, Shakil Ahsan listens patiently to the imam as he explains the rites of the pilgrimage in Urdu.

The 42-year-old council worker has dreamed of doing the Hajj pilgrimage for several years, and now his hopes of sitting under a canopy in Mina, Saudi Arabia, are coming to fruition.

The pandemic and inability to book the Hajj through new avenues created by Saudi Arabia had delayed that dream for him and his wife for a few years.

But now Ahsan is taking an alternative route instead of going via the official one designated for British citizens.

This time he's using a Pakistani passport.

We tried to go via the official route of Nusuk, but the website kept freezing on us, and when we did get through, the booking would be sold out or unavailable, said Ahsan, referring to the new online Hajj application portal Saudi Arabia has implemented for Muslims in the West.

Ahsan is one of many British Pakistanis who are utilising their secondary nationality to circumvent the...


Apple addressed actively exploited zero-day flaws in iOS, macOS, and Safari "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Apple rolled out security updates to address actively exploited zero-day flaws in iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and Safari.

Apple addressed a set of vulnerabilities in iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and the Safari browser that were actively exploited in the wild.

The IT giant addressed the zero-day vulnerabilities, tracked as CVE-2023-32434 and CVE-2023-32435, exploited as part of the recently disclosed Operation Triangulation.

Recently, Kaspersky researchers dug into Operation Triangulation and discovered more details about the exploit chain employed to deliver the spyware to iOS devices. In early June, researchers from the Russian firm Kaspersky uncovered a previously unknown APT group that is targeting iOS devices with zero-click exploits as part of a long-running campaign dubbed Operation Triangulation.

The experts discovered the attack while monitoring the network traffic of their own corporate Wi-Fi network dedicated to mobile devices using the Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform (KUMA).

According to Kaspersky researchers, Operation Triangulation began at least in 2019 and is still ongoing.

The attack chains commenced with a message sent via the iMessage service to an iOS device. The message has an attachment containing an exploit. The expert explained that the message triggers a remote code execution vulnerability without any user interaction (zero-click).

Below are the description for the two issues addressed by Apple:

  • CVE-2023-32434  An integer overflow that resides in the Kernel, it was addressed with improved input validation.  An app may can trigger the vulnerability to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges. Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited against versions of iOS released before iOS 15.7.
  • ...


Sound Quirks For The ASUS ROG Ally Queued For Linux 6.5 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ahead of the Linux 6.5 merge window expected to open up next week, a patch providing sound quirks for the ASUS ROG Ally's CS35l41 audio is now queued in the sound subsystem's for-next branch...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

<p><span style="font-size: x-large;"><b>Ghana GDP Expands by 4.2 Percent in 2023 First Quarter</b></span></p> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href= "" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src= "" width="400"></a></div> <p>By techfocus24 </p> <p>June 21, 2023</p> <p>The Ghanaian economy expanded by 4.2% in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the 3.2% reported in the previous quarter.</p> <p>The data represents the fastest pace of economic growth for the West African Country since the second quarter of 2022. It is also the 10th consecutive quarter of economic growth recorded by the country.</p> <p>This is according to data from the Ghana Statistical Service.</p> <p>Key highlights</p> <p>The first quarter of 2023 witnessed notable developments in various sectors of the economy, significantly impacting the overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth. Key sub-sectors, including Public Administration, Defense & Social Security, Health, Education, and Information and Communication, played a vital role in driving the economy forward.

While certain sectors experienced remarkable expansion, others faced contraction during this period. Let


Facing an Uncomfortable Truth About Speed Limits "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


When I was a kid, my family lived near a path system known as the green strip. The green strip is a swath of greenspace with a multi-use path that stretches over many blocks and connects the natural riverbottom area to one of the major city parks. Its always full of folks walking, biking, and strolling with dogs, and along the way, there are various playgrounds, exercise equipment, and basketball courts. It would take us straight to the convenience store for Slurpees on a hot summer day, and to the citys best sledding hill in the winter. It was great to grow up near this amenity, and it figures prominently in my childhood memories, because it was part of daily life and played a big role in much of my growing independence as I got around independently on foot and bike.

When I think of the green strip, theres one particular association that really stands out, though. When leaving our home by car, wed have to drive alongside it, through a playground zone where the speed limit was 30 km/h (20 mph). And as we slowed to drive through this zone, often my mum would remark that this was the only place shed ever gotten a speeding ticket in her life. I havent lived in my hometown for more than 20 years, but still, when I drive that stretch, I reflexively check my speedometer.

Looking back, this was one of my earliest exposures to the assumption that obeying the speed limit equals being safe.

Like so many people in North America, I grew up with the ever-present shadow of road violence  looming over me. In my own family, we had first-hand experience with it. And so I was raised with a very strong sense that when youre behind the wheel of a vehicle, you wield enormous and dangerous power. I didnt get my drivers license until I was almost 18. This was very late compared to most of my peers, who had been driving with learners licenses since they were 14. I was nervous about having that much power. I was afraid of the consequences of making mistakes. 

The interesting thing is how quickly you fo...

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