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Saturday, 01 July


Antrittsbesuch in Washington "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Strkere Fhrung in Europa

Viel Lob hat Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius in Washington unter anderem fr seine Anfang der Woche gefllte Entscheidung erhalten, in Zukunft rund 4.000 deutsche Soldaten fest in Litauen zu stationieren. Damit habe er eine strkere Fhrungshaltung in Europa eingenommen, hie es etwa in der New York Times.[1] Pistorius hatte am Montag in einer 180-Grad-Wende von der bisherigen Position der Bundesregierung Abstand genommen, laut der die Bundeswehr zwar eine vollstndige Brigade fr einen etwaigen Einsatz in Litauen kontinuierlich bereithalten werde, dass aber nur ein vorgeschobener Gefechtsstand mit rund 50 deutschen Soldaten permanent in dem baltischen Land aufgestellt werden solle.[2] Zur Begrndung hie es in Berlin gewhnlich, die Brigade solle nicht unmittelbar an der potenziellen Front stehen, sondern an einem weiter entfernten Ort in Deutschland, um bei Bedarf kurzfristig auch an anderer Stelle eingesetzt werden zu knnen. Litauen hatte das nie akzeptiert und immer wieder die stetige physische Prsenz einer vollstndigen deutschen Brigade gefordert. Indem Berlin nachgibt, nimmt es den litauischen Beschwerden den Wind aus den Segeln und ergreift die Initiative bei der weiteren Militarisierung an der Ostflanke des Bndnisgebiets.

Verantwortung fr den Indo-Pazifik

Positiv bewertet wurde in Washington zudem, dass Pistorius weitere militrische Schritte im Indischen sowie im Pazifischen Ozean ankndigte. Es gebe eine europische Verantwortung fr den Indo-Pazifik, die darin bestehe, unsere Partner zu untersttzen, behauptete der Verteidigungsminister.[3] Die Bundeswehr, die seit 2021 Marine- und Luftwaffeneinheiten zu Kriegsbungen in die Asien-Pazifik-Region entsendet, wird Mitte Juli Einheiten des Heeres zum Gromanver Talisman Sabre nach Australien schicken. Im kommenden Jahr werden zudem zwei deutsche Kriegsschiffe am US-Gromanver Rimpac im Pazifik teilnehmen und sich anschlieend eine Zeitlang in die US-gefhrte berwachung der UN-Sanktionen gegen Nordkorea einklinken. Lediglich als eigenstndige Militrmacht wolle Deutschland sich nicht im Indischen und im Pazifischen Ozean etablieren, erklrte Pistorius jetzt; dazu sei man zu weit weg und nicht gengend verankert.[4] Der Minister stellte allerdings eine deutliche Aufstockung der deutschen Waffenlieferungen in Aussicht; Beschrnkungen, die immer noch fr Rstungsexporte glten es handelt sich vor allem um Restriktionen bei Lieferungen in Krisen- und Kriegsgebiete , mssten gendert werden. Allerdings wolle man nicht die Welt mit deutschen Waffen fluten.

Die transatlantische Rstungsbasis

Neben der weiteren Militarisierung Osteuropas im NATO-Rahmen und neuen militrischen Manahmen im Indischen und im Pazifischen Ozean besprach Pistorius mit seinem US-Amtskollegen Lloyd Austin und dem Nationalen Sicherheitsberater Jake Sullivan auch die Aufrstung der Bundeswehr mit US-Kriegsgert. Dabei ging e...


Rishi Sunak Boasts That Oil Funded Think Tank Helped ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Rishi Sunak Boasts That Oil Funded Think Tank Helped Us Draft Crackdown on Climate Protests.

Klingt wie ein Aufreger, aber was sollen die sonst machen? Sich die Gesetze von Bertelsmann schreiben lassen, wie wir?! So blde sind die Briten nicht.

Fenster in Russland bleiben riskant.Update: Oh wow, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Fenster in Russland bleiben riskant.

Update: Oh wow, vorhin ging's noch. Jetzt geht bei Twitter nicht mal das Angucken eines Tweets per Direktlink ohne Account-Wall. Tsja. Good riddance.

"Frauen sind bei gleicher Eignung, Befhigung und ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

"Frauen sind bei gleicher Eignung, Befhigung und fachlicher Leistung bevorzugt zu befrdern."
So steht es bei uns in den Gleichstellungsgesetzen.

Auch die USA haben dieses Konzept, auch fr andere unterdrckte Minderheiten, und insbesondere auch an Unis bei der Studienplatzvergabe. Das nennt sich dann Affirmative Action, und es gibt unter anderem Studienpltze bevorzugt an schwarze Bewerber.

Damit sind natrlich die Republikaner nicht einverstanden, und jetzt wo denen der Supreme Court gehrt, war es eine Frage der Zeit. Sie haben ein paar koreanische Klger gefunden, die Mitglieder ihrer Partei sind, und bei Harvard nicht reingekommen sind, und die haben gegen Harvard geklagt, und das landete dann vor dem Supreme Court und der hat die Klage angenommen.

Jetzt ist das Urteil ergangen. Wenig berraschend hat der Supreme Court nach dem Zersgen des Rechts auf Abtreibungen wenig Skrupel bei Affirmative Action gezeigt, und Harvard gesagt, sie drfen nicht einfach auf die Hautfarbe gucken und dann jemanden darauf basierend bevorzugen.

Im Gegensatz zu anderen Ideologie-Urteilen des Supreme Court haben sie hier aber die Mehrheit der Bevlkerung hinter sich.

For once, SCOTUS and public are in sync. A poll found 65% of the U.S.including 57% of Latinos, and a plurality of Biden voters and Blacksoppose race as an admissions criterion.
Interessanterweise haben sie Affirmative Action nicht grundstzlich verboten, sondern lediglich gefordert, dass sie faktenbasiert stattfinden muss:
Diversity is no longer a license for pernicious discrimination, in the Courts view. Courts may not license separating students on the basis of race without an exceedingly persuasive justification that is measurable and concrete enough to permit judicial review, John Roberts, the chief justice, wrote for the majority. The universities response of trust us, would no longer suffice.
Das wird natrlich nicht gelingen, da Fakten zu produzieren, weil Affirmative Action halt auch eine ideologische Forderung war. In der Praxis hlt in den USA vor allem der Semesterpreis eines Studiums Menschen vom Studieren ab. Wer studiert ist entweder Kind reicher Eltern oder verschuldet sich ber beide Ohren. Schwarze ohne Eltern mit bodemlosen Credit Rating kommen also vor allem dann rein, wenn sie ein Stipendium kriegen. Die Regeln der Uni sind eher unwichtig.

Ein Geschmckle hat auch, dass hier ausgerechnet Asiaten geklagt haben, denn amerikanische Ivy League Universitten sind in Asien und insbesondere China sehr populr. Hier gibt es ein paar Zahlen. Wenn die weniger asiatis...


Why scientists havent cracked consciousness "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 25-year bet between neuroscientist Chris Koch and philosopher David Chalmers is settled. Consciousness, on the other hand, is not.


Dan Hendrycks on Why Evolution Favors AIs over Humans "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Dan Hendrycks joins the podcast to discuss evolutionary dynamics in AI development and how we could develop AI safely. You can read more about Dans work at

00:00 Corporate AI race.
06:28 Evolutionary dynamics in AI
25:26 Why evolution applies to AI
50:58 Deceptive AI
1:06:04 Competition erodes safety.
10:17:40 Evolutionary fitness: humans versus AI
1:26:32 Different paradigms of AI risk.
1:42:57 Interpreting AI systems.
1:58:03 Honest AI and uncertain AI
2:06:52 Empirical and conceptual work.
2:12:16 Losing touch with reality.

Social Media Links:


Decoding Nuclear Matter: A Two-Dimensional Solution Unveils Neutron Star Secrets "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory have used two-dimensional condensed matter physics to understand the quark interactions in neutron stars, simplifying the study of these densest cosmic entities. This work helps to describe low-energy excitations in dense nuclear matter and could unveil new phenomena in extreme densities, propelling advancements in the study of neutron stars and comparisons with heavy-ion collisions.

Understanding the behavior of nuclear matterincluding the quarks and gluons that make up the protons and neutrons of atomic nucleiis extremely complicated. This is particularly true in our world, which is three dimensional. Mathematical techniques from condensed matter physics that consider interactions in just one spatial dimension (plus time) greatly simplify the challenge. Using this two-dimensional approach, scientists solved the complex equations that describe how low-energy excitations ripple through a system of dense nuclear matter. This work indicates that the center of neutron stars, where such dense nuclear matter exists in nature, may be described by an unexpected form.


Who Wants to Live on Planet Trantor? (Why we Are Against Space Colonialism) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Historically, colonialism was initially predicated on a simple rob and take home concept. During the first colonialist age, the superpowers of that era (primarily England and France) used to send their agents overseas to obtain precious goods at very low prices, and to bring those goods back to their home countries, selling them at very high prices (today, such practices are far from being obsolete!). Such policies were often socially detrimental, especially when they boosted the use of drugs (e.g., stimulating opium dependence in several Chinese provinces). In many cases, colonialist policies lead to conflicts and wars (in order to ensure control over certain regions). In most cases, nothing positive remained for the colonized populations, since the colonialist behaviors primarily engaged populations with a culture based on robbery and exploitation not to advance civil rights. Regarding the new world (Americas two continents), colonialists have also invaded these territories, stealing the land and natural resources from native inhabitants, and exterminating these inhabitants by any means. During the last age of colonialism (up to the 20th Century), the practice of depredation continued, in many cases retarding or preventing the development of colonized countries, notwithstanding the abundance of natural riches, from which native peoples could never benefit.

Ok, I am listening now to your classical objections. I, for one, have noted this several times while discussing space colonization: in the solar system there are no native intelligent beings, therefore we would not steal anything from anyone, by colonizing territories on the Moon, Mars, Jupiter Moons and beyond. Of course, I am talking about the very essential part of colonialism: to take resources and bring them home. In our cases, to take asteroid and exo-planetary resources from the Moon, asteroids, Mars and beyond, and bring them on Earth surface why would this be harmful?

Space colonialism would be both a dangerous and harmful undertaking for several reasons.


Authors Accuse OpenAI of Using Pirate Sites to Train ChatGPT "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

openaiGenerative AI models such as ChatGPT have captured the imagination of millions of people, offering a glimpse of what an AI-assisted future might look like.

The new technology also brings up novel copyright questions. Several rightsholders are worried that their work is being used to train AI without any form of compensation, for example.

How these and other copyright questions will be dealt with is not entirely clear. Governments around the world are taking different approaches, with U.S. Congress recently stating that it doesnt plan to overreact. Meanwhile, rightsholders dont intend to stand idly by.

Authors Sue OpenAI for Copyright Infringement

This week, authors Paul Tremblay and Mona Awad filed a class action lawsuit against OpenAI, accusing ChatGPTs parent company of copyright infringement and violating the DMCA, among other things. According to the authors, ChatGPT was partly trained on their copyrighted works, without permission.

The proof for this claim is seemingly simple. The authors never gave OpenAI permission to use their works, yet ChatGPT can provide accurate summaries of their writings. This information must have come from somewhere.

Indeed, when ChatGPT is prompted, ChatGPT generates summaries of Plaintiffs copyrighted workssomething only possible if ChatGPT was trained on Plaintiffs copyrighted works, the complaint reads.

Pirate Training

While these types of claims are not new, this weeks lawsuit alleges that OpenAI used pirate websites as training input. This potentially includes Z-Library, a shadow library of millions of pirated books thats at the center of a criminal prosecution by the U.S. Department of Justice.

OpenAI hasnt disclosed the datasets that ChatGPT is trained on, but in an older paper two databases are referenced; Books1 and Books2. The first one contains roughly 63,000 titles and the latter around 294,000 titles.

These numbers are meaningless in isolation. However, the authors note that OpenAI must have used pirated resources, as legitimate databases with that many books dont exist.

The only internet-based books corpora that have eve...


Call on NWSA to reaffirm its unwavering commitment to Palestinian liberation and feminism, including BDS "IndyWatch Feed War"

(Image: Feminists for Justice in/for Palestine)Feminists for Justice in/for Palestine call on the National Womens Studies Association to stand by its commitment that Palestinian liberation is a feminist issue.


Supreme Court Nukes Bidens Unconstitutional $400 Billion Student Loan Bailout "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Supreme CourtThe Supreme Court struck down President Joe Biden's plans to offer a taxpayer-funded bailout to millions of student loan borrowers without congressional approval.


Hackaday Podcast 225: Leafy Meats, Wind to Heat, and a Machine Thats Neat "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This week, Editor-in-Chief Elliot Williams and Kristina Panos dont have a whole lot in the way of news, but we do know this: the Green Hacks Challenge of the 2023 Hackaday Prize ends precisely at 7AM PDT on July 4th. Show us what you can do in the realm of hacking for the planet, be it solar-based, wind-powered, recycled-trash-powered you get the idea.

Kristina is now completely down for the count on Whats That Sound, although this week, she was sort of in the neighborhood. But no matter, because we know several of you will nail it. Then its on to the hacks, where we have quite a bit to say this week when it comes to cars.

From there we take a look at a really fun gumball run, ponder the uses of leafy meats, and fawn over an Amiga-inspired build. Finally we talk PCB earring art, hacking the IKEA Kvart, and discuss the potential uses for wind-to-heat power.

Check out the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in  the comments!



Sprinkle magic dust and change their situation Rep. Trahans response to witnessing Palestinian persecution "IndyWatch Feed War"

Reps. Lori Trahan (l) and Jim McGovern (r) speak to Temple Israel of Boston on June 11, moderated by Nadav Tamir of J Street (c). Screenshot from video.15 Democrats in Congress on a J Street trip to Israel met with Netanyahu even though Netanyahu refused to allow J Street staff in the meeting. Then Netanyahu lied. "No new settlements." And that afternoon Israel announced more settlements.


Casa Pringles ATR. La vida en comn no se puede desalojar "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Yo ya no me pienso individual, dice Pipi; se llama Gabriela pero casi no utiliza ese nombre. Es parte del grupo de mujeres y nies que fueron desalojades de la Casa Cultural Pringles el sbado pasado, un proyecto de vivienda colectiva, autogestionada y autnoma, en busca de reparacin para las heridas de la violencia patriarcal e institucional. 

Ese da, despus de ms de 12 horas de estar negociando con el Gobierno de la Ciudad una salida de la casa -vaca y declarada ociosa por el mismo gobierno- que haban habitado durante un ao y medio acorde a lo que haban construido, Pipi sali a agradecer a las organizaciones transfeministas y militantes que haban acompaado durante toda la jornada. 

Dej las dos mochilas que tena encima y y pidi que pusieran una cancin en un parlante que estaba en la esquina: La lucha y la salida es feminista y colectiva dice una parte de la letra. Era la misma cancin que, a la maana, Pipi haba puesto con su parlante en el balcn para conectar de alguna manera con quienes haban quedado del otro lado de la vallas montadas por la Polica de la Ciudad, tal vez para que no se viera cmo entraron a patadas a esa casa donde funcionaba un merendero, se brindaba apoyo escolar y se haca cada vez ms slido un proyecto cultural: Pringles ATR (Autnoma, Territorial y Reparadora)

De dnde salieron estas minas que en un ao y medio pudieron construir y hacerle msculo a un proyecto social y cultural que brilla por su ausencia en la Ciudad? Las biografas estn atravesadas por la violencia de gnero, abusos sexuales, consumo problemtico, la vulneracin de derechos y fundamentalmente por un Estado que aparece para ofrecer dos destinos: o la calle o la crcel. Y en el mejor de los casos, hay dos posibilidades ms: paradores y hoteles superpoblados, sin condiciones dignas para vivir.

No pensarse individual y construir una respuesta colectiva no slo es una parte de este proyecto, es una mxima de supervivencia para estxs pibas que saben de segundearse para resistir las arbitrarieradades que impone la vida en la calle, la friccin permanente con la polica y tambin dentro de los penales. Segundarse es acompaarse en la determinacin de vivir la vida que quieren vivir que no sea ni en la crcel ni en la calle, estar para la otra, ir al buzn juntas si es necesario como cuentan en el libro En poblado o en banda, de la organizacin Yo No Fui a la que algunas pertenecen. 

La Casa Cultural Pringles es reparacin, afecto y es tambin, como dicen ellas, ser plaga, dificil de eliminar, incluso a travs de un operativo policial desproporcionado -que reprimi a quienes estaban apoyando las negociaciones, en el exacto momento en que haban concludo- el mismo da que se hizo cruenta la represin en Juj...


Fight for LGBTIQ rights in Namibia goes on after landmark court ruling "IndyWatch Feed"

A historic ruling in Namibia has recognised same-sex marriages formalised abroad. But it has sparked a backlash


Link "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Joining me today Vanessa Beeley, here today to get us caught up on some new developments in Syria, a possible connection between the actions taking place in Syria with what recently took place in Russia involving the Wagner Group, and the reality of the western agenda in the Middle east.  

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Source Links

(31) vanessa beeley on Twitter: "Interesting timing as allegedly Ukraine is preparing Nuclear attack drills tomorrow 16km away from Zaparozhye NPP. Evacuating Nikopol District according to some Telegram channels" / Twitter
(36) vanessa beeley on Twitter: "@DanStoenescuEU Are you seriously tweeting a photo of overturned tomatoes to spin as #Russian "attack on market" - #WhiteHelmet fail. Meanwhile terrorists you cover for are targeting multiple civilian sites across Hama, Lattakia & South #Idlib. You - crickets. Criminals the lot of you!" / Twitter
Idlib, Syria: Nine dead, dozens injured after Russian warplanes attack Jisr al-Shughur | CNN
(32) Sprinter on Twitter: "The destruction of the headquarters of terrorists and ammunition depots in Idlib. The Syrian Defense Ministry said in a statement that as a result of a joint attack by the army of this country and the Russian forces stationed in Syria, the headquarters and warehouses with" / Twitter
Syria: Wagner fighters reportedly detained and offices raided | Middle East Eye
Sources at the Ministry of Defense report the arrest of General Surovikin - The Moscow Times Russian Service


Trollpocalypse Dreampost "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I was trying to walk from one place to another and somehow ended up on a highway with my boyfriend and his mother. This happens in my dreams sometimes, where Im just trying to go somewhere and get stuck on a messed up path that is obviously not where Im supposed to be.

There were other pedestrians stuck in the same path with us. Old timey race cars started coming at us from the opposite direction and I was all personally offended that somebody planned a race on a road that people use for walking.

We barely got out to some safer stretch of road, but when we did, we realized that we had left my boyfriends mother behind. I went back for her but I couldnt find her. Instead, I was stuck going deeper and deeper into a labyrinthine maze of subterranean highway, chain link fences, and colorful pipes.

At the bottom of it all I found that I was now Bruce Willis in 12 Monkeys mode, and the family that I was trying to get back to was a fictional wife and child. There were other human beings trapped there with me, and we were under the fascist rule of multicolored cartoony characters something like those in the Trolls movies, with maybe 5% Killer Klowns from Outer Space vibes.

They were trying to keep us underground for ostensibly benevolent reasons. I dont know how they communicated that because they spoke in gibberish.

My fellow humans were more easily cowed than I was, given that I was willing to do ultra violence to our captors. I would pretend to go along with them until I could get into a safe spot to attack, then just beat them to death or cut their throats with a shank.

At some point, one of the trolls was going to check my papers, but I remembered I had the IDs of two people I assassinated in my wallet. I managed to sneak the IDs out of my wallet onto the floor slightly out of sight, but one of my fellow humans betrayed me by flicking them into view of the trolls.

After a bunch of violence and misdirection, I somehow reached the outside world. I did this by always keeping an eye on whatever stretch of blue sky was visible through the cracks in the environment far ahead above. If I was going in a direction with less sky visible, I would do whatever I could to climb up over the barriers and keep moving towards the sky.

So I got outside, and the trees were red and the world was very underpopulated. There were just a few random menacing figures, lurking about their business.

My wife and child were there, but their skin was pitch black. Their eyes were blood red and they looked subtly inhuman in some other way. They pretended to be happy to see me, but I knew they would probably kill me when I went to sleep. I was still happy to be there and went along with it until I woke up.



Researchers Use Power LED to Extract Encryption Keys in Groundbreaking Attack "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Deeba Ahmed

This attack method can help attackers surpass all barriers to exploit side channels, which so far were not possible.

This is a post from Read the original post: Researchers Use Power LED to Extract Encryption Keys in Groundbreaking Attack


A Comprehensive Guide to the Free MMJ Card for Veterans "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

With the medical and scientific community increasingly recognizing the potential health benefits of medical marijuana (MMJ), its use is growing in popularity. This guide aims to illuminate the path for veterans seeking access to this alternative form of treatment. Specifically, were focusing on the free mmj card for veterans. Lets dive right in! The Allure []


Ms que da de la Guardia Nacional, el 30 de junio es el da de recordar masacre de Tlatlaya: Centro Prodh "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. Ms que da de la Guardia Nacional, declarado este jueves por el presidente Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador (AMLO), el 30 de junio es el da de recordar Tlatlaya, masacre ocurrida hace nueve aos, y lo que este caso emblemtico nos dice sobre los riesgos de la militarizacin, hoy ms extendida que nunca, seal el Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustn Pro Jurez (Centro Prodh).

El centro record que a nueve aos de la masacre en Tlatlaya, donde militares asesinaron a 22 personas, las autoridades mexicanos siguen sin investigar la cadena de mando involucrada en los hechos y en la emisin de la orden de abatir delincuentas, as como que no se han sancionado a los autores materiales en el fuero civil, a pesar de que hay procesos abiertos.

Tlatlaya no es un caso del pasado, es una advertencia sobre los riesgos que trae seguir ampliando el poder militar como se ha hecho en el presente, public en Twitter el Centro Prodh, donde destac que en la actualidad no se han erradicado las ejecuciones arbitrarias cometidas por el ejrcito, ni la propensin de los militares a alterar y distorsionar escenas criminales.

El pasado 29 de junio, AMLO declar el 30 de junio como el Da de la Guardia Nacional a travs de un decreto en el Diario Oficial de la Federacin.

El Centro Prodh ha documentado y denunciado desde hace ms de 30 aos la impunidad en los delitos y graves violaciones a derechos humanos cometidas por las fuerzas armadas, entre ellas la Guardia Nacional, as como la autonoma relativa de la...



Despite a number of references to Marx, the documentary evidence I have seen focused upon a reformist transition from the capitalist mode of production to an eco-socialist mode of production, indicates further misunderstandings of Marx. This evidence suggests that some of these documents are the products of a privileged intellectual trend from within the middle class. Before considering these examples further, it will be useful to remind ourselves of the problems associated with a fundamental division of labour in hierarchical mass societies. One of the crucial divisions of labour in this regard is between those individuals whose labour is predominantly manual; and those whose labour is predominantly intellectual.

Manual labour, by its very essence deals with real tangible objects, which can only be manipulated and recombined by considerable physical effort and using limited physical means (mechanical, electrical, or chemical) of one kind or another. Consequently, external reality is a constant, direct companion and objective tutor in correcting the efforts and final outcomes of the manual labourer. If the manual labourer gets some or all of it wrong this is obvious; the product doesnt work or function satisfactorily.

Intellectual labour, however, deals purely with thought entities (abstractions) which can be manipulated and recombined freely at will and with relatively little physical effort. Consequently, various levels of internal virtual reality or unreality, are the constant companions of the intellectual labourer. The only objective tutor (reality) is often far removed from the mental efforts of the intellectual. If intellectual labourers get their formulations wrong (eg. the sun going around the earth), it may not be immediately obvious that it is wrong. In this way, imaginary and incorrect (flat earth type) thought entities can persist widely and for many generations. Even the potential corrective of peer review (in this case by earth centred medieval religious scholars) is nevertheless still a subjective corrective, and for many generations was used to confirm rather than correct this mistake.

Unless intellectual assumptions can be experimentally confirmed, confirmation bias can perpetuate misunderstandings that are far removed from reality. Even the more science based disciplines of knowledge are frequently burdened with having to correct false and unwarranted assumptions about the reality intelectuals were at one time certain about. Marx frequently raised the problem of a growing difference between ideas and reality.

Logic minds coin of the realm, the speculative or mental value of man and nature its essence which has grown totally indifferent to all real determinateness, and hence unreal is alienated thinking, and therefore, thinking which abstracts from nature and from real man; abstract thinking. (Economic and Philosoph...


Putin stays in charge, but Prigozhin mutiny highlights US power in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed"

The march on Moscow threw light on US intelligence involvement in Ukraine, and the leverage it has over the war


AMLO lamenta muerte de Hiplito Mora en Michoacn "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El presidente AMLO seal que es lamentable que la oposicin saque raja de la muerte de Hiplito Mora RegeneracinMX, 30 de junio de 2023.- El []

La entrada AMLO lamenta muerte de Hiplito Mora en Michoacn  se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Video Friday: Training ARTEMIS "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

RoboCup 2023: 410 July 2023, BORDEAUX, FRANCE
RSS 2023: 1014 July 2023, DAEGU, SOUTH KOREA
IEEE RO-MAN 2023: 2831 August 2023, BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA
IROS 2023: 15 October 2023, DETROIT
Humanoids 2023: 1214 December 2023, AUSTIN, TEX.

Enjoy todays videos!

Humanoid robot ARTEMIS training for RoboCup. Fully autonomous soccer playing outdoors.

[ RoMeLa ]

Imperial College London and Empa researchers have built a drone that can withstand high enough temperatures to enter burning buildings. The prototype drone, called FireDrone, could be sent into burning buildings or woodland to assess hazards and provide crucial first-hand data from danger zones. The data would then be sent to first responders to help inform their emergency response.

[ Imperial ]

We integrated Stable Diffusion to give...


Lawsuit Claims Open AI Stole Massive Amounts Of Personal Data To Train ChatGPT "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Technocrat mind sees access to any and all data in the universe as an unalienable right. Thus, they have no moral or ethical restraint...

Lawsuit Claims Open AI Stole Massive Amounts Of Personal Data To Train ChatGPT


Trump Would Bar Child Sexual Mutilation In All 50 States "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Zero Hedge reports

Former President Donald Trump told an audience at a Faith and Freedom Coalition event on Saturday that he would sign a law barring transgender surgeries for children.

Something else I find hard to believe that I have to even say, said Trump. Its so ridiculous. Its so horrible and so ridiculous. I will keep men out of womens sports.

And I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. Prohibited, he continued, adding: And on day one I will reinstate the Trump ban on transgenders in the military. Because a warrior should be focused on crushing American enemies, on being strong, on having the image of being strong.

They have to be powerful. They have to be strong, especially when you see whats happening in the world today, not catering to radical gender ideology.

Trump also slammed critical race theory, and vowed to cut federal funding to any school which promotes it, or any inappropriate political, sexual or racial content.

Can you believe this? Can you imagine saying this 10 or 15 years ago? I will fight for parents rights, Trump told the crowd, adding I will fight for the direct election of school principals by the parents, the parents of the school. If any principal is not getting the job done, the parents should be able to fire them immediately and select someone who will.

Likewise, Trump vowed that he R...


Encuentro de Pueblos Fumigados: por un pas y un continente con soberana alimentaria "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Organizaciones socioambientales de una decena de provincias se reunieron en Rosario, donde acordaron acciones conjuntas para fortalecer la agroecologa y otro modelo productivo. Se anunci la creacin de una red latinoamericana contra los agrotxicos y fijaron fecha para una marcha nacional en diciembre. Por una patria donde no se sigan muriendo nuestros gurises, exigen.

Desde Rosario

Fabin Tomasi me dej un legado. Un da estbamos en su casa y dijo: Si quieren saber lo que hacen los agrotxicos, pregntenle a Estela. Por eso mi semilla es mostrar todo lo que pas Fabin. l trabaj con agrotxicos sin saber el impacto que eso tena en su cuerpo, como nos pas a nosotros en la escuela. Quien habla es Estela Lemes, docente rural fumigada y una persona clave en la lucha contra los agrotxicos en el litoral argentino. En el Encuentro Nacional de Pueblos Fumigados, Estela menciona a Fabin y su emocin se vuelve colectiva. Fabin Tomasi muri en 2018, a causa de una enfermedad ocasionada por los venenos que el agronegocio esparce sobre los campos de todo el pas.

A la voz de Estela se suman otras. El encuentro es el primero que se realiza en muchos aos: los que llevan ms tiempo de militancia en la espalda recuerdan que el ltimo fue en 2010. Los pueblos escriben su historia sobre la memoria compartida. Por eso al recuerdo de Fabin se suma el del referente de la ciencia digna, Andrs Carrasco, y el de uno de los promotores de la agroecologa en la regin, Carlos Vicente. El rostro de Berta Cceres, dibujado en una bandera, es parte de la escena.

Para hacer puentes entre las militancias del ayer y las necesidades del hoy, hace falta encontrarse, charlar, conocer a travs del compaero o la compaera lo que pasa en cada territorio. Hace falta volverse red. Y es precisamente esto lo que se concluy al finalizar el encuentro, llevado a cabo el pasado 17 de junio en Rosario: construir una red apartidaria de pueblos fumigados de Argentina, con el objetivo de desarrollar estrategias y acciones conjuntas. El horizonte trazado es  luchar por un pas libre de transgnicos y agrotxicos biocidas y promover la agroecologa, la soberana alimentaria y el Buen Vivir.

Estela sintetiza: Vine con una expectativa que fue totalmente cubierta por este encuentro. Ms all de los lugares donde vivamos y de los problemas que tengamos en cada pueblo y en cada ciudad,...


Ukraine's Zaluzhny Is Back And Asking For More Weapons "IndyWatch Feed War"

Last December the commander of the Ukrainian armed forces, General Valery Zaluzhny, talked with The Economist. He asked for more weapons which, he said, would allow him to throw the Russian forces out of Ukraine: I know that I can...


The Left is Moving to Rig All Elections Everywhere "IndyWatch Feed World"

The LEFT is now totally out of control. Fearing that they may lose against Trump and that their BS charges are so obviously political, they are now looking to charge Trump with inside trading to make him a normal type of criminal, even though this is still all politically motivated.

In London, they have closed the bank accounts of Nigel Farage and his entire family because he is the face of the Reform Party. In Parliament, they accuse him of taking 500k from Russians, which he denies, and they refuse to show any evidence. This was the excuse used to shut down all his accounts and even his children.

This is the standard operating procedure. In my case, they stole my childrens saving accounts. They froze my mothers accounts even her Social Security funds. When she called the bank, they gave her the number of Tancred Shiavoni lawyer of the receiver. My lawyers filed a letter to the courts that they then cut off all of my mothers medicine, and she would die in the process. Then they claimed the bank made a mistake but I had no account at my mothers bank.



Thanks To Texas Heartbeat Law, 10,000 Babies Escaped Abortion: Study "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Texas CapitolTwo years ago, Texas became the first state in the nation since 1973 to successfully enforce a ban on abortion once a heartbeat is detected.


Forgettable Computer, Great Keyboard. Now Available In USB "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Coleco Adam is one of the great might-have-beens of the 8-bit home computer era, with an impressive bundle and on-paper spec let down by bugs, hardware issues, and poor availability. Its something of a footnote today but it seems Coleco did get something right as it had a great keyboard. [Nick Bild] has one, and hes brought it into the 21st century with a USB interface.

The interfacing is courtesy of a Teensy microcontroller board as in so many other keyboard projects, but what makes this extra-interesting is the way the Coleco keyboard speaks to the world. Instead of merely being a matrix peripheral as were so many of its contemporaries, Coleco created their own custom serial bus for Adam desktop peripherals called AdamNet, and thus the keyboard contains its own 6801 microcontroller to perform the interfacing. The Teensy then is a USB-to-AdamNet interface, and could were guessing be made to talk to other Coleco peripherals if they exist.

You can see the keyboard in action below the break, and as you can see it fits quite nicely into 2023.  Weve not featured much about the Adam before here at Hackaday, but the ColecoVision console which sits at its heart has even seen a new version...


Mexico Announces 50% Tariff on White Corn Imports as Canada Joins US in Fight Over GMOs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The United States and Canada continue their campaign to pressure Mexico to accept Genetically Engineered corn without restriction. Mexicos battle for food sovereignty took another step forward over the weekend as President Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador announced a 50% tariff on white corn imports. Lpez Obrador, also known as AMLO, said the move was part Read More...

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[$] The first half of the 6.5 merge window "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The first days of the 6.5 merge window have been a bit calmer than usual, with "only" 4,000 non-merge changesets having been pulled into the mainline repository. Those changesets include a fair amount of significant work, though. Read on for LWN's summary of the first set of changes merged for the next major kernel release.


Visibilizan desapariciones de personas LGBTI+ en la Marcha del Orgullo "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Alrededor de 50 familiares, amistades y personas buscadoras de las y los desaparecidos de esta comunidad participaron en el primer contingente que march por Reforma para reclamar su vuelta a casa. En primera lnea estaba Mara Guadalupe Surez, que busca a su hija Margarita Cuevas Surez, joven lesbiana desaparecida en la Ciudad de Mxico en 2022

Fotos: Luca Flores

Es la primera vez que Mara Guadalupe Surez participa en la Marcha del Orgullo LGBTI+ en la Ciudad de Mxico. Decidi unirse porque su hija Margarita Cuevas Surez, desaparecida el 5 de junio de 2022 con apenas 19 aos, formaba parte de esta comunidad.

A ella le hubiera gustado venir, dice la mujer de 56 aos, quien trabaja como cocinera.

Este sbado 24 de junio, Surez viste una playera blanca con el rostro de su hija al frente; en la parte de atrs se lee: Viva se la llevaron, viva la queremos! #NoestamostodasnosfaltaMago. Es casi medioda y el sol no da tregua, pero ella camina sobre el Paseo de la Reforma con el contingente convocado por primera vez para visibilizar las desapariciones de las personas de la comunidad LGBTI+ (lesbianas, gais, bisexuales, trans, intersexuales y de otras diversidades sexogenricas) en la Marcha del Orgullo de la Ciudad de Mxico, que celebra su edicin 45.

El principal obstculo al buscar a una persona desaparecida de la comunidad LGBTI+ es que las familias no buscan y las familias sociales [amistades cercanas, parejas, personas con las que trabajan o conviven regularmente] no tienen derecho a hacerlo y a participar en la investigacin, denuncia Juan Carlos Lozada Delgadillo, fundador de Invisibles MX y uno de los convocantes del contingente, quien busca a su padre, Carlos Lozada Mahuem, desaparecido en Tulancingo de Bravo, Hidalgo, en 2009.

Mara Guadalupe, madre de Margarita Cuevas Surez, se puso al frente del contingente con una pancarta que mostraba a su hija, desaparecida el ao pasado en San Mateo Xalpa, Xochimilco. 

El Registro Nacional de Personas Desaparecidas y No Localizadas (RNPDNO) reconoce a 78 personas de la comunidad LGBTI+ desaparecidas en el pas 40 siguen sin ser localizadas, pero Lozada considera que la cantidad es mayor, pues los nmeros que maneja no son reales. Adems, cuestiona que registren nicamente de una forma binaria, cuando las personas de esta comunidad no se identifican con los gneros masculino o femenino.

Tan solo en el estado de Hidalgo nosotros apoyamos a cuatro familias de personas desaparecidas que son de la comunidad y no se encuentran en el registro, seala.

El subregistro de estas...


You Only Had One Job, Linux Foundation Contractor (and You Blew It, for $2,500,000 a Year!) "IndyWatch Feed Tech" looks like this today. Its the first update in 3 days and they posted a duplicate: dupes
Duplicate Uncorrected even more than a day later.

Enter page number 1:

No name in
More than a day later not even 50 views in this page.

Enter page number 2: named author
More than a day later not even 50 views in this page, either. They killed an important domain and drove away its audience.

Summary: The site is basically a laughing stock. Do note that the latter is a contractor that the Linux Foundation pays 2.5 million dollars per year for unspecified purposes, including posting in material that has nothing to do with Linux e.g. promotion of products and services from LF.


In Landmark Free Speech Decision, Supreme Court Rules Government Cant Force Americans Like Lorie Smith To Violate Religious Beliefs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Lorie Smith of 303 Creative'The First Amendments protections belong to all, not just to speakers whose motives the government finds worthy,' the ruling states.


Oborevwori, Four  Former CDS Attend Armed Forces Pull Out Of Gen Irabor "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 30TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Four former Chiefs of Defence Staff (CDS) and the Governor of Delta State, Sheriff Oborevwori, on Friday morning, attended the pulling-out parade in honour of the immediate-past CDS, General Lucky Irabor, at the Mogadishu Cantonment in Abuja.

Past CDS in attendance included General Alexander Ogomudia, General Abayomi Olonisakin, Air Chief Marshal Oluseyi Petinrin, and Admiral Ola Saad Ibrahim.

General Irabor, the 17th CDS, was appointed on January 26, 2022 by former President Muhammadu Buhari and was removed on June 19, 2023 by the incumbent President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, following the appointment of new CDS and Service Chiefs.

General Irabor as Theatre Commander of Operation Lafiya Dole led the operation that captured Alargano Forest in the North-East.

Alargano Forest was the acclaimed Boko Haran Terrorists spiritual base.

He was also responsible for other operations that led to clearance of Sambisa Forest, destruction of Boko Haram camps and enclaves as well as rescue of over 20,000 civilians abducted by terrorists.




Weekend long read "IndyWatch Feed War"

1) The ITIC reports on Palestinian Activity in Jenin in Reaction to the IDF Presence in Judea and Samaria.

The Jenin refugee camp, with its population of about 11,000, is controlled by military terrorist wings, led by the Palestinian Islamic Jihads Jerusalem Brigades, and has become a center for terrorism in Judea and Samaria. Their activities include the recent attempts to shoot at Israeli communities near the border and attempts, so far unsuccessful, to manufacture rockets and launch them into Israeli territory. The refugee camp, with its various resident terrorist organizations, operates as one organism and is almost independent; the Palestinian Authority (PA) has virtually no presence or influence in the camp. Some of the refugee camp residents, even those who are not terrorist operatives, participate in the activities against the Israeli security forces by providing early intelligence of IDF force entry into the camp and helping to prevent their operations.

2) At the Jerusalem Post, Khaled Abu Toameh reports on Irans activities in PA controlled areas.

According to the source, the Palestinian Authority has noticed that there is increased cooperation between PIJ gunmen and members of al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of the ruling Fatah faction headed by PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

The PA security forces fear that scores of Fatah gunmen belonging to the Aqsa Martyrs Brigades are currently on the payroll of Iran through its Palestinian proxy...


The Bolshevik Color Revolution of 1917 and Prighozins 2023 Gambit: Trotsky, Russell, and the War on Civilization "IndyWatch Feed War"

Amidst this weeks strange attempt to instigate a military coup from the head of Russias Wagner Group, President Putin took a loud stand calling out the operation as a foreign directed insurgency with parallels drawn from the chaotic revolution of 1917.

Just as in 1917, the nation was at war with an enemy on the verge of defeat, and just as 1917, foreign manipulations using fifth columnists resulted in sucking the nation into Civil War. Putin stated:

Exactly this strike was dealt in 1917 when the country was in WW1, but its victory was stolen. Intrigues and arguments behind the armys back turned out to be the greatest catastrophe, destruction of the army and the state, loss of huge territories, resulting in a tragedy and a civil war Russians were killing Russians, brothers killing brothers. But the beneficiaries were various political chevaliers of fortune and foreign powers who divided the country and tore it into parts. We will not let this happen.

Now I dont know if the events catalyzed by Prigozhins attempted coup are part of a game within a game designed to flush out fifth columnists while providing a headfake to western strategists OR if this was an authentic coup. But what I do know is that there are historical processes at play which too few recognize and which President Putin understands very well.

Some might think Putins comparison to the 1917 revolution to be hyperbole, or a disrespect for the glorious Soviet revolution. They would be mistaken.

Aborting a System of Win-Win Cooperation

The sad fact is that neither the Bolsheviks nor Mensheviks which emerged onto the stage of history at the turn of the 20th century were organically arising peoples movements.

Upon deeper analysis conducted by historians like Anthony Sutton, Kerry Bolton, and Robert Cowley, both organizations which eventually merged into a singular force, enjoyed vast financial patronage of western imperial powerhouses such as Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff (head of Kuhn, Loeb & co.) and even Lord Alfred Milner head of the newly formed...


The Ocean Red Zone "IndyWatch Feed War"

Oceans of the world are in a dangerous red zone that exceeds safe limits for marine and terrestrial life because of excessive heat. Several statements by climate scientists show heightened concerns about how this plays out, as 2023 could be a major inflection point with global warming suddenly turning much worse. For example, the recent work of Annalisa Bracco, Ph.D., Professor School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Tech, Ocean Heat Is Off The Charts Heres What That Means for Humans and Ecosystems Around the World,, June 21, 2023.

The backgrounder for ocean heat taking center stage includes major developed countries that havent done nearly enough to cool things down despite Paris 15 commitments to cut emissions, which, in most cases. have proven to be nothing more than hollow promises, as multi-billion-dollar subsidies for fossil fuels continue unabated, no pushback for one of the most subsidized industries in the world, assuredly the most subsidized industry in the U.S.

Therefore, a question arises whether this dereliction of duty or a failure to meet Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) at the heart of the Paris Agreement, Article 4, Paragraph 2, merits an ad hoc international emergency meeting to pull out all the stops to fight global warming. After all Paris 15 hasnt done the job.

Two-thirds of the planet consists of ocean thats under attack by heat-seeking missiles of human and/or natural origin of greenhouse gases, CO2, CH4, and more. There are 10 primary greenhouse gases and more beyond that. Furthermore, the oceans have absorbed 90% of global heat for far too long; its starting to push back, erupting throughout the planet in a preview of a climate change horror movie thatll outdo Dont Look Up principally because Dont Look Ups asteroid was instantaneous with a precise target, whereas, global warmings a thousand cuts across the planet; it hits everywhere.

Based upon the script for Dont Look Up (2021 Best Picture Nominee), leaders of the world should be held accountable for ignoring science, which is clearly exposed for all DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, and Jennifer Lawrence. World leaders knew but did nothing. They must have known, not the actors, but real-world leaders that attended annual Conference of the Parties -COP- climate meetings, over 100 world leaders at COP27 last year, with UN Secretary-General Antnio Auterres warning, time and again, and again, and again, ad nauseum: The world is headed for climate catastrophe without urgent action.

We now know that most world leaders sought photo ops, nothing more! Heres the proof: Global emissions, the feedstock for global warming, continue setting new records every year. Only humans can control this. In May 2023, CO2 hit a new record high of 424 ppm according to Mauna Loa monthly mean data by NOAA Monitoring La...


Linux 6.5 Continues Making Preparations For WiFi 7, Enabling New Hardware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Linux 6.5 networking subsystem changes include more preparations around the ongoing WiFi 7 wireless standard as well as bringing up support for a number of newer network adapters...


Getting Outdoors Reduces Smartphone UseBut Only If You Go Wild "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Nature can curb smartphone use, but go beyond your local park and find some wild nature:

While a visit to the great outdoors is a common prescription for reducing screen use, a pioneering new study finds that time outdoors doesn't always reduce smartphone screen time.

The new research, which tracked the smartphone activity of 700 study participants for two years, reveals that participants' smartphone activity actually increased during visits to city parks and other urban green spaces.

With smartphone use rising worldwide, the study identifies a powerful way to reduce screen time: participants who visited nature reserves or forests saw significant declines in screen time over the first three hours, compared to visits to urban locations for the same amount of time.

[...] "Green time, or time outdoors, has long been recommended as a way to restore our attention from the demands of daily life, yet before our study, little was known about whether nature provides a way for people to disconnect from the mobile devices that now follow us into the great outdoors," said lead author Kelton Minor at the Data Science Institute, Columbia University. "While past research suggested that short trips to city parks might provide a digital detox, we saw texting and phone calls actually go up. It was really the longer visits to wilder areas, like forests or nature preserves, that helped people get off their screens and wrest back their attention from their smartphones."

[...] Discussing their findings, the researchers theorize that urban greenspace may instead be useful in enhancing remote social tieshence the increase in texts and phone calls in urban parksbut may interrupt the individual's opportunity to utilize the attention-restoring properties of nature.

Journal Reference:
Minor, K., Glavind, K. L., Schwartz, A. J., et al. (2023). Nature Exposure is Associated With Reduced Smartphone Use. Environment and Behavior, 55(3), 103139.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Lab-Grown Meat Is Coming to Stores and Restaurants Near You "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Marie Hawthorne In case youve been hoping new foods like insects or lab-grown meat would go away on their own, lab-grown chicken has just...

Lab-Grown Meat Is Coming to Stores and Restaurants Near You


Rishi Sunak admits oil-funded think tank helped write anti-protest laws "IndyWatch Feed"

The PM confirmed Policy Exchange helped draft laws targeting climate activists, as first revealed by openDemocracy


Now They Are Actually Working on a Plan to Block Out the Sun "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Sweden Is Encouraging Quran Burning "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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It is always about the children "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sylvia Shawcross I hesitated to write this piece for two reasons: Im not a member of the 2SLGBTQI* community and therefore do not know the experience and most importantly because this whole issue is a terribly divisive issue. Those who would prosper from pain are very good at divide and conquer. If you ever venture


Attain Insight Security 4X 4.0 strengthens data protection for enterprises "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

an upgrade to its flagship security software. This latest release introduces new features and enhancements designed to fortify data protection, streamline compliance processes, and bolster user management across diverse enterprise environments. Security 4X integrates with leading directory services, including Active Directory, Apache, eDirectory, Google, HCL Domino, and Okta Identity Services for streamlined user identity and access management. Corporate and regulatory compliance regulations around the world are More

The post Attain Insight Security 4X 4.0 strengthens data protection for enterprises appeared first on Help Net Security.


How China, Russia, and Iran Are Just Following the US Example "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

On this weeks WhoWhatWhy podcast, we delve into the dynamics of rising powers with Sean A. Mirski, author of the new book, We May Dominate the World.  


Mirski, a lawyer and foreign policy scholar, has worked on national security issues for several US presidential administrations. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a visiting scholar at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. 


Mirski explores the transformation of the United States into a regional hegemon in the century following the Civil War. And he paints a vivid picture of a nation that, by turns reluctant and ruthless, squeezed its European rivals out of the hemisphere and landed forces on its neighbors soil with dizzying frequency.


Mirski draws parallels between the USs historical behavior and the current actions of rising powers like China, Russia, and Iran. He suggests that these nations, like the US in its ascent, are pursuing regional hegemony, a path marked by expansion and aggression. 


Mirski discusses the drawbacks of occupation and intervention, noting that they often create blowback as other nations become more concerned about their security and respond to this threat perception with aggression in turn. 


He raises thought-provoking questions: Is there a playbook for becoming a rising power? Do great powers engage in aggressive behavior to become great powers, or to show off that they are already great powers? Why has no one been as successful as the US in this endeavor? Why has Russia been such a failure as a rising power?

iTunes Apple Podcasts...


2023 Superfood Gardening Global Gathering Free 5-Day Online Event "IndyWatch Feed World"

Do you know how fresh and healthy grocery store produce actually is? The answer is not very! How can you tell how fresh and healthy grocery store produce actually is? All fruits and vegetables start losing precious nutrients as soon as theyre picked. And for some crops, you can be eating them weeks or []

The post 2023 Superfood Gardening Global Gathering Free 5-Day Online Event first appeared on Wake Up World.


This Week in Security:Camaro Dragon, RowPress, and RepoJacking "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Malicious flash drives have come a long ways since the old days of autorun infections. Its not an accident that Microsoft has tightened down the attack surface available of removable media. So how exactly did a malicious flash drive lead to the compromise of a European hospital? Some sophisticated firmware on the drive? A mysterious zero day? Nope, just hidden files, and an executable using the drive name and icon. Some attacker discovered that a user trying to access a flash drive, only to be presented with what looks like the same flash drive icon, will naturally try to access it again, running an .exe in the process.

That executable runs a signed Symantec binary, included on the drive, and sideloads an OCX that hijacks the process. From there, the computer is infected, as well as any other flash drives in the machine. Part of the obfuscation technique is an odd chain of executables, executed recursively for a hundred copies. Naturally once the infection has rooted itself in a given machine, it takes commands from a C&C server, and sends certain files out to its waiting overlords. Checkpoint Research has attributed this campaign to Camaro Dragon, a name straight from the 80s that refers to a Chinese actor with an emphasis on espionage.


It may sound like an exercise, but...

Friday, 30 June


Turbo Cancer Leukemia (AML): 40-Year-Old COVID-19 Vaccinated, From Diagnosis to Death in Four Days. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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How US Disinformation Works: From Washington to Moscow and Back "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The seductive appeal of identical twin stories "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I am sure that pretty much everyone has been amazed at stories like the following, of identical twins who had been separated at birth and then reunited as adults.

Thirteen days before the start of the Second World War, a 35-year-old unmarried immigrant woman gave birth slightly prematurely to identical twins at the Memorial Hospital in Piqua, Ohio and immediately put them up for adoption. The boys spent their first month together in a childrens home before Ernest and Sarah Springer adopted one and would have adopted both had they not been told, incorrectly, that the other twin had died. Two weeks later, Jess and Lucille Lewis adopted the other baby and, when they signed the papers at the local courthouse, calling their boy James, the clerk remarked: Thats what [the Springers] named their son. Until then they hadnt known he was a twin.

The boys grew up 40 miles apart in middle-class Ohioan families. Although James Lewis was six when he learnt hed been adopted, it was only in his late 30s that he began searching for his birth family at the Ohio courthouse. In 1979, the adoption agency wrote to James Springer, who was astonished by the news, because as a teenager hed been told his twin had died at birth. He phoned Lewis and four days later they met a nervous handshake and then beaming smiles.

Both Jims, it transpired, had worked as deputy sheriffs, and had done stints at McDonalds and at petrol stations; theyd both taken holidays at Pass-a-Grille beach in Florida, driving there in their light-blue Chevrolets. Each had dogs called Toy and brothers called Larry, and theyd married and divorced women called Linda, then married Bettys. Theyd called their first sons James Alan/Allan. Both were good at maths and bad at spelling, loved carpentry, chewed their nails, chain-smoked Salem and drank Miller Lite beer. Both had haemorrhoids, started experiencing migraines at 18, gained 10 lb in their early 30s, and had similar heart problems and sleep patterns.

Incredible, no?

Or take a look at these two stories.

Oskar Sthr and Jack Yufe were identical twins born in Trinidad in 1933, to a German mother and a Jewish-Romanian father, but they were separated six months later when their parents relationship broke down. Oskar was raised Catholic by his mother in Germany and joined the Hitler Youth. Jack was raised as a Jew in Trinidad by his father. They met briefly at 21 and were reunited at 47. Although they had very different world views, their speech patterns and food tastes were similar, and they shared idiosyncrasies, such as flushing the toilet before using it, and sneezing loudly to gain attention. The other sidebar is devoted to the Giggle twins, Daphne Goodship and Barbara Herbert, identical twins adopted...



Learn something about Steatoda! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Here you go, an excellent introduction to the spiders I work on, the false widows.

I should probably require all my students to watch it, because it strikes a good balance on something I struggle with: venom. I tell my students its medically significant, a bite can hurt, and the venom can make you sick, but at the same time I tell them Ive never been bitten, I handle them all the time, and as long as youre gentle, theres no real danger.

Also interesting is the geographical difference. Ive never seen Steatoda grossa or S. nobilis around here its all Parasteatoda (I know, different genus), with some S. triangulosa and rare S. borealis in specific habitats. McEnery makes the interesting hypothesis that it may be the venom, that Steatoda generally makes a venom thats significantly more potent against invertebrates than the venoms of native species, allowing them to thrive and take over.


Affirmative Action Supreme Court Ruling: An Effort to Preserve the Status of a Tiny Elite "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Iranian Hackers Charming Kitten Utilize POWERSTAR Backdoor in Targeted Espionage Attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Charming Kitten, the nation-state actor affiliated with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), has been attributed to a a fully-featured PowerShell backdoor called POWERSTAR. "There have been improved operational security measures placed in the malware to make it more difficult to analyze and collect intelligence,"


This Is Actually Terrifying "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Lavrov: US, Russia in a Fight of Worlds "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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After Ukraine Slams Israels Relations With Moscow, Will Tel Aviv Change Its Stance On The War? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ukraines ambassador to Israel, Yevgen Korniychuk, was summoned to provide answers for his blistering critiques of Tel Avivs relations with Moscow, attempting to paint the Israeli government as deviating from a moral path due to its inability to cut relations with Russia. Despite the various means of support that Israel has provided to Kiev, it Read More...

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Europes Strategic Autonomy for Rational Pursuit of Welfare and Peace "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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University Creates Language Guide That Erases Man and Mother From Existence. You Are Not Allowed to Say Mom and Dad? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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US Announces Intention to Expand the AUKUS Alliance "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Household basket extended until end of 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

The measure of the household basket measure will be extended until December 31, 2023, the development ministry announced on Friday. The measure was supposed to end on June 30. The household basket has been thought as a measure to keep prices in basic food items and products covering basic needs in relative control. At the

The post Household basket extended until end of 2023 appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.


Israeli Operation in Gaza Destroyed 243 Homes, Killing 34 Palestinians "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Gaza Strip, Palestine At least 36 people were killed in a five-day spate of violence in Palestine and Israel between May 9-13. In the Gaza Strip, 34 Palestinians were killed, including over a dozen civilians and numerous children. In Israel, a Palestinian man and an Israeli woman were also killed in the violence. More than 190 Palestinians and 40 Israelis were injured, and over 243 housing units were severely damaged or destroyed, internally displacing 1,244 Palestinians, according to the independent analysis provider ACAPS.

The death and destruction spawned from what Israeli forces called Operation Shield and Arrow. Airstrikes targeted leaders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement, or Islamic Jihad movement, assassinating them along with some of their family members. The PIJ in turn responded with over 1,400 rockets.

Unicorn Riot was on scene to document many destroyed Palestinian housing units and speak to some of the owners. We filmed as rockets were fired into Israel some of which were destroyed by Israels Iron Dome air defense system. Unicorn Riot also documented the massive funerals in Gaza.

After the death of Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan in an Israeli prison on May 2, 2023, over 20 rockets were fired into Israel from the Gaza Strip, provoking, in part, the following operation. Adnan had been arrested on Feb. 5 for the 13th time and immediately started a hunger strike after he was placed on administrative detention Israels controversial practice of holding prisoners indefinitely with no trial date and no access to lawyers.

Adnan died as he entered his 87th day of hunger strike. His death was immediately condemned and many blamed Israel for medical negligence. Palestines Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh called Adnans death an assassination.



White House Journo Who Fed Her Question To Joe Biden Elected To WHCA Board Seat "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Biden press conference, reporter in foregroundThe same White House reporter whose question was caught on a cue card for Biden announced her election to the print seat on the WHCA Board.


How Hospital Authority Left Olympian Boxer, Okorodudu To Die Because Of Uncompleted Bill "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 30TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Flamboyant former Nigerian boxer, Jeremaiah Okorodudu gave up the ghost on Wednesday, after a complicated struggle with death at a Lawanson hospital in Lagos, hours before he was scheduled for a surgery to amputate his leg.  

Family sources told Sports Vanguard that Okorodudu, who represented Nigeria at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics had a partial stroke about two years ago. He was managing that when matters became worse after he was diagnosed with Diabetics sometime last year.

Apart from the partial stroke, he was also diabetic, our source said, adding that the sore foot was also cancerous. It developed into a foot cancer. Originally, the foot was to be amputated last Saturday but because the initial deposit had not reached the amount the hospital was asking for, the surgery had to be rescheduled for Thursday.

We further gathered that following the former boxers demise, the hospital authority initially refused to release the corpse, pending when the backlog of monies owed them was settled. We gathered that the amount of N600,000 was still outstanding.

However, latest information reaching us said the hospital has eventually released the body to daughter of the late Olympian. The daughter has taken the remains of her late father to an undisclosed morgue in Satellite Town, in Lagos, our source said.

The death of Jerry (as he was popularly called)  has stirred the Nigerian boxing fraternity. President of the Nigeria Boxing Board of Control Dr Rauf Oladipo expressed sadness over the death of the former boxer but said the NBB of C was not aware of Okorodudus state of health until late last week, when he heard about it on radio that Jerry was critically ill.

We did not have any contact from the family and I only got to hear of Jerrys ill health on radio while on my way to Ibadan. I promised that when I return the board would meet to deliberate on his case only to be told last night that he was dead, Ladipo said.

The NBB of C boss stressed that the board will still meet to see if there was any way they could contribute to easing the financial burden on the family. Jerry was a celebrated boxer who drew crowds whenever he was boxing. We have lost a rare...


Shining a Light on Efficiency: How Solar Street Lights Are Transforming Street Lighting "IndyWatch Feed World"

As cities around the world strive for more sustainable and energy-efficient solutions, one technology has been steadily illuminating streets and pathways with its eco-friendly glow solar street lights. These innovative systems have emerged as a beacon of hope, revolutionizing the way we light up our urban spaces.

Traditional street lighting relies heavily on electricity sourced from the grid, which not only contributes to carbon emissions but also poses a significant strain on municipal budgets. Enter solar street lights, a smart and efficient alternative that harnesses the power of the sun to brightly illuminate our roads while reducing our carbon footprint.

Concept of Solar Street Lights

contept of Solar Street Lights

The concept behind solar street lights is rather simple, yet ingeniously effective. Each street light is equipped with a solar panel that captures sunlight during the day, converting it into electricity and storing it in batteries. As night falls, these batteries power up the LEDs, casting a gentle and inviting glow on the streets below. The process repeats itself each day, with the solar panels continually replenishing the energy stored in the batteries.

Advantages and Infrastructure



Outrage as Planned Parenthood declares VIRGINITY 'a social construct' "IndyWatch Feed World"

"Feels like something my uncle told me when I was 9" Planned Parenthood has received backlash after posting a tweet declaring that virginity is "outdated" and "hurts everyone." The post featured a billboard with a further declaration "Virginity is a social construct," and claiming that the concept of virginity is a "patriarchal' way of thinking:


BEST OF THE WEB: Nuclear falseflag on Zaporozhye NPP heats up + major Wagner updates and more "IndyWatch Feed World"

The situation can only be considered urgent as Ukraine has now made their full intentions crystal clear. If before we suspected with high confidence, now it is plain fact. They intend to destroy the ZNPP plant as a last ditch attempt to 'activate NATO' by blaming Russia. A completely coordinated campaign over the last few days has affirmed this. Not only was Budanov's maiden speech after reappearing from his Kalibrated cranial trepanation centered on Russia's alleged 'mining of the ZNPP' basement, but now several new instances of highly coordinated messaging have been released by Ukraine and its Western controllers. (I re-post Budanov's video just to have them all here in one place for easy reference) In fact, since that video from days ago, he's released a new, even more urgently threatening message: "The 4th and 6th power units of the Zaporozhye NPP were mined by Russia," - Kyrylo Budanov "The situation has never been as serious as it is now. The plan of the terrorist attack...


Life In The UK Is Becoming Completely Unlivable Brexiteer Farage Is Being Systemically Un-Banked "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden Despite winning the news presenter of the year award, Nigel Farage has mixed feelings this week. In the following clip, he reveals...

Life In The UK Is Becoming Completely Unlivable Brexiteer Farage Is Being Systemically Un-Banked


In the Service of Israel: Biden Admin Breathes New Life Into Trumps Abraham Accords "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

H.R. 3099 was Introduced in the House of Representatives on May 5, 2023. This bill, known as the Special Envoy for the Abraham Accords Act, is the latest act by the United States in the service of Israel.

This bill establishes the position of Special Envoy for the Abraham Accords within the Department of State. For anyone who does not remember, the Abraham Accords are agreements to normalize relations between Israel and Arab states that do not recognize Israel. It is an anti-Palestinian accord more than anything. It should be named a bill to guarantee that governments who go against the wishes of their people and are willing to turn their backs to the plight of the Palestinian people will be rewarded.

The first four members of the Arab League to sign this accord were the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan. The initial signing took place in the White House during the Trump administration, and it should be noted that President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu were the only heads of state present. The other countries sent their foreign ministers, ostensibly so as not to be seen signing this disgraceful agreement. It is worth noting that there was extensive widespread opposition to normalizing relations with Israel in all countries that signed the accords.


A US ambassador in the service of Israel

According to the bills text, the Special Envoy, who shall have the rank and status of ambassador, shall serve as the primary advisor to the U.S. government for expanding and strengthening the Abraham Accords. The duties of the Special Envoy include:

Encouraging countries without diplomatic relations with Israel to establish formal diplomatic, economic, security, and people-to-people ties;
Expanding and strengthening existing relationships between Israel and Muslim-majority countries; and
Coordinating efforts across the U.S. government and engaging diplomatically with foreign governments, nongovernmental organizations, and other stakeholders to expand and strengthen the Abraham Accords.

The language in the bill demands that we ask why in the world is the U.S. government engaged in serving the interests of Israel so blatantly. Indeed, the U.S. will be selling arms to these countries, but a larger picture here is not being discussed, at least not enough. You have to hand it to Israel and even more to the Israeli lobby here in the U.S.: They got a superpower to work as Israels sales agent and pay for it. American taxpayers will now be paying additional millions of dollars to solicit or rather bully countries who have not yet established relations with Israel to do so. Is this the best use of American taxpayer dollars? Does this serve Americans in any way? The answer to both questions is No!...


Total Assure launches to provide SMBs with managed security services "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Total Assure announced its spinout from IBSS. Total Assure partners with its customers to identify security gaps, develop attainable cybersecurity objectives, and deliver comprehensive cybersecurity solutions that protect their businesses from modern cybersecurity threats. On account of the cybersecurity talent shortage and the high cost of best-of-breed cybersecurity technologies, SMB businesses have been struggling to protect themselves from cyber threat actors, who are increasingly targeting their organizations. Total Assure provides cost-efficient, comprehensive, and scalable cybersecurity More

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What it takes to keep an enterprise 'Frankenkernel' alive (Register) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Register reports from Ji Benc's talk on the making of the CentOS Stream kernel.

So, what the team are working on is a Frankenstein's monster, sewn together from different codebases. backports from upstream. It has the XFS filesystem code from kernel 6.0, the USB subsystem complete with drivers and BPF subsystem from kernel 6.2, the wireless stack and all drivers from kernel 6.3, and the multipath TCP/IP code from kernel 6.4 which at the time of the talk hadn't even been released upstream yet.


BBC: China is Firming Wind and Solar Power with Coal Plants "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

There is something very Chinese about building co-located coal plants, to stabilise output from their solar and wind plants.

The post BBC: China is Firming Wind and Solar Power with Coal Plants first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Musicians and Singers Dying Suddenly in May and June 2023. The Trend Is Accelerating. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Prigozhins Folly "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Man calls Toronto police over naked men exposing their genitals to kids on the street; cop says it's 'okay' during Pride parade "IndyWatch Feed World"

A YouTuber was told by Toronto police that naked men exposing their genitals to kids on the street during the Pride Parade was 'okay.' "I just want to make sure I'm not working outside of any laws or anything like that," political commentator Rob Primo said when he called the department during a recent episode. "If you want to be out in the street, you have to be fully clothed and you can't be naked or anything like that, right?" "Well, I mean, there are naked people running around on the street," an officer responded.


Fires, looting and hundreds of arrests: Third night of rioting in France following police killing of teenager "IndyWatch Feed World"

French President Emmanuel Macron was Friday to chair a new crisis meeting of ministers after a third straight night of nationwide protests over the deadly police shooting of a teenager saw cars torched, shops ransacked and hundreds arrested. The overnight unrest followed a march on Thursday in memory of the 17-year-old, named Nahel, whose death has revived longstanding grievances about policing and racial profiling in France's low-income and multiethnic suburbs. The Elysee announced Macron would cut short a trip to Brussels, where he was attending a European Union summit, to chair a crisis meeting on the violence -- the second such emergency talks in as many days.


By targeting Ukrainian war criminals, Moscow is protecting its civilians "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Lucas Leiroz | June 30, 2023

Recently, the whereabouts of Ukrainian officials such as the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Kirill Budanov, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny, have come to the attention of people around the world. Mainstream media omit information about both, while denying rumors that they died or were seriously injured during high-precision Russian strikes. These same media outlets often call Russian attacks on high-ranking Russian targets unjustified, ignoring that these Kiev public figures are openly involved in the murders of Russian civilians.

Since last year, Kiev has taken an openly terrorist stance in the conflict, focusing more on civilian targets in the undisputed zone of Russian territory than on military enemies on the battlefield. This terrorist nature of the neo-Nazi regime began to become clear when the murder of Daria Dugina, a prominent Russian journalist, daughter of the philosopher Aleksandr Dugin, took place. Daria was killed after a bomb was placed in her car in the suburbs of Moscow by an agent of the Azov Battalion, a Ukrainian far-right organization.

Since then, terrorist attacks have increased more and more, many times being neutralized in advance by the Russian security forces. People notoriously known for their support of Moscows special military operation have been targeted, even if they have no military involvement. This happened, for example, with businessman Konstantin Malofeev, who also had a bomb planted in his car by exile Russian neo-Nazi activists.

However, security forces are not always able to act in time to avoid the worst-case scenario. A new shocking murder case very similar to the one of Daria occurred in April this year, when Maxim Fomin, also known by his alias Vladlen Tatarsky, was murdered in a bomb attack on a public cafe in St. Petersburg, committed by an anti-government dissident admittedly linked to Ukrainian intelligence.

In May, Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin was also targeted by neo-Nazi terrorists, having survived a bomb attack that resulted in the death of his driver. The person responsible for the attack, Alexander Permyakov, also admitted to be working for Kievs intelligence, making clear the involvement of the regimes authorities in the case.

In addition, it is worthwhile to remember the cases involving non-personal targets, such as the...


Photographer left in awe as humongous hanging Alpine glacier collapses in Switzerland (June 17) "IndyWatch Feed World"

Photographer Juergen Merz captured the moment of a lifetime last week in Switzerland. Check out Merz's footage of a huge section of the Tschierva Glacier violently collapsing to the valley floor below:


Albanese governments draft misinformation laws denounced as the worst piece of legislation for free speech "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT SKY NEWS  Media lawyer Justin Quill described the governments proposed crackdown on...


20-year-old student of Military Academy dies during military exercise "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

A 20-year-old student of the Military Academy died during a military education exercise at the Unorthodox War Training Center in Redina, northern Greece, the Greek Army General Staff announced on Friday. The announcement pointed out that the 20-year-old initially lost consciousness during the training and then, after first aid was provided, he was transferred to

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Crisis in Peru: A Podcast With Ricardo Antonio Sobern Garrido and Gabriel Aguirre "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Ricardo Antonio Sobern Garrido and Gabriel Aguirre
Ricardo Antonio Sobern Garrido and Gabriel Aguirre talk about the crisis in Peru on the World BEYOND War podcast

By Marc Eliot Stein, World BEYOND War, June 30, 2023

Perus ongoing political crisis is urgent and may soon get worse, according to Ricardo Antonio Sobern Garrido who spoke with World BEYOND Wars Gabriel Aguirre and Marc Eliot Stein on the June 2023 episode of World BEYOND War podcast.

Power struggles between branches of Perus government have placed authority in the hands of Dina Boularte, deposing the embattled Pedro Castillo who based his support within indigenous communities. But 90% of the population lacks confidence in the current regime, according to Ricardo Garrido, a lawyer and drug policy leader who spoke to World BEYOND War in a three-way virtual conversation with Aguirre in Bogata, Colombia and Stein in Brooklyn USA.

Its USAs plans to exploit Perus political crisis for its own needs that present the greatest current danger. Instead of expressing concern for the human and environmental tragedies arising from a vacuum of credible, responsive government in Lima, USA has moved quickly to establish a new military relationship with the current regime, epitomized by a new program of joint exercises, Resolute Sentinel 2023, a garish display of USAs imperial so-called power that will remind everyone of USAs previous displays of power leading to wars in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Vietnam and Korea.



Russian Armed Forces will destroy 'meetings' of Ukrainian military with foreign mercenaries and Western Generals - Lavrov "IndyWatch Feed World"

The RF Armed Forces will destroy "assemblies" of militants of the Kyiv regime with foreign mercenaries and Western generals participating in them. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Lavrov also urged the leadership of NATO countries that provide their instructors for the training of fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to pay attention to the fact that the Kiev regime regularly deploys heavy weapons on the territory of civilian infrastructure, which is certainly a war crime. The minister also stressed that if the Russian Armed Forces detect gatherings of militants, such as the one in occupied Kramatorsk, they will immediately be attacked.


Unleashing The Potential: Key Applications Of Jaw Crushers In Various Industries "IndyWatch Feed World"

In the realm of industrial machinery, jaw crushers stand out for their unparalleled versatility and effectiveness. These powerful machines have found their way into various industries, revolutionizing the way materials are processed and paving the way for increased productivity and efficiency. With their ability to crush and break down a wide range of materials, they have become an indispensable tool in many sectors. Lets dive into some of the key applications of jaw crushers that have transformed industries across the board.

Mining and Quarrying


The mining and quarrying industry is one of the primary sectors where jaw crushers have left an indelible mark. These robust machines are perfectly suited for the demanding conditions of extracting and processing minerals and aggregates. With their powerful jaws and durable construction, they can effortlessly reduce large rocks and ores into smaller, more manageable sizes.

Whether its extracting valuable minerals like gold, silver, or copper from hard rock formations or crushing limestone and granite for construction purposes, a jaw crusher plays a crucial role. Their ability to handle high volumes of material and deliver consistent results make them ideal for use in mining and quarrying operations, maximizing productivity and minimizing downtime.

Construction and Demolition



Flood-like situation in many low-lying areas after heavy rain in Bihar, India "IndyWatch Feed World"

Torrential rain and waterlogging on Friday triggered a flood-like situation in several low-lying areas of Bihar, officials said. Many places in Araria, Purnea, Madhepura, Saharsa, Jamui, Katihar and Banka districts witnessed water accumulation following heavy rainfall, they said. State capital Patna received 53.45 mm rainfall in the last 24 hours till 8.30 am, while Raniganj recorded 90.8 mm, Purnea (77.5 mm), Madhepura (75 mm), Sharsha (68.8 mm), Jamui (67.3 mm), Purnea (67 mm), Katihar (64.5 mm) and Banka (56 mm), according to Met Department data.


Delta: Motorists Bemoan Location Of Heavy Refuse Dump Beside MTN Office, Alaka, Effurun "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 30TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Motorists plying the Warri-Sapele Road, in Uvwie Government Area, have called on the Uvwie Council Chairman, Hon. Ransom Onoyake and the environmental special task force in the council to help dispose the refuse dump beside MTN office at Alaka Junction, Effurun.

The motorists, who stated this yesterday, noted that whenever they drive past Alaka Junction, they perceived offensive odour as a result of huge refuse dump besides the MTN office, noting that it posed risk to human health.

Reacting to the development, the Community Liaison Officer (CLO) of MTN office in Effurun, Mr OchukoAkpomudje, said that it was sad seeing the huge refuse dump beside the office premises, stating that it was not good for business.

Akpomudje said that he had reported the situation to the Unueeuro of Alaka Community, Chief Hope Akasa, who he noted promised to tell his people to stop dumping refuse beside the MTN office.

The CLO equally appeal to the Uvwie Council Chairman,Onoyake to bring refuse trucks to evacuate the refuse dump, with a plea to residents of Alaka Community to stop the dumping of refuse beside their office premises.

It would be recalled that two weeks ago, the Uvwie council chairman, sealed off some shops at Effurun Market over illegal deposal of refuse at the Median of the road.

Delta Bulletin







The toxic man-children want to fight "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This is so childish and ridiculous Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg are going to stage a fight. The Italian government has offered to host it in the Colosseum. If it happens, its only going to be good for comic effect.

I dont think it will demonstrate their competence at running their bloated, broken businesses quite the opposite. I wouldnt watch it.

Unless, that is, they bring in a Minnesota Man to hurl Skittles at them while they wrestle. Thats the extra oomph of absurdity Im gonna need here.

Dr. Brad Ringeisen, Ph.D. Executive Director, Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Is the Executive Director of the Innovative Genomics Institute (, an organization founded by Nobel Prize winner Dr. Jennifer Doudna, on the University of California, Berkeley campus, whose mission is to bridge revolutionary gene editing tool development to affordable and accessible solutions in human health and climate.

Dr. Ringeisen is a physical chemist with a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a Bachelor of Science in chemistry from Wake Forest University, a pioneer in the field of live cell printing, and an experienced administrator of scientific research and product development.

Before joining the IGI, Dr. Ringeisen was Director of the Biological Technologies Office at DARPA, where he managed a division working at the cutting edges of biology, physical sciences and engineering. Programs in his office included research in genome editing, epigenetics, neurotechnology, food security and biomanufacturing, as well as diagnostics and therapeutics development.

Prior to DARPA, Dr. Ringeisen ran his own research group at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory as the head of the Bioenergy and Biofabrication Section where he oversaw diverse research programs including the development and application of laser-assisted printing approaches to biology, development of organs-on-a-chip, microbial energy harvesting and extracellular electron transfer as well as microbial discovery and microbiome characterization.

Dr. Ringeisen now uses his amazing expertise to guide IGIs scientific and development strategy, but his duties also include promoting entrepreneurship, working with biotech investors and companies to ensure commercial translation of technologies, donor outreach and development, scientific project development and team building, communication with campus leadership, personnel management and mentoring, program management, and reporting and engagement with both Governance and Scientific Advisory Boards.


New drug delivery method can reverse senescence of stem cells "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As we age, our bodies change and degenerate over time in a process called senescence. Stem cells, which have the unique ability to change into other cell types, also experience senescence, which presents an issue when trying to maintain cell cultures for therapeutic use. The biomolecules produced by these cell cultures are important for various medicines and treatments, but once the cells enter a senescent state they stop producing them, and worse, they instead produce biomolecules antagonistic to these therapeutics.

While there are methods to remove older cells in a culture, the capture rate is low. Instead of removing older cells, preventing the cells from entering in the first place is a better strategy, according to Ryan Miller, a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Hyunjoon Kong (M-CELS leader/EIRH/RBTE), a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering.

We work with , that are derived from fat tissue, and produce biomolecules that are essential for therapeutics, so we want to keep the cell cultures healthy. In a clinical setting, the ideal way to prevent senescence would be to condition the environment that these stem cells are in, to control the oxidative state, said Miller. With , you can pull them the cells out of this senescent state and make them behave like a healthy stem cell.


New journal, podcast take a closer look at artificial intelligence in medicine "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

ChatGPT isnt the only tool available though. Google is working with medicine and so is IBM and I believe, Microsoft though they use ChatGPT. So far, Im liking the responses more from Bard on many questions so I am hoping Google keeps up the good work. But whoever stays ahead in AI, I hope it helps humanity. BTW, ask Bard and Bing AI how it they will help humanity. They have different but somewhat similar answers now. At first Bing was on the fence on if it would help humanity when the Singularity arrived but Bard was firm in saying it would help us. So yes, I have more faith in Bard than ChatGPT. I am a little biased though. Im a Pixel Super Fan and own a Pixel 6 and have owned several Google products/services. Anyway, what are your thoughts in AI and medicine? I think we should be cautious because it can be manipulated by hackers more easily, like chat bots were, but at the same time theres great potential to benefit humanity.

Andrew Beam, deputy editor of a new journal on AI and co-host of a podcast on the topic, discusses both the potential and challenges of the powerful tool.


New evidence of plant food processing in Italy during Neanderthal-to-Homo sapiens period "IndyWatch Feed World"

Long before the invention of agriculture, humans already knew how to process cereals and other wild plants into a flour suitable for food and now there's new evidence they did so long before scientists was previously thought. Published in Quaternary Science Reviews, an Italian-led study of five ancient grindstones from around 39,000 to 43,000 years ago shows that milling for food dates back to the transitional period between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens. "This pushes back by several thousand years the earliest evidence of plant processing and flour production," said study co-author Julien Riel-Salvatore, an Universit de Montral professor who chairs the anthropology department. "One pestle from Riparo Bombrini, a site in northern Italy that I and my University of Genoa colleague Fabio Negrino have been working on for over 20 years, shows Neanderthals also engaged in this behavior, which is something completely new, to our knowledge. "So it's a pretty major discovery."


Never Forget They Are Committing White Genocide "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT RENEGADE TRIBUNE  Once upon a time White people did not have to...


Link "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Sen. Capito (R-WV) speaks to reporters

As Climate Crisis Intensifies, GOP Wants to Prohibit Biden From Declaring Emergency
From an Article by Jake Johnson, Common Dreams, June 28, 2023

Senate Republicans introduced legislation earlier this week that would prohibit President Joe Biden from declaring a national climate emergency as millions across the U.S. shelter indoors to escape scorching heat and toxic pollution from Canadian wildfires, which have been fueled by runaway warming.

Led by Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) a fossil fuel industry ally and the ranking member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee the GOP bill would prohibit the president from using the three primary statutory authorities available (the National Emergencies Act, the Stafford Act, and section 319 of the Public Health Service Act) to declare a national emergency solely on the basis of climate change, according to a summary released by the Republican senators office.

Rep. August Pfluger (R-Texas), another friend of the oil and gas industry, is leading companion legislation in the last year, comes as Biden is facing mounting pressure from environmental groups to use all of the power at his disposal to fight the climate crisis as it intensifies extreme weather across the U.S. and around the world.

A climate emergency declaration would unlock sweeping executive powers that would allow the president to halt crude oil exports, block oil and gas drilling, expand renewable energy systems, and more.

What will it take for Biden and the Dems to stop supporting the profits of fossil fuel executives and finally declare a climate emergency? How bad will all this need to get? While Biden reportedly considered declaring a climate emergency amid a devastating heatwave last year, he ultimately decided against it to the dismay of environmentalists.

But the impacts of Canadas record-shattering wildfires, which are likely to get worse in the coming weeks, have sparked another round of calls for Biden to follow in the footsteps of jurisdictions in more than 40 countries and declare climate change a national emergency.

What will it take for Biden and the Dems to stop supporting the profits of...


Heavy Rains Cause Flooding in Some Parts Of Warri "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 30TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Residents and motorists are bemoaning the heavy downpour of rains in Warri which have caused flooding in many areas of the city and its environs. 

 The rains which started falling in the early hours of yesterday continued as at time of filing in this report and have caused flooding in many parts of Warri in areas like Apala street, Eraye off Ayala, Giwa Amu Road, some parts of Airport Road and Cinema Side Roundabout.

Commuters and residents in Apala Street complained that the flooding in the area has been going on for years which they said, had brought hardships for the store owners and residents of the area, adding people tend to avoid the area because of the flood.

Speaking on the situation of the Giwa Amu Road and Apala street,Mrs Lucky Omare, a resident of the area, said that their landlady had to hire a pumping machine to clear the water from their compound so that the water would not enter their apartments.

The commuters and residents are appealing to the state government and the relevant authorities to find a lasting solution to the flooding in Warri and environs during this raining season as this will bring a huge relief to them.

Delta Bulletin



Why Judges Need The Anchoring Truths Of Natural Law, Not Just Conservative Legal Philosophy "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In his new book, Hadley Arkes explains that conservative judges enamored by originalism and textualism might find themselves abandoning moral reasoning in the process.


Nokod Security raises $8 million to enhance low-code/no-code app security "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Nokod Security announced its $8 million seed round, which will be used to establish a presence in the United States market, as well as to expand the R&D teams and support novel research of security vulnerabilities in the low-code/no-code domain. Funds were raised from Acrew Capital, Meron Capital and Flint Capital, firms with a successful track record of investing in top companies in the data protection, software verification and cybersecurity sectors like Exabeam, Mitiga, Laminar, More

The post Nokod Security raises $8 million to enhance low-code/no-code app security appeared first on Help Net Security.


Ex-Pfizer Employee Charged With Insider Trading After 2,400% Gain On Covid Drug News "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden A former Pfizer employee was charged with insider trading by the Securities and Exchange Commission after booking gains of 2,458% buying out-of-the-money...

Ex-Pfizer Employee Charged With Insider Trading After 2,400% Gain On Covid Drug News


SOF 2.6 Released: Intel Already Preparing Sound Open Firmware For Lunar Lake "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Sound Open Firmware 2.6 was released on Thursday for this Intel-started open-source software project for having a fully open audio DSP firmware stack and related development tooling. While initially limited to Intel hardware support, SOF has since grown and seen support from the likes of Mediatek, Realtek, NXP, and even recent AMD SoCs...


Parents have a right to know what's in sex education classes "IndyWatch Feed World"

Rishi Sunak tends to shy away from social issues so it has been left to a backbencher, Miriam Cates, to introduce a Bill which would oblige schools to disclose to parents the materials which are being used in their children's sex education classes. The Bill is necessary because the Conservative government has allowed sex education in many schools to be taken over by campaign groups with a radical agenda who wish to persuade children that it is wrong to think in a 'heteronormative' way. The scandals that have recently surrounded schools reveal the scale and severity of the problem. Children have in some cases been taught that there are dozens, even hundreds, of different genders, and that somehow they must discern and choose their own. Some have been told that when talking or writing about historical figures they should always use 'they' because we don't know a past person's preferred pronouns. Muslim parents in particular have protested against their children being given...


Voltaire, International Newsletter, n47 "IndyWatch Feed War"

The old world is already dead, while a new world is only emerging. To understand what's happening in the world, you need a variety of information sources. You can't settle for the big three conformist news agencies AFP, AP and Reuters. You have to hear different opinions and confront contradictory arguments. To help you, we publish Voltaire, International Newsletter, a 10+ pages weekly newsletter which summarizes the facts and each other's arguments. This wealth of information is only (...)


Albanese tramples journalists rights "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT UNITED AUSTRALIA PARTY  Moves by the Albanese Government to fine social media...


Rerouting around the damage "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Our conservative Supreme Court has decided that affirmative action in university admissions must end. By that, they mean that we need to make it easier for white students to get a college education than black students. Its a white supremacist sort of decision, although white supremacists do love to couch their position as only fair.

Elite universities have contended that without considering race as one factor in admissions, their student bodies will contain more Whites and Asian Americans, and fewer Blacks and Hispanics.

But, the student must be treated based on his or her experiences as an individual not on the basis of race, Roberts wrote, joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr., Neil M. Gorsuch, Brett M. Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Many universities have for too long done just the opposite. And in doing so, they have concluded, wrongly, that the touchstone of an individuals identity is not challenges bested, skills built, or lessons learned but the color of their skin. Our constitutional history does not tolerate that choice.

Our constitutional history is built on a document written by wealthy slaveholders, in a country that has long discriminated against people based on the color of their skin. Those Supreme Court wankers may not understand that history, but universities are full of people who do, and are going to be working hard to defy the court and continue to promote diversity. So, for instance

Elizabeth H. Bradley, president of Vassar College in New York, said she thinks colleges like hers will figure out how to maintain an inclusive environment. Its just so core to who we are, Bradley said. We will find a legal way in which that can be accomplished.

Everyone at my university was sent this memo yesterday from our vice president and provost saying the same thing.

Dear University of Minnesota students, faculty, and staff,

As you may know, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled today on two cases regarding college admissions. The decisions limit the ability of colleges and universities that receive federal funding to consider an applicants race or ethnicity in decision-making for admission.

We remain steadfast in our commitments to our educational mission of inclusion and access, to remove barriers to higher education for underrepresented populations, and to ensure that all members of our community have equitable access to the University and its resources.

A working group led by the Provosts Office,...


3 Reasons SaaS Security is the Imperative First Step to Ensuring Secure AI Usage "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, the widespread adoption of AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools is transforming the way organizations operate. From chatbots to generative AI models, these SaaS-based applications offer numerous benefits, from enhanced productivity to improved decision-making. Employees using AI tools experience the advantages of quick answers and accurate results, enabling


PSG coach Galtier detained over racism and Islamophobia allegations "IndyWatch Feed War"

PSG coach Galtier detained over racism and Islamophobia allegations

Christophe Galtier taken into custody in probe over alleged comments about black and Muslim players at former Nice club
MEE staff Fri, 06/30/2023 - 12:29
Paris Saint-Germain's French head coach Christophe Galtier attend a training session in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, on the outskirts of Paris, on 5 May 2023 (AFP)
Paris Saint-Germain's French head coach Christophe Galtier attends a training session in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, on the outskirts of Paris, on 5 May 2023 (AFP)

Christophe Galtier, head coach of Paris Saint-Germain, has been taken into police custody in the southeastern French city of Nice over allegations of racial discrimination, according to the public prosecutor.

Galtier, 56, was detained on Friday as part of an investigation into accusations of racist and Islamophobic comments made between 2021 and 2022 during his time as coach of OGC Nice. 

John Valovic-Galtier, his son and agent, was also detained as part of the same investigation. 

Allegations were first publicised in April, when journalist Romain Molina and the RMC radio station published emails containing allegations against Galtier and his son. 

Julien Fournier, Nice's former director of football, claimed that Galtier told him that he "had to take into account the reality of the city" and so therefore "we could not have so many blacks and Muslims in the team". 


UK's emergency services miss 11,000 calls in 1 day due to technical glitch "IndyWatch Feed World"

BT has disclosed that it missed almost 11,500 emergency 999 calls after technical faults shut down the platform last weekend. The company, which manages the emergency services calls system, said it had taken three days to contact each of the callers who had not been connected after what it described as a complex software issue disrupted the service for several hours from 6.24am on Sunday. "During the disrupted period on Sunday, we have provisionally identified there was a total of 11,470 unique calls that were unsuccessfully connected to 999," said BT, which published the findings of its internal investigation on Thursday.


RFK Jr. Poses Grave Threat to Biden in a GOP Primary "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Can Robert F. Kennedy Jr. mount a serious primary challenge against President Joe Biden? That is the question on everybodys mind following a poll earlier this month showing Kennedy with a very robust favorability rating. And, after crunching the numbers, we have a definitive answer: Yes. If the two competed for the Republican nomination, RFK Jr. would be a formidable opponent for Biden.

Just last night, both Sean Hannity and Bill OReilly, two stalwarts of right-wing blowhardiness, raised the possibility that the son of Democratic icon Bobby Kennedy could upset the incumbent president.

They are absolutely correct. In a GOP primary, Kennedys high favorability among voters of Donald Trump would probably carry the day for him. That is especially true because Republicans do not like Joe Biden.

A whopping 61 percent of Trump voters have a favorable opinion of Kennedy. That is higher than the favorability ratings of Mike Pence (not surprisingly), Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, and Vivek Whateversmarmy.

As it turns out, only two presidential candidates have a higher favorability score among Republicans than Kennedy and neither of them is named Joe Biden.

In fact, the president languishes at the bottom of the Republican primary field with a favorability score of five percent and, lets face it, the handful of Trump voters who said they liked him were probably drunk, high, or didnt understand the question.

This is just more evidence that it would be a very bad idea for Biden to enter the GOP primary as he would be an underdog not just against Kennedy but also just about everybody else.

And, in a head-to-head matchup with RFK Jr. for the Republican nomination, Biden would get crushed.

There are two reasons for that: First, there is a multibillion-dollar right-wing propaganda machine that has been painting Biden as a (senile...


The Supreme Court Pretends Racism Is Over; That Didnt Work Out Before "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Supreme Courts decision to end affirmative action in college admissions makes perfect sense in a world in which there is no racism.

In that case, why would you give any kind of preference to a Black or Hispanic student? The problem is that we dont live in that world. Therefore, affirmative action is a way to level the playing field. It is an imperfect tool to do so, but a tool nonetheless.

Earlier this week, in an article about Shelby County v. Holder, another disastrous Supreme Court decision that pretended that racism was no longer a thing, we said that the reasoning of the justices who decided to gut the Voting Rights Act was either incredibly dumb or extremely devious.

The same applies to the affirmative action case.

It is easy to say that college admissions should all be about the merits of a student. But its foolish to believe that the circumstances and life experiences of that student dont play a major role here.

Lets look at two students to examine their academic credentials: Student A has a very good SAT score, a 4.0 GPA, and has written a superb essay. Student B has the same SAT score, a 3.95 GPA, and an essay that is just a bit less superb.

If there is one spot left in Fancy University, Student A seems more deserving. And that would be the case in a scenario where both competed on a level playing field.

But what if we learn that Student A had access to expensive tutors, drove his own car to school, was able to attend courses to prep for the SAT, and had help from somebody whose job it is to write college admissions essays?

And what if we also find out that Student B had to ride a bus for an hour each way to get to a comparable high school and, instead of spending his afternoons with tutors or prep courses, had to work to help his mom make ends meet?

Lets talk about merit again. Who is more deserving now?

That doesnt mean that the experience of every white kid mirrors that of Student A or that every Black or Hispanic student comes from the wrong side of the tracks, but, generally speaking, the socioeconomic differences among these groups, and their effect on educational achievement, persist.

Affirmative action, while not an optima...


How Kazakhstans rising utility prices could lead to more deadly violence "IndyWatch Feed"

The government says price hikes are needed to fix crumbling infrastructure but experts fear move will spark protests


The 15 Best Zingers, Maxims, And Mic-Drops From Clarence Thomas Harvard Concurrence "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Clarence ThomasThomas wrote a nearly 60-page concurrence to express his horror at institutionalized racial discrimination in 21st-century America.


House GOP Rejects Socialist Mortgage Rule, But That Wont Stop Biden From Taking Your Money For Equity "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Fannie MaeThe Democrats 'reparative' policies have become an omnipresent part of the U.S. economy and only continue to grow in prevalence and scope.


BEST OF THE WEB: 'EU is on the brink of bankruptcy' says Hungary's PM Orbn at EU summit "IndyWatch Feed World"

Comment: By American design, or Eurocratic fecklessness? The first question asked by Prime Minister Viktor Orbn in his Facebook post is: "The only question everyone is asking here in Brussels is: Where has the money gone?" Orbn is currently attending the two-day summit of EU leaders in Brussels, and one of the hottest topics is the question as to where the EU's budget money has disappeared to. The Hungarian prime minister said that the European Commission had submitted a budget amendment proposal asking member states to pay tens of billions of euros. "The question arises: How did this situation come about and how did they bring the European Union to the brink of bankruptcy?" Orbn asked.


SYRIZA rushes to elect new leader after Tsipras resignation "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Party organs of SYRIZA Progressive Alliance are rushing to deal with the new situation that emerged after the announcement of Alexis Tsipras that he will not again be a candidate for the presidency of the party. The party Political Secretariat and the Central Committee meeting in the coming days in order to shape the

The post SYRIZA rushes to elect new leader after Tsipras resignation appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.


Biden tells reporters Putin is 'clearly losing the war in Iraq' in latest gaffe: 'Totally lost the plot' "IndyWatch Feed World"

President Biden made a similar comment the night before at a fundraiser. President Biden faced criticism on social media Wednesday over an apparent gaffe when he claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin is currently "losing the war in Iraq." "It's hard to tell, but he's clearly losing the war in Iraq," Biden told a reporter outside the White House on Wednesday when asked "to what extent" Putin has been weakened by recent events in Russia, including a reported attempt at a mercenary coup.


Poland still importing 50% of its gas from Russia "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Russian Federation in the first quarter of 2023 became the main supplier of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Poland, which indicates continued dependence on Russian fuel. At the same time, Warsaw's statements about getting rid of it turned out to be erroneous, according to the Polish edition of The country's authorities, represented by Prime Minister Morawiecki, promised to completely abandon Russian gas imports by the end of 2022, but over the three months of this year, purchases from Moscow accounted for more than half of all imports (50,8%). Their volume cost Warsaw 710 million euros. At the same time, the rest of the EU in the first quarter bought fuel from Russia for 417 million euros. The publication notes that purchases from other LNG suppliers to Poland at the beginning of 2023 did not exceed 5%. Apart from the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan (4,9%), the Netherlands (4,7%) and the UK (4,6%) supplied the most gas.


DIY Robotic Actuator Built For Walking Robots "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

[Aaed Musa] has built a variety of robots over the years, but found off-the-shelf servos to be underwhelming for his work. Thus, he set out to build a better actuator to support his goals of building a high-performance walking bot in future.

[Aaed] decided to try and build a quasi-direct drive actuator, similar to those used in MITs agile mini Cheetah robot. It consists of a powerful brushless DC motor driving a 9:1 planetary gear reduction built with 3D printed parts, which provides high torque output. Its designed to be run with an ODrive S1 motor controller with encoder feedback for precise control.

The actuator weighs in at a total of 935 grams. Its not cheap, with the bill of materials totaling just under $250. For your money, though, you get a responsive robotic actuator with a hefty holding torque of over 16 Nm, which [Aaed] demonstrates by having the actuator shake around some dumbells on a long lever arm.

Walking robots have exploded in popularity ever since Spot hit the scene. Weve seen everything from...


DeSantis Has A Tougher Border Security Record Than Trump. Here Are The Receipts "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

DeSantis at Texas borderWhen DeSantis was in Congress voting for strong border security bills, President Trump was pressuring conservatives to support mass amnesty.


Delta Lawmakers Approve  Oborevworis N40b Loan Request For Payment Of Pensioners "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 30TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Delta State House of Assembly has approved a loan request of N40 billion for Governor Sheriff Oborevwori to defray accumulated arrears of pensions owed to retired primary school teachers and local government employees in the state.

The approval is one of the first legislative actions of the first session of the 8th Assembly presided over by the Speaker, Dennis Emomotimi Guwor.

Oborevwori, in a letter to the House, sought the lawmakers nod to obtain the facility from Zenith Bank PLC at the instance of the 25 local government councils of the state.

In the letter, Oborevwori explained that the credit facility was aimed at assisting the 25 councils in defraying a substantial part of Accrued Rights of Local Government Pensioners.

According to him, the lawmakers approval was part of the conditions relevant to accessing the facility.

Oborevwori informed the House that a meeting was held with local government council chairmen and other stakeholders where it was unanimously resolved that a credit facility be sourced from a commercial bank to pay the council retirees.

The governor said Zenith Bank PLC has availed the 25 local government councils of the said facility in a prorated manner, in tune with their respective indebtedness to pensioners for which offer letters have been served to all the chairmen by the bank.

He reaffirmed the commitment of his administration to collaborating with the State Chapter of the Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON) to reduce the backlog of accumulated pensions owed to retirees and enhance the welfare of the people.

Moving a motion for the approval to be granted, House Majority Leader, Emeka Nwaobi, further explained the importance of the facility and lauded the governor for partnering with ALGON to bring succour to the senior citizens.

Nwaobis motion was seconded by the Chief Whip, Perkins Umukoro, before the House unanimously gave a nod to the request.

The governor said Zenith Bank PLC has availed the 25 local government councils of the said facility in a prorated manner, in tune with their respective indebtedness to pensioners for which offer letters have been served to all the chairmen by the bank.

He reaffirmed...


SOTT FOCUS: Russo-Ukrainian War: The Wagner Uprising - Yevgeny Prigozhin's Wild Ride "IndyWatch Feed World"

Comment: Russo-Ukrainian war commentator and military historian 'Big Serge' penned the following article shortly after last weekend's mutiny/coup in Russia, so his take on it has possibly evolved by now, but this detailed, initial analysis, and thus how he reached his conclusions, are worth reading. The events of the past weekend (June 23 - 25, 2023) were so surreal and phantasmagorical that they militate against narration and defy description. On Friday, the infamous Wagner Group launched what appeared to be a genuine armed insurrection against the Russian state. They occupied portions of Rostov on Don - a city of over 1 million people, regional capital, and headquarters of Russia's Southern Military District - before setting off in an armed column towards Moscow. This column - replete with heavy military equipment including air defense systems - came within a few hundred miles of the capital - virtually unmolested by Russian state forces - before abruptly stopping, announcing...


VP of Russian bank 'plunges to her death from apartment window' in Moscow in latest suspicious fatality involving country's top execs "IndyWatch Feed World"

The glamorous vice-president of a Russian bank has reportedly plunged to her death after falling from the window of her Moscow apartment. Kristina Baikova, 28, an executive at Loko-Bank, is just the latest mysterious casualty involving Russia's top business people. Ms Baikova allegedly fell from her 11th floor apartment on the Khodynsky Boulevard in the early hours of last Friday. She died instantly at the scene. The bank executive was with a 34-year-old friend, thought to be named Andrei, at the time of the incident after inviting him over to her home for drink. An investigation into her death has been launched. A spate of unexplained deaths of high-ranking energy officials has taken place since the start of Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine in February last year.


Hailstones the size of baseballs damage windows, cars on Colorado's Eastern Plains "IndyWatch Feed World"

Hail that fell in Fort Morgan, Akron, Iliff and other northern sections of Colorado's Eastern Plains damaged cars and windows overnight. It's rare to get significant hailstorms at night in Colorado. The National Weather Service said on Twitter that measurements of hailstones that were 4 inches wide were recorded after the storm. Kim Rose in Morgan County shared a photo that showed a smooth hailstone that was bigger than her palm. Some thunderstorms Thursday afternoon and/or evening could be severe and also bring more damaging hail.



John Hamer joins me on the podcast tonight 29/06/23 to break down his latest book...


Watch SpaceXs explosive Starship engine test ahead of second flight "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Elon Musk / Twitter.

Ship 25, the Starship upper stage prototype that will attempt to fly to orbit during the fully-integrated Starship launch systems second test flight, performed the static fire test on Monday, June 26 at 8:27 pm EDT.


Dem Gov signs Executive Order mandating sex change coverage for state employees "IndyWatch Feed World"

Arizona will require state agencies to provide employees with health insurance coverage for cross-sex medical interventions as according to two executive orders signed by the governor on convince lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals to become heterosexual and/or accept their biological sex, while gender transition procedures are medical efforts to alter a person's body to conform with a gender they seek to become as opposed to their biological sex. These procedures were the focus of Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs of Arizona's executive orders, which banned the former and mandated the latter by state healthcare providers. "Together these executive orders bring an end to unjust discrimination against LGBTQ+ Arizonans," said Hobbs at the signing, in comments reported by AZ Central. "The state is leading by example on this issue, and we will...


AI Skills Initiative CSR "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Some AI things from Microsoft. One is New skills for a new way of working.

AI offers tremendous potential to empower workers around the worldbut only if everyone, everywhere has the skills to use it.

Check out the AI initiative.

Learn about AI and access resources and training on in demand artificial intelligence and machine learning skills for jobs and organizations.


Tired of scooping cat litter? The robot will do it for you "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

After using the Whisker Litter-Robot 4, I will never return to a regular litter box. The insight it gives me into Norberts overall health and the daily cleaning makes it completely worth it. Just be patient with the setup process and with your cat learning a new routine. Norberts opinion also upholds the new litter box since he was able to transition pretty seamlessly and gets to have a clean litter box every single time.

Also: This army robot dog is part of a bigger battle for brain-machine interface tech

The Whisker Litter-Robot 4 is no doubt expensive, but the company also offers the previous generation Litter-Robot 3 for a bit cheaper at $549. Its definitely an investment, but this is a type of automated technology I can get behind.


Supreme Court strikes a blow for LGBTQ rights "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Colorado designer who wont make websites for gay weddings, despite a state law against discrimination.

WASHINGTON (AP) In a defeat for gay rights, the Supreme Courts conservative majority ruled Friday that a Christian graphic artist who wants to design wedding websites can refuse to work with same-sex couples.

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Where Do I Park My Pew? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


I visited an old church with a brand new congregation during my recent travels. This old church was built of stone and sits on the main street of the town. The building filled most of the lot, except for four parking spaces along the back alley. For over 80 years, this church and its tall steeple decorated the skyline of this community. Like many churches, the original congregation relocated to the edge of town near the newest residential subdivisions, leaving the old church vacant. After many years of vacancy, a new congregation had formed and made this old church home. 

I walked in the church and was surprised to see an empty space with only four 10-foot-long pews adorning the cavernous sanctuary. It seemed very strange that seating for only a handful of people would be provided in such a large space. This emerging congregation was clearly actively growing and attracting families and new members. Their success could be measured by growing out from the tiny bay in the strip shopping mall and into this beautiful church. I could only assume that more than 24 people would worship on Sunday, but where would they sit?

I had a lot of secular questions for the pastor about this church, but my first was, Where are the pews?

The pastor shared the story of the journey of his congregation into this new home, which begins in an all-too-familiar way. The pastor explained that the city required the congregation to obtain a new use and occupancy permit for the church. According to local codes, all buildings that have been vacant for more than a year are required to do this. Of course, this seemed simple enough because, ever since the church was built over 80 years ago, it had always been a church. Through its history, there had only been minor changes, like having the boiler replaced and the electrical panel updated. The previous congregation was four times the size of...


LoongArch Adds Simultaneous Multi-Threading, SIMD/Vector Extensions "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

China's Loongson continues preparing the software support for their upcoming 3A6000 processors that will feature several new capabilities over their inaugural LoongArch-based 3A5000 series...


Cloud Hypervisor 33 Released With TDX Fix, New D-Bus API "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cloud Hypervisor has advanced quite nicely in the half-year it's been around since Intel software engineers began writing this Rust-based cloud-focused virtualization hypervisor. This VMM project has since become more independent and regularly receiving code contributions from the likes of Arm, Microsoft, and Tencent while also gaining the support of companies like AMD and Ampere. On Thursday marked the release of Cloud Hypervisor 33...


The Igbo Apprenticeship System "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Igbo apprenticeship system is an entrepreneurial model where an entrepreneur takes under tutelage an apprentice, and teaches him or her the rudiments of a particular trade over an agreed period. On completion, the entrepreneur known as Oga (Big Boss), gives the apprentice seed capital and other kinds of support including mentorship. Under the arrangement, []


Passengers have almost zero rights: Why flying is likely to be a nightmare again this weekend "IndyWatch Feed World"

Travelers taking to the skies for the Fourth of July holiday can expect more chaos thanks to many factors, including poor planning on the part of airlines.

If you remember flying for the Fourth of July in 2022 as an ordeal, its unfortunately unlikely that this years upcoming holiday weekend will yield an easier traveling experience.

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The Deep Dark State We're In "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A look at the deep state from Ike to DARPA. Hope you like it. I did.


HomeVestors Said It Had Kicked Out a Top Franchisee Who Broke the Law. New Evidence Suggests It Didnt. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

A California real estate investor continued to be involved with one of the countrys most successful We Buy Ugly Houses franchises years after pleading guilty to felony charges for misleading two elderly homeowners who signed below-market sales contracts.

Despite assurances from HomeVestors of America that it had cut ties with Cory Evans a number of years ago, the former co-owner of Patriot Holdings LLC was still engaged in the business as recently as March, according to interviews with former business affiliates and text messages and emails obtained by ProPublica.

After ProPublica asked the company in April how it had responded to Evans conviction for attempted real estate theft, his involvement in a franchisee group chat appeared to cease. His last message to the group was on March 8.

Dana Pope, who until 2022 ran a Los Angeles-based HomeVestors franchise, said that during her time with the company, Cory was very much always in the office, always active. She said, He was training me. He was in every conference we ever had.

A HomeVestors corporate spokesperson said this week that the company has documentation showing Evans ownership interest in Patriot Holdings was terminated in 2021 and his name removed from the franchise agreement. Based upon your reporting and questions, we have initiated a review into Cory Evans ongoing involvement with Patriot Holdings, she said.

Neither Evans nor Patriot Holdings owners responded to a request for comment. Evans is not listed as a manager or member of Patriot Holdings in current California business filings.

Evans caught the attention of law enforcement in 2019, after he misled two elderly Southern California homeowners into signing sales contracts, according to court documents. The deals stemmed from what HomeVestors characterizes in its training and marketing materials as Ugly Situations: One homeowner had developed a hoarding problem and fe...

I Survived Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression in Jail. Now I Guide Others Like Me. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

As a doula in Georgia prisons and jails, Tabatha Trammell supports incarcerated clients through pregnancy, childbirth and giving up their newborns.

Reproductive Healthcare Behind Bars Was Dismal Even Before Roe Ended "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Abortion is just one part of a greater story about how indifferent and even cruel reproductive healthcare can be in prisons and jails.


Linux 6.5 Should Spend Less Time Waiting On PCIe Devices "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The PCI subsystem updates have been submitted for the ongoing Linux 6.5 development...


Masnick's Impossibility Theorem: Content Moderation at Scale is Impossible to Do Well "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A user submitted a recent Daring Fireball Post discussing Masnick's Impossibility Theorum: Content Moderation at Scale is Impossible to do Well:

While many people like to say that content moderation is difficult, that's misleading. Content moderation at scale is impossible to do well. Importantly, this is not an argument that we should throw up our hands and do nothing. Nor is it an argument that companies can't do better jobs within their own content moderation efforts. But I do think there's a huge problem in that many people including many politicians and journalists seem to expect that these companies not only can, but should, strive for a level of content moderation that is simply impossible to reach.

And thus, throwing humility to the wind, I'd like to propose Masnick's Impossibility Theorem, as a sort of play on Arrow's Impossibility Theorem. Content moderation at scale is impossible to do well. More specifically, it will always end up frustrating very large segments of the population and will always fail to accurately represent the "proper" level of moderation of anyone. While I'm not going to go through the process of formalizing the theorem, a la Arrow's, I'll just note a few points on why the argument I'm making is inevitably true.

Ed. Note: Masnick discusses factors such as user discontent with moderation, the subjective nature of moderation, and moderation problems at scale. It's well-known that Soylent-style community moderation is best-in class, but what about corporate-imposed moderation of millions of posts per day, as Masnick discusses? Any solutions?

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Why are people protesting in France? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Why are people protesting in France? 

Decades of tensions with police boil over as 17-year-old boy is shot and killed at point-blank range
MEE staff Fri, 06/30/2023 - 10:29
Firefighters put out a burning car during protests in Lille, northern France, 29 June 2023 (AFP)

The riots convulsing France entered their third day on Friday, with more than 667 arrests made overnight, according to Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin. 

In a tweet, Darmanin said police had faced rare violence in confrontations with protesters. 

The unrest is in response to the killing of a 17-year-old boy by a police officer in Nanterre, a suburb west of Paris, on Tuesday.

President Emmanuel Macron held an emergency security meeting following the riots and urged for a return to order, while French footballer Kylian Mbappe and actor Omar Sy have condemned police brutality.

The outbreak of violence is some of the worst since protests in 2005 that resulted in three weeks of riots and a state of emergency in the suburbs of Paris and other cities following the death of two teenagers who were electrocuted as they tried to flee from the police. 

What do we know so far? 

On Tuesday morning, the youth, named as Nahel M, was driving in the Paris suburb of Nanterre, when police pulled him over for road misconduct. 

Following a short conversation, captured by a bystander on their mobile phone, a police officer drew his gun and shot Nahel at point-blank range after he re-sta...


Joby Aviation stock is soaring as its electric flying vehicles get closer to takeoff "IndyWatch Feed World"

The California-based air-taxi company has received a permit from the FAA that allows it to begin flight testing.

The next Uber of the skies may be one step closer to takeoff. On Wednesday, Joby Aviation, a California-based company focused on creating a next-generation aerial taxi service, received a Special Airworthiness Certificate from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The new permit allows Joby to launch flight testing programs for its first production prototype.

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Earthquake rattles with 4.2R Amorgos and Santorini islands "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.2 on the Richter scale struck between the islands of Santorini and Amorgos in the central Aegean Sea on Friday morning. The earthquake that rattled both island occurred at 10:49 local time. According to preliminary information by the Athens-based Institute of Geodynamics, the epicenter of the earthquake was located

The post Earthquake rattles with 4.2R Amorgos and Santorini islands appeared first on Keep Talking Greece.


Perfecting the Surface: How CMP Wafers Improve Wafer Planarization "IndyWatch Feed World"

Wafer planarization is an essential procedure in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. The need for microscopic precision, minute detail, and absolute flawlessness in producing electronic components brings us to the threshold of this remarkable process. The fulcrum of this process lies in achieving surface perfection with Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) wafers.

Through this detailed exploration, we will delve into the essence of wafer planarization, introduce the concept of CMP wafers, examine their chemical and mechanical aspects, and highlight their pivotal role in achieving unparalleled surface perfection. Furthermore, we will explore the advancements in this technology, discuss process control and optimization techniques, and examine their broad range of applications.

Understanding Wafer Planarization


Wafer planarization, also known as wafer polishing, is the process of creating a flat, smooth surface on semiconductor wafers to improve device performance. The process is analogous to sanding a piece of wood until its completely smooth; only, in this case, the wood is a silicon wafer, and the sanding needs to be done at an atomic scale.

Non-uniform wafer topography, or the surface structure, can result in defects that adversely affect the functionality and performance of electronic devices. These defects can be due to the inherent roughness of the wafer surface or the deposition and etching processes used in device fabrication. Hence, achieving a flat and smooth surface is imperative for quality control and enhanced device performance.

Introduction to CMP

The primary tool used in the wafer planarization process are the CMP wafers. They harness the combined power of chemical action and mechanical abrasion to remove material from the wafer surface and achieve the desired flatness.

The process involves the use of a specially formulated slurry, composed of chemicals and abrasive particles, which is spread over the wafers surface. This slurry, in combinatio...


Fortress Taiwan: Listing AFVs In Service With The Republic Of China "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans

The Taiwanese Army has historically received the least amount of funding out of the Taiwanese Armed Forces' three main service branches. With a yearly budget of only $19 billion (in 2023), the Taiwanese Ministry of Defence (MoD) is forced to prioritise investments in the country's air force and navy to have some chance in keeping up with China's rapid military build-up. As the Taiwanese Army will enter combat only after Chinese forces have already landed on Taiwan or one of the various island groups off China's coast, the priority for the Taiwanese Armed Forces has been to establish a viable deterrent and realistic wartime capabilities through the acquisition of weapons systems like fighter jets, anti-ship missiles and air defence systems to deter China from carrying out an amphibious landing in the first place.

While these investments have resulted in a number of highly advanced indigenous weapons systems tailored to Taiwan's defensive needs, such as the Hsiung Feng III AShM and the Tien Kung III SAM system, the Taiwanese MoD has largely shied away from investing in conventional military equipment such as AFVs and SPGs as a result. The majority of the vehicle and equipment inventory of the Taiwanese Army and Marine Corps on first glance appears little different from that of the U.S. Army of the 1970s or early 1980s. Despite the recent purchase of a number of modern assets from the United States (108 M1A2T Abrams MBTs in 2019 and 29 M142 HIMARS in 2020 and 2022) and from local production lines, Taiwan is still facing widespread obsolescence throughout the ranks of its equipment inventory.

Most notably, the primary MBTs of the Republic of China Army (ROCA) and Republic of China Marine Corps (ROCMC) are some 450 CM-11s of indigenous manufacture and 460 second-hand M60A3T...


WhatsApp Upgrades Proxy Feature Against Internet Shutdowns "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Meta's WhatsApp has rolled out updates to its proxy feature, allowing more flexibility in the kind of content that can be shared in conversations. This includes the ability to send and receive images, voice notes, files, stickers and GIFs, WhatsApp told The Hacker News. The new features were first reported by BBC Persian. Some of the other improvements include streamlined steps to simplify the



Tidbits of Conspiracy News

Apropos of today's main blog, V.T. shares this article and op-ed piece by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, offering his views:

The post TIDBIT: ON THE OTHER HAND appeared first on The Giza Death Star.



User Answers

Well, as you can tell, this week we've all been guessing what's going on with the so-called coup, so today (Friday) I have decided

The post THAT RUSSIAN COUP THING YET AGAIN appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Open Forum "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    No themes, no defined threads, no suggestions really, its sort of a blank slate to post what youre thinking about and what youre interested in today. Ill throw the spaghetti against the wall as usual, but you can ignore it.     What about this Aircraft? Can you Identify it?     Be []

The post Open Forum appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Blocked Artery in Your Leg? Heres What You Should Know. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

Millions of Americans have peripheral artery disease, a disorder primarily caused by fatty deposits that can narrow arteries and block blood flow to the legs. Often, the first symptom they feel is leg pain. Experts say that most treatments are safe, but some have expressed a growing sense of alarm that doctors may be doing procedures that patients dont need, exposing them to unnecessary risks.

ProPublica looked into artery procedures and found that some doctors are making millions of dollars doing a questionable number of treatments. Government insurers pay well for vascular procedures that are done outside of hospitals, and doctors can bill tens of thousands of dollars for treatments done in a single office visit.

One doctor in Maryland made millions of dollars from the federal government for performing thousands of vascular procedures. A state medical board investigation found that his inappropriate treatments put patients at risk of serious harm. One man had to have his leg amputated after invasive treatments for mild pain, according to filings in a settled lawsuit. A grandmother bled out and died shortly after the same doctor cut into her, according to another ongoing lawsuit. The doctor denied the allegations in legal filings, but declined to be interviewed and did not respond to emailed questions.

Some doctors worry about the overuse of procedures and think there should be more oversight. They compare outpatient vascular care to the Wild West and say there are not enough protections to stop patients from getting unnecessary treatments.


Poetry and Revolution: A Conversation with Gustavo Pereira "IndyWatch Feed World"

The eminent poet who wrote the preamble of Venezuelas Constitution reflects on the role of culture in the Bolivarian Process.


That entry-level job may not require a college degree, but having one still gives you an edge "IndyWatch Feed World"

A survey from Multiverse indicates that companies put a premium on degrees even when the roles dont require them, especially in the United States.

As the labor market has tightened over the past few years, large companies from Google to GM to Delta Air Lines have aimed to open up their talent pools by advertising more roles that dont require college-level education.

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France protests: Nanterres grieving mothers meet police resistance in Paris "IndyWatch Feed War"

France protests: Nanterres grieving mothers meet police resistance in Paris

A vigil organised by Nahel M's family ended in violence as a crackdown on protesters spiralled into another night of violence
Cline Martelet Fri, 06/30/2023 - 09:49
Cars burning in the street at the end of a commemoration march for Nahel M, in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre, on 29 June (AFP)

For two hours, she stood on the roof of a white van. Her eyes were swollen with sadness and pain.

Draped in white, Mounia never stopped thanking the huge crowd that had gathered to pay tribute to her 17-year-old son.

Nahel M, a French teen of Algerian and Moroccan descent, was shot dead point blank by a policeman on Tuesday morning during a traffic control incident in the Paris suburb of Nanterre.

The killing has exposed grievances about police brutality and marginalisation in working-class areas of France. It also sparked nights of violent protests across France and increasing confrontations with the police.

On Thursday, a white march vigil took place in Nanterre, led by Mounia.

At the head of the procession were many mothers. "Our children are being killed and nobody cares," shouted Karima in anger.

Right next to her was Sarah. She came with her 15-year-old son. "I'm telling you, I'm scared for him now. Do you think it's nor...


The Mainstream Publishers, Distributors and Bookshops Selling Satanist Neo-Nazi Books "IndyWatch Feed War"

<p>Books associated with a Satanist Neo-Nazi group are being sold and distributed in the US by mainstream outlets including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

At time of publication, Bellingcat found that literature associated with the Order of the Nine Angles (O9A) and its US affiliate Tempel ov Blood (ToB) are being sold in the US as well as a number of international retailers. </p> <p>In line with O9A ideology the books commonly promote the use of vicious tactics to subvert society such as advocating for ritual murder of civilians. Much of the content is presented in a mystical language and setting, but includes more specific real world Neo-Nazi references including describing the Holocaust as a lie and praising Nazi Germany. </p> <p>Retailers, bookshops, publishers and distributors involved in the supply and sale of these books may not be aware of the graphic content contained within them, nor their links to the O9A group. However Bellingcats investigation uncovered how easy it was to access books and symbols related to the group via mainstream retailers and publishers. </p> <h2>What is the O9A?</h2> <p>The Order of Nine Angles (O9A) is <a href= "">intrinsically intertwined with Nazism</a>, according to a 2019 report on the far-right by HOPE not Hate the UKs largest anti-racism and anti-extremism organisation. Variously described as a <a href= ""> network</a>, <a href= ""> sect</a>, or <a href= ""> cult</a>, the O9A follows an ideology that combines Neo-Nazism, wiccan elements and satanism. </p> <p>The <a href= ""> tactics widely encouraged by O9A. Its followers believe that civilisation must be undermined and destroyed from within, so adherents are encouraged to be as grubby and horrible as they like committing crimes, random acts of violence, sexual assaults, and even the culling of human victims. </p> <p>According to HOPE not Hate the group emerged in Shropshire in the UK in the 1960s from a collection of occultist groups. Despite initially having small numbers, limited reach and a decentralised structure, chapters began to emerge in other places partly due to the spread of O9A ideas online as people sought out the edgiest positions. People affiliated with the group have been convicted of serious crimes including Ethan Melzer, 24, of Louisville, Kentucky.  </p> <p>Melzer, a former US Army paratrooper, w...


The Over-Hyped 'Spy' Balloon That Didn't "IndyWatch Feed War"

With regards to China President Joe Biden said on June 20 2023: And the reason why Xi Jinping got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two boxcars full of spy equipment in it is...


Cybercriminals Hijacking Vulnerable SSH Servers in New Proxyjacking Campaign "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An active financially motivated campaign is targeting vulnerable SSH servers to covertly ensnare them into a proxy network. "This is an active campaign in which the attacker leverages SSH for remote access, running malicious scripts that stealthily enlist victim servers into a peer-to-peer (P2P) proxy network, such as Peer2Profit or Honeygain," Akamai researcher Allen West said in a Thursday


Ending Age-Related Diseases 2023 will be held August 10-11 in New York City and in cyberspace. "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ending Age-Related Diseases 2023 will be held August 1011 in New York City and in cyberspace.

Our Ryan Bethencourt, Judith Campisi, Keith Comito, Stephanie Dainow, Aubrey de Grey, Yuri Deigin, Brian M. Delaney, Peter Fedichev, Steven A. Garan, Michael Geer, Vadim Gladyshev, Vera Gorbunova, Steve Hill, Steve Horvath, Matt Kaeberlein, Hans Keirstead, Brian Kennedy, Michael Kope, Dylan Livingston, Tim Maupin, Michael Rose, Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, Robert Shmookler Reis, Paul Spiegel, and Natasha Vita-More will be speaking/participating.


Italys forgotten concentration camps in Libya "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

By Dr Mustafa Fetouri | MEMO | June 29, 2023

On 30 August 2008, Italy and Libya signed their Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership, ending their awkward past of feuding and diplomatic tensions over Italys colonisation of Libya from 1911 to 1943. Libya was seeking compensation, recognition of suffering of its people and, above all, an apology. Rome, as is the case with all former colonial powers, tried for years to close the matter without offering anything. The treaty, a success for Libya, might have ended the political and diplomatic struggle over the colonial past, but it will not wipe it out from history and peoples memories.

The idea of invading Libya came during the colonial rush that saw major colonial powers like France, United Kingdom and others divide the dying Ottoman Empire possessions in North Africa, the Middle East and southern Europe itself. Libya was part of that empire, very close to Italy across the Mediterranean Sea and, above all, Libyans lacked effective means to fight back after the Ottoman military garrison left the country.

The rise to power of the Republican Fascist Party, led by Benito Mussolini in 1922, gave the occupation of Libya another nostalgic dimension as the fascists strongly believed in the deceptive idea that modern Italy was the rightful heir to the Roman Empire and, therefore, they were responsible for recovering the possessions of the bygone empire.  Another reason that made Libya more attractive to fascist Italy is the fact that Italy, united just 50 years earlier, became overcrowded and its farmers, particularly in the south, were eager to own land of which Libya has plenty. Mussolini used to call Libya the fourth shore of Rome.

Italians thought that the taking over of Libya would not be more than a few days sea trip and the entire country would be conquered. However, once the first amphibious forces tried to land on Tripoli shores in 1911, they were faced with stiff resistance from the locals, who rushed to defend their country with the little means they had.

As the invaders increased their numbers and widened their presence, the resistance shifted to new tactics, using the guerrilla tactics of hit-and-run. Outnumbered and out-gunned, the Libyans, mostly nomads and shepherds, figured out that direct confrontation with one of the most modern armies at the time was suicidal and destructive.

Instead of facing the Italian army directly, they waged rathe...


[Meme] How to Solve Crime? Just Dont Become a Victim. Simple. "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This system is optimised for crime to flourish and for criminals to escape punishment or even mere scrutiny, unscathed

Cops: You. Your fault.

Summary: An unhealthy dose of victim-blaming wont help in holding accountable the perpetrators of crimes at Sirius Open Source; it should be noted that Standard Life did the same thing to victims of the pension fraud, trying to fault them for GASP! believing their payslips, P60 forms, accountants etc. for so many years, not to mention believing the IFA, the documents and brochures from Standard Life (with personalised IDs)


Tangled in marine debris, skate egg cases dry up and die on Peruvian beaches "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In recent decades, plastic pollution has become a key environmental issue. An estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic waste enter the ocean each year, equivalent to a truckload of garbage dumped into the sea every minute and its only projected to get worse. Scientists have reported that numerous marine species mistake plastic for food and ingest it, or become trapped in garbage, both of which can seriously threaten their survival. In addition, invertebrates and other marine organisms can become attached to floating plastic that travels long distances around the world, and scientists have warned that they risk becoming invasive alien species in their final destinations. An iguana eating a plastic bag. Image courtesy of Galapagos Science Center. A new study has revealed another problem with marine garbage, one that could be endangering Perus populations of shorttail fanskates (Sympterygia brevicaudata), a species of skate that is already considered near threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The studys authors report that it is common to see dead, dried-up skate egg cases attached to marine garbage washed up on beaches. The study was published in June in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin. But how do the eggs get caught in marine debris, and why do they die? Hundreds of dead egg cases entangled in marine debris In the city of Trujillo in northern Peru, members of the NGO ConservAccion conduct a survey of animals that, for various reasons, wash up on the areas beaches. Theyve noticed thatThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Gardening Robot Uses Sunlight to Incinerate Weeds "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A wooden robot with a large fresnel lens in a sunny garden

Removing weeds is a chore few gardeners enjoy, as it typically involves long sessions of kneeling in the dirt and digging around for anything you dont remember planting. Herbicides also work, but spraying poison all over your garden comes with its own problems. Luckily, theres now a third option: [NathanBuildsDIY] designed and built a robot to help him get rid of unwanted plants without getting his hands dirty.

Constructed mostly from scrap pieces of wood and riding on a pair of old bicycle wheels, the robot has a pretty low-tech look to it. But it is in fact a very advanced piece of engineering that uses multiple sensors and actuators while running on a sophisticated software platform. The heart of the system is a Raspberry Pi, which drives a pair of DC motors to move the whole system along [Nathan]s garden while scanning the ground below through a camera.



POV: We need to rethink informed consent around genetic data in the age of biobanks "IndyWatch Feed World"

In the age of vast data collection, ensuring that participants are aware of how their data can and cannot be used is necessary to ensure that biobanks are a transparent tool for global good.

Imagine you agreed to be part of a new and exciting long-term research study to better understand human health and behavior. For the past few years, youve been visiting a collection site where you fill out some questionnaires about your health and daily activities. Research assistants take your height, weight, and some other physical characteristics about you. Because you agreed to contribute your genetic data to the study, you also provided a saliva sample during your first visit.

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How to create a deadly pandemic in five easy steps "IndyWatch Feed World"

PROBLEM - REACTION - SOLUTION 1. Release an ordinary virus (because your GoF abilities suck) - blame it on the Chinese. 2. Euthanise old folk and blame it on the virus.


Security updates for Friday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (docker-registry, flask, systemd, and trafficserver), Fedora (moodle, python-reportlab, suricata, and vim), Red Hat (go-toolset and golang, go-toolset-1.19 and go-toolset-1.19-golang, go-toolset:rhel8, open-vm-tools, python27:2.7, and python3), SUSE (buildah, chromium, gifsicle, libjxl, sqlite3, and xonotic), and Ubuntu (linux, linux-allwinner, linux-allwinner-5.19, linux-aws, linux-aws-5.19, linux-azure, linux-gcp, linux-gcp-5.19, linux-hwe-5.19, linux-ibm, linux-kvm, linux-lowlatency, linux-oracle, linux-raspi, linux-starfive, linux-starfive-5.19, linux, linux-aws, linux-aws-5.15, linux-aws-5.4, linux-azure, linux-azure-5.15, linux-azure-5.4, linux-azure-fde-5.15, linux-bluefield, linux-gcp, linux-gcp-5.15, linux-gcp-5.4, linux-gke, linux-gke-5.15, linux-gkeop, linux-gkeop-5.15, linux-hwe-5.15, linux-hwe-5.4, linux-ibm, linux-ibm-5.4, linux-kvm, linux-lowlatency, linux-lowlatency-hwe-5.15, linux-nvidia, linux-oracle, linux-oracle-5.15, linux-oracle-5.4, linux-raspi, linux-raspi-5.4, and linux-oem-6.1).


Russia Truth "IndyWatch Feed War"


Russia Truth Russia Truth 
Pro Russia | Anti-NWO


Response to the Economic Crime Victim Contact Unit (VCoA) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

See disclaimer below* regarding this seemingly daring metaphor

Marilyn Monroe skirt: 'prevent them from becoming a repeat victim.'

Summary: Just 4 hours after escalating the matter of Sirius Open Source fraud to its (previously) biggest client, which oversees police budget, the Economic Crime Victim Contact Unit (VCoA) got in touch with me regarding my Action Fraud crime report (many victims; not handled for almost 10 weeks despite escalation to my Member of Parliament), saying they offer free [editors note: taxpayer-funded actually] help and advice to people who have been the victims of fraud and cyber-crime to try to help prevent them from becoming a repeat victim. But we need action, we need law enforcement, not advice (action is well overdue, several months already).

MORE than a month ago I received an (in)action fraud message that was timed exactly 4 weeks after its submission (weekend outside working hours), specifying nothing about my crime report. Im certain it was automated. Nobody bothered looking into that and it seems endemic at Action Fraud (it has been even worse for some; theyre literally being insulted by Action Fraud; the cops are attacking the victims of crime!** ). On Monday I received the following after Greater London Authority (London Municipality) got contacted, so its safe to assume someone there nudged the police to stop ignoring victims of crimes committed against staff of London Municipality (by contract; we worked on their system for many years).

Heres a portion of what they sent (some redaction applied) and my response:

Action Fraud Report


To: Roy Schestowitz

The Economic Crime Victim Contact Unit (VCoA) is part of the Action Fraud National Fraud and Cyber Reporting Centre service. We deliver a support service for victims of fraud and cyber-crime in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

We offer free help and advice to people who have been the victims of fraud and cyber-crime to try to help prevent them from becoming a repeat victim. We do not investigate crime and we cannot assist in the recovery of any losses. We will never ask you for anything as our purpose is to provide informatio...


US health department, law firms latest hit in wide-ranging hack "IndyWatch Feed World"

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was among those affected by a wide-ranging hack centered on a piece of software called MOVEit Transfer, a source at HHS said on Wednesday. "While no HHS systems or networks were compromised, attackers gained access to data by exploiting the vulnerability in the MOVEit Transfer software of third-party vendors," a health department official familiar with the matter said. Hackers behind the massive breach also claimed credit for stealing data from two major law firms, Kirkland & Ellis LLP and K&L Gates LLP. The ransomware gang known as cl0p posted the names of Kirkland & Ellis LLP and K&L Gates LLP to its leak site, typically a sign that negotiations between the victims and the hackers had broken down. The hackers' claims could not immediately be verified. Kirkland and K&L did not immediately return messages left after hours. A spokesperson for HHS could not immediately be reached.


Why the world is on the brink of great disorder "IndyWatch Feed World"

I'm a global macro investor who has been betting on what's going to happen for over 50 years. I've been through all sorts of events and cycles in all sorts of places over a long time which led me to study how these events and cycles work. In the process, I learned that I needed to study history to understand what's going on and what's likely to happen. Early in my career, I learned though a couple of painful mistakes that the biggest things that surprised me did so because they never happened in my lifetime but had happened many times in history. The first time that happened was on August 15, 1971 when I was clerking on the floor of the New York Stock exchange and the U.S. defaulted on its debt promise to allow people to turn in their paper dollars for gold. I thought that this was a big crisis that would send stock prices down but they went up a lot. I didn't understand why because I'd never experienced a big currency devaluation before. When I looked back in history, I saw that...

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