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IndyWatch World News All Topics Summary was generated at World News IndyWatch.

Thursday, 29 June


Ich reverse hier gerade ein 64-bit ARM Binary, das ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ich reverse hier gerade ein 64-bit ARM Binary, das OpenSSL statisch reinkompiliert hat. In einer lteren Version, aber das spielt hier keine Rolle.

OpenSSL hat eine Funktion namens OPENSSL_cleans(ptr,len). Das ruft man auf Buffer auf, die gleich out of scope gehen, damit kein Schlsselmaterial im Speicher rumliegt. Smarte Defense-in-Depth-Manahme. Inhaltlich ist das blo ein memset(ptr,0,len).

Vor ein paar Jahren fiel auf, dass Compiler unter anderem die Funktion haben, sogenannte Dead Stores wegzuoptimieren. Das hier ist z.B. ein dead store:

void foo() {
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<5; ++i) {
  i=0;    /* Hat keine Auswirkungen, kann weg */
In welchem Kontext benutzt man jetzt OPENSSL_cleanse? In so einem hier:
  char key[128];
  return 0;
Wenn der Compiler versteht, dass OPENSSL_cleanse keine Seiteneffekte hat auer key zu berschreien, dann ist das ein klarer Fall fr die Dead Store Elimination. hnlich sieht es mit einem memset() for einem free() aus.

Das ist vor ein paar Jahren aufgefallen, dass Compiler das nicht nur tun knnen sondern sogar in der Praxis wirklich tun. Pltzlich lagen im Speicher von Programmen Keymaterial herum. Also musste eine Strategie her, wie man den Compiler dazu bringt, das memset nicht wegzuoptimieren. Das ist leider in portablem C nicht so einfach. Hier ist, wie ich das in dietlibc gemacht habe:

 1 #include 
 3 void explicit_bzero(void* dest,size_t len) {
 4   memset(dest,0,len);
 5   asm volatile("": : "r"(dest) : "memory");
 6 }
Das magische asm-Statement sagt dem Compiler, dass der Inline-Assembler-Code (der hier leer ist) lesend auf dest zugreift, was er aber nicht tatschlich tut. Damit ist der memset kein Dead Store mehr und bleibt drinnen. Leider ist das asm-Statement eine gcc-Erweiterung (die aber auch clang und der Intel-Compiler verstehen).

Hier ist die Lsung von OpenSSL:

 18 typedef void *(*memset_t)(void *, int, size_t);
 20 static volatile memset_t memset_func = memset;
 22 void OPENSSL_cleanse(void *ptr, size_t len)
 23 {
 24     memset_func(ptr, 0, len);
 25 }
Die Idee ist, memset nicht direkt aufzurufen sondern ber einen Function Pointer. Wenn man den volatile deklariert, dann muss der Compiler annehmen, dass sich der Wert asynchon ndern kann. Kann er aber nicht, weil da nie jemand was anderes als memset reinschreibt. Das kann gcc leider erkennen, weil die Helden von OpenSSL das static volatile deklariert haben, und es damit nur innerhalb dieser Compilation Unit sichtbar ist, und da sind keine anderen Zugriffe. Niemand nimmt auch nur die Adresse davon.

Wenn ich das mit einem aktuellen gcc 13.1 bersetze, kommt eine Zeiger-Dereferenzierung heraus. Aber in dem Binary kommt ein ... inline memcpy raus. Die haben ihr altes OpenSSL mit einem alten gcc gebaut.

Gut, der alte gcc...

Kaum ein Bild illustriert die Energiewende in Deutschland ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kaum ein Bild illustriert die Energiewende in Deutschland so schn wie das in diesem Artikel.

Wenn ihr den ersten Lacher berwunden habt, dass ausgerechnet der FDP-Wissing eine Photovoltaikanlage einweihen musste, und euch diesen Billigverhau im Hintergrund anschaut, was wrdet ihr dann denken, wie lange die Errichtung gedauert hat?

Das ist wohlgemerkt nicht ber der Autobahn, wie die berschrift euch ins Gesicht lgt, sondern

im Bereich der parallel zur Autobahn A81 verlaufenden Durchfahrtsstrae beziehungsweise Schwerlastspur der Tank- und Rastanlage
Das war bestimmt mega kniffelig, diese ultra-experimentelle Spezial-Technologie da hinzubauen. In der Tat:
Das Konzept fr das Projekt (PDF) wurde 2019 vorgelegt.
Vier Jahre hat die Errichtung dieses lcherlichen Verhaus da gedauert!

Wieso dauert denn das so lange, fragt ihr euch jetzt? Weil das nicht etwa "wir bauen jetzt Solarzellen an ffentlichen Grundstcken"-Projekt war, sondern ein "wir blasen Fraunhofer ein paar Millionen Steuergelder in den Arsch"-Projekt.

Das Pilotprojekt an der A 81 wurde von den Forschungsnehmern Fraunhofer ISE (Freiburg), Forster FF und Austrian Institute of Technology (beide sterreich) konzipiert.
"konzipiert" finde ich jetzt ein etwas hochgegriffenes Wort, aber hey. Von mir aus. Ich verstehe blo nicht, was da die Forschung war. Solarzellen sind ganz gut erforscht. Oben scheint die Sonne drauf und unten kommt Strom raus. Ich halte das fr eine Verzgerungstaktik der FDP, dass sie da ein Forschungsprojekt mit einem Demonstrator bauen anstatt groflchig ffentliche Straen mit sowas zu bepflastern.

Update: Offenbar haben sie mit dem Bau erst 2022 angefangen. Dafr ist der Kontrast zwischen "so knnte es aussehen" und dem Real-Bild dann doch eher gro :-)

Malariaausbruch in Texas und Florida. Malaria kommt ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Malariaausbruch in Texas und Florida. Malaria kommt gelegentlich vor in den USA, aber normalerweise von anderswo eingeschleppt. Das sind wohl Infektionen von heimischen Mcken.

Ein Glck, dass Global Warming blo ein Hoax der Chinesen ist. Sonst msste man langsam anfangen, sich Sorgen zu machen.

Kurze Durchsage des Weltwhrungsfonds:Corporate profits ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kurze Durchsage des Weltwhrungsfonds:

Corporate profits now account for nearly half of all euro area inflation.
Das hat bestimt die CIA herausgefunden! Die finden ja alles raus. Alles finden die raus!!

Ein Leser hat mal dem Barmer-Vorfall hinterherrecherchiert.Der ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ein Leser hat mal dem Barmer-Vorfall hinterherrecherchiert.

Der Dienstleister, der die Versichertendaten verloren hat, heit Majorel. Ein Joint-Venture, aus dem Bertelsmann vor Kurzen ausstiegen ist.

Die Mitarbeiterin der Barmer, die ich gerade am Telefon hatte, meinte: "Von dem Hack waren hunderte Unternehmen betroffen..." sei eine gute Entschuldigung bzw Antwort auf meine Frage, ob die Zusammenarbeit mit Majorel jetzt eingestellt wird.

Und wer htts gedacht: Ist nicht das erste mal, das Majorel in diesem Bezug auffllig ist. Sie hatten schon 2021 die Sicherheitslcken im zu verantworten.

Geht noch weiter: Majorel macht auch Content-Moderation fr TikTok (und angeblich jetzt auch fr Facebook) und lsst sich auch bei der Behandlung ihrer Angestellten nicht lumpen.

Was muss eigentlich passieren, damit Bertelsmann als kriminelle Vereinigung eingestuft wird? Frage fr einen Freund.

Da war wohl der Zensor pinkeln: Nato-Generalsekretr ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Da war wohl der Zensor pinkeln: Nato-Generalsekretr Stoltenberg verplappert sich.

Die Ereignisse der letzten Tage haben die Fragilitt des deutschen Regimes gezeigt.

Gut, sich ber den geriatrischen verwirrten alten ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Gut, sich ber den geriatrischen verwirrten alten Mann Merz lustig machen, das ist irgendwie nicht OK. Aber wenn ich das hier lese, dann kann ich nicht anders:

Friedrich Merz zieht aus dem AfD-Triumph in Sonneberg Konsequenzen. Nach Ansicht des CDU-Chefs sind hrtere Angriffe gegen die Grnen angezeigt.
h wat?

Kommt, CDU, ich wei ja, dass ihr kein Personal habt, aber der Mann braucht offensichtlich dringend medizinische Hilfe!

Was kann ICH eigentlich fr die ffentliche Sicherheit ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Was kann ICH eigentlich fr die ffentliche Sicherheit tun?

Das fragt ihr euch doch auch, oder?

Nun, hier ist eine kurze Durchsage des Premierministers von Australien dazu:

JOURNALIST: In your experience, do you think that Australians understand the challenges we really face when it comes to cyber security?

[...]PRIME MINISTER: [...] We need to mobilise the private sector, we need to mobilise as well consumers. We all have a responsibility. Simple things, turn your phone off every night for five minutes. For people watching this, do that every 24 hours, do it while youre brushing your teeth or whatever youre doing.

Gut, dass wir das mal geklrt haben.

Wisst ihr was? Wenn das gut fr die Sicherheit ist, dann schalte ich gleich mal ab. Und zwar nicht nur 5 Minuten. 10 Minuten!!

Mal ohne Schei jetzt: Das ist natrlich so erstmal Bldsinn. Was der sagen wollte, ist dass mal Gerte fr Betriebssystemupdates gelegentlich mal booten muss. blicherweise fragt einen der Updater dann, ob jetzt genehm wre, und dann sagt man: Ja. Und zwar sofort, wenn man gefragt wird, sagt man das.

Ab und zu mal eine App neu starten schadet auch nicht, aber nutzt im Allgemeinen auch nichts. Es gibt ein Szenario, wo das nutzen kann, nmlich wenn jemand einen Exploit in die App ldt aber nicht auf Platte schreibt.

Leider wissen die meisten Leute nicht, wie man Apps beendet, weil das nicht Teil des von den Herstellern gewnschten UIs ist. Google und Apple wollen es ja gerade so aussehen lassen, als msse man sich um derlei Details nicht kmmern. Apps werden im Hintergrund geschlossen und neu gestartet, und speichern ihren Zustand solange im System.

Insofern ist das nicht vllig blde, sein Telefon ab und zu zu booten. Aber viel wichtiger wre, dass man alle Updates eingespielt hat. Und DAS macht Google ja schlicht nicht. Absichtlich nicht. Damit ihre "Partner" schn immer wieder neue Android-Schrottgerte die Pipeline runter drcken knnen, die Android-Kunden dann kaufen mssen; weil es fr das alte Gert keine Updates mehr gibt.

Wenn wir doch nur eine europaweite Union htten, die derartig umweltzerstrendes Verhalten verhindern knnte mit Regulierungsbehrden oder so!1!!


Scottish government knew about PPE concerns two years before pandemic struck "IndyWatch Feed"

Hospitals had not completed vital PPE preparations when Covid hit despite concerns being raised in 2018


"President Criminalstiltskin Looks to Be in A Whole Lotta Trouble These Days as His Past Returns to Haunt and Taunt Him." "IndyWatch Feed World"

 God Poet Transmitting.......

Larry the Lizard... over at Black Rock... is whining about ESG-DEI troubles. He appears to have come out of the same egg batch as Chuckie... Doll Eyes... Schumer. I could easily see both of them sunbathing on a rock in The Mohave and assume they were related. They're obviously under-bosses for the same reptile overlords. I expect to see David Icke at any moment... doing a Discovery Channel show on evolutionary timelines for cold-blooded life forms.

Yeah... all is not well in The World of Octopus-Squid... The World of global high finance. Anyone know the difference between ESG and DEI? The former leather-freak bondage media is suddenly turning on its owners. The New York Times just had a field day with Ice Spice's twin sister... the press secretary... over at The White House; I can't believe they haven't changed the name of the building yet.

President Criminalstiltskin looks to be in a whole lotta trouble these days, as his past returns to haunt and taunt him. Everywhere you look, the color is being leached from The Truman Show landscape. Even the rainbow flag now appears in shades of washed-out gray. You know hard times are ahead when the rodeo clowns of The Crass Media turn on their own biggest creation.

WORD MUST HAVE ROLLED DOWNHILL from somewhere, and the kid gloves are coming off. The Vice President was just honored as the least popular vice president of all time. Merrick Garland can hear the villagers howling at the castle gates; something about impeachment, and being run out of town on a rail.

Look! Usually, it's just a sitcom with no laugh track. One side yells at the other side, and they both get paid by the same employer. It's like The Supreme Court that gets the script passed up to the bench each day... on those rare days when they are in session.

Somehow... somewhere... in the last few weeks... the whole agenda has switched tracks. The people who actually make the decisions or... the people everyone else thinks make the decisions, but that no one talks about... have made the decision to shit-can the covered dish... potted plant... that was playing the president on Reality TV. It looks like he and his dysfunctional son, along with Princess Mumblemouth... are being put out to pasture... shortly.

Everyone is freaking out behind closed doors. No one from the president's handlers to the janitor's closet seems to know what's happening or... why it's happening. You m...


Gemini Links 28/06/2023: Many Net and Technology Musings "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal/Opinions

      • SpellBinding: CHUOPTN Wordo: MILER
      • The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by A. E. Waite

        The accepted meanings of tarot cards cant be deduced just by looking at them. Let alone their true meanings.

        Nor can you uncover their secret significance through philology. Claims by people like Court de Gebelin, Eliphas Lvi and Dr. Papus that the cards originated in Egypt or some other ancient repository of lost wisdom hold no water whatsoever under historical investigation. What educated guesses we can make as to the original designers intentions are disappointingly mundane; The Tower representing the defeat of the De La Torre family in medieval Italy; the Strength card commemorating the victory of a friend over a clan whose crest was the lion, etc. I hope Im not ruffling any feathers by stating outright that the land disputes of long-dead bourgeois Italians hold no cosmic significance to me.

    • Technology and Free Software

      • Fedran Infrastructure Redux

        I know I said that I was going to work on writing after working on the previous post[1], but I tried to speed up the pipelines because an hour was overwhelming and bothered me.

      • to these services

        because they insist that I register first
        sending me links to these is pretty much telling me to fuck off

        * facebook
        * instragram
        * spotify
        * discord

      • re: Leadership and Managemen

        Wow, this has been an appealing read.

        A bit of context: Im 36, and I studied Engineering first, followed by Management of IT Systems. I enjoy management but also appreciate working on the technical stuff. And Ive b...


No puede ser! Lilly Tllez anuncia que no va por la presidencia "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

A travs de un vdeo, la senadora del PAN, Lilly Tllez dijo que no ir por la candidatura presidencial. RegeneracinMx, 28 de junio de 2023.- []

La entrada No puede ser! Lilly Tllez anuncia que no va por la presidencia se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Field Testing a Home Made WiFi antenna "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Most readers will be aware that a good way to extend WiFi range is to use a better antenna for those 2.4 GHz signals, but at the same time such high frequency hijinks have something of a reputation of being not for the faint-hearted. [Dereksgc] puts that reputation to the test by building a helical WiFi antenna and if that werent enough he also subjects it to a field test. In a real field, is there any other way?

Weve put both videos below the break, and you can find his helical antenna calculator on his website and the parametric CAD file for the scaffold in his GitHub repository. He first delivers a crash course in the fundamentals of helical antennas before diving into the construction, and even soldering on an impedance matching strip. The field testing involves setting up a base station with an FTP server on a phone, and connecting to it with a variety of antennas over increasing distance across farmland. Weve characterised antennas in this way before, and it really does give an immediate view of their performance.

In this...


Former Head Of DOJ Tax Division Urges Federal Judge To Trash Hunter Biden Plea Deal "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Internal Revenue ServiceEileen O'Connor, who ran the DOJ tax division from 2001 to 2007, published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal Wednesday.


Annual Adams Peak pilgrimage leaves Sri Lanka biodiversity site littered "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

RATNAPURA, Sri Lanka The Young Zoologists Association (YZA) is a youth organization that explores Sri Lankas biodiversity, and its members are an enthusiastic group of people often raking through leaf litter looking for little creatures like frogs, butterflies, skinks and lizards in forest areas especially the Adams Peak Wilderness. Armed with sticks and sacks, about 50 young zoologists combed the footsteps leading to the summit of Adams Peak, locally known as Sri Pada (sacred feet) or Samanala Kanda, surrounded by the Peak Wilderness Nature Reserve, during their annual trek between December and May this year as well. But instead of little creatures, their focus was on discarded polythene bags, polythene food wrappers, PET bottles and various other non-biodegradable items dumped by thousands of pilgrims who trekked through the winding path during the pilgrimage season. Some of the plastic bottles and polythene end up on the mountain slopes and it is an arduous and risky journey downhill bearing the weight of garbage. Image courtesy of the Young Zoologists Association (YZA). This year, we collected over 300 kilograms [660 pounds] of non-biodegradable items from this unique ecosystem within one day, but theres lots more to collect still, says Ishanda Senevirathne, the president of the youth collective. Some garbage was mixed with soil and washed down the slopes and deposited at various nooks and corners, making collection a difficult task, Senevirathne told Mongabay. It was an uphill task to bring the collected garbage down the mountain, he said. Thousands of pilgrimsThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Misiones prohibi el uso de glifosato por ley "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Nicolas Pousthomis

Es la primera provincia en prohibir el uso del herbicida glifosato, pilar del modelo de agronegocio actual. La ley, que establece una transicin hacia la agroecologa, fija una fecha lmite de uso en 2025. Es uno de los agrotxicos ms cuestionados del mundo, tanto por campesinos como por investigadores. La OMS confirm en 2015 que produce dao gentico.

Desde Misiones

El uso del herbicida glifosato estar totalmente prohibido en Misiones desde 2025. As lo establece la nueva Ley de Promocin de Produccin de Bioinsumos que sancion la Legislatura y que integra una serie de medidas de investigacin, optimizacin y promocin de insumos biolgicos, gestin del riego y uso del agua eficiente, y el desarrollo sustentable de cultivos. La norma fue presentada por los diputados Carlos Rovira (Frente Renovador de la Concordia), Martn Sereno (Tierra, Techo y Trabajo) y Marta Ferreira, actual ministra de Agricultura Familiar de la provincia.

Se prohbe la utilizacin del glifosato, sus componentes y afines en toda la provincia. Se establece que esta prohibicin entra en vigencia luego de dos aos desde su publicacin oficial a los efectos de una transicin progresiva del cambio cultural de los sistemas productivos, enuncia el artculo 7 de la normativa provincial que, tal como se esperaba, despert reacciones dispares. Por un lado, el rechazo de aquellos sectores ligados al agronegocio y el sector poltico que los representa y, por otro, el beneplcito de los agricultores familiares y cooperativos, que desde hace mucho tiempo denuncian los efectos adversos del uso de agrotxicos y que impulsan la transicin agroecolgica.

Salvador Torres, secretario general del Movimiento Agrario de Misiones (MAM), seal que desde la organizacin hace mucho tiempo se viene impulsando el cese del uso de agroqumicos, por ser altamente perjudiciales para la salud de las personas y para el medio ambiente. En este sentido, estamos totalmente de acuerdo que haya una decisin firme de ir prohibiendo determinados productos como el glifosato, que es uno de los tantos que se usa en el agro, celebr.

En relacin al proceso de dos aos que contempla la nueva ley hasta la prohibicin definitiva del glifosato, Torres remarc la importancia de establecer un mecanismo eficaz de apoyo para esta transicin y advirti que para el traspaso de la utilizacin de agroqumicos a una forma agroecolgica de produccin, tendra que haber...


Alert: New Electromagnetic Attacks on Drones Could Let Attackers Take Control "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Drones that don't have any known security weaknesses could be the target of electromagnetic fault injection (EMFI) attacks, potentially enabling a threat actor to achieve arbitrary code execution and compromise their functionality and safety. The research comes from IOActive, which found that it is "feasible to compromise the targeted device by injecting a specific EM glitch at the right time


Experts warn of a spike in May and June of 8Base ransomware attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers warn of a massive spike in May and June 2023 of the activity associated with the ransomware group named 8Base.

VMware Carbon Black researchers observed an intensification of the activity associated with a stealthy ransomware group named 8Base. The experts observed a massive spike in activity associated with this threat actor between May and June 2023.

The group has been active since March 2022, it focused on small and medium-size businesses in multiple industries, including finance, manufacturing, business services, and IT.

The group utilizes encryption paired with name-and-shame techniques to compel their victims to pay their ransoms, reads the report published by VMware Carbon Black. 8Base has an opportunistic pattern of compromise with recent victims spanning across varied industries.

Security experts attributed 67 attacks to the group in May 2023, most of the victims are in the U.S. and Brazil.

New analysis from NCC Groups Global Threat Intelligence team has revealed that ransomware attacks are soaring, with 436 victims in May. The new figures represent a 24% surge compared to Aprils figure of 352 and a 56% increase compared to May 2022. reported NCC.

The spike in activity was in-part been driven by the emergence of 8base, a new ransomware player that employs a double extortion strategy, publicising the data of 67 victims in May.

VMware researchers noticed similarities between 8Base and the ransomware group RansomHouse.

VMware researchers also noticed that Phobos ransomware uses the .8base file extension for encrypted documents, a circumstance that suggests a possible link to the 8Base group or the use of the same code-...


Fortanix introduces Confidential Data Search for encrypted data under regulation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Fortanix has released Fortanix Confidential Data Search, a solution that supports highly scalable searches in encrypted databases with sensitive data, without compromising data security or privacy regulations. Current solutions that enable secure searches of encrypted data are predominantly based on complex and expensive cryptographic technologies, such as Homomorphic Encryption (HE), which are impractical for data-mining complex medical or financial datasets. According to a current blog from the Confidential Computing Consortium, such computationally intensive approaches can More

The post Fortanix introduces Confidential Data Search for encrypted data under regulation appeared first on Help Net Security.


Arrancan juicios contra responsables de la desaparicin y asesinato del defensor Arnulfo Cern "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Las audiencias de juicio oral que iniciarn el lunes 3 de julio de 2023 ante el Juez del Tribunal Unitario de Enjuiciamiento Penal con sede en Tlapa, Guerrero, preocupa a la familia el desarrollo de estos juicios porque considera que el poder judicial ha sido timorato en el caso de Arnulfo Cern Soriano, defensor de derechos humanos. Ha podido ms el poder econmico y poltico de una de las personas sealadas como autor intelectual de la desaparicin y asesinato del defensor.

El ao pasado el juez de control, como consecuencia de un amparo, en una audiencia modific la medida cautelar de prisin preventiva, con el argumento de que el autor intelectual se encontraba en un estado de salud muy delicada. Sin embargo, fue una maniobra para salir de la crcel y encaminarse a la contienda electoral. Su proceso jurdico lo est enfrentando en libertad, una medida que consiste en ir a firmar cada ocho das al reclusorio. Lo inaudito es que de manera constante hace viajes a Chilpancingo, Ciudad de Mxico y otros lugares bajo el consentimiento de la unidad de medidas cautelares, poniendo en riesgo a los testigos, al proceso y a las vctimas.

Ante estos juicios que se llevarn a cabo en los siguientes das, el Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montaa Tlachinollan y el Frente Popular de la Montaa denuncian y hacen un llamado al poder judicial para que se conduzca con imparcialidad, con independencia en sus determinaciones y no sean motivaciones de otra ndole las que influyan en el proceso ms que la justicia en el caso del defensor.

Vidulfo Rosales Sierra, abogado de Tlachinollan, seal que este 26 de junio se tena programada la primera audiencia de juicio oral a las cuatro de la tarde contra la persona que est sealada como autor intelectual de la desaparicin y asesinato del defensor, mientras que otra estaba programada a las 12 del da contra cuatro autores materiales, dos ms estaran pendientes porque estn en la etapa intermedia. No obstante, las dos audiencias fueron diferidas y se reanudan en los prximo lunes 3 de julio. En la calendarizacin que hay los juicios estarn terminando a mediados de julio.

Desde el 11 de octubre de 2019 se abrieron lneas de investigacin para detener a los responsables, consiguiendo la detencin de seis personas sealadas como autores materiales y una persona como autor intelectual. Estas detenciones menguaron la violencia en Tlapa, los asesinatos y las desapariciones disminuyeron bastante. La esperanza de algunas familias volvi porque podan buscar a sus seres queridos en los cerros y en las hondas barrancas. La poca tranquilidad se fue esfumando con los das, pero el ao pasado cuando el autor intelectual empez a caminar por las calles el temor volvi a surgir porque se intensificaron las desapariciones y los asesinatos. De diciembre de 2022 a la fecha los peridicos locales han dado cuenta de al menos 6 desapariciones de mujeres.

Arnulfo Cern Soriano fue des...


Coup Coo: US Intel had Foreknowledge of Prigozhin Coup Attempt "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post Coup Coo: US Intel had Foreknowledge of Prigozhin Coup Attempt appeared first on Global Research.


Physicists have just identified a brand new atomic nucleus in Earth's crust "IndyWatch Feed World"

We've just identified a brand new isotope of the rarest element in our planet's crust. With 85 protons and 105 neutrons, 190astatine is the lightest isotope of astatine discovered yet, and could help physicists better understand the process of alpha decay, and the structure and limitations of atomic nuclei. "The studies of new nuclei are important for understanding the structure of atomic nuclei and the limits of known matter," says physicist Henna Kokkonen of the University of Jyvskyl in Finland. Astatine is highly radioactive, and extremely unstable. It only occurs in nature as a sort of stepping stone, a product of the decay of heavier elements that in turn rapidly decays into lighter elements. The most stable isotope of astatine is 210astatine, which has a half-life of just over 8 hours; most of its isotopes have half-lives less than a few seconds.


MFM Reader "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I still have some floppy drives laying around and I always planned to integrated them into my new SBC projects. In the 1990s I had once built a floppy disk controller for an Apple II and also built a SBC around a 65SC816 processor with a floppy disk controller using WD2797 FDC chips. Both worked quite will. FDCs are now obsolete and so I thought about emulating a FDC using a microcontroller. I also could have used new old stock controllers but that was not my intention.

In the internet you find several discussions about this topic and in many cases the conclusion was that it is not possible to read floppies without a controller. However there are also some projects describing a floppy disk emulator using a microcontroller with no or only little hardware support. Also there are several projects that read the raw MFM data and send it to a PC to decode the data. I was really tempted to give it a try.

My goal was to read and write HD floppies without any additional hardware and be able to read and write the content of individual sectors.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Is Ukraine Being Pushed Towards Long-term Indebtedness and Subservience? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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The post Is Ukraine Being Pushed Towards Long-term Indebtedness and Subservience? appeared first on Global Research.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Today is a very fun and interesting round of benchmarking... Recently Supermicro sent over their Hyper SuperServer SYS-221H-TNR and Intel supplied the Xeon Max 9468 and Xeon Max 9480 for finally being able to benchmark Xeon Max processors, the Sapphire Rapids parts featuring 64GB of HBM2e memory. For this initial benchmarking article is a look at the Xeon Max 9468/9480 dual socket performance when running in HBM-only mode and HBM-caching mode for showing some of the workloads where Xeon Max can deliver significant uplift compared to when running in flat (1LM) mode without assigning anything to the HBM memory for seeing the impact when the specialized memory goes unused.


Earth's thermosphere reaches highest temperature in 20 years after being bombarded by solar storms "IndyWatch Feed World"

Earth's thermosphere recently hit a near 20-year temperature peak after soaking up energy from geomagnetic storms that bashed Earth this year. The temperature in the second-highest layer of the atmosphere will likely continue to climb over the next few years as the sun's activity ramps up, which could impact Earth-orbiting satellites, experts warn. Comment: That's unless the sun's activity collapses into sporadic, albeit unprecedented outbursts, which is what mathematician and astrophysicist Valentina Zharkova predicts is occurring amidst what she's calling the Grand Solar Minimum. The thermosphere extends from the top of the mesosphere, at around 53 miles (85 kilometers) above ground, to the bottom of the exosphere, which begins at around 372 miles (600 km) above the ground, according to NASA. Beyond the exosphere is outer space. For more than 21 years, NASA has measured the thermosphere temperature via infrared radiation emitted by carbon dioxide and nitric oxide molecules....


About the Lung Cancer "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I had an appointment with a thoracic surgeon yesterday and now have a pretty good idea of what the surgery would be like if I were to opt for that.  I still dont have any understanding of what radiation treatment would be like, nor a likely prognosis if I were to do nothing at all.  I might hear more about that tomorrow or Friday.

At present, Im thinking that Id want to just be put in some kind of hospice care where Id be kept as comfortable as is legally possible in a red state until I faded away.  Im not afraid of being dead since I dont think that there will be any me to be dead.  Its probably a pretty good guess that I wont like the process of dying; but thats going to happen in any event; and it might be easier if it happens in a controlled way rather than unexpectedly (like a heart attack or something).  Also, since theres nobody who depends on me for anything, its not like Id be selfishly leaving anyone behind.

Well see how it goes


Encircling Russia? Germany Plans to Send Troops to NATOs Eastern Flank "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Bishop Fox expands social engineering adversarial emulation services "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Bishop Fox has expanded its social engineering testing services, which are an integral part of the companys Red Team portfolio. In contrast to narrow and rudimentary security awareness solutions, Bishop Foxs services emulate complex, multistage and multilayer adversarial attack behavior, provide in-depth results and actionable guidance for organisational improvement, and offer a unique ability for internal teams to participate in ride along observation of the process from Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and pre-text development, More

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Naurus Refugee Stain: Australias Continued Offshore Processing Regime "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Distribution Release: Proxmox 3.0 "Backup Server" "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Proxmox is a commercial company offering specialised products "Backup Server" edition which is based on Debian 12. The Backup Server edition is equipped with ZFS support for large scale storage volumes. The release announcement reads: "We're excited....


Is everything a binary? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I dont think so, but if it were, then Jordan Peterson has just announced that he is trans.

Either that, or he is a liar.

It is most weird how some people get worked up over a simple, non-judgmental descriptor. There is no opprobrium attached to being cis in fact, its a social advantage. So what has got these people irate?

Maybe its the implicit acknowledgment that if cis people exist, then trans people do, too.


United Nations Taking Over EU COVID Certificate Program. The Worlds Digital Health Pass "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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New bioinspired robot flies, rolls, walks, and more "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A newly created real-life Transformer is capable of reconfiguring its body to achieve eight distinct types of motion and can autonomously assess the environment it faces to choose the most effective combination of motions to maneuver.

The new , dubbed M4 (for Multi-Modal Mobility Morphobot) can roll on four wheels, turn its wheels into rotors and fly, stand on two wheels like a meerkat to peer over obstacles, walk by using its wheels like feet, use two rotors to help it roll up on two wheels, tumble, and more.

A robot with such a broad set of capabilities would have applications ranging from the transport of injured people to a hospital to the exploration of other planets, says Mory Gharib (Ph. D. 83), the Hans W. Liepmann Professor of Aeronautics and Bioinspired Engineering and director of Caltechs Center for Autonomous Systems and Technologies (CAST), where the robot was developed.


AI and AR will give humans lie-detecting superpowers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AI-powered augmented reality devices will give human beings superpowers to detect lies and read emotions of people they are talking to, a futurist has claimed.

Speaking exclusively to, Devin Liddell, Principal Futurist at Teague, said that computer vision systems built into headsets or glasses will pick up emotional cues that un-augmented human eyes and instincts cannot see.

The technology would let people know if their date is lying or is sexually aroused, along with spotting a lying politician.


Busted secure EncroChat messaging service leads to over 6,500 arrests by police "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Back in 2020, law enforcement agents across Europe had a major breakthrough in their fight against organised crime. They managed to crack into EncroChat - a secure encrypted messaging service which ran on modified Android phones, that promised "worry-free secure communications". But investigators managed to gain full control of EncroChat's infrastructure, and could read users' supposedly-encrypted messages in real-time.


A.I. is not all hype. Its the fourth industrial revolution playing out, says Wedbushs Dan Ives "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

And so it begins. Ive seen one job already on glass door that requires knowledge of AI and I only barely started looking. I wasnt even specifically looking for AI jobs. Ive seen other articles where ChatGPT can be used to make thousands in side hustles. So far, so good. Ill have to check out those job hustles and see if I can make use of those articles. Just one job is enough for me. One article claimed some jobs will pay you as much as 800k if you know AI.

Generative artificial intelligence is all the rage now but the AI boom is not just all hype, said Dan Ives from Wedbush Securities, who calls it the fourth industrial revolution playing out.

This is something I call a 1995 moment, parallel with the internet. I do not believe that this is a hype cycle, the managing director and senior equity research analyst told CNBCs Squawk Box Asia on Wednesday.

The fourth industrial revolution refers to how technological advancements like artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles and the internet of things are changing the way humans live, work and relate to one another.


The Food is Medicine Agenda. Get Your One Health Token from the WHO. Bioengineered Food, Lab-grown Meat and Insects "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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LibrePlanet Mailing List Censored Questions About Ukraine. Now Its Not Willing to Talk About IBMs Red Bait (RHEL) and Associated GPL Issues. (Updated) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A lot of the debate about this was contained in sites tied to Jim Zemlin and Sheela Microsoft (GPL bashers who exploit/enslave geeks for money); there seems to be no room for discussion in GPL-centric sites.

I censor IBM's critics and work with the Linux Foundation against the FSF

Summary: Freedom of speech/expression is as important as Software Freedom because one depends on the other and theyre mutually connected; its important to hear what the Free Software Foundation (FSF) thinks of the General Public Licence (GPL) being bypassed one little step at a time or to simply see in writing its stance about Red Hat and IBM, longtime sponsors of the FSF

THE year was 2012. FSF had openly and stubbornly opposed UEFI secure boot, but Red Hat kept pushing hard for inclusion of this antifeature in Linux (even Linus Torvalds pushed back against that, using rather colourful language). We wrote a great deal about it back then (about 30 articles in half a year) and named the company not the person ('Gulagboy') as the culprit. We kept blasting Red Hat. So what changed after that? Why did Intel and Red Hat pay the FSF? And the FSF, instead of condemning the move, suddenly condoned the person who did this? Even gave him an award for it? This may always remain a mystery, an enigma subjected to guesswork at best.

This may always remain a mystery, an enigma subjected to guesswork at best.Now, in 20w3, theres a bit of a deja vu, not only because of last years messages about Ukraine but due to questions about IBM repeatedly closing RHEL sources and...


Does Russia Have Legitimate Security Concerns? RFK Jr. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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'We are not beggars': South African President Ramaphosa admonishes European leaders at summit "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

In a starkly poignant address, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa challenged the world's perception of Africa and African nations at the New Global Financial Pact Summit in France on Friday, June 23. "We are not beggars," the South African leader declared, standing shoulder to shoulder with his African counterparts. The sentiment resonated throughout the venue, packed with European leaders, including French President Emmanuel Macron, who called the summit, and the heads of financial and economic institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.


Biology professor says he was fired for teaching sex is determined by X, Y chromosomes "IndyWatch Feed World"

A biology professor at a Texas community college has claimed he was fired for "religious preaching" after he taught a lesson about how sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes. Johnson Varkey, who has taught at St. Philip's College in San Antonio for 20 years, claimed he was accused of "religious preaching" and let go after he discussed the human reproductive system during a lesson on Nov. 28, 2022, which led to four students walking out of the lecture hall. The First Liberty Institute, a Texas-based nonprofit Christian conservative law firm, last week sent a letter to the school on behalf of the veteran educator demanding his reinstatement.


Natures Hidden Geniuses: The Surprising IQ of Plants Exposed "IndyWatch Feed World"

June 29th, 2023 By Amelia Harris Staff Writer for Wake Up World Plants, often perceived as passive entities, possess an intricate world of intelligence that is only recently being unveiled by scientific research. The captivating realm of plant intelligence highlights the remarkable abilities exhibited by various plant species. By exploring their communication, environmental responses, problem-solving []

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Earths Final Frontier: Exploring The Alien Depths of the Earths Oceans "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Despite how hostile to life some parts of the Earths continents are, humanity has enthusiastically endeavored over the course of millennia to establish at least a toehold on each of them. Yet humanity has barely ventured beyond the surface of the oceans which cover around three-quarters of the planet, with human activity in these bodies of water dropping off quickly along with the fading of light from the surface.

Effectively, this means for all intents and purposes we have to this day not explored the vast majority of the Earths surface, due to over 70% of it being covered by water. As an ocean planet, much of Earths surface is covered by watery depths of multiple kilometers, with each 10 meters of water increasing the pressure by one atmosphere (1.013 bar), so that at a depth of one kilometer were talking about an intense 101 atmospheres.

Over the past decades, the 1985 discovery of Titanics wreck approximately 3.8 kilometer below the surface of the Atlantic, the two year long search for AF447s black boxes, and the frui...


Cynerio expands the use of generative AI across the 360 platform "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cynerio has unveiled the further integration of generative AI into its existing offerings. It is clear that the healthcare industry will continue to face increasing cyber attacks, said Leon Lerman, CEO of Cynerio. With 89% of hospitals experiencing cyber attacks annually, we must create enhanced approaches to improving the protections for patients, their data and the facilities that treat them. Expanding the use of generative AI across the Cynerio 360 platform is expected to increase More

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Cyberattack on major energy company disrupts supply at gas stations in Canada "IndyWatch Feed World"

Some services at Petro-Canada gas stations have been disrupted following a cyberattack on parent company Suncor, one of the largest energy companies in North America. Suncor is a Canada-based company that produces oil and runs several refineries in North America. The organization owns a network of more than 1,800 Petro-Canada retail and wholesale locations. In a brief statement issued on June 25, Suncor said it had experienced a cybersecurity incident that may impact some transactions with suppliers and customers. The company said it brought in third-party experts to aid investigation and response efforts, and noted that authorities have been notified.

Wednesday, 28 June


"Gone, Gone" Girl: Anheuser Busch fires pro-trans marketing execs who destroyed brand "IndyWatch Feed World"

Anheuser-Busch has fired two marketing executives who were placed on leave after destroying the Bud Light brand with an advertising campaign featuring transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. According to the Daily Caller, Group VP for Marketing Daniel Blake, and Bud Light Marketing VP Alissa Heinerscheid are "gone, gone" after initially being placed on leave, per an anonymous source. "To my understanding if we publicly announced the word 'fire' it opens up the potential for them to sue us. That's why we said leave of absence," said the source in a text message to the Caller. "The wholesalers would have had an absolute HAY DAY with leadership if they didn't remove her." (Or maybe a field day?)


Has Russia Been Degraded Enough? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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COVID Propaganda Roundup: Self-Assembling Nanoparticles Developed for New Vaccines, EU Activates Vaccine Passport Regime "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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US Targets Wagner Group Over Gold Smuggling in Africa, UAE Firm Sanctioned "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Pompeii fresco find possibly depicts 2,000-year-old form of pizza "IndyWatch Feed World"

A striking still life fresco resembling a pizza has been found among the ruins of ancient Pompeii, although the dish seems to lack two essential ingredients - tomato and mozzarella - and includes an item that looks suspiciously like a pineapple. The fresco, which dates back 2,000 years, emerged during excavations in the Regio IX area of Pompeii's archaeological park, which is close to Naples, the birthplace of pizza. The painting was on a wall in what is believed to have been the hallway of a home that had a bakery in its annexe. The fresco appears to depict a round focaccia bread on a silver tray serving as a support for various fruits, including a pomegranate and possibly a date. However, the "pineapple" on the plate seems likely to be something else entirely, as the first European to encounter the fruit was Christopher Columbus, in Guadeloupe in 1493.


U.S. Intelligence Agencies Advance Disinformation About Chinese Spy Base in Cuba to Gain Support for Cruel Embargo Costing Cubans $455 Million Per Month "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Despite Cancelling Attempts, Dimitri Lascariss Canada-Wide Tour for Peace Continues "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Justice Alito and the Wall Street Journal "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

While much of liberal ire with some of the decisions of the US Supreme.Court has focused on justice Clarence Thomass opinions, I have long felt that justice Samuel Alito is the most reactionary member of the court, the one most likely to offer tortured reasoning to justify what seems like pre-ordained conclusions based on his extremely conservative ideology.

Both Thomas and Alito have been the targets of investigative reports by ProPublica about the gifts and lavish vacations that they have been given, including travel on private jets, by wealthy individuals who, directly or indirectly, have had cases before the court. They did not disclose these trips and the private jet travel in their financial disclosure forms.

In the case of Alito, though, he went one step further than Thomas. As is customary with good journalistic outfits, prior to publishing their story, ProPublica informed Alito that they were preparing a story and sent him a list of questions to make sure they were being fair and accurate. What was unusual was that Alito used that to publish a prebuttal in the opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal the day before the ProPublica piece even appeared.

ProPublica explains what happened.

Around midday on Friday, June 16, ProPublica reporters Justin Elliott and Josh Kaplan sent an email to Patricia McCabe, the Supreme Courts spokesperson, with questions for Justice Samuel Alito about a forthcoming story on his fishing trip to Alaska with a hedge fund billionaire.

We set a deadline of the following Tuesday at noon for a response.

Fifteen minutes later, McCabe called the reporters. It was an unusual moment in our dealings with the high courts press office, the first time any of its public information officers had spoken directly with the ProPublica journalists in the many months we have spent looking into the justices ethics and conduct. When we sent detailed questions to the court for our stories on Justice Clarence Thomas, McCabe responded with an email that said they had been passed on to the justice. There was no further word from her before those stories appeared, not even a statement that Thomas would have no comment.

The conversation about Alito was brisk and professional. McCabe said she had noticed a formatting issue with an email, and the reporters agreed to resend the 18 questions in a Word document. Kaplan and Elliott told McCabe they understood that this was a busy time at the court and that they were willing to extend the deadline if Alito needed more time.

Monday was a federal holiday, Juneteenth. On Tuesday, McCabe called the reporters to tell them Alito would not respond to our requests for comment but said we should not write...


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Nearly a decade ago when there was more hope for the MIPS open-source ecosystem and the initial growth of lower-cost single board computers the MIPS Creator CI20 was launched by Imagination Tech. It wasn't too successful and MIPS development has since reached the end of the road, but finally with Linux 6.5 is the Bluetooth and WiFi on this MIPS single board computer going to finally be supported by the mainline kernel...


All Aboard the Gravy Train: An Independent Audit of US Funding for Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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CryptosLabs Scam Ring Targets French-Speaking Investors, Rakes in 480 Million "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cybersecurity researchers have exposed the workings of a scam ring called CryptosLabs that's estimated to have made 480 million in illegal profits by targeting users in French-speaking individuals in France, Belgium, and Luxembourg since April 2018. The syndicate's massive fake investment schemes primarily involve impersonating 40 well-known banks, fin-techs, asset management firms, and crypto


The Damage to Ukraine is Devastating: What are the working-class people of Ukraine dying for? MEP Mick Wallace "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Two in Three Americans Are Concerned About Bidens Mental and Physical Health "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Stay Safe, Stay Sober: The Role Of Breathalyzers In Preventing Drunk Driving "IndyWatch Feed World"

Drunk driving is a persistent and serious issue that continues to claim thousands of lives each year, causing immense pain and suffering for victims and their families. Impaired driving poses a significant risk to public safety, as it diminishes a drivers ability to react quickly, make rational decisions, and maintain control of their vehicle. The effects of alcohol on the human body are well-documented: it impairs judgment, coordination, and concentration, and slows down reaction times.

Drunk driving incidents not only result in loss of life, but they also have far-reaching consequences on the physical, emotional, and financial well-being of individuals involved. Families are shattered, communities are devastated, and the burden on healthcare systems and law enforcement agencies is substantial. It is crucial to address this issue proactively and employ effective measures to prevent drunk driving and protect innocent lives. Breathalyzer Canada is something you should check out.

How Do They Work?


Breathalyzers are devices specifically designed to measure the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in a persons breath. They work on the principle that the concentration of alcohol in the breath is directly proportional to the alcohol concentration in the blood. When a person consumes alcohol, it is rapidly absorbed into their bloodstream through the stomach and small intestine. As blood circulates through the lungs, some of the alcohol evaporates and is exhaled through the breath.

They use various technologies to measure alcohol levels accurately. One common method is fuel cell technology, which involves a chemical reaction between the alcohol in the breath and an electrode. This reaction generates an electrical current, which is then converted into a BAC reading. Another method is infrared spec...


I Did a Stupid Thing "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I expect to be taking a trip to Hawaii in November [current itinerary]; and with a remarkable (and I hope uncharacteristic) lack of impulse control, I inquired about chartering a plane for the round trip.*

It turns out that Id need at least a mid-sized jet in order to carry enough fuel to get from the west coast of the Americas half way across the Pacific; and I was given an estimate that, at the high end, is almost one third of my net worth.

The guy I spoke to said that hed get back to me with a more detailed price, but I havent heard from him yet as I write this.  I hope that he figured out that Im not in the group from which he gets his regular customers, and that he doesnt have to waste any more time on the likes of me. 8-)

*Since I might not be around much longer than that for medical reasons, and since theres nobody else who depends on this extreme introvert for anything, I briefly thought that it would be OK to significantly spend down my savings on a whim.  On further reflection, I finally got it through my thick skull that a nice donation to a charity (which my current will provides) would actually do some good, and spewing all that carbon into the atmosphere for one fools convenience would actually do some bad.  Ill stick with conventional first-class travel, which is flamboyant enough, and which would happen whether or not I were along for the ride.


Diplomatic relations with Syria should be restored and sanctions lifted: Interview with Gunnar Lindemann, German Parliament Member "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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8Base ransomware group leaks data of 67 victim organizations "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Lockbit 3.0 is currently the most active ransomware group, NCC Group says in its most recent Threat Pulse report, but new ransomware groups like 8Base and Akira are rising in prominence. Collectively, the various ransomware groups revealed 436 victim organizations in May 2023 24% more than in April 2023 (352), and 56% more that in May 2022. This considerable increase can be attributed, in part, to the 8Base ransomware group, which released data from More

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Learning from history is a good idea "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Have you ever felt like you spend all your time explaining the obvious to idiots who are going to reflexively reject the evidence anyway? Thats the discouraging thing about battling creationism, youre fighting willful ignorance. Even more significant is the need to explain the importance of vaccines when weve got mush-brained cranks like RFK Jr. geysering nonsense into the discourse that the media treats gently as if he has something intelligent to say.

This has always been a problem, though. Today I learned that Minnesota had mandatory vaccination laws for school children in 1883 (Yay! Woo-hoo! You go, Minnesota!) but that they repealed it in 1903 (booooo) aftera debate.

Fucking debates. Anyway, they dragged Justus Ohage, a real physician and the public health commissioner for St Paul into a debate with a carpet-bagger from Indiana, WB Clarke, who proceeded to glibly gish-gallup all over the place.

Dr. Clarke spoke next for an hour. He called Edward Jenners research bogus. He threw out incorrect and cherry-picked examples. He claimed that Germany had compulsory vaccination but also had the worst smallpox outbreak in Europe in 1871
He did not mention that the smallpox epidemic was caused by unvaccinated French troops in Germany fighting in the Franco-Prussian War and that the vaccinated Germans suffered far less than the French.
There was no way for anyone to rebut these claims as he was making them, and Clarke was a smooth talker. He spoke quickly and vividly ultimately comparing the vaccinators lancet to a highwaymans butcher knife saying that people had a right to defend themselves against each.
When Dr. Ohage took the stage, he only had 15 minutes. He said he did not have time to offer a rebuttal of each of Clarkes claims. Instead, he had to defend the attitude he had taken against the anti-vaccinationists. The damage was done.

The result: the Minnesota legislature repealed the mandatory vaccination law in 1903.

Wait, no, that was only the proximate result. The long-term consequence was that Minnesota was ravaged by a smallpox epidemic in 1924-25 that killed 500 people. Oops.



Bitdefender acquires Horangi Cyber Security to expand its unified risk and security analytics platform "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Bitdefender has agreed to acquire Horangi Cyber Security to address the growing demand for advanced, streamlined management of cybersecurity, compliance, and governance of multi-cloud environments. As organizations continue to accelerate cloud adoption, they struggle to manage the thousands of configuration settings and permissions, identities, and entitlements presented by multiple cloud providers. According to Gartner, Misconfigured cloud resources continue to be a primary reason for cloud-related data breaches. A single point of insight and control across More

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Fighting Continues in Sudan as Humanitarian Crisis Worsens "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Nursing Students, Pharmacy Students, Medical Students Are Dying Suddenly. Ongoing Consequences of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Mandates "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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New cartoonist: Dina Abdelgawad "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Dina Abdelgawad Shosha-Egypt -2

Joining us recently from Egypt is Dina Abdelgawad, a cartoonist, children book illustrator and graphic designer. Her work has been published both national and international media.


Adversarial search for neural basis of consciousness yields first results "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Two rival theories about the basis of perception went head-to-head in neuroscience experiments, but advocates of losing idea arent conceding yet.


Soya beans made more meat-like by adding genes for pig proteins "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A company called Moolec has created transgenic soya beans called Piggy Sooy in which a quarter of the protein is pig protein rather than plant protein.

By Michael Le Page


France braces for more protests after police kill teenager at traffic stop "IndyWatch Feed World"

France is bracing for further protests after police shot dead a teenager, an incident which French President Emmanuel Macron said has "moved the entire nation". Clashes broke out between demonstrators and police overnight after an officer killed the 17-year-old in a Paris suburb, Nanterre. The teenager, identified as Nael M, allegedly failed to comply with a police order to stop his car on Tuesday. He was driving a rental car when police pulled him over for breaking several road rules, prosecutors said.


UK water companies push for up to 40% price rise, major provider Thames Water nears collapse "IndyWatch Feed World"

Water companies are reportedly pushing for bills in England to rise by up to 40% under plans being drawn up to pay for the cost of dealing with the sewage crisis and the climate emergency. The increases are due to be announced next year and could drive annual bills up from an average of 450 to 680 in parts of the country by the end of the decade, according to a Times report citing consultation documents. Most companies are asking the regulator to approve real-terms price increases of an average of 25% between 2025 and 2030, it reported. Thames Water is reportedly proposing rises of 20%, while Wessex Water wants to put up its prices by 30%. The chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, was expected to discuss the bill increases in his meeting on Wednesday morning with the water regulator, Ofwat, and other watchdogs. He was also to ask regulators how they were cracking down on companies that may be exploiting rampant consumer inflation by raising prices.


Democrats are finally going on the offensive against the hateful GOP agenda "IndyWatch Feed"

Kamala Harris gave a fiery speech on the anniversary of Roe v Wade being overturned. Her party must follow through


Selected Articles: The COVID Jab. Maybe Theres Hope After All? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The COVID Jab. Maybe Theres Hope After All?

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, June 28, 2023

Just recently another person died in close proximity to having received the Covid jab. As can be expected, we on the freedom front here

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Any incident at Ukraine nuclear plant would be deliberate act by Russia "IndyWatch Feed"

Ukrainian nuclear experts say an accident at the Russia-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant would be almost impossible without planning


Stable kernel updates for Wednesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 6.3.10, 6.1.36, 5.15.119, 5.10.186, 5.4.249, 4.19.288, and 4.14.320 stable kernels have all been released; each contains another set of important fixes.


Thales collaborates with Google Cloud to build new, generative AI-powered security capabilities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Thales announced a new partnership with Google Cloud to develop new data security capabilities powered by generative AI that will improve companies ability to discover, classify and protect their most sensitive data. The partnership is part of Thales generative AI strategy, bringing new AI-powered features and experiences to users of Thales CipherTrust data security platform. A growing number of organizations are storing sensitive information in the cloud. However, only 24% of them know where all More

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NOAAs Dubious Associations: Unmasking the Disinformation Tactics in Climate Change Debate "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a prestigious reputation in weather and climate science. Its mandate is to inform the public and policy-makers about environmental issues. Recently, however,

The post NOAAs Dubious Associations: Unmasking the Disinformation Tactics in Climate Change Debate first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Security updates for Wednesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Mageia (docker-docker-registry, libcap, libx11, mediawiki, python-requests, python-tornado, sofia-sip, sqlite, and xonotic), Red Hat (kernel, kernel-rt, kpatch-patch, libssh, libtiff, python27:2.7, python39:3.9, python39-devel:3.9, ruby:2.7, sqlite, systemd, and virt:rhel, virt-devel:rhel), SUSE (bind, cosign, guile1, lilypond, keepass, kubernetes1.24, nodejs16, nodejs18, phpMyAdmin, and sqlite3), and Ubuntu (etcd).


Much Ado About Corona: Rewriting the COVID Narrative. An Unredacted Interview with Novelist John C. A. Manley "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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Newly Surfaced ThirdEye Infostealer Targeting Windows Devices "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Waqas

For now, ThirdEye infostealer has demonstrated behavior that is highly malicious, albeit not-so-sophisticated in its patterns.

This is a post from Read the original post: Newly Surfaced ThirdEye Infostealer Targeting Windows Devices


New Censorship Bill: Most Dangerous Legislation in Australia with Tony Nikolic "IndyWatch Feed World"

  This week we dissect Australias new proposed censorship legislation (Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation...


A State of Martial Law: America Is a Military Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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Financial Times editorial board promotes absurd analogy "IndyWatch Feed War"

A Financial Times editorial (The FT View: A spiralling cycle of violence in the West Bank, June 27), in keeping with the outlets reluctance to impute agency to Palestinians, blamed Israel and only Israel for the increased violence in the West Bank this year.  For instance, they wrote that Israeli forces last week killed seven Palestinians and injured more than 90 in a raid on the city of Jenin without mentioning that it was a raid to arrest wanted terrorists, that eight Israeli soldiers were injured and that most of the Palestinian fatalities were terrorists.

The FT also writes that 114 [Palestinians] have been killed in the West Bank this year, and Palestinians have killed 16 Israelis in the territory, without clarifying that while almost all the Israeli fatalities were innocent civilians, the overwhelming majority of Palestinian fatalities were terrorists or males involved with violence when they were killed.

Additionally, editors contextualise Jerusalems recent decision to advance plans for five thousand more West Bank homes as further encroachment across a territory that Palestinians seek as the heart of a future state.  This ignores polls showing that a meager 28% of Palestinians support an independent Palestinian state alongside the state of Israel, with a much larger number, 53%, supporting a return to armed intifada.

Further, the word militant (the MSM euphemism for proscribed terrorist groups such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad) isnt used once in the editorial which is putatively addressing the causes of instability in the region.

However, by far the most egregious distortion in the editorial...


Military Equipment Sent to Ukraine: An Avalanche of Weaponry.Lets Feed Them (Iranian) Shahed Drones "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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CDC Panel Recommends Pfizer Pneumococcal Vaccines for Infants, RSV Vaccines for Adults "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. | The Defender | June 26, 2023

Advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last week recommended newly approved vaccines for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) despite concerns about the efficacy and safety of the new vaccines, potentially harmful interactions with the flu and COVID-19 vaccines and the unspecified cost for the vaccines.

In a three-day meeting that ended Friday, the CDCs Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also:

For Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist, biological warfare epidemiologist and member of the Childrens Health Defense (CHD) scientific advisory committee, last weeks proceedings lacked the due diligence needed to fully ascertain the safety of the vaccines and treatments being reviewed.

Writing on her blog, Nass stated:

The mission of CDC and the ACIP members is to sign off on all possible vaccines as safe and effective, and to never turn over any stones that could reveal anything different. Then to roll all vaccines out to as broad a group of humans as humanly possible.

ACIP says seniors may get RSV vaccine, but overlooks other safety concerns

According to MedPage Today, ACIP recommended the new RSV vaccines for older adults on Wednesday but opted not to give their strongest endorsement, instead recommending a talk with [a] medical provider first.

STAT reported that ACIP recommen...


A State of Martial Law: America Is a Military Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their...

A State of Martial Law: America Is a Military Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy


British Storm Shadow Missile Struck Ukrainian City Of Kramatorsk "IndyWatch Feed War"

Introduction June 28, 2023

The Western mainstream media now serves as a propaganda and disinformation outlet for the Western military-industrial complex.

The following BBC report illustrates this because it may not have been a Russian missile that hit Kramatorsk. Despite BBC claims, it may well have been A BRITISH SUPPLIED STORM SHADOW MISSILE that struck a restaurant in the centre of the eastern Ukrainian city.

Right now this is cannot be confirmed. However the South Front report below the following BBC report indicates that Ukraines military is not entirely competent in handling the advanced British supplied missile. As a result misfires have occurred.

Is this why a missile struck a restaurant in the centre of Kramatorsk, was it a misfired Storm Shadow? Ed.

Kramatorsk: Russian missile strike hits restaurants in Ukrainian city

By Mayeni Jones & James Gregory in Kyiv and London BBC Online June 27, 2023

Eight people have been killed, including three children, by Russian missiles that hit the centre of Kramatorsk in eastern Ukraine.

A restaurant and shopping area were hit in Tuesdays strike on the city, which is under Ukrainian control but close to Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine.

Rescuers are continuing to search for people trapped under the debris.

At least 56 others were injured in the strike, according to Ukrainian emergency services.

An eyewitness told the BBC he saw dead people, people screaming, people crying, huge chaos.


British Storm Shadow Missile Struck Ukrainian City Of Kramatorsk

South Front June 27, 2023

Storm Shadow misfire. Click to enlarge

On June 27, a British Storm Shadow missile struck the city of Kramatorsk which is under the control of the Ukrainian military in the DPR. Judging by the footage from the spot, the missile likely failed and was mistakenly fired by Ukrainian aircraft.

The incident took place on the afternoon when the Ukrainian Air Force attempted to strike at the territory controlled by the Russian Armed Forces, but the missile suddenly changed its trajectory, resulting...


Midtown Gets Paywall: Feds Approve NYC Congestion Toll "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden The US Department of Transportations Federal Highway Administration approved the Metropolitan Transportation Authoritys congestion tax scheme to charge drivers entering New York...

Midtown Gets Paywall: Feds Approve NYC Congestion Toll


I Love When AI Go All-Conquering "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Seriously, sometimes we humans and our AI friends completely fail to get on the same page.

As an experiment, I asked Midjourney to clean up and re-render this logo $(link) and instead it came up with, I guess, a messed up logo for a not very successful cleaning service:

Midjourney AI and mjr: clean up and re-render this logo

Midjourney AI and mjr: clean up and re-render this logo

The last few weeks I have been stuck into a home renovation project with some local folks tearing out walls and old plumbing and hauling things to the dumpster. Did the AI somehow read that out of my subconscious?


Daniel Ellsberg Is Lauded in Death by the Same Media That Lets Assange Rot in Jail "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Jonathan Cook Rightly, theres been an outpouring of tributes to Daniel Ellsberg following the announcement of his death last Friday, aged 92. His leaking...

Daniel Ellsberg Is Lauded in Death by the Same Media That Lets Assange Rot in Jail


Critical SQL Injection flaws in Gentoo Soko can lead to Remote Code Execution "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

SQL injection vulnerabilities in Gentoo Soko could lead to remote code execution (RCE) on impacted systems.

SonarSource researchers discovered two SQL injection vulnerabilities in Gentoo Soko, collectively tracked as CVE-2023-28424 (CVSS score: 9.1) [1],[2], that can be exploited by a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable systems.

The two package search handlers, Search and SearchFeed, implemented in pkg/app/handler/packages/search.go, are affected by a SQL injection via the q parameter. As a result, unauthenticated attackers can execute arbitrary SQL queries on reads the advisory published on GitHub. It was also demonstrated that primitive was enough to gain code execution in the context of the PostgreSQL container.

The GraphiQL resolver PackageSearch, implemented in pkg/api/graphql/resolvers/resolver.go, is affected by a SQL injection via the searchTerm parameter. As a result, unauthenticated attackers can execute arbitrary SQL queries on states the advisory. It was also demonstrated that primitive was enough to gain code execution in the context of the PostgreSQL container.

Soko is a software deployed in the Gentoo Linux infrastructure, the researchers pointed out that is possible to exploit the issue to carry out SQL injection attacks despite the use of an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library and prepared statements.

The researchers explained that the exploitation of the vulnerabilities is possible due to a misconfiguration of the database.

The misconfiguration likely comes from the Docker containerization of their database, the experts pointed out that containers often enjoy elevated privileges because they are seen as a security boundary between software components.

SonarSources report states that a threat actor can inject specially crafted code to circumvent the escaping feature in the module to compose the queries and introduce SQL injections, resulting in the exposure of sensitive data.

The researchers recommend development teams of understanding how ORM APIs are designed to avoid the exploitation of similar vulnerabilities. 

In general, a common source of vulnerabilities with ORMs happens w...


Suicidal attacks, horrendous losses and insubordination plague Kiev regime forces "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | June 28, 2023

Back in mid-January, retired United States Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, who previously led the US Army Europe Command and still holds several high-ranking positions within NATO, gave an interview to the CIA front Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), where he claimed that Western heavy armor would supposedly give the Kiev regime an edge against the Russian military. When asked how much of a disadvantage has Ukraine had without [Western/NATO armor] and what can Kiev now achieve with it, Hodges stated the following:

Well, of course, I wish these decisions to provide Bradley and Marder and AMX-10RC and other systems would have been made sooner. But the good news is theyve been made. What I heard last week was the foundation for an armor brigade. Basically, youve got self-propelled artillery from the Czech Republic, a battalion; AMX-10RC from France, which is an excellent wheeled vehicle, a lot of mobility with a big gun on it; and then a battalion of Marder, which is a very good system; and then a battalion of Bradley, which is the best infantry fighting vehicle in the world. If you get those and then if you put maybe a Ukrainian tank battalion in the middle of it with engineers, youve got a lethal combined arms formation that could be the iron fist that would help penetrate these endless lines of Russian trenches

Its hardly breaking news that these excellent wheeled vehicles and very good systems, including the best infantry fighting vehicle in the world, have been anything but as the much-touted counteroffensive of the Kiev regime forces has proven to be a spectacular failure. After weeks of attempts to break through Russian lines, apart from a few small tactical successes that cannot possibly be justified considering the horrendous losses, the iron fist of the Neo-Nazi junta troops demonstrated its impotence as it has been unable to achieve any of the stated strategic goals.

By June 21, losses of the Kiev regime forces have been staggering, standing at approximately 13,000 servicemen, 246 tanks (13 of which were NATO heavy armor), 595 armored fighting vehicles (AFVs), 279 artillery guns and mortars (48 sent by NATO), 42 multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), two SAM (surface-to-air) missile systems, 14 aircraft (including helicopters), 264 drones and 424 vehicles. Since then, the losses seem to have escalated dramatically, although precise numbe...


US Honeybees Suffer Second Deadliest Season On Record "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden Figures published today reveal beekeepers in the U.S. lost an estimated 48% of their honeybee colonies in 2022-23. As Statistas Martin Armstrong...

US Honeybees Suffer Second Deadliest Season On Record


Modis US Visit Illustrates Growing Complexities of the Indo-Pacific "IndyWatch Feed War"

The pomp and grandeur displayed by the Biden administration during Indian Prime Minister Modis first-ever state visit to the United States, which included an address to the joint session of Congress and a state dinner, reeked of desperation. Eager to entice Modi, the Biden administration went to extraordinary lengths to convey an exaggerated sense of Indias strategic importance. Their apparent courtship of Modi is driven by a desperate desire to establish a tangible alliance aimed at countering Chinas growing influence on the global stage, while simultaneously driving a wedge between New Delhi and Moscow. Through lavish ceremonies and diplomatic pleasantries, Washington left no stone unturned in its portrayal of India as an indispensable friend in todays geopolitical landscape. With a raft of agreements and deals, spanning from defense, semiconductors, space, telecommunications, critical minerals and core technologies, Modis visit is perhaps one of the most important foreign policy venture in Indias recent history.

The dark clouds of coercion and confrontation are casting their shadow in the Indo-Pacific. The stability of the region has become one of the central concerns of our partnership said Modi in his euphoric address to the Congress yesterday. But, caught in the whirlwind of Washingtons excessive generosity and hospitality, PM Modi must not succumb to the allure of these calculated romantic overtures of Washington, which are destined to disrupt the delicate balance the Indo-Pacific, posing economic and political complications for all stakeholders. The strategic intent of the Biden administration towards Modis visit is twofold: firstly, to forge a robust tapestry of interconnected defense, technological, and trade alliances with India, thereby presenting a tangible counterweight to Chinas ever-expanding clout in the Asia-Pacific sphere. Secondly, the administration aims to sow seeds of uncertainty and estrangement in the longstanding relationship between Russia and India.

However, the Biden administrations pursuit of these objectives is fraught with complexities and potential pitfalls. The intricate web of challenges and potential obstacles that lie ahead for the American strategy of enticing India are too big. Beyond the symbolism and ceremonial gestures, the Biden administration has a strategic interest in drawing India closer within its manufacturing and defense sphere, a move that is targeted at reduction in New Delhis dependence on Russian military equipment but also to facilitate the diversification of US supply chains away from China. During the Trump era, the United States generously granted India Strategic Trade Authorization Tier 1 (STA-1) status. This strategic move effectively facilitated the export of cutting-edge high technology products from US companies to their Indian counterparts. Under the Biden Administration, this...


Rubio heard shocking 'firsthand' accounts of UFOs from top Pentagon officials "IndyWatch Feed World"

More whistleblowers in the Pentagon have come forward with 'first-hand knowledge' of secret UFO crash retrieval programs, US Senator Marco Rubio has revealed. The Republican Florida Sen said officials with 'very high clearances' who have occupied 'high positions within our government' have come forward with 'first-hand knowledge or first-hand claims' of top secret Government programs. Ex-Air Force officer David Grusch made worldwide news earlier this month when he claimed alien craft and bodies had been recovered and back-engineered by US officials. Comment: See: Unclassified version of David Grusch's UFO-related reprisal complaint released


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Mutiny Attempt in Russia Has No Impact on BRICS Summit South African Official

The BRICS summit will take place in the South African city of Johannesburg on August 22-24

PRETORIA, June 28. /TASS/. Last weekends attempt by the Wagner Private Military Company to stage an armed mutiny in Russia has had no impact on preparations for a summit of the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa, China), South African Presidential Spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said on Wednesday.

According to him, the situation has been completely resolved and the mutiny attempt has not affected preparations for the BRICS summit. Magwenya added that it would also have no impact on African nations mission to find a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian crisis.

The BRICS summit will take place in the South African city of Johannesburg on August 22-24. Magwenya said that South African President Cyril Ramaphosa would soon complete consultations with other BRICS leaders on the summit details.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Government Had No Relation to PMC Wagners Business in Africa Kremlin

The US Department of Treasury introduced earlier sanctions against Russian national Andrey Ivanov and four legal entities alleged to be related to PMC Wagner founder Evgeny Prigozhin

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. Operations of PMC Wagner in Africa is a private business and the Russian government was unrelated to it, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

"The company had an independent business there. The state had no relation to that business," Peskov said, answering the question whether Russia can provide the group with financial or any other support amid US sanctions.

The US Department of Treasury introduced earlier sanctions against Russian national Andrey Ivanov and four legal entities alleged to be related to PMC Wagner founder Evgeny Prigozhin.


Socure acquires Berbix to help customers combat online identity fraud "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Socure acquired Berbix, a San Francisco-based startup that developed a high-accuracy document verification solution with a patent-pending forensics engine able to detect spoofed IDs including AI-generated fakes that are visually indistinguishable to the human eye. The approximately $70 million cash and stock transaction marks the first acquisition for Socure. With the integration of Berbixs technology complete, Socure has also announced the launch of its Predictive Document Verification (DocV) 3.0 solution. Theres a perception More

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DOJ OIG Releases Report on the BOPs Custody, Care, and Supervision of Jeffrey Epstein at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York, New York "IndyWatch Feed World"

Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz announced today the release of a report of investigation regarding the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) custody, care, and supervision of Jeffrey Epstein while detained at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York, New York (MCC New York). Epstein died by suicide on August 10, 2019, while in BOP custody. The focus of DOJ Office of the Inspector Generals (OIG) investigation was the conduct of BOP personnel.

The DOJ OIG investigation and review identified:

  • Numerous and Serious Failures by MCC New York Staff. The DOJ OIG found numerous and serious
    failures by MCC New York staff constituting misconduct and dereliction of their duties. Among other
    things, these failures resulted in Epstein being unmonitored and alone in his cell with an excessive
    amount of bed linens, from approximately 10:40 p.m. on August 9 until he was discovered hanged in
    his locked cell on August 10 at approximately 6:30 a.m.
    • MCC New York Staff Failed to Ensure that Epstein Was Assigned a Cellmate. Following a July 23,2019, incident that resulted in Epstein being placed on suicide watch, the MCC New York Psychology Department determined that Epstein needed to be housed with an appropriate cellmate. On August 9, Epsteins cellmate was transferred out of MCC New York. MCC New York staff knew that Epstein did not have a cellmate but did not take steps to ensure that he was assigned a new cellmate.
    • MCC New York Staff Failed to Undertake Required Measures Designed to Ensure that Epstein and Other Inmates Were Accounted for and Safe. BOP policy requires Special Housing Unit (SHU) staff to observe all inmates, conduct rounds, conduct inmate counts, search inmate cells, and ensure adequate supervision of the SHU. BOP staff in the SHU in the hours before Epsteins death failed to carry out these responsibilities. Specifically, only one SHU cell search was documented on August 9, and it was not of Epsteins cell. BOP records did not indicate when Epsteins cell was last searched. Had Epsteins cell been searched as required, the search would have revealed that Epstein had excess prison blankets, linens, and clothing in his cell. The OIG also found that SHU staff did not conduct any 30-minute rounds after about 10:40 p.m. on August 9 and that none of the required SHU inmate counts were conducted after 4:00 p.m. on August 9. MCC New York staff falsified count slips and round sheets to show that they had been performed when they were not, leaving Epstein unobserved for hours before his death. Following a DOJ OIG investigation, two MCC New York employees were charged criminally with falsifying BOP records. The charges were dismissed upon compliance by the employees with the terms of deferred prosecution agreements they entered into with the U.S. Attorneys Office for the Southern District of New York. That office declined prosecution for 2 other M...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Number of Russian Diplomats in Moldova Justified, Says Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman

According to Maria Zakharova, Moscow sees that Chisinau is acting "in line with the Western anti-Russian campaign," adopting a course that will ultimately lead to the destruction of Russia-Moldova ties

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko, File

AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko, File

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. The current number of diplomatic staff posted to the Russian embassy in Moldova is absolutely justified as Moscow intends to develop ties with the country, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

Commenting on calls by Chisinau to reduce the Russian diplomatic presence in the country, the spokeswoman said: "The Russian side is interested in expanding and strengthening ties with those Moldovan people who are friendly to us, based on the principles of mutual respect and non-interference in each others domestic affairs." "Hence, the current number of employees of the Russian embassy in Moldova is absolutely justified," the diplomat said in a commentary published on Wednesday.

According to Zakharova, Moscow sees that Chisinau is acting "in line with the Western anti-Russian campaign," adopting a course that will ultimately lead to the destruction of Russia-Moldova ties. "The initiative to reduce the number of personnel at the Russian embassy in Chisinau is in line with this. Its authors have to understand that, in this case, the possibilities for providing consular and other assistance to the Moldovan people would be significantly reduced. However, they are obstinately seeking to implement their plans," the spokeswoman pointed out.

According to her, such a line by the Moldovan government, which ignores the views of its own citizens who are friendly toward Russia, is "provoking a growing alienation among the Moldovan people." "We call on the Moldovan authorities to finally listen to their own citizens and...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Putin Says Wagner Group Fully Financed by Russian Government

Meanwhile, Wagners owner, the Concord company, received 80 bln rubles ($940 mln) from the state in one year for supplying food and providing food services to the army, the Russian leader noted

Russian President Vladimir Putin Mikhail Tereshchenko, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP

Mikhail Tereshchenko, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP

MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. The Russian government fully ensured the financing of the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC), President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the Defense Ministrys military personnel.

"I want to note and I want everyone to know that the financing of the entire Wagner group was fully ensured by the state," he said. "We fully financed this group from the Defense Ministry, from the state budget," Putin added.

From May 2022 to May 2023, the state alone allocated 86.2 bln rubles ($1 bln) to PMC Wagner in the form of salary to fighters and incentive rewards, the president noted. "Of that amount, remuneration equaled 70.38 bln [rubles], incentive rewards amounted to 15.87 bln [rubles], insurance payments totaled 110.17 bln [rubles]," he said.

Meanwhile, Wagners owner, the Concord company, received 80 bln rubles ($940 mln) from the state in one year for supplying food and providing food services to the army, Putin added. "The state fully ensured the financing [of Wagner], whereas a portion of that group, this Concord company, earned 80 bln rubles during the same period," he said. "Hopefully, nobody stole anything during these activities or, lets say, stole less," he noted. "We will obviously look into all this," the president stressed.

Russia unveils cutting-edge kamikaze drone producer

The item will be able to carry a payload in the form of a 220-250 gram warhead

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. The unmanned aviation design bureau has developed a portable, tube-launched aircraft-type kamikaze drone called the Vector-120, the entity told TASS.

"Engineering effor...


Meaningful Superhero Movies Like The Flash Shine Amid Hollywoods Formulaic Film Overkill "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Flash'The Flash' balances frivolity with a thoughtful narrative that asks more of the hero than simply figuring out how to defeat the bad guy.


BEST OF THE WEB: Over 300 severe summer storm reports across US as dangerous weather continues "IndyWatch Feed World"

There were more than 300 severe storm reports in the United States on Monday, mostly along the East Coast from New Hampshire to South Carolina, as threatening weather and dangerous heat plagues the nation. Gusty winds of 60 to 66 miles per hour were reported from New York to North Carolina, with golf ball-sized hail damaging cars in the latter. Some areas in New Jersey received close to half a foot of rain, which flooded roadways. There were even tornado warnings in the Garden State but, as of Tuesday morning, no actual twisters reported.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Lukashenko Says Wagners Attempted Mutiny to Give West Opportunity to Hit at 'Sore Spots'

The Belarusian leader also called for turning the page on the attempted rebellion, if only to circle back to it at a later time

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko Ilya Pitalev/POOL/TASS

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko

Ilya Pitalev/POOL/TASS

MINSK, June 27. /TASS/. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said that the attempted mutiny by the private military company Wagner will give an opportunity to the West to hit at the sore spots in Russia and Belarus.

"Lets face the worst - that we are in for hard times," he said, the BelTA news agency reported.

Western officials are sure to draw certain conclusions from Wagners march on Moscow, the president said.

"They will coordinate their work, focus and hit at the sorest spots," Lukashenko said.

He backed Russian President Vladimir Putin in saying that people need to be united in the face of the latest challenges.

Lukashenko also called for turning the page on the attempted rebellion, if only to circle back to it at a later time.

"We need to cool down and turn this page. A time will come when, if need be, we will come back to this subject. But now is the time to cool down. Lets not inflame tensions and come down on anyone," he said.


Death From Above: Documenting Equipment Losses During The Battle Of Conoco Fields "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
The Battle of Conoco Fields, also known as the Battle of Khasham, was one of the rare occasions U.S. and Russian (mercenary) forces went toe to toe. The battle began as a force of some 500 Syrian and Russian Wagner PMC fighters supported by armour and artillery launched an assault on a joint SDF/U.S. special forces base at the Conoco gas plant located near the city of Deir ez-Zor. As the Wagner-led force pushed their advance, U.S. forces responded with a series of air and ground strikes. U.S. forces were reportedly in constant contact with a Russian liaison officer posted in Deir ez-Zor throughout the engagement, and only opened fire after they had received assurances that no regular Russian forces were present. [1] The engagement lasted well over three hours, leaving up to 100 pro-government forces dead, including around a dozen Wagner fighters, with no U.S./SDF losses in return. In May 2023, Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin detailed certainly makes for an interesting insight into ''the first deadly clash between citizens of Russia and the United States since the Cold War". [2]

A list of the destroyed vehicles can be seen below. This list only includes destroyed vehicles and equipment of which photo or videographic evidence is available. Therefore, the amount of equipment destroyed is significantly higher than recorded here.

(Click on the numbers to get a picture of each individual destroyed vehicle)


Wagner / Syrian Government Forces (11, of which destroyed: 11)



Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Top Ukrainian Defense Official Says 'Main Events' of Kievs Counteroffensive Yet to Come

Commenting on the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius on July 11-12, Alexey Reznikov reiterated Ukraine's readiness to join the alliance, but admitted that this is hardly possible before the end of hostilities

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov says that the main events of Kievs long-promised counteroffensive are yet to come.

"When it happens, you will all see it. <> Everyone will see everything," he told the Financial Times, debunking media reports about the slow advance of Ukrainian troops. According to the minister, the main reserves, including most of the brigades recently trained in the West and armed with NATO tanks and equipment, are not yet engaged in the operation.

Commenting on the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius on July 11-12, Reznikov reiterated Ukraine's readiness to join the alliance, but admitted that this is hardly possible before the end of hostilities. "We are aware that during the hot phase, it is unlikely to make a unanimous political decision. But a clear signal [can be sent], a clear design," he pointed out.

The Russian Defense Ministry earlier reported the Ukrainian forces have been making unsuccessful offensive attempts since June 4. On June 22, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev said that Ukraines losses in manpower since the start of the counteroffensive campaign had exceeded 13,000. Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed out that the Ukrainian forces had not achieved success in any area. According to the head of state, Ukraine has lost 259 tanks and 780 armored vehicles since the start of the counteroffensive.


A Less Democratic EU: Germany, France Want to End Veto Rights for Smaller Countries "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The new proposal by Germany and France would give Brussels new, near unilateral war powers, and enable a new level of authoritarianism.

Remix News reports

In what may be the beginning of the end for European nations, Germany and France are determined to reform national rights, including the EU right of veto, this year. The debate has caused a stir in recent months, and in recent weeks, the measure has been put back on the agenda.

France and Germany are convinced that a large-scale institutional reform of the European Union, including the abolition of the veto on European Council votes, could be achieved this year, French EU Affairs Minister Laurence Boone and German Minister of State Anna Lhrmann told Euractiv.

This is one of the options we want to explore in order to maintain our position as a global player with the EUs common foreign and security policy, Lhrmann said. He added that it would be an important signal in other policy areas if we were to move to qualified majority voting already this year and expressed confidence that this would happen.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Russian Presidential Aide to Hold Talks with Papal Envoy Today Kremlin

Dmitry Peskov noted that Russia "appreciates the Vaticans efforts and initiatives to find a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian crisis and welcomes the Popes desire to contribute to ending the armed conflict in Ukraine"

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov will hold talks with papal envoy Cardinal Matteo Zuppi on Wednesday, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists.

"Cardinal Zuppi, the Popes special envoy, is in Moscow. Per instructions [by Russian President] Vladimir Putin, Kremlin Aide Ushakov will hold talks with him today and discuss the situation around the Ukrainian conflict and, of course, the possible ways of a political and diplomatic settlement," the Kremlin official said.

He noted that Russia "appreciates the Vaticans efforts and initiatives to find a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian crisis and welcomes the Popes desire to contribute to ending the armed conflict in Ukraine."

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, president of the Italian Episcopal Conference and Pope Francis peace envoy on Ukraine, arrived in Moscow on Tuesday night. On Wednesday, he begins the second stage of his mission. According to the press office of the Holy See, his trip will last until June 29 and "the main purpose of the initiative is to encourage humanitarian gestures, which can contribute to facilitating a solution to the current tragic situation and find ways to achieve a just peace."

Earlier, the cardinal visited Kiev where he met with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and religious leaders.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Russian Forces Destroy Ukrainian Mortar Team, Howitzer in Kherson Area

It is reported that Russian forces destroyed two pieces of Ukrainian watercraft in the island zone and wiped out two enemy positions near the settlements of Mylovoye and Respublikanets in the Kakhovka direction

GENICHESK, June 28. /TASS/. Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian mortar team and a howitzer in the Kherson area over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, a spokesman for the regional emergency services said on Wednesday.

"A position of a Ukrainian army unit was destroyed in the Kherson direction as a result of damage by firepower inflicted by the forces of the Dnepr battlegroup. The strike killed 15 Ukrainian soldiers and another nine received wounds of varying severity. A D-20 gun-howitzer with ammunition [was destroyed], with four Ukrainian personnel killed and another three sustaining wounds of varying severity. A 120mm mortar team with its crew and ammunition [was destroyed], with five Ukrainian soldiers killed and another two sustaining wounds of varying severity," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroyed two pieces of Ukrainian watercraft in the island zone and wiped out two enemy positions near the settlements of Mylovoye and Respublikanets in the Kakhovka direction, the spokesman said.


You Dont Need National Parks To Find Summer Solitude "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Indian Peaks WildernessAmerica's national parks are world famous for good reason, but they're far from the be-all and end-all of outdoor recreation.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Dispatch of EU Nations Troops to Ukraine Possible if Kievs Assault Fails Russian Envoy

Kirill Logvinov also pointed out that a restoration of relations between Russia and the EU was currently out of the question

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. European troops may be deployed to Ukraine if Kievs forces fail to meet the Wests expectations for their counteroffensive, Russian Acting Permanent Representative to the EU Kirill Logvinov said in an interview with Izvestia published on Wednesday.

"As for a possible troop deployment, the point of this crisis for the West is to weaken Russia by someone elses hands. However, in a situation where the EU leadership has embarked on a policy of militarizing the economy, in violation of the core principles of European integration, nothing should be ruled out," the diplomat noted, when asked if European troops could be deployed to Ukraine should Kievs much-hyped counteroffensive continue to come up short of the Wests expectations.

He also pointed out that a restoration of relations between Russia and the EU was currently out of the question. "There is only one condition for a future conversation on the principles of conflict-free coexistence: The EU and its member states should end their total war against us in trade, economics, foreign policy, information and other fields," Logvinov said.

The Russian Defense Ministry said earlier that the Ukrainian armed forces have been making unsuccessful attempts at a counteroffensive since June 4. Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev stated that Ukraine had lost 13,000 troops since the start of the counteroffensive. Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized that the Ukrainian military had failed to achieve any success in any area. According to him, the Ukrainian armed forces had lost 259 tanks and 780 armored vehicles since the launch of the counteroffensive.


Heavy rains bring floods, down trees in Trinidad and Tobago "IndyWatch Feed World"

Disaster Management Units (DMU) across the 14 regional corporations were called out today to deal with 14 blown off roofs and 18 fallen trees after gusty winds associated with ongoing adverse weather. The onslaught of heavy downpours brought on by the passage of an active tropical wave led to 27 total reported incidents of street flooding, which had the worst impact on the North West region. The Lady Young Road remained partially blocked as at 3pm due to a fallen tree. Tree cutters were dispatched to ensure the tree's removal. At Camron, Diego Martin field officers were called in to remove a tree that had fallen onto home. Saw operators were dispatched across the San Juan/Laventille area to treat with 15 fallen trees. Parts of Port-of-Spain were inundated, including Belmont Circular, South Quay, Chacon Street, Wrightson Road, French Street, Colville Street, Mucurapo Road, St Ann's Roundabout, and Hamilton Holder Street.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Situation in Lugansk Now Stable, Says Acting LPR Head

However, Leonid Pasechnik pointed out that the situation in the settlements near the line of engagement remained tense

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. The situation in Lugansk remains stable, Acting Head of the Lugansk Peoples Republic (LPR) Leonid Pasechnik said.

"As of today, the situation on the territory of Lugansk is rather stable," he said during a Rossiya-24 TV broadcast on Wednesday.

However, the acting head pointed out that the situation in the settlements near the line of engagement remained tense.


The multiverse is cosmologys unreachable frontier "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Now consider two tabletops, parallel to each other but not touching. The second tabletop is also infinite in two dimensions, and other kinds of creatures live there. Finally, imagine that a narrow tunnel connects the two spaces somewhere.

Without access to the tunnel, the creatures dwelling in each space believe they live in a single, infinite universe. This is especially true if the tunnel lies outside their cosmic horizon. They will never know that their universes are part of a larger structure, a two-dimensional multiverse. It is easy to imagine an infinite number of two-dimensional flat spaces stacked on top of one another, each connected to the next by a similar tunnel, and each tunnel inaccessible to any of the universes inhabitants.

The multiverse need not be so simple, either. Universes can be curved and finite, sprouting from an infinite mother universe. The sprouting universes may themselves be infinite. Think of bubbles being blown from a piece of bubble gum. Little bubbles will shrink back, while bigger ones might keep on growing. If a bubble starts growing in a heavily populated region of flat space, some of the inhabitants will be carried into it. Others will remain outside, horrified to see their friends sucked into oblivion. But most of the creatures in the growing bubble survive their ordeal and start to explore their new world. Generations pass. Their scientists measure the curvature of space and see that their universe is closed, like the surface of a sphere. Since the bubble kept on growing, the tunnel-like aperture to the original universe is well beyond their cosmic horizon. These creatures live in a closed, expanding universe, unaware of their connection to a flat, infinite space. Meanwhile, creatures in the original space saw the aperture to the bubble universe close more and more until it became too narrow to cross. All that is left, to them, is a scar in space marking the long-forgotten birthing event. The bubble universe is isolated from its mother universe.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Situation in Severodonetsk, Lisichansk in LPR Remains Tense Republics Head

It is noted that the shelling has been underway there virtually daily

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. The situation in the cities of Severodonetsk and Lisichansk in the Lugansk Peoples Republic (LPR) remains tense with Ukrainian forces shelling these localities almost daily, Acting LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik said.

"In the population centers that are adjacent to the line of engagement, the situation is certainly tense. These are Lisichansk, Severodonetsk, Kremennaya, Rubezhnoye, Svatovo. The shelling has been underway there virtually daily," he told the Rossiya-24 TV channel.


Zelensky Says: No Elections in Ukraine Until War is Over "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Yesterday Tucker Carlson took to the airwaves of Twitter to point out what may be the biggest hypocrisy of western nation-building yet. During the opening minutes of Episode 7 of Tucker on Twitter he points out that in their valiant war for democracy, the Western virtue-signalling war alliance is actually enabling dictatorship in NATO protectorate Ukraine.

Former Fox News presenter asks the fundamental question: why exactly are we now at war with Russia? The answer seems to be:

The war against Putin and for Ukraine is in fact a war for democracy.

Carlson goes on to point out the obvious, that, we are currently fighting a war for democracy on behalf of a leader who just casually announced hes happy to end democracy and our democracy and supporting leaders have no problem with that.

He rightly points out that during wartime politicians become more powerful, and thus they will always justify any extreme anti-democratic action at home as necessary. In the case of Ukraine, the Western-backed proxy war against Russia has allowed the Zelensky regime to suspend elections indefinitely, bring all media under state control, and shut down any independent media outlets which will not comply, shut down churches suspected of not supporting the war effort, silencing political opponents, and force-conscription of any male between the ages of 18 and 60 years old.

That means the collective West can now boast how its fighting a war for democracy to prop-up a leader who just canceled democracy.

More on this story here

Dave DeCamp of writes

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told BBC last week that there will be no Ukrainian presidential election in 2024 if martial law is still in effect, The New Voice of Ukraine reported.

Zelenskys five-year term is due to end in 2024, but his comments suggest that it will be extended indefinitely if the war isnt over by then. He made similar comments about Ukraine...


Syria: Wagner fighters reportedly detained and offices raided "IndyWatch Feed War"

Syria: Wagner fighters reportedly detained and offices raided

Syrian officials say people with previous connections to paramilitary questioned, though a Telegram account linked to the group denies anyone was detained
MEE staff Wed, 06/28/2023 - 12:17
A man holds the Russian national flag in front of a Wagner group military vehicle with the sign read as Rostov, 24 June 2023 (AFP)
A man holds the Russian national flag in front of a Wagner group military vehicle with the sign read as Rostov, 24 June 2023 (AFP)

Arabic media outlets have reported that Wagner Group fighters and offices in Syria have been targeted following the paramilitary's failed mutiny in Russia on Saturday.

A Telegram channel linked to Wagner said that none of the group's fighters had been detained, and Syrian officials told Russia Today that investigations at Russia's Hmeimim airbase took place with people who had links with Wagner in the past as "a precautionary measure".

AlHadath, a Saudi-funded TV channel, reported that the Russian military police and Syrian intelligence launched an arrest campaign against Wagner in Syria on Friday evening.

It said they rounded up Wagner leaders, including recruiters and fighters, when the group's leader Yevgeny Prigozhin was beginning his march on Moscow. Thousands of Wagner fighters crossed from Ukraine into Russia last weekend, taking control of two Russian cities and marching towards Moscow.

Fewer than 200km from the capital, the Wagner columns paused, only to turn back after a deal was struck allowing Prigozhin to move to Belarus.



Polls Show Americans Want Businesses To Put Away Pride Flags And Stay Out Of Politics "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Data indicates Americans generally want cultural neutrality from businesses and think LGBT themes harm children.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Situation Along Line of Contact in LPR Tense, but Controllable Lugansk Leader

According to Leonid Pasechnik, the enemy has been making sporadic attempts to attack Russian defenses but it cannot be described as a comprehensive counteroffensive

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. The situation along the line of contact in the Lugansk Peoples Republic (LPR) remains tense amid Ukrainian attacks but Russian forces are in control, Acting LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik said on Wednesday.

"The situation remains tense along the line of contact in the LPR but it is under our control; its stable," he told the Rossiya-24 TV channel.

According to Pasechnik, the enemy has been making sporadic attempts to attack Russian defenses but it cannot be described as a comprehensive counteroffensive. "It looks more like the enemy is conducting a reconnaissance in force of our positions. Our guys - our troops - are rather effectively repelling these attacks, preventing the enemy from breaking through our defense lines," Pasechnik emphasized.

He also said that the situation remained tense in the settlements along the line of contact because of shelling attacks. However, the situation is stable in the city of Lugansk, the acting LPR head stressed.


DOJ Rot Goes So Much Deeper Than Merrick Garland "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Aberrated DOJ sealIf agencies are so powerful that their work to protect political allies and topple their challengers continues unabated by the electoral process, then we are not a functioning republic.


Custom Keyboard Built For Diablo 3 Action "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Custom mechanical keyboards are a great way to show off your passion and skill for electronics and design. Theyre also perfect when you need to optimize your setup for a certain game or piece of software. [Pakequis] did just that with his Bad Thing of the Edge mechanical keyboard build.

[Pakequis] occasionally plays Diablo 3 on a tiny 7-inch laptop, which as you might expect, doesnt have a keyboard conducive to gaming. Thus, he de...


Environmental governance in the Amazon "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The Pan Amazon nations have constitutions that were reformed or rewritten in the last decades of the twentieth century. Previous versions either ignored nature or incorporated a simple clause assigning the state the duty to protect [or improve] the environment. Brazils constitution of 1988 was radically different: ten separate articles address nature conservation or environmental management by declaring that access to a healthy environment is a basic human right. The reformed national charters of Colombia (1991), Peru (1993), Bolivia (1994, 2009), Venezuela (1999) and Ecuador (2008) all include mandates to enact environmental legislation and create environmental ministries. Ecuadors is the most emphatic, stating that Mother Nature (Pachamama) has rights that must be honored by human society. Environmental ministries are responsible for developing environmental policy and administering agencies that regulate the public and private use of natural resources. Most share management responsibilities, however, with other agencies that reflect competing domestic agendas. For example, the national forest service is part of the Ministry of Agriculture in Brazil and Peru, while the regulation of water resources is shared with agriculture (Peru) or energy agencies (Brazil) or enshrined as a separate agency (Ecuador). Environmental ministries have well-defined responsibilities to oversee the management of the long-term environmental (brown) liabilities linked to the extractive sector and to review the potential harm from industrial development and infrastructure investments. The stated goal of modern environmental management is to avoid, mitigate or compensate the negative effects of modern development. The Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) framework was introduced into LatinThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Russia Expels German Diplomats, Germany Reacts "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

HAMBURG, Germany Hundreds of German diplomats are being expelled from Russia this month. The Russian Foreign Ministry claims to have half as many diplomats in Germany as vice versa, and wants to even the score. However, since Russia also counts German teachers as diplomats, this is a very flawed equation. 

Christofer Burger, spokesperson for the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, calls Russias action an unjustified decision. 

The Russian government has taken a step of escalation, Burger said at a press conference on May 31.

Russias move follows a history of tit-for-tat expulsions between Russia and Germany. In April 2022, Germany deported 40 Russians, saying they were secret agency workers disguised as diplomats. A majority of them worked for the GRU, Russias Foreign Military Intelligence Agency. Others were employed by the Russian secret agencies FSB and SWR. According to Burger, the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs saw no other choice than expelling these Russians because they posed a threat to German national security. 

Germanys decision to deport the 40 Russians followed repeated attacks by the GRU on Germany. In 2019, a Chechen Georgian who had fought against Russian troops in Chechnya was killed in Berlin. Two Russian diplomats who were active for the GRU were consequently expelled. 

In 2015, GRU hackers stole 16 GB of data from members of the German parliament, including data from the office of then-Chancellor Angela Merkel. These hacking attacks were controlled from Moscow. The disguised diplomats active in Germany also spied on people who were of interest to the GRU: Russians in exile, Ukrainians, and German politicians, according to the German newspaper Tagesspiegel.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said that those 40 expelled Russians wo...


Blinken says US concerned over Israeli settler violence in West Bank "IndyWatch Feed War"

Blinken says US concerned over Israeli settler violence in West Bank

Secretary of state's words come as Israeli settler violence spirals 'out of control' in much of the West Bank, with dozens of Palestinian properties destroyed
MEE staff Wed, 06/28/2023 - 11:56
A man walks amidst burnt cars, which were set ablaze by Israeli settlers, in the area of in al-Lubban al-Sharqiya in the occupied West Bank on June 21, 2023.
A man walks amid burnt cars, set ablaze by Israeli settlers, in the area of in al-Lubban al-Sharqiya in the occupied West Bank on 21 June 2023 (AFP)

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has expressed concern over increasing Israeli violence in the occupied West Bank affecting US citizens.

In a call with his Israeli counterpart Eli Cohen on Tuesday, "Blinken underscored the need for all parties to work to further de-escalate the situation", according to a State Department spokesperson.

There has been a spike of Israeli settlers attacking Palestinians over the past week, with at least 85 such incidents recorded, prompting security officials in Israel to warn that the ongoing violence could lead to anarchy. 

Middle East Eye spoke to several American citizens of Palestinian descent who were attacked by Jewish settlers holding American citizenship last week. They described a mob of around 50 settlers moving from house to house, many carrying guns and wearing black face masks and attacking anybody they saw.

"The [US State Department] is aware of the reports of US citizens and US Lawful Permanent Residents in Turmus Ayya being threatened and is actively engaging with the government of Israel on this matter," the State Department spokesperson told Israeli daily Haaretz, referring to the West Bank...


Mohawk Nation News 'New/Old Band Council Hustle' "IndyWatch Feed War"

Post navigation PreviousNEW/OLD BAND COUNCIL HUSTLEPosted on June 27, 2023Mohawk Nation News June 27,  2023.Heres how it goes. A band council entity is set up. They offer to help their people. Somebody or a community group get some monies to benefit the community, but the band council or its nominee own all the

Freak hail storm wreaks havoc in Enniscorthy, Ireland "IndyWatch Feed World"

A freak summer hail storm caused havoc in County Wexford at the weekend with businesses in Enniscorthy being particularly badly affected. There were scenes of flooding along the quay and on some of the approach roads to the town on Sunday afternoon and a severe fall of hailstones during a thunder and lightning storm left some areas of the town resembling the depths of winter. Some businesses in the centre of Enniscorthy were very badly affected including the Holy Grail restaurant and Wickham's butchers. Biju Varavumkal, owner of the Holy Grail said the storm and resulting damage happened very quickly, during a very busy time in his restaurant. "We were full in both the upstairs and downstairs restaurants and the hail and water came at the same time," he said. "Within minutes there was two feet of water through the restaurant and down into the store room," he added.


The Pirate Bay Reopens its Doors to New Members After Four Years "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

pirate bayWhen The Pirate Bay launched nearly 20 years ago, its main goal was to become a bastion of free and uncensored information.

The site categorically rejects takedown requests from copyright holders and allows anyone to upload almost anything.

Since its early days, The Pirate Bay has always been free to use and open to the public at large. Those who wanted to share files only had to register an account, which was easy enough.

Registrations Closed to Stop Spam

The last sentence is in the past tense, as user registrations were effectively disabled four years ago. The last new user was added to the torrent site on May 22, 2019, and, after that, there were no signs that registrations would reopen anytime soon.

The TPB team initially said that registrations had been closed to stop floods of malware torrents. This type of abuse was a major problem for the sites moderators who asked the main operator to temporarily disable registrations.

The plan was to address the problem by putting a limit on the number of torrents users could upload in a given timeframe. That would prevent hundreds of spam torrents from being uploaded at once, so TPB could accept new users again and continue business as usual.

This temporary fix stayed in place for four years but this week, registrations were opened once again. The recent closure of rival torrent site RARBG played a major role in this development.

RARBGs demise took out a major supplier of new torrents. There are currently only a few public torrent sites where users can register, so the TPB moderators were concerned that a generation of potential uploaders would be lost.

Manually Approved Registrations

The team shared their concerns with TPB operator Winston who came up with a solution that was officially deployed a few hours ago.

New Pirate Bay registrations are not completely automated. TPB administrator Spud17 informs TorrentFreak that new users must apply for an account at the official SuprBay forums, where moderators will manually create accounts using a new tool.

This hands-on approach will help to prevent scammers and spammers from flooding the site. Users will be able to register directly in future but all accounts will still have to be approved before they are activated.



Paris: Outrage and protests after French-Algerian teen shot dead by police "IndyWatch Feed War"

Paris: Outrage and protests after French-Algerian teen shot dead by police

Footage appears to show police telling 17-year old he would 'get a bullet in the head'
Mera Aladam Wed, 06/28/2023 - 11:48
Firefighter extinguish a burning vehicle destroyed during protests in Nanterre, west of Paris, on 27 June (AFP)

There has been outrage over the killing of a 17-year-old French-Algerian by French police, provoking condemnation by prominent celebrities like Paris Saint-Germain striker Kylian Mbappe and actor Omar Sy.

The youth, named as Nael M, was driving in the Paris suburb of Nanterre on Tuesday morning, when police pulled him over for road misconduct. 

Footage online shows an officer shooting the teenager at point-blank range while he was in the car, causing the vehicle to crash into a post.

Despite aid from emergency services, Nael M died shortly after as a result of bullet wounds in his chest.

Police initially said that one officer shot at the teenager because he was driving his car at him, but the footage appears to show the two policemen standing by the side of a stationary car.

One police officer points a weapon at the driver, while a voice can be heard saying "You are going to get a bullet in the head".

Under several hashtags, including #JusticeForNael, online users expressed anger over the youth's shooting. 

As a mother from Nanterre, I have a feeling of insecurity for our children, said Mornia Labssi, a local resident and an anti-racism campaig...


5 Things CISOs Need to Know About Securing OT Environments "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

For too long the cybersecurity world focused exclusively on information technology (IT), leaving operational technology (OT) to fend for itself. Traditionally, few industrial enterprises had dedicated cybersecurity leaders. Any security decisions that arose fell to the plant and factory managers, who are highly skilled technical experts in other areas but often lack cybersecurity training or


Tornado rips through Inanda near Durban, South Africa leaving trail of destruction "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A tornado damaged structures and terrified the community of Inanda near Durban on Tuesday.


Oracle Developing "bpftune" For BPF-Based, Automatic Tuning Of Linux Systems "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Well, here is something nifty being worked on by Oracle. Oracle engineers have been developing "bpftune" as a new always-on, automatic tuning of Linux systems -- in particular, the many different Linux kernel tunables available and this tuning system leverages the kernel's Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) observability features to carry out its work...


To Make a Place People Can Walk, First You Have to Make a Place "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Death on Americas roadways remains a slow-motion national disaster. In 2022, over 7,500 people on foot were killed by drivers in the U.S. This was the highest level in 41 years, and a shocking 77% increase since 2010, according to figures from the Governors Highway Safety Association cited in Streetsblog.

The Crash Analysis Studio, now in its sixth month, is all about shifting the dialogue that occurs in our communities after a tragic crash: away from a narrow focus on what errors in judgment the people involved may have made, and toward a fuller accounting of factors that contributed to the outcome, including environmental factors. That is, how are the kinds of places we build contributing to these tragic outcomes?

What would have to happen to make this a place people can safely walk? is a question that has many layers. We can examine the immediate location of a crash: are there sidewalks; how wide are the lanes; are there factors that result in unpredictable, dangerous interactions? Addressing some of these factors is comparatively low-hanging fruit.

Yet try to examine the broader neighborhood context surrounding many of these sites, and one can quickly become demoralized or overwhelmed by the challenge it presents.

Americas problem is not an unwalkable street here and there. Its whole, vast expanses of places that arent the slightest bit hospitable for anyone outside of a vehicle. Im looking at the Amarillo, Texas, location of the crash well examine in our June 30 studio, and thats the very problem Im struggling with.

The Crash

On the evening of January 21, 2023, Hayden Paul Ducommun was struck and killed by a driver on Osage Street just south of 27th Street in Amarillo. Ducommun lived in the Glenwood apartment complex just west of the intersection. What we know is that on the evening of the crash, he had had an argument with his fianc and had left the apartment. Ducommun apparently had a couple of drinks at the neighborhood bar, and then later ended up crossing Osage, which runs between the bar and his home. Ducommun was hit in the right southbound lane by a 2005 Mercury Montego. He died on the scene.

The immediate crash location appears typical of the places in which fatal collisions disproportionately occur. Osage Street is a five-lane stroad with a wide...


NVIDIA SHIELD Controller Driver, Xbox Rumble Support For Linux 6.5 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The HID subsystem updates have been submitted for the ongoing Linux 6.5 merge window. Most notable is NVIDIA contributing a Linux kernel driver six years late for their SHIELD controller...


House Speaker McCarthy Proudly Declares He Is Subservient to Trump "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (CA) is a powerful man at least in theory. He is the highest-ranking Republican in the land and third in line for the presidency. In reality, he is a pretty pathetic figure who knows his place, which is wherever former President Donald Trump wants him to be.

That was once again made abundantly clear on Tuesday when McCarthy dared to (briefly) step out of line. In an interview on CNBC, the speaker said something that is undeniably true when asked about Trumps chances of winning the 2024 election in light of his legal troubles.

Can he win that election? Yeah, he can, McCarthy said. The question is, is he the strongest to win the election? I dont know that answer.

Its tough to argue with that.

First of all, nobody knows the answer to that question. We have our own opinions about whether itll be great for the GOP to choose as its nominee a man whom likely independent voters describe as criminal, disgusting, asshole, crazy, and liar, but even we dont know.

So, unless McCarthy has a crystal ball stashed away somewhere, he cant definitively say who would be the strongest Republican in 2024.

In addition, he is also pretty dumb, so there is that.

But at least he was smart enough to realize that he really stepped in it by making this completely normal statement.

Because MAGA world lit him up.

Right-wing firebrand Steve Bannon vowed to go on a jihad against McCarthy for daring to say Trump may not be the best man for the job.

Laura Loomer, another prominent MAGA voice, had her own choice words for the speaker.



Munduruku Collective interviews Maria Leusa on leading the Indigenous struggle "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

At the end of April, about 60 Munduruku Indigenous people from several villages in Par traveled more than 2,800 kilometers (1,740 miles) to Braslia to participate in the 19th Acampamento Terra Livre (the Free Land Camp, known as ATL), the largest gathering of Brazils original peoples. Among the group were the young people of the Wakoborn Audiovisual Collective with their cameras, microphones and tripods. In addition to documenting the event, their mission was to produce a video interview with one of their peoples main leaders, Maria Leusa Munduruku, coordinator of the Wakoborn Womens Association and a law student at the Federal University of Western Par. Both the collective and the association bear the same womans name, that of an ancient Munduruku warrior who recovered her brothers head, which her enemies had been using as a trophy. The makeshift studio for the interview was assembled between the tents where the Indigenous people had settled, surrounded by loudspeakers, under a black tarp that served to soften the relentless Cerrado heat and before the eyes of curious members of international NGOs. Seated on a wooden stool for a little over an hour, Maria Leusa cleared some time from her busy schedule of strategic commitments and talked to the young people about the Indigenous struggle, demarcation of territory, the resumption of Indigenist policies and the invasion of illegal miners. She also spoke about a delicate subject, one which she would rather forget: the attack she suffered in 2021 when invading miners set fire toThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Toronto-based company accused of making illegal foreign political contributions "IndyWatch Feed World"

Campaign signs line the road before a campaign event for presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on June 2, 2023 in Gilbert, South Carolina. (Photo by Sean Rayford/Getty Images)

The Toronto-based financing firm ECN Capital Corporation may have illegally contributed more than $100,000 to political committees from 2018 through 2022, including $53,506 to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis 2022 gubernatorial campaign, Campaign Legal Center alleged in a complaint to the Federal Election Commission filed Monday.

DeSantis former state-level PAC, Friends of Ron DeSantis, received more than $100,000 from ECN Capital and a U.S. subsidiary during the 2018 and 2022 election cycles. The Florida governor cut ties with the political committee weeks before he announced his 2024 presidential campaign on May 24, paving the way for the unprecedented transfer of $82 million on hand into a super PAC supporting DeSantis presidential campaign, Never Back Down.

Federal election law prohibits foreign nationals, including foreign corporations, from making political contributions. Foreign nationals are also barred from making political contributions under Florida law political donations and expenditures by a foreign company must be funded entirely by U.S. subsidiaries, and only U.S. citizens or permanent residents can make decisions concerning the donations. 

State campaign finance records show ECN Capital made a $50,000 contribution to the Florida Democratic Party on October 17, 2018, weeks before the 2018 midterm general election. The company disclosed a P.O. box in Canada with the contribution.

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UN experts warn 'Arab Interpol' failing to protect against political extraditions "IndyWatch Feed War"

UN experts warn 'Arab Interpol' failing to protect against political extraditions

The experts call on Arab Interior Ministers Council to operate with greater transparency and comply with international law
Dania Akkad Wed, 06/28/2023 - 11:15
Flags of Arab League member states fly outside the Council of Arab Interior Ministers' headquarters in Tunis ahead of a summit in 2019 (AFP)

UN experts have warned the Arab League that a body dubbed the "Arab Interpol" is not shielding people who are wanted over political activities from the dangers of extradition.

In a letter sent last week, the experts said they are also concerned that the Arab Interior Ministers Council (AIMC), as the body is formally called, is failing to assess the risks of torture or ill-treatment that individuals could face if returned. 

States do not appear to exercise due diligence in assessing the political nature of the charges brought against individuals, they wrote. No individual risk assessment appears to be either envisaged or undertaken.

They called on the AIMC to allow wanted individuals to access their criminal file and request a review or removal of an arrest warrant.

Theose who signed the report were Fionnuala Ni Aolain, special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism; Irene Khan, special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression; Fernand de Varennes, special rapporteur on minority issues; and Matthew Gillett, vice chair of the working group on arbitrary detention.



8Base Ransomware Spikes in Activity, Threatens U.S. and Brazilian Businesses "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A ransomware threat called 8Base that has been operating under the radar for over a year has been attributed to a "massive spike in activity" in May and June 2023. "The group utilizes encryption paired with 'name-and-shame' techniques to compel their victims to pay their ransoms," VMware Carbon Black researchers Deborah Snyder and Fae Carlisle said in a report shared with The Hacker News. "8Base


Microsoft Adds Direct3D 12 Powered AV1 Video Encoding To Mesa "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Microsoft's latest contribution to the Mesa 3D graphics driver stack is enhancing their Direct3D 12 driver to support AV1 video encoding with the VA-API interface...


Sunshade: A New Trek through Daedalus Country "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Sunshade: A New Trek through Daedalus Country

Letting the imagination roam has philosophical as well as practical benefits. From the interstellar perspective, consider the Daedalus starship, designed with loving detail by members of the British Interplanetary Society in the 1970s. The mammoth (54,000 ton) vehicle was never conceived as remotely feasible at our stage of technology. But our stage of technology is exactly the point the project illustrated. Daedalus demonstrated that there was nothing in physical law to prevent the construction of a starship. The question was, when would we reach the level of building it? For as Robert Forward frequently pointed out, interstellar flight could no longer be considered impossible.

We cant know the answer to the question, but recall that before Daedalus, there was a lot of informed opinion that interstellar flight was a chimera, and that all species were necessarily restricted to their home systems. Daedalus made the point debatable. If a civilization had a thousand year jump on us in terms of tech, could they build this thing? Probably, but theyd also surely come up with far better methods than we in the 1970s could imagine. Daedalus was, then, a possibility maker, a driver for further imaginings.

Fortunately, the Daedalus impulse and the broader concept of thought experiments that so captivated Einstein remains with us. I think, for example, of Cliff Singers pellet-driven starship, one that would demand a particle accelerator fully 100,000 miles long. Crazy? Sure, but a few decades later we were talking about slinging nanochip satellites in swarms using Jupiters magnificent magnetic fields, finding a way to do with nature what was evidently impossible for us to build with our own hands.

Robert Forward used to conceive of enormous laser sails for interstellar exploration, sails whose outbound laser flux would be amplified by an even larger 560,000-ton Fresnel lens built between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. But I discovered in a new paper from Greg Matloff (New York City College of Technology, CUNY) that it was James Early who introduced another extraordinary idea, that of using a gigantic sail-like structure not for propulsion but as a sunshade. Earlys 1989 paper in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society specifically addressed the greenhouse effect, which even then concerned scientists in terms of its effect on global climate. Could technology tame it?

Once again were in Daedalus country, or Forward country, if you will. Imagine a true megastructure,...


Legalese Vs "Plain English" "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

MIT brain science researchers took a look at comprehension of (and preference for) the use of legalese (legal language used in contracts and so on) vs. the same thoughts expressed in simple sentences. While lawyers did better at understanding their own dialect, nearly everyone, lawyer or not, preferred ordinary English.

Parsing legal language

Since at least the 1970s, when President Richard Nixon declared that federal regulations should be written in "layman's terms," efforts have been made to try to simplify legal documents. However, another study by Martnez, Mollica, and Gibson, not yet published, suggests that legal language has changed very little since that time.

The MIT team began studying the structure and comprehensibility of legal language several years ago, when Martnez, who became interested in the topic as a student at Harvard Law School, joined Gibson's lab as a research assistant and then a PhD student.

In a study published last year, Gibson, Martnez, and Mollica used a text analysis tool to compare legal documents to many other types of texts, including newspapers, movie scripts, and academic papers. Among the features identified as more common in legal documents, one stood out as making the texts harder to read: long definitions inserted in the middle of sentences.

Linguists have previously shown that this type of structure, known as center-embedding, makes text much more difficult to understand. When the MIT team tested people on their ability to understand and recall the meaning of a legal text, their performance improved significantly when center-embedded structures were replaced with more straightforward sentences, with terms defined separately.

More detail in TFA along with references to related work.

I've had to read my share of contracts and complex NDA/secrecy agreements, some of which were pretty sneaky, others very easy to follow. In my experience, the long sentence with strings of qualifiers in the middle is common, but once you know that is the structure it is possible to mentally assemble the start and end of the sentence and understand what's being said. Then add back in all the conditions where it applies, or does not apply.

I've been caught out a couple of times to my business and financial embarrassment. Once burned I've learned that, when there is a lot on the line, reading the fine print is often worth the effort. I've also learned that a contract presented to me isn't always cast in stone--reasoned objections are often negotiable and clauses can be struck or modified. While always an option, I resist hiring a lawyer, preferring to work through the language myself.

Full paper here,


The Basics of Bail in Ohio "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

How do people get out of jail while theyre accused of a crime?


EXT4 With Linux 6.5 Will See Much Faster Parallel Direct I/O Overwrite Performance "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ted Ts'o has submitted all the EXT4 feature changes for the Linux 6.5 merge window. EXT4 this round is seeing various clean-ups, bug fixes, and other enhancements but there is one performance optimization worth calling attention to...


Exposed Interfaces in US Federal Networks: A Breach Waiting to Happen "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Waqas

The research mainly aimed at examining VPNs, firewalls, access points, routers, and other remote server management appliances used by top government agencies in the United States.

This is a post from Read the original post: Exposed Interfaces in US Federal Networks: A Breach Waiting to Happen


Huge Increase in Transnational Crime in Asias Golden Triangle "IndyWatch Feed War"

Human Wrongs Watch

MADRID, Jun 27 2023 (IPS)* How come that in a world where technology is -or is about to be- able to detect an ant in a jungle, the traffickers of death continue to carry out their lucrative criminal activities everywhere and in all fields, from weapons to prostitution, enslavement and drugs, to deadly fake medicines, through oil, gas and poisoned food.
In the United States and Canada, overdose deaths, predominantly driven by an epidemic of the non-medical use of fentanyl, continue to break records. Credit: Shutterstock.

In the United States and Canada, overdose deaths, predominantly driven by an epidemic of the non-medical use of fentanyl, continue to break records. Credit: Shutterstock.

In the specific case of Asia, a specialised organisation reports the Asian Golden Triangle is where historically opium was grown to produce heroin for export, but where, in recent years, the trade of even deadlier and more profitable synthetic drugs have taken over.

In its June 2023 report, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) informs that East and Southeast Asian synthetic drug supply remains at extreme levels and diversifies.

The report, Synthetic Drugs in East and Southeast Asia: latest developments and challenges 2023, confirms an expansion and diversification of synthetic drug production and trafficking in the region, while trafficking routes have shifted significantly.

Thailand, Laos and Myanmar are at the frontlines of illicit trade in Asia dominated by transnational organised crime syndicates.

Methamphetamine, ketamine

High volumes of methamphetamine continue to be produced and trafficked in and from the region while the production of ketamine and other synthetic drugs has expanded.

Transnational organised crime groups anticipate, ada...


4 dead, 900 evacuated after landslides triggered by flash floods in southwest China "IndyWatch Feed World"

Four people died and three others were missing after landslides hit a county in China's southwestern Sichuan province on Tuesday, leading authorities to evacuate more than 900 people. The landslides, triggered by flash floods, occurred in Miansi and Weizhou townships in Wenchuan county, according to the county's emergency management bureau. More than 400 rescuers searched for missing people after the landslides hit early Tuesday, state media said. Four people, including a couple from Miansi township, were found dead later on Tuesday, while three others remained missing, according to official broadcaster CCTV.


Costco takes a page from Netflix and cracks down on membership sharing "IndyWatch Feed World"

The big-box wholesaler wants to make sure that shoppers who use membership cards actually have a membership.

Unlike many big-box retailers, in order to shop at a Costco you need to be a paying member, which costs between $60 and $120 a year. The membership card gets you through the front doors and gets you access to all those sweet warehouse deals. When checking out, a member needs to show their card to the cashier to prove they can shop there.

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David Zuniga, Senior Director, In-Space Solutions, Axiom Space Developing Low Earth Orbit Economy "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Developing The Low Earth Orbit Economy On The Worlds First Commercial Space Station David Zuniga, Senior Director, In-Space Solutions, Axiom Space

David Zuniga is Senior Director of In-Space Solutions at Axiom Space (, a space infrastructure developer headquartered in Houston, Texas, which plans human spaceflight for government-funded and commercial astronauts, engaging in in-space research, in-space manufacturing, and space exploration. The company aims to own and operate the worlds first commercial space station, and Mr. Zuniga helps to develop strategy and growth around Axioms Low Earth Orbit (LEO) economy, also playing a critical role in business and technical integration of Axioms in-space manufacturing and research capabilities for Axiom Station architecture.

Mr. Zuniga has over 20 years of experience through engineering and business development in human spaceflight and the department of defense, developing system architectures and technology for deep space systems via the Constellation, Orion, and Gateway programs. He was a Certified Principal Engineer for Orions Air Revitalization System, and subsystem manager for NASAs Gateway program for the Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS) where he developed requirements and certification criteria for future architectures.

Mr. Zuniga also has helped to evolve strategy around growth for LEO commercialization through the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) where he created a pipeline and managed a portfolio for aerospace technology development projects on the International Space Station National Laboratory (ISS NL). He has also served in numerous committees around human spaceflight safety and commercialization, has been an invited speaker to brief NASA HQ on strategy for the ISS NL, and was the recipient of the top prize at NASAs Ignite the Night competition through NASA iTech when serving as the managing director for the Danish Aerospace Companys North American Division.

Mr. Zuniga earned Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University and holds a graduate certification in Space Resources from Colorado School of Mines where he studied space policy, economics, and space resource utilization.



Promoting pollution from fast fashion to fancy cruises "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Promoting pollution from fast fashion to fancy cruises

Andrew Simms 28th June 2023
Teaser Media


Missing Instructions "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    Rolling the Rock ** BRM on Medieval Stone Bridge Construction ** One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If weve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. Were no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. Its simply too painful []

The post Missing Instructions appeared first on Virtual Mirage.



Babylon's Bankers

As you can tell, we are focused on what may (or may not be) happening in Russia right now, and every propaganda outlet from



Still Waiting for The Magical Future of Free Wind Power "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The only question is how far down the road we get before the plug gets pulled.

The post Still Waiting for The Magical Future of Free Wind Power first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

How Often Do Health Insurers Say No to Patients? No One Knows. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

Its one of the most crucial questions people have when deciding which health plan to choose: If my doctor orders a test or treatment, will my insurer refuse to pay for it?

After all, an insurance company that routinely rejects recommended care could damage both your health and your finances. The question becomes ever more pressing as many working Americans see their premiums rise as their benefits shrink.

Yet, how often insurance companies say no is a closely held secret. Theres nowhere that a consumer or an employer can go to look up all insurers denial rates let alone whether a particular company is likely to decline to pay for procedures or drugs that its plans appear to cover.

The lack of transparency is especially galling because state and federal regulators have the power to fix it, but havent.

ProPublica, in collaboration with The Capitol Forum, has been examining the hidden world of insurance denials. A previous story detailed how one of the nations largest insurers flagged expensive claims for special scrutiny; a second story showed how a different top insurer used a computer program to bulk-deny claims for some common procedures with little or no review.

The findings revealed how little consumers know about the way their claims are reviewed and denied by the insurers they pay to cover their medical costs.

When ProPublica set out to find information on insurers denial rates, we hit a confounding series of roadblocks.

In 2010, federal regulators were granted expansive authority through the Affordable Care Act to require that insurers provide information on their denials. This data could have meant a sea change in transparency for consumers. But more than a decade later, the federal government has collected only a fractio...

The Never-Ending Murder Case: How Mental Competency Laws Can Trap People With Dementia "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

As more Americans are diagnosed with the chronic disease, some find themselves in legal limbo.

The Vibes iPhone app wants to write the soundtrack to your life "IndyWatch Feed World"

The animated music generator is designed to serve up the exact right music at the exact right moment.

Im a firm believer that music is the ultimate life hack. Whether taking those first painful steps training for a 5k, or filling the 2,000th cell on a spreadsheet, the right song or album can do wonders for the psyche, clicking your brain into go-mode before disappearing into the background as you reach flow. And then theres other music thats right for turning it all off, winding down from a long day in mindful meditation.

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Full Legal Protection Essential for People Displaced by Climate Change "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN NEWS)* An independent UN-appointed climate expert on Tuesday [] called for full legal protection to be given to those displaced by the impacts of climate change, to guarantee their human rights.

A family displaced by prolonged drought in Ethiopia now live in a makeshift tent in Mogadishu, Somalia.
IOM/Muse Mohammed | A family displaced by prolonged drought in Ethiopia now live in a makeshift tent in Mogadishu, Somalia.


Sudan army chief calls for mobilisation of young men "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sudan army chief calls for mobilisation of young men

Sudanese Armed Forces head Abdel Fattah al-Burhan announced a 'unilateral' ceasefire ahead of Eid al-Adha
MEE staff Wed, 06/28/2023 - 09:43
Members of the military and security apparatus are seen among Muslim worshippers at the end of the Eid al-Adha prayer in Sudan's eastern Gedaref region on 28 June 2023 (AFP)

The Sudanese army chief has called for the mass mobilisation of young men to support his forces ahead of an announced ceasefire to mark Eid al-Adha.

In a speech late on Tuesday, Sudanese Armed Forces head Abdel Fattah al-Burhan asked for support in opposing the rival Rapid Support Forces (RSF), with whom he has been fighting since April 2023.

"We ask all of the country's youth and all those who can defend not to hesitate or delay in playing this national role in their place of residence or by joining the armed forces," he said.

He also announced a "unilateral" ceasefire, coinciding with the one also announced by the RSF.

Past declared ceasefires have been largely ineffective, including several brokered by Saudi Arabia and the United States at talks in Jeddah, which were suspended last week.

According to estimates from the International Organisation for Migration published on Tuesday, almost 2.8 million people have so far been displaced by the conflict.

More than 2.15 million have been internally displaced and nearly 650,000 have been forced to flee into neighbouring countries.

Burhan, who originally seiz...


Brands, youre doing Pride allyship wrong "IndyWatch Feed World"

In the wake of controversies around Bud Lite and Target, a new Harris Poll, shared exclusively with Fast Company, reveals the queer community is fighting back with its wallet.

Leaning into human rights issues can show consumers that brands are made up of more than a bunch of suits in a boardroom and that theyll support causes to better the world. But in 2023, that narrative has gotten messier. Somehow, LGBTQ+ allyship has created anger along with applause, as recent headlines about Bud Lite, Target, and Starbucks demonstrate.

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Event Planning Made Easy: Renting Houses for Successful Events in Los Angeles "IndyWatch Feed World"

Are you tired of the same old venues for your events? Do you want to host a unique and unforgettable event that will leave your guests talking about it for years to come? Look no further than renting a house in Los Angeles! With its stunning architecture, breathtaking views, and endless possibilities, hosting an event in a rented house is sure to impress. In this blog post, well guide you through the process of event planning made easy with our top tips on how to rent houses for successful events in Los Angeles. Lets get started!

The Appeal of Renting Houses

In recent years, renting houses for parties has gained immense popularity as an alternative to traditional venues in Los Angeles. The appeal lies in the unique experiences and advantages it offers. One of the primary benefits is privacy. Unlike busy venues, rental properties provide an exclusive setting for your event, allowing you to create a more intimate and personal atmosphere. Additionally, these houses offer flexibility in terms of customization. You have the freedom to design and transform the space according to your specific requirements and preferences. This level of personalization sets rental properties apart and makes them stand out as exceptional event venues.

Choosing the Right House


Selecting the ideal house rental for your event requires careful consideration. Begin by assessing your event type, size, and specific needs. For larger events, ensure that the house can comfortably accommodate all your guests. Pay attention to the location as well, considering accessibility and proximity to transportation hubs. Adequate parking facilities are crucial, especially if you expect a significant number of attendees. Another essential aspect is the availability of amenities, such as a well-equipped kitchen, spacious dining areas, and outdoor spaces for socializing. Finally, keep your budget in mind and explore different rental options that align with your...


Dire Year for Children Caught in Conflict, as Hospital and School Attacks Double "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Human Wrongs Watch
A young child eats food in a camp for displaced people in North Kivu province following fighting in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.
UNICEF/Jospin BenekireA young child eats food in a camp for displaced people in North Kivu province following fighting in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.


AWS AppFabric aggregates security data across SaaS applications "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AWS announced AWS AppFabric, a no-code service that enhances companies existing investment in software as a service (SaaS) applications with improved security, management, and productivity. With just a few clicks in the AWS Management Console, information technology (IT) and security teams can use AppFabric to add new capabilities that make their existing SaaS applications and productivity suites work better together. AppFabric aggregates and normalizes log data from apps like Asana, Slack, and Zoom, as well More

The post AWS AppFabric aggregates security data across SaaS applications appeared first on Help Net Security.


An ESP In Your Mini TV "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When miniature LCD TVs arrived on the market they were an object of desire, far from the reach of tech-obsessed youngsters. Now in the age of smartphones theyre a historical curiosity, but with the onward march of technology you can have one for not a lot. [Taylor Galbraith] shows us how, with an ESP32 and an LCD we rather like because of its CRT-like rounded corners.

What hes created is essentially a small media player, but perhaps what makes it of further interest is its migration from a mess of wires on a breadboard to a rather nice PCB. Hes not released the board files at the time of writing, but since the software can all be found in the GitHub repository linked above, we live in hope. On it are not only the ESP and the screen, but also a battery management board, an audio amplifier, and a small speaker. For now its a bare board, but we hope hell complete it with a neatly designed case for either a pocket player or a retro-styled mini TV. Until then you can see his progress in the videos below the break.

If youre after more ESP32 media player inspiration, this isnt the first retro-themed media player weve brought you.



Doordash just announced its biggest app update ever. Heres whats new "IndyWatch Feed World"

Workers can now choose to work under a specific rate while theyre actively dashing, rather than getting paid different rates for each task.

Doordash is adding an unconventional pay model for its gig workers: a set hourly minimum rate.

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3 ways to become the dream employer new grads seek "IndyWatch Feed World"

To attract and retain those joining the workforce during the generative AI gold rush, companies need to rethink their roles and culture.

This years college graduates are entering the workforce amid whats being called the generative AI gold rush.

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Stand Up "IndyWatch Feed War"

Max Igan The Crowhouse June 27, 2023
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Double-Speak is The New Lingua Franca. Then Esperanto Then Desperanto Then Grunts and Threatening Gestures. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Smoking Mirrors June 27, 2023

God Poet Transmitting.

Materialism brings eventual destruction of Community. Diversity is the sworn enemy of Unity. Enforced Communism under the control of an elite minority is the result when Materialism sets everyone against their neighbor in the pursuit of personal gain.

We got too fat and complacent. We became dissolute. We devolved into infantile masturbatory mindsets. Our excesses had no natural enemies to keep us in line. We became the dung beetles at the top of The Shitheap. Our rooting about in matter led to shit tumbling downhill, which led to trickle-down economics everywhere else.

Everyone wanted to be on top. There is not sufficient room on top. Dog eat dog ensued.

The psychopathic termites got into the infrastructure. First it was sexual excess replacing self-control, and sex then became the replacement for religion. It was a more immediate gratification though of lesser duration. Then Perversity became a right because they only wanted to get married.

What used to be understood as a mental illness became a rite of passage to exclusivity. Then there were no more mental illnesses other than a vanishing normality. It became hip to be gay, and children were looked at in the coming attractions as the new after-dinner mints; screw two doctors and call me in the morning!

There were the formerly oppressed classes, who were really oppressed because they oppressed themselves, and each other, and had no impulse control; but we were told it was Whitey that was keeping them down. It was the other Whitey who claims not to be Whitey that blew in like locusts in a plague of lawyers to make the claim that intelligence and good grammar were tools of the oppressors.

Why then is everyone in The WEF white? Why are the ones who think theyre running the place all white, and pointing at the other whites? Why is it that the only place the trouble is going down happens to be on the street where common folk cant get away from it?

Ive been around people of different colors and races all my life. I grew up on army bases and spent some real time in prisons and other holding zones where it was almost all people of a different color. Most of them belonged there. I was fortunate. My karma and my invisible friends protected me from the worst possibilities of being caged. Even there I found a great deal of humanity among the tortured souls that surrounded me.

Color and race HAVE NOTHING TO DO with Humanity. Everyone lets you know where they are at, as their works sooner or later show you.

I never had any money. I was poorer than the official poor most of my life. I still live on less than the official poverty line. Its not that I couldn&...


How To Plant Propaganda: Putin has been weakened. Russia is crumbling. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Moon of Alabama June 27, 2023

On Sunday the U.S.Secretary of State went on four morning shows to play the same distinct melody over and over again:

Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Margaret Brennan of CBS Face the Nation

SECRETARY BLINKEN: And it was a direct challenge to Putins authority. So this raises profound questions. It shows real cracks. We cant speculate or know exactly where thats going to go. We do know that Putin has a lot more to answer for in the weeks and months ahead.

SECRETARY BLINKEN: These create more cracks in the Russian faade, and those cracks were already profound. Economically, militarily, its standing in the world all of those things have been dramatically diminished by Putins aggression against Ukraine. Hes managed to bring Europe together. Hes managed to bring NATO together. Hes managed to get Europe to move off of Russian energy. Hes managed to alienate Ukrainians and unite Ukraine at the same time. So across the board this has been a strategic failure. Now you introduce into that profound internal divisions, and there are lots of questions hes going to have to answer in the weeks ahead.

Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Chuck Todd of NBC Meet The Press

SECRETARY BLINKEN: So I think weve seen more cracks emerge in the Russian facade. It is too soon to tell exactly where they go and when they get there. But certainly we have all sorts of new questions that Putin is going to have to address in the weeks and months ahead.

This is just the latest chapter in a book of failure that Putin has written for himself and for Russia. Economically, militarily, its standing in the world all of things have plummeted. We have a united NATO thats stronger than ever before, a Europe that is weaning itself off of Russian energy, Ukraine that Putin has managed to alienate and unite at the same time. Now, with trouble brewing from within, this, as I said, just adds more questions that he has to find answers for.

Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Dana Bash of CNN State of the Union

Cont. reading: How To Plant Propaganda: Putin has been weakened. Russia is crumbling.



Sweden just scrapped their Renewable Energy Targets. Heres why. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Kit Knightly Off-Guardian June 26, 2023

Buried behind the news of the supposed attempted coup in Russia this weekend, was the Swedish governments announcement, last Wednesday, that they will be stepping back from their plans to go 100% renewable energy.

According to finance minister Elisabeth Svantesson, wind and solar power are simply not efficient or reliable enough to be trusted to produce the entire countrys energy supply.

This has been celebrated in some circles as an example of a government taking a logical approach.

But, to be clear, this is not about refuting or rejecting the climate change agenda, but purely a question of methodology. Sweden is rejecting renewable energy goals, not net zero. Net zero is still very much on the cardsvia nuclear power, what some still laughably call clean energy.

According to

Swedens parliament on Tuesday (20 June) adopted a new energy target, giving the right-wing government the green light to push forward with plans to build new nuclear plants in a country that voted 40 years ago to phase out atomic power. Changing the target to 100% fossil-free electricity, from 100% renewable is key to the governments plan to [] reach net zero emissions by 2045.

Sweden has always been at the fore-front of climate messaging, introducing one of the first ever Carbon Taxes as early as 1991.

Its also the case the Sweden recently approved a feasibility study for a massive carbon capture and storage (CCS) plant near Stockholm. CCS is among the bigger scams of the climate change narrative.

And yet this scrapping of renewable goals has been welcomed by some in the alternative sphere as Sweden seeing sense.

This is highly reminiscent of Swedens role in the Covid narrative the voice of reason. The sensible rejection of the official narrative in favour of a very slightly different version of the official narrative.

Sweden pushed for no lockdowns and early treatment and herd immunity, but all of that actually served to underline that there was an actual pandemic that needed dealing with. Reinforcing the official sto...


Tucker Carlson Fan Dancer "IndyWatch Feed War"

Robert Weissberg The Unz Review June 26, 2023

Over two months have passed since Tucker Carlson departed Fox News, and his exit has been a disaster for the network. half of Tuckers audience has left, and this exodus has been especially notable among young men, many of whom were Democrats (WSJ, B1, B4, June 22, 2023, print but not on-line). His replacements, an assortment of Fox regulars, have tried their best, but to no avail. I personally no longer watch that timeslot since nearly everything is just warmed-over daily news plus an added dollop of passion, as if bombast made Tucker Tucker,

What was Tuckers secret sauce, particularly to young men? Let me suggest that it was his penchant for taboo topics unmentionable save on dark corners of the Internet, But, his talent was not just voicing the unspeakable, If that were the case, he never would have lasted a day, Rather, he regularly voiced heresies in ways that stopped inches short of being a thought criminal, And that he was able to get away with this crime and earned millions, only added to the pleasure of watching his show,

The parallel is the art of fan dancing, a routine where nude (or scantily dressed) dancer artfully manipulates multiple large fans (or boas) to permit the audience only the quickest peek at naked flesh, It was a staple in the old burlesque houses before strippers performed with pasties and G-strings, Skilled fan dancers could convince you that you actually did see a nipple or a bit of pubic hair while, in fact, they stopped short of breaking the law. For men craving the sight of off-limits female skin, it was a satisfying experience for the simple reason that an imagined glimpse of the forbidden was about all one could expect.

Tucker was a superb fan dancer in his ability to give the impression that he is explicitly confronting topics otherwise verboten in polite public discourse. A virtuoso on the dog whistle, so to speak, And, just as horny men flocked to see Sally Rand (1904-1979) delicately display her charms fully hidden behind multiple colorful boas, young men cannot get enough of someone who, ever so discreetly, violated taboos on prime time television,

Foremost was the race taboo, that is, blacks as a group are dumber than whites and Asians, and that prominent well-paid blacks owe their exalted stations ...


Patriot Front unmasked as FEDS pretending to be white supremacists, to help the state crack down on (what they call) the right "IndyWatch Feed War"

the latest twist on Operation Gladio, which did that to the left

The FBI is very busy doing with white supremacy exactly what it did with Islamic terrorism, and, before that, the communist threati.e., creating the ILLUSION of a clear and present danger

Mark Crispin Miller June 26, 2023

Heres Joe Biden trying to look like he knows what hes saying, as he calls white supremacy the greatest threat to the United States today:

Now, if our schools (including colleges and universities) taught history, and not the pieties that fill the textbooks (however woke such textbooks may now be), and if our free press investigated warnings of the latest threat confronting us (according to the government), instead of amplifying such alarms non-stop, it would be clear at once to most of us, and not just to some few of us, that this years existential threat is just as fake as those that came before, and that it too has been created by the government now using it to panic and divide the rest of us. Thus it was with the communists back in the Fifties (when countless Reds were agents of the FBI, and the CIA helped keep the Daily Worker going), then, after Soviet communism fell apart, with Islamic terrorism (all those plots concocted by the state), and now with white supremacy (a specter as delusory as the killer virus that was used to smash the world).

Here are glimpses of the latest show of white supremacy, as captured yesterday, in Oregon, by some real patriots who scared off a contingent of the Patriot Front, and unmasked two of themboth literally and figuratively. If (again) our free press took a duly skeptical approach to the scare stories pumped out by the government, instead of just repeating them ad nauseam (while trashing anyone who questions them), yesterdays unmasking would be major news, and not just one more passing flash of truth on Twitter.

Watch the videos linked in these tweets:




Googles Pixel Fold proves folding phones need great software "IndyWatch Feed World"

Putting a big screen in a small device is still a tantalizing ideabut only if you can be confident that the apps you use will take advantage of it.

When Apple released the first iPhone in 2007, its form factora thin, nearly buttonless rectangle with a big touchscreen on the frontwas unlike any phone on the market. Before long, however, just about every smartphone looked just like it. All these years later, its influence remains as pervasive as ever, as if the entire industry has given up on the possibility of inventing something even better.

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Dont Do It Hmmm "IndyWatch Feed War"

Lone_Wolf_On_A_Star June 27, 2023




Veronica Swift Illuminati Satanism Unveiled "IndyWatch Feed War"

Marina Abramovic, an artist who has been linked to human sacrifice, and Jacob Rothschild pose in front of a picture entitled Satan summoning his legions June 27, 2023

Veronica Swifts book, An Illuminati Primer: Understanding the System through the Eyes of Its Whistleblowers, published in April, reveals disturbing details about the politicians and celebrities we worship. They all belong to the Illuminati which really is a satanic cult. 

Below are some excerpts which explain why Western society is in a tailspin. 

An Illuminati Primer: Understanding The System Through the Eyes of its Whistleblowers


The head of the Satanic Council holds a position called the Phoenix, and that position was held for nearly 30 years by George Soros, who stepped down around 2018/2019. Soros was succeeded by Barack Obama, who is the current Phoenix of the Satanic Council. (ARA 031)

Each quadrant has a number of Grand High Priests and Priestesses, and one of the Grand High Priestesses for the Eastern US Quadrant was held by Gloria Vanderbilt until her death in 2019. She was supposed to be succeeded by Hillary Clinton, but for whatever reason, Hillary was unable to take that position, one she was groomed for her whole life. (ARA 21)

For Glorias position, two High Priestesses did battle, and the winner took that position. The two witches who participated in that particular battle for Glorias position were Beyonc of singing fame and Megan Markle, the wife of Prince Harry of the UK royalty. (ARA 21)   (page 60-62)



Critical SQL Injection Flaws Expose Gentoo Soko to Remote Code Execution "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities have been disclosed in Gentoo Soko that could lead to remote code execution (RCE) on vulnerable systems. "These SQL injections happened despite the use of an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library and prepared statements," SonarSource researcher Thomas Chauchefoin said, adding they could result in RCE on Soko because of a "misconfiguration of the database.


Mitochondrial research rewrites understanding of Parkinsons disease pathway "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While mitochondria play a crucial role in producing the energy our cells need to carry out their various functions, when damaged, they can have profound effects on cellular function and contribute to the development of various diseases.

Broken-down are usually removed and recycled through a garbage disposal process known as mitophagy.

PINK1 and Parkin are two proteins vital to this process, responsible for tagging malfunctioning mitochondria for destruction. In Parkinsons disease, mutations in these proteins can result in the accumulation of damaged mitochondria in the brain, which can lead to motor symptoms such as tremors, stiffness and difficulty with movement.


DeepMinds New Self-Improving Robot Is Quick to Adapt and Learn Fresh Skills "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While autonomous robots have started to move out of the lab and into the real world, they remain fragile. Slight changes in the environment or lighting conditions can easily throw off the AI that controls them, and these models have to be extensively trained on specific hardware configurations before they can carry out useful tasks.

This lies in stark contrast to the latest LLMs, which have proven adept at generalizing their skills to a broad range of tasks, often in unfamiliar contexts. Thats prompted growing interest in seeing whether the underlying technologyan architecture known as a transformercould lead to breakthroughs in robotics.

In new results, researchers at DeepMind showed that a transformer-based AI called RoboCat can not only learn a wide range of skills, it can also readily switch between different robotic bodies and pick up new skills much faster than normal. Perhaps most significantly, its able to accelerate its learning by generating its own training data.


By Refusing To Acknowledge The Jabs Risks, Trump Helps The Covid Cult Evade Accountability "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Donald Trump giving a speech at a rallyTrump's refusal to acknowledge the Covid shots' existing side effects helps no one except those who lied about their efficacy.


What Happens in Russia After The Longest Day? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Following Wagners rebellion which was nothing more than a blatant coup attempt, and a PR stunt demonstrated by Prighozins top-notch theatrics NATO and the Collective Wests excitement over the possibility of Russia descending into chaos and civil war were quickly turned into utter disappointment. The first draft of the extraordinary events that took place in Continue reading What Happens in Russia After The Longest Day?


Evidence Of Catastrophic Learning Loss From School Lockdowns Piles Up "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

parents protesting school lockdownsA new report documents that closing schools for months on end due to Covid scarred childrens learning quite possibly for life.

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