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Saturday, 29 July


Im Moment ist schon wieder Zero Trust in aller Munde, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Im Moment ist schon wieder Zero Trust in aller Munde, weil das BSI ein "Positionspapier" dazu verffentlicht hat, das sich im Wesentlichen wie Werbung fr unserise Gadget-Anbieter und Schlangenler liest.

Auch ich hatte vor einer Weile einen Vortrag dazu gehalten und ins Netz gestellt, wo ganz andere Dinge rauskamen. Wie kann das sein?

Nun, das liegt an zwei Dingen. Erstmal ist Zero Trust inzwischen so ein Buzzword, das der Sinn auf dem Weg flten gegangen ist. Jeder verkauft gerade unter dem Label Zero Trust alles. Googelt nur mal Zero Trust AI und staunt.

Mein geschtzter Kollege Kris Khntopp hat auch einen langen Erklr-Thread gepostet, wo er nochmal auf andere Ergebnisse kommt als das BSI und ich. :-)

Eine Sache mchte ich aber mal kurz klren. Zero Trust heit nicht assume breach. Zero Trust heit, dass du von Perimetersicherheit als Modell wegkommst. Perimetersicherheit ist die Idee, dass wir ein vertrauenswrdiges internes Netz haben, und ein bses Internet, und dazwischen tun wir eine Firewall und dann sind wir sicher. Stellt sich vllig berraschend raus: Wenn du bse E-Mails durch die Firewall lsst, und ein VPN, dann kannst du dir die Firewall im Wesentlichen auch ganz sparen.

Zero Trust ist daher die Idee, dass alle Rechner so gebaut werden, auch und gerade die im Intranet, dass sie starke Authentisierung haben wollen, und Daten nur verschlsselt bertragen.

Zero Trust sagt nicht, dass die Kisten Secure Boot haben mssen, oder Binaries signiert werden, oder dass da Telemetrie gemessen und ausgewertet wird. Oder dass die Software Least Privilege wird und man die TCB minimiert. Das ist alles orthogonal.

Zero Trust heit, dass du einkommender Kommunikation nicht auf Basis ihrer IP-Adresse vertraust.

Lasst euch also vom BSI nicht aufschwatzen, dass ihr Endpoint Security fr Zero Trust braucht, oder ein SIEM, etc pp. Und lasst euch von Kris nicht erzhlen, dass das die Strukturen unbeweglich macht. Kann es, muss es aber nicht. Denkt lieber aus der anderen Richtung drber nach. Wenn jemand rumspielen will, braucht der halt Erlaubnis in Form von Keys fr seine Kommunikation. Den Keys kann man dann minimale Zugriffsrechte geben, und man kann auf der Serverseite sehen, welcher Key reinkam, und entsprechend erkennen, welcher Service mit welchen anderen Services redet. Das ist VIEL besser als im Moment, wo niemand sich traut irgendwas jemals wieder anzufassen, weil gar nicht bekannt ist, was sonst alles davon abhngt und wie das verzahnt ist.

Dieses dystopische "Web Environment Integrity"-DRM-fr-Browser-"Feature" ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Dieses dystopische "Web Environment Integrity"-DRM-fr-Browser-"Feature" von Google neulich hat es schon in Chromium geschafft.

Wer also jetzt noch Chrome oder Chromium oder einen auf Chromium basierenden Browser benutzt, sollte schnell mit den Fen whlen und zu Firefox gehen. Ansonsten haben wir bald eine Welt, wo dein Browser keine Webseiten mehr anzeigen kann, weil du einen Adblocker installiert hast.

Ich bin ja schon immer ein groer Freund der visuellen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ich bin ja schon immer ein groer Freund der visuellen Comedy, und feiere da auch regelmig die Bildredaktionen von Zeitungen. Manchmal ist es aber nicht das Bild zur Story sondern die Komposition. Einen herzlichen Gru an die Tagesschau fr dieses Bonmot!

Update: Hier ist noch ein groartiger beim ehemaligen Nachrichtenmagazin. Schlagzeile: So schlagen Telegram-Schwurbler aus Emprung ihr Kapital. Und dann so: Spiegel-Paywall. Genau mein Humor! *wieher*

Leserbrief zu dem Supraleiter-Preprint-Paper:ich arbeite ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Leserbrief zu dem Supraleiter-Preprint-Paper:

ich arbeite in dem Feld und wir haben den Preprint heute morgen ein wenig in der Forschungsgruppe diskutiert. Kurz zusammen gefasst, wir glauben kein Wort davon:
  • Fig. 1(a) und (c) sind unglaubwrdig. Normalerweise sieht sowas so aus. Man beachte den graduellen Anstieg bei niedrigen Strmen, dieser Effekt ist vor allem bei Magnetfelder zu erwarten.
  • Auch Fig. 1(d) kann nicht stimmen. Bei Tc ~ 400K wrde der Meissner-Effekt ein wesentlich strkeres Feld als 10 Oe = 1 mT verdrngen. D.h. die Unterscheidung zwischen FC (field cooled) und ZFC (zero-field cooled) drfte nicht so ausgeprgt sein. Das msste eher so aussehen.

Was die Autoren vielleicht meinen, ist dass sie auerhalb des Meissner-Bereichs liegen, das kann bei hheren Magnetfelder auftreten (Stichwort: Type II Supraleiter). Das sieht dann so aus.

In diesem Fall stimmt aber die Temperaturabhngigkeit berhaupt nicht mit den kritischen Strmen von Fig. 1(a) und (c) berein.

Und auch, dass ALLE Werte in Fig. 1(d) negativ sind, ist uerst ungewhnlich, das knnte man aber vielleicht verargumentieren.

  • Der Datensatz in Fig. 4(b) ist auch ein Schmankerl. Es ist schon SEHR ungewhnlich, wenn bei hohen Temperaturen die Wrmekapazitt (Heat capacity) wieder abnimmt. Das kann bei tiefen Temperaturen passieren, bei hohen aber eher nicht.
  • Ich kenne den beschriebenen Versuchsaufbau / den Kryostaten sehr gut. Es besteht kein vernnftiger Grund, warum die Autoren nicht bei hheren Temperaturen gemessen haben, um zu zeigen, dass das Verhalten oberhalb von Tc ~ 400K deutlich anders ist. Z.B. eine Temperaturabhngigkeit des Widerstands wre zwingend ntig gewesen.
  • Allgemein ist das Paper sehr schlecht geschrieben. Die Daten sind nicht ausreichend diskutiert, die Erklrungen sind drftig, und die zitierten Arbeiten eher, sagen wir, mager. Das erweckt nicht gerade Vertrauen darin, was die Autoren da gemessen haben und gesehen haben wollen.

    Meine persnliche Vermutung ist, dass die Autoren einen Isolator gemessen haben, entsprechend kein Strom floss, und damit auch keine Spannung auftrat (4-Punkt Messung). Dann sieht das aus, wie ein Supraleiter. Wenn man dann aber den Strom hochdreht (also die angelegte Spannung), kann es eventuell zu Durchschlgen kommen und ein Strom beginnt zu flieen. Das wrde den sprunghaften Anstieg erklren...

Strong M7.0 earthquake hits southeast of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia "IndyWatch Feed Pacific"

A very strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.0 hit southeast of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia at 05:44 UTC on March 31, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth. The quake...... Read more

Strong tremor and Crater Lake heating at Ruapehu, Aviation Color Code raised to Yellow, New Zealand "IndyWatch Feed Pacific"

A strong volcanic tremor and new heating cycle started at Mt. Ruapehu's Crater Lake two weeks ago. On March 28, 2022, GeoNet raised the Aviation Color Code to Yellow. The Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 2 since March 21. Ruapehus Crater Lake (Te Wai...... Read more


Neoliberalism cant solve the climate crisis. We need activism "IndyWatch Feed"

Radical action is essential to stop the transition from global warming to global boiling


Putin's balancing, Russian culture, and impunity after Prigozhin's mutiny "IndyWatch Feed World"

There is much confusion and scratching of the head surrounding Russian President Vladimir Putin's seeming 'weakness', laxity, or permissiveness in hesitating to arrest two-day mutineer and Wagner PMC chief Yevgenii Prigozhin. Recent reports from Russia indicate that Prigozhin has been back in Russia, despite his supposed exile to Belarus along with some 10,000 Wagner fighters. Initially, in the wake of the mutiny's dissolution Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman stated to Russian journalists that Prigozhin was to go to Belarus as part of the deal hashed out between Putin and his former associate by Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenka. Reports and photographs of a camp or base being erected for the exiled or redeployed Wagner troops in Belarus were published. But now it emerges that Prigozhin and 35 Wagner commanders and staff met with Putin in the Kremlin on June 29th and discussed what had happened and what the future would be for Wagner and perhaps for Prigozhin...


[$] Unmaintained filesystems as a threat vector "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

One of the longstanding strengths of Linux, and a key to its early success, is its ability to interoperate with other systems. That interoperability includes filesystems; Linux supports a wide range of filesystem types, allowing it to mount filesystems created by many other operating systems. Some of those filesystem implementations, though, are better maintained than others; developers at both the kernel and distribution levels are currently considering, again, how to minimize the security risks presented by the others.


The Proxy War Against Russia Could be Stopped Immediately and Thus a Third World War Prevented "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Role Model of Our Generation After Two World Wars Time is again out of joint (Shakespeare) as it was before the First and Second World Wars. Yet it seems that we citizens again do not know what to do in this incendiary situation. Above all, the intellectuals among us have a much greater responsibility

Continue reading The Proxy War Against Russia Could be Stopped Immediately and Thus a Third World War Prevented


Demonstration for Peace in Ukraine Held in Budapest "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Hungarian Community for Peace, July 28, 2023

In defense of Hungarys peace, independence, sovereignty and self-determination, the Forum for Peace movement held a national unity demonstration on Wednesday in Budapest.

Left and right-wing parties and civil organizations independent of parties, putting aside their ideological and political differences, together declared that the Hungarian people do not want to make sacrifices for the power of the depraved Kiev clique that oppresses the people and uses its compatriots as cannon fodder, nor for those who want to keep it in power!

The peace of our country is threatened. Our Western allies, allied with domestic political and military circles, want to force us into a war on the side of Ukraine, against Russia. They blackmail us, interfere in our internal affairs, are considering a coup dtat, and want to replace the legitimate government with a puppet government. They want us to give up our pro-peace policy, send weapons and soldiers to Ukraine, and go to war with Russia again, this time together with NATO states the Community of Responsible and Creative Hungarians, the Association for the Rule of Law, the Workers Party, the Hungarian Anti-Fascist League, the Hungarian Community for Peace, the Lets go Hungarian for a Better Future Association, the Confederacy 2000, the Conscience88 Association, the Hungarian Agrarian Association and In a joint statement by the Economic Peoples Party, the World Federation of Hungarians, the National Federation, the Foundation of Hungarians Beyond the Border and the Circle of Friends on the Way of our Heroes in their common Call.

Speakers at the peace demonstration on Nyugati Square assured the government of their support for peace efforts against the war policies of Washington and Brussels, but noted that they do not consider it consistent enough. They called on Viktor Orbns government to decide whether to consider Russia an aggressor or whether to recognize the legitimacy of its security demands and pursue an active policy of neutrality for reconciliation with Russia.

Endre Sim, president of the Hungarian Community for Peace, Mikls Patrubny, president of the World Federation of Hungarians, Gyula Thrmer, president of the Workers Party, Gyrgy Benza, president of the Foundation for Hungarians Across the Border, Eszter Frizs, representative of the Community of Responsible and Creative Hungarians, Istvn Balogh, p...


Hackaday Podcast 229: DIY VR, Gutting Voice Assistants, and ChatGPT Failing Its Summer Internship "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This week, Editor-in-Chief Elliot Williams and Kristina Panos braved the slight cold and the high heat respectively to bring you the best hacks of the previous seven days. In the news this week: youve got a second and final chance to get your Supercon talk proposals in!  So get on that, because we need YOU to help make Supercon awesome.

We can chalk up a win for Kristina on Whats That Sound this week (finally!). Will you get it right? Will you get it exactly right? Time and Elliots fancy dice will tell.

Then its on to the hacks, where we check out a cool RFID emulator e-paper badge, discuss whether a certain type of record player is better off as a cyberdeck, and look through the eye of a Gameboy-style camera for the Playdate console.

From there we take a look at gutting and rooting voice assistants, a solenoid keyboard, and a beautifully rebuilt VR headset that now does AR as well. Finally we talk autonomous solar boats, lambast ChatGPT as the worst summer intern ever, and ponder what makes a thing count as Linux or not.

Check out the links below if you want to foll...


With Parking Reimagined, Tysons, Virginia, Lurches Toward Livability "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


This article was originally published in Greater Greater Washington. It is shared here with permission.


The one bike lane amid a sea of parking. (Source: Author.)

In 2017, images spread online of Chinas newly opened Caojiawan Station in a rural area near the city of Chongqing. Caojiawan Station was mocked for being placed in an open fi...


Canadian Tire Fire #62: Anarchist Bookfairs, #SeachTheLandfill, Fighting the Housing Crisis and Prison News "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

cover photo: @ElJonesPoet and @LeeShingoose

In this issue we bring you details on upcoming anarchist bookfairs in Halifax and Hamilton. Weve also got updates on the blockades and protest encampments by Indigenous folks in Manitoba to force the provincial government to pay to search two local landfills for the remains of at least two Indigenous women. In Montreal, outrage over increasing insecurity of renters and the unhoused includes recent nighttime vandalism of a luxury real estate office.

And finally, as we all know, this summer continues to be evidence of the dire and accelerating effects of the climate crisis. Extreme wildfires country wide caused the deaths of 3 wildfire fighters in the span of a week, while an unprecedented tornado touched down in Ottawa and near Montreal. Flooding in Montreal forced more people out of their homes, and 4 people are still missing following floods in Nova Scotia. It is more urgent than ever to fight against the global capitalism driving this crisis and the states enabling its continuation.

Upcoming Anarchist Bookfairs

This month brought the exciting announcements of two upcoming bookfairs!

The Halifax Anarchist Bookfair is coming up on Saturday, September 2nd. A call has gone out for workshops, art installations, games, discussions and whatever else you can dream up! Links for application forms and contact info can be found here.



Desinformacin de gnero: cmo articulan los grupos que difunden falsedades en Latam "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: LATAM. Los desinformantes sobre gnero en la regin establecen vnculos a travs de becas y eventos en los que difunden versiones falsas y engaosas sobre el tema.Ilustracin: Santiago Quintero.

Alianzas estratgicas entre organizaciones, becas de formacin y eventos internacionales son algunos de los mtodos que usan los actores que difunden falsedades sobre temas de gnero en toda Amrica. Las desinformaciones pueden ir desde falsos efectos adversos de un aborto hasta teoras conspirativas sobre el control poblacional, y siguen estrategias similares de pas en pas. Este informe de la Red Latam Chequea explica cmo funcionan las redes que han transferido ms de USD 40 millones a la regin y tienen a la desinformacin como una de sus estrategias de campaa.

Videos dramticos en los que se muestra un feto desmembrado como si eso fuese la prctica habitual de los abortos, contenidos que sealan que la educacin sexual afecta la orientacin sexual de los nios y los vuelve homosexuales o que los sexualiza desde pequeos con el fin de normalizar la pedofilia. Estas son slo algunas de las desinformaciones que circulan en la regin vinculadas con temas de gnero y que confunden la conversacin en el debate sobre estos temas. 

Como suele ocurrir con la desinformacin, estos actores aprovechan los temas sensibles, los prejuicios sociales y los temores de distintos grupos para generar emociones fuertes en quienes las ven circular y lograr que sean ampliamente compartidas. En muchos casos puede ser que haya personas desprevenidas, que compartan el contenido creyendo que se trata de informacin veraz. Pero en muchos otros casos, se trata de desinformantes sistemticos, actores que de manera permanente se dedican a difundir falsedades sobre este tema, y a veces tambin sobre otros.

Algunos de los grupos que difunden desinformacin son transnacionales y utilizan estrategias muy similares en distintos pases. Es el caso, por ejemplo, de Con Mis Hijos No Te Metas, un colectivo que naci en Per en 2016 para oponerse a una posible reforma de la currcula escolar que buscaba incluir materiales de educacin sexual integral, y luego se extendi por distintos pases de la regin, a travs de captulos nacionales. E...


Towards a New Peace and Multipolar Security Thinking for A Cooperative and Peaceful World "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A major peace publishing event across cultures: The cover story of the esteemed China Investment Magazines July 2023 edition Can you imagine a leading economics, finance and investment magazine in the Western world publishing a 30 A4-page (10,000 words) article about the future peace and security world order a think-piece consisting merely of concepts,

Continue reading Towards a New Peace and Multipolar Security Thinking for A Cooperative and Peaceful World


Worldcoin Isnt as Bad as it Sounds: Its Worse "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

One person is willing to sell their soul every 8 seconds for a shitcoin and a cattle tag. Extreme clown world alert. Whitney Webb (@_whitneywebb) July 26, 2023 Via: Blockworks: Worldcoin a new financial system connected to sensitive biometric information, mostly harvested from poor people sure sounds like a terrible idea. []


Comunidades mapuche-tehuelche logran suspensin de la exploracin minera en Ro Negro "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Coordinadora del Parlamento Mapuche en Ro Negro

En lo que es una victoria colectiva y comunitaria del Pueblo Mapuche-Tehuelche, el juez de El Bolsn Marcelo Muscillo hizo lugar a un amparo colectivo presentado por las comunidades Ancalao, Mariano Solo, Lofche Pulam Lafken, Amulen Che, Newen uke Mapu, Pilquiniyeu del Limay y Ragi Plang Curra Meu (que integran la Mesa Coordinadora del Parlamento Mapuche Tehuelche de Ro Negro), y el Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de Pueblos Indgenas, prohibiendo el avance de cualquier exploracin, prospeccin, cateo o explotacin en el sur de la provincia y ordenando al gobierno de Arabela Carreras implementar un mecanismo de consulta con las comunidades originarias a fin de obtener el consentimiento libre, previo e informado respecto de los proyectos mineros en sus territorios. La Secretara de Minera haba otorgado permisos de cateo para la exploracin de sustancias minerales a la empresa Ivael Mining S.A. en siete reas, que abarcan alrededor de 50.500 hectreas, desde Los Menucos hasta Pilcaniyeu y orquinco, en el sur de la provincia.

El juez de El Bolsn Marcelo Muscillo dispuso la prohibicin de avanzar cualquier exploracin, prospeccin, cateo o explotacin y orden al gobierno de Arabela Carreras implementar un mecanismo de consulta con las comunidades originarias a fin de obtener el consentimiento libre, previo e informado respecto de los proyectos mineros en sus territorios. En el amparo colectivo presentado por las siete comunidades mapuche-tehuelche alegaban una afectacin de las comunidades en sus territorios, producto de las actividades mineras.

En ese sentido, el juez dispuso que la Secretara de Minera deber notificar a todas las empresas mineras la imposibilidad de ingresar a los territorios, extraer muestras minerales o llevar a cabo cualquier actividad relacionada con la actividad. Corresponde que la Secretara de Minera suspenda el trmite de todas las solicitudes que abarquen total o parcialmente el territorio de las comunidades amparistas a fin de obtener su consentimiento previo, libre e informado antes de otorgar cualquier tipo de autorizacin, sin importar a qu etapa de la actividad minera se refiera, remarc.



Green Construction 101: Everything You Need to Know "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Quick Key Facts

  • Construction and the built environment contribute to about 40% of all emissions globally.
  • The construction and building sector make up 34% of global energy consumption.
  • Raw resource consumption for construction is predicted to double by 2060.
  • Building floor area globally is also expected to double by 2060.
  • Concrete, steel and aluminum alone comprise 23% of total global emissions, Architecture 2030 reports.
  • Investments in energy-efficient buildings will need to more than double current investments by 2030 to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
  • The average green building emits 34% less carbon compared to a standard building.
  • Buildings that incorporate renewables, energy-efficient design and electrification can reduce energy-related emissions by 90%.
  • Sustainable buildings can greatly reduce ongoing operational costs. A building with LEED certification typically sees 20% lower operational costs.
  • Green design can reduce building water use by over 30%.

What Is Green Construction?

A crane lifts a modular unit into place on an apartment building under construction and made mainly of wood in Berlin, Germany on April 22, 2021. Wood is becoming an increasingly viable construction material for taller buildings in Europe and as a means for lowering greenhouse gas emissions created by the manufacture of concrete. Maja Hitij / Getty Images

Green construction involves building structures efficiently and sustainably. This can be done in a number of ways, from using more sustainable building materials or making use of recycled materials, to crafting buildings that minimize energy and water consumption. The idea is to focus on sustainability and eco-friendliness of the building throughout its lifecycle, from the first design and planning stages throughout the construction process and as the building is used, and finally to when the building is eventually demolished.

In addition to protecting the environment, green construction practices should emphasize health and wellness for those wh...


Pizza Elevator is the Most Vital Pandemic Technology of All "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Remember the darkest days of lockdown and the pandemic? We were trying to distance ourselves from strangers wherever possible. [scealux]s pizza elevator was spawned at this time to make apartment pizza deliveries as contactless as possible, and its charmingly branded to boot.

The build was intended to loft a pizza from street level to a third-floor balcony (by the American convention, ground floor is numbered one). Built with CNC-cut wooden parts, the elevator frame snap-fits on to the balcony railing. From there, a single spool runs out wire to four corners of the elevator platform.

As the crank is turned, the platform lowers under its own weight. The pizza can then be placed on the platform, and dinner can be lifted back up to the apartment. Its a simple design, and one that manages to lift the pizza in a stable and flat fashion. With that said, wed still like to see some anti-tip railings on a potential revision two.

Mock the branding all you will, its actually a smart design choice. The recognizable logo made the devices purpose super obvious to the pizza delivery person, easing the introduction of the technology to a new user base.

If you want to make your own pizza instead of ordering out, you can automate that too.



Mezcala: Alto a la criminalizacin por la defensa de nuestro territorio! "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El 4 de octubre de 2022 la comunidad recuper un poco ms de once hectreas que estaban tomadas ilegalmente por el invasor empresario Guillermo Moreno Ibarra. El pueblo de Mezcala resisti por ms de dos dcadas diversos actos de corrupcin, intimidacin y criminalizacin a la lucha por recuperar sus tierras. A pesar de haber enfrentado un escenario adverso y desalentador, Mezcala no se rindi.

El triunfo de nuestro pueblo ha sido de sabor agridulce, pues aunque el corazn est contento, existe un sentimiento de inconformidad por haber soportado y trabajado tanto en demostrar al Estado mexicano que las tierras que deca un rico que eran de l, son nuestras. Por qu los pueblos que son afectados, violentados, son los que deben de luchar y demostrar su razn?

Los juicios agrarios diseamos para que los pueblos se rindan y desistan

La invasin inicio en 1999. La comunidad busco mltiples formas de dialogar y escuchar al empresario para comprender que realizaba en las tierras de Mezcala. Desde el inicio su respuesta fue soberbia y altanera, por lo que la mesa directiva de ese entonces, acudi a los tribunales agrarios para abrir un juicio por restitucin de tierras. Fue as que en 2002 inicio el alegato legal en los tribunales. Fueron veinte aos que duro el juicio, donde la comunidad tuvo que desplegar y sostener esfuerzos colectivos para enfrentar a este hombre y su dinero. Hubo mucha fragmentacin al interior de la comunidad, ya que el empresario buscaba formas de dividir a la gente con promesas de trabajos; se vivieron muchos momentos de intimidacin por parte de un grupo paramilitar que creo el empresario y que usaban pasamontaas para que no se les reconociera, y tambin utilizo a la polica municipal de Poncitln que siempre estuvo a su servicio; mltiples provocaciones que hizo a miembros de la comunidad para fragmentar procesos o reventar reuniones de trabajo; comenz a criminalizar a los miembros de la comunidad que estuvieron en la defensa y recuperacin de las tierras en 2002 y 2011; Compr autoridades municipales en Poncitln como el ministerio pblico en 2002 y 2011, pero tambin el juzgado penal de la ciudad de Ocotln; tambin se hizo comunero y logro burlar la ley del Registro Agrario Nacional y con solo mover un par de piezas, lo reconocieron oficialmente como comunero. Aunque podra enumerar ms actos delictivos y de corrupcin que caracterizan a este hombre, lo que me parece importante es destacar el nivel de impunidad que existe en las instituciones estatales en todos sus niveles (municipal, estatal y federal). Despus de haber sobrellevado estos aos de resistencia, nos queda claro que los juicios estn amaados, diseados para que los pueblos fracasen y se rindan.

El sabor agridulce es porque vivimos algo que no tenamos que haber enfrentado. Vivimos en un pas en el que el rico soberbio puede intimidar, corromper, comprar, alargar juicios e...


Black Radical News in 2023: Mumias Fate, African Colonialism, and the Zone of Peace in the Americas. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

(Originally published April 14, 2023)

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website drop down menu below the authors name or on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

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The post Black Radical News in 2023: Mumias Fate, African Colonialism, and the Zone of Peace in the Americas. appeared first on Global Research.


Vulkan 1.3.260 Released With AMDX_shader_enqueue, KHR_maintenance5 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Vulkan 1.3.260 is out today with a handful of specification clarifications/fixes as well as two new extensions...


Can Twitter X be the Wests answer to WeChat? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

What is Elon Musk planning with Twitter/X?

It seems he has an inspiration.

Is Twitter X going to become a super app like WeChat?


Physicists achieve breakthrough in Monte Carlo computer simulations "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers at Leipzig University have developed a highly efficient method to investigate systems with long-range interactions that were previously puzzling to experts. These systems can be gases or even solid materials such as magnets whose atoms interact not only with their neighbors but also far beyond.

Professor Wolfhard Janke and his team of researchers use Monte Carlo for this purpose. This stochastic process, named after the Monte Carlo casino, generates random system states from which the desired properties of the system can be determined. In this way, Monte Carlo simulations provide deep insights into the physics of phase transitions.

The researchers have developed a that can perform these simulations in a matter of days, which would have taken centuries using conventional methods. They have published their new findings in the journal Physical Review X.


The Long and Mostly Short of Chinas Newest GPT "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Who said all large-language models (LLMs) necessarily need to be large? In Chinas case, LLMs are currently downsizing in their size and number of parameters. According to sources, this is because the country is now focusing on enabling Chinese startups and smaller entities to build their own generative AI applications. As part of this downscaling trend, in June the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI) introduced Wu Dao 3.0, a series of open-source, LLMs.

Based on interviews with high-ranking, anonymous sources involved in the project, IEEE Spectrum can report that Wu Dao 3.0 builds on the academys work with Wu Dao 2.0, a sparse, multimodal generative AI modelas has been

Wu dao means path to enlightenment in Chinese. Parameters are the weights of the connections between digital neurons in the model, representing the relationships between words and phrases. The number of parameters in a model is a measure of its complexity. In a sparse model, only a small subset of the parameters is actually used, making them more efficient than dense models, because they require less memory and computational resources.

Ultimately, [the government-funded BAAI] can only produce models with smaller parameters, to be used within other Chinese companies.
Hejuan Zhao, TMTPost

Rather than another Wu Dao 2.0-size behemoth, however, the Wu Dao 3.0 project is a collection of smaller, nimbler, dense models under the name Wu Dao Aquila, reflecting efforts to enable companies to easily adopt generative AI in their products, Spectrums sources say. (In Chinese, the smaller models are called Wu Dao Tianying, meaning path to enlightenment eagle. Aquila is the Latin for eagle and so the smaller models are referred to as the Aquila models in English)

Due to high costs, chip sanctions, and regulatory systems, large language models like Wu Dao 2.0 cant be implemented, said Hejuan Zhao, founder and CEO of TMTPost, one of Chinas largest tech media outlets. Ultimately, they can only produce models with smaller parameters, to be used within other Chinese companies.

Open sourcing relatively smaller models may al...


Defensoras de derechos humanos de las personas migrantes "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Migrar nunca es un proceso lineal ni consecuencia de una sola causa, por el contrario, es un camino de peligros, soledad, vulnerabilidad y precarizacin, enmarcados en un contexto de polticas migratorias de criminalizacin y contencin. En este escenario, la labor de las defensoras de los derechos humanos de las personas migrantes es fundamental. Ellas intentan construir seguridad, acompaamiento y empoderamiento, a travs de la asistencia psicosocial, jurdica y humanitaria.

Su labor se enmarca en un sistema estructural de discriminacin y desigualdad, donde su trabajo no tiene la misma visibilidad ni el mismo valor que el de sus pares hombres, por lo que es importante conocer y entender la participacin de las mujeres como defensoras de derechos humanos a la luz de la perspectiva de gnero. Cuando nosotras salimos a las calles con pancartas exigiendo que se conformar una comisin de bsqueda de nuestros familiares migrantes, los medios reportaron: grupo de cuatro seoras revoltosas buscan a sus hijos, deslegitimando nuestra lucha, Edita, integrante del Comit de Familiares de Migrantes Desaparecidos del Progreso, Honduras.

La violencia que viven las defensoras es atravesada por su condicin de gnero. Mientras los defensores enfrentan violencias relacionadas con su vida pblica, las defensoras enfrentan amenazas a su integridad fsica y la de sus familias, agresiones sexuales, violaciones, hostigamiento sexual y laboral, amenazas contra sus hijas e hijos, campaas de difamacin y feminicidio. Las agresiones impactan su salud fsica y mental, pero tambin tienen eco en los movimientos sociales, en algunos casos, generan desarticulacin y cambios en las temticas de trabajo. La mayora de las agresiones son perpetradas por actores estatales y quedan en impunidad.

En el caso de las defensoras de los derechos humanos de las personas migrantes, sus contextos de trabajo y trayectoria estn estrechamente relacionados con las polticas migratorias de Mxico y Estados Unidos. Muchas alzan la voz desde sus propias experiencias de injusticia como mujeres migrantes, convirtindose en actores sociopolticos estratgicos en la promocin de los derechos humanos de las personas migrantes. As, desde sus propias historias de vida van construyendo liderazgos y visibilizando los contextos que enfrentan las poblaciones migrantes. Adems de apostar por el trabajo en red, como una forma de generar estrategias de subsistencia, proteccin y defensora regionales.

Desde las polticas de deportacin aplicadas por la administracin de Barak Obama, las acciones de disuasin de Donald Trump, la llegada de mujeres venezolanas solicitantes de proteccin, hasta las caravanas de 2018, la agencia poltica de las mujeres migrantes como defensoras de derechos humanos se ha fortalecido, an si la criminalizacin de las personas migrantes y el enfoque punitivo de las polticas migratorias, tanto en Mxico como en Estados Unidos, ha...


Bangladesh ramps up use of recycled fabrics in ready-made garments "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Bangladesh is the worlds second-largest exporter of ready-to-wear (RMG) clothing, with a significant capacity for manufacturing, high quality and expansion. More than 83% of Bangladeshs overall exports, worth more than $33 billion in 2019, constitute this sector, which also accounts for 6% of all garment exports worldwide. The industry is reliant on imported raw resources, especially cotton fiber. In the 201920 fiscal year, raw cotton imports were 17.85 million tons, compared with 96,077 tons and 53,289 tons, respectively, of polyester and viscose staple fiber. Aligning with the European Unions target to implement Sustainable Development Goal 12, which refers to responsible consumption and production by reducing carbon emissions through using recycled cotton, the Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association has recently signed an agreement with the countrys single largest RMG buyer H&M to reduce carbon emissions 30% by 2030 using recycled materials. Regarding meeting the target, Syed Naved Husain, group director and CEO of the textiles and apparel division of the Bangladesh Export Import Company (BEXIMCO), said Bangladesh needs to meet the target as a prerequisite for keeping buyers as well as the market. Bangladesh is the worlds second-largest exporter of ready-to-wear (RMG) clothing, with a significant capacity for manufacturing, high quality and expansion. Image by Muhammad Mostafigur Rahman. Terming the target as possible, he also said that the focus in recent decades has switched to sustainable production challenges, particularly water and energy. The government of Bangladesh, development partners, donor organizations and the business sector all take various actions in thisThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Highlights From The House Hearing On Transgenderism "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Chloe ColeHere are the highlights from the House Judiciary Committee's hearing on the horrors of adolescent transgenderism.


15 injured after Russia shoots down Ukrainian missile over Taganrog port city, planted bomb damages oil refinery in Samara "IndyWatch Feed World"

A powerful explosion has gone off in downtown Taganrog, southwest Russia. According Vasily Golubev, governor of the Rostov region where the city is located, preliminary reports suggest that the explosion was caused by a missile. The number of injured people has risen to 15. It is believed that all the injured people sought medical help with minor cuts and smashed glass related injuries, Governor Golubev noted. Seven people have been taken to hospital, TASS reports citing the Emergency Ministry. Preliminarily, no one is trapped under the rubble. A rocket allegedly exploded in the centre of Taganrog at 22 Lermontovsky Lane near the Chekhov Garden cafe. Rescuers are working at the site. There are no fatalities. There are several injured, ambulances are on their way. Four people received light injuries from broken glass. Information about the damages is being clarified.


Trata de personas, suma de mltiples violaciones a derechos humanos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La crisis en el sistema judicial, la falta de denuncias y la tolerancia a las violencias son algunos de los factores que han generado que el delito de trata de personas crezca en el siglo XXI, el cual se pens sera el de los derechos humanos.

As lo afirma el titular de la Ctedra Extraordinaria Trata de Personas, de la UNAM, Mario Luis Fuentes Alcal, quien explica que no hay estadsticas consistentes sobre este tipo de violencia extrema y transgresin global, pues tampoco hay denuncias ni identificacin de vctimas.

Con motivo del Da Mundial contra la Trata de Personas -que se conmemora el 30 de julio- la Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) tambin alerta: en el mundo, especialmente en los pases en desarrollo, las medidas contra este fenmeno parecen deteriorarse pues las tasas de deteccin cayeron 11 por ciento en 2020 y las condenas 27 por ciento, lo que ilustra una ralentizacin global de la respuesta de la justicia penal.

Adems, con la pandemia por la COVID-19 tambin se ha vuelto an ms clandestino, aumentando potencialmente los riesgos para las vctimas, lo que hace menos probable que las autoridades conozcan de estos casos graves de violaciones a las garantas fundamentales.

No hay estadstica porque se carece de denuncias y tampoco hay identificacin de vctimas. Los datos que tenemos de personas sentenciadas por trata son menores, porque el sistema judicial castiga por el delito demostrable no el realizado. Hay muchas sentencias que, probablemente, hayan sido trata, pero son por otros delitos, asegura Fuentes Alcal.

La ONU reporta que 41 por ciento de las vctimas que consiguen escapar de esta experiencia acuden a las autoridades por iniciativa propia, otra clara seal de que las medidas de lucha se quedan cortas.

El tambin presidente del Patronato Universitario de la UNAM detalla que al iniciar el siglo XXI surgi con fuerza la conciencia internacional sobre este flagelo, que es una violacin integral a las garantas inalienables y cuyo antecedente sera la esclavitud.

Frente a esta transgresin que impulsa el crimen organizado, aunado al trfico de armas y de drogas, y que es una suma de mltiples violencias, surgi un movimiento mundial para implementar una estrategia global para su combate.

De esta manera se efectu la Convencin de Palermo donde se acord que se requeran acciones globales para enfrentar el enganche de los seres humanos, su traslado, explotacin y sumisin. En ese sentido, los pases establecieron leyes y Mxico no fue la excepcin, gener normas e instituciones para perseguir el ilcito.

Sin embargo, la falta de confianza en el sistema judicial, a las policas y a la autoridad, se ha constituido en uno de los problemas estructurales para hacerle frente. Desconfan de la patrulla, de la autoridad, porque toma mucho tiempo denunciar, porque no pasa nada,...


Election 2024: What a Trump/MAGA Victory Would Do to America "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Last week The New York Times published a partial expos of Donald Trumps plans for his second administration. It involved basically turning America into Russia or Hungary, where the president becomes the singular center of federal power, eclipsing Congress and the courts.

For example, the Times writes:

Mr. Trump intends to bring independent agencies like the Federal Communications Commission, which makes and enforces rules for television and internet companies, and the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces various antitrust and other consumer protection rules against businesses under direct presidential control.

How would this play out? The FCC has power over the internet, as well as all broadcast media in America; its how the Trump administration killed Net Neutrality and gave the giant Internet Service Providers (ISPs) the legal right to track everything you do and say on the web right down to the last keystroke of your posts and your every email.

Thus, President Trump could mandate that any media critical of him including online media like Daily Kos, Raw Story, or Common Dreams must be heavily regulated, just like in Russia and Hungary. And he could do this in the first weeks of his presidency, to tamp down the ability to organize protests around his other fascist policies.

Taking over the FTC would allow him to do all kinds of favors for his CEO and billionaire backers, bringing industry behind his fascism, just as happened in the early years of Nazi Germany.



Eerily perfect 'vortex rings' keep blowing out of Mount Etna, Europe's most active volcano, here's why "IndyWatch Feed World"

Europe's most active volcano, Mount Etna, is blowing scores of ethereal "vortex rings" every day from a single vent located in one of its most active craters. On July 23, Boris Behncke, a volcanologist with Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology who is based in Sicily alongside Mount Etna, wrote on Twitter that the volcano had been "releasing dozens of gas rings" from a single vent in Bocca Nuova crater for around a week and shows no signs of stopping. Vortex rings are made from a mix of smoke, steam and other gases released from volcanic vents at high speeds. They can remain airborne for several minutes before eventually disappearing. Photographer Luca Cosma, who also runs the tour company Etna Hiker, snapped a series of stunning pictures of the vortex rings on July 23 while escorting a group to the Bocca Nuova crater.


Build the Unity of the Youth of the World "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Angela Davis with DDR Minister of Education Margot Honecker and Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, East Berlin, 1973. Credit: ADN-Bildarchiv.

From 28 July to 5 August 1973, eight million people, including 25,600 guests from 140 countries, participated in the 10th World Festival of Youth and Students in East Berlin (German Democratic Republic or DDR). The festival was a key activity organised by the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), formed at the World Youth Conference held in London (United Kingdom) in November 1945. The 1973 festival marked an epochal moment: the Vietnamese appeared to be on the march against US forces while, from Mozambique to Cabo Verde, the peoples of Portugals African colonies were preparing to seize power, and in Chile the Popular Unity government was in a major struggle against copper multinationals and Washington.

As multiple possibilities unfolded, young people felt that they had a genuine future. Many of the festivals participants had been radicalised during the campaign to free communist Black Panther Angela Davis from prison, and then there she was on the stage in East Berlin, standing beside the Soviet cosmonaut and first woman in space Valentina Tereshkova. The young attendees heard music from over 100 groups and soloists from 45 countries, including South Africas Miriam Makeba and Chiles Inti-Illimani, who sang:

We will prevail, we will prevail.
A thousand chains well have to break.
We will prevail, we will prevail,
We know how to overcome misery (or fascism).

Peasants, soldiers, miners,
The women of our country, too,
Students and workers, white-collar and blue,
We will carry out our duty.

We will sow the land with glory.
Socialism will be the future.
All together, we will make...


Security updates for Friday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (kernel and libmail-dkim-perl), Fedora (openssh), and SUSE (kernel).


List of 30 Elites That Support and Promote Worldwide Depopulation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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A natural experiment in policing "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Golden Valley is a wealthy suburb of Minneapolis, 85% white, and mostly liberal. They decided to do something about the racial discrimination thats been making so much news in the Minneapolis region, and made a commitment to diversifying the police force.

The first hire was Officer Alice White, the forces first high-ranking Black woman. The second was Virgil Green, the towns first Black police chief.

When I started, Black folks Id speak to in Minneapolis seemed surprised that Id been hired, Chief Green said when I spoke with him recently. They told me they and most people they knew avoided driving through Golden Valley.

Great! A good start, you might say. Except that one demographic, the police force itself, was not happy.

Members of the overwhelmingly white police force responded to both hires by quitting in droves.

An outside investigation later revealed that some officers had run an opposition campaign against Chief Green. One of those officers recorded herself making a series of racist comments during a call with city officials, then sent the recording to other police officers. She was fired prompting yet another wave of resignations.

Oh. So the problem wasnt the citizens, it was the police force itself!

Those resigning police probably expected the town to learn a hard lesson, about how they need to respect and appreciate the hard working, but rather racist, police officers. Except

The interesting thing is that according to Chief Green, despite the reduction in staff, crime already low has gone down in Golden Valley. The town plans to staff the department back up, just not right away. Ive heard that the police union is cautioning officers from coming to work here, Mr. Harris said. But thats OK. We want to take the time to hire officers who share our vision and are excited to work toward our goals.

Maybe Golden Valley is weird and unique. Or maybe not:

When New Yorks officers engaged in an announced slowdown in policing in late 2014 and early 2015, civilian complaints of major crime in the city dropped. And despite significant staffing shortages at law enforcement agencies around the country, if trends continue, 2023 will have the largest percentage drop in homicides in U.S. history. Its true that such a drop would come after a two-year surge, but the fact that it would also occur after a significant reduction in law enforcement personnel suggests the surge may have been due.....


Systemd 254 released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Systemd 254 has been released. As usual, there is a long list of changes, including a new list-paths command for systemctl, the ability to send POSIX signals to services, a "soft reboot" feature that restarts user space while leaving the kernel in place, improved support for "confidential virtual machines", and a lot more.

The announcement also notes the support for split-/usr systems will be removed in the next release, and support for version-one control groups and for System V service scripts will be deleted in the near future as well.


Running The AMD EPYC 9754 "Bergamo" CPUs With A 320W cTDP To Enhance Power Efficiency "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The new AMD EPYC Bergamo and Genoa-X processors have been very fascinating in the lab from the performance angle and the many different features and knobs provided by these new high-end server processors focused on dense cloud and energy-efficient deployments and HPC/AI, respectively. With Bergamo the flagship AMD EPYC 9754 provides 128 cores with SMT and the Zen 4C cores still boast AVX-512. Another nifty aspect on this high core count CPU catering to cloud service providers is the adjustable TDP from 320 to Watts. Prior Phoronix benchmarks have looked at the default 360 Watt performance and the 400W at the high-end with power determinism mode while today's article is looking at the efficiency gains made possible by pulling back to a 320W cTDP.


Greece shipwreck: Nine Egyptian survivors still in pre-trial detention "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Greece shipwreck: Nine Egyptian survivors still in pre-trial detention

New report suggests real culprits behind deadly Pylos wreck had close ties with Libyas eastern commander, Khalifa Haftar
Katherine Hearst Fri, 07/28/2023 - 15:22
The nine men suspected of trafficking were moved to Nafplion prison to await trial (George Schinas/NurPhoto)

Nine Egyptian men accused of being members of a smuggling network are still being held in Greece in pre-trial detention, in connection with last month's deadly Pylos shipwreck, campaigners say.

On 13 June, a fishing boat carrying approximately 750 people sank off the coast of Greece's Peloponnese peninsula, in one of the deadliest refugee boat wrecks in years. Only 104 people survived, while over 500 are still missing.

The only people arrested were the nine Egyptians, who are still being held in pre-trial detention, on charges including illegal trafficking of foreigners, organised crime and manslaughter by negligence.

With no trial date set, the men could be detained indefinitely. Should they be convicted, they could face life sentences.

However, a recent report has cast doubt on the charges against them: 17 survivor testimonies revealed that the key smugglers behind the wreck had close ties with Libyas eastern military commander,...


Take Action: Stop Cadence Bank From Giving a $20 Million Loan to Cop City! "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Take Action: Stop Cadence Bank From Giving a $20 Million Loan to Cop City!   Rising Tide North America sent out the following appeal on July 28, 2023: By the end of the month, Cadence Bank has to decide on whether or not to issue a $20 million loan for the construction of the murderous []

The post Take Action: Stop Cadence Bank From Giving a $20 Million Loan to Cop City! appeared first on Global Justice Ecology Project.


I saw this coming way off "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

As soon as I saw the sad news story that Tafari Campbell, the personal chef of the Obamas, had drowned last Sunday while swimming near Marthas Vineyard, I knew that conspiracy mongers would seize upon it, since any tragic event connected to the Obamas or Clintons is like catnip to them. And sure enough, they have.

The death of Tafari Campbell, a Barack Obama employee whose body was recovered near the former presidents home on Marthas Vineyard on Monday, has sparked a wave of entirely unverified conspiracy theories online.

A number of prominent right-wing accounts, some with hundreds of events. One described Campbells death on the Massachusetts island as strange and asked what do you think really happened?

Liz Crokin is a Trump supporter and advocate of the QAnon conspiracy theory that says America is secretly being run by a cabal of satanic child molesters. She asked, what did he know? referring to Campbell.

The Carrie loves America Twitter account, which has 102,000 followers and a picture of Trump as its headed image, wrote: Tafari Campbell isnt the only person who has died inexplicably in Obamas orbit.

Did you know that the woman who verified the authenticity of Obamas birth certificate, Loretta Fuddy, was the only person to die in a plane crash in Hawaii in 2013. Everyone else survived, the Carrie loves America account added.

Fuddy was responsible for approving the release of Obamas long-form birth certificate in 2011. In December 2013, the 65-year-old was the only fatality when a light aircraft crashed off the coast of Hawaii, which an investigation attributed to catastrophic engine failure.

The Fuddy story illustrates the weird logic of these people The fact she was the only person who died in the crash is seen as the clue to it being suspicious. Somehow we are asked to think that the people who wanted to kill her and engineered the plane crash were able to arrange it so as to make just one person die. Surely it would have been easier to kill them all or, if they had some scruples about doing that, to just kill her on land in a car accident or something, rather than this far more complicated plan? But it is the convoluted nature of the plans that is appealing to conspiracists. Something that is straightforward is simply no fun for them.


This Month Microsoft Fell Below 1% in Devices (the Company Has Also Just Admitted Its Device Business is Collapsing) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Microsofts hardware business is almost dead; not even XBox will survive (growth gets faked by acquisitions)

Microsoft devices at 0.8%

Windows crisis: Microsoft reports 20% decrease in revenue for Surface and Windows products: Microsoft boosters, not Microsoft critics
As noted the other day

Summary: Microsoft, which falsely claims to be worth US$trillions (but has plenty of debt), can barely sell its devices after US$billions poured down the drain; according to this months data (spreadsheet as OpenDocument Format with graph), devices like Surface dont add up to even 1% and reports suggest Microsofts mass layoffs this year basically spell the end of Surface (this probably means no peripherals or no hardware either, just buzzwords)


Servants of Machu Picchu elite were from diverse backgrounds, new genome study reveals "IndyWatch Feed World"

A genetic analysis suggests that the servants and retainers who lived, worked, and died at Machu Picchu, the renowned 15th century Inca palace in southern Peru, were a diverse community representing many different ethnic groups from across the Inca empire. The genomic data, described in a new study in Science Advances, is the first investigation of the genomic diversity of individuals buried at Machu Picchu and adjacent places around Cusco, the Inca capital. It builds upon previous archeological and bio-archaeological research, including a 2021 Yale-led study which found that Machu Picchu (AD 1420-1530) is older than was previously believed. "The DNA analysis not only confirms the historical accounts that retainers were drawn from many different ethnic groups under Inca control, but it also demonstrates a much greater diversity of origins than had been suspected with individuals being brought from the entire empire," said archaeologist Richard Burger, the Charles J. MacCurdy...


AUDIO: Peace Witness Interview of Mike Smith, Former General Secretary of Labour Party, New Zealand "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Peace Witness, July 28, 2023

Liz Remmerswaal interviews Mike Smith, Wellington activist, former General Secretary of the Labour Party under PM Helen Clark, former Catholic priest, community worker, and founder of NZ Fabian Society.

The post AUDIO: Peace Witness Interview of Mike Smith, Former General Secretary of Labour Party, New Zealand appeared first on World BEYOND War.


Teen Wins Scholarship for His Glaucoma-Detection Device "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Teen Wins Scholarship for His Glaucoma-Detection Device:

After one of teenager Rohan Kalia's family members was diagnosed with glaucoma, he began researching an affordable technology that could be used for early detection. Kalia is a sophomore at Wheeler High School in Marietta, Ga. He built a portable, inexpensive device that can accurately diagnose the condition.

Kalia's EyePal was showcased at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) held in May in Dallas.

Eyepal, described as a novel multimodal diagnosis and prevention system to enable accessible and individualized glaucoma detection, won this year's IEEE Presidents' Scholarship of US $10,000. The IEEE Foundation established the award to acknowledge a deserving student whose project demonstrates an understanding of electrical or electronics engineering, computer science, or other IEEE field of interest.

[...] EyePal also came in third place in the ISEF's systems software category, earning Kalia a $1,000 award.

[...] The EyePal uses a quality camera, a Raspberry Pi minicomputer, machine-learning technology, and a mobile app. The camera takes photos of the fundus and sends them to a mobile device that can be examined by a specialist. EyePal showed a 95 percent accuracy when tested on sets of fundus images, Kalia says.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Conquering Anxiety Naturally: Top 7 Strategies to Alleviate Stress "IndyWatch Feed World"

July 29th, 2023 By Ty and Charlene Bollinger Guest Writers for Wake Up World In the fast-paced, interconnected world we live in today, stress and anxiety are becoming increasingly common. According to the World Health Organization, global rates of anxiety disorders have been steadily climbing, affecting millions of people around the world. These conditions can []

The post Conquering Anxiety Naturally: Top 7 Strategies to Alleviate Stress first appeared on Wake Up World.


This Week in Security: Zenbleed, Web Integrity, and More! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Up first is Zenbleed, a particularly worrying speculative execution bug, that unfortunately happens to be really simple to exploit. It leaks data from function like strlen, memcpy, and strcmp. Its vulnerable from within virtual machines, and potentially from within the browser. The scope is fairly limited, though, as Zenbleed only affects Zen 2 CPUs: thats the AMD Epyc 7002 series, the Ryzen 3000 series, and some of the Ryzen 4000, 5000, and 7020 series of CPUs, specifically those with the built-in Radeon graphics.

And at the heart of problem is a pointer use-after-free that happens inside the CPU itself. We normally think of CPU registers as fixed locations on the silicon. But in the case of XMM and YMM registers, theres actually a shared store of register space, and the individual registers are mapped into that space using a method very reminiscent of pointers.

XMM registers are 128 bits long, and YMM registers are 256 bits long. As a performance optimization, compilers often use the vzeroupper instruction to set the upper half of a YMM register to 0, letting the CPU run the rest of the instructions using 128-bit calculations. The important thing to understand is that the underlying memory isnt set to zero, but the pseudo-pointer is just flagged as equaling zero.



Friday, 28 July


U.S. Activists to Join Protests Against U.S. Nuclear Weapons Deployed in The Netherlands and Germany "IndyWatch Feed War"

nuclear weapons

By NukeWatch, July 28, 2023

LUCK, Wisconsin A delegation of U.S. peace activists will travel to The Netherlands and Germany this August to join international nuclear weapons protests focused on removing the U.S. nuclear weapons still stationed at the Netherlands Volkel Air Base, 85 miles south of Amsterdam, and at Germanys Bchel Air Force Base, southeast of Cologne. The group of 11 anti-nuclear activists hail from Arizona, California, Connecticut, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, and New York.

Both the Volkel and Bchel Air Bases each maintainapproximately 15-to-20 U.S. hydrogen bombs known as B61s* as part of NATOs so-called nuclear sharing program in which foreign fighter jets and their pilots routinely rehearse attacks on Russia using the U.S. H-bombs. Alarmingly, in the midst of the ongoing war in Ukraine, operation Air Defender 2023, NATOslargest-ever nuclear attack exercise, ran from June 14 to 23 in the skies over Germany. War planes involved in the practice included U.S. F-35s, F-15s and F-16s from the U.S., Turkey and Greece; Eurofighters from Spain and the U.K.; German Tornadoes; U.S.and Finnish F/A-18s; Hungarian Gripens; and U.S. A-10 ground-attack jets, according to CNN. The A-10 jets fire the controversially toxic and radioactive shells known as depleted uranium munitions.

Coordinated by the Amsterdam Catholic Worker community, Peace Camp Volkel runs from August 4 to 10 and is focused on climate and a future without nuclear weapons. Participants from around Europe and the United States will conduct nonviolence trainings, and blockades, go-in actions, and other protests. On 10 August, the U.S. activists will travel from Volkel to Kail, Germany for four days of protest actions directed at the Bchel Air Force Base, which like Volkel is now undergoing major construction in preparation for the delivery of replacement weapons, the new B61-12 gravity bomb, now in production in the United States.

Most of the U.S. delegates to the two peace camps have worked for years in anti-war and disarmament campaigns, and several have been imprisoned in the United States for nonviolent actions taken against the war system. Ellen Grady, from Ithaca, New York and a member of the delegation said, We have to take some responsibility for these U.S. nuclear weapons stationed in Europe, because they threaten genocidal violence and they destabilize the reckless and expanding war in Ukraine.

The eleven U.S. participants are: JACKIE ALLEN, of Hartford, Con...


Nicaragua Celebrates its Revolution While the US Plans New Sanctions Against It "IndyWatch Feed War"

We are fighting against the Yankee enemy of humanity, explained Nicaraguan Vice President Rosario Murillo, setting the tone of the 44th anniversary celebration of their revolution.

Later, her husband Daniel Ortega, the countrys president, elaborated in his hour and a half address: When we use the term Yankee we mean those who have a racist, imperialist attitude, which is not the case with the US peopleIndisputably, given the weight of the capitalist system, the weight of the military-industrial complex will bend any president, who despite many promises he makes then comes to occupy the presidency of the US.

Demonstration of the trust of the president with the people

I was among the few hundred invited internationals along with thousands of Nicaraguans, including a large and spirited youth contingent, who had boarded buses to the Roberto Clemente baseball stadium for the anniversary celebration on July 19.

Security was less than at your average convenience store in the States. There were no metal detectors, no checking of IDs, or even searches of backpacks when we arrived. We were seated literally within a stones throw of where the political leadership of Nicaragua would sit when they arrived an hour later.

In a demonstration of the trust of the president with the people, at the end of the ceremonies Ortega simply waded out into what amounted to a mosh pit of well-wishers to press the flesh and take selfies (see here at 4:25:59ff).

Then Daniel, as he is affectionately called, left the way he had come, driving his own car. The rest of the people lingered to socialize and celebrate as they had in the days immediately leading to the anniversary. If Nicaragua is a police state, as reported in the US corporate press, it was hardly apparent at this important national event.

Biden visits my neighborhood

In contrast to the popular celebration in Nicaragua, the president of my own country stealthily slipped in and out of my sleepy bedroom community north of San Francisco just a month before. In the days immediately before his visitation, low-flying NORAD fighter jets loudly asserted full spectrum dominance over the hot tubs and manicured lawns of Marin County. Shielded from the public, my president came and went in a massive Osprey military helicopter.

In a quintessentially US-style exercise of democracy, colloquially known as a fund-raiser not to be confused with the crude corruption of so-called banana republics Joe Biden privately met with a select short list of obscenely wealthy people at an undisclosed location. There they had the opportunity to directly buy influence with th...


Video: Women and Children First! Baby Gap and Young Peoples Excess Mortality in Switzerland "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Western officials rush to Indo-Pacific in desperate diplomatic bid to counter China's influence "IndyWatch Feed World"

A major diplomatic counteroffensive against Beijing's influence in the Indo-Pacific is fully under way, and there's no better sign than Western leaders visiting the region's once-neglected islands - all at once. The most prominent figures island-hopping this week include French President Emmanuel Macron and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. And US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin also travelled to Papua New Guinea, while Britain's Armed Forces Minister James Heappey stopped in Fiji. Creating the most buzz among the Western guests is Macron, who during a visit to the nickel-rich French overseas territory of New Caledonia warned of "Chinese naval bases tomorrow" if the strategically located archipelago gained independence.


US-NATOs War on Yugoslavia: The Criminal Nature of The Hague ICTY Tribunal "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Techno-Hell: Pfizer mRNA Flu Shots Soon to Hit Pharmacies Worldwide "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Rare Kelvin-Helmholtz wave clouds spotted off UK's Norfolk coast "IndyWatch Feed World"

A "rare" cloud formation resembling waves in the sky has been described as "some of the best I've seen in the UK" by a weather expert. A photo of the Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds was captured by Joy Patrick looking out to the sea at Trimingham in Norfolk. She spotted them from her bedroom window on Sunday evening as the Eastern Daily Press first reported. Chris Bell, a meteorologist from WeatherQuest, said the cloud photo was an "especially good, large example".


Re: StackRot (CVE-2023-3269): Linux kernel privilege escalation vulnerability "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Ruihan Li on Jul 28

Hi all,

The PoC code and exploit write-up of the StackRot vulnerability has been
published to [GitHub][gh]. I'm going to copy the write-up here, but I


Besides, the exploit is verified by the GitHub CI. Therefore, the most
straightforward way to understand how this exploit operates without
having to set up a local environment is...


Towards a New Peace and Multipolar Security Thinking for A Cooperative and Peaceful World "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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Gemini Links 28/07/2023: Old Computers and Side Projects of Skyjake "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal/Opinions

    • Technology and Free Software

      • Turning a 15 years old laptop into a children proof retrogaming

        This article explains a setup I made for our family vacation place, I wanted to turn an old laptop (a Dell Vostro 1500 from 2008) into a retrogaming station. Thats actually easy to do, but I wanted to make it childproof so it will always work even if we let children alone with the laptop for a moment, that part was way harder.

        This is not a tutorial explaining everything from A to Z, but mostly what worked / didnt work from my experimentation.

      • Programming

        • Side Projects and Distractions

          What this also means that my programming endeavors have largely been short, distracted affairs or late-night sessions when Ive managed to muster the strength somehow, or have imbibed unusual amounts of coffee.

          I have a tendency to focus deeply on one project at a time, be it programming, music, or some other kind of art. This is probably not uncommon, since it takes a while to get into the Flow to construct and maintain the relevant mental models and warm up the muscle memory and switching to another project comes at a fairly large cost. It literally feels uncomfortable to switch focus. Similarly, after a longer break when Ive purged all mental constructs, the comfortable thing is to just continue relaxing.

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. Its like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.


Are News Media and Academia Feeding Us a Pseudo-Reality While Ignoring Big Systemic Questions? "IndyWatch Feed War"

The newsreel is rolling, words are at an all-time cheap. The more they are talking, the less it means to me.

Brand New Kind of Blue Gold Motel

Culture is a plot to hide this fact from youthat there are doorways out of ordinary reality into worlds impossible to describe and too strange to suppose.

 Terence McKenna

Commonplace dialog in politics, academia, and news-media feels like its missing something; leaving out rudimentary areas of investigation that have become taboo for polite society to question. Those aforementioned groups occasionally cite problems as systemic, but when it comes to defining what that means exactly or asking what alternatives there might be to the present system there is a collective hush that speaks loudly to tacit boundaries in place.

Instead the solution-set primarily discussed is limited to what amounts to band-aids for gaping wounds, or symptomatic responses that serve primarily to pander to a particular issue or crowd that often are a bridge too far themselves for the powers that be. The so called pundits of all flavors tend to stay in the safe intellectual territory usually defined by those who use leverage to become an authority; e.g., nation states, corporations and such. The authority will define what is in the acceptable limits of conversation while typically journalists and academics reactively talk along predefined lines.

Like take, for instance, Bidens attempt at student debt relief. There was no participative democratic inquiry as to what to do about the ungodly sums of student loan debt accrued. Rather power offered what amounts to a conciliatory gesture to address the issue mostly all by itself. The proposed band-aid only applies to some, and it only removes a portion of the debt, and ends up being even less comprehensive than initially proposed.

The plan also entirely ignored larger issues that no one with a significant voice in the public sphere brings up. Like, why is academia allowed to price gouge people for rather flimsy educations in the first place?  Especially when many large universities are extraordinarily wealthy having multiple streams of income and receive large donations along with federal and state funding? Or why arent corporations footing the bill for training people, which they once commonly did, but as it is, universities are effectively charging the masses an eye watering premium to be bette...


Elisabeth Roider, Chief Medical Officer at Maximon, joins our Biotech/Medical Board. "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Elisabeth Roider, Chief Medical Officer at Maximon, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.


Decoupling: Washingtons Plan to Kneecap Chinas Economy "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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IcedID Malware Adapts and Expands Threat with Updated BackConnect Module "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The threat actors linked to the malware loader known as IcedID have made updates to the BackConnect (BC) module that's used for post-compromise activity on hacked systems, new findings from Team Cymru reveal. IcedID, also called BokBot, is a strain of malware similar to Emotet and QakBot that started off as a banking trojan in 2017, before switching to the role of an initial access facilitator


The Facebook Files Show Brazen and Aggressive Censorship "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Justin Hart Representative Jim Jordan came out with a series of released and unredacted emails provided to a congressional committee from Facebook, showing the...

The Facebook Files Show Brazen and Aggressive Censorship


The CBDCs Are Coming, And The Elite Plan To Use These Digital Currencies To Enslave Humanity "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Michael Snyder Central bank digital currencies are feverishly being developed all over the globe, and this is something that should deeply alarm all of...

The CBDCs Are Coming, And The Elite Plan To Use These Digital Currencies To Enslave Humanity


Who Really Blew Up Nord Stream II, with Bryce Greene "IndyWatch Feed World"

Somebody blew up the Nord Stream II pipeline that much is certain. Yet, since September last year, when the incident occurred, no one has come forward to take responsibility, and the attack has become the subject of intense international debate.

On the one hand, the United States and its allies have maintained that it was likely a stunt by Russian President Vladimir Putin to intimidate the world, while others, including Russia, have pointed their fingers at Washington.

Our guest on MintCast is Bryce Greene, a writer, journalist, activist and media critic who has covered the issue extensively in outlets such as Fairness And Accuracy in Reporting. Earlier this month, Bryce was invited to speak at the United Nations Security Council to shed light on who is likeliest to have been behind the attack. His full remarks can be read and seen here.

Greene was highly critical of the press coverage of the event, telling MintCast host Alan MacLeod that the media seem almost completely incapable of examining the facts in an objective and dispassionate manner. While the press is happy to denounce Russia for the attack, despite the lack of concrete evidence, Greene said they have, in effect, enforced an intellectual no-fly zone around entertaining the other obvious suspects i.e., the United States.

Certainly, the U.S. had a lot to gain from ending Nord Stream. The attack has pushed Europe into the arms of the United States, forcing them to buy expensive American liquified natural gas rather than cheap Russian energy. Before the attack, Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland told the press: If Russia invades, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 Will. Not. Move. Forward. President Biden made similar remarks. And after the incident, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken seemed delighted, calling it a tremendous opportunity for the U.S.

Therefore, it came as little surprise to many when legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh released an article claiming that U.S. Navy divers were behind the attack and that President Biden himself had ordered the pipeline be destroyed. Hershs claims have largely been ignored in the mainstream press, however. A MintPress study of the 20 largest and most influential U.S. new...


PRIVATE BLOG Bank of Japan Showing Cracks "IndyWatch Feed World"

PRIVATE BLOG Bank of Japan Showing Cracks

Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit


The Controversial US-Saudi-Israel Alliance: Friedmans Folly and Netanyahus Dilemma "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Israeli press is abuzz following a New York Times piece by Thomas Friedman in which he discusses U.S. President Joe Bidens attempt at forging a strategic U.S.-Saudi alliance, including a crucial normalization clause with Israel.

Recently, President Biden granted an interview to Friedman, during which this strategic alliance was a topic of discussion. As per Friedman, a delegation led by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is currently in Riyadh, engaged in efforts to establish this alliance.

Biden has given the go-ahead for his team to explore the possibilities with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, seeking to determine the feasibility and terms of such a deal. As Friedman puts it, Biden gave a green light for his team to probe with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia to see if some kind of deal is possible and at what price.



The Issue(s) with Thomas Friedman

The issue with Thomas Friedman extends beyond his patronizing tone towards anyone other than Israelis and Americans; it lies in his depiction of a world that seemingly exists solely within the confines of Washington, DC.

In his piece, Friedman writes:

A U.S.-Saudi security pact that produces normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and the Jewish state while curtailing Saudi-China relations would be a game changer for the Middle East, bigger than the Camp David peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.

What Friedman overlooks is that the absence of peace and stability in the Middle East is not an enigma; it is a consequence of Israels apartheid policies. Moreover, the so-called peace between Israel and Egypt is widely regarded as a compromised pact between a traitorous Egyptian President, Anwar Sadat who paid with his life for this agreement and the occupying forces of Palestine, commonly known as Israel.

However, Friedman thinks this strategic alliance which would provide more weapons and nuclear energy to a dictatorship that chops up dissenters would be an achievement. It means throwing the Palestinians under the bus for good, and, to Friedman, this is good because peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia, the custodian of Islams two holiest cities, Mecca and Medina, would open the way for peace between Israel and the whole Muslim world, including giant countries like Indonesia and maybe even Pakistan. It would be a significant Biden foreign policy legacy.



New MKULTRA Files Reveal Terrifying Experiments On Black Americans "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Kit Klarenberg In a groundbreaking investigation, renowned anthropologist Orisanmi Burton has blown the lid off a dark chapter in CIA history. Classified Agency files,...

New MKULTRA Files Reveal Terrifying Experiments On Black Americans


Deja Vu: The FBI Proves Again it Cant be Trusted with Section 702 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Matthew Guariglia We all deserve privacy in our communications, and part of that is trusting that the government will only access them within the...

Deja Vu: The FBI Proves Again it Cant be Trusted with Section 702


Baffle Advanced Encryption analyzes regulated data while meeting all compliance standards "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Baffle unveiled Baffle Data Protection Services with Advanced Encryption, a privacy-enhanced technology solution that enables analytical and operational computations on protected, regulated data. Baffles no code, data-centric software protects data in a performant manner without specialized hardware, giving companies control over their data, making it the most practical approach to confidential computing. Companies gain significant business value from the data theyve collected, but as the number of data pipelines and applications increase, they need to More

The post Baffle Advanced Encryption analyzes regulated data while meeting all compliance standards appeared first on Help Net Security.


Global Boiling Has Arrived! "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

It is little wonder only a few people believe in this scam any longer, when the UN chief has to resort to moronic talk of global boiling to get his agenda across:

The post Global Boiling Has Arrived! first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


STARK#MULE Targets Koreans with U.S. Military-themed Document Lures "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An ongoing cyber attack campaign has set its sights on Korean-speaking individuals by employing U.S. Military-themed document lures to trick them into running malware on compromised systems. Cybersecurity firm Securonix is tracking the activity under the name STARK#MULE. "Based on the source and likely targets, these types of attacks are on par with past attacks stemming from typical North


New thrust in Ukrainian counteroffensive not enough to reverse military scenario "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Lucas Leiroz | July 28, 2023

Western media are trying to improve Kievs image and create new expectations around the so-called counteroffensive. In an article published by the New York Times on July 26, authors stated that Ukraine has launched the main thrust of its counteroffensive. It was reported that the Ukrainian authorities had authorized a new war effort, giving an important boost to the operation. At this phase, it is said that a large number of NATO-trained troops are being moved to the front lines. The objective is to gain territory in the regions liberated by the Russians, mainly in the south of the country.

The United States and other Western allies have trained about 63,000 Ukrainian troops, according to the Pentagon, and have supplied more than 150 modern battle tanks, a much larger number of older tanks, hundreds of infantry fighting vehicles and thousands of other armored vehicles () In villages all along the southern front line on Wednesday, unusually heavy artillery fire could be heard as Ukrainian guns thundered from hidden positions and Russian artillery and mortars targeted former Russian positions and villages now occupied by Ukrainian soldiers. Ukrainian troops deployed along that part of the front say they are steadily pushing the Russian troops back in what they describe as step by step, rather than breakthrough, movements, the article reads.

In fact, the NYT report is in line with what some other outlets have been saying on the topic recently. For example, CNN published an article on the same day, Ukraines counteroffensive is ramping up after months of slow progress, in which it is also said that Kiev is deploying well-trained and equipped troops to regain positions currently under control of the Russian armed forces.

The Ukrainian military had been holding large numbers of trained troops, some equipped with more powerful Western weapons, back since the operation started in early June. While it still maintains some combat power in reserve, it has now deployed the main bulk of the forces committed to the counteroffensive forces, CNNs text reads.

This information is not entirely false. There is some veracity in the data, as Kiev has indeed recently launched a second phase of its counteroffensive against Russian forces. After the absolute military failure in Donbass, the Ukrainian focus has been on trying to recover some ground in the south, mainly in Zaporozhye. To achieve these strategic objectives, indeed, many NATO-trained troops that until now had been kept in the rear are finally being sent to the frontli...


Moving to the 1000 piece puzzle: making sense of UFOs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

we have the theoretical know-how to create UFOs / UAPs but we have a ways to go. (Huh?) . . . The devil is in the details.


The struggle has come to land "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Two miles from the White House, 'Black Land News' forwarded a bold vision of political, economic, and cultural autonomy inspired by African decolonization struggles.

Masthead and headline of Black Land News.

This post is part of the Revolutionary Papers series.

On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was struck down by an assassins bullet while standing on the balcony of a Memphis motel. Within hours riots broke out in more than one hundred US cities; by midnight the streets of Washington, DC were in flames. The four-day uprising that followed was finally quelled by sweeping arrests and the deployment of 13,000 federal troopsthe largest military occupation of an American city since the Civil War. In the end, 13 people lay dead and more than 1,800 buildings were destroyed, putting to rest any claims that the Black-led rebellions which had engulfed the nations cities over the previous four years, would not reach the capital.

For a number of United Planning Organization (UPO) organizers in Washingtonpaid to support citizen participation in the Johnson administrations War on Poverty initiativesthe message behind the uprising was clear. From now on, Black communities would make their own decisions about what was best for their neighborhoods, rather than white administrators, merchants, and real estate agents. Self-initiating urban renewal on a crash scale with bricks and Molotov cocktails, as these dissenting staffers put it in their short-lived newsletter Shaws Last Stand, DCs ghettoes would no longer serve as internal colonies that furnished profits for the suburbs. Nor would they supplicate outside forces, appealing to the power structure for scraps. Relaying this message by leading a four-hour occupation of UPOs executive offices, 10 organizers were summarily fired.

Coming together with a small cadre, a handful of these former anti-poverty workers went on to form the Black Land Movement (BLM) later that year. In so doing, they drew inspiration from not only the broader Black Power upsurge taking place domestically but also the longer history of decolonization struggles on the African continent. This inheritance was particularly reflected in the name of their youth arm, The Young Pioneers of New Africa (YPNA) a nod t...


Who needs an education when youve got a blue check mark? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

When blue check marks and white nationalists collide with reality, ignorance wins.

OK, what American here has never heard of Emmett Till? In the circles I travel in, everyone knows who he was. If you dont, get thee to wikipedia, pronto.


OpenZFS 2.2-rc3 Released With Linux 6.4 Support "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It appears the OpenZFS 2.2 file-system driver for Linux and FreeBSD systems will see its release very soon while out today is the third release candidate...


Citrix expands cloud and on-premises capabilities to support the needs of hybrid customers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Citrix announced expanded capabilities for its cloud and on-premises solutions for the hybrid world. As part of this expansion, Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) and virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) offerings are now combined in a Citrix Universal subscription. These offerings include a recent Citrix release Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 2305 which comes on the heels of new features the organization made available this year. This flexibility is designed to meet customers where they are, More

The post Citrix expands cloud and on-premises capabilities to support the needs of hybrid customers appeared first on Help Net Security.


Alert! New Redesigned GMOs Being Forced on Farmers and Consumers "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Julian Rose

21st Century Wire

Within the fortified corridors of politico-industrial power in Washington and in the hallowed bastion of the European Commission in Brussels, the same dark plans are being pushed forward: to alter the genetic code of life so as to make both man and nature patentable, controllable and servile to the cause of the techno-industrial god of insentient progress.

The latest manifestation of this process has now emerged within the food and farming sector and strongly threatens the future of all GMO Free produce and terrains. It goes under the deliberately innocuous heading New Genomic Techniques (NGT).

The US agribusiness industry set the agricultural genetic engineering agenda more than two decades ago, when a judge in a New York court room pronounced GMO and conventionally grown food indistinguishable. A judgement that went against the essential scientific evidence and played into the gleeful hands of the biotech industry. The precise term used was substantial equivalence.

This allowed the marketing of US GMO foods to go ahead with no labelling to warn consumers of its composition or provenance, thus denying them the right to choose.

US farmers have been likewise left to fight for the right to sell their seeds and grains as GMO Free, as the Monsanto corporation gave itself the authority to fine any farmer suffering the misfortune of having their crop contaminated by rogue GM varieties whose pollen was carried by wind or insects onto their farmland. Yes, prosecuted for being found to have a Monsanto patented GM plant growing on their field!

From the outset, European farmers and consumers strongly resisted attempts to get GMOs into the food chain and onto the fields. Battles to uphold the sovereignty of real foods and the right for organic and traditional produce to be legally protected against GM cross contamination, raged throughout the 1990s and beyond right the way up to the present day*.

Consequently, in spite of intense GM industry lobbying of the EU Commission in Brussels, less than 2% of European farmland grows GM crops.

Stung by their failure to make progress and the subsequent collapse of the Monsanto corporation the wounded GM battleship came up w...


Special Counsel Who Ignored Biden Bribery Slaps Trump And His Maintenance Guy With More Charges "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Special Counsel Charges Trump'This is nothing more than a continued desperate and flailing attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their Department of Justice to harass President Trump and those around him,' the Trump campaign said.


Non-human biologicsOK, show me "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Our congress is currently wasting time on hearings about UFOs, or UAPs as theyre calling them now. It mystifies me how anyone can believe the crap the UFO weirdos spew.

One of the witnesses is a guy named David Grusch, who sits there making amazing claims that he cant back up.

David Grusch, who served for 14 years as an intelligence officer in the Air Force and National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, appeared before the House Oversight Committees national security subcommittee alongside two former fighter pilots who had firsthand experience with UAPs.

Grusch served as a representative on two Pentagon task forces investigating UAPs until earlier this year. He told lawmakers that he was informed of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program during the course of his work examining classified programs. He said he was denied access to those programs when he requested it, and accused the military of misappropriating funds to shield these operations from congressional oversight. He later said he had interviewed officials who had direct knowledge of aircraft with nonhuman origins, and that so-called biologics were recovered from some craft.

Note: he has not seen any non-human biologics, he has heard second hand from unnamed officials that they had seen them.

Grusch said he hasnt personally seen any alien vehicles or alien bodies, and that his opinions are based on the accounts of over 40 witnesses he interviewed over four years in his role with the UAP task force.

My testimony is based on information I have been given by individuals with a longstanding track record of legitimacy and service to this country many of whom also shared compelling evidence in the form of photography, official documentation, and classified oral testimony, Grusch said, adding that the trove of evidence has been intentionally kept secret from Congress.

Its a secret, he claims. He constantly deflects when pressed by saying that he can only talk about this extremely confidential information in a SCIF, or sensitive compartmented information facility. Right. Why is he there if he has only hearsay to report, and cant give any details?

The fact is that when we do get details, theyre typically evidence of noisy technology, or reflections. When pilots report that non-aerodynamic objects are flitting at thousands of miles an hour at low altitude, while completely silent, that then abruptly disappear, I think its safe to say theyre not chasing physical objects they are seeing optical artifacts, or technical glitches in their electronics. I dont find these recordings at all convincing evidence of any...


A Data Exfiltration Attack Scenario: The Porsche Experience "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As part of Checkmarx's mission to help organizations develop and deploy secure software, the Security Research team started looking at the security posture of major car manufacturers. Porsche has a well-established Vulnerability Reporting Policy (Disclosure Policy)[1], it was considered in scope for our research, so we decided to start there, and see what we could find. What we found is an


Data Leak Exposes 572 GB of Student, Faculty Info from Accreditation Org "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Habiba Rashid

The data leak originated from a database owned by the Southern Association of Independent Schools, Inc. (SAIS).

This is a post from Read the original post: Data Leak Exposes 572 GB of Student, Faculty Info from Accreditation Org


Hackers Abusing Windows Search Feature to Install Remote Access Trojans "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A legitimate Windows search feature is being exploited by malicious actors to download arbitrary payloads from remote servers and compromise targeted systems with remote access trojans such as AsyncRAT and Remcos RAT. The novel attack technique, per Trellix, takes advantage of the "search-ms:" URI protocol handler, which offers the ability for applications and HTML links to launch custom local


Why is Rokus stock soaring? Take a look at Roku City "IndyWatch Feed World"

While other streamers are cutting costs and trying to minimize subscriber churn, Roku is finding adventurous ways to grow ad revenue.

Branded is a weekly column devoted to the intersection of marketing, business, design, and culture.

Read Full Story


Yes, We Do Need Songs Like Jason Aldeans "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Jason Aldean vs. National ReviewWhile I have nothing but respect for Lopez as a person, her analysis fundamentally fails to grasp the immediate, tangible threat the left poses to every American.


Flaw in Ninja Forms WordPress plugin allows hackers to steal submitted data "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Critical security vulnerabilities in a WordPress plugin used on around 900,000 websites, allow malicious hackers to steal sensitive information entered on forms. Read more in my article on the Hot for Security blog.


eluani rukavac je operacija pri kojoj se uklanja vei dio eluca "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

eluani rukavac je operacija pri kojoj se uklanja vei dio eluca

Ovaj soj viestruke gonoreje otporne na lijekove prethodno je otkriven u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu i zemljama Azije i Pacifika.

Genetski marker zajedniki ovoj dvojici stanovnika Massachusettsa takoer je ranije vien u sluaju u Nevadi, koji je reagirao na barem jednu klasu antibiotika.

Apeliramo na sve spolno aktivne osobe da se redovito testiraju na spolno prenosive infekcije te da razmisle o smanjenju broja svojih seksualnih partnera i poveanju koritenja kondoma prilikom spolnih odnosa. Kliniarima se savjetuje da pregledaju kliniko upozorenje i pomognu u naim naporima proirenog nadzora, rekla je povjerenica za javno zdravstvo Margret Cooke.

Prema najnovijem izvjeu Nacionalnog centra za zdravstvenu statistiku, stope spolno prenosivih bolesti u SAD-u dosegle su rekordnu razinu. Novi sluajevi gonoreje porasli su za 53% od 2015. do 2019., a novi sluajevi sifilisa porasli su za 71%

Antimikrobna otpornost gonoreje u porastu je diljem svijeta, kae Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (WHO). Otpornost je uzrokovana neogranienim pristupom antimikrobnim lijekovima, neprikladnim odabirom i prekomjernom uporabom antibiotika, loom kvalitetom antibiotika i genetskim mutacijama unutar bakterije.

Gonoreja je esto asimptomatska ili uzrokuje samo blage simptome, koji se mogu zamijeniti s drugim stanjima, poput infekcije mjehura ili vagine.

Simptomi kod ena mogu ukljuivati bol ili osjeaj peckanja prilikom mokrenja, pojaan vaginalni iscjedak i vaginalno krvarenje izmeu mjesenica.

Mukarci s gonorejom mogu imati:

  • Osjeaj peckanja prilikom mokrenja
  • Bijeli, uti ili zeleni iscjedak iz penisa
  • Bolni ili nateeni testisi

Ako se ne lijei, gonoreja moe dovesti do tekih posljedica, poput neplodnosti ili izvanmaternine trudnoe.

Istraivai s Kings Collegea u Londonu razvili su test temeljen na krvi koji je mogao predvidjeti Alzheimerovu bolest do 3,5 godine prije klinike dijagnoze.

Studija je ukljuila 56 osoba s blagim kognitivnim oteenjem (MCI), padom pamenja ili kognitivnih sposobnosti. Stanje pogaa izmeu 5% i 20% ljudi starijih od 65 godina i nije dovoljno ozbiljno da ometa svakodnevni ivot. Osoba koja ima MCI obino je toga svjesna.

Iako MCI ne mora nuno dovesti do Alzheimerove bolesti, procjenjuje se da 10% do 15% ljudi koji ive s tim stanjem svake godine razviju demenciju. Od 56 sudionika studije, iji su nalazi objavljeni u asopisu Brain , njih 36 na kraju je dobilo dijagnozu Alzheimerove bolesti.

Promjene se javljaju godinama prije dijagnoze

Istraivai su modelirali proces neurogeneze proizvodnju neurona u posud...


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

I am joined on the podcast today 28/07/23 by author and researcher, Jeanice Barcelo to...


Mercury pollution is worsening a mental health crisis in this Indigenous community "IndyWatch Feed World"

Mercury poisoning among members of the Grassy Narrows First Nation in Ontario, Canada, is contributing to high rates of attempted suicide among Indigenous youth. That's according to a new study out of the University of Quebec in Montreal published this month in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. The study analyzed data from 162 children and 80 mothers, parsing data on mercury levels in umbilical cords and hair, as well as from surveys on fish consumption and mental health. Researchers concluded that three generations of mercury exposure are linked to today's youth attempted suicide rates. Donna Mergler, professor emerita at the University of Quebec in Montreal and lead author of the study, said she and her co-authors found that women from Grassy Narrows who ate a lot of fish during pregnancy were more likely to have children with both emotional and behavioral problems.


Hawaii Community College admits paying ransom to extortionists "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

After a ransomware attack which saw the personal information of 28,000 individuals stolen by hackers, Hawaii Community College has confirmed that it has paid a ransom.


North Africa a 'testing ground' for EU surveillance technology "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

North Africa a 'testing ground' for EU surveillance technology

The EU is outsourcing controversial surveillance technologies to countries in North Africa and the Sahel region with no human rights impact assessments, reports say
Katherine Hearst Fri, 07/28/2023 - 12:01
A child is seen at the new temporary camp for migrants and refugees on the Greek island Lesbos, 23 September 2020 (Reuters/Yara Nardi)
A child is seen at the new temporary camp for migrants and refugees on the Greek island Lesbos, 23 September 2020 (Reuters/Yara Nardi)

Controversial surveillance technologies are being outsourced by the European Union to countries in North Africa and the Sahel region with no transparency or regulation, according to two new reports.

Funding, equipment and training is funnelled to third countries via aid packages, where autocratic governments use the equipment and techniques to surveil the local population.

Beyond the borders of Europe, the movements of asylum seekers are being policed and eventually used to assess their asylum applications.

Antonella Napolitano, author of a report for human rights group EuroMed Rights, told Middle East Eye that the implementation of these projects is opaque and lacks proper consideration for the rights of civilians and the protection of their data.

"There aren't enough safeguards in those countries. There aren't data protection laws," Napolitano said. "I think the paradox here is that border externalisation means furthering instability [in these countries]."



A Dogs Technology "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sylvia Shawcross We are human beings. We are brilliant, superior adaptive creatures who have roamed about the planet for a good long time; eating, drinking and evolving to the point where we have become our dogs technology. You knew that, right? Whereas we human beings push buttons to get things done, dogs have evolved exponentially.


Is Israel on the Brink of Civil War? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

On this weeks edition of the WhoWhatWhy podcast, Peter Beinart, journalist and author with long-time expertise in Israeli culture and politics, investigates the countrys prevailing political discord. 


The primary concern revolves around the Netanyahu governments controversial judicial reform bid aimed at curtailing the power of the courts the only bulwark against government authority. 


In a country with a unicameral legislature and no constitution, the courts adjudicate on a range of issuesfrom the legality of legislation and military activities to conscription decisions, and may well determine Netanyahus personal legal fate.


Beinart underscores the reasons behind this move: the rise of ethnonationalism, the expansion of West Bank settlements, and the burgeoning influence of authoritarian politics. These elements have been steadily reshaping Israels political landscape, veering it away from its original vision as a democratic state for all its citizens and towards a form of authoritarianism and apartheid.


Beinart points out why the proposed judicial changes have sparked widespread protests, reflecting years of simmering inter-Jewish discontent and revealing deep-seated flaws in the nations founding principles. Beinart offers a nuanced exploration of these issues, painting a complex picture of a nation at a unique crossroads.


Israel now stands on the precipice of a significant decision: to continue down the path of tribalism, or worse, or to evolve into a state that respects the rights and dignity of all its citizens. 

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Solar Powered Game of Life Follows the Suns Rhythm "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An E-ink display showing Conway's Game of Life, with a solar cell beneath it

Conways Game of Life is a beautiful example of how complex behavior can emerge from a few very simple rules. But while it uses biological terminology such as cells, alive and generation, the basic game is too simplistic to be a model for any real-world biological process. Its easy to add features to make it a bit more life-like, however, as [David Hamp-Gonsalves] has done by giving the Conways creation something of a circadian rhythm.

The basic idea is that the speed at which [David]s Game of Life evolves is governed by the amount of ambient light. The game runs off a solar cell that charges a battery, with the batterys voltage determining how long it takes to advance the game by one generation. The system is therefore highly active in full sunlight, and grinds almost to a complete halt at night.

An ESP32 runs the simulation and outputs the result to a 400 x 300 pixel e-ink display. The display is extremely power-efficient by its very nature; the ESPs main p...


Bipartisan coalition of lawmakers moves to prevent foreigners, corporations from buying US farmland "IndyWatch Feed World"

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have moved to limit who can purchase American farmland, introducing and passing legislation making it difficult, if not impossible, for corporations and foreign nations to do so. Concerns over enemy nations using farmland for nefarious purposes, and billionaires outbidding local farmers to buy up tracts and build monopolies have grown in recent years, prompting the government to take action. As Reuters reports, among those pushing for more stringent regulations on who gets to own farmland in the United States is New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker. On Thursday, he introduced the Farmland for Farmers Act, which seeks to ban nearly all corporations, pension funds, and investment funds from purchasing or leasing agricultural land.


White House press sec says Joe Biden would NOT pardon Hunter Biden "IndyWatch Feed World"

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre answered reporters questions about Hunter Biden on Thursday, after refusing to do so all week. The question was as to whether or not President Joe Biden would pardon his son Hunter. "I know you said not a lot has changed since yesterday and that it's a personal matter," the reporter began, "but from a presidential perspective, is there any possibility that the President would end up pardoning his son?" "No," she said.


Large sinkhole opens up in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania "IndyWatch Feed World"

A large sinkhole has closed a street in West Philadelphia while crews are investigating. The city learned of the cave-in, located near 57th and Media Streets, before 11 a.m. on Wednesday, said Brian Rademaekers, a spokesperson for the Philadelphia Water Department. The residential 1400 block of N. 57th Street is closed while an investigation is ongoing, Rademaekers said. The cause of the cave-in is unknown, Rademaekers said, and no water issues have been reported.


WasteShark "IndyWatch Feed World"

Our thanks to Robert Sullivan for this attention-getting article on a new device:

A Trash-Eating Sea Monster Appears in the Hudson!

A team of scientists and environmentalists tests out the WasteShark, an unmanned watercraft that vacuums up soda cans and potato-chip bags.

WasteShark is not a shark. It is an unmanned watercraft that its creators named for a shark, owing to similarities between how WasteShark collects its prey and the feeding habits of the Rhincodon typus, or whale shark. Cruising slowly, the whale shark takes in water and filters it for plankton and krill; WasteShark, meanwhile, filters urban waters for trash. But, whereas the whale shark can grow to the length of a subway car, WasteShark is only five feet long, three and a half feet wide, and a foot and a half thick. As the bright-orange fibreglass craft floated on the Hudson River recently, off Pier 40collecting trash at or near the surface in its wire-basket-like interiorit looked less like a fish than like something accidentally dropped from a cruise liner. I thought it was someb...


Asian Americans view Asia favorably with the exception of China, says Pew Report "IndyWatch Feed World"

A wide-ranging survey included 7,000 Americans who identified as having Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, or Taiwanese heritage.

Asian Americans are the product of two different worlds: mainstream American society and their ancestral country. To understand their views on both of these worlds, Pew Research Center recently conducted a study of 7,000 Asian Americans who identified as having Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, or Taiwanese heritage.

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Mystery deepens: Police call log for Tafari Campbell's drowning at Obama estate left BLANK, cops refuse to say who second paddleboarder was "IndyWatch Feed World"

Martha's Vineyard was rocked by the death of Tafari Campbell, the private chef of former President Barack Obama, earlier this week. Campbell reportedly drowned while paddleboarding on Great Edgartown Pond. Details surrounding the distress call to 911 have emerged, but puzzlingly, the reason for the call remains conspicuously absent from the official logs, as reported first by


systemd 254 With New Soft Reboots Feature, systemd-battery-check "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Systemd 254 is out today in time for appearing in the late-2023 Linux distribution releases...


Large sinkhole appears on expressway in Malaysia "IndyWatch Feed World"

A sinkhole has appeared on the East Coast Expressway (LPT) section leading to Karak, prompting road closure. Bentong MP Young Syefura Othman shared this latest development on her Facebook account, alerting those who are travelling between Kuala Lumpur and Karak. "I've received information on the sinkhole ... the road has been closed off (for both directions). "For those planning to travel to Kuala Lumpur or to Karak, they have to go through Bentong," she said in her Facebook post, reminding everyone to be safe on the road and follow LPT management's directives.


Intel's oneAPI Construction Kit 3.0 Released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Announced in early June by Intel-owned Codeplay Software was the oneAPI Construction Kit for helping to bring SYCL codebases to new processor/accelerator architectures with an emphasis on AI and HPC. Today marks the release already of the oneAPI Construction Kit 3.0...


Mitt Romney argues that it shouldn't be illegal for government to use big tech for censorship "IndyWatch Feed World"

Rand Paul disagrees; "I think the government should be absolutely prohibited without question." During a Senate hearing Wednesday, Mitt Romney argued against an amendment proposed by Rand Paul to make it illegal for government to use social media and big tech companies to censor the views of Americans. Paul put forth the case that "the First Amendment really isn't about protecting the speech of government workers the First Amendment says Congress shall make no law. It's about limitations on government involvement with speech."


If We Want a Shift to Walking, We Need To Prioritize Dignity "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


This article was originally published in It is shared here with permission.


Have you ever had a friend return from a vacation and gush about how great it was to walk in the place theyd visited? You can walk everywhere! To a caf, to the store. It was amazing! Immediately after saying that, your friend hops in their car and drives across the park...


Richard Hughes Developing New "Passim" Local Caching Server "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Richard Hughes is the Red Hat developer who is most prominently known for leading the Linux Vendor Firmware Service (LVFS) and Fwupd development as well as formerly being behind the ColorHug monitor color calibration hardware effort and PackageKit, among other open-source software. He's recently been developing a new software project called Passim that today he announced to the world...


Nepals BP Highway threatens endemic, critically endangered lizard "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

KATHMANDU On a hot and humid day in Bardibas, a town in the lowlands of Nepal, the sun beats down on the dusty roads where vans, cars and motorcycles zoom by, leaving behind a trail of black smoke. People traveling to the plains from the capital Kathmandu stop by to grab lunch as the smell of fish, spices and petrol exhaust fill the air. In the last remaining green patches of this once-sleepy town, which sprang to life after the Japanese contractors handed over the highway to the government of Nepal in July 2015, a small creature hides itself from all the hullabaloo, trying not to get trampled. The critically endangered dark sitana (Sitana fusca), a rare lizard that hasnt been reported anywhere else in the world, faces a host of challenges for its survival, most of them triggered by the highway development. The main threat to its existence is the loss of its habitat, which has been fragmented and degraded by the construction of the BP Highway, says researcher Santosh Bhattarai, who is pursuing a Ph.D. in herpetology. The highway, which took more than two decades to complete, is the shortest route connecting Kathmandu to the countrys eastern Terai. It has triggered unplanned urban development, which has reduced natural vegetation and habitats of sitanas, he added. The critically endangered dark sitana (Sitana fusca), a rare lizard that hasnt been reported anywhere else in the world, faces a host of challenges for its survival, most of them triggered byThis article was originally published on Mongabay


US first found out about 'non-human intelligence' nearly 100 years ago, whistleblower testifies "IndyWatch Feed World"

Former U.S. intelligence officer and UFO whistleblower David Grusch testified Wednesday to the House Oversight Committee, claiming that officials were aware of "non-human intelligence" as early as the 1930s. Grusch spoke to the House Oversight Subcommittee on National Security, the Border and Foreign Affairs about his knowledge of the government's UFO operations from his time on the UAP Task Force.


Sci-Hubs Alexandra Elbakyan Receives EFF Award for Providing Access to Scientific Knowledge "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Sci-HubThere are thousands of pirate sites on the Internet but only a few will receive a permanent entry in the history books. That includes Sci-Hub.

Founded by Kazakhstani computer programmer Alexandria Elbakyan, the shadow library provides free access to millions of academic publications. As such, its an essential tool for less privileged students and researchers around the world.

Tearing Down Paywalls Since 2011

Without Sci-Hub, many academics would be unable to complete their research projects. This all comes at the detriment of the profits of major publishers, but many argue thats an easy tradeoff to make.

Alexandra knows this from experience. She started Sci-Hub after running into accessibility problems more than a decade ago while studying at a less fortunate university.

When I was working on my research project, I found out that all research papers I needed for work were paywalled. I was a student in Kazakhstan at the time and our university was not subscribed to anything, Alexandra told TorrentFreak years ago.

Today, Sci-Hub continues to tear down academic paywalls but that comes at a cost. Sci-Hub has been sued several times and owes millions in damages to major publishers. In addition, Elbakyan also drew the attention of the FBI.

Instead of throwing in the towel, Sci-Hubs founder continues to defend her ideals. Theyre a thorn in the side of major publishers, but on the other side of the debate, Elbakyan reaps praise.

EFF Award

This week, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced that Sci-Hubs founder will receive an award for her accomplishments in advancing access to scientific knowledge.

EFFs awards are presented to people who have taken a leading role in the fight for freedom and innovation online. The previous winners include Internet pioneer Vint Cerf, Linux creator Linus Torvalds, and whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

According to EFF, Elbakyan deserves the award as her lifes work enables millions of people to access scientific knowledge that would otherwise exist beyond their financial reach.

Sci-Hub is used by millions of students, researchers, medical professionals, journalists, inventors, and curious people all over the world, many of whom provide feedback saying they are gratef...


Jazz Haiku Poem "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A sample haiku from a collection forthcoming in time. Go ahead and encourage me.


The Reporting Gave a Number of Us Pause: Pennsylvania Lawmakers Rethink Funding for Child ID Kits After Investigation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

This article is co-published with The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan local newsroom that informs and engages with Texans. Sign up for The Brief Weekly to get up to speed on their essential coverage of Texas issues.

Two months after Texas lawmakers stripped millions of dollars from a company that supplies child identification kits, a bill to fund a similar program in Pennsylvania is facing key opposition.

In March, two Pennsylvania senators filed legislation that called for purchasing and distributing child identification kits for all of the states first graders. The kits, which would cost the state about $350,000, needed to use inkless fingerprinting technology, according to the bill.

Such a provision would provide an advantage to one vendor: the National Child Identification Program, a Waco, Texas, company run by former NFL player Kenny Hansmire, who has a track record of failed businesses and has been disciplined by Connecticut banking regulators.

On May 2, the bill sailed through the Senate Education Committee on a unanimous vote, a key step that was celebrated by the companys representatives and the legislations authors. During a press conference that day, Hansmire turned to a common phrase he uses to promote the kits, calling the bill a gift of safety and urging the lawmakers to support the measure.

Were asking the state of Pennsylvania to step up, the Senate and the House to step up, he said.

A week later, ProPublica and The Texas Tribune published an investigation that found no evidence that the kits had ever been used to fi...

Cant Stop. Wont Stop. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

With renewed purpose, Issue 14 of News Inside goes the extra yard to deliver information behind bars.


LLVM 18 Lands -march=arrowlake / arrowlake-s / lunarlake "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Going along with LLVM's recent additions around supporting new Intel instructions coming with future generation Core CPUs, the LLVM 18 Git development code has now landed support for actually honoring -march=arrowlake, -march=arrowlake-s, and -march=lunarlake targets...


CoinsPaid blames North Korea-linked APT Lazarus for theft of $37M worth of cryptocurrency "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Crypto-payments service provider CoinsPaid suffered a cyber attack that resulted in the theft of $37,200,000 worth of cryptocurrency.

CoinsPaid, a crypto-payment service provider, fell victim to a cyber attack, leading to the theft of $37,200,000 worth of cryptocurrency.

The company attributes the cyber heist to the North Korea-linked APT Lazarus, which is also responsible for the attacks against Axie Infinity (USD 625M), Horizon Bridge (USD 100M), Atomic Wallet (USD 100M) and Alphapo (USD 23M). The company did not share technical details of the attack either evidence that link the theft to Lazarus operations.

On July 22nd, CoinsPaid experienced a hacker attack, resulting in the theft of USD 37.3M. reads the announcement published by the company. We believe Lazarus expected the attack on CoinsPaid to be much more successful.

The crypto-payment service provider pointed out that the security breach did not impact client funds and that it ensures their availability to customers. However, the attack impacted the availability of the platform of CoinsPaid its revenue.

The company set up an incident response team that is investigating the security breach and is working to fortify its systems.

After the partial downtime, our services are getting up and running one by one in the new secured environment. We expect it to take a few more days to sort out minor details and ensure the system works smoothly, underlines Max Krupyshev, CoinsPaid CEO. We have no doubt the hackers wont escape justice, adds Max Krupyshev.

Krupyshev confirmed that blockchain security firms and crypto-exchanges are supporting its company to mitigate the incident, including Chainalysis, Binance, Crystal, Match Systems,, OKCoinJapan, and Valkyrieinvest. The company notified Estonian law enforcement authorities that launched an investigation too.

Within a few weeks, ...


Theft from UK supermarkets up 26% in just one year, incidents of gangs looting shops rising "IndyWatch Feed World"

These are some of the shocking moments where supermarkets have been targeted by crooks in an epidemic that has seen an average of 1,000 incidents a day. Major chains including John Lewis, Asda and the Co-op have been targeted by organised criminal gangs as crimes with shoplifting soaring by 26 per cent in the past year, according to the British Retail Consortium. Many of the stores blame police for the surge in the disturbing crimes as families struggle amid the cost of living crisis. One survey by the BRC says 56 per cent of retailers rated the police response as 'fair' - with others declaring it even worse.


Oracle generative AI improving workplace capabilities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In the wake of Oracle expanding its generative AI capabilities, the company continues to find ways to assist companies and customers with its tech services.


#Census2021: The private made public: sexual orientation in the census "IndyWatch Feed"

Dr Paul Nolan is an independent researcher based in Belfast. He writes on conflict societies, social trends and demography.

In 1977 Reverend Dr Ian Paisley launched the Save Ulster From Sodomy! Campaign. The exclamation mark built into the campaign title was intended to convey the urgency of the situation: at that time a Northern Ireland Gay Rights Association had been formed to campaign for the extension of the Sexual Offences Act (1967) which had decriminalised homosexual acts between consenting adult men in England and Wales.

Paisleys campaign was a Canute-like struggle, and despite his best efforts the liberal tide flowing across the Irish Sea resulted in homosexual acts being decriminalised in Northern Ireland in 1982. Attitudinal change has taken quite a bit longer, with leading figures in the DUP regularly making headlines by expressing hostility to homosexuality, often in lurid terms.

The party managed to block all five attempts in the Assembly to introduce same sex marriage, but in January 2020 the UK government legislated for its introduction. In 2021 there were 398 same sex marriages in Northern Ireland, five per cent of the total. The DUP has softened its position, at least round the edges.

In July 2021 the then deputy leader of the party, Paula Bradley, apologised for the partys LGBT record at a Pink News reception, a position subsequently endorsed by party leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson. In a development that would have astounded Dr Paisley, the first openly gay DUP politician now sits as an elected member of Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council.

For a subject that had excited such emotions over such a long period it is remarkable how little was actually known on either side of the debate about how many people in Northern Ireland were in fact gay or lesbian. The figure that has been lodged in public consciousness for many years is 10%, but that has lacked any scientific underpinning. It seems to have been derived from the much-publicised ( but now widely debunked) Kinsey Report of 1948, which pioneered studies of sexual behaviour in the United States.

More recent survey work has been conducted closer to home, but has not attracted very much attention. The NISRA Continuous Household Survey (2017) showed 97.8% of the population identified as Straight / Heterosexual, while the self-completion survey conducted by NI Life and Times in 2017 also put 97% of the population in that category, with 1% in each of the Gay/Lesbian, Bisexual and Other categories.

The Census 21 results are broadly in line with those earlier surveys, but the census carries significantly more weight as it is not based on a sample survey but on the collection of data from the whole population.

It is the first time, in the UK as well as Northern Ireland, that a census question asked about sexual orientation, and the figures show that 31,600 people in NI aged 16 or over, or 2.1 % of....


The IBM Mainframe: How It Runs and Why It Survives "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ars recently published a story that goes in-depth into the alleged dinosaurs of the computing world, the lowly IBM mainframe computer:

Mainframe computers are often seen as ancient machinespractically dinosaurs. But mainframes, which are purpose-built to process enormous amounts of data, are still extremely relevant today. If they're dinosaurs, they're T-Rexes, and desktops and server computers are puny mammals to be trodden underfoot. It's estimated that there are 10,000 mainframes in use today. They're used almost exclusively by the largest companies in the world, including two-thirds of Fortune 500 companies, 45 of the world's top 50 banks, eight of the top 10 insurers, seven of the top 10 global retailers, and eight of the top 10 telecommunications companies. And most of those mainframes come from IBM. In this explainer, we'll look at the IBM mainframe computerwhat it is, how it works, and why it's still going strong after over 50 years.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Refusing to Support the Troops "IndyWatch Feed War"

The last but not least in our commentaries on Katharine Millars Support the Troops: Military Obligation, Gender, and the Making of Political Community (with a reply by Katharine to follow tomorrow). Ellen Martin is a PhD candidate in the School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies (SPAIS) at the University of Bristol. Her research is critiquing military power in Britain, with a particular focus on the ways in which the British public diversely perform militarism in their everyday spaces. She is interrogating the discourses employed by military charities to question how these organisations contribute to making war and violence possible. She is also exploring how the British public engages with these discourses, and militarism more broadly, because the ways in which militarism manifests as normal and desirable to British people is central to its operation. With the aim of interrogating and destabilising military power, her research contributes to ongoing conversations in feminist IR and Critical Military Studies. Chris Rossdale is Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at the University of Bristol. They write about social movements, rebellious politics, and militarism and state violence, including in Resisting Militarism: Direct Action and the Politics of Subversion. They are interested in the relationship between political struggle and critical theory, and their current research considers the arms trade within the context of police power and abolition and explores the contested political status of rebellion in the contemporary era.

Support the Troops opens with an anecdote about the small town in Canada where Katharine Millar grew up. In 2001 Canada deployed forces to Afghanistan, and a number of enlisted young men from the town found themselves unexpectedly sent to war. Their families gave out yellow support the troops ribbon magnets for local people to put on their cars. Millar recalls her parents, sceptical of the intervention, navigating the expectations accompanying the ribbon and its awkward invocation. They displayed the ribbon out of some sense of obligation and genuine care for the local boys overseas, while being uncomfortable with its implications,...


Jack Smith Finds Another Candidate to Flip on Donald Trump "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

When Donald Trump went to bed last night, he probably wondered whether he will be able to add Mar-a-Lago maintenance worker Carlos De Oliveira to the long list of people willing to take the fall for him.

If not, the president will be in much greater legal peril than he already is.

It could go either way.

Trump has frequently (and aptly) been compared to a mob boss, which is probably why the trait he values above all is loyalty. One of the biggest reasons why the former president has not been held to account more often and more comprehensively for his various illegal activities is that he has always been able to find people who would not only do his bidding but, if things went south, also would cover up and lie for him even though they themselves may go to jail, be disbarred, get fine, or face other forms of punishment as a result.

Together with Trump, we will find out in the coming weeks and months whether De Oliveira is such a man.

The possibility of the maintenance worker flipping will probably keep the former president up at night more than anything else that can be found in the superseding indictment that special counsel Jack Smith filed Thursday evening in the case of Trumps hoarding of classified documents and obstructing justice.

Yet it is this other information that most analysts focused on. Some highlighted the additional count of retaining classified information that the former president is now facing. Others noted that new evidence showing that Trump and his underlings obstructed justice is now much stronger.

In the end, neither of these things will matter all that much. After all, the case was incredibly strong to begin with, and the 32nd count of Willful Retention of National Defense Information is unlikely to make a difference even though it apparently means that Smith and his team got their hands on a lost document with a plan of attack on Iran that, according to a taped conversation...


Tick bite warning: CDC says alpha-gal syndrome is making Americans allergic to red meat "IndyWatch Feed World"

A new report charts the alarming rise of a condition associated with the lone star tick.

If youre a red meat lover, you may find the latest warning from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention especially alarming. The CDC has announced that hundreds of thousands of Americans have become allergic to red meat after being bitten by ticks. The bites can result in a condition known as alpha-gal syndrome (AGS), and it can have lifelong consequences for red meat eaters. Heres what you need to know.

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Second Russia-Africa Summit in St Petersburg All Eyes On The Global South "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Second Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum in St Petersburg is allowing Russia to further position itself as a natural ally to the Global South, strengthening the political dialogue between Russia and African nations at a crucial moment when the world is searching for peace and solidarity across continents. So far, the meeting seems to be doing just that.

Freddie Ponton
21st Century Wire

As NATO member states are still scratching their heads over what when wrong with the Ukraine counter-offensive, and question Putins motivations for exiting the infamous Grain Deal brokered between Russia, Ukraine, United Nations and Turkey guaranteeing the safety of ships carrying Ukrainian grain, fertilizer and other foodstuffs through a humanitarian corridor in the Black Sea the unaffected Russian President Vladimir Putin is hosting the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forums plenary session in St Petersburg.

Make no mistake, this is a ground-breaking conference. 

The Kremlin confirmed this week that the a number of key trade and development deals are already in the works, thanks to the events well-crafted plenary session which brought to the stage some of the most distinguished guests from the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum including Chairperson of the African Union and President of the Union of the Comoros Azali Assoumani, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the African ExportImport Bank Benedict Oramah, as well as the President of the New Development Bank Dilma Rousseff and the President of Uganda H.E. Kaguta Museveni, just to name a few.

Director of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for African Studies Irina Abramova moderated the discussion.

The forums main topic was Technology and Security in the Name of Sovereign Development for the Benefit of Humankind.

President Putin took part in the plenary session of the Economic and Humanitarian Forum as part of the Russia-Africa 2023 summit in St. Petersburg. Watch: 




Daily News

A couple of weeks ago I commented both in my News and Views and in some subsequent written blogs on the recent op-ed piece

The post DMITRI MEDVEDEVS MESSAGE: WELL TAKE THE GLOVES OFF appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Remembering the Day "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  This Day in 2005 On June 28, 2005, LT Mike Murphy (SDVT-1) lead a four-man SEAL team, deep behind enemy lines in the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan. The terrain was mountainous and rugged at an unforgiving altitude of 10,000 feet. They conducted reconnaissance to find Ahmad Shah, the leader of a guerrilla group that []

The post Remembering the Day appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Offshore Wind has a Cost Crisis "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Originally posted at CFACT By David Wojick  The horrific term cost crisis is not from me. It comes down from on high, in this case the mega-conference: US Offshore Wind 2023.

The post Offshore Wind has a Cost Crisis first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

Lawmakers Propose $45 Million in New Funding for Measures to Lower U.S. Stillbirth Rate "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

Members of Congress on Thursday introduced sweeping legislation that aims to reduce the countrys stillbirth rate, tackling gaps in research, data and awareness as well as authorizing tens of millions of dollars in new funding.

If passed, the Stillbirth Health Improvement and Education (SHINE) for Autumn Act of 2023 would be the most comprehensive federal stillbirth law on record. Rep. Young Kim, R-Calif., who introduced the bill in the House, called it the first step in the right direction to help prevent stillbirths and ensure healthy pregnancies.

As a mother, grandmother and co-chair of the Maternity Care Caucus, Kim said she understands the challenges firsthand. She said that when one of her daughters lost a baby a few years ago, the doctors response was, It happens.

These experiences have made me want to be a part of the solution, she said. I want us to have more information and make sure things are better for my grandkids. We should be able to prevent the preventable.

Every year in the U.S., more than 20,000 pregnancies end in stillbirth, the death of an expected child at 20 weeks or more. Research shows as many as 1 in 4 stillbirths may be preventable, a figure that jumps to nearly half as the due date nears. But for years, the U.S. stillbirth crisis has been overlooked.

ProPublica has reported extensively on the devastating effects of stillbirth on families and the countrys failure to prevent, prioritize and raise awareness around stillbirth. Stark racial disparities underscore the crisis, as Black women are more than twice as likely to have a stillbirth as white women. But government officials, doctors and researchers often cite the dearth of research, data and...


Nucleic Acid Stability in the Venusian Clouds "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Nucleic Acid Stability in the Venusian Clouds

How to approach finding life on other worlds will continue to be a challenging issue, but how useful that even as we work out strategies for studying exoplanet atmospheres, we have planets we can actually reach right here in our own Solar System. And if the hunt for life has turned up empty thus far on Mars, we can keep searching there even as we consider the exotic possibility of life in the clouds of Venus. Weve looked at Venus Life Finder before in these pages. This series of missions is now known as Morning Star, all designed to probe the clouds for signs of a kind of life that would have to endure the most hellish conditions we can imagine. In todays post, Alex Tolley examines the Morning Star Missions and how they might proceed, depending on the results of that all important first sampling of the atmosphere.

by Alex Tolley

To boldly seek life, where no terrestrial life has gone before

The Morning Star Missions (formerly Venus Life Finder) group had previously outlined their plans for early life-detecting missions in the possibly habitable, temperate, but highly acidic Venusian clouds, at altitudes of 48-60 km above the searingly hot surface. The first mission, now slated for a 2025 launch, includes an Autofluorescing Nephelometer (AFN) that can detect organic materials, a prerequisite for living organisms. [1] The instrument emits laser light that causes certain carbon bonds to fluoresce and be detected (in this case, 440 nm is the selected detection wavelength). If no organic material is detected in the cloud droplets, that would eliminate life as we know it. However, there would still be ambiguities regarding whether organic material was detected or not as not all organic matter will fluoresce when stimulated by light. Typically aromatic carbon ring structures fluoresce, whilst linear carbon chains do not. A double-membraned cell wall that could contain a prebiotic metabolic system would probably fail to register. This might well be considered a false negative for what could be a very interesting finding.

It is well known that sulfuric acid (H2SO4) has a deleterious effect on organic matter, and highly concentrated sulfuric acid (CSA) that is expected in the Venusian clouds will rapidly break down organic matter and therefore it would appear that terrestrial life would rapidly succumb to this level of acid condition. [An acid bath is a traditional means by which murderers dispose of the victims body.] This would seem to rule out life of a terrestrial nature even in the Venusian clouds.

What about a positive result? Carbon aromatic rings that readily fluoresce may be very common in the clouds as simple carbon mol...


BlueBravo Deploys GraphicalProton Backdoor Against European Diplomatic Entities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Russian nation-state actor known as BlueBravo has been observed targeting diplomatic entities throughout Eastern Europe with the goal of delivering a new backdoor called GraphicalProton, exemplifying the continuous evolution of the threat. The phishing campaign is characterized by the use of legitimate internet services (LIS) for command-and-control (C2) obfuscation, Recorded Future said in


Russia making 'maximum efforts to avert a global food crisis', Putin tells African summit "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Russia is working to avert a global food crisis, its president Vladimir Putin has told leaders and officials from most African countries. It comes despite concerns Moscow's withdrawal from a deal allowing grain shipments from Ukraine will cause shortages and price spikes. Comment: Russia pulled out of the grain deal because the West repeatedly failed to uphold its side of the agreement. Mr Putin spoke at the opening session of a two-day Russia-Africa summit attended by a sharply lower number of African heads of state and government compared with a previous summit in 2019. He said on Thursday: "Our country will continue supporting needy states and regions, in particular, with its humanitarian deliveries.


How I have survived my NHS-ignored vaccine injury "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ali Lilley | TCW Defending Freedom | December 2, 2022

From the start of the vaccine rollout, I was adamant that I would not have it. It was rushed out too fast and I was wary of taking something that was being pushed so aggressively.

I was full of energy, ate healthy foods, did not smoke or drink and would wake up in the middle of the night for a five-mile run. I would cycle 15 miles and then go for a three-mile run, I loved life and was on no medications at all.

In July 2021 I got a job in a care setting and really enjoyed what I was doing. The management believed in the efficacy of the vaccine and made it known that they would like everyone who worked there to have the jab. I did tell them I did not want it and why, but the managers believed they worked and were mostly double jabbed themselves. Due to pressure and against my better judgement, I had a dose of Moderna on December 21, 2021.

Two weeks later my symptoms started. I had fatigue, nerve pain, electric shocks in my legs and lower back pain. A month after the jab, I tested positive for Covid due to an outbreak at work and I had to take two weeks off as I was very ill. I know my body and knew something was not right. I contacted my GP in February and told him I thought my symptoms were an inflammatory response to the vaccine. He said he had never heard of any reaction like mine and he had personally vaccinated a few thousand people over the last year. He did the standard blood tests and when these came back normal he took no further action.

Over the next two months the nerve pain in my lower half got worse and I also developed paresthesia (a burning or prickling sensation). I got tinnitus in both ears and continuous brain fog. My back pain spread to my entire back and I was in so much pain I went to see an osteopath. She sent me for a lumbar spine MRI and this came back normal. I then saw a private neurologist who said he thought my symptoms were caused by the vaccine and catching Covid, and said I needed to see an NHS neurologist due to the tests needed. I saw a different GP and she made the referral with a waiting time of at least 8 months. I managed to get seen within a month by emailing the neurology secretary and explaining the severity of my situation. My spine MRI also came back normal, as did other blood tests that I have since had. The only thing my GP has done is prescribe Nortriptyline and Gabapentin to hide the nerve pain, but not to address it.

During these months I felt alone and had no idea where to go to get help or support. I wanted to heal and understand my symptoms, not hide them. I found a supplement list in April on a site called Real Not Rare and these cured my ba...


Express to Mars? NASA and the Pentagon award contract to build the first nuclear-powered rocket "IndyWatch Feed World"

The project includes a flight test of the nuclear thermal engine, which contract winner Lockheed Martin currently has scheduled for 2025 or 2026.

On Wednesday, NASA and the Pentagons Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency announced that Lockheed Martin had won a contract to build and test a nuclear propulsion system that could halve the time it would take a spacecraft to reach Mars.

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Tupperware stock is the latest Wall Street meme. TUP price surges 350% in 5 days "IndyWatch Feed World"

The once ubiquitous home products company has struggled in recent years, and yet its share price is seeing a mysterious rally.

It looks the theres a new meme stock in town. Despite there being no good news as of late for the iconic brand Tupperware, shares in the company have surged 350% in just five days. But why? Heres what you need to know.

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A Deep Dive on Battery Life "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

There are all kinds of old wives tales surrounding proper battery use floating around in the popular culture. Things like needing to fully discharge a battery every so often, unplugging devices when theyre fully charged, or keeping batteries in the fridge are all examples that have some kernel of truth to them but often are improperly applied. If you really want to know the truth about a specific battery, its behavior, and its features, it helps to dig in and actually take some measurements directly like [Tyler] has done with a vast array of embedded batteries in IoT devices.

[Tyler] is a firmware engineer by trade, so he is deeply familiar with this type of small battery. Battery performance can change dramatically under all kinds of scenarios, most important among them being temperature. But even the same type of battery can behave differently to others that are otherwise identical, which is why its important to have metrics for the batteries themselves and be able to measure them to identify behaviors and possible problems. [Tyler] has a system of best practices in place for monitoring battery performance, especially after things like firmware upgrades since smal...


MacKenzie Scotts foundation is donating $10 million for affordable housing (exclusive) "IndyWatch Feed World"

The National Housing Trust will likely use some of the funding to modernize homes to be more climate-friendlywhich should also drive down rents.

When Priya Jayachandran received an email from MacKenzie Scotts foundation informing her that it was donating $10 million to her organization, she thought it was a hoax. She almost deleted the message.

Read Full Story


Ben-Gvir, settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque amid calls for confrontations "IndyWatch Feed War"

July 27, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English The provocations of illegal Israeli settlers, spearheaded by Police Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, against Al-Aqsa Mosque continue. Al Mayadeens correspondent reported today, Thursday, that more than a thousand illegal Israeli settlers, spearheaded by Police Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque as part of commemorating the so-called destruction of []


Monitor Insider Threats but Build Trust First "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The issue of how to prevent insider threats without infringing on employee privacy is one that has been a hot topic of debate in recent years.

Because insider threats are uniquely challenging to detect and identify, different methods are needed than traditional detection based on signatures or other known threat triggers. Tools that are designed to detect insider threats are more effective, but also bring up questions related to the level of monitoring necessary and employees right to a certain level of privacy. It is not impossible to juggle these contradictory needs, but it may require a more holistic approach to security and a culture of trust within an organization.

Insider Threats

An insider threat refers to any time that someone with authorized access to any part of an organizations networks, systems, devices, accounts, or assets uses that access to cause damage to the organization from within. An insider can be an employee, a contractor, a partner, or even a maintenance or custodial worker in the building. Their risky behavior may be intentional or unintentional, and can manifest in a variety of ways.

There are three major types of insider threat: malicious insiders, negligent insiders, and compromised insiders. Malicious insiders set out to intentionally cause harm to an organization from within, negligent insiders accidentally damage the organization through their action or inaction, and compromised insiders have their credentials stolen by external actors looking to infiltrate the organization. All three are costly to remediate and potentially dangerous to a companys assets, operations, and reputation.

Detection and Prevention

Tools that attempt to prevent cyberattacks are often designed to keep outsiders out, using firewalls, authentication and authorization, signature-based detection, and other measures. While these are important and effective parts of a robust and layered security strategy, they are not effective against insider threats. In order to detect insider risks and prevent them from turning into insider threat incidents, it is necessary to use a solution that monitors user behavior to establish a baseline and then detect anomalous activity.

There are a variety of different tools on the market, and it is important for security teams to weigh all of the options and decide what is best suited for their organizations needs and...


Drawing parallels between the covid narrative and climate change narative "IndyWatch Feed War"

Norman Fenton | June 16, 2023

This was the talk I gave in the session on Climate Change at the Bettter Way Conference, Bath 2023


UPDATE ~ MVP Given Approval by US Supreme Court to Continue Pipeline Construction! "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The MVP right of way and piping are visible beside Rt. 460, July 16, 2023, in Elliston, VA. (Scott P. Yates for Virginia Mercury)

U.S. Supreme Court lifts stays on Mountain Valley Pipeline
From an Article by Charlie Paullin, Virginia Mercury, July 27, 2023
Work on the Mountain Valley Pipeline project is allowed to continue after U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts on Thursday lifted two stays, or pauses, imposed by a lower court in response to challenges from environmental groups. Roberts order was handed down as the 4th Circuit was hearing arguments on the stays!

The lifting of the stays was issued while the Richmond-based U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals was hearing oral arguments on whether provisions of the federal Fiscal Responsibility Act ordering the pipelines completion were constitutional.

Mountain Valley Pipeline, which got initial approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in 2017, has been embroiled for years in legal challenges from environmental groups like the Sierra Club, Wilderness Society and Appalachian Voices over issues including impacts to endangered species and waterways.

The over 300-mile project is intended to deliver natural gas from the Marcellus and Utica shale fields through West Virginia to southern Virginia. The legal challenges have stymied completion of the project, which the company says is 94% done. Environmental groups dispute that figure.

The U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has consistently overturned permits issued to Mountain Valley Pipeline by the federal government over threats to wildlife and erosion and sediment harms.

But in June, Congress passed the Fiscal Responsibility Act with a provision, introduced by West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, that directed federal agencies to approve the pipelines permits within 21 days. The law also stripped jurisdictional authority from the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals and transferred any legal challenges to the D.C. Circuit.

Following passage of the FRA, Mountain Valley filed a motion to dismiss the legal challenges pending in the 4th Circuit, citing the authority given in the federal law. Numerous environmental groups then challenged the motion to dismiss, arguing the provision in the Fiscal Responsibility Act was unconstitutional because its stripping...


Naked woman opens fire on drivers after police chase on San Francisco's Bay Bridge "IndyWatch Feed World"

Wild video posted online shows the moment a female driver got out of her car on San Francisco's Bay Bridge naked, and began shooting at cops. The unidentified woman could be seen in cellphone footage walking through the lanes of Interstate 80 without any clothes or underwear on as she pointed a handgun at passing cars. She was later approached by California Highway Patrol officers, who arrested her without incident. The woman was then transported to a local hospital for treatment and evaluation. Authorities say they are now investigating the incident to determine what the woman's motive may have been.


Xi Jinpings Disappearing Acts Leave No Doubt Hes A Dictator "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Qin GangThe mysterious'disappearance' of Chinas top diplomatis the latest proof that Xi is a ruthless dictator.


Expect Climate Alarmism To Heat Up In California This Wildfire Season "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

California Apple FireCalifornias forests are now up to 600 percent denser than 150 years ago, with high tree density making trees more vulnerable to insects, disease, and fire.


How Depression Affects The Brain Yale Medicine Explains "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

For more information on mental health or #YaleMedicine, visit:

For many people, depression turns out to be one of the most disabling illnesses that we have in society. Despite the treatments that we have available, many people are not responding that well. Its a disorder that can be very disabling in society. Its also a disorder that has medical consequences. By understand the neurobiology of depression we hope to be able more to find the right treatment for the patient suffering from this disease. The current standard of care for the treatment of depression is based on what we call the monoamine deficiency hypothesis. Essentially, presuming that one of three neurotransmitters in the brain is deficient or underactive. But the reality is, there are more than 100 neurotransmitters in the brain. And billions of connections between neurons. So we know that thats a limited hypothesis. Neurotransmitters can be thought of as the chemical messengers within the brain, its what helps one cell in the brain communicate with another, to pass that message along from one brain region to another. For decades, we thought that the primary pathology, the primary cause of depression was some abnormality in these neurotransmitters, specifically serotonin or norepinephrine. However, norepinephrine and serotonin did not seem to be able to account for this cause, or to cause the symptoms of depression in people who had major depression. Instead, the chemical messengers between the nerve cells in the higher centers of the brain, which include glutamate and GABA, were possibilities as alternative causes for the symptoms of depression. When youre exposed to severe and chronic stress like people experience when they have depression, you lose some of the connections between the nerve cells. The communication in these circuits becomes inefficient and noisy, we think that the loss of these synaptic connections contributes to the biology of depression. There are clear differences between a healthy brain and a depressed brain. And the exciting thing is, when you treat that depression effectively, the brain goes back to looking like a healthy brain, both at the cellular level and at a global scale. Its critical to understand the neurobiology of depression and how the brain plays a role in that for two main reasons. One, it helps us understand how the di...


Tiny Robots Detect and Treat Cancer by Traveling Deep into the Lungs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A tiny robot which can travel deep into the lungs to detect and treat the first signs of cancer has been developed by researchers at the University of Leeds. The ultra-soft tentacle, which measures just two millimeters in diameter, and is controlled by magnets, can reach some of the smallest bronchial tubes and could transform the treatment of lung cancer. The researchers tested the magnetic tentacle robot on the lungs of a cadaver and found that it can travel 37 percent deeper than the standard equipment and leads to less tissue damage. It paves the way for a more accurate, tailored, and far less invasive approach to treatment.

The work is published in Nature Engineering Communications in the paper, Magnetic personalized tentacles for targeted photothermal cancer therapy in peripheral lungs.

This new approach has the advantage of being specific to the anatomy, softer than the anatomy and fully-shape controllable via magnetics, notes Pietro Valdastri, PhD, director of the Science and Technologies Of Robotics in Medicine (STORM) Lab at the University of Leeds. These three main features have the potential to revolutionize navigation inside the body.


Ken Makes The Patriarchy Look Awesome "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ryan Gosling as Ken in Barbie movieRyan Gosling's hilarious and scene-stealing Ken backfired on 'Barbie,' making the best parts of the feminist film about men.


Arizona Federal Judge Temporarily Rules Males Can Compete In Girls Sports "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

girl swimmers ready to raceA judge blocked Arizona's Save Women's Sports Act, arguing the two male plaintiffs will suffer 'irreparable harm' if they can't compete as girls.


NYC crane fire and collapse was sparked by hydraulic fluid leak - dozens of New Yorkers injured when molten debris rained down over Hudson Yards "IndyWatch Feed World"

A construction crane caught fire, collapsed, and struck the side of another skyscraper before falling onto a rush-hour Manhattan street as terrified commuters ran for their lives. Six people, including two firefighters, were injured after the building equipment suffered dramatic failure on 41st Street and 10th Avenue near Hudson Yards. The blazing crane was attached to a luxury 47 story apartment building under construction at 550 10th Avenue, with the 16-tonnes of concrete it was carrying also smashed onto the street below. It was seen striking the side of the 55-floor 555 10th Avenue apartment building opposite, although one eyewitness claims that tower was only struck with wet cement and was not seriously-damaged. Construction worker Richard Paz told that a cable being used to carry concrete to the top of the site overheated just before the fire broke out, although an official cause of the blaze is still being investigated. Terrifying video footage shot Wednesday...


Beware Of Bureaucrats Wanting To Be Your BFF "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Chris MurphyThe feds want to fix your loneliness with another set of policies and bureaucracies while sustaining the policies and bureaucracies that helped create that sense of isolation in the first place.


Alone And Confused, A Majority Of Americans Ditch Free Speech "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

First AmendmentA recent poll found that 39 percent of Republicans approved of restricting online speech, while 70 percent of Democrats supported the idea.

Continued Lies About Gene Therapy Jab "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Unsurprisingly, a portion of those receiving the JAB apparently got a placebo.  I though as much a long time ago, and it appears to be one in three.  One in twenty got the nasty.  Understand that i do think that the JAB was labeled four separate ways.  That isvwhy i projected the possibility of a placebo.

We are going to ultimately get all the science, but long after it is fully run out.

At least the perps are not spending wildly to block this process now.

Continued Lies About Gene Therapy Jab

Joseph Mercola

Jul 14 2023

While investigating the potential for variations in side effects from one batch of shots to another, these authors made a stunning discovery: 30 percent of the total doses given that year in this country had zero side effectssomething that only happens when a placebo is used. Did the regulators know?


Since mRNA shots contain several novel technologies, they should be subject to more controls than conventional vaccines. Yet they arent. In fact, theyre not covered by any sp...

A Sobering Analysis Of Ukraines Counteroffensive From The Front "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Proper corps sized combined operations were rarely mastered during either of hte World Wars or after.  it is just not that easy, but it is possible to gin up a working regiment.  this has obviously not happened here at all.  understand it takes hte bravest of the brave to do this.

The real take home is that the ukraine is running out of manpower and this can not be fixed.  Without a real battlefield victory, this was inevitable and a negoriated deal needs to be struck.  sorry guys.  russia has already shown you what they plan to keep.

you may now do very well at the peace table because Russia needs a freind as well.

A Sobering Analysis Of Ukraines Counteroffensive From The Front

A military analyst just returned from touring the Ukraine front and has offered his blunt take on how the counteroffensive is really going.

UPDATED JUL 20, 2023 1:09 PM EDT

Agroup of military analysts recently traveled to the front lines for a closer view of Europe's most brutal...

Push-button flying car now authorized by both FAA and DMV "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The meme that we call the flying car has been about forever and actual realization has always been .a rube goldberg construct and neither possible because of technical conflicts.

what is potentially possible will be a ground hugging gravity vehicle that interacts with the road, yet floats like what we were shown on Star Wars.

Today though we do have six axis rotational props tied into aetodynamic spars.  this can lift and move at some elevation depending on power..  This is not ever a car.  It is a flying craft whose configuration has real safety potential.

 By that, I mean it should be possible to experience prop failure, drop to ground effect and then safely land.  This is important for a personal vehicle.  

what is then possible is a vehicle able to make a safe speed of around sixty miles per hour without been over the top in aerodynamic design.  All this matters because lift off and point to point travel inside a safe landing envelope will easily be supported just for time efficiency..  

Push-button flying car now authorized by both FAA and DMV

July 23, 2023

Fully unfolded into aircraft mode, the Aska A5 is less of a visual calamity than it is on the road

Northern lights and the Oort Cloud "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

 Northern lights and the Oort Cloud

Again the natural inferances drawn from Cloud cosmology surprise and actually make a wide range of known phenoms a lot clearer and even simpler.

Understand that we have reached the point of understanding that NNP production by the Sun forms the Corona where NNP to hydrogen decay produces heat and a lot of outward accelerating hot protons.  Understand that the volume of the Corona is way greater than that of the Sun itself.  We also have free electrons of course.

this produces an expanding cloud that also carries NNPs and NNP complexes that reaches the Oort cloud and external presswure halting further movement.  It is here that it appears that decay of NNP complexes into known elements likely takes place which may well allow gravity to take greater effect.

now it appears likely that the northern lights are formed by inflowing hydrogen protons picking up an electron and emiting light.  There likely will be other ions of course, but i do think that all this is dominated by hydrogen.  This ends up been a simple explanation for the northern lights.

Our guesses of how much mass is in the Oort Cloud are likely absurd and let us leave it at that.  What must be true is that the 3D volume tells us that it is fed directly by the Sun.  Cloud Cosmology gives us the decay process that produces the content.

Also understand that we have no creditable explanations for any of this except to suggest we are collecting junk as we pass though space.  except acceleration changes will never produce a sphere but may produce the kuiper belt.


Somalia: U.S. Treasury Sanctions ISIS-Somalia Finance Chief "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The U.S. Department of the Treasurys Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has imposed sanctions on Abdiweli Mohamed Yusuf (ina waran), the head of the finance office of the Somalia-based affiliate of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

ISIS Somalia Members

Yusuf has been designated as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT), which means that his assets in the United States are frozen and U.S. citizens and businesses are prohibited from engaging in any transactions with him, read the statement.

According the OFAC, Yusuf has played a key role in the delivery of foreign fighters, supplies, and ammunition on behalf of ISIS-Somalia. He has also been responsible for managing the revenue generated by the group and has facilitated transfers for ISIS.

In a statement, Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson said that the sanctions demonstrate the U.S. commitment to leveraging our authorities in support to our partners, including the Federal Government of Somalia, in their efforts to counter terrorist financing and strengthen national and regional stability and security.

ISIS-Somalia is one of the most significant ISIS affiliates in Africa. The group generates revenue through a variety of means, including extortion, taxation, and smuggling.

Horseed Media

The post Somalia: U.S. Treasury Sanctions ISIS-Somalia Finance Chief appeared first on Horseed Media.


Top WEF Official: Dangerous Conspiracy Theorists Must Be Eliminated "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sean Adl-Tabatabai The Peoples Voice July 25, 2023

A top World Economic Forum (WEF) official has called for so-called conspiracy theorists to be banned from accessing the internet due to their dangerous belief that a global cabal of elites control the world. 

Yuval Noah Harari, who is Klaus Schwabs right hand man, condemned the theory that a shadowy elite of billionaires and globalists control the world as anti-Semitic and dangerous.

During an appearance on the Lex Fridman podcast, Harari pointed out that the world is too complex for powerful people to control it.

The global cabal theory has many variations, but basically, there is a small group of people, a cabal, that secretly controls everything that is happening in the world, Harari declared.

All the wars, all the revolutions, all the epidemics, everything that is happening is controlled by this very small group of people, who are of course evil and have bad intentions.

This is a very well-known story. Its not new.

Its been there for thousands of years.

Its very attractive because, first of all, its simple.

You dont need to understand everything that happens in the world.

You just need to understand one thing.

The war in Ukraine, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 5G technology, COVID-19.

Its simple, he added.

Theres this global cabal, they do all of it.

He warned these crises are often blamed on the Jews or the Freemasons.

It creates this utopian fantasy. If we only get rid of this small cabal, we solve all the problems of the world. Salvation! he pointed out.

So, its simple, its attractive, and thats why so many people believe it.

Harari then compared the belief of a sinister global cabal to Nazism.

He claimed the Nazis also believed that a cabal was trying to control the world.

The basic Nazi idea was that Jews controlled the world, he continued.

Get rid of the Jews, you solve all the worlds problems.


Hararis attempt to downplay the role of the WEF in shaping world policies is shameless.

The WEF and Harari regularly boast about their plans to control the world....


Opera Buffa in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Seymour Hersh July 27, 2023

Lets take a look at recent events in the Ukraine war from the point of view of those in the American intelligence community who dont feel they have the ear of President Joe Biden but should.

On July 17 Ukraine attacked for a second time one of Russian President Vladimirs proudest achievements: the 11.25-mile Kerch Bridge linking Crimea to Russia. The 3.7 billion dollar bridge, with separate spans for auto and train traffic, was opened for auto traffic in May of 2018 and for trucks five months later, with Putin himself driving the first one to make the crossing.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made it clear before the Russian invasion early last year that he considered the bridge a legitimate military target. Ukraine initially attacked the bridge last October, using a submersible drone, but it was fully repaired within seven months. The most recent attack, by a pair of submersible drones, killed a couple who were driving across when the explosion occurred and injured their child. Damage to one of the auto spans was severe.

The Biden administrations role in both attacks was vital. Of course it was our technology, one American official told me. The drone was remotely guided and half submergedlike a torpedo. I asked if there was any thought before the bridge attack about the possibility of retaliation. What will Putin do? We dont think that far, the official said. Our national strategy is that Zelensky can do whatever he wants to do. Theres no adult supervision.

Putin responded to the second attack on the bridge by ending an agreement that enabled Ukrainian wheat and other vital food crops, stymied by the ongoing war, to be shipped from blocked ports on the Black Sea. (Before the war Ukraine exported more grain than the entire European Union and nearly half of the worlds sunflower seeds.) And Russia began steadily intensifying missile and rocket attacks in Odessa, whose initial target list has expanded from port areas to inner city sites.

The official said there was a lot more than grain and sunflower seeds flowing into Europe from Odessa and other Black Sea ports: Odessas exports included illegal stuff like drugs and the oil that Ukraine was getting from Russia.

At this point, with the Ukraine counteroffensive against Russia thwarted, the official said, Zelensky has no plan, except to hang on. Its as if hes an orphana poor waif in his underwearand we have no real idea of what Zelensky and his crowd are thinking. Ukraine is the most corrupt and dumbest government in the world, outside of Nigeria, and Bidens support of Zelensky can only come from Zelenskys knowledge of Biden, and not just because he was taking care of Bidens son.

There are some in t...


The Rampant Black Violence On American Military Bases "IndyWatch Feed War"

Eric Striker The Unz Review July 22, 2023

The story of a black American Army private who ditched a tour of the DMZ and ran into North Korea has taken over the news cycle due to its novelty value, but the incident is an opportunity to discuss the anarchy and dysfunction the United States exports to its satellite states through its 750 overseas bases in 80 countries.

According to recent news reports, 23-year-old defector Travis King, has been the aggressor in multiple acts of violence against Koreans while stationed in the country. Kings record has multiple incidents ranging from beating up a man at a night club, menacing Koreans on the street with threats and racial slurs, and attacking police officers.

Under Americas Status of Forces agreement (SOFA), it is difficult for local authorities to prosecute US military personnel when they prey on locals. Korean prosecutors went easy on King by ordering him to pay for the police car he damaged, which he refused to do.

US authorities, who get the last say when it comes to punishing military contractors and staff for crimes in surrounding areas, often treat the citizens around them with contempt. Look no further than the case of King, who was supposedly in custody being escorted by military police to be flown to the United States to face further punishment, yet somehow wound up on his own three hours away from the nearest airport to go sightseeing at the DMZ.

Many large US military bases abroad are microcosms of America, featuring Taco Bells, hip hop dance clubs, lots of drugs, and plenty of crime mirroring US racial issues. There are now 55,000 US troops in Okinawa, Japan, 28,500 in South Korea, and 33,000 in Germany, and contrary to the Washington foreign policy establishments claims, this presence is not seen as a welcome security buffer against supposed geopolitical threats, but instead commonly rejected by locals as forced occupation, national humiliation, and a source of anarchy.

It is no secret that domestic US military installations such as Fort Bragg, Fort Bliss, and Fort Hood, which are the most racially integrated communities in America, are warzones full of black and Mexican gang activity, rampant homicide (including above average rates of in...


Heart Injuries from Covid Shots 3000 Times Higher Than Claimed, Peer-Reviewed Study Shows "IndyWatch Feed War"

Frank Bergman SLAY July 27, 2023

A new bombshell study published in a renowned peer-reviewed journal has revealed that heart injuries caused by Covid shots are actually 3000 times higher than official government figures claim.

Researchers in Basel, Switzerland conducted the study involving 777 participants with a median age of 37.

The studys participants were all medical professionals who had been required to keep fully vaccinated for work due to vaccine mandates.

Researchers analyzed the patients for subclinical myocarditis after they had received the injections.

The incidence of elevated cardiac enzymes 3 days after the shots was substantial, at almost 3%.

The figure is far higher than claimed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Based on its own study, the CDC claimed the rate of subclinical myocarditis as a side effect of the Covid shot was 0.001% or one out of 100,000.

The Swiss studys figure of 2.8% is obviously far higher than the CDCs claimed 0.001%.

However, the researchers in Switzerland found that another 0.3% had probable myocarditis after the vaccine, putting the total at over 3%.

This new data puts post-vaccine heart injuries at 3000 times higher than the U.S. government claimed.

The study was published by the peer-reviewed European Journal of Heart Failure.

After receipt of Modernas COVID-19 booster, one in 35 healthcare workers at the same Swiss hospital had signs of heart injury associated with the vaccine, mRNA-1273, researchers found.

mRNA-1273 booster vaccination-associated elevation of markers of myocardial injury occurred in about one out of 35 persons (2.8%), a greater incidence than estimated in meta-analyses of hospitalized cases with myocarditis (estimated incidence 0.0035%) after the second vaccination, the researchers wrote in the paper.

None of the people with elevated markers had a history of heart disease, the researchers note.

The group experiencing the adverse effects was followed for only 30 days.

The researchers found that, at the end of the 30-day period, half of the group still had unusually high levels of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T at the follow-up examination.

Cardiac troponin T is an indicator of subclinical heart damage.

The long-term implications of the study remain...


The Monkey Mind and The Dog of Desire on The Streets of Fire; The Jitterbugging Monkey Mind of The Sad Apocalypse. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Reflections in a Petri Dish July 27, 2023

God Poet Transmitting.

Was it 2013 14? Somewhere around there it was that I met Mr. Apocalypse for the first time, and he told me he was going to nail them in public pull their pants down literally and metaphorically before the eyes of The World. He said they were going to be exposed in convincing fashion and ruined for all future enterprises against the rest of us. Slow forward to 2023 and now we see it by the day.

We see it in Hunter Biden and The Big Guy. We see it in all the clowns running through the halls of power with seltzer bottles and rubber noses. We see it in the awful films and music. We see it in the street demonstrations of sexual dysfunction pulling down their own pants in front of The World. By incremental degrees of cluelessness The World is no longer amused.

I was thinking about other periods of time in America Europe The Middle East. I was thinking about the periods of depravity that came along now and again how it reached a level of intensity and something happened. War? Maybe plague? I imagine it was different each time.

I thought about The Temperance Movement when alcoholism became so problematic in the cities. Drunks were everywhere. Now the Tranq zombies do the latest Thorazine shuffle on The Streets of Philadelphia One bright storm of summer from The Sun will wash clean all the streets of The World, and I WILL see that day.

Then I was thinking about men in bars. Men anywhere, seeing a beautiful woman and being drawn sometimes against their will sometimes driven by their carnal nature. They dont know the woman at all. Whether they admit it to themselves they have only one thing in mind. It doesnt matter who she is what shes like. Theres just the urge the mind captivated by her appearance and proximity.

Their biology is stronger than they are. Stronger than their good sense. Stronger than any impulse to step back and wonder about their intentions and I was seeing this clearly across the centuries everything from Helen of Troy to Heloise and Abelard and all the other poetic pecker tracks on the trail of destruction that lead to and from the scene of the crimes.

The dead and gone that were spawned by a single passion; no different than the road kill that died for the same reason; the mating dance of creatures, and I was thinking how the whole spectacle just sent me in another direction. If I had to feel that way I wanted to feel that way about something everlasting. I didnt want to play hide and seek with her moving back and forth in different- forms through time. I wanted to be in her arms forever or not at all.

The Monkey Mind is walking The Dog of Desire on the streets of f...


Authoritarian Sadism in U.S. Foreign Policy (Part 2) "IndyWatch Feed War"

In the first part of this paper, Authoritarian Sadism in U.S. Foreign Policy (Part 1), Dissident Voice, July 25, 2023, I introduced some psychoanalytic concepts and explained their application in revealing the latent motivations of high-ranking policy-makers in recent U.S. presidential administrations.  This approach was long ago studied by the eminent political scientist Harold Lasswell, who concluded that a political leaders manifest policies are often a rationalization of his unresolved psychological conflicts. 1

I have already examined, in relation to sadistic motivations, the personality of President Barack Obama (see: Obama: Im Really Good at Killing People, Dissident Voice, January 2, 2022.  Psychiatrist Justin Frank, M.D. also wrote a detailed psychoanalytic study entitled Obama on the Couch (2011), which is full of subtle and well-stated psychoanalytic insights, especially regarding Obamas childhood.  Still, psychoanalyst Justin Frank unconvincingly concluded that Obama was generally in excellent mental health.2

To my mind, his earlier book Bush on the Couch (2004), which I will refer to here, was unflinchingly probing and perspicacious, a superb tour-de-force in the field of psycho-political studies of presidential personalities and their often horrifically destructive policies.  (Parenthetically, ex-President Bush has frequently made revealing Freudian slips during recent speaking engagements.)  So, having already examined the case of Madeleine Albright, let us now examine the authoritarian sadism exhibited by President George W. Bush, a war criminal now almost entirely rehabilitated by the craven, mainstream media.

Case-Study no. 2:  George W. Bush

Former President George W. Bushs dreadful legacy of destruction rivals that of other modern authoritarian rulers who recklessly trampled human rights and laid waste to the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.  But were his injurious policiesfrom willfully wrecking an entire nation (I...


Policy Brief on Electrosmog "IndyWatch Feed War"

Cell Phone Task Force July 2023

Guidance to governments, legislators, environmental organizations, schools, and religious, political and community leaders.  If your organization wishes to join in supporting this brief, please email us.

Key Points

  1. The study of electricity should be restored to biology and medicine.
  2. Personal wireless communication must be phased out because the radiation that carries all the messages is destroying life on earth.
  3. Mobile phones must be replaced with landline phones, WiFi with ethernet cables, and other wireless consumer devices with devices connected by wires and cables.
  4. Mobile phone antennas and masts must be phased out and removed.
  5. Wireless technology must be removed from vehicles.
  6. Smart meters must be replaced with analog meters.
  7. Smart highways, smart cities, and the Internet of Things must cease being developed and deployed.
  8. Radar stations must be limited in number, location and power.
  9. Radar (microwave) ovens should not be used for heating food.
  10. An international treaty on electrosmog, addressing radiation on land, in the oceans, and in space, must be drafted.


Electrosmog is the totality of the electric fields, magnetic fields, and electromagnetic radiation that bathes us 24/7 from all electrical and electronic devices, electric wires, power lines, and wireless devices and antennas. With wired communication, information is transmitted via the wires, and the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiation are unintentional. Proper engineering can reduce these unwanted fields and radiation to a minimum.

By contrast, with wireless communication, the radiation is the product. Radiation substitutes for wires in transmitting information. Wireless means radiation. The ability to use a mobile device everywhere on earth means that every square meter of the earth must be irradiated at all times. Mobile devices operate in the microwave spectrum, with the result that the entire planet is now swimming in a sea of microwave radiation that is millions to billions of times stronger than the radiation from the sun and stars with which life evolved (1).

Life is based not only on chemistry but more fundamentally on electricity (2, 3). The unimpeded flow of electrons is essential to the functioning of our nerves, heart, and metabolism (3). Interference with these electric currents causes neurological diseases, heart disease, metabolic diseases such as diabetes, and cancer (4).  Organisms that have a very high metabolism, such as bees and other insects, are being wiped out (5, 6). Thousands of studies document the devastating eff...


Israels credit rating lowered by Morgan Stanley, Moodys warns of significant risk "IndyWatch Feed War"

Tel Aviv Stock Exchange

Zachy Hennessy Jerusalem Post Aug 25, 2023

Israels sovereign credit rating on Tuesday was lowered by credit rating agency Morgan Stanley, and Moodys warned of a significant risk that political and social tensions will lead to negative consequences for Israels economy and security situation, following the Knessets vote to pass the first law of its controversial judicial reform on Monday.

Morgan Stanley updated Israels sovereign credit to a dislike stance, noting that the government has reaffirmed the trajectory of its economy in a direction that is likely to scare off investors.

We see increased uncertainty about the economic outlook in the coming months and risks becoming skewed to our adverse scenario, the agency said. Markets are now likely to extrapolate the future policy path and we move Israel sovereign credit to a dislike stance.

They added that recent events indicate ongoing uncertainty in Israel and that the shekel is likely to continue depreciating alongside the Tel Aviv Stock Market, which has lost nearly 10% since November of last year.

Shoveling more problems onto the pile

Moodys warned that there is a significant risk that political and social tensions over the [judicial reform] will continue, with negative consequences for Israels economy and security situation.

The credit rating agency warned that it believes that the wide-ranging nature of the governments proposals could materially weaken the judiciarys independence and disrupt effective checks and balances between the various branches of government, which are important aspects of strong institutions.

The agency added that the executive and legislative institutions have become less predictable and more willing to create significant risks to economic and social stability.

Moodys announcement was made outside of its standard schedule for rating updates, which would have seen the next update in October. Given the outlook of Morgan Stanley and prior statements from Moodys, the latter can likely be expected to demote Israels rating as well.

In April, the agency affirmed Israels sovereign credit rating at A1 but downgraded the outlook on the Israeli governments credit ratings to stable from its prior status as positive. Moodys cited a weakening of institutional strength and policy predictability and a deterioration of...


Biden Family Scandals Are So Much Bigger Than Hunters Hookers And Burisma Bribery "IndyWatch Feed War"

Margot Cleveland The Federalist July 26, 2023

When the New York Post broke the news that documents recovered from Hunter Bidens abandoned laptop implicated Joe Biden in a pay-to-play scandal, the corporate media to the extent they didnt frame the story as Russian disinformation pretended the reporting solely concerned Hunter Bidens personal life.

The scandal, however, was never about Hunters sordid sex life and history of drug abuse. Rather, it concerned Joe Bidens abuse of power as vice president for financial gain. But now it reaches much further including 10 distinct scandals.

Saturated in Scandal

1. The Many (Uncharged) Crimes of Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden pictured with a Chinese hooker, part of a series of compromising photos of Hunter Biden set up by Chinese intelligence. Click to enlarge

While the current scandals swirling around the laptop are unrelated to Hunter Bidens sex life or drug abuse, the presidents son features in the first scandal: Evidence indicates Hunter Biden committed numerous crimes, including felonies.

Evidence suggests Hunter Biden acted as an unregistered foreign agent for, at a minimum, Ukraine and China in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. The confidential human sources (CHS) reporting suggests Hunter also accepted bribes from Burisma or alternatively helped extort $10 million from the Ukrainian oil and gas company for himself and his father.

IRS whistleblowers and federal prosecutors also believed the evidence supported multiple felony tax counts. Lying on a federal firearm application is a serious felony as well.

The evidence that the presidents son likely engaged in extensive criminal conduct for over a decade is a huge scandal, but it also bred a separate scandal: the DOJ and FBIs efforts to protect him, No. 7 below.

2. Joe Bidens Business Lie

Hunter Bidens lapt...


Public 'embrace Just Stop Oil' "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Public 'embrace Just Stop Oil'

Teaser Media

Is ChatGPTs evil twin FraudGPT itself a scam? "IndyWatch Feed World"

Cybersecurity experts say the new tools are just rudimentary apps that generate the kind of code a teenager could write.

Havent you heard? Theres a sophisticated, malicious AI thats emptying peoples bank accountsand you could be next.

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