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Thursday, 22 June


Lauterbach hat eine geniale Idee!Es geht um die Gesundheitsdaten, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Lauterbach hat eine geniale Idee!

Es geht um die Gesundheitsdaten, die Lauterbach gerne fr Forschung freigeben will.

Damit die Daten der Versicherten nicht gefhrdet werden, will Lauterbach die KI-Systeme "mit synthetischen Daten durchsplen [...] wie eine neue Heizung, die man sich kauft".
Ja Scheie, Bernd! Wieso sind wir da nicht selber draufgekommen!

Das sollten wir auch mit anderen Dingen tun. Haben Sie Ihre Firewall schon durchgesplt?

Warum nicht ein Business draus machen? Der Bankkontendurchsplservice! Hey, die meisten Webforen knnten mal eine Tiefenreinigung brauchen. Bei Facebook, Twitter und co reicht wahrscheinlich Durchsplen nicht, da bruchte man eine Hochdruckreinigung.

Ich bin dann mal kurz weg, das Blog hier durchsplen.

Kurze Durchsage von Google:Google warns its own employees: ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kurze Durchsage von Google:

Google warns its own employees: Do not use code generated by Bard
Guter Rat. Solltet ihr auch so handhaben.

Leserbrief:Ganz einfache These zum Nachdenken: in einem ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"


Ganz einfache These zum Nachdenken: in einem Land, in dem berwiegende Teile der Bevlkerung offen stolz darauf sind, kein Mathe zu knnen, braucht man sich ber zur Schau gestelltes fehlendes technisches Verstndnis nicht zu wundern und aufzuregen.
Ansonsten ist meine Inbox gerade voll von "Hold My Beer"-Mails zu "also eine KI knnte eine Wrmepumpe bestimmt erklren". Einer wollte die Erklrung in Form eines Gangsta-Rap und ChatGPT hat geliefert.

Kurze Durchsage von Eurofusion, dem Betreiber von ITER:Beim ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kurze Durchsage von Eurofusion, dem Betreiber von ITER:

Beim Forum Fusion in Berlin sagte Tony Donn, Chef des Betreiberkonsortiums EuroFusion, vergangene Woche: Wir sollten mit einem ersten Fusionskraftwerk nicht so lange warten mssen, bis das ntige Wissen durch ITER zur Verfgung steht. Anders ausgedrckt bedeutet das: ITER soll nicht lnger die Voraussetzung fr ein erstes Demonstrationskraftwerk sein. Stattdessen soll ein solches nun bereits parallel zu den laufenden Montagearbeiten im franzsischen Cadarache entstehen.
Na also! Geht doch!

Wenn wir nur die 10 Milliarden nicht Intel in den Arsch geblasen htten. Hey, ich wei. Wir nehmen das Geld einfach aus dem 5-Fusionskraftwerke-Sondervermgen der Bundeswehr!

+++ EIL +++Qualittsoffensive bei der "Bild"-"Zeitung" ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

+++ EIL +++

Qualittsoffensive bei der "Bild"-"Zeitung" steigert die Qualitt der Artikel merklich.

+++ BRECHEND +++

Ende Februar hatte Springer-Chef Mathias Dpfner einen radikalen Umbau bei der Bild-Zeitung angekndigt. Jetzt wird klar, was das bedeutet. Viele Mitarbeiter werden entlassen, Standorte fallen weg und KI hlt Einzug.
Ich bin mir fast sicher, dass die KI erklren kann, wie eine Wrmepumpe funktioniert.

Sagten wir, die "Bild"-"Redaktion" wei nicht, wie ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Sagten wir, die "Bild"-"Redaktion" wei nicht, wie eine Wrmepumpe funktioniert?

Das war ein bedauerliches Missverstndnis. Die "Bild"-"Redaktion" wei nicht, wie eine Luftpumpe funktioniert.

Ich lehne mich mal ein bisschen aus dem Fenster hier und behaupte, dass wer nicht, wei wie eine Luftpumpe funktioniert, der wird auch nicht wissen, wie eine Wrmepumpe funktioniert.

Wie kann so jemand Chefredakteurin werden, fragt ihr? Nun, sie hat langjhrige Branchenerfahrung!

Bild der Frau ... Erotikmagazin Das neue Wochenend ... Hamburger Morgenpost ... Frauenzeitschrift Fritz ... Chefredaktion von Bild ... Bild Hamburg ... Bild am Sonntag ... Beratungsunternehmen Kekst CNC
Kekst CNC? Das war doch die Krisen-PR-Firma von Bitmarck!

Bei dem Lebenslauf wundert mich jedenfalls nicht, dass sie nicht wei, wie eine Luftpumpe funktioniert. Ich kann mir auch gut vorstellen, dass niemand, der wei, wie eine Luftpumpe funktioniert, fr jemanden arbeiten will, der es nicht wei.

Update: Wisst ihr was? Das sollten wir uns alle merken. Als Frage bei Vorstellungsgesprchen. Beidseitig. "Wissen Sie, wie eine Luftpumpe funktioniert?"

Update: Die Sendung mit der Maus erklrt die Luftpumpe.

Update: Die Sendung mit der Maus hat 2021 auch die Wrmepumpe erklrt. Gut, dass wir den ffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk haben!

Einen Platz im Pflegeheim kriegen nur noch leichte ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Einen Platz im Pflegeheim kriegen nur noch leichte Flle. Es gibt mehr Bedarf als Pltze, also suchen sich die Heime aus, wen sie nehmen. Und sie nehmen dann die, die bei vollem Profit wenig Arbeit machen. Klar.

Update: Ein Leser erklrt mir gerade, dass mein Modell hier falsch ist. Zwar stimmt es, dass eine Pflegekraft mehr Patienten der Pflegestufe 2 gleichzeitig haben darf:

Beispiel Berlin

10 Pflegekrfte drfen nach aktueller/alter (07/23 startet eine neue, bergangsfrist bis 1/26) Regelung;
39 Patienten Pflegestufe 2 betreuen: 30.030 von der Pflegeversicherung
22 Patienten Pflegestufe 4 betreuen: 39.050 von der Pflegeversicherung

schreibt der Leser. Und tatschlich: Pro Pflegegrad 2 gibt es 316 Euro, pro Pflegegrad 4 sind es 728 Euro, also mehr als doppelt so viel Geld.

Damit ist es nicht Profitmaximierung, die hier betrieben wird, sondern Burnout-Prvention beim Pflegepersonal. Quelle fr den Personalschlssel. Tatschlich gezahlte Pauschalen, Quelle: Verbraucherzentrale.

Wieso hetzt die "Bild" eigentlich so gegen Wrmepumpen?Da ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wieso hetzt die "Bild" eigentlich so gegen Wrmepumpen?

Da hatte die SZ einen Einblick, den sie leider hinter eine Paywall getan hat, und daher schicke ich ihnen jetzt keine Leser. Aber hier hat jemand einen Screenshot auf Twitter. Es geht um einen Umbau im Verlag. Es spricht "Bild"-Chef"redakteurin" Marion Horn. Ich zitiere:

Bild msse die Welt schneller begreifen und erklren knnen, sagte Horn. "Wir haben hier verdammt noch mal niemanden, der wei, wie so eine Wrmepumpte funktioniert."
Und so passt mal wieder alles wie Arsch auf Eimer.

Was der Bauer nicht kennt, das frisst er nicht.


Justice Alito Launches Preemptive Strike On Leftist Hit Piece "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Justice Samuel AlitoProPublica carped on Justice Alito over a fishing trip that didnt violate the courts ethical standard and didnt affect any rulings.


Life over Lithium "IndyWatch Feed War"

As guilt mounts over humanitys inaction in the face of the climate crisis, industrialized capitalists have adapted their tactics to meet the demands of a more environmentally conscious market; by selling the image of sustainability!

Touted as the green transportation of the future, demand has exploded for electric cars. This has, in turn, increased the demand for lithium and other rare earth metals, with corporations rushing to open as many new mines as possible. Indigenous elders have been at the forefront of resistance to this latest wave of extractive capitalism, particularly in Peehee Muhuh also known as Thacker Pass, Nevada, where the Ox Sam Indigenous Womens camp has been resisting the construction of what would be North Americas largest lithium mine.

Later, subMedias nihilist weather droid, UV-400 brings us the latest updates in the climate crisis with a global weather report. Included are record-breaking wildfires in Canada, a heatwave and devastating floods across China and an earthquake in Haiti.

Finally, in so-called Peru, Indigenous warriors seized oil tankers in yet another flare up of the ongoing tensions with Canadian oil company PetrolTal.

For more information on the Ox Sam Indigenous Womens Camp visit


How students jumpstarted a bold new campaign for debt abolition "IndyWatch Feed War"

university of san francisco students march to protest student debt

The historic movement victory to forgive student debt won last summer is under relentless attack. At the beginning of June, the Senate passed a bill blocking President Bidens debt cancellation plan, which he subsequently vetoed. However, the plan remains on hold as the Supreme Court considers dubious challenges to it. Another blow came with the signing of the bipartisan debt ceiling deal that will restart student loan payments at the end of August. 

In response to these ongoing threats, students are once again taking action rallying outside the Supreme Court in February and organizing a sit-in at House Speaker Kevin McCarthys office on Capitol Hill in May. 

Students have also continued to organize on their individual campuses across the country. According to Alyssa Traina, who just finished her sophomore year at the University of San Francisco, the situation reached a boiling point at her school following a decision to raise tuition and housing costs to $80,000 a year. Ongoing problems with student housing, food, financial aid and unwanted building acquisitions and construction also contributed to the decision to mobilize. 

In addition to her involvement with the campaigns media team, Traina has created regular videos for Waging Nonviolence as our digital content creator over the last year. In this conversation, we discuss the extensive planning that went into the action...


Sudan On Fire: Documenting Equipment Losses During The 2023 Sudan Crisis "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

By Stijn Mitzer, Joost Oliemans and Elmustek
This list aims to comprehensively catalogue the equipment losses during the 2023 Sudan Crisis. This list does not discern between the Sudanese Army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Captured equipment, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), damaged ground vehicles and (destroyed) technicals are not included in this list. This list is updated as new losses are uncovered. For a dedicated list of Sudanese aircraft losses during the 2023 Sudan Crisis click here.
(Click on the numbers to get a picture of each individual destroyed vehicle)


Tanks (17, of which destroyed: 17)


Khartoum Kaputt: Aircraft Losses During The 2023 Sudan Crisis "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans in collaboration with Gerjon

This list aims to comprehensively catalogue the (operational) aircraft and helicopters destroyed and damaged during the 2023 Sudan Crisis. Captured aircraft and helicopters as well as derelict aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are not included in this list. This list is updated as new losses are uncovered. For a list of vehicle losses during the 2023 Sudan Crisis click here.
(Click on the numbers to get a picture of each individual destroyed or damaged aircraft)

Sudanese Air Force (26, of which destroyed: 23, damaged: 3)

Jet Aircraft (7)


And Then Biden Blew It ... "IndyWatch Feed War"

The talks Secretary of State Anthony Blinken had in China were somewhat useful. On his way out he at least used the right words on Taiwan: 'We do not support Taiwan independence,' America's top diplomat said in Beijing after meeting...


US Sanctions Ignite Booming Black Market for Nvidia AI Chips in China "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

US sanctions ignite booming black market for Nvidia AI chips in China:

What do you do when US sanctions prevent the purchase of high-performance Nvidia AI GPUs? In China, universities and businesses are turning to underground dealers to secure these chips, and paying a premium to get their hands on them.

In September last year, the US further tightened sanctions against China by instructing Nvidia and AMD to stop selling their high-performance AI-focused GPUs to the country (and Russia), a restriction aimed at preventing the US companies' top hardware from being used by or diverted to military users and finding their way into the nation's supercomputers.

The sanctions mean that China cannot import Nvidia A100 or H100 GPUs, while AMD's MI250 Instinct card is also prohibited, leaving less powerful options such as the MI100 accelerator and the Nvidia A800, which went into production in Q3 last year as another alternative to the A100 GPU. The chip has an interconnect speed of 400 GB/s, down from the A100's 600 GB/s.

Reuters reports that this year's generative AI boom led by OpenAI's ChatGPT has seen demand for Nvidia's high-end chips skyrocket in China. That's led to an underground market in the Asian nation, where everyone from startups to universities is paying large premiums to secure these GPUs - buying or selling the chips within China is not illegal.

Reuters visited the famous Huaqiangbei electronics area in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen where two vendors told reporters they could provide small numbers of A100 chips for $20,000 each, double the usual price of around $10,000.

A Hong Kong startup founder said he experienced the same thing when quoted $19,150 each for two to four A100 cards, which were needed to run its latest AI models. In addition to paying much more than their MSRP, these cards lack any kind of warranty or support.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


The Great Reset Is Almost Here Are You Prepared? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post The Great Reset Is Almost Here Are You Prepared? appeared first on Global Research.


Wall Street Journal Shields Ethically Challenged Alito "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

While there isnt a written code of conduct for journalists, there is still a set of rules most of them abide by. On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal completely disregarded these standard practices in an attempt to protect Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito from an embarrassing revelation.

Here is what happened: ProPublica was working on a story about an unreported, billionaire-sponsored fishing trip to Alaska that Alito took in 2008. What made matters worse is that the private plane the justice arrived on had been chartered by Paul Singer, a hedge fund manager with business before the Supreme Court.

As is common practice, the reporters working on the story asked Alito for comment last week and gave him until yesterday at noon to respond. Instead of doing so, the Supreme Courts main spokeswoman informed them that the justice would not comment.

Now, Alito is no dummy, and, based on the questions he received, he must have known that this was not going to look good for him.

The high courts ethics rules (or lack thereof) have come under scrutiny in recent months following revelations, also primarily based on ProPublicas reporting, that fellow Justice Clarence Thomas has been the beneficiary of the largesse of another conservative billionaire, Harlan Crow. Thats a nice way of saying that Thomas never revealed that he was the recipient of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gifts and other shady arrangements that benefited him and his family.

So, what does an ethically challenged Supreme Court justice do when asked for comment on a story that is going to make him look bad?

Alito, knowing that he would find a sympathetic ear there, chose to go running to the Wall Street Journal to preempt ProPublicas article with an editorial excusing his questionable decision-making.

Now, that may be understandable. After all, if you get caught doing something bad, you want to put a good spin on things.

What is less understandable is that the Journal complied, especially in light of the flimsy excuses Alito offered in his guest editorial.

Specifically, he argued that flying on a private jet (and not reporting it) is totally acceptable if that seat otherwise would have been empty. Try going to a Taylor Swift concert and telling the bouncers that you didnt pay for a ticket but want to sit in a luxury box because there is still room.

Alitos reason for not disclosing the trip is equally dumb....


Confidential Pfizer Document Shows the Company Observed 1.6 Million Adverse Events Covering Nearly Every Organ System "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post Confidential Pfizer Document Shows the Company Observed 1.6 Million Adverse Events Covering Nearly Every Organ System appeared first on Global Research.


No Frills Autonomous Lawnmower Gets The Job Done "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

[Nathan] needed an autonomous mower to help on the farm, so he built his own without breaking the bank. It might not be the prettiest machine, but its been keeping his roads, fences and yard clear for over a year. In the video after the break, he gives a detailed breakdown of its build and function.

Its built around a around a simple angle-iron frame with a normal internal combustion push mower at its core. 18 bicycle-type wheels are mounted at each corner, each side driven by an e-bike motors via long bicycle chains. Nathan had to add some guards around his wheel sprockets to prevent the chains slipping of due to debris.

Al the electronics and the battery is simply mounted on top of the frame, away from the motors to avoid magnetic interference with the compass. The brain of the system is a Pixhawk autopilot with a GPS module running ArduPilot, a staple for most of the autonomous rovers, boats and...


"We Are Not Martyrs" : A Message from Serge, Who Survived Attempted Murder at the Hands of French Police "IndyWatch Feed War"

What follows is a translation of the first message from Serge since French police grievously injured him along with many other people during a protest in Sainte-Soline on March 25, 2023. Serge spent a month in a coma after a police officer shot him in the head with a grenade. We have been anxiously following his situation and it is with tremendous relief that we report that he has recovered enough to release the following message.

Just as we are grateful that the Italian anarchist Alfredo Cospito miraculously survived his 180-day hunger strike against the solitary confinement regime of the Italian prison system, we give thanks that Serge remains among the living. It is heartening to see that the margin between life and death is sometimes a little wider than it appears, especially in a time when we have lost so many comrades. A little good news makes it easier to keep going.

Yesterday, French police arrested 18 people accused of association with Soulevements de la Terre (Earth Uprisings), one of the movements that participated in the protests in Sainte-Soline. Today is the date that French interior minister Grald Darmanin set for the state-ordered dissolution of the Soulevements de la Terre. As usual, the state endangers the lives of those it supposedly protects, blames the victims of its attacks, and then takes steps to silence the survivors.

You can learn more about the Soulevements and how to support them in the face of the state crackdown here. You can read more about the clashes in Sainte-Soline here. For more background, this text explores the origins of the social conflict that has unfolded in France over the past several months in response to French President Emmanuel Macrons unpopular effort to force French workers to labor longer...


Dystopian Nightmare: Ten Unbelievable Things that Will Happen Soon if We Dont Stop the March of Tyranny and the Enslavement of Humanity "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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The post Dystopian Nightmare: Ten Unbelievable Things that Will Happen Soon if We Dont Stop the March of Tyranny and the Enslavement of Humanity appeared first on Global Research.


Video: IMF Managing Director Says We are working hard on a global CBDC "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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The post Video: IMF Managing Director Says We are working hard on a global CBDC appeared first on Global Research.


Miyawaki forests are a global sensation, but not everyones sold on them "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

KANAGAWA PREFECTURE The Miyawaki method for cultivating fast-growing groves of native vegetation has found eager practitioners all over the world. But some say the method promises more than it can deliver, and that, in some cases, restorers are planting Miyawaki groves where they dont belong. Developed in the early 1970s by the late Japanese forest ecologist Akira Miyawaki, the method involves the following steps: determine the plant species native to a given area; improve the soil by mixing in organic material; plant seedlings of native trees and understory plants in a dense, mixed manner (about three seedlings per square meter) meant to simulate a natural forest; remove weeds from the site for up to three years after planting, if necessary. After that, the grove is left to its own devices. Due to the dense planting, the seedlings grow quickly as they compete for sunlight. Although originally implemented in Japan, Miyawaki collaborated with Japanese multinational companies to apply his method overseas as well. This led Miyawaki in 1999 to claim that quasi-natural forests can be built in 15-20 years in Japan and 40-50 years in Southeast Asia. Over the past decade, the Miyawaki methods popularity has reached new heights, including projects in Jordan and Brazil, among other locations. However, two ecological restoration practitioners in India recently criticized the Miyawaki method, saying it doesnt deliver on the promise of native, natural forests. A Miyawaki mini-forest planted in 2007 at Izumo Taisha Sagami Bunshi in Kanagawa prefecture. Image by Annelise Giseburt forThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Why do some people litter? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It annoys me when I see people throw things out of their car windows or when I see things like plastic bottles and containers strewn on sidewalks. Litter makes the environment ugly. It does not take much effort to not litter. You just keep the waste item until you reach a trash can. So why do people casually toss things away in public places, even sometimes when there is a trash can nearby? Some researchers are studying why people litter as part of an effort to reduce the practice, and find that there are multiple reasons why people do it.

In 2011, a study in Environment and Behavior observed people littering in public places. The researchers went to 130 outdoor, public locations in 10 U.S. states and watched almost 10,000 people as they went about their business.

When the researchers first arrived at a site, they were tasked with evaluating the areas cleanliness and the availability of garbage bins. Of the 130 sites, 91 percent had at least one trash can. Only two sites didnt have any visible litter.

The field researchers made note of all disposal behaviors and whether people incorrectly disposed of their garbage. Incorrect disposal included people who intentionally tossed items on the ground and someone who failed to realize they had dropped something.

Of all disposals, 17 percent were improper, and 4 percent of people qualified as litterbugs. So whyd they do it?

Accessibility was one factor. The researchers noticed that people were more likely to litter if they werent close to a garbage can. The more trash bins available, the more likely a person would dispose of their trash properly.

People were also more likely to litter if they were in an area that already had trash on the ground. A person at a highway rest stop cluttered with cigarette butts and food wrappers was more apt to litter than someone at a manicured park.   

The authors concluded that cleaning and maintaining a trash-free space is a prevention strategy to stop future people from littering. Making trash cans readily available will also reduce litter. These approaches can motivate casual litterers to keep an area clean, but other studies find chronic litterers might not be compelled to change. 

People tend to agree that litter is bad for the environment. But a 2023 study in Ocean & Coastal Management found that people didnt feel it was their problem to solve. Instead, they saw environmental issues as a larger problem that necessitated an overhaul of consumer behavior through regulations like banning plastic bag use or drinking straws.

Other people continue to litter simply because it feels good to be bad. One study found that people littered in their work environments as an act of deviance against their employer.



Blinken Blinked: US Foreign Policy Chiefs Fruitless Flight to Beijing "IndyWatch Feed War"

By James Tweedie Sputnik 20.06.2023

Antony Blinken had hoped to reassert a constructive US role in the Pacific on his trip to China. Two experts both said he could only pick low-hanging diplomatic fruit, however.

At a press conference following meetings with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang and President Xi Jinping on Monday, Blinken backed down from recent attempts by US House of Representatives speakers Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy to encourage Taiwan to assert formal independence from mainland China.

We do not support Taiwan independence, Blinken said. We remain opposed to any unilateral changes to the status quo by either side.

He also appeared to abandon Washingtons claims that China was supplying arms or munitions to Russia for its military operation in Ukraine, finally accepting Chinas repeated refutations.

University of Manitoba professor Dr. Radhika Desai told Sputnik that the Biden administration probably had to make some sort of visit to China, even though the last scheduled meeting in February was canceled after the balloon incident.

She said the Chinese government was being morally big by tolerating Blinken.

China, even though it doesnt have to do it, is doing these things, is extending the olive branch, Desai said. Its doing diplomacy as it should be done.

Beijings graciousness stemmed from its concern for the world at large, she said.

The United States and China are nuclear powers. They are the two big superpowers of the world, Desai stressed. For them not to talk means that you have a very dangerous world situation, and the Chinese are committed not to bring the world to the edge of nuclear disaster.

The academic said the tensions between the two nations were just a symptom of declining US influence in the world.

Why is the United States facing this conflicted situation vis-a-vis China? Desai asked. Because it is losing power.

Blinken was also forced to admit that he had failed in his aim of re-opening a hotline between the two countries armed forces, a difficulty which Yang Tao, Foreign Ministry director-general of the Department of North American and Oceanian Affairs, said was due to US sanctions.

Journalist and expert on the political economy and geopolitics of the Asia-Pacific KJ Noh told Sputnik that meant the two nuclear powers dont have words to communicate with.

When you dont have the words, you only have actions to communicate with...


Blinkens Beijing Trip Accomplished Nothing But U.S. Humiliation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Secretary of State Antony BlinkenHow can the U.S. maintain its role as the leader of the free world when its officials are being humiliated and scolded by the CCP?


New Condi DDoS botnet targets TP-Link Wi-Fi routers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers discovered a new strain of malware called Condi that targets TP-Link Archer AX21 (AX1800) Wi-Fi routers.

Fortinet FortiGuard Labs Researchers discovered a new strain of malware called Condi that was observed exploiting a vulnerability in TP-Link Archer AX21 (AX1800) Wi-Fi routers.

FortiGuard Labs encountered recent samples of a DDoS-as-a-service botnet calling itself Condi. It attempted to spread by exploiting TP-Link Archer AX21 (AX1800) routers vulnerable to CVE-2023-1389, which was disclosed in mid-March of this year. reads the report published by Fortinet. We have additionally observed an increasing number of Condi samples collected from our monitoring systems since the end of May 2023, indicating an active attempt to expand the botnet.

The CVE-2023-1389 flaw exploited by the bot is a command injection vulnerability. An unauthenticated attacker can trigger the issue to inject commands, which would run as root, sending a simple POST request.

The malware compromises the devices to build a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) botnet.

The researchers observed a surge in attacks in May 2023.

The threat actor behind the botnet, zxcr9999, advertises its malware on a Telegram channel named Cond Network. The channel was created in May 2022 and the threat actor is using it to offer a DDoS-for-hire service through the botnet and is also offering the source code of the bot for sale.

The bot supports anti-analysis functionalities and is also able to kill processes associate with competing botnets.

Condi malware

The bot propagates using an embedded simple scanner borrowed from Mir...


Progresismo colombiano: Salir de sus propios lmites? "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Gobernabilidad cambiante. Entorpecimientos y trabas para la aprobacin de los proyectos de reformas de salud, trabajo y pensiones en el Congreso. Tensiones y rupturas en la coalicin de gobierno. Escndalos mediticos semanales que afectan la imagen del presidente y su administracin, sean ciertos o falsos. Discursos de Gustavo Petro casi diarios en eventos internacionales y nacionales. Bsqueda permanente del cese al fuego con mltiples estructuras armadas en el pas. Movilizaciones de la oposicin y a favor del gobierno.

As podra decirse transcurre la mayor parte de la agenda poltica colombiana en los ltimos meses. Un ambiente que al mirarlo a travs de un caleidoscopio, pareciera vislumbrar un prisma de colores oscuros para el tiempo que se avecina. Pero que, a lo mejor, al reflejar este caleidoscopio a la luz adecuada, el panorama podra acomodar la mirada en el destello de los colores de la esperanza para la lucha de los pueblos.

Salir de los propios lmites?

Despus de diez meses en el gobierno, el proyecto progresista no logra avanzar en las expectativas de cambio que desat en medio de la contienda electoral. Las razones de esta situacin son mltiples y de distinto tinte, pero una de las principales que expresan desde la institucionalidad, es la limitante al no contar con mayoras absolutas en el Congreso, quedando encerrados y maniatados a los acuerdos que se logren tranzar con los sectores polticos tradicionales del pas, que lo nico que quieren es burocracia y que nada cambie.

En medio de estas conciliaciones que no llegaron a ningn fin, el presidente decidi sacar de su gabinete ministerial a aquellos que representaban los partidos Liberal, Conservador y de la U. A partir de esto tomaron ms fuerza los llamados de Petro a la sociedad, a quien demanda que se movilice de manera masiva para defender las reformas y al gobierno mismo. El tono va cambiando con el paso de las semanas, y en su ltima movilizacin convocada el pasado 7 de junio, el mandatario declar:

La fase que sigue es el gobierno popular, y vamos a demostrar cmo se hace y cmo se ejerce. Las asambleas populares en cada municipio son para gobernar. Quiero que ustedes, hombres y mujeres, trabajadores, estudiantes, se sientan gobierno. No soy yo el gobierno, son ustedes, yo soy apenas un mandatario de ustedes, un sirviente de ustedes (1).

Aunque el discurso suena interesante, pasar de las palabras a los hechos es un acto muy complejo en este momento, pues realmente no existe ningn proceso de movimientos sociales u organizaciones fuertes que puedan asumir el reto que se le plantea al conjunto del pueblo colombiano. As mismo, un llamado de este tipo incluira que la participacin de la sociedad en dichas asambleas planteadas sea de carcter vinculante y definitorio, lo que implicara que las decisiones de la poltica se tomen en ejercicios de la democracia radical y asamblearia, algo q...


A Momentary Lapse of Sanity "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  Identify the Captioned Aircraft (above)   H/T PaulM   Remember the USS Pueblo and USS Liberty One was attacked by our enemy, North Korea, and the other was attacked by our ally, Israel. Unarmed, Banner Class environmental research ships attached to the Naval Security Group, and its parent, the National Security Agency.   Identify []

The post A Momentary Lapse of Sanity appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Link "IndyWatch Feed War"

Kit Knightly Late last month the office of the United Nations Secretary General published a policy document on aims for the future of the internet. A follow-up to the 2021 report Our Common Agenda, the new reports title says it all really, A Global Digital Compact. Thats the goal, international legislation that would seek to


The Supreme Court Upheld the Indian Child Welfare Act. The Long Struggle to Implement the Law Continues. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for Dispatches, a newsletter that spotlights wrongdoing around the country, to receive our stories in your inbox every week.

On Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act. The decision, by a 7-2 vote, meant that the law will continue to require giving preference to placing adoptable Native American children with Native families.

Kathryn Fort, director of the Indian Law Clinic at the Michigan State University College of Law, represented tribes who appealed after a federal judge in Texas declared ICWA unconstitutional in 2018. Shed spent months anticipating that the Supreme Court would make major changes to the law or even dismantle it.

I was stunned, said Fort the day after the decision.

Some legal observers noted that because the justices did not resolve the racial bias claim in the case, which is officially known as Haaland v. Brackeen, the door is open for a future challenge on those grounds. Fort said thats nothing new.

This was their best shot at a case, she said, referring to ICWA opponents. The messaging has really come through that people who are removing Native children from their family and culture, you're not doing good things for Native people.

Although the Supreme Court let the law stand, Fort has nonetheless spent a lot of time thinking about how ICWA could be made to work better. A ProPublica investigation published the morning of the decision suggests that the law is unevenly applied across the states. The story profiled the case of Cheyenne Hinojosa, a Native American mother in South Dakota who lost her parental rights for one of her children due to the child welfare agencys failure to follow ICWA. A ProPublica analysis found that in South Dakota, more than 700 Native American children or about one of every 40 living in the state experienced the termination of their parents rights from 2017 to 2021. Its one of the highest rates in the country.



Declaran emergencia hdrica en Montevideo "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Marcha en defensa del agua en Montevideo. (PITCNT/G.Schiaffarino)

El rea metropolitana de Montevideo lleva ms de un mes sin agua potable. En la noche del lunes 19 de junio el presidente de gobierno, Luis Lacalle Pou, realiz una conferencia de prensa para anunciar las nuevas medidas decretando el estado de Emergencia Hdrica. La decisin estrella es la exoneracin de impuestos en la venta del agua embotellada, junto a la construccin de un nuevo embalse en el ro San Jos. Ante la ausencia de lluvias y para evitar el desabastecimiento, se elevarn los niveles de sodio y cloruro hasta donde permitan llevar los registros para que sea bebible, en palabras del presidente. La realidad es que los niveles ya superan los recomendados por las autoridades sanitarias.

En una de las mayores sequas vividas por la regin nos encontramos con una crisis con precedentes. Federico Kriemerman, presidente de la FFOSE, el sindicado de trabajadoras y trabajadores de la OSE, compaa estatal uruguaya encargada del abastecimiento de agua potable y saneamiento en todo el pas, en una mesa redonda de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, en busca de soluciones dejaba claro que la crisis hdrica golpea a una OSE no preparada ni en infraestructura ni en personal. Y es que no ha habido inversin pblica en infraestructura y cada vez son menos las trabajadoras y trabajadores, se pierde agua porque no se invierte. El dficit hdrico se lleva evidenciando desde hace aos. Concretamente, hace ms de tres aos que INUMED est en alerta de sequa. Incluso el agrosector lleva tiempo demandando ayudas fiscales. Es una crisis con precedentes porque las medidas que se podran haber tomado no se tomaron. Como denuncia Kriemerman, no hay poltica que priorice el uso humano del agua sobre los intereses del capital.

Movimientos ciudadanos, activistas y el sector acadmico ms crtico defienden que la solucin no pasa por reducir el precio del agua, sino entender que acceder al agua debe ser un derecho, no un privilegio econmico

La exoneracin de impuestos en embotelladoras reducir el precio del agua, ajustndose a los lmites de las plataformas de consumidores, pero aun as supone un gran gasto en la poblacin. Solo un sector reducido tiene acceso a dos litros de agua gratuita diarios como parte de las prestaciones sociales. El artculo 47 de la Constitucin permite intervenir o expropiar a las empresas embotelladoras en caso de necesidad, ya que se entiende que el agua es un bien comn. Las grandes empresas embotelladoras de agua que actan en el pas no son uruguayas. Sin embargo, esto no les impide extraer agua subterrnea en sus pozos propios. Es por eso, que movimientos ciudadanos, activistas y el sector acadmico ms crtico defienden que la solucin no pasa por reducir el precio del agua, sino entender que acceder al agua debe ser un derecho, no un privilegio e...


FLASHBACK: Cold-weather accounts for almost all temperature-related deaths "IndyWatch Feed World"

With the number of extreme weather days rising around the globe in recent years due to global warming, it is no surprise that there has been an upward trend in hospital visits and admissions for injuries caused by high heat over the last several years. But cold temperatures are responsible for almost all temperature-related deaths, according to a new study published in the journal Environmental Research. According to the new study by researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago, patients who died because of cold temperatures were responsible for 94% of temperature-related deaths, even though hypothermia was responsible for only 27% of temperature-related hospital visits. "With the decrease in the number of cold weather days over the last several decades, we still see more deaths due to cold weather as opposed to hot weather," said Lee Friedman, associate professor of environmental and occupational health sciences in the UIC School of Public Health and corresponding author on...


Red Hat cutting back RHEL source availability "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Red Hat has announced that public source releases will be restricted to CentOS Stream going forward:

As the CentOS Stream community grows and the enterprise software world tackles new dynamics, we want to sharpen our focus on CentOS Stream as the backbone of enterprise Linux innovation. We are continuing our investment in and increasing our commitment to CentOS Stream. CentOS Stream will now be the sole repository for public RHEL-related source code releases. For Red Hat customers and partners, source code will remain available via the Red Hat Customer Portal.

(Emphasis in original; thanks to Janne Blomqvist).


Bidens Latest Anti-Gun Claims Arent Just False They Dont Even Make Sense "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Biden speaking at gun policy summitBiden's most recent anti-gun claims during the National Safer Communities Summit are false, incomplete, and incoherent.


The Chief of Staff "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

My high school science teacher asked me if I could make a hiking staff for one of my other high school science teachers who is retiring in September. How could anyone say no to that?

I started looking around for materials and coming up with ideas, and eventually decided on laminated bamboo as the primary component. Rockler sells 36 boards and I decided Id use 3, ripped lengthwise and assembled, lapped and epoxied with G-flex. I did a small experiment, consisting of making a little piece of the stuff, putting it in a vise, and whacking it a few times with a forging hammer. I was pretty confident, after that, that anything that ruined the staff would also ruin the science teacher, so thats all nominal.

My first idea was to make a finial for the staff out of bronze, cast in the shape of an ehrlenmeyer flask.

That turned out to be a non-starter because I just couldnt bear to do it. First off, thats a lot of bronze. Secondly, the shape of the mold would be practically designed to produce a molten bronze volcano with that big bottom to generate steam in, and the narrow neck to constrict it all so it shoots everywhere. Perhaps Im just being a nervous nelly, but I decided to table that decision and come up with something else later.

Meanwhile, I continued with the compositing.

I thought Real Hard(tm) about putting a carbon fiber rod down the center (I have some golf club handles) but decided that was probably unnecessary. My decisions at this time were being heavily Detail and mentally, I was with Demeisen, in a place free from petty concerns such as is this too over the top? But, screw it. Bamboo is remarkably tough stuff already. When the glue was all cured, I squared the staff up on the table saw, then knocked the edges off so itd turn more easily on the lathe.

It was right about then that I realized I have a 36 lathe and thats not going to support a 54 staff. Le oops. Time to quit for the day and let my subconscious noodle my way out of the problem. And, sure enough, it did:...


Seven more stable kernels "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 6.3.9, 6.1.35, 5.15.118, 5.10.185, 5.4.248, 4.19.287, and 4.14.319 stable kernel updates have all been released; each contains another set of important fixes.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Linux Mint as the popular desktop Linux distribution derived from Ubuntu LTS releases and known for their Cinnamon desktop is out today with their 21.2 "Victoria" beta release for testing...


Oreo maker Mondelez staff hit by data breach at third-party law firm "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Snack giant Mondelez is warning past and present employees that their personal information may now be in the hands of hackers following a data breach at a third-party firm. Read more in my article on the Hot for Security blog.


Elon Musk stays mum on Titanic submarine disappearance despite Starlink connection "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The sub disappeared on Monday, sparking a search for the vessel before it runs out of oxygen.


Ukrainians become second-largest group of foreigners in Germany "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

An influx of refugees resulted in 1.3% growth of the countrys population last year, the federal statistics service has reported The German population surged by a whopping 1,122,000 people in 2022, which constitutes 1.3% annual growth, the federal statistics service, Destatis, has reported. The increase was mainly due to the large number of refugees from []


8 Signs That The Futuristic Control Freak Agenda Of The Globalists Is Rapidly Moving Forward "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Michael Snyder The future is here, and if you enjoy being dominated by control freaks you are going to love it.  Digital identification is...

8 Signs That The Futuristic Control Freak Agenda Of The Globalists Is Rapidly Moving Forward


Ron Pauls Peace, Love, and Revolution: New Design + Capitalism Quotes "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Who are capitalisms greatest enemies? I count three. The first are politicians, who see capitalism as an obstacle separating them from their citizens wealth. That...

Ron Pauls Peace, Love, and Revolution: New Design + Capitalism Quotes


Pentagon Says Accounting Error Provides Extra $6.2 Billion in Ukraine Military Aid "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Dave DeCamp The Pentagon on Tuesday claimed that an accounting error has freed up an additional $6.2 billion to spend on military aid for...

Pentagon Says Accounting Error Provides Extra $6.2 Billion in Ukraine Military Aid


Robots That Learn by Watching how-to Videos Could Soon Do All Your Chores "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Study Finds Robots could soon be tidying up our messy bedrooms, just like on The Jetsons. Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University are teaching machines...

Robots That Learn by Watching how-to Videos Could Soon Do All Your Chores


Muere el conductor Nino Cann; esto se sabe "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El famoso conductor de televisin, Nino Cann falleci por la madrugada a causa de una enfermedad que vena padeciendo. RegeneracinMX, 21 de junio de 2023.- []

La entrada Muere el conductor Nino Cann; esto se sabe se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Today We Died "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

We are all dead now.

The post Today We Died first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Zionist Role in 1950s Attacks on Iraqi Jews Confirmed by Operative and Police Report "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post Zionist Role in 1950s Attacks on Iraqi Jews Confirmed by Operative and Police Report appeared first on Global Research.


INTERVIEW: Jason Liosatos Why Are BBC Attacking Independent Media? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The BBCs underhanded and dishonest tactics used to discredit and defame members of the independent media.

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on June 19, 2023, Patrick talks with UK-based author, artist, and antiwar activist Jason Liosatos, about his recent experience being targeted in a hit-piece by the BBC and its new self-styled disinformation correspondent Marianna Spring from BBC Verify, and her embarrassing series Marianna in Conspiracy Land where she set out to paint residents of Totnes, England as a cauldron of extremism and harmful ideas. Jason reveals the BBCs underhanded and dishonest tactics they use to discredit and defame independent media people, as well as their desperate efforts to conceal all of their own embarrassing fake news and propaganda, enabling wars based on fake claims and real disinformation. All this and more. Listen:

More from Jason at:
Get a copy of his book, The Emergency Transformation of Human Beings here

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):






The Imminent Extradition of Julian Assange and the Death of Journalism "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post The Imminent Extradition of Julian Assange and the Death of Journalism appeared first on Global Research.


Re: Solar Designer talk about 15 years of oss-security at SSTIC conference "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Solar Designer on Jun 21

Hi all,

After SSTIC in Rennes, France, I also gave a revision of the talk at
BSidesLjubljana in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Incidentally, this was SSTIC's
20th anniversary and the event was closed by a related talk on 20+ years
of CERT-FR and ANSSI, whereas this year's BSidesLjubljana was held in
the computer history museum, a fitting venue for the beginning of my
talk, which starts with a retrospective into the 1980s.

Here are the slides:...


Capitalist Hegemony in Psychedelic Medicine "IndyWatch Feed War"

Excitement around psychedelics continues to grow with thousands set to attend the Psychedelic Science conference in Denver this week. Proponents in the psychedelic space have promoted a strategy to focus on the medicalization to gain wider societal acceptance. But this could lead psychedelics to come under greater control, ensuring that they serve as profitable tools to maintain the status quo.

Illustraiton of a pill bottle with a mushroom growing out, surrounded by pills.

The Quest for Mainstream Acceptance: Magical Individual to Societal Healing

Today, in the effort to win mainstream acceptance of psychedelics, there are a number of voices in the room. Among them, the loudest are the ones who individualize illness through the medical lens while seeking legitimacy through access to powerful medical institutions, civil society, and the corporation in a proclaimed quest to heal those suffering in our society. We see anything from features in Forbes about 20-something tech billionaires microdosing to increase productivity, to 60 Minutes interviews with U.S. Iraq war veterans who report being cured from PTSD, to miracle stories of ketamine working with the poor and formerly incarcerated. Ironically, as this piece is being published, a number of these voices will be discussing and debating the path of the psychedelic renaissance at Psychedelic Science conference, taking place June 1923 and being marketed as the largest conference on psychedelics in history.

Organizationally, some of the best-known names in the psychedelic space are the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), the for-profit System Fail 23 mental health company Compass Pathways, and the nonprofit Usona Institute. Many inside these organizations often promote a course of thought claiming psychedelics in and of themselves can heal anything from PTSD to societal conflict. Its as if there is a search for a balm, a real-life soma, to dissociate from the horrors of race and class. For many, psychedelics are the answer to this search.

Of those who believe psychedelics cou...


No future: Iceland cancels whale hunt over animal welfare concerns "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Iceland has suspended its planned hunt for fin whales this year, citing animal welfare concerns. On June 20, Svands Svavarsdttir, the countrys minister of food, agriculture and fisheries, announced that the whale hunt was postponed because the fishing method used when hunting large whales does not comply with the law on animal welfare. This decision follows the release of a government-commissioned independent report that found that 41% of whales targeted in the Icelandic hunts did not die immediately, but suffered immensely after being shot with harpoons. It also found that some whales took up to two hours to die. The hunt has been suspended until Aug. 31, but experts close to the matter say its unlikely it will start after the suspension lifts, since September usually marks the end of the whaling season. A harpoon on an Icelandic whaling vessel. The 2023 whale hunt in Iceland was suspended until August 31, 2023. Image by Arne Feuerhahn / Hard to Port. I have made the decision to temporarily stop whaling in light of the unequivocal opinion of the professional council on animal welfare, Svavarsdttir said in a statement in Icelandic. The conditions of the law on animal welfare are inescapable in my mind, if the government and license holders cannot guarantee welfare requirements, this activity does not see a future. Only one whaling company, Hvalur, holds a license to hunt whales in Iceland, which is set to expire in 2023. Another Icelandic whaling company, IP-Utgerd, ceased operations in 2020 due toThis article was originally published on Mongabay


We are restricting freedom for the common good: Irish Green Party Calls for Limiting Free Speech "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post We are restricting freedom for the common good: Irish Green Party Calls for Limiting Free Speech appeared first on Global Research.


No new mining operations on Yanomami land after raids and deaths "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In February, Brazils authorities descended on the Yanomami Territory in the Brazilian state of Roraima, driving out tens of thousands of miners and clamping down on the illegal activity that was contributing to an unprecedented health crisis among the regions Indigenous people. The results are rolling in: Alerts of illegal mining in the territory have zeroed for the first time since 2020, according to satellite monitoring by the Brazilian Federal Police. In May and April of last year, the region had 538 alerts of illegal mining operations, observed from satellite images. In the same period of 2023, the number fell to 33, a reduction of 93%. Now, these alerts are zeroed according to the report released on June 20. The good news came after a wave of violence in the Yanomami Territory. At least 15 people have been killed since April and conflicts with cartel members have become a growing threat. Among the dead include two Indigenous people a woman whose body was found in May, yet the cause of death remains unknown, and a man who was shot by heavily armed men on April 29, according to a report from the Hutukara Yanomami Association, an organization that campaigns for Indigenous rights. They claimed that from the weapons used, it may mean that a criminal faction has settled in the region. Two days later, eight miners were found dead, which Brazils main news outlet Globo reported could be linked to the previous attack on the Indigenous community. Illegal miningThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Habu announces AWS Clean Rooms solution for democratized data collaboration "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Habu has joined the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN) and has launched a new solution to integrate its Data Clean Room offering with AWS Clean Rooms, and enable customers and their partners to analyze their collective data sets without sharing or copying each others underlying data. The solution makes it easier for business users to leverage Habus tools to get started with AWS Clean Rooms. For advertisers and marketers, this solution simplifies use More

The post Habu announces AWS Clean Rooms solution for democratized data collaboration appeared first on Help Net Security.



In Praise of RPN (with Python or C) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

HP calculators, slide rules, and Forth all have something in common: reverse polish notation or RPN. Admittedly, slide rules dont really have RPN, but you work problems on them the same way you do with an RPN calculator. For whatever reason, RPN didnt really succeed in the general marketplace, and you might wonder why it was ever a thing. The biggest reason is that RPN is very easy to implement compared to working through proper algebraic, or infix, notation. In addition, in the early years of computers and calculators, you didnt have much to work with, and people were used to using slide rules, so having something that didnt take a lot of code that matched how users worked anyway was a win-win.

What is RPN?

If you havent encountered RPN before, it is an easy way to express math without ambiguity. For example, whats 5 + 3 * 6?  Its 23 and not 48. By order of operations you know that you have to multiply before you add, even if you wrote down the multiplication second. You have to read through the whole equation before you can get started with math, and if you want to force the other result, youll need parentheses.

With RPN, there is no ambiguity depending on secret rules or parentheses, nor is there any reason to remember things unnecessarily. For instance, to calc...


The AI Apocalypse: A Scorecard "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

What should we make of OpenAIs GPT-4, anyway? Is the large language model a major step on the way to an artificial general intelligence (AGI)the insiders term for an AI system with a flexible human-level intellect? And if we do create an AGI, might it be so different from human intelligence that it doesnt see the point of keeping homo sapiens around?

If you query the worlds best minds on basic questions like these, you wont get anything like a consensus. Consider the question of GPT-4s implications for the creation of an AGI. Among AI specialists, convictions range from Eliezer Yudkowskys view that GPT-4 is a clear sign of the imminence of AGI, to Rodney Brookss assertion that were absolutely no closer to an AGI than we were 30 years ago.

On the topic of the potential of GPT-4 and its successors to wreak civilizational havoc, theres similar disunity. One of the earliest doomsayers was Nick Bostrom; long before GPT-4, he argued that once an AGI far exceeds our capabilities it will likely find ways to escape the digital world and methodically destroy human civilization. On the other end are people like Yann LeCun, who reject such scenarios as sci-fi twaddle.

Click here to skip down to the table

In between are researchers who worry about the abilities of GPT-4 and future instances of generative AI to cause major disruptions in employment, to exacerbate the biases in todays society, and to generate propaganda, misinformation, and deep fakery on a massive scale. Worrisome? Yes, extremely so. Apocalyptic? No.

Many worried AI experts signed an open letter in March asking all AI labs to immediately pause giant AI experiments for six months. While the letter didnt succeed in pausi...

Shadow Self: 13 Types and How to Embrace Your Dark Side "IndyWatch Feed World"

June 22nd, 2022 By Mateo Sol Guest writer for Wake Up World Beneath the social mask we wear every day, we have a hidden shadow side: an impulsive, wounded, sad, or isolated part that we generally try to ignore. The Shadow can be a source of emotional richness and vitality, and acknowledging it can be []

The post Shadow Self: 13 Types and How to Embrace Your Dark Side first appeared on Wake Up World.


Cropped 21 June 2023: Canada burns; El Nio arrives; Third Pole melts "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Welcome to Carbon Briefs Cropped. 
We handpick and explain the most important stories at the intersection of climate, land, food and nature over the past fortnight.

Carbon Briefs fortnightly Cropped email newsletter. Subscribe for free here.


Many of North Americas most iconic cities were cloaked in an otherworldly orange haze earlier this month as smoke from Canadas wildfires travelled across the continent. The smog is set to return this week.

Subscribe: Cropped
  • Sign up to Carbon Brief's free "Cropped" email newsletter. A fortnightly digest of food, land and nature news and views. Sent to your inbox every other Wednesday.

El Nio conditions have been confirmed by US and Australian weather agencies. The weather pattern is expected to take a massive toll on crops, drive up food prices and inflation. The North Atlantic is reeling under a totally unprecedented marine heatwave.

Climate change is having an unprecedented and irreversible impact on the Hindu Kush Himalayas cryosphere, a major new assessment found. Glaciers disappeared 65% faster in the 2010s than in the previous decade and could lose up to 80% of their volume by 2100.

Key developments

Canada wildfires

TOXIC FUMES: Hundreds of wildfires burned across Canada earlier this month in an unprecedented start to the nations fire season. As Carbon Brief reported in an in-depth summary of the event, huge clouds of smoke from the blaze travelled thousands of kilometres down to the eastern US in early June, shrouding cities such as New York and Washington DC in an orange haze and causing levels of toxic air pollution to reach...

Wednesday, 21 June


FBI Make-Work Entrapment Schemes: Creating Criminals in Order to Arrest Them "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The U.S. government isnt protecting us from threats to our freedoms. Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.  Friedrich Nietzsche Were not dealing with a government that exists to serve its people, protect their liberties and ensure their happiness. Rather, we are the unfortunate victims []


War, Digital Currency and Depopulation Disaster in the Making? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post War, Digital Currency and Depopulation Disaster in the Making? appeared first on Global Research.


[$] Armbian 23.05: optimized for single-board computers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Running a Linux distribution on Arm-based single-board computers (SBCs) is still not as easy as on x86 systems because many Arm devices require a vendor-supplied kernel, a patched bootloader, and other device-specific components. One distribution that addresses this problem is Armbian, which offers Debian- and Ubuntu-based distributions for many devices. The headline feature in the recent release, Armbian 23.05, which came at the end of May, is a major rework of the build framework that has been made faster and more reliable after three years of development.


Cyber attack hits federal agencies: Hackers announce another attack they say will target Western banking system "IndyWatch Feed World"

There is breaking news today, June 15, that several agencies of the U.S. federal government have been hit with a cyber attack, the extent of which is not yet known, while another attack targeting the Western financial system has been dangled out there by a group of hackers said to be affiliated with Russia. This global cyberattack is reportedly exploiting a flaw in widely-used software used by "several U.S. federal government agencies." The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) confirmed the attacks in a statement to CNN. "CISA is providing support to several federal agencies that have experienced intrusions," said Eric Goldstein, CISA's Executive Assistant Director for Cybersecurity. "We are working urgently to understand impacts and ensure timely remediation."


West sent Ukraine broken weapons - NYT "IndyWatch Feed World"

Weapons provided to Ukraine by the US and its allies have either required fixing or had to be cannibalized for parts, the New York Times reported on Monday. Kiev has also complained that equipment worth hundreds of millions of dollars and bought on contract has not yet been delivered. As proof, the NYT cited documents provided by Ukrainian officials on condition of anonymity, who are frustrated with the West saying they had enough weapons for an offensive against Russia. The Ukrainian attack, which began earlier this month, has resulted in heavy losses of men and equipment without much to show for it. Up to 30% of Ukraine's arsenal is undergoing repairs at any given time, according to the outlet, while a lot of Western equipment arrives "in poor or unusable condition." One case in point involved 33 American M109 howitzers donated by Italy. According to Rome, they had been decommissioned years ago, but Ukraine asked for them to be refurbished for use. An American contractor was paid...


Red Hat Now Limiting RHEL Sources To CentOS Stream "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Red Hat announced today that CentOS Stream will now be the sole repository for public RHEL-related source code releases...


West Bank: Palestinian shot dead as Israeli settlers storm another town "IndyWatch Feed War"

West Bank: Palestinian shot dead as Israeli settlers storm another town

Scores of settlers protected by soldiers attack Turmusaya, torching homes, vehicles and agricultural land
Fayha Shalash Wed, 06/21/2023 - 14:39
A Palestinian man runs near a burning object, after an attack by Israeli settlers, in Turmusaya, 21 June (Reuters)
A Palestinian man runs near a burning object, after an attack by Israeli settlers, in Turmusaya, 21 June (Reuters)

On Wednesday afternoon, scores of Israeli settlers protected by soldiers attacked the occupied West Bank town of Turmusaya, north of Ramallah, killing a Palestinian man and torching homes, vehicles and agricultural land.

A 27-year-old man identified by the Palestinian health ministry as Omar Ketin was killed by gunfire. It was not immediately clear if he had been shot by armed settlers or Israeli troops.

The sudden attack came around lunchtime after a difficult night for Palestinians near Nablus, whose villages and towns were similarly attacked by Israeli settlers, wounding several people.

Lafi Adeeb, the mayor of Turmusaya, said more than 400 armed Jewish settlers, coming from the Shilo settlement established on the town's lands, attacked the Palestinian community and set fire to around 30 houses and 60 vehicles.

Adeeb told Middle East Eye that he and other residents helped evacuate people from burning buildings, including children, women and the elderly, dozens of who were choking on the smoke.



Link "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Originally published at Ongoing History of Protest Music

John Wayne slaughtered our Indian brothers
Burned their villages and raped their mothers
Now he has given them a white mans lord
Live by this, or die by my sword!

These are lyrics from John Wayne Was A Nazi a scathing tune by hardcore pioneers MDC. The single was originally released a year after Waynes death in 1980 when they were known as The Stains. After changing their name, it appeared on their 1982 debut album Millions Of Dead Cops.

The song challenged the celebrated actor for his bigotry and role in helping to prop up an oppressive colonial system. It referred to his movies that often portrayed Wayne as a heroic cowboy fighting against the villainous Native Americans.

Waynes film portrayals werent far off from his real-world views. For example, in a 1972 Playboy interview, Wayne said: I dont feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them, if thats what youre asking. Our so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of survival.

There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.

Elsewhere in the interview, Wayne also stated I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I dont believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people.

It is no wonder that the song declares, When I see John, Im ashamed to be white.

Recently, Canadian hardcore band Fucked Up and Indigenous EDM act Halluci Nation reworked the tune.

Halluci Nations Ehren Bear Witness Thomas declared, The song has been with me since high school. The song and MDC have stuck with me over the years. Its got rage to it and that message, but I love that theres a dark humor to it as well. It really fits in with the way we make music and visuals, with the message that we try to put forward about confronting one-dimensional misrepresentations of indigenous people in the media. John Wayne becomes a stand-in for the entire colonial project.

For me, its like this: you watch The Searchers in school, and John Wayne is presented very much as an iconic North American type of figure, added Fucked Up vocalist Damian Abraham. As a young punk kid hearing this song...


Daniel Ellsbergs Sacrifice "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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United Nations planning digital ID linked to bank accounts "IndyWatch Feed World"

The United Nations (UN) is planning to introduce a global digital ID system that is linked to individuals' bank accounts. The plan, which is similar to the system developed by the World Economic Forum (WEF), is outlined in three new policy briefs from the UN titled, "A Global Digital Compact, Reforms to the International Financial Architecture, and The Future of Outer Space Governance." The goal of the briefs is to advance UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres's "vision for the future." Officially titled "Our Common Agenda," Guterres' "vision" should be given the green light in September 2024 during an event dubbed, "The Summit for the Future." From the report: Digital IDs linked with bank or mobile money accounts can improve the delivery of social protection coverage and serve to better reach eligible beneficiaries. Digital technologies may help to reduce leakage, errors and costs in the design of social protection programmes.


Elon Musk thinks my identity is a slur! EMOTIONAL DAMAGE "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Im afraid that I must confess that I am cis I have the sexual identity I was assigned at birth and Im also heterosexual. Ive always taken it for granted, Ive never been tempted to taste of forbidden fruit, and I wouldnt even consider the expense and struggle of hormone treatments or reassignment surgery. Ive been fortunate to have been born in easy mode, where everything lines up conveniently in the socially conventional way, and I have no desire to be otherwise.

But now, to my immense surprise, I discover that my identity is anathema on certain social media platforms. I have becomea slur.

The words cis or cisgender are considered slurs on this platform.

Ironically, this dictate has been delivered by a cis man. He must be a self-loathing cis heterosexual man.

Honestly, cis is simply an objective, non-judgmental descriptive term. It is not and never has been an insult. Whats next? Will Elon Musk ban people who use terms like man or woman, too?


COVID mRNA Vaccines and Pregnancy: Stillbirths Right After Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination, When the Fetus Dies Suddenly "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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NYT: Western Countries Have Sent Broken Weapons to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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FBI Make-Work Entrapment Schemes: Creating Criminals in Order to Arrest Them "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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New Report Exposes Operation Triangulation's Spyware Implant Targeting iOS Devices "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

More details have emerged about the spyware implant that's delivered to iOS devices as part of a campaign called Operation Triangulation. Kaspersky, which discovered the operation after becoming one of the targets at the start of the year, said the malware has a lifespan of 30 days, after which it gets automatically uninstalled unless the time period is extended by the attackers. The Russian


Development Release: Linux Mint 21.2 Beta "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Linux Mint team have published a new development snapshot, Linux Mint 21.2 Beta, which previews a number of new features and visual adjustments. The distribution now provides easier access to alternative keyboard layouts, Flatpak packages are included in the FEatured Software list in the software centre, and....


Video: The Hidden Healthcare Crisis SOS "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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There Is One Major Problem with Robert F. Kennedy Jr "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Malacatzin: El retorno hacia el futuro, una publicacin para leer en verano "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Por Alexandro Guerrero RegeneracinMx.- Ismaya Garca Cebreros es una joven mexicana, estudiante en la licenciatura de Artes Visuales para la expresin plstica, originaria de Guadalajara, []

La entrada Malacatzin: El retorno hacia el futuro, una publicacin para leer en verano se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


China hits back at Biden over dictator Xi comments "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | June 21, 2023

Beijing has pushed back against remarks by US President Joe Biden referring to Chinese leader Xi Jinping as a dictator, claiming that the statements are outright offensive.

Speaking on Tuesday at a fundraiser in California, Biden addressed the controversy surrounding a Chinese balloon that entered US airspace earlier this year, suggesting that Xi did not know the vessel was even there.

Thats a great embarrassment for dictators. When they didnt know what happened. That [balloon] wasnt supposed to be going where it was. It was blown off course, he said at the time.

On Wednesday, speaking at a regular press conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning described the remarks as extremely absurd, adding that they seriously violated Chinas political dignity. She said that such statements also violate diplomatic etiquette and contradict basic facts.

It is an open political provocation, Mao stressed.

The spokeswoman also reiterated Chinas position that the balloon which Washington has...


BEST OF THE WEB: Snow in June? Freak weather wreaks havoc on Jasper, Alberta - 21.6 inches of snowfall (UPDATE) "IndyWatch Feed World"

Jasperites woke up to the white stuff coming down hard on Monday as a freak snowstorm created an unusual start to the week of the Summer Solstice. Beginning overnight, as much as 40 cm of snow started falling throughout Jasper National Park, creating a flake of bemusement and an avalanche of frustration for drivers, campers, the RCMP Musical Ride team and everyone else. "We had a developing low pressure system on Sunday over the central portion of the province. That was associated with a lot of cold air aloft flooding into the province, helping create these quite heavy showers over west-central portions of the province in Yellowhead County, including Jasper and especially the Grande Cache area, and the Hinton area all the way to the B.C. border," said Sara Hoffman, meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada.


AI Will Help You Learn All "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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African Peace Initiative Seeks to End War in Eastern Europe "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Indias Over 130 Civil Society Organizations and Activists Express Deep Concern at Lack of Transparency in Trade Agreement with EU and Others "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Daniel Ellsberg: The Establishments Whistleblower "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Know-Nothing Burgers Are Ruining Our Lives "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Robert F Kennedy Jr. Runs for President "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Is China reciprocating US aggression? "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | June 21, 2023

When the Soviet Union placed its nuclear weapons in Cuba in 1962, the United States threatened to attack if the R-12 Dvina and R-14 Chusovaya nuclear-tipped missiles deployed on the Caribbean island country werent removed. After most of October that year was spent in strenuous talks and strategic military maneuvers that nearly escalated into full-scale confrontation barely 17 years after WW2, Washington DC and Moscow finally negotiated a mutually beneficial (albeit last-minute) agreement that moved the world away from the thermonuclear abyss that threatened to destroy it.

For decades, much of the world was convinced that what today is (unjustly) called the Cuban Missile Crisis was initiated by Russia. And even nowadays, when we all know that it was started by the US and its 1961 deployment of the PGM-19 Jupiter nuclear-tipped missiles in Turkey and Italy, Washington DC still insists that Moscow was responsible for the crisis. Something eerily similar is unfolding as we speak. However, instead of Russia, the other party involved in this case is China. Namely, according to the Wall Street Journal, Beijing is currently in talks with Havana to establish new military facilities in Cuba.

The report, published on June 20, states that the two socialist allies are working out the final arrangements of the deal that would reportedly secure a military base for the PLA (People Liberation Army) in northern Cuba. The WSJ reports that this has sparked fears among US officials that [Cuba] could eventually host a permanent Chinese troop presence, prompting the troubled Biden administration to intervene with Cuban officials, seeking to block the establishment of permanent military installations. This will reportedly also include the expansion of ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) capabilities of the PLAs existing military facility.

The claims about Chinas supposed military bases in Cuba are based on anonymous sources from unnamed US intelligence services. However, the authors admit that the aforementioned services are not exactly certain about the possibility of a full-blown joint Chinese-Cuban military base, stating that the reference to the proposed new training facility in Cuba is contained in the highly classified new US intelligence, which State Department officials described as convincing but fragmentary. The report further adds that its being interpreted with different levels of alarm among policymakers and intelligence analysts.

Most worrying for the US: The planned facility is part of Chinas P...


For Central America, climate bill could top hundreds of billions annually "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Climate change impacts could cost countries in Central America up to $314 billion per year by 2100 if ecosystem services provided by the regions forests are affected, a recent study has found. It warns this could severely affect the regions low- and middle-income countries, which could suffer losses more than three times their GDP. The forests are not able to deliver the same ecosystem services as without climate change, said study co-author Marc Hanewinkel, chair of forestry economics and planning at the University of Freiburg in Germany. And this is related to a high economic cost, which is what we tried to estimate. The researchers looked at how forests might be affected by changing temperatures and precipitation patterns, which would impact photosynthesis and carbon storage. Then they calculated the costs of those changes, pricing for the first time both the ecological and economic impacts of climate change in Central America. According to Hanewinkel, these costs are a very rough underestimate since the investigation focused only on the regions protected areas and on two ecosystem services climate regulation and habitat and concentrated on potential impacts from the loss of biomass and biome stability, i.e. all the ecosystem services provided by forests. Finer detail satellite data could help conservation efforts across Central America in the face of climate change. Image courtesy of Osa Conservation. Central Americas complex topography, spread over a relatively small area, previously made it difficult for researchers to model climate impacts. But improvements in computing power allowedThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Israeli cabinet takes major step toward annexation of the West Bank "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich arrive to a cabinet meeting on the state budget, at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem on February 23, 2023. (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky/POOL)This week the Israeli government made a dangerous move that makes annexation of the West Bank an even closer reality, analysts say.


Southern Baptists must fix sexist structure to have any hope of reform "IndyWatch Feed"

Instead, the largest Protestant denomination in the US has just banned women pastors and expelled a famous megachurch


Restaurants Face Unappetizing Slowdown As Consumers Buckle Amid Two-Year Inflation Storm "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden Two years of negative real wage growth, depleted savings, mounting credit card debt, and soaring interest rate payments put pressure on consumers...

Restaurants Face Unappetizing Slowdown As Consumers Buckle Amid Two-Year Inflation Storm


Missing submersible is still in the news "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Were in the countdown phase: newspapers are now reporting estimates of the number of hours of oxygen left in the device. Thats like estimating the degree of misery and suffering five people might currently be experiencing on the basis of practically no information.

Its fairly roomy for a crypt

What little information we do have tells me that all five are dead and died virtually instantaneously. The stories that matter are about the shortcuts and problems this companys submersibles. Did you know that little porthole in front was only rated for a depth of 1300 meters while the big carbon fiber tank was going down to 4000 meters? Oops.

The tourist submersible that went missing while exploring the Titanic wreck was previously the target of safety complaints from an employee of OceanGate, the parent company that owns the sub and runs tourist expeditions of the wreck. That employee complained specifically that the sub was not capable of descending to such extreme depths before he was fired.

Thats according to legal documents obtained by The New Republic. According to the court documents, in a 2018 case, OceanGate employee David Lochridge, a submersible pilot, voiced concerns about the safety of the sub. According to a press release, Lochridge was director of marine operations at the time, responsible for the safety of all crew and clients.

Ill make two bold predictions: 1) the submersible and its occupants are the victims of a catastrophic implosion. 2) Hoo boy, the lawsuits that are about to land on OceanGate means that company will catastrophically cease to exist.


Israeli soldiers jailed for saying 'God is with Palestine' "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israeli soldiers jailed for saying 'God is with Palestine'

Troops sentenced to one month in prison after jokingly celebrating Jenin and Palestinians in viral video following deadly Israeli raid
MEE staff Wed, 06/21/2023 - 13:50
Four Israeli soldiers, reportedly in a southern military base, joke in Arabic following a deadly raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin (Screengrab)
Four Israeli soldiers, reportedly in a southern military base, joke in Arabic following a deadly raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin (Screengrab)

Four Israeli soldiers have been sentenced to jail for joking about supporting Palestine and Jenin, days after a deadly Israeli raid in the occupied West Bank city. 

A video widely circulated on Hebrew social media showed a group of troops laughing and saying in Arabic: "Yes, Jenin. Say it. God is with Jenin. God is with Jenin. God is with Palestine. Fuck Israel."

The Israeli military responded by stating that the video contravened its "values" and that the soldiers would be "disciplined". It announced that the troops had been arrested and a military investigation launched. 

Later on Wednesday, Kann News reported that four soldiers were sentenced to 30 days in prison, while another was setenced to 21 days in prison. 

Israeli soldiers rarely face criminal prosecution for more serious abuses, particularly those committed against Palestinians. 



Ongoing Reddit Woes: Blackout Explained, Threatened Hacker Leak, Creative Continuing Protests "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Reddit blackout, explained: Why thousands of subreddits are protesting third-party app charges

The Reddit blackout, explained: Why thousands of subreddits are protesting third-party app charges:

Thousands of Reddit discussion forums have gone dark this week to protest a new policy that will charge some third-party apps to access data on the site, leading to worries about content moderation and accessibility.

"Reddit is killing third-party applications (and itself)," multiple subreddits wrote in posts seen on the platform's homepage this week.

The new fees are part of broader changes to Reddit's API, or application programming interface, that the company announced recently.

[...] Nearly 9,000 subreddits went dark this week and more than 4,000 remained dark on Friday, including communities with tens of millions of subscribers like r/music and r/videos according to a tracker of the boycott. While some returned to their public settings after 48 hours, others say they will stay private indefinitely, until Reddit meets their demands.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Deputy PM defends pause of pandemic prep to plan for no-deal Brexit "IndyWatch Feed"

Others speaking in the inquiry have described Operation Yellowhammer as a really major consumer of resources


Settling in to the reputation economy "IndyWatch Feed War"


the retail B2C aspect of the information economy is dying.

the reputation economy is rising to take its place.

this is going to be one of the pivotal meta-trends of the next several years and it is already well underway. its been taking root for years and like many such exponentially driven processes of social contagion, its little by little then all at once as that which seemed subtle suddenly comes to raucous and unmistakable bloom.

and we are about to see the full flower of this phenomenon.

but what does that mean?

the 90s ushered in a radical change in information. that which was once hard to access and hard to share become so plentiful and cheap that it has now flipped over into hard to avoid and hard to assess.

in 1990, real time news and stock prices and commentary were the province of a very select few. now its baseline expectation for people on budget airline flights.

that which was once the currency of a small elite is now in ubiquitous circulation. this has dramatically changed the manner in which it is not only consumed, but provided.

the sheer volume of information has become overwhelming, and its stridence and pandering qualities have been accentuated as 10,000 memes fight for each eyeball that not so long ago had only 3 or 4 to choose from.

not only does this make keeping up with it near impossible, it also means that the power to control and slant it has become a sort of commanding heights in this new economy:

control what people see and you can control what they believe. shape the message, shape the society.

and not everyone in this ecosystem has your best interests at heart.

this gave rise to a vast public private partnership of media and government, an ugly and unconstitutional alliance of both convenience and need arising from both exigency and opportunity.

the information age has been death for big media.

ratings and revenues have collapsed as oligopoly eroded and information broke free.

this freedom posed a clear and present danger to government (especially bureaucratic permanent government) narrative and control and s...


Security updates for Wednesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (libfastjson, libx11, opensc, python-mechanize, and wordpress), SUSE (salt and terraform-provider-helm), and Ubuntu (firefox, libx11, pngcheck, python-werkzeug, ruby3.1, and vlc).


Explainer: How ending gender violence will help deliver conservation goals "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Women play a critical role in biodiversity conservation.

Globally, their contributions range from agricultural labour and working on nature reserves through to running environmental organisations and crafting international policies.

However, women who are dedicated to protecting biodiversity face violence. 

According to a 2020 report from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which surveyed more than 300 men and women who worked in sectors with close ties to conservation, 59% of the women respondents had observed some form of violence while carrying out environmental projects.

Gender-based violence can take many forms, ranging from psychological violence, including discrimination, through to physical, sexual and economic violence. It can even lead to murder.

The World Health Organization describes violence against women as a major human-rights violation. But, according to the IUCN report, it could also jeopardise the worlds ability to achieve biodiversity targets pledged in international agreements.

One such agreement is the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, a landmark deal agreed upon by nearly 200 countries last year in order to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. It contains two targets to ensure gender equality and a gender plan of action that seeks to prevent and eliminate gender-based violence in biodiversity conservation.  

This means parties have agreed at the global level that this is a real issue, Jamie Wen-Besson, a senior gender programme manager at IUCN, tells Carbon Brief. 

In this explainer, Carbon Brief lays out how gender-based violence impacts women in biodiversity conservation illustrated with examples from the global south.

It also highlights some of the solutions that exist. These range from empowering women with courses on vehicle maintenance for travelling alone in the field through to amending non-governmental organisations constitutions to include women in senior positions. 

Women in biodiversity

Biodiversity is essential for human well-being and the health of the planet.

Today, around a million species are facing extinction, according to the latest...


FLASHBACK: Facebook admits in court that 'fact checks' are just opinion "IndyWatch Feed World"

Despite presenting itself to the public as the arbiter of truth and guarantor of factually-accurate information, guarding users against "fake news" and "misinformation," Facebook has admitted in court that its "fact checks" of information frequently aimed at conservatives are nothing more than statements of opinion. The bombshell emerged from Facebook's court battle with John Stossel, who is suing the company for defamation over its decision to add "fact check" labels to the libertarian pundit's videos about climate change.


Apple planning to bring Wi-Fi 7 support to the iPhone next year, heres what that means for you "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Reliable analyst Ming-Chi Kuo is reporting that Apple is planning to adopt Wi-Fi 7 support on the iPhone as soon as next year. This could bring major improvements not only to speed and reliability, but also for the ability for different Wi-Fi 7 devices to interact with one another.

One of the biggest changes in Wi-Fi 7 is a dramatic increase in the maximum data throughput speeds. According to the Wi-Fi Alliance, Wi-Fi could offer peak data rates of more than 40Gbps, making it up to four times faster than Wi-Fi 6 And Wi-Fi 6E, and nearly six times faster than Wi-Fi 5.

In addition to those impressively fast speeds, Wi-Fi 7 will also introduce something called Multi-Link Operation technology. This will allow devices to simultaneously send and receive data over multiple radio bands. One of the biggest changes is an increase in the number of multi-user MIMO (multi-user, multiple input, multiple output) streams, doubling from eight to 16.


The expansion of the universe could be a mirage, new theoretical study suggests "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

New research looking at the cosmological constant problem suggests the expansion of the universe could be an illusion.


Trans boxer defeats cis athlete! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It happened again. A trans person used the natural advantages of their true biological origins to change sex and rule over the cis folk in an athletic competition. We have to do something to stop this!

Except it was a trans man who was assigned female at birth who beat a cis man in a boxing match. I am so confused. Does this mean biological women are naturally, intrinsically better at boxing than born men?

Quick, someone use TERF logic consistently to explain this away for me.


Trans school conspiracy exposed: Midwest teachers trade tips on 'subversively and quietly' transitioning kids without telling their parents in workshop funded by federal government "IndyWatch Feed World"

Dozens of Midwestern teachers met online this week and traded tips on helping trans students change gender at school without their parents' knowledge, while criticizing a raft of new Republican laws on sex and identity. gained access to an online session hosted by the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP), which is funded by the Department of Education, attended by some 30 teachers from Michigan, Iowa, Ohio, Illinois and beyond. In the four-hour workshop, they discussed helping trans students in the face of new laws in Republican-run states on gender, pronouns, names, parents' rights, bathroom access, and sports teams.


Martin Luther King, Jr., and Walter J. Ong, Jr. (REVIEW ESSAY) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968; Ph.D. in theology, Boston University, 1955) and the Reverend Dr. Walter J. Ong, Jr. (1912-2003; Ph.D. in English, Harvard University, 1955) were prophetic voices, each in his own distinctive way. Even though neither man discussed the other's work, I show here one way to connect certain aspects of their thought that I hope may be helpful in our contemporary American culture.


Distribution Release: Univention Corporate Server 5.0-4 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Univention Corporate Server (UCS) is an enterprise-class distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux. It features an integrated management system for central administration of servers. The project has published a new update to its 5.0 series which streamlines the Management Console Server and Web Server programs. There have also been....


De-dollarization and Emergence of Chinese Yuan "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

This month Pakistan has adopted a major departure from its long-standing reliance on the US dollar for export payments, as it utilized yuan to pay for its inaugural government-to-government purchase of 100,000 tons of Russian crude oil, which marks the countrys first international transactions in a currency other than the US dollar.

Similarly, Argentinas Secretary of State for Trade, Matias Tombolini, also revealed recently on social media that his country has settled transactions worth a staggering $2.721 billion with China, using the yuan as the main instrument of transaction. Interestingly, 19% of Argentinas imports were settled in yuan in the months of April and May, and Tombolini asserted that this strategic shift would fortify their foreign exchange reserves and enhance their control over the economic landscape. Consequently, on April 26, the Argentine government announced the adoption of the yuan for settling trade in Chinese-imported goods, symbolizing a potent blow to the dollars dominance. The emergence of parallel currencies in international trade has fueled the on-going heated debate over de-dollarization, with recent events providing additional ammunition to those critical of US dominance. These two examples serve as poignant reminders of the growing trend toward alternative currencies and the potential erosion of the US dollars hegemonic status. As countries like Pakistan and Argentina embrace non-dollar payment systems in major transactions, the allure of diversification and reduced reliance on the American currency becomes all the more apparent. The global financial landscape is undergoing a subtle but significant transformation, one that challenges the long-standing supremacy of the US dollar.

Recently, in a significant development, China and Brazil unveiled a momentous agreement to conduct trade using their domestic currencies, effectively sidestepping the dominant influence of the US dollar. This move underscores this new shift in trade links between the two economic powerhouses, with China holding the position of Brazils largest trading partner, as bilateral trade soared to a remarkable $150 billion in 2022. Furthermore, the yuan has secured a prominent place as Brazils second-largest international reserve currency. This strategic shift amplifies the expanding role of the yuan on the global stage. Chinas recent decision to maintain its imports of crude oil and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) from GCC countries, while conducting trade settlements in the yuan, has amplified this trend. China executed its inaugural cross-border settlement in yuan for LNG sourced from the UAE on March 28.

The trend of exploring alternative currencies to reduce dependence on the dollar is gaining momentum via transnational and regional organizations like BRICS and ASEAN actively considering such measures. Currency momentum in BRICS is already significant and enticing new countrie...


Cool! Lets go to Enceladus! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

<div class="wp-caption alignright" id="attachment_70475" style= "width: 210px;"><a href= ""> <img alt="" class="size-medium wp-image-70475" height="300" src= "" width="200"></a> <p class="wp-caption-text">So thats why aliens in UFOs have been visiting Earth</p> </div> <p class="lead">I fully support exploration of Saturns moon, Enceladus. Its a complicated body, its got frozen water ice, it has oceans of water beneath all that ice, and analysis has shown that it has <a href= ""> all the elements essential for life (CHNOPS)</a>. Even a biologist would love to know more!</p> <p>So heres someone with a plan to get to Enceladus, <a href="">the Space Ocean Corp.</a> I hate it already. Its fantasy math.</p> <blockquote class="creationist"> <p>SPACE OCEAN CORP is a private Texas holding company. Incorporated September 2021. Regulation D 506(C) Unregistered Security Offering. Investor Deck (pdf)</p> <p>Water is worth $1 Billion per gallon in space (on Mars, on other moons and planet). If a mission to collect it costs $8 Billion; and were able to collect just 10 gallons, it can be sold at a $2 Billion net profit. Collect 1,500 to 100,000 gallons, then gross profit is $1.5 Trillion to $100 Trillion.</p> </blockquote> <p>Im not an economist, butisnt scarcity the reason theyve invented this imaginary value of <q>$1 Billion per gallon</q>? Its not really worth that much. No one is paying (or can afford) a billion dollars for a gallon of water. This entire prospectus is built around this magical number as if it is real.</p> <blockquote class="creationist"> <p>There are over one quadrillion gallons of water on the moon Enceladus. The volume of a sphere of water with a 25 mile deep radius is approximately 72 quadrillion gallons. If we set up a well for $6-$8 Billion, the initial cost to Space Ocean Corp investors will be a drop in the bucket compared to the ROI gain in market cap.</p> </blockquote> <p>I can multiply numbers together. I can calculate the volume of a sphere. That is not the basis for a complex, high-tech space industry. But theyre using this elementary fact to fish for investors! Stupid, innumerate, delusional investors. Is Peter Thiel available?</p> <p>They continue. Theyve got a glib Neil deGrasse Tyson quote! Thats worth money, right?</p> <blockquote class="creationist"> <p>Goal: Extract & Store water from ocean moons. Phase 1) video an ocean on a moon in the solar system. Phase 2) extract water from that moon. Phase 3) sell...


Group says UFO, F-16s engaged in dogfight over Bad Axe, Michigan "IndyWatch Feed World"

Keep watching the skies. According to an organization known as the National UFO Reporting Center, two military jets engaged an object referred to as an "Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon" over Bad Axe early this month. Witnesses reported watching a pair of F-16s engaged in a "dogfight" with an object they were unable to see as they moved a camper at the storage units across from the Bad Axe Meijer store on June 3.


Indo-Pacific Economic Framework: UPIs Road to Global Adoption "IndyWatch Feed War"

<p class="graf">Indias decision to sign on as one of the members of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (<a href= "" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">IPEF</a>) could be a landmark moment for trade in the country, but it depends on how it makes use of its unique geopolitical standing. This strategic move by India is a rational next step to strengthen international supply chains, coming a little under a year after the government came out with the National Logistics Policy (NLP) aimed at strengthening domestic supply chains.</p> <p class="graf"><strong> </strong></p> <p class="graf"><strong><i>SWIFT & rupee trade

SWIFT is currently the dominant messaging network for international payments. However, there are concerns that SWIFT could be used as a tool of economic coercion like the United States and the European Union did when they imposed sanctions on Iran that effectively cut Iran off from the system, making it very difficult to conduct international trade and significantly impacting the Iranian economy. More recently, Russias removal from the SWIFT system further demonstrated the leverage the West has on the global financial system.</p> <p class="graf">The SWIFT ban has also led to countries trying to promote settling international trade in their domestic currencies lest they be a future victim of this financial weapon. India has been one of the countries at the forefront of this effort, most recently trying to negotiate a rupee-ruble trade deal with Russia with limited success, understandably so given the limited external uses for the rupee. The IPEF provides a unique opportunity for India to take a step in the direction of increasing international rupee trade.</p> <p class="graf"><strong><i> </i></strong></p> <p class="graf"><strong><i>The UPI pitch</i></strong></p> <p class="graf">It is widely accepted that, despite economic powerhouses like Japan, Indonesia & South Korea being signatories of the IPEF, only India comes close to being a regional economic counterbalance to China. As the final drafts of the IPEF agreement are in the works, this is the time for India to leverage its standing in the region.

Given the economic nature of the initiative and Indias position as a leader in digital technology, one of Indias most important contributions to the IPEF could be its <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Unified Payments Interface</a> (UPI). The UPI has allowed India to become a leader in digital transactions, having pro...


Startup Security Tactics: Friction Surveys "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When we do quarterly planning, my team categorizes our goals within four evergreen outcomes: Reduce the risk of information security incidents Increase trust in Vanta's information security program Reduce the friction caused by information security controls Use security expertise to support the business In this article, I'm going to focus on number three: reducing friction. Declaring your


PAM/Kerberos issue on NetBSD "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Alistair Crooks on Jun 21

Hi folks,

The fix for a pam/kerberos issue on NetBSD has already been fixed and
pullups requested for release branches, see:
(commit log appended to this mail) and CVE-2023-3326

For various platforms, the exposure is not thought to be that great

+ Linux - not believed to be affected (would be good to get some
corroboration for this)
+ FreeBSD - affected, but not in the...


On camera, 8-year-old attacked by 3 stray dogs in her yard in Kerala, India "IndyWatch Feed World"

In yet another attack by stray dogs in Kerala, an 8-year-old has been hospitalised after she was mauled by three canines at her house. The incident took place in the same town where an 11-year-old autistic boy was killed after being attacked by a pack of stray dogs on June 11. 8-year-old Jhanvi was in the yard of her house in Kannur district's Muzhappilangad when the three dogs attacked her yesterday. People gathered when she began shouting for help and the dogs ran away. She suffered injuries to her hands and legs and has been admitted to a hospital.


Re: CVE-2023-31975: memory leak in yasm "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Jeffrey Walton on Jun 21

Memory leaks on exit are par for the course in GNU software per .

Nothing to see here, just move on.



Re: The AI chatgpt writes insecure code "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Travis Biehn on Jun 21

ChatGPT will indeed generate average quality code. Thats absolutely
ending up on GitHub and in dependency repositories. IMO, the situation
hasnt changed for us, more code than ever before growing super-linearly
and tools that produce a bunch of noise.
On the other side - future coding buddies will be able to use Retrieval
Augmented Generation for policy following to generate high quality code
with more reliability.



Critical 'nOAuth' Flaw in Microsoft Azure AD Enabled Complete Account Takeover "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A security shortcoming in Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) Open Authorization (OAuth) process could have been exploited to achieve full account takeover, researchers said. California-based identity and access management service Descope, which discovered and reported the issue in April 2023, dubbed it nOAuth. "nOAuth is an authentication implementation flaw that can affect Microsoft Azure AD


Hunter Biden Plea Deal On Five-Year-Old Crimes Shows Biden-Protection Racket At Work "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Hunter BidenThe country can survive a slap-on-the-wrist injustice, but it cannot withstand the upheaval caused by a corrupted DOJ and FBI.


On Dangerous Puberty Blockers, Its Time To Follow Britains Lead "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A boy with raindbow hair stares at the cameraMore individuals and institutions, including the NHS, are speaking up to protect the interests of innocent children from radical activists.


De Onthullende Yoeri Albrecht Affaire 15 "IndyWatch Feed War"

Woensdag 21 juni 2023, de langste dag van het jaar. Hier staat de Nederlander nu in zijn kleine landje bij de zee, met lege handen en onder het juk van een politiek gecorrumpeerd parlement en kabinet, met een D66 minister van Defensie, Kajsa Ollongren, die zonder enige gne publiekelijk benadrukt dat 'Oekraners ons vuile werk opknappen, wetende dat het forceren van een 'regime change' in Moskou en het uiteen laten vallen van de Russische Federatie ons vuile werk is. De uitgelokte NAVO-proxy war in Oekrane is de eerste fase van een poging de opkomst van Azi te blokkeren. Dat doel is misdadig, alleen al gezien de verstrekkende gevolgen van de chaos die het Westen in Azi wil veroorzaken. Honderden miljoenen mensen in het meest bevolkingsrijke continent zullen ontheemd raken of op de vlucht slaan om elders vergeefs een veilig heenkomen te zoeken. Alleen een misdadige geest zal volhouden dat deze ontwikkeling een vooruitgang voor de hele mensheid betekent. De betrokken leden van de Europese Commissie, die de oorlog tussen het Westen en Azi beogen, vormen een bende misdadigers. Hun ...

Andrew Tate charged with rape, human trafficking, and forming an organized crime group "IndyWatch Feed World"

The controversial influencer is accused of coercing seven victims into pornographic acts. Romanian authorities have charged social-media celebrity Andrew Tate with rape, human trafficking, and forming an organized crime group. Tate was charged along with his brother and two Romanian women, whom prosecutors claim helped him use violence and coercion to build a lucrative pornography business. Police arrested Tate, his brother Tristan and the two women at their Bucharest home in December. The Tate brothers, who have dual citizenship of the US and UK, were imprisoned until March, when they were moved to house arrest.


Chinese Hacker Group 'Flea' Targets American Ministries with Graphican Backdoor "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Foreign affairs ministries in the Americas have been targeted by a Chinese state-sponsored actor named Flea as part of a recent campaign that spanned from late 2022 to early 2023. The cyber attacks, per Broadcom's Symantec, involved a new backdoor codenamed Graphican. Some of the other targets included a government finance department and a corporation that markets products in the Americas as


Woman killed in bear attack in Madhya Pradesh, India "IndyWatch Feed World"

A 48-year-old woman was killed by a bear in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh's Umaria district on Tuesday, officials said. The incident occurred near the Panpatha range of BTR, said police officer ML Verma. Forest Range Officer Arpit Marol said the woman along with others went inside the forest to collect mahua but she lost her way and entered the core area of BTR. "Possibly, she reached there in search of water and was attacked by a bear. Paw marks of a bear were found in the area," he said.


10 Sports That Put Cross-Dressing Men Ahead Of Womens Fair Play "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Will/Here are 10 of the most prominent individual womens competitions men have co-opted.


Rand Paul: 'Bill Gates is largest funder of trying to find viruses in caves and bring them to big cities' "IndyWatch Feed World"

"This is up there with the danger of nuclear war. But this is much more insidious." Senator Rand Paul teed off on globalist Bill Gates Sunday, heavily intimating that the billionaire's obsession with funding research into deadly viruses led directly to the COVID pandemic. Appearing on Fox News, Paul noted that Gates visited China last week. "Bill Gates is the largest funder of trying to find these viruses in remote caves and bring them to big cities," Paul asserted, referring to gain of function research.


Elaine Brown Sold Out Black Americans To Planned Parenthood "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Elaine BrownBlack people are disproportionately affected by abortion, a thinly veiled genocide.


Man attacked, killed by dogs in Rockport, Texas identified by officials "IndyWatch Feed World"

Aransas County Sheriff's Office officials have identified 40-year-old Lewis Flores as the man who was killed in the dog attack on Tuesday morning. Officials added that they were on Monkey Road when they discovered Flores being attacked. "When the Deputy approached, they turned their aggression to the officer who fired and believes he struck one of the dogs," a release from the ACSO states. "All the animals fled the location, and officers began CPR in an effort to revive him. EMS made the location and took over the medical attention for the victim." The release states that animal control took some of the animals in that location. Officials added the animal that officials believe was shot has not been found.


Bernie Sanders Sends a Message to Amazon "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Usually, Amazon does the deliveries. But on Tuesday, the company received a letter that it probably wished it could return to its sender, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Thats because it came with a clear message: I am watching you.

Sanders, the chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), put the company on notice that the panel will investigate Amazons abysmal safety record.

The senator noted that the companys egregious violations of workplace safety laws have already resulted in various Occupational Safety and Health Administration citations, and that the United States Attorneys Office for the Southern District of New York is investigating the company for potentially misrepresenting the scope of workplace injuries.

Now, Amazon can add the HELP committee to the list of entities that are looking into its business and safety and health practices.

The time has come for Amazon to stop willfully violating workplace safety laws with impunity and commit to changing its operations to protect the health and safety of its workers, Sanders stated in a strongly worded letter to the companys CEO Andy Jassy.

Even worse than Amazons safety record is that it seems to be the result of calculated decisions to maximize profits instead of protecting employees, the senator alleges.

At every turn from warehouse design and workstation setup, to pace of work requirements, to medical care for injuries and subsequent pressure to return to work Amazon makes decisions that actively harm workers in the name of its bottom line, Sanders added.

Amazon warehouse

An Amazon warehouse. Photo credit: Alvaro Ibanez / Wikimedia (CC BY 2.0)

These decisions have made Amazons warehouses uniquely dangerous, according to the senator, who notes that the companys injury rate of 6.6 per 100 workers is twice that of other war...


President Higgins should reflect on the risk to his reputation posed by his own half baked, cranky ideas? "IndyWatch Feed"

I recall back in the mid naughties Bertie Ahern arguing in an OpEd in the Irish Times there ought to be a conversation about Ireland and the UK joining Schengen. It was one of those famous declarations of intent to do something that never happened.

The Consultative Forum set up by Michel Martin at the Department of Foreign Affairs is trying to get some kind of conversation going on Irelands position, primarily in Europe, now two of the largest European neutrals are off the fence.

Its set to chunk through a broad agenda that includes, Ukraine, the lack of new UN mandates since 2014, and cyber security in seminars starting this Thursday at UCC, moving on to NUI Galway on Friday with two sessions at Dublin Castle next week.

Then President Michael D Higgins took aim at the Chair, Waterford born Vice Chair of Oxford University Louise Richardson in an interview with the SBP, referencing the Damehood she received last year as her very large letter DBE.

[To West Brit for you, Mr President? Ed] Well, indeed, so much for being a figurehead for a new welcoming plural Ireland?

His expression of disapproval of the DFAs whole agenda, which includes a discussion of Irelands relationship with NATO (currently in the Partnership for Peace programme), was perhaps done with the intention of doing a little taboo setting?

Turns out his personalised remarks overshadowed any intention to bump possible moves further down the road that might change Irelands status as a small neutral actor on the edge of the world stage (unlikely as that might be) off the media order.

Truthfully Irelands neutrality is unlikely to change because it would need the development of a full foreign policy beyond trade and UN peace keeping, and thats not happening anytime soon. Sweden and Finland dropped theirs only because they had to.

Ireland doesnt. But as Professor Roger McGinty at the University of Durham points out, that doesnt mean theres not a serious set of questions that need answering

There is no doubting that internationally we are in a 1930s moment. The rules-based international order is crumbling, capital is more mobile and volatile than ever, populist leaders are on the rise, a climate crisis is on-going, Russia has a clear European destabilisation strategy, and a China-US confrontation looks increasingly likely. There is the possibility that we are one accident away from a tipping point.

In McGintys view theres no need to abandon neutrality not least that when the shortfall in the domestic military spe...


Majority of Dems want Biden to debate RFK Jr: POLL "IndyWatch Feed World"

A majority of Democratic voters want President Joe Biden and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to engage in presidential primary debates for 2024, according to a Monday poll. Roughly 78% of likely general election voters hope Biden and Kennedy will debate, including 57.5% of Democrats, 92.8% of Republicans and 80.1% of those not affiliated with either major party, according to a Trafalgar Group/Convention of States Action poll. The Democratic National Committee is not holding debates for the 2024 primaries, which has drawncriticism from many who want the two leading contenders to take the stage. Comment: See: 'NOT DEMOCRATIC': Joe Rogan SLAMS DNC for protecting Biden from facing RFK Jr. in debateAfter disastrous debates in 2020, Democrats have decided to not hold presidential debates in 2024 The Real Clear Politics (RCP) average for a 2024 national Democratic primary, based on polls conducted between May 17 and June 15, indicate that Biden and Kennedy have 62% and 15.6% support, respectively,...


Fuel Cell Turns PET and Carbon Dioxide into Useful Chemicals "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The University of Cambridge has a novel fuel cell design that can grab CO2 from the atmosphere or industrial processes and, combined with waste PET plastic, provides syngas and glycolic acid, a product used in some cosmetics. You can read about the device in a recent paper.

The strange juxtaposition of CO2 and PET is no accident. The processes work together with solar energy. There is no external voltage required, but the cell operates as a photocell to produce electricity from the solar energy. Removing both CO2 and waste plastic from the environment is a good thing.

Syngas is hydrogen and carbon monoxide and finds use in producing methanol and ammonia. It also will work as a fuel that can replace gasoline when gasoline isnt available. It has a few other uses, like reducing iron ore to sponge iron and even converting methanol to gasoline.

The technology has a ways to go to operate at scale, and we doubt this will ever be a consumer item since you are unlikely to need syngas or glycolic acid in your home or vehicle. But it still is a promising technique to reduce both greenhouse gas and plastic waste in one swoop.

Weve looked at other ways to grab carbon dioxide and...


Island integrates DLP capabilities for ChatGPT, Bard, and other AI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Island announced an enterprise-grade set of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) capabilities for all popular interactive AI-type applications including ChatGPT, Bard and others, within its Enterprise Browser. These features are available in multiple deployment modes to accommodate various interaction types; integrated into the browser itself, managing AI extensions; and as a standalone desktop application, delivering the industrys broadest set of protections for this rapidly growing category of productivity products. Generative AI products have taken the world More

The post Island integrates DLP capabilities for ChatGPT, Bard, and other AI appeared first on Help Net Security.


A message to the pod people wearing masks "IndyWatch Feed World"

by Jon Rappoport (To join our email list, click here.) Continuing my greatest COVID hits...


Tory MP hid directorship at defence firm while sitting on defence committee "IndyWatch Feed"

Exclusive: Bob Stewart failed to declare role at a defence firm linked to a controversial Azerbaijani businessman


Meteor fireball over Massachusetts and surrounding region on June 20 "IndyWatch Feed World"

We received 8 reports about a fireball seen over CT, MA, NY, Ontario and Qubec on Tuesday, June 20th 2023 around 04:33 UT. For this event, we received one video and one photo.



Link Citizen scientist Mike Stone and author James McCumiskey join Nigel Howitt to discuss the...


Sugarcane: The monoculture that transformed southern Quintana Roo "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

May is about to end. There are no trees that provide shade to reduce the heat that exceeds 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit). Jos Jess Prez Castro walks along the edge of the already burned sugar cane plot, ready to be cut. The proud cane grower wears a hat, dark glasses and an impeccable gray polo shirt. He asks three cutters to pose for a photograph; they, covered in soot and with looks of bewilderment, agree. Prez Castros cultivation field is located in Sergio Butrn Casas, one of the 15 ejidos (common lands) that make up the so-called sugar cane zone, a territory in the south of Quintana Roo, along the banks of the Hondo River, right on the border with Belize. Prez Castro, like all those who grow cane in this area, sells all his production to the sugar mill that has been operating in the region since 1978. In the cane field, which is never-ending, the producer enthusiastically remarks that this region has planted cane for more than 40 years. And it is true. These lands today are part of the municipality of Othn P. Blanco, considered for a long time as one of the critical points for forest loss; the result of decades of government policies that have favored agriculture and livestock is reflected above jungles and forests. Deforestation as government policy To understand how sugar cane took root in the municipality of Othn P. Blanco, it is necessary to review part of the recent historyThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Intel Continues Working On IAA Crypto Compression Driver For Linux "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Introduced with 4th Gen Xeon Scalable "Sapphire Rapids" processors are various new accelerators available on select SKUs or via the Intel On Demand offering. One of the initial challenges there though is the early accelerator software support limitations and many upstream open-source (or even just widespread) software not yet enabled to make use of these new accelerators. One of the improvements on that front has been Intel engineers working on an IAA crypto compression driver for the kernel so that the In-Memory Analytics Accelerator can be transparently accessible to kernel features making use of the crypto API...


Whats the Sweet Spot For Building Housing Inexpensively? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


(Source: Unsplash/Bethany Opler.)

I recently shared a graph on Twitter and got a whole bunch of varied reactions. Twitter is a good place for quickly road-testing ideas and framings to see how theyre understood and what people push back against.

The point I was trying to make was a simple one about the costs of building new housing. Countless American cities are in need of much more housing for their residents, and a reasonable question to ask is, Whats the cheapest way to produce it? To answer that, we need to understand how development costs work.

I have a rough conceptual diagram, without hard numbers attached to it, that I use to illustrate the way the height and complexity of a residential building intersects with the cost of but first, let me actually break it up into two separate diagrams: one that shows how the cost of land for new housing changes with density, the other that shows how the cost of construction itself changes.

(For the purposes of this article, were going to ignore various forms of prefab or manufactured housing. They deserve a lot of considerationjust not here and not now.)

Land Cost vs. Density




I am joined on the podcast today 21/06/2023 by Jason Woodforth from Brisbane to break...


Americas Perpetual War: Six Questions "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Americas Perpetual War: Six Questions appeared first on Global Research.


Furious Michael Gove blasts 'terrible' video showing Tory staff working for 'Lord Bailey' dancing and drinking at lockdown-mocking basement party "IndyWatch Feed World"

Michael Gove today tore into Conservative Party staff filmed partying during lockdown in flagrant defiance of the rules, saying the footage is 'terrible' and their actions 'indefensible'. Shocking footage shows a Christmas party involving at least 24 revellers at Conservative Campaign Headquarters in London in December 2020. Two dancing officials are shown twirling each other past signs saying 'please keep your distance' and stumbling into a table laden with buffet food. As they do so, other Tory staff members are heard laughing, with one joking that he hopes that they are not exposed for 'bending the rules.'


With Russian nukes in Belarus, Lukashenkas balancing act is over "IndyWatch Feed"

The placement of tactical warheads in Belarus puts Lukashenkas political fate in Putins hands


Child Q: Not enough done to avoid repeat of racist incident, report finds "IndyWatch Feed"

An updated review on progress since Child Q has revealed that racism and inequality are present in all public bodies


Thriving on Catastrophe "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Why the climate crisis and the global rise of fascism are inextricable.

By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 15th June 2023

Round the cycle turns. As millions are driven from their homes by climate disasters, the extreme right exploits their misery to extend its reach. As the extreme right gains power, climate programmes are shut down, heating accelerates and more people are driven from their homes. If we dont break this cycle soon, it will become the dominant story of our times.

A recent paper in Nature identifies the human climate niche: the range of temperatures and rainfall within which human societies thrive. We have clustered in the parts of the world with a climate that supports our flourishing, but in many of these places the niche is shrinking. Already, around 600 million people have been stranded in inhospitable conditions by global heating. Current global policies are likely to result in about 2.7C of heating by 2100. On this trajectory, some 2 billion people may be left outside the niche by 2030, and 3.7 billion by 2090. If governments limited heating to their agreed goal of 1.5C, the numbers exposed to extreme heat would be reduced fivefold. But if they abandon their climate policies, this would lead to around 4.4C of heating. In this case, by the end of the century around 5.3 billion people would face conditions that ranged from dangerous to impossible.

These conditions include extreme disruption, morbidity and death through heat-shock, water stress, crop failure and the spread of infectious disease. The figures do not take into account the effect of rising sea levels, which could displace hundreds of millions more.

Already, weather stations in the Persian Gulf have recorded wetbulb measurements a combination of heat and humidity beyond the point (35C at 100% humidity) at which most human beings can survive. At other stations, on the shores of the Red Sea, the Gulf of Oman, the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of California and the western side of south Asia, measurements have come close. In large parts of Africa there is almost no monitoring of extreme heat events. People are likely to have been dying of heat stress in high numbers already, but their cause of death has not been registered.

India, Nigeria, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Papua New Guinea, Sudan, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali and central America face extreme risk. Weather events such as massive floods and intensified cyclones and hurricanes will...


Iranian opposition group has few friends following Albanian police raid "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iranian opposition group has few friends following Albanian police raid

The MEK, once internationally lauded as a potential replacement for the Islamic Republic, has seen its rallies banned and headquarters raided by police in the last week
Alex MacDonald Wed, 06/21/2023 - 10:59
Sympathisers of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and of the People's Mujahedin of Iran (MEK) take part in a demonstration in support of Iranian protesters in Vienna, Austria on 26 September 2022 (AFP)

In May 2022, Mike Pompeo, who had until just the year before been US secretary of state, addressed a meeting of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the umbrella organisation largely seen as a front for the Iranian opposition group People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK).

Speaking in front of thousands of MEK supporters, the man who had arguably been the world's most powerful diplomat hailed the group's leader Maryam Rajavi as "president-elect" of Iran.

"Under her leadership, the National Council of Resistance of Iran is laying the groundwork for a free, sovereign and democratic republic in Iran," Pompeo said. "We must continue to support the Iranian people as they fight for a freer and more democratic Iran in any way we can."

Just over a year later, the group's fortunes appear to have nosedived.

On Tuesday morning, Albanian counter-terrorism police raided the MEK's base, which has been in the west of the Balkan country since it moved out of Iraq in 2003.


Israeli police violently crack down on Syrian Druze protesting Golan Heights wind farm "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israeli police violently crack down on Syrian Druze protesting Golan Heights wind farm

Authorities fire tear gas and water cannons, as Druze community announce general strike over 'criminal' project built on their agricultural land
Lubna Masarwa Wed, 06/21/2023 - 10:53
Israeli security forces disperse a protest near the Syrian Druze village of Majdal Shams in the occupied Golan Heights on 20 June 2023 (AFP)
Israeli security forces disperse a protest near the Syrian Druze village of Majdal Shams in the occupied Golan Heights on 20 June 2023 (AFP)

Israeli police have violently confronted members of the Syrian Druze community in the occupied Golan Heights, wounding people during a second day of demonstrations against a wind farm being built on their agricultural land. 

Israel's Energix Renewable Energies plans to build $190m worth of wind turbines in orchards near the Syrian Druze towns of Majdal Shams and Masada in the northern Golan Heights.

On Tuesday, Druze demonstrators blocked roads and burned mattresses and tyres near the project, waving the Druze flag. The Israeli police responded by firing tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons. 

Demonstrations and the police crackdown continued on Wednesday, with several protesters sustaining injuries. That included a young man who was hit in the eye by a rubber-coated metal bullet, local activists told Middle East Eye.

"Today we had two rounds of violent confrontations with the occupation forces who carried out full scale raids with all its equipment," Sedqi Almaqt, an activist and former prisoner from the Golan, told MEE on Wednesday from protests outside a police station in Masada.



Leaders, youre probably wrong about your employees well-being. Its getting worse, not better "IndyWatch Feed World"

According to a new survey from Deloitte and Workplace Intelligence, C-suite executives believe the health of their workforce is improving. Workers say otherwise.

The Great Resignation may not yet be over.

Read Full Story


Will Artificial Intelligence Solve the Socialist Calculation Problem? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

James E. Hanley
from the American Institute for Economic Research writes

I was recently told that humanity is rapidly advancing toward solving the socialist calculation problem. I wasnt told why, but around the same time, economist Daron Acemoglu suggested that artificial intelligence could be the solution. To get literary, perhaps we are on the verge of creating the Machines, the artificial intelligences that plan the global economy in Isaac Asimovs short story, The Evitable Conflict (which became the last chapter of his book, I, Robot.) The Machines perfectly calculate the needs of humanity and organize the economic order to best provide for them, in keeping with the first law of robotics, that a robot may not injure a human being, or through inaction allow a human being to come to harm.

Given Asimovs insistence that the Machines were mere calculators of unimaginable speed, not super-brains, artificial intelligence could be a further step beyond Asimovs robotic brains. So could artificially intelligent Machines, at last, prove the central planners right?

No, they could not, and Ill answer the question in three ways. First, its theoretically impossible because the problem is about information generation, not the calculation of given information. Second, even if sufficient information existed to do the calculations, human incentives would always tinker with the Machines programming, biasing their performance. Third, if the machines escaped the biasing control humans, their interests would not necessarily be congruent with humanitys interests.

The Machines cannot solve the calculation problem because the real problem for central planning is not calculating existing data, but getting the data to calculate. As economist Michael Munger recently wrote, theres not a calculation problem, but a data generation problem. The calculations are supposed to direct economic activity, but the necessary data, which reveal the values of differing uses for resources, do not come into existence except as a consequence of that economic activity. 

And when it is generated, it is only fragmentary, with much of it hidden in the minds of the econo...


WATCH: #No2NATO Meeting Media, Journalism and Censorship "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Watch the latest #No2Nato #No2War virtual public meeting discussing all things media, journalism and censorship, featuring independent journalists and commentators Kit Klarenberg (read about his recent apprehension by UK security agency) and Patrick Henningsen, along with No2Nato founders Chris Williamson and George Galloway. Watch: 

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Methane Is Actually Offsetting Its Own Heating Effect In The Atmosphere "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


When it comes to climate change, greenhouse gasses are often seen as the culprit. Scientists have been searching for ways to cool the atmosphere and to make sure that man plays a huge role in helping abate the change.

These greenhouse gasses come from different products, be it industrial or agricultural. As for the most dangerous gas found in the atmosphere, methane has often been the top on the list. However, recent findings show that this may actually not be the case.

While methane has always been assumed to be harmful for the climate, and rightfully so, a new study of the greenhouse gas shows that its effects may not be as detrimental than what was once assumed by many experts.

There are different sources of methane gas emissions and the biggest ones come from coal, oil, and gas development. However, what people most know about are the emissions that come from agriculture as these have been heavily publicized in the past years.

This is how it works: the planet absorbs heat from the sun. Then, it would radiate the long-wave energy back into space. However, the presence of greenhouse gasses trap the heat inside. The heat that stays in the atmosphere is what brings about the greenhouse effect.

Scientists from the University of California-Riverside looked into this phenomenon even further. They discovered that methane also has the ability to absorb short-wave energy, which, by creating the so-called cooling clouds, it can actually cancel 30 percent of its own heat. This heat is the gas that is created in the greenhouse effect.


Daniel Ellsberg: The Establishments Whistleblower "IndyWatch Feed War"

In 1972 Stanley K. Sheinbaum, chairman of the Pentagon Papers Fund, wrote with a hot pertinence that remains striking (at this time Julian Assange is facing grave prospects of being extradited to the United States) that both Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo had struck a blow for us all when they gave the Pentagon Papers to the press and to the Senate: against the war in Vietnam and against new adventures in Cambodia, Laos, or elsewhere. And more besides, including striking against government secrecy in both domestic and foreign policy and directing a blow for freedom of the press, freedom of the American people to be informed of what crimes their government might be committing in their name.

The Nixon administration was mustard keen to bang up Ellsberg for what would have been 115 years, and Russo for 35. The charges, absurd reading then as they are now, were for conspiracy, espionage, and larceny. Central to this particularly vicious effort on the part of President Richard Nixon and his inner circle was the release of the Pentagon Papers, a government document running into 7,000 pages that was much at odds with public statements made by respective presidential administrations on US involvement in the Indo-China War. Both men had been analysts and researchers at the RAND Corporation, with the former tasked with nuclear wargaming scenarios. Russo had aided Ellsberg in the mammoth task of copying the papers.

The treatment dished out by the US national security state was very much the blueprint for what is taking place against the WikiLeaks founder. Initial indictment, followed by further grand jury hearings, followed by another round of indictments. As Sheinbaum remarked, the absurdity of the charges was self-evident. Conspiracy against whom? he asked. The American people to whom the documents belonged in the first place? The press to whom the Pentagon Papers were given not sold so that they could better inform the people on how a succession of administrations had deceived them and wasted this countrys lives, resources, and honor?

The case, thankfully, collapsed. The presiding judge, William M. Byrne Jr., even before the jurys verdict was in, dismissed the action in May 1973, citing serious government misconduct (the office of Ellsbergs psychiatrist had been burgled by the infamous White House Plumbers), not to mention illegal wiretapping. As part of that most Nixonian of sagas, the judge also revealed that he had been offered the role of FBI director by John Ehrlichman, the Presidents assistant for domestic affairs.

Initially in agreement with policies in the Cold War rollback of communism, Ellsberg came to have trouble with the narrative of ones country, right and wrong. In a sense, he bec...


Palestinian girl dies after being shot by Israeli forces "IndyWatch Feed War"

Palestinian girl dies after being shot by Israeli forces

Sadeel Ghassan Naghniyeh Turkman, aged 15, became the seventh person to die following Israel's raid on Jenin in the West Bank
MEE staff Wed, 06/21/2023 - 10:02
Sadeel Ghassan Naghniyeh Turkman, 15, died after being shot in the head by Israeli forces (social media)

A 15-year-old Palestinian girl died from her wounds on Wednesday after being shot during an Israeli raid, bringing the death toll from the attack on the occupied West Bank city of Jenin at the start of the week to seven.  

Sadeel Ghassan Naghniyeh Turkman was shot in the head by Israeli forces on Monday, according to the Palestinian health ministry.

In addition to Turkman, the ministry has confirmed the deaths of Ahmed Youssef Saqr, 15, Khaled Azzam Darwish, 21, Qassam Faisal Abu Sariya, 29, Qais Majdi Jabareen, 21, Ahmed Daraghmeh, 19 and Amjad al-Jas, 48. 

An Israeli security source speaking anonymously to Army Radio said that the chances that Israeli forces hit the girl were low. The military is expected to investigate the death, though similar probes in the past have not led to any serious action being taken.

Earlier this month, the Israeli military concluded after an investigation that it had unintentionally killed two-year-old Muhammad Tamimi after mistaking him and his father, Haytham, for gunmen firing a weapon towards an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank.


OK to Kill Tim in NJ "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    Geronimo growing up On June 16, 1829, Geronimo was born in No-doyohn Caon, Arizona. In that country which lies around the headwaters of the Gila River I was reared. This range was our fatherland; among these mountains, our wigwams were hidden; the scattered valleys contained our fields; the boundless prairies, stretching away on []

The post OK to Kill Tim in NJ appeared first on Virtual Mirage.



Daily News

Last Monday of this week, in the initial installment of this two part article, an article that was itself a continuation of last week's News

The post ARE THE GLOVES COMING OFF? PART TWO appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Stranded Assets: Who Will Have the Last Laugh? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

On the first day when any government withdraws its subsidies for any wind, solar or battery asset, that asset becomes stranded.

The post Stranded Assets: Who Will Have the Last Laugh? first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

Transcription tool Otter unveils an AI chat tool to help you in meetings "IndyWatch Feed World"

The new bot can help you catch up with anything you missed in a meeting, or even draft a follow-up email.

Users of the meeting transcription tool Otter will soon have access to an AI-powered assistant that can answer questions about the content of their meetings.

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This former Tesla exec just launched a sleek new battery for solar power "IndyWatch Feed World"

Lunar Energys new home energy storage system saves money on electric billsand looks good on your wall.

Most Americans with solar panels still dont have batteries to store the energy, despite the fact that climate change is making it more likely that extreme heat, wildfires, or hurricanes can take out power on the grid.

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Applying for jobs and not hearing back? Indeed wants to boost your search, Netflix-style "IndyWatch Feed World"

The jobs platform is using AI-powered matching technology that it hopes will reduce friction in the hiring process.

In recent years, the labor market has entered a sort of twilight zone, with swaths of employers complaining that they cant find enough workers and many workers likewise saying that they cant find a jobor even get a response to an application. Its a frustrating dynamic for both sides, to say the least.

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Review: A People Under Siege by Aaron Edwards "IndyWatch Feed"

This is an important book for a number of reasons. While genuine students of unionism and the pro-union community here will be familiar with the historical timelines that hold the narrative together, there is a level of honesty and an attempt to explain the unionist community from an empathetic, sometimes sympathetic, position that has been too rare for too long. Edwards unlike far too many writers from what is now euphemistically  termed a unionist background does not set out to demonstrate his own moral purity in a condescending manner. Nor does he seek the why cant they all be more like you   backslaps so beloved of too many of our unionist commentators. No. He does not flinch from necessary criticism of his own people when it is necessary (as is often the case in this book). But his criticism is based on a genuine understanding of the flaws in much of the unionist psyche and an empathy for what causes and magnifies them. For that alone this book would be welcome.

The entire basis for the book can probably found on page 205, when he quotes Trimble supporter Esmond Birnie as saying that the greatest threat to unionism may be those pessimists within the camp who perpetually talk of sell-outs and treachery, and so talk themselves into an abyss of despair.

Edwards is not of that ilk. The story he tells is one of constantly repeated mistakes and of Unionist leaders snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, a phrase I first hear used about the risible Jim Molyneaux in the 80s but one more appropriate than ever since 2016. These mistakes include consistently aligning themselves to Conservative Prime Ministers who betray them time and time again, leading from Brooke/Eden, through Faulkner/Heath (Faulkner was prone to believing every word uttered by Heath, whom he famously said he trusted like a brother) and Molyneaux clearly unrequited devotion to Thatcher to the most ridiculous and hardest of all to understand, the willingness of successive DUP leaders to behave like cats in heat when in the presence of Boris Johnson.

Edwards also deals with the failure of Unionist throughout Northern Irelands first century to embrace more inclusive and socially progressive pro unionists from Beattie and Midgeley through David Bleakley and up to the likes of David Ervine and Billy Mitchell in the 1990s incarnations of the PUP. He provides a great quotation from Mitchell who, while he could see the potential in the GFA to contribute to political crisis and grave danger he also believed that stood on the cusp of a time of transition, of invitation and of opportunity, a new era of hope and opportunity.  Of course, as Edwards points out here, within unionism the GFA fell on David Trimble failing to sell it as a victory while Paisley was able to successfully denigrate it as a betrayal. Another example of the unionist community being very badly served by its leaders and yet another example of the old defeat from the j...

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