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Thursday, 15 June


Vor Aktion in Regensburg: Klimaaktivist aus Haus ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Vor Aktion in Regensburg: Klimaaktivist aus Haus geschleift und in Prventivhaft genommen.

Da hilft nur Hubschraubereinsatz!

Ich meine, klar, bei der Prventivhaft im chin... h bayerischen Polizeirecht geht es wie versprochen nur um hrteste Terroristen. Also Klimakleber. Viel perfider wird es ja gar nicht!!

Hattet ihr eigentlich gesehen, wer der diesjhrige ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Hattet ihr eigentlich gesehen, wer der diesjhrige Prsident des Kirchentags ist?

Thomas De Maiziere! Ja, DER. Der ehemalige Innenminister.

Das ist ja schon ein Kracher. Aber wartet mal. Geht noch weiter.

Im Deutschlandfunk diskutiert er mit Ulf Poschardt. Ja, DER. Der von der "Welt".

Die kuscheln da zu Bibelversen miteinander. Sind sich einig, dass das alles viel zu linksgrnversifft ist. Endlich mal einer, freut sich der Poschardt, der nicht grner Aktivist ist!!1!

De Maiziere hat beim Kirchentag erstmal den Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr auf die Bhne geholt. Klar. Wenn ich an den Kirchentag denke, denke ich ich an Frieden! Frieden durch militrische bermacht, versteht sich.

Wei zufllig jemand, wie man Vodafone dazu bringt, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wei zufllig jemand, wie man Vodafone dazu bringt, die bestellten und bezahlten Leistungen auch zu erbringen?

Ich habe einen Internetzugang bestellt, aber an dem Anschluss liegt kein Internet an sondern "Carrier Grade NAT" ohne ffentliche IP-Adresse.

Gibt es da schon eine Beispielklage der Verbraucherzentralen oder muss man das selber machen?

Update: Jetzt kommen hier neben sachdienlichen Hinweisen (bei der Hotline "VPN" sagen) auch lauter erschtterte Leserbriefe rein, dass jemand wie ich sein Internet von jemandem wie Vodafone bezieht. Ich bin ehrlich gesagt mit deren Performance ansonsten ganz zufrieden. Ich bin Kabel-Deutschland-Kunde, da bekam man eine public IP. Die wurden dann von Vodafone gekauft. Mein aktueller Tarif ist ein 100 MBit-Tarif, denn mehr kommt hier eh nicht ber das WLAN bei der Familie an, und mir reichen 100 mbps.

Mir ist vor allem wichtig, nicht bei der Telekom Kunde zu sein. Da bist du nicht Kunde sondern Erpressungs-Faustpfand. Die Telekom hat absichtlich wenig Peering, damit sie dann zu Netflix gehen kann, und sagen kann: Hr mal, dein Video ruckt fr unsere Millionen von Kunden. Miete doch mal bei uns im RZ ein Rack, dann wird das besser!

Ein Kumpel von mir hat sich neulich erst darber beschwert, dass imgur so lahm sei. Ich so: wat? Ist einer der flutschigsten Dienste im Internet! Der ist bei der Telekom. Daher fallen bei mir Telekom und -Reseller direkt raus. Imgur ist brigens bei AWS. Knnt ihr euch ja selber berlegen, was das heit.

Diese Art von Problem habe ich mit Kabel Deutschland nie gehabt, auch nicht nachdem Vodafone die gekauft hat. Internet-Dienste flutschen. Downloads flutschen. Ich habe immer, wenn ich drauf achte, maximalen Durchsatz. Sei es bei git up, sei es bei rustup, sei es beim Archivieren von Videos von Youtube. Kabel-Internet ist ein shared medium, d.h. ich konkurriere mit meinen Nachbarn um die Bandbreite. Davon habe ich aber nie etwas gemerkt.

Kurz: Ich bin mit deren Internet an sich zufrieden, nur will ich halt eine public IP haben, damit ich mich von Geschftsreise zuhause einloggen kann. Was mich vor allem nervt: Langlaufende TCP-Verbindungen sterben bei ein paar Minuten Inaktivitt einfach so. Das bin ich nicht zu dulden gewillt.

Wieso nehm ich nicht einfach IPv6? Weil da kein IPv6 bei meinem Router ankommt von auen. Ich habe oben absichtlich nicht IPv4 gesagt. Eine public IPv6 htte mir gereicht.

Der Vodafone-Helpdesk hat mir gerade gesagt, IPv6 sei erst bei dem 250 mbps-Tarif bei, und der koste dasselbe was ich jetzt fr 100 zahle. Ich so: Als zeitlich befristetes Lockangebot? Er so: Nein. Generell. Ich so: Wieso gibt es denn IPv6 erst ab 250? Er so: Verstehe ich auch nicht.

Lolvodafone! Naja, werden wir ja dann hoffentlich bald sehen, ob bei 250 IPv6 bei meinem Router ankommt.

Bei diesem ganzen AfD-Panik-Schei wundere ich mich ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Bei diesem ganzen AfD-Panik-Schei wundere ich mich immer, wie die berhaupt eine Partei angemeldet gekriegt haben. Die haben ja weniger Plan als die CDU, weniger Sachkenntnis als die SPD und mehr Idologie als die FDP. Bisher haben die nichts hingekriegt, nur Theater, Troll-Anfragen und sinnlose Gerichtsverfahren.

Dass so ein Auffahrunfall einer politischen Bewegung berhaupt zu einer Gefahr fr die anderen werden konnte, zeigt, was fr Totalversager die anderen Parteien sind, nicht wie gefhrlich die AfD ist. Die AfD kriegt nicht mal ihre Listen rechtzeitig zu Wahlen eingereicht! Vor DENEN sollen wir jetzt Angst haben?

Wenn ich die Regierung wre und die AfD loswerden wollte, wrde ich denen Papierkram-Hindernisse in den Weg stellen. Alles, was Koordination und Planung braucht, berfordert die AfD.

Aber was knnte man da nehmen? Hier ist mein Vorschlag: Verpflichtet die AfD zum Einbau einer Wrmepumpe. Das kriegen nicht mal die Grnen selbst hin. Welche Chance haben da andere Parteien?

Update: OK, dass mit der Anmeldung muss ich zurcknehmen. Das kriegt die AfD auch nicht hin.

Die Polizei, dein Freund und Helfer! Nicht nur deiner, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die Polizei, dein Freund und Helfer! Nicht nur deiner, stellt sich raus. Auch der Kollegen.

Demnach soll der Tatverdchtige am 11. Mrz 2023 in seiner Wohnung eine 35-jhrige Kollegin mutmalich mit K.-o.-Tropfen betubt und sie auf einer Dating-Plattform zur Vergewaltigung angeboten haben.
Wie so hufig rettet uns, dass Kriminelle im Allgemeinen ein bisschen doof sind:
Nach Informationen des Tagesspiegels soll es sich um die Plattform Grindr handeln eine App fr Gay-Dating. Auch die Ermittler sind verwundert, warum der Polizist diese App whlte.
Ja komm, hatte er das Tab halt noch offen!1!!

Ich wei ja nicht, wie es euch geht, aber ich fhle mich adquat beschtzt. Genau die richtige Charakterstrke, die man fr den Job braucht. Glaubt nicht mir, glaubt der Staatsanwaltschaft!

Gegen den 36-Jhrigen sei kein Haftbefehl erlassen worden, da keine Fluchtgefahr bestehe.
Der war nmlich frher beim Mobilen Einsatzkommando, und da kommt nicht jeder rein:
Einige Voraussetzungen: charakterliche Festigkeit und Besonnenheit und ausgeprgte Teamfhigkeit.
Ja gut, die Teamfhigkeit kann man ja wohl kaum in Abrede stellen. Er hat sofort an seine Freunde gedacht, als er die betubte Kollegin vor sich liegen sah!1!!

Hey, lasst uns mal unsere Huser alle smart machen, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Hey, lasst uns mal unsere Huser alle smart machen, und alles schn ber Amazon Alexa routen, fr die Convenience. Was kann da schon passieren!

Stellt sich raus: Eine Menge kann da passieren!

Der Typ da hat ein Amazon-Paket gekriegt, und der Fahrer hat Amazon gemeldet, dass er racist remarks erhalten habe bei der Zustellung. Daraufhin hat Amazon seinen Account stillgelegt und er kam auch nicht mehr via Alexa an seinen Smart-Home-Schei ran.

Bonus: Auch die Trklingel war Smart Home-Schei und hat Videos aufgenommen. Es gab keine racist remarks. Denn niemand war zuhause.

Die Black Mirror-Episode schreibt sich von selbst!

Old and busted: George Soros.New hotness: Alex Soros!Der ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Old and busted: George Soros.

New hotness: Alex Soros!

Der US-Investor George Soros bergibt die Kontrolle ber seine Stiftungen an seinen Sohn Alexander. Der stellt klar: Zu seinen wichtigsten Aufgaben zhlt er den Kampf gegen eine mgliche Wiederwahl Trumps.
Ein kraftvoller Erffnungs-Schachzug, um direkt ernst genommen zu werden von den politischen Gegnern.

In den USA verklagen ein paar Kinder und Jugendliche ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

In den USA verklagen ein paar Kinder und Jugendliche Montana wegen Klimaschden.

Der Staat habe ihr Recht auf eine "saubere und gesunde Umgebung" verletzt.
Das wird vermutlich Nachahmer finden.

Steinmeier: "KI ist nicht demokratisch gewhlt".DU ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Steinmeier: "KI ist nicht demokratisch gewhlt".


"Wohin fhrt es, wenn uns die KI mit groer Plausibilitt Dinge erklrt, Wissen anbietet, Bilder erstellt, die mit der Realitt wenig bis nichts zu tun haben? Wie knnen wir debattieren und entscheiden, wenn wir uns auf die Fakten nicht mehr verlassen knnen?"
Das sagt er in einer Zeit, in der kaum noch jemand den Medien traut. Der hat echt den Schuss nicht gehrt.

Wenn Leute, die keine Ahnung haben, Dinge beschlieen, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wenn Leute, die keine Ahnung haben, Dinge beschlieen, und andere Leute, die auch keine Ahnung haben, darber schreiben: Heise ber Cookieterrorbanner.

Anbieter von Telemedien mssen die Nutzer prinzipiell im Sinne der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) bei jeder Inanspruchnahme ihres Dienstes nach ihren Einwilligungen in die unterschiedlichen Arten zum Einsatz von Cookies fragen.
Nein. Mssen sie nicht. Sie knnen auch einfach aufhren, Tracking-Cookies zu setzen. Ich musste hier auch noch niemanden um Einwilligung bitten.
Ist das Plazet einmal erfolgt und dokumentiert, sollen die User aber knftig bis zu einem Jahr lang nicht mehr durch eine entsprechende Abfrage durch die Vorschaltbanner behelligt werden.
Das ist natrlich auch blanker Unfug. Wenn ich der Site das Setzen von Cookies verbiete, dann werde ich wahrscheinlich auch den Browser so konfiguriert haben, dass er Cookies periodisch lscht oder gar nicht erst annimmt. Damit geht dann auch der "hat gesagt, was fr Cookies wir setzen drfen"-Cookie verloren. Oder wenn man im Private Mode ist.

Wenn ihr also so richtig berhaupt gar keine Ahnung von Tuten und Blasen habt, und einen gutbezahlten, sicheren Job sucht, meldet euch im Bundesverkehrsministerium!


The Role of Cardiovascular Exercise in Weight Loss "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Role of Cardiovascular Exercise in Weight Loss


When it comes to weight loss, one of the most effective strategies is incorporating cardiovascular exercise into your routine. Cardiovascular exercise, also known as aerobic exercise, is any activity that increases your heart rate and improves your cardiovascular fitness. It plays a crucial role in burning calories, shedding excess pounds, and maintaining a healthy weight. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of cardiovascular exercise and its significance in achieving weight loss goals.

Understanding Weight Loss

Before we explore the role of cardiovascular exercise in weight loss, it is important to understand the fundamental principles behind losing weight. Weight loss occurs when the calories you consume through food and drink are less than the calories you burn through physical activity and bodily functions. This calorie deficit prompts your body to utilize stored fat as an energy source, resulting in weight loss over time.

Calories Burned through Exercise

When engaging in cardiovascular exercise, your body expends energy in the form of calories. The more intense the exercise, the more calories you burn. Cardiovascular exercises such as running, cycling, swimming, and brisk walking elevate your heart rate and increase your metabolic rate, leading to higher calorie expenditure during and after your workout.

Incorporating regular cardiovascular exercise into your routine can have a significant impact on your daily caloric expenditure. For instance, a 30-minute jog can burn approximately 300 calories, depending on factors such as body weight, speed, and terrain. Over time, consistently burning more calories through exercise than you consume can lead to substantial weight loss.

Learn more about recommended physical activity levels from the American Heart Association

Cardiovascular Exercise and Fat Burning

One of the primary reasons cardiovascular exercise is effective for weight loss is its ability to burn fat. During aerobic exercise, your body primarily relies on stored fat as a fuel source. As you exercise, enzymes break down triglycerides (stored fat) into fatty acids and glycerol, which are then transported to your muscles and used for energy.

Engaging in moderate to high-intensity cardiovascular exercise for extended periods helps your body tap into fat stores. Over time, this can lead to a reduction in overall body fat and a leaner physique. It is important to note that while cardiovascular exercise aids in fat burning, it is most effective when combined with a balanced diet that promotes a calorie deficit.

Read more about the effects of aerobic exercis...


Julian Assange Prepares for Last-ditch Legal Appeal After UK High Court Dismisses Plea Against Extradition "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Crown Prince of Saudi MbS Is Working Towards a Political Solution for Syria "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Exposed: Disturbing Details of New Pentagon Perception Management Office "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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US to tighten rules on animal welfare claims on meat, poultry packaging "IndyWatch Feed World"

The U.S. Department of Agriculture said Wednesday it hopes to weed out false or misleading animal-welfare claims on meat and poultry packaging with new guidance and testing. The claims such as "pasture-raised," "humanely raised," and "raised without antibiotics" __ are increasingly popular with consumers and allow producers to charge a premium. Perdue "free range" chicken breasts with no antibiotics sell for $5.78 per pound at Walmart, for example; store brand chicken breasts without those claims sell for $2.79 per pound. Both meat producers and animal welfare advocates say the USDA isn't adequately substantiating the claims or ensuring they meet consumer expectations. The USDA lets producers define some terms, including "humane," which can lead to widely varying conditions for animals. Other claims like "free range" are clearly defined by the USDA, but some producers are skirting requirements.


Military Situation In Syria On June 14, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Syria On June 14, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • On June 14, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no cases of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours;
  • On June 14, Israeli fighter jets fired several missiles at targets on the outskirts of Damascus, causing material damage;
  • On June 13, two SDF members were killed in two separate Turkish drone attacks in the countryside of Manbij, according to the Manbij Military Council;
  • The deputy foreign ministers of Syria, Turkey, Russia and Iran will meet in Kazakhstans capital Astana on June 21, according to Russian media.


The post Military Situation In Syria On June 14, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


You Have No Idea Thank Fake News "IndyWatch Feed World"

QUESTION: Hi, Russia seems so far to lose the war in Ukraine with relatively low tech weaponry. How do you see things turnaround according to Socrates?
What cards do they have left?
Russian Airforce has been rather inactive so far? Nukes?
Scary and dangerous world with war mongers all over the political landscape.

Best Regards,



REPLY: Russia is not losing the war. That is all propaganda from the US/Ukraine to keep the money flowing. I have reported before that a few French soldiers who had volunteered to help Ukraine left in disgust. They were creating war crimes shooting prisoners, and torturing others, but they were selling US weapons on the black market. Even the Canadian sniper known as Wali returned to the horror stories of Ukrainian soldiers and corruption. As one returning mercenary put it that Ukraine is a corrupt fucked up society.

You have no idea what is really going on. Only after the fact when all the missing weapons during the Afghanistan War were appearing on the black market in the United States did Obama finally wake up to the real shit-show and why Washington loves endless wars they steal money from everywhere. Then CNN only reported all the missing weapons that somehow never made it to Afghanistan




US Planning to Overhaul UN Security Council "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The US Military Is Struggling to Account for Equipment Sent to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Okta Device Access enables businesses to secure access to both devices and applications "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Okta announced Okta Device Access, a new product that enables organizations to extend Oktas Identity and Access Management (IAM) capabilities to secure access to corporate devices for a hybrid workforce. As part of Oktas Workforce Identity Cloud, the solution will deliver stronger authentication to unlock a device, helping organizations achieve zero trust while simplifying the login experience for employees. Okta Device Access is part of Oktas broader effort to move the industry beyond traditional multi-factor More

The post Okta Device Access enables businesses to secure access to both devices and applications appeared first on Help Net Security.


Chinas Burgeoning AI Supremacy Threatens American Stability "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Xi JinpingThe U.S. and China are in a digital arms race to determine the future of AI. If we lose, the results could be disastrous.


US silence on Nord Stream surprising Beijing "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | June 14, 2023

Washington should reveal what it knows about last years attack on the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines, China has said, responding to recent claims that US intelligence agencies were aware of the plot months in advance.

At a Tuesday press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin was asked to comment on reports published in German and Dutch media suggesting that a Ukrainian plan to destroy the pipelines was known to the CIA in June of 2022, well before a similar scheme allegedly went forward in September.

Eight months have passed since the explosion, yet the investigation process has been going slow. It is surprising that the US has remained silent [all] this time, Wang said, adding that the US owes the international community an explanation.

The spokesman called for an objective, impartial and professional investigation into the explosions in order to hold those responsible to account. He voiced suspicion over Washingtons refusal to respond to international doubts and concerns.

German and Dutch outlets have reported that the Netherlands intelligence service initially uncovered the plan to destroy the Nord Stream pipelines last summer and later relayed the information to its American counterpart. While the original plot was reportedly called off, they claimed a nearly identical attack was carried out soon after.

The Washington Post published a similar report last week, citing European intelligence documents that were part of a trove of classified material allegedly shared online by a US National Guard airman earlier this year. The newspaper stated the US government had learned from a close ally that the Ukrainian military had planned a covert attack on the pipelines, which were built to deliver Russian gas to Germany.

US officials have so far declined to respond to the claims but have insisted that Washington had no part in the sabotage. Ukraine, too, has repeatedly denied any involvement in the bombings.

Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported in February that US President Joe Biden had ordered the CIA to disable the Nord Stream pipelines using NATO military drills as cover.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in March that he fully agrees with Hershs conclusions, arguing that the US in particular benefited from the attack due to its position as a competing gas supplier to Europe.


The Real Linux Foundation Part 6: Raising Money From Monopolies, Living Extravagant Lifestyles, Crushing Software Communities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Series parts:

  1. New Series: Inside the Real Linux Foundation
  2. What the 2022 Tax Filing (From 7 Months Ago, for Tax Year 2021) Teaches Us About the Linux Foundation
  3. The Real Linux Foundation Part 3: How It Splits Into Subgroups, Including New Ones
  4. The Real Linux Foundation Part 4: How the Foundation Makes Its Money
  5. The Real Linux Foundation Part 5: The Annual Cost of the Office Has Jumped to Almost 8 Million Dollars for Just 261 Employees (About $30,000 Per Employee Per Year)
  6. YOU ARE HERE Raising Money From Monopolies, Living Extravagant Lifestyles, Crushing Software Communities

Video download link | md5sum a493de3051fe57e5b733f16337b1a721
LF Showing Off by Wasting Money
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: A Linux Foundation millionaires club (people who never touched GNU/Linux but made millions in salaries from the Linux Foundation) is a growing problem and a liability for the GNU/Linux community; today we meticulously take a look and scrutinise more closely how money gets spent in the San Francisco Bay Area, under the overtly misleading guise of Linux

THE Linux...


US Set to Provide Ukraine with Depleted Uranium Rounds for Abrams Tanks "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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New DoubleFinger Malware Strikes Cryptocurrency Wallets "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Waqas

DoubleFinger Malware: Two-Fold Attack on Crypto Wallets with GreetingGhoul Stealer.

This is a post from Read the original post: New DoubleFinger Malware Strikes Cryptocurrency Wallets


Germany's production might shut down if Russian gas supply halted - Germany's Economy Minister Habeck "IndyWatch Feed World"

Germany's Economy Minister warns that Europe's largest economy might be forced to shut production if Ukraine's gas transit agreement with Russia is not extended beyond 2024. Europe's largest economy could end up shutting down industrial production if Ukraine's agreement with Russia to transit gas to Europe is not extended, Germany's Economy Minister Robert Habeck warned on Monday. The gas transit deal, which is set to expire at the end of 2024, is still a main source of energy for countries such as Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Slovakia, and remains a source of revenue for Kiev, which earns transfer fees by allowing gas passage through its territory.


Did You Know That Biden Is in the Midst of Three Lawsuits for Infringing on Free Speech? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Marie Hawthorne Lawsuits and legal battles are everywhere lately.  Trumps indictment for the mishandling of classified documents has been all over the news, but...

Did You Know That Biden Is in the Midst of Three Lawsuits for Infringing on Free Speech?


Echoworx improves email security offerings with implementation of passkeys "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Echoworx announced that passkeys have been added to their authentication options. This versatile, advanced authentication method adds to their existing suite of security offerings and provides organizations with another layer of assurance that their data is safe. Organizations that use Echoworx for their secure communications now have the added security of passkeys. Customers can take advantage of passwordless login by utilizing passkeys or other FIDO2-compliant authenticators, empowering users with a seamless and secure login process. More

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NATO Begins Largest Air Exercise in Its History "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Military Situation In Ukraine On June 14, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Ukraine On June 14, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Nevskoye;
  • Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Dibrova;
  • Russian forces struck the AFU positions near Kharkov;
  • Russian artillery destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Seversk;
  • Russian artillery destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Chasov Yar;
  • Russian forces destroyed 1 armored vehicle, 2 motor vehicles, 1 M109 Paladin, 1 Krab system in the Kupyansk region;
  • Russian forces destroyed 1 infantry vehicle, 2 pickups, 2 howitzers, 1 Grad MLRS in the Krasny Liman region;
  • Russian forces destroyed 2 armored vehicles, 7 motor vehicles, 2 D-20 howitzers in the Donetsk region;
  • Russian forces destroyed 9 motor vehicles, 1 Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system in the Kherson region;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Makarivka;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Mariinka;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Kupyansk;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Bakhmut;
  • Russian air defense systems shot down 20 Ukrainian drones near Sladka Balka in the Zaporozhye region, Zhovtneve in the Kharkiv region and Valeryanovka in the Donetsk Peoples Republic;
  • Russian air defense systems shot down 2 Storm Shadow cruise missiles, 4 HIMARS multiple-launch rocket system projectiles and HARM anti-radar missile;
  • The AFU reportedly hit 3 command posts, 2 anti-aircraft missile systems, 1 concentration of troops, 3 artillery units in the past 24 hours;
  • Explosions thundered in Kharkiv;
  • Explosions thundered in Zaporozhye region;
  • Explosions thundered in Dnepropetrovsk region;
  • Explosions thundere...


F-16s for Kiev, Capable of Launching B61 Nuclear Strikes "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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How Will The US Respond After The Failure Of Kievs NATO-Backed Counteroffensive? "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


Kievs NATObacked counteroffensive has been disastrous, which even the Mainstream Media was forced to acknowledge after it became impossible to deny. CNN revealed that it already lost around 15% of its Bradley infantry fighting vehicles during the first week, while Forbes reported that about the same percentage of German Leopard tanks were destroyed as well as half of its unique breaching vehicles. Meanwhile, President Putin claimed that 25-30% of all their total foreign equipment was lost.

Bidens re-election hinges on the success of the Wests most important military campaign since World War II, thus prompting the question of how the US will respond after its failure. The best-case scenario is that itll force Kiev to begin ceasefire talks with Russia aimed at reaching a Korean-like armistice, but that probably wont happen until all other options are exhausted. These include expanding the conflict to Belarus, Moldova, and/or Russias pre-2014 borders and approving a Polish-led military intervention.

All of these options could lead to American-provoked nuclear brinksmanship with Russia, which is already being prepared for as evidenced by NATOs largest-ever air drills that are presently occurring in Germany and the reported strengthening of its nuclear capabilities on the continent. Theres no chance of this dangerous gamble succeeding and Russia capitulating to blackmail, however, since...


Security and Human Behaviour 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Workshop on Security and Human Behaviour is happening right now in Carnegie-Mellon University and Ill be liveblogging it in followups to this post. The participants papers are here, while the liveblogs and papers from previous workshops are here.


[$] Hardening magic links "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

There are some "magic links" in kernel pseudo-filesystems, like procfs, that can behave been(ab)used to cause security problems, such as a container-confinement breach in 2019. Aleksa Sarai has long been working on ways to blunt the impact of these magic links. He led a filesystem session at the 2023 Linux Storage, Filesystem, Memory-Management and BPF Summit to discuss the status of those efforts.


States Invest in Nuclear Arsenals as Geopolitical Relations Deteriorate "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Locals use boats to cross the street as Turkey's Samsun floods after heavy rainfall "IndyWatch Feed World"

Residents of Samsun in Turkey's Black Sea region used boats to cross streets after heavy rainfall caused flash flooding in the city. No casualties have been reported yet. The city was also hit by floods last week, which resulted in at least two deaths.


Deloitte and AWS deliver ConvergeSECURITY to enable cloud transformation and adoption "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Deloitte is working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to deliver ConvergeSECURITY, a cloud focused security and compliance service. ConvergeSECURITY allows enterprises to accelerate their cloud transformation efforts through a combination of artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled cloud security and compliance product solutions, consulting expertise and tailored resources leveraging actionable security threat intelligence and Amazon Security Lake, all in conjunction with the AWS Global Partner Security Initiative. Looking ahead, according to the Deloitte US Future of Cloud Survey More

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Linux Fu: Easy and Easier Virtual Networking "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

One of the best things about Linux is that there are always multiple ways to do anything you want to do. However, some ways are easier than others. Take, for example, virtual networking. There are plenty of ways to make a bunch of Internet-connected computers appear to be on a single private network. Thats nothing new, of course. Linux and Unix have robust networking stacks. Since 2018, though, Wireguard has been the go-to solution; it has a modern architecture, secure cryptography, and good performance.

Theres only one problem: it is relatively difficult to set up. Not impossible, of course. But it is a bit difficult, depending on what you want to accomplish.

How Difficult?

You must set up a wireguard server and one or more clients. Youll need to pick a range of IP addresses. You might need to turn on routing. You have to generate keys. You might need to configure DNS and other routing options. Youll certainly need to modify firewall rules. Youll also need to distribute keys.

None of these steps are terribly difficult, but it is a lot to keep straight. The wg program and wg-quick script do most of the work, but you have a lot of decisions and configuration management to keep straight.

Browse the official ...

Wednesday, 14 June


The Corrupt Indictment of Donald Trump. Judicial Watch "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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A Visit to Xinjiang, China. Accomplishments Belie U.S. Propaganda "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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West told us 'to kill as many Russians' as possible - Ukrainian defense minister "IndyWatch Feed World"

In the initial days of the conflict in Ukraine, Kiev's Western backers wanted its forces to make do without military aid and "kill as many Russians" as they could before admitting defeat, Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov has told Foreign Policy magazine. Before NATO leaders pledged to back Ukraine's war effort for "as long as it takes," the quantity and quality of arms that the West was willing to send to Kiev was unclear in the days and weeks after Russian forces entered the country. "We asked, 'can we have stingers?'" Reznikov told Foreign Policy in an interview published on Tuesday. "We were told, 'No, dig trenches and kill as many Russians as you can before it's over.' People thought our victory was impossible."


Powerful dust storm slams Karachi, Pakistan "IndyWatch Feed World"

A powerful dust storm ploughed through Karachi's Sohrab Goth and other areas on Tuesday afternoon, disrupting the movement of the traffic and affecting the visibility of the commuters. A resident of the Kaneez Fatima area near Sohrab Goth said the dust storm gripped the area all of a sudden, and visibility was almost zero. "We were inhaling dust," she said. Apart from this, gusty winds kept blowing throughout the city, bringing dust from the outside inside homes. Gulshan-e-Iqbal resident Shahida Asal said she had closed all the doors and windows of her house, yet dust found its way inside.


I am past President of the American Anthropological Association and this is why I am voting to boycott Israeli academic institutions "IndyWatch Feed War"

An Israeli soldier stands guard as bulldozers carry out a demolition operation in the background in the Jabal Mukaber neighborhood of East Jerusalem, May 10, 2023.Eight years since the American Anthropological Association first considered the academic boycott of Israel, conditions for Palestinians have only gotten worse, and Israeli academic institutions are complicit. That is why I am supporting the new boycott resolution.


Whats next in SSATs legal travails "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Serial sex abuser Donald Trump (SSAT) was arraigned yesterday in Miami and pleaded not guilty on all counts. His valet Waltine Nauta was present but did not have a local attorney and so did not enter a plea and will do so June 27. While SSAT sat and scowled during the proceedings, Nauta apparently looked confused. No tentative date was set for SSATs trial, maybe because his codefendant Nauta could not enter a plea.

In federal criminal cases, the defendant has a right to a speedy trial within 70 days of entering a plea. But the defendant can waive that right and the trial can be much later. It is expected that SSAT and his lawyers will try and drag this out as long as they can with all manner of procedural motions so that it does not occur before the elections. If SSAT wins the presidency, he can order the justice department to drop the case and even pardon himself. This would be an incredible misuse of presidential power but when has that stopped SSAT? While his devoted supporters keep saying that the justice department has been weaponized against him and that what is happening to him is making the US look like a banana republic, it has always been the case that SSAT is the one who had made a mockery of many of the institutions that constitute a functioning democracy.

SSAT must have been disappointed the turnout of supporters was so small and they seemed to be mostly from the Miami area. He had called upon them to turn up in large numbers as a show of support and must have expected thousands but it may be that many are either weary of this never-ending soap opera or are gun shy after the events of January 6th and nervous about things getting out of hand and them ending up in jail like so many of those who took part in the riot that day.

When this case does go to trial, SSATs is not required to be in court during the entirety of the trial. But in the case against him filed by E. Jean Carroll, he did not show up at all and that may have hurt him with the jury, so he may decide to show up at least occasionally. His lawyers will very likely tell him not to take the stand in his own defense because An experienced prosecutor could make someone like SSAT look very bad under cross-examination. Furthermore he would be a very undisciplined witness and ignore his lawyers instructions and could risk censure by the judge for outbursts or for blustering and filibustering about irrelevancies the way he does in interviews and debates. There are fairly strict rules about what you can say and your behavior in court and SSAT will like contravene them.

If he is tried and convicted, then the next phase will be sentencing...


Severe Vulnerabilities Reported in Microsoft Azure Bastion and Container Registry "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Two "dangerous" security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in Microsoft Azure Bastion and Azure Container Registry that could have been exploited to carry out cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. "The vulnerabilities allowed unauthorized access to the victim's session within the compromised Azure service iframe, which can lead to severe consequences, including unauthorized data access,


Critical flaw found in WooCommerce Stripe Gateway Plugin used by +900K sites "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Hundreds of thousands of online stores are potentially exposed to hacking due to a critical vulnerability in the WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway plugin.

The WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway plugin is affected by a critical vulnerability tracked as CVE-2023-34000.

The Stripe plugin extends WooCommerce allowing administrators of the e-commerce sites to take payments directly on their store via Stripes API.

Stripe is a simple way to accept payments online, it supports Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, and Diners Club cards, even Bitcoin payment channels.

The plugin is very popular and has more than 900,000 active installations.

A security flaw has been uncovered in the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway WordPress plugin that could lead to the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information.

The vulnerability is an unauthenticated Insecure direct object references (IDOR) issue that impacts versions 7.4.0 and below. An attacker can exploit the vulnerability to bypass authorization and access sensitive information.

This plugin suffers from an Unauthenticated Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) vulnerability. This vulnerability allows any unauthenticated user to view any WooCommnerce orders PII data including email, users name, and full address. reads the advisory published by securityfirm PatchStack. The described vulnerability was fixed in version 7.4.1 with some backported fixed assigned CVE-2023-34000.

The issue resides in the javascript_params function and the way order objects are managed, specifically, the experts noticed that there is no proper control to access javascript_params...


Empire Fables: A Mockingbird Murmuration "IndyWatch Feed War"

A hawk and an eagle sat in a tree overlooking the Potomac River, watching an astounding starling murmuration involving tens of thousands of birds.

That is amazing! said the eagle.

I never saw anything as harmonious as these murmurations, said the hawk. A murmuration makes the best case for God.

I always wanted to be part of something like that, agreed the eagle. It seems to be done out of pure joy.

I wonder if we could join them, said the hawk. Or would we disrupt their perfection?

Would we even know what to do? wondered the eagle. Would they be afraid of us and scatter?

Well, lets find out, said the hawk and they flew directly into the murmuration as it swooped, swirled, dove, soared, turned directions over and over and continued its monumentally coordinated marvelous performance.

The trouble was, it wasnt a starling murmuration, like the eagle and hawk thought, but a CIA mockingbird murmuration. So as soon as the hawk and eagle got closer they were bombarded by thousands of loud incessant screams and squawks:

Putins a madman! Assad gassed his own people! The vaccines are safe and effective! Russia made an unprovoked attack on Ukraine! China is provoking our aircraft carriers and fighter jets in the South China Sea! Vaccines do not cause autism! Aluminum has nothing to do with Alzheimers! Fluoridated water makes children smarter! Cuba sponsors terrorism! Trump colluded with Putin! Nicaragua oppresses its people! North Korea is run by a madman! There are no Nazis in Ukraine! Theyre nationalists, not Nazis! Ukraine is winning! BDS is antisemitic! Criticizing Israel is antisemitic! Palestinian olive groves are antisemitic!

Eventually, the mockingbirds stopped using complete sentences and just shouted single words which they all could focus on and, through repetition, everyone knew exactly who to hate and how hard to hate: Gassed! Madman! Safe! Colluded! Buy! Trumpster! Communist! Effective! Unprovoked! Authoritarian! Antisemite! Booster! Buy! Buy!...


Silent Push launches with a total of $10 million in total funding "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Silent Push launches with a total of $10M in seed funding led by global cybersecurity specialist investor Ten Eleven Ventures. Silent Push takes a unique approach to identifying emerging cyber threats by providing the most comprehensive view of global internet-facing infrastructure available and applying deep analysis to reveal new attacker infrastructure and campaigns. Customers can now understand emerging threats before launch, be prepared, and proactively solve problems. As cyber threats continue to grow, organizations have More

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Neocon Warmonger Advocates Nukes to Nazis in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Secret Push to Bury Paraquats Link to Parkinsons Disease "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Scores of people dead and many missing after boat capsizes off Greece "IndyWatch Feed War"

Scores of people dead and many missing after boat capsizes off Greece

Around 100 people also rescued in the Ionian Sea in an operation complicated by strong winds
MEE and agencies Wed, 06/14/2023 - 14:22
Medics carry a survivor on a stretcher at the port in Kalamata town, Greece, 14 June 2023 (AFP)
Medics carry a survivor on a stretcher at the port in Kalamata town, Greece, 14 June 2023 (AFP)

At least 78 people have died after a fishing boat they were on sank off the Greek coast, the country's coastguard said on Wednesday, as fears mounted that the final death toll could be much higher.

Some 100 people were also rescued after the boat capsized in international waters in the Ionian Sea in an operation complicated by strong winds.

A Greek migration ministry source told AFP that according to the coastguard, there could have been "hundreds" of people on the fishing boat.

"We fear there will be a very large number of missing persons," the official said.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) acknowledged fears of a large number of missing people, noting in a tweet: "We fear more lives were lost. Initial reports suggest up to 400 people were onboard."

Greece's head of state, President Katerina Sakellaropoulou, said she would visit the port of Kalamata later on Wednesday to confer with senior officials on the rescue and accommodation response.

The worst migrant tragedy in Greece was in June 2016 when a...


Astroturfing For More War In Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

Fellaraktar@fellaraktar - 14:46 UTC May 29, 2023 As a British citizen I want to say that arming Ukraine is the single best use of tax payer money for decades My only criticism is that the west arent sending enough,...


German FM slammed by Brazilian internet users for comments on Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ahmed Adel | June 14, 2023

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock was severely criticised on Brazilian social media for saying during her official visit to Brazil that poor mothers in the Latin American country do not care about international conflicts because they focus on the price of rice and beans in the supermarket.

During her speech at the Getlio Vargas Foundation in So Paulhhfo, Baerbock suggested that low-income Brazilians would not be concerned about international events as they were focused on guaranteeing their subsistence.

I would like to say clearly: I fully understand that you here in Latin America perceive the threat of this war differently than we do in Europe, but also question, Where is Ukraine again? I fully understand that a mother from Itaquera or Campinas says: For me, the price of rice and beans in the supermarket this week is more important than what happens in a country 11,000 kilometres away, said Baerbock.

The reaction was immediate on social media and YouTube channels, with Brazilians applauding the mothers of Itaquera and Campinas for focusing on maintaining life and not sending weapons to sow death.

An article in Folha de So Paulo, in turn, questioned the European commitment to Latin America: Funny that Europe remembers that Latin America exists only when they are roasting from global warming or are at war. Apart from that, we know very well how they see us.

Robinson Farinazzo, a Reserve officer of the Brazilian Navy, joined the outrage on his Arte da Guerra channel. He criticised the German ministers attempt to commit Brazil to the European conflict.

The West invested $124 billion and gathered a coalition of 28 countries against Russia, sending all kinds of weapons, mercenaries, satellites and, even so, they do not solve the problem. And now they are trying to push the problem to Brazil? Have pity, said Farinazzo.

Europes problems are not the worlds problems. These stuck-up people, with their noses in the air, have to understand that, he added.

The reserve officer also noted that Baerbock left Brazil empty-handed since she was not even received by Brazilian President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva or Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira, who was on an official trip to France.

Baerbock fulfilled her agenda in So Paulo and Braslia by meeting with the Secretary General of the Itamaraty (Brazilian Foreign Ministry), Maria Laura da Rocha. The Itamaraty published a joint communiqu expressing commitment to bilateral cooperation and the fight against climate change, demonstrating that Baerb...


Indonesias Mandalika megaproject still trampling on Indigenous communitys rights: Report "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

JAKARTA Reports of human rights violations continue to mount around a major tourism development on the Indonesian island of Lombok, two years since the United Nations first flagged problems there. But reports of violations continue to flood in, prompting U.N. rights experts to raise their concerns with the Indonesian government and other stakeholders for the third time in February 2023. The $3 billion project is located in the coastal Mandalika region of southern Lombok, an island next to the better-known tourism hotspot of Bali. It aims to turn Mandalika into what the government calls a New Bali, with the construction of parks, resorts, hotels, and a racetrack called the Mandalika International Circuit. In a letter dated Feb. 14 this year, U.N. human rights experts highlighted a number of alleged violations that had persisted despite repeated calls for the government, the projects funders, including the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), and its developer, the state-owned Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), to address the issues. [T]he ITDC has ignored our previous recommendations to provide remedies for those affected by the sporting event, the U.N. experts wrote in the letter. U.N. experts had previously issued two similar letters on the Mandalika project, once in 2021 and another in 2022. That makes the February letter the third communication on the project a record for a megaproject funded by a multilateral development bank, according to several Indonesian and international NGOs grouped under the Coalition for Monitoring Indonesias Infrastructure Development. This level of U.N.This article was originally published on Mongabay


Fans Jubilate As CAC Recorgnises Okumagba As President Of Super Eagles Supporters Club "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 14TH (URHOBOTODAY)-It was wild jubilation over the weekend as members of the Super Eagles Supporters Club who stayed true to the clubs constitution and stayed away from the charade of an election purportedly held in Abuja some months back finally regained ownership and rulership of their Club via a Government backed Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) document of incorporation.

The document, a certified true copy of the certificate of incorporation dated and signed by the Registrar-General of the Corporate Affairs Commission on the 9th of June 2023, affirmed the 10 Trustees of the club as being the bona-fide Owners and Directors while re-confirming the removal of the names of the dissidents who tried to hijack the day to day running of the club albeit, illegally.

For emphasis, the Trustees of SUPER EAGLES SUPPORTERS CLUB ABUJA incorporated on the 7th day of June, 2018 have been changed by resolution dated 6th day of June, 2023 as follows:

Joseph Ani, Chigozie Nnadi Chibuzor Anyaora , Obadiah Diji,

Nnaoma Chigbu,Dauda Alli, Dere Buwaghan, Olusola Oladejo, Owolabi Ayo ,Vincent Okumagba.

The certificate of Incorporation clearly stated.The likes of Johnson Dagana, Sam Pirar, Catherine Edum, Ibeakamma Okechukwu, Ijeoma Okechukwu and Olutoye Orishabiyi have now been removed from the list of the Trustees of the SESC, the certificate affirmed.

Vincent Okumagba is the Founder and President of SESC. He was FIFA Fan Leader for the World Cup, Qatar 2022. He left on a medical tourism abroad and some people tried to hijack the club from him. They have been suspended and normalcy has returned, Chief Chibuzor Anyaorah the Deputy Vice President of SESC explained to this reporter over the telephone.

It will be recalled that Vincent Okumagba only a fortnight ago, emerged as the 1st Vice Chairman of the African Football Supporters Association (AFSA) and the Delta born FIFA Fan Leader will be leading out 100 members of the Super Eagles Supporters Club to Australia and New Zealand for the FIFA Womens World Cup this summer to cheer the Super Falcons all the way at the Mundial.




Its all quantum "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Where could these wacky ideas about physics have come from?

That UFO whistleblower, David Grusch, who so captivated Tucker Carlson with his credibility, is back and singing like a canary. Hes spilling all the beans about Americas secret UFO program.

Grusch, who received a college scholarship from the Air Force to study physics, did not describe the unusual aircraft as technology from another planet. I dont want to necessarily denote origin, he said. I dont think we have all the data to say, Oh, theyre coming from a certain location. Grusch proposed the vehicles the Pentagon is hiding could have come from a different physical dimension as described in quantum mechanics, saying, We know there are extra dimensions due to high-energy particle collisions, etc., and theres a theoretical framework to explain that.

It could be that this is not necessarily extraterrestrial and actually that its coming from a higher-dimensional physical space that might be co-located right here, he said.

In the interview, Grusch reiterated that he has not personally seen the evidence of nonhuman technology but that intelligence officials he spoke with as part of his role on the UFO task force have told him of its existence.

Grusch came so close to the truth. Of these UFOs he has never seen and never witnessed any physical evidence of their existence, he concluded I remember interviewing these personnel and thinking, Either these people are lying to me, having a psychotic break, or this is some crazy but true stuff thats happening. But somehow he accepted his third option.


Dumpling Wars "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Dumpling Wars "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Ukrainian blonde had the smell of trouble. She had perched herself, along with her mute friend, in a restaurant across from the famed South Melbourne Market. On arriving at the modish, glorious bit of real estate known as Tipsy Village, a Polish establishment famed for accented French cuisine, she shrieked: Why do you have Ruskie dumplings on your menu?

The Polish host, a man of butter mild manner and infinite tolerance, covered in stout glory, took it in his stride. That is what they are called where I come from and that is what we serve, Peter Barnatt stated with serene clarity. (Such wickedness! Such a radical disposition!) The blonde shrieking wonder continued to invest in the dumplings some satanic quality, as if each one had been a shell, soldier, a weapon massed and launched against her pristine homeland which she had, it seemed, abandoned. We would just like coffees, she demanded. His temper finally disturbed, the host insisted that, as the two were not intent on dining, might just as well leave.

In a luxurious huff, they exited. Such behaviour was fascinating for being irresolvable no dining establishment worth its salt and cutlery should ever change that aspect of things. But for them, the issue had been decided, a prejudice firmed up and solid.

Names on the menu are a signature of a restaurants worth. Besides, dishes do not invade countries in tanks nor bomb cities. The episode was also strikingly, amusingly moronic. Food had been made out as somehow guilty, disgusting, revolting all because of a name, an identity. The sin had moved in the dough, the mixture and the potatoes, dumplings with agency. The restaurateur was all the more guilty for hosting them.

Since the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the gastro-culture war on serving dishes with a Russian name, be it with hint, flavour, or substance, has been total. Hatred of the Kremlin has become bigotry towards the dish. In Madrid, Sergiy Skorokhvatov, himself Ukrainian and an owner of a restaurant called Rasputin serving both Russian and Ukrainian cuisine, sensed trouble. He ventured into the thorny world of online discussions to clarify the nature of what he was serving, which was considered wise given what has happening to other restaurants serving Russian fare.

This method of insurance was not full proof. I thought that changing things would help us, but then people started posting similar stuff about us Dont go to Russian restaurants and pictures of blown-up buildings in Ukraine.

When politics ventures into the field of gastronomy, imbecility is sovereign, its crown heavy. The French restaurant chain Maison de la Poutine, specialising in the combination of chips, cheese curds and gravy (poutine, you might say),...


Nigerias Central Bank Governor Suspended And Arrested After Waging All-Out War On Cash "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

By Nick Corbishley For the moment, it is not entirely clear why Godwin Emefiele has been removed from his post and detained by Nigerias secret...

Nigerias Central Bank Governor Suspended And Arrested After Waging All-Out War On Cash


US senator calls for probe into Pentagon's $3 billion Ukraine aid 'accounting error' "IndyWatch Feed World"

US Senator Marco Rubio has demanded a comprehensive review of the aid provided by Washington to Ukraine, amid concerns that the Pentagon is failing to accurately estimate its real value. In a letter released on Monday, Rubio chided the administration of US President Joe Biden for a recent $3 billion accounting "error" in the Pentagon which meant the value of equipment sent to Ukraine was supposedly overestimated. However, according to the Florida senator, the opposite may actually be true as the Pentagon "appears now to be using the depreciated value of the equipment."


Ibori Hails Daughter For Scaling Man-Made Hurdles To Get To House Of Reps "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 14TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Former governor of Delta State James Ibori has said that his daughter Erhiatake Ibori-Suenu scaled man-made hurdles to get to the House of Representatives.

Ibori stated this via an Instagram post on Wednesday morning in celebration of his daughters inauguration on Tuesday as a federal lawmaker.

He described her as his friend and pride.

Rt. Honourable Mrs Erhiatake Ibori-Suenu, my daughter, my friend, my pride! Congratulations. You made it to the House of Representatives. You defied all odds. You scaled all the man-made hurdles. To God be the glory, he wrote.

In May 2022, Ibori-Suenu polled 46 votes against her rival, Ben Igbakpa, who scored 22 votes in the Peoples Democratic Partys run-off primary election for the Ethiope Federal Constituency of Delta.

Igbakpa was the incumbent legislator at the time and an associate of the then-governor Ifeanyi Okowa who fell out with Ibori.





ESG Dystopia: Why Corporations Are Doubling Down On Woke Even As They Lose Billions "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT RENEGADE TRIBUNE  Its been a bloodbath for the majority of companies that go...


Rare Amazon dark soils could help forest restoration, study shows "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Beneath the luxurious foliage and the majestic trees of the Amazon Rainforest lies a counterintuitive reality: a mostly infertile soil that becomes swiftly depleted once its plant coverage is stripped away. Cattle ranchers and farmers searching for arable land continually encroach upon the forest, only to find the soil exhausted within a few years. This drives the intrusion into new, pristine swaths of forest, perpetuating deforestation cycles. This grim picture could change in the next few years. Researchers from the University of So Paulo, in partnership with the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) and the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA) have found that Amazonian Dark Earths (ADEs), a unique and somewhat rare type of soil, could help in the recovery of pastures and of the forest itself due to the soils high nutrient and microbiological contents. Their study, published in Frontiers in Soil Science, showed that ADEs could promote the development of trees used in ecological restoration projects. Detail of an aspect of the dark soil sampled in Amazonas state for the experiment. Image by Lus Felipe Guandalin Zagatto. The dark soil used in the experiment can only be found in a few spots in the Amazon, usually covering 2-5 hectares (4.94-12.35 acres) and located close to rivers and to places that have previously seen some human activity. Some theories regarding the origin of ADEs, also called terra preta, include the existence of large sedentary pre-Columbian societies that improved, intentionally or not, the fertility of the soil with ashes,This article was originally published on Mongabay


Wiz partners with Contrast Security to provide real-time insights into potential security risks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As a launch partner for the Wiz Integrations (WIN) platform, ContrastContrast Security brings the power of the Contrast Secure Code Platform to WIN, so that customers can seamlessly integrate Contrasts application security and protections into their existing Wiz workflows. The integration between Contrast and Wiz offers an efficient method for strengthening security across customers cloud and applications. Contrasts innovative Shift Smart approach leverages the appropriate technology at the optimal part of the software development life More

The post Wiz partners with Contrast Security to provide real-time insights into potential security risks appeared first on Help Net Security.


German Green Party Headquarters Heat Pump Debacle: 5 Million Euros Cost, Still No Heat! "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The Greens have become the countrys number one laughing stock. Little wonder theyve lost almost half of their supporters over the recent months.

The post German Green Party Headquarters Heat Pump Debacle: 5 Million Euros Cost, Still No Heat! first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Childhood Culinary Inventions Part One: Lait frapp au Coca Cola "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Lynda Barry included this delightful food recipe in Its So Magic:

So I was thinking did I ever invent any recipes for food-like substances as a child? And indeed I did, so Im going to present these magnificent inventions in a short blog series.

Well, OK, I didnt actually invent this first one: There was one fast food place in my home town that had this on the menu, but (for some reason!) it closed when I was like ten, so I had to adjust the recipe to make it at home. And I refuse to google to see whether everybody else has already invented this, because I want to live confidently with my delusions.

But heres the incredibly complex recipe.

vanilla ice cream
Coca Cola



The Commercial Real Estate Tsunami Just Shifted Into Another Gear "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Michael Snyder What is going to happen to our banking system as trillions of dollars worth of commercial real estate loans go bad?  Many...

The Commercial Real Estate Tsunami Just Shifted Into Another Gear


Re: Stack overflow in imagemagick coders/tiff.c "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Bob Friesenhahn on Jun 14

It seems suspicious that (after looking at the code) this is obviously
a heap overflow (of the 'tile_pixels' allocation) rather than a stack
overflow. Whenever something is mischaracterized, it becomes suspect.

The overflow checking while computing 'extent' still seems suspect and
is worthy of more inspection, especially on 32-bit systems.

The development ImageMagick 7.1 is included in oss-fuzz testing (but
has not...


E.K. Clark Accuses Okowa As Crafty, Ambitious, Spends Delta Money On Atiku "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 14TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Elder statesman and Ijaw leader, Chief Edwin Clark, on Wednesday, described the immediate-past governor of Delta State, Ifeanyi Okowa as a traitor and a very crafty man.

Clark also alleged that Okowa emerged as Atiku Abubakars running mate for the 2023 presidential election on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) after spending Delta States money on (Atikus) campaign.

He made the claim while appearing as a guest in an interview on Arise TVs Morning Show.

Clarke revealed that the 17 southern governors had, ahead of the 2023 presidential election, resolved to oppose any party that presented a northern presidential candidate in their primaries but Okowa went behind his colleagues to team up with Atiku.

Let me tell you the reason why the whole of southern Nigeria regards Okowa as a traitor. Let me tell you, he is a betrayer. Okowa volunteered to host a meeting of the 17 governors of the south. He provided accommodation for every one of them, Clark said.

He provided his secretariat, I know the person who was the secretary to the government at the time. They were there, they drafted the communique supervised by him and gave it to Akeredolu to read. He read it, then they all went to Lagos to confirm it, they went to Enugu to confirm it, not knowing that the same Okowa was spending our money for Atiku. I asked him in my letter to answer it.

He added, The delegates of the PDP primary, who did they vote for? Did they vote for Wike or Emmanuel Udom of Akwa Ibom? They all voted for Atiku. So, he deceived his colleagues that we should produce the president from the south only to team up with Atiku to betray us. All the governors know about that. He is a man who is very ambitious, quiet and gives a wrong impression about himself that he is a very good man. Very crafty man.



Christianity is a death cult "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Do I need to explain this? Thulsa Doom was not a role model.

A religious cultist in Kenya did not get the memo, though. Pastor Paul Mackenzie has been telling his parishioners that they can meet Jesus sooner by starving themselves to death. The end result: mass graves.

The number of people who died after a Kenyan pastor ordered his followers to starve to death in order to meet Jesus has surpassed 300, authorities said Tuesday, and the death toll is expected to rise as more exhumations are planned.

The death toll increased to 303 after 19 more bodies were recovered from mass graves in the vast forested land in Kilifi County of coastal Kenya, where pastor Paul Mackenzie and his followers lived.

Coastal regional commissioner Rhoda Onyancha told local journalists that 613 people tied to the area are missing.

There are a couple of pastors in this region who have been misinforming their congregations in ways that lead to mass deaths its like a morbid evangelical revival.


Financial Times obfuscates UNESCOs erasure of Jewish history "IndyWatch Feed War"

A Financial Times article by Alexandra White (US to rejoin Unesco after leaving over alleged anti-Israel bias, June 12) included the following:

Unesco, the UN education and culture agency, announced US plans to rejoin the organisation in July after leaving during the Trump administration because of alleged anti-Israel bias.

The US left the agency in 2018, after it alleged anti-Israel bias over Unescos condemnation of Israels aggressions against Muslims access to a religious site in Jerusalems Old City.

Thats not accurate.

The problematic elements of the April 16, 2016 UNESCO resolution in question include the false claim that Israel denies Muslims the freedom of worship, and, most egregiously, the erasure of Jewish historical ties to the Temple Mount, Judaisms holiest site, and the Western Wall referring to the former as the al-Aqsa Mosque/al-Haram al-Sharif and the latter as al-Buraq Plaza.

To put this historical revisionism in context, even the Supreme Muslim Councils (Wakf) 1925 Temple Mount Guide Book acknowledged a Jewish connection to the site which is beyond dispute.

This UNESCO framing, as CAMERAs Sean Durns observed at the time, echoed the frequent propaganda of Palestinians officials including Mahmoud Abbas, who called the Jewish histor...


Walmart Builds New Beef Plant To Bolster Meat Supply Chain "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden Covid sparked beef and pork shortages, leaving shelves at Walmart stores bare throughout the United States.  Government-forced shutdowns and Covid outbreaks forced...

Walmart Builds New Beef Plant To Bolster Meat Supply Chain


British Government May Be Indirectly Liable for Fraud at Sirius Open Source "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link | md5sum f4f239686d76f30d562cc44bb70cb997
Serious Scandal by Sirius
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: What started as fraud committed by one company (since 2011 if not earlier) is becoming a blunder and major embarrassment to high-profile clients that are government agencies, in effect employing programmers and system administrators via a contractor that grossly underpays workers while secretly defrauding them (stealing money from them)

THE previous part spoke of the brain drain that had reduced Sirius Open Source to almost nothing; even before pension fraud was exposed (we broke the story here this past spring) the company had almost nothing left in terms of physical assets, monetary assets, human resources, and clients. Its just milking whats left of contracts signed or renewed last year.

The really obnoxious thing is the two-faceted coverup (to use the term loosely) by entities that should know better and should do better. If the British authorities are so desperate to save face and spare themselves negative publicity, then they should hurry up and act, showing strength of law, accountability, and drastic consequences. Instead, based on the lack of interaction (also my Member of Parliament is being ignored), it certainly seems like this scandal will just deepen, implicating a growing network of facilitators and enablers. This scandal isnt about just Sirius anymore; Sirius received millions of pounds from the British government and the government oughtnt look the other way when people who worked on government computer systems become victims of employment crimes and embezzlement or just plain old fraud.


Multiple vulnerabilities in Jenkins and Jenkins plugins "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Daniel Beck on Jun 14

Jenkins is an open source automation server which enables developers around
the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software.

The following releases contain fixes for security vulnerabilities:

* Jenkins 2.400
* Jenkins LTS 2.401.1
* Checkmarx Plugin 2023.2.6
* Dimensions Plugin
* Team Concert Plugin 2.4.2

Additionally, we announce unresolved security issues in the following

* AWS CodeCommit Trigger Plugin


Police Out of Control (or Oversight) Part 6: This Scandal Has Become a Lot Bigger Than Sirius Open Source "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Series parts:

  1. New Series: The End of Sirius Open Source
  2. Sirius Open Source Cannot Retain Staff and Clients (Many of the Remaining Ones Leave the Company)
  3. Police Out of Control (or Oversight) Part 3: Action Fraud and Reports of Sirius Fraud
  4. Police Out of Control (or Oversight) Part 4: The Pokmon Village of Sirius Open Source and British Government
  5. Police Out of Control (or Oversight) Part 5: Whats Left of the Company is a Skeleton Crew (While Police is Dragging Its Heels)
  6. YOU ARE HERE This Scandal Has Become a Lot Bigger Than Sirius Open Source

Video download link | md5sum f4f239686d76f30d562cc44bb70cb997
Serious Scandal by Sirius
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: What started as fraud committed by one company (since 2011 if not earlier) is becoming a blunder and major embarrassment to high-profile clients that are government agencies, in effect employing programmers and system administrators via a contractor that grossly underpays workers while secretly defrauding them (stealing money from them)



Lithium Americas and United States -- Partners in Crime -- Prohibiting Access to Paiute Shoshone Sacred Place "IndyWatch Feed War"

Courtesy photo Paiute Shoshone defender of the sacredThe Lithium Lie: The Promotion of Lithium Mining as Clean Energy is the Current Hoax: It is Profit for a Foreign Mining Company, Violating Federal Laws By Brenda NorrellCensored NewsOROVADA, Nevada -- Lithium Americas and the United States government -- Biden, Interior Sec. Deb Haaland and the BLM -- are violating federal laws that protect


If It Was Allowed, Id Hold You Down and . The medicalization and corporatization of life "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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The post If It Was Allowed, Id Hold You Down and . The medicalization and corporatization of life appeared first on Global Research.


Childrens events successfully poisoned by the right wing "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Heres more of what we can expect from the kinds of assholes who listen to the current conservative mania. Heidi Starrs nine-year-old daughter was participating in a track and field event when

As my daughter was preparing to get up and throw, a man came out of the crowd, stepped forward and walked towards a parent volunteer and said, This is a girls event why are boys throwing?' Starr told CBC News.

Starr said she then intervened and corrected the man, whose granddaughter was also participating in the event.

Then the gentleman started insisting that I provide documentation in the form of a certificate proving that my daughter was born a girl, Starr said.

Starr added that the mans wife was also shouting at Starr and Starrs ex-wife, saying they were genital mutilators and groomers.

The asshole denies shouting, claiming all he did was ask for a gender certificate, like that was totally inoffensive.

You might wonder how the daughter reacted to all this as you might expect.

She was physically vibrating. She was sobbing. She was in and out of tears all day till bedtime that day, Starr said.

Given that, I wont hesitate to post the assholes photo and names.

Josef and Krista Tesar

Sports are supposed to be fun. Its hard to enjoy anything when jerks like that are prowling about questioning the participants identities and right to be there.


Sycope 2.3 detects network problems and identifies security threats "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

security tool. The solution is based on real-time flow analysis enriched with business context and supports companies in securing numerous improvements and functional enhancements. Sycope 2.3 records, processes and analyses all parameters contained in the data streams, supplemented by SNMP, geolocation and security feeds. This makes it possible to detect network problems, measure delays and identify More

The post Sycope 2.3 detects network problems and identifies security threats appeared first on Help Net Security.


China and Honduras Coup Attempt on the Way Again? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

Click the share button above to email/forward this article

The post China and Honduras Coup Attempt on the Way Again? appeared first on Global Research.


Graphenes cousin makes a switchable topological insulator "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Germanene a two-dimensional, graphene-like form of the element germanium can carry electricity along its edges with no resistance. This unusual behaviour is characteristic of materials known as topological insulators, and the researchers who observed it say the phenomenon could be used to make faster and more energy-efficient electronic devices.

Like graphene, germanene is an atomically thin material with a honeycomb structure. Like graphene, germanenes electronic band structure contains a point at which the valence and conduction bands meet. At this meeting point, spin-orbit coupling creates a narrow gap between the bands within the materials bulk, causing it to act as an insulator. Along the materials edges, however, special topological states arise that bridge this gap and allow electrons to flow unhindered.

\r \r


Top 10 Generative AI Courses in 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Explore our carefully curated list of the top 10 Generative AI courses, designed to equip you with essential skills for mastering the field.


Zuckerberg Announces Bold Plan to Jam AI Into Every Single One of Our Products "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Meta-formerly-Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a genius new plot to add some interest to Meta-owned products: just jam in some generative AI, absolutely everywhere.

Axios reports that in an all-hands meeting on Thursday, Zuckerberg unveiled a barrage of generative AI tools and integrations, which are to be baked into both Metas internal and consumer-facing products, Facebook and Instagram included.

In the last year, weve seen some really incredible breakthroughs qualitative breakthroughs on generative AI, Zuckerberg told Axios in a statement, and that gives us the opportunity to now go take that technology, push it forward, and build it into every single one of our products.


Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On June 14, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On June 14, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • Fighting is ongoing near the village of Makarovka;
  • Fighting is ongoing near the village of Urozhainoe;
  • Fighting is ongoing near the village of Ravnopol;
  • Fighting is ongoing near the village of Staromayoskoe;
  • Ukrainian forces attempt to attack Russian forces near Levadnoe;
  • Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Gulyaipole;
  • Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Kamyanske;
  • Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Orikhiv.


The post Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On June 14, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


Poynter Enlists FBI Censorship Lackey Yoel Roth For Fact-Checking Summit Keynote "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Yoel Roth'These keynoters have got their facts straight,' Poynter said in its invitation to the GlobalFact10 summit, which features a mugshot of Roth.


Ukraine suffers heavy losses for small advance - Bild "IndyWatch Feed World"

Ukrainian troops have made their first significant advance after a week of fighting on the southern front, the German tabloid Bild claimed on Monday, noting also that the reported taking of five small villages had come at the cost of heavy losses in Western-provided armor. "On the eighth day of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, the Russian front in the south of the country began to show cracks," Bild reporter Julian Roepcke said in a video update on the battle. "The first sections of the front in Donetsk in the east have been collapsing since yesterday." Roepcke, who has been at the vanguard pro-Ukraine reporting at the tabloid, cited military sources in Kiev to claim an advance of several kilometers into Russian-controlled territory. However, by Monday evening local time Ukrainian military analysts were reporting heavy fighting at two of the villages supposedly "liberated" earlier in the day.


According to U.S.-and-Allied News Media, Its Always Been Putins Last Stand "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Here is the front cover to the 16 June 2023 issue of Americas The Week magazine: And here are headlines and some news reports from earlier times, going back more than ten years, and theyve all consistently been false: Prospect magazine, America, 20 March 2012 Macleans magazine, Canada, 6 February 2014 Forbes magazine, America, 19 March 2018 Meduza, Latvia, 4 March []


"Punitive detachments" are actively preparing for actions on the territory of Belarus "IndyWatch Feed World"

Everyone understands that both foreign mercenaries and NATO military personnel operate from the territory of Ukraine under the guise of national corps. Among other things, in the Belgorod and Bryansk regions, militants from the Kalinovsky Regiment gang were seen. It is likely that the participation of " Belarusian executioners "in" punitive operations " on the territory of Russia is connected with active preparations for the invasion of Belarus. Recall that in one of the videos after the "sortie of the Belarusian executioners" on the Russian territory, the bchb executioner "Yankee" asked the residents of Stolin what they should bring from Belgorod.


Eviden AIsaac Cyber Mesh helps enterprises detect security threats "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Eviden, an Atos business, announces AIsaac Cyber Mesh, a next generation of cybersecurity detection and response, reinforced by AWS Security Data Lake and powered by generative AI technologies. AIsaac Cyber Mesh offers an advanced end-to-end detection, response, and recovery solution, built on a cybersecurity mesh-enabled architecture using generative AI and predictive analytics. Combined with Amazon Security Lake, which centralizes data from multiple sources including on-premises and custom sources, AIsaac Cyber Mesh enables businesses to have More

The post Eviden AIsaac Cyber Mesh helps enterprises detect security threats appeared first on Help Net Security.


Onuesoke Backs Marketers Move to End NNPCL  Petrol Monopoly "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 14TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Chieftain and former Delta State Gubernatorial aspirant Chief Sunny Onuesoke has thrown his weight behind  oil marketers move to end  Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) petrol monopoly.

Recall that the marketers who have accused NNPCL of tactically retaining monopoly of products importation to swing the market to its benefit are meeting in Abuja to engage the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA to seek ways in braking the monopoly of  the corporation in the oil sector.

Onuesoke who spoke to oil correspondent in Abuja about the move of the marketers condemned the import monopoly held by NNPCL,  noting that the situation was not helping the petrol market.

He advised that with the removal of fuel subsidy, the Government should allow healthy competition by granting licenses and access to foreign exchange marketers willing to get into the products importation business.

The PDP Chieftain who observed that the primary essence of removing subsidy is to free the market and make it competitive, argued  that allowing other  interested parties into the petroleum supply network, either through local refining or importation, will guarantee adequate production and supply and ultimately precipitate reasonable reductions in the high price that is being witnessed at this initial take off.

It is the believe of Nigerians  that the primary essence of removing subsidy is to free the market and make it competitive. This is by allowing other interested parties into the petroleum supply network. This is either by their engaging in importation or local refining. Its the duty of government to ensure that all bottlenecks and frustrations in this regard are removed so that adequate productions and supplies will eventually precipitate reasonable reductions in the high price that is being witnessed at this initial take off. To achieve total subsidy removal the monopoly of NNPCL on oil supply should be broken, Onuesoke stated.

He maintained that if Government  seeks to fully deregulate the market, then it should  be ready to allow competition and create a level playing field, stressing  that it is obnoxious for government to  allow NNPCL to access foreign exchange at official exchange rate and expect independent or major marketers to source forex from the parallel...


Man's biological clock set back 10 years after 93 days living under the ocean in a research station "IndyWatch Feed World"

A man of science locked himself in a 592 square-foot underwater research station for 100 days to document the effects of pressurization on the human body. Now, having emerged from his submerged experiment, scientists studying those effects have discovered a shocking change in the man's body he's 10 years younger. The man, Joe Dituri, a former US navy diver and expert in biomedical engineering, had experienced a 20% growth in the lengths of his telomeres.


The War in Ukraine Marks the End of the American Century. Whats Left is a Steaming Pile of Dollar Denominated Debt "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The ferocity of the confrontation in Ukraine shows that were talking about much more than the fate of the regime in Kiev. The architecture of the entire world order is at stake. Sergei Naryshkin, Director of Russias Foreign Intelligence. Heres your reserve currency thought for the day: Every US dollar is a check written on an account []


How the BRI train took the road to Shangri-La "IndyWatch Feed World"

It is important to recognize that the US/NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is simultaneously a war designed to interrupt the progress of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). As we approach the 10th anniversary of the BRI, to be marked by the third Belt and Road Forum later this year in Beijing, it is clear the original Silk Road Economic Belt - announced by President Xi Jinping in Astana, Kazakhstan, in September 2013 - has traveled a long way. By January this year, 151 nations had already signed up to the BRI: No less than 75 percent of the world's population that represents more than half of the global GDP. Even an Atlanticist outfit such as the London-based Center for Economic and Business Research admits that the BRI may increase global GDP by a whopping $7.1 trillion a year by 2040, dispensing "widespread" benefits. Included in the Chinese Constitution since 2018, BRI constitutes the de facto overarching Chinese foreign policy framework all the way to 2049, marking...


What Deltans  Expect From Guwor Led Delta State 8th Assembly? "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


By Jerome-Mario Chijioke Utomi

LAGOS JUNE 14TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The member representing Warri South-West Constituency in the Delta State House of Assembly, Emomotimi Guwor was on Tuesday June 13, 2023 elected as the Speaker of the 8th House of Assembly while Arthur Akpowowo who represents Ethiope-East Constituency, emerged the Deputy Speaker. Guwor and other members of the States 8th Assembly were inaugurated after they swore an oath of allegiance.

While congratulations have continued to pour in for the new Speaker following his success at the polls and election into State Assembly leadership, this piece, like other well meaning Deltans believes that his commitment to public service and exemplary track record in the now rested 7th Assembly, more than anything else earned him this well-deserved position and confident that under his leadership, the Delta State House of Assembly will thrive, and the interests of the people will be represented effectively.

However, as the celebration festers and the newly inaugurated Honourable members settle down for the task of lawmaking, one urgent imperative by members  self introspection and interrogation in order to ascertain if they are result or comfort-centered, people or self focused, internally driven and most importantly, externally open?

Separate from the awareness that most of the legislation, policies and decisions by the out gone 7th Assembly  were neither  beneficial and helpful to the real development in the state nor aimed at improving the life chances of the poor and vulnerable deltans, experience bears eloquent testimonies to the fact  that most of the public office holders in the state  in most cases put their personal needs above those of the whole and  allow their pursuit of personal interest control their relationship with the people that voted them to power. In fact, deltans are in agreement that most of the laws made by successive Assemblies in the state were never positively legislated for the poor.

Thats not the only negative signature previously witnessed in the state

More often than not, most of these lawmakers in the state become more comfort centered. They are not only hypocritical and deceptive but advocate ambitious ou...


Fwd: Node.js security updates for all active release lines, June 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Rafael Silva on Jun 14

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rafael Silva
Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 1:06:55PM UTC-3
Subject: Node.js security updates for all active release lines, June 2023
To: nodejs-sec

The Node.js project will release new versions of all supported release
lines on or shortly after Tuesday, February 20th 2023. For more information


Boris Johnson resigns as MP over partygate report "IndyWatch Feed World"

Former PM calls investigating committee a 'kangaroo court' and takes a parting shot at Rishi Sunak's Conservative principles. Boris Johnson stood down as an MP on Friday night claiming a Commons inquiry was determined to find him guilty over partygate. In a move that stunned Westminster, he accused the privileges committee of acting as a "kangaroo court" that was intent on forcing him out.


S2-064: CVE-2023-34396: Apache Struts: DoS via OOM owing to no sanity limit on normal form fields in multipart forms "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Yasser Zamani on Jun 14

Affected versions:

- Apache Struts through 2.5.30
- Apache Struts through 6.1.2


Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling vulnerability in Apache Software Foundation Apache Struts.This
issue affects Apache Struts: through 2.5.30, through 6.1.2.


Matthew McClain (finder)



S2-063: CVE-2023-34149: Apache Struts: DoS via OOM owing to not properly checking of list bounds "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Yasser Zamani on Jun 14

Affected versions:

- Apache Struts through 2.5.30
- Apache Struts through 6.1.2


Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling vulnerability in Apache Software Foundation Apache Struts.This
issue affects Apache Struts: through 2.5.30, through 6.1.2.


Matthew McClain (finder)



Shift in Geopolitical Relations: Russias Roadmap to Nigeria and Africa "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The growing US-China rivalry and Russia-Western allies geopolitical tension have shaken the international peace and security systems foundation and significantly shaped Russias diplomacy with Africa. While that seems to be the general trend across the board, the Federal Republic of Nigeria is also getting highly renewed attention from Moscow. Historically Nigeria, like a number of []


Cant Win if You Dont Play "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Donald Trump rolls the dice again.


While youre here enjoying Jon Richardss latest cartoon, please take a moment to read these articles on related topics: 


When LGBT Activists Flood Target With Bomb Threats, Media Pretend Conservatives Did It "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Target pride merchandise in basket'Pride' activists will do whatever it takes to maintain their clutch on the narrative -- including spinning their own bomb threats against themselves.


New impeachment motion brought against Biden "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Rep. Lauren Boebert has accused the president of willfully allowing an invasion by illegal immigrants A US lawmaker filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden on Tuesday alleging that his southern border policies make him unfit for office. The motion, filed by Rep. Lauren Boebert, a Republican from Colorado, charges Biden with abuse of []


BEST OF THE WEB: Tucker Carlson pinpoints the exact moment that 'permanent Washington' decided to send Trump to prison "IndyWatch Feed World"

Tucker has delivered an epic tour de force condemning the Deep State, which over the past 6 years has been focused solely on one goal: to put away the one person who stands in its way, and in the way of countless neocons and war profiteers from attaining their trillions in deadly spoils: Donald Trump. Despite a 'cease and desist' order from Fox News, Tucker Carlson is back tonight with the 3rd episode of his 'Tucker on Twitter' show. After over 115 million views on his first and almost 60 million on his second, tonight's discussion of the indictment of former president Trump is sure to be the most widely viewed news of the day (despite CNN/MSNBC's euphoria at the day's events). Reflecting on the day's events in Miami, Carlson noted that "cable news carried every moment of it... but they weren't shocked... anybody who's been paying attention knew this was coming..."


Maine Democrats Scramble To Rig State Elections With Unconstitutional Ranked-Choice Voting "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

People voting on Election DayMaine Democrats are on the cusp of passing a constitutional amendment proposal that seeks to expand the use of ranked-choice voting (RCV) in state elections. Under RCV, voters rank candidates in order of preference. If no candidate receives more than 50 percent of first-choice votes in the first round of voting, the last-place finisher is []


Unveiling the Balada injector: a malware epidemic in WordPress "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Learn the shocking truth behind the Balada Injector campaign and find out how to protect your organization from this relentless viral invasion.

A deadly cyber campaign has been working silently to undermine website security by exploiting popular WordPress plugins infiltrating over a million websites and leaving administrators scrambling for solutions.

In April 2023, Bleeping Computer and other tech outlets like TechRadar began circulating reports of cybercriminals successfully hacking WordPress websites. They were able to gain access via a toxic combination of the popular plugins Elementor Pro Premium (Webpage builder) and WooCommerce (Online storefront).

Initially attributed to security researcher Jerome Braundet of the Ninja Tech Network, this recently disclosed vulnerability produces a base 8.8 CVSS score (High), giving WordPress administrators and cybersecurity teams much to fret over.

As of May 2023, an official CVE designation is still pending. Websites running Elementor Pro 3.11.6 or earlier, alongside an activated WooCommerce plugin, are advised to upgrade ElementorPro to at least 3.11.7 or face the risk of authenticated users (think of standard e-commerce customers) achieving total control of websites by exploiting Broken Access Control the most severe of OWASPs Top 10 risks.

While reports of this vulnerability have circulated wildly across the interwebs, a lesser-known but directly related set of hack-tivities has been occurring on a similar front against these and other standard WordPress plugins.

This article will focus on the widespread and highly persistent malware injector campaign Balada, which has reportedly infected over 1 million individual websites by exploiting weaknesses in Elementor Pro, WooCommerce, and several other WordPress plugins. This article will provide a brief history of the Balada Injector, its common objectives, common Indicators of Compromise (IoC), and a quick exploitation overview, including some general tips that organizations should adopt to avoid being the next victim.

What is Balada?

Cybersecurity firm Sucuri has been tracking Balada Injector activity since 2017 but has only recently given this long-running campaign its name. Primarily leveraging functions written in the Go language, Balada, which translates to Ballad in several languages, achieves initial infection through commonly known but unpatched WordPress plugins, themes, or other software vulnerabilities.

Balada then attempts to spread itself and maintain persistence by executing a series of rehearsed attacks, cross-site infections, and installation of backdoors, living up to its namesake. The Elementor Pro and WooCommerce compromise path allows authenticated users to modify WordPress configurations to create administrator accounts or inject URL redirects into website pa...


Planting deforestation: The forests that Mexico loses to agribusiness "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Satellite images give us a dimension of forest cover loss. From one year to the next, and sometimes in just a few weeks, a forest can be wiped off the map. The trees that gave identity to a hillside, a plain or the banks of a river cease to exist; they become a memory. In these images, the clearing has gray shades. The same images allow us to see the gradual change of those lands that were previously forested. Many are transformed into homogeneous agricultural fields in which only one monoculture grows. In Mexico, every year, 47,770 hectares (118,042 acres) of forest cover are turned into agricultural land, according to data from the National Forest Monitoring System. These lost forests and jungles are equivalent to almost the same area as Cozumel, one of the largest islands in the country. According to the National Forest Monitoring System, the abrupt change from forestland to agricultural land is the second cause of deforestation in Mexico, after cattle ranching. Between 2001 and 2019, the expansion of agriculture led to the country being left without at least 889,188 ha (2.2 million acres) of forest cover, representing flora and fauna habitats and ecosystem services. That surface is equivalent to 18 times the island of Cozumel. Cleared area in southern Jalisco to install avocado orchards. This journalistic investigation, which we have titled Planting Deforestation, takes a tour of regions where the country loses forests and jungles due to agribusiness. For this work, we review the official statisticsThis article was originally published on Mongabay


US Treasury admits sanctions threaten dollar hegemony "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Many countries are choosing alternative payment instruments and boosting non-dollar holdings within reserve assets, Janet Yellen acknowledged US sanctions are pushing many countries to seek alternatives to the dollar for settlements, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted during her annual appearance on Tuesday before the House Financial Services Committee to discuss the state of the international []


Sinkhole swallows excavator in Miramar, California "IndyWatch Feed World"

Crews are working to fix a sinkhole that opened on a major street in Miramar on Tuesday, the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department said. An excavation machine tumbled into a trench at a work site on a Miramar-area street, knocking out water service to part of the neighborhood and causing a natural-gas leak that prompted some evacuations in the 8040 block of Miramar Road. The impact of the fall caused the equipment to rupture water and gas lines, prompting nearby businesses and residents to shelter in place.


Switzerland under cyberattack "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Swiss government websites are under DDoS attacks, but several ransomware gangs have also turned their sights on Swiss government organizations, cantonal governments, cities and companies in the last few months. Government sites under DDoS attacks Several Federal Administration websites are/were inaccessible on Monday 12 June 2023, due to a DDoS attack on its systems, the Swiss National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) said on Monday. The Swiss governments portal remains accessible. But the attackers did More

The post Switzerland under cyberattack appeared first on Help Net Security.


Flipper Zero Smoking a Smart Meter is a Bad Look for Hardware Hackers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Alright, were calling it we need a pejorative equivalent to script kiddie to describe someone using a Flipper Zero for annoyingly malign purposes. If you need an example, check out the apparent smart meter snuff video below.

The video was posted by [Peter Fairlie], who we assume is the operator of the Flipper Zero pictured. The hapless target smart meter is repeatedly switched on and off with the Flipper some smart meters have contactors built in so that service can be disconnected remotely for non-payment or in emergencies which rapidly starts and stops a nearby AC compressor. Eventually, the meter releases a puff of Magic Smoke, filling its transparent enclosure and obscuring the display. The Flippers operator mutters a few expletives at the results, but continues turning the meter on and off even more rapidly before eventually running away from the scene of the crime.

We qualify this as apparent because the minute we saw this over on...


The natural history of the Amazon Rainforest "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth centuries, scientists affiliated with institutions in the Northern Hemisphere organized most expeditions into the Amazon. These botanists, zoologists and anthropologists were accompanied by native-born and immigrant scientists who pioneered the establishment of natural history museums in the nations of the Pan Amazon. Investment in research and education expanded dramatically as governments pursued development strategies predicated on the exploitation of the regions natural resources. Institutional capacity grew to encompass more than fifty universities and a half dozen research institutions within the Pan Amazon. Collections, publications and students grew exponentially and, by the end of the millennium, more specimens were accessioned annually in the regional museums than all of the legacy collections housed in foreign museums. The collections in European and North American museums are the foundation of the taxonomic classification systems at the center of biodiversity science; unfortunately, that information was unavailable to local biologists, who struggled to identify the plants and animals they encountered during their fieldwork. Starting in the 1980s and accelerating in the 1990s and 2000s, innovation in information management and the creation of the internet revolutionized biodiversity science. Online information resources, such as taxonomic databases and digital image archives, have vastly improved the quantity and quality of floristic and faunistic inventories. Every country can now boast a relatively complete catalogue of all vertebrate groups and a robust checklist of vascular plants, which continue to improve as cadres of young biologists explore their countries. (Left) Omar Andy, Walter AndyThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Inside the Preventable Deaths That Happened Within a Prominent Transplant Center "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for Dispatches, a newsletter that spotlights wrongdoing around the country, to receive our stories in your inbox every week.

This story was produced in partnership with MLK50: Justice Through Journalism and co-published with the Commercial Appeal.

On a brisk morning in the winter of 2019, at a standing-room-only reception, a procession of speakers lavished praise on the surgeon who more than tripled the size of the liver transplant program at Methodist University Hospital in Memphis. The lifesaving doctor was receiving an honor often reserved for the dead: Methodists leaders announced that the hospitals new state-of-the-art transplant center would be named for Dr. James Eason.

Eason seemed to have reached the summit of what was then a 25-year career. A decade earlier, he had performed one of the highest-profile liver surgeries in recent history: the transplant that extended the life of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs by more than two years. That operation earned Eason the gratitude of Jobs widow, who later donated a total of $40 million to the transplant center he helmed and the medical school where he worked as a professor. At age 58, Eason had become one of the countrys highest-paid transplant surgeons, earning $1.7 million a year, more than anyone at Methodist but the head of its nearly 13,000-employee, six-hospital health system.

But for all the lives the liver transplant program saved, the hospitals leadership had growing concerns about the number of patients dying on Easons watch. During the five years before the renaming ceremony, those deaths had sparked investigations from the federal contractor that oversees transplant centers. They also prompted multiple health insurers to remove the liver program from their preferred networks, according to internal documents.

In 2018, following the most recent investigation, Methodist hired a consulting firm to audit the program. The audit, conducted by peers from other transplant centers,...


You May be Guilting Yourself Short in Salary Negotiations "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Job seekers in the era of 'social impact framing' are afraid to ask for higher pay:

For many companies today, recruiting employees includes luring them with job postings that tout the organization's altruistic goals, such as to "make an impact" or fulfill a mission or purpose that benefits the greater good.

Appealing to job seekers' altruism isn't just for nonprofits anymore. Both for-profit and nonprofit organizations increasingly employ what has been termed "social impact framing" that emphasizes that their work has welfare benefits for society.

Although companies might have entirely noble intentions when using social impact framing, a recent study by Texas McCombs Assistant Professor of Management Insiya Hussain illustrates how it may work against prospective employees during salary negotiations. Specifically, job candidates exposed to such messaging feel it would be against company norms to ask for higher pay.

"This speaks to a broader social phenomenon about how we view money when it comes to doing good," Hussain says. "There's an implicit assumption that money and altruism don't mix. Money taints attempts to do good. Even if job candidates might not necessarily subscribe to this view, they're assuming that hiring managers will."

[...] The research suggests job applicants might experience a fearful thought process around salary: "I can't even ask. I feel like if I ask, it might be held against me or against the norms of the organization. It might be seen as greedy," Hussain says, paraphrasing the job seekers.

The researchers describe this attitude as a "self-censoring" effect, which Hussain says is a novel finding for research on social impact framing and wage demands. Prior work assumed that candidates sacrificed pay for meaningful work. Hussain and colleagues show this effect may be driven by job candidates feeling uncomfortable with such negotiation.

That mindset was true across the age spectrum and several industries, including education, financial services, food manufacturing, and health care in both nonprofit and for-profit businesses.

[...] "Job seekers could consider whether companies that stress social impact take care of their own employees financially or otherwise." Hussain says. "And, companies shouldn't assume that extrinsically motivated workers don't care about the job and aren't willing to work hard to perform well."

Journal Reference:
Insiya Hussain et al., Pay Suppression in Social Impact Contexts: How Framing Work Around the Greater Good Inhibits Job Candidate Compensation Demands, INFORMS, 2023.


New Golang-based Skuld Malware Stealing Discord and Browser Data from Windows PCs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new Golang-based information stealer called Skuld has compromised Windows systems across Europe, Southeast Asia, and the U.S. "This new malware strain tries to steal sensitive information from its victims," Trellix researcher Ernesto Fernndez Provecho said in a Tuesday analysis. "To accomplish this task, it searches for data stored in applications such as Discord and web browsers; information


Biden indicts Trump on 5 charges that applied also to Hillary Clinton, who was never charged "IndyWatch Feed World"

Alan J. Russo opened the "Conclusions" section of his extraordinary (extraordinarily fine) 1970 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review article, "Equal Protection from the Law: The Substantive Requirements for a Showing of Discriminatory Law Enforcement", by saying: In order to be acquitted in a penal proceeding on grounds of discriminatory enforcement, a defendant generally has been required to show that enforcement authorities have purposefully singled him out, while not acting against others for similar violations. The mere fact that an impartial law has been applied unequally does not establish a denial of fourteenth amendment rights. This requirement of purposeful discrimination is justified as to most penal laws insofar as universal enforcement is a practical impossibility. Rarely have such clear exemplars of discriminatory law enforcement been provided as Barack Obama's decision not to prosecute his Secretary of State and chosen successor Hillary Clinton, versus Joe Biden's...


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Thomas Gleixner of Linutronix, which was acquired by Intel last year, and his team are working on cleaning up the Linux x86/x86_64 boot process. A set of 17 patches that touch the early Linux kernel initialization code and other tree-wide changes have now been posted for discussion...


Where from, Where to The Evolution of Network Security "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

For the better part of the 90s and early aughts, the sysadmin handbook said, "Filter your incoming traffic, not everyone is nice out there" (later coined by Gandalf as "You shall not pass"). So CIOs started to supercharge their network fences with every appliance they could get to protect against inbound (aka INGRESS) traffic. In the wake of the first mass phishing campaigns in the early 2010s,


Three-yr-old mauled to death by stray dogs in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India "IndyWatch Feed World"

Two separate incidents of stray dog attacks have been reported in India. A three-year-old toddler was mauled to death and a six-year-old girl was injured after a pack of stray dogs attacked them in Agra. In a separate incident, another 3-year-old toddler also sustained injuries on his head and stomach after a dog attacked him in Telangana's Kamareddy. "A three-year-old girl was attacked by stray dogs when she was playing in front of her house. She was dragged by the dogs to an open field outside the village," sub-inspector Ashok Kumar posted in Agra said. The other minor girl, who tried to rescue the toddler, was also attacked by the dogs, but she managed to run to safety, the official. By the time the locals gathered and chased the dogs away, the three-year-old had succumbed to the injuries, the police said.


Another set of stable kernels "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 6.3.8, 6.1.34, 5.15.117, 5.10.184, 5.4.247, 4.19.286, and 4.14.318 stable kernel updates have all been released; each contains another set of important fixes.


Declassified Report: Govt Buys Reams of Data on US Citizens with Few Safeguards "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Back in the day, if an intelligence service wanted to surveil a person, theyd need to carefully follow them around. More recently, if that person were an American, they might get a court order to be allowed to track them electronically. Now, however, they can just buy that information from the providers of any number of apps who are selling the data of their users.

That is one of the main takeaways of a newly declassified report compiled on behalf of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) last year.

Put together by an unknown outside party, the document details the intelligence communitys use of commercially available information (CAI). That term refers to the unfathomable amount of data that is now available on many Americans.

Via Facebook updates, Instagram posts, or simply by allowing apps to track their whereabouts, millions of people in the US leave breadcrumbs of information that can be purchased by anybody interested in finding out more about them.

And that includes the intelligence community.

The volume and sensitivity of CAI have expanded in recent years mainly due to the advancement of digital technology, including location-tracking and other features of smartphones and other electronic devices, and the advertising-based monetization models that underlie many commercial offerings available on the Internet, the report finds.

While Americans might think that they cannot be identified by some of this data, that is not true at all.

Although CAI may be anonymized, it is often possible (using other CAI) to deanonymize and identify individuals, including US persons, the document states.

Therefore, this data can be used by intelligence services or law enforcement to get information on Americans without getting a court order.

For example, under Carpenter v. United States, acquisition of persistent location information (and perhaps other detailed information) concerning one person by law enforcement from communications providers is a Fourth Amendment search that generally requires probable cause, the report states. However, the same type of information on millions of Americans is openly for sale to the general public.

This easy access to personal data, including sens...


Who Is the Strong Towns Message For? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Strong Towns advocates at the recent National Gathering in Charlotte, NC. (Source: ZED images.)

A pediatrician, a pastor, a software developer, a pilot, and an urban planner walk into a bar. (Or, well, a happy-hour drink line.)

Its not the setup for a dumb joke; its a small sampling of who I encountered at the Strong Towns National Gathering this May in Charlotte, North Carolina. Our 500 attendees were a remarkably eclectic group in almost every way.

Our membership has been like this for a long time: not a professional clique, but a broad sampling of everybody who loves and cares deeply about a place. If you are drawn to Strong Towns, its because youre someone who looks around you with a mix of frustration and determination, someone who cant help but imagine the neighborhood you call home not as it is, but as it ought to be.

Ive witnessed this for years, but it still astounds and delights me that a whole bunch of people who dont design cities for a living, and who didnt have an employer footing the bill, chose to come to Charlotte in the middle of a work week to spend a day convening with and learning from others like them: grassroots changemakers.

Our Content Strategy: Both Accessible and Substantive

Strong Towns is a movement for anyone who wants in. As the editor-in-chief of our content stream, its my job to keep us deliberate and insistent about this. The cha...


Security updates for Wednesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (ffmpeg, owslib, php7.4, and php8.2), Fedora (ntp-refclock, php, and python3.7), Red Hat (c-ares, firefox, and thunderbird), SUSE (kernel, openldap2, and tomcat), and Ubuntu (binutils, dotnet6, dotnet7, node-fetch, and python-tornado).


Critical Security Vulnerability Discovered in WooCommerce Stripe Gateway Plugin "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A critical flaw has been discovered in the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway WordPress plugin, potentially exposing sensitive information.


Fake Researcher Profiles Spread Malware through GitHub Repositories as PoC Exploits "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

At least half of dozen GitHub accounts from fake researchers associated with a fraudulent cybersecurity company have been observed pushing malicious repositories on the code hosting service. All seven repositories, which are still available as of writing, claim to be a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit for purported zero-day flaws in Discord, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Exchange Server. VulnCheck,


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Microsoft has published the latest release of their Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) implementation for running Linux distributions within the confines of Windows. With the WSL 1.3.10 update there is now experimental memory reclaim support and other changes...


One more person killed in elephant attack in a district of Odisha, India - at least have 18 died there in last 6 months "IndyWatch Feed World"

One more person was trampled to death by a tusker in Odisha's Dehnkanal district on Sunday. As per reports, the man, identified as Banamali Nayak of Ganjara village under Babandh forest section of Hindol range in the district, had gone to a field on the outskirt of the village to attend to call of nature. An elephant from nearby forest came charging at him and trampled him. Banamali died on the spot. On hearing the trumpet of the elephant, the villagers rushed to the spot and herded the tusker to the forest. Tension prevailed in the area as the villagers came down to the main road to stage a protest against elephant menace which has been recurringly claiming human lives.


West Bank Shooting Injures 4 Israelis as Hamas Warns against Ben Gvir Police Bill "IndyWatch Feed War"

June 13, 2023 Injuries were reported among Israelis in the West Bank on Tuesday as Hamas resistance movement warned against a bill that would grant so-called National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir sweeping powers to direct police to take far-ranging actions against suspects who have not been charged with any crime. Four Israelis were wounded []


Dad fails to overturn convictions in disturbing 'evil spirit' child abuse case "IndyWatch Feed World"

WARNING, DISTRESSING CONTENT. The man pleaded not guilty to two counts of assault causing serious harm and to three counts of child cruelty, telling gardai he believed his daughter to be possessed by a devil, known in the Arabic community as a 'jinn'. A father who believed his daughter was possessed by an evil spirit and engaged in "savage" physical abuse which "destroyed" her and left her with a catastrophic brain injury, has failed in a bid to overturn his convictions. The then nine-year-old girl was regularly punched, beaten with a belt and a stick, choked, bitten and badly burned all over her body at the hands of both her father and mother, whose other children testified against them at trial last year. The girl is now in a care centre and can no longer walk, talk or sit independently since the brain injury.


Wild elephants trample elderly couple to death in Assam, India - 812 killed across the state in the last decade "IndyWatch Feed World"

In another tragic incident of man-elephant conflict, an elderly couple was fatally trampled by a herd of wild elephants on Monday at Bogai Reserve Forest in Assam's Chaygaon. The victims, Thuleswar Rabha (55) and Nilima Rabha (50), were residents of Kochpara village in Chaygaon. The unfortunate event occurred when the couple ventured to the hills of Bogai Reserve Forest for cultivation early in the morning. Local sources reported that the bodies were discovered by villagers who had gone to collect firewood in the area. The couple was known to engage in daily cultivation activities on the hillside. As soon as the bodies were found, the villagers, along with the Boko police, Bamunigaon Forest officials, and a medical team, were promptly notified. They swiftly arrived at the scene and recovered the bodies.


Oracle's GraalVM Native Image Now Defaults To x86-64-v3, IGV Open-Sourced "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Oracle has published the latest community edition releases of GraalVM targeting JDK17 and JDK20. GraalVM also continues to support a variety of other languages beyond Java as well...


Waitare they REALLY going to do a UFO psy-op? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Kit Knightly Late last week it was widely reported that the United States government had recovered an intact alien spacecraft from a crash site. The supposed revelation comes from one David Grusch, a former military intelligence agent, who turned whistleblower and told the press that this supposed craft distorted time and space, was bigger on


How Arizona Stands Between Tribes and Their Water "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for Dispatches, a newsletter that spotlights wrongdoing around the country, to receive our stories in your inbox every week.

The Dilkon Medical Center, a sprawling, $128 million facility on the Navajo Nation in Arizona, was completed a year ago. With an emergency room, pharmacy and housing for more than 100 staff members, the new hospital was cause for celebration in a community that has to travel long distances for all but the most basic health care.

Sign up for Dispatches, a ProPublica newsletter about wrongdoing in America.

But there hasnt been enough clean water to fill a large tank that stands nearby, so the hospital sits empty.

The Navajo Nation has for years been locked in contentious negotiations with the state of Arizona over water. With the tribes claims not yet settled, the water sources it can access are limited.

The hospital tried tapping an aquifer, but the water was too salty to use. If it could reach an agreement with the state, the tribe would have other options, perhaps even the nearby Little Colorado River. But instead, the Dilkon Medical Centers grand opening has been postponed, and its doors remain closed.

The Dilkon Medical Center. There hasnt been enough clean water to fill a large tank that stands nearby, so the hospital sits empty. (Sharon Chischilly for ProPublica and High Country News)

For the people of the Navajo Nation, the fight for water rights has real implications. Pipelines, wells and water tanks for communities, farms and businesses are delayed or never built.

ProPublica and...


Imagination PowerVR DRM Open-Source Driver Continues To Be Improved Upon "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While Imagination continues bringing-up their PowerVR Vulkan driver within Mesa, when it comes to their open-source Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) kernel driver it for now continues living PowerVR kernel driver being published...


LOL: Pride event at Burlington Massachusetts middle school becomes 'day of intolerance' as students destroy decorations, principal says "IndyWatch Feed World"

Burlington officials are facing calls to strengthen diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts after an LGBTQ+ Pride celebration at a middle school this month was disrupted by students who tore down rainbow decorations and chanted that their pronouns were "U.S.A." Parents and residents condemned the "counter-protest" during a Select Board meeting Monday night and urged officials to reinstate the board's diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI, subcommittee. A School Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday night, as officials face calls to fill a DEI administration role in the district that has been vacant since fall. Comment: Calls for a DEI Gestapo. "These displays of intolerance and homophobia are unacceptable and impact the whole community," said Nancy Bonassera, co-chair of the Burlington Equity Coalition, during the meeting.


Palestinian prisoners describe Al Mayadeen as spearhead of Arab media "IndyWatch Feed War"

June 14, 2023 ByAl Mayadeen English In a letter to Al Mayadeen Media Network for its 11th anniversary, Palestines heroic prisoners in Israeli prisons described it as the spearhead of Arab media contending against the zionist propaganda machine of disinformation. Source: Al Mayadeen Palestinian prisoners in the occupation prisons sent messages to Al Mayadeen extending their congratulations []

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