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Saturday, 24 June


Vodafone-Update: Jetzt bin ich pltzlich wieder im ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Vodafone-Update: Jetzt bin ich pltzlich wieder im 100/10 Tarif.


Lacher des Tages:Amazon named its labyrinthine ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Lacher des Tages:

Amazon named its labyrinthine Prime cancellation process after Homers Iliad
Die FTC ist gerade ein bisschen ungehalten, weil es so viel einfacher ist, ein Prime-Abo abzuschlieen, als es dann zu kndigen. Die Ilias ist Homers Werk ber den Trojanischen Krieg. Es besteht aus 24 Bchern.

Ich htte das Kndigungssystem ja eher nach der Odyssee benannt. Bei der Ilias geht es ja noch voran. Bei der Odyssee irrt Odysseus sinnlos durch die Gegend.

Die Amis haben halt keine klassische Bildung!1!!

Achtung, stabil hinsetzen! Die haben etwas bahnbrechendes ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Achtung, stabil hinsetzen! Die haben etwas bahnbrechendes herausgefunden!

Deutschlandticket wird vor allem gekauft, weil es deutschlandweit gilt
NEIN!!! Das ist ja unglaublich, Bob!

Das hat bestimmt die CIA herausgefunden. Die finden ja alles raus. Alles finden die raus!

Lawrence Lessig hat eine tolle Idee zu Big Data im ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Lawrence Lessig hat eine tolle Idee zu Big Data im Gesundheitswesen. Anonymisierung kriegen wir nicht hin, wieso also nicht einfach Deanonymisierung kriminalisieren?!

Wartet, geht noch weiter. Er pullt einen De Maiziere!

Dann komme immer irgendein "Geek, der sagt, er finde immer einen Weg zum Reverse Engineering".
Ja aber echt mal. Die Schei Geeks immer, die unsere "anonymisierten" Daten deanonymisieren!!1!

Aber keine Sorge. Lessig ist Jurist. Der wei, wie man mit Leuten umgeht, die Naturgesetze fr wichtiger halten als Gesetze von Juristen!

Die Antwort auf die bisher nicht umsetzbaren Anonymisierung besteht seiner Ansicht nach darin, Geschftsmodelle zu kriminalisieren, die mit Reverse Engineering Daten deanonymisieren.
Jawoll ja! Einfach alle in den Knast werfen. Wenn wir hier oben in vlliger Unkenntnis der Sachzusammenhnge und Faktenlage Gesetze machen, dann habt ihr da unten euch geflligst an unser virtuelles Weltbild zu halten, nicht an Fakten oder Messungen.

Warte. Ein Money Quote kommt noch.

Flugzeuge wrden auch starten und abstrzen, das passiere, und trotzdem wrden weiter Flugzeuge starten.
Was der gute Herr Lessig wohl sagt, wenn ihm jemand erklrt, dass Flugzeuge mit Fakten und Naturgesetzen im Kopf gebaut werden, und deshalb selten abstrzen? Dass sie viel hufiger abstrzen wrden, wenn sie nach Meinungen von Juristen entworfen wrden?

Im Moment versucht ja die ganze Welt, sich einen Reim ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Im Moment versucht ja die ganze Welt, sich einen Reim auf "KI" zu machen. Dabei kommen teilweise durchaus interessante berlegungen raus. Hier zum Beispiel, im Economist.

Prmisse: KI ist ein "Shoggoth" (Tentakelmonster aus dem HP-Lovecraft-Universum). Fremdartig und unverstndlich.

Lovecrafts shoggoths were artificial servants that rebelled against their creators.


But what such worries fail to acknowledge is that weve lived among shoggoths for centuries, tending to them as though they were our masters. We call them the market system, bureaucracy and even electoral democracy. The true Singularity began at least two centuries ago with the industrial revolution, when human society was transformed by vast inhuman forces. Markets and bureaucracies seem familiar, but they are actually enormous, impersonal distributed systems of information-processing that transmute the seething chaos of our collective knowledge into useful simplifications.
Und dann, weiter unten, das folgende Money Quote:
It is in this sense that LLMs are shoggoths. Like markets and bureaucracies, they represent something vast and incomprehensible that would break our minds if we beheld its full immensity.
Dem mchte ich noch folgendes bekannte Lovecraft-Zitat hinzufgen:
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Oh, nee, sorry, das war das falsche. Ich meinte das hier:
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.
Lasst uns unsere neuen AI Overlords willkommen heien!

Diese Titanic-U-Boot-Nummer gerade macht eine Menge ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Diese Titanic-U-Boot-Nummer gerade macht eine Menge Wellen.

Da ging die Meldung um, dass die ein altes Logitech-Gamepad fr die Steuerung verwenden. das finde ich OK, wrde ich auch so machen. Das ist wahrscheinlich das stabilste und haltbarste Teil im ganzen Boot. Auer die haben auch noch ein Nokia 6210 verbaut.

Nein. Wichtiger ist fr mich ein anderer Aspekt daran.

Man wei ja bei so Tech Bros und Milliardren nie, ob die uns dreist ins Gesicht lgen, oder ob die ihren eigenen Bullshit selbst glauben. Diese Frage knnen wir jetzt als beantwortet betrachten. Die glauben ihren eigenen Bullshit.

Einer der Insassen von diesem Selbstbau-U-Boot ist der Firmengrnder, so ein Disruptions-Fanboy, der fand, gesetzliche Regulierung und Sicherheitsstandards betrfen ihn nicht, weil einen sowas ja blo bei der kreativen Erfindungsarbeit aufhlt.

Da htte ich erstmal zynisch angenommen, dass der blo faselt und dann nicht selbst einsteigt. Aber er ist selbst eingestiegen.

Die glauben wirklich, dass ihr Furze nicht riechen.

Elon Musk und Mark Zuckerberg planen einen Nahkampf ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Elon Musk und Mark Zuckerberg planen einen Nahkampf in einer MMA-Arena in Las Vegas.

Ich warte ja schon lnger darauf, dass jemand Elon Musk verkloppt. Zuckerberg htte auch mal ein paar in die Fresse verdient, aber der ist ber 10 Jahre jnger als Musk und trainiert Kampfsport, hat sogar an Turnieren teilgenommen.

Aber mal ganz unabhngig von den konkreten Milliardren hier: Ich finde das eine gute Entwicklung. Wenn sich Milliardre gegenseitig verkloppen, kann es nur Gewinner geben.

Eine SSD mit SAP-Mitarbeiterdaten ist bei Ebay aufgetaucht. ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Eine SSD mit SAP-Mitarbeiterdaten ist bei Ebay aufgetaucht. Die SSD kommt anscheinend aus einem Rechenzentrum der SAP.

Das ist hchst erstaunlich, muss ich euch sagen. Die SAP ist mir bislang als absolutes Compliance-Purgatorium aufgetreten. Selbst als externer Dienstleister muss man da durch "Schulungen" durch, dass man keine USB-Sticks rumliegen lsst, und immer alles verschlsselt wird.

Dass es bei denen also berhaupt unverschlsselte SSDs gibt, und dann auch noch mit Mitarbeiterdaten drauf, ist schonmal bemerkenswert. Dass die dann auch noch jemand aus dem Rechenzentrum einfach so raustragen kann, ist noch bemerkenswerter.

Schlimmer noch:

Dem Bericht zufolge sei das bereits der fnfte Vorfall innerhalb von zwei Jahren, bei dem Festplatten aus SAPs europischen Rechenzentren verloren gingen.
Man wrde denken, dass die nach dem 1. Vorfall mal ihre Prozesse berprfen. Aber offenbar nicht.

Ich finde das bei so Compliance-Bullshit immer toll, wenn die Firmen gezielt alle Nachteile mitnehmen und sich und ihre Business-Partner grotesk ausbremsen, aber dann die Vorteile gezielt umschiffen. m(

Es ist wirklich unangenehm, wenn Ideologen es in die ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Es ist wirklich unangenehm, wenn Ideologen es in die Regierung schaffen. Die treffen Entscheidungen nicht aus inhaltlichen Grnden sondern rein aus Ideologie. Da leiden am Ende alle drunter.

Wie? Nein, nicht die Grnen. Die CDU!

Was meine ich mit Ideologie? Das hier. "Wenn auch nur ein Auto-Parkplatz wegfllt, kommt da kein Fahrradweg hin. Und dann lgen sie uns noch ins Gesicht, dass ja keine Fahrradwege abgebrochen werden, die der Schulwegsicherheit dienen. Was offensichtlich alle wren.

Und so ist es halt, wie es immer ist. Wer CDU whlt, kriegt CDU-Politik. Und irgendwann werden sie feststellen, dass man Autos nicht essen kann.

Update: Nein, nein, die CDU ist da vllig falsch verstanden worden!1!!

Neue Radwege, die bereits im Bau oder fertiggestellt sind, sollen nicht noch einmal berprft werden.
Da knnen wir drei Kreuze machen. Zuzutrauen wre es ihnen gewesen.

Oh, und auch das mit den Parkpltzen war gar nicht so schlimm!!1!

Schon bekannt war, dass Radwege, denen nicht mehr als zehn Parkpltze pro 500 Meter wegfallen oder den PNV und den Wirtschaftsverkehr nicht beeintrchtigen weiter vorangetrieben werden knnen.


[$] Removing the kthread freezer "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The final day of the 2023 Linux Storage, Filesystem, Memory-Management and BPF Summit featured three separate sessions led by Luis Chamberlain (he also led a plenary on day two); the first of those was a filesystem session on the status of the kthread-freezer-removal effort. The kthread freezer is meant to help filesystems freeze their state in order to suspend or hibernate the system, but since at least 2015, the freezer has been targeted for removal. Things did not change much a year later, nor by LSFMM in 2018 when Chamberlain had picked up Jiri Kosina's removal effort; this year, Chamberlain was back to try to push things along.


Four Key Factors to Consider in Your Online Security Strategy "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Its a fact that every organization, regardless of the sector in which it operates needs a well-defined online security strategy. The simple reason for this is that almost every company will operate online in some form. If your firm has a website or connects to the internet to access email systems, programs, and applications, its []


How Senator Ned Nwoko Misses The Ill-Fated Titan Ocean Adventure (PHOTOS) "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


Senator Ned Nwoko (Left) with the late British businessman Captain Hermish Harding during his malaria eradication campaign programme

LAGOS JUNE 23RD (URHOBOTODAY)-Senator Ned Nwoko has revealed that the late British businessman Captain Hermish Harding invited him to the Titan adventure to the Titanic debris underwater.

Harding died with four others inside a submersible that imploded in the North Atlantic Ocean while en route to view the wreck of the Titanic on June 18, 2023.

Nwoko, husband of actress Regina Daniels, paid tributes to Harding in his Instagram post on Friday after the latters death was confirmed.

He shared photos of himself and the late pilot when they both embarked on an expedition to Antarctica, adding that Harding loved adventure.


Senator Bed Nwoko ammd his Nollywood actress wife Regina Daniel having good time with late British businessman Captain Hermish Harding and his family

I have lost a very dear friend and business partner. Captain Hermish Harding. We both went on a very dangerous expedition to the Southpole Antarctica few years back, Nwoko said.

He was a gulf stream pilot who flew across the world in a record-breaking expedition by Guinness world record for circumnavigation of the earth some years ago. He descended into the Mariana. He also invited me on his space shuttle last year and this very Titan ill-fated adventure but I was tied down with national duties. Above all, he was a partner on...


Interior Sec. Haaland Supports Digging into Paiute Massacre Site for Lithium "IndyWatch Feed War"

Paiute Shoshone elder Josephine was grief-stricken after the police raid on Ox Sam Camp. The Eagle Feathers and Staff were illegally confiscated and disrespected.Interior Sec. Haaland Supports Digging into Paiute Massacre Site for LithiumRaided and terrorized by police, their Eagle Feathers taken, now Interior Sec. Deb Haaland has broken their hearts, imperiling future generations. Ox Sam Camp at


New FBI Whistleblower Says Deputy Director Threatened Agents Uncomfortable With J6 Investigations "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

FBIA whistleblower claimed Abbate threatened FBI employees concerned about the bureau's overblown response to the Jan. 6 riot.


La memoria colectiva confronta las narrativas oficiales "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Las transformaciones sociales y polticas que vive el pas obligan a profundizar en el estudio histrico de la memoria nacional, como una visin nica construida por el Estado, frente a una memoria colectiva que surge para confrontar y disputar las narrativas oficiales, consider Guillermo Hurtado Prez, del Instituto de Investigaciones Filosficas de la UNAM.

Al participar en el Conversatorio Aproximaciones a la Cultura, en el marco del Primer Encuentro de Seminarios Universitarios, Una Visin hacia el Futuro, el especialista destac que la memoria nacional siempre es conflictiva y siempre supone discrepancias que pueden llegar a ser incluso un campo de violencias.

La memoria nacional no siempre es producto del Estado. En un pas como Mxico es posible construir memoria colectiva, construir memoria nacional por fuera del Estado, incluso en contra de l y un ejemplo muy representativo es el antimonumento que se construy en memoria de los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa.

El universitario puntualiz que una manera de estudiar la memoria nacional es dejar a un lado la interpretacin que se ofrece por medio de los discursos, los desfiles oficiales o los monumentos; se requiere impulsar una investigacin multidisciplinaria que involucre diversas dimensiones de la cultura, las letras, la filosofa, la esttica, la arquitectura, la urbanstica tal y como se viene realizando en el Seminario de Investigacin sobre Historia y Memoria Nacionales, de la UNAM.

Agreg que an hay muchos aspectos que desentraar sobre la memoria nacional, pero tambin hay otro nivel en el estudio de la memoria colectiva en donde lo ms importante es entender qu hay detrs de esa memoria, quines estn construyendo esa narrativa, en que incluso ya est planteando un anlisis especfico sobre una memoria de la poltica.

El campo de la poltica es un espacio del conflicto, es un campo de la pluralidad, as es la memoria; eso es lo interesante de ella, cada quien tiene un recuerdo diferente de los acontecimientos.

Durante su ponencia, Cultura y Memoria Histrica, Hurtado Prez, subray que la memoria nacional resulta fundamental para determinar la identidad de alguien ya sea en lo individual o en lo colectivo, para ello es importante estudiar la memoria de las colectividades con un sentido coherente y con herramientas que sean objetivas y aceptadas por todos.

Gnero y resistencia

Por su parte, la poeta y ensayista Sandra Lorenzano, investigadora del Seminario Universitario de la Modernidad de la UNAM, durante su ponencia titulada CulturaGnero y Resistencia propuso llevar su reflexin hacia el mbito de la resistencia y de las disidencias.

Hablar de disidencias, dijo, en este caso de estticas sociales de la disidencia o de propuestas menores, en tanto opuestas a los d...


Hackaday Podcast 224: Star Wars Holograms, Tricorders, and Other Sensors "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Elliot and Al got together to discuss this weeks projects, and youre invited! Youll hear news about replaceable batteries in the EU, along with some news about the Hackaday Op Amp Challenge winners and the start of a new contest. This weeks choice hacks ranged from a Star Wars-style volumetric display, navigation using cosmic rays, measuring car speed with microphones, and a crazy 3D printing technique that will blow you away.

Theres plenty more where that came from. Ever tried to land a model rocket vertically? How about building a punched card reader? The cant miss articles this week cover a thermal camera review and the unintended consequences if AM radio bites the dust.

If you want to read along, the links are below for you to check out. Be sure to leave us your thoughts in the comments.

Click play to get started. Or...


What's a Small Way You Can Improve the Place You Live RIGHT Now? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Just last week, Strong Towns Staff Writer Ben Abramson praised the sincerity, tact, and thoughtfulness that epitomize the comments underneath our articles. At his previous jobs, browsing comments would be done with extreme caution, when not avoided entirely. Instead, I enter the comment stream to find intelligent, articulate commentary on the subject at hand, many from informed professionals and advocates with direct experience on the topic, Abramson said of Strong Towns comments.

As a team, we often find ourselves equally impressed by how our followers engage on social media. In fact, we recently asked our Facebook feed, Look around you. Whats a small way you can improve the place you live RIGHT now?

We were amazed by the creativity and ambition Strong Towns advocates showcased that we wanted to highlight a handful of replies to inspire our readers.

(Oh, and by the way, thanks to all who became members or renewed last week in our June member drivewe had a successful drive and were so grateful youre all on this journey with us.)

Rachel S. on Facebook wrote:

I got a 4 way intersection with crosswalks put in between two busy shopping center halves after writing to the city road people on Twitter and included a diagram of the issue. It was about a month later they had some guy do a study to see if it was necessary and then less than a year after my tweet the lights were up and running.

(7P8R+3GX Las Vegas, Nevada on Google Maps.)

In the same Facebook thread, Vanja B. shared:

Just being more observant about your city. It's not just the leaders. People in my city are apathetic about their environment. They just don't notice things like neighborhood-dividing freeways, car dependencies, poor public transport, traffic lights hanging on wires, exposed power and communication cables on poles everywhere, strip mall dominance, boxy buildings, and huge empty parking lots. If people don't know any better they can't demand better.

Over on Instagram, @thebughugger advised:

First be an active participant - use bike lanes and trails, occupy and utilize space in parks and on beaches, use courts and participate in sports. Then be an active advocate. Also part of a small business owner team a...


Gemini Links 23/06/2023: Amiga Archaeology and How to Kill a Decentralised Network "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal/Opinions

      • Lemongrass

        A sauce made from lemongrass leaves, ginger root, and a frozen chive flower, all crushed together, then covered with warmed sesame seed oil was pretty good. It probably needed either more lemongrass or an actual shallot, or maybe not to pre-heat the oil so the ginger would be sharper.

        Probably lemongrass makes for a good tea (or herbal infusion or vegetable soup, if you prefer) unless youre allergic or otherwise cannot partake. It is probably not a morning tea.

      • Friday link roundup: June 23, 2023

        Somehow I find this LitRPG-but-its-about-sports-simulation weirdly compelling. Sort of in the same neighborhood as Jon Bois 17776/20020, but not at all the same genre or writing style. Maybe I just have a thing for sports fiction despite not being into sports IRL.

        Its not perfect; the MC is written as being clumsy about stuff like gender and race and it seems like thats on purpose, and yet he still manages to seduce every beautiful woman he encounters because this is a litRPG. Despite that flaw I still find the story engaging.

      • May and June 2023

        For the first time since I started these monthly updates, I will do this for a two months periods since Ive been pretty busy lately. Next week Im traveling so I dont want to defer more the update.


        Things got more hectic by the end of the month with the collision of several things: me going to Madrid for an event (more later), having our apartment occupied for a few days by the installation of AC, and the delivery of the news on our first assignment for Bernats pre and primary school. That eventually was confirmed and now we know the school for Bernat until hes 12!

      • SpellBinding: DILOYTR Wordo: FERNS
      • ...


"Those Who Will Hear Will Hear, and Those Who Will Not Hear Will be Informed by Other Means. So It has Always Been." "IndyWatch Feed World"

 God Poet Transmitting.......

The Navy knew those people on The Fisher-Price submarine were dead a couple of hours after they went down to the sediment of The World's biggest bathtub. One of The World's biggest egotists of all time, James Cameron; also known as The King of The World... who spends all his time underwater; he knew they were dead too... or at least he wants us to know this, which is why he went out of his way to brag about it after the fact.

Why... was The World not informed at the time? A major shitstorm of media hysteria ensued... taking up most of a week... toying with public emotions over the hope that there was hope. Ah! I see. It was a distraction from The Hunter Biden Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free scam. You can expect more and more of this sort of thing now that Mr. Apocalypse and Lady Awakening have been given the power to wake up the populations by... any... means... necessary.

Yes... the force of awakening has just been increased many-fold. This is one of the reasons that Pride went belly up this year. It is why the Communist insurgency is being confronted on the grass-roots level. It is why middle school children are rebelling against the sexual programming.

I need to ask the reader a question. Feel free to take a few moments to reflect on the matter before ignoring it altogether. (grin) If there is an ever-rising number of real genders... how come you can only be changed from a man into a simulated woman... or from a woman to a simulated man? Shouldn't you be able to change into any of these other genders as well? Does this verify that it's all mental illness? Yes... we already knew that.

Boy! Am I glad I don't live in Michigan. Fascist Girl... Ice Queen Whitmer... the present governor and high priestess of election fraud, and present incarnation of Elizabeth Bathory... now wants to put you in jail for hurting the feelings of the protected classes of the mentally ill. Absurdity piles upon absurdity. Sooner or later some larger breaking point is reached. Sooner or later large numbers of crazy people are going to be acting out in public places. Oops! Right... that's already going on. Sorry.

Sooner or later something even worse is going to happen. That's what I meant to say. The good news... if you don't live there... is that this will mostly be happening in the coastal states, except on The E...


Venezuela, Imperialism and Dependency: A Conversation with Luis Britto Garca "IndyWatch Feed World"

One of the countrys key intellectuals reflects on how US Imperialism extracts value from Venezuela and other countries of the Global South.


Gold-Bar Vending Machines Rolled Out At South Korean Convenience Stores "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden Buying physical precious metals is a time-proven method of securing generational wealth while reckless central bankers debase currencies and ignite the worst...

Gold-Bar Vending Machines Rolled Out At South Korean Convenience Stores


Niega el Estado responsabilidad en desaparicin de zapatista "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Antonio Gonzlez Mndez desapareci el 18 de enero de 1999 tras reunirse con un integrante de un grupo paramilitar. Es el primer caso que llega a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos por violaciones cometidas en el marco de las acciones de contrainsurgencia de la Sedena en Chiapas

A 24 aos de la desaparicin de Antonio Gonzlez Mndez, miembro de las bases civiles de apoyo del Ejrcito Zapatista de Liberacin Nacional (EZLN), su esposa Sonia Lpez Jurez mantiene que el Estado mexicano es responsable del hecho por ocurrir en un contexto de contrainsurgencia en Chiapas, pero los representantes gubernamentales se niegan a reconocerlo, como se evidenci este mircoles ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Corte IDH).

Se trata del primer caso que llega a esta instancia internacional por violaciones cometidas en el marco de la poltica de contrainsurgencia emprendida por la Secretara de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena) tras el levantamiento zapatista de enero de 1994.

Aunque el Estado no niega la existencia de grupos paramilitares, rechaza que el caso de Gonzlez Mndez sea catalogado como una desaparicin forzada, con el argumento de que no hay indicios claros que permitan suponer que el delito se cometi con la participacin o permisividad del Estado.

Me siento enferma, preocupada, por mis hijos, cmo los voy a sostener, a alimentar. Estoy cansada, ya no quiero trabajar, me duele la cabeza, mi corazn y mi cuerpo, siento que no tengo fuerza, dijo Lpez Jurez en la audiencia virtual ante el tribunal perteneciente a la Organizacin de los Estados Americanos, que se realiz para determinar si el Estado mexicano es responsable por la violacin de los derechos a la integridad personal, a la proteccin y las garantas judiciales, y a la obligacin de no practicar la desaparicin forzada.

Gonzlez Mndez tena 32 aos cuando fue desaparecido el 18 de enero de 1999 en la comunidad El Calvario, municipio de Sabanilla, al norte de Chiapas. Perteneciente a la etnia chol y militante del Partido de la Revolucin Democrtica, atenda una tienda cooperativa llamada Arroyo Fro, vinculada a simpatizantes del EZLN.

El da de su desaparicin estaba con un joven de 17 aos, llamado Juan Regino Lpez, a quien iba a comprarle un arma. Gonzlez Mndez le dijo a su esposa, con quien tiene cuatro hijos, que regresara a su casa cerca de la una de la maana, pidindole que lo esperara despierta para que le abriera la puerta, pero nunca volvi.

De acuerdo con el Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolom de las Casas (Frayba), que acompaa a la familia del zapatista en su bsqueda de justicia, centrada en la localizacin de Gonzlez Mndez y en el castigo de los responsables, Lpez perteneca al grupo paramilitar Desarrollo, Paz y Justicia, conocido en la regin como Paz y Justicia, cercano al Partido Revolucionario Institucional.

Aunque en enero de 2022 el subsecre...


One state reality is now a liberal Zionist talking point "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israeli military vehicles are seen behind the apartheid wall in the West Bank city of Tulkarm on June 5, 2023. Photo by Mohammed Nasser apaimagesLiberal Zionists who are trying to save Israel from itself have adopted a term fashioned by the left-- "one-state reality"-- and are calling for U.S. pressure against Jewish colonization of the West Bank.


2023-2030: Artifice Vs. Doom-Loops "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Charles Hugh Smith If you prefer reality to artifice, oh, you wretched doom-and-gloomer. Just look at our social media feed, thats what real. The...

2023-2030: Artifice Vs. Doom-Loops


Biden Administration Should Remove Border Walls, Keep Wildlife Corridors Open Along U.S.-Mexico Border "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Qu necesita Mxico para proteger a las mujeres solicitantes de asilo? "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

*Abogada de asilo, Instituto para las Mujeres en la Migracin, AC (IMUMI)

Twitter. @IMUMIDF

Hace unos das se conmemor el Da Mundial de las Personas Refugiadas, dndonos la oportunidad de volver a poner en la conversacin la urgencia de que el gobierno mexicano establezca procesos de asilo diferenciados para las mujeres sobrevivientes de violencia de gnero, as como polticas pblicas y programas para protegerlas durante su proceso y cuando son reconocidas como refugiadas.

Aunque Mxico reconoce la violencia de gnero como un motivo para solicitar y recibir asilo, de acuerdo con la Ley sobre Refugiados, Proteccin Complementaria y Asilo Poltico, las mujeres se enfrentan a un sistema desigual en la resolucin de sus solicitudes.

Los obstculos para estas mujeres son muchos: la Comisin Mexicana de Ayuda a Refugiados (COMAR) no busca identificar este tipo de casos, por lo que las mujeres no reciben un acompaamiento psicosocial y mdico, condiciones necesarias para un proceso que implica contar su historia una y otra vez; se enfrentan a funcionarios poco preparados que las revictimizan y juzgan, para despus argumentar que en sus pases de origen existen leyes y compromisos internacionales que sus gobiernos han firmado para prevenir y erradicar la violencia contra las mujeres, sin hacer una investigacin profunda sobre la deficiencia de esos mecanismos y los contextos de los que escapan. Si la violencia las alcanza en Mxico, es casi imposible acceder a la justicia, pues las autoridades no toman las denuncias bajo el argumento de que ellas son migrantes y no tienen un documento de estancia regular en el pas.

Adems, el proceso de asilo en Mxico implica permanecer en la entidad donde se inici el trmite, y cuando las mujeres son alcanzadas por sus persecutores o son vctimas de delitos y se ven obligadas a movilizarse por el pas, su proceso ante la COMAR se da por abandonado, sin que exista flexibilidad de la autoridad para reanudar el trmite en otro lugar, aunque la ley s lo prev. Al tiempo que se carece de espacios seguros en los que las mujeres puedan estar mientras esperan por una respuesta a su solicitud de asilo, lo que puede ser un factor determinante para que concluyan su proceso.

De acuerdo con la Comisin Mexicana de Ayuda a Refugiados (COMAR), desde hace ms de una dcada, 4 de cada 10 solicitudes de asilo en el pas son de mujeres, sin embargo, no se lleva una estadstica especfica para identificar cules de estos casos son sobre violencia de gnero. Mientras que 3 de cada 10 personas en los eventos de detencin migratoria son mujeres. Los principales pases de procedencia son Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Hait y Venezuela.

Pero vayamos un paso atrs. Aunque la migracin es multicausal, a menudo las mujeres salen de sus pases por causas relacionadas con la violencia de gnero, la persecucin y amenazas haca ellas o sus familias, l...


Trump Boasts He Wanted to Take Venezuelas Oil After Overthrowing Its Government "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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El mundo abandona Cisjordania a la violencia de los colonos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Sadeel Ghassan Turkman, de 15 aos, muerta el 21 de junio de 2023 despus de resultar herida en los ataques israeles durante el asedio a Jenin dos das antes.

Se cierra una semana ms de violencia e impunidad en Palestina. La pinza entre un ejrcito israel fuertemente armado, y colonos que han hecho de arrasar campos y barrios palestinos una prctica habitual deja a cinco palestinos muertos entre ellos una nia y decenas de casas y propiedades destrozadas por el fuego.

Mientras, una semana despus del que parece el segundo peor naufragio en el Mediterrneo con unas 750 vidas perdidas, Grecia y Frontex siguen sin asumir su responsabilidad ante el abandono del barco a su suerte. La inestabilidad poltica en Lbano, donde no se consigue elegir un presidente por duodcima vez, y la sensacin de impunidad que se expade en la regin cierran un panorama difcil para la ciudadana.

La violencia de los colonos invade Cisjordania

Helicpteros militares israeles abriendo fuego contra un campo de refugiados palestinos. La distopa contina. Los dirigentes israeles decidieron recurrir a este tipo de armamento areo en territorio ocupado por primera vez desde 2002. Mataron a cinco palestinos, uno de ellos menor de edad, e hirieron a 91. Ocurri el lunes en el campo de refugiados de Jenn, y los vecinos de la zona aseguran que los hechos les recordaron los das ms oscuros de la Segunda Intifada, tambin dos dcadas atrs.

Lo que ocurri hoy no es algo fcil de llevar para ninguno de los residentes de Jenin ni para nadie que haya perdido seres queridos [debido a la accin militar israel], contaba a la prensa Wafa Jarrar, residente del campo de refugiados de Jenn. Ella misma, veinte aos atrs, perdi a su primo durante unos ataques areos similares a los que tuvieron lugar el lunes. Esto nos trae recuerdos horribles, insista la mujer: no es nada fcil ni a nivel psicolgico ni emocional.

El helicptero Apache utilizado tanto en 2002 como durante esta semana ha sido descrito por expertos en la materia como un tanque volador. Tambin se dice de este modelo que es el helicptero ms letal que nunca se haya creado. EEUU lo export durante aos tanto a Israel como a otros regimenes violentos de la regin, incluyendo Egipto, Arabia Saud o Marruecos.

Los paramdicos palestinos denuncian que los soldados israeles disparan contra civiles durante sus incursiones militares, y que a menudo apuntan contra rganos vitales

Aqul mismo da ...


Freedom or Martyrdom: Walid Daqqahs fate is in our hands "IndyWatch Feed War"

Milad Daqqa, left, standing next to a poster depicting her father, Walid Daqqa, holding up the victory sign with the sentence The Palestinian Youth Movement calls on the international community to demand the immediate release of Walid Daqqah and expose the illegal nature of his imprisonment.


Panorama: Jujuy, litio y extractivismo de norte a sur "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Cristian Cartier / Martn Longo / Tlam

A ms extractivismo, menos democracia, resume el sentir de territorios sacudidos por el modelo minero, petrolero, forestal y del agronegocio. As como Jujuy estall con movilizaciones y represin, otros pueblos son violentados cotidianamente y el progresismo y sectores de DDHH miran para otro lado. No hay grieta para el extractivismo y se impone con violencia.

Represin para extraer el litio de los territorios del pueblo kolla y atacama.

Violencia para explotar Vaca Muerta en territorio mapuche.

Judicializacin para desalojar y fumigar con agrotxicos a familias campesinas y poblaciones invadidas por el agronegocio.

Es el ADN del extractivismo: represin, violacin de derechos, contaminacin, falta de democracia real.

Los violentos hechos del gobierno de Jujuy son un captulo ms en cmo se impone el extractivismo sobre las comunidades indgenas y campesinos (aunque no solo en esos lugares). El poder econmico y poltico junto con sus aliados judiciales y mediticos intenta arrebatar los territorios indgenas para entregarlos a las empresas mineras, petroleras, forestales y del agronegocio.

Desde el peronismo gobernante se argumenta, intentando retener votos y aparatos estatales, que los hechos de Jujuy son un ensayo de los que ser un prximo gobierno de Juntos por el Cambio (ya sea con Larreta o con Bullrich). Desde los territorios sometidos al extractivismo, y desde los pueblos que sufren represiones cotidianas, se puede leer que Jujuy es un botn ms de muestra de lo que en distintas intensidades ya sucede en los territorios, tanto con gobiernos peronistas como con radicales.

Represion en Purmamarca contra la reforma de la Constitucin en Jujuy
Foto: Susi Maresca

Un reclamo antiguo ante odos siempre sordos

Desde hace ms de diez aos que las comunidades del Pueblo Kolla y Atacama denuncian (incluso con audiencia en la Corte Suprema) la vulneracin de derechos de la minera del litio en Jujuy y Salta.

Los pesares indgenas, y sus reclamos, son tan antiguos como la historia del continente. El pasado de Jujuy es abundante en luchas indgenas. Un hecho importante, no el primero, sucedi en 1946, durante el primer gobierno peronista, cuando un centenar de indgenas march caminando desde Jujuy hasta Plaza de Mayo en reclamo de territorios. El hecho, indito, qued en la historia como el Maln de la Paz. Fueron casi dos meses de caminata para gritar en Buenos Aires una deuda sile...


A Few Thoughts "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  No, that doesnt apply to me quite yet. Im still working.   Its time for a mini-rant I have a few rants for the day before I head out to the wood splitter and get some cured alligator juniper cut and stacked. First   I like beans on toast. But the proper beans for []

The post A Few Thoughts appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Live at 1PM ET Sticking It to the Mann A Pushback on Climate Scientist Dr. Michael Mann "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Recently, hockey stick creator Dr. Michael Mann went on CBC to try linking wildfires and climate change, and the result was laughable. Well give Mann the attention he craves with

The post Live at 1PM ET Sticking It to the Mann A Pushback on Climate Scientist Dr. Michael Mann first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Crnica del despojo: Reserva de vida vs. Parking para carros "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Vivir en San Francisco, California, es ambivalente. Por un lado, es una ciudad hermosa, nica en su tipo y habitada por muchas personas y colectivos que son crticos ante el sistema. Adems, es la casa de los grandes capitalistas, como Tesla, cercana a Sillicon Valley, y otros ms que orquestan el sistema econmico mundial. Vivir en esta ambigedad definitivamente genera muchas confrontaciones, tal como pasa con habitantes del Distrito de la Misin en San Francisco.

La gente an sigue padeciendo las consecuencias del encierro que se dict en la pandemia de Covid19, muchos salieron y siguieron la vida, pero otros al salir, comenzaron a recuperar los espacios que pudieran y as, ponerlos a disposicin de la colectividad. De los ms significativos estn los jardines comunitarios, de hecho, existe una Red en la que se suman sujetos que simple y sencillamente toman sus palas, azadones, tijeras y montn de semillas para comenzar con sus jardines. Ese es el inicio, porque inmediatamente comienza a necesitar de una colectividad y ah, todxs juntxs, se despliegan montn de actividades que dignifican sus vidas, como, por ejemplo, talleres de medicina tradicional, alimentacin, alfabetizacin, historia, arte, msica, etc. 

El problema es que, como les advert, ellos viven en un espacio ambivalente, ambiguo, y entonces se dan cuenta que aunque existen grandes esfuerzos por recuperar la vida digna, tambin est el mundo donde todo es una mercanca o se mercantiliza, todo tiene precio.

Algunos jardineros se vincularon con el Comit de Madres Latinas de la Misin e Integrarte SF una organizacin cultural de base del barrio, que en su conjunto se articularon para atender la urgente necesidad de crear espacios de sanacin y aprendizaje. Algunos jardineros se percataron de que la va estaba abandonada y comenzaron a llenarla de cajas y macetas de plantas, arbustos, flores y hierbas. Tambin colocaron una pequea mesa y sillas que utilizan para hacer la pltica. Esos insumos tan sencillos, son los ingredientes para generar un espacio de convivialidad, as que pronto llegaron los msicos, los jvenes, nios, mujeres a convivir.

En ese mismo callejn, estn dos empresas: una es un preescolar privado de nombre Mission Kids y una empresa de internet llamada Monkey Brains, ambas empresas quieren ese espacio de vida para los coches de sus clientes y trabajadores.

De quin es la tierra? La ciudad ha mencionado que no se ha podido ubicar a un dueo, y que no puede impedir que ese espacio sea utilizado como un estacionamiento privado. La Supervisora del Distrito de la Misin Hilary Ronen no ha hecho nada al respecto, por el contrario, apoya a los negocios ya que segn ella son negocios que proveen servicios necesarios en el ba...


Justice Kavanaugh May Not Realize It But His Opening Statement is Premised on the Doctrine of Discovery "IndyWatch Feed War"

Navajos at Bosque Redondo, Fort Sumner, New MexicoJustice Kavanaugh May Not Realize It But His Opening Statement is Premised on the Doctrine of DiscoverySteve Melendez, Paiute President, American Indian Genocide MuseumCensored NewsOn June 23, 2023, Justice Kavanaugh delivered the opinion of the Court: In 1848, the United States won the Mexican-American War and acquired vast new territory from


Biden Walks Back on Ukraines NATO Accession "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Migrants and Refugees: The Greek Boat Disaster Was Caused by the EU "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Denuncian nuevos ataques armados contra tres comunidades zapatistas en Chiapas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. El Congreso Nacional Indgena (CNI) y oragnizaciones de derechos humanos denunciaron una nueva serie de ataques armados perpetrados por la Organizacin de Cafeticultores de Ocosingo (Orcao) contra las comunidades autnomas de Emiliano Zapata, San Isidro y Moiss y Gandhi, en Chiapas.

Las agresiones, registradas del 19 al 22 de junio, van desde la quema de parcelas hasta ataques armados con detonaciones de armas de fuego de alto y bajo calibre contra las familias Bases de Apoyo del Ejrcito Zapatista de Liberacin Nacional (BAEZLN), precisaron las organizaciones.

El da con ms detonaciones se registr el pasado 21 de junio, con ataques de la Orcao desde las 12:50 horas. De acuerdo con el CNI y las organizaciones de la Red Nacional de Organismos Civiles de Derechos Humanos Todos los Derechos para Todas y Todos (Red TDT), para las 18:50 horas de ese da sumaban al menos 716 disparos de diferentes calibres.

Simultneamente atacaron a las comunidades zapatistas de Emiliano Zapata, San Isidro y a Moiss y Gandhi; en esta ltima incendiaron la parcela adjunta a la Escuela Secundaria Autnoma, misma que se encuentra a escasos 50 metros de las casas de las familias zapatistas, agregaron.

Los ltimos ataques documentos fueron este 22 de junio, da en que se cumple un mes de la agresin armada de la Orcao contra la comunidad autnoma de Moiss Gandhi, donde el tseltal Jorge Lpez Sntiz result gravemente herido y an se encuentra en un estado de salud delicado.

El CNI y las organizaciones de derechos humanos exigieron garantizar de manera emergente la vida, seguridad e integridad fsica y psicolgica de las familias zapatistas, as como investigar y deslindar responsabilidades por el hecho delictivo de intento de homicidio y ataques armados perpetrados en contra de los habitantes de las comunidades que integran la Regin de Moiss y Gandhi.

Finalmente, remarcaron su exigencia del cese inmediato a la guerra contra las comunidades autnomas en Chiapas.

A continuacin el comunicado completo:

Del 19 al 22 de junio de 2023, integrantes de la Organizacin de Cafeticultores de Ocosingo (Orcao), realizaron una serie de ataques que ponen en riesgo a tres comunidades zapatistasEmiliano Zapata, San Isidro y Moiss y Gandhi, que forman parte de la Regin Moiss y Gandhi y estn ubicadas en el municipio de Ocosingo, Chiapas: los ataques van desde la quema de parcelas hasta ataques armados que al momento de la emisin de esta Accin Urgente, no han frenado.  

Desde el 19 de junio aproximadamente a las 14:00 horas, el grupo armado dispar desde San Felipe y San Antonio Las Flores, contabilizando al menos 67 detonaciones de armas de fuego de alto calibre y 13 de bajo calibre, adems de la quema de las parcelas en las que trabajan las familias Bases de Apoyo del Ejrcito Zapatista de Liberac...


Re: CVE-2023-34241: CUPS: use-after-free in cupsdAcceptClient() "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Solar Designer on Jun 23

Of course, this wasn't actually embargoed anymore at that time - Zdenek
simply resent the exact same message he had sent to the distros list on
June 13, when the issue was in fact still embargoed.

Similarly, the previous CUPS vulnerability disclosure on June 1 was a
copy of the distros message from May 23:

Let's be updating these when posting them publicly going forward to...


The Enemy Is Not a Human Being "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: Louis Rossmann: After that video, Amazon terminated Rossmanns affiliate account:


Ukraine Situation Report: Counteroffensive Slowed by 77,000 Square Miles of Mines "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Wallarm API Abuse Prevention protects organizations against bot-based attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Wallarm announced its API Abuse Prevention feature to address one of the most critical API threats: bot-based attacks. Wallarm can now accurately identify and mitigate API bot activity, protecting systems against API abuse, account takeover (ATO), and price scraping. This new feature prevents potential revenue loss, protects customer information, and defends against reputational damage, while ensuring the best possible experience for legitimate API users. Bots are a growing threat to API security, and traditional methods More

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No one is crowing now "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sylvia Shawcross It is the first time the crows did not come in the morning. Under the red sun and yellow skies. In the forty years I have been here it was the first morning I did not hear their loud impatience. The air did not smell of the smoke of the northern wildfires but


Commodore Floppy Drive Fixing Chaos "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

One of the best parts of retrocomputing is that you can obtain so many broken systems and peripherals for repairing and other assorted fun. This was the wholesome activity that [Drygol] embarked on recently with a gaggle of Commodore floppy disk drives that he obtained, involving a lot of cleaning, soldering, calibrating and other assorted entertainment. This follows cold on the heels of an earlier repair session of a stash of Commodore 1541 FDDs.



They Want to Implement a Global System of Digital Identification For All That Would be Connected to Our Bank Accounts "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Fortinet fixes critical FortiNAC RCE, install updates asap "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Fortinet addressed a critical remote command execution vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-33299, affecting FortiNAC solution.

FortiNAC is a network access control (NAC) solution designed by Fortinet that is used by organizations to secure and control access to networks by enforcing security policies, monitoring devices, and managing their access privileges.

FortiNAC helps organizations protect their network infrastructure by providing visibility and control over devices that connect to the network, such as laptops, smartphones, IoT devices, and other endpoints. It enables network administrators to define and enforce security policies, authenticate and authorize devices, and monitor network activity.

Fortinet has released security updates to address a critical vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-33299 (CVSS score 9.6/10), that can be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code and commands on vulnerable devices.

A deserialization of untrusted data vulnerability [CWE-502] in FortiNAC may allow an unauthenticated user to execute unauthorized code or commands via specifically crafted requests to the tcp/1050 service. reads the advisory.

The vulnerability was reported to the company by Florian Hauser from CODE WHITE.

Below are the impacted products:

FortiNAC 8.8 all versions
FortiNAC 8.7 all versions
FortiNAC 8.6 all versions
FortiNAC 8.5 all versions
FortiNAC 8.3 all versions

The company released the following updates to address the issue:

Customers are recommended to immediately install the above

Follow me on Twitter: @securityaffairs and Facebook and Mastodon

Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs  hacking, FortiNAC)

The post Fortine...


Neocons Pushing for Nuclear War NOW! "IndyWatch Feed World"



The most notorious Washington Neocon, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC), and his equal Neocon on the Democratic side, Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), have introduced a Resolution in the Senate in hopes of justifying World War III stating that if Russia, or one of its Proxy Belarus just as Ukraine is our Proxy, detonates a Tactical nuclear bomb inside Ukraine, or if something happens to the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant causing radiation leakage, then they want to use nuclear weapons and are saying they will completely annihilate Russia. They are calling that an attack upon NATO claiming that radiation would spread to Europe,  triggering a full-blown nuclear war.

So, if Russia uses a small tactical nuclear weapon, then NATO and the USA are justified in obliterating Russia where the nuclear fallout would wipe out much of Europe and spread to China. So using their logic, China would then be justified in nuking the United States.

The whole problem here is to listen to their threats. They make it sound that the West can obliterate Russia and they are somehow powerless to retaliate taking out Washington, London, Brussels, Frankfurt, Paris, Rome, and of course, the cancer destroying the world Kyiv.

The Donbas was supposed to have a free election. It has been occupied by Russians for hundreds of years. If China invaded Guam or the Philippines, the US would likewise claim they have an obligation to protect Americans living there.

Graham is just a vile man who is consumed with hate and his mission in life is to destroy Russia at any cost even if he destroys the future of Western Civilization.

Our government NO LONGER represents the people. It represents only the Neocon agenda. Our entire future and our way of life are to be destroyed all because they hate Russians and want to kill every last one of them. It is Ukraine invading the Donbas occupied by Russians for centuries not the other way around.

Meanwhile, that nuclear plant they claim if it leaks any radiation Graham wants to use that as the excuse to start World War III. Russia captured that early during the war. Obviously, they should now turn it off, and export the uranium back to Russia since that is now an excuse to start World War III. South Carolina, if you do not demand to impeach Lindsey Graham, you are going to...


Sears Roebuck and Co. and the Stony Brook U. Sch. Of Med.: A Reminisce "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This column is not about politics. It is about my various connections, since childhood, with what once was the greatest retailing company in the United States, Sears Roebuck. I had fun writing this one. I hope that you will have some fun reading it.


AUKUS: Part of a Multi-pronged Strategy to Preserve US Regional Dominance "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Cybercrime Group 'Muddled Libra' Targets BPO Sector with Advanced Social Engineering "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A threat actor known as Muddled Libra is targeting the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry with persistent attacks that leverage advanced social engineering ploys to gain initial access. "The attack style defining Muddled Libra appeared on the cybersecurity radar in late 2022 with the release of the 0ktapus phishing kit, which offered a prebuilt hosting framework and bundled templates,"


Northumberland outlet corrects egregiously misleading article "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Hexham Courant a weekly newspaper serving Tynedale in Northumberland, in Northeast England upheld our complaint and corrected an egregiously biased and misleading article (Hexham holds eye-opening Israel/Palestine talk at centre, June 22).

Specifically, the article conflated opinions with facts, which is inconsistent with the Accuracy clause of the Editors Code, which states the Press, while free to editorialise and campaign, must distinguish clearly between comment, conjecture and fact.
The article began:

Mike Reed of Amnesty International took time out of his holiday in Northumberland to visit St Marys Centre on Saturday, June 17 and give a talk on the Israel/Palestine situation.

The conflict between the two Middle Eastern countries is one of the worlds most enduring and continues to spark debate across the planet.

The UK, among many other nations, doesnt recognise Palestine as a country, nor does it enjoy full membership at the UN.

The article continued:

Reed presented Amnesty Internationals report from 2022 regarding the conflict and gave a rigorous explanation of the facts and effects of apartheid on the Palestinian people.

The fallacious report by Amnesty International alleging that Israel is an apartheid state, which is strongly refuted by many of the leading democracies, including...


Adverse Effects of Face Masks Confirmed "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Apocalypse Now for Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Defining Dictator Down Wont Make Us Free "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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As I Said, a Nano-Second to Midnight "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Linux 6.5 To Bring Better NUMA Awareness For The NFSD/RDMA Server "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Among the early pull requests already submitted for the Linux 6.5 merge window that is expected to open next week are the Linux NFS server (NFSD) changes. Notable this cycle is the NFSD and RDMA server code having better NUMA awareness...


Windrush victims cant get legal aid to challenge compensation decisions "IndyWatch Feed"

Windrush compensation claimants are being directed to a service that offers help filling in forms and nothing else


Bobby Kennedy Is Winning "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: Tucker Carlson: Ep. 6 Bobby Kennedy is winning Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 22, 2023


15 Questions That Are More Useful Than What Presidential Candidate Should Americans Vote For? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Caitlin Johnstone People keep asking me to weigh in on the US presidential race and its candidates, which is what always happens whenever theres...

15 Questions That Are More Useful Than What Presidential Candidate Should Americans Vote For?


Moving Ukraine Closer to NATO New World Next Week with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By The Corbett Report Welcome to #NewWorldNextWeek the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments...

Moving Ukraine Closer to NATO New World Next Week with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato


Israeli Occupation: How Microsoft, IBM, Cisco and Dell Enable Surveillance and Control in Palestine "IndyWatch Feed World"

In September, Israel installed an AI-powered gun at a military checkpoint in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron. Now, that same technology has been deployed at the entrance of the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem. Across occupied East Jerusalem, you can find surveillance cameras strategically placed on street corners. And throughout the West Bank, Palestinians encounters with Israeli soldiers often include not only violence but face-scanning apps designed to capture their personal data.

Technology has become integral to our modern lives, but for Palestinians, Big Tech has also become another way Israel enacts control.

Who Profits, an Israeli research center documenting the private sectors links to Israeli occupation, released a report in May on multinational tech companies role in facilitating Israels human rights violations. The impact of each company ranges, with some overseeing a major project while others provide equipment to a system already in place.

Who Profits wrote in its analysis:

Regardless of scale, the work of these companies bolsters the capacity of an already highly technological and data-oriented Israeli occupation economy and its capacity to dispossess, repress, control and subject Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line to pervasive surveillance. 

While countless Israeli and international companies are involved in the Israeli occupation, Who Profits highlighted four American tech corporations in its report: Microsoft, IBM, Cisco Systems, and Dell Technologies.


Big Techs role

According to Who Profits, multinational tech firm Microsoft one of the worlds largest IT companies has a long history of collaboration with the Israeli military and tech industry.

The Al Munaseq (the coordinator in Arabic) application runs on Microsoft Azure, the companys platform for cloud computing services. It was developed by Israels Ministry of Defense and is used to manage permits for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza when entering 1948-occupied Palestine or modern-day Israel. The app can access a permit holders phones IP address, camera, files, and location.

Microsoft has immersed itself in the Israeli militarys ties to the education sector. The company currently offers AI courses for officers in the military fighting methods and innovation unit. It also recently launched free cybersecurity training courses for veterans and is partneri...


[$] Reports from OSPM 2023, part 3 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The fifth conference on Power Management and Scheduling in the Linux Kernel (abbreviated "OSPM") was held on April 17 to 19 in Ancona, Italy. LWN was not there, unfortunately, but the attendees of the event have gotten together to write up summaries of the discussions that took place and LWN has the privilege of being able to publish them. Reports from the third and final day of the event appear below.


Tanium strengthens threat identification capabilities and enhances endpoint reach "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Tanium released major enhancements to the Tanium Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) that now include Common Vulnerability and Exposures (CVE) information. Software supply chain attacks continue to spike due in part to the increasing reliance of organizations on numerous third-party suppliers and service providers. To keep a firm pulse on the threats facing todays most vulnerable and highly targeted organizations, Tanium has added SBOM to its Vulnerability Management solution to find, prioritize, and remediate emerging More

The post Tanium strengthens threat identification capabilities and enhances endpoint reach appeared first on Help Net Security.


Explore Telepathic Communication With Your Animals and Pets Free Online Event "IndyWatch Feed World"

How many times have you wondered what your beloved animal companion is thinking? Imagine how wonderful it would be if you could decipher their thoughts and emotions and anticipate their needs and desires. Even more remarkably, if they could understand yours. Meaningful two-way psychic communication is possible, according to Joan Ranquet, a sought-after animal []

The post Explore Telepathic Communication With Your Animals and Pets Free Online Event first appeared on Wake Up World.


This Week in Security: nOAuth, MiniDLNA, and Ticket to Ride "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Theres a fun logic flaw in how multiple online services handle OAuth logins, that abuses Microsofts Azure Active Directory service to allow account takeovers. The problem is how a site handles the Sign In With Microsoft option, when theres an existing account under the same email address. This is an irritating problem for an end-user, when a site offers multiple sign-in options. Trying to remember which option was used to set up an account is a struggle, so many services automatically merge accounts.

The problem is that the Microsoft Azure authentication information includes an email address, but Microsoft hasnt done any verification that the account in question actually controls that address. And in fact, its trivial for the Azure admin to change that address at whim. So if the service accepts that email address as authoritative, and auto-merges the accounts, its a trivial account takeover. And its more than just a theoretical problem, as researchers at descope were able to demonstrate the attack, and have found multiple medium and large services that were vulnerable, as well as at least two authentication providers that themselves were vulnerable to this attack.

Microsoft has pushed updates to the Azure AD service to make the issue easier to avoid, though it seems that the unverified email field is still being sent on authentication transactions. There is a new flag, R...

Friday, 23 June


Security updates for Friday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (asterisk, lua5.3, and trafficserver), Fedora (tang and trafficserver), Oracle (.NET 7.0, c-ares, firefox, openssl, postgresql, python3, texlive, and thunderbird), Red Hat (python27:2.7 and python39:3.9 and python39-devel:3.9), Scientific Linux (c-ares), Slackware (cups), SUSE (cups, dav1d, google-cloud-sap-agent, java-1_8_0-openjdk, libX11, openssl-1_0_0, openssl-1_1, openssl-3, openvswitch, and python-sqlparse), and Ubuntu (cups, dotnet6, dotnet7, and openssl).


Advanced Closed Loop (ACL) GEOTHERMAL ENERGY RECOVERY is Under Study in Japan "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

CLOSED LOOP HEAT TRANSFER SYSTEM ~ The working fluid is circulated from the surface into the geothermal zone and back

MOECO and Chevron to Explore Advanced Closed Loop Geothermal Pilot in Hokkaido, Japan

>>> From the Press Release Published by Business Wire, June 21, 2023

TOKYO Chevron New Energies Japan GK (Chevron New Energies Japan), a subsidiary of Chevron U.S.A. Inc., and Mitsui Oil Exploration Co., Ltd (MOECO) today announced execution of definitive agreements to proceed with the pilot testing of advanced geothermal technology. Pursuant to these agreements, Chevron and MOECO will conduct pilot tests of a developing novel geothermal technology, specifically advanced closed loop (ACL) technology.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

In September 2022, Chevron New Energies International Pte, Ltd. signed a joint collaboration agreement (JCA) with MOECO to further explore the technical and commercial feasibility of advanced geothermal energy development and other new energies technology. The agreements to conduct pilot testing by Chevron New Energies Japan and MOECO is the first project contemplated by the JCA.

ACL technology involves sub surface heat exchange through conduction by circulating a working fluid from the surface through a loop of underground wells to generate electricity (through surface facilities) by utilizing sub surface geothermal heat (sub surface radiator). It does not require direct extraction of hot water (brine) or steam from underground reservoirs, as is the case with conventional geothermal technology.

ACL is gaining momentum worldwide as a novel technology that has the potential to unlock geothermal energy globally in multiple locations, closer to load and customers, promoting geothermal development which can be a lower carbon energy solution and a reliable baseload.

The pilot test using this ACL technology is expected to be conducted in the Niseko region of Hokkaido, Japan, with the aim of derisking, scaling and commercializing geothermal power generation based on ACL technology with additional potential as a heat resource. MOECO and Chevron New Energies Japan will consider commercial applications based on learnings from this...


SDDM 0.20 Display Manager Released With Experimental Wayland Greeter "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

SDDM as the QML-based X11 and Wayland display manager commonly used on KDE systems and elsewhere is finally out with a new release...


Green Bolt of Lightning Captured on Jupiter "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

NASAs JunoCam captured green lightning near Jupiters north pole. See the spectacular image and learn why lighting on the Gas Giant is green.


Future Toyota Vehicles Could Be Partially Designed By AI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Artificial intelligence has possibly been the most popular term in 2023 so far many industries are starting to explore new problem-solving possibilities thanks to machine learning technologies. The automotive industry isnt lagging behind with many companies already using AI for different tasks within their research and development divisions. Toyota now announces it is starting to research AI-based car design thanks to its generative artificial intelligence technique developed by the Toyota Research Institute (TRI).

Dont worry your next Tacoma truck wont have a purely AI-designed exterior. Instead, Toyota wants to use the technology in the early design stages where different iterations of a certain project are needed for engineering considerations. Or, simply put, if the automaker decides to build a new large two-door coupe, it could ask AI to generate a number of early designs based on preset parameters. Such is the case with the rendering you see attached at the top of this article it has been created by artificial intelligence.


IonQ moves ahead with Forte quantum computers and its facility in Seattle area "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Maryland-based IonQ is expanding the commercial availability of its next-generation Forte quantum computer and ramping up its research and production facility in the Seattle area to work on the next, next generation.

Forte is expected to bring the quantum frontier closer to the point that customers can start running real-world applications rather than merely experimenting with quantum capabilities, said Chris Monroe, co-founder and chief scientist at IonQ.

Were not talking a decade away here anymore, he told GeekWire.


Virgin Galactic raises $300 million, seeks another $400 million to expand spacecraft fleet "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The company opened the first fundraiser August 4, saying at the time that the funds would be used for general corporate purposes, including working capital, general and administrative matters, development of its spaceship fleet and other infrastructure to scale its commercial operations.

Virgin Galactic had cash and securities totaling $874 million at the end of the first quarter, it reported in May.

The company has a single carrier aircraft, VMS Eve, and one spacecraft, VSS Unity, which it has said can conduct flights as frequently as once a month.


Would you take this job? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

OceanGate is hiring!

If youve played video games on a console, then you are ready to operate complex systems.

Its not clear if this ad was posted before or after the spectacular implosion of their submersible, but at any rate, I think this company is doomed and everyone employed there should be getting out fast.


West Bank settlers rampage in Palestinian villages, killing 1 and injuring dozens "IndyWatch Feed World"

One Palestinian is dead and dozens injured after Jewish settlers went on fiery rampages in several West Bank villages, with Israeli security forces reportedly siding with the assailants and thwarting Palestinian attempts to defend themselves and their property. The attacks were said to be acts of vengeance for the killing of four settlers by Palestinian gunmen. However, those gunman had already been shot to death shortly after they carried out their attack at a roadside restaurant near the Eli settlement. That incident, in turn, followed major Israeli military attacks on the Jenin refugee camp that have killed at least seven including two children. In an escalation not seen in the occupied West Bank since 2006, Israel used helicopter gunships, followed by a drone strike that killed three on Wednesday.


Video shows Florida deputy swept underwater, appears 100 feet away during flood rescue "IndyWatch Feed World"

A Florida deputy is "lucky to be alive" after being sucked into a drainage pipe and swept underwater for about 30 seconds after trying to help a stranded driver who was stuck in the flood, authorities said. Escambia County has experienced severe weather and heavy rain over the past few days, and those weather conditions were at a peak Friday morning when deputy William Hollingsworth was on patrol, Escambia County Sheriff Chip Simmons said in a statement on Facebook. At around 1:39 a.m. local time in Pensacola, Florida, Hollingsworth exited his patrol car and approached a man who was trapped in rising waters, Simmons said. When Hollingsworth got closer, he saw the man get swept underwater and quickly "rushed to his aid without regard for his own safety," Simmons said in the statement. As Hollingsworth attempted to rescue the man, both were sucked into a drainage pipe and swept underneath a roadway on Hwy 98.


Award-winning Writer Asad Ismi Blames Food Collapse Caused by the West for Starvation of 278M Africans "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Air pollution sensors found to store crucial biodiversity data "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

It seems a cache of biodiversity data was hiding in plain sight all along. In the midst of hazardous particulate matter trapped in the filters of two air quality monitoring systems in the U.K., scientists discovered DNA samples that they were able to extract to study and survey the biodiversity in the region. The two air pollution sensors, one in London and another in Auchencorth Moss in Scotland, unintentionally collected airborne DNA shed by plants and animals. Scientists in the U.K. and Canada analyzed the samples to identify more than 180 taxa of mammals, plants, birds and invertebrates. According to a study published by the team in the journal Current Biology, the detected species include animals such as badgers (Meles meles) and little owls (Athene noctua), trees such as ash (Fraxinus spp.) and linden (Tilia spp.), as well as pathogenic fungi like Septoriella. While the current findings are based on data collected only from two sensors, it signals the possible presence of a huge trove of biodiversity data around the world that could be extracted and studied. If demonstrated to be scalable, it could potentially be instrumental in making biodiversity surveys easier for scientists and researchers. Air pollution sensors collect data at very regular intervals, Joanne Littlefair, one of the authors of the study and a lecturer in biological sciences at Queen Mary University of London, told Mongabay in a video interview. Its potentially a huge untapped source of biodiversity information and sampling at a very fine temporal scale. SurveyingThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Trump Indictment and the Presidential Records Act "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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When the future looks back on the deplorable events of our time, this will be one of the photos "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Pose for the history books, ladies.

I think its useful for future generations to see that haters and bigots and morally reprehensible scumbuckets can look like quite ordinary people middle-aged soccer moms are entirely capable of deep ignorance and hatefulness. Its also the case that ordinary, respectable institutions can accommodate them, as the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia has done. That museum is hosting a Moms for Liberty event next week, betraying their own reason for existence.

Moms for Liberty lobbies for book bans and aims to dictate how history is taught, stripping it of any mention of slavery, racism, and LGBTQ people. The group got its start fighting mask mandates and the teaching of critical race theory. It spreads anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, falsely labels LGBTQ people as groomers, and led Floridas hateful campaign against LGBTQ teachers. It openly harasses transgender and nonbinary young people and their families, advocating new laws and policies to restrict their lives and freedoms.

The group claims an affinity with Americas founding, yet they have failed this test in historical symbolism. Revolutionary Philadelphia was at the forefront of scientific inquiry, education, publishing, medicine, and government all things that Moms for Liberty lobbies against.

Read the whole article for more historical examples of how the Moms for Repression are wrong on every count.

Newspaper articles about the growing tension between the North American colonies and the British crown were reported alongside dramatic stories of female husbands people assigned the female sex at birth who lived as men and married women. In May 1766, Londons Public Advertiser printed the notice from Lord Chamberlains office about the movement of a quantity of ammunition, and Part of the Troops destined for North America on the very same page that it also noted the death of the famous Sarah Paul, who went thro a Variety of Adventures in Mens Clothes, which made a great Eclat about seven Years ago, when she married another young Woman, and was distinguished by the Appellation of the Female Husband. While living as a man, they went by the name Samuel Bundy.

North American papers embraced these accounts as well. The Pennsylvania Gazette, printed by Ben Franklin in the Franklin Court Printing Office, reported on Charles Hamilton, who was detained in Chester in July 1752 while en route to Philadelphia under suspicion that the Doctor was a women...




On todays podcast i am joined by researcher James Roguski to break down the outrageous...


In a first, scientists use AI to create brand new enzymes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In a scientific first, researchers have used machine learning-powered AI to design de novo enzymes never-before-existing proteins that accelerate biochemical reactions in living organisms. Enzymes drive a wide range of critical processes, from digestion to building muscle to breathing.

A team led by the University of Washingtons Institute for Protein Design, along with colleagues at UCLA and Chinas Xian Jiaotong University, used their AI engine to create new enzymes of a kind called luciferases. Luciferases as their name implies catalyze chemical reactions that emit light; theyre what give fireflies their flare.

Living organisms are remarkable chemists, David Baker, a professor of biochemistry at UW and the studys senior author, said.


Apple will upgrade iPhone 15 Ultra Wideband chip for Vision Pro integration, says Kuo "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo claims that Apple will aggressively upgrade its iPhone hardware to better integrate with the new Apple Vision Pro.

Its only to be expected that Apple sees its Vision Pro as part of the companys ecosystem of devices and services, but analyst Ming-Chi Kuo claims to know the specifics of Apples hardware plans.

Speaking of both the 2023 and 2024 iPhone releases, Kuo says that Apple will aggressively upgrade hardware specifications to build a more competitive ecosystem for Vision Pro.


DOM Drone by Flirtey worlds first pizza delivery by drone to a customers house! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Our first delivery with DOM Drone by Flirtey, from the Whangaparaoa store in New Zealand!

DOM (previously known as DRU) is the personality behind Dominos innovative customer-facing technology, including our bots, autonomous delivery vehicle, drone and Pizza Checker. He is cheeky and endearing, but most importantly he puts the customer at the heart of everything he does. Rebranded to DOM in 2019, he is our newest recruit and helps our team members to create efficiencies in their jobs.


What Its Like to Live in an Informational No Mans Land "IndyWatch Feed War"


One of the remarkable features of these Covid years is the amount of misleading and downright false information emitted by official sources, most notably public health authorities, government-appointed regulators, and mainstream media. A part of me hankers after the times when I could trust my government and media in a time of crisis. But if I am honest with myself, I have to admit that Id prefer to live uncomfortably in the truth than comfortably in a fantasy built for me by someone who does not have my best interests at heart.

As somone who turned on a daily basis to the website of the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention for updates on the Covid outbreak in February and March 2020, I was especially shocked and disappointed by the abysmal failure of authoritative bodies to impartially report the evidence bearing on masking, vaccinations, lockdowns, PCR testing, and other aspects of pandemic policy. My whole faith in the political, media, and scientific establishment, limited as it was, was shaken to the core.

We have been betrayed by the people charged with sharing the best available data and information with us in a time of crisis. We have been lied to and deceived about matters of life and death, such as the risk-benefit tradeoffs of the Covid vaccines, not only by the pharmaceutical industry, but by the people who occupy leading positions of public authority in our society.

Our politicians have sold us solutions to Covid that were far, far worse than the disease, and have generally refused to admit to their mistakes, even when they saw the comparative success of regimes like Sweden and Florida that went a very different direction.

Among the more egregious falsehoods that were either stated or implied by official authorities, and uncritically echoed by mainstream media, are the following:

  1. the notion that community masking was supported by strong scientific evidence. It never was (here is the latest Cochrane review of evidence for mask efficacy).
  2. the idea that it was critical that young and health people get vaccinated, if not for themselves, then for the sake of granny and granddad. This idea was empirically baseless, since we did not have any good evidence to show that these vaccines prevented transmission at the time these claims were made.
  3. the idea that toddlers and young children and teenagers with no serious health issues could benefit from receiving a Covid vaccine. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that children...


Cerebellar Excitability Regulates Physical Fatigue Perception "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Fatigue is the subjective sensation of weariness, increased sense of effort, or exhaustion and is pervasive in neurologic illnesses. Despite its prevalence, we have a limited understanding of the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying fatigue. The cerebellum, known for its role in motor control and learning, is also involved in perceptual processes. However, the role of the cerebellum in fatigue remains largely unexplored. We performed two experiments to examine whether cerebellar excitability is affected after a fatiguing task and its association with fatigue. Using a crossover design, we assessed cerebellar inhibition (CBI) and perception of fatigue in humans before and after fatigue and control tasks. Thirty-three participants (16 males, 17 females) performed five isometric pinch trials with their thumb and index finger at 80% maximum voluntary capacity (MVC) until failure (force 40% MVC; fatigue) or at 5% MVC for 30 s (control). We found that reduced CBI after the fatigue task correlated with a milder perception of fatigue. In a follow-up experiment, we investigated the behavioral consequences of reduced CBI after fatigue. We measured CBI, perception of fatigue, and performance during a ballistic goal-directed task before and after the same fatigue and control tasks. We replicated the observation that reduced CBI after the fatigue task correlated with a milder perception of fatigue and found that greater endpoint variability after the fatigue task correlated with reduced CBI. The proportional relation between cerebellar excitability and fatigue indicates a role of the cerebellum in the perception of fatigue, which might come at the expense of motor control.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Fatigue is one of the most common and debilitating symptoms in neurologic, neuropsychiatric, and chronic illnesses. Despite its epidemiological importance, there is a limited understanding of the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying fatigue. In a series of experiments, we demonstrate that decreased cerebellar excitability relates to lesser physical fatigue perception and worse motor control. These results showcase the role of the cerebellum in fatigue regulation and suggest that fatigue-and performance-related processes might compete for cerebellar resources.


Ultrafast beam-steering breakthrough at Sandia Labs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. In a major breakthrough in the fields of nanophotonics and ultrafast optics, a Sandia National Laboratories research team has demonstrated the ability to dynamically steer light pulses from conventional, so-called incoherent light sources.


Tesla Dominates List Of Most American-Made Vehicles Sold In US "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The most American-made cars sold in the US all come from Tesla, but the car in the number six spot is a bit of a surprise.


Why Joe Biden Calls Chinese President Xi a Dictator "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Polish-German dispute on the rise "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Uriel Araujo | June 23, 2023

German-Polish relations have been in a crisis, and the climate just keeps getting uglier, as exemplified by recent developments. For instance, Alice Weidel, spokesperson for Alternative for Germany (AfD), Germanys third-strongest political force today, called in a tweet the area of former East Germany a Central Germany thus implying that territories which today belong to Poland are German lands. This has sparked outrage: Polands former PM Beata Szydo, in response, said the AfD could in the future power over all of Germany, thus creating a dangerous scenario for Europe, because, she claims, it is a party whose leaders openly negate the existing borders. She added that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has recently demanded the abolition of the right of veto within the EU and asked: Should Europe go in this direction? Towards a German-dominated federation? This provocation from a German political figure takes place in the context of a rising Polish campaign against Berlin.

Meanwhile, two families of Polish WWII victims are suing German companies Bayer and Henschel for 4.3 million over the persecution of Polish businessmen during the Nazi occupation of Poland. Brzozowska-Pasieka, head of the War Compensation Foundation (Fundacja Odszkodowa Wojennych), the Polish organization which  represents the claimants, claims that these lawsuits are groundbreaking because they have been filed against private companies instead of the German state. Further claims on behalf of other families are being prepared. Commenting on the lawsuits, deputy culture minister Jarisaw Sellin, lent his support, saying that German companies which used forced laborers and actually participated in crimes during World War Two were never legally held accountable for what they did.

Considering that Polish officials back these initiatives, one must see them as also part of a larger trend and context. Last month I wrote on the legal campaign Warsaw has been launching against Berlin for wartime reparations. It is accompanied by harsh anti-German rhetoric, which often describes Germanys prominent role within the European Union as a Fourth Reich.

Polish discourse on the issue is not without its dose of hypocrisy: while criticizing Ukraine for celebrating genocidal Nazis, as recently as 2019, with Polish President Andrzej Dudas support, War......


Climate of fear persists among Nepals eco defenders as threats rise "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

KATHMANDU On Jan. 10, 2020, 24-year-old Dilip Mahato died after being stabbed multiple times and then run over with a truck. Mahato was an outspoken critic of illegal sand mining taking place in a river in Dhanusha district, in Nepals southern Madhesh province. According to investigators, Mahato had been trying to obstruct the mining when he was attacked. Reports said the miners had previously issued death threats against him. The incident drew widespread coverage and sent chills through the community of environmental human rights defenders across Nepal, who were already facing a host of challenges, including similar threats to their own lives and those of their families. In January 2020, 24-year-old Dilip Mahato, an outspoken critic of illegal sand mining, was killed when trying to obstruct the mining. Environmental human rights defenders, especially women, in Nepal continue to fear for their safety and lives. In the years since Mahatos death, little has changed, a new study shows. Published by the Informal Sector Service Centre for Human Rights and Social Justice (INSEC), an NGO, the study says Nepalis working for the protection of the environment continue to feel unsafe due to lack of government security mechanisms. During the course of the study, it was found that discussions havent even begun to frame policies to protect people defending the environment, Prapoosa K.C., the lawyer who led the study, said at an event to share the findings. K.C.s team interviewed 51 respondents in the provinces of Sudurpaschim, Lumbini and Madhesh, and studyThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Its killing her: Council leaves people with mould, mice and broken toilets "IndyWatch Feed"

A London council has been accused of abandoning vulnerable tenants including a disabled woman in unsafe flats


PAIG combats the unpredictability of generative AI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Privacera announced the private preview of Privacera AI Governance (PAIG). From the continuous scanning and classification of training data to the securing and auditing of AI models, model outputs, and user requests, PAIG empowers organizations to efficiently manage the entire AI data security lifecycle. Generative AI and large language models (LLMs) have the potential to revolutionize enterprise operations and customer engagements, but the privacy and compliance risks associated with the presence of personal, private, and More

The post PAIG combats the unpredictability of generative AI appeared first on Help Net Security.


Media Bias and Climate Change: The Art of Public Manipulation "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

This study reveals more about the methods of manipulation at play in the climate change narrative than it does about climate change itself

The post Media Bias and Climate Change: The Art of Public Manipulation first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

The Palestinian Authoritys pivot to China shows it has finally given up on the U.S. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing, China on June 14, 2023. (Photo: Thaer Ganaim/APA Images)Mahmoud Abbas's recent trip to China indicates the Palestinian Authority has finally acknowledged the U.S. will never deliver. But, his defense of Uyghur oppression to win the favor of the Chinese government may have cost Palestinians more than he realizes.


BlackLotus bootkit patch may bring false sense of security, warns NSA "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The NSA has publsihed a guide about how to mitigate against attacks involving the BlackLotus bootkit malware, amid fears that system administrators may not be adequately protecting against the threat. Read more in my article on the Tripwire State of Security blog.


PoC exploit released for Cisco AnyConnect, Secure Client vulnerability (CVE-2023-20178) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code for the high-severity vulnerability (CVE-2023-20178) in Cisco Secure Client Software for Windows and Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Software for Windows has been published. About the vulnerability Cisco Secure Client Software previously known as Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client is unified endpoint security software designed to assist businesses in expanding their network access capabilities and enabling remote employees to connect via both wired and wireless connections, including VPN. In More

The post PoC exploit released for Cisco AnyConnect, Secure Client vulnerability (CVE-2023-20178) appeared first on Help Net Security.


Ex-DoD Intelligence Officers UFO Claims Spark Security Concerns And Confusion, Pentagon Memos Reveal "IndyWatch Feed World"

  • Newly released internal DoD memos shed light on security concerns and chronicle chain of events in the days and weeks that followed Luis Elizondos resignation and UAP videos were published by the NY Times in December 2017
  • Despite public statements by the Pentagon asserting Luis Elizondo had no assigned role on AATIP in June 2019, these memos show the DoD had made that determination back in late December of 2017 but for an unknown reason did not make it public
  • Details emerge in these documents that outline the security concerns and overall reasoning that led to the AFOSI investigation into the 2017/2018 leaks of three UAP videos
  • Handwritten notes, likely made by former Secretary of Defense James Mattis, express concern over Luis Elizondos resignation and sudden departure from the DoD asking if it was a counter-intelligence alarm?
  • A new, never-before-made-public, resignation letter submitted by Luis Elizondo surfaces; 2nd previously already-made-public resignation letter said to have uncertain provenance and never delivered to Secretary of Defense

Scroll down for article

Subscribe to The Black Vaults YouTube Channel for a
video breakdown of this story and an exploration of the documents themselves. 
Begins TODAY at 3:00pm Pacific / 6:00pm Eastern.

Newly released documents from the Department of Defense (DoD) shed new light on the story of Luis Elizondo, the man who has publicly claimed leadership of the Pentagons Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) while studying UFOs. The documents date from late December 2017 and offer a compelling glimpse into the internal concerns of the DoD about Elizondo saying on television that humanity may not be alone, all while talking about his role studying UFOs within the DoD as the director of AATIP.

One of the documents, obtained by The Black Vault through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), is a memorandum for record written by...


Considering the Impact of Quality Tools on Your Business "IndyWatch Feed World"

As a business owner, it is incredibly important that you continuously consider the various ways in which you can improve your business, particularly when it comes to its ability to grow and succeed.

With that in mind, you are going to want to pay heed to the absolute plethora of positive impacts that high-quality tools can bring to your business. From your workforce to your customers, these tools can have a surprisingly large reach when it comes to the impact they can have on your business.

So if you want to understand exactly how much of a good investment these quality tools can be for your business, then this article aims to highlight some of the most important benefits that they can bring.

Efficiency and Productivity


First and foremost, one of the best benefits you can possibly hope to gain after acquiring higher-quality equipment is that it will immediately improve your businesss capabilities, productivity, and efficiency.

After all, some high-quality tools such as heat guns from can provide your business with the ability to do things that were simply not possible without them. However, that isnt the only reason why a boost in equipment quality can benefit your business.

Accuracy and Precision



Glastonburys Cancelling of a Powerful Film about Jeremy Corbyn "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Soviet dissident Yevgeny Yevtushenko famously said that: When truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie.

In this country, as in other western democracies, important truths are effectively being silenced. As we have written on many occasions, antisemitism was used as a weapon to destroy the chances of Jeremy Corbyn becoming the British Prime Minister. Labour HQ staffers, and even Labour MPs, actively conspired against him. Al Jazeeras powerful series, The Labour Files, which was blatantly blanked by the establishment media, has documented all this in considerable detail.

And now the Glastonbury Film Festival has succumbed to similar pressure and cancelled a screening of a new film, Oh Jeremy Corbyn: The Big Lie.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews (BDBJ), a right...


Storms and heavy rain flood roads, block railway lines in Germany "IndyWatch Feed World"

Storms and heavy rain across a large swath of Germany flooded roads and forced the closure of some major railway routes on Friday, but there was no immediate word of any injuries. Germany's national weather service had warned earlier this week of severe storms with significant amounts of rainfall, which hit on Thursday. In the western city of Duisburg, the fire service said it rescued several people from cars that got stuck on flooded streets. Shops were flooded and streets inundated in the northern city of Braunschweig, and there were similar reports from Kassel. In Hattersheim, near Frankfurt, trees fell on houses and cars, German news agency dpa reported. Germany's national railway operator, Deutsche Bahn, said that the main line between Hamburg and Berlin was closed because of storm damage, as was a major north-south route between Kassel and Goettingen.


Remembering Arnest Thiaya, father of Kenyas trans community "IndyWatch Feed"

Thiaya started to live his authentic self in 1986, long before the country had a trans community


DeBriefed 23 June 2023: Climate finance talks; UK marine heatwave; Deadly heat in India "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

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An essential guide to the weeks key developments relating to climate change.

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This week

Money talks in Paris

CLIMATE FINANCE: Dozens of world leaders met in Paris this week to discuss climate finance, green growth, the debt crisis and how to tap private sector sources of investment, BBC News reported. The overall ambition of the meeting was to give poorer countries access to hundreds of billions of dollars to tackle climate change, according to BBC News. The two-day summit was co-chaired by prime minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, and French president, Emmanuel Macron. 

FUNDS FOR 1.5C: Ahead of the summit, the climate change ministers of Australia, Canada and New Zealand in the Guardian called for an international financial system that can help the world stay as close as possible to 1.5C of warming. In a comment piece in Reuters, Dr Rachel Kyte, a climate policy expert, predicted that a challenge for the summit would be how to bolster investment in emerging markets and developing economies in a way that does not incur debt. Those gathering in Paris this week agree that the current system is no longer fit for purpose, Kyte wrote.

DEBT PAYMENT PAUSE: The summits first day saw the World Bank unveil several new measures to help countries affected by extreme weather, including a pause in debt repayments to the lender, Reuters reported. On the second day, the summits final statement, seen by Reuters, announced that multilateral development banks are expected to unlock $200bn in extra firepower for emerging economies by running their balan...


Nearly half a million impacted by flooding in India's northeast "IndyWatch Feed World"

Nearly half a million people in northeast India have been affected by severe flooding after heavy rains battered the region, turning roads into rivers and submerging entire villages. More than 495,000 people spread across 22 districts in the state of Assam have been impacted by floodwaters, its disaster management authority said in a statement Thursday. About 14,000 people were evacuated to relief camps after torrential rainfall swept across the region, resulting in the river Beki, which flows through Assam, to overflow. At least one person has died, according to state authorities.


The US Government and the Bidens AreWait! Look! UFOs! Aliens! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Marie Hawthorne I watched a lot of X-Files as a teenager.  My best friend had a big crush on David Duchovny, and we would...

The US Government and the Bidens AreWait! Look! UFOs! Aliens!


India Must Begin Paving the Way to Ending Coal "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Coal supplied 162 EJ of energy and accounted for 27 percent of the global primary energy supply in 2019. After rebounding from the Covid related economic downturn, 10,200 TWh of electricity was generated from coal in 2022 and its share in global electricity production was 35 percent. Powered by gas-to-coal switching in Asia, global GHG emissions from coal increased to about 15.5 Gt CO2-eq , while the total energy-related GHG emissions reached an all-time high of 41.3 Gt CO2-eq.

In several developing countries such as South Africa, India, China, Indonesia and Vietnam, half to three-quarters of electricity is generated from coal. Despite the high reliance on coal in the countrys power supply, these countries have committed to net zero GHG emissions by 2050 or later, showing climate ambition. However, studies estimate that in order to comply with the IEAs net zero by 2050 scenario, emissions from the production of electricity must reduce to net zero globally by 2040 and by 2035 in advanced economies.


Evolution of the Just Energy Transition Partnership

The Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) is a financial agreement between governments of developed countries and certain emerging economies. The JETP seeks to address the challenges of transitioning to low-carbon energy systems in countries of the Global South, while ensuring a just and fair transition for affected communities. It aims to achieve a cleaner energy future by transitioning away from fossil fuels, notably coal, and providing support for RE deployment, energy efficiency, and clean energy innovation.

The first long-term Just Energy Transition Partnership was formed on the sidelines of COP 26 in November 2021 by France, Germany, the United Kingdom, United States of America, and the European Union, with an aim to support South Africas Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). In the first phase of financing, US$8.5 billion was committed for a five-year period, through grants, concessional loans, investments and risk sharing instruments. The funds were aimed at decarbonizing energy systems, accelerating coal plant retirement, increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy, electric vehicles, grid integration, energy storage, climate finance mapping and for developing tracking tools. The partnership acknowledged the impact of the clean energy transition on mining communities and recognised the importance of supporting affected workers, especially coal miners, women, and youth..........


Hunter Biden's lawyer says he "can't recall" ever being asked about the laptop from hell "IndyWatch Feed World"

Hunter Biden's lawyer Chris Clark on Tuesday appeared on Biden-friendly MSNBC to discuss the joke charges against Hunter with host Katy Tur. Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges in a sweetheart deal given by his corrupt father's Justice Department after a five year investigation. No serious person believes it took the Justice Department five years to investigate Hunter Biden's life of crimes to only charge him with two small misdemeanors.


90% of everything is junk "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I read Larry Morans Whats in Your Genome?: 90% of Your Genome Is Junk this week its a truly excellent book, everyone should read it, and Ill be making a more thorough review once I get a little time to breathe again. Basically, though, he makes an interdisciplinary case for the sloppiness of our genome, and its all that evidence that we should be giving our biology students from day one.

Anyway, I ran into a similar story online. Everything accumulates junk, from your genome to my office to Google. Cory Doctorow explains how search engines are choking in their own filth.

The internet is increasingly full of garbage, much of it written by other confident habitual liar chatbots, which are now extruding plausible sentences at enormous scale. Future confident habitual liar chatbots will be trained on the output of these confident liar chatbots, producing Jathan Sadowskis Habsburg AI:

But the declining quality of Google Search isnt merely a function of chatbot overload. For many years, Googles local business listings have been terrible. Anyone whos tried to find a handyman, a locksmith, an emergency tow, or other small businessperson has discovered that Google is worse than useless for this. Try to search for that locksmith on the corner that you pass every day? You wont find them but you will find a fake locksmith service that will dispatch an unqualified, fumble-fingered guy with a drill and a knockoff lock, who will drill out your lock, replace it with one made of bubblegum and spit, and charge you 400% the going rate (and then maybe come back to rob you):

Google is clearly losing the fraud/spam wars, which is pretty awful, given that they have spent billions to put every other search engine out of business. They spend $45b every year to secure exclusivity deals that prevent people from discovering or using rivals thats like buying a whole Twitter every year, just so they dont have to compete:


Two Hundred Thousand Poverty Linked Deaths in a Year in the USA Call for Urgent Remedial Actions "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Tactical Nuclear Weapons: Latest News From Russia "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Re: CVE-2023-31975: memory leak in yasm "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Marcus Meissner on Jun 23

The CVE ecosystem hierarchy intends to solve this by having the CNAs do
this in the tree fashion.

FYI if you find incorrect NVD scores, you can contact
with an engineering level argumentation why the score is not correct
and they will get back to you.

Of course this does not scale.

I contacted them however on this specific CVE now.

For CNA provided CVSS scores contact the CNA of course ( search in...


ASUS Urges Customers to Patch Critical Router Vulnerabilities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

ASUS urges customers to patch critical router vulnerabilities:

ASUS has released new firmware with cumulative security updates that address vulnerabilities in multiple router models, warning customers to immediately update their devices or restrict WAN access until they're secured.

As the company explains, the newly released firmware contains fixes for nine security flaws, including high and critical ones.

The most severe of them are tracked as CVE-2022-26376 and CVE-2018-1160. The first is a critical memory corruption weakness in the Asuswrt firmware for Asus routers that could let attackers trigger denial-of-services states or gain code execution.

The other critical patch is for an almost five-year-old CVE-2018-1160 bug caused by an out-of-bounds write Netatalk weakness that can also be exploited to gain arbitrary code execution on unpatched devices.

"Please note, if you choose not to install this new firmware version, we strongly recommend disabling services accessible from the WAN side to avoid potential unwanted intrusions. These services include remote access from WAN, port forwarding, DDNS, VPN server, DMZ, port trigger," ASUS warned in a security advisory published today.

"We strongly encourage you to periodically audit both your equipment and your security procedures, as this will ensure that you will be better protected."

The list of impacted devices includes the following models: GT6, GT-AXE16000, GT-AX11000 PRO, GT-AX6000, GT-AX11000, GS-AX5400, GS-AX3000, XT9, XT8, XT8 V2, RT-AX86U PRO, RT-AX86U, RT-AX86S, RT-AX82U, RT-AX58U, RT-AX3000, TUF-AX6000, and TUF-AX5400.

ASUS warned users of impacted routers to update them to the latest firmware as soon as possible, available via the support website, each product's page, or via links provided in today's advisory.

The company also recommends creating distinct passwords for the wireless network and router administration pages of at least eight characters (combining uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols) and avoiding using the same password for multiple devices or services.



Modi's India runs 'directly counter' to democratic values, says US congresswoman "IndyWatch Feed War"

Modi's India runs 'directly counter' to democratic values, says US congresswoman

Ilhan Omar renews call for India to be labelled 'country of particular concern'
Umar A Farooq Fri, 06/23/2023 - 13:10
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar said she reintroduced legislation calling on the Biden administration to label India as a Country of Particular Concern.
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar said she reintroduced legislation calling on Biden administration to label India as a "country of particular concern" (AFP/File photo)

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has hit out against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the US and meeting with President Joe Biden, calling on the Biden administration to label India as a "country of particular concern" over ongoing attacks on Muslims and other religious minorities.

Omar, who along with a handful of other lawmakers boycotted Modi's address to a joint session of Congress on late Thursday afternoon, instead opted to host her own policy briefing on Capitol Hill, where she brought together a number of Indian American rights activists and human rights experts.

"What's happening in India runs directly counter to our democratic values," she said during the policy briefing she held in the US Capitol visitor centre in Washington.

"We are told we must now turn a blind eye to the repression because of foreign policy concerns even though human rights are supposed to be at the centre of our foreign policy."

Prime Minister Modi, and by extension India, has come under heavy criticism from rights groups for his country's treatment of religious minorities.



Bangladeshs new red list of plants shows country has already lost seven species "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

DHAKA Bangladesh has over the last century lost seven plant species that once occurred in the country, and now risks losing at least another five, according to the first-ever comprehensive assessment of the countrys plant life. The new national red list identifies the species that have been extirpated as fita champa (Magnolia griffithii), ironweed tree (Memecylon ovatum), jiringa (Archidendron jiringa), kathphal (Myrica nagi), thurma jam (Syzygium thumri), Syzygium venustum and Drypetes venusta. While these are now considered extinct in Bangladesh, they still occur in other countries in the region. The list also categorizes five species of plants as being critically endangered, meaning that they risk disappearing unless urgent measures are taken to save them. They are bans pata (Podocarpus neriifolius), bulborox orchid (Bulbophyllum roxburghii), chaulmoogra (Hydnocarpus kurzii), khudi khejur or stemless date palm (Phoenix acaulis) and lamba trias orchid (Bulbophyllum oblongum). In addition, out of 1,000 assessed flora species, 127 are considered endangered, 262 are vulnerable, 69 are near-threatened, 271 are considered of least concern, and for the remaining 258 species theres insufficient data to assess their conservation status. Saleh Ahammad Khan, a professor of botany at Jahangirnagar University in Dhaka and one of the assessors of the red list, cited several factors behind the disappearance of the plants from the countrys ecology. These include changing climatic patterns, excessive and random consumption by humans, and inadequate protection measures. Climate change in particular threatens several species with extinction, while also providing the conditions allowing others to thrive in new environments,This article was originally published on Mongabay


Hundreds of dolphins and sea lions have washed up dead or sick in California amid toxic algae outbreak "IndyWatch Feed World"

The scene is unsettling: hundreds of sea lions and dolphins are sprawled across the beaches in Southern California, either dead or sick and exhibiting abnormal behaviour. Officials have received more than 1,000 calls in recent weeks from beachgoers, tourists and residents reporting sick, dying and dead sea mammals washed ashore from Santa Barbara to San Diego County, amid a growing toxic algal bloom in the waters off the coast. The wave of dead or sick animals is "one of the largest in memory," Justin Greenman, a stranding coordinator with NOAA Fisheries, told CNN. "It's completely overwhelming." And, Greenman said, it doesn't appear to be ending any time soon.


McAfee releases online protection solution for small businesses "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

McAfee announced McAfee Business Protection, a new comprehensive security solution for small business owners in collaboration with Dell Technologies. McAfee Business Protection helps Dell small business customers stay ahead of cyber threats and vulnerabilities with security, identity and dark web data monitoring, VPN, web protection for safe browsing and more. Designed to meet the needs of growing businesses, McAfee Business Protection makes it easy for business owners to protect themselves, their employees, and their livelihood More

The post McAfee releases online protection solution for small businesses appeared first on Help Net Security.


Thousands of dead fish washed ashore along southern Thai beach "IndyWatch Feed World"

Thousands of dead fish, crabs and prawns were scattered down the picturesque Thung Wua Laen beach in the southern Thai province of Chumphon Thursday. They were killed by toxic algae bloom known as the red tide, which depletes oxygen in the water and "prevents fish from breathing through their gills", local fishing authority Boonyawat Thonghom told AFP. Local residents have been picking up dead fish along the two-kilometer stretch of white sandy beach. "We advise the locals not to consume the fish as the algae might be toxic, but using them as fertilizer is OK," said Boonyawat. AFP


Libya: Dozens of Chinese nationals arrested for cryptocurrency mining "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Libya: Dozens of Chinese nationals arrested for cryptocurrency mining

A matrix of wires connecting discovered in an abandoned factory
MEE staff Fri, 06/23/2023 - 12:44
Equipment used inside an abandoned factory to mine cryptocurrency in the city of Zliten was discovered by Libyan authorities (Attorney General Office)

Libyan authorities have arrested 50 Chinese nationals allegedly involved in an illegal cryptocurrency mining operation in the city of Zliten, the Libyan attorney general's office announced on Friday.

Those arrested were caught running a cryptocurrency mining farm inside an abandoned iron factory on Libya's western coast, the statement said.

The office of the attorney general, Siddiq Al-Sour, disclosed photos and videos showcasing the process of dismantling substantial mining systems discovered in Zliten, a city east of Tripoli province.

The mining systems included a matrix of wires connecting digital refrigerators.

These latest arrests were announced just after 10 other Chinese nationals were arrested in Misrata on Wednesday after being caught "red-handed" with dozens of powerful computers used to conduct complex mining calculations, which were seized, according to the attorney general's office.

The attorney general's office added that these acts "violate the law", as the alleged perpetrators use "high-energy devices [that] harness a large amount of material to mine cryptocurrencies".

The statement said that Libyan authorities were seeking the help of experts to assess "the damage to public money and public interest... as a resu...


Re: CVE-2023-31975: memory leak in yasm "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Siddhesh Poyarekar on Jun 23

I know you probably only said that for effect but if someone is
running a compiler-as-a-service building untrusted source but hasn't
sandboxed it, the security issue is in the setup, not the compiler.
Compilers for the most part have to assume trusted input because not
doing so is a practical nightmare. The golang project is the only one
I know that accepts CVEs for untrusted input to the compiler (more
power to them, and commiserations to...


Whistleblower Transcripts Show Deep-State Election Rigging For Biden Was Way Bigger Than A Laptop "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Hunter Biden IRS tax documents from whistleblowerIf you thought censorship of a laptop was the extent of the deep state's 2020 election rigging on behalf of the Biden family, think again.


Re: Open Source Tool | MPT: Pentest In Action! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Solar Designer on Jun 23

I think I overlooked two things:

While the code is technically open source, for it to be on-topic here
it'd have to be under an Open Source license - and there's no license
currently specified in the GitHub repo. Jyoti, please fix this.

Actually, this looks pre-authentication. Most of this project's PHP
files include session.php, which attempts an authentication check, but
live_edit.php does not include it.



Rough crossing "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This little house has bones./ It was moved years ago / from the far end of the island,


Republican Finds Creative Way to Blame US Leadership for Submersible Implosion "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Prominent House Republican Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) knows exactly who is to blame for the implosion of a submersible that was on a deep-sea sightseeing trip in international waters far away from the US coast. Was it the company that built this rickety miniature U-boat? Oh no! It was clearly the fault of the Biden administration and possibly the White House itself.

What appears to be the case is epic failure in leadership, Crenshaw told reporters on Thursday. Where exactly that leadership failure is, I dont know. Is it the White House, Coast Guard, Navy? Im not sure.

His reason for laying the blame for this tragedy at the feet of the Biden administration and not, for example, the people who decided to take this risky trip, the engineers who designed the craft, or the company that operated it knowing it was a potential death trap, is simple: If only the US government had authorized the deployment of two pieces of specialist equipment, maybe things would have turned out to be fine.

It should be noted that Crenshaw is a former Navy SEAL and likely knows a lot more about this than your average person. And, as a Republican, he is also an expert in blaming the US government for everything.

When asked about his assessment on Fox News, he offered a more detailed explanation.

If you had just deployed those assets [immediately upon hearing about the crafts disappearance], they would have arrived on scene by Wednesday morning at the latest, Crenshaw said.

At that point, there were still reports of tapping noises coming from the bottom of the ocean.

That tapping continues to be heard and chatted about in all these channels throughout Wednesday. Then it stops late Wednesday, Crenshaw added. They finally deploy that 6K ROV, the only thing capable of actually going to that depth and seeing whats down there, this morning. It deploys down there and the wreckage was exactly where they thought it would be. So wheres the failure here? The failure is to not put all your options on the table.

It seems pretty ridiculous to point fingers at the US government for not doing enough to fix an issue that was the result of questionable decision-making at every other level. And, of course, this didnt happen in US waters...


High waves crash over Barbados as Tropical Storm Bret hits eastern Caribbean "IndyWatch Feed World"

Barbados was battered with near-hurricane strength winds as Tropical Storm Bret moved across parts of the eastern Caribbean's Lesser Antilles island group. Meteorologists noted the weather pattern was unusually early and aggressive for the Atlantic cyclone season that formally began on 1 June. It is only the second hurricane to form in the tropical Atlantic in June since record keeping began, according to forecasters Source: Reuters


Elon Musks Twitter has work to do if it wants to comply with the EUs tough new digital rules "IndyWatch Feed World"

The worlds biggest tech platforms must comply with Europes Digital Services Act, sweeping new standards, in just two months.

Twitter needs to do more work to fall in line with the European Unions tough new digital rulebook, a top EU official said after overseeing a stress test of the companys systems in Silicon Valley.

Read Full Story


Delaware U.S. Attorneys Office Buried Biden-Bribery Allegations AG Barr Sent For Investigation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

William Barr speakingWhen Barr sent a report of alleged Biden family corruption to Delaware for investigation, the U.S. Attorney's Office hid it instead.


Strawberry Chips "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It is the Time of Strawberries again and I am spending several hours daily picking, sorting, and processing strawberries.

Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

However, since we still did not eat half! of the various strawberry, figs, and other jams and marmalades that we made last year, I have decided to try and use the fruit dehumidifier on them.

Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

I was worried a bit they will lose aroma and/or color, but neither happened. They are still bright red (that might still change over time) and very aromatic. Enclosed in jars they should hold for years in our cool dark cellar. And unlike marmalade which is way too sweet for me to eat regularly I can add them to my breakfast yogurt together with other dried fruits from our garden (prunes and apples) almost daily without adverse effects, so they should disappear over time hopefully quicker than the marmalade (which we cannot manage to give away, let alone eat). Even running 24/7 at 60C, the dehumidifier cannot manage to dry all strawberries that I gather daily and the smaller and unseemly fruits still have to go into marmalade, which thus will continue to accumulate. Next year I will plow over some of the strawberry patches, this is simply too much.

Blast it. I wish that more useful and edible foodstuffs grew here as well as strawberries and walnuts. I had no luck with sweet corn or red beets this year, most seeds did not even germinate. With garlic and onions, I had zero luck for several years too. And this years pole beans were partially destroyed by voles and partly by the too-harsh sun (although I still have enough plants to hope for a reasonable harvest), and my only apple tree appears to be dying from water vole damage. And those little fuckers ate all of my tulips as well, so I did not even have pretty flowers in the spring. I still had no luck in finding a remedy that works on these pests.


Re: Open Source Tool | MPT: Pentest In Action! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Solar Designer on Jun 23


For those wondering why this got through moderation, it's because we do
have a relevant item among the list content guidelines:

"Occasional announcements of Open Source security tools (and relevant
features of non-security tools) are acceptable, but only for initial
announcements and major updates (not for minor updates). Especially...


Life Lessons on the Res: War Pony (2022) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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MOVEit hack: Is your CalPERS retirement or pension fund safe? Heres what to know "IndyWatch Feed World"

The good news is that no money was accessed in the hack. However, the data of some 769,000 CalPERS members has been compromised.

Earlier this month news broke that a hacking group had been exploiting a security flaw in the MOVEit Transfer application, which lets clients send large files over the internet (via TechCrunch). It is now known that the exploit allowed the data of major companies and institutions, including U.S. universities and banks, to be obtained by the hacking group.

Read Full Story


Microsoft Teams vulnerability allows attackers to deliver malware to employees "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security researchers have uncovered a bug that could allow attackers to deliver malware directly into employees Microsoft Teams inbox. Organisations that use Microsoft Teams inherit Microsofts default configuration which allows users from outside of their organisation to reach out to their staff members, Jumpsec researcher Max Corbridge explained. With a social engineering pretext to prime the target, a malware delivery attack exploiting this vulnerability has a considerable chance of success. Bypassing security controls Many organizations More

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Celerium Compromise Defender detects and disrupts cyber compromise activity "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Celerium released its latest cybersecurity solution, Compromise Defender. As an integral part of Celeriums Cyber Defense Network , this innovative solution combines rapid implementation and automation to provide early detection and defense of compromise activity. Research by IBM found that the average detection time of a data breach is around 200 days, nearly seven months. The need for early detection and defense against compromise activity, which often succeeds the network intrusion phase of a cyber More

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Can Cop Culture Ever Be Changed? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

As the searing Department of Justice report on the Minneapolis Police Department and the George Floyd murder sparks renewed outrage, we find ourselves once again on the brink of another tension-filled summer and a national political campaign in which the urgent question of police reform will likely take center stage.


In this weeks WhoWhatWhy podcast, we talk with Neil Gross, an esteemed sociologist, a frequent contributor to The New York Times, and a former cop. 


Drawing on his experience and scholarship, Gross shares insights from his new book, Walk the Walk: How Three Police Chiefs Defied the Odds and Changed Cop Culture.


Gross takes us into the police departments of three different cities Stockton, CA; Longmont, CO; and LaGrange, GA where officials made the bold pledge to dismantle an entrenched culture of aggression and replace it with a model of policing that prioritizes equity, social responsibility, racial reconciliation, and the preservation of life.


Gross talks about the myriad challenges involved in such an ambitious overhaul, but also underscores the potential of these departments to ignite wider systemic change.


Gross says that he hopes his work will help launch a critical dialogue on the state of American policing, an open-minded conversation that not only deals with current reality but also presents a roadmap to a more just future.

iTunes Apple Podcasts...


Easy Modifications for Inexpensive Radios "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Over the past decade or so, amateur radio operators have benefited from an influx of inexpensive radios based around a much simpler design than what was typically commercially available, bringing the price of handheld dual-band or GMRS radios to around $20. This makes the hobby much more accessible, but they have generated some controversy as they tend to not perform as well and can generate spurious emissions and other RF interference that a higher quality radio might not create. But one major benefit besides cost is that theyre great for tinkering around, as their simplified design is excellent for modifying. This experimental firmware upgrade changes a lot about this Quansheng model.

With the obligatory warning out of the way that modifying a radio may violate various laws or regulations of some localities, it looks like this modified firmware really expands the capabilities of the radio. The chip that is the basis of the radio, the BK4819, has a frequency range of 18-660 MHz and 840-1300 MHz but not all of these frequencies will be allowed with a standard firmware in order to comply with various regulations. However, theres typically no technical reason that a radio cant operate on any arbitrary frequency within this range, so opening up the firmware can add a lot of functionality to a radio that might not otherwise be capable.

Some of the other capabilities t...


The Power of Browser Fingerprinting: Personalized UX, Fraud Detection, and Secure Logins "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The case for browser fingerprinting: personalizing user experience, improving fraud detection, and optimizing login security Have you ever heard of browser fingerprinting? You should! It's an online user identification technique that collects information about a visitor's web browser and its configuration preferences to associate individual browsing sessions with a single website visitor.  With


Neom: New satellite images show progress of Saudi Arabia's 'The Line' "IndyWatch Feed War"

Neom: New satellite images show progress of Saudi Arabia's 'The Line'

Recent aerial imagery shows construction of buildings and horizontal excavation resembling a line as flagship project of new city moves forward
Rayhan Uddin Fri, 06/23/2023 - 11:46
Satellite image taken in May 2023 shows construction of base village and excavation activity on 'The Line' in Saudi Arabia's northwestern Tabuk province (CG Satellite/Soar)
Satellite image taken in May 2023 shows construction of base village and excavation activity on 'The Line' in Saudi Arabia's northwestern Tabuk province (CG Satellite/Soar)

Construction is underway on the "The Line", the flagship project of Saudi Arabia's Neom megacity, new satellite imagery seen by Middle East Eye shows.

The $500bn megacity, which organisers claim will be 33 times the size of New York City, is due to include a 170km straight-line city. It is being built in the Tabuk province of northwestern Saudi Arabia.

Two new satellite images analysed by Soar, an online digital atlas, show new developments in the province.

The images were taken last month by CG Satellite, a remote sensing satellite company in China.

In the first image, which shows the central part of Neom, there appears to be significantly expanded work around the main construction base of the project, including several new buildings in the base village.


Eruption of the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano in Kamchatka, Russia "IndyWatch Feed World"

An eruption has begun on the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano, Olga Girina, head of the Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Group at the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told RIA Novosti. "An eruption of the Strombolian type began on the Klyuchevskaya volcano tonight. Satellite images show a bright thermal anomaly, a spasmodic tremor is recorded. There are no ash emissions yet," Girina said. At night, there was a glow from the lava, which had already appeared in the western part of the summit crater. This was recorded by CCTV cameras installed at the observatory in the village of Klyuchi. The volcano has so far been assigned a "yellow" increased hazard code for aviation, since there are no ash emissions. If the activity increases significantly, emissions may pose a danger to air vehicles.


Powerful JavaScript Dropper PindOS Distributes Bumblebee and IcedID Malware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new strain of JavaScript dropper has been observed delivering next-stage payloads like Bumblebee and IcedID. Cybersecurity firm Deep Instinct is tracking the malware as PindOS, which contains the name in its "User-Agent" string. Both Bumblebee and IcedID serve as loaders, acting as a vector for other malware on compromised hosts, including ransomware. A recent report from Proofpoint


Nigeria Scrubbing out Character By Sonala Olumhense "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The 10th Nigeria National Assembly was inaugurated last week. I wish its members a productive session. The 9th, headed by Ahmad Lawan, was a disaster. In his care, it had no idea what the legislative arm of government was, so it became an extension of the confused executive. Last week, Lawan, baited by former Imo []


Biden Calls Xi a Dictator, Prompting China to Summon US Ambassador in Beijing "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Its now clear that an increasingly senile Biden is a serious threat to global stability.

Zero Hedge reports

Following Yellens comments from Paris earlier in the day, President Biden himself tried to explain away his Tuesday night remarks describing Xi Jinping as a dictator. He addressed the issue which has infuriated Beijing during his joint press conference with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi:

President Biden said Thursday he didnt believe his description this week of Chinese leader Xi Jinping as a dictator had set back U.S. relations with China, after Beijing summoned the U.S. ambassador for an official reprimand following the presidents comments.

I expect to be meeting with President Xi sometime in the future, the near term, and I dont think its had any consequence, Biden said

Biden also had this to say when pressed by reporters

The idea of my choosing and avoiding saying what I think is the facts, with regard to the relationship with China, is just not something Im going to change very much, he said in response to a reporters question..

The president said he expects to meet with Xi sometime in the future, in the near term, and that the diplomatic fallout has not had any real consequence, referring to it as hysteria. 

But China disagrees, given that around the same time Biden was making the comments downplaying the dictator word choice, the Chinese government summoned the US ambassador in Beijing to issue a formal rebuke.

The Hill underscores that ...


Re: Opinion: Governments don't want IT security, they want to have cyber weapons "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Solar Designer on Jun 23

Hi Georgi and all,

I actually think we should be rejecting postings like this. I accepted
this one as an example. By "postings like this" I mean rants without
proposed solutions, not helpful for this community (and where replies
are unlikely to be helpful either), and/or lacking focus on Open Source.
I think in this case it's all 3 of these. I think the recent thread
"The AI chatgpt writes insecure code" was of...


A Strong Towns Advocate Took Safety Into His Own Hands in Philadelphia "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


David Brindley is more concerned with what he can do than what he cant. After his friend was struck while cycling on one of Philadelphias busiest bike routes in 2015, he concluded inertia wasnt an option. He immediately began collecting orphaned cones, as he described them, and lining the 3700 block of Spruce Street in University City.

Prior to Brindleys guerrilla initiative, the corridors bike lane was defined by a single strip of faded white paint in some sections and nothing in others. Its invisibility in conjunction with the intersections wide shoulder has long tempted motorists to swerve into cyclists, pushing them into oncoming traffic or the deep grooves of the streets trolley tracks, notoriously unfriendly to bike tires

However faded and worn, there was technically a bike lane. Therefore, Brindley fundamentally saw his efforts as reinforcing the citys intentions, rather than contesting them.

Every other day, he gathered cones abandoned by municipal departments, as well as private companiesVerizon, Philadelphia Gas Works, Philadelphia Water, and so onto furnish his protective barrier. For a while, the motley crew of cones survived largely unquestioned. "I had no idea if it would be there the next day or not," he told The Philadelphia Inquirer in late 2016. "But it's been two years. By now, the police think it's theirs."

Setting up cones on Spruce Street.



Useful Summary Of Carbon Credit Schemes "IndyWatch Feed World"

Anthropocene Magazine

Anthropocene Magazine has a useful summary, created by Mark Harris, of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of various carbon credit schemes. In a short read it helps clarify some, if not all, questions that can generate from conflicting headlines on the topic:

What Counts As A Carbon Credit?

A new UN draft report threatens to sideline billions of tons of future carbon removal

Back in 2015, the Paris Agreement called for the creation of an international program through which countries could trade emissions to meet their climate commitments. For that to happen,...


GNOME Lands Nice Optimization For Wayland Gaming "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Merged this week into the GNOME Mutter compositor codebase is what should be a beneficial optimization for those enjoying Linux gaming under the GNOME Wayland session...


What to Do When You Do Not Know What to Get Someone for Their Birthday "IndyWatch Feed World"

Even if you are the best friend or relative in the world, this does not mean that you know what to get your friend when their birthday is coming up. If you are struggling to come up with a great idea, but their birthday is approaching at a rapid pace, here are some top tips that can help you to decide what to get them in 2023.

Look at Gift Websites


One of the first steps that you should take when you are struggling to find a gift for someone is to look online. You will be able to find a website selling almost everything that you could imagine online. This means that the perfect gift for your friend or relative is not far away. However, if you have no idea what to get them, you should consider looking on specific gift websites that have a range of different gift-worthy items for sale. These websites can help to give you ideas of fun novelty gifts that can make your friend or relative feel loved. For instance, websites such as Maple Gifts sell novelty chocolate that can warm the heart and stomach- of any chocoholic.

Ask Them

However, rather than dithering and ending up getting them a gift that they do not love or that you have not thought out properly, it can sometimes be the better option to simply ask them what type of gift they might like. By asking them about the kinds of gifts that they are interested in or if there is any product that they have their eyes on, you will be able to make their day and ensure that your gift does not go to waste. This will make sure that they love your gift and will show that you are thinking about gifts that will appeal directly to them. If you are uncertain about asking them, you might consider speaking to their partner or another friend about potential gift options.

Think About Their Interests



Re: CVE-2023-31975: memory leak in yasm "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Hanno Bck on Jun 23

The problem really is that these scanners are assuming something that
is not true. They assume that data from vulnerability databases is

These debates are coming on a regular basis, usually either "should
this thing get a CVE?" and "is this a reasonable CVSS value /
criticality rating?"

It's actually quite simple: There are dozends (maybe hundreds?) of CVEs
issued every day. If you want them to be properly...


Projects in Brazils Caatinga biome combine conservation and climate adaptation "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

From high up in the Serra das Almas Private Natural Heritage Reserve in Brazils Cear state, the forest spreads out beyond the horizon. Its April here in the municipality of Crates, some 400 kilometers (250 miles) inland from the state capital, Fortaleza, which means its the end of the rainy season. The trees here in this Brazilian hinterland known as the serto are still clad in green leaves and bright flowers. The reserve, spanning 6,285 hectares (15,530 acres), is part of the Caatinga scrub forest, whose springs are vital for the water security of the communities living nearby. Since Serra das Almas was established as a private natural heritage reserve, or RPPN, in September 2000, its landscape has been transformed from cropland and livestock pasture to lush vegetation. That recovery was accelerated by forest restoration, with native wildlife soon returning and resuming their natural dynamics. The reserve is home to a recorded 485 plant, 45 mammal, 45 reptile, 230 bird and 33 amphibian species. The mustached woodcreeper (Xiphocolaptes falcirostris), white-browed guan (Penelope jacucaca) and Cear leaftosser (Sclerurus cearensis) are among the birds found only in this part of the world. These species are also among those listed in Brazils National Action Plan for the Conservation of Caatinga Birds. Several wildcats are also native to the region: the puma (Puma concolor), ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus) and jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi). The red-handed howler monkey (Alouatta ululata), an endangered species, has also reappeared in this area. A lajeiro, a rocky outcropThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Mesa Turns To BLAKE3 For Faster Vulkan Shader Hashing "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Mesa has switched from SHA1 to BLAKE3 for its shader hashing to deliver better performance...


Aviatrix appoints Doug Merritt as Chairman, CEO, and President "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Aviatrix announced the appointment of Doug Merritt as CEO and President. He will also join the Aviatrix Board of Directors as Chairman. Merritt will succeed Steve Mullaney, who for the past four years has built Aviatrix into an industry-defining enterprise cloud networking and network security company. Merritt was previously CEO and President of Splunk. During Merritts six-year tenure as CEO, he led significant shifts in the companys technology roadmap, financial model, and go-to-market approach More

The post Aviatrix appoints Doug Merritt as Chairman, CEO, and President appeared first on Help Net Security.

20:00 (with a Q) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I noticed that in some fonts when a link is underlined the word "browserling" looks like "browserlinq". Like this:

So I bought the domain and redirected it to and it turns out 40 people every week make such a typo.

Purchase all domain typos too and see you next time!


INTERVIEW: Mitch Feierstein on Trump Arrest: America is a Banana Republic "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The downward spiral of the American political economy.

In episode #469 of the SUNDAY WIRE which aired on June 18, 2023, Patrick talks with special guest Mitch Feierstein, author of the book, Planet Ponziand on Substack, to discuss the incredible political targeting of Donald Trump by Bidens Department of Justice as the country crosses a Rubicon that it never shouldve crossed, and the terminal death spiral that the American political economy currently finds itself in. Can the US pull back from the ledge, and whats likely to happen in 2024? All this and more. Listen:

More from Mitch:
Get a copy of his book, Planet Ponzi here






Opinion: Governments don't want IT security, they want to have cyber weapons "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Georgi Guninski on Jun 23

Some time ago i posted this on my blog [1] and on linkedin [2]

What the security community thinks about it?


Tue Aug 17 14:35:14 EEST 2021
Opinion: Governments don't want IT security, they want to have cyber weapons

Support for the above claim:

In 2015 exploits of NSA were leaked by Shadow crew. Search terms:
nsa leak shadow crew. E.g. see NSA Hacked? 'Shadow Brokers' Crew
Claims Compromise Of Surveillance Op...


Update on Ukraine, Nuclear provocation "IndyWatch Feed War"


Update on Ukraine, Nuclear provocation, Tensions between the US and UK, Beijing demands an apology


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

Russian President Vladimir Putin is known for a lot of things his "in your face" speeches, his marathon unscripted press conferences and his stoic impassiveness in the face of adversity come to mind. One thing that doesn't jump out at the average observer is his earthy sense of humor. Long-time Putin watchers know that the Russian leader on occasion spices up his formal presentations with off-color quips which, unless one is well versed in colloquial Russian of the back-alley variety, can get missed by the casual listener. During the June 16 discussion period of the plenary session of the 2023 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the Russian leader was asked about his views on the potential use of nuclear weapons in the context of the ongoing Ukrainian conflict.


FLAC 1.4.3 Released With More Optimizations, Drops PowerPC-Specific Code "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

FLAC 1.4.3 is out today as the first update to this Xiph.Org royalty-free, lossless audio codec since last October...


Here's how NATO trainers knowingly sent Ukrainian troops to their deaths in this month's counteroffensive against Russia "IndyWatch Feed World"

Ukraine sent one of its best brigades into combat earlier this month as part of its long-awaited counteroffensive aimed at retaking areas controlled by Russian forces. Leading the charge near the town of Orekhov, in Zaporozhye Region, was the 47th Mechanized Brigade, armed with NATO equipment and - most importantly - employing it using the US-led bloc's combined arms doctrine and tactics. Prior to the operation, this brigade spent months at a base in Germany learning "Western know-how" in combined-arms warfare. Helping them prepare for the fighting to come was KORA, the German-made NATO computer simulation system, designed to allow officers and non-commissioned officers to closely replicate battlefield conditions and, in doing so, better develop ideal courses of action against a designated enemy - in this case, Russia.


Biden as A Dangerous Fool "IndyWatch Feed War"

 Biden Plays Down Dictator Remark As China Fumes, Summons US Ambassador


THURSDAY, JUN 22, 2023 - 09:59 PM

Update(1559ET): Following Yellen's comments from Paris earlier in the day, President Biden himself tried to explain away his Tuesday night remarks describing Xi Jinping as a "dictator". He addressed the issue which has infuriated Beijing during his joint press conference with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi:

President Biden said Thursday he didnt believe his description this week of Chinese leader Xi Jinping as a dictator had set back U.S. relations with China, after Beijing summoned the U.S. ambassador for an official reprimand following the presidents comments.

"I expect to be meeting with President Xi sometime in the future, the near term, and I dont think its had any consequence,...


Ban Ki-moon and Mary Robinson: 'Growing evidence' of apartheid in Palestine "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ban Ki-moon and Mary Robinson: 'Growing evidence' of apartheid in Palestine

Former UN secretary-general and ex-head of UN's refugee agency warn of 'one-state reality'
MEE staff Fri, 06/23/2023 - 10:23
Chair of the Elders Mary Robinson, the first woman President of Ireland, left, and Ban Ki-moon, former UN Secretary-General, right, Deputy Chair of the Elders, speak during an interview in Tel Aviv, Israel, Thursday, June 22, 2023 (AP)
Former UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon and ex-head of the UN's refugee agency Mary Robinson in Tel Aviv, 22 June (AP)

There is "ever-growing evidence" that the situation in Israel and Palestine meets the legal definition of apartheid, warned former United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon and ex-head of the UN's refugee agency Mary Robinson following a trip to the countries.

The two senior figures made a three-day visit on behalf of the Elders, an organisation composed of former statespeople and human rights activists, during which they suggested Israel-Palestine was on course for a "one-state reality" as the prospect of two states becomes increasingly remote.

In a statement, the Elders said that Robinson and Ban heard "no detailed rebuttal of the evidence of apartheid" that was described to them by human rights groups, and said the behaviour of the Israeli government in the occupied West Bank showed "an intent to pursue permanent annexation rather than temporary occupation, based on Jewish supremacy".

I leave Israel and Palestine with a heavy heart. I have seen and heard compelling evidence of a one-state reality, with systemic impunity for violators of international law and human rights," said Ban, who is also deputy chair of the Elders.

"There is a lack of political vision and leadership in Israel and Palestine and among Israels allies, who continue to revert to a short-term approach."

'I have seen and heard compelling evidence of a one-state reality, with systemic impunity for violators of international law and human rights'

- Ban Ki-Moon...


NSA Releases Guide to Combat Powerful BlackLotus Bootkit Targeting Windows Systems "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) on Thursday released guidance to help organizations detect and prevent infections of a Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) bootkit called BlackLotus. To that end, the agency is recommending that "infrastructure owners take action by hardening user executable policies and monitoring the integrity of the boot partition." BlackLotus is an advanced


The Smug Racist Republic versus Globalising Elite "IndyWatch Feed"

This is the third time I have felt compelled to respond to a speech or Opinion Piece by my friend Andy Pollak whom I hold in the highest regard despite disagreeing with him so fundamentally on several issues.

On the first occasion, I took issue with his assertion that The South is not ready for re-unification on the basis that it must become much more like Britain to satisfy unionist concerns, arguing that unionists wont vote for a united Ireland regardless what concessions are made by nationalism, short of Ireland re-joining the UK. That simply isnt going to happen.

On the second occasion, I took issue with his assertion that the southern media is almost entirely ignorant of the north and argued that southern people probably know as much about Derry as they know about Donegal, and more about the goings on (or lack of) in the Northern Ireland Assembly than they know about legislation currently passing through Seanad ireann.

And now Andy has weighed in on how the Refugee crisis reveals the racism in the smug republic which has led to accusations that he is simply venting his unionist bile against all things Irish.

It is beginning to feel as if I am man-marking him, but in fairness he raises important issues which require elucidation and discussion rather than abuse. And fair dues to Andy for having the courage to present his views on this forum where he is unlikely to get a sympathetic response. And indeed, the response has been extensive and often vituperative.

But I think that response has also been mistaken.

As so often in Northern Ireland, complex issues get dragged through a Green/Orange prism where many of the genuine issues are missed. So I responded as follows with a comment soon lost in the maelstrom of reaction, which I think needs to be considered further:

I think ascribing Andy Pollaks views to unionist hatred of Ireland is well wide of the mark. Andy hasnt lived in Dublin for decades because he hates the place. Im sure he would be even more critical of British immigration policies if that was the point of the OP.

There is a strain of liberal thinking which believes almost all state controls on freedom of movement are morally wrong. It is a form of belief in a laissez-faire global capitalism where everyone should have an equal opportunity of making a life wherever th...



User Answers

On very rare occasions I like to do a blog where I say very little about a topic, and rather, ask the readers of

The post THAT AI GENERATED LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICE IN GERMANY appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Skipping the Foreplay "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  Toxic Masculinity Fight for the Mine Shaft Male, January 1963 Cover by Mort Kunstler   When the barbarians are at the gate, masculinity is no longer toxic.   High-quality ZSU-23-2 technical   Identify the Aircraft 1 2   Bullet Points: ** School Policy: Lie to parents ** While appearing before the House Judiciary Committee []

The post Skipping the Foreplay appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Daniel Ellsberg: Master of War, Champion of Peace "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This is a goodbye appreciation piece for the value Daniel Ellsberg brought to the public with his revelations about secret government workings.


Organ Transplant Patients Can Die When Donors Arent Screened for This Parasitic Disease "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

When a ringing phone woke Bob Naedele on his 64th birthday, the caller offered the best gift imaginable: Newark Beth Israel Medical Center had a heart for him. A heart attack had left Naedele, a former police detective, with grave cardiac damage, and he had spent the last 2 1/2 years on the transplant waiting list.

Naedeles family usually celebrated birthdays with dinner and a cake. But on that day in May of 2018, Bob and his wife of 43 years, Cheryl, instead started calling their children to let them know that they were heading to the hospital. The cake would have to wait.

He went into surgery and received his new heart shortly after midnight.

At first, Bob Naedeles recovery seemed to go well, according to his wife. He returned home after three weeks and initially had more energy than before. It seemed as though their longtime dream of traveling across the country in an RV to visit national parks might be within reach.

But nine weeks after his transplant, Naedele got a fever, and his hands began shaking with tremors. He returned to Newark Beth Israel. Doctors ran test after test but were unable to find the cause.

After he spent more than a month in the hospital, doctors discharged him, but he continued to decline. He fell, and I had to get my neighbors help to get him back to bed, Cheryl Naedele recalled. I had to put him in a wheelchair to get him to the bathroom. Bob Naedele deteriorated so quickly that his wife had to call for an ambulance. This time he went to Yale New Haven Hospital, which was closer to their home in Connecticut. By the next day, doctors in Yales intensive care unit found the culprit: The heart Naedele had received had been infected with a parasite that causes Chagas disease.

He was basically filled with parasites, recalled Dr. Tariq Ahmad, chief of heart failure at Yale cardiology. The organisms had multiplied in his heart and invaded his nervous system and brain.

For 12 long weeks, the doctors at Yale tri...


Arabic press review: Saudi man hosts 1,300 Russian Hajj pilgrims "IndyWatch Feed War"

Arabic press review: Saudi man hosts 1,300 Russian Hajj pilgrims

Meanwhile, Tunisian journalist arrested for criticising laws and former Algerian prime minister jailed
Mohammad Ayesh Fri, 06/23/2023 - 09:57
Muslim pilgrims wait to pick up their suitcases upon their arrival to King Abdul Aziz airport in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on 27 November 2008 (AFP)
Muslim pilgrims arriving at King Abdul Aziz airport in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on 27 November 2008 (AFP)

Saudi man welcomes Russian pilgrims

A Saudi Arabian citizen is hosting hundreds of Hajj pilgrims from Russia in his home for the third year in a row, according to a report by the country's state-run broadcaster Al-Ekhbariya.

Fahd al-Hamli will welcome up to 1,300 Russian pilgrims on his farm near Riyadh. 

He will receive the guests, present them with gifts and then introduce them to Saudi culture, the report said.  "We show them the Saudi culture by preparing coffee and dates," Hamli said.

He will also screen an introductory film about Hajj, translated into Russian.

In January, Saudi Arabia announced that there will be no limit on the number of pilgrims who can attend the Hajj in 2023, following three years of restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


BEST OF THE WEB: Why Pride lost the public "IndyWatch Feed World"

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably witnessed the backlash to Pride. There have been mass boycotts of Bud Light after the beer company partnered with trans woman and TikTok influencer, Dylan Mulvaney, sending her a custom can to celebrate her first year of "girlhood." Target was next to come under fire for its Pride display targeting children and their "tuck-friendly" bathing suits for women. This set the stage for the most divisive Pride month in some time. First, the boycotts. Then videos of angry parents at school boards went viral. Conservative radio hosts and commentators vowed to make Pride "toxic" to brands. But it's not just conservatives who are pushing back; according to a recent Gallup poll, even Democrats have seen a drop in the acceptance of same-sex relations. Which begs the question: what happened to Pride? After decades of progress for gay rights, growing acceptance of gay marriage and the normalization of same-sex relationships, Pride is...


Pirate IPTV: Police Target 13 Suspects, Seize 620K Euros in Cash/Crypto "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

crypto-investItalian authorities are reporting that officers of the Special Privacy Protection and Technological Fraud Unit of the Guardia di Finanza of Rome have carried out a new operation against pirate IPTV.

Acting on a decree issued by the Public Prosecutor at the Court of Milan, 12 Italian nationals and one person of Albanian origins, living in several regions of Italy and Germany, were targeted on suspicion of operating social media channels dedicated to pirate IPTV subscription sales/resales.

While the announcement itself offers no specifics in respect of the suspects locations, a police video published today contains a slide showing maps of Italy and Germany and various marked locations.

iptv-gdf map

In Frankfurt, Germany, the operations were conducted against two Italian subjects, through international judicial cooperation channels coordinated by Eurojust with the collaboration of the State Police of Hesse Police Headquarters of Frankfurt through a European Investigation Order issued by the Judicial Authority of Milan, the announcement reads.

620K Euros in Cash/Crypto Seized, 60 Telegram Channels Shut Down

Police say that the decree issued by the Public Prosecutor allowed them to shut down 60 resources/channels on Telegram and a website used to sell the subscriptions. None of these channels were mentioned by name, so trying to confirm shutdowns or otherwise is impossible.

impero-iptvHowever, police did reveal that the organizers used a Telegram channel called Impero IPTV (Empire IPTV) as a meeting point.

While we cant rule out the police having another channel in mind, as far as we can see the Impero IPTV channel hasnt been shut down and still has almost 250 members. Whether any have any cash to hand is up for debate.

Police say that a detailed investigation allowed financial experts...



The 1918-19 bacterial vaccine experiment may have killed 50-100 million people

By Kevin Barry, President | First Freedoms, Inc. | November 7, 2018

Part 1 of a 5 part series

The Spanish Flu killed an estimated 50-100 million people during a pandemic 1918-19. What if the story  we have been told about this pandemic isnt true? What if, instead, the killer infection was neither the flu nor Spanish in origin? Newly analyzed documents reveal that the Spanish Flu may have been a military vaccine experiment gone awry. In looking back on the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, we need to delve deeper to solve this mystery.


  • The reason modern technology has not been able to pinpoint the killer influenza strain from this pandemic is because influenza was not the killer.
  • More soldiers died during WWI from disease than from bullets.
  • The pandemic was not flu. An estimated 95% (or higher) of the deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia, not influenza/a...


Deaths at Sea: From the Titan to the Mediterranean "IndyWatch Feed War"

Mortality at sea is becoming a theme of late. The nature of how that mortality has been represented, however, has varied. The death of a billionaire on a quest to see the sunken ruins of the Titanic is treated with saturating interest; the deaths of those making their way across the Mediterranean to seek sanctuary receives a relative footnote of interest.

News has now emerged that the five occupants on the Titan submersible have perished, joining those other unfortunates already entombed in the watery ruins of the steamship that sank in April 1912 off the coast of Newfoundland. They include Stockton Rush, the CEO of OceanGate, the company funding the venture, British-Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son, Suleman, British businessman Hamish Harding and renowned explorer Paul-Henri Nargeolet.

It was occasion enough to lead Hollywood film director James Cameron, himself a veteran of 33 dives to the vessel whose story he brought to the big screen in 1997, to make a few queries. On hearing of the subs disappearance, contacts in the deep submersible community were chased up. Within about an hour I had the following facts. They were on descent. They were at 3,500 metres, heading for the bottom at 3,800 metres.

The loss of both communications and navigation could only lead to one conclusion: an extreme catastrophic event or high, highly energetic catastrophic event. On June 22, an official in the US Navy revealed that an acoustic anomaly consistent with an implosion had been detected.

For almost a week, the coverage on the fate of the Titan remained unrelenting. Commentators with varying degrees of expertise were consulted over speculative minutiae and details. When would oxygen supplies run out? Were there banging sounds detected, suggesting signs of life? How would the Titan be retrieved?

None of this got away from the obvious point: the mission had been one of sheer folly and recklessness, a doomed reminder of humankinds overconfidence. The submersible lacked standard certification protocols. Notables in the deep submersible community had also expressed their concerns to OceanGate, warning of the dangerously experimental nature of the vehicle. In March 2018, a letter from three dozen individuals, including oceanographers, deep-sea explorers and industry leaders, stated that the current experimental approach adopted by Oceangate could result in negative outcomes (from minor to catastrophic) that would have serious consequences for everyone in the industry.

Within the company itself, the director of maritime operations, David Lochridg...


AI for small business: Bosses want to automate these 5 tasks "IndyWatch Feed World"

Running a small business is time consuming. A new survey from Intuit suggests business owners are looking to free up their time with AI tools.

A new survey from Intuit shows that many small business owners are eager to turn to AI tools to help run and streamline parts of their business. The driver behind this willingness to turn to AI is a lack of time, with 35% of small businesses saying that as their business grows, they find themselves lacking enough time to complete important tasks.

Read Full Story


Powerful Water Pump Is Modular In Nature "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If youve got one decently powerful DC motor, you could conceivably build a water pump. Gang up ten of them, however, and you could build something considerably more powerful, as [akashv44] demonstrates.

The design is straightforward, relying on simple impeller pumps driven by RS-775 DC motors. The pump housings and impellers are all 3D printed. Theyre designed so that the motor integrates neatly with the pump housing, and so that multiple pumps can easily be ganged up into a single larger unit. [akashv44] demonstrates a build using ten individual pump units with a large manifold, allowing the output of all the pumps to be combined into one single outlet.

The concept is straightforward enough, and running on a 48-volt power supply, its clear that the pump can move a significant amount of water. Notably, though, it would be possible to improve significantly with some design changes. Currently, the water path from the pumps must make several 90-degree turns, harming efficiency. Wed love to see the pumps angled nicely into more advanced manifolds which would more smoothly combine the streams together. This would likely result in a far greater...


Should your job provide childcare? "IndyWatch Feed World"

Employer-sponsored childcare has become a popular tool to attract and retain employees but theres a lot to consider.

The last several years have served as one prolonged watershed moment for the early care and education sector.

Read Full Story

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