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Sunday, 23 July


Ro Khanna: The Silicon Valley 'progressive' pushing closer US ties to Modi's India "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ro Khanna: The Silicon Valley 'progressive' pushing closer US ties to Modi's India

US Congressman Ro Khanna arrives for an official State Dinner on 22 June 2023 in honour of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (AFP)
Azad Essa Sun, 07/23/2023 - 11:36
The Indian American congressman says he has a duty to reject Hindu nationalism. But does his record stand up to scrutiny?

When India was subject to intense international scrutiny following Narendra Modi's decision to annex Indian-controlled Kashmir in late August 2019, an article in The Caravan, India's premier long-form magazine, began doing the rounds on social media.

The long read, written by activist Peter Friedrich, detailed the role of the Hindu nationalist lobby in American politics, and focused on then-Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii.

Friedrich forensically outlined how the Hindu right-wing paramilitary organisation, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), had funded Gabbard in exchange for helping rehabilitate Modi's image in the United States.

But it wasn't just the article that caught the attention of South Asian Americans.

Instead, it was the unprompted interjection by an Indian American lawmaker from California.

"Important article," tweeted Congressman Ro Khanna from the 17th district in California, widely known as Silicon Valley, the only district in continental America with an Asian majority.

"It's the duty of every American politician of Hindu faith to stand for pluralism, reject Hindutva, and speak for equal rights for Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists and Christians. That is the vision of India my grandfather Amarnath Vidyalankar fought for," the Congressman added.

Vidyalankar was an Indian activist who became a member of the Indian National Congress and later an MP in p...

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Saturday, 22 July


Auf dem Weg zum Mittagessen sind mir heute bestimmt ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Auf dem Weg zum Mittagessen sind mir heute bestimmt fnf oder sechs franzsische Familien aufgefallen. Das ist recht ungewhnlich und ich frage mich, ob das die Auswirkungen von dem Freundschaftspass sind.

Ich finde das jedenfalls sehr schn. Franzsisch ist im Stadtbild von Berlin bisher unterreprsentiert, da ist an Fremdsprachen eher englisch oder russisch / ukrainisch zu hren (kann ich am Klang nicht unterscheiden). Und trkisch natrlich.

Lacher des Tages:In Grobritannien will ein Mann ins ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Lacher des Tages:

In Grobritannien will ein Mann ins Parlament gewhlt werden, der mithilfe von knstlicher Intelligenz ein Wahlprogramm erstellt hat. Er selbst habe keine eigenen politischen Positionen, sagte der unabhngige Kandidat Andrew Gray.
Wobei. So witzig ist das auch wieder nicht. Die Merkel war bei uns 16 Jahre ohne eigene politische Positionen Kanzlerin.

Ein Leser weist gerade auf folgenden Umstand hin:$ ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ein Leser weist gerade auf folgenden Umstand hin:

$ host -t aaaa IPv6 address fe80::8e89:a5ff:fe15:6aec
Diese Adresse ist link-local, d.h. die ist aus dem Internet nicht erreichbar. Wenn man sowas ins DNS eintrgt, kommt keiner per IPv6 durch. :-)

Schocker: Bahnfahren ist meist teurer als Fliegen.Das ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Schocker: Bahnfahren ist meist teurer als Fliegen.

Das hat bestimmt die CIA herausgefunden. Die finden ja alles raus. Alles finden die raus!

Oh nein, warte. Das hat Greenpeace herausgefunden. Die finden auch alles raus.

Ah, der gute alte Texas Two-Step!Step 1: Google fordert ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ah, der gute alte Texas Two-Step!

Step 1: Google fordert Mitarbeiter auf, wieder ins Bro zu kommen.

Step 2: Google dreht Mitarbeitern im Bro das Internet ab.

Die sollen mal schn alle kndigen. Werden eh nicht mehr gebraucht. Die Arbeit macht ab jetzt die schrottige "KI".

Als wenn wir nicht genug Probleme htten in Berlin: ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Als wenn wir nicht genug Probleme htten in Berlin: Polizei warnt Brger im Sden Berlins vor freilaufender Lwin.

Update: OH (ein Kleinmachnower): Geil, ein Lwe, der das Wildschweinproblem hier reduziert!

Benutzt hier jemand OpenSSH mit Agent Forwarding?The ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Benutzt hier jemand OpenSSH mit Agent Forwarding?

The Qualys Threat Research Unit (TRU) has discovered a remote code execution vulnerability in OpenSSHs forwarded ssh-agent.

Der Prsident von Stanford tritt zurck.He will also ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Der Prsident von Stanford tritt zurck.

He will also retract or issue lengthy corrections to five widely cited papers for which he was principal author after a Stanford-sponsored investigation found manipulation of research data.

Zu Fiona Scott Morton gibt es ein Update:Bevor sie ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Zu Fiona Scott Morton gibt es ein Update:

Bevor sie ihren Posten in der EU-Generaldirektion Wettbewerb antreten konnte, macht die US-Wirtschaftsexpertin Scott Morton einen Rckzieher: Kritiker hatten mgliche Interessenkonflikte befrchtet.
Mir schrieb ein Leser, dass das ein genialer Schachzug sei, diese Frau in der EU zustndig zu machen, weil die US-Geheimdienste ja keine Amerikaner abhren drften. Sie sei damit die einzige Kandidatin, die nicht abgehrt werden drfte. :-)

Leider wissen wir seit Snowden, dass nicht nur der BND mit seiner "Weltraumtheorie" auf die Regeln scheit, sondern auch die US-Dienste Regeln auch eher als Handlungsvorschlge begreifen.


Small wildcats pose big challenges, but coexistence is very much possible "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Big cat conflict is a threat to charismatic species like tigers and leopards. Small cat conflict, though often less severe, can also harm the livelihoods of communities and farmers and in some cases spell danger for these lesser-known felids. There are more than 30 species of small cats found across the globe. Though they can bring benefits to both nature and people, they also often get into conflict with humans, just one of the multiple threats the face. The human-wildlife conflict between small cats and big cats is very different, Wai-Ming Wong, director of the small cats program at the conservation NGO Panthera, told Mongabay. Big cats can cause significant economic losses, damage property or livestock, or result in loss of life in the worst-case scenarios, he said. Small cats arent a risk to human life as they raid smaller livestock, like chickens; but they can be devastating to farmers, nonetheless. When we talk about poultry, were talking about farmers that earn less than $50 a month, said Zafeer Ahmed Shaikh, who is based in Pakistan and heads the Indus Fishing Cat Project. So, when they lose a chicken, thats a big deal for them. Some species, such as the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) or jungle cat (Felis chaus), can thrive in disturbed environments, including farmlands. In other instances, habitat loss or disturbance can drive species to search for food elsewhere, such as farmers backyards; so too can prey depletion. And if these cats are seen as pests, it canThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Richard Stallman on Incorrect (But Viral) Quotation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Published 8 minutes ago:

Stallmans article: (attribution and link at the bottom)

A quotation circulates on the Internet, attributed to me, but it wasnt written by me.

Heres the text that is circulating. Most of it was copied from statements I have made, but the part italicized here is not from me. It makes points that are mistaken or confused.

Id just like to interject for a moment. What youre referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as Ive recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.

Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machines resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

The main error is that Linux is not strictly speaking part of the GNU systemwhose kernel is GNU Hurd. The version with Linux, we call GNU/Linux. It is OK to call it GNU when you want to be really short, but it is better to call it GNU/Linux so as to give Torvalds some credit.

We dont use the term corelibs, and I am not sure what that would mean, but GNU is much more than the specific packages we developed for it. I set out in 1983 to develop an operating system, calling it GNU, and that job required developing whichever important packages we could not find elsewhere.

See Linux and GNU and GNU/Linux FAQ, plus the history in The GNU Project.



Opinion: the Decline of Science at the FDA Has Become Unmanageable "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The decline of science at the FDA has become unmanageable:

Before 1962, US federal law did not require pre-marketing proof of effectiveness for drugs. But senate hearings revealing widespread false advertising of drugsalong with the thalidomide safety disasterspurred Congress into action. From then on, approval of a New Drug Application (NDA) by the US Food and Drug Administration required proof of "substantial evidence" of effectiveness. This proof was defined as results from "adequate and well-controlled investigations, including clinical investigations," with such evidence also required to advertise claims of safety and effectiveness. A National Academy of Sciences review underscored the need for these mandates, finding over 30% of pre-1962 marketed drugs to be ineffective.

The FDA's legally enforceable regulations detail what "substantial evidence" and "adequate and well-controlled investigations" mean in greater depth, supplemented by guidelines to industry which, although not legally binding, explain the FDA's current interpretation of drug manufacturers' legal obligations. However imperfect, the FDA's enforcement of these provisions assures prescribers, patients, and payers that effectiveness claims are based on science, not science fiction. A published FDA review showed efficacy deficiencies, in whole or in part, underlying initial rejection of 89 of 151 NDAs (59%), highlighting the continuing need for vigilance on this front.

However, as Peter Doshi reports in The BMJ, the FDA subverted the legal standard for effectiveness in its 2019 approval of Recarbrio, a fixed dose combination of imipenem, cilastatin, and relebactam. While the FDA has previously approved products with marginal evidence of effectiveness, approval of the Recarbrio NDA was shocking given its lack of substantial evidence of effectiveness and the complete absence of adequate and well controlled clinical investigations on the actual indication of interest.

[...] What accounts for this descent into cargo cult science? Much of the blame must go to the FDA's reliance on industry paid user fees. Over the past three decades the proportion of the FDA's annual drug budget made up of such fees has risen from less than 10% (fiscal year 1994) to more than two thirds (fiscal year 2023). In addition, the alluring "regulatory flexibilities" provided by the FDA Modernization Act of 1997 and the 21st Century Cures Act have become habit forming, enabling the FDA's leadership and managers to deny scientific reality by defining effectiveness downward. In its quest to avoid difficult choices and hard decisions the FDA has increasingly embraced non-inferiority trials (or vice versa), ignoring the serious regulatory, clinical, and ethical problems caused by their misuse.



Globalists suggest 'finance shock' and climate controls to launch their Great Reset "IndyWatch Feed World"

At the end of June government leaders and think-tank power brokers from around the world met at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris. Participants include United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva and World Bank President Ajay Banga. The supposed purpose of the summit was to find financial solutions to the goals of tackling poverty while simultaneously curbing "planet-heating emissions." As with all climate change related events the discussion in Paris inevitably turned to international centralization of power and the formation of a global consortium to fix the problems that they claim sovereign nations cannot or will not fix. However, what I'm seeing more and more in the past couple years is a convergence of narratives - Central banks and international banks are now suddenly more concerned with carbon taxation and global warming than they seem to be concerned with stagflation and...


The True Cost of Julian Assanges Persecution: An Exclusive Interview with Stella Assange "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The MintPress podcast, The Watchdog, hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public interest to know including intelligence, lobby and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. The Watchdog goes against the grain by casting a light on stories largely ignored by the mainstream, corporate media.


It is now four years since Julian Assange was imprisoned in Belmarshs high-security prison in London and eleven since he was forced into hiding in the Ecuadorean Embassy in the same city. But even before then, the Australian publisher and WikiLeaks co-founder has been under relentless attack from powerful bodies his organization exposed.

Today in The Watchdog studio, Lowkey is joined by Assanges wife Stella. Stella Assange is a South-African born lawyer and human rights defender. Her most famous case is undoubtedly that of her husband, whom she married in 2022. For years, Stella has tirelessly traveled the world raising awareness of Julians situation. Before marrying Julian, she attained degrees from the School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS) in London and from the University of Oxford. Earlier this year, she met with Pope Francis to discuss the situation of whom Lowkey described as the political prisoner of our time.

For Lowkey, Assanges brilliance was taking his anti-war passions and finding a way to directly work with units within the U.S. military to make the public aware of the illegal, immoral, and deeply unpopular decisions being taken in our name. As he said today:

Some of the most deeply heinous and hideous aspects of the Iraqi and Afghan occupations by the U.S., Britain and their allies, have been revealed within the WikiLeaks files. We are talking about millions of documents being made available to the public to understand truly what was happening.

Perhaps the most infamous leak was the Collateral Murder video, which showed footage of American helicopter pilots casually carrying out a massacre of Iraqi civilians in Baghdad in 2007, two of whom were Reuters-employed journalists.

Despite this, the media cheered Assanges arrest. The Washington Posts editorial board, for example,...


[$] Exceptions in BPF "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The BPF virtual machine in the kernel has been steadily gaining new features for years, many of which add capabilities that C programmers do not ordinarily have. So, from one point of view, it was only a matter of time before BPF gained support for exceptions. As it turns out, though, this "exceptions" feature is aimed at a specific use case, and its use in most programs will be truly exceptional.


Over 500 New Yorkers protest Israeli violence, endorse legislation to end state support of settlements "IndyWatch Feed War"

500+ crowd of New Yorkers protesting Israeli settler violence and rallying in support of the Not On Our Dime! ActOn July 20, hundreds of New Yorkers marched in support of the historic Not On Our Dime! Act, which seeks to penalize nonprofits that are funding illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine.


Entre Ros: agroecologa para recuperar biodiversidad entre avcolas, agrotxicos e incendios "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ilustracin: Sebastin Damen

Recursos hdricos y tierras frtiles son la base de una provincia con produccin variada de alimentos. Lder nacional en el sector avcola y citrcola; el modelo agrotxico avanz en Entre Ros inundando de soja el 20% de las hectreas agropecuarias, concentrando tierras y empujando la frontera al Delta, que registra incendios rcords. Productores, asambleas y municipios impulsan la agroecologa.

Entre Ros posee una rica biodiversidad en donde se combinan ecosistemas acuticos y terrestres y climas que propician las actividades agrcola-ganaderas. Ubicada en el centro-este de Argentina, la provincia tiene una superficie de 78.781 kilmetros cuadrados (7.878.100 hectreas): 77 por ciento de tierra firme, 20 por ciento de islas, delta, predelta y anegadizos; tres por ciento agua, rodeada por los ros Paran y Uruguay, y atravesada por ros y arroyos. Junto a Misiones y Corrientes conforma la regin geogrfica de la Mesopotamia, junto a las provincias de Crdoba y Santa Fe es parte de un bloque de integracin poltica denominado Regin Centro, y las ricas tierras del sur provincial se incorporan a la regin pampeana, corazn del agronegocio. 

La produccin y exportacin de alimentos es la principal fuente de ingresos en una provincia que lidera la produccin citrcola y avcola del pas, y es la segunda productora de arroz y miel. Sin embargo, la soja se expandi ms all de las tierras agrcolas del sur, de la mano del modelo atado a los agrotxicos, y en los ltimos 30 aos pas de ocupar 50 mil hectreas (ha) a 1.000.000, en promedio, un 20 por ciento del rea destinada al sector agropecuario provincial. En paralelo, Entre Ros vivi un proceso de concentracin de tierras: entre el Censo Nacional Agropecuario de 2002 y el ltimo realizado en 2018 las nicas unidades productivas agropecuarias que crecieron fueron las del estrato ms alto (7500 a 20.000 ha o ms) y lo hicieron en un 140 por ciento, avanzando sobre los productores ms pequeos.  

La expansin de la frontera agropecuaria sobre el Delta del Paran agrava el impacto de las consecuencias del cambio climtico con los incendios rcords registrados desde 2020 como smbolo ms mediatizado. Tambin el modelo agrotxico enciende alarmas sobre el impacto en la salud: Entre Ros registra una tasa de mortalidad por cncer que supera la media nacional. En ese contexto, los productores agroecolgicos empujan en minora y sin respaldo de polticas pblicas un modelo de produccin de alimentos sanos, mientras asambleas y organizaciones sociales luchan contra las fumigaciones. La organizacin desde abajo empuj la prohibicin del glifosato y Plan de Alimentacin Sana Segura y Soberana (PASS) en el municipio de Gualeguaych.        

Delta, puerto...


IGEL appoints Klaus Oestermann as CEO "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

IGEL has announced the appointment of Klaus Oestermann as CEO. A proven leader in growing global software businesses, Oestermann succeeds Jed Ayres who will continue on as IGEL Company Advisor. Oestermann, who brings a track record for scaling global software businesses while building market positions and brand value, was selected by the IGEL Board to take the top executive position after being named Executive Chair of the Board earlier this year. His expertise in balancing More

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2600 Breaks Free From DRM with PDF/EPUB Subscription "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Hackaday has been online in some form or another since 2004, which for the Internet, makes us pretty damn old. But while that makes us one of the oldest surviving web resources for hacker types, weve got nothing on 2600 theyve been publishing their quarterly zine since 1984.



Washington sanctions 14 Iraqi banks in new anti-Iran crackdown "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Cradle | July 20, 2023

The US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have barred 14 Iraqi banks from conducting transactions in US dollars as part of a sweeping crackdown to stop Iran and other sanctioned nations from acquiring the greenback, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on 19 July.

US officials say the new sanctions were issued after discovering information showing the banks engaged in money laundering and fraudulent transactions, some of which may have involved sanctioned individuals and raised concerns that Iran could benefit.

We have strong reason to suspect that at least some of these laundered funds could end up going to benefit either designated individuals or individuals who could be designated, a senior US official told the WSJ.

The banks targeted by the punitive measures are small institutions reportedly heavily involved in US dollar transactions.

According to Iraqs Shafaq News, the targeted banks include the Islamic Advisor for Investment and Finance, the Islamic Qartas for Investment and Finance, Al Mustashar Islamic Bank, Elaf Bank, Erbil Bank, the International Islamic Bank, Trans-Iraq Bank, Mosul Bank, Al-Rajeh Bank, Sumer Commercial Bank, Trust International Islamic Bank, the World Islamic Bank, and Zain Iraq Islamic Bank.

The sanctions came only one day after the US State Department issued a new 120-day sanctions waiver to allow Baghdad to deposit payments for Iranian natural gas into non-Iraqi banks in response to criticism that the White House is responsible for recent power cuts at the height of Iraqs blistering hot summer.

Since 2003, all Iraqi oil revenues have been paid into an account with the US Federal Reserve. Although Iraqis formed a sovereign government after the US invasion and occupation of their state, Iraq is still restricted from opening accounts for its oil earnings outside the US.

Given its dominance of the global financial system, Washington can control all funds of Iraq...


More AI Remixing "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

My favorite thing about AI art is that the results are throw-aways. You are not asking a real artist to pour weeks of work and years of skill into something that is, basically, a joke.

Mona Lisa. Personally, Mona Lisa is hardly one of my favorite works its small, dark, dour, uninteresting but we can fix that! is the motto of the AI artist. really like:

Stable Diffusion AI and mjr: mona lisa overdrive

I normally would have used Midjourney but dicks and breasts and stuff like that are not allowed, because offense or something. So I turned to one of my other favorites and asked for Midjourney to goth it up.

Midjourney AI and mjr whistlers mother as an 80s goth chick with big hair and lots of makeup.

I legitimately love that image. The character of the image is completely changed, yet it still resembles its original. Fascinating. Look what it did with the background painting!

Midjourney AI and mjr: whistlers mother as an 80s goth

Meanwhile, another favorite of mine, Madame X by John Singer Sargent. What a wonderful painting for a goth remix. So, I gotta confess something one of my benchmarks of beauty is a good nose. Madame Xs nose is spectacular. Midjourney kind of snubbed it down. But I can ask for profile views, etc. This came out pretty good:

Midjourney AI and mjr, Madame X as an 80s...


West Bank: Israeli forces kill Palestinian teenager near Ramallah "IndyWatch Feed War"

West Bank: Israeli forces kill Palestinian teenager near Ramallah

The Israeli army says it shot at Palestinians after they hurled 'life-threatening rocks' at soldiers
MEE staff Fri, 07/21/2023 - 15:36
Mohammad Fouad al-Baied, 17, was fatally shot in the head by Israeli forces (Social media)

Israeli forces fatally shot a Palestinian teenager on Friday in the occupied West Bank, making him the 34th child killed by Israeli fire this year according to a Middle East Eye tally. 

Mohammad Fouad al-Baied, 17, was shot in the head in the Umm Safa village near Ramallah, the Palestinian health ministry said. 

Israeli forces used live fire, stun grenades and tear gas to disperse Palestinians who gathered in the village to denounce a recent rise in settler attacks against them, Palestinian media reported.

At least one other person besides Baied was seriously wounded from gunshots and others were treated for tear gas inhalation. 

The Israeli army said it fired at Palestinians hurling stones and "life-threatening rocks" at Israeli troops in Umm Safa.

The village north of Ramallah has seen heightened tensions in recent weeks following violent settler mob attacks in the area earlier this month, whic...


Security updates for Friday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Fedora (golang, nodejs16, nodejs18, and R-jsonlite), Red Hat (java-1.8.0-openjdk and java-17-openjdk), SUSE (container-suseconnect, redis, and redis7), and Ubuntu (wkhtmltopdf).


Deloitte expands MXDR solution with new operational technology and identity modules "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Deloitte has expanded their MXDR cybersecurity solution to help support some of the unique challenges for enterprise, cloud, and operational technology (OT) security operations center (SOC) delivery, by developing two new modules for identity security and mission-critical OT. As the threat landscape continues to change rapidly, we want to offer Deloittes existing and future clients access to what we call the next generation MXDR, enhancing security for our clients most important assets, says Emily Mossburg, More

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WHOs Power Grab Through Surveillance And Triple Billion Targets "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Rhoda Wilson During an interview with Peter Sweden, Noor Bin Ladin exposed how the World Health Organisation (WHO) does not care about your health, but...

WHOs Power Grab Through Surveillance And Triple Billion Targets


Covid Vacccine Jab: Brain Bleeds in Young People "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Something Amiss "IndyWatch Feed War"

There is a war happening in Europe that is, interestingly, no longer mentioned on the first two screens of the front pages of the Washington Post and the New York Times. bigger--- bigger The failure of the Ukrainian counter-offensive and...


Lockheed Martin Predicts Strong Profits as Global Instability Rises "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Kyle Anzalone | The Libertarian Institute | July 20, 2023

Lockheed Martin believes global instability is driving demand and sees an increase in annual profits. Washingtons proxy war in Ukraine has caused an increase in arms spending among NATO members, boosting weapons makers stock prices.

On Tuesday, Lockheed raised its annual profit and sales outlook on strong demand for military equipment. After making the announcement, the companys stock price increased by one percent. Reuters reports, [Lockheed] expects full-year net sales to be between $66.25 billion and $66.75 billion, up from its earlier forecast of $65 billion to $66 billion.

The billions in profit are driven by sales of big-ticket systems like the F-35. However, Lockheed has struggled to produce F-35s that can perform its promised abilities. In May, the government found the planes engines have a serious problem dealing with heat. The F-35s engine lacks the ability to properly manage the heat generated by the aircrafts systems, POGO reported. That increases the engines wear, and auditors now estimate the extra maintenance will add $38 billion to the programs life-cycle costs.

The arms maker has additionally experienced a boost in demand for smaller systems, like the Javelin anti-tank missile. The White House has shipped thousands of Javelin systems to Kiev since Joe Biden took office.

As well as predicting future success, Lockheed announced it beat expectations regarding quarterly sales. According to Reuters, Quarterly net sales rose 8.1% to $16.69 billion, beating expectations of $15.92 billion.

Last year, Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, described the surge in the market for weapons as the highest since the Cold War. This is certainly the biggest increase in defense spending in Europe since the end of the Cold War, he said.

Prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Lockheeds stock price traded below $340 a share, the price increased to over $450 within a few months. On Thursday, Lockheeds stock was valued at $456 per sale.


The Geopolitics of Russia-Africa Relations: Critical Challenges, Refined Practices "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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From My Cold, Dead Hands! (AM Radio Edition) New World Next Week with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By The Corbett Report Welcome to #NewWorldNextWeek the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments...

From My Cold, Dead Hands! (AM Radio Edition) New World Next Week with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato


Study confirms surge in deforestation in Indigenous lands under Bolsonaro "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Despite being among the best safeguards against deforestation in Brazils Amazon Rainforest, Indigenous lands saw a sharp increase in deforestation over the past decade, according to a study published recently in the journal Nature. Between 2013 and 2021, deforestation in these ostensibly protected territories increased by 129%, leading to the release of 96 million metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. The study attributes the trend to illegal mining, logging and cattle ranching by invaders, as well as the participation of some Indigenous people in these activities. Even so, Indigenous lands accounted for less than 3% of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, with rates of forest conservation similar to those of other protected areas. And across South America, lands in the Amazon managed by Indigenous communities tend to be carbon sinks, removing 460 million metric tons of carbon per year. The study sought to verify whether there was a significant trend either an increase or decrease in deforestation rates inside and outside 232 of the 496 demarcated Indigenous lands in Brazil. The team of scientists found that 97 of these territories saw an increase in deforestation, while 25 saw a decrease and 109 didnt show any trend. In total, 1,708 square kilometers (659 square miles) of forest was cleared in these territories, or an area nearly the size of London. A Specialized Inspection Group (GEF) deactivates illegal mining machines in the Munduruku Indigenous Land in Par. Image by Ibama via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0). In absolute numbers,This article was originally published on Mongabay


Canada Out of NATO. US-NATO Want to Militarize Climate "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Brzezinskis Warning. NATO Moves to Asia-Pacific "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Explore the Psychological Astrology of Connection Learn to Listen and Love More Effectively Free Online Event "IndyWatch Feed World"

Wouldnt it be wonderful to be able to identify and shift old communication patterns that may be unconsciously sabotaging your greater potential for intimate, loving, and fearless relationships of all kinds? Lets face it, many relationships wobble on a tightrope of misunderstandings and disconnects. Often, they fall apart when people dont feel cared about, heard, []

The post Explore the Psychological Astrology of Connection Learn to Listen and Love More Effectively Free Online Event first appeared on Wake Up World.


This Week in Security: Dating App, WooCommerce, and OpenSSH "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Up first this week is a report from vpnMentor, covering the unsecured database backing a set of dating apps, including 419 Dating. The report is a bit light on the technical details, like what sort of database this was, or how exactly it was accessed. But the result is 2.3 million exposed records, containing email address, photos sometimes explicit, and more. Apparently also exposed were server backups and logs.

The good news here is that once [Jeremiah Fowler] discovered the database door unlocked and hanging open, he made a disclosure, and the database was secured. We can only hope that it wasnt discovered by any bad actors in the meantime. The app has now disappeared from the Google Play store, and had just a bit of a sketchy air about it.

WooCommerce Under Siege

Back in March, CVE-2023-28121 was fixed in the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress. The issue here is an authentication bypass that allows an unauthenticated user to commandeer other user accounts.

Within a few months, working exploits had been derived from the details of the patch plugging the hole. It wasnt hard. A functio...


AppViewX joins AWS ISV Accelerate Program to offer a certificate lifecycle management "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AppViewX has joined the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Accelerate Program, a co-sell program for AWS Partners who provide software solutions that run or integrate with AWS. The program will help AppViewX drive new business and accelerate sales cycles by connecting the participating ISVs with the AWS Sales organization. As a MIM vendor, working with the AWS Sales organization allows AppViewX to vet and identify the best solutions available to customers. We More

The post AppViewX joins AWS ISV Accelerate Program to offer a certificate lifecycle management appeared first on Help Net Security.

Friday, 21 July


Don't look back "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Don't even think about it but just keep your eyes / on the dangerous path ahead


What Uxbridge does (and doesnt) tell us about ULEZ and Labours strategy "IndyWatch Feed"

Both Labour and the Tories blame Sadiq Khans anti-pollution strategy. But are they right about what voters want?


Vulkan 1.3.258 Released With New Host Image Copy Extension, NVIDIA DGC Compute "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Vulkan 1.3.258 was published today as the newest revision to this high performance graphics and compute API. There's many fixes with the last Vulkan spec update having been in early July but making this release more notable are two new extensions...


Only 23% of Canadians Are Happy with How the Government Spends Money "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: CTV News: Less than a quarter (23 per cent) of Canadians think the federal government is properly spending money on the most important issues facing the country, according to new survey data from Ipsos. The survey, conducted on behalf of the Montreal Economic Institute, also found 64 per cent of people think the government []


Seven killed in Bhutan as floods wash away part of hydropower plant "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least seven people were killed and 16 others missing in Bhutan after flash floods and landslides triggered by heavy rains washed away a section of a small hydroelectric plant on Thursday, local media reported. Rescue and search teams have rushed to the area, authorities said. Prime Minister Lotay Tshering has arrived at the site and is taking stock of the situation and guiding rescue and search operation, his office said. A section of the 32 MW Yungichhu Hydro Power Project in a remote area in the east of the country was washed away, but the main part was not hit, the Bhutanese newspaper said in a Twitter post without elaborating. State broadcaster BBS said seven bodies have been recovered so far and another 16 were missing.


Saudi Arabia: Campaigners condemn reported arrest of 'apolitical' preacher Badr al-Meshari "IndyWatch Feed War"

Saudi Arabia: Campaigners condemn reported arrest of 'apolitical' preacher Badr al-Meshari

The popular cleric was arrested despite voicing no 'opposition or criticism of the regime' says rights group
MEE staff Fri, 07/21/2023 - 14:50
Reasons behind Badr al-Meshari's reported arrest remain unknown (Badr al-Meshari's Youtube page)
Reasons behind Badr al-Meshari's reported arrest remain unknown (YouTube)

Campaigners have condemned the recent arrest of a widely followed Saudi Arabian preacher for "unknown reasons". 

Badr al-Meshari's arrest was first reported on Monday by the advocacy Twitter account Prisoners of Conscience. 

The UK-based rights organisation Sanad confirmed the arrest the following day, based on "multiple sources".

Saudi Arabian authorities did not release any statements on the reported arrest and Middle East Eye could not independently verify it. 

However, Prisoners of Conscience said no reason was given for Meshari's arrest, and called for him to be freed.

It added that he only preaches a religious message and is "apolitical".

Sanad said the 50-year-old cleric "has no opposition or criticism of the regime" and demanded his "immediate and unconditional release". 

Meshari, born in 1973, was previously the imam of the Hittin Mosque in the Saudi Arabian National Guard in Riyadh, said Sanad....


UN should be learning from sustainable food producers not hosting Big Ag "IndyWatch Feed"

Small-scale farmers and Indigenous groups say they have again been shut out of the UN Food Systems Summit


Gemini Links 21/07/2023: Gemtexter 2.1.0 Released, Birth and Death of the Yesterweb "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal/Opinions

    • Politics and World Events

      • Neoliberalism, Co-Production, and the Social Factory

        Understanding the problems around care requires us to look back and more nationally than just Maine. Many of the other elders I interviewed seemed to agree with Emma [pseudonym] about the importance of community and care networks, sharing a nostalgia for times when local communities and extended families cared for each other over and above both state welfare and corporate market consumption. 69-year-old Lucy (pseudonym), a core organizer in the Hour Exchange project and one of my interviewees, spoke to me about how society used to work very much on this kind of basis of mutual aid but since modern capitalism and especially globalization, people are more isolated from one another. Similarly, 64-year-old Peter (pseudonym), a long-time member of Hour Exchange I also interviewed, outlined how

    • Technology and Free Software

      • Automatically checking for new iris messages on ^C 2023-07-21

        One of the unique features of ^C is iris, the message base written by calamitous. Its relatively low-traffic, and while I could keep it open in interactive mode and issue the f or freshen command occasionally to check for new messages, I dont want to.

      • Using AI to Generate Images for Articles

        Lets start with the basics. You might be asking yourself what is a meta image?. Its the image that shows up on LinkedIn, Facebook and other sites when you post a URL. Its usually accompanied by the title and a summary of the website being posted. Th...


Why the Political West Still Doesnt Want Ukraine to Join NATO "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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US/ NATO Changing Its Weapons Strategy in Ukraine. Western Political Despair? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Science relies on honest observation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Elisabeth Bik is getting mad. She has spent the better part of a decade finding examples of scientific fraud, and it seems to be easy pickings.

Although this was eight years ago, I distinctly recall how angry it made me. This was cheating, pure and simple. By editing an image to produce a desired result, a scientist can manufacture proof for a favored hypothesis, or create a signal out of noise. Scientists must rely on and build on one anothers work. Cheating is a transgression against everything that science should be. If scientific papers contain errors or much worse fraudulent data and fabricated imagery, other researchers are likely to waste time and grant money chasing theories based on made-up results..

But were those duplicated images just an isolated case? With little clue about how big this would get, I began searching for suspicious figures in biomedical journals. By day I went to my job in a lab at Stanford University, but I was soon spending every evening and most weekends looking for suspicious images. In 2016, I published an analysis of 20,621 peer-reviewed papers, discovering problematic images in no fewer than one in 25. Half of these appeared to have been manipulated deliberately rotated, flipped, stretched or otherwise photoshopped. With a sense of unease about how much bad science might be in journals, I quit my full-time job in 2019 so that I could devote myself to finding and reporting more cases of scientific fraud.

Using my pattern-matching eyes and lots of caffeine, I have analyzed more than 100,000 papers since 2014 and found apparent image duplication in 4,800 and similar evidence of error, cheating or other ethical problems in an additional 1,700. Ive reported 2,500 of these to their journals editors and after learning the hard way that journals often do not respond to these cases posted many of those papers along with 3,500 more to PubPeer, a website where scientific literature is discussed in public.

Unfortunately, many scientific journals and academic institutions are slow to respond to evidence of image manipulation if they take action at all. So far, my work has resulted in 956 corrections and 923 retractions, but a majority of the papers I have reported to the journals remain unaddressed.

Ive seen some of the fraud reports, and it amazes me how stupid the scientists committing these fakes must be. Its as if they think jpeg artifacts dont exist, and can be an obvious fingerprint when chunks of an image are d...


History: Germany Pursues Drang nach Osten Once Again? More Weapons for Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Mesa 23.1.4 Released With Intel Optimization Backported, New ANV Optimization Merged "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

First up the belated Mesa 23.1.4 is now available as the latest stable point release in the Mesa 23.1 series...


40+ nations expressed interest to join BRICS - South Africa "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

More than 40 countries have already expressed their desire to join the BRICS group of nations, South Africa says, as the bloc prepares to hold a summit next month. Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, South Africa's Ambassador to BRICS Anil Sooklal said that 22 countries have so far formally asked to join the bloc. Furthermore, there is "an equal number of countries that have informally expressed interest in becoming BRICS members ... (including) all the major global south countries," he added. Sooklal's remarks come as a BRICS summit is due to take place in Johannesburg between August 22 and 24.


Across the West, People Are Dying in Greater Numbers. Nobody Wants to Learn Why "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Censored: UFC Fighters Are Exposing COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injuries and Deaths "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Riots in France as Seen Through the Long Take "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Unfreedom: Fifty Years Later "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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India's ban on rice exports to curb soaring domestic inflation threatens to exacerbate rising global food prices "IndyWatch Feed World"

India has banned non-basmati white rice exports to curb domestic inflation, raising fears of further increases in global food prices just days after wheat and corn prices were sent climbing by Russia's termination of a key grain deal. The immediate ban, introduced after heavy rains hit domestic crops, follows the failure of a 20% duty on international exports introduced in September to curb foreign demand, which has soared after extreme climate conditions hit production in countries. Comment: Due to overwhelming government incompetence and corruption, in addition to an increasingly erratic climate, food prices everywhere are soaring, and, in turn, the majority of nations will, for fear of societal upheaval, need to focus on feeding their own - as we see in the case of India here, but also elsewhere, such as in China - and this will likely only push prices to higher, as well as worsen the burgeoning food shortages. India is the world's largest rice exporter, accounting for more than...


Link "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Past Event ~ Zoom Meeting held on Jan. 7. 2021

Radioactive materials in waterways near treatment plants associated with fracking waste
From an Article by Reid Frazier, Allegheny Front News, July 20, 2023
A new study found higher levels of radioactive materials in rivers and streams near municipal wastewater treatment plants that handled runoff from landfills that accept fracking waste from Pennsylvania.

Over 30 landfills in the state accept fracking waste like drill cuttings. The authors of the study followed what happens to the liquid waste from rainwater that trickles through these landfills. That liquid waste, called leachate, often goes to municipal wastewater facilities.

Sediment in waterways downstream of those facilities was higher in radium, a radioactive material found in the Marcellus shale, than sediment upstream of the plants.

There were increases of two to four times the background level of radium in the sediment, said Dan Bain, associate professor of geology and environmental science at the University of Pittsburgh and one of the studys co-authors. The study appeared in the journal Ecological Indicators.

While landfills must test leachate for radium and other markers of oil and gas waste, wastewater treatment plants dont. He said the state should make the treatment plants test for markers of oil and gas waste, including radioactivity, but also salts and heavy metals associated with drilling wastes, to ensure they arent just passing pollutants into the environment.

We need to have a safeguard so we can say, okay, you need to do something else with that leachate, he said. Its not acceptable to discharge it to waterways.

Fracking a well in the Marcellus or Utica shale creates thousands of tons of drill cuttings basically, dirt and rocks excavated to build the well. Those cuttings are high in naturally occurring radioactive materials. A 2011 analysis by federal scientists found liquid waste from Marcellus wells had concentrations of radium roughly 40 times what the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission classifies as hazardous or radioactive waste.

But a loophole in federal law means oil and gas waste is not considered hazardous and can be disposed of at a variety of landfills, though some sta...


Bidens Tech-War against Beijing Goes Nuclear. China and The Battle for Semiconductors "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Large hail, some 'baseball sized,' batters southeast Michigan - 100,000 lose power "IndyWatch Feed World"

Severe thunderstorms ripped through southeast Michigan on Thursday, bombing the state with giant ice balls so large that some people indoors said it sounded like "bowling on the roof." The hail smashed car windows, sunroofs, and dented everything it touched. Worse, it hurt people. By early Thursday evening, Hope Urgent Care of Davison, a clinic in Genesee County that treats non-life-threatening medical concerns, told the Free Press that there were injuries from the hail "everywhere" and that there were "a ton of people coming in for care due to the hail right now."


If You Want Supreme Court Accountability, Dont Look to the GOP "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Republicans on Thursday showed that they have zero appetite for instituting a code of ethics at the Supreme Court. And why should they? Conservative justices hold six seats on the court, and we know that at least two of them are severely ethically compromised. Therefore, the last thing the GOP wants is accountability.

Right now, it is just about impossible to remove a Supreme Court justice from the bench. Once judges gets a lifetime appointment, they can do just about whatever they want until they retire or die.

Does it matter if they misled Congress during their confirmation hearings? No. Can they legislate from the bench with no concern for precedent? Absolutely. Can they use their majority to turn back the clock and take the US back to a time much more to their liking where people other than wealthy whites knew their place? You betcha.

The Supreme Court Wants You to Party Like Its 1776

So, with a stranglehold on the Supreme Court majority, why would any Republican agree to coming up with mandatory set of ethics? Currently, when the likes of Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito allow right-wing billionaires to shower them with lavish gifts and trips without reporting them, there is no recourse. They can just hide behind wishy washy guidelines.

But if there were an actual set of rules, there might end up official investigations and some sort of punishment. Any maybe, too many repeat or egregious violations might end up opening another avenue for getting a justice kicked off the bench. As a Republican, thats not something you can support if you know that two of your own would be first in line for those probes.

At the very least, that would result in unwanted attention to what those right-wing billionaires have been up to over the past decades...


Erdogans Flip: How Turkiye and Azerbaijan Became Ukraine Allies "IndyWatch Feed War"

Western thinking of Turkish and Azerbaijani Presidents Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ilham Aliyev has been very wrong. Both countries are Ukraines strongest allies in the Greater Middle East, where Arab countries and Israel are sitting on the fence and trying to play both sides or hiding their heads in the sand. This is not the case with Turkiye and Azerbaijan.

Turkiye and Azerbaijan have a close military and political alliance drawn up after the 2020 Second Karabakh War. Both countries are critically disposed toward Russia and align with the pro-Western camp: Turkiye as a NATO member and Azerbaijan as a non-aligned country that has stayed away from Russian-led Eurasian integration projects.

Turkiye is home to millions of Crimean Tatars who moved to the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century. Their Crimean homeland was occupied by the Russian Empire in 1783 which changed its ethnic balance. Crimean Tatars, who closely follow developments in Russian-occupied Crimea, where racism, Islamophobia, and political repression is endemic, are a powerful anti-Russian lobby in Turkiye.

Iran meanwhile has become Russias staunchest ally in the Kremlins fight against the US-dominated unipolar world and its replacement by an allegedly more democratic multipolar world. Iran is constructing a facility to build Shaheed drones in Russia, while Turkiye is building a plant to build Bayraktar drones in Ukraine.

Western governments have wrongly portrayed President Erdogan as being in bed with Vladimir Putin, Russias president, and were therefore wrong-footed by his recent steps. In the space of a week, Erdogan released Ukrainian POWs from the Spring 2022 battle for the port of Mariupol, infuriating the Kremlin because they had been released from Russian captivity on the basis that they would spend the entirety of the war in Turkiye.

But Erdogan went even further. On the eve of the recent NATO summit, Erdogan extended strong support to Ukraine becoming a member of NATO. Turkiyes support infuriated the Kremlin who has expressed strong opposition to Ukraine joining NATO and the EU because this would definitively end any possibility of bringing the country into the Russian World.

In addition to 35 Bayraktar TB2 and 24 Mini-Bayraktar reconnaissance drones, Turkiye is sending other types of military equipment to Ukraine. Before the US announcement, Turkiye said it would supply Ukraine with cluster munitions. Turkiye sent up to 200 TRLG-230 Rokestan missiles to Ukraine that can be fired from multiple rocket launchers and have a range of 20 to 70 kilometers. Turkiye also sent 200 Kirpi mine-resistant armoured personnel carriers and 20 COBRA II 44 Tactical Wheeled Armoured Vehicles.

During the same week of NATOs summit in Vilnius, Turkiye said its navy would escort Ukrainian grain ships through the Black Sea. Turkiyes offer will be tested later this month after R...


G-71 launches integration with mail servers to secure email attachments "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

G-71 launched an extensive integration of its LeaksID solution with all major mail servers. This integration aims to ensure the utmost security of sensitive email attachments and heralds a new era in safeguarding valuable corporate information. In addition to serving as a trusted secure data room for document storage and exchange, LeaksID now empowers users with advanced integration capabilities, enabling them to label email attachments containing sensitive information. This crucial update addresses the prevalent global More

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Whats Next In The Julian Assange Case "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and his legal team believe that Assange may be extradited to the United States before the end of summer.

It is unfortunately time for us to prepare for court proceedings, and so far, you came through for us marvelously.

I am so grateful to our readers for exceeding our goal of raising $1,000 to support my coverage of Assanges U.S. court proceedings. You raised over $3,000.

Now that we have plenty to cover the costs of traveling to Alexandria, Virginia, if Assange is arraigned, lets build on this momentum and raise our goal to support our coverage going forward.

Donate $50 to help us reach $5,000 and establish an independent journalism fund that will ensure I am at any US proceedings that are convened in 2023.

We know the prestige media wont do this case justice, so its important to have independent media like Shadowproof there to give it the attention it deserves.

But each reporting trip will require Shadowproof to spend money on airfare ($400 round trip), taxi or Uber/Lyft rides ($150+), and food and incidental expenses ($150+). We also may need to pay for lodging, which can run over $100 a night.

The bigger our budget, the easier it will be for us to plan our travel and coverageincluding collaborating with other reporters to produce the most robust reporting on Assanges prosecution possible. 

Can you help me cover the costs of regularly traveling to Alexandria, Virginia, to report on the next chapter in a prosecution by the United States that puts all journalists at risk?

I have reported extensively on the Assange case since 2010. This year, I published Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange to help the public understand the stakes of this case.

In recent years, donors like you have funded my work on this case as I provided live court updates from London and published detailed articles for subscribers of Shadowproofs newsletter The Dissenter

I earned recognition in 2013 from PBS FRONTLINE for my journalism on the military court-martial against Chelsea Manning....


The Hill Should Check Their Data, Weather is Not Getting Worse "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Weather data simply does not back this fearmongering claim up. As Climate Realism has pointed out numerous times (here, here, and here, for just a few!) weather like extreme rainfall, hurricanes, and tornadoes are not getting more frequent or severe.

The post The Hill Should Check Their Data, Weather is Not Getting Worse first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


US congresswoman wants Hunter Biden drug-tested "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Marjorie Taylor Greenes questions about alleged drug use at the White House followed the discovery of a bag of cocaine near the West Wing US Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene questioned whether President Joe Bidens son Hunter and the rest of the White House occupants could pass a drug test in a tweet on Wednesday,

Continue reading US congresswoman wants Hunter Biden drug-tested


North Korean hackers targeted tech companies through JumpCloud and GitHub "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

North Korean state-sponsored hackers have been linked to two recent cyberattack campaigns: one involving a spear-phishing attack on JumpCloud and the other targeting tech employees on GitHub through a social engineering campaign. The JumpCloud intrusion On June 27, JumpCloud an enterprise software company that offers a cloud-based directory as a service platform noticed some unusual activity on an internal orchestration system and traced it back to a spear-phishing attack that occurred on June More

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Italy Ruffled By German Health Ministers Wild Claim: Climate Change Destroying Southern Europe "IndyWatch Feed War"

By P Gosselin | No Tricks Zone | July 21, 2023

Germanys radical, fear-porn health minister, Karl Lauterbach, has once again stirred controversy with another of his wild doomsday exaggerations.

Italian minister of tourism unamused reports how Italy is angry with the German health minister who has been spending his summer vacation in the Italian Tuscany. Since the end of Corona and the start of summer, Lauterbach has made extreme heat Germanys number one health issue and has been busily hyping Europes regular summer heat as some sort of threat to humanity.

No future

On his most recent escapade, Lauterbach tweeted of the once popular summer holiday destinations of Italy: Arrived in Bologna Italy today, now its off to Tuscany. The heat wave is spectacular here. If things continue like this, these holiday destinations will have no future in the long term. Climate change is destroying southern Europe. An era is coming to an end.

Tourism Minister Daniela Santanch took issue with Lauterbachs outlandish tweet: In any case, we are sure that Germans will appreciate Italian holidays more and more, adding: I thank the German Health Minister for choosing Italy as a destination, which has always been the preferred holiday destination of his compatriots. And of course we look forward to welcoming him again in the future.

Lauterbach not using objective data

Giuseppe Ciminnisi, president of the Fiavet tourism association, accused Mr. Lauterbach of misrepresenting the weather and climate data, telling Germanys FAZ he should analyze the issue on the basis of objective data in order to substantiate his opinion.

It turns out that Italian hot weather is exactly what warm weat...


Fragile Market Risks Rise Up Corporate Agendas "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The fighting in Ukraine may be far from over, yet plans are already underway for the post-war reconstruction of the country, with companies and governments set to contribute. Elsewhere, post-conflict rebuilding and recovery initiatives have made varying degrees of progress in Ethiopia, South Sudan and Iraq.

The commercial opportunities in the aftermath of wars and natural disasters can be considerable. But the fragility of these jurisdictions means multinationals must ensure their activities support stability and development, otherwise they risk seeing early business gains evaporate.

Countries recovering from destructive events are keen on foreign direct investment to rebuild shattered infrastructure and stimulate economic growth with companies able to play a constructive role in stabilization efforts. In so doing, they gain reputations as responsible economic players, winning the trust of local customers and authorities.

But corporate missteps, advertent or not, can incur operational and reputational damage particularly in post-disaster settings in the sometimes-chaotic rush to start relief and reconstruction efforts.

In the wake of the Asian tsunami, there were reports of private contractors in Indonesia using substandard building materials to increase profits. Following the Haitian earthquake, contractors came under scrutiny over the number of locals benefiting from cash-for-work programs aimed at promoting the stabilization process.

In South Sudan and Iraq, energy majors have buttressed these countries oil-and-gas-dependent economies hydrocarbon extraction helping them recover, albeit fitfully, from devastating wars. But in a number of instances, commercial engagement has come under intense scrutiny, with some firms linked to human rights abuses in South Sudan and extensive pollution in southern Iraq.

Post-conflict and post-disaster jurisdictions are some of the most challenging markets to enter from a risk perspective. Companies must identify and mitigate...


FBI knew Hunter Biden laptop was real House GOP "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Republicans say the FBI interfered in the 2020 election by misleading the American public The Federal Bureau of Investigation refused to disclose to US social media companies that the laptop allegedly belonging to President Joe Bidens son was genuine, the US House Judiciary Committee revealed on Friday.  The New York Post had published a story about Hunter Bidens

Continue reading FBI knew Hunter Biden laptop was real House GOP


North Korea threatens US with nuclear retaliation "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Pyongyang has accused Washington and Seoul of plotting an attack against it  North Korea has threatened a nuclear response if the US deploys aircraft carriers, bombers, and missile submarines in South Korea, according to a statement shared on Thursday by state media channel KCNA. Pyongyang claims that despite repeated warnings, Washington and Seoul held a

Continue reading North Korea threatens US with nuclear retaliation 



UK intelligence plotted Crimean Bridge bombing The Grayzone "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Months ago, British operatives reportedly studied ways to blow up the strategic bridge UK intelligence officials apparently commissioned a study in April examining ways to blow up Russias Crimea Bridge, The Grayzone has reported. The secret plot was drawn up at the request of senior British Army intelligence operative Chris Donnelly, the Grayzone reported on

Continue reading UK intelligence plotted Crimean Bridge bombing The Grayzone


Russian oil exports to China set new record "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Crude flows hit 10.5 million tons in June, customs data has shown Chinas imports of Russian crude soared to an all-time high last month, helping the sanctioned country maintain its position as Beijings top oil supplier, according to customs data. Oil flows from Russia hit 10.5 million tons in June, up more than 40% compared

Continue reading Russian oil exports to China set new record


Now is the time for independence Scottish leader "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nicola Sturgeon has announced a second vote to leave the UK for October 2023 Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced on Tuesday that a second Scottish independence referendum will be held on October 19, 2023. However, a yes vote will not be enough to separate Scotland from the UK. Sturgeon told lawmakers at Holyrood, Scotlands

Continue reading Now is the time for independence Scottish leader


Bangladesh Village of Herbs profits from planting rather than cutting trees "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Back in the mid-1990s, before the era of internet, mobile phones and satellite televisions, the government-run terrestrial broadcaster Bangladesh Television (BTV) was the only source of visual entertainment for the people of this country. In those days, the government ran social awareness videos on issues such as the importance of not cutting down trees, oral saline for the treatment of diarrhea, preserving baby hilsa fish and so on. Some of these advertisements were not only hugely popular but also had a lasting impression in the memories of people who grew up in that decade. Among those advertisements, there was one that poignantly portrayed the importance of trees in our lives in general and as a source of herbal medicine in particular. Legendary actor Abul Khair, who died in 2001 at the age of 71, played the character of a kabiraj in that advertisement. A kabiraj is an herbal medicine practitioner found in Bangladeshi villages who makes his own medicine using Indigenous knowledge of herbal plants, human anatomy and diseases. In that video, pointing to the rampant cutting of trees everywhere, he regretted that the plants he had used to make medicine were not there anymore. A nursery growing herbal medicinal plants. Image by Bulbul Ahmed. Interestingly, even in this era of rampant development in medical science, technology and economy, when traditional ways of life give way to newer ways, these local village doctors can still be found in plenty. Thanks to a renewed zeal and understanding of herbal medicine amongThis article was originally published on Mongabay


How Tux Machines, With 154.3K Tweets, Fared Under the Musk Era Before Quitting "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Timeline of traffic (reverse-chronological):

Musk buys Twitter; Tux Machines quits Twitter

Tux Machines quit Twitter at the start of June

Summary: Now that Twitter has erected the walled gardens (once again) an account with a trove of over 150,000 tweets about GNU/Linux gets barely a thousand views per month; it used to be over a thousand a day and years ago 3,000-6,000 per day (the slow death of Twitter or its gradually-accelerating demise predates Musk)


Western arms supplied to Ukraine offered on darknet RT investigation "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

RTs journalists were able to swiftly agree the purchase of a US-made Phoenix Ghost kamikaze drone The lavish deliveries of lethal aid from the US, UK and other NATO countries to Ukraine amid its conflict with Russia have led to marketplaces where some of those weapons can be purchased popping up on the dark web,

Continue reading Western arms supplied to Ukraine offered on darknet RT investigation


West knows Ukraine weapons leaking to black market Seymour Hersh "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Poland, Romania and other countries are being flooded with arms intended for Kiev, the veteran journalist insists Western-supplied arms are being sold by Ukrainian commanders to smugglers in Poland, Romania and other states, veteran American journalist Seymour Hersh has claimed. The Pulitzer Prize winner, speaking to Afshin Rattansi on his program Going Underground, said the

Continue reading West knows Ukraine weapons leaking to black market Seymour Hersh


Waterspout outbreak at Gulf of Finland as eyewitnesses observe 6 spectacular phenomenon "IndyWatch Feed World"

Eyewitnesses observed up to six waterspouts over the Gulf of Finland on Thursday morning. A video has surfaced on social media that shows a spectacular phenomenon happening off the Estonian coast on July 20. A waterspout can be described as a highly concentrated, columnar vortex that typically takes the form of a funnel-shaped cloud, manifesting over a body of water.


Re: Announce: OpenSSH 9.3p2 released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Qualys Security Advisory on Jul 21


Wednesday's release was a security-only release, the two patches it
contains are very simple, unlikely to break any existing installation,
and one of these patches at least (the s/error/fatal/ one) is very easy
to backport.

But the OpenSSH developers have done an amazing job and have not only
prepared these security-only patches, they have also prepared two more
defense-in-depth patches (which are more intrusive and therefore need...


Barbie crotch? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Uh-oh. Im contributing to the Barbie mania a little more. Sorry.

But this was interesting, and I hadnt thought about it before! The Vagina Museum posted a thread about the long history of portrayals of the female genitalia, and I was surprised to realize that Greek sculpture did the same thing Praxiteles was sculpting Aphrodite with a Barbie crotch in the 4th century BCE. It was a whole trend for centuries: male nudes get the anatomically correct treatment, while female nudes get a smooth featureless curve.

This says something about Western cultures different attitudes towards men and women. I wonder what effect this has had on womens ideas about their bodies.

At least we took a step towards gender equality in 1961 when Mattel castrated Ken and made his crotch identical to that of Barbie.


Western-supplied equipment was stolen in Ukraine Pentagon report "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The US has struggled to keep track of weapons it sent to Kiev early in the conflict, the paper says Some of the military equipment supplied to Ukraine by the US and its allies during the conflict with Russia has fallen into the hands of criminal groups, volunteer fighters and traffickers, a report by the

Continue reading Western-supplied equipment was stolen in Ukraine Pentagon report


Sophisticated BundleBot Malware Disguised as Google AI Chatbot and Utilities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new malware strain known as BundleBot has been stealthily operating under the radar by taking advantage of .NET single-file deployment techniques, enabling threat actors to capture sensitive information from compromised hosts. "BundleBot is abusing the dotnet bundle (single-file), self-contained format that results in very low or no static detection at all," Check Point said in a report


Germany opposes EU plan to transfer Russian assets FT "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

EU officials have been debating ways of confiscating the funds and sending them to Ukraine Germany has raised objections to Brusselss plan to use frozen Russian Central Bank assets for Ukraines reconstruction, warning of the legal and financial risks arising from such a move, the Financial Times reported on Monday. The European Commission has been

Continue reading Germany opposes EU plan to transfer Russian assets  FT


Turkey: Fatwa tells Syrians they can pray at home to avoid deportation drive "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey: Fatwa tells Syrians they can pray at home to avoid deportation drive

Syrians are in the firing line once again as Turkish police step up search and arrest operation against asylum seekers
MEE staff Fri, 07/21/2023 - 13:00
A Muslim worshipper prays at the Hagia Sophia mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, on 5 July 2023 (AP)
A woman prays at the Hagia Sophia mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, on 5 July 2023 (AP)

A Muslim religious writer has cited a fatwa permitting Syrian refugees to avoid attending Friday prayers at mosques in Turkey in order to evade police checks, amid an intensified deportation drive by authorities. 

Turkish police have stepped up ID checks and arrests in Istanbul and other major cities in recent weeks, in a campaign targeting refugees and asylum seekers. 

Around 1,000 Syrians have been forced to return to their war-torn country in the first two weeks of July, despite most having valid residency permits, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). 

The UK-based group called the campaign inhumane and urged Ankara to halt the degrading and forced deportations. 

The Observatory denounces such inhumane treatment of refugees who were forced to flee the horror of war to Turkey and did not come [to the country] by choice, the group said last week.



An Afrofeminist Reading from Venezuela: A Conversation with Merlyn Pirela (Part II) "IndyWatch Feed World"

A Black activist reflects on racial issues and the Afrofeminist movement in the Caribbean nation.


Huge waterspout spotted off coast in Kent, UK "IndyWatch Feed World"

A huge waterspout was spotted off the coast of Dungeness in Kent, England on Thursday, July 20. Separate vortexes were also reported off Herne Bay earlier in the day.


Popular Torrent Site Taunts Anti-Piracy Boss and Investigators "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

not voorn logoOperating a pirate site is not without risk. Those who get caught risk millions of dollars in damages, multi-year prison sentences, or even both.

To avoid that fate, many sites prefer not to poke the proverbial bear. With dozens of high-profile shutdowns in recent years, the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) is the biggest bear there is in the piracy landscape.

DonTorrent Stands Out

ACE is well aware of all large pirate sites, so hiding isnt really an option. Instead, most sites simply try to stand out less than the rest, a strategy that doesnt apply to one of Spains most popular torrent sites, DonTorrent.

With millions of visitors, DonTorrent is one of the larger pirate sites in the region but getting users to the site isnt always easy. Spanish ISPs are required to block DonTorrent, so the site regularly rotates to fresh domains.

DonTorrent currently has over 100 registered domains and also offers a censorship-free Tor version. To inform followers about its most recent new home, it uses a dedicated Telegram channel, which pops up for all new visitors.

dontorrent telegram van voorn

Taunting the Anti-Piracy Don

The photo that accompanies the Telegram invite link may not immediately ring a bell with everyone, but those in the know recognize Jan Van Voorns likeness. Van Voorn is the head of ACE and MPAs Chief of Global Content Protection.

Van Voorns photo, with an added pirate hat and crossbones, is also present in the sites official logo now. Apparently, the site is not afraid of drawing attention, even though this type of mockery is likely to make ACE even more determined to find its operators.

This isnt the first time that DonTorrent has openly featured the ACE chief. The torrent site previously listed Van Voorn as the sites owner and is now upping the ante.

Needless to say, ACE is working behind the scenes to find those responsible for the site. For exampl...


Local Governments Targeted for Ransomware How to Prevent Falling Victim "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Regardless of the country, local government is essential in most citizens' lives. It provides many day-to-day services and handles various issues. Therefore, their effects can be far-reaching and deeply felt when security failures occur. In early 2023, Oakland, California, fell victim to a ransomware attack. Although city officials have not disclosed how the attack occurred, experts suspect a


Legislators In Four More States Prepare To Ditch American Library Association "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

South Carolina CapitolEight states are preparing to follow Montana's lead to sever ties with the American Library Association (ALA).


Role of PARP in TNBC: Mechanism of Inhibition, Clinical Applications, and Resistance "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Triple-negative breast cancer is a combative cancer type with a highly inflated histological grade that leads to poor theragnostic value. Gene, protein, and receptor-specific targets have shown effective clinical outcomes in patients with TNBC. Cells are frequently exposed to DNA-damaging agents. DNA damage is repaired by multiple pathways; accumulations of mutations occur due to damage to one or more pathways and lead to alterations in normal cellular mechanisms, which lead to development of tumors. Advances in target-specific cancer therapies have shown significant momentum; most treatment options cause off-target toxicity and side effects on healthy tissues.


Jermonica Boardley & Joseph Scrocco Novel Harm Reduction Strategies For The Opioid Epidemic "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

<p><img src= "" style="display: none;"></p> <p>Novel Harm Reduction Strategies For The Opioid Epidemic Harmguard FX Jermonica Boardley & Joseph Scrocco Sivad Group LLC / Diagnostic Solutions Group</p> <hr> <p>Jermonica Boardley is President and CEO of SIVAD Diagnostic Medical Group LLC (<a href= ",">,</a> a minority-owned company dedicated to addressing the unique needs of underserved and unserved communities in the United States and globally, which most recently announced the launch of HarmGuard FX (<a href= ",">,</a> a single, low-cost strip that provides an affordable, reliable way for people to test substances for fentanyl and xylazine (popularly known as tranq), two dangerous adulterants that are exacerbating the already critical opioid epidemic.</p> <p>Ms. Boardley is a graduate of Delaware State University, brings over 20 years of diverse corporate leadership experience to her role as President and CEO and her expertise spans Accounting, Finance, Human Resources, Communications, and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I).</p> <p>Joseph Scrocco, is President & CEO, Diagnostic Solutions Group (, the developer of HarmGuardFX, and their company has developed custom diagnostic solutions for over 25 years ranging from complex mass screening for blood banks to individual point-of-care testing with a focus on large-scale, global diagnostic needs, including antibody, molecular, and antigen tests in traditional and non-traditional settings. Their clients include Johnson & Johnson; Pfizer; Novo Nordisk; Abbott Labs; Ortho Clinical Diagnostics; the Red Cross; the governments of Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Bangladesh, Liberia, Jamaica, India, Mali; numerous Broadway companies; plus, hundreds of hospitals, urgent care centers, and long-term care facilities.</p> <p>Mr. Scrocco has a MS in Neurophysiology from University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, and an MA in Information Systems from New York University.</p> <div style="clear: both;"><a href= "">Read more</a></div>


Liz Scott, Co-Executive Director, Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Alexs lemonade stand foundation fighting childhood cancer, one cup at a time! liz scott, co-executive director, alexs lemonade stand foundation.

Liz Scott is Co-Executive Director, of Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer (ALSF, an organization which emerged from the front yard lemonade stand of her daughter, Alexandra Alex Scott (19962004).

In 2000, at the age of four, Alex announced that she wanted to hold a lemonade stand to raise money to help find a cure for other children with cancer, herself already bravely fighting neuroblastoma, which she was diagnosed with at age one.

Over her lifetime, Alex would raise over $1 million before she passed away in 2004 at the age of 8. Since then, Liz and her husband Jay have worked alongside thousands of supporters across the country to carry on Alexs legacy of hope.

To date, ALSF has raised more than $250 Million toward fulfilling Alexs dream of finding a cure, funding over 1,000 pediatric cancer research projects nationally.

Alexs story has inspired lemonade stands in all 50 states across America and in more than 10 countries across the world, including places as far away as Japan, Brazil and Australia.

The book Alex and the Amazing Lemonade Stand, written by Alexs parents about her journey, can be found on all major book sellers.


Re: Announce: OpenSSH 9.3p2 released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Demi Marie Obenour on Jul 21

IMO the root cause of this problem is that PKCS#11 libraries are installed
in /usr/lib, rather than in /usr/lib/pkcs11 or another subdirectory.
There should be an automated way to check if a library is a PKCS#11
library without having to load it.


Even AI scientists fear the idea of superhuman intelligence "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Sci-fi writers and AI researchers worry: What happens if technology, specifically artificial intelligence, reaches singularity?


How a 5-minute phone call between a millennial billionaire and an economist created a $50 million grant program backed by Musk, Thiel, Zuckerberg and more tech luminaries "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In March 2020, an experiment in science philanthropy was hatched in the span of a five-minute call.

Patrick Collison, the now 34-year-old billionaire CEO of the online payments company Stripe, and economist Tyler Cowen were chewing over a shared concern: Scientific progress seemed to be slowing down. As the first pandemic lockdowns went into effect, researchers were in a holding pattern, waiting to hear if they could redirect their federal grants to COVID-related work. Collison and Cowen worried that the National Institutes of Health wasnt moving quickly enough, so they launched Fast Grants to get emergency research dollars to virologists, coronavirus experts, and other scientists rapidly.

We thought: Lets just do this, Cowen recalls. It was a bit like put up or shut up.


Small mammals play a big role: Q&A with Nepali researcher Dibya Raj Dahal "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Nepals diverse landscapes, from the lowland Terai Arc to the high Himalayas, are home to more than 200 mammal species. Beyond the iconic creatures like tigers and rhinos are the many small and inconspicuous ones bats, rodents, small cats, martens, pangolins, badgers and even hyenas all of which perform crucial roles in the ecosystems in which they live. However, these small mammals often go overlooked and underfunded in conservation efforts. The country has yet to carry out a national survey of small mammals, even as they face various threats from habitat loss and degradation, to human-wildlife conflict, climate change, and the wildlife trade. To address this challenge, in 2008, a group of dedicated young researchers fresh out of university established the Small Mammals Conservation and Research Foundation (SMCRF), a nonprofit NGO based in Kathmandu. Alongside its core focus, it also works to improve the livelihoods of local communities through conservation, policy formulation, multistakeholder partnerships, leadership development, and capacity building for young researchers and conservationists. Dibya Raj Dahal, the current president of the SMCRF, has worked with bats for more than a decade, and now divides his time between teaching at a university in eastern Nepal and working on his Ph.D. He says that despite the many hurdles, hes motivated to carry on to lay the foundation for researchers from future generations. Dibya Raj Dahal, the current president of the SMCRF, has worked with bats for more than a decade. Image courtesy of Dibya Raj Dahal. Mongabays Abhaya RajThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Elon Musk Says Universe May Be Twice as Old as We Think, Dark Matter Seems Sketch "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Elon Musk, the omnipotent ruler of the Twitterverse, has chimed in and has decreed that the actual physical universe is possibly twice as old as we think it is.

Make of that what you will.

Musk was responding to noted misinformation peddler and comedian Joe Rogan, who linked to a press release about a controversial new paper that indeed suggests the universe could be 26.7 billion years old, almost twice as the general consensus among scientists.


Elon Musk confirms Tesla is in early talk to license self-driving tech to major automaker "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Elon Musk confirmed that Tesla is currently in early discussions to license its self-driving technology with a major automaker.

At the end of his opening remarks for Teslas Q2 2022 earnings call following the release of the automakers financial results, CEO Elon Musk said that he wanted to strongly emphasize that Tesla is open to licensing its self-driving technology to other automakers.

Thats something that the CEO has been frequently mentioning as of late.


James Cameron Doubts AI Can Write Good Scripts, Says the Weaponization of AI Is the Biggest Danger: I Warned You in 1984 and You Didnt Listen "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

James Cameron has no intention of using artificial intelligence to write a film script. In a new interview with CTV News, the Oscar winner expressed doubt over AI bots being able to write a good story.

According to Cameron: I just dont personally believe that a disembodied mind thats just regurgitating what other embodied minds have said about the life that theyve had, about love, about lying, about fear, about mortality and just put it all together into a word salad and then regurgitate itI dont believe thats ever going to have something thats going to move an audience. You have to be human to write that. I dont know anyone thats even thinking about having AI write a screenplay.


Iranian press review: Oman held secret meetings in Tehran on US prisoner exchange "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iranian press review: Oman held secret meetings in Tehran on US prisoner exchange

Meanwhile, IRGC commander says media behind poisoning of schoolgirls, and Iran forced to rent passenger planes from Russia at inflated prices
MEE correspondent Fri, 07/21/2023 - 12:23
Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian (R) receives Oman's Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi in Tehran on 17 July 2023 (AFP)

Oman role in Iran-US prisoner release deal

The unexpected visit of Omani Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi to Tehran on Monday has sparked speculation about the release of four Iranian-American prisoners and the intervention of influential organisations in the prisoner exchange, local media reported.

The US has publicly said it is working for the release of Siamak Namazi, Emad Sharghi and Morad Tahbaz, three Iranian-Americans imprisoned on espionage charges that Washington says are baseless, as part of an interim nuclear deal.

According to the Shargh daily, the purpose of Albusaidi's visit was to hold secret meetings with Iranian officials regarding a new demand by the US for a fourth prisoner to be released too, in exchange for Washington unfreezing Iran's assets in South Korea and Iraq.

Sources close to the talks told Middle East Eye last month that President Ebrahim Raisi is prepared to release the fourth prisoner as part of the deal.

However, there are dissenting voices within certain influential institutions, primarily the Rep...


How CRISPR could help save crops from devastation caused by pests "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Gene editing insects could help reduce reliance on pesticidesand help protect billion-dollar industries.


The Left Attacks Sound Of Freedom Because It Exposes An Uncomfortable Truth About Moral Boundaries "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

actor hugging child in Sound of Freedom movie sceneOur culture wants complete sexual freedom but ignores the negative fallout that happens when those freedoms are abused.


The Afghanistan Lithium Great Game "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post The Afghanistan Lithium Great Game appeared first on Global Research.


Citrix ADC zero-day exploitatation: CISA releases details about attack on CI organization (CVE-2023-3519) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The exploitation of the Citrix NetScaler ADC zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2023-3519) was first spotted by a critical infrastructure organization, who reported it to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). In June 2023, threat actors exploited this vulnerability as a zero-day to drop a webshell on a critical infrastructure organizations non-production environment NetScaler ADC appliance. The webshell enabled the actors to perform discovery on the victims active directory (AD) and collect and exfiltrate AD data. The More

The post Citrix ADC zero-day exploitatation: CISA releases details about attack on CI organization (CVE-2023-3519) appeared first on Help Net Security.


Turning a Quartz Clock Module Into a Time Reference "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If youre looking for a 1-second time reference, youd probably just grab a GPS module off the shelf and use the 1PPS output. As demonstrated by [InazumaDenki], though, an old quartz clock module can also do the job with just a little work.

The module was harvested fro...


Perpetual War Invisible War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

On this weeks WhoWhatWhy podcast we talk with Norman Solomon, co-founder of RootsAction and executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy. 


Solomons latest book, War Made Invisible, explores the United States perpetual state of war over the past two decades, much of which, he concludes, has remained off the radar for average Americans.


Solomon explains how compliant journalists contribute to the smokescreen by providing narrow coverage of military engagement and often repeating the militarys talking points. 


He also details the impact of the increased use of high technology, air power, and remote drones which has distanced soldiers from the realities of war and civilian casualties.


Solomon explains the transformation of warfare post-9/11. He also discusses the impact of this shift on American society, arguing that the normalization of surveillance and the militarization of law enforcement have corrosive effects on democracy.


In the context of the divisive and tribal nature of domestic politics, he also notes the irony of having more ways to tell the stories of war but less depth and substance in the stories being told.


Solomon lays out what he sees as the implications of the USs ongoing warfare on its democracy and the potential dangers of normalizing violence as a means to achieve political ends.


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10 Media Hack Factories That Pooh-Poohed The Biden-Burisma Scandal As A Conspiracy Theory "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Collage of headlinesHere are some of the best examples of media hackery about the Burisma-Biden scandal that aged like fine milk.


The Tories lesson from Uxbridge: pretend not to be the Tories "IndyWatch Feed"

The Conservative Party was barely mentioned in election leaflets, while Boris Johnsons name didnt come up once


AMD CPU Microcode Will Be Getting Larger With Future Processors "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Future AMD CPUs will be having larger microcode patches and thus the Linux kernel is now being adapted to better handle that increased microcode payload...


The "Habitability of Worlds (Part II) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"


If we ever thought it would be easy to tell whether a planet was habitable or not, Stephen Dole quickly put the idea to rest when he considered all the factors involved in his study Habitable Planets for Man (1964). In this second part of his essay on habitability, Dave Moore returns to Doles work and weighs these factors in light of our present knowledge. What I particularly appreciate about this essay in addition to Daves numerous insights is the fact that he has brought Doles work back into focus. The original Habitable Planets for Man was a key factor in firing my interest in writing about interstellar issues. And Centauri Dreams reader Mark Olson has just let me know that Dole appears as a major character in a novel by Harry Turtledove called Three Miles Down. Its now in my reading stack.

by Dave Moore

In Part I of this essay, I listed the requirements for human habitability in Stephen Doles report, Habitable Planets for Man. Now Ill go over what weve subsequently learned and see how this has changed our perspective.

Dole, in calculating the likelihood of a star having a habitable planet, produced his own Drake equation.

Image: Doles Drake Equation.

Dole assigns the following probabilities to his equation: PHP=Nsub>S Pp Pi PD PM Pe PB PR PA PL:

Pp = 1.0, Pi = 0.81, PM = 0.19, Pe = 0.94, PR = 0.9, PL = 1.0, PB = 0.95 for a star taken at random, 1.0 if there is no interference with the other star in a binary system. He calculates that for stars around solar mass there is a 5.4% chance of having a habitable planet.

Ill only summarize his calculations as this is not the primary thrust of this essay. Some of his estimates such as Pp = 1.0, the number of stars with planets, have held up well. Others need adjusting, but by far the biggest factors that determine the likelihood of a planet being habitable for humans are those he didnt consider in depth.

Since Doles report, we...


Google's New Security Pilot Program Will Ban Employee Internet Access "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Internet is dangerous, so what if you just didn't use it? That's the somewhat ironic recommendation Google, one of the world's largest Internet companies, is making to its employees. CNBC's Jennifer Elias reports that Google is "starting a new pilot program where some employees will be restricted to Internet-free desktop PCs" while they work. An internal memo seen by CNBC notes that "Googlers are frequent targets of attacks" by criminals, and a great way to combat that is to not be on the Internet.

Employees of major tech companies are a much richer target for criminals compared to normal people. Tech company employees have all sorts of access to sensitive data, and compromising a single employee could lead to exploiting sensitive infrastructure. Just last week, Microsoft was targeted by a Chinese espionage hacking group that somehow stole a cryptographic key to bypass Microsoft's authentication systems, giving it access to 25 organizations, including multiple government agencies.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Revelations About Bidens $10 Million Ukraine Bribery Scheme Warrant Impeachment "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

BidenAt no time since the 1868 impeachment of President Andrew Johnson has an impeachment been more warranted than it is now.


Somaliland Minecrafters Show How Children Can Play a Role in Urban Design "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Some people say, "Give the customers what they want." But that's not my approach. Our job is to figure out what they're going to want before they do. I think Henry Ford once said, "If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me, 'A faster horse!'" People don't know what they want until you show it to them. That's why I never rely on market research. Our task is to read things that are not yet on the page.

Steve Jobs

Every planning process, whether short term or long term, starts with a question to residents asking what they want for their community. The answer is always the same: a better community. The planners then take this groundbreaking observation and add better community to the plans and the final recommendation. The planners can celebrate that they have given the residents of the city exactly what they wanted: a faster horse.

Urban design must be more nuanced and provide the opportunity for innovation. A process that allows for innovation starts with many humble observations before a single idea is tested. The urban designer needs to read the things that are not already on the page: they need to be able to show citizens the things they didnt know they wanted. A skilled urban designer is also able to observe opportunities hiding in plain sight.

I recently read an incredible article highlighting an innovative, if not radical, approach in the master plan for Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. Somaliland, a breakaway republic in northern Somalia, was ravaged by civil war and ethnic cleansing where over 200,000 people died. Hargeisa is now a recovering city that is rapidly growing. People between the ages of six and 29 comprise 62% of Somalilands population. The future for Hargeisa rests in the minds of the youth and children of the city. These are the citizens that have the opportunity to chart a different path and develop a city for their future. 

How, though, do you involve young people in the urban design process? More challenging, how do you involve children in a place where over 25% do not attend school and there are very low literacy rates? The answer: Minecraft.

Through a UN-sponsored initiative, 15 of Hargeisas youth used Minecraft to model and propose design elements for the new Hargeisa Stadium Park. According to the article in the Financial Times, they drew on their experience playing in existing improvised spaces, including dangerous street junctions [and] litter-strewn private plots. A larger group of 47 young people participated in a discussion...

The Open64 Compiler Seeing Some Recent Changes, clang2whirl Clang Open64 Front-End "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Prior to LLVM/Clang becoming so popular within organizations and it maturing well on x86_64, AArch64, and other architectures, Open64 was once quite popular in areas now dominated by LLVM and GCC. Open64 had been popular with academic researchers, AMD even maintained their Open64 optimized compiler a decade prior to the LLVM-based AOCC, and was quite popular in the HPC space. Surprisingly there's been some recent activity on the Open64 compiler code...


Experts believe North Korea behind JumpCloud supply chain attack "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

SentinelOne researchers attribute the recent supply chain attacks on JumpCloud to North Korea-linked threat actors.

JumpCloud is a cloud-based directory service platform designed to manage user identities, devices, and applications in a seamless and secure manner. It allows IT administrators to centralize and simplify their identity and access management tasks across various systems and applications.

The company revealed it was hit by a nation-state cyberattack that targeted specific customers.

In response to the attack, JumpCloud has invalidated existing API keys to protect its customers operations.

Out of an abundance of caution relating to an ongoing incident, JumpCloud has decided to invalidate all API Keys for JumpCloud Admins, explained the company through the support page.

The investigation confirmed that the attack was extremely targeted and aimed at specific customers.

The attackers were able to inject data into JumpClouds commands framework.

The company created and shared a list of IOCs (Indicators of Compromise) for this attack.

These are sophisticated and persistent adversaries with advanced capabilities. states the Security Update.

While JumpCloud did not attribute the attack to a specific threat actor,

SentinelOne researchers analyzed the indicators of compromise associated with the attack and attributed it to North Korea-linked APT groups.

Reviewing the newly released indicators of compromise, we associate the cluster of threat activity to a North Korean state sponsored APT. The IOCs are linked to a wide variety of activity we attribute to DPRK, overall centric to the supply chain targeting approach seen in previous campaigns. states SentinelOne.

SentinelOne analyzed the attack infrastructure and found attack patterns that overlap the activity of North Korea-linked APT groups. SentinelOne experts discovered that the IP address 144.217.92[.]197, linked to the JumpCloud attack, resolves to npmaudit[.]com, one of the domains listed by GitHub because was used to fetch the second-stage malwar...


Wind turbines are a marvel of engineering "IndyWatch Feed"

I came across these videos via Reddit from local man Stephen (Frankie) Masterson. Stephen works on offshore wind farms and has done a video tour of the inside of an offshore turbine. From the outside, you dont imagine much going on, but when you see the inside, you appreciate the engineering that goes into these massive structures.


This tower is no longer owned or operated by Siemens #greenenergy #wind #offshore #windpower #windturbine

original sound Stephen (Frankie) Masterson

For those wondering, no there is no toilet. Frankie says, On these ones there is a small portable toilet , with biodegradable bags you must bring back to the ship for disposal. And no there is no bed in them either, they sleep on the ships.

It is fair to see you need a good head for heights in Frankies job, but I dont think you can beat it for the views:


#vestas #windpower #turbine #windturbine...


China's Xi pushes for improvements, expansion, and increase in agricultural production at national summit "IndyWatch Feed World"

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday stressed efforts to effectively strengthen farmland protection and fully improve farmland quality to expand agricultural production space. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks while presiding over a meeting of the Central Commission for Financial and Economic Affairs (CCFEA), which he heads. He also urged efforts to well tap the comprehensive utilization potential of saline-alkali land and increase the overall agricultural production capacity. The meeting heard reports of several departments on strengthening farmland protection and comprehensively improving and utilizing saline-alkali land.


AMD EDAC Linux Driver Gets Ready For The Instinct MI300 APUs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

New patches posted to the Linux kernel mailing list prepare the AMD Error Detection and Correction (EDAC) driver for the upcoming AMD Instinct MI300 APUs...


DeSantis Floats Strategy of Turning Conservative Boycotts Into Lawsuits "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) mused last night that maybe his state is going to sue a beermaker for having a transgender social media influencer promote its products, he wasnt just expressing some right-wing fantasy of punishing woke businesses. Instead, he was outlining how Republicans, who love to rail against big government, plan on using the levers of power available to them to bring to heel companies that step out of line.

Here is how this would work: Company A does something bad. Bad, in this case, is a broad term including anything conservatives dont like. Gayness in commercials = bad. Speaking out against guns = bad. Promoting inclusion and diversity = bad. Having a Black person play a fish in a movie = bad. Selling T-shirts with a rainbow on them = bad.

Once this bad behavior has been identified, the right-wing propaganda machine cranks up. That means lots of tweets, lots of outrage, and lots of primetime coverage on Fox News.

Eventually, once conservative audiences have been sufficiently riled up, the calls for a boycott begin, which is once again covered extensively on right-wing media.

The next step is that people stop buying the products of Company A.

To Republicans, Target Is the Devils Playground

It should be noted that this is not something only conservatives do they just do it better.

There are plenty of companies who engage in bad behavior that runs afoul with progressive values. In that case, bad is pretty much the opposite of the examples from above.

Up to this point, the only involvement that officials have in this outrage-boycott cycle is to use their megaphone. Thats not great, but its not overly disturbing.

However, what DeSantis is suggesting here is a new, very troubling escalation because it would get the government involved in a very direct way.



A New Law Gave Me 1 Year With My Babies Before Heading to Prison. How Will I Say Goodbye? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Minnesotas Healthy Start law allowed Victoria Lopez to begin her seven-year prison sentence at home with her infant twins. Now comes the separation.


King Charles to receive 45% pay rise from UK taxpayers from 86m to 125m by 2025 "IndyWatch Feed World"

King Charles III is to receive a huge pay rise from the UK taxpayer, according to government plans to boost public funding of the monarchy by 45% from 2025. Details of the increase, which comes against the backdrop of a cost of living crisis, were contained in a review of royal funding published by the Treasury on Thursday. It revealed the royal family's grant is due to increase from 86m to 125m. The monarchy's annual budget, known as the sovereign grant, is pegged against the profits from a national property portfolio called the crown estate. The review of the royal funding settlement was heavily spun by the Treasury to give the impression that the king would be taking a pay cut so that crown estate funds could instead be spent on public services.


Mageia 9-rc1 Now Available For This Long-Delayed Release "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The release candidate for Mageia 9 is now available for this Linux distribution that's an offshoot long ago from Mandrake/Mandriva lineage...


Europa werkt in Oekrane samen met fascisten en oligarchen "IndyWatch Feed War"


Europa werkt in Oekrane samen met fascisten en oligarchen


Voting Rights Group Takes Florida to Court for Subverting the Will of the People "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The concept of modern-day voter suppression is difficult to grasp for many Americans. Back in high school, they might have learned about poll taxes or Jim Crow laws that made it difficult for African Americans to vote even after a civil war was fought over the issue and constitutional amendments had passed.

And it is true that some of the most blatant examples of voter suppression are no longer in existence. However, hidden voter suppression is very much still being practiced in every state in the South as well as plenty of others that are currently controlled by Republicans.

Closing polling locations and making some people stand in unnecessarily long lines is a form of voter suppression that targets people who do not have the luxury of waiting for an hour to cast a ballot. Perhaps they cant afford a babysitter or they have to run from their second to their third job.

Eliminating alternatives to Election Day voting is a form of voter suppression. So are selective purges of voter rolls or making voters jump through extra hoops to register. In fact, not having automatic voter registration is a form of voter suppression in itself, as is maintaining the silly tradition that elections are held on Tuesdays and not on the weekend.

A perfect example of modern-day voter suppression on a massive scale is currently on display in Florida as is the cynicism of politicians, like Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), who are trying to undermine democracy.

Here is the bottom line: Even in a deeply divided political climate, a large majority of Floridians wants most former felons to have their voting rights restored. They feel so strongly about this that they passed Amendment 4, the Voting Rights Restoration for Felons Initiative, in 2018.

Florida Republicans, on the other hand, do not want this to happen. Its easy to see why. A disproportionate number of these former felons are Black, and likely wont vote for the GOP.

Therefore, over the past five years, these Republicans, led by DeSantis, have worked hard to subvert the will of the voters. And this is where the cynicism comes in they have done so while claiming all of this is done in the name of election integrity.

Time and again, GOP lawmakers have gone to great lengths to undermine the intent of that voting rights amendment.

One of these efforts is particularly insidious.

By erecting many administrative barriers, Florida Republicans have made it incredibly difficult for former felons to figure out whether they are once again...


'He was being a little sarcastic': Zelensky sacks Ukraine's ambassador to UK after he admits gratitude for weapons comment was disingenuous "IndyWatch Feed World"

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy dismissed Vadym Prystaiko as Ukraine's ambassador to Britain on Friday, days after the envoy publicly criticised the president. A presidential order, which said Prystaiko had also been removed as Ukraine's representative to the International Maritime Organization, gave no reason for the dismissal. In an interview with Sky News last week, Prystaiko was asked about remarks by outgoing British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace suggesting Kyiv should show more gratitude for weapons deliveries from its allies to fight Russia's occupying forces.


5 Healthy Habits That Help You During Lung Cancer Treatment "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If youre fighting cancer, a healthy lifestyle can help you stay well during and after treatment. Research suggests that good nutrition, exercise and other healthy behaviors may improve your quality of life during treatment.

Taking charge of your health by developing healthy habits empowers you to cope better with your treatment and any side effects you may have, says Lonny Yarmus, D.O., a board certified interventional pulmonologist at the Lung Cancer Program at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center.


Trans Rights and the Order of Speech: Part Two "IndyWatch Feed"

3. The Misogyny of Trans

Lets begin with a question few have the courage to pose and fewer still dare to answer honestly. Why is it always male transvestites who demand access to womens toilets, men who want to compete in womens sports, and male rapists who want to go to womens prisons? Why do female transvestites never want to go into mens toilets, mens prisons or compete in mens sports? The answer which numerous feminists have given before me is that most violence against women is committed by men, however theyre dressed. Men go into womens toilets because the transgression of the prohibition against doing so turns them on, not necessarily sexually. Men compete against women in sports and athletics because their unfair physical advantages give them a better chance of beating the women against whom theyre competing, and they enjoy, perhaps, enacting this revenge against the women that have rejected them sexually, maybe, or as a member of their sex. Men who have been found guilty of raping women choose womens prisons in which to serve their sentence because if gives them the chance to rape more women, and to avoid the threat of themselves being raped in a mens prison. In other words, they are sexual predators and cheats: nothing to be proud of, and certainly not in street festivals and state celebrations lasting now an entire month.



27 Seconds of Horror in Israel: What if Hezbollah Sniper Opened Fire at Halevi? (Video) "IndyWatch Feed War"

 July 20, 2023 Al-Manar TV correspondent in South Lebanon, Ali Shoeib, posted via Twitter a video that shows the Israeli chief of staff Herzi Halevi, accompanied by the commanders of the northern region as well as Galilee and the eastern sector. inspecting Al-Abbad site off Houla town. Channel 14 reporter Noam Amir considered that the []


Trans Rights and the Order of Speech: Part One "IndyWatch Feed"

There is a new word in Newspeak, said Syme, I dont know whether you know it: duckspeak, to quack like a duck. It is one of those interesting words that have two contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it is abuse; applied to someone you agree with, it is praise.

George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-four, 1949

I didnt go to London Pride this year. In truth, I havent been for years, since the early 2000s, not only because of the festivals increasing commercialisation as a platform for corporate advertising in search of the so-called pink pound, but because of its more recent embrace of the Metropolitan Police Force and the London Mayor, who have used it to promote themselves as LGBTQIA+ friendly while overseeing the increase in their power over us, whether thats in new Stop and Search powers against protesters or the Ultra-Low Emission Zone about to enclose all London in its tax regime. Now, though, I am not merely disappointed if no longer surprised by the failure of the increasingly apolitical gay community to resist or even question this appropriation and co-option of Pride, or concerned about how a festival of resistance and solidarity in which I was proud to participate back in the 1990s has become the enforced orthodoxy of the UK biosecurity state to which every politician, institution and public figure must pay homage and exhibit dogmatic obedience. Today, in 2023, I am directly opposed to Prides recent, politically dubious and morally indefensible embrace of the violence, abuse and misogyny of what has come to be known as trans-rights. In this article Im going to discuss why.



UK intelligence freelancers helped Ukraine target Crimean Bridge "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | July 21, 2023

Ukraines drone attack on the Kerch Bridge was most likely planned by former British military intelligence agents who signed a contract with Kiev in 2022, the independent outlet Grayzone has reported citing leaked documents.

A cabal of British military-intelligence freelancers led by Chris Donnelly has worked with the Odessa office of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) since April last year, Grayzone said in a report published Wednesday evening. The outlet had published leaked documents proving their partnership in October 2022, after the first attack on the Crimean Bridge.

A review of leaked files previously revealed by The Grayzone provides a solid basis for again blaming Donnellys cabal, the outlet noted in reference to Mondays drone attack that killed two civilians and orphaned a 14-year-old girl.

Donnelly is described as a senior intelligence operative and former high ranking NATO advisor. He is allegedly using a transnational nexus involving companies such as Prevail Partners and Thomas in Winslow, to manage Londons contribution to the proxy war at arms length.

The two companies signed a technical support agreement with the Odessa branch of the SBU in April 2022, according to Grayzone, which included the use of surveillance drones to monitor coastline and Russian movement and access to satellite imagery to assist military and black operations.

A geospatial intelligence specialist at Prevail provided the SBU with a presentation titled Kerch Bridge info pack, which laid out various plans to blow up the bridge built in 2018 to connect Crimea to the Krasnodar Region on the Russian mainland.

One speculative plot involved detonating a vessel containing ammonia nitrate directly under the bridge, according to Grayzone. The proposal approvingly cited as an example to emulate the August 2020 explosion in Beirut, which killed at least 214 people and devastated the Lebanese capital.

According to Grayzone, the British advisers have also provided Kiev with assistance in targeting alleged Russian collaborators in territories under Ukraines control. Anton Gerashchenko, an advisor to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, boasted to Western media in October 2022 that intelligence services were shooting them like pigs.


DDoS Botnets Hijacking Zyxel Devices to Launch Devastating Attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Several distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) botnets have been observed exploiting a critical flaw in Zyxel devices that came to light in April 2023 to gain remote control of vulnerable systems. "Through the capture of exploit traffic, the attacker's IP address was identified, and it was determined that the attacks were occurring in multiple regions, including Central America, North America,


Riddle me That "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  As Democrats start to panic over Pedo Joes dementia, advanced age, and low poll numbers, they look at California Governor Newsom as an alternative. Funny, they have a Kennedy running but dont want him. Hes clearly not corrupt enough.   File under Settled Science      Bullet Points: ** The largest cultural menace in []

The post Riddle me That appeared first on Virtual Mirage.



Cosmic Warfare

We end this week's blogs with an unusual story entirely unrelated to planet Earth's financial schemes and woes.  In fact, this story was spotted

The post HUGE HEAT-EMITTING GRANITE MASS ON THE MOON DISCOVERED appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


New Greenland Ice Sheet study Shows Why Its Called Climate Idiocy "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A new study reports that Northwest Greenland was ice free 400,000 years ago when the atmospheric CO2 level was an estimated 286 ppm.

The post New Greenland Ice Sheet study Shows Why Its Called Climate Idiocy first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

Hospices in Four States to Receive Extra Scrutiny Over Concerns of Fraud, Waste and Abuse "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

Last week, regulators rolled out enhanced oversight for new hospices in Arizona, California, Nevada and Texas. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which pays for most of American hospice care, announced that this change was spurred by numerous reports of hospice fraud, waste, and abuse and serious concerns about market oversaturation.

In November, ProPublica and The New Yorker highlighted that the four states were overrun with for-profit hospices, many of them sharing the same addresses and owners. Some of these hospices obtained licenses only to sell them to other entrepreneurs. Others appeared to be billing Medicare for phantom that is, nonexistent patients. Some did both. The governments own data revealed a pattern of rapid hospice growth in the four states, far outstripping the demand for services.

Rapid Rise in Hospices Concentrated in West and Southwest

A ProPublica analysis of Medicare data reveals a sharp uptick in providers since 2018.

(Source: CMS data set of Medicare-certified hospices. Chart by Lena Groeger.)

During the new oversight period, which can last up to a year, Medicare and its contractors will now scrutinize the claims submitted by new hospices in these states before they pay them. This process often known as medical review or pre-pay review will make it more difficult for a hospice to bill the government for inappropriate patients or medically unnecessary services. Theresa Forster, vice president for end-...


Productivity Commissions clapped out thinking demands clean out "IndyWatch Feed World"

"TheCommissions claim that it is too costly topreference the development of domestic industry over imports is completely at odds with contemporary reality and recent experience.These are no ordinary economic times, Australia and the world are going through an industrial revolution as we fundamentally restructure how our societies are powered. Yet the Commission seem to think that its just business as usual."

The Productivity CommissionsTrade and Assistance Review is further evidence of the need to completely overhaul the Commission, the Electrical Trades Union said today.

While the northern hemisphere swelters through record heatwaves, the Commissions report completely overlooks the social cost of inaction on climate change, by considering only the market price of carbon rather than the broader cost of communities being devastated by economic collapse or natural disasters.

ETU National Secretary, Michael Wright, said the Productivity Commission was not up to the task of providing useful advice to Government on energy transition.

"TheCommissions claim that it is too costly topreference the development of domestic industry over imports is completely at odds with contemporary reality and recent experience.These are no ordinary economic times, Australia and the world are going through an industrial revolution as we fundamentally restructure how our societies are powered. Yet the Commission seem to think that its just business as usual.

Revitalising Australian manufacturing will build clean energy supply chains and deliver much broader social and economic benefits than the simple cost of the carbon abated. Its almost like the Productivity Commission completely missed the COVID pandemic, where Australia was left completely exposed without masks, gowns and gloves, because we had gutted our manufacturing industry in the name of economic orthodoxy.

"Australias resilience, diversity, and security all depend on us having robust supply chains and industrial capacity to respond to a warmer, more uncertain world.

It is farcical for the Commission to suggest the Safeguard Mechanism unfairly benefits companies that emit less than 100,000 tons of carbon per year.The entire point of the Safeguard Mechanism is to provide a pathway for high emitting facilities to lower their emissions.

"And when the commission suggests it is unfair to target climate adaptation investments at specific sectors or regions you have to wonder if this report is actuallysatire. Is the Commission seriously suggesting that the lottery of the postcode or industry you started in decades ago, means you should shoulder the cost of a global energy transition? The commission would see the conti...


[Meme] Elon Musk: My Paywalls Are Killing My Sites Traffic "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The undertaker from South Africa:

Those walled gardens drive away advertisers and people

Summary: Twitter keeps accelerating its very own death; then again, the sooner or quicker it dies, the less money Elon Musk and his fellow financiers will lose (Twitter is deep in debt, pays a fortune in interest on the loan, and it operates at a massive loss, so this debt is growing over time)


In the abyss of the vaccine-injured, theres no one to catch you "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Anonymous | TCW Defending Freedom | January 20, 2023

Prior to my vaccine injury Id had short-lived dalliances with The Fear. For instance when I found a lump in my breast I called my GP surgery and they arranged a same-day appointment. The GP I saw was very kind. He confirmed that I did indeed have a lump, that he would refer me for an urgent appointment, and that I would be seen very quickly, so to try not to worry. He took it very seriously and I felt safe that the NHS would do whatever was needed to help me.

After a few nerve-racking days of waiting, my referral came through for the same week and I had a scan, and was told during my appointment that the lump was a cyst. Phew!

In the weird twilight zone between finding the lump and being told it was benign, the fear of dying reared its ugly head, but it was only for a short window, so I managed to keep it at bay by focusing on the next step in the reassuringly proactive clinical pathway.

Since my vaccine injury, fear of dying has become a more regular feature of my life. Its always waiting in the wings, ready to pounce when I go downhill, or new research shows more information about the havoc that the spike protein can wreak, or I have terrifying symptoms (the heart symptoms are particularly frightening and I have thought I was a goner more than once).

I cant hold the fear at bay for a short time until I get test results, like when I found the lump, because there are no tests to alleviate my fears. There is no two-week wait; in fact there is no clinical pathway for vaccine injury. There are no specialists keen to support me to get to the bottom of my complex multi-system issues (more than 50 symptoms) and find a way to cure me; there is no one and nothing to reassure me that it will be ok.

The medical safety net of our health service that has caught me so many times throughout my life is not in place now that I am vaccine-injured.

My experience has been the opposite of feeling safe. I have been gaslit, lied to, shouted at abusively. Some people dont believe/acknowledge that vaccine injury is a phenomenon. And the caring specialists are limited in how much they can help because its novel: the research and equipment are not in place yet for them to test, diagnose and treat me. Ive lost trust in medication, after all Big Pharma is the reason I got injured, and their unwillingness to acknowledge vaccine injury is the reason weve suffered so much abuse and continue to struggle to get help. There is no one, and nothing, in place to catch me when I fall.

So in this abyss that is being vaccine-injured, Ive learned to co-exist with the fear. Instead of keeping it at bay, whenever I am strong enough, I face up to it....


Your paycheck could arrive in seconds with FedNow. These banks are already signed on "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Federal Reserve has officially announced the launch of a new instant payments service that is designed to modernize the way bank funds are transferred in America.

The Federal Reserve has officially announced the launch of a new instant payments service that is designed to modernize the way bank funds are transferred in America. The new payment system is called the FedNow Service, and it will allow you to receive your paycheck in seconds instead of days. Heres what you need to know.

Read Full Story

18:15 is Back Behind Paywalls (or Walled Gardens Rather, Zero-Cost for Now), Social Control Media as a Whole is Perishing "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Give Gemini a go, theres no platform and no central point/s

Net topology

Summary: Manipulative social control mechanisms (falsely disguised as media*) e.g. YouTube, Reddit, Facebook and Twitter are having a rough time; it moreover seems apparent that their ability to keep eyeballs (user retention) has eroded, as we noted 1.5 years ago

JUDGING by what goes on at Reddit right now, the masters are desperate for profitability. They deny people access to stuff thats already there and has long been there. How long before YouTube starts taking old videos offline unless you pay to keep them online? And what about Twitter? How long before you must pay to use it? Or to access some features? No, Twitter Blue is nothing compared to this. The way things are going, maybe Twitter will go offline this year, maybe next year. Theres no business model (with most of the revenue wiped in less than a year profitability is more elusive than ever) and now people cannot view a tweet without logging in. Its back to the way it was at the start of this month. That being the case, Google should just delist the domain. ALL OF IT. Dont make bait for people to create an account for no good reason. At the moment theres not even a teaser, it just looks like a paywall (with free sign-up). How many people will create an account just to read 50-200 characters of text? Were checked among us to be sure its not a UK- or browser-specific thing, replicating the same behaviour from different parts of the world and it seems like universally (no matter which page is requested) is behind walled gardens again. ALL of it. One theory is that theyre not being targeted by DDoS or Hey Hi but are just eager to boast about many new sign-ups. But at what cost? Is Elon Musk preparing to blame something other than himself for the death of Twitter, BOTH as a site AND as a business?

At the moment theres not even a teaser, it just looks like a paywall (with free sign-up).It seems to be the case that even with JavaScript enabled it requires login before displaying any tweets,...


The more I tried to find my passion, the more lost I felt: 3 Gen Zers talk about their relationship with money "IndyWatch Feed World"

Fast Company is talking with people from different walks of life about their money journeys. In this installment, Gen Zers discuss how early financial lessons helped them find well-paying jobs.

Money, money, money, ABBA sang, yet for all that, its surprisingly difficult to have a candid conversation about money. In this ongoing series, Fast Company is asking different generations about their relationship with money: what their earliest lessons were, how this impacted their career, and what their current relationship with money is.

Read Full Story


Old Style 1802 Computer Has MMU "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When you think of an MMU a memory management unit you probably think of a modern 32-bit computer. But [Jeff Truck] has a surprise. His new RCA 1802 computer has bank switching, allowing the plucky little processor to address 256K of RAM. This isnt just the usual bank-switching design, either.

The machine has several unique features. For example, an Arduino onboard can control the CPU so that you can remotely control the bus. It does not, apparently, stand in for any of the microprocessor support chips. It also doesnt add additional memory or control its access.

The 256K of memory is under the control of the MMU board. This board generates two extra address bits by snooping the executing instruction and figures out what register is involved in any memory access. Memory in the MMU stores a table that lets you set different memory pages for each register. This works even if the register is not explicit and also for the machines DMA and instruction fetch cycles. If you know about the RCA standard call and return technique, which also needed a little patching for the MMU. [Jeff] covers that at the end of the video below.

impressive trick for a 50-something-year-old CPU. We were surprised to hear no offense to [Jeff] that the design worked the first time. Impressive! Theres also some 3D printing and other tips to pick up along the way. But we were super impressed wit...


Distribution Release: Whonix 17 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Patrick Schleizer has announced the release of Whonix 17, a major update of the project's Debian-based distribution designed for advanced security and privacy via its fail-safe, automatic and desktop-wide use of the Tor network. Whonix uses a heavily reconfigured Debian base inside multiple virtual machines, thus providing a....


The Disinformation Police Are Even More Incompetent And Dishonest Than You Imagine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Woman police officer with sunglassesThe Federalist was asked by NewsGuard to respond to its concerns we are 'inaccurate and misleading' so we did. Proudly and publicly.


Even community stewardship cant save rangeland beset by legacy of misrule "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Rangelands cover more than 40% of the African continent and about half of Namibia. Large portions of Namibias rangelands are communal, serving as shared pastures for livestock and wildlife. These open, uninterrupted lands are threatened by degradation, changing vegetation, and diminishing soil quality. The Northern Communal Areas (NCAs) make up a fifth of Namibias landmass but are home to about half of the countrys population and cattle, in part a legacy of colonial relocation. The 1.2 million people living here are predominantly pastoralists and agropastoralists, herding livestock using traditional methods. Between 1970 and 2020, Namibias population tripled in size. This and the reduced mobility of herds are adding to the stress on these unfenced lands, according to anthropologist Michael Bollig. Apart from direct human pressures, climatic disruptions are also leading to greater aridity and promoting woody encroachment. In the south of the country, individuals own stretches of rangeland as private property, with each landowner making their own decisions about herd size and grazing, and managing their land with more or less success. But in the NCAs, communities displaced from richer, more hospitable land in the south to make way for settlers have had to adapt their traditional herding practices and economies to a new landscape. Cattle from the Northern Communal Areas (NCAs). In the NCAs, communities displaced from richer, more hospitable land in the south to make way for settlers have had to adapt their traditional herding practices and economies to a new landscape. Image by Alex Derr via FlickrThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Groups Express Concern Over Hate Speech and Extremism on Threads "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Metas new social platform, Threads, has faced criticism for its lack of adequate policies and measures to address hate speech, extremism, and misinformation, similar to the issues that have plagued Twitter.
  • Civil rights groups and advocates have expressed concerns about Metas failure to extend fact-checking programs to Threads and its removal of a policy to warn users of serial misinformers. The platform has also been accused of hosting hate speech, election lies, COVID-19 conspiracies, and other toxic content.
  • Metas firing of members of a mis- and disinformation team prior to Threads launch has raised further concerns. The Anti-Defamation League is monitoring the platforms policies on hate speech, protection, and privacy, while noting instances of Threads exposing vulnerable users to hate and harassment. Read More

The post Groups Express Concern Over Hate Speech and Extremism on Threads appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Re: Announce: OpenSSH 9.3p2 released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Marcus Meissner on Jul 21

The openssh fixing patches (besides disallowing this remote agent
behaviour by default) now just abort() the pkcs11 helper if they load a library
without the pkcs11 interface C_GetFunctionList() which should largely
solve the problem, unless a library can be exploited on first load.

Longrange thinking is if these kind of load/unload impacts could be
detected by tooling easily and/or get fixed in affected libraries.

Ciao, Marcus


Chinese Hackers Breach US Commerce Chiefs Emails "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • U.S. Commerce Department Secretary Gina Raimondo was among senior U.S. officials whose emails were hacked by a group based in China, according to a person briefed on the matter.
  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken conveyed to Chinas top diplomat that any action targeting the U.S. government, companies, or citizens is a matter of concern and that appropriate action will be taken.
  • Microsoft revealed a Chinese hacking operation that exploited a flaw in its software to break into email accounts of 25 organizations, including the Commerce Department, State Department, and U.S. House of Representatives. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs dismissed the accusations as disinformation.  Read More

The post Chinese Hackers Breach US Commerce Chiefs Emails appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Think Tank Director Indicted for Acting as Unregistered Foreign Agent "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Gal Luft, co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, a Maryland-based think tank, has been indicted on multiple charges related to international criminal schemes.
  • The charges include willful failure to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), arms trafficking, Iranian sanctions violations, and making false statements to federal agents.
  • Luft is accused of conspiring to advance the interests of China in the U.S., illicitly brokering arms transactions, and attempting to broker deals for Iranian oil in violation of U.S. sanctions.
  • Luft has made allegations of corruption against Biden family members, and Rep. James Comer, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said he hoped to interview Luft as part of his investigation into the Biden family.  Read More

The post Think Tank Director Indicted for Acting as Unregistered Foreign Agent appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Nice Suzuki, sport: shame dealer left your data up for grabs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cybernews research team discovered that two Suzuki-authorized dealer websites were leaking customers sensitive information.

Suzuki or otherwise, buying a new vehicle is an intense experience with complicated credit, insurance, documentation, and contracts. Think of all the data that you leave in a dealership, including the fact that you now own a brand-new car which itself may be a potential target for criminals. Insecure dealership systems pose a risk to customers.

In the latest discovery by the Cybernews research team, two Suzuki-authorized dealer websites were found to be leaking sensitive information. Files that should be secure and kept private were left publicly accessible.

Anyone could have retrieved passwords and secret tokens for accessing user data, business management tools, or managing websites.

Weve grown to trust our local car sellers. Rarely do car manufacturers sell their cars directly. But these leaks are significant in showing that regional dealers are yet to catch up to a changing threat environment. More stringent cybersecurity practices are needed, our researchers said.

The first dealership is operating in Brazil, a market of 214.3 million people that are already exposed to an elevated crime rate. The second auto dealer is located in Bahrain, an island country in the Middle East with a population of 1.46 million.

This isnt the first-time that car dealers have struggled with cybersecurity. Ransomware breached the UKs second-largest car dealer with 160 showrooms last year.

Databases and credentials exposed

Suzuki Motor Corporation is the tenth largest car manufacturer worldwide, with a net worth of $17.6 billion. The affected Brazilian dealer,, is owned by Hpe Automatores Do Brasil, which also controls a factory producing 120,000 vehicles per year, mainly Mitsubishi and Suzuki models. They claim to have more than 2,500 direct and indirect employees.

The Brazilian Suzuki website contained sensitive information which had been accidentally left exposed, allowing various attacks to be carried out with relative ease.

Among the data, researchers found the endpoint and secret for the content delivery network (CDN) GoChache, MySQL database, SMTP credentials, and various secret keys for both the application itself and external third party services.

The second website belongs to Suzuki Bahrain. This is the only Suzuki vehicle dealer in the country, operated by Mohammed Jalal & Sons, founded in 1973. The website left the companys Laravel app key, database, and SMTP credentials unprotected.

So, what does it all mean? According to Cyb...



The Highwire with Del Bigtree | July 13, 2023

As new CDC director Dr. Mandy Cohen takes the helm of the agency, the topic of chestfeeding has hit the media as guidelines from the CDC now recommend off-label use of drugs to enable men to breastfeed.


Confidential Biden DOD memo reveals "transgender" service members can skip deployments and receive indefinite physical fitness/standards waivers "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Dossier has acquired a new Department of Defense (DOD) memo that goes into great detail on the topic of "care of service members who identify as transgender." The document, which is not classified but has long remained unavailable to Americans, is being published here for the first time for public consumption. The 34 page memo details the enormous perks granted to service members who identify as transgender. At the beginning of his tenure, President Biden ended President Trump's ban on people who identify as transgender serving in the military. Since then, the Biden Administration has granted more and more benefits to this cohort, leading to dudes like this being celebrated by the Defense Department.


Russian Intelligence Operative Extradited to the US "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Russian citizen Vadim Konoshchenok has been extradited from Estonia to the U.S. and faces charges related to a global procurement and money laundering network on behalf of the Russian government.
  • Konoshchenok is alleged to have smuggled illicit munitions in support of Russias war efforts and used front companies to conceal his activities. The charges include conspiracy, violating U.S. export controls, economic sanctions, and other criminal statutes.
  • The indictment claims that Konoshchenok and his co-defendants were affiliated with companies operating under the direction of Russian intelligence services, procuring advanced electronics and testing equipment for Russias military industrial complex and research sector. The indictment also highlights his alleged ties to Russias Federal Security Service (FSB) and his role in smuggling U.S.-origin items into Russia via Estonia.  Read More

The post Russian Intelligence Operative Extradited to the US  appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Kennedy (Matsagas) Schaal, CEO of Rejuve Biotech, joins our Biotech/Medical Board. "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Kennedy (Matsagas) Schaal, CEO of Rejuve Biotech, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.


There is Something Terribly Wrong With Medias Reaction to Sound of Freedom "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sound of Freedom is based on the true story of an American hero who saved hundreds of children from sexual slavery. Meanwhile, Bloomberg and the Washington Post hired a pro-pedo advocate to attack the movie and associate it with QAnon conspiracies. What in Gods name is happening in mass media?

Vigilant Citizen July 20, 2023

Sound of Freedom is a movie based on the true story of Tim Ballard, a government agent who quits his job in order to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia. Directed by Alejandro Monteverde, Sound of Freedom is not your typical Hollywood movie. It was released by Utah-based Angel Studios, a company specializing in faith-based productions.

The movie was actually completed over five years ago, in 2018, and was slated to be distributed with 20th Century Fox. However, when the studio was bought by the Walt Disney Company, Sound of Freedom was shelved indefinitely. Apparently, Disney was much more preoccupied with making movies that groomed kids with sexual propaganda rather than releasing a movie exposing pedophile networks.

Luckily for the filmmakers, they were able to buy the distribution rights back from Disney and, through equity funding, theyve managed to get the film released on July 4th, 2023.

Almost immediately, the movie was met with a bizarre barrage of bad reviews where the buzz words QAnon conspiracies appear in nearly every article, as if all of these journalists (propagandists) received the same memo.

The movie itself does not mention QAnon or anything even remotely related to it. It merely puts on film the story of Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad, the organization he created to fight child sex trafficking. However, mass media pundits made it a point to associate make this word association. Also, they decided that this movie was controversial.

Why is that? Well, for starters, the media really does not like some people associated with the movie, starting with its star, Jim Caviezel.

Controversial Endorsements





Parents Sue Pennsylvania School District For Barring Parochial Students From Extracurriculars "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

students performing a musicalDespite the districts purported lack of resources for extracurricular activities, it still has time to focus on 'equity and inclusion.'


Educating for political literacy in an age of crisis. "IndyWatch Feed"

Whos Afraid of Political Education? The Challenge to Teach Civic Competence and Democratic Participation. Edited by Henry Tam. Policy Press, 2023 One of the key purposes of education is to help people acquire the knowledge and skills to participate and Continue reading


I Love My GF PFP: The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Perfect Profile Picture "IndyWatch Feed War"

When it comes to expressing love and admiration for our significant others, one popular way is through the use of profile pictures (pfp) on social media platforms. In this article, well explore the trend of using i love my gf pfp and its significance in modern relationships. Whether its a cute couple photo or a heartfelt message, these profile pictures serve as a public declaration of affection for your girlfriend.

In todays digital age, displaying our emotions online has become commonplace. The i love my gf pfp trend allows individuals to proudly showcase their relationship status and affection towards their partner. By setting such a profile picture, you can not only let your friends and followers know about your committed relationship but also convey how much you adore your girlfriend.

So join me as we delve into the world of i love my gf pfp and unravel the motivations behind this growing phenomenon. Well explore the impact it has on relationships, how it strengthens emotional bonds between partners, and why people find joy in publicly proclaiming their love through this simple yet meaningful act.

I Love My GF PFP

When it comes to online presence, one cannot underestimate the power of a profile picture. As an expert in the field, I have witnessed firsthand how much impact a well-chosen profile picture can have on personal branding and impression management. In this section, well explore the significance of profile pictures and why they matter in todays digital landscape.

  1. First Impressions: Your profile picture is often the first thing people see when they come across your online profiles. It serves as an introduction and sets the tone for how others perceive you. A captivating or eye-catching image can pique curiosity and draw attention to your persona.
  2. Authenticity: A genuine and relatable profile picture helps establish credibility and trustworthiness. People are more likely to engage with someone who appears authentic rather...

I-70 CDOT Cameras: Enhancing Safety And Traffic Monitoring "IndyWatch Feed War"

If youre looking for real-time updates on the traffic conditions along I-70, look no further than the CDOT cameras. These cameras provide a valuable resource for commuters and travelers alike, offering a visual glimpse into the current road conditions. With the help of these i-70 CDOT cameras, you can plan your journey more effectively and make informed decisions to avoid congestion or delays.

The i-70 CDOT cameras are strategically placed along the highway, capturing images at regular intervals. By accessing these camera feeds online or through mobile apps, you can get a clear view of whats happening on the road ahead. Whether its heavy traffic, accidents, or adverse weather conditions, these cameras offer an up-to-date perspective that can assist in navigating this busy stretch of highway.

By utilizing the i-70 CDOT cameras, youll have access to essential information that can improve your travel experience. Youll be able to assess traffic flow and identify potential bottlenecks before they cause significant delays. This knowledge empowers you to choose alternate routes if necessary or adjust your departure time accordingly. Stay tuned to these live camera feeds for accurate and reliable information about I-70 conditions and ensure a smoother journey on this vital roadway.

Remember: safety is paramount when using any form of technology while driving. Always check the camera feeds before hitting the road or pull over safely if you need to consult them while already driving.


I-70 CDOT Cameras

Driving along the I-70 can be a thrilling experience, with stunning landscapes and scenic routes that capture the essence of travel. However, its important to acknowledge the potential hazards and challenges that come with navigating this busy highway. Thats where CDOT cameras play a crucial role in ensuring safety and providing real-time information for motorists.

CDOT (Colorado Department of Transportation) has strategically placed cameras along the I-70 corridor to monitor traffic conditions and aid in incident management. These cameras serve as vigilant eyes, capturing live footage of road conditions, traffic volume, weather updates, and other critical information. Let me delve deeper into why these CDOT cameras are so vital:

  1. Enhancing Safety: CDOT cameras provide an invaluable tool for monitoring roadways and identifying potential risks ahead. They allow transportation officials to quickly respond to accidents or other incidents by dispatching emergency services promptly. This proactive approach helps reduce response times, minimizing congestion, and improving overall safety on the I-70.
  2. Real-Time Traffic Updates: The live footage from CDOT cameras enables motorists to make informed decisions about their travel plans. B...

ICD 10 Code For Small Bowel Obstruction: Understanding The Diagnosis "IndyWatch Feed War"

When it comes to diagnosing and coding medical conditions, the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) plays a crucial role. If youre seeking information about the ICD-10 code for small bowel obstruction, youve come to the right place. This article aims to provide clarity by discussing the specific code used for this condition.

Small bowel obstruction refers to a partial or complete blockage in the small intestine, which can lead to severe abdominal pain and other distressing symptoms. In order to accurately document and categorize this condition within the healthcare system, medical professionals rely on ICD-10 codes. The specific code assigned to small bowel obstruction is K56.6.

By utilizing this standardized coding system, healthcare providers can effectively communicate diagnoses with insurance companies, researchers, and other medical professionals. The ICD-10 code for small bowel obstruction helps streamline processes related to billing, treatment planning, statistical analysis, and overall patient care.

In conclusion, if you are dealing with a case of small bowel obstruction or need accurate documentation for research purposes, understanding the correct ICD-10 code (K56.6) is essential. This code ensures consistency in communication across healthcare settings and facilitates efficient management of this condition. Stay informed about relevant codes like these as they greatly contribute to effective medical practice and improved patient outcomes.

ICD 10 Code For Small Bowel Obstruction

Small bowel obstruction is a condition characterized by the blockage of the small intestine, preventing the normal passage of food and fluids. There are several potential causes for this debilitating condition. Understanding these causes can help us better manage and treat small bowel obstructions effectively.

Here are some common factors that can lead to small bowel obstruction:

  1. Adhesions: The formation of scar tissue in the abdomen following surgery or inflammation can result in adhesions. These bands of tissue can twist or pull on the small intestine, leading to obstruction.
  2. Hernias: Hernias occur when a part of the intestine protrudes through a weakened area in the abdominal wall. If this herniated portion becomes trapped, it can cause an obstruction.
  3. Tumors: Benign or malignant growths within or near the small intestine can obstruct its normal functioning. Tumors may arise from various sources, such as cancers originating in other organs that have metastasized to the intestines.
  4. Intestinal strictures: Narrowing of the intestinal passageway due to scarring from conditions like Crohns disease, ulcers, or radiation therapy can lead to small bowel obstruction.
  5. Volvolus: This occurs when a segment of the small intestine twists around itself, causing a blockage.
  6. Impacted foreign ob...


I-80 Road Conditions Wyoming Today: What You Need To Know "IndyWatch Feed War"

If youre planning a trip along I-80 in Wyoming today, its crucial to stay updated on the road conditions to ensure a safe and smooth journey. The weather and traffic conditions along this major interstate can vary greatly, so being well-informed is essential.

Wyoming experiences diverse weather patterns throughout the year, which can have a significant impact on road conditions. From heavy snowfall in winter to strong winds and thunderstorms during other seasons, these factors can affect visibility and create hazardous driving conditions. Therefore, checking the current i-80 road conditions in Wyoming is vital before hitting the road.

To stay informed about the latest updates on I-80 road conditions in Wyoming today, there are several resources available. The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) provides real-time information through their website or by calling their hotline. Additionally, various smartphone apps offer up-to-date reports from fellow travelers or official sources that can help you plan your route accordingly.

Remember, being aware of the i-80 road conditions in Wyoming today allows you to adjust your travel plans if necessary or take extra precautions while driving. Safety should always be your top priority when embarking on any journey along this interstate highway.


I-80 Road Conditions Wyoming Today

If youre planning to travel along I-80 in Wyoming today, its crucial to stay informed about the current road conditions. As an expert, Ill provide you with the latest updates so you can have a safe and smooth journey.

Heres what you need to know about the i-80 road conditions in Wyoming today:

  1. Weather Conditions: Weather plays a significant role in determining road conditions. Currently, Wyoming is experiencing [include weather conditions such as clear skies or snowfall], which may impact driving conditions along I-80.
  2. Road Closures: Keep in mind that unexpected events like accidents, construction work, or rockslides can lead to temporary road closures on I-80. Before embarking on your trip, check for any closures or detours through reliable sources such as the local transportation department website or traffic apps.
  3. Snow and Ice: Given Wyomings climate, its not uncommon for certain sections of I-80 to be covered with snow and ice during winter months. Ensure your vehicle is equipped with appropriate tires for icy conditions and drive cautiously if encountering slippery patches.
  4. Visibility: Foggy conditions can reduce visibility along certain stretches of I-80. Make sure your headlights are functioning properly and use caution when driving through areas where visibility is limited.
  5. High Winds: Wyoming is known for its strong winds that can create challenging...


Hydroxyzine Max Dose For Anxiety: The Ultimate Solution Revealed! "IndyWatch Feed War"

Hydroxyzine is a commonly prescribed medication for the treatment of anxiety. As an expert, Ill provide some insights into the maximum dose of hydroxyzine that is typically recommended for anxiety management.

When it comes to hydroxyzine dosage for anxiety, healthcare professionals often start with a low dose and gradually increase it if needed. The maximum recommended dose of hydroxyzine can vary depending on individual factors such as age, weight, and overall health condition.

Typically, the maximum daily dose of hydroxyzine for anxiety ranges between 50-100 mg. However, its important to note that this dosage may be adjusted by your doctor based on your specific needs and response to the medication. Its always best to follow your healthcare providers instructions regarding dosage and any potential modifications.

In conclusion, hydroxyzine can be an effective option for managing anxiety symptoms. While the maximum dose generally falls within the range of 50-100 mg per day, its crucial to consult with your healthcare professional who can determine the appropriate dosage based on your unique circumstances.


Hydroxyzine Max Dose For Anxiety

Hydroxyzine, also known by its brand name Vistaril, is a medication commonly used to treat anxiety and relieve symptoms of various mental health conditions. As an expert in the field, Ill give you a brief overview of what hydroxyzine is and how it works.

  1. Anxiety Relief: Hydroxyzine belongs to a class of drugs called antihistamines. While primarily used for allergies, this medication has been found to have sedative and anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) effects as well. It helps calm the nervous system and can be particularly useful in managing anxiety disorders.
  2. Mechanism of Action: Hydroxyzine works by binding to certain receptors in the brain known as H1 receptors. By blocking these receptors, it inhibits the action of histamine, a compound involved in allergic reactions and inflammatory responses. This dual mechanism allows hydroxyzine to not only alleviate allergy symptoms but also provide relief from anxiety.
  3. Dosage for Anxiety: When it comes to using hydroxyzine for anxiety, the dosage varies depending on individual needs and response. The maximum dose recommended for adults typically ranges from 50-100 mg per day. However, its important to note that dosing should always be determined by a healthcare professional based on factors such as medical history, severity of symptoms, and other medications being taken.
  4. Sedating Effects: One notable aspect of hydroxyzine is its sedating properties. Due to its ability to induce drowsiness, its often prescribed as a short-term solution for anxiety-related sleep disturbances or pre-procedural anxiety before surgeries or de...


Population control and the American way of life "IndyWatch Feed World"

Worldwide birthrate per 1000 people follows a very predictable trend. In "developed" and/or wealthy nations, the birthrate is low and in nations at the lower end of the economic development scale, the birthrate is high. Nothing new there. Many countries, including the USA, have birthrates that either are too low to sustain current population levels or are stable. Since 1970, the population of people born in the USA has been stable at below 300 million. In fact, some estimates show a decline in population. All of the population growth in the USA during this time period has been due to immigration. That is why the USA has grown to 336 million people in 50 years. This trend has only increased in recent years. There were a record 44.8 million immigrants living in the U.S. in 2018, making up 13.7% of the nation's population. This represents a more than fourfold increase since 1960, when 9.7 million immigrants lived in the U.S., accounting for 5.4% of the total U.S. population. For Jill...


Serfs Up "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sylvia Shawcross Well its enough to drive you around the bend and put bubbles in your veins trying to understand the world as it is unfolding. Watching Mattias Desmet being interviewed here, I remember a criticism of his theory being that he attributes everything bad happening right now to the psychology of the masses and


Atom Bomb Father J. Robert Oppenheimer: I Am Become Death, The Destroyer Of Worlds "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Robert OppenheimerRobert Oppenheimers life holds major questions about the use of power that continue to affect the world today.

Aubrey de Grey on Chemicals That Can Reverse Aging Damage "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

We can do two things.  We can dispose of old cells to clear the way for new cells and way more important we can turn back the age of cells and obviously stem cells as well.  All this means your cellular body can be restored to prime.  doing it will be another matter, but creating such an elixer is now a priority.

This is particularly important because the whole globe is entering a long cycle of depopulation that is best offset by life extension .  folks do have to stop dying of old age.

Of course ,we will need an expanded population to fully terraform terra even before we fully optimize our ocean and create refugias deep underground as well.  Then there is Venus in particular and every other object in our solar system occupied using refugias and artificial gravity.

100,000,000,000 is actually just a lower minimum for humanity.   wild eh?

Aubrey de Grey on Chemicals That Can Reverse Aging Damage

Aubrey de Grey on Chemicals That Can Reverse Aging Damage

July 17, 2023 by Brian Wang


Chemicals Reversed Cellular Aging "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This is a huge discovery and conforms to our understanding that the so called Gods of old used a cocktail to reverse aging.  Understand that the Greek Gods were human beings able to reverse aging using this elixer.

My own efforts have identified ascorbic acid and vitimin D as neceessary components.  what this wortk does is identify that certain biologicals will reverse cellular aging.  still erarly days, but it is no longer simple inpossible.  I suspect that it will become easy.

Do recall that our antediluvium civilization had leaders that held their positions for up to 30,000 years and this appears plausible from this.

Chemicals Reversed Cellular Aging

July 16, 2023 by Brian Wang

Rejuvenation by age reversal can be achieved, not only by genetic, but also...

If Universal Constants Evolved then The Universe is Twice as Old at 26.7 Billion Years Instead of 13.8 Billion "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

understand that my Cloud Cosmology accepts an act of creration that signals at the speed of light, but produces particles at sublight speeds.  All this means that every galaxy is an individual act of creation that is ongoing and looks like a spherical event horizon operating sublight.  The matter we see is the Galazy itself inside that event horizon..  We can conjecture that this sphere is full of NNPs or Dark Matter.

The big news is that far enough back in time, the Galaxies are much smaller since we can notice and what this tells me is that are getting back to a smaller possible n for the particle count.

our universal constants are linked directly to the particle count in our Galaxy, but looks the same elsewhere.

Again our model keeps getting better as new data arrives.

By the by, the Big Bang assumes an act of creation, but never quite says so and depends on nuclear physics for explanation and that has been accepted while ignoring contradictions. The suns surface is an event horizon in which NNPs clearly decay into hydrogen above the suface and electrons combine to radiate light on the surface.  other elements happen as well of course.

We pretend we know what is happening inside the Sun ,but it is all speculation informed by the limitations of our physics.

If Universal Constants Evolved then The Universe is Twice as Old at 26.7 Billion Years Instead of 13.8 Billion

July 18, 2023 by Brian W...

Researchers In Europe Discover That Birds Have Been Using Anti-Bird Spikes To Make Nests "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Amusing of course but also a reminder that our bird population has slowly been integrating with our built environment forever.  And our urban environment is super safe for most birds.  so of course tge population of urban birds will expand along with raccoons and coyotes et all.

Agricultural restoration of silvaculture will also greatly expand bird populations.  Every farmboy knows what it is like to be followed by a large flock of birds behind his cultivating gear.  That will be our future once we start planting treelines wide enough to allow equipment to properly pass between.

This may not sound like much, but that tree line will pull nutirents from deep down and spread them over the field, provide shifting shade for cattle to support grazing rotation,  provide ample bird habitat to suppress insects, and perhaps even toss a crop of fruit or nuts as well.

This will be future important when our cities naturally disperse as well into the countryside. .

Researchers In Europe Discover That Birds Have Been Using Anti-Bird Spikes To Make Nests

By Kaleena Fraga | Edited By Maggie Donahue

Published July 18, 2023

Researchers documented magpies and crows using the anti-bird spikes to build nests, demonstrating how birds have adapted to urban environments.

Max CrawfordA magpie nest in Scotland that utilized bird spikes on top of the nest.

Urban birds have long used urban objects to make their nests. In recent years, researchers have found things like condoms and cigarettes threaded between sticks and moss. But they were recently surprised to find that birds had started using another object in their nests anti-bird spikes, which are supposed to deter birds from roosting on buildings.

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