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Wednesday, 07 June


Nachrichten aus sterreich:Wie Michaela Grubesa, Leiterin ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Nachrichten aus sterreich:

Wie Michaela Grubesa, Leiterin der SP-Wahlkommission bei einer Pressekonferenz kommunizierte, wurden am Parteitag am Parteitag in Linz die Ergebnisse von Hans Peter Doskozil und Andreas Babler vertauscht [...]

Grund dafr war laut Grubesa ein "technischer Fehler". Nach dem Auszhlen der Delegiertenstimmen habe man die Excel-Tabellen vertauscht und das falsche Ergebnis kommuniziert.

Softwarefehler, kann man nichts machen.

Heise lsst verknden: CIA ist tot. Nicht der Geheimdienst. ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Heise lsst verknden: CIA ist tot. Nicht der Geheimdienst. Die Dimensionen fr Sicherheitsanalyse: Confidentiality, Integrity und Availability.

Warum sind die tot? Steht da nicht. Aber anhand der vorgeschlagenen neuen Dimensionen kann man riechen, von wo der Wind weht:

Das neuere DIE-Sicherheitsmodell (Distributed, Immutable, Ephemeral) ist ein Konzept in der Informationssicherheit, das auf die drei Aspekte Verteilung, Unvernderlichkeit und Vergnglichkeit von Daten abzielt.
Na? Gemerkt? Hier wird Ergebnis-Kontrolle durch Implementationsdetails ersetzt. Und zwar Cloud-Heini-Implementationsdetails.

Das ist wie wenn du eine Kategorie "Objekt-Orientierte Datenhaltung" einfhrst. Das bedeutet nichts. Das hilft niemandem. Das ist Verkaufs-Blablah von Cloud-Heinis, die nicht auf die tatschlichen Auswirkungen ihrer Vorschlge angesprochen werden wollen. Das ist "It's got electrolytes", falls ihr Idiocracy kennt.

Bislang, wenn jemand deine Daten geklaut hat, war die Confidentiality (Vertraulichkeit) beschdigt. das war nicht zu verhandeln. Wenn jemand deine Daten per Ransomware verschlsselt, war die Availability weg. Wenn jemand deine Daten ndert, war die Integrity futsch.

Die neuen Kategorien geben diese Analyse nicht her. Die lgen dir direkt ins Gesicht, dass es sowas wie "vergngliche Daten" gibt. Gibt es nicht. Daten werden nicht schlecht. Wenn ich die heute auslese, kann ich die morgen, nchste Woche oder in 100 Jahren gegen dich verwenden.

Das neue Modell lgt dir ins Gesicht, dass das fr dich als Kunden relevant ist, ob der Dienst die Daten verteilt oder zentral speichert. Spielt berhaupt gar keine Rolle fr dich. Fr dich ist wichtig, ob jemand unbefugt rankommt.

Was sollen denn die neuen Kategorien dann? Das sind Cloud-Kategorien! Da geht es nicht um Sicherheit, sondern es geht um das Errichten einer Nebelwand. Oh, und natrlich will dir hier jemand was verkaufen. So Golfplatz-mig. Habt ihr schon verteilte Datenhaltung?

Immutable kann helfen, wenn es um die Integritt von Daten geht. Wenn es um die Verfgbarkeit oder Vertraulichkeit geht, hilft das nicht. Distributed kann helfen, wenn es um die Verfgbarkeit geht, aber fr Integritt tut es nicht viel und fr die Vertraulichkeit ist es sogar kontraproduktiv.

Wieso also hier von Zielen auf Implementationsdetails umschwenken? Weil die Leute keinen Bock haben, ihre sinnlosen Schlangenl-Manahmen gegen tatschliche Auswirkungen bewerten zu lassen. Die Leute wollen lieber "wir haben die Daten verteilt" sagen, als sich auf Diskussionen einzulassen, was dem Kunden das bringt. In praktisch allen Fllen bringt das nmlich gar nichts. Aber man kann sich gegenseitig auf die Schultern klopfen und so tun, als haben hier nicht Geld verbrannt sondern...

In Berlin gab es ja diesen Skandal mit den Wohnungen. ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

In Berlin gab es ja diesen Skandal mit den Wohnungen. Die Pleitiers in der Politik haben die Wohnungsbaugesellschaften verhkert und waren dann erschttert (ERSCHTTERT!!), dass die die Kufer erstmal die Mieten massiv erhht haben.

Ein paar Jahre spter hat Berlin dann einen fetten Rckkauf gestartet.

Boah diese Berliner, die knnen ja GAR nichts! Anderswo undenkbar, solche Zustnde!1!! Gut, auer in Bayern. Da kauft sogar derselbe Sder die Wohnungen zurck, der sie vorher verkauft hatte.

Erinnert ihr euch noch an den Dieselskandal?Nun, der ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Erinnert ihr euch noch an den Dieselskandal?

Nun, der ist natrlich noch nicht vorbei. Die haben blo ein paar Handbewegungen gemacht, in der Hoffnung, dass die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne der Leute kurz genug ist, dass das schnell in Vergessenheit gert.

Dennoch zeigten nach Darstellung des ICCT unter der Magabe der nun geltenden Einschrnkungen gut 85 Prozent der Euro-5- und 77 Prozent der Euro-6-Diesel verdchtig hohe Emissionen, wie die Forscher am Donnerstag berichteten. In 40 Prozent der Flle htten sich sogar extreme Werte fr gesundheitsschdliche Stickoxide (NOx) ergeben.
ICCT? Das sind doch bestimmt so ein paar Partisanen, deren Messungen man nicht trauen kann!1!!
Die Zahlen basieren nicht auf eigenen Erhebungen, sondern auf einer groen Testdatenbank sowie Zweitauswertungen zu Abgastests von Behrden und Organisationen, die seit 2016 liefen.


Experimental OpenGL 3.1 Support For Apple M1/M2 Graphics On Linux "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Experimental driver code available via the Asahi Linux "edge" packages allow for OpenGL 3.1 and OpenGL ES 3.0 to be exposed for Apple Silicon M1/M2 SoCs under this Arch Linux based OS...


Souped-Up Reflective Sensor Uses Itself for Wireless Programming "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Proximity sensors are common enough in automation projects that we hardly give them a second thought pick something with specs that match the job and move on. But they can be fussy to get adjusted just right, a job made more difficult if theyre located in some out-of-the-way corner.

But where lies a challenge, theres also an opportunity, as [Ido Gendel] shows us with this remote-controlled proximity sensor. The story behind this clever little hack starts with an off-the-shelf sensor, the kind with an IR LED and a phototransistor pointed in the same direction that gives a digital output when the light bouncing back into the phototransistor exceeds a certain threshold. It was setting the threshold that gave [Ido]s client trouble, so [Ido] decided to build a programmable drop-in replacement to make the job easier.

The first try at this used an OBP732 reflective transmitter and an ATtiny202 microcontroller and had three pads on the PCB for programming. This still required physical contact for programming, though, so [Ido] had the idea to use the sensor for wireless IR pr...


Extreme reforestation: Baobab planters confront fires, loggers, cattle and more "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

BELO-SUR-MER, Madagascar The situation was dire in Kirindy Mite National Park during a visit in November 2022. The previous year, a huge tract of forest had been ravaged by fire and was struggling to recover; towering baobabs were still standing, charred and leafless. And just the month before, fires also burned 45,000 young trees planted across 60 hectares (148 acres) in another part of the park, reducing to ash all the work of the NGO Dry Forests first reforestation campaign, of 2020-2021. It took almost 15 days to completely put out the fire there! said Hamill Harrisson, referring to the most recent fire. Harrisson is Dry Forests executive director and a native of Belo-Sur-Mer, a rural commune in western Madagascar near the park, where the NGO is headquartered. We helped put out the fire at the time; a lot of different kinds of animals perished in the fire, Armand, a salt harvester in the village of Antsira in Belo-Sur-Mer who has planted trees with the NGO, said with sadness. (Like many Malagasy people, Armand uses a single name.) Entrance to Kirindy Mite National Park, in Belo-Sur-Mer. Image by Nirina Rakotonanahary for Mongabay. Damage from a 2021 fire in an area that Dry Forest has recently begun to reforest. Image by Nirina Rakotonanahary for Mongabay. A small, isolated commune that looks like paradise, Belo-Sur-Mer is located 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of the town of Morondava. Residents watch as one of their greatest treasures, the forest of Kirindy Mite NationalThis article was originally published on Mongabay


3D scans shed new light on mysterious Roman burial practice "IndyWatch Feed World"

Archaeologists in York have used 3D scans to study the Roman burial practice of pouring liquid gypsum over the bodies of adults and children laid to rest in coffins - the first time this cutting-edge technology has been applied to Roman burials of this type anywhere in the world. Researchers say the "unparalleled" 3D images have shed new light on this intriguing and unusual burial practice. For reasons archaeologists do not entirely understand, the Romans sometimes poured liquid gypsum - a mineral used in making various types of cement and plaster - over the clothed bodies of adults and children in lead or stone coffins before burying them. As the gypsum hardened around the bodies and they then broke down, a negative cavity formed that preserved the original position and contours of the dead. The imprint of shrouds, clothing, and footwear also survives in the gypsum, providing precious evidence for perishable materials that rarely survive in Roman graves.


Benzema Bids Real Madrid Goodbye "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Karim Benzema on Tuesday bid farewell to Real Madrid while admitting that leaving the club after 14 years hurts as he prepares to sign for Al Ittihad in the Saudi Pro League. The 35-year-old forward joined Marid in 2009 from Ligue 1 side Lyon before going on to score 354 goals in 648 appearances for...

The post Benzema Bids Real Madrid Goodbye appeared first on New Telegraph.


Tomgram: William Astore, An Iron Curtain Has Descended on America "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All around us things are falling apart. Collectively, Americans are experiencing national and imperial decline. Can America save itself? Is this country, as presently constituted, even worth saving?[...]


Will GPT models choke on their own exhaust? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Until about now, most of the text online was written by humans. But this text has been used to train GPT3(.5) and GPT4, and these have popped up as writing assistants in our editing tools. So more and more of the text will be written by large language models (LLMs). Where does it all lead? What will happen to GPT-{n} once LLMs contribute most of the language found online?

And its not just text. If you train a music model on Mozart, you can expect output thats a bit like Mozart but without the sparkle lets call it Salieri. And if Salieri now trains the next generation, and so on, what will the fifth or sixth generation sound like?

In our latest paper, we show that using model-generated content in training causes irreversible defects. The tails of the original content distribution disappear. Within a few generations, text becomes garbage, as Gaussian distributions converge and may even become delta functions. We call this effect model collapse.

Just as weve strewn the oceans with plastic trash and filled the atmosphere with carbon dioxide, so were about to fill the Internet with blah. This will make it harder to train newer models by scraping the web, giving an advantage to firms which already did that, or which control access to human interfaces at scale. Indeed, we already see AI startups hammering the Internet Archive for training data.

After we published this paper, we noticed that Ted Chiang had already commented on the effect in February, noting that ChatGPT is like a blurry jpeg of all the text on the Internet, and that copies of copies get worse. In our paper we work through the math, explain the effect in detail, and show that it is universal.

This does not mean that LLMs have no uses. As one example, we originally called the effect model dementia, but decided to rename it after objections from a colleague whose father had suffered dementia. We couldnt think of a replacement until we asked Bard, which suggested five titles, of which we went for The Curse of Recursion.

So there we have it. LLMs are like fire a useful tool, but one that pollutes the environment. How will we cope with it?


Sharpen Your Machetes "IndyWatch Feed War"

This episode of System Fail highlights the tensions between Indigenous communities and the settler colonial state in Brazil. The lower house of Brazils congress passed a bill, PL 490, which aims to open up Indigenous territories for mining and capitalist development, subjecting established Indigenous land claims to legal challenges. The Indigenous communities have resisted the bill through blockades and protests.

Next we cover the Bwa Kale movement in Haiti, where residents take up arms against gangs terrorizing their communities, liberating their neighbourhoods and building up organization of community self-defense.

Lastly, riots erupted in Cardiff, Wales, following the deaths of two teenage boys who crashed their e-bike while being chased by police.


Why and how the African child is miseducated in the western educational system. Full article "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

As African children head back to school to face another school year I would like to makean attempt to explain to our community and particularly to young parents why and howthe African child has been systematically mis-educated in the western world during thelast 500 years, so that they can better understand the root causes of []


El proceso de transicin energtica beneficia principalmente a las grandes empresas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La transicin energtica es un proceso econmico, no social, cuyos principales beneficiarios siguen siendo las grandes empresas que ahora se quieren hacer visibles como supuestas transformadoras, sin importar los impactos al hbitat, asegur la doctora Aleida Azamar Alonso, profesora de la Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana (UAM). (Minuto 37:04)

Incluso, los minerales crticos se han convertido en un arma debido a esta sper concentracin y son utilizados para librar batallas mercantiles y de hegemona tecnolgica por China, Estados Unidos y Rusia, sostuvo la coordinadora de la Maestra en Sociedades Sustentables de la Unidad Xochimilco de la Casa abierta al tiempo

Al Participar en el Conversatorio internacional sobre minerales crticos para la transicin energtica, organizado por el Instituto de Investigaciones Jurdicas de la Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico (UNAM), explic que el precio de estos materiales vara de acuerdo con intereses puramente financieros de especulacin, sin considerar las complicaciones del entorno que se supone se pretenden resolver con esa transformacin.

Los beneficios de algunas de estas sustancias inorgnicas son menores que todos los costos socioambientales ocasionados en los procesos para extraerlos, entonces cabe preguntar si realmente son tan tiles para ponerlos por encima del bienestar comn o si hay forma de caminar hacia un cambio ms integral que considere la energa, pero tambin los alimentos y la prosperidad social y territorial, dijo.

Algunos de esos slidos naturales estn en el pico de la extraccin, por lo cual ya no vamos a poder aumentar su capacidad en el largo plazo, asunto grave del que no se habla mucho, pero en no ms de cien aos vamos a notar que hacen falta para poder fabricar procesadores, alimentos, vivienda y vehculos, entre otros productos.

As, se habr perdido la capacidad en el camino de desarrollo tecnolgico debido a la dependencia de estos elementos, que ha crecido en los ltimos aos y que lentamente se ha convertido en la cuerda que sostiene la espada de Democles que pende sobre nuestra civilizacin y que vamos a ir advirtiendo cada vez ms rpido.

Lo anterior no significa que deberamos quedarnos tomando petrleo, pues hay otros caminos para hacer una transicin energtica mundial y no un proceso econmico que busque establecer una dinmica productiva que permita tener una retrica poltica que condena a quien no se apega a esta alternativa y limita el uso de soluciones energticas limpias, apunt la especialista.

La tambin acadmica del Departamento de Produccin Econmica advirti que se trata de algo que pareciera sencillo, pero que resulta costoso a nivel social y productivo al requerir imponer regulaciones a las grandes empresas, a los poderosos y a los polticos para modificar este viejo modelo productivo individual hacia uno colectivo.



The Juneteenth Drama "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It has long been an inside joke for someone to say that Juneteenth was a----testament to ignorance. The ignorance was that slaves in Texas were supposedly too dumb, ignorant, or uninformed, or all three, to realize that two-plus years had passed since they were freed.


10th Assembly: LP Reps-Elect Kick As Obi Ask Them To Vote Yari, Betara "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Its a lie from hell,  LP leader With exactly a week to the inauguration of the 10th National Assembly, there is confusion in the camp of the Labour Party as its members elect have rejected the directive of its presidential candidate, Mr Peter Obi to vote for Senator Abdulaziz Yari as Senate President and Hon....

The post 10th Assembly: LP Reps-Elect Kick As Obi Ask Them To Vote Yari, Betara appeared first on New Telegraph.


El Charco: violencia sin lmites "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Desde el momento en que el ejrcito fue informado por personas infiltradas dentro de las comunidades indgenas, que en El Charco se realizaba una reunin con autoridades de varias localidades y que en ella participaban personas de un grupo guerrillero, los mandos militares planearon la masacre en la madrugada del 7 de junio de 1998. Este proceso organizativo era impulsado por varios promotores comunitarios que se encargaban de atender a los enfermos, a los nios y nias que no estudiaban y a las mismas mujeres monolinges que padecan el maltrato de la poblacin mestiza, cuando bajaban a la cabecera municipal de Ayutla de los Libres. La geografa agreste fue el terreno propicio para promover entre las comunidades indgenas la organizacin de los pueblos con el fin de luchar contra el yugo opresor de los caciques y enarbolar sus derechos para enfrentar la violencia del Estado.

Los jefes militares de Cruz Grande y Acapulco pusieron en marcha la maquinaria de la guerra. Cerca de 300 militares llegaron a la cabecera municipal de Ayutla y emprendieron la marcha con Hummer y Torton bien apertrechados. Subieron para hacer la guerra, para destruir al enemigo, para masacrar a los indgenas que se encontraban en la escuela primaria Caritino Maldonado. Los camiones llegaron hasta Ocote Amarillo, desde ese lugar se distribuyeron para rodear la comunidad de El Charco y cercar la escuela. Constataron que no haba guardias que resguardaran el lugar de la reunin. Se apostaron en diferentes frentes. Con megfono en mano se escuch el grito de un militar que iba al frente de la tropa salgan perros, muertos de hambre. En ese momento rafaguearon los salones de clase. Tambin tiraron algunas bombas. Al no tener respuesta, el militar engallado volvi a gritar salgan perros, entreguen las armas. Continuaron los disparos, mientras tanto la gente que dorma en los salones de clase trat de colocarse en los rincones para librar las balas. Una de las autoridades se anim a gritar no tiren por favor, nosotros estamos desarmados!. Las rfagas continuaron. Conforme pasaba el tiempo los disparos fueron ms espordicos. Fue una trgica noche en la que haba personas heridas y algunas haban muerto. Tuvieron que esperar a que amaneciera para salir de los salones con las manos en alto. Varios de ellos se arrastraban y se sobreponan a las heridas por las que desangraban y perdan fuerza. Los concentraron en la cancha y los obligaron a que se tiraran para someterlos y dar el tiro de gracia a varios de los que estaban heridos.

El testimonio de una de las viudas nos relata que su esposo era una de las personas que estaban heridas, con dificultades caminaban. Esto no les import a los militares, ms bien recibi ms golpes para demostrar su poder. A pesar de que se encontraba sometido, trataba de defenderse y de no arredrarse ante el enemigo. Al demostrar que estaba dispuesto a todo, un militar le dio el tiro de gracia en la cabeza.

En esa ma...


Israel to Judaize Galilee and Expand West Bank Settlements? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Israel to Judaize Galilee and Expand West Bank Settlements? appeared first on Global Research.


Enveedo Strategy Execution Platform for Security strengthens cyber resiliency for businesses "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Enveedo has launched its Strategy Execution Platform for Security that enables organizations to build and maintain cyber resiliency. The platform includes a risk management engine, on-demand access to vCISO guidance, and a real-time centralized view of the organizations systems, assets, stakeholders, and risks. It enables all businesses especially those with limited resources, capabilities, or expertise to plan, execute, and continuously evolve an enterprise-grade cybersecurity strategy based on an understanding of their risk posture. More

The post Enveedo Strategy Execution Platform for Security strengthens cyber resiliency for businesses appeared first on Help Net Security.


Independent Nord Stream Expedition Discovers Clue Missed by Official Investigators "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Independent Nord Stream Expedition Discovers Clue Missed by Official Investigators appeared first on Global Research.


Bidens Declining Mental Acuity Is A Big Welcome Mat To Red Chinas Aggression "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

An American flag in a Chinese statueEvery public display of Biden's fragility is another indication to Xi Jinping and the CCP that America lacks strong leadership.


Jose Luis Mendilibar Extends Stay As Sevilla Coach "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Europa League winners, Sevilla have confirmed that Jos Luis Mendilibar will remain as head coach for another season. The 62-year-old was only appointed on a short-term contract until the end of the 2022/23 campaign in March but his short time in charge of the Andalusians has been a huge success. Replacing Jorge Sampaoli with the...

The post Jose Luis Mendilibar Extends Stay As Sevilla Coach appeared first on New Telegraph.


Sunday Dare Gets More Recognition After Successful Tenure As Sports Minister "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The immediate past Sports Minister, Sunday Dare CON, has continued to enjoy the dividends of his successful stewardship as the Minister of Youth and Sports Development. In a private reception put together by stakeholders in the sports industry, Dare was praised for all the transformations he brought to the Sports Sector during the almost four...

The post Sunday Dare Gets More Recognition After Successful Tenure As Sports Minister appeared first on New Telegraph.


Tottenham Eyeing Man United Captain, Harry Maguire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Tottenham are planning their revamp after a turbulent season and looking to sign a big name during this transfer window. Barring the last-minute change, the club are exploring the possibility of signing Manchester United captain, Harry Maguire. New boss Ange Postecoglou whose arrival was confirmed on Tuesday is reportedly interested in a move for the...

The post Tottenham Eyeing Man United Captain, Harry Maguire appeared first on New Telegraph.


Appdome collaborates with GitHub to automate delivery of secure mobile apps "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Appdome has integrated its platform with GitHub to accelerate the delivery of secure mobile apps globally. GitHub Actions is now part of the Appdome Dev2Cyber Agility Partner Initiative to accelerate the delivery of secure mobile apps globally. With this new integration, GitHub users can leverage Appdomes configuration-as-code ease from inside GitHub and build any of Appdomes security, anti-fraud, anti-malware, anti-cheat and other cyber defenses into Android and iOS apps. Appdomes cyber defense automation platform streamlines More

The post Appdome collaborates with GitHub to automate delivery of secure mobile apps appeared first on Help Net Security.


Sununu Takes One for Team America, Foregoes WH Run to Trip Up Trump "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Putting personal ambition aside, New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu has said he would not seek the Republican presidential nomination at this time because stopping Donald Trump is more important, and a crowded field of contenders would benefit the former president most of all.

First and foremost, that tells us that Sununu, who is one of the nations most popular governors, is good at math. Of course, it doesnt take a Fields Medal winner to calculate that his odds of winning the nomination would have been extremely slim, so why not spare himself the embarrassment, gather good will among sane Republicans, and run in 2028?

But lets assume that altruism and not arithmetic is the key factor in this decision.

Thats certainly what Sununu wants us to believe.

If [Trump] is the nominee, Republicans will lose again. Just as we did in 2018, 2020 and 2022. This is indisputable, and I am not willing to let it happen without a fight, the governor wrote in a rather remarkable editorial in the Washington Post on Monday that lays out why the former president is a liability.

For example, Sununu notes that Trump failed to deliver on his promises to drain the swamp, secure the border and instill fiscal responsibility while in office. At a time when Republicans are trying to blame Democrats for the countrys fiscal woes, the governor points out that Trump added $8 trillion to the national debt. In addition, Sununu noted that the former president is facing a variety of investigations and that he continues to peddle the conspiracy theory that he won the 2020 election, repelling independents.

What is most remarkable about this editorial is not the intellectual or moral clarity he displays, but rather that there are still high-ranking Republicans willing to call out Trump in no uncertain terms.

Sununu is probably right in saying that he can have a greater impact from the sidelines. After all, he is the governor of the state in which the first primary is held. As such, his endorsement will clearly be highly coveted and could go a long way toward giving one of Trumps challengers a boost.

However, Sununu is not just calling out the former president but also the people who have already declared their candidacy for the R...


Telegraph chides Elie Wiesel for not having criticised Israel "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Joseph Bergers judicious and well-crafted portrait of this remarkable man stops short of hagiography, its reverentially respectful tone leaves its impact a bit flat, writes How Elie Wiesel taught the world to face the horror of the Holocaust, June 4).

A few paragraphs in, he writes this:

[Wiesel] was righteously furious with God, who had mysteriously abandoned the Chosen Race in its darkest hours

First, were not aware of any writing by Wiesel referring to Jews as the Chosen Race, which is curiously capitalised by the journalist.  Nor, for that matter, do we know of any Jewish figure whos used that term. Indeed, the characterisation of Jews as race is a relatively recent phenomenon.
While the idea of Jews as the chosen people, rooted in several biblical verses, is common, often meant to refer to the task of communicating the monotheistic idea and a set of moral ideals to humanity, the term chosen Race more resembles the concept used by the Nazis to refer to the alleged racial supremacy of Aryans.  Its unsettling to say the least that the reviewer decided on that specific rhetorical formula.

Moving on now to where Christiansen calls out the late Holocaust survivor for his moral blind spot:

Wiesel was to all intents and purposes a Zionist, and such was his fealty to Israel that he could never bring himself to issue more than polite suggestions that its government should be a beacon of probity and currently wasnt. He rejoiced in the outcome of the Six Day War and remained silent on the illegal settlements: his compassion would extend to Armenians, the Vietnamese boat people and black South Africans, but he had nothing to say in defence of brutally disenfranchised Palestinians.

This is just a suggestion, but perhaps the next time Telegraph editors commis...


The Best Way to Honor Fallen Soldiers Is to Stop Sending Troops to War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post The Best Way to Honor Fallen Soldiers Is to Stop Sending Troops to War appeared first on Global Research.


SOTT FOCUS: Twenty Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns "IndyWatch Feed World"

It's common now to speak of the before times in contrast to the after times. The turning point was of course March 16, 2020, the day of 15 Days to Flatten the Curve, though authoritarian trends predate that. Rights were suddenly broadly throttled, even religious rights. We were told to conduct every aspect of our lives in accordance with the priorities of the bio-medical security state. Very few people anticipated such a shocking development. It was the onset of a new state-conducted war and the enemy was something we could not see and hence could be anywhere. No one has ever doubted the omnipresence of potentially dangerous pathogens but now we were being told that life itself depended entirely on avoidance of them and the only guide going forward would be public-health authorities. Everything changed. Nothing is the same. The trauma is real and lasting. The claim of "15 Days" was revealed to be a ruse. The emergency lasted three years and then some. The people and machinery that...


The Unequal Benefits of Californias Electric Vehicle Transition "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

California has some of the most aggressive climate laws in the country, including its Clean Vehicle Rebate Project, which incentivizes the purchase of electric vehicles (EVs), plug-in hybrids, and fuel-cell vehicles. The state has issued more than half a million clean vehicle rebates since 2010. A new study shows that the program is having a mixed effect on air quality.


I want to emphasize that California Clean Vehicle Rebate Project has had many successes, said environmental sociologist Jaye Meja-Duwan, a doctoral candidate at the University of California, Berkeley. The program supports decarbonizing transportation, a sector that emits nearly 40 percent of the states carbon dioxide emissions. Individuals who purchase one of the vehicles from the programs approved list receive a check between $1,000 and $7,500, depending on income.


Air quality has improved in well-off communities as more clean cars hit the pavement between 2010 and 2021. But in marginalized neighborhoods? Not so much. These communities saw fewer reductions in nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide, and soot-like particles (PM2.5) from car exhaust than well-off neighborhoods.


The study is the first to compare pollution in more granular census tracts than broader county-wide swaths a more accurate way to tease out air quality differences among neighborhoods. The researchers considered air pollution between 2010 and 2021 on the basis of public listings of rebates and emission models.

Collecting the Pieces

One of the great things about California is that it reports such high-quality and publicly available data, Meja-Duwan said. The Clean Vehicle Rebate Project posts the make and model, vehicle type, and census tract of every rebate granted.



Plug-in vehicles are only as clean as the underlying electric grid from which their electricity is sourced.



Meja-Duwan and their colleagues determined the change in local vehicle emissions using the states Emission Factor (EMFAC) model, which estimates how many air pollutants different types of v...


Deep fake video of Putin declaring martial law is broadcast in parts of Russia "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Fingerprint unveils Smart Signals to fight and prevent fraud "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Fingerprint launched Fingerprint Pro Plus, featuring the companys latest innovation, Smart Signals. These new capabilities provide real-time, actionable intelligence that builds on Fingerprints browser and device identification signals which more than 6,000 companies use to help fight and prevent fraud. Smart Signals marks the start of an exciting new era for Fingerprint. They enable businesses to make smart, data-driven decisions based on real-time actionable intelligence to prevent increasingly sophisticated fraud while providing a positive experience More

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Kwara: 20 In EFCC Net For Alleged Internet Fraud "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The operatives of the Ilorin Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) have arrested 20 suspects for offences bordering on cybercrime. A statement issued by the anti-graft agency in Ilorin, the Kwara state capital said: The arrest is the second of such operation within the last one month in Ilorin. Recall that...

The post Kwara: 20 In EFCC Net For Alleged Internet Fraud appeared first on New Telegraph.


Ukraine blew up Kakhovka dam as revenge for failed offensive Kremlin "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | June 6, 2023

Ukrainian forces sabotaged the Kakhovka hydroelectric dam in Russias Kherson Region in a bid to deprive Crimea of drinking water and distract from its faltering counteroffensive, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov claimed on Tuesday.

The dam was partially destroyed early on Tuesday morning, sending torrents of water downstream and flooding towns and villages along the path of the Dnieper River.

We are talking about a deliberate sabotage by the Ukrainian side, Peskov told reporters. This sabotage could potentially lead to very serious consequences for several tens of thousands of inhabitants of the region, environmental consequences and consequences of a different nature, which have yet to be established.

Peskov claimed that one of the key goals of the attack was to deprive Crimea of water. Crimeas 2 million residents largely receive their water from the North Crimean Canal, which is fed from the reservoir above the Kakhovka dam.

This sabotage is also connected with the fact that, having launched large-scale offensive operations two days ago, the Ukrainian armed forces are not achieving their goals, Peskov continued. Russias Defense Ministry has said it repelled several large-scale attacks in the southern sector of the front in recent days. These offensive actions are choking, Peskov stated.

Ukrainian officials and their European backers have accused Russia of blowing up the dam, with European Council President Charles Michel calling the attack a war crime. Moscow strongly rejects the accusation, Peskov said.

While the flooding now makes it difficult for Ukrainian forces to cross the Dnieper and attack Russias defensive lines, the destruction of the dam also appears to aid a number of Ukraines key objectives. The flooding mostly threatens the eastern bank of the river, where Russian troops withdrew to last year amid concerns that the Ukrainian military would blow up the dam.

With the dam destroyed, the level of the Dnieper has fallen further upstream, including at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. Ukrainian troops made several attempts to cross the river to recapture the plant from Russian forces last year, and lowering the water level would remove a major obstacle to future attempts. Additionally, the Soviet-era plant depends on water from the Dnieper to cool its reactors and its spent fuel rods.

The Ukrainian military conducted a test strike on the dam using an American-supplied HIMARS launcher last year, Ukrainian General Andrey Kovalchuk told the Washington Post in December.

Two months earlier, Russias envoy to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzi...


Listen to Dr. Naomi Wolf Talk About Pfizers Depopulation Agenda "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Gemini Links 06/06/2023: Bubble 4.0, Neutral News, and Older Bits "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • The Tracker Arrives

        A weary traveler stands outside the pub, dusting off his clothes and checking his pockets nervously. He pulls a worn and slightly crumpled business card from his left jacket pocket, turning it over in his hand to examine both sides. The embossed logo of a door with a moon in the center stands out clearly in the dim light of the alleyway. Looking again at the front door of the Midnight, he raises a fist and knocks three times.

      • train of thoughts

        as a kid i was enamored of many things: succulents, rubiks cubes, computers and also trains. the larger-than-life feeling of entering the hall of a train station, the incomprehensible announcements through the tinny speakers, the neverending onslaught of wagons dragged by freight trains, the ridiculous speeds at which these massive metal worms drag people from point a to b. unfortunately i never got around to traveling by train much as a kid. then and now going by train isnt exactly the cheapest way to get around, and since my family was perfectly happy going everywhere by car, i didnt have a choice.

      • SpellBinding: CINORTY Wordo: BRIMS
      • Wigs and Sandals

        Hearing someone disapprove of socks and sandals, or wearing pyjamas outdoors may be the fastest way to identify an idiot. The recategorization happens instantly, and they find themselves unknowingly in the company of every Victorian man who might have chided someone for not wearing a wig, or powdering their face enough.

      • Neutral News

        News sources are biased, and everyone lives in a bubble, we all hear constantly (or perhaps thats just my bubble). But what would a non-biased news source look like?

        Taking a strict middle-gr...


Senate Approves Tinubus Request To Appoint 20 Special Advisers "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Senate on Tuesday approved a request forwarded to it by President Bola Tinubu, to appoint 20 Special Advisers. Tinubus request was read by the President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan on the floor of the upper legislative chamber during plenary. However, in the request letter to the Senate, the President did mention the names...

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Datadog Workflow Automation helps security teams investigate and resolve service disruptions "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Datadog released Workflow Automation, a new product that enables teams to automate end-to-end remediation processeswith out-of-the-box actions and pre-built templatesacross all systems, apps and services to help identify, investigate and resolve service disruptions and security threats faster. DevOps, SRE and security teams are tasked with keeping systems up and running to minimize the rising costs of IT downtime. To do so, they need to navigate between multiple tools for investigation and remediation, which leads to More

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Why and how the African child is miseducated in the western educational system. Part 5 "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

We dont behave like them because Europeans did not tamper with their normal behaviour patterns in order to subjugate them and use them to further Western interests. How do you think they were able to conquer Africa and bring us to the West to be their servants so that most of us today only want []


They Are Doing Their Best to Provoke a Nuclear War with Russia "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Subsidy: FUOYE VC, Fasina Procures New 60-Seater Bus To Convey Workers "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Says Gesture Will Cushion Harsh Effect- Staff Following the Federal Governments removal of fuel subsidy, the Vice-Chancellor of the Federal University Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE), Prof. Abayomi Sunday Fasina has provided a brand new 60-seater bus to convey the universitys staff to and from the institution. The workers of the University said the VCs gesture would reduce...

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Dont Forget WaPos Report From December About Kievs Plans To Blow Up The Kakhovka Dam "IndyWatch Feed War"


The partial destruction of the Kakhovka Dam on early Tuesday morning saw Kiev and Moscow exchange accusations about whos to blame, but a report from the Washington Post (WaPo) in events. Titled Inside the Ukrainian counteroffensive that shocked Putin and reshaped the war, its journalists quoted former commander of Novembers Kherson Counteroffensive Major General Andrey Kovalchuk who shockingly admitted to planning this war crime:

Kovalchuk considered flooding the river. The Ukrainians, he said, even conducted a test strike with a HIMARS launcher on one of the floodgates at the Nova Kakhovka dam, making three holes in the metal to see if the Dniepers water could be raised enough to stymie Russian crossings but not flood nearby villages. The test was a success, Kovalchuk said, but the step remained a last resort. He held off.

His remark about how the step remained a last resort is pertinent to recall at present considering that the first phase of Kievs NATObacked counteroffensive completely failed on Monday according to the Russian Ministry of Defense. Just like Ukraine launched its proxy invasion of Russia in late May to distract from its loss in the Battle of Artyomovsk, so too it seems it might have gone through with Kovalchuks planned war crime to distract from this most recent embarrassment as well.

The above-mentioned explanation isnt as far-fetched as some might initially think either. After all, one of complexity theorys precepts is that initial conditions at the onset of non-linea...


The Democratic Partys Crucifixion of Matt Taibbi. No Journalist Is Safe Anymore? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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UNILAG Student Shot Dead By Hoodlum Over iPhone 7 Plus "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

An undergraduate student of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) identified as Adekunle has been shot dead by armed robbers at Harvey Road, Moore Road Junction, in the Yaba area of the state. New Telegraph gathered that the deceased and one of his school mates identified as Opeyemi boarded a shuttle bus from Yaba to UNILAG...

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Suspected Assassins Kill UI Professor In Ibadan "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A Professor at the University of Ibadan, Prof. Opeyemi Isaac Ajewole has been reportedly killed by suspected assassins. New Telegraph gathered that the Don was killed on Monday evening, while he was returning to his home in the Moniya area of Ibadan, Oyo State and his remains deposited at the University Anatomy. According to a...

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[$] Ethics in a machine-learning world "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Margaret Mitchell, a researcher focused on the intersection of machine learning and ethics, was the morning keynote speaker on the third day of PyCon 2023. She spoke about her journey into machine learning and how the Python language has been instrumental in it. It was a timely and thought-provoking talk that looked beyond the machine-learning hype to consider the bigger picture.


Troubling questions surround BBC 'disinformation correspondent' Marianna Spring "IndyWatch Feed World"

Little is known about the history of Marianna Spring, the BBC's first "disinformation correspondent." But her record of churning out disinfo of her own in the service of British government objectives sends a bright red flag up over the new Verify project. The launch of BBC Verify, "a new brand to address the growing threat of disinformation and build trust with audiences by transparently showing how BBC journalists know the information they are reporting," has raised questions about whether the British state broadcaster is ramping up plans to manufacture consent for official objectives while maligning dissent. The endeavor is said to be "a highly specialized team with a range of forensic and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) capabilities that enable them to go beyond conventional newsroom techniques." In all, 60 BBC journalists are involved - including the "specialist disinformation correspondent" Marianna Spring. The week after Verify's rollout was announced, the 27-year-old Spring...


Aloe Vera: Top Uses for This Easy-to-Grow Plant "IndyWatch Feed World"

June 7th, 2023 By Sayer Ji Contributing writer for Wake Up World It may be widely known for treating wounds and skin injuries, but Aloe barbadensis more popularly known as aloe vera  is more than just a sunburn buster. This thick, short-stemmed plant is a flexible natural remedy that even people not gifted with a green thumb []

The post Aloe Vera: Top Uses for This Easy-to-Grow Plant first appeared on Wake Up World.


Radio Apocalypse: Hardening AM Radio Against Disasters "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If youve been car shopping lately, or even if youve just been paying attention to the news, youll probably be at least somewhat familiar with the kerfuffle over AM radio. The idea is that in these days of podcasts and streaming music, plain-old amplitude modulated radio is becoming increasingly irrelevant as a medium of mass communication, to the point that automakers are dropping support for it from their infotainment systems.

The threat of federal legislation seems to have tapped the brakes on the anti-AM bandwagon, at least for now. One can debate the pros and cons, but the most interesting tidbit to fall out of this whole thing is one of the strongest arguments for keeping the ability to receive AM in cars: emergency communications. It turns out that about 75 stations, most of them in the AM band, cover about 90% of the US population. This makes AM such a vital tool during times of emergency that the federal government has embarked on a serious program to ensure its survivability in the face of disaster.



15 Reasons Why Mass Media Employees Act Like Propagandists "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Caitlin Johnstone If you watch Western news media with a critical eye you eventually notice how their reporting consistently aligns with the interests of...

15 Reasons Why Mass Media Employees Act Like Propagandists


BlackBerry and Upstream Security join forces to protect software-defined vehicles "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

BlackBerry announced a partnership with Upstream Security to enable automakers to strengthen the overall security posture of their vehicles, by leveraging the rich telemetry data and edge compute capabilities from BlackBerry IVY. Upstreams cloud-native Vehicle Detection and Response (V-XDR) platform identifies automotive cybersecurity threats, anomalies and operational insights and is used by many of the worlds largest automotive manufacturers; currently monitoring more than 20 million connected vehicles worldwide. Combining BlackBerry IVY with Upstreams purpose-built V-XDR More

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Militarized conservation: Insecurity for some, security for others? (commentary) "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The past decade has seen a wave of academic and activist writings criticizing the use of militarized conservation to protect nature. In this commentary piece, we argue that the use of armed park guards and soldiers from national armies to secure protected areas leads to violent outcomes for some Indigenous and local communities who venture into these areas often their traditional lands. However, other people living around protected areas see militarized conservation as providing a source of security in regions where the state is weak and multiple violent actors vie for control of land and resources. Militarized conservation, in other words, has ambivalent effects on security and stability in regions where armed conflict is present. As such, it is viewed both positively and negatively by the different people affected by it. In 2022, Minority Rights Group shocked the world with the release of its report To Purge the Forest by Force, which detailed reported violent attempts by armed park guards to expel Indigenous Batwa people from eastern Democratic Republic of Congos Kahuzi-Biega National Park their ancestral lands which some groups had forcibly returned to. With accounts of murder, torture and gang rape committed by armed park guards and government soldiers, for many observers the report epitomized the evils of militarized conservation that prevents Indigenous peoples from living on and off of their traditional lands by the threat of a gun. The reports publication has fed into debates questioning and rebuking the use of these approaches in Kahuzi-BiegaThis article was originally published on Mongabay

Tuesday, 06 June


Turkey: Former local Amnesty head acquitted of terror charges "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey: Former local Amnesty head acquitted of terror charges

Taner Kilic cleared alongside three other rights activists in re-trial of terrorism case
MEE staff Tue, 06/06/2023 - 14:53
Amnesty International's honorary chairman in Turkey Taner Kilic, delivers a speech during an Amnesty International meeting in Istanbul on August 28, 2018 (AFP)

A Turkish court on Tuesday acquitted Amnesty International Turkey's honorary chair of terrorism charges along with three other activists.

In 2020, the Istanbul 35th High Criminal Court sentenced Taner Kilic to six years and three months in prison on charges of "membership in a terrorist organisation".

Amnesty's Turkey director Idil Eser and human rights defenders Gunal Kursun and Ozlem Dalkiran were meanwhile sentenced to one year and 13 months in prison for "aiding a terrorist organisation".

Kilic had been in and out of jail since 2017, when he was first accused of links to the US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, an ally-turned-enemy of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Turkish government blames Gulen for the failed 2016 coup attempt.

Kilic was detained in June 2018 before being released on bail after 432 days in November 2019. 



Why and how the African child is miseducated in the western educational system. Part 4 "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The real tragedy is that this distorted African story that generations of black children were forced to memorize, continue to be taken literally by millions of African people around the globe, who have spent their entire lives waiting for this ancient Superman named Jesus Christ to burst through the clouds and deliver them from evildoers. []


Our Abnormal New Normal. Bored, Bludgeoned, and Tired: When Covid Hit, the Iron Fist of the Ruling Elites came Down Hard "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Globalists revving up plans to engineer global famine and starvation: 13 nations agree to convert over to less-productive 'green' farming methods "IndyWatch Feed World"

The global climate cult is getting ready to kick its war on food into overdrive with 13 nations - many of them major cattle and food-producing states led by the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Spain - signing onto a commitment to place farmers under new restrictions intended to reduce emissions of methane gas. The Global Methane Hub announced in a May 17 press release that agriculture and environmental ministers and ambassadors from 13 countries, including the United States, have signed a commitment that pledges to reduce methane emissions in agriculture. The U.S. was represented by Biden's climate czar, John Kerry. What does this mean and why should you care? We'll break it down. According to the press release issued by these nations and posted at Global Methane Hub: "Last month (in April 2023), the Global Methane Hub collaborated with the Ministries of Agriculture of Chile and Spain to convene the first-ever global ministerial on agricultural practices to reduce...


Negatives of electric vehicles "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Rowan Atkinson is well known as an actor and comedian. But his undergraduate education was in electrical and electronic engineering, with a subsequent masters degree in control systems. He has written a thoughtful opinion piece on how his early infatuation with electric vehicles as a way to combat climate change has cooled as he learned more about the hidden environmental costs of this technology.

I bought my first electric hybrid 18 years ago and my first pure electric car nine years ago and (notwithstanding our poor electric charging infrastructure) have enjoyed my time with both very much. Electric vehicles may be a bit soulless, but theyre wonderful mechanisms: fast, quiet and, until recently, very cheap to run. But increasingly, I feel a little duped. When you start to drill into the facts, electric motoring doesnt seem to be quite the environmental panacea it is claimed to be.

As you may know, the government has proposed a ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030. The problem with the initiative is that it seems to be based on conclusions drawn from only one part of a cars operating life: what comes out of the exhaust pipe. Electric cars, of course, have zero exhaust emissions, which is a welcome development, particularly in respect of the air quality in city centres. But if you zoom out a bit and look at a bigger picture that includes the cars manufacture, the situation is very different. In advance of the Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow in 2021, Volvo released figures claiming that greenhouse gas emissions during production of an electric car are 70% higher than when manufacturing a petrol one. How so? The problem lies with the lithium-ion batteries fitted currently to nearly all electric vehicles: theyre absurdly heavy, many rare earth metals and huge amounts of energy are required to make them, and they only last about 10 years. It seems a perverse choice of hardware with which to lead the automobiles fight against the climate crisis.

He suggests that it might be better for people to wait until the next generation of more environmentally friendly vehicles to come out, but until then to give up the practice of trading in cars for new ones after just a few years.

We need also to acknowledge what a great asset we have in the cars that currently exist (there are nearly 1.5bn of them worldwide). In terms of manufacture, these cars have paid their environmental dues and, although it is sensible to reduce our reliance on them, it would seem right to look carefully at ways of retaining them while lowering their polluting effect. Fairly obviously, we could use them less. As an environmentalist once said to me, if you really need a car, buy an old one and use it as lit......


Iran unveils homegrown Fattah hypersonic missile "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iranian President Raeisi at the unveiling of the Fattah hypersonic missile

Press TV June 6, 2023

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi says the country has boosted its deterrence power that now contributes to the security and sustainable peace in the region.

Some may ask what is the purpose of manufacturing missiles? They are for deterrence, for defense, he noted.

We build missiles so that we do not suffer from aggression by the enemies and so that we have the power that the enemies would not even think of an act of aggression against the Islamic Republic.

Raeisi added that, Defense and missile industries have become indigenous in Iran. As Iran does not import its defense weapons, therefore nothing can threaten to marginalize this advanced industry.

The Iranian president was addressing the unveiling ceremony of an Iranian homegrown hypersonic missile on Tuesday morning.

Raeisi further said the Islamic Republic started attempts to become independent in the defense sector during the 1980s Iraqi imposed war that saw the bombardment of many Iranian cities.

Highlighting the peaceful nature of Irans defense power, he said some officials from regional states said, Iran is a friend of difficult times and that there was nothing left of their country if it was not for the efforts of anti-terror General Qassem Soleimani and the IRGCs Quds Force as well as Irans support for them against an invasion by Takfiris and Daesh terrorists.

The Iranian chief executive stressed that the countrys missile power means that the region will be safe from villains and foreign aggressions.

Therefore, he added, Irans missile power conveys a message of security to the people of the region. Its message to those who are thinking about attacking Iran is that the Islamic Republic is a powerful country and that its might is to support the Iranian nation and the worlds oppressed.

The Aerospace Force of Irans Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) unveiled the hypersonic missile named Fattah.

The hypersonic missile has a range of 1,400 kilometers, hits speeds of Mach 13-15 and can breach and destroy all anti-missile shields.

Chief Commander of the IRGC Major General Hossein Salami, and the Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh were also at the ceremony

The precision-guided missile also features excellent maneuverability and stealth ability to pass through radar systems.

With a solid fuel propulsion system and a second-stage mobile nozzle, the missile has the ability to reach very high speeds and perform various maneuvers in and out of the Earths atmosphere in order to overcome all types of air defense systems.

Addressing the unveiling ceremony, Hajizadeh said Iran is now among only four countries that have the technology t......


Kiev Regimes Upcoming Counteroffensive, Assessing Russias Military Industrial Complex. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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WHO concludes 76th Assembly as debate over 'Pandemic Treaty' rages on "IndyWatch Feed World"

As the WHO concludes its 76th assembly, the Pandemic Treaty continues to be a hotly contested topic, with supporters claiming it will prevent future pandemics and critics warning it will end national sovereignty. "I think we'll get an accord in place if everyone realizes that our window before this next pandemic, this next health threat, is probably not far away." Those were the words of U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra while speaking to journalists in Geneva, Switzerland last week for the 76th meeting of the World Health Organization's World Health Assembly. The statement is a reminder that world leaders and health bureaucrats who failed the people of the world during the COVID-19 panic continue to push unscientific theories and failed policies. Becerra was among the heads of state and representatives gathered in Geneva from May 21 to 30 to discuss a wide array of public health issues. While the so-called "pandemic treaty" and International Health...


Finite state machine implemented as pneumatic circuit using microfluidic valves to create lab-on-a-chip "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A group of biochemical engineers, Siavash Ahrar, Manasi Raje, Irene Lee and Elliot Hui at the University of California, Irvine, has developed a finite state machine (FSM) implemented as a pneumatic circuit using microfluidic valves to build a lab-on-a-chip. Their work is published in the journal Science Advances.

Over the past several years, biochemical and have been working toward the goal of automating many of the that are currently done by handtrained lab technicians using pipettes to determine the concentration of a chemical dissolved in a liquid, for example. Automating such tasks would not only make them less expensive, it could speed things up, potentially offering medical lab results in minutes rather than hours. To that end, engineers have been working toward building what they call a lab-on-a-chip. In this new effort, the research team has applied pneumatics to the problem.

Many involve the movement of liquids. The researchers sought to use instead of electricity when building circuits for use on a potential lab-on-a-chip. They created a tiny sandwich comprising panes of glass as the bread and a sheet of silicone as the interior. But before making their sandwich, they etched the to allow a liquid to pass through and poked holes in the silicone sheet to connect the channels in the glass panes.


Engineers Revisit 100-Year-Old Water Valve Design by Nikola Tesla "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Nikola Teslas valvular conduit design, also known today as the Tesla valve, was patented in 1920. The design, essentially a series of interconnected keychain-shaped loops, was created to enable fluid to pass in only one direction with no moving parts.


openSUSE Leap 15.6 Now Planned To Provide More Time For ALP "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The soon-to-be-released openSUSE Leap 15.5 was going to be the last of the openSUSE Leap 15 series, but now openSUSE/SUSE has decided there will be an openSUSE Leap 15.6 release to allow additional time for their Adaptable Linux Platform (ALP) to be developed...


Breath chemical markers of sexual arousal in humans "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Exhaled breath VOCs showed variations in concentration associated with the different clips, even though the relative change was less distinguishable compared to the genital response (Fig. 3). For female participants, breath levels of CO2 and isoprene during the sex clip were significantly lower compared to the anxiety and sport clips (p0.05, Table S2). For male participants, CO2, C2H4O2 and C6H6O were found to have a significantly lower, higher and higher breath level, respectively, for the sex clip comparing to the other two clips (p0.05, Table S2). The relative change of CO2 during the sex clip was in general only 34% lower than that during the anxiety and sport clips but was significant for both genders (p0.05). The minute-by-minute box plot (Fig. 2c) also shows that breath CO2 appears to lower slightly in concentration for both genders during the sex clip. Isoprene was significantly decreased during the sex clip compared to the sport clip for both genders (males:13%, females:15%, p0.001). For women during the sex clip, the isoprene also had a significantly lower level compared to the anxiety clip (12%, p0.01). For the 1-min data distribution shown in Fig. 2d, participants showed not only elevated isoprene concentration during the sport and anxiety clips but also larger variations among each other reflected by the length of the box representing 2575% data distribution. Interestingly, isoprene level peaked at the beginning of the sex clip (the second minute) for both genders.

From Fig. 3, it can be seen that several other measured VOCs, C10 H14 O, C7H8O, C8H11 NO2 and acetaldehyde for female participants, and C8H7N for male participants showed large relative changes during the sex clip compared to the anxiety clip and the sport clip. However, no significant difference was identified between the sex clip and the other two clips (Table S2) for these VOCs, indicating the mean values were largely affected by outliers. In such cases, the VOCs identified as having a distinguishable change during the sex clip might be specific to an individual rather than being representative of the whole group of participants. Among the female participants, one subj...


Children with autism spectrum disorder show atypical electroencephalographic response to processing contextual incongruencies "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The ERP literature has also reported findings on the P600 in the context of language processing. This ERP component is commonly observed in the 500900 ms time window, with a parietal topography57. The P600 component was initially thought to reflect manipulation of syntactic information57, but has since been associated with conflict monitoring58,59,...


Reading on a smartphone affects sigh generation, brain activity, and comprehension "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This study provides a new perspective on the relationship between the visual environment and cognitive performance, based on the results of path analysis (Supplementary Fig. 5). Regarding reading on a paper medium, moderate cognitive load may generate sighs (or deep breaths) and appears to restore respiratory variability and control of prefrontal brain activity. In contrast, reading on smartphones may require sustained task attention34, and acute cognitive load may inhibit the generation of sighs, causing overactivity in the prefrontal cortex. Sighing has been found to be associated with various cognitive functions13,27,28, and may reset respiratory variability...


Schooling substantially improves intelligence, but neither lessens nor widens the impacts of socioeconomics and genetics "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Schooling, socioeconomic status (SES), and genetics all impact intelligence. However, it is unclear to what extent their contributions are unique and if they interact. Here we used a multi-trait polygenic score for cognition (cogPGS) with a quasi-experimental regression discontinuity design to isolate how months of schooling relate to intelligence in 6,567 children (aged 911). We found large, independent effects of schooling ( ~0.15), cogPGS ( ~0.10), and SES ( ~0.20) on working memory, crystallized (cIQ), and fluid intelligence (fIQ). Notably, two years of schooling had a larger effect on intelligence than the lifetime consequences, since birth, of SES or cogPGS-based inequalities. However, schooling showed no interaction with cogPGS or SES for the three intelligence domains tested.


The 18th SDG proposal was announced at COPUOS 66th session, in Wien, the 5 June 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In an historical session, Karlton Johnson (NSS) gave this speech on behalf of NSS, SRI and 30 space advocacy organizations. National Space Society Statement to UN COPUOS 2023, General Exchange of Views (Given by Karlton Johnson on Monday, 5 June 2023, AM under Item 4: GEVs) Distinguished Chairman and Delegates of COPUOS, My name isContinue reading


Money For Nothing: Universal Basic Income to Be Trialed in England "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By 21st Century Wire The idea a Universal Basic Income or UBI began as a technocrat utopian policy meant to help to create a world...

Money For Nothing: Universal Basic Income to Be Trialed in England


Why and how the African child is miseducated in the western educational system. Part 3 "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about the end of western civilization and we have all heard conservative and right wing politicians in the West lamenting the loss of western values. But what is Western civilization? What exactly are Western values? If you have travelled across Europe as I have, you []


Russia claims they collected evidence of Avian Flu pathogens with lethality rate up to 40% in humans at US biolab in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed World"

It wasn't that long ago that Mitt Romney was threatening former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard for suggesting the US was funding biolabs in Ukraine. Back in March 2022, RINO Senator Mitt Romney accused former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of spreading 'treasonous lies' for simply talking about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine. "There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release and spread deadly pathogens to US/world." Gabbard said at the time. "We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they're secured and pathogens destroyed," she added.


To Save the News, We Must Open Up App Stores "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This is part four of an ongoing, five-part series. Part one, the introduction, is here. Part two, about breaking up ad-tech companies, is here. Part three, about banning surveillance ads, is here.

When Steve Jobs unveiled the iPad in 2010, he didnt just usher in a new kind of computing device - the first mainstream touchscreen tablet - he also promised a new model for internet-based publishing: paid subscriptions.

Jobs railed against the world of advertising-supported web publishing, correctly identifying it as the pretense for the creation of a vast, dangerous unaccountable surveillance system that  the private sector would build, but which cops and spies enjoyed unfettered, warrantless access to.

Jobs promised a better internet: he promised publishers that if they expended the capital to build apps for his new tablets, that he would free them from the increasingly concentrated and aggressive surveillance advertising sector. Instead of paying for journalism with ads, Jobs promised that publishers would be able to sign up subscribers whod pay cash money, breaking the uneasy coalition between surveillance and journalism.

Publishers piled in, spending billions in aggregate to fill Apples App Store with apps that let readers pay directly for the news. Readers followed - not in the numbers that Jobs had alluded to, and not for every publisher, but for many publishers, apps were a lifeline.

Apples App Store started off with a pretty straightforward proposition: when publishers sold an app to readers, Apple would process the transaction and take a 30 percent cut. After that, publishers could use any payment processor they wanted - including Apple - to handle future purchases, such as per-article fees, recurring subscriptions, or other transactions.

But as the iPad - and other devices that tapped into the App Store, the iPhone and iPod - grew in prominence and became more structurally important to publishers businesses, Apple altered the deal. 

In 2011,...


Over 60K Adware Apps Posing as Cracked Versions of Popular Apps Target Android Devices "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Thousands of adware apps for Android have been found to masquerade as cracks or modded versions of popular apps to redirect users to serve unwanted ads to users as part of a campaign ongoing since October 2022. "The campaign is designed to aggressively push adware to Android devices with the purpose to drive revenue," Bitdefender said in a technical report shared with The Hacker News. "However,


1Password introduces two new passkey features to promote passwordless future "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

1Password begins to offer customers the ability to save and sign into online accounts with passkeys. This summer, early adopters can begin unlocking their 1Password account with a passkey. Our mission is to help people safeguard their digital identities and by doubling down on passkeys, were providing users with both greater security and ease of use, said Steve Won, CPO of 1Password. Passkeys have reached a tipping point and people are beginning to navigate a More

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The Truth About Britains Grooming Gangs, with Ella Cockbain "IndyWatch Feed World"

<p><i>The MintPress podcast, The Watchdog, hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public interest to know including intelligence, lobby and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. The Watchdog goes against the grain by casting a light on stories largely ignored by the mainstream, corporate media.</i></p> <p class="has-drop-cap">The truth cant be racist, wrote British Home Secretary Suella Braverman in April of this year, as she peddled xenophobic and debunked tropes about South Asian men being a particular threat to British children. Bravermans comments come after nearly a decade of national hysteria about so-called Pakistani grooming gangs roaming around the country, sexually abusing white children while overly woke authorities watch on, helpless, too scared to act, lest they be called racist.</p> <p>Braverman, who herself is of South Asian (Indian) origin, made these comments in the far-right magazine <i>The Spectator</i>, an outlet that has published articles with titles such as In Praise of the Wehrmacht and A fascist takeover of Greece? We should be so lucky. Nevertheless, her screed breathed new life into the relentless push to demonize British Muslims.</p> <p>Here to talk about grooming gangs, academic malpractice, pseudoscience, and the malfeasance of the ruling British Conservative Party is Dr. <a href= "">Ella Cockbain</a>, an associate professor in the Department of Security and Crime Science at University College London. Cockbain has been at the heart of scrutinizing the dangerous media tropes presenting Muslims as a threat. She is the author of the <a href= "">article</a> Failing Victims, fuelling hate: challenging the Harms of the Muslim grooming gangs Narrative, published in the academic journal <i>Race & Class.

Cockbain claims that Braverman is an overtly racist politician, noting her (false) comments that members of grooming gangs are almost all British-Pakistani and that their victims are overwhelmingly white girls from disadvantaged or troubled backgrounds have done much to undermine tolerance and coexistence in the United Kingdom.</p> <p>These things are <i>not</i> facts, Cockbain said; actually, they [Bravermans claims] directly contradict the findings of her own department, the U.K. home office. While Cockbain agrees that men of Pakistani origin have committed horrific crimes against children, so have people from all other racial, ethnic, religious and class backgrounds. Yet when other offenders...</p>


Blinken address to AIPAC epitomizes the failure of the Biden Administration "IndyWatch Feed War"

An image of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken standing on a podium at AIPAC, flanked by two American flags and with the AIPAC logo behind him.Antony Blinken resurrected the two-state zombie in his address to AIPAC on the 56th anniversary of the 1967 War. But the number of true believers in Washington who buy these fantasies is dwindling.


Is a Change of Course at State Department Coming? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Why and how the African child is miseducated in the western educational system. Part 2 "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Now that we know that African people were brought to the West exclusively to work and serve whites, and not to live in peace and harmony with them, where did the rationale behind the education of black children come from? After Europeans had succeeded in making our ancestors almost as ignorant as the animals they []


Apartheid-Free Communities campaign seeks to build movement to end support for Israeli apartheid "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Graphic from the Apartheid-Free Communities campaign. (Image: by the anti-Apartheid movement that toppled the Apartheid regime in South Africa, we are building an anti-apartheid movement in North America, says the Apartheid-Free Communities campaign.


Dav1d 1.2.1 Released With More Performance Optimizations "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

significant, it does have some useful performance optimizations and other tuning for this CPU-based open-source AV1 video decoder...


Google fixed the third Chrome zero-day of 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Google released security updates to address a high-severity zero-day flaw in the Chrome web browser that it actively exploited in the wild.

Google released security updates to address a high-severity vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-3079, in its Chrome web browser. The vulnerability is a type confusion issue that resides in the V8 JavaScript engine. The IT giant is aware that the vulnerability is being actively exploited in the wild.

The vulnerability was discovered by Clement Lecigne of Googles Threat Analysis Group (TAG), which is the team at Google that monitors the activity of nation-state actors.

The vulnerability has reported on June 1, 2023, it is likely that the flaw was exploited as part of an exploit used by a state-sponsored APT group.

Google did not disclose details of the attacks exploiting the vulnerability CVE-2023-3079.

Google is aware that an exploit for CVE-2023-3079 exists in the wild. reads the advisory published by the company. The Stable and extended stable channels has been updated to 114.0.5735.106 for Mac and Linux and 114.0.5735.110 for Windows, which will roll out over the coming days/weeks.

CVE-2023-3079 is the third actively exploited zero-day in Chrome addressed by Google in 2023, the other ones are:

All the above issues were reported by Clment Lecigne of Googles Threat Analysis Group.

Follow me on Twitter: @securityaffairs and Facebook and Mastodon

Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs  hacking, zero-day)

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Verizon 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report: 74% of breaches involve human element "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Verizon Business today released the results of its 16th annual Data Breach Investigations Report (2023 DBIR), which analyzed 16,312 security incidents and 5,199 breaches. Chief among its findings is the soaring cost of ransomware malicious software (malware) that encrypts an organizations data and extorts large sums of money to restore access. Cost per ransomware rises The median cost per ransomware more than doubled over the past two years to $26,000, with 95% of incidents More

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Why and how the African child is miseducated in the western educational system. Part 1 "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

I would like to make an attempt to explain to our community and particularly to young parents why and how the African child has been systematically mis-educated in the western world during the last 500 years, so that they can better understand the root causes of some of the aberrations and self destructive forms of []


INTERVIEW: Dr Can Erimtan Election: Erdogans New Turkey Islamic Transition "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Turkish President Erdogan is holding on to power effectively shoring-up his New Turkey Islamic State project.

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on May 31, 2023, Patrick talks with Middle East scholar Dr. Can Erimtan about the results of Turkeys recent run-off election, with President Erdogan holding on to power and with that his New Turkey Islamic State project. Listen:

Read Dr. Erimtans latest article Turkeys Election Re-Run: Back to the Future Redux here

More from Dr. Erimtan:

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):





Money For Nothing: Universal Basic Income to Be Trialed in England "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The idea a Universal Basic Income or UBI began as a technocrat utopian policy meant to help to create a world without poverty, which certainly sounds great on paper. But is it practical, and what are the unintended economic and social side-effects?

According to its proponents, it allows individuals to live more creative and fulfilled life. The idea was heavily promoted by former Democratic Party presidential candidate Andrew Yang, who called for a $1,000 monthly payment (Freedom Dividend) to every American.

Proponents claim that UBI actually helps promote active employment participation. However, in reality it does no such thing

While the UBI free money (welfare) seems to help the mental well-being of its recipients, making them feel more secure with their finances, it may actually hurt the lower ranks of society to seek self-reliance. 

Not to mention that UBI is very expensive, and will require a significant tax increases on those who are actually working.

Despite all the obvious drawbacks, the UK government are now set to unleash UBI on its population

Breitbert News reports

A trial of universal basic income (UBI) will be trialled for the first time in England where 30 people will be given a monthly stipend with no strings attached.

A little over 500 years after English philosopher Sir Thomas More first...


There are consequences? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Chris Licht, the former head of CNN who pushed that disastrous, mismanaged Trump town hall on us, seems to have faced some kind of rebuke from the men who control the pursestrings. He has undergone some ambiguous lateral transfer or downgrade hes not in charge anymore.

Anyway, the guy made no friends with his let Republicans lie brand of journalism because, really, thats not what journalism is supposed to be. Its supposed to inform people of the truth. CNNs staff hated what Licht was trying to do. The viewers hated it, and left in droves. Freaking Newsmax started beating CNN in ratings. And the business suits hated it, because if money isnt being made, whats the point? In short, he shit the bed.

Its not much of a consequence, but its something. If nothing else, all his rich friends know that he is in disgrace, which is probably what hurts him most. Being outright fired would hurt him better, though.


Hackers Leak i2VPN Admin Credentials on Telegram "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Waqas

If the alleged admin login credentials are authentic, i2VPN users are at risk of a massive security and privacy breach.

This is a post from Read the original post: Hackers Leak i2VPN Admin Credentials on Telegram


A Middle East BRI? Behind Iraqs $17 Billion Development Road "IndyWatch Feed War"

In an effort to attract investment and rejuvenate its economy, Iraq has unveiled an ambitious $17 billion transportation project known simply as the Development Road. This project, symbolizing Iraqs ambition to become a regional transportation hub, aims to connect Europe with the Middle East. If realized, the project would offer a competitor to the Suez Canal, stimulating trade activity and enhancing Iraqs clout in the region. This report examines the geopolitical and economic ramifications of this potentially transformative venture.

Iraqs strategic location, bridging East and West, gives the Development Road project considerable strategic value. Envisioned to extend from the northern border with Turkey to the Gulf in the south, the project would unify a geopolitically diverse region and represent a shift in regional dynamics by restoring Iraq to a central position in the Middle East, a status it has sought to regain since the US invasion.

The post A Middle East BRI? Behind Iraqs $17 Billion Development Road appeared first on Geopolitical Monitor.


Zoom announces privacy enhancements and tools "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Zoom has introduced a new range of privacy enhancements and tools to make sure users have control over their data and their privacy preferences. These enhancements not only cater to global customers but also include features specifically designed for users in the European Economic Area (EEA). Privacy fetures and tools for all Zoom users One of the notable general privacy enhancements is the implementation of a data subject access requests tool. This tool helps administrators More

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Rightscorp Taps Indie Labels to Fuel New Wave of Piracy Settlement Action "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

rightscorp-logoAt a time when a limited number of rightsholders were demanding thousands of dollars from alleged BitTorrent pirates, Rightscorp focused on the budget end of the market.

By attaching settlement demands to DMCA notices sent to ISPs, Rightscorp hoped these would be forwarded intact to subscribers. Rather than demand large sums, Rightscorp requested a relatively small amount, typically around $20, an amount payable through a dedicated portal. Not all ISPs passed the notices on but, thanks to those that did, Rightscorp believed it had a strong base to build on.

Over the next few years, the plan to turn piracy into profit failed to meet its key objective. At the time, Rightscorp was a publicly listed company but was hemorrhaging money. In 2014, the company revealed a $2.2m loss for the previous year, $6.5m in losses since the company launched in 2011.

After reporting even more losses a year later, Rightscorp stared into the abyss, but then a key event threw it a lifeline. A federal court in Virginia found that, by failing to take appropriate action in response to Rightscorp notices, ISP Cox Communications became liable for subscribers copyright violations when they downloaded and shared music owned by music publisher BMG.

Unprofitable But On the Money

For at least five years Rightscorp had warned that ISPs risked huge liability if they failed to disconnect repeat infringers. The company hadnt been able to turn that into profit but momentum was building for companies with access to Rightscorps historical piracy monitoring data.

After being prompted by Rightscorp, the RIAA successfully sued Grande Communications and then won $1 billion in damages from Cox Communications, all underpinned by Rightscorp data.

Can The Indie Market Give Rightscorp a Boost?

Appeals in the above cases are still ongoing but Rightscorps ear...


Are you middle class? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I took this little survey in the Washington Post that takes into account your income, number of dependents, and region of the country you live in, and it tells me that I am officially and totally middle class. Im right smack in the center of the arbitrarily defined boundaries that delimit middle class and that the way I got to this point was by getting rid of those pesky kids who were holding me back. Fifteen years ago, I discovered, I was way down deep in lower middle class territory.

Your household has a middle-class income, and you have the financial security associated with the middle class. Your income is similar to others in your Zip code above the median for rural Minnesota. Rural Minnesota is an inexpensive place to live, and you would still be considered middle income anywhere in the country.

Its a comfortable place to be, but there is no hope that I will ever be wealthy. Thats good enough.

I wont ask you what class you fall into, because only a grifter cares about that sort of thing.


Col. MacGregor: Its Time to Slash Our Defense Budget "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The US military is losing in Ukraine, and will continue to loose despite blowing $1 trillion per year on so-called defense.

In this recent episode of the Charlie Kirk Show, guest Col. Douglas Macgregor explains why Americas bloated and ever-expanding Pentagon military budget. As it turns out, much of its $1 trillion per annum slush fund is wasted on top-heavy contracts and boondoggle projects which never see the light of day on the battlefield. What NATOs proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is now demonstrating as that the US is not even remotely equipped to fight a modern war of combined forces and will not be for many years (assuming they attempt to revamp their forces to fight a 21st century ground war). Watch: 




Get Surfshark - Jaw Dropping Deals on Fast, Easy-to-Use VPN


Apple Reveals Augmented-Reality Headset Vision Pro "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

CUPERTINO, California, June 5 (Reuters) - Apple Inc (AAPL.O) unveiled an augmented-reality headset called the Apple Vision Pro at its annual software developer conference on Monday, its first big move into a new product category since the introduction of the Apple Watch nine years ago.

CEO Tim Cook described it as "spatial computing" with the device controlled by your eyes, hands and voice.

"It's the first Apple product you look through, not at," Cook said.

Apple's human interface chief Alan Dye said that users will select content inside the goggles with their eyes, tap their fingers together to click and gently flick to scroll.

The device also has an exterior display that shows the user's eyes to people on the outside world. The exterior screen goes dark when a user is fully immersed in a virtual world. When a person approaches a user who is in full virtual mode, the headset will show both the user and the outside person to each other. "You're never isolated from people around you," Dye said. "You can see them, and they can see you."

For work uses, Apple showed how the headset can be used with a trackpad and keyboard to work like a traditional computer with multiple displays.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Security updates for Tuesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (linux-5.10), Red Hat (cups-filters, curl, kernel, kernel-rt, kpatch-patch, and webkit2gtk3), SUSE (apache-commons-fileupload, openstack-heat, openstack-swift, python-Werkzeug, and openstack-heat, python-Werkzeug), and Ubuntu (frr, go, libraw, libssh, nghttp2, python2.7, python3.10, python3.11, python3.5, python3.6, python3.8, and xfce4-settings).


The Assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy: Questions, Hints and Allegations "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

If you were going to arrange a political assassination in an indoor crowded setting, would you plan to have one of your operatives (not the assassin) at the murder site be a strikingly curvaceous young woman in a conspicuous white

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Warum whlen wir Politiker und Regierungen, die souverne Staaten bekriegen? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Diluted Sovereignty: A Very Australian Example "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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DARPAs AI Can Now Control Actual F-16s in Flight "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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IDnow boosts fraud prevention capabilities with latest platform updates "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

IDnow announces the expansion of its platform to include fully automated document liveness capabilities, data checks and Financial Risk Checks as well as new fraud prevention features. The platform expansion will also include a central, no-code workflow management tool. Document liveness checks to combat the most sophisticated fraud attempts The automated document liveness check relies on IDnows expertise in video analysis and requires the end user to record a video of their ID document, thus More

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Why Do We Elect Politicians and Governments that Wage War on Sovereign States? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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US in Recession "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Dancing Waters: Rita Blitt at Mulvane Art Museum "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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What Progressives Get All Wrong About Prison Rehabilitation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

prison yard with inmatesWe should not give up on rehabilitating prisoners, but we should have no illusions about the likelihood of success.


But I was joking! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

You know this podish-sortacast that Freethoughtblogs runs? At the end of the last one, we were talking about new topics, and I casually threw out SPIDERS expecting everyone would actually pick something of broader general interest. The jokes on me, because guess what were talking about on Saturday?

I can probably think of something to say. Whether it is of interest is a different question.


The Deadly Delusions of NATO and the Atlantic Council "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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5 Reasons Why IT Security Tools Don't Work For OT "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Attacks on critical infrastructure and other OT systems are on the rise as digital transformation and OT/IT convergence continue to accelerate. Water treatment facilities, energy providers, factories, and chemical plants the infrastructure that undergirds our daily lives could all be at risk. Disrupting or manipulating OT systems stands to pose real physical harm to citizens, environments, and


Flood waters gush through Ankara, Trkiye building "IndyWatch Feed World"

Gushing flood waters in the Turkish capital Ankara entered an apartment building on Saturday (June 3) after submerging a nearby road, later pouring down from a second-floor balcony.


Heres The Single Most Important Question 2024 GOP Presidential Candidates Must Answer "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Gov. Ron DeSantisThe million-dollar question for 2024 contenders is: How will you win the general election under the present voting system?


There are 2 types of confidence. Heres the one that Jeff Bezos hasand why people judge you on it the most "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

According to psychologists, there are two types of confidence: Epistemic and social. Brain researcher and author Julia Galef breaks down both, and explains why some of the most successful and likable people, like Jeff Bezos, have more social confidence.


Redefining Fluid Dynamics: Ancient Invention Sparks Modern Breakthrough "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A group of scientists has discovered new laws governing the flow of fluids by conducting experiments on an ancient technology: the drinking straw. This newfound understanding has the potential to enhance fluid management in medical and engineering contexts.

We found that sipping through a straw defies all the previously known laws for the resistance or friction of flow through a pipe or tube, explains Leif Ristroph, an associate professor at New York Universitys Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and an author of the study, which appears in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. This motivated us to search for a new law that could work for any type of fluid moving at any rate through a pipe of any size.

The movement of liquids and gases through conduits such as pipes, tubes, and ducts is a common phenomenon in both natural and industrial contexts, including in scenarios like the circulation of blood or the transportation of oil through pipelines.


Priced to Sell "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Donald Trump takes the art of the deal to the shadows.

While youre here enjoying Jon Richardss latest cartoon, please take a moment to read these articles on related topics: 


Bad Governance, Not Climate Change, Jeopardizes California Home Insurance "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

WildfireInsurers are fleeing California, where myriad public policies are making it impossible to operate in the fire-prone state.


All Hail, King of Memes "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

On May 6, King Charles III paraded through the streets of London in the Diamond Jubilee State Coach led by six white horses. It was his coronation day, one that had been decades in the making. His wife, Queen Camilla, sat next to him as the coach was met with the cheers of thousands who lined the streets. When the white horses arrived at Westminster Abbey, the King stepped out of the carriage wearing the crimson red Robes of State worn by his grandfather King George VI at his 1937 coronation. 


The coronation lasted just over an hour, but included scene changes, costume changes, and the words I come not to be served, but to serve, spoken by the king in his first prayer. At Westminster Abbey, celebrities like Dame Emma Thompson and Katy Perry searched for seats near the Prince and Princess of Wales, Princess Anne, and Prince Harry. Music from the Ascension Choir filled the churchs walls, and viewers at home even saw the king and queens Holy Communion, something that had never been shown before. The Royal Palace streamed the sacred event on its YouTube channel. 


Though there have been 40 coronations in Britains history since British royalty originated in 1066, this was the first to be online and not just online but Very Online which yielded such meme-worthy moments as the running commentary on Monty Pythons Holy Hand Grenade and the infinite possibilities of a note handed to the king. It was perhaps the first time the livestreaming mass chatter of the internet was applied to something so ancient and so tied to a nations identity: A thousand years old for parts of it; the oath itself is attributed to Saint Dunston in 952, said Ryan Blank, doctoral candidate in history at Emmanuel College, Cambridge.


It remains to be seen whether Charless reign will see him wield the technology of mass communication as well as the previous monarch. Seventy years ago, Queen Elizabeth decided to televise her coronation, and that seems to have made all the difference.




That Handheld 386SX Gets a Teardown "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A few weeks ago our community was abuzz with the news of a couple of new portable computers available through AliExpress. Their special feature was that they are brand new 2023-produced retrocomputers, one with an 8088, and the other with a 386SX. Curious to know more? [Yeo Kheng Meng] has one of the 386 machines, and hes taken it apart for our viewing pleasure.

What he found is a well-designed machine that does exactly what it claims, and which runs Windows 95 from a CF card. Its a 16-bit bus originally brought to market as a chip that could work with 16-bit 286-era chipsets. But the designer has done a good job of melding old and new parts to extract the most from this vintage chip, and has included some decidedly modern features unheard of in the 386 era such as a CH375B USB mass storage interface.

If we had this device wed ditch 95 and run DOS for speed with Windows 3.1 where needed. Back in the day with eight megabytes of RAM it would have been considered a powerhouse before users had even considered its form factor, so theres an interesting exercise for someone to get a vintage Linux build running on it.

One way to look at it is as a novelty machine with a rather high price tag, but he makes the poin...


Rare landspout tornados, cold air funnel clouds popping up across Utah "IndyWatch Feed World"

A landspout tornado was seen in the Herriman and Bluffdale areas, based on multiple photos and videos captured by residents. The tornado formed near the Point of the Mountain, raising questions about the difference between a landspout and a cold air funnel. According to reports, the National Weather Service had issued earlier alerts today about the possibility of a landspout tornado in the area. There was also several reports of cold air funnels seen near Coalville as the storm moved toward Wyoming.





Terrorist State Of Ukraine. Russian FSB Foiled Kyivs Attempt To Perpetrate Attack With Dirty Nuclear Bomb


The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) has foiled an attempt by the Kyiv regime to use the so-called dirty nuclear bomb (radiological weapon that combines radioactive material with conventional explosives) in a planned terrorist attack in Russia.

The FSB reported on June 6 that the Ukrainian military intelligence planned to...


The New York Times Als Doorgeefluik van Oekrane "IndyWatch Feed War"

 The New York Times, als toonaangevende krant voor de westerse mainstream-media meldt:

Ukraine reports more fighting near Bakhmut.

Ukrainian forces are making an advance near the ruined eastern city of Bakhmut which fell to Russian forces more than two weeks ago, two senior Ukrainian defense officials said on Monday.

Tanks from an assault brigade destroyed enemy positions and the forces had made progress in a small wooded area during an assault on enemy positions in the Bakhmut sector, the commander of Ukraines ground forces, Gen. Oleksandr Syrsky, said in a brief message posted on the Telegram app. We continue to move forward, he added.

Mr. Syrsky did not specify the scale of the fighting, which has in recent days involved a series of relatively limited Ukrainian efforts to move forward on the outskirts of the city.

Ukraines deputy minister of defense, Hanna Maliar, said that Bakhmut was the epicenter of military operations and that Kyivs forces were on the offensive. We are moving along a fairly wide front, she said. We are successful.

Ms. Maliar said Ukrainian forces hold the dominant heights an apparent reference to the hills outside of the city, where Ukrainian officials have said they hoped to establish favorable firing positions.

It was not possible to confirm the comments by either official independently, and there was no immediate comment from the Russian authorities.

It also was not clear whether the fighting was part of the possible opening stages of a broader assault, which Ukraine has been preparing for months, or part of more isolated and limited fighting in a battle for the city that has raged since last summer.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense released an elaborate video on Sunday in which it said it would remain silent about the start of an expected counteroffensive, which is intended to recapture territory from Russia.

Russian forces reduced Bakhmut, a city in the Donetsk region that had 70,000 residents before the war, to rubble during around 10 months of fighting. Moscow declared victory more than two weeks ago in the battle for Bakhmut, which became one of the bloodiest assaults since Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine more than 15 months ago.

Much of the fighting had been conducted by mercena...


It Isnt Easy Being Green at US Department of Energy "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Diagram to become modern art in Museum of Technical Wonders

US DOE Sets Vision for Major Clean Hydrogen Scale-Up

From an Article by Lauren Craft, Energy Intelligence News, June 5, 2023

US DOE of President Joe Bidens administration has rolled out a national clean hydrogen strategy that acts as an important signal for the emerging industry, but leaves unanswered questions about which types of hydrogen would be promoted.

The 99-page strategy aims to set a unified vision around scaling up US clean hydrogen production to 50 million metric tons by 2050, which would in turn cut 10% of US greenhouse gas emissions between now and then.

That 10% reduction would see decreases from multiple sectors of the economy particularly hard-to-decarbonize industries where hydrogen is increasingly eyed as a replacement for fossil fuels.

In the industrial sector, this includes segments like cement and steel, and in transportation, this includes heavy-duty trucking, maritime vessels and aviation, explained White House Climate Adviser Ali Zaidi in a call with reporters. The plan also eyes clean hydrogen uptake in agricultural sectors and energy use within buildings, Zaidi added.

Despite the broad appeal of the landmark Inflation Reduction Act, (IRA) the US has faced criticism for mixed messages on the energy transition, with investors finding it difficult to reconcile sometimes-conflicting signals from various agencies, lawmakers and states. The new strategy marks an attempt to deliver more clarity on the clean hydrogen front while rallying the government around a unified goal and earning consensus and mutual trust from the private sector.

Biden administration officials said they canvassed views of industry and other stakeholders beforehand and used those to shape the strategy.

US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said a major objective of the new strategy is to provide certainty across the different points in the clean hydrogen value chain.

When youre creating an entirely new sector which is what the clean hydrogen economy will be you have to do everything, everywhere all at once, she said in a call with reporters. That means looking at supply-side strategy, the workforce, the offtake strategy to make sure there......


MOVEit Transfer hack fallout: BBC, Aer Lingus, Boots among the victims "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The fallout of the MOVEit Transfer hack via CVE-2023-34362 by the Cl0p gang is expanding, as several UK-based companies have now confirmed that some of their data has been stolen. Victimized organizations The confirmed victims so far are Zellis, UK and Irelands leading provider of payroll and HR solutions for large enterprises and public sector organisations, and, through it (as it handles data belonging to other companies) British Airways, the BBC, Aer Lingus and Boots. More

The post MOVEit Transfer hack fallout: BBC, Aer Lingus, Boots among the victims appeared first on Help Net Security.


More AMD Heterogeneous System Patches Queued Ahead Of Linux 6.5 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A few new AMD heterogeneous system patches have been queued via TIP.git ahead of the upcoming Linux 6.5 kernel merge window. These newest AMD Linux patches are focused on proper heterogeneous system enumeration for AMD data center systems sporting the Instinct MI200 and newer accelerators...


Two humpback whales found dead off coast of New York "IndyWatch Feed World"

Two humpback whales were found dead off the coasts of New York and New Jersey, according to local officials. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced the presence of the two whales in a Wednesday Facebook post. One whale was off Wainscott, New York, and the other in Raritan Bay, New Jersey, the agency said. The Atlantic Marine Conservation Society and Marine Mammal Stranding Center performed necropsies on both whales, according to a Friday update from NOAA.


To the 40,000 Drivers Who Cause Car Crashes Every Year "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


(Source: Unsplash/Annie Spratt.)

When I was growing up, my nuclear family would periodically go to visit my maternal grandmother, in the next town over. Although shed spent a lot of her life moving from place to place, by the time I was born, shed settled into one home and didnt leave again until all the grandkids had grown up. I remember well how her house always smelled of cigarette smoke, how all the furniture felt just a little bit dusty from cat dander, and how the old-fashioned clock in the living room chimed each hour, sounding grandiose despite its humble setting.

It was in that living room where we would gather for lunch: me, my brother, my mom and grandmother, and sometimes my aunt or cousins. My uncle, Mark, always joined us for meals, tooeven though, actually, he didnt. At least, not in a physical sense.

You see, following Japanese tradition, my grandmother always set out a plate of food for Uncle Mark, next to the lace-covered box that holds his ashes. That plate of food made me keenly aware of his absence in our lives, and the fact that, without fail, my grandmother fed him at every meal, every day, for over 40 years. Thats something like 40,000 meals, give or take: 40,000 meals her son never got to eat in person.

Uncle Mark died at the age of 22, when his motorcycle was struck by a car at a four-way intersection. I dont know all the details of the event and have never had the heart to ask, but Ive heard that at the funeral, my grandmother, in her grief, attempted to climb into the casket to die with her son. Shes said she cant remember doing this. Im guessing her mind had to block it out to cope with the traumaa trauma that most of us, if we are lucky, will never have to face.

Yet, unfortunately, many Americans...


Illegal fishing for fish meal widespread in Ecuador marine reserve "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

PUERTO CAYO and PUERTO LPEZ, Ecuador Luis Torres had just finished unloading the days catch in Puerto Cayo when he agreed to speak to Mongabay Latam. It was a hot, cloudy day in this coastal Ecuadorian fishing town in Manab province. He straightened his hat, cleaned his hands with a shirt and walked toward the side of the beach to distance himself from the noise of the nearby beach market. Industrial [fishers] fish in mile six, more or less, Torres said, referring to a place that is, by law, reserved for artisanal fishers. A portion of this catch goes straight to [be made into] fish meal. Everyone knows it, he said. The fisher added that according to local residents, industrial ships enter the waters of the Cantagallo-Machalilla Marine Reserve and illegally harvest small pelagic fish like anchovies, sardines and herrings for processing into fish meal, despite a government order prohibiting this practice. Artisanal fishers prepare their fish to be sold in Puerto Lpez, Ecuador. Image by Yalil Loaiza. However, discussing this is not easy. The fishers are afraid. Torres shared what he has seen with the condition that Mongabay protect his identity, so the name given here is a pseudonym. In the ocean, the first eight nautical miles from shore are crucial. There, the soft seafloor made of sand, clay and other sediments provides food for many organisms and an area for numerous fish species, especially small pelagic fish, to reproduce. This first strip of the oceanThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Zero-Day Alert: Google Issues Patch for New Chrome Vulnerability - Update Now! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Google on Monday released security updates to patch a high-severity flaw in its Chrome web browser that it said is being actively exploited in the wild. Tracked as CVE-2023-3079, the vulnerability has been described as a type confusion bug in the V8 JavaScript engine. Clement Lecigne of Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) has been credited with reporting the issue on June 1, 2023. "Type


Mesa's Lavapipe Adds Vulkan Task/Mesh Shader Support "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

David Airlie has managed to hack together task/mesh shader support inside Lavapipe, the CPU-based software Vulkan implementation inside Mesa...


Qt Getting In On Generative AI, Starts By Adding GitHub Copilot To Qt Creator "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Given all the hype recently around generative AI, the Qt Group has begun exploring ways of incorporating generative AI into Qt...


Cyclops Ransomware group offers a multiplatform Info Stealer "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers from security firm Uptycs reported that threat actors linked to the Cyclops ransomware are offering a Go-based information stealer.

The Cyclops group has developed multi-platform ransomware that can infect Windows, Linux, and macOS systems. In an unprecedented move, the group is also offering a separate information-stealer malware that can be used to steal sensitive data from infected systems. This Go-Based info-stealer was developed to target specific files in both Windows and Linux.

The Cyclops group is advertising the ransomware on multiple cybercrime forums, the gang requests a share of profits from those using its malware in financially motivated attacks.

The ransomware supports a complex encryption process

The encryption is complex; all functions statically implemented using a combination of asymmetric and symmetric encryptions. reads the report. After encryption in both Windows and Linux using the public key, CRC32 and a file marker are appended to the end of the file. Used to identify if the file has already been encrypted (so as not to repeat encryption), the Linux file marker is 00ABCDEF, whereas in Windows its 000000000000000000000000.

Cyclops ransomware
Encrypted file contents in Windows


IBMs War on Open (Look at the Pattern of Layoffs at Red Hat) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link | md5sum 04ba31ee1fe1ad6a6d9dc79ad096b315
What We Know About Red Hat Layoffs
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: By abandoning and IBM sends out a clear signal that it doesnt understand or simply does not care about the community of Free software users; its siege against the FSF and other institutions never ended and today we look at whos being laid off or shown the door (the work environment is intentionally being made worse)

THE way IBM has been treating Red Hat leaves much to be desired, especially in more recent years. The layoffs started 3 years ago, but this year theres another wave and rants at suggest that many may resign due to worsening work conditions.

More recently people noticed [1] (see bottom of this post) that LibreOffice had become orphaned in Red Hat land. Red Hat tried to explain this [2] and comments from the community (at LWN at least) werent exactly favourable [3]. Later came more coverage [4-7].

Both staff and volunteers who used to be heavily engaged in the project (and visible in Planet Fedora) are gradually disappearing.To be clear, this mistreatment by Red Hat executives isnt starting with IBM and LibreOffice; its a years-long trend weve been taking note of. We recently received more confirmations about being killed (but cannot elaborate on that for source protections sake) and you wont hear about it from the site or from its staff. There seems to be some NDA, either informal/verbal or formal/written, somewhere out there

This is also why people dont know which Fedora consultation and coordination (with the community) staff got the chop. Management folks ke...


Zelenskyy Blames Russian Terrorists for Devastating Dam Attack "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is blaming Russian terrorists for the destruction of a crucial dam and hydroelectric plant in southern Ukraine. An explosion at the structure early Tuesday morning has caused water from a reservoir to flood into nearby areas, thereby jeopardizing the lives of thousands of residents. In addition, the sinking water levels of the reservoir threaten the safety of a nearby nuclear power plant, which relies on the water for cooling.

Russian terrorists. The destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam only confirms for the whole world that they must be expelled from every corner of Ukrainian land, Zelenskyy tweeted at 1:24 a.m. ET.

The tweet is accompanied by a video that shows water surging through a massive gap in a dam that once held back a massive reservoir or water. Several news organizations have since verified the authenticity of the video.

Not a single meter should be left to them, because they use every meter for terror, Zelenskyy wrote. The terrorists will not be able to stop Ukraine with water, missiles or anything else.

It is too early to tell who is to blame for the explosion, and both sides have traded accusations.

Along with Zelenskyy, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also blamed Russia.

The destruction of the Kakhovka dam today puts thousands of civilians at risk and causes severe environmental damage, Stoltenberg tweeted. This is an outrageous act, which demonstrates once again the brutality of Russias war in Ukraine.

Russia, for its part, said Ukraine is behind the destruction of the dam.

There is some circumstantial evidence that points to Russia as the more likely culprit.

According to a French website that monitors the water levels of rivers and lakes across the globe, the water level of Lake Kakhovka had fallen to record lows earlier this year before surging to record highs...


Meteor fireball over the Netherlands and nearby countries on June 4 "IndyWatch Feed World"

We received 15 reports about a fireball seen over England, Gelderland, Hauts-de-France, Noord-Brabant, Noord-Holland, Nordrhein-Westfalen, North Holland, South Holland, Utrecht, Vlaams Gewest, Zeeland and Zuid-Holland on Sunday, June 4th 2023 around 22:10 UT. For this event, we received one video and one photo.


ARDD 2023: Its time to make longevity biotechnology credible "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The largest conference on aging in the biopharmaceutical industry is set to take place 28 August 1 September 2023 on-site in Copenhagen and online.

Longevity. Technology: The United Nations report that the proportion of people aged over 65 now outnumber children younger than 5. This substantial surge in the elderly populace presents a formidable healthcare challenge for societies across the globe, and it is evident that comprehensive and transformative approaches aimed at mitigating age-related illnesses and vulnerabilities will play a pivotal role in addressing the health and socioeconomic obstacles associated with an aging society. Once again this year, ARDD now in its tenth year is set to feature some of the most foremost experts in longevity, who will impart their latest insights on the process of aging and how we target the aging process to maximise lifespan and healthspan.

At ARDD, leaders in the aging and longevity field will describe the latest progress in the molecular, cellular and organismal basis of aging and the search for interventions, making it one of the must-attend events in the longevity space.


Academics, media, and think tanks warned of North Korean hacking campaign "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

North Korean state-sponsored hackers are targeting think tanks, research centres, media organisations, and academics in the United States and South Korea to gather intelligence. Read more in my article on the Hot for Security blog.


What the council votes say about the next Assembly and Westminster elections: East, North and West Belfast "IndyWatch Feed"

What should we be looking out for at the next Assembly and Westminster elections based on the pattern of voting in this months Council elections? Over the next few weeks, I will examine each constituency.

There are some differences in how people vote between Council and Assembly elections. While tactical voting in Westminster elections can produce very marked differences. This means that any extrapolation from this months election must be done with care.

In addition, some of the District Electoral Areas are split between different Assembly/Westminster constituencies. Dividing these between the constituencies introduces a small margin of error, probably no more than 1% for an individual party. Under the proposed new constituency boundaries, which are likely to come into force by the end of this year, there are more split DEAs than currently. These proposals could be altered once more before they are finalised next month but little significant change can now be expected before they are passed into law in the autumn.

Within each constituency I show the votes cast in the constituency by designation. These are expressed in Assembly election quotas.

These figures are then broken down by party. A chart shows each partys votes at the last Assembly election; the votes cast for them in the council elections within the current boundaries to permit a direct comparison to be made on party shares have moved in the last year; and the votes within the new proposed boundaries which are likely to be in force when people next go to the polls.

The third chart is a Resource Index. This is an attempt to compare the resources available to each party within the constituency. Naturally this cannot take account of party membership or the activity of volunteers. What it can do is indicate the resources represented by the number of elected representatives and the support they receive from public funds. Each MP is entitled to spend up to a specified sum on an office within the constituency and on staff. Typically, this would permit them to employ 5 to 6 people for case work, admin and research. Similarly, an MLA has a budget for an office and staff. While staff are not permitted to carry out party political campaigning work as part of their paid hours, the MP or MLA, and by extension their party, will gain good will and publicity from the work that they carry out. The Index shows each partys position immediately after the previous council election in 2019, compared with its standing today under the new proposed constituency boundaries.

Finally, there is a summary of party percentage shares at the last Westminster election, compared with their shares last month.

East Belfast



Melbet India "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Melbet India

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The Longest Day "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    D-Day Extraordinary men, unheard of sacrifice. June 6, 1944 a day that will forever be remembered as a turning point in history. More than just a military operation, it was a pivotal moment in the fight for freedom and democracy. More than 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified []

The post The Longest Day appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Climate Crisis Is on Track to Push One-Third of Humanity Out of Its Most Livable Environment "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Climate change is remapping where humans can exist on the planet. As optimum conditions shift away from the equator and toward the poles, more than 600 million people have already been stranded outside of a crucial environmental niche that scientists say best supports life. By late this century, according to a study published last month in the journal Nature Sustainability, 3 to 6 billion people, or between a third and a half of humanity, could be trapped outside of that zone, facing extreme heat, food scarcity and higher death rates, unless emissions are sharply curtailed or mass migration is accommodated.

The research, which adds novel detail about who will be most affected and where, suggests that climate-driven migration could easily eclipse even the largest estimates as enormous segments of the earths population seek safe havens. It also makes a moral case for immediate and aggressive policies to prevent such a change from occurring, in part by showing how unequal the distribution of pain will be and how great the improvements could be with even small achievements in slowing the pace of warming.

There are clear, profound ethical consequences in the numbers, Timothy Lenton, one of the studys lead authors and the director of the Global Systems Institute at the University of Exeter in the U.K., said in an interview. If we cant level with that injustice and be honest about it, then well never progress the international action on this issue.

The notion of a climate niche is based on work the researchers first published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2020, which established that for the past 6,000 years humans have gravitated toward a narrow range of temperatures and precipitation levels that supported agriculture and, later, economic growth. That study warned that warming would make those conditions elusive for growing segments of humankind and found that while just 1% of the earths surface is now intolerably hot, nearly 20% could by 2070.

This map is based on data from researchers 2020 study on the climate niche published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (Al Shaw/ProPublica)...

Cruise will start rescuing extra food from San Francisco restaurants "IndyWatch Feed World"

The AV venture is partnering with Replate, a meal-finding nonprofit, to save excess food from going to waste.

Autonomous driving venture Cruise is partnering with Replate, a meal-finding nonprofit, to rescue extra food from local businesses and restaurants and deliver them to local organizations in need.

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Melbet India "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Melbet India

Melbet is owned by Alenesro Ltd, an organization with headquarters in Cyprus. Its operated by Pelican Entertainment B.V., which is registered in Curacao, the country where Melbet has a betting licence as properly. If you determine to begin out enjoying at Melbet, you would possibly discover it a bit confusing at first due to an absence of organisation. It resembles an older sportsbook infused with fashionable design elements, which might not be everyones cup of tea. The Fast Games part includes 124 unique, fast-paced games that are incredibly enjoyable and rewarding. They require zero knowledge and 0 effort theyre just there to entertain you and reward you if youre lucky.

Typically, this includes horse racing, but virtual cricket betting can be out there make a wager and find out the sports end result in a matter of minutes. If you need to watch a cricket match unfold instantly in front of your eyes whereas nonetheless placing bets on it, you may use the live streaming sports activities possibility. You can watch and wager on events like the IPL by going to the reside sportsbook and selecting cricket. With betting on cricket, Melbet additionally provides quite lots of bet kinds to choose from, which reinforces the whole sports betting experience. The cell app allows you to instantly place cricket bets and obtain notifications if you win or lose. To know extra about it, look at the desk down under.

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Corbyn in Budapest: We Have to Be Organized on an International Basis "IndyWatch Feed World"

Jeremy Corbyn in Budapest, May 2023. Photo credit: Mrce.

Note from LeftEast editors: The following interview with Jeremy Corbyn was conducted by Levente Szadai and Csaba Tth for Mrce on May 7, 2023, in Budapest, and published in Hungarian translation on May 9. We republish the lightly edited transcript as part of a collaboration within ELMO The Eastern European Left Media Outlet.

When you became Labour leader in 2015, in one of your first speeches you thanked the ordinary decent people of Hungary for helping Syrian refugees.

The post Corbyn in Budapest: We Have to Be Organized on an International Basis appeared first on Lefteast.


Unity Software stock price surges on news of Apples Vision Pro headset. Heres whats happening "IndyWatch Feed World"

Apple said it will use Unity software to bring apps and games to the device. Apples own shares, however, dipped.

After years of rumors and speculation, Apple finally unveiled its mixed-reality headset. The device, called the Vision Pro, made its debut at the companys Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) yesterday alongside reveals of new Macs and iOS 17, the next-generation iPhone operating system.

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Diluted Sovereignty: A Very Australian Example "IndyWatch Feed World"

Australian concepts of sovereignty have always been qualified. First came the British settlers and invaders in 1788. They are pregnant with the sovereignty of the British Crown, bringing convicts, the sadistic screws, and forced labour to a garrison of penal experiments and brutality. The native populations are treated as nothing more than spares, opportunistic chances, and fluff of the land, a legal nonsense. In a land deemed empty, sovereignty is eviscerated.

Then comes the next stage of Australias development. Imperial outpost, dominion, federation, a commonwealth of anxious creation. But through this, there is never a sense of being totally free, aware, cognisant of sovereignty. Eyes remain fastened on Britain. Just as the sovereignty of the First Nations peoples came to be destroyed internally, the concept of Australian sovereignty externally was never realised in any true sense. If it was not stuck in the bosom of the British Empire, then it was focused on the enormity of the United States, its calorific terrors and nuclear protections.

The testament to Australias infantile, and contingent sovereignty, is symbolised by the US Pine Gap facility, which is called, for reasons of domestic courtesy, a joint facility. In truth, Australian politicians can never walk onto its premises and have no say as to its running. The public, to this day, can only have guesses, some admittedly well educated, about what it actually does as an intelligence facility.

Australias Defence Minister, Richard Marles, whose views should never be taken at face value, insists that the facility ensures that Australia and our Five-Eyes partners maintain an intelligence advantage while being truly joint in nature, integrating both Australian and US operations under shard command and control by Australian and US personnel which I have had an opportunity to see firsthand. Hardly.

Another example is the annual rotation of US Marines in the Northern Territory. To date, there have been twelve such rotations, carefully worded to give the impression that Australia lacks a US military garrison to the countrys north. In March, Marles claimed that such rotations served to enhance the capabilities, interoperability, and readiness of the ADF and the United States Marine Corps and is a significant part of the United States Force Posture Initiatives, a hallmark of Australias Alliance with the US.

To therefore have an Australian Prime Minister now talk about sovereign capabilities is irksome, even intellectually belittling. Under Anthony Albaneses stewardship, and before him Scott Morrisons, the trilateral security pact known as AUKUS has done more to militarise the Austr...


Gemini Links 06/06/2023: Apple Might Kill VR, Tea Tea Deluxe 1.2.7 and Tea Land "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • Christys 5 Questions for June of 23 06/05/23

        Id like to purchase a factory for building cars. Is that an object? Im going to count it. One giant factory, and everything in it, plus enough capital to run the thing. Im stretching the question, but its what came to mind.

      • Cooking Experience: thrig.mes Pizza Crust
      • Anonymous chat

        Did you know that I host an anonymous chat that no one uses? You can get to it with:


        Theres no login, no names; you just read or write or leave. I suppose the server probably logs the IP address you connect from, but I honestly havent looked to see where. Plus, you could simply come from some pubnix system and voila, your IP is hidden from me if I ever go looking.

        Some goofballs have typed interesting things in there, and some scripts have tried to get in. The interface is very basic and the program is written in BASIC actually.

      • christyotwistys 5 questions for June of 2023, answered by me

        Viewing accumulation of goods as a form of success. That may not be true of all in the preceding generation but is absolutely true of the members of said generation I interact with the most.

      • All Clinicians Are Bastards

        Ironically Ive been thinking about this because I seem to have found an actually good clinician, someone with a phd in nursing and a fair bit of experience dealing with traumatized trans people.

      • Re: A worker-owned cooperativ...


Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon tells new summer interns to enjoy the journey "IndyWatch Feed World"

A record number of applicants vied for this years spots in what has proven to be a challenging year for Wall Street banks.

Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon, in a commencement address at New York Universitys Stern School of Business last month, told graduates to enjoy the ride and not to worry about where the journey will take you.

Read Full Story


Want Lower Power? Add More Cores! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

[Jacob Beningo] over at recently posted his thoughts on how to do a low-power microcontroller design. On the surface, some of his advice seems a little counter-intuitive. Even he admits, Im suggesting adding more cores! I must be crazy! There are a few tips, but the part hes talking about is that you can save power by using CPUs with multiple cores and optimizing for speed.

This seems strange since you think of additional cores and speed to consume more power. But the idea is that the faster you get your work done, the faster you can go to sleep. Weve seen that in our own projects faster work means more napping, and thats good for power consumption.

Of course, it isnt just that simple. Multiple cores dont help you if you dont use them. The overarching goal is to get done quickly so you can get back to sleep. You know, kind of like work. The other advice in the post is generally good, too. Measure your power consumption, respond to events, and maybe slightly surprising with modern CPUs, variations within the CPU family, according to [Jacob], isnt very significant. Instead, he reports that the big changes are switching to the least-capable processor family.

Naturally, Hackaday readers are no strangers to low-power design. If you get your power consumption low enough, you can con...


I Dont Want To Boycott The Chosen, But The Cast And Crew Are Forcing Me To Walk Away "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

dallas jenkins talking to actor on The Chosen setAccording to several 'Chosen' actors, tolerance is apparently a one-way street.


Inhaled Ethanol May Treat Respiratory Infections and Stop Pandemics "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In mice, the treatment decreased infections caused by the Influenza A virus:

Inhaling low concentrations of ethanol vapor can disable the influenza A virus in mice, without harmful side effects, says a new study by scientists at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST). The scientists believe it may also treat similar viruses such as the one that causes Covid-19.

[...] "Ethanol is an effective disinfectant for body surfaces, so we wanted to know whether ethanol could also be effective inside the body," said Dr. Miho Tamai, a scientist in Prof. Ishikawa's lab.

Using a humidifier to produce ethanol vapor in a small container, they found that when mice infected with influenza A inhale the vapor for ten minutes, the virus is inactivated. The study is published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases.

Influenza A viruses accumulate in a thin fluid layer covering lung cells that protect the surface of the airway. The scientists think that the ethanol vapor must increase ethanol concentrations in the fluid to 20% to successfully treat the infection. This concentration is not toxic to lung cells the scientists created in the lab to mimic human cells. At body temperature, 20% ethanol can not only inactivate the influenza A virus outside of the cells in one minute, but also stop the virus from replicating inside these cells.

[...] Influenza A is a virus that has an outer membrane, called an envelope. "Ethanol vapor may also inactivate other enveloped viruses such as SARS-CoV-2," Prof. Ishikawa said, and so far, all viruses that have caused pandemics have been enveloped. "Once the next pandemic happens, maybe we can quickly apply the ethanol vapor inhalation therapy to prevent or cure the disease," he explained.

[...] The researchers believe that ethanol vapor inhalation treatment has great potential as a versatile and cost-effective new therapy against various respiratory infectious diseases. But Prof. Ishikawa cautioned that people should not try using ethanol as a therapy on their own. "That may lead to serious side-effects or explosion risks," he said. "The efficacy and safety of this new treatment on humans and other mammals should be carefully evaluated in the future."

Journal Reference:
Miho Tamai et al., Effect of Ethanol Vapor Inhalation Treatment on Lethal Respiratory Viral Infection With Influenza A, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2023;



Splitting The China-Russia Axis Starts With A Negotiated Settlement In Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Russia President Putin and China's Xi shaking handsThe Sino-Russia alliance presents the greatest military risk the U.S. has ever faced, but there's a clear path to stopping it.


'Large-scale' Ukrainian offensive repelled - Russian MOD "IndyWatch Feed World"

Kiev's troops have unsuccessfully attempted to break through the front line in Donbass, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has said. Russian forces have successfully repelled a "large-scale offensive" by Ukrainian troops along five sections of the front line in Donbass, the Russian Defense Ministry said in the early hours of Monday. According to the ministry, the assault began on Sunday morning. "The enemy's goal was to breach our defenses in what they assumed was the most vulnerable section of the frontline," it said in a statement. "The enemy has failed to reach its goals and was unsuccessful," the ministry added. Russian officials said Ukraine had deployed the 23rd and the 31st mechanized brigades from its "strategic reserves," which were supported in battle by other units. "The Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost more than 250 service members, 16 tanks, three infantry vehicles, and 21 armored vehicles," the Defense Ministry claimed.


Washington Posts Homeschooling Smears Wont Stanch Public School Hemorrhage "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

homeschooling kidsThe Washington Post just spent 5,000 words and two years of reporting to smear something it demanded every parent do just three years ago.


Disney Proves DeSantis Point By Going After Military Guests "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Walt Disney World Resort entrance sign with cars driving under itDisney is blocking access to Disney World from a hotel that exclusively serves veterans and servicemembers. Why? Because it can.

Kurtsystems: A kinder way to do a cruel job? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Can we do this for us as well?  Like long before anyone makes anywhere close to olympic standards?

We have no end of athelites who wrecked themselves in training.  That likely also applies to no end of non athelites who start obsessively training.  jumping on or off a training machine like this can be made easy enough by simply sitting down on a seat.  It still calls for a training track of course, but we have all that.

A track system can be placed over the inner track easily enough and the management rig hung over the track.  May still want an outer system but a counterweight system is possible as well and can even double up capacity.  a doiuble capacity apparatus with even four places could work on any track while monitoring actual progress..

Kurtsystems: A kinder way to do a cruel job?

May 28, 2023

Kurtsystems: neither a rollercoaster for horses, nor a dystopian hover-chariot

Sadly, this is not a rollercoaster for horses. And despite its dystopian hover-chariot looks, it's actually designed to be a kinder and safer way to prepare young horses for the often-damaging shock of beginning a race training program.

Could Microscopic Medical Robots Travel Through Your Body? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The big news for us is that we can work at these scales and start making and designing useful tools.

We are also developing protocols that can take us much deeper as well.  even a self mobile capsule is a winner particularly if the body is able to get rid of it after.

Again ot will also make demands on our imaging tech as well.  it is all getting better.

Could Microscopic Medical Robots Travel Through Your Body?

By Daniel Strain

Posted on June 2, 2023

Ateam of engineers at the CU Boulder has designed a new class of tiny, self-propelled robots that can zip through liquid at incredible speedsand may one day even deliver prescription drugs to hard-to-reach places inside the human body.

The researchers describe their mini healthcare providers in a paper published last month in the journal Small.

Imagine if microrobots could perform certain tasks in the body, such as non-invasive surgeries, said Jin Lee, lead author of the study and a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Instead of cutting into the patient, we can simply introduce the robots to the body through a pill or an injection, and they would perform the pro...


Scientists Build Machine To Suck Up CO2 From The Air And Store It In Baking Soda And Water "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Good News Network

According to a new study, the methods used to suck up atmospheric air while filtering out carbon dioxide (CO2) are something that can be improved by adding copper to the filter material. When this is done, it potentially opens up the technology to many other uses that could produce a huge difference in the fight against global warming and climate change.

Bu adding copper, it also converts the CO2 that was captured into a harmless baking soda that can be stored in the oceans or otherwise turned into a saleable product.

Some scientists suggest that carbon capture is the only way to limit global warming to less than 1.5C over this century if humanity begins to extract some of the CO2 that its been adding to that atmosphere through carbon capturing methods.

These machines come in two forms. The first of the two machines uses large fans to extract air from the environment, filter out CO2, and then store it underground to produce other chemical products. The second one does the work directly at the exhaust point of industrial facilities, natural gas wells, or power plants.

The old method deals with CO2 at very few parts per million, while the...


This Is America #187: Anger Erupts in New York; Democrats Push Farther Right "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

photo: @protest_nyc

Welcome, to This Is America, June 5th, 2023.

On todays episode, we start off with a discussion on recent protests in New York City, following the vigilante murder of Jordan Neely on a subway train last month. We talk about how the murder of Neely comes amidst growing calls to attack poor and houseless people, especially from Democratic leaders of large cities, like Eric Adams in New York. We then offer up an anarchist analysis of the unfolding electoral terrain as more Republicans enter into the 2024 race and Democrats embrace a right-ward shift around immigration and crime.

All this and more, but first, lets get to the news!

Living and Fighting

In the lead up to an upcoming week of action against the Cop City project in Atlanta, police carried out a raid against the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, a non-profit which provides bail for demonstrators arrested by the police and connects them with lawyers. The raid also comes before a major vote on the projects funding, and amid news that the counter-insurgency training center will cost millions more in public funds that originally reported by local politicians. Leaked scanner conversations between police officers following the raid also show officers stating that the repression was carried out to suppress protest organizing in the lead up to the vote. Following the raid, over 150 rallied outside of the DeKalb County jail to demand the three volunteers be released and charges be dropped.

In the wake of the raid, on June 5th...


Pericarditis: The Other, Less Talked About COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine-Induced Heart Inflammation that Disables or Kills You "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Pericarditis: The Other, Less Talked About COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine-Induced Heart Inflammation that Disables or Kills You appeared first on Global Research.


BRICS Foreign Ministers Hold Preparatory Meetings in South Africa "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Sindicato y Telmex llegan a acuerdo para evitar huelga; se logra incremento salarial de 5.6% "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La Secretara del Trabajo sirvi como mediadora en el conflicto laboral entre el sindicato y Telmex, evitando una posible huelga. Regeneracin, 5 junio del 2023. []

La entrada Sindicato y Telmex llegan a acuerdo para evitar huelga; se logra incremento salarial de 5.6% se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Marko Corts se enoja en plena entrevista con Lpez-Driga por crticas a la oposicin "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El dirigente del PAN, Marko Corts, se molest por la critica que hizo Joaqun Lpez Driga, al PRIANRD por su derrota en el Estado de []

La entrada Marko Corts se enoja en plena entrevista con Lpez-Driga por crticas a la oposicin se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Extreme Events Are Normal "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Indias Brutal Operation Blue Star Revisited "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Senegal Violence Threatens Countrys Stability as Experts Call on Government to Instill Calm


A demonstrator throws a rock at police during a protest at a neighborhood in Dakar, Senegal, Saturday, June 3, 2023. The clashes first broke out later this week after opposition leader Ousmane Sonko was convicted of corrupting youth and sentenced to two years in prison. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) Senegal experts called on the government on Monday to instill calm after days of the deadliest violence in years and concerns it could have lasting consequences.

Days of clashes between security forces and supporters of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko have killed at least 16 people and injured hundreds of others. Police have arrested 500 people, some of whom used Molotov cocktails and weapons.

(Theres) the threat of chaos. The threat of civil war, Alioune Tine, founder of Afrikajom Center, a West African think tank, told The Associated Press in an interview Monday in the capital, Dakar. We have never ever lived this situation in Senegal ... We cannot go fighting among ourselves and we have to stop now, to make peace now, to be united now.

The clashes first broke out last Thursday, after Sonko was convicted of corrupting youth but acquitted on charges of raping a woman who worked at a massage parlor and making death threats against her. Sonko, who didnt attend his trial in Dakar, was sentenced to two years in prison.

Sonko came third in Senegals 2019 presidential election and is popular with the countrys youth. His supporters maintain his legal troubles are part of a government effort to derail his candidacy in the 2024 presidential election. Under Senegalese law, Sonkos conviction could bar him from running.

While Senegal, a country of around 17 million people, has experienced upheaval before, rights groups and analysts say the current clashes are the worst political crisis the nation has seen since 1988, when a general strik...


License to Log: Cambodian military facilitates logging on Koh Kong Krao and across the Cardamoms "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

This story was supported by the Pulitzer Centers Rainforest Investigations Network where Gerald Flynn was a fellow. *Names have been changed to protect sources who said they feared reprisals from the authorities. KOH KONG, Cambodia I think theres a 30% chance well have trouble with the police, said Ly Chandaravuth, an environmental activist with the outlawed group Mother Nature Cambodia. This was in August 2022, when Mother Nature Cambodia was planning a trip to Koh Kong Krao, an island off Cambodias southwest coast in Koh Kong province, to raise awareness about the pristine ecosystems there. But the groups activism has had consequences, and Chandaravuths calculations, near one-in-three odds of being arrested just for visiting the island, were not unfounded. On June 16, 2021, Chandaravuth, then a law student, was apprehended by police while collecting water samples from the Tonle Sap River in Phnom Penh. Hed planned to have the samples analyzed to better understand water pollution in the city. Instead, he was charged with plotting against the government, a charge that carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. He was released in November 2021, along with five other Mother Nature Cambodia activists, three of whom had been in prison since September 2020. None were acquitted and all remain under judicial supervision for a three-year period. This means they are unable to leave Cambodia and are required to report to local authorities on a monthly basis. Notably, they were warned against offending again. Yet this didnt stopThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

More Than 2 Million People Displaced, Burkina Fasos Government Says, as Aid Falls Short


FILE- An aerial view shows a camp of internally displaced people in Djibo, Burkina Faso, May 26, 2022. Burkina Faso's government says more than 2 million people have become internally displaced, fueling a dire humanitarian crisis across the conflict-ridden country. The number of displaced people has mushroomed by more than 2,000% since 2019, when violence linked to al-Qaida and the Islamic State group began surging and spreading across the West African nation. (AP Photo/Sam Mednick, File)

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) Violence linked to al-Qaida and the Islamic State group has made Burkina Faso a country with one of the worlds fastest-growing populations of internally displaced people, with the number mushrooming by more than 2,000% since 2019, according to government data.

Figures released last month showed more than 2 million people are internally displaced in the West African nation, the majority of them women and children, fueling a dire humanitarian crisis as the conflict pushed people from their homes, off their farms and into congested urban areas or makeshift camps.

Aid groups and the government are scrambling to respond amid a lack of funds and growing needs. One in four people requires aid, and tens of thousands are facing catastrophic levels of hunger. Yet not even half of the $800 million humanitarian response budget requested last year by aid groups was funded, according to the United Nations.

The spectrum of consequences (for people) is vast but grim at every point. A lot of people might die, and theyre dying because they werent able to access food and health services, because they werent properly protected, and the humanitarian assistance and the government response wasnt sufficient, Alexandra Lamarche, a senior fellow at advocacy group Refugees International, said.

The violence has divided a once-peaceful nation, leading to two coups last year. M...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Ceasefire and Security Guarantees: Key Points on Peace Plans for Ukraine

The most recent initiative came from Indonesia

MOSCOW, June 5. /TASS/. Russia considers all incoming proposals on the settlement of the situation in Ukraine, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko said, adding that Moscow welcomes settlement efforts from all countries.

The most recent initiative came from Indonesia (although Moscow has not received the details yet). Just like in the Chinese plan, it calls for an immediate ceasefire, which led to the plan being completely rejected by Kiev. Ukraine is only ready to discuss those initiatives spearheaded by President Vladimir Zelensky. Meanwhile, Russia considers these to be ridiculous and insists that the accession of the four new regions to Russia is not up for discussion.

Here are the key points about different peace plans for Ukraine.

Korean scenario

The plan proposed by Indonesia in early June is similar to the principles of the settlement on the Korean Peninsula after the war between the North and the South in the 1950s: immediate ceasefire by both sides, withdrawal of both Ukrainian and Russian forces 15 km away from their current positions and the establishment of a demilitarized zone (DMZ).

In addition, the initiative would mean stationing UN peacekeepers in the DMZ, as well as holding UN-supervised referendums, in order to "objectively confirm the will of the majority." Meanwhile, the plan does not specify what territories are in question.

Indonesia stated its readiness to take part in all processes and to send its military as part of the peacekeeping mission. Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto is certain that the effectiveness of such measures has been proven by the Korean experience.

Chinas 12 points

In February, China published its own 12-point peace plan. Beijing called for de-escalation, a ceasefire and end of hostilities, as well as peace talks. China underscored that the security concerns of all sides must be...


Sumatra Indigenous community displaced by Samsung palm oil unit await justice "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

TALANG PARIT, Indonesia For more than two decades, the residents of this Indigenous community in Riau province, on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, have watched as their lakes dried up and the rainforest dwindled. The forest is gone, Batin Irasan, the villages ketua adat, or spiritual leader, told Mongabay Indonesia. What was sacred has already been lost. A once-thriving ecosystem with vibrant lakes in the heart of Sumatra is now failing. More than two decades ago, excavators from PT Inecda Plantation began clear-cutting more than 5,000 hectares (12,400 acres) of forest that the Talang Parit community had called home for generations. The community is part of the broader Talang Mamak Indigenous community based in this part of Sumatra, where Riaus northern peatlands border the more central mineral soils. The company, an arm of South Korean conglomerate Samsung, cut canals into the swampy soil to drain off enough water from the landscape to enable its oil palm trees to grow. The Talang Parit communitys main fishing grounds dried up and the water supply petered out. Sudiman, the village chief, said hes worried the communitys way of life is under threat. Two of the four hamlets that make up the community are experiencing water stress. One hamlet in the upland attempted to drill a ground well 30 meters (98 feet) deep, but found no drinkable water. In the fourth hamlet, where many residents work for a state-owned plantation firm, PT Perkebunan Nusantara V, the water is an undrinkable shade of red.This article was originally published on Mongabay


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Ukrainian Forces Step up Operations on Several Sectors South of Donetsk DPR Official

Russian artillery and aviation strikes neutralized the Ukrainian attacks

Nikolai Trishin/TASS

DONETSK, June 5. /TASS/. The Ukrainian army has stepped up operations along several sectors of the line of contact near Donetsk, with Marinka, Ugledar, and Avdeyevka remaining the hottest spots, Yan Gagin, an adviser to Donetsk Peoples Republic (DPR) Acting Head Denis Pushilin, told TASS on Monday.

"On June 4, the enemy launched offensive operations in a number of directions, including Donetsk. The hottest spots on the frontline near Donetsk are Maryinka, Ugledar and Avdeyevka," Gagin said.

Russian artillery and aviation strikes neutralized the Ukrainian attacks. The enemy suffered significant losses in manpower and materiel. Nevertheless, the Ukrainian military continue firing at Russian positions in these areas and building up forces, Gagin said.

Earlier, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said that on June 4 the enemy launched a large-scale offensive on five frontline sectors south of Donetsk. Kiev committed the 23rd and 31st mechanized brigades from the Ukrainian strategic reserves to action with support from other military units; the Ukrainian forces attack was unsuccessful.

Drone with symbols of Ukrainian nationalists forced to land in Kursk region

Governor of the region Roman Starovoit thanked the border guards and the army

MOSCOW, June 4. /TASS/. /TASS/. An unmanned aerial vehicle bearing symbols of Ukrainian nationalists was landed in Russias Kursk region bordering Ukraine, the regions governor, Roman Starovoit said on Sunday.

"Our guys landed a drone of Ukrainian Nazis in Sudzha. The coloration indicates that it belonged to the Azov battalion (outlawed in Russia as a terrorist organization - TASS). I thank border guards and soldiers for their service," he wrote on his Telegram channel.

The Kursk regional authorities have extended the high (yellow) level of terror alert, which has been in force since February 4, for the peri...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Kiev Loses 300 Troops, 16 Tanks in Failed Offensive South of Donetsk Russian Top Brass

It is reported that as many as 300 Ukrainian troops, 16 tanks, 26 armored combat vehicles and 14 motor vehicles were destroyed in that direction in the past 24 hours

MOSCOW, June 5. /TASS/. The Ukrainian military lost 300 troops and 16 tanks in its failed offensive in the southern Donetsk area, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Monday.

"On June 4, the enemy made an unsuccessful attempt to launch a large-scale offensive in the southern Donetsk direction. The Ukrainian military employed six mechanized and two tank battalions. Considerable damage was inflicted on the enemy by active operations of units from the battlegroup East, air strikes and artillery fire in areas near the settlements of Neskuchnoye in the Donetsk Peoples Republic and Novodarovka in the Zaporozhye Region. The enemy failed to achieve its goals," the spokesman said.

As many as 300 Ukrainian troops, 16 tanks, 26 armored combat vehicles and 14 motor vehicles were destroyed in that direction in the past 24 hours, the general reported.

Russian forces destroy 90 Ukrainian troops in Kupyansk area over past day

Russian forces destroyed roughly 90 Ukrainian troops and an ammunition depot in the Kupyansk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

In the Kupyansk direction, aircraft and artillery from Russias western battlegroup struck the enemy manpower and equipment in areas near the settlements of Sinkovka, Kotlyarovka and Krakhmalnoye in the Kharkov Region, the spokesman said.

"As many as 90 Ukrainian personnel, three armored combat vehicles, two Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery systems and a D-20 howitzer were destroyed in that direction in the past 24 hours," the general reported.

In addition, an ammunition depot of the Ukrainian armys 60th motorized infantry brigade was obliterated near the settlement of Malinovka in the Kharkov Region, the spokesman said.

Russian forces neutralize f...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Wests Plans to Separate Ukraine, Russia Doomed to Fail Lavrov

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation believes that there is no doubt about it

DUSHANBE, June 5. /TASS/. The Wests plans to separate Russia and Ukraine are doomed to fail, there are no doubts about, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Monday.

"[Kiev] was nurtured by the United States in a purely Russophobic key, in accordance with the ideas of notorious American political researchers that everything must be done so that Ukraine would never be together with Russia. We have no doubts that these plans are doomed to fail," Lavrov said during his visit to Russias 201st military base, according to the Foreign Ministry website.

Europe opts for war with Russia Lavrov

Moscow must achieve its goals, which are "more noble in comparison with the Europeans," the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry said

DUSHANBE, June 5. /TASS/. Europe has opted for a path of war with Russia and Moscow must attain its goals, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.

"As for Europe, our Foreign Policy Concept says, to put it simply, that Europe has chosen a path of war with us. Of course, we will have to live side by side with them all the same. But once it is a war, we must attain our goals, which are much more noble than those of Europeans. They want what doesnt belong to them while we want what is ours," he said while visiting Russias 201st military base in Tajikistan.

Lavrov arrives in Tajikistan on official visit

Sergey Lavrovs previous visit to Dushanbe took place in May 2022

DUSHANBE, June 5. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has arrived in Tajikistan on a two-day official visit, a TASS correspondent reported on Monday.

While in Dushanbe, the top Russian diplomat will meet with Tajik President Emomali Rakhmon and his Tajik counterpart, Sirojiddin Mukhriddin, as well as visit the 201st Russian military base. Apart from that, he is expected to speak at the Russi...


Cristina es inocente; suspenden proceso por lavado de dinero contra Fernndez de Kirchner "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La vicepresidenta de Argentina, Cristina Fernndez, asegura que las acusaciones en su contra son para desterrarla de la poltica y apoyar a la oposicin. Regeneracin, []

La entrada Cristina es inocente; suspenden proceso por lavado de dinero contra Fernndez de Kirchner se public primero en RegeneracinMX.

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