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Friday, 09 June


Manchmal kommen hier Meldungen rein, die erstmal wie ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Manchmal kommen hier Meldungen rein, die erstmal wie Satire aussehen. Hier ist so ein Fall. Schon die Domain sieht wie Satire aus. Dann unten der ewig lange Selbstdarstellungs-Kasten von diesem "Journalisten", der von sich glaubt, ein Experte in der Kommunikation von Tech-Inhalten zu sein, aber dann Null inhaltliche Punkte bermittelt :-)

Die Royal Navy hat einen Quanten-Navigator getestet, weil bei abgetauchten U-Booten GPS nicht so gut geht. Aber wie das funktioniert? Darf er uns nicht sagen.

Ja gut, das ist ja ein Uni-Projekt vom Imperial College in London. Akademische Projekte produzieren Papers. Da findet man doch bestimmt was. In der Tat gibt es sogar ein Youtube-Video. Das ist offenbar "einfach" ein Beschleunigungssensor, wie man das auch im Smartphone hat, aber halt mit Quanten-Technologie und damit in 3d und supergenau.

Ich verfolge Apple-Ankndigungen normalerweise nicht, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ich verfolge Apple-Ankndigungen normalerweise nicht, aber aktuell gibt es zwei, die doch interessant sind.

Erstens: Apple hat ohne groe Ankndigung ein DirectX12-Emulationslayer ausgeliefert, wenn ich das richtig verstehe. Damit knnte man dann zumindest theoretisch Windows-Spiele einfach so auf Apple-Hardware spielen. Damit stehen sie natrlich auf den Schultern von Open-Source-Giganten, die auch schon DXVK und co im Angebot haben. Valve hat Millionen in DirectX-Emulation in Wine gesteckt. Da wird sich Apple einfach mal bedient haben.

Erwhnenswert ist das aus zwei Grnden. Erstens haben sie wohl einen groen Patch an Wine zurckgeschickt. Die GPL funktioniert also!

Zweitens sind ja in den M1 und M2-ARM-Gerten angeblich sehr gute GPUs drin, die es mit gehobenen Mittelklasse-GPUs auf PCs aufnehmen knnen. Konnte man nur nie sinnvoll nutzen, weil es keine erwhnenswerten Spiele fr Apple gab. Es knnte also sein, dass die wirtschaftlich eh schon darbenden GPU-Hersteller jetzt auch noch von Apple Stress kriegen.

Die andere Ankndigung war, dass Apple berraschend in Safari pltzlich JPEG XL untersttzt. Ich bin ein Fan von JPEG XL und war sehr ungehalten, als Chrome und Firefox das abgekndigt haben, obwohl das grte Argument gegen die Untersttzung schon vom Tisch war: Dass das viel Arbeit ist. Die war schon getan.

Jetzt habe ich Hoffnung, dass Chrome und Firefox ihre hirnrissige Abkndigung zurcknehmen und wir doch noch alle JPEG XL bekommen.

Macht KI uns berflssig? Richard David Precht im ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Macht KI uns berflssig? Richard David Precht im Gesprch mit Mercedes Bunz.

Satire ist tot.

Update: Man muss ja fast dankbar sein, dass sie nicht noch Rudi Vller und Christian Lindner befragt haben.

Wisst ihr, was bei den Discord-Leaks auch noch dabei ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wisst ihr, was bei den Discord-Leaks auch noch dabei war? Die Anschlagsplne fr Nord Stream des ukrainischen Militrs. Der Bericht kam damals von einem europischen Geheimdienst, und die Amerikaner haben angeblich sofort Deutschland gewarnt.

Ja! Richtig gelesen! Deutschland wusste von den Anschlagsplnen auf Nord Stream. Und zwar im Juni. Der Anschlag fand dann im September sttt.

The highly specific details, which include numbers of operatives and methods of attack, show that for nearly a year, Western allies have had a basis to suspect Kyiv in the sabotage. That assessment has only strengthened in recent months as German law enforcement investigators uncovered evidence about the bombing that bears striking similarities to what the European service said Ukraine was planning.
Ach. Ach was. Na sowas. Aber das haben sie natrlich lieber vor uns geheimgehalten.

Klar. Sonst htten sie ja die Waffenexporte nicht durchfhren knnen, oder die Sondermilliarden fr die Bundeswehr locker machen knnen. So viel Industriefrderung fr die darbende Rstungsindustrie konnte man in Deutschlandschon Jahre lang nicht mehr rechtfertigen.

Mit solchen Freunden braucht man keine Feinde mehr.

Mnchens S-Bahn-Stammstrecke ist auf dem besten Weg, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Mnchens S-Bahn-Stammstrecke ist auf dem besten Weg, teurer als BER zu werden. Sogar teurer als Stuttgart 21!

Andere Schtzungen, auch von CSU-Landtagsabgeordneten, gehen inzwischen von bis zu 14 Milliarden Euro aus.
BER hat am Ende 7 Milliarden gekostet, bei Stuttgart 21 liegen die Schtzungen bei knapp 10 Milliarden.

Ich sage schonmal an, dass niemand in der CSU darin einen Rcktrittsgrund sehen wird. Warum auch. Die CSU kennt sich ja per Definition mit Geld aus und ist gut frs Land. Fakten wie ihre reelle Performance spielen daher keine Rolle.

Update: Auf vielfachen Wunsch hier die Umrechnung: 14 Milliarden sind 0,7 Fusionskraftwerke.

Monetary Blowback: How U.S. Wars, Sanctions, and Hegemony Are Threatening the Dollars Reserve Currency Dominance "IndyWatch Feed"

This week, strategists at JPMorgan, the biggest U.S. bank, warned there are signs of de-dollarization around the world. Dedollarization is the push by countries, including Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and others, to move away from the U.S. dollar as the worlds primary reserve currency. This move poses a big challenge to U.S. economic hegemony. This week on Intercepted, Canadian businessperson and mining financier Frank Giustra joins Jeremy Scahill and Murtaza Hussain to discuss the prospective move toward nations dedollarization. Giustra breaks down the history of how the U.S. dollar became the worlds primary reserve currency. Scahill, Hussain, and Giustra then discuss the different nations and the political and economic motivations to dedollarize and how the U.S. government may respond in order to maintain its economic hegemony.

Transcript coming soon.

The post Monetary Blowback: How U.S. Wars, Sanctions, and Hegemony Are Threatening the Dollars Reserve Currency Dominance appeared first on The Intercept.


We must center gender and community rights for climate action (commentary) "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

As we head into the mid-year climate talks in Bonn, Germany, the corporate co-opting of the climate agenda has never been starker. Public pressure must be brought to bear on UN member states to reject the corporate-backed focus on carbon removals, offsets, and other false solutions and urgently shift to real, gender-just and rights-based actions capable of tackling the root causes of the climate crisis and securing a livable and sustainable future for all. Following the last Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP27) in Sharm el Sheik, climate talks (SB58) continue in Bonn from June 5-15. It has been 31 years since the UNFCCC and its sister conventions were established during the Rio Conference in 1992. Since then, emissions have continued to rise, biodiversity is being lost at an unprecedented scale, and land degradation and desertification are advancing faster than ever before. This isnt because we cannot find the solutions to these existential threats, but that corporate co-opting of the climate agenda has systematically and intentionally blocked genuine pathways to a sustainable future. Women meeting with Tewa, the Nepalese Womens Fund and the Prakriti Resources Center, a sustainable development and environmental NGO, in Nepal. Photo courtesy of The Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action. Territorial conflicts have intensified, especially in the Global South, where Indigenous peoples, women and girls in all their diversity, and local and Afro-descendant communities continue fighting for justice, land, cultural and human rights. Significant increases ofThis article was originally published on Mongabay


De Onthullende Yoeri Albrecht Affaire 9 "IndyWatch Feed War"

Niet alleen bij Femke Halsema is sprake van narcisme, aan het zelfde egocentrisme lijdt tevens de voorzitter van de Europese Commissie, de wegens corruptie opgestapte Duitse minister van Defensie, Ursula von der Leyen, die streeft naar meer economische Lebensraum voor allereerst de Duitse industrie die de motor vormt van de Europese economie. Oktober 2022 verklaarde zij publiekelijk:

De oorlog in Oekrane is niet alleen een Europese Oorlog, maar een oorlog over de toekomst van de hele mensheid. Dus, de horizon van Europa kan alleen de gehele wereld omvatten,

in feite is dit het leitmotiv van het Europese kolonialisme dat al heerst sinds het moment dat Columbus voet aan wal zette op het continent Amerika, en dat leidde tot de dood van tenminste 80 miljoen van de oorspronkelijke bewoners, die abusievelijk onmiddellijk Indianen werden genoemd. De niet democratisch verkozen Von der Leyen benadrukte dat de EU het Russisch-Chinese bondgenootschap als een wereldwijde bedreiging beschouwt, die dan ook ik citeer opnieuw wereldwijd moet worden bestreden. In haar toespraak voor een zaal vol ambassadeurs van EU-landen maakte zij duidelijk dat niet allereerst de mensenrechten en de democratie centraal staan, maar  zoals ook ten tijde van Columbus het beheer over grondstoffen en markten, het belangrijkste motief van de voormalige koloniale machten. Zij merkte op:



Breaking: Mission Impossible: Ukrainian Navy Nord Stream Pipeline Edition "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Breaking: Mission Impossible: Ukrainian Navy Nord Stream Pipeline Edition appeared first on Global Research.


[$] Yet another memory allocator for executable code "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The kernel is an increasingly dynamic body of code, where new executable text can show up at any time. Currently, the task of allocating memory for new kernel code falls on the subsystem that first brought the ability to load code into a running kernel: the module loader. This patch set from Mike Rapoport looks to move the responsibility for these allocations to a new "JIT allocator", addressing a number of rough edges in the process.


Apple Invent The Mechanical Watch "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Apple Watch has been on the market for long enough that its earlier iterations are now unsupported. Where some see little more than e-waste others see an opportunity, as has [NanoRobotGeek] with .

What makes this build so special is its attention to detail. Into the Apple Watchcase has gone a Seiko movement, but it hasnt merely been dropped into place. It uses the original Apple watch stem which is offset, so hes had to create a linkage and a tiny pulley system to transfer the forces from one to the other. The rotor is custom-machined with am Apple logo, and the new watch face is a piece of laser-cut and heat treated zirconium. Even the watch movement itself needed a small modification to weaken the stem spring and allow the linkage to operate it.

The build is a long one with many steps, and were being honest when we say it would put our meager tiny machining skills to an extreme test. Sit down and take your time reading it, it really is a treat. Apple Watches may head to the tip after five years, but not this one!

See more in the video below the break, and of course long-time readers may remember weve considered the...


Re: Linux kernel: off-by-one in fl_set_geneve_opt "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Solar Designer on Jun 08

Given your previous intent "not to publish the exp for ethical reasons",
it's a surprising decision you made to share with all linux-distros when
only some asked, but that's fine as long as you understand and are going
to follow the list policy and make the now-mandatory posting of at least
the same code to oss-security within 7 days - so no later than next
Thursday, please. Ideally, you'd pre-announce the date when you...


Military Aid = Junk Weapons? Germanys Leopards, IRIS-Ts Not Holding Up Well in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Military Aid = Junk Weapons? Germanys Leopards, IRIS-Ts Not Holding Up Well in Ukraine appeared first on Global Research.


Venezuela: Oil Sector Workers Protest for Health Insurance, Higher Wages "IndyWatch Feed World"

A trade union representative told Venezuelanalysis that the industry workers and retirees find themselves in a very precarious reality.


APGA: Appeal Court Didnt Throw Out Oyes Case Legal Adviser "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has described as untrue the report that the interlocutory appeal filed by former National Chairman, Ozo Victor Oye. According to the National Legal Adviser of the party, Victor Agunzi in a press release issued on Thursday, the Court asked Oye to withdraw the appeal and file a composite appeal...

The post APGA: Appeal Court Didnt Throw Out Oyes Case Legal Adviser appeared first on New Telegraph.


Mesa 23.1.2 Released With Intel Fix For VKD3D-Proton, More RADV Fixes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Eric Engestrom has delivered another on-time release of a Mesa stable point release. Out today is Mesa 23.1.2 for delivering the latest stable bug fixes for this collection of open-source graphics driver components commonly used on Linux systems...


Amazons Duggar Docuseries Exploits One Familys Drama To Vilify All Christians And Homeschooling "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Duggar family docuseriesAmazon's docuseries 'Shiny Happy People' uses the Duggar family as clickbait to vilify long-held Christian practices and values.


Pat Robertson is dead "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

He can no longer spread his vile hatred. Good riddance. He got rich on spreading hatred and conning people, and the world is a better place without him.



CRiver: Women To Get Equal Opportunity In Otus Govt "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Cross River State Governor, Prince Bassey Otu has assured women in the state of fairness and equity in his appointments. The Governor disclosed this in Calabar when a socio-political organization, Team Mma-Adiaha, hosted him and his wife, Mrs Eyoanwan Otu, at a post-election reception. Otu said: I know that as we have started here,...

The post CRiver: Women To Get Equal Opportunity In Otus Govt appeared first on New Telegraph.


Technocracy in Action: Global Digital Vaccine Passports. WHO and EU Commission Partner for Digital Health with New COVID-19 Digital Certificate "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Technocracy in Action: Global Digital Vaccine Passports. WHO and EU Commission Partner for Digital Health with New COVID-19 Digital Certificate appeared first on Global Research.


El Puente, un proyecto de nieve artificial que amenaza Sierra Nevada "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: El pico Mulhacn forma parte del parque nacional de Sierra Nevada. (Johannes Schwanbeck)

El pasado enero de 2022 la empresa encargada de Sierra Nevada, Cetursa, anunciaba la puesta en marcha del proyecto de El Puente, que pretende construir dos telesqus y una zona de competicin destinada a deportistas de alto rendimiento, as como una nueva lnea de produccin de nieve artificial. Para este proyecto, la Junta de Andaluca anunci una inversin de 2,5 millones de euros a travs de la Consejera de Educacin y Deporte.

Desde el anuncio del proyecto, los grupos ecologistas y las vecinas de Monachil, donde se encuentra Sierra Nevada, se han mostrado contrarios a la puesta en marcha de este proyecto, ya que la construccin de las instalaciones y la nueva lnea de produccin de nieve artificial alterara unos 20.000 metros de espacio protegido segn Ecologistas en Accin.

El jueves 8 de junio el ayuntamiento de Monachil ha convocado en tercera ocasin un pleno extraordinario para la aprobacin de este proyecto. En la primera ocasin que se celebraba el pleno, el pasado 13 de abril, no lleg a aprobarse por 10 abstenciones y dos votos en contra en el consistorio. Ante eso y a travs de un recurso de reposicin, la empresa volvi a solicitar que se debatiese en pleno el proyecto el pasado 9 de mayo, que finalmente no sali aprobada debido a la denuncia de Ecologistas en Accin de irregularidades en el proyecto. En el ltimo mes, se han publicado distintos informes favorables a la construccin, lo que ha devuelto la propuesta al debate en el Ayuntamiento de Monachil. Ante esta convocatoria por parte del ayuntamiento, el colectivo La nieve no es de Naide responde: el alcalde en funciones no ha querido esperar a que se constituya el nuevo gobierno local para volver a tratar este asunto, haciendo as odos sordos al intenso debate pblico, a la creciente oposicin vecinal y a las casi 25.000 firmas en contra del proyecto.

La investigadora Carmen De Jong, especialista en hidrologa de montaa, expone que en el proceso de produccin de nieve en torno a un 30% del agua consumida se pierde para siempre a travs de la evaporacin

El grupo de vecinas y ecologistas ha convocado una concentracin frente al consistorio durante la votacin, ante la lista de agresiones contra la Sierra y las aguas de Monachil a la que se aade este proyecto que es el primero de otra larga serie de proyectos con los que se pretende sostener un negocio cuyo funcionamiento normal que...


Gov. Idris Inaugurates10th Kebbi Assembly "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Governor Nasir Idris of Kebbi State on Thursday inaugurated the 10th Kebbi State Assembly at the chambers of the legislative complex in Birnin Kebbi. At the inauguration, the 10th members of the Assembly elected the member representing Zuru Constituency, Alhaji Muhammad Usman-Zuru, as the Speaker. Usman-Zuru was elected through a nomination and secondment by Adamu...

The post Gov. Idris Inaugurates10th Kebbi Assembly appeared first on New Telegraph.


Ogun: Police Parade Four For Planning To Disrupt Abioduns Inauguration "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Ogun State Police Command has paraded four suspects for allegedly planning to disrupt the inauguration ceremony of Governor Dapo Abiodun on May 29. The suspects: Adedapo Taiwo, Arogundade Idowu, Noah Jogunom, and James Abiodun were arrested in Kobape, Obafemi-Owode Local government Area of the state. The Commissioner of Police in the state, Olanrewaju Oladimeji...

The post Ogun: Police Parade Four For Planning To Disrupt Abioduns Inauguration appeared first on New Telegraph.


Western MSM Journalists Censored by the Kiev Regime "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Western MSM Journalists Censored by the Kiev Regime appeared first on Global Research.


The Covid Era: The Necessary Virtues of Debate "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post The Covid Era: The Necessary Virtues of Debate appeared first on Global Research.


Comer en prisin es un acto poltico "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

De acuerdo con la Ley Nacional de Ejecucin Penal, las personas privadas de su libertad en un centro penitenciario tienen derecho a recibir alimentacin de calidad. Sin embargo, la situacin real difiere de la propuesta en papel. Las Mujeres en Espiral, desde prisin o ya en libertad, relatan las condiciones alimenticias al interior del Centro Femenil de Reinsercin Social de Santa Martha Acatitla.

Frente a estas condiciones, las mujeres privadas de libertad generan estrategias colectivas para acceder a una mejor alimentacin. En Lo crudo, lo cocido y lo finamente picado. Sabores y Sinsabores de las mujeres en prisin. Recetario canero (2019), exponen las recetas que preparan al interior de la crcel, y tambin protestan a travs de la palabra escrita: tener una alimentacin digna es obstaculizada por las condiciones econmicas y de higiene en este espacio.

El recetario, un producto elaborado por el proyecto Mujeres en Espiral: sistema de justicia, perspectiva de gnero y pedagogas en resistencia, fue presentado en Casa de las Humanidades como cierre del ciclo Patio penitenciario en la UNAM. Un, dos, tres por m y por todas mis compaeras! Dos egresadas del penal de Santa Martha Acatitla recordaron las necesidades que tenan en prisin y cmo buscaban solucionarlas.

Tapas de latas de atn como cuchillos, resistencias de metal para calentar el caf, encendedores convertidos en saleros, frascos de mermelada como vasos y focos encendidos como calentadores de tortillas eran algunas de las herramientas que utilizaban para cocinar y arreglar el rancho (as se le conoce coloquialmente a la comida que ofrece la crcel).

Para quienes tenan el beneficio de adquirir una sarteneta, las posibilidades se ampliaban. Con los alimentos ofrecidos como rancho y con su ingenio recuperaban esos trozos de carne o granos de pozole y les daban sazn en sus estancias (cuartos compartidos).

Ah, dentro de sus espacios, cada una proporcionaba un ingrediente o una herramienta para simular un festn. Al final, asegur M, la comida te sabe inspida porque no estn las personas que quieres que estn.

Marisa Belausteguigoitia, directora del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de Gnero (CIEG), comenz la presentacin del recetario explicando la necesidad de proyectos como Mujeres en Espiral. A travs de l, las integrantes buscaron acercarse a las mujeres privadas de la libertad desde lo ldico como un acto que invita a la colectividad y a la creacin. El juego como la actividad donde descubres qu herida tiene la otra.

El recetario surgi de la pregunta: qu lugar tiene la comida en Santa Martha?

Publicado originalmente en Gaceta UNAM


Experts Unveil PoC Exploit for Recent Windows Vulnerability Under Active Exploitation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Details have emerged about a now-patched actively exploited security flaw in Microsoft Windows that could be abused by a threat actor to gain elevated privileges on affected systems. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-29336, is rated 7.8 for severity and concerns an elevation of privilege bug in the Win32k component. "An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could gain


Don Advocates Scraping of NDDC, Others Over Failure To End Poverty, Conflicts In Host Communities "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A university Don, Prof. Florence Masajuwa has suggested the disbandment of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) and other related agencies for their failure in their mission to end poverty and conflicts in the communities. Prof. Masajuwa made the suggestion while delivering the 8th Edo State University, Uzairue Inaugural lecture series at the Aliko Dangote...

The post Don Advocates Scraping of NDDC, Others Over Failure To End Poverty, Conflicts In Host Communities appeared first on New Telegraph.


Keyboard warriors "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Scientific studies have shown for decades now that the most efficient, pleasurable, and effective way of communicating with a cell phone is through a keyboard (also applies to laptops!). Double-blind studies of cave rats in Nambia showed that messages typed with a keyboard are 100% more readable than ones without keyboards, or they would be if cave rats knew how to spell. 9 out of 10 doctors agree based on our best analysis of their prescription hand wiring legibility.

While on my weekly quest to see if any new keyboard phones might be somewhere in the future I came across this article from Saturday


This Raspberry Pi Project Could Give Your Old BlackBerry A Second Life

Indie tech collective Squarofumi, which, in collaboration with the creators of Matrix-based chat app Beeper, have created a Raspberry Pi-powered device in the BlackBerry's image. This device is aptly named the Beepberry, and it combines that classic keyboard with a simplistic interface.

This device is powered by a Raspberry Pi Zero W hooked up to a high-contrast, low-power 400x240 Sharp Memory LCD and a classic, pleasantly tactile keyboard and trackpad. The Beepberry features native support for the Beeper app, a universal chat app that can be used to connect with users on 15 different major chat platforms like WhatsApp, Slack, Discord, and more.

In addition to the nostalgic BlackBerry-style keyboard, the interface of the Beepberry is designed to be as minimalistic as possible, rendering all apps exclusively with text (and some ASCII art, where applicable). If you'd prefer your mobile device to be a bit flashier, the Beepberry is highly customizable in terms of both hardware and software. It features programmable USB and GPIO ports and buttons, and can support any Linux app that's already operable on the Raspberry Pi Zero W. There's even a programmable RGB light on the front of the device for notifications.

With the raspberry pi zero its 99 bucks, without is 79. They are sold out which is sad because I would buy one if they weren't. Keyboard phones are back baby.

Original Submission



Israels punitive home demolition policy, explained "IndyWatch Feed War"

A woman holding hands with a little girl walks across the rubble-strewn street outside a bombed-out apartment detonated by the Israeli army in the Old City of Ramallah.The Israeli military has admitted its policy of punitive demolitions does not work as a deterrent measure, and human rights groups have declared the policy violates international law. So, why does Israel continue doing it?


AMLO revela que se podra reunir con consejeros del INE "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El presidente AMLO seal que buscar el dilogo con los miembros del INE para limar asperezas. RegeneracinMX, 8 de junio de 2023.- El presidente Andrs []

La entrada AMLO revela que se podra reunir con consejeros del INE se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


ADF Goes Spiritual For Abia, Tasks South-East Governors To Sit Up "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Alaigbo Development Foundation (ADF) on Thursday organized a prayer and fasting meeting where it prayed for God to direct the Governor of Abia State, Dr Alex Otti to lead the state right. New Telegraph reports that the prayer meeting which took place at All Saints Anglican Cathedral Church Aba/Owerri Road, Aba in Osisioma Local...

The post ADF Goes Spiritual For Abia, Tasks South-East Governors To Sit Up appeared first on New Telegraph.


For Democratic Dividends, Gov Eno Pledges Support For Tinubu, FG "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

In order to attract democratic dividends to the people of the state, the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Pastor Umo Eno has pledged support for President Bola Tinubu and the Federal Government. Eno made the pledge on Thursday while briefing State House Correspondents after a closed-door meeting with the President at the Presidential Villa. He...

The post For Democratic Dividends, Gov Eno Pledges Support For Tinubu, FG appeared first on New Telegraph.


Tomgram: Todd Miller, Out-Trumping Trump at the Border "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

On May 11th, I was with a group of people at the bottom of the Paso del Norte bridge in Ciudad Jua'rez, Mexico. Suddenly, I realized that I didn't have the small change needed to cross the bridge and return to El Paso, Texas, where I was attending the 16th annual Border Security Expo[...]


UK Government Clamps Down On Cryptocurrency "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Britains financial regulator on Thursday tightened rules over the promotion and selling of cryptocurrency in the country as it seeks to protect its consumers. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) unveiled a package of measures for the industry, which has long faced criticism over the lack of oversight and promises of high returns in a volatile...

The post UK Government Clamps Down On Cryptocurrency appeared first on New Telegraph.


BREAKING: Anambra Speaker Foils Abduction Of Member-Elect "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

as Anambra Deputy Governor, Clark blocked the gate The heel was let loose on Thursday afternoon as some unidentified men fully armed invaded the Anambra State House of Assembly and forcefully arrested a member-elect for Nnewi North. The men who stormed the House in four different utility vehicles sneaked into the Assembly legislative building and...

The post BREAKING: Anambra Speaker Foils Abduction Of Member-Elect  appeared first on New Telegraph.


JUST-IN: Chief Of Staff, SSF, Others Reappointed By Sanwo-Olu "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Governor of Lagos State, Babajide Sanwo-Olu on Thursday made his first appointments after his sworn-in into office for his second term. In the appointment letter sighted by New Telegraph, Governor Sanwo-Olu reappointed Mr Tayo Ayinde, who served as his former Chief of Staff (CoS), and Gboyega Soyannwo, who served as his former deputy chief of...

The post JUST-IN: Chief Of Staff, SSF, Others Reappointed By Sanwo-Olu appeared first on New Telegraph.


Intel's Habana Gaudi 2 Accelerator Linux Driver In Good Shape "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Since June of last year shortly after Intel announced the Gaudi 2 AI accelerator they began posting the open-source driver patches for Gaudi 2 with the mainline Habana Labs driver. That support landed in Linux 6.0 and since then they've continued refining that support for this new processor support for deep learning training and inference workloads...


RFK Jr. Reveals Terrible Truth About Ukraine Pentagon Concealed From Americans "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ilya Tsukanov Sputnik 08.06.2023

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has characterized the Russia-US proxy war in Ukraine as an abattoir that has killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian troops for a geopolitical goal which has nothing to do with Ukraine.

What were doing in Ukraine now is just a massive assault on Ukrainians. We have trapped Ukraine in a proxy war against [Russia] and they are being devoured by the geopolitical machinations of neocons in the White House who have this comic book depiction that a lot of Americans have swallowed about what is happening, RFK Jr. said, speaking to Canadian psychologist and media commentator Jordan Peterson.

Explaining what separates his position on Ukraine from that of the incumbent, Joe Biden, RFK Jr. said that although he understood many ordinary Americans support for Ukraine out of compassion and as a humanitarian mission, in reality, every step we have taken, every decision we have made appears to have been intended to prolong the war and to increase the bloodshed.

RFK Jr. recalled Joe Bidens slip of the tongue that the USs real goal in Ukraine was to cause regime change in Moscow an aspiration which he recalled neoconservative advisors in Washington have been pushing for decades now.

Zbigniew Brzezinski their doyen and philosopher said that US strategy should be to suck Russia into a series of wars in little countries where we can then exhaust them. Lloyd Austin, who is president Bidens defense secretary, in April 2022 said our purpose in being in Ukraine is to degrade the Russian army, to exhaust it and degrade its capacity to fight anywhere in the world. Well that is the opposite of a humanitarian mission. That is a war of attrition, and thats what its turned out to be. We have now turned Ukraine into an abattoir that has devoured 350,000 young Ukrainians. They are lying about how many people have died, theyre concealing it from us the Pentagons concealing it from the American people. Ukraine is concealing it from their people We have turned that poor little nation into a killing field for these idealistic young kids in order to advance a geopolitical agenda that has nothing to do with Ukraine, RFK Jr. said.

The candidate also characterized the conflict as a money-laundering scheme for the US military-industrial complex.

Asked what he would do as president to bring the Ukrainian crisis to a close as president, RFK Jr. said the solution was obvious, and that he would work to achieve it...


Center for Jewish Non-Violence delegation highlights the importance of direct action in Palestine solidarity "IndyWatch Feed War"

A photo from a distance of activists shutting down a main highway connecting West Bank settlements to Jerusalem. The activists are seen sitting in one of the highway lanes with a blocking a line of cars, with two large unfurled banners. One banner reads, Members of the CJNV delegation to Palestine didn't just come to observe and document. They engaged in direct actions, participating in shutting down highways and attending protests.


From Science Fiction To Reality: How Digital Humans Are Forging New Realities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Siren is a digital human that showcases the potential of 3D/4D scanning technology for digitizing human appearance and motion with unprecedented realism.

Epic Games Inc. is a leading developer of the popular video game engine Unreal Engine. Recently, the company launched the highly anticipated MetaHuman Creator, a tool for creating high-fidelity digital humans for various applications including video games, film and more. The MetaHuman Creator is powered by advanced motion capture and rendering technology, enabling creators to create lifelike characters that can be customized and animated for various uses.

The advancement of digital humans is disrupting our world in profound and unpredictable ways. As they become increasingly intelligent, empathetic and capable, they will reshape businesses, society and human relationships at every level.


Distribution Release: Ultramarine Linux 38 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ultramarine Linux is a Fedora-based distribution featuring extra package repositories such as RPM Fusion. The project's latest release, Ultramarine Linux 38, introduces a new desktop scheduler, GNOME 44 and faster shutdown times. "We're sure you've noticed that Ultramarine takes a long time to shut down, but not any....


Israel 'should recognise' Western Sahara as part of Morocco, says Knesset speaker "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Israel 'should recognise' Western Sahara as part of Morocco, says Knesset speaker

Amir Ohana says discussions are underway between the two countries over the disputed region
MEE staff Thu, 06/08/2023 - 15:19
Morocco's Parliament Speaker Rachid Talbi Alami (R) shakes the hand of Israel's Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana (R) in Rabat on June 8, 2023 (AFP)

The speaker of the Israeli Knesset has said his country should recognise the Western Sahara as part of Morocco, three years after Rabat and Tel Aviv signed a normalisation agreement. 

Speaking during a visit to the kingdom, Amir Ohana said Israel should push towards recognising the disputed African region.

"Israel should move toward that goal of recognising the Moroccan Sahara just as our closest ally the United States did...I supported and pushed toward that goal," he said during a news conference in Rabat.

He added that "serious discussions" were underway between the countries on the subject and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "will be announcing his decisions in the near future".

Western Sahara remains one of Africas most intractable and longest-running territorial disputes, pitting the Kingdom of Morocco against the Polisario Front, a national liberation movement representing the indigenous Sahrawi people.

Morocco, which annexed the territory after Spain withdrew from its former colony in 1975, considers the territory its Southern Provinces. The Polisar...


Security updates for Thursday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (chromium, firefox-esr, and ruby2.5), Fedora (curl, dbus, pypy, pypy3.8, pypy3.9, python3.10, and python3.8), Red Hat (python and python-flask), Scientific Linux (emacs), SUSE (firefox, google-cloud-sap-agent, libwebp, opensc, openssl, openssl-3, openssl1, python-sqlparse, python310, and supportutils), and Ubuntu (libxml2, netatalk, and sysstat).


Swiss parliament supports arms re-export to Ukraine and breaks image of neutrality "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ahmed Adel | June 8, 2023

A bill in Switzerland calls into question its neutrality in the Ukrainian conflict because the countrys Senate approved the amendment authorising the re-export of arms to Ukraine, according to a statement from the parliament. This effectively breaks Switzerlands long-held image of a neutral country.

The Senate of Switzerland voted on June 7 to adopt an amendment to the law on re-exporting weapons to countries involved in armed conflict. Buyer states of Swiss armaments and military equipment will now, under certain conditions, have the right to transfer weapons to countries where a war is being waged.

Responding to this development, Ukraines Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba tweeted: I thank the Swiss parliaments upper house for an important move to unblock the re-export of Swiss-made weapons. We are looking forward to the next steps. I am grateful to Switzerland for its solidarity with Ukraine while upholding its neutrality.

Nonetheless, the press release about the bill specifies that since certain deputies from the left, centrists and the Peoples Party voted against it, the members of the National Council (lower house of parliament) will therefore have to look again at the question. For these deputies, the right of neutrality is called into question with this bill.

This project is mainly targeted to support the arms industry rather than to help Ukraine, said Mathias Zopfi, MP for the canton of Glarus and member of the Greens group.

According to him, the retroactive nature of this solution is also problematic, which is why making changes to exports that have already been carried out risks undermining legal certainty.

MP Jean-Luc Addor of the Swiss Peoples Party, which holds the most seats, was one of the main opponents of this proposal, saying: Accepting this initiative means committing oneself to one of the protagonists () and therefore violating neutrality.

With 22 MPs favouring the bill, 17 against, and four abstaining, the decision demonstrates that Switzerland is no longer a neutral country.

It is recalled that in May, Germany requested to purchase 25 Swiss Leopard 2 tanks to send to Ukraine, which won the support of Switzerlands government. Switzerland announced that it was in favour of decommissioning the tanks and selling them back to their maker Rheinmetall AG, as requested by Berlin.

More recently, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte asked Switzerland to deliver 96 non-operation Leopard 1 battle tanks stored in Italy to Ukraine. Swiss officials declined to comment on Ruttes request.

The action by the Swiss Senate comes only a week after Switzerlands President Alain Berset met his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky at the European Political Community summit in Moldova. Swiss public radio RTS reported that the two leaders discussed t...


DoD Unveils Documents Detailing the Origins of UFO Office, AARO "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Department of Defense (DoD) has released a few documents that shed light on its original operations and goals of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).

Formed on July 20, 2022, AARO operates under the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and is tasked with investigating unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and other anomalous phenomena, whether they occur in the air, sea, space, or on land. These phenomena are often referred to as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), unidentified anomalous phenomena, or simply U.A.P. The offices director is Dr. Sean M. Kirkpatrick.

Released through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in a case filed by The Black Vault which sought the following:

1) All documents, PowerPoint presentations, memos, letters, etc., that state the objectives, outline, or initial goals set for AARO. You can omit the publicly released memo on this, but rather, seeking all documents internally used to talk about what AAROs missions are.

2) All reports (status reports), update memos, etc., that update on the status / findings of AARO.

The first document released is a breakdown of the Office Goals, Progress for the year 2022, outlining the milestones that AARO aimed to achieve. This document gives an in-depth look at the ambitions and operations of the office throughout its inaugural year.



Gardenia-Flavoured Ice cream in Lebanon "IndyWatch Feed World"

An ice-cream shop in Naccache is serving a Gardenia-flavoured ice cream, a first in Lebanon. The shop is called La Glace de Badiane and looking at their page, they have other interesting flavors such as Lavender, Match Green tea, Coconut Blue Spirulina and others ..

Gardenia is not your everyday ice-cream flavor but It should taste great. Ive tried Lavender before and its quite good and refreshing.


Sprouting 101: Benefits and Tips "IndyWatch Feed World"

June 9th, 2023 By Ty and Charlene Bollinger Guest Writers for Wake Up World Sprouts. They are delicate, tasty, and delicious! But did you know that they are also packed with nutrition, protein, gut-healthy enzymes, and key vitamins and minerals? Whats more, they are super easy and fun to grow! Here is all you need []

The post Sprouting 101: Benefits and Tips first appeared on Wake Up World.


Tree Planting Festivals, Air Cannons, Self-Burying Seeds, and the Complexities of Reforestation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

At first glance the problem of how to plant trees would seem to be a straightforward one: take a seed, jam it into the soil and let nature take its course. Or alternatively do much the same with a sapling that already got a start in a nice, comfortable greenhouse before leaving it to its own devices. To the average person this is generally the point where its considered a done deal, but one only has to take a look at the average survival rate of saplings out in the wild to perish that thought.

Each environment offers its own set of challenges when it comes to reforestation, which can perhaps be considered ironic as many of these trees are being planted where forests used to be, albeit centuries ago in many cases. There are the easy spots, such as flat fields, with rich soil, ample rain and mild weather, to the challenging terrain of Iceland, or mountainous terrain. Here the logistics are challenging and where once rich forests flourished, the very landscape seems adamant to reject this botanic intrusion.

Further complicating matters here are the myriad of reasons why were looking at planting so many new trees that it has even become an internet thing, as with the...


Texas Pulls Funding for Child ID Kits After Investigation Finds Little Evidence of Their Effectiveness "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

This article is co-published with The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan local newsroom that informs and engages with Texans. Sign up for The Brief Weekly to get up to speed on their essential coverage of Texas issues.

For months, Texas lawmakers were on track to spend millions of taxpayer dollars to continue distributing child identification kits to Texas schoolchildren, a program championed by state officials.

In April, both the Texas House and Senate approved preliminary budgets that included money for the National Child Identification Programs kits.

But less than a month after a ProPublica-Texas Tribune investigation found no evidence the kits have helped locate missing children, lawmakers quietly zeroed out the funding.

The news outlets also found that the Waco-based company that distributes the kits had used exaggerated statistics as it sought contracts in Texas and other states. And the investigation revealed that Kenny Hansmire, a former NFL player who leads the company, had a string of failed businesses, had millions of dollars in outstanding federal tax liens and had previously been barred from some finance-related business in Connecticut by banking regulators because of his role in an alleged scheme to defraud or mislead investors.

After review and consideration, the House and Senate budget conferees agreed to remove this specific funding request for the upcoming biennium, said state Sen. Joan Huffma...

Thursday, 08 June


Clop Ransomware Gang Likely Exploiting MOVEit Transfer Vulnerability Since 2021 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have published a joint advisory regarding the active exploitation of a recently disclosed critical flaw in Progress Software's MOVEit Transfer application to drop ransomware. "The Cl0p Ransomware Gang, also known as TA505, reportedly began exploiting a previously unknown SQL injection


Atlantic Council Takes Up the Censorship Sword "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Andrew Lowenthal In Costa Rica and Latvia today, the Atlantic Council is hosting its 360/OS Summit at RightsCon Costa Rica and NATOs Riga StratCom....

Atlantic Council Takes Up the Censorship Sword


Learning to live with and love bears and eagles in Colombias cloud forest "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Mayra Parra presses play on her laptop, and the video on the screen comes to life for the Perez family in the town of Abriaqu, Colombia. As a spectacled bear ambles into view, scratching its back against a towering roble tree, the smiles on the faces of three generations of the family quickly burst into laughter. The camera trap footage was taken a mere 10 minutes walk away, in the dense cloud forest that surrounds the familys modest home. But three years ago, the notion of them reacting with such warmth to the sight of a bear would have been unimaginable. Spectacled bears (Tremarctos ornatus) had long been their sworn enemies, to be hunted and killed with barely a second thought. The Perez familys change of heart is testament to the transformation in attitudes toward wildlife in this cluster of rural communities in the Western Cordillera mountains of Colombias Antioquia department. Thanks to a small but dedicated group of conservationists, local people have begun to reconcile with the wildlife on their doorstep and forge a new relationship based on coexistence and conservation. A view of a fragment of cloud forest in the Western Cordilleras of Antioquia. Image by Mayra Parra. Cloud forest in the Western Cordilleras of Antioquia. Image by Mayra Parra. Social workers of the cloud forests A global biodiversity hotspot, the cloud forests of Colombias northern Andes house an extraordinary array of plant and animal species found nowhere else. But the region is also a hotspot for human-wildlifeThis article was originally published on Mongabay


The Republican race for the nomination takes shape "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This is an unusual race. Normally, if an incumbent president runs for election, few will try to challenge them for the nomination and at least in the recent past, none have succeeded in doing so. Lyndon Johnson was a notable case in that he decided to not run again in 1968. This was due to the intense opposition to the Vietnam war but it is not clear what might have happened if he had sought the nomination. The fact that his own vice-president Hubert Humphrey, whom he endorsed, got the nomination suggests that he might have won.

If an incumbent wins the presidency but loses their re-election bid (Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush) they fade from the scene and do not try to come back four years later, leaving the field wide open for another member for their party to seek the nomination, and that usually leads to a large field of candidates.

This year is an anomaly at least on the Republican side. We have a one-term president in serial sex abuser Donald Trump (SSAT), who is not only seeking to make a comeback after losing his re-election bid, he even claims that he did not lose. And we have a large segment of the party establishment and membership either actually endorsing that delusional claim or pretending to in order not to offend SSAT. And SSAT seems to have the support of a significant number of party faithful

Because of this fact, SSAT is almost like an incumbent and so I am surprised that so many Republicans have decided to challenge him. We have SSATs vice president Mike Pence, Florida governor Ron DeSantis, Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, South Carolina senator Tim Scott, Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, Former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson, current governor of North Dakota Doug Burgum (whom even someone like me who follows politics closely had never heard of), right wing activist Vivek Ramaswamy, and radio host Larry Elder. That makes 10 in all including SSAT. And there may be more to come.

Such a large number naturally bring to mind the 2015 race which also had a crowded Republican field with a similar number of candidates, as Jack Shafer recalls.

Let us speak their names: Donald Trump, of course, but also Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Jim Gilmore, George Pataki, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal and Scott Walker (only poor former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson was excluded from the debates)

Whats is noteworthy is that of that 2015 field, only Christie has chosen to run again even though many of the others are still around and either holding elected office (Cruz, Ru...


German recruiter Pflegia leaks sensitive job seeker info "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Pflegia, a German healthcare recruitment platform, has exposed hundreds of thousands of files with sensitive user data such as names, home addresses, and emails.

Scouting for a new career can be stressful. Now imagine that, instead of a new role, you find that your resume data was exposed. Thats what job seekers using Pflegias services are dealing with.

The Cybernews research team discovered an open Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud instance, often referred to as a bucket in the business, with over 360,000 files. The team deduced that the exposed files belonged to Pflegia.

Pflegia is a German recruitment platform that hires healthcare professionals for hospitals, nursing homes, outpatient services, and intensive care.

Weve reached out to Pflegia to disclose the issue. While the company did not reply, the exposed server was quickly closed to the public. We contacted the company for comment but have not received a reply before publishing this article.

What kind of Pflegia user data was exposed?

The exposed AWS bucket held hundreds of thousands of files with sensitive information. Most of the files were user-submitted resumes with details such as:

  • Full names
  • Dates of birth
  • Occupation history
  • Home addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Email addresses

If you want to know about potential risks resulting from data leak give a look at the original post at

About the author: Vilius Petkauskas, Senior Journalist at CyberNews

Follow me on Twitter: @securityaffairs and Facebook and Mastodon



Deaths confirmed in frontline dam rupture "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | June 8, 2023

At least five people were killed and 41 were injured in the wake of the breach of the Kakhovka dam, the mayor of the city hosting the damaged structure has said.

Reports came today that out of the seven people, who were grazing cattle, five died. We are in the process of evacuating the other two, Novaya Kakhovka Mayor Vladimir Leontyev reported during an interview on Thursday.

The mayor previously advised that seven people were missing in the wake of the frontline dam breach, which occurred early on Tuesday morning. Ukraine and Russia accused each other of destroying it and exposing thousands of people living downstream near the Dnieper River to flooding.

Novaya Kakhovka is located on the left shore of the river and is controlled by Russia, while Ukraine controls the opposite side of the Kherson region. Ukrainian officials said there were some fatalities after the flooding on the right shore as well.

Water levels in the city rose by 12 meters after the dam was breached, before starting to slowly recede by Tuesday evening. Russian authorities estimated that 14 settlements were in the impact area. In addition to the direct damage to buildings, infrastructure and fields, the incident caused the draining of a water reservoir, which was used to feed a canal transporting fresh water to Russias Crimea.

Kiev claimed that Russian troops blew up the dam to prevent a possible amphibious operation across the Dnieper in Kherson Region. Ukrainian officials say that charges were planted inside the dam, which the Russian Defense Ministry has denied.

Moscow in turn blamed the Ukrainians, citing their record of shelling the strategically important facility. A Ukrainian general last year confirmed to The Washington Post that Kievs forces used US-supplied rocket artillery to hit one of the dams floodgates as a dry run for future attacks, should the military deem it necessary to cause a flood.


Illegal settlements, hunting and logging threaten a state reserve in Mexico "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In the Yucatec Maya language, Balam-K means jaguar temple. Thats the name of the biggest state reserve in Campeche, in southern Mexico. Part of the Maya rainforest, this area is facing intense pressure as illegal settlements are encroaching it. Between December 2022 and February 2023 alone, there were more than 510 deforestation alerts within the limits of the protected area. Satellite images analyzed through the Global Forest Watch platform show that the forest cover loss in localized areas in the municipality of Candelaria adjoining the south border of the state reserve started in the second week of December 2022. Thats a critical area, says Arturo Bernardo Balam Koyoc, an engineer with the Directorate of State Reserves in the state of Campeche. In this area of the municipality of Candelaria, he says, they have identified illegal settlements since mid-2022 that are changing land use by clearing forests for ranching and agriculture. There are three new settlements being created in the south side of the area. Not inside the reserve but within its borders. In July 2022, during a trip to that area, the director of Balam-K calculated that at least 100 hectares (247 acres) had already suffered forest floor change without the required permits from federal authorities. Illegal settlements corner the rainforest The 409,200 hectares (1,011,155 acres) that compose the Balam-K State Reserve were categorized as an Area Subject to Ecological Conservation on Aug. 14, 2003, with the aim, among other things, of stopping the advance of the agriculturalThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Here we go "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Another great big surge in military violence in Ukraine. I hope Ukraine takes back the occupied land, but citizens must be exhausted from all the back-and-forth, if theyre not dead already.

The Ukrainian troops include specialized attack units armed with Western weapons and trained in NATO tactics. The attacks on the countrys southeast mark a significant push into Russian-occupied territory.
Russian military bloggers also reported heavy fighting in the Zaporizhzhia region, a part of the front line that has long been seen as a likely target of the new Ukrainian campaign. By cutting south through the flat fields of Zaporizhzhia, Kyivs forces could aim to sever the corridor of land that connects mainland Russia to the occupied Crimean Peninsula, cutting off crucial Russian supply lines. It could also attempt to liberate the city of Melitopol, which Russia has established as the regions occupied capital, and Enerhodar, where the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is located.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited parts of the southern region of Kherson on Thursday, touring disaster-hit areas and speaking with evacuated people after damage to the Kakhovka dam caused devastating floods and left many homeless.

I imagine American military leaders are salivating over the prospect of testing Western military gear, doctrine, and tactics against the Russian boogey man.

People used to live here.


Top 5 completely absurd lies about Russia since SMO started "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | June 8, 2023

Russophobia and anti-Russian propaganda run very deep, particularly in the political West. For centuries, various European invaders have been portraying Russia in the worst possible light. Over time, this became extremely intricate and even found its way into the mainstream. However, more recently, particularly since the start of the special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine, Russophobic propaganda became completely absurd. Choosing the top 5 of these certainly wasnt an easy task, as the amount of ludicrous claims is absolutely mind-boggling. From the Ghost of Kiev and the last stand of the Snake Island defenders to pickle jar air defenses and the Goat of Kiev, you get a pretty good idea of just how laborious such a task couldve been. However, in terms of being completely devoid of any logic, here are the top 5, in chronological order.

Russia destroys its own Nord Stream pipelines

According to the free press, on September 26, 2022, Moscow was extremely bored with all the windfall coming from rising natural gas prices, so it decided to blow up its Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines after spending the previous 17 years building them. Interestingly, Russia decided to do this only a day after Poland and Norway opened the Nord Streams primary competitor, the Baltic Pipe, running through Denmark and bringing in gas from the North Sea. Obviously, in order to make the task more difficult, but also more fun, Russia decided to conduct the attack within the exclusive economic zones (EEZ) of Denmark and Sweden, instead of its own.

For months, various conspiracy theorists kept claiming that Russia didnt actually destroy its own pipelines. However, the free press had conclusive evidence that the cartoonishly evil Kremlin, previously accused of weaponizing its vast energy reserves against the European Union, decided to destroy it and help the US profit immensely from the EUs weaning off Russian natural gas. US President Joe Biden openly threatening to destroy Nord Stream, as well as Victoria Nulands snarky boastfulness about the pipelines becoming a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea mean absolutely nothing and are just Russian propaganda.

The destruction of its own pipelines came approximately a month after some in the EU suggest...


This Decision Needs To Get To Every Sheriff In The Country- Dual Sovereignty "IndyWatch Feed War"

This year marks the  26th year anniversary of MACK / PRINTZ V. USA: The monumental Supreme Court case that restored the Tenth Amendment. Sheriff Mack says in this week's live Webinar, This Decision needs to get to every Sheriff in the country and every other public official who does not understand federalism, or the proper


China and Palestine: No To Piecemeal Crisis Management "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Remarks by Chinas United Nations Ambassador, Geng Shuang, on the situation in Occupied Palestine on May 24 were impeccable in terms of their consistency with international law.

Compared to the United States position, which perceives the UN, and particularly the Security Council, as a battleground to defend Israeli interests, the Chinese political discourse reflects a legal stance based on a deep understanding of the realities on the ground.

Articulating the Chinese thinking during a UNSC Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestine Question, Geng did not mince his words. He spoke forcefully about the irreplaceable need for a comprehensive and just solution that is based on ending Israels provocations in Jerusalem and the respect for the right of Muslim worshipers as well as the custodianship of Jordan in the citys holy sites.

Widening the context of the reasons behind the latest violence in Palestine and the May 9 Israeli war on Gaza, Geng went on to state a position that both Tel Aviv and Washington find utterly objectionable. He unapologetically condemned the illegal expansion of (Israeli Jewish) settlements in Occupied Palestine and Israels unilateral action, urging Tel Aviv to immediately halt all its illegal activities.

Geng proceeded to discuss issues that have been relatively ignored, including the plight of the Palestinian refugees.

In doing so, Geng has enunciated his countrys political vision regarding a just solution in Palestine, one that is predicated on ending the Israeli occupation, halting Tel Avivs expansionist policies, and respecting the rights of the Palestinian people.

But is this position new?

While it is true that Chinas policies on Palestine and Israel have historically been consistent with international law, China, in recent years, attempted to tailor a more balanced position, one that does not impede growing Israeli-Chinese trade, particularly in the area of advanced microchips technology.

However, the China-Israel affinity was motivated by more than mere trade.

Since its official launch, Chinas Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has served as the cornerstone of Beijings global outlook. The massive project involves nearly 150 countries and aims to connect Asia with Europe and Africa via land and maritime networks.

Due to its location on the Mediterranean Sea, Israels strategic importance to China, which, for years, has been keen on gaining access to Is...


Picture in Picture Technique Exploited in New Deceptive Phishing Attack "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Habiba Rashid

The innovative approach, known as picture in picture, capitalizes on users trust in familiar logos and promotions, making

This is a post from Read the original post: Picture in Picture Technique Exploited in New Deceptive Phishing Attack


Champions League: UAE's Mohammed bin Zayed to visit Turkey for final "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Champions League: UAE's Mohammed bin Zayed to visit Turkey for final

Emirati leader to attend match in Istanbul as Inter Milan take on Manchester City, the team owned by his brother Mansour bin Zayed
Ragip Soylu Thu, 06/08/2023 - 14:17
UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan attends a signing ceremony with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the Presidential Complex in Ankara, on 24 November 2021 (AFP)
UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan attends a signing ceremony with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the Presidential Complex in Ankara, on 24 November 2021 (AFP)

UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed will visit Turkey on Saturday to watch the Champions League final, three sources familiar with the issue told Middle East Eye. 

The final between Manchester City and Inter Milan will take place at the Ataturk Olympic Stadium on Saturday evening. 

Manchester City is owned by City Football Group, a UK-based holding company whose majority shares are owned by Mohammed bin Zayed's brother Mansour bin Zayed.

Observers in Ankara noted that the UAE leader did not attend President Recep Tayyip Erdogans inauguration ceremony last week, and he may want to personally congratulate the Turkish president following his 28 May re-election.

Ugur Gurses, a Turkish economist who is a specialist on central bank monetary policy, said that an unknown country deposited up to $5bn into the Turkey's central bank over the past two weeks. 


Why the Arab States U-turn on Assad Is a Massive Game-changer "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post Why the Arab States U-turn on Assad Is a Massive Game-changer appeared first on Global Research.


The Nanny State Strikes Again: 30C Heat Health Alert? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Let's not let a bit of warm weather - or alarmist media - disrupt our enjoyment of a beautiful summer weekend.

The post The Nanny State Strikes Again: 30C Heat Health Alert? first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Theyre dropping like flies! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

PAT ROBERTSON IS DEAD! Everyone must dance.

He really was an awful person. Its just too bad he lived to spew lies for 93 years.


Politically Conditioned Funding in Palestine "IndyWatch Feed War"

Over the last two decades, funding in Palestine has become tied to ever-increasing restrictive conditions that are used to control and limit Palestinian civil society. We partnered with Al- Shabaka and Badil to produce the visual illustrating how restrictive funding supports Israeli colonial policies, depoliticizes Palestinian society, criminalizes resistance to Israeli colonization, and thwarts Palestinian aspirations for self-determination. We created this visual to serve Palestinian organizations that are engaging with donors toward the creation of less harmful, more liberatory funding models.


The Ukrainian Army Is Run Not by the Generals But by the PR Department "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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The post The Ukrainian Army Is Run Not by the Generals But by the PR Department appeared first on Global Research.


Global Capitalism: Anti-Democratic Politics and Existential Crisis "IndyWatch Feed War"

<p>Though it is not often examined in these terms, the popular disaffection of Americans with government in general and the rise of anti-democratic politics around the world are seemingly predictable reactions to the contemporary global crises in the international capitalist economy. Persistent poverty, pandemics, military conflict, economic displacement, climate catastrophes, migration, widespread corruption and social media inundation generate societal insecurities and accelerate dystopian social environments. In large measure, these concurrent global crises are driven by capitalist behavior if not caused by the evolution of capitalism itself. The authoritarian political culture emerging in the U.S. and in other regions of the world is inflamed by growing skepticism and outright rejection of governments and institutions that have matured under capitalist development.</p> <p>Many working class and rural Americans distrust, even resent and sometimes fear, a government democratic or not that has done too little to blunt the negative impact of a global economy threatening their families and communities. At the same time, they witness growing disparities in income and wealth over the past several decades and observe a federal government that appears corrupted by it (<a class="western" href= "">Corrupt Politics</a>). The recent assistance to failed U.S banks illustrates this point. It reinforces the widespread perception that the government is more responsive to the wealthiest individuals and entities than ordinary citizens. The government acted swiftly to bail out the banks as corporate executives and large shareholders benefited disproportionately.</p> <p>The $200 billion of venture capital and high-tech start-up money in the two banks was quickly guaranteed by the government (<a class="western" href= "">SVB & Signature Bank), even though the Federal Depositors Insurance Corporations (FDIC) legal insurance limit is $250,000 per depositor. Furthermore, a mid-May Senate hearing illustrated how risky behavior and moral corruption in large corporations can be profitable for the wealthy and powerful. In this congressional hearing Senator Elizabeth Warren pointed out that Silicon Valley Banks CEO collected nearly $40 million and Signature Bank co-founder and chairman pocketed more than $20 million between 2019 and 2023, even though the FDIC issued dozens of warnings concerning the banks financial stability over the same period of time (<a class="western" href= "">Senator Warren</a>)....


Convenient Villains: Kathleen Folbiggs Miscarriage of Justice "IndyWatch Feed War"

They being the howling press, the screeching vox populi, and anybody else wishing to weigh in were very clear about it. Kathleen Folbigg was guilty as hell and deserved her special place in it. For two decades, she spent her time behind bars in New South Wales, condemned by a jury for killing her four children, Caleb, Patrick, Sarah and Laura.

The prosecutions approach in 2003 was glacial, instrumental and without nuance. Crudely, it was suggested that Folbiggs diaries, given to police by her then husband, had revealed an admission of guilt for the murder of three of her children, infliction of grievous bodily harm on one child and the manslaughter of her first born. The methods: smothering or various other harmful applications.

Guilt can hardly ever count as a confession. Those blood hounds on the prosecution tend to ignore that fact. They went for the obvious point: the oddity of having four children dying in natural circumstances, and the words guilt about them all haunts me.

That Folbigg supposedly confessed became the stuff of literature and criminal folklore. It made its way into such works as Secret Mothers Business, authored by Joanne Fedler. I was startled by her [Folbiggs] confessions, she reflects. Partly because they so closely resembled those I had penned during some gruelling times when my children were little. You dirty confessional failed child killer.

The spear in the case had already been fashioned by community sentiment, the hungry expectations of the tribe. The mother cannot ever be assumed to hate her children, or feel resentment towards them. The nurturing symbol is all powerful, and anything designed to challenge or malign it must be quashed. The rearing figure must love and be congratulated for doing so. The mother is destiny, security, and reassurance. The impregnator Daddy, Father, carefree Fucker is the one who either stays, moves on, or watches over his shoulder for the son who might depose him. Judgment on that score is less stern.

For all such cheap Freudian assumptions, the scientifically minded did not give up the ghost on Folbiggs case. Those empirical crunching types came knocking with meaty fists. They insisted that something else was afoot. An entire picture had been omitted.

Clinical geneticist Carola Vinuesa of the Francis Crick Institute played the starring, brilliantly meddling role. In 2018, the case, prompted by the urgings of a former student, drew her interest. Only one month prior, she, along with her colleagues, had identified a genetic mutation behind infant deaths in a family in Macedonia. Vinuesas mind clicked: given that a third of deaths in infants and children more broadly migh...



Can Syrias Five Seas Vision Be Revived? "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

It is undeniable that there are ongoing political shifts in the Middle East. They are evident from some of the ongoing developments over the past months, including but not limited to Chinas increasing influence in the region, some of the Arab nations indirect support for Russia, Saudi Arabias position on oil production cuts, Saudi-Israeli hurdles in normalization talks, the Saudi-Iran agreement, Irans current reconciliation attempts with Egypt, Syrias readmission to the Arab League, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) withdrawal from the US-led maritime security coalition. These developments overall present unprecedented challenges to the United States (US). In this respect, most of the Arab nations are close allies of the US and have had their foreign policies aligned with those of the US over the past decades. However, actions on the ground nowadays say otherwise.

While the global political ramifications of the ongoing transformations in the Middle Eastern political terrain are yet to be observed, it is worth noting that there may be significant economic implications and opportunities to be explored. One potential avenue for revitalizing Syrias economy in the aftermath of a decade-long civil conflict is the implementation of the Five Seas initiative, which could serve as a catalyst for rapid economic growth. Moreover, the proposed vision will enable Arab nations to strategically collaborate on achieving a mutually beneficial economic outcome at the national level. In these politically charged times, it is imperative to acknowledge the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) in spearheading the regions economic diversification investments. Similarly, Egypts ongoing infrastructure mega-developments are pivotal in realizing the countrys economic growth ambitions.

The Syrian government first introduced the Five Seas vision in 2004 with the intention of increasing its regional geopolitical and economic clout. The strategic proposal primarily encompasses the five seas surrounding Syria, namely the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, and the Arabian Gulf. The underlying objective of the proposal is to establish robust economic and political alliances between Syria and the participating nations, thereby expanding Syrias influence beyond its immediate vicinity. Moreover, the proposed strategy prioritizes the establishment of a dependable infrastructure for transportation that interlinks the five seas, thereby enabling seamless trade and commerce among neighbouring nations. In this regard, the objective of the transportation infrastructure is to enhance regional commerce through collective efforts. Therefore, contributing to the advancement of global economic development and prosperity for all na...


Why We Need More Collaboration Between EdTech And AI Developers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The current education landscape requires close collaboration between edtech and AI developers to leverage their expertise and maximize the impact of AI technology in the sector. It also aims to avoid the negative consequences of redundant efforts, wasted resources and less effective solutions. By effectively applying best practices such as clear communication, alignment of goals, and interdisciplinary collaboration, edtech and AI developers can develop innovative, scalable and effective solutions. The AI and the Future of Learning: Expert Panel Report underscores key strategies for successful collaboration between edtech and AI developers. The report highlights key strengths and weaknesses of AI as well as the respective opportunities and barriers to employing AI technologies in the education sector.

Education plays a critical role in promoting social and economic development in a region, and when communities recognize its potential, they are more likely to support educational reforms. These reforms can address any challenges in the sector, such as funding constraints, lack of access to quality education and cultural attitudes that may deny education to particular groups. With the increased adoption of AI in the education sector, potential future developmentsincluding ITS, adaptive assessment, gamification and the use of machine learningcan promote the efficiency of personalized learning.

In the long run, the collaboration between edtech and AI developers holds great potential for transforming education and improving learning outcomes. For this to happen, it is necessary to establish industry standards for AI in education, foster interdisciplinary collaboration between educators and AI experts, and invest in research on AIs impact on learning outcomes. In this way, we can ensure that AI-powered tools are used effectively and ethically to improve student learning in the 21st century.



Why the future wont look like a sci-fi movie "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

TNW spoke with futurist Nick Foster about the danger of designing the future with sci-fi in mind and why mundanity is far more exciting.


Google Engineer Turned Futurist Predicts AI-Enabled Immortality For Humans "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Former Google engineer and esteemed futurist Ray Kurzweil has made another bold prediction: Immortality is within reach for humans by 2030, thanks to the help of nanorobots. You read that right humans could potentially live forever, according to Kurzweil.

Dont Miss: Why Jason Calacanis and Other Silicon Valley Elites Are Betting On This Startups Vision For Re-Uniting American Families

Kurzweil, who has a track record of accurate predictions such as foreseeing a computer beating humans in chess by 2000, shared his prediction in a recent YouTube series by tech vlogger Adagio. The 75-year-old computer scientist believes that advancements in genetics, robotics and nanotechnology will allow tiny robots to run through veins, repairing any damage and keeping people alive indefinitely.


Bard is getting better at logic and reasoning "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Two improvements are launching in Bard to help you get more accurate responses and export to Google Sheets.


IPL Machines Demystified: How They Work and What They Can Do in 2023 "IndyWatch Feed World"

In recent years, intense pulsed light machines have gained immense popularity as versatile tools for various cosmetic and dermatological treatments.

These innovative devices offer a non-invasive and effective solution for a wide range of skin concerns, from unwanted hair growth to pigmentation issues and even vascular conditions. If youre curious about how they work and what they can do for you, youve come to the right place.

IPL Technology Explained: How Does It Work?

At its core, IPL technology utilizes broad-spectrum light to target specific chromophores in the skin, which absorb the light energy and convert it into heat. This process is known as selective photothermolysis. IPL machines emit a range of wavelengths that can be adjusted to suit different treatment needs.

The light emitted by the device penetrates the skin and targets chromophores, such as melanin (responsible for pigmentation) or hemoglobin (present in blood vessels). The absorbed energy heats and damages the targeted cells, triggering a natural healing response.

Targeting Unwanted Hair Growth: Hair Removal

Unwanted hair growth can be a persistent and bothersome problem for many individuals. IPL machines offer a long-term solution to this issue through a process called IPL hair removal. During treatment, the light emitted by the device is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicles, heating them and inhibiting future hair growth. Over time and with multiple sessions, hair removal can significantly reduce hair growth in the targeted area.

However, its important to note that this method is most effective on dark hair and is not suitable for individuals with light-colored hair or darker skin tones. Consultation with a professional is crucial to determine if this hair removal is suitable for your specific needs.

Treating Skin Concerns: Photorejuvenation

Photorejuvenation targets various signs of skin aging, including fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin texture, and sun damage. By delivering controlled pulses of light to the skin, IPL stimulates collagen production and promotes the regeneration of healthier skin cells. This leads to a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. It can be performed on the face, neck, chest, and hands, and it is a popular choice for individuals seeking a non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures.

Addressing Vascular Conditions: Rosacea and Spider Veins



West Bank: Israel army seriously wounds journalist in Ramallah raid "IndyWatch Feed War"

West Bank: Israel army seriously wounds journalist in Ramallah raid

Eyewitnesses report deliberate targeting of reporters covering home demolition seen as 'collective punishment'
MEE staff Thu, 06/08/2023 - 13:14
A Palestinian throws stones as the Israeli army raids Ramallah in theoccupied West Bank in 8 June 2023 (Reuters)
A Palestinian throws stones as the Israeli army raids Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, 8 June 2023 (Reuters)

Israeli forces wounded Palestinian civilians and journalists in a raid in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah late on Wednesday.

A large number of military vehicles and soldiers stormed Ramallahs old town to demolish the house of a Palestinian accused of orchestrating a deadly bombing in Jerusalem last year. 

Residents threw stones and other projectiles at the heavily armed soldiers. 

The Israeli army fired live bullets and tear gas at residents, wounding at least 35 people, including 20 who sustained gunshot wounds, according to the Palestinian health ministry. 

Two journalists, Rabee Munir, and Momen Samreen, were deliberately hit with rubber-coated steel bullets, eyewitnesses said. 

According to medics, Samreen was hit in the head and seriously wounded. He suffered a concussion, skull frac...


Smoke and Sweat: City Design in a Warming World "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Theres a concept in urban design, called the 15 minute city, that has been gaining a lot of traction in some circles. The basic idea is that everything a person needs in their day to day life ought to be within 15 minutes walk from their home. That means jobs, groceries, doctors, and so on. This tends to come with limitations on car use within those cities. One proposal Ive heard is that people can drive around cities on ring roads all they want, but if they drive across the city more than a set number of times, they have to pay a fine. People on the right, of course, have folded this into their all-encompassing theory of how everything is a conspiracy, but thats not actually the point of this post. The point of this post is that the 15 minute city concept, while a fantastic idea, may be too little, too late.

Ive got a few points that I make repeatedly, and in different ways. We need to do more than were doing. We need to move food production indoors. We need to bring plants into our cities more. We need to end profit-driven overproduction. We need to start building enclosed cities.

Its that last one I want to talk about today, in light of the Nova Scotia wildfires, and the dangerous and dramatic air pollution they have caused in the United States. To begin with, I dont mean building a glass bubble over our cities. To me, that seems like a terrible idea, and utterly impractical. No, what I want has more to do with tunnels and building layout. When I moved from the US to Glasgow in 2019, I had to fly into Germany, drive to the Netherlands, and take a ferry out of Rotterdam to get to Great Britain. Because of the rules around traveling with pets, we had to spend a couple nights in Frankfurt, so that we could go to a German vet to vet our pets. The Airbnb we stayed at was a familys extra bedroom, and what caught my attention was the fact that their grocery store was literally in the same building as their apartment. When Tegan and I needed to get supplies for our drive to the coast, all we had to do was go downstairs. Add in a connected subway system, or even enclosed walkways between buildings (underground or otherwise), and suddenly people might not need to go outside for days or weeks at a time.

In my youth, the very concept would have horrified me. In many ways, it still does. While Im nowhere close to being the outdoorsman I once was, I value time outside, and I value being able to see wildlife. The idea of deliberately designing a world in which people never need to go outside is disturbing. Whats far more disturbing is the fact that this is the direction in which we must start movin...


A War Long Wanted "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Matthew Hoh, Substack, June 8, 2023

Many in Brussels, DC, Kyiv, London, and Moscow have desired this war for decades.

I appreciate the support for the letter the Eisenhower Media Network published in The New York Times last month.

I have taken my original draft of the letter, which was substantially longer, amended it from its formatting as a group letter, and published it below. This goes into much greater depth on the background of Russias invasion, the role of the military-industrial complex and the fossil fuel industry in US policy-making, and speaks to the toxic and dangerous diplomatic malpractice that has dominated US foreign policy since the end of the Cold War.

The essay is not exhaustive, for example, I dont write of events after February 2022 or offer predictions as to what will come if ceasefire and negotiations are not begun, other than stating a general fear of unending stalemated war, a la WWI, or expressing concern for an escalation towards a nuclear WWIII. It also does not address the substantial complaints that can be made about the Russians. Repeating what is found abundantly in US media was not my intent, but rather what is omitted, particularly examining deliberate US decision-making over three decades and noting the absence of strategic empathy from the US/NATO side, hence the charge of diplomatic malpractice.

These are my views and dont necessarily represent the views of my fellow co-signers on The New York Times letter. Please let me know your thoughts.

A War Long Wanted

Nothing written excuses or condones Russias actions. The Russian invasion is a war of aggression and a violation of international law. An attempt at understanding the Russian perspective on their war does not endorse the invasion, occupation and war crimes committed, and it certainly does not imply the Russians had no other option but this war. Rather, this essay seeks to communicate that this war was not unprovoked and that the ac...


The Great Betrayal of June 8, 1967: Israels Attack on the USS Liberty is Never Mentioned by the US Political Establishment and the Mainstream Media "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Iran and US near interim deal on nuclear enrichment and oil exports "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iran and US near interim deal on nuclear enrichment and oil exports

Direct talks between Robert Malley and Iran's ambassador to the UN have taken place on US soil, sources say, but it remains to be seen whether senior officials back the proposals
MEE correspondent Thu, 06/08/2023 - 12:53
Iran's United Nations Ambassador Amir Saeid Iravani address the UN General Assembly in February (AP)
Iran's United Nations Ambassador Amir Saeid Iravani address the UN General Assembly in February (AP)

Iran and the United States are nearing a temporary deal that would swap some sanctions relief for reducing Iranian uranium enrichment activities, two sources with direct knowledge of the talks told Middle East Eye.

According to an Iranian official and a person close to negotiations, the talks have taken place directly on US soil, marking a notable development in the diplomatic process.

However, there is still reluctance on the US side to rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal known as the JCPOA, they said.

Leading the Iranian delegation is Amir Saeed Iravani, Iran's recently appointed ambassador to the United Nations, who also played a pivotal role in the initial stages of the Iran-Saudi Arabia reconciliation talks in Baghdad.

On the American side, Robert Malley, the US special envoy on Iran, has engaged in several face-to-face meetings with Iravani.


Godot 4.1 Beta 1 Released With Multi-Threading Improvements "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Building off the huge Godot 4.0 release from March, the first beta of the Godot 4.1 game engine is now available for testing as another step forward for this open-source, cross-platform game engine...


Feel-Good Flick Flamin Hot Elevates Family And Faith "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Flamin' Hot sceneReliable reporting concludes Richard Montaez didnt invent has a lot to say about the value of hard work and conservative ideals.


A Message of Hope from Archbishop Vigano "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Pilot Incapacitation: Cessna Citation Plane N611VG Flying Tennessee to Long Island, NY, Crashed June 4, 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Video: Macron Faked Vax. French Politician of 20 Years Announces Vax Wrecked Heart and Government Fakery "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Jim Jordan Demands Interview With FBI Official Used In Dems Russian Disinfo Smear Campaign "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Jim JordanDemocrats spent months attempting to delegitimize the Senate investigation as an instrument of Russian disinformation.


Eurozone sinks into recession, and it's forecast to get worse "IndyWatch Feed World"

The eurozone fell into a recession at the start of this year as an ongoing cost of living crisis continues to pressure households. According to revised data from Eurostat on Thursday, gross domestic product (GDP) across the bloc was revised down to a contraction of 0.1%, downgraded from a previous estimate that the economy stagnated. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast on average zero and 1.2% expansion for Q4 2022 and Q1 2023. Comment: Which goes to show how in touch with reality economists are. It was hit by a combination of soaring inflation and rising interest rates, as household consumption declined, as well as Russia's war on Ukraine which has pushed energy and food prices higher. Comment: It's the West's war on Russia, actually; and, since then, the West has blown up the Nord Stream pipelines, selectively enforced endless rounds of self-defeating sanctions, and they're in the process of imploding their agricultural sector.


Freeman Dysons Gravitational Machines "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Freeman Dysons Gravitational Machines

What an intriguing thing to find Freeman Dysons Gravitational Machines paper popping up on arXiv. This one is yet another example of Dysons prescience, for in it he examines, decades before the actual event, how gravitational waves could be produced and detected, although he uses neutron stars rather than black holes as his focus. Fair enough. When this was written, in 1962, black holes were far more conjectural than they appear in most of the scientific literature today.

But what a tangled history this paper presents. First of all, how does a 1962 paper get onto arXiv? A quick check reveals the uploader as David Derbes, a name that should resonate with Dyson purists. Derbes (University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, now retired) is the power behind getting Dysons lectures on quantum electrodynamics, first given at Cornell in 1951, into print in the volume Advanced Quantum Mechanics (World Scientific Publishing, 2007). Hes also an editor on Sidney Colemans Lectures on Relativity (Cambridge University Press, 2022) and has written a number of physics papers.

Gravitational Machines has been hard to find. Dyson wrote it, according to my polymath friend Adam Crowl, for the Gravitational Research Foundation in 1962; Centauri Dreams regular Al Jackson corroborates this in an email exchange, noting that the GRF was created by one Roger Babson, who offered a prize for such papers. Astrophysicist Alastair G. W. Cameron added it to his early SETI tome...


I keep missing their funerals! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I am a neglectful nemesis. I told you before that the Slymepit had died, and it took me six months to find out. Now I learn that Bill Dembskis blog, Uncommon Descent, has expired. Im only about 2 months late to the party, so Im getting better.

As his blog sank, Dembski was crowing in triumph.

In closing this farewell, I want to say special thanks to Jack Cole, who was the webmaster all these years and put in so many unremunerated hours; to Denyse OLeary, whose quick pen and sharp insights supplied a never-ending stream of fruitful content; and to Barry Arrington, whose work in administering the site and writing for it kept the trains running. And finally, thanks to all the contributors and commenters over the years who, in supporting ID, have been on the right side of truth and will ultimately be vindicated for being on the right side of history.

Nothing in any of the Intelligent Design creationism blogs were on the right side of truth. Dembski has always been fond of making grandiose proclamations that fly in the face of reality, like this one.

In the next five years, molecular Darwinism the idea that Darwinian processes can produce complex molecular structures at the subcellular level will be dead. When that happens, evolutionary biology will experience a crisis of confidence because evolutionary biology hinges on the evolution of the right molecules. I therefore foresee a Taliban-style collapse of Darwinism in the next ten years. Intelligent design will of course profit greatly from this. For ID to win the day, however, will require talented new researchers able to move this research program forward, showing how intelligent design provides better insights into biological systems than the dying Darwinian paradigm.

He wrote that in 2004. Its a standard trope in creationism to announce the imminent death of Darwinism even as they are being stuffed into a grave. See also the Wedge document from 1998, where they predicted major legal and scientific victories within a few years, and instead they got the Kitzmiller trial in 2005and we all know how that turned out for them.

(Of course, one could argue that Darwinism sensu stricto has been dead for over a hundred years, but that would...


How to Improve Your API Security Posture "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

APIs, more formally known as application programming interfaces, empower apps and microservices to communicate and share data. However, this level of connectivity doesn't come without major risks. Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities in APIs to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or even take control of the entire system. Therefore, it's essential to have a robust API security posture to


How Building Automation Software Is Revolutionizing The Construction Industry "IndyWatch Feed World"

One such industry that has been labor-intensive, even with the manifold development of technology, is the construction industry. There was a notion that various activities could not be supplemented by the rising technology, like digging and mixing, amongst others. However, technology has helped to meet traditional functional challenges like the inability to meet the time requirements, ensuring a standard quality of the overall working, and adding to the expenses.

The introduction of automation software for labor-intensive tasks is a much-needed step that can help kickstart the construction processes and embrace the changes that are all set to change the future of the construction agency for the better. Home builder software helps with insights for managing ongoing projects and increases the industrys revolutionary potential at a global scale.

Potential Of Automation Software In The Construction Industry


If you see the recent growth of construction technology, you will see that there has been a significant role. The introduction of automation in the industry has helped enhance productivity levels and improved job efficiency at various levels at a job site. If any automated equipment and process are used, the projects can be completed before or on time and cater to other things lined up in a schedule. When these are ongoing, you will begin uncover...


The Beauty of an Alaskan Cruise: Reasons to Set Sail on This Breathtaking Journey "IndyWatch Feed World"

As the saying goes, The journey is just as important as the destination. And when it comes to exploring the natural wonders of Alaska, theres no better way to experience its rugged coastline and majestic sights than aboard an Alaskan cruise. From breathtaking glaciers and towering mountains to abundant wildlife and charming coastal towns, this journey offers a unique blend of adventure and relaxation that will leave you in awe at every turn. So pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready for an unforgettable voyage through one of natures most stunning treasures welcome aboard!

Majestic Glaciers and Stunning Landscapes


Gliding through the icy waters of Alaska, one comes face-to-face with an otherworldly panorama that defies articulation. Imagine witnessing colossal glaciers, these ancient rivers of ice, as they crack and calve thunderously into the sea. Youre not just observing; youre experiencing the raw power of Mother Nature herself, such as at Glacier Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its a veritable showcase of natures icy architecture, where each glacier narrates a tale of millennia past.

Peering out from the ships deck, the splendor of Alaskan landscapes unveils itself in grandeur. Towering, snow-capped mountains pierce the sky, painting a stark contrast against the lush, evergreen forests below. These landscapes shift and change, offering a dynamic canvas one moment, youre sailing past the wild, rugged terrains of the Inside Passage, and the next, youre met with the serene beauty of Misty Fjords.

The vast expanses of unspoiled wilderness stretch out as far as the eye can see, etching an indelible imprint on your memory. Marvel at the pristine fjords etched into the coastline, their waters reflecting the dramatic play of light and shadow on the mountains. On a cruise to Alaska, natures grandeur isnt a distant spectacle; its your living, breathing backdrop.

Unique Wildlife Encounters

This trip serves as your all-access pa...


Nothing To See Here But A Credible Whistleblower Accusing The President Of Bribery "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Naked GunThere isn't a journalist in the world who wouldnt want to see an informants account of a president taking a bribe. Therein lies the problem.


Nude Scenes Controversy Triggers Call on Reddit to Filter Infringing Uploads "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

reddit-logoEvery day, millions of people from all over the world submit posts, comments, and other content to Reddit.

The social news and discussion platform turns 18 later this month and according to a Danish anti-piracy group, its time for the platform to take responsibility.

These comments from the Rights Alliance come in response to a revelation from the local radio program Kulturen. In a recent episode, it revealed that sexually explicit scenes were systematically shared on Reddit, totally absent of the broader context.

Widespread Abuse

Kulturen reported hearing from 20 Danish actresses affected by this issue, which some describe as abuse and being molested. While they are fine with the original sex or nude scenes, being featured this way is not what they intended.

Actress Andrea Vagn Jensen, who has had one of her explicit scenes shared online, explains to DR that theres a huge difference between appearing naked in a film and being posted on Reddit.

Its just abuse. You deliver something for the production and the story, and then you end up being molested that way, Jensen notes.

Its crazy that some people feel entitled to do that, and whats just as crazy is that there are so many people who subscribe to it, fellow actress Signe Egholm Olsen said, responding to the story.

This issue isnt limited to Denmark. While the explicit nature of sex scenes is generally milder in Hollywood, there are entire subreddits dedicated to sharing nude clips from American productions too.

watch plot

Copyright Violations

Aside from the personal integrity issues, posting the scenes has copyright implications too; removal on those grounds provides the most straightforward option when asking Reddit to take action, which many rightsholders have already done.

In this case, the Rights Alliance also reported the issue to the police, on beha...


China welcomes naval alliance between Iran, Gulf states, US claims it 'defies logic' "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement on 5 June praising the plan for forming a joint Iranian and Gulf-led naval force. "[China] welcomes the formation of a joint maritime alliance with the presence of Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and others," ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said. "Such an alliance will enhance security and stability in the region," the Chinese official added.


Another Target of GOP Spending Cuts: Renewables for Farmers "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Environmental groups have been clamoring for Congress to make this years farm bill the next big climate law. With more funding, climate advocates say, farmers could cut greenhouse gas emissions by storing carbon in soil, curbing nitrogen fertilizer use, and planting trees. But the farm bill and the movement to make it climate-friendly isnt just about farming. It also pumps tens of millions of dollars each year into clean energy projects: solar panels on a poultry and cattle farm in Georgia; an energy-efficient refrigerator at a grocery store in South Dakota; a wind turbine in Minnesota. 


The source of those funds, the farm bills Rural Energy for America Program, helps to reduce input costs for farmers, to cut their energy costs, and to lower their carbon footprints, said Andy Olsen, senior policy advocate at the Environmental Law and Policy Center. 


That program, which is voluntary for farmers and rural small business owners, was supposed to get an additional $2 billion through the Inflation Reduction Act. Now, its being targeted by House Republicans looking for spending cuts. Theyve proposed clawing back half a billion dollars meant for the program along with $3 billion for renewable energy projects run by rural electric cooperatives, and eliminating funding for the Department of Agricultures climate research. The cuts, proposed separately from the deal that House Republicans and the White House reached on the debt limit, are sure to encounter resistance if they make it through the House of Representatives and get sent to the Democrat-led Senate. But the development signals that turning this years farm bill into a historic climate law might be harder than advocates have hoped. And it has put a bullseye on a rural energy program that had, until recently, a history of bipartisan support. 


We want to see Congress reject any cuts to this program, said Alexander Ratner, federal policy manager at the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. Its our view that they would hurt communities that really need this funding. They would hurt farmers. They would hurt ranchers. They would hurt rural small businesses. 


The rural energy program was established in the 2002 Farm Bill, signed...


Contrary View: Chatbots Dont Help Programmers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

[Bertrand Meyer] is a decided contrarian in his views on AI and programming. In a recent Communications of the ACM blog post, he reveals that unlike many others he thinks AI in its current state isnt very useful for practical programming. He was responding, in part, to another article from the ACM entitled The End of Programming, which, like many other articles, is claiming that, soon, no one will write software the way we do and have done for the last few decades. You can see [Matt Welsh] describe his thoughts on this in the video below. But [Bertrand] disagrees.

As we have also noted, [Bretrand] says:

AI in its modern form, however, does not generate correct programs: it generates programs inferred from many earlier programs it has seen. These programs look correct but have no guarantee of correctness.

That wasnt our favorite quote, though. His characterization of an AI programming assistant as a cocky graduate student, smart and widely read, also quick to apol...


Demystifying Towing Services: What Every Driver Should Be Aware Of "IndyWatch Feed World"

Picture this: youre cruising down the highway on a sunny afternoon, not a car in the world. Suddenly, you hear a sputtering sound, your engine starts to shake, and your vehicle grinds to a halt. Its times like these when towing services become your lifeline. Essentially, towing services provide emergency roadside assistance, transporting incapacitated vehicles from one location to another, usually a repair shop or the owners home.

In many instances, towing service Tulsa are associated with minor inconveniences such as mechanical failures and accidents. However, they also serve in dire situations, like helping to clear an accident site or removing illegally parked cars. Not all heroes wear capes, some drive tow trucks! Understanding the role these services play in our lives will help ensure that if you ever need them, youll know exactly what to expect.

Types of Towing Vehicles and Equipment


The type of tow truck or equipment dispatched to your location largely depends on your vehicles make, model, and the problem at hand. Flatbed tow trucks, for instance, are the most common. They have a long flatbed at the rear, which can be inclined to ground level, allowing the vehicle to be hauled onto it under its own power or pulled by a winch.

In situations where a car is stuck in a ditch or has its wheels locked, a hook-and-chain tow truck may be used. It employs a chain that hooks the car, lifting it off the ground for transportation. For larger vehicles, an integrated tow truck a hybrid of the boom and wheel-lift types is often deployed. These are just a few examples, and the specific equipment required varies based on the vehicle and situation.

On the flip side, knowing this is not just a fun fact; it has practical implications. When you understand the type of tow truck or equipment needed for your vehicle, you can communicate effectively with the towing service. This might save you time and potential additional damage to your vehicle due to inappropriate handling or equipment use.



Turkey 'blocks' Onlyfans following complaints "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey 'blocks' Onlyfans following complaints

Users and content creators denied access after petition branded subscription service 'immoral' and 'disgusting'
MEE staff Thu, 06/08/2023 - 11:57
A picture taken during an OnlyFans tea party hosted on 1 November 2022 in Los Angeles, California (AFP)
Merchandise at an OnlyFans tea party on 1 November 2022 in Los Angeles, California (AFP)

Turkey has blocked the OnlyFans online platform following complaints from the public, Turkey's Freedom of Expression Association reported

Access to the online subscription platform, which often hosts adult content, was restricted on Wednesday by Istanbul's Criminal Peace Court, the report said. 

No official statement has been released on the issue, but Turkish social media users confirmed the restrictions. Users attempting to access the website on Wednesday were met with a warning message that indicated their connection was insecure. 

It is not clear whether the ban is temporary or permanent. 

OnlyFans was founded in the UK in 2016 and is primarily used by sex workers and adult content creators, in addition to musicians, gamers, and influencers.

The ban appears to have been placed in response to a complaint submitted to the Presidential Communication Centre (CIMER), according to local media. 

The Cum...


Cisco fixes privilege escalation bug in Cisco Secure Client "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cisco addressed a high-severity flaw in Cisco Secure Client that can allow attackers to escalate privileges to the SYSTEM account.

Cisco has fixed a high-severity vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-20178 (CVSS Score 7.8), found in Cisco Secure Client (formerly AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client) that can be exploited by low-privileged, authenticated, local attacker to escalate privileges to the SYSTEM account.

A vulnerability in the client update feature of Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Software for Windows and Cisco Secure Client Software for Windows could allow a low-privileged, authenticated, local attacker to elevate privileges to those of SYSTEM. reads the advisory published by the company.

An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by abusing a specific function of the Windows installer process. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to execute code with SYSTEM privileges.

The vulnerability stems from improper permissions assigned to a temporary directory that is created during the upgrade process.

Cisco Secure Client is a software platform designed to provide secure remote access to corporate networks for employees or authorized users. The Cisco Secure Client offers a range of features and functionalities to ensure secure connectivity and protect data during remote access sessions. It supports robust authentication mechanisms, encryption protocols, and network access controls to protect sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access.

The company recommends customers to upgrade to an appropriate fixed software release as indicated in the table below.

Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for Windows Software First Fixed Release
4.10 and earlier 4.10MR7
Cisco Secure Client for Windows Software First Fixed Release
5.0 5.0MR2

The vulnerability was discovered by Filip Dragovic, according to the advisory there are no workarounds that address the issue.

The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is not aware of attacks exploiting this vulnerability in the wild.

The company pointed out that the flaw does not affect the following products:

  • Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for Linux
  • Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for MacOS
  • ...
  • ...


Israel Health Ministry central lab shut down due to flooding draws speculation online "IndyWatch Feed World"

The central laboratory building of the Ministry of Health where medicines are approved has been shut down due to flooding for three days, Kan 11 News reported on Tuesday. The Ministry of Health said in response, "We are working with certified parties to assess the damages and return the laboratory to work as quickly as possible."


Russiagate Redux: Grassley Calls Out FBI For Leaking False Narratives To Obstruct Biden Investigation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Chuck GrassleyBecause the Russia hoax was evil and false, the FBI, Democrats, and the media will have a much harder time effectively running the operation again.


Iranian president to visit Latin America "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iranian President Rassi will be traveling to Latin America next week to visit Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba at the invitation of Presidents Nicols Maduro, Daniel Ortega and Miguel Daz-Canel. Iran is restoring ties with the partners of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the former Iranian leader.


Unlocking the Power of Permit Expediters: Tips for Successful Zoning Approvals "IndyWatch Feed World"

The occupation of addressing land designers before civil preparation and drafting sheets gives attorneys one-of-a-kind difficulties that dont frequently exist in the court or the meeting room. The public arranging board audit cycle can make attorneys and their clients helpless to a few usual legitimate and relational entanglements.

Here is a rundown of a few lawful snares and instruments, as well as certain tips for really presenting your defense while addressing an engineer at an arranging board formal proceeding. Or if you require professional assistance, head over to San Jose Permits.

1. Suitable Other options


Attempt to restrict the ventures openness to civil cycles. Much of the time the greatest advantage of all gatherings is to try not to have projects exposed to metropolitan cycles as they can be extensive, expensive, and unusual. Assuming there is an appropriate elective that takes into consideration the undertaking to meet the necessities of the pertinent metropolitan guidelines, that option ought to be picked. Assuming that there are no feasible options for consistency, read on.

2. Be Convenient

This ought to be obvious, however convenient applying for drafting endorsement is critical. There are accommodation cutoff times in numerous, while perhaps not all districts that can without much of a stretch be tracked down by either looking through their site or calling the suitable office. The cutoff times are set up to a great extent to guarantee that legitimate promotion and notification can be conveyed to encompassing neighbors to permit them a valuable chance to be heard. Missing a cutoff time by even one day...


FFmpeg Adds Support For Animated JPEG-XL "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In addition to Apple revealing this week support is coming for the JPEG-XL image format in their Safari web browser, another step forward for this royalty-free image codec is FFmpeg now able to decode animated JPEG-XL files...


After Pardoning Regime Changer Roman Protasevich His Girlfriend Gets Released Too "IndyWatch Feed War"

On May 26 I commented the pardoning of Roman Protasevich in Belarus: Closing The Case Of Regime Changer Roman Protasevich And His Ryanair Flight To Minsk Moon of Alabama has followed the case throughout. Those interested in the details of...


Chalking the Block for Janes Walk "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


(Source: Holly P.)

Have you ever joined a Janes Walk? Named for renowned urban thinker Jane Jacobs, this annual festival of free, citizen-led walking conversations takes place in more than 500 cities around the world every May. Janes Walks are based on the idea that everyones an expert in how they experience their place. Through these walks and other interactive city experiences, people can connect and share stories about their neighborhoods.

Although many take the basic form of guided walks (not lectures!), Im not sure if theres really such a thing as a typical Janes Walk. And they don't even have to be walks. The thing that all Jane's Walk events have in common is that the people who host them, and the folks who attend them, love to explore and reflect on where they live.

Over the years, Ive seen some really cool Janes Walk concepts (Mural scavenger hunt? Exploring bakeries by bike? Native tree tour? Yes, please!) Theyre grassroots and citizen-led, hence, theyve got a great Strong Towns vibe.

During this years Janes Walk weekend, my family and I participated in something a little unconventional. Yes, we walkedalong a single block. And we chalked! 



AI clones made from user data pose uncanny risks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Imagine, if you will, a digital doppelgnger. A clone that looks, talks and behaves just like you, created from the depths of artificial intelligence, reflecting your every mannerism with eerie precision. As thrilling as it might sound, how would you feel about it?

Our research at the University of British Columbia turns the spotlight onto this very question. With advancements in deep-learning technologies such as interactive deepfake applications, voice conversion and virtual actors, its possible to digitally replicate an individuals appearance and behavior.

This mirror image of an individual created by artificial intelligence is referred to as an AI clone. Our study dives into the murky waters of what these AI clones could mean for our self-perception, relationships and society. In our paper published as part of the Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, we identified three types of risks posed by AI replicas: doppelgnger-phobia, identity fragmentation and living memories.


What an Alien Civilization Could Learn About Earth From Our Mobile Phone Signals "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The total radio emission from billions of mobile phones is becoming quite significant. Could it be picked up by a distant alien civilization?


Synthetic species created without biochemistry operate according to Darwinian evolutionary principles "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Imagine the possibility of life forms on other planets that dont resemble any on Earth. What might they look like, and why would they be so different?

Juan Prez-Mercader says it may be possible and the answer may be that they developed from a different type of . For more than 10 years, the senior research fellow in the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences and the Origins of Life Initiative at Harvard has studied how to produce synthetic living systemswithout relying on biochemistry, or the chemistry that has enabled life on Earth.

We have been trying to build a non-biochemical system, which unaided is capable of executing the essential properties common to all natural living systems, Prez-Mercader explained.


Heres what its like typing with Vision Pro and visionOS "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Following the announcement of Vision Pro at WWDC yesterday, Apple is providing more details about the headset itself and the visionOS software platform in developer sessions. In a session on Tuesday, called Design for spatial input, Apple showcased two ways to interact with Vision Pro: a floating in-air keyboard and pairing a keyboard via Bluetooth.

Text input has been one of the most common questions about Vision Pro so far. In this WWDC session for developers, Apple points out two ways users can input text with Vision Pro.

First, you can type using a virtual keyboard with your fingertips. Apple explains that the keyboards design is meant to help guide users toward the button surface. The experience also includes feedback via spatial sound effects to compensate for the missing tactile information.


Outdoor Furniture Materials: Tips for Choosing and Combining the Right Ones "IndyWatch Feed World"

When it comes to furnishing your outdoor living space, selecting the right materials for your furniture is crucial. Outdoor furniture needs to withstand various weather conditions, resist damage from UV rays, and provide comfort and style. With a plethora of options available, it can be overwhelming to determine which materials are the best fit for your needs.

Metal: Durability and Modern Appeal


Metal outdoor furniture, such as black outdoor dining chairs, brings a contemporary and sleek touch to outdoor spaces. Metals like aluminum, wrought iron, and stainless steel are popular choices due to their durability and resistance to rust and corrosion. Aluminum furniture is lightweight, making it easy to move around, and it requires minimal maintenance. It is also naturally resistant to rust, which makes it a great option for coastal areas.

Wrought iron, known for its strength and ornate designs, adds a touch of elegance to exterior settings. However, it requires more maintenance to prevent rust and corrosion. Regular cleaning and applying a protective finish can help maintain its appearance and extend its lifespan.

Stainless steel is another excellent choice for outside furniture due to its strength and resistance to rust and staining. It offers a sleek and modern look and is relatively low maintenance. However, it can get hot under direct sunlight, so adding cushions or opting for designs with built-in shade can enhance comfort.

Wood: A Classic and Versatile Choice



25 More Patches Further Improve RADV's Ray-Tracing For Complex Games "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Overnight another 25 patches were merged to Mesa 23.2 for improving RADV's ray-tracing code after the merge request had been in the works for the past two months...


Analysing the 2023 Local Elections: Part 4: Last Effective Count (LEC); non-transferable votes; who won the last seat and who will be challenging for it in 2027; Bloc votes by council; correlating SF, DUP and Alliance votes; where Middle-NI is "IndyWatch Feed"

(Part 1 {evolution of the three bloc votes since 1918, bloc/party plurality, unionist decline problem, Alliance plateauing and perhaps decreasing, } can be found here.)

(Part 2 {the myth of unionist vote shredding, turnout, party performance
} can be found here.)

(Part 3 {identity bloc performance, estimated six-county vote, SDLP and UUP decline, spoiled votes
} can be found here.)

Last Effective Count (LEC):

The LEC involves analysing the votes in the last count that were not eliminated. This includes the quota for candidates who were elected and had their surplus distributed, elected candidates whose surplus wasnt distributed, and candidates battling for the final seat(s).

Why is this worth doing? Low-vote candidates will have been eliminated before the final count. We can see what bloc their vote transferred to.

The last-seat biggest-vote unsuccessful challenger party allegiances were: UUP (15); DUP (14); AP (12); SDLP (12); SF (11); TUV (6); PBP, Aont, Ind.N. and Ind.U. (2 each); PUP and Greens (1 each).

The official results from two EAs (The Mournes (NM&D) and Balmoral (B)) show an incomplete count. Some of the transfers in the final stage were not counted, giving LEC votes plus NTs less than the total valid poll. I used the second-last stage for these two EAs. Of the 469 stages involving transfers (i.e. all stages except for the 80 stage 1 first-preferences), 467 are used here, which is 99.57% of all counts where transfers were distributed.

There were 549 remaining candidates in the 78 EA LECs and the second-last counts in Balmoral and The Mournes. With an original total of 806 candidates standing, 31.89% of candidates had already been eliminated.

Looking at bloc share first:

Identity Bloc 2023 vote share % 2023 LEC vote share % % difference
Nationalist bloc 44.27 43.94 -0.33
Unionist bloc 40.12 40.53 +0.41
Middle-ground bloc 15.61 15.53 -0.08

The elimination of the approximately one-third of candidates who didnt make it to the LEC hasnt significantly changed the identity bloc sizes. This suggests that my origina...


The Legal Side of Uber Car Accidents: Key Tips for Seeking Compensation "IndyWatch Feed World"

Uber, like ride-sharing applications, has made traveling within the city simple and convenient for everyone. But unfortunately, the accident risk is always there. Before you get into such a situation, you must be prepared for it. You must understand the legal side of Uber accidents and further formalities to obtain compensation.

You can maximize the compensation only when you take the right legal action after the accident. Hiring a Miami Uber accident attorney and handling the case to a professional is better. But you can win the case only by supporting the legal expert, giving all the crash details, and helping collect evidence.

This guide mentions all the key tips to seek compensation after the Uber crash in your area. You should prepare yourself to handle such unfortunate and complicated situations. You can avoid typical mistakes and get justice effectively. You must know about your rights and duties as an Uber passenger or a driver.

Legal Procedure to Get a Claim After the Uber Crash


If any individual is unfortunate by being a part of a crash case while driving or riding an Uber, one must know the procedure to file the compensation claim. Without getting a second thought, you must approach the police department and proceed with the report.

Ensure to have a copy of that report to gather evidence and get a required claim from the insurance organization. You must fight for the acceptance of the claim to obtain compensation for all your damages during the accident as per the policy. In the denial case, one can easily file a legal case against Uber or the dedicated insurance company.

Essential Tips

1.   Get Medical Attention



'Ducking Hell' to Disappear from Apple Autocorrect "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

'Ducking hell' to disappear from Apple autocorrect:

Apple has said it will no longer automatically change one of the most common swear words to 'ducking'.

The autocorrect feature, which has long frustrated users, will soon be able to use AI to detect when you really mean to use that expletive.

"In those moments where you just want to type a ducking word, well, the keyboard will learn it, too," said software boss Craig Federighi.

He announced the development at Apple's developers' conference in California.

iPhone users have often complained about how autocorrect forces them to rewrite their own messages - with the term "damn you autocorrect" becoming an acronym, a meme, an Instagram account and even a song.

[...] Initially flagged in a 2017 paper from Google, transformers are some of the most powerful classes of AI models, and autosuggest - or predictive text - systems are beginning to become more mainstream.

The autocorrect change will be part of the iOS 17 operating system upgrades which are expected to be available as a public beta in July, with the general release in September.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


4 children of nursery age stabbed in park by asylum seeker in France "IndyWatch Feed World"

A Syrian asylum seeker has reportedly been arrested on suspicion of stabbing four children and an adult in a park in the French town of Annecy. A man armed with a knife attacked a group of children aged around three years old at 9.45am on Thursday at a park near the lake in the town, a security source who asked not to be named and a local official told AFP. Police said three children are in life-threatening condition. A man was also injured in the attack. It was initially thought that six children had been injured.


libei 1.0 Released For Better Supporting Emulated Input On Wayland "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The libei 1.0 project milestone has now been achieved for this open-source effort started by Red Hat's Peter Hutterer for better emulated input support on Wayland...


Tallinns Tally: Estonias Weapons Supplies To Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
The following list attempts to keep track of military equipment delivered or pledged to Ukraine by Estonia during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. The entries below are sorted by armament category (with a flag denoting the country of origin). Due to the confidential nature of Estonia's arms deliveries they can serve only as a lower bound to the total volume of weaponry delivered. Estonia has been reimbursed 134.2 million by the European Union for the delivery of these arms. [1] This list will be updated as further military support is uncovered or declared.
* Purchases from Estonian defence companies.
(Click on the vehicle or equipment type to get a picture of them)

Patrol Boats

  • Missing flag.png ''Patrol Boats'' [To be delivered]

Towed Artillery (60)

  • 36 122mm D-30s [Delivered from March 2022 onwards]
  • ...


Israel: Rights groups call for UN to oppose IHRA antisemitism definition "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel: Rights groups call for UN to oppose IHRA antisemitism definition

B'tselem, Yesh Din, Breaking the Silence and others warn IHRA definition has been used to 'silence dissent' over treatment of Palestinians
MEE staff Thu, 06/08/2023 - 10:53
A UN flag hangs over a school at al-Fawwar refugee camp, southwest of Hebron in the occupied West Bank on 8 April 2021 (AFP)

A number of Israeli rights groups have called on the UN not to adopt the controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism, warning that it has been used to "silence dissent" over Israel's treatment of the Palestinians.

In a joint statement released on Wednesday, rights groups including B'tselem, Adalah, Breaking the Silence, and Yesh Din, warned the UN that using the IHRA definition in its upcoming action plan on combatting antisemitism would be self-defeating.

"The Israeli government views and treats the IHRA definition as a coercive tactic and tool to silence dissent to its repressive policies vis-a-vis the Palestinians," read the statement.

"Testifying to the political agenda behind its instrumentalisation, Jewish organisations are now also being targeted by allegations of antisemitism invoking the IHRA definition. This includes NGOs signing this statement."

The statement added the definition "undermines the fight against antisemitism, by devaluating the meaning of antisemitism and by distracting from the real and imminent threats to the safety and well-being of Jews throughout the world".



RADV Vulkan Video Gets More Robust H.265 Decoding "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Mesa 23.1's RADV driver added initial support for Vulkan Video with select video formats while now a set of patches have been merged to Mesa 23.2-devel for making the H.265 (HEVC) decoding more robust...


Attacks on Catholic Churches Rise "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Advocates expressed frustration over the lack of consequences for individuals targeting Catholic churches and organizations, compared to the consequences for those targeting other religions or minority groups.
  • The number of attacks on Catholic sites has been on the rise, with reports of 174 attacks between May 2020 and September 2021, 260 anti-Catholic incidents tracked by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops since May 2020, and 324 attacks on Catholic churches reported by CatholicVote.
  • Although the FBI reported a decrease in anti-Catholic hate crimes in 2021 compared to 2020, Catholic groups argue that attacks have intensified in 2022, particularly after the Supreme Courts May 2022 abortion ruling.
  • Critics highlight the need for more resources from the federal government to combat hate crimes targeting Catholic churches and argue that the consequences for perpetrators should be comparable to those for crimes against other religious groups. Read More

The post Attacks on Catholic Churches Rise appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Tornado touches down east of Fort Stockton, Texas - 6/2/2023 "IndyWatch Feed World"

Raw footage of the tornado east of Fort Stockton, Texas today.


New Research Shows Link Between Left-Wing Activists and Narcissism "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • A study from the University of Bern, Switzerland, suggests that individuals with narcissistic and psychopathic traits are more likely to endorse left-wing antihierarchical aggression, a form of hostility aimed at challenging hierarchical power structures.
  • The study highlights a gap in understanding authoritarianism among individuals who support left-wing political ideologies and addresses the psychological factors behind left-wing authoritarianism.
  • The findings reveal that neurotic narcissism is related to left-wing authoritarianism, particularly the subfacet of antihierarchical aggression, while psychopathy is associated with violent actions to challenge hierarchy.
  • The researchers propose the dark-ego-vehicle principle, suggesting that individuals with dark personality traits are attracted to certain forms of political and social activism to fulfill their ego-centered needs rather than genuine desires for social justice and equality. Read More

The post New Research Shows Link Between Left-Wing Activists and Narcissism appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Fishers confirm scientists warning: Brazils Belo Monte dam killed off the river "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

When it comes to the Belo Monte dam complex on the Xingu River in the Brazilian Amazon, biologists and fishers agree on one thing: this hydroelectric power plant, theoretically the fifth-largest in the world, has effectively purged the fish from this stretch of the river. The fishers, with their traditional knowledge of the Xingus pulse and flow, and biologists, with their extensive studies of this major tributary of the Amazon River, say the aquatic life was the first victim of this mega project that came into operation in 2016. The fish either died or moved away. From then on, a chain reaction happened in the ecosystem and in the society around the dam. The fishers abandoned their boats to learn alien words like conditional, reparation funds and mitigation of impacts. Today, the continue to struggle for financial compensation from Norte Energia, the company behind the dam complexs development and operation. Where once they demanded the right to continue making a livelihood from the river, today they fight just to guarantee their right to exist. The damming of this stretch of the Xingu, known as the Volta Grande or Big Bend, straddling the municipalities of Vitria do Xingu, Altamira and Brasil Novo in Par state, has been the subject of numerous academic studies. It has also triggered disputes and lawsuits involving traditional and native peoples, whose lives once depended on the Xingu River and for whom the river was a symbol of their existence and identity. The Belo Monte plant.This article was originally published on Mongabay


Woman dogsitting pit-bull mix dies after dog attacks in Corpus Christi, Texas "IndyWatch Feed World"

The dog was surrendered, euthanized after biting Rita Vasquez in the 6500 block of Lyons Street on Thursday.


Suspected Chinese Spies Try to Infiltrate Alaskan Military Bases "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Chinese citizens posing as tourists have made multiple attempts to access military facilities in Alaska, raising concerns of spying and probing for information on U.S. military capabilities in the region.
  • Incidents at bases like Fort Wainwright have involved Chinese nationals being apprehended, claiming to have gotten lost while touring the area.
  • The U.S. military has increased security measures to protect installations and personnel, but concerns remain about potential spying and the monitoring of military communications. The tensions between the U.S. and China, along with Chinas activities in the Arctic region, add to the significance of Alaska for national defense. Read More

The post Suspected Chinese Spies Try to Infiltrate Alaskan Military Bases appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Sake Mastery: Tips for Successfully Achieving Your Sake Professional Certification "IndyWatch Feed World"

Originating from the Land of the Rising Sun, sake is more than just a beverageits an integral part of Japanese history, culture, and culinary tradition. Made from fermented rice, water, and a unique mold known as koji, sake is often referred to as rice wine, although its production process shares more similarities with beer brewing. It boasts a diverse range of flavors, styles, and grades, each offering a unique tasting experience. Understanding these nuances is the first step towards earning your Sake Professional Certification.

Knowledge of this drink goes beyond history. It extends to the very basics of how this drink is made and classified. From junmai to honjozo, and ginjo to daiginjo, the quality, flavor, and price of this beverage vary based on the rice polishing ratio and brewing method used.

Essential Tasting Techniques for Certification Success


Tasting sake is an art, requiring one to engage all the senses to decipher its subtle complexities. Much like wine tasting, theres a method to this: observing the color and clarity, swirling and sniffing to appreciate the aroma, and finally, tasting to identify the flavor profile and body. Each of these steps plays a key role in understanding the characteristics of different sakes, a crucial skill for anyone aiming to be a Sake Professional.

The aroma of rice wine, or ginjo-ka, can be just as insightful as the taste. Its fragrance can hint at a multitude of elements, including fruity notes like apple or pear, floral essences like jasmine, or even savory ones like soy or mushroom. The intensity and quality of these aromas can provide clues about the sakes grade and style. Recognizing these olfactory signatures is an essential part of the certification, testing your ability to analyze and articulate a sakes unique characteristics.

Taste, however, is the ultimate judge. Sweet or dry, light or full-bodied, complex or simplethe flavor profile of sake is influenced by multiple factors, such as the rice variety, water quality,...


Mistrial Declared in Russian Spy Case "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • A federal judge declared a mistrial in the spy trial of two married Maryland doctors accused of trying to be Russian assets, due to a deadlock in the jurys deliberations.
  • The jury was split, with one juror believing the defendants were entrapped and the remaining 11 jurors believing they were not entrapped.
  • The defense claimed entrapment, while the government argued that the doctors willingly shared patient health records for malicious harm or personal gain in support of Russia. Read More

The post Mistrial Declared in Russian Spy Case appeared first on The Clarion Project.


NYC's drug-themed vending machine cleaned out of crack pipes overnight: 'They should re-stock' "IndyWatch Feed World"

City officials' new drug-themed vending machine is a huge hit with local addicts who wasted no time cleaning it out overnight as they stocked up on its free crack pipes, lip balm and Narcan. "Yes, I love it," drug user Evelyn Williams told The Post while standing at the "public health" vending machine in Brownsville, Brooklyn, on Tuesday. "They put it in yesterday, and it's empty already. By 1 p.m., a drug-prevention-program worker was starting to restock the machine with more drug-test strips, Narcan and condoms predicting the vending machine could need to be refilled "maybe twice a day, depending on which items go quite quickly.'' "We have a lot of addicts and heroin users over here," Williams said. "They should re-stock it immediately!" Self-described crack smoker Minoshi Calpe, 56, had walked away with the second-to-last product in the vending machine a fentanyl test strip around 11 a.m. while sniffing that the glass used for the free pipes might not be up to her...


Minnesota Teen Arrested in Connection to Bomb Threat "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • A 15-year-old boy from Maple Grove, Minn., was arrested in connection with a bomb threat that caused the evacuation and cancellation of classes at Maple Grove Middle School.
  • The teenager was taken into custody and held at the Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center. No explosive devices or materials were found during the school search. The investigation is ongoing, and it was not confirmed whether the teenager was a student at the school. Read More

The post Minnesota Teen Arrested in Connection to Bomb Threat appeared first on The Clarion Project.


A mega-highway threatens South Americas vulnerable Gran Chaco "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The Gran Chaco, South Americas second-largest forest after the Amazon, has been steadily replaced by croplands and cattle ranches for decades. Now, the semiarid lowland faces a new threat: the Bioceanic Corridor mega-highway that cuts through the Chaco to connect Chile and Brazil via Argentina and Paraguay. While advocates claim the road will boost the economy and strengthen trade links, conservationists warn it puts under threat local wildlife populations and people. The 2,290-kilometer (1,423-mile) road begins on Chiles Pacific Ocean coast before winding east across the Gran Chaco in Argentina and Paraguay and finishing in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazils agricultural powerhouse. First approved in 2015, the projects completion is estimated for 2025, with Paraguay already advancing quickly on its part. This is going to be the great Panama Canal, Mario Abdo Bentez, the Paraguayan president, said in a 2022 speech. The Bioceanic Corridor mega-highway, dubbed the new Panama Canal, winds 2,290 km from Chile to Brazil via Argentina and Paraguay. It ends in the state Mato Grosso do Sul, where an existing road to the port of Santos in the south of Brazil already connects the state to the Atlantic Ocean. Image courtesy of Rota Bioceanica. The road aims to reduce cargo travel time and costs to lucrative Asian and Oceania markets as well as increase tourism in the region. In Brazil, it offers an alternative to the existing road from Mato Grosso do Sul to the port of Santos in So Paulo, cutting transport timeThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Shakedown! Climate Governance Initiative (UK) "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Rather than debate climate alarm and forced energy transformation, CGI wants to assume it and race down Hayeks Road to Serfdom, the Utopia being Climate Stability (or some such thing).

The post Shakedown! Climate Governance Initiative (UK) first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

These skeletons are made from construction waste and could help restore coral reefs at a massive scale "IndyWatch Feed World"

Taryn Fosters Coral Maker grows fragments of coral that can then be placed in the ocean to grow and fuse together.

Seven years ago, on a remote coral reef halfway between Indonesia and Australia, coral scientist Taryn Foster watched as record ocean temperatures decimated the pristine ecosystem that shed been studying for years.

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Oregon Teen Arrested After Threat to Middle School "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • The Salem Police Department arrested a teenager in connection with an anonymous social media threat made against Adam Stephens Middle School in Salem, Ore.
  • Concerned residents reported a threatening post on Instagram, leading patrol officers and Salem-Keizer Public Schools security to implement additional safety measures. The arrested teenager is facing charges of first-degree disorderly conduct and is being held at the Marion County Juvenile Department. Read More

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No peace, thank you: Ukraine rebuffs Vatican peace attempt "IndyWatch Feed World"

The only end to the conflict that Kiev considers acceptable is the Ukrainian "peace formula," President Vladimir Zelensky told the Holy See envoy Cardinal Matteo Zuppi in a meeting on Tuesday. "Ukraine welcomes the willingness of other states and partners to find ways to achieve peace, but since the war is on our territory, the formula for achieving peace can only be Ukrainian," Zelensky said after meeting the papal emissary in Kiev. Zelensky added that he discussed the situation in Ukraine and the humanitarian cooperation with the Vatican "within the framework of the Ukrainian peace formula," and urged the Holy See to join the efforts to pressure Russia. Zuppi arrived in Ukraine on Monday, in what the Vatican called a "search for paths to a just and lasting peace." In addition to Zelensky, he met with other Ukrainian officials, including parliamentary commissioner for human rights Dmitry Lubinets.


Teen Arrested for Threat to Maryland School "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Two Princess Anne, Md., residents have been arrested for making threats against Somerset Intermediate School over social media, following a fight involving students. The school was briefly placed on lockdown.
  • The suspects, Shakira Cephas and Rontari Malik Warren, have been charged with various offenses including threat of mass violence, illegal possession of firearms and ammunition, and contributing to the condition of a child. They are currently held without bond at the Somerset County Detention Center. Read More

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NYC Resident Charged for Hate Crime Assault Spree Against Asians "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Camila Rodriguez, a 29-year-old New York City resident, has been charged with multiple counts of assault as a hate crime and aggravated harassment in connection with six unprovoked attacks against Asian victims on the Upper West Side.
  • The attacks occurred within a few blocks of each other in the 24th Precinct over a month-and-a-half period.
  • Rodriguez pleaded not guilty to the charges and is currently held on Rikers Island. Read More

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The US Officially Regards It As A Sanctionable Offense To Teach Foreigners How To Protest "IndyWatch Feed War"


The US Department of the Treasurys Office of Foreign Assets Control just sanctioned several Russians who allegedly taught Moldovans how to protest. According to their press release from earlier this week, These actors provoked, trained, and oversaw groups in democratic countries that conduct anti-government protests, rallies, marches, and demonstrations. These punitive measures represent the US latest repudiation of the same so-called rules that it claims to support across the world.

Organizations such as the US-funded National Endowment for Democracy and George Soros infamous Open Society Foundations regularly teach countless foreigners across the world about the late Gene Sharps protest-related works such as his 198 methods of non-violent action. These operations are aimed at cultivating anti-government cadre that can then be employed to pressure countries that refuse to comply with the US demands of them.

All national models of democracy incorporate a degree of public opinion when formulating policy, which is why training some of their people as professional protesters is such an effective means of influ...


GameStop stock price: GME tanks after weak earnings and abrupt firing of CEO "IndyWatch Feed World"

The video game retailer, part of the meme stock frenzy of 2021, posted lackluster results on Wednesday and announced the departure of Matthew Furlong.

Shares of GameStop, the video game retailer and once-beloved meme stock, are back in the news today. As of the time of this writing, GME shares are down over 20% in pre-market trading after the company had one of its most volatile days on record. Heres what you need to know.

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Retirement Redefined: 12 Trends Shaping The Senior Living Industry "IndyWatch Feed World"

The senior living industry has been undergoing a significant transformation in recent years. This evolution is driven by multiple factors, including demographic shifts, technological advancements, and changing societal attitudes toward aging and retirement. Advancements in healthcare, along with the aging baby boomer population, have led to the largest senior population weve ever seen.

Technological advancements are also playing a crucial role, providing tools and resources that enhance seniors quality of life and independence. These trends are particularly evident in institutions like Vivanteliving, a pioneering institution redefining what it means to age gracefully and setting a new standard for senior living.

1. Embracing Technology For Enhanced Living


Youll find that technology is playing an increasingly important role in senior living. From telemedicine to assistive devices, technology is making it easier for seniors to maintain their independence and quality of life. For instance, wearable devices can monitor vital signs and alert healthcare providers to potential issues, and smart home technologies can automate tasks, making daily life easier and safer for seniors. This technological integration goes hand in hand with a broader shift in the industry toward promoting holistic wellness.

2. A Shift Towards Holistic Wellness

Senior living is no longer just about providing a place to live. Its about promoting holistic wellness. This means focusing not just on physical health but also on mental, emotional, and social well-being. Many senior living communities offer programs and amenities to support this holistic app...


Atlanta Police Raid Home of Antifa Organizer "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Three individuals involved with the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, a nonprofit that raises funds to support arrested protesters, will be released on bail after being arrested for charity fraud and money laundering.
  • The arrested individuals, Marlon Kautz, Savannah Patterson, and Adele Maclean, were accused of using the funds raised by the Atlanta Solidarity Fund for purposes beyond bail, including materials for signs and camping gear.
  • The Atlanta Solidarity Fund has been supporting protesters since 2016 and has recently focused on bailing out protesters involved in the Cop City project and facing domestic terrorism charges.
  • Over 40 people have been charged with domestic terrorism in connection to violent actions at the training facility, which has been targeted by far-left extremists. Read More

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AI doctor better at predicting patient outcomes, including death "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Artificial intelligence has proven itself useful in reading medical imaging and even shown it can pass doctors licensing exams.

Now, a new AI tool has demonstrated the ability to read physicians notes and accurately anticipate patients risk of death, readmission to hospital, and other outcomes important to their care.

Designed by a team at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, the software is currently in use at the universitys affiliated hospitals throughout New York, with the hope that it will become a standard part of health care.


LGBT Activists Arrested at Pride Festival "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • LGBT activist Hunter Lee Darling, also known as Zodiac Rose, and Abby Nicole Thomas were arrested at the WeHo Pride festival. Darling was charged with robbery, vandalism, and battery for an incident in April.
  • Twitter footage shows Darling and Thomas claiming they were arrested because of police homophobia, but the Los Angeles County Sheriffs statement states that Darling had a warrant out for his arrest related to a cell phone robbery during a protest in April.
  • Darling was arrested during a Pride Weekend event, while Thomas was arrested for interfering with the arrest. A video emerged showing Darling allegedly stealing a mans phone at a Drag Queen Story hour event in April.
  • Darling remains in custody with bail set at $100,000, while Thomas was released. Read More

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Hacking a Hyundai Ioniqs Infotainment System Again After Security Fixes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Photo of the head unit , with

These days modern cars are nothing if not a grouping of networked software held together by bits of hardware. This is reflected not only in the rapidly increasing number of ECUs, but also infotainment systems and all-glass cockpits. For better or worse, this offers many exciting hacking possibilities, which [greenluigi1] was more than happy to explore with their new 2021 Hyundai Ioniq SEL last year. Naturally, Hyundai then proceeded to fix these vulnerabilities, offering the exciting chance to test the Hyundai engineers homework, and proceed to bypass it again.

When we last left off in [greenluigi1]s adventures, the Hyundai D-Audio 2V Linux-based infotainment system (formally called in-vehicle entertainment, or IVI) in question had been convinced to run custom...


Guest post: New indicators will track climate change between IPCC reports "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The latest assessment of the climate system paints a stark picture of how human activity has led to unprecedented changes across the climate system.   

A report on the science of climate change by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2021 detailed the unequivocal role of humans and concludes that stopping further warming would require substantial and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

But while IPCC reports provide vital and authoritative evidence on climate change to policymakers and governments, the huge time and effort that goes into them means that they are only updated every 5-10 years.

This leaves a critical information gap.  

We are a group of climate scientists from across 17 countries, all of us closely involved in the latest IPCC report cycle.

In our new analysis, we take a set of key indicators of the climate system and update them with information available since the IPCC report in 2021. 

Our indicators show how, since the IPCCs climate report was published, human influence on the climate has continued apace, with greenhouse gas emissions at an all-time high.

Human-caused warming is now at 1.14C, an increase of 0.07C since the 2021 IPCC report.

The remaining carbon budget for a good chance (50%) of staying within 1.5C has reduced by half compared to the estimate in the 2021 IPCC report, but is subject to uncertainty.

The rate at which emissions are increasing is falling, however. Depending on choices made in the near future, annual updates to these indicators could begin to track a change in direction for human influence on the climate. 

Headline results from an analysis of key climate indicators in 2022 compared to the last major report on climate science by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published in 2021 (AR6)
Headline results from an analysis of key climate indicator...

What does it mean to really belong? "IndyWatch Feed World"

Porter Braswell explains why belonging is the most valuable and elusive quality in the modern workplace and why hes started a new the members-only network for influential professionals of color.

The B in DEI & B gets thrown around easily, often as an appendage to the more familiar trio of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. But ask anyone who works in the field and theyll tell you Belonging is the most valuableand elusivequality in the modern workplace.

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Re: Linux kernel: off-by-one in fl_set_geneve_opt "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Hangyu Hua on Jun 08

Since some maintainers have requested code from me, I sent the code to



Sudan: Huge fire breaks out in Khartoum as rivals battle for arms depot "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sudan: Huge fire breaks out in Khartoum as rivals battle for arms depot

RSF claims to have taken over country's biggest weapons factory, as huge blaze near complex visible from neighbouring areas
MEE staff Thu, 06/08/2023 - 08:45
Smoke plumes billow from a fire at a warehouse in southern Khartoum amidst ongoing fighting on 7 June 2023 (AFP)
Smoke plumes billow from a fire at a warehouse in southern Khartoum amidst ongoing fighting on 7 June 2023 (AFP)

A huge fire broke out near a Sudanese military complex south of Khartoum on Wednesday, with paramilitary forces claiming to have taken over a warehouse filled with weapons. 

On Wednesday evening, the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) posted a video on Twitter which appeared to show RSF soldiers celebrating as smoke billowed near the Yarmouk military complex in the background. 

The group claimed it had taken over the ammunition-filled warehouse, as well as several entry points to the site.

The Yarmouk complex, previously held by the Sudanese army that the RSF has been at war with since 15 April, is the biggest weapons and munitions factory in Sudan, and one of the biggest in Africa. 

Sudan's army used air strikes to repel paramilitary advances in the area, the RSF said. 

Local sources told Reuters that a fire began on Wednesday morning, which they said was caus...


That ticking noise is your end users laptops "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Graham Cluley Security News is sponsored this week by the folks at Kolide. Thanks to the great team there for their support! Heres an uncomfortable fact: at most companies, employees can download sensitive company data onto any device, keep it there forever, and never even know that theyre doing something wrong. Kolides new report, The Continue reading "That ticking noise is your end users laptops"


The Grayzone debates National Endowment for Democracy VP on groups CIA ties "IndyWatch Feed War"


This morning, I had the pleasure of listening to a powerful conversation between the Grayzones Max Blumenthal and Alex Rubinstein who spoke with the National Endowment for Democracys Communications director Leslie Aun. The call occured because Ms. Aun disapproved of several Grayzone articles characterizing the NED as a CIA cutout and requested the call to clarify her claims that this was a mis-characterization. What followed was a delightful smackdown of reality by the two Grayzone journalists who had both a mountain of facts and brains at their disposal to deploy into the conversation

The recording of the conference call was made public after many weeks passed and Leslie Aun ignored their requests to see what proof she had that the NED was not affiliated with the CIA, advanced the CIAs agenda, or funded violent regime change of elected governements.

Since the NEDs regime change operations play such a major role in mis-shaping international policy, and since the conversation in the Grayzone recording only brushed on the origins of the NED as an outgrowth of the CIA in the early 1980s, I decided to republish an essay titled The Anglo-American Origins of the NED in order to provide a sense of the British pedigree of this nominally American organization. continue

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