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Thursday, 13 April


Hey, psst, wisst ihr noch, das Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz? ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Hey, psst, wisst ihr noch, das Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz? Dass uns ein fr alle mal den ganzen Hass im Internet vom Halse schaffen sollte?

Hat es natrlich nicht.

Tja. Was tun, wenn man eine Ideologie durchsetzen will, die wenig Kontakt zur Realitt hat? Na double down natrlich! Wir brauchen einfach noch viel mehr Durchsetzungsgesetze frs Internet. Hier ist ein toller Vorschlag!

Wer wiederholt andere im Internet schwerwiegend persnlich angreift, muss mit schrferen Konsequenzen rechnen. Gerichte sollen Social-Media-Konten sperren lassen knnen - so plant es das Bundesjustizministerium.
Tja. Wer dachte, wenn dieser unsgliche Maas da weg ist, dann kehrt vielleicht wieder Sachkompetenz im Justizministerium ein, der sieht sich getuscht.
Im Mittelpunkt steht die Idee, dass Menschen, die in den sozialen Netzwerken angegriffen werden, "unter gewissen Voraussetzungen" per Gericht eine Accountsperre verlangen knnen.
Ja komm, ey, das ist wie im realen Leben. Das Netz darf kein rechtsfreier Raum sein!1!!

Aber Fefe, ist das nicht anfllig fr Missbrauch? Aber nicht doch, mein Herr!

Dieses Vorhaben richtet sich gegen "notorische Rechtsverletzer im digitalen Raum"
Genau wie bei den ganzen Polizeigesetzen verspricht man uns vorher, dass das blo in absoluten Ausnahmefllen und gegen schwerste Schwerkriminelle eingesetzt werden darf. Und dann, zwei Wochen spter, verfolgen sie damit Urheberrechtsverletzungen und Steuerhinterzieher.
Eine solche Sperre muss "verhltnismig" sein und es muss um "schwerwiegende Persnlichkeitsverletzungen" gehen.
Viel Raum fr Virtue Signalung und Willkr? Aber nicht doch! Unsere Richter werden uns retten. Wie sie uns auch jetzt schon vor Urheberrechtsabmahnabzockern retten, msst ihr wissen. Und vor Polizeigewalt.
Auerdem soll eine Accountsperre nur erfolgen, wenn andere Mglichkeiten nicht ausreichen - etwa die Lschung eines Posts - und "Wiederholungsgefahr" besteht.
Da ruft man dann einfach in Delphi an und fragt das Orakel. Das wei dann, ob Wiederholungsgefahr besteht.
Ein Accountinhaber soll von der jeweiligen Plattform auf ein Sperrersuchen hingewiesen werden und Gelegenheit zur Stellungnahme haben.
Lassen wir dieses Feigenblatt doch gleich weg. Wenn es soweit kommt, hat schon ein Richter die Beweise der "digitalen Gewalt" gesichert und befunden, dass es sich um eine "schwerwiegende Persnlichkeitsverletzung" handelt, und dass die Sperre "verhltnismig" ist. Offensichtlich ist es dann zu spt um irgendwas durch eine Stellungenahme abzuwenden. Ein Glck, dass bei uns die Whler alle so blde und empathiefrei sind, dass sie sich nicht vorstellen knnen, wie dieses Gesetz eines Tages ge...

Gute Nachrichten! Bitcoin-Mining produziert gar kein ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Gute Nachrichten! Bitcoin-Mining produziert gar kein CO2!1!!

Ich hab das erst fr eine Satire gehalten, aber das ist der Firmenaccount von Riot Platforms. Die gibt es wirklich. Die sind brsennotiert.

"Wofr brauchen wir Kraftwerke?! Bei uns kommt der Strom aus der Steckdose!1!!"

Habt ihr das auch gelesen? Macron hat in China bse ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Habt ihr das auch gelesen? Macron hat in China bse Dinge gesagt?

Mhh. Was denn so? Gucken wir doch mal.

Macron hatte in Gesprchen mit der Zeitung Les Echos und dem Magazin Politico eine eigene europische Strategie in der Taiwan-Frage gefordert.
Ketzerei! Verbrennt die Hexe!!!

Besonders geil finde ich aber solche Leute hier:

Auch der Partei- und Fraktionsvorsitzende der europischen Konservativen, Manfred Weber (CSU), bte Kritik: "Wer fr Freiheit und Demokratie eintritt, ist kein Mitlufer."
Oh, ach? Die CSU? Die mit dem Polizeigesetz, bei dem Unschuldige unbegrenzt weggesperrt werden knnen? Die erzhlen uns jetzt was von Freiheit und Demokratie?

Wenn ihr brigens mal gucken wollt, was der Macron tatschlich gesagt hat: Hier ist die Primrquelle. Deepl kann das gut bersetzen.

Macron hat vorgeschlagen, dass sich die Europische Auenpolitik nach dem Willen der Whler in der EU richtet, nicht nach dem Diktat der USA oder von sonstwem. Mit anderen Worten: Er tritt fr Freiheit und Demokratie ein.

Gut, wenn man so tief im Dickdarm der USA wohnt wie der Rttgen, dann sieht man natrlich in alle Richtungen nur Scheie. Aber schn warm ist es da!

Wichtig ist an der Stelle auch, was Macron nicht gesagt hat. Er hat nicht gesagt, dass er im Taiwan-Konflikt auf Seiten Chinas steht. Oder Taiwans. Er findet blo, dass die EU da aus eigener Demokratie-Willensbildung drauf kommen sollte, nicht weil das diktiert wird.

Oh und: Wenn die EU keine eigene Auenpolitik hat, wieso sollte dann ein Macron berhaupt nach China reisen? Er hat hier im Wesentlichen begrndet, wieso die EU berhaupt Diplomatie mit China betreibt.

Neulich so: Kleine Deutschstunde fr Journalisten ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Neulich so: Kleine Deutschstunde fr Journalisten im Blog.

Heute so: dpa ber Impfschden-Prozesse:

Der mutmalich erste Prozess sollte zunchst am 28. April vor dem Landgericht Frankfurt starten.
Nope. 0 Punkte. Meinten Sie: Der voraussichtlich erste Prozess?

Update: Es wre Aufgabe der Presse gewesen, das zu recherchieren. Mutmaen kann ich selber. Wenn du schon Annahmen ber die Zukunft triffst, dann nimm das richtige Wort dafr.

Im brigen mutmat man ber Dinge in der Vergangenheit oder im Konjunktiv ("wenn es nicht geregnet htte, wre die Verhandlung besser gelaufen").

gypten wollte Russland angeblich 40.000 Raketen fr ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

gypten wollte Russland angeblich 40.000 Raketen fr den Ukrainekrieg liefern, steht laut Washington Post in den geleakten US-Geheimdienstdokumenten.

Ich bin ja normalerweise kein Freund von Geheimdienst-Geraune und Regierungsaussagen, auer sie sehen fr den Dienst oder die Regierung klar berraschend oder nachteilig aus. Wenn also die Ukraine jetzt sagt, sie htten ihre Angriffsstrategie nicht ndern mssen wegen dieser Leaks, dann ist das fr mich vllig uninteressant, denn was sollen die denn bitte sonst sagen, selbst wenn sie die Strategie ndern mussten.

Aber gypten ist ein alter Verbndeter der USA in der Gegend, oder wie es das US-Auenministerium formuliert:

Egypt is a valued U.S. partner in counterterrorism, anti-trafficking, and regional security operations, which advance both U.S. and Egyptian security. The decades-long defense partnership is a pillar for regional stability. Since 1978, the United States has contributed more than $50 billion in military assistance, which has contributed to Egypts capabilities to protect and defend its land and maritime borders and to confront an evolving terrorist threat, including in the Sinai Peninsula.
Raketen sind in dem Kontext Munition fr Raketenwerfer. Google-Stichwort ist MLRS. 40.000 Stck ist zwar eine bemerkenswert groe Menge, aber nicht ganz so unrealistisch wie sich das auf den ersten Blick anhrt.

Der russische Mehrfachraketenwerfer heit BM-21 Grad und gypten wrde dann wohl passende SAKR-45-Raketen liefern. Das 45 steht fr die Reichweite, 45 km. Das entspricht auch der Reichweite der billigsten Raketen fr das vergleichbare amerikanische Himars-System, das die Ukraine benutzt. Es gibt auch Raketen mit viel mehr Reichweite, 100km und mehr, aber die sind dann auch viel teurer und werden daher eher fr besondere Spezialeinstze aufgehoben.

Kann natrlich sein, dass das alles gelogen ist, um den gyptern ein Signal zu schicken. Mir ist nur gerade nicht klar, was das dann genau fr ein Signal sein sollte. Die galten bisher als solide US-Aliierte. gypten ist nicht in der Nato aber ist seit Ronald Reagan offiziell Major non-NATO ally der USA.


Reality is a Paradox "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

<p>Lex Fridmans latest podcast features a nearly four hour long conversation with Edward Frenkel, under the title <a href= "">Reality is a Paradox Mathematics, Physics, Truth & Love. Normally Im fairly allergic to hearing mathematicians or physicists publicly sharing their wisdom about the larger human experience (since they tend to have less of it than the average person), and Im pretty sure Ive never before listened to a podcast/interview longer than an hour or so. But in this case I listened to and enjoyed the entire thing. Besides sharing Frenkels deep interests in the relation of representation theory and quantum mechanics, and views on the unity of mathematics (and physics), I envy his positive and thoughtful outlook on life and his openness to a range of human experience. The interview left me with a lot to think about and I recommend it highly.</p>


2023 Hajj: Kaduna Demands Additional 500 Seats Despite Fare Hike "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Kaduna State Pilgrims Welfare Agency Executive Secretary, Dr Yusuf Yaqubu Alrigasiyu, has declared that the agency will demand additional 500 hajj seats for this years pilgrimage. He said the request was to meet the clamour of other intending pilgrims expected to make payments for seats in the state in the coming days. Dr Alrigasiyu []


US, India and China Most Targeted in DDoS Attacks, StormWall Q1 2023 Report "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Waqas

DDoS attacks have surged by 47% in Q1 2023, according to a StormWall report.

This is a post from Read the original post: US, India and China Most Targeted in DDoS Attacks, StormWall Q1 2023 Report


Quebec Muslim leaders outraged over school prayer room ban as part of provinces secularism policy "IndyWatch Feed War"

Quebecs education minister has declared prayer rooms forbidden in the provinces schools, since they are not compatible with Quebecs official policy of secularism. Education Minister Bernard Drainville stated: There are all kinds of ways to prayI cant ban prayer. I ban prayer in classrooms. Now, if someone wants to pray silently, thats their basic right. []


WATCH: Beyond the Reset "IndyWatch Feed War"

This excellent short film is a darkly humorous journey into one possible near-future. We all hope it never happens this way, but of course the best way to guard against it is to be aware of the danger. I hope you all watch and share especially with any fence-sitters or ostriches of your acquaintance.


Zigbee PRO 2023 introduces new security mechanisms, feature enhancements "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Connectivity Standards Alliance released Zigbee PRO 2023 of the Zigbee protocol stack. The revision brings several enhancements and new features to the technology, allowing mesh networks to have a universal language that enables smart objects to work together. Whats new? Zigbee PRO 2023 expands on secure-by-design architecture by adding a number of security enhancements to address changing market needs while simplifying the user experience and extending supported bands beyond 2.4 GHz. The revision also More

The post Zigbee PRO 2023 introduces new security mechanisms, feature enhancements appeared first on Help Net Security.


Is The US-Israel Relationship Really Falling Apart? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

After the mysterious leaking of Pentagon documents and months of instability for Tel Aviv, the Israel-US relationship is being called into question in a significant way. What seems to be a clash between the extremist Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Biden White House, has sparked interest in where the special relationship is headed. Read More...

The post Is The US-Israel Relationship Really Falling Apart? appeared first on The Last American Vagabond.


History: Greater Serbia. A Western-backed Myth "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Distribution Release: TrueNAS 22.12.2 "SCALE" "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

TrueNAS SCALE is a Debian-based operating system developed by iXsystems for providing network attached storage solutions. The includes some enhancements to administration and authentication. The release notes state: "22.12.2 includes many new features and improved functionality that span....


10th House: Imo Female Rep, Onuoha Declares For Speaker "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A lawmaker from Imo State, Hon. Mariam Omuoha on Wednesday declared her interest to contest for the Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 10th Assembly. Hon. Onuoha becomes the first female lawmaker to declare the intention to contest for the exalted seat. Onuoha, who represents the Isiala-Mbano/Onuimo/Okigwe federal constituency on the platform of []


Briggs Death: We Lost An Academic Iroko Diri "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Bayelsa State Governor, Douye Diri, has described the death of the late Prof. Nimisoere Dimkpa Briggs as a huge loss to Nigeria and the Ijaw nation in particular. He said the late scholar was an academic Iroko whose passing has created a yawning gap in the pantheon of the Ijaw ethnic group and Nigerias academic []


Gov Emmanuel Ended Laziness, Wasteful Spending In AIbom Cleric "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A renowned cleric of the African Church in Uyo and advocate of good governance Revd. Richard Peters has eulogised the outgoing Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Mr Udom Emmanuel for his eight years of visionary and result-oriented leadership. The cleric who addressed journalists in Uyo on Wednesday in the state capital acknowledged that the governors []


You didnt think it was only going to affect the gays and the transes, did you? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Seriously, you had to know it wasnt going to stop with banning drag shows.

Lets close the libraries in Missouri. Theyre just full of seditious blasphemy.

Republicans in the Missouri House of Representatives have voted to defund their states libraries after the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sued the state for banning numerous LGBTQ+ books as explicit sexual materials.

The April 4 vote removed $4.5 million of state budget funding for libraries as well as costs for diversity initiatives, childcare, and pre-kindergarten programs, WCPT 820 Radio reported. The removal now requires an additional state house vote and state senate approval before heading to the governors desk to become law.

In Texas, theyre starting small. Give em time.

A small Texas county is weighing whether to shut down its public library system after a federal judge ruled the commissioners violated the constitution by banning a dozen mostly childrens books and ordered that they be put back in circulation.

The Llano County commissioners have scheduled for Thursday a special meeting in which the first item on the agenda is whether to continue or cease operations at the library.

You might wonder what horrible books they tried to ban.

The books that Llano County officials removed from the library shelves include Isabel Wilkersons Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents; They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group by Susan Campbell Bartoletti; the graphic novel Spinning by Tillie Walden; and three books from Dawn McMillans I Need a New Butt! series.

Last year, an assistant principal at a Mississippi elementary school was fired after he read I Need a New Butt! to a second-grade class. The reason? Because the book used words like butt and fart and included cartoon images of a childs butt.

Also removed from the library were Maurice Sendaks In the Night Kitchen; Robie H. Harris Its Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, and Sexual Health; and four other childrens picture books with silly themes and rhymes, like Larry the Farting Leprechaun, Gary the Goose and His Gas on the Loose; Freddie the Farting Snowman&#...


Dino Melaye Fires Wike, Says He Drives Peter Obi From PDP "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The spokesperson of the Presidential Campaign Council of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Senator Dino Melaye has singled out Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike as the reason for the partys defeat at the February 25 presidential election. Dino who made the revelation on Wednesday while speaking on Arise TV also claimed Wike was responsible for []


Majority of Moldovans Oppose Idea of Joining NATO: President "IndyWatch Feed War"

Al-Manar | April 11, 2023

The majority of Moldovan citizens oppose the idea of the country abandoning neutrality and joining NATO, President Maia Sandu said on Tuesday.

The people should want it because it means changes to the constitution and should be done through a referendum. However, if we look at opinion polls today, we will see that there is no serious support for the idea of abandoning neutrality, she said in an interview with PRO TV.

Sandu added that apart from the Supreme Security Council, another agency would be established in the country, which would be tasked with combating information manipulations and propaganda.

In an address to the Munich Security Conference, Sandu asked NATO members to assist her country in the fight against the spread of information reflecting Russias view on global developments on social media. Moldovas parliament, in turn, passed a law making it possible to control online propaganda and disinformation.

Polls show that over 55% of Moldovans strongly oppose the countrys NATO membership and 27% support the initiative. However, Sandu did not rule out earlier that Chisinau might abandon neutrality and join the military alliance amid the Ukrainian crisis. She also expressed interest in boosting cooperation with NATO in rearming Moldovas army.


JUST IN: Prince Harry to attend coronation without Meghan "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Prince Harry will come to the Kings coronation, but Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, will not be attending, says Buckingham Palace. There had been speculation about whether the couple would travel to the coronation but it has now emerged that Prince Harry will attend alone, reports the BBC. Prince Harry will join more []


Military Situation In Yemen On April 12, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Military Situation In Yemen On April 12, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • The Liaison and Coordination Officers Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 51 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah in the past 24 hours
  • UAE servicemen and military advisors evacuated their positions in Marah and Belhaf bases in Shabwah province and retreated to Al-Mukalla city in Hadhramout province
  • Al-Amaliqa militants took control of the Bayhan district in the west of Shabwa province from the Shabwa Defense Forces
  • A UAE cargo ship carrying weapons and military equipment entered Mocha port in western Yemen


The post Military Situation In Yemen On April 12, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


NVIDIA RTX-Remix 0.1 Released For Adding Path Tracing To Classic Games "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In addition to releasing the GeForce RTX 4070 graphics card today (unfortunately, no launch day Linux review, still waiting on hardware...), NVIDIA has released as open-source the RTX Remix software for helping to add path tracing support to classic games...


Plenty of juice-jacking scare stories, but precious little juice-jacking "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Travellers are being told to be wary when plugging their smartphones and laptops into USB chargers. But has anyone ever actually been juice-jacked in the real world?


10th Assembly: Primate Ayodele Predicts The Next Senate President "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

As the battle for the tenth National Assembly Senate presidency draws closer, Primate Elijah Ayodele known for his political prophecy has once again revealed how the Senate President would emerge. Primate Ayodele, the leader of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church in a statement issued on Wednesday said if the next Senate President doesnt come from the Igbo []


U.S. General Claims Russia Is Using Space Weapons In Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Mac Slavo According to General B. Chance Saltzman, the chief of space operations for the United States Space Force, Russia has been using space...

U.S. General Claims Russia Is Using Space Weapons In Ukraine


Fiscala procede penalmente contra Garduo, director de Migracin "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Incendio en Jurez: Dos directivos y 3 funcionarios de Migracin indiciados. No se licit empresa de guardia privada, gener doble costo al erario: Fiscala Regeneracin, []

La entrada Fiscala procede penalmente contra Garduo, director de Migracin se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Will It Never Stop? From Forever War to Eternal War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Will It Never Stop? From Forever War to Eternal War appeared first on Global Research.


One Particular Pentagon Doc Exposes The Unprofessionalism Of The US Intel Community "IndyWatch Feed War"


Vice News reported on one of the recently leaked Pentagon documents in their article titled Leaked Pentagon Docs Share Wild Rumor: Kremlin Plans to Throw Putins War While Hes Getting Chemo. Someone in the US Intelligence Community (IC) spied on a high-profile target in Kiev who claimed to have heard from a Kremlin source that two top Russian military officials planned to sabotage the special operation around 5 March while President Putin allegedly underwent chemotherapy.

Instead of reasonably questioning that outlandishly conspiratorial claim, they felt it fitting to pass it along to the Pentagon, which explains why it ended up in one of the leaked documents. This was extremely unprofessional because the allegation should have been closely scrutinized first in order to ascertain its veracity so as not to inadvertently mislead major US military figures. The very fact that it wasnt shows that there are serious problems in terms of how the US IC operates.

For example, it could have been the case that Russia used a double agent to plant this ridiculous rumor for the purpose of deceiving its opponents into getting their guard down around that time. Another explanation is that the supposed source really does work for Ukrainian intelligence but just told his handlers whatever he thought they wanted to hear so that theyd keep getting paid. A third possibility is that the Ukrainian official knew he was being spied on by the US and invented the story to mislead it.

In any case, the scenario that they speculated about didnt unfold since those two top Russian military officials didnt sabotage the special operation around 5 March like the report claimed would happen. Nevertheless, major US military figures were still exposed to this ultimately false information, which could have influenced their relevant calculations in this conflict. This only happened because the US IC is so unprofessional that they didnt try to confirm the information first before passing it along to them.

Casual observers of foreign affairs might be under the nave impression that whatever government officials tell one another in secret supposedly has some degree of truth to it, ergo why theyre inclined to extend credence to the claims made in whatever leak it might be, whether this one or others. In reality, they lack the proper understanding of how the US IC operates, which results in them also being misled and falling under false impressions such as the one pushed in t...


President Biden, Could I Have Just Six Minutes of Your Time to Discuss My Husbands Death? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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House Democrats Urge Biden to Drop Charges Against Julian Assange "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Dave DeCamp A group of House Democrats sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland urging the Biden administration to drop the charges against...

House Democrats Urge Biden to Drop Charges Against Julian Assange


Some Republicans in Congress are pushing for a war with Mexico "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

According to Politico, some "US Republicans are increasingly warming to the idea of waging war against Mexico's powerful drug cartels" with a bill introduced in the House for Authorization the Use of Military Force (AUMF). Are these Republicans really pushing for a war with Mexico?


JUST-IN: APC Adopts Direct Primaries For Kogi Governorship "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has adopted the direct mode of primaries for the conduct of the Governorship Primary Election in Kogi State. The party informed the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) as well as aspirants of its decision to adopt the direct mode, in a letter dated 6th April 2023, signed by the Acting []


U.K. Oncologist Warns Cancers Are Rapidly Developing Post-COVID Vaccination "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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France Insoumise: Mass Protest Movement against Neoliberalism "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Pentagon Leaks Show Washington Dissidents Want Offramp From Ukraine Disaster "IndyWatch Feed War"

By James Tweedie Sputnik 11.04.2023

The leak of US defense assessments of Ukraines long-promised military offensive has caused turmoil in Washington and Kiev. Retired US diplomat James Jatras, an adviser to the US Senate Republican leadership, and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, explain the motives behind it.

Pentagon officials behind the leak of Ukraines battle plans are looking for an offramp from the escalating proxy conflict with Russia, two former Washington insiders have said.

Pundits have speculated that the Pentagon reports on Ukrainian battle plans leaked to Telegram channels and heavily reported in the US mainstream media are a US smokescreen to misdirect Russia, a convenient excuse for ending costly support to Volodymyr Zelenskys Kiev regime or even a Moscow psy-op fake.

Retired US diplomat James Jatras told Sputnik that the leak indicates that there are some dissident voices within the US government who are not comfortable with the direction of policy.

Those elements would like to slow it down or maybe even change its course but are still a distinct minority within the establishment, he stressed.

The Senate adviser said it was significant that the leak came from the Department of Defense, not his old employer, the State Department.

There are people within the military who realize that were moving toward a potential disaster in Ukraine. Those are more realistic people, Jatras said. Theyre familiar with the hard facts of military power, while the State Department and the White House believe their own propaganda.

Other former US military and intelligence officers have argued that the leaks are the result of frustration over Washingtons backing of Ukraine. But the ex-diplomat said that came from further down the chain of command, and primarily within the military.

He also disagreed that the leak complicated the US plans for the conflict, since the consensus in Washington was that Ukraine just needs to roll the dice and create the appearance of making some sort of progress.

At that point the US will either up the ante with its support for Kiev or announce some kind of a peace proposal based on the illusion that they go to the table with an advantage on Ukraines side, Jatras predicted.

The danger was that Russia might grant the West a face-saving gesture in return for a peace deal that meet...


Signed Distance Functions: Modeling in Math "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

What if instead of defining a mesh as a series of vertices and edges in a 3D space, you could describe it as a single function? The easiest function would return the signed distance to the closest point (negative meaning you were inside the object). Thats precisely what a signed distance function (SDF) is. A signed distance field (also SDF) is just a voxel grid where the SDF is sampled at each point on the grid. First, well discuss SDFs in 2D and then jump to 3D.

SDFs in 2D

A signed distance function in 2D is more straightforward to reason about so well cover it first. Additionally, it is helpful for font rendering in specific scenarios. [Vassilis] of [Render Diagrams] has a beautiful demo on two-dimensional SDFs that covers the basics. The naive technique for rendering is to create a grid and calculate the distance at each point in the grid. If the distance is greater than the size of the grid cell, the pixel i...


Iranian President Raisi: Zionist State Is Collapsing "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ebrahim Raisi, the president of Iran known best for his bloody past as a hanging judge, responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iranian dissidents, recently spoke by telephone to the Butcher of Damascus, President Bashar Al-Assad. More on the conversation can be found here: Global Winds Blowing Away from Arrogance, Zionism, Raisi Tells Assad, []

Wednesday, 12 April


The waning of Trumps influence "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

James Risen writes that there are many signs that Trumps influences is waning. One of those is the fact that the US military is proceeding with the renaming of military bases that had been named after leaders of the Confederacy. Trump had vigorously opposed such changes, pandering to the racists in his party who view the Confederacy sympathetically. But now there are hardly any protests at the changes.

THE U.S. ARMY began to strip its bases of their old Confederate names last week, as Donald Trump faced a possible criminal indictment. The timing was hardly a coincidence.

Neither reckoning would have been possible if Trump were still president. Both have been winding their way through the government bureaucracy for the past two years since Trump left office and are now happening at the same time as part of a growing repudiation of Trump and Trumpism.

After Trump was defeated in 2020, he vetoed legislation creating a commission to rename the bases, but Congress was finally able to override it. If Trump had been reelected, he almost certainly would have continued trying to obstruct the renaming efforts.

THE RENAMING OF Fort Pickett last week prompted no protests and hardly a murmur of criticism, apart from a few nasty comments on the Facebook page of the Virginia National Guard, which uses the base. Indeed, the lack of outrage seems to be one more small sign that Trumps power, and his ability to generate anger outside of his devoted base, are waning.

Trumps mounting legal problems pose a more direct threat to his power and are a more personal form of reckoning. Although some Republican pundits and political figures have claimed that Trump will regain political strength by being indicted, the ex-presidents own fury at the prospect, which was on full display in Waco, reveals the truth: Trump is deeply afraid of ending up in prison.

He has spent his life exploiting legal loopholes and has often succeeded by outlasting his opponents. But his victories have mostly come in civil lawsuits when he was in business or while he was president and controlled the Justice Department. He has never faced the kind of legal peril that he does now.

The threat seems to be driving him even further around the bend than ever before. He now openly engages in full-throated conspiracy theories while inciting violence against his opponents; he held his rally in Waco knowing that it was scheduled in the middle of the 30th anniversary of the federal siege of the Branch Davidian compound there, which ended with a deadly government raid and fire that has taken on deep symbolism among violent, far-right extremists.

It is hard to be confident about predictions of Trumps demise since he consumes so much media space. But he gets that attention by resorting to more and more...


U.S. Intel Leak Reveals 50 Elite British Troops in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Arm Opens Up To Using Intel's 18A Process For Leading-Edge SoCs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Intel Foundry Services (IFS) has racked up a big win today with Arm over enabling chip designers to make use of Intel's upcoming 18A process for low-power Arm SoCs...


Russia didnt blow up Nord Stream Trump "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | April 12, 2023

Former US President Donald Trump has dismissed claims that Russia was behind the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines last year, but said that speculating on the true perpetrator might get our country in trouble.

Speaking to Foxs Tucker Carlson in an interview set to air in full this week, Trump was asked for his thoughts about who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, which was hit by multiple blasts under mysterious circumstances last September.

I dont want to get our country in trouble so I wont answer it. But I can tell you who it wasnt, was Russia. How about when they blamed Russia. They said Russia blew up their own pipeline. You got a kick out of that one, too. It wasnt Russia, he told the Fox News pundit.

While the US and other Western governments have so far offered few details about ongoing investigations into the sabotage, a February report by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh stated that US President Joe Biden had personally ordered the bombing as a way to persuade Germany to ramp up support for Ukraine amid its conflict with Russia.

Washington has vocally denied the report, which relied on anonymous sources, and insisted it had no role in the bombings. Its a completely false story. Theres no truth to it. Not a shred of it, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told Fox in February.

Ukrainian officials have similarly denied any involvement in the Nord Stream sabotage, and subsequent reporting by the New York Times has claimed that an unnamed pro-Ukrainian group was behind the attack. It is unclear how the group could have accomplished the bombing from a small pleasure yacht as reported, however, as the operation would have required military-grade explosives and experienced divers, among other things.

Hersh has rejected the Times account as part of a ...


The Fed Models the Weather Although It Cant Even Stress Test Treasuries "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Kiev Losing Control of Its Own Intelligence Service "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) On Trial for War Crimes Tony Blairs Former Allies "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Companies that Frack for Oil and Gas Can Keep a Lot of Information Secret But What They Disclose Shows Widespread Use of Hazardous Chemicals "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Pilots: Brain drain hits Africa as US gains from exodus "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Director-General, International Air Transport Association (IATA), Willie Walsh, has observed that with the 1500-hour flight rule, there is a brain drain in Africa as it concerns qualified pilots. While Africa suffers brain drain, Walsh noted that the United States of America enjoyed brain gain, as the country has greater in-migration of skilled pilots than []


Android App Trojans Sold on Dark Web for $25-$20,000 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Deeba Ahmed

A Kaspersky study reveals security threats to the Google Play app store and how they have been exposing Android users to malware threats.

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Security updates for Wednesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Fedora (chromium, ghostscript, glusterfs, netatalk, php-Smarty, and skopeo), Mageia (ghostscript, imgagmagick, ipmitool, openssl, sudo, thunderbird, tigervnc/x11-server, and vim), Oracle (curl, haproxy, and postgresql), Red Hat (curl, haproxy, httpd:2.4, kernel, kernel-rt, kpatch-patch, and postgresql), Slackware (mozilla), SUSE (firefox), and Ubuntu (dotnet6, dotnet7, firefox, json-smart, linux-gcp, linux-intel-iotg, and sudo).


PRIVATE BLOG China Dumping Dollars Preparing for War "IndyWatch Feed World"

PRIVATE BLOG China Dumping Dollars Preparing for War

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The post PRIVATE BLOG China Dumping Dollars Preparing for War first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


Military Situation In Syria On April 12, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Syria On April 12, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • On April 12, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 2 times: 1 in Idlib province, 1 in Aleppo province
  • On April 11, the Secretariat of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council called for a meeting to discuss the possibility of Syrias return to the Arab League
  • On April 11, unknown gunmen assassinated the leader of Division 50 group affiliated with the HTS in Qatma town
  • US State Department announced reward of $5 million for anyone who gives information or locates the leader of Hurras sl-Din group in Syria


The post Military Situation In Syria On April 12, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


New AI scientist combines theory and data to discover scientific equations "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In 1918, the American chemist Irving Langmuir published a paper examining the behavior of gas molecules sticking to a solid surface. Guided by the results of careful experiments, as well as his theory that solids offer discrete sites for the gas molecules to fill, he worked out a series of equations that describe how much gas will stick, given the pressure.

Now, about a hundred years later, an AI scientist developed by researchers at IBM Research, Samsung AI, and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) has reproduced a key part of Langmuirs Nobel Prize-winning work. The system (AI) functioning as a scientistalso rediscovered Keplers third law of planetary motion, which can calculate the time it takes one space object to orbit another given the distance separating them, and produced a good approximation of Einsteins relativistic time-dilation law, which shows that time slows down for fast-moving objects.

A paper describing the results is published in Nature Communications on April 12.


(Extra) Quantum Computing Explained and Overview "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Download PowerPoint:
Book (Free with institution subscription):

Can quantum computing replace classical computing? State, Superposition, Measurement, Entanglement, Qubit Implementation, No-cloning Theorem, Error Correction, Caveats.


Its Already Too Late Elon Musk on LATEST AI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Elon Musk has been warning of the dangers of artificial intelligence for as long he can remember and now, it looks like his worst fears might be coming true


Protest Song Of The Week: Go As Free Companions By Dawn Rayd "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Dawn Rayd is a UK anarchist black metal band that draws from the folk traditions of rebel music. On their latest album To Know The Light, the trio conveys a rousing anti-fascist message that balances the bleakness that black metal is known for with a sense of optimism.

The band released a video for one of the albums tracks called Go As Free Companions. According to vocalist and violinist Simon Barr, the song is an exploration of anarcho-nihilism, and Go As Free Companions is our conclusion.

We have chosen not to despair in the face of overwhelming odds, but to live while time allows it. If the future is canceled, if the present is all we have, then each minute must be revolutionary; every moment counts, so live these ideas in every moment.

It is easy to know what we are against, but we must not forget what we are for, Barr added. Whilst there is joy, love, empathy, kindness, people in need of your help; we cannot give up. You may sometimes feel like it, but you are not alone and you are not powerless, there are huge numbers of us, lets find each other! Though acrid black clouds race across the horizon we must not forget: today, the sun still shines.

The songs potent message is summed up in the lyrics:

If you make food for those without,
And if you pour sugar in to their machines,
If you help those stolen by jail
Or fight for your neighbours basic needs,
You the still unafraid to love
demand for the end of demands!
The sun still shines,
And it would be a waste
To not only lose tomorrow
But also lose today.

The post Protest Song Of The Week: Go As Free Companions By Dawn Rayd appeared first on Shadowproof.


Rapid alternating polarity brings new life to 189-year-old electrochemical reaction "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Nearly 200 years since its discovery, industry rarely uses the carboncarbon bond-forming Kolbe reaction but now US researchers have shown it can sustainably make valuable substances.

Phil Barans team at Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla has done away with high voltages and platinum electrodes best established in the Kolbe reaction. In doing so, the researchers have made it much more versatile. The most important feature is the ability to take waste or similarly priced products convert them into extremely high value materials, Baran tells Chemistry World.


US has profound concerns over success of Ukraines offensive, says document leak "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ahmed Adel | April 12, 2023

The Ukrainian military is planning a new spring offensive, which will reportedly begin between Orthodox Easter on April 16 and Labour Day on May 9. This expected offensive has received much international media attention, particularly because of the bold and bombastic claims made by Ukrainian officials, such as the fallacy that Ukrainian troops will reach Crimea within seven months. However, a leaked US intelligence document found that a shortage of troops, ammunition and equipment could cause the Ukrainian military to fall well short of their goals.

It is recalled that Ukraine unveiled on April 2 a 12-point plan on how to integrate Crimea into the country after conquering the peninsula from Russia. However, Washington is sceptical that it can be achieved, meaning that this planned offensive is just a method to secure more weapons, funding and interest from the West.

The leaked document, labelled top secret, gave a bleak assessment from early February and warned of significant force generation and sustainment shortfalls. More alarmingly for Kiev is that such an offensive will result in only modest territorial gains. This leak obviously provides a more realistic assessment of the war in Ukraine, which is why Washington is scrambling and threatening journalists to not publish the contents of the leaks as it obviously contradicts previous claims made by the State Department and their controlled media apparatus.

Most importantly perhaps is that many of the documents are dated to February and March, meaning most of the information is current and relates to the awaited Ukrainian spring offensive.

According to the Washington Post, the leaked document predicts that the Ukrainian military will only achieve modest success despite Kievs strategy revolving around capturing areas already liberated by Russia in Donbass, while at the same time pushing south to cut the land bridge between Russia proper and Crimea.

The near impossibility of the offensive, according to the document, is because of the potency of entrenched Russian defences, as well as enduring Ukrainian deficiencies in training and munitions supplies which will probably strain progress and exacerbate casualties during the offensive.

The Washington Post said that the leaks reveal profound concerns about Ukraines readiness to withstand a Russian offensive while beyond the leaked document, US officials said the prospects for a modest outcome in the spring offensive also were reinforced in a classified assessment by the National Intelligence Council which found that Ukraine was unlikely to recapture as much territory as Kyiv did last fall.

Although a senior Ukrainian official did not dispute the contents of the leak, another senior official said the revelations were unlikely to compromise the planned spring off...


What Flight 50 Means for the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

What Flight 50 Means for the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter:

JPL's Ingenuity helicopter is preparing for the 50th flight of its 5-flight mission to Mars. Flight 49, which took place last weekend, was its fastest and highest yetthe little helicopter flew 282 meters at an altitude of 16 meters, reaching a top speed of 6.50 meters per second. Not a bad performance for a tech demo that was supposed to be terminated two years ago.

From here, things are only going to get more difficult for Ingenuity. As the Perseverance rover continues its climb up Jezero crater's ancient river delta, Ingenuity is trying its best to scout ahead. But, the winding hills and valleys make it difficult for the helicopter to communicate with the rover, and through the rover, to its team back on Earth. And there isn't a lot of time or room to spare, because Ingenuity isn't allowed to fly too close to Perseverance, meaning that if the rover ever catches up to the helicopter, the helicopter may have to be left behind for the rover's own safety. This high-stakes race between the helicopter scout and the science rover will continue for kilometers.

For the Ingenuity team, this new mode of operation was both a challenge and an opportunity. This was nothing new for folks who have managed to keep this 30-day technology demo alive and healthy and productive for years, all from a couple hundred million kilometers away. IEEE Spectrum spoke with Ingenuity Team Lead Teddy Tzanetos at JPL last week about whether flying on Mars is ever routine, how they upgraded Ingenuity for its extended mission, and what the helicopter's success means for the future of airborne exploration and science on Mars.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Elizabeth Holmes to begin 11-year prison sentence at end of month "IndyWatch Feed World"

Elizabeth Holmes must begin her more than 11-year prison sentence on 27 April after a federal judge denied the disgraced Theranos founder's request to remain free while she appeals her conviction. Holmes, who was convicted on four counts of fraud and conspiracy related to the failed blood-testing startup in January 2022, is "not likely to flee or pose a danger" to the public, US district court judge Edward Davila wrote in his ruling. However, the San Jose-based judge found that her appeal was unlikely to result in a reversal of the verdict or a new trial - a requirement for a defendant to remain free post-conviction. Prosecutors had attempted to argue that Holmes did pose a flight risk, revealing that her partner had bought her a one-way flight to Mexico shortly before the verdict was returned. While Davila called the travel plans a "bold move" and Holmes's failure to cancel the ticket post-conviction a "perilously careless oversight", he accepted her assertion that she was not...


Chemical Analysis of East Palestine Railroad Derailment Contamination "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Pollution came mainly from decision to burn off contents of tank cars

East Palestine Derailment Prompts Independent Testing

From the Staff Report, Chemical Engineering Progress, April 10, 2023

In the wake of the Norfolk Southern train derailment that released hazardous chemicals into the environment in East Palestine, OH, citizens are seeking out independent testing to determine what kind of contamination the town may be facing.

Both individuals and university teams have been conducting their own sampling of the area near the chemical release. These results are still being analyzed, but initial reports suggest that there are chemicals in streams and wells in East Palestine that state and federal agencies are not looking for.

One of the biggest issues with this response has been transparency, says Andrew Whelton, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Purdue Univ. who is leading some of the independent testing. As things have become more visible, weve found out that officials havent been testing for the right chemicals.

For instance, governmental officials had not conducted indoor surface testing of homes near the spill site as of early March. A contractor for Norfolk Southern did one-time air monitoring in some homes, but residents told reporters that they were not informed that the testers were hired by the rail operator, according to The Guardian. Experts also say that these one-time, short-term air sampling tests are not sufficient to show that indoor air is safe. The tests conducted can detect certain volatile organic compounds, but do not measure other potential pollutants from the spill, such as benzene.

Experts have also raised concerns about dioxins, which are carcinogenic and highly persistent in the environment. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requiring Norfolk Southern to test for dioxins within two miles of the spill site, although details of the testing plan are unclear.

The derailment occurred on Feb. 3, 2023, when dozens of freight train cars carrying hazardous materials, including vinyl chloride, isobutylene, and butyl acrylate went off the tracks and caught fire near the Ohio-Pennsylvania border. Several days later, officials made the decision to fl...


Monitor and troubleshoot applications with Glances and InfluxDB "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Set up a quick application observability solution that records metrics in real time and pipes them into a database for analysis.

Read More at Enable Sysadmin

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A wise, insightful examination of the perils and possibilities of Irish unity "IndyWatch Feed"

If readers of this blog are looking for a book to read on the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, I strongly recommend Perils and Prospects of a United Ireland, by my friend Padraig OMalley, the distinguished Professor of Peace and Reconciliation at the University of Massachusetts. If anyone deserves such a grandiose title, it is Dublin-born OMalley. Not content with producing a raft of books on conflicts and peace processes in Northern Ireland, South Africa and Iraq, he has also been centrally involved in the actual business of peacemaking in those divided countries.

Space only allows a few highlights of his long and varied career as a peacemaker. In 1985 he gathered the protagonists in Northern Ireland for a major conference at Airlie House in Virginia. In 1992-1993 he provided much of the intellectual heft behind the Opsahl Commissions citizens inquiry on ways forward for the deadlocked North (which I coordinated). In 1997 he brought the NI parties painfully negotiating what would become the Good Friday Agreement to South Africa to meet President Nelson Mandela and other key players in bringing about the end of apartheid. And in 2008 he took 15 warring Sunni and Shia groups from Iraq to Helsinki to meet key leaders of the Irish peace process, including Martin McGuinness and former Finnish president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Martti Ahtisaari.

His 1983 book, The Uncivil Wars: Ireland Today, is in my view the best account of the first and most violent decade of the Northern Ireland troubles. It is one of two books I recommend to people on the Northern imbroglio, the other being Say Nothing by the American writer, Patrick Radden Keefe in my humble opinion one of the finest journalists writing in the English-speaking world today who has penned an endorsement on the front cover of OMalleys latest book.

This new book is based largely on around 100 interviews with leading members of Sinn Fein, the SDLP, the DUP, the Ulster Unionist Party, the Progressive Unionist Party, the Alliance Party, the UDA, the UVF, Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, the Catholic, Presbyterian and Methodist churches, the British and Irish civil service, along with leading academics, journalists, psychologists and civil society activists.

It is so rich in insights it is difficult to know where to begin. OMalley who among all the analysts of our thorny national question is the one who goes out of his way to understand the unionist viewpoint nevertheless expects to see a border poll by 2032. This scenario is based on the assumption that Sinn Fein is in government in the South after 2025; that on taking office it immediately calls a Citizens Assembly and the preparatory work takes a minimum of five years; that the [NI] Executive and Assembly remain operative for two election cycles; that the Alliance Party is brought on board...


Kano APC Contests Abba Yusufs Victory, Exempt Gawuna From Suit "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Kano State Chapter of the All Progressives Congress, (APC) has filed a petition before Governorship Election Petition Tribunal contesting the victory of Abba Kabir Yusuf of NNPP, while it exempted the party candidate, Dr Nasiru Yusuf Gawuna from the suit. Nasiru Yusuf Gawuna was however not joined as a party in the petition, this might []


UK: King Charles clashes with Church of England over inclusive coronation, commitment to multiple religions "IndyWatch Feed War"

UK: King Charles clashes with Church of England over inclusive coronation, commitment to multiple religions
King Charles is in a row with Church of England leaders over the role of non-Christian faiths in his upcoming May 6th coronation ceremony. Charles is insisting on a ceremony to better reflect the modern monarchy, as opposed to celebrating the history of Britain. So he has insisted on the participation of representatives of the []


Climate Crisis? What Climate Crisis? Part Two: Where We are in the UK Today "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

We, the people, want all this climate crap stopped. Now. And we want our money back!


Britain's top police force has 161 convicted criminals on its books "IndyWatch Feed World"

Britain's top police force currently employs 161 officers with criminal convictions, some of which pertain to serious sexual offenses. This is just one revelation unearthed from an update by the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley to the British government on the action being taken by the force to clean up its image after numerous recent reports concluded it was no longer capable of protecting the public. The letter by Rowley to Home Secretary Suella Braverman, seen by the British press, highlights the uphill task ahead of those at the helm of Britain's largest police force to address public concerns over the force's recruitment and the conduct of its officers.


Reactionary Tantrums and Free Advertising "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

So, as you may have heard, Bud Lights new brand representative is a trans woman named Dylan Mulvaney. Shes apparently a big deal on TikTok, but I had honestly never heard of her until the conservative temper tantrum over this brand deal. If youve heard about this at all, its either because you drink Bud Light, or because you heard about people doing stuff like pouring out their beer, or shooting their beer with guns, or running over their beer with pickup trucks. Its the most Ive heard about Bud Light in years, which is the whole point.

You can tell conservatives really love capitalism, because every time a corporation makes a bid for free advertising, the wingnuts fall all over themselves in their rush to oblige. That being the case, I think its worth posting this old video from Hbomberguy that explains whats happening, and why. Bud Light doesnt give a shit about trans people, they just know that most USians arent extremist bigots, which means that this will bring in a lot of profit for relatively little advertising investment.


Secrecy, Science, and the National So-Called Security State "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Cliff Conner, Science for the People, April 12, 2023

The phrase national security state has become increasingly familiar as a way to characterize the political reality of the United States today. It implies that the need to keep dangerous knowledge secret has become an essential function of the governing power. The words themselves may seem a shadowy abstraction, but the institutional, ideological, and legal frameworks they denote heavily impinge upon the lives of every person on the planet. Meanwhile, the effort to keep state secrets from the public has gone hand in hand with a systematic invasion of individual privacy to prevent the citizenry from keeping secrets from the state.

We cannot understand our present political circumstances without knowing the origins and development of the US state secrecy apparatus. It hasfor the most partbeen a redacted chapter in American history books, a deficiency that historian Alex Wellerstein has boldly and capably set out to remedy in Restricted Data: The History of Nuclear Secrecy in the United States.

Wellersteins academic specialty is the history of science. That is appropriate because the dangerous knowledge produced by nuclear physicists at the Manhattan Project during the Second World War had to be treated more secretively than any previous knowledge.1

How has the American public allowed the growth of institutionalized secrecy to such monstrous proportions? One step at a time, and the first step was rationalized as necessary to keep Nazi Germany from producing a nuclear weapon. It was the totalizing, scientific secrecy that the atomic bomb appeared to demand that makes the early history of the modern national security state essentially a history of nuclear physics secrecy (p. 3).

The phrase Restricted Data was the original catchall term for nuclear secrets. They were to be kept so completely under wraps that even their existence was not supposed to be acknowledged, which mea...


A Timeless Struggle: Copts in Egypt "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

In 2015, 21 Coptic men walked the shores of Libya in bright orange jumpsuits towards their deaths at the hands of Islamic State, as the world observed it on mobile devices. However, while people worldwide watched with mouths agape, the greater Coptic community was not left dumbfounded nor surprised by the targeted attack. While the community was shaken by the death of the 21 martyrs, the event was certainly not unprecedented, neither in its intentions nor its effects.

Copts are a part of an ethno-religious minority located in modern day Egypt. Although they are a minority in a primarily Muslim country, Copts make up almost 10% of Egypts population. With over eight million Coptic people within the country, and their diasporic counterparts living predominantly in the United States, Canada, and Australia, there is approximately a total of 18 million Coptic people around the globe. Although there are millions of Copts, many only know the Coptic Orthodox church in the context of devastating news headlines describing church bombings, kidnappings, and executions within Egypt.

Christian persecution first became apparent in AD 249, when Roman Emperor Decius issued an edict to re-establish the state religion, requiring inhabitants to worship the gods of their Roman conquerors. With this edict, and blatant refusal to comply, persecution took place on an imperial scale, culminating in about 800,000 men, women, and children being martyred in Egypt under Roman Emperor Diocletian. As the river Nile ran red with the blood of the martyrs, it became apparent that these events in Egypt would be characterized as a monumental period of Christian persecution. For this reason, the Coptic Churchs calendar starts from AD 284, the year of Diocletians accession to the throne, and is referred to as Anno Martyrii meaning Era of the Martyrs. While Decius edict was initially put in place as a means to ensure that everyone in his empire could participate in full traditional sacrifices, some historians agree that Emperor Diocletians primary intention was to wipe out Christianity. Although Diocletians efforts seemed successful in the moment, the Diocletianic persecution failed to accomplish its goals in the long term, as the Roman Empire did not have the ability to overthrow an organization that had a sizable population inhabiting most of the provinces bordering the Mediterranean. Additionally, many Christian lead...


Layers and layers of grifting "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In its heyday, Silicon Valley was flush with money (OK, it still is), and was a magnet for tech talentand also for the con artists who wanted to skim off the surplus. Among the many frauds is Eliezer Yudkowski and his LessWrong community. Heres a fascinating letter that boldly airs the accusations.

The Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI) in Berkeley and its sister organization, the Center for Applied Rationality (CFAR), claim to be organizations dedicated to AGI safety and the art of human rationality. However, these organizations are not what they make themselves out to be, and MIRI is in fact defrauding its donors through misleading promises and an ongoing cover-up of statutory rape, blackmail, and fraud.

MIRI was founded as the Singularity Institute in 2000 by Eliezer Yudkowsky, a prominent thought leader in the Less Wrong rationalist community. Less Wrong is a community blog (also founded by Yudkowsky,) that claims to be dedicated to the art of human rationality. Yudkowsky has written over 300 blog posts, several books, and a popular fanfiction that gained him the status of a minor celebrity, especially among fellow rationalists. The rationalist community in the Bay Area, which is fairly tight-knit, features group housing, where members live together and sometimes work together.

Yudkowskys ideas had members of the Less Wrong community convinced that Yudkowsky would bring about singularity and save the world. Yudkowsky has positioned himself as one of a small class of people focusing on global catastrophic risks, while teaching his followers that the ethical thing to do is to either work directly on AGI, or get a high-paying job and donate to MIRI. Many of the people in the Less Wrong community took Yudkowsky and MIRI very seriously. Until recently, most of MIRIs donations came from within that community, with some members donating tens of thousands of dollars to the cause. The original team at MIRI was composed partially of top contributors to the communitys blogs, like Nate Soares, Luke Meuhlhauser, and Anna Salamon.

While these bloggers werent as popular and admired as Yudkowsky, they were widely trusted by the community. And at events like the Workshop on AI Safety Strategy (WAISS) run by CFAR, people would suggest ideas like taking out life insurance that would pay out to MIRI, and then committing suicide to further the cause.

Working at MIRI conferred a kind of special respect as someone who Yudkowsky and other prominent members thought were worthy to save the world. To young teenagers enamored with the.....


What the Hard Data Says About Gender Inequality in Europes Second-Largest Institution, the EPO "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

EU, EPO staff, and EPO management
The EUs unwillingness to do something about the EPO will imperil the EU itself (the EU and EPO are very much connected through the illegal Unified Patent Court)

Summary: Gender inequality, or the considerably lower probability of women progressing at Europes largest patent office, as explained by the EPOs elected staff representation only days ago

The Central Staff Committee at the EPO started talking about the empty words from Antnio Campinos regarding inclusion, equality etc. Campinos is basically a low-grade liar. He last brought that up just weeks ago in a pre-recorded speech.

Under the current career system, the Central Staff Committee says, the gender pay gap has widened after every reward exercise. Progress has been made to fix the huge under rewarding of colleagues on maternity leave, but there is still much work to do in other areas. In particular, three issues are highlighted, including the under-rewarding of double-steps and promotions to women, and the under-rewarding of colleagues working part-time.

The paper below is dated 5 days ago. Originally a PDF circulated among stuff, here it is as HTML:

Zentraler Personalausschuss
Central Staff Committee
Le Comit Central du Personnel

Munich, 07/04/2023

Gender Pay Gap: at last a fair reward exercise in 2023?

Dear colleagues,

Under the current career system, the gender pay gap has widened after every reward exercise. Progress has been made to fix the huge under rewarding of colleagues on maternity leave, but there is still much work to do regarding other minority groups, such as part-time workers and women, as detailed below.

The Presidents Instructions on Rewards confirm the reality of this trend with his recommendation to managers that states as a proactive measure in order to ensure a fair distribution of rewards to all...


Fiscal Insanity: The Government Borrows $6 Billion a Day, and Were Stuck with the Bill "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Tunisia: HRW calls on President Saied to release ex-prime minister "IndyWatch Feed War"

Tunisia: HRW calls on President Saied to release ex-prime minister

Ex-premier Ali Laarayedh has been held on terrorism charges since December 2022 for failing to stem the spread of Salafi Islam in Tunisia
Areeb Ullah Wed, 04/12/2023 - 13:34
Tunisia's former premier and general secretary of the Islamist Ennahda party, Ali Laarayedh, holds a press conference in Tunis on 26 September 2022 (AFP)

Human Rights Watch has called on Tunisia to release former prime minister and senior Ennahda leader Ali Laarayedh from detention, as President Kais Saied continues his crackdown against any opposition and critical media inside the country. 

Laareyedh, who served as Tunisia's interior minister from December 2011 to February 2013 and prime minister between March 2013 and January 2014, has been held on terrorism charges since December 2022 without seeing a judge.

According to his detention warrant, the 67-year-old stands accused of failing to curb the spread of the Salafi interpretation of Islam and the growth of the Islamist armed group Ansar al-Sharia during his time in office.

The warrant issued by an investigative judge in the Tunis First Instance Court's Anti-Terrorism Unit accused Laarayedh of "not addressing or fighting the Salafi phenomenon" - despite Salafism not being banned in Tunisia - and "the organisation of Ansar al-Sharia in the necessary way, thus contributing to the expansion of their activitiesand the increase in the departure of young people to hotbeds of tension for jihad.

The judge also accused Laarayedh of "not dealing with Ansar al-Sharia as a terrorist organisation" despite his government banning the terrorist group in August 2013.  



Arabic press review: 500 in Kuwait convicted over 'unlawful' retweets "IndyWatch Feed War"

Arabic press review: 500 in Kuwait convicted over 'unlawful' retweets

Meanwhile, a Jordanian diplomat warns of Palestinian population transfer, and Moroccans protests against high food prices
Mohammad Ayesh Wed, 04/12/2023 - 13:29
A Kuwaiti trader checks his phone at the entrance of the Boursa Kuwait financial market in Kuwait City, on 8 March 2020 (AFP)
A Kuwaiti trader checks his phone at the entrance of the Boursa Kuwait financial market in Kuwait City, on 8 March 2020 (AFP)

Kuwait: Hundreds fined over retweets

At least 500 people in Kuwait were fined for retweeting posts deemed illegal, Al-Qabas newspaper reported on Saturday citing a source with knowledge of the cases.

A court ordered the defendants to pay charges between 1,000 Kuwaiti Dinars ($3,263) to 5,000 Kuwaiti Dinars ($16,317).

The convictions were based on complaints made by individuals against tweets seen as defamatory or containing false information about them. 

People behind the original tweets, as well as users who reposted them, were fined. 

In one case, a complainant is set to receive five million Kuwaiti Dinars ($13.1m) in compensation from people who retweeted posts deemed abusive.


Military Situation In Bakhmut On April 12, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Bakhmut On April 12, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • Russian forces made a tactical advance in the Selyshche district
  • Russian forces took control of Bakhmut Railway Station 2
  • Clashes are ongoing near Chaikovskoho street
  • Clashes are ongoing near the Avangard stadium


The post Military Situation In Bakhmut On April 12, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


US Once Again Turning Sword to Latin America as Its Global Power Wanes "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post US Once Again Turning Sword to Latin America as Its Global Power Wanes appeared first on Global Research.


Re: CVE-2017-11164 - stack exhaustion in PCRE "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Matthew Vernon on Apr 12

I've been trying to push towards getting old-PCRE out of Debian; you can
track the outstanding bugs online[0], and there's similar for Ubuntu[1].

Once the next Debian release "bookworm" is out, I'm hoping to be able to
make the outstanding bugs release critical, moving towards not shipping
the older pcre (called pcre3 in Debian for Historical Reasons) in the
next release...


[PCRE maintainer for...


Universities and the AUKUS Military-Industrial Complex "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Every 11th Has Its 13th: Time to Dismantle Monroe Doctrine Politics "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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Mifepristone ruling shows we need to fight attack on US abortion rights "IndyWatch Feed"

OPINION: The rights assault on abortion in post-Roe America is becoming bolder. We mustn't normalise it


COVID Deaths Up 39% After Vaccines Rolled Out in Ontario Canada "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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Boston FBI Raids Wrong Hotel Room, Detains And Interrogates Innocent Man For 45 Minutes "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden Few FBI blunders of late likely compare to what just happened in Boston last week, when federal agents on a training mission...

Boston FBI Raids Wrong Hotel Room, Detains And Interrogates Innocent Man For 45 Minutes


Time is fleetingmadness takes its toll "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Red Scare was mostly over before I was born Joseph Welch squelched McCarthy with his question, Have you no decency? in 1954 but we still see echoes of that paranoia today. I did survive the great Dungeons & Dragons panic of the 1980s, and I followed the insane McMartin preschool case which destroyed lives over hysterical claims of child sacrifice in tunnels that didnt exist under a preschool. Then we got the pizzagate conspiracy theory in 2016, and all the QAnon craziness. Its total madness.

Now right now, today, all around us Republicans are leading the charge under the banner of homophobia and transphobia. Theyre freaking out over drag shows.

Florida Republicans are pushing forward a bill that seeks to ban drag shows from allowing someone under the age of 18 to be in attendance.

But the bill is so vaguely worded, using the term adult live performance, that even Republican lawmakers have admitted it would prevent a high school kid from watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show or even the musical Hair.

The puckered sphincters who get elected as Republicans also want to shut down all Pride celebrations.

The bill also explicitly targets Pride parades and celebrations, by preventing a government entity from issuing permits to an organization that may put on such a performance. If a violation occurs, say in a city like St. Petersburg, which hosts the largest Pride celebration in the state, the person who issued the permit could be charged with a misdemeanor.

In addition, any establishment that violates the law would be subject to license suspension or revocation and liable to large fines and a misdemeanor charge. One violation would spur a $5,000 fine; subsequent incidents would spur $10,000 fines.

Remember when these assholes assured everyone that they were only concerned about trans people, they were just dropping the T in LGBT, they were still supportive of everyones sexual orientation? And everyone else knew what was coming and predicted that theyd be expanding those restrictions until it was criminal to be anything but a straight white man? Those days are here already, and they arent shy about saying it.

Its not just Florida and Texas that are a nexus of Puritanical oppression, Tennessee is definitely joining the crowd. Watch this woman testify against allowing a Pride parade by making up lies.


HashiCorp Vault vulnerability could lead to RCE, patch today! (CVE-2023-0620) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Oxeye discovered a new vulnerability (CVE-2023-0620) in the HashiCorp Vault Project, an identity-based secrets and encryption management system that controls access to API encryption keys, passwords, and certificates. The vulnerability was an SQL injection vulnerability that potentially could lead to a Remote Code Execution (RCE). Oxeye reported this vulnerability to HashiCorp, and the team quickly patched it in versions 1.13.1, 1.12.5, and 1.11.9. of Vault. HashiCorp Vault HashiCorp Vault provides encryption services for modern, microservices-based More

The post HashiCorp Vault vulnerability could lead to RCE, patch today! (CVE-2023-0620) appeared first on Help Net Security.


Macron warns EU must reduce dependence on U.S. dollar to avoid conflict with China "IndyWatch Feed War"

French President Emmanuel Macron doesnt want to follow America into a war with China over Taiwan, and has said that Europe needs its strategic autonomy from the United States, including potentially its dependence on the dollar. Of course, Macron is looking out for himself, but even so, France would benefit from his proposals. This is []


Israel-based Spyware Firm QuaDream Targets High-Risk iPhones with Zero-Click Exploit "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Threat actors using hacking tools from an Israeli surveillanceware vendor named QuaDream targeted at least five members of civil society in North America, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. According to findings from a group of researchers from the Citizen Lab, the spyware campaign was directed against journalists, political opposition figures, and an NGO worker in 2021.


The Service Accounts Challenge: Can't See or Secure Them Until It's Too Late "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Here's a hard question to answer: 'How many service accounts do you have in your environment?'. A harder one is: 'Do you know what these accounts are doing?'. And the hardest is probably: 'If any of your service account was compromised and used to access resources would you be able to detect and stop that in real-time?'.  Since most identity and security teams would provide a negative reply,


50 Shades Of Justin Pearson "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

split screen of Justin Pearson with different hairstyles and dress clothesIf you dared to think that perhaps Pearson might be faking it, congratulations, your fraud radar works!


U.S. Corporations Cut Dividends And Employees While Dumping Billions Into Race-Hustling Groups "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

billboard reading In tracking BLM contributions, we found many companies prioritizing 'racial justice' to the detriment of shareholders and employees.


Promising new AI can detect early signs of lung cancer that doctors cant see "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers in Boston are on the verge of what they say is a major advancement in lung cancer screening: Artificial intelligence that can detect early signs of the disease years before doctors would find it on a CT scan.

The new AI tool, called Sybil, was developed by scientists at the Mass General Cancer Center and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. In one study, it was shown to accurately predict whether a person will develop lung cancer in the next year 86% to 94% of the time.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently recommends that adults at risk for lung cancer get a low-dose CT scan to screen for the disease annually.


A New Kind of Time Crystal Has Been Created That Does Interesting Things to Light "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Scientists are still getting to grips with the ins and outs of strange materials known as time crystals; structures that buzz with movement for eternity. Now a new variety might help deepen our understanding of the perplexing state of matter.

Just as regular crystals are atoms and molecules that repeat over a volume of space, time crystals are collections of particles that tick-tock in patterns over a duration of time in ways that initially seem to defy science.

Theorized in 2012 before being observed in the lab for the first time just four years later, researchers have been busy tinkering with the structures to probe deeper foundations of particle physics and uncover potential applications.


Alarming video shows 1,050ft sinkhole swallowing cars and telephone poles as it continues to grow in Daisetta, Texas "IndyWatch Feed World"

A giant sinkhole in Daisetta, Texas, is continuing to expand, swallowing trees, cars, and homes in its path. A new video released by Bluebonnet News provides a harrowing look at the massive expanse. The sinkhole became active again this month after it first emerged in 2008 as a 20ft expanse. It remained stable for 15 years, but has since undergone rapid expansion, worrying residents of the town that their homes may be doomed if the hole continues to grow. Daisetta is approximately 55 miles northeast of Houston. City officials learned that the hole was again expanding on 3 April, which prompted them to notify residents in the area of the possible threat, according to My San Antonio.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Paul Van Damme and Fortuna Vargas Meja met 28 years ago in Puerto Villarroel, a village in the Bolivian department of Cochabamba. Van Damme was a Belgian marine biologist who found in the lagoons of the Bolivian Amazon the closest thing to a sea. Vargas was a native of Cochabamba who had worked as a navigator for 12 years before becoming a fisherman, so he knew well the Amazonian rivers and lagoons that so fascinated the European scientist. At that time the 1990s commercial fishing had just begun to boom in Puerto Villarroel, a municipality located on the banks of the Ichilo River in the Mamor Basin, which includes three departments of the Bolivian Amazon. In one day and a night I caught 1,200 kilograms [2645 pounds] [of fish], because there werent many of us, recalled Vargas, who is now 70 years old and has not worked as a fisherman for 15 years. Until then, the area and its forests had been well preserved and was home to a mainly Indigenous population. People from the Moxo and Yuqui Indigenous groups lived in communities along the banks of the river, living mainly off hunting, fishing and subsistence agriculture. Little by little, people from other parts of Bolivia started to move to the urban center of Puerto Villarroel and its outskirts, leading to it eventually becoming the main and largest commercial port connecting western and eastern Bolivia. Fortunato Vargas, a fisherman from Puerto Villaroel, at home. Image courtesy of WaraThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Mesa 23.1 RadeonSI Enables Rusticl OpenCL Support "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If Mesa 23.1 couldn't get anymore exciting with RADV GPL support enabled by default, more RDNA3 optimizations, continued Zink optimizations, more Intel DG2/Alchemist enhancements, and a load of other features... Support for RadeonSI with the Rusticl Rust-written OpenCL driver has been merged!..


The Challenges of Producing Graphene in Quantity "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Weve all heard the incredible claims made about graphene and its many promising applications, but so far the wonder-material has been held back by the difficulty of producing it in large quantities. Although small-scale production was demonstrated many years ago using basic Scotch tape, producing grams or even kilograms of it in a scalable industrial process seemed like a pipedream until recently. As [Tech Ingredients] demonstrates in a new video, the technique of flash Joule heating of carbon may enable industrial graphene production.

The production of this flash graphene (FG) was first demonstrated by Duy X. Luong and colleagues in a 2020 paper in Nature, which describes a fairly straightforward process. In the [Tech Ingredients] demonstration it becomes obvious how easy graphene manufacturing is using this method, requiring nothing more t...


Great Quotations on Secrets "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

What is it about a secret something youre not supposed to know that makes it so irresistible?  Its none of your business, so of course you want to know all about it. You think its discovery will be enormously entertaining or shocking or both. 

On the other hand, you certainly dont want your own secrets known, and at night you worry about all the new snooping technology. 

The funny thing is, there is a reverse situation: To paraphrase Voltaire the secret to being a bore is to tell all!  When youre on the phone, dont leave out a single detail, no matter how dull or irrelevant! 

I have fantasies of a CIA interrogator listening in to my gabby old Aunt Kate who was very thorough when telling all and being cured of ever wanting to listen in again. This is your secret weapon in the war on privacy.

Bore them to death!

But if youd rather not, then here is something to talk about that will charm all your listeners whoever they are.  


I have grown to love secrecy. It seems to be the one thing that can make modern life mysterious or marvelous to us. The commonest thing is delightful if only one hides it.  (Oscar Wilde)


Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides. (Andre Malraux)

Brains are an asset, if you hide them (Mae West)


I was worried about my own vagina. It needed a context of other vaginas a community, a culture of vaginas. Theres so much darkness and secrecy surrounding them like the Bermuda Triangle.  (Eve Ensler)


In 1930s mysteries, all sorts of motives were credible which arent credible today, especially motives of preventing guilty sexual secrets from coming out. Nowadays, people sell their guilty sexual secrets. (P.D. James)

A man nearly always loves for other reasons than he thinks. A lover is apt to be as full of secrets from himself as is the object of his love from him. (Ben Hecht)

If we knew each others secrets, what comforts we should f...


So Is the Public Flocking to Buy Bud Light Because of Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney? Well "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: It has now been nearly two weeks since Dylan Mulvaney, a dude who claims to be a woman and demands that we all play along, became the face of Bud Light solely because of his delusions and fantasies. Bud Light Vice President Alissa Heinerscheid has explained that she took this advertising []


COVID: The Media Dragons are out for Trumps blood "IndyWatch Feed World"

by Jon Rappoport (To join our email list, click here.) Continuing my greatest COVID hits...


11-year-old boy mauled to death by stray dogs in Uttar Pradesh, India "IndyWatch Feed World"

An 11-year-old boy was mauled to death by a pack of stray dogs in Maharajganj district. The incident took place at Shastri Nagar Intermediate College ground, police said on Tuesday. The deceased, Adersh, had left his home around 11 am on Monday to go to a market. His family members started looking for him after he did not return. The minor's body bearing bite marks was recovered late at night, the police said. His face and right arm were bitten off, the police said, adding that the boy appeared to have put up a fight. Inspector, Kotwali, Ravi Rai said the boy was mentally unwell and a pack of dogs attacked and killed him. Further action was being taken after taking possession of the body, he added.


Snowbasin resort in Utah breaks historic snowfall record with 600 inches "IndyWatch Feed World"

Snowbasin, UT, has seen a record snowfall of 600 inches this season, beating its previous record by a mind-blowing 125 inches. The 22/23 season has seen endless powder days, but the weather is slowly shifting, and temperatures are warming up, and spring skiing is officially here. Snowbasin announced two weeks ago that the resort will stay open until April 23, 2023. Here is an update on what to expect for the next two weeks of spring skiing at Snowbasin. Although it is hard to believe, spring is here, and this historic season is coming to an end. We've enjoyed endless powder days, record snowfall, and all-time conditions. After experiencing our longest ski season in history and pushing things out as far as we can, we have to start scaling back our operations. We have already begun saying goodbye to some of our incredible team members that are off to their next season's adventures, and with these hard farewells comes the need to prioritize our offerings for the remainder of the...


10 Years Later, Linux Getting A Touchscreen Driver For A Once Popular Tablet "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The mainline Linux 6.4 kernel is set to see a new touchscreen driver for supporting the Novatek NVT-ts, which is used by at least a once popular Intel Atom powered Android tablet from a decade prior...


3CX compromise: More details about the breach, new PWA app released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

3CX has released an interim report about Mandiants findings related to the compromise the company suffered last month, which resulted in a supply chain attack targeting cryptocurrency companies. They discovered that: The attackers infected targeted 3CX systems with TAXHAUL (aka TxRLoader) malware, which decrypts and executes shellcode containee in a file with a name and location aimed to make it to blend into standard Windows installations The executed shellcode is the COLDCAT downloader They also More

The post 3CX compromise: More details about the breach, new PWA app released appeared first on Help Net Security.


Im Excited That My City Is Charging More for Parking "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Downtown Milwaukee. (Source: Flickr/artistmac.)

A few weeks ago, I read some news that made me excited: my hometown of Milwaukee is going to be charging more for parking! That might sound like a crazy statement but yes, you read it right: My heart is filled with gladness at the news that parking meters in downtown Milwaukee will now operate well into the evening and on the weekends when, previously, on-street parking in much of the central city had been free after 6 p.m. and on Saturdays.

Heres a common experience in my household: We drive downtown after work to grab a bite to eat and find a parking spot on the street. We glance at the signage and meters to see how much we need to pay for the privilege of parking andwhat do you know?we owe $0. The parking meters will be free for the rest of the night. Cue me simultaneously bemoaning the stupidity of this policy and also, of course, benefitting from it.

In a city with a ton of tasty restaurants, performing arts, and sports venues, and a downtown thats getting increasingly activated with businesses and residences, it has always seemed absurd to me that parking on the street was free every evening and weekend. This essentially amounts...

Dashcam Footage Shows Driverless Cars Clogging San Francisco "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Videos obtained by WIRED from public transit vehicles reveal self-driving cars causing delays and potential danger to buses, trains, and passengers:

[...] The 54 [Felton line], brought to a halt by an autonomous vehicle belonging to Alphabet's Waymo, isn't the only bus that's run into trouble with San Francisco's growing crowd of driverless vehicles. Bus and train surveillance videos obtained by WIRED through public records requests show a litany of incidents since September in which anxiety and confusion stirred up by driverless cars has spilled onto the streets of the US city that has become the epicenter for testing them.

As the incidents stack up, the companies behind the autonomous vehicles, such as Waymo and General Motors' Cruise, want to add more robotaxis to San Francisco's streets, cover more territory, and run at all hours. Waymo and Cruise say they learn from every incident. Each has logged over 1 million driverless miles and say their cars are safe enough to keep powering forward. But expansions are subject to approval from California state regulators, which have been pressed by San Francisco officials for years to restrict autonomous vehicles until issues subside.

Driverless cars have completed thousands of journeys in San Franciscotaking people to work, to school, and to and from dates. They have also proven to be a glitchy nuisancesnarling traffic and creeping into hazardous terrain such as construction zones and downed...


KDE Connect 2.0 Planning For Big Improvements "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

KDE Connect is the great software that allows for interfacing between the KDE desktop and your various mobile devices running Android, Plasma Mobile, Apple iOS, or even Sailfish OS. KDE Connect allows easily sharing files and data with your mobile device(s), receiving phone notifications on your desktop, and a lot of other remote/cross-device functionality. The KDE Connect 2.0 initiative that is taking shape this year thanks to full-time development work is going to modernize this open-source solution...


The Impact of Microsoft Bribing the Media and Suppressing Facts That Are Rarely Mentioned (Despite Their High Importance) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link | md5sum 2505cca4353b58b6a2bd075ca0a698b2
Facts About Microsoft
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: Grifting Microsoft, propped up by bailout money and "defence" contracts from Trump and Biden, isnt doing as well as Microsoft-funded media wants us to think; there are many layoffs, rapid erosion in market share, and deep losses in the buzzwords' departments

THE media has made it exceptionally easy to be cynical and sceptical of it. Yes, the media (or mass media, corporate media, mainstream media) is gaslighting people, lying to people, blaming the victims, and glorifying the criminals. Its absurd, but thats what happens when money buys the news and lobbying can become reporting.

As noted above, the GNU/Linux world isnt immune to that. For instance, Clickfraud Spamnil [1, 2] (TFIR) is producing Microsoft spam this week, sponsored by Linux Foundation. Yesterday we spoke about all the fake coverage that hyped up chaffbots, which months later seem like a forgotten fad.

In order for the media to regain peoples trust itll need to act like media again.We now have...


Kodi forum breach: User data, encrypted passwords grabbed "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The developers of Kodi, the widely used open-source media player app, have revealed a data breach of its user forum. What happened? The breach did not happen due to a vulnerability. Instead, an unknown attacker used the account of a legitimate but inactive member of the forum admin team to access the MyBB admin console on two occasions: February 16 and 21, 2023. The attacker was able to create backups of databases, which they then More

The post Kodi forum breach: User data, encrypted passwords grabbed appeared first on Help Net Security.


Go JUICE "IndyWatch Feed Tech"


Take a look at our missions to Jupiter in context. The image below shows the history back to 1973, with the launch of Pioneer 10, and of course, the Voyager encounters. We also have the flybys by Ulysses, Cassini and New Horizons, each designed for other destinations, for Jupiter offers that highly useful gravitational assist to help us get places fast. JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) joins the orbiter side of the image tomorrow, with launch aboard an Ariane 5 from Kourou (French Guiana) scheduled for 1215 UTC (0815 EDT) on Thursday. You can follow the launch live here or here.

The first gravitational maneuver will be in August of next year with a Lunar-Earth flyby, followed by Venus in 2025 and then two more Earth flybys (2026 and 2029) before arrival at Jupiter in July of 2031. Ive written a good deal about both Europa Clipper and JUICE in these pages and wont go back to repeat the details, but we can expect 35 icy moon flybys past Europa, Ganymede and Callisto before insertion into orbit at Ganymede, making JUICE the first mission that will go into orbit around a satellite of another planet. Needless to say, well track JUICE closely in these pages.

Image: Ariane 5 VA 260 with JUICE, start of rollout on Tuesday 11 April. Credit for this and the above infographic: ESA.



Okay, Youll Never Believe Which City Is Hosting the 2024 Democratic Convention "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Imagine youre a Democrat. Thats right: if youre a man, start imagining that youre really a woman, or vice versa, and imagine actually believing that Old Joe Biden is a competent, capable president and not a dementia-ridden kleptocratic figurehead. You want to put the partys best face forward for 2024, and []


Heart Tests: Finding Life (and Love) Behind Bars "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Part Four of the Violation podcast follows Jacob Wideman as he confronts his mental health, navigates romance, and faces a skeptical parole board.


Linux Patches Confirm Intel Meteor Lake Having An L4 Cache "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new Intel graphics kernel driver patch posted by Intel on Tuesday confirm that upcoming Meteor Lake processors will feature an ADM/L4 cache...


Israeli spyware firm QuaDream linked to hacks on journalists and politicians "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israeli spyware firm QuaDream linked to hacks on journalists and politicians

Cyber watchdog says spyware developed by a little-known firm used to hack devices across 10 countries
MEE staff Wed, 04/12/2023 - 10:48
An Israeli-made spyware has reportedly been used to hack journalist, politicians and activists (Reuters)

An Israeli-made spyware resembling the controversial Pegasus programme has been used to target journalists and opposition politicians in at least ten countries around the world, researchers have found.

The little-known Israeli vendor named QuaDream, which markets spyware under the name "Reign", was established by a former Israeli military official and veterans of the NSO Group, the creator of Pegasus, cybersecurity researchers from Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto said on Tuesday.

According to the researchers, QuaDream prefers to keep a low profile and has largely avoided the limelight, in contrast with its competitor, Israel's NSO Group. 

Unlike the NSO Group, which was blacklisted by the US in 2021 for its ties to illegal surveillance programmes, QuaDream has escaped scrutiny, until now. 

Reigns "Premium Collection" capabilities included "real-time call recordings, camera activation - front and back," and "microphone activation," according to a company brochure uncovered by Citizen Lab.

QuaDream has s...


Caitlin Johnstone: The Dalai Lama is a creepy asshole "IndyWatch Feed World"

(Readers sensitive to discussion of inappropriate adult behavior toward children may want to skip this one.) There's a really gross video going around of the Dalai Lama kissing a young boy on the lips and telling him to suck his tongue while an adult audience looks on approvingly. A tweet from last month shows a video clip of the Tibetan spiritual leader with the child and says the encounter took place during his "meeting with students and members of M3M Foundation," though's clip cuts out the sexually inappropriate part of the encounter. Here is a hyperlink to a video of the interaction. For those who understandably do not wish to see such a thing but are comfortable with a text description, here's a new write-up from


OpenAI will pay you up to $20,000 to find bugs in ChatGPT "IndyWatch Feed World"

The company has announced a new bug bounty program where bug finders can be rewarded for spotting software vulnerabilities.

Looking to make some spare cash? OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, has announced a new bug bounty program that will reward bug finders up to $20,000 for spotting vulnerabilities in its software.

Read Full Story


Kyrgyzstan was a safe haven for anti-war Russians. Then things got hostile "IndyWatch Feed"

Russian opposition activists are threatened with expulsion from supposedly neutral Kyrgyzstan


Meteor fireball over New York and other states on April 11 "IndyWatch Feed World"

We received 47 reports about a fireball seen over CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI and VT on Tuesday, April 11th 2023 around 01:18 UT. For this event, we received 3 videos and 3 photos.


New discovery points the way to more compact fusion power plants "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A magnetic cage keeps the more than 100 million degree Celsius hot plasmas in nuclear fusion devices at a distance from the vessel wall so that they do not melt. Now researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) have found a way to significantly reduce this distance. This could make it possible to build smaller and cheaper fusion reactors for energy production. The work was published in the journal Physical Review Letters.


Endometriosis linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease in women "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In a recent study published in the journal Maturitas, researchers conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to compare the risk of cardiovascular events in women with and without endometriosis.

Study: Endometriosis and cardiovascular disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Image Credit: Bangkok Click Studio / Shutterstock.

Apart from autoimmune disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome, depression, and premature menopause, there are pregnancy-associated risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, such as gestational diabetes, pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders, placental abruption, preterm delivery, and pregnancy loss. Women experience a higher mortality rate due to cardiovascular diseases, and while the treatment methods are the same for men and women, the presentation, symptoms, diagnosis, risk factors, and response to treatment differ for women.


Gaining a Multimessenger View of Supernovae Explosions "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Simultaneously detecting the gravitational-wave and neutrino signals emitted during the last second of a massive stars life could show how such stars die.


NOW: Pensions and Standard Life Cannot Tackle Pension Fraud After 3+ Months "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Corrupt NOW: Pensions

Summary: The crimes of Sirius Open Source help highlight abuse by pension providers; after more than 3 months theyre still not holding accountable pension fraudsters (at least 3 people were involved in the fraud and two of them are based in the UK, so extradition proceedings arent even required)

Latest (today):

>> I hope this helps to settle your concerns regarding your
>> NOW Pension fund, as you can see from the above, they
>> have outlined how and who is responsible for protecting
>> your pension savings and applies to all NOW Pensions members.
> Hi,
> Please send the full letter, as promised, to
> 1) my wife
> 2) myself
> as promised by ???????? (staff)
> as promised by ???????? (staff)
> as promised by ???????? (manager)
> several times since February. We need this obligation in
> writing.

I need an update on this. There are multiple complainants about the pension fraud. We need action, not stalling tactics. You behave like lawyers, not like a pension provider.


Probing the Helium Nucleus beyond the Ground State "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new electron-scattering experiment challenges our understanding of the first excited state of the helium nucleus.

A helium nucleus, also known as an particle, consists of two protons and two neutrons and is one of the most extensively studied atomic nuclei. Given the small number of constituents, the particle can be accurately described by first principles calculations. And yet, the excited states of the particle remain a bit of a mystery, as evidenced by a disagreement surrounding the excitation from the ground state 01+ to the first excited state 02+ [1]. Theoretical predictions for this transition do not match measurements, but the experimental uncertainties have been too large for implications to be drawn. Now, the A1 Collaboration at Mainz Microtron (MAMI) in Germany has remeasured this transition via inelastic electron scattering [2]. The new data significantly improves the precision compared to previous measurements and confirms the initial discrepancy.


Still Waiting: Pension Providers in the UK Stalling for Months After Several Independent Reports of Pension Fraud "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Corrupt NOW: Pensions

Summary: The crimes of Sirius Open Source help highlight abuse by pension providers; after more than 3 months theyre still not holding accountable pension fraudsters (at least 3 people were involved in the fraud and two of them are based in the UK, so extradition proceedings arent even required)

Latest (today):

>> I hope this helps to settle your concerns regarding your
>> NOW Pension fund, as you can see from the above, they
>> have outlined how and who is responsible for protecting
>> your pension savings and applies to all NOW Pensions members.
> Hi,
> Please send the full letter, as promised, to
> 1) my wife
> 2) myself
> as promised by (staff)
> as promised by (staff)
> as promised by (manager)
> several times since February. We need this obligation in
> writing.

I need an update on this. There are multiple complainants about the pension fraud. We need action, not stalling tactics. You behave like lawyers, not like a pension provider.


ACE Wants Cloudflare to Expose The Pirate Bays Operators "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

pirate bay logoThe Pirate Bay has been around for nearly two decades, which is quite an achievement considering the immense legal pressure it has faced over the years.

Swedish police tried to shut the site down, twice, raiding dozens of servers. This ultimate goal failed but local authorities did prosecute the sites three co-founders, who all served time in prison for their involvement.

The notorious torrent site stood tall in the midst of this turmoil and continues to operate from until this day. While it is no longer the largest piracy site online, anti-piracy forces havent forgotten about it.

Pirate Bay Targeted in New Subpoena Wave

This week, we spotted yet another attempt to uncover the current operators. Through the Motion Picture Association, the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) requested a DMCA subpoena at the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.

These subpoenas are not uncommon and are typically directed at third-party intermediaries, Cloudflare in this case. The Pirate Bay is a Cloudflare customer and through the court, ACE requests all useful information the California company has on its illustrious client.

The subpoena requires that you provide information concerning the individuals offering infringing material described in the attached notice, ACE informs Cloudflare.

[Y]ou are required to disclose [] information sufficient to identify the infringers. This would include the individuals names, physical addresses, IP addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, payment information, account updates and account history.

DMCA Subpoena

tpb subpoena

These DMCA subpoenas dont require any judicial oversight. In most cases, they are swiftly signed off by a court clerk. The legal paperwork is then sent to Cloudflare, which typically replies with all relevant information it has on file.

Actionable Intel?

Whether this...


Story of Islamophobic Attack on New Jersey Imam Takes a Surprising Twist "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: It happened early on Sunday morning. The imam Sayed Elnakib was leading the pre-sunrise fajr prayer at Omar Mosque in South Paterson, N.J., when suddenly everything went tragically wrong. According to a Sunday CNN report, mosque spokesperson Abdul Hamdan recounted that in the middle of the prayers, a man lunged forward with a knife []


The World Around You "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    The world around you is a reflection of your reaction to the world around you.      Bullet Points ** The FBI is infiltrating mainstream Catholic congregations in the search for domestic terrorists. Nobody knows how many they found. Rep. Jordan (R-OH) added that what he had already received from the feds was []

The post The World Around You appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Gibran Nicholas 2024 Presidential Candidate Its Time for a New Beginning "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Gibran Nicholas recently announced his 2024 Presidential candidacy. He is a moderate running as a Democrat to unseat President Joe Biden. The 43-year-old Georgia entrepreneur declared: Its time for a new beginning in America. However, he stressed a new start should be based on whats important to the new generation, not the values that people []

The post Gibran Nicholas 2024 Presidential Candidate Its Time for a New Beginning appeared first on Guardian Liberty Voice.



Cosmic Warfare

Most of you know what I think about CERN's Large Hadron Colllider, and my suspicions that it's about a lot more than just "particle



Agatha Christie revisions are the writing on the wall "IndyWatch Feed World"

And then there were none (books, that is). Last week The Telegraph reported that Agatha Christie's novels are being sanitized for re-release. HarperCollins, their publisher, is removing references to physique, race and ethnicity in new editions of Miss Marple and selected Poirot novels. Christie joins Roald Dahl and Ian Fleming on the list of dead literary icons whose works have met similar fates in recent weeks. Shakespeare, Dr. Seuss and Mark Twain have been curbed in other ways. If it seems like small potatoes, you may be missing the big picture. When publishers defile literature, you know the writing is on the wall. These rewrites are not censorship, at least not in the legal sense. Governments don't need to order it. Publishers are choosing to sanitize their literary icons on their own. Anyone who holds copyright can alter a work as they please, especially when dead authors are not around to object. Just as Christie had no obligation to write her books in the first place and...


Germanys Renewable Heating Plan To Cost Many Times More Than Expected: 776 Billion Euros! "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

More than 1 trillion euros for a statistically insignificant climate benefit


Russia warns of Ukraine weapons spillover "IndyWatch Feed World"

Western arms meant for Kiev are also falling into the hands of organized crime and terrorists, Moscow's UN envoy has said. Weapons being sent to Ukraine by its Western backers often end up benefitting malicious actors across the globe, Moscow's permanent representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, said on Monday. Speaking at a UN Security Council meeting on risks associated with weapons exports, Moscow's envoy claimed that while Western countries had been trying to promote "responsible behavior" over arms trafficking, the Ukraine conflict proved "how insincere their claims" on the matter actually were. Nebenzia recalled that Russia has "long been stressing that pumping up of the Kiev regime with weapons would bring those weapons in black markets and also in the hands of organized crime and terrorists."


Federal judge backs firing of Indiana teacher who refused to use transgender students' names, pronouns "IndyWatch Feed World"

Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court's decision on Friday. An Indiana music theory teacher pushed out of his job for refusing to call transgender students their preferred names and pronouns took a hit from a federal judge Friday who upheld a lower court's ruling that the school district did not violate his rights. Former Brownsburg High School teacher John Kluge sued the school district alleging religious discrimination after he cited his personal religious convictions for refusing to abide by the name and pronoun policy, opting to address transgender students by their last names instead. The school district, after enacting the policy in 2017, initially agreed to let Kluge use last names to address the students instead, according to The Associated Press.


IMF Lowers Global Economic Growth Outlook as Fog Thickens "IndyWatch Feed War"

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast in their latest World Economic Outlook published on Tuesday [], that global growth will bottom out at 2.8 percent this year before rising modestly to around three percent in 2024, representing a 0.1 per cent fall on its January projections.

Men unload sacks of onions from a truck in Bamako, Mali, a landlocked developing country. Their lack of direct access to the vital trade links often result in landlocked countries paying high transport and transit costs.


Louisville gunman Connor Sturgeon shot woman in back, waited for police to arrive: report "IndyWatch Feed World"

Louisville gunman Connor Sturgeon began his rampage Monday by shooting a woman who'd just said "good morning" to him and it took him just a minute to carry out the massacre before he paused and waited for police to arrive, according to his Instagram livestream. The footage documenting the harrowing incident has been scrubbed from the social media platform, but a Louisville city official described its contents to CNN. Sturgeon, 25, was reportedly suicidal and on the verge of getting fired from Old National Bank when he carried out the mass shooting, which left five people dead and eight others wounded.


FBI used undercover agent to target Catholic Church: Jim Jordan "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) allegedly used an undercover agent to target the clergy and leadership of the Catholic Church, according to GOP Representative Jim Jordan. On Monday, Jordan, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray alerting Wray that he was being subpoenaed for an investigation into the agency's handling of a domestic extremism analysis that proposed developing sources among church leaders to look for signs of radicalization among Catholic parishioners. The subpoena is the latest development in Jordan's probe into the FBI's alleged misuse of domestic violent extremism resources. House Republicans first accused Wray of exploiting those resources for "political purposes" after an eight-paged internal memo was leaked by a former special agent.


All the news thats fit to pimp: Mockingbird corporate media no longer even pretends to be unbiased "IndyWatch Feed War"

Leo Hohmann April 11, 2023

Take it from me: I spent 28 years in the mainstream newspaper industry and the Poynter Institute was considered the Holy Grail of journalistic training. I can tell you from experience that at least 99 percent of working professional journalists live in a delusionary environment of their own making that clouds their thinking on almost every issue out there.

The excellent article by Chris Wright below is just one example of how journalists get brainwashed (in this case by the Poynter Institute) and dont even know it, then spread their poisonous indoctrination on to their readers and viewers. And one of the most common ways in which they show their bias is through errors of omission they ignore or downplay the most truthful, relevant news while playing up and sensationalizing the stories that fit their narrative or are simply sensational enough to distract their audience away from the really important news.

But before you check out Chriss article, watch this brief video (you will need a Facebook account to view it, sorry, but I couldnt find it anywhere else.)

By Christopher Wright

Dont believe everything you read.  Major media outlets have been caught over the years taking money to print propaganda and slant stories a certain way.  Among the paymasters are the Chinese Communist Party, left-wing foundations, super-rich Leftist George Soros, and the U.S. government.

The U.S. government has paid journalists to shill for Obamacare, green jobs, and, most recently, COVID vaccines.  Now comes news the Biden administration paid the left-wing Poynter Institute another $23,500 to train journalists how to create supposedly balanced and bias-free journalism.  Or at least thats the cover story.  The U.S. Agency for Global Media has previously paid Poynter for such training in the past.  In addition, the State Department has paid Poynter $360,000 over the years for this training.

Poynter is funded by big Democrat donors like George Soros and Bill Gates.  They get their moneys worth.  Poynter started a blacklist of conservative new...


Elegant Evening Dress Sports Servo-Actuated Flowers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A milled PCB next to a woman wearing a dress that includes it

Theres been plenty of research into smart fabrics, and weve seen several projects involving items of clothing with electronics integrated inside. These typically include sensors and simple actuators like LEDS, but theres no reason you cant integrate moving electromechanical systems as well. [Rehana Al-Soltane] did just that: she made an elegant evening dress with flowers that open and close on command.

It took [Rehana] a bit of experimentation to figure out a floral design that opens and closes smoothly without crumpling the fabric or requiring excessive force to actuate. She finally settled on a plastic sheet sandwiched between two layers of fabric, with pieces of fishing line attached that pull the edges inward. The lines are guided through a tube down the back of the dress, where a servo pulls or releases them.

The mechanical flower can be operated by touch [Rehana] made one of the other flowers conductive by embedding copper tape betwee...


Ukraine war: Leak shows Western special forces on the ground "IndyWatch Feed War"

From BBC Online April 12, 2023

The story above was first posted by the online alternative media in April 2022! Seems like the BBC and others in the established media only just got the go-ahead to report it.

INTEL: U.S. Delta Forces and U.K. SAS Fighting inside Ukraine since February!

What took them so long to get around to reporting this? Or does the fact that the MSM is now reporting this indicate that we are about to witness a significant escalation of Western involvement in Ukraine?


FBI warns of phone charger threat "IndyWatch Feed World"

The federal law enforcement agency said that public phone charging sites are vulnerable to "bad actors". The FBI has urged Americans to stay away from free phone charging stations found at airports, hotels, and other public places, saying they could be used to hack into devices and may pose a threat to privacy. While it's unclear what prompted the advice, the bureau's Denver office recently made a case against public charging sites in a social media post, reflecting a similar guidance offered on the FBI's website.


SAP April 2023 security updates fix critical vulnerabilities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

SAP fixed two critical bugs that affect the Diagnostics Agent and the BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform.

SAP April 2023 security updates include a total of 24 notes, 19 of which are new vulnerabilities. The most critical vulnerabilities are:

  • CVE-2023-27267: missing authentication and insufficient input validation in the exploited by an attacker to execute scripts on connected Diagnostics Agents. Successful exploitation can potentially lead to full compromise of the system.
  • CVE-2023-28765: An attacker with basic privileges in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform (Promotion Management) versions 420, 430, can exploit the issue to access to lcmbiar file and further decrypt the file. Once the attacker gained access to BI users passwords and depending on the privileges of the BI user, he can perform operations that can completely compromise the application.

The complete list of the notes is reported in the latest security bulletin:

SAP administrators are urged to apply the available security patches as soon as possible.

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U.S. doubts Ukraine counteroffensive will yield big gains, leaked document says "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ukrainian troops ride toward the front line near Vuhledar

Alex Horton, John Hudson, Isabelle Khurshudyan and Samuel Oakford Washington Post April 10, 2023

Ukraines challenges in massing troops, ammunition and equipment could cause its military to fall well short of Kyivs original goals for an anticipated counteroffensive aimed at retaking Russian-occupied areas this spring, according to U.S. intelligence assessments contained in a growing leak of classified documents revealing Washingtons misgivings about the state of the war.

Labeled top secret, the bleak assessment from early February warns of significant force generation and sustainment shortfalls, and the likelihood that such an operation will result in only modest territorial gains. Its a marked departure from the Biden administrations public statements about the vitality of Ukraines military and is likely to embolden critics who feel the United States and NATO should do more to push for a negotiated settlement to the conflict.

The document, which has not been previously disclosed, is among a trove of U.S. national security materials discovered last week on an online messaging platform. Both the Pentagon, where much of the leaked materials appear to have originated earlier this year, and the Justice Department are investigating the matter.

The leak has produced remarkable insights into U.S. intelligence activities worldwide, but its revelations about the Russia-Ukraine war have proved particularly illuminating. It has revealed, for instance, where American officials have detected critical weaknesses in Ukraines air defenses and access to ammunition while exposing considerable deficiencies within the Russian military, too. Many of the assessments date to February and March.

The document forecasting only modest success in Ukraines forthcoming counteroffensive indicates that Kyivs strategy revolves around reclaiming contested areas in the east while pushing south in a bid to sever Russias land bridge to Crimea, the peninsula Moscow illegally annexed in 2014 and now uses as a supply route for its forces inside Ukraine. The potency of entrenched Russian defenses coupled wi...


April 11 COVID is Common Flu Rebranded "IndyWatch Feed War" April 11, 2023

Please send links and comments to

Our watchwords are force and make believe. Protocols of Zion, 1

From October 2020 to May 2021 (during the COVID-19 pandemic), flu activity was lower than during any prior influenza season since at least 1997 (which is when data first became publicly available)[5].

The cumulative hospitalization rate for the 2020-2021 flu season was 0.8 per 100,000 people while the 2019-2020 flu season saw a hospitalization rate of 66.2 per 100,000 people[6].


Abp. Vigan: Our elites adherence to lies and falsehood shows them to be servants of Satan
The true reset is returning to the truth of Christ, of the one who said of Himself: I am the way, the truth, and the life.

Continues with more headlines and links


Surprise! The COVID vaccines were never tested for safety "IndyWatch Feed War"

Steve Kirsch April 11, 2023

Executive summary

There were 31.2% higher deaths in the gold standard Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trials.

There is only one way to know whether or not the vaccine caused any of the deaths in the 21 vaccinated patients who died: proper histopathology.

Pfizer never did it and the FDA never asked for it.

This was the biggest mistake in the pandemic and nobody has acknowledged that or lifted a finger to correct it (as I point out below). Had they done the proper testing on the 21 deaths, the vaccine would never have been approved.

In lieu of the proper tests, there were assurances from Pfizer that nobody died from the vaccine. Thats absurd. We need the tests, not assurances. The tests are cheap and dispositive.

We can fix this in a New York minute, but nobody wants to know the answer.

Today, only Ryan Cole is doing the proper histopathology and in 100% of the cases hes been asked to look at, he can attribute the deaths to the vaccine.

Someday, I hope that well have leadership at the CDC that is not corrupt and that will ask Medical examiners to do the proper tests.

This can literally happen instantly. For example, the CDC says that tomorrow, every Medical Examiner in the US should do histopathology looking for the vaccine as a cause of death on the next person who dies. This is no big extra burden for a medical examiner just a few extra steps.

Or they can ask just a few medical examiners in highly vaccinated regions to run the extra tests on everyone who has an autopsy for the next 30 days (and to make sure that everyone who dies suddenly gets an autopsy done).

The bottom line is this: we could almost instantly have proof of whether the vaccine is safe and effective or not and the costs in time and money is de minimis.

The CDC is simply not interested in finding the truth about the vaccines, even though their job is to protect America from health threats:

Perhaps its time to re-write the CDCs mission statement to be more accurate? Here is my suggestion:

CDC works 24/7 to protect the vaccine manufacturers so that nobody in America ever finds out just how deadly the vaccines really are...


Manhattan D.A. Enlisted A Whos Who Of Biden Admin Buddies For Trump Takedown "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg with Joe Biden and NY AG Letitia JamesThere's quite a pattern to the Manhattan D.A. offices unprecedented use of outside, Democrat-connected lawyers to investigate Trump.


Its not Poison Unless You are Poisonous. It Takes The Form You Give It, "IndyWatch Feed War"

Visible Origami April 11, 2023

Dog Poet Transmitting.

In the spirit of strange WTF; here is an amusing take on The Dallying Lama. I come neither to praise nor to bury The Lama. My personal disconnect with the fellow is the same one I have with Mother Teresa; their lives did not match up with their hype. When people are too chummy with The Power Brokers, it makes me wonder. People who smile all the time also make me wonder if they are Short Bus material or serial deceivers.

Let me not be unkind; being world famous is no walk in the park. Gladhanding becomes a necessary part of ones defensive strategies; if only to ease around people you dont want to have a conversation with. Youre in dammed if you do and dammed if you dont territory, and a hairnet of flies and mosquitoes attends your daily passage without respite.

Whenever I focus on a particular individual, information seems to flow toward me and a profile materializes in my mind (Patanjali speaks of this); a mental plane image with missing parts because we never know the whole story about anyone, most especially ourselves; however many selves in however many phases of transiting change that may amount to.

Its hard being famous, and from my perspective, no fun either. You usually have to be a terrible person to enjoy being famous, and most people who are famous spent a lot more time getting to be famous than they ever did working on themselves, especially these days. The result is that you possess no real-life skills, and wind up having to be constantly accompanied by PR flacks because you are constantly out of your depth.

A Superficial mindset is a real cross to bear.

Youre surrounded by people who dont give a shit about you, and all of them work overtime to keep any real friends you may have at a distance. This also means you spend all of your time around people you dont like, (and for good reason) and whose own best interests do not involve any sincere interest in you other than as a cash machine.

Ive known famous people and been around them. I see what goes on. I hear about what goes on. Early in my travels, I decided I didnt like famous people as much as I did people who werent famous except to me. As I also happened to be an artist in several fields, it was unavoidable that I would be around The Fame Engines; Hey! What kind of fuel do you put in that puppy? The fuel you put in that puppy is you.

God let me know that that was not the road he intended for me to take. I kept working at it anyway. The number of times that someone died, the day before or the week before they were going to hook me up with Willie Nelson or some ot...


Manhattan Project An Entirely Jewish Affair "IndyWatch Feed War"

(lDwight Eisenhower in Masonic thumb-on-knuckle handshake with Sec of War Henry Stimson) April 11, 2023

Universal is set to release a $100 million film directed by Christopher Nolan  entitled Oppenheimer in July.  

It will not tell this story

Hiroshima was destroyed Thursday Aug 6. Nagasaki on Aug. 9. Forget about the rationales given.

According to Eustace Mullins, the Illuminati Jewish bankers shepherded the bomb into existence. It was dropped in order to trauma-brainwash the human race just like the holocaust brainwashed the Jews. 

After Hiroshima, humanity, like Jews, lived in a constant fear of annihilation. Life became meaningless. We lost faith in Gods loving purpose and lifes promise. Instead we had a deadly new enemy and a Cold War. Naturally the bankers gave the Russians the bomb to make it all appear real. (See Note below article)

Disclaimer- Many knowleable people dont believe nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan. I reserve judgment.

The title quote is from Atomic Bomb Manhattan Project  By Larry Romanoff, April 09, 2023

J. Robert Oppenheimer was selected by Baruch as the scientific director of the Manhattan Project At the first successful detonation of an atomic bomb on July 16, 1945, Oppenheimer shrieked, I am become Death, the Destroyer of worlds. Indeed, this seemed to be the ultimate goal of the Manhattan Project, to destroy the world. Oppenheimers exultation came from his realization that now his people (the Jews) had attained the ultimate power, through which they could implement their five-thousand-year desire to rule the entire world.

One part of history that has been deeply-buried is that the Jews were all expelled from Japan prior to the war, first from the city of Nagasaki and later from the entire countryit is quite plausible, if not very probable, that Baruch chose Japan and Nagasaki for the atomic bombs in retribution for Japans expulsion of the Jews.

 By Henry Makow, Ph.D. (Revised from August 6, 2005)

The Illuminati rationale behind the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 is the same as 9-11 and the COVID hoax: to inspire fear and hopelessness, justify war, repression, toxic vacinations,  debt and world government.

A half million Japanese civilians were irradiated not to save American...


Can You Mix Perfumes? Heres What You Need To Know "IndyWatch Feed World"

Perfumes are an essential part of personal grooming, and many people like to have a signature scent that they wear every day. However, it can be tempting to mix different perfumes to create a unique fragrance. If youre considering mixing perfumes, there are a few things you need to know.

Firstly, its important to understand that different fragrances contain different concentrations of essential oils and other ingredients. Some fragrances are stronger than others, and some contain notes that clash with each other. Mixing two perfumes can result in a fragrance that is overpowering, unpleasant, or simply doesnt work.

If youre determined to mix perfumes, its essential to choose scents that complement each other. For example, a citrusy perfume may work well with a floral scent. However, a woody fragrance may not mix well with a sweet perfume. Its important to experiment with different combinations to find the ones that work best for you.


One way to experiment with different fragrances is to start with a base scent and layer other fragrances on top. This can create a unique fragrance that is personalized to your preferences. Discount cologne can be a good option for a base scent, as it is often affordable and comes in larger quantities. This way, you can experiment with different fragrances without breaking the bank.

When mixing perfumes, its important to apply them in the right order. Typically, the fragrance that is applied first will be the dominant scent, so its important to choose which fragrance you want to be the main focus. Applying the stronger scent first can help ensure that it doesnt overpower the other fragrance.

Its also important to apply the perfumes to the right areas of the body. Fragrances should be applied to pulse points, such as the wrists, neck, and behind the ears. This is because these areas generate heat, which can help to release the scent.

If youre mixing perfumes, its important to use a light hand. Its easy to overdo it with fragrance, and applying too much can be overpowering. A good rule of thumb is to apply no more than three sprays of each fragrance.

When experimenting with...


Survivors of the Trans Panic: Detransitioner Reveals Horrors of Gender Cyber-Sect "IndyWatch Feed War"

Emma Jo-Morris April 10, 2023

Transgenderism is being portrayed as a progressive form of self-expression by the political, media, and business complex, but it is also damaging and marring in many cases irreparably the girls who come into contact with it. This series is exploring some of the cruelty experienced by people who have interacted with the cyber-sect of radical gender ideology, through testimony in their own words.

About 20 percent of Generation Z is likely to identify on the LGBTQQIP2SAA spectrum, and LGBTQIA+ identification overall has become much more common in the United States in the past decade, according to 2022 polling by Gallup. Over five percent of Americans from 18 to 30-years-old identify as transgender or nonbinary, according a Pew Research Center survey published in June.

The number of diagnoses of gender dysphoria of children between the ages of 617 in the United States has surged over recent years, from 15,172 in 2017 to 24,847 in 2020, to 42,167 in 2021, according to data published by Reuters. In 2017, there were 1,905 children in the same age range, 617, undergoing hormone therapy, spiking to 4,231 in 2021.

Despite dubious data surrounding the practice of gender-affirming care, especially for adolescents, the United States is the most permissive country for child sex change operations and gender transition drug treatments compared with any European country, according to a study by Do No Harm. Doctors who recently spoke to Breitbart News, requesting their identities be concealed for fear of backlash, said there is a perverse monetary incentive structure built around pushing transgender drugs and surgeries on kids. The United States sex-reassignment surgery market was valued at almost two billion dollars in 2021 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 11.23 percent until 2030, according to a market report by Grand View Research.

Looking for an escape

Oftentimes, people are looking for an escape. Theres a lot of escapism in my generation, and this is especially true with the trans ideology, Estella Suarez-Hamilton, a young woman who transitioned...


China's Loongson Unveils 32-Core CPU, Reportedly 4X Faster Than Arm Chip "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 3D5000 has come out of the oven:

Loongson, a Chinese fabless chipmaker, has launched the new 3D5000 processor for data centers and cloud computing. MyDrivers (opens in new tab) reported that Loongson claims its 32-core domestic chips deliver 4X higher performance than rival Arm processors.

The 3D5000 still leverages LoongArch, Loongson's homemade instruction set architecture (ISA) from 2020. The chipmaker was previously a firm believer in MIPS. However, Loongson eventually built LoongArch from the ground up with the sole objective of not relying on foreign technology to develop its processors. LoongArch is a RISC (reduced instruction set computer) ISA, similar to MIPS or RISC-V.

The 3D5000 arrives with 32 LA464 cores running at 2 GHz. The 32-core processor has 64MB of L3 cache, supports eight-channel DDR4-3200 ECC memory, and up to five HyperTransport (HT) 3.0 interfaces. It also supports dynamic frequency and voltage adjustments. Officially, the 3D5000 has a 300W TDP; however, Loongson stated that the conventional power consumption is around 150W. That's roughly 5W per core.

The 3D5000 flaunts a chiplet design since Loongson has glued together two 16-core 3C5000 processors. Loongson developed the 3C5000 server part to compete with AMD's Zen and Zen+ architectures. The latest 3D5000, which measures 75.4 x 58.5 x 7.1mm, slides into a custom LGA4129 socket.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Delta: Three Suspects In Police Net Over Killing Of APC Chieftain In Agbarho "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS APRIL 12TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Delta State Police Command, yesterday, arrested three suspects in connection with the gruesome murder of a chieftain of All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Sylvester Efeurhobo, in Agbarho, Ughelli North Local Council of the state.

According to sources, Chief Efeurhobo was shot by assailants in his residence at Agbarho, on Sunday night.

The Guardian learnt that the deceased was the Chairman of a pro-APC Support Group, known as the Achievers Group, in Agbarho, and a dedicated party faithful.

The killing threw the community into mourning, as scores of members were seen gathered in groups discussing the issue.

They lamented the murder and called on the police to fish out the perpetrators for prosecution as we mourn the deceased.

The Commands spokesperson, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), Bright Edafe, told The Guardian that three suspects are in custody in connection with incident, which occurred on Sunday, April 9, 2023, at Chief Efeurhobos country home in Agbarho town.

He said: I cannot say whether the deceased was a party man or not, but we are still investigating. So far three suspects have been arrested.




Nearly 10,000 Army Soldiers Emerged From Covid Lockdowns Obese "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ArmyObesity is the single greatest barrier to recruitment in the American military today, and the problem is only getting worse.


If Youre Dissing Millie Bobby Brown For Getting Engaged At 19, You Might Be The Problem "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Millie Bobby Brown's engagement postA committed, mutually sacrificial marriage is far less scary than intentionally going through life alone for fear of narrowing your options.


Nadine Hoosen, Chief Science Officer at TAFFD's, joins our Biotech/Medical Board. "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Nadine Hoosen, Chief Science Officer at TAFFDs, joins our Biotech/Medical Board.


Lets celebrate the Belfast Agreements successes but recognise that Bidens content free visit also highlights it failings "IndyWatch Feed"

Whats the difference between a bug in a program and a misunderstanding?

Monica Anderson

I watched the events of Good Friday 1998 in the old cottage we rented off a local estate in Dorset. My abiding memory though was an audio tape that one of my Irish students brought to the class I ran on Tuesday nights some weeks after the event itself.

On one side were programmes hed taped via satellite of Raidio na Gaeltachta for the class, on the other was the aftermath of that Good Friday morning when Northern Irelands old constitutional warriors gushed generosity towards each other.

John Taylor stood out mostly in my mind, I think because he was one from whom I least expected to hear such largesse. As I grew up at home he always seemed the hard man within official Unionism as we called it back then. He had fair call to be.

Back in the worst year of the Troubles hed been hit five times in the neck and head when an official IRA gang had sprayed his car with bullets. His joy in the moment and his sincere gratitude towards George Mitchell was particularly affecting.

This was not because the agreement would end the war (that was already presaged in the ongoing ceasefires by the provisionals and their loyalist enemies), but rather see the demise of what Fintan OToole calls the dead weight of insane inertia.

In effect, the Troubles were contained after 1975 to the point where most people in Northern Ireland outside what became known as the sectarian ghettos which were the wellspring of violent paramilitary activism enjoyed relatively normal lives.

It was in anticipation of such a space that the Sunningdale agreement had been forged some twenty years before, part of a conjuring act that OToole argues:

was to wipe out the memory that all of this had indeed been agreed long before and to allow Sinn Fin and the loyalists to present it to their own constituents as new and thus claim great breakthroughs that justified doing the deal now.

Not everyone could forbear from pointing out that this was, as the SDLPs doughty Seamus Mallon, put it, Sunningdale for slow learners. And for those who did hold their tongues, there was a great deal to swallow.

Thus and there have been long-term consequences to this Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness were allowed to claim to their members and supporters that the IRAs armed struggle had been vindicated because the Brits had now been...


In Hyperreality, Podcasting Is The New Punk Rock "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Joe RoganThe reality you inhabit is different from the reality the corporate media manufacture.

Three under-the-radar gadgets I find indispensable "IndyWatch Feed World"

Headphones that dont drown out the real world, an anti-Apple Watch, security cameras with marathon battery life, and a great charger thats hardly a brick.

This story is from Fast Companys Plugged In newsletter, a weekly roundup of tech insights, news, and trends from global technology editor Harry McCracken, delivered to your inbox every Wednesday morning. Sign up for it here.

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Biden Budget Extends His Silent War On The Middle Class "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

government child careAfter suffering the ill effects of two decades of flawed fiscal and monetary policy, the middle class badly deserves a change of course.


OpenAI launched a bug bounty program "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AI company OpenAI launched a bug bounty program and announced payouts of up to $20,000 for security flaws in its ChatGPT chatbot service.

OpenAI launched a bug bounty program and it is offering up to $20,000 to bug hunters that will report vulnerabilities in its ChatGPT chatbot service.

The company explained that ChatGPT is in scope, including ChatGPT Plus, logins, subscriptions, OpenAI-created plugins (e.g. Browsing, Code Interpreter), plugins users create themselves, and all other functionality. Plugins developed by other people are out of the scope.

The bug bounty program, which is operated via the Bugcrowd crowdsourced security platform, also covers APIs, API keys, and other assets belonging to OpenAI. The company is also interested in confidential OpenAI corporate information that may be exposed through third parties, such as Google Workspace, Trello, Jira, Salesforce and Stripe.

The bounties range from $200 for low-severity security issues up to $20,000 for critical vulnerabilities.

Security is essential to OpenAIs mission. We appreciate the contributions of ethical hackers who help us uphold high privacy and security standards for our users and technology. This policy (based on outlines our definition of good faith regarding the discovery and reporting of vulnerabilities, and clarifies what you can expect from us in return. reads the announcement published by the company.

The initial priority rating for most findings will use the Bugcrowd Vulnerability Rating Taxonomy. However, vulnerability priority and reward may be modified based on likelihood or impact at OpenAIs sole discretion. In cases of downgraded issues, researchers will receive a detailed explanation.

In March, 2023, OpenAI addressed multiple severe vulnerabilities in ChatGPT that could have allowed attackers to take over user accounts and view chat histories.

One of the issues was a Web Cache Deception vulnerability reported by the bug bounty hunter and Shockwave founder Gal Nagli, it could lead to an account takeover.

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How Rejecting Biblical Masculinity Turns Men From Protectors To Predators "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

woman holding toxic masculinity sign at gun protestMen everywhere seem to experience tension between what they themselves define as good men and the way the surrounding culture pressures them to be real men.


COVID-19 Won, We Lost. Why Doesnt the Media Admit This? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link | md5sum 0728ff8efe7b4350ffebfe6c23131bb0
COVID-19 Remains Untackled
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Ive just published some hard data to show how deaths have soared this year, probably in relation to the neglect of COVID-19 response. Institutions and media compel us to think that COVID-19 is a thing of the past or old news while publicly-available data shows alarming numbers, including total mortality across all age groups (its up sharply).

Media gaslighting wont be the solution to all this. We need proper research and real, hard answers.


3 Tips For Exposing The Lefts Lack Of Logic In Political Debates "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

protestIts imperative that conservatives understand and deploy the very best kinds of argumentation in order to refute bad arguments.

Grandfather Paradox? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This topic is worth a visit in light of my new understanding of TIME.  As I have posted, my Cloud cosmology and the act of creation of the SPACE TIME pendulum is embedded in a 3D manifold rather than a space time manifold.  This is a big difference because TIME is created along with even consiousness which is photonic in nature.

The good news is that a 3D manifold is preserved through the creation of any and all wormholes.   This does mean TIME independent spatial travel within the same page of TIME.  Rather handy for all of us sitting deep inside a gravity well.  We are dragged along so cannot jump into Space.  The real issue will  be matching vectors..

Within our gravity well, we can use high frequency to allow us to then jump to another page of TIME and presumably stabalize the two way connection  This is where causuality concerns crop up.

Yet understand that this wormhole is actually attaching a portion of the past TIME page to the present and this effect must disapate in the past unless effort is exerted to keep it intact.  I do think that all alternate time lines will converge on the present TIME page and typically adjust little things.

I want to say that we have observations supporting this scenario.  This means modest meddling has occurred, but has also been easily handled.  I do think that it takes huge energy to do all this and it also cannot be done without universal support.

What is beneficial is that we will restore all extinction events to the present ,but not attempt to prevent.  

This simply means restoring a natural refuge that once produced a distinct biome to its original condition and then make a connecting wormhole to allow the two biome to join and intermingle.

We do have a couple of reports of such wormholes again, so it is not unimaginable particularly when the observer is unknowing.


Our own living plasma Ocean "IndyWatch Feed Tech"


The more i get my mind around the neutral neutron pair or NNP for short, the more i am convinced that it lies dense about us and permeates the whole earth.  It is scaled at the same size as the hydrogen atom without having the orbital and free electron of the hydrogen atom which enlarges the scale..  My point is that however spaced our NNPs are, at a size of half an angstrom they easily pass through all our matter and been effrectively chargeless, there is scant drag.  I am not going to say zero but it is still so little that we have been almost unable to detect them.

Having said all that, let us return to lightening.  First off a 3D mass of free electrons or free ions for that matter is an explosive.  When we look at lightening bolts we actually see a massive column passing down to the earth.  It follows that freee atmospheric ions flee to the surface and interact with free electrons to produce really hot electrons.

Thus it appears that a mass of NNPs carries charged ions down to toward the ground for discharge.  When it hits the ground it opens a live surface for electrons to flow back up the column. If the column breaks up, the NNPs will drain into the ground which leaves both free ions and electrons in position to explode.  Plenty of energy for both thunder and heat lightening.  The take home is that by simply invoking NNPs we can clearly explain and understand what we see going on up in the skies.

another consequernce of all this is that a vacuum tube is no true vacuum tube at all, but contains a full load of NNPs.  I do recall that odd observations exist likely to respond well to this model.

 And just where does coherant light fit into all this?  Suddenly we have a convenient ordered, but neutral structure around all that we see and measure.

This also explains the nature of gravity and what i have also observed.  I have already posted that we can drive gravity out of a given mass, simply because I have seen it done.  The big take home is that the mass of NNPs is neutral and has zero effect on our bodies which by the way, after been separat...

How to Get Geisha-Like Skin with Ancient Japanese Rice Water Treatment "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

They have been successfully using it for ever.. Understand that the fundamental problem with selling cosmetic products is word of mouth.  At the end of the day, you really have to have a superior product that is better than the known alternative.

Add in that plenty of therapies work only with a subset of the prospective audience and away you go.  again the final seive is word of mouth and a tough marketing haul.

Obviously a product used forever successfully has it made.  At best it can be improved with geling agents but then it still best made yourself because it will be hard to store. You can eat it.

How to Get Geisha-Like Skin with Ancient Japanese Rice Water Treatment

UPDATED 8 APRIL, 2023 - 22:48 SAHIR

Traditional beauty tips and tricks from the Eastern hemisphere, particularly South Asia and Southeast Asia, are all the rage in the Western world. As more knowledge and information is disseminated about non-chemical application of home remedies on the skin, one such hack from ancient Japan has been doing the rounds in the last few years rice water! Rice water is the starchy water that is left over after soaking or boiling rice, and it contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are beneficial for the skin.

A staple of the Asian diet, it achieved a second boost of popularity after being vetted by none other than Kim Kardashian, who swears by its ability to boost hair tresses. In...

Barefoot and health becoming a tthing "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I have posted in the past about the likely virtues of walking  barefoot on the ground.  These werte simply my own observations ,but i did put a note together to see if we could drum up some interest.  As it was, i need not have bothered because others have also woken up to the possibilities.

This is from seven years ago already and it turns out that serious effort is underway to make it easier to do.

I actually went barefoot in the summer until I turned six and went to school.  That was the common deal then.  winter time saw rubber boots and thick socks of course.  also i stayed with leather shoes for office work until recently.  All that is now harder to do.

The real take home is that been grounded empowers your body to heal pro[erly, simply because your nervous system can scavenge free electrons when needed.  all those stories here go back to allowing your body to do its job and wrapping yourself in insulators is obviously stupid.


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