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Thursday, 20 April


Was passiert, wenn man jahrzehntelang von "Christen" ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Was passiert, wenn man jahrzehntelang von "Christen" und "Sozialdemokraten" regiert wird?

Erst verwanzen sie Wohnungen, um "die Kinder zu schtzen" (vor Drogen!1!!).

Dann packen sie Trojaner auf Telefone, um "die Kinder zu schtzen" (vor Hassrede).

Dann fhren sie die zeitlich unbegrenzte Inhaftierung Unschuldiger ein, um "die Kinder zu schtzen" (vor Triebttern?).

Dann holzen sie den Forst ab, dessen Sauerstoff die Kinder htten atmen wollen, und schmeien die Kinder in den Knast, die sie eben noch schtzen zu wollen vorgaben.

Auf dem Weg haben sie noch den Sozialstaat abgeschafft, um arme Kinder arm zu halten.

Wo bleibt eigentlich die Revolution? Wer whlt diese Triebtter immer wieder ins Parlament?!?

Public Service Announcement: Upgrade your LUKS key ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Public Service Announcement: Upgrade your LUKS key derivation function. Da hat sich ber die Jahre der Stand der Technik verschoben.

Wechselt von PBKDF2 auf argon2id.

Elon Musk spielt weiter 3d-Schach, und macht Zge, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Elon Musk spielt weiter 3d-Schach, und macht Zge, die maximal bescheuert aussehen fr uns Fugnger hier unten, die das nur in 2d sehen. Aktuell: "TruthGPT".

Ich find's ja auch toll, wie sie es geschafft haben, dass erst Freiheit und jetzt Wahrheit verbrannte Wrter sind, die direkt Extremisten-Assoziationen auslsen.

Wisst ihr noch, die guten alten Zeiten, als man Schwarze ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wisst ihr noch, die guten alten Zeiten, als man Schwarze einfach lynchen konnte?

Jennings: I know. Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a damn rope. But you can't do that anymore. They got more rights than we got.
... sprach der Commissioner zum Sherriff in einem Geheim-Meeting. Es ging auch darum, ob man nicht ein paar Hitmen engagieren knnte, um die rtlichen Journalisten umzubringen.

America, fuck yeah! Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

Erinnert ihr euch an den russischen Panzer, den Enno ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Erinnert ihr euch an den russischen Panzer, den Enno und co vor der russischen Botschaft aufgebaut haben?

Wo das Bezirksamt Mitte mit Zhnen und Klauen verhindern wollte, dass das passiert?

Nun, die haben ihre Unsportlichkeit noch gesteigert gekriegt und Enno ein Knllchen ber 806 geschickt.

Das Bezirksamt Mitte schickte den Veranstaltern Enno Lenze und Wieland Giebel nach eigenen Angaben eine Rechnung ber den Betrag - wegen der Sondernutzung von gut 43 Quadratmetern Straenland. "Wir haben die Schnauze voll von dem Bezirk. Wir zahlen einfach", sagte Giebel, der Grnder und Leiter des "Berlin Story Bunker"-Museums dem rbb.
Was fr ein erbrmliches Verhalten. Das reflektiert aber ganz unvorteilhaft auf das Land Berlin. GANZ schlechte Verlierer in diesem Bezirksamt.

Wirtschaftsnachrichten:NeuroImages editorial team ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"


NeuroImages editorial team has tried to convince Elsevier to reduce the publication fee from $3,450, as we believe large profit is unethical and unsustainable. Elsevier is unwilling to reduce the fee; therefore, with great regret, all editors (more than 40 academic editors) of NeuroImage and NeuroImage:Reports have resigned. We are starting a new non-profit Open Access journal, Imaging Neuroscience, intended to replace NeuroImage as our fields leading journal.
Na das ist ja mal eine hocherfreuliche Entwicklung. Wrde mich freuen, wenn das Schule macht.

Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm: 75k Menschen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm: 75k Menschen unterzeichnen eine Petition, die blo fordert, was eh schon im aktuellen Entwurf des Umweltministeriums steht.

SO restlos und nachhaltig zerstrt ist das Vertrauen in die Politik in diesem Lande.

Der Einsender erlutert:

das Referat [hat] die Petition zensiert hatte mit dem Argument, dass eine hnliche Petition bei der es um die Umwidmung von Rasenflche zu Willblumenwiesen ging mit 82 Unterschriften gescheitert sei. Es brauchte dann erst diverse Anlufe und mehrere Bundestagsabgeordnete, damit sie die dann doch verffentlich haben und es musste der Referatsleiterin erklrt werden, dass es sich um ein Grundrecht handelt, dass sie das unverndert annimmt.
Der Einreicher hat ein Youtube-Video dazu gemacht.

Mir ist ja auch vllig unklar, wieso man da berhaupt irgendwas anmelden muss. Ich kann einen Khlschrank einfach reinstecken. Wieso nicht eine Balkonsolaranlage?

Die SPD schafft das Briefgeheimnis ab.Damit brechen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die SPD schafft das Briefgeheimnis ab.

Damit brechen sie ihren Koalititionsvertrag. Ihr wisst schon. Der Koalitionsvertrag! Den sie uns an anderer Stelle immer als Begrndung vorgehalten haben, wieso sie nicht im Interesse ihrer Whler abstimmen konnten.

Auf den knnen sie jetzt einfach so scheien.

Knnen die nicht einmal in die richtige Richtung umfallen!?

Here's Why Big Pharma Spends More On Ads Pushing Lower Benefit Drugs "IndyWatch Feed Pacific"

Big pharma spends more money on advertising for drugs that have lower health benefits for patients, according to a study published in JAMA on Tuesday, shedding new light on the almost uniquely American practice amid fierce debate over whether direct-to-consumer prescription drug ads should be banned. The proportion of advertising spending allocated to direct-to-consumer ads was an average of 14.3 percentage points higher for drugs with a low added benefit compared to those with a high added benefit, according to the peer-reviewed analysis of the 150 best-selling branded prescription drugs. Manufacturers of the top six best-selling drugs spent the bulk of their promotional budgetsmore than 90%targeting consumers directly rather than clinicians for a range of treatment options for conditions including HIV, multiple sclerosis and numerous cancers. The findings could suggest pharma firms are aiming promotional dollars directly towards consumers ... as part of a "strategy to drive patient demand for drugs that clinicians would be less likely to prescribe," said the study's lead author Michael DiStefano. Just two countries in the world allow drug makers to market prescription medications directly to consumers: the U.S. and New Zealand. Most countries prohibit directly advertising prescription medications to the public, something the WHO says influences both people and, indirectly, the medical professionals treating them, making it "harder to make decisions on evidence based medicine."

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on pharmaceutical corruption and media manipulation from reliable sources.


INEC To Present Certificate Of Return To Fintiri By 3:00 PM "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) is set to issue the Certificate of Return (CoR) to the incumbent Governor of Adamawa State, Ahmadu Fintiri as the Governor-elect in the just concluded gubernatorial election in the state. The commission had on Tuesday evening declared Fintiri of the PDP as the winner of the Adamawa supplementary election held []

The post INEC To Present Certificate Of Return To Fintiri By 3:00 PM first appeared on New Telegraph.

The post INEC To Present Certificate Of Return To Fintiri By 3:00 PM appeared first on New Telegraph.


Economic Sanctions Are Simultaneously Ineffective and Cruel "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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China, Russia Circle Wagons in Asia-Pacific "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Test TCP ports with Python and Scapy "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Get greater control over TCP port checking with a DIY, customizable approach using Python and Scapy.

Read More at Enable Sysadmin

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Vintage Computer Festival East was a Retro Madhouse "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Vintage Computer Festival East took place last weekend at the InfoAge Science and History Museum in New Jersey, and by any metric you care to use, it was a phenomenal success. Everyone you spoke with, from the the exhibitors and attendees, to the veteran volunteers who put this incredible show together, all said the same thing: theyd never seen a turnout like this before.



Saying Dumb Things, Turning Them Into Clickbait "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Muggie van Staden

Like trusting Microsoft not to lock/shut GNU/Linux and BSD out (using, e.g., secure boot)

Invading poland

Summary: There was never a lack of gullible people saying terrible things, in spite of all evidence to the contrary

Wednesday, 19 April


A proper pandemic treaty would value universal access over profit "IndyWatch Feed"

OPINION: The WHOs draft treaty being debated in Geneva does not tackle the power imbalance in global health


Blair Misled Parliament Over 1998 Iraq Bombing, Files Show "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Nigeria: GNU/Linux Market Share Up to 5%, Windows Down to 50% "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Past 6 months (2023 estimates say 230,842,743 people live in Nigeria, the sixth biggest population on this planet):

Desktop Operating System Market Share Nigeria: GNU/Linux at 5%

Summary: As per these figures from this month, Nigeria is adopting GNU/Linux faster than some countries; is 1 in 20 desktops/laptops running GNU/Linux? Microsoft bribed Nigerian officials 15 years ago to prevent this from happening.


NFF to constitute boards for NNL, NWFL, NLO "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

*IMC to remain in office to complete mandate The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has reiterated that the Interim Management Committee of Nigeria Premier Football League (NPFL) headed by Hon. Gbenga Elegbeleye will be allowed to remain in office and conclude its mandate before any decision can be taken on a board for the NPFL. Let []

The post NFF to constitute boards for NNL, NWFL, NLO first appeared on New Telegraph.

The post NFF to constitute boards for NNL, NWFL, NLO appeared first on New Telegraph.


Google Chrome Hit by Second Zero-Day Attack - Urgent Patch Update Released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Google on Tuesday rolled out emergency fixes to address another actively exploited high-severity zero-day flaw in its Chrome web browser. The flaw, tracked as CVE-2023-2136, is described as a case of integer overflow in Skia, an open source 2D graphics library. Clment Lecigne of Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) has been credited with discovering and reporting the flaw on April 12, 2023. "


The rebooting of Solus Linux "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The desktop-oriented Solus distribution has been through a difficult period; this post describes the extensive changes that have been made in response.

Notably, innovation in the Linux ecosystem is presently centered around the use of application sandboxing, containers and the development of immutable operating systems with a well understood Software Bill of Materials. Each of these concepts allow for a degree of separation and stability when developing, testing and certifying software and products.

The current Solus tooling, as well as the resulting packaging and development experience, is somewhat ill-suited to this objective and would most likely need a wholesale re-engineering of the tools before this becomes feasible.

However, there is a more straightforward path for Solus: Rebasing onto Serpent OS.


4/14/23 Michael Maharrey on The Best Arguments Against Defend The Guard and Why Theyre Wrong "IndyWatch Feed War"

Download Episode. Scott is joined by Micahel Maharrey of the Tenth Amendment Center to talk about Defend The Guard. Maharrey reviews the arguments that federal and state officials have been using against the Defend The Guard legislation at some of the recent state legislative hearings. In this interview, he zeroes in on a couple that []


Checking existence of firewalled URLs via javascript's script.onload "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Georgi Guninski on Apr 19

There is minor information disclosure vulnerability similar
to nmap in browser.

It is possible to check the existence of firewalled URL U via
the following javascript in a browser:


Africa, Now Squeezed to the Bones "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Human Wrongs Watch

MADRID, Apr 19 2023 (IPS)* As many as 45 African countries out of the Continents 54 nations, all of them grouped in what is known as Sub-Saharan Africa, have now been further squeezed to their bones, as funding shrinks to lowest ever levels, and as a portion of the so-called aid goes back to the pockets of rich donor countries.
See what happens.
The IMF has made some encouraging improvements in paying attention to social protection, health, and education, but it needs to do much more to avoid, in its own words, repeating past mistakes, says new report. Credit: Charles Mpaka/IPS

The IMF has made some encouraging improvements in paying attention to social protection, health, and education, but it needs to do much more to avoid, in its own words, repeating past mistakes, says new report. Credit: Charles Mpaka/IPS

In its April 2023 World Economic Outlook, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) talks about a rocky recovery. In its reporting on that, it lowers global economic growth outlook as fog thickens.

It says that the road to global economic recovery is getting rocky. And that while inflation is slowly falling, economic growth remains historically low, and that the financial risks have risen.


Well. In its April Outlook, the IMF devotes a chapter to Sub-Saharan Africa, titled The Big Funding Squeeze.

It says that growth in Sub-Saharan Africa is expected to slow to 3.6 percent as a big funding squeeze, tied to the drying up of aid and access to private finance, hits the region in this second consecutive y...


Ukraine, Russia and the Third Crusade "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Security updates for Wednesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (asterisk), Fedora (lldpd and openssh), Red Hat (curl, kernel, and openvswitch2.13), SUSE (compat-openssl098, glib2, grafana, helm, libgit2, openssl, and openssl-1_1), and Ubuntu (linux, linux-aws, linux-aws-5.15, linux-azure, linux-azure-5.15, linux-azure-fde, linux-gcp, linux-gcp-5.15, linux-gke, linux-gke-5.15, linux-gkeop, linux-ibm, linux-kvm, linux-lowlatency, linux-lowlatency-hwe-5.15, linux-oracle, linux-oracle-5.15, linux-raspi, linux, linux-aws, linux-azure, linux-gcp, linux-hwe-5.19, linux-kvm, linux-lowlatency, linux-oracle, linux-raspi, and vim).


Axiom announces new government human spaceflight program "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

COLORADO SPRINGS Axiom Space has introduced a new program to allow countries to create human spaceflight programs without needing to develop their own infrastructure or other capabilities.

The Axiom Space Access Program, announced April 17, offers countries a tiered approach to conducting research on the International Space Station or Axioms future commercial space station, as well as flying their own astronauts.

The program is effectively a space program in a box, said Tejpaul Bhatia, chief revenue officer at Axiom, in an interview during the 38th Space Symposium. The real key is that turnkey access at affordable, sustainable and predictable rates.


Is Time Travel Possible In Our Universe? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The first 100 people to use code UNIVERSE at the link below will get 60% off of Incogni:

Researched and Written by Colin Stuart.
Check out his superb Astrophysics for Beginners course here:

Edited by Manuel Rubio.
Narrated and Script Edited by David Kelly.
Thumbnail art by Ettore Mazza, the GOAT:
Animations by Jero Squartini
Stock footage taken from Videoblocks and Artgrid, music from Epidemic Sound, Artlist, Silver Maple and Yehezkel Raz.
Space imagery also used from NASA and ESO.

Specific image credits:
AT Service via Wikimedia for images of Kip Thorne and Bryce DeWitt.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, via Wikimedia Commons for the image of Bruno Rossi.

00:00 Introduction.
06:00 The Block Universe.
16:25 Visiting The Future.
27:00 Visiting The Past.
37:59 Time Streams.

#wormhole #quantum


Ukraine 2014: The Tipping Point of Terror "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Portrait of a grieving father: Amin Khazem mourns his son and resistance fighter, Nidal "IndyWatch Feed War"

In October, Mariam Barghouti interviewed Palestinian resistance fighter Nidal Khazem. Six months later after Israeli forces assassinated him, Barghouti returned to interview his father and share a previously unheard recording of her interview with Nidal.


All sheriffs are bad, too "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Theyre just cops in cowboy hats, you know. Anyway, a small town newspaper in Oklahoma left a recording device in a meeting room when various county officials had a meeting. He wanted to prove that officials were discussing county business after the meeting had ended in violation of the states open-meeting law. He got a bit more than he expected.

A small newspaper in rural Oklahoma secretly recorded what it said was an illegal public meeting where a county official talked about hanging Black people and several officials spoke of hiring hit men and digging holes for two of the newspapers reporters.

Them good ol boys were having a grand time chatting about all the crimes they wanted to commit: killing troublesome reporters, hanging black folk, all the stuff we usually just imagine rotten county officials talking about in back room meetings. They do!

Jennings: Its like somebody wanting this job, they dont realize, like your job. I heard it the other day, said I heard 2 or 12 people were going for sheriff. I said fuck, lets get 20. They dont have a goddamn clue what theyre getting into. Not this day and age. Im gonna tell you something. If it was back in the day, when that when Alan Marshton would take a damn black guy and whoop their ass and throw him in the cell? Id run for fucking sheriff.

Sheriff: Yeah. Well, Its not like that nomore.

Jennings: I know. Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a damn rope. But you cant do that anymore. They got more rights than we got.

Its no fair, nowadays Black people have the right to not be hanged. Makes a fella pine for the good ol days.

You know, these kinds of attitudes dont just spring up out of nowhere. It says the leading citizens of that Oklahoma town have a culture that accepts casual racism and that wallows in their privilege. Fire the lot of them.

Their defense is now that it was illegal to record their conversation. They said the things, you just werent supposed to hear them.

At least its r...


New York City to Track Personal Food Choices Using Credit Card Data "IndyWatch Feed War"


Remember the crazy right-wing conspiracy theory alleging that our food purchases will be tracked to reduce our CO2 consumption?

That one is turning out to be true!

Yesterday, New York City announced its plan to track the food choices of New Yorkers using credit card data from individual store purchases. According to the mayor, tracking individual food choices is a step towards reducing the CO2 output of New Yorkers.

The Adams administration has announced a plan to begin tracking the carbon footprint created by household food consumption as well as a new target for New York City agencies to reduce their food-based emissions by 33% by the year 2023. [Did they mean 2032 I.C.? ]

New York City, in partnership with American Express, a credit card company, will track purchases to calculate New Yorkers carbon footprints:

The new plan puts the city on par with London and 13 other cities to incorporate food consumption into its greenhouse gas emission metrics. The effort to examine the environmental effects of eating foods like meat and dairy was first announc...


US Drought: What a Difference a Year Makes "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

...what alarmists were calling Extreme Climate Change in the US, was in fact, simply weather.


Group Commends INEC Chairman Over Conduct Of Elections "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Nigerian Forum for Democracy (NIFD), has commended the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, (INEC), Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, for the peaceful conduct of the 2023 general elections in the country. The group made the commendation in a statement released to media houses in Abuja on Tuesday, which was signed by its National Coordinator, []

The post Group Commends INEC Chairman Over Conduct Of Elections first appeared on New Telegraph.

The post Group Commends INEC Chairman Over Conduct Of Elections appeared first on New Telegraph.


Database Company MariaDB Makes Cuts to Headcount but Has Financial Concerns "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

New CFO sees interesting in-tray at 20 percent year-on-year growth database company:

Database vendor MariaDB has cut a number of jobs and reiterated a "going concern" warning over its medium-term financial viability.

In a statement to the stock market [PDF] late last month, the company, which floated on the New York Stock Exchange at the end of 2022, said it was reducing its headcount by 26 "to achieve cost reduction goals and to focus the Company on key initiatives and priorities."

In December, CEO Michael Howard told The Register the company was looking to hire more people following $104 million in funding and $18 million through private investment in public equity through the special purpose acquisition company that enabled the flotation.

Although the job losses may be a fraction of the reported 340 people the company employs, other details in the filing may highlight further cause for concern over its financial viability.

It includes a mention of MariaDB's February 10Q warning that the company's current cash and cash equivalents "would not be sufficient to fund our operations, including capital expenditure requirements for at least 12 months from... February 13, 2023, raising substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern."

The March 24 statement said it anticipated that the money raised by database subscriptions and services would not be enough to meet its projected working capital and operating needs. "We are currently seeking additional capital to meet our projected working capital, operating, and debt repayment needs for periods after September 30, 2023 ... Going forward, we cannot be certain when or if our operations will generate sufficient cash to fully fund our ongoing operations or the growth of our business," it says.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Germany and Nord Stream Sabotage: Victim or Confidant? "IndyWatch Feed War"

So far, Germany has been the blind spot in discussions over the Nord Stream sabotage. The economic disadvantages to the worlds fourth-largest economy from blasting the pipeline are too great. Of course, no one will seriously assume that the traffic-light coalition in Berlin stands behind the attack. However, the outwardly conspicuously indifferent and dismissive handling of the act of sabotage suggests that Berlin either has a particularly opaque approach to its MPs or has its reasons for downplaying the significance of the Nord Stream sabotage. Several observations in Germanys handling of the sabotage suggest that, though Germany was a victim of the attack, it is advancing the line that it no longer has a national interest in the Nord Stream pipelines.


Parliamentary questions from the opposition

Parliamentary groups and individual members of the opposition have addressed parliamentary questions about the sabotage to the German government. Particularly exciting are the answers some of which are verbatim identical from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action to the members of parliament Matthias Hauer  (CDU), Leif-Erik Holm (AfD) and Zaklin Nastic (Die Linke), which state, that the federal government assumed that sabotage had taken place, but that it had no concrete insights of the facts of the case, in particular of the possible authorship. Furthermore, the German Bundesregierung, after careful consideration, has come to the conclusion that further information cannot be provided for reasons of the state interest (Staatswohl) not even in classified form because they are subject to the third-party rule. The German state, according to the letter, would jeopardize the basis of trust with other intelligence services by publishing the information that would result in a serious impairment of the participation of the intelligence services of the Federation in the international exchange of intelligence and consequently: If, as a consequence of a loss of confidence, information from foreign agencies were to be omitted or substantially reduced, significant information gaps would arise with negative consequences for the accuracy...


Brussels Allows Elections in Northern Kosovo Despite No Serbian Representation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Rare desert waterfalls still flowing a month after record snowfall awakened them at Gunlock State Park, Utah "IndyWatch Feed World"

The southwest experienced some unusual winter weather this year, with record rainfall, record snowfall and now rare waterfalls. Snow is still melting off the mountains, leaving a beautiful water wonderland at Gunlock State Park. It was a great year for Utah's snowpack -- most of the state 200 to 400 percent above average. In southwest Utah, the melted snow is running into the Santa Clara River, and the overflowing water causes waterfalls like the ones at Gunlock State Park.


Anambra Tricycle Operators Demand Sacking Of ANJEK "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Tricycle Operators in Anambra State have called for the disbandment of the Anambra Joint Enforcement Team (ANJEK) accusing the body of cultism, touting and diverting government revenue. ANJET was created by the Governor in 2022 as an enforcement outfit charged with the responsibilities of supervising, monitoring, and enforcing compliance with the payment of taxes in []

The post Anambra Tricycle Operators Demand Sacking Of ANJEK first appeared on New Telegraph.

The post Anambra Tricycle Operators Demand Sacking Of ANJEK appeared first on New Telegraph.


Penny Wongs World View: AUKUS All the Way "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Benue Abductees Regain Liberty "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Villagers abducted by gunmen in Owukpa, Ogbadibo Local Government Area of Benue State on Sunday have been discharged by their abductors. New Telegraph gathered that the kidnappers causing chaos in the community entrapped the villagers along the Atamka-Ugbugbu road while they were returning from the Aho-Ogbo local market on Sunday evening. Following the kidnap, the []

The post Benue Abductees Regain Liberty first appeared on New Telegraph.

The post Benue Abductees Regain Liberty appeared first on New Telegraph.


The Linux Kernel Preparing For An Upgrade To Its Rust Toolchain "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Linux kernel developers are preparing for the first upgrade to its Rust toolchain since the Rust code initially merged in Linux 6.1...


Habecks grner Boys Club zieht den Heizungs-Hammer voll durch "IndyWatch Feed World"

Wie gewhlt, so geliefert. Dummland muss wahrscheinlich erst obdachlos, entrechtet und verarmt auf der Strae sitzen, bevor man was bemerkt. Denn die EU wird alle Gebude, die nicht dem grnen Umbauwahn entsprechen, als unbewohnbar erklren. Und nein, mit CDU wird es auch nicht anders. Die haben die Grundlagen fr den ganzen Wahnsinn gelegt und spielen nur Opposition.


Kosovo Liberation Army Leader Hashim Thai on Trial for War Crimes "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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EFF Takes Money From US Nazis to Speak for Prostitutes and Frame Privacy (or Net Liability) as a Sex Issue "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

How is this man even remotely compatible with the EFFs original mission? Sciencewash as a revenue model?

Alfred Pritchard Sloan, Jr. history

Fixing the net for prostitution:

Fixing the net for sex

Thanking Alfred Pritchard Sloan, Jr.:

Fixing the net

Thanking Alfred Pritchard Sloan, Jr. yet again:

Thanking Alfred Pritchard Sloan, Jr.

Summary: The EFF is becoming more about sex than about digital rights, based on yesterdays podcast (two blog posts about it, with the episodes distributed through centralised, proprietary platforms with DRM). Does the EFF really want to frame privacy activism as fighting for prostitutes (Safer Sex Work Makes a Safer Internet)? The people who took control of the EFF canceled a co-founder because of an alleged sex scandal (he wasnt the first) and the EFF now produces shows with prostitutes as experts in them. This helps stigmatise privacy advocates. The EFF has been in the red (losses), probably for the first time in its history, for several years now. When the original founder ran it they fought against power and raised money from members. Now its run by billionaires, gives awards to Microsofters, and gives a voice to people who promote prostitution. The above shows the EFF repeatedly thanking Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Lets take a quick moment to say thank you to our sponsor. How to Fix the Internet is supported by The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and then again towards the end; screenshots above). Does the EFF know or care that General Motors under Alfred P. Sloan helped the Nazis? This isnt the first example of EFF acting as a front for billionaires, or the powerful ins...


Late-season storm brings more snow to the Sierra Nevada "IndyWatch Feed World"

The winter that wouldn't quit showed up again in the Sierra Nevada region of California and Nevada on Tuesday. The fast-moving, blustery storm wasn't expected to last long, but it was enough to require chain controls on some trans-Sierra highways and add to staggering snowfall totals left by an exceptional series of winter storms. "A blast back to some wintry weather today with wind and snowfall," the Mammoth Mountain ski resort wrote on its web page. The early morning temperature was just 18 degrees (-8 Celsius).


Charly Boy Blows Hot, Says PDP Boys, Girls Can Never Be Like Obidient "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Veteran Nigerian musician and activist, Charles Oputa, AKA Charlyboy has reacted to the declaration of Adamawa State Governor, Ahmadu Fintiri, as the winner of the State gubernatorial election. The Governor won his second term after defeating his closest rival, Aishatu Dahiru, popularly known as Binani, of the All Progressives Congress, (APC). The Returning Officer of []

The post Charly Boy Blows Hot, Says PDP Boys, Girls Can Never Be Like Obidient first appeared on New Telegraph.

The post Charly Boy Blows Hot, Says PDP Boys, Girls Can Never Be Like Obidient appeared first on New Telegraph.


How Mercy Johnson Saved My Life On Set Hadiza Abubakar "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nollywood actress, Hadiza Abubakar, has expressed appreciation to her colleague and Nollywood Star, Mercy Johnson as she narrates her near-death experience on a movie set. Taking to her Instagram page to narrate her ordeal, the actress revealed that she almost drowned while everyone was watching at the film location with the assumption that she was []

The post How Mercy Johnson Saved My Life On Set Hadiza Abubakar first appeared on New Telegraph.

The post How Mercy Johnson Saved My Life On Set Hadiza Abubakar appeared first on New Telegraph.


Nouveau Using The NVIDIA GSP Will Lead To More Firmware Bloat "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The upstream, open-source Nouveau DRM kernel driver working to make use of the NVIDIA GPU System Processor "GSP" will ideally lead to more punctual new hardware support, hopefully overcome the power management / re-clocking challenges that have plagued the driver for years with very low performance, and other current limitations. But it will also lead to more NVIDIA GPU firmware files in the linux-firmware tree and increased bloat...


US Court To Determine Whether To Outlaw Abortion Pills "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The United States of America (USA) Supreme Court will on Wednesday rule on severe new court-ordered restrictions on the commonly used pill. The Court is set to intervene in the bitter and emotive debate over the abortion medication mifepristone. It positions on the conservative-leaning bench for its biggest reproductive rights intervention since a landmark decision []

The post US Court To Determine Whether To Outlaw Abortion Pills first appeared on New Telegraph.

The post US Court To Determine Whether To Outlaw Abortion Pills appeared first on New Telegraph.


Can we debate about how remote the desert island debate bros should be abandoned on should be? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Great! I thought, a new ContraPoints video. Oh no, I thought, its almost two hours long. I put off listening to it until last night (you dont have to actually watch it, its a good audio stream, too), and now I can say: its excellent. Partly Im saying that because I 100% agree with her on everything in the video.

Its all good, but my favorite part was in the middle, at about the 58 minute mark, where she rips into the debate bros.

valuing dispassionate intellectualism above all else can cause problems, especially where topics of social justice are concerned. Because it can lead you to this kind of toxic centrism that asks, why are marginalized people so unwilling to have calm, philosophical debates about whether they should have rights? Are they afraid of dangerous ideas?

As examples, she then talks about Sam Harris (hes on the wrong side, again) and Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan. Its a calm, philosophical discussion that exposes those wankers as absolute dickheads.

Its a good listen, take some time to tune in.


Plenty To Question About Milks Status "IndyWatch Feed World"

We began featuring food-related stories by employees and interns, plus occasional visiting friends, during our first couple of years living in India. More recently, taste of place considerations first explored in India became for our Authentica shops in Costa Rica a key differentiator.

So my eye is drawn to food writing that overlaps with ethnicity considerations, and Mayukh Sens review of Spoiled brings out that books relevance to our pages:

A Fresh History of Lactose Intolerance...


De AIVD-Waarheden van Erik Akerboom 2 "IndyWatch Feed War"

Erik Akerboom, u stelde als directeur-generaal van de AIVD, medio april 2023 dat complottheorien over een kwaadaardige elite die in Nederland de macht in handen heeft, op lange termijn gevaarlijk kunnen zijn. U heeft gelijk, zolang u erbij vermeldt dat dit gevaarlijk kan zijn voor de huidige elite die bewust een neoliberaal systeem, soms zelfs met geweld, in stand houdt, waarbij volgens elk onderzoek de kloof tussen arm en rijk wereldwijd almaar blijft toenemen. We hebben het hier over een elite die bewust het risico heeft genomen om het gevaar van een nucleair armageddon te vergroten door een oorlog uit te lokken in Oekrane. Dat die oorlog is uitgelokt is inmiddels bevestigd door onder andere de Duitse voormalige Bondskanselier mevrouw Angela Merkel die op woensdag 1 april 2015, liet weten dat  het Minsk-akkoord niet volledig nageleefd, werd, om vervolgens acht jaar later te bekennen dat zij:

in 2014, toen ze hielp bij de ondertekening van de overeenkomst van Minsk, in werkelijkheid 5D-schaak speelde tegen Poetin. Zoals we konden zien in de gevechten bij Debaltsevo in 2015, had Rusland toen gemakkelijk kunnen winnen. En ik betwijfel ten zeerste of de NAVO-landen toen net zoveel hadden kunnen doen als nu o...


Mr Eazis ZAGADAT Capital Earns Big In Vydias 1bn Backed Buyout "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Mr Eazi is on a roll this year and his investments are paying off through his VC fund ZAGADAT Capital. The young VC fund announced its first exit after Gamma acquired its portfolio company Vydia; which has previously worked with artists including Akon, Kanye West, Mr Eazi, and Anuel. The $1bn takeover was led by []

The post Mr Eazis ZAGADAT Capital Earns Big In Vydias 1bn Backed Buyout first appeared on New Telegraph.

The post Mr Eazis ZAGADAT Capital Earns Big In Vydias 1bn Backed Buyout appeared first on New Telegraph.


Your Doctor Asking For Your Pronouns Isnt Just Annoying, Its A Sign Of The Industrys Decline "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Woman writing on formIt's tempting to shrug off the annoying pronoun questions from your doctor because they're not hurting you. That's where you'd be wrong.


The 17 resorts in the U.S. that have set snowfall records this season "IndyWatch Feed World"

It has been a winter to remember, especially in the western United States. California and Utah saw huge snowfall totals. All these resorts are raising a banner for record snowfall during the 2022/23 season. The list is in ascending order based on total snowfall. All snow totals are from April 15, 2023, meaning they could still add to their already impressive records. Snowfall Records Eagle Point, UT - 367 inches Cherry Peak, UT - 459 inches China Peak, CA - 549 inches* (701 inches at summit) Heavenly, CA - 566 inches


Turkey elections: Kilicdaroglu takes aim at Bayraktar TB2 maker "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey elections: Kilicdaroglu takes aim at Bayraktar TB2 maker

Presidential hopeful believes the Turkish drone industry should be largely controlled by the state, which hasn't gone down well with Baykar
Ragip Soylu Wed, 04/19/2023 - 12:54
Kemal Kilicdaroglu, chairman of the Republican People's Party (CHP), speaks to a crowd (Reuters/file photo)
Kemal Kilicdaroglu, chairman of the Republican People's Party (CHP), speaks to a crowd (Reuters/file photo)

The Turkish opposition's presidential candidate has angered the company behind Turkey's famed Bayraktar T20 armed drones, by saying the countrys burgeoning defence industry must be largely controlled by the state and the private sector shouldnt be permitted to produce weapons alone. 

Kemal Kilicdaroglu said defence industry privatisation was "a great risk" at an election campaign event on Sunday where he took questions from students.

If you only give it to the private sector, let's say 'our friend is building an unmanned aircraft'. If you only give it to the private sector, this is a big risk for Turkey, he said.

Why? They might sell it to the Americans tomorrow. Or give it to the Qataris as we have given the tank-pallet factory to the Qataris. Impossible. In all democracies and authoritarian regimes of the world, the defence industry must walk together with the state. 

Kilicdaroglu acknowledged that the local defence industry has made significant progress and said he would continue to support investment in the sector. 



2023 Guber: Bayelsa Residents Testify About Good Works Of Diri "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A Cross Section of Bayelsans drawn from the three Senatorial Districts have beared their minds on the qualities those aspiring to occupy the governorship seat of the state should possess before getting their votes during the November 11th governorship election in the state The group also added that the incumbent governor, Douye Diri has done []

The post 2023 Guber: Bayelsa Residents Testify About Good Works Of Diri first appeared on New Telegraph.

The post 2023 Guber: Bayelsa Residents Testify About Good Works Of Diri appeared first on New Telegraph.


Palisades Tahoe resort in California breaks all-time snowfall record with 710 inches of snow "IndyWatch Feed World"

Palisades Tahoe has had the most iconic year yet, unveiling the Base to Base Gondola, opening the new high-speed six-pack Red Dog Chair, hosting the Stifel Palisades Tahoe Cup, and now Mother Nature has gifted Palisades Tahoe with the most snowfall since the turn of the millennium, breaking the previously held record of the 2016-2017 season. With last night's snowfall of 10 inches, the previously held record of 707 inches of snowfall for the 2016-2017 season has been broken as Palisades Tahoe is now sitting at 710 inches of snow, which is 178% of its average season snowfall of 400 inches.


As Prop 22 Prevails, Gig Workers Escape Big Labors Boot For Now "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Lyft driverA labor union's appeal may lead the California Supreme Court to establish legal precedent for the future of independent work nationwide.


Pakistani Hackers Use Linux Malware Poseidon to Target Indian Government Agencies "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Pakistan-based advanced persistent threat (APT) actor known as Transparent Tribe used a two-factor authentication (2FA) tool used by Indian government agencies as a ruse to deliver a new Linux backdoor called Poseidon. "Poseidon is a second-stage payload malware associated with Transparent Tribe," Uptycs security researcher Tejaswini Sandapolla said in a technical report published this week.


After FBI Raids Republicans Last President, Mitch McConnell Wants To Increase DOJ Funding "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Mitch McConnell carries old gun on stageSenate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called on Congress to beef up federal law enforcement after Trump's arraignment.


Whats really going on with Ghostwriter and the AI Drake song? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Either the great copyright battle pitting the record industry against generative artificial intelligence has begun or someones clout-chasing AI headlines.

The generative AI music hype train only needed about 48 hours to go from oh, thats interesting to full Balenciaga pope territory, and while its clear someone is using the technology to run a scheme, were still not sure who it is.

Heres the short version:

Something doesnt make sense.


Forty years in the making: Advanced MRI scan reveals brain images 64 million times sharper "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

After four long decades of persistence, scientists have improved the resolution of the humble magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.

Using the advanced MRI version, they created the most detailed image of a mouse brain, revealing microscopic details of the biological structure.


New chip on the block: Broadcoms Jericho3-AI can connect up to 32,000 GPU chips "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The new chip can wire together supercomputers for artificial intelligence networks.

American semiconductor manufacturing company Broadcom Inc. has released a new chip Jericho3-AI, which is being touted by the company as the highest-performance fabric for artificial intelligence (AI) networks. The new chip will wire together supercomputers.


Jericho3-AI is packed with features like improved load balancing which ensures maximum network utilization under the highest network loads, congestion-free operation which implies no flow collisions and no jitter, high radix which allows Jericho3-AI to connect to 32,000 GPUs collectively, and Zero-Impact Failover ensuring sub-10ns automatic path convergence. All of this would lead to cutting down on the job completion times for AI workload.


Critical Flaws in vm2 JavaScript Library Can Lead to Remote Code Execution "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A fresh round of patches has been made available for the vm2 JavaScript library to address two critical flaws that could be exploited to break out of the sandbox protections.

Both the flaws CVE-202329199 and CVE-202330547 are rated 9.8 out of 10 on the CVSS scoring system and have been addressed in versions 3.9.16 and 3.9.17, respectively.

Successful exploitation of the bugs, which allow an attacker to raise an unsanitized host exception, could be weaponized to escape the sandbox and run arbitrary code in the host context.


OpenAIs CEO Says the Age of Giant AI Models Is Already Over "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Sam Altman says the research strategy that birthed ChatGPT is played out and future strides in artificial intelligence will require new ideas.


Google says its AI developed unexpected skills "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Google CEO Sundar Pichai said the companys experts call this aspect of AI a black box.


A defence of human uniqueness against AI encroachment, with Kenn Cukier "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Despite the impressive recent progress in AI capabilities, there are reasons why AI may be incapable of possessing a full general intelligence. And although AI will continue to transform the workplace, some important jobs will remain outside the reach of AI. In other words, the Economic Singularity may not happen, and AGI may be impossible.

These are views defended by our guest in this episode, Kenneth Cukier, the Deputy Executive Editor of The Economist newspaper.

For the past decade, Kenn was the host of its weekly tech podcast Babbage. He is co-author of the 2013 book Big Data, a New York Times best-seller that has been translated into over 20 languages. He is a regular commentator in the media, and a popular keynote speaker, from TED to the World Economic Forum.


With no minister since October 2022, Nepals environmental issues hang in limbo "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

KATHMANDU Nepal hasnt had an environment minister since the October last year a vacuum that could be either good or bad, depending on how one looks at it. The position had become vacant after then Minister Pradeep Yadav was sacked by then Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba in October. The current coalition government took office on Dec. 25, 2022, and while Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has expanded his cabinet several times since then, he still hasnt appointed anyone to lead the Ministry of Forest and Environment. We dont have anyone to present our demands to and get them addressed, said Thakur Bhandari, secretary of the Federation of Community Forestry Users, Nepal (Fecofun). Fecofun has been protesting recent amendments to Nepals forest laws and regulations. Its members are pushing for changes to the how timber volumes are calculated and how forest user groups may set up small-scale enterprises. To this end, Bhandari and other Fecofun leaders have been demanding talks with the government which in this case would be represented by the environment minister. The absence of a minister has also been ominous for people across Nepal as they reel from large-scale forest fires and deteriorating air quality in major cities. Kathmandu was recently ranked the worlds most polluted city in terms of air quality, but life goes on as usual in the city with no authority to advise the government on action to reduce peoples exposure to pollutants and to cut down on emissions from garbageThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Strong magnitude 6.3 earthquake shakes Papua New Guinea "IndyWatch Feed World"

A strong earthquake shook Papua New Guinea on Wednesday but no serious damage or casualties were expected, officials said. The magnitude 6.3 earthquake was centered in West New Britain province at a depth of 55.7 kilometers (35 miles), the U.S. Geological Survey said. It said the quake caused strong shaking, but economic losses and casualties were expected to be small.


Meteor fireball illuminates night sky in Port St. Lucie, Florida on April 7 "IndyWatch Feed World"

Blink and you might miss it. While delivering food for Doordash, driver Steve Salmasian was on East Torino Parkway about 8:30 p.m. April 7 when his dashcam caught a bright blue-green meteor illuminating the evening sky. Meteors also called fireballs, falling stars or shooting stars are common occurrences in the Earth's atmosphere. Every day, there are several thousand meteors of "fireball" magnitude, meaning -4, which is about as bright as the planet Venus in the morning or evening sky, according to the American Meteor Society.


What Is Carbon Neutral Milk? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

To recognize Earth Week, WhoWhatWhy is running a new piece from our partners at Covering Climate Now each day until Earth Day on April 22. We are committed to covering the climate crisis and other environmental struggles humanity faces each and every week. Read more of our environmental coverage here.


An increasing number of food brands are turning to climate labels to boost sales. In the face of research that meat and milk are high in greenhouse gas emissions, companies are angling for new ways to reach eco-conscious consumers. A new report from the Changing Markets Foundation found 53 instances of greenwashing with one popular label carbon neutral used by beef and milk companies alike. But what does it mean and, more importantly, can you trust it?


Research shows consumers do want this information 39 percent of shoppers have sustainability in mind when they make food purchases. But government agencies provide little to no oversight of these labels. And consumers are woefully under-informed. One survey found that only 46 percent of US consumers believe eating less meat benefits the planet.


Getting a handle on all these labels could help. In this explainer, we take a closer look at the terms carbon neutral and ne...


In Ukraine, a Nasty Cleanup Job With No End in Sight "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

VASYLENKOVE, Ukraine Metal detector in hand, Trevor Kirton cautiously makes his way up a potholed dirt road outside the small village of Vasylenkove in eastern Ukraine. A couple hundred meters ahead, mangled metal and charred personal belongings are all that remain of a Ukrainian truck after it drove over a Russian antitank mine. According to locals, the vehicles occupants were killed instantly. There is one torn camouflage vest lying by the side of the road.

Try and follow in my footsteps, says Kirton, a former service member in the British army, as he crouches to examine a piece of shrapnel. On a hill overlooking the wreckage, a wall of flame is slowly creeping down towards the road, lending an apocalyptic atmosphere to this scene. 

In Ukraine, late March is the time of the year when farmers set fire to their fields, a cheap if not environmentally sound way of quickly removing weeds and crop residue prior to sowing. Its not a bad thing actually, as it destroys tripwires and makes landmines and explosives easier to spot, says Kirton, gesturing towards the fire. As he trails off the dirt road into a nearby bog, an explosion sends a plume of thick black smoke rising over the horizon a reminder that landmines arent the only threat to worry about in Vasylenkove. Kirton pauses for a second, unbothered, before resuming his work. 

Ukraine, Kirton

EOD technician Trevor Kirton examining the fuse of an Uragan cluster munition rocket. Photo credit: Guillaume Ptak / WhoWhatWhy

Liberated by the Ukrainian army during its lightning-fast September counteroffensive, this small village in the Kharkiv region was occupied for more than six months by Russian regulars and ill-equipped soldiers of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk Peoples Republics. In the months leading up to the Ukrainian breakthrough, the occupiers built an extensive, if somewhat shoddy, network of trenches and dug-outs around Vasylenkove. At the same time, the Russian troops littered the area with countless landmines, tripwires, and undetonated grenades. Now, with the overworked deminers of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SESU) stretched thin, it falls to volunteers like Trevor, Chris, and Stuart the ...


That Drone Up in the Sky? It Might be Built Out of a Dead Bird "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In a lot of ways, it seems like were in the plateau of productivity part of the hype cycle when it comes to drones. UAVs have pretty much been reduced to practice and have become mostly an off-the-shelf purchase these days, with a dwindling number of experimenters pushing the envelope with custom builds, like building drones out of dead birds.

These ornithopomorphic UAVs come to us from the New Mexico Insitute of Mining and Technology, where [Mostafa Hassanalian] runs the Autonomous Flight and Aquatic Systems lab. While looking into biomimetics, [Dr. Hassanalian] hit upon the idea of using taxidermy birds as an airframe for drones. He and his team essentially reverse-engineered the birds to figure out how much payload theyd be able to handle, and added back the necessary components to make them fly again.

From the brief video in the tweet embedded below, its clear that theyve come up with a huge variety of feathered drones. Some are clearly intended for testing the aerodynamics of taxidermy wings in makeshift wind tunnels, while others are designed to actually fly. Propulsion seems to run the gamut from bird-shaped RC airplanes with a propeller m...


A Peace of Us: Exploring the Impact of the Good Friday Agreement 25 Years On "IndyWatch Feed"

Megan Fearon is the Policy and Public Affairs Manager for the Open University 

As we approached the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, The Open University in Ireland embarked on a unique project called A Peace of Us. The four-part podcast series goes beyond the political institutions and delves into the broader themes of post-conflict societies. With voices from various sectors including arts, music, sports, and activism, A Peace of Us aims to give us a holistic understanding of the impact of the Good Friday Agreement on the place we call home.

One of the key aspects of the project is the exploration of how the arts and music have played a significant role in shaping the post-conflict society. Leesa Harker, a renowned playwright, and Charlotte Dryden, Chief Executive of the Oh Yeah Music Centre and music producer, shared their perspectives on how the arts and music have contributed to healing and reconciliation. Most importantly, they discussed how leaving room for a bit of craic in life is key to transcending the labels and stereotypes that were obsessed with here. Leesa, creator of Maggie Muff, emphasized the power of comedy in storytelling and how it can be a vehicle for people to process their emotions and experiences. Isnt this why we are all Derry Girls fanatics?

Charlotte talked about subcultural movements from punk in the 70s to the rave scene in the late 80s and 90s and how they created non-sectarian spaces and communities based on a love of music and freedom of expression. She also touched on how pivotal diversity is in the music industry. The London music scene in the eighties was thriving with the emergence of soul, this thanks to the Windrush generation. We are beginning to see these changes here, slowly but surely, local hip-hop artist Jordan Adetunji is the perfect example of that.

Sports also emerged as a vital element in personal and community development in a post-conflict society. Gaelic football legend, Peter Canavan, or Peter the Great, shared his insights on growing up playing football at a time when it wasnt always safe to do so and how things have changed so much for his kids and the lads and lassies at Errigal Ciaran. Canavan was open in discussing his sincere desire to see kids be given the opportunities to play other sports and the role he feels the GAA have in building bridges. Listening to him describing aul wans in Tyrone hold the Sam Maguire in 2003 and with tears in their eyes say I can die happy now was quite simply, a beautiful thing to witness. In studio that day, I was even more proud than usual to be a GAA fan, even if he is from Tyrone.

Caragh Hamilton, NI and Glentoran footballer,...


AMDVLK 2023.Q2.1 Brings Mesh Shaders, Several New Vulkan Extensions "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AMD has published AMDVLK 2023.Q2.1 as their first official open-source Vulkan driver update for the quarter that for Linux users serves as an alternative to the Mesa RADV driver or the code bundled up into their Radeon Software packaged driver...


Meteor fireball over Toledo, Spain (April 17) "IndyWatch Feed World"

This gorgeous bolide was spotted over Spain on April 17, at 5:59 local time (equivalent to 3:59 universal time). It was almost as bright as the full Moon. The event was generated by a rock (a meteoroid) from Comet C/1861 G1 (Thatcher) that hit the atmosphere at about 178,000 km/h. The fireball overflew the province of Toledo (Spain). It began at an altitude of about 96 km over the locality of Pulgar (province of Toledo), moved along an almost vertical trajectory, and ended at a height of around 59 km. This bright meteor was recorded in the framework of the SMART project, operated by the Southwestern Europe Meteor Network (SWEMN) from the meteor-observing stations located at Huelva, La Hita (Toledo), Calar Alto, Sierra Nevada, La Sagra (Granada), Sevilla, and Faro de Cullera (Valencia). The event has been analyzed by the principal investigator of the SMART project: Dr. Jose M. Madiedo, from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC).


What Frances Pension Protests Mean For Americans "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

France President Emmanuel MacronAmericans may still have time to reverse course if they learn from the mistakes the French have made on unfunded retirement programs.


Uncovering (and Understanding) the Hidden Risks of SaaS Apps "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Recent data breaches across CircleCI, LastPass, and Okta underscore a common theme: The enterprise SaaS stacks connected to these industry-leading apps can be at serious risk for compromise. CircleCI, for example, plays an integral, SaaS-to-SaaS role for SaaS app development. Similarly, tens of thousands of organizations rely on Okta and LastPass security roles for SaaS identity and access


In Conversation With an Expert: Dan Burden of Blue Zones "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Dan Burden, working on a crosswalk in Hawaii.

One of the first things everyone should do is take a step outside and look at what makes your street, neighborhood, and city walkable. And then whats taking away from that, Dan Burden recommended in a 2019 episode of The Bottom-Up Revolution, a podcast produced by Strong Towns. For Burden, its no question that the built environment overlaps withand affectsour individual and communal health and longevity. In fact, much of his career has centered around this idea.

For over 15 years, Dan Burden has worked with Blue Zones, an organization inspired by the places where people live the longest and fullest lives. He joined Blue Zones as a consultant, later became part of its staff, and just three months ago, was pronounced the organizations inaugural fellow, graduating to the title of Director of Innovation and Inspiration. For his accomplishments, he was recently named #58 on Planetizens list of the 100 Most Influential Urbanists of all time.

As an expert in place-making and street safety, Dan was invited to help examine a fatal crash in Hyattsville, Maryland, which was nominated for the Crash Analysis Studio.

Strong Towns caught up with Dan and asked him what excites him about his work, what challenges exist in ameliorating our built environment today, and what stood out in the crash he analyzed. (The following conversation was edited for clarity.)

What are you seeing in your work...


Godot 4.1 Planning For More Renderer Improvements, AMD FSR 2.2 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While the Godot 4.0 open-source game engine only shipped at the start of March, there are already plans underway for some renderer upgrades that will be part of the upcoming Godot 4.1 engine upgrade...


PAT Testing Frequency: A Guide for Homeowners and Business Owners "IndyWatch Feed World"

As a homeowner or business owner, ensuring the safety of your electrical equipment is crucial. One way to do this is by conducting Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) regularly. PAT testing is the process of inspecting electrical equipment to ensure that it is safe for use.

PAT testing frequency is a common question that many homeowners and business owners ask. How often should it be conducted? The answer to this question depends on various factors, such as the type of equipment, the environment in which it is used, and the level of risk associated with its use.

In general, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommends that portable electrical appliances in a low-risk environment, such as an office, should be tested every two to four years. In contrast, equipment used in a high-risk environment, such as a construction site, should be tested every three to six months.

However, its essential to note that these recommendations are not set in stone. The frequency of PAT testing will vary depending on the specific circumstances. For example, equipment that is frequently moved or subject to wear and tear may need to be inspected more frequently.

As a homeowner or business owner, its your responsibility to ensure that your electrical equipment is safe to use. To help you determine the appropriate PAT testing frequency for your equipment, here are some factors to consider:

Type of Equipment


The type of equipment you have will play a significant role in determining how often it needs to be inspected. Some common types of equipment that require PAT testing include:

Electrical appliances

Extension cords

Power tools

Lighting equipment

Kitchen appliances

Portable heaters


The environment in which your equipment is used is also an important factor to consider. For example, equipment used in a dry, clean office environment will typically require less testing than equipment used in a wet, dusty construction site. Other environmental factors to consider include:





Meet The Shadowy Group That Ran The Federal Governments Censorship Scheme "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Censorship banner over the Disinfo Cloud dashboardThe biggest concern is what GEC paid Park Advisors to do: fund and coordinate the censorship of Americans speech and our supposedly free press.


Meteor fireball over northwest Europe on April 18 "IndyWatch Feed World"

We received 96 reports about a fireball seen over Bremen, Drenthe, Friesland, Gelderland, Groningen, Nedersaksen, Niedersachsen, Noord-Brabant, Noord-Holland, Overijssel, Rgion Wallonne, Rheinland-Pfalz, Schleswig-Holsten, Utrecht and Zuid-Holland on Tuesday, April 18th 2023 around 19:57 UT. For this event, we received one video.


Two days left to get your submission in to the Consultation to Amend the Defence Act "IndyWatch Feed World"

The consultation is tagging amendments which may:  impede or prevent public protest against war activity or contractors involved in production of war materials ;  result in greater integration of the ADF with foreign forces (U.S.) ; enable the U.S. to carry our bombing missions from Australia without Australia Government approval ; overide state/territory health and safety regulations, environmental protect laws, indigenous rights, safety regulations in transiting radioactive material in order to "train with realism"

Details at  

The consultation is tagging amendments which may:

* impede or prevent public protest against war activity or contractors involved in production of war materials

* result in greater integration of the ADF with foreign forces (U.S.)

* enable the U.S. to carry our bombing missions from Australia without Australia Government approval

* overide state/territory health and safety regulations, environmental protect laws, indigenous rights, safety regulations in transiting radioactive material in order to "train with realism"



Meteor fireball over northwest Europe on April 17 "IndyWatch Feed World"

We received 287 reports about a fireball seen over Brussel, Drenthe, England, Flevoland, Friesland, Gelderland, Groningen, Hauts-de-France, Limburg, Noord-Brabant, Noord-Holland, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Overijssel, Rgion Wallonne, Utrecht, Vlaams Gewest, Waals Gewest, Wallonia, Zeeland and Zuid-Holland on Monday, April 17th 2023 around 19:31 UT. For this event, we received 2 videos.


GCC 13.1 RC1 Released For Testing Out New CPU Targets, Modula-2, Early Rust Code "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As expected following the GCC 13 release branching this week, the first release candidate of what will be the premiere GCC 13.1 stable release is now available...


Must-Have Features for iOS Conference Apps in 2023 "IndyWatch Feed World"

With the rise of technology and its impact on the business world, conferences have become an essential part of many industries. They provide a platform for professionals to network, share knowledge, and discuss the latest trends and developments in their fields. In recent years, the use of mobile apps has transformed the way conferences are organized, making them more accessible, interactive, and engaging for attendees. As we enter 2023, here are some must-have features for the iOS conference app that organizers should consider to provide the best experience for their participants.

1. Personalization

One of the most critical features of a conference app is personalization. Attendees should be able to customize their experience by selecting the sessions they want to attend, creating their schedules, and receiving personalized recommendations based on their interests. This feature not only makes the conference more convenient for attendees but also helps organizers track attendance and gather data on attendee preferences.

2. Real-time updates


Another essential feature for conference apps is real-time updates. Attendees should be able to receive notifications about changes in the schedule, new speakers, and other important updates. This feature helps keep attendees informed and engaged and prevents them from missing important sessions or events.

3. Interactive maps

Conference venues can be large and confusing, especially for first-time attendees. Interactive maps can help attendees navigate the venue and find their way to different sessions and events. These maps can also include information about nearby restaurants, coffee shops, and other amenities, making it easier for attendees to plan their day.

4. Networking tools



SpaceX Starship Launch Countdown to Thursday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

SpaceX Starship launch countdown: all of the news on its first test flight:

Elon Musk's stated goal of putting humans on Mars relies heavily on the development of a next-generation reusable spacecraft, and Starship (formerly known as Big Falcon Rocket or BFR) is ready for its first orbital test flight. It's not the "six months" goal Musk projected in 2019, but after a number of suborbital tests that included some terrific successes and fantastic, fiery failures, the big day is finally almost here.

With just over five minutes to go before its first scheduled launch attempt Monday morning, SpaceX announced that due to a pressurization issue with the first stage, the attempt became a "wet dress rehearsal," and the countdown ended with 10 seconds to go. SpaceX now says it's targeting April 20th for another attempt, with a launch window between  8:28AM CT (9:28AM ET) and 9:30 AM CT (10:30AM ET).

If all goes according to plan, the Starship will fly to orbital velocity after separating from its Super Heavy booster rocket about three minutes into the trip, then splashdown in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii.

The entire trip should take about 90 minutes to complete, and SpaceX is livestreaming the events on its YouTube channel.

Previously: SpaceX's First Orbital Test Flight of Starship Imminent [Scrubbed]

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Lightning strike kills two in Pakistan "IndyWatch Feed World"

A lightning strike killed two people and critically injured two others in Nargasai area of Birmal Tehsil of Lower South Waziristan Tribal District. Two person of the same family died and two others were injured due to lightning strike. According to police sources, two members of the same family died and two others were injured when lightning struck their house in Nargasai area of Birmal Tehsil of Lower South Waziristan tribal district. According to the police report, Noorshah Khan son of Asal Khan and her daughter Malala Bibi aged 09 years died due to lightning falling on a room of a house in Nargasai village.


HCC Wants To Make It Easy To Run C11 Code On GPUs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Hero C Compiler "HCC" wants to make it easy to compile C code to run on GPUs by compiling common C11 code and turning it into SPIR-V modules that can then be consumed by GPUs with Vulkan support...


Modeling Electric Motors and Drivetrains "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

There has been an exponential increase in the demand for electric vehicles, with hybrid and electric cars expected to account for a considerable portion of car sales in the near future. Designing efficient motors is critical for increasing range, reducing battery capacity requirements, and improving power density and costs.

Register now to attend this free webinar.

To accomplish such design, using multiphysics modeling and simulation is essential. COMSOL Multiphysics and the add-on AC/DC Module and Battery Design Module provide various features for modeling different types of electric motors and drivetrain components. The software has the capability to capture the multiple interacting physics involved in motors, such as electromagnetics, thermal effects, fluid mechanics, and structural mechanics. COMSOL Multiphysics also offers powerful optimization techniques that help to accelerate product development time.

We invite you to attend this webinar. You will learn more about these topics and see how COMSOL Multiphysics can be used in electric motor and drivetrain R&D.


Mass Supervision: Out of Prison, But Not the System "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Part Five of the Violation podcast follows Jacob Wideman on home arrest and examines conditions faced by millions on parole or probation in the U.S.


Iran-linked Mint Sandstorm APT targeted US critical infrastructure "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An Iran-linked APT group tracked as Mint Sandstorm is behind a string of attacks aimed at US critical infrastructure between late 2021 to mid-2022.

Microsoft has linked the Iranian Mint Sandstorm APT (previously tracked by Microsoft as PHOSPHORUS) to a series of attacks aimed at US critical infrastructure between late 2021 to mid-2022.

The IT giant reported Mint Sandstorm is refining its tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). The group rapidly weaponized N-day vulnerabilities in popular enterprise applications by using publicly disclosed POCs. Mint Sandstorm also used custom tools in selected targets, notably organizations in the energy and transportation sectors.

Mint Sandstorm targets both private and public organizations, including political dissidents, journalists, activists, the Defense Industrial Base (DIB), and employees from multiple government agencies, including individuals protesting oppressive regimes in the Middle East.  The activity associated with the Mint Sandstorm group overlaps with public reporting on groups known as APT35, APT42, Charming Kitten, and TA453.

Microsoft assesses that Mint Sandstorm is associated with an intelligence arm of Irans military, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), an assessment that has been corroborated by multiple credible sources including MandiantProofpoint, and SecureWorks. reads the report published by Microsoft. In 2022, the US Department of Treasury sanctioned elements of Mint Sandstorm for past cyberattacks citing sponsorship from the IRGC.

Microsoft states that from late 2021 to mid-2022, the Mint Sandstorm subgroup launched a series of attacks against US critical infrastructure, including seaports, energy companies, transit systems, and a major US utility and gas entity. The attacks were conducted as a retal...


Re: CVE-2022-47501: Apache OFBiz: Arbitrary file reading vulnerability "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Jacques Le Roux on Apr 19

Hi Seth,

As I guess you know, the ASF has many (350+) projects:
OFBiz is only one of these projects. An "old" one, IIRW it was the 26th to get in.

I say that because we have our own security team.
Yet, all projects are overseen and especially helped by the ASF security team for security matter.
In other words we (projects) all share the experience and expertise of the ASF security team.

So I must add that...


Re: CVE-2023-2002: Linux Bluetooth: Unauthorized management command execution "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by nightmare . yeah27 on Apr 19

Another (simpler?) way is to fork before giving up privilege.


[kubernetes] CVE-2023-1174, CVE-2023-1944: Network port exposure and ssh access using default password "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Vellore Rajakumar, Sri Saran Balaji on Apr 19

Hello Kubernetes Community,

We have released minikube v1.30.0<> to address two security
issues in minikube. We recommend all to upgrade minikube to the created with an affected version. Minikube is a utility tool that sets up a Kubernetes environment on a local machine
for developing and testing Kubernetes applications. Minikube...


Re: CVE-2023-27602: Apache Linkis publicsercice module unrestricted upload of file "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by peacewong on Apr 19

Hi Seth Arnold,
Thank you for your reply, I will modify the content according to the

Best Regards,
Peace Wong

Seth Arnold 2023418 09:27


U.S. and U.K. Warn of Russian Hackers Exploiting Cisco Router Flaws for Espionage "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

U.K. and U.S. cybersecurity and intelligence agencies have warned of Russian nation-state actors exploiting now-patched flaws in networking equipment from Cisco to conduct reconnaissance and deploy malware against targets. The intrusions, per the authorities, took place in 2021 and targeted a small number of entities in Europe, U.S. government institutions, and about 250 Ukrainian victims. The


stan van houcke "IndyWatch Feed War"


Zbigniew Brzezinsky Forced to Downsize US Imperial Ambitions

The arrogance in Brzezinski's famous 1998 book 'The Grand Chessboard' was breathtaking


Makeshift mosques and camp iftars: Ramadan as a refugee in Calais "IndyWatch Feed War"

Makeshift mosques and camp iftars: Ramadan as a refugee in Calais

Asylum seekers from across the world pray and fast together in northern French camps, before attempting to reach the UK in small boats
Marta Maroto Wed, 04/19/2023 - 10:20
A group of men pray inside the makeshift mosque built in the camp of Grande Synthe, in the forest of Dunkirk, France (MEE/Marta Maroto)
A group of men pray inside the makeshift mosque built in the camp of Grande Synthe, in the forest of Dunkirk, France (MEE/Marta Maroto)

The adhan, the Muslim call to prayer, sounds from dozens of mobile phones in scattered hidden tents along the forest. 

For minutes, life stops in the migrant camps of Grande Synthe in the French coastal town of Dunkirk, overlooking the Strait of Dover. 

Men in thick coats leave their chores to pray at the so-called Mosque of Dunkirk.

The makeshift place of worship is an ochre-coloured tent held up by fragile pillars, with ground sheets to cover the rough sand floor. 

At the entrance, a big jug of clean drinking water donated by humanitarian organisations is used for ablution.

During the winter months, encampments in Calais and Dunkirk are home to nearly a thousand migrants and a...


45 times as many deaths after COVID shots in just 2 years compared with all flu vaccine-related deaths since 1990, data show "IndyWatch Feed World"

The authors of a peer-reviewed meta-analysis of national and international COVID-19 vaccine adverse events during the first two years of the rollout said their findings highlight the importance of reevaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups. The cost of injecting healthy people, "especially children," with a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine "outweighs any claimed though unvalidated benefits," according to researchers who analyzed adverse events data from more than 10 regulatory surveillance and self-reporting systems during the first two years of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. "Our meta-analysis of both national and international vaccine adverse events emphasizes the importance of re-evaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups," said the authors of a peer-reviewed study published this month in the International Journal of...


Meta mass layoffs: Another round of job losses will reportedly hit Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp "IndyWatch Feed World"

More staff reductions are expected at Facebooks parent company this week as part of Mark Zuckerbergs self-stylized year of efficiency.

Meta Platforms is expected to announce a third round of layoffs today, according to reports from Vox and Bloomberg. The layoffs follow two previous rounds of job cuts at Meta, which laid off 11,000 employees back in November and, just last month, laid off an additional 10,000 employees.

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Journalists are enabling extremism by both-sides-ing free speech row "IndyWatch Feed"

OPINION: Stanford Law School and legacy media appear to fetishise civility over human rights and democracy


Americans are choosing lottery tickets and maybe even fortune tellers over financial planners "IndyWatch Feed World"

Talking about money in a practical way can still be seen as taboo. A new survey finds that more than half of Americans wish it werent.

Money is powerbut that doesnt mean Americans want to talk about it. Empower, a financial services company, surveyed 2,000 Americans over the age of 18 on how they feel about talking about money. Heres what they found:

Read Full Story



User Answers

There's been another "sighting" of strange stuff on Mars, this time once again by NASA's Curiosity rover near Gale Crater on Mars, a site

The post MORE MARS ANOMALIES: BONES, OR AT LEAST, A BONEY STRUCTURE? appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Mid-Week Muse "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    White Wolf Behavior   From the nearsighted cat   Identify the Aircraft 1 2   Russians Recruiting in Central Asia (opinion) (RL/RFE h/t Claudio) The Dangle: She said if I became a contract soldier Id no longer need a residency permit or a work permit and could get a Russian passport after []

The post Mid-Week Muse appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


The Day After Tomorrow to Happen in the Next Few Decades? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A claim that a "The Day After Tomorrow" style global warming driven ice age is imminent - but we've been looking at the wrong ocean.


China, Russia circle wagons in Asia-Pacific "IndyWatch Feed War"


The official visit by Chinese State Councilor and Defence Minister General Li Shangfu to Russia on April 16-19 prima facie underscored the two countries emergent need to deepen their military trust and close coordination against the backdrop of worsening geopolitical tensions and the imperative to maintain the global strategic balance. 

The visit carries forward the pivotal decisions taken at the intensive one-on-one talks  between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Moscow through March 20-21. In a break with protocol, Gen. Lis 4-day visit was front-loaded with a working meeting with Putin to quote Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. (here and here)

Li is no stranger to Moscow, having previously held charge of Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission who was sanctioned by the US in 2018 for purchasing Russian weapons, including Su-35 combat aircraft and S-400 surface-to-air missile systems.

Song Zhongping, prominent Chinese military expert and TV commentator, forecast that Lis trip would signal the high level of bilateral military ties with Russia, and lead to more mutually beneficial exchanges in many fields, including defence technologies and military exercises. 

Last Wednesday, US Commerce Department announced the imposition of export controls on a dozen Chinese companies for supporting Russias military and defence industries. The Global Times hit back defiantly that as China is an independent major power, so is Russia. Its our right to decide with whom we will carry out normal economic and trade cooperation. We cannot accept the US finger-pointing or even economic coercion. 

Putin said at the meeting with Li on Easter Sunday that military cooperation plays an important role in Russia-China relations. Chinese analysts said Lis visit is also a signal jointly sent by China and Russia that their military cooperation will not be impacted by the US pressure. 

Putin had...


Is the West Copying Communist Chinas Surveillance State? "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT CALDRON POOL  The overwhelming majority of the 264 articles I have written...


The End of American Exceptionalism? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. The Unz Review April 18, 2023

Watching a once great nation commit suicide is not pretty. President Joe Biden does not seem to understand that his role as elected leader of the United States is to take actions that directly or indirectly benefit the folks who voted for him as well as the other Americans who did not do so. That is how a constitutional democracy is supposed to work. Instead, Biden and the gang of introverts and neocon war criminals that the has surrounded himself with have done everything that can to inflict fatal damage on the economy through rash initiatives both overseas and at home. A spending spree to buy support from the bizarre constituencies that make up the Democrat Party base while also fighting an undeclared war in Europe have meant that nearly two trillion dollars has been added to the national debt under Bidens rule, a debt that was already unsustainable at nearly $30 trillion, larger than the United States gross national product. Plans to cancel student loan debts will add hundreds of billions of dollars more to the red ink.

And those actions undertaken overseas, to include continuing to expand the war in Ukraine against Russia, will do immeasurable more damage. Consider how the Democratic Party has long had it in for Russian Federal President Vladimir Putin, dating back to when Putin took power in 2000 and started kicking out the western scallywags who were looting his country. Subsequently, false intelligence and other innuendoes were contrived by Hillary Clinton and her team in 2016 to implicate Donald Trump as a Russian stooge who was secretly working for Putin. When that didnt work and Trump was elected, the Russians were accused by the media and Democrats of willy-nilly interfering in US elections more generally speaking, a much-exaggerated claim in contrast to the overwhelming silence surrounding the real electoral and policy interference, which has been coming from Israel and its fifth column inside the United States, who, not coincidentally, are the chief proponents of the war against Russia.

Placing a target on Vladimir Putins back appears to have an unfortunate consequence which Biden has yet to wake up to, namely the fact that the United States now has what might be described as a Ponzi scheme faux economy which is very vulnerable, particularly as much of the world has become disenchanted with the US style of global leadership. Note for example the recent state visit by French President Emmanuel Macron to Beijing, where he embraced a global strategic partnership with China to bring about a multipolar world, freed of blocs that is not sheltering behind Cold War mentality. Macron also criticized the extraterritoriality of...



Researchers discover sensitive corporate data on decommissioned routers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Looking at configuration data, 56% of decommissioned routers disposed of and sold on the secondary market contained sensitive corporate data, according to ESET. Of the networks that had complete configuration data available: 22% contained customer data 33% exposed data allowing third-party connections to the network 44% had credentials for connecting to other networks as a trusted party 89% itemized connection details for specific applications 89% contained router-to-router authentication keys 100% contained one or more of More

The post Researchers discover sensitive corporate data on decommissioned routers appeared first on Help Net Security.


The High and Mighty Become The Low and Downtrodden. The Beautiful People Become Ugly. Living Leaves a Mark. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Reflections in a Petri Dish April 18, 2023

Dog Poet Transmitting.

As I wandered This Wasteland Earth recently, I found an article that I later ran across again because it got legs. This man had it all for some years. He was a top-tier celebrity with all the perks. People worshiped him because in Times of Material Darkness that is what people do. Then The Virus that Wasnt showed up pretended to show up. It was never there, to begin with. They simply gave the old flu a new name.

COVID was the means by which to introduce The Killer Vaccine of The Usual Suspects. It seems they owned and ran every one of the manufacturers of demons blood. I call it that because it is a medium by which possession is effected; if it doesnt kill you first. Oh lets not be coy. It does both. One thing it certainly does is ruin your quality of life.

I mentioned clean-freak sociopaths recently. Howard Stern comes to mind. He also dropped out of sight (at a certain level) for some time following The Scamdemic. I am not suggesting that Nicholson fits that persona. He always struck me more as a Good Time Charlie. Tom Cruise fits the bill more, and he had that germaphobe thing. Stern wouldnt leave his house. Toms weirdness is more complex.

They all fear Death.

It amuses me no end that these people think they can bypass The Angel of Death by being clean-freaks and playing avoidance games; Doctor Faust, I presume?

Here are these big-time players going in fear of fake hazards. I never wore a mask except for the handful of times when I had no choice and they were separated by months at a time. I will be a fan of Safeway from now on because they NEVER enforced a mask mandate; at least the one where I live didnt, but that could have been my invisible friends.

Yes I have invisible friends who are many many many many many times more powerful than ALL the visible friends anyone can have at any time on this Earth. Am I spechul? Well I am unique, but so are you. We are all unique.

How did you get the friends you have? Part of it was the magic of the law of attraction that works in the lives of all of us, and you cultivated them too, didnt you? The love and kinship you feel for your friends obliged you to cultivate them and to overlook their shortcomings; hopeful that they would overlook yours.

I cultivated my invisible friends. You can do the same. You simply have to live up to your end of the arrangement. My invisible friends dont have shortcomings. I do, so I had to agree to hav...


Russias Electronic Warfare Capabilities "IndyWatch Feed War"

Drago Bosnic Global Research April 17, 2023

Electronic warfare (EW) is one of the most important aspects of modern military capabilities and is often the litmus test of how advanced the state and its armed forces are. Its part of the invisible and yet extremely intense battle that we usually cannot see directly.

However, its impact is wholly undeniable. Russia is among the world leaders in EW and its warfighting capabilities in this regard are a source of pride for the Eurasian giant, but also fear for its adversaries.

Russian dominance in EW on the frontlines of Ukraine is so comprehensive and massive that its one of the few things the mainstream propaganda machine never dared to question or ridicule. Even Russian strategic thermonuclear capabilities were subjected to propaganda attacks at times, but its EW capabilities never. And for good reason.

And yet, as with everything concerning the mainstream propaganda machine, we must tread carefully. This is especially true when it comes to the media citing the Pentagon leaks as their primary source of information. Needless to say, an actual leak would require an inadvertent release of classified information and most intelligence experts agree its extremely unlikely there was anything inadvertent about it. However, this is not to say that all information connected to the leak is false. On the contrary, its relatively elaborate nature implies that much of it is indeed true, but it can be difficult to discern what exactly. One of the few leaked facts we can surely believe concerns precisely Russian EW capabilities. Still, this begs the question why?

JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition)

To answer that, we should first dissect and specify the claims of the mainstream propaganda machine. The leaks include a massive amount of information, including the claim that US-made JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) bombs are failing in Ukraine due to successful R...


Fewer people, living better - new Low Migration for Australia movement "IndyWatch Feed World"

There is a new policy blog or political movement called Low Migration Australia.  It is very well written and explains the relevant concepts succinctly.  The movement was started by Edward Smith.  Well worth a look.


We have republished from the page entitled, "," from "Low Migration Australia" at

"In a nutshell" by Edward Smith

Migration policy in Australia is just a tug of war between big business and the community, our politicians are the rope. The many justifications for high migration levels offered by media and think tanks are not determinative of migration policy. Business just pulls government harder than the public.

Migration levels are one of the most important decisions Australian governments make. Low migration can boost wages for low skill workers, reduce rents and house prices, protect our environment and increase unity, empathy and understanding in our politics and community.

Unfortunately, domestic big businesses (especially the property industry) either want the opposite of those things or are indifferent. Big business has bought in the political and epistemic systems and steered governments to high migration.

We have no grievance with any migrant, past, present or even prospective all of whom have merely walked through a lucrative open door, as many Australians would. We have a disagreement with the business and political leaders who want to leave this door open.

Low migration Australias goal is to persuade our business and political leaders to end their high migration agenda and to inform the community about migration policy. We do not vilify business at all, we want them to focus on the important work of running businesses and leave public policy to the public and their governments.


Little Twitter Game Boy Wont Work Now the API Is Dead "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Twitter, like many social networks, used to feature a useful API. This let people do fun things like create toasters that could automatically post breaderly updates, or even load Twitter posts on machines that couldnt handle full-fat websites. That API is now history, but [NEKOPLA] used it for a cute Game Boy-like Twitter device in its dying days earlier this year.



Really makes you think "IndyWatch Feed War"

Paul Joseph Watson April 18, 2023




Douglas Reed- Jewish Xenophobia is the Cause of Anti Semitism "IndyWatch Feed War"

Douglas Launcelot Reed (1895-1976) raised the alarm
about the Illuminati Jewish conspiracy in key books like
The Controversy of Zion (1978).
A former London Times correspondent and author of 24 books,
his fearless revelations effectively ended his career.
In this provocative excerpt from Disgrace Abounding(1939),
he says Nazi race policies are a mirror image of Jewish ones
and he wrestles with a solution to the Jewish Question.- See more at: Reed. Click to enlargef April 18, 2023

Douglas Launcelot Reed (1895-1976) raised the alarm about the Illuminati Jewish conspiracy in key books like  The Controversy of Zion (1978).

A former London Times correspondent and author of 24 books, his recognition that Judaisms destructive mission, outlined in Deuteronomy, is the worm in mankinds apple ended his career.
In this provocative excerpt from Disgrace Abounding(1939), he says Nazi race policies are a mirror image of Jewish ones and he wrestles with a solution to the Jewish Question.

 The Western elites have been inducted into Cabalist Judaism (Freemasonry, Satanism) and are active accomplices in their own societal suicide.

Disclaimer- I have not encountered these xenophobic views among fellow assimilated Jews but agree that they drive the agenda of Organized Jewry.

 By Douglas Reed (Excerpt by from Sept 1, 2014



British Medias Deception on Disinformation "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London

John McEvoy and Mark Curtiss Declassified UK, via Consortium News April 17, 2023

-> Declassified finds 25  Guardian and Observer articles referencing the Atlantic Council Digital Forensic Research Lab, none of which mention its funding by the U.K. and U.S. governments

-> The Centre for Information Resilience has been referenced 29 times in the U.K. media, with only one article mentioning its U.K. government funding

-> The U.K. government refuses to tell Parliament which counter-disinformation groups it supports and with how much money

The U.K. government has poured over 25 million into private counter-disinformation organisations since January 2018 and four of these are directed by people linked to the British or U.S. foreign policy establishment.

Yet, while publishing information deriving from these groups, much of it on the Ukraine war, media outlets are failing to inform their readers of these organisations ties to the U.K. government.

Instead, the information is presented as coming from independent or non-government sources, thereby obscuring the financial trail which leads to Whitehall.

The British public is being misinformed about the U.K. governments role in shaping coverage of global events such as the war in Ukraine, as well as the conflicts of interest which emerge from the incestuous relationship between the state, NGOs, and the media.

At the same time, the U.K. government is refusing to disclose the full extent of its links to the counter-disinformation industry, such as which organisations receive funding and how much.

Atlantic Council

One counter-disinformation group receiving government funding is the Atlantic Council Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab), to which the Foreign Office has given at least 6.7 million since January 2018. Other generous funders include the United Arab Emirates, Goldman Sachs, Facebook and the U.S. Departments of State and Defense.

The DFRLab says its mission is to identify, expose, and explain disinformation where and when it occurs using open source research.  The organisation frequently publishes research about how the main adversaries of its funders such as Russia, China and Iran are engaged in malign information activities worldwide.

Declassified has found 25 Guardian and Observer articles which reference the DFRLab, its research or...


YouTubes eating-disorder changes could have big implications for dubious fitness influencers "IndyWatch Feed World"

Videos that feature eating disorder content do sometimes provide helpful information, but more often theyre watched by vulnerable populations, like teenage girls.

YouTube is upping its efforts to make the video-sharing platform a safer place.

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Iran prepared to destroy Tel Aviv president "IndyWatch Feed War" April 18, 2023

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi warned on Tuesday that any hostile move from Israel will lead to the destruction of Haifa and Tel Aviv. Speaking at an annual military parade, Raisi called on the US and other extra-regional forces to leave the Middle East for their own benefit.

Delivering his remarks as armored vehicles rolled by and fighter jets flew overhead, Raisi marked Irans annual Army Day by proclaiming that the smallest hostile move from the Zionist regime in Israel will lead to the destruction of Haifa and Tel Aviv, according to Irans Tasnim news agency.

Iranian leaders often use Army Day to make bombastic threats against Israel and the US. Last year, Raisi issued a similar warning, saying that Irans armed forces would target the center of the Zionist regime if Israel made the tiniest move against the nation of Iran.

However, this years speech came amid higher-than-usual tensions between the two regional powers. Iran blamed Israel for drone attacks on a military plant in February, while Israel accused Iran of violating its airspace with an unmanned aircraft earlier this month. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly warned that Iran is on the verge of enriching weapons-grade uranium, declaring last month that a horrible nuclear war would ensue if Iran developed atomic weapons.

Tehran denies that it is seeking a nuclear weapon, and has reportedly rejected efforts by the US to talk it back into a deal where it would freeze enrichment in exchange for sanctions relief.

In Tuesdays speech, Raisi singled out the US as a destabilizing force in the Middle East. The extra-regional and American forces must leave the region as soon as possible, because it will be to the benefit of themselves and the region, he said.

While Saudi Arabia is often a target of Tehrans rhetoric, Raisis speech made no mention of Riyadh. The president did, however, say that Irans armed forces warmly shake the hand of regional nations willing to cooperate on issues of mutual security, likely a reference to the recent Chinese-brokered detente between the two countries.



China Brings Peace To Yemen, Syria And Palestine? "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Moon of Alabama April 18, 2023

Peace is breaking out in the Middle East and the U.S. is pushed aside by more friendly actors.

On March 10 the world was surprised with a China mediated deal that restored ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran:

There are winners and losers in this.

The winners are:

  • Iran, which will now be even more able to break through the sanctions wall the U.S. has put up around it.
  • Saudi Arabia, which now will likely be able to end its disastrous and costly war on Yemen.
  • China, for outplaying the U.S. State Department by achieving this.
  • Iraq, Syria, Yemen as they will become more peaceful as the two middle powers influencing policies on their grounds end their rivalry.

The losers are:

  • Israel, because the chances for its attempts to get the U.S. into a war with Iran are now diminished. Its hoped for coalition with the Saudis will not come into being.
  • The U.S. for having been outplayed on its traditional home grounds in the Middle East.
  • Anti-Iran hawks everywhere.
  • The Emirates for losing at least some of the sanction busting trade with Iran to Saudi Arabia.

Reviving relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran will make a lot of new things possible.

That Iran and Saudi Arabia accepted Chinas mediation is a recognition of Beijings new standing in world policies. That alone is enough reason for the White House to hate the deal.

I predicted that the U.S. and Israel would do their best to sabotage the deal or at least make its implementation difficult.

The U.S. sent CIA director Bill Burns to warn the Saudis off. However the deal has held so far and the Saudis are repairing their relations with countries against which they previously waged wars. Yesterday a senior Saudi official visited Sanaa and shook hands with Yemeni Houthi officials:

Cont. reading: China Brings Peace To Yemen, Syria And Palestine?


Upgrade Your LUKS Key Derivation Function "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

mjg59 | PSA: upgrade your LUKS key derivation function:

Many Linux users rely on LUKS for their disk encryption but perhaps they need to pay a bit more attention to it. If the disk was encrypted more than a few years ago (LUKS Version 1) it appears that it might not be secure enough to withstand a concerted attack. It is time to check whether you are using Version 2, and if not the fix takes a few minutes. [JR]

Here's an article from a French anarchist describing how his (encrypted) laptop was seized after he was arrested, and material from the encrypted partition has since been entered as evidence against him. His encryption password was supposedly greater than 20 characters and included a mixture of cases, numbers, and punctuation, so in the absence of any sort of opsec failures this implies that even relatively complex passwords can now be brute forced, and we should be transitioning to even more secure passphrases.

Or does it? Let's go into what LUKS is doing in the first place. The actual data is typically encrypted with AES, an extremely popular and well-tested encryption algorithm. AES has no known major weaknesses and is not considered to be practically brute-forceable - at least, assuming you have a random key. Unfortunately it's not really practical to ask a user to type in 128 bits of binary every time they want to unlock their drive, so another approach has to be taken.

This is handled using something called a "key derivation function", or KDF. A KDF is a function that takes some input (in this case the user's password) and generates a key. As an extremely simple example, think of MD5 - it takes an input and generates a 128-bit output, so we could simply MD5 the user's password and use the output as an AES key. While this could technically be considered a KDF, it would be an extremely bad one! MD5s can be calculated extremely quickly, so someone attempting to brute-force a disk encryption key could simply generate the MD5 of every plausible password (probably on a lot of machines in parallel, likely using GPUs) and test each of them to see whether it decrypts the drive.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

mystery-sWhile some anti-piracy groups focus on taking content down, others prefer to take entire sites down.

The benefits of the latter approach are obvious; when a site no longer exists, the need to send future takedown notices is eliminated. Its also much more easily said than done but certainly not impossible.

The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment has taken down hundreds of sites, and its often possible to predict which sites are about to feel the heat. DMCA subpoenas obtained at courts in the United States compel intermediaries to hand over details of pirate site operators, and since the applications are public, the names of sites are public too.

A series of recent applications revealed ACE attempting to gain information on The Pirate Bays operators but other sites were mentioned too. Despite having millions of monthly visitors, two of them have just disappeared into thin air.

Bulgarian Exodus

Over the past several days, at least four pirate sites with a focus on Bulgaria disappeared without warning. According to SimilarWeb data, was the largest with around 7.8 million visits per month.


Filmisub specialized in streaming movies and TV shows. From its apparently large selection, ACE/MPA complained about just one (Shaft) but that was enough to get Cloudflare to hand over the operators details. Of the four sites confirmed to have gone offline, Filmisub is the only one to have left any kind of message.

The site is permanently closed. It will never work again in any form whatsoever, it announced before disappearing offline.



Okowa Debunks Report Of  Signing New Pension Law For Ex-Governors "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS APRIL 19TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Delta Governor,  Ifeanyi Okowa, yesterday, debunked allegations that he signed a new pension law for former governors and their deputies in the state.

The governor made the denial on the heels of reports in some quarters that the new law he purportedly signed had provisions for humongous and mouth watering entitlements for retired governors. 

He denied ever signing any new pension law for former state leaders, clarifying that the states pension law for governors was passed in 2005, adding that the only amendment made at the earlier part of the present administration was to accommodate the late Sam Obi who was acting governor between 2010 and 2011.

Okowo spoke through his Commissioner for Information, Charles Aniagwu, at a press conference in Asaba.

Said Aniagwu:  Okowa did not sign any new law with respect to governors pension, we did not sign any new law, what we have is an existing law that has been there before now.

And just because they are still looking for ways to possibly pinch us, they are putting it in the social media making it look like we have signed a new law with new benefits.

Let them tell you the date that law was signed. Let them tell you when the House of Assembly consider the law, let them tell you what the debate was like, who was present when the law was signed.

They know the truth but they just want to deliberately tell stories that are at variance with the reality, he said.

Aniagwu also insisted the state liaison office in Ikoyi, a prime location in Lagos, was not sold but undergoing restructuring with a view to commercialise and generate revenue for the state.

Sun Newsonline

What we did was to temporarily relocate the office, and assist the private developer who we engaged, by way of enabling environment to fast track the purpose of developing this particular structure.

Initially, we were hoping to build 21-storey building but eventually it was about 10 that was approved by the Lagos State government.

If that is the case, why will anybody on earth be saying we sold the liaison office. To who? And you see they are not able to mention who we sold to and the amount paid.

We did not sell the liaison office in Lagos, we are taking steps to reposition it such that we would have additional commercial fl...


Tranq Crisis Shows How Harm-Reduction Drug Policies Eat Americans Alive "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Tranq Eating Flesh of woman's armThe cultural pull not to stigmatize anything or anyone is misplaced, purchasing a momentary faade of autonomy at the cost of untold harm and suffering.


Unborn Children Deserve The Right To Trust Their Mother "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

cute baby lying on mother's chest after laborThe doctor did not ask us for our babys name or sex. She never referred to our baby at all. She merely told us, 'The heartbeat might stop.'

Serfs, Sluts, the BIG Man and governance "IndyWatch Feed Tech"


This is a snapshot of the antique world that we all came from in which Big Man rules made things up as they went along.  This is deeply supressed in the developed world, but is still out there wherever muscle can be used to force folks to cooperate.

It is also the fundamental source of all poverty.  It is why we push the natural community of 150 individuals and the rule of twelve.  A community is unlikely to allow a single individual to rule the roost.

This can be all around you and you can remain oblivious.

Serfs, Sluts, the BIG Man and governance

 Slaves and Serfs: Guatemala's 'Occupied' Bodies


Organized crime networks dedicated to human trafficking have had a great deal of time to perfect their system and ally themselves with new players in Guatemala, including drug traffickers. Small criminal structures exploit indigenous women, trafficking them from rural areas to the capital. Dozens, maybe even hundreds, of women are trafficked from other countries to Guatemala by larger criminal organizations. Sexual exploitation -- in a country with high crime rates, a woeful human rights record and a judicial system that is only just starting to recognize it as a crime -- is flourishing.

[See the complete special report by Plaza Publica in Spanish here.]
Her Body is Her Body

In the nameless bar everything is a little grim, a little dirty, a little sad. A little like a funeral. One of...

No One Can Explain Why Planes Stay in the Air "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Turns out that our theory, although quite handy is just a place to hang our data on and fails all over.  The mere fact that we can flip a plane over and maintain lift is impossible.  Or close enough to hang bernoilli anyway.

What we now bring to the table is our robust concept of a three staged ether made up on Neutal Neutron pairs, neutral electrons pairs and really neutral neutrino pairs.  These can all be packed far better than expected and otherwise dragless.  this is a diffderent working fluid unlike any we have ever encountered.

This does mean that our airfoils are also current guides.

Add in that around 200 MPH, just about everything develops positive lift.  Most of our advanced planes today are flying bricks.  Real mechanical gliding is a thing well under 200 MPH.

Is it possible that at high speeds that our surface induces a high frequency triggering a change in gravitational effect?  We certainly have current flow exterior to the foil.  A standing wave inside the foil could shift the contained gravity containing NNPs.

This is novel but we already have the phenomina to think about.  It actually makes sense that it would show up here and be confused as an extension of mechanical gluide action.

No One Can Explain Why Planes Stay in the Air

Do recent explanations solve the mysteries of aerodynamic lift?

Ed Regis

Photo by CSA Images/Getty Images


Possession Is Nine Tenths of Your Soul "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Nice tale here, but it is not really true. Everything we think we own is true only until our deaths and that is the rub.  Owning any asset class except human labor has a negative cash flow until a human being is vested in its successful operation.

We have several protocols that allow capitalization and potential successful operation.  We actually need to sort out othgers as well.

not least the real natural community supported by fiat credit and managed with the Rule of Twelve.

Possession Is Nine Tenths of Your Soul

Global Research, April 06, 2023
Theme: History


The entire Earth is haunted by a specter, the specter of the complete possession of the human and the natural worlds by a band of unaccountable overlords. Those self-appointed global rulers, the billionaires, supported by the politicians and public intellectuals that they play with for sport, have carved out for themselves a separate reality where within they make up new rules for governance, local, national, and global, and then pass those rules down to us.

Central to this project is the radical alteration of the concept of possession.......

No Hope for Ukraine: Losing Artillery = Losing the War "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

After all is said and done, i do think  that mys original take is turning out correctly.  The russian grand strategy was to walk in and establish the new borders first and then reinforce until the lines became vsecure while wearing down Ukraine capability and resolve.

There is obviously no creditable Ukrainian arms industry producing shells.  russia can and will and have decades of warehoused shells as well.  This is still a small drain for them.

This means continuing losses of Ukranian material on the line and a real end to their war making capability.  what is certain is that NATO will not ever dip into their real war stocks as that would put NATO at risk.

We are now seeing the cracks form while Russia stands still and slowly forces Bahmut.  Russia achieved their strategic war aims almost immediately.  what is left is forcing the Ukranian government to actually accept what is on the table for them.

No Hope for Ukraine: Losing Artillery = Losing the War

Ukraine is running out of tanks, Russia has fortified its frontline and has got plenty of troops to hold every centimeter.

Global Research, April 10, 2023



Delta: Uvwie Monarch On A 10 Km Walk To Sustain Peace In His Kingdom "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS APRIL 19TH (URHOBOTODAY)-In an unprecedented move, the octogenarian  Ovie of Uvwie Kingdom, HRM Dr. Emmanuel Ekemejewa Sideso, Abe 1, JP. OON led his Chiefs, political leaders and other stakeholders on a walk for peace and health from his palace to the Shell Ram, the boundary between Uvwie local government council(LGC) and Warri South LGC, a distance of about 10 kilometre

The Uvwie Monarch was accompanied by the local government chairman, Hon Ramson Onoyake, the Unuevworo of Uvwie, Chief Hope Akasa, Unuevworo of Ekpan, Chief Peter Iffie and several others amidst applause and jubilation by onlookers, most of them could not believe the unusual spectacle

The Uvwie Peace and Health Walk programme is part of activities to mark the 15th coronation anniversary of HRM Emmanuel Ekemejewan Sideso, Abe 1, JP. OON, the Ovie of Uvwie Kingdom which kick off about two weeks ago with a 21 cannon shots.

Speaking to journalists, Chief Omafume Amurun, Chairman of the Peace and Health Walk committee said the decision of the highly revered monarch despite his age to join the walk was unprecedented and a demonstration of his strong desire and prayers for a sustain peace in Uvwie and the health of his people

At the Shell Ram, the boundary between Uvwie and Warri South, the Uvwie Monarch prayed for the state governor, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, and all the people living in the neighboring local government areas.




Faeser setzt sich durch: Handys werden anlalos berwacht "IndyWatch Feed World"

Ich habe seit 2012 kein Handy mehr. Es war schon damals klar, wohin die Reise gehen wrde. Es dient nicht der Bequemlichkeit, es ist ein Mittel um ein elektronisches Gefngnis zu bauen. Nur sind die Leute so schtig nach dem Ding, dass sie lieber ihre Freiheit opfern anstatt das elende Dinge endlich wegzuschmeien. 


US pushes for Sudan ceasefire as IGAD leaders wait to mediate "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Leaders from regional bloc the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (Igad) are banking on a ceasefire pushed by the US to have Sudans rival security factions lay down the arms.

The leaders from member states Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Djibouti were expected to travel to Khartoum to prevail upon the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), who have clashed since Saturday in Khartoum and Meroe cities in Sudan, to end their deadly fighting.

But a physical mediation trip to Khartoum has not materialised since it was first mooted on Sunday night, following an emergency meeting.

Nearly all international bodies concerned with Sudan have disapproved of the clashes between the SAF and RSF, warning it could derail the transition to a civilian-led government.

But the pressure was coming from Washington after the US protested an attack on its diplomatic vehicle in Khartoum. Secretary of State Antony Blinken called Sudans Sovereign Council President Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and his deputy Mohamed Daglo Hemedti, insisting on a 24-hour ceasefire to allow humanitarian aid and safe passage of civilians.

I also underscored in both calls the responsibilities that Sudanese fighting forces bear for ensuring the safety and security of US and other diplomats who are resident in Sudan, as well as for UN staff and other humanitarian partners.  If implemented successfully, a ceasefire for 24 hours can create a foundation to build upon for a more sustained halt to the fighting and a return to negotiations on a durable end to the hostilities, Blinken told a press availability in Kuruizawa, Japan early on Tuesday, according to a transcript shared with the media.

The people of Sudan have made clear their democratic aspirations.  After months of talks, they were close to restoring a civilian-led government.  We remain committed to helping them achieve that goal.  At the same time, we will take all appropriate measures to ensure the safety of our people.

After the call, the RSF said it agrees to a ceasefire, but blamed the SAF for continual raids.

24-hr armistice

Following a conversation with US Secretary of State Secretary Blinken and outreach by other friendly nations similarly calling for a temporary ceasefire, the RSF reaffirms its approval of a 2...


Selected Articles: More Unanswered Red Flags Regarding Jack Texeira and the Pentagon Leaks "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

More Unanswered Red Flags Regarding Jack Texeira and the Pentagon Leaks

By Larry Johnson, April 18, 2023

Several former military and intelligence professionals have contacted me and voiced similar doubts about the pat story being circulated regarding National Guard

The post Selected Articles: More Unanswered Red Flags Regarding Jack Texeira and the Pentagon Leaks appeared first on Global Research.


CVE-2023-2124: OOB access in the Linux kernel's XFS subsystem "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Kyle Zeng on Apr 18

Hi there,

We recently found a slab OOB access bug in the Linux kernel's XFS
subsystem. It can cause denial-of-service and potentially privilege

The root cause of the bug is a missing metadata validation when
mounting a user-supplied XFS disk image. More specifically, in a
corner case where there is a dirty log with a buffer log item for an
AGF and the on-disk buffer appears to be newer, XFS will discard the
old dirty log and...


Indigenous Peoples at United Nations: Voices from the Earth for a Fractured World "IndyWatch Feed War"

San Carlos Apache Chairman Terry Rambler speaking at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York today. By Brenda NorrellCensored NewsNEW YORK -- Indigenous Peoples from around the world spoke out on climate change, devastating development, murders of Indigenous Peoples, and the impact of false climate solutions like carbon credits, at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous


Iranian Government-Backed Hackers Targeting U.S. Energy and Transit Systems "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An Iranian government-backed actor known as Mint Sandstorm has been linked to attacks aimed at critical infrastructure in the U.S. between late 2021 to mid-2022. "This Mint Sandstorm subgroup is technically and operationally mature, capable of developing bespoke tooling and quickly weaponizing N-day vulnerabilities, and has demonstrated agility in its operational focus, which appears to align


Diverse 1776 Revival Colors History Anew "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Classic paintings of the U.S. Founding Fathers only show white men in powdered wigs. However, the diverse, female cast in the nontraditional revival of 1776, currently at the Center Theatre Groups Ahmanson Theatre, depicts the Declaration of Independence signers in a variety of ages and skin colors, presenting history from a new perspective. Purists might []

The post Diverse 1776 Revival Colors History Anew appeared first on Guardian Liberty Voice.


Delta: Killer Police Inspector Dismissed From Service, Faces Court Trial Today "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

police killer

LAGOS APRIL 19TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The Delta State Police Command has announced that Inspector Ubi Ebri, who fatally shot a trader, Mr Onyeka Ibe, during a stop-and-search duty, has been dismissed from service and will be charged in court on Wednesday, April 19, 2023.

This was disclosed in a WhatsApp statement issued by the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), DSP Bright Edafe.

The incident occurred on April 5, 2023, when Ebri Ubi, who was on stop-and-search duty along Ugbolu-Illah Road, Oshimili North Local Government Area of Delta State, shot and killed Ibe.

Following public outcry, the state Commissioner of Police, Ari Muhammed Ali, swiftly issued a statement ordering the arrest and trial of the killer cop.

In his statement, the CP had assured the public that the offending officer would be subjected to internal disciplinary measures, including criminal prosecution, and called on members of the public to remain calm and law-abiding.

Confirming the dismissal of Inspector Ebri, the PPRO said, INSPR has been dismissed from the Nigeria Police Force and will be charged to court tomorrow Wednesday 19th April 2023.

The move has been widely applauded by members of the public, who have been calling for justice for the deceased and an end to police brutality in the country.

The development also sends a strong message to other police officers that they will be held accountable for their actions and that the Force will not tolerate acts of cruelty or violence against the citizens it is sworn to protect.




McKinsey: Space industry may run into shortfall in launch services "IndyWatch Feed World"

In the short term, the McKinsey analysts doubt that companies with ambitious timelines to deploy large constellations will be able to meet their targets.

The space industry is preparing to send tens of thousands of satellites to orbit in the coming decade, building out large constellations across the spectrum of possible capabilities. They may run into a bottleneck, however, when it comes to booking tickets to space.

Read Full Story

The best Steve Jobs books might be yet to come "IndyWatch Feed World"

Make Something Wonderful lets Apples cofounder tell his own story. Its welcomebut also a reminder of how elusive a subject he can be.

The best way to understand a person is to listen to that person directly, writes Laurene Powell Jobs in her introduction to Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in His Own Words. A project of the Steve Jobs Archive, the website and free e-bookand limited-edition printed bookmakes the case for that contention by curating her late husbands thoughts about life, technology, business, and the intersection thereof. It was edited by Leslie Berlin, a distinguished historian of Silicon Valley and the executive director of the archive.

Read Full Story


BBC international editor touts simplistic hopes for peace narrative "IndyWatch Feed War"

Early on the morning of April 18th an article by the BBCs international and Middle East editor appeared on the BBC News websites Middle East page under the headline Jeremy Bowen: Israels unclear road ahead.

That headline, along with two inaccurate photo captions, was later amended and the current headline reads Israel and Palestinians: Gulf between hope and reality of peace.

The opening line of that article by Jeremy Bowen captures its concept in a nutshell:

Tensions between Israel and the Palestinians are on the rise once more, with hopes of peace and a two-state solution as far away as ever.

However Bowens explanation of the background to those tensions and the reasons why hopes are as far away as ever is glaringly one-sided, facile and makes no attempt to inform BBC audiences of all the factors at play.

Bowen begins by citing religion and nationalism but fails to note that such elements were evident long before there was such a thing as Israeli nationalism for example in 1920 and 1929.

Religion has a significance and power here that is hard to exaggerate. That is because it is about more than just faith. In Jerusalem it is linked inextricably with Palestinian and Israeli nationalism. Religion, politics and identity feed off each ot...


Just Because Fox News Lost (or Settled) Doesnt Mean Voting Machines Are Safe or Acceptable "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Straw man arguments can undermine democracy, too

Murdoch (right) with President John F. Kennedy and Zell Rabin in the Oval Office in 1961

Summary: Straw man arguments for voting machines or against critics of these will become ubiquitous in days to come; its important to distinguish between the disinformation from Rupert Murdochs media apparatus and the actual science (many distinguished scientists have long warned against voting machines, more so proprietary ones)

So, as noted in Daily Links (much more on this later), Dominion won a case against a very soft target (Rupert Murdoch, serial fabricator), but voting machines must still be avoided, criticised, and generally protested against. Pseudo-liberal media will be missing the point, as usual, instead stigmatising critics and sceptics of voting machines as "Nazis".

We are seeing many cautionary tales right now in Russia and in China.We kindly ask people not to fall for it. There are many perfectly legitimise reasons to avoid voting machines. When I vote here a few days from now itll involve only paper, a pencil, and a physical box with a hole in it. That works. No reason/s to give a large contract to some tech company. Many other things in modern society are being turned into a computer for no good, pragmatic/practical reasons. They use buzzwords like digitalisation, but the agenda is multi-faceted and potentially very dangerous. It gives very few people far too much control (top-down control by centralisation and consolidation of authority). Thats potentially devastating to democracy. We are seeing many cautionary tales right now in Russia and in China.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

<div class="wp-caption alignleft" id="attachment_44992" style= "width: 250px;"><a href= ""> <img alt="" class="size-medium wp-image-44992" height="300" src= "" title="6C4916F2-4795-4777-82C2-6AF747B3A631" width="250"></a> <p class="wp-caption-text">Click on this image to expand it. Hillsboro, Marlinton & Green Bank are in Pocahontas County, WV

Earth Day Open Forum: A Discussion of Emergency Preparedness to be held at Hillsboro Library

From Michael M. Barrick, The Appalachian Chronicle, April 18, 2023

Howdy Folks! Greetings to West Virginians in All 55 Counties!

This is a brief reminder that the Hillsboro Library Friends are hosting an Open Forum that I will be facilitating, based in part on by book, Fractured Sanctuary: A Chronicle of Grassroots Activists Fighting Pipelines of Destruction in Appalachia. Details follow. Join us if you can and please share the word!

Thanks, Pocahontas County is a great place to visit. I hope to see you there or in Morgantown on Sunday @ 3 PM. MMB


Hillsboro is Historic in the West Virginia Hills & Mountains

Brigadier General William W. Averell and his Federal troops encountered Confederate troops led by Brigadier General John Echols at Droop Mountain on November 6, 1863. The federal army had encountered Echols while on their second attempt to the Virginia-Tennessee Railroad located at Salem, Virginian. Echols and his troops positioned themselves on the high ground of Droop Mountain, a tactical advantage to the smaller army. However, despite using artillery to block the road, the Confederate troops were overwhelmed by Averells men. The Battle of Droop Mountain served as the final significant Civil War battle for the newly formed West Virginia. The site of the battle was declared West Virginias first state park on July 4, 1928.</p> <p>In 1892, famous author Pearl S. Buck was born in a large white two-story house at the northern end of Hillsboro. Shortly thereafter, her family, Presbyterian missionaries, returned to China, but her West Virginia roots nevertheless had a significant impact on Pearl through her mother Carrie.</p> <p>The Dutch-style city house, now on the National Register of Historic Places, has been restored into a museum, The Pearl S. Buck Birthplace. It displays an array of antiques from the 1892 period, including many family originals. Also on the National Register of Historic Places are the Richard Beard House and Locust Creek Covered Bridge.</p> <p>Hillsboro is also featured in the movie Patch...


PWNYOURHOME, FINDMYPWN, LATENTIMAGE: 3 iOS Zero-Click exploits used by NSO Group in 2022 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Citizen Lab reported that Israeli surveillance firm NSO Group used at least three iOS zero-click exploits in 2022.

A new report from Citizen Lab states that the Israeli surveillance firm NSO Group used at least three zero-click zero-day exploits to deliver its Pegasus spyware.

In 2022, the Citizen Lab analyzed the NSO Group activity after finding evidence of attacks on members of Mexicos civil society, including two human rights defenders from Centro PRODH, which represents victims of military abuses in Mexico.

The researchers discovered that in 2022, NSO Group customers used at least three iOS 15 and iOS 16 zero-click exploit chains against civil society targets worldwide.

One of the iOS zero-click used in 2022, called by Citizen Lab PWNYOURHOME, was used against iPhones running iOS 15 and iOS 16 starting in October 2022. The researchers believe PWNYOURHOME is a novel two-step zero-click exploit. The first step targets the HomeKit process, while the second step targets iMessage.

Another zero-click exploit dubbed FINDMYPWN was used by the surveillance firm against iOS 15 since June 2022. FINDMYPWN is a two-step exploit that targets the iPhones Find My feature and the step targets iMessage.

Another two-step exploit, which targets the Find My feature and iMessage, has been dubbed FindMyPwn. This zero-click exploit has been used against iPhones running iOS 15 since at least June 2022. 

The third zero-click exploit discovered by Citizen Lab is LATENTIMAGE, it was found on a single targets phone and experts believe it was the first new exploit used by NSO Group in 2022.

Further analysis yielded additional indicators, which were then applied to analyze additional devices in the global pool of 2022 Pegasus victims to uncover more details about NSO Groups 2022 exploits. reads the report. These indicator overlaps allow us to attribute the 2022 zero-click chains to NSO Groups Pegasus spyware with high confidence. Overall, we believe NSO Group deployed at least three zero-click chains in 2022 (Figure 2), exploiting a variety of apps and features on the iPhone. We have observed cases of some of the chains deployed as zero-days against iOS versions 15.5 and 15.6 (FINDMYPWN), and 16.0.3 (PWNYOURHOME).



Evidence of Ancestors Using Tools Around 3-Million Years Ago Recently Unearthed In Kenya "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Zenger / Good News Network

Just recently, archaeologists discovered evidence in Kenya that some of the earliest ancestors on the planet, dating back to three million years ago in fact, used tools.

The scientists explain that while these early humans were using some of the oldest stone implements to ever be found to cut up hippo meat and pound plant material on Lake Victorias shores.

Interestingly enough, the research group also shared that it would still be another two million years from the time when fire would be utilized by early humans, meaning these toolmakers would have eaten their food raw. Maybe, by pounding down this meat, it made it into some sort of hippo tartare to make it more palatable and easier to chew and swallow.

This amazing discovery, which is being referred to as one of the oldest examples of stone-age innovation known as an Oldowan toolkit, is also considered the oldest evidence of hominins that ate very big animals.

According to the study findings which were published in Science journal, at the sites, the team also discovered bones from at least three different hippos. Two of the three skeletons were found to be incomplete, but some of the bones had signs of butchery. The archaeologists saw a deep puncture mark on one of the animals rib fragments, as well as a series of four short and parallel cuts on the shin bone of another one of the hippos.

There were also antelope bones that had evidence of hominins cutting away flesh using stone flakes, or others that were crushed by hammerstones to remove the marrow were seen as well.

In addition, the scientists also did an analysis of the wear patterns on 30 of the stone tools that were found at the site, and they showed that these stone tools were used to cut, scrape and pound both plants and animals.


Warri-Itakpe Rail Service To Resume On  Monday "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS APRIL 19TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The Warri-Itakpe Train Services will resume operations on Monday, April 24, 2023, The PUNCH learnt.

The Station Manager, Helma Sani, disclosed this to our correspondent in Abuja on Monday.

He said, We are resuming operation on Monday 24/4/2023.

Recall that in January 2023, 148 passengers and 38 crew members of a train plying the Warri-Itakpe route escaped death when the train derailed inside the Kogi forest, forcing them (passengers) to be stranded.

Many passengers reportedly abandoned the train for fear of being kidnapped.
It was gathered that the train left Warri early Sunday and got derailed at around noon inside the forest between Ajaokuta and Itakpe.
The Delta and Kogi State police commands could not immediately confirm the incident, but the Managing Director of Nigerian Railway Corporation, Fidet Okhiria, confirmed it.



Old Czech Telephone Teardown Is Beautiful Purposeful Art "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 20th century saw everything from telephones to computers become mainstream. Many of these devices were beautifully designed in the mid-century period, something thats hard to say about a lot of todays cheaper technology. [John Graham-Cumming] has shown us one exquisite example, with his teardown of a simple Czech telephone.


Horror Stories Looking for Jobs as a Free Software Programmer/Advocate (Recruiters Who Force Free Software and FSF People to Create a Microsoft Account) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link

Summary: The above LibrePlanet talk is a physical presence/panel talk* about [f]inding a job while caring about free software; it was uploaded by the FSF** 8 hours ago; From the official page: A panel of people who care about software freedom, and have have somewhat recently gone through a job search. They will discuss and share their experience, offer some advice, and involve the audience. There is a vast array of ways to advance free software while looking after your finances, but in this talk, our focus will be on finding employment doing technical work and issues encountered there. For example: How much conflict with free software values do you accept in a company and for what price? What about ethical differences between your individual work vs the employers overall business model?

Licence: CC BY SA 4.0
* (PeerTube platform for FSF) has this channel too, in case MediaGoblin is down. The FSF seriously under-provisioned MediaGoblin for these new videos. Now the site goes up and down (mostly down) and it makes MediaGoblin look bad.

** Talk by Ian Kelling, Rubn Rodrguez Prez, and Amin Bandali.


5 free online cybersecurity resources for small businesses "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As cyberattacks increase in frequency and sophistication, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) become more vulnerable to cyber threats. Unlike larger enterprises, SMBs often lack the financial and technical resources to secure their networks and data against malicious actors effectively. With limited budgets and IT staff, many small companies are forced to make difficult decisions about where to allocate their resources. Fortunately, several free online cybersecurity resources can help small businesses protect themselves from cyber attacks. More

The post 5 free online cybersecurity resources for small businesses appeared first on Help Net Security.


AI will destroy Hollywood as we know it "IndyWatch Feed World"

Tom Graham, founder of, on how generative AI will upend the film industry and change our understanding of whats real.

Tom Graham was a couple of hours away from his keynote conversation with Chris Anderson on stage at TED 2023 in Vancouver when I Zoomed him in search of some definitive answers about AI. Drowning in artificial generative quicksand, buried in amazing news week after week, I needed to grab his hand and come up for air before sinking back into the mud of the next generative artificial intelligence update.

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