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Thursday, 06 April


Nach neun Monaten (!) U-Haft kommt Querdenker Michael ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Nach neun Monaten (!) U-Haft kommt Querdenker Michael Ballweg wohl demnchst frei.

NEUN MONATE U-Haft?!? Was fr eine Parodie eines ehemaligen Rechtsstaates ist denn das hier bitte sehr?!?

Das ist ja wohl absolut inakzeptabel aus egal welcher Warte, und egal um wen es sich konkret handelt.

Mssen Abgeordnete das erst am eigenen Leib erleben, damit sich da was tut?!

In der Politik lsst man keine Krise ungenutzt verstreichen, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

In der Politik lsst man keine Krise ungenutzt verstreichen, und sei es auch noch so ein Haus aus Bullshit. Die Faeser lsst den Vulkan-Nothingburger nicht ungenutzt vorbeiziehen, fordert zwei Grundgesetznderungen.

Die SPD-Politikerin betonte: Putins Angriffskrieg bedeutet auch fr die Innenpolitik eine Zeitenwende. Die Gefhrdungslage im Bereich der Cybersicherheit ist hoch. Durch den russischen Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine ergibt sich ein erhebliches Eskalationspotenzial. Eine sprbare Cyberoffensive Russlands gegen westliche Nationen sei aber bisher ausgeblieben.
Vllig klar also. Passiert zwar nichts, aber ein Eskalationspotenzial kann man sich ja immer herbeihalluzinieren.

Und hey, was ist schon eine Grundgesetznderung unter Freunde. Oder zwei.

Money Quote:

Zu bereits erfolgten Angriffen durch die Moskauer Firma liegen deutschen Sicherheitsbehrden demnach jedoch keine Erkenntnisse vor.
Ach. Ach was.

Wisst ihr, seit wieviel Jahren ich mir den Mund fusselig rede, dass Deutschland mal in Softwarequalitt investieren sollte und nicht in "offensive Security" (digitale Angriffswaffen)? Nicht nur ist da Tumbleweed+Crickets auf breiter Spur, nein, jetzt begrnden sie auch noch Grundgesetznderungen mit ... nichts. NICHTS! Da ist nichts! Die Faeser fordert das blo, damit es aussieht, als tte sie was, und als habe die SPD Kompetenzen in der Innenpolitik. Die CDU hat auch stndig Grundgesetznderungen gefordert, das muss also wichtig sein fr das Amt des Innenministers!1!!

Versteht ihr eigentlich, wo diese Politikverdrossenheit herkommt? Ein Rtsel!

Hattet ihr mitgekriegt, dass ein fettes Gerichtsverfahren ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Hattet ihr mitgekriegt, dass ein fettes Gerichtsverfahren gegen Elon Musk luft? Weil er Dogecoin beworben hat? Der Klger meint, das sei ja wohl offensichtlich ein Schneeballsystem und verlangt 258 Milliarden Dollar.

Elon Musk hat gerade einen Antrag auf Einstellung des Verfahrens eingereicht. Aber viel Erfolg beim Suchen danach, denn er hat auch auf Twitter das Logo zu dem Doge-Kopf gendert und damit die Suchmaschinen erfolgreich abgelenkt.

Hier ist ein Artikel zu dem Verfahren.

Will hier jemand Head of Cyber Security werden? Bei ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Will hier jemand Head of Cyber Security werden? Bei Her Majesty's Treasury?

Gehalt: 50,550 - 57,500. Pro Jahr ist das, glaube ich.

Hey, damit kannst du dir ein schnes virtuelles Haus im Cyberspace leisten. Physische Behausung in London eher nicht so.

Bei der Nordwestbahn sind ber 50% des Jahrgangs durch ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Bei der Nordwestbahn sind ber 50% des Jahrgangs durch die Zulassungsprfung gefallen. Lsung des SPD-Verkehrsministers: Dann senken wir halt die Anforderungen.

Das erklrt viel ber den Zustand der heutigen SPD, finde ich.

Nachrichten als Belgien:Ein Belgier hat sich Berichten ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Nachrichten als Belgien:

Ein Belgier hat sich Berichten zufolge das Leben genommen, nachdem er sich sechs Wochen lang mit einem Chatbot mit knstlicher Intelligenz ber den Klimawandel ausgetauscht hatte.
Scheie, Bernd! Der Aufstand der Maschinen geht los!!

Gut, einige von uns warten da seit 2008 drauf.

Gute Nachrichten! Sie haben die rechte Hand bin Ladens ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Gute Nachrichten! Sie haben die rechte Hand bin Ladens erwischt! h, sagte ich bin Laden? Die rechte Hand von Navalny meinte ich.

Ich denke mal, sie werden schon ein Gestndnis fertig haben.

Gute Nachrichten! Das war blo eine Attrappe. Die ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Gute Nachrichten! Das war blo eine Attrappe. Die Atombombe, die auf einer Militrbasis in den Niederlanden beschdigt wurde. Sagt das Pentagon. Und welche Quelle knnte glaubwrdiger sein in dieser Angelegenheit?!

Warte mal. Seit wann haben die Amerikaner Militrbasen mit Atombomben in den Niederlanden?

The picture was included in a 2022 presentation for student job applicants by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico, one of the countrys nuclear weapons facilities, and it geolocated the image to the Volkel air force base in the Netherlands, one of six bases in five European countries where a total of 100 B61 nuclear gravity bombs are being stored as part of a nuclear-sharing agreement with the US.
Ein Glck, dass das alles vllig ungefhrliche und unbedrohliche harmlose amerikanische Atombomben sind. Nicht wie die brandgefhrlichen Putin-Bomben, die da gerade in Weirussland stationiert werden sollen!1!!

Wisst ihr, was die gerade rausgefunden haben? Eine ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wisst ihr, was die gerade rausgefunden haben? Eine Luxusyacht reicht nicht als Plattform fr einen komplizierten Bombenanschlag auf eine Pipeline. Weil man da einen Haufen Leute und Gert transportieren musst.

But after months of investigation, law enforcement officials now suspect that the 50-foot yacht, the Andromeda, was probably not the only vessel used in the audacious attack. They also say the boat may have been a decoy
Aber nicht doch, mein Herr! Das war doch so ein Slam Dunk, der Fall! Wer Zweifel hatte, wurde als Verschwrungstheoretiker abgekanzelt und alles!

Wo wir gerade bei Dingen waren, die bestimt die CIA herausgefunden hat: Hier ist noch so eine Bombe des investigativen Journalismus!

Nach Monaten steigender Preise fallen die Energiekosten wieder. Doch die gesunkenen Strom- und Gaspreise kommen oftmals nicht bei den Haushalten an.
Ach. Ach was. Das ist ja unglaublich, Bob!

Ein Glck, dass wir die CIA haben.


The Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library Is Long Overdue "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Roosevelt LibraryThe time Roosevelt spent out West, in the North Dakota Badlands, undeniably shaped the nation's first 'Cowboy President.'


Police Confirm FBI-Assisted Takedown of Piracy Release Group EVO "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

policia-juciadariaEVO, short for EVOLUTiON, was a high-profile P2P group whose activities stood out in recent years.

The group released a steady stream of new movie and TV show titles and gained pirates admiration by leaking many screeners way ahead of their official premieres.

For several years in a row, EVO opened the screener season by releasing leaked copies of upcoming films. This included Oscar contenders, but also several Netflix titles that originated from festival screenings.

EVO was also the first to release an early Blu-Ray copy of Spider-Man: No Way Home last year, and a high-quality copy of the blockbuster Dune in 2021, ahead of its official U.S. premiere.

Like many other groups, EVO posted new releases on a regular schedule but that came to an abrupt halt last November when the group suddenly went quiet. While no explanation was given at the time, many pirates feared that the group had been busted.

National Criminal Investigation Police Take Credit

A few weeks ago TorrentFreak was able to confirm that this was indeed the case. Anti-piracy coalition ACE informed us that it had been working with Portuguese authorities to shut the group down and arrest its alleged leader.

This week Portuals Polcia Judiciria publicly confirmed that enforcement action Operation EVO 1.2 had been carried out through UNC3T, the national cybercrime unit.

The criminal investigation into EVO started early last year, following a complaint from Disney Enterprises, Paramount Pictures, Universal City Studios, Columbia Pictures, Warner Bros., Netflix, and Amazon. These are all members of the Motion Picture Association (MPA) and related...


12 Anti-Trump Pundits And Lawmakers Who Think Braggs Case Is Terrible "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Donald Trump arrives for arraignment in New YorkSome of Trumps most outspoken political enemies are casting doubt on Braggs attempts to send the former president to jail.


Gunmen Abduct Kano Village Head Wife, Son "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Some unknown gunmen have kidnapped two members of the family of the Village Head of Nasarawa in Tsanyawa Local Government Area of Kano State. New Telegraph gathered that his wife, Halima Kabiru (38); and his son, Dahiru Kabiru (20) were held captive by the gunmen. Confirming the attack, the Commissioner of Police in the state, []


New Day and Times for Its Going Down on Pacifica Radio! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Attention IGD listeners on Pacifica radio! Its Going Down is moving from Fridays at 12 NOON to Wednesdays at 11 AM 12 PM NOON, right between Letters and Politics and Against the Grain.

Its Going Down plays on Pacifica radio on 94.1 FM, KPFA across the San Francisco bay area, from Marin County in the North Bay to San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, and San Jose. You can also catch IGD at the same time and day on 88.1 FM in Fresno, 97.5 FM in Santa Cruz, and 94.3 FM in Monterey.

Also, on Wednesday, Its Going Down plays at 5 PM on KPFK on 90.7 FM in Los Angeles, California.

You can livestream both shows at and To check out an archive of past Its Going Down material on KPFA, go here!

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photo Fringer Cat via Unsplash


La Sublevacin de la Tierra en Francia (que deberamos imitar) "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Movilizacin contra la macrobalsa de regado que se est construyendo en Sainte-Soline. (

El pasado 25 de Marzo daba comienzo la quinta edicin de Soulvements de la Terre, La Sublevacin de la Tierra, un conjunto de movilizaciones y protestas contra la agricultura intensiva e industrial y sus impactos socio-ecolgicos, contra infraestructuras que destruyen el territorio y aslan los ecosistemas como autovas y trenes de alta velocidad, contra el extractivismo, etc., que se extender hasta el 31 de agosto. En esta quinta edicin el lema es Acaparamiento, agro-industria, artificializacin quitmoslos de en medio.

En esta ocasin se inici con una gran acampada y concentracin contra la macrobalsa de regado que se est construyendo en Sainte-Soline, una localidad eminentemente agrcola del oeste de Francia que, como todo el resto del pas, est sufriendo un inusitado periodo de sequa.

Sequa acumulada durante aos, que el verano pasado oblig a paralizar varias centrales nucleares por no contar con volmenes de agua suficientes para su asegurar su refrigeracin, y que est poniendo en jaque el modelo de agricultura intensiva de regado.

Esta extrema sequa, desconocida en un pas tradicionalmente hmedo, ha llevado al gobierno de Macron a aprobar un plan de construccin de megabalsas plastificadas de almacenamiento de agua, que extraen del subsuelo para ponerla a disposicin de los regantes, en un intento desesperado de mantener el mismo modelo de agro-negocio pese a la disrupcin climtica y la disminucin cada vez ms acuciante de las precipitaciones pluviales.

En apenas 2 horas [] hirieron a 200 personas, 40 de ellas de gravedad, dos en coma (a da de hoy la vida de Serge Duteil-Graziani todava pende de un hilo)

El plan de Macron ha encontrado desde el principio una frrea oposicin no slo de sectores ecologistas y conservacionistas que observan en este otro proceso de aceleracionismo climtico (ms emisiones de la maquinaria pesada, de los polmeros empleados para impermeabilizar, de las bombas de extraccin de aguas del subsuelo) y de afectacin de los ecosistemas (desecacin de humedales, hundimiento del nivel fretico, seca de pozos tradicionales, etc.), sino que tambin se ha encontrado con la beligerancia de pequeos y medianos agricultores que ven en estos proyectos otro intento de acaparamiento y privatizacin del agua que ataca directamente a sus producciones y a sus comunidades rurales. Sensibilidades distintas que se han agrupado en Bassines Non Merci, que junto a la Confdration Paysanne llevaron el caso de las macrobalsas a la ONU el pasado da 22 de marzo coincidiendo con el da del agua.

La convocatoria, pese de estar prohibida por la prefectura de Deux-Svres, cont con una masiva participacin de en torno a 30.000 personas, y es que estos Le...


Intel Vulkan Driver Squeezes In A Few More Performance Optimizations For Mesa 23.1 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ahead of the Mesa 23.1 branching and feature freeze coming up in the next week or two, Intel's open-source graphics driver developers have been landing some last minute performance optimizations to benefit their "ANV" Vulkan driver...


Medios comunitarios frente a las polticas del despojo y la corrupcin en Guatemala "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Desde el Pas Vasco entrevistaron en la radio 97 FM Irriata a Paolina Albani de Prensa Comunitaria, por la labor de los medios alternativos en Guatemala y la investigacin Mining Secrets, sobre los impactos de la minera ruso-suiza Solway en El Estor, en el Caribe guatemalteco. Una entrevista en el programa  Mar de Fueguitos en la radio libre y comunitaria de Bilbao. 

Mar de Fueguitos es un programa radial que se transmite semanalmente desde la Radio 97 FM Irratia en el Pas Vasco. El programa que fue transmitido a las 10:00 horas de Guatemala del martes 4 de abril, dedic un espacio de su parrilla al periodismo comunitario en Guatemala y a la resistencia en defensa del agua, como la que ocurre en El Estor, Izabal.

En la charla intervino la periodista Paolina Albani, quien forma parte del equipo de Prensa Comunitaria. Conversaron sobre el trabajo periodstico en territorios como El Estor, mayoritariamente habitado por el pueblo Qeqchi y las dinmicas generadas por las operaciones mineras del nquel en esta regin del Caribe guatemalteco.

Escuche aqu la entrevista completa

Durante el programa con Paolina Albani escucharon San Fernando, 33, un poema con restaurante chino de Paloma Chen, y varias canciones de A primera sangre, el nuevo disco de Lapido, segn public Mar de Fueguitos en su pgina web.

La periodista realiz recientemente una gira por la comunidad autnoma del Pas Vasco, en la que visibiliz el trabajo periodstico en Guatemala, los retos y los riesgos a los que se esta enfrentando el periodismo independiente en este momento. El objetivo de la gira es el de mostr...


Breaking News! Hereditary Chiefs Blocked from Royal Bank of Canada Shareholders Meeting "IndyWatch Feed War"

Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chief Na'Mok blocked at the door of RBC shareholder meetingnow, April 5, 2023, in Saskatoon.Watch video on Twitter News! Hereditary Chiefs Blocked from Royal Bank of Canada Shareholders MeetingBy Stand EarthCensored NewsApril 5, 2023Elder not backing down: Watch video


Dozer exits stealth to help any developer build real-time data apps in minutes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Data has emerged as one of the worlds greatest resources, underpinning everything from video-recommendation engines and digital banking, to the burgeoning AI revolution. But in a world where data has become increasingly distributed across locations, from databases to data warehouses to data lakes and beyond, combining it all into a compatible format for use in real-time scenarios can be a mammoth undertaking.

For context, applications that dont require instant, real-time data access can simply combine and process data in batches at fixed intervals. This so-called batch data processing can be useful for things like processing monthly sales data. But often, a company will need real-time access to data as its created, and this might be pivotal for customer support software that relies on current information about each and every sale, for example.

Elsewhere, ride-hail apps also need to process all manner of data points in order to connect a rider with a driver this isnt something that can wait a few days. These kinds of scenarios require what is known as stream data processing, where data is collected and combined for real-time access, which is far more complex to configure.


Rainbows are actually full circles. A physicist explains "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Most of us only ever see a fraction of a full rainbow: an arc. But optically, a full rainbow makes a complete circle. Physics explains why.


This Insane 256-Foot Superyacht Concept Doubles as a Fully Functional Submarine "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The concept for the CARAPACE yacht is sent straight from the future.

The 78m vessel has been conceptualized to double as a submarine that can dive to 985 feet.

Elena Nappi, an Italian based naval architect, has dreamed up this futuristic vessel.

The hybrid is designed for cruising the high seas and exploring the underwater world with its marine capabilities.


Mind-Bending Animation Shows How The Universe Would Look if We Could See Gamma Rays "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Most of the light streaming through the Universe is invisible to human eyes. Beyond the mid-range wavelengths we can see, theres a whole cosmos shining in high-and low-energy radiation.

But we humans are clever little animals and have managed to build instruments that can see the light we cannot. One of these is NASAs Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, an observatory hanging out in low-Earth orbit, monitoring the sky for gamma rays, the highest-energy light in the Universe.

Fermi constantly surveils the entire sky, observing gamma-ray sources and how they change over time, providing astronomers with a map of the various producers of gamma radiation that we can detect. This data is compiled into a catalog that scientists can use to probe the production of gamma radiation.


Suspended Chief Ezomo, Priest, Others Plead With Oba Of Benin "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The family of Ezomo in Uzebu Community, Oredo Local government Area of Edo State has appealed to His Royal Majesty, Oba Ewuare II, to forgive and lift the suspension he placed on Chief Okponmwense Ezomo, the Ezomo of Benin. A statement endorsed by the Chief Press Secretary to the Palace, Osaigbovo Iguobaro, and made available []


Saudi Arabia welcomes Russian Navy frigate "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

RT | April 5, 2023

Russian Navy ships have paid a visit to Saudi Arabia for the first time in around a decade, the Russian military said on Wednesday. In late March, the detachment, which consists of the frigate Admiral Gorshkov and the medium sea tanker Kama, dropped anchor off the coast of the East African nation of Djibouti.

According to a statement released by Russias Western Military District, the two vessels made a working visit to the port of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.

During their stay, the ships will replenish their fuel, drinking water, and food supplies, Russian military officials added.

The frigate, which can carry state-of-the-art Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles, and the accompanying medium sea tanker began their voyage in January of this year, departing from the main base of Russias Northern Fleet, Severomorsk.

The detachment has since participated in two international naval exercises in the Indian Ocean, as well as the Arabian Sea, crossing the equator twice, the statement read.

From March 26 to 28, the two vessels were moored at the international seaport of Djibouti, with the aim of enhancing military cooperation between the two countries.

Djibouti and Moscow discussed, among other things, issues related to ensuring safe navigation off the coast of Africa and in the Red Sea region.


Periodista Ricardo Villanueva localizado con vida en Poza Rica "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Periodista Ricardo Villanueva fue rescatado con golpes en el cuerpo. Antes de su liberacin obligado grabar video donde dice que se dedica al narco Regeneracin, []

La entrada Periodista Ricardo Villanueva localizado con vida en Poza Rica se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Putin names cause of tensions with US "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | April 5, 2023

The current standoff between Moscow and Washington came about because of American support for the 2014 coup in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

Relations between Russia and the US, on which global security and stability directly depend, are unfortunately going through a deep crisis, Putin told 17 ambassadors who gathered at the Kremlin to formally present their credentials. This crisis is rooted in fundamentally different approaches to the formation of the modern world order, he added.

Addressing the US envoy Lynne Tracy, the Russian president apologized for somewhat disrupting the gracious atmosphere of the credentialing ceremony.

I cannot but say today that the US use of such foreign policy tools as color revolutions, and support in this regard for the coup dtat in Kiev in 2014, ultimately led to the current Ukrainian crisis and made an additional contribution to the degradation of Russian-American relations, Putin said.

Moscow has repeatedly pointed to the Maidan revolt as the root cause of turmoil in Ukraine, as it ultimately resulted in the need for a military intervention to ensure Russias security. Speaking at an event in November 2022, Putin said that none of this would have happened if not for the February 2014 coup.

The violent overthrow of a democratically elected government, midwifed by US diplomat Victoria Nuland and then vice-president Joe Biden, brought to power anti-Russian nationalists and gave Washington total control of Ukraine, according to the Russian president.

Putin told Tracy on Wednesday that Moscow remains committed to building relations with Washington solely on the principles of equality, respect for each others sovereignty and interests, and non-interference in internal affairs.

Addressing all ambassadors, the Russian president said Moscow did not intend to self-isolate and was open to constructive partnerships with everyone, without hidden or hostile intent, but expected them to be based on equality and mutual consideration. Russias actions will be guided by its internal priorities, but also the awareness of its special responsibility for maintaining stability and security at the global and regional levels, Putin said, citing the recently updated foreign policy platform.


Three killed As Suspected Herders Attack Benue Community "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

No fewer than three persons have been confirmed dead as suspected Fulani herdsmen launched another attack on Umogidi, Entekpa Adoka district in Otukpo Local Government area of Benue State. This is coming barely 24 hours after the suspected herders killed three persons at Igbobi in Apa LGA of the state. A native of the community []


Julian Assange: Beat The System April 8 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Neenah Payne Julian Assange: Guilty of Journalism shows that on April 6, Kevin Gosztola will be in London to speak about his newly published book Guilty...

Julian Assange: Beat The System April 8


Why Is Israel Attacking Syria Nearly Everyday Now? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Tensions continue to escalate inside Syria, following another round of unprovoked Israeli airstrikes on Monday night, which killed two civilians in Damascus. Israel has carried out four separate aerial assaults on Syria, since Thursday last week, with tensions continuing to rise as Iran vows to respond to the killing of its citizens in one of Read More...

The post Why Is Israel Attacking Syria Nearly Everyday Now? appeared first on The Last American Vagabond.


Impactos del Tren Maya en Bacalar "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Participacin de Aldair Tuut, sobre los impactos del Tren Maya en Bacalar, Quintana Roo, durante el Octavo Tribunal Internacional de los Derechos de la Naturaleza, Caso Tren Maya, en Valladolid, Yucatn.


China is the Rock Upon Which the U.S. World Order Breaks "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ted Snider | The Libertarian Institute | April 4, 2023

In March, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, where they not only ...


Subsidy Removal: World Bank Gives FG $800m For Palliatives "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The World Bank on Wednesday granted the Federal Government the sum of $800 million to put up a comprehensive palliative scheme for its citizens, before the removal of fuel subsidy by June 2023. Zainab Ahmed, the Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, revealed this shortly after the Federal Executive Council ( FEC) meeting presided []


Oil Price Rise Following OPEC+ Production Cut Announcement Underscores Volatility of Fossil Fuels "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Oil prices rose by more than six percent on Monday after Saudi Arabia and other oil producing nations announced a surprise production cut of 1.15 million barrels per day from May through December. 

The announcement, coming a little more than a year after Russias invasion of Ukraine sent energy prices skyrocketing, is another example of how relying on fossil fuels leads to a volatile energy market. 

The inherent volatility of fossil fuels and the ways they expose consumers to geopolitical and climate risks drive consumer price volatility at both the gasoline pump and in household utility costs, contributing significantly to overall inflation, Lauren Melodia and Kristina Karlsson wrote in an issue brief published by the Roosevelt Institute last May. 

In this case, Saudi Arabias energy ministry announced that it, along with some nations that belong to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and some oil producing nations that do not, was curbing production as a precautionary measure to make sure the oil market stayed stable, The Independent reported. Saudi Arabia is cutting production by 500,000 barrels per day, Iraq by 211,000 barrels per day, the United Arab Emirates by 144,000, Kuwait by 128,000, Kazakhstan by 78,000, Algeria by 48,000 and Oman by 40,000. 

In response, the price of Brent crude futures and U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures rose by more than six percent, Reuters reported. Brent crude futures nearly rose as high as $86 per barrel, according to The Guardian.

The increase in...


Retrotechtacular: Solder Like its 1944! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When we first saw this 1944 US Office of Education film about hand soldering, we figured it might still have some good information. Well, perhaps it does, but the 1944 soldering was with a giant iron, and the work looked more like metal bricks than anything weve soldered lately. Of course, the physics is all the same, but some of the terminology, like sweating in isnt anything weve heard before, although we have heard of sweat soldering.

They do show some electronic soldering on components, including some interesting-looking coils. But the irons look more like a bad science fiction movies idea of a lightsaber. The solder is equally huge, of course.

If it Smells Like Bacon

We liked the soldering iron holder with a magnifier or maybe it is just a piece of shield glass that the lady in the movie uses. It would have made a perfect vent hood, too, but in 1944 we are guessing you were encouraged to sniff the fumes. They mention not letting wire fly into your eye, but they didnt cover safety glasses until well after that part. Not a word about lead safety, either.

The tip on the iron is bigger than most of the screwdrivers on our bench. Other than the scale, we didnt find much to disagree with in the film. After all, soldering is soldering regardless of the size of the solder joints. Of course, the real excitement comes at the end when they start using a flame to do some bulk soldering of some enclosures.



Ramadan in India: Three dead as man pours flammable liquid on train passengers, Muslim suspect still at large "IndyWatch Feed War"

Three passengers were killed and nine others, including three women, sustained severe burns and are undergoing treatment after a miscreant poured flammable liquid on the passengers in coach D1 of the Alappuzha-Kannur Executive Express. The incident occurred around 9:45 PM on Sunday, April 2, 2023. The accused has been identified as Shahrukh Saifi, reportedly a []


Apple Joins Amazon, Google, and Microsoft in Tech Industry Layoffs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to


Apple Joins Amazon, Google, and Microsoft in Tech Industry Layoffs (Maria)

The author writes, Apple, which has thus far avoided the sweeping layoffs that have taken place at rival companies like Microsoft and Google, is eliminating some roles after all, according to a report in Bloomberg. The number of heads eliminated is believed to be relatively small, and they are all within the companys corporate retail teams, with a focus on workers who are responsible for the construction and upkeep of Apples retail locations and other physical facilities.


A Carmans Perspective on the East Palestine Derailment and the Railroad Industry as a Whole (Gerry) 

The author writes, As carmen, its our job to inspect and repair rail cars. But these days, were forced to inspect and repair more and more rail cars, at an ever-increasing pace, with less manpower than ever before. We were trained to do this job right, but now we are threatened with discipline, and/or disciplined outright, for doing it how we were trained. The level to which this company has stooped to satisfy its shareholders is, frankly, insane. We, as a country, are witnessing the tragic, cumulative result of all these arcane policies and, unfortunately, the residents of East Palestine, Ohio, and the surrounding area are paying the price for rail carriers pursuit of profits at all costs.


The California Newspaper That Has No Reporters Left (Russ)

The author writes, The Salinas Californian missed [major local] stories, understandably, because it employed only one journalist until December. Thats when the papers last reporter qui......


Greenland Temperature Updates "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

It is worth noting that temperatures at both sites in 2021 and 2022 were below those 20th Century numbers.


How Russia Killed its Tech Industry "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The invasion of Ukraine supercharged the decline of the country's already struggling tech sectorand undercut its biggest success story, Yandex:

You may think, as I did, that Russia's current tech woe's are as a result of their invasion of Ukraine, or perhaps the annexation of Crimea. But it seems that the real problem started back around 2011 when it decided that the population having free access to information was not a good thing and, anyway, there must be money to be made if someone can take the tech industry under their control.

In Russia, technology was one of the few sectors where people felt they could succeed on merit instead of connections. The industry also maintained a spirit of openness: Russian entrepreneurs won international funding and made deals all over the world. For a time, the Kremlin seemed to embrace this openness too, inviting international companies to invest in Russia.

But cracks in Russia's tech industry started appearing well before the war. For more than a decade, the government has attempted to put Russia's internet and its most powerful tech companies in a tight grip, threatening an industry that once promised to bring the country into the future. Experts MIT Technology Review spoke with say Russia's war against Ukraine only accelerated the damage that was already being done, further pushing the country's biggest tech companies into isolation and chaos and corralling its citizens into its tightly controlled domestic internet, where news comes from official government sources and free speech is severely curtailed.

"The Russian leadership chose a completely different path of development for the country," says Ruben Enikolopov, assistant professor at the Barcelona School of Economics and former rector of Russia's New Economic School. Isolation became a strategic choice, he says.

The tech industry was not Russia's biggest, but it was one of the main drivers of the economy, says Enikolopov. Between 2015 and 2021, the IT sector in Russia was responsible for more than a third of the growth in the country's GDP, reaching 3.7 trillion rubles ($47.8 billion) in 2021. Even though that constituted just 3.2% of total GDP, Enikolopov saysthat as the tech industry falls behind, Russia's economy will stagnate. "I think this is probably one of the biggest blows to future economic growth in Russia," he says.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


What Nigerian Govt Must Do To Overcome Security Challenges Ooni "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, Ojaja II, posited that the Nigerian government has not been able to effectively tackle insecurity because traditional rulers have not been sufficiently incorporated in the fight against the menace. Ooni Ogunwusi charged the National Assembly to carry out legislation that will provide the National Council of Traditional []


Martes Santos, una tradicin que vive entre la comunidad binniz de Unin Hidalgo "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Unin Hidalgo, Oaxaca. Las ausencias y las distancias no existen en la celebracin del Martes Santos en la comunidad binniz-zapoteca de Unin Hidalgo, Oaxaca, un municipio en el que, al igual que Juchitn, conviven con sus muertos en el panten municipal en esta poca de Nabana Semana Santa-.

El Martes Santos es una tradicin que resiste, reconoce Teresa, quien acudi como desde hace 20 aos a la sepultura de su mam Cecilia para dejarle flores y convivir con ella durante el da y la noche.

La entrada del panten municipal se convierte en un jardn de innumerable variedad de flores, desde las tradicionales como el coroz, guie chachi, la albahaca, tulipanes, flor de china, y tambin las rosas, lilis y gladiolas, sin olvidar las velas y el incienso de copal.

En una sepultura elaborada con lminas de cartn, Mara Ordaz coloca flores de coroza para su hermano Juan Ordaz, conocido como Juan Nata.

Juan Nata era muxe y cocinero tradicional de esta comunidad y con su muerte se fue un legado importante de la gastronoma zapoteca.

Venimos a acompaar a mi hermano, muri hace pocos meses y lo extraamos mucho, sobre todo su sazn, l nos consenta con sus sabores, pero tambin de su amor, dice Mara.

La familia de Juan Nata lo acompaa y estar con l es una forma de remembrar su cario y su amor. Venimos a dejarle a mi to un poco del cario que nos tuvo, hoy lo acompaaremos, comeremos y beberemos con l, mi to era alegre y siempre nos quiso mucho, dijeron sus sobrinas.

Convivir en Martes Santos es una tradicin nica, que por aos ha resistido para que se siga conservando el culto a los muertos.

Resistimos porque estamos vivos, seala la familia Lpez, quienes por segundo ao visitan la sepultura de su padre y abuelo, quienes fallecieron por Covid-19 en diciembre del 2020.

Los visitantes llegan de todos lados a visitar a sus difuntos, adems de que se vuelve una fiesta y degustan antojitos tradicionales como los tamales de iguana, garnachas, tlayudas y dulces tpicos.

De acuerdo a los textos de Fray Francisco de Burgoa, cronista dominico del Siglo XVII, los indgenas zapotecas celebran la Semana Santa a la par del ao nuevo solar porque sucedan en el mismo periodo, segn el calendario antiguo. De acuerdo a este esquema, el ao nuevo comenzaba el 12 de marzo y terminaba el 7 de marzo del siguiente, y a partir de esta fecha haba un periodo de cinco das que eran considerados aciagos y funestos.



Why I Warned Peter Obi About Obidients Excesses Soyinka "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka on Wednesday revealed why he warned the Presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi about the Obidients excesses in the build-up of the 2023 general elections. Soyink who spoke in a a statement titled, Media responsibility, said his recent interview with Channels Television was misrepresented, with his remarks []


5 Top Foods for Eye Health "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By GreenMedInfo Research Group Do you find yourself squinting and straining to read the daily news and wondering why the writing on menus has become...

5 Top Foods for Eye Health


HP WMI Driver To Expose More Sensors Under Linux For Business-Class Systems "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A patch was posted this week introducing a new "hp-wmi-sensors" Linux kernel driver for HP business-class computers for exposing WMI sensor functionality...


"Their Orders Come from Renegade Principalities and Powers Who Get their Orders from The Dark Lord Himself." "IndyWatch Feed World"

 Dog Poet Transmitting.......

It has been some years now since we have been talking about the spread of Insanity across the country and around The World... due to the increase of Materialism. Surely it has been more than a decade and possibly two decades. I know I have been seeing it for longer than that.

It first came to my attention in the 60s. Anyone who was present for them can agree with me that they were pretty crazy times. Certainly... a big part of it was the drugs. Drugs open areas of The Mind that were previously inactive. It was a time of spiritual awakening, AND... it was a time of sexual awakening... because we have a material body, AND... several immaterial bodies.

A lot of what happened had to do with the stage of collective human evolution that was present at the time it happened. A great many people were deeply asleep and did not wake up the whole time. Many of them have not awakened since; have even bred children who haven't awakened either.... and who have also had children who have not awakened.

The Dream Manipulators have been around for a long time. Until technology made a wider material reach possible, they worked through telepathic invasion and social conditioning that was built around laws created by the lawmakers to keep everyone in their own grazing areas. The metaphorical wolves in sheep's clothing have been around for ages. They are part of the dramas that make life interesting.

When The Sexual Revolution arrived they were Johnny-on-The-Spot. The Spiritual Awakening was also a revolution in thought. On the one hand, you had sensory exploration. On the other hand, you had extra-sensory exploration. The force of Materialism accelerated the sexual dynamic and it hasn't stopped to take a breath since.

The sexual experience is a limited engagement. The satiation period is brief and it eventually leads to the desire to go deeper... to go further... to go off the beaten path. Two drugs played a big part in the escalation of serial sexual activity. They were Cocaine and Ecstasy. Cocaine amplified the diabolical aspect of sexual encounters. It makes whatever you get up to okay. It makes evil and depraved behaviors magnetically attractive. There was a fake spirituality about Cocaine initially... until the depravity angle hit full-bore.

Cocaine and Disco dovetailed and opened the saloon doors that swing both ways. The Gay Thing took off, especially in the cities where Nature had alread...


Positive vibes, confidence in Super Falcons Antalya camp ahead Haiti, NZealand games "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

      Star forwards Asisat Oshoala and Desire Oparanozie have arrived in the camp of Nigerias senior women national team, Super Falcons ahead of two friendly matches in the Turkish city of Antalya. Serial award-winner Oshoala has not played for the nine-time African champions since the Women Africa Cup of Nations finals in Morocco []


Nora Cortias en Pelota de Trapo: la lucha y la esperanza "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Abril comenz en Pelota de Trapo con la visita de Nora Cortias, Madre de Plaza de Mayo-Lnea Fundadora. Se cumplen ocho aos de ausencia de Alberto Morlachetti. Norita habl de resistencia, lucha y dignidad. Junto a pibes, familias y educadores se la escuch y luego se comparti el pan como smbolo de vida y utopa.

Entr al gimnasio de Casa de los Nios, chiquitita y con ayuda. Haba preguntado si necesitara la silla y decidi que no. Con el bastn era suficiente para unos veinte metros de recorrida a pie desde la puerta de entrada hasta donde la esperaban la infancia y sus familias y sus educadores y todos aquellos que, desde las vecindades, tuvieron ganas de verla.

El aplauso la acompa en ese trayecto. Haba pedido unos caramelos sin azcar para el aliento. Nora Cortias es diabtica desde hace ms de treinta aos y se cuida estrictamente. Est siempre preparada y fuerte para la lucha. Aunque el 22 de marzo cumpli 93 y su ltima cada la dej todava, endeble, como ella misma define.

Se sent en una cabecera con educadores de Pelota de Trapo. Atrs, la enorme bandera celeste con letras negras que denuncia, desde hace treinta aos, que el hambre es un crimen. Que pase en todas las marchas a lo largo del pas. Marchas en las que Norita particip, caminando y durmiendo donde pintara. A los costados, una bandera con el dibujo que define a Alberto Morlachetti rodeado de nios y que asegura que con ternura venceremos; una serie de trapitos estampados con leyendas de las luchas de Madres: ni olvido ni perdn, todo est guardado en la memoria, memoria, verdad y justicia y unas latas recicladas con las mismas leyendas, exhiba el trabajo de la Escuela Grfica de Pelota de Trapo.

La presencia de Nora Cortias en la Casa de los Nios fue una celebracin de la memoria y de la vida de Alberto, a ocho aos de su muerte. De eso hablaron los educadores Daro y Silvana para presentarla a ella y recordarlo a l.

En esos momentos ella se anudaba el pauelo blanco debajo el mentn, tomaba unos traguitos de agua y, luego, la palabra. La palabra suave y pequea, como ella. Con toda la fuerza y el coraje de la lucha. Como ella.

Habl del hambre criminal, de los que se aduean del agua, de los derechos conculcados de los pueblos originarios, de las mujeres mapuches encarceladas, del gatillo fcil, de los femicidios, de los desaparecidos, de su hijo Gustavo y sus luchas que siguen hoy tristemente vigentes. Habl, con la autoridad moral de estar presente en cada una de las luchas, desde Jujuy a Chubut. Habl de Milagro Sala y del derecho de las mujeres a elegir tener o no un hijo, se colg la cartera con el pauelo verde y reclam que no se pague la deuda externa. Luego pregunt, pidi preguntas y habl con todos.

El pan, el trabajo y la esperanza...


AIbom Governor-Elect Lauds Firm For Diversifying Into Agriculture, Library Services "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Akwa Ibom State Governor-elect, Pastor Umo Bassey Eno has lauded Watbridge Hotels, Uyo for diversifying into agriculture and expanding its value chain, thereby creating more services and employment. Pastor Eno also praised the hotels Guest Library, describing it as a fantastic innovation. Eno gave the commendations on Wednesday when he inaugurated the agricultural wing of []


Condena ONU-DH asesinatos y desapariciones recientes de defensores en Mxico "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. La Oficina en Mxico del Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los Derechos Humanos (ONU-DH) conden los asesinatos de los defensores Eustacio Alcal Daz, en Michoacn, y de Gustavo Robles Taboada, en Morelos, as como la desaparicin de la defensora Esthela Guadalupe Estrada vila en Jalisco.

El caso ms reciente es el de Estacio Alcal Daz, defensor nahua de Huitzontla, Michoacn, quien fue secuestrado por un grupo armado el pasado 1 de abril y su cuerpo fue hallado sin vida este 4 de abril. A travs de su liderazgo, record la ONU-DH, la comunidad de Huitzontla logr obtener la suspensin de diversos ttulos de concesin minera entregados sin que se respetara el derecho de su comunidad a dar su consentimiento libre, previo e informado tal como lo prevn las normas internacionales en la materia.

Por su parte, la integrante del colectivo de familiares de desaparecidos Luz de Esperanza, Esthela Guadalupe Estrada vila, fue desaparecida la noche del 29 de marzo en Tlajomulco de Ziga, Jalisco. Junto con su madre, Azulema Yadira Estrada, Esthela emprendi labores de bsqueda a raz de la desaparicin de su hermano en el ao 2020, destac la ONU-DH.

Finalmente, el defensor de los derechos de la comunidad LGBT Gustavo Robles Taboada fue asesinado el pasado 28 de marzo en Cuautla, Morelos. Robles particip en la defensa de los derechos de las parejas del mismo sexo que exigan la libertad de unirse en matrimonio a travs del registro civil, lo que habra dado como resultado que, en 2014, Ayala se convirtiera en el primer municipio de Morelos en efectuar una boda entre dos hombres, gracias a un amparo.

Defender los derechos humanos no debe afectar los derechos a la vida y la libertad. Estas tres personas, a travs de sus acciones, defendieron ideales de justicia social e igualdad, as como los derechos a ser buscado y de los pueblos indgenas. A pesar de operar en contextos peligrosos, siguieron apostando por el poder transformador de los derechos humanos, subray Jess Pea Palacios, representante adjunto de la ONU-DH en Mxico.

La ONU-DH llam a las autoridades mexicanas a conducir una investigacin pronta e imparcial, que agote todas las lneas de investigacin, incluidas la labor de defensa de los derechos humanos, y que abarque a todas las personas presuntamente responsables, tanto materiales como intelectuales.

A continuacin el comunicado completo:

La Oficina en Mxico del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos (ONU-DH) expresa su firme condena por el asesinato de los defensores de derechos humanos Eustacio Alcal Daz y Gustavo Robles Taboada y la desaparicin de la defensora Esthela Guadalupe Estrada vila.

Gustavo Robles Taboada defenda los derechos de la comunidad LGBT y en ese marco impuls diversas iniciativas en el estado de Morelos. Por ejemplo, particip en la defensa d...


Falz Speaks On New Song, Yakubu, Says I Dont Fear Death "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nigerian hip-hop artist, Folarin Falana, better known by his stage name Falz, has revealed why he does confrontational music. Falz who is the son of a renowned human rights lawyer, Femi Falana SAN said he was not afraid of death. He stated this on Wednesday while speaking as a guest on Arise TV, stressing that []


Hamas sentences two Gazans to firing squad and hanging for collaborating with Israel "IndyWatch Feed War"

Hamas is a jihad group that kills innocent people in the way of Allah, as do all jihadists. It is stated in Hamas Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement that Israel must be obliterated. Thats because Israel remains the single unconquered nation in the vast Middle East, the rest of which was conquered by means []


Ager Road: Where Complete Streets Fell Short "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


This is a stroad in disguise, remarked Strong Towns Director of Community Engagement Edward Erfurt when examining Ager Road in Hyattsville, Maryland. The arterial road cuts through the western corner of Hyattsville, serving as both a connection and a border between the town and its regional Metro stop. For Erfurt, a planner and urban designer, this functional ambiguity is precisely what makes Ager Road dangerous even years after its award-winning Green-Complete Streets transformation. I generally believe in the power of paint, but this is a clear example of where its not working.

Its makeover is a cautionary tale of where Complete Streets fall short. The U.S. Department of Transportation defines Complete Streets as streets designed and operated to enable safe use and support mobility for all users whether they are traveling as drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, or public transportation riders. However, using a combination of Google Maps, photos provided by locals, and documentation from the Complete Streets plans, Erfurt illustrates several post-transformation features that in fact made the street less safe. 

Firstly, the number of car lanes remains the same, but each one has been expanded from 10 feet to 11 feet, a national standard and a hallmark of what Strong Towns has often described as forgiving design. Additionally, trees along the roads perimeter have been removed in the interest of increased driver visibility and street parking supplanted by an unprotected bike lane. Together, these updates conspire to optically op...


RFK Jr: The Neocon Projects in Iraq and Ukraine Have Made a Laughingstock of U.S. Military Power and Moral Authority "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Chris Menahan | InformationLiberation | April 4, 2023

Neocon control of America has led to the collapse of American global hegemony and the shredding of our nations moral authority, according to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The collapse of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia and the Kingdoms new alliances with China and Iran are painful emblems of the abject failure of the Neocon strategy of maintaining U.S. global hegemony with aggressive projections of military power, Kennedy said Monday on Twitter, sharing an article from Reuters on OPEC+ cutting production to spike the price of oil in defiance of the Biden regime.

China has displaced the American Empire by deftly projecting, instead, economic power, Kennedy continued. Over the past decade, our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges, and airports. China spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world.

The Ukraine war is the final collapse of the Neocons short-lived American Century. The Neocon projects in Iraq and Ukraine have cost $8.1 trillion, hollowed out our middle class, made a laughingstock of U.S. military power and moral authority, pushed China and Russia into an invincible alliance, destroyed the dollar as the global currency, cost millions of lives and done nothing to advance democracy or win friendships or influence, Kennedy said.

Kennedy is absolutely correct.

His point was further underlined last month when Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador went off on the U.S. State Department for accusing Mexico of human rights abuses when the Biden regime is working to imprison former President Donald Trump, extradite Julian Assange and bombed the Nord Stream pipelines.


Z2U Market Leak Exposes Access to Illicit Services and Malware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Habiba Rashid

According to documents analyzed by Jeremiah Fowler, Z2U sells malware and other malicious services to customers under the guise of online trading.

This is a post from Read the original post: Z2U Market Leak Exposes Access to Illicit Services and Malware


Inflacin baja en marzo y se ubica en su menor nivel en 17 meses "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

En marzo, el ndice Nacional de Precios al Consumidor (Inpc) registr una variacin de 0,27% respecto al mes anterior. AMLO agradece a todos los sectores []

La entrada Inflacin baja en marzo y se ubica en su menor nivel en 17 meses se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Texas AG Just Threw A Glorious Legal Wrench In Bidens Unconstitutional $1.7 Trillion Spending Spree "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Biden signs appropriations billWhile the court likely won't freeze the entire $1.7 trillion appropriation, the Texas AG presents a strong case for halting two aspects of it.


So the Russian Incursion in Ukraine Was Unprovoked, Eh? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post So the Russian Incursion in Ukraine Was Unprovoked, Eh? appeared first on Global Research.


Democrats Promote Trump By Claiming He Is A Criminal "IndyWatch Feed War"

Yesterday the Democrats launched their biggest fundraiser ever for Donald Trump: Donald Trump and his 2024 White House campaign are cashing in on the former presidents indictment and Tuesdays arraignment in New York City. Adviser Jason Miller announced on Monday...


Ngige Commiserates With Kalu Over Wifes Death "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Minister of Labour and Employment, Sen. Chris Ngige has commiserated with the Senate Chief Whip, Sen. Orji Uzor Kalu over the death of his wife, Mrs Ifeoma Ada Kalu (nee Menakaya). The former Anambra State Governor also sympathised with the famous Menakaya family of Umunya, Oyi LGA, over the death of their beloved daughter. []


La inteligencia artificial como la tercera y la ltima etapa de la guerra "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Al hablar de la cadena de accidentes tan poco accidentales de los ltimos aos, desde una extraa pandemia, que demostr la inutilidad de todos los sistemas de cooperacin internacional juntos y la asombrosa coincidencia entre los diferentes gobiernos a la hora de controlar a sus propias poblaciones, la tragedia del teatro de operaciones militares ucraniano, que se desarroll ntegramente segn el escenario estadounidense y cuyo principal objetivo, fue enfrentar a pueblos hermanos y destruir la memoria histrica de la URSS, y el actual avance tecnolgico en el campo de la inteligencia artificial, se empieza a vislumbrar el trptico completo del aniquilamiento de la humanidad, programado por los actuales dueos del mundo.

Por supuesto, el problema no est en la tecnologa en s, sino en los poderes polticos y econmicos que la utilizan.

Hoy que el poder mundial se concentra en las manos ms irresponsables de la historia de la humanidad, la aplicacin masiva de la inteligencia artificial equivaldr a una sentencia de muerte para la inmensa mayora de la poblacin del planeta. Por lo tanto, su aplicacin masiva no sera una revolucin tecnolgica comparada a la llegada de internet, como algunos afirman o suean, sino que equivaldr ms bien a una catstrofe universal como la guerra nuclear, aunque peor.

La reciente carta publicitaria, suscrita por los desarrolladores de estas armas de nuestra autodestruccin, con numerosas firmas de diversas eminencias internacionales expertas en dicha materia y con el hipcrita llamado a suspender temporalmente su desarrollo y uso, es uno ms de los mseros circos que al igual que los gestos humanitarios de las redes sociales, promueven guerras y censuran imgenes violentas.

Si algo de la inteligencia natural pudiera gobernar a la artificial, hace tiempo que la humanidad estara cumpliendo felizmente su misin principal en el camino hacia las estrellas y a las profundidades del universo. Lamentablemente, el proyecto de esta civilizacin desde sus inicios fue lo contrario.

La inteligencia artificial al servicio de los intereses comerciales, la competencia de todos contra todos y las luchas por el poder se convertir en el instrumento ms poderoso de nuestra deshumanizacin. Desde los albores de la historia de la humanidad, nosotros claramente necesitbamos varias herramientas para ampliar nuestras capacidades fsicas, limitadas por nuestra biologa, pero hasta ahora nadie ha cuestionado el protagonismo del creador de estas tecnologas, quin las invent para mejorar su propia calidad de vida, o lo que presumi que la mejorara. Hoy, avalados y promovidos por el modelo neoliberal, los nuevos programas educativos y modelos culturales, diseados para proporcionar una cultura de la cancelacin de todas las culturas y, al mismo tiempo, de la memoria histrica de los pueblos, siguen machacando a una sociedad infectada por el virus del individualismo y...


The Beat Goes Onand on "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  Identify the Aircraft   Bullet Points:           ** Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and cant, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it. -Robert Frost ** What the USMC wants   The Marines originally envisioned a vessel []

The post The Beat Goes Onand on appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Typewriter Mashup Becomes 120-Year-Old Teletype "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Vintage typewriters can be beautiful and elegant devices. But theres a limit to their value if, as with the 1903 Remington owned by [Daniel Ross], they are fire-damaged and have a seized mechanism. What did he do with what was essentially a piece of scrap metal? Produce an unholy mashup of the vintage machine and a 1988 Sharp daisy wheel typewriter to make a steampunk-style teletype, of course!

Stripping down both machines was evidently no easy task, and the result hes achieved has the Sharps printer mechanism at 90 degrees to its original orientation sitting below the roller in the space once occupied by the Remingtons type bars. Were sad to see that the keyboard on the older machine appears to be inoperable, but on the other hand each letter does light up as its typed.

Meanwhile at the electronics side the components from the Sharp have been transferred to a custom PCB, and the whole can be driven from a 300-baud serial line. As can be seen from the video below the break, the result is an unholy love-child of two typewriters that could scarcely be more different, but somehow it works to make an impressive whole.

If this project looks a little familiar to Hackaday readers, its because weve mentioned it in passing before. Its hooked up...


Why It Was Important to Translate Linux Foundation Training Manuals to Ukrainian "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The software industry plays a large role in Ukraine's economy, with many Ukrainian developers working remotely from Ukraine for software vendors located in the EU, UK, and US. Training manuals in the Ukrainian language will help veterans of Ukraine's military struggles against Russia take advantage of this opportunity.

The post Why It Was Important to Translate Linux Foundation Training Manuals to Ukrainian appeared first on FOSS Force.


Study explores the extent of Western dependency on Russian nuclear energy "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Russias invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 had a profound deep impact on the economy, inflating the prices of energy and food, with detrimental consequences for both individuals and companies worldwide. As a result, many governments, particularly in Europe, have been discussing the possibility of reducing their dependence on Russian energy.

Most of these ongoing discussions specifically focus on fossil fuel energy, leading to the gradual introduction of sanctions for purchasing Russian coal, oil, and gas. However, Russia is also a key global provider of nuclear power, particularly via a state-owned corporation called Rosatom.

Researchers at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) have recently carried out a study investigating the activity and global portfolio of Rosatom and its subsidiaries. Their findings, published in Nature Energy, highlight the high degree of European dependency on nuclear energy produced by this company, raising important questions about the need to find alternative energy suppliers.


More happy birthdays! Research says people could live to 141 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A scientist has predicted that men could live for as long as 141 years and women could reach over 130.


Scientists believe they may have found the secret to living to 100 and beyond "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Scientists believe they may have found the secret to living past the age of 100. To some, the thought of living into your hundreds is a dream, while for others, its the complete opposite. But it seems that 70 percent of American adults actually want to live to 100, a 2022 poll by Edward Jones and Age Wave of 11,000 people revealed.


Twitter Thread Expertly Dissects Millennial/Gen Z Psychology "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Oligopolios en la alimentacin mundial, ganancias millonarias y pandemia de hambre "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Syngenta, Bayer, Basf, Corteva y Cofco son algunas de las corporaciones que desde distintos rubros controlan el mercado agrcola mundial. Una investigacin del Grupo ETC confirma la mayor concentracin en semillas, agrotxicos, fertilizantes y comercializacin de materias primas. Recuerda que las familias campesinas producen los alimentos del 70% de la poblacin mundial.

Diez empresas concentraban el mercado de las semillas hace 25 aos. En la actualidad, esa cifra se redujo a solo cuatro corporaciones (Bayer, Syngenta, Basf y Corteva). Es una de las conclusiones de la investigacin Barones de la alimentacin, del Grupo ETC, que revela el crecimiento de la concentracin en las diversas ramas productivas y comerciales de la agroindustria. El escrito describe el entramado empresarial en sectores claves, analiza el impacto de las soluciones verdes y la digitalizacin y la forma en que, mientras el alimento se trata como mercanca en lugar de como un derecho, se fortalecen los oligopolios.

El estudio examina las corporaciones que lideran y controlan once sectores agroalimentarios: semillas, agroqumicos, gentica ganadera, fertilizantes sintticos, maquinaria agrcola, farmacutica animal, comercializacin de materias primas, procesadores, industria crnica, venta minorista de comestibles y entrega de alimentos mediante plataformas. Las clasificaciones se basan en las cifras de ventas de 2020.

El Grupo ETC marca que hay una concentracin extrema en los mercados globales de agroqumicos, semillas comerciales, maquinaria agrcola, farmacutica animal y gentica ganadera.

Las seis productoras ms grandes de agrotxicos (Syngenta, Bayer, BASF, Corteva, UPL y FMC) controlan el 78 por ciento del mercado mundial de ese rubro. Slo Syngenta Group representa un cuarto de la oferta. En cuanto a las semillas, entre Bayer (con el 23 por ciento) y Corteva (17) concentran el 40 por ciento de la produccin. 

Cuatro compaas monopolizan el 44 por ciento del mercado de maquinaria agrcola: Deere, Kubota, CNH y AGCO. La primera de ellas controla el 18 por ciento del mercado. Respecto a la farmacutica animal, seis compaas (Zoetis, Merck, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health, Elanco+Bayer Animal Health, IDEXX Laboratoires y Ceva Sant Animal) representan el 72 por ciento de la oferta mundial, con Zoetis a la cabeza con el 20 por ciento.

El informe, que lleva como subttulo Lucro con la crisis, digitalizacin y nuevo poder corporativo, explica que existen tres tendencias crticas multisectoriales que aumentan la capacidad de los Barones de la Alimentacin para mantener el control sobre la cadena alimentaria industrial. La primera de ellas es la digitalizacin de la agricultura y los alimentos en t...


Urgent Threats to Peace for Humanity in the 21st Century "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Muestra el GIEI documento negado por Sedena sobre Ayotzinapa "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

A ocho aos y medio de la desaparicin forzada de los 43 normalistas, los expertos independientes aseguraron que existen entre 80 y 90 documentos elaborados por el Centro Regional de Fusin de Inteligencia de Iguala que podran esclarecer lo ocurrido, pero se les ha negado el acceso

El Grupo Interdisciplinario de Expertos Independientes (GIEI) mostr, por primera vez, un documento elaborado por el Centro Regional de Fusin de Inteligencia (CRFI) de Iguala que prueba la existencia de un conjunto de informacin que permitira esclarecer lo ocurrido en la noche del 26 de septiembre de 2014, cuando desaparecieron los 43 estudiantes de la Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa. 

Esta documentacin ha sido sistemticamente ocultada y su existencia negada por la Secretara de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena), desacatando la orden del presidente Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador, que mandata a todas las instancias de gobierno a entregar la informacin existente referida al caso y que pueda ser til para la localizacin de los normalistas.

Ante las madres y los padres de los estudiantes, en una conferencia de prensa realizada el viernes en la Comisin de Derechos Humanos de la Ciudad de Mxico, la abogada colombiana ngela Buitrago y el mdico vasco Carlos Beristain revelaron que existen decenas de documentos clave para dar con el paradero de los muchachos, los cuales tienen la informacin recabada en tiempo real por el CRFI de Iguala, un nuevo actor en la telaraa institucional que oculta la verdad sobre lo sucedido. 

Estos centros forman parte de la estructura de la Sedena y se haban mantenido ocultos hasta que el GIEI revel su existencia, en octubre del ao pasado. 

Hay un tipo de documentos que ustedes ya conocen, que se llaman CRFI, precis Beristain, de los que se nos ha entregado una parte, pero calculamos que hay unos 80 o 90 documentos, que sabemos que existen por las numeraciones, a los cuales no hemos tenido acceso y son muy relevantes.

Es importante sealar, aadi Buitrago, integrante junto con Beristain del rgano encargado de realizar una investigacin independiente de lo sucedido a los estudiantes, que estos documentos del CRFI ya han sido negados, hemos intentado reconstruir los nmeros que faltan y se ha generado una ltima respuesta de que no existen ms.

Para desmentir esta versin, a sus espaldas se proyect la imagen de un documento con membrete de la Sedena, enviado desde el CRFI de Iguala y dirigido al comandante de la IX Regin Militar, con los sellos de urgente y secreto, y una fecha que consideraron clave: 15 de octubre de 2014. 

Este documento, que no fue mostrado completo por cuestiones de reserva, tiene la siguiente inscripcin, que ley Buitrago: Me permito remitir a esa superioridad la siguiente informacin tcnica, por ser de inters de ese mando. El eufemismo informacin tcnica refiere a un...


Drying wetlands and drought threaten water supplies in Kenyas Kiambu County "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

LIMURU, Kenya Kiambu County in Kenya is facing a major water scarcity crisis that is threatening not only peoples livelihoods but also biodiversity. Rivers and wetlands that were once roaring with life are now dry and barren. With prolonged drought worsening the situation, residents are worried about the long-term implications and the drastic decrease in water supply over the last few years. Of particular concern is the Manguo swamp, a wetland that is not only a source of water for the community but also a rich harbor for biodiversity, which has, for the first time since the residents can remember, totally dried up. Kiambu county, located in central Kenya, is the second most populous county in the country. It is located north of the capital, Nairobi, and is known for its lush greenery and rich fertile lands famous for Irish potatoes, cabbages, pears and other horticultural crops, supplying a large extent of Nairobis food needs. Many residents are worried about news of drying rivers and boreholes, drilled by homeowners and the government to locate water, plus a looming local water crisis. The Manguo swamp or what used to be sits near Limuru town, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) from Nairobi. Along the Nairobi-Nakuru highway, at the junction with Kiambu Road, is a barren depression about seven football fields long and four football fields across. Herders and their flocks of sheep are scattered across the desert-like depression, with only countable patches of green grass remaining. One of theThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Problematic favorites "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

We have another Podish Sortacast coming up this weekend, and the theme is problematic favorites.

Uh-oh. This could be bad. Can it be myself?

Quick, make some suggestions in the comments, to spare the world an hour of me talking about wicked me.


Counting dead cats on Costa Ricas highways: Q&A with Daniela Araya Gamboa "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The nature of her fathers work, as an aerial fumigation pilot, meant that Daniela Araya lived in many areas of Costa Rica when she was a child. She usually traveled with him in rural areas on roads with slow speed limits. On these journeys, whether at dawn or at night, they admired the numbers of animals that crossed their path and continued naturally on their way. On occasion, they helped the animals to cross. This was exciting for us: to go on rural roads, where no one drove fast, rescuing the animals on the road. With time, it became more frequent to find them not alive, but run over, says Araya, now a biologist. It was frustrating to see so many dead animals on the road and this is how I started to look for ways to make an impact, but now focusing on cats, she says. Daniela Araya Gamboa counting animals run over in national parks; there were 68 animals on a stretch of 45 kilometrs (28 miles) during just one morning. Image courtesy of Panthera. Daniela Araya Gamboa is the coordinator of the Caminos Amigables con los Felinos (Cat-Friendly Roads) project, from Panthera Costa Rica, where she has worked for 10 years. Her daily routine consists of pulling on her rubber boots, putting on a reflective jacket, getting in a car at dawn with sirens and lights and driving along dangerous roads, which are risky not only because of fast-moving vehicles, but also because organized criminals sometimesThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Miami: Trinidad-born American citizen gets 20 years prison for joining the Islamic State in Syria "IndyWatch Feed War"

Normally it is a good thing to see a criminal jailed for two decades for heinous crimes, but jihadists are not mere criminals. They are Islamic fighters at war with dar al harb (the unconquered house of war). They do not belong on Western soil. Trinidad became one of the chief recruitment centers for the []


Vatican Renounces Euro-supremacist Doctrine of Discovery "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Chinas Latest Renaming Of Indian-Controlled Disputed Territory Is A Major Development "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Andrew Korybko | April 5, 2023

The decades-long Sino-Indo border dispute owes its origins to the legacy of British colonialism in the Subcontinent but persists to this day due to the complicated dynamics of this issue, which still remains bilateral despite the US efforts to meddling in it for divide-and-rule purposes. The latest major development on this front concerns Chinas renaming of Indian-controlled disputed territory on Sunday in what Beijing regards as South Tibet but Delhi administers as Arunachal Pradesh.

This occurred one day prior to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Nings perfunctory policy reaffirmation pertaining to her countrys desire to trilaterally cooperate with Russia and India via the RIC platform, which was prompted by a related question regarding Moscows new foreign policy concept. The signal being sent is that Beijing wont back down from its claims to that region, but nevertheless believes that this shouldnt be an impediment to improving ties with Delhi.

Indian External Affairs Minister Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, however, reminded everyone of his South Asian Great Powers official policy late last month regarding the impossibility of normalizing relations with China so long as their border dispute remains unresolved. The reason why Chinas third renaming of disputed territory in the past six years is such a major development is because it reduces the chances of a deal whereby it and India turn the Line of Actual Control (LAC) into their official border.

The impending trifurcation of International Relations into the US-led Wests Golden Billion, the Sino-Russo Entente, and the...


A Most Perfect Genocide "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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US Announces $2.6 Billion Weapons Package for Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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British war monitor to challenge Ministry of Defence over alleged killing of civilian "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

British war monitor to challenge Ministry of Defence over alleged killing of civilian

Airwars accuses the defence ministry of being 'a black box' over its refusal to provide details on the killing of a civilian during an RAF air strike on IS in 2018
MEE staff Wed, 04/05/2023 - 15:46
An RAF British Aerospace Hawk T.2 is flown along the Machynlleth Loop in north Wales where pilots are regularly trained in low-level flying, 27 March 2023 (AFP)

The UK-based war monitor, Airwars, is set to challenge the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) in a tribunal over the refusal to release basic information about a civilian killed in Syria in 2018.

Airwars, which tracked air strikes against the Islamic State (IS) and other groups in Iraq, Syria and Libya since 2014, said on Wednesday that it would challenge the MoD and the Information Commissioner in court, with the appeal due to come to a head later this year.

The case involves an air strike on 26 March 2018 on IS fighters in which the UK government accepted the killing of a civilian "unintentionally," which Airwars said was "the only time the UK government has officially accepted harming civilians".

Former Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson told parliament in May 2018 that during a strike to engage three Daesh (IS) fighters, a civilian motorbike crossed into the strike area at the last moment and it is assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed.

Airwars had asked the MoD to release basic information about this civilian, but the ministry refused.



Why The World Is Dumping The American Dollar "IndyWatch Feed War"


Why The World Is Dumping The American Dollar | Vantage with Palki Sharma


German Leftist Lawmaker Says U.S. Soldiers and Nukes Must Leave Her Country "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Ukraine Is the Latest Neocon Disaster "IndyWatch Feed War"


Ukraine Is the Latest Neocon Disaster

The war in Ukraine is the culmination of a 30-year project of the American neoconservative movement. The Biden Administr...


UN and Orthodox Prelates Condemn Zelenskys Moves to Evict Monks, Seize Churches in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Noticed! At last! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I got a mention in the latest issue of the college newspaper, the University Register. Only in the April Fools issue, unfortunately, and they misspelled my name, of course.

The only current known readers of the UR are PZ Meyers and one of his spiders.

Not mentioned is that PZ Meyers only manages to skim the paper 5 days after it was published.

Or that the spiders only read at a first grade level, so far.



The U.S. is Desperately Hiding this from the Public! "IndyWatch Feed War"

The U.S. is Desperately Hiding this from the Public! The End is Simply Inevitable!


Tips for an Information Security Analyst/Pentester career - Ep. 86- Experience-based tips 101 (no. 3) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I've been working as a pentester for almost two years by now, dealing with increasingly complex situation and technical challenges, especially as to internal engagements.
I think it's important to take the time to have a look at what I learned from this journey so far, and share these lessons with newbies out there approaching this industry for the first time. I hope these few considerations can help you guys avoid or minimize some major mistakes we all did when approaching your first pentests.
Before I get into them, though, I believe having a company that allows you to fail to a certain extent and has your back when things go south is very important.
I admit I got lucky, under this point of view.

a) PASSIVE RECON-GET YOUR SCOPE RIGHT: you were given a scope and you're eager to jump into action, so you're ready to fire up your Nmap and go. I know, I've been there myself, but not so fast yet.
Before scanning specific IP addresses, make sure they actually belong to the client. Run passive recon with shodancensys, dnslytics, netcraft and other tools (as a shameless plug, I also use ...


20 Years After Iraq: No Accountability and No Lessons Learned "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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US efforts to ban TikTok are pure projection by the world's biggest spy power "IndyWatch Feed World"

Washington is used to controlling the planet's top tech companies and doesn't want anyone to threaten its surveillance domination. As the United States contemplates a possible ban on TikTok, it relentlessly accuses Beijing of using the popular Chinese-owned social media application as a means of espionage, claiming that the Communist Party has access to user data. Ironically, Washington itself is known to be doing exactly what US politicians are accusing China of doing. Using the unique advantage of having jurisdiction over the world's top internet companies, the US has given itself the right to look into the private communications of foreign citizens anywhere in the world. Combine that data-sharing between intelligence agencies of the US and its allies, and you get the most comprehensive espionage regime in the world. While American politicians and media constantly talk about fears of Chinese espionage, the near-absence of coverage of Washington's own spying efforts ought to be a...


Survey results: the usage of money in Debian "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Debian project has reported on a survey of developers on the use of project funds to support development work.

There seems to be broad support for paying people who are already involved as Debian contributors, but very little support for hiring contractors, that is to say, those who are not already Debian contributors in some way. Members of the Security Team were by far the most supportive towards the idea of paying Debian contributors.

The full report is available for those wanting all the details and pie charts.


As China Embraces Russia, the Western Narrative Needs a Rethink "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Manhattan DAs Office Nukes Meet Our Team Page, Staff Scrub Online Profiles "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Alvin BraggThe page that used to list the office's team members with their prior experience now comes up as 'Not Found.'


CryptoClippy: New Clipper Malware Targeting Portuguese Cryptocurrency Users "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Portuguese users are being targeted by a new malware codenamed CryptoClippy that's capable of stealing cryptocurrency as part of a malvertising campaign. The activity leverages SEO poisoning techniques to entice users searching for "WhatsApp web" to rogue domains hosting the malware, Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 said in a new report published today.  CryptoClippy, a C-based executable, is a type


Lots of Microsoft Shutdowns Reported Today (Whole Offices, Divisions and Products Axed Entirely) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Can the chaffbot generate enough media noise/smokescreen (all that AI chaff) to distract from all that?

Hours ago:

Microsoft, which also announced plans to cut 10,000 jobs recently, is reportedly laying off 100 employees in its Industrial Metaverse Core team. The company is said to have virtually shut down work on the metaverse, despite official statements that it remains committed to it.

Yes, buzzwords as a vapourware tactic (be patient, shareholders, well razzle-dazzle you in the future while we lose money now). Weve seen this before. First "metaverse", now "AI" (they misleabel or call almost everything that)

Also today:

Microsoft abandons project mapping Chicagos air pollution

Turns out greenwashing PR is a luxury when the marketing budget runs thin and the clown computing business disputes false narratives (AI means a lot of unnecessary pollution).

Last night:

Microsoft Abandons Plans for New Office in London

That does not seem like the hallmark of a healthy company. Even its expansion plan/PR turns out to be vapourware.

Summary: Microsofts layoffs and shrinking business footprint is a big feature this month, even if the media keeps focusing on vapourware and hype instead (Microsoft pays for misplaced media focus)


More Papism "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Perhaps some of you are wondering about my obsession with the pope; its simple practicality I know there will be lots of pope images in the AI training models. Also, Marilyn Monroe.

The pope is also a good target to see if the AI can encompass odd requests. That was what got me started on my on a skateboard kick. I was thinking that itd be relatively easy for an AI to produce endless girly calendar pictures, but that some weird combinations of things the AI would not have seen before might be a good stress test.

Midjourney AI and mjr: the pope drops fat tracks in st pauls square and the crowd goes wild.

Listen to me, stress test like I really care Im just having fun getting a computer to produce weird stuff. To me, this is all a part of gaming with computers, its a new game and its cool but perhaps Ill get boring someday. I chose my words carefully, there, since with AI art, it will continue coming up with potentially interesting pictures as long as I can come up with creative and interesting prompts.

Cartier Bresson

A bit of art history: the great photographer Cartier Bresson used to speak of the critical moment the moment at which something happened in a scene that made it interesting, and the photographer happened to be there and captured it (perfectly composed, exposed, and with the correct depth of field). I always thought that was bullshit, but it was useful bullshit because it encouraged artists to think in the moment and in the larger context simultaneously. Historically, it was bullshit, too, because nowadays we have cameras that are so high quality we can just shoot full motion, then pick the frame we like. I believe it was Ansel Adams who groused that the decisive moment in Cartier Bressons work was when he looked at a bunch of negatives on a light-table, and pointed and said, that one.

Similarly, when we are playing with AI art generators, the creative decisive moment is when we enter the prompt and hit return, followed by another decisive moment when we pick from the various options that the AI throws back at us. In other words, its all decisive moments. As you may reca...


German Police Raid DDoS-Friendly Host FlyHosting "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

German Police Raid DDoS-Friendly Host 'FlyHosting':

Authorities in Germany this week seized Internet servers that powered FlyHosting, a dark web offering that catered to cybercriminals operating DDoS-for-hire services, KrebsOnSecurity has learned. FlyHosting first advertised on cybercrime forums in November 2022, saying it was a Germany-based hosting firm that was open for business to anyone looking for a reliable place to host malware, botnet controllers, or DDoS-for-hire infrastructure.

A statement released today by the German Federal Criminal Police Office says they served eight search warrants on March 30, and identified five individuals aged 16-24 suspected of operating "an internet service" since mid-2021. The German authorities did not name the suspects or the Internet service in question.

"Previously unknown perpetrators used the Internet service provided by the suspects in particular for so-called 'DDoS attacks', i.e. the simultaneous sending of a large number of data packets via the Internet for the purpose of disrupting other data processing systems," the statement reads.

[...] The German authorities said that as a result of the DDoS attacks facilitated by the defendants, the websites of various companies as well as those of the Hesse police have been overloaded in several cases since mid-2021, "so that they could only be operated to a limited extent or no longer at times."

The statement says police seized mobile phones, laptops, tablets, storage media and handwritten notes from the unnamed defendants, and confiscated servers operated by the suspects in Germany, Finland and the Netherlands.

[...] The apparent raids on FlyHosting come amid a broader law enforcement crackdown on DDoS-for-hire services internationally. The U.K.'s National Crime Agency announced last week that it's been busy setting up phony DDoS-for-hire websites that seek to collect information on users, remind them that launching DDoS attacks is illegal, and generally increase the level of paranoia for people looking to hire such services.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Bill Gates Dismisses Mounting Calls To Pause AI Chatbot Development "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden Reuters reports that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates dismissed calls to halt the development of more advanced AI chatbots more powerful than OpenAIs GPT-4....

Bill Gates Dismisses Mounting Calls To Pause AI Chatbot Development


NATO expansionism in Scandinavia helps America, but puts Finland in line of fire "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | April 5, 2023

Its quite obvious that NATO has always been an auxiliary extension of the United States. This has been the case since the unfortunate inception of the belligerent alliance 74 years ago. Thus, NATOs crawling aggression should always be observed from the perspective of US expansionism, as the bellicose thalassocracy keeps moving its military infrastructure ever closer to the borders of its geopolitical adversaries. This has been the case in the (First) Cold War and its no different nowadays when the US is pushing one European country after another into a broader anti-Russian coalition that now includes the entire European Union. Washington DC is attempting to do the same by constituting a near carbon copy of NATO in the Pacific in a virtually identical step, only aimed against China.

US State Secretary Antony Blinken and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg attended the admission ceremony with Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto. The Office of the President of Finland said in a statement: Finland has today become a member of the defense alliance NATO. The era of military non-alignment in our history has come to an end. A new era begins. Each country maximizes its own security. So does Finland. At the same time, NATO membership strengthens our international position and room for maneuver. As a partner, we have long actively participated in NATO activities. In the future, Finland will make a contribution to NATOs collective deterrence and defense.

The formal admission of Finland is the latest move in the process of globalizing NATO. The buzzword in this particular case is formal, not (NATO) admission and the reason is quite simple. Finland was never truly neutral, not even during the (First) Cold War and particularly not since it entered the EU. It has always been packed with US/NATO intelligence assets, although this has escalated significantly in the last several decades. Since then, the country has essentially become a NATO member in all but name. Yesterday, this was merely formalized. Although NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg dubbed it a historic event, this was just PR and optics aimed to coincide with NATOs 74th anniversary. As for Sweden, it will probably have to wait another year, since publicity is everything for NATO.

Although Stoltenberg told reporters on Monday he was hopeful that Sweden would be joining in the following months, this is highly unlikely if Stockholm keeps meddling in Ankaras internal affairs. Still, he insisted that Finlands NATO membership will be good for [its] security, for Nordic security, and for NATO as a whole....


Harris Visit to Africa: Too Little Too Late? "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

In an effort to signal the Biden administrations renewed engagement with African leaders, US Vice President Kamala Harris completed her tour to Sub-Saharan Africa with stops in Ghana, Tanzania, and Zambia. Harris tour precedes an expected visit to the region by US President Joe Biden, which would mark the first visit by a US president in 8 years.

Having retrenched from its position as a primary investor and trade partner on the continent, the United States faces a daunting uphill climb in its effort to contain the influence of China and Russia. During the Trump administration, US policy included cuts to various African initiatives and institutions, enabling both Beijing and Moscow to further cement their economic and political ties with a growing number of African leaders.

The post Harris Visit to Africa: Too Little Too Late? appeared first on Geopolitical Monitor.


Cropped 5 April 2023: Carbon offsets scrutinised; UN water talks; IPCC beef and food fraud "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Welcome to Carbon Briefs Cropped. 
We handpick and explain the most important stories at the intersection of climate, land, food and nature over the past fortnight.

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Carbon offset programmes faced fresh scrutiny as a governing body for the voluntary carbon market issued new quality standards. Concerns were also raised about a Peruvian Amazon offsetting project used by oil majors and Shells offsetting project with rice paddies.

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  • Sign up to Carbon Brief's free "Cropped" email newsletter. A fortnightly digest of food, land and nature news and views. Sent to your inbox every other Wednesday.

A meeting of the global organisation that oversees deep-sea mining ended without answering key questions over whether it will permit the extraction of minerals from the depths of the ocean, at talks later this year. 

Leaked documents suggested that some of the recent IPCC synthesis report findings on the climate impact of eating meat were watered down. Meanwhile, reports alleged instances of foods being marketed as something they are not

Key developments

Carbon offsets under fresh scrutiny

NEW STANDARDS: New quality standards for the $2bn carbon-offsetting industry were published in late March, the Guardian reported, following mounting criticisms suggesting some projects represented little more than greenwash at best and contributed to environmental harm and human rights violations at worst. The new guidelines were announced by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM), an independent governing body, the Guardian said. (The voluntary carbon market generally involves the sale of car...


Snowbird resort in Utah breaks all-time snowfall record with 792 inches of fresh snow this season "IndyWatch Feed World"

Another ski resort has just blasted into the history books and surpassed its all-time record snowfall. Following the most recent storm, Snowbird, UT, has had 792of fresh snow this season, besting the 783 in 2010/11. Snowbird has seen 28 in the last 24 hours, an incredible 43 in the last 48 hours, and has a 195 base.


Lebanese Runner Pulls Out of Competition to Avoid Israeli "IndyWatch Feed War"

The world of sport has been let down again by a Muslim who prefers to pull out of an event rather than face an Israeli competitor. This time, it was not a head-to-head encounter that was being avoided, but the prospect of having to run a race in which one of a dozen []


How Tattoos Interact With The Immune System Could Have Impacts for Vaccines "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Tattoos are an interesting technology. Theyre a way of marking patterns and designs on the skin that can last for years or decades. All this, despite the fact that our skin sloughs off on a regular basis!

As it turns out, tattoos actually have a deep and complex interaction with our immune system, which hold some of the secrets regarding their longevity. New research has unveiled more insight into how the body responds when we get inked up.

Not Going Anywhere

As we all know, if you draw something on your skin with a pen, paint, or marker, it will eventually come off in a few days or so. Tattoos, on the other hand, are far more longer lasting. The basic theory of tattooing is simple. Rather than putting ink on the epidermis (the upper layer of skin), it is instead inserted into the underlying upper dermis. There, the ink is free from the day-to-day sloughing off of skin.  A properly-performed tattoo can last a lifetime, and beyond, in the case of the oldest identified tattooed individual from 3250 BC.



More stable kernels "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 5.15.106, 5.10.177, 5.4.240, 4.19.280, and 4.14.312 stable kernel updates have been released, each with another set of important fixes.

The 6.2.10 and 6.1.23 updates are also in the works, but have ended up going through additional rounds of review; they could be released almost any time.

Wednesday, 05 April


NATOs Enlargement Targets Not Only Moscow, But Ankara as Well, Turkish Media Says "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ilya Tsukanov Sputnik 05.04.2023

Turkiyes parliament approved Finlands bid to join the Western alliance last week, citing Helsinkis authentic and concrete steps to allay Ankaras security concerns. However, one Turkish outlet fears the nod to membership may prove a strategic mistake, and that the bloc is directed as much against Turkiye as it is against Russia.

Finland officially joined NATO on Tuesday, becoming the 31st nation to join the alliance, with its accession constituting the Western military blocs ninth wave of expansion since its creation in 1949. Russia, which shares a 1,300+ km frontier with its Nordic neighbor, warned that Moscow would take the necessary countermeasures to ensure its tactical and strategic security.

Turkiyes Defense Ministry used the occasion, which coincides with the 74th anniversary of the founding of NATO, to post a congratulatory tweet. We have been a distinguished member of NATO since 1952. Happy 74th anniversary. Together we are stronger, the ministry wrote, adding the hashtag #WeAreNATO.

But the celebration may be premature, writes Turkish newspaper Aydinlik.

Although NATOs enlargement has been seen as a policy of containing Russia, it is now obvious that Turkiye is being similarly besieged. In the past, the Atlantic [powers] attempted to establish global hegemony by hemming the Eurasian continent in on land, in accordance with Spykmans Rimland theory, therefore including countries such as Turkiye, Iran, Afghanistan and China in its geopolitical axis, the newspaper, affiliated with Turkiyes Vatan Partisi, a left Kemalist party, wrote in an analysis published Tuesday.

From the 1970s on, the geopolitical situation began to shift, Aydinlik noted. Among the trusted countries, Iran escaped Americas control in 1979, China after 1990, Turkiye on July 15, 2016 [the day of the attempted coup against Erdogan, ed.] and Afghanistan in 2021, becoming target countries. Therefore, the geopolitical axis was broken, and shifted to Greece, southern Cyprus and Israel. Thus, Turkiye was cut off from the Atlantic [axis], and pushed toward the Heartland, and is now besieged from Alexandropoulos to Crete, and from there to the eastern Mediterranean and northern Syria.

Turkiye vs NATO

Aydinliks analysis is in line with growing anti-NATO and anti-Western sentiment in Turkiye. A 2019 poll found that only 21 percent of Turks had a positive view of the alliance. A 2021 survey discovered that a whopping 90.3 percent didnt believe that the bloc would come to the countrys assistance in a crisis, while 51.7 percent said the bloc exploits Turkiye for i...


Decline Of Mackerel Fisheries "IndyWatch Feed World"

In the UK the Marine Conservation Society has issued this guideline on mackerel:



HP would take up to 90 days to fix a critical bug in some business-grade printers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

HP would take up to 90 days to address a critical flaw, tracked as CVE-2023-1707, that resides in the firmware of some business-grade printers.

HP is aware of a critical vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-1707 (CVSS v3.1 score 9.1), that affects tens of HP Enterprise LaserJet and HP LaserJet Managed Printers models. The exploitation of the flaw can potentially lead to information disclosure and the IT giant announced that it would take up to 90 days to address the vulnerability. An attack can trigger the bug to access data transmitted between the vulnerable HP printer and other systems on the same network segment.

The company pointed out that the information disclosure can be achieved only by exploiting the flaw on vulnerable devices running

Certain HP Enterprise LaserJet and HP LaserJet Managed Printers are potentially vulnerable to information disclosure when IPsec is enabled with FutureSmart version 5.6. reads the bulletin published by the company.

The vendor has released temporary firmware mitigation for customers currently running FutureSmart 5.6 with IPsec enabled on their printers. The company recommends customers immediately revert

HP told BleepingComputer that it is not aware of any active exploits, the company pointed out that the exposure period to this potential vulnerability was limited to mid-February 2023 until the end of March 2023)

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Sour grapes "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Wow. The Wisconsin loser, Daniel Kelly, is really pissed off about having to concede.

(Skip ahead to 3:40)

Its hard to take his accusation that the Protasiewicz campaign was despicable, when

Conservative former Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kellys campaign for a vacant seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court is running an ad on social media that is nearly a shot for shot remake of the Willie Horton ad run by supporters of former President George H.W. Bush during his 1988 presidential race against former Democratic Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis.

On Tuesday, Kellys official Twitter account posted his and his liberal opponent, Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz, over a simple blue background while a narrator details the sentence she delivered to Quantrell Bounds, a Thiensville man who sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl and posted a video of the incident to Facebook.

The ad, which includes a filter to make the video appear as if its playing on a VHS tape and match the period-specific look of the original, states that Protasiewicz lets criminals off easy.

Its OK if you are a Republican, you know.

Also, they are extremely upset that Protasiewiczs campaign for a judgeship was political. Wait, what? Republicans have totally politicized the courts, have been actively campaigning to get conservative judges installed, and now theyre complaining? Look at the US Supreme Court if you dont think thats a politicized court, you need to get your ability to think checked. Also, and even I consider this weird, the state Supreme Court positions in Wisconsin are elected. Theyre by nature political.

The bluntness of the Democrats message in Wisconsin inspired outrage on the right and worried chin-stroking from some liberals, uneasy with the concept of such openly partisan judicial elections. Republicans here warn that the rule of law might be replaced by the rule of Janet, and that if she wins, hyper-partisan court races will become the norm.
Protasiewicz and her allies say that they already were, especially in Wisconsin. After Dobbs, which put abortion rights back in the laps of state legislators an...


The Big Powers are Worried. Irans Military Technologies for Defense "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Seven tourists dead and many feared trapped by huge avalanche in India "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least seven tourists have died and many are feared trapped after a major avalanche struck near a mountain pass in the northeast Indian state of Sikkim. The incident occurred at 11.30am (0600 GMT) on Tuesday near the Nathu La mountain pass, a popular destination for tourists on India's border with China. The avalanche struck a road that connects Gangtok to the Nathu La pass and the nearby Changu lake - another major tourist attraction. The Indian army has said five to six vehicles carrying up to 30 tourists were stuck under the snow after the avalanche. "By 3PM, 14 persons were rescued and taken to nearby Army medical facility. However, seven persons succumbed. The other seven persons were administered first aid and returned to Gangtok," the army statement, cited by several Indian media outlets, said.


Calls for lobbying crackdown after we expose 13m backdoor to MPs "IndyWatch Feed"

Standards committee demands tighter rules after openDemocracy uncovers lobbying by firms including weapons makers


NATO Expansionism in Scandinavia Helps America, But Puts Finland in Line of Fire "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The case against Trump "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The indictment against Donald Trump that was presented in court yesterday charged his with 34 counts, each of which consisted of falsifying business records in the first degree that were taken with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof, made and caused a false entry in the business records of an enterprise.

The indictment itself did not specify the evidence that was used to arrive at these charges but they consist at a minimum of the payment of $130,000 made to Stormy Daniels to prevent her speaking out in public about her affair. Note that it is not the payment itself that is illegal. One question is what was the intent of the payment. If it was meant to influence the outcome of the 2016 election, then that would be a violation of campaign finance law since it could be considered a campaign contribution that exceeds the allowed amounts.

The money did not come from Trump directly but was paid to Daniels by his lawyer Michael Cohen and then Trump repaid him in regular installments. The problem is that he called those payments to Cohen legal expenses, probably to enable Trump to claim the hush money payment as a business expense and lower his taxes. That is an offense. If Trump was not so addicted to cheating on his taxes and had simply paid Daniels in cash, this charge would not have arisen.

This report gives more information about the acts that led to these charges.

The charges stem from payments made to the adult film star Stormy Daniels, who said she had a sexual encounter with Trump in 2006, as well to a Playboy model, Karen McDougal, who wanted to sell her story of an affair with Trump, and a former Trump Tower doorman, who claimed Trump fathered a child out of wedlock.

Separately, prosecutors say, the parent company of the National Enquirer, American Media, arranged two catch and kill deals to squash stories that could damage Trump. One involved $30,000 to the former doorman. The tabloid reached a $150,000 agreement with McDougal, purchasing her story to keep it from going public.

So that is where things stand. The judge has set the next court date for December.

Outside the courthouse, it was, as expected, a circus that descended into farce, with the number of Trump supporters nowhere near what he might have hoped to see.

They had been more animated in the morning, although the center-piece of the protest an appearance by Marjorie Taylor Greene, the QAnon-dabbling, hard-right Republican conspiracy theorist had des...


Security updates for Wednesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (ghostscript and openimageio), Fedora (kernel, rubygem-actioncable, rubygem-actionmailbox, rubygem-actionmailer, rubygem-actionpack, rubygem-actiontext, rubygem-actionview, rubygem-activejob, rubygem-activemodel, rubygem-activerecord, rubygem-activestorage, rubygem-activesupport, rubygem-rails, and rubygem-railties), Oracle (gnutls, httpd, kernel, nodejs:16, nodejs:18, pesign, postgresql:13, tigervnc, and tigervnc, xorg-x11-server), Red Hat (gnutls, httpd, httpd:2.4, kernel, kpatch-patch, pcs, pesign, postgresql:13, tigervnc, and tigervnc, xorg-x11-server), Scientific Linux (httpd and tigervnc, xorg-x11-server), SUSE (aws-efs-utils.11048, libheif, liblouis, openssl, python-cryptography, python-Werkzeug, skopeo, tomcat, and wireshark), and Ubuntu (imagemagick, ipmitool, and node-trim-newlines).


The Psychological War Behind Ukrainian Frontlines "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Turkeys 2023 election a choice between Eurasianism and Atlanticism "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ahmed Adel | April 5, 2023

The Turkish President refuses to speak any further with the American ambassador to Ankara. The reason: a recent meeting between the diplomat and the leader of the Turkish opposition only a month and a half before the presidential election. Importantly though, this election will determine whether Turkey will continue its course towards Eurasianism, or revert back completely to the NATO bloc.

With the approach of the presidential election, Recep Tayyip Erdoan reacted strongly following the meeting that American ambassador Jeffry Flake had with the leader of the opposition pro-American Republican Peoples Party (CHP), Kemal Kldarolu.

Joe Biden spoke, and now you see what his ambassador here does. He visited (Kldarolu). It is a shame. You are an ambassador, and you have to know how to act. You should be engaged with the President (not Kldarolu), Erdoan said in Istanbul on April 2.

I wonder if he will be ashamed to ask for an appointment from my office. But I tell him now. Our doors are closed to him from now on because he does not know his place. You should know how an ambassador should act, he added.

Erdoans outburst was instigated because it is evident that Flake, as head of the American diplomatic mission in Turkey, is endorsing Kemal Kldarolu and the Alliance of the Nation coalition, which is made up of seven political parties.

Ambassador Flake met...


AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cognitive AI Lab Discord:

Artificial Sentience Reddit:
Heuristic Imperatives Reddit:

DISCLAIMER: This video is not medical, financial, or legal advice. This is just my personal story and research findings. Always consult a licensed professional.

I work to better myself and the rest of humanity.


Stephen Hawkings famous black hole paradox looks to finally have a solution "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Hawking radiation emitted by black holes may be able to carry crucial information, a new study suggests. Scientists may have just found the solution to one of astrophysics most mind-boggling mysteries concerning black holes, also known as the Hawking information paradox. A study published in the journal Physics Letters B last month offers a resolution to a problem the late physicist Stephen Hawking was working on in his final years.


U.S. Gun Violence during the Covid Crisis: Teenage Deaths and Injuries Increased by 64.8% "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Genesis Markets Clearnet domain seized; Dark Web site still online "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Waqas

The FBI and European authorities have seized Genesis Markets clearnet domains as part of the ongoing Operation Cookie

This is a post from Read the original post: Genesis Markets Clearnet domain seized; Dark Web site still online


The Collapse of the War System Is Not Outpacing the Collapse of the Earth's Climate and Ecosystems "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Earth's ecosystems are collapsing at the rate at which we need barbaric practices to collapse.


Cyber threats organizations should keep an eye on in 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In Malwarebytes most recent report on the current state of malware, the company has identified several high-profile cyber threats that organizations should be on the lookout for in 2023. The 5 most important cyber threats LockBit, an affiliate-based ransomware variant, has dominated the 2022 threat lascape, and it has affected hundreds of businesses of all sizes. Since April 2022, one in three known ransomware attacks has involved LockBit, the report revealed. Two of the currently More

The post Cyber threats organizations should keep an eye on in 2023 appeared first on Help Net Security.


The Collapse of the War System Is Not Outpacing the Collapse of the Earths Climate and Ecosystems "IndyWatch Feed War"

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, April 5, 2023

The Collapse of the War System: Developments in the Philosophy of Peace in the Twentieth Century by John Jacob English, published in 2007, describes the collapse, or the beginning of the collapse, in Western culture, of the inevitability of war. In other words: the popularization of the idea that war might be ended. Unfortunately, we cannot yet recount the collapse of the practice of war, with war spending, weapons dealing, conflict between major militaries, and the risk of nuclear apocalypse all on the rise. While people in the United States afflicted with televisions are focused on the collapse of Donald Trump, the Earths ecosystems are collapsing at the rate at which we need barbaric practices to collapse.

Its a funny word, barbaric. I use it to mean stupid and violent. But it can also mean foreign. The notion that the foreign is stupid or violent is a central pillar of the war system, and a weakness in most Western analyses thereof. Many human cultures have not included a war system, few have given war the prominence given it by the West, and none have devoted themselves to war with weapons and levels of destruction remotely approaching those of the culture in which the war system is rumored to be collapsing.

To be more accurate, its not Westernism or Eurocentrism that limits analysis of peace thinking, but imperio-centrism. Asian and other societies are given consideration, as long as they have made use of war. Indigenous cultures that have not used war are not mentioned.

But John Jacob Englishs book is a great introduction to how some people on Earth got (back) to the point of widespread questioning of war. The subtopics in this field are so numerous and rich, that the first section of the book consists of numerous very short summaries of ideas and authors, each a prompt for further study. Four topics receive longer treatment: Tolstoy, Russell, Gandhi, and Einstein. Yes, theyre all male and dead, and perhaps such a book couldnt have been published in 2023, and probably on balance thats a good thing. But there remain on Earth many millions of people who have not overcome the war-thinking that those four guys, to varying degrees, overcame.

It can potential...


How API burn rate alerts are calculated in Red Hat OpenShift "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Burn rates help you predict whether your downtime is too high or risks exceeding your service-level objective.

Read More at Enable Sysadmin

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New Zealands prime minister goes viral for being unable to define what a woman is "IndyWatch Feed War"

New Zealand has gone from a woke female prime minister who trampled upon the civil rights of her citizens using a violent incident as a pretext, while putting them in harms way of jihadists due to her reckless immigration policies, to having a male prime minister who professes not to know what a woman is. []


California Gov. Newsom to make gas prices even higher! "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Governor Newsom says "California Took on Big Oil and Won." Reality says Californian politicians are the reason why gasoline prices are so high in The Golden State.

AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D Linux Performance "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While the AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D and Ryzen 9 7900X3D processors went on sale at the end of February as the first Zen 4 3D V-Cache processors, today marks the availability of the Ryzen 7 7800X3D processor. I've recently been putting the 7800X3D through its paces under Linux and have a plethora of benchmark data to share for launch day.

My friend, Muntaha "IndyWatch Feed War"

Muntaha Aqel grew up among "the children of the rocks" of the First Intifada, and lived her life in service of her people's liberation.


IOF on high alert after bombing sites in Gaza, Resistance responds "IndyWatch Feed War"

April 5, 2023  Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  The Israeli occupation army describes this day as very sensitive and dangerous. Al Mayadeen correspondent in Gaza reported on Wednesday that the Israeli occupation carried out air aggression at dawn targeting several Palestinian Resistance sites. The warplanes bombed the Abu Jrad site south of the strip, the Badr []


April blizzard dumps 26 inches of snow in Casper, Wyoming - breaking 40-year snowfall record "IndyWatch Feed World"

Snowfall in what has become a historic blizzard in central Wyoming has begun in Gillette, and it likely won't end until tonight. The National Weather Service in Rapid City, South Dakota, is forecasting a 100% chance of heavy snow throughout the day today, enough so to issue a Winter Storm Warning for Gillette. Patchy blowing snow will be troublesome for travelers, particularly this afternoon. Today's forecast high is 24 degrees but with a northeast wind 16 to 20 mph and gusts reaching 31 mph, wind chills will dip as low as 7 degrees. Total daytime accumulation of 3 to 7 inches is possible. Gillette city officials issued a Level I Snow Emergency on Monday ahead of the storm. Elsewhere in the state, Casper saw the fall of a 40-year snowfall record in this storm with more than 26 inches of snow Monday. The previous record of just more than 24 inches was set in 1982, according to the National Weather Service in Riverton.


Detroit Activists Battle Bailiffs in Defense of the Tiny Home of Taura Brown "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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What Trumps Indictment Means "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Climate (CO2) Hoax and the Control Matrix. Mega-banks and Corporations "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Iran 'foils' drone attack on defence facilities "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iran 'foils' drone attack on defence facilities

Reports on semi-official media claim an attack on Amir al-Momenin complex in Isfahan was thwarted by air defences
MEE staff Wed, 04/05/2023 - 13:36
An Iranian Ghadr missile displaying 'Down with Israel' in Hebrew, seen at a defence exhibition in Isfahan, central Iran, on 8 February 2023 (AFP)

Iranian authorities foiled a drone attack against a military target in the central city of Isfahan overnight, the semi-official Tasnim news agency reported on Wednesday. 

While Iranian authorities have not officially confirmed the attack, ISNA, another semi-official news agency, said that a micro-bird attack had been foiled by the countrys air defences.

"The Amir al-Momenin complex in Isfahan was the target of a failed attack by a small drone which was foiled by defence systems," Tasnim reported, stating that the attempt did not cause any damage.

The latest attempted attack comes just over two months after another drone attack in Isfahan.

Footage posted by Iranian media on 29 January showed flashes of lights at a plant that was reportedly an arms factory.



Hackers Using Self-Extracting Archives Exploit for Stealthy Backdoor Attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An unknown threat actor used a malicious self-extracting archive (SFX) file in an attempt to establish persistent backdoor access to a victim's environment, new findings from CrowdStrike show. SFX files are capable of extracting the data contained within them without the need for dedicated software to display the file contents. It achieves this by including a decompressor stub, a piece of code


Bill Gates dismisses mounting calls to pause AI Chatbot development "IndyWatch Feed World"

Reuters reports that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates dismissed calls to halt the development of more advanced AI chatbots more powerful than OpenAI's GPT-4. Last week, an open letter signed by Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and AI pioneer Yoshua Bengio called for a six-month pause in developing new AI tools. Gates stated that the proposed pause in AI chatbot development would not "solve the challenges." According to Gates, the focus should be on effectively integrating AI technology into society. He finds it hard to understand how a pause could work globally with so many firms working on the technology. "I don't think asking one particular group to pause solves the challenges," the billionaire said on Monday. "Clearly, there are huge benefits to these things... what we need to do is identify the tricky areas," he noted.


Hawaii roads closed due to heavy snow from April snowstorm "IndyWatch Feed World"

Snowplows are busy on Hawaii's Big Island, removing snow that continues to fall on Mauna Kea, the tallest summit on the island and in the state. An April snowstorm has brought several inches of snow to the higher terrain of Hawaii, prompting officials to close roads until they're free of snow and ice. In an update released this morning, the Mauna Kea Rangers wrote, "The access road to the summit of Maunakea is CLOSED to the public at the Visitor Information Station at an elevation of 9,200 feet due to snowy conditions, below-freezing temperatures, high humidity, and wet roadways that will likely develop into icy conditions."


GTK 4.11.1 Released With Better Textures, Wayland Fractional Scaling "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Following this week's Qt 6.5 LTS and Slint 1.0 Rust toolkit, debuting today is GTK 4.11.1 as the first development release of the new toolkit series in leading up to GTK 4.12...


Google TAG Warns of North Korean-linked ARCHIPELAGO Cyberattacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A North Korean government-backed threat actor has been linked to attacks targeting government and military personnel, think tanks, policy makers, academics, and researchers in South Korea and the U.S. Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) is tracking the cluster under the name ARCHIPELAGO, which it said is a subset of another threat group tracked by Mandiant under the name APT43. The tech giant


CISA JCDC Will Focus on Energy Sector "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The CISA s Joint Cyber Defense Collective (JCDC) initiative is going to build operation plans for protecting and responding to cyber threats.

What comes to mind when you think of cyber criminals? Depending on who you ask, youll get a variety of answers. For some, a cyber criminal matches some of the Hollywood tropes: a person sitting alone in a dimly lit room, furiously mashing on a keyboard to steal information from a person or company.

Those days are behind us, however, as cybercrime is establishing itself as a business in and of itself. Cyber attack instances are steeply rising across all sectors, leaving even the FBI to issue a bulletin about business email compromise (BEC) the $43 billion scam.

Taking note of the pervasive threat landscape, the US government has devoted more resources to building a team to protect citizens and businesses. This effort began with the 2018 establishment of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a Department of Homeland Security division.

Going one step further, in 2021, the CISA announced the formation of the Joint Cyber Defense Collective (JCDC), an initiative formulated to bring government and private industry representatives together to build operation plans for protecting and responding to cyber threats.

The JCDC has seen the benefits of collaboration for exigent risks (such as the heightened awareness and protection related to Russias invasion of Ukraine and the Log4Shell vulnerability) but sees a remaining gap when it comes to imminent risk. To address this gap, the JCDC is planning proactive measures for future cyber risks.

The backbone of this planning is the JCDCs 2023 Planning Agenda. The aim of the Agenda is to leverage the expertise of public and private sector members to develop and launch defense plans focused on risk reduction.

2023 Planning Agenda

The inaugural 2023 Planning Agenda will focus on three key topics:

Collective Cyber Response

JCDC will update the National Cyber Incident Response Plan in collaboration with the FBI, including outlying roles for non-federal units for incident response.

Systemic Risk

Cybercrime is a broad-reaching threat relevant to both individuals and organizations. The allure of a significant payday from successful cyber...


OSI: Lets Repeat Microsoft Lies "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Two years before bagging bribes from Microsoft the OSI published this: [PDF]

2015 OSI on Microsoft

Of course it has gotten a lot worse since then. For example, consider this overt case of OSI lobbying for Microsoft in the class action lawsuit over GitHub Copilot (GPL violations). This is MICROSOFT funded. This is MICROSOFT staff. This is MICROSOFT propaganda. All this for MICROSOFT GPL VIOLATIONS. Hosted by a MICROSOFT-BRIBED OSI. They buy the OSIs platform and we know whose bank account nets those salaries.

Sometimes it feels like theres no greater foe or enemy to Open Source than the OSI itself (because of the misleading name, which complicates matters; its a powerful lobbying instrument). It literally works against its original mission, as last witnessed yesterday.


RE: IKE EKWEREMADU "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Agbe Loba House, Quarry Road, Ibara P.O. Box 2286, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria April 3, 2023 The Chief Clerk, The Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London EC4M 7EH I send you warmest greetings frorn Nigeria. My dear Chief Clerk, may I seize this opportunity to commend your utmost dedication and resourcefulness which you have demonstrated []


While we're obsessing about the economy and the Fed, society is unraveling "IndyWatch Feed World"

The market and the government will continue to promote and support a neofeudal status quo until they are forced by society to restore the common good and opportunity. Of the three primary dynamics of human endeavor--the market, government and society--we focus almost exclusively on the first two. Society is rarely considered as a force of its own. It is implicitly viewed as reactive to the market economy and government, the churning wake left as the market and government chart the course. In other words, society is secondary to the economy and governance, the venue of fashions, trends, entertainment, culture wars, etc., fodder for media and social media, a reflection of what's happening in the market and government. As I explain in my book Global Crisis, National Renewal, this is a misunderstanding of society's role as a force that changes the economy and governance in profound ways. We give social transformation short shrift because it's not easy to study or understand. Social...


UK schools dont tell parents when kids change gender, force classmates to accept gender swaps "IndyWatch Feed War"

Transgenderism is now deeply entrenched institutionally in Western countries, many times against the rights of children and their parents. The degree of its rapid advance is troubling. How could such a violation of rights happen so quickly? Where were level-headed teachers in schools, not only in Britain but across the board? Perhaps they were bullied []


Remembering the Legacy of Trailblazing Technologist Gordon Moore "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Intel cofounder Gordon E. Moore, the man behind Moores Law, died on 24 March at the age of 94.

The IEEE Fellow was awarded the 2008 IEEE Medal of Honor for pioneering technical roles in integrated-circuit processing, and leadership in the development of MOS memory, the microprocessor computer, and the semiconductor industry.

Moore founded Intel in 1968 with computing pioneer Robert Noyce. Moore, Noyce, and other Intel engineers are credited with bringing laptop computers and numerous other electronics to millions of people thanks to their semiconductor development. Intel microprocessors now power personal computers made by major manufacturers including Dell, HP, and IBM.

Moore is best known for his 1965 prediction, which would become known as Moores Law: the observation that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would grow exponentially while the retail cost of computers would decrease.

His original hypothesis, published in a 1965 Electronics magazine article, was that the number of transistors would double each year. His projection came true over the decade that followed. In 1975 he revised the theory and forecast that transistors would double every 18 monthsa statement that held true for several decades. Moores Law set the bar for semiconductor manufacturers and is still driving computing innovations today.

Gordon Moore, with his prediction that turned to law, captured the very gestalt of the semiconductor industry as an expone...


Ubuntu Talks Up Rust Kernel Programming Potential With Ubuntu 23.04 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ubuntu 23.04 is being talked up for how it can aide developers that want to begin programming with Rust code for Linux kernel modules. It's possible to get started with Rust kernel development on Ubuntu 23.04 thanks to its generic kernel having the necessary kernel configuration, but ultimately it's still in an early state and there isn't much to do with the stock kernel...


Sanaa Riyadh: Signs of a Nigh Accord, Sought by the UN "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

April 4, 2023 Rasheed Al-Haddad* Translated by Areej Fatima Husseini While Yemenis anticipate new dynamics to end the countrys non-peace and non-war state since the expiration of the unrenewed humanitarian truce on October 2nd, Saudi newspapers disclosed a peace plan debated in recent weeks in Muscat between Sanaa and Riyadh. The contents of this plan mention []


Al-Aqsa raid: Arab countries condemn 'extremist' Israeli attack on worshippers "IndyWatch Feed War"

Al-Aqsa raid: Arab countries condemn 'extremist' Israeli attack on worshippers

Saudi Arabia and Qatar lead denunciations after overnight assault, as chances of further normalisation deals diminish
Rayhan Uddin Wed, 04/05/2023 - 12:55
Palestinians are confronted by Israeli security forces at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, on 5 April 2023 (AFP)
Palestinians are confronted by Israeli security forces at the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in Jerusalem, on 5 April 2023 (AFP)

The brutal attack by Israeli forces on Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem has been strongly denounced by Arab countries, and has raised questions about the prospects for further normalisation of ties with Israel.

Dozens of heavily armed officers stormed the site late on Tuesday night, using stun grenades and firing teargas into Al-Qibli prayer hall, where hundreds of men, women, elderly people and children were staying overnight to pray. 

Officers beat worshippers with batons and riot guns, wounding many, before arresting them. Some eyewitnesses said rubber-coated steel bullets were also fired.

The Arab League condemned the attack and warned of an ensuing escalation.

"The extremist approaches that control the policy of the Israeli government will lead to widespread confrontations with the Palestinians if they are not put to an end," Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit said in a statement.



Arabic press review: Egyptian women arrested after trying to sell child on Facebook "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Arabic press review: Egyptian women arrested after trying to sell child on Facebook

Meanwhile, a man convicted of assault is sentenced to read the Quran and Algeria confiscates assets of former officials charged with corruption
Mohammad Ayesh Wed, 04/05/2023 - 12:54
A picture taken on January 16, 2022 shows the Correctional and Rehabilitation Centre in Badr city, 65 kms east of the Egyptian capital Cairo, during a government-guided tour for the media (AFP)
The Correctional and Rehabilitation Centre in Badr city, 65 km east of Cairo, during a government-guided tour for the media on 16 January 2022 (AFP)

Egyptian offers her child for sale on Facebook

An Egyptian court on Tuesday sentenced two women - a mother and grandmother - to three years in prison for offering a newborn baby for sale on the social media site Facebook, according to the London-based newspaper Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed.

According to the case details, the two women offered the child for sale because he was the "result of a relationship outside the framework of marriage" and they asked for a price of 50,000 Egyptian pounds ($1,600).

The court also fined the two women 200,000 Egyptian pounds (about $6,400). Public Prosecutor Hamada el-Sawy referred the two defendants in the case to the criminal court on charges of human trafficking after the incident spread on social media.

The referral decision stated that the two women offered the child for sale and commercially exploited him by agreeing to offer him for sale through the personal account of the first defendant (the mother) on Facebook.

The referral decision confirmed that they exposed the child's life to danger by offering him for sale for money.



Law enforcement seized the Genesis Market cybercrime marketplace "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Law enforcement seized the Genesis Market black marketplace, a platform focused on the sale of stolen credentials, as part of Operation Cookie Monster.

The FBI seized the Genesis Market, a black marketplace for stolen credentials that was launched in 2017. Genesis Market was an invite-only marketplace, but it was not complex to find invite codes online.

One of the most interesting features offered by the platform is the access to browser fingerprints that allow crooks to impersonate victims web browsers, including IP addresses, operating system data, time zones, device info, session cookies, and more.

The price for a stolen account was very cheap, paying a few dollars crooks were able to use it for a specific period. Genesis Market provided access to accounts of the most popular services, including Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Gmail, Netflix, PayPal, Spotify, and Zoom.

The seizure is part of a law enforcement operation codenamed Operation Cookie Monster.

The home page of the Genesis Market domains now shows a banner informing visitors that the FBI has executed a seizure warrant.

These seizures were possible because of international law enforcement and private sector coordination involving the partners listed below reads the banner.

The authorities are searching for information about the administrators of the platform, a circumstance that suggests that the FBI has yet to identify them.

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Flood of malicious packages results in NPM registry DoS "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Attackers are exploiting the good reputation and openness of the popular public JavaScript software registry NPM to deliver malware and scams, but are also simultaneously and inadvertently launching DoS attacks against the service. Malicious package on NPM pointing to a site serving malware (Source: Checkmarx) The unstoppable load created by those automated scripts made NPM unstable with sporadic Service Unavailable errors. I can witness in the past week it happened to me and my colleagues More

The post Flood of malicious packages results in NPM registry DoS appeared first on Help Net Security.


Protect Your Company: Ransomware Prevention Made Easy "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Every year hundreds of millions of malware attacks occur worldwide, and every year businesses deal with the impact of viruses, worms, keyloggers, and ransomware. Malware is a pernicious threat and the biggest driver for businesses to look for cybersecurity solutions.  Naturally, businesses want to find products that will stop malware in its tracks, and so they search for solutions to do that.


Element Africa: Gold in Ghana, oil in Nigeria, and fracking in South Africa "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

One dead, four injured as Ghana gold miner moves to evict artisanal miners BENSO, Ghana Police killed one person and injured four others while attempting to clear trespassing miners from the Wassa gold mine at Benso in Ghanas Western region. The owner of the mine, Golden Star Resources, says small-scale miners who have encroached on an abandoned part of its concession area have been impeding its operations. Golden Star began operating at Benso in 2009, but suspended mining activity in 2012 as the price of gold declined. The company returned to the site in 2022, but during the decade the mine was inactive, some Benso residents had begun artisanal mining for gold in the abandoned pit. Others planted cocoa trees inside the 500-meter (1,640-foot) buffer zone that surrounds the concession. When it resumed operations last year, the company held a public meeting with the community, warning the small-scale miners to stop trespassing and interfering with Golden Stars operations. But Frank Afful, a member of the Benso town council, said locals still continue to dig for gold at the Wassa mine. The area is a security zone, so people are not supposed to go there, but these illegal miners go there to mine, he told Mongabay, and the company have warned them countless times they wouldnt listen and are still mining. On the morning of March 23, Golden Stars security guards, accompanied by police, attempted to clear illegal miners from the site so that blasting operations could take place. TheThis article was originally published on Mongabay


The Difference Between The Left And Right, In One Arraignment "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Libs holding anti-Trump banner outside of Trump TowerRepublicans will yell 'hypocrisy' because thats what powerless people do when actual power is wielded against them.


Yesterday was a good day "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Several things that make me happy occurred.

  • Trump was arrested. Thats nice.
  • A liberal won the Chicago mayoral race.

    Brandon Johnson, a county commissioner and former public school teacher, was projected to win Tuesdays mayoral runoff after promising to increase investment in social programs to address public safety fears in the nations third-largest city.

  • The Wisconsin supreme court was flipped to a majority liberal

    Liberals claimed control of Wisconsins high court in an election Tuesday, giving them a one-vote majority on a body that in the coming years will likely consider the states abortion ban, its gerrymandered legislative districts and its voting rules for the 2024 presidential election.
    Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewiczs victory over former state Supreme Court justice Daniel Kelly will end 15 years of conservative control of the Wisconsin Supreme Court. She could face ethical questions when the court takes up politically charged cases because she campaigned heavily on abortion rights and repeatedly called the states election maps rigged.

    This is the one I cared about most, because its the state next door, and Ive got a grandchild living there. Wisconsin has been on a long slow ugly slide to the dark side, and this is a welcome and meaningful reversal. Also a Democrat campaigning on abortion rights won? Please, Democratic party, realize that this is a winning issue for you.

I think that one thing that has been dragging Democrats down for decades is the timidity of conservative Democrats who want to be Republican Lite and refuse to embrace what the party stands for progressive values, equality, and labor (they still suck on that last one).


Sinkhole in Brazil almost swallows up two fishermen "IndyWatch Feed World"

It's never good when you go out on the water to catch some fish and the water tries to catch you instead... Two fisherman in Franca, Brazil were in for a little more than they bargained for when a sinkhole opened up underneath the water and started to pull in their jon boat. The terrifying video shows the two men fighting to keep their boat above water (or mud) as the sinkhole pulls everything in the near vicinity down below. The boat happened to be the perfect size, because the front and the back stayed on land just far enough apart to cover the length of the sinkhole. Almost looked like a classic Saturday morning cartoon gag.


Its Not Just Us: Viral outbreaks in Pacific corals worsened by climate change "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

For those who are unfamiliar, corals are marine invertebrates that typically live in colonies, and typically have a symbiotic relationship with algae. The main organism is a polyp a jellyfish-like creature that builds the calcium carbonate structures that we recognize as coral. For the species that have symbiotic algae incorporated into the polyps body, the algae are the source of the corals bright colors, and when temperatures get too high, the polyp expels the algae, causing bleaching. If the temperature lowers and the polyps get new algae, they can recover. If they cant do that, then they eventually die. This, plus the corrosion from ocean acidification, are the most widely known effects of global warming on coral.

The algae are important, because they both consume waste generated by the polyp, and they produce nutrients for it via photosynthesis. Unfortunately, it seems that expulsion due to a stressed polyp isnt the only threat. Theres now reason to believe that marine heat waves can come with viral epidemics for the algae specifically:

Lead author Lauren Howe-Kerr said coral and marine disease researchers are paying closer attention to coral viruses in the wake of studies in October 2021 and February 2022 that found evidence suggesting viral infections of symbiotic dinoflagellates might be responsible for stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD). One of the deadliest coral diseases ever recorded, SCTLD has been decimating reefs in Florida and the Caribbean since it was first identified in 2014.

While this study is not focused on SCLTD, it builds our understanding of coral viruses, and particularly RNA viruses that infect coral endosymbionts, said Howe-Kerr, a Rice postdoctoral researcher who co-authored the study with more than a dozen colleagues from Rice, Northeastern University, the University of Oregon, the University of the Virgin Islands, Rutgers University, Oregon State University, George Mason University, New Zealands National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research and the Mote Marine Laboratorys Coral Reef Research and Restoration Center in Summerland Key, Florida.

Our work provides the first empirical evidence that exposure to high temperatures on the reef triggers dinoRNAV infections within coral colonies, and we showed those infections are intensified in unhealthy coral colonies, Howe-Kerr said.

The study was carried out at the...


25 challenges for political unionism to build a better (and more successful) us "IndyWatch Feed"

A group calling themselves the Northern Ireland Development Group have published a fascinating document today, which you can find as a PDF here. At the core of it is 25 challenges for political unionism to take build a better future for Northern Ireland.

They are, as follows:

1. Emphasise Northern Ireland as a place for all; as a shared home, in shared isles and a shared island, and with a shared (if also divergent) history. Also recognise that the future should be based on representingNorthern Ireland as a modern and diverse part of the UK.

2. Stress that some 200 all-Ireland bodies exist. Cooperation already happens between the people of Northern Ireland and the Republic. Represent Northern Ireland as a place where you can do anything you want and where there is no need for constitutional change in order to realise aspirations and opportunities.

3. Win-lose politics has entrenched division and hostility. There is now a need for a more collaborative politics that stresses progression rather than protection.

4. Understand that unionism is getting weaker because of an inability to change. Unionism must recognise the pain of partition and take responsibility for leading debates on the past. That past should be envisaged in terms of a new, collaborative and respectful future that values partnership and dignity with those who willwork for the betterment of all the people.

5. More needs to be done to ensure that Northern Ireland works for everyone. Draw on examples of success such as the IFAS

Football For All campaign. Deliver that message consistently and coherently.

6. What are the values and needs of the next generation that unionism should respond to and address? Define and use citizenship as a basis for social responsibility and seek to support and grow the work of the voluntary sector for social development and shaping political action. Use the voluntary sector to highlight aspiration, creativity and potential.

7. Stress the importance of social justice through anti-sectarian legislation and confront all forms of discrimination. Act strongly to diffuse points of tension and soften hardened boundaries betweencommunities.

8. Work to build the middle-ground to end the dominance of the two-party system and address class differences as a basis for division. This means viewing loyalist communities, not as paramilitarycommunities, but working-class communities. Strive to address working- class concerns and issues. Develop task groups to work closely and systematically with loyalist communities. Involve loyalism in developing a social contract of responsibilities and priorities for change.

9. Develop platforms for womens voices to be heard....


Dylan Mulvaney Doesnt Need Corporate Partnerships, He Needs To Hear The Truth "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

screencaps of videos of transgender man endorsing productsFemininity is a treasure to protect and defend, not an object to possess and pervert. Someone who loves Dylan Mulvaney should tell him that.


Fortinet enhances Security Fabric with real-time response and automation capabilities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Fortinet has expanded the Fortinet Security Fabric with new and enhanced products and capabilities to enable advanced threat prevention and coordinated response for a self-defending ecosystem across networks, endpoints, and clouds. The majority of organizations are pursuing a consolidation strategy for their security According to a recent survey from Gartner, 75 percent of organizations are pursuing security vendor consolidation, up from 29 percent in 2020. The same survey notes, Security and risk management leaders are More

The post Fortinet enhances Security Fabric with real-time response and automation capabilities appeared first on Help Net Security.


The Everything Collapse "IndyWatch Feed World"

Sadly, gold is now on its way to heights which are unthinkable for most people. To all the people who have asked me over the years why gold doesn't go up, I have replied: "Don't wish for gold to go up substantially for when it does, your quality of life will deteriorate remarkably." And we are now at the point in the world when this is likely to happen. Let me be clear, now is the time to protect whatever assets you have in order to avoid the total asset destruction that is coming next. More about this later in this article. THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM WILL NOT SURVIVE I came to the conclusion early in this century that a sick financial system was not going to survive the infestation of vermin in the form of debt that started just over 50 years ago.


OSI Blog Composed by Microsofters on Microsofts Payroll, Promoting Proprietary GitHub Using Microsofts Terminology "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Sponsored by Microsoft to occupy the OSI, serving and pushing Microsoft agenda, lobbying for proprietary software (under the guise of community!) and even painting plagiarism/GPL violations as benign "AI"

Nick Vidal for Microsoft

Nick Vidal at Microsoft's LinkedIn


Nick Vidal joins Microsoft

This is what OSI is advocating:

GitHub: Where everything comes to die

Summary: Not only does Microsoft besiege the OSI's Board; it also has staff on the payroll (Microsoft's money) pushing the OSI in Microsofts direction; the OSI actively works to undermine its own mission, having taken money from (been bribed by) its foremost foe half a decade ago


Mullvad VPN And The Tor Project Collaborate On A Web Browser "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Tor Project and Mullvad VPN have both announced collaboration on a privacy-oriented web browser. The joint browser, which is based on Firefox, has the features of the Tor Browser but operates over the Mullvad Virtual Private Network rather than Tor's onion routers. The collaboration has helped polish interface improvements and address several long standing issues.

Mullvad and the Tor Project have been part of the same community that is dedicated to developing technology that prioritizes protecting people's right to privacy for many years now. Mullvad contributes to the Tor Project at the highest level of membership, Shallot, and were a founding member of the Tor Project's Membership Program. They approached us to help them develop their browser because they wanted to leverage our expertise to create a product that is built on the same principles and with similar safety levels as the Tor Browser -- but that works independently of the Tor network. The result is the Mullvad Browser, a free, privacy-preserving web browser to challenge the all-too-prevalent business model of exploiting people's data for profit.

We've Teamed Up With Mullvad VPN to Launch the Mullvad Browser


"The mass surveillance of today is absurd. Both from commercial actors like big tech companies and from governments," says Jan Jonsson, CEO at Mullvad VPN. "We want to free the internet from mass surveillance and a VPN alone is not enough to achieve privacy. From our perspective there has been a gap in the market for those who want to run a privacy-focused browser as good as the Tor Project's but with a VPN instead of the Tor Network."

-- Mullvad VPN and the Tor Project Team up to Release the Mullvad Browser

Mullvad has been an active member of the Tor project for years.

Oh, and one more thing, speaking of VPNs, buried in the actual text of Senate Bill S.686 - RESTRICT Act 118th Congress (2023-2024), hidden behind rhetoric about ByteDance and Tiktok is a ban on VPN usage.

(2023) The 'Insanely Broad' RESTRICT Act Could Ban VPNs in the USA
(2022) Are Virtual Private Networks Actually Private?
(2022) VPN Providers Remove Servers From India in Wake...


34-Count Felony Indictment of Former President Donald J. Trump "IndyWatch Feed World"

Below, you will find the 34-Count Felony Indictment of Former President Donald J. Trump, along with the Statement of Facts document.

Also included is the official press release by the Manhattan DA. This record is preserved here on The Black Vault for historical research purposes.

Official Manhattan DA Press Release

District Attorney Bragg Announces 34-Count Felony Indictment of Former President Donald J. Trump

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, Jr. today announced the indictment of DONALD J. TRUMP, 76, for falsifying New York business records in order to conceal damaging information and unlawful activity from American voters before and after the 2016 election. During the election, TRUMP and others employed a catch and kill scheme to identify, purchase, and bury negative information about him and boost his electoral prospects. TRUMP then went to great lengths to hide this conduct, causing dozens of false entries in business records to conceal criminal activity, including attempts to violate state and federal election laws.

TRUMP is charged in a New York State Supreme Court indictment with 34 counts of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree.

The People of the State of New York allege that Donald J. Trump repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal crimes that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election, said District Attorney Bragg. Manhattan is home to the countrys most significant business market. We cannot allow New York businesses to manipulate their records to cover up criminal conduct. As the Statement of Facts describes, the trail of money and lies exposes a pattern that, the People allege, violates one of New Yorks basic and fundamental business laws. As this office has done time and time again, we today uphold our solemn responsibility to ensure that everyone stands equal before the law.

According to court documents and statements made on the record in court, from August 2015 to December 2017, TRUMP orchestrated his catch and kill scheme through a series of payments that he then concealed through months of false business entries.

In one instance, American Media Inc. (AMI), paid $30,000 to a former Trump Tower doorman, who claimed to have a story about a child TRUMP had out of wedlock.

In a second instance, AMI paid $150,000 to a woman who alleged she had a sexual relationship with TRUMP. When TRUMP explicitly directed a lawyer who then worked for the Trump Organization as TRUMPs Special Counsel (Special Counsel) to reimburse AMI in cash, the Special Counsel indicated to TRUMP that the payment should be made via a shell company and not by cash. AMI ultimately declined to accept reimbursement after consulting their counsel. AMI, which later admitted its conduct was unlawful in an agreement with federal prosecutors, made...


How The Global South Has Risen in The Face of US Sabotage with Ajamu Baraka "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Ajamu Baraka is a former U.S. Green Party vice-presidential candidate, a longstanding political activist, and a spokesperson for the Black Alliance for Peace. He joins Lee Camp this week for an interview with Behind the Headlines.Chinas rise, U.S. meddling worldwide, international resistance to Western domination, and much more are covered in the hour.

It would be unbelievable just a few years ago to see that the Chinese are able to broker an agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, that countries in Latin America would actually openly criticize U.S. policies, Baraka said, discussing signs that global power is shifting away from U.S. hegemony.

In 2002, Baraka co-founded the Black Alliance for Peace, a coalition of organizations working to end U.S. militarism and imperialism. He was also a founding member of the U.S. Human Rights Network. He publishes with, and edits for, Black Agenda Report and recently wrote an Iraq war retrospective where he argues that the U.S. is the greatest threat to world peace. As he explained:

The U.S.-based transnational ruling class is fully invested in the doctrine of U.S. Full Spectrum Dominance, and as a consequence, the U.S. state has become an existential threat to collective humanity on our planet.

The broad conversation between Baraka and Camp details the many ways that this threat from the U.S. manifests itself on the global stage. They address the corporate media demonizing enemies of the empire, the U.S. militarys global command structure, its neocolonial behavior, and the white supremacy inherent to U.S. hegemony.

Baraka explains how the U.S.-backed lawfare operation that got Brazilian President Lula da Silva thrown in jail happened, criticizes Lulas participation in the 2004 coup removing Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide from power, and considers the current situation with both Brazil and Mexico demanding sovereignty from U.S. domination.

They also cover the failures of the Black Lives Matter movement, Vice-President Kamala Harriss recent trip to Africa in the context of U.S. military activity through its African Command formation, and Barakas memories from his time in Palestine. As he told Camp:

Ive been to Palestine and Ill never go back. It was the most horrific experience of my life. And Ive been in war zones and everything else. But the daily degradation of the Palestinians is outrageous. I said when I went in 2014, if there was a documentary that got mass showing in the U.S. of the reality of a life in Palestine, I have enough confidence in the decency of the people of the U.S. that they would be outraged.

Dont miss out on...


Panama jolted by strong 6.3-magnitude quake off Pacific coast, no casualties reported "IndyWatch Feed World"

A strong 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck Tuesday off Panama's Pacific coast near the town of Boca Chica. The US Geological Survey said the quake hit at 5:18 local time (22:18 UTC) and its epicenter was about 44 miles (71 kilometres) south of Boca Chica. The earthquake occurred at a depth of eight miles (13 kilometres). Panama's civil defense office said there were no immediate reports of damages. But the office said the quake was felt on nearby Coiba Island. National Civil Defense Director Carlos Rumbo told local press that his office had not received reports of damage or injuries, but was continuing to check with people in the provinces along the Pacific coast. Source: Associated Press

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