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IndyWatch World News All Topics Summary was generated at World News IndyWatch.

Saturday, 15 April


Meine Damen und Herren, die Zeitenwende ist da. Nein, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Meine Damen und Herren, die Zeitenwende ist da. Nein, nicht die. Die andere.

Guckt mal die Heise-Meldung hier. Heise hat, wie die meisten Presseorgane, oben eine Schlagzeile, darunter einen Anreier, dann ein Foto, dann den Text.

Das Foto hat hufig nur am Rande Bezug zur konkreten Meldung, und kommt praktisch immer von irgendwelchen Stock-Foto-Agenturen wie Shutterstock.

Hier steht da als Bildquelle:

(Bild: Erstellt mit Midjourney durch TR)
Midjourney ist eine Bildgenerator-"KI". TR ist Technology Review, von denen die Meldung ursprnglich kommt.

Bezglich Dpfner-Leaks sind mir noch ein paar Gedanken ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Bezglich Dpfner-Leaks sind mir noch ein paar Gedanken gekommen, die ich hier ansprechen mchte.

Erstens: Presse geniet Quellenschutz, und zwar unabhngig von meiner Einstellung zu dem jeweiligen Presseorgan. Das ist ein Grundfesten unserer Demokratie. Aus diesem Winkel betrachtet ist das noch bler, dass jemand Dpfners Kommunikation ausspioniert hat.

Zweitens: Mir ist aufgefallen, dass mein erster Instinkt war, dass Dpfner ja nicht der Bundeskanzler ist. Mit anderen Worten: Beim Bundeskanzler htte ich das vertretbar oder zumindest vertretbarer gefunden. Warum eigentlich? Wieso fand ich, dass der Kanzler weniger Recht auf private Kommunikation hat als Dpfner? Ich habe gerade noch keine gute Antwort.

Drittens: Ein Leser war schockiert, dass ich jetzt auch "Auge um Auge" vertrete, weil ich sagte, das Argument, dass Dpfner das verdient habe, berzeugt mich. Nee, sorry, das war ein Missverstndnis. Das Argument berzeugt mich, dass man das so sehen kann, und Dpfner das mehr verdient hat als irgendjemand anderes, der mir spontan einfllt (auer vielleicht Geheimdienstchefs). Das heit immer noch nicht, dass ich das in Ordnung finde.

Die Nummer wird mich glaube ich noch eine Weile beschftigen.

Gute Nachrichten! Der Cyberangriff gegen die Internetwache ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Gute Nachrichten! Der Cyberangriff gegen die Internetwache der Polizei Berlin konnte aufgeklrt werden. Es handelt sich um einen russischen Terroristen, der digitale Granaten geworfen... Wie? Oh, nein. Sorry. Verrutscht. Es handelte sich um einen verwirrten Einzeltter, der 3000 E-Mails geschickt hat.

Money Quote:

Eine Abschaltung der Seite konnte rechtzeitig verhindert werden.
Welche Seite? Die der Internetwache! Wenn du zuviel E-Mails kriegst, schaltest du dann etwa nicht auch deine Webseite ab?!

Wie tief im Rektum von Regierung und Geheimdiensten ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wie tief im Rektum von Regierung und Geheimdiensten sitzen die staatstragenden Medien in den USA? Seht selbst!

Bellingcat ist ja eh noch nie als geheimdienst- oder regierungskritisch aufgefallen. Was tun die also angesichts der Pentagon-Leaks? Sie helfen der New York Times, sptestens seit dem Irakkrieg ebenfalls nie wieder mit investigativem Journalismus verwechselt, den Leaker zu identifizieren.

*badumm tsss*

Die "Zeit" hat ein paar Chatnachrichten von Axel-Springer-Chef ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die "Zeit" hat ein paar Chatnachrichten von Axel-Springer-Chef Dpfner verffentlicht. Der Link geht zur Tagesschau, bei der "Zeit" ist das hinter Paywall.

Die "Zeit" hat sich entschieden, die Chatnachrichten nicht zu paraphrasieren, sondern sie inklusive Tipp- und Grammatikfehlern zu zitieren, wodurch Dpfner wie ein unterbelichteter Vollidiot wirkt. Nicht nur das, sie packen noch "mit ibama meint er vielleicht den US-Prsidenten Barack Obama" und so dran, um den Eindruck noch zu verstrken.

Ich habe das bei der Lektre als sehr manipulativ und unter der Grtellinie empfunden. berhaupt fhle ich mich sehr unwohl bei dieser ganzen Nummer. Ist das legitim, private Chatnachrichten von anderen Leuten zu beschaffen, zu lesen und dann auch noch zu verffentlichen? Die zitieren jetzt nicht Dpfners Pornoprferenzen, aber es fhlt sich trotzdem wie ein sehr unfairer Eingriff in jemandes Privatsphre an.

Gut, viele von den Nachrichten haben tatschlich einen Nachrichtenwert. Beispielsweise dass Dpfner seine Mitarbeiter im Wahlkampf "gefragt" hat, ob man nicht noch mehr fr die FDP zu tun, damit die genug Hebel haben, die Ampel kaputtmachen zu knnen. Das ist skandals, aber jetzt auch nicht wirklich berraschend. Die Springer-Publikationen standen noch nie fr journalistische Integritt und Unabhngigkeit.

Sie haben auch ein paar Ossi-feindliche uerungen von Dpfner gefunden. Die nutzt jetzt der vllig berflssige Ostbeauftragte der Bundesregierung dafr, auch mal irgendwo zitiert zu werden. Aus meiner Sicht kann man die auch mit Vorsatz und Anstrengung nicht als Aufforderung an seine Mitarbeiter sehen, mehr Anti-Ossi-Meinungsmache zu fahren. Das ist seine Privatmeinung, die htte man nicht verffentlichen mssen oder sollen.

Fr mich bleibt als Fazit von diesem Artikel daher, dass ich nichts ber Dpfner gelernt habe, das ich nicht eh schon wusste oder vermutete, sondern ich habe etwas ber die redaktionellen Standards der "Zeit" gelernt. Ich bin mal gespannt, wie die Retourkutsche von Dpfner aussieht. Werden wir demnchst die Browserhistory von Joffe in der "Welt" sehen?

Ich hoffe nicht.

Update: Ich habe auf die Schnelle nur einen Kommentar gesehen, der sich auf Seiten Dpfners geschlagen hat. Im Cicero. Hinter einer Paywall. Damit ebenfalls nicht verlinkbar. Ist mir ja ein Rtsel, wieso sich die Publikationen alle so ins Aus schieen mit ihrem Paywall-Schei.

Update: Ein Lob an dieser Stelle brigens fr die Tagesschau, die die Zitate als "angebliche Dpfner-uerungen" bezeichnet. Das ist an der Stelle genau das richtige Adjektiv.

Update: Die Diskussionen empfinde ich gerade als sehr interessant, die ich gerade mit meinen Kumpels fhre. Im Wesentlichen ist der Konsens, dass der Dpfner das verdient hat, weil seine Zeitungen seit Jahren...

Hmm, also meine Ausfhrungen zu den Accountsperren ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Hmm, also meine Ausfhrungen zu den Accountsperren liefen nicht so gut, wie ich mir das gedacht hatte. Jetzt hab ich hier lauter Hobby- und tatschliche Juristen in der Inbox.

Erstmal die inhaltlichen Updates: der CCC hat sich eingeschaltet und stimmt mir inhaltlich zu, dass "digitale Gewalt" das neue "aber die Kinder ist", mit dem irgendwelche Hobbyideologen das Internet zusammenzensieren wollen. Zweitens: Ulf Buermeyer von der GFF hat sich geuert. Er hatte offenbar den Teil mit der Vorratsdatenspeicherung nicht mitgekriegt und wollte sich blo zu dem Teil mit den Accountsperren uern. Ich hoffe mal, das heit, die GFF wird rigoros gegen die Vorratsdatenspeicherung vorgehen.

Worauf ich mit meinen ursprnglichen Ausfhrungen eigentlich hinauswollte: Die faseln da die ganze Zeit von Straftaten. Es geht aber berhaupt nicht um Strafrecht. Das wollte ich gerne, dass dem Leser das auffllt, indem ich mit der Brechstange komme und sage: Aber beim Strafrecht zahlt ja der Verlierer.

Das Problem ist, dass hier eine Struktur geschaffen werden soll, wie sie auch die Urheberrechts-Abmahnmafia etabliert hat.

Man stellt einen Straftatbestand in den Raum, der in der Praxis nie erreicht werden wird, sowas wie gewerbsmige Bandenhehlerei. Dann lgt man allen Beteiligten ins Gesicht, es ginge um die Vorbereitung so einer Klage und daher macht man Auskunftsaussprche geltend. Wenn man die Auskunft hat, dann vergisst man, dass man jemals mit Strafrecht gedroht hat und saugt die Opfer zivilrechtlich aus.

Genau die Nummer schlgt das BMJ jetzt fr Online-Beleidigungen vor. Man faselt was von strafbaren Handlungen und schweren Gewalttaten, aber eigentlich will man eine Abmahnindustrie fr Beleidigungen einfhren. Das Feigenblatt sind im Moment erstmal Accountsperren. Das klingt harmlos genug, weil der durchschnittliche Beobachter nicht genug Vorstellungsgemgen und Empathie hat, um sich vorzustellen, dass er selbst eines Tages betroffen sein knnte. Aber das solltet ihr euch mal vorzustellen versuchen. Wie sich das anfhlt, wenn euer Privataccount von irgendwelchen frivolen Klagen irgendwelcher sich beleidigt fhlender AfD-Whler oder Impfgegner geschlossen wird, und ihr alle Freundkontakte ber den Account verliert.

Wie so hufig gilt auch hier der kategorische Imperativ. Wenn du nicht mchtest, dass dir das zustoen kann, dann solltest du es auch nicht fr andere einzufhren versuchen.

Dann hatte ich noch die Kosten angesprochen. Die hatten mit Anwaltskosten argumentiert, und mit hohen Streitwerten. Nun, den Streitwert setzen sie als Klger selbst, und ein Auskunftsersuchen kann man selbstverstndlich auch ohne Anwalt eintten, besonders wenn man ein Abmahnverein ist, wie Hateaid sich offenbar selber positionieren...

Sie haben anscheinend den Pengaton-Leaker gefunden.The ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Sie haben anscheinend den Pengaton-Leaker gefunden.

The man responsible for the leak of hundreds of classified Pentagon documents is reported to be a young, racist gun enthusiast who worked on a military base, and who was seeking to impress two dozen fellow members of an internet chat group.
Sieht aus als seien Faschos im Militr sind nicht nur bei uns ein Problem!
The Post also viewed a video of a man identified as OG at a shooting range with a large rifle.

He yells a series of racial and antisemitic slurs into the camera, then fires several rounds at a target, the report said.

Na das passt ja mal wieder wie Arsch auf Eimer!

Geschichten aus der neuen Welt:Florida lawmakers are ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Geschichten aus der neuen Welt:

Florida lawmakers are considering a draft law to strengthen state control over sex education that its sponsor says would ban any instruction in schools about menstrual cycles before the sixth grade.
Hey, Florida! Welche Frauen belstigen dich nie mit Menstruation? Trans-Frauen! Oh, die mgt ihr auch nicht? Never mind then.

Achtung, wichtige Durchsage unserer amerikanischen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Achtung, wichtige Durchsage unserer amerikanischen Freunde, h, der Tagesschau:

Auerdem heit es, der gyptische Machthaber Abdel Fatah El-Sisi plane offenbar, Russland heimlich mit Raketen und Munition zu untersttzen.
Der Mann wurde zum Machthaber degradiert, nicht mehr Staatschef oder Prsident.

Nicht dass hier einer von euch mit dem Neusprech durcheinanderkommt!1!!

Dass die nicht mal so tun knnen, als betrieben sie serise Berichterstattung! Oh warte, das ist schon wieder der Geheimdienst-Flade. Na das ist ja mal eine berraschung.

NPR ragequits Twitter. Musk hatte zuvor dafr gesorgt, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

NPR ragequits Twitter. Musk hatte zuvor dafr gesorgt, dass an ihren Tweets das Warnlabel "state-affiliated media" klebt, das sonst fr Organisationen wie Russia Today reserviert ist.

Pikantersweise hat die Deutsche Welle kein solches Warnlabel, obwohl es da ja tatschlich hingehren wrde.

Das Money Quote aus dem Artikel ist allerdings das hier:

For years, many journalists considered Twitter critical to monitoring news developments
Muhahahaha, ja, damals... Gute Zeiten!!

Ich finde ja immer bemerkenswert, wie viele Leute Elon Musk fr ein Genie halten, oder zumindest fr eine schlaue Person.


From Desert to Wonderland: Images Show Californias Striking Superbloom "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to


From Desert to Wonderland: Images Show Californias Striking Superbloom (Maria)

The author writes, Californias superblooms this year are so lush and so exuberant that they can be seen from space. Satellite images from Maxar Technologies, a Colorado-based company, show striking images of bright orange, red, yellow and purple blooms across southern California.The vast, vibrant blooms are a sign of abundance after a prolonged drought, which was broken by historic snow and rainfall this winter. Wildflower seeds that accumulated underground through a series of punishingly dry years are finally coming up, UC Davis plant sciences professor Jennifer Funk explained in a news release. 


Feinstein, Under Pressure to Resign, Asks to Step Down From Judiciary Panel (Dana)

The author writes, Senator Dianne Feinstein on Wednesday pushed back on calls for her resignation but asked to step away from the Judiciary Committee indefinitely while recovering from shingles, responding to mounting pressure from Democrats who have publicly vented concerns that she is unable to perform her job. Ms. Feinstein, an 89-year-old California Democrat, has been away from the Senate since February, when she was diagnosed with the infection. Her absence has become a problem for Senate Democrats, limiting their ability to move forward with judicial nominations. In recent days, as it became clear she was not planning to return after a two-week recess, pressure began to increase for Ms. Feinstein to resign.


Florida Fight Over Baby Boxes Part of Bigger Culture War (Reader Steve)

The author writes, Safe Haven Baby Boxes and A Safe Haven for Newborns are two charities with similar names an......


Moments "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    An Excerpt from HUNTING IN THE SHADOWS,   a Memoir by Mike Watson soon to be published. A Caper in Saigon South Vietnam, as a nation, faced a full-scale Communist insurgency.  This saw the countryside wracked with violence, while at the same time Saigon, the capital, remained relatively peaceful.  Notwithstanding there had been []

The post Moments appeared first on Virtual Mirage.

Breaking News: Oklahoma Turnpike Authority Stops Work on $15 Billion Turnpike Expansion "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


(Source: Pike Off OTA.)

Oklahomas freeway fighters are resting a little easier this week, having learned that the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA) is halting all work related to the $15 billion turnpike expansion, ACCESS Oklahoma.

Back in January, Strong Towns reported that Oklahoma residents took the OTA to court, arguing that its plans for a $15 billion turnpike expansion not only lacked transparency, but were illegal. The judge presiding agreed, ruling that the OTA wilfully violated Oklahomas Open Meetings Act. As a result, over 200 plaintiffs celebrated their first major legal victory in the fight against the project, known as ACCESS Oklahoma. On March 15, 2023, Oklahomas attorney general stepped in and seemingly sided with the plaintiffs, requesting an audit of the OTA. 

Almost exactly a month later, OTA notified its board and consultants that all work on ACCESS will cease as of Friday, April 14, 2023. While the press release concludes with a pledge to resume the project once roadblocks are resolved and a path to the bond market is clear, opponents to the project are still encouraged by the news. At the very least, the devastation of hundreds of homes, businesses, and natural areas necessary for the projects scope is being put on hold.



How Can Biden Model Success For The Next Generation If He Cant Even Explain What It Is? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Joe Biden stands with group of children waving flagsInstead of looking into the eyes of the future and offering an answer that might truly speak to young people, Biden made it all about himself.


Watch "Mind-Blowing Facts About Our Reality [4K] | The Secrets of Quantum Physics | Spark" by our Jim Al-Khalili. "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Watch "Mind-Blowing Facts About Our Reality [4K] | The Secrets of Quantum Physics | Spark" by our Jim Al-Khalili.


America faces a two-front war: Russia-China alliance moving ahead at great speed "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Gilbert Doctorow | April 14, 2023

Today China officially announced the visit of their Minister of Defense Li Shangfu to Russia on Sunday for three days of consultations with his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu and also with Russias senior military command in charge of the war operations in Ukraine.

Li Shangfu took his present post a little over a month ago following the re-election of Xi Jinping to the presidency and a reshuffling of ministerial portfolios. It was particularly noteworthy that Li has been on the U.S. sanctions list since 2018 for alleged cooperation with Russia.

The sense of this visit was interpreted by expert panelists on the news and analysis program Sixty Minutes earlier today as follows: to inform the Chinese leadership of what has been learned by the Russian command from the 14 months of war in Ukraine.

What is the relevance of Russias on the ground experience? Although armchair generals in the West were very quick to fault Russia with making serious mistakes and showing unpreparedness in the first phase of the war, the reality is that since WWII no major power has been engaged in a peer-to-peer war entailing vicious fighting on the ground without enjoying command of the skies. That is what we see in Ukraine today. The United States has had no such experience. Nor has China.

The Russians now have a lot to tell their Chinese friends about the latest NATO military tactics and about the U.S. and European hardware that is being given its baptism by fire in direct engagement with themselves. The capture of a German Leopard tank in battle near Kherson yesterday is just one of many war trophies that the Russians can lend out.

Will such sharing of information critically important to China as it examines the possibility of a similar armed conflict with the United States and its proxies over Taiwan be cost free? Of course not. We may take it as a given that during the visit of Li to Russia, he and the Russians will  be planning further steps to turn their strategic partnership into something more closely resembling a full-blown military alliance with mutual security obligations.

Meanwhile the Russian Pacific fleet is now on full alert and performing exercises to repel an unidentified potential aggressor. A gentle hint as to who this aggressor might be is the fact that particular attention is being given to maneuvers around the Kurile Islands, over which Japan has territorial claims. Though the subject is not much discussed in our mainstream media, the Russians consider the Japanese navy to be a formidable force. Japan is one of the key allies in the Pacific NATO that the U.S. is currently building to contain China and, as needed, to fight...


JUST IN-France Pension Reforms: Constitutional Council clears age rise to 64 "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Frances top constitutional body has cleared the raising of the state pension age from 62 to 64, and rejected calls for a referendum by political opponents. The Constitutional Council struck out some of the reforms citing legal flaws, reports the BBC. Twelve days of protests have been held against President Emmanuel Macrons controversial reforms []

The post JUST IN-France Pension Reforms: Constitutional Council clears age rise to 64 appeared first on New Telegraph.

Bankrolling biodiversity: How are private philanthropists investing in nature? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The largest-ever private philanthropic campaign for biodiversity conservation is on track to reach its target by 2030, but a lack of detail over exactly how some of the funds are being spent has raised concerns over transparency and accountability. A Mongabay analysis has found that about a quarter of the $5 billion pledged through the Protecting Our Planet (POP) campaign has already been allocated to land, river and ocean conservation projects around the world. By searching grant databases, reviewing financial records and cross-checking with data supplied by POP group members, Mongabay was able to verify a total of $1.25 billion in spending. This is in line with the expected timeline of the campaign. The POP group includes foundations representing some of the richest people on Earth. Publicly championed by Swiss billionaire Hansjrg Wyss, the group includes Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg and Walmart heir Rob Walton. Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, who died on March 24, was also a supporter of the scheme. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is one of several billionaires behind the POP Challenge. Photo: Daniel Oberhaus/Flickr. At the launch, Wyss said the POP campaign would help to solve the crisis facing nature. But its going to take the wealthiest nations and the wealthiest individuals committing to reinvest our enormous bounties here on Earth, safeguarding nature and protecting our lands, waters and wildlife, he added. About 60% of the funding has been issued in grants to established conservation organizations, or to new alliances of privateThis article was originally published on Mongabay


That Kaiser Gun Study The Media Love Is Garbage "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

How to Lie with StatisticsIts become virtually impossible to find reliable data or polling on gun violence these days. Kaiser shows us why.


10th Reps Speaker: CSOs Makes Case For South East "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A coalition of civil society groups has called on the President-elect and leadership of the All Progressives Congress (APC) to zone the position of the Speaker of the House of Representatives to the southeast. Chief Dominic Ogakwu, National Convener and leader of the Civil Society Groups for Good Governance (CSGGG) made the call in  Abuja while []

The post 10th Reps Speaker: CSOs Makes Case For South East appeared first on New Telegraph.


EE.UU presenta cargos contra 28 del Crtel de Sinaloa, incluye a Chapitos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

EE.UU acusa trfico ilegal de fentanilo, armas y lavado de dinero contra integrantes del Crtel de Sinaloa en cortes de Nueva York, Illinois y Columbia []

La entrada EE.UU presenta cargos contra 28 del Crtel de Sinaloa, incluye a Chapitos se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Did Russian Officials Sting Evan Gershkovich? "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | April 14, 2023

Ever since the arrest by Russian officials of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich on charges of espionage, U.S. officials have been vehemently denying that he is a spy. But as I wrote in my article Evan Gershkovich: U.S. Spy or Simply Naive? those denials mean nothing because U.S. officials would deny it even if he was a spy.

It is not difficult to imagine the CIA approaching Gershkovich and asking him to acquire secret information while he was reporting inside Russia. The CIA and the rest of the U.S. national-security establishment have been obsessed with Russia since at least 1947. Moreover, the CIA would know that as a reporter for the prestigious Wall Street Journal, Gershkovich would have a perfect cover, one that naturally would involve having the Journal and other mainstream newspapers unwittingly coming to his defense. 

It is also not difficult to imagine a young, right-wing, idealistic journalist jumping at the chance to be working secretly for the CIA. He would consider it a wonderful opportunity to serve his country.

After all, that was what Operation Mockingbird was all about during the Cold War racket. Countless American journalists leaped at the opportunity to become CIA spies or informants in the patriotic quest to defeat the Reds and prevent them from taking over America.

According to Wikipedia, 

Without identifying individuals by name, the Church Committee stated that it found fifty journalists who had official, but secret, relationships with the CIA. In a 1977 Rolling Stone magazine article, The CIA and the Media, reporter Carl Bernstein expanded upon the Church Committees report and wrote that more than 400 US press members had secretly carried out assignments for the CIA.

A much more likely possibility, however, is a Russian sting operation, one in which a Russian friend of Gershkovich or a trusted source gave him secret information in violation of Russias espionage laws. If thats what happened, then that conversation or transaction was undoubtedly secretly videotaped or recorded. If Gershkovich was the victim of that type...


Concerned Traders Advice Soludo To Conduct Elections In Anambra Market "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Prof. Chukwuma Soludo, the Governor of Anambra State, has been urged to set machinery in motion for the immediate conduct of the election in Anambra State Markets. A group of traders under the aegis of Concerned Traders of Anambra State (CTAS) in a statement issued in Onitsha after their strategic meeting yesterday said the democratisation []

The post Concerned Traders Advice Soludo To Conduct Elections In Anambra Market appeared first on New Telegraph.


TOKO: My Template For Nigerian Reformation Okotie "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Former presidential candidate and restructuring exponent, Rev Chris Okotie,  has broken his silence after a brief hiatus following the 2023 general election. Speaking through his media adviser, Ladi Ayodeji in Lagos on Friday, Okotie said the fierce contests and contentions between politicians before, during and after the polls, justify his call for a new constitution. []

The post TOKO: My Template For Nigerian Reformation Okotie appeared first on New Telegraph.


[$] TOTP authentication with free software "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

One-time passwords (OTPs) are increasingly used as a defense against phishing and other password-stealing attacks, usually as a part of a two-factor authentication process. Perhaps the mostly commonly used technique is sending a numeric code to a phone via SMS, but SMS OTPs have security problems of their own. An alternative is to use time-based one-time passwords (TOTPs). The normal TOTP situation is to have all of the data locked into a proprietary phone app, but it need not be that way.


Estar o SER? Cuando la cultura de masa eclipsa a la multitud "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"







bajo los focos del escenario

convertidos en estrellas digitales

Estar Ser obedientes

La luz focaliza selecciona

tambin oscurece por omisin

la sed de Estar pero no SER

Hace apenas algunos das tuvo lugar un mega espectculo, organizado por la Intendencia de Montevideo. Se desataron polmicas por los costos, que fueron cuantiosos, pseudas y fanatizadas discusiones sobre lo que es cultura, sobre el derecho a disfrutar de un espectculo excepcional. Lo cierto es que se logr la asistencia de unas 50 000 personas. Las artistas eran todas mujeres o casi todas, se hizo nfasis en el hecho de que en el marco del mes de la mujer, haba que darles el lugar que se merecen. Ac estamos fue el eslogan del evento. En fin aparecieron tambin las referencias a algunos lideres polticos del continente, la insistencia en la importancia de la defensa de la democracia.

Hoy ya estamos lejos del mega espectculo pero vendrn otros, la polmica se extrava entre otros acontecimientos. Mientras, las calles en Pars arden, el pueblo desata toda su furia contra la reforma jubilatoria. En Uruguay vivimos entre un verano prolongado y un eterno carnaval.

El espectculo, que es la eliminacin de los lmites entre el yo y el mundo mediante el aplastamiento del yo asediado por la presencia-ausencia del mundo, es igualmente la eliminacin de los lmites entre lo verdadero y lo falso mediante el reflujo de toda verdad vivida bajo la presencia real de la falsedad que asegura la organizacin de la apariencia. Guy Debord

Ac estamos perdidas en las inmensidades de lo que nos invade y deja huella en las mentes y en los cuerpos, es viral podramos decir.

Casi olvidamos que con las lluvias de estos das reverdecieron los campos, volvieron los tiempos de repliegue. Ah sla Reforma jubilatoria apenas tiene en su contra un paro parcial de los sindicatos y un estrado desde el cual se pronuncian discursos y se leen proclamas. El capitalismo haciendo de las suyas, enriquecimiento por despojo de los trabajadores. Entre las grietas del drama ahora se cuelan los mega espectculos, creo tenemos derecho a la duda.

No ser que nos quieren distraer?

Pero si de agua hablamos tambin asistimos a la marcha en defensa del agua el 22 de marzo.

La situacin es bastante compleja, preocupante; el estado de las aguas en el pas de los pjaros pintados se ha venido deteriorando desde hace aos. El actual gobierno impulsa un proyecto para captar del Ro de la Plata el agua a potabilizar con la que abastecer a la pobla...


Im a newly qualified nurse. Heres why I rejected the insulting 5% pay offer "IndyWatch Feed"

OPINION: After tax, National Insurance, pension payments and student loan repayments, Id have got 15 extra a week


NNPCL Has Serious Management Who Stabilize The Company IPMAN "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (PMAN) has lambasted Sahara Reporters over a report against the Group Chief Executive Officer of The Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL), Mele Kyari; Chief Financial Officer, Umar Ajiya, and some other top officials of the company of alleged Financial Misappropriation. Sahara Reporters had reported how Kyari and []

The post NNPCL Has Serious Management Who Stabilize The Company IPMAN appeared first on New Telegraph.


The impact of Israels raids on the Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Mondoweiss Podcast, Episode 55. The impact of Israel's raids on the Al-Aqsa Mosque during RamadanOur Palestine news team discusses the impact of Israel's raids on the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound during Ramadan.


Washingtons Crackdown on Whistleblowers Poses Danger to Free Speech "IndyWatch Feed War"

By James Tweedie Sputnik 14.04.2023

The US government is tightening its grip over the internet, social media and free speech. Facebook* whistleblower Ryan Hartwig and former Google and YouTube software engineer Zach Vorhies reveal the dangers and implications.

A US bill targeting the TikTok app is really a wider crackdown on online privacy and public scrutiny of government, two Big Tech whistleblowers have told Sputnik.

The Restrict Act, currently working its way through the US Congress, has been touted as an attack on Chinese software developer ByteDance whose US CEO Shou Zi Chew was hauled before the House Energy and Commerce Committee in March.

The legislation would allow the government to restrict access to apps from any firm it chooses raising the prospect of its use to protect US firms from foreign competitors. But tech experts and free speech advocates fear it will open the door to a widespread crackdown against online critics of the White House.

Ryan Hartwig said the legislation was essentially the Patriot Act online referring to legislation passed in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that allowed unwarranted government wiretapping of US and foreign citizens phone lines.

Its a horrible piece of legislation. Basically its not only banning TikTok, its giving the government authority to arrest people for anything they say online. Its definitely clear that the government wants to continue to restrict free speech online, Hartwig said. It is really a problem. They are going to crack down.

The bill is ostensibly aimed at protecting children and teenagers from harmful content, which the former Facebook employee said had some validity. But the Restrict Act does a lot more than just censor a few bad posts. It basically gives them blanket authority and criminalizes any kind of political speech.

If I just attack them, if I say bad things about the president, it gives the government authority to arrest me. Hartwig stressed. The Restrict Act can punish people for whistleblowing on an illegal government action.

Just this week, 21-year-old US Air National Guard enlisted Airman Jack Teixeira was arrested as the suspect in the embarrassing Pentagon leaks of Ukrainian plans for its yet-to-materialize spring counter-offensive. Teixeira was traced through an online chat group for video gamers on the Discord app. The whistleblower said its users should be concerned.

The blockchain technology used by Bitcoin and other concerns essentially a variant of mass file-...


Un cuento de sobremesa "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El grueso de las infancias abusadas son nias y la mayor parte, entre los 12 y los 17 aos. De los agresores, la mayora son familiares. Cmo es posible naturalizar la pedofilia y banalizarla livianamente en los medios de comunicacin? Cmo es posible evadir el sufrimiento de esos pibes que son sometidos a la peor de las vejaciones?

Fue en marzo del ao 2018. No comenz en ese momento, pero como toda tragedia, esta larga y penosamente infinita, tambin tiene su hito fundante en una mesa. La tragedia de la pedofilia y el abuso de menores se sent a la hora de la cena en la mesa ms emblemtica del prime time argentino, la mesa de la conductora ms famosa y controvertida: la mesa de Mirtha Legrand, donde todos los famosos invitados engullen la cena mientras hace preguntas incmodas cada programa, a excepcin de esa noche en la que se har difcil preguntar e imposible comer.

Natacha Jaitt, modelo y entonces conductora de radio, levantar la voz. Estn hablando de las denuncias que gravitan en torno al Club Independiente, que indican que tiene puertas adentro una red de pedofilia que prostituye a los pibes de las inferiores, los ms humildes que llegan desde el Interior y viven lejos de sus familias. Intentan interrumpirla y no pueden: desde 1990 viene denunciando casos de pedofilia y asegura que tambin ha investigado y enlistado una red que se enmaraa hasta Olivos.

Ya hace veinte aos, el caso del cura Grassi -condenado a quince aos de prisin por el abuso de un menor- y su Fundacin Felices Los Nios, con ms de veintin hogares a los que asistan 6.300 nios y nias para recibir comida, abrigo, educacin, techo y formacin espiritual, haba sacudido en 2002 la opinin pblica, o al menos eso pareca. Diecisis aos despus y durante casi un ao, Natacha Jaitt iniciaba la investigacin para la que se dedic a recabar documentos, capturas de pantalla, mails y muchos elementos que respaldaban su denuncia: exista una red de pedfilos que captaban varones en situacin de vulnerabilidad para ser abusados por famosos y empresarios e iba a probarlo. Esa misma lista que haba comenzado a desplegar en la mesa ante la incomodidad de los comensales.

Natacha Jaitt apareci muerta. Das antes haba avisado en sus redes que posiblemente la mataran. Calificaron su muerte como sobredosis, despus de que hubiera denunciado abiertamente a Leonardo Cohen Arazi, relacionista pblico de Independiente y al rbitro Martn Bustos, que fueron detenidos por orden del juez Luis Silvio Carzoglio, hoy excarcelados y sin fecha de juicio por la causa que pas de ser abuso sexual a corrupcin de menores.

La larga lista que incluye polticos, periodistas, famosos, influencers y deportistas que Natacha Jaitt adverta estn involucrados como partcipes o consumidores qued en ancdota. La justicia prest poca atencin a su denuncia y, mientras la causa por su muerte sigue abierta, el iPad do...


Germany to Shut Down Its Last Remaining Nuclear Reactors "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Germany is set to shutter its last three nuclear plants on Saturday, in a phaseout initiated 20 years ago and sped up in response to the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011. 

The move comes as other countries including the U.S. and the UK have expressed renewed interest in nuclear as a way to generate electricity that does not contribute to the climate crisis, and some in Germany argued that the government should not follow through with the closures. 

Shutting down the worlds most modern and safest nuclear power plants in Germany is a dramatic mistake that will have painful economic and ecological consequences for us, deputy chairman of German liberal party Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP) Wolfgang Kubicki told the Funke media group, as TVP World reported. 

Kubicks party is a member of Chancellor Olaf Scholzs governing coalition, as AP News noted. However, the government held firm against requests from both within and without to extend the life of the countrys last three nuclear reactors. 

The nuclear phase-out by April 15, thats this Saturday, is a done deal, Scholz spokesperson Christiane Hoffmann said, as AP News reported. 

Germanys journey to nuclear retirement began in 2002, but picked up its pace in 2011 following protests in response to the Fukushima accident, accordin...


Has Tulsi Gabbard Adequately Addressed the WEF Young Global Leader Question? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Derrick Broze Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has once again been confronted with her membership in the World Economic Forums Young Global Leaders program. Should...

Has Tulsi Gabbard Adequately Addressed the WEF Young Global Leader Question?


Hackaday Podcast 214: Jet Engine Hair Dryer, Comic Sans Type Balls, and Belief in Graphene "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This week, Editor-in-Chief Elliot Williams and Contributor Emeritus Kristina Panos gushed about all the best hacks of the previous week. But first, a contest! Thats right hot on the heels of the Low Power Challenge comes the Op Amp Challenge, sponsored by Digi-Key. You have between now and June 6th to dip your toes into the warm waters of analog and show us what youve got. Will it be a musical hack? Will you seek high analog precision? We cant wait to see.

Kristina definitely did not get Whats That Sound this week, which honestly reminded her of a cartoon character getting a piano dropped on them, except the sounds were in reverse order. Then its on to the hacks, beginning with a way to make an IBM Selectric typewriter use Comic Sans, a project thats sure to make you a believer in graphene, and a miniature MNT for every (cargo) pocket.

From there we take a look at a really cool indicator from a 1960s RAF aeroplane and investigate why your multimeter might be lying to you. Finally, we discuss the gargantuan task of building an AR system to rival Google Glass, and the merits of taking a lot of pictures as you go about your hacks.

Check out the links below if you want to follow along, and as always,...


NOW: Pensions Has NOTHING to Say About Lying to Clients "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

No Pension from Macron

Summary: The previous crimes of Sirius Open Source merit letters of assurance, which were already promised by three people at NOW: Pensions (including a manager); if no such letter can be provided, specify the reasons and explain why three people who work at NOW: Pensions made promises to two people (in vain, followed by more lies to cover up the original lies)

MANY people are speaking about pensions today. France is checking whether Macron did something unconstitutional by sentencing millions of people to two additional years of work in their 60s (not something they consented to in the past). However, the timing of this post is purely coincidental. Its a Friday and Ive not heard back for almost a week now from NOW: Pensions.

As a reminder, the company kept making contradictory promises (i.e. lies) or breaking promises, not honouring their own contracts, etc.

Heres the full chain of correspondence with few redactions (names of their workers, including managers):

> Roy Schestowitz wrote on 08/04/2023 04:32:
>> Complaints now pensions support wrote on 05/04/2023 15:03:
>>> I hope this helps to settle your concerns regarding your NOW Pension
>>> fund, as you can see from the above, they have outlined how and who
>>> is responsible for protecting your pension savings and applies to all
>>> NOW Pensions members.
>> Hi,
>> Please send the full letter, as promised, to
>> 1) my wife
>> 2) myself
>> as promised by ????
>> as promised by ????
>> as promised by ?????
>> several times since February. We need this obligation in writing.
> I need an update on this. There are multiple complainants about the
> pension fraud. We need action, not stalling tactics. You behave like
> lawyers, not like a pension provider.
If you do not reply by the end of today (Friday), prepare the cheque for my wife and I to pick up next week at your office.

We are withdrawing all the money. You are a reckless, lying, untrustworthy company. You not only lied to me (3 different people, including managers) you also failed to reply to very simple E-mails about a dozen times.

Meanwhile the police and Action Fraud will be getting involved.

Well, its 5PM now on a Frid...


Las mujeres no son cuidadoras por esencia "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

En las mujeres no hay una naturaleza o esencia que las haga ms propensas a ser cuidadoras de los dems, y la tica del cuidado implica escuchar sus voces, narrativas e historias respecto a los compromisos prcticos y responsabilidades que les han sido distribuidos de manera desigual e injusta para sostener la vida de alguien ms.

As lo afirm Anglica Yasmn Dvila Landa, especialista en cuidados y justicias, y doctoranda en Antropologa, durante la tercera sesin del Seminario permanente sobre necesidades y problemas sociales en Mxico Trabajos de cuidados en contexto de desigualdad social, organizado por la Escuela Nacional de Trabajo Social (ENTS).

Va remota, la acadmica cuestion que los trabajos de cuidados estn relegados e invisibilizados, pese a ser importantes y brindar un beneficio integral a la economa. La tica del cuidado es cmo hacer que haya ms personas que cuiden y se distribuyan estos trabajos de manera justa y equitativa, dijo.

Durante su participacin titulada tica del cuidado para la vida, la poltica y la investigacin social, la tambin integrante del colectivo Cuidadoras Potosinas expuso que cuidar es mantener, continuar y reparar nuestro mundo, de tal forma que podamos vivir en l lo mejor posible.

Los cuidados son procesos complejos, organizados de manera social, poltica y cultural. Estn orientados a valorar la existencia, es decir, que cuando se cuida algo o a alguien es porque es valorado, por eso debe atenderse. El trabajo de cuidar es todo aquel que se realiza para mantener un mundo comn.

Es una labor prctica que implica relaciones concretas y es productiva, pues regenera la economa; es relacional y afectiva porque habla de compromisos con los otros; es moral porque no es un asunto tcnico, sino que da valor a las relaciones y comporta nociones de lo justo, lo moral y lo poltico.

Es tambin un trabajo experto, que se aprende y desarrolla en la prctica. No se conoce por naturaleza. Nadie nace sabiendo cmo cuidar y a veces se aprende de maneras muy duras, insisti.

La integrante del Instituto Mora subray que en el actual sistema patriarcal se permite a diversos actores, principalmente a los hombres, que no aprendan a cuidar. Pero esta labor va ms all de saber cambiar un paal, hacer dilisis; implica conocer cmo funcionan las instituciones, la sociedad, y el Estado, y saber realizar gestiones, entre otras acciones.

En contraste, quienes cuidan, sufren diversas violencias, entre ellas que su labor sea negada, no remunerada ni reconocida.

Cuidar, aadi, es un trabajo ambiguo, en el que hay mltiples tensiones. Por ejemplo, desde el punto de vista mdico se promueve la lactancia a libre demanda, pero en los espacios laborales no hay condiciones para llevarla a cabo.

En las relaciones de cuidado hay dependencia, pero tambin autonoma. Adems, hay vnculos entre las vidas singulares y los...


Pension Schemes Versus Pension Scams: The Curious Cases of the UKs Large Pension Providers (Not France) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

No Pension from Macron

Summary: The previous crimes of Sirius Open Source merit letters of assurance, which were already promised by three people at NOW: Pensions (including a manager); if no such letter can be provided, specify the reasons and explain why three people who work at NOW: Pensions made promises to two people (in vain, followed by more lies to cover up the original lies)

MANY people are speaking about pensions today. France is checking whether Macron did something unconstitutional by sentencing millions of people to two additional years of work in their 60s (not something they consented to in the past). However, the timing of this post is purely coincidental. Its a Friday and Ive not heard back for almost a week now from NOW: Pensions.

As a reminder, the company kept making contradictory promises (i.e. lies) or breaking promises, not honouring their own contracts, etc.

Heres the full chain of correspondence with few redactions (names of their workers, including managers):

> Roy Schestowitz wrote on 08/04/2023 04:32:
>> Complaints now pensions support wrote on 05/04/2023 15:03:
>>> I hope this helps to settle your concerns regarding your NOW Pension
>>> fund, as you can see from the above, they have outlined how and who
>>> is responsible for protecting your pension savings and applies to all
>>> NOW Pensions members.
>> Hi,
>> Please send the full letter, as promised, to
>> 1) my wife
>> 2) myself
>> as promised by
>> as promised by
>> as promised by
>> several times since February. We need this obligation in writing.
> I need an update on this. There are multiple complainants about the
> pension fraud. We need action, not stalling tactics. You behave like
> lawyers, not like a pension provider.
If you do not reply by the end of today (Friday), prepare the cheque for my wife and I to pick up next week at your office.

We are withdrawing all the money. You are a reckless, lying, untrustworthy company. You not only lied to me (3 different people, including managers) you also failed to reply to very simple E-mails about a dozen times.

Meanwhile the police and Action Fraud will be getting involved.

Well, it&...


Denuncian destruccin del bosque y barrancas de San Pedro Cuajimalpa "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. Integrantes de Cuauhximalpan denunciaron la tala del bosque de San Pedro Cuajimalpa y San Pablo Chimalpa para rellenar con escombro las orillas de donde se cruza el ro Chamixto y Oyametitla, as como la apertura de un drenaje que desemboca en el ro.

Agregaron que tambin se comenz a abrir un camino entre el monte, para el que se ha talado y removido el suelo en zona forestal para la entrada de maquinaria desde Santiaguito en direccin a la zona de minas.

Los discursos de la alcalda y el gobierno federal por proteger las barrancas y la naturaleza son falsos y lo demuestran con hechos y no palabras, as como su nica finalidad de arroparse de buenas intenciones para seguir en realidad expulsando a los pueblos originarios de Cuajimalpa y cediendo el territorio a los intereses de las empresas, extranjeros y ajenos a nuestros pueblos, acus Cuauhximalpan en un comunicado.

Los vecinos del pueblo originario exigieron un alto a la destruccin de los bosques, barrancas y parajes de San Pedro Cuajimalpa, as como el cese de la urbanizacin del suelo forestal.

A continuacin el comunicado completo:



Destruyen bosque y barranca del pueblo de San Pedro Cuajimalpa

En los lmites territoriales del Pueblo de San Pedro Cuajimalpa y San Pablo Chimalpa en los ltimos meses han talado y rellenado con escombro las orillas de donde se cruza el rio chamixto y oyametitla cercanos al manantial de agua bendita, adems de haber abierto un drenaje a cielo abierto con cimentacin y tubos como los usados por las obras publicas de drenaje de gobierno y el cual desemboca en el rio, esto a la altura de las residenciales de ahuatenco, todo esto a un costado de donde se recolecta las varas de tejocote para la representacin de Jess en el huerto de los olivos de San Pedro Cuajimalpa y muy cercano al manantial de agua bendita, poniendo en riesgo el patrimonio de los nativos de San Pedro Cuajimalpa

Tambin se ha comenzado a abrir un camino entre el monte en el cual han talado y removido el suelo en zona forestal para la entrada de maquinaria desde Santiaguito en direccin a la zona de minas

Los discursos de la Alcaldia y el gobierno federal por proteger las barrancas y la naturaleza son falsos y lo demuestran con HECHOS Y NO PALABRAS as como su nica finalidad de arroparse de buenas intenciones para seguir en realidad expulsando a los pueblos originarios de Cuajimalpa y cediendo el territorio a los intereses de las empresas, extranjeros y ajenos a nuestros pueblos.




Glasgow Against NATO "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Glasgow Against NATO appeared first on Global Research.


Poland about to manufacture depleted uranium weapons "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Lucas Leiroz | April 14, 2023

On April 12, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki stated that he wants to make his country a service center for US M1 Abrams tanks. These services would include the manufacture of depleted uranium (DU) ammunition, with the possible creation of a factory specialized in this toxic equipment in Polish territory.

I want a service center for Abrams tanks for the whole of Europe, for maintaining their battle readiness, to be located in Poland () This is possible, I am in talks regarding this, he told a journalist during an interview to local press. Also, specifically about DU weapons, he commented that Warsaw is striving to have an industry capable of producing them as soon as possible.

The officials statement comes after his meeting with US Vice President Kamala Harris during his last visit to Washington. On his US tour, Morawiecki visited some facilities of the US military-industrial complex, including an Army warehouse in Alabama where Abrams tanks are stationed. Apparently, this would have inspired him to build something similar in Poland, leading him to initiate talks in this regard with his American partners.

With this, Morawiecki plans to formalize Polands role as the center of American provocations in Eastern Europe. In practice, the country has played this role for a long time, considering that it is from Poland that departs the largest flow of weapons and mercenaries that enter Ukrainian territory to be used against Russian forces. However, there now appears to be a desire on the part of Polish officials to formalize this role for the country, promoting measures such as the creation of large tank depots and the manufacture of DU ammunition, as well as an additional presence of [US/NATO] several thousand soldiers in Morawieckis own words.

Polands strategic value to NATO is already clear. The geographical location makes Poland extremely interesting to become a NATO service center. In addition, anti-Russian ideology has been disseminated in the country for decades, with high degrees of racism which is why it is easier to convince politicians and even the population to support bellicose measures against Moscow.

Some important steps towards escalating Polish militarization have also been taken recently. Warsaw ordered 250 new American Abrams tanks. In addition, the country is also replacing its entire arsenal of Soviet-made T-72 tanks many of which were delivered to Kiev with new modern equipment of high combat power. The objective would be, according to Morawiecki, to build a kind of armored curtain to protect Poland, as well as attending NATOs demand of combat readiness.

However, the main problem in this scenario is that the Polish government simply does not seem to understand...


Climate TV LIVE at 1PM ET Fact Checks and Fecklessness "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Join us for Episode 59 of Climate Change Roundtable. This weeks episode features a smackdown of the recent fact check that AFP conducted on Heartlands best-selling and highly acclaimed book,


Supplementary Election: Adamawa Voters To Decides Fintiri, Binanis Fate "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

About 36,935 voters are expected to cast their vote on Saturday, April 15 supplementary elections in Adamawa State. The North-East Resident Electoral Commissioner, Barrister Hudu Ari disclosed this during a stakeholders meeting on Thursday, in the state. Recall that following the March 18 gubernatorial election held across 28 states of the federation, the Independent National []

The post Supplementary Election: Adamawa Voters To Decides Fintiri, Binanis Fate appeared first on New Telegraph.


The Unmasking of the Pentagon Leak that Wont Go Away "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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The post The Unmasking of the Pentagon Leak that Wont Go Away appeared first on Global Research.


Itamar Ben-Gvir: The Worst of a Terrible Bunch of Israeli Politicians "IndyWatch Feed World"

Jerusalem, Palestine There is much debate in the Israeli press regarding Itamar Ben-Gvir and his visits to al-Aqsa. Will he go, when will he go, or should he not go? Ben-Gvir is proving himself to be a shrewd politician and knows how to manipulate the press. The press, for their part, is obsessed with him. He can be placed in the same category as other dangerous and charismatic politicians like Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump, both of whom play with the press, and the press, on their part, like a child infatuated with a glittery toy, cannot get enough of him.

He was recently quoted saying, I will go up to the Mount, and I will notify you when I do. Until then, I am happy to see every news broadcast open with speculations as to when I might go there. He is correct in assuming that the press will continue with this obsession.

I was viewing a recent video of Ben-Gvir walking in the al-Aqsa compound. His entourage included dozens of people, more than half of whom were armed some openly and others covertly security people. This racist, cowardly thug gets to walk through the hallowed ground of al-Aqsa with an entourage of forty people, guarded against all directions and making claims that it is his to walk through.


Why does he need bodyguards?

Seeing the images of Ben-Gvir and his enormous retinue of armed guards reminded me of a story that I relate in my book, The Generals Son.

Many years ago, while in Jerusalem with my children, we came upon Benjamin Netanyahu. He was not the Prime Minister at the time.  We were at a caf, and he came to sit there with his daughter, Noa. In his interviews, he never mentions her; he only mentions the sons he has from his current wife, Sarah. But Noa is his first child from his first wife, Miki.

Since our families have a history and used to be friendly, we said hello and chatted for a while. After he and his daughter left, one of my boys, who was very young at the time, asked why he had bodyguards. My sister Nurit was with us, and she replied that he probably had done terrible things and was now...


94% of The Universes Galaxies Are Permanently Beyond Our Reach "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Today, most of the universes galaxies are already receding faster than the speed of light.


Will Quantum Computers Make Time Travel Possible? | Unveiled "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Is time travel FINALLY possible?? Join us and find out!


In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at 3 groundbreaking experiments in time travel and quantum computing! On an international scale, science is starting show how moving forward and back in time really COULD be possible all it will take is a little manipulation at the atomic and subatomic levels!

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
6 Scientific Breakthroughs Predicted During Your Lifetime
Are We the Creation of a Type V Civilization?

0:00 Intro.
0:50 Is Time Travel Possible?
1:49 Quantum Time Travel Potential.
3:56 Experiment to Reverse Time.
6:30 Los Alamos Quantum Simulator / Butterfly Effect.
7:39 Time Crystals and Photons.
9:47 Conclusions.


CRISPR Breakthrough: Scientists Can Now Turn Genes On and Off at Whim "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The gene-editing system CRISPR-Cas9 which has revolutionized genetic engineering over the past decade involves cutting DNA strands which is a process that can be quite hard to control and can result in unwanted genetic changes. Now, thanks to researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), a new gene-editing technology called CRISPRoff can change that, according to a press release.

Fast forward four years [from the initial grant], and CRISPRoff finally works as envisioned in a science fiction way, says co-senior author Luke Gilbert. Its exciting to see it work so well in practice.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

There is two weeks to go until the Linux 6.3 stable kernel is released, which could drag out to three weeks if last minute issues come about in the kernel. But given all the material queuing via the many "-next" code branches, we already have a good idea for many of the features in store for Linux 6.4...


Low-Cost Display Saved By RP2040 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Anyone looking for components for electronics projects, especially robotics, microcontrollers, and IoT devices, has likely heard of Waveshare. They are additionally well-known suppliers of low-cost displays with a wide range of resolutions, sizes, and capabilities, but as [Dmitry Grinberg] found, theyre not all winners. He thought the price on this 2.8-inch display might outweigh its poor design and lack of documentation, and documented his process of bringing it up to a much higher standard with a custom driver for it.

The display is a 320240 full-color LCD which also has a touchscreen function, but out-of-the-box only provides documentation for sending data to it manually. This makes it slow and, as [Dmitry] puts it, pure insanity. His ultimate solution after much poking and prodding was to bit-bang an SPI bus using GPIO on an RP2040 but even this wasnt as straightforward as it should have been because there are a bunch of other peripherals, like an SD card, which share the bus. Additionally, an interrupt is needed to handle the touchscreen since its default touch system is borderline useless as well, but after everything was neatly stitched together he has a much faster and more versatile driver for this display and is able to fully take advantage of its low price.

For anyo...


Pentagon Leak Theatrics Continue as US Finds Scapegoat. FBI Arrests Alleged Perpetrator "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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The post Pentagon Leak Theatrics Continue as US Finds Scapegoat. FBI Arrests Alleged Perpetrator appeared first on Global Research.


Network Neuroscience Theory "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It was therefore shortly after the discovery of g that Spearmans contemporary, Godfrey Thomson, proposed that the general factor represents a global network phenomenon 11, 12, 13. Thomson held that g emerges from the interaction among the many elements of the brain, which he referred to as neural arcs or bonds 14, 15. According to Thomsons Sampling Theory of Mental Ability, each item on an achievement test samples a number of these bonds 11, 12, 13. He proposed that the degree of overlap among bonds accounted for the correlation between tests and the resulting positive manifold. Thus, Thomsons theory was the first to show that Spearmans discovery of the general factor of intelligence is consistent with a network perspective.

Thomsons legacy can be found in modern psychological theories which posit that g originates from the mutual interactions among cognitive processes [16]. Individual differences in g are known to be influenced, for example, by language abilities 10, 17, which facilitate a wealth of cognitive, social, and affective processes through mutual interactions (i.e., reciprocal causation) [18]. The central idea of the Mutualism Model is that cha...


QuASeR: Quantum Accelerated de novo DNA sequence reconstruction "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In this, we present QuASeR, a reference-free DNA sequence reconstruction implementation via de novo assembly on both gate-based and quantum annealing platforms. This is the first time this important application in bioinformatics is modeled using quantum computation. Each one of the four steps of the implementation (TSP, QUBO, Hamiltonians and QAOA) is explained with a proof-of-concept example to target both the genomics research community and quantum application developers in a self-contained manner. The implementation and results on executing the algorithm from a set of DNA reads to a reconstructed sequence, on a gate-based quantum simulator, the D-Wave quantum annealing simulator and hardware are detailed. We also highlight the limitations of current classical simulation and available quantum hardware systems. The implementation is open-source and can be found on

Citation: Sarkar A, Al-Ars Z, Bertels K (2021) QuASeR: Quantum Accelerated de novo DNA sequence reconstruction. PLoS ONE 16: e0249850.

Editor: Archana Kamal, University of Massachusetts Lowell, UNITED STATES.


Scientists discover why hibernating bears don't get blood clots "IndyWatch Feed World"

A key clotting protein decreases in the slumbering bears and other immobile animals When a brown bear settles down for hibernation, its body makes adjustments to prevent developing dangerous blood clots while immobile, a new study shows. People stuck sitting in tight airplane seats for an entire long-haul flight are at risk of dangerous blood clots. But somehow immobile, hibernating bears are not. Now scientists know why. Bears settled in for winterlong slumbers have low levels of a key protein that helps blood clots form, researchers report in the April 14 Science. Platelets lacking this protein don't easily stick together, protecting the animals from developing potentially dangerous blood clots. And low levels of the protein are not just found bears, the team writes. Mice, pigs and humans with a largely sedentary lifestyle because of long-term mobility problems have the same protection.


Black Radical News in 2023: Mumias Fate, African Colonialism, and the Zone of Peace in the Americas. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Black Radical News in 2023: Mumias Fate, African Colonialism, and the Zone of Peace in the Americas. appeared first on Global Research.


2023 Polls: UK Introduces Nigeria To Election Rigging Mike Igini "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Former Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) for Akwa Ibom State, Mike Igini, has accused the United Kingdom (UK) of introducing  Nigeria to election rigging. Igini who spoke on Friday on Arise TVs Morning Show on the conduct of the 2023 general elections said even UK who introduce rigging to Nigeria over 100 years ago had no []

The post 2023 Polls: UK Introduces Nigeria To Election Rigging Mike Igini appeared first on New Telegraph.


Scientists identify new benchmark for freezing point of water at 70 C "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Scientists have discovered yet another amazing aspect of the weird and wonderful behavior of waterthis time when subjected to nanoscale confinement at sub-zero temperatures.

The finding that a crystalline substance can readily give up water at temperatures as low as 70 C, published in the journal Nature on April 12, has major implications for the development of materials designed to extract water from the atmosphere.

A team of supramolecular chemists at Stellenbosch University (SU), consisting of Dr. Alan Eaby, Prof. Catharine Esterhuysen and Prof. Len Barbour, made this discovery while trying to understand the peculiar behavior of a type of crystal that first piqued their interest about ten years ago.


Trading with the Enemy. Seymour Hersh "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Trading with the Enemy. Seymour Hersh appeared first on Global Research.

The Meminductor: A New Circuit Element "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers at Texas A&M University have discovered a novel circuit element referred to as a meminductor that led to a significant breakthrough in circuit elements.

In an electrical circuit, circuit elements play a crucial role in managing the flow of electricity. The resistor, capacitor, and inductor are the traditional circuit elements, while the memristor and memcapacitor are the more recent additions discovered in the past 15 years. These newer components, known as mem- versions of the classical elements, have different voltage and current characteristics that are influenced by previous voltage or current values over time, giving them memory-like properties.

Dr. H. Rusty Harris, an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University, has made a significant breakthrough in circuit elements with the discovery of a new component called the meminductor.


Orban: Conflict in Ukraine to End Once US, Europe Stop Backing Kiev "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sputnik 14.04.2023

BUDAPEST Ukraine is a non-existent country in financial terms, and as soon as the US and Europe stop supporting it, the conflict will end, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday.

In fact, Ukraine is a non-existent country in financial terms. The fall in economic indicators is huge, which is completely understandable Obviously, Ukraine cannot finance itself. The question is whether we support Ukraine, Orban told a Hungarian broadcaster.

He added that the moment America and Europe answer no to this question, the conflict will end.

Europe spends tens of billions of dollars to support Ukraine, this cannot continue indefinitely, the Hungarian leader stressed.


Gangs Of Lagos: Controversies Trail Portrayal Of Eyo Masquerade "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The movie Gangs of Lagos has stirred up a lot of controversies on social media since its premiere on Friday, April 7 on Amazon Prime. While some are commending the producer of the blockbuster movie produced by Jade Osiberu and Kemi Lala Akindoju, others are faulting the movie due to the portrayal of the Eyo []

The post Gangs Of Lagos: Controversies Trail Portrayal Of Eyo Masquerade appeared first on New Telegraph.


As Tax Day approaches, Microsoft warns accounting firms of targeted attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Accountants are being warned to be on their guard from hackers, as cybercriminals exploit the rush to prepare tax returns for clients before the deadline of US Tax Day. Read more in my article on the Tripwire State of Security blog.


Zapata y Luther King: extremos que se tocan en la determinacin moral "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Abril es el mes donde fueron traicionados y asesinados brutalmente dos grandes hroes de las luchas populares y sociales, profundamente arraigados a sus pueblos: Zapata y Martin Luther King. El primero lidereando las luchas por la tierra y la libertad, los usos y costumbres del campesinado mestizo e indgena del sur de Mxico; el segundo encabezando la lucha contra la segregacin racial y por los derechos civiles y polticos (empezando por el derecho al voto) de la poblacin afroestadounidense. Seguramente son dos de las figuras histricas y casi mticas de sus pases, ms impolutas y admiradas socialmente. Ambas de orgenes sociales y vidas completamente diferentes: rural y urbano, campesino y acadmico, pueblo de abajo y clase media, lucha armada y noviolentadistanciados por medio siglo en sus luchas, pero con lo esencial en comn: coherentes, radicales, anclados a sus bases populares e incorruptos hasta el final.

Zapata fue asesinado en la hacienda de Chinameca situada en las tierras del oriente morelense donde naci y que dominaba, el 10 de abril de 1919, en una emboscada militar del ejrcito constitucionalista comandada por el coronel Jess Guajardo, quien se haba comprometido a pasarse al bando del caudillo del sur y entregarle armas. Luther King fue asesinado el 4 de abril de 1968 en Memphis mientras estaba en el balcn de su hotel y saludaba a la gente, por un francotirador que nunca acab por identificarse plenamente, aunque s hubo un condenado (James Ray) a prisin perpetua.

Dos hroes populares unidos por su conviccin de la lucha social por la justicia

No cabe ninguna duda del gran arraigo popular de ambos lderes, de su gran conviccin y determinacin moral, de su valenta, de su incorruptibilidad hasta el ltimo minuto de sus vidas. Pero, a la vez, tambin resulta interesante reflexionar acerca de las formas de lucha social que encabezaron: un levantamiento armado campesino-indgena en el sur dentro de la revolucin mexicana (1910-19), y un levantamiento social noviolento en medio del macartismo y el peor segregacionismo racial en el profundo sur norteamericano (1955-68). Ambas estrategias y sus correspondientes tcticas de lucha social fueron conducidas con una gran fuerza, determinacin, conviccin y claridad, por estos lderes y sus comunidades, y aunque pudieran aparecer como dos movimientos sociales antitticos en sus formas de lucha, es indudable que las causas que defendan pudieran fueron muy cercanas, legtimas y humanizantes. Sobreabundaban de fuerza moral y material ambas luchas.

Intentemos reflexionar un poco en profundidad puntos en comn de estas luchas sociales ejemplares hasta hoy del norte de Amrica. Lo primero es alejarse del fetichismo de las armas, y no pre-juzgar todo un proceso a partir de un pensamiento perifrico donde slo aparece el elemento final que es el ataque armado, mismo que, por supuesto, no hay que ignorar. Sera como analizar o pr...


After the Accountant of Sirius Open Source Left Many Workers Were Secretly Robbed for Many Years "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Mark Anthony Taylor/Michael Jackson smooth criminal lean: Smooth criminal

Summary: The crimes of Sirius Open Source, or the company robbing me and my colleagues behind our backs, started the fraud weeks or months after the companys accountant had suddenly left (though maybe it predates this); instead a bunch of fraudsters took over, engaging in embezzlement that wasnt confirmed to us until this year (and only after long and persistent pursuits, as Standard Life was stalling and stonewalling for 3 months)

MY articles from December already quite extensively covered the dodgy accounting at Sirius. Ive heard references to such conduct (sophisticated or smooth criminals), coming from people who were long involved in the company. This is a company that pretends its address is in fact the address of an accountant or accounting firm. The CEO who fled the company (scene of the crime) last month had done the same with his own company. These arent people of integrity, theyre immoral imposters who barely ever use Free software (they (mis)use the brand Open Source mostly for marketing and recruitment).

As noted here back in December, the company had been violating the law for years by not sending payslips, rarely sending them, or only sending some after a lot of nagging/reminders.

Who was doing the accounting anyway? One theory is that the company was passing the data to some external (the above-mentioned) people to sign off, without actually auditing or verifying anything. That might explain them failing to check that for many employees the money wasnt at all being sent to pensions as specified in over 60 payslips (per employee). Serious failure! This went on for over half a decade. This was definitely not an accident, hence the scare quotes around the word failure.

In the E-mails below (redacted for privacy) one can see the allusion to the manager explaining the accounting, rather than actual accountants doing the accounting, dealing with accounts. The messages were sent to and by a notoriously reckless, lazy employee (with almost zero technical skills) who forgot to arrange for coverage (colleagues were left alone at night!). Many such blunders happened without her facing consequences. There were good reasons for this person being strongly loathed among many staff. Theres the lying about looking for cover, th...


The Privatization of War: U.S. Defense Contractors Plan Trip to Taiwan "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post The Privatization of War: U.S. Defense Contractors Plan Trip to Taiwan appeared first on Global Research.


China reiterates Ukraine stance "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | April 14, 2023

Beijing will continue promoting peace talks to settle the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang said during a joint press conference with his German counterpart Annalena Baerbock on Friday.

One point I want to emphasize is that Chinas role in the Ukraine issue, our proposition, boils down to one point, that is, to persuade and promote talks, Qin told journalists in Beijing on Friday.

All sides involved in the conflict should remain objective and calm in order to find a solution to the crisis, he added. According to the minister, the Chinese authorities wont do anything to add fuel to the fire in Ukraine.

Qin also rejected Western claims that Beijing is supplying or planning to supply arms to Russia amid the fighting.

Regarding the export of military items, China adopts a prudent and responsible attitude, he insisted, adding that the country will not provide weapons to relevant parties of the conflict, and manage and control the exports of dual-use items in accordance with laws and regulations.

Baerbock, for her part, stuck to the Western line that Beijing should put pressure on Moscow to bring the fighting in Ukraine to an end.

Its good that China has signaled its commitment to a solution, but I have to say frankly that I wonder why the Chinese position so far does not include a call on the aggressor Russia to stop the war, she said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin would have the opportunity to do so at any time, and the people in Ukraine would like nothing more than to finally be able to live in peace again, the German foreign minister said.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin also said on Friday that Qin made it clear to Baerbock during their talks that the only way to resolve the Ukrainian crisis is to promote the peace process and negotiations.

Since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine last February, Beijing has been reluctant to give in to Western pressure to condemn Russia or join the international sanctions against it. Instead, the neighbors have boosted political and economic cooperation, which they both now describe as strategic. Moscow and Beijing signed dozens of deals in various areas when Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Russia last month.


[Meme] The Smooth Criminals "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Sirius and Standard Life to Programmer/SysAdmin: Um... watcha got there? A smoothie

Summary: Standard Life does not seem to care that in its own name, piggybacking its reputation, fraud was being committed against a lot of people, notably GNU/Linux specialists and programmers in the UK


La migracin guatemalteca en tres captulos: tragedias, remesas y deportaciones "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Los migrantes son en la actualidad el soporte de sus familias, pero tambin de la estabilidad econmica del pas. La falta de trabajo y los bajos salarios son algunas de las razones que los obligan a migrar, sin embargo, el camino hacia Estados Unidos est lleno de riesgos, ya que es en Mxico donde se enfrentan a diversas situaciones que pueden terminar en la muerte. Los datos estadsticos muestran que despus de la pandemia las deportaciones desde ambos pases han vuelto a aumentar.

La noche del 27 de marzo el sueo de 19 hombres de llegar a Estados Unidos, la mayora de ellos jvenes indgenas, termin en un centro de detencin de Ciudad Jurez, Chihuahua, Mxico, cuando se gener un incendio sin que ninguna persona los socorriera. El 11 de abril, las autoridades mexicanas y guatemaltecas entregaron sus cuerpos en atades, adornados con coronas de flores. El llanto y la tristeza de sus familias acompaaron su recorrido hacia sus comunidades de origen en diversos puntos del pas.

La falta de trabajo y salarios bajos empujaron a estos jvenes a buscar oportunidades fuera del pas. Desafortunadamente, esta no ha sido la nica tragedia que ha golpeado a las familias guatemaltecas. Desde 2021 se han registrado al menos cuatro sucesos donde han muerto decenas de migrantes, ya sea por accidentes, sofocacin y hasta por el crimen organizado.

Un recuento de las tragedias

El 22 de enero de 2021, en Camargo, Tamaulipas fueron localizados 19 cuerpos, de los cuales 16 personas eran provenientes de Guatemala. Los cuerpos estaban calcinados y segn se supo con el paso del tiempo, fueron acribillados por agentes del Grupo de Operaciones Especiales (GOPES), un grupo de lite de la Polica Mexicana. La mayora de los migrantes eran originarios de Comitancillo, San Marcos, un municipio de 54,489 habitantes, con un 99 % de poblacin indgena.

Ese mismo ao, el 9 de diciembre, 56 migrantes, 37 de ellos guatemaltecos, perdieron la vida en un accidente del triler que los transportaba del municipio Chiapa de Corzo hacia Tuxtla Gutirrez, cabecera del estado de Chiapas. Segn los reportes de prensa, en ese vehculo viajaban hacinados 159 migrantes. El conductor manejaba con exceso de velocidad e impact contra un puente.

El 27 de junio de 2022, se localiz un triler en San Antonio Texas, Estados Unidos donde decenas de personas fueron encontrados en condiciones sofocantes. En total murieron por asfixia 53 personas, de ellas 21 eran de Guatemala. Segn testimonios de sobrevivientes los coyotes llenaron el triler, las condiciones eran sofocantes y no se poda respirar. A muchos se les termin el agua.

En febrero de 2023 ocho migrantes murieron en un accidente de vehculo en Nuevo Len, en febrero de 2023, cuando viajaban acompaados de otras personas. De acuerdo con las autoridades mexicanas, la causa del deceso fue asfixia por sumersin. La mayora eran de Momostenan...


Kiev Reconsidering Idea of Reconquesting Crimea "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Kiev Reconsidering Idea of Reconquesting Crimea appeared first on Global Research.


The risk of nuclear war over Ukraine is real. We need diplomacy now "IndyWatch Feed"

OPINION: The Cold War may be over, but Russias nuclear threat is real and dangerous. We must act to avoid a crisis


Familias exigen al Estado mexicano atender crisis forense y erradicacin de las desapariciones forzadas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Csar Martnez Lpez

A un ao de la implementacin de las 85 recomendaciones del informe del Comit contra la Desaparicin Forzada (CED por sus siglas en ingls) de la Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), el Movimiento por Nuestros Desaparecidos en Mxico (MNDM) seal como preocupante la escasez de avances concretos y exigieron la creacin e implementacin de una poltica nacional de prevencin y erradicacin de las desapariciones forzadas.

A travs de un comunicado detallaron que consideran un buen inicio el hecho que el Estado Mexicano haya aceptado todas las recomendaciones; sin embargo, expresaron que an existen importantes retos para tener indicadores claros del compromiso de todas las instituciones responsables de atender la crisis de desaparicin que mantiene a ms de 100 mil personas lejos de su hogar.

En virtud de esto las familias instamos al Estado mexicano a concretar de manera urgente una estrategia de atencin a las recomendaciones internacionales en materia de desaparicin forzada. Esto implica una participacin activa de los colectivos de familiares de personas desaparecidas, integrantes de la sociedad civil y organismos de derechos humanos tanto nacionales como internacionales que nos acompaan, e incluyendo los tres poderes y rdenes de gobierno, aseguraron.

El MNDM consider adems que es necesario y urgente que Mxico tenga una Poltica Nacional de Prevencin y erradicacin de las desapariciones forzadas que atienda  los procesos de bsqueda, investigacin, reparacin y memoria, as como la crisis forense. 

Cabe recordar que el informe del CED documenta el fenmeno de las desapariciones forzadas en Mxico y la impunidad que obstaculiza el acceso a la justicia para las vctimas y familiares. Sus recomendaciones significan una herramienta para el abordaje de esta terrible crisis humanitaria por parte del Estado mexicano, al tiempo que reconoce la importancia de la bsqueda incansable de las familias hasta encontrarles a todos y todas, aadi el Movimiento.

En consonancia con lo expresado por el informe, reiteraron la necesidad de hacer pblico un plan de accin, as como de un cronograma preciso que asegure la creacin e implementacin de una poltica nacional de prevencin y erradicacin de las desapariciones forzadas. Este plan, detallaron, debe establecer condiciones para que las polticas sean eficaces y efectivas, al tiempo que cuenten con perspectiva de corto, mediano y largo plazo. 

De la misma forma exigieron que las polticas y estrategias consideren la participacin de los colectivos de familiares de personas desaparecidas y de la sociedad civil.

Por lo que...


Has Tulsi Gabbard Adequately Addressed the WEF Young Global Leader Question? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has once again been confronted with her membership in the World Economic Forums Young Global Leaders program. Should we trust her answers? On April 4th, former U.S. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard spoke at the Independent National Convention in Austin, Texas. Other speakers included journalist Chris Hedges and former Cleveland Mayor and U.S. Read More...

The post Has Tulsi Gabbard Adequately Addressed the WEF Young Global Leader Question? appeared first on The Last American Vagabond.


Accounting at Sirius Open Source Was Always Extremely Dodgy "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Mark Anthony Taylor/Michael Jackson smooth criminal lean: Smooth criminal

Summary: The crimes of Sirius Open Source, or the company robbing me and my colleagues behind our backs, started the fraud weeks or months after the companys accountant had suddenly left (though maybe it predates this); instead a bunch of fraudsters took over, engaging in embezzlement that wasnt confirmed to us until this year (and only after long and persistent pursuits, as Standard Life was stalling and stonewalling for 3 months)

MY articles from December already quite extensively covered the dodgy accounting at Sirius. Ive heard references to such conduct (sophisticated or smooth criminals), coming from people who were long involved in the company. This is a company that pretends its address is in fact the address of an accountant or accounting firm. The CEO who fled the company (scene of the crime) last month had done the same with his own company. These arent people of integrity, theyre immoral imposters who barely ever use Free software (they (mis)use the brand Open Source mostly for marketing and recruitment).

These arent people of integrity, theyre immoral imposters who barely ever use Free software (they (mis)use the brand Open Source mostly for marketing and recruitment).As noted here back in December, the company had been violating the law for years by not sending payslips, rarely sending them, or only sending some after a lot of nagging/reminders.

Who was doing the accounting anyway? One theory is that the company was passing the data to some external (the above-mentioned) people to sign off, without actually auditing or verifying anything. That might explain them failing to check that for many employees the money wasnt at all being sent to pensions as specified in over 60 payslips (per employee). Serious failure! This went on for over half...


Nayib Bukele, President of El Salvador, on Tucker Carlson "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Highly recommended. Interview with @TuckerCarlson Nayib Bukele (@nayibbukele) March 5, 2023 Research Credit: NH


'Leaks' Pinned On Russia And Other Issues With Them "IndyWatch Feed War"

Exactly one week ago the British news agency Reuters published the 'report' below which then was widely republished by other news sites. bigger Russia likely behind U.S. military document leak, U.S. officials say - Fri, April 7, 2023 at 4:46...

Corporate Equality Index (CEI): Why brands risk going broke to look woke "IndyWatch Feed World"

If you're anything like me, you may have been utterly baffled by recent events in marketing. Companies like Gillette, Disney, Nike, Tampax, and Bud Light seem to have completely abandoned their core customer base and pandered to an entirely different demographic - one that's unlikely to even need or want their products in the first place. (Trust me when I tell you this is really important content. Let's see if I can write this article in a way that won't get me slapped with another round of defunding and deplatforming.) Well, look no further for the answer. Move over, ESG scores. Now big corporations are competing for super-high CEI scores. And to do it, many of them have to completely turn their backs on the loyal consumers who've been buying their products for years. What is a CEI score? Brought to us by a group of control-freaks-pretending-to-be-do-gooders who call themselves The Human Rights Campaign, CEI stands for Corporate Equality Index.


The WEF wants to monitor your brainwaves to "raise productivity" and to "fight crime" "IndyWatch Feed World"

I do not understand why this presentation at the 2023 Davos Meeting did not receive widespread media coverage. The technology it promotes has the potential to reduce humans to literal mental slaves - and I'm 0% exaggerating here. Using "wearable technology", the WEF would like to see employers and governments monitor brainwave activity to "raise productivity" and to "fight crime". And there's already talk of using brain implants that could further decode "complex thoughts". The examples shown during that presentation are nothing less than chilling and, the fact that the WEF says that this is something we "need to embrace as a society" is nothing less than insane.


Mayor Adams and NYPD unveil dystopian robot dog to fight crime "IndyWatch Feed World"

Mayor Eric Adams and the New York City Police Department have reintroduced the controversial robotic dog for surveillance patrols, and there's another surprise this time: an R2-D2-style robot. These robots are set to debut in Times Square, making this already bustling area of the city appear even more than dystopian ever. According to local news ABC 7, Mayor Adams said Tuesday he is modernizing the NYPD with the latest technology to fight crime. "We are scanning the globe to find technology that will assure this city is safe," the mayor said. Comment: How about undoing the many detrimental and destructive policies that made Dem-run cities like New York more unsafe? The return of the $74,000 Boston Dynamics' four-legged robotic dog called "Digidog" is set to assist the NYPD in investigating high-risk or hazardous incidents. Digidog first appeared on the streets in 2020 and was shelved months later after civil rights advocates called the technology 'aggressive policing.'


Kodi discloses data breach after its forum was compromised "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Open-source media player software provider Kodi discloses a data breach after threat actors stole its MyBB forum database.

Kodi has disclosed a data breach, threat actors have stolen the companys MyBB forum database that contained data for over 400K users and private messages.

The threat actors also attempted to sell the stolen data on the BreachForums cybercrime forum that was recently shut down by law enforcement.

In the last 24 hours we became aware of a dump of the Kodi user forum (MyBB) software being advertised for sale on internet forums. This post confirms that a breach has taken place. reads the advisory published by Kodi. MyBB admin logs show the account of a trusted but currently inactive member of the forum admin team was used to access the web-based MyBB admin console twice: on 16 February and again on 21 February. The account was used to create database backups which were then downloaded and deleted. It also downloaded existing nightly full-backups of the database. The account owner has confirmed they did not access the admin console to perform these actions.


The admin team locked out the intruders by disabling the account used in the data breach and conducted an initial review of part of the infrastructure that was accessed by the attackers

The threat actors then abused the account to create database backups that were then downloaded and deleted.

The threat actor was able to access the nightly backups containing all public forum posts, team forum posts, messages sent through the user-to-user messaging system, and user information such as forum username, email address used for notifications, and an encrypted (hashed and salted) password generated by the MyBB software.

The company pointed out that although MyBB stores passwords in an encrypted format they assumed all passwords are compromised. However, the company added that it has no evidence threat actors obtained unauthorized access to the...


Neither Condemned, Nor Persecuted: Call for Actions in Solidarity With Miguel Peralta "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Communique from the support group of Miguel Peralta calling for solidarity actions for the revocation of his fifty-year prison sentence.

A half-century is what state and judicial power seek to take from the life of our compaero, Miguel Peralta Betanzos, Indigenous Mazatec of Eloxochitln de Flores Magn, Oaxaca. The state seeks his imprisonment, to criminalize his struggle for self-determination, against local political bosses who have crushed this Indigenous community via domination rooted in political parties, governmental positions, and the dispossession of community resources.

The accusations against Miguel Peralta are derived from a socio-political conflict in the Indigenous municipality of Eloxochitln de Flores Magn. Miguel is accused of two crimes that have been fabricated against him. For these crimes he was given a sentence of fifty years, and imprisoned for nearly five years. In October 2019, after a burdensome and lengthy legal process, it was proven that there is no evidence to convict him and he was granted his freedom. For the same conflict, for eight years and four months, six compaeros from the community have remained in prison without sentences, and fourteen others from the community are being persecuted.

On March 4, 2022, the State Superior Court of Oaxaca revoked Miguel Peraltas freedom, issuing an arrest warrant against him and again imposing a fifty-year sentence. Against this sentence and political persecution, we call on everyone to mobilize within the framework of the Neither condemned, nor persecuted. Actions for freedom to demand Judge Elizabeth Franco Cervantes resolve the appeal filed by Los Otros Abogadoz (Miguels solidarity legal defense team) with a sentence of freedom. We demand that the judge do so within the legal time frame they have to resolve the appeal. That is to say, by the month of June.

Some ways in which people might express their solidarity according to their specific geographies, spaces, and forms are: join the demand for Miguels freedom with letters directed to the judge in charge of resolving the appeal; protests in Mexican embassies or other governmental offices; hanging banners; forums to spread the word about the legal situation; political-cultural activities; videos or photos; artwork; or any other actions that you can think of. We call on people to demand Miguel Peraltas freedom and an end to the continued persecution he is experiencing from the cacique-political party family of Eloxochitln, in collusion with the political party that currently holds state and federal power.

We ask that you share your actions with us at the following email:

Facebook: Libres...


What are the Russians saying about the intelligence leak in the USA? "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Gilbert Doctorow | April 13, 2023

The Russians took an immediate interest in the intelligence leak scandal in the USA because so many of the documents deal with the readiness of their own and Ukrainian military forces for the long awaited counterattack by Kiev which may be decisive in the outcome of the war. They were instantly asking whether there was not some intrigue here, an attempt to loll them into overconfidence given that the situation of the Ukrainian side was portrayed in these documents as unpromising to dire, especially as regards air defense and supply of munitions. However, on close examination, the intelligence experts who have appeared on Russian state television now are saying they have no doubt the documents are genuine and there was no reason to believe they were issued as disinformation for Moscow. Now they have redirected their attention to other aspects of the leak.

The first among these questions being asked in Moscow is: what was the intent of the leakers who are assumed by consensus to be Americans from within the 1,000 or so persons who had access to these top secret documents online, on specially programmed computers. In this matter, I was particularly impressed by one explanation that was set out at length by a panelist on yesterdays Evening with Vladimir Solovyov show. The leak is viewed as an attempt to discredit Joe Biden. To discredit the biological Joe Biden and also what the Russians are calling the collective Joe Biden, meaning the team of assistants who do the thinking for Joe and feed him his lines to read.

The documents leaked show that the Biden Administration, through Lloyd Austin, through Antony Blinken is lying day after day about the real situation of the Ukrainian military. Even yesterday Austin spoke on camera after talking to his Ukrainian counterpart Reznikov and insisted that everything is just fine in Ukraine, that they have received the assistance they need and are ready to proceed with the counter-offensive.

The next level of analysis of the documents that I hear from the Russian intelligence experts and also from their counterpart in Israel Yakov Kedmi, who appears regularly on the Solovyov show, is that the documents demonstrate the vast flow of information coming in to the CIA every day from their illegal espionage, wiretapping and the like. They also demonstrate the low level of analytical competence of the CIA and other US intelligence analysts who are poring over this information flow. This comes out from the uncritical acceptance by the American intelligence reports of casualty figures and other highly relevant statistics they are receiving solely from one source, Kiev, and are passing on to the top leadership at face value....


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

COMMENT: Well, the goldbugs are wrong again. This claim that the stock market must crash and only gold will rise is as you say sophistry. It looks like gold and the Dow are rallying together. I can see how they are just promoting a cult-like agenda.

Thanks for being objective


REPLY: We became the biggest institutional adviser because there was never an agenda. Everything goes up, and everything comes down. There is an old saying among actual traders NEVER marry the trade. I buy gold personally. I just bought a hoard of $20 gold pieces all uncirculated and all dated 1924. I do not regard it as a trade, just a stash for the long-term. It will go up and go down. Do not pretend that something only goes in one direction.



French Court Smacks Remote Learning Software Company for Pervasive Surveillance of Students "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

French Court Smacks Remote Learning Software Company For Pervasive Surveillance Of Students In Their Own Homes:

A worldwide pandemic trapped students in their own homes to stop the spread of the coronavirus. They didn't ask for this. Neither did educators. But educators made the worst of it in far too many cases.

Aptitude tests and other essentials for continued funding (and bragging rights) were now out of their control. Any student sitting at home had access to a wealth of knowledge to buttress what they may have actually retained from remote instruction.

Leveling the playing field was the goal. In practice, that meant turning the most sacrosanct of private places students' homes and bedrooms into heavily surveilled spaces... all in the interest of preventing cheating.

Laptop cameras monitored rooms and students' movements during testing. Internet connections often contributed more to passing grades than students' knowledge as educators (and their preferred tech partners) viewed inconsistent or dropped connections as indicators of attempted cheating. Malware deliberately installed by schools monitored internet usage before, during, and after tests.

A bedroom is not a classroom, even if that's where the educating is taking place temporarily due to pandemic restrictions. But that's how it was perceived and a bunch of opportunistic spyware purveyors rushed to fill the perceived "fairness" void with surveillance software that even the most inveterate stalker might consider too invasive.

Proctorio was on the forefront of this education-adjacent bedroom surveillance. It was particularly enthusiastic about stripping students of their privacy. When it was criticized for going too far, it went further, issuing legal threats and...


The Covid Killer Vaccine. People Are Dying All Over the World. Its A Criminal Undertaking "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

First published on November 26, 2022


We are being accused of  spreading disinformation regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. 

The Reuters and AP media trackers and fact checkers will be out to smear the testimonies of parents who have lost their

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PNG youths loss of tradition is bad news for hunting but also for conservation "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

With two-thirds of the country draped in dense, tropical rainforests, Papua New Guinea is home to diverse wildlife, including several marsupial species, flightless cassowaries, and vibrant birds-of-paradise. Just as diverse are the cultures of its people, who have inhabited the land for nearly 50,000 years, first as hunter-gatherers and later as agriculturalists. Today, more than 85% of the countrys population live in rural and remote areas, where subsistence hunting is still a part of life. People eat meat from small animals, and hunt cassowaries and tree kangaroos for traditional exchanges. The plumage of birds-of-paradise and parrots adorn traditional costumes and ornaments. As Western education permeates the society and economic opportunities in cities increase, youths in Papua New Guinea may be veering away from hunting, a recent study published in the journal Global Ecology and Conservation suggests. It found hunting skills are in decline among secondary school students, and while this may imply that animals could be less likely to be targeted by hunters in the future, experts say this isnt necessarily good news for wildlife, even threatened species: the decline in hunting skills is correlated with poor traditional knowledge about wildlife, which is as necessary for conservation as it is for hunting. The plumage of birds-of-paradise and parrots adorn traditional costumes and ornaments. Image by Valerie Hukalo via Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0). Demographic change Papua New Guinean ethnobiologist Alfred Kik, pursuing his Ph.D. at the University of South Bohemia in the Czech Republic, wanted to understand whether the growing populationThis article was originally published on Mongabay


HIP 99770 b: Astrometry Bags a Directly Imaged Planet "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

HIP 99770 b: Astrometry Bags a Directly Imaged Planet

It took a combination of astrometry and direct imaging to nail down exoplanet HIP 99770 b in Cygnus, and thats a tale that transcends the addition of a new gas giant to our planetary catalogs. Astrometry measures the exact position and motion of stars on the sky, so that we are able to see the influence of an as yet unseen planet. In this work, astrometrical data from both the ESA Gaia mission and the earlier Hipparcos mission flag a world that is directly imaged by the Subaru Telescope extreme adaptive optics system, which enabled its near-infrared CHARIS spectrograph to see the target.

Supporting work at the Keck Observatory using its Near-Infrared Camera and Keck II adaptive optics system allowed in combination with the CHARIS spectrum the discovery of the presence of water and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere, while the temperature was shown to be about ten times hotter than that of Jupiter. The joint measurements revealed a planet some 14-16 times the mass of Jupiter, in a 16.9 AU orbit around a star with twice the Suns mass and 13.9 times its luminosity.

Thayne Currie (Subaru Telescope) is lead author of the study:

Performing both direct imaging and astrometry allows us to gain a full understanding of an exoplanet for the first time: measure its atmosphere, weigh it, and track its orbit all at once. This new approach for finding planets prefigures the way we will someday identify and characterize an Earth-twin around a nearby star.

Image: Infrared image of HIP 99770 taken by the Subaru Telescope. The bright host star at the position marked with * is masked. The dashed ellipse shows the size of Jupiters orbit around the Sun for scale. The arrow points to the discovered extrasolar planet HIP 99770 b. Credit: T. Currie/Subaru Telescope, UTSA.

Weve retrieved direct images of gas giants before, including massive planets around HR8799, the first such worlds detected with the method, relying on advances in adaptive optics systems for ground-based telescopes. But without astrometrical data, astronomers selected targets based on properties like age and distance, producing a small harvest of exoplanets. In this work,...


Kiev votes to name street after WW2 Waffen-SS commander "IndyWatch Feed World"

Residents of Kiev have voted to rename a street in the Ukrainian capital after an infamous Nazi collaborator, the Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday. Although city authorities were reportedly ready to honor Waffen SS commander Vladimir Kubiyovich, Mayor Vitaly Klitschko canceled the measure after Israel's ambassador intervened. As Ukrainian officials continue their campaign of removing monuments to Russian culture and history, the Kiev city council recently opened an online poll where residents could vote on a new name for Przhevalsky Street, which was named after the 19th-century Russian explorer Nikolay Przhevalsky.


Americas Children Are Facing Unprecedented Epidemics! 54% of US Youth Are Chronically Ill. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Ukrainian regions ban largest Christian church "IndyWatch Feed World"

Local authorities in two regions of western Ukraine have banned the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), this week. The country's biggest religious institution is canonically linked to the Moscow Patriarchate - the largest Orthodox Church in the world, with 150 million worshippers around the globe. Officials in Ukraine's northwestern Rovno Region, which borders Belarus, were the first to ban the UOC. The 55 lawmakers present at an emergency session on Monday supported the move in a unanimous vote, the local parliament said in a statement.


India's Hate Speech Problem? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Hate speech has become such a problem with with the discourse of some political parties in India that even the Supreme Court has become involved. Article explores some of the issues.


Abbott: I'll Free a Murderer to Own the Libs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Is Greg Abbott plotting a presidential run? Or jockeying for a cabinet position in a future Republican administration?----Those two possibilities -- both instances of "owning the libs to please my base" -- seem like the only plausible explanations for his plan to put a known, confessed, convicted killer back on the streets among a law-abiding public whose population that killer has already reduced by one.


BBC issues correction after saying Corbyn refused to apologise on antisemitism "IndyWatch Feed War"

BBC issues correction after saying Corbyn refused to apologise on antisemitism

Clarification published over false Newsnight claim following ban on former leader running as Labour candidate
MEE staff Fri, 04/14/2023 - 15:22
Former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn speaks at a rally in London on 11 February 2023 (AFP)
Former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn speaks at a rally in London on 11 February 2023 (AFP)

The BBC has published a correction after a news item last month falsely claimed that former UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn had not apologised over antisemitism in the party. 

The clarification referred to an episode of the flagship current affairs programme Newsnight on 28 March, following the decision by Labour's executive committee to ban Corbyn from standing as a candidate in the next election. 

The programme referenced Corbyn's alleged "refusal to offer up any kind of apology" over accusations of antisemitism in the party under his watch. 

It also questioned whether the former leader would refuse to apologise "as he has all the way up to now", if the issue of antisemitism arose in an election campaign. 

"To be clear, Mr Corbyn apologised for antisemitism in Labour on a number of occasions as Party Leader, including ahead of a meeting with Jewish community leaders in April 2018," the BBC said on Thursday, in an entry on its "Corrections and Clarifications" page. 



Online Citizen Convention May 25th "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A chance to lead by example and be part of history.


Chibok Girls: Nine Years After Abduction, 98 Still Under Captivity "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nine years after the students of Government Girls Secondary School in Chibok Local Government Area of Borno State were abducted ninety-eight are yet to be free. New Telegraph recalls that Chibok schoolgirls numbering about two hundred and seventy eight (278) were kidnapped on April 14, 2014. The news of the students kidnapped led world leaders []

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Russias Gasoline Exports Jump as African Buyers Replace Europe "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Evangelicals put the Republican party in a bind "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I wrote recently about how Republicans have dug a hole for themselves because their voting base, especially evangelical Christians, has taken the abortion issue to far greater extremes than the party establishment would like, in the process alienating many people who, while they may be uneasy about abortion, are even more disturbed about making it so hard to get that it becomes almost impossible for women to get one even in cases of rape or incest or the health of the woman.

Then there is the other problem that evangelical Christians present to Republicans in that while Republican candidates seek their support, evangelicals are not the majority of the voting population and getting their vote is not sufficient to put them over the top.

We see this dynamic play out in the first state to vote in the Republican nomination contest, which is Iowa. This has the format of caucuses where people gather together on one evening in winter to discuss and vote for candidates at public meetings. Such formats are favorable to those who are very committed and in the case of the Iowa caucuses, that consists of people like evangelicals. Already we are seeing a steady stream of Republican hopefuls going, or planning to go, to Iowa to pander to that group. Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, and Tim Scott have already made their pilgrimage.

But the Iowa caucuses also show why pandering to the extreme religious right can be a losing strategy, because the winners of the caucuses in past elections did not go on to win the nomination. In 2016, for example, Trump finished second to Ted Cruz in Iowa.

But in the early phase of the next presidential campaign, Scotts joyful proclamations of his Christian faith face an unlikely obstacle. Like other Republicans eyeing the White House, he is navigating an evangelical community that is faithful to former President Donald Trump, the thrice-married former reality television star who once supported abortion rights and spent decades boasting of his sexual prowess.

That history repelled many Iowa evangelical leaders during the last competitive Republican caucuses in 2016, when they helped push Texas Sen. Ted Cruz to victory in the opening contest. As the 2024 campaign begins, however, many of those same leaders are open to Trump, grateful for his judicial appointments that resulted in the dismantling of a constitutional right to abortion.

Beyond Cruz, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum won the 2012 caucuses as a crusading abortion opponent. In 2008, forme...



Young Pilot Phil Thomas Died Suddenly. At Least Three Pilot Deaths, Seven Pilot Incapacitations in Past Month. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Intercept and Grist begin release of 50,000 TigerSwan spy documents "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Intercept and Grist begin release of 50,000 TigerSwan spy documentsArticle by Brenda NorrellCensored NewsApril 14, 2023Updated April 15, 2023The Intercept and Grist began releasing new TigerSwan spy documents in new coverage of the mercenaries hired by the Dakota Access Pipeline. They now have 50,000 TigerSwan spy documents, and another 9,000 are held up in the court battle for now. The


Republicans Rally Behind the Stupidest Possible War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Disgrace of the Democratic Left: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Does not Want to Offend the Neocons "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Security updates for Friday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (haproxy and openvswitch), Fedora (bzip3, libyang, mingw-glib2, thunderbird, xorg-x11-server, and xorg-x11-server-Xwayland), and Ubuntu (apport, ghostscript, linux-bluefield, node-thenify, and python-flask-cors).


Whats Your (Ayurvedic) Astrology Sign? Free Online Video Event with Mas Vidal "IndyWatch Feed World"

Did you know that youre probably not the zodiac sign you think you are? The Western healing tradition follows the tropical zodiac model, which reflects the more solar-masculine dominant society and egoistic aspects of our personality that have dominated global societies for over two millennia. In Ayurvedic (or Vedic) astrology, however, its actually your moon []

The post Whats Your (Ayurvedic) Astrology Sign? Free Online Video Event with Mas Vidal first appeared on Wake Up World.


Arabic press review: Libyan man attacks neighbour with RPG missile "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Arabic press review: Libyan man attacks neighbour with RPG missile

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia release a Yemeni journalist, and a Tunisian football club shuts down following mass migration of players
Mohammad Ayesh Fri, 04/14/2023 - 15:04
A Libyan fighter carries an RPG-7 during clashes between rival armed groups in al-Yarmouk south of Tripoli on 7 May 2019 (Reuters)
A Libyan fighter carries an RPG-7 during clashes between rival armed groups in al-Yarmouk south of Tripoli on 7 May 2019 (Reuters)

Unregulated weapons debate in Libya 

A Libyan man reportedly attacked his neighbour's house using a shoulder-fired rocket-propelled grenade, Saudi newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat reported on Thursday. 

The incident has reignited a debate on the dangers of unregulated weapons in the country. 

Parliamentarian Ali al-Takbali said the problem emerged after the Nato bombing campaign in Libya in 2011, which left weapon depots of the previous government unattended. 

Ahmed al-Sharkasi, a member of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF), said residents of major cities have the highest rates of weapons, which are often obtained for protection purposes. 

The real solution to the problem of weapons stored in homes or in possession of certain individuals begins with registering them through licensing, activating inspection campaigns, and punishing those who retain weapons without a licence," al-Sharkasi said.



Mane made mistake in Sane clash, case is closed -Tuchel "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Bayern Munichs Sadio Mane has fully accepted the consequences after his row with teammate Leroy Sane boiled over following their defeat to Manchester City and the case is now closed, coach Thomas Tuchel said on Friday. Senegal international Mane was fined and will miss Saturdays Bundesliga game against Hoffenheim as part of a one-match []

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People Power: Focus and Unite "IndyWatch Feed War"

Distractions divide us and guarantee well never talk about essential core challenges. The egregious, central obstacles to promoting the general welfare are never mentioned by the talking heads, the pundits or politicians, to whom we look for guidance and leadership.

Distract and divide promises catastrophe, even to those who use it to further their sinister agenda. Its astonishing how myopic most of the people at the top are, eh?

The control of everything by a tiny, short-sighted ruling elite is now total and the consequences are apocalyptic. We helplessly watch as their pursuit of wealth and consolidation of power has resulted in a merciless war being waged against the 99.999%, the trashing of the ecosystem, and destruction of any prospects for humans ever living in harmony with either that is, co-existing cooperatively and constructively with one another and living sustainably on the only planet we can call home.

There are three major battlefields for this amoral and sociopathic assault and we rarely have meaningful discussions about them, are forced to wade through a swamp of deceit and disinformation to even identify and try to address them, or are consigned to having non-sensical discussions which have no possible impact on outcomes.

Wealth Inequality:  The funneling of wealth upwards has accelerated and long ago passed the threshold of irreversibility. 24,000 people die a day from starvation, while guys like Bezos, Gates and Musk have so much money they couldnt spend it all in a million lifetimes. Corporations continue to consolidate and a handful of investment firms literally own everything. The system rewards monomaniacal pursuit of obscene levels of riches and opulence, the media lionizes self-aggrandizement. Every major religion has posted the warnings. Maybe theyre onto something.

War and Peace:  War has become a religion and peace an expletive. The U.S. economy is now built around and defended by endless wars and requires world conquest to continue satisfying its rapacious appetite. Arrogance and hubris have replaced civility and common sense. We are now confronting two major nuclear powers at the same time, Russia and China. The U.S. wont back off and Russia and China will not bow down. Total war would be the last chapter in human history. No need to return the book to the library. Books and libraries would be radioactive dust.

Ecological Destruction: Notice I didnt say climate change and this is intentional. Because this exemplifies precisely how the cabal uses a wor...


Why the Media Dont Want to Know the Truth About the Nord Stream Blasts "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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This Week in Security: QueueJumper, JS VM2 Escape, and CAN Hacking "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

You may not be familiar with the Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) service, a store and forward sort of inter-process and inter-system communication service. MSMQ has become something of a legacy product, but is still available as an optional component in Windows. And in addition to other enterprise software solutions, Microsoft Exchange turns the service on by default. Thats why its a bit spooky that theres a one packet Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability that was just patched in the service.

CVE-2023-21554, also known as QueueJumper, is this unauthenticated RCE with a CVSS score of 9.8. It requires sending a packet to the service on TCP port 1801. The Check Point Research team scanned for listening MSMQ endpoints on the public Internet, and found approximately 360,000 of them. And no doubt far more are listening on internal networks. A one packet exploit is a prime example of a wormable problem, and now that the story has broken, and the patch is available, expect a rapid reverse engineering. Beware, the queue jumpers are coming.

JavaScript VM Escape

The VM2 library is a rather important JavaScript package that sandboxes code, letting a project run untrusted code securely. Or, thats the idea. CVE-2023-...


Announcing This Year's Strongest Town Contest Winner "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Every year, through the Strongest Town Contest, we get to hear from 16 places that are doing the hard but rewarding work of making their communities stronger and more resilient. 2023 has been no different: The towns, cities, and villages that made up our Sweet 16 this year are all making great strides toward becoming better and more prosperous places to live.

In Round 1, we got to hear what each town was doing to decrease the negative impacts of parking in their places, maintain their existing infrastructure instead of building more roads, change zoning laws and allow for more incremental development, create greater transparency in their accounting and budgeting, and build safer streets. Then, in Round 2, we got to go on a virtual tour through each town, getting an insiders look into what makes them great. Round 3 saw commentary on the Final Four towns from Strong Towns members, and, finally, in the championship round, representatives from our finalists sat down for a webinar with Strong Towns Program Director Rachel Quednau. 

With each round of voting, weve halved our pool of contestants, and now, after four rounds and thousands of votes cast, we are ready to announce the winner. The 2023 Strongest Town is

Brattleboro, Vermont!

Congratulations to the Brattleboro teamSarah Lang, Tom Mosakowski, Sue Fillion, and Stephen Hayesand to the whole town of Brattleboro!


Friday, 14 April


Top French court orders closure of fisheries amid mass dolphin deaths "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

READER ADVISORY: This story contains images of dead wildlife that some viewers may find disturbing. Monday, March 20. Thats a date French marine conservation groups will remember. Fishers, too. Frances top administrative court, the Council of State, gave the government six months to close areas to fisheries during portions of the year to curtail dolphin deaths on the French Atlantic coast. But conservationists say theres still a long way to go. An image search of dolphins and France wont just yield the typical photos of these marine mammals moving in the ocean, sunbeams dancing on their smooth skin. Instead, many of the pictures will show bloodied animals lying dead on the beach. Earlier this year, Frances Stranding Network, or RNE, revealed that nearly 400 of the small cetaceans had washed up dead along the countrys west coast between Dec. 1, 2022, and Feb. 15, 2023. The Pelagis Observatory, which coordinates the RNE, reported that 90% of these were common dolphins (Delphinus delphis), with most bearing traces of injuries from fishing gear. However, the true number of deaths is likely far higher. Pelagis estimates that up to 10,000 dolphins may die every year off Frances west coast, as more than 80% of them sink or decompose at sea. The death toll is much higher than the more notorious dolphin massacres on the Danish Faroe Islands and Japans Taiji Cove combined. Dolphins face a number of human-caused perils at sea, including oil spills, boat strikes, exposure to toxic chemicals, and the impactsThis article was originally published on Mongabay


What Are the Russians Saying About the Intelligence Leak in the USA? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Tunisia: Black refugees left reeling after violent police crackdown "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Tunisia: Black refugees left reeling after violent police crackdown

Refugees from sub-Saharan Africa share stories of assaults and evictions after President Saied linked them to 'criminality'
Nesrine Zribi Fri, 04/14/2023 - 14:39
Migrants shout in front of the UNHCR headquarters in Tunis after the police dismantled a camp for refugees from sub-Saharan African countries on 11 April 2023 (AFP)
People shout in front of the UNHCR headquarters in Tunis after the police dismantled a camp for refugees from sub-Saharan African countries on 11 April 2023 (AFP)

In a narrow alleyway next to the International Migration Organisation (IMO) in Tunis, theres a makeshift camp with a couple of mattresses. 

It currently shelters around 50 people, mostly refugees and asylum seekers from sub-Saharan African countries. There are no tents to protect them from the elements, or pots and pans for cooking. Food and water are in desperately short supply.

Many of these refugees had previously taken part in a month-long sit-in in front of the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, demanding humanitarian evacuation from Tunisia. However earlier this week they were forced out of the area by the police, who destroyed the few personal items that they possessed.

For months Black refugees in Tunisia have been fearing for their safety, following President Kais Saieds provocative statement in February when he linked people from sub-Saharan Africa in the country to criminality.

The presidents claim has led to a rise in attacks and evictions of refugees across the country, forcing them to flee with little more than the clothes on their backs.



Pentagon leak theatrics continue as US finds scapegoat "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | April 14, 2023

The pseudo-WikiLeaks 2.0 has just been stepped up a notch as the FBI arrested the perpetrator who shared the secret docs


Biden Looking at Expanding Internet Surveillance After Discord Leaks "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Dave DeCamp The Biden administration appears poised to increase internet surveillance in response to the leaked Pentagon documents that appear to have been posted...

Biden Looking at Expanding Internet Surveillance After Discord Leaks


Shh! Dont Report On Pentagons Secret Leak! New World Next Week with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By The Corbett Report Welcome to #NewWorldNextWeek the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments...

Shh! Dont Report On Pentagons Secret Leak! New World Next Week with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato


Utah Mandates Blockchain Pilot for Digital ID Issuance "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Chris Burt Utahs Division of Technology Services has been tasked with piloting a blockchain system for Verifiable Credentials that can be used to issue...

Utah Mandates Blockchain Pilot for Digital ID Issuance


When U.S. and Russian Troops Met as Friends "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Heinrich Buecker, Ana Barbara von Keitz, David Swanson, World BEYOND War, April 14, 2023

On April 22, 2023, Elbe Day will take place in Torgau, Germany.

Seventy-eight years ago, in April 1945, U.S. soldiers and Red Army soldiers met at the destroyed Torgau Elbe Bridge and made the Oath on the Elbe.

With a symbolic handshake, they sealed the approaching end of the war and the forthcoming destruction of fascism.

The peace rally and demonstration is not only intended to commemorate the past, but also to make an active contribution to the struggle for world peace today. What started out small in 2017 has now become a fixed date for peace activists across Germany. Last year, 500 people from 25 groups demonstrated for peace.

The demonstration starts on Saturday, April 22 at 12 noon at the bridgehead (flag monument on the east bank). Rallies are planned at the Thlmann monument and on the market square in Torgau.

The participants can look forward to speeches by Diether Dehm, Jane Zahn, Erika Zeun, Heinrich Bcker, Barbara Majid Amin, and Rainer Perschewski.

For some background on commemorations of this day, see this video:

The U.S. and Russian troops were allies and met as friends. Nobody had yet told them to be enemies. They didnt know about Winston Churchills harebrained scheme to use Nazi troops to attack the Russians. They had not been told that as soon as the war was over the U.S. government would focus on its top enemy since 1917, the Soviet Union.

The allied governments had agreed that any defeated nation would have to surrender to all of them and completely. The Russians went along with this.

Yet, as WWII was ending, in Italy, Greece, France, etc., the U.S. and Britain cut Russia out almost completely, banned communists, shut out leftist...


No Turning Back "IndyWatch Feed War"

The following article is another installment in Project Censoreds long-form Dispatches series. It is a detailed examination of establishment media coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic. It critiques the missteps, censorship, and establishment propaganda that often passed for real investigative journalism during a crisis when the American public needed truly independent media the most. This is not a piece that takes a position on the efficacy of masks, vaccines, or virus origins, though those are discussed, but rather, a critique of how the corporate media often botched reporting on such crucial matters, censored legitimate counter-narratives that posed important questions, and ultimately diminished its own credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of the American public, which this year is now at an historic low point. Simply put, we the people deserve better from our Fourth Estate. They have some important work to do to restore that trust. Project Censored Director, Mickey Huff

In March 2023, legacy news media outlets reported that a study from international scientists based on previously unknown data found that Covid-19 originated in animals and was first transferred from raccoon-dogs to humans near a Chinese wet market. The pandemic originated from animals, not a lab reported Huffington Post. CNNs headline exclaimed Researchers say newly posted analysis supports natural origin for Covid-19 pandemic.

The raccoon-dog report recently emerged as polls showed that nearly two-thirds of Americans believed the lab leak hypothesis which posits that Covid-19 was created and somehow released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China  is a more probable explanation of Covid-19s origins than the market theory which posits that the virus was transferred from an animal to humans at a Chinese wet market. Indeed, only about 15% of those polled had confidence in the market theory.

The press reports about the raccoon-dog study were quickly...


How to get started with Ansible Private Automation Hub "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Learn how to use Red Hat Ansible Automation Private Automation Hub.

Read More at Enable Sysadmin

The post How to get started with Ansible Private Automation Hub appeared first on


Ross McKitrick: The important climate study you wont hear about "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

...the atmosphere has warmed at half the average rate predicted by climate models over the same period.

Mesa OpenGL Threading Now Disabled For Small Hybrid CPUs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Landing today in Mesa 23.2-devel is support for big.LITTLE CPU detection or more broadly hybrid CPU core detection where little cores (e.g. E cores) are defined as having less than 50% the capacity of the largest CPU core on the system. This is done since Mesa's OpenGL threading is now being disabled for small hybrid processors...


Russia-Linked Hackers Launches Espionage Attacks on Foreign Diplomatic Entities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Russia-linked APT29 (aka Cozy Bear) threat actor has been attributed to an ongoing cyber espionage campaign targeting foreign ministries and diplomatic entities located in NATO member states, the European Union, and Africa. According to Poland's Military Counterintelligence Service and the CERT Polska team, the observed activity shares tactical overlaps with a cluster tracked by Microsoft as


DIECISEIS NOTAS "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Diecisis Notas

Diecisis Notas es un libro escrito por la autora espaola Laura Gallego Garca. Esta novela juvenil nos relata la historia de Inma, una chica de 17 aos que se ve inmersa en una situacin difcil cuando una misteriosa persona les ensea a sus compaeros de clase a tocar diecisis notas. Una vez aprenden, les ensea que esas notas les permitirn viajar al pasado para tratar de solucionar sus problemas. Inma decide entonces aprovechar la oportunidad para tratar de arreglar el pasado, asegurando as un futuro mejor para ella y los suyos.

Esta novela es una divertida y emocionante aventura a travs del tiempo que nos recuerda la importancia de intentar descifrar nuestro pasado para poder avanzar hacia el futuro. Los personajes estn muy bien definidos y el ritmo de la historia es gil y adictivo, lo cual hace que el lector no quiera dejar de leer. Adems, la narracin es muy visual, por lo que es fcil imaginar todos los detalles.

En conclusin, Diecisis Notas es una novela juvenil ideal para aquellos amantes de la aventura, el misterio y la fantasa. Una divertida aventura a travs del tiempo que nos ensea la importancia de intentar descifrar nuestro pasado para avanzar hacia el futuro. Si quieres disfrutar de esta emocionante aventura, puedes encontrarla aqu.


DONDE TODO BRILLA "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Donde Todo Brilla: Una aventura emocionante para nios

Donde Todo Brilla es un libro escrito por la autora espaola Natalia Ortiz y publicado por la editorial Planeta. El libro narra la historia de Mara, una chica de 12 aos que vive en un barrio de Madrid. Un da, Mara recibe una carta de su abuela, que vive en un pueblo de la sierra, Ana. La abuela le pide a Mara que vaya a visitarla y en el camino descubrir secretos familiares y descubrir el valor de su vida. La historia llena de aventuras, amistad y magia, es una gran experiencia para los nios que seguro disfrutarn de la lectura.

En Donde Todo Brilla, Mara debe aprender a confiar en sus amigos, enfrentar sus miedos y descubrir el valor de la amistad. Durante el viaje, Mara descubrir la belleza de la naturaleza, la magia de los cuentos y la importancia de la amistad. Al mismo tiempo, Mara debe enfrentar algunos de los temores ms profundos de la infancia como el miedo a la oscuridad, a los extraos y a los ruidos extraos. Finalmente, Mara tiene que aprender a confiar en s misma y a superar los obstculos para poder encontrar el brillo que hay en todas las cosas.

Donde Todo Brilla es un libro emocionante y divertido, perfecto para los nios de entre 8 y 12 aos. Los personajes son muy entraables y las situaciones que se viven en el libro son muy realistas. Los nios disfrutarn de la aventura y los adultos se sentirn conmovidos al leer la historia de Mara. Esta es una historia ideal para aquellos nios que quieren descubrir el valor de la amistad y de la vida.

Si quieres conocer una historia llena de magia, amistad y aventura, entonces lee Donde


The only reason to pay attention to the haters is to shame them "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A borough in the UK posted an innocuous tweet, suggesting that people should go in for cervical screening. They had to take it down because a small minority of haters complained that the words anyone with a cervix was offensive to women.

The wording was just fine! It was inclusive and was a message to an appropriate audience. In fact, if you look at the thread, theres a deluge of support for it, with swarms of people, cis and trans, chiming in to see that the message was good and they appreciated it. There were also, of course, a few indignant assholes whining that only women have cervices, and they were the ones they had to listen to, because Calderdale deleted the tweet.

Those few vicious, mocking tweets are the modern equivalent of this, an ugliness that will stain us all for years to come:

Meanwhile, in the science world, the journal Nature is updating their policies. Language matters.

It is regrettable but true that researchers have used and abused science to justify racist beliefs and practices. As previous editorials have acknowledged, Nature has played its part in perpetuating racism and has now pledged to play its part in tackling it, together with colleagues in the research community.

As part of this pledge, Nature and the Nature Portfolio journals are updating our advice to authors on reporting research that involves race, ethnicity and other socially constructed characteristics. Specifically, were asking that authors exercise care and consideration so that the highest standards of rigour are applied where these attributes are found to be an explanation for an outcome or conclusion. This is part of our ongoing updates to guidance asking authors to describe how demographic characteristics, including sex and gender, are considered in the design of studies and, more broadly, to consider the researchs potential to cause harm.

They arent asking a lot. This is what Nature expects now, and I was a little surprisedshouldnt this have been standing, routine policy all along?

So, what are we asking authors to do, if their research describes people according to race, ethnicity or other socially constructed catego...


Video: Ukraine War. Russian Forces Deployed to Conquer Bakhmut. Fighting is Ongoing "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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WhatsApp announces features to prevent account takeover "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

WhatsApp will be rolling out three new security features in the coming months, to provide users with increased privacy and control over their messages and to help prevent unauthorized account access and takeover. The new features The first feature is called Account Protect and will help prevent unauthorized transfers of accounts from one device to another. This feature will require users to verify on their old device any attempts to switch to a new device. More

The post WhatsApp announces features to prevent account takeover appeared first on Help Net Security.


The Cobalt-Lithium Gold Rush and the East Palestine Disaster. Hazardous Materials, A Litany of Anomalies "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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China in the Middle East: Can Iran Keep Its Promises? "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

While the United States (US) is shifting its strategic interests and defense resources toward the Indo-Pacific to counter Chinas growing threats, including those associated with Taiwan, China is increasing its political influence and presence in the Middle East. The China-brokered agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran speaks for itself. Although the distinct motives behind each party in such an agreement can be argued for or against, China remains the focal point of interest.

The Saudi-Iranian agreement can clearly reflect Chinas ambitions to play a significant role in the Middle Easts regional power dynamics. For decades, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have been largely aligned with the US. However, with Chinas involvement with Saudi Arabia and Iran, China appears to display its ability to challenge US influence in the region. Even though some may argue that Chinas current influence is starting to be more tangible, Iran remains a concern. In this respect, it is not certain whether Iran will act according to Chinas vision on the long-term or even in the mid-term. The latter possibility is evident concerning the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen, who have launched an attack on senior Yemeni defense officials along with an attempt to assassinate the Yemeni defense minister just days from the announcement of the Saudi-Iranian agreement. In this regard, it is worth noting that the assassination attempt was made on Yemeni government officials who are strongly supported by the Saudi government, thus, leading one to question Irans actual intentions toward reconciliation with Saudi Arabia.

Irans incentives from China for executing the agreement with Saudi Arabia remain unclear. Whether increased trade, economic ties, and investments from China in times where Iran is facing global isolation and sanctions, or increased military support, it is interesting to understand how Chinas incentives for Iran will unfold in the coming period. Furthermore, for China to create an equilibrium between incentivizing Iran while maintaining Saudi Arabias strategic security interests might produce unforeseen challenges. In this respect, the ability of China to continuously exert pressure on Iran in favor of Saudi Arabia will always be a test for Chinas relationship with both sides. That said, it can be argued that Chinas influence in the region may pave the way for a more pragmatic approach to Iran, which could overall undermine the GCCs strategic interests in the long-term.

In relation to abovementioned, Irans nuclear ambitions also remains unclear. In the context of the China-brokered deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran, it is highly unlikely that Iran would give up on its nuclear ambitions, which still and will always remain a collective threat to the GCC as a whole. This can presen...


Powerful 7.0-magnitude earthquake strikes off Indonesia "IndyWatch Feed World"

An earthquake of magnitude 7.0 struck Java, Indonesia on Friday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was at a depth of 368 miles, EMSC said, and struck at 4:55 pm local time (0955 GMT), with Indonesia's geological agency ruling out a tsunami. The quake was strongly felt in Surabaya, Tuban, Denpasar, and Semarang, Abdul Muhari, spokesperson for Indonesia's Disaster Agency, told Reuters news agency. 'There is no damage reported so far because the quake is very deep,' Muhari said. 'I don't think there will damages but we are still monitoring.' Indonesia straddles the so-called 'Pacific Ring of Fire', a highly active seismic zone, where different plates on the Earth's crust meet and create a large number of earthquakes and volcanoes.


Video: The Controversial Leaked Documents, Whats the Truth? Judge Napolitano with Former CIA Officer Larry Johnson "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The G7 in Hiroshima Must Make Plan to Abolish Nuclear Weapons "IndyWatch Feed War"

By ICAN, April 14, 2023

For the first time ever, heads of state from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as high level representatives from the European Union, the G7, will meet in Hiroshima, Japan. They cannot dare to leave without a plan to end nuclear weapons.

Japans Prime Minister Fumio Kishida decided that Hiroshima was the best place to discuss international peace and nuclear disarmament in light of Russias invasion of Ukraine and the threats of nuclear weapons use. Kishida represents a Hiroshima district and lost family members in the bombing of this city. This is a unique opportunity for these leaders to commit to a plan to end nuclear weapons and unequivocally condemn the use or threat to use nuclear weapons.

The May 19 21, 2023 summit will be the first visit to Hiroshima for many of these leaders.

It is customary for visitors to Hiroshima to visit to the Hiroshima Peace Museum, to lay flowers or a wreath at the cenotaph to honour the lives lost as a result of 6 August 1945 bombing, and to take the unique opportunity to hear the account of that day first hand from nuclear weapon survivors, (Hibakusha).

Key points for G7 leaders to consider:

Reports out of Japan indicate that an action plan or other commentary on nuclear weapons will emerge from the Hiroshima meeting, and it is important that G7 leaders commit to serious and substantive nuclear disarmament actions, especially after witnessing the catastrophic impact the smallest weapons in todays arsenals have previously wrought. ICAN therefore calls on G7 leaders to:

1. Unequivocally condemn any and all threats to use nuclear weapons in the same terms as the TPNW states parties, individual leaders, including Chancellor Scholz, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and the G20 have done over the past year.

Russias invasion of Ukraine has been shielded by repeated explicit and implicit threats to use nuclear weapons by the president of the Russian Federation as well as other members of his government. As part of the global response to strengthen the taboo against the use of nuclear weapons, the state parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons condemned threats as unacceptable. This language was later also used by several leaders of the G7 and others, including German Chancellor Sch...


This Housing Bubble Is Different: Its Much More Precarious "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Charles Hugh Smith And what happens next? Bubble symmetry: valuations fall at the same rate as they rose, declining back to the starting point...

This Housing Bubble Is Different: Its Much More Precarious


The US Could Use Separation Of Media And State "IndyWatch Feed War"


The US Could Use Some Separation Of Media And State


Europe has shot itself in both legs "IndyWatch Feed War"


Europe has shot itself in both legs by imposing sanctions against Russia. If she thinks to impose sanctions against China as well, then there will be nothing left of the economy at all.

Claire Daly, a member of the European Parliament from Ireland, spoke about the consequences of the course taken by European states at the behest of the United States.

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Why The Latest Abortion Pill Ruling Is Both Good And Bad For Pro-Lifers "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

abortion protestThe case is educating the public on the dangers of the abortion pill far beyond what Planned Parenthood has been doing for 20-plus years.


Unusual and Extraordinary: Is Corruption the Enemy to Unify Chavismo? "IndyWatch Feed World"

In the opening delivery of his VA column, Clodovaldo Hernndez sets sights on the recent anti-corruption drive and its political implications.


ufa191 24 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

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ufa191 ...

OpenCL Shared Virtual Memory Comes To Mesa's Rusticl Driver "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Mesa 23.1 enables RadeonSI Rusticl support while for next quarter's Mesa 23.2, which just started development, there is already a big ticket item for Rusticl: Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) support...


Naked corruption "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Its all just hanging out there, exposed, flapping rudely in the wind, and were supposed to pretend that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas isnt selling out the country. The story is simple and transparent.

Thomass mother lived on some property owned by Thomas. Harlan Crow paid Thomas $133,363 for that property, and then allowed his mother to continue to live there rent-free afterwards, and in fact renovated the house, put on a new roof, a nice fence, etc.

Crow was the best landlord of all time!

Of course, what it all was was a pretext to put a whole lot of money in a judges pocket and curry favor with him. Thomas knew this; he rather obviously avoided reporting the whole money shuffle to the government, and tried to hide the source of this sudden largesse.

He needed to report his interest in the sale, said Virginia Canter, a former government ethics lawyer now at the watchdog group CREW. Given the role Crow has played in subsidizing the lifestyle of Thomas and his wife, you have to wonder if this was an effort to put cash in their pockets.

Oh, really? You think? Im not wondering at all. Hint to ethics lawyers everywhere: the time for understatement is over. This is time to suspend him from the bench while impeachment proceedings are begun. Id go so far as to suggest its time for handcuffs, except we all know that white collar crime by high-ranking federal officials is going to be treated with kid gloves, instead.

See also Robert Reichs take on this situation.


Clear Biometrics, Microsoft Entra Verifiable Credentials Integrated with LinkedIn "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Larisa Redins LinkedIn has announced the launch of a new partnership with Clear to provide free identity verification for nearly 200 million U.S. users...

Clear Biometrics, Microsoft Entra Verifiable Credentials Integrated with LinkedIn


Meet PassGAN, the Supposedly Terrifying AI Password Cracker That's Mostly Hype "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As the title suggests, they weren't all that impressed.

From the article:

As with so many things involving AI, the claims are served with a generous portion of smoke and mirrors. PassGAN, as the tool is dubbed, performs no better than more conventional cracking methods. In short, anything PassGAN can do, these more tried and true tools do as well or better. And like so many of the non-AI password checkers Ars has criticized in the paste.g., here, here, and herethe researchers behind PassGAN draw password advice from their experiment that undermines real security.

PassGAN is a shortened combination of the words "Password" and "generative adversarial networks." PassGAN is an approach that debuted in 2017. It uses machine learning algorithms running on a neural network in place of conventional methods devised by humans. These GANs generate password guesses after autonomously learning the distribution of passwords by processing the spoils of previous real-world breaches. These guesses are used in offline attacks made possible when a database of password hashes leaks as a result of a security breach.

Conventional password guessing uses lists of words numbering in the billions taken from previous breaches. Popular password-cracking applications like Hashcat and John the Ripper then apply "mangling rules" to these lists to enable variations on the fly.

[...] PassGAN uses none of these methods. Instead, it creates a neural network, a type of data structure loosely inspired by networks of biological neurons. This neural network attempts to train machines to interpret and analyze data in a way that's similar to how a human mind would. These networks are organized in layers, with inputs from one layer connected to outputs from the next layer.

PassGAN was an exciting experiment that helped usher in the use of AI-based password candidate generators, but its time in the sun has come and gone, password-cracking expert and Senior Principal Engineer at Yahoo...



Italy: 3 killed after avalanche near French border "IndyWatch Feed World"

The men were taking a mountain guide course in the Aosta Valley when the avalanche swept them away. The course leader survived the avalanche, alerting emergency services after descending to the valley. A mountain rescue team recovered on Friday the bodies of three Italian skiers, after they were caught the day before in an avalanche in the border area between France and Italy. while training to be Alpine guides. The National Alpine Rescue Corps resumed their search for the missing men, having suspended it on Thursday due to poor weather conditions. The bodies of the men were taken to Aosta for formal identification.


1 dead, 3 injured in avalanche in northwestern British Columbia "IndyWatch Feed World"

An avalanche in northwestern B.C. killed one heliskier and left three others injured Tuesday afternoon (April 11). A group of five was touring around a remote mountain lodge about 150 kilometres north of Stewart when they were caught in the slide, Last Frontier Heliskiing said in a statement. Three of them were injured and one died. BC Emergency Health Services said it responded with three ambulance crews to the area at 3:37 p.m. and took one person to hospital via air ambulance. It didn't comment on the condition of any of the other skiers.


Giant avalanche kills 3 sherpa climbers on Mount Everest, Nepal "IndyWatch Feed World"

There's been a disaster on the world's tallest peak. Three Sherpa climbers were navigating the Khumbu Icefall on Mount Everest when a serac on the glacier above them collapsed. According to reports in The Himalayan Times and the website Everest Chronicle, the three Sherpas climbers were buried by the avalanche on Wednesday morning and were reported missing after a series of snowstorms in the region had created unstable snow conditions. The following video shows the massive avalanche that occurred on Wednesday, which was shared by climber Lakpa T. Sherpa and uploaded to his Instagram account:


Revealed: 300 reasons why US spy-tech firm Palantir processes NHS data "IndyWatch Feed"

Records in the NHS Covid-19 datastore have also been shared with private sector consultancy companies


I went back to high school for a day "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

<p><a href= ""> <img alt="" class="alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-69837" height="150" src= "" width="150"></a></p> <p class="lead">On Wednesday, Id had a little private pity party, moaning to myself how I really disliked my teaching schedule and would never do this again. You see, this semester, thanks to a sudden schedule change, I was teaching two very different classes back to back Id finish lecturing in genetics, and immediately have to swivel and scuttle off to teach introductory biology. I like to have a little break between my classes, a time to reorient myself, review the material, put my feet up, sip a little wine (OK, I dont do the last bit, but I can dream.) I have been spoiled.</p> <p>Thursday I was a guest at the local high school. Yikes. One class after the other, all day long. You get your lesson plan all mapped out well ahead of time, because once that first class launches at 8:25, you are on a fixed trajectory all day long, with only a few minutes between classes. Forget moments of reflection, dont even think about the imaginary glass of wine, because a succession of students are going to march in and occupy your classroom.</p> <p>I dont think I could cope with teaching high school. Much respect to those who do you are all overworked and underpaid.</p> <p>On the positive side, though, it was a pleasant experiencefor a day. Just a day at a time. The big difference between college and high school is that college students are generally so damned serious. Theyre paying out big bucks and accumulating a substantial debt to be here, and classes are their <em>job</em>, while professors are the bosses armed with the scourges of exams. At the 7th and 10th grade classes, I started talking about spiders, hands were raised, students would spontaneously offer wild accounts of their spider experiences, theyd ask question after question, it would sometimes get a bit raucous. Their enthusiasm was wonderful.</p> <p>Now how to get the college students that fired upI think Ill have to kill all the exams. Abolishing tuition would help, too. Ill get right on that for next year.</p> <p>By the way, I also got to peruse their textbooks, briefly. Theres been a change there: they werent using Miller & Levine anymore! Theyd switch to something called <i>Inspire Biology</i>, which looked fine, but different: lots of short, choppy segments with exercises to make the students think, less of a narrative, more for short attention spans. That isnt bad, I could see how you could use textbooks like that to customize how you teach.</p> <p>They did still use the familiar Miller & Levine lab manual and praised it hi...


China to launch Chinese Super Masons robot to build lunar bases with moon soil by 2028 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The robot tasked with making bricks out of lunar soil will be launched during Chinas Change-8 mission around 2028.

With Artemis II set to launch on November 24, it is no surprise that science journals are buzzing with research on lunar regolith, building bases on the moon, and working with moon soil to grow plants you get the drift.

A recent study in the journal Communications Biology described an experiment in which the moon soil samples collected during the Apollo missions were used to grow plants. And for the first time, an Earth plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, commonly called thale cress, grew and thrived in the lunar soil samples during the experiment.


NASAs snake-like robot concept could search for life on Saturns moon "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This one-of-a-kind robot is an exobiology extant life surveyor (EELS) developed by NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

It is time to move over the traditional wheeled or legged robots. NASA has developed a robotic concept that sounds straight out of a science-fiction and has the potential to take space exploration to the next level.

The US space agency has been working on sending a snake-like robot to explore and search for extraterrestrial life forms in the solar system. This robot is an exobiology extant life surveyor (EELS) developed by NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

The snake-like robots capabilities.


Scientists have been working on sending a snake-like robot to explore and search for extraterrestrial life forms in the solar system. This robot is an exobiology extant life surveyor (EELS) developed by NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).


Developer creates regenerative AI program that fixes bugs on the fly "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Debugging a faulty program can be frustrating, so why not let AI do it for you? Thats what a developer that goes by BioBootloader did by creating Wolverine, a program that can give Python programs regenerative healing abilities, reports Hackaday. (Yep, just like the Marvel superhero.)

GPT-4 is a multimodal AI language model created by OpenAI and released in March, available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers and in API form to beta testers. It uses its knowledge about billions of documents, books, and websites scraped from the web to perform text-processing tasks such as composition, language translation, and programming.


MrBeast Is Introducing Millions Of Children To Transgenderism Without Parental Consent "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

transgender on MrBeastMrBeast is grooming an unsuspecting generation of children into uncritically accepting transgenderism at a vulnerable age.


There Is Zero Reason For Republicans To Cooperate With Dianne Feinsteins Request "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

89-year-old woman speaks at podium on Capitol stepsTheres zero reason Republicans should cooperate with Schumer and the president on their judicial agenda, either tactically, politically, or even morally.


Mauna Kea's summit gets a springtime dusting of snow in Hawaii "IndyWatch Feed World"

A winter weather advisory is up for the summits of Hawaii Island as icy conditions continue. Photos from Mauna Kea's summit show a springtime dusting of snow. And forecasters say flurries are possible through Thursday night. Some spots could see up to an inch of snow. Mauna Kea Access Road is closed above the 9,200-foot elevation given the inclement weather. For the latest details, click here.


19 Times Democrats And DOJ Deliberately Politicized Law Enforcement "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Merrick GarlandHere's a roundup of the DOJ deploying federal resources to do Democrats' bidding.


Self-Cleaning Tech Could Help Solar Panels Keep Efficiency Up "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Solar panels are a special kind of magic turning light into useful electrical energy. However, they dont work nearly as well when theyre covered in dust, dirt, and grime. Conventional solutions involve spraying panels down with pure water, which is expensive and wasteful, or dry scrubbing, which can cause efficiency loss through scratching the panels. However, innovative new methods may offer useful solutions in this area, as shared by EETimes.

Researchers at MIT have explored the use of electrostatic methods to remove dust from solar panels. By creating a sufficiently strong electrostatic field, dust particles can be compelled to leap off of solar panels. The cleaning method requires no water and is entirely non-contact. It uses a motor system to pass a charged electrode past the surface of the panels, with the opposite ch...


Myth, Religion, Fascism The Recipe for Right-Wing Politics "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In this weeks WhoWhatWhy podcast we examine the dark intersections of religion, nationalism, and right-wing politics with the award-winning author of the just-released The Undertow: Scenes From a Slow Civil War, Jeff Sharlet. 


Sharlet uncovers the mythic foundations of American exceptionalism, the radicalization of various right-wing forces, and the growing allure of violent solutions. He navigates the lasting impact of Trumpism, and tells how democracy may emerge more vital and inclusive in the end.


Sharlet examines Americas origin myth, the intersection of this myth and history, and the role of religion in fueling political and social polarization. Sharlet shows how this dynamic causes people to revel in their violent selves and embrace their darker emotions. 


As right-wing politics veer toward fascism, Sharlet notes the emergence of cult personalities, the perceived enemy within, and powerful martyr myths, such as Ashli Babbitts story. 


Sharlet reveals how some churches are preparing for war, and touches upon the fetishizing of democracy, the urge to force crises, and the appeal of authoritarianism to those who feel scared or powerless. 


In this era, he says, when even avant-garde artists are drawn to the transgressive nature of fascism, we must learn to live with the loss of counterfactual myths, moving beyond our cult of innocence to a worldview founded on hard truths.

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The Hospital in the Middle of Nowhere "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

DONETSK OBLAST, Ukraine In a small village near Siversk in eastern Ukraine there is a little house with no bathroom and no running water. 


Several men have been living here for the last three months. Four of them sometimes five share a single bedroom. Two men sleep in a closet.


This house is a stabilization point, a makeshift triage unit close to the front line for injured Ukrainian soldiers who have been battling the Russian forces. An improvised emergency room, if you will.


The nearest military hospital is about a half-hour drive from here. The closest trauma center is 90 minutes away.


The men who live here are combat medics. They are trained to stop bleeding, relieve pain, alleviate breathing difficulties, and treat shrapnel wounds.


They are the medical first responders of the 10th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade


Ukraine, medic, smoking

Photo credit: Madeleine Kelly / WhoWhatWhy


9:34 p.m. Medic Sweety lounges at the front door of the small house, smoking an e-cigarette and listening to the sounds of artillery in the distance. There is a wood stove behind him and the house is warm, but outside it is below freezing.

Sweety is used to seeing injured soldiers at all hours, but tonight the house will be peaceful. 


Tired Ukrainian soldier

Photo credit: Madeleine Kelly / WhoWhatWhy

5:03 a.m. Three injured soldiers a...


How digital modeling plays a key role in restoring the Notre Dame cathedral "IndyWatch Feed World"

State-of-the-art modeling software from Autodesk has helped understand the damage and guide the rebuilding process.

Its been roughly four years since a fire ripped through Notre Dame, the Catholic cathedral in Paris thats historically drawn millions of visitors every year.

Read Full Story


AMD SFH Linux Driver Adding Ambient Color Sensor Support "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AMD's Sensor Fusion Hub (SFH) driver with the upcoming Linux 6.4 cycle is being extended to support new Ambient Color Sensor "ACS" functionality...


"Why Not Get Ahead of The Curve? Why Not Catch Yourself Before The Inevitable Junction of a Rock and a Hard Place?" "IndyWatch Feed World"

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Occasionally, when doing a scientific experiment in a Petri dish, you have to throw the dish away. It's not reusable. This is one of those times.

Via Not the Bee:

Given the nature of Change in recent periods, it is recommended by the author that... unless you have an unavoidable reason for being in the middle of it... you step as far back as possible without falling off the cliff behind you.

A few decades ago, someone made a film called, Escape from New York. At the time, it probably seemed like one of those far-fetched nightmares of dystopia. It now seems likely. Another film called Rollerball was eerily prescient. Artistic efforts from the dark imagination now reflect the coming reality, when reality becomes whatever The Makers of Illusion say it is.

It's easy to think... these days... that everything is out of control. The pandemic...


RTM Locker, a new RaaS gains notorieties in the threat landscape "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cybersecurity firm Trellix analyzed the activity of an emerging cybercriminal group called Read The Manual RTM Locker.

Researchers from cybersecurity firm Trellix have detailed the tactics, techniques, and procedures of an emerging cybercriminal gang called Read The Manual RTM Locker. The group provides a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) and provides its malicious code to a network of affiliates by imposing strict rules.

The group aims at flying below the radar, and like other groups, doesnt target systems in the CIS region.

The business-like set up of the group, where affiliates are required to remain active or notify the gang of their leave, shows the organizational maturity of the group, as has also been observed in other groups, such as Conti. reads the analysis of the gang. The gangs modus operandi is focused on a single goal: to fly below the radar. Their goal is not to make headlines, but rather to make money while remaining unknown. The groups notifications are posted in Russian and English, where the former is of better quality. Based on that, it isnt surprising that the Commonwealth of Independent States in Eastern Europe and Asia (CIS) region is off-limits, ensuring no victims are made in that area.

The group also avoids targeting morgues, hospitals, COVID-19 vaccine-related organizations, critical infrastructure, law enforcement, and other prominent companies to attract as little attention as possible.

The affiliates are obliged to remain active, or their account will be removed after 10 days without notifying them upfront.

The gangs affiliates must keep the RTM Locker malware builds priv...


Inside the Australian warehouses with robotic workers "IndyWatch Feed World"

Amazons new Sydney distribution warehouse spans over 200,000 square metres, across four levels, and is...


Walk Into City Hall "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


(Source: Strong Towns/Edward Erfurt.)

I get asked regularly, What is the most powerful thing I can do in my community to advance or share the Strong Towns message?

The answer is really simple: walk into your city hall.

Your city hall is the hub for all the activities in your community and is more than just a brick-and-mortar building in the center of town. City hall is the location where ideas are debated and codified into ordinances by your elected officials through various meetings. This is where a team of city employees are managing the day-to-day operations of the city, ranging from trash collection to tax collection. City hall is an institution with a diversity of responsibilities serving your community.

Here lies an opportunity to humbly observe how your local city operates and is managed. There is no better way to start this discovery than by introducing yourself and sharing what you love about your community.

Here are four simple things you can do when you walk into your city hall:

1. Meet City Staff

Take the time to meet the staff that are working in your city. These are the people who have the job of implementing the policies and programs as directed by your city council or mayor. They're working on the business of the city by writing ordinances, administering codes, and preparing meeting agendas.

Take time to meet these people and learn about their jobs and the various projects they are working on. Ask lots of questions and learn about how things work in your city. Share what you love and want to see more of. Ask how to enact change for things that are not so loved by you and your neighbors. This breaks down barriers and opens the door for you to...


Heres Why Living Near Busy, Polluted Roads Could Lead to Dementia "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Study Finds People living near busy roadways are much more likely to develop dementia, a recent study warns. Researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School...

Heres Why Living Near Busy, Polluted Roads Could Lead to Dementia


Five-year-old boy dies after being attacked by dogs in South Africa "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Eastern Cape Health Department said the attack on five-year-old Zibele Mthi by two dogs, believed to be pit bulls, on Good Friday, confirmed the urgent need for the country to take decisive action on the breed. Spokesperson Sizwe Kupelo has conveyed his condolences to Mthi's family, after he was found lying on the side of the road in Dyamana in the Amathole District, following the attack. The little boy was rushed to Frere Hospital by his 35-year-old mother, Bongeka Mthi, where he succumbed to his injuries on Sunday. The founder of the Sizwe Kupelo Foundation says the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza is busy working on an amendment to the Animal Matters Amendment Act of 1993.


March Music "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Music Ive bought in March.

This post is way late (I know, I know) because I went to the Big Ears music festival in Knoxville, Tennessee. (And then got sick on the way home, but thats a different story. Viruses!!!) Big Ears was great Knoxville is just about the perfect size for a hipster music festival. Lots of nice venues quite close to each other, so everything is easy to stroll and theres no stress. Well, except the inevitable stress of several bands you want to see playing at once and then having to make a decision It was oddly apolitical, though, with regards to the fucked up stuff happening in Tennessee now I think I heard only a single act make even a reference to anything from the stage: Haela Hunt-Hendrix took a tiny break from the Liturgy set to point out that it probably wouldnt have been legal for her to be on stage in Tennessee two days later. (To which the entire audience responded immediately with FUCK BILL LEE, which was heartening to hear)

Anyway, March:



Fedora 38 Being Released Next Tuesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The much anticipated Fedora 38 is cleared for releasing on Tuesday. There are no delays with the Fedora 38 cycle and in fact hitting their "early target date" for shipping on 18 April...


Yemen: Major prisoner swap begins as more ceasefire talks agreed "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Yemen: Major prisoner swap begins as more ceasefire talks agreed

Hundreds of freed detainees flown between rival Yemeni cities, as Riyadh and Houthis announce further peace talks
Rayhan Uddin Fri, 04/14/2023 - 11:23
Yemeni negotiator Yasser al-Haddi (bottom), former defence minister Mahmoud al-Subaihi (C) and Nasser Mansour Hadi (top), the brother of the former Yemeni president, arrive at Aden's airport in Yemen's southern city on 14 April 2023 (AFP)
Yemeni negotiator Yasser al-Haddi waves on arrival at Aden airport on 14 April 2023, with behind him ex-defence minister Mahmoud al-Subaihi and Nasser Mansour Hadi (top), brother of former Yemeni president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi (AFP)

A prisoner exchange involving nearly 900 detainees on both sides of Yemen's civil war was underway on Friday, as the first round of talks between Saudi Arabia and the Houthis concluded in Sanaa. 

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which is managing the process, announced on Friday that the release and swap of 887 prisoners had begun. 

"Our team has assessed the health of the detainees and confirmed they are fit to travel," the ICRC tweeted, with details about flights that had taken off between the capital, Sanaa, and Aden, in the south. 

Detainees will also be released in the Yemeni cities of Marib and Mokha, as well as Riyadh and Abha in Saudi Arabia.

The exchange, which was agreed during negotiations in Switzerland last month, is the largest prisoner swap of the warring parties in Yemen since October 2020. 


Kodi Confirms Data Breach: 400K User Records and Private Messages Stolen "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Open source media player software provider Kodi has confirmed a data breach after threat actors stole the company's MyBB forum database containing user data and private messages. What's more, the unknown threat actors attempted to sell the data dump comprising 400,635 Kodi users on the now-defunct BreachForums cybercrime marketplace. "MyBB admin logs show the account of a trusted but currently

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