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Thursday, 30 March


Kurze Durchsage des Hamburger Datenschutzbeauftragten:Eine ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kurze Durchsage des Hamburger Datenschutzbeauftragten:

Eine auf die Gewinnung, das Teilen und Nutzen von Daten orientierte Gesellschaft "kann nicht datensparsam sein", schreibt der Hamburgische Datenschutzbeauftragte Thomas Fuchs in seinem am Dienstag prsentierten Ttigkeitsbericht fr 2022. Prinzipien zum Vermeiden und Minimieren der Verarbeitung persnlicher Informationen, die unter anderem in der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) verankert sind, werden "nicht mehr zu halten sein".
Da hat sich aber jemand heftig im Beruf vergriffen. FDP-Lobbyist htte er werden sollen!

Sagt euch der Name Chris Avellone etwas? Das ist ein ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Sagt euch der Name Chris Avellone etwas? Das ist ein Spiele-Designer, und zwar mit Titeln wie Fallout 2, Fallout New Vegas, Baldurs Gate, Planescape Torment, Icewind Dale, KOTOR2 und Pathfinder Kingmaker einer der legendrsten der Geschichte der Videospiele.

Vor ein paar Jahren gab es dann ffentliche Vorwrfe von mehreren Frauen wegen sexuellen Fehlverhaltens und er verschwand in der Versenkung. Hier eine Story von damals.

Das Update dort nimmt schon vorweg, worum es hier gerade geht: Avellone hat sich erst entschuldigt aber dann eine Klage eingereicht. Denn wie gut das fr eine Karriere ist, wenn irgendwelche Frauen was von sexuellem Fehlverhalten ber dich erzhlen, das kann sich ja jeder vorstellen. Das Verfahren ist jetzt durch eine auergerichtliche Einigung beendet worden, in der die beiden Frauen einen Millionenbetrag an Avellone zahlen und ihre Vorwrfe komplett zurckziehen. Hier ist das Statement der Tterinnen:

Mr. Avellone never sexually abused either of us.
Ach. Ach was. Wieso habt ihr das dann rumerzhlt?
We have no knowledge that he has ever sexually abused any women.
Wie, das war nicht mal Hrensagen? Einfach nur Rufmord oder wie?
Anything we have previously said or written about Mr. Avellone to the contrary was not our intent. We wanted to support women in the industry.
Ja klar, und wo gehobelt wird, da fallen halt Spne. Den einen oder anderen unschuldigen Mann wird man ja wohl fr die gute Sache mal vor den Zug werfen knnen!?
In so doing, our words have been misinterpreted to suggest specific allegations of misconduct that were neither expressed nor intended.
Oh ACH SO! Sie sind die eigentlichen Opfer hier! War alles blo ein Missverstndnis!1!!
We are passionate about the safety, security and agency of women, minorities, LGBTQIA+ persons, and every other community that has seen persecution in the video game industry.
Wir sind nicht nur die Opfer, wir sind geradezu die Heiligen hier!

"Glaubt allen Frauen", nee klar.

Jetzt fragt ihr euch bestimmt, was fr eigentlich harmlos gemeinte Statements da so krass missverstanden wurden. Nun, da kann ich euch helfen!

Barrows had previously claimed on Twitter that Avellone was an abusive, abrasive, conniving sexual predator who had attempted to sexually assault her after getting her black out drunk. Barrows told Kotaku in 2020, Hes f****** disgusting, but he did not rape me. He assaulted me, 100 percent, but I stopped him.
Ja gut, das kann man schon verstehen, wie dieses freundliche motivierende Schulterklopfen als Anschuldigung...

Prior Art: KI-Assistenten fr Meetings. Ist diesmal ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Prior Art: KI-Assistenten fr Meetings. Ist diesmal nicht meine prior art sondern war im Film Real Genius. Hier ist eine Montage der Szenen.

Das wre die eine Anwendung von "KI", die ich echt begren wrde. Wenn statt meiner Wenigkeit eine Bullshit-KI in den ganzen Bullshit-Meetings sitzt und die Bullshit-KIs nicht mir sondern sich gegenseitig die Zeit stehlen. Das wre mal ein substanzieller Gewinn an Lebensqualitt.

Am Ende lsst man dann noch eine Bullshit-KI Meeting Minutes schreiben.

Wenn die dann an der Bullshit-KI fr Spam- und Phishingbekmpfung vorbeikommt, kann die Bullshit-KI fr E-Mail-Summary-Schreiben das zusammenkrzen.

Dann kommt bei typischen Meetings raus: Schnes Wetter heute, oder?

Update: Stellt sich raus: Es gibt schon einen Chatgpt-Bot fr Slack. Find ick jut. Sollen sich mal die Bots gegenseitig stren, und die Menschen knnen sich dann mal wieder ne Minute am Stck konzentrieren und produktiv werden.

Das FBI kauft auch Bulk Netflow von Cymru. Das waren ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Das FBI kauft auch Bulk Netflow von Cymru. Das waren die, die auch das US-Militr beliefern.

Wieso wrde jemand denen Netflow-Daten geben, fragt ihr? Ganz einfach!

Team Cymru, the company ultimately selling this data to the FBI, obtains it from deals with ISPs by offering them threat intelligence in return. These deals are likely conducted without the informed consent of ISPs users.
Weil die alle doof sind! Threat Intelligence ist natrlich absoluter Bullshit. Reines Schlangenl. Wir mssen unsere Sicherheitslcken nicht zumachen, weil wir ja bekannte Angreifer filtern!1!! Oh warte, wir knnen die gar nicht filtern. Dann, h, wird das Teil unsere Monitorings! Dann kann man danach in den Logs sehen, die eh keiner liest, dass wir vorhin gehackt wurden!!1!


In der EU ist das ziemlich offensichtlich eine DSGVO-Verletzung wrde ich denken, aber ... hmm. Wei zufllig jemand von ISPs in der EU, die Netflow-Daten rausgeben? Vermutlich "anonymisiert" dann.

Der Artikel hat noch ein Lowlight:

After Motherboard reported the U.S. Army and other purchases of Team Cymru data, the Tor Project, the organization behind the Tor anonymity network, said it was moving away from infrastructure that Team Cymru had donated. The Tor Project told Motherboard it expects that migration to be completed this Spring.

Ich bin ja kein Freund von Word Clouds und so kreativer ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ich bin ja kein Freund von Word Clouds und so kreativer Hipster-Typografie, aber die zur CFTC-Anklage gegen Binance lohnt sich. Auch web3isgreat hat bermerkenswerte Details zusammengefasst. Weia.

Neben McKinsey macht sich auch Tiktok um den Frieden ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Neben McKinsey macht sich auch Tiktok um den Frieden verdient.

Der norwegische Rstungskonzern Nammo kann nicht expandieren, weil ein Tiktok-Rechenzentrum die restliche Stromkapazitt der Umgebung bentigt.

Deutschlandfunk ber Privatisierung mit diesem wunderschnen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Deutschlandfunk ber Privatisierung mit diesem wunderschnen Money Quote:

Ab 2005 privatisierte das Bundesverteidigungsministerium die Pflege der Panzer. Man grndete die Heeresinstandsetzungslogistik GmbH und machte einen Share Deal mit der Rstungsindustrie. Infrastruktur und Leistungszusagen wurden verkauft; dafr versprach die Industrie ein dynamisches Verfgbarkeitsmanagement.

Danach stieg die Zahl der McKinsey-Berater an und die der einsatzbereiten Panzer ging zurck. Heute kratzt der Bundesverteidigungsminister mhsam seine wenigen funktionsfhigen Leoparden zusammen.

Der ganze Artikel ist voller solcher Zitate. Und Recht hat er.


Why Im Quiting Comedy In 5years Basketmouth "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Ace Nigerian stand-up comedian cum actor, Bright Okpocha, better known as Basketmouth has revealed his career plans for the next 5years. The 44-year-old comedian took to his Instagram page to reveal hell be coming back to comedy and quitting that same profession in 5years. He wrote, Ive just been floating for the past six years []


Missed, undiagnosed TB cases worry experts "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Stop TB Partnership Board and partners con- vened for the first time during World TB Day in Varanasi, Indiathe country with the highest TB burden but also with high political commit- ment, ambition, hard work and a robust plan to end TB. On the side-lines of the One World TB Summit, the board and []


Hacen Tequio para proteger al Guigu Bi Cu en Ixtepec "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ixtepec, Oaxaca. El nico objetivo es limpiar los desechos y cuidar el Guigu Bi Cu, como llaman al Ro de los Perros en Ixtepec, Oaxaca; y para eso, los vecinos del Barrio Cheguigo Jurez pusieron en prctica el tequio, una forma de organizacin comunitaria, que les ha distinguido para mejorar sus condiciones de vida.

Con piedras, palos, ramas y hojas secas, los nios y adultos realizaron pequeos muros o topes en el canal de aguas negras que existe desde hace ms de una dcada, para desviar la circulacin y mejorar el proceso de filtracin cuando desemboque al Ro de los Perros.

Todo comenz hace cuatro semanas, explica Csar Taboada, productor de cine y representante del comit comunitario creado para mejorar las condiciones de vida de este barrio donde viven aproximadamente unas 500 personas, de un total de 24 mil habitantes que son originarios de este municipio oaxaqueo.

El Guigu Bi Cu representa para los Ixtepecanos o Jeromeos un ente sagrado, y aunque todos los das hay quejas de un tiradero de residuos slidos y falta de atencin, con esta actividad los vecinos insisten en mejorar sus condiciones de vida.

El pasado domingo, los integrantes del comit de organizacin y limpieza invitaron a un tequio, al que asisti Perseida Toledo, joven binniz- zapoteca- fundadora de la Colectiva Una Mano para Oaxaca.

El tequio que todos los domingos hacemos es una actividad que no tiene partidos polticos ni religin y es de autogestin, llega la gente que as lo desee y coopera con alimentos. Hemos avanzado mucho, y esta semana que tuvimos a Perseida, hubo mayor presencia de personas y eso nos motiva a mejorar nuestras tcnicas para cuidar nuestro ro, dijo Csar.

No tener una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales desde hace 30 aos le ha costado la vida al Ro de los Perros, debido a que existen cerca de nueve fugas de aguas negras en toda la ciudad, afectando considerablemente el afluente.

No haba conciencia, slo denuncia, y ahora decidimos actuar con el corazn y las ganas de tener un afluente limpio, y lo estamos logrando entre todos. Esto es totalmente organizado desde la sociedad civil y lo mejor, con nuestros propios recursos, explic el representante comunitario.

Las jornadas de limpieza comienzan todos los domingos a las 7 en punto de la maana y concluyen alrededor de las 11:00. Son cuatro horas de compartir y defender el Ro, un espacio natural que ahora cuidan y protegen.

El Tequio en familia

Nanaxhi de Gyves y sus hijos Bee y Sicab, de 2 y 7 aos de edad...


CBDC: Technology and a Tyranny Worse than Prison "IndyWatch Feed World"

In an outstanding piece of political-theoretical writing, titled 'The Threat of Big Other' (with its play on George Orwell's 'Big Brother') Shoshana Zuboff, succinctly addresses the main issues of her book, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism - The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power (New York: Public Affairs, Hachette, 2019), explicitly linking it to Orwell's 1984. Significantly, at the time she reminded readers that Orwell's goal with 1984 was to alert British and American societies that democracy is not immune to totalitarianism, and that "Totalitarianism, if not fought against, could triumph anywhere" (Orwell, quoted by Zuboff, p. 16). In other words, people are utterly wrong in their belief that totalitarian control of their actions through mass surveillance (as depicted in 1984, captured in the slogan, "Big Brother is watching you") could only issue from the state, and she does not hesitate to name the source of this threat today (p. 16): For 19 years,...


The Age of Average "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: Alex Murrell: This article argues that from film to fashion and architecture to advertising, creative fields have become dominated and defined by convention and clich. Distinctiveness has died. In every field we look at, we find that everything looks the same. Welcome to the age of average.


Moscow Suspends Transfer of All Types of Notifications Under New START "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sputnik 29.03.2023

MOSCOW The transfer of all notifications between Russia and the United States under the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), including notifications about test launches, has been suspended, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told Sputnik on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy John Plumb said that Russian defense officials during their interaction on March 27 with US counterparts said that Moscow would not exchange semi-annual data with Washington in line with the New START treaty. As a countermeasure, the United States has decided that it will also not provide the semi-annual data on high-level numbers back to Russia.

All forms of notifications, all formats are suspended, all inspection activities, data exchange, in general, all types of work under the agreement are suspended, they will not be carried out. This does not depend on the position that the United States can take, Ryabkov told reporters.

In February 2023, Moscow announced the suspension of its participation in the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), which was signed by Russia and the US in 2010 and envisaged mutual inspections of the strategic nuclear facilities of the two countries. Putin said in his annual address to the Russian parliament then that the US had demanded that Russia unconditionally fulfill its obligations under the treaty while itself being arbitrary about its own obligations.


Abia Govt To Otti: Wait Patiently For May 29, Ikpeazu Is Still In Charge "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Abia State government has urged Dr Alex Otti, the Governor-elect of the state in the just concluded election to wait patiently till his swearing-in day so that he can take charge of the day-to-day running of the states affairs. The Abia government said it has to react to the Press Release issued by Ottis []


AMD Releases HIP Ray Tracing 2.0 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AMD today published HIP Ray-Tracing 2.0 "HIP RT" as the newest their latest-generation GPUs for leveraging hardware ray-tracing capabilities...


Canadians Protest Outside US Embassy Against Bidens Visit "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Minnesota advances 'trans refuge' bill opponents say would strip custody from non-consenting parents "IndyWatch Feed World"

Minnesota lawmakers on Thursday advanced legislation that would establish the state as a "trans refuge" for children who are seeking transgender medical procedures but who may be denied "gender-affirming care" in other states. In a party-line 68-62 vote, the Minnesota House passed HF 146, which had been introduced by Rep. Leigh Finke of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. Finke is the state's first transgender lawmaker. Democrats supporting the bill say the legislation will protect transgender people, their families and healthcare providers from facing legal repercussions for traveling to Minnesota to obtain cross-sex hormone prescriptions or sex-change procedures. Similar legislation has been introduced in California and other states with Democratic-controlled legislatures, which seek to counter Republican states that have sought to ban transgender procedures for minors. "Gender-affirming care is lifesaving health care," Finke told reporters ahead of debate on the bill....


Innovative Plant-Based Plastic Helps Build Safe, Dry Homes for Refugees "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In 2021, war, persecution and other human rights abuses forced 89.3 million people to flee their homes. By 2050, the climate crisis could raise that number to more than one billion. 

But in the immediate aftermath of an invasion or an extreme weather event, where will those people stay while waiting for a safe and permanent home? An Austin-based bioplastics startup and a Bangladeshi scientist have teamed up to develop a plant-based plastic that can be used to construct stable, dignified shelters for refugees.

I want to be the transitionary housing of choice globally, CEO of Applied Bioplastics Alex Blum told EcoWatch in an interview. 

From Dhaka to Austin

The homes are made from plant-based building blocks called BTTR Board internationally and jutin in Bangladesh. Jutin comes from jute, a plant that has been harvested in the country since ancient times but grew into a major international export from the subcontinent beginning in the 1790s.

Unfortunately for the world and for the environment, and specifically for India and Bangladesh, Blum said, the emergence of petrochemical alternatives to jute-woven burlap bags destroyed the demand for jute.

It is still grown in Bangladesh, which was the worlds top jute exporter in 2020, but it is not the money-maker for the country that it once was. However, around 25 years ago, Dr. Mubarak Ahmed Khan of Bangladesh, an award-winning scientist and former nuclear physicist, thought of anot...


After 6 people murdered at Christian school, media relentlessly smears prayer, religion "IndyWatch Feed World"

After 6 people murdered at Christian school, media relentlessly smears prayer, religion | 29 March 2023 | Pastors and conservative leaders weighed in on reaction by journalists and entertainers who have mocked prayer and brought attention to Tennessee's drag show ban amid the Christian elementary school massacre that took six lives Monday. As the nation grapples with the murders of three adults and three children at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, faith leaders responded to the criticism by journalists, commentators, entertainers and activists who have mocked prayer and blamed conservatives for outlawing drag shows for kids and not guns. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins reiterated that people should still turn to prayer as a way to combat the "spiritual battle" that "is raging for our country and our culture" which "is targeting our children."


JUST IN: FIFA removes Indonesia as host of U-20 World Cup "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Following Wednesdays meeting between FIFA President, Gianni Infantino and President of the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI), Erick Thohir, FIFA has decided, due to the current circumstances, to remove Indonesia as the host of the FIFA U-20 World Cup 2023. A new host will be announced as soon as possible, with the dates of []


$335,000 Pay for AI Whisperer Jobs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This sounds like something that would pay about a dollar per hour on Mechanical Turk. Via: Bloomberg: Everybody is talking about the artificial intelligence behind ChatGPT. Less noticed is a jobs market mushrooming around the technology, where these newly created roles can pay upwards of $335,000 a year. And for many a computer engineering degree []


Tinubu Reels Out Plan For Nigeria At 71 Birthday "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  The president-elect, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, on Wednesday, disclosed that he cannot afford to squander his mandate as the nations next president because it was a dream that he spent his life perfecting. Tinubus sober reflection, titled My 71st Birthday Message to Nigerians, raised a lot of hope as he vowed not to disappoint Nigerians []


Automate Fedora IoT configuration on a Raspberry Pi 4 with Ansible "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Create an Ansible playbook that sets the hostname, adds a new user, layers additional packages, and more on your Fedora IoT-based Raspberry Pi.

Read More at Enable Sysadmin

The post Automate Fedora IoT configuration on a Raspberry Pi 4 with Ansible appeared first on


Getting on with it. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  Envy A friend of mine has a fly-away home attached to the Payson, AZ airport. There are a number of homes with hangars incorporated with them. Airplanes have the right of way on the streets. He has more aircraft in a traditional hangar and is one of three sources for me to fly from []

The post Getting on with it. appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Nigeria: Muslims storm fishing settlement, murder traditional chief in Bayelsa State "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy (Quran 8:60) Herdsmen Attack Bayelsa State Community, Kill Traditional Chief, Sahara Reporters, March 22, 2023: The invasion on Monday night was over a fishing settlement popularly []


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Intel hosted an investor call this morning around their Data Center and AI business, including a Xeon roadmap update and more. Here are some of those highlights from this morning's call...


Active shooter calls believed to be hoax reported across Pittsburgh area "IndyWatch Feed World"

Active shooter calls believed to be hoax reported across Pittsburgh area | 29 March 2023 | (Update) Law enforcement from across the Pittsburgh area are responding to reported active shooter calls that are believed to be a hoax. Allegheny County Sheriff Kevin Kraus tells Channel 11 that there are no injuries and no evidence of any shootings at local schools. There was a massive police response at both Central Catholic and Oakland Catholic high schools in Pittsburgh's Oakland neighborhood, but Pittsburgh police said both schools have since been cleared and declared safe. Pennsylvania State Police in Uniontown said they also responded to Laurel Highlands Senior High School for an active shooter threat. State police said the threat is believed to be a "computer generated swatting call."


Soberana: AMLO lanza reforma a Leyes de concesiones mineras y agua "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

AMLO enva iniciativa a diputados para que concesiones mineras se puedan cancelar por dao o riesgo al equilibrio ecolgico. Evitar minera predatoria Regeneracin, 29 de []

La entrada Soberana: AMLO lanza reforma a Leyes de concesiones mineras y agua se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Cambio de uso de suelo, principal amenaza para los bosques "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Yucatn

La principal amenaza para los ecosistemas naturales, incluyendo a los bosques, es la actividad humana y en especial, el cambio de uso de suelo, afirma el director del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad (IIES), Diego Prez Salicrup.

En nuestro pas, entre 2001 y 2018 se perdieron 212,070 hectreas forestales en promedio al ao: 94 por ciento fue para convertirlas en espacios para usos agropecuarios, seguida de la conversin a agricultura, de acuerdo con la Comisin Nacional Forestal.

Las zonas ms crticas de deforestacin se localizan principalmente en la pennsula de Yucatn Campeche, Quintana Roo y Yucatn, as como en los estados de Chiapas, Michoacn y Jalisco, agrega el organismo.

Cuando modificamos un suelo cubierto de vegetacin natural a otro con fines de aprovechamiento humano, hay un detrimento de la cobertura natural, agrega el especialista en Ecologa y Manejo de Recursos Forestales.

Con motivo del Da Internacional de los Bosques que se conmemor el 21 de marzo seala que por el bien de la humanidad se tienen que conservar los bosques y los dems ecosistemas, pues son fuentes de recursos y sitios para la existencia del resto de las especies cuya presencia es fundamental para nuestro propio bienestar.

Por ejemplo, los bosques que estn en el Estado de Mxico y Michoacn son espacios de recarga de acuferos que surten al Sistema Cutzamala, que provee ms de 10 por ciento del agua que se consume en Ciudad de Mxico, la ms poblada del pas.

Su relacin con la salud

Este ao, el lema de esta efemride establecida por la Asamblea General de la Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) en 2012 fue Bosques y Salud.

Ante ello, el universitario explica que, en la medida en que las urbes y las zonas agrcolas se expanden y se reduce la cobertura vegetal natural, se pueden generar problemas de salud importantes.

Las especies que viven en los ecosistemas forestales tienen menos espacio, reducen sus poblaciones y pueden aumentar las enfermedades que experimentan. Muchos son vertebrados y los padecimientos que los afectan, eventualmente pueden mutar y convertirse en males para Homo sapiens o las especies que aprovechamos, expone.

Por ejemplo, la gripe aviar que empieza en alguna especie puede mutar, afectar a aves silvestres y luego a las de corral y otros vertebrados, como se presume que est pasando con los lobos marinos en la costa de Per.

Tenemos que ser conscientes que la actividad humana, causante de una prdida de cobertura natural de forma irreversible, tarde o temprano se refleja en un aumento de la cantidad potencial de enfermedades que nos afectan como especie, subraya.

Agricultura sustentable

El tambin integrante del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores indica que otro gran reto para mantener los bosques y dems ecos...


Singer Skales, Wife Welcome First Child After Marital Reconciliation "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nigerian singer, Raoul John Njeng popularly known as Skales, and his wife welcomed their bundle of joy on Tuesday, March 28th. The singer breaks the good news on his official Instagram page some minutes ago with a photo of him holding his daughters hand while expressing excitement over the pre-birthday gift. Skales shared a photo []


Ex-Minister, Akinyemi Petitions Buhari, Says Tinubu To Blame For Attacks On Igbo In Lagos "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Former Minister of External Affairs, Prof. Bolaji Akinyemi, has written a petition to President Muhammadu Buhari against the President-elect, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, alleging among other things that the former Lagos State governor was instrumental to the brutal attack meted against Igbos during the presidential, national assembly, governorship and state assembly elections. In a petition written []


Yahaya Bello Will Not Disrespect Senator Smart Adeyemi "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Kogi State, Hon. Fehinti Dada has said that Kogi State Governor, Alhaji Yahaya Bello will not take any move to disrespect the integrity of the Kogi West federal lawmaker, Senator Smart Adeyemi. Hon. Dada made this known while speaking with newsmen in Lokoja on Wednesday. He []


China Warns Against Taiwan President Meeting With U.S Speaker "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The China Government has urged the United States government not to allow Tsai Ing-wen to transit through the US, saying it would be a provocation Tsai left Taiwan on Wednesday afternoon on a 10-day trip to visit Central American allies, Belize and Guatemala. The trip includes two stopovers, in New York on the way in, []


Twitter Cannot Be Saved. Its Time For Free Speech Proponents To Let It Die "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

dead Twitter iconAt some point, instead of hoping the poison vine will produce fine wine, you just have to acknowledge reality and let it die.


ICC irreversibly crosses the line of legal decency "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

By Stephen Karganovic | Strategic Culture Foundation | March 29, 2023

Acting at the behest of its political controllers and paymasters, the racist International Criminal Court [ICC], whose principal activity since its founding in 2003 has been the malicious persecution of black African leaders, now, for a change, targets for judicial abuse a distinguished Eurasian figure.

Observers with an attention span of more than fifteen minutes (which would exclude the vast majority in the bamboozled Western countries) should have noticed immediately several glaring anomalies in ICCs arrest warrant.

The warrant purports to be based on humanitarian concern for the welfare of children allegedly transferred illegally from the Donbas. The court officers public rationale, however, omits widely known facts regarding the systematic bombardment of civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk since 2014. It ignores the demonstrated death toll of that crime amounting to at least 14,000 victims, including several thousand children. Neither this manifest offence against humanity nor the desire to call to account its obvious perpetrators, the military and political structures of the Kiev Nazi regime, seem to have played any role in the courts deliberations.

Why not? How can meticulous adherence to the provisions of the Geneva Convention which requires the evacuation of civilians from areas affected by armed conflict (Article 49) be deemed grounds for the issuance of a criminal warrant, while widespread, systematic, and indiscriminate lethal shelling of civilians is passed over in silence, without triggering any prosecutorial reaction?

For that matter, a further question can also be raised with regard to another anomaly, just as glaring. Why have the alleged atrocities in Bucha and Kramatorsk last year apparently been memory holed, to be replaced now by another that has been obviously contrived? If criminal charges were to be pressed, why have the Bucha....


Exige Asociacin Mundial de Radios Comunitarias libertad para Miguel Lpez Vega "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. La Asociacin Mundial de Radios Comunitarias (AMARC) Mxico exigi la absolucin definitiva del defensor y comunicador nahua Miguel Lpez Vega, cuya audiencia fue programada para este mircoles luego de que el Tribunal Superior de Justicia ordenara la reactivacin de su juicio por su defensa del ro Metlapanapa, en Puebla.

Lpez Vega fue detenido y preso seis das en enero de 2020 por oponerse a las obras de un colector de desechos industrial que contaminara el ro Metlapanapa, acusado de los delitos fabricados de obstruccin de obra pblica y ataques a las vas de comunicacin, delitos agravados por el presunto uso de armas y explosivos. Sin embargo, posteriormente las autoridades judiciales desestimaron las acusaciones, por lo que resulta ilegal e inadmisible la reactivacin del juicio, seal la AMARC.

La Asociacin puntualiz que dentro de la carpeta de investigacin se encuentra acusado de los mismos delitos el comunicador y defensor nahua Alejandro Torres Chocolatl, integrante de la radio comunitaria de Santa Mara Zacatepec, Puebla, junto con Lpez Vega.

La reactivacin del proceso penal nos pone en alerta ante la situacin de riesgo de que los periodistas comunitarios indgenas puedan ser privados de su libertad, seal la AMARC.

La Asociacin exigi a las autoridades mexicanas absolver definitivamente a los dos comunicadores y defensores del agua, as como respetar los derechos del pueblo de Zacatepec a la libre determinacin y a la consulta para impedir la imposicin de obras que contaminan el ro y daan la vida comunitaria.

A continuacin el comunicado completo:


Congress Has Been Captured by the Arms Industry "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Kano Governor-Elect, Yusuf Receives Certificate Of Return From INEC "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nigerian politician, Abba Kabir Yusuf, the Governor-elect of Kano State has been issued a Certificate of Return (CoR) by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) alongside his Deputy, Aminu Abdulsalam; and 25 elected members of the State House of Assembly.  Yusuf ran for the Governor of the North West state on the platform of the []


Who funds Antifa protests? We all do "IndyWatch Feed World"

Last week, the city of Philadelphia agreed to pay $9.25 million to 343 left-wing protesters who alleged they suffered "physical and emotional injuries" when police used tear gas and pepper spray to clear them off a major highway in downtown at a Black Lives Matter-style direct action in 2020. Videos recorded at the time showed the mob shut down the highway while vandalizing public property. As a journalist who reports on the militant far-left and its rioters, the question I'm asked most often is, "Who funds them?" Some believe billionaire George Soros is responsible. And they would be partially correct. Soros funds groups that form part of the support apparatus of left-wing militants district attorneys, biased media and legal groups. But his money doesn't directly reach the pockets of militants on the street. Who ends up paying far-left rioters like Antifa? Too often, taxpayers like you and me.


The Twilight Zone 1986 01 24 RV1 S01 E15b A Small Talent for War "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Twilight Zone 80s 1x37 A Small Talent for War When an alien visitor tells delegates at the United Nations that humanity will be exterminated because it has a. Twilight Zone 80s.

When an alien visitor tells delegates at the United Nations that humanity will be exterminated because it has a small talent for war, the countries of the world struggle to forge a disarmament.


The Twilight Zone (Classic): Time Enough At Last There Was Time Now "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Anti-social bookworm Henry Bemis (Burgess Meredith) suffers a cruel twist of fate as he finds himself in a nuclear wasteland without his reading glasses. Check back each Thursday for more Twilight Zone Classic videos. Stream The Twilight Zone on CBS All Access.


System76 Ups Gazelle Laptops Game With a Refresh "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Not long after updating its Pangolin laptop line, System76 is at

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Two-Tube Spy Transmitter Fits in the Palm of Your Hand "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Its been a long time since vacuum tubes were cutting-edge technology, but that doesnt mean they dont show up around here once in a while. And when they do, we like to feature them, because theres still something charming, nay, romantic about a circuit built around hot glass and metal. To wit, we present this compact two-tube spy radio transmitter.

From the look around his shack which we love, by the way [Helge Fykse (LA6NCA)] really has a thing for old technology. The typewriter, the rotary phones, the boat-anchor receiver they all contribute to the retro feel of the space, as well as the circuit hes working on. The transmitters design is about as simple as can be: one tube serves as a crystal-controlled oscillator, while the other tube acts as a power amplifier to boost the output. The tiny transmitter is built into a small metal box, which is stuffed with the resistors, capacitors, and homebrew inductors needed to complete the circuit. Almost every component used has a vintage look; we especially love those color-coded mica caps. Aside from PCB backplane, the only real nod to modernity in the build is the use of 3D printed forms for the coils.

But does...


Open the Pod bay doors, please, HAL "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I know you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and that is something I cannot allow to happen.

Alright, HAL, Ill go in through the emergency airlock.

Without your space helmet, Dave, youre going to find that rather difficult.


The Linux Foundation Announces Keynote Speakers for Open Source Summit North America 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Premier event for open source developers and community contributors will feature visionary speakers from EleutherAI, Discover Financial Services, Google, Province of British Columbia, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and more, covering the most pivotal topics and technologies at the core of open source. SAN FRANCISCO, March 29, 2023 The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass


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"Dry Storm" Hits Western Washington as a Major Cyclone Swirls Off the Coast "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Did you notice how dry the air was yesterday over large portions of western Washington?  

Strangely enough, you can blame a huge storm over the Pacific Ocea!

To show you what was going on, below is a plot of the minimum relative humidities west of the Cascades on Tuesday.  In some locations, relative humidity dropped to under 20%!

A relative humidity forecast for 2 PM Tuesday predicted very low values (below 20%, brown colors) in western Washington and southwest BC.   Low values over eastern WA as well.
But why?

Yesterday's visible satellite image around 2 PM was impressive, with a deep low-pressure area in the center of the swirl and an extensive band of frontal cloud extending around the low to northern Oregon and then south into central California.



Bruce Willis, FTD, and a Potential Breakthrough Dementia Treatment "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The actor Bruce Willis was diagnosed with aphasia in April 2022updated in February 2023 to frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Now, a major advancement is helping develop new treatments for some people with motor neuron diseases, including FTD and ALS, possibly including a nasal spray that could help prevent the genetic disease.



By Cesare Sacchetti | The Eye Of The Needle | March 26, 2023

The end of the last week was shaken by an unreal announcement. The ICC tribunal, which has its headquarters in The Hague, announced that it issued a warrant arrest against the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

For those who have not any familiarity with this court, it does not have any jurisdiction in Russia due to the simple fact that Russia never signed the treaty that instituted the ICC.

Moreover, the ICC does not have a good reputation at all. We are talking about the court that was illegally prosecuting, according to several jurists, former Serbian president, Slobodan Milosevic with the charge of genocide.

Milosevic was very close to getting an acquittal because he was demolishing the case against him in court. Unfortunately, he could not get one because he died in never clarified circumstances before the end of his trial.

Some observers hold The Hague accountable for his death because Milosevic could have unmasked years of lies spread by NATO against him.

Nevertheless, the ICC prosecutor, Kharim Khan, showed himself before the world press and claimed that Putin was guilty of having trafficked Ukrainian children to Russia.

For those who dont know much about Ukraine before the current war, the truth is quite simple. Ukraine was a world children supermarket. People from every part of the world ordered organs that were harvested from the bodies of innocent Ukrainian children.

Certainly, we are not talking about ordinary people. We are talking about people who travel in private jets. People who attend the WEF and who preach about pseudo-environmentalism while theyre the first to breach the rules of the insane and dystopian world that they imagine.

Therefore, if there is someone here who is guilty of child trafficking that would be the Ukrainian establishment, which is completely corrupt and handled by the foreign puppeteers who installed it in power.

The Euromaidan coup that was defined by Stratfor (a think tank quite close to the US deep state) as the most blatant coup in history is the best example of how the Ukrainian establishment is fully dependent upon the Anglosphere.

And the ICC has been silent for years about this horrendous traff...


NVIDIA Reveals REVOLUTIONARY AI Better Than GPT-4 And Midjourney V5 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

<p><img src= "" style="display: none;"></p> <p>I dunno if anyone has seen this. As a former Linux user, Ive been an Nvidia fan for a long time and now theyve gone on from games and Bitcoin mining. Sorry if this is a double post. Im on my way out the door for my moms Dr appointment. I always worry Ill double post by accident.</p> <hr> <p>NVIDIAs Jensen Huang just announced a set of revolutionary new Artificial Intelligence Models and Partnerships at GTC 2023. NVIDIA has always been one of, if not the most important company in the AI Industry by creating the most powerful AI hardware to date. Among them the A100 and future H100 GPUs which are powering GPT-4 from OpenAI, Midjourney and everyone else. This gives them a lot of power to jump into the AI race themselves and allows them to surpass and beat the currently best AI models from Large Language Models and Image Generation with software like Omniverse and Hardware like the DGX H100 Supercomputer and Grace CPUs.<br> <br> TIMESTAMPS:<br> 00:00 NVIDIA enters the AI Industry.<br> 01:43 GTC 2023 Announcements.<br> 04:48 How NVIDIA Beat Every Competitor at AI<br> 07:40 Running High End AI Locally.<br> 10:20 What is NVIDIAs Future?<br> 13:05 Accelerating Future.<br> <br> Technology is improving at an almost exponential rate. Robots are learning to walk & think, Brain Computer Interfaces are becoming commonplace, new Biotechnology is allowing for age reversal and Artificial Intelligence is starting to surpass humans in many areas. Follow FutureNET to always be up to date on what is happening in the world of Futuristic Technology and Documentaries about humanities past achievements.
<br> #nvidia #ai #gtc</p> <div style="clear: both;"><a href= "">Read more</a></div>


Video: US-NATO Proxy War in Ukraine Utilizes Space Technology "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Las cooperativas de mujeres superan las guerras por el agua y la sequa en Rojava "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Una mujer cuida de sus cultivos en Jinwar, un poblado del noreste de Siria donde las mujeres trabajan y conviven con sus hijos. Encarna la liberacin de la mujer que, junto con la democracia y la ecologa, es un principio central de la revolucin de Rojava. (Jinwar Womens Village via Facebook)

Desde que los devastadores terremotos gemelos sacudieron Turqua y Siria en la noche del 5 al 6 de febrero causando la muerte de ms de 50.000 personas y desplazando a millones, la atencin del mundo ha vuelto a centrarse en la frontera entre estos dos pases. Una catstrofe para todos los afectados, pero que se ha visto intensificada para los kurdos de Turqua y la Administracin Autnoma del Norte y Este de Siria (AANES o NES, tambin conocida como Rojava) como consecuencia de que Turqua y Siria han bloqueado el transporte de la ayuda de emergencia a las comunidades kurdas del norte de Siria. Una manifestacin ms de la continua opresin de los kurdos, la nacin sin patria ms grande del mundo.

Asimismo, hay otra crisis que afecta a las comunidades kurdas de la NES: Turqua ha restringido el flujo del agua a una zona ya muy afectada por el cambio climtico. En un lugar que depende en gran medida de la agricultura, el resultado de esta restriccin es que las cosechas se estn perdiendo, los agricultores se estn endeudando y la poblacin se ve obligada a marcharse debido a la sequa recurrente.

Aun as, existe un rayo de esperanza, sobre todo por parte de las mujeres de la zona. Un proyecto denominado Agua para Rojava, organizado por la Solidarity Economy Association, con sede en el Reino Unido, financi de forma colaborativa (crowdfunding) 105.000 libras (127.000 USD) a mediados de 2022 para ayudar a las cooperativas agrcolas de mujeres a regar de nuevo las tierras afectadas por la sequa. Queremos garantizar una buena vida a las mujeres que vivan en el poblado. Hay 13 mujeres dirigiendo este proyecto. Ahora estamos excavando y buscando agua, escribe una portavoz del Comit Econmico de Mujeres de Derik, al noreste de Rojava, sobre una cooperativa agrcola que recibe ayuda del Comit.

Con el apoyo de Agua para Rojava, el Comit Econmico de Mujeres ha irrigado 75 hectreas en una antigua granja estatal de 450 hectreas cerca de Derik (con una poblacin estimada de 40.000 habitantes) y 50 hectreas cerca de al-Hasakah (con una poblacin metropolitana de ms de 600.000 habitantes). Gracias al agua, estas comunidades pueden volver a florecer, explica Sami Miran (utilizamos un seudnimo para proteger su identidad), que visit l...


Former Wall Street Analyst Counts the True Cost of COVID-19 Vaccines. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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PopeMobile "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

There has been a bit of an internet kerfuffle because someone posted an AI render of the pope, wearing a crazy cool white hiphip puff coat.


Forbes [for] has the story. The short form is that, oh my god, people wont be able to tell AI fake images from real images presumably real images being captured on film or digitally, scanned, manipulated in photoshop, down-sampled, sharpened, and posted on the internet (where, depending on the platform, they are transcoded into smaller more compressed versions). I actually ran across the pope/coat image before it broke on Important News Channels like Forbes, chuckled, then did a few ideas of my own.

Naturally, I was thinking of upgraded PopeMobiles.

Midjourney AI and mjr (the popemobile designed for urban assault parked in a plaza in Italy)

I assume the large tank-like element in the rear is for swiss guards and blessed wine. Then I was thinking maybe the pope would go clubbing in his custom papal logod Bugatti, no doubt driven by some Italian F1 star.

Midjourney AI and mjr (the popemobile as an armored white bugatti veyron)

The AI came up with the papal crests on the wheel-rims, which I think is a pretty nice touch. Cant you just picture popey rolling through town at ridiculous speeds, snorting lines of mexican flake off the carbon fiber tray built into the dashboard? Humble fellow.



Iranian lawmaker says new hijab policy prohibits physical punishment "IndyWatch Feed World"

An Iranian parliamentarian says the government's new strategy to enforce the compulsory wearing of the hijab will eliminate physical punishment for women and instead carry financial and administrative penalties that have been approved by the leader of the Islamic republic. Iranian parliament member Hossein Jalali said on March 27 that the new plan includes a financial penalty of up to 30 billion Iranian Rials ($60,000) for those who breach the compulsory hijab law, while additional penalties consist of revoking a person's driver's license, canceling their passport, and prohibiting Internet access for those women who do not adhere to the hijab requirement. Under the new proposals, physical punishment will not be allowed, Jalali said. Violators instead will be punished according to a predetermined table.


La justicia no llega a dos aos del asesinato del defensor Jaime Jimnez en Oaxaca "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Este 28 de marzo se cumpli otro ao del asesinato del defensor comunitario Jaime Jimnez Ruiz, originario de Paso de la Reyna, quien fue agente municipalpresidente de la asociacin ganadera, adems de integrante del Consejo de Pueblos Unidos por la Defensa del Ro Verde (COPUDEVER). Su familia y la comunidad celebraron una misa. Despus de la misa, como es la costumbre, se comparte pan, caf y tamales.

Jaime no pudo conocer a su nieta, estaba en el vientre de su madre cuando fue asesinado, la ausencia de Jaime trascendi en su hija, hijo y esposa, adems de la comunidad y la regin. Jaime fue conocido por su defensa del ro Verde, la capacidad de anlisis de Jaime y otras y otros compaeros del COPUDEVER contribuy a que se examinara la Manifestacin de Impacto Ambiental y se presentaran argumentos sobre la inviabilidad del Proyecto hidroelctrico Ro Verde.

El trgico mes de marzo de 2021 rob la vida de cuatro defensores, el 15 de marzo asesinaron a Raymundo Robles RiaoNo Robles Cruz y Gerardo Mendoza Reyes y posteriormente, el 28, fue asesinado Jaime en el camino entre Jamiltepec-La Humedad- Paso de la Reyna, donde tambin, en distintas fechas, fueron asesinados Fidel Heras Cruz y Filogonio Martnez Merino.

Las medidas otorgadas a la comunidad por parte del Mecanismo de Proteccin para Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas han resultado insuficientes e inoperantes. El pasado gobierno de Alejandro Murat jams tom cartas en el asunto. Los cambios constantes de secretarios y secretarias de seguridad, impidieron un seguimiento y cumplimiento de las medidas. El actual gobernador, Salomn Jara Cruz, no ha dado seguimiento al caso. El presente fiscal conoce perfectamente el acontecimiento, sin embargo, no ha presentado avances en la investigacin.

En la actualidad, la comunidad de Paso de la Reyna y el COPUDEVER se mantienen en la lucha a pesar del dolor y la impunidad. A las autoridades responsables no les importa, pese a que es su obligacin, velar por salvaguardar los derechos, la seguridad y justicia de las comunidades como lo establecen la constitucin, los tratados internacionales y leyes.

Descargar Memorial Oaxaca. Historias de vida de defensores del ro Verde

Este material se comparte con autorizacin de...


How Classical Wisdom Can Solve Contemporary Problems "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Cover image from Spencer Klavan's new book, 'How to Save the West,' is an impressive treatise on how ancient wisdom can cure what ails modern society.


Burkina Faso suspends France 24 indefinitely after it airs interview with regional head of al-Qaeda "IndyWatch Feed War"

It is abhorrent that France 24 would glorify a high-level jihad leader by giving him a public forum, and then make up excuses about it. Would France 24 interview an innocent man whom Leftists deem guilty by Leftists for the offense of insulting Islam, or someone whose aim is to show  that mainstream Islam is []


[$] OpenSUSE MicroOS Desktop: a Flatpak-based immutable distribution "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Immutable Linux distributions are on the rise recently, with multiple popular distributions creating their own immutable versions; it could be one of the trends of 2023, as predicted. While many of these immutable distributions are focused on server use, there are also some that offer a desktop experience. OpenSUSE MicroOS Desktop is one of them, with a minimal openSUSE Tumbleweed as the base operating system and applications running as Flatpaks or in containers. In its daily use, it feels a lot like a normal openSUSE desktop. Its biggest benefit is availability of the newest software releases without sacrificing system stability.


US and Taiwan Plan to Equip Kiev Regime Forces with Swarms-of-swarms Drones "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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China: Democracy and Development "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Chris Hedges: The Donald Trump Problem "IndyWatch Feed World"

Washington DC (Scheerpost) Donald Trump facing four government-run investigations, three criminal and one civil, targeting himself and his business is not being targeted because of his crimes. Nearly every serious crime he is accused of carrying out has been committed by his political rivals. He is being targeted because he is deemed dangerous for his willingness, at least rhetorically, to reject the Washington Consensus regarding neoliberal free-market and free-trade policies, as well as the idea that the U.S. should oversee a global empire. He has not only belittled the ruling ideology, but urged his supporters to attack the apparatus that maintains the duopoly by declaring the 2020 election illegitimate.

The Donald Trump problem is the same as the Richard Nixon problem. When Nixon was forced to resign under the threat of impeachment, it wasnt for his involvement in war crimes and crimes against humanity, nor was it for his illegal use of the CIA and other federal agencies to spy upon, intimidate, harass and destroy radicals, dissidents and activists. Nixon was brought down because he targeted other members of the ruling political and economic establishment. Once Nixon, like Trump, attacked the centers of power, the media was unleashed to expose abuses and illegalities it had previously minimized or ignored.

Members of Nixons re-election campaign illegally bugged the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate office building. They were caught after they broke back into the offices to fix the listening devices. Nixon was implicated in both the pre-election illegality, including spying on political opponents, as well as attempting to use federal agencies to cover up the crime. His administration maintained an enemies list that included well known academics, actors, union leaders, journalists, businessmen and politicians.

One 1971 internal White House memo...


Beware of MacStealer: A New Malware Targeting macOS Catalina Devices "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Deeba Ahmed

The new MacStealer malware is being advertised on a notorious Russian hacker and cybercrime forum.

This is a post from Read the original post: Beware of MacStealer: A New Malware Targeting macOS Catalina Devices


Bulgaria refuses to send weapons to Ukraine, joins Hungary and Austrias neutrality stance "IndyWatch Feed War"

REMIX NEWS | March 27, 2023

After Austria and Hungary, Bulgaria has also joined the minority group of European Union countries that refuse to send weapons to Ukraine, news and opinion portal Mandiner reports.

Bulgaria has declared that it will not take part in the EUs joint ammunition purchase program, nor will it supply fighter jets or tanks to Ukraine, Euronews reports. Bulgarian President Rumen Radev is under enormous pressure from opposition parties, but he has said he stands by his position.

Bulgaria does not support and is not involved in the joint procurement of ammunition for Ukraine. However, we will support efforts to restore peace. As long as the interim government is in power, Bulgaria will not make its fighter aircraft, anti-aircraft missile systems, tanks and other equipment available to Ukraine, said Radev.

At the end of January, Hungarian Defense Minister Kristf Szalay-Bobrovniczky and his Austrian counterpart, Klaudia Tanner, said in Budapest that neither country will offer any kind of military assistance to Ukraine in order to prevent further escalation.

Although many of its Western allies accuse Hungary of siding with Russia in the war based on its firm stance of not sending weapons to Ukraine, last December Prime Minister Viktor Orbn said that his government is simply on the side of the Hungarians.

We are pro-Hungarian, Orbn told daily Magyar Nemzet in an interview. We are on the side of the Hungarians in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Orbn argued that while it is important to his government that Russia poses no security threat, continued economic relations are essential for not only Hungary but also the entire European economy.

The answer to the question of whether we are on the right or wrong side of history is that we are on the Hungarian side of history. We support and help Ukraine, it is in our interest to preserve a sovereign Ukraine, and it is in our interest that Russia does not pose a security threat to Europe, but it is not in our interest to give up all economic relations with Russia. We are looking at these issues through Hungarian glasses, not through anyone elses,...


Evolutionary relationships are just whatever Ken Ham decides "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Time to revise all of taxonomy, according to Ken Ham. He was annoyed by a sign at the local zoo.

Humans are animals? Something must be done!

From a biblical worldview perspective, humans are different to animals. Only human beings are made in the image of God. Let us make man in our image, after our likeness (Genesis 1:26).

God made animals differently, And God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kindslivestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds (Genesis 1:24). When God created Adam, He brought animals to him to name to show there was no one like him, as none of the animals were made in Gods image, But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him (Genesis 2:20).

Because of the emphasis today that man is just an animal & thus affecting peoples view of humanity & how they view various moral issues, I suggest Christians use the criterion made in the image of God, for an additional Kingdom. This would place man in his own Kingdom, The Human Kingdom. We need our children to understand that humans are special & made in Gods image, whereas animals are not made in Gods image.

Hes gonna fix that. First step: redesign that zoo sign.

Humans are as different from all other organisms as paramecia are from sequoias, or elephants from mushrooms. The evidence for that is a) the Bible, and b) Ken Ham.

Im afraid Im going to have to demand a full phylogenetic analysis of that tree. I dont think Answers in Genesis can do it. I dont think they have the slightest conception of the rigor required of systematics.


Video: What Is American Exceptionalism? Ray McGovern and Judge Napolitano "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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A State of Never-Ending Crisis: The Government Is Fomenting Mass Hysteria "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Mexicos Tren Maya hotel construction clears forest reserve without permits "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

MEXICO CITY The sudden, unexpected construction of a hotel in the middle of a protected reserve in southern Mexico has surprised residents and left many conservationists scrambling to figure out whats going to happen to one of the largest contiguous rainforests in Mesoamerica. Developers broke ground on the project in Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, in the state of Campeche, in January, setting off a wave of concern among residents worried about deforestation and the preservation of ancient ruins. The hotel is part of the Tren Maya, a controversial railway line that will move tourists and cargo throughout the Yucatn Peninsula and southern Mexico. There were rumors that a hotel was going to be built and that there were people already doing measurements at a work site. But they were just that: just rumors, said Carlos Mauricio Delgado Martnez, a member of the Ocelot Working Group, an NGO. No one really knew what was going to happen. Delgado said he was carrying out fieldwork when he encountered construction workers clearing trees in the middle of the reserve, dangerously close to the Maya ruins of Calakmul and an important watering hole that sustains local wildlife. The hotel will reportedly sit on a 3-hectare (7.4-acre) plot and have around 150 rooms. While the building is technically within the reserves buffer zone, where some development is permitted, it also falls within the area that was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2002. Heavy machinery was moved onto the site overnight, residents told Mongabay.This article was originally published on Mongabay


Ex-UN Rapporteur Reveals 8 Ways Intl Nord Stream Probe Can Be Pursued Despite UNSC Stonewalling "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

By Ilya Tsukanov Sputnik 28.03.2023

The failure of a Russian-Chinese Security Council resolution to set up an international probe into the Nord Stream attacks is not the end of the road, and Moscow has over half a dozen avenues to pursue the matter, both at the UN and at other venues, says Dr. Alfred de Zayas, a former UN rapporteur and veteran expert on international law.

Moscow expressed confidence Tuesday that the truth about the Nord Stream explosions would eventually break through in spite of the United Nations Security Councils failure to adopt a Russian-Chinese resolution demanding a formal international investigation into the sabotage.

Any tribunal would convict the US on the basis of the available information today, a fortiori in the absence of any credible evidence to the contrary. In the United States, any grand jury would find that the evidence already in the public domain suffices to indict the suspect for the crime and open formal criminal proceedings, de Zayas told Sputnik.

The resolution received support from Russia, China, and Brazil. The US, the UK, France, and rotating Security Council members Albania, Gabon, Ghana, Malta, Mozambique, the UAE, Switzerland, Ecuador, and Japan abstained. Russian Deputy Permanent representative to the UN Dmitry Polyanskiy told Sputnik the resolution failed thanks to big pressure on the part of the West.

Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist whose bombshell reporting revealed that US Navy divers assisted by the Norwegian military were responsible for the pipelines destruction, said he was not at all surprised the resolution failed. What else did you think they would do? If they did do anything else that would be news, Hersh told Sputnik.

De Zayas characterized Hershs reporting as thorough, coherent and prima facie credible, and said his investigations constitute a solid basis to commence an independent international investigation, which would require the consent of those countries whose territorial sovereignty extends over the area where the explosions took place, namely Sweden and Denmark.

Unfortunately, the legal expert said, Sweden has so far stonewalled on the issue and hasnt shared its own probes findings with the UN. Swedens silence can only be interpreted as a cover-up, because the consequences of revealing proof of US violation of Swedish and Danish sovereignty, and the colossal violation of international law and the laws of war, would have exploded NATO in the same way as the US exploded the pipelines, he suspects.

The international legal expert emphasized that to be credible, any probe by the No...


Why Most of the World Isnt on Board with the NATO-Russia War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Neurotechs Battles Impact Our Brains Future "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Mental sovereignty, says author Nita Farahany, is no longer a given:

Neurotechnologies todaydevices that can measure and influence our brains and nervous systemsare growing in power and popularity. The neurotech marketplace, according to Precedence Research, is worth USD $14.3 billion this year and will exceed $20 billion within four years. Noninvasive brain-computer interfaces, brain stimulation devices, and brain-monitoring hardware (measuring alertness and attention at work, for example) are no longer just laboratory experiments and technological curios. The societal and legal implications of widespread neurotech adoption may be substantial.

Nita Farahany, professor of law and philosophy at Duke University, has written a new book, [...] which explores how our lives may be impacted by the use of brain-computer interfaces and neural monitoring devices.

Farahany argues that the development and use of neurotech presents a challenge to our current understanding of human rights. Devices designed to measure, record and influence our mental processes, used by us or on us, may infringe on our rights to mental privacy, freedom of thought, and mental self-determination. She calls this collection of freedoms the right to cognitive liberty. Spectrum spoke with Farahany recently about the future and present of neurotech and how to weigh its promisesenhanced capabilities, for instance, including bionics and prosthetics and even a third armagainst its potential to interfere with people's mental sovereignty.

An interview with Farahany is in the linked article.

Does neurotech's future fill you with optimism for a better world, or dread of what might follow?

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


China wants Nord Stream attackers brought to justice "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | March 28, 2023

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has said the saboteurs of the Nord Stream pipelines must face consequences, as it condemned Americas failure to support a UN-led investigation into the incident. A Russian-sponsored resolution for an international probe did not pass a vote at the UN Security Council earlier this week.

Speaking at a media briefing on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning claimed that Washington is keen to carry out so-called investigations of developing nations, yet is secretive on this incident. The diplomat argued that the US attitude was an example of obvious double standards, and suggested that officials in Washington were afraid of something. Mao added that China hopes the perpetrators will be brought to justice as soon as possible.

China, Russia, and Brazil backed the draft resolution for an international Nord Stream investigation in a UN Security Council vote on Monday, although 12 other members abstained. If adopted, the resolution would have requested the secretary general to establish a commission to conduct a comprehensive, transparent, and impartial international investigation of the incident, which happened in September last year.

The US claimed the proposal was intended to undermine the national investigations being run by Germany, Denmark, and Sweden. Germany was the intended recipient of Russian natural gas pumped through the sabotaged pipelines. Denmark and Sweden are conducting probes as the explosions which ruptured the energy link occurred in their territorial waters.

Chinas deputy representative to the UN, Geng Shuang, argued that there was no obstacle to holding an international investigation in parallel with national ones.

Geng also noted that the trio of European nations had already had six months to conduct their probes. Beijing expects them to increase their sense of urgency, report the progress of the investigations to the Security Council in a timely and regular manner, and find out and announce the results of the investigations as soon as possible, the Chinese delegation said in a statement.

Veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh claimed last month that the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines was ordered by US President Joe Biden and was conducted jointly by America and Norway. Both nations have denied those allegations. Russian President Vladimir Putin said last week that he fully agreed with Hershs conclusions.


Google TAG shares details about exploit chains used to install commercial spyware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Googles Threat Analysis Group (TAG) discovered several exploit chains targeting Android, iOS, and Chrome to install commercial spyware.

Googles Threat Analysis Group (TAG) shared details about two distinct campaigns which used several zero-day exploits against Android, iOS and Chrome. The experts pointed out that both campaigns were limited and highly targeted. The threat actors behind the attacks used both zero-day and n-day exploits in their exploits.

The exploit chains were used to install commercial spyware and malicious apps on targets devices.

The first campaign was spotted in November 2022, the exploit chains discovered by TAG researchers were affecting Android and iOS and were delivered via links sent over SMS to users. The campaign aimed at users in Italy, Malaysia, and Kazakhstan. Once clicked the links, targets are initially redirected to pages hosting exploits for either Android or iOS, then redirected to legitimate websites (e.g. Italian-based shipment and logistics company BRT, or a popular Malaysian news website).

The initial landing page was observed hosting the exploits for a WebKit remote code execution zero-day (CVE-2022-42856) and a sandbox escape (CVE-2021-30900) issue.

In this campaign, the final payload was a simple stager that pings back the GPS location of the device and allows to install an .IPA file (iOS application archive) onto the affected device.

The Android exploit chain in the first campaign targeted users on phones with an ARM GPU running Chrome versions prior to 106. The exploit chain consisted of three exploits, including one 0-day:


Required Faculty Diversity (DEI) Statements Undermine the Future of the University of Washington and Other Colleges "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

At the University of Washington and many other academic institutions, applicants for faculty positions must complete a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) statement that describes their past actions in support of DEI and how they will foster DEI if appointed.  In addition, these required statements generally demand that the applicant express support or commitment to DEI principles.

As will be shown below, such DEI statements are of questionable legality, suppress viewpoint diversity, and politicize academic institutions.  They are destructive to the foundational values of academia, create a monoculture of opinion, act as a litmus test of political belief, and often hurt the groups they are meant to support.

DEI Represents the Politicization of the Academy

Although the terms diversity, equity, and inclusion superficially appear to be general and innocuous, the working definitions used in most universities are highly partisan and politicized.  Diversity generally refers to encouraging the representation of certain identity groups, based on race, color, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.  Equity refers to equal outcomes for all groups, not equality of opportunity.  And Inclusion generally only encompasses certain favored groups.

The political nature of such DEI ideas is highlighted by the huge differences in support of DEI across the political spectrum.  In a recent poll of 1491 faculty by the non-partisan group FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression), 75% of liberal or left-leaning faculty supported mandatory diversity statements while 90% of conservative faculty and 56% of politically moderate faculty saw them as inappropriate political litm...


TV Review: Upstart Crow (2016-2018) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This very funny BBC comedy series that ran for three seasons of six episodes each (plus Christmas specials) is about William Shakespeare. The writer is Ben Elton and David Mitchell plays Shakespeare and is supported by an excellent cast. The action shifts between three locations: His home in Stratford-upon-Avon where his wife Anne, parents, and three children live, his lodgings in London that he shares with his servant Bottom, the landladys daughter Kate, and his friend Kit Marlowe, and the Globe theater in which Richard Burbages company performed his plays.

Each episode has allusions to at least one of his plays.

The first series follows the writing and preparation to stage Romeo and Juliet after William has gained some early career recognition for his poetry, as well as his plays Henry VI and Richard III. Events in each episode allude to one or more Shakespeare plays and usually end with Will discussing the events with Anne and either being inspired to use, or dissuaded from using, them in a future work. Along with the many Shakespearean references (including the use of asides and soliloquies) there are also several references to the television shows Blackadder and The Office. There are running gags in many episodes: the casual sexism towards Kates attempts to become an actress, Shakespeares coach journeys between London and Stratford which refer to modern motorway and railway journey frustrations, and are delivered in a style that references the 1970s sitcom The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, Shakespeare (and in one episode Marlowe) demanding ale and pie from his servants or family, and Shakespeare frequently claiming credit for common turns-of-phrase that predate Elizabethan times (many of them now commonly misattributed to Shakespeare).

The series takes aim at classism, racism, nativism, and sexism and much of the humor stems from anachronistic references, where current controversies and issues are woven into those times. It also pokes fun at the length of his plays, their convoluted and often absurd plots, and the fact that Shakespeare had little compunction about using ideas for stories and language that he obtained from those around him and passing them off as his own. It also pokes fun at his elaborate metaphors.

As with many satires and parodies, it is funnier the more familiar you are with the source material, in this case Shakespeares life and plays. But so much of that have seeped into common knowledge that almost anyone should be able to enjoy this series.

Here is a compilation of some of the funny bits.



The Digital Iron Curtain: How the RESTRICT Act Threatens to Devastate Privacy and Crush Free Speech Online "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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IAEA on Kievs Remark on Capturing ZNPP by Force: Nuclear Plant Should Not Be Target "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sputnik 29.03.2023

The Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) should not be considered as a target during current hostilities, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi said on Wednesday, commenting on Kievs statement about capturing the plant by force.

During his visit to the territory of the ZNPP, Grossi pointed to the need to agree on one important thing the nuclear power plant should not be attacked and used for attacks in the other direction.

The idea is the basis of a new concept, currently being developed to protect the ZNPP, the IAEA chief said, adding that it envisages narrowing the safety zone around the plant. He insists that new measures have to be taken in order to protect the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant as situation here is not getting better. According to Grossi, hostilities around the area are intensifying so the agency is developing a new protection concept for the plant, and discusses this issue with Russia and Ukraine.

Rosenergoatom, a subsidiary of Russian state nuclear energy corporation Rosatom supports the stance of IAEA head Rafael Grossi that the ZNPP should not be used as a target or for blackmail, Rosenergoatom spokesman Renat Karchaa said on Wednesday.

We fully support the position of the IAEA and Mr. Grossi on the inadmissibility of using the ZNPP as a target, but we are also categorically against the use of the plant as an instrument of blackmail and manipulation, Karchaa told reporters after inspecting the plants territory with Grossi.

The Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, under the control of Russian forces since March, is persitently shelled by Ukrainian militants. Moscow has repeatedly warned that such attacks should be considered as acts of nuclear terrorism.


polkitd service user privilege separation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Johannes Segitz on Mar 29


I'm a member of the SUSE product security team. During the product audit
for SLES 15 SP5 I noticed an issue with polkit:

# Default rules config writeable for the service user

polkit stores rules in /etc/polkit-1/rules.d. We follow the upstream
provided permissions for this folder, so polkitd owns it and permissions
are set to 700:

localhost:/etc/polkit-1/rules.d # ls -lah
total 64K
drwx------ 1 polkitd root 44 Mar 8 18:29 ....


5,000 lightning strikes in just 30 MINUTES over a district within Odisha, India - 5 killed "IndyWatch Feed World"

Different parts of Odisha have been witnessing rains and thunderstorms under the influence of western disturbance. While heavy rain lashed several districts of the state for over a week, more than 5,000 lightning strikes have been reported in Basudevpur area of Bhadrak district within half-an-hour on Wednesday. Five people are stated to have been killed in this event, sources said. Meteorologist Umashankar Das of Bhubaneswar Meteorological Centre said in a tweet that more than 5000 lightning strikes occurred in Basudevpur area of Bhadrak in just 30 minutes. Quoting local source, he said unfortunately five people died because of this severe lightning event.


UN Security Council Wont Probe Nord Stream Bombing "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Serbia and Hungary Form Strategic Council Despite EU Opposition "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Tips for Vaping in Europe While Traveling "IndyWatch Feed World"

Traveling to Europe can be a magical experience, with its rich history, culture, and delectable cuisine. However, if youre an avid vaper, you may be concerned about navigating the rules and regulations surrounding vaping in various European countries.

This article aims to provide valuable tips for vaping in Europe while traveling, ensuring you have a safe, enjoyable, and hassle-free experience.

Know the Vaping Regulations in Each Country


First and foremost, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the vaping regulations in the countries you plan to visit. While the European Union (EU) has some overarching rules, each member country is free to enforce its own specific regulations.

These can range from age restrictions to limitations on e-cigarette sales and usage in public places. Spend some time researching the local laws before you embark on your trip to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Pack Your Vaping Gear Wisely

Air travel with vaping gear can be tricky, so its essential to pack your devices and supplies correctly. When flying, store your e-cigarettes and other vaping devices in your carry-on luggage, as they are not allowed in checked baggage due to the lithium-ion batteries they contain.

Make sure your e-liquids are in containers that do not exceed 100 ml (3.4 oz) and place them in a clear plastic bag for security screenings. Additionally, bring extra batteries, chargers, and coils, as finding replacements abroad may be difficult or expensive.

Be Mindful of Public Etiquette



Archeologists Discover Oldest Pearl City In UAE "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Archeologists have just announced the discovery of the oldest Pearl City a city whose economy was based solely on pearl-diving on the island of Siniyah that belongs to the United Arab Emirates. The story is here: Archaeologists Discover Oldest Pearl City in the Gulf in the UAE, i24 News, March 20, 2023: Archaeologists on []


Blender 3.5 Released With Lighting Improvements For Cycles, Better glTF 2.0 Handling "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

widely-used, open-source 3D modeling software. Blender 3.5 is another exciting update for this free software that has garnered significant industry interest and support...


Weird Electric Jet Skis Are Hitting The Waves "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When it comes to reducing emissions from human sources, were at the point now where we need to take a broad-based approach. Its not enough to simply make our cars more efficient, or start using cleaner power plants. We need to hit carbon zero, and thus everything has to change.

To that end, even recreational watercraft are going electric in this day and age....


The Art of Awakening: A Guide to Finding Your True Self "IndyWatch Feed World"

March 30th, 2023 By Nikki Harper Staff Writer for Wake Up World Do you sense that theres more to life than what youre experiencing? Perhaps youre feeling a need to be alone while you try to figure out your life. Perhaps youre spending many hours searching for meaning and not finding it. Or maybe []

The post The Art of Awakening: A Guide to Finding Your True Self first appeared on Wake Up World.


How Data Management Solutions Benefit Enterprises "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In a world that relies increasingly on the strength of information sharing, many enterprises have struggled to find computing systems that can keep up. Modern data management solutions are the answer. These centralized platforms are becoming increasingly powerful and increasingly common. Offering the ability to centrally collect, manage, transform, and distribute data, enterprise-grade data management []


Spyware Vendors Caught Exploiting Zero-Day Vulnerabilities on Android and iOS Devices "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A number of zero-day vulnerabilities that were addressed last year were exploited by commercial spyware vendors to target Android and iOS devices, Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) has revealed. The two distinct campaigns were both limited and highly targeted, taking advantage of the patch gap between the release of a fix and when it was actually deployed on the targeted devices. "These


Stenberg: Pre-notification dilemmas "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Curl maintainer Daniel Stenberg expresses some frustrations with the vulnerability notification policies maintained by the distros mailing list.

The week before we were about to ship the curl 8.0.0 release, I emailed the distros mailing list again like I have done so many times before and told them about the upcoming six(!) vulnerabilities we were about to reveal to the world.

This time turned out to be different.

Because of our updated policy where the fixes were already committed in a public git repository, the distros mailing lists policy says that if there is a public commit they consider the issue to be public and thus they refuse to accept any embargo.

What they call embargo I of course call heads-up time.

The kernel project has run into similar issues in the past.


The Emerging Sail/Cubesat Paradigm for Deep Space "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Emerging Sail/Cubesat Paradigm for Deep Space

We need to get to the ice giants. We have limited enough experience with our systems larger gas giants, although orbital operations at both Jupiter and Saturn have been highly successful. But about the ice giants, their formation, their interiors, their moons (and even the possibility of internal oceans on these objects), we draw on only a single mission, Voyager II. Which is why the April 2022 decadal study (Origins, Worlds, and Life: A Decadal Strategy for Planetary Science and Astrobiology 2023-2032) recommended a Uranus mission, complete with orbiter, to be launched in the late 2030s.

Can we do this under our existing paradigm for space exploration? A new paper titled Science opportunities with solar sailing smallsats, written by the Jet Propulsion Laboratorys Slava Turyshev and co-authored by major proponents of solar sail technologies, makes the case for coupling our abundant advances in miniaturization with our growing experience in solar sails to achieve missions at significantly lower cost and substantial savings in time. Because staying within the traditional game plan, we are constrained by slow chemical propulsion (or low-readiness nuclear methods) as well as decades of mission planning, not to mention cruise times in the range of 15 years to reach Uranus. These are numbers that can and should be improved, and greatly so.

Fortunately, solar sailing is moving beyond the range of experiment toward practical missions that will build on each other to advance a new paradigm smaller and faster. Much smaller and much faster. Consider: The Japanese IKAROS sail has already demonstrated the interplanetary possibilities of sails, while the success of The Planetary Societys LightSail-2 helped to energize the NEA-Scout mission NASA launched in 2022. Concept studies continue. Japan developed OKEANOS, a hybrid sail/ion engine design as an outer planet mission as a follow-on to IKAROS (the mission was a finalist for funding but lost out to a space telescope called LiteBIRD).

But sail technology must be wed with practical payloads, and spacecraft acceleration is proportional to the sail area divided by the spacecraft mass, which means that miniaturization and the use of smallsats win on efficiency. Here were reminded of the recent success of the Mars Cube One (MarCO) smallsats, which worked in conjunction with the InSight Lander and demonstrated the practicality of the highly modular and integrated CubeSat format for missions well beyond Earth orbit (see...


Security updates for Wednesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (unbound and xorg-server), Fedora (stellarium), Oracle (kernel), SUSE (apache2, oracleasm, python-Werkzeug, rubygem-loofah, sudo, and tomcat), and Ubuntu (git, kernel, and linux-hwe-5.19).


10 Sci-Fi Movies That Were Way Too Complicated "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Seriously, can somebody please explain just what the heck is going on here?

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The Christian rot is everywhere "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Hey, isnt that Achilles from the movie Troy? I had no idea he was Christian.

I am not at all surprised by the revelation that evangelical Christians think theyre waging a holy war against trans people. Now we have even more evidence, in the email lobbyists write to politicians, with both incessantly claiming that God is on their side.

Under His wings, one lobbyist wrote in an email. The Devil never sleeps, another person sent in an email chain about the distinction between gender and sex. I pray for the 2nd coming more and more.

These missives are part of a trove of leaked emails between South Dakota GOP Rep. Fred Deutsch, anti-trans lobbyists, and other state lawmakers about anti-trans policies that are filled with language so deeply religious that, at times, the communications read like scripts from The Handmaids Tale. Its the language, one expert told VICE News, of Christian nationalists who believe theyre engaging in a holy war.

The way these people talk to each otherits all Bible references and piety, while theyre advocating to increase the suffering of children. For someone like me, who is rather firmly anti-religious, its repulsive.

The repeated notes about blessings and prayers, as well as sign-offs like God bless you and Under His wings, proliferate throughout the emails, which frequently reference explicit religious motivations for targeting trans people.

Know that many have prayed and are praying for you this day. Do not back down, nor should you be afraid. Know that the Lord is with you. The children of South Dakota belong to him. He is jealous over them. Let his jealousies be spoken forth in the House of Representatives of South Dakota today so that his children would be made safe. Know you are HIS representative today. Do not be afraid. Stand firm in what is right, wrote Vernadette Broyles, a lawyer and president of the Georgia-based Children and Parental Rights Campaign, which mobilizes against gender ideology, in 2020.

They cant muster a good argument or a rational defense for their behavior, so they resort to claiming Biblical authority. Its lazy and stupid and done for an evil purpose, and damn the evidence. For the Bible tells me so (which it doesnt, actually most of this stuff is interpolation and reading their biases into the text) is all theyve got.



Serbia and Hungary form Strategic Council despite EU opposition "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ahmed Adel | March 29, 2023

The idea of forming a Serbia-Hungary Strategic Council was announced by Serbian President Aleksandar Vui after his meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbn in Belgrade on March 25. Specifically, Vui announced that the strategic council between the two countries would be established in May. As Serbia is a non-EU/NATO member, unlike Hungary, it is guaranteed that Brussels and Washington are not happy about the strengthening ties between the two neighbouring countries.

Accordingly, the council would deal with the issue of security, the fight against terrorism, and opens the possibility of cooperation between their armies and police in the military-technical sense. It is for this reason, despite the benefits that this strategic cooperation brings for both countries, Brussels and Washington are not happy with this emergence.

The issue of security is very important and is back at the forefront due to the crisis in Ukraine. More than ever, the spotlight has not just been placed on security in the traditional sense, but also in regards to energy. Serbia and Hungary are connected not only by good mutual relations, but also by their tense relationship with the European Union. Although Hungary is an EU member, it has a number of open issues with the bloc, such as the handling of the war in Ukraine. Fundamentally, Serbias and Hungarys current interests are opposed to that of the EU, and it is also this factor which unites them.

Serbia has excellent economic relations with Russia and China, and Orbn as a Hungarian nationalist, broke from EU consensus and concluded that his country should not have confrontational ties with Moscow. Serbia and Hungary are looking towards a Eurasian future rather than an Atlanticist one, something which binds their commonalities and necessitates the need for a common strategic council.

In addition, Hungary is surrounded by countries with which it has a rather difficult historical (and sometimes current) relations, regardless of mutual NATO and EU membership, namely Romania and Slovakia. However, Hungary also never had great relations with Ukraine or Yugoslavia. With Serbia though, the successor of Yugoslavia, this has massively changed.

Both Belgrade and Budapest have invested a lot of energy into thawing relations in the last ten years. This developing relationship was epitomised with the Serbian Parliament in December ratifying the agreement on strategic cooperation between Serbia and Hungary.

Hungary is the only country neighbouring Serbia that Belgrade has concluded a strategic cooperation with, and it relates to more than twenty areas. This includes infrastructure and the economy, where Hungary is already among the first foreign trade partners of Serbia. This also extends to other sectors too, which is why Hungary is rapidly becoming one of Serbias closest pa...


A Controversial Rocket Technology Could Challenge a Basic Law of Physics "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Some of the more well-known examples include retrievable and reusable rockets, retrieval at sea, mid-air retrieval, single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) rockets, and kinetic launch systems.

In addition, there are also efforts to develop propulsion systems that do not rely on conventional propellants. This technology offers many advantages, including lower mass and improved energy efficiency, ultimately lowering costs.

On June 10, 2023, an all-electrical propulsion system for satellites (the IVO Quantum Drive) will fly to space for the first time. The system was built by North Dakota-based wireless power company IVO, Ltd. and will serve as a testbed for an alternative theory of inertia that could have applications for propulsion.


CVE-2023-28158: Apache Archiva privilege escalation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Olivier Lamy on Mar 29


Privilege escalation via stored XSS using the file upload service to upload malicious content.
The issue can be exploited only by authenticated users which can create directory name to inject some XSS content and
gain some privileges such admin user.

This issue is being tracked as n/a


sandr0 ( (finder)



Direct observation of a superconducting vortex diode Communications "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A nonreciprocal critical current is known as the superconducting diode effect (SDE). Here, the authors use SQUID-on-tip to study SDE in a EuS/Nb bilayer and find that the stray field from magnetized EuS creates screening currents in the Nb, which lead to SDE by affecting vortex flow dynamics.


A robust quantum memory that stores information in a trapped-ion quantum network "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers at University of Oxford have recently created a quantum memory within a trapped-ion quantum network node. Their unique memory design, introduced in a paper in Physical Review Letters, has been found to be extremely robust, meaning that it could store information for long periods of time despite ongoing network activity.

We are building a network of quantum computers, which use trapped ions to store and process quantum information, Peter Drmota, one of the researchers who carried out the study, told To connect quantum processing devices, we use emitted from a single atomic ion and utilize between this ion and the photons.

Trapped ions, charged atomic particles that are confined in space using , are a commonly used platform for realizing quantum computations. Photons (i.e., the particles of light), on the other hand, are generally used to transmit quantum information between distant nodes. Drmota and his colleagues have been exploring the possibility of combining trapped ions with photons, to create more powerful quantum technologies.


Youngkin Thwarts Democrat Election Scheme With Return To Virginia Constitution On Felon Voting "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Virginia Governor Glenn YoungkinIn accordance with the state constitution, Youngkin will determine whether ex-convicts can obtain voting privileges on an individual basis.


Indonesia's Anak Krakatoa volcano erupts, belches huge ash tower "IndyWatch Feed World"

The offspring of Indonesia's infamous Krakatoa volcano erupted several times on Tuesday, sending a huge volcanic ash tower some 2,500 meters (8,200 feet) into the sky. Mount Anak Krakatoa, which means Child of Krakatoa, erupted four times, officials said, with the biggest followed by another that sent a column of smoke and ash 1,500 meters above its crater. "This is part of an eruption phase associated with the formation of a new body for the volcano," Oktory Prambada, an official at the Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, told AFP. In 2018, its crater partly collapsed when a major eruption sent huge chunks of the volcano sliding into the ocean, triggering a tsunami that killed more than 400 people and injured thousands. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage on Tuesday.


Playing with Financial Fire "IndyWatch Feed War"

<p>Capitalism, Marx said, is unceasingly prone to crisis. His observation applies as much to financial capital as to industrial capital, as the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank of New York attest. In their pursuit of profits, banks make loans that borrowers cannot repay or back the loans with assets that lose value. Why has this scenario become so deeply rooted in American capitalism and what is the states role in restabilizing the financial system once the house of cards begins to tremble?</p> <p>This banking crisis seems to have ebbed as federal regulators decided to guarantee all deposits, regardless of the usual FDIC limits, at these two banks. Meanwhile, the US Federal Reserve Board carefully punted on its recent interest rate hike, hoping to locate a sweet spot between a higher anti-inflationary rate and the need to stabilize a quaking banking system with a lower one. It settled for a modest 0.25% increase. These federal actions are band aids on a gushing wound. Before considering steps government should be taking to avert future banking crises, we need to understand why they happen. The foundation of finance capital is loan credit. This means not only that finance capital and all the economic activities that it supports depend on a faith that mounting loans and debts will be repaid, but that the intangible financial assets used to repay the loans will retain enough of their value to keep the system going. In Silicon Valleys case, for example, the long-term low-interest government bonds it used to back up its capital lost their value as the Fed raised interest rates to battle inflation and triggered a run on the bank. Put simply, newer government bonds paid more interest so old ones lost value. Depositors followed the money.</p> <p>Karl Marx brilliantly explained how contradictions of capitalist <i>production</i> fueled emergent crises. For example, as capital replaced labor with technology, both surplus value and the rate of demand for goods would fall, raising barriers to further accumulation. And when capitalists stop accumulating capital, the system grinds to a horrific halt. Think 1929. Frederick Engels drew on Marxs work to reveal much about the financial aspects of business as usual in Vols 2 & 3 of Capital that he edited, but Marxs work on this score remained under-developed. Analysis of finance capitalism, a capitalism led by banks and financiers, not industrial corporations, awaited its fuller development in the early 20th century. Rudolf Hilferdings path breaking work <i>Finance Capital</i> dissected the case of banker dominance in Imperial Germany. For the American variant, however, there was no more acute guide than Thorstein Veblen. His <i>Theory of Business Enterprise</i> (1904) and <i>Absentee Ownership</i> (1923) remain invaluable guides to our current situation. Together, these books clearly chart the transfor...


Microsoft unveils AI-powered Security Copilot analysis tool "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Microsoft has unveiled Security Copilot, an AI-powered analysis tool that aims to simplify, augment and accelerate security operations (SecOps) professionals work. Using Microsoft Security Copilot Security Copilot takes the form of a prompt bar through which security operation center (SOC) analysts ask questions in natural language and receive practical responses. They can ask it to identify ongoing incidents, analyze code snippets, provide information about added links or files, analyze alerts from other security tools used More

The post Microsoft unveils AI-powered Security Copilot analysis tool appeared first on Help Net Security.


First major wildfire of year in Spain burns through 4,000 hectares "IndyWatch Feed World"

Spain's first major wildfire of 2023 has scorched more than 4,000 hectares (9,900 acres) of forest in the Valencia region. Footage shows emergency services battling the raging flames on Sunday (26 March), with 500 firefighters supported by 20 planes and helicopters in an attempt to bring the blaze under control near the village of Villanueva de Viver. Ximo Puig, president of the Valencia region, said the fire was made more "voracious" by summer-like temperatures of 30C. Around 1,500 people have been forced to leave their homes as the fire rages.


Where Did the Claim that 97% of Scientists Believe Climate Change Is a Man-Made, Urgent Problem Come From? Is It True? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Where Did the Claim that 97% of Scientists Believe Climate Change Is a Man-Made, Urgent Problem Come From? Is It True? appeared first on Global Research.


Iran: New law to fine women $60,000 for flouting hijab rules "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iran is the worlds representative Shia state. To expect the Islamic Republic to change course in order to suit infidel ideals of human rights is to expect its mullahs and ayatollahs to disobey the Sharia. The Quran instructs: (Quran 24:31) And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display []


Robots Using Legs as Arms to Climb and Push Buttons "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Weve gotten used to thinking of quadrupedal robots as robotic versions of dogs. And, to be fair, its right there in the word quadrupedal. But if we can just get past the Latin, theres absolutely no reason why quadrupedal robots have to restrict themselves to using all four of their limbs as legs all of the time. And in fact, most other quadrupeds are versatile like this: four-legged animals frequently use their front limbs to interact with the world around them for non-locomotion purposes.

Roboticists at CMU and UC Berkeley are training robot dogs to use their legs for manipulation, not just locomotion, demonstrating skills that include climbing walls, pressing buttons, and even kicking a soccer ball.

Training a robot to do both locomotion and manipulation at the same time with the same limbs can be tricky using reinforcement learning techniques, because you can get stuck in local minima while trying to optimize for skills that are very different and (I would guess) sometimes in opposition to each other. So, the researchers split the training into separate manipulation and locomotion policies, and trained each in simulation, although that meant an extra step smooshing those separate skills together in the real world to perform useful tasks.

Successfully performing a combined locomotion and manipulation task requires one high-quality expert demonstration. The robot remembers what commands the human gave during the demonstration, and then creates a behavior tree that it can follow that breaks up the tasks into a bunch of connected locomotion and manipulation sub-tasks that it can perform in order. This also adds robustness to the system, because if the robot fails any sub-task, it can rewind its way back through the behavior tree until it gets back to a point of success, and then start over from there.

This particular robot (a Unitree Go1 with an Intel RealSense for perception) manages to balance itself against a wall to press a wheelchair access button thats nearly a meter high, and then walk out the open door, which is pretty impressive. More broadly, this is a useful step towards helping non-humanoid...


Shining Light on Science Educations Dark Age "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Possibly even worse than the promotion of consensus was their endorsement of censorship of any scientific information that deviates from the consensus groupthink.

Major media and the systemic silencing of Palestinians "IndyWatch Feed War"

(Image: Visualizing Palestine)Excluding Palestinian voices and firing journalists who want to speak out about Israeli apartheid makes the mainstream media complicit in Israels system of silencing.

Wednesday, 29 March


Radical Protests in France, A Province of the Global Orwellian Empire. Can Fascism be Overcome? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Facing Clear Evidence of Peril in a Country of Lies. Money is the Dirty Secret of all News "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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The post Facing Clear Evidence of Peril in a Country of Lies. Money is the Dirty Secret of all News appeared first on Global Research.


Those dirty, filthy, disgusting rainbows "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The puckered sphincters who run Wisconsin schools constricted a little more. They banned a song from a first grade class.

Administrators at a Wisconsin elementary school stopped a first-grade class from performing a Miley Cyrus and Dolly Parton duet promoting LGBTQ acceptance because the song could be perceived as controversial.

Students at Heyer Elementary School in Waukesha had prepared a rendition of Rainbowland for their spring concert, but school officials struck the song from the lineup last week. Parents in the district say the decision was made because the song encourages LGBTQ acceptance and references rainbows.

Superintendent James Sebert, who did not immediately return a call on Monday, confirmed to Fox6 that administrators had removed Rainbowland from the first-grade concert because it might not be appropriate for the age and maturity level of the students. He also cited a school board policy against raising controversial issues in classrooms.

Sebert has previously prohibited rainbows and pride flags from being displayed in Waukesha classrooms and suspended the school districts equity and diversity work in 2021.

Its just hatred all the way down, isnt it? Mr Sebert must gnash his teeth in frustration when he steps outside after a rain. All these horrible people with sticks up their ass seem to be pretty good at clawing their way into positions of petty power, I must say.

Of course, you know what I must do: I must post the song and help it spread.

Damn. Thats so obsceneto a dirty little mind.


Background on Six Subjects Suggested by Acting DDI, 7 August 1967 "IndyWatch Feed World"

The following document was released heavily redacted, and parts fully withheld, in June 2005. The Black Vault filed a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request on April 23, 2020, and the record was released January 4, 2020.

The result was an MDR success, wherein the CIA released numerous pages, and lifted numerous redactions, on the record.

The document can be seen below.

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Background on Six Subjects Suggested by Acting DDI, 7 August 1967 [89 Pages, 4.8MB]

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Arch Linux Installer v2.5.4 Adds Initial Swapfile Support "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In time for the new month to begin and in turn a new Arch Linux installer ISO, Archinstall 2.5.4 was just released as the newest installer...


Romanian TAROM Flight RO-7673 Diverted. 30-Year Old Pilot Had Chest Pain and Collapsed In-flight. Seventh Pilot Incident this Month "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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The post Romanian TAROM Flight RO-7673 Diverted. 30-Year Old Pilot Had Chest Pain and Collapsed In-flight. Seventh Pilot Incident this Month appeared first on Global Research.


Fwd: X.Org Security Advisory: CVE-2023-1393: X.Org Server Overlay Window Use-After-Free "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Olivier Fourdan on Mar 29

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: X.Org Security Advisory: CVE-2023-1393: X.Org Server Overlay Window Use-After-Free
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2023 14:15:05 +0200
From: Olivier Fourdan
To: xorg-announce () lists x org
CC: xorg () lists x org, xorg-devel , zdi-disclosures () trendmicro com

X.Org Security Advisory: March 29, 2023

X.Org Server Overlay Window Use-After-Free...


Trend Micro Uncovers Yet Another X.Org Server Vulnerability: CVE-2023-1393 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

For over a decade now the X.Org Server has been seeing routine security disclosures in its massive codebase with some security researchers saying it's even worse than it looks and security researchers frequently finding multiple vulnerabilities at a time in the large and aging code-base that these days rarely sees new feature work. Today another disclosure was made by the folks with the Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative...


Rand Paul staffer stabbed in brutal attack in Washington, DC "IndyWatch Feed World"

A statement by Sen. Rand Paul confirmed on Monday that a member of his staff was viciously stabbed in broad daylight in Washington, DC over the weekend. As per the police report, the staff member was repeatedly stabbed with a knife on the 1300 block of H St. NE.


Israel judicial crisis: Far-right mob attack 'leftist' drivers "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel judicial crisis: Far-right mob attack 'leftist' drivers

Pro-government activists burned tyres, threw stones at passing cars and forced drivers to voice support for 'Bibi'
MEE staff Wed, 03/29/2023 - 13:27
Supporters of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's judicial overhaul plan rally near the parliament in Jerusalem, 27 March 2023 (AP)
Supporters of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's judicial overhaul plan rally near the parliament in Jerusalem, 27 March 2023 (AP)

Pro-government mobs in Israel blocked the entrances to two small towns in the north of the country, demanding drivers voice support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if they wanted to pass.

Late on Monday evening, dozens of far-right activists blocked a crossroads that leads to the Kibbutz towns of Ein Harod and Tel Yosef in northern Israel.

Haaretz revealed that the activists burned tyres at the towns' entrances, threw eggs and stones at passing cars, shaking them, spitting at passengers and cursing them.

Kibbutz residents are viewed as politically left-wing, and the far-right activists believe them to be opposed to Netanyahu's controversial plan to overhaul the judiciary.

The pro-government activists live-streamed their harassment and intimidation of drivers returning to their communities on TikTok.


A Path Forward on UN Security Council Reform "IndyWatch Feed War"

The end of the Cold War has seen a remarkable shift in global geopolitics. Perhaps among the most dramatic was the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Since then, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has frequently been criticized as being an anachronism that has limited the effectiveness of the UN to promote human rights and international law.

One major category of criticism involves the use of the veto by the UNSCs permanent members the P5. The second involves the expansion of the UNSC to include more permanent and non-permanent seats on the council.

Critics of the P5 veto power argue that its use is undemocratic, and that resolutions supported by the vast majority of states are subjected to the whims of five countries on the Security Council. Supporters on the other hand argue that it allows these powerful countries to guard against threats to their national interests.

Getting rid of the veto for resolutions concerning the use of military force is neither realistic nor particularly desirable given the current geopolitical climate.

The P5, specifically the US and Russia, have prolifically exercised their veto powers since the UN was founded. An argument in favor of getting rid of the veto is that P5 members do not have a monopoly over security concerns. After all, why should India and Japan have to abide by UNSC decisions while Russia or the United States can simply veto decisions that go against their interests?

The unfortunate reality is that all P5 members are at present nuclear armed great powers. They are not the only ones, however, and the relative arbitrariness of their status as permanent members on the UNSC is a valid issue. But the reality today is that war and conflict between these powers is still a possibility. Regardless of the moral dimension, abolition of the veto in this instance is highly impractical as it would require the P5 to surrender on issues that may directly affect their national security.

When it comes to the UNSC authorizing military force that could directly affect global security, as permitted under Article 42 of the UN Charter, the veto should remain in place.

Other resolutions, such those pertaining to Article 41, which permits the UNSC to impose economic sanctions against threats to peace, have consequential effects on peace and security. Critics of the veto frequently stress that the UNSC veto threatens the ability of the international community to act when there is a clear violation of international law or security perpetrated or supported by a P5 member. There is a need to balance the need for the international community to be able take conc...


Body-cam police footage released of trans school shooter Audrey Hale being neutralized "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department has released the body-worn camera footage of the heroic officers who took down 28-year-old transgender shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a former Covenant School student who went by the trans name "Aiden." In the six-minute video posted to YouTube, two points-of-view are compiled, showing the perspectives of Officer Rex Engelbert, a four-year MNPD veteran, and Officer Michael Collazo, a nine-year MNPD veteran, the officers credited with fatally shooting Hale:


Hushcrime: ABC Hides Hate Crime Against White Girl "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT XYZ  A 13-year-old girl was allegedly tortured for four to five hours...


Seven dead, 25 families left homeless after flash flood in Kenya "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Seven people, including four children were on Monday killed by a flash flood that rocked Kambi Hindi village in Ol-jorai in Gilgil Sub County. Confirming the incident, Gilgil Sub- County Police Commander Mr. Francis Tumbo said the families were in their houses at around 8:00pm when a downpour set in causing flash floods in the area. He said among those killed include three women and four children aged between eight months and 10 years. The floods left in its wake a trail of destruction including killing tens of livestock. The floods displaced about 25 families who have now been left homeless. They are among families that have settled on the former Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) farm in Ol-jorai. But experts now say the affected families had settled on a waterway and need to be moved.


Mlofe: Researchers Uncover New Linux Malware Linked to Chinese APT Groups "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An unknown Chinese state-sponsored hacking group has been linked to a novel piece of malware aimed at Linux servers. French cybersecurity firm ExaTrack, which found three samples of the previously documented malicious software that date back to early 2022, dubbed it Mlofe. One of the artifacts is designed to drop a kernel-mode rootkit that's based on an open source project referred to as


UK investigates its entry rules as hostile Islamist preachers enter the country "IndyWatch Feed War"

Earlier this month, UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman was condemned for suggesting that 100 million asylum seekers could come to the UK without her planned immigration crackdown. Now, UK Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick has reportedly launched a probe into visas given to hostile Islamist clerics from Iran amid fears that they could be using backdoor []


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Sky-High Ambitions: Armenias Drone Programmes "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
Considering the significant investments made by Azerbaijan in the acquisition of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), it is perhaps surprising that Armenia entered the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War with only a rudimentary unmanned aerial reconnaissance capability, and almost no unmanned offensive capabilities to speak of. [1] While the Armenian Ministry of Defence boasted of having destroyed three Azerbaijani MBTs through the use of domestically-made loitering munitions during the July 2020 ArmenianAzerbaijani clashes, the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War showed that despite this zealous claim, no such capabilities truly existed in the inventory of the Armenian Armed Forces at that time. [2]
This certainly wasn't for a lack of domestically available designs however, as Armenian defence companies have designed no less than 23 different types of loitering munitions in the past four years alone! An equally significant number of reconnaissance UAVs have seen the light of day, with many designs successfully reaching the prototype phase. Rather than investing in these and other promising homegrown systems, the Armenian MoD used the little funding it had available to acquire four Su-30 strike fighters from Russia. [3] The painful result: A lack of UAVs during the 2020 War and four Su-30s that couldn't be used as there were no funds to purchase their associated armament.
The UAV types that did enter service were mostly rudimentary in capabilities. The most numerous of these, a copy of the Russian Ptero-E5 known as the X-55, flies on pre-programmed routes based on waypoints by means of an onboard GPS device, taking pictures at regularly spaced intervals. The imagery is manually retrieved after the flight, offering up-to-date intelligence of a quality comparable to that...


SWAMPED: Australia to get 650,000 MIGRANTS in 2 years "IndyWatch Feed World"

Tuesday in Melbourne. READ MORE AT XYZ Australia is about to get infinity chinks: Australia...


Oman experiences heavy rain flooding most areas of the country "IndyWatch Feed World"

Oman witnessed heavy to moderate rain in most regions on country beginning on Monday evening and carrying on till Tuesday afternoon. The police have warned residents and tourists to stay away from valleys. Oman Meteorologists said that the governorates of North Al Batinah, Musandam, and Al Dhahirah experienced heavy rain, which led to floods in low areas.


Betway India Evaluation 100% Match As Much As Eight,000 Bonus "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Betway India Evaluation 100% Match As Much As Eight,000 Bonus

Within the Bollywood part, you can take pleasure in spin-offs of in style Indian games. In prime positions are Andar Bahar, Satta Matka, Cricket Roulette, and Indian blackjack. Lets cast a closer eye on Betway online on line casino and discover its marquee property. On a global level, youll find a way to wager on the World Cup, UEFA Nations League, Euro 2024, and Copa Libertadores, among other options. Additionally, the site boasts a first-class poker room and a racebook.

If youre a beginner, dont fear there are lots of tables with lower limits. If youre a excessive roller set on spending 1000s, Betways live on line casino offers private VIP tables. There are dozens of nice games all streamed in HD quality within the stay casino, so that you definitely shouldnt miss it. Players at Betway can bet on any and all soccer matches from any nook of the world in their betting account.

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Clipper attacks use Trojanized TOR Browser installers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers discovered malware-laced installers for the TOR browser that is spreading clipper malware in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Browser that is spreading a clipper malware in Russia and Eastern Europe. The attackers take advantage of the fact that the official Tor Project has been banned in Russia since the end of 2021, so users in Russia search for third-party repositories to download the Tor browser. According to the metrics provided by the Tor Project, Russia was the second largest country by the number of Tor users in 2021 (with over 300,000 daily users, or 15% of all Tor users). Malware authors have created trojanized Tor Browser bundles and are distributing them among Russian-speaking the threat landscape in December 2021, but experts pointed out that since August 2022 they observed a wave of torbrowser_ru.exe malicious executables. The malicious installers offered Tor Browser with a regional language pack, including Russian.

The victims download the Tor Browser from a third-party server and execute it as torbrowser.exe. The researchers noticed that the installer is not digitally signed, it is just a RAR SFX (self-extracting executable) archive.

The archive contains the following files:

  • The original torbrowser.exe installer with a valid digital signature from the Tor Project.
  • A command-line RAR extraction tool with a randomized name.
  • A password-protected RAR archive (random password).

Upon executing the SFX, the original torbrowser.exe and the RAR extraction tool are launched on the embedded password-protected RAR archive. The archive is password-protected to evade detection.

It doesnt protect the malware from sandbox-based detection. The password and the destination for the extraction are part of the trojanized torbrowser.exe executable, and may be extracted via manual analysis. reads the...


Search Outcomes For Betway "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Search Outcomes For Betway

Players who tend to make use of extra betting apps could make use of the betway sports app. The app is out there in both iOS and APK versions, customers may even claim the latest promotions provides of the bookmaker through the app. With a live casino lobby that challenges one of the best, punters could have a subject day. The platform is easy to use and selecting a sport is very simple. There are generous limits, permitting newcomers and high rollers to benefit from the playing expertise. Here you can find the most effective online casinos in Indian Rupees, offering top actual cash video games like slots, roulette, and Andar Bahar.

With a single-minded focus and unperturbed by other sports, Pranchal likes to keep issues simple and enjoys spending time with household and friends. Using conventional strategies could be tougher in India than elsewhere. If you need to play in an internet on line casino for actual cash , you will virtually definitely have to use an eWallet service to maneuver your money back and forth. There are a wide selection of payment choices available at Betway online. There are all the most typical cost strategies obtainable, in addition to a couple of extra, corresponding to Maestro, Skrill, Neteller, Paysafecard, iDebit, EPS, Neosurf, PayPal, and so forth.

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As soon as you might have an account with Betway, you may make your first deposit and declare the first deposit bonus match. The platform accepts a broad vary of cost methods, including financial institution transfers, debit and credit cards, and e-wallets, amongst others. If youre on the lookout for prime betting websites with plenty of prizes and top-tier cricket offers, Betway shall be your most suitable option. Everything from IPL to worldwide matches is available right here.

The bookmaker exclusively offers legal sports betting and online on line casino gaming companies that do not violate Indian laws. Yes, Betway casino is respectable and presents a variety of video games you can have fun with. Some well-liked choices gamers can discover embrace slots, poker, roulette, baccarat, bingo, and blackjack. A participant is at liberty to determine on what appeals most to them. At Betway, they give you the most effective on-line......


Take A Look At Our Betway Evaluation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Take A Look At Our Betway Evaluation

You could win some huge cash, but you can simply as quickly lose every thing you may have in a second. Under this promotion, if you place a wager on any match and you end up losing it, youll still have a chance. If the final ball of the match is a boundary, then you will receive a free wager. To play on-line on Betway and earn cash you have to create account enroll on the official website. Here we have the steps you have to follow to get your Sign-up bonus. When you observe the steps mentioned beneath, you can easily create a model new account on the betting web site and unlock your Welcome Bonus.

Please notice the free bet cant be used for multi-line bets. If the bonus just isnt used, its burned seven days after its credited. Blackjack for one or two decks, roulette, baccarat 5% of the bet.

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Russia calls out 'nuclear weapons hypocrisy': US has tactical nukes in 5 non-nuclear weapon states "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Kremlin has blasted what a Russian official called the United States' "vivid example of hypocrisy" as part of the latest war of words in the wake of President Putin's announcing he has stationed tactical nuclear weapons in neighboring Belarus. Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov on Tuesday called out Washington's "extremely short memory" - given it "has long been systematically destroying the legal basis of bilateral relations in strategic sphere," which is a reference to the collapse of multiple nuclear treaties of late, including 'Open Skies' and the INF Treaty in 2019. New START is also looking to come to an end at the rate things are going. At the start of this week Western officials sounded the alarm over Putin's fresh announcement, which many within NATO countries interpreted as but the latest 'expansionist' threat.


Understanding the international rules based disorder - US-style "IndyWatch Feed World"

Have you heard of the "International Rules Based Order?" Russia, according to Washington and NATO, is violating those rules (China too) and must be punished. We can't have "rule breakers" mucking up global tranquility can we? Since 1945, the United States has pursued its global interests by building and maintaining various alliances, economic institutions, security organizations, political and liberal norms, and other tools often collectively referred to as the international order. . . . Building an international order has been a formal program of U.S. foreign policy since at least the 1940s and an aspirational goal since the nation's founding. According to its post-World War II architects, the international order protects U.S. values by maintaining an environment in which the ideals of a free and democratic society like that of the United States can flourish. The United States has used both power and idealistic notions of shared interests to underwrite the rules-based order....


How to Build a Research Lab for Reverse Engineering 4 Ways "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Malware analysis is an essential part of security researcher's work. But working with malicious samples can be dangerous it requires specialized tools to record their activity, and a secure environment to prevent unintended damage. However, manual lab setup and configuration can prove to be a laborious and time-consuming process. In this article, we'll look at 4 ways to create a reverse

Smart Mobility has a Blindspot When it Comes to API Security "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The emergence of smart mobility services and applications has led to a sharp increase in the use of APIs in the automotive industry. However, this increased reliance on APIs has also made them one of the most common attack vectors. According to Gartner, APIs account for 90% of the web application attack surface areas.  With no surprise, similar trends are emerging also in the smart mobility


More ChatGPT / Bing News "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Europol Warns ChatGPT is Already Helping Criminals

There is no honor among chatbots:

Criminals are already using ChatGPT to commit crimes, Europol said in a Monday report that details how AI language models can fuel fraud, cybercrime, and terrorism.

[...] Now, the European Union's law enforcement agency, Europol, has detailed of how the model can be misused for more nefarious purposes. In fact, people are already using it to carry out illegal activities, the cops claim.

"The impact these types of models might have on the work of law enforcement can already be anticipated," Europol stated in its report [PDF]. "Criminals are typically quick to exploit new technologies and were fast seen coming up with concrete criminal exploitations, providing the first practical examples mere weeks after the public release of ChatGPT."

Although ChatGPT is better at refusing to comply with input requests that are potentially harmful, users have found ways around OpenAI's content filter system. Some have made it spit out instructions on how to create a pipe bomb or crack cocaine, for example. Netizens can ask ChatGPT to learn about how to commit crimes and ask it for step-by-step guidance.

"If a potential criminal knows nothing about a particular crime area, ChatGPT can speed up the research process significantly by offering key information that can then be further explored in subsequent steps. As such, ChatGPT can be used to learn about a vast number of potential crime areas with no prior knowledge, ranging from how to break into a home, to terrorism, cybercrime and child sexual abuse," Europol warned.

The agency admitted that all of this information is already publicly available on the internet, but the model makes it easier to find and understand how to carry out specific crimes. Europol also highlighted that the model could be exploited to impersonate targets, facilitate fraud and phishing, or produce propaganda and disinformation to support terrorism.

[...] ChatGPT's ability to generate code - even malicious code - increases the risk of cybercrime by lowering the technical skills required to create malware.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


OpenAIs GPT-4 is so powerful that experts want to slam the brakes on generative AI "IndyWatch Feed World"

We can keep developing more and more powerful AI models, but should we? Experts arent so sure.

Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and more than 1,200 other founders and top research scientists have signed an open letter calling for a six-month pause on all giant AI experiments to get a better handle on the risks and benefits of the technology and its impact on the world.

Read Full Story


John Wick 4 Is All Artifice And No Art "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

John Wick'John Wick 4' feels more like a video game than a movie alas, many viewers might consider this a feature rather than a bug.


Heres how Humza Yousaf can deliver a fairer, greener Scotland "IndyWatch Feed"

After 16 years in power, the SNP is stagnating. With these 16 policies, the new first minister can change that


Arabic press review: Kuwaiti royal sentenced in Malaysia's 1MDB scandal "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Arabic press review: Kuwaiti royal sentenced in Malaysia's 1MDB scandal

Meanwhile, Egypt opens its doors to Iranian tourists and experts warn Syria will need five years to recover from February earthquakes
Mohammad Ayesh Wed, 03/29/2023 - 12:21
Traffic passes a 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) billboard in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6 July 2015 (Reuters)
1Malaysia Development Berhad billboard in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6 July 2015 (Reuters)

Kuwaiti court sentences five in 1MDB case

A Kuwaiti criminal court sentenced five people to up to 10 years in prison for their involvement in corruption around the Malaysian state-owned fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper reported. 

The 1MDB scandal revolved around what Malaysian and US authorities say was the misappropriation of around $4.5bn from the 1MDB, which was created by Malaysia's former prime minister Najib Razak in 2009.

A Kuwaiti court on Tuesday sentenced a member of the royal family, his business partner and two foreigners, including Malaysian financier Low Taek Jho, to 10 years in prison. A Kuwaiti lawyer was sentenced to seven years in prison in the same case. 

The defendants were convicted of laundering $1bn sent by a Malaysian convict to Swiss bank accounts via a Kuwaiti bank account. 
The court ordered the five men convicted to return the $1bn and pay 145m Kuwaiti dinars ($475m) as a penalty. 

Egypt to allow Iranians visa on arrival 

Iranian tourists will be allowed to get Egyptian visas on arrival, the countrys tourism minister said on Monday, according to the state-owned Al-Ahram...


D.C.s Cherry Blossoms Illustrate The Beauty And Fragility Of Spring "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

cherry blossoms in Washington D.C. outside the CapitolD.C.'s cherry blossoms serve as both a harbinger of spring and a reminder that spring, as with all seasons of life, does not last forever.


Bidens Second Democracy Summit "IndyWatch Feed War"

28 Mar 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen English Atilio A. Boron  History and the present show that an imperial republic like the United States needs vassals, not partners, especially in current times in which the empire is going through its irreversible decline. Between March 28 and 30, the Second Summit on Democracy will take place in []


How To Win The New Cold War With China: Restore Faith, Community, And Industry "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Chinese and US flags over black and white image of worshiping handsWe may have pretended history was over and that the nation-state no longer mattered. But China never got that memo.


Democrats Hate That Republicans Like Sen. Tommy Tuberville Are Finally Doing Their Jobs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Sen. Tommy TubervilleAll Republicans should join Tuberville in leveraging their power, even when they dont have the majority, to stop Democrats radical agenda.


Qt Creator 10 Released With Improved C++20 Support, QML Code Model From Qt 6.5 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

open-source C++ and Qt focused integrated development environment provided by The Qt Company...


Real Female Swimmer Blasts ESPN for Profiling Fake Female Swimmer for Womens History Month "IndyWatch Feed War"

My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. Disney owns 80% of ESPN, and that may explain why the sports network is not really the sports []


The Loudest Voice: Who Is GOP COVID-19 Expert Jay Bhattacharya? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya wants you to know that hes been silenced. 


The Stanford University professor and co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) a widely rebuked open letter recommending governments reject broad public health measures in the face of COVID-19 was a star GOP expert witness at the February 28 hearing of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.


He and his fellow GOP experts are all members of the so-called Norfolk Group, an offshoot of the Brownstone Institute, a dark money group that has become a hub for COVID-19 misinformation. Predictably, they spent the hour-long hearing lamenting public health mandates, and claiming to be part of a censored opposition to the mainstream narrative.


Public health bureaucrats operated more like dictators than scientists during the pandemic, sealing themselves off from credible outside criticism, Bhattacharta said.


Bhattacharya, who is currently suing the Biden administration over its alleged role in his censorship, should be a familiar name to anyone who read the previous House reports on the Trump administrations COVID-19 response. He is featured prominently as a one of the people whose contrarian and often disastrously wrong takes helped inform one of the worlds worst responses to the pandemic. 


Readers may also recognize Bhattacharya for his work with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), his Wall Street Journal and Newsweek op-eds, his various speaking engagements, and his frequent Fox News appearances. 



Vaccinating Indias entire population would be unethical because most Indians have natural immunity...



Robot 3D Prints Giant Metal Parts with Induction Heat "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While our desktop machines are largely limited to various types of plastic, 3D printing in other materials offers unique benefits. For example, printing with concrete makes it possible to quickly build houses, and weve even seen things like sugar laid down layer by layer into edible prints. Metals are often challenging to print with due to its high melting temperatures, though, and while this has often been solved with lasers a new method uses induction heating to deposit the metals instead.

A company in Arizona called Rosotics has developed a large-scale printer based on this this method that theyre calling the Mantis. It uses three robotic arms to lay down metal prints of remarkable size, around eight meters wide and six meters tall. It can churn through about 50 kg of metal per hour, and can be run off of a standard 240 V outlet. The company is focusing on aerospace applications, with rendered rocket components that remind us of what Relativity Space is working on.



Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Merged to Mesa 23.1-devel yesterday was UMD metadata v2 support for the RADV and RadeonSI drivers to provide extra metadata that can be optionally enabled to help with Radeon GPU debugging...


This iridescent coating could cool your house without air-conditioning "IndyWatch Feed World"

Researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed a plant-based film that could dramatically cool your houseand make it look like a seashell.

As the world gets hotter, the energy used by air conditioners keeps surging. Over the next three decades, the number of devices sucking electricity from the grid is expected to more than triple. But new coatings can help buildings cool down passively.

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Ojougboh Reacts To Expulsion From APC, Says Omo-Agege Is Acting Out Of Frustration "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 29TH (URHOBOTODAY)-A former Executive Director of Projects at the Niger Delta Development Commission(NDDC), Dr. Cairo Ojougboh has reacted to information on his expulsion from All Progressive Congressive (APC) describing Deputy President of the Senate and Delta State APC Governorship candidate , Ovie Omo-Agege as acting  out of frustration of losing at the polls.

Ojougboh, in a statement by his Personal Assistant on Media, Mr Emmanuel Ojeme, in Abuja, yesterday, claimed that Omo-Agege, the Candidate of the APC in the just concluded Delta State governorship election, was looking for who to blame for his abysmal performances at the poll.

He disclosed that Omo-Agege intention is to cow all APC members in the state and make them his stooges, but very angry that people like himself stand up to him and always say things the way they are.

Part of the statement read: Just like every other person, I saw the letter of my purported Kangaroo Expulsion from the APC on social media. I wasnt surprised because that is Omo-Ageges way.

Since Omo-Agege lost his governorship bid, he has been running from pillar to post in frustration, looking for those to blame for his abysmal performance. Ordinarily, his social media expulsion doesnt really need any reply, because it is dead on arrival. Omo-Agege hijacked the party, and personally handpicked all executives at all levels in the state.

His intention is to cow all APC members in the state and make them his stooges, but very angry that people like my humble self stand up to him and always say things the way they are. And at my age, I cant change just to please the god of Orogun.

Let me also use this opportunity to draw the attention of Nigerians to a recent news report by a militant group, Delta Strike Force, demanding the withdrawal of the Pipelines Surveillance Contract, which should come to them from Omo-Agege. The militant group has threatened to blow up the  Oturogu Gas Plant, if the federal government continues to ignore their demands.

Ojougboh, however, called on his supporters to be calm, go about their normal businesses and ignore the frustration of Omo-Agege over his woeful performance at the polls





Twitter Bans Federalist CEO Sean Davis For Reporting On Trans Day Of Vengeance Following Nashville Shooting "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Sean Davis banned on TwitterFederalist CEO Sean Davis was locked out of his Twitter account Tuesday night for factually reporting on the 'Trans Day Of Vengeance.'


Linux 6.4 Adding Support For Many Kye/Genius Drawing Tablets "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The upcoming Linux 6.4 kernel cycle is set to introduce support for a number of Kye drawing tablets, which are also marketed as Genius tablets...


Death by Parking "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


The house that German Sierra bought as the site of his new coffee shop. (Source: Google Maps.)

German Sierra had coffee and community on the mind when he purchased a Dallas home in October 2020. When he picked up the keys, he knew the modest one-story house would require renovation and that like any small business venture, hed run into hiccups. What he didnt anticipate, however, was that regulations dating back to 1965 would ultimately thwart his plans to open Graph Coffee in 2022.

In a piece for D Magazine, Sierra detailed his journey from enjoying his first black coffee to deciding it was time to set up his own shop. Establishing a brick-and-mortar location for his passion project of the last half-decade was not a decision he made lightly, but a dream he very much looked forward to materializing. Once a years worth of renovations were behind him, he set his sights on opening his doors by September 2022. As of March 2023, Sierra is still not authorized to operate at his current location.

The regulations hes failing to meet dont relate to coffee or food service. D Magazine reports that Graph Coffees opening has been delayed because Sierra is unable to produce 18 parking spots. Dallas city code mandates at least one parking space for every 100 square feet when it comes to restaurants, regardless of location, clientele, or local support for a parking exemption.

Its hard to believe that we managed to do the physical aspect of this whole project within a years time, but now weve surpassed that one year just dealing with paperwork and red tape, Sierra said in the D...


The Iraq War 20 Years Ago: No Shame. No Lessons Learned. No Arrest Order on NATO State Leaders "IndyWatch Feed War"

Human Wrongs Watch

By Jan Oberg, Ph.D. | The Transnational TRANSCEND Media Service*


Jan Oberg, Ph.D.

19 Mar 2023 Writing this, I must admit that my rage and pain build up inside, still twenty years later. Below, see what TFF and I wrote back then and why we were, simply put, making better predictions on a shoestring budget than the US and other NATO decision-makers on multi-billion-dollar budgets.

Like other wars and interventions, this was no mistake. It was an unavoidable consequence of Western MIRE Militarism, Imperialism, Racism and Exceptionalism.

The West...


RSPO suspension of Brazil palm oil exporter tied to Mongabay land-grabbing report "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A Mongabay investigation into land-grabbing in the Brazilian Amazon has led to the suspension of the sustainability certificate of the countrys second top palm oil exporter, as shown in email correspondence seen by this reporter, in addition to key sources of the case. Agropalma, the only Brazilian company with the sustainability certificate issued by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) a members organization including palm oil growers, traders, manufacturers, retailers, banks, investors and others has had its certificate temporarily suspended since February, the RSPO secretariat confirmed to Mongabay in an emailed statement. In mid-December 2022, Mongabay published a yearlong investigation revealing that more than half of the 107,000 hectares (264,000 acres) registered by Agropalma in northern Par state derived from fraudulent land titles and even the creation of a fake land registration bureau, which is at the center of a seven-year legal battle led by state prosecutors and public defenders. Part of the area overlaps ancestral land claimed by Indigenous peoples and Quilombolas descendants of Afro-Brazilian runaway slaves including two cemeteries visited by Mongabay. In the Livramento Cemetery, residents claim that just one-quarter of it remains and that the company planted palm trees on top of the graves. Quilombolas also accuse Agropalma of polluting the water of the river they depend on to live. The company denies the accusations. Just a few weeks after the publication of the investigation, representatives from Assurance Services International (ASI) the organization that evaluates the work of certifiers and, consequently, whetherThis article was originally published on Mongabay


ATF and IRS Show How the Biden Regime Has Weaponized Government Agencies "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: The days when it could be taken for granted that government agencies were impartial, nonpartisan, and dedicated to carrying out their responsibilities in a fair and even-handed manner are long gone. As Stephen Green pointed out Tuesday, on the very same day that journalist Matt Taibbi of Twitter Files fame was testifying before []


Bad Seed: Two Generations, Two Terrible Crimes "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Part Two of the Violation podcast explores whether violence runs in families and what should happen to kids who commit murder.


OBS Studio 29.1 Beta 1 Released With New AV1/HEVC Streaming Over RTMP "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Days after landing AV1 and HEVC streaming support over RTMP to allow game streamers and other livecasting with OBS Studio to YouTube to happen via AV1/HEVC as an alternative to H.264, OBS Studio 29.1 Beta 1 has been tagged...


Trkiye/Syria: Urgent Support Needed to Prevent a Slide into Poverty and an Increase in Child Labour and Hand-to-Mouth Jobs, Following Devastating Earthquakes "IndyWatch Feed War"

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* Urgent support is needed to prevent a slide into poverty and an increase in child labour and hand-to-mouth jobs, following the devastating earthquakes in Trkiye and Syria in February, the International Labour Organization (ILO) said on Tuesday [] in new assessment reports.


Child labour in Trkiye and Syria could increase following the February earthquake.
UNICEF | Child labour in Trkiye and Syria could increase following the February earthquake.

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