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Friday, 31 March


PSA: "Selten so ein dmliches Stck Hirn-Vakuum in ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

PSA: "Selten so ein dmliches Stck Hirn-Vakuum in der Politik gesehen" ist von der Meinungsfreiheit gedeckt. Hat das Landgericht Heilbronn entschieden.

Update: Das Urteil ist schon am 23. Februar ergangen. Die FAZ druckt hier blo eine dpa-Meldung ab. Wieso die dpa gewartet hat, bis das "Ich bin ja so ein Opfer"-Buch des Opfers drauen ist, wrde man in einer weniger korrupten Presselandschaft vielleicht mal recherchieren. Bei uns ist das Business as Usual. Die unabhngigsten Investigativ-Medien, die man fr Geld kaufen kann.

Das Pergamonmuseum in Berlin soll fr 1,2 Milliarden ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Das Pergamonmuseum in Berlin soll fr 1,2 Milliarden saniert werden. Dabei bleibt es jahrelang geschlossen, der Sdteil sogar ber 10 Jahre lang.

Fr die Kosten muss man aber Verstndnis haben.

Stiftung frchtet um Sicherheit der Exponate
berlegt mal, was da alleine die Security kostet, damit die Exponate nicht verschwinden und im British Museum wieder auftauchen!

Also SO einen klaren Fall von Windows, Office und Active ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Also SO einen klaren Fall von Windows, Office und Active Directory hatten wir ja schon lange nicht mehr!

Die IT-Beratung Materna SE aus Dortmund ist am Samstag dem 25.03.2023 Ziel eines professionell ausgearbeiteten Cyber-Angriffs auf Netzwerkebene geworden. Dabei wurden Systeme im Unternehmensnetzwerk attackiert sowie kompromittiert.
Lass mich das mal kurz verstndlicher formulieren: Wir haben verkackt und wurden gehackt.
Zum gegenwrtigen Zeitpunkt sind die Systeme und Dienste aus Sicherheitsgrnden vorbergehend in der Verfgbarkeit eingeschrnkt.
Nee. Nicht aus Sicherheitsgrnden. Aus Unsicherheitsgrnden. Weil ihr eure Security verkackt hattet.
Unmittelbar nach dem Sicherheitsvorfall wurden die zustndigen Ermittlungsbehrden (Zentralstelle Cyber-Crime) hinzugezogen.
Na DANN ist ja alles gut jetzt!1!!
Parallel sind externe unabhngige Sicherheitsdienstleister fr die forensische Untersuchung sowie die Absicherung und Wiederherstellung im Einsatz.
Wieso habt ihr das Geld nicht vor dem Vorfall in die Hand genommen sondern verbrennt es jetzt, wo es nicht mehr hilft?
Zustzlich wurde eine Erstmeldung bei der Datenschutzbehrde erfolgreich abgesetzt, um prventiv bei einer mglichen Datenkompromittierung agieren zu knnen.
Nee, nicht um prventiv agieren zu knnen, sondern weil das DAS GESETZ IST.
Die Materna SE aus Dortmund hat Sofortmanahmen sowie regulre Manahmen zum Schutz der Kundendaten sowie internen Daten veranlasst, um die Situation zu berwachen sowie im gesicherten Umfeld zu kontrollieren.
Ah ja? Und welche Manahmen waren das bitteschn? Wie wollt ihr denn irgendwas kontrollieren knnen, jetzt wo die Angreifer im System waren und potentiell alles bereits rausgetragen haben?
Das Materna-Team ist optimistisch, den Angriff der Akteure auf das Unternehmen abzuwehren
Abwehren? Den Angriff, der bereits erfolgreich erfolgt ist? Den abzuwehren seid ihr optimistisch? Vielleicht solltet ihr mal professionelle Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen, und ich rede hier nicht von IT-Hilfe.

Update: Was macht Materna eigentlich beruflich? Nun, sie verkaufen den Leuten "Security". Ist euch mal aufgefallen, dass alle in Detektion und Post-Incident-Brokratie investieren, aber keiner in Abwehr? Der Grund liegt auf der Hand. Wenn man in Abwehr investieren wrde, msste man Prozesse umstellen, und dann wre sichtbar, was man vorher alles falsch gemacht hat. Wenn man so tut, als seien Cyberangriffe halt Schicksal und Detektion und Handling reicht, dann ist niemand schuld und alle werden frher oder spter gehackt, wodurch dann erst recht niemand schuld ist.

Gute Nachrichten! Microsoft hat die Schallmauer durchbrochen. ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Gute Nachrichten! Microsoft hat die Schallmauer durchbrochen. Mehr Bullshit als hier geht kaum. Da msste man schon eine Blockchain drbersprenkeln, damit das noch schlangenliger wird.

Immerhin haben wir damit die Frage geklrt, wer die Netflow-Daten zur Verfgung stellt. Es sind nicht die ISPs sondern die Firmen und Anwender selbst. Weil sie glauben, sie kriegen dafr mehr Security.

Herr, wirf Hirn vom Himmel!

Ein Leser hat noch den weiterhelfenden Hinweis, "LKW-Maut" ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ein Leser hat noch den weiterhelfenden Hinweis, "LKW-Maut" beim Lesen im Kopf durch "steigende Lebensmittelpreise" zu ersetzen, weil das in der Praxis die Auswirkung sei. Lebensmittel haben kaum Marge und der Preis bestimmt sich zum Gutteil aus den Transportkosten.

Wieso haben wir eigentlich kein Geld fr die Bekmpfung ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wieso haben wir eigentlich kein Geld fr die Bekmpfung des Klimawandels und den sozialen Wohnungsbau?

Na weil das Geld fr lauter berflssige und frivole Bauprojekte von Ministerien und Behrden verbrannt wird.

Daneben stehen einstrzende Schulen, die sich kein Klopapier leisten knnen. Hauptsache das Schloss des Bundesprsidenten wird saniert!1!!

Wieso haben wir eigentlich kein Geld fr die Bekmpfung ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wieso haben wir eigentlich kein Geld fr die Bekmpfung des Klimawandels und den sozialen Wohnungsbau?

Na weil das fr die Verfolgung von Pornographie verbrannt wird. Knnen wir mal bitte den religisen Fundamentalisten den Einfluss in der Gesellschaft wegnehmen? Das ist ja grotesk!

Yeah! Die Koalition hat geeinigt, wie unsere Zukunft ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Yeah! Die Koalition hat geeinigt, wie unsere Zukunft aussehen soll!

Ich zitiere mal einen Leserbrief dazu, der das ganz gut auf den Punkt bringt:

Ach kuck mal, nachdem sie tage- und nchtelang im Koalitionsausschuss rumgestritten haben, hat die Ampel einen "Durchbruch" erzielt (Lindner, FDP), "bewegt sich mit groen Schritten Richtung Zukunft" (Klingbeil, SPD) und "geht endlich Strukturreformen an" (Lang, Grne).

Was steht drin? Nun, sie geben Klimaziele auf, z.B. fr den Verkehrssektor (FDP), dafr drfen Privatleute keine l- oder Gasheizungen mehr einbauen (Grne), ohne dass ber Zuschsse irgendwas konkretes beschlossen wurde (SPD).

Sie bauen 144 Autobahnen aus (FDP), wollen aber vielleicht mal gucken ob man nebendran Solar bauen kann (Grne). Sie wollen die LKW-Maut erhhen (Grne) und die Einnahmen der Bahn zuschieen (SPD). Das war's. Wow. So zukunftsweisend. So kologisch. So sozial. Wow.

Also wenn DA keine Begeisterungsstrme ausbrechen, dann wei ich auch nicht. Gut zu sehen, dass die Regierung verstanden hat, dass der Klimawandel wichtig und der Bevlkerung ein Anliegen ist. Da fhlt man sich doch hervorragend vertreten. Gut, nicht von der FDP, der SPD oder den Grnen. Von denen fhlt man sich eher verraten und in den Arsch getreten.

Wer das mit dem Solar-Gucken fr unfair zusammengefasst hlt... hier ist die Originalformulierung:

Bei Autobahn-Neubauten solle es knftig aber eine Prfung geben, wie die Flche daneben fr Solaranlagen genutzt werden knne.
Mehr Nebelkerze und weniger Zusage ging auf die Schnelle nicht, oder wie?

Lest euch mal den Tagesschau-Artikel ganz durch. Die eine Hlfte ist belangloses Blablah ohne echte Verpflichtungen oder gar Abschwchung von bereits versprochenen Dingen, die andere Hlfte ist ekelerregende Selbstgratulation. So muss sich das im alten Rom angefhlt haben, kurz vor dem Untergang. WIR MACHEN EINEN TOLLEN JOB HIER, LEUTE!!1!

FDP-Chef Lindner sagte: "Wir haben echte Durchbrche erzielt, wirkliche Paradigmenwechsel, und deshalb spricht das Ergebnis einfach fr sich." Grnen-Chefin Lang betonte: "Wir gehen jetzt endlich auch Strukturreformen an."
Da kannste gar nicht so viel fressen, wie du kotzen msstest.

Update: Nur Nixon konnte nach China gehen. Nur die Grnen konnten den Umweltschutz dermaen nachhaltig zerstren.


Of Army Ants and Pit Bulls: The Biological Roots of War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The biologicalthat is, geneticroots of human behavior have been a disputed matter at least since The Bell Curve, most heatedly regarding race.  The measure of racial intelligence has been the sharpest focus with psychometrists universally, as far as I can determine, ranking races by IQ as Ashkenazi Jews, East Asians, whites, Latinos, and blacks. While these findings have been used by demagogues, those making them are serious researchers, and the ranking parallels the levels of achievement of those ranked.  

 In support of these findings many have pointed out that human races are subspecies of Homo sapiens just as Border Collies and pit bulls are subspecies of dog. They differ in intelligence. So might human subspecies.  

Racialists touting the superiority however defined of the white race point to achievements of whites to buttress this theory. These achievements do suggest high intellectual ability. Among the said achievements are: 

Euclidean geometry. Parabolic geometry. Hyperbolic geometry. Differential geometry. Calculus: Limits, continuity, differentiation, integration. Physical chemistry. Organic chemistry. Biochemistry. Classical mechanics. The indeterminacy principle. The wave equation. The Parthenon. The Anabasis. Air conditioning. Number theory. Romanesque architecture. Gothic architecture. Information theory. Entropy. The telephone.  Almost every symphony ever written. Pierre Auguste Renoir. The twelve-tone scale. The mathematics behind it, twelfth root of two and all that. S-p hybrid bonding orbitals. The Bohr-Sommerfeld atom. The purine-pyrimidine structure of the DNA ladder. Single-sideband radio. All other radio. Bearable dentistry. The internal-combustion engine. Turbojets. Turbofans.  Heart surgery. Doppler beam-sharpening. Penicillin. Airplanes. The mammogram. The Pill. The condom. Polio vaccine. The integrated circuit. The computer. Football. Computational fluid dynamics. Tensors. The Constitution. Euripides, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Aeschylus, Homer, Hesiod. Broad-spectrum antibiotics. Rubber. Nylon. Skyscrapers. X-rays. Elvis....



Display your application data with Streamlit "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Streamlit integrates with Python code and offers a low barrier of entry to visualizing application data in sophisticated ways.

Read More at Enable Sysadmin

The post Display your application data with Streamlit appeared first on


Clipboard-injecting malware disguises itself as Tor browser, steals cryptocurrency "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Malware, disguised as copies of Tor, has stolen approximately US $400,000 worth of cryptocurrency from almost 16,000 users worldwide.


Netanyahus address at the US State Department Summit for Democracy 2023 "IndyWatch Feed War"

Joe Biden had strong words for Netanyahu, calling upon him to back away from judicial reform, even after the State Department was exposed for paying money to stir up the massive protests in Israel. Biden also stated that Netanyahu wont be invited to the White House anytime soon. Bear in mind also that Democrats sympathies []


Attorney General Demands Transparency From Oklahoma Turnpike Authority "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Residents gather to protest the actions of the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority. (Source: Pike Off OTA.)

A few months ago, Strong Towns reported that Oklahoma residents took the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA) to court, arguing that its plans for a $15 billion turnpike expansion not only lacked transparency, but were illegal. The judge presiding agreed, ruling that the OTA wilfully violated Oklahomas Open Meetings Act. As a result, over 150 plaintiffs celebrated their first major legal victory in the fight against the project, known as ACCESS Oklahoma. On March 15, 2023, Oklahomas attorney general stepped in and seemingly sided with the plaintiffs, requesting an audit of the OTA.



Chinese RedGolf Group Targeting Windows and Linux Systems with KEYPLUG Backdoor "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A Chinese state-sponsored threat activity group tracked as RedGolf has been attributed to the use of a custom Windows and Linux backdoor called KEYPLUG. "RedGolf is a particularly prolific Chinese state-sponsored threat actor group that has likely been active for many years against a wide range of industries globally," Recorded Future told The Hacker News. "The group has shown the ability to


Why do Russians support the war? "IndyWatch Feed"

One year since Russias full-scale invasion of Ukraine, surveys demonstrate that over two-thirds of Russians still support the war. Why do people believe that the special military operation was necessary? How is it possible that they dont change their minds even when they know about the Russian armys devastating war crimes in Ukraine and losses and chaos the army is suffering?

Our expert speakers will unpack these questions and answer yours at this event.


Exigen justicia familiares de migrantes guatemaltecos muertos en Mxico "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Los familiares de migrantes guatemaltecos fallecidos en Mxico llegaron a la sede del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (MINEX) en Quetzaltenango, para iniciar los trmites de repatriacin de los cuerpos y reclaman investigacin contra los responsables del centro de detencin donde ocurri el incendio que cobr la vida de 38 personas, de esta cifra 28 eran guatemaltecos.

Es ridculo como actuaron los encargados del lugar en donde se encontraban los migrantes detenidos; ellos no abrieron la puerta. Ahora exigimos justicia por nuestros familiares. Todos tenemos derecho a buscar medios para mejorar la calidad de vida y no terminar muertos, lament Pedro Gonzlez Prez. 

l junto a ms familiares llegaron a la sede del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (MINEX) en Quetzaltenango, para solicitar informacin sobre el proceso para repatriar a sus familiares que fueron vctimas del incendio en el Centro Provisional situado en Ciudad Jurez, Mxico, a pocos metros de la frontera con Estados Unidos. 

Familiares llegan a la sede del Minex para pedir agilizar el proceso de repatriar los cadveres desde Mxico.

Gonzlez es to de Roberto Gonzlez Hernndez, de 32 aos que sali desde San Antonio Sija, del municipio de San Francisco El Alto, Totonicapn,  rumbo a Estados Unidos hace una semana. Su finalidad era llegar a ese pas y trabajar para mejorar la calidad de vida de sus dos hijos, pero la detencin en Mxico termin en tragedia. 

Segn el to de Roberto, se enteraron de la tragedia a travs de las redes sociales. l era una de las vctimas mortales y por lo tanto se pusieron en alerta con la familia y recibieron contacto de las autoridades del MINEX.

Roberto Gonzlez Hernndez es una de las vcitimas del incendio en Chihuahua, sali desde Totonicapn.

Pedro Gonzlez lamenta que a consecuencia de la corrupcin en el pas, las familias deben separarse y muchas personas toman la decisin de migrar para buscar opciones de trabajo, las cuales no tienen en Guatemala. 

Se ve en el video que no les quisieron abrir la puerta y por eso exigimos que se haga justicia contra las personas encargadas del lugar, resalt. 

La familia de Cristian Vidal...


'Unfriendly' West triggers consolidation of Russian elite "IndyWatch Feed World"

The claim that sanctions, the ICC arrest warrant against President Putin, and other unfriendly actions by the West have had no effect on Russian political reality is fundamentally false. After the collapse of the USSR, the new economic elites of Russia aligned themselves firmly with the West. Flattering themselves that they would be whole-heartedly embraced by the Western global aristocracy, they felt little solidarity with their less-fortunate compatriots, and were happy to enable the merciless colonial exploitation of Russia that prevailed in the last decade of the 20th century. The country plunged into chaos, and the poverty of the ordinary people became a stark contrast to the glitter of the oligarchy. It could not go on like this for long. The excesses of the exploiters provoked the rise of a new political class, determined to restore the nation's sovereignty, and, after Putin came to power, the country began the long hard crawl back to self-respect. Amongst the first signs of...


EU Planning to Invest Frozen Russian Assets, Give Returns to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

$300 billion. Via: The Libertarian Institute: The European Union is developing proposals on what to do with assets seized from the Russian central bank by member states. According to European officials, the bloc may invest the money and hand the returns to Ukraine. Anders Ahnlid, a Swedish diplomat who leads the commission exploring what to []


A Miscarriage of Statistics: The Thalidomide Sequel "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: Arkmedics Blog: The normal miscarriage rate of a healthy population is somewhere around 5-6%. For years, studies have been misrepresenting rates of 15-20% so that when new drugs are tested in pregnancy, a doubling of the miscarriage rate will fly under the radar. This is how the COVID vaccine managed to be sold as []


France in Flames : Macron Attempts to Crush the Movement against the Pension Reform with Lethal Violence "IndyWatch Feed War"

In France, a powerful movement has erupted in response to an attempt to raise the retirement age. While millions have gone on strike and poured into the streets, President Emmanuel Macron and his henchmen have attempted to crush this movement by escalating police violence to lethal extremes. In the following report, we offer a chronology of the events of the past week, including a translation of an account by one participant in the movement and a statement from the parents of another who remains in a coma. You can read an overview the first phase of the movement and an analysis of the issues at stake here.

When French president Emmanuel Macron ran for office last year, part of his platform was an unpopular pension reform that would force workers to work several years more before retirement. Forced to choose between outright fascists and neoliberals, French voters grudgingly elected Macron, but a showdown has been brewing ever since.

The movement against the pension reform got underway with a strike on January 16, 2023. Polite protests gave way to generalized unrest on March 16 when prime minister lisabeth Borne used article 49.3 of the Constitution to bypass a vote in the National Assembly, implementing the new law by force. As the revolt gathered steam, it expanded beyond opposing the pension reform to rejecting neoliberalism as a whole. The protests, strikes, and blockades became gestures of resistance against the arbitrary power of the executive office as well as against Macron and his cronies (Macron et son monde), reminiscent of the Yellow Vests movement in 2018.

Today, the movement has reached another stage. In response to the intensification of the struggle and the diversification of tactics and battlefronts, police have dramatically escalated the violence with which they are targeting demonstrators. Even corporate business media like the The Financial Times are criticizing Macrons repressive and authoritarian handling of the movement.

Protests in Lorient on Tuesday, March 28.

The General Strike of March 23

On March 22, the day before a general strike called by the unions, Macron stoked the fires of resentment. He showed up to address corporate media wearing a watch worth 80,000 euros, which...


China ready to boost military cooperation with Russia "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | March 30, 2023

China is ready to strengthen cooperation with the Russian military in order to jointly uphold international justice, peace and security, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Tan Kefei stated on Thursday.

The announcement comes after a summit between President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, in Moscow earlier this month. The two leaders reaffirmed the principles of partnership between their nations, and agreed to improve bilateral relations and military coordination.

According to Tan, China is willing to work together with the Russian military to fully implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state. That includes further strengthening strategic communication and coordination, he added.

The diplomat stated that the two nations plan to regularly organize joint maritime and air patrols, as well as holding training exercises and strengthening various other areas of cooperation. According to Tan, the aim is to deepen military mutual trust with Russia to help ensure international justice and make new contributions to international and regional security. This would serve the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, he asserted.

Tan noted the increasingly strong relations between Moscow and Beijing, but insisted that they do not amount to a Cold War-style military-political alliance. According to the spokesman, the ties transcend this model of state relations and have a nature of non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-targeting of third countries.

The US, meanwhile, has called the growing ties between Russia and China very troubling. Officials have also described China as a challenge, with the Pentagon requesting a 2024 defense budget of up to $842 billion.

During his press conference, Tan argued that is China a builder of world peace and contributor to global development. In contrast, he claimed that the US uses its mammoth defense budget which is the highest in the world to wage wars and create turmoil everywhere, thus making it the biggest threat to world peace, security and stability.


Electric Skateboard Becomes Mobile Skate Park "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While building a skate park might not appear to have much in common with software development, at they very least, they both suffer from a familiar problem: scalability. Bigger skate parks need more ramps and features, and theres no real way to scale up a construction project like this efficiently like you could with certain kinds of software other than simply building more features. This was something [Kirk] noticed, but was able to scale up a skate park in a way weve never thought of before. He built a mobile skateboard ramp that can turn any place into a skate park.

The mobile and approximately sidewalk-width platform is able to move around thanks to an electric skateboard as its foundation. It adds a NVIDIA Jetson Nano for control with a PS4 controller for input, although steering a skateboard with an actuator took a few prototypes to figure out since skateboards are designed to be steered by shifting the riders weight. Since they are already designed to carry a human-amount of weight, though, it was at least able to tote the ramp around with relative...


MSI Laptops To Enjoy Better Linux Support Beginning With The 6.4 Kernel "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Modern MSI laptops will see improved feature support with the upstream Linux 6.4 kernel this summer thanks to a new driver set to be merged...


RESTRICT Act Is Orwellian Censorship Grab Disguised As Anti-TikTok Legislation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: ZeroHedge: The RESTRICT Act, introduced by Sens. Mark Warner (D-VA) and Tom Thune (R-SD), is aimed at blocking or disrupting transactions and financial holdings linked to foreign adversaries that pose a risk to national security, however the language of the bill could be used to give the US government enormous power to punish free []


New Deadly Superfungus Can Now Be Found in Half of US States "IndyWatch Feed Tech"


A fungal superbug called Candida auris is spreading rapidly through hospitals and nursing homes in the US. The first case was identified in 2016. Since then, it has spread to half the countrys 50 states. And, according to a new report, infections tripled between 2019 and 2021.

This is hugely concerning because Candida auris is resistant to many drugs, making this fungal infection one of the hardest to treat.

Candida auris is a yeast-type fungus that is the first to have multiple international health alerts associated with it. It has been found in over 30 countries, including the UK, since it was first identified in Japan in 2009.


15 cars derail in north Butler County in train incident "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Over a dozen railcars on a Canadian National Railway train had derailed in Northern Butler County.

A spokesperson for CN says crews are responding to the incident near Slippery Rock, PA.

They say 15 railcars, all containing iron ore derailed.

There are no dangerous goods on the train and there are no reported fires or injuries, a spokesperson told KDKA Radio in a statement.


Minnesota train carrying ethanol derailed, caught fire; evacuations ordered "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

BNSF said about 22 rail cars carrying mixed freight, including ethanol and corn syrup, derailed at 1:02 a.m. local time Thursday. Four rail cars caught fire, the BNSF said. There are no other hazardous materials on the train and no injuries were reported, the company said.

BNSF personnel are responding to assess the derailment site and will be working closely with local first responders, company spokesperson Lena Kent said in a statement.


La periferia produce agroecologa: la Ocupacin Toms Balduno (Ribeiro das Neves/Minas Gerais) proporciona alimentos sanos a la ciudad* "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

En colaboracin con Vivian Tofanelli y Thiago Canettieri

Regin Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte: en cuanto es un privilegio tener un techo, ocupar es un derecho

Entre 2009 y 2019 surgieron ms de sesenta ocupaciones en Belo Horizonte y su Regin Metropolitana2. Son ocupaciones que albergan a miles de personas que luchan por el derecho a la vivienda en la metrpolis3. Es en este contexto de efervescencia de las periferias en lucha que se inserta la Ocupacin Toms Balduno (@comunidadetomasbalduino), que existe desde 2013 y est compuesta por aproximadamente 450 familias. Se encuentra en la regin de Areias, en el municipio de Ribeiro das Neves, Regin Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (RMBH) en Minas Gerais una regin de alta vulnerabilidad social y exclusin socioeconmica. El municipio est marcado por una reciente y vertiginosa ocupacin urbana, con la cuarta menor renta per cpita del pas y el menor ndice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH) de la RMBH. Se la conoce como ciudad dormitorio: la mayora de sus habitantes se ven obligados a desplazarse diariamente a otros municipios para ganarse la vida, debido a la falta de integracin entre su lugar de residencia y los lugares donde trabajan y estudian. Tambin hay altos niveles de violencia urbana, lo que contribuye a la formacin del estigma negativo del municipio, que agrava su marginacin simblica y material. Ocupar tierras en zonas como stas es luchar por mucho ms que una vivienda: es luchar por condiciones dignas de reproduccin de la vida, es luchar por un trabajo digno, por el acceso a la educacin, a la salud y al ocio, es luchar por una vida en comunidad. Y es luchar por el acceso a una alimentacin sana. Y en relacin con esta lucha, los ocupantes de Toms Balduno que emigraron a la ciudad con conocimientos agrcolas producen sus propios alimentos.

La periferia produce para la ciudad: la Agricultura Apoyada por la Comunidad (CSA por su sigla en ingles) Ora-pr-nobis

La regin de Areias, donde se localiza la Ocupacin Toms Balduno, se encuentra en uno de los frentes de expansin de la red urbana de la Regin Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte.Por eso, presenta caractersticas rurales y urbanas: reas de pastos o vegetacin nativa, con cursos de agua, manantiales y actividades tpicas del medio rural; as como problemas comunes a las periferias urbanas: flujo vehicular sin estructura adecuada de la red vial, disposicin irregular de aguas residuales, contaminacin hdrica, deforestacin, entre otros. En este campo de tensiones, la regin tiene vocacin agrcola y en el pasado se destac como la mayor productora de hortalizas de la Regin Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Es en reas como stas donde se...


Astronomers Just Discovered a Supermassive Black Hole. Hard to Comprehend How Big This Thing Is. "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Scientists at Durham University say the black hole is 30 billion times the size of the sun.


AI can replicate voices in high-tech phone call scams, FTC warns "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The FTC is sounding the alarm on artificial intelligence being used to simulate someones voice in imposter scams, which was the most commonly reported fraud in 2022. NBC News Emilie Ikeda spoke to one father who got a call that sounded like his daughter and said she was being held hostage.


Scientists identify cellular signaling pathway as key player in metastasis "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A team of scientists at the Sloan Kettering Institute have identified the STING cellular signaling pathway as a key player in keeping dormant cancer cells from progressing into aggressive tumors months, or even years, after theyve escaped from a primary tumor.

The findings, which were published in Nature on March 29, suggest that drugs to activate STING could help prevent the spread of cancer to new sites throughout the bodya process known as metastasis.

In mouse models of lung cancer, treatment that stimulated the STING pathway helped eliminate lingering cancer cells and prevent them from progressing to aggressive metastases. Known as micrometastases, these cells, which can be found individually and in , are too small to be detected with standard imaging tests.


Russia alone can already confront the entire West "IndyWatch Feed War"


The Russian media reported that President Vladimir Putin made an extraordinary gesture as President Xi Jinping left the Kremlin following the state dinner last week on Tuesday evening by escorting him to the limousine and seeing him off. 

And Xi during the goodbye handshake reportedly responded, Together, we should push forward these changes that have not happened for 100 years. Take care. 

Xi was alluding to the past 100 years of modern history that witnessed the United States transforming from a country to the north of Mexico  in the Western Hemisphere to a superpower and global hegemon. 

With his profound sense of history and dialectical mind, Xi was recalling the intense talks with Putin that dwelt on the contemporary realities burying the US unipolar moment in the dustbin and on the imperatives of China and Russia joining hands to consolidate the transition of the world order toward democratisation and multipolarity. 

It was an appropriate finale to a state visit that began the previous...


The Xaver 1000 is a next-gen radar that can actually see through walls "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Camero-Tech, a firm based in Israel, has created a next-generation portable, high-performance imaging device that can actually see through walls. Called the Xaver 1,000, according to a press release from Camero-Tech, the company has now officially added this next-generation of the companys product line.

Camero-Tech is a member of Samy Katsav Group (aka SK Group), and a world leader and pioneer in developing, producing, and marketing pulse-based UWB micro-power radar, like the Xaver 1000.


Transplantation of clinical-grade human neural stem cells reduces neuroinflammation, prolongs survival and delays disease progression in the SOD1 rats "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The hNSCs used in the study have been produced and characterised in the Cell Factory and Biobank of Santa Maria Hospital (Terni, Italy), authorised by the Italian Medicine Agency (AIFA) for the production of hNSCs to be used for clinical trials (aM 54/2018). The methodology applied to isolate, expand, characterise and cryopreserve the lines is based on the Neurosphere Assay26,41,54, and has been used for the production of the cells utilised in phase I trials for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients (NCT0164006723) and for Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis patients (NCT03282760, ongoing).

The entire production process, starting from tissue procurement to cryopreservation is compliant to cGMP guidelines and approved...


Quantum on a Microgram Scale "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An experiment with an acoustic resonator demonstrates the quantum superposition of atomsnearly matching the ability of matter interferometers to test quantumness on macroscopic scales.


Were nowhere near reaching the maximum human life span, controversial study suggests "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Human longevity records may be broken in the next few decades, a new modeling study suggests.


Cops Life Ruined After Fellow Cop Shot Him and the Dept. Covered it Up "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Matt Agorist St. Louis, MO Milton Green, a black Saint Louis Police Department officer, was shot and nearly killed by a fellow white...

Cops Life Ruined After Fellow Cop Shot Him and the Dept. Covered it Up


Survival International: Kenyas Borana people denounce skullduggery over carbon credit scheme used by Netflix and Meta "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Survival International Press Release: Kenyas Borana people denounce skullduggery over carbon credit scheme used by Netflix and Meta   We encourage you to read Survival Internationals press release, published March 30, 2023 and included below (bolding added by the Global Justice Ecology Project):   One of the Kenyan Indigenous peoples affected by a notorious carbon []

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Da Internacional de las Trabajadoras del Hogar: No estamos todas, faltan las internas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: El trabajo interno lo realizan principalmente mujeres, muchas de ellas migradas. (lvaro Minguito)

Este jueves, 30 de marzo, se celebra el Da Internacional de las Trabajadoras del Hogar en conmemoracin al primer congreso de trabajadoras del hogar que se celebr en Bogot en 1988. Un da para reivindicar la dignidad en las condiciones laborales de estas trabajadoras en un contexto en el que, como sealaba en 2022 la activista por los derechos de las trabajadoras del hogar, Myrtle Witbooi, las trabajadoras del hogar son la columna vertebral de la economa global y el trabajo domstico contribuye entre el 20 y el 60 por ciento del PIB de cualquier pas aunque se omita sea clculo. Es un trabajo masivo, y la lucha de las trabajadoras del hogar en torno a su reconocimiento es ese guijarro que crea un crculo de impacto cada vez ms amplio y que no deja a nadie atrs, ya que desafa la devaluacin del trabajo feminizado y racializado, aada Witbooi.

Trabajadoras Hogar
Trabjadoras del Hogar manifestandose bajo el lema El trabajo decente empieza en casa

A pesar de las dcadas del movimiento por los derechos de estas trabajadoras, en la actualidad siguen siendo comunes las condiciones abusivas, la discriminacin y la insostenibilidad de la vida de las mujeres que realizan el trabajo del hogar. Una situacin que se puede encontrar en los distintos lugares del mundo, segn refleja el informe publicado a principios de marzo por la Federacin Internacional de Trabajadoras del Hogar Nada ms que fuerza: las trabajadoras del hogar se organizan contra la violencia de gnero, en el que se recogen los testimonios de abusos laborales y sexuales de nueve trabajadoras del hogar en distintos pases con el objetivo de documentar esta violencia estructural, comprender sus causas e impactos y encontrar formas para que prevalezca la justicia.

A lo largo y ancho del globo se repiten las historias de vida de mujeres de diversas procedencias y lugares de enunciacin, sin embargo, es comn a casi todos los casos una situacin de empobrecimiento, vulnerabilizacin y la feminizacin de las trabajadoras. El documental Overseas: Esclavas del S. XXI (2019) dirigido por la directora coreana Sung-A Yoon realiza un retrato de la etapa de formacin de mujeres filipinas obligadas a ir...


The Security Vulnerabilities of Message Interoperability "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Jenny Blessing and Ross Anderson have evaluated the security of systems designed to allow the various Internet messaging platforms to interoperate with each other:

The Digital Markets Act ruled that users on different platforms should be able to exchange messages with each other. This opens up a real Pandora's box. How will the networks manage keys, authenticate users, and moderate content? How much metadata will have to be shared, and how?

In our latest paper, One Protocol to Rule Them All? On Securing Interoperable Messaging, we explore the security tensions, the conflicts of interest, the usability traps, and the likely consequences for individual and institutional behaviour.

Originally spotted on Schneier on Security.

One Protocol to Rule Them All? On Securing Interoperable Messaging, Jenny Blessing, Ross Anderson

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Its Official, According to U.N. Spokesperson: Theres No US Armed Forces inside of Syria "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Lightning Eyes 10-Minute Charging for its Motorbikes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Lightning Motorcycles is already known for record-setting speeds. In 2011, the companys LS-218 SuperBike set a landspeed record for production electric motorcycles at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, with a 347.55 kilometer-per-hour (215.91 mile-per-hour) average run and a 351 kph (218 mph) peak. That SuperBike topped every internal combustion engine motorcycle en route to a Pikes Peak International Hill Climb win in 2013, on the Colorado gantlet thats among the worlds highest-profile tech challenges for cars and motorcycles alike.

The Southern California company is looking to speed things up againthis time with record-setting charging stops. Founder Richard Hatfield claims that the companys Lightning Strike motorcycle can fill its battery from 20 percent to 80 percent in a little over 10 minutes on a Level 3 DC fast charger. That time isnt much longer than a gasoline fill-up, especially for motorcyclists who dont mind some stretching and recovery after hours in the saddle.

Faster pit stops could also help unlock sales for electric two-wheelers, which have been slow to catch on due to dawdling charge times and limited riding range. Whereas electric cars have vastly more space for batteries, motorcycle purveyors can only stuff so many cells into a slender frame before a bike becomes impractically heavy, cumbersome to ride, or ungainly in appearance.

A white electric motorcycle charging in a parking lot. Lightning Motorcycles claims that the Lightning Strike motorcycle can fill its battery from 20 percent to 80 percent in a little over 10 minutes on a Level 3 DC fast charger. Lightning Motorcycles

Costs are becoming competitive, so the last big issues are range and charge ti...


The Great Food Reset Has Begun "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Justicia reproductiva, cuando las mujeres no mueran por abortos inseguros "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La justicia reproductiva, los derechos de la mujer y su derecho a la eleccin en general son estrategias complementarias que cumplirn su funcin slo cuando las mujeres dejen de morir por practicar un aborto inseguro, consider Raffaela Schiavon Ermani, consultora independiente del Colegio de Biotica, al participar en el Simposio Internacional de Biotica, que en esta edicin celebra los 20 aos de dicho Colegio.

La especialista en Derecho a la salud particip en la primera jornada de actividades del encuentro organizado por el Instituto de Investigaciones Filosficas (IIFs), y record que segn la Organizacin Mundial de la Salud, 97 por ciento de los abortos peligrosos se practican en pases en desarrollo, y en Latinoamrica se sabe que tres de cada cuatro ponen en riesgo la vida de la madre.

A mi juicio, cuanto ms profundo es el dilema, ms compleja la ponderacin de los derechos y ms delicado el balance entre la innegable realidad de un producto en desarrollo y la realidad de una mujer que no quiere, o no puede, o no tiene la capacidad y disponibilidad fsica, mental y emotiva de traer un ser al mundo. Cuanto ms grave sea este conflicto ms debe estar en sus manos, reflexion la consultora.

Alma Beltrn y Puga, profesora de la Universidad Iberoamericana, dijo que lo que se necesita hoy en da es impulsar en Mxico el concepto de justicia reproductiva, sobre todo luego de que la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nacin determin en 2021 que el aborto es un asunto de derechos humanos, un derecho a la libre eleccin, que tiene que ver con las condiciones sociales y no debe ser considerado un delito.

Quienes estn acusadas o tienen alguna investigacin en curso sobre una prctica de aborto no podran ser criminalizadas. Y si no es un delito, lo que toca pelear ahora es verlo como un derecho fundamental en la Constitucin, pues bsicamente es pedir acceso a un servicio pblico de salud reproductiva que est garantizado en condiciones de igualdad, no discriminacin y con una accesibilidad suficiente para las personas de escasos recursos, marginadas, mujeres indgenas que no tienen suficiente disponibilidad econmica para acceder a una prctica segura, apunt la abogada.

Frances Kissling, investigadora visitante del IIFs, reflexion en torno a este problema, y refiri que en los Estados Unidos es ms efectivo apelar a los derechos de la salud de la mujer para interrumpir un embarazo que al derecho humano de la libre eleccin, pues este ltimo argumento siempre falla en las cortes.

Necesitamos analizar seriamente qu tan eficiente, a nivel estatal, ha sido apelar al derecho de abortar, porque hemos invertido mucho dinero en polticas, pero debemos invertir ms en que las mujeres accedan a la eleccin ms all de la salud. Tenemos que ayudarlas de una forma u otra, especialmente en aquellos estados de EE. UU. donde es ilegal, coment la presidenta del Centro de tica y Poltica So...


Israeli Protesters Fixated on Themselves and Israels Flawed Democracy "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The 10 Best Cybersecurity Companies in the UK "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Owais Sultan

Discover the best cybersecurity companies to protect your business, and learn how to find the top ones that

This is a post from Read the original post: The 10 Best Cybersecurity Companies in the UK


House Republicans subpoena Blinken to hand over sensitive government doc related to Afghan withdrawal "IndyWatch Feed War"

For some reason Blinken has refused to provide the Dissent Cable from U.S. officials in Afghanistan reportedly warning of the grave risk that the government there would collapse, that is, until a subpoena was issued. Finally, the move may give Americans some much-needed answers about Bidens humiliating and disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. House Republicans Subpoena Blinken []


Banks Promote Climate Pledges but Keep Increasing Their Financing of Fossil Fuel Production "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Banks around the world have been busy laying out plans to reduce financing of the energy sectors most responsible for greenhouse gases. Earlier this month, Citi and Deutsche Bank both tightened their policies on the financing of fossil fuel production. 


Yet at the same time, oil and gas projects that require backing from banks keep getting approved even as a new report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows that the world is on track to fall short of its most ambitious goal drastically slowing global warming and that more aggressive steps must be taken to avert a climate catastrophe. Last week the Biden administration approved ConocoPhillips plans for drilling in the Arctic despite the opposition of environmentalists and a pressure campaign that led many banks, including Barclays and Goldman Sachs, to rule out the financing of drilling projects anywhere in the environmentally fragile region.


The financing of fossil fuel production grew from $723 billion in 2016 to $742 billion in 2021, with the worlds 60 largest banks financing $4.6 trillion in total in the six years following the 2015 Paris accords. Whether through lending or the underwriting of debt and equity issuances, banks are at the heart of this funding which is dominated by American banks. 


The disconnect between words and actions has outraged climate activists, who gathered for a day of action on Tuesday, March 21. The protest focused on the four largest financiers of fossil fuel projects in the world: JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo. Advocates gathered at over 100 events in half the states in the country cutting up their credit cards in New York City, organizing flash mobs in Sacramento, and taking part in a rocking-chair vigil in Washington, DC, with speeches from such figures as veteran environmentalist author Bill McKibben. 


As part of the campaign, more than 17,000 bank customers have signed the Banking On Our Future pledge to close their accounts and cut up their credit cards if the banks continue to fund fossil fuels sending them to bank CEOs a......


The Shady Past of Keir Starmer, with Oliver Eagleton "IndyWatch Feed World"

From hotshot lawyer to head of the Crown Prosecution Services (CPS), Keir Starmer is perhaps not the first person many would associate with the British Labour Party. But the partys shift in ideological stance under former Prime Minister Tony Blair opened the door for the highly polished Starmer to become the leader.

Joining Lowkey on todays episode of The Watchdog is Oliver Eagleton, author and assistant editor of the journal, The New Left Review. Eagleton knows Starmer well; his 2022 biography, The Starmer Project: a Journey to the Right, forensically dissects both Starmers background and his rapid ascension to the top of the party and details the Labour Partys ideological shift from social democracy to neoliberalism.

Today, Eagleton highlights the 60-year-old politicians questionable relationship with Washington during his time as Director of Public Prosecutions, stating:

Starmer developed a close relationship with the Obama administrationhe went over to Washington and had a series of meetings with Eric Holder, head of the DOJ [Department of Justice] who, at the time, is the guy most famous for developing the legal infrastructure around the Obama administrations drone program.

Starmer has played a key role in the prosecution of Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange. As head of the CPS, he used every weapon in his arsenal to keep the Australian publisher in the country and under constant surveillance, even threatening Swedish prosecutors who wished to drop their charges against him the entire pretense underwriting Assanges detention.

Swedish prosecutors had grown tired of the case, [it was]consuming a lot of resources, and they want to drop it. Again, the CPS intervenes and says no, no, no, you must keep the case going, Eagleton told Lowkey; The exact form of words that they used were: dont you dare get cold feet.

Eagleton was unimpressed by Starmers political history or his ideological consistency. He is just sort of a political chameleon or a blank canvas, and he can sort tack right or tack left, depending on who he is listening to at that moment, he said. What we do know is that the leader of the Labour Party pushed for tougher sentences for a whole range of crimes and demanded more police presence in working-class communities.

Before wrapping up, Oliver Eagleton makes a fundamental distinction between Keir Starmer and Tony Blair as leaders of the Labour Party.

Many have compared Starmer, both in outlook and in tone, to Tony Blair. Yet Eagleton says that this is, if anything, unfair to...


Trump pide a expertos planes de batalla en Mxico revela Rolling Stone "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Atacar a Mxico, o como quieras llamarlo, es algo para lo que el presidente Trump ha dicho que quiere planes de batalla dibujados, el pedido []

La entrada Trump pide a expertos planes de batalla en Mxico revela Rolling Stone se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


New California Transgender Law Endangers Parental Rights Worldwide, Legal Group Warns: Drastic Overreach "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Gender distress. Via: Fox: A new state law in California could incentivize bad actors from around the world to skirt custodial laws by relocating to the Golden State, a conservative legal group claims. We think its a drastic overreach by California, Emilie Kao, senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), told Fox News Digital. Not []


The Dwindling Band of Iraq Obsessives Endless War and Media Complicity "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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3CX voice and video conferencing software victim of a supply chain attack "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Popular voice and video conferencing software 3CX was the victim of a supply chain attack, SentinelOne researchers reported.

As of Mar 22, 2023, SentinelOne observed a spike in behavioral detections of the 3CXDesktopApp, which is a popular voice and video conferencing software product.

The products from multiple cybersecurity vendors started detecting the popular software as malware suggesting that the company has suffered a supply chain attack.

SentinelOne is tracking the malicious activity as SmoothOperator, the company speculates that the threat actor behind the attack has set up its infrastructure starting as early as February 2022.

The company started distribut...


Do tiger-dense habitats also help save carbon stock? Its complicated "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

KATHMANDU In 2012, when wildlife biologist Kanchan Thapa visited Chitwan National Park, a stronghold of the Bengal tiger in Nepal, a colleague asked him a question: How much carbon can we save if we save one tiger? It was an interesting question for Thapa, linking the two pressing issues of biodiversity loss and climate change, and stayed with him for a long time. I wanted to find an answer to the question and to look at the relation between carbon stock and tiger habitat, Thapa told Mongabay. In a newly published study, Thapa and colleagues attempted to find an answer. In short: its what Thapa called a simple calculation thats also a complicated trade-off. And while the researchers found some interesting correlations, they note that more data and studies are needed to get a clearer picture. A grassland in Nepal. Image by Abhaya Raj Joshi for Mongabay. Their initial idea was to fit tigers with GPS collars to observe their movements through different types of habitats, including forests made up predominantly of the sal trees that are emblematic of this part of Nepal. For each of these habitats, they could then calculate the above-ground biomass carbon stock the amount of carbon stored in vegetation such as trees, shrubs and grasses above the surface. However that wasnt possible as we didnt have enough carbon data for the entire tiger habitat in Nepal, Thapa said. So for the study, Thapa and his team decided to focus on 97 plots ofThis article was originally published on Mongabay

01:36 vulnerability and releases "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The X.Org project has announced a vulnerability in its X server and Xwayland (CVE-2023-1393).

This issue can lead to local privileges elevation on systems where the X server is running privileged and remote code execution for ssh X forwarding sessions.

[...] If a client explicitly destroys the compositor overlay window (aka COW), the Xserver would leave a dangling pointer to that window in the CompScreen structure, which will trigger a use-after-free later.

That has led to the release of xorg-server 21.1.8, xwayland 22.1.9, and xwayland 23.1.1.


Re: polkitd service user privilege separation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Jordan Glover on Mar 30

Is it valid conclusion that polkitd would be better of just running as root? That would clear any possible confusion.
Or are there advantages of running it as separate "trusted" user?



[$] The trouble with MODULE_LICENSE() in non-modules "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The kernel's hierarchical maintainer model works quite well from the standpoint of allowing thousands of developers to work together without (often) stepping on each others' toes. But that model can also make life painful for developers who are trying to make changes across numerous subsystems. Other possible source of pain include changes related to licensing or those where maintainers don't understand the purpose of the work. Nick Alcock has managed to hit all of those hazards together in his effort to perform what would seem like a common-sense cleanup of the kernel's annotations for loadable modules.


Breaking: RFK, Jr. and CHD Sue Biden, Fauci for Alleged Censorship "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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AMD EPYC Milan Still Gives Intel Sapphire Rapids Tough Competition In The Cloud "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While waiting for AMD 4th Gen EPYC "Genoa" instances to become available via the major public cloud providers, I was curious to see how existing AMD EPYC Milan instances compare to Intel's new Sapphire Rapids instances in public preview on Google Cloud. While expecting some friendly competition, at the same vCPU size EPYC Milan was managing to deliver not only better performance-per-dollar but also even better raw performance in numerous workloads against the Google Cloud C3 Sapphire Rapids.


Gen Z Muslims in UK have similar experiences to non-Muslims, except on religiosity "IndyWatch Feed War"

Gen Z Muslims in UK have similar experiences to non-Muslims, except on religiosity

New survey finds British youths share views on climate change and finance, but Muslims more religious than others
MEE staff Thu, 03/30/2023 - 15:29
Muslims gather for Friday prayers in Baitul Futuh Mosque in south London (AFP/File photo)
Muslims gather for Friday prayers in Baitul Futuh Mosque in south London (AFP/File photo)

A new poll has found that young Muslims and non-Muslims in the UK hold largely similar views and have had similar experiences, including on Muslim representation, climate change, and personal finance. They only diverge on personal religious beliefs.

The survey interviewed around 2,000 British people aged between 16 and 24, of whom roughly half were Muslim and half were a representative sample of non-Muslims weighted by age, gender, region, and religion.

It found that 65 percent of "Generation Z" Muslims, born between the late 1990s and 2012, believed that UK media coverage of Muslims was not accurate, slightly higher than the 51 percent of non-Muslim Brits who concurred. 

Meanwhile, 87 percent of Generation Z Muslims said that employers should offer Muslim employees time off work for the Eid festival - a statement 62 percent of non-Muslims agreed with. 

Around half (48 percent) of young Muslim people were optimistic about dealing with the climate crisis, while a similar 45 percent of non-Muslims share that optimism. 

On personal finance, the figures were near...


Burying key evidence, new OPCW report covers up Doumas unsolved deaths "IndyWatch Feed War"


After censoring experts who found that the victims in Douma could not have been killed by chlorine gas, the OPCWs new IIT report continues the cover-up and baselessly accuses the Syrian government.

[Note: this article contains graphic images.]

On April 7th 2018, gruesome images of an alleged chemical attack emerged from the Syrian town of Douma.

Dozens of dead bodies, including children and infants, appeared heaped in piles inside of an apartment building. Others lay on the street in front as if trying to escape deadly gas. Strikingly, many of the victims displayed copious foam oozing from the mouth and nose. Along with their proximity to a clear escape route, these visible symptoms suggested that something extraordinarily poisonous had killed them instantly.

US officials immediately promoted the allegations of insurgent-tied groups that the Syrian army had killed the victims with chlorine gas or the nerve agent sarin, or even a combination of both. One week later, the US, along with the UK and France, bombed Syria in purported retaliation.

In public statements, however, experts raised doubts that chlorine caused the deaths in Douma. Leaked documents later revealed that German military toxicologists consulted by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in June 2018 went further. The Germans told the OPCW that the circumstances of the fatalities apparent immediate death and collapse in piles at the center of two rooms, a failure to escape, and rapid profuse foaming at the mouth and nose were inconsistent with chlorine poisoning.

The Germans findings had profound ramifications. While the Douma victims signs of rapid foaming were not consistent with exposure to chlorine gas, they were consistent with nerve agent exposure. But by that point, the OPCWs chemical analysis had ruled out sarin or any other nerve agent as the killer because none of these chemicals were found at the scene or in biomedical samples from alleged victims.

If the rapid and profuse frothing was not the result of a nerve agent or chlorine poisoning, the possibility existed that there was no chemical attack at all and that insurgents staged the incident to frame the Syrian government...


Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Extraordinary: The Seeding "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If this topic interests you, see the books by David M. Jacobs: Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of Ufo Abductions The THREAT: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity Via: Unidentified:


Minneapolis School District to Host Gender Clinic Director Who Says 3-year-olds Can be Transgender "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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UK Unaware of Russia Firing Depleted Uranium in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Newly published carbon market standards aim to increase integrity, confidence "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

An independent governance body has released a set of rules aimed at boosting the integrity of the global carbon market for the exchange of credits meant to address the climate impacts of companies and individuals. Its clear we are not acting fast enough to address the climate crisis, Annette Nazareth, chair of the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM), said in a statement. We need every tool available working at full speed to secure a livable future and a high-integrity voluntary carbon market is one of those tools. The group says the core carbon principles (CCPs) it launched March 29 set a threshold standard for quality in carbon markets that will help keep the global temperature rise at less than 1.5 Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels. To earn the CCP label, projects must address governance issues such as verification and transparency. They also must ensure that the emissions reductions and removals of carbon actually happen at claimed levels above what would have been accomplished under the business-as-usual scenario and adhere to strict guidelines intended to ensure that projects dont harm communities or the environment, according to the ICVCMs statement. A local man working with a reforestation project in Peru. Image by Rhett A. Butler/Mongabay. The group notes that a public consultation process that involved Indigenous and community groups produced more than 5,000 comments on the principles in 2022, which helped to shape the final draft of the 10 principles. Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities have a vitalThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Distribution Release: OpenMandriva 23.03 "ROME" "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

OpenMandriva is a general purpose operating system. The project has published new media for the distribution's rolling release branch, called ROME. The project's latest ROME snapshot introduces new editions, including Server builds which do not have a graphical user interface. "In addition to the previously released images, ROME....


I'm a Shoo-in for the Democratic Nomination "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I'm starting my run for the Democratic nomination because by then I'm going to be the only candidate. They'll HAVE to elect me.


The Four Grammar of The Tetragrammaton "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

An exploration of the Greek word for the Hebrew name for God, The Tetragrammaton, from The Fourth Initiation.


Stable kernels 6.2.9, 6.1.22, 5.15.105, and 5.4.239 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Greg Kroah-Hartman has announced the release of the 6.2.9, 6.1.22, 5.15.105, and 5.4.239 stable kernels. The latter (5.4.239) has single patch to fix the permissions of a selftest file, while the other three have a lengthy list of important fixes throughout the kernel tree.


The Tide has Turned "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The entrance of Pluto into Aquarius signals the start of a new era.


PCIe For Hackers: Extracting The Most "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

So, you now know the basics of approaching PCIe, and perhaps you have a PCIe-related goal in mind. Maybe you want to equip a single-board computer of yours with a bunch of cheap yet powerful PCIe WiFi cards for wardriving, perhaps add a second NVMe SSD to your laptop instead of that Ethernet controller you never use, or maybe, add a full-size GPU to your Raspberry Pi 4 through a nifty adapter. Whatever you want to do lets make sure there isnt an area of PCIe that you arent familiar of.

Splitting A PCIe Port



India alarmed at Bhutan's stance on border dispute with China "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The China-India dispute along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) took a new twist Tuesday when Bhutanese Prime Minister Lotay Tshering said it was open to a three-way resolution involving the three countries to end the stand-off at the strategically vital Doklam plateau. In an interview with the Belgian Daily 'La Libre', while on a state visit to Germany, Tshering said, "Doklam is a tri-junction between India, China and Bhutan.


The Graves of Academe: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Queer and Trans Studies "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Graves of Academe: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Queer and Trans Studies
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics Ive been intermittently visiting sometimes with amusement, always with horror   a website where academic jobs are advertised. I do this not  for myself, but to help keep tabs for a friends son, who has been looking for permanent employment in a university for several years. His problem is []


No evidence: GWU investigation clears Dr. Lara Sheehi of antisemitism allegations "IndyWatch Feed War"

Dr. Lara SheehiThe pro-Israel group StandWithUs accused GWU professor Lara Sheehi of antisemitism. A third-party investigation found the accusations were "inaccurate or taken out of context and misrepresented."


Corruption and High Inflation Rates Now Requires Congress' 3rd Civil Service Reform "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article explains why 7 Presidents (Reagan - Biden) and 22 prior Congresses are (alone) responsible for today's untenable debt increases, high inflation rates, and America's growingly valueless dollars and that now more than supports the American people's and Congress' newly elected 118th member's demands for a 3rd civil service reform.


Welcome growth of Medicaid expansion "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In their rearguard struggle against what they view as socialized medicine, Republicans vigorously fought to thwart the Affordable Care Act introduced by president Barack Obama that enabled many formerly uninsured people to get much needed health insurance, even though it was very much a capitalist plan, similar to one introduced by Mitt Romney when he was governor of Massachusetts. A real socialist plan would be a government-run single-payer plan which I hope will eventually be put in place. As part of their campaign against it, they derisively called it Obamacare but Obama and Democrats have embraced the name. Now that it has become popular, it will be hard for Republicans to do a switch and claim it for their own.

Despite multiple attempts to repeal it even when they controlled Congress, those attempts failed because Republicans simply had nothing to offer to put in its place. They similarly opposed what is known as Medicare expansion, a program largely funded by the federal government that would have enabled more low-income people to enroll in the Medicaid program that provides access to health care. That program is run by the states and states with Republican governors and legislatures refused to accept the program, since they do not give a damn about the needs of poor people and were determined to stop anything proposed by Obama that did not benefit the rich. But there were other consequences to blocking the program, one of which was that many hospitals in remote areas shut down because they could no longer get Medicaid funding for treating their poor patients. Since rural areas tend to be Republican, these states were hurting themselves and have belatedly slowly started accepting Medicaid expansion, with North Carolina being the latest, that will allow about 600,000 people in the state greater access to health care.

Ten years ago, Republicans in the North Carolina state House were lining up to vote against Medicaid expansion for their state.

They had an opportunity to open up the program to anybody with income below or just above the poverty line, with the federal government picking up most of the cost through the Affordable Care Act. They passed it up, arguing that the existing Medicaid program was too expensive and too broken. They warned that the federal government might reduce its contributions in the future, and that offering more people Medicaid would give them less incentive to work.

Ten years ago, Republicans in the North Carolina state House were lining up to vote against Medicaid expansion for their state.

They had an opportunity to open up the program to anybody with income below or just above the poverty line, with the federal government picking up most of the cost through the Affordable C...


The Sun Came Out To Play "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Even for me life had its gleams of sunshine." - Charlotte Bront-- from Jane Eyre.


The Truth about the CIA's Imperial Holy Warriors is hidden in the Mystical "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The first thing an academic tells you when you mention the mystical side of Afghanistan is that you shouldn't talk about that. The study of foreign policy cannot be seen as motivated by anything other than rational and objective reasons and measured by the metrics of quantitative analysis. How then to explain 'Wild Bill' Donovan, the first director of the OSS and the father of today's CIA calling his agents Knights Templars?


"The Iran-Saudi deal is a fatal blow to the Arab-Israeli pact against Iran", interview with Dr. Javad Masoumi "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This is an interview with Iranian Dr. Javad Masoumi, a geopolitical researcher and analyst to talk about the latest developments between Saudi Arabia and The Islamic Republic of Iran


Understanding the Roots of Division Between Christianity and Islam: A Complex Issue "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The relationship between Christianity and Islam has been a topic of discussion and debate for centuries. While both religions share some common beliefs, such as the belief in one God, there are also significant differences between the two that have led to conflicts and divisions.


The Internet Needs a Country of Its Very Own "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Globally, various regimes (including supposed "democracies" like India) increasingly arrogate to themselves the power to just shut down the Internet any time they find public communication inconvenient.----While there are workarounds for all this nonsense, and while each such episode encourages more people to learn about those workarounds, what the Internet really needs is a country of its very own.


The Four Types of Play of Roger Caillois: From Competition to Chance, from Mimicry to Vertigo "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

What are the differences in the psychological states between playing in a baseball game, playing with crossword puzzles, entering the lottery, watching a puppet show or rolling down a hill? Is play limited to recreation or are playful elements a necessary part of working in society? What are the conditions under which play becomes corrupt? Caillois' great model of the four kinds of play reveals some very provocative answers.


Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article is a prescription for a way out of our present dilemma by becoming our own heroes with courage to take on an out-of-date system which is destroying us and our planet.


Iraq and Syria survived the US-NATO attack and the destruction "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article about the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq and the 12th anniversary of the US/NATO war on Syria


GOP treachery, ageism and Renaissance porn "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Catching up with other news while on Trump indictment watch: Holding hostages hostage for Reagan; Republican ageism; Power Slaps! and pornographic Michelangelo. Only in America.


The monumental shift taking place in the Middle East "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A monumental shift in the Middle East could expand into further improved ties between Saudi Arabia and other countries resulting in a re-calibration of long existing rivalries and relationships in the region.


Florida: New College, Same Old Problem "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

If Ron DeSantis wanted New College to become a "Hillsdale of the South," the correct approach would have been to sell it off (or donate it to) "conservative" private sector operators.----Instead, he did exactly what he (and other "conservatives") constantly accuse "the left" of doing, and have been doing themselves for decades: He imposed his own political viewpoint on a state-operated school.


Top Tips for Real Estate Investors "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Tips for new real estate investors looking to be successful.


VP9/AV1 Simulcast Support For WebRTC Coming In Chrome 113 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

VP8 and H.264 have long been supported as part of WebRTC simulcast in the Chrome web browser while with the upcoming Chrome 113 release, VP9 and AV1 simulcast support is being enabled...


Security updates for Thursday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (xorg-server and xrdp), Fedora (mingw-python-certifi, mingw-python3, mingw-zstd, moodle, python-cairosvg, python-markdown-it-py, redis, xorg-x11-server, and yarnpkg), Slackware (mozilla and xorg), SUSE (grub2, ldb, samba, libmicrohttpd, python-Werkzeug, rubygem-rack, samba, sudo, testng, tomcat, webkit2gtk3, xorg-x11-server, xstream, and zstd), and Ubuntu (linux, linux-aws, linux-dell300x, linux-kvm, linux-oracle, linux-raspi2, linux-aws-5.4, linux-azure-5.4, linux-gcp-5.4, linux-hwe-5.4, linux-ibm-5.4, linux-oracle-5.4, linux-raspi-5.4, linux-gke, linux-gke-5.15, linux-ibm, linux-kvm, php-nette, and xorg-server, xorg-server-hwe-18.04, xwayland).


The Swinger Lifestyle: Debunking Taboos and Misconceptions "IndyWatch Feed World"

The swinger lifestyle is a topic that has always been shrouded in secrecy and taboo. However, in recent years, there has been an increasing openness and acceptance of the idea of swinging. Despite this, there are still many misconceptions and taboos surrounding the lifestyle. In this article, we will explore and debunk some of these myths.

The swinger life is a term used to describe consensual non-monogamous relationships, where couples or individuals engage in sexual activities with others outside their primary relationship. This could include attending parties, socializing with other couples, or engaging in sexual activities with others.

Understanding the Taboos and Misconceptions


Despite the increasing acceptance of the swinger lifestyle, there are still many misconceptions and taboos surrounding it. These misconceptions often lead to negative judgments and stigma around those who practice swinging.

Myth #1: Swingers are Promiscuous and Sex-Crazed

However, this is far from the truth. Swingers are individuals or couples who have decided to engage in consensually non-monogamous relationships. They are not more promiscuous than individuals in monogamous relationships, and they do not engage in sexual activities more often than monogamous couples.

Myth #2: Swinging is Only for Married Couples

Swinging is not exclusive to married couples. It is open to all consenting adults who are interested in exploring their sexuality and engaging in consensual non-monogamous relationships.

Myth #3: Swinging is a Sign of Relationship Problems

Another common misconception about swinging is that it is a sign of relationship problems. This is far from the truth. In fact, swinging can be beneficial for relationships. It can help couples to communicate better, build trust, and explore their sexuality in a safe and consensual way.

Myth #4: Swinging is Unsafe and Unhealthy



Ransomware gangs are exploiting IBM Aspera Faspex RCE flaw (CVE-2022-47986) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Attackers are exploiting a critical vulnerability (CVE-2022-47986) in the IBM Aspera Faspex centralized file transfer solution to breach organizations. About CVE-2022-47986 IBM Aspera Faspex is used by organizations to allow employees to quickly and securely exchange files with each other. (The files are uploaded to and downloaded from a centralized Aspera transfer server.) CVE-2022-47986 is a YAML deserialization flaw that can be triggered by remote attackers sending a specially crafted obsolete API call. It affects More

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The people who brought you the Iraq war loudly support arming Ukraine. Where will this lead? "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

By Andrey Sushentsov | RT | March 30, 2023

This years twentieth anniversary of the illegal Iraq invasion paradoxically coincided with major international events. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, was in Moscow on the day, while a Russia-Africa Parliamentary Forum opened at the same time.

In 2003, at the height of its power, the US proclaimed its unipolar moment in which it would dominate unchallenged, needing no allies and tolerating no objections from adversaries. History, it was believed, had a single purpose, and they would stop at nothing to achieve it. Indeed, American military, political and economic dominance seemed total at the time, echoing the sentiments of Henry Kissinger, who a few years earlier had written America at the Apex. Twenty years later, we are witnessing the flowering of multi-polarity: in Moscow, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was talking to the Russian President, two countries contributing to a change the world has not seen in a hundred years. This transience of world history shows how quickly historical cycles change, but it is also important that the US itself, through its actions in different parts of the world, is accelerating its course.

One of the most important strategic mistakes made by Washington was the invasion of Iraq. Based on a false pretext and the deliberate misleading of the international community, it led to a series of significant war crimes, a catastrophic civil war, the shattering of Iraqi statehood and enormous repercussions for the entire Middle East. Just a few years of American presence in Iraq resulted in huge numbers civilian deaths, indiscriminate use of force, and the destruction of several cities, including Mosul. During the evacuation of the Russian embassy amid the 2003 US invasion, a convoy of diplomats came under American fire and several were injured. US private military contractors, who at one point had the same presence in the country as official troops, committed a number of war crimes. The abuse of prisoners by the US military at Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad has been well documented. When the International Criminal Court raised the question of American citizens being charged over offenses in Afghanistan and Iraq, the US responded that it would prosecute the judges who raised the issue and that they should withdraw their initiatives immediately.

Arguably the greatest crime of the US in Iraq has been to create a civil war that has resulted in a terrible number of casualties with estimates ranging from 600,000 to one million.

From 2005 to 2007, the countrys population curve flattened, despite the fact that it has always had one of the highest birth rates in...


Microwaving our Planet: The Disappearance of Amphibians Worldwide? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Shifting Sands of the Arab Gulf Herald a New Middle East. Rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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Travel to Japan "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It turns out that there will be some meetings in Tokyo next March that I should probably attend somehow.  At present, I expect that Ill just Zoom in because I wouldnt want to sit in an airplane long enough to get there:  what seems to be the shortest flight, from Vancouver, BC to Haneda Airport, takes a bit over ten hours.  Its too soon to be making firm travel plans since the trip is still almost a year away; but Im wondering whether anybody can suggest some other options that I can mull over for a while.

Im retired, so I dont care how long the total trip would take.  I see that there are cruise ships between North America and Japan.  Another option might involve taking trains from Western Europe to the east coast of Asia and flying from there; and maybe I should ride the trans-Siberian train before I die. 8-)



Syria reasserts its right to restore its sovereignty over Israeli-occupied Golan "IndyWatch Feed War"

Press TV March 30, 2023

Syria has reasserted its inalienable right to restore its sovereignty to the Israeli-occupied Syrian territory of the Golan Heights, denouncing the USs support for the regime that has emboldened it to prolong the occupation.

Syrias permanent representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Ambassador Haider Ali Ahmed made the remarks, addressing a session of the Human Rights Council on the situation in the Middle East, the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on Wednesday.

The Israeli regime seized the Golan Heights from Syria during the 1967 Six-Day War and later occupied it in a move that has never been recognized by the international community. The regime has built dozens of settlements in the area ever since and has been using the region as a launch pad for its military operations against the Arab country.

Israel commits a war crime by building colonies and settlements in the occupied Syrian Golan, and its colonization plans have witnessed an escalation since the end of 2021, when it announced the doubling of the number of settlers in the Golan over a period of five years, the Syrian envoy said.

Ahmed also pointed to a plan by the occupying regime to install wind turbines in Golan, saying the scheme proved Tel Avivs intransigence in keeping up its colonial and racist practices in the Syrian territory.

The time has come to start taking concrete steps to put an end to the Israeli regimes occupation of Arab lands, which comes as a result of the support that the US and other countries provide to the Israeli occupation entity, added the Syrian diplomat.

The United States has proven the Israeli regimes biggest and most dedicated ally since 1948, when the regime claimed existence after occupying huge expanses of regional territories during a similar war.

With a cast-iron resolve, Washington has invariably provided sustained arms, logistical, and political support for Tel Aviv that has encouraged it to sustain the occupation and keep up its near-daily deadly crimes against the peoples of the occupied territories, foremost among them the Palestinians.

The Syrian official said the USs continuing to provide this support despite the horrible crimes served as the greatest evidence of Washingtons contempt for the provisions of international law, the United Nations Charter, and international resolutions.


The WMD Pretext, The Senate Voted To Approve a Fabricated War. The AUMF Against Iraq (HJ Res. 114). "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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New Mlofe Linux malware linked to Chinese APT groups "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Exatrack researchers warn of an unknown China-linked hacking group that has been linked to a new Linux malware, dubbed Mlofe.

Cybersecurity researchers from ExaTrack recently discovered a previously undetected malware family, dubbed Mlofe, targeting Linux servers.

The researchers linked with high-confidence this malware to China-linked APT groups, in particular the Winnti group.

The Mlofe malware includes a kernel-mode rootkit thats based on an open-source project referred to as Reptile.

The analysis of the vermagic metadata revealed that it is experts noticed that the rootkit has a limited set of features.

The attackers use shell commands to download the installer and a custom binary package from a remote server and install the implant and the rootkit.

The installer is written in C++, it takes the binary package as an argument and then extracts the rootkit as well as a server implant module.


The researchers noticed that the implant is currently under active development.

The malware configuration is encrypted using the RC4 algorithm in the two early samples, while authors used a simple xor with a single byte key (0x43) in the most recent sample analyzed by the experts.

The configuration format in the first sample contains all elements in encrypted form, while the most recent sample has only the C&C domain encrypted.

The implant supports two mechanisms of persistence, depending on the privileges of his execution. When it runs as the root user, it tries to wri...


A Coup dtat in Israel? : The Bitter Harvest of Colonialism "IndyWatch Feed World"

On Sunday, March 26, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu fired his defense minister in an attempt to consolidate power over the country, precipitating spontaneous mass demonstrations. On March 27, facing the prospect of a general strike, he agreed to delay his effort to push through a judicial reform that will centralize control in his hands. In return for that concession, he gave his extreme-right minister of internal securitythe convicted terrorist Itamar Ben-Gvirpermission to establish a militia under his own authority. In other words, having gained control of the government but not yet of the streets, the reigning far-right coalition is buying time to figure out how to suppress popular unrest while intensifying the persecution of Palestinians.

These are just the latest developments in a struggle that has been escalating for months, pitting various sectors of Israeli society against each other. The outcome will impact everyone, but the Palestinians will suffer most of all, no matter which side comes out on top: if the liberal protest movement wins, the prevailing apartheid regime will be perceived as more legitimate, whereas if Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir win, the situation will become even more deadly and dehumanizing for Palestinians. In the following analysis, our correspondent shows how this crisis has emerged out of a conflict between competing elites and their respective colonial models.

For months now, weekly mass demonstrations have taken place in Tel Aviv and other cities, drawing tens of thousands every Saturday. This is one of the biggest social movements in the history of Israel. The protests began after the inauguration of the most far-right government ever to rule this country; they quickly shifted focus to opposing a judicial reform that would consolidate power in the hands of the government at the expense of the court.

Many protesters see this measure as a coup attempt. One of the most worrying sections of the bill of the proposed reform, called the override clause, will undermine the sacred liberal concept of the separation of powers. Among other things, it would limit the Supreme Courts ability to oppose and repeal laws that the government passes, allow the government to re-enact laws invalidated by the court, and give the government more say in appointing judges. Benjamin Netanyahus government has already introduced a law limiting the ways a sitting prime minister can be decl...


Navigating Employment Disputes: The Benefits of Settlement Agreements "IndyWatch Feed World"

Employment disputes can be a major headache for both employers and employees. Whether its a disagreement over pay, working conditions, or termination of employment, disputes can be costly, time-consuming, and stressful. One solution that is often overlooked is the use of settlement agreements. In this article, well explore their benefits and how they can help resolve employment disputes in a timely and cost-effective manner.

What is a Settlement Agreement?


A settlement agreement is a legal contract between an employer and an employee that settles a dispute or potential claim. They are often used in employment disputes, and they can cover a wide range of issues, including:

  1. Unfair dismissal

2. Discrimination

3. Harassment

4. Redundancy

5. Breach of contract

6. Outstanding wages or bonuses

7. Disputes over non-compete clauses or intellectual property rights

The terms will vary depending on the nature of the dispute and the parties involved. However, most settlement agreements will include a financial settlement, a confidentiality clause, and a waiver of any potential claims.

Benefits of Settlement Agreements



Fearless, angry, devastated, and determined: Feminist struggles in Montenegro "IndyWatch Feed World"

Fearless, angry, devastated, and determined: Feminist struggles in Montenegro

Note from LeftEast editors: in this article, young journalist, activist and feminist Marija Pei discusses how she sees recent developments in feminist organizing against femicide and against institutional inaction which greatly contributes to gender-based violence in Montenegro

Zurmita Nerda passed away in January last year in the hospital due to the consequences of domestic violence suspected by her husband. Zurmitas brother told the media that the same happened to her mother, who was killed by Zurmitas father ten years ago. 

Read More


CVE-2023-28935: Apache UIMA DUCC: DUCC (EOL) allows RCE "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Arnout Engelen on Mar 30

Severity: moderate


** UNSUPPORTED WHEN ASSIGNED ** Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in a Command ('Command Injection')
vulnerability in Apache Software Foundation Apache UIMA DUCC.

When using the "Distributed UIMA Cluster Computing" (DUCC) module of Apache UIMA, an authenticated user that has the
permissions to modify core entities can cause command execution as the system user that runs the...


Biden rebukes Netanyahu about judicial reform, says no invitation for Netanyahu to White House "IndyWatch Feed War"

Joe Biden had strong words for Benjamin Netanyahu, calling upon him to back away from judicial reform, even after the State Department was exposed for paying money to stir up the massive protests in Israel. So Biden stated that he has no intention of inviting Netanyahu to the White House anytime soon. A leader who []


UNs climate panic is more politics than science "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The IPCC Reports have become bumper sticker climate science

Five years on, Gazas Great March of Return changed peoples lives "IndyWatch Feed War"

Five years ago today, Palestinians in Gaza launched the Great March of Return. Israel brutally suppressed the demonstrations, leaving many of its participants amputated. But those who joined the March would do it all over again.

Thursday, 30 March


Canada Auditor General Finds a Minimum of $27.4 Billion in Suspicious COVID Benefit Payments "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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Popular PABX platform, 3CX Desktop App suffers supply chain attack "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Deeba Ahmed

According to cybersecurity researchers, a nation-state actor, LABYRINTH CHOLLIMA, is suspected to be behind the multi-stage attack on 3CXDesktopApp.

This is a post from Read the original post: Popular PABX platform, 3CX Desktop App suffers supply chain attack


Torrential rains in Yemen cause floods and cut off towns "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Torrential rainfall across Yemen caused widespread flooding that cut off several towns, local media reported. The rains started overnight and continued into Thursday morning. Reports said that Hadramawt province recorded the most rainfall overnight, with the rain damaging dozens of homes and cutting off several towns. Videos online showed flooding on several roads linking Seiyun district and Mukalla, the main city in the eastern province. Parts of Shabwa province in Yemen's south-east suffered heavy rains concentrated in the districts of Rudum, Beihan, Mayfaa, Markha and Ain.


Wife Of Late World  Oldest Monarch Owhorode Of Olomu To Be Laid To Rest On April "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 30TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Chief (Mrs) Alice Oyibo Ogbon, deceased wife of the late Owhorode of Olomu Kingdom, Ovie Richard Layeguen Ogbon, Ogoni-Oghoro 1, would be laid to rest on April 28. (TNG) reports Chief Mrs Ogbon died aged 90, months before the Owhorode of Olomu Kingdom joined his ancestors at the age of 106.
According to a statement, the Ogbon matriarch would be laid to rest at Oteri-Agbarha in Ughelli North local government area of Delta State.

A funeral service would be held on Friday 28th of April by 9:00 am at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Sapele, Delta State.

Before then, a service of songs would be held at the same venue on Wednesday 26th of April by 4:00 pm.

TNG reports Chief (Mrs) Alice Oyibo Ogbon was born in 1932 and died in 2022. Meanwhile, funeral rites for the late Owhorode are yet to be made public.

The News Guru




Former CIA officer urges US to make Zelensky drop claims on Crimea and Donbass "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ahmed Adel | March 30, 2023

The US should bluntly tell Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Kiev will eventually have to accept territorial concessions, former CIA Counterterrorism Center chief Robert Grenier said. This comes as Zelensky admitted that his people are becoming weary of conflict.

The time is fast approaching when a senior representative of the Biden administration will need to begin a similarly tough, realistic and empathetic dialogue with Zelensky, he wrote in The Hill, adding that although the US president is a great friend of Kiev, his ability to deliver on his implicit and explicit promises of support for Ukraine for as long as it takes is likely to be curtailed in the near future.

Zelensky must be pushed in the direction of a negotiated solution, likely to include territorial concessions on Crimea and the Donbass, the former CIA official said.

In the experts opinion, the Ukrainian conflict does not threaten Washingtons national security, and therefore the total defence of every inch of Ukrainian territory is not on the list of vital interests of the West.

Now is the time for the administration to engage in some hard critical thinking, followed by tough talk in Kyiv, in NATO capitals, and yes, in Moscow, Grenier said. He caveated that by saying it is important for NATO to make Ukraine an impregnable fortress to deter Russia in the future, but that the West does not need the whole country for this purpose.

Moscow has repeatedly stressed that the Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk and Lugansk regions, as well as the Crimean Peninsula, are inseparable parts of Russia. At one point in the future, these regions will be completely liberated by Russia and this will be a bitter reality for Kiev and the West to accept.

For his part, US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter recently said that the Ukrainian army would eventually lose Artyomovsk (Bakhmut), which will in turn lead to the countrys defeat and the downfall of Zelensky. He argued that Zelensky still has a chance to avoid further catastrophe if he decides to follow the plan proposed by China. The former intelligence officer said if Zelensky followed Chinas peace plan, Ukraine would survive as a nation, its army would be preserved, and it keeps the door open for EU membership.

Known for decades as Artyomovsk, and still called that in Russian, the city has recently been the scene of bloody fighting due to its importance for supplying Ukrainian troops in the Donbass region. When the town is captured by Russian forces, large swathes of Donbass will be opened for liberation.

It is for this reason that Zelensky said in an interview with the Associated Press on March 28 that Russia may begin building international support for a peace deal that could require Ukraine to compromise on promises...


2022/23 is now officially Mammoth Mountain, California's snowiest season ever with 870 inches of snowfall "IndyWatch Feed World"

After 30 of snow overnight, Mammoth Mountain, CA, has officially surpassed its all-time snowfall record, making 2022/23 the snowiest season EVER at Mammoth Mountain. "With 28-30" of snow since yesterday afternoon, we just blew through our all-time season snowfall record of 668". We've received 695" of snowfall to date at Main Lodge, making the 22/23 season the biggest in our history! To our employees, to this community, to all of you who have battled the elements this season - YOU are the stuff of legends. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's going to be a legendary spring up here and we'll be open daily through at least July!" - Mammoth Mountain The resort has seen 870 of snowfall at the summit and currently has a 275-336 base.


Governance by Artificial Intelligence: The ultimate unaccountable tyranny "IndyWatch Feed World"

It's no secret that globalist institutions are obsessed with Artificial Intelligence as some kind of technological prophecy. They treat it as if it is almost supernatural in its potential and often argue that every meaningful industrial and social innovation in the near future will owe its existence to AI. The World Economic Forum cites AI as the singular key to the rise of what they call the "Fourth Industrial Revolution." In their view, there can be no human progress without the influence of AI algorithms, making human input almost obsolete. This delusion is often promoted by globalist propagandists. For example, take a look at the summarized vision of WEF member Yuval Harari, who actually believes that AI has creative ability that will replace human imagination and innovation. Not only that, but Harari has consistently argued in the past that AI will run the world much better than human beings ever could.


Delta Guber: How LP Momentum Pave Way For PDP "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 30TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The build up to the 2023 elections gave the impression the contest was going to be between the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the main opposition, All Progressives Congress (APC). The February 25 Presidential/National Assembly elections, clearly changed the equation, as the budding Labour Party (LP), which was not reckoned with, because as many said, it had no structures, caused a major upset that sent the two main parties in Delta state back to the drawing board.

The one-week shift of the election date from March 11 to 18, afforded a great opportunity to the two main parties to renew campaigns and woo voters, especially LP supporters, and sway victory to their side.

LPs victory in the presidential election in Delta State threw the governorship race on March 11 open for the three political parties LP, APC and PDP.

APC supporters thought that the outcome had brightened their chances and that of the LP, believing that PDP was not going to catch up after the trashing.

This was because APC not only retained Delta Central, it also won Delta South senatorial district, where its candidate, Joel Onowakpo-Thomas, beat Michael Diden (Ejele) of the PDP.

Given the performance in the presidential election, where LP won the state, the old order was expected to change on March 18 governorship election, and the expectation was that LP would form government in Asaba come May 29.

With this, the dominance of the umbrella was threatened, especially as more members defected to APC on the eve of the governorship election, including known names and former political office holders.

The LP candidate, Ken Pela, relied heavily on the wave of the Obidents movement created by the candidacy of his partys presidential candidate, Peter Obi, especially among the youths, unlike Sheriff Oborevwori of the PDP and APCs Ovie Omo-Agege. Pela had hoped to ride to the Government House on the euphoria of the moment and counting on LP supporters to repeat the feat of February 25 by coming out en ma...


Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): The Weaponization of Money? WHOs Health Tyranny: Towards a Totalitarian World Government? No Way! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): The Weaponization of Money? WHOs Health Tyranny: Towards a Totalitarian World Government? No Way! appeared first on Global Research.


Seattle-Area County Plans World Leading Sustainable Aviation Fuel R&D Center "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Seattle-area county plans 'world leading' sustainable aviation fuel R&D center:

Washington state wants to create a "world leading" research and development center focused on low-carbon, sustainable aviation fuels. The facility is planned for Snohomish County's Paine Field Boeing's historic home and a hub for low-carbon aerospace startups including ZeroAvia and MagniX.

Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers on Tuesday announced plans for the center, which would be built in partnership with Washington State University. Sen. Marko Liias and Rep. Brandy Donaghy, both leaders from the county, are calling for $6.5 million in the state's transportation budget to get the project rolling.

"We have been at the forefront of the aviation industry for decades and this will now put us in a place to lead the world in shaping the future of clean aviation," said Liias, chair of the Washington State Senate Transportation Committee.

WSU has a Bioproducts, Science, and Engineering Laboratory at its Tri-Cities campus. One of the focal areas for the lab is biofuels, which includes sustainable aviation fuels.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


A state of never-ending crisis: The government is fomenting mass hysteria "IndyWatch Feed World"

We have become guinea pigs in a ruthlessly calculated, carefully orchestrated, chillingly cold-blooded experiment in how to control a population and advance a political agenda without much opposition from the citizenry. This is mind-control in its most sinister form. With alarming regularity, the nation is being subjected to a spate of violence that terrorizes the public, destabilizes the country, and gives the government greater justifications to crack down, lock down, and institute even more authoritarian policies for the so-called sake of national security without many objections from the citizenry. Take this latest shooting in Nashville, Tenn. The 28-year-old shooter (a clearly troubled transgender individual in possession of several military-style weapons) opened fire in a Christian elementary school, killing three children and three adults. Already, fingers are being pointed and battle lines are being drawn.


Theyre getting closer "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The latest train derailment is only an hour away from me.

A train carrying ethanol derailed and sparked a fire in Raymond, Minn., authorities said Thursday, urging nearby residents to evacuate.


EEVDF Scheduler Patches Updated For The Linux Kernel "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Intel Linux engineer Peter Zijlstra has sent out updated patches on the kernel patch series he's been working on the past several months around the "EEVDF" CPU scheduler for improving upon the current CFS scheduler code...


New Wi-Fi Protocol Security Flaw Affecting Linux, Android and iOS Devices "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A group of academics from Northeastern University and KU Leuven has disclosed a fundamental design flaw in the IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi protocol standard, impacting a wide range of devices running Linux, FreeBSD, Android, and iOS. Successful exploitation of the shortcoming could be abused to hijack TCP connections or intercept client and web traffic, researchers Domien Schepers, Aanjhan Ranganathan,


Ukraines Missing Children: Slipping into a Life of War Crime "IndyWatch Feed War"

Upon hearing the evidence that convicted Adolph Eichmann, Hannah Arendt understood not the monstrosity of evil but its banality. While her phrase might be used today in order to diminish the criminal, its awful truth is that the partners and facilitators of war crimes incorporate evil into ordinary lives that might otherwise have been principled. It may be this very banality that has caught President Vladimir Putin and a special clique around him in a crime against humanity.

Putin has used Russian nationalism to build unquestioning support for all his actions. His career coincides with the ascent of Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus, in the Russian Orthodox Church. As Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad in February 2000, Kirill published a long, thoughtful essay asking if Western liberalism could be reconciled with orthodox Christianity. Boris Yeltsin had tried chaotically to merge the two and now Putin was taking over. Kirill concluded that liberalism gave primacy to the individual and had no concept of sin, when what was required for the individual to go to heaven was to recognize that they were born in sin and that they needed the collective to live a life of absolution. Kirill provided Putin with the rationale for a long authoritarian rule. All Rus ( ) in Kirills title assumed new relevance. Initially and uncharacteristically, Putin engaged in anti-gay, anti-punk actions that were unnecessary politically. He also built an enormous statue of Saint Vladimir beside the Kremlin and attended its dedication by Kirill. Kirill has supported Putins invasion of Ukraine. In a Zoom conversation with Pope Francis, Kirill said it was necessary to root out Nazis and oppose NATO. Russian Orthodox churches in Ukraine were used to exert influence and have been accused of conspiracy. Kirill may have had a religious agenda too: the Ukrainian church transferred its allegiance directly to Constantinople and he wants it back.

One aspect of the Yeltsin years was the collapse of institutions that had been developed in Soviet times. A sad example was the state of Russian orphanages. A brisk business developed, facilitating adoption of Russian orphans by Western couples, particularly from the United States. When an American couple gave their adopted daughter back after three years because they were afraid that she might harm, or even kill, her adopted brother, it made news all over the world. The fate of Russian orphans became politicized. In December 2012, President Obama signed the Magnitsky Act, which allowed the administration to apply sanctions against foreign government officials, not just Russian, accused of offenses against human rights. While the act also repealed sanctions that had previously been directed against Soviet officials accused of antisemitism, it was......


Israel Bombs Damascus from over the Syrian Golan, Again! "IndyWatch Feed War"

 MARCH 30, 2023 ARABI SOURI Israel bombed the outskirts of Damascus at the dense of the night, again, sounds of explosions followed by the rise of fumes of smoke and fire were seen from across the Syrian capital. The people of Damascus were awakened by loud sounds of explosions at around 2 am local time []


Reading List: Akin Adekan "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The author reflects on books that offer a long-historical perspective on African literature and history.

Senegal, 2008. Image credit Vix Mr via Flickr CC BY-NC 2.0.

Ayi Kwei Armahs The Eloquence of the Scribes (Per Ankh, 2006) was a revelation. I discovered this semi-autobiographical book purely by accident while looking to purchase a copy of Armahs 1995 novel, Osiris Rising, for my class on African Literature and Other Arts. I had not read a book of its kind in modern African letters, and I would be happy to know of any, if they exist. As soon as I finished reading it, I made several of my friends buy and read it, and it became a cult classic among us.

I wrote a long review of it not long after , and I have found it indispensable to my thinking about a long-historical perspective not just about African literature, which is just one of the authors intellectual interests, but about African history, from Old Egyptian (Kemet, Kemt) times. One unique perspective from this book is Armahs assertion that the djeli (the griot of Africanist veneration, though the word denotes blood in Bambara) has been misrepresented, but that that misrepresentation can be reversed if scholars come to appreciate the careful training griots undergo. In the face of a supposed lack of alphabetical literacy, their skill and standing have been susceptible to manipulation to distort important episodes in African history.

It was while re-reading The Eloquence of the Scribes that I stumbled on a parenthetic remark by Armah that he translated Boubacar Barrys Senegambia and the Atlantic Slave Trade (Cambridge, 1998) into English. I read that book for an additional African perspective on the Atlantic slave trade, and especially in terms of the roles played by African rulers and elites in that historical episode. The books ideological orientation owes much to the Pan-African vision of African intellectuals, such as Kwame Nkrumah and Cheik Anta Diop, but what I found useful, at least for the book that I was writing, was Barrys critical depiction of the ceddo, so-called unconquered Africans who refused Islamic conversion. This social group formed the focus of the 1977 film Ceddo by Ousmane Sembene, where a surface treatment might be mistaken as endorsing their modes of operation, which included hunting vulnerable groups to sell into slavery. With the benefit of Barrys critical take, even Sembenes creati...


UK business ministers to meet with leading Islamic banks in quest to become global hotspot of Islamic finance "IndyWatch Feed War"

The UK shows promise in one area just as it sabotages itself in another. The latest: the Minister of State in the Department for Business and Trade, Lord Johnson will lead a series of roundtables with the worlds leading Islamic banks to map out a path for the UK achieving its goal of becoming a []


Pumping Gender-Bending Drugs Into Kids Is Even More Dangerous Than We Thought "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A doctor holds a needle filled with Is it really safe to give these drugs to kids? Mounting evidence says 'no.' And even some on the left are starting to sound the alarm.


The Future Of Test Automation: Trends To Watch Out For In 2023 "IndyWatch Feed World"

Test automation has been an integral component of software development in recent years. As technology improves, software applications become more sophisticated, and manual testing is no longer sufficient to ensure software quality. Test automation services guarantee software reliability, efficiency, and performance as planned. 

Teams working on software constantly seek new methods to enhance their testing processes in todays fast-paced technological ecosystem. Integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning, shift-left testing, automation in Agile and DevOps contexts, cloud-based automated testing, and test automation are all current developments in test automation. 

A test automation company plays the role of a main character in Agile and DevOps contexts because aggregates and releases are enabled through test automation, minimizing downtime between software creation and deployment. This allows teams to spot problems more rapidly and effectively, leading to quicker resolution and higher unit testing.


Integration Of Machine Learning And Ai In Test Automation

Combining machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the game in test automation. It has transformed the way testers evaluate...


CIA Larry Johnson: Whats Coming IS WORSE THAN A WW3, THIS IS SERIOUS in Exclusive Interview "IndyWatch Feed War"

Mar 30, 2023 Red Pilled TV Premiered 11 hours ago #larryjohnson#interview#redpilledtv Whats Coming IS WORSE THAN A WW3, THIS IS SERIOUS in Exclusive Interview Larry Johnson is back on the show to talk about the war in Ukraine. Johnson gives his assessment of where things stand on the ground. They talk about the astounding casualty []


Wild bear goes on ferocious rampage through village in Uttar Pradesh, India "IndyWatch Feed World"

A wild bear left locals stunned after it was filmed going on a wild rampage through a sleepy village. Footage captured from a rooftop shows the large animal wreaking havoc as it charged at villagers into the settlement and attacked a number of people. The ferocious bear even broke into someone's home by smashing through a wall, according to local reports, injuring several people inside. Villagers repeatedly chased the bear, throwing objects at it in an effort to scare it off. At one point, the bear is seen rapidly turning around to chase a villager behind a house after he attempted to scare it away.


Khaled bin Mohamed: Abu Dhabis new crown prince and likely future Emirati president "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Khaled bin Mohamed: Abu Dhabis new crown prince and likely future Emirati president

Mohammed bin Zayed's eldest son - who has held positions across governance, energy and security - becomes UAE's heir apparent
Rayhan Uddin Thu, 03/30/2023 - 12:45
Khaled bin Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan during a ceremony marking the second anniversary of Abu Dhabi's Louvre museum on 11 November 2019 (AFP)
Khaled bin Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan during a ceremony marking the second anniversary of Abu Dhabi's Louvre museum on 11 November 2019 (AFP)

Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed was named on Wednesday as the new crown prince of Abu Dhabi. 

The announcement was made by his father, UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, after approval from the federal supreme council, the countrys highest legislative body, which rulers from all seven emirates sit on.

The decision means that Khaled is most likely to succeed his father as president, placing him ahead of more senior Emirati royals, including several of Mohammed bin Zayeds brothers. 

Khaled bin Mohamed was born in Abu Dhabi on 8 January 1982 and is the eldest son of the current president and his wife Salama bint Hamdan. 

The new crown prince earned a BSc in international relations at the American University of Sharjah, before completing a PhD from the department of war studies at Kings College London, in 2014. 



Have Lawmakers Found A Back Door To Extending Their Covid Tyranny? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

vile of a covid vaccine with syringe and prep padA drug price transparency bill making its way through the Senate fails to protect against authorities accessing patient medical records.


The Six Christians Martyred In Nashville Are A Call To Repentance To All Who Will Hear It "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

students of The Covenant School in Nashville reading BiblesIt should be no surprise that worshippers of demons identify Christians as their worst enemy.


100 days in, even Azerbaijan's opposition backs Nagorno-Karabakh blockade "IndyWatch Feed"

Baku speaks with one voice in support of the Aliyev regimes aggressive campaign but change may be in the air


Hypocrisy of the self-styed Nigerian progressives "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A friend of mine sent me a text message the other day: Ikechukwu, please stop this fight. This election has been won and lost and it is high time we moved forward. Lamenting over spilt milk is an exercise in futility and if you are close to Peter Obi, please tell him to give peace []


Is Hungary holding up Sweden's Nato bid in coordination with Turkey? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Is Hungary holding up Sweden's Nato bid in coordination with Turkey?

Suspicion among allies triggered after Ankara and Budapest moved simultaneously to approve Finland's Nato bid
Ragip Soylu Thu, 03/30/2023 - 12:18
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hungarian President Katalin Novak hold a press conference following their meeting in Ankara on March 29, 2023 (Anadolu)
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hungarian President Katalin Novak hold a press conference in Ankara on 29 March 2023 (Anadolu)

When Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared last year that he would not approve Finland and Swedens membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato), Europe was quick to fire criticism towards Ankara.

But one country did not react: Hungary. 

One by one, every other Nato member ratified the membership of the two Scandinavian countries, except for Turkey and Hungary. Once Erdogan decided this month to approve Finlands bid, Hungary followed suit, passing it through parliament even before the Turks had done. 

This has naturally triggered questions. Was there any coordination between Ankara and Budapest on the Nato expansion? 

One European ambassador told Middle East Eye that some European allies suspect direct cooperation between the two nations. Meanwhile, a Turkish official familiar with the matter said that there is nothing official going on.


Cyberstorage: Leveraging the Multi-Cloud to Combat Data Exfiltration "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Multi-cloud data storage, once merely a byproduct of the great cloud migration, has now become a strategy for data management. "Multi-cloud by design," and its companion the supercloud, is an ecosystem in which several cloud systems work together to provide many organizational benefits, including increased scale and overall resiliency.And now, even security teams who have long been the holdout


Delta OBIDATTI Support Group Urges Nigerians To  Defend Sanctity Of Democracy "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 30TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Group under the aegis of  OBIDATTI Support Group Delta Chapter has appealed to  the judiciary, all Security agencies and every Nigerian that believe in justice and fairness to rise-up and defend the sanctity of Nigeria  democracy.

The Group in a statement signed by its Coordinator, Comrade Gometi O. Crested made available to  said this is the time for Nigerians to rise up and defend their democracy,  adding that they cannot sit-back  to watch our democratic values go into extinction.

Its unacceptable and cant happen in our time, he stated, while appealing to  every member of the new Nigeria Project to leave their comfort zone and support the move to save the nations democracy.

According to the statement, The beauty of Democracy is  the value placed on the opinion of the citizens, and whatever threatening the integrity and sanctity of it process should not be handled with sentiment.

It should be noted that if there is any part of the constitution that is much more important to us as a Nation, then it should be the process by which our leaders emerged.  The current level of crime and insecurity which is linked to corruption and poor living condition amongst Nigerians doesnt support 1% lack of integrity in our electoral process, because darkness cant produce light.

Remember, injustice prevail in a Nation where the voices of justice is not loud enough. As we all know, Nigerians home and abroad are calling for justice in the just concluded presidential election and any government that understand the position of the masses opinion in a democratic system of Government cant ignore the masses and proceed to swear-in  any candidate without ensuring due process and regards to our constitution except we are saying the law is not meant for all.  Action speaks louder than voice, I dont believe we are tired of democratic system of government, except otherwise then Nigerians should be well informed.







Officer shoots dog after 4 of them attacked in Tenerife, Spain "IndyWatch Feed World"

Three Spanish police officers attacked by dogs shoot one in Granadilla de Abona, while they were conducting an operation A dog has been shot after four of them attacked police officers working on an operation in the regions of Granadilla de Abona in Tenerife, Spain. According to Diario de Avisos, the incident took place on the morning of Wednesday, March 29, at 11.30 am, when two dogs attacked several Policia Nacional officers who were carrying out an operation of which no further details have been revealed.


When It Comes To Communist Chinas Grip On U.S. Institutions, TikTok Is Only The Beginning "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi JingpingBanning TikTok should signal the beginning, not the end, of a war on Chinas infiltration of U.S. institutions.


Douglas Macgregor: Russia IS WIPING THEM OUT, THIS IS IT in Exclusive Interview "IndyWatch Feed War"

Mar 29, 2023 Red Pilled TV Premiered Mar 29, 2023 #douglasmacgregor#interview Russia IS WIPING THEM OUT, THIS IS IT in Exclusive Interview Douglas Macgregor is back on the show to talk about the war in Ukraine. Macgregor gives his assessment of where things stand on the ground. They talk about the astounding casualty numbers and []


Hungary comments on Ukraine's NATO and EU bids "IndyWatch Feed World"

Budapest will not support Kiev's membership due to discrimination against minorities, the foreign minister has insisted. Hungary will not agree to Ukraine joining NATO and the EU as long as Kiev continues to discriminate against ethnic Hungarians living in Transcarpathia, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has stated. Szijjarto added that he raised the issue at a meeting with the UN assistant secretary general for human rights, Ilze Brands Kehris. Up to 99 Hungarian primary and secondary schools are in danger of being closed in Ukraine due to the nation's education law, Szijjarto said. "I made it clear to Ilze Brands Kehris... that Hungary will not be able to support Ukraine's transatlantic and European integration [bids] under any circumstances as long as Hungarian schools in the Transcarpathia region are in danger," the minister posted on Facebook on Friday.


Make Anything Clockwork With This Ridiculous Stick-On Device "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Clockwork devices were popular right up until motors and electronics proved far more capable in just about every way. However, theres something charming about a device you can wind up to make it do its thing. To recreate this feeling on modern technology, [Kousuke Saito] created a clockwork winder that you can fit to a wide variety of modern appliances. 



The Riots in France Contain an Important Lesson for Americans "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: The ongoing protests in France ramped up Tuesday. Thousands of people took to the streets, the Eiffel Tower was closed, and the French government warned that the protesters wanted to destroy, to injure and to kill. Interior Minister Grald Darmanin took the unprecedented step of putting 13,000 officers in place to face the []


Northern Irelands future prosperity depends on ever closer relationships between Belfast, London and Dublin "IndyWatch Feed"

Finn McRedmond makes a good point today in the Irish Times when she makes the point that the return of boring politics in Britain is great for Ireland. Its a reminder to some in Dublin that populism is not an especially British characteristic.

Its not helpful for maintaining and building upon peace in Northern Ireland either. Its quite shocking the degree to which it (Northern Ireland) has been left in abeyance. Sunaks attendance at the British Irish Council was the first since 2007.

Since the Belfast Agreement was established in 1998, the Stormont institutions (the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive) have broken down on several occasions. The breakdowns have been caused by various factors, including disputes between political parties, disagreements over the implementation of agreements, and allegations of corruption and misconduct.

The Stormont institutions were first suspended in 2002 amid allegations of IRA intelligence gathering at Stormont. They were restored in 2007, but then collapsed again in 2017 following a scandal over a renewable heating scheme. The institutions remained suspended for over three years until they were restored in 2020.

Theyve been in abeyance since the last Assembly elections in 2021, and have not been fully functioning since. But in general the disappearance of the GFA and stability in Northern Ireland from the national agenda of both jurisdictions from about 2010 up until the onset of the current government coalition (along with a budget cancelling austerity) has been something a disaster.

Whatever happens in the longer term trajectory of each country (and as McRedmond notes, its now something of a dual track as far as Europe is concerned), they will remain tied together by Northern Ireland. The loss of EU membership means that the frequent touch points Bertie Ahern has recently spoken about in European summits are gone.

The future prosperity of the people of Northern Ireland depends now more than ever upon close co-ordination in the three primary co-ordinates of Belfast, London and Dublin if anything other than unstable politics is to take the lead in what is slowly becoming a more prosperous region of the UK and the island of Ireland.



Another Budget Gigabyte Ryzen Motherboard Gets Working Sensor Support With Linux 6.3 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

For those that happen to have a Gigabyte A320M-S2H V2 micro-ATX motherboard or you have been looking out for a low-end, budget motherboard for an AMD Ryzen AM4 build, the A320M-S2H V2 is the latest seeing working sensor support with the mainline Linux kernel...


CANADA: Male powerlifter breaks women's record to protest gender self-identification policy "IndyWatch Feed World"

A male powerlifting coach self-identified into the women's category and broke the Alberta women's bench press record in an apparent effort to protest gender self-identification policies in sport. Avi Silverberg, a powerlifting coach who has worked with Team Canada, self-identified as a woman last week to participate in the women's category at the Heroes Classic Powerlifting Meet held in Lethbridge, Alberta. Silverberg was attempting to highlight the unfair advantage males have when competing in women's athletics. In participating in the Saturday event, Silverberg unofficially broke the Alberta women's bench press record for the 84+ kilograms category. The Canadian Powerlifting Union (CPU) announced a gender self-identification policy earlier this year, explicitly allowing any males to participate in women's competitions on the basis of "gender" alone.


Arm Scalable Matrix Extension 2 "SME2" Support Lands In GNU Binutils "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Toward the end of last year Arm detailed Scalable Matrix Extension 2 (SME2) for adding more capabilities to Armv9-A around speedy matrix processing. Merged this morning is initial support for SME2 within Binutils as part of the GNU compiler toolchain for the GNU Assembler...


Dont Give Up on Your Small Town "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


A lot of times, for folks who are rurally located, you might be by a little town in your vicinity, but then there's always a bigger town within driving distance that is also accessible, so we tend to bypass that smaller town, said Wyoming homesteader and content creator Jill Winger. And sometimes that's warranted, but I think sometimes we have to kind of tell ourselves: Nope, we're gonna figure out how to invest in this small town and dig in deep. Even if the path isn't clear yet.

For anyone whos lived in a small town or rural community, its not uncommon to rely on bigger towns for necessities or community engagementeven if it takes an hour or longer to drive there. But Winger decided to switch her mindset and start looking at how to engage in the small town closest to her rural cattle ranch: Chugwater, Wyoming, a ranching town of 178 people.

At first I wasn't engaged in the town very much at all, said Winger, who, when first moving to the area over a decade ago, was focused on building a sustainable homestead with her family. I told myself that this town didn't have anything to offer me. And then I thought, well, you know what, when I apply a lot of intention and creativity into my homestead, amazing things happen. So I was like, what if we applied some of that intention into this little community?

Within the tiny town of Chugwater sits Wyoming's oldest historic soda fountain shop, which has been a constant community space since the early 1900s. Originally, the space was used as a drugstore and general store, with a soda fountain later installed on the side. Over the years, the aging building has become a full-service restaurant.



3CX customers targeted via trojanized desktop app "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Suspected state-sponsored threat actors have trojanized the official Windows desktop app of the widely used 3CX softphone solution, a number of cybersecurity companies began warning on Wednesday. What is 3CX? 3CX is Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) private automatic branch exchange (PABX) software that provides video conferencing and live chat capabilities. 3CX offers a More

The post 3CX customers targeted via trojanized desktop app appeared first on Help Net Security.

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