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Thursday, 23 March


Die Grnen haben gerade eine gar mchtige Nebelkerze ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die Grnen haben gerade eine gar mchtige Nebelkerze gezndet mit diesem Bullshit ber Namen nach der Hochzeit. Endlich ein Thema, wo jeder Vollidiot eine Meinung zu hat, es gibt keine inhaltlichen Argumente, und alle Schafen laufen direkt los und erzhlen sich gegenseitig, wie sie dazu stehen.

Die anderen von euch rufen jetzt bitte mal schn einen Burying-Alarm aus und achten sorgfltig darauf, was fr einen Klrschlamm sie im Parlament verklappen, whrend die Deppen abgelenkt sind.

Hmm, kalt heute. Oh, das liegt an der zugefrorenen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Hmm, kalt heute. Oh, das liegt an der zugefrorenen Hlle. Das Verwaltungsgericht Hamburg hat einem Mann vorlufigen Rechtsschutz gewhrt, der einen neuen Personalausweis brauchte aber keine Fingerabdrcke abgeben wollte. Weil zu der Frage ein Verfahren vor dem EuGH anhngig ist, hat das Gericht ihm zugestimmt.

Old and busted: Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO). ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Old and busted: Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO). Der Klrschlamm der letzten Finanzkrise.

New hotness: Additional Tier 1 bank bonds. Der Klrschlamm der aktuellen Finanzkrise.

Der Guardian erklrt das mal.

AT1 bonds sometimes known as contingent convertible bonds, or CoCos are a type of debt issued by a bank that can be converted into equity if its capital levels fall below requirements. This helps to reduce debts, while handing the bank a capitalisation boost.
Mit anderen Worten: Das sind Schulden, die man nicht zurckzahlen muss, wenn es einem finanziell nicht so gut geht als Schuldner. Im Gegenzug kriegt man hhere Zinsen, solange der Schuldner noch solvent ist, und man kriegt am Ende Anteile des berschuldeten Schuldners, wenn er zahlungsunfhig ist.

Wofr die dann gut sein sollen ist mir gerade nicht klar.

Wie blich bei solchen Abzockinstrumenten haben sie darauf geachtet, dass den Glubigern nicht klar war, auf was sie sich einlieen.

Typically when a company goes bust, bondholders rank before shareholders in the creditor pecking order for any recoveries that can be paid. Although expecting to rank behind conventional bondholders in order of priority, owners of the AT1 bonds still thought they would place before equity investors.
Tja. Lektion fr die Zukunft: Sowas vor der Insolvenz des Schuldner klren!

Kennt ihr den schon? Belastende, bereinstimmende ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kennt ihr den schon? Belastende, bereinstimmende Zeugenaussagen der Polizei vor Gericht mit Filmaufnahmen der Polizei widerlegt? Mit Filmaufnahmen, deren Existenz die besagten Polizisten erstmal geleugnet hatten?

Was mich daran am meisten mitnimmt, ist dass hier der Fuballverein eine Rechtshilfeabteilung fr zu Unrecht verfolgte Fans zu betreiben scheint. What the fuck? Soweit ist das schon entgleist?!?

Money Quote:

Dann musste er sich das Video ansehen und siehe da, er ruderte recht schnell zurck und gab zu, sich geirrt zu haben.

So schnell, dass ich ihn gar nicht mehr nach seinem Eintracht-Frankfurt-Schlsselanhnger befragen konnte, der aus seiner Tasche lugte

Ach nee. Ach was.


Why LLaMa Is A Big Deal "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

You might have heard about LLaMa or maybe you havent. Either way, whats the big deal? Its just some AI thing. In a nutshell, LLaMa is important because it allows you to run large language models (LLM) like GPT-3 on commodity hardware. In many ways, this is a bit like Stable Diffusion, which similarly allowed normal folks to run image generation models on their own hardware with access to the underlying source code. Weve discussed why Stable Diffusion matters and even talked about how it works.

LLaMa is a transformer language model from Facebook/Meta research, which is a collection of large models from 7 billion to 65 billion parameters trained on publicly available datasets. Their research paper showed that the 13B version outperformed GPT-3 in most benchmarks and LLama-65B is right up there with the best of them. LLaMa was unique as inference could be run on a single GPU due to some optimizations made to the transformer itself and the mo...


Mozilla Announces For "Trustworthy AI" "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Mozilla announced today they are investing $30 million USD to build as a new start-up focused on "building a trustworthy, independent, and open-source AI ecosystem."..


aCropalypse now! Cropped and redacted images suffer privacy fail on Google Pixel smartphones "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Have you ever shared a photograph where you've redacted some sensitive information? Perhaps you've cropped out part of the image you didn't want others to see? Well, users of Google's Pixel Android smartphone might be alarmed to learn that pictures they've shared in the past may have been less discreet than they imagined. Read more in my article on the Hot for Security blog.


Sino-Russian technological and military cooperation exponentially strengthens both superpowers capabilities "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | March 22, 2023

After the end of the (First) Cold War and the start of what Francis Fukuyama dubbed the End of History, the world seemed firmly in the hands of the political West. For the next two to three decades, this resulted in one of the most disastrous and unstable periods in recent human history, with the political West ravaging much of the world, while most of the rest was held under near-constant self-defeating subservience.

The US-led power pole engaged in what can only be described as war hopping, starting one aggression after another, or worse yet, several consecutive invasions against countries on multiple continents, with its numerous vassals and satellite states sending auxiliary forces or at the very least providing support in logistics and financing. Americas superiority was both quantitative and qualitative, leaving nearly everyone else far behind. The only exception was Russia, whose only advantage was its massive strategic arsenal, the last vestige of the (First) Cold War that kept the US from exerting absolute dominance.

Moscows main trump card was also the worlds trump card, providing precious several decades of peace to other sovereign-minded powers, primarily China. Beijings meteoric rise to superpower status would have been all but impossible without it and the Asian giants leadership is well aware of this. It could be said that both Russia and China have each others backs, with the cooperation reaching unprecedented levels, not seen in approximately 60 years.

Not counting the purely ideological cold war in the aftermath of the Sino-Sov...


The Trump legal circus goes on and on "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I have been avoiding much of the news about the possible indictments of Donald Trump because prosecutors offices tend to be pretty tight-lipped, so the constant speculation about if or when he will be indicted, by whom and for what, tends to be fact-free and thus of not much value. One might as well wait until something actually happens. But then last week Trump himself said that he expects to be indicted and also arrested on Tuesday by the Manhattan district attorney on the recommendation of the grand jury looking into his case and that caused a media frenzy. It is not clear if Trump had some inside source for this news or whether he was also guessing and simply trying to rally support in the event that he does get indicted soon.

Tuesday came and went with no indictment. Since the grand jury only meets on Mondays and Wednesday, that would make today the possible day. I do not how how the process works in detail but I would have thought that in complex, high-profile cases it would take at least a day or two after the grand jury ends its deliberations and delivers its verdict for the DA to prepare and file an indictment, so I would not expect anything today either.

Trump had called on his supporters to protest but according to news reports, police, media, and anti-Trump protestors outnumbered pro-Trump supporters outside the Manhattan DAs office on Tuesday. Some of the pro-Trump protestors even looked like they were not sincere supporters but performance artists. I can well understand his supporters being a little cautious this time around. Many of them are bitter that after they responded to his call to protest on January 6th 2021, he did not march with them to the Capitol as he had promised and for a short while even seemed to abandon them. The fact that so many of them have been prosecuted, convicted, and jailed, ruining their lives, must have a cooling effect on their passions.

So did Trump get wrong information? It is possible that the DA had planned to do something on Tuesday but deferred it in order to defuse any gathering of the Trump supporters. Or it is possible that Trump simply made up the story (he has absolutely no regard for the truth) in order to fund-raise. He has already sent out appeals to his followers. It is also possible that he wanted to shift attention to himself and away from the retreat being held in Florida by Republican members of Congress to plan their strategy. If so, it worked. Speaker Kevin McCarthy had to answer questions about the possible indictment instead of what his party was discussing.

Whatever his reasons, the discussion among the chattering classes...


San Francisco hit with bomb cyclone, one dead, 230,000 without power "IndyWatch Feed World"

A 'bomb cyclone' slammed into San Francisco Tuesday evening in the latest severe storm to hit the West Coast, devastating the region with hurricane-force winds and torrential rainfall. The weather front is the latest major storm to hit the region this year, where it unleashed flash floods and blistering wind gusts throughout the Golden State. At least one person died after the gusts - which reached upwards of 78mph - caused a tree to fall near Portolla Valley. Meanwhile, more than 230,000 residents across California had their power wiped out in the storm. Glass from a San Francisco high rise reportedly plummeted to the ground after the storm swept in late afternoon, however no injuries were reported from the incident.


Bill Gates plots a global pandemic prison state "IndyWatch Feed World"

An epic disaster like the COVID response, one might suppose, should inspire some humility and rethinking on how public health could have gone so wrong. They had their run at it but created a global disaster for the ages. This is more than obvious to any competent observer. The next step might be to see if there are any places where matters went rather well, and Sweden comes first to mind. The educational losses were non-existent because they didn't close schools. In general life went on as normal and with very good results. One might suppose the Swedish way would be vindicated. Sadly, our leaders care nothing for evidence, apparently. Their concern is for power and money at any cost. As a result, we are witnessing a concerted effort not only to double down on errors the next time but make them even worse.


The financial system is terminally broken, toast, kaput! "IndyWatch Feed World"

Comment: Keeping in mind that the author is a goldbug, and the following is not financial advice, he does raise some excellent points. Anyone who doesn't see what is happening will soon lose a major part of their assets either through bank failure, currency debasement or the collapse of all bubble assets like stocks, property and bonds by 75-100%. Many bonds will become worthless. Wealth preservation in physical gold is now absolutely critical. Obviously it must be stored outside a broken financial system. More later in this article. The solidity of the banking system is based on confidence. With the fractional banking system, highly leveraged banks only have a fraction of the money available if all depositors ask for their money back. So when confidence evaporates, so do the balance sheets of the banks and depositors realise that the whole system is just a black hole. And this is exactly what is about to happen. For anyone who believes that this is just a problem with a few...


Security updates for Wednesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Fedora (firefox), Oracle (kernel, kernel-container, and nss), and SUSE (curl, dpdk, drbd, go1.18, kernel, openstack-cinder, openstack-glance, openstack-neutron-gbp,, oracleasm, python3, slirp4netns, and xen).


US-Turkey Divergences May Hinder Erdogans Reelection "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post US-Turkey Divergences May Hinder Erdogans Reelection appeared first on Global Research.


Ubisofts new Ghostwriter tool will automatically generate background sounds and chatter "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A good open world game is filled with little details that add to a players sense of immersion. One of the key elements is the presence of background chatter. Each piece of dialog you hear is known as a bark and must be individually written by the games creators a time consuming, detailed task. Ubisoft, maker of popular open world gaming series like Assassins Creed and Watch Dogs, hopes to shorten this process with Ghostwriter, a machine learning tool that generates first drafts of barks.

To use Ghostwriter, narrative writers input the character and type of interaction they are looking to create. The tool then produces variations, each with two slightly different options, for writers to review. As the writers make edits to the drafts, Ghostwriter updates, ideally producing more tailored options moving forward.

The idea here is to save game writers time to focus on the big stuff. Ghostwriter was created hand-in-hand with narrative teams to help them complete a repetitive task more quickly and effectively, giving them more time and freedom to work on games narrative, characters, and cutscenes, Ubisoft states in a video release.


Are We The Creation Of A Type V Civilization? | Unveiled "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

What if well always be at the bottom of the Kardashev Scale? Join us and find out!

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Did an advanced civilization exist before us? Could they have CREATED us?? In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at the idea that humankind is actually built be a HIGHER POWER that were really controlled by a force thats beyond our recognition and finds out what it could mean for the future of our species!

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
What If Were the Remnants of a Type III Civilization?
5 Discoveries That Could Change Ancient History

0:00 Start.
0:43 Kardashev Scale.
1:29 The Multiverse.
3:00 Type V Civilization.
5:11 Type V Miracles.
6:44 Will Humans Be Forgotten?
8:09 Conclusions.


Guy Pays 50 Rent Per Month To Live In A Skip In London "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

guy lives in skip london

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Living as a renter in an expensive city like London cant be easy for a large portion of the population. This is why Harrison, an artist, lives in a skip in London where he pays a meager rent of 50 per month. When one steps into his skip, they would find a kitchen and a living space attached. The kitchen is lined with shelves where he keeps his Hob stoves, a mini fridge, and the cutlery. In order to make the skip a little aesthetic, he has also lined the walls with artwork from his friends and family. Above the kitchen is his bedroom- which he considers to be quite cozy. Harrison claims that not only is this tiny skip his house- but it is also a statement against the increasing cost of living in the country. Harrison states, This project was a way through which I could find- almost like a loophole that would give me a space to live for less money in a very great location and equally make a statement at the same time.

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Artist lives in a skip in London which costs him 50 per month

The entrance to this skip in London is definitely not very comfortable- but one can make do with it. Harrisons bed is situated right at the top, which he climbs through a ladder, and is lined with cabinets for clothes, tools, and other paraphernalia. The artist had been working overseas and had recently returned to London. As most people usually do, he had to start searching for rooms in London- which are definitely quite expensive and few in quantity. There were other issues as wel...


What Red State vs. Blue State Looks Like to an Ant "IndyWatch Feed War"


Just watching the two major parties ruthlessly claw at and attempt to malign and delegitimize each other, then seeing people now excitedly lining up on one side or the other like opposing Ninja turtle teams is both amusing and frightening.  We can count on the talking heads and modern media to regurgitate a story line familiar to devotees of Saturday morning cartoon shows to give substance to our political competitions and aspirations.  Unfortunately, the narrative is insultingly simple-minded and mostly a distraction.

With the nation divided into red and blue states, the news robots now have the solemn and putatively critical duty to keep us up to date on any shifting of allegiances and rebalancing of the color scheme, milking any incremental addition of a splotch of blue or dash of red for whatever drama they can generate, before cutting to a commercial break.

What has this got to do with the mounting crises we find ourselves in?

Here is a short list of profound challenges confronting the world:

  • Potential for nuclear war and the annihilation of the planet.
  • Climate change.
  • Resource depletion.
  • Desertification of shrinking tracts of farm land.
  • Diminishing fresh water supplies.
  • Acidification of the oceans and overfishing.
  • Antibiotic-resistant diseases.
  • Accelerating species extinction.
  • Human trafficking and enslavement.

Here is a short list of critical challenges just to our nation:

  • Destruction of democracy and rule by an oligarchy.
  • Historical levels of wealth inequality.
  • Loss of privacy and basic constitutional rights to the surveillance state.
  • Corporate tyranny and plutoc...


Building collapse in Qatar kills one "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  A building has collapsed in Qatars capital, Doha, killing at least one person, and rescuers are searching the rubble to check for survivors, authorities said. Qatars interior ministry on Wednesday described the building as a four-story structure in Dohas Bin Durham neighbourhood. It said rescuers found seven survivors, while the one person killed was []


Jewish radicals attack Jerusalems Church of Gethsemane during Sundays worship "IndyWatch Feed War"

Screenshot image of assailant being led away from Jerusalems Church of Gethsemane.It has become clear that the Christian presence in the Holy Land is in grave danger from Jewish fundamentalists empowered by the new Israeli government.


Imperial Visits: US Emissaries in the Pacific "IndyWatch Feed War"

For some time, Washington has been losing its spunk in the Pacific. When it comes to the Pacific Islands, a number have not fallen at least entirely for the rhetoric that Beijing is there to take, consume, and dominate all. Nor have such countries been entirely blind to their own sharpened interests. This largely aqueous region, which promises to submerge them in the rising waters of climate change, has become furiously busy.

A number of officials are keen to push the line that Washingtons policy towards the Pacific is clearly back where it should be. Its all part of the warming strategy adopted by the Biden administration, typified by the US-Pacific Island Country summit held last September. In remarks made during the summit, President Joe Biden stated that the security of America, quite frankly, and the world, depends on your security and the security of the Pacific Islands. And I really mean that.

Not once was China mentioned, but its ghostly presence stalked Bidens words. A new Pacific Partnership Strategy was announced, the first national US strategy for [the] Pacific Islands. Then came the promised cash: some $810 million in expanded US programs including more than $130 million in new investments to support, among other things, climate resilience, buffer the states against the impact of climate change and improve food security.

The Pacific Islands have also seen a flurry of recent visits. In January this year, US Indo-Pacific military commander Admiral John Aquilino popped into Papua New Guinea to remind the good citizens of Port Moresby that the eyes of the US were gazing benignly upon them. It was his first visit to the country, and the public affairs unit of the US Indo-Pacific Command stated that it underscored the importance of the US-Papua New Guinea relationship and showed US resolve toward building a more peaceful, stable, and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.

In February, a rather obvious strategic point was made in the reopening of the US embassy in the Solomon Islands. Little interest had been shown towards the island state for some three decades (the embassy had been closed in 1993). But then came Beijing doing, at least from Washingtons perspective, the unpardonable thing of poking around and seeking influence.

Now, Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare finds himself at the centre of much interest, at least till he falls out of favour in the airconditioned corridors of Washington. His policy friends to all, enemy to none has become a mantra. That much was clear in a May 2022...


CISA Alerts on Critical Security Vulnerabilities in Industrial Control Systems "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has released eight Industrial Control Systems (ICS) advisories on Tuesday, warning of critical flaws affecting equipment from Delta Electronics and Rockwell Automation. This includes 13 security vulnerabilities in Delta Electronics' InfraSuite Device Master, a real-time device monitoring software. All versions prior to 1.0.5 are


Muere la actriz Rebecca Jones a los 65 aos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La actriz Rebecca Jones padeci la enfermedad de cncer desde hace unos aos y este da se confirm el deceso. RegeneracinMx, 22 de marzo de []

La entrada Muere la actriz Rebecca Jones a los 65 aos se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


The Indo-Pacificization of Asia: Implications for the Regional Order "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Indo-Pacific is a vast geographical region that encompasses the Indian Ocean and the western and central Pacific Oceans, including the many seas in Southeast Asia and Oceania. In a geopolitical context, the term only started to appear in the lexicon of geopolitics in the late 2010s. The late Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo first referred to the confluence of the Indian and Pacific Oceans in mid-2007, and the official use of Indo-Pacific first appeared in Australias 2013 Defense White Paper. Since then, the U.S., India, EU, and ASEAN have all published their respective visions and strategies for the Indo-Pacific. What drove the emergence of this vast super-region in the geopolitical discourse?


Mental Maps, the Far East, and the Asia-Pacific

Regions are social constructs that serve political agendas. Fundamentally, they are mental maps that revolve around power, shape identity, agenda setting, and sense of belonging as a stakeholder in a shared space. Regional identities form the basis for which a state perceives itself vis--vis others. A logical consequence of the dynamic nature of political agendas is that regional constructs are also dynamic, and subject to reflect the given state of international relations.

The contemporary Indo-Pacific construct is a relatively recent phenomenon. Previously, the term Far East was widely used. The term has mostly fallen out of popular use, due to its certain connotations with eurocentrism, colonialism, and cultural exoticism. The term was also initially used by Imperial Japan, but it later opted for East Asia in an attempt to create an alternative region order in the form of the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere.

Fast-forward to the late twentieth century, the Asia-Pacific emerged as a new regional construct with the worlds largest ocean the Pacific at its heart. What was previously seen as a geographical barrier is instead seen through the lens of connectivity, where shipping lanes and flight routes would bring the emerging economies of Asia closer to the developed markets of the U.S. This occurred in the context of the unipolar moment, where the United States emerged from the Cold War as the worlds sole superpower. It is within this unipolar framework that the U.S. was able to act as the security guarantor the regional order through hubs and spokes a series of bilateral security ties between the U.S. and its partners in Asia.

Institutions played a key role in upholding the regional order. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) perhaps best encapsulates the idea of an Asia-Pacific construct. Formed in 1989, APEC pr...


J.K. Rowling: There is something dangerous about transgender movement and it must be challenged "IndyWatch Feed War"

Despite vicious woke attacks against acclaimed Harry Potter author J.K Rowling, she refuses to back down from her warranted criticism of the trans movement, which has gone out of control. I can only say that Ive thought about it deeply and hard and long and Ive listened, I promise, to the other side. I believe []


World Energy Data Confirms Fossil Fuels Will Dominate Future Global Energy Use "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The OECD nations cannot stop this from happening and despite their nefarious efforts otherwise cannot conceal this global energy growth and fuel use (as well as emissions growth) reality.

Wednesday, 22 March


UFOs An International Scientific Problem by Dr. James McDonald Presented March 12, 1968 "IndyWatch Feed World"

In this paper, Dr. James E. McDonald, a prominent atmospheric physicist, presents a detailed analysis of the UFO phenomenon and argues that it deserves serious scientific attention. McDonald emphasizes the need for a comprehensive, international, and interdisciplinary approach to study UFO sightings and related incidents. He highlights numerous cases and testimonies from various sources, including military personnel, pilots, and radar operators, as well as other credible witnesses. McDonald calls for the scientific community to move past the stigma associated with UFOs and to engage in open-minded research to understand these unexplained phenomena better.

Key Highlights:

  1. Scientific Stigma: McDonald laments the prevailing scientific stigma around UFOs and their study. He argues that this stigma has prevented the scientific community from engaging in a serious investigation of the UFO phenomenon, leading to a significant gap in knowledge and understanding.
  2. Credible Witnesses: The paper presents numerous UFO sightings and encounters reported by credible witnesses, including military personnel, pilots, and radar operators. McDonald emphasizes the need to take these testimonies seriously and consider them as valuable data sources for further research.
  3. Unexplained Phenomena: McDonald discusses various unexplained aspects of UFO sightings, such as their apparent ability to change shape, move at high speeds, and exhibit unconventional flight patterns. He suggests that these characteristics warrant scientific investigation and should not be dismissed as mere optical illusions or misidentifications.
  4. Need for Interdisciplinary Approach: McDonald calls for an interdisciplinary approach to study UFOs, involving experts from various fields such as atmospheric physics, meteorology, psychology, and sociology. He believes that only through collaboration can the scientific community achieve a comprehensive understanding of the UFO phenomenon.
  5. International Cooperation: McDonald highlights the importance of international cooperation in UFO research. He argues that UFO sightings are a global phenomenon, and as such, they require a global effort to collect and analyze data, share information, and develop unified research methodologies.
  6. Government Involvement: The paper also touches upon the role of governments in UFO research. McDonald acknowledges that government agencies, especially in the United States, have been involved in UFO investigations but criticizes their approach as inadequate and secretive. He calls for greater transparency and a more rigorous scientific methodology in governmental UFO research.

In conclusion, Dr. James E. McDonalds paper advocates for the serious scientific study of UFOs, emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary and international collaboration to better understand this complex phenomenon. He challenges the scientific community to overcome the sti......


Bill Gates Says The Age Of AI Has Begun "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden In an op-ed titled The Age of AI has begun on The Blog of Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates discussed the upcoming...

Bill Gates Says The Age Of AI Has Begun


Extremism leads to more extremism "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Answers in Genesis isnt just that annoying collection of stupid people and con artists anymore theyre embracing hate and bigotry as fervently as they have ignorance, and its getting worse. Dan makes an interesting discovery while trying to track down the source of some recent hateful articles on the AiG website.

Whats curious is that AiG is trying to hide the source there are these articles that are currently anonymous, but the Wayback Machine reveals that they were initially posted under the byline Harry F. Sanders, III. Why is AiG actively trying to conceal the authorship? And further, Harry F. Sanders, III is itself a pseudonym for someone named Emory Moynagh (probably also a pseudonym) who had a YouTube channel (now deleted) called In His Image, where he was an extremist antisemitic conspiracy theorists. And now AiG is trying to launder his history while giving him a bigger platform to peddle that extremism. Also interesting: AiG is taking other creationist organizations know they are heretics and blasphemers. Ken Hams ego is totally in charge, I imagine he considers himself a modern-day patriarch who must chastise all those who deviate from his dogma.

This is a common problem in authoritarian worldviews, you know. Were witnessing a predictable acceleration as AiG fully embraces its cult nature. Its only going to get more feverish and vicious.

If youd rather not listen to a 14 minute video, heres the conclusion:

Ken Ham is going all-in on the culture war
And hes decided to go all-in against other YECs
Hes enlisted Harry F. Sanders, III/Emory Moynagh as the primary author of this series
Harry/Emory has a history of articulating extreme positions, including borderline incitements of violence, antisemitism, and conspiracies
This is dangerous and irresponsible, especially considering Ham and AiGs recent aggression towards the LGBT+ community and the trend of right-wing violence


"cURL", the URL Code That Can, Marks 25 Years of Transfers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Utility began as a personal project, found its way into billions of devices:

Daniel Stenberg has observed the 25th anniversary of the curl open source project with the publication of curl 8.0.0, the 215th release of the command line tool, and a modest tele-celebration.

The name curl, originally rendered as "cURL" to emphasize its function, stands for "Client for URLs" or "Client URL Request Library" or its recursive form, "curl URL Request Library."

It's a command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs. Once installed on a device with command line access, curl can be used, through a text command, to send or fetch data to and from a server using a variety of network protocols.

Any developer who is serious about writing code that interacts over a network has probably used curl, or does so regularly. Presently, billions of devices rely on curl cars, mobile phones, set top boxes, routers, and other such items use it internally for data transfer.

"The curl project started out very humbly as a small renamed URL transfer tool that almost nobody knew about for the first few years," said Stenberg in a blog post. "It scratched a personal itch of mine."

4.0. It had 2,200 lines of code and had been adapted from projects known as httpget and urlget. As Stenberg explained, curl 4.0 supported just three protocols, HTTP, GOPHER and FTP, and 24 command line options. Version 8.0.0 can handle 28 protocols and 249 command line options.

"The first release of curl was not that special event since I had been shipping httpget and urlget releases for over a year already, so while this was a new name it was also 'just another release' as I had done many times already," he wrote.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Race for U23 Afcon, 2024 Olympics peaks "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  The road to TotalEnergies U23 Africa Cup of Nations Morocco 2023 will climax from Wednesday as African nations prepare to kick off their quest to secure a place in this years event. The final tournament will take place between June 24 to July 8, 2023. The TotalEnergies U23 Africa Cup of Nations is a []


Automatically unlocking a LUKS encrypted root filesystem during boot "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A customer of mine runs dedicated servers inside a foreign data-center, remote hands only. In such an environment you might need a disk replacement because you need bigger or faster disks, though also a disk might (start to) fail and you need a replacement. One has to be prepared for such a scenario, but fully wiping your used disk then might not always be an option, especially once disks (start to) fail. On the other hand you dont want to end up with (partial) data on your disk handed over to someone unexpected.

By encrypting the data on your disks upfront you can prevent against this scenario. But if you have a fleet of servers you might not want to manually jump on servers during boot and unlock crypto volumes manually. Its especially annoying if its about the root filesystem where a solution like dropbear-initramfs needs to be used for remote access during initramfs boot stage. So my task for the customer was to adjust encrypted LUKS devices such that no one needs to manually unlock the encrypted device during server boot (with some specific assumptions about possible attack vectors one has to live with, see the disclaimer at the end).

The documentation about this use-case was rather inconsistent, especially because special rules apply for the root filesystem (no key file usage), we see different behavior between whats supported by systemd (hello key file again), initramfs-tools and dracut, not to mention the changes between different distributions. Since tests with this tend to be rather annoying (better make sure to have a Grml live system available :)), Im hereby documenting what worked for us (Debian/bullseye with initramfs-tools and cryptsetup-initramfs).

The system was installed with LVM on-top of an encrypted Software-RAID device, only the /boot partition is unencrypted. But even if you dont use Software-RAID nor LVM the same instructions apply. The system looks like this:

% mount -t ext4 -l
/dev/mapper/foobar-root_1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)

% sudo pvs
  PV                    VG     Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree
  /dev/mapper/md1_crypt foobar lvm2 a--  445.95g 430.12g

% sudo vgs
  VG     #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree
  foobar   1   2   0 wz--n- 445.95g 430.12g

% sudo lvs
  LV     VG     Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  root_1 foobar -wi-ao---- <14.90g

% lsblk
sdd                     8:48   0 447.1G  0 disk
sdd1                  8:49   0   571M  0 part  /boot/efi
sdd2                  8:50   0   488M  0 part
 md0                 9:0    0   487M  0 raid1 /boot
sdd3                  8:51   0 446.1G  0 part


Hungarys perfect propaganda machine attacks women, report finds "IndyWatch Feed"

New report highlights gendered disinformation online and calls for women-centred reform of social media platforms


ScarCruft's Evolving Arsenal: Researchers Reveal New Malware Distribution Techniques "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The North Korean advanced persistent threat (APT) actor dubbed ScarCruft is using weaponized Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (CHM) files to download additional malware. According to multiple reports from AhnLab Security Emergency response Center (ASEC), SEKOIA.IO, and Zscaler, the development is illustrative of the group's continuous efforts to refine and retool its tactics to sidestep detection. "


Windows 11 and 10s Snipping Tools Vulnerable to Data Exposure "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Waqas

Microsoft has stated that they are aware of the issue and are investigating, adding that they will take action to help keep customers protected.

This is a post from Read the original post: Windows 11 and 10s Snipping Tools Vulnerable to Data Exposure


A perspective insight into Igbo and Yoruba cultural mindsets. "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Culled from contributions on a WhatsApp discussion group This is a very long read. This insight into the Igbo Cultural mindset was shared on @Balogun Olamilekans wall by Ike Chike, where sister Sola Salako Ajulo responded to his very beautiful insight. The response of SSA is below here after that of Ike Chike. It is []


Richard Spencer and the Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher Controversy "IndyWatch Feed World"

The controversy over Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher and then-Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer dates back to a series of events that unfolded primarily in 2019.

Edward Gallagher was a Chief Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy SEALs with a decorated career. He faced allegations of war crimes, which led to a high-profile court-martial. The charges against him included the murder of a wounded ISIS prisoner, shooting unarmed civilians, and threatening fellow SEALs if they reported his actions. In July 2019, Gallagher was acquitted of most of the charges but was found guilty of posing with a corpse, resulting in a demotion.

In November 2019, President Donald Trump intervened and restored Gallaghers rank, a decision that sparked controversy and drew mixed reactions. Some praised the president for standing up for a military service member, while others criticized the move as undermining military justice and eroding discipline within the ranks.

This is where then-Secretary of the Navy, Richard Spencer, became involved. He disagreed with Trumps decision and pushed for a review of Gallaghers case, seeking to determine if Gallagher should maintain his status as a Navy SEAL and retain his Trident pina symbol of membership in the elite SEAL community. Publicly, Spencer appeared to support Trumps decision, but he was reportedly working behind the scenes to ensure that the review process would proceed.

Ultimately, the situation escalated, and Defense Secretary Mark Esper asked for Spencers resignation, citing a loss of trust and confidence due to his handling of the Gallagher case. According to Esper, Spencer had gone around him and proposed a secret agreement with the White House to allow Gallagher to retire as a SEAL with his Trident pin, which contradicted the public position he had taken.

In summary, the controversy around Edward Gallagher and Richard Spencers involvement stemmed from Gallaghers alleged war crimes, the intervention of President Trump, and the subsequent handling of the case by Navy leadership. The situation led to both public debate over the role of the president in military justice decisions and the resignation of Richard Spencer as Secretary of the Navy.

In November of 2019, The Black Vault requested all documents that had the keyword Gallagher in the mailbox of Richard Spencer.

The below are the results:

Richard Spencer Emails: Gallagher [166 Pages, 2.2MB]



Former German international Mesut Ozil retires "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Former World Cup winner Mesut Ozil announced his retirement from football on Wednesday after an illustrious career that saw him help Germany to international glory and shine for Real Madrid and Arsenal. After thoughtful consideration, Im announcing my immediate retirement from professional football, the 34-year-old attacking midfielder said in a statement. *Courtesy: AFP


Canonical Preparing Updated Ubuntu Font For Ubuntu 23.04 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Canonical is preparing to ship an updated set of Ubuntu Font files for the Ubuntu 23.04 "Lunar Lobster" release but is hoping to see more user testing ahead of the official release next month...


Battle for Man Utd heats up ahead of deadline for improved bids "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  The race to buy Manchester United enters a crucial stage on Wednesday as bidders face a deadline to submit improved offers for the Premier League giants. Qatari banker Sheikh Jassim Bin Hamad Al Thani and British billionaire Jim Ratcliffe have rival bids on the table. There are reported to be several other groups whose []


Palestinian Islamic Jihad meets with Hizballah head to strengthen the rebellion against the Zionist enemy "IndyWatch Feed War"

Palestinian jihadists are regrouping to plan more jihad attacks on Israelis, while America aids their cause, assisting in the undermining of the Israeli government and exacerbating tensions. To illustrate just how menacing this meeting between Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hizballah really was: recently, PIJ called for a third intifada, while Hassan Nasrallahs reputation precedes him []


Mississippi Has Invested Millions of Dollars to Save Its Oysters. Theyre Disappearing Anyway. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article was produced for ProPublicas Local Reporting Network in partnership with the Sun Herald. Sign up for Dispatches to get stories like this one as soon as they are published.

By 2015, it was clear that Mississippi oysters were in crisis. It was a devastating development for the state: As late as 2009, the oyster industry had contributed an estimated $24 million in sales to the states economy, and it sustained 562 full- and part-time jobs.

Then-Gov. Phil Bryant convened an oyster council to come up with solutions.

This is the soybean of the sea, Bryant said at a community gathering in 2015 at which he unveiled the councils report. Were going to make sure everyone enjoys it. The council set a goal of producing 1 million sacks of oysters a year by 2025.

But almost a decade later, that goal is nowhere in sight: In a region that helped pioneer the oyster industry, only 457 sacks were harvested in 2022, none of them from the public reefs that the state had worked to restore.

A lot has gone wrong for oysters here, where the regions blend of saltwater and freshwater has historically nurtured them. Brutal storms and federal flood-management protocols that send freshwater flowing into oyster habitats have both taken their toll, and have escalated as a result of climate change.

But new reporting from ProPublica and the Sun Herald shows that the state has also failed to stem the crisis, investing millions of dollars to rebuild reefs in ways that did not respond to changing conditions. Some of that money came from funds the state received as a result of the BP oil spill.

Theyre just wasting money, said Keath Ladner, a former oyster fisherman whose family was in the seafood business for three generations. And the fishermen know this.

For decades, the state has focused on rebuilding reefs, restoring them with shell or rock to give baby oysters a place to settle and grow. Since Hurricane Katrina damaged or destroyed more than 90% of state reefs in 2005, two state agencies have spent $55 million to restore Mississippi Sound oysters, which are critical to the estuarys health.

Mississippi maint...


Feature, or bug? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I wonder what their CEO thinks of this statistic: Antisemitism on Twitter has more than doubled since Elon Musk took over. Id want to do something about that, if I were in charge, but maybe the billionaire thinks its a good thing.

In the days after Elon Musk took over Twitter in October 2022, the social media platform saw a surge in hateful conduct, which its then safety chief put down to a focused, short-term trolling campaign. New research suggests that when it comes to antisemitism, it was anything but.

Rather, antisemitic tweets have more than doubled over the months since Musk took charge, according to research that I and colleagues at tech firm CASM Technology and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue think tank conducted. Between June and October 26, 2022, the day before Twitters acquisition by Musk, there was a weekly average of 6,204 tweets deemed plausibly antisemiticthat is, where at least one reasonable interpretation of the tweet falls within the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliances definition of the term as a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred towards Jews.

Personally, I dont understand how anyone can fear and hate a particular ethnicity, or maybe all ethnicities other than their own. Do these people just sit around seething about the existence of Jewish people, people they probably dont even know? Do they need a scapegoat for their own problems? Have they considered that maybe its their own brain that is screwed up, and that they should get therapy?

Heres another thing I dont understand.

Antisemitic tweets directed at Jewish investor and philanthropist George Soros warranted its own category. He was mentioned more than any other person in our data, over 19,000 times, with tweets claiming he was a member of a hidden globalist, Jewish, or Nazi world order.

One would think there should be little confusion about whether someone is Jewish or Nazi. Those seem to be mutually antagonistic categories.

Also, I can go days to months without even thinking of George Soros, he has so little influence on me. The only time I am reminded of his existence is when some antisemitic weirdo tells me Im his puppet.


Democrats Banana-Republic Persecution Of Donald Trump Must Meet A Republican Response "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Donald TrumpThis is the equivalent of a nationally televised jaywalking arrest to humiliate a person due solely to personal hate.


Anti-Piracy DNS Poisoning Blacks Out Media Group, ISP Refuses to Comment "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

website not availableIn a world where clear and independent reporting struggles to get heard in a sea of sensationalized clickbait, the German Heise group is generally recognized as a reliable and accurate news source.

For several days last week, an unknown number of visitors to were denied access to the companys reporting. Instead, they found themselves redirected to Germanys anti-piracy website blocking portal and statements that had no basis in fact.

Silently Blocked For Several Days

A Heise analysis, published Tuesday, reveals that the publication first learned of issues affecting access to its website last Friday, March 17. More messages from readers were received on Monday, and all reported the same thing. When attempting to access, web browsers responded with a certificate error and an explanation.

A bright orange splash page informed Heise readers that due to copyright infringement, Heise had been rendered inaccessible. The message usually confronts internet users who attempt to access a specific set of sites previously identified as facilitators of mass online copyright infringement.

website not available

Heise had no idea why the message was being displayed but did find a common denominator. All of the readers reporting problems were using the same internet service provider 1&1 AG, a 3.9 billion telecoms group servicing 15.6 million fixed line and mobile customers.

DNS Tampering/Poisoning

Heise reports that its editors and system administrators were getting closer to the source of the problem on Friday but then a reader provided crucial information.

He had set up his providers standard DNS server with the IP address as the DNS server in his router, Heise...


CVE-2023-28708: Apache Tomcat: JSESSIONID Cookie missing secure attribute in some configurations "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Mark Thomas on Mar 22

CVE-2023-28708 Apache Tomcat - Information Disclosure

Severity: Important

Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation

Versions Affected:
Apache Tomcat 11.0.0-M1 to 11.0.0-M2
Apache Tomcat 10.1.0-M1 to 10.1.5
Apache Tomcat 9.0.0-M1 to 9.0.71
Apache Tomcat 8.5.0 to 8.5.85

When using the RemoteIpFilter with requests received from a reverse
proxy via HTTP that include the X-Forwarded-Proto header set to https,
session cookies created by...


Biden Nominated A Lawyer For Pennsylvania U.S. Attorney Who Investigated Biden Family Businesses "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

White HouseTheres a serious potential conflict of interest given the nominees involvement in investigating a business run by the presidents brother.



The almighty Lagos Seaport to Atlantic Ocean is 60 nautical miles, While the Potential OSEAKWA Seaport that was abandoned in 1959 by the Nigeria government is only 18 nautical miles to Atlantic Ocean with a depth of 20mft. By implication, shipping goods from China to Lagos with Lagos Seaport is very far than shipping goods []


Linux 6.2 Kernel Begins Rolling Out For Ubuntu 23.04 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Canonical has been preparing to ship a Linux 6.2 based kernel for Ubuntu 23.04 and now it's in the process of rolling out over the coming days...


ATMs Running Low on Cash and Even Out of Cash (Manchester, England) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I DO not know if this is a global thing. I dont know if thats true only for this country or for this city. I can speak about my own area, and only my own area, for now (based firsthand and direct experience)

When banks started to collapse about two weeks ago (about 4 banks so far, mostly in the US) it sort of started a chain reaction and the ripples arent over yet. Its a domino effect and theres latency, just like there was a large latency in 2008. It can take weeks or months to fully unfold. Governments intervene. Bailouts become bigger and bigger. Its impossible to justify these. The public rebels. Theres revolt. Whats left of the media changes side to appease angry readers. Journalists would rather not defend the rescue of thieves.

On the very same day it started (SVB, late Friday) we decided to ensure we have physical cash, just in case.

In 2020 when the lockdowns started the media kept mentioning that toilet paper was running out (of stock, at least in store). Such media reports initiated growing levels of unrest/panic. Its a case of self-feeding loops and a self-fulfilling prophecy. It didnt take long for people to hoard (inside their home) what was left, so stores everywhere had no toilet paper left or only very expensive brands (that fewer people were willing or capable of buying).

It seems safe to assume that right about now the maintream media would cooperate with the state to prevent runs on the banks or runs on ATMs (cash machines here). Its not easy to even withdraw large amounts from ones account in the high street branches (many branches have also shut down and repeatedly pressure people to use apps, i.e. do all the work for themselves). They added barriers.

Yesterday, for the first time ever, we received marketing spam/mail in the post (snail mail) from a company asking if we wish to sell our home with their help. Thats rather strange if not a rude thing to be asking. One day earlier I stumbled upon an article stating that home sales have generally plunged (or people wishing to sell cannot find a buyer not for the desired price anyway).

So one can generally see where the economy is heading

A week ago I read that in Russia, more so after the war, many Russians hoarded physical cash. They could not trust the banking system, so they probably just wished to diversify their holdings as a failsafe mechanism (not putting all eggs in one basket). With sanctions and all, who can blame them?

I assume the media here wont report the ATM situation, but this is a personal blo...


The Six Million Dollar Man Opening and Closing Theme (With Intro) HD Surround "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Loads more TV Themes at:

The Six Million Dollar Man is an American science fiction and action television series about a former astronaut, Colonel Steve Austin, portrayed by American actor Lee Majors. Austin has superhuman strength due to bionic implants and is employed as a secret agent by a fictional U.S. government office named OSI The series was based on the Martin Caidin novel Cyborg, which. was the working title of the series during pre-production.

Following three television pilot movies, which all aired in 1973, the The Six Million Dollar Man aired on the ABC network as a regular episodic series for five seasons from 1974 to 1978. Steve Austin became a pop culture icon of the 1970s. A spin-off television series, The Bionic Woman, featuring the lead female character Jaime Sommers, ran from 1976 to 1978 (and was the subject of a remake in 2007). Three television movies featuring both bionic characters were also produced from 1987 to 1994.

When NASA astronaut Steve Austin is severely injured in the crash of an experimental lifting body aircraft, he is rebuilt in an operation that costs six million dollars. His right arm, both legs and the left eye are replaced with bionic implants that enhance his strength, speed and vision far above human norms: he can run at speeds of 60 mph (97 km/h), and his eye has a 20:1 zoom lens and infrared capabilities, while his bionic limbs all have the equivalent power of a bulldozer. He uses his enhanced abilities to work for the OSI (Office of Scientific Intelligence) as a secret agent.


Place cells: How your brain creates maps of abstract spaces "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In this video, we will explore the positional system of the brain hippocampal place cells. We will see how it relates to contextual memory and mapping of more abstract features.

00:00 Introduction.
00:53 Hippocampus.
1:27 Discovery of place cells.
2:56 3D navigation.
3:51 Role of place cells.
4:11 Virtual reality experiment.
7:47 Remapping.
11:17 Mapping of non-spatial dimension.
13:36 Conclusion.


1) Anderson, M.I., Jeffery, K.J., 2003. Heterogeneous Modulation of Place Cell Firing by Changes in Context. J. Neurosci. 23, 88278835.

2) Aronov, D., Nevers, R., Tank, D.W., 2017. Mapping of a non-spatial dimension by the hippocampalentorhinal circuit. Nature 543719722.

3) Bostock, E., Muller, R.U., Kubie, J.L., 1991. Experience-dependent modifications of hippocampal place cell firing. Hippocampus 1193-205.


Preventing Insider Threats in Your Active Directory "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Active Directory (AD) is a powerful authentication and directory service used by organizations worldwide. With this ubiquity and power comes the potential for abuse. Insider threats offer some of the most potentials for destruction. Many internal users have over-provisioned access and visibility into the internal network. Insiders' level of access and trust in a network leads to unique


NYSC Board Member, Oyewumi Hails Niger Governor-Elect, Bago "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A member of the National Governing Board of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Prince Kunle Oyewumi has congratulated the Governor-elect of Niger State, Hon. Mohammed Bago on his victory in the last Saturday governorship election in Niger state. Describing Bago as a consummate politician and seasoned public administrator, the Ogbomoso-Prince stressed that Bago will []


For Five Straight Years, The Pulitzer Prizes Have Rewarded Misinformation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Pulitzer PrizeThis many high-profile failures in such a short time makes winning a Pulitzer look definitively like a mark of ignominy.


FedNow Instant Payments Are Coming And CBDCs Will Follow "IndyWatch Feed World"


Theres absolutely no doubt that our financial system is in flux right now. Were watching a storm approach, and its about to envelop the entire nation in chaotic conditions.
Read More


My Journey So Far In Nigerian Music Industry Rocksteady "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nigerian R&B and Afropop, Ibrahim Oboromboro, Popularly known by his stage name, Rocksteady has taken New Telegraph through his journey in the Nigerian music scene. Rocksteady who hails from Ogun State, Ijebu Ode to be precise was born and bred in Lagos State where he started his musical career with a group called B-CLAN as the []


The UAE welcomes Syrian President Assad and the first lady "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article talks about the latest visit for the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to the United Arab Emirates



In my view as a layman, I believe POs legal team has done a good job. So we await the judgement of the court. That said, I believe the real challenge for the Tinubus legal team would be to prove that Tinubu was validly nominated to run for the presidency considering the defective nomination of []


Untouchable U.S. troops in Lithuania "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This month the Pentagon has been accused of blocking the sharing of U.S. intelligence with the international criminal court (ICC).----Located in The Hague, Netherlands, and created by a treaty called the Rome Statute first brought before the United Nations, the International Criminal Court operates independently.


Optimism is in short supply in Pakistan "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

As some politicians embark on a project aimed at reimagining Pakistan in the face of grim circumstances, one has to believe that recovery is possible. After rapid national decline, rethinking a better future is a natural reaction. But, just "positive visions" and "romantic illusions" will not help to rebuild on sounder foundations.


Siddique Jan's arrest exposes Pakistan government's repression against journalists "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Amid the ongoing crackdown on the media in Pakistan, Pakistani state authorities have arrested another journalist, Siddique Jan, in the federal capital Islamabad, media reported Monday. According to media reports, Siddique Jan, who is currently working as Bureau Chief of Bol News TV in Islamabad, was present outside his office when some men in plainclothes whisked him away.


Rich Countries Export Twice as Much Plastic Waste to the Developing World as Previously Thought "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

High-income countries have long sent their waste abroad to be thrown away or recycled and an independent team of experts says theyre inundating the developing world with much more plastic than previously estimated.


According to a new analysis published last week, United Nations data on the global waste trade fails to account for hidden plastics in textiles, contaminated paper bales, and other categories, leading to a dramatic, 1.8-million-metric-ton annual underestimate of the amount of plastic that makes its way from the European Union, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States to poor countries. The authors highlight the public health and environmental risks that plastic exports pose in the developing world, where importers often dump or incinerate an unmanageable glut of plastic waste.


Toxic chemicals from these plastics are poisoning communities, said Therese Karlsson, a science and technical adviser for the nonprofit International Pollutant Elimination Network, or IPEN. IPEN helped coordinate the analysis along with an international team of researchers from Sweden, Turkey, and the US.


Many estimates of the scale of the plastic waste trade make use of a UN database that tracks different types of products through a harmonized commodity description and coding system, which assigns each product category a code starting with the letters HS. HS 3915 waste, parings, and scrap of plastics is often assumed by researchers and policymakers to describe the total volume of plastic thats traded globally. But the new analysis argues this is only the tip of the plastic waste iceberg, since HS 3915 misses large quantities of plastic that are included in other product categories.


Discarded clothing, for example, may be tracked as HS 5505 and not counted as plastic waste, even though 60 to 70 percent of all textiles are made of some kind of plastic. And another category called HS 6309 used clothing and accessories is assumed by the UN to be reused or recycled and is therefore not considered waste at all, even though an estimated 40 percent of these exported clothes are deemed unsalvageabl......


A Studio Condenser Microphone For a Constrained Budget "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As the Internet has turned so many of us into content creators, weve seen the quality of webcams and microphones steadily increase to the point at which even a fairly modestly-equipped YouTuber now captures their wisdom at a quality far exceeding that you might have found in some broadcast studios not so long ago. Still, decent quality costs money, and for that reason [Spirit532] has built his own high quality condenser microphone for less expenditure.



Amazon Bans Another Book for the Crime of Opposing the Left "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Remember bookstores? There used to be many in any good-sized city, and if one declined to carry a certain book, which was a rare thing in itself, you could likely find it in another. But now there is mostly just Amazon, which totally dominates the book market, with Barnes and Noble []


Nearly $32 billion spent by US government on mRNA vaccines "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A massive amount of federal money was spend on developing mRNA COVID vaccines. But their safety and effectiveness have been questioned.


Iraq War Anniversary: Never Back Down on the Only Important Fact "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In March of 2003, the United States launched an illegal war of aggression against Iraq.


Dads Army: List Of Russian Army Equipment Deployed In Ukraine Older Than Our Parents "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer, Joost Oliemans and Kemal
Those expecting the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine to be a spectacle of Russian military might were soon left sorely disappointed. Yet the degradation of its combat abilities has continued apace, and one year into its war the cracks in the Russian military machine are starting to widen into chasms. Sustaining losses that meanwhile number over 1800 tanks and more than 2000 IFVs, the Russian Army has already reached the point at which it is no longer able to replace lost equipment with armament that is at least roughly equivalent to the combat worth of the equipment lost. [1] In order to replace its lost T-72B3 Obr. 2016s and T-80BVMs MBTs, the Russian arms industry hasn't churned out any of the much anticipated T-14 Armatas, but rather begun introducing hundreds of refurbished or upgraded variants of the antiquated T-62 MBT and even 1950s-era T-54s in an unmodified state. [2]
The situation is hardly any better for other components of the Russian Army, with 1950s and 1960s-era BRDM-2 AFVs and BMP-1 IFVs and BTR-50 APCs finding their way to frontline units as Ukrainian forces are starting to take delivery of advanced Leopard 2A6s, M1 Abrams MBTs and M2A2 and CV90 IFVs from partners in the West. While Russian tank repair plants busy themselves upgrading ageing equipment to feature additional protection so that they can theoretically stand a chance on the battlefields of Ukraine, the brunt of its reactivated relics is sent to the front in a virtually unmodified state, save for an oil change.
This emerging makeshift military has meanwhile included a hodgepodge of other antiquated materiel, including howitzers from the 1940s, AFV-mounted naval guns from the 1950s and even Mosin-Nagant bolt-action rifles that have been noted to be i...


An American Democracy With 2 Corporate (For Profit) Media Sources of Misinformation?! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article describes the last 44-years of the U.S. government's operation for what they are, legalized crime, and that now more than supports the American people's and Congress' newly elected 118th member's demands for Congress' required 3rd civil service reform.


Survey shows opposition to Windsor Framework dwarfed by positive support and a huge swathe of Dont Knows "IndyWatch Feed"

Today The Irish News carries the second (and for me the more interesting) part of their survey conducted by the Institute of Irish Studies in Liverpool. The results are not unambiguous in the sense that the Dont Know and Yes figures are very close.

But it does dispense with the popular idea that there is a substantial proportion of the population which is opposed to the Framework

The most useful thing about the surveys we get through the University of Liverpool is how they delve beneath the surface of politics. So, as well as these headline figures, it also asks about the salience of the Windsor Framework against other issues.

So, the most important priority for respondents was the economy and the cost of living crisis (48.4%). Second (27.2%) was fixing the NHS. 6.1% regard the Protocol/Windsor Framework as the most important priority.

This includes just 13.9% of unionists compared to 2.1% of nationalists and 3% of neithers. The brutal reality, this suggests, is that we have been navel gazing over what a very small minority of the Northern Irish population regard as a key issue.

69.4% of unionists as opposed to 74.1% of nationalists chose the economy, cost of living and the NHS as their main priorities. This is not to diminish the fact that the protocol and the Windsor Framework are attempts to tackle serious economic issues.

The fact, often denigrated by the DUPs critics, remains that the North Channel is a consumer trade route, so the protocol had the potential to impose adverse cost of living effects vis those Northern Irish retail outlets dependent upon GB supply chains.

Regarding I oppose the Windsor Framework 16.9% of voters agreed, around a third neither agreed nor disagreed and 45% disagreed. Interestingly nationalists were slightly more opposed to the WF (19.1%) than unionists (15.7%).

Concerning the political parties that demanded the Protocol be implemented in full underestimated the need for re-negotiation of the Protocol was agreed to by two thirds of DUP (65.4%), UUP (65.7%) and TUV (68.1%) voters.

Interestingly 42% of SF and over half of SDLP (52.9%) voters agreed with that statement. But there was agreement just 36.6...



Will Students Be Victimized By The Superintendent's Arrogance? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Superintendent Carvalho is in the driver's seat as the District careens toward another strike. Does he have the will to do what is right for our kids?


Indiana Lawsuit Challenges Parties Right To Keep Candidates Off The Ballot "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Close up of paper election ballotWith fewer competitive races, voters are less motivated to cast a primary ballot, which leaves fewer candidates eligible to run in the next election.


Always Wanting More "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

"Always wanting more" is an operational definition of "hedonism." This brief article is my "mea culpa." Inexplicably, I overlooked hedonism per se as a trait in my "psychoscope" of the evil superpower elite in America's corpocracy. This article seeks an answer to why our species is always wanting more.


A Muscular U.S. Foreign Policy and Changing Alliances "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Biden's threatening initiatives against Russia and China have so far received a calm response. Will that always be the case, or is he playing with fire?


[Podcast Series] An eighth woman: the changing worlds of labour and migration, social reproduction, and capitalism in CEE Episode 3 "IndyWatch Feed World"

[Podcast Series] An eighth woman: the changing worlds of labour and migration, social reproduction, and capitalism in CEE Episode 3

Episode 3. Organising collective responses among temporary agency non-local workers in Hungary: Conversation with Tibor T. Meszmann

Host: Olena Fedyuk

Images by authors: (1) workers dorm from afar ( HU); (2)smoking conner the only common space outside of the workers dorm

Drawing on his experience as a researcher, an activist and a trade unionist, Tibor talks about the role trade unions (could) play in organizing migrant and temporary work agency workers. With Hungary being both migrant-sending and migrant-hosting country, we discuss what kind of challenges workers transnational mobility presents for the unions, especially in the context of the growing staffing industry and mediated employment.

Read More


Stink of Nuclear War: UK will Supply Ukraine Depleted Uranium Ammunition. Moscow: As Dirty Bombs "IndyWatch Feed War"

March 22, 2023 by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio The race to escalate the war in Ukraine carried on by the NATO countries continues with constant provocations that seem made on purpose to unleash the First World Atomic War. While the White House has already warned Kiev not to accept peace proposals from China after the meeting between []


PODCAST Edge Of The Blade With Nadine Sisterson "IndyWatch Feed World"

On tonights podcast show 22/03/23 i am joined by former AVN president Nadine Sisterson to catch up on all the latest and to discuss the mechanics behind what is happening right now in Australia.  Read More


Delta: Prophet Fufeyin Discloses Why Fire Razes Mercy Land Church In Effurun "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 22ND (URHOBOTODAY)-Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin of the popular Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry in Warri, Delta State, on Tuesday, disclosed the reason an inferno engulfed his church auditorium on Tuesday, destroying properties worth a fortune.

According to the acclaimed Ijaw-born seer, the fire, which sent panic across the length and breadth of the expansive campground, was nothing but the fiery anger of God.

The church ground is situated some kilometres shy of the popular Effurun roundabout in Uvwie Local Government Area of the state.

Meanwhile, earlier video footage of the raging inferno of a church structure in the expansive campground had gone viral on Tuesday.

But hours after the fire incident, Prophet Fufeyin, whos the founder and General Overseer of the ministry, confirmed the development in a video clip on his official Facebook page.

The Warri TB Joshua, as hes popularly called by his admirers, who disclosed that no life was lost in the incident, claimed that the fire incident was orchestrated by God Himself, who had earlier given him an instruction to build a church auditorium.




Madison, WI, Is Lowering Traffic DeathsBut Theres Still Work To Do "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Madison Bike Week 2022, with Mayor Rhodes-Conway (left) and Director of Transportation Tom Lynch (right). (Source: Madison Bikes.)

Political and engineering leaders in Madison, Wisconsin, are working to make their city streets safer by developing a culture of safety with the efforts of their Vision Zero initiative. As Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway said: In Madison, we are committed to creating an environment where the community feels safe on our streets when walking, biking, taking transit or driving to work, school or wherever they may need to go. Working together with the community, we will build a positive safety culture and improve our design and construction processes to ensure that our streets are accessible for all people regardless of their age, ability, gender, race or method of travel.

Madisons preliminary efforts to create safer streets seem to be working, as the Transportation Commission released an update announcing that, Following a 19% spike in 2020, fatalities and serious injuries on Madison roadways declined by 17% in 2021 and by a further 13% in 2022. There were 90 fatalities and serious injuries in the City of Madison in 2022, which is even lower than the pre-pandemic 2019 number of 106 (as reported by Channel 3000).

To create safer streets in Madison, efforts have included a mix of lowering speed limits, using crash data to determine where to implement speed bumps or other small projects, and redesigning streets...


Stunning bolide over south of Spain (March 21) "IndyWatch Feed World"

This impressive bolide was spotted over Spain on March 21, at 2:07 local time (equivalent to 1:07 universal time). It was almost as bright as the full Moon. The event was generated by a rock (a meteoroid) from a comet that hit the atmosphere at about 67,000 km/h. The fireball overflew the province of Sevilla (Spain). It began at an altitude of about 91 km over Paradas (province of Sevilla), moved northeast, and ended at a height of around 36 km over Villanueva del Rey (province of Sevilla). This bright meteor was recorded in the framework of the SMART project, operated by the Southwestern Europe Meteor Network (SWEMN) from the meteor-observing stations located at Huelva, La Hita (Toledo), Calar Alto, Sierra Nevada, La Sagra (Granada), Sevilla, Huelva, and El Aljarafe (Sevilla). The event has been analyzed by the principal investigator of the SMART project: Dr. Jose M. Madiedo, from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC).


AMD Adds Basic RPC Mechanism To LLVM libc For GPUs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AMD has upstreamed a basic RPC (remote procedure call) mechanism for GPU use to LLVM's libc and wired it up for AMDGPU use...


8 dolphins found on Sea Isle City beach, New Jersey - 2 dead, 6 later euthanized "IndyWatch Feed World"

Two dolphins have died and six others had to be euthanized by a veterinarian after their pod became beached on the shore of this Cape May County resort town on Tuesday, according to the Marine Mammal Stranding Center in Brigantine. "All eight dolphins have been transported to the NJ State Lab for immediate necropsies," the stranding center said in a Facebook post late Tuesday afternoon. "We share in the public's sorrow for these beautiful animals, and we hope that the necropsies will help us understand the reasoning for their stranding." A spate of marine mammal deaths off the Jersey Shore since December has triggered what at times has been an intensely emotional debate over the cause.


BreachForums current Admin Baphomet shuts down BreachForums "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Baphomet, the current administrator of BreachForums, announced that the popular hacking forum has been officially taken down.

U.S. law enforcement arrested last week a US man that goes online with the moniker Pompompurin, the US citizen is accused to be the owner of the popular hacking forum BreachForums. 

The news of the arrest was first reported by Bloomberg, which reported that federal agents arrested Conor Brian Fitzpatrick from Peekskill, New York.

The man has been charged with soliciting individuals with the purpose of selling unauthorized access devices.

The BreachForums hacking forum was launched in 2022 after the law enforcement authorities seized RaidForums as a result of Operation TOURNIQUET.

pompompurin always confirmed that he was not affiliated with RaidForums in any capacity,

The law enforcement authorities have yet to shut down the website, while another admin of the forum that goes online with the alias Baphomet announced that he is taking the control of the platform.

Baphomet initially added that he believes that the feds havent had access to the infrastructure.

On March 21, 2023, Baphomet, which is the current administrator of BreachForums, announced that the ha...


Buhari Congratulates Tony Elumelu At 60 "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday congratulated the Chairman of UBA Plc, Tony Elumelu on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Hailing the Chairman of the United Bank of Africa Group, Buhari said the distinguished banker, economist, and philanthropist has brought honour and pride to Nigeria and Africa. In a statement issued by his spokesman, Femi []


Life in Russia: War or no war, I still need to buy food' "IndyWatch Feed"

Russians far from the frontline women, children, pensioners, the jobless explain how the war is affecting them


Leftists Enraged at CNNs Van Jones for Telling Alvin Bragg to Back Off of Trump "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: While most Leftists are hanging streamers, putting the champagne on ice, and handing out the party hats in anticipation of watching Donald Trump marched in handcuffs into the Manhattan district attorneys office, CNN host Van Jones is not quite ready to join the festivities. And the Party of Groupthink is as enraged []


Turkey elections: Pro-Kurdish HDP will not field presidential candidate "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey elections: Pro-Kurdish HDP will not field presidential candidate

Move by left-wingers paves way for united front by opposition against Erdogan
MEE staff Wed, 03/22/2023 - 10:00
CHP leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu (C), with HDP co-chairs Pervin Buldan (L) and Mithat Sancar (R) at a press conference after a meeting in the parliament in Ankara on 20 March 2023 (AFP)

Turkey's pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democracy Party (HDP),  the third-largest party in parliament, announced on Wednesday it will not be putting forward a presidential candidate in the upcoming May elections, opening the way for a united opposition against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Party co-chair Pervin Buldan made the statement on behalf of the Labour and Freedom Alliance - which includes the HDP, the Turkish Workers Party (TIP) and other leftist parties - at a press conference in Ankara.

'We will fulfill our historical responsibility towards one-man rule in the presidential elections'

- HDP co-chair Pervin Buldan

We will fulfill our historical responsibility towards one-man rule in the presidential elections," she said.

"We are determined to hold accountable those responsible for the great destruction from this government, which has maintained an administration based on poverty, corruption, plunder and rent, for the realisation of democracy, fundamental rights and freedoms, and social justice in the country."

Although she did not make it explicit in the press conference, it is widely assumed the HDP will throw its weight behind Kemal Kilicdaroglu, the Republican People's Party (CHP) leader who is the nominated candidate for the opposition National Alliance.

Kilicdaroglu met with the HDP leadership in the Turkish parliament building on Tuesday, the day before the announcement, during which he reportedly promised to remove restrictions on the Kurdish language and address other issues related to Turkey's largest minority.

Overcoming obstacles

The National Alliance had formally resisted allying with the HDP due to...


Its the trust in the authority, stupid! "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iain Davis The world is apparently descending into chaos. With events such as the recent collapse of SVB bank adding to the problems allegedly caused by the pseudopandemic and the war in Ukraine, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Only a few years ago it was widely recognised that, by nearly every measure, global life outcomes were all improving.


A Summer Camp Murder. Two Sons, Lost. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The premiere of Violation, a podcast from The Marshall Project and WBUR, examines the decades-long ripple effects of an inexplicable crime.

WBUR and The Marshall Project Release New Podcast Violation on the Case of Jacob Wideman "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A new podcast from WBUR, Bostons NPR, and The Marshall Project explores Americas opaque parole system through a 1986 murder.


Nairaland Founder, Osewa Apologizes To Igbos Over Lagos Ethnic Political Advert "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Following the advert on the platform of Nairaland Forum against Igbos in Lagos State, the founder of the platform, Seun Osewa, has tendered an apology to Igbos across the world. Osewa in a statement regretted allowing the political advert to appear on his platform. He said the advert was made to instil fear in Yorubas. []


Man dies after being attacked by dog in Visalia, California "IndyWatch Feed World"

A man has died after police say a dog attacked him in Visalia. Authorities say it happened at a business on S. Santa Fe St. near Walnut Ave. just before 8 am Tuesday. The man was taken to the hospital, where he died from his injuries. Authorities are not releasing the man's identity at this time, and they have not said what happened to the dog.


Metallica is Selling So Many Vinyl Records It Bought its Own Factory "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Metallica Is Selling so Many Vinyl Records It Bought Its Own Factory:

Despite technology bringing new recording media formats and improved compression algorithms, there is certainly a growing demand for vinyl again despite its death being announced several times over recent decades.

Metallica has bought a majority stake in Furnace Record Pressing, one of the biggest and most important vinyl records companies in the U.S. If anyone had any doubts about the growth of the vinyl sales, which last year outpaced CD sales for the first time since 1987, Metallica's new purchase just gave them a very loud reminder that what's old is new again.

Vinyl records are experiencing a renaissance among music lovers. Although Metallica hasn't released a new album since Hardwired...To Self-Destruct in 2016, it sold more than 387,000 vinyl albums in 2022, according to data from Billboard. That year, it ranked sixth on the list of most albums sold in the U.S., topping the 337,000 albums it sold in 2021. The price Metallica paid for Furnace was not disclosed; members of the band will now sit on Furnace's board.

Metallica is expected to release its first album in seven years sometime over the next few weeks, setting the stage for the band to sell to many, many more vinyl records in 2023.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Counting Down: List Of Russian Army Equipment Not Yet Destroyed In Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
Russia's one year anniversary of its special military operation in Ukraine marks a pivotal point not just for its symbolic significance, but also because it coincides with a sudden realisation on our part. That being that keeping track of the types of armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) and aircraft in use by the Russian Armed Forces that have been destroyed has become considerably harder than listing those that haven't been, and subtracting from that list as time progresses. Hence, the list that follows.
Obviously, not all equipment in use with Russia's military may be deployed in Ukraine or even be actually operational for that matter, so to keep things manageable this list will include only those systems that have been acknowledged to be in mass production. Nevertheless, certain systems may be included or omitted on a case-by-case basis for instance because they are expected to be used operationally or, conversely, because including them would be impractical. Categories that have been excluded are small-sized (EOD) UGVs, civilian-grade UAVs, transport and training aircraft, naval vessels, coastal defence (missile) systems and (armoured) trucks. This list is updated as additional vehicle types are confirmed to be destroyed or captured.

Our list showing Ukrainian Army equipment not yet destroyed or captured can be found here
(Click on the equipment type to get a picture of it)



  • ...


Trump unveils plan to 'dismantle the deep state' "IndyWatch Feed World"

Former President Donald Trump unveiled his new plan Tuesday to "dismantle the deep state" by firing "rogue" bureaucrats and career politicians, according to a new policy agenda video. Trump released a list of ten items that indicate how he plans to "clean out the deep state," starting with re-instating an executive order that would give the president the authority to fire bureaucrats, according to the video posted on Rumble. The former president's plan would dismantle the "Washington Swamp," target corruption and ensure that federal bureaucrats and politicians are held accountable. "The departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled so that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives, Christians, or the left's political enemies, which they're doing now at a level that nobody can believe even possible," Trump said in the video.


Eyelash Extensions vs. Lash Makeup: Which Is Right for You? "IndyWatch Feed World"

As a woman, the decision to enhance our lashes is not just about beauty, but also about how we feel about ourselves. We want to feel confident and beautiful in our own skin, and sometimes a little extra help can go a long way. There are two popular ways to achieve this look eyelash extensions and lash makeup. In this piece, we will explore the pros and cons of each and help you make a choice that resonates with you and your soul. All for eyelashes at the link

Lash makeup: Embracing your versatility

Lash makeup offers a range of cosmetics products, including mascara, eyeliner, and false lashes. These products are versatile, allowing us to achieve a variety of looks that reflect our personality and style.

Pros of lash makeup:

  1. Cost-effective, allowing us to change our look regularly
  2. Easy to apply, empowering us to express ourselves through our makeup
  3. Can be removed easily, giving us the freedom to experiment with different looks
  4. A wide range of products available to suit our individual needs

Cons of lash makeup:

  1. May not last all day, leaving us feeling self-conscious and unprepared
  2. May smudge or run, causing embarrassment and inconvenience
  3. Can cause eye irritation or allergic reactions, making us feel uncomfortable and uneasy

Eyelash extensions: A journey to self-love



Election: INEC Rejects Guber Results From Abia, Enugu "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) on Tuesday reportedly rejected Enugu and Abia States gubernatorial election results, saying it did not conform with the number of accredited voters. New Telegraph had on Sunday reported that the electoral umpire suspended the collation of governorship election results in Enugu and Abia due to irregularities. Speaking on the []


When a red snapper is more than just a fish: Q&A fisheries scientist Elle Wibisono "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

JAKARTA It was heaven, says Indonesian fisheries scientist Alyssa Elle Wibisono, describing her first ever scuba diving experience in the Komodo Islands when she was a high school student. The vibrant schools of fish were so new and amazing to her that the experience marked her starting point into the world of marine conservation. I didnt know yet how it was going to look like, I mean I was still in high school, but I knew that I wanted to work in the field one way or another, she tells Mongabay in a recent interview. For a little over a decade, the fundamental pathway she chose to achieve her passionate goal of protecting Indonesias marine ecosystem was through academia. Wibisono started her undergraduate studies in 2009 with a focus on marine biology and conservation at Wellesley College in the U.S., before going on to get her Ph.D. in sustainable fisheries management in 2020 at the University of Rhode Island. Elle Wibisono, center, interviewing traditional Indonesian fishers. Image courtesy of Elle Wibisono. Wibisono currently works as a senior manager for marine protected area and fisheries for Indonesia at the Washington, D.C.-based NGO Conservation International. She also managed fisher projects in eastern parts of the country with another NGO, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Indonesia. In those years of diving deep into marine conservation in Indonesia, Wibisono took in as much nuance as possible about the convoluted issue in a way that she says has allowed her to be more empathetic aboutThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Epstein victim allowed to sue big banks for allegedly enabling sex offender: 'We will leave no stone unturned' "IndyWatch Feed World"

An unnamed victim of deceased child sex predator Jeffrey Epstein, as well as the government of the U.S. Virgin Islands, will be allowed to file suit against JPMorgan Chase and Deutsche Bank. United States District Judge Jed Rakoff tossed most of the charges against the two financial institutions in proposed class action lawsuits on Monday, according to a report from Bloomberg, and threw out three of the four claims against JPMorgan Chase in a separate suit from the U.S. Virgin Islands. Attorneys will be permitted, however, to contend that the firms benefited from the Epstein sex trafficking scheme by providing him with financial services. "Epstein's sex trafficking operation was impossible without the assistance of JPMorgan Chase, and later Deutsche Bank, and we assure the public that we will leave no stone unturned in our quest for justice for the many victims who deserved better from one of America's largest financial institutions," lawyers for the U.S. Virgin Islands and the...


Why Buhari Keeps Mum Over Nnamdi Kanu, Dadiyatas Release "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Barely two months to the tenure expiration of President Muhammadu Buhari-led government, the leader of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu is yet to be granted freedom as ordered by the Court of Appeal. Speaking on the development that has mounted concerns over the continued incarceration of the IPOB leader, Deji Adeyanju, []


Microsoft Has Also Infiltrated the OSIs Board of Directors After Rigged Elections "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As if it didnt control the OSIs agenda and staff already

Aeva Black
Overt conflict of interest (Microsoft is attacking Open Source)

Summary: Weeks ago we warned that this would happen and for the third or fourth time in 2 years the OSIs election process broke down; today the Open Source Initiative (OSI) writes: The polls just closed, the results are in. Congratulations to the returning directors Aeva Black (Microsoft employee)


Bill Gates: AI is most important tech advance in decades "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The former Microsoft boss says AI is the second revolutionary technology hes seen in his lifetime.


Corvallis Against Fascism: Five Years of Nazi Tears "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Five year analysis and reflection on antifascist organizing and community self-defense by Corvallis Antifa.

Download PDF HERE

This October, Corvallis Antifa will turn five years old. While this pales in comparison to the decades-long tenures of some other Torch Network groups like CenTex-ARA and Rose City Antifa, we recognize that we have outlasted a lot of left-wing and antifascist projects. We wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the aspects of our organizing that have made it possible for us to stay around this long, and to share some of the lessons we have learned doing this type of work for new organizers. Before delving into our thoughts, it is important to contextualize who we are as an organization, and detail a little bit of our history.

For those who dont know, Corvallis is a small town of about 60,000 in Oregon, located between Eugene and Salem in the southern half of the Willamette Valley, just east of the coastal city of Newport. We live and work on the ancestral land of the Ampinefu, or Marys River, Band of the Kalapuya tribe.

Corvallis is a reasonably liberal town, having voted 67% democrat in the most recent presidential election, with a significant history of progressive and leftist activity. Much of this organizing comes out of Oregon State University, one of the citys largest employers, accounting for about 20% of all jobs. Corvallis has historically had thriving, left-leaning punk, noise, and art scenes for a city of its size. These scenes significantly intersect with the communitys student and leftist populations. The Willamette Valley has a long history of anarchist political organizing, specifically in the cities of Eugene to our south and Portland to our north. Despite this, Corvallis is surrounded on all sides by mostly smaller right-wing communities that have been havens for white nationalist and militia activity for decades. Corvallis is nearly 80% white with a small community of Mexican immigrants. The rest of the citys racial and ethnic diversity primarily comes from the University. Due to this, Benton County, which also includes the cities of Monroe, Philomath, Adair Village, and part of Albany, has some of the highest linguistic diversity in the state, with large Arabic, Korean, Chinese, and Thai communities.

Corvallis Antifa started in the summer of 2018 in response to a significant increase in overt neo-Nazi organizing in our city. Multiple members of the Oregon Aryans were living in town, and were frequently stickering and harassing college students and left-wing events. The response from local leftist organizations was mixed and largely non-confrontational and ineffective. Eve...


Considerations for Expats Moving to Thailand "IndyWatch Feed World"

At some point in life, everyone fantasizes about packing everything up and moving abroad. But for many, fantasy is as far as it goes because moving abroad is quite a big change. Now, for the people who are ready for such a revolution, globetrotters in essence, Thailand might seem the perfect destination.

The Land of Smiles, the country of a thousand landscapes and exotic dishes, is famous for its hospitality. When choosing the country you want to live your life in, this is a key aspect and it can be the feature that helps you make the final decision. However, moving abroad is not an easy deal and the best way to approach it is by checking all the items in the aspects-to-consider-before-moving list. So, if you are considering Thailand as a place to live in, these are the things you should take into account.

Thailand is a highly popular destination among expats

Finding a home in Thailand will not be so hard, especially because it is full of other expats that are willing to help you in the search. Besides, the locals welcome hundreds of new visitors and foreigners who go there to live every year. Most new residents that are foreigners go from the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia, so, even if you will eventually learn the language, you will find English-speaking people everywhere.

The bigger cities are the preferred destinations of foreign residents so, when looking for a house, consider Bangkok, Pattaya, or Chiang Mai, although islands like Koh Samui or Koh Tao are also popular choices for expats.

Plenty of landscapes and tourist places



"Once Life Sweeps to One Side, It then Sweeps Back to The Other Side, Much Like a Snake Moving Upon The Ground." "IndyWatch Feed World"

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Disney is cutting 3% of its workforce or... should I call that Woke Force? The need to adapt to a sharp drop in profit is necessary to survive when you drive your audience away. This is happening across the board in every area of so-called entertainment. On the surface, it appears as an effort to do the right thing, according to the people who enforce protocols, by accommodating an emergent demographic of The Newly Possessed, and more certifiably insane than the last bunch.

There's something wrong with the math though... and something very wrong with the dynamics of influence; in what direction does influence flow? Generally? It flows according to the press of gravity. It doesn't flow up from the dregs. To put it in a more colloquial fashion; shit flows downhill.

So... here we have the massive university-college system... the entertainment industries... the government agencies... even religion... is bending the knee (snicker) to The Sex-Freak, Woke Body Mutilation Contingent that is much less than 1%, and... if you include the culturally molded Urban-Gay demographic, you still get the smallest portion of the population... except for those genetically behind this sort of daemonic, filth circus.

What does this tell you? It tells you that the people behind this transhumanist Frankenstein... underground-lab experiment... are the top financial people in The World. Since Tavistock... they have been designing this collective-inmate mindset... for the time when they can legally render humanity as... meat... for the scalpels of their Satanic surgeons... who do it because they can and because they do evil for the sheer joy of it.

This is not some urgent injustice of Nature, welling up from the hearts of those abused by the wrong gender... at the wrong time; God playing a trick on them. This is all backdoor policy, set in motion by those who have REALLY lost their way. This is the part they play in life at this time.

They are forcing immigration through orchestrated wars and catastrophes, and... as their altruistic response to Global Warming. Everything that is tearing down what took generations to build... is done with the twin intentions of Profit and Control, AND... most importantly... because they like it. They got a taste for it. It's part of the process of Possession and similar to what happens in serial killers, which they also qualify as, but... on a far grander scale.

The Tr...


"DRIVEN; They Imagine It is Under Their Personal Power. Poor Fools on The Grand Stage of Their Own Dishonor." "IndyWatch Feed World"

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Someone says something... and someone steps on the human squeeze toys of a small collection of Cancel Club members who then whine... threaten and screech about it, and... it becomes big news. Who is amplifying the manufactured concerns of tiny demographics and blowing them out of all proportion? Who is it that makes these virtual hit-jobs from The Cancel Club appear in The Mainstream Media?

How do they get any press to begin with? How is it that Biden's administration... which is one of the most corrupt in history (and that's saying something with Obama and Bush in the rearview mirror) is now investigating the main figurehead of this robber baron junta? How come these weather balloons are such big news?

Whenever you want to figure out what is really going on... look past the appearances. Look to both sides. Add up everything you see and ask yourself... what's missing?

You have a kind of barometer in your mind that tells you about good vibes and bad vibes by reading external pressure systems and atmospheric density. It's another way to talk about pinging off of the... objects... of... your... attention. You have attributes of The Higher Mind within you that permits you to read between the lines... that will tell you if it sounds off... or it sounds spot on.

You have the ability to read the Secret Book of Nature... but abilities and attributes are useless unless you use them. Does that register? I know that a great many of you have some relationship with The Higher Mind because of your interest in what we talk about here.

Within each of you there is a plane of awareness that is fed by hidden springs... or there could be. In some hearts it is an arid zone. The resident thinker just doesn't go there. We feed things when our attention shines on them. It is the same way that The Sun feeds this planet. In Times of Material Darkness, when The Carnal Mind is in the forefront of human experience... those of us that harbor The Inner Light must take care to ALWAYS feed the flame.

What that means is you should go nowhere without Love. Love is the force that gives ignition to Light. It's what caused this whole dance of eternity to begin with... pause and continue... pause and continue... for times beyond count.

There is a single source for all esoteric blessings, though they may come THROUGH various medium...


No truth in conviction of captured Ukrainian human rights activist "IndyWatch Feed"

Colleagues of Maksym Butkevych say he wasnt even in Russian-occupied Luhansk at the time of his supposed crime


Water Starts Wars, Puts Out Fires, and Is Key to Human Survival "IndyWatch Feed War"

Human Wrongs Watch

Flagship UN report extolls win-win water partnerships to avert global crisis


UNICEF/Omid Fazel | Clean water, basic toilets, and good hygiene practices are essential to the health of children in Afghanistan.

(UN NEWS)* Water starts wars, puts out fires, and is key to human survival, but ensuring access for all hinges largely on improving cooperation, according to a new flagship UN report published on Tuesday [21 March 2023].

Launched ahead of the UN 2023 Water Conference, the new edition of the UN World Water Development Report focuses on twin themes of partnerships and cooperation. Published by the UN Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the report highlights collaborative ways actors can work together to overcome common challenges.

There is an urgent need to...


Biden orders US intelligence to release ALL documents on COVID origins and any links to the Wuhan lab within 90 days "IndyWatch Feed World"

Joe Biden signed on Monday a new law that could shed light on the links between the coronavirus pandemic and a Wuhan lab in China from which it stemmed. The move requires all U.S. intelligence related to that link and the origins of COVID-19 to be declassified within 90 days of the law's enactment. 'We need to get to the bottom of Covid-19's origins,' Biden wrote in a statement. He noted any released material should also 'include potential links to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.'


Republicans still have tremendous affection for dictators "IndyWatch Feed"

OPINION: Putin may have fallen out of favour, but Republicans still admire right-wing authoritarian leaders



Cosmic Warfare

Sometimes when reading the articles people send me, I just cannot resist the impulse to draw connections between them, even though there's nothing in

The post OF ASTEROIDS, AND THE PENTAGRAMS MOTHERSHIPS (AND BANKING) appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Whale Tale "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    Because Every Day is a party here!   The Cetacean Corner Some people think that white whales are fictional but they are not, and Im not just talking about belugas. Albinism and leucism have been recorded in over 20 species of cetacean! The most famous albino whale is a humpback named Migaloo. Look []

The post Whale Tale appeared first on Virtual Mirage.

Surprise Grand Jury Witness May Have Destroyed the Whole Case Against Trump "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: As Matt Margolis noted on Sunday, Rudy Giuliani lawyer Robert Costello, a former legal advisor to Michael Cohen, was set to appear on Monday before the grand jury that is currently persecuting and railroading Donald Trump, with the sole intention of undermining Cohens credibility. That he did. Costello offered testimony that should explode []


In Calakmul, water troughs offer possible solution to human-wildlife conflict "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Like many beekeepers living in the vicinity of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Alejandro Oliveros Lpez has a wildlife problem. To keep ants at bay and provide water to their bees, keepers place bowls at the foot of their apiaries. But when water is scarce, these attract a wide range of wild animals, from tapirs to wild cats. Driven by climate change, this issue keeps worsening as the dry season gets longer. Basically, they drink the water, because during the dry season, the natural water sources dry up, Oliveros Lpez said. So, if a tapir comes, drinks the water and knocks over the tank to bathe itself, it can cause us a lot of problems. The cats are the same because they drink a lot of water. To help reduce this problem and protect both wildlife and beekeepers livelihoods, conservationists are using water troughs, known locally as bebederos, to keep wildlife from coming into conflict with farmers. The idea of the project is that we provide water to both the bees and the animals, and try to avoid these kinds of problems, said Carlos Delgado-Martnez, a PhD student with the National Autonomous University of Mexico and member of the Ocelot Working Group, whose team is implementing water troughs. Were placing the bebederos near the apiaries but not close enough that the animals get too close. Calakmuls water conflict The Calakmul Biosphere Reserve is one of Mexicos largest protected areas, covering more than 700,000 hectares (approximately 1.8 million acres). Since the reserve doesntThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Claim: Climate Skeptics Have Long Intimidated Scientists from Full Disclosure "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

All the muted climate claims of previous years apparently represent climate scientists holding back for fear of intimidation.

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan Issues Sweeping Information Requests to Universities Researching Disinformation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

Correction, March 22, 2023: A headline on this story originally incorrectly described Jim Jordans letters to universities.

House Republicans have sent letters to at least three universities and a think tank requesting a broad range of documents related to what it says are the institutions' contributions to the Biden administrations censorship regime.

The letters are the latest effort by a House subcommittee set up in January to investigate how the federal government, working with social media companies, has allegedly been weaponized to silence conservative and right-wing voices. So far, the committees investigations have amplified a variety of dubious, outright false and highly misleading Republican grievances with law enforcement, many of them espoused by former President Donald Trump. Committee members have cited supposed abuses that include the FBIs search of Mar-a-Lago, its investigations of Jan. 6 rioters and the Biden administrations purported use of executive powers to shut down conservative viewpoints on social media.

Now, universities and their researchers are coming under the spotlight of the committee, which the Republicans have labeled the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. The letters, signed by Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who is chair of both the House Judiciary Committee and the subcommittee, were sent in early March.

They cover an investigation into how certain third parties, including organizations like yours, may have played a role in this censorship regime by advising on so-called misinformation, according to a copy of one of the letters obtained by ProPublica.

The commit...


Rice Doesnt Mean Just Paella: Two Simple and Delicious Recipes "IndyWatch Feed World"

Here are two recipes with rice that are easy and quick to make at home.

Rice with baby squid, hake, and shrimp


  1. One medium coffee cup of bomba rice
  2. 7 oz Hake
  3. 17 oz of squid
  4. 6 shrimps
  5. Homemade sofrito (two tablespoons)
  6. Three medium-sized coffee cups of fish broth or fumet
  7. 1 clove of garlic

How to make it?

  1. Start by cooking the squid in the paella pan with a little olive oil. As soon as they begin to brown, remove them and set them aside. Lightly mark the hake delights and the shrimps, proceeding then to reserve everything.
  2. Then, in the same oil, brown a clove of chopped garlic and add a spoonful of sofrito.
  3. Once everything is ready, add the rice, the saffron, and the broth and let it cook over high heat for 8 minutes. To intensify the flavor, add the content of the heads of the shrimps, squeezing them a little.
  4. Lower the heat to the minimum but control it so that the rice does not stop cooking and add the baby squids, leaving the rice to cook for another 7-8 minutes more. Carefully add the hake delicacies and the peeled prawns and turn off the heat, covering the rice with a tea towel while letting the last pieces added cook with the remaining heat and the steam under the cloth, leaving to rest for about 15 minutes before serving.

How to accompany this recipe?

Aioli potatoes, are an easy and tasty tapa recipe



Rogue NuGet Packages Infect .NET Developers with Crypto-Stealing Malware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The NuGet repository is the target of a new "sophisticated and highly-malicious attack" aiming to infect .NET developer systems with cryptocurrency stealer malware. The 13 rogue packages, which were downloaded more than 160,000 times over the past month, have since been taken down. "The packages contained a PowerShell script that would execute upon installation and trigger a download of a '


Four Oath Keepers members found guilty of obstruction in the far-right group's third Jan. 6 trial "IndyWatch Feed World"

The third set of Oath Keepers to go on trial were not facing seditious conspiracy charges like the first two groups. Four members of the Oath Keepers were convicted of conspiring to obstruct an official proceeding in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol on Monday, as a judge ordered jurors to continue deliberating over the most serious counts against two additional defendants. Sandra Parker, Laura Steele, Connie Meggs and William Isaacs were found guilty of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. The jury found Michael Greene, another member of the Oath Keepers, not guilty of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding but was still debating whether he was guilty of aiding or abetting the obstruction of an official proceeding. Bennie Parker was found not guilty of aiding or abetting, but the jury was still deliberating over the charge of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding.


These 15 European startups are set to take the cybersecurity world by storm "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Google has announced the startups chosen for its Cybersecurity Startups Growth Academy. The 15 selected startups are from eight countries and were chosen from over 120 applicants. They have made significant contributions, from securing health applications to protecting educators and safeguarding the clean water supply chain. The selected companies will receive mentoring sessions from Google experts, including former VirusTotal and Mandiant startups. Additionally, they will have opportunities to network with other cybersecurity entrepreneurs at events More

The post These 15 European startups are set to take the cybersecurity world by storm appeared first on Help Net Security.



Dertien jaar geleden publiceerde ik op mijn weblog het volgende: 

onderdag 4 februari 2010

Verarmd Uranium 18

Vier jaar geleden werd dit bekend:

Aan De Voorzitter van de Tweede Kamer

Der Staten-Generaal 

Plein 2 ...


Apache Stronghold Defends Oak Flat in Federal Court "IndyWatch Feed War"

"We are giving Mother Earth our voice, to be heard." -- Wendsler NosieBy Brenda Norrell Censored NewsSAN FRANCISCO -- Apache Wendsler Nosie said the arguments heard in the Ninth Circuit Court show the U.S. government's attempts of erasure, erasure of the people and their connection to the land, erasure of their right to pray in their sacred place at Oak Flat."This country is a corporate country.


Pearl Couscous for the Right Nutrition-Tips and Benefits "IndyWatch Feed World"

Couscous, the extraordinary food obtained from wheat 100% durum semolina, is a balanced dish par excellence. You can consume it with confidence as it is a healthy food. It is a type of pasta that has a mild, fairly neutral flavor, which is easily impregnated with the aromas of the ingredients with which it is cooked.

There are different variations of couscous; namely:
  1. Moroccan couscous is a small grain, approximately three times bigger than a grain of corn flour.
  2. Pearl couscous or Israeli couscous with semolina granules about the size of peppercorns and usually steamed in the traditional long cooking method.
  3. Lebanese couscous, which is larger than Israeli couscous with starch granules about the size of small peas.

Because of its nutritional value, its convenient method of cooking, and the delicious recipes you can prepare with it, we are going to talk in this post about pearl couscous. We will be referring to the way of cooking, tips, and benefits of this pasta.

The staple food that helped a country through difficult times

Pearl couscous, also known as Israeli couscous, was created in the early years of the 1950s, shortly after Israel was declared an independent nation. It is believed that Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion asked a team of experts to develop a substitute for rice, given the nations food shortages. In the early 1960s, pearl couscous began to spread throughout the Mediterranean region, eventually reaching Northern and Eastern Europe.

Thanks to its versatility, it quickly became a staple in many European countries, including Italy, Spain, and France. Pearl couscous continued to spread throughout the world and eventually made its way to the United States in the late 20th century. Today, pearl couscous is widely use...


Protest Against Sending Depleted Uranium Shels to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

  MARCH 21, 2023



Stink of Nuclear War: UK will Supply Ukraine Depleted Uranium Ammunition. Moscow: As Dirty Bombs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio The race to escalate the war in Ukraine carried on by the NATO countries continues with constant provocations that seem made on purpose to unleash the First World Atomic War. While the White House has already warned Kiev not to accept peace proposals from China after the meeting between Chinese []


Israeli strikes hit Syria's Aleppo airport for second time this month "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israeli strikes hit Syria's Aleppo airport for second time this month

Two 'regional intelligence sources' say attack targeted underground weapons store
MEE staff Wed, 03/22/2023 - 08:21
Aleppo International Airport has been attacked several times by Israeli air strikes (AFP/File Photo)

The Israeli military attacked Aleppo International Airport in the early hours of Wednesday morning, according to Syrian state media.

The Syrian state news agency, Sana, reported no casualties, but said some damage had been caused at the airport. 

It was the second time Aleppo airport has been hit by Israel this month. 

At about 03:55 am on Wednesday, the Israeli enemy launched an aerial act of aggression with a number of missiles from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, west of Latakia, targeting the vicinity of Aleppo International Airport, a Syrian military source told Sana.

The source added the attack caused some material damages to the airport and the runway has been closed until further notice.

Israel's terror campaign against Arab airports continues without respite
Read More

Aleppos airport has been frequently used for aid deliveries to earthquake-hit zones in northern...


DRCs endangered bonobos face another threat to their survival: malaria "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Gorillas and chimpanzees, like humans, have long been known to suffer from malaria. But evidence of the parasites effects on bonobos, one of humankinds closest genetic relatives, has been scant. Now, new research suggests that bonobos do suffer from malaria infection, and that the disease could threaten the survival of some of the species wild populations. An international team of scientists examined bonobo fecal samples collected from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) the only country where bonobos (Pan paniscus) occur and stored in the laboratory of virologist Beatrice Hahn at the University of Pennsylvania. For ten of the sites included in the study, only one fecal sample out of more than 1,400 analyzed tested positive for evidence of malaria parasites. But among a population living on either side of the Lomami River, a major tributary of the Congo River that runs parallel to it in the central DRC, 38% of bonobos had evidence of malaria parasites in their feces. It wasnt immediately clear to the researchers what cost the disease has on the Lomami River bonobos, known to the researchers as the TL2 population; telltale signs such as lethargy or reduced reproductive ability are hard to detect in the field. But malaria had evidently exacted a price in the past: the bonobos possessed variants of an immune gene that likely protect them against severe cases of malaria. There would have to be a cost for natural selection to favor those immune variants, said Emily Wroblewski, assistant professorThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Jewish Democracy For Dumb Goys "IndyWatch Feed War"

Brother Nathanael Real Jew News March 22, 2023


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Douglas Macgregor: A Ferocious Offensive "IndyWatch Feed War"

Douglas Macgregor March 21, 2023



Ukraine short of skilled troops and munitions as losses, pessimism grow "IndyWatch Feed War"

Introduction March 21, 2023

The following Washington Post article marks a shift in how the Western corporate media portrays the conflict in Ukraine. As it finally acknowledges the growing problems faced by Ukraines forces.

Nonetheless, duplicity runs deep in the Western corporate media so it still strives to portray a highly distorted picture of events. For example it recounts how:

U.S. and European officials have estimated that as many as 120,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed or wounded since the start of Russias invasion

On the face of it this sounds like a more honest assessment than earlier reports, when some in the Western military industrial complex even suggested that Ukraine could prevail.

However, although it marks a dramatic departure from earlier reports about Ukraines position, the following still amounts to a limited hangout. This is all too apparent when contrasted with recent assessments from Douglas Macgregor.

For example, the following report talks of 120,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed or wounded. While in contrast, Macgregor reports more reliable estimates of 250,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed and 300,000 to 400,000 wounded.

Thats a big difference and that being the case you have to wonder what else the Washington Post is trying to conceal?

Note the officer the Post spoke with in the following article was demoted days after he spoke to the Washington Post.

Ukraine short of skilled troops and munitions as losses, pessimism grow

By Isabelle Khurshudyan, Paul Sonne and Karen DeYoung Washington Post March 13, 2023

The quality of Ukraines military force, once considered a substantial advantage over Russia, has been degraded by a year of casualties that have taken many of the most experienced fighters off the battlefield, leading some Ukrainian officials to question Kyivs readiness to mount a much-anticipated spring offensive.

U.S. and European officials have estimated that as many as 120,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed or wounded since the start of Russias invasion early last year, compared with about 200,000 on the Russian side, which has a much larger military and roughly triple the population from which to draw conscripts. Ukraine keeps its running casualty numbers secret, even from its staunchest Western supporters.

Statistics aside, an influx of inexperienced draftees, brought in to plug the losses, has change...


Vegan 'guru' charged after baby dies from suspected malnutrition "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Russian fitness coach claimed he lives healthily on fruit, vegetables and sun rays. A Russian self-styled personal growth coach who advocates a vegan lifestyle has been arrested in connection with the death of his one-month-old son. The child died from apparent malnutrition and a lack of medical treatment. Maksim Lyutyy, a 43-year-old resident of a village near the Black Sea resort of Sochi, has been placed in pre-trial custody after being charged on Sunday at a local court. The mother of the child, Oksana Mironova, was moved from jail to house arrest last week. The infant was pronounced dead on March 8 when his parents took him to the hospital. The child was born at the couple's home on February 11, investigators said.


Icicle Patterns With Custom Gantry "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

[Cranktown City] uses a number of custom-built linear rails used as gantries for various tools in the shop. The first is on a plasma cutter, which is precise but difficult to set up or repair. Another is for mounting a camera, and while it is extremely durable, its not the most precise tool in the shop. Hoping to bridge the gap between these two, hes building another gantry with a custom bearing system, and to test it hell be using it to create patterns in icicles hanging from an eave at his shop.

While this isnt the final destination for this gantry, it is an excellent test of it, having to perform well for a long period of time in an extremely cold environment. The bearing system consists of a piece of square steel tubing turned 45 inside another larger square steel tube and held in place with two sets of three bearings with V-shaped notches. To drive the gantry he is using a motor with a belt drive, and for this test a piece of drip irrigation is mounted to it which lets out a predetermined amount of water on top of the roof to create numerous icicles beneath with various programmed lengths.

After a few test runs the gantry system can create some...


Ukraines Crimea military plans detailed by Bild "IndyWatch Feed War" March 21, 2023

Russia and Ukraine are approaching a decisive period in their conflict, with Kiev aiming to sever the Russian land bridge to Crimea this spring, Germanys Bild newspaper has reported. The tabloid cited an anonymous NATO source who claimed the bloc is providing Ukraine with everything it needs to retake its former territories.

In a report on Tuesday, Bild quoted a leading NATO official as stating that the alliances analysts expect the conflict to reach a climax in the spring and summer. The official expressed confidence that heavy weaponry being delivered to Ukraine will be brought to bear in several counteroffensives as early as May.

The coming six months will be a key period in the war not only for Ukraine, but also for the allies, the unnamed source predicted.

While refusing to go into detail regarding planned operations, the official asserted that Ukrainian forces will focus their efforts on the regions of Zaporozhye and Lugansk.

The main objective of the offensives will be to sever the land bridge to Crimea, the NATO source added.

The official claimed that Ukraine is likely to mount counteroffensives in other regions as well, which will either be genuine or merely serve as distractions to preoccupy the Russian military.

According to the Bild report, NATO is not ruling out a scenario in which Ukraine would attempt to retake Crimea, which joined Russia in 2014 following a referendum.

Kiev has the right to recapture all Ukrainian territory, the official insisted.

In an effort to ensure the new offensives are successful, Kievs backers are reportedly providing it with intelligence data as well as training, logistical support and weapons.

Speaking to the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita on Monday, Czech President Petr Pavel said that the window of opportunity for Ukraine would only be open until the end of this year.

The former general, who served as chair of the NATO Military Committee until 2018, argued that with elections approaching in the US in 2024, Washington is likely to reduce defense aid to Ukraine. Pavel said he expected European nations to follow suit.

Ukraine will only have one attempt to launch a major counteroffensive, the Czech president claimed, adding that should this effort fail, it will be extremely difficult to obtain funds for the next one.



Glazov Gang: Forcing Trans Ideology on Children The Lefts Key Agenda "IndyWatch Feed War"

This new Glazov Gang episode is hosted by Anni Cyrus and features Couy Griffin, the Otero County Commissioner and founder of Cowboys for Trump. Couy discusses Forcing Trans Ideology on Children The Lefts Key Agenda, and he asks: Didnt Fauci say to trust the science?  Dont miss it! [Show your support for Mike Lindell []


White Impersonators Of Minorities Are Not Racist, Theyre Grifters "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

white womanSome white people are pretending to be persons of color because it is professionally and monetarily beneficial to do so.

Mailbrew is Marie Kondo for your online subscriptions "IndyWatch Feed World"

The subscription service streamlines dozens of accounts you follow into a customizable digest.

Mailbrew streamlines dozens of accounts you follow into a customizable digest. It used to cost $8 per month but a new owner has made it free. Read on for how to make the most of it; a demo vid and a recommended setup; caveats; and alternatives. For a quick example, heres a new public Mailbrew digest I created.

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Russia warns UK over decision to arm Ukraine with nuclear ammo "IndyWatch Feed War"

Press TV March 21.2023

Britain will be sending Depleted Uranium (DU) ammunition along with the Challenger tanks it is sending Ukraine. Click to enlarge

Russian President Vladimir Putin warns that Moscow will react to an earlier decision by the UK to arm Ukraine with ammunition containing depleted uranium.

Speaking in London on Monday, Britains Minister of State for Defense Annabel Goldie said some of the ammunition for the Challenger 2 battle tanks that Britain was sending to Ukraine included armor-piercing rounds, which contain depleted uranium.

The United Kingdomannounced not only the supply of tanks to Ukraine, but also shells with depleted uranium. If this happens, Russia will be forced to react, Putin told reporters in Moscow on Tuesday.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu also cautioned that the British decision was moving Moscow and the West closer to the brink of nuclear collision.

Another step has been taken, and there are fewer and fewer left, he told reporters in remarks cited by domestic agencies.

Ammunition containing depleted uranium can pierce tanks and similar armor-plated vehicles due to the nuclear components density and other physical properties.

Naturally, Russia has something to answer this with, Shoigu added.

Russia started a military campaign in neighboring Ukraine last February to defend the pro-Russian population in the eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk against persecution by Kiev.

Ever since the beginning of the war, Western countries, led by the United States, have been slapping Russia with a slew of economic sanctions and pumping Ukraine full of advanced weapons, steps that Moscow says would only prolong the hostilities.

The Wests ongoing armament of Ukraine comes, although, Putin recently said he welcomed a Chinese proposal for mediation between Moscow and Kiev towards resolution of the now-year-long conflict.




Often The Only Partner is Ones Poisoned Imagination, Adrift in a Landscape of Strange Pornography from Nowhere. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Visible Origami March 21, 2023

Dog Poet Transmitting.

Were going to break with tradition here on this chemtrailed Tuesday and include a rather long insert from Mikhail Aivanhov. Surely you know that when one has no aspirations in their life, life goes sideways as it drifts listlessly over the uncertain terrain of Nowhere.

This is a vast landscape without many maps. Its seldom been charted much because those who find themselves there after having lost themselves there and dont actually find themselves anyway, have no clear recollection of where they were. Its Nowhere, after all. Its as much a place inside of you as outside of you. If there are any borders between the worlds, theyre not very well defined.

In Times of Material Darkness, one of the most obvious conditions visibly present in the culture is a collective lack of purpose, and aimless shiftless wanderlust through cheap entertainments and one-night stands with forgotten partners. Often the only partner is ones poisoned imagination, adrift in a landscape of strange pornography from Nowhere a place of rampaging succubae and incubi who drain the life essence.

The climate of Materialism clouds the spiritual aspects of this condition because few of the feckless professionals who deal with the fallout have any idea of The Invisible Realm. The present-day applications of psychiatry, psychology, and weaponized therapy, have rendered them; doctor and patient, into a state of toxic codependence and enablement that only makes things worse. They dont know what theyre dealing with, and they dont know what to do about it; but how does that make you feel?

Would you like to talk about it? If it makes you feel good, how could there be anything wrong with it? Jabber jabber jabber (cough) bullshit!. You have to live your authentic self. Ill write you a prescription for it.

When practitioners have no idea what is real and no idea what Normal and Healthy are, it is unlikely they can lead anyone back there, especially if the ones they are leading have never been there in the first place. Both the practitioners and the ones being practiced on are wandering in the vast landscapes of Nowhere where they learn a whole lot of nothing, over, and over, and over again.

I could go into the streets of the cities and fix the homeless problem fairly quickly, and this is not even my area of enterprise. I am sure there are many others who could do something about it, and quite a few who work in related areas, yet no one does anything.

Sexually twisted men whose entire existence is based on making a hysterical mockery of women are...


Study: All-cause mortality rapidly increasing for American children "IndyWatch Feed War"

Lance D. Johnson Natural News March 21, 2023

Researchers are sounding the alarm about a new crisis of increasing all-cause mortality in US children. Their findings were published in the March issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The all-cause mortality rate for children ages 1 to 19 years increased by 10.7% between 2019 and 2020. The trend continued from 2020 to 2021, increasing by an additional 8.3%. The researchers found that the increases in childhood mortality were only minimally related to covid-19. Fatal injuries such as drug overdoses, alcohol poisoning, suicide, homicide, and vehicle accidents drove the spike in mortality.

In 2020, the COVID-19 mortality rate at ages 1 to 19 years was 0.24 deaths per 100,000, but the absolute increase in injury deaths alone was nearly 12 times higher (2.80 deaths per 100,000), wrote the researchers. Study co-author Elizabeth Wolf said, Weve now reached a tipping point where the number of injury-related deaths is so high that it is offsetting many of the gains weve made in treating other diseases.

American life expectancy nosedives for two consecutive years, driven by historic adolescent fatalities

The increasing childhood mortality rate is so stark, it has negatively affected the life expectancy for the U.S. population. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, in 2019 life expectancy for Americans was 78 years and 10 months. That fell by 22 months in 2020, and then by another 11 months in 2021.

The ineffective and insane public health safety measures that were systematically enforced in 2020 and 2021 did not improve pediatric covid-19 survival rates and exacerbated a mental health crisis in adolescents. Many children across the US were isolated from their peers, forced to mask, barred from sports, parks, and education, and taught to distrust and avoid people. Children were driven onto screens and brainwashed by narratives that drove them further into hopelessness and isolation. Children were taught to follow the most manipulative, controlling, and abusive forces in society, and then they were brainwashed to believe that what they were doing was virtuous all for the greater good. This anti-social, germaphobic programming of the youth has only exacerbated anxiety, loneliness, hopelessness, compulsive behaviors, and violent tendencies, driving up the number of suicides and fatal injuries in adolescents. The institutional disregard for common sense, body autonomy rights, and the rule of law has misled an entire generation.

After the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) added the covid-19 jabs to the childhood vaccine schedule, a mentally abused, misled generation of adolescents...


Lust For Luxury: Yahya Jammehs Car Collection "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans

''Western medicine says you can't cure asthma. I cure asthma in five minutes.'' (By Yahya Jammeh)
The Gambia's ousted President Yahya Jammeh had the curious distinction of having Africa's largest luxury car collection and the continent's largest VIP aircraft while being the head of the smallest country (within mainland Africa). He accomplished these feats as his country ranked as one of the poorest in the world, with half of its population living on less than $2 a day. [1] During his 22-year long tenure, Jammeh embezzled tens of million dollars from state enterprises and even used the State's Pension Fund to purchase one of his private jets. [2] From his entry into power after a coup d'etat in 1994 to his ousting in 2017, Jammeh spent much of his ill-gotten fortune on luxury cars, private jets and his palaces.
Born in the backwater village of Kanilai near the country's border with Senegal, Jammeh set out to transform the village into a showpiece of his rule and image, carrying out an extensive programme to expand the former village into his main base. This included the construction of a presidential palace, residences for his family and most ardent supporters, a luxury hotel, a mosque, a private zoo and for some reason a wrestling arena. [3] The large compound was heavily guarded by an army equipped with T-54 MBTs, BRDM-2 AFVs and 23mm ZU-23 AA guns. This private army also accompanied him on his infamous drives through the country in one of his seven Hummer H2...


Soros Owned DA Kim Gardner Found GUILTY on 141 Counts! "IndyWatch Feed War"

Steven Ahle The Beltway Report March 20, 2023

St Louis DA Kim Gardner is in a world of hurt after she lost her appeal for refusing to turn over her communications with operatives of George Soros and others in her prosecution of former Gov Eric Greitens. A court has already found that she committed 62 acts of misconduct and 79 cases of misrepresentation in convicting Greitens of crimes he did not commit. He was later cleared and the extremely popular Greitens is now running for the US Senate from Missouri.

Gardner has been a disaster for St Louis. Last year there more murders in St Louis than at any time in the last 50 years. Gardner has refused to prosecute so many murderers that the Missouri legislature had to pass a law limiting the time she had to file murder charges to 90 days. After that, the state Attorney General takes over the case.

Gardner refused to prosecute cases of drug dealers and child molesters even when there was enough evidence to make them open and shut cases. Her excuse was that the police are racists and she refused to take cases from over 20 policemen at all.

A Missouri Appeals Court ruled unanimously against her and she will have to face disciplinary charges on her corrupt practices and pay the $5,000 dollar fine she previously received.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported:

The Missouri Court of Appeals at St. Louis on Tuesday upheld a judges ruling against the St. Louis Circuit Attorneys Office for failing to respond to a lawsuit that alleged violations of the states open records law.

The appeals courts unanimous ruling said Circuit Attorney Kimberly M. Gardners appeals had no merit. She had challenged St. Louis Circuit Judge Christopher McGraughs ruling and $5,000 penalty for refusing to produce records and respond in time to a January 2020 lawsuit filed by conservative journalist John Solomon.

Based on this whole record, we hold the trial court did not err in finding (Gardners) failure to file a timely response to (Solomons) amended petition was not the result of an unexpected or unavoidable hindrance, accident, or mishap, but was instead the result of (Gardners) carelessness, inattention, and deliberate disregard, the court said.

Solomon, a former Fox News contributor who runs the website Just the News, sought all of Gardners contacts with staff and other key players in the 2018 criminal investigations of then-Gov. Eric Greitens.

Those people include Missouri Times publisher S...


How Public Schools Equity Policies Make It Impossible For Students To Succeed "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

high school graduationAt Equity High School, a composite of leftist policies found across the country, students are not allowed to compete at all.


The tragic blown promise of Amazon Go "IndyWatch Feed World"

Eight of Amazons just walk out stores are closing, including all the ones in San Francisco. The one I shopped at never lived up to its potential, but Ill miss it anyhow.

This story is from Fast Companys new Plugged In newsletter, a weekly roundup of tech insights, news, and trends from global technology editor Harry McCracken, delivered to your inbox every Wednesday morning. Sign up for itand all our newslettershere.

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Independent Living Systems data breach impacts more than 4M individuals "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

US health services company Independent Living Systems (ILS) discloses a data breach that impacted more than 4 million individuals.

US health services company Independent Living Systems (ILS) disclosed a data breach that exposed personal and medical information for more than 4 million individuals.

Independent Living Systems, offers a comprehensive range of turnkey payer services including clinical and third-party administrative services to managed care organizations and providers.

ILS provides assistance beyond the clinical realm at every stage of care from hospitalization to the treatment of chronic illnesses to personalized care management including nutritional support.

The company provides its services to over 4.2 million individuals.

On July 5, 2022, we experienced an incident involving the inaccessibility of certain computer systems on our network. We responded to the incident immediately and began an investigation with the assistance of outside cybersecurity specialists. Through our response efforts, we learned that an unauthorized actor obtained access to certain ILS systems between June 30 and July 5, 2022. reads the Notice of Data breach published by the company. During that period, some information stored on the ILS network was acquired by the unauthorized actor, and other information was accessible and potentially viewed.

The security breach was discovered on July 5, 2022, when some of the systems at the company became inaccessible. This circumstance suggests that the systems were infected with ransomware. The company launched an investigation into the incident with the support of external cybersecurity experts. The investigation revealed that between June 30 and July 5, threat actors had access to certain systems.

The notice of data breach states that the types of impacted information varies by individual and could have included, name, address, date of bi...


Coding wont exist in 5 years? You might be right "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Register Free for NVIDIAs Spring GTC 2023, the #1 AI Developer Conference:
RTX 4,080 Giveaway Form:

The talk about AI taking our programming jobs is everywhere. There are articles being written, social media going crazy, and comments on seemingly every one of my YouTube videos. And when I made my video about ChatGPT, I had two particular comments that stuck out to me. One was that someone wished I had included my opinion about AI in that video, and the other was asking if AI will make programmers obsolete in 5 years. This video is to do just that. And after learning, researching, and using many different AI tools over the last many months (a video about those tools coming soon), well lets just say I have many thoughts on this topic. What AI can do for programmers right now. How its looking to progress in the near future. And will it make programmers obsolete in the next 5 years? Enjoy!!

The Sessions I Mentioned:
Fireside Chat with Ilya Sutskever and Jensen Huang: AI Today and Vision of the Future [S52092]:
Using AI to Accelerate Scientific Discovery [S51831]:
Generative AI Demystified [S52089]:
3D by AI: Using Generative AI and NeRFs for Building Virtual Worlds [S52163]:
Achieving Enterprise Transformation with AI and Automation Technologies [S52056]:...


Amazon Robotics Deploys First Fully Autonomous Robot With NVIDIA Isaac Sim "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Amazon Robotics has manufactured and deployed the worlds largest fleet of mobile industrial robots. The newest member of this robotic fleet is ProteusAmazons first fully autonomous mobile robot. Amazon uses NVIDIA Isaac Sim, built on Omniverse, to create high-fidelity simulations to accelerate Proteus deployments across its fulfillment centers.

Explore NVIDIA Isaac Sim:



NAPLISTENER: New Malware in REF2924 Group's Arsenal for Bypassing Detection "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The threat group tracked as REF2924 has been observed deploying previously unseen malware in its attacks aimed at entities in South and Southeast Asia. The malware, dubbed NAPLISTENER by Elastic Security Labs, is an HTTP listener programmed in C# and is designed to evade "network-based forms of detection." REF2924 is the moniker assigned to an activity cluster linked to attacks against an entity


The Bipartisan Iraq War Revisionists Are Dead Wrong On Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ron DeSantisIts no coincidence that attacks on sensible caution about open-ended war in Ukraine are being hyped by those who won't admit they erred on Iraq.


Amazon Has Cut 27 Thousand Jobs as Tech Crisis Also Worsens Down Under "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Amazon will cut another 9,000 jobs bringing the total to 27,000 jobs culled so far as part of the 'tech wreck' sweeping the world.

The cuts will take place in coming weeks and are mainly concentrated in Amazon's web, HR and advertising team. Staff who look after Amazon's foray into Twitch livestreaming are also set to be impacted.

CEO Andy Jassy said the decision was made to ensure the company remained "streamlined" as tough market conditions bite across the globe.

Six days ago, another massive tech giant, Facebook owner Meta, also announced mass job redundancies. Meta chief executive officer Mark Zuckerberg told employees that his company was laying off another 10,000 employees and closing about 5000 additional open roles in its own second major round of job cuts.

Closer to home, Australia has also been pummelled by the tough economic conditions. Earlier this month, ASX-listed software firm Xero announced that it was going to reduce its headcount by 700 to 800 roles, which was a 15 per cent cut to the overall workforce. A few days earlier, software giant Atlassian slashed 500 roles, which represents five per cent of its total global workforce. Another software development company, Kinde, laid off 28.5 per cent of staff at the end of last month.

I would certainly feel 'streamlined' or perhaps in free fall if I no longer had a job.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Humble teas antidepressant properties confirmed "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I actually got there quite recently  I have never particularly liked green tea, let alone Matcha, so i was a lousy prospect.

Then i realized that I needed to make the effort and let my taste buds adjust to it all.  After all, this worked for saurkraut and Kim chee.

Then i discovered that Tetly is making a matcho green leaf blend in tea bags.  Wonderful.  It suddenly became practical.

Now my morning bevferage is one tea bag steeped into two cups of tea as no tannins are involved and a half teaspoon of sugar to sweeten.  I actually use jaggary which darkens the color.  It all works and it is way better than what i usually used.

Humble teas antidepressant properties confirmed

March 19, 2023

Giving stressed mice matcha tea activated the parts of the brain that produce dopamine, a mood-enhancing substance that is lacking in people with depression

A tea thats been around for more than 900 years might be just what the doctor ordered as a treatment for depression, a new study has revealed. Already renowned for its health benefits, researchers have now demonstrated matcha t...

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