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Saturday, 01 April


M9.6 solar flare erupts from Active Region 2975 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A strong solar flare measuring M9.6 erupted from Active Region 2975 at 18:35 UTC on March 31, 2022. The event started at 18:17 UTC and ended at 18:45. A Type II Radio Emission with an estimated velocity of 1 627 km/s was registered at 18:34 UTC. Type II emissions...... Read more

Strong M7.0 earthquake hits southeast of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A very strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.0 hit southeast of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia at 05:44 UTC on March 31, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth. The quake...... Read more

Major X1.3 solar flare erupts from Active Region 2975 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A major solar flare measuring X1.3 erupted from Active Region 2975 at 17:37 UTC on March 30, 2022. The event started at 17:21 UTC and ended at 17:46. The region is located in an area that favors Earth-directed coronal mass ejections (CMEs). A Type II Radio Emission...... Read more

Two CMEs heading toward Earth, G3 - Strong geomagnetic storm watch in effect "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Active Region 2975 produced multiple C- and M-class solar flares since M4.0 at 11:29 UTC on March 28, 2022, as well as 2 coronal mass ejections (CMEs) - both toward Earth. As a result, a G3 - Strong geomagnetic storm watch is in effect for March 31. Solar activity...... Read more

Heavy rains trigger deadly landslide, leave more than 250 000 without drinking water in Cuenca, Ecuador "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Heavy rainfall affecting southern Ecuador, particularly the province of Azuay, over the past 48 hours caused numerous landslides resulting in casualties and damage. On March 28, the Servicio Nacional de Gestin de Riesgos reported 4 fatalities, 4 injured...... Read more

New eruption at underwater Funka Asane vent near Kita-Ioto volcano, Japan "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A new eruption has started at the underwater Funka Asane vent near Kita-Ioto volcano, Japan on Sunday, March 27, 2022. The last confirmed eruption at this volcano lasted from 1930 to 1945 (VEI 2). The eruption started at around 09:00 UTC on March 27, with ash rising...... Read more

Moderately strong M4.0 solar flare erupts from geoeffective Region 2975 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A moderately-strong solar flare measuring M4.0 erupted from geoeffective Active Region 2975 at 11:29 UTC on March 28, 2022. The event started at 10:58 UTC and ended at 11:45. The event was associated with a Type II Radio Emission at 11:23 UTC, with an estimated...... Read more

Strong tremor and Crater Lake heating at Ruapehu, Aviation Color Code raised to Yellow, New Zealand "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A strong volcanic tremor and new heating cycle started at Mt. Ruapehu's Crater Lake two weeks ago. On March 28, 2022, GeoNet raised the Aviation Color Code to Yellow. The Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 2 since March 21. Ruapehus Crater Lake (Te Wai...... Read more

Phreatomagmatic eruption at Taal volcano, Alert Level raised to 3, Philippines "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLS) has raised the alert status of Taal volcano from Alert Level 2 (increasing unrest) to Alert Level 3 (magmatic unrest) after a phreatomagmatic eruption at 23:22 UTC on March 25, 2022 (07:22 LT, March...... Read more

Moderately strong M1.4 solar flare erupts from AR 2974 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A moderately strong solar flare measuring M1.4 at its peak erupted from Active Region 2974 at 05:26 UTC on March 25, 2022. The event started at 05:02 and ended at 05:50 UTC. The eruption was associated with a Type II Radio emission at 05:14 UTC, with an estimated...... Read more

Eruption at Anak Krakatau, Indonesia "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Indonesia's Anak Krakatau volcano started erupting again early March 24, 2022, ejecting ash up to 1 157 m (3 800 feet) above sea level at 04:10 UTC. The observed ash column was white to gray with thick intensity towards the south. The country's Center for...... Read more

The Weekly Volcanic Activity Report: March 16 - 22, 2022 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

New activity/unrest was reported for 4 volcanoes from March 16 to 22, 2022. During the same period, ongoing activity was reported for 20 volcanoes. New activity/unrest: Bezymianny, Central Kamchatka (Russia) | Lonquimay, Central Chile | Manam, Northeast of New...... Read more

Increased seismicity under Lonquimay volcano, alert level raised, Chile "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Increased seismicity detected under Chile's Lonquimay volcano since March 9, 2022, prompted SERNAGEOMIN to raise the Alert Level for the volcano from Green to Yellow on March 21, 2022. The last eruptive episode of this volcano lasted from 1988 to 1990 (VEI 3)....... Read more

Large tornado hits New Orleans, causing extensive damage, Louisiana "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A destructive wedge tornado ripped through parts of New Orleans, Louisiana Tuesday night, March 22, 2022, causing extensive damage, killing at least one person, and leaving several others injured. This raised the number of fatalities related to the severe weather...... Read more

Intense earthquake swarm continues at So Jorge, Azores "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Seismic activity at Manadas volcanic fissure system in the NW part of So Jorge Island, Azores, Portugal continues at a high level for the fourth day in a row. The Civil Protection of Azores is preparing preventive measures in case of a strong earthquake or...... Read more

Very strong and shallow M6.6 earthquake hits near the coast of Taiwan "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A very strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.6 hit near the eastern coast of Taiwan at 17:41 UTC on March 22, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting it as M6.7 at a depth of 30 km (18 miles). The epicenter was located...... Read more

Destructive tornadoes hit Texas and Oklahoma, U.S. "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Several destructive tornadoes ripped through parts of Texas and Oklahoma on March 21 and 22, 2022, during a violent severe weather outbreak that's now shifting east. One person was killed and more than a dozen injured. The Storm Prediction Center has so far...... Read more

Shallow M6.7 earthquake hits northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A very strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.7 hit northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 16:35 UTC on March 22, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.3 at a depth of 10 km. The epicenter was located about 1 173 km (730...... Read more

Pass uff, Atze, wir minimieren einfach das Risiko fr ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Pass uff, Atze, wir minimieren einfach das Risiko fr unser Active Directory, indem wir das die Azure-Spezialisten machen lassen. Das sind Microsoft-Mitarbeiter. Wenn jemand wei, wie man das ordentlich konfiguriert, dann ja wohl die!1!!

Ich war kurz versucht, statt auf die Eigenwerbung von Heise auf die Primrquelle zu verlinken, aber das ist noch blere Eigenwerbung.

Diese Branche geht echt immer mehr den Bach runter.

Und jetzt zu den Wirtschaftsnachrichten: Der Ukrainekrieg ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Und jetzt zu den Wirtschaftsnachrichten: Der Ukrainekrieg war ein voller Erfolg!

US has replaced Russia as Europes top crude oil supplier
Wenn doch nur alle Kriege so gut laufen knnten fr die Amerikaner!1!!

Update: Luft so gut, dass Biden lbohrungen in Alaska freigibt! Dieser Klimawandel ist so gut wie gelst, sage ich euch.

Zu dem Mathe-Prof-Video neulich gibt es ein Update. ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Zu dem Mathe-Prof-Video neulich gibt es ein Update. Der Hhepunkt geht bei ca 16 Minuten los.

Das Ganze hat Konsequenzen: Eine Reihe von Firmen (Mittelstand, aber auch ein groer Konzern) mit denen ich gesprochen habe, laden fr fachlich herausfordernde Positionen keine deutschen Bewerber mehr ein (Ausnahmen auf Empfehlung hin mal ausgenommen). Es werden sehr viele Kandidaten aus dem post-sowjetischen Raum geholt, die eine hervorragende Mathematik-Ausbildung haben. Diese werden dann in krzester Zeit auf den Stand gebracht, der in der Firma bentigt wird. Eine gute Machematik-Ausbildung ist ein so gewaltiger Wettbewerbsvorteil, dass Bewerbungen aus Deutschland postwendend zurck geschickt werden.
Macht ja nichts. Man kann ja immer noch Jurist werden. Oder Bankster.

Mein persnliches Highlight in die Richtung war ja neulich diese Bloomberg-Story. Ist alles Paywall, aber berschrift und Anreier reichen schon:

$335,000 Pay for AI Whisperer Jobs Appears in Red-Hot Market

The fast-growing apps have created a sellers market for anyone even liberal arts grads capable of manipulating its output.

EVEN LIBERAL ARTS GRADS!!1! (Liberal Arts sind Geisteswissenschaften)

Daher investieren die gerade alle wie Sau in "KI". Die KI pumpt eine Packung Beschei-Text raus und der Mensch ist dann nur noch zum Unterschreiben und Absenden-Klicken da.

Apropos KI (ich mach jetzt mal eine Adam Curtis-Style Kollage). Da gab es ja krzlich einen offenen Brief, der die "KI"-Branche zu einem halben Jahr Moratorium aufforderte. Unterschrieben von lauter alten Hasen, lauter Professoren aus dem Feld und Promis wie Elon Musk und Steve Wozniak. Da sprangen dann natrlich sofort die blichen Apokalyptiker auf. Falls ihr da jetzt sowas wie Hoffnung entwickelt: Hier ist der eigentliche profane Hintergrund. Die warten eh alle auf die neue Hardware-Generation. Innovation gibt es da ja schon lnger nicht mehr, immer nur "was wenn wir NOCH MEHR Hardware draufwerfen?"

Ich mchte an der Stelle nochmal darauf hinweisen, dass "KI" ala GPT-4 keine KI ist, weil es da keine Intelligenz gibt. Das ist ein Trickbetrger, diese KI. Deren Output basiert nicht auf Verstndnis und wird nicht darauf optimiert, inhaltlich korrekt zu sein. Das wird darauf trainiert, von Laien fr plausibel gehalten zu werden. Laien, die nicht die Finger zhlen und nicht Fake-Referenzen hinterherlaufen. Leute, denen nicht auffl...

Seit Stuxnet wird Siemens ja wohl ihren Schei auf ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Seit Stuxnet wird Siemens ja wohl ihren Schei auf die Reihe gekriegt haben, oder? Was denkt ihr?

Nun, Eher nicht.

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has issued advisories on 49 vulnerabilities in eight industrial control systems (ICS) this week, which are used across multiple critical infrastructure sectors.

The vulnerabilities identified by CISA were tracked in products from ICS providers including Siemens, Hitachi, Rockwell, Delta Electronics, VISAM, and Keysight.

Ah. Gut. Sind auch andere betroffen. Dann sehen wir vielleicht nicht alleine bekloppt aus.
Siemens systems have the most vulnerabilities

Twenty-three out of the 49 vulnerabilities in the advisory are from the Siemens systems, seven of which are yet-to-be-patched exploits in Siemens Ruggedcom APE1808, an industry-grade application processing engine (APE) module.

Seht ihr? Weniger als die Hlfte!1!!

Naja, was willst du erwarten. Von einer Firma, die Windows, Office und Active Directory einsetzt. Und dann Schlangenl drberkbelt.

Leserbrief zu den Tarifverhandlungen:bin ich eigtl ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Leserbrief zu den Tarifverhandlungen:

bin ich eigtl der einzige, der sich so ber die Berichterstattungen zu Tarifverhandlungen aufregt? [Anm. der Redaktion: Nein!]

Zur 2. Verhandlungsrunde berichtete die Tagesschau (und alle anderen), dass die Arbeitgeber 5% geboten haben ("Laufzeit 27 Monate" wurde dann noch am Rande erwhnt)

Jetzt nach der 3. Verhandlungsrunde:
Zitat:"Die Arbeitgeber htten acht Prozent mehr Einkommen und einen Mindestbetrag von 300 Euro sowie eine Einmalzahlung von 3000 Euro angeboten. (...) Die Gewerkschaft ver.di und der Beamtenbund dbb fordern 10,5 Prozent mehr Einkommen, mindestens aber 500 Euro mehr im Monat."

Da kann man doch nur zum Schluss kommen, dass die gierigen Gewerkschaften den Hals nicht voll kriegen. 8% vs. 10.5%, ein bisschen muss verdi auch nachgeben statt wg 2.5% das Land wieder "in Geiselhaft zu nehmen", oder?

Details zum AG-Angebot findet man nur nach angestrengtem Suchen.
Die 5% der 2. Runde schlsseln sich folgendermaen auf:

  • eine tabellenwirksame Erhhung von drei Prozent Ende 2023 und
  • zwei Prozent Mitte 2024
  • eine Laufzeit von 27 Monaten
  • Inflationsausgleichsprmie in zwei Raten von 1.500 und 1.000 Euro.
  • Und eine Anhebung der Jahressonderzahlung fr alle Beschftigten

Die Laufzeit-Details werden sich im Angebot der 3. Runde vermutlich nicht gendert haben. In fast allen Meldungen kein Wort mehr dazu. Bei einer Inflationsrate von 9% (8-10% je nach Quelle) bedeutet das auf die 27 Monate berechnet einen Reallohnverlust von ca. 13%!

Dass die Arbeitgeber ihre Angebote mglichst intransparent und kompliziert machen, verstehe ich ja, dass die Gewerkschaften (wie in der Vergangenheit hufig) auf so einen Laufzeit- und Einmalzahlungsschei eingehen, finde ich schlimm. Aber dass selbst die serisesten Medien in frhlicher Diskalkulie irgendwelche Prozentwerte einfach addieren und von 8% oder 5% sprechen regt mich malos auf. Geboten wurden jeweils weniger als 4% fr die beiden kommenden Jahre. Aber 8% klingt einfacher.

Aus meiner Sicht muss die Schlussfolgerung lauten, dass die Tagesschau einfach nicht mehr unter die serisesten Medien fllt.

Seid ihr eigentlich auch so froh, in einem Leuchtturm ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Seid ihr eigentlich auch so froh, in einem Leuchtturm der Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Menschenrechte zu wohnen?

Dann lest mal die Meldung hier aus Bayern durch. Nicht nur die Bayern. Das Bundesverwaltungsgericht hat denen auch noch Recht gegeben.

Das sind die, die auch gerade das krasse Gaby-Weber-Fehlurteil gefllt haben. Die scheinen das generell nicht so ernst zu nehmen mit Recht und Gerechtigkeit.

Wisst ihr, was die gerade herausgefunden haben? Code ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wisst ihr, was die gerade herausgefunden haben? Code Signing ist Schlangenl!

Das hat bestimmt die CIA herausgefunden. Die finden ja alles raus. Alles finden die raus!1!!

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) desktop client is reportedly being used to target the companys customers in an ongoing supply chain attack. Ja aber aber das kommt doch per Autoupdate und ist signiert! Was sagt ihr, Autoupdate ist ein Risikofaktor? Ein Angriffsvektor? Htte uns doch nur jemand gewarnt!

Wisst ihr noch, frher? Als die Presse es fr ihre ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wisst ihr noch, frher? Als die Presse es fr ihre Aufgabe hielt, Korrektiv fr Fehler und Missetaten der Regierung zu sein?

Lang, lang ist's her. Heute lsst man sich lieber jubelpersern.

Ich schlage vor, das ARD-Hauptstadtstudio einfach direkt zu schlieen. Hofberichterstattung kann auch direkt die Pressestelle der Bundesregierung machen. Dafr brauchen wir kein Hauptstadtstudio.

Heute war die Gaby-Weber-Verhandlung vor dem Bundesverwaltungsgericht.Kohl ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Heute war die Gaby-Weber-Verhandlung vor dem Bundesverwaltungsgericht.

Kohl hat seine Akten nach der Arbeit einfach mit nach Hause genommen. Eigentlich gehren die in das Bundesarchiv, aber das Gesetz ist nicht strafbewehrt fr den Fall, dass das Bundesarchiv die Akten nicht beschafft. Also fragt das Bundesarchiv, wenn es gut luft, einmal freundlich aber unverbindlich an, die Altkanzler verweigern dann die Herausgabe, und der Fall ist vorbei.

Hufig landen die Akten am Ende entweder im Nachlass oder bei der jeweiligen "parteinahen Stiftung", fr deren Abschaffung ich ja seit Jahrzehnten pldiere.

Gaby Weber klagt sich gerade durch die Instanzen, um Zugriff auf die Akten zu kriegen. Heute war das Bundesverwaltungsgericht dran und hat gegen Gaby Weber entschieden.

Das ist besonders unverstndlich, wenn man das mit den Zustnden in zivilisierteren Gegenden wie den USA (!!) vergleicht, wo das FBI erst krzlich bei Trump und Biden mit Durchsuchungsbefehl vor der Tr stand und einbehaltene Akten eingesammelt hat. Dass sich unser Land hier ausgerechnet von so einer Bananenrepublik ffentlich und international vorfhren lsst, das kann ich wirklich nicht verstehen.

Ich kann mir das nur noch mit unvorteilhaften Annahmen wie "das ist alles eine einzige kriminelle Vereinigung, die sich gegenseitig deckt" erklren. Fllt jemandem eine gutartige Erklrung ein?

Ein schwarzer Tag fr die Demokratie in Deutschland. Demokratie basiert auf wohlinformierten Whlern, und wenn die ffentlichen Akten nicht einsehbar sind, knnen die Brger nicht wohlinformiert sein.


The US Government Admits Sanctions Impact Aid Reaching Syria, Embarrassing MSM "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The US government announced early last month that it would be providing a 6-month long amendment to its sanctions against the Syrian government, in order to ensure that humanitarian aid will not be blocked from reaching victims of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that devastated northern Syria and southern Turkey. This served as an admission that Read More...

The post The US Government Admits Sanctions Impact Aid Reaching Syria, Embarrassing MSM appeared first on The Last American Vagabond.


Scotlands new First Minister Humza Yousaf met with senior Hamas terrorist, called for arms embargo against Israel "IndyWatch Feed War"

With the mainstream media overjoyed at the appointment of Humza Yousaf as the First Minister of Scotland after winning the leadership contest of the Scottish National Party (SNP) on Monday, troubling facts about the countrys first Muslim national leader are coming out. While The Los Angeles Times ran the headline declaring: Muslim leader for Scotland []


Why A Community Hackerspace Should Be A Vital Part Of Being An Engineering Student "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Travelling the continents hackerspaces over the years, I have visited quite a few spaces located in university towns. They share a depressingly common theme, of a community hackerspace full of former students who are now technology professionals, sharing a city with a university anxious to own all the things in the technology space and actively sabotaging the things they dont own. Ive seen spaces made homeless by university expansion, Ive seen universities purposefully align their own events to clash with a hackerspace open night and discourage students from joining, and in one particularly egregious instance, Ive even seen a university take legal action against a space because they used the name of the city, also that of the university, in the name of their hackerspace. I will not mince my words here; while the former are sharp practices, the latter is truly disgusting behaviour.

The above is probably a natural extension of the relationship many universities have with their cities, which seems depressingly often to be one of othering and exclusion. Yet in the case of hackerspaces I cant escape the conclusion that a huge opportunity is being missed for universities to connect engineering and other tech-inclined students...


Critically Endangered Amur Leopard Twins Born at San Diego Zoo "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to


Critically Endangered Amur Leopard Twins Born at San Diego Zoo (Maria)

The author writes, The San Diego Zoo is celebrating the birth of the Amur leopard cubs one of the worlds rarest cat species. According to a San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance release, fewer than 300 of these critically endangered big cats remain in the world, making this twin cub birth especially significant. Witnessing the birth of Amur leopards is always an emotional experience, said Gaylene Thomas, a wildlife care manager at the San Diego Zoo. There are so few of them left in their native habitat that every birth carries so much weight and every living individual promises a glimmer of hope. The California zoo announced the leopard births on March 28, and the cubs recently emerged from the birthing den they share with mother Sitka for the first time.


US and China Wage War Beneath the Waves Over Internet Cables (Michaela)

From Reuters: Subsea cables, which carry the worlds data, are now central to the U.S.-China tech war. Washington, fearful of Beijings spies, has thwarted Chinese projects abroad and choked Big Techs cable routes to Hong Kong, Reuters has learned.


Rupert Murdoch Has Fueled Polarization of Society, Barack Obama Says (Reader Jim)

The author writes, The former US president Barack Obama has suggested that Rupert Murdochs media empire has led to greater polarization in western societies through news coverage designed to make people angry and resentful. Speaking to a capacity crowd of about 9,000 people at Sydneys Aware Super Theatre on Tuesday night, Obama mixed childhood memories of transiting through Australia as a child wi......


The Gaming Press Is A Sorry Tool For Wokescolds "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Douglas BlairThere should be a press that talks about games in a non-political way. Gamers deserve serious analysis, not just leftist talking points.


ClimateTV Live at 1PM EST Climate Imperialism: Clean for Me but Not for Thee "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In episode 57 of Climate Change Roundtable, host Anthony Watts is joined by expert weekly panelists H. Sterling Burnett and Linnea Lueken to uncover the hidden costs of the green


nrcisztikus vagyok? Hogyan mondhatjuk el "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

nrcisztikus vagyok? Hogyan mondhatjuk el

nrcizmus lerja a szemlyisgjegyeket, mint pldul a hisg s az ngazdlkods. A nrcisztikus szemlyisgzavar mentlis egszsgi llapot, olyan tulajdonsgokkal, amelyek magukban foglalhatjk a tlzott figyelmet, az nfontossg felfjt rzst s az emptia hinyt.

Valaki, aki nrcisztikus, tlsgosan foglalkozhat a megjelenssel, vagy kevs id van arra, hogy msokra sszpontostson.

Ez azonban nem felttlenl jele annak, hogy valakinek nrcisztikus szemlyisgzavar (NPD) van. Brki viselkedhet nkzpont mdon az let klnbz pontjain.

Az NPD -vel rendelkez embereknek nehznek nem koncentrlni magukra, s nem ismeri fel, hogy ezt megteszik. Az NPD egy hossz tv llapot, amely jelentsen befolysolja az ember kapcsolatait s az rzelmi mkdst.

Ebben a cikkben megvizsgljuk, mi az NPD, az NPD jelei, s hogy ez hogyan befolysolja a kapcsolatokat.

Azt is megvitatjuk, hogy a nrcisztikus emberek megvltozhatnak -e, s hogyan tudjk ezt megtenni.

Mi a nrcisztikus szemlyisgzavar?

Az American Psychiatric Association (APA) szerint az NPD egy olyan szemlyisgzavar, amely csodlatra s msok irnti emptia hinyra.

Az NPD-ben szenved embereknek nagymrtkben nfontossg rzse s jogosultsg rzse lehet. Gyakran hinyzik az emptia, s kevs rdekldsk lehet a msokkal val intim kapcsolatok kialaktsa irnt.

Mg az NPD-vel rendelkez szemlyek tl magabiztosnak tnhetnek, gyakran alacsony nrtkelsk van. Attl fggen, hogy milyen slyos a rendellenessgk, rosszul reaglhatnak, amikor egy szemly vagy esemny megkrdjelezi a flnyrzetket.

Egy rgebbi 2008 -as tanulmny a Journal of Clinical Psychiatry becslse szerint az emberek 6,2% -a l az NPD -ben letk valamikor. Az arny magasabb a frfiak krben (7,7%), mint a nstnyek (4,8%).

A tanulmny azt is jelentette, hogy az NPD szignifiknsan elterjedtebb:

  • Fekete felnttek
  • spanyol nstnyek
  • Fiatalabb felnttek
  • Azok, akik elvlasztottak, elvltak vagy zvegyek
  • felnttek, akik soha nem hzasodnak meg Az NPD szles kr s eltr mdon jelenik meg, az egyes esetek slyossgtl fggen.

    Az NPD-vel rendelkez emberek lehetnek:

    • nbizonyt vagy nelgltsg
    • extrovertlt vagy trsadalmilag elszigetelten vagy munkanlkliek
    • A polgrok vagy antiszocilis tevkenysgekben rszt vev emberek modelljei

    Ezrt nehz lehet felismerni az NPD -vel rendelkez szemlyt. A mentlis rendellenessgek diagnosztikai s statisztikai kziknyvnek (DSM-5) tdik kiadsa azonban a kvetkez tneteket tartalmazza:

    1. Az nfontossg tlzott rzse

    Grandiose-val rendelkezik. Az nfontossg rzse az NPD meghatroz jellemzje. Az NPD -ben szenved embereknek rzse van a tbbiekkel szemben.



Re: CVE-2023-29132: Irssi SA-2023-03 / Use after free in printing routine "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Ailin Nemui on Mar 31

CVE-2023-29132 was assigned


6 US occupation troops suffer traumatic brain injuries in Syria: DoD "IndyWatch Feed War"

30 Mar 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  Six US soldiers have been added to the tally of injuries that resulted from the bombardment on US occupation bases in Syria over the weekend. Six US occupation soldiers in Syria have suffered traumatic brain injuries during two attacks that targeted illegal US occupation bases in the []


Left Smears Ron DeSantis For Pointing Out The Truth About George Soros "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

George SorosFor Democrats, 'antisemitism' is just another cynical political tool.


Resolucin antimapuche en Mendoza: crnica de un racismo anunciado "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Axel Vanstraelen

La Legislatura provincial vot una resolucin que desconoce la existencia del Pueblo Mapuche, pese a toda la evidencia histrica y antropolgica. Fue el resultado de una campaa negacionista y discriminatoria encabezada por el gobierno de Cambia Mendoza. Con intereses mineros y petroleros detrs, los diputados mendocinos abrieron el camino a polticas y acciones racistas.

En enero de 2023 el INAI dio a conocer la reafirmacin sobre la ocupacin actual, tradicional y pblica de tres comunidades pertenecientes al Pueblo Mapuche en el sur de la provincia de Mendoza. Desde entonces el Gobierno de Mendoza en acuerdo con sectores polticos, mediticos, empresariales y judiciales instaur el rechazo y la criminalizacin de las comunidades originarias hasta que, finalmente, la Cmara de Diputados de la Legislatura de Mendoza aprob este mircoles un proyecto de resolucin en el que se afirma que los mapuches no deben ser considerados pueblos originarios argentinos.

El reconocimiento de la habitabilidad histrica de familias puesteras en 21.370 hectreas pertenecientes al Lof El Sosneado (lmite entre Malarge y San Rafael), 3.584 metros cuadrados del Lof Suyai Levfv en Los Molles (Malarge) y 4.477 hectreas del Lof Limay Kurref (Los Molles, Malarge), fue el resultado de ms de 10 aos de trabajo por el cual el INAI dio cumplimiento a la Ley Nacional 26.160; ley enmarcada en el reconocimiento de los derechos territoriales indgenas del artculo 75 inciso 17 de la Constitucin Nacional. 

Mendoza nunca tuvo organismos en materia de poltica indgena, lo que s tiene es un nmero significativo de, al menos, 32 comunidades indgenas. Para poder llevar a cabo una accin como esta, el INAI realiz un convenio de colaboracin con la Direccin de Derechos Humanos de la provincia en noviembre de 2009. Este relevamiento no ha implicado cesin de tierras alguna, sin embargo, lo que s se hizo en estricto cumplimiento de la ley ha sido reconocer la posesin comunitaria indgena, ejercida de manera actual, tradicional y pblica. Debemos aclararlo una vez ms: la posesin es una situacin de hecho, no de derecho. Se trata de un acto de justicia a los cuerpos curtidos al sol que pastorean sus animales en tierras otrora libres aunque eso, claro, no implique propiedad del territorio. 

Ahora bien, si el andamiaje jurdico nacional y las prescripciones normativas de carcter internacional (entre ellos el ...


Train Carrying Ethanol Derails and Catches Fire in Minnesota "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A train carrying ethanol an extremely flammable material that can cause coughing, eye-burning, dizziness, sleepiness and full unconsciousness derailed on the outskirts of the small town of Raymond in Minnesotas Kandiyohi County early Thursday, sparking a fire and evacuation orders under the cover of darkness. 

The incident comes nearly two months after a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, spewed toxic vinyl chloride into the towns environment and raised questions about the safety of transporting hazardous chemicals by rail. 

It never ends, one commenter wrote under a Kandiyohi County Sheriffs Office Facebook post announcing the Minnesota derailment. 

The Sheriffs Office learned of the derailment at around 1 a.m. local time and found that a Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) train had gone off the rails along Raymonds western border. Several of the overturned cars caught on fire, prompting the decision to evacuate everyone within a half a mile of the site. 

Just smoke concern, and ethanol concern. We didnt know if they were going to blow up, Raymond Mayor and assistan...


Bioacoustics in your backyard: Q&A with conservation technologist Topher White "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Ever wondered about the furry animal you saw scurrying through your backyard? Or the bird singing outside your window? A new eco-device developed by conservation technologist Topher White aims to help you answer those questions, and bring conservation closer to home. Resembling a mini spaceship, Delta can be put up in your backyard or garden. It records and streams the sounds of animals even those not audible to human ears that visit your home. Beyond streaming the audio, the device can also be paired with an app that uses artificial intelligence to create stories featuring the same animals as central characters. In reality, Delta is a device that can be used for scientific research in the depths of the rainforest, much like the popular AudioMoth brand of acoustic loggers that are popular with researchers. But Delta has also been designed to ensure that it can also masquerade as a smart home device that helps people connect better with their surroundings. Its a tech tool that we hope can connect even the Luddites to nature, White, founder of conservation technology nonprofit Rainforest Connection, told Mongabay in a video interview. Delta can be put up in your garden to record the sounds of the wildlife that visit you, or in a rainforest to help study the ecosystem through its sounds. Image courtesy of Topher White. While the premise might sound playful, White has a much more serious mission in mind. In 2020, he and his team came up with theThis article was originally published on Mongabay


A Preppers Argument for More American 3D Printers "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Aden Tate Im looking at the events taking place in America, and I thoroughly believe that if more Americans had and were comfortable with...

A Preppers Argument for More American 3D Printers


31M, visibilizar las realidades trans para combatir la ignorancia "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Desde el ao 2009 cada 31 de marzo se conmemora el Da Internacional de la Visibilidad Trans como una manera de reflexionar y tomar conciencia sobre el valor de las vidas de las personas de esa comunidad y sus realidades.

Esa fecha es relevante y significativa porque, a diferencia del Da de la Remembranza Trans, permite abordar y visibilizar la realidad trans ms all de la violencia poniendo nfasis no slo en los retos sociales de realizar una transicin sino tambin celebrando la existencia trans y mostrando la satisfaccin y el gozo que hay en la vida de estas personas. Es por esto que, en el contexto de este da, las poblaciones trans suelen circular el trmino euforia de gnero, el cual busca contrarrestar el estigma y la patologizacin social asociada a la categora de disforia de gnero.

No olvidemos que la historia del concepto de disforia de gnero se halla en la medicina y la sexologa del siglo XX como una categora diagnstica de lo que antes era llamado transexualidad. Esta categora no slo haca de la realidad trans algo a ser diagnosticado, cual enfermedad, sino que tambin construa al sujeto trans como esencialmente enfermo, insatisfecho, incmodo y afligido con su cuerpo y vida. La nocin de euforia de gnero, en cambio, surge de las crticas que el transfeminismo y las personas trans realizaron a la medicina; y, en este caso especfico, dicho trmino sera una manera de contrarrestar la mirada patologizante para enfatizar y visibilizar que es falso que las personas trans no tengan vidas plenas y satisfactorias.

Igualmente el 31M ha buscado hacer visible la diversidad de las vidas de las personas trans. Histricamente, la mirada patologizante ha aplanado al sujeto trans en su diversidad y complejidad para ser visto desde estereotipos nocivos que lo reducen a su cuerpo y sexualidad. Es comn que a una persona trans se le exotice por asociarla a la ciruga y la hormonizacin, e incluso muchas veces no se ve en su vida nada ms que eso.

En el caso de las mujeres trans eso es ms fuerte ya que incluso sus vidas suelen ser juzgadas como domesticadas por la heterosexualidad y la mirada masculina, cosa que omite el hecho de que no todas las mujeres trans son heterosexuales y que, al igual que la experiencia cis, sus cuerpos se construyen de forma distinta por una diversidad de significados y motivos. Esto tambin se ve en las falsas acusaciones que actualmente se lanzan contra las infancias trans de ser experiencias medicalizadas, a pesar de que en Mxico organizaciones civiles, como la Asociacin por las Infancias Transgnero, han sealado insistentemente que el acompaamiento de infancias trans no ocurre as, sino que consiste de cambios sociales y legales (nombre, pronombres y el tipo de ropa que las infancias quieran usar).

De esta manera, si bien el 31M es un da de afirmacin y celebracin de la diversidad de las vidas trans hoy ms que nunca es importante visibilizar las di...


A quarter century of Mozilla "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Mozilla project celebrates 25 years of existence.

A lot has changed since 1998. Mozilla is no longer just a bold idea. Were a family of organizations a nonprofit, a public benefit-corporation, and others that builds products, fuels movements, and invests in responsible tech.

And were no longer a small group of engineers in Netscapes Mountain View office. Were technologists, researchers, and activists located around the globe not to mention tens of thousands of volunteers.

But if a Mozillian from 1998 stepped into a Mozilla office (or joined a Mozilla video call) in 2023, I think theyd quickly feel something recognizable. A familiar spirit, and a familiar set of values.


Do advanced Linux disk usage diagnostics with this sysadmin tool "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Use topdiskconsumer to address disk space issues when youre unable to interrupt production.

Read More at Enable Sysadmin

The post Do advanced Linux disk usage diagnostics with this sysadmin tool appeared first on


Meet Avichai Buaron, the new Likud lawmaker who advocated for extermination camps for Israels enemies "IndyWatch Feed War"

Avichai Buaron, left, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Photo: Social Media)New Likud MK Avichai Buaron published an editorial in 2010 that supported extermination camps for "Amalekites," a thinly-veiled euphemism for Palestinians.


Hackaday Podcast 212: Staring Through ICs, Reading Bloom Filters, and Repairing, Reworking, and Reballing "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It was quite the cornucopia of goodness this week as Elliot and Dan sat down to hash over the week in hardware hacking. We started with the exciting news that the Hackaday Prize is back already? for the tenth year running! The first round, Re-Engineering Education, is underway now, and were already seeing some cool entries come in. The Prize was announced at Hackday Berlin, about which Elliot waxed a bit too. Speaking of wax, if youre looking to waterproof your circuits, thats just one of many coatings you might try. If youre diagnosing a problem with a chip, a cheap camera can give your microscope IR vision. Then again, you might just use your Mark I peepers to decode a ROM. Is your FDM filament on the wrong spool? Weve got an all-mechanical solution for that. Well talk about tools of the camera operators trade, the right to repair in Europe, Korean-style toasty toes, BGA basics, and learn just what the heck a bloom filter is or is it a Bloom filter?

Check out the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!



Germanys top court demands easing of child marriage law amid mass migration from Muslim countries "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

With unchecked mass migration from Muslim-majority North Africa and Middle East, the German authorities are struggling to cope with the surge in child marriages across the country. Germanys top constitutional court on Wednesday urged the government to ease the child marriage law which nullifies such marital unions, and requires the separation of child brides from []


Panfrost Driver For Linux 6.4 Adds Speed Binning, New MediaTek SoCs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Panfrost DRM driver providing open-source kernel graphics driver support for modern Arm Mali graphics in various SoCs is seeing some new hardware support for the upcoming Linux 6.4 cycle as well as now supporting speed binning functionality...


Global Research Donation Drive "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Dear Readers,

We publish pieces by a wide variety of contributors including journalists, scholars, political analysts, historians, ex-military and intelligence personnel, scientists, and environmental experts among others. The publications are not selected in the interest of pushing a specific narrative

The post Global Research Donation Drive appeared first on Global Research.


Large quantities of US weapons lost, stolen in Iraq, Syria: Report "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Cradle March 31 2023

Hundreds of thousands of dollars in US artillery equipment, unspecified weapons systems, and specialized ammunition meant for US forces in Syria and Iraq have been stolen in recent years, The Intercept reported on 30 March.

According to criminal investigations files obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by The Intercept, at least four large-scale thefts and one loss of US equipment valued at some $200,000 have occurred in Iraq and Syria between 2020 and 2022. The lost items include 40mm high-explosive grenades stolen from US Special Forces.

The losses continue a previous pattern. The Intercept notes further that a 2020 audit by the Pentagons inspector general found that Special Operations Joint Task ForceOperation Inherent Resolve, the main unit that partners with the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to illegally occupy northeast Iraq, did not properly account for $715.8 million of equipment purchased for the SDF.

The re...


Liberan a los cuatro detenidos por protestar en defensa del agua de Sitilpech "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Avispa Midia

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. El equipo de Indignacin celebr la libertad de los cuatro activistas golpeados y detenidos arbitrariamente el pasado 23 de marzo durante una marcha en Mrida, Yucatn, en solidaridad con la comunidad de Sitilpech, que sostiene una lucha por la defensa del agua frente a la amenaza de la empresa porccola Productos Pecuarios para Consumo (aparcera de Kekn).

Los cuatro presos eran Dafne Aguilar, activista transfeminista, Andreu Ortiz, defensore de derechos humanos de la comunidad LGBT+, y los activistas Sofa Caballero y Sebastin Navarrete. Todos fueron detenidos arbitrariamente por elementos de la Polica Estatal de Investigacin de Yucatn, quienes vestidos de civil reprimieron la protesta del 23 de marzo.

Los activistas haban sido puestos a disposicin del ministerio pblico por la Fiscala General de Yucatn para sealarlos como responsables de la violencia contra servidores pblicos e iconoclasia, luego de que participaron en la movilizacin convocada en solidaridad con la comunidad maya de Sitilpech.

En Sitilpech, los habitantes encabezan una lucha por la defensa de su agua y en contra de la imposicin de una megagranja porccola de la empresa Kekn. All instalaron un plantn para impedir el paso a la empresa hasta que la madrugada del pasado 18 de febrero alrededor de 70 uniformados de la polica de Yucatn y de Izamal los reprimieron y golpearon.

Tras la liberacin de los activistas, Indignacin exigi a las autoridades estatales sancin a quienes ordenaron y a quienes perpetraron las detenciones ilegales, as como garantas de no repeticin.


Alternative to Harmful Plastic Ingredient May Be Just As Bad For Your Brain "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By John Anderer Phthalates are a collection of chemicals which increase the durability of plastics. Also known as plasticizers, phthalates are present in countless products...

Alternative to Harmful Plastic Ingredient May Be Just As Bad For Your Brain


Bent Light in Deep Space Reveals One of the Biggest Black Holes Ever Detected "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A rare 'ultramassive' black hole, 30 billion times the mass of the Sun, is lurking in the cosmos:

Holy smokes. A group of astronomers have found a black hole containing (checks notes) 30 billion times the mass of our Sun. That's more than seven thousand times the size of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.

The team used gravitational lensing to see the black hole. In this natural phenomenon, massive objects' gravitational fields bend photons of light magnifying and warping themmaking it possible to see object that would otherwise be hidden or too faint. Last year, a team spotted the oldest known star in an arc of gravitationally lensed light.

According to a Durham University release, the newly detected black hole is the first ever found using gravitational lensing. A paper about the discovery is published today in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

[...] The team identified the black hole by modeling the different pathways light might take through the universe, depending on the presence of black holes of varying mass. They then compared the computer data with images of the cosmos taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. Lo and behold, they found a match.

[...] "Gravitational lensing makes it possible to study inactive black holes, something not currently possible in distant galaxies," Nightingale added. "This approach could let us detect many more black holes beyond our local universe and reveal how these exotic objects evolved further back in cosmic time."

A brief video explaining the process

Journal Reference:
James. W. Nightingale, Russell J. Smith, Qiuhan He, et al., Abell 1201: Detection of an Ultramassive Black Hole in a Strong Gravitational Lens, arXiv:2303.15514 [astro-ph.GA],

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Paillier's additively homomorphic cryptosystem "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Pascal Paillier released his asymmetric encryption algorithm in 1999, which had the particularity of being homomorphic for the addition. (And unlike RSA, the homomorphism was secure.)

Homomorphic encryption, if you haven't heard of it, is the ability to operate on the ciphertext without having to decrypt it. If that still doesn't ring a bell, check my old blogpost on the subject. In this post I will just explain the intuition behind the scheme, for a less formal overview check Lange's excellent video.

Paillier's scheme is only homomorphic for the addition, which is still useful enough that it's been used in different kind of cryptographic protocols. For example, cryptdb was using it to allow some types of updates on encrypted database rows. More recently, threshold signature schemes have been using Paillier's scheme as well.

The actual algorithm

As with any asymmetric encryption scheme, you have the good ol' key gen, encryption, and decryption algorithms:

Key generation. Same as with RSA, you end up with a public modulus $N = pq$ where $p$ and $q$ are two large primes.

Encryption. This is where it gets weird, encryption looks more like a Pedersen commitment (which does not allow decryption). To encrypt, sample a random $r$ and produce the ciphertext as:

$$(N+1)^m \cdot r^N \mod{N^2}$$

where $m$ is the message to be encrypted. My thought at this point was "WOOT. A message in the exponent? How will we decrypt?"

Decryption. Retrieve the message from the ciphertext $c$ as

$$\frac{c^{\varphi(N)} -1}{N} \cdot \varphi(N)^{-1} \mod{N^2}$$

Wait, what? How is this recovering the message which is currently the discrete logarithm of $(N+1)^m$?

How decryption works

The trick is in expanding this exponentiation (using the Binomial expansion).

The relevant variant of the Binomial formula is the following:

$$(1+x)^n = \binom{n}{0}x^0 + \binom{n}{1}x^1 + \cdots + \binom{n}{n} x^n$$

where $\binom{a}{b} = \frac{a!}{b!(a-b)!}$

So in our case, if we only look at $(N+1)^m$ we have:

$$ \begin{align} (N+1)^m &= \binom{m}{0} + \binom{m}{1} N + \binom{m}{2} N^2 + \cdots + \binom{m}{m} N^m \\ &= \binom{m}{0} + \binom{m}{1} N \mod{N^2}\\ &= 1 + m \cdot N \mod{N^2} \end{align} $$

Tada! Our message is now back in plain sight, extracted...


U.S. War Planners Court Chinas Neighbors. What Would Buddha Say? "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Marcy Winograd and Wei Yu, March 31, 2023

Marcy Winograd is the Coordinator of CODEPINK Congress and serves as Co-Chair of the Peace in Ukraine Coalition. Wei Yu is the Coordinator of CODEPINKs China is Not our Enemy campaign.

As the Pentagon steps up its war games in the Asia Pacific, Defense News reports the US Army has a logistical problem with waging a future war against China: too much equipment to haul from fort to portand too many ports in the Pacific, from which a cyber-space advanced adversary like China might disrupt a planned attack or launch an effective counter-offensive.

Consequently, the war departments back benchthe US State Departmentis working overtime to curry favor with potential friends (well, at least not enemies) in the region, closer to Chinas border.

Under Secretary of State Victoria Nulandthe neoconservative who in 2014 passed out pastries in Ukraines Maidan Square, then plotted Ukraines transition government recently visited the South Asian nations of Sri Lanka and Nepal in what critics suspect is preparation for yet another US proxy warthis one with China over the future of Taiwan.

Has Nuland not read the Shanghai Communique?

In 1972, three years before the US left Vietnam, soldiers clinging to helicopter rutters in a mad dash out of the country, President Richard Nixon and Chinas Mao Tse Tung signed the Shanghai Communique acknowledging there is but one China and that one China was The Peoples Republic of China, not the island of Taiwan, where anti-communists and gangsters fled after losing the civil war.

In tandem...


UAE cancels Russia's MTS Bank licence, citing 'sanctions risk' "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

UAE cancels Russia's MTS Bank licence, citing 'sanctions risk'

Decision comes after US officials labelled UAE 'country of focus' amid Russian sanctions crackdown
MEE staff Fri, 03/31/2023 - 16:40
Burj Khalifa, the worlds tallest building, in Dubai, on 7 February 2023 (AFP)

The UAE has cancelled the licence of Russias MTS Bank, giving the lender six months to wind down operations in the country, as it cites sanctions risks associated with the bank.

The decision comes as the UAE has faced pressure over US concerns the Gulf country is providing an economic lifeline to Russia amid its invasion of Ukraine.

In a statement on Friday, the Central Bank of the UAE announced that it had decided to cancel MTS Banks Abu Dhabi license, wind down its operations within six months from the date of the decision. and close the branch.

During the six-month period to "wind down its operations", the bank would be barred from opening new accounts and carrying out any transactions apart from clearing prior obligations, the central bank said.

MTS Bank, which has branches in Moscow and Abu Dhabi, was included in a list of sanctions rolled out by the US Treasury in February as part of a US crackdown on Russian sanctions evasion.

Fridays announcement marks a step back by the UAE, which initially defended its decision...


Ecuador court upholds rights of nature, blocks Intag Valley copper mine "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Communities in the Intag Valley of Ecuador have won a significant legal victory after a court ruled to halt copper mining in one of the worlds most biodiverse forests. The Imbabura Provincial Court ruled on March 29 that Chilean copper producer Codelco and Ecuadors Empresa Nacional Minera (ENAMI EP) had violated communities constitutional right to consultation as well as the rights of nature, thus canceling their mining licenses. The decision represents a major victory for communities in the Intag Valley, who have been resisting mining projects in the region for nearly 30 years in what locals say is the longest continuous resistance movement against mining in Latin America. It really seemed impossible to me to be able to achieve this. However, I knew that we were demanding what was fair and that we were telling the truth, said Marcia Ramirez, a local community activist who has been part of the resistance since its inception. We fought for the truth and for our rights, and today they are fulfilled. This is another victory for the communities of Intag against mining companies that have been trying to enter the area for several decades, Mario Moncayo, one of the lawyers representing the Intag communities, told Mongabay. This will likely put a stop to mining activity in Intag for several years, if not permanently. The ruling could have significant implications for future cases involving extractive industries in Ecuador. In 2008, Ecuador adopted a new Constitution that recognizes the rights of nature, making it theThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Gets My Vote "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

If youre observant, you may have noticed that there is one career that is steadfastly ignoring the potential great AI Replacement Theory (i.e.: the jobs will go away because an AI can do them much better and faster). I am, of course, referring to

politicians. Like human resources specialists, they seldom seem to queue themselves up for a layoff. Im sure that is coincidence; we all know how fair and dispassionate politicians are as they endlessly work for the good of their constituents. Obviously it would be naughty to overgeneralize politicians as a class, but I will venture that an AI would not have caused Russia to invade Ukraine because it would have done a better probability assessment and come back with perhaps Monaco, instead?

Midjourney AI and mjr: the articifial intelligence popes console sits in the vatican, ready to handle supplicant inputs. [This was inspired by dangerousbeans comment on my Popemobile thread [stderr]

But, as a thought experiment, the idea of replacing lawmakers with AIs seems to have unlimited upside. Lawmakers and jurists. We are missing the AI revolution where it matters, and are about to lose a generation of artists and script-writers when we should be losing a generation of political flacks and marketers, instead. Though, I will say, that marketing as a field is now pretty much toast. Were going to get endless AIs trying to separate us from our money, in return for a slice of the action, and that will persist until someone lashes an AI recognizer to a smartphones messages and call-stream and pre-filters everyone who tries to call. Imagine if you called me and got:

AI: Hi, this is Marcus executive assistant, Trotsky. My job is to filter callers and messages and decide if Marcus would like to actually talk to you. You can call me Leon. Whats up?
Caller: Uh, Leon, OK, I wanted to talk to Marcus about a special offer regarding satellite internet
AI: (interrupting) Marcus has Verizons LTE service, which is mediocre and gives about 5mbit/sec for $100/month. Can you top that? Or Im going to save Marcus the trouble of hanging up on you. Oh, and whats the service youre selling?
Caller: Im selling Wogga-Wogga Satellite internet from


Earth Minute: MST Communities in Brazil occupy Suzano Papel e Celuloses Eucalyptus Plantations (March 23, 2023) "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

MST Communities in Brazil occupy Suzano Papel e Celuloses Eucalyptus Plantations     On February 27, 2023 more than fifteen hundred members of the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement (MST) occupied three areas owned by Brazilian paper and pulp company Suzano, in the state of Baha, Brazil. Through this act of resistance, members of the MST []

The post Earth Minute: MST Communities in Brazil occupy Suzano Papel e Celuloses Eucalyptus Plantations (March 23, 2023) appeared first on Global Justice Ecology Project.


AMLO acata resolutivo del INE, ahora llama a no votar por corruptos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

AMLO retirar de redes sociales referencias al Plan C para austeridad en el INE: No votar por conservadores. Reitera no votar por fifs, conservas y []

La entrada AMLO acata resolutivo del INE, ahora llama a no votar por corruptos se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


"What a Joy It is To See The Citadels of Evil Begin to Crumble... as The Rays of God's Living Light Fall Upon Them!" "IndyWatch Feed World"

 Dog Poet Transmitting.......

So... Tranny Annie Oakley left behind a manifesto and certain powerful cabals of perversity do... not... want... it... released. I'm guessing that before the Nashville police turn it over to The Federal Bureau of Infernals, something along the lines of Hunter Biden's laptop is going to take place. Here in the time of Apocalypse, no lie is safe.

They are losing it!!! What a joy it is to see The Citadels of Evil begin to crumble as the rays of God's Living Light impact upon them! Who can stand against The Almighty? The clue to that can be found in the word...Almighty

They are shooting up these sexually confused young ladies with Testosterone, and... it is making them ANGRY, and AGGRESSIVE. Testosterone is an anabolic-androgenic Steroid. Reflect upon the rage that anabolic steroids cause in men. Of course, the psychopathic monsters that run the AMA-Pharmaceutical Combine know this. The Materialistic mindset that drives the engines of contemporary science cannot fail to create monsters.

Our Catamite government is a sort of gimp-masked submissive, (made tumescent by shame) writhing under the spiked leather heels of Madame Diabolically Craven. The government as the plow, with The Media and Big Business as The Backdoor Man, and His Satanic Majesty as the possessor and manipulator of all conscious and unconscious entities so engaged, represent the oppressors of Humanity in their present form. They are the force behind all the transsexual and otherwise abnormal practices of Seppuku-by-Materialism.

There are several motivations involved, but the chief motivation is having a greater control over all of us. Also, their delight in the performance of evil... for the sake of evil, and the confusion and chaos that operates in the minds of those susceptible to the influence of their subliminal and surface-mind invasions. It entertains them to destroy people... whose sense of self and tenuous grip on identity... are made even more screwed up by putting it on a wide spectrum of tormented gender distortions.

Another motive is seen in their desperation to survive. These once human, free-radicals, can only continue by means of that which results in the death of their host. Then it must look for a new food source. Finally... never let us forget... they are driven by the very power they remain in denial of. God weaves Evil and Good to form...


CENTCOM Commander Warns of Potential ISIS-K Attacks "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Army Gen. Michael Kurilla, who leads U.S. Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the Islamic States Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) is developing the ability to conduct external operations in Europe and Asia.
  • Kurilla said that ISIS-K would be able to attack American or Western interests outside Afghanistan in less than six months with little to no warning.
  • The commander confirmed that the U.S. has only conducted one kinetic counterterrorism operation so far, a drone strike last year that killed al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in Kabul.
  • Kurilla acknowledged that the quality of U.S. intelligence has degraded since the pullout from Afghanistan and said his command is working to close the intelligence gap by increasing investment into long-duration, high-altitude technology.  Read More

The post CENTCOM Commander Warns of Potential ISIS-K Attacks appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Monarch butterflies become a powerful symbol for justice at the U.S./Mexico border (commentary) "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Monarch butterflies could go extinct, much to the dismay of environmentalists in the U.S. and Mexico. Monarch butterfly populations in Mexico have dropped 22% in the last year, according to a new World Wildlife Fund report. Eastern monarch butterflies migrate from Canada to the U.S. and down to Mexico to spend their winters in the forests of the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Mexico. The report found that the number of trees lost from these forests tripled in the last year. When the winter ends, monarchs then return north, passing through the U.S. to Canada and breeding along the way. Herbicides and the loss of milkweed plants, where monarchs lay their eggs, has worsened the decline of the insect. Monarchs have declined up to 72% over the past decade, with the western population dropping from 10 million in the 1980s to just 1,914 butterflies in 2021. In July 2022, the International Union for Conservation of Nature listed the monarch butterfly as endangered, but the U.S. government has still not protected the insect. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that they did not have the resources to conserve the species. Environmental groups sued the government agency for their failure to protect monarchs under the Endangered Species Act. Mural at the National Butterfly Center by Anat Ronen. Last month, the U.S. government listed the prostrate milkweed, a rare species of the milkweed plant, as endangered and mandated its protection in critical habitat along the U.S.-Mexico border wall in South Texas, whichThis article was originally published on Mongabay


GaN Charger Teardown Reveals Value Of This New Technology "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Every so often, a new technology comes along that offers a broad range of benefits over what we already have. Just as lithium-ion batteries have made nickel-cadmium cells boring and old hat, gallium nitride semiconductors are making silicon parts look unimpressive by comparison. [Brian Dipert] looked at what this means in a practical sense by tearing down a GaN phone charger.

The charger in question is a 30 watt USB-C charger produced by Voltme. It cost [Brian] just $10, as prices of GaN hardware have come down significantly as economies of scale have kicked in. The charger measures just inches, and weighs only 1.5 ounces. That compact size is thanks to GaN semiconductors, which are able to run cooler at higher power levels than their silicon forebearers.

Cracking into the charger required levering open the case. The back panel came off with some work, revealing the mains terminals, which deliver AC power to the PCB inside via the case holding them in contact. Interestingly, the entire circuit inside is filled with an adhesive thermal goop, which helps pass heat from the hottest components...


WBW Podcast Episode 46: No Exit "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Marc Eliot Stein, March 31, 2023

Episode 46 of the World BEYOND War podcast was inspired by two things: a play by Jean-Paul Sartre that originally opened in Nazi-occupied Paris in May, 1944, and a simple tweet by Australian antiwar journalist Caitlin Johnstone. Heres the tweet, which doesnt tell us anything we dont already know, but may be valuable for reminding us of what many of us realize we must do to save our planet from nuclear holocaust.

Tweet by Caitlin Johnstone March 25 2023

These words were my starting point for this months episode, and somehow made me think about Jean-Paul Sartres existentialist masterpiece in which three recently dead French people find themselves together in a gaudily decorated but comfortable room that turns out to be, quite literally, hell. Why does it amount to eternal dam...


Supply chain cyberattack with possible links to North Korea could have thousands of victims globally "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Hackers modified an enterprise communication companys installation software in an attack that could steal credentials and other information from companies around the world, according to an analysis published Wednesday.

Researchers with cybersecurity firm SentinelOnes SentinelLabs team traced illicit activity flagged by its detection systems back to the installation software from a company called 3CX, which according to its website provides video conferencing and online communication products to companies such as Toyota, McDonalds, Pepsi and Chevron. In total, the company says it serves some 12 million customers globally.

This sort of large-scale attack that takes advantage of a companys supply chain similar to how attackers leveraged a flaw within a SolarWinds product update to install backdoors inside its customers networks can be difficult to defend against and could lead to devastating consequences for victims. Its also the kind of operation that is typically associated with a nation-state hacking group.


How US Aid to Palestinians Leads to More Violent Terror "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • A comparison of U.S. aid to the Palestinians shows an insight that the aid fuels terror, not peace.  
  • From 2011, aid to Palestinians dropped under the Obama and Trump administrations but spiked in the Biden administration.
  • The number of people murdered as a direct result of Palestinian terror shows a parallel trend, with numbers dropping during years when U.S. aid was reduced and rising when aid was increased. Read More

The post How US Aid to Palestinians Leads to More Violent Terror appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Resistir en La Misin San Francisco, California "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Quienes han tenido la oportunidad de caminar en las calles de La Misin pueden sentir el calor latino. Los colores, los puestos comerciales, las sonrisas y saludos de las gentes, los olores, la lengua, los murales, etctera te hacen sentir por momentos que estas en Latinoamrica. La Misin es un barrio de San Francisco, California. Su nombre se debe a la sexta misin de la Alta California. En 1776, los colonizadores construyeron La Misin en honor a San Francisco de Ass. En la actualidad este barrio o distrito de la ciudad de San Francisco se caracteriza por tener una gran influencia y presencia hispanohablante. Ah es donde confluyen ecuatorianos, salvadoreos, mexicanos, colombianos, peruanos, argentinos, guatemaltecos, etc. Y desde sus diferencias culturales han tenido que ingenirselas para construir formas propias para poder adaptarse a ese pas, donde al mismo tiempo logren cargar con sus historias y culturas y no reducirlo a folklorizar la cultura hispanoamericana y convertirla solo en una mera mercanca.

La revuelta que trajo Covid-19

Vivir en un barrio latino en los Estados Unidos puede ser muy confrontativo. Por un lado, existen actividades que parece que empoderan a la comunidad hispanohablante, pero al mismo tiempo existe una ausencia terrible del Estado, ya que en el fondo hay un desprecio profundo hacia la poblacin migrante latinoamericana. La gente lo nota en la va de los hechos, por ejemplo, que el Estado no funciona de la misma manera para los latinos que para la poblacin blanca. Por esta razn, La Misin pareciera ser el espacio seguro para los latinos, pero en realidad, est lejos de que de forma efectiva se cumplan algunas de las demandas principales (vivienda, trabajo, educacin, salud) de los latinoamericanos en ese pas.

Dheyanira es una mujer de Ecuador que vive en la Misin. Ella decidi no vacunarse y por esa razn perdi su trabajo. Al igual que sus vecinos, tuvo que aislarse en su apartamento. Covid-19 desnud a las instituciones del Estado, tales como los hospitales, los gobiernos, el mercado, las escuelas y por consecuencia, se cuestion a la educacin, al tipo de educacin que brinda el Estado. Dheyanira es madre de un adolescente. Ambos tuvieron que aislarse en casa, ya que las escuelas cerraron. Fue en ese escenario de aislamiento que se comenz a cuestionar su realidad y las imposiciones que desat la pandemia, por lo que algunos, entre ellos Dheyanira, decidi y comenz a buscar a sus vecinas para organizarse y hacer algo para poder salir de nuevo a las calles.

Desde la opinin de ella, la comunidad latina vive como rehenes ya que los gobiernos nos quieren tener ignorantes. Acceder a la informacin es difcil, la comunidad latina nunca sabe la verdad. La informac...


National Survey Finds Microplastics Pollution Around Britains Coastline Up to 100 Times Worse Than Previously Recorded "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Derrick Broze Interview Former Therapist Accused of Ritualistic Child Abuse Granted 100K Bail "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Joining me today is Derrick Broze, here to give us an update in the Utah Ritualized Child Sexual Abuse Investigation, being conducted by Utah County Sheriffs Office, specifically pertaining to David Lee Hamblin, his recent arrest, the subsequent changes of child abuse, and now the surpassingly low bail that was set which allows this individual Read More...

The post Derrick Broze Interview Former Therapist Accused of Ritualistic Child Abuse Granted 100K Bail appeared first on The Last American Vagabond.


Harina de otro costal "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El HB4, resistente a la sequa y al glufosinato de amonio, herbicida ms txico que el glifosato, llega as en el pan. Directo a la mesa de las infancias pobres. Comercializado por Bioceres, habilitado por el estado. Ms agrotxicos en el plato de las nieces. Reafirmando la criminalidad del hambre.

Corra el ao 2016 y Gladys Arvalo, mam de Nicols, se sentaba con un cartel con la foto de su carita, a llorar de bronca debajo de un rbol. Las fumigaciones matan deca la cartulina que, junto a la palabra Justicia, tena fecha del 04/04/11. Ese da Nicols mora a sus cuatro aos en el hospital local, despus de inhalar agrotxicos del rbol lindero.

Cinco aos ms tarde, despus del juicio, Gladys declaraba a la prensa: El veneno mat a Nicols. Mientras tanto, Ricardo Prieto, productor de tomates, se suba a su 44 polarizada, despus de salir libre de culpa y cargo, porque el Tribunal Penal de Goya en la provincia de Corrientes lo absolvi -en el primer juicio por homicidio por uso de agroqumicos- por falta de pruebas.

Prieto, que segn organizaciones sociales de la zona utilizaba mano de obra infantil en sus plantaciones, haba fumigado el invernadero de tomates sin cortinas, lo que permiti el esparcimiento del endosulfn. Sin embargo -y a pesar de que la autopsia de Nicols detect el veneno en sus pulmones- fue declarado inocente.

Seis aos despus, a pesar de algunas pequeas batallas ganadas en materia de jurisprudencia, la Justicia argentina sigue fallando a favor de quienes infringen el artculo 55 de la Ley Nacional de Residuos Peligrosos (24051) que prev la pena de prisin de tres a diez aos a quienes utilizando productos peligrosos, (entre ellos los agroqumicos como el glifosato y el endosulfn), contaminaren de un modo peligroso para la salud pblica, el aire, el agua y el ambiente en general.

La Justicia argentina por obra y gracia de los intereses de las corporaciones -y la negligencia y la complicidad de los (des)gobiernos- devino justicia (as, con minscula). Entonces Bioceres, principal proveedora de agroqumicos en nuestro pas, anunci que ya existen, en la primera prueba piloto de consumo de trigo transgnico del mundo, 25 molineras que se encuentran procesndolo.

A pesar de las advertencias de mdicos del interior, ambientalistas y pediatras que avisaban que, en las comunidades rurales, principales zonas fumigadas con glifosato, se reproducan los casos de trastornos endcrinos, padecimientos neurolgicos, dermatitis, abortos espontneos, malformaciones de fetos y cncer, en octubre del ao 2020 se aprob el trigo transgnico HB4, que va acompaado de glufosinato de amonio: un herbicida cinco veces ms txico an.



Report: Most UK Schools Now Pushing Gender Ideology "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Delta: Stakeholders Brainstorm On Ways To Halt River Ethiope Extinction "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


Stakeholders at the event

LAGOS MARCH 31ST (URHOBOTODAY)-Identified as Africas deepest fresh water river,the Ethiope river running across six local Government Areas of Delta State is attracting stakeholders from around the world towards replenishing its rich biodiversity and sustainability for the next generation.

Participants at the second stakeholders conference for protection, management,and recognition of River Ethiope at the Gordons Hotel,Abraka,Delta State, acknowledged that the river provides a unique combination of spiritual, cultural, health, safety, recreation and subsistence benefits to the 1.7 million people who live within its territory and to all Nigerians.

Declaring the workshop open, the Ovie of Umuagwa-Abraka Kingdom, HRM AVM Lucky O Ararile Rtd, represented by Chief Dr E.E Okonoko, the monarch lamented the non-enforcement of environmental laws, adding that we have neglected and abused the planet of which River Ethiope is part.

The highly revered monarch urged participants to sustain the rich biodiversity of the river, noting that everyone must come together to make River Ethiope a continuous source of livelihood to our people.

Chairman of the event, Prof Sunny Egboh decried and condemned the illegal activities of dregging on River Ethiope, noting that if care is not taken, the river will soon be extinct in a couple of years to come.

Said he: we must all make efforts to protect the Ethiope River. People cannot make a living for themselves while in another breath they are destroying  and abusing the river. We must all do whatever it takes to sustain and hand over River Ethiope to the next generation. Everyone should work together to ensure that the laws protecting the  environment are  strictly enforced.

In his welcome address, President and Founder of River Ethiope Trust Foundation, Mr Irikefe Edafe warned against dumping of toxic waste and illegal dregging of River Ethiope, describing River Ethiope as a living entity as a law giving legal rights to the river comes into effects soon.

According to him, River Ethiope is the first African river with  legally recognized rights which can provide a model for recognition of the rights of other rivers...


BSD Release: MidnightBSD 3.0.0 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

MidnightBSD is a desktop-oriented operating system derived from FreeBSD. The project's latest stable release is MidnightBSD 3.0.0 which is available in i386 and x86_64 builds. With this leap in changes. "There are known issues with the Firefox,....


Bidens Department Of Defense Denies Drag Shows On Bases Even When Confronted With Undeniable Evidence "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Miller in masksDrag queen story hours is not something that the department funds, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said.


The Fed Refuses Any Blame Including Its No Stress, Stress Test "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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9/11 and the COVID-19 Hoax in the Transition to Governance by Emergency Measures "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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ISIS Matchmaker Sentenced "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Trevor William Forrest a.k.a Abdullah el-Faisal, 59, a Jamaican preacher, has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for conspiracy and supporting terrorism after helping ISIS by praising its ideology in lectures, publishing propaganda online, and acting as a marriage broker for its fighters.
  • The investigation into Faisal began in 2016 when a male detective sent him an email claiming to be a 24-year-old Turkish-American woman from Long Island named Rojin Ahmed.
  • During Faisals trial, prosecutors played lectures in which he called for violence and promoted ISIS, and presented emails in which he gave out phone numbers to contact the group. Read More

The post ISIS Matchmaker Sentenced appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Cada 13 horas se document un ataque contra la prensa en 2022 en Mxico "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

ARTICLE 19 present Voces contra la Indiferencia, su ms reciente informe anual sobre violencia contra la prensa, libertad de expresin, acceso a la informacin y respeto de derechos humanos en Mxico, que revela la endeble condicin de la libertad de expresin en Mxico.

Leopoldo Maldonado, director regional de ARTICLE 19 Oficina para Mxico y Centroamrica, comparti que el informe busca hacer un homenaje a las voces de periodistas, defensoras y defensores de los derechos humanos y comunidades indgenas que hoy confrontan su discurso con otras voces hegemnicas y la monopolizacin del debate sobre lo pblico. 

Seal que en los ltimos cuatro aos del gobierno que se erigi como transformador, el panorama de la libertad de expresin contina con una marcada tendencia de deterioro que se remonta a la primera alternancia partidista en el poder, en el ao 2000, y que ha reducido el derecho a la informacin y promueve una expresin inofensiva y poco crtica del poder.

Como ejemplo, refiri que el 2022 represent un hito inimaginable en lo que a violaciones de derechos humanos se refiere. En mayo del ao pasado, el pas lleg a la cifra de 100,000 personas desaparecidas. Segn cifras oficiales, entre 2019 y 2022, se han registrado ms de 30,000 de estos casos y se estima que, debido al alza y continuidad de la violencia, al finalizar el sexenio podran ser de ms de 60,000.

Maldonado record tambin el casi nulo avance institucional en temas de seguridad y justicia, donde el informe revela un dficit importante en la respuesta en defensa de vctimas. Como ejemplo, comparti que, desde enero de 2020 hasta diciembre de 2022, se registraron 1504 personas en el padrn local de vctimas de la Ciudad de Mxico, de las cuales solamente 186 han recibido apoyo con recursos econmicos del Fondo de Ayuda, Asistencia y Reparacin Integral capitalino.

Violencia que no cesa 

Como la parte central del informe, el cual se dio a conocer en el Museo de Memoria y Tolerancia de la Ciudad de Mxico, ARTICLE 19 expuso que en 2022 registr 696 ataques contra la prensa, convirtindose as, en el ao ms violento para la labor periodstica desde que la organizacin inici el registro de agresiones, en 2007. Los 12 asesinatos registrados el ao pasado tambin sellaron el ao ms letal par...


New Analysis Shows How the CDC Spread False Information That Exaggerated the Severity of COVID-19 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Donald Trump was just indictedbut why? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Kit Knightly Last night it was announced that former-President Donald Trump was being indicted by the Manhattan Grand Jury, he is expected to surrender himself to authorities later today. The indictment is sealed until arraignment, but we do know the rough nature of the charge(s). Essentially, the accusation is that he paid hush money to


The Staggering Scale of the EV Transition "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Over the last 20 or so years, contributing editor Robert N. Bob Charette has written about some of the thorniest issues facing the planet at large and engineers in particular. For IEEE Spectrum, hes dug into software reliability and maintenance, the so-called STEM crisis, and the automation paradox, examining those complex topics through the eyes of a seasoned risk analyst who has consulted for governments and corporations for five decades.

Ive been fortunate to be Bobs editor for many of his ambitious projects. We often converse on Friday afternoons about what hes hearing from industry insiders and academics on whatever subject hes currently investigating. Our conversations are jovial, sometimes alarming, and always edifying, at least for me.

So when he called me on a Friday afternoon in the summer of 2021 to propose an article delving into the complexities of the global transition to electric vehicles, I knew that hed do the research at a deeper level than any tech journalist, and that hed explore angles that wouldnt even occur to them.

Take power-grid transformers. These essential voltage-converting components are designed to cool down at night, when power consumption is typically low. But with more people charging their EVs at home at night, the 30-year design life of a transformer will dropto perhaps no more than three years once mass adoption of EVs takes hold. Transformers can cost more than US $20,000 each, and theyre already in short supply in many countries. Bob examined factors like that and dozens of others during the last year and a half.

Throughout his research and reporting, Bob focused on the EV transition at scale: What needs to happen in order for electric vehicles to displace internal-combustion-engine vehicles and have a measurable impact on climate change by midcentury? Quite a lot, it turns out. Humans must change two foundational sectors of modern civilizationenergy and transportationto achieve the targeted reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. These simultaneous global overhauls will involve trillions of dollars in investments, tens of millions of workers, millions of new EVs, tens of thousands of kilometers of new tra...


Maryland: Hamas-linked CAIR demands investigation after Whole Foods mistakenly accuses Muslima of shoplifting "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) regularly, consistently, and increasingly uses its media access to attack people and companies on TV. There are over 120 examples in the last five and a half years of CAIR threatening someones livelihood, exposing someone to danger, or defaming a person. In this latest example of CAIR attacking []


Indigenous Patax demand land demaraction amid rising violence and murders "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

PRADO, Bahia Eliane de Oliveira Conceio heard the roar of gunfire before she could see who was firing. In the early hours of daylight, she could make out three vehicles that slowly approached the farm and opened fire indiscriminately. She darted for a place to hide. Several feet away, her 14-year-old son, Gustavo Conceio da Silva, took cover behind a concrete wall, but the bullets pierced the barrier and killed him. It wasnt until one of the rounds ricocheted off a steel gate back at the assailants that they retreated, speeding off as quickly as they had arrived. Thats when they finally backed off because they came to kill us all, she said. The farm where this attack occurred in September lies in one of around two dozen plots of land that members of her Indigenous group, the Patax, have reclaimed from wealthy ranchers in the Brazilian state of Bahia. Last week, a state judge filed repossession orders against three of these reoccupations that will effectively evict the Patax, intensifying the violence that has been escalating against Indigenous people in the south of Bahia, which has claimed the lives of three Patax youth. The crisis the Patax are facing adds to growing pressure on President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva and the new Ministry of Indigenous Peoples to demarcate Indigenous lands and solidify protections for Indigenous people in Brazil. Whether or not the new ministry can curb violence and mitigate the land conflicts will be a test in standingThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Coronavirus: Toxic Drugs, No Liability for Pharma "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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EU Pushing the Criminalisation of Physical Cash with New Anti-Money Laundering Law "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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US Did not Send 365 Attack Plane It Sent its Judgement Day Planes "IndyWatch Feed World"

Biden has sent the E-6B Mercury which is an American military strategic control and communications aircraft. It is a command center for the US Navy. It is also called judgment day aircraft because it is used for communication with nuclear submarines for the purpose to control any launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles. These are the submarines of the Ohio class. Each submarine can have up to 24 Trident II D5 missiles, capable of carrying nuclear warheads, on board.

I cannot verify that 365 attack planes were sent. It appears that only squadron 365 may have been sent. All I can verify is that the US has been sending Air Force F-35 fighter jets to Estonia, Lithuania, and Romania.

The post US Did not Send 365 Attack Plane It Sent its Judgement Day Planes first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


Russia to Consider NATO Peacekeepers as Targets if Deployed in Ukraine, Medvedev Says "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sputnik 31.03.2023

MOSCOW Russia will consider so-called NATO peacekeepers as legitimate targets if they get deployed in Ukraine on the front line, Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday.

They will be a legitimate target for our armed forces if they are placed on the front line without the consent of Russia with weapons in their hands and directly threaten us, Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel.

According to the official, the Wests real goal is to establish a ceasefire on the front line that is favorable to them.

It is clear that the so-called NATO peacekeepers are simply going to enter the conflict on the side of our enemies [Ukraine] Unleash that very third world war, which they so fear when they talk, Medvedev said.

Earlier in March, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated that the European Union is one step away from discussing sending military of some peacekeeping type in Ukraine.


Critics Warn of a Dragnet of Surveillance as U.S. Pushes Ahead with Plans for More Smart Cities "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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[$] An operation for filesystem tucking "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As a general rule, the purpose behind mounting a filesystem is to make that filesystem's contents visible to the system, or at least to the mount namespace where that mount occurs. For similar reasons, it is unusual to mount one filesystem on top of another, since that would cause the contents of the over-mounted filesystem to be hidden. There are exceptions to everything, though, and that extends to mounted filesystems; a "tucking" mechanism proposed by Christian Brauner is designed to hide mounted filesystems underneath other mounts temporarily, at least.


CISA Warns of Vulnerabilities in Propump and Controls Osprey Pump Controller "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Habiba Rashid

CISA's advisory came after the Macedonian cybersecurity firm Zero Science Lab discovered and reported the vulnerabilities to authorities.

This is a post from Read the original post: CISA Warns of Vulnerabilities in Propump and Controls Osprey Pump Controller


Security updates for Friday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (joblib, json-smart, libmicrohttpd, and xrdp), Fedora (thunderbird and xorg-x11-server-Xwayland), Mageia (dino, perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS, perl-Net-Server, snort, tigervnc/x11-server, and xapian), SUSE (curl, kernel, openssl-1_0_0, and shim), and Ubuntu (glusterfs, linux-gcp-4.15, musl, and xcftools).


We must face up to neoliberalisms flaws if we're to halt climate breakdown "IndyWatch Feed"

OPINION: Tackling the climate crisis effectively requires transition to a more fair and sustainable global economy


In-depth Q&A: The UKs green day avalanche of climate and energy announcements "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The UK has published an avalanche of climate and energy documents in a chaotic policy move dubbed green day by some within government and not green day by others.

By Carbon Briefs count, the package includes 44 documents running to 2,840 pages.

Announcing the plans, prime minister Rishi Sunak said yesterday they would increase the UKs energy security in light of Russias invasion of Ukraine and maintain our world-leading action to reach net-zero.

New measures to tackle UK emissions include the introduction of a zero-emission vehicle mandate, more funds for cutting pollution from industry and a new green finance strategy.

But, crucially, the package contains a carbon budget delivery plan showing that the UK is not on track to deliver on its international climate pledge for 2030 under the Paris Agreement.

Despite also showing the UK is off track against its legally-binding sixth carbon budget, this document, which formally responds to a 2022 High Court ruling finding the UKs net-zero strategy unlawful, is likely to fend off the risk of immediate new legal challenge.

The tranche of documents also confirm that the UK will continue its policy of expanding fossil fuel production in the North Sea despite mounting calls from UK academics and some Conservative politicians for the country to follow others in ending new oil and gas licences.

Rumours that the government planned to put on a green day to announce new climate measures first emerged earlier this month.

But as details of the UKs support for new fossil fuels were also trailed Sunaks team were forced to tell the Financial Times that the day was not green day and instead energy security day.

Below, Carbon Brief explains what is contained within the deluge of new documents, including what they mean for UK emissions, oil and gas production and key sectors of the economy.


Two Republicans Kicked Off County Election Board in North Carolina for Failing to Certify Results "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for Dispatches, a newsletter that spotlights wrongdoing around the country, to receive our stories in your inbox every week.

The courtroom was packed when the North Carolina State Board of Elections convened on Tuesday to consider removing two members of the Surry County Board of Elections from their posts. At the Surry County GOP convention not long before, one board member, Tim DeHaan, had appealed for people to attend the meeting at the county courthouse. And now, dozens of supporters, one with We the People tattooed on his forearm and another with cowboy boots stamped with American flags, whispered tensely among themselves.

DeHaan and Jerry Forestieri were facing the state elections board because, at a November meeting to certify the countys 2022 general election results, they had presented a co-signed letter declaring I dont view election law per NCSBE as legitimate or Constitutional. Then Forestieri refused to certify the election, while DeHaan only agreed to certify it on a technicality.

This month, both Forestieri and DeHaan refused to certify a redo of a November 2022 municipal election. The new contest had been called after a poll worker allegedly made a mistake in telling voters that one of the four candidates had died, which could have swung a race decided by eight votes. (The results of the second race were the same as the first.)

Both elections were ultimately certified by the boards three Democrats. But DeHaans and Forestieris refusals to certify, along with similar actions by conservative county election officials in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Pennsylvania, exposed a weakness in the nations electoral system. If local officials failed to certify, the disruption could cascade and cast into dispute state and federal election outcomes, potentially allowing partisan actors to inappropriately influence them, according to election law experts. A...


Police have record 12m legal fund for officers accused of crimes "IndyWatch Feed"

Exclusive: The legal budget for the Police Federation of England and Wales has increased by 25% since 2018


Trump acusado, primer expresidente en comparecer ante el Gran Jurado "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Trump pag 130 mil dlares a una actriz de cine para adultos para ocultar relacin y su empresa familiar registr el pago como gastos legales []

La entrada Trump acusado, primer expresidente en comparecer ante el Gran Jurado se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


N25m Okowas Largesse Tears Delta NUJ Apart "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 31ST (URHOBOTODAY)-A crisis is said to be rocking the Delta State Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists following the alleged misappropriation and fraudulent sharing formula of the N25 million honorarium given to journalists in the state by Governor Ifeanyi Okowa.

SaharaReporters gathered that the state governor, Ifeanyi Okowa, on Monday, March 13, 2023, during the inauguration of the new government house press centre, promised to release an honorarium to the Michael Ikeogwu-led NUJ council in the state.

After several days, the sum of N25 million was released but according to some members, the honorarium was allegedly misappropriated and fraudulently disbursed.

Condemning the alleged fraudulent manner by which the Ikeogwu-led NUJ council disbursed the N25 million honorarium to members of the union, the executive council, members and Board of Trustees of the Delta Online Publishers Forum (DOPF), a CAC-certified body of online newspaper publishers in the state alleged that the fund was misappropriated with a larger chunk plundered by the leadership of the state NUJ council.

A press statement signed by the chairman of DOPF, Emmanuel Enebeli and the secretary, Shedrack Onitsha on behalf of the body, frowned on the Ikeogwu-led NUJ councils lack of transparency and accountability in the disbursement of the fund which was given in appreciation of publishers and journalists in the state who had worked to promote the programmes and policies of the state government.

The statement reads, While we appreciate the state government for the kind gesture, particularly when the governor specifically acknowledged the role of the media in promoting his policies and programmes, we take exception to the Ikeogwu-led NUJ Delta council entitlement mentality as if the fund was exclusively for Ikeogwu and his executive to administer and appropriate to whosever they wish.

To set the record straight, the Delta Online Publishers Forum, (DOPF) as a registered body of journalists who are publishers of various Delta-based online platforms, was invited to the programme like any other body, including the NUJ Delta state council through the office of the Public Relations Officer (PRO) government house, Asaba. The invitation, as extended to us has been the tradition between us and the state government in the past.

As a body of online publishers that have no affiliation with the NUJ Delta council, we thought the Ikeogwu-led Delta NUJ council would be transparent enough to call the leadership of the DOPF and other stakeholders conc...


US disappointed with UN court ruling on Iran "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | March 31, 2023

The US State Department has criticized a ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which found that some Iranian funds were seized illegally by American authorities.

Judges at the UNs top court in The Hague concluded on Thursday that a 2016 decision by the US Supreme Court was in violation of the 1955 Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations and Consular Rights between the two countries. Back then, the US court ruled that certain assets belonging to Iranian companies should be paid to victims of terrorist attacks blamed by Washington on Tehran.

Iran is entitled to compensation for the injury caused, the ICJ said, adding that the US has 24 months to agree on an amount for the payout, or the court will determine one itself.

However, the judges rejected Tehrans bid for $1.75 billion in assets owned by Irans Central Bank (Bank Markazi) in the US to be unblocked, arguing that the ICJ does not have jurisdiction over the matter.

We are disappointed that the Court has concluded that the turnover of assets of other Iranian agencies and instrumentalities to US victims of Irans sponsorship of terrorism was inconsistent with the Treaty, US State Department spokesman Vedant Patel said on Thursday.

The 1955 agreement, signed more than two decades before the Islamic Revolution that toppled the US-backed government in Iran, was never intended to shield Iran from having to compensate US victims of its sponsorship of terrorism, he insisted. The US withdrew from the treaty in 2018.

Speaking at a news conference on the same day, Patel argued that the ICJs decision to keep the funds of Bank Markazi frozen was a major blow to Irans attempt to avoid its responsibility, in particular to the families of US peacekeepers, who were killed in the 1983 bombing of the Marine Corps barrack in Beirut.

Iran denies its involvement in the attack in the Lebanese capital, which killed 299 people of whom 241 were US troops, as well as other terrorist incidents blamed by Washington on Tehran.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry welcomed the ruling by the ICJ, calling it proof of the Islamic Republic of Irans righteousness and the violations by the US government.


Winter Vivern APT Targets European Government Entities with Zimbra Vulnerability "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The advanced persistent threat (APT) actor known as Winter Vivern is now targeting officials in Europe and the U.S. as part of an ongoing cyber espionage campaign. "TA473 since at least February 2023 has continuously leveraged an unpatched Zimbra vulnerability in publicly facing webmail portals that allows them to gain access to the email mailboxes of government entities in Europe," Proofpoint


The Trump indictments dam is breached "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

After weeks, even months, of speculation, the first indictment against Donald Trump was finally issued yesterday by Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg. Since the indictment is under seal, we will not know the precise charges that have been leveled against Trump until his arraignment before a judge in Manhattan. The DA had wanted it to take place today (Friday) but Trumps lawyers said that because of the need to arrange with the Secret Service protection detail, it should take place next week. It is expected to be on Tuesday. Here is what is likely to happen.

Mr Trumps lawyers have indicated that he will co-operate with New York authorities, so there would be no warrant put out for his arrest.

Mr Trump has his own personal jet, so he could fly into one of several New York area airports and then make the journey to the lower Manhattan courthouse by car.

As part of those negotiations with prosecutors, the court may also agree to grant him a private entrance to the court, instead of the more typical perp walk in front of the assembled media.

Once inside, however, Mr Trump will be fingerprinted and have his mug shot taken like all defendants in criminal cases. He will also be read his Miranda rights, reminding him of his constitutionally-protected right to a lawyer and to decline to talk to police.

Defendants charged with a felony are typically handcuffed temporarily, although Mr Trumps lawyers will try to avoid that for their client. Throughout the booking process, he will be accompanied by Secret Service agents.

Mr Trump would then wait in a holding area or cell until his appearance before a judge. The arraignment the moment where a defendant enters their plea before a judge is open to the public.

Once the case is booked and a judge is selected, other details will fall into place, such as the timing of the trial and possible travel restrictions and bail requirements for the defendant.

A conviction on a misdemeanor would result in a fine. If Mr Trump were convicted on the felony charge, he would face a maximum sentence of four years in prison, although some legal experts predict a fine is more probable, and that any time behind bars is highly unlikely.

Trump had been quoted last week as saying that he looked forward to being arrested and walking with his hands handcuffed behind his back but I never gave that much credence, seeing it as sheer braggadocio, with him trying to put the best face upon events. It is not good to be booked and go through the process of being fingerprinted and having ones mug shot taken, all while surrounded by hordes of media, protestors, counter-protestors, and gawkers. Trump loves to be in the media spotlight but even he has to realize that this is n...


In their own words: The problematic task of selling the Belfast (or Good Friday) Agreement to a sceptical middle ground "IndyWatch Feed"

There will be lots of programmes (by many organisations are, including other parts of the BBC beyond Northern Ireland) on the Belfast Agreement. But David Kerr and Conall McDevitts passionate debate on The View (23.04) sets the context well.

Each belong to a successor generation to Trimble and Hume respectively and both were intimately familiar with the detail of how the GFA was hammered out and by whom. Both played a key role in actively selling it. Heres a transcript of their dialogue:

David Kerr: I certainly think that both the British and Irish governments at the time couldve done more for David Trimble in the immediate years that followed the Good Friday Agreement. I felt that Tony Blair threw David Trimble under a bus in 1999 because instead of continually demanding decommissioning from both loyalists and republicans, they took the easier avenue, which was to put Trimble under pressure and insist that he set up the first Executive before any decommissioning had happened. I think that for us at that time meant we lost the trust of the unionist electorate. A lot of unionist people were just hanging in there politically in their support for the process. But once Trimble dropped the no guns no government line, there was a number of people in the middle ground of unionism asking, well, where does this stop? And, of course, wed gone in for eight weeks, it was collapsed and then we went in and out. What changed everything was 9/11. This was a completely external event which no one could have predicted. But when 9/11 happened in 2001 Irish America said to the IRA, guys, its over, youre going to have to give up the guns. And that changed everything for us.

Mark Carruthers: That was a game changer.  I think maybe what was also a game changer was the fact that people got into room together and they got to see the whites of each others eyes. I just Im I want to bring in Marks [Simpson] interview with Gerry Adams. It was fascinating as he tells that story about the first time he met David Trimble was to face in a Gents toilet. And then he goes on to reflect on the nature of their relationship as the years went on.  And then that strange line about realising only lately, only actually after his demise how brave David Trimble had been. Its hard to understand how it took him so long.

Mark Simpson: There are two ways of looking at that.  Theres the way, really Gerry Adams? Really, were you not watching the demise of the Ulster Unionist Party, or were you not watching the anti-Agreement rallies, were you not watching David Trimble being hunted on the streets of his own constituency? I think infairness to Gerry Adams what he was saying he didnt quite realise the extent of it and maybe he woul...


Ilhan Omar, Jeremy Corbyn Call For Perpetrators of War in Yemen to Be Held Accountable "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

In Yemen, the civil war that has continued since 2015 is a proxy war between Iran, which supports with weapons and money the Shia Houthis, and Saudi Arabia, which not only supports with money and weapons the Sunni Arabs who control the ever-shrinking national government, but has sent 100 planes and 150,000 soldiers to fight []


This Week in Security: Macstealer, 3CX Carnage, and Githubs Lost Key "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Theres a naming overload here, as two bits of security news this week are using the MacStealer moniker. Were first going to talk about the WiFi vulnerability, also known as Framing Frames (pdf). The WPA encryption schemes introduced pairwise encryption, ensuring that not even other authenticated users can sniff each others traffic. At least thats the idea, but this attack finds a couple techniques to bypass that protection.

A bit more background, there are a couple ways that packets can be delayed at the sender side. One of those is the power-save message, that signals the access point that the given client is going into a low power state. Hold my calls, Im going to sleep. That message is a single bit in a frame header. And notably, that bit isnt covered by WPA encryption or verification. An attacker can send a message, spoof a victims MAC address, and the access point marks that client as being in power-save mode.

This observation leads to a question: What happens when the encryption details change between the packet joining the queue, and actually transmitting? Turns out, the specifications on WiFi encryption dont spell it out, and some implementations do the last thing youd want, like sending the packets in t...


Whats black and white and spins? Wind turbines that dont kill birds "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Picture yourself driving down a local highway, passing familiar street signs and encountering typical traffic. Then, without warning, you find a cow standing in the middle of the road. You slam on your brakes, but its too late to avoid a collision. Something similar happens to seabirds when they encounter wind turbines, especially when theyre looking down, rather than ahead, in search of food, says Graham Martin, an ornithologist and bird vision expert at the University of Birmingham in the U.K. If youre an eagle and youre flying along, you may have fantastic, high spatial resolution vision, Martin tells Mongabay. But if you turn your head to look down, you just dont look where youre going. But of course, thats always worked [for birds] in the past; thats never been a problem. Its just now that we put things in the way for them. In a recent paper published in Global Ecology and Conservation, Martin and his colleague, Alex Banks of Natural England, an independent government agency, proposed a new strategy for mitigating collisions between seabirds and wind turbines. It involves painting a black-and-white pattern on turbines to produce a flickering effect while moving, thereby warning birds of a turbines existence and hopefully reducing deaths. The new paper proposed a new strategy for mitigating collisions between seabirds and wind turbines. Image by via Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0). Painting wind turbines at Smla wind farm, Norway. The strategy involves painting a black-and-white pattern on turbines to produce aThis article was originally published on Mongabay


NATO Holds War Games Miles From Ukraines Border "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Kyle Anzalone | The Libertarian Institute | March 30, 2023

The US and its NATO partners are conducting military drills in a region of Romania that borders Ukraine. Thousands of soldiers will gather to simulate repelling an invasion on the Black Sea coastline.

Dubbed Sea Shield 23, the war games kicked off on March 20 and will run until April 2. The US and 11 other NATO countries are participating in the Romanian-led military exercises. Nearly 3,500 soldiers, 30 naval ships, 14 aircraft and 15 other fast intervention boats are participating in the live-fire operations, which will occur in the Black Sea and Romanias Danube Delta. Troops taking part in the Sea Shield drills will come within 20 miles of the Ukrainian border.

The multinational exercise Sea Shield 2023 is the most complex training event, planned and conducted by the Romanian Naval Forces, through the Naval Component Command, in the 2023 training year, the Romanian Navy said in a press release.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the US has conducted several rounds of war games in Eastern Europe to simulate a similar conflict and develop strategies for Kiev. Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported that last summer, the Joe Biden administration used the cover of war games in the Baltic Sea to plant explosives on the Nord Stream pipelines. In September, those explosives were detonated destroying the natural gas pipelines linking Russia and Germany.

Over the past year, the North Atlantic alliance has increased its force posture in what it regards as its eastern flank, which is made up of eight countries that stretch from the Baltics to the Black Sea, including Romania. NATO is concurrently conducting the Crystal Arrow 23 war games in Latvia, which will see Danish soldiers train Rigas Mechanized Infantry Brigade.


The beginning of the end of Israel "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article talks about the latest situation in Israel


BRICS Expansion: Gauging Kazakhstans Potential "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The upcoming BRICS summit in South Africa, scheduled for August, in which the blocs expansion will be discussed, and the recent election of former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff as president of BRICS New Development Bank, brings renewed attention to this five-member organizations future. The expansion of BRICS has been widely discussed and analyzed; potential future members include Argentina, Indonesia, Iran, Turkiye, and Saudi Arabia. There are over a dozen countries that have knocked on the door, said South Africas Ambassador Anil Sooklal, we are quite advanced at looking at a further group of new members.

In this commentary, we will discuss the potential BRICS membership of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan, a country rich in natural resources, is a critical player in Central Asia and a potential strategic partner for BRICS countries. However, to improve their relations with Kazakhstan, BRICS countries should aim to increase engagement with Astana.


A blueprint for increasing relations

Kazakhstan already borders two BRICS states (Russia and China), generally has good and close relations with India, and, at the very least, has cordial, though limited, ties with Brazil and South Africa. However, new developments must occur for the Kazakhstani government to be more interested in joining BRICS.

Firstly, increasing trade relations between Kazakhstan and BRICS countries should be a priority. For example, despite Kazakhstans exports worth USD$50.9 billion in 2020, the total trade between Kazakhstan and BRICS countries in 2021 exceeded 45 billion US dollars, with plenty of room for expanding the volume in the years ahead, according to Kazakhstani President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in June 2022. To boost volume, BRICS countries should aim to increase trade with Kazakhstan to at least $50 billion by 2025 by reducing trade barriers and increasing investment in critical sectors such as energy, agriculture, and mining. Such a development would be welcome, as Astana is looking to diversify the countrys economy to move away...


Shifting sands of the Arab Gulf herald a new Middle East "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article talks about the latest relationship between Iran and Arab countries


Granada Hills Charter Will Try Again To Defeat Scott Schmerelson "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Granada Hills Charter School's testing coordinator, Dr. Janie Dam, declares her candidacy against incumbent Scott Schmerelson in LAUSD Board District 3.


Fraud Is Baked Into the American Healthcare Cake "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

There are many structural defects in an American HMO/PPO/prepaid care system that masquerades as "insurance." One of them is a tendency to mask outright fraud. If ProPublica's reporting is accurate, Cigna's practices are an example of that defect.


Russia Calls for Probe Into Bucha Events, Asks UN for List of Victims "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sputnik 30.03.2023

MOSCOW Russia is calling for an independent investigation into the last year events in the city of Bucha, near Kiev, and calls on the United Nations to publish a list of the victims, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

We are saying it once again. In order to find out the truth, it is necessary to carry out a fair, impartial, independent investigation, which should be focused on giving answers to four questions: identification of bodies, time and cause of death, signs of possible transportation of the bodies, Zakharova said during her press conference.

Russia has requested the full list of Buchas residents, who died at the time of the events, from the UN, but the organization has not provided such a list yet, Zakharova added.

The UN referred to the lists of victims available on the Internet and in social media, but Moscow would like to deal with official information, the official said, adding that the events in Bucha were a provocation aimed at scuttling the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, as well as imposing new anti-Russia sanctions.

In April, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that no residents of Bucha suffered from any violent actions while the city was under Russian control.


Distribution Release: Linux Lite 6.4 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Linux Lite is a beginner-friendly Linux distribution based on Ubuntu's long-term support (LTS) release and featuring the Xfce desktop. The project has published an update to its 6.x series which improves packaging compression for custom software, offer a new reporting tool to diagnose problems, and updates the layout....


Cyber Police of Ukraine arrested members of a gang that defrauded EU citizens of $4.33M "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Cyber Police of Ukraine, with law enforcement officials from Czechia, has arrested several members of a gang responsible for $4.33 million scam.

The Cyber Police of Ukraine, with the support of law enforcement officials from the Czech Republic, has arrested several members of a cybercriminal ring that defrauded EU citizens of $4.33 million with phishing campaigns.

The suspects set up more than 100 phishing websites to obtain the bank card data and banking account credentials of foreign citizens. 

The members of the international criminal group were exposed by the employees of the Cyber Police Department together with the Main Investigation Department of the National Police and in cooperation with law enforcement officers of the Czech Republic. reads the press release published by the Cyber Police of Ukraine. Some of the people involved, who live in Ukraine, created more than 100 phishing sites aimed at European users. Various products were offered on web resources at below-market prices. Bank card data, which customers indicated on phishing resources to pay for orders, automatically became known to attackers. Later, they appropriated money from their accounts. 

The cybercrime organization also created two call centers, in Vinnytsia and in Lviv, as part of the fraudulent scheme. Operators at the call centers attempted to trick customers into making purchases.

The websites were offering heavily discounted products to lure visitors placing orders. The bad news for the users was that the operators behind the websites were only interested in gathering financial information provided by the visitors while making fake purchases.

Cyber Police of Ukraine

The authorities identified more than 1,000 victims from multiple countries, including the Czech Republic, Poland, France, Spain,...


Video: Pat Robertsons surprising trans take from 2013 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ill have a longer post up later for Trans Day of Visibility today, but I wanted to share this video clip. Apparently, back in 2013, notorious Christian fundamentalist and bigot Pat Robertson was asked about trans people, and his response, while far from ideal, underscores just how recent and manufactured the current trans panic actually is. Pat Robertson said that sometimes women are born in mens bodies, or men in womens bodies, and that its not a Christians place to judge. I dont know that hed say the same today, and it doesnt wash away the harm hes done, but its an interesting glimpse into what a pretty extreme person had to say about the issue a decade ago.


History of US-NATO Military Campaigns (1991-2023) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post History of US-NATO Military Campaigns (1991-2023) appeared first on Global Research.


Russia Had Every Right To Arrest That Wall Street Journal Employee For Espionage "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Andrew Korybko | March 31, 2023

The US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM) is furious after Russia arrested a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) employee on charges of espionage earlier this week. According to the FSB, that individual acted in the interests of the US government while trying to obtain classified information. The Yekaterinburg lawmaker with whom he was meeting confirmed that the so-called journalist wanted to learn about very specific details pertaining to Russias military-industrial complex in his region.

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman wrote on Telegram that Unfortunately, this is not the first time that the status of a foreign correspondent, a journalist visa, and accreditation have been used by foreign nationals in our country to cover up activities that are not journalism. Around the same time, the Kremlin spokesman confirmed that the arrested individual was indeed caught red-handed while meeting with the earlier mentioned local lawmaker when the FSB swooped in to stop him.

Keeping in mind what that Yekaterinburg official told TASS in the hyperlinked news item shared in the last sentence of the first paragraph, theres no doubt that Russia had every right to arrest that WSJ employee for espionage. After all, if a Russian, Chinese, or Iranian citizen in the US on a journalist visa met with a local lawmaker to inquire about whether the enterprises change their profile, how many shifts there are, and if they are appropriately staffed, then theyd surely have been arrested as well.

Theres a very clear line between journalism and espionage. The first can only delve into very sensitive national security matters if a citizen from that same country is investigating particular leads, but even then, it might still be illegal depending on whatever regulations that particular country might have in place. As for the second, this always concerns sensitive information of serious interest for a foreign power such as specific details of its military-industrial complex, especially if a foreigner is seeking them.

That being the case, the WSJ employee indisputably crossed the very clear line between journalism and espionage by asking detailed questions of a local official in a foreign country about their military-industrial complex. Hed either done this before with someone else and thus got on the FSBs radar or his outreach to that Yekaterinburg lawmaker indicated that he was illega...


Hack the Pentagon website promotes the benefits of bug bounties to US Military "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

My guess is that if you stumbled across a website that called itself "Hack the Pentagon" and was decorated with a grisly-looking skull, you would probably think that you might be somewhere less than legitimate. After all, normally if you hacked The Pentagon you would find yourself in heaps of trouble. Read more in my article on the Hot for Security blog.


UN calls on Bahrain to release pro-democracy protester and investigate torture "IndyWatch Feed War"

UN calls on Bahrain to release pro-democracy protester and investigate torture

The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention says Naji Fateel, imprisoned since 2013, should never have been arrested
Dania Akkad Fri, 03/31/2023 - 14:21
Naji Fateel was a board member of the Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights and a blogger when he was arrested in May 2013 over his protest activities (Fatima Fateel)

The United Nations (UN) has found that a leading pro-democracy activist in Bahrain should never have been arrested and has called for his immediate release, nearly a decade after he was imprisoned.

In an report released this month, the UNs Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has said there was "no legal basis" to justify Naji Fateels arrest and that, upon his release, Bahraini authorities should investigate his arbitrary detention and alleged torture.

"The working group notes with alarm the severity of the torture alleged," the UN says. "It urges the government to immediately and unconditionally release Mr Fateel and ensure that he receives medical care."

Fateel, now 48, was a board member of the Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights and a blogger dedicated to documenting violations when he was arrested in May 2013 over his protest activities.

He was allegedly tortured severely for days during which he lost consciousness and needed hospital treatment twice.



Gerrymandering as a Republican instinct "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Today I learned that the far right in the upper midwest is clamoring to secede from those lefties in the Twin Cities to form a Republic of East Dakota. Theyve been doing the same thing in Washington state and Oregon, all the conservative farmers living on the relatively barren lands of the eastern part of the states begging to join Idaho. Its not going to work.

The first thing I saw that inspired their rage here in the midwest was this map:

Thats reality. Most of the population of the Dakotas live in the cities like Fargo and Sioux Falls, that hug the eastern edge of the state bordering on Minnesota. Everything else is the Great Empty. Theyve still got 4 senators to Minnesotas 2, though, and most rational people would look at that and say theyre over-represented in Congress. For that matter, most of Minnesotas population is localized to the eastern part of our state its like a big gradient of people, getting thinner and thinner the farther west you go.

Far right loons looked at that map and said it doesnt go far enough, we ought to consolidate all that emptiness and low population density into one grand state, the Republic of East Dakota.

Why they think that would help, I dont know. That would be a very Republican state, for sure, but it would be underpopulated and devoid of any significant economic power. It would be a collection of dairy farms and tiny towns where all the children dream of growing up and moving away to the big city.

Some went even further and created an imaginary state of East Dakota by carving out the cities of Minneapolis, St Paul, and Duluth and, I dont know, throwing them away?

Dont they realize that that is where most of the people, and money, live? My little county of Stevens, population 10,000 (optimistically) benefits immensely from the state money flowing out of the counties of Hennepin, population 1,300,000, and Ramsey, population 550,000, and were just going to sever ourselves from those funds and make common cause with even more destitute yokels to our east? T...



I always insist that the greatest merit for Igbos in recent times is not simply the advent of the internet on the surface! It is the social media aspect of the internet which now allows independent thinkers to challenge the lies of history. In Nigeria, our little corner of the world, through social media presentations, []


What Happens if Your Car Is Impounded by Police? Everything You Need to Know "IndyWatch Feed War"

Having your car impounded by the police can be a nerve-wracking experience. Depending on the offense, your car will be held by the police until ...

Read more

The post What Happens if Your Car Is Impounded by Police? Everything You Need to Know appeared first on Police State Usa.


Escobar diary account from Moscow: The Capital of the Multipolar World "IndyWatch Feed World"

In Moscow you feel no crisis. No effects of sanctions. No unemployment. No homeless people in the streets. Minimal inflation. How sharp was good ol' Lenin, prime modernist, when he mused, "there are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen". This global nomad now addressing you has enjoyed the privilege of spending four astonishing weeks in Moscow at the heart of an historical crossroads - culminating with the Putin-Xi geopolitical game-changing summit at the Kremlin. To quote Xi, "changes that haven't been seen in 100 years" do have a knack of affecting us all in more ways than one. James Joyce, another modernity icon, wrote that we spend our lives meeting average and/or extraordinary people, on and on and on, but in the end we're always meeting ourselves. I have had the privilege of meeting an array of extraordinary people in Moscow, guided by trusted friends or by auspicious coincidence: in the end your soul tells you they enrich you and the...


Netflix Might Bring its Games to TVs in Effort to Get People to Actually Play Them "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Netflix has been releasing mobile video games since 2021, but this would be the company's first attempt at TV-based video games:

Higher quality TV and movies? No. A standard of not cancelling shows after a single season? Nah. Mobile games on your TV? Yup. That appears to be Netflix's plan after a developer found some hidden code while digging through the platform. The company's actually been offering games on mobile since 2021, but given paltry player numbers, the effort to bring them to TVs, where most subscribers actually use Netflix, might be the best way to remind people that they're even there.

App developer Steve Moserwho shared his findings with Bloombergfound some sneaky lines of code during some digging into Netflix's back end. One line of the code allegedly read "A game on your TV needs a controller to play. Do you want to use this phone as a game controller?," indicating that a user's smartphone would serve as the controller for a game hosted on Netflix's interface.

Currently, Netflix's gaming service is relegated to mobile, and while there's critically acclaimed titles like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge and Immortality in there, you can only get at them either by stumbling on Netflix's games on your phone's app store or through a single row in the Netflix app. As such, it's easy to miss out on this side of Netflix entirely. According to recent data, only one percent of subscribers are playing games on Netflix.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Turkey elections: Erdogan 'rejects alliance' with Eurasianist party "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey elections: Erdogan 'rejects alliance' with Eurasianist party

Leader of the Vatan party, which advocates closer links to China and Russia, says the Turkish president has turned down his requests to join the AKP-led coalition for the 14 May elections
Ragip Soylu Fri, 03/31/2023 - 14:03
A file photo of Dogu Perincek, the leader of Patriotic Party, on 28 January 2015 during a rally in Strasbourg, France (AFP)
A file photo of Dogu Perincek, the leader of Patriotic Party, on 28 January 2015 during a rally in Strasbourg, France (AFP)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has refused to take the Eurasianist Patriotic Party (Vatan) into his electoral alliance for the 14 May polls, according to Dogu Perincek, the chairman of the party.

Perincek said in a press conference on Wednesday that he held two separate meetings with Erdogan to discuss the possibility of joining the Peoples Alliance, led by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). 

He personally told me that he doesnt want to run with the Vatan Party in the elections, he said. We have to declare it out loud: the Peoples Alliances decision to reject the Vatan Party is no doubt a choice.

"They have chosen the path of submission to the United States over Turkeys independence and security. 

Perincek represents a fringe element of political ideology in Turkey that is an unusual combination of Turkish ultra-nationalism, Maoist leftism and ultra-secularism along with close ties to Russia, China and Syria. 



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UK: Muslim financial analyst was bomb-making jihadi, plotted jihad massacre "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Prophet said, War is deceit. (Bukhari 4.52.269) The respectable businessman by day who was a bomb-making jihadi by night and how his mass-murder terror plot was foiled by two IT guys, by Dan Sales, Mailonline, March 26, 2023: For families in the playground opposite Asad Bhattis home, the financial analyst working at Legal & []


More Nonsense About Greenland "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Imaginary "tipping points" don't melt ice, only temperatures above 0C can do that.

Friday, 31 March


Vulkan 1.3.246 Released With VK_EXT_shader_object "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Vulkan 1.3.246 has been published with one prominent new extension introduced that was started by Nintendo and worked on by several other hardware/software vendors...


Snowiest March ever recorded for Lake Tahoe area in California - also 3rd snowiest month ever "IndyWatch Feed World"

According to the UC Berkeley Central Snow Laboratory at 6,900 on Donner Pass, CA, which has been keeping precise snowfall records since 1946, March 2023 is the snowiest March in recorded history for the Lake Tahoe area. The UCB Snow Lab has recorded 220 of snowfall this March. "This just became the snowiest March ever recorded in Tahoe! The Central Sierra Snow Lab has recorded 220" of snow so far this month. This is also Tahoe's third snowiest month ever, behind only January 2017 and February 2019. The record for Tahoe's biggest winter is only 97 inches away.... will April bring more snow?" - Tahoe Fund


Selective Outrage in Palestine: The Problem is Not Just Smotrich but Zionism "IndyWatch Feed World"

By his own admission, Israels new Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, is a fascist homophobe. This declaration, which he made on January 16, should be enough to accentuate the violent nature of the new political concoction created by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last December.

Though Smotrich is not the only politician in Netanyahus cabinet with a track record of violence, both real and rhetorical, he is a special case. Unlike his boss, Smotrich does not feel the need for doublespeak or occasional diplomacy.

In recent months, Smotrich has become internationally famous, not because of his financial genius that could resolve Israels impending financial problems as a result of the weakening of the countrys legal system. Nor does the man have the answers, or even interest, in confronting Israels inherent socio-economic equalitynone of this. Smotrich is mostly popular for his racism.

In 2016, Smotrich made headlines when he suggested that Jewish and Palestinian women should be separated in maternity wards. His logic is as bigoted as it was foolish:

My wife really isnt a racist, but after giving birth, she wants to rest and doesnt want those mass parties that are the norm among the families of Arab women after birth.

At that time, Smotrich was a Knesset member, representing the Jewish Home party, before later joining the Union of Right-Wing Parties, Yamina, the Jewish Home and Yamina, again, and, finally, his current Religious Zionist Party. This indicates that Smotrich, himself an illegal Jewish settler from Kedumim, near the Occupied West Bank city of Qalqiliya, found an ideological home in most of Israels current rightwing political platforms.

In Israels right-wing parties, racism is an important prerequisite to succeed in politics.  In fact, this is precisely how Itamar Ben-Gvir rose from being a youth leader of the extremist Kach party to...


Shifting World Order? How Dangerous Is the Friendship Between Putin and Xi? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Sound of the New War Drum Goes Tik-Tok "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Human Rights Experts Call for Withdrawal of Biased UN Report on Nicaragua "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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US Occupation Forces in Syria are not Fighting Terrorism "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Please show me how to calculate a wokeness index "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The loons are just making up numbers now.

Australia is going to dramatically increase in its wokeness in the next year, says The University of Austin Founding Fellow Peter Boghossian.

If Stalins Soviet Union was a ten, and Portland Oregon is an eight, Australia is hovering around a three, he told Sky News host Peta Credlin.

However, I predicted that number will go up rather dramatically in the next year.

He only gives Australia a three because the toxic ideology hasnt had time to metastasize and worm its way through the system.

Im not clear on how he used reason to wake the woke, as he claims, and I have no idea what weird diverticulum of his monstrously bloated colon he pulled those numbers out of. Where I come from, yanking out random numbers and pretending theyre authoritative is frowned upon. Or laughed at. Either response is appropriate here.


'QAnon Shaman' gets early release "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Capitol riot participant has been moved to a halfway house after serving just over half of his sentence. January 6 rioter Jacob Chansley, also known as the 'QAnon Shaman', has been granted early release from federal prison and transferred to community confinement in Arizona, officials announced on Thursday. The 35-year-old was sentenced to 41 months' imprisonment in November 2021, after pleading guilty to one count of obstruction of an official proceeding for his involvement with the January 6 US Capitol riots earlier that year.


One of the last remaining pieces of history "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Against Mahikengs failure to honor and preserve his legacy, a new Setswana biography examines Plaatjes years in this South African town, once a regional capital.

Statue of Sol Plaatje, Kimberley. Image credit @flowcomm via Flickr CC BY 2.0.

On the tomb ya ga Solomon Plaatje / from the womb o tswe o tshwere botaki

Hip Hop Pantsula (We built this city, YBA 2NW)

Go fitlhela re bua maleme a rona, ga go sepe se setla re lokelang (until we speak our own languages nothing will go right for us)

Geoff Mphakati, Cultural Activist

On Mahikengs Martin Street throngs of traders and workers walk daily past a painting of Solomon Plaatje, the towns most famous literary citizen. It is one of the last remaining pieces of history in a fast-changing town; that change isnt positive. With chronic unemployment and failing infrastructure Mahikeng, the capital of South Africas North West Province, has come to resemble the collapse of so many of the countrys towns. Plaatje is the only thing about the town that still feels intact.

The Mahikeng Museum wall is one of several places where his face is immortalized in paint.  On the walls of the Lotlamoreng Cultural Village in Magogoe Village, a few kilometers out of town, he occupies his place amongst the great tribal chiefs of the Barolong Bo-RraTshidi, Mahikengs founding tribe. Plaatje wears a formal black blazer and white shirt complete with a bow tie; it is a colonial image that attempts to appeal to the towns conservative residents. But if the idea behind painting the image of Plaatje is to provoke some form of patriotism and pride in the towns history the results are often the opposite.

The siege of Mafeking

Plaatje arrived in Mahikeng in 1898 to begin work as a court clerk; two days after starting his new job one of Africas most consequential conflicts beganthe Anglo-Boer War, which led to the 217 days siege of Mafeking (as Mahikeng was known). (The Anglo Boer War is now known as The South African War; though blacks fought on opposing sides of the conflict, its principal protagonists were factions of South Africas population fighting over who should control the countrys natural resources and cheap black labor)  A century later Mahikeng is still a town under siege; today its a political elite perpetuating the misery that comes with unemployment, corrupti...


Educational Methods Encouraging Critical Thinking Versus Covert Methods of Inducing Obedience to Authority "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Google Posts KVM-CPUFreq Driver To Dramatically Boost VM Performance, Power Efficiency "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Google engineers on Thursday posted initial "request for comments" patches on their KVM-CPUFreq driver that is part of their effort to improve the dynamic voltage and frequency scaling behavior and task placement within KVM-based virtual machines. This effort is leading to big improvements in raw performance and performance-per-Watt for tasks running within Linux VMs...


California hit with heavy rain, snow from 13th atmospheric river of the season "IndyWatch Feed World"

California is experiencing more heavy rain and snow this week as another powerful storm front hits the state. While the nonstop parade of storms has helped alleviate California's drought crisis, it has also caused major flooding and damage. Jonathon Vigliotti has the latest.


9 killed in Army Black Hawk helicopter crash in Kentucky "IndyWatch Feed World"

U.S. Army investigators are trying to determine what caused two Black Hawk medical evacuation helicopters to crash during a routine nightime training exercise in Kentucky, killing all nine soldiers aboard. No one was hurt on the ground. Nondice Thurman, a spokesperson for Fort Campbell, said the deaths happened Wednesday night in southwestern Kentucky during a routine training mission. A statement from Fort Campbell said the two HH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, part of the 101st Airborne Division, crashed around 10 p.m. Wednesday in Trigg County in southwest Kentucky. The 101st Airborne confirmed the crash about 30 miles (48 kilometers) northwest of Fort Campbell.


The Cowboy Style of the International Criminal Court (I.C.C.) Irreversibly Crosses the Redline of Legal Decency "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Re: polkitd service user privilege separation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Johannes Segitz on Mar 31

It adds an additional step an attacker needs to take before having root
privileges. Also it is not just about security, it also helps to limit the
impact of non-security bugs. So I would keep the service user, but add
clear language that explains that this isn't a meaningful security boundary
and that this account needs to be considered to have root privileges.



CVE-2023-26269: Apache James server: Privilege escalation through unauthenticated JMX "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Benoit Tellier on Mar 31

Severity: moderate


management service without authentication by default. This
allows privilege escalation by a
malicious local user.

Administrators are advised to disable JMX, or set up a JMX password.

Work Arounds:

automatically for Guice users.


Matei "Mal" Badanoiu (reporter)



Canada: Polievre SLAMS Trudeau for claiming legal firearms should be banned in response to knife crimes "IndyWatch Feed World"

In a Question Period exchange Tuesday with Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau blamed recent stabbing deaths in Vancouver and Toronto on gun ownership.


Re: Re: sox: patches for old vulnerabilities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Steffen Nurpmeso on Mar 31

Hello Nam.

Nam Nguyen wrote in
|Steffen Nurpmeso writes:
|> Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in
|> <20230314201652.RlbWr%steffen () sdaoden eu>:
|> ...
|>||Helmut Grohne wrote in
|>|| <20230314110138.GA1192267 () subdivi de>:
|>|||On Fri, Feb 03, 2023 at 09:44:47PM +0100, Helmut Grohne wrote:
|>|||> * CVE-2021-33844
|>|||The original fix for this issue would cause a...


Re: Re: sox: patches for old vulnerabilities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Nam Nguyen on Mar 31

Steffen Nurpmeso writes:

I propose keeping that check in order to fix the regression of not
opening wav gsm files.

Steffn Nurpmeso's patch with tweaks can be found inline at the end of
this email. This patch retains the line 654 hunk and adds line 961 hunk
to avoid dividing by 0 for wav gsm files. wav->numSamples is calculated

Feedback is welcome as I am not familiar with the code base....


After Years Of J6 Fearmongering, Left-Wing Activists Storm Tennessee Capitol While DOJ Stays Silent "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Tennessee InsurrectionThe insurrection at the Tennessee Capitol confirms yet again that there is no longer equal justice in America.


Cyber Police of Ukraine Busted Phishing Gang Responsible for $4.33 Million Scam "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Cyber Police of Ukraine, in collaboration with law enforcement officials from Czechia, has arrested several members of a cybercriminal gang that set up phishing sites to target European users. Two of the apprehended affiliates are believed to be organizers, with 10 others detained in other territories across the European Union. The suspects are alleged to have created more than 100 phishing


Implications of Saudi King discussing global partnerships while condemning Quran burning "IndyWatch Feed War"

According to Alarabiya News, Saudi Arabias King Salman bin Abdulaziz has discussed the recent burning of Islams holy book, the Quran, during a cabinet session at the Al-Salam Palace in Jeddah. The Cabinet [reiterates] its condemnation of the attempts to burn the holy Quran and stresses the need to consolidate the values of dialogue, tolerance, []


Deep Dive Into 6 Key Steps to Accelerate Your Incident Response "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Organizations rely on Incident response to ensure they are immediately aware of security incidents, allowing for quick action to minimize damage. They also aim to avoid follow on attacks or future related incidents. The SANS Institute provides research and education on information security. In the upcoming webinar, well outline, in detail, six components of a SANS incident response plan,


Israeli forces fires tear gas during Palestinian final cup match, dozens injured "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israeli forces fires tear gas during Palestinian final cup match, dozens injured

Several Palestinian football players and hundreds of fans, including children, were left choking and breathless after inhaling gas
MEE staff Fri, 03/31/2023 - 12:39
Israeli forces fired tear gas during a final cup match organised by the Palestinian Football Association in occupied East Jerusalem, 30 March 2023 (PFA)
Israeli forces fired tear gas during a final cup match organised by the Palestinian Football Association in occupied East Jerusalem, 30 March 2023 (PFA)

Several Palestinian football players and fans suffered from choking and breathlessness after Israeli forces fired tear gas during a cup final match in occupied East Jerusalem, the Palestinian Football Association (PFA) said.

On Thursday evening, Israeli forces fired tear gas inside Faisal Al-Husseini International Stadium in Dahiat al-Barid street in al-Ram, a town in East Jerusalem.

Several Palestinian football players and dozens of fans, including children, suffered from gas inhalation and were treated on the pitch, while three people were taken to the hospital.

Turkey's General Consul to Palestine Ahmet Riza Demirer, and Jibril al-Rajoub, the president of the PFA, were attending the final of the Abu Ammar Cup on Thursday evening when Israeli forces disrupted the competition.

The PFA said that the assault happened during the halftime break in the match between Markaz Balata, a club from Nablus, and Jabal Al-Mukaber from Jerusalem.

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