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Wednesday, 29 March


sterreiches Gericht stuft Lootboxen als illegales ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

sterreiches Gericht stuft Lootboxen als illegales Glcksspiel ein. Es geht um ein EA-Fuballspiel, aber das betrifft natrlich auch einen Haufen anderer Spiele, wenn nicht gar das ganze Geschftsmodell von "Spielen ist kostenlos aber zum Gewinnen musst du Lootboxen kaufen".

Hacker hacken ... das Helmholtz-Zentrum. Money Quote:Auf ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Hacker hacken ... das Helmholtz-Zentrum. Money Quote:

Auf das Mnchner Helmholtz Zentrum ist eine Cyber-Attacke verbt worden, die offenbar die gesamte Kommunikation der Forschungseinrichtung an der Ingolstdter Landstrae in Neuherberg lahmgelegt hat. [...] Das Forschungszentrum hat bislang auf Anfragen per Mail nicht reagiert
Na no shit, ihr Spezialexperten!

Kurze Durchsage von Nvidia:Cryptocurrencies add nothing ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kurze Durchsage von Nvidia:

Cryptocurrencies add nothing useful to society, says chip-maker Nvidia

Tech chief says the development of chatbots is a more worthwhile use of processing power than crypto mining

Das sagt Nvidia, nachdem sie Milliarden mit Mining-Hardware verdient haben, und erst nachdem sie in bei den Minern in Ungnade gefallen sind.

Lenin hat mal gesagt: Die Kapitalisten werden uns noch den Strick verkaufen, mit dem wir sie aufknpfen.

Er lag nicht so weit daneben. Die Kapitalisten verkaufen dir noch die Grafikhardware, mit der du den Planeten in den Hitzetod schickst.

Die lteren unter euch werden sich noch erinnern, dass Nvidia mal Grafikhardware verkauft hat. Das haben sie offenbar aufgegeben. Jetzt liefern sie Chatbot-Hardware. m(

Vorgestern um 22:46: Der israelische Verteidigungsminister ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Vorgestern um 22:46: Der israelische Verteidigungsminister Joav Galant hat die eigene Regierung zum Stopp der umstrittenen Justizreform aufgerufen.

Gestern um 23:10: Netanjahu entlsst Verteidigungsminister Galant.

Das muss diese wehrhafte Demokratie sein, von der man immer so viel hrt! Ein lupenreiner Demokrat, dieser Netanjahu.

Daraufhin gab es Massenproteste. Wobei nicht klar ist, wie sie das erkennen, denn es gab auch vorher Massenproteste. Die neuen Proteste scheinen aber irgendwie heftiger gewesen zu sein, denn jetzt heit es pltzlich, Netanjahu wolle die Justizreform stoppen. Also ... nicht aufgeben. Nur vorlufig stoppen.

Kurze Durchsage des Economist: After Credit Suisses ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kurze Durchsage des Economist: After Credit Suisses demise, attention turns to Deutsche Bank.

Aber nicht doch, mein Herr! Das ist ein grundsolides Geldhaus!!1!

Die Contentmafia siegt vor Gericht gegen das Internet ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die Contentmafia siegt vor Gericht gegen das Internet Archive. Die Vorgeschichte ist, dass das Internet Archive Bcher gekauft hat, dann gescannt, und dann Leuten digital zugnglich gemacht hat. Allerdings nur soviele Ausleihen zugelassen hat, wie sie auch physische Kopien des Buches hatten.

Als dann Covid in die heie Phase ging, haben sie die Beschrnkung aufgehoben. Die Verlage wollten daher gerne das Internet Archive in einen Parkplatz verwandeln, aber sie wollen lieber nicht Covid und kleine Kinder im Lockdown als Kontext haben, also haben sie jetzt die gesamte Praxis der digitalen Ausleihe physischer Bcher vor Gericht angegriffen.

Das Gericht hat ihnen Recht gegeben.

Das war jetzt leider nicht blo irgendein Amtsgericht von Hintertupfingen sondern ein Circuit Court von New York, aber es gibt noch einen Rechtsweg, und den will das Internet Archive auch bestreiten.

Bemerkenswert ist allerdings, dass sie nicht nur das Internet Archive plattmachen wollen sondern auch die ganzen regulren Bibliothen, die das auch gemacht haben. Da droht also ein immenser kultureller Kahlschlag.

Das ist jetzt nicht unbedingt etwas, wo Europer mal eben mitmarschieren knnen, aber Spenden aus Europa nimmt das Internet Archive auch. Die sind dann halt nicht von der Steuer absetzbar. Publizieren des Problems ist aber das mindeste, was alle Benutzer von mal tun knnen.

Der Berliner Klima-Volksentscheid ist gescheitert. ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Der Berliner Klima-Volksentscheid ist gescheitert. Das ntige Quorum wurde deutlich verfehlt. Die Wahlbeteiligung lag mit unter 30% sehr niedrig. Dabei war das Wetter vergleichsweise gut heute. Bewlkt und khl aber kein Regen und zwischendurch kam sogar die Sonne raus.

Ntig waren ein bisschen ber 600k Stimmen, am Ende haben nur 400k dafr gestimmt, und 400k sind hingegangen und haben dagegen gestimmt. Meinem Verstndnis nach ist nein stimmen unntig, weil die Metrik die absoluten Ja-Stimmen sind. Da sind also haufenweise Leute hingegangen und haben Nein gestimmt, um ein Statement zu machen, oder vielleicht wussten sie das nicht.

Ich finde das Thema immer noch sehr schwierig und habe erst das Hingehen verzgert bis kurz vor Schluss der Wahllokale, und dann bis zur letzten Minute mit mir gerungen, wie ich abstimmen soll.

Ich habe am Ende Ja gestimmt, obwohl das gegen meine Interessen war. Nein war auch gegen meine Interessen. Ich habe drauf gezockt, dass das Quorum nicht erreicht wird, und ich dann ein Zeichen gesetzt habe, dass die Klimakatastrophe von der Bevlkerung ernst genommen wird, ohne die negativen Details dieses konkreten Vorschlags aushalten zu mssen.

Der Zug ist damit jetzt aber abgefahren, frchte ich. Noch einen Volksentscheid dazu wird es nicht geben, nachdem dieser so krachend gescheitert ist. Wollen wir hoffen, dass das der Politik jetzt die Perspektive auf das Problem gendert hat.

Update: Natrlich muss ich jetzt andersherum die negativen Konsequenzen von "weiter wie bisher" aushalten.

Update: Wenn das Quorum erreicht worden wre, und genug Ja-Stimmen fr die 25%-Hrde zusammen gekommen wren, htten die Nein-Stimmen eine Rolle gespielt.

Update: in der Nacht sind noch mehr Stimmen dazugekommen, die Wahlbeteiligung liegt jetzt bei 35,8%.

Central Bank Digital Currencies Are About Control They Should Be Stopped "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I participated in an online forum called US CBDCA Disaster in the making? We had a very productive discussion about the policy aspect of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). I believe that the Fed should not launch a CBDC. Ever. And I think that Congress should amend the Federal Reserve Act, just to be on the safe side. I want to distinguish between a wholesale CBDC and retail CBDC. With a wholesale CBDC, banks can electronically transact with each other using a liability of the central bank. That is essentially what banks do now. But retail CBDCs are another animal altogether. Retail CBDCs allow members of the general public to make electronic payments of all kinds with a liability of the central bank. This featuremaking electronic transactions using a liability of the Federal Reserveis central to why Congress should make sure that the Fed never issues a retail CBDC. The problem is that the federal government, not privately owned commercial banks, would be responsible for issuing deposits. And while this fact might seem like a feature instead of bug, it's a major problem for anything that resembles a free society. The problem is that there is no limit to the level of control that the government could exert over people if money is purely electronic and provided directly by the government. A CBDC would give federal officials full control over the money going intoand coming out ofevery person's account. This level of government control is not compatible with economic or political freedom.

Note: The above was written by Norbert Michel, Vice President and Director of the Cato Institute's Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on financial system corruption from reliable major media sources.

119K people hurt by riot-control weapons since 2015 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

More than 119,000 people have been injured by tear gas and other chemical irritants around the world since 2015 and some 2,000 suffered injuries from "less lethal" impact projectiles, according to a report released Wednesday. Physicians for Human Rights and the International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations, which produced the report, called it "the most comprehensive study on crowd-control weapons to date." The report on casualties from a largely unregulated industry cites an alarming evolution of crowd-control devices into more powerful and indiscriminate designs and deployment, including dropping tear gas from drones. Some of the injuries were fatal but it was impossible from the data to estimate the total number of deaths, said the report's lead author, Rohini Haar. The vast majority of the data comes from cases in which a person came to an emergency room with injuries from crowd-control weapons and the attending doctor or hospital staff made the effort to document it, Haar said. Protesters have been blinded and suffered brain damage from beanbag rounds. In November, the city of Portland reached a $250,000 settlement with five demonstrators in a federal lawsuit over police use of tear gas and other crowd-control devices during racial justice protests. But last month, a federal judge threw out an excessive force claim against an unnamed federal agent who fired an impact munition at the forehead of protester Donavan La Bella, fracturing his skull.

Note: For an idea of how common the deployment of nonlethal weapons against protesters has become, see a list of incidents of police violence that took place in the US in 2020. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on police corruption and non-lethal weapons from reliable major media sources.

The FBI Just Admitted It Bought US Location Data "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation has acknowledged for the first time that it purchased US location data rather than obtaining a warrant. The disclosure came today during a US Senate hearing. Senator Ron Wyden ... put the question of the bureau's use of commercial data to its director, Christopher Wray: "Does the FBI purchase US phone-geolocation information?" Wray said his agency was not currently doing so. "To my knowledge, we do not currently purchase commercial database information that includes location data derived from internet advertising," Wray said. "I understand that we previouslyas in the pastpurchased some such information for a specific national security pilot project. But that's not been active for some time." In its landmark Carpenter v. United States decision, the Supreme Court held that government agencies accessing historical location data without a warrant were violating the Fourth Amendment's guarantee against unreasonable searches. The decision left open a glaring loophole that allows the government to simply purchase whatever it cannot otherwise legally obtain. US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Defense Intelligence Agency are among the list of federal agencies known to have taken advantage of this loophole. The Department of Homeland Security ... purchased the geolocations of millions of Americans from private marketing firms. The data were derived from ... benign sources, such as mobile games and weather apps.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on government corruption and the disappearance of privacy from reliable major media sources.

Mapping Project Reveals Locations of U.S. Border Surveillance Towers "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The precise locations of the U.S. government's high-tech surveillance towers along the U.S-Mexico border are being made public for the first time as part of a mapping project by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. While the Department of Homeland Security's investment of more than a billion dollars into a so-called virtual wall between the U.S. and Mexico is a matter of public record, the government does not disclose where these towers are located, despite privacy concerns of residents of both countries and the fact that individual towers are plainly visible to observers. The surveillance tower map is the result of a year's work steered by EFF Director of Investigations Dave Maass. As border surveillance towers have multiplied across the southern border, so too have they become increasingly sophisticated, packing a panoply of powerful cameras, microphones, lasers, radar antennae, and other sensors. Companies like Anduril and Google have reaped major government paydays by promising to automate the border-watching process with migrant-detecting artificial intelligence. Opponents of these modern towers, bristling with always-watching sensors, argue the increasing computerization of border security will lead inevitably to the dehumanization of an already thoroughly dehumanizing undertaking. Nobody can say for certain how many people have died attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in the recent age of militarization and surveillance. Researchers estimate that the minimum is at least 10,000 dead.

Note: As the article states, the Department of Homeland Security was "the largest reorganization of the federal government since the creation of the CIA and the Defense Department," and has resulted in U.S. taxpayers funding corrupt agendas that have led to massive human rights abuses. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on government corruption and the disappearance of privacy from reliable major media sources.

Investment fund links to Atlanta police and 'Cop City' project revealed "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A new investigation has uncovered connections between private equity firms and the contentious development of a sprawling police and fire service training complex in Atlanta known as "Cop City" and the police force which fatally shot an environmental activist. Private equity refers to an opaque form of financing away from public markets in which funds and investors manage money for wealthy individuals and institutional investors. Research shared exclusively with the Guardian details links between Roark Capital, an Atlanta-based private equity firm ... and a corporate backer of the Atlanta police foundation (APF). APF ... is raising $60m from corporate funders to build Cop City in the Atlanta forest previously earmarked for a public park. The APF has helped Atlanta become the most surveilled city in the US in large part thanks to a program called Operation Shield. Operation Shield currently boasts more than 12,800 private and public interconnected cameras monitored by the police. The private equity industry manages about $11tn globally. Yet unlike banks and other publicly listed companies, private equity firms are exempt from most financial disclosure rules, making it extremely difficult to track their assets or risks. It means people such as firefighters, nurses and teachers whose pensions are invested in private equity funds have little way of knowing if their retirement nest egg is financing police surveillance equipment, defence contractors, hospitals or coal plants.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on police corruption and the disappearance of privacy from reliable major media sources.

'Here it is better not to be born': Cobalt mining for Big Tech is driving child labor, deaths in the Congo "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

During one of his many visits to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Siddharth Kara ... met a young woman sifting dirt for traces of cobalt. Priscille told him she had suffered two miscarriages and that her husband, a fellow "artisanal" miner, died of a respiratory disease. It is just one of many devastating personal accounts in Cobalt Red, a detailed expos into the hidden world of small-scale cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The "quaint" moniker of artisanal mining, Mr. Kara points out, belies a brutal industry where hundreds of thousands of men, women and children dig with bare hands and basic tools in toxic, perilous pits, eking out an existence on the bottom rung of the global supply chain. The miners are the first step in the race for precious metals and minerals by some of the world's most powerful companies. If you own a smartphone, tablet, laptop, e-scooter, [or] electric vehicle ... then it is a system in which you are unwittingly complicit. Around 75 per cent of the world's cobalt is mined in the DRC. The rare, silvery metal is an essential component to every lithium-ion rechargeable battery. Congolese miners ... have experienced life-changing injuries, sexual assault, physical violence, corruption, displacement and abject poverty. Major tech and EV companies extol commitments to human rights, zero-tolerance for child labor, and clean supply chains. Mr. Kara described these statements as "utterly inconsistent" with what's happening on the ground.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on corporate corruption from reliable major media sources.

W.H.O. Do You Trust? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Trust in public health has been shatteredhalf of America has lost faith in the scientific community altogether. Our current government is doubling down on World Health Organization (WHO) decrees that directly circumvent public oversight. The WHO has drafted a new global Pandemic Accord. The U.S. ambassador to the WHO, Pamela Hamamoto, on February 27 imprudently promised "The United States is committed to the Pandemic Accord." This comes immediately after the exposure of yet another disgrace undermining trust in public health institutions. It turned out the February 2020 Lancet article calling the lab origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus a "conspiracy theory" was itself the true conspiracy, contrived behind closed doors contemporaneously with a March 2020 publication in Nature. If that coordinated media campaign was designed to conceal malfeasance by Drs. Francis Collins and Anthony Fauciwho, as leaders of America's National Institutes of Health, reportedly sent American tax dollars to fund China's dangerous gain-of-function research and circumvent Obama administration-introduced restrictionswe may be witnessing the deadliest cover-up scandal in history. News media are also beginning to acknowledge facts that refute the original reasons behind lockdowns. Despite protestations to the contrary, all signers of the Pandemic Accord clearly relinquish critical autonomy to the WHO. Most ominous is that WHO defines "public health emergency" on its own terms.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on government corruption and the coronavirus from reliable major media sources.

America's COVID Response Was Based on Lies "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Almost all of America's leaders have gradually pulled back their COVID mandates, requirements, and closureseven in states like California, which had imposed the most stringent and longest-lasting restrictions on the public. At the same time, the media has been gradually acknowledging the ongoing release of studies that totally refute the purported reasons behind those restrictions. This overt reversal is falsely portrayed as "learned" or "new evidence." Little acknowledgment of error is to be found. We have seen no public apology for promulgating false information, or for the vilification and delegitimization of policy experts and medical scientists like myself who spoke out correctly about data, standard knowledge about viral infections and pandemics, and fundamental biology. History's biggest public health policy failure came at the hands of those who recommended the lockdowns and those who implemented them, not those who advised otherwise. Lies were told. Those lies harmed the public. Those lies were directly contrary to the evidence, to decades of knowledge on viral pandemics, and to long-established fundamental biology. To ensure that this never happens again, government leaders, power-driven officials, and influential academics and advisors often harboring conflicts of interest must be held accountable. Investigations must proceed. Remember G.K. Chesterton's critical lesson that "Right is right, even if nobody does it. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong about it."

Note: The above was written by Scott W. Atlas, MD, the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow in health policy at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on government corruption and the coronavirus from reliable major media sources.

PETA Urges Pentagon to Stop 'Cruel' Pulsed Radiation Experiments on Animals "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals on Monday implored the U.S. military to reinstate a ban on the intentional wounding of animals in experiments and to stop radiation testing in an attempt to determine the cause of the mystery ailment popularly known as "Havana syndrome" that has afflicted U.S. government officials posted at diplomatic facilities in Washington, D.C. and several foreign countries. PETA argues that the military's decision to use live animals in testing related to Havana syndrome is "counterproductive" due to biological differences between humans and species subjected to the experiments, as well as the widespread availability of non-wounding research methods and the likelihood that radio frequency waves did not cause the mysterious ailment. The U.S. government has a long history of radiation experiments not only on animals but also on human beings. Scores of institutions, including some of North America's most prominent universities, laboratories, and hospitals hosted government and military experimentation on both volunteers and unwitting test subjects in the MK-ULTRA mind control experiments and other highly unethical and sometimes deadly programs. People suffering from Havana syndromeso named because it was first identified by U.S. and Canadian diplomats and embassy staff in the Cuban capitalexperienced what The Lancet described as "an abrupt onset of unusual clinical symptoms."

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on military corruption and non-lethal weapons from reliable major media sources.


"Led Around On The Choke Chain of Life; A Mindless Graduate of The Obedience Training of Mr. Carrot and Mr. Stick." "IndyWatch Feed World"

 Dog Poet Transmitting.......

The species of Trannysaurus Bimbonius Phonius appears in human evolution when the female nature is perverted through Materialism and men are transformed into Bitch Portals through the appearance of the virus, Metrosexualis-68, which leaves the human psyche in a constant treadmill state of, Now I owe you one; given that it is one less than 69. It is a time of endless wanting and never getting because of never giving and always taking.

This causes a reversal in the sexual nature of both men and women and brings them on their knees before each other in the temporary religious posture of drive-thru sexual servicing. It is what happens when Materialism becomes Religion and Twerking becomes a Communion ritual. It is what happens when Nature stops being trees and meadows, mountains and streams, and becomes sidewalks and buildings, highways and billboards.

It is what happens when those who made the cities into giant cauldrons of suffering, migrate to the beautiful lands beyond the torments they created and try to claim them for themselves.

When everything that is advertised to the human senses is concerned with the satisfaction of the senses, God the Ineffable is kicked to the curb, and life becomes a turnstile affair of mechanical functionality... devoid of fulfillment... and ruthlessly ritualized into meaningless protocols that MUST... BE... FOLLOWED... or else. Or else what? Or else, kiss my ass,is my response but that appears to be an anomaly.

The State of; do as I say but not as I do, is concerned only with your obeisance and willingness to be led around on The Choke Chain of Life; a mindless graduate of the obedience training of Mr. Carrot and Mr. Stick; Can I have another, Sir! They are most pleased when you come to them of your own accord... seeking a ration of punishment... whether it has been earned or not. Ultimately... you pay them to punish you.

Look at the sewer scum, and slithering... mucoidal bobbleheads who make up The WEF. You remember how in Middle Earth the orcs were perversions of elves? This is the objective of trans-humanism; a godless regimentation of programmed degeneration. It is the idea of taking the evolving perfection of God's creation... and making it a mockery unto itself. It's turning life into a hall of funhouse mirrors embedded with razor blades and then turning out the lights.

Man-made Climate Change is bullshit. COVID is bullshit. T......



There are many still in shock about February 25th and March 18 elections. This is understandable. In the week before the 20th of February it appeared the Obidient movement had pulled off a miracle and already made good of the first part of the first promise of the Obi/Datti manifesto: To unite and secure Nigeria. []


Ebonyi Councillors Pass Vote Of Confidence On LG Chairman "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Ward Councilors in Onicha Local Government, Ebonyi State have passed a vote of confidence on the Chairman of the council, Chidiebere Uzor, for his political sagacity and for helping the Governorship candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Francis Nwifuru, to secure 25% votes in the local government despite combined efforts of the opposition []



Sunday, March 26, 2023 His Excellency,Muhammadu Buhari,The President Federal Republic of Nigeria,The Presidency,The Villa,Abuja,Nigeria. Your Excellency Sir, PETITION AGAINST MR. BOLA AHMED TINUBU FOR MAKING INCENDIARY COMMENTS AND HATE SPEECH BREEDING YORUBA SUPREMACISTS AND CAUSING TRIBAL ATTACK AGAINST IGBOS IN LAGOS AND ACROSS NIGERIA. I write this petition with the full realization that with the []


Court Dismisses Forgery Case Against Sylva "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Federal High Court sitting in Abuja has dismissed a certificate forgery case filed by the transparency advocacy for development initiative (TADI) against the petroleum minister, Chief Timipre Sylva. The court in a copy of its ruling dated March 8, and made available to journalists on Tuesday dismissed the matter following an application by the []


Wabote Emphasises Need For NCDMB/FIRS Collaboration On Increasing Tax Revenue "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board, Simbi Wabote has emphasized the need for his board and the federal inland revenue service to form a strong collaboration in developing local technology with a view to increasing government revenue from tax collection. Speaking on Tuesday at the local content tower Yenagoa during []


Heres why HRW deliberately only scratched the surface in exploring Ukraines use of banned petal mines "IndyWatch Feed War"

 PFM-1 anti-personnel land mine found in a field, near the town of Artyomovsk, Donetsk Peoples Republic Viktor Antonyuk / Sputnik
By Eva Bartlett | RT | March 28, 2023

Since Ukraine dropped hundreds of mines on the Donetsk Peoples Republic (DPR) in July, 104 people have fallen victim to the internationally-banned PFM-1 petal (otherwise known as butterfly) devices. Nine of them are children. Of which three died.

Among the most recent civilians to be injured, on March 19, were two 60-year-old men. On February 26, a woman in her sixties was wounded in her neighborhood. On February 14, a teenager stepped on a petal mine near a school. These are just a few...


I Cant Tell If Newcastle Ownership Would Be Re-Evaluated Richard Masters "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Premier League Chief Executive, Richard Masters has told MPs he cannot comment on whether his organisation is investigating who has control of Newcastle and if it is re-examining its approval of the clubs Saudi takeover. Newcastles takeover by Saudi Arabias Public Investment Fund (PIF) was approved after legally binding assurances the Saudi government would not []


More women in the police wont reduce police violence "IndyWatch Feed"

OPINION: Focusing on the gender of officers is misleading violence and intimidation are integral to policing


Ill Complete All Developmental Projects Initiated By Aregbesola Adeleke "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Osun State Governor, Ademola Adeleke, on Tuesday, commended former Governor of the state and current Minister of Interior, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola for being a worthy ambassador of the state, reassuring him of the states support in all ramifications Adeleke who vowed to continue all the developmental projects initiated by Aregbesola which he said had been []


How to work with a list of dictionaries in Ansible "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Use Jinja selectattr() and map() filters to extract data from a list of dictionaries.

Read More at Enable Sysadmin

The post How to work with a list of dictionaries in Ansible appeared first on


Portugal: Afghan Muslim migrant stabs to death his English teacher and another Afghan migrant at Ismaili center "IndyWatch Feed War"

Were told that the attacker has psychological problems. That would be a perfectly reasonable explanation were it not for the fact that it is so often used even in obvious cases of jihad violence. As this took place at an Ismaili Shia center, is it possible that the perpetrator was Sunni? Certainly the fact that []


WV Public Service Commission Should Serve the Public Interest "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Climate, Jobs & Justice are the Three Pillars of the WV Climate Alliance

The choice and the burden of energy in West Virginia

From the Letter to Editor of Perry Bryant, Charleston Gazette, March 28, 2023

Last year, Charlotte Lane, chairwoman of the West Virginia Public Service Commission, wrote an op-ed claiming that burning coal is cheaper than installing renewables, such as wind and solar. That really depends on what costs are included, and Lane failed to include the harm that burning coal causes costs that renewables dont incur. Plus, a lot has happened since she wrote her op-ed.

Lanes basic argument is that solar and wind are intermittent sources of energy while coal is available all the time. The myth of coals super reliability was pierced recently when Standard & Poors reported that one of three coal-fired units at Harrison Power plant and two of three coal-fired units at John Amos were shut down during part or all of the frigid polar vortex in West Virginia last December just when we needed their energy the most.

Lane also dismissed battery storage as too expensive for storing solar and wind energy when the sun isnt shining and the wind isnt blowing. However, battery storage technology is rapidly evolving. Form Energy, for example, recently announced that it is opening a battery manufacturing facility in Weirton to make batteries that can store, and then discharge, power for 100 hours at a cost of one-tenth of lithium-ion batteries, the type of batteries utilities currently use. If Form Energy can deliver on its claims, it will make renewables very reliable at a very reasonable price.

I do agree with Lane that we should consider the cost of battery storage when comparing the cost of renewables versus the cost of coal. But we also should consider the cost of the harm that occurs from burning coal.

These costs are substantial. The West Virginia University College of Laws Center on Energy and Sustainable Development found that almost 100 deaths can be avoided in West Virginia in 2035 by adopting renewable sources of energy, instead of relying on burning coal for our electricity.

Whats the cost of these avoidable deaths? And what are the additional costs associated with global warming caus...


Mexico Migrants: Deadly fire at migrant centre kills at least 39 "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  At least 39 people have died in a fire at a migrant processing centre in Mexico that officials say started during a protest against deportations. Many of the victims are thought to be Venezuelans trying to reach the US, reports the BBC. The fire at the centre in Ciudad Jurez broke out shortly before []


Mueren 39 migrantes por incendio en centro de detencin de Ciudad Jurez "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. Al menos 39 migrantes murieron y 29 resultaron heridos por un incendio en el centro de detencin del Instituto Nacional de Migracin (INM) de Ciudad Jurez, Chihuahua, la noche del pasado 27 de marzo.

La mayora de las vctimas eran originarias de Guatemala y otros pases de Centroamrica y buscaban llegar a Estados Unidos. Los heridos fueron trasladados a cuatro hospitales de la zona en estado delicado-grave, de acuerdo con reportes locales.

Nunca les abrieron la puerta, narr Vinagly Infante, migrante venezolana que se encontraba a las puertas del centro donde se encontraba detenido su esposo. Se lo llevaron en una ambulancia, pero los funcionarios no nos dicen nada. Nuestros familiares pueden estar muertos y no nos informan, agreg.

Infante narr a agenciasque desde las 13 horas esper a su esposo detenido en el centro del INM y que las autoridades le informaron que se lo entregaran, pero cuando se hicieron las 10 de la noche comenz a salir humo por todos lados. Empezaron a salir todos corriendo y a los nicos que dejaron all adentro encerrados fueron a los hombres.

Los migrantes haban sido detenidos el mismo lunes por agentes del INM por presuntos disturbios en la va pblica y fueron encerrados en varias celdas del lado izquierdo del edificio, que depende del gobierno federal. Alrededor de las 21:30 horas empez el fuego.


Japans Opposition Blasts PM Kishidas Silence on Depleted Uranium Ammo to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Svetlana Ekimenko Sputnik 28.03.2023

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida paid a surprise visit to Ukraine to meet with Volodymyr Zelensky a day after Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, in Moscow. Both visits came as the announcement of future DU ammo supplies to Ukraine hit the headlines.

Japans Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has been condemned by the opposition for staying tight-lipped on the UKs announced delivery of depleted uranium ammunition to the Kiev regime, according to media reports.

Taro Yamamoto, leader of the opposition party Reiwa Shinsengumi, is said to have raised the issue at a budget committee meeting in the Japanese parliaments upper house.

Mr Prime Minister, do you intend to encourage the UK not to send such shells? the politician is cited as asking Kishida.

The head of the Japanese government ostensibly dodged giving a direct answer, saying something to the effect that, despite studies on the negative effects on human health, no concrete results have been obtained. However, Yamamoto would not let up, pressing further:

Actually, such munitions could already be classified as nuclear weapons, and it was found that there is a risk of cancer Mr. Prime Minister, during your meeting with Zelensky, did you ask him not to use ammunition with depleted uranium?

Kishida is said to have responded by saying that, As for depleted uranium weapons, I didnt say anything specific about it in my meeting with Zelensky.

The opposition leader then slammed this response as sending a bad message, and added, as a parting broadside, that the Prime Minister himself was from Hiroshima.

The US dropped two atomic bombs plutonium Fat Man and gun-type uranium Little Boy on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in August 1945. The bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, mostly Japanese civilians. Neither Hiroshima nor Nagasaki hosted any key military installations whatsoever.

Japans Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, who will chair the Group of Seven (G7) summit scheduled for May, visited Ukraine on March 21. He met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a day after Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited Moscow to meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

Kishidas visit was seen by analysts as tailored to demonstrate that Japan is the Wests reliable ally. Even though Kishida embarked on his Kiev visit to show solidarity with Ukraine, Tokyo has been contributing less economic help to Ukraine than other countries of the so-called...


Military Situation In Donetsk Region On March 28, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Donetsk Region On March 28, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • To the north of Avdiivka, the Russian Army entered Novokalinovo;
  • Clashes are ongoing along the highway near Novobakhmutovka;
  • To the southwest of Avdiivka, Russian forces continue assault operations near Severnoye, Tonenkoy and Pervomaisky;
  • Clashes are ongoing west of Kamenka which came under Russian control;
  • The Russian Army advanced in the southern districts of Mariinka;
  • Journalists, volunteers and other services were prohibited to travel to Avdiivka. Utility services are being evacuated;
  • Ukrainian group of up to 10 servicemen with a satellite communication kit was destroyed near of Avdiivka;
  • 2 US-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar stations were destroyed near Avdiivka.


The post Military Situation In Donetsk Region On March 28, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


Military Situation In Bakhmut On March 28, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Bakhmut On March 28, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • Russian forces took control of the southern part of Mariupolska street;
  • Russian forces took control of the Central Market. Clashes are ongoing near the Martynov Cultural Center;
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near streets of Pershin and Mir;
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near the Avangard stadium;
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Khromove.


The post Military Situation In Bakhmut On March 28, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


VA-API's Libva 2.18 Released With Windows WSL D3D12 Support, Optional Disabling DRI3 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Version 2.18 of the VA-API library, libva, has been released today for this Linux Video Acceleration API library that is used by the various driver implementations...


What If EVE Online Becomes Our Future? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Play EVE Online:

In this video, we explore the fascinating prospects of humanity becoming a proper interstellar civilization, up to Type III on the Kardashev scale. However, this transition process presents our species with a bunch of physical limitations, as well as societal and even biological implications. Many of them are quite unwanted or even ugly! We explore this vast topic by using the latest scientific models as well as the best science fiction worlds from books, TV shows, and even games. Speaking of which, to help us visualize this space-faring future with much-needed scale and fidelity, we turned to CCP Games the creators of the massively multiplayer online game EVE Online. It is set in a rich sci-fi universe, where players can create their own character and explore a vast and complex virtual world built according to the well-thought set of consistent in-world rules The game is known for its intricate economy, politics, and warfare mechanics, where players can engage in a variety of activities, including mining resources, trading, building structures, and participating in battles. Quite frankly, the game feels like a real simulation of all those future endeavors humanity will face on the way to becoming a true interstellar species!


AI Consciousness : 2023 2030 Timeline of Sentient Machines "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Deep Learning AI Specialization:
AI Marketplace:
Take a journey through the years 20232030 as artificial intelligence develops increasing levels of consciousness, becomes an indispensable partner in human decision-making, and even leads key areas of society. But as the line between man and machines becomes blurred, society grapples with the moral and ethical implications of sentient machines, and the question arises: which side of history will you be on?

AI news timestamps:
0:00 AI consciousness intro.
0:17 Unconscious artificial intelligence.
1:54 AI influence in media.
3:13 AI decisions.
4:05 AI awareness.
5:07 The AI ally.
6:07 Machine human hybrid minds.
7:02 Which side.
7:55 The will of artificial intelligence.

#ai #future #tech


Does GPT-4 Really Understand What Were Saying? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

One question for David Krakauer, president of the Sante Fe Institute for complexity science where he explores the evolution of intelligence and stupidity on Earth.

Does GPT-4 really understand what were saying?

Yes and no, is the answer to that. In my new paper with computer scientist Melanie Mitchell, we surveyed AI researchers on the idea that large pretrained language models, like GPT-4, can understand language. When they say these models understand us, or that they dont, its not clear that were agreeing on our concept of understanding. When Claude Shannon was inventing information theory, he made it very clear that the part of information he was interested in was communication, not meaning: You can have two messages that are equally informative, with one having loads of meaning and the other none.


The Periodic Table Has Been Sonified And Every Element Sounds Unique "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The unique radiation emitted by heated or electrified elements has been converted into sound, enabling us to hear the distinctive chord each element produces. Although the idea has been tried before, advances in technology have now made it possible for a far more complete and subtle sonification of the periodic table.

When elements are energized electrons can jump to higher energy levels. Eventually, they return to their ground state, releasing a photon in the process. The wavelength of the photon depends on the size of the energy gap between the excited state and the ground state more energy produces higher frequency/shorter wavelength light.

The discovery of this fact has proven crucial for our understanding of the universe. We can identify the elements in a star billions of light-years away from the distinctive wavelengths it emits, known as its emission spectra. At the American Chemical Societys Spring Conference over the weekend, the University of Indianas W. Walker Smith demonstrated the result if every elements electromagnetic spectrum is converted to sound.


Does consciousness create the universe? A new book makes the startling claim "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Credit: Pixabay.

Observer, a thriller co-written by the scientist Robert Lanza and the leading sci-fi writer Nancy Kress, looks towards quantum physics and beyond in a provocative story of a brilliant neurosurgeon.


The Twilight Zone (1985) Intro HD "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Twilight Zone (1985) is a television science fiction anthology series. It recreated some of the episodes from the original series and created some new ones too. The series contains ironic or special situations with a twist at the end, which show the human nature, coupled with science fiction, horror or fantasy. This new series included such famous directors as Wes Craven, Joe Dante, John Milius, and William Friedkin along with writers such as Stephen King, Harlan Ellison, Roger Zelazny, J. Michael Straczynski, Rockne S. OBannon, Theodore Sturgeon, Ray Bradbury, George Clayton Johnson, and even an original outline by Rod Serling.

Facebook Page:


Paraguay: entre la alternancia y la agenda de los movimientos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La alternancia electoral en abril del 2008 no fue suficiente para desmontar un Estado que por dcadas se haba olvidado de los sectores empobrecidos y privilegiado a un pequeo sector econmico. En dicho ao asumi la presidencia del Paraguay un presidente no colorado, el ex obispo Fernando Lugo, que puso fin a 61 aos de gobierno ininterrumpido del Partido Colorado. Las expectativas ciudadanas y los buenos deseos no fueron suficientes para provocar cambios significativos1.

La alianza opositora de aquel ao, integrada por la mayora de los sectores de oposicin, ciertamente haba logrado su cometido: derrocar al Partido Colorado; pero se encontraba con grandes limitaciones para avanzar hacia otros temas tan necesarios como el de la problemtica de la tierra. El gobierno no colorado se encontr con un Estado paraguayo heredero del Estado colonial espaol y de mltiples dictaduras y autoritarismos, y por lo tanto jams ha sido su funcin la proteccin universal de los derechos (Bareiro, 2011: 17). Eran muchos los desafos y pocas las posibilidades reales de enfrentar la pobreza y las desigualdades con reformas estructurales que vayan ms all de las polticas compensatorias mnimas, diseadas para cubrir los desajustes del modo de produccin hegemnico.

Derrocar al gobierno de Lugo, a travs de un golpe parlamentario en 2012, fue -adems de una demostracin de fuerza de las derechas paraguayas- la seal para retomar los cauces del neoliberalismo radical, de profundizar el extractivismo y asegurar el resguardo de los intereses de la burguesa paraguaya insertada en las rbitas de expansin del capitalismo moderno mundial (Quevedo, 2015:50). Una vez ms -despus de Wasmosy- se apel a la figura de un empresario para el gobierno 2013-2018, el tabacalero y dirigente de ftbol Horacio Cartes con el slogan el nuevo rumbo, vinculado a un proyecto de modernizacin del Partido Colorado y del Estado, en base a los requerimiento del proyecto neoliberal:

Un programa de modernizacin capitalista, que pasa por una ruptura del clsico clientelismo colorado, de manera a agilizar la modalidad de privatizacin. Esa modernizacin no incluye en modo alguno el respeto a los derechos humanos, ni el desarrollo de garantas de proteccin de los derechos, ni una promocin de la ciudadana activa y mucho menos una profundizacin democrtica (Bareiro, 2013, pg. 27).

Ciertamente, esa necesaria modernizacin se vuelve cada vez ms ralentizada con el Partido Colorado y sus caudillos, quiz sea esa una de las principales causas por la que la Embajada de Estados Unidos en Paraguay ha declarado significativamente corrupto y con vnculos con grupos terroristas al actual vicepresidente de la repblica, Hugo Velzquez, y al presidente del Partido Colorado, Horacio Cartes.

Vale recordar que el gobierno de Cart...


Autoridades indgenas continuarn paro nacional ante la falta de respuestas a sus demandas en Guatemala "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Los pobladores estn a la espera de las acciones que se tomarn en las prximas horas ante la negativa del jefe de la Superintendencia de Administracin Tributaria (SAT) de atender sus demandas.

El superintendente de Administracin Tributaria (SAT), Marco Livio Daz, en una reunin que sostuvo con autoridades de los 48 Cantones de Totonicapn y la Alcalda Indgena de Solol, propuso la conformacin de una mesa tcnica para discutir sus demandas en contra de la iniciativa de ley 6165 y al acuerdo gubernativo 245-2022. Las autoridades indgenas plantearon que a pesar de pagar impuestos no ven la inversin en infraestructura en carreteras, escuelas  y salud, por lo que al no ser atendidas sus propuestas continuarn con el Paro Nacional.

Desde las seis de la maana de este lunes, mujeres acompaadas de nios, adultos mayores, jvenes y hombres salieron de sus comunidades para unirse a la manifestacin. Hasta las 16:00 horas, la Direccin General de Proteccin y Seguridad Vial (PROVIAL), reportaba la toma de carreteras en 11 puntos y uno haba sido habilitado en el kilmetro 70 hacia el Occidente en jurisdiccin de Patzica.

Con gorras y sombrillas, los pobladores se cubran del sol y manifestaron que mantendra la resistencia pacfica hasta que se derogue el acuerdo 245-2022 que obliga a la emisin de factura en compras iguales o mayores a los Q2 mil 500 y se archive la iniciativa 6165 que establece la incorporacin del sector informal al sistema tributario, al igual que los sectores productivos primario, bovino y pecuario.

Adems, de la toma de carreteras, los manifestantes tambin realizaron un paro de actividades econmicas en las caberas municipales de Totonicapn y Solol, para sumarse al rechazo de las decisiones del Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) durante el proceso de inscripcin de candidatos, as como la persecucin penal en contra de personas defensoras de derechos humanos y operadores de justicia anticorrupcin.


En Xekanchawox, San Cristbal, los pobladores de aldeas cercanas atendieron el llamado de las autoridades indgenas. La Polica Nacional Civil (PNC) se acerc para dialogar y llegaron a un acuerdo con los pobladores para dar paso a los servicios de emergencia.

Cuatro Caminos

Desde una tarima ubicada en un camin, vecinos y representantes de varias comunidades, que estaban presentes desde antes de las seis de la maana, tomaron el micrfono para expresar sus inconformidades. En estas elecciones no pierdan el objetivo. Ahora es cuando el pueblo debe reaccionar y no votar por los...


VS verloor alle oorlogen sinds 1945. "IndyWatch Feed War"


195 Stan van Houcke: 'VS verloor alle oorlogen sinds 1945. Incl. Oekraine. Ab Gietelink 


There is no crisis in US-Israel relations. Yet. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and then Vice President Joe Biden talk on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2016. (Photo: Michel Euler/ AP)It has never been politically safer to be tough on Israel, but so far the Biden administration is working overtime to avoid a diplomatic crisis with Israel.


"IndyWatch Feed War"

  28 2023 . . []


Criminalizacin de poblaciones irregularizadas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Mxico como territorio de control migratorio regional

Los procesos migratorios transfronterizos tienen siglos de historia y han estado relacionados a la conformacin del sistema capitalista, as como a la creacin y consolidacin de los estados nacionales modernos. No obstante, estas migraciones han aumentado desde las ltimas dcadas del siglo XX. Con la emergencia de la globalizacin y la consolidacin de la versin neoliberal del capitalismo, estas migraciones han sido producidas por el drstico aumento de las dinmicas de la desigualdad, el incremento de los procesos de pauperizacin, la desarticulacin del aparato productivo, as como la reduccin de los nichos de oferta laboral y el deterioro del valor de los salarios de los estados nacionales del sur global. En el contexto mundial, Amrica es uno de los continentes con fuertes procesos migratorios. Buena parte de estas poblaciones migrantes, con el objetivo de acceder a salarios drsticamente ms elevados que los de sus pases de procedencia, se desplazan de manera irregularizada hacia Estados Unidos (EUA).

En este escenario, los Procesos Migratorios Irregularizados del Norte de Centroamrica (PMINCA) presentan grandes volmenes demogrficos y estn expuestos a dinmicas de violencia y exclusin en su paso por diferentes pases y fronteras. Quienes integran los PMINCA tratan de llegar a EUA para acceder a mejores situaciones de existencia material, escapando de la precariedad econmica (bajos salarios, ausencia de trabajo), de las dinmicas de violencia y los impactos medioambientales (por ejemplo los estragos provocados huracanes Eta e Iota); y, en los ltimos aos, de los drsticos impactos de la pandemia. Para los migrantes de los PMINCA, desde hace muchos aos, Mxico se ha convertido en un dispositivo espacial de trnsito obligado y caracterizado por varias violencias (institucionales, criminales, entre otras). Por la configuracin regional de los PMINCA, y tomando en cuenta el lugar de origen de estos migrantes y su (anhelado) destino en EUA, Mxico, por su localizacin geopoltica, se ha convertido en un territorio de trnsito obligado; Mxico tiene una frontera de ms de 3 mil kms con EUA.

Desde hace varios lustros, la posicin poltica del gobierno de mexicano acerca de los PMINCA ha estado determinada, no nicamente por los intereses internos nacionales y los marcos jurdicos migratorios mexicanos, sino tambin por las complejas y asimtricas relaciones con EUA; y, especialmente, por la manera en que los ltimos gobiernos de EUA juzgan polticamente las migraciones irregularizadas hacia su pas. La impronta socioeconmica y geopoltica de EUA sobre Mxico es enorme. EUA, no slo es una de las primeras economas a nivel mundial y uno de los pases militarmente ms poderosos de la tierra, es tambin el primer socio comercial de Mxico y, polticamente, su impronta sobre Mxico es muy drstica. En el cas...


The EV Transition Is Harder Than Anyone Thinks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Volvo Cars CEO Jim Rowan boldly proclaims that electric vehicles will reach price parity with internal-combustion-engine (ICE) vehicles by 2025. Not likely, counter Mercedes-Benzs chief technology officer Markus Schfer and Renault Group CEO Luca de Meo.

The International Energy Agency predicts that EVs will make up more than 60 percent of vehicles sold globally by 2030. But given the sheer tonnage of lithium, cobalt, and other raw materials needed for EV batteries, that figure is overly optimistic, suggests the mineral market analysis company Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, unless nearly 300 new mines and supporting refineries open by then.

EV owners should be urged to charge at night to save not only money and the power grid but the world, a news headline cries out. Not so fast, exclaim researchers at Stanford University, who state that charging EVs during the day is actually cheaper, better for the grid, and healthier for the environment.

And so goes the litany of contradictory statements about the transition to EVs:

  • EVs will/will not collapse the electric grid.
  • EVs will/will not cause massive unemployment among autoworkers.
  • EVs will/will not create more pollution than they eliminate.

Confused? Join the crowd.

Sorting through this contradictory rhetoric can make anyones head spin. My response to each proclamation is often a shrug followed by It depends.

Two years ago, I began investigating the veracity of claims surrounding the transition to EVs at scale. The result is a 12-part series and e-book,...


Afghanistan: Taliban boasts, shows off 300 military vehicles left behind by America "IndyWatch Feed War"

According to Forbes in 2021: The U.S. provided an estimated $83 billion worth of training and equipment to Afghan security forces since 2001. This year, alone, the U.S. military aid to Afghan forces was $3 billion. Even CNN reported that the US gave a total of $18.6 billion of equipment to the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces []


US and Taiwan plan to equip Kiev regime forces with swarms-of-swarms drones "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | March 28, 2023

Theres very little doubt that warfare has changed dramatically in recent decades, with the tactical gap between leading militaries and those of local powers (or even the usually overlooked small countries) narrowing as the proliferation of unmanned systems continues unabated. With the advent of the information era, the abundance of war footage has essentially eliminated the once-assured readiness of tens of millions to go to war, leaving militaries around the globe struggling to meet their recruitment quotas. Losing even a hundred drones is certainly preferable to having ten soldiers (or even one) killed and/or wounded in action, particularly for politicians and their respective parties seeking reelection. As a result, drones, robots and other unmanned vehicles have become increasingly important.

The combination of these factors created the perfect storm for the dramatic rise and adoption of unmanned systems by most militaries around the world. Perhaps the best proof of this has been the mass usage of drones by both sides of the Ukrainian conflict. Ranging from commercial quadcopters to HALE (high-altitude, long-endurance) military drones, these weapons are changing the face of warfare in a manner no less revolutionary than airplanes and tanks did during the First World War. Interestingly, as both the Russian military and the Kiev regime forces deploy advanced long-range air defenses (particularly the former), the role of larger drones has subsided, leaving smaller platforms as the more cost-effective alternative, while also providing significant tactical advantages.

Aside from circumventing advanced SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems, miniature drones offer an important upper hand in terms of first-strike capabilities and forward reconnaissance. Apart from Russia and the Kiev regime, the US-led political West is also taking this into account, especially when considering the fact that NATOs massive ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) capabilities have been used to observe virtually every inch of the vast Ukrainian battlefields. Precisely this is pushing the belligerent alliance to equip the Neo-Nazi junta forces with the latest unmanned technologies, both as a way of providing its favorite puppet regime with weapons to counter the Russian military, as well as battle-testing the said drones against an advanced state adversary.

And while the Kiev regimes pompous announcements of an upcoming offensive may be dismissed as routine propaganda stunts, Russian intelligence found solid evidence that such weapons are being supplied to the Neo-Nazi junta. Needless to say, the political West sending advanced weapons to Kiev is hardly breaking news...


Somali families say theyre being forced out of east London community "IndyWatch Feed"

Tower Hamlets residents say they are being overlooked for social housing and accused the council of discrimination


Lagos Assembly Constitutes 5-Man Committee To Investigate Non-Functional PHCs "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Lagos State House of Assembly has constituted a five-man committee to carry out oversight functions on the reported poor state of Primary Healthcare facilities (PHCs) in the state. Members of the House resumed plenary after the general election with a Matter of Urgent Public Importance on issues relating to the scarcity of Primary Healthcare Centres []


From ukuleles to reforestation: Regrowing a tropical forest in Hawaii "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

It started in a very Hawaiian way: with the ukulele. Husband and wife Joe and Kristen Souza, spent decades building a successful ukulele-crafting business, known as Kanilea Ukulele, on the island of Oahu. Many of their instruments were carved using the native koa tree (Acacia koa), found nowhere else in the world. As Kristen told me, Its the most beautiful wood and it has great tonal properties. For many years, the couples relationship with the koa was purely instrumental. Then, on a trip to the island of Kauai, the Souzas noted the drastic contrast between an overgrazed cattle pasture and adjacent native tropical forest. We said, Wouldnt it be cool to plant a koa tree for every ukulele we built? Were like, Yes, thatd be really nice. And that was the end of that conversation, recalls Kristen. But those words stuck with them, unacted on until 2014. One of the ukuleles made by Kanilea Ukulele as seen against a tropical rainforest backdrop. Image courtesy of Saving Hawaiis Forests. Thats when Kristen visited a degraded 39-hectare (96-acre) property on the island of Hawaii, situated at an elevation of 1,200 meters (4,000 feet) on the slopes of Mauna Loa, one of the Big Islands active volcanos. Shortly after, the couple decided to buy it. Their plan: to grow koa trees and make a forest from scratch. Their land, once cloaked in biodiverse tropical forest, had long since been denuded by grazing livestock. The forest was trying to come back. But theThis article was originally published on Mongabay


JUST-IN: Damagun Takes Over As Ayu Steps Aside As PDP National Chair "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The embattled National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Chief Iyorchia Ayu, has stepped aside from office. Ayus decision was in obedience to an order of a Benue State High Court in Makurdi issued on Monday, which asked him to stop parading himself as PDP National Chairman. New Telegraph had on Sunday reported that []


Governance By Artificial Intelligence: The Ultimate Unaccountable Tyranny "IndyWatch Feed World"

Op-Ed by Brandon Smith Its no secret that globalist institutions are obsessed with artificial intelligence as some kind of technological prophecy. They treat it as...

Governance By Artificial Intelligence: The Ultimate Unaccountable Tyranny


Over 3,000lbs Of Beef Recalled Over Possible E. Coli Contamination "IndyWatch Feed World"

By Tyler Durden A Kansas meat-packing company has recalled approximately 3,436 lbs of boneless beef chuck product due to potential contamination with E. coli, according...

Over 3,000lbs Of Beef Recalled Over Possible E. Coli Contamination


US politicians urge Biden to send cluster bombs to Kiev "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Lucas Leiroz | March 28, 2023

Once again, American politicians are pushing for new escalations in the Ukrainian conflict. Now, lawmakers want the Biden regime to supply cluster munitions to the Ukrainian armed forces. This type of measure would be seen as a serious provocation by Russia and would certainly have strong impacts on the battlefield and in the current diplomatic crisis.

Recently, some Republican senators formally asked the government to not hesitate to send cluster arms to Ukraine. James Risch and Roger Wickers, both from Mississippi, led the Congress campaign, and were also supported by Michael McCaul, from Texas, and Mike Rogers, from Alabama. According to them, Washington should ship such bombs as quickly as possible to Kiev, ignoring what they think to be vague concerns about the reaction of allies and partners and unfounded fears of escalation'.

The pressure comes amid a context of despair on the part of the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev and the more pro-war groups of American domestic politics. Faced with the Ukrainian military failure and the imminent Russian victory, despite the systematic sending of weapons by NATO, the only solution seems to be to resort to the use of non-conventional arms. In this sense, the use of cluster bombs would be one of the alternatives, which is why Ukrainian politicians have asked US congressmen to increase the pressure for the government to allow the export of such equipment.

Cluster bombs are banned in at least 110 countries by a 2008 UN-brokered treaty. These arms are notorious for their fragmentation power. Cluster munitions include countless small projectiles inside. When launched, these bombs explode ejecting projectiles that injure a much greater number of victims than conventional weapons. The most dangerous thing is that many of these small projectiles do not detonate immediately after being ejected, and can remain inactive for a long time, which is why civilians can be mutilated or killed by bomblets that explode long after a conflict ends.

In addition to the absolutely anti-humanitarian aspect of these arms, it is necessary to emphasize that American law prohibits their export in any situation. For the US government to authorize the shipment of cluster munitions to Ukraine, it would be necessary to change national legislation or simply act illegally. Also, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby had already made it clear that there was no possibility of sending these arms to Kiev, stating that according to our own policy, we have concerns about the use of those kinds of munitions.

However, for warmongers, no limits should be respected. Failing to convince the US government directly, the Ukrainians appealed to parliamentarians, who then used their power of political mobilization to form pro-war c...


South Australia's wildlife flourishing after floods along parts of the river Murray floodplain for the first time in over 60 years "IndyWatch Feed World"

Widespread environmental benefits are becoming increasingly evident after recent flooding down the Murray in South Australia with fish, birds and other wildlife flourishing. High flows which peaked across December and January provided much-needed water to some parts of the river and its floodplain for the first time in more than 60 years. That's resulted in a surge in the number of wood ducks and black swans at Chowilla near the NSW border, with surveys also finding large numbers of other water and woodland birds making the most of the flood-enriched breeding and feeding habitats. Pacific black ducks and nankeen night herons have also been observed in numbers with groups of young emerging after the flood.


Sanwo-Olu Eulogises Tinubu At 71 "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The incumbent Governor of Lagos State, Babajide Olushola Sanwo-Olu has joined a host of others to congratulate the President-elect, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, as he marks his 71st birthday anniversary. In his congratulatory message issued by his Chief Press Secretary, Gboyega Akosile, Governor Sanwo-Olu showered praises on Tinubu, describing him as an enigmatic master strategist []


Finally, Hotel Rewanda Chief Released "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Finally, Hotel Rwandas Paul Rusesabagina has been released from prison. Rusesabagina, a businessman whose role in saving more than 1,000 lives during the 1994 Rwandan genocide inspired the film HotRwandanda, has been released from prison after his 25-year sentence on terrorism charges was commuted. The two senior Administration Officials to President Joe Biden who briefed []


VIDEO: Chicharito reclama a la aficin del Tri: tienen que aprender a ser buenos fanticos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El jugador del Galaxy de la MLS, Javier Chicharito Hernndez, sali a hablar de los abucheos que recibieran algunos jugadores de la Seleccin Mxicana de []

La entrada VIDEO: Chicharito reclama a la aficin del Tri: tienen que aprender a ser buenos fanticos se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Roger Waters V. the Machine: Inside the Pink Floyd Frontmans Battle For Free Speech in Germany "IndyWatch Feed World"

Roger Waters is facing pushback from Germany. City authorities have canceled his upcoming concert over claims the Pink Floyd frontman is anti-Semitic. Yet activists say his experience is not an isolated incident when it comes to support for Palestine.

In February, Frankfurts City Council canceled Waterss concert scheduled for May 28, stating in a press release that the musician is considered one of the most widely spread anti-Semites in the world. City officials cited Waters advocacy for a cultural boycott of Israel as one of the reasons for his alleged anti-Semitism. When reached for comment, Frankfurt City Council referred MintPress News to its aforementioned press release.

Waters responded by pursuing legal action against the city for his event cancellation. My lawyers are taking steps to ensure that my concerts in Munich and Frankfurt in May 2023 take place as contracted, Waters said.

Munich had filed a motion to cancel his upcoming concert but voted against the measure on March 22. In a statement to MintPress News, the city council said canceling Waters concert would be illegal and would violate supreme court decisions. A similar motion was tabled in Cologne.

Waters also addressed the anti-Semitism allegations and his views on Israel. In a statement, Waters said:

I want to state for the record and once and for all that I am not and never have been antisemitic and nothing that anyone can say or publish will alter that. My well-publicized views relate entirely to the policies and actions of the Israeli government and not with the peoples of Israel.

In addition to Waters legal threats, more than 20,000 artists, writers, and public figures have signed a petition demanding Waters perform in Frankfurt.

The officials vilifying Waters are engaging in a dangerous campaign that purposely conflates criticism of Israels illegal and unjust policies with antisemitism, the petition reads. This conflation perpetuates the antisemitic trope which presents Jews as a monolith who blindly support Israel.



Citizen-run conservation booms in South America, despite state neglect "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

When Teresa Chang first saw the plot of land that now makes up the Amotape Dry Forest Private Conservation Area in the Tumbes municipality of northern Peru, she was horrified. It was 1997 and she was looking for a place near the sea to retire with her husband. But the barren 123-hectare (300-acre) lot that theyd purchased couldnt have been further from what shed envisioned. All the trees had long been felled. An intense fishy smell from larvae and prawn fishing on the coast filled the air. The only birds in sight were vultures, and the soil was upturned from ad informal quarrying for construction. After a decade of sowing and tending to the land, they noticed a flock of pheasant-looking birds theyd never seen before and understood their project was no longer just a retirement home. We started to see all these different birds and realized we had created an ecosystem, Chang, now 75, told Mongabay in a phone interview. In 2009, the family registered the land as a privately protected area, a category that was only defined in Peruvian law a few years prior. Today, the conservation area partners with the Cornell Laboratory for Ornithology to monitor the bird life there. Its home to 79 species of birds, of which 16 are found only in this region, including the Peruvian booby (Sula variegata) and the Peruvian pelican (Pelecanus thagus). Susana Chang, Teresa Changs daughter, holds a photo showing the before and after transformation of the Amotape Dry ForestThis article was originally published on Mongabay


OpenSSL Security Advisory "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Tomas Mraz on Mar 28

OpenSSL Security Advisory [28th March 2023]

Invalid certificate policies in leaf certificates are silently ignored (CVE-2023-0465)

Severity: Low

Applications that use a non-default option when verifying certificates may be
vulnerable to an attack from a malicious CA to circumvent certain checks.



Re: CVE-2023-28464: Linux: Bluetooth: hci_conn_cleanup function has double free "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Solar Designer on Mar 28

Hi Zhenghan Wang,

Thank you for bringing this to oss-security.

Please remind the Bluetooth subsystem maintainers, such as by "replying"
to your own message you had sent them on March 9. When doing so, please
also inform them of the CVE ID and of the oss-security posting.

For others on oss-security: Zhenghan Wang brought this issue to
linux-distros and s@k.o on March 8, brought it to the subsystem
maintainers and public Linux mailing...


44 Retired Generals and Admirals Ask Biden Administration to Provide Israel with the Weapons It Needs "IndyWatch Feed War"

Joe Biden has assured the world that Iran will not acquire nuclear weapons on my watch. How much credence ought the people of Israel, who will be the ones most affected should Iran acquire a nuclear weapon, give to this assurance? None at all. Israelis cannot entrust their national survival to assurances from Joe Biden []


Feeling the Heat: Railway Defect Detection "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

On the technology spectrum, railroads would certainly seem to skew toward the brutally simplistic side of things. A couple of strips of steel, some wooden ties and gravel ballast to keep everything in place, some rolling stock with flanged wheels on fixed axles, and youve got the basics that have been moving freight and passengers since at least the 18th century.

But that basic simplicity belies the true complexity of a railway, where even just keep keeping the trains on the track can be a daunting task. The forces that a fully loaded train can exert on not only the tracks but on itself are hard to get your head around, and the potential for disaster is often only a failed component away. This became painfully evident with the recent Norfolk Southern derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, which resulted in a hazardous materials incident the likes of which no community is ready to deal with.

Given the forces involved, keeping trains on the straight and narrow is no mean feat, and railway designers have come up with a web of sensors and systems to help them with the task of keeping an eye on whats going on with the rolling stock of a train. Lets take a look at some of the interesting engineering behind these wayside defect detectors.



Interview with Damian Gorman, the author of a new play about John Hume "IndyWatch Feed"

At first glance, John Hume might seem the last politician you would make a musical about.

With respect to each and all of them, a song and dance show on Ian Paisley could, of course, have a core of gospel, tree-hugging beardie Gerry Adams might rock go to a hippie beat and David, Lord Trimble most likely needs an Elvis soundtrack, with a touch of Wagner.

But Hume was not always associated with music apart of course from The Town I Loved So Well, the Phil Coulter standard, which was his party piece.

It was one of the points I could not resist putting to Damian Gorman, the author of a stage play on Hume Beyond Belief, which has its world premiere in Londonderry later this week.

Playwright Damian Gorman

Q What were the origins of the HUME project?

Gorman HUME: Beyond Belief is the second in a projected trilogy of musical dramas with peacebuilding as a core aim. (The first was last years piece about Bloody Sunday, The White Handkerchief, written by the late Liam Campbell. The third hasnt been announced yet.) This body of work is coming from the Playhouse in Derry, former home of the Theatre Peacebuilding Academy. In 2019, and into 2020, I was the final Resident Artist of the Academy. During my time there I worked with director Kieran Griffiths and composer Brian ODoherty on Anything Can Happen. This was a theatre-of-witness production in which six people severely impacted by the Troubles carried their stories to the stage. Working on that was an intensely moving (and very happy) time for me. And I took no time saying Yes when Kieran said hed like to get the band back together (Brian, himself and me) to look at the contributions of John and Pat Hume to life here. Part of the thinking was that, as John had died in the middle of Covid, the people of Derry hadnt had the chance to properly take their leave of him.

This was one of the things in my mind when writing the book and lyrics for Beyond Belief.


Q Does it tell us anything about Hume we dont already know or fully understand?

Well obviously I dont know what any given person knows or fully understands about John Hume, but let me put it this way

Hume has been described as a titan, an icon, even a hero of peacemaking. I have no particular argument with any of these descriptions. Its just that we know what titans, icons and heroes do they do titanic, iconic and heroic thi...


New Technique 'About 80% Effective' at Producing Babies of Desired Sex, Study Suggests "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Experts acknowledge the apparent technical achievement of the research but highlight the ethical issues raised by being able to choose the sex of an offspring:

Researchers used a technique to separate sperm on whether they had an X chromosome (making female offspring) or a Y one (male offspring). Sperm with an X chromosome are slightly heavier than those with a Y, the research indicates.

However, the study has again raised long-held concerns over the ethics of such a process. Selecting embryos without reasons such as a sex-linked disease is illegal in many countries.

Experts behind the research, from Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, said their technique was inexpensive and "extremely safe".

Fifty-nine couples wanted a girl and it resulted in 79.1% (231 out of 292) female embryos, with 16 girls being born without any abnormalities. Fifty-six couples wanted a boy and the technique produced 79.6% male embryos (223 out of 280), resulting in 13 healthy male babies.

[...] "I am convinced that the science is sound and that, instead of the usual 50:50 'coin toss' then a couple can get a baby with the desired sex a little under 80% of the time."

From the article:

The desire to have offspring of a specific sex has a long history but has been particularly present since the 1970s with the early appearance of assisted reproduction. The reasons for choosing a child's sex may be social, such as a desire for family balancing [1]. Couples undergoing IVF, who already have a child or children of one sex, may wish to have the experience of raising children of both sexes. Some couples, who already have children, could have financial reasons for not attempting a further pregnancy without assurance that the additional child will be of a specific sex.

Cheung S, Elias R, Xie P, Rosenwaks Z, Palermo GD (2023) A non-randomized clinical trial to determine the safety and efficacy of a novel sperm sex selection technique. PLoS ONE 18(3): e0282216.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Two farms tell the story of agricultural apartheid facing Palestinians "IndyWatch Feed War"

Palestinian farmers are systematically prevented from working their land as Israelis thrive from ecotourism on stolen land. Agriculture in Palestine shows the damage done by Israeli apartheid.


List Of Popular Food Brands That Quietly Downsized Their Products To Accommodate For Inflation "IndyWatch Feed World"

336979636 738011084440224 9002788068140477486 n

336979636 738011084440224 9002788068140477486 n

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

While we have all heard about inflation, the new term shrinkflation has been gaining a lot of traction over the last couple of years. This term was coined by economists around seven years ago and is usually a response by markets to increasing inflationary pressures. The term implies that several globally popular food brands have been reducing the size or quantity of their products, without making any significant change in their prices. According to Choice, an advocacy group, data wa...


Xis Chilling Remarks: What the New Multipolar World Means for the Middle East and Africa "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The final exchange, caught on camera between visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian host and counterpart, Vladimir Putin, sums up the current geopolitical conflict, still in its nascent stages, between the United States and its Western allies on the one hand, and Russia, China and their allies, on the other.

Xi was leaving the Kremlin following a three-day visit that can only be described as historic. Change is coming that hasnt happened in 100 years, and we are driving this change together, Xi said while clasping Putins hand.

I agree, Putin replied while holding Xis arm. Please take care, dear friend, he added.

In no time, social media exploded by sharing that scene repeatedly. Corporate western media analysts went into overdrive, trying to understand what these few words meant.

Is that part of the coming change that they will drive together? Ian Williamson raised the question in the Spectator. Though he did not offer a straight answer, he alluded to one: It is a chilling prospect for which the west needs to be prepared.

Xis statement was, of course, uttered by design. It means that the strong Chinese-Russian ties, and possible future unity, are not an outcome of immediate geopolitical interests resulting from the Ukraine war or a response to US provocations in Taiwan. Even before the Ukraine war commenced in February 2022, much evidence pointed to the fact that Russia and Chinas goal was hardly temporary or impulsive. Indeed, it runs deep.

The very language of multipolarity has defined both countries discourse for years, a discourse that was inspired mainly by the two countries displeasure with US militarism from the Middle East to Southeast Asia, their frustration with Washingtons bullying tactics whenever a disagreement arises, be it in trade or border demarcations; the punitive language; the constant threats; the military expansion of NATO and much more.

One month before the war, I argued with my co-writer, Romana Rubeo, that Russia and China might be at the cusp of unity. That conclusion was drawn based on a simple discourse analysis of the official language emanating from both capitals and the actual deepening of relations.

At the time, we wrote:

Some kind of an alliance is already forming between China and Russia. The fact that the Chinese people are taking note of this and are supporting their governments drive towards greater integration...


Guest post: The gaps in Indias heat action plans "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The spring months of February and March typically bring some of Indias best weather of the year.

Smoggy winter gives way to warm conditions that still retain a pleasant chill in the air, forming a buffer before the searing heat of summer.

But recent years have seen the summer heat arrive early, with heatwave alerts providing an unwelcome intrusion into the calm of spring.

Last year, for example, brought record-breaking temperatures in March. By the end of April, heatwaves had affected nearly three-quarters of the countrys landmass and ravaged the standing wheat crop. 

The start of 2023 has been similarly alarming. Following a 2022 monsoon and winter perversely marked by sudden flooding in cities and drought-like conditions in rice-producing villages, India has just witnessed its hottest February in history

Ominously, the Indian Meteorological Department has warned of the enhanced probability of heatwaves and above normal temperatures in the coming months. 

The Indian governments primary policy response to the life-threatening heat comes in the form of heat action plans. These set out measures for state, district and city government departments to prepare and respond to heatwaves.

In a new report, published this week, my coauthor and I carry out the first-ever critical review of heat action plans in India.

We find that heat plans have spread to several jurisdictions nationwide and they urge a healthy mix of different solution types from infrastructure and nature-based solutions to behavioural adjustments. However, most plans do not account for local context, are underfunded and are poor at identifying and targeting vulnerable groups.

Planning for heat

The early heat of 2023 has shined a spotlight on Indias preparedness for extreme conditions.

The government seems to be tracking the threat. For example, Indias prime minister Narendra Modi chaired a...


The Everything Bubble and Global Bankruptcy "IndyWatch Feed World"

By Charles Hugh Smith The resulting erosion of collateral will collapse the global credit bubble, a repricing/reset that will bankrupt the global economy and financial...

The Everything Bubble and Global Bankruptcy


Europol warns of criminal use of ChatGPT "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Europol warns of cybercriminal organizations can take advantage of systems based on artificial intelligence like ChatGPT.

EU police body Europol warned about the potential abuse of systems based on artificial intelligence, such as the popular chatbot ChatGPT, for cybercriminal activities. Cybercriminal groups can use chatbot like ChatGPT in social engineering attacks, disinformation campaigns, and other cybercriminal activities, such as developing malicious code.

OpenAIs ChatGPT is becoming even more attractive for cybercriminal organization that are valuating how to use its enormous capabilities.

As the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT are actively being improved, the potential exploitation of these types of AI systems by criminals provide a grim outlook. reads the alert published by the Europol.

The following three crime areas are amongst the many areas of concern identified by Europols experts: 

  • Fraud and social engineering: ChatGPTs ability to draft highly realistic text makes it a useful tool for phishing purposes. The ability of LLMs to re-produce language patterns can be used to impersonate the style of speech of specific individuals or groups. This capability can be abused at scale to mislead potential victims into placing their trust in the hands of criminal actors.
  • Disinformation: ChatGPT excels at producing authentic sounding text at speed and scale. This makes the model ideal for propaganda and disinformation purposes, as it allows users to generate and spread messages reflecting a specific narrative with relatively little effort.
  • Cybercrime: In addition to generating human-like language, ChatGPT is capable of producing code in a number of different programming languages. For a potential criminal with little technical knowledge, this is an invaluable resource to produce malicious code. 

According to the Europol, technologies like ChatGPT can speed up each phase of an attack chain significantly.

As such, ChatGPT can be used to learn about a vast number of potential crime areas with no prior knowledge, ranging from how to break into a home, to terrorism, cybercrime and child sexual abuse. states the report published by Europol. The identified use cases that emerged from the workshops Europol carried out with its experts are by no means exhaustive. Rather, the aim...


Security updates for Tuesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (dino-im and runc), Fedora (qemu), Red Hat (firefox), SUSE (chromium, containerd, docker, kernel, and systemd), and Ubuntu (graphicsmagick, linux-azure, linux-gcp, linux-oem-5.14, linux-oem-5.17, linux-oem-6.0, linux-oem-6.1, and node-url-parse).


Dr. John-Arne Rttingen, MD, PhD Ambassador for Global Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ambassador Dr. John-Arne Rttingen, MD, Ph.D. ( is Ambassador for Global Health, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway, and a Visiting Fellow of Practice, at the Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University.

Ambassador Dr. Rttingen has previously served as the Chief Executive of the Research Council of Norway; the founding Chief Executive Officer of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI); Executive Director of Infection Control and Environmental Health at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health; founding Chief Executive of the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services; Professor of Health Policy at the Department of Health Management and Health Economics, Institute of Health and Society, University of Oslo; and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

From 2020, Ambassador Dr. Rttingen also chaired the Executive Group and the International Steering Committee of the WHO Solidarity trial to compare four untested treatments for hospitalized people with severe COVID-19 illness. In early 2021, he was appointed by the G20 to the High Level Independent Panel (HLIP) on financing the global commons for pandemic preparedness and response. That same year, he was also appointed to the Pandemic Preparedness Partnership (PPP), an expert group chaired to advise the G7 presidency. From mid-2021, he was part of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerators Vaccine Manufacturing Working Group.

Ambassador Dr. Rttingen received his MD and Ph.D. from the University of Oslo, an MSc from Oxford University and an MPA from Harvard University.


Inapam: Estos son los descuentos que te hacen con tu tarjeta "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Los adultos mayores inscritos en el sistema del Inapam tienen acceso a una tarjeta que les da beneficios y descuentos. Concelos aqu Regeneracin, 20 de []

La entrada Inapam: Estos son los descuentos que te hacen con tu tarjeta se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Elephant Robotics Unveils New Desktop Educational Robots for 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This is a sponsored article brought to you by Elephant Robotics.

In recent years, interest in using robots in education has seen massive growth. Projects that involve robotics, artificial intelligence, speech recognition, and related technologies can help develop students analytical, creative, and practical skills. However, a major challenge has been the robots themselves: They are typically big, heavy, and costly. For robots to become widely used in education, they need to be smaller, easier to setup and use, and, more important, they need to be affordable to educators and students.

Thats the goal Elephant Robotics aims to achieve with its line of lightweight, smart, and capable robots. The company has launched several desktop collaborative robots over the past few years, including the myCobot, mechArm, and myPalletizer. To help users achieve more applications in education, Elephant Robotics has also launched AI Robot Kit, a robotic kit that integrates multiple functions like vision, positioning grabbing, and automatic sorting modules. This year, the company is unveiling completely improved and upgraded products to make robotics even more accessible in education.

Upgraded Robotic Arms and AI Kits

Schools in different countries and regions have been using Elephant Robotics robotic arms and AI Kits as educational tools in recent years. The products portability, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness have helped schools integrate robotics as part of their programs and courses. The performance of the products and the wide range of built-in software and features help students learn better about robotics and programming. Using the robotic arms and...


Snowbasin ski resort in Utah breaks all-time seasonal snowfall record with 504 inches "IndyWatch Feed World"

Yesterday, Snowbasin broke its all-time snowfall record of 475 set in the winter of 1981-82. Today, the resort broke 500. 22 fell in roughly 12 hours last night so sneakily. The culprit? Lake-effect.


Pakistan: Anti-terrorism court pronounces death sentence on Muslim man for blasphemy on WhatsApp "IndyWatch Feed War"

A lesson to learn about what fascists of all stripes mean by terrorism: this man was convicted and sentenced to death by an anti-terrorism court. In Pakistan, blasphemy constitutes terrorism,  so Syed Muhammad Zeeshan is deemed a terrorist under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act and Anti-Terrorist Act in Peshawar, and was thus convicted of []


Neurotechs Battles Impact Our Brains Future "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Neurotechnologies todaydevices that can measure and influence our brains and nervous systemsare growing in power and popularity. The neurotech marketplace, according to Precedence Research, is worth USD $14.3 billion this year and will exceed $20 billion within four years. Noninvasive brain-computer interfaces, brain stimulation devices, and brain-monitoring hardware (measuring alertness and attention at work, for example) are no longer just laboratory experiments and technological curios. The societal and legal implications of widespread neurotech adoption may be substantial.

Nita Farahany, professor of law and philosophy at Duke University, has written a new book, The Battle for Your Brain: Defending the Right to Think Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology, which explores how our lives may be impacted by the use of brain-computer interfaces and neural monitoring devices.

Farahany argues that the development and use of neurotech presents a challenge to our current understanding of human rights. Devices designed to measure, record and influence our mental processes, used by us or on us, may infringe on our rights to mental privacy, freedom of thought, and mental self-determination. She calls this collection of freedoms the right to cognitive liberty. Spectrum spoke with Farahany recently about the future and present of neurotech and how to weigh its promisesenhanced capabilities, for instance, including bionics and prosthetics and even a third armagainst its potential to interfere with peoples mental sovereignty.

portrait of a smiling woman on a white background Author, Nita Farahany...


Wash, blow dry & talk to me about global warming please: Hairdressers trained to talk about climate action to customers "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

During the sessions, hairdressers hear the basics of climate science and get to role play how conversations might go.

Tuesday, 28 March


Prompt engineering and jailbreaking: Europol warns of ChatGPT exploitation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Habiba Rashid

The concern arises from the growing number of cybercriminals attempting to exploit the AI-based chatbot for developing malware and other malicious tools.

This is a post from Read the original post: Prompt engineering and jailbreaking: Europol warns of ChatGPT exploitation


Pakistan-Origin SideCopy Linked to New Cyberattack on India's Ministry of Defence "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An advanced persistent threat (APT) group that has a track record of targeting India and Afghanistan has been linked to a new phishing campaign that delivers Action RAT. According to Cyble, which attributed the operation to SideCopy, the activity cluster is designed to target the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), the research and development wing of India's Ministry of


Saudi Arabia: Jewish-led interfaith group plant date palms in Medina "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Saudi Arabia: Jewish-led interfaith group plant date palms in Medina

A local landowner invites an interfaith group to plant date palms on his private farm in the city
MEE staff Tue, 03/28/2023 - 13:29
Palm trees amid rolling dunes on the outskirts of the Saudi capital, Riyadh, 1 February 2021 (AFP)
Palm trees amid rolling dunes on the outskirts of the Saudi capital, Riyadh, 1 February 2021 (AFP)

A Saudi landowner has invited a delegation of British Jews to plant date palms on his private farm in Medina as part of an interfaith trip to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Earlier this month, Rick Sopher, 63, a Jewish philanthropist from London, led an interfaith group that included Jews, Muslims and Christians on a trip to the region to understand culture, religion and history.

In an interview published on Monday, Sopher told the Jewish Chronicle (JC) that the event marked the first time that Jews planted date palms in Medina for 1,400 years.

"An invitation to plant a palm tree in the place where Jews had once looked after them had a special resonance," Sopher said.

While in Saudi Arabia, the group met religious scholars, artists and Sheikh Mohammed al-Issa, secretary general of the Muslim World League, in Saudi Arabia. They also met with prominent scholar Sheikh Abdallah bin Bayyah, a Catholic bishop and Jewish rabbis in the UAE.

During their visit to Medin...


All of Microsofts Strategic Areas Have Layoffs This Year "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The layoffs keep going and going, e.g. todays updates [1, 2]; theres no end in sight

Global Microsoft layoffs

More layoffs done today sadly. Even though they told security they wouldnt be affected by the layoffs. That was a lie.

Summary: Microsofts supposedly strategic/future areas gaming (trying to debt-load or offload debt to other companies), so-called security, clown computing (Azure), and Hey Hi (chaffbots etc.) have all had layoffs this year; its clear that the company is having a serious existential crisis in spite of Trumps and Bidens bailouts (a wave of layoffs every month this year) and is just bluffing/stuffing the media with chaffbots cruft (puff pieces/misinformation) to keep shareholders distracted, asking them for patience and faking demand for the chaffbots (whilst laying off Bing staff, too)


Gandhi Expulsion Casts Doubt on Congress Partys Future in India "IndyWatch Feed War"

The recent expulsion of Rahul Gandhi from the Indian parliament has sent shockwaves throughout the country as India prepares for general elections next spring. Gandhis expulsion is the result of Indias colonial-era penal code, which contains a wide criterion for criminal defamation charges. The defamation case stems from a speech Gandhi made four years ago, where he made a comment about how two criminal fugitives suspected of thievery and corruption shared the same surname as Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A defamation case was subsequently filed in 2019 in Modis home state of Gujarat, by an unrelated local Bhartiya Janata Party leader with the same surname as the prime minister. In addition to his 2-year prison sentence, Gandhis conviction immediately disqualifies him from parliament and jeopardizes his ability to lead and/or influence an opposition coalition ahead of next years general elections.

The post Gandhi Expulsion Casts Doubt on Congress Partys Future in India appeared first on Geopolitical Monitor.


BEST OF THE WEB: Night turned into day by bright meteor fireball over Beijing, China "IndyWatch Feed World"

In the early morning of March 27, netizens in Hebei, Beijing and many other places discovered two bright lights in the sky, and a car recorder took pictures of the suspected meteorites. Astronomy experts told the Jimu News reporter that what netizens saw was probably a fireball, and such an obvious phenomenon is relatively rare. Several netizens from Hebei and Beijing said that two bright lights flashed across the sky early on the morning of the 27th. They were fleeting, but they could light up the courtyard in an instant. In addition, Tongliao netizens also said that they had seen this phenomenon.


What Does DSO Means for Law Enforcement: Breaking it Down "IndyWatch Feed War"

In the world of law enforcement, there are a wide variety of specialized terms and acronyms that can be difficult to decipher for those outside ...

Read more

The post What Does DSO Means for Law Enforcement: Breaking it Down appeared first on Police State Usa.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Turtle Beach gaming controllers will see support by the widely-used XPad driver with the upcoming Linux 6.4 kernel...


Bolide over the Mediterranean Sea (March 24) "IndyWatch Feed World"

This bolide was spotted from Spain on March 25, at 0:41local time (equivalent to 23:41 universal time). The event was generated by a rock (a meteoroid) from a comet that hit the atmosphere at about 60,000 km/h. The fireball overflew the Mediterranean Sea and the region of Murcia (southeast of Spain). It began at an altitude of about 99 km over the Mediterranean Sea, moved northeast, crossed the region of Murcia, and ended at a height of around 72 km over the Mediterranean Sea. This bright meteor was recorded in the framework of the SMART project, operated by the Southwestern Europe Meteor Network (SWEMN) from the meteor-observing stations located at La Hita (Toledo), Calar Alto, Sierra Nevada, La Sagra (Granada), and Seville. The event has been analyzed by the principal investigator of the SMART project: Dr. Jose M. Madiedo, from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC).0:41(Spanish peninsular local time). It flew over the Mediterranean and the Mar Menor (Murcia).


IcedID Malware Shifts Focus from Banking Fraud to Ransomware Delivery "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Multiple threat actors have been observed using two new variants of the IcedID malware in the wild with more limited functionality that removes functionality related to online banking fraud. IcedID, also known as BokBot, started off as a banking trojan in 2017. It's also capable of delivering additional malware, initial loader


No compromises "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

In a country as diverse and divided as Sudan, who gets to define womens rights and struggles?

Women by the White Nile, Khartoum, Sudan. Credit Arne Hoel for the World Bank via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

In December 2018, the Sudanese people decided to once and for all end Omar al-Bashirs dictatorship. He had been in power since 1989. Women, who had been disproportionately affected by his regimes violence, became the beacons of the revolution; at times more than seventy percent of the protesters were female. After Bashirs ouster, Sudan entered into a transitional phase in July 2019 with the goal to establish civilian rule by 2024. Determined to keep up their momentum, 2,000 women marched to then-Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdoks office in Khartoum in January 2020. They submitted a petition signed by 46 citizens groups and 13 political parties, calling for Sudan to ratify the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, end female genital mutilation (FGM), and legally prohibit child marriage.

Throughout the year, women repeatedly took to the streets to demand their political inclusion. On October 25, 2021, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan took control of the government in a military coup and suspended the Constitutional Declaration. Since then, the Sudanese people have continued their protest and feminists have taken on the challenge of ensuring that womens rights are protected and advanced in a society that tries to silence them. Amid the turmoil, a new feminist movement is taking shape, searching for an inclusive and culturally appropriate definition of womens rights.

Visions for the new Sudan differ depending on a persons social background, political beliefs, and oftentimes, gender. In the beginnings of the revolution, we already knew that the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA), the main organizer of the protests, will not prioritize womens rights, sa...


Israel: Palestinian Islamic Jihad says IDF is disintegrating before our eyes "IndyWatch Feed War"

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), with the aggressive jihad mission to violently obliterate Israel, has stated on its website that the IDF is disintegrating before our eyes. The group is capitalizing upon the instability in Israel in the hope that if the situation continues, the IDF will not be able to sufficiently address all the threats []


'Hollow victory': Iraq is not really a winner in the Turkey oil arbitration case "IndyWatch Feed War"

'Hollow victory': Iraq is not really a winner in the Turkey oil arbitration case

Ankara is likely to pay only a few hundred million dollars to Iraq, which could be indemnified by the Kurdistan Regional Government under a secret deal
Ragip Soylu Tue, 03/28/2023 - 12:57
A worker performs checks at Turkey's Mediterranean port of Ceyhan some 70 km (43.5 miles) from Adana on 19 February 2014 (Reuters/file photo)

When the International Court of Arbitration ruled on Thursday that Turkey breached contract by directly trading oil with Iraqs Kurdistan Regional Government beginning in 2013, and asked Ankara to pay $1.4bn, Baghdad was very quick to declare a triumph. 

The Iraqi oil ministry released a statement commending the court, and Iraqi officials quickly and openly relayed their talking points to local and international media. Turkey also halted the pumping of Iraqi crude oil through Ceyhan on Saturday morning, half a percent of global oil supply

However, western and Turkish sources familiar with the court case paint a different picture. They say Baghdad is curtailing the full scope of the judgement on the Iraq-Turkey Pipeline (ITP) agreement, which was signed in 1973, that governs the export of Iraqi oil to Turkey through the Turkish port of Ceyhan. 

They can celebrate all they want, but I would definitely fire their lawyers for a botched job, one western source who was briefed about the court case told MEE. They claimed breach of contract under five categories: storage, transportation, exclusive use, access claim and loading. They were only able to win their claim for loading. 

The court case is seen as a legal challenge that intersects a commercial dispute with national and international politics, as Iraq says one of its com...


Breaking the Mold: Pen Testing Solutions That Challenge the Status Quo "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Malicious actors are constantly adapting their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to adapt to political, technological, and regulatory changes quickly. A few emerging threats that organizations of all sizes should be aware of include the following: Increased use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Malicious actors are increasingly leveraging AI and machine learning to


Exploring the Best Health Insurance Plans for Different Life Stages "IndyWatch Feed World"

No matter how old you are, health must always come first. But using a one-size-fits-all approach is not always the right solution for your medical needs. With the rising number of health ailments on a global scale, it is becoming more important than ever to come up with the right ways to mitigate health issues. Thankfully, the best health insurance can provide a comprehensive helping hand.

From your young age to the time you become a senior citizen, your medical needs can elevate drastically. As the changes in your strength, body, and mind start to accelerate, this need turns dire. Lets see how the best health insurance plan can provide cover for all these stages of life.

1. At A Tender Age


At a young age, you may not have many responsibilities to cater to. You are probably single, dependent on your parents, and suffering from minimal disabilities. At this point, it is wise to start creating a layer of protection for when you may need it the most. Opting for medical insurance at this point can be better than doing it later, as the prices may rise due to inflation in the long run.

2. Upon Getting Married

Marriage makes two of you. So, your responsibility does not end with your own medical needs. Your spouses well-being also becomes a priority for you. At this point, you must also opt for another health insurance to provide a layer of protection around your spouse. Add-ons for maternity can also be wise to pick before time. Doing this will mean lesser medical complications during pregnancy or any other form of illness that require immediate medical attention.

3. On Having Children



Apple backports fix for exploited WebKit bug to older iPhones, iPads (CVE-2023-23529) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Apple has released security updates for pardon the pop-culture reference everyhing everywhere all at once, and has fixed the WebKit vulnerability (CVE-2023-23529) exploited in the wild for users of older iPhones and iPads. This latest batch of security updates targets the iOS and iPad 16.x and 15.x branches; macOS Big Sur, Monterey and Ventura; watchOS and tvOS; Safari; and Studio Display, a standalone computer monitor / external display. The CVE-2023-23529 fix for older More

The post Apple backports fix for exploited WebKit bug to older iPhones, iPads (CVE-2023-23529) appeared first on Help Net Security.


'As a gay teacher, I tried to help LGBT students feel included - only for them to turn on me when I failed to endorse their gender ideology' "IndyWatch Feed World"

One chilly Monday morning I spotted, among the throng of pupils flooding into the playground, one of our male students standing alone, wearing a skirt. This quiet, gentle teenager had few friends and was known to teachers at the secondary school where I taught because he had been suffering from anorexia. I remember looking at this painfully thin, awkward 14-year-old in his ill-fitting school skirt and thinking: 'You're not a girl.'


CVE-2023-28464: Linux: Bluetooth: hci_conn_cleanup function has double free "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Zhenghan Wang on Mar 28


In the Bluetooth subsystem, a double free vulnerability was found in the
hci_conn_cleanup function of net/bluetooth/hci_conn.c, which may cause DOS
or privilege escalation.

Version: Linux kernel 6.2 (this problem also exists in 6.3-rc1)

At the end of the hci_conn_del_sysfs(conn) function in the hci_conn_cleanup
function, hci_dev_put(hdev) will be called. The hci_dev_put function will
eventually call kfree to release the space used by name:...


Microsoft to Fix Windows 11 aCropalypse Privacy Failure "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

<p class="byline"><a href= "">upstart</a> writes:</p> <p><a href= ""> Microsoft to fix Windows 11 'aCropalypse' privacy failure</a>:</p> <blockquote> <div> <p>Updated Microsoft is said to be preparing to fix the high-profile "aCropalypse" privacy bug in its Snipping Tool for Windows 11.</p> <p>Users can remove sensitive information or some other parts of photos, screenshots, and other images by cropping them using the Snipping Tool app. The problem is that for the Windows 11 app as well as Microsoft's Snip & Sketch cropping tool in Windows 10 the file of the cropped image still includes the cropped out portions, which can be recovered and viewed.</p> <p>A <a href= "">similar flaw</a> was found in Google's Markup image-editing app for its Pixel smartphones. According to reverse engineers Simon Aarons and David Buchanan who named the bug aCropalyse the problem affects Pixel smartphones since 2018, when the 3 series came out. Google patched its code to avoid leaking cropped areas of images.</p> <p>Then this week, Buchanan confirmed that the Windows Snipping Tool and Snip & Sketch software had the same issue. If a user cropped a photo or other image using the software and then saved the edited image over the original file, that file still contains the cropped-out portion. The area isn't visible when viewing the image using normal tools, but the data is still there in the file, and can be restored and viewed using appropriate recovery software.

Steven Murdoch, a professor of security engineering at the UK's University College London, shared some thoughts here on the underlying issue within Windows, specifically its latest Save File API, which he described as "defective by design."

[...] Meanwhile, if you've used Microsoft's code to crop your snaps and then shared them on, be aware someone with a copy of them might be able to recover the lopped-off portions. </p> </div> </blockquote> <hr> <p><small><a href= "">Original Submission</a></small></p> <p><a href= ""> Read more of this story</a> at SoylentNews.</p>


Video: Frank Gaffney interviews Christine Douglass-Williams on Palestinian Islamic Jihads call for third Intifada "IndyWatch Feed War"

Frank Gaffney interviews me about Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) calling for a third Intifada in Israel in capitalizing on a turbulent time for Israel. In an update, PIJ has now declared the IDF disintegrating before our eyes due to inside protests against judicial reforms. Note: an article I referenced in the interview was actually published []


Hams Watch For Meteors "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

After passing an exam and obtaining a license, an amateur radio operator will typically pick up a VHF ratio and start talking to other hams in their local community. From there a whole array of paths open up, and some will focus on interesting ways of bouncing signals around the atmosphere. There are all kinds of ways of propagating radio waves and bouncing them off of various reflective objects, such as the Moon, various layers of the ionosphere, or even the auroras, but none are quite as fleeting as bouncing a signal off of a meteor thats just burned up in the atmosphere.

While they arent specifically focused on communicating via meteor bounce, The UK Meteor Beacon Project hopes to leverage amateur radio operators and amateur radio astronomers to research more about meteors as they interact with the atmosphere. A large radio beacon, which has already been placed into service, broadcasts a circularly-polarized signal in the six-meter band which is easily reflected back to Earth off of meteors. Specialized receivers can pick up these signals, and are coordinated among a network of other receivers which stream the data they recover over the internet back to a central server.

With this information, the project can determine where the meteor came from, some of...


Shallow earthquake of magnitude 6.1 hits off Japan - no tsunami or injuries reported "IndyWatch Feed World"

A magnitude 6.1 quake struck off Aomori in northern Japan on Tuesday, the national weather agency said, but no tsunami warning was issued. The quake hit at 6:18 pm (0918 GMT) at a depth of 20 kilometres (12 miles), according to the Japan Meteorological Agency. Major Japanese media outlets carried no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The US Geological Survey put the magnitude of the quake at 6.2. Earthquakes are common in Japan, which sits on the Pacific "Ring of Fire", an arc of intense seismic activity that stretches through Southeast Asia and across the Pacific basin. The country has strict construction regulations intended to ensure buildings can withstand strong earthquakes, and emergency drills are routinely held to prepare for a major jolt. Source: AFP


QNX Support Restored For SDL3 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When SDL3 development kicked off last November for this open-source library that is widely used by cross-platform games and other software, QNX support was removed alongside other old targets. Just months later, the QNX platform support is being revived...


NPR deletes false claim that biological male athletes have no physical advantage over females "IndyWatch Feed World"

NPR has deleted a tweet claiming that there was "limited scientific evidence of physical advantage" of male athletes over women athletes after backlash. The statement was in support of trans-identified males competing in women's sports. "The international governing body for track and field will ban trans women athletes from elite women's competitions, citing a priority for fairness over inclusion despite limited scientific evidence of physical advantage," the now-deleted tweet read. The tweet was republished on Sunday, with an update: "The international governing body for track and field will ban trans women athletes from elite women's competitions, citing a priority for fairness over inclusion, despite limited scientific research involving elite trans athletes."


Ecuador - At least 7 dead, over 60 missing after landslide in Chimborazo Province "IndyWatch Feed World"

Over 60 people are feared missing after a huge landslide buried homes in the community of Alaus, Chimborazo Province, Ecuador late on 26 March 2023. As of late 27 March, the government of Ecuador confirmed 7 fatalities. More than 30 people have been rescued and 23 people hospitalised. A team of more than 300 people from the Armed Forces, National Police, Fire Departments from different parts of the country and the Red Cross is working in the areas carrying out search and rescue operations and providing support and relief supplies to the affected communities. As of late 27 March (local time), 64 people were reported missing.


Israel: Far-right protesters attack Palestinians during pro-government rallies "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel: Far-right protesters attack Palestinians during pro-government rallies

Supporters of judicial overhaul target Palestinian passers-by, as Netanyahu announces pause on legislation
Rayhan Uddin Tue, 03/28/2023 - 11:33
Israeli security forces use water canons to disperse protesters during demonstrations in Tel Aviv on 27 March 2023 (AFP)
Israeli security forces use water canons to disperse protesters during demonstrations in Tel Aviv on 27 March 2023 (AFP)

Far-right Israeli protesters supportive of the governments controversial judicial overhaul attacked Palestinian passers-by on Monday night, on a day of nationwide strikes and protests. 

That evening, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced he was delaying the governments contentious remake of the countrys courts, following 12 weeks of mass protests.

Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir agreed to the delay, in return for allowing the creation of a "national guard" loyal to his ministry.

More than 80,000 anti-government protesters had converged outside the Knesset, Israel's parliament, in Jerusalem in the afternoon, where right-wing, pro-government demonstrators also later gathered. 

Ben Gvir and far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich were among several government figures who encouraged right-wing groups to take to the streets. 


Pepsis new logo is a subliminal war on sugar "IndyWatch Feed World"

Pepsi launched a new logo and brand system that uses high contrast visuals to sell Zero Sugar products.

Its the best Pepsi has looked in decades.

Read Full Story


Vulkan 1.3.245 Brings New NVIDIA Vendor Extension To Help Optimize Ray-Tracing "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Vulkan 1.3.245 extension is a small update to this industry-standard graphics/compute API with just a handful of issues resolved but it does introduce one new extension, which is a NVIDIA vendor extension aiming to further enhance Vulkan ray-tracing...


Trizonesia Lives "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Berlin Wall, the physical representation of the occupation of East Germany by the Soviet Union, fell a generation ago, but the psychological occupation of Germany by the U.S. Empire never ended. 

That wall is tougher to crack and bring down because it's invisible. It begins with schooling at infancy, it's part of the nationwide media, and it ensures which politicians are allowed to succeed. 

And when a dissenting voice speaks out against the consensus, he is immediately punished to dissuade others. Is this not mental slavery? Is this not the worst type of occupation?


The Bizone (or Bizonia) was the combination of the American and the British occupation zones on 1 January 1947 during the occupation of Germany after World War II. With the addition of the French occupation zone on 1 August 1948 the entity became the Trizone; sometimes jokingly called Trizonesia. Later, on 23 May 1949, the Trizone became the Federal Republic of Germany, commonly known as West Germany.

An excerpt from, "Putin says Germany remains "occupied" Reuters, March 14, 2023:

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Germany's response to the explosion on North Sea pipelines showed that the country remained "occupied" and unable to act independently decades after its surrender at the end of World War Two.

Putin, interviewed on Russian television, also said European leaders had been browbeaten into losing their sense of sovereignty and independence.

Western countries, including Germany, have reacted cautiously to investigations into the blasts which hit Russia's Nord Stream gas pipelines last year, saying they believe they were a deliberate act, but declining to say who they think was responsible.

"The matter is that European politicians have said themselves publicly that after World War Two, Germany was never...


6.1-magnitude earthquake hits off Solomon Islands "IndyWatch Feed World"

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 jolted 73 km W of Buala, Solomon Islands, at 22:19:15 GMT on Monday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 85.976 km, was initially determined to be at 8.2105 degrees south latitude and 158.9268 degrees east longitude.


Israel: Polls show Netanyahu's coalition losing majority "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel: Polls show Netanyahu's coalition losing majority

Governing bloc would get between 53-54 seats at best if elections were held today
MEE staff Tue, 03/28/2023 - 11:18
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been facing widespread protests over attempts to exert political control over the judiciary (Reuters)

Israel's governing coalition led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would likely lose the next elections if they were held today, according to new polls released on Monday. 

The survey conducted by Israel's Channel 12 News and public broadcaster Kan showed that the coalition would fall short of achieving an outright majority in parliament.

Netanyahus Likud party, Religious Zionism, Shas and United Torah Judaism would fall short of the 61 seats needed for a majority in the 120-seat parliament. 

According to the polls, Netanyahu's coalition at best could muster a total of between 53-54 seats.

Meanwhile the opposition, made up of the National Unity Party, Yesh Atid, Yisrael Beytenu, Meretz, United Arab List and Labor would likely win 61 seats. 

Netanyahu, Israels longest-serving prime minister, who led the government from 1996 to 1999 and again between 2009 and 2021, returned to power after his Likud party, far-right religious Zionist factions and ultra-Orthodox parties secured 64 seats in December....


'I thought I would be crushed to death' - Kellie-Jay Keen on her harrowing encounter with trans activists in New Zealand "IndyWatch Feed World"

The distressing footage from women's rights campaigner Kelly-Jay Keen's violent encounter with trans activists in Auckland has made one thing clear beyond doubt: the trans movement has a serious misogyny problem. At the weekend, Keen was pelted with tomato juice, jeered at and hounded by a crushing mob of trans activists. In the run-up to the event, she was demonised in the Australian and New Zealand media, who portrayed her as a crypto-Nazi. Attempts were made to have her visa revoked and to shut down her Let Women Speak tour. All this, because Keen campaigns for women's rights, because she does not mince her words about the need for single-sex spaces, and because she lends a platform to ordinary women who share her concerns about trans-rights activism. Keen joined Brendan O'Neill for the latest episode of The Brendan O'Neill Show to discuss her harrowing experience in Auckland. What follows is an edited extract from their conversation. You can listen to the full episode here.


CVE-2023-28326: Apache OpenMeetings: allows user impersonation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Maxim Solodovnik on Mar 28

Severity: critical


Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation

Versions Affected: Apache OpenMeetings from 2.0.0 before 7.0.0

Description: Attacker can elevate their privileges in any room

This issue is being tracked as OPENMEETINGS-2739


Dennis Zimmt (reporter)



Telecom giant Lumen suffered a ransomware attack and disclose a second incident "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Telecommunications giant Lumen Technologies discovered two cybersecurity incidents, including a ransomware attack.

In a filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission, on March 27, 2023, Lumen announced two cybersecurity incidents. One of the incidents is a ransomware attack that impacted a limited number of its servers that support a segmented hosting service. The company did not provide details about the family of ransomware that infected its systems, it only admitted that the incident is currently degrading the operations of a small number of the Companys enterprise customers.

On March 27, 2023, Lumen announced two cybersecurity incidents. First, last week the Company discovered that a malicious intruder had inserted criminal ransomware into a limited number of the Companys servers that support a segmented hosting service. reads the 8-k form filed by the company with SEC. This intrusion is currently degrading the operations of a small number of the Companys enterprise customers.

After the discovery of the ransomware attack, Lumen implemented enhanced security software that allowed the company to discover a separate intrusion. In this second incident, a sophisticated intruder accessed a limited number of the Companys internal information technology systems. The attackers were able to conduct reconnaissance of these systems, installing malware and extracting a relatively limited amount of data.

Based on its ongoing investigations described below and information known at this time, the Company does not believe the incidents have had or will have a material adverse impact on its ability to serve its customers or its business, operations, or financial results. continues the form.

Lumen notified law enforcement authorities and reported the incident to the impacted customers. The company launched an investigation into the incident with the help of forensic to determine the extent of the intrusion.

Follow me on Twitter: @securityaffairs and Facebook and Mastodon

Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs  hacking, Lumen)

The post Telecom giant Lumen suffered a ransomware attack and disclose a second incident appeared first on Security Affairs.


Intel Releases GPGMM v0.1 GPU Memory Management Library "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Intel has published v0.1 of its GPGMM software, the open-source General-Purpose GPU Memory Management Library. This library is intended to be used by modern software employing the Vulkan or D3D12 APIs for helping application developers deal with low-level video memory management...


Biden meets with Trudeau as US, Canada announce immigration agreement "IndyWatch Feed World"

President Joe Biden and Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday announced a new migration deal as part of Biden's first visit to America's northern neighbor. The new agreement will allow Canada to send migrants who cross at unofficial ports of entry at America's northern border back to the U.S., a change to the Safe Third Country Agreement long-sought by Canada. The U.S. will also be able to turn back asylum seekers who travel across the border from Canada.


Russia Deploys Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Belarus: Escalation or Deterrence? "IndyWatch Feed War"

March 27, 2023 Global Research, By Drago Bosnic InfoBrics All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name. To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share buttons above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel []


And Then There Were None: Woke Censors Come for Mystery Writer Agatha Christie "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: When the woke bowdlerizers came for Roald Dahl (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) and Ian Fleming (James Bond), they became the recipients of a torrent of ridicule, but that didnt stop them. On the contrary, theyre just getting started. Their latest target is mystery writer Agatha Christie, who has sold two billion copies of her []


Stealthy DBatLoader Malware Loader Spreading Remcos RAT and Formbook in Europe "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new phishing campaign has set its sights on European entities to distribute Remcos RAT and Formbook via a malware loader dubbed DBatLoader. "The malware payload is distributed through WordPress websites that have authorized SSL certificates, which is a common tactic used by threat actors to evade detection engines," Zscaler researchers Meghraj Nandanwar and Satyam Singh said in a report


OpenBLAS 0.3.22 Introduces EmScripten JavaScript, Fixes AMD Zen 4 Handling "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new release of OpenBLAS is now available, the open-source BLAS and LAPACK implementation known for its wide variety of processor optimizations...


TUCKER shows MSNBC video of Trump supporters on Jan 6 throwing things at Capitol police - because police were killing Rosanne Boyland "IndyWatch Feed World"

The truth about Jan 6 is being covered up by the Democrats, the Deep State and the media. The Democrats and very wicked individuals on the Jan 6 committee covered up the real truth behind the Jan 6 protests and how the government had infiltrated the Trump crowd and created a riot that day. Four Trump supporters were killed that day and there is reason to believe they were murdered.


Pediatricians Must Advocate For Stricter Wireless Regulations to Protect Kids From Radiation "IndyWatch Feed World"

Pediatricians Must Advocate For Stricter Wireless Regulations to Protect Kids From Radiation, Scientists Say READ...


Perspective: Tinubu and Upcoming Nigerian Youths Revolution "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nigerians underrated Tinubu, a man who forged his birth certificate and forged his parental background. He forged his school certificate.He forged his identity and name.He forged his village, town, LGA and state of origin.He forged his university degree certificate. And nothing happened. We underrated a man who got away with paying people to impersonate as []


Cancer that spreads to the lung maneuvers to avoid being attacked "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cancer that has spread to areas like the lungs can apply the brakes to a natural pathway that should recruit killer T cells directly to where it has metastasized, scientists report.

That newly found strategy used by tumors that have spreadand are consequently more deadlymay help explain why sometimes promising immunotherapies designed to help the immune system kill dont, says Kebin Liu, Ph.D., cancer immunologist in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Medical College of Georgia.

It also may mean an additional therapeutic maneuver is needed to stop some tumors, which often are diagnosed after they have spread, says Liu, corresponding author of the study in the journal Cancer Cell.


Death Levels Sharply Above Pre-COVID-19 Levels "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Even if the media does not talk about this (or belittles the whole thing)

ONS deaths 2022 and 2023

ONS deaths 2019

I AM sad about this, but I am not shocked.

10 minutes ago ONS released the latest mortality numbers for England and Wales. This update is a weekly occurrence (typically 10AM ish every Tuesday).

Total deaths week 11 in 2019: 10,567. Total deaths week 11 in 2022: 10,928. Total deaths week 11 in 2023: 12,133. Pandemic is over, folks. Go back your office cage and dont wear a mask or anything. COVID-19 is both mild and long now.


Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale identified as transgender and had detailed manifesto to attack Christian academy, shot and killed six people "IndyWatch Feed World"

Nashville police revealed that the 28-year-old who shot and killed six people at the Covenant School, including three children, identified as transgender and had a detailed manifesto to attack the Christian academy. Officials said Audrey Hale, a former student, entered the school Monday morning by shooting through a door on the side of the building. While inside, Hale killed Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs, and William Kinney, all age 9, as well as custodian Mike Hill and substitute teacher Cynthia Peak, both 61, and school head Katherine Koonce, 60.


Getting to Know the Benefits of the Fairspin Casino Bonus "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Fairspin Casino Bonus is a great way to have more fun playing at an online casino. The bonus rewards players with extra money, free spins, and other benefits that can be used to play more games, increase winnings, and even earn loyalty points. The Fairspin Casino Bonus offers a great opportunity to turn a small deposit into a large sum of money. Players can use their bonus funds to play a variety of slots, table games and even live dealer games. The bonus also provides players with an extra level of security, ensuring that their money and personal information are kept safe. With the bonus, players can also earn loyalty points for exclusive prizes.

At most legitimate online casinos, Fairspin Casino itself, as practiced all over the world, has three main types of initial bonuses for new serious players: deposit bonuses, free spins and no deposit bonuses. For example, with a 100% deposit bonus, your game balance will double the amount of your deposit. Depending on the size of your deposit, the severity may require a different amount of free spins for different types of slots. Free spins can also be won as the final bonus gr. Many online casinos win free spins to get more reels, and this type of bonus allows you to pay out big money immediately after registering with the site. These can be free spins, as well as cashless chips in some card games, and the ability to check if you see slots in the current demo, but now. The online casino at also offers cashback on bets to its customers, which allows you to accumulate pennies and get win after win. The main condition for using bonuses is a wager, which guarantees the principle of fair play. Translated from English, wager means bet or investment, and in the case of an online casino, the wager is the number of bets that must be played before you can withdraw money from the bonus account. If the bet size is x20, this means that in order to withdraw winnings from the bonus, the player must wager an amount that is 20 times the original bonus amount. The main goal of wagering is to attract players and give them the opportunity to play this option. Great for newbies who are interested in starting a real game, but at the same time do not want to spend their money. In the past, some online casinos allowed bonuses to be withdrawn without a wager or minimum wager. This was taken advantage of by bonus hunters who registered on various platforms just to get bonuses. The right amount of wager guarantees fair play for both the player and the casino. If the casinos requirements are too strict, its easier for the player to refuse the bonuses and use their own money.

Advantages of Fairspin Casino Bonus



Europol details ChatGPTs potential for criminal abuse "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

With the increased public interest in ChatGPT, the Europol Innovation Lab took the matter seriously and conducted a series of workshops involving subject matter experts from various departments of Europol. These workshops aimed to investigate potential ways in which large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT can be exploited by criminals and how they can be utilized to aid investigators in their day-to-day tasks. ChatGPT and law enforcement Their insights are compiled in Europols first Tech More

The post Europol details ChatGPTs potential for criminal abuse appeared first on Help Net Security.


Athletes 'pretended to be women' in world championship - organizer "IndyWatch Feed World"

Several participants were disqualified from the Women's World Boxing Championship after DNA tests rendered them ineligible, Umar Kremlev, president of the International Boxing Association (IBA), wrote on Telegram on Saturday. The competition concluded in New Delhi, India on Sunday. Kremlev said that IBA executives had met towards the end of the championship to discuss "fairness among athletes and professionalism." He added that after "a series of DNA-tests" the association "uncovered athletes who were trying to fool their colleagues and pretended to be women." Kremlev claimed that the tests "proved they had XY chromosomes and were thus excluded from the sports events."


Bet365 Evaluation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Bet365 Evaluation

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Ashneer Grover Launches Fantasy Sports App Crickpe Ahead Of Ipl "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ashneer Grover Launches Fantasy Sports App Crickpe Ahead Of Ipl

You can get it on almost all the main smartphone platforms. In the primary case, youll get to the portal Otherwise, you must scroll the main web site page to the very backside.

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<h1>Betway Evaluation & Bonus Code

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Tired of the office? These jobs have the happiest remote workers right now "IndyWatch Feed World"

A new survey from Glassdoor suggests WFH isnt going away, but some professions seemed better suited to accommodate remote work than others.

Its no surprise that working from home has been popular for many workers, but it hasnt been a win for every profession across the board. Glassdoor recently surveyed workers to determine how important remote work was to them as a benefit, and how employees across various levels of seniority and various occupations view their experiences working from home.

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The genetics of temperature adaptation: how does life thrive in extreme conditions? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Interestingly, the researchers found that thermotolerant organisms had smaller genomes and a higher fraction of core genome.


What I learned from the 2023 elections "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

It was in December 2022 that I first saw the chilling video of the then-All Progressives Congress presidential candidate, Bola Tinubu, explaining his political philosophy. Political power is not going to be served in a restaurantnot served in (sic) a la carte, he says to what appears to be an inner political circle. It is []


President Biden Signs Executive Order Restricting Use of Commercial Spyware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday signed an executive order that restricts the use of commercial spyware by federal government agencies. The order said the spyware ecosystem "poses significant counterintelligence or security risks to the United States Government or significant risks of improper use by a foreign government or foreign person." It also seeks to ensure that the government's use of

Believe it or not, Elon Musk is about to make Twitter even worse "IndyWatch Feed World"

Twitters owner continues to bestow benefits upon subscribers who pay to use the platform, while making it less useful for everyone else.

Elon Musk has announced plans to make Twitter into an even more insufferable platform for users who refuse to pay for itthis time, by limiting who can have their voices heard.

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Night and day we cry: A familys year in an asylum seeker hotel "IndyWatch Feed"

As a new report labels asylum accommodation de-facto detention, a mother details her familys struggle


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

tv boxOperators of pirate IPTV services in the United States risk prison sentences and civil copyright infringement lawsuits when things dont go to plan.

The recent 66-month sentence handed to YouTuber Omi in a Hellcat is one example with a particularly hefty price tag $30+ million in restitution.

IPTV services operated by Texas resident Dwayne Johnson werent as big or as profitable, but certainly important enough for Hollywood to step in with overwhelming resources.

Powerful Coalition Sues Johnson

In December 2021, movie and TV giants Universal, Disney, Paramount, Warner, and Columbia teamed up with Netflix, Amazon, Apple, and several other studios, in a lawsuit targeting AllAccessTV (AATV) and Quality Restreams.

The complaint alleged that AATV supplied infringing movies and TV shows via its IPTV and VOD services. Titles including The Godfather, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, and The Office were distributed to subscribers via their smart TVs, computers, set-top boxes, plus mobile and tablet devices.

The studios said that most subscribers paid between $10 to $45 per month to access around 2,500 channels.


Connected service Quality Restreams allegedly provided infringing movies and TV shows to other pirate IPTV providers, including AATV.

In addition to live IPTV channels, its VOD service supplied 600 movies and 600 TV series, organized into named categories, including Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, and Disney+.

Disguised as a VPN Provider

While most IPTV providers make at least some effort to hide their nature, the lawsuit alleged that AATV went a little further by presenting itself as a VPN provider.


The lawsuit revealed that along with many other pieces of cross contamination evidence, the studios had already id...


Researchers Develop Soft Robot That Shifts From Land to Sea With Ease "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

[R]esearchers at Carnegie Mellon University have created soft robots that can seamlessly shift from walking to swimming, for example, or crawling to rolling:

"We were inspired by nature to develop a robot that can perform different tasks and adapt to its environment without adding actuators or complexity," said Dinesh K. Patel, a post-doctoral fellow in the Morphing Matter Lab in the School of Computer Science'sHuman-Computer Interaction Institute. "Our bistable actuator is simple, stable and durable, and lays the foundation for future work on dynamic, reconfigurable soft robotics."

The bistable actuator is made of 3D-printed soft rubber containing shape-memory alloy springs that react to electrical currents by contracting, which causes the actuator to bend. The team used this bistable motion to change the actuator or robot's shape. Once the robot changes shape, it is stable until another electrical charge morphs it back to its previous configuration.

[...] The actuators require only a hundred millisecond of electrical charge to change their shape, and they are durable. The team had a person ride a bicycle over one of the actuators a few times and changed their robots' shapes hundreds of times to demonstrate durability.

In the future, the robots could be used in rescue situations or to interact with sea animals or coral. Using heat-activated springs in the actuators could open up applications in environmental monitoring, haptics, and reconfigurable electronics and communication.

Video of the robot in action.


Original Submission




Its Difficult To Read An Audiophile Guide As An Analogue Engineer "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Sitting on a train leaving the Hackaday Berlin conference, and Hacker News pops up Julian Shapiro with a guide to HiFi. What Hackaday scribe wouldnt give it a click, to while away the endless kilometres of North European Plain!

Its very easy as an analogue electronic engineer, to become frustrated while reading audiophile tracts, after all they have a tendency to blur superficial engineering talk with pseudoscience. Theres a rich vein of parody to be found in them, but nevertheless its interesting to read them because just sometimes the writer gets it and doesnt descend into the world of make-believe.

This one is probably par for the course, we raised an eyebrow at the idea of comparing different speaker setups merely from sampled recordings, and rolled our eyes at the usual price-tag worship, but at least some of the acoustics stuff isnt from another planet. The stand-out quote that motivated its write-up here though is the following, where he addresses the relationship between the audiophile industry and the audiophile press:

Also, note that almost all hifi reviews are positive. This is b...


Climate hysteria and woke gobbledegook are becoming inseparable "IndyWatch Feed World"

One of Britain's leading climate 'experts', Professor Kevin Anderson, has provided a valuable insight into the increasingly bizarre demands that surround the promotion of the collectivist Net Zero political project. Writing in the Conversation, he argues for Net Zero within 12 years, complete with a refit of U.K. housing stock, a withdrawal of all combustion engine cars in favour of expanded public transport, electrification of industry, the roll out of 'zero-carbon' energy, and the banning of all fossil fuel production. To achieve his aims, Anderson suggests mobilisation on the scale of the post-war European reconstruction Marshall Plan. Others might suggest his crackpot schemes will leave the country facing a similar scale of destruction, ruin and poverty to that caused by the Luftwaffe. Anderson is currently a Professor of Energy and Climate Change at the University of Manchester and he has plenty of form when it comes to extremist claims and calls for widespread rationing. As...


Peter A. Swan, President of the International Space Elevator Consortium, joins our Space Settlement Board. "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Peter A. Swan, President of the International Space Elevator Consortium, joins our Space Settlement Board.


The Rise of Vocational Education: A Look at the Latest Trends and Innovations "IndyWatch Feed World"

Vocational education has been on the rise in recent years, as the job market has become increasingly competitive and employers are looking for workers with specialized skills. It refers to training that prepares individuals for specific trades or careers, such as electricians, plumbers, carpenters, and computer technicians. This type of education is often hands-on and practical, providing students with the skills they need to succeed in their chosen field. In this article, we will take a look at the latest trends and innovations in vocational education.

1. Use of Technology


One of the biggest trends in vocational education is the use of technology. As technology continues to advance, so do the skills required to operate and maintain it. Many vocational education programs are now incorporating training in areas such as coding, cybersecurity, and robotics. These skills are in high demand, and graduates of vocational programs that offer training in these areas are often highly sought after by employers.
Another trend is the focus on soft skills. In addition to technical skills, employers are also looking for workers who possess strong communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. Vocational education programs are now incorporating training in these areas, recognizing that they are just as important as technical skills in the workplace. This is especially true in industries such as healthcare and customer service, where workers must interact with clients and patients on a regular basis.

2. Use of Simulations and Virtual Reality



Corporatism, the new, new left and the gender industry "IndyWatch Feed World"

"Inclusivity is more than a social cause; it's a business opportunity. It's time to maximize your business growth." - DMI Consulting Let me get this out of the way because it seems more than a few people still need to hear this. CORPORATIONS DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU! "Diversity and inclusion "(D&I) comprise a new business mantra. Programs and language based on the normalization of body dissociation are being corporately cultivated worldwide. The programs being instituted appeal to our emotions, to entice us to believe that companies care about people and want to create one big happy, diverse work-family, which includes marginalized sectors of society - most notably, those who imagine they have a sex that is not male or female. The overlooked are finally being given a place at the table! Or are they? The new, new liberal left in America, the left that has emerged out of a traditional new left, which cared about the working class, blacks, and women's rights, who yearned for a more...


Are coincidences real? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

They are not real at all.  They are instead direct evidence of intervention from the other side which certainly has skin in the game and outcome.

Of course we also have scientist claiming that life chemistry also happens by coincidence..  The slightest investigation makes all that absurd.  just like these claim stories.

Over and over again, the right person arrives to intervene in an emergency.  Just how many right people were avbailable?  We even have a culture accepting the idea of passing it on.  Wow.

Are coincidences real?

I am an unequivocal rationalist and yet I still want to see something strange and wonderful in lifes weird coincidences

Photo by Ernst Haas/Getty

Paul Broks is an English neuropsychologist-turned-freelance writer. His work has appeared in Prospect, The Times and The Guardian, among others. He is the author of Into the Silent Land (2002) and The Darker the Night, the Brighter the Stars: a Neuropsychologists Odyssey Through Consciousness (2018). He lives in Bath, UK.

In Cods Shadow, Redfish Rise "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Managing this resource is going to be problematic as usual.  What i would like to see attempted because we now have the navigation tools is to see point to point harvesting tracks implimented creating a natural refuge between tracks.  This allows surplus stocks to leave the refuges and reoccupy the fished strips.  This should work with ground fish and lobsters.

Not so much with anything else where schools matter a lot..

At least we now have a real recovery stock emerging and i hope this also bodes well for the cod stocks.  Or even good management.

The harvest of redfish, an Atlantic groundfish, was closed in 1995, just a few years after the closure of the northern cod fishery. The collapse of both fisheries decimated coastal communities. While the cod are yet to recover, redfish populations are booming. Photo by RLS Photo/Shutterstock

In Cods Shadow, Redfish Rise

Thirty years after the population collapsed, the Atlantic redfish fishery is poised to reopen, providing a second chance at a sustainable Moira Donovan

February 21, 2023 | 3,100 words, about 15 minutes


Stuck with the soul "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Once again we have a detailed opinion from an individual who specifically ignores all possible and plausible evidence to the contrary.  Do recall that all biological scientists to this day with a couple of brave exceptions, choose to ignore all the empirical evidence supporting the living presense of the Sasquatch.  We now have approximately 20,000 eye witness encounters and a few examples of direct communication as well.  Just when is science going to stop denial?

Let me make a powerful asser5tion.  The universe is mathematical in its nature and this means an act of creation and from that a natural expansion filling SPACE and TIME at the speed of light.  Which is what we see in our telescopes.

Mathematically we can imagine the SPACE TI(ME pendulum and fill SPACE with successors by way of geometric decay which also produces ribbons of photonic energy.

More important though, we can percieve three potential stages of matter.  The first assemblage is the production of Neutral Neutrino pairs.  Good luck on ever measuing those.  We see the high speed free neutrinos.  The second assembage is the neutral electron pair.    Same problem.  Yet both allow all forms of messy agglomeration and the potential of decay into something we might see.  This happens to be a lot of archetecture to form the 'MATRIX' and the natural emergence of logic machines able to make things happen.  Just as obvioulsy in terms of scale, it is not possible for us to see any of this.

The third stage is the Neutral Neutron Pair which we can potentially detect directly and have detected by indirdct means.  Such a pair can decay into a hydrogen atom and the larger agglomerations can potentially decay into the range of elements we know so well.

Then there is life.  It is only possibhle in the third stage of matter if there exists a working super computer able to operate a living cell.  Prove otherwise.  The sheer numbers make any form of random decission making absurd.  This means that the best model for a living cell is a complex bag of useful chemical all operated by a signalling super computer.  We can almost make this work ourselves.



EU abandons ban of combustion engine cars Britain needs to follow suit "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Net Zero Watch is calling on Rishi Sunak to follow suit and abandon its 2030 ban of the sale of ICE cars.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sudans Process Forces to Meet Non-signatories Ahead of the Final Agreement

Leaders of former Darfur rebel groups Minni Minnawi (L) Gibril Ibrahim (C), participate in the a founding meeting of the FFC National Charter in Khartoum on October 2, 2021. (AFP photo)

March 26, 2023 (KHARTOUM) A spokesman for the political process in Sudan revealed they would hand over the draft final agreement to the non-signatories of the framework agreement to get their comment on it.

The political agreement drafting committee held a meeting on Sunday with the civilian and military signatories on Sunday where it was agreed to hand over observations and comments on the first draft on March 29, two days before the signing of the final agreement.

In a statement released after the meeting, Khalid Omer Youssif, said they discussed a report by a committee tasked with the outreach of non-signatories.

The meeting decided to redouble efforts to urge them to sign the political declaration and join the ongoing political process,

He further expressed hope they discuss it with them and they sign the final political agreement with the parties to the framework political agreement on April 1.

The Sovereign Council in a statement released about the meeting added that the outreach committee will meet the non-signatories on Monday.

The meeting, which took place at the Sudanese presidency, was attended by the head of the Sovereign Council and his deputy as well as the civilian signatories and the facilitation panel.

In remarks delivered at the opening session of the security reform workshop on Sunday, General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan called on the holdout groups to join the political process, stressing that it meets the aspirations of the Sudanese people and serves the goals of change and democratic transition.

The Democratic Bloc coalition rejects to join the political process calling to review the agreed document and to include all the members of the coalition.

Recently, the signatories showed a willingness to include four political groups besides the two Justice and...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sudanese Parties Complete Drafting Final Political Agreement

Khalid Omer Youssif

March 25, 2023 (KHARTOUM) The signatories to the framework agreement in Sudan completed the drafting of the final political agreement, ahead of its adoption on the first of April, announced the spokesman for the political process on Saturday.

The drafting committee of the political final agreement () completed the drafting of the first draft of the (final) agreement, and will officially hand it over to the civilian and military parties involved in the political process at nine oclock tomorrow evening, Sunday, March 26, in a meeting to be held at the Presidential Palace, said Khalid Omer Youssif.

Youssif added that the draft will be discussed between the parties to reach an agreement on the final version.

The parties will sign it after the completion of the details of some of the remaining issues in the security and military reform file, he further said.

The Security sector reform workshop will start on Sunday and is expected to conclude on Wednesday, March 29.

For his part, the spokesman of the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) Gaffer Hassan warned against attempts to abort the transfer of power to a civilian government.

The warning comes on the background of statements by the Democratic Bloc leaders to oppose the process and to undertake actions including protests and the formation of a parallel government to undermine the new civilian government.

Also, a radical Islamist leader Mohamed al-Jizouli said on March 24 that they have a 15-minister government led by an independent prime minister and supported by armed groups signatory to the Juba peace agreement.

We call on our masses to take to the streets to support this government, he added in statements to Taiba TV an Islamist station broadcasting from Turkey.


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