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Friday, 14 July


Christian "Fiskalische Regeln sind keine Verhandlungssache" ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Christian "Fiskalische Regeln sind keine Verhandlungssache" Lindner giekannt 6 Milliarden Euro ber der Wirtschaft aus, oder umgerechnet ein Drittel Fusionskraftwerk.

Ich hoffe mal, dass die Wirtschaft keinen Strom braucht.

Man muss den Lindner verstehen. Woher soll der wissen, dass die Wirtschaft gerne billigeren Strom htte? Ist ja nicht so, als htte die Wirtschaft seit Jahrzehnten gemeckert, dass der Strom hier zu teuer ist. Als wre Intel gerade fast abgesprungen von ihrer Chipfabrik hier, weil der Strom hier zu teuer ist.

Aus Lindners Sicht, ungetrbt von Sachkenntnis oder Nachdenken ber die Situation, reichst du einem Verdurstenden lieber eine Wasserflasche, als dass du dafr sorgst, dass genug billiges Wasser fr alle da ist. Langfristige Dinge macht die FDP nicht, das sollte ja nun auch dem letzten aufgefallen sein. Darum kann sich die nchste Regierung kmmern.

Cyber-Versicherung kann nicht argumentieren, die gehackten ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Cyber-Versicherung kann nicht argumentieren, die gehackten Server seien unzureichend gesichert gewesen. Begrndung: Waren sie auch schon beim Abschluss der Versicherung.

Die Details sind interessant. Und zwar hat die Versicherung dann prfen lassen, wie schlecht die Security war, und sie war branchentypisch GANZ furchtbar:

Von 21 Servern verfgten nach den Feststellungen des Sachverstndigen nur 10 ber die erforderlichen Sicherheitsupdates. Bei 11 Servern hatte man es folglich versumt, die Software-Updates einzuspielen.
Die Versicherung fand, dass das dann ja wohl eine klare Nummer war, dass die Firma fahrlssig die Sicherung ihrer Systeme unterlassen hat und sie daher nicht zahlen muss. Das Gericht fand aber:
Der Cyberangriff war jedoch bei insgesamt 16 der 21 Server erfolgreich und betraf Systeme mit allen Betriebssystemversionen, darunter auch die aktuelle Version Windows Server 2019.
Die argumentieren also, dass auch ihre ordentlich gepatchten Systeme erfolgreich aufgemacht wurden, und daher der Patchstand ja wohl keine Rolle spielt.

Das ist Unsinn, wie man sich auch ganz leicht selbst berlegen kann. Server sind ja normalerweise nicht isolierte Einzelstcke, sondern hngen in einem Vertrauensverhltnis, bei Windows im Allgemeinen Active Directory, und dann gibt es gemeinsame Accounts mit demselben Passwort zwischen den Kisten.

Wenn der Angreifer jetzt also auf einen ungepatchten Rechner raufkommt, und die anderen Kisten mit dem in einem Vertrauensverhltnis stehen, in dem man wie im vorliegenden Fall Pass the Hash machen kann, dann spielt selbstverstndlich sehr wohl der Patchstand eine Rolle. Pass the Hash benutzt man, nachdem man drin ist, um sich benachbarte Server anzugreifen. Wenn alle Rechner ordentlich gepatcht gewesen wren, wre der Angreifer gar nicht in eine Position gelangt, um Pass the Hash anwenden zu knnen.

Aus meiner Sicht ist das daher ein Fehlurteil. Wenn die Firma auch nur einen Server nicht gepatcht hatte zum Zeitpunkt des Angriffs, dann sollte die Versicherung gar nichts zahlen mssen.

Mann vermietet Auto an Betrger, der verkauft das ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Mann vermietet Auto an Betrger, der verkauft das weiter. Der Vermieter hat sich jetzt an den Kufer gewendet und wollte das Auto zurckhaben. Geht aber nicht, weil das Auto nicht gestohlen sondern "nur" unterschlagen war. Besonders krass:

Maier kann es auch nicht abmelden, weil die Kennzeichen mit dem neuen Besitzer unterwegs sind. Steuer und Versicherung fr den Sprinter laufen deshalb weiter auf ihn.
Ja, h, was htte der denn tun sollen? Der Mieter kam mit geflschtem Ausweis aus Irland an, der fr Laien nicht erkennbar geflscht war. Nun, da hat die Justiz einen hervorragenden Tipp:
Dem Autovermieter aus Westhausen wurde geraten, knftig jedesmal zum Abgleich der Identitt zur Polizei zu gehen, zusammen mit den Ausweisen und der Kundschaft.
Oh ja klar, natrlich. So machen wir das ab jetzt. Und die Polizei haftet dann natrlich auch, wenn sich ein Ausweis doch als Flschung herausstellt, oder? ODER? Weil sonst wre das ja Bullshit.


Path of Justice, Equality, Peace, Protection of Environment and Life (JEPP) Is Key to a Safe Future "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Path of Justice, Equality, Peace, Protection of Environment and Life (JEPP) Is Key to a Safe Future appeared first on Global Research.


AMLO felicita a Randy Arozarena por su participacin en juego de estrellas de la MLB "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Tras la destacada participacin de Randy Arozarena en el juego de las estrellas, el presidente dedico unos minutos para enviar felicitaciones al beisbolista. Regeneracin Mx, []

La entrada AMLO felicita a Randy Arozarena por su participacin en juego de estrellas de la MLB se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Space Force wants FOO Fighters satellites to combat hypersonic missiles "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The US Space Force has published a call for a new constellation of hypersonic missiles detecting and tracking satellites dubbed FOO Fighter.

The United States Space Forces Space Development Agency (SDA) has published a draft solicitation for a FOO Fighter satellite constellation. The Fire-control On Orbit-support-to-the-war Fighter program gives it its full name, F2; the constellation is intended to detect, track, and coordinate the interception of hypersonic missiles.

Published on July 7, 2023, the program asks for eight satellites fitted with infrared and optical sensors. These satellites will aid in detecting, warning, and precisely tracking advanced missile threats, including More.



Study finds probable explanation for unusual planetary nebulae alignment in the Milky Way "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Planetary nebulae are created by the gas ghost clouds expelled by the dying stars, finds study.

Back in 2013, Bryan Rees of the University of Manchester discovered the unusual alignment of stars at the galactic center of the Milky Way galaxy.

Rees discovered elongated planetary nebulae in the Milky Ways center that appear to lay parallel to the plane of the galactic bulge hinting at undiscovered underlying phenomena.


A connected robot team could improve our space exploration capabilities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A team of robots would still be able to complete a mission if one or two of the machines malfunction.

Swiss researchers led by ETH Zurich are exploring the possibility of sending an interconnected team of walking and flying exploration robots to the Moon, a press statement reveals.

In recent tests, the researchers equipped three ANYmal robots with scientific instruments to test whether they would be suitable for lunar exploitation.


What Will Fashion Retail Look Like In The Future? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The metaverse is emerging as a new platform for fashion and retail, allowing brands to reach consumers through innovative online experiences and immersive digital spaces.

The possibilities are enormous for companies that want to raise brand awareness, improve customer experience, and deepen engagement with their followers. The global apparel market is expected to reach $2.25 trillion by 2025 and smart brands are leveraging the latest technologies to gain a competitive edge.

Lets explore some of the ways the future internet will transform how we shop online and engage with retail brands.

The metaverse and web3 technologies have the potential to transform the world for fashion and retail brands.


NATO Spent Decades Preparing For Proxy War With Russia in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ekaterina Blinova Sputnik 12.07.2023

Even before the Ukraine conflict escalated in February 2022, Britain, Sweden, Canada, and the United States were investing in Ukraine and building up their capabilities, the UK defense minister has stated at the NATO summit in Vilnius. Does it mean NATO has long prepared for a proxy war with Russia?

The US neocons and their likeminded NATO allies have long been apparently seeking to knock Russia out of...


A Key Hormone in Alzheimers Disease May Finally Be Understood "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

New research into the hormone somatostatin has the potential to change the general scientific consensus on how it influences Alzheimers and how the disease begins to develop in the brain.

Somatostatin plays a role in many parts of our body. In previous studies, the hormone was also thought to drive the production of the enzyme neprilysin, which can degrade amyloid beta, the protein that clumps together and damages neurons in the brains of people with Alzheimers.

The new study suggests that somatostatin actually influences amyloid-beta more directly, putting the brakes on the mechanisms by which the proteins monomer (single molecule) form combines into an oligomer (multi-molecule) form.


Tesla looking to make about half million EVs annually in India, Times of India reports "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

BENGALURU, July 13 (Reuters) Tesla (TSLA.O) is discussing an investment proposal with the Indian government to set up a factory with an annual capacity to produce about half a million electric vehicles, the Times of India reported on Thursday, citing government sources.

The company, led by billionaire Elon Musk, is also looking at using India as an export base to ship cars to countries in the Indo-Pacific region, the report said.

The starting price for the vehicles will be 2 million rupees ($24,400.66), the report added, which is more than double of Indias cheapest EV, MG Comet, and half a million costlier than Tata Nexon EV, the top-selling electric car in the country.


Webb Space Telescope reveals moment of stellar birth, dramatic close-up of 50 baby stars "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Webb Space Telescope is marking one year of cosmic photographs with one of its best yet: the dramatic close-up of dozens of stars at the moment of birth.

NASA unveiled the latest snapshot Wednesday, revealing 50 baby stars in a cloud complex 390 light-years away. A light-year is nearly 6 trillion miles (9.7 trillion kilometers).

The region is relatively small and quiet yet full of illuminated gases, jets of hydrogen and even dense cocoons of dust with the delicate beginnings of even more stars.


Quantum Computers Could Be Even More Powerful With Latest Discovery "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An unusual superconducting state observed in the material uranium ditelluride (UTe2) could help overcome well-known challenges in the advancement of quantum computing.

Researchers from the Macroscopic Quantum Matter Group laboratory at University College Cork (UCC) discovered the unique properties, which allow electrons to flow freely without resistance along a kind of quantum waterslide.


Academia, Industry, And Government Can Create Innovative Partnerships And Help Secure Our Digital Future "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Kindly see my lates FORBES article:

Thanks for reading and sharing!

Connected technology tools can be stepping-stones to a new world in diverse areas such as genetic engineering, augmented reality, robotics, and renewable energies. But they need cyber protection.


Finally, An Antiwar Video Game "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, July 13, 2023

Tired of Pentagon-funded murder-glorifying violence-normalizing video games?

Heres something different from World BEYOND War Board Member in Ukraine Yurii Sheliazhenko:

No To War: The Game

Evade the meat grinder of war profiteers!

Play here:

Your mission: quit the corruption game and survive!

You are a young pacifist from Odesa, a city in Ukraine. After the brutal Russian invasion you call for nonviolent resistance and diplomacy instead of bloodshed. People think you are crazy or a traitor, because the media has told them to hate pacifists. Your government plans to wage war indefinitely until all invaders are killed. All men in the country are subjects to conscription, even against their will, for armed defense of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Borders are closed: nobody should escape military duty. Scared by conscription, many of your peers sit home because people get draft cards mostly in the streets. It is not an option for you, though, because you must sustain your family.

You are deprived of your right to refuse to kill. You will be treated as cannon fodder, unless you evade a draft. When you meet recruiters with a draft card, you must pay for deferral or they will stuff you into their van and transport you to a frontline military unit for certain death. You are caught in a vicious cycle of corruption, forced to hand over almost all your humble earnings to greedy and cruel military recruiters all the time. The only way to escape from war profiteers is to buy on the shadow market a relocation scheme, get smuggled across the border, and start a new peaceful life in a new place.

How to Play:


  • movement:
  • Pause:
  • Touch the screen to move on smartphone or tablet.


  • Deferral: $ 3,000.
  • Relocation: $ 10,000.


This game reflects in satirical form a real story of a military commiss...


Es necesaria la unidad para defendernos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Los das 5 y 6 de julio se realiz el 9no Congreso Ordinario de la Federacin Nacional Campesina, una de las ms importantes organizaciones campesinas del pas, bajo el lema Reforma Agraria y Soberana Nacional los militantes de la agrupacin debatieron sobre el presente y las luchas que vendrn.

El encuentro fue propicio tambin para conmemorar los 32 aos de vida institucional de la FNC que a lo largo de su historia ha conquistado miles de hectreas de tierras disputadas al agronegocio para garantizar el arraigo y la produccin campesina.

Sentimos la necesidad de encontrarnos a debatir con la presencia de ms de 500 delegados y delegadas de los diferentes Departamentos del pas, abordamos cuatro puntos principales: los desafos ante el nuevo gobierno, lo relacionado a tierra y produccin campesina, la situacin de la mujer campesina y la realidad de las comunidades indgenas seala Teodolina Villalba, la primera Secretaria General del gremio campesino que cumpli sus funciones por 11 aos seguidos y hoy da paso a una nueva conduccin encabezada por Marcial Gmez y Sonia Acevedo, dirigente del Departamento de Canindey.

Lo que rescatamos es la necesidad de la unidad para defendernos como sectores populares, sabemos que para el nuevo gobierno los campesinos, los indgenas, y los sectores sociales en general no existimos, estamos excluidos; ya sabemos que la poltica del Estado no va a ser favorable al pueblo, sino todo lo contrario seal la referente campesina.

Respecto a las futuras medidas del gobierno de Santiago Pea, la dirigente campesina adelant que ven con preocupacin que existe una voluntad poltica de legalizar las tierras malhabidas, ya estn hablando nuevamente de impulsar el SINACARE/DINACARE que es una forma de legalizar ms de un milln de hectreas malhabidas, tambin hablan de eliminar el INDERT mencion con preocupacin. Al mismo tiempo cuestion la designacin de Enrique Riera, autor de la ley que criminaliza la lucha por la tierra, como nuevo Ministro del Interior el ya est hablando de reprimir los cierres de ruta, las ocupaciones de tierra, van a apuntar a la represin, concluy.

Como sntesis de los desafos que se vienen a nivel pas la FNC destaca que vivimos en una poca de profunda crisis y de conmocin poltica en nuestro pas y en el mundo, donde la clase dominante busca eliminar cualquier conquista de derechos de las trabajadoras y trabajadores, profundizando medidas represivas y de criminalizacin contra el pueblo. Ante esto, es fundamental fortalecer nuestras organizaciones y unirnos para avanzar en la lucha por la defensa de la soberana, la reforma agraria y el desarrollo con justicia social sostiene la combativa organizacin campesina.

Publicado originalmente en...


Tax Preparers That Shared Private Data With Meta, Google Could be Fined Billions "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Tax Preparers That Shared Private Data With Meta, Google Could be Fined Billions (Maria)

The author writes, Yesterday, Congress members revealed the results of a seven-month investigation into tax-filing companies. Lawmakers found that H&R Block, TaxAct, and TaxSlayer recklessly shared potentially hundreds of millions of taxpayers sensitive personal and financial data with Google and Meta for years in apparent violation of laws prohibiting tax preparers from sharing tax return information without customers consent. In a press release provided to Ars from the office of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), lawmakers alleged [there has been] a massive, likely illegal breach of taxpayer privacy.


MyPillow Is Auctioning Off Equipment After Retailers Pull Its Products (Reader Steve)

From the Star Tribune: MyPillow is auctioning off hundreds of pieces of equipment and subleasing manufacturing space after several shopping networks and major retailers took the companys products off shelves. The [Minnesota]-based manufacturer recently listed more than 850 surplus equipment items on the online auction site K-Bid. Sewing machines, industrial fabric spreaders, forklifts and even desks and chairs are up for auction. Founder and CEO Mike Lindell said MyPillow has experienced a loss in revenue and the items are no longer needed as the company consolidates its operations.


Caution: Children at Work (Gerry)

The author writes, Child labor is making a comeback with a vengeance. A striking number of lawmakers are undertaking concerted efforts to weaken or repeal statutes that have long prevented (or at least seriously inhibited) the possibility of exploiting children. Take a breath and consider this: the number of kids at work in the U.S. increased by 37% between 2015 and 2022. During the last two years, 14 states have either introduced or enacted legislation rolling back regulations that governed th...


How Duck Tape Became Famous "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If you hack things in the real world, you probably have one or more rolls of duck tape. Outside of the cute brand name, many people think that duck tape is a malapropism, but in truth it is the type of cloth traditionally used in our favorite tape: cotton duck. However, as well see, its not entirely wrong to call it duct tape either. Whatever you call it, a cloth material has an adhesive backing and is coated with something like polyethylene.

Actually, the original duck tape wasnt adhesive at all. It was simply strips of cotton duck used for several purposes, including making shoes and wrapping steel cables like the ones placed in 1902 at the Manhattan Bridge. By 1910, the tape was made with adhesive on one side and soaked in rubber, found use in hospitals for binding wounds. In May 1930, Popular Mechanics advised melting rubber from an old tire and adding rosin to create a compound to coat cotton tape, among other things.

Duck T...


Banks escalate terror against the people "IndyWatch Feed World"

Shall we try to be 100% compliant, or end this abuse once and for all? Great Britain, the ideological and strategic headquarters of the still undead Western Empire (formerly British Empire) has been something of a marvel to behold over the recent years. During the Covid 19 pandemic, or whatever that was, Britain implemented one of the world's harshest and longest lasting lockdowns. Even as the government paid behavioral psychologists to formulate fear-maximizing messaging strategies, top level government officials enjoyed themselves at private parties in sure knowledge that there was no risk to their health. Some of them crowed at their power to make people abide by arbitrary, unscientific measures they were imposing. We're all in this together (LOL)! Leading the "free world" in Ukraine British establishment has also been the world's most zealous cheerleader for war in Ukraine and the source of the most rabid Russophobic narratives. In fact, it was Britain's Prime Minister Boris...


Spring Bulletin: From privacy-respecting browser extensions to natural disaster relief "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 2023 Spring "Free Software Foundation Bulletin" is here! Read about the right to repair movement, web browser privacy, a volunteer rescue response to an earthquake, and much more.


FDA Approves First-Ever Nonprescription Birth Control Pill "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In a move that could radically change contraception in the US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced Thursday that it has approved the countrys first-ever birth control pill available without a prescription.

Perrigo Company, the Ireland-based manufacturer of the over-the-counter contraceptive, said it would make its Opill available in stores and online early next year.

At that time, millions of women in the US will have a safe and effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancies without needing a prescription.

When used as directed, daily oral contraception is safe and is expected to be more effective than currently available nonprescription contraceptive methods in preventing unintended pregnancy, said Patrizia Cavazzoni, the director of the FDAs Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

It will be interesting to see how the availability of an over-the-counter contraceptive will play out politically.

Ostensibly, this should come as welcome news for people on both sides of the abortion debate. After all, it stands to reason that the existence of this pill, and the ease of access to it, can significantly reduce the number of unintended pregnancies.

The FDA estimates that nearly half of the 6.1 million pregnancies in the US fall into that category.

However, the abortion debate is not really about the number of abortions performed annually and much more about politicians controlling womens bodies.

In addition, the same people who want to outlaw abortion are also not fans of contraception.

Last year, for example, only eight Republicans in the House of Representatives voted for the Right to Contraception Act.

In addition, several GOP-controlled states allow doctors and pharmacists to refuse to prescribe contraceptives or make them available, according to the Guttmacher Institute.

Researchers found that about one-third of women who wanted to obtain contraception reported barriers to ac...


El megaproyecto tren maLLa, despojo de nuestra historia maya "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El proyecto tren mal llamado maya est pasando por encima de nuestra memoria, vemos que no existe un manejo ni un resguardo correcto de los vestigios arqueolgicos que van destapando con el trazado del tren, los exponen a ser saqueados y no tienen el tiempo ni el personal para poder registrar y proteger todas las piezas y montculos prehispnicos.

El propio megaproyecto promueve que sean saqueados, no tienen tiempo ni personal para protegerlo y es lo menos que les interesa, a estas alturas que les queda menos de 5 meses para entregar el tren. En Bacalar, exactamente a mitad del trazado del tren, se encuentra un montculo arqueolgico (Cmo lo esquivarn o acaso lo demolern?).

Al cuestionarle al nico trabajador del INAH que se encontraba en los alrededores, respecto a alguna forma de saber sobre las piezas ah encontradas y sobre el propio montculo, l comento que no puede brindar ningn tipo de informacin, que para la proteccin de los vestigios arqueolgicos. No entendemos de quien exactamente lo estn protegiendo, ya que, si los pobladores no tenemos conocimiento de lo que van encontrando y su destino, entonces no hay forma de que los pueblos exijamos que seamos protegidos y resguardados.

Si no hay un registro, si no hay informacin clara y pblica, entonces eso si es un peligro, cmo saber si no la propia construccin del tren los est destruyendo?

Texto y fotografas: Aldair Tuut


Refugios climticos comunitarios: por una ciudad verde y en comn "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Es habitual empezar cualquier artculo relacionado con la crisis ecosocial hablando del mismo diagnstico: emergencia ecolgica, extincin masiva, antropoceno Y es que el problema del ecologismo como el de tantos otros movimientos nunca ha sido la falta de razn, sino la falta de poder. Y hoy nos encontramos en un punto en el que ya no es posible hablar slo de frenar el cambio climtico, sino que es indispensable combinar los esfuerzos de mitigacin con adaptarnos a los impactos del mismo. Ya los estamos viviendo y  sintiendo en nuestra propia piel estos das y los que nos quedan.

Hace menos de un mes, el Parlamento Europeo fij el 15 de julio como el Da Europeo de la vctimas del cambio climtico. A estas alturas del cuento, todas somos perfectamente conscientes del aumento de las olas de calor. Las olas de calor, en toda la complejidad del trmino, son slo una de las consecuencias, y slo el ao pasado ocasionaron la muerte de 4.600 personas, segn el Ministerio de Sanidad. Hace pocos das, conocimos la primera muerte por ola de calor de este ao en nuestro pas. Y seguimos sin hacer nada.

La adaptacin al cambio climtico es una cuestin prioritaria en un pas que va camino de convertirse en un desierto a mitad de siglo, un 70% de nuestro territorio est en proceso de desertificacin, y el cmo hacerlo determinar la vida de millones de personas. Siendo el cambio climtico una cuestin con evidentes sesgos sociales, donde quienes menos han contribuido a este son quienes ms sufren y sufrirn sus consecuencias, la adaptacin debe servir tambin para cerrar esa brecha. La adaptacin es un elemento primordial, especialmente en las ciudades, donde el aumento de temperaturas compromete seriamente las condiciones de habitabilidad, pues sumado a las olas de calor se encuentra el efecto isla de calor, que puede aumentar la temperatura 15C respecto a las zonas rurales del entorno.

Frente a las polticas individualistas, el mayor aliado para adaptarnos al cambio climtico en las ciudades es la renaturalizacin de estas. Si bien la renaturalizacin es un conjunto de prcticas que debera incluir ms criterios u objetivos que la adaptacin (como la proteccin de la biodiversidad o la educacin ambiental, pasando por modificaciones en materia de movilidad y otra forma de consumo), es evidente el potencial que tiene en ese aspecto, siendo objeto de conversacin en los debates urbanos desde el siglo XIX hasta los actuales Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (siendo el 11 Ciudades y Comunidades Sostenibles) o las Agendas Urbanas. La renaturalizacin permite reducir hasta 8C la temperatura media de las ciudades, favoreciendo otras cuestiones relacionadas con el bienestar, como la rebaja de partculas contaminantes o la reduccin de casos de depresin o asma.

Frente a las polticas individualistas, el mayor aliado para adaptarnos al cambio climtico e...



Gove tells Covid inquiry no-deal Brexit planning prepared UK for any crisis "IndyWatch Feed"

The levelling up secretary defended the government's decision to focus on no-deal Brexit over a potential pandemic


The New World War of the West. Weapons of Mass Distraction "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The media bombardment with weapons of mass distraction intensifies. A few days ago, Poland announced that it had been hit by two Russian missiles, the big media spread the news, the alarm went off, and Moscow announced that it was a fake but nobody listened to it. Finally, NATO admits that the accident was caused by a

Continue reading The New World War of the West. Weapons of Mass Distraction


Security Journey announces accelerated learning platform updates for developers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security Journey announced an acceleration of its secure coding training platform enhancements. Since combining HackEDU and Security Journey training offerings into one Platform, the company has added or refreshed almost 200 lessons and 25 languages, frameworks, and technologies; giving customers even more new training content to improve secure coding knowledge gain of up to 85%. New and updated learning content is especially needed at a time when record-high numbers of software security flaws are being More

The post Security Journey announces accelerated learning platform updates for developers appeared first on Help Net Security.


Germany creates equity in Western Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"


The hypothesis that the Anglo-Saxon axis is pivotal to the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia is only partly true. Germany is actually Ukraines second largest arms supplier, after the United States. Chancellor Olaf Scholz pledged a new arms package worth 700 million euros, including additional tanks, munitions and Patriot air defence systems at the NATO summit in Vilnius, putting Berlin, as he said, at the very forefront of military support for Ukraine. 

German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius stressed, By doing this, were making a significant contribution to strengthening Ukraines staying power. However, the pantomime playing out may have multiple motives. 

Fundamentally, Germanys motivation is traceable to the crushing defeat by the Red Army and has little to do with Ukraine as such. The Ukraine crisis has provided the context for accelerating Germanys militarisation. Meanwhile, revanchist feelings are rearing their head and there is a bipartisan consensus between Germanys leading centrist parties CDU, SPD and Green Party in this regard. 

In an interview in the weekend, the CDUs leading foreign and defence expert Roderich Kiesewetter (an ex-colonel who headed the Association of Reservists of the Bundeswehr from 2011 to 2016) suggested that if conditions warrant in the Ukraine situation, NATO should consider to cut off Kaliningrad from Russian supply lines. We see how Putin reacts when he is under pressure. Berlin is still smarting under the surrender of the ancient Prussian city of Knigsberg in April 1945. 

Stalin ordered 1.5 million Soviet troops supported by several thousand tanks and aircraft to attack the crack Nazi Panzer divisions deeply entrenched in Knigsberg. The capture of the heavily fortified stronghold of  Knigsberg by the Soviet army was celebrated in Moscow with an artillery salvo by 324 cannons firing 24 shells each.  

Evidently, Kiesewetters remarks show that nothing is forgotten or forgiven in Berlin even after 8 decades. Thus, Germany is the Biden Administrations closest ally in the war against Russia. The German government has stated its understanding for the Biden administrations controver...


Re: RCE in < 3.0.6 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Jan Schaumann on Jul 13

Just closing the loop here: this has now been assigned

Jan Schaumann wrote:


De la milpa a mi mesa: lanzan campaa que fortalece la soberana alimentaria en la sierra Jurez de Oaxaca "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Este 10 de julio la Unin de Organizaciones de la Sierra Jurez de Oaxaca (UNOSJO) inici la campaa De la milpa a m mesa, una iniciativa que rene a diversas familias productoras de la sierra Jurez, que buscan incentivar el consumo local.

Con los grupos de productores de las comunidades de Tanetze de Zaragoza, Yotao y Yagallo, ubicados en la sierra Jurez, se dio inicio a esta campaa que busca impulsar la alimentacin sana de nias y nios en la regin de la sierra Jurez, desde lo que se produce en la milpa, el huerto, en la comunidad. Con el lema Consumamos alimentos sanos producidos por campesinas y campesinos de nuestras comunidades, tambin buscan propiciar que en la alimentacin comunitaria prevalezcan los alimentos locales sobre los alimentos procesados.

Con una gran diversidad de comidas y bebidas hechas por las familias, donde los ingredientes provenan directamente de sus milpas y terrenos, se dio paso a la presentacin y lanzamiento de esta campaa en la regin, la cual constar de distintas actividades que impulsen la reflexin el dilogo e importancia donde todas y todos tengan acceso a alimentos sanos producidos por las y los campesinos, para que se siga fortaleciendo la siembra de la milpa , para garantizar la soberana alimentaria y la autonoma de las familias y finalmente, priorizar los alimentos locales por encima de los alimentos procesados.

Actualmente la soberana alimentaria muestra una alternativa autnoma, saludable, comunitaria y cercana a la tierra para que el derecho a la alimentacin digna sea un derecho para todas y todos. Diversas organizaciones han impulsado el tema en toda la regin de la sierra Jurez, apenas el ao pasado se present el Instituto Agroecolgico Latinoamericano en esta regin con el fin de fortalecer la estrategia de formacin agroecolgica en la lucha por la soberana alimentaria.

UNOSJO presentacin de la Campaa de la milpa a mi mesa |EDUCA  Nace el Instituto Agroecolgico Latinoamericano, luchar por la soberana alimentaria EDUCA UNOSJO cumple 30 aos de vida comunitaria y lucha por la autonoma EDUCA (



Linux Foundation Has Not Left Much of Except Marketing Plugs for the Linux Foundations Customers (Not Even Linux) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link | md5sum 34e51c3e22de7a97466e22ef0f986cd4 Changed a Lot
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: The domain has been scuttled by the Linux Foundation (same as IBM and and today we discuss the current state of it

TWO hours ago we showed how the coveted domain had been reduced to nonsense or barely anything at all. It was a thriving domain for about 20 years prior to the great cull.

The Linux Foundation has basically convinced people to abandon this domain.It has now been over 4 years since Zemlin et al (already Microsoft employees on the Board) decided to give staff the boot. Overnight, all staff i.e. both writers and editors got sacked. What did they do wrong? Did money run out? Or did Zemlin et al simply decide to kick Linux? Whatever their motivation was (their modus operandi is sinister and they are far too secretive for us to know what went on; transparency does not exist, let alone meeting minutes), is pretty much a dead domain now. In the past fortnight all that got added to it was two links. Both links were directing towards the blog of the Linux Foundation and not even 100 people saw those links. The Linux Foundation has basically convinced people to abandon this domain. Cant people just go to Microsofts GitHub instead? The Linux Foundation constantly links to that domain and it even sold a seat in the Board to it (Microsofts...


Who is Behind Fake News? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Authors Note Independent media is under attack Worldwide.  Censorship is now routinely applied.  In recent developments, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched indictments to Criminalize Dissent, namely to Weaponize Censorship. Moreover, readers on social media (including Global Research) are warned not to go onto certain sites. Those who say the truth are tagged as conspiracy theorists.

Continue reading Who is Behind Fake News? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images


Los colores de la violencia institucional "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Se conoci la condena a los efectivos policiales que asesinaron a Lucas Gonzlez y la novedad es que se us como agravante al odio racial. Una sentencia histrica que reconoce que el olfato policial es racista. De qu se trata esto? En esta nota, el autor comparte algunas reflexiones.

El martes, se conoci el fallo del caso Lucas Gonzlez. El Tribunal Oral en lo Criminal n. 25 conden a prisin perpetua a tres efectivos de la Polica de la Ciudad Autnoma de Buenos Aires. Gabriel Isassi, Fabin Lpez y Juan Jos Nieva fueron los autores materiales del crimen del joven futbolista de 17 aos, asesinado en noviembre del 2021 en el barrio porteo de Barracas. Otros seis uniformados recibieron penas de entre cuatro y ocho aos de prisin.

Los jueces decidieron que fue un homicidio quntuplemente agravado: Por haber sido cometido con arma de fuego, alevosa, por odio racial, por el concurso premeditado de dos o ms personas, y por ser integrantes de una fuerza de seguridad. El abogado de la familia de Lucas, Gregorio Dalbn, expres a los medios: Es un fallo histrico: no slo establece que a Lucas lo mat el Estado, en este caso, el Estado de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, sino que el crimen se cometi por racismo. A Lucas lo mataron por su color de piel.


Es una sentencia histrica. Por primera vez, se argumenta que la violencia institucional tiene color. Los de azul dispararon porque Lucas y sus amigos eran jvenes morochos que venan de una villa. La Justicia reconoce que el olfato policial tiene odio racial. Lo que sigue son algunas reflexiones sobre algo ya sabido, pero siempre negado.

Amrica Latina encabeza dos podios: somos la regin ms desigual y letal del mundo. No somos la ms pobre, pero s la que mayor brecha registra entre privilegiadxs y desposedxs. Tampoco hay ms violencia que en otros rincones, pero en ningn lugar del mundo se mata y se muere violentamente como en la patria grande y el Caribe. Si unimos ambas variables, llegamos a una conclusin que ser nuestro punto de partida: las probabilidades de morir violentamente en Amrica Latina se distribuyen desigualmente.

Ejemplifico con algunos nmeros. Nuestra regin representa el 8% de la poblacin mundial, pero concentra el 50% de los homicidios globales. En Amrica Latina y Caribe, el 92% de las vctimas de asesinato son varones. En el mundo, la tasa de homicidio entre jvenes se ubica alrededor del 16 cada 100.000 habitantes. En nuestro continente, se estima en 64 cada 100.000 personas.

Pero adems de...


Humanity in Hypnotic Thrall to a Techno-Industrial God "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

As long as enough people buy into it for long enough, the slavery exercise will be irreversible. On the side of an apartment high-rise block dominantly visible between buildings surrounding Brussels Gare du Midi railway station, the finishing touches are being made to an extraordinary piece of art. One can just perceive the figure in

Continue reading Humanity in Hypnotic Thrall to a Techno-Industrial God


Wowie Zowie! Linux Use Hits 3%! The Year of the Linux Desktop Is at Hand! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Warning! The percent symbol (%) is used a lot in this article, which is known to cause headaches in some readers.

The post Wowie Zowie! Linux Use Hits 3%! The Year of the Linux Desktop Is at Hand! appeared first on FOSS Force.


PicassoLoader Malware Used in Ongoing Attacks on Ukraine and Poland "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Government entities, military organizations, and civilian users in Ukraine and Poland have been targeted as part of a series of campaigns designed to steal sensitive data and gain persistent remote access to the infected systems. The intrusion set, which stretches from April 2022 to July 2023, leverages phishing lures and decoy documents to deploy a downloader malware called PicassoLoader, which


Rust 1.71.0 released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Version 1.71.0 of the Rust language has been released. Changes this time include the C-unwind ABI, an upgrade to musl 1.2, and more.


NATO Commits to Kievs Fast Track Membership and Cluster Bombing to WWIII "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Truework Guardian improves employee data security "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Truework launched Truework Guardian, a new verification automation tool for employees, employers and payroll providers that replaces the manual HR verification process while increasing the protection of sensitive data. Guardian is a solution to help payroll providers and Human Capital Management systems (HCMs) automate verifications for every employer while protecting employee data through unique risk scoring on every request. Guardian allows payroll providers to scale verification to thousands of employers without sacrificing on data security, More

The post Truework Guardian improves employee data security appeared first on Help Net Security.


Unearthing the Magic: The Healing Energy of Crystals and How to Use Them "IndyWatch Feed World"

July 14th, 2023 By Nikki Harper Staff Writer for Wake Up World In an increasingly hectic and stressful world, many individuals are seeking holistic methods to restore balance, enhance well-being, and nurture their spiritual growth. Crystal healing, a practice rooted in ancient wisdom, has gained prominence as a powerful tool for tapping into the Earths []

The post Unearthing the Magic: The Healing Energy of Crystals and How to Use Them first appeared on Wake Up World.


AMD Ryzen 7040 Series Shows Great AVX-512 Performance For Laptops / Mobile / Edge "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Similar to what I have shown with the Ryzen 9 7950X AVX-512 desktop performance and AMD EPYC 9004 series AVX-512 server performance, the new Ryzen 7040 series mobile processors are exhibiting great AVX-512 performance for laptops. In today's article is a look at the performance impact when toggling AVX-512 capabilities for a Ryzen 7 7840U "Phoenix" SoC compared to toggling AVX-512 with prior Intel Tiger Lake and Ice Lake laptops that offer AVX-512.


Why Is This Freeway So Expensive? (Hint: Because Its Too Damn Wide!) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


This article was originally published in City Observatory. It is shared here with permission. All images for this piece were provided by the author unless otherwise indicated.


The fundamental problem with the Oregon Department of Transportations (ODOTs) I-5 Rose Quarter project, and the reason why it has blown through its budget, is that it is really a massive freeway-widening project. The agency claims its just adding a couple of auxiliary lanes, but in reality, its doubling the width of Interstate 5 in a complex urban environment, and its plans for a much wider roadway are the principal reason the project, and its covers, are so expensive.

A Too-Wide Freeway

What no one seems willing to do is ask basic questions about the Rose Quarter. Is the project worth $1.9 billion? Does it even need to be that big and expensive? Isnt the skyrocketing cost and ODOTs growing fiscal crisis a signal that we should consider some other options?

The high cost and prodigious cost overruns of the Rose Quarter are directly related to the excessive width of the project, something that ODOT has gone to great lengths to conceal, characterizing the project as merely adding a single auxiliary lane in each direction. In reality, the project would essentially double the width of I-5 through the Rose Quarter, from its current 82-foot width to 160 feet (and in some places as much as 200 feet).

A brief chronology shows how ODOT staff have repeatedly concealed or obscured the width of the I-5 Rose Quarter project. Their initial 2019 Environmental Assessment presented a misleading and cartoonish freeway cross section that appeared to show that the freeway would be widened to about 126 feet.

City Observatory challenged these claims about the width of the freeway to the Oregon Transportation Commission in December 2020, and the commission directed the staff to meet with us to discuss the issue. The staff refused to answer any questions during this meeting, and instead later issued a written report obfuscating the actual width of the freeway.

In March 2021, No More Freeways obtained three different ...


Stoltenberg admits NATO began preparing Ukraine for war with Russia since 2014 "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ahmed Adel | July 13, 2023

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg admitted that the alliance had prepared Ukraine for war with Russia since 2014. At the same time, French Defence Minister Sbastien Lecornu announced on July 12 that the French military has already trained 5,200 Ukrainian troops and plans to train a total of 7,000 troops by years end.

Frances support for Ukraine is not weakening. [] Almost 5,200 Ukrainian soldiers have already been trained by France, including 1,600 in Poland. There will be almost 7,000 by the end of the year, Lecornu tweeted.

According to Lecornu, Ukrainian troops are learning how to operate French military equipment transferred to them and practice modern combat tactics, such as forming battalions that can manoeuvre as a coherent tactical unit.

Meanwhile, the British government announced that more than 19,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been trained in the country over the past six months and that Ukraine can expect more material support.

In the past six months, the UK has also expanded its military training programme for Ukrainian recruits. This programme has trained more than 19,000 soldiers to date and training for Ukrainian pilots in the UK will begin this summer, the British government said in a statement.

The UK, through NATO, also plans to establish a medical rehabilitation centre to support the recovery and return of soldiers to Ukraines lines of defence after being injured in combat.

[The British PM announced a] major new tranche of support for Ukraine, including thousands of additional rounds of Challenger 2 ammunition, more than 70 combat and logistics vehicles and a 50m support package for equipment repair, the statement added.

Although these announcements are recent revelations, NATO training of the Ukrainian military is not new. Stoltenberg said that the Alliance began supporting the Ukrainian military long before the start of the war.

I welcome the military support that Allies have provided now for months, actually starting back in 2014, Jens Stoltenberg told a press conference after the first day of the Alliance summit.

The NATO chief had previously confessed that Western military preparations began nine years ago.

Since 2014 [] NATO has implemented the biggest reinforcement of our collective defence in a generation. With, for the first time in our history, combat ready troops in the eastern part of the Alliance, with higher readiness, with more exercises, and also with more defence spending, he said on May 24. So when President Putin launched his full-fledged invasion last year, we were prepared.

In a joint...


TeamTNT's Silentbob Botnet Infecting 196 Hosts in Cloud Attack Campaign "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As many as 196 hosts have been infected as part of an aggressive cloud campaign mounted by the TeamTNT group called Silentbob. "The botnet run by TeamTNT has set its sights on Docker and Kubernetes environments, Redis servers, Postgres databases, Hadoop clusters, Tomcat and Nginx servers, Weave Scope, SSH, and Jupyter applications," Aqua security researchers Ofek Itach and Assaf Morag said in a


Las bsquedas no deben suspenderse: ONU-DH tras atentado en Tlajomulco "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Colectivo Luz de Esperanza Desaparecidos Jalisco

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. La bsqueda de personas es una obligacin permanente que debe iniciarse sin dilacin y realizarse en condiciones de seguridad y con respeto al derecho a la participacin. Las bsquedas no deben suspenderse, asegur la Oficina en Mxico del Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los Derechos Humanos, luego del ataque con explosivos contra personal de la Fiscala de Jalisco y la polica que se registr en Tlajomulco este 12 de julio, cuando se dirigan a analizar un reporte de fosa clandestina.

El atentado dej un saldo de seis personas muertas, de las cuales tres eran funcionarios de la Fiscala, uno de la polica municipal y dos civiles, adems de 12 heridos. Tras el ataque, el gobernador de Jalisco Enrique Alfaro decret la suspensin de la bsqueda de fosas clandestinas en el estado, donde se concentra el mayor nmero de fosas encontradas.

Por su parte, el Colectivo Luz de Esperanza Desaparecidos Jalisco lament la manera en la que el gobernador de Jalisco revictimiza a los colectivos y colectivas en el estado y que utilice un ataque focalizado y dirigido hacia la autoridad para desvirtuar y atentar contra la bsqueda de personas desaparecidas,

Rogamos que a la brevedad posible se retomen los operativos de bsqueda y garanticen la seguridad y la vida de todos los jaliscienses, y no utilicen una tragedia para callar la voz de nuestros familiares ausentes, seal el Colectivo Luz de Esperanza.

El gobernador de Jalisco aleg que el atentado se trat de una trampa en la bsqueda de las fosas, por lo que decidi suspender los procesos. La llegada de los policas y funcionarios a Tlajomulco sucedi luego de que una madre buscadora report que recibi una pista annima sobre la localizacin de una posible fosa clandestina con restos humanos.

Los colectivos de bsqueda lamentaron la decisin del gobernador de Jalisco, pues hasta el momento el rastreo de las fosas segua un proceso similar, en el que las madres buscadoras y familiares se comunicaban con la Fiscala tras recibir llamadas o mensajes annimos sobre la probable ubicacin de las fosas.

A continuacin el comunicado completo:


Why Is Big Capital Ditching the Social, Environment, Governance ESG Agenda? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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Understanding the Iranian Narrative. Censorship and Womens Rights "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Understanding the Iranian Narrative. Censorship and Womens Rights appeared first on Global Research.


Please Support Moon of Alabama "IndyWatch Feed War"

This post is currently pinned to the top. Please scroll down for fresh content. Dear Readers, twice a year I ask for your help to keep Moon of Alabama going. Most of you who come here value our analyses. Others...


Turbulent Week at Microsoft, Starting Monday, and Theres Lots More to Come This Summer "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link | md5sum 2208a6664103a9b8e3ebf1440e9aebe4
Microsoft July Round of Layoffs
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: Today we pause and discuss the latest big wave of layoffs at Microsoft; it started this past Monday and it wont end soon, based on office hearsay and speculations (heard through the grapevine)

THE rumours we heard last December (about this July) turned out to be correct. It just took about 8 months for that to materialise.

Dont think what happens this week is the end of it. Microsoft has remained silent on the issue (as a matter of policy) because it fears the truth would cause a panic and damage morale. Many executives are leaving already (seeing high-level memos) and this summer may be a bigger bloodbath than the start of the year (far more than 10,000 were laid off, not even counting contractors, temps, and prema-contractors).

Summer is still young and Microsoft has plans.The video above focuses on this week (so far). Weve been adding to the Wiki some updates as we go along this month (very exceptionally busy so far) and I still want to cover the latest layoffs in the form of video, albeit so far Ive lacked time. It slowed down a bit today (fewer updates on the layoffs), so giving a status update seems reasonable. Many countries are impacted, we hear of entire units being scuttled (not staff replaced by new workers), and we envision several waves, just like earlier this year (if Ireland says 70 layoffs it may mean 70 this month, then another...


Grain Deal Shenanigans "IndyWatch Feed War"

In July 2022 the UN General Secretary and Turkey brokered a deal with the Russian Federation under which the Ukraine would be allowed to export grain by shipping it from Ukraine through the Black Sea to other countries. A second...


Frances Le Pen Slams Macron for Pledging Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sputnik 13.07.2023

Marine Le Pen, former president of the French right-wing National Rally party and the current chairwoman of its parliamentary faction, said it was irresponsible of the French president to pledge long-range missiles to Ukraine.

I do not understand why Emmanuel Macron is not integrally focused on organizing a conference for peace to put an end to this [conflict], Le Pen was quoted as saying by French media.

The leader of the National Rally group in the lower house of parliament spoke to the press on Wednesday during a trip to the riot-hit city of Beauvais, north of Paris.

She warned that a strike on a third country can trigger a third world war We do not know how a third country would react if it were hit by a weapon supplied by France.

Macrons decision to supply Ukraine with SCALP missiles, the French equivalent of the United Kingdoms Storm Shadows, prompted a strong reaction from both sides of the political aisle in France. The right-wing Republicans slammed it as escalatory while the leftist France Unbowed warned of a possible direct conflict with Russia.


New Twitter Files Reveal DNC Flagged Coverage Of Hunter Bidens Laptop To Twitter For Censorship "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Twitter app on phoneNew 'Twitter Files' reveal efforts by the DNC to pressure Twitter into censoring accounts that shared coverage of Hunter Biden's laptop.


White House Looks to Prevent Oversight of Ukraine Aid "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Heres an idea: The U.S. should buy some of the weapons it left behind in Afghanistan from the Taliban and send them to Ukraine! haha Babylon Bee, please pick up the nearest white courtesy phone. Via: Libertarian Institute: The Joe Biden administration has come out in opposition to Congress creating an inspector generals office to []


Zachary Kallenborn Existential Terrorism "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Some men just want to watch the world burn. Zachary Kallenborn discusses acts of existential terrorism, such as the Tokyo subway sarin attack by Aum Shinrikyo in 1995, which killed or injured over 1,000 people.

Zachary kallenborn is a policy fellow in the center for security policy studies at george mason university, research affiliate in unconventional weapons and technology at START, and senior risk management consultant at the ABS group.

Zachary has an MA in Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies from Middlebury Institute of International Studies, and a BS in Mathematics and International Relations from the University of Puget Sound.

His work has been featured in numerous international media outlets including the New York Times, Slate, NPR, Forbes, New Scientist, WIRED, Foreign Policy, the BBC, and many others.

Forbes: New Report Warns Terrorists Could Cause Human Extinction With Spoiler Attacks

Schar School Scholar Warns of Existential Threats to Humanity by Terrorists.


Cocaine in the White House: No Suspect, No Leads "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Shocker. Via: AP: No fingerprints or DNA turned up on the baggie of cocaine found in a lobby at the White House last week despite a sophisticated FBI crime lab analysis, and surveillance footage of the area didnt identify a suspect, according to a summary of the Secret Service investigation obtained by The Associated Press. []


Chinese hackers compromised emails of U.S. Government agencies "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Chinese hackers have compromised the emails of an unnamed US Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) agency.

In Mid-June a malicious email activity was reported by an unnamed US Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) agency. Microsoft experts who investigated the suspicious activity discovered that China-linked threat actors have targeted the agency as part of a cyberespionage campaign targeting two dozen organizations.

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on July 12, 2023 have published a joint advisory to warn organizations and allow them to enhance organizational cybersecurity posture and position organizations to detect similar malicious activity via implementing the listed logging recommendations.

In June 2023, a Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) agency observed unexpected events in Microsoft 365 (M365) audit logs. After reporting the incident to Microsoft, network defenders deemed the activity malicious. reads the advisory published by US CISA. 

According to the Washington Post, the Chinese cyberspies breached the U.S. State Department email system. The threat actors also targeted the Commerce Department, a congressional staffer, a U.S. human rights advocate, and U.S. think tanks.

Chinese cyberspies, exploiting a fundamental gap in Microsofts cloud, hacked email accounts at the Commerce and State departments, including that of Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo whose agency has imposed stiff export controls on Chinese technologies that Beijing has denounced as a malicious attempt to suppress its companies. reported the Washington Post. Raimondo is the only known Cabinet-level official to have their account compromised in the targeted cyberespionage campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the matters sensitivity.

US CISA urges organizations to enable audit logging, enable Purview Audit (Premium) logging, ensure logs are searchable by operators, enable Microsoft 365 Unified Audit Logging (UAL), and understand the organizations cloud baseline....


AU10TIX app automates identity and age verification for businesses "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AU10TIX launched the AU10TIX app, empowering customer-facing businesses with automated, in-person and point of sale (POS) identity and age verification capabilities. The app enables companies to securely verify IDs in the field within 4-8 seconds, enhancing the customer experience and accelerating sales. For industries where access control is crucial, manual ID examination is insufficient for effectively detecting sophisticated fake IDs. This poses significant challenges and potential liabilities for businesses, as even trained professionals struggle to More

The post AU10TIX app automates identity and age verification for businesses appeared first on Help Net Security.


Roboticized Zelda Ocarina Plays Itself "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

[3DSage] has long been obsessed with a certain type of musical instrument after playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It spawned a project to robotically control an ocarina, which turned out beautifully.

The first step was to build an air blower that could excite the ocarina into making noise. With that completed, [3D Sage] then 3D scanned an ocarina so he could design a mechanism that would fit the instrument and let it be played. The final design uses a set of solenoids with rubber caps to plug the various holes of the ocarina to play different notes. The solenoids are actuated according to notes pressed on a printed keyboard. Alternatively, it can be programmed to play pre-stored songs by itself.

The results are charming, though the ocarina does sound a little off-pitch. Overall, though,...


The Awakening "IndyWatch Feed War"

The government keeps telling us they are guided by the science, but this mantra does not fit the facts.



US cluster bombs already in Ukraine military "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | July 13, 2023

Kiev has already received cluster munitions promised by the US, a Ukrainian general has told CNN. Washington has attempted to justify the delivery of the controversial arms by claiming that Ukraine would minimize the long-term threat to civilians when using them.

We just got them, we havent used them yet, but they can radically change [the battlefield], Brig. Gen. Aleksandr Tarnavsky told the US news network on Thursday. He added that he expects Ukrainian troops to push Russian forces back from their defensive positions thanks to the delivery.

Cluster bombs discharge dozens of submunitions over a large area. Some of the bomblets fail to detonate and can maim or kill years after their deployment. Over 100 nations, including many NATO members, have banned their production and use.

The US decided to supply Ukraine with old 155mm artillery shells with cluster payloads stockpiled during the Cold War. President Joe Biden described the move as a stopgap, claiming that Kievs foreign backers had no regular munitions of that caliber left to share, and that they were in the process of ramping up production.

The US is not party to the 2008 convention on cluster munitions, but still had to bypass its own rules, which normally ban exports of cluster bombs with a dud rate of over 1% (meaning more than one in 100 submunitions fail to explode).

The Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions (DPICMs) which the US has sent to Ukraine demonstrated an average dud rate of 14% during a 2000 study. The Pentagon, however, has claimed that less Kievs forces.

Tarnavsky insisted Ukraine would not fire cluster shells at settlements held by Russia.

Ukraine has a stockpile of Soviet cluster munitions and has used them in places where unexploded bomblets posed a threat to civilians, according to Human Rights Watch. The international watchdog was among those to urge Washington to reconsider its plans.

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said this week that Moscow has the means to respond in kind to Ukraines use of American arms.

Russia has cluster munitions, as they say, for all occasions, the minister warned, adding that the Russian arsenal is superior in capability and diversity.


[$] Stabilizing per-VMA locking "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The kernel-development process routinely absorbs large changes to fundamental subsystems and still produces stable releases every nine or ten weeks. On occasion, though, the development community's luck runs out. The per-VMA locking work that went into the 6.4 release is a case in point; it looked like a well-tested change that improved page-fault scalability. There turned out to be a few demons hiding in that code, though, that made life difficult for early adopters of the 6.4 kernel.


Sweet and Sour Medicine? Honey and Vinegar Combo May Be a Secret Wound-healing Recipe "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Shyla Cadogan, RD Throughout history, mixing honey and vinegar has been used as a medical treatment. Now, scientists say that this combo could be...

Sweet and Sour Medicine? Honey and Vinegar Combo May Be a Secret Wound-healing Recipe


Sharks deserve our appreciation and protection (commentary) "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

July 14 is Shark Awareness Day, an annual reminder to raise awareness of these incredible creatures that roam the oceans. Sharks and rays belong to a group of fish known as elasmobranchs, which includes over 1,200 species. Sadly, in 2023 more than one-third of these species are at risk. Sharks and rays, in contrast to most fish, have skeletons formed of cartilage rather than bones, which gives them flexibility and helps them move gracefully in the water. They are not mammals like whales and dolphins; rays and sharks are fishes, and scientists are still discovering new species, showing just how diverse our oceans are. Sharks and rays play an important role in maintaining the delicate balance of marine ecosystems. They have a huge impact on regulating the populations of other marine species as apex predators, contributing to the overall health and stability of the seas, we at believe. Also, their scavenging behavior helps remove organic materials from the environment, contributing to nutrient cycling. Their presence can also create habitat diversity by influencing the behavior and distribution of other species. Today, however, they face numerous challenges. Overfishing, driven by demand for their meat, fins, and liver oil is a major threat to their survival. Additionally, the unintended capture of sharks and rays in fishing nets, known as bycatch, further compounds the problem. Loss of habitats and prey, as well as human disturbances and the overall degradation of our oceans, also threaten their existence. A blacktip reef shark swims among smallerThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Tomgram: Engelhardt, Fallout from Humanity "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In case you hadn't noticed "" and how could you not? "" there have been more than 500 (yes, 500-plus!) wildfires burning across the vast reaches of Canada, an unheard-of number, and more than half of them completely out of (human) control in a record-shattering fire season. That's been true for seemingly endless weeks now with no end in sight[...]


Marcos Pastrana: El camino es devolver los territorios a sus pueblos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Sebastin Granata / Telam

Entrevista a Marcos Pastrana, del Pueblo Diaguita de Tucumn. Defensor del agua y los cerros, opositor a la megaminera y al extractivismo, es un pensador de su pueblo y de los territorios. Respetado y querido por las asambleas socioambientales y comunidades indgenas, es ignorado por la academia y funcionarios. Su voz, y su hacer, interpelan y son un llamado a la accin.

Cada palabra de Marcos Pastrana resuena como un sentir que sale de lo ms hondo. Quizs en su decir emerjan los paisajes que quedaron en su memoria, tras aos acompaando asambleas y pueblos de Amrica Latina, siendo recibido con abrazos, compartiendo los dolores, las alegras, el hambre y el fro, pero tambin las conquistas de la lucha compartida. Este integrante del Pueblo Diaguita vive en Taf del Valle, tiene 77 aos y siempre est dispuesto a dar testimonio.

Para saber dnde vamos, hay que saber de dnde venimos y poner en valor cundo y cmo comenz la vida. Todos descendemos de los cuatro elementos: agua, tierra, fuego y aire. Eso est presente en la biodiversidad, en la flora, la fauna y en la especie humana. Si cuidamos el agua, la energa (el fuego), el aire y la tierra estaremos luchando por la vida, por los seres vivos, por los pueblos, explica. 

Y agrega: Hoy se quiere imponer el concepto de que para cuidar el ambiente se tienen que tomar medidas cientficas, tecnolgicas. Pero primero hay que tomar conciencia de qu significan esos valores para nosotros y cmo adherimos a la esttica natural que se ha forjado hace millones de aos para generar vida. Es infinita la dimensin de la biodiversidad: su integridad, su integralidad, su intelectualidad, su espiritualidad.

Histrico luchador contra Minera Alumbrera, Pastrana fue uno de los oradores centrales del VII Congreso de Salud Socioambiental de Rosario. Entre otros temas, explica que la interculturalidad no se da slo entre seres humanos. Entre seres humanos circula la informacin, pero la cultura circula con la participacin de todos los miembros de la biodiversidad. No hay carpintero si no hay un rbol. No hay artesana ni arte ni nada, ni gastronoma si no es en colaboracin con la biodiversidad. Esa es la verdadera universidad itinerante de la vida que est en todos los rincones. La universidad Madre Tierra.

Su decir es pausado, pero incisivo: El hombre, en su egocentrismo, cree que es sujeto de todo: de inteligencia, de espiritualidad, de derechos. Por eso se habla de derechos humanos, como si fueran los nicos que tienen derecho al agua, al aire sano, a la salud y a la vida. No: el derecho es de todos, es universal y es integral.



10 Abnormal Things Bidens Return To Normalcy Brought Americans "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Biden speaks at an Iowa rally in 2019Out of a campaign that was built on a 'return to normalcy,' the American people have received a very abnormal few years under Joe Biden.


ManageEngine adds OpenAI observability to Site24x7 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

ManageEngine has added OpenAI observability as a native capability to Site24x7, its comprehensive cloud-based observability platform. The offering enables application owners to monitor the utilization of different OpenAI models seamlessly while tracking real-time performance and cost metrics all within a unified view. This capability empowers businesses to leverage the potential of emerging AI technologies, such as OpenAIs ChatGPT, to drive innovation and achieve their strategic objectives while being cost-conscious. As organizations increasingly embrace OpenAIs More

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Infrastructure Funding Is Bringing Zero-Emission Buses to Communities That Need Them Most "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Across the country, fleets of aging, groaning, gas-guzzling buses are being replaced with new electric models.


On Monday, the Biden administration announced nearly $1.7 billion in grants for municipal transportation departments serving cities, rural areas, and Native American reservations. The awards support multiple levels of the bus-electrification process, helping to fund everything from charging stations and garages to the buses themselves. The geographical reach of these awards is broad and includes the Seneca Nation of Indians in western New York, the Ohio Department of Transportation, and municipal transit authorities in cities like Tucson, Arizona; Philadelphia; Washington, DC; and Seattle.


The funding comes from the 2021 bipartisan infrastructure law, through a combination of two Federal Transit Administration initiatives: the Low- and No-Emission Grant Program and the Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program. According to the release, awards related to the infrastructure law have already added 1,800 no-emission buses to the nations roadways, more than doubling the number of such vehicles in use.


Todays announcement means more clean buses, less pollution, more jobs in manufacturing and maintenance, and better commutes for families across the country, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg told reporters.


The funding, like much of the infrastructure law, is also aimed at reducing long-term inequities, both through expanding transit to underserved communities and providing living-wage employment.  


For instance, in King County, Washington the greater Seattle metro area the transit authority plans to convert 27 bus lines that serve low-income areas. But its also using the project as a means to create an easier pathway to jobs in transit by expanding the countys apprenticeship programs. 


This funding supports our work to advance equity and social justice by prioritizing service areas for these new electric buses in neighborhoods disproportionately impacted by pollution generated by fossil fuels, said King County Executive Dow Constantine in a press release. 


Labor standards are key to the awards. As a stipulation of the bipartisan infrastructure law, funded projects are subject to Project Labor Agreements, a form of collective bargaining agreement between unions and contractors. These agreements allow unio...


Bacalar: los olvidados que va dejando el despojo del Tren Maya "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Mara Dolores y su esposo en su hogar, a pocos pasos del trazo del tramo 6 del Tren Maya. (Santiago Navarro F)

Bacalar, en el estado de Quintana Roo, fundada por los mayas en el ao 415 d.c., fue uno de los principales centros de resistencia del pueblo Maya contra la colonizacin espaola. Hoy, los vestigios monumentales de la antigua ciudad maya de Ichkabal, los ms antiguos de esta civilizacin que se conocen hasta ahora, y su Laguna de Siete Colores atraen turistas de diversas partes del mundo, quienes ocupan los hoteles y restaurantes que forman una especie de muralla alrededor de la laguna, restringiendo su acceso a los que pueden consumir los diversos servicios.

A unos pocos kilmetros del alboroto turstico, el equipo de Avispa Mdia se intern por pequeas brechas en el bosque tropical, que an sobrevive en las orillas del municipio, para encontrarse con el trazado por donde pasar el Tren Maya, la megaobra estrella del gobierno de Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador. Este proyecto fortalecer la integracin de cadenas productivas en la pennsula de Yucatn, segn argumentan los documentos oficiales del gobierno, y atraer an ms turistas para la regin, a pesar de los cortes frecuentes de energa, la falta de agua y el drenaje colapsado.

Despus de caminar alrededor de quince minutos, aparece una gran brecha de 60 metros de ancho con una largura que parece infinita. A las orillas yace parte de la vegetacin moribunda, el resto fue retirado hacia un paradero desconocido. La brecha fue rellenada con una capa de arcilla arenosa conocida como sascab y compactada ms de una vez. Todo est listo para la siguiente fase que es el tendido de las vas, los durmientes y el balasto que cargar los vagones del tren que cruzar por esta regin.

Mquinas de ingenieros militares avanzan con la construccin del tramo 6 del tren maya. Foto: Aldo Santiago

De pronto, a lo largo de la brecha, aparece una humilde casa, como si hubiera bloqueado la lnea recta del desmonte. Sobrevivi al ir y venir de la maquinaria pesada que devast miles de rboles a su paso. La casa pertenece a una mujer maya llamada Mara Dolores Olvera Chi, de 38 aos, donde vive con su familia, su esposo y dos hijos, desde hace12 aos.

Casa de Mara y su familia. Foto: Santiago Navarro F

La resistencia de esta familia es lo que an mantiene la casa en pie. A nosotros nos quieren sacar...


Twitter Will Go Offline for Good. Then What? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link | md5sum 1f73039f2b3c45e5286983423b16ee1c
Twitter and the Public Domain
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: Theres a catastrophe in the making; not only do many public institutions and public servants lose audiences as Twitter stagnates; were about to lose a lot of history and there are no fallback plans in place (for archival)

TWITTER more or less died on the last day of June, as we noted yesterday (and in IRC days prior). Basically, the walled gardens did huge damage because people who lurked in Twitter (e.g. for weather updates, emergencies and so on) could no longer access anything. This went on for about a week and then the rivals emerged even stronger (Facebook quickly overran the hype/buzz around Bluesky and Mastodon). Longtime Twitter users looked for alternatives. Many ended up in Facebook/Instagram (Meta), which isnt a positive development at all. Registering a domain in their national top-level domain (TLD) space or even international namespace isnt so expensive. Hosting can even be done with a single-board computer from ones home network, especially owing to the speeds of todays residential connections.

In any event, the video above explains what the death of Twitter will mean to public institutions and politicians. A lot of history will get deleted and many people are still unable to access public information without going through Fraud Musk. One can hope that the end of Twitter is forthcoming shortly, one person told me. Many countries have been misusing Twitter in place of channels of official communications. Yet some of the very same countries also have a constitutional obligation to archive official notices and communications. Twitter fails on that ground.




We all can save energy, be more efficient, write and vote more often

NOW is the Second Best Time to Act on Climate

Essay Submitted by Eric Engle, Charleston Gazette, July 13, 2023
The hottest days on Earth dating back approximately 125,000 years have all occurred in the recent week between July 4 and July 10, according to data from the University of Maines Climate Change Institute, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and instrument-based global temperature readings, tree rings analyses and ice core samples taken globally.

Data from the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre Inc., as of June 30, and reported by Axios, shows that 3,063 wildfires have burned approximately 20 million acres across Canada. The 10-year average for Canadian wildfire seasons around this time is 2,452 fires burning 1.3 million acres. July tends to be the most active month and wildfire season doesnt tend to abate until the fall. The U.S. choked on the smoke of these wildfires through much of June, including those of us here in West Virginia, and there may be more to come.

Sea water temperatures around the state of Florida right now are so high as to be off the scale of color contours on some weather maps, according to a piece in The Washington Post, with meteorologist and journalist Bob Henson calling the 92- to 96-degree temperatures of coastal waters in the Florida Keys downright shocking. This as hurricane season is fast approaching. Hurricanes and tropical storms are strongly fueled by high ocean temperatures. The intensity of this Atlantic hurricane season could be almost unfathomable in terms of the size, strength and number of recorded storms.

Vermont is enduring an ongoing and massive deluge of precipitation causing devastating flooding and untold damage. Vermont just does not see this much rainfall this quickly. We know a little about that in Central Appalachia, too. Eastern Kentucky recently suffered the same conditions. At least Vermont doesnt have clearcut and flattened mountains and valleys, courtesy of the coal industry, and widespread poverty (also attributable, in part, to clinging to fossil fuels) to make it worse.

The states of Texas and Louisiana and parts of the American Southeast have been suffering u...


New Tree Tech: Real-time, long-term, high-tech reforestation monitoring "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

This story is the fourth article of a four-part Mongabay mini-series exploring the latest technological solutions to support reforestation. Read Part One, Part Two and Part Three. Plant a tree! has over recent decades become a hackneyed ecological rallying cry for numerous mega-reforestation projects hyped in the media by celebrities, companies and governments. But these projects have by and large achieved poor results, not due to a lack of enthusiasm by shovel-wielding, seed-planting volunteers, but because of what happens after the video cameras go away. Which is often nothing, or next to nothing. Many people see reforestation as a quick fix to the climate emergency, but tree-planting projects often fail to put in place the long-term monitoring programs needed to track newly planted trees through their early stages of development, and to offer prompt targeted support when those trees show signs of struggling. A lot of those projects fail pretty early on for that reason, said Cynthia Gerlein-Safdi, an ecohydrologist at the University of California, Berkeley. Monitoring an entire forest over many years is a huge undertaking, requiring laborious effort, money and the amassing and analyzation of big data sets. Image by Jakob Hrter via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0). Laborious measurements One reason for all the failures: Monitoring an entire forest over a number of years is a huge undertaking, requiring laborious effort, money, and the amassing and analysis of big data sets. Monitoring typically requires repeated measurements of the diameter of planted trees at a consistent height above theThis article was originally published on Mongabay


List of 30 Elites That Support and Promote Worldwide Depopulation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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AI Versus AI. And Human Extinction as Collateral Damage. AI and the Nuclear Trigger "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Nostalgia: Fondly Remembering Trump and Fauci; The Good Old Days "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: Jon Rappoport: No, really. It was quite something, wasnt it? Aside from the destruction of the economy, the suicides, and the mass murder of old people in hospitals with the ventilator-sedation protocol. It was on television. Trump and Fauci. Doofus and psychopath. It couldnt have been planned better. These two guys were doing []


We must stand alongside Ahmad Manasra and his family as his solitary confinement continues "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ahmad Manasra in military court in 2023, dressed in brown Israeli prison or Israeli prison authorities refuse to end Ahmad Manasra's solitary confinement, despite his serious risk of suicide and self-harm. In doing so, Israel is effectively condemning him to a slow death.


Hate Crime at the Brady Landfill Barricade "IndyWatch Feed War"

Photo Travis Golby CBCJohn Sitarek said on Twitter, "Members of Camp Morgan that set up a blockade at Brady landfill cleaned off the debris dumped on the mural. Diane Bousque one of about a dozen people who helped paint it recently said "No matter what you throw on us we're always going to create something beautiful." Hate Crime at the Brady Landfill BarricadeBy Brenda Norrell, Censored News,


Upcoming Trading Webinar Only 4 Spots Left! "IndyWatch Feed World"

We have four spots left in our upcoming Advanced Trading Webinar (July 14/15)!

If you have attended before, it will be worth attending again: the charts have been updated, and there are new ideas integrated as well.

(This webinar is best suited for Pro Socrates users, please ensure to read the description in full!)

For more information or sign up, please click here


BSD Release: pfSense 2.7.0 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

pfSense is a free, open source customized distribution of FreeBSD specifically tailored for use as a firewall and router that is entirely managed via web interface. pfSense 2.7.0 ships with improvements to firewall performance, fixes some uPnP issues related to running multiple gaming systems on the same network,....


Concentric AI unveils archetype functionality for data discovery and protection "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Concentric AI has announced an archetype functionality for granularity and precision of data discovery and protection. Archetype in the context of data discovery, classification and risk remediation is a specific type of data or file that contains sensitive or confidential information, such as a contract in the legal industry, a tax form in finance services, or a workers compensation claim in the insurance field. As a result, todays updates to Concentric AIs Semantic Intelligence DSPM More

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Israels Absentees Property Law Allowing the Confiscation of Vast Amount of Properties Left Behind by Palestinian Arab Refugees "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Covid inquiry has no plan to sanction Boris Johnson over missing messages "IndyWatch Feed"

Bereaved families have called for action against the former prime minister, who claims he cant unlock his old phone


DOJ will not defend Trump as immune in E. Jean Carroll lawsuit "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Department of Justice will not defend former President Donald Trump as immune with respect to defamation claims from writer E. Jean Carroll. The DOJ announced that it would not longer argue Trump's immunity on Tuesday, after previously certifying that Trump made allegedly defamatory statements denouncing Carroll's claims of sexual assault while in his official capacity as president, The Hill reported. The agency "has determined that it lacks adequate evidence to conclude that the former President was sufficiently actuated by a purpose to serve the United States Government to support a determination that he was acting within the scope of his employment when he denied sexually assaulting Ms. Carroll and made the other statements regarding Ms. Carroll that she has challenged in this action," it announced. Tuesday's announcement represents a reversal of the DOJ's past position, which supported Trump's immunity claims.


Hospitals had to upgrade inadequate oxygen machines at height of pandemic "IndyWatch Feed"

Major engineering and structural changes were made to improve equipment when Covid hit, a health expert has said


Secure Code Warrior raises $50 million to accelerate product innovation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Secure Code Warrior closed its Series C funding round, led by Paladin Capital Group. At $50 million, this marks the largest investment since the companys inception, bringing its total funding to date to over $100 million. The company, whose annual revenue averaged $29.83 million according to IT-Harvest, will use the funding for product innovation through its platform and go-to-market efforts, with a focus on increasing market share and further empowering developer and engineering teams to More

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Poland wants Ukraine to admit guilt for Nazi-linked WWII massacre "IndyWatch Feed World"

Accountability for the mass killings of Poles by Ukrainian nationalists during World War II is essential for reconciliation between the two nations, a resolution passed by the lower house of parliament in Warsaw has said. The document was adopted by lawmakers in the Sejm on Tuesday, as Poland commemorated the victims of wartime atrocities in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia 80 years ago. Members of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), the militant wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), were the main perpetrators of the crimes, which Poland considers an act of genocide. "In the attacks by OUN and UPA units, supported by part of the local Ukrainian community, over 100,000 Poles were murdered, often in a very brutal way," the Polish MPs said. "Several hundred thousand people fled... fearing the same fate."


Security updates for Thursday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (ruby-doorkeeper), Fedora (mingw-nsis and thunderbird), Red Hat (bind9.16, nodejs, nodejs:16, nodejs:18, python38:3.8 and python38-devel:3.8, and rh-nodejs14-nodejs), Slackware (krb5), SUSE (geoipupdate, installation-images, libqt5-qtbase, python-Django1, and skopeo), and Ubuntu (knot-resolver, lib3mf, linux, linux-aws, linux-kvm, linux-lowlatency, linux-raspi, linux, linux-aws, linux-kvm, linux-lts-xenial, linux-azure, linux-gcp, linux-ibm, linux-oracle, linux-azure-fde, linux-xilinx-zynqmp, and scipy).


Young Teachers (COVID-19 Vaccinated) Who Died Suddenly During April 2023 to May 2023. 14 Sudden Deaths Examined "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Musk believes 'ESG is the devil' and he's not the only one "IndyWatch Feed World"

In a June 10 Tweet, Elon Musk, the embodiment of the electric vehicle (EV) revolution, declared that "ESG is the devil." ESG stands for the "environmental, social and governance" principles which dictate that certain aspects of a company's work must be taken into account when deciding whether to invest in it. An investment-worthy company must have a good score on things like climate change, sustainability, energy efficiency, diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as corruption and bribery prevention, among others. Musk's outburst was sparked by the shockingly low ESG scores assigned to Tesla by S&P Global, a ratings and market intelligence heavyweight. Tesla earned 37 points (out of a possible 100, where anything above 70 is considered "good" and anything below 50 is deemed "poor") on its ESG scorecard while Philip Morris, the global tobacco giant, received a commendable score of 84. Similarly, as the Washington Free Beacon discovered, the London Stock Exchange gave British...


Irelands News Media. RT TV Fully Complicit in Endorsing the Pandemic Narrative "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Why did Lukashenka invite Wagner rebels to Belarus? "IndyWatch Feed"

Lukashenkas role as an unlikely peace broker during Wagners failed rebellion has brought him both hope and danger


A bizarre reason for allowing groping "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A judge in Italy has issued what can only be described as bizarre reasoning in acquitting a school caretaker of groping a 17-year old student. There was no doubt about what the groper had done. The attacker did not deny it.

The case involves a 17-year-old student at a Rome high school.

She described walking up a staircase to class with a friend, when she felt her trousers fall down, a hand touching her buttocks and grabbing her underwear.

Love, you know I was joking, the man told her when she turned around.

After the incident, which happened in April 2022, the student reported the caretaker, 66-year-old Antonio Avola, to police.

He admitted to groping the student without consent, but said it was a joke.

A Rome public prosecutor asked for a three-and-a-half year prison sentence but this week the caretaker was acquitted of sexual assault charges. According to the judges, what happened does not constitute a crime because it lasted less than 10 seconds.

But according to the judges, the caretaker did not linger. He groped the teenager only briefly, performing an awkward manoeuvre without lust.

Joking? Without lust? Hardly, when you read how the student described it.

The caretaker came up from behind without saying anything. He put his hands down my trousers and inside my underwear.

He groped my bottom. Then, he pulled me up hurting my private parts. For me, this is not a joke. This is not how an old man should joke with a teenager.

That handful of seconds was more than enough for the caretaker to make me feel his hands on me.

I do not know how the law works in Italy and whether the judges reasoning that any groping up to ten seconds is not a crime will become some kind of precedent for future rulings. But, as many people have pointed out, ten seconds is a long time, not briefly, when you are being groped, and some have posted videos of themselves touching their own bodies for that time to show how excruciatingly long it is.

This is not the first time that the Italian legal system has shrugged off this kind of assault as merely light-hearted pranks.

In 2016, a 65-year-old Italian man accused of groping his female colleagues was found not guilty of sexual harassment because an Italian court ruled that he was driven by an immature sense of humour.

The ruling was condemned in the country where around a third of women aged 16 to 70 are said to have suffered some form of physical or sexual vi...


GOP Rep. Asks Scientists Why They Did A 180 On COVID Lab Leak After Fauci Emailed Them "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: Summit News: .@RepMalliotakis questions why the "Proximal Origin" co-authors suspiciously abandoned their initial belief that COVID originated in a Chinese lab. Within 3 days of speaking to Dr. Fauci, @K_G_Andersen shifted his support to a zoonotic origin. Americans deserve to know why? Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (@COVIDSelect) July 11, 2023 []


Despite lawsuit, Casino Group still sells beef from Amazonian Indigenous territory "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

RONDNIA, Brazil We were walking along the road and all of a sudden, some people started coming out of the bush and appearing in cars and motorcycles. They surrounded us and said we were on private property. I told them it was Indigenous land, and they knew it. That is how Indigenous peoples rights advocate Ivaneide Bandeira described the moments of tension she faced together with some Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau on Mothers Day, Sunday, May 14. This is not going to be as easy as you think, make no mistake about it, said one of the men who surrounded Neidinha, as the environmentalist and founder of the Kanind Ethno-Environmental Association is known. She filmed the encounter. The confrontation took place in an area of Rondnias Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau Indigenous Land known as Burareiro a Brazilian Amazon region where encroachers have cattle ranches that supply large meatpacking companies and supermarket chains. In March 2021, a lawsuit was filed in France against French group Casino Guichard-Perrachon, which controls supermarket chains Po de Acar, Assa and Extra Hiper, for selling meat from suppliers directly linked to illegal deforestation in the Amazon, including farms located in the Burareiro area. The case falls under the 2017 so-called Vigilance Law, according to which large corporations based in Brazil must ensure that both their subsidiaries and their subcontracted companies do not cause severe violations of human rights and fundamental liberties or harms to peoples health and safety, and the environment. While Casino claimed in the French court that itThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Keeping Thermal Plants Cool Without Breaking the Cooling Water Budget "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Steam generators in thermal (steam-cycle) power plants require a constant influx of cool water to maximize the transfer of thermal energy. How this water is cooled again in the condensor after much of the steams thermal energy has been spent in the steam turbines or heat exchangers is a very important consideration in the design and construction of these plants. The most obvious and straightforward system is direct once-through cooling, where the water is drawn straight from a nearby river or other body of water and released after passing through the condenser. This type of system is by far the cheapest, but is also impacted by both the seasons and environmental considerations.

Where cool surface water is less abundantly available, evaporative cooling in a recirculating system such as with spray ponds and cooling towers is a good alternative. Although slightly more costly, a big benefit of these is that they require far less water and have much more control over the intake water temperature, which can raise plant efficiency. Finally, dry cooling is essentially a closed-loop system, which is exceedingly useful in areas where water is scarce. This latter type of cooling is what allows thermal plants to operate even in desert regions.

As the global climate changes &...


Rambus Root of Trust protects valuable data center and AI/ML assets and systems "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Rambus announced the first in a family of Quantum Safe security IP products with its next-generation Root of Trust for data center and communications security. Quantum computers will be able to rapidly break current asymmetric encryption, placing important data and assets at risk. The Rambus Root of Trust IP offers customers a complete Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) hardware security solution that protects valuable data center and AI/ML assets and systems. To ensure todays data remains More

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What Does Detox Tea Do? What to Use and Avoid With Recipes! "IndyWatch Feed World"

July 14th, 2023 By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World Its no secret that black and herbal teas offer many health benefits.[1] Some people consume teas to detox the body. However, many of these so-called detox teas, particularly those with Senna or Cascara, contain ingredients that act as harsh laxatives and cause more harm than good. []

The post What Does Detox Tea Do? What to Use and Avoid With Recipes! first appeared on Wake Up World.


Current policy approaches in the Amazon: certainly necessary, but are they sufficient? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The consensus strategy for saving the Amazon is based on a set of five self-reinforcing policies: (1) create protected areas and recognize Indigenous reserves; (2) improve governance to combat illegal activities; (3) increase market demand for deforestation-free commodities; (4) enhance the economic value of forest livelihoods; and (5) generate financial revenues from Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes to underwrite the implementation of the first four strategic pillars. Two of these policies (3 and 5) rely on macroeconomic incentives, and two (1 and 2) on top-down initiatives emanating from central governments. Only one (4) seeks to change the microeconomics on the forest frontier, and it focuses on a part of the Amazonian economy that does not directly cause deforestation. All of these policies are reliant on REDD+ and, consequently, the development of a robust global carbon market. This is not an unreasonable expectation. REDD+ provides an opportunity to mitigate global warming as well as alleviate the biodiversity crisis by subsidising policies that are cost-effective, timely and humane. REDD+ has always been viewed as an interim solution that would reduce emissions while the advanced economies, led by the United States, transition to a green economy. Unfortunately, the twenty-year delay in implementing a coherent climate change strategy has made REDD+ a less relevant policy tool. Aa is a super fruit that has exploded in popularity over the last decade due to its nutritional benefits. It has been a staple of Amazonian commerce for centuries where it is harvested from a palm (EuterpeThis article was originally published on Mongabay

Thursday, 13 July


Half of Russian Strategic Missile Divisions Now Use Hypersonics in Response to US Escalation. Pentagon Failures in Strategic Weapons Capabilities? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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US approves nuclear capable F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Yesterday, US Nat'l Security Advisor Jake Sullivan confirmed the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov responded, "We gave informed the nuclear powers-the US, UK and France-that Russia can't ignore the ability of these aircraft to carry nuclear weapons" and "this may lead to catastrophic consequences."


Western Australia Vaccine Adverse Events Data "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Keep in mind, this is just what the perpetrators are willing to admit. Via: Dr. John Campbell:


People actually think that way "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I know I tend to get peevish about bad biology and reductionism and equating human beings with their gametes, but its a real problem.

The debate about Margot Robbie being mid or hot, whatever ignores her important eugenic quality she has a powerful jawline. She was designed to birth Jocks. Women have aesthetic purpose, but their main purpose is to birth the next generation.

Oh sure, shes pretty, but her main reason for existence is to have babies, and Rgenhere can tell from her physiognomy what kind of children shell have. Riiight. So many things wrong with that claim.

These people actually exist.


Sudan crisis: UN reports mass grave near Darfur's el-Geneina "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sudan crisis: UN reports mass grave near Darfur's el-Geneina

Discovery comes weeks after locals told MEE the smell of rotting corpses had filled the streets of West Darfur capital as hundreds of bodies were left decomposing

MEE staff Thu, 07/13/2023 - 14:47
People walk among scattered objects in the market of el-Geneina, the capital of West Darfur, as fighting unfolded in Sudan on 29 April 2023 (AFP)
People walk among scattered objects in the market of el-Geneina, the capital of West Darfur, as fighting unfolded in Sudan on 29 April 2023 (AFP)

A mass grave of at least 87 people allegedly killed by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) was found in Sudan's Darfur region, the UN said on Thursday. 

According to what the UN Human Rights Office described as credible information, the victims from the non-Arab ethnic Masalit group were killed by the RSF and allied armed groups between 13 and 21 June outside the city of el-Geneina, the capital of West Darfur state. 

Locals were forced to bury 37 bodies on 20 June in a one-metre-deep mass grave. An additional 50 bodies were buried at the same site the following day.

The bodies of seven women and seven children were among those buried in el-Geneinas Al-Madaress and Al-Jamarek districts.

Volker Turk, OHCHR's high commissioner, called the RSF and warring parties in Sudan to allow searches for the dead and ensure they get a decent burial.

I condemn in the strongest terms the killing of civilians and hors de combat individua...


How Clearly Israel Is an Apartheid Country "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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INTERVIEW: Jacob Diaz Virology As Science Fiction? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Unmasking the epic fraud of the novel coronavirus and the canard of the supposed global pandemic.

In episode #471 of the SUNDAY WIRE which aired on July 2, 2023, Patrick talks with special guest, Jacob Diaz to discuss epic fraud of SARSCOV2 and the canard of the global pandemic which the world was forced to endure over the last 3 years, and about his upcoming epic virtual event, The End of Covid, the largest online educational event of its kind exposing pseudoscience of Covid and virology. We also discuss the latest mass-unrest in France and also this weekends rate limit breakdown of Twitters platform. All this and more. Listen:

More from Jacob:







Video: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Uncensored "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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INTERVIEW: Sulaiman Ahmed The Truth About The Tate Brothers Case "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A  deeper look into the incredible story of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, and the likelihood of powerful foreign actors applying pressure on Romania to keep them on ice. 

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on July 10, 2023, Patrick talks with UK-based investigative journalist and judicial pundit, Sulaiman Ahmed, for a deeper look into the incredible story of Andrew and Tristan Tate, and their controversial legal case currently making its way, albeit painfully, through the Romanian judicial system. Are there powerful foreign actors applying pressure on Romania to keep the Tates on ice? Is there a political, or geopolitical dimension to this case? The case also draws some eery comparisons to specious sex charges levelled against Julian Assange and others. All this and more. Listen:

More from Sulaiman:

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):






Why is Big Capital Ditching the ESG Agenda? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Mathew Maavak The environmental, social, and governance (ESG) agenda once had the staunch backing of billionaires, Western governments and the United Nations. Big Capital,...

Why is Big Capital Ditching the ESG Agenda?


Targeted for Tyranny: Were All Suspects Under the Governments Precrime Program "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead There is now the capacity to make tyranny total in America. James Bamford, journalist Were all being targeted...

Targeted for Tyranny: Were All Suspects Under the Governments Precrime Program


The Mainstream Media Is Not Telling You The Truth About Inflation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Michael Snyder Inflation is going down!  Isnt that wonderful?  When many less-educated Americans hear this news, they will think that prices are going down. ...

The Mainstream Media Is Not Telling You The Truth About Inflation


Pig Beans The Latest GMO Frankenfood. Transgenic Foods "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Auto Insurers Hit By Worst Crisis In 30 Years, Sends Premiums Skyrocketing "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden On the inflation front, consumers have a reason to celebrate, as prices for used cars saw a significant drop in June. However, theres a...

Auto Insurers Hit By Worst Crisis In 30 Years, Sends Premiums Skyrocketing


Safe and Effective Understanding Vaccine Clinical Trials. The Placebos "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Not All Printing Services Protect Privacy "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Quoting The Washington Post:

If you're printing something on actual paper, there's a good chance it's important, like a tax form or a job contract.

But popular printing products and services won't promise not to read it. In fact, they won't even promise not to share it with outside marketing firms.

The spread of digital file-sharing along with obnoxious business practices by printing manufacturers has pushed many U.S. households to give up at-home printers and rely on nearby printing services instead. At the same time, major printer manufacturers have adopted mobile apps and cloud-based storage, creating new opportunities to collect personal data from customers. Whether you're walking to the corner store or sending your files to the cloud, it's tough to figure out whether you're printing in private.

The article then gives a quick rundown of various printing services and their apparent verbal-vs-actual commitments to privacy.

Also seen on Bruce Schneier's blog.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


The Trans Agenda is a conspiracy to sterilize your children! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

James Lyons-Weiler is an odd duck. He started his career in bioinformatics conventionally enough, getting a PhD, following it up with post-docs, eventually getting a position at the University of Pittsburgh, and thenhe succumbed to the lure of the crackpot circuit. He now wanders about the country, giving anti-vax lectures and giving his uninformed opinions about autism. He also launched a website called, where IPAK is short for Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge. Yeah, he also invented an academic institute, which is his, and of which he is the sole member. He peddles online courses on various topics you can, for instance, gain access to a series of lectures on evolutionary biology for the low, low price of $160.

Hes also notorious enough that he has a Wikipedia page. Its short. Heres the bulk of it.

Lyons-Weiler has made numerous false and misleading claims about COVID-19 and vaccines. United States Court of Federal Claims Special Master Christian J. Moran concluded in 2020 that Lyons-Weiler was wholly unqualified to opine on the question of vaccine causation; the decision related to a lawsuit in which Lyons-Weiler had testified claiming that a woman was injured as a result of the HPV vaccine.

His February 2020 claim that SARS-CoV-2 contains a genetic sequence proving that the virus was probably engineered in a laboratory was discredited by researchers and fact-checkers.

Now you know where hes coming from: hes a failed academic who ekes out a living by being a mouthpiece for quack ideas. Hes anti-vax, hes got weird ideas about autism, and now, oh joy, hes jumped on the anti-trans bandwagon. He has an essay that seems to be fairly typical for him, Evolutionary Analysis of the Trans Agenda as Mass Sterilization of Youth as Reproductive Spite, in which he lards a lot of nonsensical pretentious jargon around the thesis that gender-affirming care is a scheme to sterilize your children.

Please understand that this article was written to create awareness about the new reality involving the interplay between social dynamics and the way people control and influence others reproductive heritage. I have not seen this issue addressed by anyone because discussions about evolutionary principles and social dynamics are taboo because evil people in the past twisted Darwins understa...


Video: Shut Down the COVID-19 Operation Now! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Future Headline: Boost Your Social Credit Score for Smooth Summer Travel "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Simon Black, Sovereign Man In a world full of unimaginable absurdity, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future and to where...

Future Headline: Boost Your Social Credit Score for Smooth Summer Travel


Challenging Influenza "IndyWatch Feed World"

Our review found no human experimental studies published in the English-language literature delineating person-to-person transmission...


Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky Part 1 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Part 1 of a highly revealing investigative series exploring the unlikely rise to power of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, by American author, military analyst, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, and former United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) weapons inspector, Scott Ritter.

Scott Ritter says

As a former intelligence officer, Ive been wondering why has no one done an investigation about Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine? His rise to power, in my opinion, represents an incredible manipulation of world opinion that will go down in history as a classic case study in social psychological engineering: an ordinary comedian who came to power because he promised a long-awaited peace, who then dragged his fellow citizens into a bloody war that can only be described as a massacre. With the help of colleagues and experts with first-hand insights into Zelensky, I have poured over documents and video to produce a film that captures this investigation. This story has so many twists and turns that I had to break it into two parts. In the first episode, presented here, I will answer the question about Zelenskys improbable rise to power, and how the Ukrainian President accumulated his vast wealth, a sum that has only become larger since the war with Russia began. And, perhaps most importantly, why I decided to call this film Agent Zelensky. Watch: 

Learn more about the new series Agent Zelensky at Scott Ritter Extra.

READ MORE UKRAINE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Ukraine Files


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Dumping Doubts: Releasing Fukushimas Waste Water "IndyWatch Feed War"

Nothing said from the nuclear industry can or should be taken for face value.  Be it in terms of safety, or correcting defects or righting mistakes; be it in terms of construction integrity, there is something chilling about reassurances that have been shown, time and again, to be hollow.

The 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) disaster has forever stained the Japanese nuclear industry.  Since then, the site has been marked by over 1,000 tanks filled with contaminated water that arises from reactor cooling.  The attempts by the Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc (TEPCO) to decommission and clean the plant has also seen a daily complement of 150 tons arising from groundwater leakage into the buildings and systems involved in the cooling process.

According to Japans Nuclear Regulatory Authority, the gradual 1.3 million or so tons kept in those tanks into the Pacific over three decades is something that can be executed without serious environmental consequences.  This was a view that was already entertained in 2021, expressing confidence that the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) being used in cleaning the contaminated water would be effective.  Of primary concern here is the presence of a radioactive form of hydrogen called tritium, the presence of which is a challenge to remove.

There are various questions arising from this, not least the assumption that the levels of radioactivity arising from tritium will be significantly reduced by 1/40th of regulatory standards through the use of seawater.  But as has been pointed out by such scientists as Ken Buesseler, Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress and Antony M. Hooker, there are also nontritium radionuclides that are generally of greater health concern as evidenced by their much higher dose coefficient a measure of the dose, or potential human health impacts associated with a given radioactive element, relative to its measured concentration, or radioactivity level.

The International Atomic Energy Agency neither recommends nor endorses the plans a curious formulation that does little for confidence.  Its safety review of the plan to release treated water does, however, conform, in the view of the IAEA General Rafael Mariano Grossi, to the bodys safety standards.  The IAEA notes the controlled, gradual discharges of the treated water...


More than Mountaineering: Using PeakVisor for Geolocation "IndyWatch Feed War"

A short, shaky video and a single photograph show mourners standing on a mountainside as a row of bodies lie shrouded, about to be buried. Both images appear to be taken from close viewpoints and at nearly the same time 17:53 UTC on May 28, 2022. But where exactly were they taken?

Left: The still image of the mountain burial (bodies pixelated by Bellingcat). Right: A composite panorama spliced from video and sharpened using Photopea.

While the first Telegram posts have since been deleted, these images and a video can still be found online as they had been shared by other Tajik Telegram users shortly after the initial posts.

Accompanying text on the Telegram post by Pamir Daily News which contained these images claimed that the burial took place in the Rushon District of Tajikistan, and that the dead had been killed by government troops during a crackdown in the remote Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous region in the east of the country.

There are a few further clues. As the mourners are dressed in anoraks and trainers rather than climbing gear, it is likely that the paths to this location were not extremely steep. This suggests a location in the foothills, rather than higher up the mountains.

But thats where geolocating this footage stalled. There is no Google Street View in this remote area. The only footage available on Mapillary points down the main Pamir Highway from the perspective of a car travelling in one direction. Google Earths ground-level view rendered the real-life jagged terrain as too smoothed to show distinctive rock features. 

In this type of landscape, PeakVisor is a valuable tool. This app was originally developed to help mountaineers and hikers orientate, navigate and share geographic information on their smartphones. It has come to play a growing role in open source investigations, confirming geolocations in Bellingcats stories as far afield as Armenia,...


The Infectious Myth Busted Part 4: Is Measles Contagious? "IndyWatch Feed World"

A careful search of the literature does not reveal a case in which the blood...


FBI Cooperated with Kiev Regime to Remove Verified Social Media Accounts Including the US State Department "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Fidelis Active Directory Intercept enables identification of AD issues "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Fidelis Cybersecurity released the new Fidelis Active Directory Intercept, a capability that combines network detection and response, deception technology, and Active Directory (AD) security, as part of their Fidelis Network and Deception 9.6.1 product release. Active Directory Intercept is the latest capability in cyber defenses delivered by Fidelis Cybersecurity that keeps customers ahead of adversaries. This solution provides insights into an organizations resources, enables rapid identification of AD issues, detects suspicious activities and active attacks More

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The Last Gasp of the Anthropocene? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) was established in 2009 to see if there was a way to geologically differentiate an Anthropocene Epoch from the Holocene Epoch. The notion has always been preposterous because the only true difference between the Holocene and the preceding Pleistocene Epoch is the impact of humans on the planet. Otherwise, the Holocene has just been a run of the mill interglacial stage, geologically indistinct from the prior Pleistocene interglacial stages. After thirteen years, the AWG is finally prepared to present an official recommendation for an official Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP), also known as a "golden spike," GSSP's are stratigraphic markers that define the beginning and/or end of a geologic time period.

The post The Last Gasp of the Anthropocene? first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


The Transformative Impact of Sports Betting on the Sporting Landscape "IndyWatch Feed World"

In recent years, the relationship between sports and sports betting has undergone a transformative shift, reshaping the sporting landscape. The convergence of technology, changing regulatory environments, and shifting societal attitudes has propelled sports betting into the mainstream. This article delves into the multifaceted impact of sports betting on sports, exploring its influence on fan engagement, team dynamics, media coverage, and the emergence of new sporting formats.

Fan Engagement and Interactivity


Sports betting has revolutionized fan engagement, taking it beyond mere spectatorship. The integration of live betting options, fantasy sports leagues, and prediction games has transformed how fans experience sports. Betting platforms provide real-time odds and allow fans to place bets during matches, heightening the thrill and emotional investment in the outcome. Additionally, there are platforms such as Stakepromocode that provide promo codes that incentivize fan participation by offering exclusive benefits and rewards for their participation. The rise of fantasy sports leagues enables fans to create their teams, compete against friends, and analyze player performances, fostering a deeper connection with the sport and players.

Team Performance and Player Monitoring

The advent of sports betting has brought a data-driven approach to team management and player performance analysis. Teams and coaches utilize advanced analytics and sports betting data, often obtained through Promo Codes, to gain insights into opponent strategies, player statistics, and performance trends. This information enables them to make informed decisions regarding game strategies, player substitutions, and training regimens, ultimately enhancing team performance and optimizing player potential.

Media Coverage and Broadcasting



Fake PoC for Linux Kernel Vulnerability on GitHub Exposes Researchers to Malware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In a sign that cybersecurity researchers continue to be under the radar of malicious actors, a proof-of-concept (PoC) has been discovered on GitHub, concealing a backdoor with a "crafty" persistence method. "In this instance, the PoC is a wolf in sheep's clothing, harboring malicious intent under the guise of a harmless learning tool," Uptycs researchers Nischay Hegde and Siddartha Malladi said.


The Puente Hills Mall "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Its a pretty surreal scene at the Puente Hills Mall. Lights on. Air conditioning working. Most store spaces vacant. Almost no customers. I wonder what the mall spends on electricity to keep that place cool in July??? Hint: The forecast is for low to mid 90s everyday for the week ahead. The last time I []


BDS Fails, July 2023 (Stories you wont read in the UK media) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Heres the latest installment in our ongoing series of posts documenting BDS fails stories of Israeli success that are rarely covered by British media outlets.

Political BDS fails

British MPs vote to ban public bodies from boycotting Israel 

MPs have voted to ban public bodies from boycotting Israel and other countries, despite scores of Conservative MPs not backing the bill, some of whom said the ban was illiberal and others that it would hamper action against China.

The bill will ban public bodies such as local councils from imposing economic sanctions on countries that are not sanctioned by the Westminster government, singling out Israel as particularly worthy of protection.

Michael Gove, the communities secretary, said during the Commons debate on Monday: [The bill] protects minorities, especially Jewish communities, against campaigns that harm community cohesion and fuel antisemitism.

Another US state passes anti-BDS law

New Hampshire Governor Christopher Sununu signed on Thursday an executive order prohibiting the Granite State from investing in or contracting with companies and commercial entities that boycott Israel and its trade partners.

The announcement, made in the presence of Israels Permanent Representative to the United Nations Gilad Erdan, marks New Hampshire as the 37th state to enact regulations against the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement

Switzerland, Austria to join European air defense project using Israels Arrow 3


Stoltenberg Admits NATO Began Preparing Ukraine for War with Russia Since 2014 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Unnamed APT eyes vulnerabilities in Rockwell Automation industrial contollers (CVE-2023-3595 CVE-2023-3596) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Rockwell Automation has fixed two vulnerabilities (CVE-2023-3595, CVE-2023-3596) in the communication modules of its ControlLogix industrial programmable logic controllers (PLCs), ahead of expected (and likely) in-the-wild exploitation. An unreleased exploit capability leveraging these vulnerabilities is associated with an unnamed APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) group, industrial cybersecurity company Dragos has stated on Wednesday. About the vulnerabilities (CVE-2023-3595, CVE-2023-3596) CVE-2023-3595 allows attackers to manipulate firmware memory, perform remote code execution with persistence, and modify, deny, and exfiltrate More

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Severe summer storm slams eastern France and southwestern Germany "IndyWatch Feed World"

A storm from eastern France crossed into southwestern Germany on Tuesday night, damaging 30 houses in Saarland and causing casualties in Baden-Wrttemberg. Storm crosses Saarland and Baden-Wrttemberg On the night of July 11, residents and holidaymakers in Germany's most southwestern states, Saarland and Baden-Wrttemberg, were confronted with a storm arriving from eastern France.



READ MORE AT JASON CHRISTOFF The vast majority of Disney films that target children, present...


More grumbling from Zelensky because NATO doesnt want direct war with Russia "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | July 13, 2023

In early October last year, Kiev regime frontman Volodymyr Zelensky called on NATO to launch a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia in order to rule out the possibility of using nuclear weapons. At the time, the mainstream propaganda machine tried everything in its power to present his words as allegedly misinterpreted, but since there is actual footage of it, well let you decide if he genuinely said so:

What should NATO do? Eliminate the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons. But what is important, I once again appeal to the international community, as it was before February 24: pre-emptive strikes, so that they know what will happen to them if used. And not vice versa wait for Russias nuclear strikes, then to say: Oh, you are so, well, keep it from us! Reconsider the application of their pressure, the procedure for applying, Zelensky said during a video conference with the Australian Lowy Institute.

While the aforementioned propaganda narrative tried to whitewash (a standard practice for virtually anything the Neo-Nazi junta does) his statement about these preemptive strikes by claiming these supposedly wouldnt be nuclear, this is openly implied in the comment itself. How else would it be possible to launch strikes against a nuclear power, much less the one with the worlds most powerful thermonuclear arsenal?

Why is this relevant now, approximately ten months later? Zelenskys unhinged commentary is deeply dividing for virtually all NATO members, as none of them wants to be destroyed in minutes for the sake of a corrupt Neo-Nazi regime. The ongoing NATO summit in Vilnius makes Zelensky look no less delusional, as he threw yet another tantrum, complaining that the political West is not doing enough because it doesnt want to make a firm promise to let the Kiev regime into NATO. Apparently, he is deeply frustrated with the regular pattern of the belligerent alliance making pledges, giving billions in so-called aid (over $170 billion, to be exact), promising to deliver F-16 fighter jets, while also expanding its military infrastructure in Eastern Europe.

Although NATO promised it will remove the Membership Action Plan (MAP) requirement for the Neo-Nazi junta, an...


Flawed IPEF Wont Solve Global Supply Chain Issues "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ever since May 2023, when the 14-member Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) reached an agreement on strengthening the resilience of supply chains a crucial aspect of the frameworks second pillar an intense debate has been ignited within academia and media regarding its feasibility. For obvious reasons, scholars and commentators have delved into the potential ramifications and explored various perspectives on the matter. Some have scrutinized the practicality of implementing the agreement, while others have examined the potential economic and geopolitical implications it may entail. While the final text of the IPEF Supply Chain Agreement is yet to be unveiled to the media, initial indications have partially revealed its main features, suggesting the creation of comprehensive regulations and institutional mechanisms. The success of this agreement hinges on its implementation, with a particular focus on delineating tangible measures and possibly establishing specialized projects to propel further advancements.

Launched by US President Joe Biden in May 2022 during a Quad Summit in Tokyo, the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) is a coalition of 14 member countries including India, Australia, Brunei, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The IPEFs declared objective is to establish a shared framework based on four key pillars: connectivity and digital trade, resilient supply chains, clean energy, and corruption-free fair trade. But the IPEF is generally viewed as the United States strategic response to its perceived retreat from the Asia-Pacific region during the Trump era, symbolized by the withdrawal from the ambitious Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), now known as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). Evidently, the IPEF is an assertive move by the Biden administration to counter Chinas increasing sway in the Indo-Pacific region. With the IPEF, the United States aims to expand its economic leadership in the region while advancing its foreign policy and economic interests. Through strategic partnerships with member countries, Washington seeks to enhance the development of supply chains and promote regional connectivity in both physical and digital realms. In doing so, the United States hopes to solidify its position as a dominant economic force in the Indo-Pacific region, asserting its influence and securing its long-term economic and strategic objectives.

As per media reports, the proposed agreement has suggested the establishment of three bodies: a Supply Chain Council, a Supply Chain Crisis Response Network, and a Labor Rights Advisory Board. Additionally, the United States has pledged to initiate technical assistance and capacity-building programs, such as digital shipping pilot projects and an IPEF STEM Exchange Program. Nevertheless, the global response from th...


A Monte Of Firepower: Montenegrin Arms Supplies To Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
The following list attempts to keep track of military equipment delivered or pledged to Ukraine by Montenegro during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The entries below are sorted by armament category (with a flag denoting the country of origin), and due to the confidential nature of some arms deliveries they can serve only as a lower bound to the total volume delivered. This list is updated as further military support is uncovered.
(Click on the equipment type or vehicle to get a picture or source link)

Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS)

  • 226 9K32 Strela-2Ms [Between March and July 2022]


  • 600 Rounds Of 60mm And 82mm Ammunition For Mortars [Before July 2022]
  • 7964 Rounds Of 57mm Ammunition For UB-16 And UB-32 Rocket Pods [August 2022]
  • ...


White House publishes National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Biden-Harris Administrations recently released National Cybersecurity Strategy calls for two fundamental shifts in how the United States allocates roles, responsibilities, and resources in cyberspace: Ensuring that the biggest, most capable, and best-positioned entities in the public and private sectors assume a greater share of the burden for mitigating cyber risk Increasing incentives to favor long-term investments into cybersecurity Today, the Administration is announcing a roadmap to realize this vision. It is taking More

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Panic In Ughelli As Gunmen Kill Policeman, Cart Away Rifle "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JULY 13TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Some yet-to-be-identified gunmen, suspected to be cultists, have killed a police officer in Ughelli, Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State, leaving the residents in fear.

Our reporter learnt that this is sequel to the increasing  criminal and cult-related activities in Ughelli and environs recently.

The deceased cop, identified as Jude Ukpaka, was said to be attached to Dragon 19 Security Patrol Team of the Ughelli Area Command.

Sources said he was shot dead and his Ak-47 service rifle confiscated by the suspected gunmen along the Ogor-Evwreni-Ughelli axis of the East-West Road in Ughelli North Local Government Area of the state.

The officer and two of his colleagues were reportedly attacked in the van at a check-point between 5:00pm and 6:00p.m on Wednesday, July 12, 2023.

An unconfirmed report said there was an earlier attack on travellers at same axis in the early hours of Wednesday before the attack and killing of the police officer in the evening.

It will be recalled that barely two months ago, two police officers, PC Ujeyah Matthew and Sergeant Ijebu, attached to Ofuoma Division of the Delta State Police Command, were killed and their guns stolen at Ekredjebor community in Ughelli North.

The Delta State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), DSP Bright Edafe, hasnt responded to the incident as of the time of filing the report.

It was, however, learnt that the other officers who were also attacked escaped into the swamp.

They ran into swamp until they were rescued by another team of police officers from Ughelli Area Command, while the remains of the deceased officer has been deposited at the morgue, a source said

Meanwhile, some residents of the area have blamed police for allegedly setting at liberty some arrested criminals who pretended to be yahoo boys, after collecting huge sums from them.

read more Tribune Online 19h

2022 Budget: Tinubu seeks Reps approval on N500bn subsidy palliatives  Senate to investigate allegations of corruption surrounding- IPPIS- Share Story

How will police officers on check-point arrest a criminal under the guise of yahoo boys and driving recklessly, threatening to kill police officers, yet on getting to the station, top police officers will collect money and fr...


Kherson: Life in a flooded city "IndyWatch Feed"

Despite ruined homes, waist-high floods and food shortages, Khersons residents are still finding reasons to smile


100 people killed as rains continue to batter north India (UPDATE) "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least 61 more people were reported dead across North India following incessant rains, flashfloods and lightning strikes on Monday, 34 of them in Uttar Pradesh and 17 in Himachal Pradesh, which is the worst affected state so far. More than 300 tourists are stranded in Himachal's Lahaul-Spiti district amid snowfall. Efforts are on to rescue them. Rains hampered the clearing of massive landslides that snapped road links. The tourists have been put up in hotels and government accommodations by the local administration. Besides, tourists and locals in two state roadways buses have been stuck following a flash flood in the Pagal nullah near Sissu village in the Lahaul Valley as it blocked the Manali-Leh highway.


Greece detainment of Bechara unacceptable, unjustified: Hezbollah "IndyWatch Feed War"

 July 12, 2023 Hezbollah considers the detainment of Resistance icon Suha Bechara an illegal act and a form of submission to the Israeli occupation entity. Hezbollah denounced on Wednesday the Greek authorities detainment of Lebanese Resistance icon and freed prisoner, Suha Bechara. In a statement, Hezbollah considered the detainment of Bechara an illegal act and []


Videos show tornadoes sweeping across Chicago area "IndyWatch Feed World"

Social media users near Chicago, Illinois, captured jaw-dropping photos and videos of tornadoes forming over the area. Just after 7 p.m. Wednesday, the Chicago office of the National Weather Service (NWS) confirmed that at least one tornado was on the ground after issuing two warnings for the city. Tornado sirens sounded multiple times, cautioning residents to seek shelter. "A confirmed tornado is on the ground near O'Hare airport," NWS Chicago tweeted shortly after 7 p.m. "This tornado has been touching the ground intermittently so far and is moving east. There are additional circulations along the line south of O'Hare. Seek shelter if in the warned area!" As of Wednesday evening, it's unclear if the weather caused any injuries. Local media outlets are reporting "significant" damage in parts of the region. Newsweek reached out via email on Wednesday night to NWS Chicago for comment.


Asian-American Comedy Joy Ride Successfully Bypasses The Expected Woke Identity Politics "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Joe Ride movie scene where three asian women screaming into camera'Joy Ride' shows how to laugh at and be honest about racial differences without anyone playing the victim.


I was a Nothing skeptic. The Phone 2 almost won me over "IndyWatch Feed World"

Hype aside, Nothings second smartphone is just a solid Android handset.

Full disclosure: I was tired of hearing about the Nothing Phone 2 long before I got my hands on it for review.

Read Full Story


Opening up a can of climate whoop-ass on this guy "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

As Ive said before, it is our duty to fight back against the wild claims of the rampant climate alarmism that permeates media, social and otherwise. Heres an example of

The post Opening up a can of climate whoop-ass on this guy first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


West Bank: Israeli settlers injure Palestinians visiting natural spring "IndyWatch Feed War"

West Bank: Israeli settlers injure Palestinians visiting natural spring

The Sakot Spring provided a vital source of water for Palestinians but now settlers drive them away
Fayha Shalash Thu, 07/13/2023 - 12:17
Palestinian men sit on rocks forming a make-shift barricade near flaming tires as they protest against the closure of a road near the site of an attack on an Israeli bus east of the Palestinian city of Tubas in the north of the occupied West Bank on September 4, 2022 (AFP)
Palestinian men protest against the closure of a road near the site of an attack on an Israeli bus, east of Tubas in the occupied West Bank, 4 September 2022 (AFP)

Five Palestinians were injured on Wednesday evening when they were attacked by a group of Israeli settlers in the Jordan Valley, near the city of Tubas in the northern occupied West Bank.

Safwat Daraghmeh, 30, told us that he was with his brothers and their children in the area of the Sakot Spring when 20 settlers suddenly attacked them.

The settlers were armed with batons, pepper spray, and stones. They gathered around the Palestinians and drove them away.

The settlers threw stones at me and hit my brothers with batons. One of them stomped on my brother Muhammad's knee and tried to break it. Others sprayed burning gas in our faces amid insults and shouting, he added.

Three children who were with Daraghmeh and his siblings - the oldest of whom was three years old - were left terrified and crying.


A Delicious Twist on Pumpkin Canastitas Recipe "IndyWatch Feed World"

Get ready to transform your kitchen into a culinary fiesta with this enticing and traditional dish, Pumpkin Canastitas. Take a mouthwatering journey through the best of Mexican cuisine, while also exploring a beloved Tex-Mex classic that will surely impress your guests.



For the pumpkin canastitas:

2 small pumpkins

1 cup cooked rice (try Mahatma Rice for a perfect texture)

1 cup black beans, cooked and drained

1/2 cup diced bell peppers (assorted colors)

1/2 cup corn kernels

1/4 cup diced red onions

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 teaspoon cumin

1 teaspoon paprika

Salt and pepper to taste

1 tablespoon olive oil



Step 1

Preheat the oven to 375F (190C). Cut off the tops of the pumpkins and scoop out the seeds and pulp, creating a hollow center. Save the pumpkin tops for later.

Step 2

In a large bowl, combine the cooked rice, black beans, diced bell peppers, corn kernels, red onions, minced garlic, cumin, paprika, salt, and pepper. Mix well to ensure all the ingredients are evenly distributed.

Step 3



Why Use Magento Ecommerce to Start an Online Business? "IndyWatch Feed World"

In the digital age, starting an online business has become increasingly popular due to its accessibility and potential for growth. When it comes to choosing an e-commerce platform, Magento stands out as a top choice for entrepreneurs. Many companies migrate to Magento from other platforms since Magento is a very easy-to-use platform. If you need help migrating to Magento or from Magento to another platform, make sure you hire the right company like MNT Haus.

Overview of Magento E-commerce


Magento is a powerful and feature-rich open-source e-commerce platform that empowers businesses to create and manage their online stores effectively. It offers a wide range of tools, features, and customization options, making it a popular choice among businesses of all sizes.

Flexible and Scalable Platform

One of the key reasons to choose Magento for your online business is its flexibility and scalability. Whether you are a small startup or a large enterprise, Magento can accommodate your business needs. It provides a solid foundation that can grow and evolve with your business over time.

Extensive Customization Options

Magento offers extensive customization options, allowing you to create a unique and personalized online store. You have full control over the design, layout, and functionality of your website. With Magento, you can create a seamless shopping experience for your customers, tailored to your specific brand requirements.

Robust Features and Functionality

Magento comes equipped with a wide range of robust features and functionality that are essential for running a successful online business. It offers comprehensive catalog management, advanced search capabilities, flexible pricing options, secure payment gateways, and efficient order processing. These features enable you to provide a seamless shopping experience and enhance customer satisfaction.

Mobile-Friendly and Responsive Design



The History and Future in Terms of Four Crucial Relationships "IndyWatch Feed War"

There are several important perspectives for understanding history and learning from it for the future. One of the more useful of these ways may be to seek an understanding in terms of four crucial relationships relationships among human beings at several levels, relationship between human beings and nature, relationship between human beings and other forms Continue reading The History and Future in Terms of Four Crucial Relationships


OpenBGPD 8.1 released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Version 8.1 of OpenBGPD, the OpenBSD Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing daemon, has just been released.

The announcement reads,

Subject:    OpenBGPD 8.1 released
From:       Claudio Jeker 
Date:       2023-07-12 14:20:01

We have released OpenBGPD 8.1, which will be arriving in the
OpenBGPD directory of your local OpenBSD mirror soon.

This release includes the following changes to the previous release:

Read more


Puntland Politicians Challenge Constitution in Supreme Court "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Guled Salah Barre

A group of politicians from Puntland, Somalia, have taken their case against the proposed amendment of the constitution to the Supreme Court. Led by former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Isse Awad, they voiced their concerns and objections regarding the governments plans to alter the existing constitutional provisions.

The focus of the proposed changes lies in Article 46 of the constitution, which currently limits political parties to a maximum of three. The Puntland government aims to revise this article to allow for the formation of up to five political parties. To initiate the amendment process, the House of Representatives will soon convene to deliberate on this matter.

Guled Salah Barre, one of the politicians involved in the case, expressed his firm stance against the proposed amendments. Speaking after the submission of the case, Barre declared that altering the constitution at this time would be unlawful and could pose a threat to national security. He emphasized the importance of upholding the agreements made regarding the constitution, calling upon the constitutional court to intervene and halt the proceedings. Barre also appealed to President Deni to ensure the safeguarding of Puntlands interests during this critical period.

The opening of the constitution for potential amendments has already had severe consequences. On June 20th, violent clashes erupted in Garowe, resulting in significant losses. Regrettably, no viable solution has been reached thus far, further underscoring the urgent need for resolution and stability.

Attempting to bridge the divide, former officials, including Abdiweli Ali Gas, former president of Puntland, and Omar Abdirashid, former prime minister of Somalia, have proposed an alternative plan to address the ongoing disagreement. Their suggestion involves temporarily suspending the contentious amendments rather than modifying the constitution itself. By pausing the amendment process, they aim to create a conducive environment for dialogue and negotiation, with the hope of reaching a consensus that can alleviate tensions and bring about a satisfactory resolution.

Keyse Adam
Horseed media

The post...


Egypt: Fatal police shooting of civilian prompts protest in Matrouh "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Egypt: Fatal police shooting of civilian prompts protest in Matrouh

The fatal shooting of civilian Hafez Abd Rabbo by a police officer in the coastal city has been met with calls for accountability
MEE staff Thu, 07/13/2023 - 12:01
Hafez Abd Rabbo, 35, seen here beside his car, was shot dead by police (Screengrab/Twitter)

The shooting of a 35-year-old civilian in Egypt's coastal city of Matrouh on Tuesday has prompted angry confrontations with the police.

Hafez Abd Rabbo was involved in an argument with a police officer after refusing to stop driving and parking outside a car showroom that Abd Rabbo owns.

Minutes later, according to local media, the police officer fired multiple times at Abd Rabbo, killing him.

The officer has since been taken to the headquarters of the armed forces in the city, according to local reports.

A funeral was held for Abd Rabbo the following day, with police in the area coming out to pay their respects and condemn the officer for the shooting.

People in the city gathered after the funeral to protest the killing.

The army intervened to disperse crowds that had congregated outside the police station.

Tensions peaked on Wednesday when protesters set fire to tyres and there were reports of attacks on police officers. 

Police officers have since blocked roads around Matrouh and made some arrests,...


Listening in on a Deep-Space Satellite as it Returns Home "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Weve covered dozens of projects about getting images of Earths weather straight from the source. Its not too much of a trick to download images straight from our constellation of weather satellites, but what about space weather? Weve got satellites for that too, of course, but to get a good look at the Sun, theyre out of reach of most homebrew ground stations.

Thats about to change, though, as STEREO-A returns to our neighborhood after a 17-year absence, making citizen science a reasonable proposition. The STEREO mission Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory was launched in 2006 with a pair of satellites in heliocentric orbits. STEREO-B was lost in 2014 due to a navigational glitch, but STEREO-A has spent a lot of the intervening years watching the backside of the Sun relative to the Earth. As [Scott Tilley] explains, the satellite is now approaching inferior conjunction, where it will pass between the Earth and the Sun.

This close pass makes STEREO-As X-band deep-space beacon readily available to hobbyist-scale equipment, like [Scott]s 66-cm dish antenna. The dish is mounted on an alt-az telescope mount for tracking, and sports a host of gear at the focus, like LNAs, filters, mixers, and an Ettus B200 SDR. Its not a cheap setup, but compared to...


Close to 100,000 Voter Registrations Were Challenged in Georgia Almost All by Just Six Right-Wing Activists "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for Dispatches, a newsletter that spotlights wrongdoing around the country, to receive our stories in your inbox every week.

On March 15, 2022, an email appeared in the inbox of the election director of Forsyth County, Georgia, with the subject line Challenge of Electors Eligibility. A spreadsheet attached to the email identified 13 people allegedly registered to vote at P.O. boxes in Forsyth County, a wealthy Republican suburb north of Atlanta. Georgians are supposed to register at residential addresses, except in special circumstances. Please consider this my request that a hearing be held to determine these voters eligibility to vote, wrote the challenger, Frank Schneider.

Schneider is a former chief financial officer at multiple companies, including Jockey International, the underwear maker. His Instagram page includes pictures of him golfing at exclusive resorts and a dog peeing on a mailbox with the caption Woody suspects mail-in voter fraud and the hashtag #maga. On Truth Social, the social media platform backed by former president Donald Trump, Schneiders posts have questioned the 2020 election results in Forsyth County and spread content related to QAnon, the conspiracy theory that holds that the Democratic elite are cannibalistic pedophiles. In January 2023, he posted an open letter to his U.S. representative-elect encouraging hearings to hold perpetrators accountable where evidence exists that election fraud took place in the 2020 and 2022 elections.

The March 2022 voter challenges were the first of many from Schneider: As the year progressed, he submitted seven more batches of challenges, each one larger than the one previous, growing from 507 voters in April to nearly 15,800 in October, for a total of over 31,500 challenges.

Vetting Georgias voter rolls was once largely the domain of nonpartisan elections officials. But after the 2020 election, a change in the law enabled Schneider and other activists to take on a greater role. Senate Bill 202, which the states Republican-controlled legislature passed in 2021, transformed election laws in response to many electors co...

20:57 Has Been Outsourced to a Private Company (Linux Foundation (LF) Contractor) and Its Recycling the Domain for Non-Linux Purposes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

These are just plugs (links) and with less than 80 views more than a day later it shows that minimum effort gets little return; the one from 3 days ago did not even get 100 views: plugs: 2 posts in 2 weeks, everything being LF link/plug

Only two posts, both of which are boiling down to merely a link (LF promotion), in so far this month in

These almost always go to the same site: plug

This is the latest example, dated but without author:

A new LF post

So according to them, everything began in a zoo, and they never heard of GNU. The typical revisionism. The pages there never contain a name (they moved from Free software to a proprietary CMS last year). But the page source, as json, reveals the same author name as the person who promotes these in (the overpaid contractor):


Here are all his latest posts:

AndrewB at LF

But thats the same as all the posts overall (so hes the sole author of this blog):

LF: Everyone combined

He says Linux Foundation in his name, but he uses a private address of a private, for-profit firm. Who runs the Foundation anyway and what d...


The Uncertainty Principle of Power Politics "IndyWatch Feed War"

As most of us know, Werner Heisenberg formulated his uncertainty principle for quantum mechanics, a subject I know as much about as I know about the intricacies of general relativity both being domains of science to be admired for their ability to account for profound phenomena of the natural world. But these domains, intellectually fetching as Continue reading The Uncertainty Principle of Power Politics


Massive sinkhole opens right behind home in Macungie, Pennsylvania "IndyWatch Feed World"

A large sinkhole forced people from their home in Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley on Tuesday. It opened up on a property in the 200 block of Ridings Circle in Macungie. Authorities taped off the sinkhole which opened up just feet from the back deck. It's not yet clear what caused the ground to give way or if the residents will be allowed back in. Elsewhere in Pennsylvania, a sinkhole under Route 202 in King of Prussia caused a water main break. Repairs forced the highway to be temporarily shut down.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Intel's Linux software engineers understand the annual GCC compiler release cadence well and acknowledge the importance of having tuned compiler support available at launch. Intel for years has tended to get their new CPU support and new ISA features upstreamed into GCC as well as LLVM/Clang well ahead of product launch so that by the time their new consumer and server CPUs are shipping, there tends to be support within compilers just not at their stable versions but already found in the likes of Ubuntu. With that said, today Intel engineers posted initial compiler patches for Lunar Lake and Arrow Lake processors...

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