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Wednesday, 12 July


Wenn ich die BBC wre, wrde ich Assad einen Prsentkorb ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wenn ich die BBC wre, wrde ich Assad einen Prsentkorb schicken.

Soviel wie Assad hat schon lange niemand mehr fr die Glaubwrdigkeit der BBC getan.

Syrias Information Ministry has canceled the BBCs media accreditation [...]

The announcement came days after BBC Arabic released an investigative documentary about the illicit drug trade in Syria, where they highlighted links between the estimated multi-billion dollar industry and the Syrian army as well as members of President Bashar Assads family.

The Syrian Information Ministry in a statement late Saturday said the decision was made after warning the channel more than once that it has broadcasted its misleading reports relying on statements and testimonies from terrorist entities and those hostile to Syria.

Ja aber echt mal! Diese Schei Terroristen und Extremisten immer! Denen sollte mal schleunigst jemand die Ausreise verbieten, sollte mal jemand!1!!

Oh nee warte. Das waren ja gar nicht die Nordkoreaner. Das waren ja wir.

Na, lange kein Gewaltverbrechen mehr in eurer Nhe ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Na, lange kein Gewaltverbrechen mehr in eurer Nhe gehabt?

Fang ihr am Ende an, euch sicher zu fhlen? Da muss der "Sicherheits"-Apparat schnell etwas tun. Frankreich legt mal vor.

Franzsische Senatoren machen sich fr ein weitgehendes Verbot von TikTok stark. [...] Die Verfasser warnen darin, dass die Plattform eine "Bedrohung fr die nationale Sicherheit" darstellen knnte. [...] Diese [Risiken] reichten bis zur "kognitiven Kriegsfhrung" etwa durch Propagandamanahmen der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas.
Kognitive Kriegsfhrung, ja?

Diese Schei Extremisten immer! Gesteuert von undurchsichtigen fremden Mchten, wollen sie unsere guten Sitten zerstren und unsere Kinder korrumpieren!

Da hilft nur eines. Mehr Geld fr die Geheimdienste, mehr Geld frs Militr, und Feindsenderverbot. Ab heute wird zurckgeschossen!1!!


Boycotting Nolan is a refusal of a much needed opportunity for politicians to connect with the public "IndyWatch Feed"

As Ryan Tubridy takes what may well be a last roll of the dice to save his career in front of a Dail committee today, it looks like hes planning to tough it out, but while we wait for an outcome it is worth taking a look at a controversy closer to home.

The Irish News over the last week has published a number of articles by commentators some of whom I like () and admire () on the subject of the SDLPs (unwise in my view) decision to boycott the Stephen Nolan Radio Show.

To declare an interest, Im a semi regular guest on the show, so I guess you can fairly say I would say that, wouldnt I? Well, if, as LBJ once said, politics is all about the numbers, then Newton Emerson shares the critical ones in Nolans favour

Mr Nolans Radio Ulster show has 150,000 regular listeners and reaches over a fifth of Northern Irelands population. The SDLP had this huge audience effectively to itself from mid-2020, as the sole representative of nationalism, after Sinn Fin threw a huff over coverage of the Bobby Storey funeral.

I know people on this site have attacked Nolan in the past as a trouble maker and someone whos questioning of Stormont players has been held to have created the very instability weve seen ever since the RHI debacle hit our screens.

Heres the rub. I never agreed with Nolans take on the RHI crisis. But it was clear to me at the time that although it happened on the DUP watch they had no clue what the problem was. And whomever they were taking their advice had no clue either.

When Arlene claimed (rightly as it happened) that as Minister she had been accountable but not responsible for breaking the RHI budget back in the autumn of 2015 (just when her party was doing the Hokey Cokey over the killing of Kevin McGuigan).

Her problem was she couldnt account to Nolan or anyone else what had happened. Had she, perhaps she may not have prevented a collapse (the SF leadership knew at the time McGuinness was dying and was keenly eying the exit door).

As it turned out, Stormont collapsed because the institutions (and those parties whose job it was to uphold them) were far too weak to face a relat...


Palestinians Removed from Jerusalem Home to Make Way for Israeli Settler Takeover "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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AI Robots Could Run the World Better Than Humans, Robots Tell UN Summit "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Can Washington be Saved from Itself at the NATO Summit? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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HCA Healthcare data breach impacted 11 million patients "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

HCA Healthcare disclosed a data breach that exposed the personal information of roughly 11 million patients.

HCA Healthcare this week announced that the personal information of roughly 11 million patients was compromised in a data breach.

The organization discovered the security breach on July 5 when a threat actor claimed the hack on an underground forum.

As proof of the hack, the threat actors posted stolen info for some of the patients, including:

  • Patient name, city, state, and zip code;
  • Patient email, telephone number, date of birth, gender; and
  • Patient service date, location and next appointment date.

The info was exfiltrated from an external storage location that was exclusively used to automate the formatting of email messages.

The incident did not expose

  • Clinical information, such as treatment, diagnosis, or condition;
  • Payment information, such as credit card or account numbers;
  • Sensitive information, such as passwords, drivers license or social security number.

HCA Healthcare launched an investigation into the security breach with the help of third-party forensic and threat intelligence advisors. The company also notified law enforcement and the investigation is still ongoing. At the time of this publishing, the company has yet to identify evidence of malicious activity on its networks or systems related to this incident.

We do NOT believe that clinical information (such as treatment, diagnosis, or condition), payment information (such as credit card or account numbers), or other sensitive information (such as passwords, drivers license or social security number) is involved. states the company. The investigation is ongoing and we cannot confirm the number of individuals whose information was impacted. HCA Healthcare believes that the list contains approximately 27 million rows of data that may include information for approximately 11 million HCA Healthcare patients.

In response to the incident, HCA Healthcare disabled user access to the storage location.

There has been no disruption to the care and services HCA Healthcare provides to patients and communities. This incident has not caused any disruption to the day-to-day operations of HCA Healthcare. Based on the information known at this time, the company does not believe the incident will materially impact its business, operations or financial results. concludes the company.

Follow me on Twitter: @se...


Federal Court Makes This July 4th a True Independence Day "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Mujeres periodistas en condicin de Desplazamiento Forzado "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

De acuerdo con el registro de Comunicacin e Informacin de la Mujer (CIMAC), de 2019 a 2022, 12 periodistas han tenido que desplazarse de su lugar de origen debido a amenazas fsicas y digitales y violencias psicolgicas comunitarias e institucionales que buscaron impedir su ejercicio periodstico.

Ciudad de Mxico y Guerrero son las entidades que menos han garantizado condiciones para que las periodistas puedan continuar en su estado. Otros casos son de Chiapas, Coahuila, Guanajuato, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo y Veracruz.

Se trata de reporteras que hacan coberturas de la fuente poltica, corrupcin y crimen organizado. Sus proyectos periodsticos que se ven pausados o suspendidos de manera definitiva. En los casos donde se han podido identificar, los agresores son funcionarios a nivel municipal y estatal.

Tristemente, tenemos casos de exilio como el de la periodista y defensora Lydia Cacho quien en 2019 tuvo que huir de Mxico. Ella misma narr El 23 de julio de 2019, unos sicarios entraron en mi hogar, mataron a mis perras, fieles compaeras de mis das, mientras la fortuna quiso que mi viaje encontrara obstculos para no llegar a tiempo a lo que pareca el ltimo enfrentamiento con la muerte. Hui de Mxico. As, tiene cuatro aos fuera del pas. Tras denunciar una red de trfico de mujeres, contina buscando justicia para ella misma mientras sus agresores gozan de impunidad.

El desplazamiento forzado de las periodistas es evidencia de: 1. El alto riesgo en que se ejerce el periodismo, 2. De la falta de justicia para identificar y castigar a los responsables de las amenazas, 3. Del fracaso de la poltica proteccin, 4. De la falta de garantas de no repeticin y reparacin que permitan a las periodistas volver y/o, en todo caso, seguir ejerciendo el periodismo independientemente del lugar donde estn. 

En la investigacin Dejar todo, CIMAC documentamos el impacto del desplazamiento forzado en la vida personal, familiar y profesional de las periodistas. Se ve afectada su salud fsica y psicoemocional, y afectaciones al proyecto de vida durante y despus del desplazamiento y, por supuesto crisis econmica. No existe una poltica pblica para su retorno seguro y las institucionales no dan respuesta a esta realidad.

Garantizar la seguridad de las periodistas exige polticas de proteccin integrales y feministas para que los gobiernos locales, estatales y federales conjunten acciones para prevenir el desplazamiento, proteger a las periodistas durante el desplazamiento, facilitarles asistencia humanitaria, garantizar condiciones estructurales para el retorno, reasentamiento y reubicacin colocando en el centro las necesidades de las mujeres en cada caso particula...


[$] The FUSE BPF filesystem "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) framework can be used to create a "stacked" filesystem, where the FUSE piece adds specialized functionality (e.g. reporting different file metadata) atop an underlying kernel filesystem. The performance of such filesystems leaves a lot to be desired, however, so the FUSE BPF filesystem has been proposed to try to improve the performance to be close to that of the underlying native filesystem. It came up in the context of a session on FUSE passthrough earlier in the 2023 Linux Storage, Filesystem, Memory-Management and BPF Summit, but the details of FUSE BPF were more fully described by Daniel Rosenberg in a combined filesystem and BPF session on the final day of the summit.


WINNIPEG -- Native Protectors Blockade Landfill, Demand Search for Murdered Indigenous Women "IndyWatch Feed War"

Supporters hold their ground at the Winnipeg landfill as the noon deadline passes"Dozens of people outside Winnipeg's Brady Road landfill have built barricades and are signaling their unwillingness to leave, despite a noon deadline from the city to vacate the area and the possibility of legal action. Cambria Harris, whose mother's remains are believed to be in the Prairie Green landfill north of


Digilock introduces hardwired keyless lock solution "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Digilock launched Pivot, hardwired built-in locks for new stationary furniture installations. Digilock brings its keyless lock experience to facilities requiring a hardwired power and data source for its permanent fixtures. Pivot Smart Locks are networked locks that operate with proprietary DigiLink software to provide anytime, anywhere management from the Cloud. The new hardwired solution allows customers to manage Pivot from the same platform as their wire-free Digilock Smart Locks. Users will be able to choose More

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Their blood cries out Israeli-Americans memoir faces the Nakba "IndyWatch Feed War"

Tantura residents flee their village, May 1948. (Photo Credit: Benno Rothenberg / Meitar Collection, Pritzker Family National Photography Collection, National Library of Israel)Linda Dittmar witnessed abuses of Palestinians during the Nakba as a girl in Israel. Now in her 80s, living in America she seeks to retrace the ways that Israelis suppressed the Nakba and replaced Palestinian life with a Zionist narrative.


Sweden-Nato: F-16s and ending Canada's arms embargo win Erdogan's approval "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sweden-Nato: F-16s and ending Canada's arms embargo win Erdogan's approval

US assurances on fighter jets and Ottawa dropping its weapons ban were the primary reasons the Turkish president changed his mind
Ragip Soylu Tue, 07/11/2023 - 15:19
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrives at the Nato leaders summit in Vilnius, 11 July (Reuters)
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrives at the Nato leaders summit in Vilnius, 11 July (Reuters)

After weeks of insisting he would block Swedens bid for Nato membership, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday said he would allow it to move forward. It left many wondering what on earth changed his mind.

Two sources familiar with the negotiations between Turkey and its western allies told Middle East Eye that there were two primary developments that convinced Erdogan - not without several setbacks along the road. 

First, the Biden administration decided to play ball with Erdogans government after Turkeys elections in May, which cemented the Turkish presidents power for another five years.

After a congratulatory post-election phone call with Erdogan, Biden openly told the media that he could satisfy Turkeys request for $20bn worth of F-16 fighter jets deal if Ankara approved Swedens Nato bid.

Several phone calls and meetings between senior Turkish officials and their American counterparts - including the foreign ministers, chief advisors and spy chiefs - established an understanding on the F-16 request.






DisplayPort: A Better Video Interface "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Over the years, weve seen a good number of interfaces used for computer monitors, TVs, LCD panels and other all-things-display purposes. Weve lived through VGA and the large variety of analog interfaces that preceded it, then DVI, HDMI, and at some point, weve started getting devices with DisplayPort support. So you might think its more of the same. However, Id like to tell you that you probably should pay more attention to DisplayPort its an interface powerful in a way that we havent seen before.



Drata appoints Sydney Sloan as CMO "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Drata announced the appointment of Sydney Sloan as the companys first ever Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). Sloan will oversee global marketing at Drata to help market and brand leadership, fuel customer engagement, and accelerate the companys commitment to delivering value to its over 3,000 customers. Sloan is an expert in spearheading and executing successful global marketing strategies while building world class teams for high growth SaaS companies. She most recently served as CMO of Salesloft More

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Unleash Your Visual Potential: How a Colorful Diet Can Improve Visual Range "IndyWatch Feed World"

July 12th, 2023 By John Patterson Staff Writer for Wake Up World When we think about nutrition and performance, we often focus on physical strength and endurance. However, a recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Georgia has shed light on the impact of a colorful diet on athletes visual range. The findings []

The post Unleash Your Visual Potential: How a Colorful Diet Can Improve Visual Range first appeared on Wake Up World.


The Globalists Are Making Really Big Moves Which Would Fundamentally Change How Our Society Operates "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Michael Snyder While everybody else is distracted, the globalists are making absolutely enormous moves.  Previously, I have written about the UNs new worldwide system...

The Globalists Are Making Really Big Moves Which Would Fundamentally Change How Our Society Operates

Tuesday, 11 July


The Microplastic Crisis is Getting Exponentially Worse "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Plastic production is skyrocketing, pushing microplastic pollution to dangerous new levels:

Not even the Arctic Ocean is immune to the incessant growth of microplastic pollution. In a new study that analyzed sediment core samples, researchers quantified how many of the particles have been deposited since the early 1930s. As scientists have shown elsewhere, the team found that microplastic contamination in the Arctic has been growing exponentially and in lockstep with the growth of plastic productionwhich is now up to a trillion pounds a year, with the global amount of plastic waste projected to triple by 2060.

These researchers analyzed the seawater and sediment in the western part of the Arctic Ocean, which makes up 13 percent of its total area. But in just that region, they calculated that 210,000 metric tons of microplastic, or 463 million pounds, have accumulated in the water, sea ice, and sediment layers that have built up since the 1930s. In their study, published last week in the journal Science Advances, they cataloged 19 synthetic polymer types in three forms: fragments, fibers, and sheets. That reflects a dizzying array of microplastic sources, including fragments from broken bottles and bags and microfibers from synthetic clothing.

Overall, the team found that microplastic levels have been doubling in Arctic Ocean sediments every 23 years. That mirrors a previous study of ocean sediments off the coast of Southern California, which found concentrations to be doubling every 15 years. Other researchers have found an exponential rise in contamination in urban lake sediments.

[...] The atmosphere, too, is increasingly infested with microplastics. By one calculation, the equivalent of hundreds of millions of disintegrated plastic bottles could be falling on the United States alone. A study of a peatland area in the Pyrenees found that in the 1960s, less than five atmospheric microplastics were being deposited per square meter of land each day. It's now more like 180.



Portland Goes Full China: Store Requires Looking at Camera to Enter "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Mike Campbell A convenience store in Portland, Oregon has implemented a digital face scan system that requires customers look at a camera before they...

Portland Goes Full China: Store Requires Looking at Camera to Enter


Gemini Links 11/07/2023: Getting into Flash and Waning World Wide Web "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal/Opinions

    • Technology and Free Software

      • BESM Multiverse and Uresia: Grave of Heavan arrived!

        My physical copies of the BESM Multiverse Maps, BESM Multiverse, BESM Uresia: Grave of Heavan, and Ikarion Gate, the BESM Multiverse LitRPG novel arrived today. I really like having physical books for things that are information dense: settings or rules; I find it helps my comprehension when learning the material. (Im this way about technical material as well: I try to get computer books in print as well.)

      • Having fun with NixOS

        I decided to run NixOS on my personal laptop, replacing an Arch Linux installation that Ive had for years. The idea of a declarative OS has a strong appeal to me, since Im a big fan of declarative languages SQL probably being the main one.


        On the other hand, I realized I dont have to install pyenv in order to create isolated Python environments for development. I can just use a Nix shell to spawn a new Python

      • Software and services I use
      • Day 1

        First day of the Old Computer Challenge. Ive spent most of the day at work so Ive been using new computers for that. For travel, Im trying to reduce the amount I use my phone as its more powerful than the limit. Ive now booted up the old computer and the WiFi is failing to connect. Not sure why. I may have to reboot.

      • Getting into Flash

        So Im slightly younger and I got into flash in two ways. Firstly, I obtained a copy of Macromedia Flash 5 on CD. But more impo...


The evolution of Columbo "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The TV series Columbo created one of the most endearing police detectives in TV history. It was extremely popular, with Peter Falk playing the rumpled, hair disheveled, trench-coat wearing, cigar smoking detective who had a perpetually befuddled expression and apologetic manner that was discarded only at the end of each episode when he confronts the murderer with convincing evidence of the crime. He drives a junky beat-up Peugeot Cabriolet and when asked if he has another car, sometimes replies I do have another car, which my wife uses. Its nothing special, just for transportation.

This hilarious scene from episode 2 in Season 4 in 1974, captures the nature of the character when a kindly nun (played by Joyce Van Patten), who runs a homeless shelter, mistakes Columbo for a homeless person, when he has merely gone there to interview a homeless person who was a witness to a crime.

In the same episode, he is turned away from a junk yard by someone thinking he has brought his car to abandon it.

The character was originally supposed to be a one-off that aired in February 1968 that was then proposed as a series with a pilot in March 1971 that led to the first season beginning September 1971. As I watched the series from the beginning, it was interesting to see how the character changed over time from the pilot episode. In the beginning, he wears a good suit, his tie is done straight, his hair is combed, he carries the trench coat, and has a regular car. He is more confident, even aggressive, in his behavior and does not give the impression of being perpetually puzzled or confused.

There are other quaint things from the period of the old shows. The settings always involve wealthy people, with Columbo always overawed by the opulence in which they live, and the cars shown are huge American cars, mostly two-door models, with big hood ornaments and no seat belts. (It was Ralph Naders work that led to hood ornaments that could impale pedestrians in accidents being forbidden and seat belts being mandated.) People are smoking all the time. There is no violence shown at all and no blood, to the point of absurdity. In the first episode, a person is shot and killed near the door to a bedroom but is supposedly dragged to a place near the French windows but there is no blood anywhere, not on the body or along the path the body was dragged.

In most TV detective shows, they feature a well-known guest star for each episode and they are often the murderer since that is often the biggest role. apart from the recurrent characters. This removes some of the suspense in most shows but not in Columbo...


Reducing the Search Space with the SETI Ellipsoid "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Reducing the Search Space with the SETI Ellipsoid

SETIs task challenges the imagination in every conceivable way, as Don Wilkins points out in the essay below. A retired aerospace engineer with thirty-five years experience in designing, developing, testing, manufacturing and deploying avionics, Don is based in St. Louis, where he is an adjunct instructor of electronics at Washington University. He holds twelve patents and is involved with the universitys efforts at increasing participation in science, technology, engineering, and math. The SETI methodology he explores today offers one way to narrow the observational arena to targets more likely to produce a result. Can spectacular astronomical phenomena serve as a potential marker that could lead us to a technosignature?

by Don Wilkins

Finite SETI search facilities searching a vast search volume must set priorities for exploration. Dr. Jill Tarter, Chair Emeritus for SETI Research, describes the search space as a nine-dimensional haystack composed of three spatial, one temporal (when the signal is active), two polarization, central frequency, sensitivity, and modulation dimensions. Methods to reduce the search space and prioritize targets are urgently needed.

One method for limiting the search volume is the SETI Ellipsoid, Figure 1, which is reproduced from a recent paper in The Astronomical Journal by lead author James R. A. Davenport (University of Washington: Seattle) and colleagues. [1]

Image: This is Figure 1 from the paper. Caption: Schematic diagram of the SETI Ellipsoid framework. A civilization (black dot) could synchronize a technosignature beacon with a noteworthy source event (green dot). The arrival time of these coordinated signals is defined by the time-evolving ellipsoid, whose foci are Earth and the source event. Stars outside the Ellipsoid (blue dot) may have transmitted signals in coordination with their observation of the source event, but those signals have not reached Earth yet. For stars far inside the Ellipsoid (pink dot), we have missed the opportunity to receive such coordinated signals. Credit: Davenport et al.

In this approach, an advanced civilization (black dot) synchronizes a technosignature beacon with a significant astronomical event (gree...


Perimeter 81 hires Gadi BenMark as CMO "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Perimeter 81 announced the hiring of Gadi BenMark as Chief Marketing Officer. With more than 20 years experience in marketing strategy and business development across a variety of industries, BenMark brings extensive working knowledge to Perimeter 81. He reports to CEO Amit Bareket. BenMark has worked at larger enterprises for decades, and brings valuable experience to Perimeter 81 as the company continues to evolve and grow. He will lead Perimeter 81s marketing organization, including market More

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Harnessing insomnia for the greater good "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

My wife and I tend to wake up far too early just this morning she was complaining that she woke up at 3am and couldnt get back to sleep. Me, Im a lazy bones who snoozed until 4:30am.

But heres a possibility: there are spiders that go hunting for sleeping prey at night, the Enoplognatha, or candy-striped spiders. All we need to do is get our boots on, gulp down some coffee, and drive out to a few places we know of that are frequented by hapless pollinators. Actually, maybe we should be checking out our backyard garden in late evening/early morning.

You know, you could help out, too. Theyre pretty little spiders.


Stable kernel 6.4.3 released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 6.4.3 stable kernel has been released; it contains a handful of fixes, mostly for problems associated with the per-VMA locking code. Anybody running 6.4 probably wants this update.

Note that there is a much larger 6.3.13 update going through a longer-than-usual review process that should show up soon.


The climate (CO2) hoax, mega-banks, corporations and the control matrix "IndyWatch Feed World"

In my previous article '1500 scientists say 'Climate Change Not Due to Co2' - The real environment movement was hijacked' I provided evidences and testimonies from renowned international climate scientists that contradict the UN assertions in relation to climate change being caused by Co2 emissions. I also referred to the conclusion of 1500 climate scientists and climate professionals at the Climate Intelligence Foundation that: the climate changes naturally and slowly in its own cycle, solar activity is the dominant factor in climate; and that CO2 emissions or methane from livestock, such as cows, are not the dominant factors in climate change. In essence, therefore, the incessant UN, government, and corporate-media-produced climate hysteria in relation to CO2 emissions and methane from cows has no scientific basis. I am an independent researcher and I have no commercial interest in stating that climate change is not caused by CO2, or by methane from livestock, such as cows. Why...


The Uncensored History of AIDS "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Cover-up! Our Landmark COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Paper (74% of Sudden Deaths Were Caused by the Vaccine) Was Censored by Top Medical Journal Lancet Within 24 Hours! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Cover-up! Our Landmark COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Paper (74% of Sudden Deaths Were Caused by the Vaccine) Was Censored by Top Medical Journal Lancet Within 24 Hours! appeared first on Global Research.


Removing Ukraines MAP Requirement for Joining NATO "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Erdogan Still Firmly in NATO Bloc Despite Blackmailing EU "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Did Yevgeny Prigozhin Really Lead an Armed Rebellion in Russia? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Google Posts Experimental Linux Code For "Device Memory TCP" - Network To/From Accelerator RAM "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Google engineers have published early code around "Device Memory TCP" (a.k.a. Devmem TCP) as a proposal for transferring data to/from device memory efficiently by avoiding the need to copy the data to a host memory buffer...


I hope William Deresiewicz never tries to defend me "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

He starts his little essay with an observation he claims is true.

The army of unfuckable hate nerdsMarc Marons term for the mass of young men who pollute the internet with their misogyny. They play video games all day, the comedian said on his podcast, then they watch MMA, then they spend the evening jerking off to porn, then they put a few hours into attacking women online.

Hes right, of course. There are hordes of these young men (and, no doubt, of not-so-young ones). They congregate on Twitter, in comment threads, on forums and platforms like Reddit, Discord, Kiwi Farms, and 8kun, the successor to 8chan. They trade in misogyny, racism, antisemitism, and assorted other hatreds. Their words are violent and vile.

OK, but I would have gone on to qualify that with a not all men, because I do think hes talking about a small vocal minority of horrible young men. Thats not Deresiewiczs tack, though. Instead, hes going to ask his readers to sympathize with them, because brace yourself, hes going to merge with the mob of misogynists women are bad and have it so easy.

Any young woman who is even moderately attractive will be courted, complimented, paid attention to, by women as well as men. Older men will buy them things. People will hang on their words even when they arent interesting and laugh at their jokes even when they arent funny. They will have entry into placesprivate clubs, backstage after a showyoung men can only press their noses against. They will be able to advance professionally by batting their eyelashes at powerful men. Young men, meanwhilethose losers, those loners, those apesare left to pick their psychic zits on the periphery.

Theres more. Young women can have sex whenever they want. For most young men, persuading a woman to sleep with them is like trying to crack a safe. You understand that its theoretically possible, but you have no idea how to do it. Which means that youre stuck with your hard-on. Unfuckable? No one needs to tell you that. You are unfucked: unwanted, unattractive; in the most literal sense, unloved.

Wow. No wonder he saw truth in Marons description. Its because he was one of those awful women-hating young men, and he never outgrew it! Hes unable to see the world through the eyes of the women he describes, a world where they are rewarded for being subservient and depende...


French riots show that decades of mass 'colonizing immigration' could lead to 'collapse,' says former head of French counter-intelligence agency "IndyWatch Feed World"

Pierre Brochand was head of France's DGSE counter-intelligence agency from 2002 to 2008. Since 2019, he has made repeated calls for a radical change in his country's immigration policy over what he says is the looming threat of civil war. In a discussion about immigration on the public radio station France Culture last April, Brochand issued a warning which found its full expression in the week of violent rioting and looting that took hold of France after the shooting of a teenager of Algerian origin on June 27: "If we do nothing or if we do little, we are going to head either towards a progressive implosion of social trust in France, that is to say towards a society where the quality of life will collapse and where it will be less and less pleasant to live, or, by successive explosions, towards confrontations that will make France a country where one will not be able to live at all." Now, in an interview published on July 6 on the website of Le Figaro daily newspaper, Brochand...


Vercara partners with HashiCorp to support DevOps teams throughout the development lifecycle "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Vercara has released a new integration of its enterprise-grade, cloud-based authoritative DNS service, UltraDNS, with HashiCorps Consul-Terraform-Sync (CTS), a multi-platform tool designed to automate tasks across network devices that are traditionally handled manually by networking operators. The integration, UltraDNS-CTS, follows a successful initial effort with the UltraDNS Terraform Provider in 2022 and makes Vercara an official HashiCorp technology partner. UltraDNS-CTS enables mutual customers to transition DNS management to a cloud operating model, improving productivity for More

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Energy Appliance Victory! (DC Circuit vs. DOE) "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The spanking DOE took on the random base case modeling assignment approach provides an opportunity to argue for DOE to revise its entire consumer cost analysis approach. 

The post Energy Appliance Victory! (DC Circuit vs. DOE) first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


SUSE to create a fork of RHEL "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

SUSE has announced that it is getting into the business of creating RHEL clones and investing $10 million in the project.

SUSE remains fully committed to investing in its highly regarded Linux solutions such as SLE and openSUSE that countless satisfied enterprise customers and the community rely on. At the same time, it acknowledges that enterprises and the open source community deserve choice and freedom from vendor lock-in. SUSE has a long history in empowering and supporting users with mixed Linux environments.

SUSE is committed to working with the open source community to develop a long-term, enduring compatible alternative for RHEL and CentOS users. SUSE plans to contribute this project to an open source foundation, which will provide ongoing free access to alternative source code.


Security updates for Tuesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (mediawiki and node-tough-cookie), Red Hat (bind, kernel, kpatch-patch, and python38:3.8, python38-devel:3.8), SUSE (kernel, nextcloud-desktop, and python-tornado), and Ubuntu (dwarves-dfsg and thunderbird).


Declassified Top Secret CIA Memo Reveals Senators Saucer-Like Craft Sighting in 1955 "IndyWatch Feed World"

An intriguing document has recently been further declassified by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), chronicling a unique event: the sighting of a saucer-like craft by a former U.S. Senator while in Russia during the height of the Cold War. The declassified top-secret memo, written by Herbert Scoville Jr., then-Assistant Director, Scientific Intelligence for the CIA, provides a fascinating account of former Senator Richard B. Russells encounter with unknown objects seen by multiple witnesses.

A page from the original release in 1978. Numerous redactions and omissions (whited out) prohibited the public from seeing the full story. All information previously withheld has now been released.

The document was released after The Black Vault filed a...


Erdogan still firmly in NATO bloc despite blackmailing EU "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ahmed Adel | July 11, 2023

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged the European Union on July 9 to open the doors for his country to join the bloc if they want to secure support for Swedens accession to NATO. His blackmailing of the EU, which ultimately produced results, comes only days after he controversially broke an agreement with Moscow by releasing neo-Nazi Azov Battalion members under Turkeys custody to Ukraine.

Turkey has been waiting at the door of the European Union for over 50 years now, and almost all of the NATO member countries are now members of the European Union. I am making this call to these countries that have kept Turkey waiting at the gates of the European Union for more than 50 years, Erdogan said. First, open the way to Turkeys membership of the European Union, and then we will open it for Sweden, just as we had opened it for Finland.

Turkey has been an EU member candidate since 1999. Since 2016, negotiations on a visa-free regime between Turkey and the EU have been on hold. The countrys bid for EU membership has been stalled due to democratic backsliding and an unrelenting occupation of the northern portion of EU-member Cyprus since 1974.

Ultimately, Erdogan backflipped just mere hours after issuing his blackmail.

Im glad to announce that President Erdogan has agreed to forward the accession protocol for Sweden to the grand national assembly as soon as possible, and work closely with the assembly to ensure ratification, said NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg on the eve of the alliance summit in Vilnius, which will be held on July 11-12.

Finland and Sweden applied to join the bloc in May 2022. Finland gained its membership on April 4, 2023, while the Swedes await approval from Hungary and Turkey. As Turkey will never surrender its occupation of northern Cyprus, its EU membership will be forever stalled, making Erdogans ultimatum either a desperate action or a calculated manoeuvre to advance other interests.

Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrm told public broadcaster SVT that he expects Turkey will eventually signal that it will let Sweden join the alliance, though he could not say whether that would happen at the NATO summit in the Lithuanian capital. Swedens top diplomat said he expects Hungary, which also has not ratified Swedens accession, to do so before Turkey.

Turkey and Hungary remain the only NATO members still standing in the way of Sweden becoming the 32nd member of the US-led bloc, with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban strongly signalling he will follow Erdogans lead and approve Swedens membership only if Turkey does the same.

Now that Erdogan has reportedly unblocked Swedens path, the question is what was offered to appease the Turkish leader. Presumably, Erdogan would have only unblocked the accession process with the promise of rec......


Apple issued Rapid Security Response updates to fix a zero-day but pulled them due to a Safari bug "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Apple released Rapid Security Response updates for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and Safari web browser to address an actively exploited zero-day.

Apple has released Rapid Security Response updates for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and Safari web browser to address a zero-day flaw, tracked as CVE-2023-37450, that has been actively exploited in the wild.

Tricking the victim into processing specially crafted web content may lead to arbitrary code execution.

The flaw resides in the WebKit and Apple addressed it by improving checks.

Processing web content may lead to arbitrary code execution. Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited. reads the advisory published by Apple.

The vulnerability CVE-2023-37450 was reported to the company by an anonymous researcher.

The IT giant did not reveal details about the attacks in the wild exploiting this issue or the nature of the threat actors.

Apple initially addressed the issue with the release of iOS 16.5.1 (a), iPadOS 16.5.1 (a), macOS Ventura 13.4.1 (a), and Safari 16.5.2. However the company pulled iOS 16.5.1 and macOS 13.4.1 Rapid Security Response Updates due to safari bug.

Apple earlier today released new Rapid Security Response updates for iOS 16.5.1, iPadOS 16.5.1, and macOS Ventura 13.4.1 users, but Apple has pulled the software, likely due to an issue that caused certain websites not to work after the RSRs were installed. states the website MacRumors.

According to reports on the MacRumors forums, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Zoom, and other websites started giving a warning about not being supported on the Safari browser following the Rapid Security Response updates.

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Climate Hysteria: The Future of Traditional Farming and Healthcare in the Netherlands "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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U.S. Plans Naval Logistics Hubs in India to Counter China "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Crimean Bridge Missile Attack Fails, Bringing No Results Ahead of NATO Summit "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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25 Truths About the Death of Young Nahel in France "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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GRUB 2.12 RC Delivers Two Years Worth Of Bootloader Improvements "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

GRUB 2.12 had been talked about for a mid-2022 release while one year later we are finally greeted by the first release candidate for this next major open-source bootloader release...


International Group of Lawyers Join Forces to Oppose WHOs Power Grab "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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Do you want to play a game? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I tried this PhD simulator game. It wasnt fun at all, and I washed out in the first yearthat is, it was quick and painful. Everyone knows grad programs are anything but quick!


Rich people poison everything they touch "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This might just be the final straw for me. The head Twit is pissed off and flinging lawsuits at Mark Zuckerberg for launching Threads, the Twitter alternative, and since they called off the childish plan to fight each other, now Musk has an even dumber suggestion.

Look. Guys. Youre both toxic to your brand. We all want to see less of you, not more. Musk only appeals to weird libertarian Nazis and people who have fallen for his techie facade; Zuckerberg is a dead-eyed charisma void beloved of racist grandmas. The more you put your faces on your social media service, the more Im going to attach unpleasant associations to using that service.

Im still on Twitter, for now, but not happy about it. Im on Threads, unenthusiastically, but I cant link to my pzmyers account there because, for unfathomable reasons, Threads, like Instagram, is only supposed to be used on your phone. I prefer Mastodon right now, because there are no billionaires marking their territory there.

I think Ill just hunker down on Pharyngula. Bring back RSS!


Lithium Industry: US Senate Approves Critical Tax Treaty with Chile "IndyWatch Feed War"

After a decade of waiting, the US Senate voted on 22 June to approve a tax treaty (Treaty Document 112-8) with Chile. Now the document is only missing US President Joe Bidens signature. The tax treaty is particularly relevant to US energy security as it is crucial for ensuring access for U.S. companies to lithium, a mineral essential for electric vehicle batteries. Given the global race for access to critical minerals, it is unsurprising that the US Senate (finally) passed it by an overwhelming majority.


A long time coming

The treaty was originally signed in 2010 but had to be ratified by the Congress of each country. The Chilean Congress voted to approve it in 2015. The US Senate voted between four and five times without success, until this year when the Senate approved it by 95-2 votes. The Foreign Relations Committee passed it 20-1 in early June.

The post Lithium Industry: US Senate Approves Critical Tax Treaty with Chile appeared first on Geopolitical Monitor.


FBI Colluded With Russian-Infiltrated Agency In Ukraine To Censor Americans "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Meta HeadquartersOn Monday, House investigators exposed the FBI's collaboration with foreign agents to orchestrate online censorship.


Netskope collaborates with Wipro to help users protect sensitive data "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Netskope announced a new partnership with Wipro to deliver cloud-native Managed Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) and Managed Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) services to Wipros extensive global enterprise client portfolio. As the global work environment transforms, our Security Cloud platform continues to serve as a critical component for remote workforces, and we are well-positioned to continue to support enterprises as their security needs evolve, said Dave Rogers, SVP of Global Alliances and Channel Sales, More

The post Netskope collaborates with Wipro to help users protect sensitive data appeared first on Help Net Security.


Major Lakes Have Suffered Major Water Losses Over the Past Few Decades "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Earths lakes are drying up.


From 1992 to 2020, more than half of the worlds largest lakes, which account for 95 percent of all the lake water storage on the planet, lost significant amounts of water, according to a recent study in Science. The trend held for both natural lakes and human-created reservoirs and for both dry and wet regions. As a result, roughly one-quarter of the human population now lives in a drying lake basin, a situation threatening water supplies, hydroelectric power, recreational opportunities, and more, the study suggested.


The study attributed the losses primarily to global climate change, which is increasing evaporation. It also identified steadily growing human demand.


I was surprised by this drying trend, said Fangfang Yao, a climate fellow at the University of Virginia and the studys lead author. This had been seen locally in other studies, but we show that this pattern is global.


Yao and colleagues obtained their estimates by combining almost 250,000 images from the Landsat satellite missions, altimetry from nine satellites, and lake-level measurements made from the ground. They obtained an average of six lake-level estimates per year for each of the studied lakes. The scientists then used climate and hydrological models to determine changes in both elevation and areal coverage, from which they calculated the volume of the studys 1,972 lakes and reservoirs.


Lake levels fluctuate annually and interannually, so you need these 30-year kinds of observations to estimate a trend, said Yao. We started with 1992 because thats when Landsat 2 images became available. Before that, global coverage was spotty. But we really got good data.



Lake levels fluctuate annually and interannually, so you need these 30-year kinds of observations to estimate a trend.



The results are robust, as t...

The Dark World of the U.S. Funding Israel's Apartheid in Palestine "IndyWatch Feed War"

Palestine Action continues to shut down Elbit Systems factories of death, producing killer drones and weapons, in England. Elbit constructed the spy towers, integrated fixed towers, on the Tohono O'odham Nation, which now allows U.S. Border Patrol agents to stalk O'odham at home with live cameras.A Congressional report details the flow of billions of U.S. dollars of military aid to Israel, the


In YouTube, Google May Have Defrauded Advertisers (Cheated to the Tune of Billions of Dollars Per Year) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This new report can doom not just YouTubes latest plans but YouTube as a whole (it can go offline or remove a lot of material/access in order to lower cost of operations)

Summary: YouTube may have much bigger problems than the Linux Foundation and Spamnil (whose views are about 95% fake/bots/spam; that stopped only temporarily, then resumed); on a much broader scale it seems like people and companies have been fed false numbers, causing them to spend money on something worthless


Mountain Valley Pipeline Halted in Jefferson National Forest by U. S. Fourth Circuit Court "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Exaggeration is not unusual, but not truthful

Federal Court Stops Construction of Mountain Valley Pipeline in National Forest

From an Article by Laurence Hammack, Roanoke Times, July 10, 2023

The federal appeals court has ordered the Mountain Valley Pipeline not to resume construction in the Jefferson National Forest.

Late Monday afternoon, a three-judge panel of 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a stay of construction while it considers arguments that Congress violated the separation of powers doctrine when it passed a law expediting completion of the controversial project.

The brief order came from Chief Judge Roger Gregory and Judges Stephanie Thacker and James Wynn. The same three judges have set aside nearly a dozen permits issued to Mountain Valley over the past five years.

The case involved a challenge, filed by The Wilderness Society, of a provision in the Fiscal Responsibility Act, which suspended the federal debt ceiling to avoid a government default.

Tucked into the larger law was language ordering federal agencies to issue all remaining permits to Mountain Valley and stripping the Fourth Circuit of its jurisdiction to hear any legal challenges of the approvals.

The Wilderness Society argued that because the law was unconstitutional, the Fourth Circuit should continue to hear its case, which challenges a U.S. Forest Service permit that allows the pipeline to cross through 3.5 miles of the national forest in Giles and Montgomery counties.

There had been no decision by 5 p.m. Monday on a second request for a stay which if granted would affect a much larger portion of a 303-mile pipeline that runs from northern West Virginia, through the New River and Roanoke valleys, to connect with an existing pipeline near the North Carolina line.

In that case, also pending before the Fourth Circuit, a coalition of environmental groups led by Appalachian Voices contests a finding by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that endangered species would not be jeopardized by the buried, 42-inch diameter pipe.

Since the Fiscal Responsibility Act was passed in early June, construction crews have started to return to the unfinished portions of the pipeline, which Mountain Valley hopes to have in operatio...


MbS to Blinken: No to Israeli normalization, yes to Syrian reconciliation "IndyWatch Feed War"

JUN 16, 2023 Israel is concerned about increased weapons proliferation among Palestinian resistance groups, focusing on smuggling from Jordan. However, these weapons may be coming from a source closer to home. Qassem Qassem On 22 April, Israeli occupation authorities apprehended Jordanian parliamentarian Imad al-Adwan at the Allenby Bridge crossing. But this was no ordinary arrest. []


Apple Issues Device Updates to Patch Critical Vulnerability "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Waqas

The software vulnerability, identified as CVE-2023-37450, has raised concerns due to its potential for arbitrary code execution.

This is a post from Read the original post: Apple Issues Device Updates to Patch Critical Vulnerability


Heres What The House Judiciary Committee Should Ask FBI Director Wray "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Christopher WrayWray will try to sidestep as many questions as possible, but lawmakers still need to make a record of what the FBI director knew and when.


Remembering the Srebrenica Genocide "IndyWatch Feed War"

July 11 commemorates the Srebrenica genocide.

In 1993, one year into the Bosnian War, the United Nations declared safe areas in the Muslim enclaves of Republika Srpska to protect Bosniak refugees fleeing from the violence. Security Council Resolution 819 designated the city of Srebrenica in eastern Bosnia as a safe area. Security Council Resolution 824 did the same for the cities of Sarajevo, Bihac, Tuzla, and Gorazde.

600 Dutch soldiers were entrusted with protecting the safe area at Srebrenica. Located at Potoari, roughly 5 miles away from the city, more than 20, 000 Bosniaks sought refuge at the U.N. base. While several thousand refugees, including at least 300 men, were initially granted protection by the Dutch soldiers, thousands more were denied entry. Some remained in the camps outside the U.N. base, others hid in nearby fields and factories, trekked to the Bosniak-controlled city of Tuzla, or fled into the mountains and forests in the countryside.

Ratko Mladic, the Butcher of Bosnia, entered Srebrenica on July 11, 1995. Lightly armed, lacking air support, and overrun by the Serb Army, the Dutch soldiers at the U.N. base in Potoari surrendered their weapons in exchange for their lives. They also handed the defenseless Bosniak boys and men they were protecting inside the base over to Mladics forces. Separated from their mothers, grandmothers, aunts and sisters, the Serb Army executed 8,372 unarmed boys and men over the next week. This amounted to the biggest civilian massacre in Europe since World War 2.

The Dutch-led U.N. Mission in Bosnia was a total failure. In 2002, the Dutch government resigned after a 5 year-long investigation found the government of the Netherlands responsible for the tragedy. 12 years later, a Hague district court in the Netherlands found the Dutch government liable for the deaths of the men and boys at Srebrenica. The Hague Appeals Cour...


Background Checks Uncovered: A Comprehensive Guide for Employers and Individuals "IndyWatch Feed World"

A workers historical verification is a cycle embraced by a business to check in the event that an imminent recruit is who they guarantee to be. The personal investigation furnishes the business with a way to check the imminent recruits experience instruction history, work history, common offenses history, criminal record, and different parts of their past that could have a course on the recruits exhibition working or the standing of the business.

Representative historical verification is typically embraced when an individual applies for and is being considered for a task. Notwithstanding, the business might choose to embrace a historical verification whenever considered significant. The recurrence and the point of individual verifications fluctuate between firms, ventures, and nations. The method of undertaking these checks additionally shifts from thorough information base inquiries to individual references. Head over to Florida Background Check Services in order to know detailed information about the topic.

Why Directing Pre-Work Individual Verifications Is Pivotal For Organizations?

As a fundamental device for some organizations, leading foundation examinations on potential representatives is basic to guarantee that businesses are recruiting awesome and most qualified contenders for their associations. Failing to direct historical verifications can prompt a scope of issues, including expanded dangers to the business, legitimate repercussions, and harm to the organizations standing. In this part, we will examine the justifications for why directing record verifications is pivotal for organizations.

Improved Employing Choices

Background check for Improved Employing Choices

One of the essential ex...


Wayland on OpenBSD "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Matthieu Herrb (matthieu@) has written some notes on his work at the (recently-concluded) g2k23 hackathon in Tallinn, Estonia. His article, Wayland on OpenBSD, starts:

These are my notes from experimenting with building Wayland bits on OpenBSD during g2k23 in Tallinn Thanks to the OpenBSD foundation for organizing this event.

This is still far from a complete running system as there are many issues on the road, but its a good start and it shows that its definatly not impossible to get Wayland running on OpenBSD.

Read the rest of Wayland on OpenBSD by following the link.


Delay, Deny, Deflect Trumps Strategy in Stolen Documents Case Comes Into Focus "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Youd think that a man who is the totally innocent victim of a witch hunt and charged with a bogus crime would be eager to get to trial. And that may be true. Former President Donald Trump, however, is not such a man, and therefore his legal team wants to delay his trial for stealing classified documents and obstructing justice for at least 16 months.

Citing the unique nature of the case, Trumps lawyers argued in a late night court filing on Monday that there is a need for a measured consideration and timeline.

What would such a measured timeline look like?

Later on in their filing, Trumps lawyers suggest that it would be impossible for the former president to get a fair trial prior to the election.

Proceeding to trial during the pendency of a Presidential election cycle wherein opposing candidates are effectively (if not literally) directly adverse to one another in this action will create extraordinary challenges in the jury selection process and limit the Defendants ability to secure a fair and impartial adjudication, they write.

In addition, they note that Trump is busy campaigning, which requires a tremendous amount of time and energy from now until November 5, 2024.

What they did not mention is that, if Trump were to become the GOP nominee and were to lose another election, he would probably spend even more time and energy on trying to overturn the results again in the aftermath. Therefore, it is curious that they did not seek to delay the trial until at least another potential insurrection in January of 2025.

In addition to the political component, they also cite logistical challenges that would warrant such a glacial trial pace.

These not only include the classified nature of some of the evidence, but also the fact that Trump will have to prepare for a civil trial this October and a criminal trial in March 2024.

In other words, he is accused of too many other crimes, so Special Counsel Jack Smith needs to wait his turn in line.

Now, mind you, Trump has been proclaiming often and loudly (i.e., in all-caps) that he is innocent and this case is very open-and-shut. He has offered a variety of potential defenses...


Revealed: Major US banks are funding anti-LGBTIQ groups "IndyWatch Feed"

Goldman Sachs and Bank of America foundations gave over $600,000 to ultraconservative groups


How Deep Sleep Brain Waves Can Impact Blood Sugar Levels "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Summary: Deep-sleep brain waves could be a significant factor in regulating blood sugar. The research shows that a combination of sleep spindles and slow waves can predict an increase in insulin sensitivity, subsequently lowering glucose levels.

This discovery highlights sleep as a potential lifestyle adjustment to improve blood sugar control and manage diabetes. Furthermore, these deep-sleep brain waves could also be used to predict an individuals next-day glucose levels, proving more accurate than traditional sleep metrics.


How to Apply MITRE ATT&CK to Your Organization "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Discover all the ways MITRE ATT&CK can help you defend your organization. Build your security strategy and policies by making the most of this important framework. What is the MITRE ATT&CK Framework? MITRE ATT&CK (Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge) is a widely adopted framework and knowledge base that outlines and categorizes the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs)


Revealed: University blocked questions over royal archive controversy "IndyWatch Feed"

Press officers were told to ignore enquiries about the Mountbatten diaries, saying: Let the answerphone get it


Ash fall and tremor at Popocatpetl volcano in Mexico "IndyWatch Feed World"

This Monday, the National Center for Disaster Prevention ( Cenapred ) indicates in its latest monitoring of the Popocatpetl volcano that 50 exhalations were detected accompanied by water vapor, volcanic gases and, on occasions, small amounts of ash. In addition, 213 minutes of tremor (equivalent to 3.33 hours of high frequency, low to medium amplitude segments) were recorded , as well as 13 minutes of low amplitude harmonic tremor. A volcanotectonic earthquake registered yesterday at 22:45, with a magnitude of 1.4, was also reported. (Translated by Google)


The Demoscene, Now An Irreplaceable Piece Of Cultural Heritage "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Break out your tuxedo or your evening gown, were going to take in some highbrow culture. A night at the opera perhaps, some Tchaikovsky from the symphony orchestra, or maybe a bit of Shakespeare? No, were going to a demo party, because the demoscene is the latest art form to be accepted as officially a part of the national cultural heritage of the Netherlands.This builds on successes adding the scene to the cultural heritage registers of Finland, Germany, and Poland, and should provide a boost to other bids in countries such as Switzerland and eventual UNESCO world acceptance.

Its all very cool that one of our wider communitys art forms is at last being taken seriously rather than being dismissed by the establishment, because along with greater recognition comes other benefits. Sadly we dont expect any cities to shell out for a demo auditorium next to the shiny new opera house any time soon, but we can see that it could be used to the benefit of for example a hackerspace chasing grants. meanwhile, feast your eyes on a bit of cultural heritage courtesy of the Dutch Centre For Intangible Cultural Heritage (Dutch language,...


Alteryx Analytics Automation powered by AWS allows CFOs to modernize financial processes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Alteryx announced decision intelligence and intelligent automation capabilities on AWS designed to empower chief financial officers (CFOs) and finance leaders to embrace cloud and data analytics as strategic tools for their modernization goals. Analytic insights help us tailor digital transformation solutions based on our clients needs to achieve the greatest impact for their business, said Ana Margarita Albir, president at ADL Labs. Leveraging Alteryx and AWS, we are able to integrate capabilities across any data More

The post Alteryx Analytics Automation powered by AWS allows CFOs to modernize financial processes appeared first on Help Net Security.


Cluster Bombs for All "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The United States doesnt have an ethical leg to stand on when it comes to cluster munitions.


While youre here enjoying Jon Richardss latest cartoon, please take a moment to read these articles on related topics: 



Problems With Abuse, Neglect and Cover-Ups at Choate Extend to Other Developmental Centers in Illinois "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article was produced for ProPublicas Local Reporting Network in partnership with Lee Enterprises, along with Capitol News Illinois. Sign up for Dispatches to get stories like this one as soon as they are published.

This year, Illinois officials announced what seemed like a solution to the outcry over abuse and cover-ups at a state-run developmental center: Downsize the facility and move about half the residents elsewhere. Some of the roughly 120 relocated residents of the Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center would receive care in community settings. Others are expected to end up in one of the six developmental centers located in other parts of the state.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker and Illinois Department of Human Services Secretary Grace Hou said the plan would reshape the way the state approaches care for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

But a new investigation by Lee Enterprises Midwest, Capitol News Illinois and ProPublica has found that the problems at Choate extend to the other centers as well. People with developmental disabilities living in Illinois publicly run institutions have been punched, slapped, hosed down, thrown about and dragged across rooms; in other cases, staff failures contributed to patient harm and death, state police and internal investigative records show.

The Illinois State Police division that looks into alleged criminal wrongdoing by state employees investigates more allegations against workers at these seven residential centers than it does at any other departments workplaces, including state prisons, which house far more people, according to an analysis of state police data.

It has opened 200 investigations into employee misconduct at these developmental centers since 2012 most of them outside of Choate.

The states seven developmental centers, home to about 1,600 people, are situated from the bottom of the state at the edge of the Shawnee National Forest all the way north to the Wisconsin border. The oldest operating facility opened i...


Six months on, the Yanomami crisis continues amid rising violence "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In early April, 35-year-old Indigenous health worker Angelita Prororita Yanomami went missing near Boa Vista, the capital city of the northernmost Brazilian state of Roraima. Two months later, her remains were found near the Branco river. A local investigation has produced no suspects and no cause of death. Disgusted by what they call a lack of political will to solve the case, local groups and family members have appealed to the federal government to join the investigation. So far, this appeal has fallen on deaf ears. While Angelita, who worked as a translator and interpreter at the Support House for Indigenous Health (Casa de Apoio Sade Indgena), had separated from her husband, the fact that she had been married to Dario Kopenawa, son of a renowned local tribal leader, raises questions. Who killed Angelita, and why? IBAMAs Special Inspection Group arrive by helicopter to prevent illegal mining on the Yanomami territory near Boa Vista. Image by Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress. More recently, on July 3, Brazils Ministry of Indigenous Peoples revealed that a Yanomami child was killed and five other community members were wounded. The suspected shooter is an illegal gold miner, in Parima village, also part of the Yanomami Territory. Indigenous Peoples Minister Sonia Guajajara said in a statement: The Federal Government has acted to ensure that those involved are identified and held accountable. For years, the Yanomami of Roraima have suffered threats and worse by gold miners and their funders. Following this latest violence, Amazon Watch program directorThis article was originally published on Mongabay


France to send Ukraine long-range missiles that would give 'capacity to strike deeply', Macron announces on arrival to NATO summit "IndyWatch Feed World"

France will join Britain in supplying long-range missiles to Ukraine, a move that allows Ukrainian forces to hit Russian troops and supply dumps deep behind the front lines. Speaking on arrival at a summit of the 31-member NATO alliance in Lithuania, French President Emmanuel Macron said he had decided to boost military aid to Ukraine to help its counteroffensive. "I have decided to increase deliveries of weapons and equipment to enable the Ukrainians to have the capacity to strike deeply," he said. He declined to say how many missiles would be sent.


A Grim Reaper that will outlast the Ukraine war: Cluster munitions "IndyWatch Feed War"

11 Jul 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Hussein Assaf Ukrainian civilians assume that the United States is offering them a way to win the war sooner when providing them with cluster bombs, but this is not the case. It would be. If that were true, it would potentially be a war crime. Then-White []


Etna volcano, Italy: sudden ash eruption from SE crater "IndyWatch Feed World"

While the volcano has been overall relatively calm during the past weeks, a sudden explosion occurred this morning from the southeast summit crater. The eruption lasted about two minutes only and produced a dense brown ash plume that rose a few 100 meters and quickly dispersed to the southwest. No significant changes in volcanic tremor accompanied the event and there has been no official statement from the volcano observatory so far. It is possible that the event did not involve any fresh magma and was driven purely by an internal phreatic explosion as trapped water can interact with hot rocks or residual magma inside the conduit.


EU investigating deaths of dozens of cats in Poland, raw chicken meat blamed, bird flu suspected "IndyWatch Feed World"

European health officials are liaising with authorities from Poland to investigate an outbreak of bird flu within the country that has killed scores of cats. At least 24 sick or dead cats have tested positive for H5N1 in Poland, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). In a report issued over the weekend, the ECDC said there were "several uncertainties ... regarding the source of infection" and that it was "monitoring this event," having contacted public health authorities in Poland for further information. However, reports have linked the outbreak to contaminated meat. Out of the 24 cats which positive for H5N1, 13 were found to have been fed raw poultry meat.


To Improve Public Engagement, Cities Need to Educate the Public "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


The Poppy Festival in Georgetown, TX. (Source: Flickr/Do512.)

Last month, I had the chance to help out at a public engagement booth in Georgetown, Texas, during their annual Poppy Festival. Over the span of several hours, we invited participants to consider various improvement ideas for the citys downtown. There were at least a dozen ideas to consider including bike lane connectivity, a food truck plaza, and more historic preservation. Folks were invited to express their preference or disinterest in each idea using a variety of color-coded stickers.  

While it was exciting to see people excited about their downtown and eager to participate in these imaginative processes, it became clear to me after a few hours of observation and dialogue with participants that this process wasnt positioning either residents or the city to truly understand and identify the best and most sustainable ideas for cultivating downtown. 

Residents werent being given the information they needed in order to properly understand the costs associated with each idea, weigh trade-offs, or explain the context behind their preferences. City councils were being handed reports about consumer desires that presented a vague idea of what residents like, but little to no context about why they prefer certain ideas and no insight about their values, appetite for certain risks, costs, or trade-offs. This is not a winning situation. 

Public Engagement Is Incomplete Without Public Education



Smoke clouds and lava as volcano erupts near Icelandic capital "IndyWatch Feed World"

A volcano has erupted about 19 miles (30km) from Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, the country's meteorological office has said, marking the third time in two years that lava has gushed out in the area. "The eruption is taking place in a small depression just north of Litli Hrtur, from which smoke is escaping in a north-westerly direction," the office said. Local media footage showed a massive cloud of smoke rising from the ground as well as a substantial flow of lava. The smoke could be seen from the road connecting the capital to the international airport, with cars pulled over and people taking pictures.


SUSE Announces Its Forking RHEL, To Maintain A RHEL-Compatible Distro "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Yesterday Oracle published an interesting announcement and doubled down on their intentions of keeping Oracle Linux compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux following Red Hat's controversial announcement last month. Today is another very interesting response to Red Hat's recent shift, this time from the SUSE Linux folks...


Meteor fireball crosses the sky of Minas Gerais and Gois, Brazil on July 9 "IndyWatch Feed World"

The cameras of Clima ao Vivo and Bramon, recorded a meteor during the night of Sunday (09), which crossed the sky of Minas Gerais and Gois.


Fire at powdered milk factory burns for 2 days in Australia "IndyWatch Feed World"

Firefighters will need to lift the roof off a powdered milk factory in order to extinguish a fire that has been burning for almost two days on the New South Wales South Coast. The factory in Bomaderry, north of Nowra, caught alight at about 1:30pm on Monday. Several employees attempted to fight the fire before Rural Fire Service and Fire and Rescue NSW crews took over. Shoalhaven Fire and Rescue Inspector Rick Jones said the factory was full of highly flammable powdered milk, which had prolonged the firefighting efforts. "The product itself is something that burns very fiercely, which was evident yesterday," he said.


Countries repatriating gold following theft of Russian assets and sanctions - sovereign wealth fund study "IndyWatch Feed World"

An increasing number of countries are repatriating gold reserves as protection against the sort of sanctions imposed by the West on Russia, according to an Invesco survey of central bank and sovereign wealth funds published on Monday. The financial market rout last year caused widespread losses for sovereign money managers who are "fundamentally" rethinking their strategies on the belief that higher inflation and geopolitical tensions are here to stay. Over 85% of the 85 sovereign wealth funds and 57 central banks that took part in the annual Invesco Global Sovereign Asset Management Study believe that inflation will now be higher in the coming decade than in the last.


Michigan Still Allows Emergency Takeovers of Local Governments. Is It Finally Time to Reconsider This Drastic Measure? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for Dispatches, a newsletter that spotlights wrongdoing around the country, to receive our stories in your inbox every week.

In Detroit, the past was all too present. Houses, businesses and schools that once supported nearly 2 million people sat vacant. Old debts forced city leaders into impossible choices. There was not enough money for public safety, not enough for streetlights, not enough for parks, not enough for education not enough, period.

In March 2013, an attorney named Kevyn Orr was appointed to take charge. Hed never received a vote and had never been vetted by the mayor or City Council. And yet, he assumed all the power that otherwise would be held by the mayor and council, as well as additional powers, such as the ability to unilaterally sell city assets. While local officials could attempt to veto certain decisions, the veto itself was subject to state approval.

Four months later, with the governors signoff, Orr led Detroit into the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. Orr had this authority because of Michigans expansive system for intervening in distressed cities and schools. His appointment by state officials as Detroits emergency manager intensified a debate about power and democracy that continues to this day.

In Michigan, the state has an unusual amount of discretion in initiating oversight, and its emergency managers have an unusual amount of authority, according to researchers. Compared with those of other states, Michigans takeover powers have also been among the most widely used. Since 2000, under various versions of the law, 10 Michigan municipalities have come under the control of at least one emergency manager. So did several public school districts, including Detroits.

The results were mixed and showed a clear trend, some studies found, toward intervening in majority-Black towns. One recent study found that the race and economic status of residents and the city...


SCARLETEEL Cryptojacking Campaign Exploiting AWS Fargate in Ongoing Campaign "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cloud environments continue to be at the receiving end of an ongoing advanced attack campaign dubbed SCARLETEEL, with the threat actors now setting their sights on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Fargate. "Cloud environments are still their primary target, but the tools and techniques used have adapted to bypass new security measures, along with a more resilient and stealthy command and control


Man-Made Global Famine: You Will Own Nothing, and You Will Be Starving! "IndyWatch Feed World"

Control the food supply and you control the people but control the money supply and...


Fwupd 1.9.3 Adds Linux Firmware Updating Support For A Few New Devices "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Richard Hughes of Red Hat and the lead developer behind the Linux Vendor Firmware Service (LVFS) has released Fwupd 1.9.3 as the newest feature update to this open-source solution for carrying out system and peripheral firmware updates on Linux...


Apple pushes out emergency fix for actively exploited zero-day (CVE-2023-37450) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Apple has patched an actively exploited zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2023-37450) by releasing Rapid Security Response updates for iPhones, iPads and Macs running the latest versions of its operating systems. The vulnerability has also been fixed with a regular security update in Safari (16.5.2), so users running macOS Big Sur and macOS Monterey can also implement the fix. About CVE-2023-37450 As per usual, Apple doesnt say much about the fixed vulnerability. All we know is that CVE-2023-37450: More

The post Apple pushes out emergency fix for actively exploited zero-day (CVE-2023-37450) appeared first on Help Net Security.


Shallow 6.6 magnitude earthquake strikes in the Atlantic Ocean near the northern Caribbean "IndyWatch Feed World"

A 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck Monday in the Atlantic Ocean near the northern Caribbean, causing some buildings to lightly sway in the region. The quake struck at a shallow depth of six miles (10 kilometers), according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The epicenter was located about 170 miles (270 kilometers) north-northeast of Antigua and Barbuda. The earthquake was felt on several islands, including Puerto Rico. No damage was immediately reported. Source: AP


Anthropic announces the second major release of its Claude large language model "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Google-backed company says Claude 2 is smarter, safer, and better at taking direction.

Anthropic has announced the second major iteration of its Claude large language model.

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City of Perth wants you to report anti-social behaviour to a hotline "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT TOTT NEWS  Perth authorities, who already have a smart city network comprising...


Expression Patterns and Functions of Cardiac Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor During Cardiac Development "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Objective: This study describes the expression profiles and roles of cardiac pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) during cardiac development.

Methods: Gene datasets from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database were used to analyze the correlation between cardiac PEDF expression and heart disease. Western blotting.

Immunohistochemistry, histological staining and echocardiography were used to assess the expression patterns and functions of PEDF during cardiac development.


Reversing Biological Aging with Gene Therapy: Ines ODonovan Interviews Liz Parrish, CEO of BioViva "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Have you ever wondered about the future of aging? What if I told you that were on the brink of a revolution that could redefine what it means to grow old with gene therapy.

Today, I want to introduce you to a woman who is not just imagining this future, but actively creating it.

Meet Liz Parrish, the trailblazing CEO of BioViva, a biotech company thats pushing the boundaries of whats possible with gene therapies.


Genolve Adds Generative AI Art to its Online Design Platform "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

[This is mix of an advertisement and a blog post, rather than an actual story, but it piqued my interest by including 3 different text-to-image generators in one package. Some of us are already learning the limits of, and skills required for, image generation, and I suspect that it will not be too long before collaborative mixes of AI language generation will be appearing, at least in the areas of research. Anyway, lets see what you make of it... JR] is integrates three major players in AI art:

Genolve, a platform for creating professional designs, has just text-to-image generators: DALL-E 2, and Midjourney! Just type in a description of the desired image and generate it in seconds for pennies per image. Still, it can be tricky to get exactly what you need and in this blog post you'll learn the tricks and techniques to coax the AI to generate mind-blowing results through prompt engineering. You'll also learn step-by-step how to AI edit your own photos to remove unwanted items or add something extra using a technique called inpainting.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Hunter Biden Prosecutor Slaps Down Another DOJ Obstruction Theory "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Although he was appointed by former President Donald Trump, US Attorney David Weiss is not going to be on any Republicans Christmas list this year if he keeps going like this. On Monday, he dashed yet another GOP attempt to show that the Department of Justice (DOJ) obstructed the probe of Hunter Biden in order to protect the presidents son.

This time, Weiss responded to an inquiry from Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Citing the testimony of a whistleblower, Graham had insinuated in a June 30 letter that Weiss had requested special counsel status but was denied.

Not so, responded Weiss, who has been leading the prosecution of the presidents son.

To clarify an apparent misperception and to avoid future confusion, I wish to make one point clear: in this case, I have not requested Special Counsel designation pursuant to 28 CFR 600 et seq., Weiss wrote. Rather, I had discussions with Departmental officials regarding potential appointment under 28 U.S.C. 515, which would have allowed me to file charges in a district outside my own without the partnership of the local US Attorney.

Weiss added that he would be granted this authority if it proved necessary, and that he received that assurance long before an October 7, 2022, meeting. It was during that meeting that the request was supposedly denied, according to the whistleblower.

In this case, Ive followed the process outlined in my June 30 letter and have never been denied the authority to bring charges in any jurisdiction, Weiss wrote.

Apart from that, the US attorney said he could not share more information with Graham because the matter involves an ongoing criminal investigation. This is very similar to what he told House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) recently.

However, Wei...


I spent a day watching asylum seekers being jailed. Heres what I learnt "IndyWatch Feed"

Asylum seekers are being imprisoned for entering the UK illegally when there is no legal way of getting in


Checking In "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  What Happened to the Federalnaya sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii? The FSB answers directly to Vladimir Putin For the most part, it is the successor organization to the KGB in that the security of Russia is its mission. Since 2014, the FSB devoted substantial resources to preparing for a Russian takeover of Ukraine. Although Russias []

The post Checking In appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


ACE Shuts Down Another Cuevana But the Whac-a-Mole Persists "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

cuevanaIf we didnt know better, we might conclude that Cuevana is Spanish for mole.

The popular streaming piracy brand first appeared on the radar in 2009 and anti-piracy forces have been trying to whack it ever since.

The original Cuevana site was founded by Tomas Escobar, at the time an engineering student in Cordoba, Argentina. By offering a Netflix-type streaming experience, with a bigger catalog and without any subscription fees, the pirate service quickly took off.

Taking Down Cuevana

It didnt take long before rightsholders started to take notice of the millions of users flocking to the site. That marked the start of a series of enforcement campaigns that continues to this day.

Rightsholders and their anti-piracy representatives are no longer battling Escobar. The original founder moved on many years ago, and with an unrelated innovator accolade from MIT Technology Review, he now builds a career as an entrepreneur.

Escobars change of plans opened the doors for aspiring pirate tycoons, of which there were many. Over the past decade, many dozens of new Cuevana variants have launched, using creative domain name variations such as Cuevanahd, Cuevana2, and Cuevana3.

It is not always clear if and how these new variations are linked, but Cuevana remained a thorn in the site of Hollywood and was repeatedly featured on the U.S. Trade Representatives list of notorious pirate sites.

Cuevana is the most popular piracy site in the Spanish-speaking part of Latin America, offering more than 7,000 unlicensed television and movie titles, the USTR wrote in its most recent overview.

ACEs 2021 Breakthrough

Two years ago, the Alliance of Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) appeared to have made a breakthrough. The coalition announced that it had sent a cease and desist letter to the streaming portals Chilean operators, who decided to throw the towel.

This shutdown was legitimate and notable as it affected millions of users, but it didnt shut down the Cuevana brand. In fact,, the leading domain at the time, remained online.



European Commission adopts adequacy decision for safe EU-U.S. data flows "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Today, the European Commission adopted its adequacy decision for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework. The decision concludes that the United States ensures an adequate level of protection comparable to that of the European Union for personal data transferred from the EU to US companies under the new framework. On the basis of the new adequacy decision, personal data can flow safely from the EU to US companies participating in the Framework, without having More

The post European Commission adopts adequacy decision for safe EU-U.S. data flows appeared first on Help Net Security.


Links 11/07/2023: Neil McGovern Problems Again "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • GNU/Linux

    • Desktop/Laptop

      • ZDNet If youre looking to up your desktop computer security, Linux might be your best bet

        Ive been espousing this hot take on Linux for a very long time. It seems, however, that the phrase theres no time like the present is more apropos today than it has ever been.

        Threats to security and privacy seem to never abate. They are constant and they grow more widespread and effective with every passing attack. Bad actors are savvy and know the best ways to hit you. One of the reasons for this threat is because, most likely, you use Windows as your primary desktop and laptop operating system.

    • Audiocasts/Shows


Beware of Big Head Ransomware: Spreading Through Fake Windows Updates "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A developing piece of ransomware called Big Head is being distributed as part of a malvertising campaign that takes the form of bogus Microsoft Windows updates and Word installers. Big Head was first documented by Fortinet FortiGuard Labs last month, when it discovered multiple variants of the ransomware that are designed to encrypt files on victims' machines in exchange for a cryptocurrency


The Only Indoctrination DeSantis Likes Is the One He Pays For "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has made the fight against indoctrination in education a cornerstone of his administration as well as his presidential ambitions. But, upon closer examination, DeSantis doesnt actually seem to mind indoctrination as long as its the right kind. Literally.

And he is even getting Florida taxpayers to pay for it.

Over the past couple of years, DeSantis built his brand on fighting wokeness, and that includes high-profile actions like signing Floridas Dont say gay law or blocking a high school Advanced Placement course on African American studies.

In each case, he claimed to be motivated by fighting indoctrination. That resonated with conservatives who dont want their kids to learn about things like sexual orientation or the USs sordid role in slavery.

As a result, DeSantis became a darling of the right, a Fox News sensation, and, if Donald Trump is eaten by a bear, he could even win the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

There is just one problem with that narrative (alas, not one his supporters will mind): The Florida governor is actually a big proponent of indoctrination as long as the end result is that students become proud little patriots who embrace a Judeo-Christian, conservative view of the world.

Case in point is Floridas civics education program that DeSantis touted yesterday.

Teachers who complete a two-month, state-run civics course can earn an extra $3,000. Seeing how most careers in education arent exactly lucrative, thats a welcome bonus for teachers. And the only downside to taking the course is that it comes with some light brainwashing.

Because, as it turns out, that new civics class seems to have an agenda that aligns with the governors own ideology.



Amazon Prime Day vs. Target Circle Week 2023: How do the deals and sales events compare? "IndyWatch Feed World"

Two giant retail rivals are going head to head this week. You could be the winner.

Two of the biggest sales of the year are now in full swing. Both Amazon Prime Day 2023 and Target Circle Week 2023 sales are live, but how do the sales compare, what are their requirements, and which is actually better? Heres what you need to know:

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VMware warns customers of exploit available for critical vRealize RCE flaw CVE-2023-20864 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

VMware warns customers of the public availability of an exploit code for the RCE vulnerability CVE-2023-20864 affecting vRealize.

VMware warned customers of the availability of an exploit code for the critical RCE vulnerability CVE-2023-20864 in the VMware Aria Operations for Logs analysis tool  (formerly vRealize Log Insight).

VMware Aria Operations for Networks (formerly vRealize Network Insight) is a network monitoring tool that helps organizations build an optimized, highly available, and secure network infrastructure.

In April, the virtualization giant released security updates to address two critical vulnerabilities, tracked as CVE-2023-20864 and CVE-2023-20865, impacting the Aria Operations for Logs product (formerly vRealize Log Insight).

The vulnerability CVE-2023-20864 (CVSSv3 base score of 9.8) is a deserialization issue that can be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker with network access to Aria Operations for Logs to execute arbitrary code as root

Now the company has updated the initial security advisory to confirm the availability of the exploit code for the above issue. The company is urging customers to patch the flaw immediately.

VMware has confirmed that exploit code for CVE-2023-20864 has been published reads the security advisory.

In June, the company warned customers that another critical remote code execution vulnerability in Aria Operations for Networks, tracked as CVE-2023-20887, is being actively exploited in the wild.

VMware has confirmed that exploitation of CVE-2023-20887 has occurred in the wild, reads the advisory

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Whats happening with AO3? Archive of Our Own fanfic site gets hit with DDoS attack "IndyWatch Feed World"

An anonymous hacking group reportedly took credit for the attack on Telegram.

The popular fan fiction website Archive of Our Own (better known as AO3) is going through a sustained denial of service attack (DDoS) as of Tuesday morning. The sites status update Twitter account first reported unknown issues in the early hours of Monday morning. Five hours later, the account confirmed that the issues stemmed from a DDoS attack causing the servers to fall over.

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Vermillion - 8,106 breached accounts "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In August 2014, the Roblox hacking forum Vermillion suffered a data breach that exposed over 8k subscriber records. The breach of the MyBB forum exposed email and IP addresses, usernames, dates of birth and salted password hashes.


22bet Registration "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

22bet Registration

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22bet App Obtain Zambia "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

22bet App Obtain Zambia

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Owncast, EaseProbe security vulnerabilities revealed "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Oxeye has uncovered two critical security vulnerabilities and recommends immediate action to mitigate risk. The vulnerabilities were discovered in Owncast (CVE-2023-3188) and EaseProbe (CVE-2023-33967), two open-source platforms written in Go. Owncast vulnerability (CVE-2023-3188) The first vulnerability was discovered in Owncast, an open-source, self-hosted, decentralized, single-user live video streaming and chat server written in Go. CVE-2023-3188, labeled as an Unauthenticated Blind Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF), could potentially allow unauthenticated attackers to exploit the Owncast server by More

The post Owncast, EaseProbe security vulnerabilities revealed appeared first on Help Net Security.


Soviet-Era Pong Console is Easy to Repair "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A small B/W TV showing a Pong-like game being played on a Soviet-era game console

Many early home video game consoles were developed by American and Japanese companies: think Nintendo, Commodore, and Atari. But on the other side of the Iron Curtain, which was still very much in place in the 1980s, an entirely separate industry was built on names like Tesla and Elektronika. As a resident of the republic of Georgia, [Thomas] over at Workshop Nation has built up a sizeable collection of such Soviet-era hardware. A while back, he stumbled upon an Elektronika Video Sport 3, a 1990-vintage Pong-like video game console made in the USSR, and made a delightful video that shows him bringing it back to life.



Animal Liberation is hosting a webinar and you're invited "IndyWatch Feed World"

Our webinars are a great place to learn about animal rights issues and the campaigns that are working to create a kinder world. You will also discover ways you can get involved, and connect with like-minded people. See below to know some of the people who will be presenting there.

During this meeting you'll hear from:

Tara Ward, co-founder and volunteer principal solicitor for the Animal Defenders Office (ADO). The ADO is a nationally accredited, volunteer-run community legal centre based in Canberra. Tara has also taught animal law at the University of New South Wales since 2008, and is an animal welfare representative on a university's animal ethics committee. Tara will be discussing some recent cases, with a focus on animal advocates.


Alex Vince, Animal Liberation's campaign manager, will be showing a snippet of On The Fence, an upcoming documentary about Australia's most misunderstood apex predator, the dingo. Alex was interviewed about 1080 poison in this documentary.


Tracey and Mick, founders of Peanuts Wellbeing Sanctuary, will be sharing why they started Peanuts Wellbeing Sanctuary, and how they break the cycle of abuse for children and animals, by nurturing empathy and compassion towards others.

When: 6:30 pm (AEST), Thursday, 13th July 2023



How I went from living in a homeless shelter in Queens to being a published author "IndyWatch Feed World"

In the first in a series examining how professional gatekeepers can change the careers of those without traditional connections and privileges, author Alex Miller tells the story of how his New School professor helped him get published when he had lost all hope.

This article is the first in a series about gatekeepers in the professional world taking a chance on those with non-traditional backgrounds. Read the full series here.The series is published in partnership with The Economic Hardship Reporting Project.

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Roots of Trust are difficult "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The phrase "Root of Trust" turns up at various points in discussions about verified boot and measured boot, and to a first approximation nobody is able to give you a coherent explanation of what it means[1]. The Trusted Computing Group has a fairly wordy definition, but (a) it's a lot of words and (b) I don't like it, so instead I'm going to start by defining a root of trust as "A thing that has to be trustworthy for anything else on your computer to be trustworthy".

(An aside: when I say "trustworthy", it is very easy to interpret this in a cynical manner and assume that "trust" means "trusted by someone I do not necessarily trust to act in my best interest". I want to be absolutely clear that when I say "trustworthy" I mean "trusted by the owner of the computer", and that as far as I'm concerned selling devices that do not allow the owner to define what's trusted is an extremely bad thing in the general case)

Let's take an example. In verified boot, a cryptographic signature of a component is verified before it's allowed to boot. A straightforward implementation of a verified boot implementation has the firmware verify the signature on the bootloader or kernel before executing it. In this scenario, the firmware is the root of trust - it's the first thing that makes a determination about whether something should be allowed to run or not[2]. As long as the firmware behaves correctly, and as long as there aren't any vulnerabilities in our boot chain, we know that we booted an OS that was signed with a key we trust.

But what guarantees that the firmware behaves correctly? What if someone replaces our firmware with firmware that trusts different keys, or hot-patches the OS as it's booting it? We can't just ask the firmware whether it's trustworthy - trustworthy firmware will say yes, but the thing about malicious firmware is that it can just lie to us (either directly, or by modifying the OS components it boots to lie instead). This is probably not sufficiently trustworthy!

Ok, so let's have the firmware be verified before it's executed. On Intel this is "Boot Guard", on AMD this is "Platform Secure Boot", everywhere else it's just "Secure Boot". Code on the CPU (either in ROM or signed with a key controlled by the CPU vendor) verifies the firmware[3] before executing it. Now the CPU itself is the root of trust, and, well, that seems reasonable - we have to place trust in the CPU, otherwise we can't actually do computing. We can now say with a reasonable degree of confidence (again, in the absence of vulnerabilities) that we booted an OS that we trusted. Hurrah!

Except. How do we know that the CPU actually did that verification? CPUs are generally manufactured without verification being enabled - different system vendors use different signing keys, so those keys ca......


Blood Test Plus Personalized Model May Predict Lung Cancer Death Risk "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The USPSTF recommends that adults at elevated risk for lung cancer receive a low-dose CT scan each year, which was shown to reduce lung cancer deaths in the 2011 National Lung Screening Trial (NLST). The 2021 USPSTF criteria applies to adults aged 50 to 80 who have at least a 20 PY smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years.

For individuals who currently are not eligible for lung cancer screening, a positive test may help to identify those possibly at risk for lung cancer death, said co-corresponding author Edwin Ostrin, MD, PhD, assistant professor of general internal medicine. We envision this as a tool that could be deployed worldwide, as the future of early detection of this disease.

Lung cancer causes an estimated 25% of cancer deaths. Early detection improves prospects of survival, but most countries do not screen for it. Fewer than half of all U.S. cases are among people who are eligible under USPSTF guidelines.


New views of a cough: From TB and chronic cough to hope for Parkinsons "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Michael Shiloh had been studying tuberculosis for about two decades when he started wondering about a seemingly basic question: What makes people with TB cough? This is the diseases hallmark symptom and a main mode of transmission, but despite training as an infectious disease physician and many years of probing the pathogen as a researcher, Shiloh realized that he didnt know. A quick search of the literature suggested that essentially nothing had been studied about it, at least not at the molecular level, he says.

Elucidating the role of cough in illness means first appreciating its role in health. Cough is one of these critical defensive processes that we have to clear the respiratory system, says Stuart Mazzone, a neuroscientist at the University of Melbourne. But it also contributes to disease spread, as research by Shiloh, now at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and others has described. And dysfunctional control of coughing resulting in too much coughing or not enough can cause serious health problems.

Heres a look at how and why we cough, and some of the ways that coughing can go wrong.


Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Provides Novel Insights into Gastric Cancer Progression "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The findings are published in Cancer Cell in an article titled, Evolution of immune and stromal cell states and ecotypes during gastric adenocarcinoma progression.

Understanding tumor microenvironment (TME) reprogramming in gastric adenocarcinoma (GAC) progression may uncover novel therapeutic targets, wrote the researchers. Here, we performed single-cell profiling of precancerous lesions, localized and metastatic GACs, identifying alterations in TME cell states and compositions as GAC progresses. Abundant IgA+ plasma cells exist in the premalignant microenvironment, whereas immunosuppressive myeloid and stromal subsets dominate late-stage GACs.

Gastric adenocarcinoma exhibits a high degree of heterogeneity with respect to both its phenotypes and molecular characteristics, but research around it has lagged behind other cancer types, explained Linghua Wang, MD, PhD, associate professor of genomic medicine. Most studies have concentrated on tumor cells and largely overlooked the immune and stromal cells within the tumor microenvironment, which are very dynamic and play critical roles in cancer progression. This study represents the largest single-cell RNA sequencing cohort of gastric adenocarcinoma to date and brings important new insights into how these cell populations impact disease progression.


Novavax to Receive $350 Million from Canada for Unused COVID Shots "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: BNN: Novavax Inc (NVAX.O) announced on Friday that it had reached an agreement with Canada, under which the country would pay $349.6 million to settle the forfeiting of certain doses of the companys COVID-19 vaccine that were originally scheduled for delivery. This development comes as a result of a significant decrease in global demand []


[Meme] Getting a Promotion at Microsoft "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Calling Mr. Redmond, calling Mr. Redmond

There are no layoffs; OK, there are layoffs, but hardly any; Nadella: good job, lads

Summary: Microsoft has high demand for workers right now professional liars on demand

Bonus: The fate of Sirius Open Source was sealed when a pathological liar was appointed as CEO. Employers could not stand the lies.


What Kind Of Man-Made Apocalypse Are Those Canadian Wildfires? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Canada wildfiresWe deserve to know before the left sacrifices what's left of our natural rights to the implacable climate gods.


Daffy for Work is a type of charitable 401(k) that could unlock billions for U.S. charities "IndyWatch Feed World"

Adam Nash, CEO of Daffy, says the new service is aimed at reducing the friction between intention and action in the charitable giving space.

With rising costs stretching peoples budgets, most of us would be forgiven for being stingier with our money these days. But Americans remain generous, at least in terms of how much they donate to charity.

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U.S. Soldier Pleads Guilty To Terrorism, But The Full Story Is Far More Treasonous "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Cole Bridges profile pictureIn this story of uncharged high treason, a U.S. Army soldier worked with ISIS jihadists to kill fellow soldiers.

How Christianity Fixes Toxic Masculinity "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Nancy Pearcey's latest book, 'The Toxic War on Masculinity,' explains how historical forces pushed men out of the house and denigrated their authority with devastating consequences for society.

per capita consumption of beef and chicken "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This is actally huge folks. Over fifty years we have lost 40,000,000 pounds of beef consumption and have gained  60,000,000 pounds of chicken production.  All this while the human population has grown from 200,000,000 through 325,000,000.  I never grasped just how much this swing has been.

Yet we will need grass fed cattle ultimately for the whole Mid West to push soil recovery.  This also needs ample sheep husbandry and even managed large goat herds as well.

Our chicken is consistent thanks to broilers which surely led all this.

What really comes home is that our cattle capacity is now deeply underutilized and that chicken production is super mobile upward to consume industrial grains or even insects..

per capita consumption of beef and chicken

Olivia Heller

Holy cow, were eating a lot of chicken

In case it wasnt clear from the chart above, America is an undeniable chick magnet.

The cows are probably happy. Heck, for nearly three decades Chick-fil-A has hired them to paint Eat Mor Chikin billboards, infiltrate burger boardrooms, parachute onto fields, and launch into...

Untouched Human Remains from 70,000 Years Ago "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

We are slowly pushing evidence dates back.  Of course, the only one that matters are the bearliest dates about the levant.  I do contend that filling all of eurasia took short time and even around a thousand years if they had any advantage.

We gat scraps in caves and not much else including too many humanoid species.  At the same time the populatations surely had to follow herds.  No one actually lived in caves when a thorn barrier was easy and a spear to hand.

Yet it just happens to be the only place we can look able to preserve forever.  so we have glimses that tells us presense and not much else.

we know then that hunter gatherers were afoot 200,000 years ago and can infer the rest of the continent as well.  it would not be slow.

Untouched Human Remains from 70,000 Years Ago

Fifteen years of archaeology in the Tam Pa Ling cave in northeastern Laos has yielded a reliable chronology of early human occupation of the site, scientists report in the journal Nature Communications. Excavations through the layers of sediments and bones that gradually washed into the cave and were left untouched for tens of thousands of years reveals that humans lived in the area for at least 70,000 years and likely even longer. (...

RAMSEY THEORY The Lawlessness of Large Numbers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This is actually an importat area and the reason for that is that the universe does not use mathematical infinity at all and none of these asymtopes ever reach zero at all.  so we do need to predict what happens as it may well be important in physics.  It may already be important and we are blind.

It is at least difficult and i do not think it is a dead end.

I do think that odd and even matters way more than obvious because i proved an odd creation makes it all divergent.  clearly different than convergent.  do these proofs survive doing just this

The Lawlessness of Large Numbers

Mathematicians can often figure out what happens as quantities grow infinitely large. What about when they are just a little big?

Kristina Armitage

ByLeila Sloman

July 7, 2023


So far this year, Quanta has chronicled three major advances in Ramsey theory, the study of how to avoid creating mathematical patterns. The first result put a new cap on how big a set of integers can be without containin...

Blood Clotting May Be Causing Long COVID and Vaccine Injury: How to Get Better "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

this makes it clear that the JAB induces microclotting likely proportional to the actual amount and the patient's sensitivity.  We also have indications of alergic reactions as well.

That complex alone pretty well covers the observed negatice characteristics of the JAB.  There is also evidence that the body is cable to slowly undo most of the damage and likely remove the problem.  This is not said.

It still represents an induced weakening and informs regarding sudden death syndrrome with athleters in particular.  This is also a new disease protocol not seen in nature.

Blood Clotting May Be Causing Long COVID and Vaccine Injury: How to Get Better

(Part 1)

In January 2021, minutes after receiving her first Pfizer shot, Kristi Dobbs developed a COVID-19 vaccine injury.

I had barely sat down in the monitoring station, and my bottom barely hit the chair when I was already asking for a nurse, Dobbs told The Epoch Times.

I was having immediate heart palpitations,...

How we compiled the 2023 edition of Best Workplaces for Innovators "IndyWatch Feed World"

To create Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023, Fast Company collaborated with Accenture to evaluate nearly 1,000 applications.

For the fifth year, Fast Company is recognizing more than 100 organizations, leaders, and teams that have created robust cultures of innovation in 2023. Despite the challenges of increasingly distributed workforces and supply chain issues, to name just a couple, the companies on this years Best Workplaces for Innovators list found ways to collaborate and invent. Working with our research partner, Accenture, heres how we selected these companies.

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Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Large companies "IndyWatch Feed World"

Zebra Technologies earns top category recognition from Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

Five companies with more than 1,000 employees stood out to this years Fast Company judges.

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Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Midsize companies "IndyWatch Feed World"

Gardner Builders earns top category recognition from Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

Five companies with between 100 and 1,000 employees stood out to this years judges.

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Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Small companies "IndyWatch Feed World"

Tau Motors earns top category recognition from Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

Fast Company judges recognized nine companies with fewer than 100 employees for creating outstanding internal cultures for innovation.

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Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Nonprofits "IndyWatch Feed World"

L.A. Cleantech Incubator earns top recognition in the nonprofit category of Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

Here are the five organizations Fast Company judges recognized as category standouts.

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Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Women employees "IndyWatch Feed World"

Pinterest earns top recognition in the women employee category of Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

Fast Company judges recognized these four companies for creating innovation opportunities for all workers.

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Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Diverse employees "IndyWatch Feed World"

LOreal earns top recognition in the diverse employee category of Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

Fast Company judges deemed these four companies category standouts.

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Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Early career "IndyWatch Feed World"

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory earns top recognition in the early career category of Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

Four organizations stood out to Fast Company judges in this category.

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Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Social good "IndyWatch Feed World"

Hawaii Youth Symphony earns top recognition in the social good category of Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

Fast Company judges elevated these 10 organizations to the top of the class.

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Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Sustainability "IndyWatch Feed World"

Holcim earns top recognition in the sustainability category of Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

These are the six companies in this category with the most pervasive internal cultures of innovation.

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Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Health and wellness "IndyWatch Feed World"

Carrot Fertility earns top recognition in the health and wellness category of Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

Here are the eight companies that stood out to Fast Companys category judges.

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Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Science and technology "IndyWatch Feed World"

Roivant earns top recognition in the science and technology category of Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

These are the nine companies that most impressed Fast Company judges in this category.

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Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Education "IndyWatch Feed World"

Ellucian earns top recognition in the education category of Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

These four companies stood out to Fast Company category judges.

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Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Food "IndyWatch Feed World"

Nestle USA earns top recognition in the food category of Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

These four companies stood out to Fast Company judges.

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Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023: Consumer products and services "IndyWatch Feed World"

AB InBev earns top recognition in the consumer products and services category of Fast Companys Best Workplaces for Innovators 2023.

Five companies rose to the top of this category.

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JOURNALISTS, not parrots

Daniel Ellsberg, speaking at a press conference, New York City

Summary: Despite it being crystal clear that the latest wave of Microsoft layoffs is international, the corporate media pretends its limited to just two cities in one single state and that these layoffs are just routine and nothing out of the ordinary

The media coverage regarding the latest Microsoft layoffs is, as expected, worse than disappointing. We just see a bunch of Microsoft PR reps (or Microsofts media operative inside newsrooms), not reporting, and weve gives some examples with editorial comments in our latest Daily Links and in Tux Machines. Wheres the actual research? One parrot parroting another parrot, parroting/citing Microsoft or a Microsoft spinner in a Microsoft-sponsored news site?

What is the job of a reporter or the job of a journalist anyway? A journalist should expose to the public facts previously unknown, e.g. suppressed by the powerful, not a bunch of tweets or what some PR department issues in a media statement. Otherwise, theres no real value in the work. That was the old way of journalism, my wife has just reminded me. Now they just wait to see whats happening in TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, theres no investigation

Its not that hard to find/fish out the facts, especially with some budget that publishers used to allocate for such work. Phone Microsoft in London, then ask something like, hi, its John from The Times, do you...


Oborevwori Fires Revenue Chiefs, Orders Retrieval Of Govt Belongings "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JULY 11TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Delta State Governor, Sheriff Oborevwori, has dis- solved the Delta State Internal Revenue Ser- vice (DSIRS). This is coming two weeks after he dissolved the boards of over 20 commissions, parastatals and agencies, leaving out the board of the Delta State Civil Service Commission headed by Mrs Nkem Okwuofu. Until his election, Deputy Governor Monday Onyeme was the DSIRS Chairman.

The immediate past Commissioner for Finance, Fidelis Tilije had said under Onyeme, the Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) of the state rose from about N52 billion to over N80 billion. The Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Kingsley Emu yesterday said Oborevwori asked the sacked DSIRS board to return the government property in their possession with immediate effect.




Delta South: Tribunal adjourns for adoption of final addresses in Didens Petition Against Onowakpo "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JULY 11TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The National Assembly Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Asaba, on Monday adjourned the petition filed by the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for Delta South senatorial district, Michael Diden, to August 4 for adoption of final written addresses.

Chairman of the tribunal, Justice Cathrine Ogunsola, adjourned the matter after the three respondents closed their case with just one witness.

Diden is challenging the declaration of Senator Joel Onowakpo of the All Progressive Congress (APC) as winner of the February 25 election by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

This is even as the parties have adopted their final written addresses in the cross petition brought by Senator Onowakpo challenging the eligibility of Diden for the election.

Speaking with newsmen after the adjournment, counsel to the petitioners in the main petition, Ayo Asala (SAN) expressed satisfaction with the court proceedings, even as he expressed optimism that the cases would go in favour of his client.

Asala said the witness of the second respondent in the main petition failed to demonstrate knowledge about with transpired in Warri South, the contentious local government of the disputed election.

He insisted that elections held in Warri South as against the claim by the respondents that there was no election in there area.

And we have demonstrated that election held in Warri South. We brought the IReV downloaded result from all the polling units, about 80% of them.

And their witness admitted that it is only the presiding officer that can upload results. So how can you say there was no election when the result was uploaded? So we are very satisfied, he said.

On the cross petition, Asala said the cross petitioners were only embarking a wild goose chase, saying that the Electoral Act is very clear that it is only the declared winner of an election that can be sued and not the contestant who is chasing a supposedly stolen mandate.

In any event, what we are even saying is that, the Electoral Act does not allow the person that lost an election that is trying to claim his mandate to be sued on the ground of qualification and non-qualification becaus...


Omo-Ageges Failures  To Tender Documents At Delta Guber Tribunal Obstruct Proceedings "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Ovie-Omo-Agege 2

LAGOS JULY 11TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Delta State governorship candidate of All Progressives Congress (APC) in the March 18, 2023 poll, Ovie Omo-Agege, was unable to tender documents before election petition sitting in Asaba at the resumed hearing of his petition against the election of Governor Sheriff Oborevwori of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

The former deputy president of the Senate had, at the last adjourned date, tendered some documents which were admitted in evidence by the three-man tribunal headed by C. H. Ahuchaogu.

But at the resumed hearing, yesterday, counsel to the petitioners, Bello Abu, who held the brief of A. K. Osawota, made futile attempts to tender more documents.

The volume of documents he sought to tender in line with the schedule were replete with errors, forcing the tribunal to briefly adjourn for 40 minutes to enable the petitioners regularise.

Though, the initial break lasted over an hour, counsel to the petitioners was still unable to tidy up, as he asked for further adjournment.

We are unable to pull through our regularisation efforts, we are therefore asking for an adjournment, he said.

Counsel to the third respondent which is the PDP, Ekeme Ohwovoriole, frowned at what he described as indolence on the part of his opponents.

Ohwovoriole said it was about the fourth time the petitioners were standing the tribunal down since commencement of the process to tender documents.

Adjourning the petition to July 11, 2023, for definite hearing, Ahuchaogu held that if the petitioners are unable to conclude the regularisation of the documents to be tendered, the tribunal would invoke the relevant paragraphs against them.

In the said petition, Omo-Agege is challenging the return of Oborevwori as winner of the governorship election by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

Counsel to the third respondent which is the PDP, Ekeme Ohwovoriole, frowned at what he described as indolence on the part of his opponents.

Ohwovoriole said it was about the fourth time the petitioners were standing the tribunal down since commencement of the process to tender documents.

Adjourning the petition to July 11, 2023, for definite hearing, Ahuchaogu held that if the petitioners are unable to conclude the regularisation of the documents to be te...


Cybercriminals Evolve Antidetect Tooling for Mobile OS-Based Fraud "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Resecurity identified the emergence of adversarial mobile Android-based Antidetect Tooling for Mobile OS-Based Fraud.

Resecurity has identified the emergence of adversarial mobile Android-based tools (called mobile anti-detects), like Enclave and McFly, as a new frontier in fraud tradecraft evolution. These tools are used by criminals involved in online-banking theft to impersonate compromised account holders and bypass anti-fraud controls by leveraging mobile client. Its crucial for fraud prevention teams to stay updated with these trends and implement robust security measures.

The tools cost between $700-$1000 and are currently designed for Android-based devices. The authors behind both tools recommend using OnePlus devices to deploy mobile anti-detect or may ship ready-to-use devices with pre-configured packages.

Both tools contain software allowing for device firmware upgrades and customized features such as fingerprint impersonation, GPS spoofing, and network anonymization. In addition, they come HuskyDG, a popular tool for rooting and customizing Android phones by installing modules containing the magiskhide module. However, its important to note that regulations in different areas require financial applications to have safeguards that prevent installation and execution on rooted devices. Still, some malicious actors continue to find ways to bypass these controls.

Mobile devices, particularly those running on Android, are now being exploited by cybercriminals. These individuals use antidetect browsers to mimic a legitimate users device fingerprint while using stolen login credentials. By doing this, they can access a victims online accounts, like a bank, using their username, password, device fingerprint, MFA token, and a local IP address close to their physical location. Antidetect software can be installed on a cybercriminals device or deliver...


Capitalism is the Tumor, Solidarity Is Our Medicine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Reflections from Peter Gelderloos on his ongoing crowdfunding campaign and its implications for health-care, capitalism, and solidarity. Support his GoFundMe campaign here.
At the end of April I had a seizure and after some scans they found a brain tumor. At the end of June I had an operation in which they took out half the tumor and confirmed the diagnosis, glioma, which is technically fatal and generally incurable, but it is treatable. 
And as far as glioma goes, it doesnt seem to be growing very fast and has a relatively contained structure, which will make treatment easier.
At the moment Im recovering from the operation and getting ready for radiation therapy. Probably in the fall Ill start chemo, which should continue for roughly half a year. If those go well I might not have to have more operations or more chemo for a long time, but I will have to have regular MRIs to catch it as soon as the tumor starts to come back.
Aside from medication side effects and all the weird feelings associated with having ones skull cut open and then stapled shut, Im feeling well. Ive been getting so much love and support. Ive starting a crowdfunding campaign to help generate some more resources. Even before the operation, I already would have had to pay around $190,000 as someone without insurance. Ive gotten temporary financial assistance from the hospital, but to receive financial assistance you have to stay poor (Medicaid, for example, requires you to be below the poverty line). So I suppose it is serendipitous that I just lost most of my income: I had gotten a job here in Cleveland driving a truck, which...


The Counter-Enlightenment: The Origin of Conservative Politics? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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The post The Counter-Enlightenment: The Origin of Conservative Politics? appeared first on Global Research.


Tompolos Men Intercept Vessel With 500 Metric Tones Of Stolen Crude Oil "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JULY 11TH (URHOBOTODAY)-A massive vessel, MT Tura 11, laden with 150 metric tonnes of stolen crude oil has been intercepted on Escravos sea in Delta State by operatives of Tantita Security Services Limited, the pipeline surveillance security outfit owned by the former militant leader, High Chief Government Ekpemupolo a.k.a. Tompolo.
PUNCH gathered that the private security operatives apprehended the vessel, with a 500 metric tonnes capacity, in the early hours of Friday while on an illegal operation on the high sea around the Ondo State axis of the Niger Delta creeks.
It was gathered that the operatives of the pipeline surveillance firm succeeded in effecting the vessels arrest after a weeklong monitoring of its movements.

The vessel was said to have once been arrested with its contents delivered to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) while it was also handed over to the security agencies from where it allegedly escaped miraculously.
The Executive Director, Technical and Operations of Tantita Security Services, Captain Warredi Enisuoh while addressing journalists on Monday during an inspection of the intercepted vessel, anchored at Oporoza in Gbaramatu kingdom in Warri South West Local Government Area of Delta State, stated that the ship was arrested with 13 crew members during a sting operation.
Captain Enisuoh disclosed that the pipeline surveillance firm had deployed both human and technical intelligence in monitoring the movements of the vessel until it was finally caught on Friday.
Unknown to the perpetrators, we have been monitoring the movements of the vessel until we finally apprehend her off the coast in Ondo State, he said.
According to Captain Enisuoh, The original name of the vessel was Ali-Riza-Bey but it was altered to MT Tura 11 to evade the eagle eyes of security agencies.
While noting that the vessel had once been arrested for the same crude theft, but disappeared in mysterious circumstances, Captain Enisuoh affirmed to newsmen saying We are here with the same vessel committing the same atrocity.
He then commended the security agencies for their cooperation in the task to rid the maritime domain free of criminal activities.
Consequently, the vessel was handed over to the troops of the military Joint Task Force (JTF) Operatio...


What has really changed in Northern Ireland in the last 30 years? "IndyWatch Feed"

Last week I attended a reception in the Irish governments splendid house in Notting Hill in Belfast to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the publication of the Opsahl Report.1 This landmark report, based on the views of around 3,000 people in over 550 written submissions and the opinions expressed at 19 public hearings about ways forward for Northern Ireland during a period of particular deadlock and despair, has been seen as one of the early seeds of the NI peace process. It was chaired by an internationally eminent human rights lawyer from Norway, Torkel Opsahl, and I was its coordinator. However, it has been almost completely forgotten and, until now, unmarked.

The 1992-1993 Opsahl Commissions uniqueness was that it collected and highlighted the views of civil society in Northern Ireland: community and voluntary sector groups, womens groups, churches, business groups and trade unions, cross-community dialogue groups and a wide range of individuals from prelates to paramilitaries, taxi drivers to bankers, prisoners to schoolchildren to academics. It was itself a venture that came out of the idealism of a group of 200 people active in civil society who called themselves Initiative 92. Many prominent people contributed submissions: people like the 20th centurys most influential Irish civil servant, T.K.Whitaker; distinguished former senior British civil servants Sir Kenneth Bloomfield and Sir Oliver Wright; the Church of Ireland primate Archbishop Robin Eames, the poet Michael Longley and the broadcaster Robin Day.

There is no room here to detail its many conclusions and recommendations. Among the latter were at least four that would find their way in some form into the 1998 Good Friday Agreement: an equal voice for the two communities in the government of Northern Ireland; the legal recognition of such parity of esteem; the necessary involvement of Sinn Fein in any settlement (although it would have to renounce its justification of the use of violence first); and a Bill of Rights (still to be implemented).

The Opsahl Commissions distinctiveness was in the fact that it gathered the views of ordinary people rather than politicians (although the political parties, with the exception of the DUP, were persuaded to take part). What I want to do in this blog is to take a few submissions from those ordinary people which particularly impressed the Opsahl Commissioners and ask if in the past 30 years there have been any significant improvements that represent real progress in Northern Ireland on the issues they raised.

Dr Brian Gaffney, a GP from Downpatrick, started his 1992 submission by saying: I feel, as a Catholic, no sense of belonging to the fabric of society that makes up the official state of Northern Ireland. He said that as a person of liberal and left-wing political leanings, I have no means of expressing my views and feelings in a public forum. He stressed that he abhorred violence.....


Leftover Links 11/07/2023: Media Already Lies About the Scale of Microsofts Latest Wave of Layoffs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"


Stop Biden from Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Stop Biden from Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine appeared first on Global Research.


Biologists identify mechanical waves involved in limb regeneration in zebrafish "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A team of molecular and cellular biologists from several institutions in Taiwan and one in the Philippines has identified some of the mechanical waves involved in the regeneration of amputated tailfins in zebrafish. In their study, reported in the journal Nature Physics, the group studied zebrafish regrowth after their tailfins were removed.

Prior research has shown that many have the ability to regrow (mostly appendages) when they are lost, typically after incidents of fighting or hunting. Prior research has also shown that for most such creatures, the amount of regrowth is proportional to the amount lost. The generation of mechanical waves are known to play a role in controlling epithelial cell expansion, the means by which new tissues are generated.

In this new effort, the researchers examined the role of wound healing in most specifically, if it is involved in positioning of the regrown tissue. To find out, the researchers closely studied the process by which new tailfins grow on after .



Is our world ready for mind-controllable robotic body parts? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Advanced neuroprosthetics are here, and they could hook our brains into the Internet of Things.


Gravitational waves spark hunt for cosmic strings and dark matter "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The discovery of low-level ripples throughout the universe called the gravitational wave background has set physicists looking for exotic explanations.

By Alex Wilkins


Artist Georgia Banks on falling in love with AI and immortalising herself in the cloud "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Can you really die in the digital age? Its a question that plagues performance artist Georgia Banks. Not only is this question a recurring theme in her work, but its also a concept she lives by.

Since earning a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) from the VCA in 2015, Georgia Banks has consistently skirted the boundaries between art and life through her performance-based works.

Through her practice, Banks has clinched a beauty pageant title, auctioned off the rights to her funeral, endured a crucifixion, and been sued by the estate of American artist Hannah Wilke.


MicroLisp: Lisp For Microcontrollers Now Has Lisp-Based ARM Assembler "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

targeting resource-constrained platforms, considering the systems it ran on back in the 1960s, but as time goes on, what would have given 1970s Big Iron a run for its money is now a sub-$5 microcontroller that you can run uLisp (MicroLisp) on. This particular project now even has an ARM assembler that is written in Lisp whose source code (GitHub) fits on a mere two A4-sized pages.

ULisp currently supports five platforms, being AVR-nano (ATmega328 and similar low-cost AVRs), AVR, ARM, ESP (8266 and 32), as well as RISC-V. The purpose of this assembler is to execute native ARM instructions when running on an ARM board, since uLisp itself runs a Lisp interpreter on the platform. When executed natively like this, a considerable speed-up of the task can be expected, as illustrated by a number of ARM assembler examples in the documentation.

Running a Fibonacci sequence that takes 24.6 seconds with the when ARM assembly is used instead. This shouldnt be too shocking, since this assembler essentially bypasses the Lisp runtime, coming closer to what would be the performance of firmware written in e.g. C. However, it also demonstrates that with this ARM assembler it is possible to have your Lisp and still get native performance when you want it, all using Li...


Heart Disease Risk Skyrockets 13,200% Following COVID Injections, CDC Admits "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Comprehensive Study: There Are Zero Amish Kids Suffering From Cancer, Diabetes or Autism Why Is That? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post Comprehensive Study: There Are Zero Amish Kids Suffering From Cancer, Diabetes or Autism Why Is That? appeared first on Global Research.


Emoji Contractual Obligations "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A Canadian judge ruled that a thumbs-up emoji could be considered an agreement to a contract:

A Canadian judge has ordered a farmer to pay more than $CAD82,000 ($92,000) in damages following a legal battle over what the thumbs-up emoji means.

Chris Achter, the owner of a farming company in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, had sent a thumbs-up emoji in response to a photograph of a flax-buying contract from a grains buyer in 2021.

Months later, the buyer which had been doing business with Mr Achter for several years did not receive the flax as expected.

That started a dispute that led to "a far-flung search" to unearth what the thumbs-up emoji means, according to the June court ruling that surfaced in local media this week.

The buyer, South West Terminal, argued that the emoji implied acceptance of contractual terms, while Mr Achter said he used it only to indicate that he had received the contract, but not to indicate his agreement.

[...] He [the judge] said: "I am satisfied on the balance of probabilities that Chris okayed or approved the contract just like he had done before except this time he used a thumbs-up emoji."

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


CISO perspective on why boards dont fully grasp cyber attack risks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Due to their distinct perspectives, board members and CISOs often have differing views on cyber attack risks. The discrepancy arises when boards need cybersecurity expertise, need help comprehending technical jargon, or when CISOs need to communicate in business language. In this Help Net Security interview, David Christensen, CISO of PlanSource, proposes strategies to understand and acknowledge the broader organizational and strategic implications of cybersecurity risk management, strategy, and governance. Board members and CISOs often do More

The post CISO perspective on why boards dont fully grasp cyber attack risks appeared first on Help Net Security.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


Approximately one million public sector workers were forced to survive on their savings or social aid networks since the Sudanese army and RSF took arms against each other.

Smoke billows in the distance in Khartoum on 22 May 2023, as fighting between two rival generals persists. Picture: AFP

AFP | 11 July 2023 06:09

WAD MADANI, Sudan - Sudanese public-school teacher Imad Mohammed had worked for 32 years when war broke out almost three months ago, tearing his country apart and his finances to shreds.

"We only eat one meal a day now," he told AFP about his family of five.

"And we don't know how long this will go on," said the teacher from Al-Jazirah state, which has been spared the brutal fighting but has still suffered dire shortages.

Like other civil servants, Mohammed has gone without a salary since the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) took up arms against each other.

When the first blasts shook Khartoum on 15 April, banks there shuttered their doors, and branches nationwide have since struggled to provide services because they are cut off from headquarters in the capital.

Since then, the only government salaries that have been paid are the army's.

Deprived of their pay and annual holiday bonuses for the Muslim festivals of Eid al-Fitr in April and Eid al-Adha in June, around one million desperate public sector workers have been forced to survive on their savings or on social aid networks.

"What teachers and their families are going through, in both the public and private sectors, is catastrophic," said Ammar Youssef, head of the Sudanese Teachers Committee.

The livelihood losses and descent into poverty have compounded the horrors of the war, which has already killed around 3,000 people and displaced three million.

More than 1.5 million people have fled from Khartoum alone, using whatever money they had when the fighting started, to escape the air strikes, artillery fire and street fighting that have t...


Doing The Right Way "IndyWatch Feed World"

Travel Insurance Policy: Securing Your Experiences
Traveling can be an amazing as well as satisfying experience, whether youre checking out new cultures, loosening up on a pristine coastline, or enjoying delicious foods. Read more about Travel Insurance on this website. Nevertheless, unforeseen events can in some cases disrupt these strategies, causing stress, hassle, and monetary loss. Learn more about Travel Insurance on this homepage. Thats where travel insurance coverage is available in. It acts as a safeguard, securing you from various dangers and also offering peace of mind throughout your adventures. View more about Travel Insurance on this page.

So, just what is travel insurance? It is a kind of insurance policy made to cover the prices and also risks related to taking a trip. Check Travel Insurance here for more info. It normally includes insurance coverage for trip termination or interruption, medical costs, baggage loss, and also various other unforeseen situations that might occur during your trip. Discover more about Travel Insurance on this link.

One of one of the most usual factors individuals purchase travel insurance is to protect their financial investment in instance they need to cancel or interrupt their trip because of unexpected occasions. Check out Travel Insurance on this site. This can be an ailment, a natural catastrophe, or even a job loss. With traveling insurance policy, you can get reimbursement for your non-refundable costs, such as flights, lodging, and also trips, giving you economic security as well as permitting you to reschedule when the time is right. Read Travel Insurance here for more info.

Another crucial facet of traveling insurance coverage is medical protection. Click Travel Insurance here for more updates. Dropping sick or getting hurt while taking a trip can be both literally and financially difficult. View Travel Insurance here for more details. Medical expenditures in international countries can be expensive, as well as your regular medical insurance might not cover worldwide therapy. Click Travel Insurance for more info. With travel insurance coverage, you can have accessibility to emergency medical help, health center keeps, and also clinical emptying, making sure that you obtain the necessary treatment without damaging the financial institution. Read more about Holiday Insurance on this website.

Lost baggage is an additional typical problem for tourists. Visualize arriving at your desire destination, just to f...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


At least 54 political parties from across the globe are expected to be part of the dialogue, which will take place between 18 and 20 July.

FILE: ANC first deputy secretary-general Nomvula Mokonyane. Picture: Sethembiso Zulu/Eyewitness News

Ndaedzo  Nethonzhe | 10 July 2023 16:59

JOHANNESBURG - The African National Congress (ANC) said the upcoming BRICS political parties dialogue will discuss measures that will end the war in Ukraine.

At least 54 political parties from across the globe are expected to be part of the dialogue, which will take place between 18 and 20 July.

Briefing the media on the state of readiness for the event, ANC first deputy secretary-general Nomvula Mokonyane said the dialogue would also be a platform to form new alliances and partnerships.

Mokonyane said the upcoming BRICS political parties dialogue would be a game changer in geopolitics.

She said the event would mainly focus on the impact that the Russia-Ukraine conflict was having on other countries.

"The dialogue is a major boost for the ANC and for our country, South Africa. It repositions and places the ANC at the forefront of our struggles. It's an attempt to bring peace between Russia and Ukraine and to mitigate the impact of the war on the global economy."

Other topics on the agenda include the expansion of Nato (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the impact it has on diplomatic relations between countries.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


African National Congress president Cyril Ramaphosa said ministers who were unable to deliver on priorities that the governing party had set out would face harsh consequences.

African National Congress (ANC) president Cyril Ramaphosa. Picture: @MYANC/Twitter

Ndaedzo  Nethonzhe | 10 July 2023 19:32

JOHANNESBURG - African National Congress (ANC) president Cyril Ramaphosa has sent a strong warning to the party's deployees in government

Ramaphosa said ministers who were unable to deliver on priorities that the governing party had set out would face harsh consequences.

He delivered the closing address at the ANC's four-day national executive committee meeting in Boksburg.

Ramaphosa said that he would be meeting with key government officials on an ongoing basis to assess whether they had been able to deliver on the governing party's mandates.

"And when we meet them, they must have their deputy ministers, their DGs and some of their key officials to account what they will have done in executing those priorities and we said, we are not going to accept any excuses."


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Why We Need a Multi-sectoral Approach to Implement Maputo Protocol

By News Ghana 

July 11, 2023

Mary Wandia, a renowned gender activist from Co-Impact addresses the girl and women rights activists in Nairobi in an event marking the 20 years of the Maputo Protocol

Mary Wandia Wanjiru, is a gender activist of long standing and has lately taken up nurturing and mentnoring the next generation of young women rights activists who will stand up for the rights of women and girls every where in Africa. Wandia, now the Director of Programs at Co-Impact (a former staff at FEMNET), has also transited to the philanthropic space) and has been working on the Maputo Protocol for the last 23 years. She had a chart with our reporter Clifford Akumu on the sidelines of the 3rd African Girls and Young Women Festival organised by FEMNET in Nairobi, Kenya to interrogate the benefits the Maputo Protocol has brought to women and girls in Kenya and the gaps that need to be addressed.

In 2005, the Maputo Protocol went into effect, two years after the African Union adopted it in Maputo, Mozambique. What is Kenyas story looking like?

Wanjiru: In Kenya, what we are having is a mixed picture. We have made progress in the 2010 Constitution and women are now recognised as citizens of this country. Various rights for women have been recognised including the right to health, leave free of violence, and to participate in decision-making.

Why are we still struggling with the issue of the two-thirds gender rule implementation in Kenya, regime after regime? 

Wanjiru: There is a big challenge when it comes to the implementation of our constitution just like what is ailing the Maputo Protocol at the regional level. Since 2010, why are we not seeing the implementation of the two-thirds gender rule by previous regimes? This only tells us that there is no political will, by now we should have in all positions of leadership, in decision-making, and politics, we should be a minimum of 30 percent women. Even getting that 30 percent is a great problem in Kenya, yet its anchored in the Constit...


Nieto de Murillo Karam tena ficha roja de la Interpol en su contra "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La FGR solicit a la interpol una ficha roja para localizar a Gerardo Sade Murillo, nieto del exprocurador, Jess Murillo Karam. RegeneracinMx, 8 de julio []

La entrada Nieto de Murillo Karam tena ficha roja de la Interpol en su contra se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

I have traded head-to-head with Soros. Many believe that he was also behind getting me imprisoned after his attempt to trade against the Japanese yen in 1999. I defeated and warned all my clients at our March 1999 Tokyo conference how to defeat Soros and the other bankers who were trying to exploit the Japanese for their fiscal year-end on March 31st that year. I was the one who called in when he was targeting the British pound and confirmed that the pound was overvalued and it would crack which made him all his money.

While I cost Soros perhaps $1 billion in Japan, it was the Russian trade I refused to join when asked to invest $10 billion into Hermitage Capital Management. I warned them that Russia would collapse. I warned my clients at our June 1998 conference in London when the London Financial Times published that forecast on the front page of the second section. Soros lost $2 billion on th...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Tanzanian Official Urges African Countries to Join Forces against Corruption

By Xinhua 

July 11, 2023

A Tanzanian government cabinet minister on Monday urged African countries to join forces in fighting corruption.

The fight against corruption cannot be achieved singlehandedly. It needs joint efforts by all African countries, said George Simbachawene, minister of state in the Presidents Office responsible for public service management and good governance when he addressed a workshop ahead of the African Anti-Corruption Day, which falls on Tuesday.

African countries should enact similar anti-corruption laws, he told the workshop in Tanzanias northern city of Arusha.

Tactics to fight corruption should change according to the advancing science and technology, Simbachawene said.

He said corruption in Africa was still prevalent and cannot be fought overnight.

The African Union designated July 11 as African Anti-Corruption Day, an opportunity to pause and reflect on the role of corruption in the lives of ordinary Africans and to share good lessons and practices in the fight against corruption.


Apple Issues Urgent Patch for Zero-Day Flaw Targeting iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and Safari "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Apple has released Rapid Security Response updates for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and Safari web browser to address a zero-day flaw that it said has been actively exploited in the wild. The WebKit bug, cataloged as CVE-2023-37450, could allow threat actors to achieve arbitrary code execution when processing specially crafted web content. The iPhone maker said it addressed the issue with improved checks


Sound of Freedom Blacklisted by Woke Elite "IndyWatch Feed World"


The movie Sound of Freedom exposes the darkest corner of our society child trafficking. The film should not be controversial but the mainstream media and Hollywood blacklisted the film because they are protecting those involved. Simply Google the film and you will see articles from EVERY news outlet condemning the film as a QAnon conspiracy for right-wing extremists.

Jim Caviezel, the director, is a devout Christian which is now a radical ideology in America. You may not believe in God but watching this film will show you that pure evil exists. He has said that streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu would not carry his film, which is precisely what occurred with The Forecaster. For you see, there are numerous organizations that would taken down if the truth came out. This is a trade that surpasses most other industries and cannot be calculated. The Department of Homeland Security estimates that child trafficking account for $150 billion in global trade, but the true amount is much higher. Millions of children go missing every single year. It is not isolated to third world countries. What happened to the children who went unaccounted for at our own border?


It is extremely alarming that the powers that be want to silence this film. Epstein island was a conspiracy theory too at one time. The politicians and people of influence who went to his island were never held accountable, but that shows only a tiny fraction of how deep this insanity goes. Governments are involved. The woke elite are dominating all institutions and forcing organizations to abide by their CEI and ESG scores. Kids are being taken away from their parents if they dont provide gender affirming care, which never existed up until a few years ago when the far left lost its collective mind. They are NORMALIZING the sexualization of children even in schools. The Guardian called the film the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America as did every other major news outlet. I question any journalist who is angered by a film that shines a light on such an important topic. The corruption goes deep,...


Forests in the furnace: Cambodias garment sector is fueled by illegal logging "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

KAMPONG SPEU, Cambodia The roar of the engine cut through the 5 a.m. gloom one morning in December 2022 as Saroeun* and his cousin Sovann* pulled away from their wooden stilted house in the village of Kteh, which sits inside Aural Wildlife Sanctuary in Kampong Speu province. But the rumble of Saroeuns koy-yun, a purpose-built logging tractor, soon blended into the noise as other villagers rose with the sun to head into the forest, searching for saleable timber. Home to Phnom Aural, Cambodias tallest mountain, Aural Wildlife Sanctuary has been decimated by loggers over the past two decades, which has since pushed Saroeun and other loggers to head further west, traveling across the sanctuarys borders into Central Cardamoms National Park. Saroeun* and his cousin Sovann* ride out on their koy-yun towards the Central Cardamoms National Park where they log timber that is supplied to garment factories across the country. Credit: Andy Ball/Mongabay. This 402,352-hectare (994,233-acre) protected forest boasts vast mountains that sprawl across Kampong Speu, Koh Kong and Pursat provinces, is home to a wealth of biodiversity, and is widely regarded as one of the best-preserved rainforests in Cambodia although recent infrastructure developments have seen the forests natural defenses peeled back by loggers taking advantage of a new hydropower dam. The forest made for a brutal journey as Saroeun navigated roads cut crudely through the trees by loggers working their way ever deeper west into the Cardamoms. But the koy-yun is designed to handle the uneven terrain. BlackThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Is the US Low on Ammo? "IndyWatch Feed World"

Sun Tzu suggested appearing weak to your enemies when you are strong. He did not suggest appearing weak when you are already weak. The world knows that America is having trouble recruiting new soldiers, and now the world also knows that America is low on ammo. Biden has completely abandoned all domestic policy in favor of the proxy war in Ukraine.

Biden revealed his cards at a CNN town hall meeting. The Ukrainians are running out of ammunition, the ammunition that they used to call them 155-millimeter weapons. This is a this is a war relating to munitions, and theyre running out of those that ammunition, and were low on it. And so what I finally did, took the recommendation of the Defense Department, to not permanently, but to allow for [their use] in this transition period, he announced. It is completely unacceptable that the US is depleting its own supply.

Cluster munitions are banned in over 100 countries. Last year, WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki called the use of cluster bombs a war crime. Now President Biden plans to send them to Ukraine. Stop the ceaseless escalation! It is time for peace, Robert F. Kennedy tweeted. Biden was opposed to cluster bombs in 1982 as well, when he opposed their sale to Israel, Kennedy noted in another tweed. What happened to his conscience?

The White House covered Joes mistake and said that the US will ramp up production in the coming months. They claim that the cluster munitions are now permissible to use since Zelensky promised not to drop them on civilians. GOP candidates Pence and Haley are cheering the decision. So who is the real war criminal?


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Namibian Doctor Pledges to Contribute to Society After Studies

By Xinhua 

July 11, 2023

Three years after studying at Jinzhou Medical University in Liaoning province in northeastern China from 2013 to 2019, Schafer Hamutenya has since been on a journey to plough back the knowledge he attained to help his fellow Namibians especially those in need medical attention.

Hamutenya who is now a medical doctor serving the community, is attached to the department of orthopedics at the state hospitals of Windhoek Central and Katutura.

Although he enjoys the perks of being a medical doctor, his journey started when he attained his diploma in nursing at the University of Namibia.

I worked as a nurse for more than a year and eight months, but I felt that being a medical doctor was my calling, he told Xinhua in an interview. And Hamutenyas dream came true as he got an opportunity to study in China.

I decided to apply at Jinzhou Medical University following in the footprints of my fellow friend that was already studying at the prestigious university, he told Xinhua.

During his tenure at the Jinzhou Medical University, Hamutenya said he was exposed to different cultures, food, and languages which he said prepared him to work in various environments as they were a needed eye-opener.

Apart from the love of helping people, it is the fact that at a point in time, I just wanted to fill the void of doctors in my country and come contribute to the health sector, he said, as he gladly took up the career to give back to the community.

Hamutenya is one of the many Namibians who have had an opportunity to study medicine in China which highlights the friendship between the two countries. He commended China on its infrastructural and advanced development which is something the southwestern African nation can learn from.

If I have to advise some other Namibians to go to China, I would say yes. Cause if you offer me that opportunity again to go back to China today I would say yes, he said.

Today, Hamutenya stands as a testament to the friendship between the two cou...


Whistleblower: Biden Admin a Middleman in Child Sex Trafficking "IndyWatch Feed World"

A whistleblower has given an explosive statement accusing Democrat President Joe Bidens administration of acting as a middleman in an international child sex trafficking operation.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Armed Group Kills Peacekeeper in Central African Republic, UN Says

2:40 PM EDT, July 10, 2023

UNITED NATIONS (AP) An unidentified armed group attacked a U.N. peacekeeping patrol Monday in the Central African Republic, killing a peacekeeper from Rwanda, the United Nations said.

U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said initial reports indicated the U.N. patrol returned fire and killed three of the assailants.

The attack happened as the peacekeepers were providing a protective presence around the town of Sam-Ouandja, in the Haute Kotto prefecture in the Central African Republics east, Dujarric said.

Peacekeepers were deployed to Sam-Ouandja last week in response to an attack on the town by an armed group, which fled after the peacekeepers intervened, he said. He said the U.N. mission had expanded the security perimeter around the town over the past five days to protect the community and support aid deliveries.

Valentine Rugwabiza, head of the U.N. mission, strongly condemned the attack. She said the peacekeepers will remain in Sam-Ouandja and the mission is engaging with authorities to deploy national forces to the area, according to Dujarric.

The mineral-rich but impoverished Central African Republic has faced deadly intercommunal fighting since 2013, when predominantly Muslim Seleka rebels seized power and forced President Francois Bozize from office. Mostly Christian militias later fought back, also targeting civilians in the streets. Untold thousands were killed, and most of the capitals Muslims fled in fear.

A U.N. peacekeeping mission known as MINUSCA was deployed in 2014 and now has nearly 17,500 uniformed personnel in the country. Its mandate was extended for 12 months until November.

After the constitutional court rejected Bozizes candidacy to run for president in December 2020, President Faustin-Archange Touadera won a second term with 53% of the vote. But he continues to face opposition from a rebel coalition linked to Bozize.

Russian mercenaries from the Wagner Group, whose leader led a...


The Earth Was Covered In Mushrooms Before Trees Took Over "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


If we travel back 450 million years to the Ordovician Era, our net would capture the ancestors of millipedes and worms, but no other significant organisms. Yet, an intriguing sight would greet us.

The landscape would be dominated by 29-feet-tall (8m) trunks devoid of branches and leaves, towering over newly-evolved vascular plants.

These peculiar trunks, discovered as fossils worldwide, are now widely believed to be mushrooms. These are enormous fungal structures that mark the first appearance of giant land organisms from the kingdom of fungi.

The concept of a fungal forest often finds its way into fantasy and science fiction writing. Mushrooms, for various reasons, captivate the human eye and imagination. From Super Marios adventures in a mushroom-powered world to the stunning visual art in James Camerons Avatar, why settle for trees when mushrooms offer an alternative?

In 2008, a significant trunk-like fossil was unearthed in Saudi Arabia. This fossil, known as Prototaxite, provided further evidence supporting the hypothesis that these enigmatic ancient structures are indeed mushrooms. Since its initial discovery in 1843, Prototaxites has been labeled as lichens, algae, trees, and even rolled-up m...

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