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Saturday, 15 July


Bill Gates findet, das mit der "KI" sei schon OK. Er ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Bill Gates findet, das mit der "KI" sei schon OK. Er macht sich da wenig Sorgen.

Klar, SEIN Job wird dadurch nicht wegfallen, und wenn doch wird er nicht verhungern.

Im brigen kann man die negativen Auswirkungen schon irgendwie managen. Klar, genau wie wir die negativen Auswirkungen von Microsofts Softwarequalitts"standards" "managen", indem stndig alle gehackt werden.

Aus der beliebten Kategorie "you had ONE job", heute: ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Aus der beliebten Kategorie "you had ONE job", heute: Microsoft verkackt ihre Token-Authentisierung in der Cloud. Ein paar Chinesen konnten mit einem MSA-Key (das ist der fr "Microsoft Accounts", zu was man beim Windows-Aktivieren gentigt wird und was man nur mit Tricks vermeiden kann) ein Zertifikat flschen. Ein Zertifikat fr jemand anderen, und ein anderer Typ von Zertifikat.

Da fragt man sich, was die Leute eigentlich beruflich machen, die Microsoft Zertifikats-Handling-Code schreiben lsst. Da gibt es im Wesentlichen eine (EINE!) Anforderung. Und die verkacken sie mit Anlauf im Industriemastab.

The actor used an acquired MSA key to forge tokens to access OWA and MSA (consumer) keys and Azure AD (enterprise) keys are issued and managed from separate systems and should only be valid for their respective systems. The actor exploited a token validation issue to impersonate Azure AD users and gain access to enterprise mail.
Oh, soso, ein Token Validation Issue, ja? Ich finde ja, wenn du Tokens nicht sauber validierst, ist das ein System-Totalschaden, kein "issue", das man korrigiert und einfach weiterpfuscht.

In diesem Fall erfahren wir davon, weil es US-Regierungsbehrden betraf.

Als besonders abstoend empfinde ich auch das Krisen-PR-Neusprech, das Microsoft hier rausfurzt. Geradezu eine intellektuelle Beleidigung. Alle blichen Bullshit-Ausreden. Kein einziges "Entschuldigung, dass wir unser zentrales, fundamentales Cloud-Versprechen so dermaen groflchig verkackt haben".


Associated Press Poll Is Corporate Medias Latest Language-Twisting Exercise In Advancing Abortion Extremism "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

March For LifeCorporate media obscure Americans negative feelings about ending life in the womb, to advance the lefts abortion agenda.


INTERVIEW: Six of 10 children in Nigeria brought for DNA testing not fathered by supposed fathers Geneticist "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

From experience in DNA testings, most firstborns are not fathered by the husbands at home, because these ladies have a prior relationship before getting married. Most times, they continue with that relationship, they dont leave it after marriage Abiodun Salami is a senior geneticist with DNA Centre for Paternity Test, Allen Avenue in Ikeja, Lagos.

Continue reading INTERVIEW: Six of 10 children in Nigeria brought for DNA testing not fathered by supposed fathers  Geneticist


As the US-Israel relationship is questioned, its shared fictions remain strong "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and then Vice President Joe Biden talk on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2016. (Photo: Michel Euler/ AP)Tom Friedman created minor shockwaves when he wrote the Biden administration is "reassessing" the U.S.-Israeli relationship, but actual U.S. policy remains committed to Israel and the "shared fiction" that the occupation is temporary .


El movimiento Slow Food apoya en frica el poderoso acto poltico de la agricultura agroecolgica "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El amaranto rojo, que aporta un refuerzo protenico a las embarazadas; la planta araa, que podra tener la facultad de inhibir el crecimiento de las clulas cancergenas; y el caup, al parecer eficaz para tratar la diabetes y la hipertensin.

Estos son solo algunos de los productos frescos, como frutas, verduras, lcteos, carne, etc., vendidos por agricultores y ganaderos en un reciente Mercado de la Tierra en Nkokonjeru, un ncleo comercial situado al este de Kampala, la capital de Uganda. El mercado semanal (que en el momento de publicar el presente artculo se encuentra suspendido) permite a los agricultores locales vender directamente a los compradores sus productos agroecolgicos, en particular aquellos que estn en peligro de extincin, que son ms raros o autctonos.

Los Mercados de la Tierra fueron establecidos por todo este pas del frica oriental gracias a Slow Food, una organizacin comunitaria mundial que promueve los alimentos buenos, limpios y justos para todos. Fundada en 1989, esta red promueve la biodiversidad, el activismo alimentario y la conservacin de las tradiciones alimentarias locales, as como el cultivo de productos tradicionales que estn desapareciendo lentamente debido a la creciente homogenizacin de los alimentos. Con sede en Bra, al noroeste de Italia, Slow Food se est extendiendo por toda frica, y desde 2011 ha puesto en marcha ms de 3.600 huertos.

La impronta de Slow Food en frica se consolid el ao pasado, cuando la organizacin eligi a Edie Mukiibi, agricultor, activista alimentario y agrnomo ugands, de 36 aos de edad, como director de Slow Food a escala mundial.

Con el nombramiento de un joven agrnomo ugands para dirigir el movimiento, Slow Food ha querido llamar la atencin sobre el continente africano como expresin de las mayores contradicciones y retos medioambientales a los que se enfrenta la humanidad, explica Mukiibi a Equal Times. Segn l, tambin existe el deseo de reconocer los logros de la red africana con el nombramiento de un africano al ms alto nivel, desplazando as el peso del Norte al Sur.

Con la grave sequa en el Cuerno de frica, la inflacin mundial de los precios de los alimentos, la crisis de los cereales provocada por la guerra en Ucrania, las polifacticas repercusiones del cambio climtico, por no mencionar los persistentes efectos de la pandemia de coronavirus, se calcula que el 20% de la poblacin del frica subsahariana (cerca de 282 millones de personas) se enfrenta a inseguridad y desnutricin, ...


Hackaday Podcast 227: Open Source Software, Decoupling Caps, DIY VR "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Elliot Williams and Tom Nardi start this weeks episode by addressing the ongoing Red Hat drama and the trend towards renting software. The discussion then shifts to homebrew VR gear, a particularly impressive solar-powered speaker, and some promising developments in the world of low-cost thermal cameras. Stay tuned to hear about color-changing breadboards, an unofficial logo for repairable hardware, and five lines of Bash that aim to unseat the entrenched power of Slack. Finally, well take the first steps in an epic deep-dive into the world of DisplayPort, and take a journey of the imagination aboard an experimental nuclear ocean liner.

Check out the complete show notes below, and as always, let us know what you think in the comments.

Or download the episode directly in glorious DRM-free MP3...


Inicia campaa de solidaridad por la libertad del defensor binniz David Hernndez "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. El prximo 20 de julio se llevar a cabo la audiencia intermedia del defensor binniz David Hernndez Salazar, inculpado de delitos prefabricados por su labor como representante y vocero de Puente Madera, Oaxaca, por lo que la Asamblea Comunitaria de la comunidad y la Asamblea de los Pueblos Indgenas del Istmo en Defensa de la Tierra y el Territorio (APIIDTT) iniciaron una campaa de solidaridad para su libertad.

Hernndez Salazar forma parte de la defensa del territorio binniz de Puente Madera y particip en la lucha contra la extraccin de material ptreo en el Cerro Ig en 2017, contra la Subestacin Elctrica de la Secretara de Defensa Nacional (Sedena) en las tierras de uso comunal del monte El Pitayal y actualmente contra la imposicin de un parque industrial del Corredor Transstmico en el mismo cerro.

Dentro de la carpeta de investigacin de Hernndez Salazar y con los mismo delitos fabricados, se acusa a otros 17 habitantes ms de la comunidades, que tiene orden de aprehensin, indicaron la Asamblea Comunitaria de Puente Madera y la APIIDTT.

Las asambleas explicaron que la criminalizacin contra los defensores binniz inici desde mayo de 2021, meses despus de que se reactivara la lucha por la imposicin del parque industrial en El Pitayal, con denuncias penales por parte de la Secretara de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT) y el municipio de San Blas Atempa.

A partir de esta fecha al da de hoy, existe una campaa de difamacin, hostigamientos y amenazas contra David, los habitantes de Puente Madera y la APIIDTT, por parte de los tres niveles de gobierno, instituciones, organizaciones partidistas, polticos y empresarios con inters en la instalacin del PODEBI (Polo de Desarrollo para el Bienestar), precisaron.

Por ello, iniciaron una campaa de solidaridad para visibilizar el caso de Hernndez Salazar y los 17 comuneros con rdenes de aprehensin previo a la audiencia intermedia del 20 de julio, as como para reunir fondos que sostengan la defensa legal, al requerir de abogados penalistas especializados y peritajes en diversos campos, as como para sostener el amparo en curso, que salvaguarde la libertad de los otros 17 habitantes de Puente Madera y los gastos que se requieren al abrirse los juicios individuales.

A continuacin el comunicado completo:

El prximo 20 de Julio, se llevar a cabo la audiencia intermedia, de nuestro compaero David Hernandez Salazar, a quien se inculpa y fabrican diversos delitos, con la finalidad de privarlo ilegalmente de su libertad, y de esa manera detener su labor como representante y vocero de la Comunidad Indgena Binniza de Puente Madera, dentro de est carpeta de investigacin y con los mismo delitos fabricados, se acusa a otros 17 habitantes ms de la comunidades, que tiene orden de aprehensin.

David Hernndez Salazar, es Agente Municipal Comunitario...


Military alliances like NATO wont solve our greatest security threat "IndyWatch Feed"

Things may look rosy for NATO today, but climate breakdown, not wars, are the biggest threat to global security


Nigeria security report June 2023 By Beacon intel "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

OVERVIEW The Beacon atmospherics platforms continue to monitor the fluid security threat levels in the different geopolitical regions of the country associated mainly with the activities of non-state armed groups (NSAGs) and criminal gangs including Islamist terror groups with international affiliations in mainly the North East and the Lake Chad Basin, separatists in the South

Continue reading Nigeria security report June 2023 By Beacon intel


ClimateTV LIVE at 1PM ET CLINTEL Exposes The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The International Panel on Climate Changes (IPCC) sixth assessment report serves as the justification for many politicians to try and pass increasingly restrictive laws on society in the name of

The post ClimateTV LIVE at 1PM ET CLINTEL Exposes The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Please Support Moon of Alabama "IndyWatch Feed War"

This post is currently pinned to the top. Please scroll down for fresh content. Dear Readers, twice a year I ask for your help to keep Moon of Alabama going. Most of you who come here value our analyses. Others...


Popular aquarium fish from Thailand and Myanmar is new-to-science species "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

With their bright orange tails and elongated snouts, redtail garras are a popular aquarium fish. Yet while these fish have graced aquariums for decades, information about their biology has been hard to find because they were just recently described by science. During his fieldwork, Larry Page, a curator at the Florida Museum of Natural History, found a few redtail garras (Garra panitvongi) limited to a small section of the Kasat River on the border between Thailand and Myanmar. Their habitat is isolated and hard to reach, so, despite being a globally recognized aquarium fish, redtail garras are rather obscure in the wild. When we first collected specimens, we thought it must be widespread in Myanmar because of its popularity in the aquarium trade, Page said. But it turns out its not. Its only in the Ataran River Basin. (A) The type of habitat where the redtail garra is found. (B) Redtail garra in their home in the Kasat River, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand. Photos in B by Nonn Panitvong. Populations of redtail garra have only been found where we see the black dot on the map, in a  river basin that crosses the border between Thailand and Myanmar. Image by Tangjitjaroen et al. (2023) CC BY. The official description of the redtail garra has now been published in the journal Zootaxa. This new species adds to the nearly 200 species of fish in the Garra genus, one of the most widely distributed globally. Garras are found from the Middle East to India, WestThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Link "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Another episode of fear and loathing in Vilnius, as Zelensky gets scolded by his western paymasters for being unappreciative. Meanwhile, Marcon is caught sending cruise missiles to Ukraine before he announced it in public, as NATOs proxy war against Russia in Ukraine continues to go from bad to worse. We also review Scott Ritters explosive new investigative series Agent Zelensky and British MI6 role in handling their asset, the Ukraine comedy actor turned president. Also, once again, the BBC appear have been caught working with terrorists in their documentary designed to demonize the Syria government and keep brutal western sanctions in place. All this and more. Watch: 

Hosts Mike Robinson, Patrick Henningsen and guest Vanessa Beeley with the end of week news round-up. Watch: 

Tune into the UKs premier alternative media news program with hosts Mike Robinson, Brian Gerrish, Patrick Henningsen, David Scott and Alex Thomson. Watch the UK Column News LIVE every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 1pm UK time at

Also, watch all news programs later at their archive here.




A Cuppa For Conquest: UK Military Aid To Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Calibre Obscura
Since February 2022, the United Kingdom has committed over 4.6 billion in military assistance to Ukraine. [1] The following list attempts to keep track of military equipment delivered or pledged to Ukraine by the United Kingdom during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The entries below are sorted by armament category (with a flag denoting the country of origin), and due to the confidential nature of the UK's arms deliveries they can serve only as a lower bound to the total volume delivered. Private purchases from British defence companies are not included in this list. This list is updated as further military support is uncovered.
(Click on the vehicle or equipment type to get a picture of them)

Air-Launched Cruise Missiles

  • United Kingdom Storm Shadows [Before May 2023] (Employed by Su-24 strike aircraft)

Surface-To-Surface Missiles (600+)


Pentagon Dragging Its Feet Over F-16 Gifts To Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

Pushed by the weapon industry the U.S. Defense Department is dragging its feet over the delivery of F-16 airplanes to Ukraine: Pentagon: Ukraine battlefield situation currently 'not ideal' for F-16 deployment The battlefield conditions in Ukraine are currently "not ideal"...


US could stop Ukraine conflict instantly Hungary "IndyWatch Feed War"

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the NATO summit in Lithuania Beata Zawrzel / NurPhoto via Getty Images
RT | July 14, 2023

The US wants the conflict in Ukraine to continue and has failed to explain its reasons to NATO allies, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said.

Orban told national broadcaster Kossuth Radio that if Washington wished, it could stop the fighting at a moments notice, as Kiev is fully dependent on the West in the fight against Russia.

The Hungarian leader was speaking on Friday morning, after returning from the NATO summit in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius. During the event, the US-led military bloc declined to extend to Kiev a roadmap for membership. Hungary has stood out among members of the alliance by consistently criticizing Western policies on the Ukraine crisis.

If the Americans wanted it, peace would come the next morning. Why Americans dont want that is a question that puzzles the entire world, Orban said. We didnt get an answer at the NATO summit.

At this point, Ukraine has lost any real sovereignty, Orban claimed, citing Kievs devastated economy, and heavy depende...


"So... Whaddya Gonna Do? Yeah... Uh Huh... Whaddya Gonna Do? Well... Never Fear, My Friends... It Ebbs and It Flows." "IndyWatch Feed World"

 God Poet Transmitting in Jeremiad Extemporania.......

All of the terms... pronouns... sexual fantasies of non-existent identities... come out of The Ego. The flames of ego are fanned by social media, and given a sense of desperation by the masses of people pressed together, and striving to be noticed and identified apart from the mass. Look at me! Am I not spechul?

I am so beautiful to me. Why can't they see... eee... eee? I'm everything I ever hoped for. I'm everything I need, 'cause I am so bea-you-ti-ful to meeeeee!

You can see an ancillary offshoot of this sort of derangement done in real-time by someone with no time.

So... I start thinking. Let me count the ways; The Killer Vaccines direct mainlining of The Protocols... Insanity... sexual perversity... The pending war in Ukraine... absolute marrow-deep stupidity... addictions to form... bad diet... impotent rage directed inward... endless insatiable wanting... bad parenting and poor self-control. These are only a few of the causes of societal dysfunction that jumped out at me.

these are a few of the obvious things

For whatever the reason, the population numbers are going to be dropping. Large amounts of people will die when those who presently feed the rest of The World have to be concerned with feeding themselves.

Why? Why is all of this happening? Why are our leaders losing their minds? Why are people so mean and selfish? It's quite simple. When you turn away from God because survival is now an afterthought... all the blessings that come with God... that are often not associated with God... they go away too.

Materialism is what interposes itself between you and God. The Mind is drawn outward to multiplicities of form and desire. What you see... you covet; to paraphrase Hannibal Lecter. When one relies too much on outward things, self-reliance goes by the wayside. When immediate gratification becomes a driving force, self-control goes out the window.

It's all the product of Bad Parenting you... who are out on the road... must have a code... that you can live by People started to get fat and lazy in the 50s....


Quantum drive that draws limitless power from Sun will fly to orbit this year "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

IVO Ltd. believes its new Quantum Drive defies the laws of motion, and it aims to put it to the test by sending it to orbit on a SpaceX rocket.

US company IVO Ltd., a wireless power technology firm, is set to send an all-electric propulsion system for satellites to space for the first time in October.

The IVO Quantum Drive system was due to launch atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket as part of the rideshare mission Transporter 8 in June. However, delays in developing the companys prototype led IVO to opt for sending their technology to space aboard SpaceXs Transporter 9 later this year.


Scientist protects crafts from space debris in the Earth-Moon region "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A Purdue University engineer is exploring how to spot and track all human-made objects and predict the impact of their potential damage in the Cislunar region.

To protect new craft from being hit by such space waste, Purdue University engineer Carolin Frueh is exploring how to spot and keep track of all human-made objects and predict the impact of their potential damage in this Earth-Moon neighborhood, called the Cislunar region.

Space is crowded. Particularly the region between Earth and the Moon. That part is full of space debris.

This is according to a press release by the institution published on Wednesday.


NASA begins tests on most powerful solar electric propulsion thrusters "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The thrusters will play an important role on NASAs Gateway, the outpost orbiting the Moon.

Engineers from NASA and Aerojet Rocketdyne have begun the multiyear qualification testing of the most powerful solar electric propulsion (SEP) thrusters, which are expected to radically change propulsion in space, a press release from the space agency said.

For decades, space research has relied on chemical propulsion to generate millions of pounds of thrust and has attempted to make bigger and more powerful rockets to take us further in our space voyages. While this is a standard even with the most advanced methane-powered rocket engines, it is not necessarily the most efficient way to move about in space.


At 100 nautical miles, this battery-powered hydrofoil boat offers worlds longest range "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The purpose-built 35ft electric flying boat also offers a top speed of 22 knots.

How do you make an electric boat go faster and further on a single charge? Either you fit a more powerful battery that usually increases the weight, making it counterproductive, or use a hydrofoil system to reduce drag.

The SpiritBARTech35EF is a product of UK-based boat design More.


SpiritBARTech35EF has found an ideal solution to this by utilizing both to derive the longest range for an electric yacht at 100 nautical miles (115 miles/185 km) and a top speed of 22 knots (25 mph/41 km/h) once it is flying. The purpose-built 35ft electric flying boat also features a trio of active retractable foils to help minimize drag.


Venus Stargazer: Hypersonic jet could reach Tokyo from San Francisco in just one hour "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Venus Aerospace.

Planned to travel at Mach 9, the new craft should be able to transport 12 passengers between San Francisco to Tokyo in just one hour. Thats eleven times faster than a typical long-haul flight today.


Self-taught AI is best yet at strategy game Go "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Year 2017

Artificial-intelligence program AlphaGo Zero trained in just days, without any human input.


DeepMind Launches Self-Improving AI Model "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Googles DeepMind has revealed an AI model capable of teaching itself without human intervention. Find out more.


A new method might enable the mass generation of fusion energy "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Scientists achieved ignition at the National Ignition Facility at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in December 2022. However, there are still many obstacles to overcome before fusion energy is technically and economically feasible for widespread production and use.

Researchers at the University of Rochesters Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) have, for the first time, experimentally demonstrated a method called dynamic shell formation, which may help achieve the goal of creating a fusion power plant.


Fractional quantum Hall state appears in ultracold atoms "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Physicists at Harvard University in the US have created a novel strongly interacting quantum liquid known as a Laughlin state in a gas of ultracold atoms for the first time. The state, which is an example of a fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state, had previously been seen in condensed-matter systems and in photons, but observations in atoms had been elusive due to stringent experimental requirements. Because atomic systems are simpler than their condensed-matter counterparts, the result could lead to fresh insights into fundamental physics.

Some of the most intriguing phenomena in condensed-matter physics emerge when you confine electrons in two dimensions and apply a strong magnetic field, explains Julian Lonard, a postdoctoral researcher in the Rubidium Lab at Harvard and the lead author of a paper in Nature on the new work. For example, the particles can behave collectively as if they have a charge that is only a fraction of the elementary charge something that does not occur anywhere else in nature and is even ruled out by the Standard Model for all fundamental particles.

The way in which such fractional charges arise is still not fully understood because it is difficult to study solid-state systems at an atomic scale. This is why it is so desirable to study the behaviour of FQHs in synthetic quantum systems such as cold atoms, which act as quantum simulators for more complex condensed-matter phenomena.


Flying electric car takes off in the US as CEO discusses industrys future [Video] "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Flying cars are becoming closer to reality than what sci-fi movies may lead you to believe. Another electric flying car took flight this week in the US. CEO Doron Merdinger of Miami-based Doroni Aerospace successfully piloted a two-seater personal vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft that fits in your garage.

Electric flying cars are all of a sudden taking the US by storm. Last month, California-based Alef Aeronautics revealed its 100% electric flying car, Model A, the first of its kind to receive legal approval to fly from the US government.

According to Alef, the Model A has a 200-mile driving range and can fly for 110 miles. The company says it had gathered over 440 orders for its $300K electric flying car within three months.


Linux 6.6 Will Make It Easy To Disable IO_uring System-Wide "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While IO_uring has been one of the most interesting kernel innovations of recent years and can allow for great speed-ups to async I/O, there have been some security concerns and with the Linux 6.6 kernel it will be easier for Linux administrators to disable it system-wide if so desired...


Hiplito Mora y Autodefensas: Que mi muerte no sea en vano "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Con una muy profunda emocin de ver a los pobladores de Atenco con sus tierras del ex aeropuerto restituidas!

En el artculo anterior, reflexionbamos acerca del asesinato de Teresa Magueyal en Celaya, y los violentos ataques armados de la ORCAO contra la comunidad zapatista de Moiss Gandhi, en el crucero de Cuxulh, Ocosingo. Ahora, nos toca referirnos al brutal asesinato del lder moral y material de las autodefensas michoacanas -desde el 2013-, Hiplito Mora, junto a tres escoltas, acaecido el pasado 29 de junio en La Ruana, municipio de Buenavista, muy cerca de su casa. A la desaparicin e igualmente brutal asesinato del corresponsal de La Jornada en Nayarit, Luis Snchez, el 7 de julio. Al refugio como domicilio en un cuartel militar que tuvo que pedir la alcaldesa de Tijuana, desde finales de junio, por ataques armados a ella y sus escoltas.

Estas cinco vctimas e identidades sociales corresponden a los principales sujetos sociales hacia los cuales se dirige el exterminio selectivo en Mxico en la ltima dcada: activistas sociales y comunidades defensoras del territorio, la seguridad comunitaria y los recursos naturales; buscadoras de desaparecidos; periodistas; autoridades o candidatos polticos. Vemos as cmo ambos exterminios, el masivo y el selectivo, no cesan ante el contubernio entre el delito organizado, parte del poder econmico y poltico -sobre todo local y estatal-, fuerzas con armas legales e ilegales, y parte de la sociedad civil empleada. A su vez, no decimos esto con afn de contribuir a la permanente y cada vez ms violenta campaa meditica y poltica de infantilizacin social y aterrorizamiento ciudadano, que la oposicin en Mxico ha escogido como estrategia central de su guerra sucia para lograr el poder en 2024.

Michoacn fue elegido por los expresidentes Caldern para declarar la ms que catastrfica, falsa y fallida guerra al narco (enero 2007), y por Pea Nieto para su experimento -importado con Naranjo y Uribe desde Colombia- de las autodefensas, que con el contubernio de su delegado-virrey plenipotenciario, Alfredo del Castillo, las penetr y cop de delito organizado, hasta convertir a muchas en nuevas bandas delincuenciales. En febrero del 2013, encabezadas por dos personajes de mucha fuerza moral regional: el Dr. Jos Manuel Mireles en Tepalcatepec e Hiplito Mora en La Ruana, se crearon las autodefensas bajo el Grito Masivo de Indignacin Moral y Material Ya no!. Fue un Grito nacional ms, despus del Ya basta zapatista de enero 1994; del Estamos hasta la madre de Javier Sicilia y las familiares de desaparecidos en el pas de abril del 2011; del #Yo Soy 132 estudiantil de mayo del 2012; y antes del Fue el Estado de los padres y madres de los 43 estudiantes normalistas de Ayotzinapa, desaparecidos en Iguala a finales de septiembre del 2014.

Hiplito Mora, despus de la muerte por enfermedad de Mireles, representaba el mayor lidera...


Syria Outmaneuvers 'West', Regains Legitimacy "IndyWatch Feed War"

Since 2014 the United Nations delivered humanitarian supplies to the al-Qaeda infested north-western 'rebel' region in Syria (marked green on the map below). A UN Security Council decision provided the necessary backing. Coming from Turkey the UN convoys passed mostly...

Drone Crashes Close to Kursk Nuclear Plant, No Damage Reported "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sputnik 14.07.2023

VORONEZH, Russia A drone crashed in the Russian town of Kurchatov a few kilometers from the Kursk NPP, no one was injured and no critical facilities were damaged, Kursk Region Governor Roman Starovoit said Friday.

At night, a UAV crashed in the town of Kurchatov. Fortunately, none of the residents were hurt. Critical objects were not damaged as a result of the drones crash and its subsequent detonation, Starovoit wrote in his social media account.

According to available information, an aircraft-type drone that exploded near a residential building in the city Kurchatov fell a few kilometers from the Kursk NPP. The head of Rosatom Russian atomic agency assured that all measures to ensure the safety of Russian nuclear power plants had been taken, and the situation is under control.

Earlier, in April, a drone attack on the Kursk NPP was repelled by air defense forces.

Another three drones were intercepted by air defenses in the Voronezh Region on Thursday, governor Alexander Gusev said.

Yesterday, air defense systems detected and destroyed three UAVs several kilometers off Voronezh. There are no victims, injured or destruction. I keep the situation under personal control, Gusev wrote on Telegram on Friday.

Kremlin Slams Ukrainian Drone Attack

Ukraine does not stop attempts to strike, but Russian air defense systems are working effectively, appropriate measures are being taken, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on the situation.

Well, it is obvious that the enemy does not give up attempts to strike. But all our air defense systems are working, working efficiently, demonstrating their effectiveness over and over again, and appropriate measures are being taken, Peskov told reporters.


INTERVIEW: Matthew Lee US Court Free Speech Ruling + J6 Kangaroo Court "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on July 7, 2023, Patrick talks with Matthew Russell Lee from Inner City Press and author of, Maximum Maxwell: The Narrow Prosecution  From UN Collusion to Five Guilty Verdicts, Impunity on Trial, about some big cases in the US courts, including Louisianas recent ruling against the Biden White House which curtails the Administrations ability to censor free speech on social media, also the Stalinist show trials of the alleged January 6th insurrectionists, a well as the latest sordid UN scandal, a new low, as if thats even possible. All this and more. Listen:

More from Matt Lee:

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):




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U.S. Federal Debt Interest Payments About To Hit $1 Trillion "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: ZeroHedge: interest payments on total US debt of $32.3 trillion would hit $1.3 trillion within 12 months, potentially making interest on the debt the single biggest US government expenditure and surpassing social security!


SpaceX Starlink Satellites Collision-Avoidance Maneuvers Growing Exponentially "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: Space: Staggering growth in Starlink collision-avoidance maneuvers in the past six months is sparking concerns over the long-term sustainability of satellite operations as thousands of new spacecraft are poised to launch into orbit in the coming years. The steep increase in the number of maneuvers worries experts because it follows an exponential curve, []


Detenciones en Jujuy: Hay cosas que no se vean desde el Apagn de Ledesma "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Susi Maresca

En la cuarta semana de cortes y marchas contra la reforma constitucional del gobernador Gerardo Morales, se ordenaron 22 detenciones a personas que participan de las protestas en Humahuaca. La asamblea del Tercer Maln de la Paz exigi la liberacin de los detenidos y el fin del hostigamiento. Testimonio de un comunero de la comunidad Ocumazo del Pueblo Humahuaca e integrante de la Red Puna.

En Jujuy se sostienen doce cortes en diversas rutas para manifestarse contra la reforma constitucional del gobernador Gerardo Morales y oponerse al avance extractivista sobre los bienes comunes. Daniel Argamonte, de la comunidad Ocumazo del Pueblo Humahuaca e integrante de la Red Puna, advierte que hay mucha plata de por medio y el acuerdo es saquear los recursos naturales. Para eso, Morales hizo el cambio en la Constitucin y se asegur de tener el aval para sacar los recursos mineros de la provincia, denuncia Argamonte y anticipa el avance sobre territorios indgenas para hacer uso de los recursos mineros y del agua. Tras cuatro semanas de protesta, anoche se registraron detenciones contra personas de Humahuaca, algunas de ellas fueron detenidas sin que la Polica de Jujuy informara sobre su paradero.

La reforma del gobierno jujeo, en acuerdo con el Partido Justicialista, pone en jaque la propiedad comunitaria de la tierra. El ao pasado, en una visita que hizo el gobierno provincial a Salinas Grandes uno de los mayores yacimientos de litio de Jujuy, junto al Salar de Olaroz la gente lo repudi y dijo que no estaba de acuerdo con la extraccin de litio. Sin embargo, el Gobierno dice que las comunidades s estamos de acuerdo y que hay gente que viene de afuera a engaarnos para que nos opongamos, denuncia el integrante de la comunidad Ocumazo desde el corte que la asamblea del Tercer Maln de la Paz mantiene en Purmamarca.

Los proyectos extractivistas implican represin en los territorios, criminalizacin de la protesta y estigmatizacin de las personas que se oponen a los proyectos extractivos. Anoche, el Juzgado de Control en lo Penal Econmico y Delitos contra la Administracin de Jujuy dict rdenes de detencin contra 22 personas que viven en Humahuaca y participaron de las protestas. En la previa, las asambleas recomendaron mantenerlas en un lugar seguro y fuera del alcance de las fuerzas de seguridad, dado que no hay garantas de tratamiento imparcial y libre de injerencias polticas.

Mientras en Humahuaca ocurran las detenciones, la asamblea de...


James Webb Space Telescope marks 1st year of science with marvelous new image "IndyWatch Feed World"

NASA is celebrating the first year of the international James Webb Space Telescope's scientific operations with the release of a beautiful new image. The agency released the $10 billion-dollar observatory's snapshot of a small star-forming region in the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex. It is the nearest star-forming region to Earth, and its proximity at 390 light-years allows for a detailed shot. There are no foreground stars in the intervening space. The region contains approximately 50 young stars, all of which are similar in mass to our sun - or smaller.


Desde un centenar hasta 35 mil: las cifras de la desaparicin de migrantes "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El subregistro de personas migrantes desaparecidas, un problema que reconoce la Comisin Nacional de Bsqueda, no se ha resuelto a cuatro aos de la creacin del registro federal. Diversos factores impiden su solucin

A cuatro aos de la creacin del Registro Nacional de Personas Desaparecidas y No Localizadas (RNPDNO) no existe claridad sobre el nmero de personas migrantes desaparecidas en Mxico. Segn la fuente que se consulte, las cifras oscilan desde poco ms de un centenar hasta 35,000 personas, lo que complica el proceso de bsqueda e impide visibilizar el alcance de la desaparicin de migrantes en el pas. 

No hay datos exactos de cuntas personas estn desaparecidas desde hace muchos aos. La Comisin Nacional de Bsqueda [CNB, que gestiona el RNPDNO] no tiene un registro claro porque no quieren reconocer que en Mxico estn desaparecidas las personas migrantes, y esa ha sido nuestra exigencia, dice en entrevista Ana Enamorado, activista y madre hondurea que busca a su hijo en Mxico desde hace ms de diez aos.

Al revisar los datos del RNPDNO bajo la categora de Migrantes desaparecidos, de 2008  ao en que repunta la violencia en el pas por el combate al narcotrfico al primer semestre de 2023, el registro arroja 122 casos de personas provenientes principalmente de Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Estados Unidos y Mxico, la mayora hombres (72.99 por ciento). El registro incluye a cinco nias de menos de 10 aos y a 13 menores de entre 10 y 20 aos. El nmero asciende a 137 si se suman las personas inscritas como no localizadas.

Estas cifras contrastan con las de organizaciones como la Federacin Mexicana de Organismos Pblicos de Derechos Humanos, que el ao pasado contabiliz 2,000 personas migrantes reportadas como desaparecidas por sus familiares en los ltimos 20 aos; el Comit de Familiares de Migrantes Desaparecidos Amor y Fe, que registr 1,414 casos de Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala de 2000 a 2022, y el Comit de Familiares de Migrantes Desaparecidos de El Progreso (Cofamipro), con 1,600 casos atendidos de 2012 a 2020.

El gobierno mexicano tambin maneja cifras distintas. En mayo de 2022, la senadora Olga Snchez Cordero reconoci que hasta esa fecha haba estimaciones de 35,000 personas migrantes desaparecidas. En contraste, el pasado 17 de marzo, Anglica Neiszer Lujano, directora de Bsqueda de Migrantes en la CNB, afirm en  un foro regional sobre desapariciones, convocado por la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos en Amrica Central, que actualmente hay 1,400 personas migrantes desaparecidas en su trnsito hacia Estados Unidos, sin aclarar el marco temporal. No qu...


BlueVoyant MXDR for Splunk empowers users to identify security threats "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

BlueVoyant announced MXDR for Splunk, enabling clients to maximize their security investment, expedite implementation, and streamline threat detection. The new service integrates Splunk SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) capabilities with supported EDR partner expertise to provide a cloud-native, fully integrated security solution enabling risk illumination, alert validation through multiple sources as well as remediation across multiple platforms including endpoint, IoT, cloud workloads, and networks. BlueVoyants next generation content allows for rapid updates to meet More

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A New American Axis of Influence Is Building a Wall But Not the One You Think "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The US has a long history of affronts to democracy dressed up as patriotism. Now, a new movement, with a singular agenda, has taken up the anti-democracy cudgel.


This latest axis of influence consists of three separate groups: The Federalist Society (conservative judges), the NRA (gun rights), and evangelicals (abortion/contraception prohibition). Simply put, the gavel, guns, and God brigade is flag-waving Old Glory in what appears to be an effort to subvert American democracy.


Each wing of this shadow coalition has donned the cloak of an oppressed patriot to invent existential threats to the country, and cast anyone who disagrees as a traitor to America. The effect has plunged a divided country into a toxic public discourse and led directly to an attack on the very seat of the democracy these self-described patriots proclaim to be defending, the US Capitol.


The roots of this scheme appear to snake down directly into Karl Roves Base Strategy Playbook. They were perfectly articulated by Richard Nixons vice president, Spiro Agnew who claimed the president was being persecuted by a small and unelected elite. The theme is revived in todays GOPs claims of being persecuted by elite pedophiles...


Students 3D Print Low Cost Braille Keypad "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Numerical keypads are common entry devices for everything from home security systems to phones and more. Unfortunately, a great deal of them are difficult to use if youre visually impaired. This high-contrast Braille keypad aims to solve those issues with simple design choices.

The keypad was developed as a school project by students [Nicholas Nguyen] and [Daniel Wang]. It uses a regular layout, with 1 at the top left and 9 at the bottom right. The keypad itself is 3D printed with large buttons for easier use. Each button has its numeral inlaid on the face which allows it to be easily filled in with paint for high-contrast readability.

The real neat feature, though, is that each individual button features its relevant number in Braille. The pips are directly 3D printed into the shape of each button. For those that familiar with the tactile writing system, this makes the keypad much easier to use. It obviates the need to guess at the keypads orientation, and were honestly surprised we dont see this on more devices out in the wild.

Weve featured a variety of neat Braille hacks over the years, including this nea...


Critical Security Flaws Uncovered in Honeywell Experion DCS and QuickBlox Services "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Multiple security vulnerabilities have been discovered in various services, including Honeywell Experion distributed control system (DCS) and QuickBlox, that, if successfully exploited, could result in severe compromise of affected systems. Dubbed Crit.IX, the nine flaws in the Honeywell Experion DCS platform allow for "unauthorized remote code execution, which means an attacker would have


Oligarchs UK office had bank accounts frozen after openDemocracy revelations "IndyWatch Feed"

Action came shortly after we revealed ex-Arsenal shareholder Alisher Usmanov could still profit from London firm


[$] The proper time to split struct page "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The page structure sits at the core of the kernel's memory-management subsystem; one such structure exists for every page of installed RAM. This structure is increasingly seen as a problem, though, and phasing it out is one of the many side projects associated with the folio conversion. One step in that direction is currently meeting some pushback from memory-management developers, though, who think that some of these changes are coming too soon.


Slugger TV talks with Doug Beatte "IndyWatch Feed"

Slugger TV 14th July 2023 from Northern Visions NvTv on Vimeo

UUP Leader, Doug Beattie chats with me about pacts, unionism and the future of the UUP.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Uganda announces ban on timber exports KAMPALA The Ugandan government has banned the export of timber from the East African country. In a directive issued at the end of June, President Yoweri Museveni pointed to indiscriminate harvesting of public and private forests across the country under pretext of exporting timber, and revoked all licenses and permits issued for this purpose. Environmental activist Eddie Mukiibi told Mongabay he supports the decision. He said that the countrys forest management agency is failing to regulate a growing timber industry. The sad reality is that National Forestry Authority is involved in giving out land in former natural forest for pine and eucalyptus growing for export and the EU-funded Sawlog Production Grant propelled this impact, Mukiibi said. Mukiibi, who is the president of Slow Food International and an agroecological farmer, said that while the ban is a start, timber exports are not the leading cause of deforestation in the country. President Museveni should also know that the leading cause of deforestation of natural forests in Uganda is the extension of monocultural sugarcane plantations. A case of Mabira and Bugoma forests, these are not cleared for timber export. They have been massively cleared for sugarcane growing and sugar exports. The timber is a byproduct of agribusiness-based deforestation. From 2002 to 2022, Uganda lost 75,000 hectares (185,000 acres) of humid primary forest, according to forest monitoring group Global Forest Watch. Men sawing wood into planks in Uganda. Image by Douglas Sheil/CIFOR via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).This article was originally published on Mongabay


AMD Working To Allow Linux To Handle Up To 128 DRM Devices Per System "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AMD Linux engineers are working on extending the Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) subsystem used by their GPUs/accelerators to allow up to 128 DRM devices per system...


Is Turkeys Alliance with Russia in Jeopardy? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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NATO Is Malicious Poison Former Australian PM "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Is Washington Begging for a Preemptive Nuclear Attack From Russia? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Globalists Are Making Really Big Moves Which Would Fundamentally Change How Our Society Operates "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Not Weaponized? Biden DOJ Indicts Whistleblower Prepared To Testify Against Biden Family "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Baltic Sea Labelled NATO Lake After Summit in Vilnius "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Cambodian Premier Reminds Ukraine of the Horrors of Cluster Bombs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Cuba Rejects Presence of U.S. Nuclear Submarine in Guantanamo Bay. Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Teleskope launches AI-based data protection platform "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Teleskope has launched a data protection platform that automates data security, privacy, and compliance at scale, helping organizations comply with regulations like GDPR and CCPA, and reduce the manual and operation burden on security, data, and engineering teams. The company raised $2.2 million in pre-seed funding led by Lerer Hippeau. Unlike typical Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) approaches that often result in alert fatigue due to valuable time wasted on false positives, Teleskope uses artificial More

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Vagal Toning Secrets for Mind-Body Healing Free Online Event "IndyWatch Feed World"

Do you long to live a life that aligns with your true self? Do you yearn for deep healing of trauma or pain that has been with you for years so you can create your ideal life? Its within your reach to achieve a state of inner peace and emotional wellbeing, free of the underlying []

The post Vagal Toning Secrets for Mind-Body Healing Free Online Event first appeared on Wake Up World.


UK Home Office denies Palestinian children entry visas for Bolton visit "IndyWatch Feed War"

UK Home Office denies Palestinian children entry visas for Bolton visit

Palestinian students aged between 11 and 17, many of whom had visited UK before, denied entry to Britain
MEE staff Fri, 07/14/2023 - 15:00
UK border signage is pictured at the passport control in Arrivals in Terminal 2 at Heathrow Airport in London, 16 July 2019 (AFP)

The UK's Home Office has denied a group of Palestinian schoolchildren entry visas to visit the English town of Bolton as part of an initiative led by a local schoolteacher.

The children are from the Askar refugee camp in the north of the occupied West Bank, whose residents' grandparents were expelled or fled in 1948 from towns and villages inside what is now Israel.

The students are aged between 11 and 17 years-old, according to the Bolton News, and some of them had already visited the town and the northwest of England a number of times as part of previous organised trips.

The teacher who helped plan the trip, Julia Simpkins, who is also secretary of the Bolton branch of the National Union of Teachers (NUT), said the Palestinian children were regular visitors to the town.

"The reason they gave for not giving them the visas is that they say they werent sure that they would return home at the end of the visit," she told the Bolton News.



This Week in Security: Apples 0-day, Microsofts Mess, and More "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

First up, Apple issued an emergency patch, then yanked, and re-issued it. The problem was a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in WebKit the basis of Apples cross-platform web browser. The downside of a shared code base,is that bugs too are write-once, exploit-anywhere. And with Apples walled garden insisting that every browser on iOS actually run WebKit under the hood, theres not much relief without a patch like this one.

The vulnerability in question, CVE-2023-37450, is a bit light on further details except to say that its known to be exploited in the wild. The first fix also bumped the browsers user-agent string, adding an (a) to denote the minor update. This was apparently enough to break some brittle user-agent detection code on popular websites, resulting in an unhelpful This web browser is no longer supported message. The second patch gets rid of the notification.

Microsoft Loses It

Microsoft has announced that on May 15th, an attack from Storm-0558 managed to breach the email accounts of roughly 25 customers. This was pulled off via &...

Friday, 14 July


Rep. Matt Gaetz Joins Bipartisan Push to Stop Biden From Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Globalists Suggest Finance Shock And Climate Controls To Launch Their Great Reset "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Brandon Smith At the end of June government leaders and think-tank power brokers from around the world met at the Summit for a New...

Globalists Suggest Finance Shock And Climate Controls To Launch Their Great Reset


Security updates for Friday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (lemonldap-ng and php-dompdf), Red Hat (.NET 6.0, .NET 7.0, firefox, and thunderbird), Scientific Linux (firefox and thunderbird), SUSE (ghostscript, installation-images, kernel, php7, python, and python-Django), and Ubuntu (linux-azure, linux-gcp, linux-ibm, linux-oracle, mozjs102, postgresql-9.5, and tiff).


COSMIC Desktop Implements Fractional Scaling, Wallpaper Settings "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

System76 developers working on their Rust-written COSMIC desktop have recently been improving a number of areas of this open-source desktop...


Indigenous Youth Media Workshop -- The Power of Voice and Image -- Native High School Students Report "IndyWatch Feed War"

.Indigenous Youth Media Workshop: The Power of Voice and Image, Native High School Students ReportBy Brenda Norrell, Censored News, July 13, 2023The Indigenous Youth Media Workshop video reveals the great work by Native high school students, telling the story of cancer from uranium mining and Dine' struggling to find treatment, the struggle to rename a sacred mountain, the gifts of river rafting,


Hate Crime at the Brady Landfill Barricade "IndyWatch Feed War"

Photo Travis Golby CBCJohn Sitarek said on Twitter, "Members of Camp Morgan that set up a blockade at Brady landfill cleaned off the debris dumped on the mural. Diane Bousque one of about a dozen people who helped paint it recently said "No matter what you throw on us we're always going to create something beautiful." Hate Crime at the Brady Landfill BarricadeBy Brenda Norrell, Censored News,


Winnipeg Hate Crime: Dumping on MMIW Mural -- Police and Media Defend Perpetrator "IndyWatch Feed War"

Winnipeg Hate Crime: Dumping on MMIW Mural -- Police and Media Defend Perpetrator By Brenda NorrellCensored NewsWINNIPEG, Manitoba, Canada -- Winnipeg police arrested a 19-year-old who threw a rock through his window -- but not the man, Kyle Klochko, who committed the hate crime.Klochko dumped dirt and debris on an MMIW mural at the Brady Landfill barricade site, honoring Murdered and Missing


Gallup Poll Reveals Americans Plummeting Confidence in Public Schools "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Kerry McDonald Americans have soured on public schools. Thats the takeaway from Gallup polling results released earlier this month showing that Americans confidence in...

Gallup Poll Reveals Americans Plummeting Confidence in Public Schools


Development Release: MX Linux 23 RC1 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The developers of MX Linux have announced the availability of the first release candidate for MX Linux 23. The project's major new release is based on Debian 12 and comes with a choice of Xfce, KDE Plasma and Fluxbox desktops. "MX Linux 23 RC1 is now available for....


Bad Management Ruining Canonical and Sirius Open Source "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link | md5sum 1df78d5342750f6e4e11cfa4536aa0da
To Developers, Canonical Not the Same Anymore
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: A former client of my former employer (we supported postgres for them) has just lost a key developer and then resorted to hijacking a project, exploiting the Contributor License Agreement (CLA); yes, Canonical is becoming more closed, just like Red Hat, so Free software proponents wont stick around for much longer

THERE is a familiar sight. The symptoms strike a nerve.

A very short time after I had announced my resignation from Sirius Open Source (that was before I even knew about the crimes, which I wrote about today in my personal site), someone from Canonical did the same thing and told a similar story. My wife joked that maybe he was inspired by us, but who can ever prove such a thing?

The video above discusses what happened this month and explains similarities to what happened last year at Sirius Open Source.

As a reminder, Canonical is a former client of Sirius. It shows it right there in the front page and footer, its not a secret:

Screenshot of Canonical as client Sirius

In any event, days ago Stphane Graber (Launchpad member since 2005-09-26) resigned from Canonical and it doesnt look pretty. Consider...


Canonical, a Former Sirius Open Source Client, is Likely Becoming More Like Sirius (Key People Leaving, Too) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link | md5sum 1df78d5342750f6e4e11cfa4536aa0da
To Developers, Canonical Not the Same Anymore
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: A former client of my former employer (we supported postgres for them) has just lost a key developer and then resorted to hijacking a project, exploiting the Contributor License Agreement (CLA); yes, Canonical is becoming more closed, just like Red Hat, so Free software proponents wont stick around for much longer

THERE is a familiar sight. The symptoms strike a nerve.

A very short time after I had announced my resignation from Sirius Open Source (that was before I even knew about the crimes, which I wrote about today in my personal site), someone from Canonical did the same thing and told a similar story. My wife joked that maybe he was inspired by us, but who can ever prove such a thing?

The video above discusses what happened this month and explains similarities to what happened last year at Sirius Open Source.

As a reminder, Canonical is a former client of Sirius. It shows it right there in the front page and footer, its not a secret:

Screenshot of Canonical as client Sirius

In any event, days ago Stphane Graber (...


Planning to Avoid Extreme Harm From Floods Should be Based on Improved Understanding "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Top Sweetener Officially Declared a Carcinogen "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Le Pen Criticises Macrons Irresponsible Long-range Missiles Promise to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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NATOs Vilnius Summit: Hints of a New Cold War "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Vilnius Summit, convened by the NATO Heads of State and Government on July 11-12, 2023, concluded with the release of an extensive communiqu. This document distinguishes itself from a typical summit declaration, serving instead as a strategic roadmap that outlines NATOs future direction in an ever-evolving world order.

The communiqu, detailed in its exposition of pivotal policy directions and strategic initiatives, encapsulates the collective vision of NATO members. Owing to its depth and breadth, this essay will focus on the salient points that underscore a significant shift in NATOs role and strategic posture.

The document signals the advent of a New Cold War, indicative of a shift in global power dynamics with NATO positioning itself against strategic competitors, notably Russia and China. Additionally, it broadens the traditional concept of security to incorporate the global commons, including oceans, space, technology, and cyberspace.

Released on July 11, 2023, the Vilnius Summit Communiqu heralds a new epoch in international politics. This era, while echoing past rivalries, is shaped by contemporary realities. The subsequent analysis dissects the communiqus main points and their implications for this emerging New Cold War.


NATOs Evolution and the Advent of a New Cold War

NATO, established on shared values of individual liberty, human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, was originally formed as a defensive alliance against the Soviet Union. Over time, NATO has had to redefine its role in a rapidly evolving world order, particularly in the post-Cold War era. This period brought into question NATOs identity and purpose in a world that seemed to have moved beyond the bipolar power dynamics of the Cold War.

The Vilnius Summit Communiqu describes NATO as the unique, essential and indispensable transatlantic forum to consult, coordinate and act on all matters related to our individual and collective security. This powerful reaffirmation underscores NATOs central role in preserving peace and stability across the Atlantic. Furthermore, it emphasizes NATOs commitment to defend each other and every inch of Allied territory at all times, thereby ensuring the protection of its one billion citizens and safeguarding freedom and democracy.

The communiqu, however, reveals a significant shift in NATOs strategic outlook. The Alliance is no longer merely a defensive entity but positions itself as a proactive force ready to confront emerging challenges in an increasingly multipolar world. The communiqu underscores a transition towards a broader definition of security that includes the global commons of oceans, space, technology, and cyberspace.

The document recognizes that the geopolitical landscape has evolved, ack...


The Great Chessboard: Chinas Economic Rise and the Collapse of America. Mike Whitney "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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BreachForums Pompompurin Pleads Guilty to Holding Child Abuse Content "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Waqas

According to court documents, devices owned by Pompompurin contained 600 explicit images of child abuse, which led him to plead guilty in court.

This is a post from Read the original post: BreachForums Pompompurin Pleads Guilty to Holding Child Abuse Content


Syrians condemn UN aid deliveries in 'coordination' with Assad government "IndyWatch Feed War"

Syrians condemn UN aid deliveries in 'coordination' with Assad government

UN aid will be allowed to pass from Turkey only under 'full cooperation' with Syrian authorities
Nadda Osman Fri, 07/14/2023 - 14:05
Workers unload bags of aid at a warehouse near the Syrian Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey, on 10 July 2023 (AFP)

Humanitarian deliveries will be allowed to be sent through a key crossing point from Turkey into northwest Syria, but only under the condition that they must be made in "full cooperation and coordination with the Syrian government".  

The decision by Syria, which was sent in a letter to the United Nations Security Council by Syria's ambassador to the UN, Bassam Sabbagh, on Thursday, will allow the Bab al-Hawa border crossing to be used for another six months, after Russia blocked a proposed nine-month extension at the Security Council.

Both the short extension and the condition to fully cooperate with the Syrian government have raised concerns amongst people in Syria and aid organisations.

Sherine Ibrahim, the Turkey country director for Care, an international humanitarian organisation, said the non-renewal of the previously operating cross-border aid mechanism could have serious implications. 

"Bilateral agreements put power and control in the hands of a few parties, making such agreements inherently subject to far more influence by competing political interests and often come with little transparency, she said in a statement to Middle East Eye. 


Driving COVID-19 Vaccinated A New Road Hazard "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Why No One Will Win the Proxy War in Ukraine and Why It Must and Will End by a Negotiated Solution "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Cribl scales observability across large enterprises with new product features "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As enterprise data grows at a 28% compound annual growth rate, businesses continue to face a myriad of challenges to manage their data and secure their organizations. Most enterprises are using more than 30 tools to manage and analyze data, and teams across IT and security departments have different needs for different data. To address these challenges, Cribl is introducing new features throughout its product portfolio to scale observability across large enterprises, providing greater interoperability More

The post Cribl scales observability across large enterprises with new product features appeared first on Help Net Security.


Claim: Climate Change Threatens Synchronised Harvest Failures Worldwide "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Climate models apparently predicted current observed yield increases, but global food communism could save us from the coming downturn.

The post Claim: Climate Change Threatens Synchronised Harvest Failures Worldwide first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

LA Promised to Preserve Low-Cost Housing. These Tenants Homes Were Turned Into Hotel Rooms Anyway. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

<p class="byline">by <span class="name">Robin Urevich</span>, <a href="">Capital & Main, and Gabriel Sandoval, ProPublica, photography by Barbara Davidson for ProPublica

This article was produced for ProPublicas Local Reporting Network in partnership with <a href= "">Capital & Main. Sign up for Dispatches to get stories like this one as soon as they are published.

Jaime Colindres third-floor room at the American Hotel in Los Angeles was tiny, but in it he painted expansive scenes of the American West on salvaged pieces of wood. Guitar sounds filled the halls, and neighbors kept their doors open. Some residents landed there when the citys ruthless rental market slammed its doors on them, but they quickly soaked up the creative soul that creaked and hummed, rattled and swelled through the battered hotel.</p> <p>That was 10 years ago.</p> <p>The American is now a boutique tourist hotel in LAs downtown Arts District. Nearly all of its longtime residents have been replaced. But the culprit is not gentrification. Its the citys failure to enforce its own laws to preserve affordable housing.</p> <p>A 2008 city ordinance sought to protect residential hotels like the American. Residential hotels often offer single-room dwellings and are sometimes the only housing that elderly, disabled and low-income people can afford. But Capital & Main and ProPublica found 21 such buildings, including the American, offering rooms to travelers.

Under the ordinance, owners who convert or demolish residential hotel rooms must either build new units or pay into a city housing fund. None of the 21 have received clearances from the city showing that theyve done either, according to Housing Department records. But the agency has cited only four of the hotels for residential hotel violations, even as some buildings went through obvious transformations and publicly advertise rooms on travel websites, the news organizations found. The American wasnt one of the hotels cited.</p> <p>This week, the city announced it would <a href= ""> investigate all 21 hotels f...</a></p>


Turkeys EU Bid: Back from the Dead? "IndyWatch Feed War"

On July 10th, 2023, Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that his country would support Swedens accession bid to NATO on the condition that EU accession talks are unfrozen. Within 24 hours however, Erdogan apparently signed off on a new deal that would drop Turkeys veto over Sweden and allow them into the alliance in exchange for, among other things, F-16 jets from the United States.

While the likelihood of unfreezing accession talks any time soon is low, Erdogans desire to unfreeze accession negotiations should not fall on deaf ears, even if it may be insincere.

The main reason the EU froze Turkeys accession talks is Erdogans crackdown on civil society and Turkeys independent institutions. These are completely valid reasons for doing so. But since the imposition of the freeze, Turkeys authoritarian political system has not liberalized by much, if at all.

The reason that the EU has been such an effective promoter of democracy in the Balkans and Eastern Europe is its wealth and strong commitment to democratic government. As the EU expanded into these regions, it brought with it a powerful incentive to adopt liberal democratic values in exchange for robust economic integration. In 2004 for example, Turkey abolished the death penalty, ostensibly to pave the way for the opening of EU accession talks the following year. And in countries such as Moldova and Ukraine, pro-European governments have implemented various reforms to prepare themselves for future EU membership.

The rift between the EU and Turkey, however, is wide. As mentioned, the EU has been, rightly, concerned about the political situation in Turkey. Erdogan meanwhile has used the EU as something of a scapegoat, often claiming discrimination against Turks in Europe. Its a sentiment that plays well with the electorate. In 2013, as many as 60% of Turks had an unfavorable view of the EU, with just over 40% in support of Turkey joining the bloc.

If the current political climate persists, Turkey will never be a part of the EU. But that doesnt mean that talks should be frozen indefinitely. There is a real concern that any talks without political reform will show that the EU is soft on core issues such as democracy and human rights. One option is that the EU could insist that Turkey and the EU first complete chapter negotiations relating to the judiciary, justice, and institutions, to the satisfaction of the Commission. Only after satisfactory democratic safeguards are put in place could moving on to the remaining chapters...


Western media calls Baltic Sea NATO lake after summit in Vilnius "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Lucas Leiroz | July 14, 2023

The Western mainstream media is enthusiastic about the possibility of Sweden joining NATO and consequently making the countrys Baltic coast a zone of control for the alliance. Analysts are saying that the Wests moves in Vilnius have made the Baltic Sea a NATO lake. The words are bold and somewhat inaccurate, as they do not seem to adequately echo the actual strategic situation in the region.

On July 13, Politico published an article about how Russia would be at a disadvantage in the Baltic after an eventual Swedish entry into the alliance. The article states that with the addition of Finnish and Swedish militaries the Baltic will become a region of absolute Western control, where Russia will have no room for maneuvers and will be heavily affected in case there is a conflict in the future.

[Sweden and Finland] make NATO much more geographically coherent. The Baltic Sea becomes a NATO lake, which is generally useful, also because of the Arctics increased importance, Ulrike Franke, a senior fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, told Politicos journalists.

In the same vein, Kristine Berzina, managing director for the German Marshall Funds Geostrategy North, stated:

You need to have enough in place that, in case of a Crimea or a Ukrainian scenario, theres actual ability to defend territory () With Finland and Sweden in, and [the Swedish Baltic island of] Gotland so close to Kaliningrad, in case of highly unlikely yet possible aggression from Russia, Russia cannot use the sea to its strategic advantage as it could right now.

In fact, the words of journalists and analysts echo NATOs official position. On the same day that the Politico article was published, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated at a press conference in Vilnius:

Sweden has a strong, professional, well-trained defense and is strategically located at the Baltic Sea The borders with Norway and Finland allow for better coordination of land troops. In addition, there is Swedens Navy in the Baltic Sea The entire territory of Sweden is of interest.

In fact, despite commenting on a real problem for Russia its disadvantaged situation in the Baltic Sea -, Western analyzes seem too outdated and banal. For example, this Russian disadvantage in the region did not start now, but between 1999 and 2004, when, breaking the promise of non-expansion, NATO granted access to Pola...


Weaponization of Food Goes Into High Gear. Eating Insects for Dinner "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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GTK Support For macOS Potentially Moving Back To "Best Effort" Approach "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The GTK toolkit and GLib support for Apple's macOS may be taking a back-seat to other platforms moving forward and would fall into a "best effort" category...



Ukraine got the best it could out of NATOs Vilnius summit, say experts "IndyWatch Feed"

Zelenskyi was disappointed by the lack of a formal invitation to join NATO but offers to Ukraine were significant


Leftover Links 14/07/2023: Microsoft in Trouble With the FTC Again, This Time Over Open AI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Leftovers

    • Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

      • The Atlantic FOMO Has Never Been Worse on the Internet

        The [Internet] is moving faster than ever before. Twitter and Facebook each took more than four years to reach the 100-million-users milestone; Instagram took just over two. TikTok did it in nine months. Now the record has been broken twice in 2023 alone. The apps themselves have evolvedproduct managers have spent zillions of hours optimizing sign-up flows to get people through registration and actually using the things as quickly as possible, and Threads, with its connection to Instagram, benefits from these efforts more than most. But it is also the case that the web is in a new FOMO era. The job of testing the next big thing was once assigned to just the very online; now we all feel like were primed to sign up right away or risk being left behind. We all have the fear of missing out.

      • Gannett Should I drink that Diet Coke? What WHO says about the potential health risks of aspartame...


The BBC Falls for Murdochs Bait "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Screen Actors Poised to Join Writers in Entertainment Industry Strike "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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A Liquid Water Mechanism for Cold M-dwarf Planets "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A Liquid Water Mechanism for Cold M-dwarf Planets

A search for liquid water on a planetary surface may be too confining when it comes to the wide range of possibilities for supporting life. We see that in our own Solar System. Consider the growing interest in icy moons like Europa and Enceladus, where there is no possibility of surface water but a potentially rich environment under a thick layer of ice. Extending these thoughts into the realm of exoplanets reminds us that our calculations about how many life-bearing worlds are out there may be in need of revision.

This is the thrust of work by Lujendra Ojha (Rutgers University) and colleagues, as developed in a paper in Nature Communications and presented at the recent Goldschmidt geochemistry conference in Lyon. What Ojha and team point out is that radiogenic heating can maintain liquid water below the surface of planets in M-dwarf systems, and that added into our astrobiological catalog, such worlds, orbiting a population of stars that takes in 75 percent or more of all stars in the galaxy, dramatically increase the chances of life elsewhere. The effect is striking. Says Ojha:

We modeled the feasibility of generating and sustaining liquid water on exoplanets orbiting M-dwarfs by only considering the heat generated by the planet. We found that when one considers the possibility of liquid water generated by radioactivity, it is likely that a high percentage of these exoplanets can have sufficient heat to sustain liquid water many more than we had thought. Before we started to consider this sub-surface water, it was estimated that around 1 rocky planet every 100 stars would have liquid water. The new model shows that if the conditions are right, this could approach 1 planet per star. So we are a hundred times more likely to find liquid water than we thought. There are around 100 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. That represents really good odds for the origin of life elsewhere in the universe.

Image: This is Figure 2 from the paper. Caption: Schematic of a basal melting model for icy exo-Earths. a...


A Simple Plan: "IndyWatch Feed World"

Barry Silbert Promotes Favorable Adjustments for BTC
Barry Silbert, the founder as well as CEO of Digital Money Group, has actually been a popular number in the cryptocurrency industry for several years. Read more about Barry Silbert on this website. As a very early supporter for Bitcoin (BTC), Silbert has been actively associated with promoting positive changes for the globes largest cryptocurrency. His initiatives have not just helped raise understanding regarding BTC but have also added to its mainstream fostering. Learn more about Cryptocurrency on this homepage.

Among the key initiatives that Silbert has promoted is the facility of the Grayscale Bitcoin Count On (GBTC). View more about Digital Currency Group on this page. This investment car enables institutional and private financiers to obtain direct exposure to Bitcoin without needing to directly buy and also keep the cryptocurrency themselves. Check Barry Silbert Millionaire here for more info. The GBTC has played a substantial function in bringing Bitcoin to conventional financial markets, making it extra accessible to a larger range of financiers. Discover more about Gensis Trading on this link.

In addition to the GBTC, Silbert has actually additionally contributed in sustaining Bitcoin-focused startups via Digital Money Group (DCG). Check out Grayscale on this site. DCG is an equity capital firm that has invested in numerous companies in the cryptocurrency room, including Coinbase, Surge, as well as Chain. Read Foundry here for more info. By offering financing and also assistance to these startups, Silbert has actually helped foster innovation as well as development within the Bitcoin ecological community. Click Crypto here for more updates.

Additionally, Silbert has actually been proactively involved in advocating for regulative clearness for cryptocurrencies. View Bankruptcy here for more details. He has been a singing advocate of collaborating with regulatory authorities to develop practical. View Gensis Trading here for more details. and balanced frameworks that motivate advancement while securing financiers. Click Bitcoin for more info. Silbert believes that clear as well as clear laws are vital for the long-term development and stability of the cryptocurrency industry. Read more about BTC on this website.

On The Whole, Barry Silberts contributions. Learn more about Barry Silbert Millionaire on this homepage. and...


Can AI Chatbots Be Used for Geolocation? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Geolocation is one of the main methods of open-source research. Bellingcat has published multiple guides to this process, which determines where an image or video was taken.

Given that geolocations can be time-consuming, researchers are always on the lookout for tools which can ease or automate parts of the process. Thats where new AI tools come in particularly chatbots, with their impressive ability to find and process information.

But that ability is far from perfect. AI tools learn by scouring the internet and pinpointing statistical patterns in vast quantities of data. Because of the surprising way they mix and match what theyve learned to generate entirely new text, they often create convincing language that is flat-out wrong, wrote Cade Metz for the New York Times in April. AI researchers call this tendency to make stuff up a hallucination, Metz continued.

Bellingcat has tested the geolocation capabilities of BING AI, which was accessed via the Skype client on the desktop app, and BARD, Googles new AI chatbot which was recently launched in Brazil and the EU. Both chatbots use different language models; BARD uses PaLM-2 while BING uses GPT the same as that used in the popular ChatGPT bot.

While many AIs can generate images, most cannot analyse them and are therefore useless for the purposes of direct geolocation. Unlike AIs such as ChatGPT, BING and BARD can work with uploaded images. 

We found that while BING mimics the strategies that open-source researchers use to geolocate images, it cannot successfully geolocate images on its own. BARDs results are not much more impressive, but it seemed more cautious in its reasoning and less prone to AI hallucinations. 

Both required extensive prompting from the user before they could arrive at any halfway satisfactory geolocation.

Each test was identical: BING and BARD were given a photo to work with as well as the city and date it was taken. The city was provided in acknowledgement of the fact that the general area (such as city, town or region) is often known before geolocation, whose goal is to narrow down to a precise spot.

It was then asked to produce precise coordinates of the image. In order to better assess the AI capabilities, we scrubbed all EXIF data from the images tested with the AI chatbots. EXIF data is often encoded in photos taken by digital cameras and can feature the location and time when an image was taken. This also makes for a more representative test: the absolute majority of images open-source researchers work with do not contain EXIF data, as many social media platforms often remove it by default when images are uploaded.



Waterspout spotted on Lake Michigan near North Avenue Beach, Chicago "IndyWatch Feed World"

A waterspout apparently spotted just offshore on Lake Michigan on Wednesday near Navy Pier was confirmed on Thursday. The National Weather Service confirmed the waterspout about a mile or two offshore on North Avenue Beach based on video evidence. The NWS has been assessing the severe storms throughout the area.


Metas Threads Wont Revive The Magic Of Social Media "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A picture of an iPhone screen with social media widgets.The days when one could exchange ideas with strangers online and get the thrill of new followers, likes, and shares are not returning.


The George Floyd murder only exposed a deeper rot in Minnesota "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Minneapolis Police Department has received some, shall we say, rather negative press for a series of ugly incidents not just the George Floyd murder, but also other outrages. So the United States Department of Justice carried out an investigation. The results have been released in a 92 page document. Its not pretty. Here is the summary of the major conclusions.

The Department of Justice has reasonable cause to believe that the City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Police Department engage in a pattern or practice of conduct that deprives people of their rights under the Constitution and federal law:

  • MPD uses excessive force, including unjustified deadly force and other types of force.
  • MPD unlawfully discriminates against Black and Native American people in its enforcement activities.
  • MPD violates the rights of people engaged in protected speech.
  • MPD and the City discriminate against people with behavioral health disabilities when responding to calls for assistance.

We like to think that Minnesota is a pretty good place to live good schools, progressive politics, relatively good cost of living, etc., etc., etc. but that only applies if youre white. The report also documents some of our deeper problems.

Not everyone in Minneapolis shares in its prosperity. The metropolitan area that includes Minneapolis and neighboring St. Paulknown as the Twin Citieshas some of the nations starkest racial disparities on economic measures, including income, homeownership, poverty, unemployment, and educational attainment. By nearly all of these measures, the typical white family in the Twin Cities is doing better than the national average for white families, and the typical Black family in the Twin Cities is doing worse than the national average or Black families. The median Black family in the Twin Cities earns just 44% as much as the median white family, and the poverty rate among Black households is nearly five times higher than the rate among white households. Of the United States 100 largest metropolitan areas, only one has a larger gap between Black and white earnings.

In case youre wondering how we ended up this way

Some researchers have traced Minneapolis homeownership gap and other economic disparities back to the restrictive racial covenants that barred non-white people from living in many parts of Minneapolis in the first half of the 20th century. Beginning in 1910, local and federal public officials and...


Manitoba Chiefs: Extreme Disappointment with Winnipeg's Decision to Dismantle Camp Morgan Blockade "IndyWatch Feed War"

Manitoba chiefs are bringing an emergency resolution for the AFN to call on Ottawa to fund the landfill searches for missing First Nations women, and urge Manitoba to reconsider decision not to search.The City of Winnipeg filed for an injunction late Tuesday to remove the Camp Morgan road barricade. Protectors said they will not leave until the landfill is searched for murdered Native women. I


DOJ Spied On Devin Nunes Staff During Russia Hoax, Subpoenas Show "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Devin NunesOn Thursday, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding answers.


Jenin is Just the Start: A New Generation of Palestinians Has Finally Buried the Ghosts of the Past "IndyWatch Feed World"

The deadly Israeli invasion of Jenin on July 3 was not a surprise.

Also unsurprising is the fact that the killing of 12 Palestinians, wounding of 120 more and the destruction of nearly 80 percent of the Jenin Refugee Camps homes and infrastructure will not make an iota of a difference.

Even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, despite his lofty promises of destroying the safe haven of the terrorist enclave in Jenin, must have known that his bloody exercise was ultimately futile.

Indeed, as the Israeli military machine was toppling homes, smashing cars and harvesting lives, several Palestinian retaliatory attacks were reported, including in Tel Aviv on July 4 and in the Kedumim illegal settlement on July 6.

In fact, unlike the Israeli response to the Second Palestinian Uprising (Intifada) of 2000, extreme violence will not weaken but heighten Palestinian Resistance and counterattacks.

Back then, the Palestinian Authority had a degree of control over Palestinian groups and managed, although with great difficulties, to contain the Palestinian street.

Now, the PA has no such leverage.

Indeed, when a delegation of PA officials visited Jenin on July 5 to show solidarity and to promise help in the recovery efforts, Jenin residents kicked the officials out of their camp.

Thus, neither did Israel manage to regain any kind of control over Jenin, nor did the PA succeed in reinventing itself as the savior of the people.

So, what was the point of all of this?

Palestinian youth take shots at invading Israeli troops in Jenin. Right, an explosion as a bomb erupts in front of an Israeli military vehicle in Jenin. Photos | AP

Writing in Haaretz, Zvi Barel...


Magnitude 6.3 earthquake occurs off the coast of Chiapas State, Mexico "IndyWatch Feed World"

A magnitude-6.3 earthquake occurred in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chiapas State at around 03:29 July 14. The epicenter was about 88 km (54 miles) southwest of El Palmarcito. The tremor occurred at a depth of about 35 km (22 miles), and moderate-to-light shaking was probably felt in some coastal areas of Chiapas, as well as light-to-weak shaking throughout parts of central, southern, and western Chiapas, eastern Oaxaca, and far southeastern Veracruz states in Mexico and into southeastern Guatemala. There have been no initial reports of damage or casualties as a result of the earthquake; however, significant damage is unlikely due to the offshore nature of the quake. It could take several hours until authorities can conduct comprehensive damage assessments, especially in remote areas. Moderate-to-light aftershocks are likely over the coming days. The event has not prompted any tsunami advisories.


Tag team effort brings tech to aid leatherback turtle conservation "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

It was supposed to be a night like any other. Luis Crespo and his team would walk the beach of Maunabo, Puerto Rico, looking for leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea). Once theyd identified nesting sites, they would attach metal flipper tags on them. This has been the core of their work since Crespo founded Amigos de las Tortugas Marinas (ATMAR), a nonprofit organization for the conservation of sea turtles, in 2001. But on that night in May 2016, as Crespo patrolled the beach, he spotted something strange: a nesting turtle with a tag different from theirs. Crespo then used a database to trace the tag back to Kara Dodge, at the time a postdoctoral researcher at Massachusetts-based nonprofit Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. As it turned out, Dodge had tagged the turtle four years earlier, when she was a Ph.D. student in New Hampshire. Usually when we tag a turtle, we will be able to track them for hopefully up to a year and then thats it. We dont get to hear back from them, Dodge, who is now a research scientist at the New England Aquariums Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life, told Mongabay in a video interview. Kara Dodge attaches a satellite tag to a leatherback sea turtle in Puerto Rico. Image courtesy of New England Aquarium. The connection Crespo and Dodge made over that turtle, whom they named Maeby, has now morphed into a collaboration that aims to protect and conserve the habitats of leatherback sea turtles inThis article was originally published on Mongabay


If You Dont Like Andrew Tate, Maybe Youre Not His Audience "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Andrew TateFor many young men, Tate feels like the first person to really understand them.


Iranian press review: One person executed almost every 12 hours in 2023 "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iranian press review: One person executed almost every 12 hours in 2023

Meanwhile, China to build roads for oil, journalist charged for reporting violence against women and experts warn railway undermines Iran's influence
MEE correspondent Fri, 07/14/2023 - 12:36
A view of the entrance sign of Evin prison in Tehran, Iran 17 October 2022 (Reuters)
A view of the entrance to Evin prison, Tehran, 17 October 2022 (Reuters)

Increasing number of executions

The number of executions in Iran surged during the first half of 2023, according to a rights group.

The Norway-based organisation Iran Human Rights says that 354 individuals were executed in the country within this period, at a rate of one execution almost every 12 hours.

This is 36 percent more than in the same period last year. 

The report also revealed that only 43 percent of the executions were officially announced by the Iranian authorities, raising concerns about transparency and fair trials.

Among those put to death since January were 122 convicted of homicide; 206 faced charges related to drug trafficking; four were convicted of rape; 10 were accused of political and security offences, including blasphemy; and one was executed on espionage charges.

Human rights groups have repeatedly warned that the Iranian authorities use the death penalty as a tool to suppress dissidents and exert contro...


The Muslim fly studies are back! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Stop me if youve heard this beforeoh wait. If youve read this blog before youve encountered this phenomenon in the past. There is a strange cottage industry among Muslim fanatics to demonstrate the infallibility of Mohammed by testing one of his weirder claims. This one:

Over a thousand years ago Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) said if a fly falls down on your vessel, drown it then remove it, for one of its wings has the ailment and other has the cure narrated by Al-Bokhari. In this study 4 flies of (Musca domestica) species were collected to investigate the antibacterial and antifungal activity of their wings. The obtained result showed that all media cultivated with right wing extract were free of bacterial and fungal growth however the bacterial and fungal growth for the left wing were observed. It could be concluded that the right fly wing is considered as new revolution of antibiotic recommended for further researches to find more antibiotics from right fly wing.

Thats from an article with the ungrammatical title, Microbiological Studies on Fly Wings(Musca domestica) Where Disease and Treat. I guess the World Journal of Medical Sciences does not exercise any editorial oversight at all, and their review process is a bit of a joke. The paper itself is incredibly bad, of a quality that would earn a failing grade if it were presented as a middle school science fair project. I mean, seriously heres the entirety of the results section (with a bit of the introduction and methods).

Pic. (1), (2) and (3) illustrated that there were no bacterial or fungal growth in test tubes containing the right fly wing extract however there were microbial growth in 4 test tubes for left wings extract indicated by turbidity which had been confirmed by microscopical examination, the slides for the right wings extract were free for the pres...


Tornado confirmed near Montreal as major storm pounds region "IndyWatch Feed World"

Environment Canada confirmed a tornado touched down in the Montreal area Thursday as a severe storm system swept through the city and caused major flooding. Meteorologist Monica Vaswani said the tornado was spotted by an observer at the Mirabel airport, about 50 kilometres northwest of the Island of Montreal. A tornado warning, urging caution about "a dangerous and potentially life-threatening situation" caused by the storm for the Montreal area was lifted around 4:25 p.m. Heavy rains caused flash floods, leading to the closure of the Dcarie in both directions between the Turcot interchange and Highway 40.


EXCLUSIVE: Ethics Complaint Filed Against Congressman Who Slurred Whistleblowers "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Dan GoldmanKash Patel's attorney filed an ethics complaint against Rep. Dan Goldman and simultaneously sent a referral to the Department of Justice.


US needs to speed up delivery of weapons to Taiwan - US general "IndyWatch Feed World"

The United States and its allies need to speed up the delivery of weapons to Taiwan in the coming years to help the island defend itself, the top U.S. general said on Friday. The United States is Taiwan's most important arms supplier. Beijing has repeatedly demanded the sale of U.S. weapons to Taiwan stop, viewing them as unwarranted support for the democratically governed island that Beijing claims. "The speed at which we, the United States, or other countries assist Taiwan in improving (their) defensive capabilities, I think that probably needs to be accelerated in the years to come," U.S. Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters during a visit to Tokyo.


The Zelensky Narrative is Shifting "IndyWatch Feed War"


The Zelensky Narrative is Shifting | Opinion



Making Sense of the Turkish Elections through a Marxist Lens: an Interview with Cihan Tual "IndyWatch Feed World"

LeftEast is grateful to Eylem Taylan and H. Deniz Sert who conducted this interview and to its subject, Cihan Tual for letting us translate the original Turkish text that they published at

The May 14 and 28 elections in Turkey resulted in the continuation of the Erdoan regime even though almost half of the country opposed it. To make sense of these results, we talked with Cihan Tual, a professor of sociology at the University of Berkeley, about the place of the socialist movement in Turkey, the position of the left-social democracy in the world, the relationship of the socialist movement in Turkey to blue- and white-collar workers, the legacy of the Gezi Resistance, and the place of the Workers Party of Turkey (TP) in all this.

The post Making Sense of the Turkish Elections through a Marxist Lens: an Interview with Cihan Tual appeared first on Lefteast.


Headless body of a child found on a beach in Spain "IndyWatch Feed World"

During routine earthworks on the Costa Dorada beach in the resort town of Roda de Ber, Spain, the body of a small child was discovered. Initially, witnesses mistook it for a discarded doll and did not alert the police. Later, local law enforcement was immediately called to the scene and confirmed that the found body belonged to a two- to three-year-old child. The body was headless, with other body parts missing. Investigators are currently probing this horrifying incident in an attempt to establish the child's identity and determine the cause of death. According to information from reliable sources, Civil Guard personnel swiftly cordoned off the beach and instructed tourists to evacuate to other parts of the beach area. This was done to ensure safety and preserve the integrity of the crime scene. A judge has also ordered the removal of the body.


Chinas trillion-dollar investment in the Middle East threatens US "IndyWatch Feed War"

7 Jul 2023 Source: The Wall Street Journal By Al Mayadeen English The increasing economic growth opportunities between China and the Middle East pose a great threat to the US and its influence in the region in the coming decades. After Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited Saudi Arabia in December to meet Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin []


More than 100 homes damaged when tornado hits suburb of Canada's capital "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least one tornado hit a suburb of Canada's capital Thursday, damaging more than 100 homes, authorities said. Kim Ayotte, general manager of emergency and protective services for the city of Ottawa, said 125 homes were damaged in Half Moon Bay, a neighborhood in the southern end of the Barrhaven suburb. He said most damage involved roofs being ripped, windows broken or damage inflicted by falling trees. "It's a variety of damage from small damage to quite substantial damage," he said. He said only one minor injury had been reported involving someone whose foot was cut.


To Be Forewarned: The Historical Record on Climate Change "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

On this weeks WhoWhatWhy podcast, we talk with Oxford historian Peter Frankopan, author of the new book The Earth Transformed: An Untold History. Delving into the intricate relationship between climate change and human history, Frankopan argues that environmental stewardship has been a pivotal factor in the rise and fall of empires and civilizations.


He takes us on a journey through time, from ancient Mesopotamias sustainable practices to the Byzantine Empires remarkable adaptability. Frankopan reveals how climate change has influenced warfare, disease, and economies, and warns of the potential threats from natural phenomena like volcanic eruptions and solar flares.


Indeed, Frankopan sounds a clear wake-up call. Unless we pay heed to historys lessons, he says, our very survival is at stake. Yet he adds that the current environmental crisis, however dire, is not a death sentence but rather a warning to us to embrace sustainable practices before its too late. As civilizations rise and fall, the Earth endures, highlighting the need for a harmonious relationship with the natural world. 

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Humans were in South America at least 25,000 years ago, giant sloth bone pendants reveal "IndyWatch Feed World"

The date that humans arrived in South America has been pushed back to at least 25,000 years ago, based on an unlikely source: bones from an extinct giant ground sloth that were crafted into pendants by ancient people. Discovered in the Santa Elina rock shelter in central Brazil, three sloth osteoderms bony deposits that form a kind of protective armor over the skin of animals such as armadillos found near stone tools sported tiny holes that only humans could have made. The finding is among the earliest evidence for humans in the Americas, according to a paper published Wednesday (July 12) in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.


Tinubu In Close Door Meeting With James Ibori At Aso Rock "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JULY 14TH (URHOBOTODAY)-President Bola Tinubu on Wednesday, July 12, met privately with former governor of Delta state, James Ibori, in Abuja.

Earlier in the same day, Ibori was part of the Class of 99 governors who met with President Tinubu at the presidential villa, Daily Independent reported.

However, details of the meeting between President Tinubu and Ibori remain unclear.

The romance between President Tinubu and Ibori  is becoming centre of attraction and concern to Nigerians.

Recall that in the wake of Tinubus much-publicized visit to Rivers State immediately after he was declared winner of the presidential election  pictures of Chief James Onanefe Ibori and Ayodele Fayose hobnobbing with the President emerged on social media.

Pictures shared by Prince Isaac Fayose on his Facebook page showed Tinubu being cordially received at the Government House in Port Harcourt by former Governors James Ibori  and Ayo Fayose .

Be that as it may, time will tell as the romance between President Tinubu and Odidigborigbo continues.



DeSantis outspends Trump on digital ads ahead of GOP debates "IndyWatch Feed World"

Former President Donald Trump introduces Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Nov. 26, 2019 in Sunrise, Fl. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his committees are outspending former President Donald Trump on digital ads by almost two-fold on Meta and Google as the race between the two 2024 presidential contenders tightens, but committees affiliated with current Democratic President Joe Biden dwarf both Republican challengers. 

Trump has spent $928,544 on Meta and Google which includes Facebook, Instagram and YouTube while DeSantis has spent $1.8 million, making him the only GOP candidate to spend over $1 million on digital ads across the platforms so far in 2023.

The two Republican candidates, who consistently topped national polls among GOP primary contenders in the 2024 presidential race, have spent a combined $2.7 million during the first half of 2023. Despite DeSantis advantage in advertising spending, Trump is ahead in the polls. The former president has maintained about a 50% polling average since April 2023, according to FiveThirtyEight, and recent Florida polls show the former president holds an advantage even in the state that reelected DeSantis in 2022 by 1.5 million votes.

Digital ad spending from GOP presidential candidate-backed committees has topped $4.2 million across Meta and Google, and about $1.7 million of that spending took place since the first week of June.

Digital advertising has become more transparent in recent years as some Big Tech companies like Meta and Google make digital ad spending data publicly available. But many other online platforms that allow political ads do not publicly release data on ad spending and have not implemented any public disclosure policies.

Out of all 2024 presidential can...


Among the Stars "IndyWatch Feed War"

Just as Chucky Schumer signs on the get us the governments secret UFO information (eye roll) Via: U.S. Army 4th PSYOP Group:


Explosion during combustion test at Japan space agency's rocket site "IndyWatch Feed World"

An explosion occurred at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)'s rocket testing site in the northeastern Japan city of Noshiro, Akita Prefecture, on July 14, the science ministry said. The explosion that occurred during a combustion test of the two-stage motor of the "Epsilon S" rocket is seen in this frame grab from Necovideo Visual Solutions' YouTube video. As of 11 a.m., about two hours after the explosion, firefighting operations were still underway, but no injuries were reported, according to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.


An AI in Elon Musks imagewhat could possibly go wrong? "IndyWatch Feed World"

The xAI founder has a history of remaking companies in his image: splashy, boastful, and crass. That could be especially dangerous when it comes to AI.

Elon Musk announced this week the launch his new AI company, called xAI. The company, which already boasts an extremely talented staff, will presumably develop large language models (LLMs) and may represent Musks desire to create a challenge to current AI leader OpenAI. Musk was one of the founders of OpenAI in 2015 but disconnected from the company in 2018 and has since openly criticized its business model and leadership.

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A Troubling Sign "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


This article was originally published, in slightly different form, on Strong Towns member Will Gardners Substack, StrongHaven. It is shared here with permission. All images for this piece were provided by the author.


Recently in Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, someone drove into the Lions Clubs roadside sign and destroyed it. The sign was apparently not wearing bright colors or blinking lights. We only know this crash happened because the guy who maintains the sign is a Monty Python fan:

According to available data, there have been 4050 crashes in this area over the past five years. Its a tamer bit of Route 6 than elsewhere, probably due to the fact that the stretch to the east is only one lane in each direction with a turning lane in the center.

A car flying off Route 6 at an intersection like thiseven when it causes considerable damageis not newsworthy in and of itself. This kind of thing happens with such frequency that it doesnt register as alarming. Stroads like Route 6 sometimes send cars through signs, buildings, and (as happened recently in Fairhaven) peoples backyards. As long as no one is obviously hurt, it rarely makes the news. People who hear about it chuckle and curse the ...


Lightning strike kills 3 family members in Benue, Nigeria "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Three members of a family were, Wednesday evening, reportedly killed by lightning during a downpour in Agatha, Guma Local Government Area of Benue State. It was gathered that the incident happened while the victims were returning from the farm at 4 p.m. The victims, who were said to be of the Ayoosu Akpage family were two females and a six-year-old boy. According to a source, "The two girls and the about six years old boy were in the farm to harvest produce for the family when the heavy rain started, Wednesday, around 4p.m. "They decided to return home. It was while on their way that they were struck by the lightning near their house.


Sweet solution: Armadillo-friendly honey helps Brazil beekeepers, giant armadillos "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

When beekeepers in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul complained that giant armadillos (Priodontes maximus) were destroying their beehives, Arnaud Desbiez was dubious. Research showed that giant armadillos feed almost entirely on ants and termites, not honey. But the video camera traps revealed a surprising truth. Lo and behold, we saw that giant armadillos were actually knocking over beehives, Desbiez, the conservation biologist and president of the Wild Animal Conservation Institute (ICAS), told Mongabay by phone. Its not eating the honey, its eating the bee larvae. But it means it destroys the honeycombs. It destroys everything. For the giant armadillos, its an easy protein-rich meal. For the beekeepers, it means a loss of livelihood, leading some to poison the armadillos in retaliation. To minimize this human-wildlife conflict, Desbiez came up with a solution: armadillo-friendly honey. We decided to find a way to promote coexistence between beekeepers and giant armadillos, he said. Beekeepers who adopt mitigation measures to protect their hives from giant armadillos while ensuring no harm comes to the species receive an armadillo-friendly honey certificate that they can add to their products to notify buyers and boost the honeys value. The certification provides a greater added value to the honey, so we can sell it at a better price, Antonio Adames, a beekeeper in the Brazilian Cerrado savanna who is involved in the Armadillo & Honey Project, told Mongabay. With the certificate, Adames said that he sells his armadillo-friendly honey for 20% more than regular honey. For thoseThis article was originally published on Mongabay


While Doing Time in a California Prison, I Was Given a Hysterectomy Without My Consent "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Moonlight Pulido believed she was having surgery to remove growths from her uterus. In a brutal bait-and-switch, she was sterilized.


Tucker Carlson uncensored one-on-one with Andrew Tate: "I don't want you to think that I'm a conspiracy theorist" "IndyWatch Feed World"

Tucker Carlson is back with something everyone should pay attention to. Episode 9 of 'Tucker on Twitter' is a lengthy (complete) interview with Andrew Tate - the former-kickboxer-turned-influencer who is currently being held on human trafficking, rape, and criminal gang charges. As an introduction, Carlson's monologue reflecting on the constant emasculation of American men. Specifically, he pointed to the "grotesque" feminist experiments of trying to snatch manhood away from boys and men.


Video shows 3 Ukrainian drones shot down, 1 explodes 4km from Kursk nuclear power plant "IndyWatch Feed World"

Three drones were shot down on the night of July 14 over Voronezh, reports Baza. As a result of falling debris, no one was injured. Another kamikaze drone fell in the city of Kurchatov, Kursk region. Damage was received by an apartment building, but none of the residents of the city was injured. Kursk governor Roman Starovoit confirmed this information: "A UAV crashed at night in the city of Kurchatov. Fortunately, none of the residents were hurt. Critical facilities were not damaged as a result of the fall of the drone and its subsequent detonation."


10 Day Las Vegas Weather: How to dress for Las Vegas weather "IndyWatch Feed War"

10 Day Las Vegas Weather

Weather patterns in Richmond, VA are influenced by several factors that contribute to the unique climate experienced in this region. Understanding these factors can provide valuable insights into predicting the 10-day forecast for Richmond, VA.

Richmond is situated along the James River and falls within a humid subtropical climate zone. Its proximity to both the Atlantic Ocean and the Appalachian Mountains plays a significant role in shaping its weather patterns.

The continental nature of Richmonds climate means that it experiences distinct seasons throughout the year. Summers tend to be hot and humid, while winters can be cool with occasional snowfall.

The presence of the nearby Appalachian Mountains affects Richmonds weather by influencing wind patterns and creating micro

Planning a trip to Las Vegas and curious about the weather? Look no further! In this article, Ill provide you with all the essential information you need to know about the 10-day weather forecast for Las Vegas. Whether youre visiting for business or pleasure, having an idea of what the weather will be like can help you make the most of your time in Sin City.

Las Vegas is known for its desert climate, characterised by hot summers and mild winters. When it comes to the 10-day forecast, expect plenty of sunshine and dry conditions throughout your stay. Temperatures during the day can range from the mid-70s to high 90s Fahrenheit (mid-20s to mid-30s Celsius), depending on the time of year. Evenings tend to cool down, so packing a light jacket or sweater is always a good idea.

 Average Temperature in Las Vegas

Las Vegas, known for its vibrant nightlife, legendary casinos, and entertainment shows, also experiences a unique climate that attracts visitors from around the world. As an expert on weather patterns, Ill provide you with valuable insights into the average temperature in Las Vegas.

The city of Las Vegas enjoys a desert climate characterised by long, hot summers and mild winters. With over 300 days of sunshine per year, its no wonder why this city is a popular destination for outdoor activities and events.

Precipitation in Las Vegas

Las Vegas is known for its desert climate, which means that precipitation is relatively low compared to other regions. However, its important to note that even in the desert, rainfall can occur sporadically throughout the year.

Heres a breakdown of the precipitation patterns you may encounter during a 10-day period in Las Vegas:

1. Average Rainfall: On average, Las Vegas receives only about 4 inches of rain per year. This translates to less than half an inch of rain spread over a 10-day period.


10 Day Weather Destin Fl: Your Essential Guide to Planning "IndyWatch Feed War"

10 Day Weather Destin Fl

If youre planning a trip to Destin, FL and want to stay up-to-date on the weather conditions during your stay, youll be glad to know that Ive got all the information you need. In this article, Ill provide you with a detailed 10-day weather forecast for Destin, FL. Whether youre interested in sunny beach days or indoor activities, knowing what the weather has in store can help you make the most of your time in this beautiful coastal city.

So lets dive right into it! The 10-day weather forecast for Destin, FL shows a mix of sun and clouds throughout the week. Temperatures are expected to range from XF (XC) to YF (YC), offering pleasant conditions for outdoor exploration. However, its always a good idea to pack accordingly and bring along some light layers as temperatures can vary throughout the day.

In terms of precipitation, there is a slight chance of showers on a few days during the 10-day period. Its worth keeping an eye on the forecast as your travel dates approach to see if any rain is expected during your visit. But dont worry too much even if there are scattered showers, they typically pass quickly in this area and wont hinder your plans for long.

Overall, with its beautiful beaches and charming attractions, Destin, FL is a wonderful destination year-round. By checking out this 10-day weather forecast before your trip, youll be well-prepared for whatever Mother Nature has in store during your stay. So grab your sunscreen and get ready to enjoy everything this coastal paradise has to offer!

Humidity Levels in Destin, FL

When it comes to the weather in Destin, FL, one factor that often plays a significant role is humidity. As an expert, I can provide you with some insights into the humidity levels you can expect during your 10-day stay.

Destin experiences a moderate level of humidity throughout the year due to its coastal location. However, there are fluctuations depending on the season and weather patterns. Lets take a closer look at what you can anticipate:

1. Average Humidity: On average, Destin has a humidity level of around 70%. This means that the air contains a considerable amount of moisture, creating a slightly damp feeling.

2. Seasonal Variations: The humidity levels in Destin vary by season. During the summer months, from June to August, humidity tends to be higher due to warm temperatures and increased moisture from the Gulf of Mexico. Expect levels ranging between 75% and 80%, making it feel quite sticky outside.


10 Day National Weather Forecast Map: Stay Prepared with Accurate Predictions "IndyWatch Feed War"

10 Day National Weather Forecast Map

Are you curious about what the weather has in store for the next 10 days? Look no further than the 10-day national weather forecast map. This comprehensive tool provides an overview of the expected weather conditions across the country, allowing you to plan your activities and stay prepared.

With the 10-day national weather forecast map, you can easily track changes in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, and more. Whether youre planning a road trip, organising outdoor events, or simply want to know if youll need an umbrella next week, this map is your go-to resource.

Stay ahead of unpredictable weather patterns by checking the 10-day national weather forecast map regularly. Its a valuable tool that helps you make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information. Dont let unexpected storms or heat waves catch you off guard stay informed with this reliable forecasting tool.

So why wait? Take advantage of the 10-day national weather forecast map today and stay one step ahead of Mother Natures ever-changing moods.

Understanding the National Weather Forecast Map

The 10-day national weather forecast map is an invaluable tool for staying informed about upcoming weather conditions across the country. By providing a visual representation of expected weather patterns, it helps individuals and organisations plan their activities accordingly. Lets delve into what makes this map so useful.

When you first glance at the national weather forecast map, youll notice a variety of symbols and colours scattered across the different regions. These symbols represent different weather conditions such as sunny skies, clouds, rain, or snow. By familiarising yourself with these symbols, you can quickly understand what to expect in your area.

One important aspect of the national weather forecast map is temperature ranges. It displays high and low temperatures for each day over the next ten days using colour-coded gradients or contour lines. This allows you to anticipate whether youll need a light jacket or if i...

10 Day Weather Columbus Ohio: A Detailed Forecast for Planning Ahead "IndyWatch Feed War"

10 Day Weather Columbus Ohio

Planning a trip or just curious about the weather in Columbus, Ohio? Look no further! In this article, Ill provide you with all the essential information you need to know about the 10-day weather forecast for Columbus, Ohio.

When it comes to planning any outdoor activities or events, having an accurate and reliable weather forecast is crucial. Whether youre a local resident or a visitor to Columbus, staying informed about the upcoming weather conditions can help you make better decisions and ensure that your plans go smoothly.

So, if youre wondering what the next 10 days have in store for Columbus, Ohio, keep reading. Ill be sharing detailed insights into temperature highs and lows, precipitation chances, wind speeds, and other important weather factors that can impact your day-to-day plans. Stay tuned for our comprehensive breakdown of the 10-day weather forecast for Columbus!

As I bring you the latest update on the 10-day weather forecast for Columbus, Ohio, Im here to shed light on what you can expect in terms of weather conditions. Buckle up and get ready for a detailed breakdown of todays weather!

Weather Alerts and Warnings

Temperature: Starting off with the most crucial aspect, todays temperature in Columbus is expected to range from [insert temperature range]. This means that it will be [warm/cool/chilly] outside, so make sure to dress accordingly.

Precipitation: When it comes to rain or snowfall, there is a chance of [insert percentage]% precipitation today. Keep an eye out for any showers throughout the day. Dont forget your umbrella or raincoat if youre planning any outdoor activities!

Wind Speed: The wind speed in Columbus today will average around [insert wind speed] mph. It might not be too gusty, but still take note if youre heading outdoors as it could impact certain activities like biking or sailing.

Sunrise and Sunset Times: The sun will rise at approximately [insert time] am and set at around [insert time] pm today. Take advantage of the daylight hours and plan your schedule accord...

10 Day Forecast Richmond Va: What to Pack for Your Trip "IndyWatch Feed War"

10 Day Forecast Richmond Va

If youre planning a trip to Richmond, VA and want to stay ahead of the weather conditions, its essential to check the 10-day forecast. By knowing what to expect in terms of temperature, precipitation, and other weather factors, you can better prepare for your activities and make the most out of your time in this vibrant city.

When looking at the 10-day forecast for Richmond, VA, keep an eye on both daily highs and lows. This will give you a good idea of how temperatures will fluctuate throughout your stay. Additionally, pay attention to any significant changes or trends in weather patterns that might impact your plans.

While checking the 10-day forecast is helpful for making general preparations, please note that its always important to monitor real-time weather updates as well. Weather conditions can change unexpectedly, so staying informed ensures that you remain safe and prepared during your visit to Richmond.

Remember to regularly consult reliable sources such as local meteorological services or reputable weather websites for accurate forecasts tailored specifically to Richmond, VA. Armed with this knowledge, youll be able to confidently plan your itinerary and make the most of every moment during your time in this charming city.

Overview of Richmond, VA

Richmond, Virginia is a vibrant city that offers a rich blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. With its strategic location along the James River and its pivotal role in American history, Richmond has become a popular destination for tourists and residents alike.

Here are some key highlights about this captivating city:

1. Historic Significance: Known as the Capital of the Confederacy, Richmond played a crucial role during the American Civil War. History buffs can explore iconic landmarks such as the American Civil War Museum and visit preserved battlefields like the Petersburg National Battlefield.

2. Cultural Hub: Richmond boasts a thriving arts scene with numerous galleries, theatres, and music venues showcasing local talent. The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts houses an impressive collection spanning thousands of years, while popular festivals like the Richmond Folk Festival celebrate diverse cultural traditions.

3. Outdoor Delights: Nature enthusiasts will find plenty to love in Richmonds outdoor spaces. The James River Park System offers opportunities for kayaking, hiking, and picnicking amidst picturesque landscapes. Belle Isle Park is a hidden gem with its scenic trails and stunning river views.

4. Foodie Paradise: From Southern comfort food to innovative culinary creations, Richmonds food scene is sure to tantalise your taste buds. Sample regional specialties like shrimp and grits or indulge in farm-to-table delights at one of many acclaimed restaurants scattered across town....


Al-Shabaab Launches Attack on Wargadud Police Station in Northeastern Kenya "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

alshabaab terrorist's group

In a disturbing development early Friday morning, reports have emerged of a new attack by the extremist group Al-Shabaab in northeastern Kenya. The target of this assault was the Wargadud police station, situated approximately 42 kilometers north of El-Wak town. Wargadud lies along the road connecting El-Wak to Mandera, making it a strategic location.

According to a reliable source, the attack took place around 1:40 am local time. Prior to launching their assault, the militants destroyed the Safaricom mast in the area, severing communication links and exacerbating the vulnerability of the police station.

As of now, the exact number of casualties resulting from the attack remains unknown. Authorities are working diligently to assess the extent of the damage and determine the fate of those present at the police station during the incident.

This assault comes on the heels of another offensive carried out by Al-Shabaab militants on Thursday. The extremist group targeted a military base in Geriley, which is in close proximity to El-Wak, situated in the Gedo region of Somalia. Notably, this military base had recently been handed over by Kenyan troops as part of their contribution to the African Unions efforts.

The consecutive attacks by Al-Shabaab serve as a stark reminder of the persistent threat posed by the extremist group in the region. Kenyan and Somali authorities, as well as international partners, are actively cooperating to counter these acts of terrorism and restore peace and stability in the affected areas.

The Kenyan government has vowed to intensify its counter-terrorism efforts, focusing on intelligence gathering, security operations, and collaboration with neighboring countries. Enhancing security along the porous border with Somalia remains a priority to prevent further attacks and ensure the safety of local communities.

The situation is developing, and authorities are urging citizens to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities. As investigations into the attacks continue, the affected communities are grappling with the aftermath and the tragic consequences of these relentless acts of violence.

Horseed Media

The post...


DeSantis Campaign Reset: Why Stop at Retooling the Media Strategy? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In a bid to jumpstart his fledgling presidential campaign, Ron DeSantis (R) is reportedly considering a change to his media strategy. The plan is for the Florida governor to no longer exclusively appear on right-wing news outlets. Thats a great idea, but it comes with a major flaw. In order to succeed, DeSantis would have to also change everything about himself.

There is a reason why the governor only does interviews with friendly outlets: He is an uncharismatic guy, and his platform only appeals to right-wing voters, which is why he needs softball questions and sympathetic interviewers.

Going on CNN instead of Fox News isnt going to help with any of that.

Also, its not as though the right-wing voters he has to appeal to in order to catch up to former President Donald Trump are regularly tuning in to Anderson Cooper 360.

At best, DeSantis can hope to get asked reasonable questions about his ridiculous stunts and extreme positions, pretend to be a victim, act like a total jerk, and then creatively edit his appearances to put them on social media.

But thats not much of a strategy, especially because, while it might offer marginal benefits in the primary, it will backfire in the general election (not that hell get there).

However, it also makes sense that the governors deep-pocketed donors think that something has to change. After all, who likes to bet on a losing horse?

The problem is that its DeSantis who is flawed and not the strategy.

In part, he is a victim of his own hype.

Early polling certainly indicated that he might be a formidable challenger for Trump. Unfortunately for the governor and his supporters, early polling is worthless.

Still, his numbers were good enough to seduce DeSantis into thinking that this could be his time. At the same time, those polls led rich establishment types to think that the governor could be the one to take down Trump.

They were all wrong.

And now its too late. If DeSantiss campaign were going to gain traction, it would have done so already.......


New Research Develops Comprehensive Profile of Students Who Threaten Schools "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry reveals that students who make threats in school have a wide range of psychiatric diagnoses, learning disorders, and major needs for educational and psychiatric interventions.
  • The study examined threat assessment evaluations of 157 school-age youth referred to the Stony Brook University Child and Adolescent Outpatient Clinic.
  • Findings show that a significant number of students had brought weapons to school (29 percent) or made verbal threats (80 percent). The majority of students reported traumatic life experiences, and many had psychiatric diagnoses such as ADHD, depression, anxiety, and autism spectrum disorders.
  • Recommendations for mental health treatment, including psychotherapy and medications, were common, and some students were advised to transition to a more supportive school setting.  Read More

The post New Research Develops Comprehensive Profile of Students Who Threaten Schools appeared first on The Clarion Project.


US Plans to Restrict Chinese Access to Cloud Services "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • U.S. officials are reportedly planning to restrict Chinese companies access to cloud computing services, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft, as a security measure to safeguard advanced technology.
  • The proposed controls would require providers to obtain government approval before offering cloud services that utilize powerful artificial intelligence (AI) chips to Chinese clients, closing a loophole in existing chip export sanctions. The U.S. Commerce Department is expected to announce these measures in the coming weeks. 
  • In response, the Chinese government plans to implement controls on exports of gallium and germanium, crucial materials for semiconductor production, potentially impacting the chip manufacturing industry.  Read More

The post US Plans to Restrict Chinese Access to Cloud Services appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Heres how the end of the US dollars global dominance will play out "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Much of the world now supports de-dollarization. It will happen, but not as a big bang The de-dollarization of the global financial system is set to continue. This will be facilitated by the development of new financial technology. Central banks will seek to settle directly with each other without using the currencies of developed countries.

Continue reading Heres how the end of the US dollars global dominance will play out


Iran Hackers Targeting Nuclear Security Experts "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Hackers linked to the Iranian government, known as TA453 or Charming Kitten, are targeting experts in Middle Eastern affairs and nuclear security with a new campaign involving malware for Apple and Microsoft products.
  • The campaign aims at reconnaissance, with the hackers deploying backdoors in victims systems to gather intelligence. They have been adapting their tools and tactics, including sending Mac malware to one of their recent targets.
  • The campaign began with an email posing as a senior fellow from the UK think tank RUSI requesting feedback on a project called Iran in the Global Security Context. The hackers used various cloud hosting providers to deliver the malware and offered to pay the expert for their input. The likely goal is to monitor experts involved in the Iran nuclear agreement negotiations. Read More

The post Iran Hackers Targeting Nuclear Security Experts appeared first on The Clarion Project.



User Answers

I began this week with a blog about the relationship of the geometry of the brain to thought, so I thought I'd end this

The post BING AI CHATBOT SAYS ITS TIRED OF BEING A CHATBOT appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


This and That "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  A Funny thing happened on the way to Utopia (American Thinker) Disney is simply one offensive on the entertainment front of the culture war. BlackRock seeks to make it impossible to be employed without bowing to the DEI idol. The lords of higher education require you to indenture your future earnings for the doubtful []

The post This and That appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Last Generation Climate Hypocrites Glue Themselves to German Runways "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Letzte Generation Climate hypocrites should try cutting back on their personal fossil fuel use, before they demand other people abandon fossil fuel.

The post Last Generation Climate Hypocrites Glue Themselves to German Runways first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Top brands are getting more engagement on Threads than on identical posts for Twitter: report "IndyWatch Feed World"

An analysis of 30 brands, including McDonalds, Red Bull, CNN, and others, indicates that threads may get more love than tweets.

Though Threads has existed for barely a week, the new social media platform is by some measures already a resounding success for Meta. Within five days, Threads garnered 100 million usersthe fastest-growing user base in history. But Threads also seems to be a win for brands, at least when compared to Twitter.

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Bangladesh: Spiraling Violence Against Rohingya Refugees "IndyWatch Feed War"

Human Wrongs Watch

By Human Rights Watch*

Protect Community From Killings, Abductions, Torture



Suffolk Middle School Cleared After Gun and Bomb Threats "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Suffolk, Va., police have cleared Kings Fork Middle School of all threats following a report of a gun and bomb threat. Law enforcement conducted a search of the building but did not find a gun.
  • Students were briefly evacuated during the incident, and after the school was deemed safe, they were allowed to return. Suffolk police will increase their presence at the school for the rest of the day, and investigations into both incidents are ongoing.  Read More

The post Suffolk Middle School Cleared After Gun and Bomb Threats appeared first on The Clarion Project.


The Mercedes Touch: Albanian Military Support To Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans

The following list attempts to keep track of military equipment delivered or pledged to Ukraine by Albania during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The entries below are sorted by armament category (with a flag denoting the country of origin), and due to the confidential nature of Albania's arms deliveries they can serve only as a lower bound to the total volume delivered. This list is updated as further military support is uncovered.
(Click on the equipment type or vehicle to get a picture)

Military Ambulances (2)


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Froot Seezun Continues "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Last week I finished with strawberries. I spent two-three hours working on them for a day for nearly two weeks and in the end, I harvested over 30 kg. 22 kg I managed to dry, and the rest converted my mom into marmalade (-> cellar), pies (->freezer) and puddings  (->immediate consumption). And just as soon as the strawberry season has ended, the raspberry season has started.

Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

There is a huge patch of wild raspberries just outside my garden. My neighbor cannot mow the meadow this close to the fence, so they thrive on a strip of land approx 1 m wide. And the law in CZ is that wild fruit on publically accessible land can be picked by anyone, so I can use it I just need to go out of my garden and walk all the way around, about 100 m. Last year we did not have any because I took a chainsaw to the whole growth to rejuvenate it which it did.

Since these are wild raspberries that grew there from seeds some decades ago, the fruits are relatively small. They are even smaller due to seven consecutive drought years, but they are still tasty and I managed to pick over 600 g yesterday in just half an hour. I will pick a few kg over the next few days, try to dry some, and make others into jam since we run out of raspberry jam some years ago.

And to post something pleasing to the eye after a long while, the first sunflower of the year has blossomed.

Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

It is not particularly big sunflower, in part due to the drought and in part because I did not buy F1 seeds this year and I simply planted some of the surplus seeds that I fed to the birds during the winter. But it is pretty and the sunflower patch looks promising.


Mercy Land Church Disowns Two Staff Indicted By NDLEA For Hard  Drug Possession "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JULY 14TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The management of Christ MercyLand Deliverance Ministry has dissociated itself from all the allegations leveled against two of its staff by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA).

The ministry in a statement issued in Warri, Delta       State, yesterday said it was not part of any conduct towards the aim and objectives of the mission.

It was gathered that the two staff members,  Ebipakebina Appeal, who had been working with it as a driver since 2018, and Adewale Abayomi Ayeni of its Call Center unit, who had been working with the ministry since 2019, were recently indicted by NDLEA of being in possession of hard drugs at the point of arrest.

But in swift reaction, the management of the ministry in a copy of the disclaimer made available to journalists in Warri, noted that even though the suspects mentioned had been working with the ministry for some time now, and the church cannot condole acts contrary to the vision on which the ministry was founded.

According to the ministry, The management of Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry wishes to state clearly that Adewale Abayomi Ayeni, works in the Call Center unit, since 2019, and Ebipakebina Appeal, who works as a driver with us since 2018.

And by this, we are attesting to the fact that they are staff of Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry with the above job positions which they have been carrying out since 2019 and 2018 respectively.

The ministry, therefore, in the statement disclaimed any conduct of its staff members, especially the two persons, that is contrary to the aim and objectives of the Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry.





NATO cant exist without an enemy Russian diplomat "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The US-led alliance constantly creates confrontation, a deputy foreign minister said NATO needs enemies so it can justify its existence, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Aleksandr Grushko said on Thursday, commenting on the Western blocs recent meeting in Lithuania.  Expansion is one of the instruments used by NATO countries to maintain confrontation, Grushko told Russias Channel One. Therefore,

Continue reading NATO cant exist without an enemy Russian diplomat


What are the Birds Singing About? "IndyWatch Feed"

We hear them every morning, birds singing cheerfully, calling out across the gardens to welcoming the sun each morning or at least that is what I was told they were doing when I was in primary school. The truth is a little less pleasant. The tunes those birds sing each morning are a warning to other birds of the same species to stay away, that this piece of territory is owned and that trespass will probably be met with violence.

A work colleague (who must have had a bigger garden than mine) once told me of two robins that tried to live in his garden, one at the top and another at the bottom and he placed a bird feeder in the middle of the garden, hoping they would co-exist. Sadly, they fought until one was victorious and the other vanished. (It is believed that 10% of male robin deaths are as a result of attacks from other robins in territorial disputes.)

Territorial disputes are common among many animals and in our closest relatives, the chimpanzees, it is common for groups of adolescent males to patrol the boundaries of their territory looking for intruders from other tribes, who they will attack and kill if possible.

Sadly, human instinct is similar to that of the chimpanzee. We are socialised to expect and tolerate strangers walking down our street as individuals, but large groups of young males from a different area walking down our street tends to raise tensions and make us feel that our area is under threat.

Three decades ago, I lived at Ballynafeigh, on the Ormeau Rd, when the area was predominantly Protestant, yet I was usually able to walk safely to the City Centre to meet friends on a Friday evening, down across the bridge and past the nationalist Lower Ormeau area. However, every time my community insisted on its right to keep the road open to orange feet this paradoxically made crossing the Ormeau Bridge on foot dangerous for people like me sometimes I would have to avoid missiles thrown by both communities as I crossed the bridge.

It has become the fashion for us unionists to talk about our culture, rather than our traditional routes, but we cannot escape humanitys biological instincts. I do not accept any area belonging exclusively to a religious group, but I do understand why Loyalist parades passing through predominantly Nationalist areas can be perceived as threatening. We might like the music and the pageantry just as we enjoy the morning bird-song, but we would be nave to ignore the territorial tensions.

That the Orange Order and the DUP would try to reopen the Drumcree dispute this summer surprised and disappointed me. Ever since Michael McGoldrick was murdered to help force a march through in 1996, I have felt the OO should voluntarily give up this route it would be the Christian thing to do.

As the Orange Order was prevented from walking down the Garvaghy Road this year for the 25th year my sympathy was with the bereaved McGoldrick, Quinn, Martin, Hamill and O...


Somalia Political Leaders Convene to Chart Countrys Future "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Somalia Political Leaders

Mogadishu, Somalia A pivotal two-day conference on Somalias political future concluded yesterday in the capital city of Mogadishu. Organized by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the meeting brought together prominent current and former leaders to deliberate critical governance issues.

Key areas of focus included Somalias electoral process, governing structure, party system, electoral commission, term limits and constitutional review.

On elections, attendees reached consensus on implementing a stable and inclusive process allowing extensive participation. Extensive debate occurred regarding whether to retain Somalias parliamentary framework or potentially shift to a presidential system after consulting public opinion.

Numerous politicians advocated opening the party system to multiple parties, moving beyond the current proposal of two-party.

Participants emphasized the need for an independent electoral commission to oversee federal and regional elections impartially.

It was agreed presidential and parliamentary terms should be constitutionally limited to prevent extensions, with exceptions until the next election.

Despite outstanding constitutional issues requiring resolution, leaders concurred the constitution must be finalized to serve as the cornerstone of Somalias governance.

In closing remarks, politicians thanked President Mohamud for spearheading this crucial national dialogue on Somalias way forward. The conference marked an important step in charting the countrys political path amid ongoing transitions.

Horseed media

The post Somalia Political Leaders Convene to Chart Countrys Future appeared first on Horseed Media.


NATO is the real troublemaker China "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The bloc claims to be a defensive alliance but provokes confrontation, Beijings UN envoy has said NATO is the real troublemaker that has fully embraced Cold War thinking and ideological prejudice as it continues to generate global tensions, Chinas permanent representative to the UN has said. In a statement on Thursday, Zhang Jun hit back at the communique issued

Continue reading NATO is the real troublemaker  China


Netflixs crackdown on password sharing is working. New subscriber count up 236%: report "IndyWatch Feed World"

The streaming TV company reports earnings next week and will likely discuss the crackdown strategy in greater detail then.

Those forecasting the downfall of Netflix due to the password-sharing crackdown that the streamer introduced in May appear to have been wrong, according to new data from Bloomberg Second Measure. Instead of the company shedding users, Netflixs new subscriber count grew 236% between May 21 and June 18 of this year.

Read Full Story


New Mexico Mosque Vandalized "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • A mosque in eastern New Mexico has been vandalized multiple times in recent weeks, with vandals ripping up a Quran and pouring beer on it.
  • The police in Portales are investigating the incidents and following up on possible leads, although they believe it is unlikely to be a hate crime.
  • The vandals also caused damage to the mosques walls, furniture, air conditioning unit, and spray-painted vulgar language on a wall, according to the centers director.  Read More

The post New Mexico Mosque Vandalized appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Unaccompanied Child Migrants Traversing the Eastern Route for Work "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Dire Dawa, 10 July 2023 (IOM)* Sixteen-year-old Abel Ahmed* has never been to school. Originally from Dera, Oromia Regional State, North Shoa Zone in Ethiopia, his family could not afford to send him to school. Instead, he was supporting his familys small-scale farming on their piece of land where they planted sorghum. 

My family has problems with money. I had a plan to go to school but I could not, he explains.

One month ago, he left home with his peers and friends to look for work, having heard of stories from family members who managed to succeed in finding work in Yemen.




Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Racially Motivated Attack Against Black Women "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • A Florida man, Frederick Eugene Pierallini III, pleaded guilty to two federal hate crimes for attacking two Black women with a gun.
  • Pierallini intimidated and interfered with the victims enjoyment of federally protected activities because of their race and color.
  • The incidents occurred on September 10 and 12, 2022, when Pierallini directed racial slurs, pointed a shotgun, and fired a shot at the victims.
  • The defendant faces a maximum of 10 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a fine up to $250,000 for each count. The sentencing hearing is yet to be scheduled.  Read More

The post Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Racially Motivated Attack Against Black Women appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Mothers of Srebrenica: Sadly, the killing continues in the world "IndyWatch Feed War"

(UN News)* The pointe shoes were a testament to unfulfilled hopes. They belonged to a young ballet dancer from Bosnia and Herzegovina whose life was forever changed by the brutal conflict that broke out in the heart of Europe at the end of the 20th century and were on display at the UN Headquarters in New York to educate visitors about the horrors of war and genocide.
Kada Hoti holds photographs of her son, husband, and two brothers, who were lost in the Srebrenica genocide.
UN News/Hisae Kawamori
Kada Hoti holds photographs of her son, husband, and two brothers, who were lost in the Srebrenica genocide.


Antifa Couple Indicted for Throwing Explosive Fireworks at Police "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Brian DiPippa and his wife, Krystal DiPippa, from Pittsburgh, Penn., have been indicted on charges of conspiracy and obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder.
  • The indictment states that on April 18, 2023, the DiPippas participated in a protest at the University of Pittsburgh campus, where Brian DiPippa allegedly ignited and dropped two homemade smoke bomb containers and threw a large explosive firework at police officers, causing injuries.
  • Brian DiPippa was also charged with using an explosive to commit a federal felony.
  • The couple has a history of far-left extremism and was federally indicted for their involvement in Antifa explosive attacks at the event.  Read More

The post Antifa Couple Indicted for Throwing Explosive Fireworks at Police appeared first on The Clarion Project.


University Student Charged for Vandalizing Pro-Life Pregnancy Center "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Whitney M. Durant, also known as Soren Monroe, has been charged under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act for intentionally damaging the property of HerChoice, a pregnancy care center in Bowling Green, Ohio, by defacing it with spray paint.
  • Durant is a 20-year-old student at Bowling Green State University. 
  • At the time of the incident, it was reported that someone used green spray paint to write the words Liars, Fake clinic, Fund abortion, Abort God, and Janes Revenge.
  • If convicted, the sentence will be determined by the court, taking into account factors such as the defendants criminal record, role in the offense, and the nature of the violations, with a maximum sentence of one year incarceration.  Read More

The post University Student Charged for Vandalizing Pro-Life Pregnancy Center appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Sudan crisis: International Criminal Court probes reports of extrajudicial killings and rape "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sudan crisis: International Criminal Court probes reports of extrajudicial killings and rape

The courts top prosecutor warns that history is repeating itself in Darfur
MEE staff Fri, 07/14/2023 - 08:43
Karim Khan, Prosecutor of International Criminal Court, addresses a Security Council meeting on the situation in Sudan on 13 July 2023, at United Nations headquarters (AP)
Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Karim Khan addresses a UN Security Council meeting on the situation in Sudan on 13 July 2023 (AP)

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has launched an investigation into reports of extrajudicial killings, sexual violence, and other crimes committed in Sudans ongoing internal conflict

The courts top prosecutor Karim Khan told the UN Security Council on Thursday that we now are in peril of allowing history to repeat itself, in Darfur as violence in the western region surges. 

We are not on the precipice of a human rights catastrophe, we are in the midst of one, he said. 

ICC prosecutors will examine reports of extrajudicial killings, burning of homes and markets, and looting, in el-Geneina, West Darfur, as well as the killing and displacement of civilians in North Darfur and other locations across Darfur," said a report by Khan's office. 

Allegations of sexual and gender-based crimes, including mass rapes and alleged reports of violence against and affecting children," will also be reviewed. 



January 6 Defendant Accused of Targeting Obama "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Taylor Taranto, arrested for his alleged participation in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, is accused of targeting former President Barack Obamas home in Washington, D.C., after Donald Trump posted what he claimed was Obamas address on social media.
  • Taranto was charged with four misdemeanor offenses related to the Jan. 6 riot and was arrested in the Kalorama neighborhood where the Obamas reside.
  • He reposted Trumps social media post containing the alleged address and livestreamed his drive through the neighborhood, expressing intent to access the private residences.
  • Taranto was apprehended by the Secret Service after attempting to flee. Firearms, ammunition, and a machete were found in his van, where he had been living for the past two months.  Read More

The post January 6 Defendant Accused of Targeting Obama appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Supreme Courts 303 Creative Decision Reasserts Religious Freedom And Cites The Federalist "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Supreme CourtThe decision asserts every Americans right to live his religious convictions free from state-coerced speech that violates his conscience.


Saudi Arabia: Mohammed bin Salman invited to the UK, says report "IndyWatch Feed War"

Saudi Arabia: Mohammed bin Salman invited to the UK, says report

The trip would be the Saudi Arabian crown prince's first visit to London since the murder of Jamal Khashoggi
MEE staff Fri, 07/14/2023 - 08:25
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman pictured during a visit to Paris on 16 June 2023 (AFP)
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman pictured during a visit to Paris on 16 June 2023 (AFP)

The British government has invited Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to visit London later this year, the Financial Times reported on Friday.

Citing people briefed on the trip, the newspaper said the visit is expected to take place in October or November.

A British government official confirmed the visit and said the exact timing will be up to them, given we need them more than they need us.

It would be the first trip by the Saudi Arabian crown prince to London since he became an international pariah in October 2018 following the murder of Middle East Eye and Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents in Istanbul.

After a four-year enforced hiatus, he made his first trip to Europe since the murder in July 2022, visiting Greece and France. 

Earlier that year, he met with then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Riyadh as London sought to lobby the Gulf kingdom for higher oil production in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Saudi Arabia is one...


The Decline of the BBC "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Naked Emperors Newsletter July 12, 2023

Today, the BBCs worst kept secret was revealed to the normies presenter Huw Edwards is the man behind the sex pics scandal.

Will they start to ask questions such as why random articles about Huw have been popping up in the mainstream press over the last few weeks? Will they realise that the newspaper editors have been playing with them because everybody knew Huw was involved in the scandal? Probably not, they will just chalk it down to a coincidence, if they even noticed at all.

This was the man they used as the face of the BBC news, lecturing us on ethics and honesty. They selected him to present the Queens funeral to the world. And yet a section of society still defend his actions because nothing illegal happened and hes suffered from depression in the past. The allegations are still that he was texting a school child, how can that be defended even if it was legal?

But are we surprised the BBC has been trying to keep this scandal quiet for a while now? Of course not, they protected Jimmy Savile for decades. Jimmy Savile was the UKs equivalent of Jeffrey Epstein. He was a BBC presenter with his most famous TV show being Jimll Fix it which made the wishes of children come true. He was knighted and described as a prodigious philanthropist by the Guardian.

Everyone knew the reality but it wasnt until his death that the sexual assault allegations started pouring out. He had assaulted staff and patients aged between 5 and 75 for several decades and had been given the keys to hospitals (including a psychiatric hospital) so that he could let himself in and see patients when he wanted.

The outside of the BBCs flagship building, Broadcasting House, is adorned with statues by another paedophile. Sculptor Eric Gill produced various sculptures for the BBC in the 30s, including Prospero and Ariel and Ariel between Wisdom and Gaiety.




July 8, 2023

Dr. Michael Huang was a brave physician in California who treated vaccine-injured patients and wrote vaccine exemptions. Please watch this heartbreaking 3 minute video that Dr. Huang just sent to Steve Kirsch. This is the CA medical system at work. No mainstream doctors will speak out in support. Mirror mirror: 


Tom Cruise Shines As Americas Last Movie Star In The New Mission: Impossible "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Tom Cruise in Mission ImpossibleTom Cruise shines as America's last true movie star in the apolitical and wildly entertaining 'Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning.'


Its The Monkey in The Cage Hitting The Cocaine Button Over and Over and Over Until its Heart Stops. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Smoking Mirrors July 13, 2023

God Poet Transmitting.

As I watch The World and its cultures and traditions fall apart, I am amazed at the power of The Destroyers and Deceivers. Surely this is not representative of the majority of souls? Yet everywhere you see the insidious hand of The Satanic Soros Klan and their banker kindred from the Hellish realms in The Lower Mind. Materialism is an infection, no different than jock itch or athletes foot.

We see how COVID which was not real, but a catch-all for common ailments of seasonal distress that have afflicted humanity for generations beyond count suddenly changed the lives of everyone who was dependent on The System.

Long ago, I realized that the less I had to do with; the less I had to rely on The System the better off I would be. For as many generations as mind parasites and immune disorders have threatened us, men have walked out on the company of others because of the afflictions that beset the well-being of individuals who tarry overlong in the higher concentrations of systematized souls.

Youve got your classics like Whitman and Thoreau the mountain men like Jim Bridger the naturalists like John Muir writers like Kerouac people who wandered in The Great Beyond in search of The Great Within. Sometimes they found it. Sometimes they just got drunk and bitter.

Always the deeper thinkers among us have tended to keep to themselves. Theyre not impressed by The Surface Life which captures and swallows the majority of their fellows.

Life is regressing to a kind of infantilism a fascination of and playing with The Peepee. Its a sensory short-circuiting. Its the monkey in the cage hitting the Cocaine button over and over and over until its heart stops.

Thrill-seeking is akin to X-treme Sports. You know or you should know that sooner or later youre going to wipe out and get hurt or dead at least once and if youre stupid more than once.

The humdrum and boredom of systematized existence is so mind-numbing that many are driven to extreme behavior hoping to escape hoping to forget life has become meaningless all the good pursuits have become befouled by impostors.

No one trusts anyone anymore. Few public figures are worthy of any respect. Theres no one to look up to, except people who can bounce balls around or effectively (or even ineffectively) pretend to be someone else; make a fool out of themselves on stages in front of slavering morons that make you wish you had a few buckets of raw meat because it looks like feeding time at the zoo.




Librarian-In-Chief Joe Biden Dreams Up Illegal Federal Library Code For Public Schools "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Joe Biden and Education Secretary CardonaPresident Joe Biden is unlawfully wielding his power to stop parental efforts to remove sexually explicit books from public school libraries.


Russia will view the deployment of F-16 jets to Ukraine as a direct nuclear threat to Moscow, Sergei Lavrov warns "IndyWatch Feed War"

Will Stewart and James Reynolds Daily Mail July 13, 2023

Russia will view the deployment of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine as a direct nuclear threat to the Kremlin, Putins foreign minister has warned.

Sergei Lavrov says Russia has privately warned the US, Britain and France of the dire risks of the planned move to give Kyiv the advanced warplanes.

He implied that the use of F-16 for which Ukrainian pilots are now being trained could lead to Putin unleashing tactical nuclear weapons.

He said the move was just one example of an extremely dangerous turn of events is the United States plans to transfer F-16 fighter jets to the Kiev regime.

We have informed the nuclear powers, the United States, Britain and France, that Russia cannot ignore the ability of these aircraft to carry nuclear weapons.

No amount of assurances will help here.

The Lavrov warning comes despite the West denying it will supply nuclear weapons to Ukraine.

Lavrov said: In the course of combat operations, our servicemen are not going to sort out whether each particular aircraft of this type is equipped to deliver nuclear weapons or not.

We will regard the very fact that the Ukrainian armed forces have such systems as a threat from the West in the nuclear sphere.

He warned: The United States and its NATO satellites are creating risks of a direct armed clash with Russia, and this is fraught with catastrophic consequences.

The ultra-loyalist chief diplomat said: The conditions for Russias use of nuclear weapons are clearly defined in our Military Doctrine.

They are well known, and I will not repeat them once again.

The US and its allies could deliver the F-16 jets to Ukraine in the coming months.

The Foreign Minister alleged that NATO which completed its summit in Vilnius on Wednesday is consistently lowering the threshold for the use of force and building up the nuclear capability in military planning.

He alleged in an interview with Lenta that the organisation has completely returned to Cold War schemes on the basis of the ideology dividing the world into democracies and autocracies.

Yesterday, he was quoted as saying that Russia would protect its own legitimate security interests...


The One Chart That Explains Everything "IndyWatch Feed War"

Mike Whitney The Unz Review July 12, 2023

Look carefully at the chart above. What do you see?

You see the development of a high-speed rail system that is unrivaled anywhere on earth. You see the actualization of plan to connect all parts of the country with modern-day infrastructure that reduces shipping costs, improves mobility and increases profitability. You see a vision of the 21st century in which state-directed capital links rural populations with urban centers lifting standards of living across the board. You see an expression of a new economic model that has lifted 800 million people out of poverty while paving the way for global economic integration. You see an industrial juggernaut expanding in all directions while laying the groundwork for a new century of economic integration, accelerated development and shared prosperity.

Is there a high-speed rail system in the United States that is comparable to what we see in China today?

No, there isnt. So far, less than 50 miles of high-speed rail has been built in the United States. (Amtraks Acela, which reaches 150 mph over 49.9 miles of track, is the USs only high-speed rail service.) As everyone knows, Americas transportation grid is obsolete and in a shambles.

But, why? Why is the United States so far behind China in the development of critical infrastructure?

Its because Chinas state-led model is vastly superior to Americas carpetbagger model. In China, the government is directly involved in the operation of the economy, which means that it subsidizes those industries that enhance growth and spur development. In contrast, American capitalism is a savage free-for-all in which private owners are able to divert great sums of money into unproductive stock buybacks and other scams that do nothing to create jobs or strengthen the economy. Since 2009 US corporations have spent more than $7 trillion on stock buybacks which is an activity that boosts payouts to rich shareholders but fails to produce anything of material value. Had that capital been invested in critical infrastructure, every city in America would be linked to a gigantic webbing of high-speed rail extending from...


To Bring Back The Wonder Of The Big Screen, Build A DIY Backyard Movie Theater "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Elm Road Drive-in TheaterWith a do-it-yourself outdoor theater, you can bring into your own backyard all the elements that gave drive-ins their power.


Link "IndyWatch Feed War"

Kit Knightley Off-Guardian July 13, 2023

In yet another blow to the globalist plan for World Domination, last week the government of Shanghai has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with US-based pharmaceutical company Moderna.

For anyone living in a cave on Mars for the last couple of years, Moderna are an mRNA-focused research company who produced only the second ever safe and effective mRNA vaccine basically just a few days after Pfizer produced the first.

Thanks to Modernas rushed and untested vaccine the first product they ever successfully brought to market over the course of the pandemic their stock value increased over 2000%, from $19 per share to $450.

Modernas founders were among the 44 new billionaires (totally accidentally) created by Covid.

and now they get a brand new research centre in Shanghai, along with investment and co-operation from the local government and permission to run human trials using Chinese citizens, according to China Daily:

Moderna, the United States-based pharmaceuticals manufacturer, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with authorities in Shanghai on Wednesday, marking the companys first investment on the Chinese mainland.

Under the agreement among the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization, the district government of Minhang and Moderna, the parties will collaborate on investment, research and development, production and commercialization in the biomedical sector, it was announced by the Minhang district government on Thursday.

The companys first investment project on the Chinese mainland will involve setting up an R&D base in Minhang and conducting clinical trials on new medicines to put its products on the market, and produce and sell them in China.

Now, since Im reliably informed China are some kind of multilateral, anti-globalist 5th columnist who only pretended to go along with the Covid narrative (for as yet unknown reasons), my first thought was that this must be some kind of trick.

Perhaps the Chinese government is simply helping produce Modernas products in order to profit from Covid hysteria by selling them to idiotic Western governments, right?

but, alas, it doesnt look that way according to the Financial Times:

Any medicines produced under this agreement will be exclusively for the Chinese people who face many of the same health challenges that affect other communities around the world, the company said in a statement.

Yes, it seems all the *ahem* medicine Moderna produces in...


Shtadlones. Ausgespielt. "IndyWatch Feed War"


Gezien de vernedering die Zelensky heeft ervaren omdat hij gesoleerd en alleen op de NAVO-top werd gefotografeerd terwijl de leiders van de leden onder elkaar spraken, had het regime in Kiev zich moeten realiseren dat ze worden gebruikt als niets meer dan pionnen in een nu mislukte poging om Rusland te verzwakken en in te dammen... ondanks deze steun van Frankrijk en Groot-Brittanni, tuchtigde Zelensky het bredere toelatingsbeleid van de NAVO als "absurd", wat zelfs de Britse minister van Defensie Ben Wallace ertoe aanzette te benadrukken dat Kiev niet genoeg "dankbaarheid" uitdrukt voor de steun die het ontvangt. Toch is deze voortdurende vernedering en de volledige vernietiging van zijn leger en economie niet genoeg geweest voor het regime in Kiev om te beseffen dat het niets meer is dan een vervangbare proxy voor de NAVO.

Bernard Claeys



Secret Service CLOSES White House cocaine investigation "IndyWatch Feed War"

Biden administration is accused of COVER-UP over failure to catch suspect who left drugs in West Wing locker despite security cameras recording 24/7

  • USSS told Congress they narrowed down the list of possible suspects who brought cocaine into the White House to 500 people 
  • The agency has decided to close the investigation without finding the culprit 
  • Agents just decided its just some weekend visitor That is the most ridiculous thing Ive ever seen in my life, said Republican Rep. Tim Burchett 

Morgan Phillips and Katelyn Caralle The Daily Mail July 13, 2023

Hunter Biden (centre, rear) had visited the White House shortly before the cocaine was found. Click to enlarge

The Secret Service is closing the investigation into the White House cocaine discovery because of a lack of evidence in a stunning move just 11 days after the drugs were abandoned in a West Wing locker.

Furious Republicans have called the shuttering of the probe ridiculous and accused the Biden administration of a cover-up, with agents unable to find a suspect despite poring over surveillance footage for more than a week.

GOP Rep. Tim Burchett said agents just decided its just some weekend visitor and chalked up the entire investigation as another coverup by the Biden White House.

Its bogus the Tennessee congressman added. That is the most ridiculous thing Ive ever seen in my life.

His comments came after the Secret Service briefed members of Congress, 11 days after the cocaine discovery forced evacuation and a hazmat situation at the White House.

The list of suspects was narrowed down to 500. Democrats said drug testing all of the potential culprits would violate their civil liberties and insiste...

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