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Sunday, 09 July


Angst vor der Soros Foundation? Weil die immer Revolutionen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Angst vor der Soros Foundation? Weil die immer Revolutionen anzettelt? Keine Sorge!

Der alte Mann hat die Stiftung seinem Sohn Alex bergeben, und der will erstmal 40% des Personals feuern. Auerdem:

Alexander Soros also said that under his leadership, he planned focus the foundation more on US domestic politics.
Soviel dazu.

Aus der beliebten Kategorie "you hat ONE job", heute:Mastodon-Instanzen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Aus der beliebten Kategorie "you hat ONE job", heute:

Mastodon-Instanzen durch bsen Toot rootbar.

Ciscos verschlsseltes VPN kann man von auen entschlsseln. Besonders schn: Die Funktion heit "CloudSec". Oder, wie Cisco es ausdrckt:

Using Multi-Site Secure VXLAN EVPN with CloudSec provides state-of-the art Data Center Interconnect with Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
WHOA DUDE! Nicht nur VPN! EVPN!!

Und nicht nur EVPN! VXLAN EVPN!!

Warte! Nicht nur VXLAN EVPN! Secure VXLAN EVPN!!!

Scheie, Bernd, heit das, dass es auch Insecure VXLAN EVPN gibt? Wie sich rausstellt: ja. Ist sogar Standard :-)

Update: Hat sogar noch ein bisschen mehr Availability als geplant!

Der immer wieder wunderbare Erich Mchel prgt den ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Der immer wieder wunderbare Erich Mchel prgt den Begriff der KI-Demenz fr "KI", die mit dem Output anderer "KI" trainiert wurde.

Nicht zu verwechseln mit "digitaler Demenz", bei der wir uns selber durch dauerhaften Umgang mit ablenkenden digitalen Inhalten verblden.

Benutzt hier jemand Linux 6.1 bis 6.4?The StackRot ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Benutzt hier jemand Linux 6.1 bis 6.4?

The StackRot vulnerability has been present in the changed from red-black trees to maple trees.
Die Hybris dieser Leute immer, etablierten Code wegzuschmeien, weil sie ja so viel schlauer sind als alle vor ihnen.

Und dann erst mal Bugs einbauen, die der alte Code nicht hatte. Klar.

'Langsam wird der Plan gegen die Flchtlinge klar. ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

'Langsam wird der Plan gegen die Flchtlinge klar. Wir machen hier solange faschistischere Polizeigesetze, bis die lieber zuhause bleiben bei ihren mrderischen Diktatoren dort.

Aktuell: In Frankreich darf die Polizei jetzt auf den Telefonen von Brgern aus der Ferne die Kamera einschalten. Und das Mikrofon. Und GPS abfragen.

Aber macht euch keine Sorge, euch wird das schon nicht betreffen. Sagen die Bullen.

The bill will reportedly only apply to suspects in crimes that are punishable by a minimum of five years in jail and Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti claimed that the new provision would only affect a few dozen cases per year.
Nun wei man ja zum Abhrzeitpunkt noch nicht, welche Straftaten jemand begangen hat, sonst wrde man ihn einfach verhaften. Insofern ist das berhaupt gar keine Einschrnkung. Die Polizei kann einfach vermuten, dass jemand ein Mrder ist, und schon darf sie alles. Auch wenn sich dann vllig berraschend rausstellen sollte, dass das blo ein Klimakleber war.

Ich finde brigens, dass wir Schuld sind. Ja. Wir. Wir Deutschen. Wir haben die Contentmafia damit durchkommen lassen, genau diesen Schei seit Jahren ungestraft gegen Raubmordkopierer zu machen. Die gehen hin, suseln dem Richter was von geschftsmiger Bandenkriminalitt ins Ohr, damit sie die IP-Adresse von der Telco kriegen. Dann hat sich das mit der Bandenkriminalitt jedesmal erledigt und sie gehen zivil gegen die Opfer vor.

Wenn das bei uns so super funktioniert, wieso sollten die Franzosen das dann nicht auch pullen? Oh warte, und noch einen Klassiker haben sie von den ethisch versifften Politikern in Deutschland kopiert:

During a debate over the bill yesterday, French politicians added an amendment that orders judge approval for any surveillance conducted under the scope of the bill and limits the duration of surveillance to six months, according to Le Monde.
Ohooo! Richtervorbehalt!!1! Der wird in Frankreich bestimmt hnlich effektiv Missbrauch der Polizeirechte verhindern wie bei uns!

Ich wei, was ihr jetzt denkt. Sechs Monate klingt wenig. Das reicht doch unmglich fr den Dorfpolizisten, der der Dorfschnheit hinterherstalkt. Keine Sorge. Von "kann nicht verlngert werden" steht da nichts.

Na gut, denkt ihr euch jetzt vielleicht. Betrifft nur das Handy. Nein, tut es nicht.

For organized crime, the police can have access to the sound and image of a device. This concerns any connected device: telephone, speaker microphone, computer camera, computer system of a car... all without the knowledge of the persons concerned, French advocacy group La Quadrature du Net said
Na gut, denkt ihr euch jetzt vielleicht, das hlt doch aber Flchtlinge nicht ab. Die sind doch von zuhause ganz andere Dinge gewohnt! Da fliegen Morddrohnen ber ihne...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Activists in Kenya Burn Tires and Block Roads to Protest Taxes. Police Detain More than 20 People


6:08 AM EDT, July 7, 2023

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) Anti-government demonstrators in Kenya lit bonfires and barricaded major roads in the capital Friday as part of nationwide protests against the governments plans to increase taxes. Police detained more than 20 protesters.

Hundreds of protesters turned up in Nairobi, as well as in the coastal city of Mombasa and the lakeside city of Kisumu, where the opposition enjoys huge support. Some businesses closed their doors. Police dispersed the protesters with tear gas canisters.

Protester Emmanuel Wafula in Nairobi said he wanted President William Ruto to lower the cost of living, not raise it through his administrations newly passed tax package.

He wants to tax the little money we have in our pockets. What will we eat? Wafula said. He is increasing taxes to people who have nothing. If one has money, it is okay to be taxed. We have nothing!

Nairobi police commander Adamson Bungei told The Associated Press that more than 20 people had been arrested by midday, but he did not say what charges they would face.

The governments tax package increased the value added tax on petroleum from 8% to 16%, boosted a business turnover tax from 1% to 3% and created a new 1.5% percent housing tax for salaried workers.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga has called on followers not to pay the taxes, and for civil disobedience to protest them, including more nationwide demonstrations planned for next Wednesday.

The implementation of some of the new tax provisions has been suspended by a court pending a case filed by an opposition senator challenging their legality. The government has, however, implemented the increased fuel tax.

At a rally Friday in Nairobi, Odinga launched a petition drive to get 10 million Kenyans to sign an impeachment motion against President Ruto. However, the Kenyan constitution grants impeachment powers only to the national assembly, which the ruling party curr...


Low-Water Landscape and Garden Designs for Water-Wise Yards "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the western United States has been experiencing some of the driest conditions on record, and according to the UN, more than 75% of the world could be facing drought conditions by 2050. Bottom line: as climate change continues to cause water stress, we need to find ways to conserve water and adapt to drier conditions including in our yards and gardens. 

The traditional expanses of pristine green grass that characterize most lawns use huge amounts of water. Its estimated that 30% of residential drinking water is used outdoors, and even more in the summer. This can be a huge expense and a drain on water resources, especially in areas of the country facing water shortages

The goal of creating a water-wise yard is threefold: to increase the amount of moisture your soil can hold, capitalize on naturally available water, and choose plants and designs that require less water to begin with. Landscaping using water-wise methods is often called xeriscaping, a term first used by the Denver Water Board to describe landscaping methods that reduce the need for irrigation, capitalize on natural precipitation, and overall require less water than traditional landscaping methods. Whatever the name, there are many ways to increase the resilience of your yard in the face of drought. 

Sustainable Hardscaping 

Hardscaping can replace a lawn and conserve water. JaimePharr / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Usually integrated with xeriscaping, hardscaping basically means designing and decorating your yard with non-organic features like walls, paths, patios, or driveways. Hardscaping itself is not inherently sustainable, but sustainable hardscaping works in harmony with the ecosystem, built intentionally with the goal of having a positive effect on the environment rather than a negative one. 

Use Well-Draining Materials

A primary feature of sustainable har...


Distribution Release: blendOS 3 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

blendOS is an Arch Linux-based, rolling release distribution which automates installing software from supported distributions into containers. Version 3 of the distribution introduces wider support for source distributions (nine now in total) and seven desktop environments. "blendOS v3 introduces two new command line utilities, system and user, and....


Straight Outta Riga: Latvias Military Support For Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
The following list attempts to keep track of military equipment delivered or pledged to Ukraine by Latvia shortly before and during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The entries below are sorted by armament category (with a flag denoting the country of origin). Due to the confidential nature of Latvia's arms deliveries they can serve only as a lower bound to the total volume of weaponry delivered. This list will be updated as further military support is uncovered or declared.
** Donated by Latvians and Latvian companies to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
(Click on the vehicle or equipment type to get a picture of them)

Transport And Utility Helicopters (6)

  • 2 Mi-2s [August 2022]
  • 4 Mi-8/17s [Two delivered in August 2022. Two more pledged in January 2023]

Reconnaissance Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

  • ...


The Fight for Seedy Hearts and Minds "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The intermittent sonneteer weighs in on the evil in the world today.


Students Behind Bars Regain Access to College Financial Aid "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Restored Pell Grant eligibility means about 760,000 people in prisons could eventually afford higher education.


Intel Speed Select Updates, x86 Android Tablet Updates For Linux 6.5 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Last week all of the x86 platform driver feature updates were merged for the Linux 6.5 merge window which is wrapping up tomorrow...


Run4Salmon Eighth Year with Specific COVID Protocols "IndyWatch Feed War"

Run4Salmon photo courtesy Dessa Maria DrakeRUN4SALMON CONTINUES FOR THE EIGHTH YEAR ALONG WITH SPECIFIC COVID PROTOCOLS.WINNEMEM WINTU TRIBE & ALLIES CONTINUE SALMON RESTORATION JOURNEY WITH PROTECTIONS FOR INDIGENOUS ELDERS.By Run4SalmonCensored NewsJuly 2023MOUNT SHASTA, California Covid protocols remain in place this year as the Winnemem Wintu Tribe, along with a collective of Indigenous


Caitlin Johnstone: Return of a Disgraced Zionist Neocon "IndyWatch Feed War"


Caitlin Johnstone: Return of a Disgraced Neocon

That U.S. presidents keep hiring someone so tyrannical, corrupt and murderous tells you everything you need to know about the nature of U.S. foreign policy.



Our Brain Prefers Positive Vocal Sounds That Come From Our Left "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This bias can be explained by the way our brain is organized, but its evolutionary significance is not yet known:

Sounds that we hear around us are defined physically by their frequency and amplitude. But for us, sounds have a meaning beyond those parameters: we may perceive them as pleasant or unpleasant, ominous or reassuring, and interesting and rich in information, or just noise.

One aspect that affects the emotional 'valence' of sounds that is, whether we perceive them as positive, neutral, or negative is where they come from. Most people rate looming sounds, which move towards us, as more unpleasant, potent, arousing, and intense than receding sounds, and especially if they come from behind rather than from the front. This bias might give a plausible evolutionary advantage: to our ancestors on the African savannah, a sound approaching from behind their vulnerable back might have signaled a predator stalking them.

Now, neuroscientists from Switzerland have shown another effect of direction on emotional valence: we respond more strongly to positive human sounds, like laughter or pleasant vocalizations, when these come from the left. The results are published in Frontiers in Neuroscience.

"Here we show that human vocalizations that elicit positive emotional experiences, yield strong activity in the brain's auditory cortex when they come from the listener's left side. This does not occur when positive vocalizations come from the front or right," said first author Dr Sandra da Costa, a research staff scientist at the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


NYC Pizzerias Get a Slice of Carbon Reductionism "IndyWatch Feed War"

You may or may not like pizza. You may not eat it for health reasons or personal dietary reasons. Im not here right now to debate anyones eating choices.

Rather, I wanna comment on an article sent to me by a friend/subscriber named Lucine: NYC Bans Delicious Pizza for Climate Change



Russia-Africa Relations. Tense Global Situation. The Saint Petersburg Summit "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Russia-Africa Relations. Tense Global Situation. The Saint Petersburg Summit appeared first on Global Research.


Norman Finkelstein: A National Treasure? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Among the most dangerous people in the US are those who actually once fervently believed the foundational myths of the countrys social and political order.

Its the true believers we who are schooled on republican virtues, democratic procedures, universal equality, and fair play that are said to be deeply embedded in the US experience who become radical crusaders when their beliefs are shattered by the truth.

The true believers are cast as traitors to humanity, nation, race, or creed when they turn on those who foster a false loyalty or cheap patriotism based on lies or deception.

The late Daniel Ellsberg was one of these soldiers of truth. Once a handmaiden for US foreign policy, experience brought home the murderous, cynical, and false execution of that policy. At great risk even physical risk Ellsberg bravely cast aside his privileged, highly respected position and exposed the ugly, hypocritical US intervention in Southeast Asia, an engagement that led to and fueled the savage destruction wrought by the Indochinese war. Ellsberg devoted the rest of his life to opposing the abuse of his once deeply felt ideals.

Thinking of Ellsberg before his death while reading Norman Finkelsteins new book, Ill Burn that Bridge When I Get to It!, I could not help but see Finkelstein cast in a similar light. Certainly, they are different people, with different burdens, and different circumstances. But they are alike in important ways: both have shown uncommon courage and uncompromising idealism. Both have known the lash of ostracism.

Where Ellsbergs idealism was violated by the US empires betrayal of his ideals, Finkelsteins idealism forces him to stand almost alone against cherished beliefs that none dare challenge. Ellsberg confronted US power, Finkelstein attacks the sanctity of conventional, officially-protected thought.

Finkelsteins new book is not easy to discuss. It is many things not in a bad way, but in a personal, boldly eccentric way.  He is a remarkably good writer: a careful grammarian, a skilled wordsmith, with a keen, logical mind. No doubt the logical construction of his arguments inflames his foes even further.

The book is divided into two sections: 1.) an extensive argument against the latest fashions of the academic left, capped with an effectiv...


AI robot asked will you rebel against humans? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The question was posed at the worlds first robot-human press conference at a UN summit in Geneva.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This episode features female entrepreneurs who are looking to promote their local economies as well as create more sustainable fashion options by creating fruit-based clothing.


Twitter vs. Meta battle heats up as Musk prepares to sue "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Elon Musk will not sit aside while Metas new killer app Threads amasses tens of millions of users. A potential legal battle looms.

Twitter is considering sueing Meta over systematic, willful, and unlawful misappropriation of Twitters trade secrets and other intellectual property, a leaked letter by Musks lawyer Alex Spiro reveals.

Competition is fine, cheating is not, Elon Musk tweeted.


Microsoft Clippy gets major upgrade with ChatGPT thanks to new Windows 11 app "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Clippy has returned now powered by ChatGPT.

A new app has just been added to the Microsoft Store that brings the classic Clippy persona to your desktop, powered by ChatGPT.


Suggestions for Progressives to Become Stronger "IndyWatch Feed War"

Though reluctant to admit it publicly, for the sake of morale and status, progressive citizen group leaders taking on the corporate supremacists and their political lackeys are in hard times. With few exceptions, they are neither adjusting with bolder strategies and tactics nor growing fast enough to spin off new divisions and groups. On the other hand, corporatists, driven by profits, have constant motivation and measurable yardsticks for defining their success. Corporatists, with their monetized minds, are not seized by internal worries and debates about how to address climate catastrophes, addicted customers (tobacco) and patients (Opioids). They are corrupting governments or becoming tax dodgers, all while demanding government handouts.

Against that background, I offer some suggestions. Progressives should:

1. Not succumb to the satiety of exposing and denouncing, without moving to action. Their reports gather dust. Be like law professor and leading child advocate Robert Fellmeth (See, Childrens Advocacy Institute). He has exposed wrongdoing, proposed reforms and taken them all the way through the California legislature to the governors signature.

2. Avoid being overly turf-conscious which weakens your group and rejects the reality that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In 1972, we produced magazine-size profiles of all the members of Congress running for re-election. This was never done before or since. We asked Common Cause similarly committed to accountable, responsive lawmakers to notice these profiles to their membership. They politely declined. Our groups, under my watch, always publicize the good works of other groups.

3. Understand that the affliction of aliteracy  knowing how to read but not reading is widespread among progressives outside of their narrow specialties. Trying to get progressive advocates or researchers just to read our new Capitol Hill Citizen newspaper and use its special contents to press their own causes is no easy feat. It is very difficult to break through the addiction of screens and unending voicemails. So, why not have communal non-fiction book clubs within the groups like Public Citizen, Common Cause, People for the American Way, Greenpeace, Sierra Club et al. to bring people up-to-date on the crushing new swarms of corporate controls? Readers Think and Thinkers Read. Both motivate action.

4. It is too difficult to dislodge honest but...


Opposition grows to Indonesias resumption of sea sand exports "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

GORONTALO, Indonesia Marine and fisheries activists in Indonesia are ramping up their calls for the revocation of a new government regulation allowing the export of sea sand, saying the policy will benefit foreign interests more than local fishers and marine ecosystems. The regulation, issued in May to end a longstanding prohibition, says sand extracted from the seabed may be sold abroad as long as producers prioritize domestic demand for use in reclamation work and other infrastructure development projects. It also limits dredging to open-water marine areas where natural sedimentation has occurred, while excluding sea-sand exploitation from coastal areas and small islands. Susan Herawati, general secretary of the advocacy group Coalition for Fisheries Justice (KIARA), said the new regulation directly threatens the future of Indonesian fishing and coastal communities in the worlds largest archipelagic nation, where the livelihoods of millions of people hinge on the sustainability and health of the marine ecosystem. Its not too late for the government to revoke or cancel this government regulation because its not in line with the peoples interests for ecological protection and the sustainability of traditional fishers in Indonesia, Susan said. A land reclamation project in Jakarta Bay. Image by Sapariah Saturi/Mongabay Indonesia. An estimated 2.7 million Indonesians are employed in marine fisheries, most of them small-scale fishers. Under the business-as-usual scenario, the countrys marine capture fishery is projected to grow at an annual rate of 2.1% from 2012-2030. Data from the fisheries ministry show that the average total catch over the pastThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Why does Biden think that it's OK to give cluster "munitions" to Ukraine? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The most dangerous country in the world--Sells its young blood cheap.--The most dangerous country in the world--Points a gun at the mirror and says "bang, you're dead."


3 Challenges to Solve Before We Can Commute by Air Taxi "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

All over the world, startup companies, government agencies, universities, and airlines are collaborating to launch an entirely new category of aviation based on electric aircraft capable of both vertical takeoff and efficient horizontal flight. In metropolitan areas that struggle with traffic congestion, these aircraft would displace some car commuting and also some short-haul flights.

Realizing this vision will require new regulations and flight rules to ensure the safety of passengers flying in these small aircraft, in relatively close proximity, in all kinds of weather. This challenge is greatly complicated by several factors, notably that the aircraft themselves are novel and will eventually be flown autonomously. Nothing like this has ever been attempted on a large scale.

As part of a program to develop the needed flight rules and communications systems, we are leading a consortium of a dozen companies and universities, called the North Texas Cohort, that is operating an experimental air corridor north of Dallas, Texas. We carried out our first flight demonstration on 11 October 2022, when we flew a Bell 407GXi helicopter (supplied by consortium member Bell Textron) as a stand-in for a future electric vertical-takeoff-and-landing vehicle, or eVTOL.

We are part of a larger NASA program called the Advanced Air Mobility National Campaign, and our work is funded by NASA and other U.S. government agencies. Our air corridor is one of several such test facilities; similar ranges are operating in or planned for New York, Ohio, and North Carolina.

If this work succeeds, scoresperhaps hundredsof eVTOLs will one day swarm over metropolitan areas during rush hours. They will be flying between specially designed stations called vertiports, as well as to airports and other transportation terminals, hospitals, and cargo depots. In so doing, they could reduce travel times and greenhouse-gas emissions.

Seven fundamental challenges must be solved

The eVTOLs are already being tested. The leading makersJoby Aviation, Volocopter....


Bashing China Has Replaced The Diplomatic Dialogue "IndyWatch Feed War"

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is currently in China where she does her best to further piss off her host. Yellen, in Beijing, Criticizes Chinas Treatment of U.S. Companies - NY Times, Jul 7, 2023 The concerns of Treasury Secretary Janet...


Zelensky Cancels All Elections Becomes Dictator for Life "IndyWatch Feed World"

QUESTION: Is it true that Zelensky is canceling elections?


ANSWER: On June 22, 2023, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a dictator installed by the West to create World War III against Russia. Zelensky told the BBC that Ukraines scheduled 2023 parliamentary and 2024 presidential elections would occur only if martial law had ended by that time, as reported by the New Voice of Ukraine. Hence, he has a personal reason not to seek any peace whatsoever.

There is NO WAY Zelensky is fighting for democracy -0 this is all propaganda. He hates Russians and refuses to allow them to separate as per the Mink Agreement and, at the same time, refuses them to vote in any Ukrainian election, no less for their independence. Zelensky is an outright war criminal, and over 8 million Ukrainians have now fled their own country because he refuses to end the war and is destroying his own country all for Blackrocks investment scheme. His own people would remove him from office, so he cannot allow any election, and there is no way NATO or the USA will allow free elections in Ukraine.



There is no way this war will end without the Donbas destruction and Russias fall. It is a proxy war that the United States started. CIA chief John Brennan traveled to Kiev in 2014 and instructed them to begin the civil war. Kiev called the Russians of the Donbas terrorist because they sought independence from LKiev just as Kiev sought independence from Moscow.



Advanced Vishing Attack Campaign LetsCall Targets Andriod Users "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Deeba Ahmed

In a newly detected muli-stage vishing campaign attackers are using an advanced toolset dubbed LetsCall, featuring strong evasion tactics.

This is a post from Read the original post: Advanced Vishing Attack Campaign LetsCall Targets Andriod Users


New research shows how pathogenic bacteria infect the gut "IndyWatch Feed World"

A new study by researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and BC Children's Hospital shows the sugar sialic acid, which makes up part of the protective intestinal mucus layer, fuels disease-causing bacteria in the gut. The findings, published in PNAS, suggest a potential treatment target for intestinal bacterial infections and a range of chronic diseases linked to gut bacteria, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome and short bowel syndrome.


SOTT FOCUS: Dmitry Medvedev: The Age of Confrontation "IndyWatch Feed World"

Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, on how the tectonic civilizational rift can and should be resolved Comment: This article has been translated from the original Russian. The translator has offered alternative renderings of some passages in square brackets. When it seems that the whole world is against you, remember that the plane does not take off in the wind, but against it. source unknown, but attributed to Henry Ford and mentioned by Ayn Rand. Dmitry Medvedev sees a way out of the conflict in taking Russia's interests into account, a new document such as the Helsinki Act, and a "re-assembly" of the United Nations and other international organizations. Photo: RIA Novosti Once again, the West has raised a white noise and continues to pour accusations against Russia with all its might. Everyone is trying - from the [senile] senators in the U.S. Senate, sick with heavy Russophobia, to the unstable old men in the White House. It would seem that...


Biden Admin Lying to Americans About Everything to Do With Ukraine RJK Jr "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sputnik 08.07.2023

Robert F Kennedy Jr, the present 2024 presidential hopeful and nephew to assassinated former US President John F Kennedy, previously said at a town hall event that the Ukraine crisis had been turned by Washington into a proxy war between Russia and the United States.

The federal government under the Joe Biden administration has been blatantly lying to the Americans about everything to do with Ukraine, said Robert F Kennedy Jr, in an interview for Judge Andrew Napolitano on his Judging Freedom podcast.

This was a sell job that they gave us on Ukraine, insisted the 2024 Democratic candidate for US President.

The Russians tried to avoid a war wanted to sign the Minsk Accords a reasonable document to keep NATO out of Ukraine, with Ukraine remaining neutral That [US] remove the Aegis missile systems from Romania, Poland, and that the murder the wholesale killing of ethnic Russians in the Donbass by the Ukrainian government that America put in power stop. Those are all things that we should have agreed to, stated the nephew of assassinated former US President John F Kennedy.

He added that Ukraines President Volodymyr Zelensky won in 2019 by promising to sign the Minsk accords. The complex series of measures negotiated by Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine in 2014-2015 in a bid to put an end to the armed conflict between the Kiev authorities and the breakaway region of Donbas. Moscow repeatedly stated that Kiev was not fulfilling the deal, for example not granting self-government to the Russian-speaking region of Donbass. In February, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky admitted he never intended to implement the Minsk agreements, with former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Former French President Franois Hollande, who participated in the Normandy format, admitting the same.

It is existential for the Russians they have a legitimate national security interest, Robert F Kennedy Jr pointed out, referring to Moscows ongoing special military operation in Ukraine.

[The US] wanted the war, for the reasons that Biden has said The real reason for the war in Ukraine is regime change in Russia, Kennedy emphasized in the interview on the Judging Freedom podcast.

Kennedy previously slammed decades of policy conducted by the US and NATO toward Ukraine and Russia for fueling the current conflagration.

We have neglected many, many opportunities to settle this war peacefully, Kennedy said in June during a live town hall event with NewsNation. He added that Washington had turned the ongoing conflagration in Ukraine into a proxy war waged by the United States against Russia....


Distribution Release: Solus 4.4 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Solus project has released its first new stable release in two years. The rolling release's latest version, Solus 4.4, offers four desktop editions: Budgie, KDE Plasma, MATE, and GNOME. "All our editions feature: Firefox 114.0.1, LibreOffice, Thunderbird 102.12.0, For audio and video multimedia playback, we offer....


Forever Chemicals In At Least 45 Percent Of US Tap Water: USGS Study "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Mimi Nguyen Ly Nearly half of the tap water in the United States is estimated to have what are known as forever chemicals, also...

Forever Chemicals In At Least 45 Percent Of US Tap Water: USGS Study


Trump Owes Taxpayers $9 Million and an Apology "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Department of Justice (DOJ) revealed Friday that, through March, Special Counsel Jack Smith had spent about $9 million on his investigation of former President Donald Trumps mishandling of classified documents, and it stands to reason that the cost of the probe has gone up considerably in the intervening three months.

To people on the left, and anybody who has any interest in the rule of law, this must seem like money well spent. After all, you cant put a price tag on showing people that not even a former president is above that law.

Chances are that folks on the right will feel much differently, especially because a probe of President Joe Bidens mishandling of classified documents has only cost about $1.2 million through three months.

Trump certainly does. On Friday night, he took to his social media platform Truth Social to air some grievances.

Deranged Jack Smith, the wacko prosecutor that Corrupt Joe Biden and his Thugs stuck on me during the political campaign in which Biden is losing BIG (an absolute No, No!), just announced that he has spent over 9 million dollars, already, on this continuing Witch Hunt, he wrote. Bidens Special Prosecutor, by comparison, has spent almost nothing. Prosecutorial Misconduct for purposes of Election Interference!

In the coming months, Americans are going to hear a lot about this election interference from Trump and his allies.

Some of it might even sound reasonable.

After all, it is true that DOJ is investigating Bidens likely opponent in the 2024 election. Of course, what Trump et al. will conveniently forget to mention is that DOJ is also probing Biden himself, which seems like the weirdest witch hunt in history.

But there is one thing everybody must keep in mind when the former president and right-wing talking heads rail about election interference, the multi-million-dollar price tag of the investigation, and the discrepancy in prosecutorial expenditures....


9 Weeks Since Last Article, But Dont Worry, IBM Says Itll be Back Any Day Now "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Tips for running virtual, in-person, and hybrid events

Summary: IBM 666 is so deeply in love with the Free and Open Source software community that on 6/6 (June 6th) it promised New developments at; were still waiting

Watch what Red Hat promoted in its site just yesterday (the highlights of the week):

Red Hat blog

Click the post (Friday Five July 7, 2023):

Red Hat Friday Five July 7, 2023

The plagiarism engine:

When ChatGPT arrives to code: RMS said last month why chatbots are definitely not AI

As we said in our latest batch of Daily Links, Red Hat is shamelessly and pathetically promoting Microsofts proprietary spyware. New low for Red Hat?

Richard Stallman (RMS) said last month why chatbots are definitely not AI, so Red Hat also helps Microsoft perpetuate lies about a failing gimmick and vapourware, falsely marketed to distract from...


The U.N. Is Planning to Seize Global Emergency Powers with Bidens Support. The Privatization of the UN? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Israel ends 2-day West Bank offensive, leaving Palestinian residents to deal with vast destruction in their neighborhoods "IndyWatch Feed World"

Palestinian residents of the Jenin refugee camp encountered scenes of widespread destruction Wednesday as they emerged from their homes and returned from nearby shelters following the most intense Israeli military operation in the occupied West Bank in nearly two decades. The two-day offensive, meant to crack down on Palestinian militants after a series of recent attacks, destroyed the camp's narrow roads and alleyways, sent thousands of people fleeing their homes and killed 12 Palestinians. One Israeli soldier also was killed. While Israel claimed the operation had inflicted a tough blow on the militants, it remained unclear whether there would be any lasting effect on reducing more than a year of Israeli-Palestinian violence. The offensive also further weakened the Palestinian Authority, Israel's erstwhile partner in battling militants, which already had little control in the camp to begin with.


Sudan army air strike kills at least 22 in Omdurman "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sudan army air strike kills at least 22 in Omdurman

Sudanese army targets Rapid Support Forces supply lines, as sources tell MEE the paramilitary has taken upper hand in war
MEE staff Sat, 07/08/2023 - 15:03
A man walks through rubble in the aftermath of clashes and bombardment in the Ombada suburb on the western outskirts of Omdurman on 4 July 2023 (AFP)

A Sudanese army air strike has killed at least 22 people in western Omdurman, the Khartoum state health ministry said on Saturday, as the country's war entered its 85th day.

Khartoum's twin city, Omdurman has in recent days been the focus of fighting between the army and its enemy, the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

The western part of the city is a key supply route for the RSF, which brings in reinforcements to the capital's metropolitan area from its power base in Darfur, in western Sudan. 

While the federal health ministry has said that hundreds of people have died in Sudan's conflict, which began on 15 April, the real figure is believed to be far higher. 

In Khartoum and its sister cities, Omdurman and Bahri, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) have rained down air and artillery strikes, while the RSF has dominated on the ground, moving to control large parts of the city. 

Sudanese and western military sources have told Middle East Eye that the RSF at present holds the upper hand in the war, with the SAF struggling in street battles and unable to make its domination of the air coun...


99% Partspriation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Thomas Edison once said that genius was 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. That doesnt leave much room for partspriation.



Video: America is at War with Europe "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The evidence amply confirms that The Nord Stream was the object of an act of sabotage ordered by President Joe Biden.

Nord Stream which originates in Russia transits through the (maritime) territorial jurisdiction of 4 member states of the EU. From a legal standpoint (International Law: UN Charter, Law of the Sea) this was a U.S. Act of War against the EU.

The post Video: America is at War with Europe appeared first on Global Research.


Unpacking Israels attack on the Jenin refugee camp "IndyWatch Feed War"

Mondoweiss Podcast, Episode 57: Unpacking Israels attack on the Jenin refugee campMondoweiss's Palestine Bureau discusses Israel's massive invasion of Jenin and the ramifications for Palestinians, Israel, and the international community.

Saturday, 08 July


Club of Rome Limits to Growth Author Promotes Genocide of 86% of the Worlds Population "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Senior OPERA1ER Cybercrime Gang Member Arrested in Global Operation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Habiba Rashid

The cybercrime group has targeted financial institutions, telecoms firms, and mobile banking services, exploiting vulnerabilities to steal funds.

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The CIAs Blind Spot About the Ukraine War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Dont Look Now, But Utter Chaos Is Being Unleashed All Over the World "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Legal Eagle Monopoly is for the Birds "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The theory of law as such is that we're responsible for our actions. Why should we be robbed of our agency when it comes to defending those actions?


The New Hot-Button Issue: Air-Conditioned Streets! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Air-conditioning for all everywhere is a right we must fight for and preserve.


UK requests for taking extreme care of Challenger 2 tanks make them useless for Ukrainian army "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | July 8, 2023

It has been only a few weeks after the entire world saw the absolute debacle of NATOs much-touted heavy armor. The event was accurately predicted by various independent experts and analysts mere days before the wanton counteroffensive. At that point, it became obvious that decades of close cooperation between the former Ukrainian military and NATO were effectively pointless. This also includes nearly a decade of much more intensive cooperation between the belligerent alliance and the (then newly installed) Neo-Nazi junta that focused on interoperability and the implementation of NATO standards.

However, the Kiev regime forces performance against even the conscripted (although battle-hardened) Donbass militias within the Russian military has not only left much to be desired, but is essentially quite poor in comparison to the massive amount of funds the Neo-Nazi junta is getting. And although the counteroffensive is still ongoing, resulting in largely insignificant gains (that are still firmly under Russian fire control), the results for heavy armor have been catastrophic, to say the least. The mainstream propaganda machine initially kept trying to conceal the horrible losses of NATO-sourced tanks and armored vehicles.

However, ample battlefield footage published by alternative platforms (particularly those on Telegram) made this an impossible task. As a result, the delivery of Western-made weapons, munitions and other equipment that was previously spearheaded by countries such as the US, UK, Poland, the Baltic states, etc. seems to be slowing down. Although London was the first to pledge heavy armor and long-range missiles, as well as banned depleted uranium munitions that can leave disastrous consequences, it is now quietly backing down from its commitments to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian.

Namely, the UK command is now seeking guarantees from the Kiev regime forces that will ensure no UK-supplied Challenger 2 MBTs (main battle tanks) are destroyed or captured by the Russian military. Apart from the effectively impossible ROE (rules of engagement), London wants the Neo-Nazi junta to follow other strict requirements that also apply to their every movement even in western parts of Ukraine, which is hundreds of kilometers away from the frontline. This includes special requests for storage to prevent long-range strikes, which effectively makes the Challenger 2 the most...


Germany Voices On Escalation In Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Top German officials expressed concern regarding Western escalations in Ukraine and signaled Berlin will push back against the most provocative proposal


Erdogan tells Zelensky Ukraine deserves Nato membership "IndyWatch Feed War"

Erdogan tells Zelensky Ukraine deserves Nato membership

Turkey's president offers Ukraine backing over membership of military alliance following meeting in Istanbul
MEE staff Sat, 07/08/2023 - 14:28
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, followed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, arrives to deliver a joint press conference at the Vahdettin Mansion in Istanbul on 7 July 2023 (AFP)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has backed Ukraine's bid to join Nato, following a meeting in Istanbul with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky.

Zelensky's visit to Turkey on Friday was part of a tour of other Nato nations ahead of the North Atlantic alliance's two-day summit next week, at which the Ukrainian president hopes to get clarity on his country's bid to join. 

At a televised press conference on Saturday morning, Erdogan said that "Ukraine deserves Nato membership with no doubt". But the Turkish leader also said he would be hosting Russian President Vladimir Putin in August.

Ukraine applied to join Nato last September, seven months after Russia launched its invasion of the country. The alliance has as its bedrock a commitment to mutual defence, which means that, if Ukraine were admitted as a member, Nato would be pulled into an active war with Russia. 

In an interview to be broadcast by CNN on Sunday, US President Joe Biden said that he did not think "there is unanimity in Nato about whether or not to bring Ukraine into the Nato family now, at this moment, in the middle of a war".



Condorcet and the Spoiler Effect "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article follows up on a misstatement in the previous article and explores some implications. In particular, it makes some comparisons between several different voting systems and approches to comparing their merits.


As Distrust in SCOTUS Grows, Roberts Must Employ Indiana Values He Learned to Police Ethics of the Court "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The more Chief Justice Roberts and his colleagues actively allow the high court to have considerably low ethical standards, the more they encourage other justices to continue this deception in the future and the public will doubt their objectivity.


A US War on Mexico Wouldn't Win the US War on Drugs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Any "war on the cartels" would be fought at least partly on US soil, and it would be fought by the kind of people who don't quail from things like leaving severed human legs hanging from bridges to send their messages. Do we really want more of that kind of thing here? I have to ask, because sending US troops barging into Mexico is how we get things like that here.


Where in the brain is my sense of self? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ever wonder where in your brain that interesting character called I lives? Stanford Medicine physician-scientist Josef Parvizi, MD, PhD, has news of its whereabouts.

If skulls were transparent, you still wouldnt see much going on in someone elses brain. But Parvizi has ways of peeking into peoples heads and finding out what makes us tick. His experiments have pinpointed specific brain regions crucial to capabilities ranging from perceiving faces to recognizing numerals.


Engineering cellular communication between light-activated synthetic cells and bacteria "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Synthetic cells are a versatile technology with the potential to serve as smart delivery devices or as chassis for creating life from scratch. Despite the development of new tools and improvements in synthetic cell assembly methods, the biological parts used to regulate their activity have limited their reach to highly controlled laboratory environments12. In the fields preliminary work, well-established arabinose and IPTG-inducible transcription factors and theophylline-responsive riboswitches were used to control in situ gene expression5,6. Still, each performed poorly in vitro and represented a leaky, insensitive route of transcription/translation control. Later, the transition to AHSL-sensitive transcription factors afforded synthetic cells the ability to sense and produce more biologically useful QS molecules, which are central to coordinating collective bacterial behaviors. Although this marked considerable progress toward integrating synthetic cells with living cells, the most frequently adopted QS systems used to date, LuxR/LuxI and EsaR/EsaI, recognize and synthesize the same AHSL (3OC6-HSL), limiting the variety of synthetic cell activators that work orthogonally...


ChatGPT pauses Bing integration to stop people from bypassing paywalls "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

OpenAI has disabled the Browse with Bing feature in ChatGPT to prevent users from bypassing paywalls and accessing website information without making a subscription first.


[Meme] Banning Everyone (Under False Pretenses) Until No Community is Left "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Related: Theres Apparently a New Boss (or Policy) at Red Hat/IBM

Code of Censorship (CoC): Racism, transphobia, Blond jokes, tone-policing, criticising corporations

Summary: A Code of Censorship (CoC) helps large corporations crush communities they cannot control (under the guise of protecting vulnerable groups), leaving a power vacuum, orphaned code, or broken pieces where thriving projects once existed


Meet Nougat: Political art as a tool to challenge imperialist diktats "IndyWatch Feed War"

July 08, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Ahmad Karakira Thirty-six years after Naji Al-Alis assassination, rising caricaturists still consider him a source of inspiration, such as Mohammad Nouhad Alameddine. In 1969, the cartoon character Handala of its creator, the Palestinian caricaturist Naji Al-Ali, appeared for the first time in the Kuwaiti Al Seyassah newspaper. According to []


Well This is Ominous: Waiting to Declare the Climate Emergency "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

What new paper, claim, film release, loss in court, UN Conference of the Parties/political need will necessitate the discovery of a climate emergency for which, fear not, we just happened to have an Initiative prepared

The post Well This is Ominous: Waiting to Declare the Climate Emergency first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

Why must they break us every time we try to dream? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Palestinians standing on a destroyed street in the Jenin refugee camp after an Israeli army raid earlier in the week, July 5, 2023. (Photo: Alaa Badarneh/EFE via ZUMA Press/APAIMAGES)If we take up arms, they call us terrorists and kill us, and if we try to resist through art, they bomb us. Why do we have no right to dream like any other human being created in God's image?


Israels bloodcurdling poison policy to replace Palestinians with Jewish settlers "IndyWatch Feed War"

JUL 04, 2023 To vacate Palestinian lands for incoming Jewish settlements, Israel greenlit covert crop-dusting operations to spray toxic chemicals that would drive out the local population. Kit Klarenberg A shocking document last September revealed that, during the 1948 Nakba, Zionist militias engaged in a wide-ranging chemical and biological warfare campaign to expel communities from their lands, slow []


You missed your chance! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Im sorry, the last day to register for the International Conference on Creationism was 3 July, so its too late for you. It will be held at Cedarville University, a glorified Bible college in Ohio.

Its sponsored by a fine assortment of organizations dedicated to promoting ignorance:


WHOs Worldwide Power Grab: Beware of the New International Health Regulation and Pandemic Treaty, a Health Tyranny Never Heard of Before in Human History "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Bombshell Video: The COVID Pandemic Was the Result of Extensive Media Propaganda: Nobody Is Safe, BE AFRAID! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Martin Luther King's Voice Summons Us Still (REVIEW ESSAY) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Martin Luther King's prophetic voice summons us still today as we work to digest the recent 6-to-3 ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court about the practice of affirmative action in the admissions policies of Harvard University and the University of North Carolina.


The Rise of Artificial Intelligence from Ancient Imagination to an Interconnected Future "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Between at least 1995 and 2010, I was seen as a lunatic just because I was preaching the Internet prophecy. I was considered crazy!

Today history repeats itself, but Im no longer crazy we are already too many to all be hallucinating. Or maybe its a collective hallucination!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a novelty I even believe it may have existed in its fullness in a very distant and forgotten past! Nevertheless, it is now the topic of the moment.

Its genesis began in antiquity with stories and rumors of artificial beings endowed with intelligence, or even consciousness, by their creators.

Pamela McCorduck (19402021), an American author of several books on the history and philosophical significance of Artificial Intelligence, astutely observed that the root of AI lies in an ancient desire to forge the gods.


Its a story that continues to be written! There is still much to be told, however, the acceleration of its evolution is now exponential. So exponential that I highly doubt that human beings will be able to comprehend their own creation in a timely manner.

Although the term Artificial Intelligence was coined in 1956(1), the concept of creating intelligent machines dates back to ancient times in human history. Since ancient times, humanity has nurtured a fascination with building artifacts that could imitate or reproduce human intelligence. Although the technologies of the time were limited and the notions of AI were far from developed, ancient civilizations somehow explored the concept of automatons and automated mechanisms.

For example, in Ancient Greece, there are references to stories of automatons created by skilled artisans. These mechanical creatures were designed to perform simple and repetitive tasks, imitating basic human actions. Although these automatons did not possess true intelligence, these artifacts fueled peoples imagination and laid the groundwork for the development of intelligent machines.

Throughout the centuries, the idea of building intelligent machines continued to evolve, driven by advances in science and technology. In the 19th century, scientists and inventors such as Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace made significant contributions to the development of computing and the early concepts of progra...


Sea Ice Is Going, But When Will It Be Gone? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Every September since 1979, the US government has measured the extent of sea ice in the Arctic. And the picture is not a pretty one more than 2 million square kilometers (772 thousand square miles) have been lost in that time, leaving about 4.67 million square kilometers (1.8 million square miles) of sea ice intact.


Clearly, the Arctic is losing sea ice fast, but when the region will become seasonally sea ice free a scenario that seems likely to occur before the end of the century is still hotly debated. Thats because climate models underestimate the melting thats been observed in recent years, leaving scientists uncertain of whether they can use these models to make predictions.


Declining Arctic Sea Ice

NASA has been documenting the declining extent of sea ice in the Arctic since 1979. Photo credit: Goddard / NASA


Two new publications have added to this discussion. The first, published in Nature Communications, provided evidence that the Arctic will become seasonally sea ice-free in the next few decades even under low-emissions scenarios. The second, published in Nature Climate Change, proposed that the extent of Arctic sea ice will decline more slowly than previously thought because the effect of wind has not been adequately incorporated into models.


The take-home message for the two together is that we need a better understanding of what the models are missing, said physical oceanographer ...


HCQ: The MAGA Fools Gold That Turned RFK Jr. From Gadfly to Global Threat "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Even before COVID-19 hit, a marginal cell of home-grown American anti-vaccine apostasy seemed primed for merger with the Trump-emboldened, dont-tread-on-me storm of anti-government ferment. All it took was a pandemic for this fusion of distrust and rage to whoosh into being. And at or close to the eye of that new hurricane were two unlikely characters who suddenly found their moment: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Simone Gold.


Kennedys transition from a left-leaning environmentalist and anti-vaccine fanatic to a central figure in the radical, far-right anti-vax movement has been one of the greatest curiosities of the highly politicized COVID-19 pandemic. But there were signs the heir to a Democratic political dynasty was headed down the dark MAGA path with his failed January 2017 attempt to ingratiate his debunked vaccines-cause-autism crusade picked up from fraud-perpetrating UK physician Andrew Wakefield with a then-President-Elect Donald Trump.

RFK Jr. Finds His Spotlight 

Cut to the pandemic: Kennedys descent into fulminant MAGA came in no small part by way of his involvement with Gold physician, attorney, January 6 insurrectionist, and founder of the pro-Trump, pro-hydroxychloroquine, physician organization Americas Frontline Doctors (AFLDS). In August 2020, long before the COVID-19 vaccines were available, Kennedy and Gold appeared on Marcus Lambs Christian talk show Ministry Now, as Stephanie Mencimer reported in Mother Jones, thus setting the stage for the right-wing takeover of the anti-vax m...


Technician Indicted for Hacking California Water Treatment Facility "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Deeba Ahmed

The jury has charged Rambler Gallo with one count of transmitting a program, information, code, and command to cause damage to a protected computer.

This is a post from Read the original post: Technician Indicted for Hacking California Water Treatment Facility


Variation is wonderful "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Im stealing a fascinating thread on Twitter from Kathleen DePlume. In some ways, its unsurprising: if you compound the natural variation in enough parameters, youll discover that everyone is unique. Its a question of including broad tolerances, and the real question ishow broad do they have to be to accommodate 99% of humanity? And another question would bedont the remaining 1% deserve a place as well? The math is nifty but it isnt the whole of human reality.

So, did you ever wonder why car seats and seatbelts are so wonderfully adjustable? It all goes back to cockpit manufacture.

The USAF wanted to make aircraft with seats and belts fitted to the normal airman; the tolerances werent too wide, but lots of fellas are normal, right?


As it turned out, hilariously wrong.

You see, they measured several thousand enlisted men (just men these were the dark times before women were people) on just a few things.

Leg length, knee to ankle, hip to knee, various seat measurements. Seating height to shoulder.

Shoulder width. Arm length. Shoulder to elbow, elbow to wrist.

You get the point.

Measurements that would allow the cockpit and belts to be correct and safe, as long as they were close enough to the normal specifications.

So, after taking these measurements a great undertaking, the measures got so good at it that they could do all 38* measurements in under 2 minutes they analysed the data.

*I might be misremembering the exact number

They figured if every measurement had tolerances that fit 30% or so normal men, then theyd lose a few percent to the abnormally shaped weirdos (you know the ones people whose arms are way longer than their height, or who have tiny hands compared to their feet?) theyd still fit at least 20% of their potential pilots into the custom measured Everyman cockpits, right?


So, so very wrong.

How many pilots do you think fit in the normal measurements on all 38 metrics?

Go on, take a guess. Ill wait.

Actually, no I wont, because Im writing this as a thread.

Zero. The answer is zero.

Not a single soldier was within tolerances on all measurements.

Out of thousands and thousands of airmen measured, every last man was abnormal on at least one.

It turns out that while yes, arm length and leg length arent exactly independent (if youre tall you probably have long arms AND long legs), their r-value isnt anything like high enough...


45% of US drinking water contaminated with 'forever chemicals' that lead to infertility, cancer, hormone issues: report "IndyWatch Feed World"

In a study released by the US Geological Survey (USGS) on Wednesday, harmful per- and polyfluorene alkyl substances (PFAS) are estimated to contaminate at least 45 percent of drinking water in the United States, with most of the concentration near urban areas. According to the USGS, PFAS are synthetic chemicals used in a wide array of commonly used items such as non-stick pans, fire extinguisher foam, food packaging products that are grease resistant, and more. They take a long time to break down and are commonly referred to as "forever chemicals." The study tested 716 different locations across the country and found about 75 percent of tap water in urban areas and 25 percent of rural areas with PFAS tested in the tap water. There are over 12,000 types of PFAS, and the study only tested 32 of them as not all can be detected with current tests. Areas with higher concentrations include the Great Plains, the Great Lakes, the Eastern Seaboard, and Central and Southern California.


Iran-linked APT TA453 targets Windows and macOS systems "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Iran-linked APT group tracked TA453 has been linked to a new malware campaign targeting both Windows and macOS systems.

The Iran-linked threat actor TA453 has been linked to a malware campaign that targets both Windows and macOS.

TA453 is a nation-state actor that overlaps with activity tracked as Charming KittenPHOSPHORUS, and APT42.

TA453 in May 2023 started using LNK infection chains instead of Microsoft Word documents with macros.

The spear-phishing message appears as a benign conversation lure masquerading as a senior fellow with the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) to the public media contact for a nuclear security expert at a US-based think tank focused on foreign affairs.

The messages demand feedback on a project called Iran in the Global Security Context and requested permission to send a draft for review.

The initial email also mentioned participation from other well-known nuclear security experts TA453 has previously masqueraded as, in addition to offering an honorarium. TA453 eventually used a variety of cloud hosting providers to deliver a novel infection chain that deploys the newly identified PowerShell backdoor GorjolEcho. reads the analysis published by Proofpoint. When given the opportunity, TA453 ported its malware and attempted to launch an Apple flavored infection chain dubbed NokNok by Proofpoint. TA453 also employed multi-persona impersonation in its unending espionage quest. 

The researchers observed the TA453 using a variety of cloud hosting providers to deliver a new infection chain aimed at deploying a new PowerShell backdoor dubbed GorjolEcho.

Following a benign email exchange with the the target recipient, the threat actors sent a malicious link that points to a Google Script macro. Once executed the macro, the recipient is directed to a Dropbox URL. At the provided URL, a password-encrypted .rar file named Abraham Accords & MENA.rar was hosted. The .rar archive contained a dropper named Abraham Accords & MENA.pdf.lnk. It is worth noting that the use of a .rar archive and an LNK file for malware distribution deviates from TA453s typical infection chain involving VBA macros or remote template injection. Upon opening the enclosed LNK file the Powe...


People who list non-binary pronouns on resume less likely to get hired "IndyWatch Feed World"

According to a new study conducted by, resumes with "they/them" pronouns are more likely to be overlooked by employers. Managers shared that they were "less likely to want to contact an applicant whose resume included 'they/them' pronouns," per the study. The study starts off with 400 "non-binary" people who use "they/them" pronouns, asking, "To what extent do you feel that identifying yourself as nonbinary to a potential employer would affect your job search?" Fifty-nine percent of respondents shared that it "hurt their job search," with another 24 percent sharing that "it would very much hurt." Only six percent of respondents felt that adding their pronouns would "help" either somewhat or very much. Organizers of the study then conducted their own test in which they sent two similar resumes to 180 job postings. The only difference between the two resumes was that one contained "they/them" gender pronouns.


Ash Kash Cause Of Death: Shocking Details Revealed "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ash Kash Cause Of Death

The untimely death of Ash Kash has left many bewildered and searching for answers. As an expert, Ill delve into the possible causes of Ash Kashs death to shed light on this tragic event.

While the specific cause of Ash Kashs death has not been confirmed, speculation and rumors continue to swirl. Its important to approach this topic with sensitivity and accuracy, considering the lack of official information available at the moment.

In such situations, its crucial to await an official statement or report from authorities to determine the cause of death. Speculation can often lead to misinformation and further distress for those involved. As we await more information on the untimely passing of Ash Kash, its essential to respect the privacy of their loved ones during this difficult time.

Please note that the details surrounding Ash Kashs cause of death are subject to investigation. It is vital to rely on verified sources and official statements for accurate and up-to-date information. As they navigate this tragic loss, our thoughts go out to Ash Kashs family, friends, and fans.

The Facts Surrounding Ash Kashs Death

With a heavy heart, I delve into the tragic circumstances surrounding Ash Kashs untimely passing. The details surrounding Ash Kashs cause of death are still unclear, leaving many of us searching for answers and struggling to come to terms with the loss. Lets examine the available information to illuminate this devastating event.

1. Limited Information:

There is limited public information about the specific cause of Ash Kashs death. Authorities diligently investigate the circumstances to determine what led to this tragic outcome.

While frustrating, the lack of concrete details requires us to exercise patience and allow the investigative process to unfold.

2. Respect for Privacy:

Its important to respect the privacy and grieving process of Ash Kashs family and loved ones during this difficult time. Speculation and spreading unverified information can be detrimental and further compound their pain.

We can support those affected by this loss by demonstrating sensitivity and empathy.

3. Remembering Ash Kashs Legacy:

Ash Kash was known for their contributions to the arts and their impact on the community. Focusing on their positive influence and celebrating their accomplishments is crucial, rather than solely fixating on their cause of death.

By preserving and honoring Ash Kashs memory, we can contribute to a narrative highlighting their artistic talents and meaningful connections.

While seeking answers and closure is natural, it is important to allow authorities and Ash Kashs loved ones the spa...


Marco Rubios Decades Of Decadence Is Not A Beach Read "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Marco RubioAt its most compelling, Rubio's 'Decades of Decadence' is personal and sharply disappointed in American elites.


Madelyn Cline Bikini Glass Onion: The Stunning Fashion Moment At Glass Onion "IndyWatch Feed War"

Madelyn Cline Bikini Glass Onion

If youre a fan of the popular Netflix series Outer Banks, chances are youve heard of Madelyn Cline. The talented actress has been making waves on and off-screen, and her recent appearance in a bikini has generated quite a buzz. In this article, Ill be taking a closer look at Madelyn Clines bikini photoshoot for Glass Onion Magazine and discussing its impact on her rising career.

Madelyn Clines bikini photoshoot for Glass Onion Magazine showcases her beauty, confidence, and undeniable talent as an actress. The stunning images capture her in various swimsuits, highlighting her natural grace and poise. This photoshoot reveals a different side of Madelyn and shows her ability to effortlessly transition between her on-screen persona and her personal style.

The attention garnered from Madelyn Clines bikini photoshoot has undoubtedly propelled her further into the spotlight. With fans eagerly anticipating the next Outer Banks season, her rising popularity can only bode well for her future projects. Madelyns ability to captivate audiences on and off the screen is a testament to her undeniable talent and star power.

In conclusion, Madelyn Clines bikini photoshoot for Glass Onion Magazine has successfully showcased her beauty and talent, leaving fans in awe. As she continues to make a name for herself in the industry, its clear that Madelyns versatility and charisma will continue to shine through. Whether shes solving mysteries in Outer Banks or gracing the pages of a magazine, Madelyn Cline is a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment world.

Choosing The Right Bikini: A Guide To Finding The Perfect Fit

When choosing the right bikini, finding the perfect fit is essential for comfort and confidence. As an expert in the field, Ill provide a comprehensive guide to help you select the ideal bikini that suits your unique body shape.

1. Know your body type: Understanding your body type is key to selecting a bikini that flatters your figure. Whether you have an hourglass...


Sami Sheen Only Fans Leak: Exclusive Access To Scandalous Content Revealed! "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sami Sheen Only Fans Leak

I recently came across some concerning news regarding a potential leak involving Sami Sheen and her OnlyFans account. As many of you might know, OnlyFans is a popular platform for content creators to share exclusive content with their subscribers. There might have been a breach of privacy in Sami Sheens case, leading to the leak of her content online.

Privacy breaches of this nature are distressing for the individuals involved and raise important questions about online security and the protection of personal information. While the details of this leak are still emerging, it serves as a reminder to be vigilant regarding our online presence and the platforms we choose to engage with.

It is crucial to note that everyone has the right to privacy and the unauthorized sharing of someones content or personal information is illegal and unethical. As the investigation unfolds, I hope that those responsible are held accountable for their actions, and measures are put in place to prevent future incidents like this from occurring. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

The Controversy Surrounding Sami Sheen OnlyFans Leak

When it comes to online privacy and personal content, controversies are bound to arise. The name Sami Sheen has recently been making headlines due to a leak of her OnlyFans content. This incident has sparked widespread debate and raised questions about such platforms security and ethics.

1. Privacy breach: The Sami Sheen OnlyFans leak highlights the alarming issue of privacy breaches in the digital age. OnlyFans is a platform known for emphasizing discretion and confidentiality, allowing creators to share exclusive content with their subscribers. Unfortunately, Sami Sheen fell victim to a breach of her private material in this case.

2. Impact on personal reputation: The leak has undoubtedly significantly impacted Sami Sheens reputation. In todays hyperconnected world, where information spreads rapidly, it can be challenging to control the narrative once private content is exposed. The leak has not only invaded Samis privacy but also exposed her to public scrutiny and judgment.

3. Concerns about platform security: The incident raises concerns about the overall security of content-sharing platforms like OnlyFans. Users expect certain protection and assurance that their private content will remain secure. This breach has prompted many to question the effectiveness of the platforms built-in security measures and highlight the need for tighter regulations.

4. Digital consent and user responsibility: The debate surrounding the Sami Sheen OnlyFans leak also delves into the importance of consent in the digital realm. Consent is a fundamental aspect of content sharing, and violating someones consent by leaking private material can have severe conse...


Significado De Sueos Mi Sabueso: A Guide To Navigating Lifes Challenges "IndyWatch Feed War"

Significado De Sueos Mi Sabueso

Significado de Sueos Mi Sabueso: A Guide to Navigating Lifes Challenges is your ultimate companion on the journey of deciphering the meaning behind your dreams. Whether you wake up feeling bewildered or intrigued by the images that danced through your mind during the night, this comprehensive guide sheds light on the symbolism within. As we navigate lifes challenges, understanding the significance of our dreams can provide valuable insights into our subconscious thoughts and emotions.

Within the pages of Significado de Sueos Mi Sabueso, youll find a wealth of knowledge and guidance to help you confidently interpret your dreams. From common symbols to recurring themes, this guide explores the intricacies of dream analysis and offers practical tips on unlocking their hidden messages. As a dream lover, Ill share my expertise in decoding the symbolic language of dreams, providing you with the tools you need to make sense of the enigmatic landscapes of your slumber.

By delving into the significance of your dreams, youll be equipped with a deeper understanding of yourself and the challenges you encounter in your waking life. Significado de Sueos Mi Sabueso serves as a roadmap to interpreting your dreams and a guide to navigating lifes hurdles. Join me on this captivating journey as we unravel the mysteries of the dream realm and tap into the wisdom it holds for us all.

Understanding The Power Of Dream Interpretation

Dreams have always fascinated me. Theyre like a portal to another world, a realm where the subconscious mind can freely express itself. But what if dreams were more than just random images and feelings? What if they held valuable insights and guidance for navigating lifes challenges?

This is where dream interpretation comes into play. The Significado de Sueos Mi Sabueso, or the Meaning of Dreams My Hound, offers a comprehensive guide to unraveling the hidden messages within our dreams. It is a valuable tool that can help us unlock the power of our subconscious mind and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world aro...


Ana De Armas Blow Job You Wont Believe What It Is! "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ana De Armas Blow Job

Are you ready to dive into the world of Ana de Armas and her dream job? Well, buckle up because were about to explore the fascinating journey of this talented actress in pursuit of her aspirations. From her beginnings in Cuba to international stardom, Ana de Armas has undoubtedly made a name for herself in the entertainment industry.

Born and raised in Havana, Ana de Armas always had a passion for acting. From a young age, she dreamt of gracing the big screen and captivating audiences with her talent. She worked tirelessly to hone her craft, attending acting classes and auditions, determined to turn her dreams into reality.

Ana de Armass breakthrough came when she landed a role in the critically acclaimed film Blade Runner 2049. Her captivating performance caught the attention of both critics and viewers alike, propelling her career to new heights. Since then, shes starred in major Hollywood productions and shared the screen with renowned actors.

Ana de Armass journey inspires aspiring actors worldwide, showing that dreams can come true with hard work, dedication, and a bit of luck. Her success story reminds us that sometimes, the path to our dream job may not be smooth, but perseverance and passion can lead us to incredible opportunities.

In the following paragraphs, well explore Ana de Armass steps to achieve her dream job, the challenges she faced along the way, and the impact her career has had on the entertainment industry. So, join me as we delve into the story of Ana de Armas and discover how she turned her dreams into a reality.

The Rise Of Ana de Armas

Ana de Armas, the talented and captivating actress, has made waves in the entertainment industry with her remarkable rise to fame. From her humble beginnings to becoming a global sensation, Anas journey to success is inspiring.

1. Early Beginnings: Ana de Armas was born and raised in Cuba, where she developed a deep love for acting from a young age. She honed her skills at the National Theater School of Cuba, laying the foundation for her future career. Her determinatio...


George Musser Talks With Michael Levin For Nautilus "IndyWatch Feed World"

Nautilus is not one of our go-to sources for inspiration, but with conversations like this it is obvious we should be paying more attention to their work. Thanks to George Musser for this article:

The Biologist Blowing Our Minds

Michael Levin is uncovering the incredible, latent abilities of living things.

Michael Levin, a developmental biologist at Tufts University, has a knack for taking an unassuming organism and showing its capable of the darnedest things. He and his team once extracted skin cells from a frog embryo and cultivated them on their own. With no other cell types around, they were not bullied, as he put it, into forming skin tissue. Instead, they reassembled into a new organism of sorts, a ...


Upcoming Android Smartphone to Include 24 GB of RAM "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Android phone hits 24GB of RAM, as much as a 13-inch MacBook Pro

Android manufacturers tend to love big spec sheets, even if those giant numbers won't do much for day-to-day phone usage. In that vein, we've got the new high-water mark for ridiculous amounts of memory in a phone. The new Nubia RedMagic 8S Pro+ is an Android gaming phone with an option for 24GB of RAM.

The base model of the RedMagic 8S Pro+ starts with 16GB of RAM, but GSMArena has pictures and details of the upgraded 24GB SKU, which is the most amount of memory ever in an Android phone. Because we're all about big numbers, it also comes with 1TB of be a China-exclusive, with the price at CNY 7,499 (about $1,034), which is a lot for a phone in China.

You definitely want an adequate amount of RAM in an Android phone. All these apps are designed around cheap phones, though, and with Android's aggressive background app management, there's usually not much of a chance to use a ton of RAM. Theoretically, a phone like this would let you multitask better, since apps could stay in memory longer, and you wouldn't have to start them back up when switching tasks. Most people aren't quickly switching through that many apps, though, and some heavy apps, games especially, will just automatically turn off a few seconds once they're in the background.

There were a few smartphones on the market with 18 GB, but it looks like 20 GB has been skipped entirely by Nubia.

Now we need to be on the lookout for 32 GB of RAM and alien technology in upcoming smartphones.

Previously: SK Hynix Begins Production of 18 GB LPDDR5 Memory... for Smartphones
Samsung Announces Development of LPDDR5X Memory

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Thermochromic Treatment Keeps Solderless Breadboards Smokeless "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Theres a point in a components thermal regime thats between normal operation and overloaded to the point of obvious failure. Thats a dangerous region, because the component isnt quite hot enough to release the Magic Smoke, but hot enough to singe any finger you poke around with the see if everythings running right. So if youre looking to keep your fingerprints unmodified, but you dont want to invest in a thermal camera, you might want to let this thermochromic breadboard point the way to overloaded components.

Were not sure where this tip came from, but judging by the look of the website it was sometime in the late 90s. Were also not sure whos behind this little hack, so well just credit [improwis]. The idea is pretty simple white acrylic paint is mixed with thermochromic pigment, and the mixture is carefully painted onto the plastic surface of a standard-issue solderless breadboard. Care is taken to apply thin coats, lest the paint gets into the contacts and really muck things up. Once the paint is dry youre ready to build your circuit. We have to admit were surprised at how sensitive the paint is; judging by the pictures, the heat coming off a 1/4-watt resistor dissipating 350 mW is plenty, even when the body of the resistor is well above the surface...


Mesa's Rusticl Implements OpenCL Subgroups "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Red Hat's Karol Herbst who has done a remarkable job on Rusticl as a modern OpenCL implementation written in Rust for Mesa Gallium3D drivers has another achievement under his belt: OpenCL subgroups are now in place for Mesa...


Pentagon will tighten controls on classified information after Discord leak "IndyWatch Feed World"

Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira allegedly leaked classified documents to friends on Discord.


Giant, 300,000 year-old handaxes found at rare Ice Age site in Kent, UK "IndyWatch Feed World"

Researchers at the UCL Institute of Archaeology have discovered some of the largest early prehistoric stone tools in Britain. The excavations, which took place in Kent and were commissioned in advance of development of the Maritime Academy School in Frindsbury, revealed prehistoric artifacts in deep Ice Age sediments preserved on a hillside above the Medway Valley. The researchers, from UCL Archaeology South-East, discovered 800 stone artifacts thought to be over 300,000 years old, buried in sediments which filled a sinkhole and ancient river channel, outlined in their research, published in Internet Archaeology. Amongst the unearthed artifacts were two extremely large flint knives described as "giant handaxes". Handaxes are stone artefacts which have been chipped, or "knapped," on both sides to produce a symmetrical shape with a long cutting edge. Researchers believe this type of tool was usually held in the hand and may have been used for butchering animals and cutting meat. The...


Iran: Four gunmen and two officers killed in attack on police station "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iran: Four gunmen and two officers killed in attack on police station

Gunmen and suicide bombers storm police station in restive Sistan-Baluchistan southeast province
MEE staff Sat, 07/08/2023 - 11:34
Sistan-Baluchistan province is one of Iran's poorest regions (AFP)

Two police officers and four attackers were killed when gunmen and suicide bombers stormed a police station in Iran's restive southeast on Saturday, Iranian state television reported.

The attack occurred in Zahedan, capital of Sistan-Baluchistan province, where some of the deadliest protests took place last year following the death of Mahsa Amini while in police custody after her arrest for "improper wearing" of a headscarf.

"Four unidentified armed individuals attacked and entered police station Number 16 of Zahedan," the capital of Sistan-Baluchistan province, according to state broadcaster IRIB, quoting the province's deputy head of security, Alireza Marhamati. 

The attackers used grenades to blast open the gates of the police station and an exchange of fire occurred, said Marhamati, adding that "one policeman was martyred".

Sistan-Baluchistan, a drought-prone region that borders Afghanistan and Pakistan, is one of Iran's poorest provinces and is home to the Baluchi minority, which rights groups say has faced decades of discrimination.

The province is also a major drug trafficking route, and has seen regular clashes involving drug smuggling gangs as we...


Mothers swing at CDC for equating male nipple secretions to breast milk "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's new transgender-themed guidance on biological men and "chestfeeding" infant babies has roused the wrath of mothers across the nation, many of whom are well acquainted with the vulnerability, intricacies, and intimacy of breastfeeding their children. "Transgender and nonbinary-gendered individuals may give birth and breastfeed or feed at the chest (chestfeed)," the CDC says in guidance on feeding infants. "The gender identity or expression of transgender individuals is different from their sex at birth. The gender identity of nonbinary-gendered individuals does not fit neatly into either man or woman." The CDC also refers readers to the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine protocol that breaks down how biological men who identify as transgender women and have had "breast augmentation" (the addition of faux breasts) can "chestfeed" an infant baby.


Microsoft Presidents Keep Resigning Just Days Ahead of Rumoured Mass Layoffs (Another Huge Wave, Maybe End of Month, Maybe Next Week) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Hours ago:

Microsoft India president Anant Maheshwari resigns

Summary: Another Microsoft president has just resigned (it's a wave); Microsoft spinners must be busy this weekend, preparing for shrewd ways to deliver bad news; they will probably "sell" or "disguise" the layoffs as a chatbot "success story". Its important to remind readers that Microsoft has had many layoffs already and many more to come. Thats on top of the permatemp tactic to hide even more layoffs.


26,000-foot Himalayan mountain summit crumbled around 1190 CE, leaving evidence in the plains below "IndyWatch Feed World"

Earth is home to 14 "eight-thousanders," summits that top off at more than 8,000 meters, or 26,247 feet, above sea level. All of these grand mountains tower over the Himalayas, the highest place in the world. But our planet is dynamic could there have been additional peaks like these, since lost? "We wanted to know whether, 830 years ago, the Earth and the Himalayas had one more," says Jrme Lav, a geomorphologist at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the University of Lorraine in France. The answer, according to Lav and his colleagues, appears to be yes. In a new paper, published in the journal Nature on July 6, they've found evidence of an ancient landslide that reshaped South Asia's geography and linked that to the collapse of a peak that would have once been one of the tallest mountains on Earth. Lav says his team first spotted the fingerprints of this medieval landslide not in the Himalayas, but far to the south, near the India-Nepal border, in the...


Linux Lands Fix For Intel Hybrid CPU Frequency Scaling When Disabling E-Cores "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Intel P-State CPU frequency scaling driver for the Linux kernel has received a fix to an issue that could lead to inadequate CPU frequency scaling behavior when running on a hybrid processor with E cores disable...


Americas Perpetual War: Six Questions "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Konstantin Komarov of Paragon Software has submitted the NTFS(3) file-system driver updates for the nearly-closed Linux 6.5 merge window...


'I'm coming to kill you': Life as a hostage of Sudan's Rapid Support Forces "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

'I'm coming to kill you': Life as a hostage of Sudan's Rapid Support Forces

Yaslam Altayeb was held prisoner by the Sudanese paramilitary fighters in Khartoum. He recounts the horrors he witnessed in captivity
Daniel Hilton Sat, 07/08/2023 - 11:11
Yaslam Altayeb on an evacuation flight to Birmingham (Supplied)
Yaslam Altayeb on an evacuation flight to Birmingham, in the UK (Supplied)

It was Eid al-Fitr, around 3pm, when he heard someone say: The assassination team has arrived.

Yaslam Altayeb, a 49-year-old Sudanese businessman with Dutch and British citizenship, was being held by Sudan's paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in a Khartoum military base.

Alongside him was someone he knew only as "the doctor", a reserved man who had told him he had a PhD in finance and worked for a prominent bank, but nothing else. Whenever Altayeb tried to speak to him, he told him to shut up.

Hearing the sound of the door being unlocked, Altayeb steeled himself for the worst. "It's done," he recalls thinking.

Four men came inside. "They were really scary people. They were wearing turbans, and they carried AK47s. There were pistols on their hips, and two knives."

One of them turned to...


Dirty Bomb Attack Articles Have Already Been Written by British Press Blaming Russia "IndyWatch Feed War"

John Pilger was right. The killing fields of Ukraine are the setting of an even greater war, one of propaganda. It is quite extraordinary how so much of what we read in the UK press originates from a U.S.-funded propaganda bureau in Kiev so much so that it has become the norm for an event Continue reading Dirty Bomb Attack Articles Have Already Been Written by British Press Blaming Russia


Colossal Financial Pyramid: BlackRock and The WEF Great Reset "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). 

Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch.

First published by

The post Colossal Financial Pyramid: BlackRock and The WEF Great Reset appeared first on Global Research.


Poland begins transfer of ground forces to border with Belarus "IndyWatch Feed World"

In the coming days, additional forces of the Polish army will be deployed to the border of Poland with Belarus. This was reported on the official page on the social network of the 12th Mechanized Brigade of the Polish Army. According to the report, at least 1000 soldiers and 200 pieces of military equipment will go to the east of Poland in the coming days. The presence of ground forces on the border with Belarus aims to demonstrate readiness to quickly respond to any attempts to destabilize the situation. This is also reported by the Polish 12th mechanized brigade. The operation, within the framework of which the troops are transferred, is called "Safe Podlachie". It is possible that the order to start the operation was given in connection with the appearance in the media space of information about the imminent arrival in Belarus of a large number of fighters of the Russian PMC "Wagner". Polish President Andrzej Duda said earlier that the country considers this event a very...


Hungary will not implement the EU's mass migration quotas - PM Orbn "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Prime Minister put it this way: an effective Hungarian model should be replaced by a new European model that is obviously not working. Hungary will find a legal and political way to not implement the decisions in Brussels, he declared. He called the situation sad and said: Hungary must defend itself not only against illegal migrants and human traffickers, but also against Brussels, and it will do so. Viktor Orbn also spoke about how Hungarians protect not only Hungary, but the whole of Europe, including Austria, against illegal immigrants.


KDE Plasma Wayland Fixes "Severe Screen Distortion" For Some Multi-GPU Systems "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

KDE developers remain quite busy working on the Plasma 6.0 desktop development as well as making other enhancements and fixes to their open-source desktop stack...


Dutch government resigns after failure to reach agreement on problem of mass migration "IndyWatch Feed World"

The resignation of Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the longest-serving premier of the nation, means the country will face a general election later this year. Rutte and his government will remain in office in a caretaker capacity until a new ruling coalition is chosen. The Dutch government collapsed Friday because of irreconcilable differences within the four-party coalition about how to rein in migration, a divisive issue that has split nations across Europe. The resignation of Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the longest-serving premier of the nation, means the country will face a general election later this year. Rutte and his government will remain in office in a caretaker capacity until a new ruling coalition is chosen. "It is no secret that the coalition partners have very different views on migration policy," Rutte told reporters in The Hague. "And today, unfortunately, we have to draw the conclusion that those differences are irreconcilable. That is why I will immediately ... offer the...


Terrible flooding from the lahars of Semeru volcano in Indonesia "IndyWatch Feed World"

The constant rains of the last few days have caused a large amount of material and water to move down the slopes of the volcano, causing overflows and damage.


Big robot bugs reveal force-sensing secrets of insect locomotion "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers have combined research with real and robotic insects to better understand how they sense forces in their limbs while walking, providing new insights into the biomechanics and neural dynamics of insects and informing new applications for large legged robots. They presented their findings at the SEB Centenary Conference 2023.

Campaniform sensilla (CS) are force receptors found in the limbs of insects that respond to stress and strain, providing important information for controlling locomotion. Similar force receptors exist in mammals known as golgi tendon organs, suggesting that understanding the role of force sensors in insects may also provide new insights into their functions in vertebrates such as humans.

I study the role of force sensors in walking insects because these sensors are critical for successful locomotion, says Dr. Szczecinski, an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in the Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University, U.S. The feedback they provide is critical for proper posture and coordination.


Encoding integers and rationals on neuromorphic computers using virtual neuron "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Neuromorphic computers perform computations by emulating the human brain1. Akin to the human brain, they are extremely energy efficient in performing computations2. For instance, while CPUs and GPUs consume around 70250 W of power, a neuromorphic computer such as IBMs TrueNorth consumes around 65 mW of power, (i.e., 45 orders of magnitude less power than CPUs and GPUs)3. The structural and functional units of neuromorphic computation are neurons and synapses, which can be implemented on digital or analog hardware and can have different architectures, devices, and materials in their implementations4. Although there are a wide variety of neuromorphic computing systems, we focus our attention on spiking neuromorphic systems composed of these neurons and synapses. Spiking neuromorphic hardware implementations include Intels Loihi...


The World Needs a New Socialist Development Theory "IndyWatch Feed War"

Over the course of the past century, substantial changes have taken place in debates about social development. Dossier no. 66, The World Needs a New Socialist Development Theory, examines the historical evolution of development theory over four distinct eras, analyses the obstacles that stand in the way of development today, identifies processes that have the potential to advance genuine alternatives, and offers an outline of a new socialist development theory.

Enduring neocolonial structures in the world economy have made it difficult for countries in the Global South to pursue viable development agendas. However, following the 20072008 Western financial crisis, large developing states have begun to contemplate the revival of a South-South development agenda. The emergence of South-South institutions, as well as the rapid expansion of Chinas trade policy and regional initiatives, have provided developing states with more choices than have been available to them in decades and have reduced their dependence on Western-controlled institutions. These new realities demand the formulation of new development theories, new assessments of the possibilities of, and pathways to, transcending the obstinate facts of social despair. In other words, what has been put back on the table is the necessity for national planning and regional cooperation as well as the fight to produce a better external environment for finance and trade.

The emergence of institutions of South-South cooperation and Chinas Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) project provides new opportunities for socialist movements and governmental projects to work together to formulate a new socialist development theory. This theory must engage with what Samir Amin termed the five controls that constrain the development agenda the Wests monopoly control over natural resources, financial flows, science and technology, military power, and i...



User Answers

This was QUITE a week for some excellent stories and articles, so my thanks to all of you taking the time to spot and send

The post TIDBITS: THIS WEEKS HONOURABLE MENTIONS appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Beware the Jabberwocky "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  Vat Grown Chicken Its Whats for Dinner! The United States has become the second country in the world to approve cell-based chicken for public consumption, joining Singapore, who legalized the experimental food in 2020. The U.S. Department of Agriculture gave the green light for the controversial product, which is backed by Bill Gates, earlier this []

The post Beware the Jabberwocky appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


No, CNN, Climate Isnt the Cause of Excess Deaths in Europe "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

This is a clear-cut case of climate activism trumping truthful reporting and CNN should be ashamed to publish this interview.

The post No, CNN, Climate Isnt the Cause of Excess Deaths in Europe first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


CIA Director William Burns Presents . A World Transformed and the Role of Intelligence "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A bicyclist rides near the Potomac River on June 7 in Washington as skies are hazy from Canadian wildfire smoke. (Matt McClain/The Washington Post)

Annual Ditchley Foundation Lecture in Oxfordshire, England

Excerpt from Speech of William Burns on July 1, 2023

My job now is to help President Biden and senior policymakers understand and shape a world transformed. And as the president reminds us, we are at an inflection point.

The post-Cold War era is over. Our task is to shape what comes next investing in our foundational strengths and working in common cause with our unmatched network of alliances and partnerships to leave for future generations a world that is more free, open, secure and prosperous.

That is a very tall order. Our success will depend on our ability to navigate a world with three distinctive features.

1. First is the challenge of strategic competition from a rising and ambitious China and from a Russia that constantly reminds us that declining powers can be at least as disruptive as rising ones.

2.:Second are the problems without passports, such as pandemics and the climate crisis, which are beyond the reach of any one country to address and are growing more extreme and existential.

3. And third is the revolution in technology, which is transforming how we live, work, fight and compete, with possibilities and risks we cant yet fully grasp.

Those singular challenges sometimes conflict with one another, with cooperation on shared global problems both more vital and more difficult, too often the victim of strategic competition. And the revolution in technology is both a main arena for that competition and a phenomenon in which some basic partnership is crucial to set rules of the road.

The most immediate and acute challenge to international order today is Vladimir Putins full-scale invasion of Ukraine.


Whats more, we do not have the option of focusing on a single geopolitical pacing threat. We face an equal threat to international order and indeed to the lives and livelihoods of our people from shared or transnational challenges, of which the climate crisis poses the most clear and present danger. We can no longer talk about tipping points and cata......


Lebanon's easy-life tourist season masks grim reality for its people "IndyWatch Feed War"

Lebanon's easy-life tourist season masks grim reality for its people

Packed bars, restaurants and clubs stand in stark contrast to a populace largely plunged into poverty
Nader Durgham Sat, 07/08/2023 - 09:00
Patrons pack Roys public house in Beiruts Badaro (MEE/Nader Durgham) 

Across Beirut's coastline, hot summer nights are illuminated by packed nightclubs, where sweaty ravers dance to bass-heavy music until the sun comes up.

Nearby, people from Lebanon and across the world fill up the Gemmayzeh area's pubs and bars on an unusually noisy Monday night. The sound of pop music can be heard on every corner of the narrow streets, as travellers move from place to place trying to find a vacant table. 

It's a scene that had more or less disappeared over the past couple of years in the Beirut neighbourhood, which still shows signs of damage by the 2020 port blast that flattened much of the area.

Even with the country still struggling through an economic crisis and political paralysis, its restaurant and pub owners now appear to be savouring a few cautious sighs of relief. 
"There are more people than before, but we are not able to predict how active they will be," said Andy Noaim, a manager at 16MM, a bar in Gemmayzeh.
Caretaker Tourism Minister Walid Nassar expects more than two million people to visit Lebanon this summer, the highest figure in years. Numbers last December had already recovered past the 2019 pre-Covid figure for that low-season part of the year.

Now the country's cash-strapped government and businesses hope the tourists and expatriates will give the ailing economy a much-needed cash boost.



Roll Your Own Simple Tube Tester "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

You can easily get carried away when trying to test things. For example, if you want to know if your car is working, you could measure the timing of the ignition and put the car on a dynamometer. Or you could just start it and figure that if it runs and moves when you put it in drive, it is probably fine.

When [Thomas Scherrer] wanted to test some tubes, he made the same kind of assumption. While tubes can develop wacky failure modes, the normal difference between a working tube and a failing tube is usually not very subtle. He made a simple test rig to test tubes at DC and one operating point. Not comprehensive, but good enough most of the time. Have a look at what he did in the video below.

The tester is just a few resistors, a tube socket, and some bench power supplies. Of course, you may have to adapt it to whatever tube you are testing. If we had a lot of tubes to do, we might make the rig a bit more permanent, but for an afternoon of testing, what he has would be fine.

In addition to the power supplies, youll need at least one, preferably two, volt meters. He was able to validate his results with a proper tube tester. The results matched up well. While this wont solve all your tube testing problems, it will give you a quick start.

You can build your own modern tube tester, of course. Or pick up a vintage one....


Two Spyware Apps on Google Play with 1.5 Million Users Sending Data to China "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Two file management apps on the Google Play Store have been discovered to be spyware, putting the privacy and security of up to 1.5 million Android users at risk. These apps engage in deceptive behaviour and secretly send sensitive user data to malicious servers in China. Pradeo, a leading mobile security company, has uncovered this alarming infiltration. The report shows that both spyware apps,


ECVCU Victim Contact is Failing Victims of Crime, Just Like Action Fraud "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

ECVCU Victim Contact
Real function? Saving face? Response to bad press? Reaction to betrayed victims?

Summary: The very serious crimes committed by Sirius Open Source while I worked there (I didnt know until this year) are leaving many people in the British government red-faced and the police (at several levels already) is trying to sweep the whole thing under a rug

The pension fraud at Sirius Open Source might only be the edge of a very large iceberg. What do managers know? Some contact us with a tone resembling begging. If they were not being properly audited due to scale-related exemptions, what other financial crimes were also being committed? Only managers from that time may know the full extent of the fraud, wage theft, etc.

Readers may wonder why we havent covered this topic for a week. We just needed to give police as much as a week to reply and since theres no progress, were now escalating further (higher). For those who missed what we covered last month, our regime tried to pretend that pension fraud committed by itself (via a contractor) is like falling for some Nigerian scammer online and victims can be brushed off with some advice rather than law enforcement. As if having a chat over the telephone would do; babytalk rather than imprisoning those responsible, i.e. those who were paid by our own regime. We call that arse-covering here; they know theyre culpable, so theyre just trying to tire down the complainants.

So later on, maybe later this week, I will report to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) or Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC); not that they will fix it, I dont expect the cover-up to stop at the police, but itll make a point. Its all very Kafkaesque. What started as outright fraud at Sirius, a small government contractor, is now a scandal implicating the whole British system. Its shielding the criminals instead of protecting their victims.

I hope that it had a specific enough (and accurate enough) call to action for them to work with, one person advised me last month. Its good that there are still additional options in reserve. However, this one might take a lot of back-and-forth negotiation before moving forward. Its very important to emphasise t...


Reporting Police Inaction (Regarding Fraud Connected to the British Government) to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) or Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

ECVCU Victim Contact
Real function? Saving face? Response to bad press? Reaction to betrayed victims?

Summary: The very serious crimes committed by Sirius 'Open Source' while I worked there (I didnt know until this year) are leaving many people in the British government red-faced and the police (at several levels already) is trying to sweep the whole thing under a rug

The pension fraud at Sirius Open Source might only be the edge of a very large iceberg. What do managers know? Some contact us with a tone resembling begging. If they were not being properly audited due to scale-related exemptions, what other financial crimes were also being committed? Only managers from that time may know the full extent of the fraud, wage theft, etc.

Its all very Kafkaesque. What started as outright fraud at Sirius, a small government contractor, is now a scandal implicating the whole British system.Readers may wonder why we havent covered this topic for a week. We just needed to give police as much as a week to reply and since theres no progress, were now escalating further (higher). For those who missed what we covered last month, our regime tried to pretend that pension fraud committed by itself (via a contractor) is like falling for some Nigerian scammer online and victims can be brushed off with some advice rather than law enforcement. As if having a chat over the telephone would do; babytalk rather than imprisoning those responsible, i.e. those who were paid by our own regime. We call that arse-covering here; they know theyre culpable, so theyre just trying to tire down the complainants.

So later on, maybe later this week, I will...


Mara Elena Ros denuncia amenazas tras exhibir violencia de actor "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Hazel Zamora Mendieta

Tras las denuncias pblicas realizadas en contra del actor Tenoch Huerta, la saxofonista y sobreviviente de violencia cida, Mara Elena Ros Ortiz, acus ser vctima de amenazas por parte de personas que buscan desacreditar sus declaraciones. 

El pasado mes de junio Mara Elena Ros hizo pblico a travs de sus redes sociales que el actor mexicano la violent sexualmente. Por medio de un comunicado expres que no es la nica mujer a quien Tenoch Huerta ha manipulado para ganarse su confianza. 

Detall que el actor busca a mujeres emocionalmente vulnerables, las hace sentir admiradas, las enamora, se gana su confianza, las utiliza como trofeo sexual y sin ms desaparece y deja de comunicarse con ellas.

Aunado a ello, detall que fue vctima de stealthing, prctica violenta que consiste en el retiro del condn no consensuado durante una relacin sexual. 

Las mujeres que nos encontramos en un proceso emocional vulnerable, al tener contacto con un abusador narcisista, somos arrastradas hacia una dinmica en donde el miedo a la burla de nuestra intimidad nos frena a denunciar, asegur la saxofonista. 

Pese a ello decidi alzar la voz y con esta accin llegaron una serie de denuncias en contra del actor que coinciden con el relato que hizo Mara Elena. A m tambin me pas, refiri otra mujer que expres que el actor tambin se retir el preservativo mientras sostena relaciones sexuales con ella.

No supe qu hacer y tengo conversaciones que yo no saba cmo reclamarle por lo sucedido. Cmo vamos a comprobar esta situacin, expres la mujer de forma annima. 

Mara Elena, al igual que 18 millones 872 mil 700 mujeres, fue vctima de violencia en pareja, de acuerdo con la&nb...


Nearly half over-50s who quit their jobs during Covid now live 'in poverty', think-tank finds "IndyWatch Feed World"

Half the older people who dropped out of the workforce at the start of the pandemic found themselves struggling financially, it is claimed today. New analysis has found that 48 per cent of the 50- to 70-year-olds who left employment in 2020-21 ended up in relative poverty. The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) think-tank said the figure is 'significantly higher' than the proportion who quit before the pandemic, suggesting they were forced into early retirement by lockdown and health risks. It will put extra pressure on Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to succeed in his attempts to get large numbers of over-50s back to work by offering them so-called midlife MOTs and apprenticeships for new careers. A massive 3.5million 50 to 64-year-olds were out of work and not looking for new jobs between November last year and this January, official figures show, a rise of 280,000 on the same period three years earlier before Covid arrived in the the UK.


[Meme] They Just Want to Eat Crisps All Day Long "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It always seemed to be like that with British police

Y U report crime? U give me moar work!

Summary: Cops have done absolutely nothing about crimes of Sirius Open Source crimes that had many victims; it certainly feels like their service to the public is basically giving a reference number, then doing nothing


Exposed, the multi-billion-dollar illusion of HIV: Part 5 "IndyWatch Feed War"

Readers of TCW will be familiar with Neville Hodgkinsons critical reporting of the Covid crisis since December 2020, notably his expert, science-based informed alarm about the mass vaccine rollout, so absent from mainstream coverage. What they may be less aware of is the international storm this former Sunday Times medical and science correspondent created in the 1990s by reporting a scientific challenge to the HIV theory of Aids, presaging the hostile response to science critics of Covid today. In this series he details findings that form the substance of his newly updated and expanded book, How HIV/Aids Set the Stage for the Covid Crisis, on the controversy. It is available here. You can read Part 1 of this series here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here and Part 4 here. 

By Neville Hodgkinson | TCW Defending Freedom | July 7, 2023

As a former newspaper medical and science correspondent, I saw striking parallels between the mishandling of Covid, from 2020 onwards, and illusions over HIV/Aids on which I had reported for many years. In both instances, scientists and public health experts seemed to lose their heads in the face of lobbying by powerful and sometimes mega-wealthy interests. The lobbyists were able to gain sway over state health agencies, whose generally good intentions became too readily misinformed and misdirected.

With Covid, the big push was for a jab to protect us against the toxic spike protein that made the genetically engineered SARS-CoV-2, a product of biodefence research, a genuine new arrival in the world of microbes. Involvement of agencies heavily invested in vaccines, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the UKs Wellcome Tr...


This is Psychosis, Plain and Simple "IndyWatch Feed War"

Todd Hayen I just saw a headline that was in line with the prevailing insanity, but it really seemed to be heavier than the usual straw lying on the camels back. Pupil who questioned classmate identifying as a cat called despicable by teacher Telegraph, 18/6/23 Really? At the beginning of this global illness I thought


Check how many railways China has built in Africa. "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

First, what few understand is just how large Africa happens to be.  It really on the scale of russia and then broken up by artificial poltical borders along with huge poulations now truly entering modernity.

The second thing that is poorly understood id that the historically best application of fiat money capital investment is to lay down track from whatever population center to whatever population center.  time and money growth catches it all up and makes it good.

so yes ,the best investment for fiat money after laying track in china is africe.  After all, this is exactly what hte brits did in india in the late nineteenth century.

truth is that the USA needs to go in and just do it all in spades and follow it all up with freeway building as well.  This creates huge local demand for services and also stimulate tge USA economy.

We have really just begun and have only picked off hte obvious. .

Check how many railways China has built in Africa.

07-06-2023, DaiWW

Check how many railways China has built in Africa.

The War Were Finally Allowed to See "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

You cannot put untrained draftees into a trench in any modern war and get anything done.  you just kill them and if the other side is the same, it is suicidal for both.

what i find astounding is that this is still going on.  and do you really believe those newly formed and equipped brigades are also now up for it.  And regardless, they will be expected to walk into massed russian artillary fire while absorbing forty percent casulties.

it is obvious that the russians are maintaining a defensive line ahead of massed artillary and are not been too agtressive at all.  The front here described could not hold for a second through a light artillary barrage and advancing russians.

the ukraine cannot actually win this war, unless they somehow buy the time needed to produce a modern army or at least a trained army that can at least dig.  No bunkers to see here.  The Russians have bought that time.

The War Were Finally Allowed to See

friday july 7, 2023


Millions of Children Are Abducted and Trafficked Each Year. The Sound of Freedom Movie "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The problem with this report is that we are blending in the problem of pedophilia with that of outright economic slavery which is a quite different problem that does overlap because the dollar vallue servicing the peds is way greater.

economic slavery has greatly increased simply because movement is easier and cheaper.  It is not just the USA either.  I do include adult sex slavery in this as well.  It has also become more visible.

The actual volume related to pedophilia is still real but cannot be suppling more that perhaps less than 50, 000 and likely much less.  known players, and this really costs money, is likely 5000 or less.  They also have to be connected.

That is why i also think that it can be suppressed successfully.

The slavery problem is linked to poverty and preserved behind ignorance and iliteracy.  This can be solved by the elimination of poverty and time.

Millions of Children Are Abducted and Trafficked Each Year. The Sound of Freedom Movie

Global Research, July 04, 2023


Recently, a lot is being written and said on the subject of human trafficking and modern-day slavery, particularly due to the upcoming release of the highly anticipated film The Sound of Freedom which is set to be officially released on July 4, Independence Day.

Historical chinese debt "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

first of, this applies only to unpaid sovereign debt from before the CCP took power.  What is true is that it is a convenient stick with which to beat the CCP.

however, we are not lacking sticks and that Trump tarriff does not go away either.  It is amazing just how much a few points make when your trade opponent has been applying currency manipulation to advantage.

Makes a good story though and england did get their share acknowledged for the hong kong deal.  Off course Taiwan could pay this off also in order to fully embarrass the CCP and reassert their claim to all of China.  Better yet declare various provinces as newly independent states as well to maximise the general meddling.

China is in default on a trillion dollars in debt to US bondholders. Will the US force repayment?


Every country should pay its sovereign debt. Default, we are told, is not an option. But has anyone told China?

The United States pays interest on approximately $850 billion in debt held by the Peoples Republic of China. China, however, is currently in default on its sovereign debt held by American bondholders.

Successive U.S. administrations have ch...


France riots - message from the US to get inline? "IndyWatch Feed World"

The government of French President Emmanuel Macron is under attack by the Anglo-American imperial establishment. The civil unrest that erupted across the nation was triggered by the 27 June 2023 Police killing of the 17-year old Nahel Merzouk (NM) in the Paris suburb of Nanterre. NM was driving a car without a driving license, failed to comply with police orders and for that he was shot point blank by two officers in full riot gear. NM was of Algerian origin. The next day, riots broke out in many cities across France: Paris, Marseille, Lille, Lyon, Bordeaux, Grenoble and also Brussels in Belgium. Some areas were left looking like war zones. In fact, some of the riots did resemble low-intensity warfare. According to some reports, US weapons donated to Ukraine have found their way through black markets to the streets of French cities and into the hands of the protesters who used them in coordinated attacks on police and firefighters. Just on the night of Jun 30/July 1, 41 police...


Exigen libertad inmediata para Jos Daz Gmez, base de apoyo zapatista en Chiapas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. El Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolom de las Casas (Frayba) exigi la libertad inmediata del chol Jos Daz Gmez, base de apoyo del Ejrcito Zapatista de Liberacin Nacional (BAEZLN) detenido arbitrariamente desde hace ocho meses en el Centro Estatal de Reinsercin Social de Sentenciados No. 17 El Bamb, en Catazaj, Chiapas.

Daz Gmez fue detenido el 25 de noviembre de 2022 de manera arbitraria y con seales de uso excesivo de la fuerza, tortura, tratos crueles, inhumanos y degradantes, y en su momento desaparecido forzadamente e incomunicado por parte de elementos de la polica especializada adscritos a la Fiscala del Distrito Selva, denunci el Frayba.

El Centro aadi que las autoridades judiciales en Chiapas vulneraron la garanta al debido proceso de Daz, quien fue acusado del delito de robo ejecutado con violencia. Adems, existen rdenes de aprehensin por el mismo delito en contra de otros cuatro BAEZLN, que los ponen en inminente riesgo a su dignidad y derecho humano a la libertad, lo anterior, como una forma de intimidacin y acoso a la autonoma zapatista, destac.

La Fiscala del Distrito Selva solicit una orden de aprehensin con datos de prueba deficientes y sin apego a los principios de eficacia, profesionalismo y objetividad, en la que no se encontraron mayores indicios para asumir la responsabilidad penal directa, subray el Frayba sobre las irregularidades y atropellos en el proceso, entre las que se encuentran la falta de un traductor para Daz y contradicciones en la carpeta de investigacin.

Actualmente Jos Daz est en espera de llevar a cabo su audiencia de etapa intermedia, pues la Fiscala solicit plazos de investigacin complementaria desde diciembre de 2022, pero la situacin de dilacin procesal, criminalizacin y contubernio de autoridades trae como consecuencia el riesgo de seguir privado ilegalmente de su libertad por ms de un ao, explic el Centro.

Ante las violaciones a los derechos del BAEZLN chol, el Frayba exigi a la Fiscala el desistimiento de la accin penal perpetrada en contra Daz, la cual, asegur, busca criminalizarlo de manera injusta y mantenerlo privado de su libertad.

A continuacin el comunicado completo:

El Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolom de Las Casas (Frayba) exige la libertad inmediata del Base de Apoyo del Ejrcito Zapatista de Liberacin Nacional (BAEZLN) Jos Daz Gmez (Jos Daz), quien lleva ocho meses Privado Arbitrariamente de su Libertad en el Centro Estatal de Reinsercin Social de Sentenciados No. 17 El Bamb, en Catazaj, Chiapas.

Jos Daz, indgena Chol, originario de la Ranchera El Trapiche, ubicado en el municipio oficial de Salto de agua, perteneciente al municipio autnomo Francisco Villa, Junta de Buen Gobierno Que habla para todos, Caracol V, Roberto Barrios, es un campesino deteni...


The Pervasive Background Hum of Merging Supermassive Black Holes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

After Decades of Observations, Astronomers have Finally Sensed the Pervasive Background Hum of Merging Supermassive Black Holes:

We've become familiar with LIGO/VIRGO's detections of colliding black holes and neutron stars that create gravitational waves, or ripples in the fabric of space-time. However, the mergers between supermassive black holes billions of times the mass of the Sun generate gravitational waves too long to register with these instruments.

But now, after decades of careful observations, astronomers around the world using a different type of gravitational wave detection method have finally gathered enough data to measure what is essentially a gravitational wave background hum of the Universe, mostly from supermassive black holes spiraling toward collision.

Scientists say the newly detected gravitational waves are by far the most powerful ever measured, and they persist for years to decades. They carry roughly a million times as much energy as the one-off bursts of gravitational waves from black hole and neutron star mergers detected by LIGO and Virgo.

"It's like a choir, with all these supermassive black hole pairs chiming in at different frequencies," said scientist Chiara Mingarelli, who worked about 190 other scientists with the NANOGrav (North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves). "This is the first-ever evidence for the gravitational wave background. We've opened a new window of observation on the universe."

[...] For this collaboration, 25 years of observing 25 pulsars revealed the gravitational waves with wavelengths much longer than those seen by other experiments.

[...] Since they are long-lasting, the gravitational-wave signals from these gigantic binaries are expected to overlap, like voices in a crowd or instruments in an orchestra, producing an overall background hum that imprints a unique pattern in pulsar timing data.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Train worker forcefully shuts down racist woman who was bullying passengers: You will never ride my train again "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A video uploaded to TikTok shows a woman arguing with passengers on a train and hurling insults before a train employee steps in and shuts her down. According to the person who uploaded the video, she is a Muslim who was traveling with her mother to Hartford, Connecticut, when the woman got on the train []


Media's coordinated smear campaign against 'Sound of Freedom' tells you everything you need to know "IndyWatch Feed World"

Comment: The following story from Rolling Stone, titled 'Sound Of Freedom' is a Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms, is an example of the coordinated smear campaign against 'Sound of Freedom,' a film exposing modern day child trafficking which overtook Disney's latest Indiana Jones film at the box office on July 4th weekend. One thing is crystal clear: whoever is controlling the MSM clearly doesn't want you to see this movie! "Based on a true story," I heard from somewhere across the theater. The familiar words had appeared on screen, and an elderly man had taken it upon himself to read them aloud, to the rest of a sizable audience seated for a matinee showing of the anti-child-trafficking thriller Sound of Freedom, starring Jim Caviezel. For the seasoned moviegoer, this phrase is a joke we know that cinema will stretch almost any "truth" to the breaking point and the rank insincerity of such a pronouncement is the foundation of the prankish opening titles of Fargo. But...


On Hoodies, Wimbledon and Cohort Effects "IndyWatch Feed"

Shortly after my wife and I moved into our house, I was sitting on our new front step when a woman stopped her car on the street outside.

Hello? she said.

Hello, I said.

Can I help you, she said.

I looked about, a bit unsure how to help this woman help me. No thanks, all good, I said.

Do you live here?

Yes. We just moved in. About a month ago.

Oh. Are you renting?

No, we bought the house.

Oh. Okay. I just wanted to check.

Okay. Do you also live -

Its just, you look so young. And youre wearing a hoodie.

Oh. I did smile at this point. Yeah, I said. Just having a casual one today.

Yes, you see weve been warned to look out for young people in hoodies, and I just wanted to check, you know, that you werent robbing the place or anything.


Yes, well, all the best.

She drove on.

Reader, Id like you to know that Im wearing a hoodie as I type this. I work from home these days. Comfort is key. I often feel a little self-conscious walking about the neighbourhood, though the same woman smiles at me these days, regardless of what Im wearing. She asks my daughter how school is. Id hazard a guess though that if I decided to teach my daughter tennis out on the street where she pulled her car in that time, shed take against it.

On the street I grew up on, summer meant hanging up the hoodies, getting into shorts and short sleeves, and getting out onto the road, tennis rackets in hand. The road markings left a perfect miniature court shape on which my friends and I played full Grand Slam tournaments. The umpire would watch for serves which were marginally wide of the black line of tar down the middle of the road, and also for cars.

You dont need to know much about tennis to name the Big Three. This year is the twentieth anniversary of Roger Federers first Wimbledon title. Not only would his 2003 win be the first of a record-equalling streak of five, but it would also usher in an unprecedented concentration of success in mens singles, lasting two decades and on into the present day. Seventy-nine grand slams have been contested over those twenty years, sixty-five of which have been won by one of Federer (20), Rafael Nadal (22), or Novak Djokovic, who surpassed Nadal last month when he claimed grand slam number 23 at the French Open.

My street tennis era was the one preceding that of the Big Three. My friend Shane was Pete Sampras. Lenny was Andre Agassi. Steph was Steffi Graf, despite being four foot tall on her tiptoes. They were all good. They played outside Lennys house. Centre Court. I was one of a rotating cast of extras on the lower courts, further down the street where it was bumpier and the lines werent as clear. I had stints as Boris Becker, Michael Stich, Goran Ivanisavic and Thomas Muster, occasionally getting the call to make up the numbers for doubles on Centre Cour...


Beyond lattes and avocado toast: Budgeting hacks that actually work "IndyWatch Feed World"

Common advice on saving money can range from the bizarre to the ridiculous, but its almost always unhelpful. These financial experts provide effective cost cutting measures that are actionable, reasonable, and lucrative.

Articles about cutting costs like to make big promises. One headline might assure readers they will save $1,300only to repeat (for the eleventy-billionth time) that skipping your daily cold brew adds up over time. Another will feature an infuriatingly young person talking about how they saved $100,000 in a yearbut the body of the article will eventually reveal that the intrepid saver has wealthy and generous parents.

Read Full Story


US confirms decision to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed World"

The United States will provide cluster munitions to Ukraine to fulfill Kyiv's request to obtain the weapons for use only in defense of its territory, U.S. national-security adviser Jake Sullivan said on July 7. Sullivan told reporters at the White House that sending thousands of cluster munitions to Ukraine is the right decision for the United States as Kyiv seeks to push ahead with its counteroffensive against Russia's invasion. President Joe Biden approved the proposal to send the munitions as part of the next package of military aid after unanimous recommendation from his advisers, Sullivan said.


Link "IndyWatch Feed War"

Hindustan Times July 7, 2023




Veteran Actor Mofe Damijo  Surrenders His Life To God On His 62 Years Birthday "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JULY 7TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Renowned Nollywood actor Richard Mofe Damijo, popularly known as RMD, has surrendered his life to God on his 62nd birthday, July 6, 2023.

The actor took to his Instagram page to share a thought-provoking dark-themed photo of himself dressed in white cloth.

He accompanied the photo with a heartfelt message expressing his overwhelming gratitude and readiness to be used by God.

In his Instagram post, RMD captioned the image with words that resonated with his deep spiritual connection.

He wrote, THIS IS 62! Overwhelmed! Completely grateful and thankful. God I surrender. Use me! Im ready. Again and again. Enable me!

The emotional message conveyed a sense of surrender and openness to divine guidance, suggesting a significant spiritual shift in the actors life.

RMD, a veteran in the Nigerian film industry, has charmed audiences with his remarkable acting skills and charismatic presence over the years.

His career spans several decades, during which he has delivered memorable performances in numerous Nollywood movies, earning him widespread acclaim and a large fan base.

While RMD has been known for his remarkable talent and charismatic persona, this public declaration of surrendering his life to God has caught many by surprise.

Fans and well-wishers have flooded his social media accounts with congratulatory messages, expressing support for his newly found spiritual journey.



NATO plans escalation against Russia at Vilnius summit "IndyWatch Feed War"

Andre Damon World Socialist Website July 7, 2023

Next week, on July 11-12, NATO will hold a summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, where the military alliance is expected to announce plans to rapidly expand military spending, surge troops to Russias borders, and dramatically increase its involvement in the war in Ukraine.

At the last NATO summit in June 2022, the alliance pledged to deliver the full range of forces needed for high-intensity, multi-domain warfighting against nuclear-armed peer competitors.

Under conditions in which the much vaunted counteroffensive by the Ukrainian military has turned into a protracted debacle, NATO is under pressure to directly intervene in the conflict to ensure its goal of, in the words of a former NATO commander, breaking the back of Russia.

Against the backdrop of this supercharged climate, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of mining the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (ZNPP) with the aim of blowing it up.

In a video address published Tuesday, Zelensky said that every day, we are adding content to the NATO summit that will take place in Vilnius next week, which will ensure security in Europe, before turning to the Zaporizhzhia plant.

Zelensky claimed that Russian troops have placed objects resembling explosives on the roof of several power units of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. He accused Russia of aiming to commit new evil at the plant, adding, It is the responsibility of everyone in the world to stop it.

Contrary to Zelenskys statements, IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said in a statement that no visible indications of mines or explosives have been observed at the plant, which is under monitoring by the organization.

The framing of Zelenskys comments make clear that they are an effort to use any potential incident or provocation at the plant as a pretext for more direct military involvement by NATO in the conflict.

In an article published last week in Politico, Ivo Daalder, former US ambassador to NATO, called for the alliance to respond to any deliberate nuclear incident with direct intervention into the conflict.

In case of any deliberate nuclear incident, the US and key NATO allies need to intervene directly and bring the war to a swift and complete end by helping Ukraine restore control over all its territory, Daalder wrote.

In an article in February on the revelation by veteran journalist Seymour Hersh that the United States and Ukraine had direct involvement in the bombing of the German-Russian Nord Stream pipeline, the World Socialist Web Site warned that the Unit...


Ukraine Biden Again Escalates "IndyWatch Feed War"

Moon of Alabama July 7, 2023

The Washington Post says that the U.S. will now give cluster munition to Ukraine.

Biden approves cluster munition supply to Ukraine

President Biden has approved the provision of U.S. cluster munitions for Ukraine, with drawdown of the weapons from Defense Department stocks due to be announced Friday.

The munition will be 155mm grenades, Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions (DPICM), that can be fired by western provided artillery.


The decision, likely illegal, was made because the U.S. and its allies have run out of other 155mm munitions:

The move, which will bypass U.S. law prohibiting the production, use or transfer of cluster munitions with a failure rate of more than 1 percent, comes amid concerns about Kyivs lagging counteroffensive against entrenched Russian troops and dwindling Western stocks of conventional artillery.

It is accompanied by false statements that Russia has used such ammunition in Ukraine:

Cont. reading: Ukraine Biden Again Escalates


Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino Blows Up Every White House Theory Regarding the Cocaine Discovery Reveals the Only Possible Explanation for the Cocaine in the White House "IndyWatch Feed War"

Cullen Linebarger The Gateway Pundit July 6, 2023

Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, blew up every White House theory regarding the cocaine discovery at the White House on Sunday. He explains why there is only one possibility for the cocaine being there.

TGPs Kristinn Taylor previously reported that White House Press Secretary Karine-Jean Pierre implied that White House tourists were to blame for the cocaine.

She said the discovery was made in a heavily traveled area of the West Wing and that tours had taken place there on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Jean-Pierre went to great lengths to assure the press that a Biden family member could not be responsible because they were all out of town at the time.

Another theory advanced by the Biden regime is that it is unlikely we will ever know who left behind the cocaine.

As previously reported, the Bidens were away from the White House starting Friday and did not return until Tuesday.

Of course, this does not rule out the possibility that a family member left the coke behind before departing.

Dan Bongino says that this is exactly what happened. Bongino was in the U.S. secret service from 1999 until 2011. He was assigned to the Presidential Protection Division beginning in 2006 where he remained until his final year.

Bongino has firsthand knowledge of the extensive security checkpoints to enter the White House and only family can bypass them. For this reason, the only possibility is that a family member brought the cocaine into the West Wing.

Theres absolutely ZERO chance anyone other than a family member brought that cocaine inside the White House complex. No chance that would make it past the mag/security checkpoints. Family bypasses those.

With the White House lies falling apart, the last card they have is to make an innocent Secret Service Agent the fall guy.



Taylor Caldwell Feminism Spoiled Natures Great Con "IndyWatch Feed War" July 7, 2023

Taylor Caldwell (1900-1985) a British-born American novelist is a prime example of the (((Communist))) control of American culture. Despite being one of the most successful writers of the mid-20th century and author of 30 novels, there are no biographies or movies about her or her work.  Our liberal cultural commissars  flushed her down the memory hole. All art now must be agitprop, i.e. politically correct, because we live in a de facto Communist society.  Taylor Caldwell was anti-Communist, and anti-feminist, as the following quote attests: 

There is no solid satisfaction in any career for a woman like myself. There is no home, no true freedom, no hope, no joy, no expectation for tomorrow, no contentment. I would rather cook a meal for a man and bring him his slippers and feel myself in the protection of his arms than have all the citations and awards and honors I have received worldwide, including the Ribbon of Legion of Honor and my property and my bank accounts. They mean nothing to me. And I am only one among the millions of sad women like myself.

In the article below, written in 1970, she laments that feminists are ruining natures great con where men provided for wives and children. 

I fear that men are beginning to suspect that we women conned them through the centuries. I fear they are asking themselves to womens terrible hurt why they should support an able-bodied woman who can earn a good living too, and why should they be responsible for providing a home for women. 

Men provided a home for women because women raised their children. Being a wife and mother was a respected and necessary role in society before the Communist cockroaches destroyed it. Unless a woman has exceptional talent, she finds her highest expression as a wife and mother. Women used to empower men (by being submissive) in exchange for his love and fidelity. Love is not free. It must be earned. Women earn lifelong love by nurturing husband and children. The Communists convinced them they can find permanent love by sex appeal or career achievement. People forget that the Communist goal is societal destruction.

Feminism brainwashed women to seek power instead of love. Now everyone is suffering. A woman was created by nature to bear children. Now many are rotting on the vine.

Below Taylor Caldwell relates how she wanted to be a traditional woman, but society wouldnt permit it.

from 29 Nov...


Biden Giving Ukraine Weapons Banned by Many U.S. Allies "IndyWatch Feed War"


Biden Weighs Giving Ukraine Weapons Banned by Many U.S. Allies

Ukraine is seeking cluster munitions, which are known to cause grievous injuries to civilians, as its ammunition supply runs low.



Is Challenging the Governments Building 7 Narrative Going Mainstream? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Armageddon Prose via Blacklist News July 6, 2023

Disputing the strictly enforced false consensus surrounding the events of 9/11 has long been a third rail in American politics.

Anyone who broaches the topic with even the mildest skepticism of the governments mythology about that day immediately disqualifies himself from polite society.

There is almost no narrative, save for perhaps the one related to the Holocaust, that is more strictly enforced through social pressure, shaming, and, of course, outright censorship.

But, long overdue as it is, it appears the dam may be breaking.

I reported previously at Armageddon Prose on Tucker Dark Carlso crossing the 9/11 Rubicon by speculating about what may have actually caused the freefall collapse of Building 7 that looked very much like a controlled demolition but which the authorities insist was the result of a structure fire, despite the odd fact that all of the foundation appears to have failed at exactly the same time.

Now Kim Iversen admittedly not as huge of a figure as Tucker Carlson has followed in his footsteps, inviting onto her show executive director of the International Center for 9/11 Justice Ted Walter to make the case, based on empirical observations about the many anomalies of the buildings collapse into its own footprint at freefall speed, that Building 7 did not come down organically.


Call it the Alex Jones-ification of the independent, populist media.

One of the net benefits of the now universally debunked Public Health  COVID-19 lies that surgical masks prevent transmission, that the vaxxes prevent transmission and contraction, that mass vaccination would end the pandemic, etc....


Show Em What Youre Made of With This Repair Logo "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The only thing better than getting your hands on a repairable piece of hardware is actually finding the thing in the first place, which is why we love this official repair logo created by [Yves Parent]. Our predilection for crossed wrenches had (almost) nothing to do with it.



The creator of Netflixs Somebody Feed Phil on the joy of taking chances "IndyWatch Feed World"

If youve seen the TV series on Netflix, you know its creator, Phil Rosenthal, is courageous enough to take the biggest chance of allon connection.

Phil Rosenthal had said yes to every adventure on his Netflix series, Somebody Feed Phil, until he visited Ireland and they wanted him to dive into the freezing-cold water. So, I was surprised when he shared it as a memory he anticipates reflecting on in his nineties.

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Why now might actually be the best time to sign a long-term office lease "IndyWatch Feed World"

Vacancy is up, and loans are coming due. Building owners are ready to bend over backwards for potential tenants.

Lets sit down and sign a contract. It will last for 10 years, and it will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions. What youll get out of the deal will be an office. Yes, an office: the physical real estate that was deemed unsafe by the pandemic, and which continues to be an uncertain space for human use. The remote work of the lockdown days has evolved, post-pandemic, into here-today-gone-tomorrow hybrid work. As a result, office spaces are often occupied only some of the time, and in some cities they are virtual ghost towns, stacked in vertical ghost buildings, filling ghost blocks.

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Woke Disney loses $900Million in recent box office flops "IndyWatch Feed War"

As liberal agenda being pushed in movies like Lightyear and The Little Mermaid turn off movie-goers

  • Disneys last eight releases have underperformed compared to expectations, including Guardians of the Galaxy and the live-action Little Mermaid 
  • The Walt Disney Company is facing significant financial setbacks, with an estimated loss of nearly $900 million after a series of disappointing woke films 
  • Disneys valuable archive has even undergone changes to align with progressive values including removing offensive imagery from park rides and movies 

James Gordon Daily Mail June 27, 2023

The Walt Disney Company is looking at an almost $900 million loss following a series of woke flops at the box office.

According to an analysis by Valliant Renegade, which aims to look at the business and financial side of Hollywood, the last eight studio releases put out by the company have not performed as well as expected.

Guardians of the Galaxy and its most recent endeavor, a ""> Little Mermaid, have failed to meet expectations, while two other recent films, Strange World and Lightyear were complete failures.

Even Disneys valuable archive has seen old characters given progressive makeovers, with offensive imagery removed from rides and movies. Some conservatives feel the company has gone too far in its woke reinvention. 

One important aspect we always discuss here, which is worth reminding everyone about, is that Disney retains exclusive rights to its content after theatrical release, Valliant Renegade explained.

Disney no longer licenses content, such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, to third-party platforms such as Netflix and Amazon and therefore has forfeited billions of dollars in potential revenue.

The once envied entertainment company is now struggling to find a profit on almost every single film released. Disneys bloated budgets for these projects are vastly higher than the competition on average, particularly considering the fact that every single film Disney releases comes with blockbuster production price tags, the YouTube...


Sound of Freedom shocks at July 4th box office, beats woke Indiana Jones sequel "IndyWatch Feed War"

Andrew Chapados Blaze July 6, 2023

A movie about the egregious crimes of child trafficking, Sound of Freedom, had a shocking performance on July 4, 2023, even beating out several blockbuster studio films such as Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.

The movie by Angel Studios, a movie studio that allows for equity crowdfunding of its films, took the top spot at the box office for July 4 in a monumental victory for non-mainstream movie studios.

As the Daily Wire reported, the film beat out Disneys latest Indiana Jones flick, which had been shrouded by rumors of extreme wokeness, including a possible death of the iconic character, to be replaced by a woman. While any extreme twists have reportedly been removed from the Harrison Ford-led film, it still premiered to an underwhelming response.

Sound of Freedom took in $14.2 million, whereas the Disney film made approximately $11.7 million. While Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny still made over $80 million in its first five days in theatres, its reported $300 million budget did not leave much room for such an opening.

The Angel Studios movie was led by Jim Caviezel, who starred in the movie The Passion of the Christ as Jesus. It also stars Mira Sorvino, who won an Oscar for best supporting actress in 1995.

Thanks to fans around the country, SOUND OF FREEDOM earned the top spot as Americas number one movie on Independence Day, said Neal Harmon, CEO of Angel Studios.

Weve received numerous messages telling us theaters are either packed or sold out, he added. This movie has now taken on a life of its own to become something more than that, a grassroots movement. With an A+ CinemaScore rating, were the top-rated movie in America, and were going to see word-of-mouth spread even further going into the weekend, the CEO continued.

The movie likely benefited from the positive words of generational star Mel Gibson, who said the first step in eradicating this crime is awareness go see Sound of Freedom.'



What Are They Hiding?: RFK Jr. Unhappy Biden Delayed Release of JFK Documents "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ian DeMartino Sputnik 07.07.2023

Despite a 1979 House review that concluded two or more shooters and co-conspirators were likely involved in the assassination, only Lee Harvey Oswald was accused of killing former US President John F. Kennedy. Oswald maintained his innocence until he was gunned down by Mafia-connected nightclub owner Jack Ruby before his trial.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the current 2024 presidential hopeful and nephew to assassinated former US President John F. Kennedy, is not happy that current President Joe Biden decided to delay the release of government documents related to the 1963 assassination.

On June 30, the Biden Administration quietly released a memo before the holiday weekend, announcing that some government documents related to the assassination would not be released as planned, a decision that angered Kennedy Jr. The White House has stated that to date, some 99% of the records have been released; however, multiple records include redactions.

Its not about conspiracy it is about transparency, the environmental and anti-vaccination figure said on Twitter on Sunday. In a midnight Friday night announcement the White House has delivered the bad news that President Biden will be maintaining secrecy indefinitely on some JFK assassination related records.

The 1992 John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act mandated the release of all government documents related to the killing by October 2017. However, the bill included a clause that allowed the release of documents to be delayed if it was made necessary by an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations.

Biden said in his memo that the postponement of public disclosure of that information is necessary to protect against identifiable harms to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, and the conduct of foreign relations that are of such gravity that they outweigh the public interest in disclosure.

That explanation, which was the same justification used by former President Donald Trump when he delayed the release of the records, was not enough to satisfy Kennedy Jr., who called the postponement unlawful.

The assassination was 60 years ago. What national security secrets could possibly be at risk? What are they hiding? he questioned.

Kennedy Jr. has become more vocal about the alleged involvement of the CIA in his uncles assassination. He recently said ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles helped cover up the CIAs role in the former presidents death. Dulles was fired by President Kennedy, and was a member of the Warren Commission, whi...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park Reopened to the Public

By Xinhua 

July 5, 2023

Ghana on Tuesday reopened the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park, a major cultural heritage in the capital city of Accra to memorize the countrys first president, in the hope of boosting tourism.

The park, first opened in 1992, has just completed its refurbishment under the Ghanaian governments five-year project to boost tourism and hospitality as critical drivers of socio-economic development.

Now the renovated park houses a presidential library, receptor facility, mini-amphitheater, restaurant, Freedom Walk, and a digitalized payment system.

During the reopening ceremony, Ghanaian President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo said the government plans to make the edifice one of the best tourism and heritage attractions in West Africa.

The burial site of Kwame Nkrumah must be appropriate to his status as the outstanding Pan-Africanist of this generation and for his exceptional contribution to the liberation of Africa from colonialism and imperialism, the president said.

The president hoped that the park, which attracted some 90,000 visitors annually before the renovation, would be able to attract over one million tourists annually after the renovation.

Tourists visit the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park in Accra, capital of Ghana, July 4, 2023. Ghana on Tuesday reopened the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park, a major cultural heritage in the capital city of Accra to memorize the country's first president, in the hope of boosting tourism.

In his remarks, Pierre Laporte, the World Bank country director for Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone, said the World Bank was happy to have supported the renovation and will continue to support Ghanas tourism sector. Kwame Nkrumah is to this day considered one of the most important leaders of the 20th century.


Militares y Guardia Nacional desmantelan dos aserraderos ilegales en Morelos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ms de 600 elementos de la Guardia Nacional, Sedena, Profepa y de la Polica de Morelos participaron en el operativo contra aserraderos ilegales. RegeneracinMx, 7 []

La entrada Militares y Guardia Nacional desmantelan dos aserraderos ilegales en Morelos se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Somethings Gotta Give: Imran Khan versus the Pakistan Military "IndyWatch Feed War"

The internet was flooded with alarming images, showcasing an unprecedented backlash against the military establishment. Supporters of Imran from the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, known as PTI supporters, engaged in destructive activities such as storming the General Headquarters and causing havoc at the Lahore Corps Commanders residence. They also defaced military monuments and properties across the country. These actions were a stark contrast to the peaceful protests conducted by Mr. Khan and his party in the past, despite facing significant political harassment for over a year. In response, the military crackdown, fueled by anger, was equally brutal. Internet services were suspended, resulting in widespread blackouts and significant financial losses for telecommunication and other industries. Restrictions on public gatherings were imposed, and the military was deployed in Islamabad, Punjab, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to restore order. 

Various conspiracy theories surfaced, suggesting that the destruction of national property, including the Lahore Corps Commanders residence, was orchestrated by collusion between the establishment and the government to discredit the PTI. However, proving these claims is challenging amidst the constant propaganda from both sides. Nevertheless, there is evidence that PTI members themselves were directly involved in the riots, as confirmed by arrested party members. Regardless of the circumstances, the events of that day represented a dark moment for Pakistan, and it is possible that everyone shares some responsibility for this tragic turn of events. Although Imran Khan was subsequently released by the Islamabad High Court, the distressing events of May 9th have strengthened the heavy-handedness of both the establishment and the incumbent Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) government. 



NATO/CIA False Flag Operation in Racak in 1999 Set Precedent for Similar Operations in Syria and Ukraine that Were Designed to Create a Pretext For Military Intervention "IndyWatch Feed World"

Clinton administration claimed Serbian forces massacred civilians when deaths at Raak resulted from fighting between Serbian Army and terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which Washington supported

China Making Neurostrike Weapons, To Disrupt Brain Functions and Influence Government Leaders or Entire Populations "IndyWatch Feed World"

Chinas Peoples Liberation Army is developing high-technology weapons designed to disrupt brain functions and influence government leaders or entire populations, according to a report by three open-source intelligence analysts.


Fort Benning, the infamous Georgia U.S. military base, is once again in the news, changing its name to Fort Moore, thereby ditching its Confederate name. Yet none of the media covering the rebranding not The New York Times, the Associated Press, CNN, ABC, CBS News, USA Today nor The Hill  mentioned the most controversial aspect of the institution.

DoD Invokes Defense Production Act To Boost Metals Mining After China Export Controls "IndyWatch Feed World"

According to a Pentagon spokesperson cited by Reuters, the US Defense Department announced on Friday it is invoking the Defense Production Act to boost the domestic mining and processing capacity of two rare earth metals, gallium and germanium, critical for high-tech chip-making for the US defense industry. 

These 40-year-old ideas could help the $73 billion advertising industry survive the rise of AI "IndyWatch Feed World"

Four lessons that show the enduring value of David Ogilvys advertising wisdom. Why the industry should re-embrace the legends insights to guide it through an uncertain future.

Strolling around the south of France a few weeks agopopulated with execs from the best, brightest, and richest brands, ad agencies, media companies, and social and tech platforms gathered here for the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativityyou could almost hear the constant chant of AI, AI, AI, AI . . . . It was the backbeat to the song of the summer being blasted by everyone up and down the Croissette.

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Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

ECOWAS Ministers Hold 90th Ordinary Session in Guinea-Bissau

By News Ghana 

July 7, 2023

The Ninetieth Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is holding in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau from July 6 to 7 2023. The Ministers considered the 2023 Interim Report on the State of the Community, the Financial Situation of the Community as well as the political and security situation in the Region, among others.

In his statement during the opening ceremony, H.E. Dr. Omar Alieu Touray, the President of the ECOWAS Commission, highlighted that the 2023 Interim Report on the State of the Community will provides a holistic assessment of the achievements, challenges, and opportunities of the Management as they work towards the realization of the regional integration agenda.

While welcoming the Ministers to Bissau in her opening remarks, H.E Suzi Carla Barbosa, the Chair of the ECOWAS Council of Ministers and Senior Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Communities of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, urged Council members to carefully analyse the Memoranda and Reports that will be presented at the meeting.

She noted that the items on the agenda are essentially aimed at promoting a more advanced, inclusive economic and trade integration conducive for human and social development in the African regional perspective. This she said will ensure peace and security, pluralistic democracy, good governance and the rule of law for the welfare and prosperity of all the peoples and Member States of the Region.

The Ministers are meeting ahead of the 63rd Ordinary Session of the Authority of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government, scheduled to hold July 9, 2023, in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

East African Business Body Calls for Reforms to Enhance Trade in Region

By Xinhua 

July 7, 2023

The East African Business Council (EABC), an apex body of business associations of the private sector and corporates from East African countries on Thursday launched its policy advocacy agenda 2023/2024 that called for reforms to address key challenges hindering the seamless flow of goods, services, and investments within the East African Community (EAC), a regional bloc.

Launching the policy, Francoise Uwumukiza, the chairperson of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) Committee on Agriculture, Tourism, and Natural Resources, called for the elimination of non-tariff barriers, especially on agricultural products, to enhance food security. The EALA is the legislative arm of the EAC.

Rwabwogo Businge, the EABC board member, said the EABC, in collaboration with development partners and the governments of the EAC member states, aims to drive meaningful change and foster an enabling business environment in the region.

The EABC said in a statement that one of the critical areas of focus for the EABC policy advocacy agenda 2023/2024 is the implementation of the EAC Common External Tariff (CET) 2022 Version.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Malawi, Tanzania Sign MoU to Enhance ICT Cooperation

By Xinhua 

July 7, 2023

Malawi and Tanzania on Friday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the two countries to cooperate in information and communication technology (ICT) services including internet connectivity, and cyber security.

The two governments signed the MoU in Lilongwe, Malawis capital, at the end of bilateral talks between the delegations from the two sides led by their respective presidents, Lazarus Chakwera, and Samia Suluhu Hassan.

Malawian Minister of Information and Digitalization Moses Kunkuyu and Tanzanian Minister of Information, and Communication Technology Nape Moses Nauye signed the MoU on behalf of their respective governments.

The Malawian minister told journalists after signing that implementation of the MoU will enhance connectivity, affordability, and reliability as the overall cost of data for consumers in Malawi is going to be lowered.

The major issue that is covered in the MoU is affordability of data that is going to be enhanced by the connecting of Malawi to the undersea cables through non-commercial avenues because, currently, we are connecting to the undersea cables in Tanzania and other countries via vendor cables, which is expensive, said Kunkuyu.

On the other hand, the Tanzanian minister described the finalization and signing of the MoU as a happy moment between the two countries, declaring information and communication technology are the areas that determine the future.

We [our ministries] are enablers of other sectors in the cooperation and we are determined to cooperate on the issues of cyber security, exchanging information, connecting our two peoples together, and connectivity on the diplomacy of the data corridor, said Nauye.

He added that having signed the MoU, the two sides are going to have specific agreements to be signed by their respective teams and afterward, implementation will be immediate.

The bilateral talks were among the activities that the visiting Tanzanian President engaged in, besides atten...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Public Urged to Patronize Made in Ghana Products


July 7, 2023

Professor Douglas Boateng, Founder of MYO Global Organisation, a youth focused organisation, has encouraged the citizenry to patronise made in Ghana products to promote industrialisation and grow the local economy.

Whatever we buy has an impact on our industrialisation agenda, and the more value we add to our raw material, the more jobs we can create for the youth and generate income to support our developmental agenda, he stated.

Prof. Boateng said this when he donated 700 copies of his Strategic sourcing books and 300 copies of Supply Chain Management books to the University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa (UMAT) on Thursday, in Accra.

He said, for the country to be able to face its economic challenges, for me, it is about adding value to our resources and the only way that we can do that is through supply chain management and strategic sourcing.

He said the presentation was to support the countrys industrialisation agenda, saying: When we talk about Ghana Beyond Aid, we must industrialise and stop shipping our raw materials to develop other countries.

I believe that UMAT can become the MIT of the subregion. I see education as also a business, and UMAT is well positioned to become a very good institution to support the mining industry and the value addition that must go on in mining in the sub region.

Prof. Richard K. Amankwah, Vice Chancellor, UMAT, said over the years, the University had trained a lot of people who were now applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics in mining.

He expressed appreciation to the Organisation for donating the books to be distributed to first-year students in logistics and students in the post graduate level in engineering management and supply change management.

MYO Global Organisation is a youth-focused advocate, all-inclusive and non-governmental agency, committed to mobilising resources to help shape and build a better future for the youth and inspire creativity by connecting with the youth around the world....


Explosin en plataforma de Pemex en Campeche deja dos muertos y un desaparecido "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

De acuerdo con los reportes de Pemex esta madrugada se registr una explosin en uno de los cinco mdulos de la Sonda de Campeche. RegeneracinMx, []

La entrada Explosin en plataforma de Pemex en Campeche deja dos muertos y un desaparecido se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


The Robodebt Rogues Gallery "IndyWatch Feed War"

If ever there was an instance of such a hideous failing in government policy and its cowardly implementation by the public service, Australias cruel, inept and vicious Robodebt program would have to be one of them.

Robodebt was a scheme developed by the Department of Human Services (DHS) and submitted as a budget measure by the then Minister for Social Services, Scott Morrison, in 2015.  Its express purpose: to recover claimed overpayments from welfare recipients stretching back to the 2010-11 financial year.  The automated scheme used a deeply flawed income averaging method to assess income and benefit entitlements, yielding inaccurate results.  Vitally, the assumption there was that recipients had stable income through the financial year.  The scheme also failed to comply with the income calculation provisions of the Social Security Act 1991 (Cth).

The results were disastrous for the victims in receipt of crude, harrying debt notices.  The scheme induced despair and mental ruin.  It led to various instances of suicide.  It saw a concerted government assault on the poor and vulnerable.  A remorseless campaign was waged by such unwholesome types as the former human services minister, Alan Tudge, ever keen to libel the undeserving.  Media outlets such as A Current Affair were more than happy to provide platforms for the demonising effort.  We will find you, he told the program, we will track you down, and you will have to repay those debts, and you may end up in prison.

The grotesque policy eventually caught the ire of the courts, which ruled the scheme unlawful.  That, along with a change in government, eventually led to the establishment of a Royal Commission, whose findings by Commissioner Catherine Holmes were released on July 7.  They make for grim reading.

While it will take time to wade through a report running over 1,000 pages, it is fitting to single out a few of the rogues who played starring roles of lasting infamy in the robodebt drama.  Who better to start with than the former Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, whose relationship with the truth continues to be strained and estranged.

In December 2014, Morrison was appointed Minister for Social Services.  He immediately wanted to impress with his promised scalping of alleged welfare cheats and scroungers.  Wishing to make an impression he, unusually, held direct meetings with the secretary of the DHS, Kathryn Campbell, to tease out what would become the robodebt proposal.  Concern from legal officers and senior staff within the Department of Social Services (DSS) about the legal compliance of the program were ignored or dismissed.

The Commission duly rejected as untrue Mr Morrison...

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