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Tuesday, 13 June


Wieviel Prozent muss die AfD eigentlich holen, bevor ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wieviel Prozent muss die AfD eigentlich holen, bevor ihr einseht, dass Ausgrenzen nicht funktioniert?

Auf der anderen Seite hat die Politik ja auch sonst fr nichts einen Plan. Wieso erwarte ich, dass sie fr die AfD einen haben.

Die SPD verkackt halt so lange, bis die CDU wieder bernimmt, und dann verkackt die CDU, bis die SPD wieder drankommt. Irgendwann musste ja eine Partei kommen und diesen gordischen Knoten aufbrechen.

Schon schade, dass es die AfD wurde, die noch weniger Plan hat als CDU und SPD. Das muss man erstmal schaffen.

"Habt ihr schon rausgefunden, wer euch gehackt hat? ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

"Habt ihr schon rausgefunden, wer euch gehackt hat? Eine Ransomware-Gang?"

"Ja. Und dann der niederlndische Geheimdienst."

if your computer gets hacked by group X and there was a warrant to intercept the traffic of group X, the Dutch services now gain automatic approval to also intercept your communications or hack you.
Wenn du "Sicherheitsbehrden" einmal den kleinen Finger hinhlst, sgen sie nach und nach den ganzen Arm ab.

Benutzt hier jemand Fortigate-Produkte?Ich habe ja ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Benutzt hier jemand Fortigate-Produkte?

Ich habe ja gerade mal herauszufinden versucht, was die eigentlich machen. Google sagt:

Fortinet bietet automatisierten Security-Betrieb in einer konsolidierten Cyber-Sicherheitsplattform.
Hmm hmm. OK. Yes, but what do you DO?
Fortinet hilft Unternehmen, die digitale Fortentwicklung ihrer Anwendungswege in die Cloud, aber auch zwischen und ber Clouds hinweg zu sichern.
Hmm hmm. OK. Yes, but what do you DO?
Die Fortinet Security Fabric integriert branchenfhrende Sicherheitslsungen, die einen umfassenden Einblick in die IT-OT-Angriffsflche ermglichen.
Hmm hmm. OK. Yes, but what do you DO?
Die Fortinet Security Fabric ist die leistungsstrkste Cyber-Security-Mesh-Plattform der Branche.
OK. Yes. But. What. Do. You. DO?

Ich habe ja noch nie verstanden, wieso Firmen solches Goobledigook publizieren. Wollen die ihre Kunden einschlfern? Hypnotisieren vielleicht?

Noch unverstndlicher ist mir, wieso Leute bei solchen Firmen kaufen. Wenn die Firma nicht mal selber sagen kann, was ihre Produkte eigentlich tun, wieso wrde man die dann kaufen? Weil man mal eine Indiana-Jones- oder Lara-Croft-Phantasie ausleben will?

Oh, die Lcke. Die Lcke ist wohl ein pre-auth remote code execution in deren VPN-Modul. Also DIE EINE Sache, die der absolut maximale GAU fr ein VPN-Produkt ist.

Update: Fortinet-Kunden kennen das schon. CVE 2023-25610, CVE 2022-42475. Insofern: Wer deren Produkte immer noch im Einsatz hat, hat kein Mitleid verdient.

Faeser ber Klimakleber:Dem Klimaschutz nutzt das ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Faeser ber Klimakleber:

Dem Klimaschutz nutzt das berhaupt nichts, im Gegenteil: Die Aktivisten schaden der Akzeptanz massiv. Dass die Polizei einschreitet und Aktivisten vor Gericht landen, sehen wir vielerorts.
Da wrde mich ja schon mal interessieren, was die Faeser glaubt, wieso die CDU abgewhlt wurde und sie jetzt im Amt ist. Wegen ihrer gewinnenden Persnlichkeit? Wegen der Wucht ihres Umfallens?

Auch inhaltlich wrde mich interessieren, was sie als wirksame Aktion fr den Klimaschutz werten wrde, wenn die endlose Aufmerksamkeit, die die Letzte Generation generiert hat, und der politische Druck, wenn die angeblich nicht ntzen.

Soll die Letzte Generation die FDP-Parteizentrale anznden, damit die Faeser ihre Arbeit anerkennt? Oder was?

Github soll ihren "KI"-Copiloten den Code mutieren ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Github soll ihren "KI"-Copiloten den Code mutieren lassen, damit er nicht mehr wie eine direkte Kopie aussieht und automatisiert sofort als Copyright-Verletzung erkannt wird.

Einmal crook, immer crook.

Global Warming hat England erreicht.At least three ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Global Warming hat England erreicht.

At least three troops faint in military parade inspected by Prince William
Das waren die mit den fetten schwarzen Fellhelmen.

Du weit, dass du es mit dem Scamming zu schlimm getrieben ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Du weit, dass du es mit dem Scamming zu schlimm getrieben hast, wenn die Nigerianische Regulierungsbehrde aktiv wird und deine nigerianische Niederlassung runterfhrt.


Plateau LP Resolved Leadership Crisis, Pledge To Work For Unity "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Labour Party (LP) in Plateau State on Monday resolved its leadership crisis and pledged to work in unity for the success of the Party in the state. The State Chairman of the party, Mrs Grace Zamfara with the North Central Coordinator of the party, Dr Joseph Ndira held a reconciliation meeting with all aggrieved...

The post Plateau LP Resolved Leadership Crisis, Pledge To Work For Unity appeared first on New Telegraph.


Here's What the Strong Towns Movement Looks Like On the Ground "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Strong Towns advocates at the recent National Gathering in Charlotte, NC. (Source: ZED images.)

What do I see when I look around me? I see towns and cities that have gone all in on the Suburban Experiment. I see communities betting big on bad hands: building that new stroad or single-family-only subdivision, leveling a block downtown to put in another parking lot, trying to give out more tax incentives than the city up the road in order to lure the next corporate HQ, data center, or big box store.

Once your eyes have been opened to the fragile-making flaws of the suburban development patternthe conventional North America approach to growthits impossible to unsee. Its also easy to despair. You start thinking about packing your bags and moving to Amsterdam. 

And yet Im not despairing. In fact, the opposite is true. Why? Because when I look around me, I see something else.

One of the great pleasures of being on the Strong Towns team is the opportunity I have to support and celebrate the work being done by local Strong Towns groups we call Local Conversations. A Local Conversation is a group of Strong Towns advocates in a particular place, who come together to talk about the Strong Towns approachand then put it into action where they live. There are nearly 140 of these groups, all across the U.S. and Canada, with more coming online every week. Several hundred others are in the works right now. And we expect to have 1,000 (!) active Local Conversations within four years.

In my role as Strong Towns community builder, I get to see and share stories about how Local Conversations are building stronger and more resilient cities. 

I see the Local Conversation in Charlotte, North Carolina, building bus benches for weary transit...


"What Materialism Does is... it Captures Your Attention. Then it Lies to You. It Tells You What You Want to Hear." "IndyWatch Feed World"

 God Poet Transmitting.......

Georgie Soros got the news today (oh boy...) one more unlucky man that went away. Remember the end scene in Ghost? Yeah... it's going to be about a thousand times worse, cause now we know how many trolls it takes to fill The Albert Hall. You... did... not... turn... me... on My apologies to The Beatles for that. A little birdie told me a whole lot of people are going to be going away soon, even if they remain... like an echo... in human form.

The Big Clock is ticking. The Personality Doomsday clock is ticking and soon Robert DeNiro... and all those other shuffling cards and sundry... will no longer be with The Screen Actors Guild.

All those politicians... the movers and shakers in The WEF... The Globalists... The Climate Change hucksters... The Warmongers... The Ass Bandits and Child Molesters... the celebrity mouthpieces and talking heads that went along with the program, and did all those commercials for sanctioned murder and mayhem... routinely replaced by the next wave of high-table diners.

They'll wake up somewhere else... as someone else... with no memory of before... just a lot of suffering they caused themselves with nothing else to show for it. Often... the next life can be pretty painful when you were famous in the one before, and did nothing helpful with it.

Unless it rings the bell in the higher halls of light... it has no meaning. Everything down here is musical chairs with The Cactus Man. Most people... literally... waste their lives. They are uninformed of the divine promises embedded in material existence, and become a wind-up toy for their appetites and desires. Eventually, the wind-up will wind down.

It is a metaphysical fact that hides out of sight... that people come back here countless times in search of something that cannot be found external to them. I just said that the other day... didn't I? Well... it's not something that stops being true in the short term... or the long term... or ever. It simply is.

All the suffering that goes on down here... has something to do with not being able to find what you are looking for, due to not knowing what it is in the first place. Until you can find someone who can tell you what that is... you are walking blind.

People get angry... frightened... frustrated and sundry. These emotions are like stomach acids that eat through the lining until the protective barrier...


Eurasian Geopolitics Versus Imperialism "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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RISC-V KASLR Support For Linux Revised Again "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While the upstream Linux kernel support for RISC-V continues to improve with new ISA features, support for more RISC-V SoCs, and other enhancements, in some areas the open-source RISC-V code continues to play catch-up with the other mature architectures supported by the Linux kernel. One of the areas still pending is enabling KASLR support for RISC-V on Linux to enhance system security...


Excuses, Lies Shall Have No Place Under My Leadership Otti "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Abia State Governor, Dr Alex Otti has told the people of the state that under his watch, he will deliver the needed dividends of democracy to them, stressing that excuses and lies shall have no place under his leadership. Otti in his Democracy Day Speech said democracy is essentially about development but unfortunately, the country/State...

The post Excuses, Lies Shall Have No Place Under My Leadership Otti appeared first on New Telegraph.


Fans React As Davido List Next 5 Big Nigerian Artists "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Afrobeats sensational singer, David Adeleke, better known as Davido has sparked controversies after listing the Next 5 Big Artists in the Nigerian music industry. Davido who spoke in a recent interview with Omega, snubbed some supposed names when asked to name the next big five artists from Nigeria. Speaking on the show, the 30-year-old Am...

The post Fans React As Davido List Next 5 Big Nigerian Artists appeared first on New Telegraph.


Denmark Reporting For Duty: Danish Military Support To Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
The following list attempts to keep track of military equipment delivered or pledged to Ukraine by Denmark during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The entries below are sorted by armament category (with a flag denoting the country of origin), and due to the confidential nature of some arms deliveries they can serve only as a lower bound to the total volume delivered. This list is updated as further military support is uncovered.
(Click on the equipment type or vehicle to get a picture or source link)

Coastal Defence Missile Systems (CDS) And Missiles

Self-Propelled Artillery


The Democrats Versus Trump: A Bad Horror Movie? "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ron Paul | June 12, 2023

The Democrats and Donald Trump reminds me of a bad horror movie, where the hapless protagonists only make the monster stronger with each attempt to eliminate it. So goes the Democrats endless attempts to finally rid America of the scourge of Donald Trump.

Thanks to the Durham Report we now know they started even before Trump was elected president. Hillary Clintons campaign with the full knowledge of the candidate and the sitting president, Barack Obama cooked up a dirty trick to portray Trump as an agent of Russia in their effort to deny Trump the White House.

When that didnt work they weaponized the FBI, CIA and the rest of the deep state to undermine and hobble his presidency. They spied on Trump and his campaign staff using false information manufactured by the FBI.

When that didnt work they impeached him under the false charge that he sought foreign assistance for his 2020 re-election bid. This time a spy, in the person of NSC staffer Alexander Vindman, was sent to listen in on Trumps phone call with Ukrainian president Zelensky and then make all manner of false charges against Trump based on it.

Democrats were furious that Trump was less than enthusiastic about their plans to use Ukraine as a proxy to go to war with Russia. Vindman, though an active-duty US military officer, was of Ukrainian background and was loyal to the country of his origin rather than the country of his citizenship. He also openly defied the military chain-of-command and his commander-in-chief. Trumps lack of enthusiasm for their Project Ukraine infuriated Vindman and he sought his revenge against the US President.

When that didnt work they impeached Trump again over the false charge that he led an insurrection against the US government on January 6, 2021. The more surveillance video we see of this insurrection, the more it looks like a false-flag operation cooked up perhaps by Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Washington swamp to finally be rid of Trump. Hundreds of political prisoners have been held in solitary confinement on false accusations that they tried to overthrow the US government.

When that didnt work and Trumps re-election numbers looked more and more favorable while Bidens approval rating continued to linger in the political basement, the Democrats have now indicted him over some classified documents apparently discovered in his residence in Florida.

The boxes and boxes of classified documents discovered at multiple Biden locations have disappeared into the memory hole with the help of the media. Nothing to see here.

Suddenly Donald Trump, who polling suggests would obliterate Joe Biden in a fair US election, fac...


Kenyan baobab trees uprooted for export to Georgia; critics call it biopiracy "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

KILIFI, Kenya Between 2019 and 2022, during the construction of Kenyas first-ever expressway in the capital, Nairobi, thousands of trees were felled to pave way for the construction. However, one 100-year-old fig tree refused to give in to the pressure of development. Standing right in the way of the intended expressway, the tree was set to be uprooted and transplanted elsewhere. Environmental activists objected to this and fought for the survival of the towering fig tree, known locally as mugumo. Eventually, then-president Uhuru Kenyatta issued a decree to spare the tree, which is held sacred among the Agikuyu community. Now, around 540 kilometers (336 miles) away in Kilifi, in the coastal part of Kenya, centuries-old gigantic baobab trees, equally revered by sections of the Mijikenda community, face a similar plight. Only this time, the trees intended destination is thousands of miles away: the Shekvetili Dendrological Park in the country of Georgia. And this time, its not infrastructural development leading to the move, but what could be a billionaires whimsical hobby of collecting centuries-old gigantic trees. An Oct. 24 article by The Guardian reported that farmers in Kilifi were having mature baobab trees uprooted from their farms and selling them for export to Georgia, a country in the Caucasus region situated between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. These reports were followed by posts online, including from ecologist and National Geographic explorer Paula Kahumbu, about the incident, sparking a public outcry. According to the article, George Gvasalia, a GeorgianThis article was originally published on Mongabay


To Save the News, We Need an End-to-End Web "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This is part five of an ongoing, five-part series. Part one, the introduction, is here. Part two, about breaking up ad-tech companies, is here. Part three, about banning surveillance ads, is here. Part four, about opening up app stores, is here. Part five, about enshrining "end-to-end" delivery on social media, is here.

Once, news organizations enthusiastically piled into social media. New platforms like Facebook and Twitter were powerful traffic funnels, where algorithmic recommendation systems put excerpts from news stories in front of a vast audience of new readers, who followed the links at the end of the excerpt to discover sources that became part of their regular news-diets. 

As platforms like Facebook grew essential to the new companies business, they changed the deal. First, it was a general deprioritization of news posts.

This didnt just mean that articles from news accounts were less likely to be recommended to users who didnt subscribe to the news publishers account. It also meant that people who explicitly followed publishers - that is, who had explicitly directed Facebook to show them the things those publishers posted - would be less likely to see the publishers posts.

The public explanation for this was that Facebook was shifting to prioritizing posts from friends. but publishers couldnt help but notice that their account managers at Facebook stepped up the pressure to boost their posts

The implied message was, While Facebook says its prioritizing posts from users friends in their feeds, were actually prioritizing posts from users friends, as well as posts from publishers who will pay us to put their posts back into the feeds of the readers who asked to see them.

Facebook was betting that publishers would pay for reach. Its not just Facebook: the new Twitter policy is explicit: if you want to reliably reach the people who asked to see your Tw...


Erik Prusch joins ISACA as CEO "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Erik Prusch will join ISACA as its new CEO. Based in Washington state, Prusch brings significant tech and leadership experience as a CEO and board director to the organization. This is an exciting time for ISACA as weve expanded globally, developed new tools and resources to help organizations thrive in a rapidly changing technology landscape, and become recognized as the global leader in digital trust, said ISACA Board Chair Pam Nigro. Eriks extensive tech and More

The post Erik Prusch joins ISACA as CEO appeared first on Help Net Security.


High Voltage Ion Engines Take Trip on the High Seas "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Over the last several months, weve been enjoying a front-row seat as [Jay Bowles] of Plasma Channel has been developing and perfecting his design for a high voltage multi-stage ionic thruster. With each installment, the unit has become smaller, lighter, and more powerful. Which is important, as the ultimate goal is to power an RC aircraft with them.

Theres still plenty of work to be done before [Jay] will be able to take his creation skyward, but hes making all the right moves. As a step towards his goal, he recently teamed up with [RcTestFlight] to attach a pair of his thrusters which have again been further tweaked and refined since we last saw them to a custom catamaran hull. The result is a futuristic craft that skims across the water with no moving parts and no noiseif you dont count the occasional stray arc from the 40,000 volts screaming through its experimental thrusters, anyway.



[$] Deadline servers as a realtime throttling replacement "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The CPU scheduler's one job at any given time is to run the task that has the strongest claim to the CPU. There are many factors that complicate that job, not the least of which is that the "strongest claim" is sometimes a bit of a fuzzy concept. Realtime throttling, a mechanism designed to keep a runaway realtime task from monopolizing the CPU, is one case where developers have concluded that the task with, ostensibly, the highest priority should not actually be the one that runs. But realtime throttling has rarely pleased anybody; the deadline-server infrastructure patches posted by Daniel Bristot de Oliveira are the latest attempt to find a better solution.


Relocation Of Abia Electoral Panel To Govt House, Desperate Attempt By LP To Subvert Justice Group "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The relocation of the Abia State Election Petition Tribunal from Abuja to Abia State Government House has been described as a desperate attempt by the Labour Party (LP) to manipulate the process and subvert justice. In a statement signed by its Convener, Comrade Ukachukwu Chukwunonso, and its Secretary-General, Comrade Mrs Maria Nwokoma on Monday, 12th...

The post Relocation Of Abia Electoral Panel To Govt House, Desperate Attempt By LP To Subvert Justice Group appeared first on New Telegraph.


The Goose and the Gander in Cuba "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | June 12, 2023

Hand it to the Chinese and Cubans for exposing the utter hypocrisy of the U.S. national-security state, its empire of foreign military bases, and its foreign policy of interventionism.

Last week the Wall Street Journal reported that China is paying Cuba billions of dollars in return for permitting China to construct a major facility in Cuba to spy on the United States.

China and Cuba deny the deal but what is so funny has been the reaction of U.S interventionists. They are going ballistic over Chinas supposedly aggressive behavior.

Florida Senator Marc Rubio expressed the sentiments of all U.S. interventionists by exclaiming, The threat to America from #Cuba isnt just real, it is far worse than this. Rubio and U.S. Senator Mark Warner from Virginia jointly stated, We are deeply disturbed by reports that Havana and Beijing are working together to target the United States and our people. The United States must respond to Chinas ongoing and brazen attacks on our nations security.

The Reds are coming! The Reds are coming!

Wait a minute! What about all those military installations, including spying facilities, that the Pentagon and CIA have surrounding China and Russia? Indeed, what about the Pentagons and CIAs imperial torture and prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, which is used to spy on Cuba?

Oh, there isnt anything threatening about those facilities, U.S. interventionists exclaim. They are just for defense. The Chinese, Russians, and Cubans just suffer from extreme paranoia. The United States, U.S. interventionists say, is really just a peace-loving nation. Never mind that much of the world views the U.S. national-security state as Martin Luther King did as the greatest purveyor of violence in the world, one that is responsible for the deaths and injuries of millions of people in the last 7o years.

Referring to the China-Cuba deal, John Kirby, a spokesman for the National Security Council, stated that U.S. officials are closely monitoring these activities and taking steps to counter them.

Really? Now why would they do that? One big reason: They dont like it! They dont like it when some foreign power from thousands of miles away establishes a spy facility only 90 miles away from American shores.

And what happens if that Chinese spy facility in Cuba begins to show signs of nuclear missiles? I will guarantee you that Kirby and all the other officials in the national-security establishment will go ballistic and begin calling for a bombing campaign against Cuba or an invasion, just like Pentagon and CIA officials did back in 1962. Thats because they wont like the fact that there are Chinese nuclear missiles pointed at the U.S. from only...


Impresiones de la nueva Venezuela "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Quien haya estado en Venezuela entre 2016 y 2018 debe concluir que en este momento se registra una reactivacin importante pero relativa. El pas ha dejado atrs la aguda escasez que provocaba filas interminables para conseguir alimentos, y ahora se puede encontrar todo lo imaginable pero a precios imposibles para trabajadores que ganan entre 15 y 20 dlares mensuales.

Aquellos aos fueron un verdadero terremoto, econmico, social, cultural y poltico. Slo recordar que el mes con mayor inflacin mensual fue septiembre de 2018 con 233% y en febrero de 2019 la hiperinflacin interanual lleg a 2.295.981%. Cifras astronmicas que desafan la imaginacin.

En junio de 2016, en mi ltima visita a Barquisimeto, las calles lucan desiertas, circulaban muy pocos coches de los aos 70. La iluminacin era casi inexistente, las calles tapizadas de baches, las colas para comprar alimentos, sobre todo la harina con la que se elaboran las arepas, eran interminables y muchas personas pasaban la noche en las filas para conseguir un kilo de harina y otro de arroz. La emigracin se llev seis millones de personas, el 20% de la poblacin.

En contraste, ahora se ven coches de los aos 2000, muchas de ellos vendidos a precios bajos por los migrantes. Las carreteras y las calles lucen relativamente pobladas de vehculos (nunca con los atascos de las ciudades latinoamericanas), hay mucha ms iluminacin y las carreteras han sido reparadas. Todas las personas con las que pude hablar esta semana, coinciden en que hay mayor actividad, menos delincuencia y mayor estabilidad, ya que los precios slo se incrementan un 400% por ao. El Banco Central inform que en los primeros cuatro meses los precios crecieron un 86,7%, que an siendo una cifra muy elevada contrasta con las de aos anteriores.

En 2019 el gobierno decidi liberar los precios que el gobierno de Hugo Chvez haba decidido regular y se liber el tipo de cambio. An circulan billetes de un milln de bolvares. Con diez de ellos Yhonatan Rodrguez paga los peajes, que representan apenas medio dlar, que se cotiza a 26 bolvares. En consecuencia, hay ms estabilidad y el mercado est inundado de productos importados pero tambin de los fabricados en Venezuela, ya que ahora las pocas industrias que sobrevivieron resultan rentables.

La contracara es el crecimiento de la pobreza y la desigualdad, lo que revela la profundizacin del capitalismo en la sociedad venezolana. Se multiplicaron las bodeguitas que desde licores hasta frutas y verduras a precios razonables, aunque muy superiores a los que pueden pagar los sectores populares. Una maestra recibe 300 bolvares al mes, 11 dlares, pero un litro de aceite cuesta dos dlares y el de harina un dlar. Por eso llevan nueva meses en huelga, con el resultado de que hay slo uno o dos das de clase a la semana. En algunas barrios las familias se organizaron para resolver la compra y el transporte de las maestras para...


The Hegemon Will Go Full Hybrid War Against BRICS+ "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Military Situation In Syria On June 12, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Syria On June 12, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • On June 12, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded 1 case of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Aleppo region in the past 24 hours;
  • On June 12, Turkish drones targeted a vehicle near Ain al-Arab;
  • On June 12, Turkish drones targeted a Russian Military Police vehicle between the villages of Harbul and Umm al-Hosh. A Russian serviceman was killed;
  • On June 10, Turkish drones targeted an SDF vehicle near the city of Tal Rifa. Three SDF members were killed.


The post Military Situation In Syria On June 12, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


Comunidades denuncian que Trecsa destruye los bosques en La Antigua Guatemala "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Coordinadora de Comunidades Afectadas por TRECSA

Autoridades realizaron una diligencia de inspeccin ocular en la zonas destruidas por la empresa Trecsa, confirman que de manera ilegal continan instalando torres de cableado en reas boscosas de La Antigua Guatemala. Los vecinos de La Antigua Guatemala y de las comunidades afectadas han denunciado que el actual alcalde municipal Vctor Hugo del Pozo, en colusin con la empresa transnacional colombiana, permite la instalacin ilegal de torres en la zona.

La Coordinadora de Comunidades Afectadas por Trecsa denunci la continuidad de la destruccin de los bosques en La Antigua Guatemala, por la instalacin de manera ilegal de torres de para la interconexin elctrica que la empresa transnacional Transportadora de Energa de Centroamrica S.A. pretende instalar en esta regin.

El 7 de junio, la Fiscala de Delitos del Medio Ambiente del Ministerio Pblico (MP) realiz una diligencia de inspeccin ocular en compaa de varias personas que integran la Coordinadora, y tambin personal del Instituto Nacional de Bosques (INAB), del Consejo Nacional de reas Protegidas (CONAP) y la Divisin Especial de Investigacin de Crmenes del departamento de medio ambiente (DEIC), para verificar los daos que la construccin de las torres elctricas provoco en el cerro y rea boscosa

La Coordinadora denuncia que la unidad de Planificacin Territorial y Catastro de la Municipalidad de la Antigua Guatemala no se present en la vista ocular, quedando pendiente su informe en la Fiscala de Delitos contra el medio ambiente del Ministerio Publico.

La Transportadora de Energa de Centroamrica S.A. (Trecsa), una transnacional colombiana, filial del Grupo de Energa de Bogot (EEB), ha generado en el pas una fuerte conflictividad social por la imposicin de este megaproyecto de forma inconsulta a los pueblos indgenas y comunidades.

Las comunidades afectadas por Trecsa rene a personas de los municipios de Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj, San Bartolo y Santa Luca Milpas Altas, en Sacatepquez.

Foto Coordinadora de Comunidades afectadas por Trecsa
Foto Coordinadora de Comunidades afectadas por Trecsa

La conflictividad instalada por la empresa

Los vecinos de la Antigua Guatemala y de las comunidades afectadas han denunciado que el actual alcalde municipal Vctor Hugo del Pozo, en colusin con la empresa transnacional colombiana, permite la...


Orji Kalu, The Man Tinubu Needs Now "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

I most heartily, once again, congratulate our dear President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and all those who won their elections on the platform of our dear party, All Progressives Congress (APC), and other political parties. I also appreciate those who lost for their contributions to our nascent democracy. That is the beauty of democracy. I believe...

The post Orji Kalu, The Man Tinubu Needs Now appeared first on New Telegraph.


Strengthening crops with insect exoskeletons? Study says yes, by way of the soil "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The latest recipe is here: youll need a cup of minerals, two tablespoons of air and water, a few billion microorganisms, a teaspoon of organic matter and a pinch of old bug skin. No need to bake, your soil is ready to be sown. A study published in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment last year found that adding insect exuviae the remains of exoskeletons that arthropods cast off after molting to soils positively impacts plant reproduction. The researchers found that after treatments of black soldier flies (Hermetia illucens) exuviae to soils, plants grew hardier and more resilient. Each black soldier fly larva can consume up to 200 milligrams of food waste per day. Image by James Tiono via Unsplash. The black soldier fly strikes again I decompose your trash, feed your animals, and gives your plants a boost. Who am I? The black soldier fly, or the BSF. With rising concerns over sustainability, insects have gained momentum in the agricultural sector because of their capacity to reduce organic waste and convert it into a high-quality source of protein for livestock. Currently, BSFs are the most widely used insects produced for animal feed, namely for fish, poultry and pigs. But what if BSF could also improve plant health? With this in mind, Katherine Barragn-Fonseca, a researcher with Wageningen University & Research (WUR) in the Netherlands and lead author of the 2022 paper, investigated the benefits of the sleek-looking fly beyond its current uses: her team mixed powdered BSF exuviaeThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Las mujeres en el EZLN y su Ley revolucionaria; por la rebelda, autonoma y libertad "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Hace 29 aos el Ejrcito Zapatista de Liberacin Nacional (EZLN) realiz su primera aparicin pblica al alzarse en armas el 1 de enero de 1994, enarbolando la bandera de los derechos de los pueblos indgenas. En sus filas las mujeres han sido smbolos de colectividad y resistencia, quienes desde la rebelda han abierto caminos de dilogo, escucha, igualdad, respeto y autonoma. 

El 17 de noviembre de 1983 inici la gesta zapatista con la instalacin de su primer campamento guerrillero en la Selva Lacandona. Sin embargo, fue hasta el 1 de enero de 1994 cuando el EZLN salt la barrera para exigir una plena garanta a los derechos de las comunidades originarias. Y a 29 aos, esta exigencia sigue vigente. 

Las mujeres zapatistas y su Ley revolucionaria 

Al interior del ejrcito zapatista las mujeres comenzaron a tomar fuerza y se abandonaron los roles tradicionales y patriarcales, en los que ellas eran relegadas de luchas, discusiones y decisiones.

Nosotras les exigimos a los compaeros de los pueblos que las mujeres tenan tambin que organizarse, representar algo, hacer algo, no slo los hombres. Porque siempre que llegbamos a las comunidades haba slo puros hombres en la reunin, en los crculos de estudio que hacamos. Trabajamos mucho para que la mujer se levantara y tuviera oportunidad de algo, ellas mismas lo pedan. Decan: si los hombres van a estudiar o aprender cosas por qu nosotras no? Tambin queremos entrenarnos, aprender algo. Adems tenemos compaeras que son insurgentes y que estn demostrando que s pueden, s podemos las mujeres, dennos la oportunidad. As fueron entrando muchas milicianas. Mayor Ana Mara, 2002


Cabe mencionar que durante los primeros aos, las mujeres llegaron a representar poco ms del 45 por ciento de las bases del EZLN, as lo dio a conocer el subcomandante Marcos en un mensaje emitido en 2003. En ese contexto, no podemos dejar de hablar de lo que han construido por ms de dos dcadas.

Las mujeres fueron incorporadas a la lucha revolucionaria, sin importar su raza, credo, color o filiacin polt...


TuxCare SecureChain for Java strengthens software supply chain security "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

TuxCare launched SecureChain for Java service to bolster software supply chain security via continuously secured and free repository service. With 76% of open source code used in the commercial code bases, threat groups see it as an ever-growing opportunity to exploit the software supply chain to access a vast number of targets. Cybercriminals understand that open source supply chains are often complex, with software often relying on numerous third-party open source libraries that are also More

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Kievs NATO-Backed Counteroffensive Is the Wests Most Important Military Campaign Since WWII "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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There Never Was an Offramp in Ukraine. Destruction of the Nova Kakhovka Hydroelectric Dam "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Ukraine SitRep: Destruction Of Its Third Army - Issues To Negotiate "IndyWatch Feed War"

Another Ukrainian attack got bogged down in a minefield. bigger Losses: 3 Finnish Leopard 2R with mine clearing equipment 1 German Bergepanzer III recovery tank (based on the Leopard 2 chassis) with mine clearing equipment 2 German Leopard 2M6 2...


FLASHBACK: By destroying history, Liberals make an example of themselves "IndyWatch Feed World"

The current mania for pulling down statues of so-called morally corrupt historical figures is a classic case of presentism: "reading modern notions of morality" onto the past. It seems that those driven to do so may be honestly trying to rectify the "sins" of the past whether it be colonial conquest, slavery, genocide, or whatever else. How corrupt were these historical figures? Were they indeed much more reprehensible than anyone in the present day? What did these people actually think in the awful before times when our Western European ancestors discovered the "New World" and practiced conquest and slavery? We are not able to read their minds only to speculate upon their intent by examining historical documents: the writings, recollections, and stories of those who experienced those days. Indeed, how many of these activists so intent on destroying these representations of the past are fully knowledgeable of these documents that underpin the respect once given to these...


Shadowy, Israel-Linked Group Attempts to Censor Pro-Palestine Spotify Artists "IndyWatch Feed World"

A shadowy, Israel-linked pressure group is attempting to remove artists supporting Palestinian liberation from Spotify. We Believe in Israel, an outgrowth of the Britain Israel Communications and Research Center (BICOM), is lobbying both the U.K. government and the popular music streaming platform in their efforts to censor a range of artists including MintPress News Lowkey. Studying these organizations key figures, MintPress can reveal that the lobby group may have sympathetic ears in key positions in both.


Coordinated attack

Earlier this year, following a long campaign from We Believe in Israel, Spotify removed a host of Arabic-language songs containing incendiary lyrics towards the state of Israel. In a press release, the group welcomed the decision but made clear that they saw this as only the first step in a much wider campaign of censorship.

Its good news that Spotify have finally listened to public disgust about hosting clearly antisemitic content which contravenes their own content policies, including directly inciting violence against Israelis, said the groups director, Luke Akehurst (the notorious Labour Party operative). Now we need them to look at why they are hosting explicitly antisemitic and conspiratorial songs by Lowkey and Ambassador MC, he added, defaming both artists simultaneously, while clearly sending a signal that they were next.

It was also widely reported last month that We Believe in Israel was behind Spotifys decision to remove Palestinian pop star Mohammed Assafs My Blood Is Palestinian from its platform. However, it later transpired that the reason the 2012 Arab Idol winners music disappeared was a contractual dispute between his record label and the streaming service.

We Believe in Israel who have conceded that they work closely with the Israeli Embassy but insist they are not directed by them had been campaigning for some time to cleanse Spotify.  Last year, it launched a petition which gained 4,000 signatures and directly lobbied the British Ministry of Digital Culture, Media and Sport on the matter.



How Does Technology Factor in for US Militarism Toward China? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The second edition of The Plot to Seize Russia The Untold History is now available for purchase in paperback and hardcover on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. The ebook will be available shortly.

Book description:

Take care of Russia, Boris Yeltsin said as he departed his presidency in August 1999. These words were directed at current Russian president, Vladimir Putin. Yeltsin specifically picked Putin as his predecessor to prevent the takeover of Russia.

So, who was Yeltsin warning against? Newly declassified documents from the Clinton Administration prove that there was a plot to rig the Russian election of 2000. These never-before-seen documents confirm numerous attempts to implement pro-Western policies using the Russian oligarchy headed by Boris Berezovsky.

On the other side were the communists who desired a return to the glory days of the Soviet Union. As one of the largest international hedge fund managers, author Martin Armstrong found himself in the middle of perhaps the greatest espionage, or attempt at a regime change for Russia, in modern history.

The Plot to Seize Russia pulls back the curtain to expose the most extraordinary attempt to seize power in modern history, but with the pen rather than armies. These declassified documents reve...


Rita Edochie Hails May, Says She Is Well Trained "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nollywood actress, Rita Edochie has once again taken to her official Instagram page to shower praises on Yul Edochies first wife, May It would be recalled that since the marriage crisis of his nephew, the actress has been dragging Yul and his second wife, Judy Austin on social media while hailing the first wife. Even...

The post Rita Edochie Hails May, Says She Is Well Trained appeared first on New Telegraph.


10th Speaker: 55 S/south Reps-Elect Adopt Abbas, Kalu "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The anointment of Hon. Tajudeen Abbas and Hon. Benjamin Kalu for Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives on Monday received a further boost as the 55 elected representatives from the South-South geopolitical zone have endorsed them. The adoption took place at the residence of the longest-serving member of the House, Hon. Nicholas...

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Tomgram: Andrea Mazzarino, The Wound of the War on Terror, Up Close and Personal "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

America's War on Terror, launched in response to the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, has had a staggering impact on our world. The Costs of War Project at Brown University, which I helped found, paints as full a picture as possible of the toll of those "forever wars" both in human lives and in dollars. The wars, we estimate, have killed nearly one million people[...]


Implementing IoT Tech? 15 Challenges To Be Ready For "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Internet of Things technology is expanding quickly across industries. The growth is unsurprisingafter all, the data derived can drive improvements in productivity and customer service, speed up innovation, lead to cost savings by powering predictive maintenance, and more. Businesses can implement IoT technology to monitor their internal systems, manage their equipment or enhance the consumer products they sell.

However, whether a business develops and manages its own products and systems or purchases equipment and service from a vendor, it must be aware of the challenges that can come with IoT tech, which include addressing the increased cybersecurity risk, managing a potentially massive influx of data and more. Below, 15 members of Forbes Technology Council share some of the challenges they foresee for businesses implementing IoT technologies in the next few years and how those issues can be overcome.


What If a Future Civilization Lives On Antarctica? | Unveiled "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Is our future on ice?? Join us, and find out!

Subscribe for more

In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at a bizarre future that really could come true human civilisation moving to Antarctica! At present, the icy south is almost entirely pristine, with very few humans ever visiting. But that could all change, and in a big way!

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
The Real Search for Alien Life in the Ocean
Why Do Scientists Want to Abandon Antarctica?

0:00 Intro.
0:36 History of Antarctica.
2:42 Living on Antarctica.
4:33 Green Cities.
6:05 How Would Humans Adapt?
8:03 Food on Antarctica.
9:17 Conclusions.


Revolution in neuroscience: 2D nanomaterials propel advances in brain repair, treatment, and diagnosis "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Review discusses the increasing importance of two-dimensional nanomaterials like graphene in neuroscience, highlighting their potential in nerve repair, creating brain-mimicking synaptic devices, and treating neurological disorders. It also considers the challenges and future prospects of these materials in this complex field.


Send your name to space as part of Europa Clipper mission "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Traveling to space may be the stuff of dreams for most folks, but sending your name instead is a distinct possibility.

Its not quite the same as donning a spacesuit and being blasted to orbit, though it could be a fun way to associate yourself with an upcoming and highly ambitious mission heading toward Jupiter next year.


Philippines Mayon Volcano spews lava down its slopes in gentle eruption putting thousands on alert "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

LEGAZPI, Philippines (AP) The Philippines most active volcano was gently spewing lava down its slopes Monday, alerting tens of thousands of people they may have to quickly flee a violent and life-threatening explosion.

More than 12,600 people have left the mostly poor farming communities within a 6-kilometer (3.7-mile) radius of Mayon Volcanos crater in mandatory evacuations since volcanic activity increased last week. But thousands more remain within the permanent danger zone below Mayon, an area long declared off-limits to people but where generations have lived and farmed because they have nowhere else to go.


Linux cpupower Tool Being Extended For AMD P-State Features "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The cpupower tool that lives within the Linux kernel source tree can be used for easily querying and setting various CPU power-related features. This tool now has patches pending for extending it for exposing more functionality found within AMD's modern P-State CPU frequency scaling driver...


Canada and Netherlands take Syria to UN's top court over torture claims "IndyWatch Feed War"

Canada and Netherlands take Syria to UN's top court over torture claims

The two countries accuse Syrian government of violating international law
MEE staff Mon, 06/12/2023 - 15:16
The Syrian opposition still controls some of northern Syria, areas which have been pummelled by the government (AFP)
The Syrian opposition still controls some of northern Syria, areas which have been pummelled by the government (AFP)

Canada and the Netherlands are taking Syria to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over claims that the government of President Bashar al-Assad engaged in torture against its people.

In their application to the court, the two countries accused Syria of having committed "countless violations of international law".

"These violations include the use of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment including through abhorrent treatment of detainees, inhumane conditions in places of detention, enforced disappearances, the use of sexual and gender-based violence, and violence against children," they said in a statement released by the ICJ.

The use of chemical weapons in the war in Syria, which began after an uprising in 2011, was also specifically mentioned in the application, described as a "particularly abhorrent practice to intimidate and punish the civilian population".

While the Syrian government has denied the use of chemical weapons, and claimed that the country's opposition used them, the government has been blamed for the use of such internationally banned weapons on several occasions, including in January by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. 



Security updates for Monday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (pypdf2 and thunderbird), Fedora (chromium, dbus, mariadb, matrix-synapse, sympa, and thunderbird), Scientific Linux (python and python3), SUSE (chromium, gdb, and openldap2), and Ubuntu (jupyter-core, requests, sssd, and vim).


David Grusch, The UFO Whistleblower, Full NewsNation Interview Transcript "IndyWatch Feed World"

On Sunday, June 11, 2023, David Grusch, who NewsNation called the UFO Whistleblower, joined Ross Coulthart in a pre-recorded interview.

The interview aired in a one-hour special, which was 41 minutes and 55 seconds worth of content when commercials were removed. After the interview, NewsNation posted that interview video on their YouTube channel. However, for unknown reasons as of the writing of this page on The Black Vault, that video was pulled offline and is no longer available.

A copy of the video is still available at the NewsNation website, which as of the morning of June 12, 2023, is still available. That is embedded here (thanks to Reddit user Nirulou0 for the tip):



Americans Dont Want A Central Bank Digital Currency; New Poll Finds "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Adam Dick A poll from the Cato Institute indicates that, while about half of Americans do not have an opinion regarding whether the Federal Reserve should...

Americans Dont Want A Central Bank Digital Currency; New Poll Finds


John F. Kennedy Broke the Rules of the Zero Sum Game. Will His Nephew Learn How This Was Done? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Judges Retirement Age: Igariwey Lauds Tinubu For signing New Law "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A member representing the Afikpo/Edda federal constituency, Ebonyi State in the House of Representatives, Hon. Iduma Igariwey has commended President Ahmed Bola Tinubu for signing a bill for an act to alter section 291 of the 1999 constitution to allow for consistency in the retirement age and allowances of judicial officers of superior court of...

The post Judges Retirement Age: Igariwey Lauds Tinubu For signing New Law appeared first on New Telegraph.


Turbo Colon Cancer: Diagnosis to Death in Three Weeks, the Tragic Story of a 44-Year Old Ohio High School Teacher Jeff Clark "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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June 12: Eminent Nigerians Hail Tinubus Nationwide Broadcast "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Eminent Nigerians have lauded President Bola Tinubu of Nigeria for his nationwide broadcast on Monday to mark June 12 Democracy Day. The eminent Nigerians are a former Kwara State governorship aspirant, Engineer Sunday Adebayo Babalola, and the Founder, Iconic Asiwaju Women/Men of Substance, Chief Aminat Temitople Ajayi. They spoke in separate interviews with journalists on...

The post June 12: Eminent Nigerians Hail Tinubus Nationwide Broadcast appeared first on New Telegraph.


Europes Digital Services Act Puts Free Speech at the Mercy of Eurocrats "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Darktrace unveils AI models that help protect data privacy and intellectual property "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In response to growing use of generative AI tools, Darktrace launched a new risk and compliance models to help its 8,400 customers around the world address the increasing risk of IP loss and data leakage. These new risk and compliance models for Darktrace DETECT and RESPOND make it easier for customers to put guardrails in place to monitor, and when necessary, respond to activity and connections to generative AI and large language model (LLM) tools. More

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Spy Tech: Unshredding Documents "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Bureaucracies generate paper, usually lots of paper. Anything you consider private especially anything that could get you in trouble should go in a burn box which is usually a locked trash can that is periodically emptied into an incinerator. However, what about a paper shredder? Who hasnt seen a movie or TV show where the office furiously shreds papers as the FBI, SEC, or some other three-letter-agency is trying to crash the door down?



9 Astounding Facts That Prove the Moon is Artificial Why Is It There? "IndyWatch Feed World"

June 13th, 2023 By Open Contributing Writer for Wake Up World The deeper you dig down the rabbit hole of the planetary intervention we find ourselves within, the more astounding and grandiose it becomes. Take a look at some of the ancient megaliths like the pyramids for example, and explore actually how they were built using []

The post 9 Astounding Facts That Prove the Moon is Artificial Why Is It There? first appeared on Wake Up World.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The climate is changing fast, with even Earths most remote areas unable to dodge the bullet. This includes Antarctica a region that has long seemed behind the curve when it comes to warming. But how radically or fast the south polar regions atmosphere, oceans, ice and land will alter is hard to say. In January, data compiled by the World Meteorological Organization revealed the last eight years as the hottest on record globally. On the Antarctic Plateau, the coldest place on the planet, the Concordia Research station hit its highest temperature reading ever in early 2022 at -12.2 degrees Celsius (10.04 degrees Fahrenheit), while Antarctic sea ice shrank the same year to its smallest extent since recordkeeping began, to 1.92 million square kilometers (741,000 square miles). Thats an alarming record but 2023 beat it, at 1.79 million km2 (691,000 mi2). This is potentially bad news for humanity: The White Continent, which holds 90% of the worlds ice, plays a crucial role in regulating Earths climate. In an email to Mongabay, the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) underlined the disproportionate influence the poles have on climate, stressing the contrast between the reflective properties of large white, ice-covered areas (which send the suns heat back into space) and the surrounding dark sea surface (which absorbs the suns heat, adding to global warming). The big question facing researchers now is whether or not Antarctica is showing signs of hitting an irreversible tipping point. When asked that question by Mongabay, Matthew England, scientiaThis article was originally published on Mongabay

Monday, 12 June


Moment Don Jazzy Introduces Girlfriend, Side Chic To The World (Video) "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nigerian music producer and CEO of Mavin Records, Michael Collins, popularly known as Don Jazzy, has proudly introduced his new girlfriend and side chic to the world. Taking to his Instagram page, the talented artist shared a video showcasing his latest assets, two brand-new cars that have quickly captured his heart. Don Jazzy expressed his...

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Blame Game Over the Bombing of the Nova Kakhovka Dam "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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A Historic First: Indictment of a U.S. President "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Hegemon Will Go Full Hybrid War Against BRICS+ "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Hybrid War 2.0 against the Global South has not even started. Swing states, you have all been warned. U.S. Think Tank Land hacks are not exactly familiar with Montaigne: On the highest throne in the world, we still sit only on our own bottom. Hubris leads these specimens to presume their flaccid bottoms are Continue reading The Hegemon Will Go Full Hybrid War Against BRICS+


Vaccinate to Vacate the Planet? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Does Anyone Believe American Propaganda Anymore? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Incidence of Myocarditis/Pericarditis and New Onset Cardiac Symptoms Following Smallpox and Influenza Vaccination "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Canada is a Country Run By Idiots "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Still clinging to power, unpopular Canadian PM Justin Trudeau continues to drive his country off the proverbial cliff. 

For many Canadians, Trudeaus woke brand of progressivism is increasingly unwelcome, with comedians and pundits now lambasting him on a nightly basis.

And things just got worse, as recent figures show that Canada has a productivity problem: its GDP per capita has increased at slower pace than expected, with Trudeaus suicidal Covid and vaccine mandate policies all but decimating what was left of Canadian main street.

OLeary Ventures Chairman Kevin OLeary says that Canada is a country run by idiots, as he discusses his past bid to lead Canadas Conservative Party and what policies are now needed to fix things, on FOX Business channel Cavuto: Coast to Coast. Watch: 




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Its time to patch your MOVEit Transfer solution again! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Progress Software customers who use the MOVEit Transfer managed file transfer solution might not want to hear it, but they should quickly patch their on-prem installations again: With the help of researchers from Huntress, the company has uncovered additional SQL injection vulnerabilities that could potentially be used by unauthenticated attackers to grab data from the web applications database. The vulnerabilities are yet to receive a CVE number, but patches/fixed versions have been provided. The investigation More

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Media Blames Climate Change for Canadian Wildfires Despite Arrest of Multiple Arsonists "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Gemini Links 12/06/2023: Opal 1.7.0 and More "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

<div> <div id="contents12132604"> <p><img align="right" alt="GNOME bluefish" border="0" height="118" hspace="20" src= "" vspace="4" width="120"></p> <h3 id="m1213260400">Contents</h3> <ul> <li><a href="">Gemini* and Gopher</a> <ul> <li><a href= "">Personal/Opinions</a></li> <li><a href= "">Science</a></li> <li><a href="">Technology and Free Software</a> <ul> <li><a href= "">Internet/Gemini</a></li> <li><a href="">Software Releases/Announcements</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <ul> <li> <h3 id="m1213260401">Gemini* and Gopher</h3> <ul> <li> <h3 id="m1213260402">Personal/Opinions</h3> <ul> <li> <h5><a href="">Funeral For a Friend Casually Dressed & Deep In Conversation

Ive talked about this album a lot. Every now and again Ill feel in the mood to just be 12 again: sad confused and angry.</p> <p>Disclaimer: This kinda got away from me! Bare with what is basically a listen along once I get into the song breakdowns. I highly recommend listening along if you want to! Back to the gemlog!</p> </blockquote> </li> <li> <h5><a href="">Introduction to the series (no album)</a></h5> <blockquote> <p>The CS nerd in me is sad number 0 isnt an actual entry. But I figure this requires its own introduction!</p> <p>For the longest time I have considered a few albums I love perfect. A perfect album to me is one I can press play on and I never get bored, tired, or that urge to ugh let me skip this track (cough uncough Drive by Incubus). But especially those that once I start listening I cant stop. I just want to keep listening or if a track comes on I have to just continue forward. That doesnt necessarily mean they have to be album albums where they require that context and ordering but just an overall solid album through and through!</p> </blockquote> </li> <li> <h5><a href="">the art of letting go</a></h5> <blockquote> <p>late at night, im the most productive. and when you used to be able to smoke inside, writing, smoking, and drinking is probably the best combination for successful prose on paper since liber and mercury bestowed us with their gifts. but even still, there is not much cooler a vibe than a writer at the end of the bar at a local pub, scribbling in a note...


Biden and Blinken, The Dr. Strangelove Duo of WWIII "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Alberta Premier Danielle Smith Pledges Arson Investigation Into 175 Wildfires with No Known Cause "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Proven Guilty of Innocence (but not Navety) "IndyWatch Feed War"

We all dream of being a child again, even the worst of us. (Don Jose, The Wild Bunch)

Back when I was on Facebook, every morning, Id be informed of which friends were marking a birthday. It became one of my daily rituals to post on each of their walls a question from legendary Negro League pitcher Satchel Paige:

How old would you be if you didnt know how old you are?

As you might imagine, this birthday greeting inspired a fair amount of reactions almost all of which involved versions and variations of this: I feel and act much younger than my chronological age.

Heres the decidedly non-scientific conclusion Ive drawn from this anecdotal evidence: Most of us...


NATO Drills Serve as Cover for Less Publicized Actions Like Nord Stream Sabotage "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Andrei Dergalin Sputnik 12.06.2023

On June 12, the Western military bloc that already fans the flames of the Ukrainian conflict by supplying vast quantities of weapons and military hardware to Kiev launches a massive military exercise in Germany that may well become NATOs biggest drill ever.

As US Ret.Lt.Col. Karen Kwiatkowski explained to Sputnik, NATO is a military alliance of disparate equipment, national procedures, and language, and thus needs to conduct such exercises in Europe because so far, the blocs joint operations have been taking place outside of Europe proper.

Noting that the exercise will practice defense (as NATO defines it) and conduct forward eastern operations as a 15 plus member fighting bureaucracy, Kwiatkowski, a former analyst for the US Department of Defense, also observed that such events may also serve another purpose.

All publicized military and government exercises and activities always provide cover for other activities that are less well publicized, as we have seen with last summer BALTOPS 22, and the subsequent remote detonation of pre-planted explosives designed to sever both Nordstream gas pipelines, she said.

When asked why NATO intends to essentially showcase so much military equipment during the exercise, Kwiatkowski suggested that the military bloc has been pushing a propaganda narrative portraying Ukraine as Europes last stand against a crazed Russian invader set to sack the cities of western Europe, and that this display is supposed to show that NATO members have the gear to resist such imagined invasion.

In a sense, it is a NATO propaganda effort made necessary by a previous propaganda effort. NATO member states and their voting populations are beginning to realize what is really happening to their actual independent ability to defend their borders as they bleed stockpiled weapons systems, ammunition and artillery into Ukraine for free, and now face increased military budgets to replenish and upgrade their NATO and national systems, Kwiatkowski mused.

According to her, this exercise may be an attempt to shore up European confidence that the Ukraine proxy war has in fact not depleted their defensive capability.

While Lt. Gen. Ingo Gerharz, commander of Germanys Air Force, previously described NATOs exercise as purely defensive in nature, the blocs leadership is, and has been for decades, confused about the meaning of the terms defensive and promise, Kwiatkowski argued.

It is easier to understand NATO strategy in the big picture if one accepts that NATO is about continuing to expand its mission, its budget, and importantly, its dominance...


The multiplying impact of BEC attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 2023 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) has confirmed what FBIs Internet Crime Complaint Center has pointed out earlier this year: BEC scammers are ramping up their social engineering efforts to great success. BEC attackers targeting the real estate sector The FBI has recently published a new public services announcement, warning again about the continuous evolution and danger of BEC attacks. Between December 2021 and December 2022, there was a 17% increase in identified More

The post The multiplying impact of BEC attacks appeared first on Help Net Security.


FUD Malware obfuscation engine BatCloak continues to evolve "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers detailed a fully undetectable (FUD) malware obfuscation engine named BatCloak that is used by threat actors.

Researchers from Trend Micro have analyzed the BatCloak, a fully undetectable (FUD) malware obfuscation engine used by threat actors to stealthily deliver their malware since September 2022.

The samples analyzed by the experts demonstrated a remarkable ability to persistently evade anti-malware solutions.

The researchers discovered that 80% of the retrieved samples had zero detections from security solutions. The average detection rate for the overall sample set of 784 used by the experts was less than one.

BatCloak malware packer

The researchers discovered that the BatCloak engine was part of FUD builder named Jlaive that began circulating in 2022,

The analysis of the Jlaive repository revealed the developer (ch2sh)s effort in FUD technologies. The developers used AES encryption and implemented techniques to bypass the anti-malware scan interface (AMSI).

After the repository containing the open-source tool was taken down in September 2022, it has since been cloned and modified by other threat actors. The researchers discovered modified versions and
clones offered Jlaive as a one-time service for purchase, instead of a classic subscription-based model.

While many of the repositories containing modified or cloned Jlaive versions continue to be removed from code hosting sites such as GitHub and GitLab, threat actors continue to upload the code and in some cases development team have also ported to other languages such as Rust.



Stellar Cyber collaborates with Mimecast to minimize email-based attack impacts "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Stellar Cyber announced a new technology partnership with Mimecast, an email and collaboration security company. This powerful technology integration makes it easy for Stellar Cyber and Mimecast customers to swiftly mitigate the risk of damaging email-based attacks, such as phishing attacks, by automating the sharing of vital attack data between the two solutions, reducing attacker dwell time and speeding response. Mimecast Email Security monitors all email traffic to identify suspicious emails using AI-powered detection, phishing More

The post Stellar Cyber collaborates with Mimecast to minimize email-based attack impacts appeared first on Help Net Security.


The Push for Regulating Banks: An Alarm Bell for the Advent of Eco-Fascism? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

This sounds less like democracy and more like a power grab using the cloak of environmental protection as its shield.

The post The Push for Regulating Banks: An Alarm Bell for the Advent of Eco-Fascism? first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Distribution Release: Voyager Live 12 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Voyager Live is a project which offers Debian- and Ubuntu-based flavours of a desktop distribution. The project has announced the release of Voyager Live 12, which is based on Debian 12 "Bookworm". for fresh installs. "With numerous Themes....


CNN Admitted That Kiev Lost Around 15% Of Its Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles In A Week "IndyWatch Feed War"


Kievs NATObacked counteroffensive is off to a rough start after losing around 15% of its Bradley infantry fighting vehicles in a week according to CNNs latest report. The outlet cited a Dutch open-source intelligence website thats collected visual evidence of each sides military equipment losses since the start of Russias special operation. While Ukrainian supporters are celebrating the recapture of some long-contested villages along the Line of Contact, these were pyrrhic victories considering the costs.

The first line of Russias multilayered defenses in the Zaporozhye Region has yet to even be reached, which suggests that Kievs already very high losses will likely spike the closer that its forces get to there. Russias Ministry of Defense earlier shared footage showing some of the same Bradley vehicles that CNN later confirmed were indeed destroyed, which also included a German Leopard tank. Observers should therefore assume that theres truth to Moscows claims that some of the latter were destroyed too.

Kievs loss of such American and German wunderwaffen was to be expected since it was never realistic that either piece of equipment would reshape the military-strategic dynamics of the NATO-Russian race of logistics/war of attrition that have been trending in Moscows favor since the start of this year. Nevertheless, the Ukrainian and Western publics were misled by their governments information warfare campaigns into pinning their hopes of victory on those two and others.

The deep disappointment that theyd inevitably feel after seeing footage of them being destroyed by their opponents explains why Kiev released a propaganda video last week urging everyone to remain tight-lipped ab...



A key utilitarianism principle is that actions are correct only if they ensure happiness and wrong or bad if they produce unhappiness. After almost sixty three years of independence, Nigerias condition is very pitiable, if not a huge joke. Nigeria is in a quagmire akin to where many people are sleeping in an air-conditioned facility []


Researchers Uncover Publisher Spoofing Bug in Microsoft Visual Studio Installer "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security researchers have warned about an "easily exploitable" flaw in the Microsoft Visual Studio installer that could be abused by a malicious actor to impersonate a legitimate publisher and distribute malicious extensions. "A threat actor could impersonate a popular publisher and issue a malicious extension to compromise a targeted system," Varonis researcher Dolev Taler said. "Malicious


What is Chef Wear Pants Process? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Chef wear pants are more than just a fashion statement. They should offer comfort and protect the
chefs from hazardous conditions in a professional kitchen. Traditional chef uniforms include a tall white hat known as a torque blanche, a double-breasted jacket made from heavy cotton cloth and apron. These garments are usually black and white in a checked pattern that easily disguises food spills or splatters.

Chef Wear Pants

Chef wear pants are an essential part of a professional chefs uniform. They are designed to protect chefs from heat and flames, as well as hot food spills. They are usually a loose fit and made of thick fabric
to reduce the risk of burns. They also have pockets and storage to hold tools and utensils. Chefs are
constantly moving around, so they need a pair of pants that are comfortable and easy to move in.
Chef wear pants are usually worn with an apron to protect against fire and other kitchen hazards.

When selecting the right chef uniform, it is important to consider a variety of factors, including
functionality, comfort, and color. A good quality chef pant will last a long time and wont fade or rip
easily. In addition, they should be easy to wash and dry. Chef pants that are too tight or ill-fitting will
make the chef uncomfortable and can lead to a loss in productivity.

A traditional chef uniform includes a black and white check pattern, which is intended to conceal or
camouflage food and grease stains. However, some chefs prefer a more modern straight style with an
elastic waistband and a zipper fly. Chef pants are also available in a wide range of colors and designs
to match different styles of kitchen dcor.

Many restaurants use the same colors for their chef pants to create a uniform look, and the color of
the apron can be used to identify different ranks of chefs. In addition, chef pants can be embroidered
or printed to identify the cooks role in the kitchen.

There are several different types of chef pants on the market, but they all have one thing in common
they must be durable. Chefs can be rough on their clothes, and the seams and stitching must be
strong enough to withstand the constant wearing and washing. Chef pants are often soiled, so they
need to be machine-washable and have fast soil release or satin release properties.

If you want to buy high-quality chef pants, then you should check out Chef Works line of chef apparel.
This company offers a range of sizes and colors, and the garments are made from breathable fabrics
that help keep chefs cool in hot kitchens. They are also designed to be wrinkle-free and require
minimal ironing.

Chef Uniform Near Me

The chef uniform is a staple of the hospitalit...


3 Potential Scandals Plaguing The FBI-Biden Bribe Saga "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Joe Biden is sworn into presidential office while Jill Biden hold the Bible on which he takes the oath.The recent and credible bribe allegations against the president could reveal the truth about the ties between the Biden family and the FBI.


COVID Dj Vu: Stay Inside and Wear a Mask (The Sky Is Burning!) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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5 Countries Where You Can Live Your Best Life in 2023 (According to Data) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Andre Bothma, Sovereign Man The team at Sovereign Man are a bunch of avid data geeks. So as a rule, if were giving you...

5 Countries Where You Can Live Your Best Life in 2023 (According to Data)


Sirius Open Source: Very Little Staff and Clients Are Left Now "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link | md5sum deb923a8340805a0040d08074d87dd02
Sirius Cannot Retain Anything
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: The crimes of Sirius Open Source aside, it seems like the company has no chance of surviving; its 25th anniversary is later this year, but its understaffed and running out of clients

THE company that once upon a time sponsored the Free Software Foundation and KDE resorted to defrauding its own staff in 2011 if not even earlier. Former staff is finding out and coming to grips with it.

The company has meanwhile lost several more clients (the ones it openly admits losing; usually it lies about that loss or keeps it secret for a long time for the sake of morale). Many people, including managers, are mortified to discover what went on. Some leave and some are preparing to sue (albeit the company is in hiding, so its not easy).

Perhaps none of this should be particularly shocking. I know and Ive seen attrition crises in the company over the years (dating back to 2011). But this one is different. This one the company cannot recover from and the fake founder might even up in a jail cell. This is the first part of a series that we hope can become daily in the installments sense. There are things we cannot publicly state at this moment, but sooner or later it will be safe to blurt them out.


Defense Roadmap Carves New Path for US-Indo Ties "IndyWatch Feed War"

The US-India relationship, historically based on shared democratic values and strategic alignment, has evolved considerably over the years. The progression from President Clintons diplomatic outreach in the 1990s to the strategic partnership declared under President Bush in 2005 has reflected the growing significance of this relationship. In the present geopolitical context, this association has gained critical importance, mainly due to the increasing influence of China and the resulting shifts in the balance of power in the Indo-Pacific region.

Recent developments further underscore this dynamic. The two nations have shown an unprecedented commitment to strategic cooperation by signing a series of defense and technology agreements.

The post Defense Roadmap Carves New Path for US-Indo Ties appeared first on Geopolitical Monitor.


DeepMind AI creates algorithms that sort data faster than those built by people "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Computer scientists have, for decades, been optimizing how computers sort data to shave off crucial milliseconds in returning search results or alphabetizing contact lists. Now DeepMind, based in London, has vastly improved sorting speeds by applying the technology behind AlphaZero its artificial-intelligence system for playing the board games chess, Go and shogi to a game of building sorting algorithms. This is an exciting result, said Emma Brunskill, a computer scientist at Stanford University, California.

The system, AlphaDev, is described in a paper in Nature1, and has invented faster algorithms that are already part of two standard C++ coding libraries, so are being used trillions of times per day by programmers around the world.


Delay Ageing of Your Knees with These Expert Tips "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Pain in the knee is one of the most common orthopaedic issues experienced by people as they age. Know what causes the knees to age faster and result in pain.


Many Recent Quebec and Alberta Fires Started Simultaneously. Videos and Articles "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Vague Scene Dominates Presidential Vote as Franjiyeh Confirms Cooperation with All Parties if Elected "IndyWatch Feed War"

June 12, 2023 Two days before the 12th session of the presidential elections called for by House Speaker Nabih Berri, vagueness continues to prevail regarding the final nominations of the various blocs in light of differences among the members of the same bloc. Franjiyeh Marada Movement Chief, Sleiman Franjieh, called for discussing all the nominations in []


How the Censorship Industry Works, and How We Can Stop It "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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New US Military Base in Syria What Is the US Trying to Do Now? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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War Spreads, Democracy Sinks "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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An excellent summary of K-Pop "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It involves the complicated history of South Korea.

Im also going to recommend BTS catchy songs, with the cutest boys ever.

Hey, I have a grandson who meets Ronny Chiengs prerequisites for being a K-Pop star. A few more years, maybe he can fund my retirement.


By Tackling Imaginary Racism In School Discipline, The Biden Admin Is Making Classrooms Less Safe "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

violent student punches teacherComplaints abound from teachers who send students to the office for serious misbehavior only to have them return to the classroom unpunished.


From Net Zero to Glyphosate: Agritechs Greenwashed Corporate Power Grab "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Pharmacy Uniforms Perth? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Pharmacy Uniforms Perth help chemists to gain confidence in their patients by giving them a stylish
and professional look. They also keep them comfortable during their work shifts and maintain safety
norms. They are made of high-quality fabric and personalizing to add an element of professionalism. They are available in different sizes and washing daily. They are durable and do not crease easily. They are available at reasonable prices and come with a discount for first-time customers.

Pharmacy Uniforms Perth

A pharmacy uniforms perth is the perfect way to make your employees look professional and trustworthy. It can also help your customers feel comfortable visiting your pharmacy and trusting you with their health needs. Pharmacy uniforms are designing to be durable and comfortable. They are made from breathable fabrics and are constructing with precise tailoring. This allows them to be worn during long shifts without feeling restrictive. They also allow for easy cleaning and maintenance.

The best way to ensure a quality pharmacy uniform is to work with a reputable supplier. You can find
many suppliers online, but you should consider their customer service and reputation. A reputable
provider will have years of experience in designing and producing medical uniforms. They will also be
familiar with the Australian health sectors requiring specifications.

Pharmacy scrubs are a style of uniform that worn in the workplace and at home. They ar
crafting from flexible fabric blends to help pharmacists bend, squat, and stretch throughout the day.
Improving airflow creating through precise tailoring keeps them cool and dry, even during busy shifts.

Benefits Of Pharmacy Uniforms Perth

There are many benefits to wearing a uniform. It allows customers or clients to easily recognize
employees and it can also make people feel more confident in the staff. It also helps to promote a
company or organization. In addition, it can give a sense of community and teamwork. For example, if
you work at a school that is known for its high standards, requiring students to wear the same uniform
can create a sense of unity and pride in the school.



Democrats Doubling Down On Biden Bribery Lies Suggests Theyre Prepping For The Next Leak "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

William BarrDemocrats' persistence suggests the FBI is poised to peddle selectively leaked documents to cover up its political favoritism and election interference.


Lightning strikes tree, sends branch crashing through roof in Redding, California "IndyWatch Feed World"

Thunderstorms returned to the Northstate Monday evening, and a lightning strike hit a tree in a Redding neighborhood, then landed a branch in a neighbor's roof. "Lightning hit our tree while we were out front, 5 feet from the tree," Redding resident Dylan Gejeian said, from his Shasta View neighborhood next to Mountain View. The tree was split in half when it was struck, sending a portion of the split top into the roof and dining room of a neighbor's home, he said. Thankfully, no one was hurt, he added. The strike was caught on camera at 7:46 p.m. Gejeian shared a video from his Ring camera of the moment the lightning bolt came down. READ MORE:


So torn "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Some days I feel like this: (Im pissed at how useless Twitter has become no more imbedding?)

Others, Im like this:

Being a man isnt hard, but it can be confusing.


Video shows lightning strike tree at Mississippi home, splitting it in half "IndyWatch Feed World"

A shocking video captured at a Mississippi home shows the moment when a bolt of lightning hit a tree and split it in half. Chad Roberts shared video from home security cameras that captured the bolt of lightning hitting the tree at his home in Brandon, Mississippi, on Facebook.


11-year-old boy dies in stray dog attack in Kerala, India "IndyWatch Feed World"

A differently-abled 11-year-old boy, who was attacked by a group of stray dogs Sunday evening at Muzhappilangad near here, died at a hospital, police said. Nihal, a resident of Kettinakam, was found grievously injured around 300 metres away from his house and was taken to a nearby hospital but could not be saved, they said. "The boy with autism was missing from around 5 pm and a search party, comprising relatives, locals and the police, was looking for him in the locality. We found him around 8.30 pm near his house in a grievously injured manner and took him to the hospital," police said.


A petri dish for fascism: How Ukraine has become a magnet for Western neo-Nazis "IndyWatch Feed World"

The war-torn east European country is a mecca for some of the most odious people on earth. What sort of threat does this pose to their home countries? At the end of April, two French neo-Nazis - Alan Vineron and Guillaume Andreoni - who had joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine as mercenaries, were arrested and convicted in their home country. Two months earlier, one of them had posted photos of three executed Russian prisoners on social media. However, Vineron and Andreoni were detained not because of any war crimes, but for attempting to smuggle weapons and munitions back home, including rifle scopes and magazines for machine guns. After a brief trial, they were sentenced to 15 months in prison each, nine of them to be served conditionally. This incident is only the first sign of things to come. According to French media, about 400 French citizens are taking part in the armed conflict in Ukraine. Of these, about 100 are directly involved in the fighting, and about 30 are well-known...


Peace by Peaceful Means. Ceasefire and Negotiations Now! "IndyWatch Feed War"

Resolution Passed by the June 10-11 Peace Summit in Vienna, World BEYOND War, June 12, 2023

We, the organizers of the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine, call on leaders in all countries to act in support of an immediate ceasefire and negotiations to end the war in Ukraine. We are a broad and politically diverse coalition that represents peace movements and civil society, including people of faith in many countries. We are firmly united in our belief that war is a crime against humanity and there is no military solution to the current crisis.

We are deeply alarmed and saddened by the war. Hundreds of thousands have been killed and wounded and millions have been displaced and traumatized. Cities and villages across Ukraine and the natural environment have been shattered. Far greater death and suffering may yet ensue if the conflict escalates to the use of nuclear
weapons, a risk that is higher today than at any point since the Cuban missile crisis.

We condemn Russias illegal invasion of Ukraine.The institutions established to ensure peace and security in Europe fell short, and the failure of diplomacy led to war. Now diplomacy is urgently needed to end the war before it destroys Ukraine and endangers humanity. The path to peace must be based on the principles of common security, respect for international human rights and self determination of all communities.

We support all negotiations that stand for the logic of peace instead of the illogic of war. We affirm our support for Ukrainian civil society who are defending their rights. We commit ourselves to strengthening the dialogue with those in Russia and Belarus who are putting their lives at risk opposing war and protecting democracy.

We call on civil society in all countries to join us in a week of global mobilization (Saturday 30th September Sunday 8th October 2023) for an immediate ceasefire and
peace negotiations to end this war.

Vienna, June 11th 2023

The post Peace by Peaceful Means. Ceasefire and Negotiations Now! appeared first on World BEYOND War.


Can I Customize Bumper Repair Leeds "IndyWatch Feed War"

While repairing your cars bumper can be simple, its important to choose the right repair shop for the job. Look for a shop with experienced technicians who specialize in bumper repairs.

Bumper Repair Leeds

Bumper Repair leeds are designed to absorb impact during a car accident, protecting other parts of the vehicle and reducing the risk of injury for passengers. However, bumper damage can occur even in minor collisions. Scratches, dents, and cracks in the bumper can detract from the appearance of your car and compromise its structural integrity. It is important to repair your cars bumper as soon as possible to avoid further damage and save money on future repairs.

There are several ways to fix a damaged bumper, including using a touch-up paint kit. Many of these kits are designed to work on plastic bumpers and include solvent wipes, a bonding solution, and plastic filler. You can also use a plastic primer to clean the surface and prepare it for filler application. Once the filler is dry, you can apply a coat of clear coat to protect your bumper from further damage.

You can also choose to take your car to a professional body shop for repair. A qualified mechanic will be able to restore the original appearance and value of your vehicle while avoiding expensive repairs in the future. However, you should make sure to check the quality of the workmanship and warranty offered by the body shop before selecting a service provider.

If you have a busy schedule, you may prefer to find a body shop that offers mobile repairs. This can save you time by eliminating the need to arrange for rides or figure out public transportation. In addition, a mobile service will save you the hassle of dropping your car off and picking it up. It will also ensure that your car is always ready for the road, which is crucial for safety.

Top Of Bumper Repair Leeds

A well-maintained bumper protects the rest of your cars body and adds resale value. Its also a great way to reduce your chances of getting into an accident. But even the smallest scratches and dents can damage your bumper, making it look less attractive and lowering its value. A professional body shop can repair your damaged bumper quickly and inexpensively.

Bumper repair specialists use specialized paint blending and color matching techniques to restore your cars appearance and structural integrity. They can remove scratches, dents, or cracks to give your vehicle a smooth finish that blends in with the rest of the body. Theyl...


Fog of War: A Whole New Scenario for Nord Stream Bombing? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The finger-pointing about the destruction last year of Russias Nord Stream natural gas pipelines is getting pointier. And, by my reading, the matter grows yet more intrigue-filled. 


As you may recall, in my column of March 4, 2023, I expressed skepticism about Seymour Hershs exclusive and highly controversial report from a purported intelligence insider who stated that the bombing was a United States government operation. Since then, The Washington Post has reported that, no, it was actually a Ukrainian operation. 


Having covered the machinations of intelligence apparatuses and White Houses on highly sensitive matters for many years, Im naturally wary of all these scoops. Its just as likely that were all missing larger agendas that are in play. 


The truth, whatever it is, may not be known for years if ever. However, I want to propose the eminently logical possibility that, in fact, it was a Ukrainian operation, but one helped, on a highly deniable basis, by the United States. 


This would be, for both players, a win-win: The US helps Ukraine, keeps away from any sort of direct conflict with Russia, and Ukraine gets seen, eventually, and despite its denials, as a decisive, capable, and muscular entity that the world and Russia better not underestimate. 




When I highlighted notable deficiencies in Hershs piece, raising questions about the sources actual knowledge, I further identified the expanding array of possible perpetrators besides Washington including even Russia itself. I also cited a thoughtful contemplation by an exiled former Russian oil official who, toting up possible culprits, unsurprisingly included Ukraine.


Interestingly, studying new developments, one can see the fascinating possibility that Hershs source may have been aware before the rest of us of leaked intelligenc...


Ceci nest pas une dfinition "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I put a fairly substantial effort in critiquing that awful paper by Krylov and Co, and now my efforts are rewarded with a rebuttal by Lee Jussim. Oh no. I tremble in fear. But I will bravely acknowledge that his criticisms.

Ole PZ makes a zillion different points, nearly all wrong regarding our paper, but here Ill just focus on one as illustration. He claims:

The first big problem, and one that plagues the whole paper, is that merit isnt actually defined.

Ole PZ is a bit familiar for someone I dont know, but Ill overlook it. As he says, I made a zillion different points, so I have to congratulate him on wisely focusing on just one. It must be one that I really got embarrassingly wrong, so no doubt his refutation will be devastating.

He has chosen my claim that there is no definition of merit anywhere in their paper, so I anticipate that he will now quote the section of the paper that clearly defines merit, leaving me crushed and humiliated. I read on, dreading my imminent disgrace, and here it is, the part where he exposes me as someone who wasnt able to understand their paper. This is where he defines merit for us all:

This is Figure 2 from the paper:

Of course, the importance of any given discovery, talk or paper may be pretty subjective until the fullness of time has weighed in. As our paper repeatedly acknowledged, scientists biases may creep in to influence judgments of merit. Nonetheless, we now know that discoveries that cigarettes cause cancer, that bacteria, not stress, cause ulcers and that genes influence many physical and psychological characteristics are pretty important, each of which was doubted, controversial or even dismissed at the time. It also took some time to discover that certain ideas lack merit (e.g., thalidomide is not safe to administer to women who are or might be pregnant; the implicit association test does not measure unconscious racism).

Uh, what?

I was expecting a howitzer shell to land on me and blow all my arguments awaybut this is it? A graph with two quantitatively undefined axes, but merit still isnt defined at all. Instead, weve got two additional magic words, importance and strength of evidence, with...


Ivory Coast - Deadly floods and landslides in Abidjan - 9.5 inches of rain in 24 hours "IndyWatch Feed World"

Heavy rain of 180 mm in 24 hours has caused flooding and landslides in Abidjan, Cte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) where at least 5 people have died. According to figures from the country's meteorological agency Sodexam, more than 180 mm of rain fell in Yopougon and 243 mm in Sassandra in 24 hours to 11 June 2023. Meanwhile Adiake saw 171 mm and San Pedro 201 mm during the same period. The government reported a landslide occurred in the district of Yopougon Bel Air in Abidjan on 11 June. Several buildings were damaged and one completely destroyed. Five members of the same family died in the incident.


BEST OF THE WEB: King Tutankhamun's 'longer than normal skull, exceedingly large brain' revealed in vivid new facial approximation "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The pharaoh Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut, is arguably the best-known ruler in ancient Egyptian history. And while much has been written about the royal youth, who held the throne from about the age of 9 until his death a decade later around 1323 B.C., his actual appearance is still a matter of debate. But now, a new facial approximation provides a glimpse of what the historical figure may have looked like, revealing new insight into some of the former king's more peculiar facial characteristics. "Tutankhamun is of archaeological interest not only because of his world-famous burial treasure, but because he ruled for a decade at an important phase in Egyptian history," Michael Habicht, a senior research fellow at Flinders University in Australia and co-author of the new research, told Live Science in an email. Tut's father, the revolutionary pharaoh Akhenaten, had discouraged worship of all gods except Aten, the sun disc. But Tut did not follow his father's ways.


'Establishment' asked Facebook to 'censor' Covid posts - Zuckerberg "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Meta chief admitted that the social media platform removed millions of posts during the Covid-19 pandemic. Facebook was asked by the scientific "establishment" to remove various posts related to Covid-19 which later proved to be "debatable or true," Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said during a podcast interview this week. Speaking to the Russian-American interviewer Lex Fridman in a podcast released on Thursday, Zuckerberg said that policing Facebook's attempts to remove mistruths is "really tricky."


The Northwest Will Soon Share California's Fate "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

 What has happened and is happening in California is of the coolest/wettest ends of spring in Golden State history.  The cause has been a high amplitude and persistent trough of low pressure over southern California.  

Check out the latest upper-level (500 hPa, about 18,000 ft) weather map, with the shading showing the differences from normal (the anomaly).   Hugely lower than normal heights (a deep trough) are centered over the southern portion of the state (dark blue and purple) Huge in extent.   

Troughs are generally associated with clouds, lower-than-normal temperatures, and precipitation.   Interestingly enough, this California low pressure is directly connected with ridging (high pressure) and warm temperatures in southern Canada...and yes, the fires there.

What about this week?  Gird yourself...

By mid-week (Wednesday), a weak low center remains over southern CA (below)


June 2023 is shaping up to be a good month "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Silvio Berlusconi, Italys own proto-Trump, is dead.

One less flamboyant, sexist crook in the world.


BEST OF THE WEB: Ukraine's propaganda machine is vital for Zelensky: Here is how it works "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Russia-Ukraine conflict isn't just about the clash of armed forces on the battlefield. It has also been marked by unprecedented levels of confrontation in the fields of information and psychology, cognition and semantics. Kiev has arguably achieved more success on the information front, than on the ground. There the "fighters" aren't just journalists and information and psychological warfare specialists, but content makers and PR experts. Influencing the psyche, mindset, and emotions of ordinary people has become a big deal, as shaping Western public opinion is vital for President Vladimir Zelensky's regime. The symbols of war Anyone familiar with advertising and PR knows that tying an product to a colorful, memorable symbol, or slogan, will boost its popularity, especially in this era of short attention spans. During wartime, the same strategy works just as well with the news as with advertising and election campaigns.


In Indonesia, companies defy governments decision to revoke their permits "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

JAKARTA The Indonesian governments decision to revoke hundreds of logging, plantation and mining permits across the country is marred with irregularities including companies continuing to operate or engage in conflicts with Indigenous and local communities, according to a new report. Furthermore, theres lack of clarity on how the permit revocations are carried out, prompting questions such as what will happen once the permits are rescinded, according to the report by Indonesias largest environmental NGO, WALHI. The report looked at a dozen companies whose permits were either revoked or are under investigation for potential rescinding by the government in the future. The report found at least four companies continued to operate even after their licenses were  identified as rescinded. These companies are logging company PT Nusa Pala Nirwana (NPN) in North Maluku and palm oil companies PT Permata Nusa Mandiri (PNM) in Papua as well as PT Banyan Tumbuh Lestari (BTL) and PT Inti Global Laksana (IGL) in Gorontalo. All four companies are on the list of nearly 200 corporate entities targeted in a mass cancellation of permits in January 2022. President Joko Widodo announced the mass revocations in early 2022 on the basis that the companies that were awarded the concessions were deemed to be moving too slowly in exploiting natural resources. The affected concessions include environment ministry permits for 192 logging, plantation, mining and ecotourism operations totaling 3.13 million hectares (7.73 million acres); 36 land ministry permits for plantations (34,448 ha, or 85,123 acres); and 2,343 energy ministry permits for mines.This article was originally published on Mongabay


Trump Takes Page From RFK Jr. In Targeting Big Pharma And Medical Tyranny "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

RFK Jr. doing an interviewOpposition to pharmaceutical drugs and industrial food products has grown organically as each generation finds itself confronted with a persistent and expanding list of ailments.


11-year-old British girl shot dead in family's garden in western France "IndyWatch Feed World"

An 11-year-old British girl was shot dead as she played on swings in the garden of her family home in a village in western France on Saturday. The girl's father and mother were also injured in the attack in the village of Saint-Herbot in Brittany while her eight-year-old sister escaped unhurt. The Thornon family, who have lived in the village for about five years, were enjoying a barbecue in their garden and the girls were playing on swings at about 10pm on Saturday when a man appeared with a gun and fired several shots. Solenne Thornon, 11, was killed immediately while her father, 52-year-old Adrien, was shot in the head. He was taken to hospital where his condition was described as critical.


ESG dystopia: Why corporations are doubling down on woke even as they lose billions "IndyWatch Feed World"

It's been a bloodbath for the majority of companies that go overtly woke in the new era of American consumer rebellion, and the establishment is not happy. Corporations like Disney, Anheuser-Busch and Target are plunging in profits and losing billions in market cap after pledging fealty to the trans agenda. In particular, the public is setting out to make examples of institutions that support trans indoctrination of children. Simply put, a line in the sand has been crossed. With conservative boycotts far more effective than leftist boycotts ever were, the movement makes evident that the political left is a paper tiger and that conservatives and independents have the real majority power in the US. In response, the media is claiming that this movement is a form of "economic terrorism." That is to say, if you refuse to support the woke hive mind with your wallet, you should be considered domestic enemy. It took long enough, but average Americans are finally engaging in a culture war...


What Would Trump Have to Do to Lose GOP Support? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In January 2016, before anybody had voted for him for anything, Donald Trump famously predicted that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and [he] wouldnt lose any voters. Since then, he has done all he can to put that theory to the test short of actually shooting someone.

As it turns out, his statement has been quite prescient, at least in terms of Republican voters, who continue to be under his spell.

Thats why we asked ourselves what Trump would have to do to lose the support of a majority of Republicans and the backing of his partys establishment. We know its not boasting of sexual assault (or being convicted of it), being impeached (twice), lying about who won the 2020 election (and just about everything else), attempting a coup, inciting a bloody insurrection, palling around with dictators, being indicted for financial crimes...


The Problem With Where You Live "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Strong Towns advocates at the recent National Gathering in Charlotte, NC. (Source: ZED images.)

You see a sidewalk that ends abruptly. 

You watch public meetings descend into chaos and acrimony. 

You notice a power pole obstructing the path of a wheelchair user. 

You perceive a growing gap between the price of housing and the monthly wages you bring home. 

You observe county leaders subsidizing big companies with tax breaks while making things difficult for small businesses.

Look around you. Youll see the problem. 

Every week, Strong Towns Community Builder John Pattison and I engage with our newest members and ask them a simple question: What problem do you feel compelled to address in your community? 

Without any additional prompting, Strong Towns members are able to speak persuasively (and at length!) about the distressing challenges that they are facing. They feel compelled by a sense of urgency and responsibility for the interests of their communities and the generations to come. 

The problem with where you live is, without exception, a consequence of the way that cities and towns are built across North America. Yes, there are significant political, social, and cultural factors at play, but the built environment around us is broken and needs fixing. 

Thankfully, there is more to see than just problems. 

The problem with where you live isnt an intractable one!



Extremist Left Claims Only Nazis Want To Teach Children Grammar And Patriotism "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

two kids at schoolThe Washington Post claims using the colors 'red, white, and blue' and pictures of the American founders is a racist dog whistle.


On the Ukraine counter-offensive, finally the bull charged "IndyWatch Feed World"

Finally the bull charged, the horse leaders ran for the barrera, the picador hit too far back, and the bull got under the horse, lifted him, threw him onto his back. Zurito watched. The monos, in their red shirts, running out to drag the picador clear. The picador, now on his feet, swearing and flopping his arms. Manuel and Hernandez standing ready with their capes. And the bull, the great, black bull, with a horse on his back, hooves dangling, the bridle caught in the horns. Black bull with a horse on his back, staggering short-legged, then arching his neck and lifting, thrusting, charging to slide the horse off, horse sliding down. Then the bull into a lunging charge at the cape Manuel spread for him. Ernest Hemingway, The Short Stories Finally the bull charged. The long-awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive has finally begun. After months of handwringing and speculation, the western investment in Ukrainian military might has been put on display for the whole world to see ...


Israel: Opposition leader testifies at Netanyahu corruption trial "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel: Opposition leader testifies at Netanyahu corruption trial

Lapid appears as prosecution's witness in 'Case 1000' in which the prime minister is accused of fraud and breach of trust
MEE staff Mon, 06/12/2023 - 11:18
Leader of Israel's Yesh Atid Party, Yair Lapid (File photo/AFP)

Israel's opposition leader testified on Monday in the corruption trial of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which would see him removed from office if found guilty. 

Yair Lapid appeared in court as a prosecution witness in "Case 1000", in which Netanyahu is accused of granting Hollywood tycoon Arnon Milchan a tax break in return for lavish gifts. 

The Yesh Atid party chief spoke about his interactions with Netanyahu in 2013 when he served as his finance minister. 

He said he discussed the situation with the premier on two occasions.  

"The first time [we met] Netanyahu said to me, 'Did Milchan speak with you about the law?' I told him yes, and he asked, 'What do you think?' I told him, 'I'm not so sure about it,' and he said, [that it's a] 'Good law.'

"The second time was the same when Netanyahu asked what was going on [with it], and I said that it's not going to happen, and he again repeated that [it's a] 'good law'," Lapid said.

Netanyahu was charged in 2019 with bribery, fraud and breach of trust in three cases dubbed Case 1000, Case 2000 and Case 4000. He denies all wrongdoing. 

In Case 1000, he is accused of allegedly receiving 700,000 shekels ($195,000) worth of gifts g...


Ex-Pakistani PM Imran Khan claims US plotted against him after Russia deal "IndyWatch Feed World"

Pakistan's former prime minister Imran Khan, who was arrested last month on corruption charges, has claimed in a wide-ranging interview with Newsweek published on Saturday that the United States exerted diplomatic pressure to remove him from office last year. Speaking to the US publication, Khan said he visited Russia on the same day that Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine in February 2022 - and that while he didn't agree with the motives behind the offensive, he refused calls to condemn the action, so as to not jeopardize a trade agreement. The US "wanted us, through the United Nations, to condemn Russia," said Khan, who explained that his government had arranged an agreement to import "cheap oil" and wheat from Moscow. "If we condemn them right now, what about the impact it's going to have on our population?"


CIA informed Belgium about Ukraine's role in Nord Stream sabotage "IndyWatch Feed World"

The CIA notified its Belgian equivalent, the ADIV, about Ukraine's possible involvement in the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines shortly before the incident occurred last September, well-informed sources have told the newspaper De Tijd. The data on the undersea explosions, which crippled a key component of Europe's energy infrastructure, was provided on a strictly confidential basis by US foreign intelligence, the Belgian outlet wrote in its report on Saturday. The people who spoke to the paper noted that the CIA did not reveal where it obtained the information pointing to Kiev's responsibility, citing the need to protect their sources. Comment: There is no reason for the CIA to reveal a source when they were the ones responsible for the Nord Stream bombing. Brussels has refrained from publicly speaking about Ukraine's alleged role in the sabotage, over concerns that it could cause "high tensions" in the Western alliance with Ukraine while the conflict with Russia...


More than ten NATO states don't want Ukraine to join "IndyWatch Feed World"

More than ten NATO member states out of 31 don't want Ukraine to join the US-led military bloc, Igor Zhovkva, the deputy head of Vladimir Zelensky's office, has stated. Kiev already has 20 signed declarations of support for its NATO bid, Zhovkva wrote on Facebook on Saturday. This means that 11 member states have so far refused to back Kiev's application. Zhovkva published his post hours after Zelensky and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signed a document in Kiev that signaled Ottawa's consent to Ukraine becoming a part of NATO. "The joint declaration clearly fixes backing for Ukraine's membership of NATO from the Canadian side as soon as conditions permit this. This is the strongest wording among all G7 countries that are NATO members," Zhovkva wrote.


WEF calls for AI to rewrite Bible, create 'religions that are actually correct' "IndyWatch Feed World"

A top official with the World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for religious scripture to be "rewritten" by artificial intelligence (AI) to create a globalized "new Bible." Yuval Noah Harari, the senior advisor to the WEF and its chairman Klaus Schwab, argues that using AI to replace scriptures will create unified "religions that are actually correct." Harari, an influential author and professor, made the call while giving a talk on the "future of humanity."


BBC plans to build 'diverse' workforce to fight off 'liberal bias' claims "IndyWatch Feed World"

The BBC plans to make sure new recruits have 'diverse opinions' after claims of a 'liberal bias' among employees. Senior figures hosted talks on changes which could be made to the recruitment process to make sure the BBC hires staff with a differing range of views. The move is seen as unusual because it stretches beyond a previous focus on the views of on-screen presenters. According to The Telegraph, the minutes of the meeting, attended by the BBC's director general Tim Davie and their chief operating officer Leigh Tavaziva, said: 'The Committee discussed analysis on ways in which the BBC was ensuring diversity of thought across the workforce.


What Are The Methods Of Web Design Company In Birmingham? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Birmingham web design empowers businesses to thrive in the local digital landscape. By integrating local branding, responsive design, and SEO techniques, Birmingham web design companies create immersive online experiences that engage audiences and propel business results.

Crafting a captivating brand story is one of the most effective ways to connect with the local community. By highlighting your unique selling proposition, showcasing authentic testimonials, and maintaining consistency across design elements, you can establish a strong brand presence in Birmingham.

Web Design Company in Birmingham

Web design company in Birmingham can help businesses develop a professional, user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and SEO-optimized website that generates leads and drives conversions. The key is to understand the audience and their preferences in order to create a relevant, engaging, and compelling digital experience. Ultimately, this will position the business for success in the local market.

A successful web design company in Birmingham will be able to create a unique identity for your brand, which is important for building trust and loyalty with your customers. They will be able to provide you with a wide range of services, including web design, development, and marketing. They will also ensure that your website meets Googles performance standards and provides a great user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

A professional web design company will understand your unique needs and requirements and implement them in the final product. They will use their creative skills and industry experience to produce a website that stands out in the crowd. They will also use a data-driven approach to optimize your website and maximize its potential.

A well-optimized website is the key to success in Birminghams competitive digital landscape. By utilizing effective optimization strategies, including responsive design, local SEO, and compelling visual content, you can position your business for success in the local market. By leveraging social media, implementing A/B testing, and monitoring performance metrics, you can maximize the return on your investment.

Web Developer Birmingham

Creating a jaw-dropping website design is crucial for your business to stand out from the competition and attract customers in the Birmingham digital landscape. Professional web designers can help you achieve your goals and establish a strong online presence. They can also optimize your site for...


What Are The Main Factors Of Cosmetic Jar Labels "IndyWatch Feed War"

A good cosmetic label can make your products stand out from the competition. But it requires a great design, high-quality materials and the right printing methods to achieve. Consumers rely on cosmetic labels to help them solve their beauty problems. Whether its an acne cream, dandruff shampoo or bath gel, your product needs to have an eye-catching label that immediately catches their attention.

Cosmetic Jar Labels

A good Cosmetic Jar Labels is essential to getting your product noticed and making sales. It needs to be a combination of branding, usage information and compliance requirements. This can be a difficult balance to strike, but there are ways to make your product stand out. First, you need to decide what type of information and design features you want on your label. This will help you narrow down your options and choose the type of label that suits your container. For example, a die cut label will fit the contours of your container and will look more eye-catching on the shelf. A shrink sleeve, which is a full-coverage label thats heat-shrunk around your container, is another option that gives you more branding space and a custom shape.

Other ways to make your label stand out include a glossy varnish or embossing. Embossing creates ridges in the label, adding texture and dimension. This is also a great way to highlight important ingredients or safety warnings. Youll also need to add a best-before date, which can be formatted in several different ways. The POA symbol (period after opening) and the Best Before End logo are common formats. The expiration date is especially important for products that are reconstituted, a process that can degrade the contents over time.

Types Of Jar Labels

There are many types of label shapes that can be used on cosmetic jars. Some are more visually appealing than others, but all must comply with certain regulations and provide important information about the product. For example, some labels have to include the ingredients in a specific order. They also need to display a warning or instructions about how to use the product.

Another requirement is to provide the net quantity of the product. This may be stated in weight, measure, numerical count, or a combination of these. The principal display panel (PDP) must also show the name of the product and its manufacturer. It should also include the distributor, if different from the manufacturer.

Labels can be printed in a wide variety of colors and materials. Some are metallized for an enhanced visual appeal. Other options are matte, gloss or satin finishes. The type of material you choose depends on the durability and cost of the labels, as well as the environment where they will be used. If your containers are tin cans or plas...


Israeli Human Rights Violations in Palestine (Weekly Update 01-07 June 2023) "IndyWatch Feed War"

June 8, 2023 Violation of right to life and bodily integrity: A Palestinian toddler was killed, and 10 other Palestinians, including 2 children and a woman, were wounded, while dozens of others suffocated and sustained bruises in Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) attacks in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). Details are as follows: On 05 June []


What Are The Rules of Wedding Stickers? "IndyWatch Feed War"

When planning a wedding, there are so many details to think about. Rather than handwriting each return address on your save-the-date and invitation envelopes, use stickers to make them look professional and elegant. Wedding stickers are also perfect for sprucing up welcome bags and favors. Use them to display your monogram, or a special message like a favorite quote or lyric.

Wedding Stickers

Wedding stickers are a great way to add a personalized touch to any wedding-related item. They are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be used for invitations, favors, gifts, and other special items that will make your wedding unique. The most popular type of wedding sticker is the address label, which is perfect for addressing all of your wedding invitations. This allows you to avoid handwriting your return addresses, and can save you a lot of time. You can also customize your labels with your wedding colors and other details, to match the style of your wedding.

Another great use of wedding stickers is for your table names and numbers. Instead of writing them with a pen or marker, you can print them on stickers and attach them to vases or other centerpieces. This will help your guests find their tables more easily, and it will also give the centerpieces a more personalized touch. You can even design wedding stickers that feature your initials or a shared love phrase.

Whether you are the bride or groom, a wedding planner, or simply a guest, there are a million little things that need to be taken care of in preparation for your big day. One thing that can save you a lot of time is to print your mailing address on wedding envelope seals. This is much faster than handwriting each envelope, and can be done in your wedding colors. Foil wedding stickers can be added to all your paper crafts, including planners, scrapbooks, and handmade cards. You can also create iron-on stickers to be used on t-shirts and robes for the bridal party. You can even make these wedding stickers into magnets for your home to remind you of your special day.

Custom Wedding Stickers

Custom wedding stickers are a fun and affordable way to personalize your big day. You can use them on envelope seals, gift bags, or as a unique decoration for a wedding-themed invitation card. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors, so you can easily find one that fits your style and theme. Some wedding stickers are even personalized with a monogram, which is a great choice for a couple who wants to make their wedding extra-special and memorable.

StickerYou is a c...


Rainforest cowboys: Rodeo culture sweeps the Amazon "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The sun has barely risen above the mountains, yet the cavalcade is already in full swing at the Agricultural Exhibition Park. While men attempt to mount powerful zebu cattle or mules adorned with decorative iron rings, women parade around in colorful sequin-spangled clothing. Fashion takes on something of a syncretic nature at such events, where bikinis are worn alongside cowboy hats or North American Indigenous headdresses. Sertanejo, the Brazilian flavor of country music, blasts from loudspeakers while announcers greet the authorities and entertain the public. Meat is generously distributed among the local population. Its a scene that wouldnt be out of place in Texas or Barretos, Brazils rodeo capital. But instead, this is Cana dos Carajs, a municipality in the southeast of the state of Par, on the edge of the Amazon Rainforest. Founded 40 years ago when those occupying the land won official recognition of their claims, it wasnt until the turn of the millennium that the municipality really took off, when the discovery of vast iron ore deposits led to an economic and social boom: in just three years, between 2010 and 2013, the population tripled. Today, Cana dos Carajs is home to nearly 40,000 people. After the mining, both legal and illegal, came cattle ranching, and with it, an exponential surge in deforestation. It was not only in Cana dos Carajs that forest was cleared, but across the whole of Pars Amazonian region. Nowhere more so than along the Arc of Deforestation, a great frontier of pastureThis article was originally published on Mongabay


What Are The Factors Of Waterproof Stickers Custom "IndyWatch Feed War"

Waterproof stickers are great for decorating a car, lunch box, waterproof sports gear, or a label that will be exposed to the elements. These durable stickers are available in all shapes and sizes, allowing you to express your unique style! These stickers have a special laminate that protects the sticker against moisture. The laminate also helps ensure that your custom designs stay crisp and readable after moisture exposure.

Waterproof Stickers Custom

If youre looking for durable, long-lasting stickers that can stand up to harsh weather and other environmental factors, consider Waterproof Stickers Custom ones. These are typically made from a high-quality vinyl and have a special laminate layer that protects them from the elements. This also makes them scratch-resistant and easy to remove, so they can be reused many times over. Waterproof stickers are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors and can be customized with your companys logo or other information.

The most important factor in making a sticker waterproof is the sticker material. Paper-based stickers can deteriorate quickly in damp conditions, while synthetic materials like polyethylene and polypropylene resist moisture and remain functional for years to come. The adhesive used on waterproof stickers is also an important consideration. Low-quality adhesives can easily peel off the surface, whereas waterproof adhesives have a strong bond that will not wear away under harsh conditions.

The best thing about waterproof stickers is that they are a cost-effective way to promote your business or organization. They can be used for indoor and outdoor applications, and are available in a variety of colors and sizes. You can also choose a die-cut shape to match the shape of your products or services. The most common shapes include round, rectangle, oval, and square. You can also order them in a unique design to match your brand or event.

Waterproof Custom Stickers

Waterproof custom stickers are a great way to promote your business, event, or brand. Theyre durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions, including heat, moisture, and even freezing temperatures. You can order them in any shape or size, and theyre available in a variety of materials. The best choice is waterproof vinyl, which will withstand long-term exposure to the elements. It is also a more affordable option than other sticker materials. The first step is to print your stickers on a water-resistant material. This will help protect your design from the damage caused by moisture, but it wont make the stickers completely waterproof. If you want...


Parliament Must Act Now to Free Julian Assange - an Open Letter to the Assange Parliamentary Support Group "IndyWatch Feed World"

I emailed the following to Independent Tasmanian MP Andrew Wilkie and to a number of other members of the Bring Julian Assange Parliamentary Support Group on the evening of Monday 12 June, the day before the 13 June resumption of the sitting of both the House of Representatives and the Senate. How you can help : Contact your local Member of Parliament, your state Senators or members of the and ask them to vote for my proposed motion, included below or, at least, to vote for the procedural motion to allow Standing Orders to be suspended so that motion can be put. Please let us know here on candobetter of your efforts, any responses or lack thereof.

Dear Andrew Wilkie,

This is further to my previous email of 9 May, which I include below as Appendix 2

I again write to you as the convenor of the (Assange Support Group).

As you are aware, UK Justice Jonathan Swift has rejected the grounds for Julian Assange's appeal against the 17 June 2022 ruling by previous UK Home Secretary Priti Patel, that he be extradited to the United States.

Should Swift's ruling stand, Julian Assange, who has broken no British law and, as, admitted by the US military, has never endangered the life of one US soldier through his Wikileaks news service, will be extradited to the United States to face a closed kangaroo court trial. Upon conviction, he will face 175 years imprisonment in conditions even worse than the 23 hours-per-day solitary confinement he has already endured at Belmarsh Prison for the last 4 years.

How this has not outraged Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the other members of his government is beyond me. Yet, as revealed through that Freedom of Information (FOI) request, the PM has made no approaches to President Joe Biden on behalf of Julian Assange in the first 6 months since he was inaugurated in May 2022. Since then, Albanese has claimed to be pursuing 'quiet diplomacy' for Julian Assange. Given Swift's recent ruling, which allows Assange to be extradited, it's clear that the PM's 'quiet diplomacy' has achieved nothing for Julian Assange.

In a functioning Parliamentary democracy, this illegal and despicable conduct by both the US and the UK towards Australia's most famous and most revered citizen, and the abject failure b...


The Imperial Mouse "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    Woke Disney   The new fairy godmother in Pinnochio. I thought maybe Stacy Abrams, but she was cast as president of the Earth on Star Trek. New Sleeping Person. Male? Female? One of the other 38 genders? You be the judge. Bullet Points: ** Spell check (audible) just changed egotistical to eagle testicle. []

The post The Imperial Mouse appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #555 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The opinions that are held with passion are always those for which no good ground exists; indeed the passion is the measure of the holders lack of rational conviction. Opinions in politics and religion are almost always held passionately.

The post Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #555 first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Can You See War? "IndyWatch Feed War"

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, June 12, 2023

The buzzing noise of a drone never ceases. A missile screaming into your house is hard to miss. Gun fire. The door kicked in. These are not subtle gestures. Yet Norman Solomons new book is called War Made Invisible. What?

Of course, the people whose government is the leading war maker and weapons dealer mostly have nothing to do with war. Most of them are not in the military. Most of them do not work for the weapons business. Most of them cannot name most of the wars currently happening. And most of them do not know that their nation is the leading weapons dealer, base builder, coup instigator, drone killer, and war wager.

The people of the United States do not directly experience the bombings, the destruction, the darkness of electricity gone, the hunger, the homelessness, the poisoned environment, the endless violence and bitterness. War looks a lot like a video game or a movie. And, in fact, most people see a lot more video games and movies than even sanitized news reports on wars.

Numerous wars are never reported on at all by U.S. corporate media. Congress Members learn of wars, sometimes, only when U.S. troops require funerals. But mercenaries reduce that problem. So do robots. So do proxies.

Of course, there is a war holiday every time you turn around, and sporting events begin with publicly-funded war celebrations before thanking U.S. troops for watching from 175 nations. The whole culture is militarized armed to the teeth, guarded and metal detectored, the language of militarism normalized, discarded veterans on the streets and in the prisons. Borders are war zones. But this is all viewed if thats even the word as normal and inevitable, not as any indication that there is any war underway. In U.S. culture the word war most often refers to something unrelated to war a war on Christmas, a war on privacy, a war on woke, etc.

Actual wars are waged without public debate, without Congressional debate, without Congressional authorization or awareness. Congress dumps over half of the money it appropriates each year into the war machine, but pays very little attention to what happens to it. In a video last week, a leading progressive Congress Member declared that he supported shipping weapons to Ukraine for a war, but that he did not know the meaning of Donbas...


Turkey: Istanbul animal welfare chief jailed for running cock-fighting ring "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey: Istanbul animal welfare chief jailed for running cock-fighting ring

Head of Istanbul Association for the Protection of Animals, the Environment and Nature imprisoned for three years despite claiming there was no mistreatment in his garage
Alex MacDonald Mon, 06/12/2023 - 09:56
Turkish police reportedly received a tip off about an illegal cock-fighting ring (AFP/file photo)
Turkish police reportedly received a tip off about an illegal cock-fighting ring (AFP/file photo)

The man appointed to oversee the welfare of animals in Istanbul has reportedly been imprisoned for overseeing a cock-fighting ring.

Turkish police received a tip-off about an illegal cock-fighting ring in a garage in Istanbul's Sancaktepe district, local media said.

After raiding it on 24 January, they found a ring made for roosters with seating around it. On the floor were animal hair, traces of blood and bottles of alcohol.

According to the Sabah newspaper, the owner of the garage was Ufuk Inanc, head of the Istanbul Association for the Protection of Animals, the Environment and Nature.

Inanc has denied that the garage was being used for cock-fighting and instead said it was used for the activities of his association.



Can You See War? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The buzzing noise of a drone never ceases. A missile screaming into your house is hard to miss. Gun fire. The door kicked in. These are not subtle gestures. Yet Norman Solomon's new book is called War Made Invisible. What?


#Census2021: Adding to the count, new census data "IndyWatch Feed"

Dr Paul Nolan is an independent researcher based in Belfast. He writes on conflict societies, social trends and demography.

The publication of the Census 21 data last year proved to be a watershed moment for Northern Ireland. It showed that on the centenary of the state, a state established to provide the security of built-in majority for unionists, the Catholic population had become larger than the Protestant population.

On 31 May NISRA released a new cache of data which shows how this dynamic between the two communities is likely to take shape in the future. There are of course other identities now in play, adding complexity and unpredictability to the mix, but the main outlines are plain to see.

The census data was collected on one particular day, 21 March 2021, and is therefore a snapshot in time, a frozen moment. To turn that snapshot into a moving picture we need to see how religious identities are distributed across the age cohorts; this allows us to see the patterns of growth and decline. The picture that emerges from the new data is a stark one.

While the overall total for those from a Protestant background is 43.5%, there is a tapering effect as we move down the age cohorts from the oldest to the youngest. Above the age of 65 the Protestant share is 59.2% while the Catholic share is 37.9% (not a huge advance on the 34% it comprised in the first ever Northern Ireland census in 1926).

At the other end of the age spectrum the ratios are transformed. In the 0-14 age cohort Catholics make up 48.7% of the population while Protestants make up just 32.5%. Where is the hinge point? Because the age cohorts are very broad we can only say with certainty that it occurs somewhere in the 40-64 bracket, but extrapolating from the 2011 figures and projecting forward it is likely that the break point is around the age of 48 or 50.

Above that age Protestants make up the larger population; below that age Catholics make up the larger population.

The momentum shown in these figures is broadly consistent with the annual Department of Education School Census which shows that in the 2022/23 intake Catholics make up 50% of the pupil population while Protestants and Others make up the remaining 50%.

Differences in the way in which NISRA and the Department of Education tally up the Other Christian category make it difficult to make exact comparisons (NISRA gives discrete figures for this category but brackets them with Protestants, while the School Census blends them with Others).

The general picture however is clear: over the past decade the Catholic school pupil numbers have consistently hovered around 50% very close in fact to t......


What Are The 5 Elements Buy Guest post Links for UK Sites? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Loganix is a high-quality guest post service that provides links that are relevant to your websites focal field. Their process includes careful quality control to ensure that they only place links on websites that are deemed by Google to be valuable.

Their ordering page allows you to choose the domain rating authority of the websites on which you want your links placed. You can also select the word count and guaranteed organic traffic that you want.

Buy Guest Post Links For UK Sites

A Buy guest post links for UK sites is a great way to increase the search engine rankings of your website and drive more traffic. These services do manual outreach to high-quality websites, secure a guest posting spot, and come up with unique content that includes your links. Then, they add this content on the website with a link back to your site. These links are known as in-content links and are very effective at driving traffic to your site.

RS Digital Marketing offers a hassle-free way to get high-quality, natural, white-hat in-content links to your website. The companys team performs manual outreach to quality publishers and can provide a list of potential opportunities. Once youve approved the list, the company will create unique articles with your links. Once the article is published, youll see a rise in your search engine ranking.

Another service thats worth checking out is Page One Power. This provider isnt as expensive as some of the others on this list, but they have a lot of experience with SEO and produce excellent content. Their customer service is top-notch, and theyll work with you to make sure that your content meets your goals.

To place an order, visit the Loganix website and click Get Started. Youll need to fill out a short form to create an account. Once youve done this, you can select the number of links you want to purchase and select a domain rating authority. After selecting the options, double-check your order and submit your payment information. Then, youll receive a confirmation email and the company will begin working on your links immediately. The process is simple and fast, and you can easily track your progress through a dashboard. The results will be visible in a few weeks or less, depending on the package you choose.

Manufacture Of Buy Guest Post Links for UK Sites

A buy guest post link is a type of backlink that is created on websites relevant to your niche. These links can help you improve your search engine rankings and i...


Netflix subscriber numbers soar following password sharing crackdown: report "IndyWatch Feed World"

New data from the analytics firm Antenna indicates that many people who were hitching a free ride love Netflix enough to pay for it.

One of the biggest tech stories last month was Netflixs implementation of its password sharing crackdown in the United States, which essentially stopped subscribers from being able to share access to their accounts with those outside of their households. The crackdown made headlines for days as many subscribers said it would be the death of Netflix. Yet, quite to the contrary, Netflix subscriber numbers appear to have soared in the days following the password sharing crackdown.

Read Full Story


What Are The Main Factors Of Super Benchtops "IndyWatch Feed War"

Concrete benchtops can be sculpted into unique shapes to suit your design and are durable enough to withstand the wear and tear of busy commercial kitchens. However, they are heavy and brittle and require a strong foundation to prevent damage. Stainless Steel is highly heat resistant and maintains more heat than other materials. Its also virtually non-porous so stains like mildew, mould and food debris are less likely to occur.

Super Benchtops

Stainless steel Super Benchtops are the staple of commercial kitchens but have started to find their way into domestic ones too. They are heat-resistant and hygienic. A light wash with mild soap and a soft brush can remove stains and dirt leaving them looking pristine. Reconstituted tabletop material is beautiful amalgamation of natural components like quartz granules, granite or marble cast into a polymer resin base. They are virtually non-porous and resistant to mould, mildew and oil spills.

Super White Benchtop

Dolomite benchtops are a popular choice for designers and homeowners who want to add a sophisticated look to their kitchen. The material is durable and comes in a variety of shades. Its silvery and white tones add depth and beauty to any practical space. It is also more heat resistant than marble, making it perfect for a benchtop. However, like all natural materials, its important to treat your dolomite kitchen benchtops with care. Clean them regularly, wipe spillages as soon as possible and dont place hot pots and pans directly on the surface.

Bamboo benchtops are a sustainable and environmentally friendly option for kitchens. Made from strips of Moso bamboo and laminated together, they are strong and versatile. Bamboo is non-porous and therefore hygienic, and its neutral wooden colour matches most kitchen colour schemes. Moreover, it is much cheaper than most hardwood options. Engineered stone benchtops are another great option for modern kitchens. They come in a variety of colours and patterns, are extremely durable and affordable. You can even find quartz benchtops that are less expensive than marble, making them a more cost-effective choice for many people.

Super White Dolomite Sydney

Super White Dolomite Sydney is a natural stone that offers the same sophisticated marble look but with added durability. This makes it a popular choice for kitchens, bathrooms and even entryways. Its white colouring is infused with wisps of grey veining to create an elegant statement that complements both light and dark elements seamlessly. This striking bold marble looks incredible when paired with modern fixtures and fittings to create an impressive contemporary look in any home.

Like all natural ston...


Novak Djokovic: Always More than Tennis "IndyWatch Feed War"

The victory of Novak Djokovic in the latest French Open had the usual mixed reception in Australia. While Australians pretend to like radicals, larrikins and the occasional deviant, the contrary is true. Tight buttoned, properly behaved and conformist to the point of invisibility, the boringly predictable are always preferred. You can rely on them.

Even in Melbourne, a town where his following is strong (he has won 10 Australian Opens), the call back circuit on the local ABC radio station qualified, ignored, even denigrated the Serbs latest achievement. At best, 23 grand slams, making him the most accomplished player in the open era, had to be seen alongside other caveats. He did not, one caller churlishly insisted, do the grand slam in one year, twice! Another, showing the sort of maturity demanded in some spectators, insisted that a French Open without Rafael Nadal was not a tournament worth seeing. Even the radio host joined in, regretting that it had to be Novak getting his nose in front.

Of the big three who have dominated tennis for almost two decades Roger Federer, Nadal and Djokovic the Serbian has tended to be seen as one playing catch-up, his talent formidable, colossal, yet limping behind the anointed ones. But the views of him as a player have rarely remained technical or specific to his craft. There is always something else about him that irritates and enrages, necessitating his diminishing. He does not play the role of what might be termed the nice person.

Cathal Kelly, writing for The Globe and Mail, wistfully recalls that other villain of tennis: the young Andre Agassi. Young Andre Agassi was insufferable. He was so easily detestable that Esquire magazine named its yearly razzy sports awards after him. But the insufferable became palatable: Agassi lost the wig, became a nice person. It was a real disappointment. He also found himself a wife of unquestioned goodness: another stellar tennis performer, Steffi Graf.

Djokovic, however, presents so...


New digital tool maps blue carbon ecosystems in high resolution "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

When Hurricane Dorian blazed its trail of destruction through the Bahamas in 2019, it ravaged the countrys mangroves. Almost overnight, coastal communities were deprived of a natural barrier that protected them from high tides and storm surges. Since then, several nonprofits and local organizations have taken up restoration projects to revive mangroves in the island nation. But given the scale of destruction, where do you begin? How do you determine which areas to prioritize? Florida-based nonprofit Perry Institute for Marine Sciences used a recently developed online tool to answer these questions. The Blue Carbon Explorer mapped out mangroves in the Bahamas, including a color-coded depiction of how their health had changed over time: red for mangrove loss, black for no change and green for mangrove growth. With the help of this data, the Perry team was able to pinpoint areas where mangroves had degraded and were not likely to recover naturally and used this information to prioritize sites for restoration. The team is currently working with local groups to try out a suite of methods to restore mangroves in the worst-affected areas, including direct planting, letting waves disperse propagules naturally and dropping propagules from drones in hard-to-reach areas. The data in the tool found degraded mangroves that are more isolated from the healthier ones, Valerie Pietsch McNulty, conservation scientist at the nonprofit Nature Conservancy, told Mongabay in a video interview. Those areas are less likely to recover naturally because they arent close to a seed source. The Blue CarbonThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Oborevwori  Mourns Death Of Bayelsa Queens FC Fans In Auto-Crash In Kwale "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 12TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Delta State Governor, Chief Sheriff Oborevwori has condoles his counterpart in Bayelsa state, Governor Douye Diri over death of supporters of Bayelsa Queens Football Club in auto-crash in Kwale in Ndokwa West Local Government Area of Delta State.

Report has it that no fewer than four members of the supporters of Bayelsa Queens Football Club were  confirmed dead while scores were injured  following  a fatal road accident.

Festus Ahon, Chief Press Secretary to the Delta State Governor Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori confirmed the accident in a statement made available to newsmen on Sunday evening in Asaba.

Festus, who said the governor condoled with the families of the deceased, the Government and people of Bayelsa on the unfortunate incident, prayed for quick healing and recovery of the injured.

According to him, a few hours ago, I was informed of the unfortunate accident involving members of the Bayelsa State supporters club on their way to Asaba for the 2022/2023 Nigeria Women Football League (NWFL) Final taking place at the Stephen Keshi Stadium, Asaba.

The Women FA Championship Final is scheduled to take place at the Stephen Keshi Stadium, Asaba and the Bayelsa supporters team were on transit to Asaba when a bus in the entourage was involved in a fatal crash after Kwale, leading to the death of 4 members of the supporters club with 7 others sustaining injuries.

It is with a deep sense of sorrow that I commiserate with the families of those that lost their lives in the fatal motor accident of Sunday, June 11, 2023, along Kwale Asaba Road.

Indeed, their deaths have caused a dark cloud and great sorrow for their families and Bayelsa State.

On behalf of the Government and people of Delta, I extend my heartfelt condolences to my brother Governor, Senator Douye Diri, the bereaved families and people of Bayelsa State on this sad incident.

Their untimely deaths have undoubtedly caused great pain and sorrow to their families. I pray for quick healing to the injured and that such tragedy will never occur again.

May God grant the families and loved ones the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss and may the souls of the departed rest in peace, Oborevwori prayed.

He said that the unfortunate incident was regrettable and ha...


GCC foreign ministers urge international action to stop Israels settlement construction plans "IndyWatch Feed War"

Monday, 12 June 2023 1:03 AM  [ Last Update: Monday, 12 June 2023 2:36 AM ] Foreign ministers of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have strongly condemned Israels plans to build new settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, urging international action to stop such plans. The foreign ministers voiced the condemnation during the bodys 156th ministerial meeting in the Saudi Arabias capital city []


Cureganics Customer Reviews: Real Feedback from Consumers "IndyWatch Feed World"

In just a few short years, CBD products have proliferated all over the place and can now be purchased in the form of oral oils, edibles like gummies, candies, foods, pills, or beverages, topically applied ointments, creams, or lotions applied to the skin, and inhaled via vaping or smoking. A devoted client base that is very pleased with Cureganics goods has been developed. The firm makes some of the best CBD products due to its transparency, quality, and price. These satisfied consumers willingness to provide positive reviews of Cureganics goods on many platforms testifies to the brands success and customer service.

Is CBD Considered A Drug?


THC, CBDs cousin, does not cause the high associated with marijuana. Due of its association with cannabis, CBDs legal status and narcotic status are unclear. The 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp-derived CBD in the US. Hemp-derived CBD products are no longer Schedule I pharmaceuticals. CBD from cannabis plants with more than 0.3% THC is still illegal and classified as a Schedule I drug by the federal government. CBD products should be used cautiously, even though THC is a narcotic. Some CBD products include harmful contaminants. CBDs drug interactions may also cause harm. CBD is typically harmless, although it might cause fatigue, diarrhea, and appetite changes. CBD, like any supplement or medication, should be checked by a doctor before use.

How Does CBD Impact Brain Function?


CBD affects the brain through the ECS. The ECS controls pain, mood, and appetite via a complex network of receptors and chemicals. CBD interacts with ECS receptors CB1 and CB2, which may affect the brain and body. CBD reduces anxiety. CBD may reduce cortisol, a stress hormone associated with anxiety and tension. CBD may increase brain levels of serotonin and anandamide, which promote relaxation and well-being. CBD may be neur...


Talk World Radio: Norman Solomon on War Made Invisible "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Talk World Radio, June 12, 2023


Talk World Radio is recorded on Zoom.

Here is this weeks video and all the videos on Youtube.


This week on Talk World Radio were talking with Norman Solomon about his brand new book War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of its Military Machine. Norman is cofounder of and executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy.

Total run time: 29:00
Host: David Swanson.
Producer: David Swanson.
Music: Brush Strokes by texasradiofish (c) copyright 2022 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: billraydrums

Download from...


6 Ways to Protect Your Vehicle from Road Damage "IndyWatch Feed World"

Bad road surfaces have the potential to do as much damage to a vehicle as any crash. They are also something you are more likely to experience, as crashes can generally be avoided by driving carefully.

Road damage most often refers to potholes and they are a major problem in modern America. Many states, including Rhode Island, Colorado, Illinois and Connecticut have upwards of 70% of road surfaces that are riddled with potholes.

The unevenness they create is what causes the damage and it can be a nightmare for drivers. However, you may not be able to fix the nations infrastructure, but you can take steps to protect your vehicle.

1. Keep the Tires Well Inflated


Tires are the most crucial part of the vehicle because they are the part that comes into contact with road surfaces. Tires that are inflated to the correct degree will be less impacted by potholes than ones that have too little pressure.

The latter are liable to suffer a blowout or a puncture if they hit a pothole. An all terrain Ridge Grappler tire will also provide greater protection against cracked or potholed roads because it is specifically designed to cope with all surfaces and is made of tougher rubber.

2. Ease off the Pace

It is never great to go over a pothole in your car, but doing so at higher speeds will cause a lot more damage. If you are aware that the road you are using is in poor condition, or spy potholes ahead while driving, slow down and maintain a steady pace until you reach a smoother surface.

Also, be aware that puddles of rain can conceal road damage!

3. Grip the Steering Wheel



Mobile Policeman Who Assaulted NYSC Female Doctor In Delta Hospital Under Arrest "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 12TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The policeman who allegedly assaulted a female doctor at Ogwashi Uku general hospital in Aniocha South Council Area of Delta State has been arrested.

The policeman (name withheld) was nabbed last week Thursday and according to the State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Bright Edafe, the suspect is expected to appear in an orderly room trial.

The state Commissioner of Police, Wale Abass had earlier assured medical doctors at the hospital that the policeman who was an escort to some VIPs from outside the state that attended a burial ceremony in Ogwashi-Uku would be brought to book.

His action is inexcusable and unpardonable, and as such, he will surely be identified and dealt with accordingly, the police boss had earlier said in a statement.

Meanwhile, doctors at the hospital have resumed work after one week of protest over the assault on the female doctor under her one year mandatory National Youth Service.

NIGERIAN TRIBUNE reported that the crisis ensued on June 1, when some policemen who escorted VIPs to a burial ceremony in Ogwashi Uku town rushed some persons to the hospital following injuries they sustained during fracas that ensued at the funeral.

One of the policemen who allegedly became hostile at the emergency ward was said to have moved towards the doctor while sitting and gave her a severe blow, kicked and dragged her to the ground until some staff came to her rescue.

Other doctors in sympathy with their colleague decided to down tools until the policeman is brought to book by the relevant authorities, it was gathered.

The Permanent Secretary in the state health management board, Dr Paul Okunbor who earlier condemned the attack on the doctor had visited the hospital to have an interface with the medical team.




Why Does The Left Insist LGBT Activism Means Exposure To Kids? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

gay pride paradeThe Biden administration actually argued that removing books containing 'graphic details of sexual acts' creates a hostile environment for LGBT kids.


SOMALIA: WHO employee killed in terrorist attack on hotel in Mogadishu "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Sunday that one of its employees was among those killed in an attack last week on a popular beachside hotel in Somalias capital by members of the al-Shabaab terrorist group.

The siege on June 9 left six people dead and another 10 wounded, said police.

Im heartbroken that we have lost a @WHO staff member in the recent attack in #Mogadishu, #Somalia. My heartfelt condolences to their families and to everyone who lost a loved one, the UN agencys director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said on Twitter.

He said the WHO condemns any attacks on civilians and humanitarian workers.

The six people killed in the attack on the Pearl Beach Hotel and Restaurant in Mogadishu included members of the Somali security forces and civilians, according to a Somali police statement issued after security forces ended the hours-long siege.

The Al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Shabaab terrorist group claimed responsibility.

According to a recent report by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, humanitarian access in Somalia posed significant challenges in the first quarter of 2023.

It said from January to March, humanitarian partners reported a total of 112 access incidents across the country, and at least 12 of these incidents, or 11%, involved violence against humanitarian workers.

Two humanitarian workers died during the period while carrying out their duties in Somalia, according to the UN.

The post SOMALIA: WHO employee killed in terrorist attack on hotel in Mogadishu appeared first on Horseed Media.


The 1974 CIA Coup in the United States "IndyWatch Feed War"

Tales of the American Empire | June 8, 2023

American corporate propaganda and schools teach that Richard Nixon was a corrupt, horrible President. This is because he was popular with the American people and took actions to benefit them, at the expense of the Deep State. During his five years in the White House Americans saw a reduction of involvement in the Vietnam War, dtente with the Soviet Union, deep cuts in military spending and the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Safety and Health Administration. In 1969, Nixon upset the Pentagon by ordering bio-weapon labs closed and all stockpiles destroyed. Nixon ended American involvement in Vietnam combat in 1973 and the military draft that same year. His visit to China in 1972 eventually led to diplomatic relations.

Nixon engaged in intense negotiations with Soviet premier Leonid Brezhnev that led to agreements for increased trade and two landmark arms control treaties: SALT I, the first comprehensive limitation pact signed by the two superpowers, and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which ended the nuclear arms race. Nixon and Brezhnev proclaimed a new era of peaceful coexistence and reduced military spending. Nixon worked with Congress to slash military spending 25%!

There was massive opposition to these efforts from corporate America and the Pentagon. Nixon rose to power as a loyal member of the Deep State, but went rogue once he reached the top. He told friends that he didnt trust the CIA, thought their intelligence was poor, and that the CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination. Nixon was a Quaker from a modest background who served in the Navy during World War II. He had served in the US House of Representatives, the US Senate, and eight years as Vice President. He knew how Washington worked! Nixon got things done so was popular with the American people and would easily win reelection in 1972, giving him more four years to dismantle the Deep State. As a result, Nixon was ousted in a 1974 CIA coup.


Fords Editing Backed Single Bullet Theory; George Lardner Jr; The Washington Post; July 3, 1997;...


You Dont Have To Be A Tradwife To Fight In The Culture War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

book cover of domestic extremistBut it does require becoming a radical, unapologetic anti-feminist.


Seeking environmental DNA in Himalayan rivers: Q&A with Adarsh Man Sherchan "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

KATHMANDU With the start of the monsoon season in Nepal in mid-June, rivers originating from the mountains and the hills of the country become swollen and reach the peak of their flow. This is also the time when the countrys more than 120 hydropower plants start generating power up to their maximum capacity, allowing Nepal, a country once gripped by an acute power shortage, to even export electricity to neighboring India. But the capture and release of water for electricity generation impacts aquatic life such as fish and macroinvertebrates. And until recently, Nepal didnt have the capacity and the technology to assess the aquatic biodiversity in a river before hydropower plants were planned and built. This is slowly changing with the availability of environmental DNA, or eDNA, and a growing cohort of experts trained to carry out aquatic biodiversity assessments in the country. One of them is conservation geneticist Adarsh Man Sherchan, who for more than a decade has worked on biodiversity assessments in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Conservation geneticist Adarsh Man Sherchan has worked on biodiversity assessments in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems for more than a decade. Image courtesy of Adarsh Man Sherchan. Mongabays Abhaya Raj Joshi spoke with him recently about the challenges of using eDNA for aquatic biodiversity assessments in Nepal. The following interview was conducted in Nepali and has been translated and edited for clarity. Mongabay: Could you please briefly tell us about yourself and how you got into conservation genetics? Adarsh ManThis article was originally published on Mongabay


What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of E liquid Box "IndyWatch Feed War"

Vape box mods are high-tech devices that feature advanced features. They are usually not for newcomers to vaping because they require a steep learning curve and are more complex than other devices. However, they are very effective in providing great flavor and cloud production. These devices are designed for mouth-to-lung vaping, also known as MTL vaping. They are also capable of sub-ohm vaping, which allows for larger clouds.

E liquid Box

E liquid Boxes Wholesale are used to store and sell e-liquids in retail stores. They are designed to protect the products from damages and help customers find them easily on shelves. They also communicate a brands values and provide a distinct look that distinguishes the product from other offerings in the market. They are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. A custom e-liquid box is an excellent way to increase sales and customer satisfaction. E-liquid boxes are made of high-quality cardboard material that is sturdy enough to hold the bottles. They are dust resistant and can protect the bottles from external pressure. They also shield the bottles from scratches and other environmental hazards. They can be decorated with windows and inserts. They are also a great choice for gifting and shipping.

These boxes are easy to assemble and come in a variety of styles. They can be printed with your business logo or any other text. You can also add hang tabs to make them easier for end users to use. They can also be personalized to give a unique look to your product. The boxes are also ideal for a gift basket. Custom E liquid boxes can be used to pack different sized bottles of the product, as well as to protect the bottle from light. Some even have a window to allow the user to see inside the bottle. These boxes are perfect for people who love to vape, but who do not want to spend a lot of money on an expensive device.

The box can be decorated with a wide range of colors and designs. Its surface can be laminated to protect the surface from stains and moisture. It can also be tinted to prevent light damage, especially in the refrigerator. If you want a more sophisticated box, you can choose a glossy or matte finish.

E-Liquid Box Packaging

Custom E liquid boxes are a great way to promote your brand and attract new customers. Research shows that attractive packaging stimulates the reward-seeking parts of the brain, encouraging impulse purchasing. This can be a crucial factor in deciding whether a customer chooses your product over a competitors. In addition, high-quality boxes keep your products safe from damage durin...


Putting power in the right hands "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Putting power in the right hands

brendan 12th June 2023
Teaser Media


Delta: Gunmen Allegedly Abduct Three People In Ughelli Suburb "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

<p><a href= "" rel="attachment wp-att-44922"><img alt="DELTA CP WALE ABASS 2" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-44922" height="616" src= "" width="493"></a></p> <p><strong>LAGOS JUNE 12TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Suspected gunmen Saturday night at Ekredjebor community of Ughelli North Local Government Area kidnapped an unnamed Businessman after several gunshots.</strong></p> <p><strong>This is coming just as two others were allegedly kidnapped at Amekpa and Bris & Bina area of Ughelli metropolis.

An eyewitness account narrated that the victim was taken away in a Lexus Utility vehicle through the Ekredjebor/Saniko axis by the abductors after sporadic gunshots.

That the unnumbered suspected kidnappers left the victims Toyota Corolla car behind after intercepting him with their vehicles.</p> <p>Vice President General of Ekredjebor Community, Comrade Igho Ogedegbe who confirmed the attack said that efforts to get security operatives during the incident wasnt productive.</p> <p>According to him, I was in my house when I heard the gunshots. I rushed out and discovered that a man was kidnapped near Atmosphere School leaving his car.</p> <p>We searched the car and found a drivers license with address at Egbo Close suspected to be of the victim.</p> <p>We called police but none came. Sunday morning police from Ofuoma Division came to tow the car away.</p> <p>As I speak we dont know anything about the victim, they took him through Saniko axis. We pray that hes safe. He stated.</p> <p>Although our Correspondent was able to confirm the Ekredjebor incident, a popular facebook user Ughelli Aproko Gist stated that there were three kidnap cases.</p> <p>A post on his Facebook account read, OKAMOKA! Dem kidnap Asore Frank yesterday night for around second Amekpa, same yesterday night other two kidnappings take place for Ekrejebor around Powo church and around Bris and Bina for Ughelli.</p> <p>As at the time of filing this report, Delta State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Bright Edafe was yet to respond to enquiries about the incident.</p> <p>Vanguard</p> <div class= "simplesocialbuttons simplesocial-simple-round simplesocialbuttons_inline simplesocialbuttons-align-left post-44921 post simplesocialbuttons-inline-no-animation"> ...</div>


HBOs Barry Explores Guilt And Redemption In Series Finale "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

BarryThat a blood-drenched comedy about a hitman, spawned by alumni of 'Seinfeld' and 'SNL' would even hint at the possibility of


NYT outlines what Ukrainian counteroffensive 'success' means in the West "IndyWatch Feed World"

US and EU officials concede that Kiev reclaiming all territories lost to Russia is "highly unlikely," the paper claims. The West would consider Ukraine's counteroffensive a success if Kiev were to retake key areas lost to Moscow or deliver a "debilitating" blow to Russian forces, the New York Times has reported, citing US and EU officials. "Much rides on the outcome" of the counteroffensive as it will likely impact further Western military support for Ukraine and future discussions on security guarantees for the country, the US paper said in an article on Saturday. Publicly, US and EU officials claim it's up to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to decide what to define as a success in the long-awaited operation, the NYT noted.


Ottawa: Antifascist Coalition Blocks and Kettles Anti-LGBTQ+ Bigots "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Report on recent antifascist mobilization against the far-Right. Originally posted by Antifascism in Ottawa.

Today Billboard Chris, the fascist youth organization Save Canada, Derek Sloan and a conglomerate of reactionary media personalities arrived to attempt to march up and down Broadview Avenue. They were confronted by a diverse coalition of antifascists.

The antifascists today not only managed to break police lines but also kettled the fascists for 2+ hours, effectively denying them the space and ability to demonstrate. The police arrested 3 antifascists and released them without charges. 1 youth who ripped and stomped a pride flag was also arrested, its unclear if they received any charges at this time however. Antifascists attempting to film detainments that occurred were assaulted by police.

Despite the arrests and many altercations that took place throughout the day the antifascists lines remained strong and cool under pressure while also being flexible enough to respond effectively to multiple problems at once. It was a good display and effectively cut off the fascists from achieving their objective. Surrounding fascists and throwing them out of the street works.

Many fascists cried today to the police that they were not doing enough to protect the kids despite the police arresting more of us than of them. The police are not neutral and are not our friends. We keep us safe. The police lost control of the situation within minutes today. Community and multifaceted organizing allowed for an effective counter demonstration.

Those who ran logistics, those who made signs, posters and lent their support to family and friends are just as important as those at the front of the demo. All of those who made it possible, thank you.

A better world is possible, all power to the people.


From Net Zero to Glyphosate: Agritechs Greenwashed Corporate Power Grab "IndyWatch Feed War"

Colin Todhunter Today, in the mainstream narrative, there is much talk of a food transition. Big agribusiness and philanthropic foundations position themselves as the saviours of humanity due to their much- promoted plans to feed the world with precision farming, data-driven agriculture and sustainable production. These are the very institutions responsible for the social, ecological


Heres What To Know About Ukraines Mounting Counteroffensive "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

tanks with Ukrainian flagTaking land wont be the object of the counterattack per se, but rather destroying the Russian army in Ukraine.

World Economic Forum Report Highlights Retirement Trends as Life Expectancy Increases "IndyWatch Feed World"

We already know a little from the animal kingdom and some from our own experience.

We know that all critters live in their prime until they hit failure mode and then collapse is quick.  It is an age switch.  for us, we clearly slow after 50 and see age related changes through the age of 100.  Outliers have made it to 120 or more but this is super rare.  Yet the animal kingdom gives us types that roll along for centuries. 

what this does mean is that we want to live active social lives right through and never physcally push our good fortune as age takes effect.  We also need to consume maintenance nutrients to keep ourself in best health.  vitimin C&D in particular.

All things been equal, a healthy person is clearly active until 80 so long as he avoided excess physical stress when younger.  There is such a thing a recoverable stress and not so much.  Far too many proto Tarzans have simply dropped dead from an enlarged heart, whatever that is.

World Economic Forum Report Highlights Retirement Trends as Life Expectancy Increases

08 Jun 2023


Cells, Not DNA, Are The Master Architects Of Life "IndyWatch Feed World"

We have already been thinking along these lines mostly by recognizing that we actually have a remarkably finite number of actual organs involved in our make up and that these organs all go back through our evolution from single cell biota.  Every critter has a liver and most have toenails even.

So all that apparent variation is only modifications however willed of the same thing.  None of all this needs to be overly informed by the cells contents which all look the same.  once again, we are all tens of millions of actually moving parts flying in formation.

It is clear that every cell knows its role and lives it role and is replaced bu baby cells called stem cells which obviously adopt the needed pattern from another aged cell and grows to replace it ona sort of #D conveyor belt.

We need to start watching all this..

Cells, Not DNA, Are The Master Architects Of Life

Far from being a blueprint for an organism, genes are mere tools used by lifes true expert builders: cells.

MAY 30, 2023

Alfonso Martinez Arias is ICREA Research Professor in the department of systems bioengineering of the Universitat Pompeu Fab...

Pfizers Secret Report on the COVID Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. "IndyWatch Feed World"

This is the criminal case laid out.  what has been happening is that all the pertinernt science has been catching up to the natural implications of what are the Meta Stats.

The total global court system is now fully engaged and all running dogs who participated are facing a legal reality which is unwinnable.  It may not be the reality of Nuremburg but just like those thousands of individual prison guards, it is still justice in slo mo.

Many of the petrps have already been taken but most have not and a public exposure is almost mandated.  TRUST YOUR GOVERNMENT will become a curse.

Pfizers Secret Report on the COVID Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The Evidence Is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should be Immediately Withdrawn Worldwide

Global Research, June 05, 2023

First published on May 17, 2022

Technology Is Meaningless without Entrepreneurship "IndyWatch Feed World"

The hidden problem is that the State actually restricts access to capital and much worse, they think they are doing something useful.  The reality is that a dynamic free for all puts a population of entreprenteurs into the market space and natural failure then sorts them all out.

It is a casino of sorts but all essentially at the ground floor where the losses are real and still minimal.

We applied this to the mining industry in canada and discovered the implied train wreck threw up working mines whose individual value in capital and jobs were all running past the billions, any one of which paid for the works.  Governmet contribution at best was to say no.  That is why few new mines get launched in the USA or most places.

Technology Is Meaningless without Entrepreneurship

06/07/2023Lipton Matthews

Technocrats frequently pressure the US government to increase R and D as a strategy to upstage China. The assumption is that public R and D will lead to innovation and economic growth because research generates the science that spurs innovation. Yet the formula is mistaken, for history has shown that science often lags technology. Innovations prior to the advent of modern science in Europe occurred without crucial advancements in scientific knowledge.

But this does not discount the relevance of science since, according to economic historian Joel Mokyr, the industrial revolution in Europe did not phase out like earlier episodes of industrial progress because Europe had developed...

A summer reading list for the modern leader "IndyWatch Feed World"

Succession, shipwrecks, and a romantic comedy top my list of leisure reads

Hello and welcome to Modern CEO! Im Stephanie Mehta, CEO and chief content officer of Mansueto Ventures. Each week this newsletter explores inclusive approaches to leadership drawn from conversations with executives and entrepreneurs, and from the pages of Inc. and Fast Company. Sign up to get it yourself every Monday morning.

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Godson Brume Secures Automatic Ticket To 2023 World Athletic Championship In Budapest "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS JUNE 12TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The star athlete, who won the Victor Ludorum prize at the maiden edition of the Government College Ughelli (GCU) Relays, Godson Brume, has secured an automatic ticket to the 2023 World Athletics Championship in Budapest.

Brume blasted home a sub 10.00secs in the dash trials in Austin, Texas, to confirm an automatic spot alongside compatriot, Favour Ashe.

Since the inaugural edition over five years ago, the GCU Relays, held annually at the School Tartan Tracks, built and donated by NNPC/SHELL Petroleum Development Company and an initiative of the Old Boys Association, Worldwide, has grown in leaps and bounds.

Brume, before proceeding to the United States, on Scholarship, some years ago, had upon obliterating the GCU Tracks, graduated speedily from the National Junior Athletics Team to the Senior Squad with measurable successes.

The GCU Relays has been hugely supported by prominent Old Boys and Organisations with School Sports development as core values. The GAMSU (Gamaliel and Susan Onosode) Foundation has been a Pillar of support.

The annual GCU Relays is the brainchild of the GCUOBA Worldwide and strategically targeted at reviving the old intercollegiate rivalry amongst legacy schools, Pan Nigeria.



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