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Saturday, 27 May


Schlechte Nachrichten!Erneuter Terroranschlag der Letzten ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Schlechte Nachrichten!

Erneuter Terroranschlag der Letzten Generation: 34 Leicht- und 5 Schwerversptete
Ein klarer Fall fr den Staatsschutz, wenn ihr mich fragt.

Old and busted: Geld stinkt nicht.New hotness: Gold ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Old and busted: Geld stinkt nicht.

New hotness: Gold stinkt nicht, sagen sich die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und kaufen den Russen tonnenweise Gold ab.

Die Python Software Foundation hat mehrere Subpoenas ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die Python Software Foundation hat mehrere Subpoenas fr PyPI erhalten, das ist sowas wie eine Beschlagnahme. "Rckt sofort folgendes raus" der Staatsanwaltschaft. Unter anderem wollten die US-Behrden:

"IP download logs of any Python Package Index (PyPI) packages uploaded by" given usernames

berneulich so: Komplexittsverstrker Docker und ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

berneulich so: Komplexittsverstrker Docker und Kubernetes.

Heute so: Redhat bietet Kubernetes-Konfiguration als Clouddienst an. Ja geil! Da hat man ja MASSIV was gewonnen mit!

Aber die Frage, wieso man eigentlich auf eine Plattform migriert, bei der man nicht mal die Konfiguration ohne Assistenz im Griff hat, die stellt mal wieder keiner.

Wir sind auf dem direkten Weg in die Cyberpunk/Shadowrun-Welt. Alles ist kaputt, alles ist hackbar, keiner hat irgendwas im Griff. Nur Black ICE fehlt noch: Detektions-Tech, die den angeblich identifizierten Hacker physisch angreift. Aber der eine Teil daran, den Shadowrun und co nicht durchdacht haben: Wenn die Menschen so wenig in der Lage sind, ordentliche Software zu schreiben, dann wrde die Einfhrung von Black ICE erstmal den eigenen Admins das Hirn frittieren. Denn soviel ist heute schon beobachtbar: Der typische Angreifer wei deutlich mehr ber das die Details des Systems als der typische Admin.

Was ich ja bei der Idee mit dem Konfigurations-Clouddienst auch krass finde: Wer wrde denn in so einem Szenario merken, wenn die NSA ihm eine Konfiguration mit Hintertr in die Hand drckt?

Von Herrman Gring sind folgende Ausfhrungen berliefert:"Natrlich, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Von Herrman Gring sind folgende Ausfhrungen berliefert:

"Natrlich, das einfache Volk will keinen Krieg; weder in Ruland, noch in England, noch in Amerika, und ebenso wenig in Deutschland. Das ist klar. Aber schlielich sind es die Fhrer eines Landes, die die Politik bestimmen, und es ist immer leicht, das Volk zum Mitmachen zu bringen, ob es sich nun um eine Demokratie, eine faschistische Diktatur, um ein Parlament oder eine kommunistische Diktatur handelt. [] [D]as Volk kann mit oder ohne Stimmrecht immer dazu gebracht werden, den Befehlen der Fhrer zu folgen. Das ist ganz einfach. Man braucht nichts zu tun, als dem Volk zu sagen, es wrde angegriffen, und den Pazifisten ihren Mangel an Patriotismus vorzuwerfen und zu behaupten, sie brchten das Land in Gefahr. Diese Methode funktioniert in jedem Land." - Interview in seiner Nrnberger Gefngniszelle mit dem Psychologen Gustave Mark Gilbert, 18. April 1946, in Gustave Mark Gilbert: Nrnberger Tagebuch, Aus dem Amerikanischen bertragen von Margaret Carroux, Karin Krauskopf und Lis Leonard, Fischer Bcherei, Frankfurt am Main 1962
Das ist einer der Grnde, wieso Deutschland seit dem Krieg eher unpatriotisch eingestellt ist, und nur zu Fuball-WMs in erwhnenswertem Ausma die Landesflaggen rausgeholt werden.

Entsprechend gibt es hier ein fr auslndische Beobachter unverstndliches Grund-Misstrauen gegen jeden Heini, der patriotische Rituale zelebriert. Zu Recht, wenn ihr mich fragt.

Ich musste daran denken, als ich diese Schlagzeile hier sah:

Union will mehr Nationalhymne-Singen und mehr Deutschlandfahnen
Und wer das nicht will, wer uns nicht beim Bekmpfen der "Schwachstelle der Wiedervereinigung" (Formulierung: CDU) helfen will, der ist unpatriotisch und bringt das Land in Gefahr!1!!

Wer greift uns denn an, fragt ihr? Achtet mal auf Grings Formulierung. Es kommt nicht darauf an, wer angreift. Es muss sogar niemand wirklich angreifen. Es reicht, wenn man so tut, als gbe es einen Angriff. Und das macht die CDU ja die ganze Zeit. Die Linken, die Grnen, die ko-Faschisten, George Soros und seine Neue Weltordnung, Bill Gates. Egal. Migranten!!1!

Ein Leser hat zur Kernfusion dieses schne Video von ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ein Leser hat zur Kernfusion dieses schne Video von Prof. Zohm empfohlen, der ebenfalls am Max-Planck-Institut fr Plasmaphysik arbeitet, aber in der Zweigstelle in Garching bei Mnchen. Der erklrt schn die Grundlagen, hat Fotos von Plasmen, und erklrt am Ende, wieso ITER so lange braucht.


Texas Coffee Shop Known For Family Friendly Drag Events, Handing Out Plan B Like Candy Closes Doors After Backlash "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Tumbleweed and Sage Coffeehouse in Wolfforth, TXThe overwhelmingly conservative West Texas community did not take kindly to the coffeehouse misrepresenting the values of its citizens.


Hackaday Podcast 220: Transparent Ice, Fake Aliens, and Bendy Breadboards "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

You can join Elliot and Al as they get together to talk about their favorite hacks of the week. Theres news about current contests, fake alien messages, flexible breadboards, hoverboards, low-tech home automation, and even radioactive batteries that could be a devices best friend.

We have a winner in the Whats that Sound competition last week, which was, apparently, a tough one. Youll also hear about IC fabrication, FPGAs, and core memory. Lots to talk about, including core memory, hoverboards, and vacuum tubes.

Check out the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!

Or download all the things!


Conservationists aim to save critically endangered European eels on Italys Po River "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

OASI DI CANNEVI, Italy In the early morning haze, Luca Bellini steered his green boat through the web of canals and lagoons of the Po River Delta. He had just pulled the fyke nets after 12 hours in the water so biologist Mattia Lanzoni could check for baby eels entering the Po from the sea. Sifting through the catch in water-filled basins, Lanzoni looked for the 6-centimeter- (2.4-inch-) long babies, called glass eels for their transparent bodies. Their work is part of the monitoring efforts of LIFEEL, a public-private project focused on the long-term conservation of European eels (Anguilla anguilla) in the Adriatic Sea, with efforts on the Po in Italy and the Nestos River in Greece. The Po Delta, located where the Italian boot meets mainland Europe, is one of the most important habitats for European eels and the longtime heartland of eel fishing, a practice that is now slowly fading. For centuries, fishers have trapped adult eels heading out to sea and other migratory fish in the deltas brackish waters, using massive V-shaped weirs called lavorieri. They also trap juvenile migratory fish to raise to adulthood in lagoons, a practice known as valliculture. The elderly used to say that by placing a trap made of rushes in the water you would catch hundreds of glass eels, Bellini said from his boat. Now you struggle to see them. Eels in a traditional bolaga, a jar immersed in water for storing eels. Image by Lucrezia Lozza. Since 1980, theThis article was originally published on Mongabay


US Hopes to Snatch Victory from Jaws of Defeat in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post US Hopes to Snatch Victory from Jaws of Defeat in Ukraine appeared first on Global Research.


Todxs somos Tierras Milperas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Hay un lugar que he comenzado a querer. Aun no se ni cmo di con ese territorio, pero ya lo camino. Ah hay unas montaas enormes y colinas por todos lados, hay un bosque, muchas flores y constantemente llega una brisa hermosa que viene del pacifico. Me encanta el viento de ese lugar, pero tambin el mar, el bosque y las hierbas y flores que abundan y perfuman el lugar. Aunque lo que les describo es un paisaje y ecosistema hermoso, lo que mas me gusta es la gente que vive ah. Muchas veces slo quiero ir ah para encontrarme. Me siento en cualquier rincn de Mxico, de Asia, de frica o Medio Oriente. Ah hay gente muy diversa, de muchas geografas, y todos llegamos por el llamado que hacen hombres y mujeres de la tierra, ante una serie de injusticias que estn sufriendo y que les explicar.

Antes es necesario decir que el territorio del que les hablo se llama Watsonville, California. Cuando no existan las fronteras, en el pasado precolonial, esas tierras estaban habitadas por los Amah Mutsun. Despus con la llegada de los colonizadores europeos esas tierras formaron parte de lo que hoy es Mxico y en el siglo XIX, los Estados Unidos de Amrica tomaron estas tierras.

Cada que hay despojos (pasado-presente), nuestras gentes vuelven a ellas. Ah siguen los Amah Mutsun y los miles de campesinos mexicanos y centroamericanos que siguen habitando esas tierras. Al ser tierras tan frtiles, la agroindustria se instal y de ah es donde salen los alimentos para gran parte de ese pas. Es necesario decir que las manos que siembran y cosechan esas tierras son mexicanas y centroamericanas. La mayora de estos campesinxs, lo eran en sus pases de origen, por lo que ellxs no solo saben trabajar la tierra, sino que su vida nace justo ah con ella.

Hace mas de una dcada, les ofrecieron jardines para sembrar a los trabajadores de estas industrias agrcolas y a pobladores en general. Obviamente la gente respondi y acudi para poder tener un espacio para sembrar. En Estados Unidos es comn que existan estos jardines comunitarios, que sirven como espacios para la recreacin de los habitantes y que adems contienen una muy peligrosa forma de solo simular que existe un inters por cambiar nuestras formas de consumo, de alimentacin y por supuesto de sembrar.

La ecologa sin lucha social es jardinera

Los primeros aos en los jardines en Watsonville solo se trabaj en tener jardines de hierbas o flores, pero conforme fueron apropiando sus espacios cada uno, los jardines los convirtieron en pequeas parcelas de verdaderos huertos de hortalizas y desde luego que pronto apareci la siembra milenaria de la milpa. Y entonces, todo cambi, de jardineros pasaron a conformar una asamblea popular y un consejo de gobierno que est confo...


The EU has no leadership, only NGOs and think tanks telling it what to do, says Hungarian minister "IndyWatch Feed War"

MAGYAR HRLAP | May 26, 2023

No one has the courage and aptitude to lead Europe today, meaning there is no political leadership in the European Union, especially in the European Commission, said Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga at a Budapest conference on Thursday.

In the European Union today, it is non-governmental organizations (NGOs), foundations and think tanks that tell Europe how to run Europe, according to the will of their own leaders, she said.

Recently, for asymmetric reasons, a crisis of confidence has arisen between the EU leadership and the Hungarian government. This is because the Hungarian government, unlike the EU institutions, says what it thinks and does what it says, she added.

Varga said Europe is stumbling around the stage of history as a clumsy sideshow, drifting from crisis to crisis, and since the migration crisis, it has been trying to make policy in a way that is completely divorced from the real needs of its citizens. She said the institutional system also failed during the Covid crisis and then shot itself in the foot with sanctions against Russia after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

She warned that immigration is a crisis that still affects Europe and continues to cost the Hungarian budget heavily.

At the same time, by defending Europe, we have to constantly fight the judgments and proceedings of the European Court of Justice, she said. Waiting for yet another slap in the face instead of any good deed, that is the fate of Hungary.

Varga noted that during the coronavirus crisis, the EU made deals regarding vaccines, and yet those text messages have never been produced, referring to the murky case involving EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

We make no secret of the fact that we want to hold the functioning of the institutions in the European Union accountable in terms of the rule of law. Lets talk about whether the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European institutions are respecting the rules, whether the rule of law is working in the institutions, said the minister.

On the issue of the Hungarian EU presidency, the European Parliament has no say in this, the minister said, stressing that more than 10 years ago, a unanimous European Counci...


Sinn Fins impressive vote harvesting technique shows up as zero gains for the cause of a united Ireland in 25 years. "IndyWatch Feed"

Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it; so that when Men come to be undeceivd, it is too late; the Jest is over, and the Tale has had its Effect . . .

-Jonathan Swift

Newton Emerson had an intriguing theory in his column yesterday, one Im not sure can be proven but it fit with a lot of evidence. I never subscribed to the idea that that SF were strategic in their mission, but they are geniuses at the tactical game.

Almost everyone still believes a vote on Irish unity would be lost. A win is certainly not likely, the threshold set by the Good Friday Agreement. Although unionisms decline appears irreversible, nationalism is barely growing. Its 40 per cent total vote last week is about two points better than usual but there is no prospect of it exceeding 50 per cent.

So Northern Ireland remains in stalemate and change can only be secured by wooing the centre ground [but] There is quite a difference between proclaiming a triumph over unionism and a triumph over Northern Ireland itself.

If we can say defensive unionism is receding (its a little premature to use the term dying), its because the fear which led to the collapse of liberal Ulster and consolidated opinion behind the Conservative party from the 1880s onwards is quietly dissipating.

But the numbers of those who are broadly content with Northern Irelands current status is remarkably robust in spite of the fact that political unionism has never been more unpopular. Newton gives a good account of why that might be:

Grandiose rhetoric about a supremacist, colonialist construct bears no relation to most peoples lives, even if they agree with the republican analysis of history. Centrist voters and young people are most inclined to cite a Northern Irish identity.

Across a much broader swathe of the population, Northern Ireland is simply home, with all the complexity that entails. Declaring this to be invalid because you have won would be a guaranteed way to lose. [Emphasis added]

This is more obvious when you look below the waxing and waining fortunes of party politics. Claims that we are seeing the twilight of the Union...


Criminals welcome as US recruits foreign proxies to wage irregular war on adversaries "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

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The post Criminals welcome as US recruits foreign proxies to wage irregular war on adversaries appeared first on Global Research.


Musks Brain Chip Company Says It Got Approval for Human Trials "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Who would be better suited to test a brain implant on humans than the company owned by the guy who believes that the woke mind virus is a thing and that it must be defeated?

If a tweet from Neuralink is to be believed, thats exactly how the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) feels.

We are excited to share that we have received the FDAs approval to launch our first-in-human clinical study! the company announced last night on the social media platform, which, like Neuralink itself, is owned by mercurial billionaire Elon Musk (mercurial is what journalists have to write when they cant say right-wing weirdo).

Now, it is quite possible that this technology can help many people. For decades, scientists have had high hopes that brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) can help severely disabled people to regain greater independence.

For example, they might allow someone with a spinal cord injury to regain mobility. And very real gains have been made in this field in recent years. The technology clearly holds promise for people who need it most.

And thats great.

But maybe Musk should sit this one out.

Here is a guy who spent $44 billion on Twitter so that his opinion would be amplified above all others. Do we really want him implanting chips in our brains? Maybe they come with strings attached, such as the compulsion to retweet anything Musk has to say.

Perhaps most troubling is that the billionaire believes in the existence of something called the woke mind virus, which he blames for everything from conditions in San Francisco to making Netflix unwatchable.

In fact, M...


West provokes escalation of Ukrainian conflict, encouraging Kyiv to intensify hostilities "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Leaked secret US documents have revealed that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been planning to escalate the current confrontation with Moscow by invading Russian villages, targeting Russia beyond the Donbass and the current conflict zone with longe-range missiles and even

The post West provokes escalation of Ukrainian conflict, encouraging Kyiv to intensify hostilities appeared first on Global Research.


Greetings from Hctor Bjar / Saludo de Hctor Bjar "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Hctor Bjar, World BEYOND War, May 26, 2023

Espaol Abajo.

Greetings from Hctor Bjar (Former Foreign Minister of Peru, journalist, writer, university professor and peace activist).

In the following video, Hctor Bjar Rivera greets the initiative of various movements and organizations, including World BEYOND War, who oppose the holding of the CANSEC Arms trade fair that takes place in Ottawa-Canada, and also denounces the presence of United States military troops, which was authorized by the Peruvian Congress and contextualizes the current situation in the country.

Saludo de Hctor Bjar (Ex-canciller del Per, periodista, escritor, profesor universitario y activista por la Paz).

En el siguiente video Hctor Bjar Rivera, transmite un saludo a la iniciativa de varios movimientos y organizaciones entre los que participa World Beyond War que se oponen a la realizacin de la feria comercial de Armas CANSEC que se realiza en Ottawa-Canad, adems denuncia la presencia de tropas militares de Estados Unidos, que fue autorizada por el Congreso del Per y contextualiza la situacin que se vive actualmente en el pas.

The post Greetings from Hctor Bjar / Saludo de Hctor Bjar appeared first on World BEYOND War.


Russia Issues Dire Warning After US Approves Ukrainian Strikes On Crimea "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.


The post Russia Issues Dire Warning After US Approves Ukrainian Strikes On Crimea appeared first on Global Research.


Desde Espaa y Francia, condenan ataque armado contra base de apoyo zapatista "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Radio Zapatista

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. La Confederacin General del Trabajo (CGT) de Espaa y la Unin Sindical Solidaires de Francia condenaron el ataque armado que la Organizacin Regional de Cafeticultores de Ocosingo (Orcao) perpetr el pasado 22 de mayo contra la comunidad autnoma zapatista Moiss Gandhi, en Chiapas.

Las dos agrupaciones responsabilizaron a los tres niveles de gobierno por el ataque que dej un herido de gravedad y que hasta el 24 de mayo continu con los disparos hacia la comunidad, Base de Apoyo del Ejrcito Zapatista de Liberacin Nacional (BAEZLN).

Queremos transmitir nuestro acompaamiento en estos momentos de incertidumbre y rabia. Queremos tambin decirles que aqu estamos y que queremos ayudarles en cuanto este a nuestro alcance, sealaron la CGT y Solidaires en un comunicado bilinge.

Las organizaciones exigieron el cese inmediato de los ataques contra las BAEZLN, y aseguraron que mantendrn su apoyo con la justa resistencia por la Vida y contra la destruccin de la Tierra y su lucha por la construccin de Comunidades solidarias y en paz que encabezan las comunidades autnomas.

El pasado 24 de mayo, el Congreso Nacional Indgena inform que el ataque con armas de grueso calibre provoc una herida que perfor el diafragma de Gilberto Lpez, hizo tres orificios en el intestino grueso, despus en el estmago y finalmente en el bazo. A pesar de que ya fue intervenido en el hospital, su situacin an es delicada por la atencin mdica insuficiente que ha recibido, pues requiere urgentemente de cuidados intensivos sin que haya sido ingresado o trasladado a donde pueda recibir la atencin debida.

El ataque armado se registr la tarde del pasado 22 de mayo, cuando integrantes de la Orcao de la comunidad El Sacrificio, en Ocosingo, accionaron armas de fuego cuyo registro contabiliz 130 disparos de pequeo calibre y 15 disparos de alto calibre, explic la Red Nacional de Organismos Civiles de Derechos Humanos Todos los Derechos para Todas y Todos (Red TDT).

Por la noche del lunes, integrantes de la ORCAO de la comunidad 7 de febrero tambin comenzaron a disparar desde una bodega de caf ubicada a un costado de la carretera San Cristbal Ocosingo, a la altura del crucero Cushulj. Primero realizaron 8 disparos de calibre chico y 6 de alto calibre, posteriormente 18 disparos de calibre grande e inici una rfaga de balas que no se pudo contabilizar, precis la Red TDT el 23 de mayo.

A continuacin el comunicado completo:

CGT y Solidaires denuncian ataque armado en territorio zapatista

A la familia de Gilberto
A la Comunidad Moiss y Gandhi
A las bases de apoyo zapatista
A la Sexta Nacional e Internacional

Desde la CGT (confederacion general del Trabajo, Estado espaol) y la Unin sindical Solidaires (Francia) denunciamos el ataqu...


Deforestation linked to less rainfall, study shows; El Nio could make it worse "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Its been seven years since the last significant El Nio one of the strongest on record. It triggered disease outbreaks, caused changes in weather conditions that affected fisheries and agricultural production, killed livestock and led to malnutrition and food insecurity. This extreme phenomenon affected more than 60 million people across the globe. And now, climate scientists say, were potentially on the cusp of another El Nio. Whats more, new research shows that these El Nio effects could be coupled with another phenomenon happening simultaneously: the reduction of precipitation due to forest loss, which can have profound impacts on agriculture. This is particularly concerning In Southeast Asian countries where deforestation has been accelerating rapidly in recent years to support agriculture and food production, particularly in Indonesia, where the most rampant deforestation in the region has been recorded. Meanwhile, in 2016, extreme temperatures in Southeast Asia caused by El Nio resulted in peak energy consumption, disrupted crop production and caused severe human discomfort, a 2017 study notes. And now, researchers and aid workers alike are bracing for the coming months of potentially damaging weather. In the recent study, published in the journal Nature in March, researchers from the University of Leeds in the U.K. analyzed the impact of forest loss on rainfall using satellite data sets of forest cover change from 2003 to 2017, with a focus on forests of the Amazon, Congo and Southeast Asia. They found that the effect of deforestation on precipitation intensified at scales larger than 50This article was originally published on Mongabay


Can a chatbot help people with eating disorders as well as another human? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

National eating disorder helpline fired its staff and replaced them with AI.

The National Eating Disorders Association is shutting its telephone helpline down, firing its small staff and hundreds of volunteers. Instead its using a chatbot and not because the bot is better.


Neuralink: Elon Musks brain chip firm says US approval won for human study "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The billionaires Neuralink implant company wants to help restore peoples vision and mobility.


Biden DHS Funded Program That Highlighted Video Conflating Conservatives And Nazis In Its Grant Application: Report "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

DHS logoIn its grant application, the university included footage from a conference in which a researcher presented a 'Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization' chart.


Microsoft Build event in 5 minutes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Microsoft announced some major news at its annual Build keynote. This years Build heavily focused on AI, with new additions of the CoPilot experience to Windows 11 and Edge, as well as new Bing AI and Copilot plugins for OpenAIs ChatGPT. Plus, Bing is now the default search for ChatGPT. Heres everything you missed. #Microsoft #Tech #News.

0:00 Intro.
0:05 Bing and Chat GPT Updates.
0:38 Plugins in Bing and Chat GPT
2:00 Windows Copilot.
3:10 Microsoft Fabric.

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Biden DHS Blames Migrant Crisis On Cartel Disinformation That The Border Is Open "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Most immigrants do not spend fortunes on risky journeys based on disinformation from criminal strangers.


Daily briefing: Quantum computers are all terrible but researchers arent worried "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Even the scientists who have made quantum computers their lifes work say they cant do anything useful yet but the future is bright. Plus, how Chinas data privacy laws affects researchers and LIGO is back, better than ever.


Using nuclear spins neighboring a lanthanide atom to create Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger quantum states "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers have experimentally demonstrated a new quantum information storage protocol that can be used to create Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) quantum states. There is a great deal of interest in these complex entangled states because of their potential use in quantum sensing and quantum error correction applications.

Chun-Ju Wu from the California Institute of Technology will present this research at the Optica Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition, as a hybrid event June 1822 in Denver, Colorado.

Quantum-based technologies store information in the form of qubits, the quantum equivalent of the binary bits used in classical computing. GHZ states take this a step further by entangling three or more qubits. This increased complexity can be used to store more information, thus boosting precision and performance in applications such as quantum sensing and networking.


Poland Should Back Regime Change in Belarus: General (ret) Waldemar Skrzypack "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.


The post Poland Should Back Regime Change in Belarus: General (ret) Waldemar Skrzypack appeared first on Global Research.


Britains Perilous Escalation in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Jonathan Cook | Declassified UK | May 24, 2023

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky made an unexpected trip to Britain last week on a whistle-stop tour of European capitals, pleading for more powerful and longer-range weapons to use in his war against Russia.

What was hard to ignore once again was the extent to which the UK is playing an outsize role in Ukraine.

Last year, shortly after the start of the war, the then-prime minister, Boris Johnson, hurried to Kyiv presumably on Washingtons instructions apparently to warn Zelensky off fledgling peace talks with Moscow.

At around the same time, the Biden administration made clear it favoured an escalation in fighting, not an end to it, as an opportunity to weaken Russia, a geo-strategic rival along with China.

Since then, the UK has been at the forefront of European efforts to entrench the conflict, helping to lobby for the supply of weapons, training and military intelligence to Ukrainian forces.

British tanks and thousands of tank shells including, controversially, some made from depleted uranium are being shipped out. Last week, the UK added hundreds of long-range attack drones to the inventory.

And an unspecified number of 2m-a-blast Storm Shadow cruise missiles, with a range of nearly 300km, have started arriving. Last week Ben Wallace, Britains defence secretary, said the missiles were already in use, adding that Kyiv alone was deciding on the targets.

Storm Shadow allows the Ukrainian military to strike deep into Russian-annexed parts of Ukraine and potentially at Russian cities too.

A recent leak revealed that the Pentagon had learnt through electronic eavesdropping of Zelenskys eagerness for longer-range missiles so that his forces were capable of reaching Russian troop deployments in Russia.

Lip service

Britain now pays little more than lip service to the Wests claim that its role is only to help Ukraine defend itself from Russian aggression. The supply of increasingly offensive weapons has turned Ukraine into what amounts to a proxy battleground on which the Cold War can be revived.



Scientists Working to Generate Electricity From Thin Air Make Breakthrough "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Scientists making the "Air-gen" device have discovered that any material can be used to generate electricity from the air:

Scientists have invented a device that can continuously generate electricity from thin air, offering a glimpse of a possible sustainable energy source that can be made of almost any material and runs on the ambient humidity that surrounds all of us, reports a new study.

The novel "air generator," or Air-gen, is made from materials with holes that are under 100 nanometers in length, which is a scale thousand times smaller than a human hair. This design can pull electricity from water droplets in the air for much longer periods than previous concepts, the researchers report, suggesting that it could eventually provide a continuous and sustainable source of power. Researchers hope the technique could eventually help to fight climate change by serving as an alternative to fossil fuels.

[...] Now, researchers at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, have developed an Air-gen device that yields electricity from contact with water droplets that pass through its porous material. In this way, the Air-gen technology creates "a spontaneous and sustained charging gradient for continuous electric output" that "opens a wide door for the broad exploration of sustainable electricity from ambient air," according to a study published on Wednesday in Advanced Materials.

[...] Indeed, the results revealed that practically any material could become an Air-gen device provided it was perforated with tiny holes measuring 100 nanometers or fewer. At this scale, the holes are big enough to allow water to pass through an upper chamber into a lower chamber, but are small enough that the droplets make contact with the material as they move down through the holes. As a consequence, a charge imbalance is created in the device because the water droplets increase the charge of the upper layer by soaking it as they move into the lower chamber.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Bonsai for Beginners Part 10 Money Tree "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Previous post.

You have seen my money tree Crassula ovata before. It is probably my oldest bonsai tree, now somewhere near 60 years old and it is still healthy and it still grows strong. This is how it looked this spring before pruning.

Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

Money tree is probably the best tree for anyone who wants to begin growing bonsai or having just a few of them without spending a lot of time with care. It is extremely easy to propagate virtually any cutting of any size, including a single leaf, can take root and grow into a new plant. It grows reasonably fast, but not extremely fast a few cm to a dm a year and it makes nice, thick trunks in just a few years. It is not very flexible regarding shapes and it cannot be formed by the use of a wire but it can be formed by simple pruning into interesting informal shapes nevertheless.

Money trees are extremely low-maintenance. They survive severe neglect, not being watered for weeks on end. They can survive both in direct sun and in half-shade (although shade makes them spindly and unseemly). Aphids and other common pests leave them alone, and birds and rodents too. They are not choosy about substrate either and they need not be re-planted for years without suffering. Probably the only thing that can reliably kill money trees is a combination of wet and cold but they can survive a dry cold of around 10C without a problem.

Here is my tree after pruning.

Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

The tree was cut back a lot and thus it looks a bit unseemly right now but that will be rectified in a month or so. When cutting money trees the cuts do not need to be treated in any way another plus because the cut piece will dry and fall off at the closest pair of leaves/buds on its own, leaving a clean and closed surface behind it.

And here is a bucket of pruned offcuts.



Por la salud de las mujeres migrantes "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Twitter. @IMUMIDF

Los derechos sexuales y reproductivos tambin son derechos humanos. Su acceso y ejercicio son fundamentales para garantizar el bienestar de las mujeres. Adems, son parte de los indicadores que sealan el nivel de desarrollo de un Estado. Por ejemplo, el objetivo 3, meta 3.7 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030 establece que se debe garantizar el acceso universal a los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva, incluidos los de planificacin de la familia, informacin y educacin, y la integracin de la salud reproductiva en las estrategias y los programas nacionales. Aunque desde 1994, con la Conferencia Internacional sobre Poblacin y Desarrollo y su programa de accin, los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres se colocaron en la mirada de los Estados y se establecieron como condicin previa al empoderamiento de las mujeres.

En 2019 se cumplieron 25 aos de esa Conferencia y nuevamente los Estados hicieron promesas. Mxico se comprometi, entre otros temas, a reducir, en 2024, al 50% la necesidad insatisfecha de mtodos anticonceptivos en mujeres en edad reproductiva, y para 2030, a erradicar la muerte materna por abortos inseguros, fortalecer la atencin primaria de la salud, garantizar el acceso a servicios de anticoncepcin de emergencia e interrupcin legal del embarazo y garantizar el derecho a la salud de las mujeres en contextos de movilidad.

Aunque desde la Constitucin hasta la Ley de Migracin se garantiza el acceso a la salud de las mujeres migrantes, independientemente de su situacin migratoria, las migrantes ven obstaculizado este derecho debido, principalmente, a la falta de un documento de estancia migratoria regular, la falta de informacin del personal de salud y la construccin de estereotipos sobre las mujeres migrantes.

Ana, migrante venezolana, lleg a Mxico con 5 meses de embarazo despus de caminar por siete pases. Al llegar a Tapachula busc atencin mdica en un Centro de Salud y el Hospital General sin xito, la razn: su condicin migratoria, su apariencia y los prejuicios del personal mdico. No poda pagar una consulta particular, y encontr apoyo con Mdicos del Mundo, una organizacin internacional que apoya a la poblacin migrante en ese municipio.

Mabel, migrante de El Salvador, tena ms de dos aos en Mxico esperando su documentacin. Despus del primer ao se embaraz de su segundo hijo, en todo su embarazo no pudo tener atencin mdica porque no contaba con un documento migratorio. Cuando su hijo estaba por nacer se acerc a un hospital y le negaron la atencin, entonces acudi a una partera. Al mes, quiso registrar a su hijo, pero no lo pudo hacer porque el registro civil no reconoci la hoja de nacimiento que le entreg la partera y la cuestionaron por no haber asistido a un hospital.

Sofa, originara de Honduras, fue agredida sexualmente en su cruce a Mxico. Apenas pudo, busc la a...


Statement from Mattia Family: Excessive and Deadly Force by U.S. Border Patrol "IndyWatch Feed War"

Raymond Mattia, Tohono O'odham, murdered by U.S. Border Patrolon the front step of his home on Thursday night.Peaceful protest for all victims of U.S. Border Patrol violence at the Border Patrol Station in Why, Arizona, and at the Border Patrol Headquarters in Tucson, on May 27, 2023 STATEMENT FROM MATTIA FAMILY We have been trying to find the strength to write


Does China Have a Huge Problem Despite Impressive Economic Development? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Does China Have a Huge Problem Despite Impressive Economic Development? appeared first on Global Research.


Britain At War Provoking The Consequences "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Christopher Black New Eastern Outlook 26.05.2023 

On the 19th of May, the Financial Times quoted the British Minister of Defense, Ben Wallace, stating that the West could face the threat of full-scale war with Russia and China by the end of the decade and proclaimed defence preparation a paramount task for Western countries.

One has to wonder what universe Mr. Wallace and his boss, Rishi Sunak, are living in since Britain is engaged in war with Russia right now, has, with every step, every hostile action, set itself up for a full-scale war, a full-scale catastrophe, which they cannot prevent. Why Britain would go to war with China as well as Russia when China has not threatened it and is oceans away, no one can explain in rational terms. Yet, this is the British rhetoric, the fetishistic parroting of the words of their lord and master, the USA.

Many argue that statements, a war is not happening, that it is something that exits only in the future, are desperate attempts to fool the British people, to lie to them about their governments intentions and what is coming. Others argue that they are signs that the British government has no sense of reality. But, in the end, one has to conclude that they are both at the same time.

Worse, these statements speak of a government, that seems to think it is untouchable, that the war with Russia will be limited in geographic space to Ukraine, that Britains participation in the war against Russia will have no direct consequences for Britain and its people, that Russia will not dare to follow military and political logic and conduct mil...


Does China Have a Huge Problem Despite Impressive Economic Development? "IndyWatch Feed War"

The G7 has recently wound up its meeting in Hiroshima, and the participants joined to affirm their fear of the Threat of China. British media reported that prime minister Rishi Sunak said: China poses the biggest challenge to global security and prosperity of our age with the means and intent to reshape the world order. The global septet spoke of de-risking rather than de-coupling from China. This was prudent because decoupling from the worlds leading manufacturing base would risk plunging all economies into recession. China leads the world in so many facets of production, particularly high technology: high-speed rail, rocket technology, their own space station, lunar and Martian probes and rovers, quantum computing, AI, robotics, bridge building, tunnel construction, chip production, hypersonic missiles, laser weapons, military armaments, nuclear technology, and on and on. Could it be that the Chinese economy is not as sturdy as it seems to be?

I asked Wei Ling Chua, the author of Democracy: What the West can learn from China and Tiananmen Square Massacre? The Power of Words vs. Silent Evidence, his forecast for the Chinese economy.

Kim Petersen: In a recent article, Why China Cant Pull the World Out of a New Great Depression, strategic risk consultant F. William Engdahl writes, in real physical economic production, China has left the USA and everyone else in the dust. Therefore, the future course of industrial production in China is vital to the future of the world economy.

He writes that steel production is the single best indica...


Residents of southeast Alaskan town debate mine thats bound to change region "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In southeast Alaska, people and bears alike come to the shore of the Chilkat River to catch salmon beside evergreen trees and mountains with snow-covered stony summits. Five species of salmon call the Chilkat home, spending most of their life in the Pacific Ocean before returning to the river where they were born to reproduce and eventually die. A two-minute walk from the river, across from a waterfall that flows down a rocky slope, youll find Gershon Cohens wooden cabin. Cohen, a water policy advocate, lives in Haines, a small town built between the river and an inlet, surrounded by vibrant waterways that sustain the regions fishing industry. The Chilkat River and the Klehini River that it intersects with landed eighth on the list of 10 of the most endangered rivers in the U.S. in April. Thats a list that the nonprofit American Rivers has compiled for the past 40 years. The reason the nonprofit considers the rivers to be endangered: a proposed mine, called the Palmer project. The controversial mine proposal has caused divisions in the town between residents who are concerned about the mines impact on commercial fish stocks and residents who anticipate a boost for businesses in Haines and jobs closer to home. At the center of that debate is weighing short-term economic goals against long-term benefits. The mine would extract copper, zinc and other metals near the rivers glacial source upriver of Haines. Recently, the companies running the project got a permit to dig a tunnel under a glacierThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Hopr raises $500K to accelerate product-led go-to-market strategy "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Hopr has secured $500K in funding from TEDCO, that has invested an additional $300K, doubling down on their initial investment of $200K, which occurred last year. The outlook for startups has been rocky over the past 12 months due to liquidity and profitability concerns, but TEDCOs secondand increasedinvestment in our company is evidence of strong investor confidence, which is a testament to both our company and its technologys ability to generationally improve cybersecurity, said Tom More

The post Hopr raises $500K to accelerate product-led go-to-market strategy appeared first on Help Net Security.


UAV Flight Controller Saves Weight "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When building autonomous airborne vehicles like drones or UAVs, saving a little bit of weight goes a long way, literally. Every gram saved means less energy needed to keep the aircraft aloft and ultimately more time in the air, but unmanned vehicles often need to compromise some on weight in order to carry increased computing abilities. Thankfully this one carries a dizzying quantity of computer power for an absolute minimum of weight, and has some clever design considerations to improve its performance as well.

The advantage of this board compared to other similar offerings is that it is built to host a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, while the rest of the flight controllers are separated out onto a single circuit board. This means that the Pi is completely sandboxed from the flight control code, freeing up computing power on the Pi and allowing it to run a UAV-specific OS like OpenHD or RubyFPV. These have a number of valuable tools available for unmanned flight, such as setting up a long range telemetry and camera links. The system itself supports dual HD camera input as well as additional support for other USB devices, and also includes an electronic speed controller mezzanine which has support for quadcopters and fixed wing crafts.

Separating non-critic...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Germany Receives Data of Ukrainians Involvement in Nord Stream Case Mass Media

No prompt comment from the German Office of Prosecutor has been available

Swedish Coast Guard via AP, File

BERLIN, May 26. /TASS/. BND, the German intelligence service, has received "numerous data" from special services of its partners, indicative of the potential involvement of Ukrainian nationals in the sabotage act at Nord Stream pipelines, Der Spiegel magazine said on Friday.

"Numerous data" were received by Germany from foreign countries, whereby "Ukrainian nationals are most probably" to be liable for that, the magazine said.

No prompt comment from the German Office of Prosecutor has been available.

On September 27, 2022, Nord Stream AG reported unprecedented damage that occurred the day before on three strings of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 offshore gas pipelines. On September 26, Swedish seismologists registered two explosions on the pipeline routes.

The Russian Prosecutor General's Office launched a criminal case based on charges of international terrorism.


Towards a Multipolar World? Does Global Realignment Provide an Opportunity for Nations to Exercise Self-Determination? The Case of Puerto Rico "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Do the emergence of a seemingly multipolar world and the declining power of the US (mainly its constant economic crises, falling rates of profit, recession, excessive debt, etc.) provide an opportunity for Puerto Rico and other nations to achieve self-determination?

The post Towards a Multipolar World? Does Global Realignment Provide an Opportunity for Nations to Exercise Self-Determination? The Case of Puerto Rico  appeared first on Global Research.


Liberar a los territorios, para el buen vivir: feministas exigen libertad a las presas mapuche "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El prximo 4 de junio se cumplen ocho meses de la injusta detencin de las mujeres mapuche en sus territorios. Betiana Colhuan Nahuel (prima de Rafael Nahuel), Romina Rosas (quien dio a luz en cautiverio), Luciana Jaramillo y Celeste Huenumil (con prisin domiciliaria) continan presas y fueron sometidas a todo tipo de violencias por parte de las fuerzas de seguridad y del Estado. Dos jornadas asamblearias en los ltimos das dieron como resultado un nuevo pedido de libertad para las presas polticas y el grito que unifica la lucha por la dignidad mapuche: liberar los ros, los lagos y los bosques de la amenaza extractivista y ratificar el compromiso feminista que unir sus potencias el prximo Encuentro Plurinacional en Bariloche, en el mes de octubre.  

Desde el 4 de octubre, cuando las fuerzas represivas desalojaron violentamente al Rewe, lugar ceremonial habitado por la Lof Winkul Mapu, rompiendo sus rucas (casas), y deteniendo a siete mujeres mapuche, de las cuales cuatro continan presas con sus hijos e hijas, la exigencia de libertad a las presas mapuche atraviesa a los feminismos.

Las presas que viven en Bariloche son la Machi Betiana Colhuan Nahuel (prima de Rafael Nahuel, asesinado en otro desalojo de ese mismo territorio el 25 de noviembre de 2017), Romina Rosas, y Luciana Jaramillo. La beba de Romina, hoy de siete meses, naci en cautiverio. La cuarta presa, Celeste Huenumil, est en prisin domiciliaria junto a sus hijas en la ciudad de Carmen de Patagones, en el sur de Buenos Aires. Hay tambin una mujer mapuche que se encuentra en clandestinidad junto a sus cinco hijos e hijas.

La primera respuesta desde los feminismos fue en el marco del 35 Encuentro Plurinacional de Mujeres, Lesbianas, Travestis, Trans, Bisexuales, No Binaries, Intersex, realizado en San Luis, una semana despus de su violenta detencin. En el cierre del Encuentro, se proclam que la sede del 36 Encuentro, fuera este ao Bariloche, para visibilizar la situacin de las mujeres mapuche.

Si bien esta decisin fue tomada por consenso, y se corresponde con la decisin de cambiar no solo el nombre sino tambin el carcter del encuentro, asumiendo al mismo como Plurinacional, debido al reconocimiento de la multiplicidad de pueblos que habitan los territorios de nuestro pas, y el carcter genocida con que se constituyeron los Estados Nacin, el proceso est cargado de tensiones, que derivan de perspectivas nacionalistas, racistas, transfbicas, que existen dentro de los feminismos, que entorpecieron durante varios aos la posibilidad de que el mismo se declarara Plurinacional, y se nombrara la presencia de todos los pueblos y cuerpos disidentes del patriarcado y del colonialismo.

Cuando pasaron ya ms de siete meses desde la prisin de las muje...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

China Promotes Peace in Ukraine, Supports EUs Independence Envoy

According to Li Hui, China seeks to ensure stability in Sino-European relations and thereby "counter the uncertain situation in the international arena"

Chinese Special Representative for Eurasian Affairs Li Hui Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service/TASS

Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service/TASS

BEIJING, May 26. /TASS/. The Chinese authorities are actively promoting the process of restoring peace in Ukraine and supporting the strategic independence of European countries, the Chinese government's special representative for Eurasian affairs Li Hui, has said.

"China has always taken an unbiased stance on the Ukrainian issue and been actively promoting the restoration of peace and the advancement of peace talks," the Chinese Foreign Ministry's website quotes Li as saying at a meeting with European leaders in Brussels on Friday. "China supports the strategic independence of European countries. We are exerting efforts for the sake of long-term stability in Europe."

The special representative said that Beijing and the EU countries had "many similarities in their positions" on Ukraine. He recalled that this year marked the 20th anniversary of the upgrading of China-EU relations to comprehensive strategic partnership.

"China is ready to join forces with the European side in order to put into practice the important consensus that has been reached between the Chinese and European leadership," he stressed.

According to Li, China seeks to ensure stability in Sino-European relations and thereby "counter the uncertain situation in the international arena."


A dos das de recibir absolucin, Roxana Ruiz exige proteccin ante amenazas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Berenice Chavarra Tenorio

Roxana Ruiz Santiago, exonerada por actuar en legitima defensa ante su agresor, la Asamblea Vecinal Nos queremos vivas Neza y el abogado que ha acompaado el caso, ngel Carrera, exigen que les sean otorgadas medidas de proteccin de manera urgente y tambin pidieron la intervencin del presidente de la Repblica, Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador, ante las amenazas a la vida e integridad fsica que han recibido a raz de la absolucin en favor de la mujer vctima de agresin sexual. 

El pasado 23 de mayo de 2023 la jueza Mnica Osorio Palomino confirm la sentencia absolutoria en el caso de Roxana Ruiz, de acuerdo a la instruccin del Fiscal General de Justicia del Estado de Mxico (FGJEM), dependencia que orden someter el caso a revisin.

De esta forma, tras considerar que Roxana actu en legtima defensa, la Fiscala desisti de ejercer accin penal en su contra. Sin embargo, luego de esta decisin, la familia de Roxana Ruiz (su madre, su prima y su ta) han empezado a recibir llamadas telefnicas en las cuales con engaos y mentiras han tratado de obtener informacin sobre la ubicacin de la vctima.

CIMACFoto: Berenice Chavarra Tenorio

Una de estas llamadas se realiz con el nombre de la supuesta directora del Penal Neza-Bordo. Esta persona asegur que entregara diplomas y reconocimientos que Roxana haba obtenido durante el tiempo que estuvo en reclusin, por lo que ella deba acudir directamente a recibirlos. 

Sin embargo, esto result falso y coloc a Roxana, su abogado defensor y a Nos Queremos Vivas Neza en una situacin de alerta, sealaron en un mensaje las organizaciones integrantes de Alerta Temprana Red y Elsa Arista, representante de la Asamblea Vecinal que ha acompaado a Roxana en este proceso.

Aadieron que familiares del agresor -el hombre que agredi sexualmente a Roxana y que muri luego de que ella actuara en legtima defensa- no estn dispuestos a respetar la ley, y prefieren hacer justicia por propia mano, como lo han hecho pblico en numerosas ocasiones a travs de redes sociales. 

Consideramos que la integridad fsica, la vida y la seguridad de Roxana Ruiz Santiago, sus familiares cercanos, la del abogado defensor y de las integrantes de la Asamblea Vecinal Nos Queremos Vivas Neza quienes han acompaado a Roxana durante el proceso legal, estn seriamente amenazadas y corren un grave riesgo.

Por ello, solicitaron que, de manera urgente, se les otorguen medidas de proteccin y sean inscritas en el Mecanismo para la Proteccin de Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas, ya que las amenazas se derivan de s...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Serbian President Puts Nations Armed Forces on High Combat Alert Belgrade Newspaper

It is reported that Aleksandar Vucic called on NATO officials to take urgent measures to end the violence being perpetrated against the Serbian population of Kosovo

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic AP Photo/Boris Grdanoski

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic

AP Photo/Boris Grdanoski

BELGRADE, May 26. /TASS/. The Serbian armed forces have been put on high combat alert based on a decree issued by President and Supreme Commander-in-Chief Aleksandar Vucic, the Vecernje Novosti newspaper reported on Friday.

According to the newspaper, the Serbian president issued a decree ordering the armed forces to immediately move to the administrative border of Kosovo and Metohija as a response to [Prime Minister of the unrecognized Republic of Kosovo Albin] "Kurtis special police <...> using violent tactics against the Serbian residents of Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic."

The head of state also called on NATO officials to take urgent measures to end the violence being perpetrated against the Serbian population of Kosovo, the report said.

The Serbian presidents move comes amid rising tensions in four Serb-populated municipalities in the northern part of Kosovo and Metohija, where Kosovar law enforcement officers are trying to seize administrative buildings despite local residents attempts to defend them. Media outlets have reported of sirens going off, disruptions in mobile communications and law enforcements use of stun grenades and tear gas.

Earlier, Igor Simic, deputy chairman of The Serb List, the largest Serb party representing the interests of the Serbian population of Kosovo and Metohija, said that the Serbs would fight back against the Kurti regime on June 1, using "all available means" to protect themselves should the persecution and violation of Serbs rights continue. The politician stressed that the inauguration of Erden Atic, a Kosovar Albanian elected as head of the North Kosovska Mitrovica municipality on Ap...


Dark Frost Botnet targets the gaming sector with powerful DDoS "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers spotted a new botnet dubbed Dark Frost that is used to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against the gaming industry.

Researchers from Akamai discovered a new botnet called Dark Frost that was employed in distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

The botnet borrows code from several popular bot families, including Mirai, Gafgyt, and Qbot.

The Dark Frost botnet was used to target gaming companies, game server hosting providers, online streamers, and even other members of the gaming community who the threat actor interacted with directly.

The researchers first gathered a Dark Frost binary sample on February 28, 2023, that targeted one of its HTTP honeypots. The threat actors were attempting to exploit a remote code execution (RCE) in misconfigured Hadoop YARN servers. The experts highlight that the vulnerability exploited in the attacks has been in existence since 2014.

According to a screenshot taken by the malware author, the botnet was composed of at least 414 machines as of February 2023. Most of the infected machines are based on ARMv4 architectures, specifically MIPSEL and x86.

The botnet operators compiled the bot code specifically for ARMv4 and ARMv7 because ARMv4 is compatible with ARMv5 and ARMv6, this means that the malware can also target modern ARMv7 architecture. 

The analysis of the bot revealed that the malware supports eight total attacks, including UDP and TCP, and more curious ones, such as zgoflood.

Akamai researchers estimated that the botnet can launch DDoS attacks of approximately 629.28 Gbps through a UDP flood attack.

To continue the benchmark correctly, we had to start launching these attacks at the loopback to avoid fragmentation and listen on the loopback interface to re-measure (Table 2). reads the analysis published by Akamai.

Packet size Packets captured Total size Output
1,024 1,659,840 1.4G 1.12 Gbps
2,048 1,445,158 1.9G 1.52 Gbps
4,096 828,681 1.9G 1.52 Gbps
8,192 432,884


Memorial Day Weekend 2023 (A Poem) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Time to gather the horses, dust the roses, strike the poses, decide the courses. And remember all over again.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

What Matters for Moscow is that 'a Guy with Dementia' not Elected US President Medvedev

"Historically, it was always easier for us to work with the Republicans," the politician noted

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev Yekaterina Shtukina/POOL/TASS

Yekaterina Shtukina/POOL/TASS

MOSCOW, May 26. /TASS/. The only thing that matters for Moscow is that US voters do not choose a president suffering from dementia during the 2024 election, the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, told reporters during a visit to Vietnam.

When asked which candidate would be preferable for Moscow, Medvedev replied: "The only thing that matters is that a guy with dementia is not elected."

"But this is possible," he added.

Speaking about electoral chances of former US President Donald Trump, the Russian politician described him as "a nice guy, but a bit of a coward."

"Historically, it was always easier for us to work with the Republicans," he added.

Donald Trump announced his presidential bid in November 2022. Incumbent US President Joe Biden said he would seek re-election on April 25. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis joined the race on May 24.


Imperialism and the Crisis of Governance in Sudan and Libya "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.


The post Imperialism and the Crisis of Governance in Sudan and Libya appeared first on Global Research.


Google Extends Flood Alert Expansion To Nigeria, Other Countries "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Google has announced the expansion of its Flood Hub platform to cover 80 countries across the globe. Presently, 23 African countries are on Flood Hub. The expansion extends the reach of Flood Hubs valuable services to countries such as Brazil, Nigeria, Pakistan and Thailand. The expansion comes as part of AI-enabled efforts to address the...

The post Google Extends Flood Alert Expansion To Nigeria, Other Countries appeared first on New Telegraph.


Harvard Researchers Expose Google Targeting and Manipulating the Minds of Children "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Matt Agorist With the curtain pulled back on the Twitter files this year, the gears of the debate machine have been grinding relentlessly on...

Harvard Researchers Expose Google Targeting and Manipulating the Minds of Children


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Kazakhstan Ready to Act as Center of Eurasian Industrial Cooperation

Kazakhstan could include joint ventures for manufacturing electric vehicles, mainline locomotives, railcars, agricultural and passenger vehicles, construction materials, and chemical products, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev  Ilya Pitalev/POOL/TASS

Ilya Pitalev/POOL/TASS

MOSCOW, May 25. /TASS/. The authorities of Kazakhstan are ready to create conditions for the development of the country as a center of Eurasian industrial cooperation, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said on Thursday at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

"Kazakhstan, given its geography and capabilities, is ready to operate as a center for the growth of Eurasian industrial cooperation in the current geopolitical environment. It could include joint ventures for manufacturing electric vehicles, mainline locomotives, railcars, agricultural and passenger vehicles, construction materials, and chemical products," he said.

"We are also prepared to implement joint projects for the development of ferrous and nonferrous metal deposits, as well as further processing and production of finished products. I would like to emphasize our successful cooperation in these areas with the Russian Federation," Tokayev stated.


Math Rules: The solution is the sum of the square of two teens "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Calcea Johnson and NeKiya Jackson are two high school students at St Marys Academy in New Orleans, Louisiana. They have managed to do what mathematicians have been unable since the theorem of right angled triangles was written in Shuba Sutra of Baudhayan, 2800 years ago in India: they have proven the pythagorean theorem of right triangles with trigonometry, something that was thought impossible.  It was considered circular reasoning (defining something in terms of itself) because trigonometry is predicated on right triangles.

(I will only call it the pythagorean theorem because thats what most people know it as.  Also, Im wrongly calling it a proof even though it hasnt been peer reviewed yet.)

New Orleans teens Pythagorean proof gains compelling evidence

Compelling evidence supports the claims of two New Orleans high school seniors who say they have found a new way to prove Pythagorass theorem by using trigonometry, a respected mathematics professor said, even if the students really important and fantastic achievement is not the first time trigonometry has been used to prove the theory, as their school apparently touted.

lvaro Lozano-Robledo, of the University of Connecticut, spoke this week in a series of TikTok videos, addressing international reports about Calcea Rujean Johnson and NeKiya Jackson.

Johnson and Jackson, students at St Marys Academy, recently gave a presentation at a regional meeting of the American Mathematical Society outlining their discovery.

The 2,000-year-old Pythagorean theorem states that the sum of the squares of a right triangles two shorter sides is the same as the square of the hypotenuse, the third side opposite the right angle. The notation associated with the theorem a2+b2=c2 is something encountered in many a geometry class.

For generations, mathematicians maintained that any alleged proof of the Pythagorean theorem based in trigonometry would constitute a logical fallacy known as circular reasoning: seeking to validate an idea with the idea itself.

In the abstract for their 18 March talk in Atlanta, at an event that drew presenters from prominent universities, Johnson and Jackson noted that the book thought to hold the largest known collection of proofs for the theorem, The Pythagorean Proposition by Elisha Loomis, flatly states that there are no trigonometric proofs because all the fundamental formulae of trigonometry are themselves based upon the truth of the Pythagorean theorem.

But Johnson and Jackson said they found a way to use the trigonometry law of sines to prove Pythagorass theory in a way independent of the Pythagorean trig identity sin2x+cos2x=1 wi...


Seeing Through the Eyes of Our Enemies and Paving a Path Toward Peace. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Coalesce Partner Program helps automate the modern data stack "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Coalesce has announced a new partner program to expand training options and teamwork, as well as to help Snowflake Data Cloud customers more effectively manage their modern data stack. The Coalesce Partner Program now features three tiers Select, Premier, and Elite offering various incentives including training, sales and marketing, and referral commissions. Coalesce partners are equipped with resources to build their Coalesce expertise and bring innovative joint solutions to the data market. Since More

The post Coalesce Partner Program helps automate the modern data stack appeared first on Help Net Security.


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

<p><a href="" rel= "noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img alt="" class= "wp-image-45178 aligncenter" height="473" src= "" width="688"></a></p> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><a href= "" rel= "noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">PRIVATE BLOG Decline & Fall of Ukraine?


Development Release: Mageia 9 Beta 2 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Yves Brungard has announced that the second beta build of Mageia 9 is now available for download and testing. The new development beta of Mageia 9.....


4.11 million SERP clicks in 12 months "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Online PNG Tools had 4.11M SERP clicks in 12 months.

Optimize your SERPs too and see you next time!


Those Using The XFS File-System Will Want To Avoid Linux 6.3 For Now "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Multiple users have been reporting metadata corruption issues on the XFS file-system when upgrading to the Linux 6.3 stable kernel...


Asian Clearing Union Towards Dedollarization and Independent Currency "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Asian Clearing Union Towards Dedollarization and Independent Currency appeared first on Global Research.


Agroecology for Life: Pueblo a Pueblo Builds Food Sovereignty (Part III) "IndyWatch Feed World"

A grassroots organization is building a new model for the production and distribution of food based on mutuality.


Flooding for hydropower dams hits forest-reliant bats hard, study shows "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Flitting through the forest foliage, darting between branches and flawlessly negotiating their way around gargantuan tree trunks, bats have evolved exquisite adaptations to their forest homes. Although inaudible to human ears, the tropical forest canopy is abuzz every night with the tiny mammals echolocating calls as they pinpoint and gobble up their insect prey with deft precision. But these high-performance adaptations, evolved over millions of years, could be the undoing of many species in the face of unprecedented human development pressures, according to new research. Scientists studying insect-eating bats in Peninsular Malaysia have demonstrated that forest-specialist species are particularly prone to local extinction following flooding of the landscape for hydropower development. In contrast, species that find their meals along forest edges or clear above the canopy which typically have a larger body size, are slower-moving and capable of flying longer distances were less affected by the development. The team published their results recently in the journal Biological Conservation. Although biologists have long sounded the alarm that hydropower dams pose greater risks to tropical biodiversity than solar or wind power, biodiverse waterways and forests continue to be dammed and flooded in many parts of Southeast Asia. River damming, by favoring the creation of a myriad of small islands of poor habitat quality, triggered a wave of insectivorous bat extirpations, Ana Filipa Palmeirim, a tropical forest biologist at the Research Center for Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (CIBIO) at the University of Porto in Portugal and co-author of the new study,This article was originally published on Mongabay


The Prince and the Spy: How Israel's intelligence apparatus continues to hack and surveil US technological infrastructure using the "services" of front companies "IndyWatch Feed World"

A TLAV investigation has found that Erik Prince, the man behind the Blackwater mercenary group, recently teamed up with an Israeli spy, creating a front company with her to help Israeli defense technology providers exploit loopholes and sell their products to the American military. For years, Erik Prince - the founder of mercenary firm Blackwater (now Academi) - has been a major source of controversy. Ever since he left Blackwater over a decade ago, Prince has appeared in the news for pushing to privatize several wars, his ties to former President Donald Trump's presidential campaigns, his violation of international arms embargoes and his unusually close ties with Project Veritas, among other notable events and connections. However, some of Prince's antics in recent years have not yet made it into the news - namely his decision to team up with an Israeli spy to build a very secretive company that has - until now - evaded scrutiny. That company, Comframe Solutions, appears to...


Magnitude 6.1 earthquake shakes eastern Japan, no tsunami warning "IndyWatch Feed World"

A strong earthquake shook Tokyo and other areas of eastern Japan on Friday, but no tsunami warning was issued. The magnitude 6.1 quake was centered off the east coast of Chiba Peninsula at a depth of 44.5 kilometers (28 miles), the U.S. Geological Survey said. Strong shaking was reported in Chiba and Ibaraki prefectures, but the USGS said there was little chance of serious damage or fatalities. Kyodo News service said no problems were reported at the Tokai No. 2 nuclear power plant in Ibaraki.


This Week in Security: Gitlab, KeyPassMini, and Horse "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Theres a really nasty CVSS 10.0 severity vulnerability in Gitlab 16.0.0. The good news is that this is the only vulnerable version, and the fix came a mere two days after the vulnerable release. If you happened to be very quick to go to 16.0.0, then be very quick to get the fix, because CVE-2023-2825 looks like a bad one.

An unauthenticated malicious user can use a path traversal vulnerability to read arbitrary files on the server when an attachment exists in a public project nested within at least five groups.

Thats a very specific set of requirements for vulnerability, so it seems like hardly any installs would be vulnerable. The rest of the story is that regular users can create groups, and many installs allow for open user registration. So if youre running Gitlab 16.0.0, update now!


A Redditor got a surprising notice that someone attempted to access a bank account, but failed two-factor authentication. That seemed odd, and led the Redditor down the rabbithole of auditing applications. And one iOS app in particular stood out as maybe problematic KeyPassMini.

The app was a mobile client for KeyPass, the password manager. The proble...


Cognigy and Black Box partnership to accelerate deployment of conversational AI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cognigy has entered into a strategic reseller partnership with Black Box. By combining Cognigys conversational AI-based technology with Black Boxs comprehensive CX solution practice, including a global network of CX professionals, the companies will deliver AI-based solutions that drive customer experiences. The benefits to customers of the partnership include increased automation and efficiency, as well as improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. By automating routine customer interactions with AI-based virtual assistants, businesses can free up contact More

The post Cognigy and Black Box partnership to accelerate deployment of conversational AI appeared first on Help Net Security.


West provokes escalation of Ukrainian conflict, encouraging Kyiv to intensify hostilities "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Uriel Araujo | May 26, 2023

Leaked secret US documents have revealed that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been planning to escalate the current confrontation with Moscow by invading Russian villages, targeting Russia beyond the Donbass and the current conflict zone with longe-range missiles and even blowing up the Druzhba pipeline which provides NATO member Hungary with Russian oil, according to the Washington Post. Kievs plans for further exacerbating the crisis cross a number of red lines and should be a problem for Washington too, as US President Biden has already made clear to Zelensky that he and his Western allies want neither to go to war with Russia nor a third world war. However, paradoxically, the US seems to be pushing for precisely such escalation.

The possible scenarios are quite worrisome. In addition to the aforementioned developments, according to the same leaks, Ukraine was also planning to attack Russian forces in Syria, which would mean making the Eastern European conflict spill into the Middle East and thus risk spiraling out of control across Western Asia and subsequently maybe even the Caucasus, too. Some analysts have already pointed out that the Russian-Ukraine confrontation potentially intersects with the South Caucasus, which is already the stage for todays Armenian-Azerbaijani war.

According to Pulitzer Prize winner American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh report, countries in the region such as Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and the Czech Republic, led by Poland are pressuring Zelensky to find a compromise and end the crisis, even by resigning himself if needed.

The conflict had been transitioning into a protracted phase and the US seems to be encouraging Kiev to intensify its hostilities along the whole front line. However any kind of trench warfare or proxy attrition war is extremely harmful for Ukraine and would not be such bad news for Russia, who can go on with a minimal offensive strategy further exhausting Ukrainian forces.

A major problem, from an American perspective, is that the Ukrainian political elite and its military leaders seem to be increasingly inclined to ignore the advice and instructions of their Western benefactors. Besides the aforementioned bold plans against Russia, there have been other signs of it: Zelensky refused to withd....

Friday, 26 May


Censorship of Indigenous Australians and Palestinians, Stan Grant, Julian Assange, and Truth Tellers "IndyWatch Feed War"

Eminent Australian and Indigenous journalist, Stan Grant, was recently driven  to resign from the ABC (the tax-payer-funded Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) as compere of the high-rating Q+A TV program by a flood of devastating racist abuse  after he participated in a  frank and truthful ABC discussion of the British  Crown and genocidal colonialism on 5 continents that prefaced the ABC coverage of the Coronation of King Charles III. Stan Grant, please come back, decent Australia loves you and needs you.

The 235 year and ongoing settler-colonial Australian Aboriginal Genocide has been associated with about 0.1 million violent deaths and 2 million deaths from dispossession, deprivation and disease. Before the British invasion in 1788 there were 350-750 different Indigenous Australian (Aboriginal) tribes and a similar number of languages and dialects, of which only 150 survive today and of these all but about 20 are endangered in a process of continuing Australian Aboriginal Ethnocide.

From a qualitative perspective the Australian Aboriginal Genocide and Ethnocide  was the worst in human history. The term Aboriginal Genocide  is not used by the ABC nor by numerous Australian commentators. A Search of the ABC for the term Aboriginal Ethnocide yields zero (0) results. Also ignored by the ABC, as UK and US lackeys Australians have invaded 85 countries with 30 of these invasions being genocidal.

The WW1 onwards settler-colonial Palestinian Genocide has been associated with 0.1 million violent deaths and about 2 million deaths from imposed deprivation. The first step that the world should insist on immediately is return of full human rights to all 15.5 million Palestinians, noting that half of them are children and three quarters are women and children. The per capita GDP is a deadly $3,500 for Occupied Palestine versus $55,500 for Occupier Apartheid Israel in gross violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Today all of Palestine and  parts of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria remain occupied. The 7 million Exiled Palestinians are cruelly excluded from returning to their multi-millennial homeland  and  from full human rights. The 5.5 million Occupied Palestinians are denied all human rights as set out in the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). 2 million Israeli Palestinians are subject to 60 Nazi-style, race-based discriminatory laws. A Search of the ABC for the term Palestinian Genocide yields zero (0 results).

There are detailed accounts comparing the Australian Aboriginal  Genocide and the Palestinian Genocide. There is massive censorship of the Palestinian Genocide and ongoing atrocities of Apartheid Israel in a Zionist-subverted, Zionist-perverted, and US lackey Australia. Indeed the ABC bans use of the term Apartheid to describe genocidally racist Apartheid Israel.

This massive and genocide-ignoring lying by omissio...


Nuclear Turns Fashionable "IndyWatch Feed War"

Small Modular Reactors (SMR) are the new nuclear craze, especially with the U.S. Congress, as Americas representatives see SMRs as a big answer to energy needs and reduction of greenhouse gases, advertised as a green deal for clean energy that skirts the heavy costs of paying the Middle East billions upon billions. However, the devil in the details is dangerously overlooked.

Notable nuclear accidents: NRX (1952) Kyshtym (1957) Windscale (1957) SL-1 (1961) Wood River Junction (1964) K-27 (1968) Three Mile Island (1979) Constituyentes (1983) Mohammedia (1984) K-431 (1985) Chernobyl (1986) Tokai (1997, 1999) Fukushima (2011) but wait, hundreds, possibly thousands, of Small Modular Reactors (nuclear SMRs) are about to pop up around the world. What could possibly go wrong?

Multiple and unexpected failures are built into societys complex and tightly coupled nuclear reactor systems. Such accidents are unavoidable and cannot be designed around. (Charles Perrow, Normal Accidents, Princeton University Press, 1999)

On dozens of occasions because of human error or technical miscue or active threat, the world has come dangerously close to the brink of nuclear conflagration it is a terrifying history of which most people remain ignorant. (Julian Cribb, How to Fix a Broken Planet, Cambridge University Press, 2023.)

Should nuclear power really circumnavigate the planet with mini-power plants?

For Germany, which closed its last three nuclear plants in April 2023, the countrys Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management conducted a study: SMRs have been the subject of repeated discussion in recent times. They promise cheap energy, safety, and little waste. BASE commissioned an expert report (in German) to evaluate these concepts and the risks associated with them. The report provides a scientific assessment of possible areas of application and the associated safety issues. It concludes that the construction of SMRs is only economically viable for a very large number of units and poses significant risks if widely deployed.

Yet, resistance to nuclear power is starting to ebb around the world with support from a surprising group: environmentalists This change of heart spans the globe, and is being prompted by climate change, unreliable electrical grids and fears about national security in the wake of Russias invasion of Ukraine. (Source: Why Even Environmentalists are Supporting Nuclear Power Today, NPR, August 30, 2022)

U.S. senators recently introduced a nuclear energy bill called the Advance A...


[$] Mitigating vmap lock contention "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The "vmap area" is a range of kernel address space used when the kernel needs to virtually map a range of memory; among other things, memory allocations obtained from vmalloc() and loadable modules are placed there. At the 2023 Linux Storage, Filesystem, Memory-Management and BPF Summit, Uladzislau Rezki, presenting remotely, explained a performance problem related to the vmap area and discussed possible solutions.


[$] Optimizing single-owner memory "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The kernel's memory-management subsystem is optimized for the sharing of resources to the greatest extent possible. But, as Pasha Tatashin pointed out during a memory-management session at the 2023 Linux Storage, Filesystem, Memory-Management and BPF Summit, a lot of memory has a single owner and will never be shared. He presented some ideas for optimizing the management of that memory to a somewhat skeptical crowd.


Security updates for Friday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (sniproxy), Fedora (c-ares), Oracle (apr-util, curl, emacs, git, go-toolset and golang, go-toolset:ol8, gssntlmssp, libreswan, mysql:8.0, thunderbird, and webkit2gtk3), Red Hat (go-toolset-1.19 and go-toolset-1.19-golang and go-toolset:rhel8), Slackware (ntfs), SUSE (rmt-server), and Ubuntu (linux-raspi, linux-raspi-5.4 and python-django).


Burgemeester Femke Halsema is Sprakeloos na kritiek vredesactiviste "IndyWatch Feed War"


Burgemeester Femke Halsema is Sprakeloos na kritiek vredesactiviste


At least 1,000 Amazon workers to walk off job over return-to-office mandate, layoffs "IndyWatch Feed World"

Seattle-based Amazon workers have plans to walk off the job on May 31 in an act of retaliation over layoffs and return-to-office mandates. At least 1,000 employees at Amazon's Seattle headquarters will participate in the walkout, which was announced over Slack and email messages that were reviewed by the Washington Post. "We're really walking out to show leadership is taking us in the wrong direction and employees need a say in the decisions that affect our lives," one of Amazon's Seattle-based software engineers anonymously told the Seattle Times.


Man narrowly escapes from car window after driving into sinkhole in Galveston, Texas "IndyWatch Feed World"

A man narrowly escaped from his car window after driving into a sinkhole that suddenly formed in a Galveston street on Tuesday, May 23. John King thought he was going over a large puddle before submerging his vehicle into the sinkhole. Due to a water pipe failure, water was released into the area and formed a sinkhole near the intersection of 22nd Street and Avenue M, according to the Houston Chronicle. City officials closed off the area and municipal workers isolated the water main to prevent further damage to nearby homes and businesses.


Directeur Yoeri Albrecht (De Balie) excuseert zich voor gebruik geweld tegen journalist "IndyWatch Feed War"


Directeur Yoeri Albrecht (De Balie) excuseert zich voor gebruik geweld tegen journalist


Oath Keepers get stiff sentences for role in January 6th riot "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Stewart Rhodes, the founder and head of the Oath Keepers organization that was involved in the attack on the US Capitol on January 6th 2021, was sentenced to 18 years in prison after being found guilty of seditious conspiracy.

Rhodes, 58, is the first person convicted of seditious conspiracy in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack to receive his punishment, and his sentence is the longest handed down so far in the hundreds of Capitol riot cases.

Its another milestone for the Justice Departments sprawling Jan. 6 investigation, which has led to seditious conspiracy convictions against the top leaders of two far-right extremist groups authorities say came to Washington prepared to fight to keep President Donald Trump in power at all costs.

In a first for a Jan. 6 case, the judge agreed with the Justice Department that Rhodes actions should be punished as terrorism, which increases the recommended sentence under federal guidelines. That decision could foreshadow lengthy sentences down the road for other far-right extremists, including former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, who have also been convicted of the rarely used charge.

Before announcing Rhodes sentence, U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta described a defiant Rhodes as a continued threat to the United States and democracy. The judge expressed fear that what happened on Jan. 6 could be repeated, saying Americans will now hold our collective breaths every time an election is approaching.

You are smart, you are charismatic and compelling and frankly thats what makes you dangerous, the judge told Rhodes. The moment you are released, whenever that may be, you will be ready to take up arms against your government.

Another Oath Keeper convicted of seditious conspiracy alongside Rhodes Florida chapter leader Kelly Meggs was sentenced later Thursday to 12 years behind bars.

A Washington, D.C., jury found Rhodes guilty of leading a plot to forcibly disrupt the transfer of presidential power. Prosecutors alleged Rhodes and his followers recruited members, amassed weapons and set up quick reaction force teams at a Virginia hotel that could ferry guns into the nations capital if they were needed to support their plot. The weapons were never deployed.

Rhodes used his time, not to express remorse or regret, but to say that he was a political prisoner but the judge was not buying it. Meggs, on the other hand, said he was sorry for taking part in the event that left a black eye on the country.

Other Oath Keepers are going to be sentenced today and next week. Given what happened to Rhodes, the prospect does not look good for any of them, though they will likely get shorter sentences than Rhodes....


PayPal upholds its ban on Palestinians "IndyWatch Feed War"

'Access to online platforms should be enjoyed without discrimination': PayPal upholds ban on Palestinians amid pressure campaign/


Critical Flaw in Inea ICS Product Exposes Industrial Organizations to Remote Attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A critical vulnerability found in a remote terminal unit (RTU) made by Slovenia-based industrial automation company Inea can expose industrial organizations to remote hacker attacks.

The existence of the vulnerability came to light last week, when the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) published an advisory to inform organizations. The vendor has released a firmware update that patches the issue.

The security hole, tracked as CVE-20232131 with a CVSS score of 10, impacts Inea ME RTUs running firmware versions prior to 3.36. This OS command injection bug could allow remote code execution, CISA said.


How not to get your CCTV cameras hacked? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

At a time when incidents of CCTV Cameras are getting hacked across the world has reached an all-time high, Raxa Security Solutions Ltd, a security company has joined hands with a Bangalore-based IoT cyber security company, Redinent Innovations to address this imperative and serious need.


Irrigation Systems in Israel Disrupted "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Automated irrigation systems in the Northern part of Israel were briefly disrupted recently in an attack that once again shows how easy it can be to hack industrial control systems (ICS).

The Jerusalem Post reported that hackers targeted water controllers for irrigation systems at farms in the Jordan Valley, as well as wastewater treatment control systems belonging to the Galil Sewage Corporation.

Farms were warned by Israels National Cyber Directorate prior to the incident, being instructed to disable remote connections to these systems due to the high risk of cyberattacks. Roughly a dozen farms in the Jordan Valley and other areas failed to do so and had their water controllers hacked. This led to automated irrigation systems being temporarily disabled, forcing farmers to turn to manual irrigation.


Auto-GPT, BabyAGI, and AgentGPT: How to use AI agents "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AI agents like Auto-GPT, AgentGPT, and BabyAGI build off of OpenAIs API to automate tasks. Heres how to use them.


Heres why faster-than-light travel leads to maddening time paradoxes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Forever intrigued by attempting the impossible, weve made traveling faster than the speed of light a staple of our works of science fiction. Most science fiction stories feature some way of getting from point A to point B faster than light, whether its via activating the warp drive or jumping into hyperspace.


Major oil producer fears apocalyptic impact of Russia sanctions "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | May 26, 2023

The stability of oil supplies from Kazakhstan to the global market relies on transit through Russia, the countrys ambassador to the US, Yerzhan Ashikbayev, has stated. He added that any disruption to flows caused by sanctions could trigger a dire scenario.

We proceed from the mutual interest of all parties, the interest in the stability of the global market, in the stability of supplies. This is vital both for the functioning of our [Kazakh] economy and for the entire global economy, the envoy told RIA Novosti on Thursday on the sidelines of the Trans-Caspian Forum in Washington.

When asked whether he sees any risk that sanctions could make it difficult or impossible for Kazakhstan to transit oil, the diplomat described it as some kind of apocalyptic scenario.

Kazakhstan supplies oil to the global market via one of the worlds largest pipelines, the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC).

A multinational project, the CPC involves Russia, Kazakhstan and a consortium of leading oil companies. The pipeline system mainly collects crude from the large oil fields of western Kazakhstan, but also from Russia. Its total capacity is over 1 million barrels of oil per day, which is 2.3% of global seaborne crude trade.

The CPC delivers around 1.2 million barrels of crude oil daily from Kazakhstan to Europe, and for subsequent shipment to the US. The pipelines operations were interrupted last year by storm damage to equipment at a Black Sea terminal, with the disruption sparking concerns of a global supply crisis.

According to Ashikbayev, the CPC remains an important project for Kazakhstan, accounting for 80% of the countrys crude oil exports.

Kazakhstan has strengthened its oil and gas ties with Russia despite the threat of secondary sanctions from the US and EU.


Greece: Aid workers decry 'abductions, violence' against refugees in Lesbos "IndyWatch Feed War"

Greece: Aid workers decry 'abductions, violence' against refugees in Lesbos

Doctors Without Borders reports violence, alleged pushbacks to sea of refugees on Lesbos amid rapidly deteriorating conditions
Katherine Hearst Fri, 05/26/2023 - 14:22
Refugees and migrant women and children rest on a Greek Coast Guard ship (Angelos Tzortzinis/AFP)
Refugees and migrant women and children rest on a Greek Coast Guard ship (Angelos Tzortzinis/AFP)

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is calling on the Greek authorities to investigate reports of violence, pushbacks and abductions as well as deprivation of food and basic assistance faced by refugees on the island of Lesbos.

According to the NGO, newly arrived refugees have suffered alleged attacks by unidentified masked groups who gain trust by posing as doctors. Last October, MSF reported finding a group of refugees tightly bound and injured, reportedly by a masked gang.

"This practice is shocking and an unacceptable manipulation of humanitarian aid. It must stop," MSF Sea tweeted.

The NGO also reported experiencing increasing difficulty locating people in urgent need of medical care. Since June 2022, MSF said, it was unable to find 940 people from reported locations and it was assumed they had been pushed back out to sea.

Although the Greek government has repeatedly been accused of performing illegal pushbacks, the authorities consistently denied this practice. However, last week, a New York Times report into damning footage of the Hellenic Coastguard rounding up 12 migrants, among them young children, and setting them adrift on an inflatable raft in the Mediterranean suggests that the Greek authorities are ramping up these extrajudicial expulsions.



In 2014, NATO Authorized Ukraine to Exterminate Opponents of the Newly U.S.-installed Ukrainian Government "IndyWatch Feed War"

As will be detailed here: NATO held a press conference on 3 June 2014 by the Acting Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Mykhailo Koval, who had been appointed on 25 March 2014 by Ukraines Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who had been selected on 27 January 2014 by Victoria Nuland, who had been appointed by Barack Obama to run Obamas Ukrainian coup detat, which Obama had started planning by no later than June 2011, after Ukraines democratically elected President twice in the year of his election, 2010, turned down the urgings by Obama and by his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to bring Ukraine into, first the EU, and then NATO.



How Imprxx Will Redefine Live-Streaming, Serve Content Creators K1 De Ultimate "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Fuji music exponent, Olasunkanmi Ayinde Marshal, popularly known as K1 De Ultimate, has endorsed a live-streaming platform, Imprxx, created by Mr Ayo Ileesemi. He said that Imprxx, as a dedicated innovation showcasing the potential of passions and technology in redefining entertainment, event hosting and management, shopping and social media experiences, will create better ways for...

The post How Imprxx Will Redefine Live-Streaming, Serve Content Creators K1 De Ultimate appeared first on New Telegraph.


Not a pothole: Huge sinkhole swallows Calgary road "IndyWatch Feed World"

City crews were called to the intersection of Cranston Boulevard and Cranston Drive SE on Tuesday afternoon to begin work on the sinkhole. After working in the area, they came to the conclusion that this issue was caused by a broken drain valve inside the park area. The good news for people nearby is the water system hasn't been affected. The bad news is this has created a scenario straight out of a movie for some.


Intel Arc Graphics A750/A770 Quick Linux Competition With The Radeon RX 7600 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

For those wondering how the performance of Intel Arc Graphics is relative to the newly-launched AMD Radeon RX 7600 and other recent graphics cards, here are a couple of benchmarks for the Arc Graphics using the new Linux 6.3 stable kernel paired with Mesa 23.2-dev for the latest open-source OpenGL and Vulkan drivers...


NRC Columnist Christiaan Weijts Betrapt op Leugen "IndyWatch Feed War"

 NRC-Columnist Christiaan Weijts schreef in de NRC, de krant die als beginsel steun aan de NAVO heeft:

Het gesprek, voor YouTube-kanaal Left Laser, wordt pesterig, jennend, zuigend. Albrecht doet eerst nog zijn best, maar heeft dan genoeg van het getreiter, steekt de tramrails over, en daar is hij ineens kortstondig in gevecht. Microfoon valt tussen de rail. Albrecht graait hem op, houdt hem achter zijn rug, slaat zijn andere arm om de jongen heen, als vergeefse poging het te sussen, loopt langs het terras van De Balie, waar een groepje met protestborden scandeert: Oorlogshitser, oorlogshitser!

Dit is een aperte leugen:



US might use credit default to attack competitors "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ahmed Adel | May 26, 2023

On May 22, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that the country may be unable to service its debt by June 1 unless Congress raises its ceiling or suspends it. In turn, President Joe Biden ruled out the declaration of default. At the same time, despite all the predictions of doom and gloom, the US could benefit from a default, especially to wreak havoc on the international economy and competitors.

In the US, the amount of public debt is limited by law. Currently, it has reached $31.4 trillion. It is up to the US Congress to raise the national debt ceiling, but this year the issue became a major contention between Republicans and Democrats. The Republican party, with a majority in the House of Representatives, set a condition: it will vote to raise the ceiling if the Democratic government accepts significant cuts in budget spending.

Specifically, the Republicans propose cutting tax credits for the purchase of electric cars and the installation of solar panels, as well as reducing public spending on the repayment of educational loans. For Democrats, if they want to win the 2024 presidential election on their terms, these conditions are unacceptable.

No economic reasons for default prevent raising the public debt ceiling. Still, there are political reasons. The Republican majority in the US House of Representatives want to bring greater accountability to the Biden Administration, which has been making economic decisions without consulting Congress. The Republicans hope to catch the Biden Administration, the Federal Treasury, the State Department, and the Defense Department violating American law.

There is a low chance of default in Washington, but this does not rule it out entirely because a default can be used as a financial weapon capable of unleashing a global economic crisis which will also affect the USs main competitors. It is much easier and more politically legitimate to default in the context of increasing global military and political tensions. For this reason, it cannot be entirely ruled out that Biden will pursue such a path.

Likewise, the US could use default to influence other countries. Despite the enormous debt figure of $31.4 trillion, the external debt is only $7 trillion. Consequently, some countries which Washington will want to target economically and geopolitically may be the victims of this default.

Even so, the main thing for the US is not to let doubts about the sustainability of its economy and debt loom. If a default occurs, it will be more difficult for the US to obtain loans.

For this reason, the probability of default is low because many tools exist to avoid it. Article 14 of the Constitution could be invoked, which states that the US debt cannot be called into question. Also, the Federal Reserve could easily double its balance sheet and buy all foreign debt......


Popular Sapele Hotelier Allegedly Beaten To Death By His Two Children Over Side Chic "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MAY 26TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Emekeme Joseph popularly known as Semikolo the Chairman of Covenant Suites a hotel chain in Sapele Delta State and a Deacon of Winners Chapel is dead.

From a reliable source, the man fell gravely ill after his sons assaulted him. The sons who graduated from Covenant University it is alleged caught their father with a side chick and demanded a million naira bribe or theyll inform their mom who was at the time holidaying in the United States. It is said that the father called off their bluff and true to their threat they reported the sleazy affair to their mother who was incensed. The next day the father dropped by at the Coca Cola depot of the wife and when the sons saw him they hounded him out of the place.

According to insiders,  he angrily went home and seized the keys of the cars of the sons which drew their ire and they descended on him with blows and kicks. He called the police and the boys broke the head of one of the police men.

The boys were arrested and the father was rushed to the hospital. The condition of the father was deteriorating quickly and he was referred to the University of Benin Teaching Hospital where he was fighting for his life.

The wife quickly flew back to the country and facilitated the release of the sons from the police custody and strangely discharged the husband against doctors advise from UBTH where he was in a coma and brought him home where he died.

  • Ufuoma Bernard

Copied from Goodlife Onoriode Atevure facebook page






Doing Squats with John Gottis Lawyer "IndyWatch Feed War"

My first personal trainer job was a doozy.

I launched my career at New York Citys decadently scandalous Vertical Club sort of the Studio 54 of gyms. On a nightly basis, I interacted with the Big Apples financial/social elite (and their myriad hangers-on).

As for celebrities, it was always veritable whos who from Arnold to Liza, Dr. J to Mr. T., Mick Jagger to Bianca Jagger, Clint Eastwood to Tom Hanks, Stallone to S.I. Newhouse, Fabio to Martina, Alec Baldwin to Alice Cooper, Bill Cosby to Mike Tyson, and beyond.

I guess you could say I made the affluent sweat.

An institution in the Vertical Clubs free weight room was one Bruce Cutler, a.k.a. John Gottis lawyer. Everyone and I mea...


Friday Funny Planet of the Apes vs. Climate Change "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The climate left is fond of showing ginned-up pictures of what sea-level rise would look like in the future. We are barraged with model projections turned into images of flooded


Kissinger at 100: How his sordid diplomacy in Africa fuelled war in Angola and prolonged apartheid "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Historians say the involvement in Africa of the former US secretary of state, who is 100 this week, drew the US into Angolas war and aided apartheid after the Soweto uprising The men who sat down for dinner at the Hotel Bodenmais in West Germany on 23 June 1976 were exclusively white, although the issue []


Ubuntu Forms An HPC Team To Push AI, High Performance Computing Workloads "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Announced on Thursday was the Ubuntu High Performance Computing (HPC) team to promote Ubuntu Linux for running AI/ML, energy, bioinformatics, meteorology, and other workloads on Ubuntu Linux...


At least six killed, 100 homes destroyed in Afghan flood "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least six people have been killed and dozens of homes were washed away after heavy rains lash central Afghanistan.


Wounded bear attacks man a day after he shot it at Oregon home, officials say "IndyWatch Feed World"

A man was attacked by a black bear near his Oregon property a day after shooting the animal, wildlife officials said. The bear first appeared near the man's home on May 23 in the Mount Emily Recreation Area in La Grande, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife said in a news release. It was harassing his chickens, so he shot it, wildlife officials said. The next day he went to look for the animal and found it close to his property. He shot it again and was attacked at about 7:37 a.m., officials said.


Predator Android Spyware: Researchers Uncover New Data Theft Capabilities "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security researchers have shared a deep dive into the commercial Android spyware called Predator, which is marketed by the Israeli company Intellexa (previously Cytrox). Predator was first documented by Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) in May 2022 as part of attacks leveraging five different zero-day flaws in the Chrome web browser and Android. The spyware, which is delivered by means of


Delta Lawmakers Pass 60 Bills In Four Years, Lose Two Colleagues Speaker "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MAY 26TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly and governor-elect, Hon Sheriff Oborevwori, has said that the house under his leadership passed a total of 60 bills in four years.

Oborevwori said under his leadership, 69 bills were received and processed, 60 were passed and 58 were assented to by Governor Ifeanyi Okowa.

The speaker, who disclosed this at the valedictory session of the seventh assembly of the house on Thursday, said 48 of the bills were executive, while 21 were from members.

He further said that in the period under review, the house also received and processed 237 motions, adding that nine of the bills were dropped, one was awaiting assent, while another was pending at the Committee of the Whole House.

He, however, disclosed that the house lost two members between January 27 and June 28, 2021.

The outgoing speaker gave the names of the deceased as Hon Tim Oghenekome Owhefere, a former majority leader, and Hon Kenneth Ogba, who represented Isoko South Constituency.

Meanwhile, Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue State has assented to six bills recently passed by the House of Assembly.

Ortom assented to the bills on Thursday at the Government House in Makurdi during the expanded stakeholders meeting of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

The governor said that the laws were enacted to give legislative backing to every decision taken by the state government.

Daily Trust




Hundreds of thousands of resistance fighters ready to fight Israel: Hezbollah chief "IndyWatch Feed War"

May 26 2023 ByNews Desk Hassan Nasrallah also hailed the failure of a US-Israeli normalization plan with Arab states and called on Lebanons wanted central bank governor to step down During a televised speech commemorating the 23rd anniversary of Lebanons Resistance and Liberation Day, Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah responded to recent Israeli threats against the resistance, highlighting that []


Huda-Par: Erdogan's allies accused of being the Kurdish Hezbollah "IndyWatch Feed War"

Huda-Par: Erdogan's allies accused of being the Kurdish Hezbollah

Conservative religious party denies links to outlawed armed group, but critics are keen to highlight shared ideology and goals
Yusuf Selman Inanc Fri, 05/26/2023 - 13:31
HUDA-PAR Chairman Zekeriye Yapicioglu is seen carrying a girl during a celebration of the prophet's birthday in Diyarbakir 30 April (Reuters)
Huda-Par chairman Zekeriya Yapicioglu during a celebration of the prophet's birthday in Diyarbakir 30 April (Reuters)

Turkey's presidential and parliamentary elections have thrown up no shortage of hotly debated issues, none more so than the emergence of the Kurdish religious conservative Free Cause Party (Huda-Par).

Allied to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Huda-Par won four of the parliament's 600 seats on 14 May, running under the list of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

Those wins give another boost to Erdogan's People's Alliance coalition as the president campaigns for a run-off victory in the presidential election on Sunday.

To members of the opposition, who equate Huda-Par with a Kurdish armed group called Hezbollah, the new members of  parliament are a frightening development.

Football fans have chanted "we don't want Hezbollah in parliament" in stadiums, opposition leaders have cited the armed group's murders in the 1990s and several activists have raised concern about women's rights, which Huda-Par have advocated rolling back in the name of tradition.



Sayyed Nasrallah Warns Israel: Dont Make Wrong Calculations, Any Mistake might Blow up Entire Region "IndyWatch Feed War"

May 25, 2023 Translated By Staff Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Nasrallah delivered on Thursday a speech as Lebanon celebrates the 23rd anniversary of the Resistance and Liberation Day. At the beginning of his televised speech, Sayyed Nasrallah viewed that that Resistance and Liberation Day is a great occasion that reminds of the great []


ChatGPT-maker Warns It Might Leave EU Over Planned AI Law "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

ChatGPT-maker warns it might leave EU over planned AI law:

The boss of the company behind ChatGPT has said it might consider leaving the EU if it fails to comply with a planned law on artificial intelligence (AI).

The EU's planned legislation could be the first to specifically regulate AI.

And it could require generative AI companies to reveal which copyrighted material had been used to train their systems to create text and images.

"The current draft of the EU AI Act would be over-regulating," OpenAI's Sam Altman said, Reuters reported. "But we have heard it's going to get pulled back."

Many in the creative industries accuse AI companies of using the work of artists, musicians and actors to train systems to imitate their work.

But Mr Altman is worried it would be technically impossible for OpenAI to comply with some of the AI Act's safety and transparency requirements, according to Time magazine.

At an event at University College London, Mr Altman added he was optimistic AI could create more jobs and reduce inequality.

He also met Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and the heads of AI companies DeepMind and Anthropic to discuss the technology's risks - from disinformation to national security and even "existential threats" - and the voluntary actions and regulation required to manage them.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


I Have Cancer "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Well, Ive done it:  Ive given myself cancer.  (Ive treated my body very badly over the years, and so I have no one to blame but myself.)  I had a biopsy on Wednesday; and although I havent seen the official test results yet, the pulmonary guy who did the procedure told me that its a virulent form of cancer, but we caught it early.

I wont be doing anything about it until the end of next month.  I have a trip to Varna, Bulgaria that starts in a couple of weeks and includes some train rides on this side of the Pond and a meeting of the ISO standards comittee for the C++ programming languagebasically the only thing thats keeping my otherwise retired brain active.  Its all bought and paid for, and I really really dont want to miss it.

Ill have no clue what Ill eventually want to do about the cancer until I meet with a surgeon and a cancer specialist, which I hope can happen in the next couple of weeks, to find out what the treatment will be like.  My current guess is that Ill opt for being kept as comfortable as possible while I kick off.  Ive had a pretty good 76 years so far, and theres nobody who depends on me for anything.  Well see


Azerbaijan-Israel Relations Shifting the Geopolitics of the Middle East "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

In recent years, relations between Azerbaijan and Israel have been flourishing in terms of political, economic, and military cooperation. According to a report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Azerbaijan was Israels second-largest destination for weapon exports between 2018 and 2022. These weapons, particularly the Harop precision drones and missile interceptor systems played a significant role in Azerbaijans success in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War. Meanwhile, Azerbaijan has increased its energy supply to the State of Israel, which already accounts for 40% of Israels energy demands after the Ukraine war. Besides all these pragmatic reasons, the close relationship between the two countries has historic and cultural foundations as well: Azerbaijan is the home to the last remaining Jewish community in the Caucasus, known as Krasnaya Sloboda (Red Town), while a large community of European Jews has been living in Azerbaijan (mostly in Baku) since the late 19th century.

Cooperation between these two has also the potential to affect their foreign policies towards other countries, and the recent Israel-Trkiye rapprochement best illustrates this potential. In 2010, a profound break in relations between the countries happened following the Mavi Marmara incident, when a Turkish ship carrying humanitarian aid to Palestine was targeted by Israeli navy. In 2016, Trkiye and Israel reconciled with the condition that Israel would pay around $20 million to the families of the activists who died in the incident. Even though, this agreement was short-lived as Trkiye ended its relationship with Israel in 2018 following the United States recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Another important milestone for the regional politics was the Abraham Accords, reached with the support of Washington in August 2020. The Abraham Accords envisaged the normalization of relations between Israel and the Arab countries, such as the UAE and Bahrein.

At first, Trkiye reacted negatively to the process, with President Erdogan even threatening to break ties with the United Arab Emirates. However, Ankara and Jerusalem ended up on the same side defending Azerbaijan when the war in Nagorno-Karabakh erupted, which seemed to remind both nations of what they could accomplish together. By December 2020, the Erdogan administration discovered that the diplomatic conflict with Israel was putting it into an inconvenient position. After a decade of strained relations, the government changed course and decided to work on repairin...


Linux Preps Hybrid SMP Fix To Avoid Upcoming Laptops Appearing As 11 Socket Monsters "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A fix is on its way to the mainline Linux 6.4 kernel and also marked for back-porting to existing stable kernel series to fix x86 topology reporting for Intel Hybrid systems. The topology bug within the kernel becomes more pronounced for Meteor Lake laptops where currently internal Intel test laptops can report the systems having 11 CPU sockets rather than the proper number of cores all contained within one CPU socket...


Climate scientists flee Twitter as hostility surges "IndyWatch Feed World"

Scientists suffering insults and mass-spam are abandoning Twitter for alternative social networks as hostile climate-change denialism surges on the platform following Elon Musk's takeover. Researchers have documented an explosion of hate and misinformation on Twitter since the Tesla billionaire took over in October 2022 -- and now experts say communicating about climate science on the social network on which many of them rely is getting harder. Policies aimed at curbing the deadly effects of climate change are accelerating, prompting a rise in what experts identify as organised resistance by opponents of climate reform.


Directeur Balie Yoeri Albrecht Valt Journalist Aan "IndyWatch Feed War"


Hier ziet u Yoeri Albrecht (rechts) in actie, de directeur van het debatcentrum De Balie, nadat hem gevraagd werd opheldering te geven over de banden tussen de NAVO en de Balie. In totale razernij tracht Albrecht de microfoon uit de handen van de journalist te trekken, kennelijk omdat de rechtse Albrecht niet gediend is van deze, overigens terechte, vraag. Dit gebeurde nadat ook ik hem dit had gevraagd en hij daarop zonder te antwoorden snel weg beende. Yoeri Albrecht is de directeur die het initiatief nam om de verwoeste Russische tank op het Leidseplein ten toon te stellen. 

Zijn razernij visualiseert de onwil van de hoofdstedelijke incrowd om serieus in te gaan op kritiek aangaande de NAVO proxy oorlog in Oekrane. Er mag maar n visie aan bod komen, en dit totalitaire gedrag wordt gepropageerd als zijnde de westerse 'democratie.' 


Het hoofdstedelijke suffertje, AT5, meldt ironisch genoeg:  

In Amsterdam is de tank na de speech van Halsema een ware bloemenzee en er ontstaat discussie, maar dat vindt Albrecht dus niet erg. 'Het gesprek komt op gang. Het is hartstikke goed dat we hier het recht hebben om ons uit te spreken. Laten we ons bewust zijn van het feit dat dat een groot goed is.' Ook voorziet hij geen moeilijkheden nu de tank op zo'n publiekelijke plek staat als het Leidseplein.

Geestig. De enige die moeilijkheden maakte was Yoeri Albrecht zelf, zoals u kunt zien.



Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide: Dr. Naomi Wolf on the Pfizer Confidential Report "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The truth is: Ive been rendered almost speechless because recently Ive had the unenviable task of trying to announce to the world that indeed, a genocide or what Ive called, clumsily but urgently, a baby die-off is underway.

The post Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide: Dr. Naomi Wolf on the Pfizer Confidential Report appeared first on Global Research.


Second-Hand, Third-Hand, Vicarious Trauma "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ive been helping my friend from another country navigate the legal system, green card in hand, and a husband who attempted to suffocate her to death. The people in both camps defense and prosecution are interestingly together bedfellows, working the system hard, juggling which judge is this or that (pro- or con-), and using all the ugliness of a legal system that is stacked against, well, JUSTICE for one, JUSTICE for all.

Her case gets delayed, and delayed, and the accused is still in jail, awaiting a trial, and then new (sic) evidence pops up, and alas, more moves by defense team (at taxpayers expense) rallies to get the case delayed but hoping for the release of the accused from jail.



Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

Mermaid, handcrafted by Rock Bottom from driftwood in Port Antonio, Jamaica (now in Escazu, Costa Rica)

June 15, 2011 was the day we first posted on this platform, and while we have evolved multiple times since then we have remained constant and consistent in a few ways.

In the daily search for something worth sharing, photos of birds from around the world have been the most constantas in, every day since the first photo was shared by this old friend who got us started on that habit.

Consistent have been the shared convictions that environmental conservation, no...


Ngx: Total Allotments For Fgn Savings Bonds Rise To N5.06bn "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nigerian Exchange Limited (NGX) has revealed that the total allotments for FGN Savings Bonds has risen to N5.06 billion in the first five months of 2023. The Divisional Head, Capital Markets, NGX, Jude Chiemeka, made this known during the NGX Savings Bond webinar 2023 organised by the Exchange in collaboration with Optimus by Afrinvest, a...

The post Ngx: Total Allotments For Fgn Savings Bonds Rise To N5.06bn appeared first on New Telegraph.


Sell pressure underpins NGXs Weak Performance "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Nigerian stock market recorded negative performance on Thursday due to sell pressure on high- cap stocks, notably GEREGU (-4.78%), GTCO (-1.47%), and ACCESS- CORP (-1.35%), despite gains in MTNN (+0.09%), STANBIC (+0.13%) and UBA (+0.57%). The Nigerian Exchange Limited ended its four-day winning streak as the benchmark index shed 0.20 percent to close at...

The post Sell pressure underpins NGXs Weak Performance appeared first on New Telegraph.


Fy22: Linkage Assurance Gross Written Premium Up 16% To N12.98bn "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Amidst tough operating environment in 2022 financial year, Linkage Assurance Plc recorded positives in all performance indices. In the 2022 full-year financial results made available to the investing public and published on NGX Limited, Linkage Assurance Plc recorded a gross written premium (GWP) of N12.98 billion, as against N11.16 billion in 2021, representing a 16...

The post Fy22: Linkage Assurance Gross Written Premium Up 16% To N12.98bn appeared first on New Telegraph.


Zelensky's penthouse seized in Crimea "IndyWatch Feed World"

The luxury apartment is on Russia's list of nationalized assets. The Crimean parliament has unanimously voted to nationalize the assets of Ukrainian oligarchs and politicians on the peninsula, RIA Novosti news agency reported on Wednesday, citing the State Council's press service. Among the assets is an apartment belonging to Elena Zelenskaya, the wife of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, Crimean Governor Sergey Aksyonov announced on Telegram.


EFF at RightsCon 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

<div class= "field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden"> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item even"> <p><span>After three years of virtual gatherings,</span> <a href= ""><span>RightsCon</span></a> <span>is back! The 12th edition of the worlds leading summit on human rights in the digital age will be a hybrid convening taking place online through the</span> <a href= ""><span>RightsCon platform</span></a> <span>and in San Jos, Costa Rica between June 5-8.</span></p> <p>RightsCon provides an opportunity for human rights experts, technologists, government representatives, and activists to discuss pressing human rights challenges and their potential solutions. <br></p> <p><span>Were excited that many EFFers are heading to Costa Rica and will be actively participating in this year's event both online and in person. Several members will be</span> <span>leading sessions and contributing as speakers, as well as being available for networking.</span></p> <p>Our delegation includes:</p> <ul> <li>Carlos Wertheman, Translations Manager</li> <li>Christoph Schmon, International Policy Director</li> <li>Cindy Cohn, Executive Director</li> <li>David Greene, Senior Staff Attorney and Civil Liberties Director</li> <li>Eva Galperin, Director Of Cybersecurity</li> <li>Jillian York, Director of International Freedom of Expression</li> <li>Katitza Rodriguez, Policy Director for Global Privacy</li> <li>Paige Collings, Senior Speech and Privacy Activist</li> <li>Shirin Mori, Senior Design & Research Lead

  • Veridiana Alimonti, Associate Director For Latin American Policy

We hope you have an opportunity to connect with us at the following: </p> <h2><span>Tuesday 6 June  </span></h2> <p><b>Internet service providers and data privacy rights: challenges, trends, and ways forward in Latin America and Spain </b><br> <span>10:15 - 11:15 CST</span> <b>[HYBRID]</b><br> <span>Veridiana Alimonti, Associate Director For Latin American Policy</span><br> <span>Host institutions: Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)</span><br></p> <p><span>Since 2015, Quin Defiende tus Datos? /Dnde Estn mis Datos? reports in Latin America and Spain have held Internet Service Providers accountable by comparing their privacy policies and practices, especially on government demands for user data. The session will explore achievements, gaps, and concerning trends found throughout the series. </span><br></p> <p><b>Confronting cybercr...


Legalization Of Polygamy Was Always The Logical Consequence Of Obergefell "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

polygamy throuple of two men, one womanIf marriage is possible between any two individuals, then why not three, four, or any number of consenting adults, regardless of their sex?


5 Must-Know Facts about 5G Network Security and Its Cloud Benefits "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

5G is a game changer for mobile connectivity, including mobile connectivity to the cloud. The technology provides high speed and low latency when connecting smartphones and IoT devices to cloud infrastructure. 5G networks are a critical part of all infrastructure layers between the end user and the end service; these networks transmit sensitive data that can be vital for governments and


Power Plant Residue Ponds Need More Regulation, Whether Active or Inactive "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Little Blue Run Lake in Beaver County (PA) and Hancock County (WV)

Changes Proposed for Management of Legacy Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR)

From the Roux Group, Long Island, NY, May 25, 2023

The USEPA is proposing changes to the CCR regulations for inactive surface impoundments at inactive electric utilities, referred to as legacy CCR surface impoundments. The USEPA is proposing that within tailored compliance deadlines, owners and operators of legacy CCR surface impoundments comply with all existing requirements applicable to inactive CCR surface impoundments at active facilities, except for the location restrictions and liner design criteria. These are ponds which were exempted from the original rule in 2015.

This action is in response to the August 21, 2018 opinion by the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (Utility Solid Waste Activities Group, et al v. EPA), which voided the provision that exempted inactive impoundments at inactive facilities from the April 17, 2015 CCR rule. The notice for the proposed rule changes came out on May 18, 2023.

Legacy CCR surface impoundments are more likely to be unlined and unmonitored, making them more prone to leaks and structural problems than units at utilities that are currently in service. Legacy CCR surface impoundment and CCR management units are currently not regulated at the federal level and pose risks to groundwater.

Therefore, as part of this action, the USEPA is also proposing to establish groundwater monitoring, corrective action, closure, and post closure care requirements for all CCR management units (regardless of how or when that CCR was placed) at regulated CCR facilities. These additional requirements may result in substantial additional long-term costs for facilities with these types of impoundments, depending on how legacy CCR impoundments are currently managed at the state level.

The USEPA will collect public comments on this proposal until July 17, 2023. The USEPA will host an in-person hearing in Chicago, IL on June 28, 2023 and an online public hearing on July 12, 2023. Once the rule is finalized, it is expected to impact as many as 400 CCR units nationwide.

For more information on legacy CCR surface impoundments and understanding the proposed changes, use the form provided....


Scott Atlas Heckled At College Commencement Ceremony For Dealing Harsh Truths About Covid "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

scott atlas and donald trumpAtlas was booed as he encouraged the audience to save their country by committing themselves to the truth.


Killer whales damage boat in latest orca incident off Spain coast - at least 20 such interactions in May "IndyWatch Feed World"

Dozens of incidents involving groups of orcas and boats have been reported off the Spanish and Portuguese coasts so far this year. Killer whales severely damaged a sailing boat off the coast of southern Spain, the local maritime rescue service has said, adding to dozens of attacks by orcas on vessels recorded so far this year off Spanish and Portuguese coasts. The incident follows at least 20 interactions this month alone in the Strait of Gibraltar between small vessels and killer whales, according to the Atlantic Orca Working Group-GTOA, which tracks populations of the Iberian orca subspecies.


Court Orders Instagram to Expose Pirates, Boot Their Accounts, and Purge URLs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

instagram logoSimilar to any other online platform that deals with user-generated content, Instagram processes copyright complaints on a daily basis.

Most of these arrive in the form of DMCA notices, in which rightsholders requests the removal of a specific image, video, or URL.

The number of removals runs in the hundreds of thousands during a typical month, without getting noticed by the public at large, but if Instagram users continue to post copyright infringing content, they risk losing their accounts.

Takedown Trouble Triggers Lawsuit

This takedown policy is widely accepted as the standard for social media services but every now and then, disputes can arise. In India, one such dispute turned into a legal battle in which the Bombay High Court issued a broad injunction earlier this month.

The lawsuit in question was filed by Applause Entertainment, the Indian company behind the TV-series Scam 1992. The series covers the 1992 Indian stock market scam, adapted from Debashis Basus book The Scam.

The TV production is licensed to Sony LIV and was a huge success. However, as often happens with popular media, pirated footage was readily available too. Not just on pirate sites, but also on otherwise legitimate social media platforms.

Applause Entertainment wasnt happy with this pirate activity so it approached several platforms to take down infringing clips and snippets of the show. Instagram was one of the recipients but, instead of taking immediate action, the platform asked for proof of ownership.

The company responded to this correspondence with relevant ownership documents but, apparently, Instagram still wasnt convinced. This standoff prompted Applause to take the matter to the Bombay High Court, where it requested an ex-parte injunction.

Court Issues Broad Injunction

The High Court concluded, after reviewing the evidence, that the studio does own the rights so Instagram must take action. This isnt out of the ordinary but the court went further than simply asking the infringing posts to be removed.

As highlighted by the law blog SpicyIP, the court issued a so-called dynamic injunction, which goes much further than a simple takedown request.



American tourist has leg bitten off by shark in Turks and Caicos Islands "IndyWatch Feed World"

An American tourist from Connecticut vacationing in Turks and Caicos had her leg bitten off by a shark while snorkeling near a resort. The victim, who has not been identified, was in the waters off Blue Haven Resort on Providenciales Island around 3 p.m. Wednesday when she was attacked by a shark, according to a statement from the Royal Turks and Caicos Island Police Department. Police got a 911 call from a resort staffer, reporting that the tourist had her leg bitten off and requesting an ambulance. It was not immediately known how the seriously injured victim fought off the apex predator and made it back ashore.


Khloe Kardashian Explains Everything Wrong With Self-Serving Surrogacy: Its Such A Transactional Experience "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

As Khloe accurately noted, using a surrogate hurts children whose rights and needs get sidelined by adults desires since conception.


Lightning strike kills 2 laborers in Jharkhand, India "IndyWatch Feed World"

Lightning killed two persons and injured two others in Palamu on Thursday. The incident took place at Tenduwa Kalan under the Pansa panchayat where the four labourers were working when heavy rain accompanied by thunderstorm and lightning struck. The two who were killed had taken refuge under a tree where they were struck by lightning. The other two were hit when they were running for a shed. The deceased have been identified as Umesh (50) and Nakul (45). One of the two injured, Sheoshankar Sao has been rushed to the MMCH Daltonganj as his condition was serious. The other injured, Ramjee, is undergoing treatment at the sub-divisional hospital Hussainabad. BDO Prabhakar Ojha has confirmed the casualties.


Femke Halsema's Extremisme "IndyWatch Feed War"


Toespraak burgemeester Halsema (het gesproken woord geldt) 

Forum on European Culture

Onder het motto 'het gesproken woord geldt' -- dat wil zeggen het gesproken woord van de autoriteiten -- sprak de Groen Linkse burgemeester Femke Halsema bij de plaatsing van de...


Khartoum Kaputt: Aircraft Losses During The 2023 Sudan Crisis "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans in collaboration with Gerjon

This list aims to comprehensively catalogue the (operational) aircraft and helicopters destroyed and damaged during the 2023 Sudan Crisis. Captured aircraft and helicopters as well as derelict aircraft are not included in this list. This list is updated as new losses are uncovered. For a list of vehicle losses during the 2023 Sudan Crisis click here.
(Click on the numbers to get a picture of each individual destroyed or damaged aircraft)

Sudanese Air Force (25, of which destroyed: 22, damaged: 3)

Jet Aircraft (6)


Sudan On Fire: Documenting Equipment Losses During The 2023 Sudan Crisis "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

By Stijn Mitzer, Joost Oliemans and Elmustek
This list aims to comprehensively catalogue the equipment losses during the 2023 Sudan Crisis. This list does not discern between the Sudanese Army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Captured equipment, damaged ground vehicles and (destroyed) technicals are not included in this list. This list is updated as new losses are uncovered. For a dedicated list of Sudanese aircraft losses during the 2023 Sudan Crisis click here.
(Click on the numbers to get a picture of each individual destroyed vehicle)


Tanks (16, of which destroyed: 16)


Heres What The IRS Whistleblower Will Tell Lawmakers About The Hunter Biden Probe Behind Closed Doors "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

IRS Whistleblower Gary ShapleyWhistleblower Gary Shapley seems poised to name names on Friday in a House committee hearing on the IRS Hunter Biden probe. Here's what else he's expected to talk about.


The Carbon Brief Profile: Pakistan "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

As part of a series on how key emitters are responding to climate change, Carbon Brief delves into the causes of Pakistans deep-rooted energy and economic crisis, whether it will move past coal and how catastrophic floods fuelled its call for loss-and-damage finance at UN climate talks.

Pakistan is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change in the world. It is currently in the midst of a crippling energy and economic crisis that has brought it to the brink of bankruptcy.

The country, which is the fifth most populous in the world and home to more than 230 million people, was the 18th largest emitter of greenhouse gases in 2018.

Its current crisis is closely tied to its dependency on fossil-fuel imports, particularly in light of global price hikes driven by Russias invasion of Ukraine. Imported fuels currently make up 40% of the countrys primary energy supply. 

One in four people in Pakistan lack access to electricity. In January 2023, the country faced a complete power breakdown, which lasted for 24 hours in some areas.

Pakistan in 2020 committed to a moratorium on building coal-fired power plants. However, the government in 2023 promised to quadruple power plants fuelled with domestic coal to meet energy needs without relying on imports. Coal mining in the country has been linked to fatal disasters, slavery and child abuse

More than 1,700 people died in Pakistans 2022 floods, which were fuelled by rains made 75% more intense by climate change. Many displaced...


Attrition In Action: List Of Ukrainian Army Equipment Not Yet Destroyed By Russia "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
February 2023 marks one full year of epic struggle on Ukraine's part to preserve its very existence. Rather than succumbing to the invaders beleaguering the country from the North, South and East, it has managed take the initiative in a conflict that was heavily stacked against it. Yet one year also marks the point where the war is beginning to surpass perhaps any conflict since WWII in terms of ferocity and, necessarily, losses. Though these losses are skewed to the Russian side, attrition on the Ukrainian side is also unprecedented, and sustainable only through material support from its allies. With new contingents of Western armament on the way, this list now attempts to denote what types of heavy equipment are known to be in use on the battlefield that have not yet been confirmed destroyed or captured. As opposed, to the Russian counterpart of this list, we might thus expect this list to grow rather than dwindle down as time progresses.

Obviously, not all equipment known to have been developed by Ukraine or pledged delivered by an ally may be actually operational, so to keep things manageable this list will include only those systems that have been acknowledged to be in use with the military. Nevertheless, certain systems may be included or omitted on a case-by-case basis for instance because they are expected to be used operationally or, conversely, because including them would be impractical. Categories that have been excluded are small-sized (EOD) UGVs, civilian-grade UAVs, transport and training aircraft, naval vessels and (armoured) trucks. This list is updated as additional vehicle types are confirmed to be destroyed or captured.

Our lis...


Not All War Wounds Are Visible "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

As we mark Memorial Day, I am joined by David Morris, a journalist who narrowly escaped death while embedded with troops in Iraq. His 2015 book, The Evil Hours: A Biography of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, stands as a testament to the unseen battles waged by those touched by war, long after theyve left the battlefield.


Morris tells of his personal journey through the aftermath of an IED explosion in Iraq, and offers an insightful exploration of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, we must also acknowledge the lasting psychological wounds of the survivors of wars horrors. 


Our discussion traces the evolution of PTSD, from its early recognition in the shell-shocked soldiers of World War I to its current status as a recognized psychiatric disorder. The conversation takes a philosophical turn as we explore how religion and personal worldview can shape an individuals response to trauma, and how different perspectives and beliefs can influence resilience in the face of adversity.


Morris scrutinizes the therapeutic approaches to PTSD, including prolonged-exposure therapy and cognitive-processing therapy. These treatments, he argues, shed light on the path to healing, offering hope to those grappling with the haunting memories of traumatic events.


Finally, he talks about the unique struggles faced by war correspondents dealing with PTSD. These individuals, much like our veterans, often bear the burden of their traumatizing experiences in silence. 

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Getting into NMR Without the Superconducting Magnet "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Exploring the mysteries of quantum mechanics surely seems like an endeavor that requires room-sized equipment and racks of electronics, along with large buckets of grant money, to accomplish. And while thats generally true, theres quite a lot that can be accomplished on a considerably more modest budget, as this as-simple-as-it-gets nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscope amply demonstrates.

First things first: Does the magnetic resonance part of NMR bear any relationship to magnetic resonance imaging? Indeed it does, as the technique of lining up nuclei in a magnetic field, perturbing them with an electromagnetic field, and receiving the resultant RF signals as the nuclei snap back to their original spin state lies at the heart of both. And while MRI scanners and the large NMR spectrometers used in analytical chemistry labs both use extremely powerful magnetic fields, [Andy Nicol] shows us that even the Earths magnetic field can be used for NMR.

[Andy]s NMR setup couldnt be simpler. It consists of a coil of enameled copper wire wound on a 40...


How much is the writers strike costing? "IndyWatch Feed World"

Heres why its challenging to calculate the ongoing costs of the writers strikefor studios and for the writers participating. But not striking has a cost, too.

Since the writers strike started on May 2, writers have written countless clever protest signs, TV shows like Abbott Elementary, Stranger Things, and Saturday Night Live have been stalled, and studios may have lost billions. Overall, measuring the exact cost of the writers strike can be difficult.

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Algeria - 2 dead after flash floods in 9 provinces "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least 2 people have died and dozens have been rescued or evacuated after flash floods in 9 provinces of Algeria from 24 May 2023. Civil Protection teams carried out interventions including rescues and evacuations in the provinces of Algiers, Blida, Tbessa, Oum El Bouaghi, Tipaza, Boumerdes, El Tarf, Batna and Guelma. Houses were damaged or destroyed, vehicles swept from roads and transport severely disrupted. In Guelma Province, a young person died in floodwaters in the municipality of Bou Hachana. Civil Protection rescued at least 30 people trapped by flood waters in the district of Hliopolis.


Thought Police: Australias censorship-industrial-complex finally detailed "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT TOTT NEWS  Censorship actions taken by the Department of Home Affairs over...


Italy - Deadly flash floods in Campania Region "IndyWatch Feed World"

More torrential rain in Italy has caused further flooding, this time in the southwestern Campania Region, where at least one fatality was reported. The flooding in Campania comes while the northern Emilia-Romagna Region begins a long recovery process following catastrophic flooding in which 15 people died and 36,000 were evacuated. In the Campania Region, firefighters reported severe flooding in the municipalities of Forino and Montoro in the province of Avellino on 25 May 2023. In particular, the community of Celzi in Forino was severely impacted. Italy's Fire Department said teams carried out numerous interventions including rescuing or evacuating families from flooded homes. Local Civil Protection said one person died after a vehicle was swept away by floods in Celzi. Assessments are ongoing but local officials said damages are considerable.


Corporate America Has Launched A Religious War. Its Time To Choose Your Side "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

CrusadersIn this war there are only two sides: the Tao and the Machine, God or Satan. You have to choose, but choose wisely.


Planner Sues Wauwatosa for Approving Storage Units in Walkable Downtown "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Wauwatosa, WI. (Source: Flickr/djvass.)

On the edge of Wauwatosas Village (aka the citys old town district) in Wisconsin, the former site of Western Building Products Inc. cant seem to get a fresh start. Originally approved for a housing complex, the vacated structures were recently assigned a new fate: storage units. 

However, one Milwaukee local was not only disappointed by the new plans, but filed an appeal alleging they shouldnt have been approved, in the first place. After being denied a hearing by the Board of Zoning Appeals, he petitioned the Milwaukee County Circuit Court to force one on May 2, 2023.

A planner by trade, Robin Palms involvement in local politics is a fairly recent development. With meetings thrust online during the pandemic, he could tune in from the comfort of his home and keep tabs on municipal activity. Over time, he noticed that plans to redevelop a vacant property adjacent to Wauwatosas Village were steadily falling apart. Those plans would have accommodated 525 apartments, extended the existing bicycle and pedestrian trail system, and connected the recently revitalized Village to the western half of the city, largely defined by a sprawling medical complex.


Generative AI intrigues small-business owners, but many arent sure what to do with it "IndyWatch Feed World"

In a new survey of small-business owners, one-quarter said they are already testing tools such as ChatGPT, but some werent clear on how AI will help their business.

The rapid rise of generative AI has mainly been examined through the lens of how major companies like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Apple will use it, along with how the technology will affect industries such as entertainment and healthcare. But a new report from FreshBooks sheds some light on how generative AI is expected to impact small-business owners in the near future.

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Alchemy Sets 101: A Beginners Guide to the Art of Transmutation "IndyWatch Feed World"

In the mystical realm of the sciences, few subjects have intrigued and fascinated human minds as much as alchemy. Rooted in ancient traditions and shrouded in mysticism, alchemy is often associated with the quest to transform base metals into gold, to discover the universal panacea, and to find the philosophers stone the legendary substance capable of inducing such transformations. However, its vital to recognize that alchemy, at its core, is not just about physical transmutation; it is also about spiritual growth and understanding the fundamental principles of nature. As a beginner, heres your guide to the art of alchemy and the alchemy set youll need.

Understanding Alchemy


Before diving into what comprises an alchemy set, its crucial to understand what alchemy truly entails. At its core, alchemy is a protoscience that has paved the way for modern chemistry and medicine. While its now considered more of a philosophical and spiritual discipline, the practical aspect of alchemy cannot be discounted.

The transmutation process in alchemy involves three primary stages: Nigredo (blackening), Albedo (whitening), and Rubedo (reddening). Nigredo symbolizes a purification process, Albedo signifies illumination, and Rubedo, the final stage, represents perfection.

Components of an Alchemy Set

An alchemy sets comprises various tools, apparatus, and ingredients, each serving a specific function in the alchemical process.

  1. Alembic: This is a distillation apparatus that dates back to ancient times. Its used for purifying and transforming substances through distillation.
  1. Crucible: Its a high-temperature resistant container where substances are heated for chemical reactions. The crucible is a symbol of transformative heat and pressure.
  1. Mortar and Pestle: Thes...


DeSantis: Trump Handed U.S. Over to Fauci and Destroyed Millions of Lives "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Never forget it: President Pfizer Warpspeed (Trump) was either in on the Covid scam, or allowed himself to be scammed, indicating gross incompetence. Via: New York Post: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took a swing at Republican primary frontrunner Donald Trump Thursday, saying the 45th president turned the country over to Dr. Anthony Fauci during the []


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Queued up ahead of the Linux 6.5 cycle kicking off in about one month is a new Linux x86 optimization patch for further tuning csum_partial, the function used within the kernel for calculating 32-bit checksums on blocks of data. Much lower latency and higher throughput can be observed with the newly-optimized csum_partial on the latest Intel/AMD processors...


New CosmicEnergy ICS malware threatens energy grid assets "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Experts detailed a new piece of malware, named CosmicEnergy, that is linked to Russia and targets industrial control systems (ICS). 

Researchers from Mandiant discovered a new malware, named CosmicEnergy, designed to target operational technology (OT) / industrial control system (ICS) systems. The malicious code was first uploaded to a public malware scanning service in December 2021 by a user in Russia. The malware is specifically designed to disrupt electric power by interacting with IEC 60870-5-104 (IEC-104) devices, such as remote terminal units (RTUs). These RTU are widely adopted n electric transmission and distribution operations in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

COSMICENERGY is one of the OT malware that were spotted over the years, but according to Mandiant, what makes this malware unique is that it has been developed by a contractor as part of a red teaming activity for simulated power disruption exercises hosted by Rostelecom-Solar, a Russian cyber security company. The ICS malware supports capabilities that are comparable to those implemented in malware such as INDUSTROYER and INDUSTROYER2.

Both INDUSTROYER and INDUSTROYER2 malware strains were used by Russia-linked APT groups in attacks aimed at critical infrastructure in Ukraine targeting IEC-104.

COSMICENERGYs capabilities and overall attack strategy appear reminiscent of the 2016 INDUSTROYER incident, which issued IEC-104 ON/OFF commands to interact with RTUs and, according to one analysis, may have made use of an MSSQL server as a conduit system to access OT. reads the analysis published by Mandiant. Leveraging this access, an attacker can send remote commands to affect the actuation of power line switches and circuit breakers to cause power disruption.

COSMICENERGY is composed of two components, respectively tracked as PIEHOP and LIGHTWORK:

  • PIEHOP is a disruption Python tool packaged with P...


Careless IT security worker exploited ransomware attack against his employer, but failed to cover his tracks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Bad enough for your company to be held to ransom after a cyber attack. Worse still to then have one of your own employees exploit the attack in an attempt to steal the ransom for themselves. Read more in my article on the Tripwire State of Security blog.


My Friend Jordan Neely Was Homeless and in Mental Distress. But He Was Not Expendable. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Jordan Neely was choked to death on a New York City subway car. Mentor and fellow Michael Jackson enthusiast Moses Harper recalls who he was in life.


Qt 5.15 LTS Takes Another Step Closer To Retirement "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Qt 5.15 Long-Term Support branch as the last release in the Qt5 series is one step closer to retirement with The Qt Group now having ended its standard support for legacy license holders...


African Gangs Murder Burmese Refugee In Melbournes West "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

READ MORE AT XYZ Itll be safe they said: Police are searching for a 17-year-old...


Discover the Blood Type Mosquitoes Like Best "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Yes, They Really Have a Favorite!:

A study conducted in 2004 aimed to determine the blood type that mosquitoes preferred when it came to feeding. The researchers released a group of Aedes albopictus mosquitoes and observed their behavior as they landed on different individuals with varying blood types. The results showed that the mosquitos were more attracted to people with Type O blood, landing on them almost twice as often compared to those who had Type A.

Although there was no significant difference between the preference for blood types B and AB, the findings strongly suggested that Type O was indeed the most favored by mosquitoes. This information is crucial in understanding how these pesky insects behave, especially since certain diseases like malaria are transmitted through mosquito bites.

If you are getting bitten more often than other people, there might be a good reason for that. Here are some of the reasons, other than Type O blood, that mosquitos may be attracted to you.

[...] Despite popular belief, mosquitoes do not actually bite us for our blood but rather for the proteins in our blood plasma. These proteins help female mosquitoes produce eggs and are essential for their survival. When a mosquito bites an individual with a particular blood type, it can detect these proteins and know if it is worth biting again in order to obtain more nutrients.

Mosquitoes aren't only attracted to a certain blood type. They are highly attracted to carbon dioxide, a gas that is naturally emitted by humans when they exhale. In fact, these pesky insects can detect carbon dioxide from almost half a football field away! This makes it easy for mosquitoes to locate potential hosts and feed on their blood.

Interestingly, some individuals naturally exhale more carbon dioxide than others. Generally speaking, larger people tend to produce more of this gas compared to smaller individuals. As a result, bigger individuals may be more attractive targets for mosquitoes.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


West Bank: Palestinian killed by Israeli fire in Hebron settlement "IndyWatch Feed War"

West Bank: Palestinian killed by Israeli fire in Hebron settlement

Israeli media say 28-year-old was shot dead for carrying a knife, although there are no reports of Israelis being hurt
MEE staff Fri, 05/26/2023 - 10:42
Israeli soldiers fire rubber bullets towards Palestinian stone-throwers during clashes in Hebron, 2 May 2023 (AFP)

Palestinian man was killed by Israeli fire on Friday morning in a settlement south of Hebron city in the occupied West Bank.

Alaa Khalil Qaysieh, 28, was shot dead in Teneh Omarim, an Israeli settlement built on the lands of Ad-Dhahiriya town in Hebron governorate, according to the official Palestinian news agency Wafa.

The Israeli military alleged Qaysieh crawled under an unguarded iron gate to enter the settlement and was carrying a knife. 

A member of the settlement's armed guards shot him dead, claiming he attempted to stab a settler near a synagogue, Ynet reported.

No Israelis were hurt.

The Palestinian ministry of health later said it was informed of Qaysieh's death by the Israeli authorities.  

Teneh Omarim was established in 1983 and houses almost 1,000 settlers, heavily guarded by the Israeli military. 

Nearly 700,000 s...

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