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Saturday, 03 June


Leserbrief zur Schufa und abgelehnten Kreditkartenantrgen:Da ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Leserbrief zur Schufa und abgelehnten Kreditkartenantrgen:

Da der Kunde mit dem Antrag auf eine Kreditkarte/einem Kredit vmtl eine Schufafreigabe unterschrieben hat, wird die Ablehnung des Antrages auch automatisiert an die Schufa weitergeleitet. Der Grund eher nicht.

D.h. weil es der Bank peinlich ist zuzugeben, das sie gerade die Antrge nicht bearbeiten knnen bzw. weil sie keinen Prozess dafr haben, geht fr die armen Schweine die so behandelt werden der Score runter.

Erinniert mich daran, das Banken, wenn man sich fr einen Kredit interessiert, gerne Kreditanfragen anstelle von Konditionsanfragen bei der Schufa stellen. Das ist ein Problem, weil das System eine Kreditanfrage ohne sptere Eintragung des Kredites als Ablehnung interpretiert. Erkundigt man sich also bei mehreren Banken nach den Konditionen kann das im worst case bedeuten das man die versprochenen Konditionen gar nicht mehr bekommt.

Der vorauseilend "hilfsbereite" Banksachbearbeiter eines Freundes hat immer mal wieder Kreditanfragen gestellt (ohne Aufforderung!), weil er ihm einen Kredit aufschwatzen wollte. War ganz schn Auffwand das aus dem Schufaregister wieder rauszubekommen.

Ja super!

Ihr msst jetzt sehr tapfer sein:Agrochemie-Konzerne ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ihr msst jetzt sehr tapfer sein:

Agrochemie-Konzerne haben bei der Zulassung ihrer Produkte wichtige Studien zurckgehalten. Das zeigt eine Untersuchung der Stockholmer Universitt, die dem BR vorliegt. Die Studien untersuchen potenzielle Gesundheitsgefahren fr Ften und Kinder.
Ich wei! Die Agrochemie-Konzerne waren doch bisher ber jeden Zweifel erhaben! Noch nie haben Pestizide irgendwelche negativen Auswirkungen gehabt!!

Leserbrief zur DKB:FunFact zu dem Thema: Wir hatten ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Leserbrief zur DKB:

FunFact zu dem Thema: Wir hatten vor ein paar Monaten das gleiche Problem mit der DKB. Antrag, lange Warten, Ablehnung. Rational gab es da keinen Grund zu.

Nach vielen Telefonaten und ein paar redseeligen DKB-Mitarbeitern stellte sich raus, dass zumindest zu dem Zeitpunkt viele Antrge einfach aus dem Grund abgelehnt wurden, weil die beauftragte Druckerei nicht hinterherkommt. Vermutlich auch, weil die DKB im letzten Jahr auf die Debit-Karte umgestiegen ist und einmal ihren kompletten Kundenstamm neu ausstatten musste.

Lsung: pauschale Ablehnung. Wenn es wichtig ist: einfach Einspruch einlegen. Das hat bei uns auch ohne Probleme geklappt, gedauert hat es dann dennoch noch Wochen bis die Karte kam. Ein anderes Institut hat uns parallel ohne Murren eine Karte sogar mit hherem Dispo nach wenigen Tagen ausgegeben...


Old and busted: Westliche Behrden regen sich ber ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Old and busted: Westliche Behrden regen sich ber Malware aus Russland auf.

New hotness: Russische Behrden regen sich ber Malware aus den USA auf.

Und zwar will der FSB zusammen mit dem FSO (Prsidentenschutz) Apple-spezifische Malware gefunden haben, und behauptet jetzt, Apple habe auf Gehei der NSA bewusst Lcken eingebaut, damit die NSA darber Malware verbreiten kann.

Beweise legen sie keine vor.

In Berlin gab es ein Datenschutz-Bugeld in Hhe ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

In Berlin gab es ein Datenschutz-Bugeld in Hhe von 300.000 Euro gegen eine Bank. Das zahlen die aus der Portokasse.

Aber wartet mal, bevor ihr das zu den Akten legt. Die Details sind interessant.

Die Berliner Datenschutzbehrde hat gegen die Deutsche Kreditbank ein Bugeld von 300.000 Euro verhngt, weil der Computer einen Kreditantrag einfach ablehnte.
Die DKB war eine DDR-Bank. Die erste DDR-Bank, die privatisiert wurde. Die Treuhand hat die dann der Reihe nach bernommen und am Ende bernahm die Bayerische Landesbank die Anteile der Treuhand bei deren Auflsung.

Wenn der Berliner Datenschutzbeauftragte gegen eine Tochter der Bayerischen Landesbank ein Bugeld verhngt, ist das direkt schon mal interessant. Man knnte einen politischen Hintergrund vermuten oder so. Aber das ist nicht, wieso ich das hier im Blog habe.

Der Grund fr die Strafe war, dass ein Kunde der DKB eine Kreditkarte haben wollte, und die Bank hat das abgelehnt. Der Kunde fragte dann nach einer Begrndung und bekam blo Textbausteine.

Das Bugeld jetzt kommt daher, dass das eine automatisierte Entscheidung war, und die DSGVO verpflichtet die Bank dann zur Transparenz. Die htten, findet die Datenschutzbeauftragte, dem Kunden erklren mssen, welche Faktoren hier ausschlaggebend waren, denn der Kunde war wohl gut betucht und hatte ein regelmiges hohes Einkommen auf dem Konto.

Und hier wird es brisant. Warte mal, wenn die DKB hier Auskunft geben muss, was ist denn dann mit, sagen wir mal, der Schufa?

Geht es nach Priit Pikame, einem Generalanwalt am Europischen Gerichtshof (EuGH), sind schon die von der Schufa errechneten Wahrscheinlichkeitswerte ("Scores") ber die Bonitt eines Verbrauchers nicht mit der DSGVO vereinbar.
Wenn die Datenschutzbeauftragten das jetzt ernsthaft so durchsetzen, kme das einem Erdbeben gleich. Die Schufa findet, ihr Scoring-Verfahren sei ein Geschftsgeheimnis, und sie halten sich da mit Details traditionell sehr bedeckt. Wenn das jetzt die Datenschutzbehrden mit dem Kuhfu aufbrechen, knnten da eine Reihe von unbequemen Details rauskommen, z.B. dass das Scoring auf dem Anteil der Migrationshintergrund-Nachbarn beruht oder hnliche nicht ffentlich ansagbare Metriken. Nicht nur bei der Schufa, natrlich, aber die ist der offensichtliche Punkt, wo man den Kuhfu ansetzen wrde.

Dieses Bugeld hat jedenfalls ein relativ hohes Potential. Ich denke mal, dass die Banken jetzt schnell anfangen werden, da einen Menschen in ihre Automatismen einzubauen, damit sie sagen knnen, die Entscheidung sei nicht maschinell getroffen worden.

sterreich hat weite Teile ihrer Regulierungsbehrden ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

sterreich hat weite Teile ihrer Regulierungsbehrden in den Belgien-Modus geschaltet.

die Spitze der staatlichen Kartellbehrde, die die Wettbewerbsregeln kontrolliert, wird seit eineinhalb Jahren nicht nachbesetzt [...] das grte Gericht des Landes, das als zentrales Kontrollorgan der Verwaltung fungiert, seit Monaten ohne Prsidentin dasteht [...] gleichzeitig auch noch der Verfassungsschutz eineinhalb Jahre ohne parlamentarische Aufsicht arbeitet
Und wisst ihr was? Es geht dem Land auch nicht schlechter als vorher. Wofr fttern wir noch gleich diese ganzen berflssigen Behrden durch, die im Zweifelsfall eh nicht helfen?

Kreative Todesarten sind bei Geheimagenten schon immer ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kreative Todesarten sind bei Geheimagenten schon immer wichtig. Legendr sind die 600 Mordversuche der CIA an Fideo Castro.

Um diese Kunstform ist es in letzter Zeit etwas ruhig geworden, wenn man mal von den russischen Fensterstrzen absieht.

Doch damit ist jetzt Schluss! Italien legt vor!

Geheimagenten ertrinken bei der Party im Lago Maggiore war das Touristenboot vllig berladen?
Ja! Wirklich! Ein Bootsausflug auf dem Lago Maggiore suft ab (brigens sehr zu empfehlen als Ausflugsziel, wenn man mal in der Nhe ist), und dann kommt raus, dass da lauter Geheimdienstler an Bord waren.
Fr vier Menschen kam jedoch jede Hilfe zu spt. Zwei Frauen und zwei Mnner starben, darunter die Frau des Kapitns eine 50-jhrige Russin. Die drei anderen Todesopfer waren fr den Geheimdienst ttig.


Das israelische Auenministerium teilte mit, dass eines der Todesopfer ein Mann in seinen Fnfzigern aus Israel war, der frher bei den Sicherheitskrften ttig gewesen sei. Zudem seien ein 62-jhriger Mann und eine 53-jhrige Frau gestorben, die beide fr einen italienischen Geheimdienst arbeiteten

Das klingt ja geradezu wie ein diplomatisches Gipfeltreffen! Jetzt msste man nur noch wissen, bei welchem Geheimdienst die berlebenden arbeiten.

Update: Laut n-tv waren in der Gruppe acht Geheimagenten aus Italien und dreizehn aus Israel. Der Bootsverleih wurde berhaupt erst im April gegrndet, sagen sie. Auerdem:

Suspekt scheint dem einen oder anderen allein schon, dass die berlebenden israelischen Agenten gleich mit einem Sonderflug in die Heimat zurckgebracht wurden und die italienischen Kollegen so schnell wie mglich vom Bildschirm verschwanden.


Digital Rights Updates with EFFector 35.7 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Catch up on the latest news in the digital rights movement with our EFFector newsletter! Our latest issue is out now, and it is jam packed with updates, from decisions made by the Supreme court on Section 230 and fair use cases, to EFF's investigation into California police agencies sharing drivers' location data with law enforcement agencies in other states. You can read the full newsletter here,

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EFFector 35.7 - EFF at RightsCon 2023

Make sure you never miss an issue by signing up by email to receive EFFector as soon as it's posted! Since 1990 EFF has published EFFector to help keep readers on the bleeding edge of their digital rights. We know that the intersection of technology, civil liberties, human rights, and the law can be complicated, so EFFector is a great way to stay on top of things. The newsletter is chock full of links to updates, announcements, blog posts, and other stories to help keep readersand listenersup to date on the movement to protect online privacy and free expression. 

Thank you to the supporters around the world who make our work possible! If you're not a member yet, join EFF today to help us fight for a brighter digital future.


[$] Memory-management documentation and development process "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As the 2023 Linux Storage, Filesystem, Memory-Management and BPF Summit neared its conclusion, two sessions were held in the memory-management track on process-oriented topics. Mike Rapoport ran a session on memory-management documentation (or the lack thereof), while Andrew Morton talked about the state of the subsystem's development process in general. Both sessions were relatively brief and did not foreshadow substantial changes to come.


JUST-IN: Tinubu Meets Makinde, Wike, Ibori Behind Closed Doors "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

President Bola Tinubu is currently meeting with the Governor of Oyo State, Seyi Makinde, the immediate past Governor of Rivers State, Nyesom Wike and the former Governor of Delta State, James Ibori behind closed doors. Though the agenda of this parley has yet to be officially disclosed, the meeting of the three leaders of the...

The post JUST-IN: Tinubu Meets Makinde, Wike, Ibori Behind Closed Doors appeared first on New Telegraph.


Boeing Becomes Sole Owner of Air Taxi Manufacturer Wisk Aero "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As it contends with a slowdown in 737 Max deliveries at present, Boeing also has its eye on the future.

According to reports this week, the aerospace powerhouse is now the sole owner of Wisk Aero, the self-flying air taxi manufacturer it has been backing since 2019, alongside Google co-founder Larry Pages Kitty Hawk Corp. Kitty Hawk ceased operations last year but continued to invest in the electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft developer.

Now, Boeing has reportedly acquired Kitty Hawks shares in Wisk, making it a wholly owned subsidiary, though Wisk CEO Brian Yutko said the air taxi enterprise will retain its independence. Yutko did not disclose the terms of the agreement.


This autonomous robot saves you a parking spot and charges your EV "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

EV Safe Charge.

Ziggy, the portable robotic EV charger that Interesting Engineering reported on last year, will soon be installed at a U.S. airport in a bid to meet the growing demand for travelers owning EVs so they can easily charge them while they fly.


VW unveils the larger ID.Buzz electric van headed to North America "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

""> ID.Buzz electric van thats destined for North America, and theres more to it than you might think. The three-row design with two extra seats is clearly the main draw for roadtrippers and growing families, but this isnt just a battery (versus 82kWh for the two-row), a more powerful 282HP motor for the rear-wheel drive trim (versus 201HP) and a higher 99MPH top speed (versus 90MPH). While there are no range estimates yet, there will also be an optional all-wheel drive configuration with a 330HP dual-motor system.

The interior tech hasnt changed much from the two-row model, although thats not necessarily a bad thing. Youll still face a 5.3-inch digital instrument cluster and a 12.9-inch infotainment display. The larger ID.Buzz now has the easier-to-use interface from the ID.7, though, and youll find a total of eight USB-C ports helpful when friends in the back want to charge their phones. The three-row EV also comes standard with Level 2 driver assistance (including lane centering), and the customizable cabin lighting doubles as a status indicator for everything from charging levels to navigation directions.

The North American van also touts the largest panoramic roof of any car in the VW group at 67.4 inches long, and uses electrochromic glass to turn opaque when its not needed. Youll also find a 110V outlet under the passenger seat area, and a 12V port in the cargo space can charge more of your gear. A nine-speaker audio system is standard, but you can upgrade to a 14-speaker Harman Kardon unit.


A new method to make high-performance magnets could minimize our reliance on rare earth elements "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Wikimedia Commons.

These high-performance magnets, used in wind turbines and electric vehicles, are vital for building a zero-carbon economy. Currently, the best permanent magnets available require rare earth elements.


Programmer Creates Grim Tool to Clone Anyone as an AI Girlfriend "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ever wanted to clone someone anyone, really that you might know into an AI girlfriend? You might be able to.


This Dubai Mosque Will Be One of the Worlds Biggest and Most Complex 3D-Printed Buildings "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In 2018, just as 3D printing was starting to take off as a construction method, Dubai set an ambitious goal: the city wanted to become the 3D printing capital of the world, aiming for a quarter of its new buildings to be printed rather than conventionally constructed.

Follow-through was swift, with the Dubai municipality building becoming the worlds largest 3D-printed structure in 2019. The city is continuing to make good on its goaland breaking its own recordwith an even bigger building, and the first of its kind: the worlds first 3D-printed mosque will be built there this year. At 2,000 square meters (21,528 square feet), it will accommodate 600 people and have more than twice the square footage of the municipal building.

The mosque is a collaboration between the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department (IACAD) and architectural firm JT+Partners. There will also be a construction company involved, but a name hasnt yet been released (the municipality building was constructed by Boston-based Apis Cor; the city could be looking to work with them again, or could take a different direction entirely).


Hackers use flaw in popular file transfer tool to steal data, researchers say "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

SAN FRANCISCO, June 1 (Reuters) Hackers have stolen data from the systems of a number of users of the popular file transfer tool MOVEit Transfer, U.S. security researchers said on Thursday, one day after the maker of the software disclosed that a security flaw had been discovered.

Software maker Progress Software Corp (PRGS.O), after disclosing the vulnerability on Wednesday, said it could lead to potential unauthorized access into users systems.

The managed file transfer software made by the Burlington, Massachusetts-based company allows organizations to transfer files and data between business partners and customers.


What Is a Woman? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

They intellectualized that lie Most of it is done by Americans to Americans Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. Yuri Bezmenov, Former KGB officer The trick to understanding this is to first realize that its an unconventional warfare operation against the United States, and other developed economies. Its subversion. This didnt happen overnight. []


Witness space history "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Mars Express has been orbiting Mars for the past 20 years, sending back data on the vast landscape of the Red Planet along the way. Slight technical delays have hampered these views, and sometimes the images take hours and even days to transmit to Earth.

[Related: The Mars Express just got up close and personal with Phobos.]

That changes with todays historic livestream. If all goes according to plan, todays images will get to Earth about 18 minutes after they are taken. It will take 17 minutes for light to travel from Mars to Earth and then about one minute to pass through the servers and wires on the ground.


Possible Life-Supporting Planet Found Orbiting Dying Star "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The existence of life on planets orbiting stars akin to our sun doesnt necessarily require these stars to be exceptionally powerful.

Scientists have uncovered a possible giant planet orbiting a dying star, which could potentially support life in the future.

Researchers from University College London made the startling discovery while studying a white dwarf, the glowing remnants of a star that exhausted its hydrogen fuel. Located about 117 light-years away, this star, known as WD1054-226, features a ring of planetary debris in its habitable zone, or Goldilocks zone, where temperatures might allow liquid water to exist on a planets surface.


Philosophy Portal: Brain in a Vat "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Imagine a world where every conceivable facet of your reality is nothing more than sensory experience devoid of any real meaning; And that your emotions, organs, and even your closest relationships were nothing but pleasurable impulses being transmitted directly into your brain.

This is the hypothesis posited by the Brain in a Vat theory. If an evil scientist (or rich transhumanist, whichever you prefer) were to take your brain, submerge it in a jar or vat of nutrients, in theory, you could be force fed the information you process on a daily basis.

If your neurons were connected to some type of hardware and/or software that could continuously provide the necessary stimuli, youd be ripe for this process.


EFCC Lacks Constitutional Powers To Probe Zamfara States Accounts, Court Declares "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sets aside Commissions invitation to past, serving Zamfara officials A Federal High Court, sitting in Gusau, Zamfara State has declared that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) does not have the powers to invite (by letters, telephone calls or any other means of communication) serving and past officials of the Zamfara State Government for...

The post EFCC Lacks Constitutional Powers To Probe Zamfara States Accounts, Court Declares appeared first on New Telegraph.


Alex Iwobi Voted Everton Player Of The Season "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Everton midfielder, Alex Iwobi has been voted by his teammates as the Player of the Season for the 2022-2023 campaign. As it is the custom of football clubs to ask players to vote for the best player of the season both in the league and in the club, for the just concluded season. But Alex...

The post Alex Iwobi Voted Everton Player Of The Season appeared first on New Telegraph.


Quranic School Student Drowns In Kano Pond "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

13-year-old Yusuf Magaji, a Quranic school student on Thursday drowned in a pond at Makugara village in Karaye Local Government Area of Kano State. Sanusi Abdullahi, the spokesperson of the Kano State Fire Service confirmed the incident in a statement signed and made available to newsmen on Friday. According to him, Yusuf and some others...

The post Quranic School Student Drowns In Kano Pond appeared first on New Telegraph.


BREAKING: Court Sacks Ayu As PDP National Chairman "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Seizes being a member for failure to pay dues The internal crisis rocking the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has assumed a disturbing dimension as a High Court sitting in Makurdi, the Benue State capital on Friday finally sacked the embattled National Chairman of the party, Senator Iyorchia Ayu. The court also ruled that Senator Ayu...

The post BREAKING: Court Sacks Ayu As PDP National Chairman appeared first on New Telegraph.


Programa General de Ordenamiento Territorial, crisis ambiental o futuro sostenible para la Ciudad de Mxico? "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Frente al cambio climtico y la crisis ambiental es urgente que las ciudades tengan herramientas de planeacin territorial para su resiliencia. El gobierno present un nuevo documento bajo mltiples irregularidades. El Programa General de Ordenamiento Territorial (PGOT) propuesto puede expandir la urbanizacin y poner en riesgo el suelo de conservacin.


La lucha de los periodistas kurdos por su libertad de expresin "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Este ao, los periodistas kurdos de las cuatro partes de Kurdistn donde a menudo los kurdos quedan aislados de las grandes sociedades del pas en el que viven: Turqua, Irak, Siria e Irn enfrentan una situacin muy difcil por la creciente opresin y censura de las autoridades.

Los kurdos, etnia aptrida de unos 40 millones de personas, comparten cultura, lengua e identidad. Llevan siglos luchando por su independencia y son uno de los mayores grupos de personas sin Estado del mundo.

A diferencia de otros periodistas de todo el mundo, que enfrentan amenazas relacionadas con su trabajo, los periodistas kurdos enfrentan un desafo diferente. No tienen una nacin-Estado con reconocimiento y, por tanto, no tienen reconocimiento poltico. En consecuencia, enfrentan una importante oposicin en los pases en los que viven, que a menudo intentan borrar su identidad y suprimir su libertad de expresin.

Los periodistas kurdos tambin enfrentan retos cuando tratan con las autoridades y los partidos polticos kurdos en las zonas donde tienen cierto grado de autonoma, como Irak. Segn un artculo de Foreign Policy, del 22 de marzo de 2023: (Los partidos polticos en Kurdistn) estn limitando la libertad de expresin dentro de sus zonas de control, e impidiendo por la fuerza que se realicen protestas. Los periodistas kurdos iraques son detenidos con regularidad o se les impide cubrir la informacin local; un organismo de control local enumer al menos 431 infracciones en 2022.

La persecucin de periodistas kurdos en Turqua

Actualmente, Turqua ostenta el lamentable honor de ser uno de los diez pases del mundo con mayor nmero de periodistas encarcelados, segn un informe de Reporteros sin Fronteras, de diciembre de 2022. El rgimen de Recep Tayyip Erdogan ha intensificado su represin contra los periodistas kurdos, a medida que se acercan las elecciones.

En abril, al menos 110 personas fueron detenidas antes de las elecciones presidenciales turcas del 14 de mayo, incluidos miembros del pro-kurdo Partido Democrtico de las Personas (HDP) y su co-presidente adjunto, zlem Gndz.

El HDP emiti una declaracin el 25 de abril en la que se destaca la situacin: El gobierno del AKP-MHP, que lleva desde 2015 intentando prolongar su vida con golpes polticos, propaganda, amenazas, chantajes y todo tipo de ataques, ha iniciado un nuevo golpe poltico contra las elecciones del 14 de mayo con las detenciones de esta maana. Esta operacin es contra las elecciones y la voluntad del pueblo. Es una clara intimidacin y amenaza a la sociedad y sus preferencias polticas. Sin embargo, estos ataques del AKP son esfuerzos intiles que nunca darn resultados. Nuestro pueblo, y todos los segmentos sociales...


Tom Morello is too mean to Nazis "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The NY Post claims consider the source, and be skeptical that Tom Morello is being canceled by his fans for being against Nazis. Tom Morello! Rage Against the Machine Morello! He said something on Twitter.

Rage Against The Machine rocker Tom Morello, 59, is getting blasted on Twitter for sharing an anti-Nazi quote

Wait for it,  w a i t  for it

with fans accusing him of fascism and intolerance.

Fans. I dont think actual fans would be mad at Tom Morello for being aggressively anti-Nazi. Have they listened to any of his music? Especially since this is the quote they found offensive.

German saying: If 9 people sit down at a table with 1 Nazi without protest, there are 10 Nazis at the table

Uh, yeah? Thats right. The people who are complaining are the change my mind folks. The debate bros.

While that sounds principled, it isnt, one Twitter user wrote. Its a mechanism to stop conversation. 9 people can sit down at a table with 1 Nazi and talk and educate said single Nazi on the issues and the truth with evidence and convert that Nazi. Its called diplomacy.

So do you think its impossible to politely converse with someone to change their mind? another asked.

You cant debate Nazis, full stop.

Hey, man, shouldnt you go back to listening to Hootie & the Blowfish? Rage Against the Machine isnt your jam.


Hackaday Podcast 221: The Future of the Raspberry Pi, Sniffing a Toothbrush, Your Tactical Tool Threshold "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Editors Elliot Williams and Tom Nardi are back in the (virtual) podcast studio to talk the latest phase of the 2023 Hackaday Prize, the past, present, and future of single-board computers, and a modern reincarnation of the Blackberry designed by hardware hackers. Theyll also cover the current state of toothbrush NFC hacking, the possibilities of electric farm equipment, and a privately funded satellite designed to sniff out methane. Stick around till the end to find out if there really is such a thing as having too many tools.

Check out the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!

Or download all the things!


AMDVLK vs. Mesa RADV Radeon Vulkan Driver Performance On Linux "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Kicking off a number of interesting articles over the week ahead for the Phoronix 19th birthday week is a fresh look at how AMD's official open-source Linux Vulkan driver "AMDVLK" compares to Mesa's RADV Vulkan driver that tends to be more popular with Linux gamers and is the driver backed by Valve, Red Hat, and other stakeholders.


NASA task force to hold first meeting on UFO study "IndyWatch Feed World"

A NASA panel formed to study "unidentified anomalous phenomena" is holding a press conference on Wednesday to discuss its preliminary findings after months of work. The space agency launched last year an independent study team consisting of 16 widely varied experts to research what it calls "unidentified anomalous phenomena," perhaps more commonly known as unidentified flying objects. NASA will live broadcast the four-hour conference starting at 10:30 am EDT through the NASA website.


Acrobacia, investigacin en movimiento "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Ana Medero

Los martes y jueves, La Burbuja aloja un laboratorio para pensar en movimiento, haciendo la vertical. En esta nota, conversamos con Laura Juez, docente y creadora de la Clnika Acrobtika, para conocer sobre esta disciplina, cmo es investigar desde el cuerpo en grupalidad y cmo dialogan con las artes del circo contemporneo.

Hija usa mi telfono, mira acrbatas, tcnicas de acrobacia, shows de circo, maquillajes, retos de verticales y miles ms. Con 7 aos, trepa muy alto, ama las alturas. Debe ser por eso que Instagram me muestra a la Clnika Acrobtika. As, nos contactamos con Laura Juez, su creadora y docente.

Laura empez hace 3 aos con un espacio de investigacin, un laboratorio acrobtico que tiene nombre de clnica, La Clnika Acrobtika. All ponen el cuerpo a moverse, experimentar y reflexionar. Todo atravesado por su trayectoria profesional y una formacin sper amplia que abarca varios lenguajes de las artes. Toca el clarinete y el trombn. Fue gracias a la msica que lleg al Circo do Capao en Baha, Brasil, donde encontr su maestro y mentor, Paolo Jean Paul Galinski. Ah se form y particip de la compaa durante 5 aos. De regreso en Argentina, estudi circo en Rosario, en la EMAU (Escuela Municipal de Artes Urbanas), y tambin la tecnicatura en Danza Contempornea de la Universidad Provincial de Crdoba. Curiosa y en movimiento, se form en yoga y pilates para acompaar procesos que muchas veces toman forma de acrobacia.

Ana Medero para La tinta

Me pregunto qu siente un acrbata, cul es el gusto por ponerse patas arriba, de disociar movimientos, de aventurarse a desafiar las leyes de la gravedad. Quizs sea poder mirar distinto, torcer el horizonte, cambiar la perspectiva.

Milito desde la Clnika una forma otra de estar en el mundo, de crear maneras distintas de existir, de habitar los espacios y el cuerpo como territorio poltico. La Clnika es un proyecto de transmisin de conocimientos acrobticos, escnicos y de movimiento en general. Con el foco puesto en la tcnica de la acrobacia de suelo y verticales para trasladarlo hacia algn soporte artstico desde el movimiento y la escena: danza, teatro, performance, circo, explica la acrbata que lleva adelante este espacio formativo con sede en La Burbuja, reconocido centro de formacin, entrenamiento, promo...


"It Gets Pretty Claustrophobic Behind Those Walls, When You No Longer Know Who You Are... and The Panic Sets In." "IndyWatch Feed World"

 Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Over at Truthseeker, today and yesterday is an article by Philip Giraldi. He's someone with a life history involving 20 years of service in the CIA. Supposedly, he's now a sort of whistleblower/columnist. He's a highly intelligent fellow, but... I get no spiritual buzz from him and reading him makes me drowsy. I don't mean to criticize him. I don't know him... but I do know what he's talking about.

The article says more than it says. It's about the new hysteria over that catchall mind game bullshit called Antisemitism. That video says all you will ever need to know about the Antisemitism smear that's used to combat and suppress truth.

First off... the people who came up with this psych-slur are NOT Semitic. They have no Semitic DNA at all. They are AshkeNazis; the same people who presently want Ukraine for their new homeland... same as the old homeland now that it's gotten too hot for them in Israel... where they've been land-stealing and sport-killing Palestinians since they arrived after the last world war.

As soon as they got there, they went to work replacing The Palestinians... The Original People of The Book... with themselves.

They managed to hijack the Palestinian homeland by fudging the numbers over what THEY SAY happened to them in World War 2. If you want the truth about that, simply read The Red Cross report on the concentration camps and also note the Jewish Almanac, where it shows a population increase in their numbers from before the war to after the war.

One of the reasons they need to have that holocaust construct tattooed on The Hive Mind is because of the holocaust they performed in The Soviet Socialist Republic when they ran the Communist scam from the time of The Bolshevik Revolution until (for myriad reasons) it collapsed in 1991. Tens of millions of Christians died there.

You see who all the oligarchs are that fled the country taking the wealth with them?

They've been reworking history since... to indicate that they were the ones who were being oppressed there. The facts say otherwise, and Solzhenitsyn covers a lot of what they were and what they did. The truth of th...


The First Inaugural Address of President Ron DeSantis "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This column predicts that (A), as previously noted, Trump will get indicted at the Fed. level and will flee the country. B) DeSantis will get the Republican nomination. C) DeSantis will win. The column then offers a draft text for an inaugural address that DeSantis would deliver on Dec. 25, 2024. That text is drawn from Repub. Relig. Right Took Control, 1981-2022.


ClimateTV LIVE at 1PM EDT  Climate and Energy Potpourri "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

This weeks Climate Change Roundtable, Climate and Energy Potpourri is a show about nothing and everything. Host Anthony Watts and expert panelists Sterling Burnett and Linnea Lueken discuss a variety of topics

The post ClimateTV LIVE at 1PM EDT  Climate and Energy Potpourri first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Trata de personas y macrocriminalidad, una cara del narcoestado "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Cuando el gobierno, las empresas y el crimen organizado se trenzan con el objetivo de generar esquemas de poder, nace la macrocriminalidad. Su disolucin no es fcil en un pas como Mxico, que cuenta con los factores ideales para su crecimiento, mismos que dan pie a otras problemticas como la trata de personas.

Esto explic la Lic. Narda Andrea Martnez Gutirrez en la segunda sesin de la Ctedra Ellacura, SJ, Macrocriminalidad y trata de personas. Contexto nacional y latinoamericano. Este espacio formativo es impulsado por Instituto de Derechos Humanos Ignacio Ellacura, SJ de la IBERO Puebla para analizar el complejo entramado que surge con la mezcla de una crisis de estatalidad y una ciudadana blanda con problemas sociales y estructurales profundos.

Lo que se busca es que veamos cmo la trata de personas y las redes de macrocriminalidad me afectan en mi da a da, y que yo puedo ser parte de la problemtica: Lic. Narda Andrea Martnez.

Entre los actores representativos de la macrocriminalidad se encuentran las redes del crimen organizado. Estas son los detonantes de una forma extrema de corrupcin, pues gracias al apoyo de agentes gubernamentales y empresariales, capturan el poder pblico para satisfacer fines privados.

El principal problema en Mxico es que esas redes fracturan al Estado y, por ende, gobiernan todas las regiones del pas. Esta extensin de poder se entiende gracias al concepto de narcoestado, que es la toma y control del pas por el narcotrfico, del cual ya no solo forman parte los crteles, sino tambin los gobiernos estatales y federales, as como otros actores polticos y empresarios.

El narcotrfico se ha valido de diferentes estrategias para mantenerse vigente y seguir abarcando cada vez ms terreno. Acciones como control territorial, captacin de menores, narcomenudeo, guerra entre crteles y uno de los ms representativos, la trata de personas.

La trata es vista como un negocio benfico para estos grupos, pues sus clientes suelen ser las mismas personas que deberan castigar estos actos, como la polica. Las vctimas, principalmente mujeres, nias y adolescentes, son captadas con la promesa de un trabajo en el narco, y si bien al principio es as, rpidamente son objeto de explotacin sexual.

La captacin de infanci...


Britain at war-provoking the consequences with Russia "IndyWatch Feed World"

On the 19th of May, the Financial Times quoted the British Minister of Defense, Ben Wallace, stating that the West could face the threat of full-scale war with Russia and China by the end of the decade and proclaimed defence preparation a paramount task for Western countries. One has to wonder what universe Mr. Wallace and his boss, Rishi Sunak, are living in since Britain is engaged in war with Russia right now, has, with every step, every hostile action, set itself up for a full-scale war, a full-scale catastrophe, which they cannot prevent. Why Britain would go to war with China as well as Russia when China has not threatened it and is oceans away, no one can explain in rational terms. Yet, this is the British rhetoric, the fetishistic parroting of the words of their lord and master, the USA. Many argue that statements, a war is not happening, that it is something that exits only in the future, are desperate attempts to fool the British people, to lie to them about their...


Yvonne Jegede Breaks Silence Over Alleged Secret Wedding To Ned Nwoko "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Popular Nollywood actress, Yvonne Jegede has come out to clear the air following news reports of holding a secret wedding with billionaire businessman, Ned Nwoko. New Telegraph reports that a blogger identified as Ij Ada Igbo had accused the movie star of getting married to Ned Nwoko and succeeded in wiping off all her photos...

The post Yvonne Jegede Breaks Silence Over Alleged Secret Wedding To Ned Nwoko appeared first on New Telegraph.


Republican Pressure Prompts Pentagon To Nix Air Force Drag Performance "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

drag queens at drag eventLeading Pentagon officials canceled a previously scheduled drag show at a Nevada Air Force base this week after pressure from Rep. Matt Gaetz.


AI Camera Imagines A Photo Of What You Point It At "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

These days, every phone has a camera, and few of us are ever without one. [Bjrn Karmann] has built an altogether not-camera, though, in the form of the Paragraphica, powered by artificial intelligence.

The Paragraphica doesnt actually take photographs at all. Instead, it uses GPS to determine the users current position. It then feeds the address, time of day, weather, and temperature into a paragraph which serves as a prompt for an AI image generator. It also uses data gathered from various APIs to determine points of interest in the immediate area, and feeds those into the prompt as well. It then generates an artificial image that is intended to bear some resemblance to the prompt, and ideally, the real-world scene. In place of a lens, it bears a 3D printed structure inspired by the star-nosed mole, which feels its way around in lieu of using its eyes.



Dog Meat: Queen Mercy Atang Defends Hilda Baci "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Former Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) housemate, Queen Mercy Atang has berated the online judges for condemning Nigerian celebrity chef, Hilda Baci for consuming dog meat. According to her, eating dog meat is considered normal in places like Akwa Ibom and Calabar, as it is a part of their culture, and dog meat is referred to...

The post Dog Meat: Queen Mercy Atang Defends Hilda Baci appeared first on New Telegraph.


CIDH urge al Estado mexicano cesar el uso de Pegasus "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. La Comisin Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) y su Relatora Especial para la Libertad de Expresin (RELE) urgieron al Estado mexicano que cese inmediatamente cualquier accin destinada a la venta, transferencia y uso de tecnologa de vigilancia y a instruir a todos sus agentes a que se abstengan de utilizar el software Pegasus, tras los informes que revelaron el uso del programa de espionaje por parte del ejrcito contra defensores y periodistas.

La CIDH y la RELE sealaron que desde 2021, cuando se dio a conocer por primera vez el uso de Pegasus en el pas, no se registran avances sustanciales por parte del gobierno mexicano para detener el espionaje digital, pues las medidas adoptadas hasta el momento resultan insuficientes ante la dimensin de las denuncias recibidas y la informacin que ha trascendido pblicamente en los ltimos aos.

Tan slo a mediados de abril, una investigacin del diario estadounidense New York Times revel que Mxico es el mayor usuario del programa de espionaje Pegasus, y que el ejrcito mexicano no slo es el cliente ms antiguo de Pegasus, sino que tambin ha atacado ms telfonos mviles con ese programa malicioso que cualquier otra agencia gubernamental del mundo.

La lista de personas presuntamente afectadas por Pegasus en los ltimos aos incluye, entre otras, a periodistas, personas defensoras, un juez de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y un integrante del Grupo Interdisciplinario de Expertos Independientes (GIEI) en el caso Ayotzinapa, refirieron la CIDH y la RELE.

Los ltimos casos de espionaje en Mxico, resumieron, son sobre autoridades de la Secretara Nacional de Defensa (Sedena) que utilizaron Pegasus para espiar ilegalmente a dos integrantes de la organizacin Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustn Pro Jurez (Centro Prodh) entre junio y septiembre de 2022, e incluso al Subsecretario de Derechos Humanos de la Secretara de Gobernacin.

Para la Comisin, este tipo de prcticas no solo vulnera el derecho a la privacidad consagrado en la Convencin Americana, sino tambin tiene el potencial de poner en riesgo la integridad de personas periodistas y defensoras, a la vez que incrementa la autocensura en la prensa y desincentiva las labores de defensa de derechos humanos, destacaron.

Por ello, urgieron al Estado mexicano a investigar de forma completa, exhaustiva e imparcial la adquisicin y el uso de Pegasus y sancionar a quienes resulten responsables, as como a adoptar todas las medidas necesarias para respetar, proteger y garantizar el derecho a la privacidad y la libertad de expresin de la ciudadana, el ejercicio del periodismo, la defensa de los derechos humanos y la participacin pblica.

A continuacin el comunicado comp...


Half-Baked Thoughts on ChatGPT and the College Essay "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Chronicle of Higher Education recently ran a piece by Owen Kichizo Terry, an undergraduate at Columbia University, on how college students are successfully using ChatGPT to produce their essays.

The more effective, and increasingly popular, strategy is to have the AI walk you through the writing process step by step. You tell the algorithm what your topic is and ask for a central claim, then have it give you an outline to argue this claim. Depending on the topic, you might even be able to have it write each paragraph the outline calls for, one by one, then rewrite them yourself to make them ow better.

As an example, I told ChatGPT, I have to write a 6-page close reading of the Iliad. Give me some options for very specic thesis statements. (Just about every rst-year student at my university has to write a paper resembling this one.) Here is one of its suggestions: The gods in the Iliad are not just capricious beings who interfere in human affairs for their own amusement but also mirror the moral dilemmas and conicts that the mortals face. It also listed nine other ideas, any one of which I would have felt comfortable arguing. Already, a major chunk of the thinking had been done for me. As any former student knows, one of the main challenges of writing an essay is just thinking through the subject matter and coming up with a strong, debatable claim. With one snap of the ngers and almost zero brain activity, I suddenly had one.

My job was now reduced to defending this claim. But ChatGPT can help here too! I asked it to outline the paper for me, and it did so in detail, providing a ve-paragraph structure and instructions on how to write each one. For instance, for Body Paragraph 1: The Gods as Moral Arbiters, the program wrote: Introduce the concept of the gods as moral arbiters in the Iliad. Provide examples of how the gods act as judges of human behavior, punishing or rewarding individuals based on their actions. Analyze how the gods judgments reect the moral codes and values of ancient Greek society. Use specic passages from the text to support your analysis. All that was left now was for me to follow these instructions, and perhaps modify the structure a bit where I deemed the computers reasoning awed or lackluster.

The kid, who just completed their first year at Williams, confirms that this approach is already widespread at their campus.

I spent a few hours yesterday replicating the process for two classes in my rotation: one the politics of science fiction, the other on global power politics. Here are my takeaways about the current state of play.

First, professors who teach courses centered on classic literary and political texts need to adapt yesterday. We dont expect students to mak...


Our Right To Challenge Junk Patents Is Under Threat "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The U.S. Patent Office has proposed new rules about who can challenge wrongly granted patents. If the rules become official, they will offer new protections to patent trolls. Challenging patents will become far more onerous, and impossible for some. The new rules could stop organizations like EFF, which used this process to fight the Personal Audio podcasting patent, from filing patent challenges altogether. 

We need EFF supporters to speak out against this proposal, which is a gift for patent trolls. Were asking supporters who care about a fair patent system to file comments using the federal governments public comment system. Your comments dont need to be long, or use fancy legalese. The important thing is that everyday users and creators of technology get a chance to state their opposition to these rules. Below the button you can see a simple proposed comment you can cut-and-paste; you can also add to it, or write your own. 

If you have a personal experience with patent troll attacks, please mention it. Comments are not anonymous and you should use your real name. 


Tell USPTO To Work For the Public, Not Patent Trolls

Sample comment: 

I am opposed to the USPTOs proposed rules changes for inter partes review (IPR) and other patent challenges. These proposed rules should be withdrawn, and the IPR process should remain open to all. The USPTO should follow the rules Congress set out, and consider all patent challenges, including IPR petitions, on their merits. 

IPR Is The Best Process For Limiting Bad Patents

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board, or PTAB, is one of the only places in the nation where patent trolls can be held to account for the outrageous and harmful claims they make in their patents. Congress created the inter partes review (IPR) process, which is overseen by specialized PTAB judges, more than a decade ago. Inter partes simply means between th...


FA Cup Final: Ten Hag Gives Slim Hope On Antonys Fitness "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Erik Ten Hag has refused to rule out the possibility of Antony Martial making a return to fitness to feature in Saturdays FA Cup final. The Manchester United winger exited against Chelsea last week after aggravating an old injury and was not expected to feature against Manchester City. However, while the United boss warned fans not...

The post FA Cup Final: Ten Hag Gives Slim Hope On Antonys Fitness appeared first on New Telegraph.


California lake flooded for first time in 110 years after atmospheric river "IndyWatch Feed World"

California's intense weather at the start of 2023 has led to a number of changes in the state's climate, notably filling up usually dry lakes with the plentiful rainwater that fell over recent months. Owens Lake in Inyo County, 220 miles north of Los Angeles, is one such lake, with images taken by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Terra satellite showing the significant increase in water levels between March 2022 and March 2023. Owens Lake was naturally full of water until the Los Angeles Aqueduct was constructed in 1913, which took so much water from the Owens River that the lake began to dry out. It remained mostly dry until this March, when the heavy rainfall in California caused the lake to fill back up. This also marks the first time that the Los Angeles Aqueduct was breached by extreme weather, the Los Angeles Times reported.


Linux Foundation and Friends Back RISC-V Software Ecosystem "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Aiming to get a RISE out of processor architecture as tech giants commit engineering talent:

Linux Foundation Europe and a number of big names in tech have banded together to drive development of a comprehensive software ecosystem that supports the open standard RISC-V processor architecture.

Dubbed RISE, which is intended to be an acronym for RISC-V Software Ecosystem, the project brings together vendors that agreed to make more software available for RISC-V hardware across a range of industry sectors  including mobile, datacenter and automotive.

Developing a software ecosystem with all the necessary tools and libraries, as well as applications and operating systems, may prove to be a bigger task than anticipated. It took Arm a decade or more to build up enough support around its architecture to make it a datacenter challenger for x86 systems, for example.

Arm itself dismissed RISC-V last year, with a spokesperson saying the company didn't see it as a significant competitor in the datacenter space, and better suited to "niche or specialized applications."

But the attraction of RISC-V is that it is not only royalty-free, but also under the governance of its member organizations rather than a single proprietor. RISC-V International says on its website that it "does not take a political position on behalf of any geography," and that it welcomes organizations from around the world.

This has made it popular in areas such as China, which has been looking for ways around the US crackdown on supplying advanced technologies to the country. RISC-V provides a solution without Chinese companies having to go to the lengths of developing their own architecture, as The Register reported last year.

Qualcomm, already a member of RISC-V International, has also hinted that it sees this as an alternative to the Arm architecture for future products. This may have something to do with the legal action Arm has filed against Qualcomm over its Arm-based Nuvia CPU cores.

"RISC-V's flexible, scalable, and open architecture enables benefits across the entire value chain from silicon vendors to OEM manufacturers to end consumers," said Qualcomm senior director of Technical Standards Larry Wikelius.

The broad number of companies that have some kind of intere...


SOMALIA: Political fragmentation looms as Somalia faces constitutional crisis "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Somalia finds itself once again on the precipice of a political fragmentation as tensions escalate between President Hassan Sheikh Mohamuds administration and the regional states, following Villa Somalias unilateral decision to change the constitution and abolish the prime ministers position.

The move has raised concerns about the potential disintegration of federal institutions.

Just two days after the Somali National Consultative Council (NCC) granted itself sweeping powers to alter the constitutional order, the Puntland Political Forum issued a strong statement denouncing the unconstitutional decision.

The Forum expressed its apprehension, warning that such a hasty move could lead to dictatorship and further destruction, while disregarding the constitution and consensus-based decision-making procedures.

Highlighting the significance of abiding by the draft constitution and political agreements, the Forum emphasized the need for a united Somalia and the importance of rebuilding transitional and post-transition institutions.

The Puntland Political Forum considers the National Consultative Council (NCC) statement dated May 27, 2023 to be dangerous, and believes it may lead to dictatorship and further destruction. This decision is hasty, and violates the constitution and decision-making procedures whereby political agreement is reached by consensus reads the statement.

They called on the bicameral legislature not to endorse any political agreement that lacks broad consensus. It further urged politicians, academics, traditional elders, and the Somali people to work together toward a peaceful and inclusive Somalia, addressing constitutional flaws at both federal and regional levels, while maintaining good governance and national unity.

Meanwhile, President Said Abdullahi Deni of Puntland, a key federal member state, expressed his determination to pursue an independent path if President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud continued to disregard key provisions of the constitution. Deni emphasized that Puntland would remain independent until a unified Somalia adhering to constitutional rule is achieved.

Adding to the already tense situation, politicians and clan elders from Baidoa and Mogadishu threatened to establish their own self-rule due to perceived marginalization by President Hassan Sheikhs government. They cited concerns over the misappropriation of state resources,...


De Onthullende Yoeri Albrecht Affaire 5 "IndyWatch Feed War"

Troops from other coalition forces including Afghans, British, Germans, Polish, and Canadians have committed or been complicit in atrocities during the Afghan war 

Rond de zwaar beschadigde Russische tank die De Balie-directeur Yoeri Albrecht, met steun van de Groen-Linkse burgemeester Femke Halsema een vroegere medewerkster van dit debatcentrum op het Leidseplein heeft laten plaatsen, staat op groen gekleurde borden dat er geen bloemen, vlaggen, kaarsen en dergelijke mogen worden geplaatst. Deze worden weggehaald. De reden van dit verbod is voor de hand liggend, de burgermeester en De Balie ...


Italy and Frontex could have prevented shipwreck that killed almost 100 people "IndyWatch Feed War"

Italy and Frontex could have prevented shipwreck that killed almost 100 people

Report shows Italian authorities, EU border agency misstated on weather and boat's condition before the wreck in February
Katherine Hearst Fri, 06/02/2023 - 16:05
Sultan Ahmed Amolki from Syria couldn't survive the cold and died in his brother's arms (social media)

A new report has revealed that Italian authorities received emergency alerts from European border agency Frontex about an impending shipwreck off the coast of Crotone in Italy on 26 February and could have prevented it.

On board were nearly 200 people, most of them refugees from Afghanistan. Ninety-four died, including 35 children.

The report, based on flight records, Frontex and Italian coastguard reports, surveillance footage and eye-witness accounts, shows that Italian authorities would have known about the vessel's vulnerabilities and the adverse weather conditions via Frontex emergency alerts.

"Do you think Italy could have saved the lives of 60+ people including some children and didn't?" Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said in an interview a few days after the incident, insisting that Frontex had not sent an emergency alert to the coastguard.

The official account is that the wooden Turkish leisure boat Summer Love sank in rough seas off the coast of Crotone, six hours after being sighted by a Frontex plane that reported that the vessel "showed no signs of distress".


Subsidy: Borno Police Holds Meeting With NLC, TUC, IPMAN, Others "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Following the removal of fuel subsidy and the proposed nationwide protest by the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), Trade Union Congress (TUC), and other stakeholders, the Borno State Police Command in collaboration with the military, National Security and Civil Defense Corp (NSCDC), Department of Security Service (DSS), have held meeting with critical stakeholders on the need...

The post Subsidy: Borno Police Holds Meeting With NLC, TUC, IPMAN, Others appeared first on New Telegraph.


Ugandan students protest following US threats over anti-gay law "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Kampala has been threatened with sanctions by Western nations over its new anti-LGBTQ legislation Uganda students from 13 universities gathered in front of the countrys parliament on Wednesday to express their disapproval of US President Joe Bidens stance on Kampalas new anti-LGBTQ legislation, local media reported. Biden called the law a tragic violation of universal []


The suffering is off the charts "IndyWatch Feed World"

Things have taken a turn for the worse. In recent months, economic activity has been dropping all over the nation, and that decline appears to be accelerating. We just learned that gross domestic income has now fallen for two quarters in a row, and the Conference Board's index of leading economic indicators has now been plummeting for 13 consecutive months. Unfortunately, when economic conditions deteriorate it is the people at the low end of the economic pyramid that get hit the hardest. Thanks to our rapidly rising cost of living, we are seeing a dramatic explosion in the number of "working homeless" that are living out of their vehicles on a daily basis even though they are currently employed. In particular, the RV "communities" that are springing up from coast to coast are starting to get quite a bit of attention... The owner of a party bus company, Rikers Island prison guards and an Amazon worker are just some of the eclectic bunch who have formed a community of 'working...


Shabaab storms army base in southern Somalia "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Captured Somali military vehicles from Masagaway, as seen from Shabaabs propaganda

Just days after Shabaab, al Qaedas branch in East Africa, overran a Ugandan military base in southern Somalia, its men again raided another major outpost in central Somalia. Targeting a Somali special forces base in the central Galguduud Region, the assault targeted newly deployed troops freshly trained in Eritrea. 

On Tuesday, Shabaab launched a major suicide assault on the Somali military base in the town of Masagaway in Galguduud. The jihadists began the raid with at least one suicide car bomb before the much larger assault team stormed the base. However, exact details then vary on what exactly occurred next. According to the Somali government, the soldiers fought back, killing at least 30 Shabaab fighters before forcing the jihadis to withdraw. 

Unsurprisingly, Shabaab has painted an entirely different picture. According to its media, it initially claimed to have killed at least 73 Somali soldiers while also capturing copious amounts of weapons, equipment, and vehicles. It has since raised its tally to more than 149 troops killed. Undercutting the Somali governments claims, it also released photos that appear to confirm many elements of its story including that the attack was not easily repulsed. 

And though the al Qaeda branch does show many killed Somali troops in its propaganda, it does still inflate the total number of those killed. In return, Somali state media has released its own counter-propaganda, with video of reinforcements showing up from nearby Ceeldheer to help secure the Masagaway base during the fighting. 

Masagaway was recently re-captured from Shabaab control just earlier this year. Shabaab previously attacked a Macaawisley base (clan-based militia fighting on the side of the Somali government against Shabaab) in the town in April. Though the town is nominally in government hands, the attacks demonstrate Shabaabs continued freedom of movement in the area. 

The Somali government has slowed down offensive operations against Shabaab in the countrys center, where it previously sustained major pressure against the j...


DHS Cybersecurity Agency Labels Private Thoughts Critical Infrastructure To Justify Censoring You "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff LandryA cybersecurity agency within DHS has been engaging in censorship and justifying it under the guise of 'critical infrastructure security.'


Sober Counsel "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  Its Good that the Galaxy is being guarded   The Grim Reaper  (dont fear him)   H/T EdB   Are Stock Tanks Woke Now? (H/T PaulM) I heard about this researching the sauna. But $10K for a horse tank?! No way! Come to think of it we have an old metal Behlen Tank (have []

The post Sober Counsel appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Biden/McCarthy Debt Ceiling Agreement Betrays Virginia and Frontline Communities, Putting People and Climate at Risk "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

CCAN says: We will not take this lying down. Our fight against the Mountain Valley Pipeline is not over.

Richmond, VA Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to approve the debt ceiling agreement and against an amendment to remove provisions that fast-track approval for the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP). The MVP is a proposed 303-mile fracked-gas pipeline that would run through West Virginia and southwest Virginia and result in as much carbon pollution annually as 26 coal-fired power plants. Its approval was inserted into the agreement as a political favor from President Joe Biden to Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) in return for his vote for the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. 

An amendment to remove the MVP provisions was introduced by Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) in the Senate and Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan (D-VA) in the House of Representatives, and supported by the entire Virginia Democratic delegation, but neither effort was successful. 

The Fiscal Responsibility Act, which now awaits the Presidents signature, declares that completion of the MVP is required in the national interest. It requires the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to issue all permits within 21 days of the laws enactment and hamstrings other government agencies, bypassing their long-established environmental review processes. Finally,...


En el nombre de los hijos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Son madres y padres que murieron devorados por la impunidad por la desaparicin o muerte de sus hijas e hijos. Esta vez fue Nilda Aguilera, mam de Florencia Penacchi. Como antes fueron Mariana Mrquez, Mara Ins Cabrol o Federico Cash. Nilda deca que la impunidad construye un muro de silencioso encubrimiento.

Son las madres del dolor. Las que se construyeron otras a partir de la impunidad, por la desaparicin o la muerte injusta de sus hijas o hijos. Hace apenas un manojo de das muri Nilda Aguilera. Era una reconocida neurloga de Neuqun pero su nombre no se hizo pblico por esa razn sino por el de su hija: Florencia Penacchi. Que tena 24 hace 18 aos cuando desapareci en un barrio porteo y ya nunca se supo de ella. Nilda sola repetir que la impunidad construye un muro de negacin, de silencioso encubrimiento, porque la estructura que la sostiene tiene implicaciones profundas, en un Estado carente de la funcin de garante real y simblico. Y Florencia, que hubiera cumplido 42 aos ya, nunca regres. Fue secuestrada por manos oscuras que reptan gracias a las connivencias que las avalan y se quedan tambin con sus propias cuotas de rentabilidad.

Nilda se enferm por ese tremendo y peligroso virus llamado impunidad. Que se la fue devorando a pasos sostenidos. La paz ya no es la de tenerla sino la de tener alguna certeza sobre lo cual construir otra memoria. Ahora no tenemos memoria ni tenemos duelo. Es como el purgatorio del Dante. Damos vueltas y vueltas, dijo alguna vez. Su cuerpo y alma desgarrados no resistieron la ausencia de su hija, escribi su sobrina en estos das.

Como en mayo de 13 aos atrs muri Mara Ins Cabrol, de un cncer que la fue torturando desde las entraas de su calvario. Su nia ya tendra 32 por estos das. Era Fernanda Aguirre, que rondaba escasos 13 cuando, en San Benito, a unos 10 kilmetros de Paran (Entre Ros) sali a buscar unas flores al puesto de su mam, en el cementerio, en momentos en que el pas entero miraba la final de la Copa Amrica que Argentina y Brasil disputaban en Per. La nia nunca fue encontrada. Y su mam, sobrevivi durante seis aos ms tras ese dolor irreparable, hasta que el cncer la aniquil.

Son las madres que este pas devorador de vidas fue regando por los distintos territorios a lo largo de la historia. Te podra haber pasado a vos, a De la Ra, a Macri o a cualquiera porque hay una red de corrupcin que sustenta a este sistema, grit Mariana Mrquez aquel febrero de 2005 desde uno de los palcos. Haba pasado apenas un mes desde la tragedia. Su voz irrumpi en la legislatura portea en donde estaba siendo interpelado Anbal Ibarra po...


Waging Peace: How a tour of Russia showed me that propaganda perverts reality in the minds of Americans "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

My month-long tour of the country was an eye-opening experience, and so was the hostility that met me back home At the end of April, my daughter Victoria and I departed New York Citys JFK airport, ultimately bound for the Siberian city of Novosibirsk, the first destination of what would be a 26-day, 12-city tour of []


Of the Sahel and the Merchants of Death "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Human Wrongs Watch

MADRID, Jun 2 2023 (IPS)* There is a tangled trafficking web that has been woven across the Sahel, which spans almost 6.000 kilometres from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea, and is home to more than 300 million people in 10 countries: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, The Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, and Senegal.
Fake or substandard antimalarial medicines kill as many as 267,000 sub-Saharan Africans every year. Credit: Mercedes Sayagues/IPS

Fake or substandard antimalarial medicines kill as many as 267,000 sub-Saharan Africans every year. Credit: Mercedes Sayagues/IPS

This is how several international specialised bodies, mainly the United Nations, depict the aggravated situation in this already highly fragile African region, which the UN describes as a region in crisis, as those living there are prey to chronic insecurity, climate shocks, conflict, coups, and the rise of criminal and terrorist networks.

The Sahel criminal web deals with an unimaginable range of commodities, from chilli peppers and fake medicine, to fuel, gold, and guns, through humans and more which are being trafficked via millennia-old trade routes crisscrossing the Sahel, according to a 20 May 2023 report.

The US-led military intervention

Security has long been an issue in the region, but the situation markedly degraded in 2011, following the NATO-led military intervention in Libya, which led to the ongoing destabilisation of the country, explains the United Nations.

On 19 March 2011, a US-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization coalition (...


Sanctions Against Russia Failed. I Saw It Firsthand. Scott Ritter "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Atletico To Sell Felix On Economic Reasons Diego Simeone "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Diego Simeone has downplayed the feud rumoured to be going on between himself and Joao Felix as he acknowledged the possibility of Atletico Madrid selling the forward due to economic reasons. Simeone bluffed the notion that Felixs absence was responsible for Atletico Madrids improved form after the Portuguese forward joined Chelsea on loan in the...

The post Atletico To Sell Felix On Economic Reasons Diego Simeone appeared first on New Telegraph.


US Advocacy Group Releases Emails Challenging Bidens Statements on Sons Connections "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sputnik 01.06.2023

US advocacy group America First Legal (AFL) has released a new package of emails that challenge US President Joe Bidens prior statements that he knew nothing about his son Hunters ties with foreign business people.

The emails are dated from December 2009 to June 2010, the group said, adding that they had been provided by the National Archives at its request. They include emails sent by Hunters ex-business partner Eric Schwerin to top assistants of Joe Biden, then vice president in Barack Obamas administration.

Hunters business partner, Eric Schwerin, emailed the Office of the Vice President about a China Lunch a couple of months before [former Chinese President Hu Jintaos] official visit to the United States. Despite Joe Bidens denial that he was aware of Hunters business dealings with China, the National Archives redacted this email because its Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors,' AFL said.

Schwerin purportedly intended to secure an invitation for his colleague to a 2010 State Department dinner with high-ranking Chinese Communist Party officials.

Joe Biden has adamantly denied any knowledge of or involvement in any of his sons business dealings as the Republicans in Congress are probing him over possible abuse of power.

Other emails indicate that Hunter Biden received confidential information from the vice-presidents office about a state visit to Africa in 2010.

These records which are only a small portion of the actual records that the National Archives possess demonstrate for the American people, yet again, continued evidence of influence peddling and personal enrichment by the Biden family. The full extent has yet to be seen, but with each release, we are painting a fuller picture for the American people of the extent to which the Biden family business was intertwined with the official business of the United States, America First Legal Vice President and General Counsel Gene Hamilton said.

In September 2020, a report by two US Republican senators revealed Hunter Biden and his associates were involved with foreign individuals in millions of dollars worth of questionable financial transactions. The transactions involved individuals with ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.


Anticipating Monopoly Media Disinformation Deluge About a Tiananmen Square Massacre "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Scott C. Smith Interview The East Palestine Diaster And The Continuing EPA Cover Up "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Joining me today is Scott C. Smith, Chief Sustainability Officer at ECO Integrated Technologies, Inc., one of the few independent experts in the ground in East Palestine exposing the ongoing cover up by the EPA and Norfolk Southern. ( (   Source Links: Coming Shortly Bitcoin Donations Are Appreciated: (3FSozj9gQ1UniHvEiRmkPnXzHSVMc68U9f)

The post Scott C. Smith Interview The East Palestine Diaster And The Continuing EPA Cover Up appeared first on The Last American Vagabond.


Expectations for Nigerias president are so low, all he has to do is beat them "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nigerians have long harboured a robust scepticism towards their leaders. Now they have gone one better. Many doubt that the man sworn in as president this week is their leader at all. In an open letter to US president Joe Biden, Chimamanda Adichie, the feted author, spoke for millions when she cast doubt on the []


State Department Defends Disinformation Grant That Funded Online Blacklists "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Cindy Harper | Reclaim The Net | June 1, 2023

The State Department justified its funding of the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), an organization that provides blacklists of certain outlets for the purpose of demonetizing them.

In a letter sent in March, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) criticized the State Department for funding the GDI, and called for an investigation into the $100,000 grant the departments Global Engagement Center (GEC) awarded GDI in 2021. In a response sent last week, the department said it did not regret funding the GDI.

The letter to Rep. Issa, authored by the assistant secretary of the bureau of legislative affairs Naz Durakoglu, stated that reports that the State Department funding may have been used to fund GDIs work in the United States are inaccurate.

The letter continued to state that Issas letter raises several important points concerning free speech and the principles of democracy, both of which are fundamental to the Departments representation of U.S. foreign policy and promotion of American ideals abroad, Washington Examiner reported.

Durakoglu argued that the grant focused on countering foreign disinformation overseas and, consistent with the GECs mission, no domestic-focused activities were included in the scope of work.

Funding under the award could not be used for any other purpose, the letter added.

Americas foreign adversaries and competitors have wielded information manipulation as a tool of statecraft for decades, Durakoglu wrote. The comparatively recent proliferation of global information and communications technology accentuates a contemporary national security risk. The Department stands by the work of the GEC and the crucial role it plays in helping to ensure that foreign disinformation operations do not undermine the policies, security, or stability of the United States, its allies, and partners.

Speaking to the Washington Examiner, Rep. Issa said: It is disappointing but not surprising that the Biden State Department hasnt come close to offering a suitable explanation or corrective action for its role in the censorship of individual Americans and established conservative media. Make no mistake: Congress isnt done holding State accountable.

The GEC missed a deadline to hand over documents related to the GDI and other groups to the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Congress is also considering whether or not to reauthorize the GEC in 2024. Last September, the S...


Durham blasts the FBI, but ignores the role of Russiagate ringleader, John Brennan "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Durham Report fails to identify the ringleader of the Russiagate fiasco, John Brennan. It was Brennan who first reported "contacts... between Russian officials and persons in the Trump campaign". It was also Brennan who initially referred the case to the FBI. It was also Brennan who "hand-picked" the analysts who cobbled together the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) which said that Putin was trying to swing the election in Trump's favor. And, it was also Brennan who hijacked the "Trump-Russia-meme" from the Hillary campaign in order to prosecute his war on Trump. At every turn, Brennan was there, massaging the intelligence, pulling the strings, and micromanaging the entire operation from behind the scenes. So, while it might seem like the FBI was 'leading the Russiagate charge', it was actually Brennan who was calling the shots. This is from an article by Aaron Mate: " is clear that Brennan's role in propagating the collusion narrative went far beyond his work on...


BBC Verify? "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Iain Davis | OffGuardian | May 31, 2023

With great fanfare, the BBC has launched BBC Verify. The state broadcasters very own, specialist disinformation and social media correspondent, Marianna Spring, announced its arrival live on UK TV.

She explained that the BBC would verify video, fact check and counter disinformation. So rest assured, no one needs to think about anything. The BBC will fact check everything for us and tell us what the truth is.

Apparently, it really matters that the BBC acts as the UK governments official arbiter of truth because, according to Spring, mistruths can cause really serious harm to society. Marianna has yet to define harm, but that doesnt really matter. The government hasnt either, despite the fact that it has placed its vague concept of harm at the centre of its equally ambiguous Online Safety Bill. Which is proposed state censorship legislation that Marianna is very keen to promote.



FBI Reopens Probe Into Julian Assange "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Dave DeCamp The FBI has restarted its investigation into WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age reported on Thursday. According...

FBI Reopens Probe Into Julian Assange


Indoor Air Quality: Everything You Need to Know "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Quick Key Facts

  • People spend an estimated 90% of their time indoors in the U.S.
  • About 3.2 million people die prematurely each year from poor indoor air quality.
  • Poor air quality can be caused by various factors, including household cleaners, indoor paints and flooring materials, off-gassing from furniture and other household items, gas appliances, smoking and local traffic or nearby factory emissions.
  • Indoor air pollutants are associated with various health implications, including respiratory illnesses, lung diseases, heart disease and various cancers.
  • Exposure to fine particulate matter can increase the risk of dying from any cancer by 22%.
  • Common volatile organic compounds are in concentrations up to five times higher indoors than outdoors.
  • Environmental tobacco smoke, or secondhand smoke, contributes to indoor air pollution up to 10 times more than an idling diesel engine.

What Is Indoor Air Quality?

Maybe you have a habit of checking the air quality in your area before you head out for your morning walk, but how much do you know about indoor air quality? From firing up your gas stove to cook dinner to lighting candles while you read, a lot of human activities impact our indoor air quality. Plus, outdoor air pollution from things like traffic or wildfires can also impact the air inside our homes.

A recent study has found gas stoves to be major sources of indoor air pollution. Rosmarie Wirz / Moment / Getty Images

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is the quality of air inside structures, and air quality can degrade in the presence of pollutants. Particulate matter, like dust and mold, can worsen air quality. Breathing in pollutants is of concern because of the potential impacts on human health.

What Causes Indoor Air Pollution?

So where is all that pollution coming from? Even if you like to air out the house by opening some windows, youll find that everything from household appliances to carpets to wall paint can impact indoor air quality.

Combustion and Smoke



Terminator-style Synthetic Covering for Robots Mimics Human Skin and Heals Itself "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Study Finds If youve seen the Terminator movies, you probably remember the terrifying robots that could repair themselves after gruesome injuries. Now, real-life scientists have...

Terminator-style Synthetic Covering for Robots Mimics Human Skin and Heals Itself


Generative AI Raises Questions About Biometric Security "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Joel R. McConvey Yet another sector is raising red flags about the potential harms of artificial intelligence, this time with regard to biometric security....

Generative AI Raises Questions About Biometric Security


Protected areas store a years worth of CO emissions, study reveals "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

By avoiding deforestation, globally protected areas store roughly one years worth of global fossil fuel emissions, compared to otherwise unprotected areas. Thats the conclusion of a recently published study that sought to calculate the carbon benefits of preserving forests and other landscapes. Brazils Amazon has the highest rate of carbon stock of protected areas, according to the study, accounting for as much as 36% of the total. These forests are the most threatened by human pressure, so protected areas are particularly important here, Laura Duncanson, an assistant professor of geographical sciences at the University of Maryland and lead author of the new paper published June 1 in Nature Communications, told Mongabay in an email. Scientists from the University of Maryland, Northern Arizona University, the University of Arizona, and Conservation International worked with never-before-used satellite data, gathered by NASAs Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI). They found protected areas stock an additional 9.65 billion metric tons of carbon in their aboveground biomass, compared to ecologically similar unprotected areas. Avoided deforestation and degradation are the main reasons behind this additional carbon stock, the authors say. The research was funded by the National Science Foundation and NASA. A view over Brazils Florestal Reserve Adolpho Ducke. Researchers found that protected areas store as much carbon as fossil fuels emit per year and are more effective at doing so compared to unprotected areas with a similar ecology. Image by IMF/Raphael Alves via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). For Patrick Roehrdanz, study co-author and manager of spatial planningThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Arab Opinion Reflects Regional Changes "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Intellipedia Off-Limits: NSAs FOIA About-Face And Its Impact On Transparency "IndyWatch Feed World"

After more than a decade of releasing documentation to The Black Vault from the Intellipedia system, the NSA has now seemingly changed their policy, and closed more than twenty cases filed under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) spanning the past nine years. This drastically cuts off the publics right to request millions of pages of information from within that system, and quite possibly setting a dangerous precedent that could affect transparency and alter the way government agencies make decisions on how they process FOIA requests for years to come.

  • The NSA has begun issuing a GLOMAR response to all Freedom of Information Act requests relating to the internal Intellipedia system, ending years of limited transparency and potentially hindering public insight into the Intelligence Communitys operations and interests
  • This action could set a concerning precedent, potentially limiting future FOIA requests and impeding public access to government information
  • The new policy acts as an additional exemption not explicitly defined in the FOIA, suggesting government agencies could deny information requests based on internal decisions rather than established exemptions
  • The Black Vault, a long-time requester of Intellipedia entries, is not only appealing the denied requests but is also filing new requests seeking documentation to understand the policy change
  • Despite attempts to get a comment from the NSAs public affairs and FOIA offices, no response or further clarification was provided by the publishing of this article

One example of the numerous Intellipedia entries released to The Black Vault via FOIA

The Nation...


System76's Coreboot Open Firmware Manages To Disable Intel ME For Raptor Lake "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Linux laptop/desktop vendor System76 has made some improvements to their Coreboot open firmware offerings to benefit their latest Intel Core 13th Gen "Raptor Lake" wares as well as prior generation devices...


Government Nudge Units Find the Best Ways to Manipulate the Public "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Job Growth Continues to Exceed Expectations and Baffles Experts "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It has become a monthly routine: The experts predict that US job growth will slow down or even stop, and then, on the first Friday of the month, the Labor Department announces that the economy added a lot more jobs than expected.

This morning was no different.

Easily beating an estimate of 190,000 new jobs, nonfarm payrolls in the public and private sectors increased by 339,000 in May, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced. The unemployment rate rose to 3.7 percent, a slight increase from April.

Not only that, but the figures from the previous two months were also revised upwards by a combined 93,000. This means that 217,000 nonfarm jobs were added in March (as opposed to 165,000) and 294,000 in April (as opposed to 253,000).

Bloomberg noted that this was the 14th straight month in which the actual job growth outpaced predictions. In May, it beat even the most optimistic forecast by 89,000.

Many different sectors increased their payrolls last month. Professional and business services reported 64,000 additional jobs while professional, scientific, and technical services added 43,000 jobs.

Government employment was up by 56,000 in May, which is 14,000 jobs more than the average of the past 12 months.

The 52,000 new jobs in the healthcare sector were slightly more than the average gain in the past year.

The leisure and hospitality industry was another driving force of the overall increase with 48,000 jobs added.

The important construction sector added 25,000 jobs, which is almost 50 percent above the average of the previous 12 months.

In other key industries, such as manufacturing, retail, and mining, the employment situation was little changed.

If the economy adds jobs again in June, then it will be two-and-a-half years of payroll increases and many of them substantial.

This means that payrolls have gone up every single month during President Joe Bidens term in office (although it must be noted that, as with many other economic indicators, it often matters little who is in the White House).....


Former Gun Company Executive Explains Roots of Americas Gun Violence Epidemic "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

From the movie theater to the shopping mall, inside a church and a synagogue, through the grocery aisle and into the classroom, gun violence has invaded every corner of American life. It is a social epidemic no vaccine can stem, a crisis with no apparent end. Visual evidence of the carnage spills with numbing frequency onto TV shows and floods the internet. Each new shooting brings the lists of loved ones lost, the galleries of their smiling photos and the videos of the police response. And each mass shooting brings another surge of national outrage.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, guns became the leading killer of children in 2020, overtaking car crashes, drug overdoses and disease for the first time in the nations history. Yet as the one-year anniversary of the massacre at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, passes, nagging questions loom.

Why havent lawmakers acted with forceful correctives? What will it take to regain a sense of safety? When will change happen? And how, exactly, did America end up here?

Ryan Busse, former executive at Kimber America, a major gun manufacturer, recently shared his thoughts on these questions with ProPublica. He was vice president of sales at Kimber America from 1995 to 2020 but broke with the industry and has become a gun safety advocate. He testified about mass shootings and irresponsible marketing last July in front of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform and authored the book Gunfight: My Battle Against the Industry That Radicalized America.

In June 2021, he became a senior adviser for Giffords, a gun violence prevention group led by Gabrielle Giffords, the former Arizona congresswoman gravely injured in 2011 during a mass shooting. This conversation has been edited for length and clarity.



Cash Is Printed Freedom 530,000 Austrians Demanded Right to Cash Payments be Added to Constitution, But They Are Being Betrayed, Says FP "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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DeBriefed 2 June 2023: US debt deal raises climate risk; Amazon under threat; China sizzles "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Welcome to Carbon Briefs DeBriefed. 
An essential guide to the weeks key developments relating to climate change.

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US debt deal

CLIMATE SHADOW: A deal struck between US president Joe Biden and Republicans to allow the US to borrow more money inched towards becoming law after being approved by both chambers of the US Congress, BBC News reported potentially cast[ing] a shadow over climate politics in 2024, according to Axios. The deal involves compromises on key climate measures, including a weakening of environmental review measures and the approval of the Mountain Valley pipeline, a major gas project in Virginia and West Virginia, according to Axios.

EGREGIOUS ACT: The Guardian reported that environmentalists reacted in outrage to the deal. Peter Anderson, Virginia policy director at the campaign group Appalachian Voices, told the publication: Singling out the Mountain Valley pipeline for approval in a vote about our nations credit limit is an egregious act.

Eyes on Brazil

AMAZON COP: Brazils president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva this week confirmed that the country has been chosen to host the 2025 UN climate summit, COP30, CNN reported. Lula plans to host the event in the Amazonian city of Belm do Par, according to the publication. It comes after Lula, fresh from an election victory, made waves at the COP27 climate summit in 2022 by promising to reach zero deforestation and install new rights for Indigenous people.

INDIGENOUS THREAT: But, despite winning praise overseas, Lula is struggling to enact his ambitious climate agenda at home. He was dealt a blow this week when members of Brazils conservative-dominated lower house overwhelmingly end...


Discover Cellular Healing Secrets with Interval Entrainment Healing Free Video Event "IndyWatch Feed World"

Did you know that your cells have a kind of sentience, in that each of the 75 to 100 trillion cells of your physical body is imbued with choice and free will? According to Dr. Shawn Marie Higgins, an osteopathic doctor and sound healer, your cells actually choose to work together to make your physical []

The post Discover Cellular Healing Secrets with Interval Entrainment Healing Free Video Event first appeared on Wake Up World.


Digi International updates SkyCloud features for industrial monitoring and control solutions "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

SkyCloud, a solution for monitoring, analyzing and controlling field data. The 23.5 update of SkyCloud introduces a range of new features, giving users effortless systems integrations with remote monitoring and control solutions delivering flexibility and optimal efficiency, making it ideal for industrial, agricultural and environmental industries. Company administrators can now better manage their deployment and user base. At the forefront of this release are the More

The post Digi International updates SkyCloud features for industrial monitoring and control solutions appeared first on Help Net Security.


This Week in Security: Barracuda, Zyxel, and The Backdoor "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Barracudas Email Security Gateway (ESG) has had a vulnerability in it for years. Tracked as CVE-2023-2868, this one was introduced back in version, and only got patched during the 9.2 development cycle. Specific build information on patched firmware has not been made available, but a firmware build containing the patch was deployed on May 20.

The flaw was a command injection bug triggered by .tar files attached to incoming emails. The appliance scans attachments automatically, and the file names could trigger the qx operator in a Perl script. Its a nasty one, ranking a 9.4 on the CVSS scale. But the really bad news is that Barracuda found the vulnerability in the wild, and they have found evidence of exploitation as far back as October 2022.

There have been three malware modules identified on the compromised appliances. SALTWATER is a backdoor trojan, with the ability to transfer files, execute commands, and host network tunnels. SEASPY is a stealthier module, that looks like a legitimate service, and uses PCAP to monitor traffic and receive commands. And SEASIDE is a Lua module for the Barracuda SMTP monitor, and it exists to host a reverse shell on command. Indic...

Friday, 02 June


How to make a science movie "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

They forgot the part where, when the experiment works, it unleashes an unspeakable horror that will destroy our way of life.

Exactly like what goes on in my lab every day.


US Next Steps on China "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Insanity that Rules the West "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Backlash incoming? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

How about some optimistic news? These right-wing idiots have become caricatures of themselves, fulminating over the most absurd and trivial things, and believing that they are justified in radical action against fundamental American ideals, like schools and libraries. Stories about school board meetings where some angry nitwit stands up to rant about the wokes are commonplace, like this one in Florida.

At the meeting, right-wing parents and a minority of the school board amplified the usual attacks: Pornography in classrooms, indoctrination, wokeness. Watching them, it was impossible to avoid the sense that they were relishing every second of the tumult theyve unleashed.

At the meeting, Shannon Rodriguez a favorite of the right wing Moms for Liberty that led the attack on the Disney movie episode kept robotically repeating phrases like woke ideologies and woke agenda, not even slightly disturbed by any sense of obligation to define their meaning. She proudly brandished her solidarity with boycotts of Bud Light and Disney as a badge of anti-woke heroism. Another conservative parent practically shouted, You have awakened the entire alpha male blood of this country!

Its all fury for the sake of fury theyre getting high on their own outrage. It has an effect, though. Fifty teachers in Hernando County, where this meeting took place, are resigning (come to Minnesota, wed love to have you here). Ron DeSantis is basically destroying the educational infrastructure of the state, all in the name of stoking that moronic subset of the population that vote for him, and there are signs that the citizens are waking up.

But the real story of the night was the response. Again and again, parents and students forcefully defended teachers. They cast the rights attacks, the censoring of educators and the removal of books as the real threats to education.

War on woke? one student said pointedly. More like war on your childrens future.

Its me and my fellow students who are feeling the effects of this, said a second student. A third said the removal of books from classrooms is whats really indoctrinating students.

Things like this are happening all over. As Sarah Jones of New York magazine reports, liberal parents in states as far-flung as New York, North Carolina and Montana are organizing local groups, pressuring school boards and running for office to challenge the rights education takeover.

We canR...


Security updates for Friday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (cups and netatalk), SUSE (cups, ImageMagick, installation-images, libvirt, openvswitch, and qemu), and Ubuntu (avahi, cups, linux, linux-aws, linux-aws-hwe, linux-azure, linux-azure-4.15, linux-gcp, linux-gcp-4.15, linux-hwe, linux-kvm, linux-oracle, linux-snapdragon, linux, linux-aws, linux-azure, linux-azure-5.4, linux-gcp, linux-gcp-5.4, linux-gke, linux-gkeop, linux-hwe-5.4, linux-ibm, linux-ibm-5.4, linux-kvm, linux-oracle, linux-oracle-5.4, linux-aws-5.4, linux-bluefield, linux-intel-iotg, and linux-intel-iotg-5.15).


Leading GOP Election Officials: Feds Treasonous Interference Is A Direct Attack On U.S. Elections "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A roll of 'I voted' stickers'These agencies are supposed to protect us, and [yet] they are the ones who are perpetrating this fraud on the American people.'


Zelensky will not attend the NATO summit unless his ultimatum is met FT "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ahmed Adel | June 2, 2023

The Financial Times reported that Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky has made it clear to NATO leaders that he will not attend the July summit in Lithuania unless a roadmap is proposed for Kievs entry into the alliance. According to FT, in addition to the plan for joining the alliance, Zelensky also wants alliance-specific guarantees.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba stated that Ukraine would not be satisfied with any other decision of the July summit other than the invitation to join NATO. Previously, the Ukrainian president stated that the country would not join the alliance until the end of the conflict but would like the support of partners and a membership invitation. In September 2022, Zelensky announced Ukraines candidacy to join NATO on an expedited basis.

The secretary general of the Atlantic Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, acknowledged the blocs position on the right of each country to determine its path and stressed that the open door policy remains, emphasising that the alliance would spare no effort in helping Kiev to defend itself.

Ukraines rightful place is in NATO. And over time, our support will help you make it possible, Stoltenberg declared during his visit to Kiev in April 2023.

If NATO were to grant Ukraine membership, it would automatically drag the entire alliance into a direct war with Russia  a nuclear power that has regularly warned it would use its nuclear weapons if it were under exist...


WHO Initiative Would Promote Desired Behaviors by Surveilling Social Media "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Bad Batches (Hot Lots) of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: 4.2% of Pfizer Vaccine Doses Are Deadly, But What About the Rest? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Australias Ben Roberts-Smith: The Breaking of a Plaster Saint "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The End of Community College? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Going Remote: A Teachers Journey
Find out more about Going Remote Here

On Friday, March 13, 2020 the community college system as we knew it ended and Im not sure it will ever return.   

And just maybe, thats a good thing.

The day before the pandemic forced our campus to shut down in the San Francisco Bay Area, I taught my final in-person class. Aptly, it was a Science-Fiction/Fantasy course in which we had just finished a unit on The End of the World as We Know It: The Literature of The Apocalypse. Thats no joke: we were studying the apocalypse as it seemed to arrive. And to add to this cosmic prank, we had just read a 1909 story by E.M. Forster The Machine Stops, about a distant future in which humans live underground in bunkers to avoid the toxic air of a poisoned planet, with the only source of human contact through TV-like screens. But that day, there was no joking, no discussion, no fun just planning our exodus from campus.

A week later, as we sheltered in our bunkers, we reconvened in Cloud College, a community in exile tethered together by a patchwork of Big Tech platforms Zoom, Canvas, Google.  What was meant as an emergency measure became our new reality, as our public classroom was a virtual space constructed by for-profit Silicon Valley giants.

But not everyone joined us.

Many students didnt make it to Cloud College, blocked by technological and financial barriers.In fact, it seemed that it was the most vulnerable students


UN Agencies Warn Acute Food Insecurity Likely to Worsen in 18 Hunger Hot Spots "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Kissinger Explains How to Avoid a Third World War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Origami: Turtle "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Turtle, designer unknown

You know, I posted a sketch of this same model, but I dont think I had ever posted a photo of the model itself?  Well, here it is.

As I mentioned before, someone at the origami meetup taught me how to make this.  If I recall correctly, he did not represent himself as the designer, which leaves the designer unknown to me.  I could not find any similar models online.  Nor do I remember quite how to make it.  That said, I could probably reverse engineer it if needed.

This model is created using box pleating and pattern grafting.  Now what does any of that mean?  Box pleating is a method that uses a lot of folds at 90 degrees from one another.  Pattern grafting means that before doing anything else, I fold a little pattern on the paper, which eventually become the scales on the turtle shell.

I have about four distinct turtle designs in my collection, but this is my favorite one.  I like the combination of fine detail and overall abstract simplified shape.


An Experiment in AI "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Is humor a sign of intelligence?

Hahahahah, that was funny.


Chanshal Pass receives late heavy snowfall in Himachal Pradesh, India - 17.7 inches of snow "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Chanshal area near Rohru in Shimla district has received snowfall in the latest spell of precipitation, leaving the local people surprised. Many claim that it's probably the first time the place has received snowfall this late in summer. "I don't remember having seen snowfall at Chanshal in late May. We can see 3-4 inches fresh snow in Chanshal area. This is something unprecedented," said Sanjeev Thakur, an orchardist from Rohru. Meanwhile, the weather department said having snow at Chanshal at this time of the year was surprising and rare.. At Chanshal Pass, the department has recorded 45 cm snowfall. "Due to the heavy and continuous rains over the last few days, the temperatures have gone down significantly. The snowfall is the result of such low temperatures," said Surender Paul, Director, Meteorological Centre, Shimla.


FBI Refuses To Hand Over Communications About Twitter-Related Censorship "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Dan Frieth | Reclaim The Net | June 1, 2023

The FBI has refused to provide records of its communication with Twitter, related to policing misinformation.

In December, as part of the Twitter Files, journalist Matt Taibbi published several emails between FBI officials and Twitter that showed that the FBI repeatedly contacted Twitter to flag alleged misinformation. The FBIs National Election Command Post (NECP) and the Foreign Influence Task Force were in close contact with Twitter over election misinformation, according to the emails obtained by Taibbi.

In light of the Twitter Files revelations, watchdog Protect the Publics Trust filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all records of communication between the FBI and Twitter from January 2020 to November 2022.

The FBI refused to respond to the request, claiming it will neither confirm nor deny the existence of the records.

The mere acknowledgment of the existence of FBI records on third-party individuals could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, the FBI told Protect the Publics Trust.

The FBIs response to these requests is nothing short of bizarre, Michael Chamberlain, director of Protect the Publics Trust, told the Washington Examiner. They twisted the substance of the requests and then asserted the right to deny acknowledging if records even exist based upon their mangled interpretation, and even though they have already admitted that the records exist.

Chamberlain added that the lack of transparency from the FBI increases suspicion about what the agencys officials may have been involved in.

The watchdog plans to appeal the FBIs decision, arguing there is tremendous public interest in knowing how the FBI interacted with Twitter, particularly with respect to suppressing speech by American citizens.

There is no substantial privacy interest in the entirety of the requested records, the watchdog wrote in the appeal.


Resurrecting the Concept of the Triad "IndyWatch Feed War"

Yayoi Kusama (Japan), Infinity Mirrored Room The Souls of Millions of Light Years Away, 2013.

Yayoi Kusama (Japan), Infinity Mirrored Room The Souls of Millions of Light Years Away, 2013.

At the close of the May 2023 Group of Seven (G7) summit in Hiroshima (Japan), the foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States and the High Representative of the European Union (EU) released a long and informative statement. In a section titled China, the eight officials wrote that they recognise the importance of engaging candidly with and expressing our concerns directly to China and that they acknowledge the need to work together with China on global challenges as well as areas of common interest, including on climate change, biodiversity, global health security, and gender equality. The diplomatic tone of the statement stands out in comparison to the heated rhetoric that these countries have adopted in recent years and is much softer than the language used at the G7 meeting itself, where the heads of government bandied about the phrase economic coercion, indirectly...


The Ugly TRUTH about FUEL SUBSIDY in Nigeria and Tinubus Oil and Gas Plan "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

This video makes whole lot of sense. There is no way the Nigerian government can claim to be subsidizing every litre of petrol consumed in Nigeria by almost N400! The DSDP arrangement is trade by barter NNPC sells crude oil to the designated refineries across the globe at an agreed price and gets back []


'Artificial Intelligence' Is (Mostly) Glorified Pattern Recognition "IndyWatch Feed War"

This somewhat funny narrative about an 'Artificial Intelligence' simulation by the U.S. airforce appeared yesterday and got widely picked up by various mainstream media: However, perhaps one of the most fascinating presentations came from Col Tucker Cinco Hamilton, the Chief...


The triumph of form over content "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Thats all ChatGPT is. Emily Bender explains.

When you read the output of ChatGPT, its important to remember that despite its apparent fluency and despite its ability to create confident sounding strings that are on topic and seem like answers to your questions, its only manipulating linguistic form. Its not understanding what you asked nor what its answering, let alone reasoning from your question + its knowledge to come up with the answer. The only knowledge it has is knowledge of distribution of linguistic form.

It doesnt matter how intelligent it is it cant get to meaning if all it has access to is form. But also: its not intelligent. Our only evidence for its intelligence is the apparent coherence of its output. But were the ones doing all the meaning making there, as we make sense of it.

I think we know this from how we learn language ourselves. Babies dont lie there with their eyes closed processing sounds without context they are associating and integrating sounds with a complex environment, and also with internal states that are responsive to external cues. Clearly what we need to do is imbed ChatGPT in a device that gets hungry and craps itself and needs constant attention from a human.

Oh nosomeone, somewhere is about to wrap a diaper around a server.


ON2IT adds CISA Zero Trust Maturity Model to AUXO cloud platform "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

ON2IT announces the addition of the CISA Zero Trust Maturity Model into its Zero Trust as a Service platform, AUXO. Organizations can use ON2ITs Zero Trust as a Service platform to strengthen cyber defenses and easily embrace Zero Trust. With cyber threat growth in volume and complexity, it is clear that preventing modern cyberattacks requires Zero Trust. CISAs recently updated Zero Trust Maturity Model (ZTMM) is a comprehensive framework that provides guidance for implementing Zero More

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Friday Funny The Ultimate Climate Argument Rebuttal Tool "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Josh writes a climate ground truth: A reminder that you can ignore anyone saying There is a climate crisis. Its not climate science and they arent climate scientists. Josh draws

The post Friday Funny The Ultimate Climate Argument Rebuttal Tool first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Red Hat To Stop Shipping LibreOffice In Future RHEL, Limiting Fedora LO Involvement "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Red Hat has decided they will be doing less work on desktop applications and will stop shipping LibreOffice as part of a future Red Hat Enterprise Linux release (presumably RHEL10). This is also limiting Red Hat's engagement in working on LibreOffice packaging for Fedora while the hope is that the Flatpak'ed LibreOffice will fill the void...


Flood water blocks road in north-east Spain amid rain alert "IndyWatch Feed World"

Flood water blocked a road in north-eastern Spain on Wednesday as several provinces remain under a heavy rain alert. A powerful current flowed down to a main road in the Catalan town of Sant Pere de Ribes, forcing cars to turn around. At least 20 provinces across Spain were given a rain warning on Thursday, with the central Castile and Len region the most threatened during the day, the Spanish meteorology agency said. Source: Reuters


MOVEit Transfer software zero-day actively exploited in the wild "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Threat actors are exploiting a zero-day flaw in Progress Softwares MOVEit Transfer product to steal data from organizations.

Threat actors are actively exploiting a zero-day vulnerability in the Progress MOVEit Transfer file transfer product to steal data from organizations.

MOVEit Transfer is a managed file transfer that is used by enterprises to securely transfer files using SFTP, SCP, and HTTP-based uploads.

The vulnerability is a SQL injection vulnerability, it an be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker to gain unauthorized access to MOVEit Transfers database.

a SQL injection vulnerability has been found in the MOVEit Transfer web application that could allow an un-authenticated attacker to gain unauthorized access to MOVEit Transfers database. reads the advisory published by the company. Depending on the database engine being used (MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, or Azure SQL), an attacker may be able to infer information about the structure and contents of the database in addition to executing SQL statements that alter or delete database elements.

The vulnerability affects all MOVEit Transfer The company also shared Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) for this attack and urges customers that notice any of the indicators to immediately contact its security and IT teams.

Multiple security firms are warning that the vulnerability has been actively exploited in the wild.

GreyNoise researchers have observed scanning activity for the login page of MOVEit Transfer located at /human.aspx as early as March 3rd, 2023, for this reason, the experts recommend Progress customers to review potentially malicious activity that was recorded in the last 90 days.

While we have not observed activity directly related to exploitation, all of the 5 IPs we have observed attempting to discover the location of MOVEit installations were marked as Malicious by GreyNoise for prior activities. reads the alert published by GreyNoise. The primary artifact, observed through publicly available information, is the presence of a webshell named human2.aspx. This is a post-exploitation file artifact that is written to the filesystem by a malicious actor allowing them to execute arbitrary commands. GreyNoise...


Conference Held to Plan the First Neutrality Congress in Colombia "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Gabriel Aguirre, World BEYOND War, June 2, 2023

Youtube video:

Facebook video:

The Introductory Conference of the 1st Neutrality Congress was held on June 1, 2023, an initiative organized by KAVILANDO, Colombia Acuerdo de Paz, Veteranos por la Paz Espaa, Veteranos por Colombia, and WOLA, and endorsed by World BEYOND War, with the aim of debating the different opinions on neutrality and the importance of countries, like Colombia, taking a position of neutrality against the development of military conflicts.

The event had the participation of important and prominent panelists, who have contributed different approaches to neutrality as well as shared experiences of states that have assumed this position.

The speakers included: Karen Devine, a research professor at Dublin City University; Juan Sasamoto, a lawyer specializing in International Law for Japan; Faruk Saman Gonzlez, a social communicator and expert in International Humanitarian Law for Colombia; and Dr. Edward Horgan of the Irish Alliance for Peace and Neutrality and also a member of the World BEYOND War Board.

The event was moderated by Yuly Cepeda, from the Corporacin de Veteranos por...


Lebanon: Five charged with killing of Irish soldier last year "IndyWatch Feed War"

Lebanon: Five charged with killing of Irish soldier last year

Men allegedly linked to Hezbollah indicted for death of soldier who was part of UN peacekeeping mission
MEE staff Fri, 06/02/2023 - 13:40
Private Sean Rooney was killed on service as he drove with colleagues to Beirut airport on 14 December 2022 (Irish Defence Forces)

A military court in Lebanon on Friday charged five men with the killing of an Irish soldier last year. 

Private Sean Rooney, 24, was in one of two armoured vehicles that came under fire while travelling to Beirut last December.

Rooney was part of a United Nations peacekeeping mission in Lebanon when he was killed. Three others were wounded. 

A senior judicial official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Associated Press the five were linked with Lebanese armed group Hezbollah. 

The indictment followed a probe after an attack on a UN peacekeeping convoy near the town of al-Aqbiya in southern Lebanon, a Hezbollah stronghold.

Lebanon: Inside Hezbollahs arsenal
Read More

Evidence was collected from bystanders, audio recordings and video footage from surveillance cameras. 

Hezbollah has denied any role in the killing and called the killing an "unintentional incident" between town residents and the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, or Unifil, which is tasked with overseeing a fragile...


Sudan's RSF raids museum and declares ancient skeletons murder victims "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sudan's RSF raids museum and declares ancient skeletons murder victims

Paramilitary fighters in bioarchaeology laboratory in Khartoum call old remains victims of Omar al-Bashir's men
Oscar Rickett Fri, 06/02/2023 - 13:32
Sudan's Rapid Support Forces show excavated human remains from inside Khartoum's M Bolheim Bioarchaeology Laboratory (Screengrab)

Fighters from Sudan's Rapid Support Forces (RSF) paramilitary have raided a museum in Khartoum, rummaging through the ancient human remains on display there and declaring them the victims of former president Omar al-Bashir and his administration. 

In a video posted on Friday, the soldiers are seen entering the M Bolheim Bioarchaeology Laboratory in Sudan's capital, where they inspect the bones and skeletons, which are thought to date from 3300-3000 BCE. 

On their way through the site, the RSF fighters claim that "the corpses" are "the work of kayzan", a term used to describe anyone affiliated with Bashir and his Islamist backers, who came to power in a coup in 1989 and was removed in April 2019 following a democratic uprising.

The Khartoum site was founded by Sudan's National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums and the British Museum in 2019. 

Many of the remains displayed date to the Kerma culture, which thrived in ancient Nubia (parts of present-day northern and central Sudan) from around 2500 BCE to 1500 BCE, and the Kingdom of Kush (1070 BCE - 550 CE) centred along the Nile valley.

More than 100 languages were spoken in the multi-ethnic Kingdom of Kush. Sudan is also home to 200 pyramids, almost twice the number in Egypt. Middle East Eye has written to the British Museum for comment.

In a scene that could have come straight from Hollywood films The Mummy or Night at the Museum...


Google triples reward for Chrome full chain exploits "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Google has tripled the full reward amount for the first security bug report that includes a functional full chain exploit of its popular Chrome browser. Six months of higher rewards for a Chrome full chain exploit The Chrome Vulnerability Rewards Program, which started on June 1, is set to run until December 1, 2023. During this period, bug hunters who report security bugs that can be chained together to fully exploit Chrome can get up More

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Millions of PC Motherboards Were Sold With a Firmware Backdoor "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Hidden code in many Gigabyte motherboards invisibly and insecurely downloads programs:

Hiding malicious programs in a computer's UEFI firmware, the deep-seated code that tells a PC how to load its operating system, has become an insidious trick in the toolkit of stealthy hackers. But when a motherboard manufacturer installs its own hidden backdoor in the firmware of millions of computersand doesn't even put a proper lock on that hidden back entrancethey're practically doing hackers' work for them.

Researchers at firmware-focused cybersecurity company Eclypsium revealed today that they've discovered a hidden mechanism in the firmware of motherboards sold by the Taiwanese manufacturer Gigabyte, whose components are commonly used in gaming PCs and other high-performance computers. Whenever a computer with the affected Gigabyte motherboard restarts, Eclypsium found, code within the motherboard's firmware invisibly initiates an updater program that runs on the computer and in turn downloads and executes another piece of software.

While Eclypsium says the hidden code is meant to be an innocuous tool to keep the motherboard's firmware updated, researchers found that it's implemented insecurely, potentially allowing the mechanism to be hijacked and used to install malware instead of Gigabyte's intended program. And because the updater program is triggered from the computer's firmware, outside its operating system, it's tough for users to remove or even discover.

"If you have one of these machines, you have to worry about the fact that it's basically grabbing something from the Internet and running it without you being involved, and hasn't done any of this securely," says John Loucaides, who leads strategy and research at Eclypsium. "The concept of going underneath the end user and taking over their machine doesn't sit well with most people.""If you have one of these machines, you have to worry about the fact that it's basically grabbing something from the Internet and running it without you being involved, and hasn't done any of this securely," says John Loucaides, who leads strategy and research at Eclypsium. "The concept of going underneath the end user and taking over their machine doesn't sit well with most people."

In its blog post about the research, Eclypsium lists 271 models of Gigabyte motherboards that researchers say are affected. Loucaides adds that users who want to see which motherboard their computer uses can check by going to "Start" in Windows and then "System Information."

From my understanding of the problem it appears to affect Windows OS, but any ins...


Intel's Latest Linux Patches To Boost VM Performance - Particularly For High I/O Use "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It's almost a daily occurrence to find interesting Linux kernel patches (and to other open-source projects too!) by Intel's large cabal of open-source engineers. The latest crossing my radar is for allowing the Linux "intel_idle" driver to run inside virtual machine (VM) guests...



I am joined on the podcast tonight 02/06/2023 by president of the AVN Meryl Dorey...


Celebrate Phoronix's 19th Birthday With Phoronix Premium For Just $19 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

On Monday, 5 June, will mark 19 years since I started to focus on Linux hardware reviews...


Charting Indonesias Post-Jokowi Transition "IndyWatch Feed War"

As the worlds third-largest democracy, Indonesia stands at a critical juncture ahead of the countrys presidential election in 2024. With incumbent President Joko Widodo ineligible to run, the outcome will result in a new leader for the first time in a decade and chart the course of Indonesias economic and political future. This report will provide a comprehensive understanding of Indonesias transformative growth and geopolitical influence.

Since taking office in October 2014, President Joko Widodo, commonly referred to as Jokowi, has steered Indonesia through a period of significant economic growth and advancement. The nations advantageous conditions, encompassing rich natural resources, favorable demographic trends, and an enticing domestic market, has led to a surge in investment.


The post Charting Indonesias Post-Jokowi Transition appeared first on Geopolitical Monitor.


Global Coup dtat and the Great Reset. Global Debt and Neoliberal Shock Treatment "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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On Older Prose "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In a comment to a post about Frederick Douglass on Manos blog, John Morales quoted a bit of Douglass writing and said about it,

Old-timey, dense but succinct, convoluted but quite clear.
I kinda like that style.

Im currently reading The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith.  (I figured I should read it sooner or later, and its quickly becoming later rather than sooner.)

I, too, enjoy the beauty of pre-twentieth century prose; and I admire the care that the authors took with it; but I find Smith tedious because he keeps saying the same damn thing over and over again.  I wish hed make his point and move on.

For lighter reading, Im working on Its OK to be Angry about Capitalism by Bernie Sanders.  Im spending a lot more time with Smith but getting through Sanders much more rapidly.  I guess thats not really very surprising. 8-)


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Are both sides the same? Yes, but also no. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I do not like the Democratic Party. As an institution, they are corrupt and disingenuous servitors of the upper class, who will demand party unity one moment, then support the loser of a primary over the winner, the next. They claim to care about issues like climate change, but continue expanding fossil fuel extraction, well past the point that will totally destroy humanity. They claim to care about student debt, but refuse to actually do anything about it. They claim to care about reproductive rights, but support anti-choice candidates, and every time they came into power over the last half-century, they insisted that abortion rights were safe, and it wasnt the time to codify them into law.

For 50 years they did that, in the face of an open campaign to do exactly what has now been done.

I do not like the Democratic party, but- they are still better than the GOP. Not on everything, of course. Theyve been full partners in the long history of attacking left-wing countries, and supporting some of the worst dictators and war criminals on the planet, for example. But even on the issues I listed in the paragraph above, they are better than the GOP, in a very material way.

I mention that because a lot of people on the left, at least online, insist that theres no difference, and that the Democrats only serve to stabilize the ways in which the Republicans make things worse. Obamas use of drone warfare comes to mind, as does the continued abuse of children at the southern border. There are issues on which you can absolutely make that case. The thing is, though, they are not the only issues at play. Minnesota is probably the best example right now. The Democrats there are not perfect, but look at what theyve been up to, and tell me youd ever get any of it if the GOP was in power there.

The problem, as I see it, is that those people on the left are still stuck on individualism, and on the fantasy of achieving revolutionary change within the infrastructure of a representative democracy. For the first part, I get it. The Democratic Party fights hard to avoid any kind of real working class power in the United States, and voting for them implies that Im OK with that. Im not OK with that, I just consider those feelings to be less important than the increased safety or wellbeing that can come from the policies that Democrats...


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Finale Is A Lonely Feminist Tragedy "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Midge of 'Marvelous Mrs. Maisel'Could Midge have sustained life in the limelight and a life firmly rooted in community, love, connection, and family?


1-Wire "w1" Subsystem Seeing More Activity With Linux 6.5 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Linux 1-Wire "w1" subsystem is used for supporting drivers with hardware that communicates via a single wire (plus ground) in a simple master-slave configuration The Linux kernel has drivers such as for W1 over GPIO, i2c to W1 bridge, and supporting some very old hardware. The W1 subsystem hasn't seen much work recently while for the upcoming Linux 6.5 cycle will be seeing a larger update...


New Botnet Malware 'Horabot' Targets Spanish-Speaking Users in Latin America "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Spanish-speaking users in Latin America have been at the receiving end of a new botnet malware dubbed Horabot since at least November 2020. "Horabot enables the threat actor to control the victim's Outlook mailbox, exfiltrate contacts' email addresses, and send phishing emails with malicious HTML attachments to all addresses in the victim's mailbox," Cisco Talos researcher Chetan Raghuprasad


OffSec expands Global Partner Program to empower and support partner organizations "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

OffSec launched a newly expanded OffSec Global Partner Program. With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, organizations are seeking reliable partners to address the ever-growing demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals. In response to this market need, OffSecs new program introduces a range of new features designed to empower and support partner organizations. First launched in April 2022, the OffSec Partner Program featured three partner types: Channel, Learning, and Education Partners. The Channel Partner program has since More

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Link "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

We have witnessed three years of controlled cooperation by the worlds media to convince and coerce us into accepting a Covid narrative that all seems to of been a lie with the Mainstream Media becoming societys biggest source of misinformation.
21WIRE founder Patrick Henningsen joins Hearts of Oak to share his nearly two decades of experience as an activist and now a journalist, lifting the lid on this media machine of manipulation. Why has this level of deceit been accepted and tolerated and for what purpose? How is the BBC now the governments gatekeeper of truth for the UK? And why are the media determined to escalate the Ukraine conflict into what is dangerously approaching a full on European War? Join us this episode as Patrick unpacks all of these questions and shows us why the alternative media is needed now more than ever before. Watch: 

SEE MORE PROPAGANDA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Propaganda Files



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Grassley Reveals He Has Already Seen The Bombshell Whistleblower Doc The FBI Is Hiding "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Chuck GrassleyChristopher Wray won't turn over subpoenaed documents because he says he wants to protect sources -- but given what's in the forms, it seems the FBI is actually trying to protect itself and the Bidens.


Flooding leads to road closures in Texas Panhandle "IndyWatch Feed World"

Rain has led to multiple roads in the Texas panhandle being flooded making them difficult to cross. In Amarillo, Coulter Street was shut down between 45th and Hillside due to high water. Additionally, Loop 335 westbound at Coulter was closed by the Texas Department of Transportation. In Canyon, Country Club just north of the golf course clubhouse near Griffin, Paul Lindsey Park, and the Hunsley Hills crossing are all closed. The 11th St underpass is draining well but there is a lot of falling water and some standing water.


Spotlighting oil majors ecocide of Niger Delta: Q&A with Michael J. Watts "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In May, a commission of experts appointed by the governor of Nigerias Bayelsa state released its long-awaited report on the impact of oil production on the small riverine state. The report detailed years of oil spills, gas flaring, and other pollution from facilities owned by companies like Shell and Eni, with devastating impacts on biodiversity and human health. According to the commissions findings, Bayelsa has cumulatively seen an Exxon Valdez-size spill every year for the past 50 years, and in some areas researchers found up to six times the safe amount of lead and cadmium in human tissue samples. Since the report was released, both Shell and Eni have dismissed the commissions calls for them to take financial responsibility for the ecological and health legacy of the oil industry in Bayelsa. The two companies blamed saboteurs for oil spills in the Niger Delta, portraying themselves as victims of a chaotic security situation doing their best to clean up pollution they hadnt caused. With the prospect of oil majors acknowledging their role in the Deltas woes looking dim, advocates in Europe are hoping the courts will deliver what they wont on their own. While the U.K.s Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of Shell in a case over a 2011 offshore spill, another one, brought by 13,000 plaintiffs from the Delta, is still progressing. The Bayelsa commission told Mongabay that it hopes its report will boost efforts to hold Shell and others accountable for what theyre leaving behind in the NigerThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Growing Discontent in Iraq 20 Years After the US Invasion "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Geminispace/GemText/Gemini Protocol Turn 4 on June 20th "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link | md5sum 772086c48dd8461dd3fc670be6475b45
Gemini Growing and How I Use It
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: Gemini is turning 4 this month (on the 20th, according to the founder) and I thought Id do a spontaneous video about how I use Gemini, why it's so good, and why its still growing (Stphane Bortzmeyer fixed the broken cron job or equivalent of it a day or two after I had mentioned the issue)

THE domain has a new subsite (as of days ago), a month ago we started posting Gemini Daily Links 1-3 times per day, and the number of capsules grows at a healthy pace. Later this month Gemini Protocol officially turns 4.

Many of us in Techrights are surfing Geminispace (not the site, the GemText capsules) and its getting better all the time.We adopted Gemini Protocol about 2.5 years ago and we havent looked back. In April we served about half a million requests over Gemini Protocol and the monthly average is about 400,000. Many of us in Techrights are surfing Geminispace (not the site, the GemText capsules) and its getting better all the time. Its a pretty darn good substitute for the bloated Web,...


Link "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on May 30, 2023, Patrick talks with 21WIRE writer and commentator Blake Lovewell, about the recent Bilderberg Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, where the global elites and captains of industry gathered to decide their secretive agenda for managing the masses over the coming year. Microsofts CEO was promoted to top Bilderberger this year, as the CBDC agenda goes into high gear. Will they be able to pull it off? Republican Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis has passed a law in Florida banning CBDCs and supporting crypto instead. Will others follow suit? All this and more. Listen:

More from Blake:

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):





Editing pan-Africanism "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Many know Frene Ginwala, the iconic anti-apartheid activist, as democratic South Africas first speaker of parliament. But few know of her time building pan-African media in Dar Es Salaaam.

Frene Ginwala. Author supplied image.

This post is part of the Revolutionary Papers series.

On April 12, 1960, a few weeks after the Sharpeville Massacre, the South African lawyer and journalist Frene Noshir Ginwala arrived in Dar es Salaam, the capital of Tanganyika. In that year, British-ruled Tanganyika was already transitioning towards independence with internal self-government. This transition provided the countrys subjects with more opportunities for political activities than most other countries in Southern and East Africa could provide.

Ginwalas important role in the anti-apartheid movement


Flood hits low-lying regions, prompts evacuations in southern China "IndyWatch Feed World"

The southern part of China entered its main flood season on Thursday, with multiple regions encountering weather-related emergencies in recent days. Heavy rain in southwest China's Yunnan Province Thursday morning caused flash flooding in a hillside county, claiming the lives of three, with one person still missing. The flooding in the county also caused significant housing damage in low-lying areas and authorities immediately organized an evacuation. At a local middle school where the track field was already swamped by floodwaters, rescuers evacuated some 600 students and faculty staff.


Portland considers banning daytime homeless camps to address 'humanitarian catastrophe' "IndyWatch Feed World"

Portland officials are mulling a proposal to ban daytime homeless camps in most public spaces as the West Coast city struggles to get a handle on the ballooning number of people living on the streets. Homeless people would need to clear their camps every morning by 8 a.m., picking up all their belongings and trash before they could settle down again at 8 p.m., according to the proposal. The ban would extend to city parks, near schools, day cares, construction sites and some sidewalks, according to the plan brought forward by Mayor Ted Wheeler.


Competing for rainforest conservation: Q&A with XPRIZEs Kevin Marriott "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

SINGAPORE Its been a hectic few weeks for Kevin Marriott. On a humid May morning in Singapore, he shuttles between two locations at the citys Windsor Nature Park. At one site, he looks on as a team of scientists and aviation experts get ready to launch a fleet of drones to gather information about biodiversity from tree canopies. A 10-minute walk away, another team attempts to send a robotic dog out into the forest on its own to collect photo and audio data. The teams are among 13 projects from around the world that qualified for the semifinals of a competition with prize money of $10 million. Organized by California-based nonprofit XPRIZE Foundation, the five-year competition aims to accelerate technological solutions that will automate the monitoring and assessment of biodiversity in rainforests. As the technical lead for the competition, Marriott has been busy planning logistics and rallying the teams that are taking part. They come from around the world Brazil, Mexico, U.K., Switzerland and elsewhere and are given 24 hours to gather data from the forest. They get another 48 hours to analyze the data and draw conclusions about biodiversity from it. While automated collection of environmental DNA (eDNA) the genetic material left behind by animals seems to be the primary focus of most of the teams, others are deploying drones and robots to collect visual and audio data. We hope the solutions provide new insights into the forest that we havent been able toThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Nearly 30% of all tree cover in Africa may be outside of forests, study says "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

When it comes to mapping green cover, its easy to miss the trees for the forest. New research suggests that there are a lot of missed trees: almost 30% of all tree cover in Africa may be outside of forests, according to an analysis published in Nature Communications. This research allows us to look at the big picture and at individual trees, University of Copenhagen geographer Florian Reiner told Mongabay. Reiner and his colleagues trained a machine-learning model to identify tree crowns in high-resolution satellite imagery by manually labeling a smaller subset. They generated a tree-cover map for 45 African countries for 2019, down to individual tree crowns. One of the enduring questions in landscape mapping is: what configuration of trees qualifies as a forest? Theres no universally accepted definition of forests, but widely used ones rely on tree canopy. While all forests are made up of trees in some shape or form, not all trees fit inside forests. Mapping individual trees shows us where these elemental forest units exist but also distinguishes them as woody resources in their own right. Different government agencies can also use different definitions of forests, complicating the task of creating a continentwide inventory. National statistics often dont capture tree resources outside designated forest areas, and governments overlook them in decision-making. To their disadvantage, as this paper shows: Ignoring trees not affiliated with forests can lead to an underestimation of a nations carbon stocks. Contribution of trees outside forests (TOF) to total tree cover atThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Christians Are Right To Raise Red Flags About Rainbow Flags "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

LGBT Alphabet SoupHow am I, a normal Christian trying not to choke on all of the LGBT alphabet soup being shoved down my throat, the controversial one here?


Man killed in wild boar attack in Kerala, India "IndyWatch Feed World"

A 61-year-old man died when he was attacked by a wild boar in the front yard of his house here on Saturday, police said. Rajeevan, a resident of Varavoor, was attacked by the animal around 4:30 pm while he was busy doing household chores, they said. "He was immediately shifted to the hospital but could not be saved," a police official told PTI. The incident comes days after three people were killed in separate gaur attacks in Kottayam and Kollam districts. Source: PTI


His Majestys Revenue and Customs, or HMRC, Engaging in Selective Enforcement That Protects the Government? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Like CIA people, who run over British people in the UK and then run away to the US (to be protected by their regime)

Sirius staff; Haha, it's OK, the government knows me, they will protect me
The man above ran away to the US, where he runs the company Sirius Open Source Inc. (a shell created for the first client, a secret client, Gates Foundation) from a hideout in Washington State, escaping liability for his crimes against past staff and obligations to 2 past wives and 4 daughters

Summary: The tax crimes of Sirius Open Source were reported to HMRC two weeks ago; HMRC did not bother getting back to the reporters (victims of the crime) and its worth noting that the reporters worked on UK government systems for many years, so maybe theres a hidden incentive to bury this under the rug


Space: Its Not Just for Governments Anymore "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The recent congressional budget battles have underscored the scarcity of public funds for space, science, and technology. This has paved the way for the private sector, a world that Ashlee Vance delves into in this weeks WhoWhatWhy podcast and in his new book, When the Heavens Went On Sale: The Misfits and Geniuses Racing to Put Space Within Reach.


Vance talks about the 2008 paradigm shift in space exploration, marked by the launch of Elon Musks SpaceX Falcon One Rocket. He highlights the rapid progress in the commercial space sector, with companies like SpaceX and Rocket Lab conducting frequent launches and the dizzying proliferation of satellites now in orbit already in the thousands and growing exponentially. 


This shift demonstrated, Vance says, how smaller private companies can challenge the historical dominance of governments and large corporations. Vance underscores the excitement of this new era of space exploration, operating in a largely ungoverned and unregulated environment. 


He profiles key figures and examines the role of companies, particularly SpaceX, but also Planet Labs, Rocket Lab, Astra, and Firefly, in reshaping the space industry. He talks of the rise of entrepreneurs like Musk, who set out to make space travel and satellite launches more affordable and accessible, and to create a new industry of space tourism.


Vance explains why many of these new companies see space primarily as an opportunity to impact life on Earth, from climate-change monitoring to providing internet access to remote areas.


Vance also touches on the tension between traditional industry players, such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Airbus, and Silicon Valley innovators and the potential implications for national security and government interference in commercial space ventures.


Vance also reminds us that while space tourism garners much attention, it is not the most commercially viable aspect of the industry currently.



Is MINIX Dead? And Does It Matter? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Is MINIX dead? OSnews is sounding its death-knell, citing evidence from the operating systems git log that its last updates happened as long ago as 2018. Given that the last news story on the MINIX website is from 2016 and the last release version, 3.3, came out in 2014, it appears they they may have a point. But perhaps its more appropriate to ask not whether or not MINIX is dead, but whether indeed it matters that the venerable OS appears no longer in development. It started as an example to teach OS theory before becoming popular in an era when there were no other inexpensive UNIX-like operating systems for 16-bit microcomputers, but given that its successors such as Linux-based operating systems have taken its torch and raced ahead, perhaps its day has passed.

No doubt many of you will now be about to point out that MINIX lives on unexpectedly baked into the management engine core on Intel microprocessors, and while theres some debate as to whether thats still the case, you may have a point. But the more important thing for us isnt whether MINIX is still with us or even whether its a contender, but what it influenced and thus what it was responsible for. This is being written on a GNU/Linux operating system, w...


Galvanick raises $10 million for its industrial cybersecurity platform "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Galvanick announced its $10 million seed round. Major investors included MaC Venture Capital, Founders Fund, Village Global, Countdown Capital, Hanover Technology Investment Management, Shrug Capital, 8090 Industries, and over 25 angel investors specializing in cybersecurity, manufacturing, finance, and defense. Galvanick plans to use the capital to make additional core hires, and expand use of its initial product a Extended Detection & Response (XDR) platform to additional advanced manufacturing and critical infrastructure facilities. Galvanick More

The post Galvanick raises $10 million for its industrial cybersecurity platform appeared first on Help Net Security.


HMRC Does Not Care About Tax Fraud Committed by UK Government Contractor, Sirius Open Source "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Like CIA people, who run over British people in the UK and then run away to the US (to be protected by their regime)

Sirius staff; Haha, it's OK, the government knows me, they will protect me
The man above ran away to the US, where he runs the company Sirius Open Source Inc. (a shell created for the first client, a secret client, Gates Foundation) from a hideout in Washington State, escaping liability for his crimes against past staff and obligations to 2 past wives and 4 daughters

Summary: The tax crimes of Sirius Open Source were reported to HMRC two weeks ago [1, 2, 3]; HMRC did not bother getting back to the reporters (victims of the crime) and its worth noting that the reporters worked on UK government systems for many years, so maybe theres a hidden incentive to bury this under the rug


Exclusive: Jim Jordan Probes FBI Role In Trump Special Counsel Investigation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Jim JordanJordan is also demanding a congressional briefing from Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco related to the Durham report.


Russias FSB blames the US intelligence for Operation Triangulation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Russias intelligence Federal Security Service (FSB) said that the recent attacks against iPhones with a zero-click iOS exploit as part of Operation Triangulation were carried out by US intelligence.

Researchers from the Russian firm Kaspersky have uncovered a previously unknown APT group that is targeting iOS devices with zero-click exploits as part of a long-running campaign dubbed Operation Triangulation.

The experts uncovered the attack while monitoring the network traffic of its own corporate Wi-Fi network dedicated to mobile devices using the Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform (KUMA).

According to Kaspersky researchers, Operation Triangulation began at least in 2019 and is still ongoing.

The attack chains commenced with a message sent via the iMessage service to an iOS device. The message has an attachment containing an exploit. The expert explained that the message triggers a remote code execution vulnerability without any user interaction (zero-click).

Shortly after Kasperskys disclosure, Russias FSB accused the US intelligence for the attacks against the iPhones. According to Russian intelligence, thousands of iOS devices belonging to domestic subscribers and diplomatic missions and embassies have been targeted as part of Operation Triangulation.

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, together with the Federal Security Service of Russia, uncovered a reconnaissance operation by American intelligence services carried out using Apple mobile devices (USA). reads the announcement published by FSB. It was found that several thousand telephone sets of this brand were infected. At the same time, in addition to domestic subscribers, facts of infection of foreign numbers and subscribers using SIM cards registered with diplomatic missions and embassies in Russia, including the countries of the NATO bloc and the post-Soviet space, as well as Israel, SAR and China, were revealed.



Diamond Ring Etiquette: Rules And Traditions For Engagement And Beyond "IndyWatch Feed World"

Whether it is an engagement ring or even a wedding ring, a diamond ring depicts a symbol for commitment that includes love. Several considerations like the size of the diamond, budget, the shape, color and the clarity of the diamond forms an essential part when purchasing a diamond ring for that important occasion.

Buy rings online is advisable for couples who have busy, hectic schedules in their life. Since the partner buys the diamond rings for their partner, it is always best to know a few basic tastes of the partner before making that expensive purchase.

Diamond Ring Etiquette


Everything should be right enough when purchasing an engagement diamond ring etiquette. Right from the start, the person responsible for buying the ring should make sure that the ring fits the budget. Make sure to consider all minute details before the engagement. Various aspects that should be regarded concerning diamond ring etiquette include,

  • Is the engagement ring a necessity for proposing?
  • Who will be paying for the ring?
  • The ring should match the personality of the partner.
  • Which stone is to be chosen for the ring?
  • Depending upon the partners choice, the ring from a previous engagement could get reused without spending for a new one.
  • On which finger should the engagement and wedding ring be worn?
  • The giver of the family heirloom rings decides whether it should get passed down through generations.
  • Always take time to purchase diamond rings. Never hurry.

Rules And Traditions For Engagement



Amplifying Diversity: Strategies For Accessing Diverse Perspectives In Digital Media Blog Post "IndyWatch Feed World"

in todays fast-paced digital media landscape, having a diverse range of views and perspectives is critical. This is especially true when it comes to news reporting. BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities bring their own distinct perspectives and experiences to the media landscape, making it more engaging and truthful.

This blog post will examine how to ensure that different perspectives are included in digital media. Especially for BIPOC news reporting. You can create a more interesting and full news ecosystem that serves and supports everyone if we make sure to promote the voices of BIPOC individuals and include everyone.

Diversify Your Social Media Feed


One effective way to expand your horizons is by diversifying your socialf media feed. Most social media platforms use algorithms that cater to your existing interests. They reinforce your beliefs and limit your exposure to new ideas. Take the initiative to follow accounts representing different ideologies, cultures, and perspectives. By seeking out diverse voices, you can create a more balanced and inclusive digital experience.

Engage In Constructive Discussions




Scott Lively -The Transgender Endgame is Transhumanism "IndyWatch Feed War" June 1, 2023

The Gay Agenda is Not Finished 

The goal of transhumanism is to use technology to release mankind from the confines of nature. It sounds good but, really, it is re-engineering humanity to be slaves. Scott Lively relates the history of the homosexual agenda and explains that the goal of transgenderism is to break the natural mold.

Scott Lively is the co-author with Kevin Abrams of The Pink Swastika, (1995) the definitive account of role of homosexuality in the Nazi Party.

from August 8, 2017

by Dr. Scott Lively ( 

The ultimate goal of the gay movement has always been the elimination of the restrictions on sexual freedom imposed by Judeo-Christian civilization.

Others have desired this result, but homosexuals have always pursued it hardest because their sexual appetites deviate furthest from the Biblical one flesh norm of lifetime heterosexual monogamy.  For example, male homosexuality was a capital offence under the Mosaic Law, while a limited form of polygamy was discouraged but tolerated. In other words, gays have the most to lose under a Biblically-influenced legal and social system and thus the greatest motivation to overthrow it.

The Marquis de Sade, for whom sadism is named, articulated the goal of the gay movement.  Sades Philosophy in the Boudoir (1795) called for the decriminalization of sexual crimes, including specifically pederasty (man/boy sex) and sodomy, on the grounds that they were not actually against nature as the common law asserted.

Sade was an extreme libertine whose sexual practices included torture and murder. He was sentenced to death (in absentia) in 1772 for sodomizing his manservant and for poisoning prostitutes.  In his time, he was considered a reprobate driven by insanity and/or demonic possession. But today his concept of sexual freedom thrives in popular culture throughout the west, thanks primarily to the gay rights movement.




West Bank: Palestinian toddler and father in critical condition after Israeli shooting "IndyWatch Feed War"

West Bank: Palestinian toddler and father in critical condition after Israeli shooting

A three-year-old Palestinian boy and his father (40) were critically wounded by Israeli gunfire near a West Bank settlement
MEE staff Fri, 06/02/2023 - 11:30
Israeli military personnel near the location of the shooting (TPS)

A Palestinian toddler and his father were shot by Israeli security forces yesterday near the West Bank settlement of Neve Tsuf.

They are both reported to be in critical condition.

The man was taken to a Palestinian hospital and the boy was reportedly airlifted to Israels Sheba hospital after being resuscitated by medics.

The Israeli army claimed the shooting was unintentional, and that the child and his parent were wounded by stray bullets during an alleged attack by Palestinian gunmen on a military post near the settlement.

However, according to residents of Nebi Saleh, a military patrol unit at the entrance to the town opened fire on a car carrying Palestinians when they refused to stop.

Shaky footage taken by a resident reportedly shows the pair badly injured in a parked car outside their home.

An Israeli army spokesperson has said that the military regrets harm to noncombatants and...


MIT Multi-Robot Mapping Sets New Gold Standard "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This article is part of our exclusive IEEE Journal Watch series in partnership with IEEE Xplore.

Does your robot know where it is right now? Does it? Are you sure? And what about all of its robot friends, do they know where they are too? This is important. So important, in fact, that some would say that multi-robot simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is a crucial capability to obtain timely situational awareness over large areas. Those some would be a group of MIT roboticists who just won the IEEE Transactions on Robotics Best Paper Award for 2022, presented at this years IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023) in London. Congratulations!

Out of more than 200 papers published in Transactions on Robotics last year, reviewers and editors voted to award the 2022 IEEE Transactions on Robotics King-Sun Fu Memorial Best Paper Award to Yulun Tian, Yun Chang, Fernando Herrera Arias, Carlos Nieto-Granda, Jonathan P. How, and Luca Carlone from MIT for their paper Kimera-Multi: Robust, Distributed, Dense Metric-Semantic SLAM for Multi-Robot Systems.

The editorial board, and the reviewers, were deeply impressed by the theoretical elegance and practical relevance of this paper and the open-source code that accompanies it. Kimera-Multi is now the gold-standard for distributed multi-robot SLAM.
Kevin Lynch, editor-in-chief, IEEE Transactions on Robotics

Robots rely on simultaneous localization and mapping to understand where they are in unknown environments. But unknown environments are a big place, and it takes more than one robot to explore all of them. If you send a whole team of robots, each of them can explore their own little bit, and then share what theyve learned with each other to make a much bigger map that they can all take advantage of. Like most things robot, this is much easier said than done, which...


Beyond the Farebox: The Real Costs and Benefits of "Free" Transit "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


This article is published as part of Strong Towns ongoing partnership with the data analytics firm, Urban3. Visit this page to learn more.


(Source: Flickr/Nick Bastian.)

Theres been some debate recently about whether or not buses should be free. Some cities are even moving forward with this approach. Jerusalem Demsas argues that most bus riders care more about improved frequency, increased hours, and quality of serviceand that those things should be addressed first, especially before removing a funding source. On the other hand, Sparky Abraham argues that charging for services at point of use is a regressive approach to paying for public services, like a sales or excise tax. He goes on to make the case that even utilities should be free up to a point, considering that failure to pay can result in eviction and even property seizure, which are particularly harmful to low-income residents. There are important points on both sides. Even small bus fees can hurt the wallets of riders with modest budgets, but transit systems shouldnt throw away an important revenue source if they plan on improving frequency or coverage.

This debate gets at an important question: How do we pay for services that cities and urban residents need? Do the most fortunate...


Our IRC at 15th Anniversary "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link | md5sum 57f27b19c575a30fda9749b60077c9c2
TechRights (TR) or BoycottNovell (BN) IRC
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: So our IRC community turns 15 today (sort of) and Ive decided to do a video reflecting on the fact that some of the same people are still there after 15 years

THE collapse of Freenode happened about 2 years ago. Sure, how time flies

Weve thankfully made our way out of there and most of the important people came over to our own network (yes, we lost or shed off some participants, but thats the cost of relying on a third party like Freenode for 13 years!).

In hindsight, if we made it through 15 years, then why not 15 years more?As the video above notes, aside from the roots of the community (genesis story), weve managed to log every single day since then (every hour, too, owing to collaboration and coordination among peers) and weve managed to defeat very aggressive trolling/sabotage/vandalism campaigns. The worst trolling was around 2009. The logs are now in IPFS and in Gemini as well, so its virtually impossible to issue a complete takedown request against them. For a period of time we delayed the release of logs in order to protect sources.

I first used IRC almost 30 years ago and IRC is still going strong. It predates the World Wide Web and can outlive/outlast the World Wide Web. IRC is vital to us and to many other projects. The community came to depend on it.

As it turns out, Chris Lamb (later a Debian Project Leader) joined us on the first day and said (its buried many pages in the distant past), Pray, please inform me what is currently happening in this communications medium?

In hindsight, if we made it through 15 years, then why not 15 years more?


Hangover 0.8.9 Released For Running More Windows Games/Apps On ARM Linux "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By pairing Wine and QEMU, Hangover continues as one of the open-source projects working to allow Windows games/apps run on other architectures like AArch64 and potentially POWER, RISC-V, and others too...

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