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Friday, 26 May


Schon bemerkenswert, was in Bayern pltzlich geht, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Schon bemerkenswert, was in Bayern pltzlich geht, wenn es nicht um Maskenaffren korrupter CSU-Politiker oder rechtsextremistische NSU-Mordanschlge geht, wa?

Oder um Aserbaidschan-Korruption.

Oder um "Parteispenden".

Leserbrief zum Komplex ko-Institut und Klimakatastrophe:Du ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Leserbrief zum Komplex ko-Institut und Klimakatastrophe:

Du machst in Deiner Argumentation einen schweren Fehler, wenn Du argumentieren willst, dass Klimaschutz an sich ja etwas gutes sei.

Damit berzeugt man viele Leute nicht mehr. Die Klimaschutzgegner haben aus Klimaschutz inzwischen erfolgreich eine Verschwrungstheorie gemacht.

Whrend der Diskussion ber das Heizungsgesetz habe ich den "Fehler" gemacht, mich in die Tiefen des Spiegel Online Forums zu begeben.

Hintergrund ist der, dass ich meinen eigenen Haushalt gerade mit Wrmepumpe (*) und Elektroauto frei von fossiler Primrenergie gemacht habe und somit auf die blichen Zweifel und Argumente gegen Wrmepumpen mit den eigenen (positiven) Erfahrungen antworten kann.

Bei den Diskussionen in der Forumskloake wird einem klar, dass die Gegner der Grnen es geschafft haben, Klimaschutzmanahmen zu reframen als etwas bses.

Die Verschwrungs-Story geht zusammengefasst so:

Klimaschutz ist teuer, deshalb kann sich das nur eine Minderheit von reichen urbanen Avocadotoast-Essern leisten. Diese elitren grnen Gutmenschen sind der Feind. Sie knnen aus ihrer abgehobenen Positionen heraus nicht mehr verstehen, was der Normalbrger erleiden muss.

Klimaschutz ist keine wirtschaftliche Notwendigkeit, sondern nur eine Lifestyle-Entscheidung und ein deutscher Sonderweg. Die Grnen wollen dies unserem Land aufzwingen, whrend andere Lnder, mit denen wir in Konkurrenz stehen, weitgehend nichts fr den Klimaschutz tun und damit besser fahren. Whrend Deutschland seine AKWs abschaltet, bauen sie anderswo Kohlekraftwerke. Warum soll Deutschland sich beim Klimaschutz anstrengen, wenn die anderen eh nichts tun und wir doch eh nur fr wenige Prozent der Klima-Emissionen verantwortlich sind?

Die deutsche Industrie kann sich Klimaschutz nicht leisten und wird Deutschland verlassen. Dies ist von den Grnen so gewollt, weil sie den Kapitalismus verachten und Deutschland deindustrialisieren wollen.

Der normale Brger wird durch Klimaschutz verarmt werden. Die kranke Oma wird wegen des teuren Heizungswechsels aus ihrem vom Mund abgesparten windschiefen Huschen rausgeworfen. Dies ist von den Grnen so gewollt, weil sie privates Eigentum verachten.

Einige gehen dann noch weiter und wittern Great Replacement: Wenn man die Normalbrger ber Klimaschutz verarmt, kann man die leeren Huser mit leichter kontrollierbaren Flchtlingen fllen.

Damit ist Klimaschutz reframed zu: Die Grnen haben sich verschworen, um Deutschlands Wirtschaft in den Rcken zu dolchen und Deutschlands fleiige Mittelschicht zu vertreiben.

Und deshalb sehen die Gegner in Klimaschutz etwas ganz anderes als ein Projekt fr eine bessere Zukunft. Fr sie ist es eine sinistre Verschwrung der Mchtigen gegen sie, die Mehrheit.

So wird aus der Graichen-Affre "Clankriminalitt" - weil die grnen Versch...

Kernfusion: CDU und CSU fordern Bau von zwei Fusionskraftwerken.Ach. ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kernfusion: CDU und CSU fordern Bau von zwei Fusionskraftwerken.

Ach. Haben die unseren Podcast gehrt? Bricht da pltzlich Vernunft aus? Nein. Das ist die CDU. Die fordern aus der bequemen Oppositionsposition schon immer alles mgliche, und wenn man sie dann in die Regierung whlt, setzen sie nichts davon um.

Wieso fordern die zwei Kraftwerke? Weil sie sicher gehen wollen, dass das nicht umgesetzt wird. Das ist fr die spieltheoretisch die beste Position. Dinge fordern, die progressiv aussehen, und von denen sie wissen, dass die nicht umgesetzt werden.

Wieso wei ich, dass das hier typische CDU-Pferdepfel sind? Deshalb:

Hier knne die Fusionsenergie zum "Gamechanger" werden, meinen CDU und CSU. Whrend sich die bisherige Fusionsforschung in Deutschland wie im Versuchsreaktor Wendelstein 7-X und international im Projekt ITER auf Verfahren des magnetischen Einschlusses konzentriere, sei auf dem Gebiet der laserinduzierten Trgheitsfusion ein wichtiger Durchbruch erzielt worden. Dabei bezieht sich die Fraktion auf eine Nachricht aus dem Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Am dortigen Forschungszentrum ist es Ende vorigen Jahres einem Team in einem Laser-Fusionsexperiment gelungen, mehr Energie zu gewinnen, als zuvor hineingesteckt wurde.
Das bezieht sich auf die Meldung der National Ignition Facility. In unserer Sendung ab Zeitstempel 1:34:34. Die CDU hat wie blich nichts verstanden. Das ist reine populistische Kackscheie hier.

Leuchtet ja auch ein. Die CDU war ber die Hlfte der Existenz der Bundesrepublik in der Regierung. Denen und der SPD haben wir die beschissene Situation zu verdanken, in der wir gerade sind. Niemandem von denen solltet ihr je wieder auch nur ein Wort trauen.

Schon mal erst Recht nicht der CDU, wenn die CSU gerade landesweit die Klimaaktivisten hausdurchsuchen lsst. Bis auf die AfD gibt es keine Partei, die noch weniger an einer Lsung des Klimaproblems arbeitet.

Der Postillon liefert mal wieder!Berlin (dpo) - Endlich ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Der Postillon liefert mal wieder!

Berlin (dpo) - Endlich wird dieser Bande das Handwerk gelegt! Die Polizei hat heute in Berlin eine Grorazzia gegen die mutmaliche kriminelle Vereinigung "Bundesregierung" durchgefhrt.

Ein Leser hilft beim Umrechnen:20 Milliarden Euro sind ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ein Leser hilft beim Umrechnen:

20 Milliarden Euro sind nicht nur 66 F-35, sondern alternativ

0,66 Uniper

0,14 CumEx

Ich wollte das auch eigentlich noch in Scheuer umrechnen, aber die Zahl ist komplizierter als Gedacht - allein die Anwaltskosten scheinen da regelmig weiter zu steigen.

Auch die Umrechnung in Maskendeals ist schwierig.


Bundesweite Razzia gegen "Letzte Generation", wegen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Bundesweite Razzia gegen "Letzte Generation", wegen Verdachts auf Bildung einer kriminellen Vereinigung.

Achtung: Verwechslungsgefahr! Die kriminelle Vereinigung ist nicht etwa die Bayerische Landesregierung, die systematisch die Lebensgrundlage der nachfolgenden Generationen zerstrt, und die ein "Polizeirecht" einfhrt, bei dem die Chinesen neidisch werden, und das dann gegen Klimaaktivisten einsetzen. Nein, nein!

Die kriminelle Vereinigung sind die Klimaaktivisten, die gerne so alt werden wollen wie der Sder.


May 29: Joe Biden Recognizes Tinubus Victory Moniedafe "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A chieftain of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Sunny Moniedafe, has said that the high-powered presidential delegation selected by US President, Joe Biden, to witness Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubus inauguration, was a testament to his acceptance by world leaders. Moniedafe who stated this while fielding questions from journalists in Abuja said that America and...

The post May 29: Joe Biden Recognizes Tinubus Victory Moniedafe appeared first on New Telegraph.


Dangote Refinery, NNPC And Lingering Issue Of Crude Supply To Local Refineries Analyst "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The ceremonial inauguration of the Dangote Refinery has added a new dimension to the conversations regarding the need to rebound the hitherto declining situation of the Nigerian petroleum industry and the long-standing desire to locally refine and provide all essential commodities in the oil and gas value change. In a communique written by Petroleum industry...

The post Dangote Refinery, NNPC And Lingering Issue Of Crude Supply To Local Refineries Analyst appeared first on New Telegraph.


Clown Prince Zelensky's Saudi and Japanese slime trail "IndyWatch Feed World"

The way forward for Japan, as well as Taiwan and Korea, is to emulate Saudi Arabia and to tiptoe away as gingerly as they can from their American lords and masters. Fresh from defiling Western Europe, Clown Prince Zelensky's slug show next hit Saudi Arabia and Japan, two countries where protocol and presentation are paramount. Zelensky's insistence on showing up in both countries in his GI Joe regalia did whatever self-serving cause he was propounding immense and irreparable harm. First off was Saudi Arabia where Syria's President Assad, and the world's other Arab leaders, showed how things are done in their neck of the woods, much as they are done in Japan. You dress the part, play by the rules and business gets done. Indeed, when you fly into Tokyo's Narita Airport, you first see a huge sign: Welcome to Japan. Obey the Rules. One such rule is that, when in Rome, one does as the Romans or, in their case, the Japanese do. It is essential because, as any Japanese will tell you, the...


The Prince And The Spy "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Whitney Webb | The Last American Vagabond | May 12, 2023 

A TLAV investigation has found that Erik Prince, the man behind the Blackwater mercenary group, recently teamed up with an Israeli spy, creating a front company with her to help Israeli defense technology providers exploit loopholes and sell their products to the American military.

For years, Erik Prince the founder of mercenary firm Blackwater (now Academi) has been a major source of controversy. Ever since he left Blackwater over a decade ago, Prince has appeared in the news for pushing to privatize several wars, his ties to former President Donald Trumps presidential campaigns, his violation of international arms embargoes and his unusually close ties with Project Veritas, among other notable events and connections.

However, some of Princes antics in recent years have not yet made it into the news namely his decision to team up with an Israeli spy to build a very secretive company that has until now evaded scrutiny. That company, Comframe Solutions, appears to operate as an intelligence front and explicitly targets parts of the American military involved in highly sensitive combat operations. As this investigation will show, Princes partner in Comframe Lital Leshem has been tied to a series of apparent, and admitted, Israeli intelligence front companies, several of which have a focus on technology. Yet Prince and his close associate Chris Burgess Comframes supposed president have done everything they can to hide their association with the incredibly secretive company. Why might that be and what exactly is Comframe up to?

From Army Brat to Cyber Spy

Lital Leshem was raised as an army brat in Reut, Israel and Pennsylvania, USA. She later enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as she was truly devoted to safeguarding the State of Israel. She quickly rose in the ranks, becoming Operations Officer in the IDF of the besieged Gaza Strip and later becoming a Major, a position she continues to hold to this date through her reserve duty activities. According to her LinkedIn, she served in Israeli military intelligence from 2005 to 2011 and, more specifically, served in its signals intelligence unit Unit 8200. She later attended IDC Herzliya, an Israeli university deeply tied to its military and intelligence apparatus. There, she met Amir Elichai and the two would co-create the company Reporty, which later became Carbyne911  today known only as Carbyne.

Carbyne was originally founded as Reporty in 2014 by L...


Silvopasture Is an Ancient, Climate-Smart Farming Practice. Can the Farm Bill Help Spur Its Renaissance? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

By Ashley Stimpson

On a clear morning in April, after milking his seven cows, Tim Sauder looked over the pasture where he had just turned the animals out to graze. Like many dairy farms, Sauders fields swayed with a variety of greenery: chicory, alfalfa and clover. But they were also full of something typically missing on an agricultural landscape trees. Thousands of them.

Between 2019 and 2021, Sauder planted 3,500 trees at Fiddle Creek Dairy, a 55-acre family farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where he and his wife raise cows to produce yogurt, cheese and beef. Today, young willow, hickory, poplar, pecan and persimmon trees stud the pastures, and on a crisp spring morning, rows of honey and black locusts, bur and cow oaks, were beginning to leaf out, casting shadows on the long grass below.

Sauder said planting trees has always been a priority; before he filled his pastures with them, the farm was home to a small fruit orchard as well as riparian buffers trees planted along the creek to prevent erosion and safeguard water quality. But the trees that his cattle now graze beneath represent a fundamental shift in his operation.

The Sauders are betting the farm, as it were, on silvopasture, the ancient practice of raising animals and growing trees and pasture on the same piece of land (silva is forest in Latin). In a silvopasture setup, farmers carefully manage each element to benefit the other relying on manure to fertilize trees, for example, or fallen fruit to feed the livestock resulting in a system thats greater than the sum of its parts. 

Its an old idea thats gaining modern traction. Last year, the USDA awarded the Nature Conservancy and multiple partner organizations a $64 million grant to advance agroforestry the umbrella term for agricultural practices that incorporate trees by providing technical and financial assistance to farmers looking to make the switch. This years Farm Bill could mean another infusion of funding as well as the expansion of existing agroforestry programs to more explicitly include silvopasture. 

The USDA is doing a lot, but a lot more could be done, said Jabob Grace, communications project manager with the Savanna Institute, a nonprofit that promotes agroforestry practices. His organization is advocating that the 2023 Farm Bill increase appropriations for the National Agroforestry Center, the only government agency dedicated to the practice, from $5 million to $25 million (Grace said the Center has been chronically underfunded, never receiving more than $2 million annually). Theyre also pushing for the establishment of regional agroforestry centers, the development of a USDA technical assistance program in agroforestry, and more grant money dedicated to helping farmers...


Study shows Kenyan elephant shrew may be adapting to human disturbance, drought "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A population of endangered elephant shrews has rebounded in a threatened coastal forest reserve in Kenya, suggesting the rabbit-sized mammals with endearingly long snouts could be adapting to both human disturbance and drought, researchers say. Rael Ondoro, a Kenyan-trained ecologist, told Mongabay she was inspired to carry out a population assessment of the endangered golden-rumped elephant shrew (Rhynchocyon chrysopygus), also known as the sengi, after she heard that villagers in communities surrounding Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve ate them. I thought, Let me check and see whats happening now. Was the sengi going extinct? I think curiosity was a major motivation. To gather her data, Ondoro and her team spent three months in 2019 doing transects in the 40,000-hectare (99,000-acre) forest reserve to estimate the abundance of the sengis based on the number of nests they found. Sengis belong to an ancient African lineage whose members include hyraxes, aardvarks and elephants. They use their long snouts to rifle through leaf litter for insects and to scrape nests in the sandy soil which they then line and cover up with dry leaves. A golden-rumped elephant shrew. Researchers say a population of these shrews in a threatened coastal forest reserve in Kenya could be adapting to both human disturbance and drought. Image by gomenwl via iNaturalist (CC BY-NC 4.0). According to Ondoros findings, published recently in the African Journal of Ecology, the population rose to 19,423 in 2019, from 12,750 in 2009. This represents an increase of more than 52%. Previous studies had shownThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Women decision-makers can improve conservation and agriculture, study shows "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A new study shows that both conservation and agricultural production can improve when women farmers more widely participate in group decisions about sustainable practices. The report, published in February in the journal Communications Earth & Environment, highlights that agricultural production and conservation outcomes  improved among the study group when gender diversity was increased. The findings complement a growing body of research that highlights the important influence women can have in effective and efficient management of both natural resources and agricultural pursuits. The results were somewhat unexpected for the researchers, who had initially designed the study to examine the effectiveness of paying farmers monetary incentives to protect the environment. Their goal was to look at how farmers behave when confronted with conservation dilemmas. But they found that such payments are not necessarily reliable and may not translate to a win-win situation. Much more effective: women in decision-making roles. We didnt design the experiment to study the mechanism through which womens involvement had an effect, Wei Zhang, a senior research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute and a co-author of the study, told Mongabay in an interview. But previous studies have included such analyses that offer some insights, and Zhang and her teams results add to the existing research. A player considers his choices in the NonCropShare game in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Image courtesy of Andrew Reid Bell and team. To conduct the study, the scientists designed and built three video games using a  modeling tool called NetLogo. The gamesThis article was originally published on Mongabay


U.S. senator condemns Target over partnership with 'satanist' "IndyWatch Feed World"

U.S. senator condemns Target over partnership with 'satanist' | 24 May 2023 | U.S. retailer Target is facing public backlash, including criticism from Senator Tom Cotton, over an LGBTQ+ merchandising campaign that allegedly targets children and features a "satanist" brand. "Even by the standards of woke corporations, Target's partnership with a satanist to push the trans agenda on children is remarkable," the Republican Arkansas senator said on Tuesday in a Twitter post. "The next time Target comes begging for help, Republicans should respond, 'Best of luck.'" The Minneapolis-based retailer has removed some of its most controversial "Pride Month" merchandise, citing "confrontational behavior" that allegedly put its employees at risk of harm.


The Dangote Refinery and the audacity of big dream "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The much talked about Dangote Refinery and Petrochemicals (the single largest refinery in the entire world and the most consequential single project in recent times) has now been built. The colourful decoration and ribbon at the frontage of the said subject of a multibillion-dollar Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning contract is now cut by President []


Jared Taylor White Racial Consciousness is Key to the Future "IndyWatch Feed Africa" May 24, 2023

Why are Jews and their agents the only people allowed to be racist? 

The Protocols of Zion (16-4) state We will destroy every collective force except our own. 

The four collective forces are religion (God), family (gender), nation (patriotism) and race. These four legs of human identity have been under attack by Organized Jewry (Rothschilds) for over two hundred years as they try to re-engineeer us as their servants.  

Recently white nationalist Jared Taylor was denied entry into the EU because Organized Jewry fears the development of a white racial consciousness more than anything.

Even though I am an ethnic Jew, I have exposed Cabalist Judaism as Satanism.  I identify as white and believe the development of a white racial consciousness is long overdue and essential to our survival and the survival of all we hold dear. 

Why are there no Japanese supremacists in Japan or Chinese supremacists in China? Because Organized Jewry regards Whites as a threat because of their residue of Christianity and democracy. Being a White Supremacist in the West means maintaining your national heritage and character, something Organized Jewry wishes to destroy.  Its Whites, not Jews who need a national homeland. 

Why I cannot be with you today

by Jared Taylor (

The key to the future is white racial consciousness. Without it, there may be no West in 25 or 50 years. But with racial consciousness, everything is possible. It is our job to build that consciousness.

Without it, white people cannot say to others, This land was built by our ancestors for us, not for you. We wish you well, but you must seek your destiny where you were born. Bloom where you were planted. If Europeans cannot say this, your future is, in the short term, the United States; in the long-term, South Africa.

Racial consciousness will also completely reorient our values. Today, especially in the United States, moral worth comes from victimhood. No person is a failure. Instead, he is a victim of white society. Victims can accumulate intersectional layers of victimhood, and this makes them moral heroes. I am only half-joking when I say that the person with the greatest accumulated victimhood and therefore the greatest moral worth would be a one-legge...


Forest conservation efforts in Peru are failing across the board, study says "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Peru has attracted millions of dollars in forest conservation projects over the years, has a series of international agreements and targets to protect forests and has 254 public and private parks and protected areas but these mechanisms have had little to no effect as deforestation skyrockets in the country, says a new study. Peru, which has the second-biggest share of the Amazon Rainforest after Brazil, has lost an average of more than 326,000 acres of forest per year since 2001. This spiked in 2020 when it lost nearly 502,000 acres the equivalent of almost 379 football fields. The new study by the Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) says conservation mechanisms in Peru have had at best a moderate effect on forest loss, but in many cases, havent had any effect at all. The impact on the well-being of the communities involved has ranged from positive to negative, according to the research. Conservation efforts have not managed to halt forest loss across Peru, new research shows. Image by Rhett A. Butler. Across the region, I would say that given the high pressures to convert forestland into more agricultural land, I wouldnt be surprised if we could have found the same in similar Amazon Basin countries, says Manuel Guariguata, one of the study authors and a specialist in tropical forest ecology and forest management who works with CIFOR. This forest loss accounts for most of the countrys gross and net greenhouse gas emissions, as CO2 isThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Taxed Beyond SanityAnd Not Getting the Services Promised "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


For almost 30 years, Asheville, North Carolina, tore apart its Black communities in the name of urban renewal. In the Southside neighborhood, 4,000 Black residents were displacedhalf of the citys Black community at the timeaccording to recent research. The city and housing authority acquired $6.4 million of property, almost none of which ultimately returned to the hands of longtime Southside residents. Freeway construction beginning in 1957 disrupted a swath of historically Black neighborhoods, as well. 

In 2020, nearly 60 years later, Asheville received national recognition for its steps toward repairing the damage caused by decades of public and private racism. The reparations program approved by the city council promised to provide funding to support Black homeownership and entrepreneurship. However, as the city bolsters its reparations rhetoric with promises of making up for its past mistakes, it glosses over one significant and ongoing disparity: less-wealthy homeowners (who are disproportionately Black) are overpaying on their property taxes, while the richest homeowners in Asheville, on average, underpay. And this pattern of unequal assessment is not matched by where the city spends tax dollars, according to one longtime Black resident.

If you live in the corporate city limits of Asheville, you're paying your taxes and we're getting taxed beyond realitybeyond sanity, today, said Lawrence Gilliam, Vietnam veteran and Southside resident of Asheville for about 50 years. And yet in certain neighborhoods, and mine happens to be one of them, we do not get a lot of the services that more prominent neighborhoods have, such as getting the streets repaved. 

The purpose of the property tax system is to collect sufficient funds to provide public services for city residents. In North Carolina, by law, a propertys assessed value should be equivalent to market valuein other words, property owners should be paying taxes on the full value that the property could fetch if sold on the open market. But in Asheville, the city loses out on billions of taxable dollars a year because of a flawed system that underassess expensive homes. And on average, low-valued homes are assessed at a rate 1.4 times higher than the expensive homes, according to research done by geoanalytics firm Urban3 and the Just Accounting for Health consortium.....


Jeffrey Epstein tried to 'threaten' Bill Gates using alleged affair - report "IndyWatch Feed World"

Jeffrey Epstein tried to 'threaten' Bill Gates using alleged affair - report | 21 May 2023 | Convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein reportedly tried to use Bill Gates' affair with a Russian bridge player to threaten the Microsoft co-founder. "Mr. Gates met with Epstein solely for philanthropic purposes. Having failed repeatedly to draw Mr. Gates beyond these matters, Epstein tried unsuccessfully to leverage a past relationship to threaten Mr. Gates," a spokeswoman for Gates told The Wall Street Journal in an article Sunday. The "past relationship" was an affair Gates had with Russian bridge player Mila Antonova, whom he met around 2010 when she was in her 20s, according to people familiar with the matter cited by the Journal.


OTB#53: Eraserhead "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I watched this a few years ago. I was thinking about rewatching it for this blog series, but I should probably wait a bit more before rewatching it? So Im not.

Anyway, its an amazing movie, so the odd thing here is that it hasnt featured on the Sight & Sound directors list before. But the 2022 list has a number of more experimental films than the 2012 list, so I guess it makes sense in that context.

These are the directors that voted for it. And Gaspar No and Frank Oz? Yes, I can see how both those directors would enjoy it. But now Im wondering how Ozs list looks like.



Money politics and the Nigerian economy "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

What many dont know is that the man with money can still be a slave, so long as he remains enslaved by a poverty mentality Money is a vital component for any activity in an economy because nothing can be done without money; therefore, it is safe to say that political activities cannot be executed []


Joe Biden Doubles Down on Globalism at G7: U.S. Will 'Not...Decouple From China' "IndyWatch Feed World"

Joe Biden Doubles Down on Globalism at G7: U.S. Will 'Not...Decouple From China' | 24 May 2023 | Joe Biden doubled down on globalism at the G7 summit this week, making clear that his administration is not looking to decouple [the United States] from China" despite millions of American jobs lost. "Now, we're also united in our approach to the People's Republic of China, and the joint statement released yesterday outlines the shared principles we've all agreed at the G7 and beyond in dealing with China," Biden said during a press conference Sunday in Japan. "We're not looking to decouple from China, we're looking to de-risk and diversify our relationship with China. That means taking steps to diversify our supply chains, and we're not -- so we're not dependent on any one country for necessary product..." Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) wrote in a Twitter post in response to the statement: "Tell that to the 4 million American workers who have lost their jobs to China."


Most Americans Don't Know What ESG Is, Would Rather Invest Purely for Profit "IndyWatch Feed World"

Most Americans Don't Know What ESG Is, Would Rather Invest Purely for Profit | 24 May 2023 | Most Americans aren't familiar with the ESG investment movement, which uses its financial resources as a cudgel to coerce companies into compliance with Environmental, Social and Governance ideology, at the expense of profits, a new Gallup survey shows. By denying investment and capital to companies and industries they oppose politically, ESG-activist fund managers and financial institutions are able to exert influence in pursuit of objectives irrelevant to return on investment... Regardless of how well informed they are about ESG, Americans prefer that their fund and retirement account managers base their investments solely on financial factors - not environmental, social and governance goals. Of those with an opinion on the issue, about 54% say they want to invest based only on financial factors.


The Political Weaponization of the International Criminal Court (ICC) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post The Political Weaponization of the International Criminal Court (ICC) appeared first on Global Research.


Dele Momodu Congratulates TB Joshuas Daughter On Graduation From Columbia Varsity "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Dele Momodu, the chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has congratulated the daughter of the late founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Prophet TB Joshua, Promise Joshua on her graduation from Columbia University. New Telegraph earlier reported that Promise Joshua recently earned a Masters Degree in Public Administration (MPA) from a...

The post Dele Momodu Congratulates TB Joshuas Daughter On Graduation From Columbia Varsity appeared first on New Telegraph.


US Military Aid to Ukraine Could be Suspended Due to Debt Ceiling? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post US Military Aid to Ukraine Could be Suspended Due to Debt Ceiling? appeared first on Global Research.


Ngige, ASUU In War Of Words Over 2022 National Strike "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Academic Staff Union of the University, Nnamdi Azikiwe Chapter (ASUU NAU) has described the Minister of Labour and Employment,  Dr Chris Ngig as dishonourable and unworthy of being a minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The union was reacting to a statement issued by the Minister that ASUU members in three faculties of...

The post Ngige, ASUU In War Of Words Over 2022 National Strike appeared first on New Telegraph.


NATOs Dirty War in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Policewoman Detained After Submitting Resignation "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Lagos State Police Command has allegedly detained a policewoman identified as Fauzziyah Isiak after she submitted her resignation letter. The policewoman who spoke in a series of tweets on Thursday said that she tendered her resignation last year on several occasions to the force, but it was not attended to. Presumably tweeting from detention,...

The post Policewoman Detained After Submitting Resignation appeared first on New Telegraph.


Iran Unveils New Precision-Guided Kheibar Ballistic Missile "IndyWatch Feed War"

Al-Manar May 25, 2023

Irans Ministry of Defense has unveiled the newest version of the domestically-manufactured Khorramshahr ballistic missile, a medium-range precision-guided projectile named Kheibar.

Kheibar (Khoramshahr 4) was unveiled Thursday morning in the presence of Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtian during a ceremony marking the 41st anniversary of the liberation of the southwestern city of Khorramshahr.

The missiles extended range, advanced guidance and control system, and improved structural features further solidify Irans status as a formidable missile power.

Kheibar is one of the most advanced missiles designed by the experts of the Ministry of Defenses Aerospace Industries Organization.

It is a liquid-fueled missile with a range of 2,000 kilometers and a warhead weighing 1,500 kilograms with impressive strategic and tactical capabilities.

The Khorramshahr class of missiles is known for its unique guidance and control system during the mid-flight phase.

This feature allows the missile to control and adjust its trajectory outside the Earths atmosphere, and to deactivate its guidance system upon entering the atmosphere, giving it complete immunity against electronic warfare attacks.

Thanks to this advanced control system, Kheibars warhead does not require the typical thin-wing arrangement, which in turn allows the missile to pack up a heavier explosive load.

The Kheibar missile also boasts an incredibly short preparation and launch time.

The use of self-igniting (hypergolic) fuel and the absence of the need for fuel injection and horizontal alignment after the verticalization phase have cut Kheibars launch time to less than 12 minutes.

Thanks to its powerful engine, the Kheibar missile possesses an exceptional impact force, with a ground impact force of 280 and a vacuum impact force of 300 seconds.

The high speed at which the warhead makes impact with the designated target prevents enemy air defense systems from detecting, tracking, and taking action to shoot down the missile.

Additionally, the engine enables the missile to reach speeds of 16 Mach outside the atmosphere and 8 Mach within the atmosphere.

The unveiling of Kheibar marks a significant advancement in Irans ballistic missile capabilities and demonstrates the countrys commitment to enhancing its defense and deterrent power.

Iranian officials have long asserted that the countrys military capabilities are entirely meant for defense, and that its missile program will never be up for negotiations.


Bidens Re-Election Hinges on the Success of Kievs Counteroffensive "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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New Drug Has Potential as Dirty Bomb Antidote "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It perhaps goes without saying that one nuclear bomb can really ruin your day. The same is true for non-nuclear dirty bombs, which just use conventional explosives to disperse radioactive material over a wide area. Either way, the debris scattered by any type of radiation weapon has the potential to result in thousands or perhaps millions of injuries, for which modern medicine offers little in the way of relief.



Can zero trust be saved? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Graham Cluley Security News is sponsored this week by the fab folks at Kolide. Thanks to the great team there for their support! Right now, Zero Trust is in serious danger of becoming an empty buzzword. The problem isnt just that marketers have slapped the Zero Trust label on everything short of breakfast cerealits that Continue reading "Can zero trust be saved?"


10th NAssembly: Reject Executive Interference, Parliamentary Advocates To Lawmakers-Elect "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

As Nigerians eagerly await the inauguration of the 10th National Assembly in June, the leading civil society organisation, Parliamentary Advocacy Network (PAN) Nigeria, on Thursday called on lawmakers-elect to reject plans by the Executive to impose their next presiding officers. Leaders of the group who made the call while addressing journalists in Abuja warned that...

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The Woke Cartel and Twitter's New CEO "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Woke Cartel and Twitter's New CEO By CLG Founder Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D. | 24 May 2023 | On May 12, 2023, Elon Musk announced that Linda Yaccarino, the now former chairman of global advertising and partnerships at NBCUniversal, would become the new CEO of Twitter. Musk's appointment of Yaccarino followed an advertiser exodus that caused Twitter's ad revenue to plummet by more than 60 percent from October 2022 through January 25, 2022, from around $127 million to just over $48 million... The flight of advertisers was due to concerns about Twitter's content moderation and Musk's so-called free-speech advocacy. In short, Musk's supposed free-speech absolutism and his subsequent renunciation of the Democratic Party as "the party of division and hate" put Musk and Twitter squarely in the crosshairs of the establishment and its woke cartel. Yaccarino's appointment represents Musk's attempt to appease this seemingly all-powerful contingent. But the Yaccarino hire has no doubt damaged Musks reputation as a free speech advocate and dashed many hopes for Twitter as an open forum.


US Mulls Complete Withdrawal from New START "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Looming Mutiny Among Kiev Regime Forces? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Palestinians dont want a good life like westerners, they are zealots Israeli expert tells Americans "IndyWatch Feed War"

Teams affiliated to the Palestinian explosives engineering directorate neutralize Israeli missiles in Deir al-Balah in the center of Gaza Strip amid conflict with Israel on May 13, 2023. Israeli air strikes battered Gaza again on May 13 in response to rocket fire from militants as deadly fighting resumed after a night of relative calm, despite efforts to secure a truce. Photo by Atia Darwish apaimagesThe Israel Policy Forum, an Israel lobby group, hosted Israeli reserve Colonel Michael Milshtein, a former expert on Palestinians in Israeli Military Intelligence, to spout anti-Palestinian comments.


Germanys Palestine problem "IndyWatch Feed War"

Protesters in Germany carrying Palestinian flags marching through a street in Berlin and chanting.At a time when the Palestinian freedom struggle is gaining steam and spreading internationally, Germany has made anti-Palestinian racism its new status quo.


U.S. officials believe Ukrainians attacked Kremlin - NYT "IndyWatch Feed World"

U.S. officials believe Ukrainians attacked Kremlin - NYT --Kiev had denied responsibility for the drone incident, while Western media outlets called it a Russian "false flag" | 24 May 2023 | One of Ukraine's military or intelligence special units was "likely" behind the May 3 drone attack in Moscow, the New York Times reported on Wednesday citing anonymous US officials. U.S. intelligence agencies have assessed this based in part on intercepted communications of both Russian and Ukrainian officials, according to the Times. However, they "do not know which unit carried out the attack" and some officials believe President Vladimir Zelensky may not have been aware or involved. The U.S. reportedly does not have "specific evidence" yet as to which operatives or agency was involved.


Africa Celebrates 60th Anniversary of the African Union (OAU-AU) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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We want to kill Putin - Ukrainian deputy intelligence chief "IndyWatch Feed World"

We want to kill Putin - Ukrainian deputy intelligence chief --Vadim Skibitsky claimed to the media that the Russian president can feel Kiev's operatives "getting closer to him" | 24 May 2023 | Russian President Vladimir Putin is on Ukraine's kill list, the deputy chief of the country's intelligence agency has revealed. Vadim Skibitsky added that his subordinates are also hunting down top Russian military commanders. Speaking to Germany's Die Welt media outlet on Wednesday, Skibitsky was asked whether his service is trying to assassinate the Russian head of state. The Ukrainian official replied by saying that President Putin "notices that we're getting ever closer to him." ...He added that his subordinates were "trying to kill" Evgeny Prighozhin, the head of the Wagner private military company. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov have also been marked for elimination by the Ukrainian intelligence service, its deputy chief claimed.


Creando lazos en medio de la institucionalidad "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Es muy distinto ser observadora del movimiento estudiantil a estar en medio de uno.

El 17 de abril, el Liceo donde estudia mi hija fue tomado por un grupo de estudiantes, motivado por denuncias de acoso en donde hay un cuestionamiento de los protocolos vigentes y demora en actos reparatorios y sanciones. En su petitorio sealaban la renovacin del protocolo de convivencia escolar, aumento de funcionari@s en psicologa y convivencia, capacitacin al personal docente en situaciones de vulneracin de derechos, que se faciliten espacios de dilogo a toda la comunidad, sancionar y prevenir el abuso de poder por parte de funcionarios.

Como parte de la comunidad escolar, participo activamente desde mi rol de apoderada, organizando actividades, llevando la comida para sus convivencias escolares, y respaldando las formas de hacer de mi curso. Pero definitivamente aspiro que la participacin de l@s apoderad@s vaya mucho ms all de eso, teniendo un espacio activo en la construccin de comunidad escolar.

Estuve en la asamblea a la que citaron el Centro de Estudiantes con l@s apoderad@s, y no me queda ms que admirar a las chicas voceras, quienes explicaron la situacin y nos dieron a conocer su petitorio, logrando que se apoyaran sus demandas, y que se creara una Asamblea Autoconvocada de Padres, Madres y Apoderad@s. A simple vista, no era un petitorio difcil de afrontar, escucharlo de boca de las estudiantes movilizadas, quienes dieron clases de organizacin, fue un viento fresco ante la difcil situacin que se vive en Chile para quienes construyen abajo y a la izquierda.

Los intentos de solucionar el conflicto por parte de la institucin fueron por un carril distinto. Desde el rechazo unnime de la administracin y de los funcionari@s al petitorio estudiantil, bajarse de la mesa de dilogo, y sealar que llegar a acuerdos con el sostenedor (la Corporacin Municipal de Educacin de la comuna) para bajar la toma, de los que informar a los otros estamentos, el Centro de Estudiantes y al Centro General de Padres, sacando del juego todo tipo de participacin de la comunidad escolar.

En el comunicado oficial se seala que l@s funcionari@s han visto vulnerados sus derechos e integridad fsica y emocional en el contexto de violencia en que se han dado las movilizaciones. Sin desestimar la denuncia, la violencia que l@s funcionari@s sienten en el establecimiento, no es gratuita y habla de falencias en el trabajo de convivencia, y de espacios de reflexin necesarios para todos los estamentos del liceo. Pero en la negacin del dilogo tambin est la negacin del problema, que preocupa a los apoderad@s en cuanto se cuestiona la seguridad del lugar en que nuestr@s hij@s se desenvuelven y quienes debieran estar a cargo de ella.

En la construccin de un espacio seguro para toda la comunidad, especialmente uno dedicado a la enseanza, bajarle el perfil al llamado de alerta de l@s estudiantes, fijndose e...


South-East Group: Tinubu Presidency In National Interest "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

as peace coalition seeks support ahead of the inauguration A civil society organisation, the South East Support Group (SESG) on Thursday said the President-elect, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, has the capacity to unite the country and stimulate prosperity. This is even as the Coalition for Peace in Nigeria (COPIN), a non-partisan organisation called on aggrieved politicians...

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Mapping the Aftermath of the Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan Border Clashes "IndyWatch Feed War"

In September last year, clashes broke out along disputed sections of the Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan border, affecting thousands of civilians. More than 136,000 people in Kyrgyzstan were evacuated during the clash, according to Kyrgyz authorities and an estimated 20,000 people were evacuated from districts of Tajikistan, according to the local branch of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent. A Human Rights Watch report released earlier this month documented the death of 37 civilians in the clash and accused both sides of committing apparent war crimes against civilians.

Increased militarisation along the border, the involvement of heavy weaponry and the damage to civilian buildings and infrastructure marked what experts on the region called an escalation in intensity and consequence from clashes of previous years. 

To help assess the impact of these events on civilians, Bellingcat has created an interactive map showing apparent changes to buildings after the clashes, identifying civilian infrastructure and private property that was likely impacted. While our analysis does not show who may be responsible for changes to the buildings, it adds to research by Human Rights Watch which found that civilian infrastructure and properties were deliberately destroyed in several villages within Kyrgyzstan.  

You can explore the map here:

Using Google Earth Pro, NASA FIRMS, Planet Labs satellite imagery and social media and media footage, Bellingcat surveyed areas of interest, highlighting where changes to buildings can be observed on satellite imagery. Where possible, we have geolocated incidents using available social media and other film footage. However, heavy restrictions on media and social media in Tajikistan meant limited posts were available from the country. In other cases we identified buildings of interest where change was observed in satellite imagery but further investigation is still needed. The changes to buildings observed on satellite im...


Expedition to Pacific ecosystems hopes to learn from their resilience "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

How do you make people care about protecting marine habitats and wildlife? You tell stories, says Enric Sala, an explorer-in-residence and founder of the Pristine Seas project at the National Geographic Society. We need to show people how wonderful and awesome the ocean is, what a miracle it is to have an ocean full of life like we have here on Earth, and once people fall in love with it, then we can feed that love with facts and statistics and findings and data, Sala tells Mongabay. But first, we need to appeal to the hearts before we reach out to the brain. On May 24, the Pristine Seas project launched a five-year expedition across the Pacific to gather and tell such stories about the ocean. A team will sail on a specially equipped vessel, the E/V Argo, to identify, document and study marine areas in need of protection, with the ultimate goal of supporting the creation of more marine protected areas (MPAs). Not only will the Pristine Seas team gather data, but they will also produce documentary films and short videos for social media. Image by Jayne Jenkins / Ocean Image Bank. Working in collaboration with Pacific island nation governments, communities, Indigenous and local peoples, and local scientists, the team will explore the ocean through scuba diving, underwater camera systems, and deep-sea submersibles. Not only will the Pristine Seas team gather data, but they will also produce documentary films and short videos for social media. The first destinationThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Iranian press review: Taliban figure mocks Raisi over water rights demands "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iranian press review: Taliban figure mocks Raisi over water rights demands

Meanwhile, authorities ban grape juice trading and remove Qassem Soleimani's biography from Tehran book fair
MEE correspondent Thu, 05/25/2023 - 16:15
Taliban's General Mobin filling up a yellow plastic jug with water and offering it to Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a sarcastic video (Screengrab/social media)
Taliban's General Mubeen Khan filling up a yellow plastic jug with water and offering it to Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a sarcastic video (Screengrab/social media)

Taliban figure rebuffs Raisis water threats

A former Taliban police spokesperson mocked the Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi, after he issued a stern warning to Afghanistans rulers over a water dispute between the two countries. 

On Friday, a video went viral on social media showing General Mubeen Khan, a well-known Taliban figure, filling up a yellow plastic jug with water. In Farsi and Pashto, Afghanistan's two official languages, he said in the video that he wanted to send the water to Iran's president.

"I'm collecting some water for him [Iran's president] from Logar province because he had sent us serious warnings. Please don't warn us because we will be terrified," Mubeen Khan said mockingly in the video.

Iran and the Taliban have long been in a disagreement over the allocation of water from the Helmand River, which begins in Afghanistan and ends in Hamun Lake in Iran's Sistan and Baluchestan province.

The war of words over the dispute reached new heights in recent weeks.


SSANU Tasks Oyebanji To Amalgamate Varsities In Ekiti Over Inadequate Funding "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The National Vice President, Western Zone of Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU), Comr. Abdussobur Olayiwola Salaam has decried inadequate funding in the University system, thus lamenting the proliferation of Varsities in Ekiti State. Speaking on Thursday during the 69th Western Zonal Executive Council (ZEC) Meeting, Ekiti State University Branch, he noted that the...

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London Posts Job Ad for Mercenaries for Ukraines Counteroffensive "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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OAU Students Murder: Court Delivers Judgement May 30 "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Osun State High Court has reserved Judgement in the trial of the alleged murder of Timothy Adegoke, a postgraduate student of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife till Tuesday, May 30, 2023. New Telegraph gathered from the court officials that the Chief Judge of Osun State, Justice Adepele Ojo, is expected to deliver the judgement next week....

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Chinese War Simulation Finds Top US Carrier Group Could Be Destroyed With Certainty "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Wyatt Reed Sputnik 25.05.2023

War games conducted by Chinese researchers found the US militarys most prized aircraft carrier could be reliably sunk with relative ease in the event of a hot war in the South China Sea.

A volley of hypersonic missiles could reliably sink the US militarys most powerful aircraft carrier group in a potential conflict, according to war game simulations carried out by a team of Chinese military planners.

Using 24 of their most advanced anti-ship missiles, Chinese forces consistently destroyed a carrier fleet led by the USS Gerald R. Ford over the course of 20 mock battles in simulations which were run on a war game platform employed by the Peoples Liberation Army.

In the simulation, the US ships came under fire after ignoring multiple Chinese warnings not to approach an island in the South China Sea controlled by Beijing.

For test purposes, the war games designers used a carrier group made up of six surface ships which were selected for their unparalleled strength and advanced technology.

A major Hong Kong-based newspaper reported that the military planners selected vessels deemed the US Navys most superior the CVN-78 Gerald R. Ford, accompanied by a CG56 Ticonderoga-class cruiser the San Jacinto, and four DDG-103 Arleigh Burke-class Flight IIA guided missile destroyers.

Led by Cao Hongsong from the North University of China, the researchers found that virtually every US surface vessel was ravaged by the attack and eventually sank.

According to researchers, the Ford carrier group which was once thought to be all but unsinkable could actually be destroyed with certainty using just a handful of hypersonic missile strikes.

Chinese military planners placed a number of constraints on themselves in the simulation, including cutting their access to space-based spy satellites and limiting the number of hypersonic missiles available.

The basic principle underlying the exercise was to be lenient with the enemy and strict with oneself, Cao explained.

As the Hong Kong-based outlet explained, during the simulation, the PLA used its sea-based surveillance network to detect and identify the US carrier group before firing eight of the less-reliable hypersonic missiles simultaneously from southern and central sites in China.

Though some of the missiles were intercepted, the attack depleted the US fleets SM-3 munitions, paving the way for the PLA to launch eight of its more accurate hypersonic missiles from northern and western China, with four focused on the aircraft carrier while the others targeted the destroyers, the outlet noted.

After the attack, f...


A Reality Check on Our Polarized Lives. From My Radiology Exam "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Arne Slot Snubs Tottenham To Stay At Feyenoord "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Despite Tottenham target, Arne Slot has revealed he wants to stay at Feyenoord, adding that hes in talks with the Eredivisie champions over a contract extension. Slot, who is 44 years old, emerged as the front-runner to succeed Antonio Conte as Spurs new head coach and had hinted at an interest in taking the job....

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Financial Shock and Awe on Russia Pronounced Dead by Two Establishment Journals "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Excess Deaths Are Exploding, Experts Remain Stumped "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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British Warmongering Is Driving Europe Towards Catastrophe in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Tufin R23-1 prevents security blind spots with improved network access automation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Tufin announced the R23-1 release of its Tufin orchestration platform. The latest release extends security teams visibility and control into the cloud, enabling enterprises to better bridge the gaps between network and cloud security. With R23-1, Tufin customers can confidently accelerate application delivery and rapidly respond to network access requests, all while optimizing security. Tufin R23-1 automates security policy changes and provides real-time visibility into the impact of those changes, from on-premise to cloud. This More

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A Dangerous Proposal: The Foreign Policy Establishments Love Affair with Zelensky Knows No Bounds. Expelling Russia from the U.N. Security Council "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Died Suddenly: COVID-19 Vaccinated Pregnant Women Continue to Die Unexpectedly From Perinatal Complications. Stillbirths, Blood Clots, Bleeding, Infections and More "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Leaked Report: CIA Does Not Know If Israel Plans to Bomb Iran "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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New Report: $1.1 Trillion or 62% of the Federal Discretionary Budget Was Spent on Militarism and War Last Year "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Dark Frost Botnet Launches Devastating DDoS Attacks on Gaming Industry "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new botnet called Dark Frost has been observed launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against the gaming industry. "The Dark Frost botnet, modeled after Gafgyt, QBot, Mirai, and other malware strains, has expanded to encompass hundreds of compromised devices," Akamai security researcher Allen West said in a new technical analysis shared with The Hacker News. Targets include


Zyxel Issues Critical Security Patches for Firewall and VPN Products "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Zyxel has released software updates to address two critical security flaws affecting select firewall and VPN products that could be abused by remote attackers to achieve code execution. Both the flaws  CVE-2023-33009 and CVE-2023-33010  are buffer overflow vulnerabilities and are rated 9.8 out of 10 on the CVSS scoring system. A brief description of the two issues is below - CVE-2023-33009 -


Siete mil millones de pesos, limosnas y muerte "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Se procurar integrar a la obra y sus beneficios a sus pobladores, dice el decreto del 18 de mayo del presidente mexicano Lpez Obrador para declarar el Tren Maya y el Corredor Interocenico como materia de seguridad nacional. Esa es la frmula recurrente cuando un gobierno pretende imponer un megaproyecto que implica devastar las comunidades sobre las que se desplegar. El argumento es siempre el desarrollo de un regin, pero cuando se trata del beneficio el mgico y ambiguo concepto de procurar es el justificante para que quienes habitan los territorios afectados se conviertan, en el mejor de los casos, en trabajadores precarios u obtengan un pago por sus tierras exponencialmente menor al que tendrn cuando se termine el proyecto y la especulacin inmobiliaria que lo acompaa. Entonces lo que AMLO decreta es que la destruccin de territorios y ecosistemas y la proteccin de esos procesos de especulacin financiera son una cuestin de seguridad nacional, porque para la 4T como para sus antecesores desarrollo es simplemente un eufemismo para decir acumulacin por destruccin.

A unos das de ese decreto, Lpez Obrador anuncia que su gobierno toma el control de una lnea ferrea que estaba concecionada a Ferrosur, propiedad de Grupo Mxico. Al parecer la empresa de Germn Larrea le exiga al gobierno de AMLO 9,500 millones de pesos como indemnizacin, lo que fue rechazado por el gobierno mexicano y celebrado como un acto de patriotismo y valenta por sus seguidores, para luego acceder a un pago de ms de 7 mil millones de pesos. Sin embargo la pregunta pertinente es Para qu quiere Lpez Obrador esa lnea de tren? Para acabar con el neoliberalismo? No, simplemente para que el Corredor Interocenico, s, ese que facilitar el flujo de las mercancas de la costa Este de Estados Unidos hacia el Pacfico, y de la costa Oeste hacia el Atlntico, eso si nombrar al flujo que pueda llegar desde China hacia el Atntico y Europa hacia el Pacfico.

Entonces un cheque de 7 mil millones de pesos y un decreto para crear una laguna legal que permita es uso de las fuerzas armadas para reprimir movimientos de resistencia, todo para un proyecto que claramente beneficiar al 1% ms rico del planeta y que procurar beneficiar a las poblaciones que perdern sus tierras que vern sus ecosistemas destrozados. Procurar es esa palabra que se traduce en la posibilidad de trabajos precarios, es el mismo espejismo que el gobierno de Carlos Salinas repeta una y otra vez en 1993 para promover el NAFTA, ese que prometa trabajo prspero y abundancia a los pequeos empresarios y comerciantes, pero que hizo de Mxico un pramo maquilero y que lo abri a la voracidad del mercado financiero.

Lpez Obrador est haciendo lo mismo que sus antecesores? No y s. Las formas son distintas y los beneficiarios han cambiado ligeramente. Germn Larrea y el club de billonarios mexicanos han tenido que adaptarse para seguir alimentando su gula financie...


[$] Zoned storage and filesystems "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Issues around zoned storage for filesystems was the topic of a combined storage and filesystem session at 2023 Linux Storage, Filesystem, Memory-Management and BPF Summit led by Bart Van Assche, Viacheslav A. Dubeyko, and Naohiro Aota. Zoned storage began with the advent of shingled magnetic recording (SMR) devices, but is now implemented by NVMe zoned namespaces (ZNS) as well. SMR devices can have multiple zones with different characteristics, with some zones that can only be written in sequential order, while other, conventional zones can be written in any order. The talk was focused on filesystems using the sequential type of zones since the conventional zones are already well-supported in Linux and its filesystems.


[$] Flexible-order anonymous folios "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

"">folios is intended to, among other things, make it easy for the kernel to manage chunks of memory in a number of different sizes. So far, though, that flexibility is not being used in the kernel's handling of anonymous pages. At the 2023 Linux Storage, Filesystem, Memory-Management and BPF Summit, Yu Zhao and Yang Shi ran a session in the memory-management track aimed at charting a path toward support for anonymous pages in a variety of sizes.


Aisha Buhari, Bola Tinubu and the May 29 inauguration "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Within the Muhammadu Buhari household, Aisha, the wife of the president and outgoing First Lady, must be the most avid supporter of President-elect, Bola Ahmed Tinubu. She has been a consistent supporter of the All Progressive Congress, APC, party chieftain right from the moment in about 2016 when Tinubu started having trouble with some members []


Tomgram: Karen Greenberg, Crimes Against Humanity, American-Style "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In the Blindman's Buff variation of tag, a child designated as "It" is tasked with tapping another child while wearing a blindfold. The sightless child knows the other children, all able to see, are there but is left to stumble around, using sounds and knowledge of the space they're in as guides. Finally, that child does succeed, either by bumping into someone, peeking, or thanks to sheer dumb luck[...]


Dear Ukraine-Had-No-Choice Friends "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ukraine and Russia both will have to admit wrongdoing and compromise if the war is to end. Even if they want to go on entertaining a delusion of blamelessness, they will have to do this. They will have to allow the people of Crimea and Donbas to decide their own fate. And then Ukraine and NATO and Raytheon could declare a victory for democracy with some actual basis for doing so.


Ukrainian Intelligence Says Its Trying to Kill Putin "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Ukrainian Intelligence Says Its Trying to Kill Putin appeared first on Global Research.


Raspberry Pi Helps Research Team Monitor Glaciers in Peru "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Our favorite SBC makes waves in the world of science:

The Raspberry Pi is a flexible system with use cases ranging from retro gaming platforms to industrial use cases for factories and more. Today we're sharing one research team's foray into science with the help of our favorite SBC and looking at how well it compares to modern, more expensive tools. Liam Taylor, Duncan Quincy, and Mark Smith recently deployed a set of Raspberry Pis to help monitor glacier calving in both Iceland and Peru.

According to the team, monitoring calving fronts is critical as extreme changes can result in environmental impacts for local residents. For example, things like tsunamis, floods, and the collapse of icebergs can cause serious damage, and monitoring these changes can help those living nearby respond before the problems worsen. Part of their research was to test the performance of a Raspberry Pi in monitoring these changes against more conventional tools they usually use, in this case, an unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV).

To test the Pi against the UAV monitoring system, the team traveled to Fjallsjkull, Iceland. Here they could survey glaciers both from the shore and from a boat. The area also had a great variety of calving margin heights that made it easier to test the accuracy of the Raspberry Pi.

The Raspberry Pis were tested using both a Camera Module V2 and an HQ Camera Module using a 16mm telephoto lens. The Camera Module V2 proved too inadequate for their measurements, so the team opted to stick with the HQ Camera Module. The UAV chosen to compare against the Pi was a DJI Mavic 2 Pro UAV. The Raspberry Pis were then attached to a tripod with critical components like batteries stored inside a weatherproofed box.

The team mounted some of the Pis to a boat as they passed by while the UAV moved overhead. Recording the glaciers simultaneously allowed the team to get an accurate comparison of the charting ability of both devices. Using the pictures taken by the Pi, the team created a 3D render of the glaciers using photogrammetry.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Minera de litio en Argentina: se fusionan dos multinacionales y nace un gigante extractivo "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La estadounidense Livent y la australiana Allkem anunciaron que sern una sola empresa (NewCo). Explotan salares en Catamarca y Jujuy, y ser la mayor minera de litio del pas y la quinta a nivel internacional. Organizaciones socioambientales denuncian el impacto negativo en los territorios y la falsa transicin energtica de la mano de los autos elctricos.

Las empresas Livent y Allkem (ex Orocobre), principales explotadoras de minera de litio en Argentina, informaron su fusin y la creacin de la compaa NewCo, que se transforma en la principal operadora del sector en el pas y la quinta en el mercado internacional. Desde los territorios afectados por la minera sealan que el mayor poder de estas empresas profundizar la precaria situacin en la que viven.

Livent, de origen estadounidense, est a cargo del proyecto Fnix en el Salar del Hombre Muerto (Catamarca). La australiana Allkem es la principal accionista de Sales de Jujuy, que explota el Salar de Olaroz junto a Toyota. El acuerdo les permitir crear la tercera compaa, valuada en 10.600 millones de dlares.

Segn publicidad corporativa, NewCo planifica convertirse en la tercera minera de litio a nivel mundial en 2027. Sus estimaciones de produccin rondan las 248 toneladas de litio para ese ao. Patricia Agosto, investigadora de minera de la organizacin BePe subraya que la integracin de las empresas es vertical. Se trata de una estrategia de las corporaciones para comenzar a realizar actividades que antes delegaban a otras empresas y as favorecer su competitividad en el mercado. Allkem se especializa en las modalidades tradicionales de extraccin del mineral y Livent en su procesamiento. El acuerdo posibilitar a la nueva compaa comercializar carbonato de litio e hidrxido de litio. La fusin se concretar a fines de este ao.

La noticia del acuerdo se conoce en un contexto de campaa electoral en el que Catamarca elegir a su gobierno para los prximos cuatro aos. Uno de los ejes de la campaa es el supuesto desarrollo econmico que deja la actividad minera. El 23 de mayo, el gobernador catamarqueo Ral Jalil brind, junto a los mandatarios jujeo Gerardo Morales y salteo Gustavo Senz, la charla titulada la oportunidad y los desafos de la industria minera en la Argentina, en ArMinera, la exposicin de minera que se realiz en sede de la Sociedad Rural (en la ciudad de Buenos Aires). En la actividad tambin estuvo la Comisin Australiana de Comercio Inversin (Austrade), promoviendo a Allkem.

Miguel Soler, secretario de Minera de Jujuy, expres all que el desafo es fomentar la exploracin en todas las reas del pas, seguir el camino de una minera ms sustentable y que se ample la torta a toda la comunidad para recibir los beneficios de esa actividad. Su par de Catamarca, Marcelo Mura, apunt a generar...


Dear Ukraine-Had-No-Choice Friends "IndyWatch Feed War"

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 25, 2023

Yesterday I published Dear Russia-Had-No-Choice Friends, an attempt to correct what I see as the mistaken idea that the Russian government simply had no possible choice other than to invade Ukraine.

Of course, it is equally mistaken that Ukraine had no choice but to wage this war. I say of course only because I and many others have been repeating ourselves ad nauseum for over a year, not because you agree. And I publish this not primarily to see whether it produces more or fewer denunciations and withdrawals of email subscriptions and donations from people who sign their nasty notes Ex-Friend than yesterdays did. Nor do I publish it under the delusion that it will cross the sufficient-repetition-barrier and persuade everyone. Rather, it is my hope that just possibly a small number of people will give the idea of opposing all war a bit more thought if they see a pair of articles opposing both sides of the current for-or-against, which-side-are-you-on, obey-or-the-enemy-wins madness.

But what in the name of the holy flag of war could Ukraine possibly have done?

As with the same question about Russia, this question is suppposed to be so powerful that no answer should even be attempted.

As with every side of every war, the existence of all human history prior to some bombing is supposed to be eliminated from thought. Were supposed to travel back in our magical time machines to consider what Ukraine could possibly I mean, for godsake, possibly have done when bombs were falling, but not aim our time machine for the day or week or decade before, as that would be silly.

As I consider this narrowing of the question to be dangerously misguided, I will choose to answer what Ukraine could have done in the leadup to that moment as well as in that moment.

To begin, we should remember that U.S. and other...


No me siento completamente libre: Roxana Ruiz tras ser absuelta "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Berenice Chavarra Tenorio 

Este 23 de mayo la Fiscalia General de Justicia del Estado de Mxico (FGJEM) desisti de ejercer accin penal contra Roxana Ruiz Santiago, a quien el Poder Judicial mexiquense haba declarado culpable por defender su vida ante el hombre que la agredi sexualmente en el municipio de Nezahualcyotl en 2021.

A las afueras de los juzgados Neza-Bordo, luego de ms de una hora de audiencia y ante el acompaamiento de mujeres, Roxana y su defensa expresaron que este es el primer paso para la libertad de Roxana. 

Agradezco que se me haya absuelto de algo que yo no tuve la culpa, pero me mantuvieron encerrada injustamente nueve meses. Las mujeres no pedimos ser violadas. No me siento completamente libre, esto no ha terminado, asegur Roxana.

CIMACFoto: Berenice Chavarra Tenorio

Tres das para ratificar absolucin de Roxana 

La jueza consider el sobreseimiento de la causa, que significa la libertad para Roxana. Sin embargo, faltan tres das para que esta resolucin quede firme, porque las partes todava podran interponer un recurso. Por el momento estamos satisfechos, porque esto es el reconocimiento a la inocencia de Roxana, expres ngel Carrera, abogado defensor. 

Es decir, mientras transcurren estos tres das, continuarn vigentes las medidas cautelares que mantienen a Roxana imposibilitada de salir del Estado de Mxico y la obligan a presentarse a firmar ante las autoridades.

Al respecto, Roxana afirm sentirse temerosa, pues ha recibido amenazas desde que busc que su proceso fuera analizado con perspectiva de gnero. Personas cercanas al hombre que la agredi sexualmente la amenazan de muerte asegurando que harn justicia por propia mano.

A raz de que la violencia digital contra Roxana escal, su abogado defensor detall que se pidi seguridad para ella y que se iniciara una carpeta de investigacin. Sin embargo, an cuando se tienen identificadas a las personas que envan mensajes amenazantes, al da de hoy la joven madre de un nio de seis aos se encuentra expuesta.

CIMACFoto: Berenice Chavarra Tenorio

Revictimizacin y criminalizacin del Poder Judicial del Edomex contra Roxana

Roxana tiene 23 aos, es originaria de una comunidad indgena de Oaxaca y -como cientos de mujeres- decidi migrar para acceder a mejores condicione...


Financial downturn at Enviva could mean trouble for biomass energy "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Enviva, the worlds largest maker of wood pellets for bioenergy, is struggling through its most significant financial downturn ever, a problem potentially compounded by a class-action lawsuit alleging the company has misrepresented its environmental sustainability and growth potential. Wall Street reacted harshly on May 3 when Enviva announced a first-quarter loss of $117 million, nearly three times worse than predicted. Enviva also eliminated its shareholder dividend, a red flag for a company in distress. The firms balance sheet also indicates trouble. In April, Enviva management had been buoyant with investors about its revenue prospects for 2023. But one month later, it projected an annual net loss of between $136 million and $186 million. Its original annual net-loss projection was far smaller; just $18 million to $48 million, associated largely with new plant construction in the U.S. Deep South. As a result, Envivas stock price, which has been sliding since late last year, plunged from $21 per share to less than $8, an all-time low since the company went public in 2015. In April of last year, Envivas stock peaked at $85 a share. Its shares have since dropped about 90%. We know what the specific issues are, CEO Thomas Meth said in a statement. Contract labor is too high, discipline around [pellet mill] repairs and maintenance spend[ing] is insufficient, wood input costs need to come down further and stay there, and [production] rates at specific plants need to improve and stabilize at those improved levels. Wood chips piled in moundsThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Head of Verra, top carbon credit certifier, to leave in June "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The founding CEO of the worlds most prominent standards organization for carbon credits sold on voluntary markets will step down. David Antonioli will leave the U.S.-based nonprofit standard-setting organization Verra after 15 years on June 16, according to a May 22 statement. Judith Simon, hired as Verras president in February, will take over as interim CEO. The news comes in a year in which carbon credits have been painted by opponents and in media reports as an avenue for companies to greenwash their carbon-emitting activities without substantively working to reduce their carbon footprints. Companies looking to compensate for, or offset, their emissions can purchase credits that are certified by groups like Verra on voluntary markets. Verra, with its Verified Carbon Standard carbon crediting program, has become a leader in this space. That certification is supposed to entail due diligence aimed at ensuring the projects are meaningfully contributing to reducing or removing carbon from the atmosphere, for example, through initiatives to protect or restore tropical forests. The stamp of approval is also meant to ensure such projects dont infringe on the land rights of Indigenous and local communities. But beginning in January 2023, The Guardian, together with other news organizations, have published a series of articles that contend the majority of carbon credit sales in their analysis did not lead to the reduction of carbon in the atmosphere. The questions have centered on concepts such as additionality, which refers to whether a credit represents carbon savings over and above what wouldThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Security updates for Thursday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (python2.7), Fedora (maradns), Red Hat (devtoolset-12-binutils, go-toolset and golang, httpd24-httpd, jenkins and jenkins-2-plugins, rh-ruby27-ruby, and sudo), Scientific Linux (git), Slackware (texlive), SUSE (cups-filters, poppler, texlive, distribution, golang-github-vpenso-prometheus_slurm_exporter, kubernetes1.18, kubernetes1.23, openvswitch, rmt-server, and ucode-intel), and Ubuntu (ca-certificates, calamares-settings-ubuntu, Jhead, libhtml-stripscripts-perl, and postgresql-10, postgresql-12, postgresql-14, postgresql-15).


Why Are These Biden Officials Leaving Their Top Posts? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Recently several administration official who were working on China and Ukraine policies announced to step back or retire. The people in question were not neo-conservative China hawks like Secretary of State Anthony Blinken or National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. The...


Unravelling the A.I. Enigma: Exploring Concerns Through the Lens of Pop Culture "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Kristian James

21st Century Wire

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a topic of fascination and concern for many years, with its potential applications and implications spanning a wide range of fields, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and defence. While there are many potential benefits to AI, there are also concerns about how it could be used to potentially manipulate or control people and society. One area of particular concern is the use of AI to skew perspectives and narratives in media and news, potentially leading to the spread of misinformation and propaganda. ChatGPT.

A fascinating conversation following a series of questions that I shared with OpenAIs ChatGPT app, regarding how such technology is progressing. The advances, and the fears.

The question still lingers though. As a society, and as a civilisation, where exactly are we with this new technological wave?

I took the dive to sign up and learn about the language-based algorithm software taking the tech world by storm. Just as Trey Parker did recently, having ChatGPT assist in writing an episode of South Park. Deep Learning was the outcome. By giving a premise, the AI algorithm came back with a plot centring on Stan Marsh having difficulty connecting meaningfully with his girlfriend Wendy. A hot tip from a friend is to copy the last text message into ChatGPT and ask for an ideal response. Wendy starts giving much deeper responses. He soon comes to rely on this copy and pasting, whilst he is distracted. A whole narrative Stan is unaware of is unfolding as he fails to pay attention to the content. Pretty soon it all comes to a crescendo after a moral conflict with friends. Feeling hurt and duped the girls discover that many of the boys are using ChatGPT. In their trademark...


China-linked APT Volt Typhoon targets critical infrastructure organizations "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A China-linked APT group, tracked as Volt Typhoon, breached critical infrastructure organizations in the U.S. and Guam without being detected.

China-linked APT cyber espionage group Volt Typhoon infiltrated critical infrastructure organizations in the U.S. and Guam without being detected. The group managed to maintain access without being detected for as long as possible.

According to Microsoft, the campaign aims at building capabilities that could disrupt critical communications infrastructure between the United States and Asia region in the case of future crises.

The Volt Typhoon group has been active since at least mid-2021 it carried out cyber operations against critical infrastructure. In the most recent campaign, the group targeted organizations in the communications, manufacturing, utility, transportation, construction, maritime, government, information technology, and education sectors.

The APT group is using almost exclusively  living-off-the-land techniques and hands-on-keyboard activity to evade detection.

In order to conceal malicious traffic, the threat actor routes it through compromised small office and home office (SOHO) network devices, including routers, firewalls, and VPN hardware. The group also relies on customized versions of open-source tools for C2 communications and stay under the radar.

Volt Typhoon attack chain

Volt Typhoon targets internet-facing Fortinet FortiGuard devices to achieve initial access to targeted organizations. Then the attackers attempt to extract credentials to an Active Directory account used by the compromised device and use them for lateral movement by authenticating to other devices.

Upon gaining access to a target environment, the group conducts hands-on-keyboard activity via the command line...


All hail International Relations lack of discipline! "IndyWatch Feed World"

When I was in grad school, my Departments grad student organization made shirts that read, Political Science: Four sub-fields, no discipline. Behind this joke is a common observation about political science, that it is defined by its focus rather than a formal set of methods or theories. Not everyone agrees with this characterization, and there have been some efforts to craft political science-specific tools. But generally political science is a field that draws on insights and tools from other areas to study politics. This is most pronounced in international relations. IR looks not just to other fields but also other sub-fields of political science to study the world.

Many present IRs lack of discipline as a critique. They view IR scholars as a group of raiders, pillaging ideas and methods from other disciplines then returning to our barren homeland. Two recent Twitter kerfuffles, however, demonstrate that this aspect of IR is actually our greatest strength.

Erecting ramparts against the IR hordes

I dont spend much time on Twitter anymore, but I still seem to discover the latest controversy. Two academic ones were related in their attacks on political science.

First, a historian responded angrily to a new article in the American Political Science Review by Anna Grzymala-Busse on European state formation. The historian suggested she used overly-simplistic methods to make a point that real experts on early modern Europe already knew (Ive anonymized the tweet as I dont like engaging in Twitter attacks).

This is a common complaint Ive heard from historians studying international issues. IR and CP either take historys insights and repackage them as our own, or dont realize historians have already said this. Several academic institutions Ive been a part of have included fierce and rather petty attacks by historians on political scientists.

As some respondents to this tweet noted, however, this historian isnt really being fair. The role of religion in state formation is hardly settled groundI took an entire class on...


Runic Forecast for June: Plan For the Future "IndyWatch Feed World"

May 26th, 2023 By Emma Lange Guest Writer for Wake Up World Each month, Emma draws a selection of runes from across diverse runic traditions and interprets them to give insight into the prevailing energies of the month ahead. Here is Emmas forecast for June. The Scandinavian rune Teiwaz indicates what external forces will affect []

The post Runic Forecast for June: Plan For the Future first appeared on Wake Up World.


IBM Baking Some Nice Optimizations To EXT4's Multi-Block Allocator "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

IBM engineers have been working through some multi-block allocator improvements for the EXT4 file-system driver. In particular, they aim to address some shortcomings that were discovered when running various tests on IBM POWER hardware with a 64k block size...


3D Model Subscriptions are Coming, But Whos Buying? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Weve all been there before you need some 3D printable design that you figure must be common enough that somebody has already designed it, so you point your browser to Thingiverse or Printables, and in a few minutes youve got STL in hand and are ready to slice and print. If the design worked for you, perhaps youll go back and post an image of your print and leave a word of thanks to the designer.

Afterwards, youll probably never give that person a second thought for the rest of your life. Within a day or two, theres a good chance you wont even remember their username. Its why most of the model sharing sites will present you with a list of your recently downloaded models when you want to upload a picture of your print, otherwise theres a good chance you wouldnt be able to find the thing.

Now if you really liked the model, you might go as far as following the designer. But even then, there would likely be some extenuating circumstances. After all, even the most expertly designed widget is still just a widget, and the chances of that person creating another one that youd also happen to need seems exceedingly slim. Most of the interactions on these model sharing sites are like two ships passing in the night; it so happened that you and the creator had simil...

Corvus Signal provides continuous threat analysis, tailored alerts and always-on recommendations "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Corvus Insurance has unveiled Corvus Signal, the risk prevention solution that brings together brokers, policyholders, and Corvus security experts in partnership. Corvus Signal has been shown to reduce cyber breach frequency and cost by up to 20 percent. The announcement comes amid increasing market activity and interest in combining cyber insurance with risk management services. Corvus Signal is the solution that demonstrates such an approach can bend the loss curve. For more than three years, More

The post Corvus Signal provides continuous threat analysis, tailored alerts and always-on recommendations appeared first on Help Net Security.

Thursday, 25 May


Cynet Protects Hospital From Lethal Infection "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A hospital with 2,000 employees in the E.U. deployed Cynet protections across its environment. The hospital was in the process of upgrading several expensive imaging systems that were still supported by Windows XP and Windows 7 machines. Cynet protections were in place on most of the Windows XP and Windows 7 machines during the upgrade process, ensuring that legacy operating systems would not


Bidens Re-Election Hinges On The Success Of Kievs Counteroffensive "IndyWatch Feed War"


Senior Ukrainian presidential advisor Mikhail Podolyak told Italian media that his countrys much-hyped counteroffensive already began a few days ago, which is curious since that timeframe coincides with its proxy invasion of Russias Belgorod Region that was just copium for deflecting from Artyomovsks loss. That media-driven stunt tremendously failed to achieve any tangible gains, however, thus raising even more questions than ever before about whether the counteroffensive will succeed at all.

The Washington Post raised awareness in March about how poorly Kievs troops were faring in the NATO-Russian proxy war, which was followed by Politico citing unnamed Biden Administration officials a month later who worried about the consequences of it failing to meet the publics expectations. Former Russian chess champion Garry Kasparov then concocted a conspiracy theory wildly speculating that Kremlin agents infiltrated the White House and sabotaged the counteroffensive before it even began.

This popular pro-Kiev figure seemed to have been spooked by Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Michael McCaul telling Bloomberg that I think theres going to be a lot riding on the line with this counteroffensive. If Ukraine is successful in the eyes of the American people and the world, I think it will be a game-changer for continued support. If they are not, that will also have an impact, in a negative way, though. In other words, its failure could lead to the US severely curtailing aid to Kiev.

Therein lies the real reason why the counteroffensive is still going ahead despite the overwhelming odds against its success that wer...


Halsema's Steun aan de NAVO-Oorlog "IndyWatch Feed War"

Vanmiddag om 12 uur hield burgemeester Halsema op het Amsterdamse Leidseplein, staande voor  een verwoeste  Russische tank als trofee, een wervend praatje  over democratie en mensenrechten, die volgens haar, in Oekrane bestaan, ondanks het verbod van oppositiepartijen en oppositiemedia daar. Die zijn door het Zelensky-regime verboden. Halsema politieke gelegenheidspraatje werd regelmatig onderbroken door demonstranten die voor vredesonderhandelingen pleitten, om te voorkomen dat er nog meer Oekraners en Russen sneuvelen. En om de voorbereidingen een Derde Wereldoorlog te stoppen. De huidge cijfers zijn dat op 1 Russische dode er zeven Oekranse doden staan. Desondanks bleef Halsema van Groen Links betogen dat Amsterdam dit bloedbad moet blijven steunen. De opkomst van de voorstanders van een oorlog  om -- in de woorden van D'66 minister Ollongren -- 'de Oekraners ons vuile werk' te laten 'opknappen.' Hier ziet u de iniatiefnemer van deze geweldsporno op het Leidseplein, Yoeri Albrecht, directreur van de Balie, een debatcentrum dat nauwe banden onderhoudt met de NAVO, zoals op hun website is te zien. Toen ik Albrecht vroeg waarom hij geen debat organiseert tussen voorstanders van de uitgelokte proxy oorlog en voorstanders van vredesonderhandelingn, weigerde hij hier serieus op in te gaan, en liep hij snel weg. 



New PowerExchange Backdoor Used in Iranian Cyber Attack on UAE Government "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An unnamed government entity associated with the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) was targeted by a likely Iranian threat actor to breach the victim's Microsoft Exchange Server with a "simple yet effective" backdoor dubbed PowerExchange. According to a new report from Fortinet FortiGuard Labs, the intrusion relied on email phishing as an initial access pathway, leading to the execution of a .NET


Alternative Copy of site is available "IndyWatch Feed War"

Alternative site: Site was created using the downloads provided Regards Herb


Domestic Terrorism Investigations Have Quadrupled "IndyWatch Feed War"

  • Incidents of domestic terrorism have seen a 357 percent increase between 2013 and 2021, according to the federal government.
  • The Government Accountability Office defines domestic terrorism as criminal acts in the U.S. that are dangerous to human life and appear intended to coerce a civilian population or influence the governments conduct.
  • The Department of Homeland Security reported that racially or ethnically motivated attacks accounted for the largest category of incidents, while anti-government or anti-authority motivated extremism was the second largest category. Read More

The post Domestic Terrorism Investigations Have Quadrupled appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Bogus story about veterans being displaced for immigrants "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It is astonishing the extent that right wingers will go to in their efforts to make like difficult for immigrants by undermining efforts to treat them humanely.

Take for example the situation in New York when the mayor of New York City bused a small group of immigrants to a suburban hotel in order to ease the pressure on the citys homeless shelters.

A nonprofit group then alleged that nearly two dozen homeless veterans had been ousted from the hotel in order to house the immigrants. This immediately touched the nerves of xenophobes, anti-immigrants, and military-fetishists. The idea that veterans should be displaced to make room for undeserving furriners was picked up by Republican politicians and the echo chamber of right wing cable news networks and made into a huge story.

The uproar began after New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat, bused a small group of asylum seekers to a suburban hotel as the citys homeless shelter system struggled to accommodate an influx of migrants from the U.S. border with Mexico.

The groups transfer prompted a political backlash from Republican county officials, who accused the mayor of trying to offload his problems on unprepared communities.

Then, the founder of a small charity in the area added an explosive claim: To make way for the migrants, a hotel in Newburgh, New York, evicted nearly two dozen homeless veterans.

That story, told by Yerik Israel Toney Foundation chief executive Sharon Toney-Finch, was picked up May 12 by The New York Post and quickly followed by Fox News, Newsmax and other conservative news outlets. The Post on Friday published a follow-up story reporting on the latest development.

Our veterans have been placed in another hotel due to whats going on with the immigrants, Toney-Finch told the Post in its initial story, saying her group had made arrangements to find alternative lodging. We didnt waste any time.

State Assemblyman Brian Maher, a Republican, introduced legislation that would prohibit the displacement of homeless veterans. In an appearance on Fox News, he called the purported evictions an absolute embarrassment on all fronts.

Then a small local newspaper the Mid Hudson News looked into this and found cracks in the story.

The managers of the hotel told the paper the story wasnt true. A receipt purporting to show that the Crossroads Hotel had been paid $37,800 to house the veterans appeared to have been sloppily doctored.

In a follow-up report Friday, the Mid-Hudson News reported that several men staying at a homeless shelter in Poughkeepsie, New York, had come forward to say they were recruited to pretend they were among the veterans kicked out of the hotel. The paper quote...



The Group of Seven Should Finally Be Shut Down "IndyWatch Feed War"

Leon Golub (USA), Vietnam II, 1973.

Leon Golub (USA), Vietnam II, 1973.

During the May 2023 Group of Seven (G7) summit, the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, near where the meeting was held. Not doing so would have been an act of immense discourtesy. Despite many calls for an apology from the US for dropping an atomic bomb on a civilian population in 1945, US President Joe Biden has demurred. Instead, he wrote in the Peace Memorial guest book: May the stories of this museum remind us all of our obligations to build a future of peace.

Apologies, amplified by the tensions of our time, take on interesting sociological and political roles. An apology would suggest that the 1945 bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were wrong and that the US did not end their war against Japan by taking the moral high ground. An apology would also contradict the USs decision, backed fully by other Western powers over 70 years later, to maintain a military presence along the Asian coastline of the Pacific Ocean (a presence built on the back of the 1945 atomic bombings) and to use that military force to threaten China with weapons of mass destruction amassed in bases and ships close to Chinas territorial waters. It is impossible to imagine a future of peace if the US continues to maintain its aggressive military structure that runs from Japan to Australia, with the express intent of disciplining Ch...


Not On Our Dime: Why US Democrats Are Finally Challenging Israel "IndyWatch Feed World"

Though the United States remains a strong supporter of Israel, there are some indications that the supposed unbreakable bond with Tel Aviv is faltering, though more in language than in deeds.

Following the provocative Flag March on May 18, which is carried out annually by Israeli Jewish extremists in the Occupied Palestinian city of East Jerusalem, the US joined other countries around the world in condemning the racism displayed at the event.

The language used by the US State Department was firm but also guarded. Spokesman Matthew Miller did not condemn the racist, provocative march which involved leading Israeli officials but the language used by the large crowds, most of whom are strong supporters of the far-right government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The United States unequivocally opposes racist language of any form, Miller tweeted. We condemn the hateful chants such as Death to Arabs during todays marches in Jerusalem.

Carefully articulated not to appear as a condemnation of Israel itself, the US position is still more balanced than previous positions, where Palestinians were often the ones associated with the US use of words such as condemnation, incitement, and the like.

On the other hand, during the Israeli bloody five-day war on Gaza, starting on May 9, Washington had resorted to the same old script, that of Israel having the right to defend itself, thus entirely misrepresenting the events which led to the war in the first place.

This US position on Israels war on Gaza suggests that Netanyahu is the defender of Israel against supposed Palestinian violence and terrorism. But this purported champion of Israeli rights is yet to be invited to the White House five months after he returned to power at the helm of Israels most rightwing government in history.

Some want to believe that the decision by the Joe Biden administration to distance itse...


New Vulcan Centaur rocket may test-fire its engines on the launch pad for 1st time on May 25 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

United Launch Alliance (ULA) is gearing up for a critical test firing of its next-generation rocket after a recent fueling check, and it could happen as soon as this week.

On Monday morning (May 22), Bruno stated on Twitter that the companys new Vulcan Centaur rocket was returning to Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. Now that the rocket is back at the pad, Vulcans static fire test (in which the rockets engines are ignited while it remains on the ground) could happen any day. We are targeting as soon as tomorrow for the Flight Readiness Firing, a representative from ULA told on Tuesday (May 23), but it will depend on range availability. On Wednesday (March 24), ULA CEO Tory Bruno intimated on Twitter that the test could happen as soon as Thursday (March 25).


New robotic bee is the first to fly stably in all directions like a real bee "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Robotic bee that can fly fully in all directions like a real bee.

Researchers build bee robots that can twist.


Texas rides again! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

After their attempt to stuff the ten commandments into classrooms failed, the Texas legislature rebounds and succeeds in stuffing chaplains into the schools.

Senate Bill 763 was approved in an 84-60 vote in the Texas House, one day after it passed the Texas Senate. It allows Texas schools to use safety funds to pay for unlicensed chaplains to work in mental health roles. Volunteer chaplains will also be allowed in schools.

Note: they want to use safety fund for this futile effort, in a misguided belief that this will keep kids safe. But then the bill specifically allows unlicensed chaplains, that is, the local Baptist minister with no training in education or safety is going to get paid to come in and pester the kids. And theyre expected to provide mental health assistance! Like mental health care is just something anyone can do adequately.

Wow, but that one sentence It allows Texas schools to use safety funds to pay for unlicensed chaplains to work in mental health roles is doing a lot of work.

The Democrats made an effort to reduce the harm this bill is going to do to no avail.

Earlier this month, House Democrats also offered amendments to bar proselytizing or attempts to convert students from one religion to another; to require chaplains to receive consent from the parents of school children; and to make schools provide chaplains from any faith or denomination requested by students. All of those amendments failed.

Those are reasonable requirements, but they dont go far enough. In particular, you need training to do counseling. Republicans think its going to help, for their usual ignorant reasons.

As with other faith-driven legislation this session including a bill to require the Ten Commandments in classrooms that failed to reach a crucial vote on Tuesday conservative Christians argued that religious chaplains could help prevent school shootings, drug use, suicide and other societal ills by returning God to classrooms.

My experience with most religious nutcases is that theyre only going to increase the sense of futility and despair. Not to mention the increase in sexual abuse by priests, which always seems to follow.


State Department Develops AI Tool to Counter Russian Disinformation "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  • The U.S. State Department has developed an AI-based online tool called the Ukraine Content Aggregator to counter Russian disinformation on the Ukraine war.
  • The tool will collect and share verifiable Russian disinformation with partner nations to combat Russias relentless stream of disinformation about its aggression against Ukraine.
  • Russias disinformation efforts have also targeted regions like Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia, exploiting anti-colonial sentiments to stir up distrust of Western governments. Read More

The post State Department Develops AI Tool to Counter Russian Disinformation appeared first on The Clarion Project.


Sorry scammer, Im not cancelling my McAfee Antivirus subscription "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I was surprised to receive an email this week telling me that I had renewed my annual subscription for McAfee virus protection. Would you, or a member of your family, have fallen for this scam?


Journey to St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Crimea "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

At the end of April of this year, the two of us ventured together to Russia. We went with the purpose of fact-finding and also to make a point that we do not believe that Russia should be isolated from the world through sanctions and travel bans.

At this moment, Russia is more isolated from the West than it has ever been, quite possibly in history. As just one example, while V.I. Lenin was able to famously travel from Finland via train to St. Petersburg, even during the height of WWI, the train from Finland to Russia ceased operating after February 24 of 2022. And indeed, it was through Finland that we decided to travel to Russia, simply because there are now very limited ways to travel there. Thus, while for years, even during the Cold War, one could easily fly directly from the US to Russia on Aeroflot and other airlines, that is no longer possible due to sanctions. Now, one can only fly there through Serbia, Turkey or the UAE, but those flights are quite expensive.

And so, we ended up choosing to fly to Helsinki, Finland and have a Russian friend who has a non-Russian passport (Russians with only Russian passports cannot travel to Finland) drive from St. Petersburg to pick us up. This turned out to be more easily said than done as our friends car broke down at the Finnish/Russian border. And so, we took a very expensive, three-hour cab ride to the border, met up with our friend and crammed ourselves into the cab of a tow truck to drive the remaining three hours to St. Petersburg a quite inauspicious beginning to our journey.

Saint Petersburg streets are busy from early morning til late at night. This photo taken at 11:30pm

St. Petersburg (Leningrad)

Our first several days were spent in St. Petersburg, formerly Leningrad. We stayed strategically at the Best Western in Uprising Square so named by the new Bolshevik government in 1918 to commemorate the Great October Revolution of 1917. In the Square is located the Moscow train station which we used to great effect during our journey, as well as the Leningrad Hero-City Obelisk. The Obelisk commemorates Leningrads designation as one of 13 hero cities in the Soviet Union which distinguished them...


Press Release Pandemic Related Charges to be Filed with ICC "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Press Release May 24, 2023 541 708-3534 A US journalist plans to travel shortly to The Hague in order to attempt to file criminal charges...

Press Release Pandemic Related Charges to be Filed with ICC


Winter returns: Mount Washington in New Hampshire covered in snow, ice ahead of Memorial Day weekend "IndyWatch Feed World"

The calendar says June arrives next week, but atop Mount Washington winter is making a comeback. "Winter-like conditions have returned to the summit this morning with just over an inch of new snowfall and temperatures hovering in the 20s with stiff northerly winds adding a nip to the air," the Mount Washington Observatory posted Thursday. "The wintry weather continues today but improving conditions are expected in the days ahead."


North plots ambush against Tinubu, may resist Akpabios pick "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

..Religious balancing, Northern interest set to clash  Inauguration of the 10th National Assembly would be confronted by two tough puzzles, including resolving the issue of religious balance via zoning and accommodating the interests of the North, which claims the political IOU of supporting the emergence of a Southern Presidency. However, indications have emerged that despite the []


AI Processing Unit "APU" Driver For Linux DRM Is Among The Latest Accelerator Drivers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Sent out last week by Alexandre Bailon with Bay Libre is the AI Processing Unit "APU" Direct Rendering Manager driver to interface between CPUs and AI Processing Units. The hope is this APU driver could be re-used by various hardware drivers while the initial focus is on bringing up the AI capabilities of the MediaTek MT8183 SoC...


US military aid to Ukraine could be suspended due to debt ceiling media "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ahmed Adel | May 25, 2023

The Hill reported that US military funding to Ukraine could be suspended indefinitely due to proceedings in Washington over the public debt ceiling. Effectively, the public debt situation will force the US to reduce its financial support to Ukraine since it is no longer possible to expect as much support as before.

Congressman Andy Kim, a House Armed Services Committee (HASC) member, was quoted by The Hill as saying that lawmakers had conversations about what needs to be a part of the following package but expressed doubts about the timing of the legislation and highlighted that the ongoing fight over the debt ceiling was putting Ukraine aid at risk.

Its delaying our ability to focus on these issues, Kim said. That really shows that it has national security implications because were not able to have that kind of earnest conversation about Ukraine or the [National Defense Authorization Act] until theyre done with that.

For his part, Congressman Bill Keating said aid to Ukraine would ultimately depend on its counteroffensive, something that will seemingly miss its long-anticipated spring deadline.

Its not a precise science to say what because it could be gains that were made that make more support less necessary, Keating said. Or there could be damage inflicted where there has to be more assistance.

Ukrainian authorities have been promoting its upcoming counteroffensive, and NATO officials have indicated Ukraine has nearly all the promised weapons and equipment needed. Last years support was phenomenal, but sustaining such aid at this level is difficult. The public debt situation has affected and will continue affecting public opinion because out of all the spending, people will sacrifice those least sensitive to American society, and not such huge expenses as funding a war in Eastern Europe.

Congress is determined to cut spending, making funding difficult for Ukraine. The only thing that was announced by Congress Speaker Kevin McCarthy and confirmed by the White House was the spending cuts. Military spending is not discussed, but the funding for Ukraine now is many times less than last year. Ukraine can hardly expect the same funding it received as in the past.

The Treasury Department warned in a letter to Congress that as early as June 1, the US may not be able to fully meet its obligations if lawmakers do not authorise an increase in the borrowing limit by that time. Normally, Congress almost automatically raises the borrowing limit, but this time, the Republican opposition, who controls the House, has demanded that it reduce spending by several trillion dollars. The Republican bill passed the House of Representatives but has no chance of being approved in the Senate by Democrats, and even if the document reaches Biden, he will most likely veto the bill.



Haynesville Natural Gas Production Sets New Record Again "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Featured image from Midwest Capital Advisors Guest Dj vu all over again by David Middleton From the US Energy Information Administration: Just over one year ago Frac On! From 2000


DoD Releases Another AOIMSG Briefing Card: Questions Raised Over Redactions "IndyWatch Feed World"

  • The Department of Defense released another Briefing Card about the AOIMSG, a DoD effort previously studying UFOs.
  • This document contains intriguing redactions under exemption (b)(5) and extra information that were absent in previous releases of the same record.
  • A question in the Questions and Answers section and an entire section under Additional Background Information (Not for release) have been redacted, prompting questions about the content and why its being withheld in public affairs materials.
  • The placement of the Additional Background Information section under a question about extraterrestrials prompts the questions on whether or not they are related.
Subscribe to The Black Vaults YouTube channel. A video on the below document is on the way

The Department of Defense (DoD) has just released another Briefing Card pertaining to the establishment of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG). The AOIMSG was a DoD entity dedicated to detecting and identifying unidentified objects of interest in special-use airspace.  These newly released records were released as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) release in case 22-F-0381.

The briefing card, possibly a draft version, dated December 9, 2021, carries certain intriguing redactions and extra information that were absent in previous documents released by the DoD, which were chronicled on The Black Vault...


Link "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

<div class="wp-caption alignleft" id="attachment_45504" style= "width: 310px;"><a href= ""> <img alt="" class="size-full wp-image-45504" height="162" src= "" title="1B8CDC8F-AC49-44DE-8DF2-83074EF607F2" width="310"></a> <p class="wp-caption-text">American Clean Power Association promotes sustainable jobs & electricity

Pittsburgh named workforce hub in White House initiative</strong> <p>From a <a href= ""> News Report of WTAE News 4, Pittsburgh</a>, May 18, 2023</p> <p>PITTSBURGH The Biden administration is creating five workforce hubs around the U.S. to help bolster the economy, and Pittsburgh has been named as one of those hubs.</p> <p>Each hub will work to expand apprenticeship programs, develop career and technical education programs, and provide support services to help under-represented students and workers succeed.</p> <p><strong>A statement from the White House noted Pittsburghs growth in advanced manufacturing, including robotics and biomanufacturing, as well as clean energy.</strong></p> <p><strong>The initiative begins this summer. Other regions chosen as hubs were Columbus, Ohio; Baltimore; Phoenix; and Augusta, Georgia.</strong></p> <p>The goal here is for the administration to work closely with the state, and particularly local partners, mayors, community groups, unions, to make sure that workers are getting access to the workforce skills and training that they need, and really making sure that the communities are ready for all of this new investment thats going to be coming in and that theyre helping to prepare the workforce to take advantage of these opportunities, said Heather Boushey, chief economist with the presidents Investing in America agenda.</p> <p>#######+++++++#######+++++++#######</p> <p><strong>See Also:</strong> <a href= ""> Appalachian solar developer and non-profit to bring 100 jobs to West Virginia</a>; Michael Schoek, PV Magazine, February 20, 2023</p> <p>Following a recently announced award to the ACT (Appalachian Climate Technology) Now Coalition, two entities will collaborate on strategies to recruit, train and employ local workers in the growing renewable energy industry in West Virginia and around the Appalachian region.</p> <p><a href= "">


In Gold We Trust: Zimbabwes Gold-Backed Digital Currency "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

In response to economic instability and ongoing currency depreciation, Zimbabwe has recently launched a gold-backed digital currency. This innovative approach uses blockchain technology to issue tokens linked to the value of physical gold. The aim is to provide a reliable and secure value holder in a country suffering from frequent hyperinflation and a significantly depreciated local currency.

The situation in Zimbabwe carries substantial geoeconomics significance, demonstrating an effort to use digitization to combat economic instability. Zimbabwes decision is also emblematic of a trend among policymakers in supporting digital assets backed by tangible commodities to shore up public trust in the local currency.


The post In Gold We Trust: Zimbabwes Gold-Backed Digital Currency appeared first on Geopolitical Monitor.


Tinubu and the north: Always as friends "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

In the words of Governor Zulum: During our trying times he has always been with us. He has visited us between seven and eight times in the last eleven years. There is nobody else that has done anything like that for us. That testimonial by Governor Zulum gives only a glimpse of the enduring relationship []


The North must not foist a Tinubu presidency on Nigeria "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

In the end, my view may not matter. In the end, most Nigerians may not see what I see. In the end, they may elect Bola Tinubu as the next president this month. But this is a patriotic stance and Ill be on record for making it; for saying unequivocally, even vociferously, that a Tinubu []


How Cross-Chain DEXes are Democratizing the Crypto Market? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Owais Sultan

In this article, we will explore how cross-chain DEXes are revolutionizing the crypto market and levelling the playing field for traders of all backgrounds.

This is a post from Read the original post: How Cross-Chain DEXes are Democratizing the Crypto Market?


Lightning kills 18 people over 2 days in 10 districts of Bangladesh "IndyWatch Feed World"

A total of 18 people have been killed and several others injured by lightning strikes in in separate incidents in 10 districts- Cox's Bazar, Patuakhali, Naogaon, Narsingdi, Pabna, Brahmanbaria, Kurigram, Sunamganj, Chandpur and Netrakona, on Tuesday and Wednesday. TEKNAF, COX'S BAZAR: Two persons were killed by lightning strikes in separate incidents in Teknaf Upazila of the district on Wednesday morning.The deceased were identified as Rahmat Ullah, 40, a resident of Baharchhara Union, and Helaluddin, 20, a resident of Bainnapara area of the upazila.Baharchhara Union Parishad (UP) Chairman Amjad Hossain Khokon said farmer Rahmat Ullah was returning home in the morning. At that time, a lightning struck on him at around 11 am. He died on the spot, the UP chairman added.On the other hand, Helaluddin was killed by another lightning strike while he was catching fish in a water body.Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Teknaf Police Station (PS) Abdul Halim confirmed the incidents.


How AI Is Reshaping the World of Intelligence "IndyWatch Feed War"

Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides the foundation for major innovations across the intelligence cycle. This trend will probably continue over the coming years, creating additional analytic bandwidth and reshaping how intelligence products are crafted and communicated to their intended audiences. However, despite its potential to drive transformational change within intelligence ecosystems, AI is not a viable substitute for the human in the loop. Highly trained, digitally savvy intelligence professionals will almost certainly remain in high demand.


The benefits of at-scale AI integration

AI has so far dominated the technology discussion in 2023. Tools like OpenAIs text-generator ChatGPT and image generators like Stable Diffusion and Dall-E have been the subject of growing intrigue and excitement. Microsoft has unveiled an AI-enhanced of Google, has announced its own AI-powered chatbot, Bard.

Many of these technologies can be used to enable and optimise how intelligence is collected, processed, analysed, and disseminated. If used correctly, large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT can save valuable analyst time by completing a number of essential intelligence collection and processing tasks. Examples might include scraping the web for the latest protests incident data, conducting literature reviews on emerging issues of geostrategic importance, or creating and curating routine open-source intelligence feeds.

Emerging machine learning (ML) applications, such as natural language processing (NLP), will similarly reduce the need for analysts to undertake numerous activities, such as speech-to-text transcription, voice identification, and language translation. These are tasks that are generally much more time consuming for humans to complete.

Incorporating AI and greater levels of automation into the intelligence assessment processes is likely to enhance intelligence professions sensemaking capabilities as well as their ability to surface new insights to clients. Emerging AI-powered data analytics tools will help analysts to identify otherwise difficult to detect warning signs which, if left unnoticed, risk increasing the potential for strategic surprises.

With the help of AI-powered video creation tools, such as Lumen5, intelligence providers will be able to reimagine how strategic intelligence products and services are disseminated and communicated. Future AI engagement and feedback tools could similarly help intelligence providers to become even better placed to anticipate the subjects which clients would be most interested in. This is likely to increase intelligence providers ability to tailor their products more to specific client information needs and preferences.


Risks, limitations and concerns



Hows that war in Ukraine going, anyway? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It seems to have settled into a long deadly grind, with Russia committed to capturing the city of Bakhmut and Ukraine committed to defending it, with both sides pouring troops into the months-long battle, and what theyre getting out of it is a lot of dead people and a bombed out city. Russia says theyve finally succeeded, while Ukraine says theyve still got a toe-hold and are busy encircling the city. It sounds to me like they both lost.

Even if I grant the Russians their triumph, it doesnt seem to have been worth it.

In a lengthy interview with Konstantin Dolgov, a political operative and pro-war blogger, Prigozhin, the founder and leader of the Wagner mercenary group, also asserted that the war has backfired spectacularly by failing to demilitarize Ukraine, one of President Vladimir Putins stated aims of the invasion. He also called for totalitarian policies.

We are in a situation where we can simply lose Russia, Prigozhin said, using an expletive to hammer his point. We must introduce martial law. We unfortunately must announce new waves of mobilization; we must put everyone who is capable to work on increasing the production of ammunition, he said. Russia needs to live like North Korea for a few years, so to say, close the borders and work hard.

Yikes. Russia started a war of aggression, and thats what victory means they have to become like North Korea? Thats a complete failure. Sure, close your borders, enslave your own population, alienate the rest of the world, and claim you won.

Of course, the people in charge will still get to live luxurious lives.

Citing public anger at the lavish lifestyles of Russias rich and powerful, Prigozhin warned that their homes could be stormed by people with pitchforks. He singled out Ksenia Shoigu, the daughter of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who was spotted vacationing in Dubai with her fianc, Alexei Stolyarov, a fitness blogger.

The children of the elite shut their traps at best, and some allow themselves a public, fat, carefree life, Prigozhin said in the interview, which was released Wednesday on video. This division might end as in 1917, with a revolution when first the soldiers rise up, and then their loved ones follow.

I guess a Russian would know. Of course, Putin would know this too, and would know...


Inside the World of Online Traders: Unveiling the Life and Challenges "IndyWatch Feed World"

The world of online trading has experienced remarkable growth and left an indelible impact on the financial landscape. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of this dynamic industry, shedding light on the daily routines of online traders, their motivations, and the challenges they face. Furthermore, we will explore the role of technology, the importance of risk management, the significance of community, and the impact of social media. Lastly, we will cast our gaze toward the future, examining emerging trends and possibilities in the ever-evolving world of online trading.

Introduction to the online trading industry: Exploring its Growth and Impact

The online trading industry has witnessed an unprecedented surge in recent years. With advancements in technology and the rise of internet accessibility, individuals from all walks of life have been empowered to participate in the financial markets. This democratization of trading has fueled the growth of online platforms, providing merchants with instant access to a wide range of financial instruments. As a result, millions of people around the world are now actively engaged in buying and selling stocks, currencies, commodities, and more.

The daily routine of an online trader: Balancing research and execution


The life of an online trader revolves around a delicate balance between research and execution. Each day begins with a comprehensive analysis of market trends, economic indicators, and news events that may impact trading decisions. Retailers spend hours poring over charts, financial reports, and expert opinions to gain insights and develop strategies. Once the research is complete, they must act swiftly and decisively, executing transactions with precision. This requires constant monitoring of positions, adjusting stop-loss orders, and staying updated on market conditions throughout the day.

The allure of financial independence: Motivations behind entering online trading



Sinkhole opens up below car in El Paso, Texas "IndyWatch Feed World"

A sinkhole along Penjamo Drive near Socorro Road opened up Tuesday. The front-end of an SUV went into the sinkhole at 9734 Penjamo Drive. An El Paso fire spokesman stated two people fell into a sinkhole. A police officer was able to help the induvial out of the hole No injuries were reported.


The Republican brand: incompetence and ideology "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ron DeSantis announced his presidential run yesterday, with Elon Musk at his side, using that technological marvel called Twitter. It did not go well.

Twitters livestream event with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis crashed and was delayed on Wednesday as hundreds of thousands of users logged on to hear DeSantis announce his bid for the White House.

Sound from the livestream event which was held on Twitter Spaces and hosted by owner Elon Musk and tech entrepreneur David Sacks cut in and out in the first minutes after starting.

Weve got so many people here that we are kind of melting the servers, Sacks said at one point.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis at his election night party in Tampa, Florida, in November 2022.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announces hes running for president in 2024
More than 500,000 Twitter users joined the event, which was ultimately ended and then restarted, delaying DeSantis announcement by nearly half an hour. When the event was relaunched using Sacks account, only around 250,000 users ultimately listened in.

Twitter has faced a variety of outages and technical issues since Musk took over the platform late last year. Shortly after acquiring the company, Musk laid off large numbers of technical and other staff and reduced Twitters server capacity in an effort to cut costs.

Oh please oh please oh please. May the right wing continue to rely on Elon Musk on technical issues. Its like a perfect model of how Republican policies work. Errm, dont work, that is.


Intel Engineers Revise Key Locker Implementation For Linux "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Going back to 2020 has been work by Intel's open-source engineers on implementing Key Locker support for Linux. Intel Key Locker allows for encrypting/decrypting data with an AES key without having access to the raw/actual key. AES keys are converted into handles with Intel Key Locker that can then be used for carrying out encryption/decryption on that system until revoked or system state changes. Intel engineers on Wednesday posted their seventh iteration of the patches for supporting Key Locker on Linux...


Good riddance, Buhari: You came, you saw, you failed woefully! "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Muhammadu Buhari, president of Nigeria since 2015, will leave office on Monday, May 29, after eight disastrous years. The late Chief Bola Ige famously coined the phrase, good riddance to bad rubbish. That, truth be told, is the best way to describe the exit of Buhari, his presidency and his government from power. For the []


Bud Lights Brand Is So Trashed It Cant Even Give Beer Away For Free "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Bud Light displayBeer drinkers want nothing to do with Anheuser-Busch's product after it used Dylan Mulvaney to push radical gender ideology.


Failed Antibiotic Could be a Game-changing Weed Killer for Farmers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Weed killers of the future could soon be based on failed antibiotics:

A molecule that was initially developed to treat tuberculosis but failed to progress out of the lab as an antibiotic is now showing promise as a powerful foe for weeds that invade our gardens and cost farmers billions of dollars each year.

While the failed antibiotic wasn't fit for its original purpose, scientists at the University of Adelaide discovered that by tweaking its structure, the molecule became effective at killing two of the most problematic weeds in Australia, annual ryegrass and wild radish, without harming bacterial and human cells. This research has been published in the journal Communications Biology.

"This discovery is a potential game changer for the agricultural industry. Many weeds are now resistant to the existing herbicides on the market, costing farmers billions of dollars each year," said lead researcher Dr. Tatiana Soares da Costa from the University of Adelaide's Waite Research Institute.

"Using failed antibiotics as herbicides provides a short-cut for faster development of new, more effective weed killers that target damaging and invasive weeds that farmers find hard to control."

Researchers at the University's Herbicide and Antibiotic Innovation Lab discovered there were similarities between bacterial superbugs and weeds at a molecular level.

They exploited these similarities, and by chemically modifying the structure of a failed antibiotic, they were able to block the production of amino acid lysine, which is essential for weed growth.

"There are no commercially available herbicides on the market that work in this way. In fact, in the past 40 years, there have been hardly any new herbicides with new mechanisms of action that have entered the market," said Dr. Andrew Barrow, a postdoctoral researcher in Dr. Soares da Costa's team at the University of Adelaide's Waite Research Institute.

[...] It's not just farmers who could reap the benefits of this discovery. Researchers say it could also lead to the development of new weed killers to target pesky weeds growing in our backyards and driveways.

"Our re-purposing approach has the potential to discover herbicides with broad applications that can kill a variety of weeds," said Dr. Barrow.

Journal Reference:
Mackie, Emily R. R., Barrow, Andrew S., Giel, Marie-Claire, et al. Repurposed inhibitor of bacterial dihydrodipicolinate reductase exhibits effective herbicidal activity [open], Communications Biology (DOI: 10.1038/s42003-023-04895-y)



Alert: Brazilian Hackers Targeting Users of Over 30 Portuguese Banks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A Brazilian threat actor is targeting more than 30 Portuguese financial institutions with information-stealing malware as part of a long-running campaign that commenced in 2021. "The attackers can steal credentials and exfiltrate users' data and personal information, which can be leveraged for malicious activities beyond financial gain," SentinelOne researchers Aleksandar Milenkoski and Tom


The G7 is an outdated tool of the US Neo-Empire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Washington has co-opted both winners and losers of World War II into defending Western domination around the globe. The summit of G7 nations took place in Hiroshima, Japan over the last weekend. Hiroshima is significant for a few reasons. First of all, it is known to the world as the location that the United States []


Shallow magnitude 6.6 earthquake strikes in Caribbean just off border between Panama and Colombia "IndyWatch Feed World"

A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.6 struck Wednesday night in the Caribbean Sea just off the Panama-Colombia border, the U.S. Geological Survey said. There was no immediate word on whether were any injuries or damage in the nearby areas, which are not densely populated. The USGS said the quake was centered about 41 kilometers (25 miles) northeast of Puerto Obaldia, Panama. The epicenter was at a depth of 10 kilometers (6 miles). An aftershock with a magnitude of 4.9 followed about 10 minutes after the original quake.


Oryxs Opus: List Of Books Written By Us "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
If you don't see the book you want on the shelf, write it yourself (By Beverly Cleary)

In addition to writing articles and maintaining lists of losses, we've authored several books on a number of topics. These are all listed on this page.

Books - 7, of which: published: 2, forthcoming: 5

Published Works (2)

Forthcoming Works (5)

  • The Armed Forces Of North Korea, Volume 1: Ground Forces [2023]
  • The Armed Forces Of North Korea, Volume 2: Air Force And Navy [2023/4]
  • The Armed Forces Of North Korea, Volume 3: Special Forces And Strategic Rocket Force [2023/4]
  • North Korea's Secret Wars: A History Of Pyongyang's Foreign Intelligence Agencies [2024]
  • The Conqueror: The Rise Of Baykar [WIP Title] [2024]

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Israel Claims Palestinian Resistance Rockets Found in Occupied West Bank (VIDEO) "IndyWatch Feed War"

May 25, 2023 By Palestine Chronicle Staff Israeli media confirmed on Wednesday social media footage that a rocket launcher was found in the West Bank.  Israeli reports claim that the occupation army has located a rocket launcher in a Palestinian village near the city of Tulkarm, in the northwest of the West Bank.  The news cited []


Scientists find first evidence for new superconducting state in Ising superconductor "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In a ground-breaking experiment, scientists from the University of Groningen, together with colleagues from the Dutch universities of Nijmegen and Twente and the Harbin Institute of Technology (China), have discovered the existence of a superconductive state that was first predicted in 2017.

They present evidence for a special variant of the FFLO superconductive state in the journal Nature. This discovery could have significant applications, particularly in the field of superconducting electronics.

The lead author of the paper is Professor Justin Ye, who heads the Device Physics of Complex Materials group at the University of Groningen. Ye and his team have been working on the Ising superconducting state. This is a special state that can resist magnetic fields that generally destroy , and that was described by the team in 2015.


Superconducting fluxonium is the longest lasting qubit ever "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A fluxonium qubit can keep its most useful quantum properties for about 1.48 milliseconds, drastically longer than similar qubits currently favoured by the quantum computing industry.

By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan


Quantum matter breakthrough: Tuning density waves "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Scientists at EPFL have found a new way to create a crystalline structure called a density wave in an atomic gas. The findings can help us better understand the behavior of quantum matter, one of the most complex problems in physics. The research was published May 24 in Nature.

Cold atomic gases were well known in the past for the ability to program the interactions between atoms, says Professor Jean-Philippe Brantut at EPFL. Our experiment doubles this ability. Working with the group of Professor Helmut Ritsch at the University of Innsbruck, they have made a breakthrough that can impact not only quantum research but quantum-based technologies in the future.

Scientists have long been interested in understanding how materials self-organize into complex structures, such as crystals. In the often-arcane world of quantum physics, this sort of self-organization of particles is seen in , where particles arrange themselves into a regular, repeating pattern or order; like a group of people with different colored shirts on standing in a line but in a pattern where no two people with the same color shirt stand next to each other.


Argentines try to stop oil and gas exploration off The Happy tourist coast "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In Argentina, the name of the city of Mar del Plata is synonymous with beaches, vacations, happiness, activity, rest and enjoyment. For this reason, it has long been known as La Ciudad Feliz (The Happy City) or simply La Feliz (The Happy). The reasons for the citys success lie in its geography. It is an exceptional place along the vast 1,200-kilometer (745-mile) coastline of Buenos Aires province because this is where the Tandilia mountain range, one of the oldest in the world, creates an elevated landscape that offers attractive views of the sea. This contrasts with the rest of the provinces coastline, which is dominated by wide, monotonous plains. However, for more than a year, La Feliz has borne an expression of disgust and concern. On Dec. 30, 2021, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development authorized the companies Equinor (Norway), Shell (the Netherlands) and YPF (an Argentine energy company) to conduct seismic prospecting for oil and natural gas in three areas of the Northern Argentine Basin located within Argentinas exclusive economic zone, about 300 kilometers (186 miles) away from the beaches that receive millions of tourists every summer. The authorization also includes the construction of an exploratory well, called Argerich-1, in one of the areas. Between December and February of both 2022 and 2023, tourists and residents took to the streets of Mar del Plata in protest. They are shown here in front of the citys emblematic local casino. Image by Diego Izquierdo for Greenpeace. This authorization shookThis article was originally published on Mongabay


The FBI Knows What Car Was Used In J6 DNC Pipe Bomb, But Refuses To Identify Prime Suspect "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

FBI HQ'The slow progression of the FBI's investigation into the January 6 pipe bomb raises significant concerns,' Republican lawmakers wrote.


Five Eyes agencies detail how Chinese hackers breached US infrastructure "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The National Security Agency (NSA) and Five Eyes partner agencies have identified indicators of compromise associated with a Peoples Republic of China (PRC) state-sponsored cyber actor dubbed Volt Typhoon, which is using living off the land techniques to target networks across US critical infrastructure. Volt Typhoon loves living off the land The joint cybersecurity advisory provides an overview of hunting guidance and associated best practices. It includes examples of the actors commands and detection signatures. More

The post Five Eyes agencies detail how Chinese hackers breached US infrastructure appeared first on Help Net Security.


North Korea-linked Lazarus APT targets Microsoft IIS servers to deploy malware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

North Korea-linked APT group Lazarus actor has been targeting vulnerable Microsoft IIS servers to deploy malware.

AhnLab Security Emergency response Center (ASEC) researchers reported that the Lazarus APT Group is targeting vulnerable versions of Microsoft IIS servers in a recent wave of malware-based attacks.

Once discovered a vulnerable ISS server, the attackers leverage the DLL side-loading (T1574.002) technique to execute a malicious DLL (msvcr100.dll) that they have placed in the same folder path as a normal application (Wordconv.exe). Then the library is executed via the Windows IIS web server process.

The msvcr100.dll is contained within the import DLL list of Wordconv.exe, this means that the first DLL is loaded in the memory of the Wordconv.exe process when it is executed.

Lazarus ISS attack

the functionality of msvcr100.dll involves decrypting an encoded PE file (msvcr100.dat) and the key (df2bsr2rob5s1f8788yk6ddi4x0wz1jq) that is transmitted as a command-line argument during the execution of Wordconv.exe by utilizing the Salsa20 algorithm. reads the analysis published by ASEC. The decrypted PE file is then executed in the memory. It then performs the function of clearing the malicious DLL module that was loaded through the FreeLibraryAndExitThread WinAPI call before deleting itself (msvcr100.dll).

The researchers noticed important similarities between the msvcr100.dll and the cylvc.dll previously detailed by ASEC and related to another Lazarus campaign.

The threat actor exploited an open-source Notepad++ plugin called Quick Color Picker (a discontinued project) to establish a foothold in the target network before creating additional malware (diagn.dll).

The diagn.dll received the PE file encoded...


West Bank: Hamas-linked bloc wins second major student election "IndyWatch Feed War"

West Bank: Hamas-linked bloc wins second major student election

Palestinian movement sweeps second big university in latest sign of shifting political sentiments
MEE staff Thu, 05/25/2023 - 12:05
Palestinian students supporting celebrate the Islamic Wafa bloc victory in student elections at Birzeit University, 19 May 2022 (AFP)

The Hamas-affiliated Islamic Wafa bloc won the Birzeit University's student union election in Ramallah on Wednesday in the latest sign of shifting political sentiments in the occupied West Bank.

The Wafa bloc swept 25 seats out of the 51 in the Student Union Council, winning 49 percent of the votes and maintain a plurality of seats for the second consecutive year. 

The Yasser Arafat bloc - the student arm of the Palestinian ruling party Fatah -  came second, winning 39.2 percent of the votes and securing 20 seats.

The Progressive Democratic Student Pole, which is linked to the Popular Front of Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), won six seats.

Yahya Karout, the representative of Wafa and the former head of the student council, told local media the win came despite "restrictions, obstacles and prosecutions" imposed on the bloc's members by Israeli forces and PA security.

"The arrests by the Palestinian security services affecte...


Phishing campaign targets ChatGPT users "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A clever phishing campaign aimed at stealing users business email account credentials by impersonating OpenAI, the company behind the ChatGPT chatbot, has been spotted by Inky researchers. The attack ChatGPT has quickly gained popularity and is used widely by individuals and organizations. Thats enough of a reason for cybercriminals to impersonate the brand. The initial phase of the attack involves the victim receiving an email that appears legitimate, purportedly sent by OpenAI. The email requests More

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Bankruptcy Sale Scatters Virgin Orbit to the Winds "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When Virgin Orbit filed for bankruptcy in April, it was clear the commercial launch provider was in serious trouble. Despite successfully putting four payloads into low Earth orbit, the spin-off of Richard Bransons Virgin Galactic space tourism company had struggled to achieve a high enough launch cadence to become profitable, and had recently suffered a highly-publicized failure when their first launch from the UK from the newly-completed Spaceport Cornwall ended in a complete loss of the vehicle.

There was some hope that a buyer would swoop in and save them at the last minute, but now that the bankruptcy auction has spread out the companys assets among several other players in the commercial launch industry, Virgin Orbital is officially no more. With future launches now off the table, the companys remaining employees are set to be let go as operations wind down over the coming weeks.



I Spy with My Little FBI Massive FISA Violations "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The FBI has pulled off the impressive feat of getting both parties to agree on something. Republicans and Democrats alike expressed outrage at the Bureau after recent revelations of illegal spying on Americans, including Black Lives Matter protesters and people involved in the January 6th insurrection.


This scandal comes soon after the FBI vowed to stop abusing its powers under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The Bureau has unveiled a new set of rules for its agents aimed at curbing wrongful surveillance of US citizens, but privacy advocates and a Democratic lawmaker say the new policies wont put an end to these sorts of abuses. 


This unconstitutional surveillance stems from Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which gives the FBI a broad mandate to spy on foreign targets without a warrant. The Bureau uses this critical national security tool to root out terrorist plots and espionage against the US.


When the Bureau intercepts the phone calls, texts, and emails of foreigners outside the United States, it also collects the data of the Americans whom these foreign targets contact. This can help the FBI uncover the American contacts of shady actors overseas. 


However, it also gives the FBI the power to warrantlessly spy on US citizens who happen to contact foreign targets whether they are involved in criminal activity or not.


The trouble for civil liberties of Americans happens when people overseas call someone in the United States, said Matthew Guariglia, senior policy analyst at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Because theres so much international communication, it creates a massive trove of information on US people and non-US people that the FBI stores in the same databases. 


This is all in spite of FISAs stated ...


EPAs Long-Awaited New Coal Ash Rules Tackle Legacy Ash, But Loopholes Remain "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Hundreds of previously unregulated coal ash landfills and ponds would finally be subject to federal rules and cleanup mandates under a proposed update published on May 17, 2023, by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 


Environmental groups lauded the proposal, an update to 2015 rules that had omitted so-called legacy coal ash dumped in landfills or ponds that were inactive when the rules took effect. They would now be covered by mandates for groundwater monitoring, closure, and cleanup.


Environmental attorneys and experts have argued that companies could often avoid responsibility even for pollution from regulated coal ash ponds since they could blame groundwater contamination on nearby ponds not covered by the rules. 


The EPA would end this practice by requiring site owners to monitor and clean up all coal ash at a given site, rather than trying to regulate each dump at a site individually, says environmental groups press release. This proposed site-wide approach will lead to more effective safeguards.


However, the proposed rules still exempt dozens of coal ash ponds and landfills, as well as coal ash that was used as construction fill at hundreds of sites nationwide. If a coal ash pond did not contain liquid when the original rules took effect in 2015 or since, or if a coal ash landfill is at the site of a closed coal plant and there are no regulated ponds on the same site, then the new rules wont apply. 


It looks pretty obvious what EPA is doing is a first step and a significant step, but what we dont know is what are the holes in this universe, how many legacy ponds and unregulated landfills are not covered by the new rules, said Earthjustice senior counsel Lisa Evans.


Earthjustice has identified 566 landfills and ponds at 242 coal plants in 40 states that were unregulated by the 2015 rules. It estimates that close to 100 landfills could still be exempt from the new rules. At a minimum, Earthjustice predicts 39 landfills at 29 sites would be exempt. 


Groundwater monitoring data has shown contamination resulting from three-quarters...


Research request re your experiences of short haul travel within the UK and Ireland "IndyWatch Feed"

This is not a story, just a request for help on a particular line of inquiry. If you have had any odd or unsatisfactory  experiences on any journey within and between any airport in Britain and Ireland I want to hear from you via

As such theres no facility for commenting directly on this thread.



DeSantis Introducing Himself To People Who Already Love Him Is Not A Winning Strategy "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ron DeSantisDeSantis is at his best when he's belittling dishonest journalists trying to take him down. He will have to use that skill to his advantage.


Webinar with Guest Forrester: Browser Security New Approaches "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In today's digital landscape, browser security has become an increasingly pressing issue, making it essential for organizations to be aware of the latest threats to browser security. That's why the Browser Security platform LayerX is hosting a webinar featuring guest speaker Paddy Harrington, a senior analyst at Forrester and the lead author of Forrester's browser security report "Securing The


Buhti Ransomware Gang Switches Tactics, Utilizes Leaked LockBit and Babuk Code "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The threat actors behind the nascent Buhti ransomware have eschewed their custom payload in favor of leaked LockBit and Babuk ransomware families to strike Windows and Linux systems. "While the group doesn't develop its own ransomware, it does utilize what appears to be one custom-developed tool, an information stealer designed to search for and archive specified file types," Symantec said in a

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