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Thursday, 27 April


Apple hat gegen Epic Games gewonnen. Epic hatte geklagt, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Apple hat gegen Epic Games gewonnen. Epic hatte geklagt, weil sie fanden, dass Apples 30%-"App-Store-Steuer" nicht gerechtfertigt sei. Das ganze ging dann in die Berufung und die hat Apple jetzt gewonnen.

Ich halte das fr ein krasses Fehlurteil, das weiteren Kundengngelungen von Apple und anderen Firmen Vorschub leisten wird. Das ist ja inzwischen praktisch industrieweit das Standardverhalten, die Leute erst in eine Abhngigkeit zu treiben und dann auszunehmen wie Weihnachtsgnse. Google hat hnliche Abzockgebhren in ihrem Play Store.

Aber auch sonst geht der Trend klar in die Richtung. Adobe hat irgendwann angefangen, ihre Software nur noch zu vermieten, das sehe ich auch als Teil dieses Trends. Microsoft versucht ja auch mit der Brechstange allen Kunden Cloudaccounts aufzuntigen, damit man dann im nchsten Schritt Produkte wie Office nur noch zur Miete anbieten kann.

Diese ganze Nummer ist aus meiner Sicht eine einzige Anklage fr den libertren Fiebertraum, dass der Markt das schon regeln werde.

Erinnert ihr euch an den Strbele? Bei den Grnen?Der ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Erinnert ihr euch an den Strbele? Bei den Grnen?

Der immer nach seinem Gewissen gestimmt hat, nicht nach Fraktionszwang? Der den Eindruck erweckte, die Grnen seien da besser als die anderen Parteien?

Nun, sind sie nicht. So gar nicht. Im Gegenteil.

Die haben in Hamburg gerade eine Abgeordnete ihrer mter enthoben, weil sie als einzige fr einen NSU-Untersuchungsausschuss stimmte.

Ja. Fr. Nicht gegen. Das ist der erste Skandal. Die Grnen waren gegen einen Untersuchungsausschuss.

Aber nicht diese eine Abgeordnete. Die ist ihrem Gewissen gefolgt, wie es in der Verfassung steht.

Miriam Block ist nicht mehr wissenschaftspolitische Sprecherin der Hamburger Grnen-Fraktion. Dafr stimmten 22 Abgeordnete, 7 waren dagegen. Auch aus den Ausschssen fr Wissenschaft und Inneres wird Block abberufen.
Falls ihr also in Hamburg Grne gewhlt habt, seht ihr jetzt, was fr ein monumentaler Fehler das war. Htte euch doch nur vorher jemand gewarnt!!


Sudan Crisis: FG Commences Evacuation Of Nigerians To Egypt "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Federal Government on Wednesday begin the evacuation of Nigerian trapped in Sudan amidst the outbreak of deadly conflicts in the North African country. Geoffrey Onyeama, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and his counterpart, Minister of State, Zubairu Dada, confirmed the development while briefing State House Correspondents on unfolding developments regarding the crisis. According to []

The post Sudan Crisis: FG Commences Evacuation Of Nigerians To Egypt appeared first on New Telegraph.


JUST IN: Missing Enugu Guber Aspirant Found Dead "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The missing Enugu State gubernatorial candidate in the just concluded 2023 general election, Dons Ude has been found dead. It would be recalled that Ude, who contested on the platform of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), was reported missing a few days ago. New Telegraph reports that his lifeless body was found at the []

The post JUST IN: Missing Enugu Guber Aspirant Found Dead appeared first on New Telegraph.


Oposicin al plan de restauracin de la mina de Aguablanca "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: FLY&I en Unsplash

Ecologistas en Accin de Extremadura ha presentado alegaciones ante la futura reapertura de la mina de Aguablanca, explotacin que fue paralizada hace ms de seis aos y que pretende ser reanudada por la empresa responsable del proyecto. La organizacin ha defendido que la mina de Aguablanca es un proyecto insostenible y que su reapertura supondra un dao irreparable del ecosistema de la zona.

Tras su cierre hace ms de seis aos, la Declaracin de Impacto Ambiental del Proyecto Explotacin por interior de la mina habra caducado, siendo necesario reconsiderar la situacin ambiental actual y realizar un estudio para reevaluar el posible impacto.

Tambin ha asegurado la organizacin ecologista que la volatilidad y fluctuacin de la cotizacin de los valores de los minerales sumada al aumento de costes energticos, hacen ms que dudable la viabilidad y continuidad en el tiempo de este proyecto, abocndose, por ende, a nuevos parones y a la conflictividad social. La reapertura de la mina, afirman, responde ms a intereses polticos-electorales que a una verdadera viabilidad que no sea especulativa.

La reapertura de esta mina podra ser una exigencia poltica para, en un futuro, adjudicar el proyecto minero de Caaveral a la misma empresa propietaria. Por otro lado, la actividad extractiva, que no superara los 4-5 aos, estara sujeta a una posible conflictividad social y laboral que no habra que despreciar.

La reapertura de la mina supondra un expolio hdrico del entorno que podra provocar un mayor dficit hidrolgico en la zona en el actual ciclo de sequa

En cuanto al impacto medioambiental, Ecologistas en Accin de Extremadura ha denunciado que son mltiples los factores que amenazan al territorio colindante y que deberan ser acometidos nuevos anlisis que tengan en consideracin la evolucin que el ecosistema ha desarrollado durante los aos que la mina ha estado cerrada.

Las alegaciones hacen referencia a la balsa de lodos inertes, destacando la peligrosidad que los vertidos y filtraciones de dicha balsa y de la actividad minera, suponen para el entorno ambiental de la zona y la calidad de las aguas. La reapertura de la mina supondra un expolio hdrico del entorno que podra provocar un mayor dficit hidrolgico en la zona en el actual ciclo de sequa.

Ecologistas en Accin de Extremadura ha puesto el acento adems en la peligrosidad del uso de la balsa de lodos txicos para almacenar las aguas qumicas de la corta, puesto que no se dise desde un principio para almacenar estas aguas y ya ha presentado roturas y filtraciones en el pasado. Adems se producira una rehidratacin de estos lodos, aumentand...


Ivy Ifeoma Labeled Arrogant Little Girl Over Birthday Post To Jude Okoye "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nigerian Model and Brand Influencer, Ivy Ifeoma has stirred up mixed reactions on social media following her birthday post about Nigerian Music Executive, Jude Okoye, who is Paul Okoyes elder brother. Ivy Ifeoma posted a picture of Jude Okoye in her Instastory in celebration of his birthday, with simply,Happy belated birthday, Jude. The birthday message, []

The post Ivy Ifeoma Labeled Arrogant Little Girl Over Birthday Post To Jude Okoye appeared first on New Telegraph.


Cybersecurity leaders introduced open-source information sharing to help OT community "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A group of OT cybersecurity leaders and critical infrastructure defenders introduced their plans for ETHOS (Emerging THreat Open Sharing), an open-source, vendor-agnostic technology platform for sharing anonymous early warning threat information across industries with peers and governments. Founding ETHOS community members include 1898 & Co., ABS Group, Claroty, Dragos, Forescout, NetRise, Network Perception, Nozomi Networks, Schneider Electric, Tenable, and Waterfall Security Solutions. ETHOS will give critical industries a vendor-neutral option for information sharing to combat More

The post Cybersecurity leaders introduced open-source information sharing to help OT community appeared first on Help Net Security.


Defensa controlar espacio areo, aprueban diputados, lo propuso AMLO "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Diputados de Morena y aliados a aprobaron que Fuerza Area Mexicana vigile y controle las operaciones civiles y militares en el espacio areo Regeneracin 26 []

La entrada Defensa controlar espacio areo, aprueban diputados, lo propuso AMLO se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Military Situation In Bakhmut On April 26, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Bakhmut On April 26, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see full-size image

  • Battle for the road from Bakhmut to Chasov Yar continues near Hromovo;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue along the Polevaja and Pushkina streets;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue near the Industrial college;
  • Clashes are ongoing north of Chaikovskoho street.


The post Military Situation In Bakhmut On April 26, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


Migrar en la niez: el fenmeno de la migracin desde las infancias "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El panel Experiencias infantiles en contextos migratorios reuni las voces de quienes atienden la migracin en Mxico desde una variante distinta: nias, nios y adolescentes.

En tres aos que yo no he tenido a mi madre, en usted encontr un amor de madre. Ese fue uno de los momentos que marc la vida de Ingrid Alfaro Recarte, trabajadora humanitaria de la Casa de Atencin a Desamparados, A.C. desde hace siete aos. Ella acompaa de cerca a la comunidad migrante que, en su experiencia y la de Rossana Rojas Beltrn, presidenta de la institucin, ha incrementado el nmero de menores en sus filas.

Este aumento sbito y las inclemencias que lo acompaan, como las polticas migratorias y la adversidad que se vive en los pases expulsores, es lo que se discuti en el panel Experiencias infantiles en contextos migratorios que se llev a cabo en el marco de la exposicin artstica Pasitos pal norte.

Nias, nios y adolescentes son protagonistas de las migraciones cada vez ms, y eso hay que entenderlo de forma que no se reproduzcan discursos clasistas, racistas y xenfobos, dijo Valentina Glockner Fagetti, antroploga del Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas del Centro de Investigacin y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politcnico Nacional (CINVESTAV).

La antroploga considera que entre 2014 y 2015 existi un pico de menores migrantes sin acompaamiento. Esta afluencia se increment durante los aos siguientes con dos momentos clave: la llegada del Donald Trump al poder y la pandemia por COVID-19.

En ambos momentos, la desigualdad aument en diversos pases de Centro y Sudamrica, y con ello, los peligros para conservar el bienestar integral de la ciudadana. Esto origin la gran crisis migratoria que hoy se ve por todo el continente, en forma de caravanas migrantes con familias enteras en ellas.

Las expertas tambin remarcaron que el incremento de menores en movilidad es preocupante, no solo por los riesgos a los que se enfrentan, como su captacin para el trabajo forzado o en las redes macrodelincuenciales; el riesgo incrementa con el apabullante juicio social...


Tinubus Enemies Hating Him Out of Ignorance Bayelsa ICC "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Bayelsa State Coordinator of the Tinubu/Shettima Independent Campaign Council (ICC), Prince Preye Aganaba has said that most people attacking the incoming President, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu were doing so from the position of ignorance while others, who knew him but chose to hate him, were acting out of jealousy. Aganaba, in a statement issued on []

The post Tinubus Enemies Hating Him Out of Ignorance Bayelsa ICC appeared first on New Telegraph.


Coming Soon mRNA Cancer and Flu Vaccines "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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"They are ONLY Unpleasant and Harsh... However... When You are Harsh and Unpleasant. Or... Have... Been." "IndyWatch Feed World"

 Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Even a man who's pure at heart-

and says his prayers at night...

can become a wolf when The Wolf Bane blooms,

and The Moon is full and bright.

There are ways of putting it that are less attractive than the sugar-coated options. Let's see; Unpleasant Truths? Harsh Realities? Hard, Cold Facts? A bitter pill to swallow?

What it amounts to are... things you don't want to hear, but nonetheless... are so. There are cosmic realities that people don't want to accept. The Mind likes to think it knows a way around them. At least, this is what The Mind tells you. It's the same mind that makes excuses for putting off the tasks you don't want to perform.

There are words people don't want to hear, and terms vary from country to country... from language to language... from tradition to tradition. Let's start with variances in traditions. In The Eastern Tradition, they have names for the three forms of action and being. They are called Gunas. They are Sattva... Raja... and Tamas. In The Western Tradition, they are called, Mercury... Sulfur... and Salt.

The way these forces and substances define as... is; Luminosity... Passion... and Inertia. ALL of manifest life is a combination of some... or all of these

Then... there is Karma. That's what they call it in The East. We don't have a single word for it in The West. We have phrases, like, reap what you sow.

Then there is The Caste System. In India, this is clearly defined by the work and life station of those in the various designations. In The West... you can be damn sure we also have one, but it's not so classically evident. It's there though... most visibly so in The UK.

These conditions... forces... states of being are all, FOR MOST PEOPLE... Unpleasant Truths... Harsh Realities... yadda yadda. They are ONLY unpleasant and harsh... however, when you are harsh and unpleasant... or have been.

Here's one of the places you can find on your next reentry... if you have been too harsh and unpleasant over a sufficient measure of time. It's one of those harsh and unpleasant places....


And the beat goes on "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  Bullet Points: ** Look at the evidence. ** The Khartoum bio lab is in danger. The World Health Organization warned of the potential of a high risk event after Sudanese militants seized control of a dangerous bio lab in Khartoum as fighting continues in the capital city. Yes, another biolabnothing to see here, move []

The post And the beat goes on appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


GNOME 44.1 Released With Many Fixes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It's been one month already since the debut of GNOME 44 and out today is the first point release...


Graylog 5.1 optimizes threat detection and response "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Graylog announced at the RSA Conference 2023 Graylog 5.1 with new incident investigation and enhancements to its cybersecurity Security and the Graylog Platform will be GA in May 2023. With the new incident investigation capability, Graylog Security customers can easily collect and organize datasets, reports, and other contexts while investigating a potential incident or issue. The innovative workspace tracks the status and progress of any new More

The post Graylog 5.1 optimizes threat detection and response appeared first on Help Net Security.


Live Coverage United Nations Indigenous Permanent Forum "IndyWatch Feed War"

Winnemem Wintu Chief Caleen Sisk addressed UN Indigenous Forum this morning. Screenshot by Censored NewsWorld governments are rushing to defend their human rights records again today -- as the second week of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues  begins in New YorkBy Brenda NorrellCensored NewsMonday, April 24, 2023NEW YORK -- Winnemem Wintu Chief Caleen Sisk spoke on the


As Rail Profits Soar, Blocked Crossings Force Kids to Crawl Under Trains to Get to School "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

Jeremiah Johnson couldnt convince his mother to let him wear a suit, so he insisted on wearing his striped tie and matching pocket square. It was picture day and the third grader wanted to get to school on time. But as he and his mom walked from their Hammond, Indiana, home on a cold, rainy fall morning, they confronted an obstacle theyd come to dread:

A sprawling train, parked in their path.

Lamira Samson, Jeremiahs mother, faced a choice she said she has to make several times a week. They could walk around the train, perhaps a mile out of the way; she could keep her 8-year-old son home, as she sometimes does; or they could try to climb over the train, risking severe injury or death, to reach Hess Elementary School four blocks away.

She listened for the hum of an engine. Hearing none, she hurried to help Jeremiah climb a ladder onto the flat platform of a train car. Once up herself, she helped him scramble down the other side.

ProPublica and InvestigateTV witnessed dozens of students do the same in Hammond, climbing over, squeezing between and crawling under train cars with Frozen and Space Jam backpacks. An eighth grade girl waited 10 minutes before she made her move, nervously scrutinizing the gap between two cars. Shed seen plenty of trains start without warning. I dont want to get crushed, she said.


Book Review: "Roadways for People" Seeks To Change Transportation Planning "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Roadways for People, and author Lynn Peterson. (Source: Wikimedia Commons.)

Anyone who has heard the Strong Towns directive to observe humbly where people are struggling will be on familiar turf in Roadways for People: Rethinking Transportation Planning and Engineering. Like Strong Towns Founder Charles Marohn, author Lynn Peterson, currently the president of the Oregon Metro Council, calls herself a recovering transportation engineer, and, also like him, she was ambivalent about projects she had worked on early in her career and was determined to find a better way.

Petersons book (co-authored with Elizabeth Doerr) makes the case for human-centered design, with a more inclusive role for all affected stakeholders, including consulting them much earlier in the process and being cognizant of past planning wrongs when dealing with affected communities.

While it is our job as transportation professionals to develop potential scenarios that meet technical needs and meet safety guidelines, we must continuously test our assumptions about what our work can represent with the community members who will be utilizing the spaces we help create, writes Peterson.

Engineers are great at solving engineering problems, Peterson argues, but too often the goals delivered to them omit critical context and community needs. On many road projects,  community engagement has just been a box to ch...


UAE fly-by produces first up-close images of Mars's little-known moon Deimos "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Images from the UAE's Hope mission suggest that the moonlet's composition is similar to that of the red planet's surface. The United Arab Emirates' space probe Hope has taken the first high-resolution images of the farside of Mars's moonlet Deimos. The observations add weight to the theory that Deimos formed together with Mars, rather than as an asteroid that was captured in the planet's orbit, mission scientists say. Hope, formally known as the Emirates Mars Mission (EMM), performed a fly-by the first of many on 10 March. EMM science lead Hessa Al Matroushi recalls the excitement when the first images streamed in, looking down at the 12.4-kilometre-wide moonlet. "Mars was in the background and that was just mind blowing, honestly," says Al Matroushi, who is at the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. She reported the results at the European Geosciences Union meeting in Vienna on 24 April. Like Earth's Moon, Deimos is tidally locked to its planet,...


Tailor Docked For Allegedly Taking Nude Pictures Of Suspect "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A 35-year-old tailor, Sheidu Mukaila, was docked in a Zuba Magistrates Court for reportedly taking nude pictures of a suspect at the police station. The police charged the defendant who lives in Bassa village, Abuja, with defamation, printing or engraving matter known to be defamatory and attempt to commit an offence. James Idachaba, The prosecution []

The post Tailor Docked For Allegedly Taking Nude Pictures Of Suspect appeared first on New Telegraph.


Bruno Fernandez Likely To Miss Tottenham "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Bruno Fernandes is likely to miss United clash with Tottenham as the injury list of Manchester United is growing. The midfielder was forced off during Uniteds FA Cup semi-final win over Brighton and Hove Albion on Sunday with an ankle injury and was later pictured in a protective boot. With Lisandro Martinez and Raphael Varane already []

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El alambre puede ms en Vaca Muerta "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Entre el 29 de marzo y el 5 de abril, una delegacin del Tribunal Internacional de los Derechos de la Naturaleza visit Vaca Muerta, en un recorrido por Neuqun y Ro Negro. El comit civil y ciudadano hizo una revisin para constatar y evaluar cul es el impacto socioambiental de la explotacin de una de las zonas que ms inters ha generado, tanto en los Estados como en el sector privado, por la riqueza de sus recursos. A travs de las fotografas realizadas por Alejo di Risio y Martn lvarez Mullally -parte del equipo que visit la zona-, podemos ver ese paisaje intervenido por una industria.

Lo invasivo y violento del metal, el cemento colonizando el paisaje, la fuerza vigilante de esas tuercas ceidas con la inercia del dinero y el mercado. La repeticin mecnica de esas mquinas hambrientas e insaciables que se mueven sin cansancio y sin tiempo. Es la inercia de la mano visible del sistema metindose en las entraas del suelo de Vaca Muerta.

Este territorio es una formacin sedimentaria de unos 30.000 km que abarca las provincias de Neuqun, Ro Negro, Mendoza y La Pampa, descubierto en 1931 por el paleontlogo estadounidense Charles E. Weaver, mientras realizaba exploraciones para la empresa Standard Oil of California. En 2011, YPF retom y confirm esas investigaciones; en 2013, empez con las planificaciones para la extraccin y fue cuando firm el convenio con Chevron.

Imagen: Alejo di Risio

El Tribunal Internacional de los Derechos de la Naturaleza es una institucin creada por los ciudadanos para investigar y dar a conocer las violaciones de los derechos de la Naturaleza y los de sus defensores y defensoras, que ya lleva varios aos trabajando en la regin y dando herramientas para la justicia ambiental. En esta ocasin, su visita fue organizada en conjunto con la Asociacin Argentina de Abogados/as Ambientalistas (AAdeAA) y el Colectivo de Accin por la Justicia Ecosocial (CAJE), la Alianza Global por los Derechos de la Naturaleza (GARN) y el Colectivo Ecofeminista MIR, y tuvo como anfitriones a la Confederacin Mapuche de Neuqun, el Observatorio Petrolero del Sur y la Asamblea por los Derechos Humanos de Neuqun.

La fecha del recorrido del Tribunal fue entre los das 25 de marzo y el 5 de abril de este ao, donde se revisaron minuciosamente todas las localidades afectadas por este proyecto. No s...


Britons told to accept they are poorer "IndyWatch Feed World"

British households and businesses need to accept that they are worse off and should stop asking for wage increases and pushing prices higher, the Bank of England's chief economist, Huw Pill, said on Tuesday. According to Pill, "a series of inflationary shocks" generated by the pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine, and crop shortages have sent prices in the UK to a 40-year high. He claimed that in response to surging bills and other rising costs, workers and businesses are attempting to transfer the impact of inflation onto each other. People "try and pass that cost on to one of our compatriots, saying 'we'll be all right, but they will have to take our share too,'" Pill argued. He warned that the "pass the parcel game that's going on here... that game is generating inflation, and that part of inflation can persist." Instead, people have to realize that they are poorer because "if the cost of what you're buying has gone up compared to what you're selling, you're going to be worse off,"...


Five In Police Custody Over Alleged Murder Of Suspected Yahoo Boy "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Five people have been charged by the Ondo State Police Command before the states chief magistrates court in Akure, the states capital, in relation to the death of Temitope Olorunfemi, who was allegedly a Yahoo boy. New Telegraph gathered that after his Toyota Camry killed one person and seriously injured several others on Easter Monday, []

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The Darker Side of the EV Revolution. Toxic Batteries, Nickel and Hexavalent Chromium "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Oyewumi Rejoices With Tulcan Energy Boss, Adiatu On Conferment Of Honourary Doctorate Degree "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Prince Kunle Oyewumi has congratulated the Group Managing Director of Tulcan Energy Resources Limited, Prince Tayo Adiatu, who will be conferred with honourary doctorate degree in Business Administration ( Honoris Causa) by his alma mater, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso on Saturday. Describing the honouree as an accomplished oil magnate and philanthropist, Oyewumi []

The post Oyewumi Rejoices With Tulcan Energy Boss, Adiatu On Conferment Of Honourary Doctorate Degree appeared first on New Telegraph.


Video: BlackRock The Company That Owns the World? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Fox News Decision to Settle Dominion Lawsuit for More Than Three-quarters of a Billion Dollars Makes No Sense "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Don Lemon fired by CNN as network disputes details "IndyWatch Feed World"

'I am stunned' Don Lemon says he's been fired from his post at CNN's CNN This Morning, which he co-anchored with Kaitlan Collins and Poppy Harlow for about six months. The former anchor, who was on air Monday morning, shared the news in a statement on Twitter. "I was informed this morning by my agent that I have been terminated by CNN. I am stunned," he wrote. CNN CEO Chris Licht said in a statement that the network wishes him well and will cheer him on as he pursues future endeavors, echoing what he wrote in an email to CNN staffers obtained by USA TODAY.


New U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Indictments Criminalize DissentWeaponizing the Very Censorship Tactics They Condemned in Russia "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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PRIVATE BLOG The Real State of the Union Not Sugar Coated "IndyWatch Feed World"

PRIVATE BLOG The Real State of the Union Not Sugar Coated

Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

The post PRIVATE BLOG The Real State of the Union Not Sugar Coated first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


Registran 51 casos de feminicidio durante gobierno de Salomn Jara en Oaxaca "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Citlali Lpez Vzquez

A casi cinco meses de haber iniciado la administracin de Salomn Jara Cruz, 23 organizaciones y colectivas, as como 57 mujeres de diversas representaciones de la sociedad civil, feministas y vctimas de violencia, alertaron sobre el grave riesgo en el que se encuentran las mujeres, principalmente las nias, ante la imparable violencia feminicida en Oaxaca y exigieron al Estado atender esta problemtica de manera inmediata.

Denunciaron que los feminicidios siguen incrementndose en total impunidad, indiferencia institucional y al amparo del Ejecutivo Estatal, quien con su omisin como gobernante en turno ha perpetuado una poltica de Estado que no solo olvida y revictimiza a las mujeres, sino que solapa la violencia de gnero.

Un caso concreto es el solapamiento de impunidad de Donato Vargas Jimnez, coordinador de Delegados por la Paz del gobierno del Estado, y acusado de violencia de gnero, cuya permanencia en la actual administracin constituye en s mismo un mensaje permisivo del feminicidio en Oaxaca, acusaron a travs de un pronunciamiento pblico. 

Aunado a ello sealaron- se han remitido denuncias a las instancias, sin embargo las respuestas han sido dilatadas o nulas, especialmente en las comunidades, donde el aparato de Estado ha permanecido pasivo. Y recriminaron que tampoco se hayan hecho pblicas las acciones para alcanzar la paridad en este 2023 en cumplimiento de la sentencia de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nacin (SCJN). 

A travs de este documento, exigieron a Salomn Jara Cruz asumir una postura clara y sin ambigedades ante la violencia feminicida: pasar del discurso institucional a las acciones concretas, polticas pblicas eficaces y justicia para las vctimas. 

Acorde con ello, urgieron a las dependencias establecer coordinacin interinstitucional para atender las denuncias de mujeres vctimas: Exigimos que las dependencias gubernamentales, como es el caso de la Secretaria de las Mujeres de Oaxaca (SMO), accionen una poltica de Estado de Emergencia y acorde a la alerta de gnero. 

Adems, exigieron a la Fiscala que haga pblicas las estrategias de rezago de ejecucin de rdenes de proteccin, adems de conocer de qu manera va a contribuir a la erradicacin del feminicidio desde su campo de accin.

Cabe destacar que tan solo del 1 de diciembre al da de hoy, de acuerdo con la Plataforma de Violencia Feminicida de Consorcio Oaxaca, se han registrado al menos 51 asesinatos de mujeres en la entidad; cada uno de ellos con ms crueldad que el anterior, dejando una estela de dolor e injusticia en las familias de las vctimas. 

Apenas el 15 de abril pasado, en el municipio de Santa Cruz Xoxocotln en los Valles Centrales de Oaxaca, Keyla, una joven de 21 aos, fue rociada con thinner por su pareja, quien no conforme con esa accin, procedi a prenderle fueg...


Frederick Leonard Drags Crew Members With Offensive Smell On Set "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nollywood fast-rising actor and producer, Frederick Leonard has urged movie crew who have an unpleasant smell on their bodies to make use of deodorant. Frederick Leonards comment came after his colleague, Victor Okpalan took to his Instagram page to complain about how some of the movie crew come on set smelling like rat poison The actor []

The post Frederick Leonard Drags Crew Members With Offensive Smell On Set appeared first on New Telegraph.


Chinese Hackers Spotted Using Linux Variant of PingPull in Targeted Cyberattacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Chinese nation-state group dubbed Alloy Taurus is using a Linux variant of a backdoor called PingPull as well as a new undocumented tool codenamed Sword2033. That's according to findings from Palo Alto Networks Unit 42, which discovered recent malicious cyber activity carried out by the group targeting South Africa and Nepal. Alloy Taurus is the constellation-themed moniker assigned to a


Nuke Your Own Uranium Glass Castings in the Microwave "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Fair warning: if youre going to try to mold uranium glass in a microwave kiln, you might want to not later use the oven for preparing food. Just a thought.



Forcepoint Data Security Everywhere simplifies DLP management "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

At RSA Conference 2023, Forcepoint extended the depth and breadth of its Data-first SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) offering with the launch of Forcepoint Data Security Everywhere. Forcepoint is simplifying enterprise DLP management across cloud, web and private apps and streamlining compliance wherever hybrid workers store, access and use confidential information. The company is also bringing to market Forcepoint ONE Insights that enables users to quickly visualize and quantify the financial value of security efficacy More

The post Forcepoint Data Security Everywhere simplifies DLP management appeared first on Help Net Security.


Adhesives "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The earliest adhesives appear to be plant resins (also known as tree sap), crushed and allowed to cure as the moisture evaporates out. Such glues are surprisingly good, since theyre basically doing what they evolved to do: congeal and hold things together. According to the internets there are glues dating back to 70,000BCE, which consist of powdered stone (ochre) mixed with resin.

Im going to hazard a guess and say that if a glue outlasted the dawn of civilization and manufactured weapons, it was probably good enough. In terms of testing, theres no test thats as good as the test of time.

When I started studying photography in the early 90s (evening classes as Maryland Institute College of Art) we were studying in a program that aligned closely with the history of art in general. The first lecture(s) were about archival processing. Since we were doing chemistry-based imaging, archival processing was a big deal especially since photography inevitably wound up on a wall for comparison next to painting. Painting goes way back to cave days, but the modern approach to painting would be familiar to the great artists of yore: linseed oil, pigment powder, plaster, clay all of which are processes that have stood the test of time. Ill note that there are probably a few masterpieces lost to us because some painter experimented with pigments, and their masterpiece eventually grew mold, or peeled off the board it was on, or mice ate it. But photography also had a dark history of chemical stains eventually appearing on prints, or metallic pigments oxidizing chemically, etc. The point of all of this is that I had it drummed into me that you have to constantly challenge your process and whether your work of creativity will stand the test of time.

Thats why I get a pained expression when I see some internet knife-maker on youtube do something clever like use a few drops of cyanoacrylate to hold a bigger glob of epoxy in place while it cures. Has he checked to see whether the chemistry of the one interferes with the other? Or, is he just putting something together because hes not trying to make a knife that will out-last King Tutankhamens? Speaking of which, does that tang appear to be a bit loose? Maybe hide glue doesnt hold up through a good afterlife?

By the way, King Tutankhamens knife was clearly not very good. Look at those sloppy grind-lines. But more importantly, it was made of meteoric iron, which means it probably couldnt hold an edge if you, um, epoxied one on.

So, the first thing you have to do when youre thinking of gluing something is ask yourself how long you expect it to be stuck together. And, i...


Men are No Longer Burning Women at the Stake - They're Now Killing Them "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

If it seems to you like women in Red states are the subjects of witch hunts, you're right. And it has nothing to do with "life": it's all about economic and political power


Vast Potential Researchers Create a New Type of Laser "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers from EPFL and IBM have created a novel laser that could revolutionize optical ranging technology. This laser is constructed from lithium niobate, a material frequently utilized in optical modulators to regulate the frequency or intensity of light transmitted through a device.

Lithium niobate is highly valued for its ability to manage large amounts of optical power and its high Pockels coefficient. This allows the material to alter its optical properties when an electric field is applied to it.

The researchers achieved their breakthrough by combining lithium niobate with silicon nitride, which allowed them to produce a new type of hybrid integrated tunable laser. To do this, the team manufactured integrated circuits for light (photonic integrated circuits) based on silicon nitride at EPFL, and then bonded them with lithium niobate wafers at IBM.


Tesla receives massive fleet order from the UAE "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Tesla received a large order for Model 3s from an Emirati taxi company, Arabia Taxi Dubai, helping the company to cut its carbon footprint.

Teslas retail consumer pressure is undeniably large. Still, the automaker has also grown in popularity in the commercial space, especially from customers looking to cut operating costs while reducing their carbon footprints. Predominantly, these orders have been coming from ride-hailing companies and car rental services. Now, a Dubai-based taxi company is also looking to capitalize on the cut-cutting opportunity.

According to the announcement from Arabia Taxi Dubai, it will buy 269 Tesla Model 3s to become part of its taxi fleet in the United Arab Emirates. Currently, Arabia Taxi advertises itself as the largest taxi fleet in Dubai and one of the largest in the country. With this new purchase, it looks to double down on that lead.


Unraveling the Genetic Mechanisms Behind Long-Lasting Memories in the Brain "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Summary: Researchers shed new light on the molecular and genetic basis of long-term memory formation in the brain. A new study reveals a single stimulation to the synapses of hippocampal neurons triggered numerous cycles where the memory-coding Arc gene produced mRNA molecules that were then translated into synapse-strengthening Arc proteins. From the findings, researchers determined a novel feedback loop that helps explain how short-lived mRNA and proteins create long-term memories in the brain.

Source: albert einstein college of medicine.

Helping your mother make pancakes when you were threeriding your bike without training wheelsyour first romantic kiss: How do we retain vivid memories of long-ago events?


Genetic Driver of Anxiety Discovered "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Summary: An international team of scientists has identified a gene in the brain responsible for anxiety symptoms and found that modifying the gene can reduce anxiety levels, offering a novel drug target for anxiety disorders. The discovery highlights a new amygdala miR483-5p/Pgap2 pathway that regulates the brains response to stress and provides a potential therapeutic approach for anxiety disorders.

Source: University of Bristol.

A gene in the brain driving anxiety symptoms has been identified by an international team of scientists. Critically, modification of the gene is shown to reduce anxiety levels, offering an exciting novel drug target for anxiety disorders.


This Common Insecticide Could Increase the Risk of Autism, Study Warns "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Jocelyn Solis-Moreira Breathing in a class of insecticides called pyrethroids could increase your risk for neurodevelopmental disorders, warns a new study. Pyrethroids are one...

This Common Insecticide Could Increase the Risk of Autism, Study Warns


Scientists Use Electricity to Make Wounds Heal 3x Faster "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Scientists have developed a specially engineered biochip that uses electricity to heal wounds up to three times faster than normal.

Its well known that electric fields can guide the movements of skin cells, nudging them towards the site of an injury for instance. In fact, the human body generates an electric field that does this naturally. So researchers from the University of Freiburg in Germany set out to amplify the effect.

While it might not heal severe injuries with the speed of a Marvel superhero, it could radically reduce the time it takes for small tears and lacerations to recover.


How the North Korean arms trade in the Russian Federation is proven "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Konstantin Asmolov New Eastern Outlook 26.04.2023

We recently discussed how stories of North Korean weapons shipments to Russia were now being proven by saying things like, Heres a train with weapons on it; you cant see them, but believe us, theyre inside. But John Kirby, the coordinator of strategic communications for the National Security Council, showed that he was more than qualified. On March 30, 2023, he said:

  1. North Korea is working to send dozens of kinds of weapons and munitions to Russia to be used in the ongoing Russian war against Ukraine
  2. North Korea seeks to secure food supplies in exchange
  3. The potential arms deal is being arranged through a Slovakian arms dealer, identified as Ashot Mkrtychev, against whom the US Department of Treasury has imposed sanctions.

Kirby voiced fear that North Korea will continue to back Russian military activities against Ukraine, despite the lack of proof that North Korea sent huge quantities of ammunition to Moscow late last year.

Kirby emphasized that any arms deal between North Korea and Russia would directly violate a series of UN Security Council resolutions prohibiting the sale of weapons to and from the North.

What do we see when we look at it this way? The fact that the loud discourse of alleged deals was stated by an influential person should apparently be deemed evidence, and no more corroboration is required. Despite the fact that any clarifying inquiry of the class, how exactly the DPRK sends such large quantities of weaponry to Russia, leaves no stone unturned. As the author is already being ironic, Kirby is only credible if one believes the DPRK invented teleportation.

In reality, Defense Department Spokesperson Brigadier General Patrick Ryder tried to soften his tone, he was actually disputing what Kirby had said. According to him, there currently was no indication that additional weapons or munitions have been delivered to Russia, but we continue to keep a close eye on it.

An examination of the name of the US sanction recipient indicates the types of arguments Washington is employing to sever military ties between Moscow and Pyongyang. To begin with, Mkrtichev was described as a Slovakian citizen with Azerbaijani roots in various Russian-language periodicals recognized by the Russian Federation as foreign agents (hence no references). This amount of inve......


Researchers Took The First Pics Of DEATH It Is Actually PALE BLUE And Looks Nice "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In todays well-researched world, death is one of those unknown barriers. It was pursued by British scientists The color of death is a faint blue.

British scientists got a firsthand look at what its like to die. They took a close look at the worm in the experiment. During this stage of passage, cells will perish. It starts a chain reaction that leads to the creatures extinction and destroys cell connections.

Gloomy radiation is induced by necrosis, which destroys calcium in your system, according to a research published in the journal PLoS Biology. Professor David Gems of University College London oversaw the study.


Pentagon top brass pleased with Carlson exit - Politico "IndyWatch Feed World"

Senior Pentagon officials have welcomed the departure of Tucker Carlson from Fox News, Politico has reported. The popular host regularly criticized the US military's diversity and inclusivity policies, claiming they were imposed at the expense of battle readiness. "We're a better country without him bagging on our military every night in front of hundreds of thousands of people," a senior Defense Department official told the news outlet, on condition of anonymity. The source claimed Carlson had "made a mockery" of the free press and "repeatedly cherry-picked department policies and used them to destroy DoD [Defense Department] as an institution." Commenting on Carlson's exit from the conservative network, another official reportedly said: "Good riddance." The popular former prime-time host regularly accused the Pentagon of undermining US fighting capabilities for the sake of ideologically-motivated inclusivity, imposed under pressure from President Joe Biden's administration.


Winning the War on Cancer "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Learn How to Prevent and Heal Cancer Using Natural, Holistic and Integrative Methods from World Leading Doctors and Cancer-Conquerors.


La seguridad militarizada, una estrategia fallida "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Toda nuestra solidaridad con el compaero Yener de los Santos,

que con el robo de su equipo de trabajo buscan acallarlo e impedir que realice su trabajo de manera segura y tranquila.

El jueves pasado el presidente de la Repblica, Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador, revel que en Guerrero hay 10 mil 929 integrantes de las fuerzas federales, que duplican el nmero de policas municipales y estatales. Manifest que en la mayora de lugares del estado se han construido cuarteles de la Guardia Nacional. Coment que hay regiones en el estado donde ciertos grupos del crimen organizado amenazan con boicotear la construccin de los cuarteles. Reiter con gran seguridad que no existe ninguna regin dentro del pas donde domine la delincuencia organizada. Concretamente en Guerrero no hay ninguna regin en donde impere, domine, en absoluto la delincuencia. En todos lados hay presencia de la Guardia Nacional o del Ejrcito y vamos a continuar as.

Contrario a esta percepcin, los empresarios de Chilpancingo se reunieron con el secretario de Seguridad Pblica del estado, el mismo da de las declaraciones del presidente de la Repblica. Abiertamente dijeron que la economa de la ciudad est controlada por los grupos del crimen organizado, concretamente se refirieron a la carne de res, el pollo, adems, sufren del cobro de piso y las extorsiones. En su anlisis refieren que hubo un periodo de estabilidad en la ciudad debido a un equilibrio de fuerzas entre los dos grupos delictivos que tienen el control de la plaza, refirindose a los Ardillos y a los Tlacos. Sealan que esta situacin se da porque los presidentes municipales establecen alianzas con los jefes de la delincuencia y a cambio de seguridad acceden a los recursos del ramo 33, y tambin participan en la ejecucin de algunas obras pblicas.

Uno de los empresarios expres que debido a las extorsiones la iniciativa privada ya no quiere invertir en Chilpancingo y se estn yendo de Guerrero. Aclar que quienes no se van son los que gozan de proteccin y puso como ejemplo a los consorcios mineros que tienen sobreproteccin, que ningn empresario guerrerense logra tener. Aseguran que los grupos de la delincuencia organizada se han convertido en un poder que les hace contrapeso a los gobiernos locales. Pelean las plazas y se disputan territorios con un alto costo de vidas humanas. Aseguran que en Chilpancingo hay policas estatales y municipales que estn cooptados por la delincuencia y, tambin, se han dado casos que los jefes de trnsito y vialidad son colocados por los grupos criminales. Recomiendan atender las demandas de los estudiantes de la normal de Ayotzinapa porque pueden ser un factor de inestabilidad que desencadene un conflicto mayor como sucedi en Iguala en el 2014.

Ante la multiplicidad de denuncias el secretario de Seguridad Pblica, Evelio Mndez, y el vicefiscal de...


On why Fox fired Tucker: BlackRock, replacement theory, and the ADL "IndyWatch Feed World"

Why did Fox News fire Tucker Carlson? Some claim that Tucker had planned to leave the network all along, and merely resigned. He had even had a studio built in his own home. He was fed up with Fox and decided to call it quits, so the story goes. But this theory is belied by the fact that Tucker's production team was taken entirely by surprise by the news. For instance, I received the following text message from Scooter Downey, a producer of Tucker Carlson Originals, in response to my query after the announcement: "No idea what's going on. Crazy!" Bill O'Reilly, who hosted The O'Reilly Factor, which appeared in the same time slot as Tucker Carlson Tonight, remarked that Tucker and his staff were blind-sided by the decision. "They were putting together tonight's, Monday night's program," O'Reilly claimed. "They were actively involved with making the rundown as all of us do who go on television each night to talk to you. In the middle of that, boom. Tucker Carlson is history at the...


I was every womans worst nightmare. Restorative justice changed me. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Prisoners sit in circle for restorative justice

Tears poured down my cheeks. Hunched over on a hard plastic chair, elbows on knees, I buried my face in my hands. The group was silent. I had just shared the details of my crimes. Robbery and sexual assault. I confessed to being every womans worst nightmare. Recounting these moments from years ago brought a resurgence of guilt and shame. I had been a young, strung-out, ruthless gang member, with zero respect for women, and I had an accomplice to impress. 

The host of our group embraced me with a hug, her gentle hand rubbing my back. Im proud of you, she whispered in my ear, validating my emotions, and washing away years of crippling embarrassment. She was a sexual assault survivor.  

On May 3, 2018, I completed Bridges to Life, a 14-week restorative justice program. I walked out of that experience with a level of healing and restored confidence I never thought was possible. I became friends with women who experienced the opposing side of my worst actions. They didnt see me as a perpetrator, and I didnt see them as victims. We began unsure of what to expect and ended as true friends. We built relationships bonds that had a face, a name, hopes, dreams and purpose. We shared each others pain. We laughed together, cried together, held each other and understood. 

Almost two decades since my crimes, I am still paying the price for those poor choices. My family and community are still paying a price. Most of all, those Ive harmed have paid an unfair price, and their voice has been silenced by a justice system numb to the idea that reconciliation between victims and offenders is a possibility in many circumstances. 

Todd Rogers, a man in my group, described the power of forgiveness. In the decades since my criminal convictions, nothing and nobody could convince me that I could still do great things in this life, he said. That all changed when someone who knew firsthand the impact of my actions spoke into my life. It felt like I was freed from a cage of regret, and destined to be a difference maker in this world. 

Little did we know at the time, but this was one of th...


Windows 11 WSL2 Performance vs. Ubuntu Linux With The AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When carrying out the recent Windows 11 vs. Ubuntu 23.04 benchmarks with the AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D Zen 4 3D V-Cache desktop processor, I also took the opportunity with the Windows 11 install around to check in on the Windows 11 WSL2 performance. Here is a fresh look at Ubuntu with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2 on Windows 11) compared to the bare metal performance of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on the same hardware as well as the new Ubuntu 23.04.


Jacinda Ardern Accepts Fellowships at Harvard University "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: Reuters: Former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Wednesday that she was taking up three fellowships at Harvard University later in 2023. Harvard University said in a statement she had been appointed to dual fellowships at Harvard Kennedy School and to a concurrent fellowship at the Berkman Klein Center. I am []


Fox News fires the only reason people watch Fox News "IndyWatch Feed World"

After months of controversy, Fox News has decided to part ways with the only reason anyone watches Fox News. "Yes, we realize he delivered the most successful cable news program of all time, but we felt embarrassed by him at our Manhattan cocktail parties," said Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott. "When we tried to get invited to fancy, sophisticated gatherings, people said: 'Ewwww, aren't you the Tucker Carlson people?' and that made us feel sad. Curse you, Tucker, for making us feel sad!" When reached for a reaction, Tucker simply stared dumbfoundedly at our reporter for several minutes. Industry experts believe there are other factors that contributed to the alleged firing, including the fact that the company is too broke to pay him after settling a lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems. Progressives are reportedly overjoyed by the move, although many are saying Fox didn't go far enough by not killing Carlson in addition to firing him. "You mean he's still alive?" said Congresswoman AOC....


Arranc la caravana El Sur Resiste "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Fotos: Pedro Faro

No que no, s que s, volvimos a salir, gritan cientos de personas que dan forma a la marcha que recorre el centro del ejido El Progreso, la primera parada de la caravana que parti de La Gloria, espacio rural del Concejo Regional Autnomo de la Costa de Chiapas. En esa regin confluyen, adems, el Frente Cvico Tonalteco, el Centro de Derechos Humanos Digna Ochoa y la Red de Mujeres en Rebelda. Unas doce comunidades completan el tejido de organizaciones de la Costa chiapaneca articuladas en el CNI.

Inicio de la caravana en el ejido El Progreso, municipio de Pijijiapan, Chiapas

Por la tierra y el territorio, es el lema de la caravana El Sur Resiste, que recorrer los estados del sur mexicano. En la Costa se empean en recordar que las resistencias nacieron dcadas atrs, cuando las tarifas elctricas resultaron impagables par las familias por la especulacin de las grandes empresas. Ahora se empean en impedir el despliegue de nuevos emprendimientos extractivos, como surge de la decena de intervenciones en el Domo de El Progreso, la mitad a cargo de mujeres. Decenas de jvenes dejaron las clases del colegio secundario para sumarse a la marcha en su pueblo y siguieron la oratoria.

Nos estuvimos preparando durante semanas para recibirlos, explic Nataniel Hernndez, referente de las tres organizaciones organizadoras de la caravana en la regin: A pesar de las amenazas del Estado hemos seguido organizados y construimos alternativas. Hemos conseguido que los megaproyectos mineros e hidroelctricos no aterricen por este territorio, sigue Hernndez. Nuestras alternativas son la agroecologa y otros proyectos de vida, para lo que nos organizamos abajo y a la izquierda.

Entre los aplausos de dos centenares de asistentes, entre pobladores locales y solidarios internacionales, Cornelia Laguna destac que mientras el Estado es un gran productor de energa, las familias campesinas no pueden pagar tarifas de 1.500 pesos mensuales. El recibo nos mata, sentenci.

Las mujeres de la Costa son conscientes de que el movimiento se ha ido desgranando por los proyectos del gobierno, pero ahora estn remontando la cuesta, activando esta caravana que las llena de esperanza y orgullo. Se fueron los que tenan que irse, se escucha una voz firme, explicando que unas cuantas comunidades se acercaron a Morena y abandonaron la resistencia.



Tips for an Information Security Analyst/Pentester career - Ep. 78 - Nothing is impossible "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Updated April 26, 2023
My story

This post comes from an email exchange between me and Eugene Belenski with Peerlyst (an amazing security community, unfortunately no longer active).

Eugene thought sharing my experience of how I found a job as a penetration tester could help other people who are still trying to break into the penetration testing industry, struggling to find their first gig.

So here's the whole story of how I could find a job as a penetration tester, and how later I got to work with a market leader in the cyber security space.

In late October 2018, I had just quit my previous position (which was a joke, and I'll leave it at that) and I was thinking about what to do next.

I decided to go back studying full time for PWK, while I kept publishing posts for my series.

A couple of weeks after quitting, I got an email through Peerlyst from a guy I had never heard of, named Fred Mastrippolito.

He asked me if I was interested in joining a company dealing with hacking and forensics.

I had, at that time, published 67 posts for my Pentester/Security Analyst career series.

Those posts helped me stand out, and that's how Fred found me.

He was looking for a junior pentester but he wanted someone who tried harder and wouldn't hesitate going the extra mile.

I sent him my resume and checked his LinkedIn profile.

Things matched up: the guy resulted to be legit. He's the CEO/President and founder of Polito, Inc. which is a small company dealing with penetration testing, forensics and incident response. Though being a small company, Polito, Inc. had often held workshops in major hacking conferences such as Defcon and BSides, so it was a perfect match to me.

I sent him my resume and he said he'd have to talk with his team first and then he'd contact me back.

After a couple of days, I had an invitation for a conference call with the whole team for an interview. 

In the email Fred mentioned he thought I'd be a great additi...


Report from London: What Is a Coronation Anyway? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A few days ago the following headline appeared on Page 3 of the London Evening Standard: Fit for a king! Its all aboard the Carolean Express. The article breathlessly reported that a high-speed train service from London to Edinburgh will be named to celebrate the reign of the King and will start running on Coronation Day.

That grand event is less than two weeks away, and its symptomatic of the supposedly historic occasion that it feels more proclamation than passion, with less interest in the Carolean Express than the Hogwarts one, famously boarded from Platform 9 at Kings Cross station.

The last coronation was 70 years ago, and it caught the fancy of much of the country, still suffering the indignity of rationing eight years after the war (it didnt fully end until 1954).

As it happens, I have a small collection of books that celebrate mid-century British monarchical jubilees, coronations, and funerals. This interest dates to my childhood when I used to pore over a vast volume in my fathers library that collected a number of issues of the Sphere and Illustrated London News bound in funereal black leather and stamped on the spine GEORGE V.

The issues begin with coverage of the kings silver jubilee in 1935, celebrating his quarter century on the throne, but soon report on his death just eight months later, and end with stories anticipating his sons reign. (This turned out to be a truncated monarchy, not commemorated in the volume, as within a year Edward VIII had abdicated in favor of his younger brother George VI, a tabloid drama H.L. Mencken called the best story since the Resurrection.)

The photographs in the large, heavy book enthralled me with their Ruritanian pomp and grandeur, marking events that didnt quite seem real. The picture of King Georges casket lying in state at Westminster Hall, guarded by eight figures in historical military costume, struck me as so unlikely and creepy that I was compelled to wait 10 hours in the ...


The Flipper Zero: A Hackers Delight "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Readers of this Hands On are likely to fall into one of two camps: those wholl view the Flipper Zero with fascination, and those wholl view it with loathing. Among the former are security researchers and hardware developers trying to debug a wireless setup. Among the latter are IT folks charged with defending their realm from physical or network attacks. But whatever camp you fall into, the Flipper is something youll need to know about.

The Flipper is an open-source hacking tool of exceptional polish and functionality. Its official price is US $169, but it sells out as fast as it can be manufactured and so can often only be found at a hefty markupI paid $250 from one reseller.

Hacking software and hardware tends to adopt, either consciously or unconsciously, design aesthetics that wouldnt be out of place in a William Gibson cyberpunk novel. Hardware is utilitarian, with boxy enclosures painted or printed black. Software often relies on opaque commands. They are serious tools for serious people. The Flipper stands this schema on its head. Its line of aesthetic descent is more Tamagotchi than tech dystopia, with a brightly colored white-and-orange case molded to fit your palm. An onscreen animated anthropomorphic dolphin pops up to guide you through setup menus. It looks and feels like a childs toy. It isnt.

Four circuit boards shaped to fit the outline of the Flipper case. An open-source design, the Flipper is composed of a main board with an ARM-based CPU and transceiver chip, a board for NFC and RFID communications, a PCB antenna, and an extra board to handle IR and iButton interfacing.James Provost

The Flipper is powered by a 32-bit Arm processor core with a top spee...


RFK Jr. Explains How Democratic Party Is Already Rigging 2024 Race "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

even if RFK Jr. had widespread supporthe doesntthe Democratic Party would simply screw him over. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Wants a Law to Punish Global Warming Skeptics Via: Summit News: Alternative Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has accused the Democratic Party of rigging the primary system to ensure Joe Biden stands a better []


NABDA, NMA Initiates Steps To End GMOs Fear In Nigeria "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The National Biotechnology Development Agency ( NABDA) and Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) have initiated a joint initiative to end misconceptions and fears about Genetically Modified Organisms ( GMOs) and other biotechnological issues in the country.  This disclosure was made on in Abuja,  at a one-day sensitization workshop on Genetically Modified Organisms ( GMOs)and their Products []

The post NABDA, NMA Initiates Steps To End GMOs Fear In Nigeria appeared first on New Telegraph.


The Only Thing Evil Cant Stand is Forgiveness "IndyWatch Feed War"

Do you know what forgiveness means? Its a decision we make to release a person from the feelings of anger we have against them.

These are the words of Fred Rogers. Yeah, as in Mister Rogers.

You know what else Fred said? Try this on for size: The only thing evil cant stand is forgiveness.

It might be the second-greatest quote about forgiveness Ive ever heard. Do I really need to tell you the first-greatest?

Just in case: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

So, lets back up and talk about offering and asking for forgiveness.

We cannot control how everything plays out, but we can control our part in it. This means accepting those seemingly inevitable moments when we will be in a position to either receive or deliver a sincere, heartfelt apology.

The 4 Elements of an Authentic Apology

1. Request Permission to Apologize
This is the forgotten first step. Regardless of how severe (or not) you perceive your transgression to be, you do not have agency when it comes to forgiveness. The wronged person has every right to reject any apology attempt until they are ready.

2. Take Full Responsibility: Show Remorse
Im sorry you feel that way is not remorseful. You dont apologize for someone elses feelings. If anyone was offended, I apologize? Again: zero contrition. Hold yourself accountable. Let them know that you realize you hurt them. Show regret. Express guilt. C...


Ukraines NATO membership unacceptable Slovak parliamentarian "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Lucas Leiroz | April 26, 2023

A prominent Slovakian politician recently stated that the Atlantic military alliance must stop raising false hopes in Ukraine about NATO membership in the future. The parliamentarians words reinforce what had already been said for a long time about the infeasibility of accepting the entry of a country under military conflict into the western coalition. It remains to be seen whether NATO leaders will actually observe the Slovak request.

The statement was made by the speaker of the Slovak parliament, Boris Kollar. He warned that the alliance should make clear the impossibility of a Ukrainian membership, given that Kiev is currently in a military conflict. Kollar said that welcoming Ukraine into the alliance would be unacceptable for most member countries. He also stated that he considers the absence of a definitive answer on the topic to be irresponsible, as this would generate false hopes in the candidate country.

A country in the midst of a military conflict cannot possibly join NATO. It is unacceptable. I think it would never be ratified by the member states. It is very irresponsible to raise false hopes about it, Kollar said during an interview to a Slovak news channel.

During a European interparliamentary conference in Prague, Kollar also warned about the risks of war and unprecedented violence in Europe, since the entry of Ukraine would lead to the alliance immediately triggering the collective defense clause, creating a scenario of world conflict. Therefore, Kollar stated that the matter should not be considered appropriate for now, but that there would be no objections if peace was achieved in Ukraine.

Kollars words come as a response to a recent statement by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, in which the leader stated that Kiev would be part of the Euro-Atlantic family and that all member states had agreed that Ukraine will become a NATO member. The pronouncement seems untrue and somewhat hypocritical, since, despite not ruling out Kiev, the alliance has avoided moving forward with the membership process, delaying as much as possible the discussions around the issue. However, there are a number of reasons why Stoltenberg and other alliance leaders are continuing to hold these false hopes for Kiev.

Indeed, the possibility of admission to NATO is a central factor in keeping the Ukrainian war machine active. Kievs armed forces continue to fight the Russians because they have the hope of full integration into the West. There is a strong belief among Ukrainians that the deployment of regular NATO troops will also become a reality in the future, as they really believe in the existence of an international alliance against Russian aggression, being deceived by their own...


Fox Fired Tucker Carlson "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: Paul Watson: Related: Tucker Carlsons Exit Wipes Out $700 Million In Market Value For Fox


Wayland's Weston 12 Alpha Brings Multi-GPU Support, PipeWire Backend, Tearing Control "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Released today was the first alpha release of the upcoming Weston 12.0 release, which continues to serve as the reference compositor for Wayland...


How to Be More Sustainable in Suburbia "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

When trying to be environmentally sustainable, living in suburbia can make it pretty difficult. 

The suburbs have been responsible for 50% of carbon emissions in the United States, mainly due to a reliance on automobiles. Suburban homes also conserve far less energy due to the heating and cooling of larger houses, which also contributes to emissions. 

Then theres the American lawn. Using 3 trillion gallons of water a year across 40 million acres across the U.S., lawns are one of the nations largest sources of pollution due to chemical runoff from pesticides and fertilizers into waterways, as well as the 200 million gallons of gas annually to mow. 

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), gas-powered mowers contribute 5% of the total U.S. air pollution, and right now about 50% of surveyed waterways are too polluted to swim, fish or drink from with one of the major contributors being suburban lawns.

While the statistics can be daunting, if youre wanting to live a more sustainable suburban life, there are many ways to make an impact locally that starts with you at home.

Here are some ideas:  

Eco-Friendly Yard Alternatives

There are several eco-friendly lawn alternatives being adopted that require far less effort to maintain, as well as save natural resources, money and the health of the ecosystem. 

Wildflower Meadows



South Africas Neutrality In The New Cold War Is Under Threat From Western Pressure "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


South Africas recent flipflopping on its membership in the International Criminal Court (ICC) proves that its neutrality in the New Cold War is under threat from Western pressure. President Ramaphosa announced on Tuesday that the governing party has taken that decision that it is prudent that South Africa should pull out of the ICC due to its unfair treatment of certain countries. Shortly after, however, his office claimed that he misspoke and reaffirmed South Africas commitment to the ICC.

Nevertheless, there are reasons to suspect that this isnt the case, especially since Ramaphosa exuded supreme confidence in sharing Tuesdays announcement about his countrys plans to pull out of that global body. Its therefore unlikely that he simply misspoke and much more probable that Western diplomats immediately intervened behind the scenes to pressure him into walking back this policy. They presumably acted so swiftly due to the strategic significance of everything thats at stake right now.

South Africa will host this years BRICS Summit in late August, but the ICCs warrant for President Putins arrest complicates his participation in person. Had Ramaphosa initiated the process for withdrawing his country from that organization on the legitimate pretext that he earlier claimed would be employed, then thered be no ambiguity about the Russian leaders safety if he showed up there. Since this policy was just walked back, however, there are reasons to suspect a Western provocation if he appears.

Even though South Africa declined to arrest former Sudanese leader Bashir despite the ICC having previously demanded that all members do so if he sets foot on their territory, President Putins security cant in good conscience assume that theyll make an exception for him too. The most responsible decision amidst that summit hosts latest flipflopping might therefore be for him to participate virtually in order to not take a chance that something terrible could happen.

While the organizational proceedings would still likely unfold as planned in that scenario with only few modifications, very serious and potentially even irreparable damage might be inflicted on BRICS as a result. China and India could conclude that South Africa is an...


Eclypsium launches Supply Chain Security Platform with SBOM capability "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Eclypsium released Supply Chain Security Platform, enabling an organizations IT security and operations teams to continuously identify and monitor the bill of materials, integrity and vulnerability of components and system code in each device, providing insight into the overall supply chain risk to the organization. One unique capability in the platform is the SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) generated for each component and system code in enterprise devices which provides an industry-standard format for visibility More

The post Eclypsium launches Supply Chain Security Platform with SBOM capability appeared first on Help Net Security.


Who gains from a forever war in Ukraine? "IndyWatch Feed War"


The newly elected president of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel is an unusual European politician. He is the second president in his country with a military background but the first without political experience. 

He never saw combat duty and is an arm chair military strategist but lionised as a senior NATO leader whatever that may mean. The high noon of Pavels professional career in the military was reached in 1993 when while serving in the UN Protection Force in Bosnia, he led a team of 29 soldiers to evacuate a French military outpost under siege by Serbian soldiers, which he executed after overcoming obstacles that slowed down the operation such as fallen trees which his soldiers had to remove from the road. France decorated Pavel. 

At any rate, the 61-year old soldier-politician has hit the road running when barely 7 weeks into his new job as head of state, Pavel threw a curve ball claiming China cannot be a reliable mediator between Russia and Ukraine due to Beijings secret craving for more war.  

Pavel assessed that China gets cheap oil, gas, and other resources from Moscow in exchange for promises of partnership and its interest lies in prolonging the status quo because it can push Russia to a number of concessions. 

These remarks could have been dismissed as those of a greenhorn but for his fame as a senior NATO leader and the Czech Republics reputation as a chattel and cats-paw of Washington. Hence the big question: What is the Biden administration up to? 

The obvious thing will be that Pavels remark on cheap oil and gas from Russia to China is a gross simplification of a complicated story. Europe was receiving Russian gas and oil for decades at low prices on the basis of long-term contracts until the EU, under American pressure, took the idiotic decision to sanction Russia.

Whereupon, Russia turned to other markets, principally Asian, China being one of them. The rest is history. Whats the point of sitting upon the ground and telling sad stories?

Europeans should feel worried that even after the war ends, once Russia diversifies its export markets, they may never again get cheap Russian gas. (By the way, China is not the only beneficiary, as Europeans who continue to buy Russian oil and petroleum products from Indian com...


AI-powered dance animator applies generative AI to choreography "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Stanford University researchers have developed a generative AI model that can choreograph human dance animation to match any piece of music. Its called Editable Dance GEneration (EDGE).

EDGE shows that AI-enabled characters can bring a level of musicality and artistry to animation that was not possible before, says Karen Liu, a professor of computer science who led a team that included two student collaborators, Jonathan Tseng and Rodrigo Castellon, in her lab.

The researchers believe that the tool will help choreographers design sequences and communicate their ideas to live dancers by visualizing 3D dance sequences. Key to the programs advanced capabilities is editability. Liu imagines that EDGE could be used to create computer-animated dance sequences by allowing animators to intuitively edit any parts of dance motion.


Whoa, its been an awful long time since I had a french fry. Must be why Im depressed. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Articles about nutrition are among the least interesting science articles I read. Id like to care more, nutrition is important and affects our lives significantly, but so many of them look like this:

A research team in Hangzhou, China, found that frequent consumption of fried foods, especially fried potatoes, was linked with a 12% higher risk of anxiety and 7% higher risk of depression than in people who didnt eat fried foods.

They fit into a simple template. We fished up a small statistical correlation of simple cause A to complex behavioral/physiological phenomenon B. Its annoying because they dont have a mechanistic explanation, only a correlation, and their result is the product of a huge amount of work.

The study evaluated 140,728 people over 11.3 years. After excluding participants diagnosed with depression within the first two years, a total of 8,294 cases of anxiety and 12,735 cases of depression were found in those that consumed fried food, while specifically fried potatoes were found to have a 2% increase in risk of depression over fried white meat.

The study had also found that the participants consuming more than one serving of fried food regularly were more likely to be younger men.

One hundred forty thousand subjects over 11 years! And all they have to show for it is that feeble increase in likelihood that young men who eat fried foods are somewhat more depressed and anxious. Oh, how surprising. Have they considered that cheap fried fast food might be what people who are depressed and anxious might choose to eat? Or worse, might have limited choices in what they can eat?

Instead, lets look to animal models, specifically zebrafish. These researchers do some impressively detailed, thorough analyses of zebrafish behavior after they add up to 0.5mM acrylamide to their tanks. The fish didnt like it.

In the new study, the researchers suggest that acrylamide, a chemical formed during the frying process, especially in fried potatoes, is to blame for the higher risk of anxiety and depression.

In a separate paper referenced in the new study, the researchers exposed zebrafish to the chemical, finding that long-term exposure had caused the fish to dwell in dark zones within the tank, a common sign of a higher anxiety level in the fish.

The zebrafish had also displayed a reduced ability to explore their tanks and socialize, as they did not swim closely with other zebrafish, even though zebrafish are known to form schools with their species.

I worked with zebrafish for many years and am familiar with their behavior. They are flighty and sensitive; its easy to provoke changes in behavior. Theyre like people in that rega...


UK: No safe routes for Sudan refugees "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

UK: No safe routes for Sudan refugees

Suella Braverman draws distinction between Sudanese and Ukrainians fleeing conflict, as government quizzed ahead of illegal migration bill
Rayhan Uddin Wed, 04/26/2023 - 15:18
UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman arrives for the weekly Cabinet meeting at 10 Downing Street, in London, on 10 January 2023 (AFP)
UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman arrives for the weekly Cabinet meeting at 10 Downing Street, London, on 10 January 2023 (AFP)

The UK government has no current plans to introduce safe routes into the country for refugees fleeing the conflict in Sudan, as it did for Ukrainians last year.

Over 400 people have died since fighting broke out between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) paramilitaries, sparked by plans to integrate the RSF into the armed forces.

The violence has left tens of thousands of Sudanese civilians fleeing abroad, with many escaping to neighbouring Chad, South Sudan and Egypt

Asked on Wednesday if it had plans to welcome refugees fleeing violence in Sudan, a UK Home Office spokesperson told MEE: We are monitoring the situation closely to ensure that we are able to respond appropriately. 

The statement added that the UKs current settlement schemes had helped nearly 500,000 people fleeing regions of conflict and instability since 2015, including in Syria, Afghanistan and Ukraine



Photos: RSA Conference 2023, part 2 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

RSA Conference 2023 is taking place at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Check out our microsite for the conference for all the most important news. Part 1 of the photos is available here. Here are a few photos from the event, featured vendors include: Threatlocker, Deloitte, CIS, Ionix, Forescout, Thales, BlackBerry, AT&T Cybersecurity, KnowBe4, Synopsys, Armis, Uptycs, Fortinet, Mandiant, Google, Mend, Resecurity, Zscaler.

The post Photos: RSA Conference 2023, part 2 appeared first on Help Net Security.


Home Office breaks promise to find homes for Afghan refugees "IndyWatch Feed"

The government said Afghan refugees would all get permanent homes. This week, they were told: youre on your own


Runic Forecast for May 2023 "IndyWatch Feed World"

April 27th, 2023 By Emma Lange Guest Writer for Wake Up World Each month, Emma draws a selection of runes from across diverse runic traditions and interprets them to give insight into the prevailing energies of the month ahead. Here is Emmas forecast for May. The Scandinavian rune indicates what energies the Universe will send []

The post Runic Forecast for May 2023 first appeared on Wake Up World.


Uptycs unveils cloud security early warning system "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

At RSA Conference 2023, Uptycs unveiled the ability to collect and analyze GitHub audit logs and user identity information from Okta and Azure AD to reveal suspicious behavior as the developer moves code in and out of repositories and into production. The result is an early warning system that allows security teams to identify and stop threat actors before they can access data and services in the cloud. Uptycs customers can track and analyze malicious More

The post Uptycs unveils cloud security early warning system appeared first on Help Net Security.


Parametric Design with Tinkercad "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Tinkercad is like the hamburger helper of 3D design. You hate to admit you use it, and you know you should put in more effort, but darn it its easy, and it tastes pretty good. While I use a number of CAD programs for serious work, sometimes, when I just want a little widget like a flange for my laser cutters exhaust, it is just easier to do it in a few minutes with Tinkercad. However, I heard someone complaining the other day that it wasnt of any use anymore because they took away custom shape generators. That statement is only partially true. Codeblocks allow you to easily create custom parametric items for use in Tinkercad.



Seven stable kernels "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 6.2.13, 6.1.26, 5.15.109, 5.10.179, 5.4.242, 4.19.282, and 4.14.314 stable kernels have all been released; each contains another set of important fixes and updates.


The Australian Crawl: A Fiction "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Here's a story about two lovers who inspired by a viewing of a Sydney staging of Genet's The Maids, starring Cate Blanchett and Isabelle Huppert (true story) decide to swim the annual Rottnest Channel Swim (real event) when they learn that the event will feature a Genet play on the island named by Dutch to reflect it seemed like a rat's nest (true according to Wikipedia).

Wednesday, 26 April


Protest Song Of The Week: We Are All Prostitutes By The Pop Group "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The following was originally published at Ongoing History of Protest Music.

Mark Stewart made several contributions to the canon of protest music as part of the pioneering UK post-punk band The Pop Group, his solo work, and various other projects. He died on April 19, 2023, at the age of 62, and no cause of death was immediately shared.

Several musicians including the trip-hop group Massive Attack, Steve Albini, and Nick Cave paid their respects and acknowledged Stewarts considerable influence. Cave described Stewart as a fearsome vocalist and unbelievably exciting frontman to whom I am deeply indebted.

Cave also specifically singled out the Pop Groups 1979 standout single We Are All Prostitutes, which he said influenced me as much as anything I have ever heard and has, I would say, the greatest opening 20 seconds of any song ever recorded.

The single appeared on reissues of their influential 1980 sophomore album For How Much Longer Do We Tolerate Mass Murder, and it also featured the B-side Amnesty International Report on British Army Torture of Irish Prisoners.

We Are All Prostitutes declared that capitalism is the most barbaric of all religions and that we are all prostitutes, everyone has their price.

The lyrics remain relevant decades later given politics, where wealthy lobby groups hold considerable influence over policy and greed fuels the climate crisis and other societal ills.

Listen to We Are All Prostitutes by The Pop Group (1979):

The post Protest Song Of The Week: We Are All Prostitutes By The Pop Group appeared first on Shadowproof.


GCC 13.1 released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Version 13.1 of the GCC compiler suite has been released.

This release integrates a frontend for the Modula-2 language which was previously available separately and lays foundation for a frontend for the Rust language which will be available in a future release.

Other changes include the removal of support for the STABS debugging-information format, addition of a number of C++23 features, a number of static-analyzer improvements, support for a number of recent CPU features, and more. See this page for details.


Ultrasound Reveals Trees Drought-survival Secrets "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Scientists turned a forest into a lab to figure how some species cope with repeated dry spells:

The tissues of living trees may hold the secrets of why some can recover after drought and others die. But those tissues are challenging to assess in mature forests. After all, 90-year-old trees can't travel to the lab to get an imaging scan. So most studies of the impacts of drought on plants are done in the lab and on younger trees or by gouging cores out of mature trees.

[...] In the Kranzberg Forest outside Munich, the team outfitted stands of mature spruce and beech trees with rugged, waterproof ultrasound sensors. Some of the stands had been covered by roofs to block the summer rain, creating artificial drought conditions.

Five years of monitoring revealed that beeches (Fagus sylvatica) are more drought-resilient than spruces (Picea abies), the team reported in the December Plant Biology. Delving into the underlying mechanisms explained this difference.

Drought-stressed trees produced more ultrasound signals than trees exposed to summer rains. Those faint acoustic waves were bouncing off air bubbles called embolisms deep within the trees' vasculature. Surface tension keeps water moving through a tree's thousands of tiny vessels evaporation from pores in leaves drives water up the trunk (SN: 9/6/22). But if there's insufficient water in the soil, this upward pull can generate embolisms that clog vessels. In the experiments, spruces pinged much more than beeches, suggesting they had far more embolisms.

That's despite the fact that beeches appear to be less conservative with their water management, at least above ground. Trees can prevent embolisms by closing the pores on their leaves, but there's a trade-off. Doing so cuts off the supply of the carbon dioxide that drives photosynthesis, which makes the carbohydrates and sugars that trees need to live and grow. In dry conditions, trees face an impossible choice "between starving and dying of thirst," Beikircher says.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Why are sensitive US nuclear technologies in Ukraine? "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | April 26, 2023

When talking about various reasons as to why Russia launched its counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe the points usually revolve around historical and strategic/geopolitical aspects of the Ukrainian conflict. And while those points certainly stand regardless, there are other crucial reasons, almost entirely overlooked or even censored by mainstream media. One of those is the aspect of NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) weapons in Ukraine, all of which fall under the category of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).

The topic of biological research facilities, as infamous neocon warmonger Victoria Nuland ever so euphemistically put it, received a significant amount of attention from media around the world, while the mainstream propaganda machine tried suppressing it. On the other hand, by far the most overlooked aspect of the Ukrainian conflict has been the covert transfer of US nuclear technologies to the Neo-Nazi junta. CNN, the infamous US neoliberal mouthpiece, was the first major mainstream propaganda outlet that broke the story last week.

According to the report, Washington DC has sensitive nuclear technologies in at least one (former) Ukrainian nuclear power plant (NPP). CNN claims that the US has already warned Russia not to touch them, citing a letter Department of Energy (DoE) allegedly sent to Moscows Rosatom corporation. CNN supposedly reviewed the letter (dated March 17) in which the director of DoEs Office of Nonproliferation Policy, Andrea Ferkile, told Rosatom that the Zaporozhye NPP in Energodar contains US-origin nuclear technical data that is export-controlled by the United States Government.

Firstly, the idea that Russia is in any way intimidated by a third-rate US bureaucrat who allegedly ordered it not to touch anything is simply absurd. Secondly, both Washington DC and its Kiev puppets are parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which means that transferring sensitive nuclear technologies to the Neo-Nazi junta is a direct violation of that agreement. Worse yet, the US is now (supposedly) threatening Russia through a director of its Office of Nonproliferation Policy, an institution that was supposed to prevent sensitive US nuclear technologies from ever reaching Ukraine.

This blatant hypocrisy is only matched by the sheer magnitude of US irresponsibility and WWIII brinkmanship for even considering the possibility to transfer such technologi...


Common insecure configuration opens Apache Superset servers to compromise "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An insecure default configuration issue (CVE-2023-27524) makes most internet-facing Apache Superset servers vulnerable to attackers, researchers have discovered. Administrators in charge of Apache Superset instances should check whether they are among that lot, upgrade them to a fixed version, and check whether attackers might have exploited the weakness to breach them. Apache Superset and the widespread exploitable weakness Apache Superset is a data exploration and visualization platform thats usually integrated with a variety of More

The post Common insecure configuration opens Apache Superset servers to compromise appeared first on Help Net Security.


Security updates for Wednesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Fedora (chromium, lilypond, and lilypond-doc), Oracle (java-1.8.0-openjdk), Red Hat (emacs, java-1.8.0-openjdk, java-11-openjdk, java-17-openjdk, kernel, kernel-rt, pesign, and virt:rhel, virt-devel:rhel), Scientific Linux (java-1.8.0-openjdk and java-11-openjdk), Slackware (git), SUSE (fwupd, git, helm, and runc), and Ubuntu (firefox, golang-1.18, linux-hwe-5.15, and openssl, openssl1.0).


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Putin, Pashinyan Discuss Situation in Karabakh Over Escalation in Lachin Corridor

The leaders agreed to continue interaction at various levels

Mikhail Klimentyev/Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS

MOSCOW, April 26. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin held a phone conversation with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, the Kremlin press service reported on Wednesday.

"The development of the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh was discussed with an emphasis on solving practical tasks of ensuring stability and security in the region. In the context of the current escalation in the Lachin Corridor, the importance of strict adherence to the entire set of fundamental agreements between the leaders of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan was stressed," its statement said.

The leaders agreed to continue interaction at various levels.

Earlier, the Armenian side reported the conversation.

Previously, Azerbaijan set up a checkpoint in the Lachin Corridor. The Armenian Foreign Ministry branded this as a flagrant violation of the 2020 trilateral statement.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Russia's Economy is Recovering, Even Foreign Forecasts Favorable Mishustin

The minister said that a 2.1% decline in the GDP in 2022 did distract some resources, but "still it is far from the catastrophe that our ill-wishers had been probably eager to see"

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin Dmitry Astakhov, Sputnik, Government Pool Photo via AP

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin

Dmitry Astakhov, Sputnik, Government Pool Photo via AP

MOSCOW, April 26. /TASS/. The Russian economy is steadily recovering and even international organizations are predicting it will follow a positive trend, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said on Wednesday, while addressing participants in the Znanie educational marathon.

"Our economy is recovering steadily. Now even international organizations are predicting more positive dynamics for us over two years to come," he said, pointing out that in April the International Monetary Fund "revised upwards its assessment of Russia's economic growth by a factor of two."

Mishustin noted that inflation did not reach the 20%-level predicted for Russia, but was less than 12% by the end of 2022 and is now under 3%.

He recalled that in the spring of 2022, analysts predicted a double-digit slump in Russias GDP, but in reality "the decline, which is inevitable in such circumstances, was quite moderate."

Mishustin said that a 2.1% decline in the GDP in 2022 did distract some resources, but "still it is far from the catastrophe that our ill-wishers had been probably eager to see."

Mishustin stressed that forecasts of a 10% unemployment rate in Russia also proved wrong: it was at the 3.7% mark in December 2022 and dropped to an all-time low of 3.5% in February.

"All this shows that our economy is adjusting itself to external pressures and the general situation in the world," Mishustin said, adding that the collective West was trying to "turn its control of global infrastructure into a weapon."


Resurgence of deadly Russells viper prompts Bangladesh to develop antivenom "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

One of the deadliest snakes on the Indian subcontinent is growing increasingly common in Bangladesh, spurring questions about the countrys preparedness to deal with venomous snakes in general. Russells viper (Daboia russelii) is responsible for nearly half of snakebites in neighboring India, but in Bangladesh, where its known as chandra bora, it was thought to be an exceedingly rare species for more than a century. That changed in 2013, however, when a flurry of snakebite cases, many of them fatal, began to be reported, with most of those killed farmers working in their fields. A 2018 study recorded 20 deaths due to Russells viper bites between 2013 and 2016, and identified reports of bites from this species in 17 of Bangladeshs 64 districts. It attributed the snakes booming population to improvements in irrigation systems, which allowed farmers to cultivate crops on their fields throughout the year, instead of only for part of the year as previously. That means that rats, the vipers prey of choice, are also present in the fields year-round, where they feed on the crops. This in turn allows the vipers more opportunities for reproduction and population growth, according to study co-author Md. Farid Ahsan, a professor at the University of Chittagongs Department of Zoology. Russells viper (Daboia russelii) is responsible for nearly half of snakebites in neighboring India. Image courtesy of Venom Research Centre, Bangladesh. Experts also point to altered land use as another factor behind the resurgence of Russells vipers, especially in the snakebite hotspotsThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Distribution Release: Peropesis 2.1 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Peropesis (personal operating system) is a small-scale, minimalist, command-line-based Linux operating system. The project's latest release, Peropesis 2.1, introduces a number of new software development tools (including automake and autoconf), the Perl interpreted scripting language, and two new compression utilities. "Peropesis 2.1 Linux OS is released. In the....


Turkey denies discussing troop withdrawals from Syria in Moscow "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey denies discussing troop withdrawals from Syria in Moscow

A senior Turkish official tells MEE that Turkey reiterated concerns over 'terrorist' groups and called parties to facilitate return of refugees under UN watch
Levent Kemal Wed, 04/26/2023 - 14:39
Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) welcomes Turkish intelligence chief Hakan Fidan (R) and Defence Minister Hulusi Akar in Moscow, on 24 August 2018 (AFP)

A senior Turkish official has denied that Turkey had discussed the withdrawal of its troops from Syria in the latest round of talks between Iran, Russia, Syria and Turkey's defence and intelligence chiefs in Moscow on Tuesday. 

The Syrian defence ministry said the talks discussed the withdrawal of Turkish troops from Syria alongside the opening of the strategic M4 highway, which paves the way for the revival of Syria's trade with neighbouring countries.

The Syrian and Turkish defence ministers previously held talks in Moscow in December, marking the highest-level encounter between the two countries since the war began.

Nato alliance member Turkey has backed political and armed opposition to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during the 12-year civil war, and sent its own troops into the north of the country.

Turkey has never negotiated an issue regarding the withdrawal of its forces from Syria during the talks in Moscow, the senior official told Middle East Eye. We have discussed possible joint means of fighting against the Syrian arm of PKK and its armed wing, YPG. 



Thousands of publicly-exposed Apache Superset installs exposed to RCE attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Apache Superset open-source data visualization platform is affected by an insecure default configuration that could lead to remote code execution.

Apache Superset is an open-source data visualization and data exploration platform. The maintainers of the software have released security patches to address an insecure default configuration, tracked as CVE-2023-27524 (CVSS score: 8.9), that could lead to remote code execution.

The issue was discovered by Horizon3 researchers who reported that there are more than 3000 instances of the platform exposed to the Internet. Horizon3 found that at least 2000 servers are running with a dangerous default configuration. 

Session Validation attacks in Apache Superset versions up to and including 2.0.1. Installations that have not altered the default configured SECRET_KEY according to installation instructions allow for an attacker to authenticate and access unauthorized resources. reads the advisory. This does not affect Superset administrators who have changed the default value for SECRET_KEY config.

The CVE-2023-27524 flaw impacts versions up to and including 2.0.1.

Vulnerable versions are using the following default value for the SECRET_KEY:


Any attacker can log in to these servers with administrative privileges, access and modify data connected to these servers, harvest credentials, and execute remote code. reported Horizon3.

The web application signs the cookie with a SECRET_KEY, a value that is supposed to be randomly generated and typically stored in a local configuration file. With every web request, the browser sends the signed session cookie back to the application. The application then validates the signature on the cookie to re-authenticate the user prior to processing the request. The security of the web application depends critically on ensuring the SECRET_KEY is actually secret. If the SECRET_KEY is exposed, an attacker with no prior privileges could generate and sign their own cookies and access the application, masquerading as a legitimate user.

Horizon3 researchers reported the issue to the Superset team in Oct. 2021, but when in February 2023 they checked the fix they discovered that in January 2022 the default SECRET_KEY value was changed to CHANGE_ME_TO_A_COMPLEX_RANDOM_SECRET, and a warning...


The sexual assault case against Trump began yesterday "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The first day saw opening statements by lawyers for E. Jean Carroll, a writer who was an advice columnist for Elle Magazine, and Donald Trump.

Carroll accuses Trump of assaulting her in a dressing room of the New York department store Bergdorf Goodman in 1996 after they ran into each other at the entrance and he asked for help in choosing a present for a friend.

Carroll sat stony faced at the front of the courtroom as her lawyer, Shawn Crowley, told the jury that Trump manoeuvred her client into a dressing room and then attacked her. The lawyer said Trump banged Carrolls head against the wall, pinned her arms back with one hand, pulled her tights down with the other and then rammed his fingers into her vagina.

Crowley said that Carroll kicked Trump and tried to knee him off but he was too strong for her.
He removed his hand and forced his penis inside her, the lawyer told the jury.

But Trumps lawyer, Joseph Tacopina, told the jury of three women and six men that Carroll filed the lawsuit for political ends, to sell a book and for public attention.

Tacopina said that the rape accusation was invented by Carroll and two other women who are expected to testify that she told them about the assault shortly afterwards.

They schemed to hurt Donald Trump politically, he said.

Amidst all the other investigations into him, this case has got relatively little publicity. But this is the first case against him to actually go to trial.

Carroll is asking for unspecified damages for battery and defamation and for Trump to retract the 2022 statement he made on his social media site.

Trump denies this but adds in his typical classless way, while I am not supposed to say it, I will. This woman is not my type! So instead of saying, like any normal person, that this was something that he would never do, he is implying that he could have done it if he had found the the woman to be attractive.

Two of Carrolls friends have said she told them about the alleged attack soon afterward. She never informed police or anyone else until she recounted the story in a 2019 memoir and magazine excerpt. By that point, the criminal statute of limitations had expired long ago, leaving only the option of a civil case.

The statute of limitations for people to bring civil lawsuits over sexual assault in New York is generally three years. But in 2022...



Cynet announces platform updates to help organizations protect their systems and infrastructure "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cynet announced its presence at RSA Conference 2023 with new updates to its cybersecurity solution. The company is on track to domain filtering capabilities, enhanced Playbook Summary Reports, improvements to the user interface, endpoint detection and prevention services, platform performance and more. In addition to product updates, Cynet is launching Cynet 360 Mobile capabilities as well as Lighthouse Credential Theft Monitoring, a More

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Crimes of French mercenaries in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Russian Investigative Committee probing into the crimes committed in Ukraine said it identified French mercenaries among those involved in the murder of 25 Russian prisoners of war. They were reportedly embedded in the Azov Battalion and the 92nd Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The Investigative Committee will look into all the circumstances of the incident in order to bring the culprits to justice. There are said to be 8,000 foreign mercenaries on the Ukrainian front, mainly (...)


Officially the Best Reloaded "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

<p><a class="cimage" href= ""> <img alt="" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-97309" height= "1120" src= "" width="840"></a></p> <p>A couple years back, <a href= ""> I watched all the top 100 movies on the 2012 Sight & Sound Directors Poll</a>, and that was a lot of fun. Last year, a decade had passed and <a href= ""> Sight & Sound did a new poll. And as usual in these polls, there was a whole lot of new movies in the top 100, so I thought itd be fun to watch them.</p> <p>Theres about thirty new movies on the list, and virtually all of them are in the bottom 60. Which isnt surprising the bottom half of the list is very unstable, while the top 20 doesnt really see that many changes. In addition to the new movies, Im also going to re-watch a handful of films on the old list (where Ive gotten new, restored editions of the films).</p> <p>Oh, and Im skipping some of the new movies that Ive already seen (and blogged about).</p> <p>Confused? No?</p> <p>So here we go!</p>


Robert F. Kennedy Jr: 'There is no time in history where the people who were censoring speech were the good guys' "IndyWatch Feed World"

"There is no time in history where the people who were censoring speech were the good guys," Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. told Breitbart News Sunday host Joel Pollak. Pollak asked Kennedy about his championing of free speech over big tech censorship. The bestselling author, environmental lawyer, and child health advocate has experienced censorship firsthand. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many of Kennedy's social media posts questioning the wisdom of the lockdowns were labeled "misinformation." In his presidential announcement speech last week, the candidate said, "I'm in a lawsuit involving Amazon for censoring one of my books. They were censoring people who criticized the lockdowns while they were raking in money from the lockdowns." "I'm wondering if you can make a pitch to our audience about a common cause that you, running as a Democrat, may have with many conservatives who feel that they've been canceled or otherwise censored or marginalized in...


The Hybrid Innovation Model: Merging Corporate Strength And Startup Agility "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ensuring proper funding level and visibility was another challenge. To provide the necessary resources, we included executive sponsors on the boards of satellite organizations, which offered better visibility and support for innovation projects. Finally, we faced the challenge of process alignment to maintain agility while ensuring safety. As a result, we defined the minimum required processes to guarantee safety as a top priority during developments, allowing satellite organizations to remain agile without compromising safety standards.

By addressing these and other challenges, we were able to determine the appropriate balance between autonomy and oversight for our organization. Our successful model involves a mix of internal and external talent, strong alignment between corporate and satellite strategies, and ongoing investment in innovative projects. We measure success using specific metrics such as project completion rates, knowledge and employee transfer efficiency, and the value of innovations returned to the parent corporation.

The hybrid innovation model represents a groundbreaking approach for corporations looking to harness the benefits of both the corporate and startup worlds. Corporations can foster an agile and dynamic environment that attracts top talent and facilitates rapid development and testing of new ideas. Although there are challenges to implementing this model, the potential benefits make it an attractive option for corporations seeking to drive innovation and growth in todays fast-paced business environment.


If the War in Yemen Stops, the US Will be the Loser: Interview with Hamid Rizk "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Charming Kitten's New BellaCiao Malware Discovered in Multi-Country Attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The prolific Iranian nation-state group known as Charming Kitten is actively targeting multiple victims in the U.S., Europe, the Middle East and India with a novel malware dubbed BellaCiao, adding to its ever-expanding list of custom tools. Discovered by Bitdefender Labs, BellaCiao is a "personalized dropper" that's capable of delivering other malware payloads onto a victim machine based on


France Remains Tense After Pension Reform Bill Is Signed Into Law "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Power Shift: Implications for Germanys Nuclear Exit "IndyWatch Feed War"

In alignment with its energiewende policy, Germany powered down its three remaining nuclear power plants, concluding a phaseout announced back in 1998. While the move signals Germanys commitment to renewables, it also raises significant questions about the future of nuclear energy production worldwide. The broader geopolitical implications of Germanys decision present new challenges to European energy security and remain at odds with the outlook and enthusiasm for nuclear energy elsewhere, namely in Asia.

At the start of the millennium, nuclear energy accounted for 30% of Germanys power generation, whereas renewables held just a 10% share of power consumption. Today, renewables make up 47% of power consumption, with an industry target of 80% by 2030. Nevertheless, amid the interim challenges to European energy security, replacing the capacity lost from nuclear will require a substantial increase in renewable energy generation, in tandem with conventional fossil fuel sources serving as backup.

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Two losers having a perfectly normal conversation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Tucker Carlson has been fired, Elon Musk has been exposed as an incompetent twit, so lets look back at those heady, long-ago (a bit more than a week) times when the two of them would sit down as equals and solemnly discuss the important stuff like how birth control is destroying civilization.

CARLSON: I mean, the urge to have sex and to procreate is after breathing and eating the most basic urge. How has it been subverted?

MUSK: Well, its just, in the past we could rely upon, you know, simple limbic system rewards in order to procreate. But once you have birth control and abortions and whatnot, now you can still satisfy limbic instinct, but not procreate.

So we havent yet evolved to deal with that because this is all fairly recent, the last 50 years or so for birth control. Im sort of worried that hey, civilization, if we dont make enough people to at least sustain our numbers, perhaps increase a little bit, then civilizations going to crumble. The old question of like, will civilization end with a bang or a whimper? Well, its currently trying to end with a whimper in adult diapers, which is depressing as hell.

CARLSON: The most depressing.

MUSK: I mean, seriously, yeah.

CARLSON: War is less depressing.

MUSK: Yeah, Id rather go out with a bang.

CARLSON: With your shoes on, not with your diaper on.

Im really curious to know how he thinks we would evolve to deal with birth control. We seem to be reproducing just fine, population numbers are generally going up, and voluntarily reducing child birth seems to be a good way to deal with the other problem, the radical reduction in infant mortality rates, thanks to modern medicine and hygiene. I would think environmental stressors, gross economic inequities, and the assault on successful institutions, like education and democracy, are going to be a far bigger problem for civilization than the fact that the growth curve is flattening. Maybe what hes worrying about is more that capitalism is crumbling, not civilization. Those arent synonyms for each other, you know.

Also really revolting is the idea that war is less depressing than reproductive freedom. Please, Elon, if you find it so horrible, do go out with a bang. The sooner the better.

Hey, maybe Carlson getti...


100+ More ASUS Motherboards Enabled For Sensor Monitoring With Linux 6.4 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The hardware monitoring "HWMON" subsystem updates have been pulled into the in-development Linux 6.4 kernel with ASUS Intel/AMD desktop motherboards being the big winners with these driver updates...


Traceable AI Zero Trust API Access detects and classifies the data that APIs are handling "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Traceable AI launched Zero Trust API Access to help organizations better protect sensitive data, stop API abuse, and align data security programs with broader innovation and business objectives. Traceables Zero Trust API Access actively reduces attack surface by minimizing or eliminating implied and persistent trust for APIs. You cannot have true zero trust without API security, said Sanjay Nagaraj, CTO of Traceable. Traceables Zero Trust API Access provides a guiding principle for API security architectures More

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Politicians and the Anzac Tradition "IndyWatch Feed War"

While the mass slaughtering of, and slaughter by, soldiers, is always a touchy subject of commemoration, a tension has existed between those who did the fighting, and those who ordered it. Comfortably secure in furnished rooms and battle props, planners would, as they still do, draw up the blueprints, concoct the strategy, and give the orders.

In Australia, politicians should have every reason to stay out of the grief and suffering they contributed to by sending their citizenry (wait, subjects for the State remains a constitutional monarchy) to countries they could barely spell. But the bosom and milk of British empire was, like US hegemony now, too powerful to resist. Enthusiastic, young volunteers were sent to be cut down in the fields of Flanders and the beaches of Gallipoli.

Things have not improved much since. Apart from the Second World War, which saw Australias own coastline threatened by the forces of Imperial Japan, Canberra has fallen into a nasty habit of sending troops to fight other peoples wars. The tendency has begun to resemble that of coke-addiction. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq stand out as mercenary missions of invasion and predation rather than defence ventures, the crude calculations of fleshy armchair strategists hankering for security and approval from foreign masters.

The military and political tradition going back to Gallipoli in 1915 is not an enviable one; talk about being slain in the name of freedom is hollow when it comes from the invaders. In a perverse, and glorious twist of public relations, modern Trkiyes creator Kemal Atatrk knew how to turn the bad behaviour of the invasion into the good grace of forgiveness. You, soldiers of Anzac, invaded us; having died on our soil, you became our sons.

Such skilful marketing is conspicuously ignored every April 25, but remains most profitable for local vendors in Trkiye. It should also be said that, in racial and cultural terms, it clearly ignores the Armenians and those caught in the Turkification project Atatrk pursued with sanguinary tenacity. They died gruesomely, aliens in their own land.

Around these engagements, the politician as demagogic promoter of ANZAC the name given to both the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps and the cult surrounding it has come to the fore. It is common, and convenient, to link the sacral elevation of the Anzac tradition muscular, masculine sacrifice by sturdy blokes keen on freedom and the fair go to Prime Minister John Howard. The process of burnishing the legend and reviving it for more contemporary consumption actually began with the Australian Labor Party, and Australias longest serving Labor Prime Minister, Bob Hawke.

It was his visit to Gallipoli on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Gallipoli landings that made things turn. The meaning of the Anzac tradition, Hawke told those...


SCOTUS to allow junk climate lawsuits in State courts Yawn "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

This ruling is being touted by the Climatariat as a "blow to oil companies"... In fact, it is nothing more than a "narrow, procedural decision".

Linux Kernel Drama: AMD's Spectral Chicken "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

There's a bit of Linux kernel code for AMD Zen 2 processors called the "spectral chicken" and a call for cleaning up that code, which was originally written by an Intel Linux engineer, has been rejected...


A BBC instruction manual for kids to propagandize their parents "IndyWatch Feed World"

The day before yesterday, the BBC carried a piece titled "Earth Day: How to talk to your parents about climate change." The article begins addressing the target underaged readers: You want to go vegan to help the planet, but you're not paying for the shopping. You think trains are better than planes, but your dad books the summer holiday. Young people are some of the world's most powerful climate leaders and want rapid action to tackle the problem. Big changes are difficult, especially when they involve other people. Where do you begin? For this year's Earth Day, we spoke to people who have successfully had tricky climate chats at home. Here are their top tips[.] The piece is broken into three sections targeting what the people at the BBC imply are evils of our times. The first section focuses on "How to talk about going meat-free."


How to turn a bad relationship into a click-baity article "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Hurt my feelings, why dont you. Tell me about how awful men are. Thats the entirety of this muddled mess titled Masculinity Is Dead: Why Weak Little Boys Have Replaced Real Men. Gosh, its harsh.

Once upon a time, the vast majority of men were really proud to be men. They went to work, provided for their families, and actually behaved chivalrously towards women. They were good fathers, protectors of those they cared about, and actually tackled problems assertively. Of course, those times are long dead.

Once upon a time, men were men, but now theyre not. Its not a substantial premise. But the way she keeps hammering at it makes me start taking it personally.

Everywhere I look, I see women lamenting the loss of actual manly men.

I hear girls bemoan the fact that guys are now too frightened to get into a committed relationship with a woman. I hear single moms talk about how men bailed on them after they became pregnant. I hear single women of all ages talk about how their last relationship dissolved because the guy they were with never actually brought anything to the table.

OK, I begin to see the basis of her definition of what makes a manly man: they commit to a relationship. Thats not a bad argument, I agree that commitment is what makes a person a strong partner. One could build on that idea to write a good article, but no, shes just mad.

Make no mistake about it, there is absolutely, positively, nothing manly about most men in my generation.

Most? Is this a quantitative argument? Or did your last couple of dates go badly?

Were now populated by whiny, insecure, entitled, lazy little children that are looking for a second mommy more than a wife and partner.


For the Millennial generation, old-school masculinity is as dead as a parrot in a Monty Python sketch. F-boys, Nice Guys, and Mamas Boys are symptomatic of the problem.

The older I get, the more I realize how totally screwed up Millennial mens attitudes on sex, relationships, and women really are. In this sense, many modern male dating stereotypes really are true.

So far, Im seeing stereotypes all right, but no evidence that theyre true.

Im going to skip over a whole lot of sweeping generalizations to what I think is a kernel of a good point: media mischaracterizations, which the author has swallowed wholesale.

A large part of the problem is that media tends to warp what we see as mas...


Chinese Hackers Using MgBot Malware to Target International NGOs in Mainland China "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The advanced persistent threat (APT) group referred to as Evasive Panda has been observed targeting an international non-governmental organization (NGO) in Mainland China with malware delivered via update channels of legitimate applications like Tencent QQ. The attack chains are designed to distribute a Windows installer for MgBot malware, ESET security researcher Facundo Muoz said in a new


Code42 adds real-time blocking capabilities to the Incydr IRM solution "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

At RSA Conference 2023, Code42 announced that it has added real-time blocking capabilities to the Incydr IRM solution. The enhancement allows security teams to prevent unacceptable data exfiltration without the management burden, inaccuracy, and endpoint impact of content-based policies. Insider Risk is emerging as the most difficult threat to detect in todays environments. Despite 72% of organizations having a program dedicated to Insider Risk, over four in five CISOs admit data loss from insiders is More

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Intel Sierra Forest EDAC Lands In Linux 6.4, AMD's EDAC Driver Aims For GPUs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Error Detection And Correction (EDAC) device driver updates have been submitted for the Linux 6.4 merge window...


Ukraine is reforming its welfare system as the cost of war rises "IndyWatch Feed"

Social support will become means-tested as millions of Ukrainians face war, displacement and poverty


Joining the Game: Peru Seeks to Exploit Lithium Deposits "IndyWatch Feed War"

While not as rich in lithium as neighboring Bolivia, the Republic of Peru has significant lithium reserves waiting to be exploited. The Peruvian government is now looking to provide permits for a Canadian company to exploit lithium in Puno, in the south of the country.


The Puno Project

In April, the Peruvian government announced that exploration licenses would be provided to the Peru-based company Macusani Yellowcake, a Plateau Energy Metals subsidiary (Plateau Energy Metals  completed a merger with American Lithium in May 2021). American Lithium already operates in Peru, specifically in the Macusani Uranium Project, also located in Puno. The state newspaper El Peruano quoted Energy and Mining Minister Oscar Vera this past 10 April 2023 as saying the government will finalize the permits within the next two months. The minister noted, optimistically, that it appears that our lithium does not have uranium, and it will be much easier for us to exploit it.

The post Joining the Game: Peru Seeks to Exploit Lithium Deposits appeared first on Geopolitical Monitor.


Open Source in Enterprise Environments - Where Are We Now and What Is Our Way Forward? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

We have been used to hearing that free and open source software and enterprise environments in Big Business are fundamentally opposed and do not mix well. Is that actually the case, or should we rather explore how business and free software can both benefit going forward?

Puffy, the OpenBSD mascot, shiny version

Free and Open Source vs Enterprise and Business: The Bad Old Days

Open source, free software and enterprise IT environments have both been around for quite a while. I'm old enough to remember when the general perception was that the free exchange of source code was merely a game for amateurs, or at best an academic excercise. In contrast, the proper business way of doing things was to perhaps learn general principles and ideas from the academics, but real products for business use would be built to be sold as binary only, with any source code to be kept locked away and secret.

If you're a little younger you may remember a time when Windows NT is the future was essentially gospel and all the business pundits were saying we would be seeing the last of Unix and mainframes both within only a handful of years.

Thinking back to the late 1980s and early 1990s it is hard to imagine now how clear the consensus seemed to be on the issue at that point. The PC architecture and a few other proprietary technologies was the way of business and the way forward.

No discussion or dissent seemed possible.

Then, The Internet Happened

Then the Internet happened. What few people outside some inner circles were aware that what actually made the Net work was code that came directly out of the Berkeley Software Distribution. BSD Unix, or simply BSD for short, was a freely licensed operating system that was the result of a rather informal cooperation of researchers in academia and business alike, originally derived from Unix source code.

When the United States Department of Defense wanted work done on resilient, device independent, distributed and autoconfiguring networks, the task of supplying the reference implementation for the TCP/IP stack, based on a stream of specifications dubbed Request for comments or RFCs, fell to the international group of developer...


John Hamer is back on the podcast with me tonight 26/04/23 to catch up on...


9 Habits to Help You Find Happiness in Everyday Life "IndyWatch Feed World"

We all have different ideas of what happiness is and how to achieve it. But one thing is for sure: true happiness cant be found in material possessions or external achievements. It must come from within.

The good news is that there are many habits we can develop to help us find joy and contentment in our everyday lives.

From cultivating gratitude to taking time for self-care, these simple practices will help you create a more positive mindset and life outlook paving the way for lasting happiness and fulfillment.

Here are eight habits that will bring more joy into your life on a daily basis!

1. Make Time for Yourself


Finding time for ourselves is essential for our well-being and inner happiness. Taking a few moments each day to do something that we enjoy can help us feel more balanced and present.

This could be anything from reading a book, taking a yoga class, or just going for a walk in nature.

Its important to make sure that this time is just for you and that all other distractions are put aside.

2. Get Enough Restful Sleep Each Night

Getting enough quality sleep is essential for our mental and physical health, as well as our overall happiness.

Make sure to stick to a regular sleep schedule and get at least 8 hours of restful sleep every night. This will help you to better manage stress, improve your moods, and have more energy throughout the day.

3. Take a Break from Technology Every Day



I Testified Before Congress And Democrats Only Wanted To Yell At Me About Old Tweets "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

angry old man pointing his finger in congressional hearingDemocrats had no rebuttal to my testimony and no defense of their agenda. They wasted everyone's time with weak and cheap attacks.


Leftist Invaders Will Soon Be In Your Corner Of Red America If They Havent Colonized It Already "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Main Street, USAFlyover country now seems to be a special project for left-wing power elites who would like to spread their agendas and homogenize every small corner of the nation.


Misinformation on voter ID could stop people even trying to vote "IndyWatch Feed"

Campaigners say "myths" about the government's voter ID certificate stopped people applying for it


Browser Security Survey: 87% of SaaS Adopters Exposed to Browser-borne Attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The browser serves as the primary interface between the on-premises environment, the cloud, and the web in the modern enterprise. Therefore, the browser is also exposed to multiple types of cyber threats and operational risks.  In light of this significant challenge, how are CISOs responding? LayerX, Browser Security platform provider, has polled more than 150 CISOs across multiple verticals and


Israel: Ultra-nationalists storm Al-Aqsa and raise Israeli flag on independence day "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel: Ultra-nationalists storm Al-Aqsa and raise Israeli flag on independence day

Security forces restricted entry to holy site for Palestinians as they accompanied far-right activists
MEE staff Wed, 04/26/2023 - 12:41
Israeli settlers raise the Israeli flag on Al-Aqsa mosque (Arab48)
Israeli settlers raise the Israeli flag on Al-Aqsa mosque (Arab48)

Hundreds of Israelis stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem on Wednesday morning and raised the Israeli flag, as the country marks 75 years of statehood.

Flanked by soldiers, ultra-nationalist Israelis entered the courtyard through the Mughrabi Gate. At the same time, security forces imposed entry restrictions on Palestinians.

News website Arab48 reported that security officers removed a girl and four young men from the mosque in conjunction with the Israeli incursion. 

Israel is this week marking its 75th anniversary of statehood, a date that holds different significance for Palestinians: known as the Nakba or "catastrophe," it marks the expulsion of more than 700,000 Palestinians from their historic homeland.

Israeli security forces said that the occupied West Bank and Gaza would be closed off during the memorial celebrations.

According to the Times of Israel, the...


Against the War from the Left and the Right. London Peace Actions Week "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Biden Invites More Illegal Immigrants By Proposing Free Health Care At Your Expense "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

arm castThe administration wants to allow hundreds of thousands of individuals here illegally to obtain federal subsidies for health-care coverage.


Video: Tucker Carlson: It Is Hard to Believe This Is Happening "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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All Roads Are Leading Toward an International CBDC in a Cashless World "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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On the Day of Departure. For My Dear Friend, Graeme MacQueen "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

When you are ready

And the day dawns

Remember how love

Wraps you in its arms

And the sweet sound

Of grace lifts you up

Lighter than a feather 

And places you onboard 

The silent ship that sails 

Calmly out

The post On the Day of Departure. For My Dear Friend, Graeme MacQueen appeared first on Global Research.


Montana House Cancels Floor Session Over Trans Disruptions "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Montana HouseThe Montana House of Representatives canceled the chamber's floor session Tuesday.


International Banking Crisis Its Only the Beginning "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Tucker Carlsons Ability To Break Through Calcified Conservatism With Fresh Ideas Is Indispensable "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Tucker Carlson and Raw Egg NationalistThe conservative movement needs someone like Tucker, who is willing to push the limit and unwilling to pull his punches.


Who is Behind Fake News? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The mainstream corporate media is desperate. They want to suppress independent and alternative online media, which they categorize as "fake news". Readers on social media are warned not to go onto certain sites. Our analysis confirms that the mainstream media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down.

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Grassley Corroborates Whistleblower Claim: FBI Labeled Damning Evidence Russian Disinfo To Protect Bidens "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Chuck Grassley'I know the FBI falsely labeled that evidence as Russian disinformation to bury it,' Grassley said.


Military Cadets, Mandated to be Fully COVID19 Vaccinated, are Dying Suddenly Recently "IndyWatch Feed War"

Atlanta, GA US Marine Corps recruit Noah Evans, age 21, died suddenly during training on April 19, 2023 4th young Marine death in 2 years (click here) US Marine Cadet, age 18, Gabriel Puchalla died suddenly of an aortic rupture on March 10, 2023 while on base in Camp Lejeune North Carolina. (click Continue reading Military Cadets, Mandated to be Fully COVID19 Vaccinated, are Dying Suddenly Recently


Iran: Former aid to Ali Khamenei 'assassinated' in a bank "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iran: Former aid to Ali Khamenei 'assassinated' in a bank

State media say Abbas Ali Soleimani, former representative of Iran's supreme leader in Sistan and Baluchestan, was shot dead in northern Iran
MEE staff Wed, 04/26/2023 - 11:30
A photo of Abbas Ali Soleimani (Tasnim)
Abbas Ali Soleimani was killed while in a bank in the northern city of Babolsar, in Mazandaran province, reports say (Tasnim news agency)

A former representative of Iran's supreme leader was shot dead in northern Iran on Wednesday, state media reported.

Abbas Ali Soleimani, Ali Khamenei's former representative in Sistan and Baluchestan province and a member of the Assembly of Experts, was killed while in a bank in the northern city of Babolsar, in Mazandaran province.

The governor of Mazandaran, Mahmoud Hosseinipour, said the attacker had been a member of the bank's security personnel.

"So far, our information and documents indicate that this was not a security or terrorist act," Hosseinipour told state television.

Iran: How Raisi was convinced to reject Rouhani's nuclear deal
Read More

The IRNA news agency quoted a political and security official as saying the suspect was in custody and being investigated. He added that the motive for the attack remained unclear.

Apart from being a membe...


Upzoning Might Not Lower Housing Costs. Do It Anyway. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


(Source: Unsplash/Nate Watson.)

Were witnessing a sea change in the way American cities regulate residential development. In roughly the past decade, in response to a historic housing affordability crisis, cities in every region of the country have begun to re-examine exclusive single-family zoning. Some cities, such as Minneapolis; Sacramento, California; and recently Arlington, Virginia, have loosened zoning restrictions to allow small, multi-unit buildings citywide. Moreover, states including Oregon and California have passed a slew of bills curtailing local zoning. Many cities are also taking steps to allow more and taller apartment development along major transportation corridors.

This is a remarkable and fast-moving trend. Whereas the late 20th century saw a wave of efforts to downzone urban neighborhoods, limiting the possibility of change and redevelopment, today the momentum is firmly on the side of upzoning advocates. And the fire fueling this trend is unquestionably a widespread sense of alarm about the high cost of housing.

Its that last fact that makes me nervous.

Look: To be clear, housing affordability is a defining crisis of our time for millions of Americans. There are entire metro areas, such as those of...


Just Say Youre Sorry: Podcast Dissects Famed Texas Rangers Controversial Tactics "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Our six-part podcast asks if Texas serial killer whisperer ensnared an innocent man through tactics like lying and hypnosis.

The Parole Violation That Sent Jacob Wideman Back to Prison "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Part Six of the Violation podcast explores: Was Jake a master manipulator, the victim of a misunderstanding or something worse?

Hybrid work and the rise of AI: How leaders can navigate a future in flux "IndyWatch Feed World"

McKinseys State of Organizations report outlines major shifts affecting organizations around the worldand offers advice on how to manage them.

Some of the hardest questions business leaders are facing right now would have seemed sillyor even a little hystericalto dwell on even just four years ago.

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A mountain of gold: Mining titles threaten Indigenous lands in Guaina, Colombia "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

*This report is part of a journalistic collaboration between Mongabay Latam and Vorgine, a Colombian news source. Cecilia Garca Barros is seated atop the peak of Mavicure Hill, a rocky, rounded mountain 170 meters (about 558 feet) high on the banks of the Inrida River in the Colombian department of Guaina. From there, one can see large expanses of land holding beneath it an abundance of gold and other metals sought by the mining industry. Garca Barros, a member of the Puinave ethnic group, points to the mountain in the front. She says this was where Princess Inrida hid forever, according to Garca Barros ancestors. The mountain, called the Pajarito Hill, has a near-perfect concave shape and its surface is an intense shade of dark gray, which almost seems blue. This is a result of the sediments and granite that accumulated in the Earths crust over the course of 1.8 billion years. Mavicure, Pajarito and El Mono, another nearby hill, are among the oldest rock formations in the country, according to studies by geologists at the National University of Colombia. In the tradition of the Puinave people, these archaic hills represent three siblings who were abandoned by their parents and who had to grow up in the distant view of their grandmother, a much smaller mountain on the other side of the Inrida River. They are rocks, but also a family of giants a historical treasure that many Colombians do not even know they possess. The Mavicure Hill isThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Guest on French TV Show Said That Celine Dion and Other Celebs Take Adrenochrome and Mass Media Lost It "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT VIGILANT CITIZEN  The French TV show Touche Pas Mon Poste invited...


Alta Ski Area in Utah surpasses 900 inches of season snowfall for first time in recorded history "IndyWatch Feed World"

On March 24th, Alta Ski Area broke its all-time season snowfall record of 748 set in the winter of 1981-82. It took less than a week to surpass 800. Today, after getting 7 of new snow in the last 24 hours, the legendary Utah ski area has surpassed 900 of total season snowfall for the first time in its history. Wow. Alta is currently sitting at 901 with a 195 base. Despite being the resort with the most snow in North America, if not the world, Alta closed on Sunday, April 23rd. However, the resort will continue to measure snow through the end of April.


How We Measured the Environmental Cost of Bankrupt Mines "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article was produced for ProPublicas Local Reporting Network in partnership with Mountain State Spotlight. Sign up for Dispatches to get stories like this one as soon as they are published.

State environmental regulators have a trove of data on coal mines, including their histories, ownership and environmental violations. ProPublica and Mountain State Spotlight obtained this information for West Virginia and Kentucky, which together are home to about half of the nations coal mines. We then combined the states data with court records of coal industry bankruptcies. The result was a new look at the association between bankruptcy and environmental problems.

Residents of coal mining communities have warned that environmental problems at mines that have gone through bankruptcy often worsen over time, leading to polluted streams as well as flooding and landslides. We wanted to find out how the compliance record at bankrupt mines compared to other operations. We found that mines that have been through multiple bankruptcies in the past decade had a higher median number of environmental violations than nonbankrupt mines. We shared our findings with independent experts and insiders, who said the results provided meaningful new information about the relationship between bankruptcy and environmental damage.

Data Sources

In West Virginia, the Department of Environmental Protection provides a public dashboard with mining permits and violations. Kentuckys Energy and Environment Cabinet maintains a Surface Mining Information System with details on mining permits and violations. These dashboards are useful for exploring individual mines, but they do not provide data in a format that can be used for a systematic analysis. ProPublica and Mountain State Spotlight received the underlying data from both states in October 2022 in response to public records requests.

In both states, companies...



Alternative Archaeology

I figured that while we're on the subject of strange science and technology this week we might as well talk about another subject near



Midweek Muse "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

        Bullet Points: ** Rep. Kinzinger   A small man without friends attacks his base, hoping the Democrats will like him. The donkeys used him like a clearing barrel. ** Did former House Speaker Paul Ryan help to deep-six Tucker Carlson? GP weighs in on the issue. ** OAN offers Tucker Carlson []

The post Midweek Muse appeared first on Virtual Mirage.



Tidbits of Conspiracy News

V.T. shared this important article, and it is apropos to today's main blog:

The post TIDBIT: RUSSIAS ANTI-STEALTH CAPABILITIES appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


In the Game of Musical Mines, Environmental Damage Takes a Back Seat "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article was produced for ProPublicas Local Reporting Network in partnership with Mountain State Spotlight. Sign up for Dispatches to get stories like this one as soon as they are published.

Whenever a hard rain fell on Harlan County, Kentucky, the mud, rocks and debris from the Foresters No. 25 mine pounded down the hillside into the community of Wallins Creek.

Local residents repeatedly complained about washed-out culverts and mud in their yards. Time after time, county work crews came out after a heavy rain to repair Camp Creek Road, a water line that runs alongside it and a local bridge. The strip mines owner, Blackjewel, fixed some problems, but when the rains came again, so did the muddy flooding.

Amber Combs, who lived down the hill from Foresters, recalled a day in August 2017 when "the water was rushing down and the yard was a muddy slush pond. It was literally like a river around my house." Combs complained to Kentucky regulators, who fined Blackjewel $1,300, which it never paid. Overall, under Blackjewels ownership, Foresters would run up 17 violations and more than $600,000 in unpaid fines.

Runoff from Blackjewels Foresters No. 25 mine damaged a road in Wallins Creek, Kentucky, in 2020. (Silas Walker/Lexington Herald-Leader)

Founded in 2008 by West Virginia native Jeff Hoops, Blackjewel grew in just a decade to become the sixth-largest coal producer in the U.S., partly by accumulating mines like Foresters that had gone bankrupt. By 2018, it boasted more than 500 mining permits in Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming. Then, in July 2019, Blackjewel stunned the industry by declaring bankruptcy, with claims against it later estimated at $7.5 billion.

That December, environmental groups where Blackjewel operated...


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT NEW DAWN  Is the human race under spiritual attack? And did the...


West turning Ukraine into radioactive landfill embassy "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | April 26, 2023

Russia has condemned the UKs decision to send depleted uranium shells to Ukraine, saying the move marks an all-out escalation after the British Defence Ministry confirmed the radioactive weapons were already in Kievs hands.

Moscows UK embassy issued a statement on Tuesday after senior official James Heappey acknowledged that the British DU munitions had arrived on the battlefield, to be fired from Challenger 2 tanks also supplied to Ukraine.

James Heappeys comments are a grim testament to the ruthlessness of the Anglo-Saxons policy of all-out escalation of the proxy conflict they themselves unleashed in Ukraine, it said. He cynically stated that London is not monitoring the deployment of these weapons and has no obligation to eliminate the consequences of their use following the end of the conflict.

It has by now become self-evident that the West intends this country to become not only an anti-Russian military shooting range, but also a radioactive landfill with all the ensuing grave consequences for the health of local residents and the environment in the region.

The embassy went on to say that the British government would be responsible for the effects of the toxic ammunition and could not escape accountability by passing them off to Ukrainian forces.

In an interview with RT last week, Russias envoy to Britain, Ambassador Andrey Kelin, warned that DU munitions will be a terrible thing for the agriculture and for the people of Ukraine, saying radioactive residue could contaminate the countrys water and soil for at least six generations.

Both UK and US officials have disputed the purported health hazards associated with DU shells which use a dense uranium core to improve their armor-piercing capabilities and deny allegations that the weapons were linked to a spike in cancer and birth defects in Iraq.

Heappey has claimed depleted uranium carries only low health and environmental risks, pointing to a 2007 government study. He later added that the Defence Ministry would make no effort to track where Ukrainian forces use British-supplied DU rounds, and had no obligation to assist clean-up efforts after the conflict.



Pilot Had a Cardiac Arrest and Collapsed at Richmond International Airport (Richmond, VA) on April 11, 2023, Was Saved by Two TSA Officers "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Pilot Had a Cardiac Arrest and Collapsed at Richmond International Airport (Richmond, VA) on April 11, 2023, Was Saved by Two TSA Officers appeared first on Global Research.


Improving Your Pickleball Skills: Practice Drills and Exercises for Progress "IndyWatch Feed World"

Pickleball is a popular sport that is quickly gaining popularity among people of all ages. Its a great way to stay active and socialize with others while improving your hand-eye coordination and agility. However, like any sport, it takes practice to improve your skills and become a better player. In this article, we will discuss some practice drills and exercises to help you progress in pickleball.

1. Dink drills

Dinking is an essential skill in pickleball that involves lightly tapping the ball back and forth with your opponent. This skill is critical for keeping the ball in play and controlling the pace of the game. To improve your dinking skills, practice dink drills with a partner. Start with a slow pace and gradually increase the speed as you get more comfortable. Focus on keeping the ball low and controlling the direction of your shots.

2. Serve and return practice


The serve and return are the most critical shots in pickleball. They set the tone for the rest of the game and can be the difference between winning and losing. To improve your serve and return, practice serving and returning the ball with a partner. Try different types of serves, such as the lob, slice, and topspin. Focus on hitting the ball in the sweet spot of your paddle and placing it in the desired location.

3. Footwork drills

Footwork is critical in pickleball as it allows you to move quickly around the court and get into position for shots. To improve your footwork, practice footwork drills such as the ladder drill, where you step in and out of a ladder, or the cone drill, where you move around cones placed on the court. Focus on maintaining balance and proper form while moving quickly.

4. Third shot drop

The third shot drop is a crucial shot in pickleball that involves hitting the ball softly over the net to the opponents side of the court. This shot allows you to gain control of the game and set up a winning strategy. To improve your third shot drop, practice with a partner and focus on hitting the ball soft...


Russia rushes through law to tighten military conscription "IndyWatch Feed War"

Still from a recent Russian Army recruitment advert

Introduction April 25, 2023

Quietly and with little fanfare Russia has embarked on a massive expansion of its armed forces.

Earlier in March it launched a recruitment campaign with the aim of enrolling 400,000 volunteers. However, this was not to replace heavy losses in Ukraine, as some in the Western mainstream media have suggested.

As respected commentators like former UN Weapons Inspector and US Marine Intelligence officer Scott Ritter, and retired U.S. Army colonel and military consultant Douglas Macgregor have pointed out, Russian casualties in Ukraine have been a fraction of the 43,000 claimed by the US Defense Intelligence Agency.

To add to the allure of signing up, the new recruits will earn a minimum of 160,000 roubles ($2,700) a month, which is almost THREE TIMES THE NATIONAL AVERAGE.

Moreover, the 400,000 volunteers will be in addition to 500,000 new conscripts who are being called up under tightened draft legislation. That makes a combined total of 900,000 in addition to Russias current army of 830,000.

Meaning that Moscow intends to MORE THAN DOUBLE the size of its army by the end of the year!!

To put that into perspective: the British Army currently fields 112,000 soldiers. So Russia will expand its ground forces by a factor of EIGHT TIMES the size of the British Army!!

We are not talking about an incremental increase but a massive expansion of Russias army, which leads this writer to suspect that something far bigger may be in the works.

Why else would Moscow embark on such a massive expansion of its army if it werent preparing for a much bigger conflict?

Regardless of who is right or wrong, we need to understand that the war in Ukraine could be about to escalate dramatically and irrevocably. Ed.

Move fuels speculation a second wave of mobilisation is planned, despite Kremlin denials

Russia rushes through law to tighten military conscription

Pjotr Sauer The Guardian April 12, 2023


*****FLASH***** British Intel Source CONFIRMS Depleted Uranium Shells from UK have arrived in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

Hal Turner The Hal Turner Radio Show April 25, 2023

***** FLASH ***** A source within British Intelligence has confirmed to me personally that thousands of rounds of tank shells were shipped to Ukraine as supplies for donated Challenger tanks donated to Ukraine.  Among those thousands of tank shells are . . .  DEPLETED URANIUM SHELLS!

Russia has repeatedly and explicitly made clear that if Depleted Uranium shells are fired at Russian troops, Russia will regard the use of the ammunition as being a Dirty Bomb attack against Russia, and will respond with radioactive weapons of its own.  They did not say WHICH radioactive weapons.

It is now positively CONFIRMED that the United Kingdom has, in fact, successfully delivered into the possession of the Ukraine Army, Depleted Uranium tank shells.

What this means is that now, it is only a matter of time before Russia detects that such shells have been used by Ukraine, and responds.

That response will likely come without ANY warning at all.

Readers are urged to have their preps (Food, water, medicine, first-aid gear, generator, fuel, and the like) topped-off . . . and to appraise their family members of this situation.

Its really quite simple: When Ukraine hits Russians with Depleted Uranium shells, Russia will likely hit Ukraine with full blown nuclear weapons.  If that takes place, NATO jumps-in tot he war, and its nuclear immediately.

OR . . .

Russia may elect to strike at the UK directly for supplying such weapons. Obviously, if THAT happens, its also instant nuclear war.

In either case, the fight presently between Ukraine and Russia, will very likely go nuclear, and is extremely likely to involve NATO, meaning the outbreak of literal nuclear World War 3.

This can come at any time and without any warning.

Get right with God.

Below is an explanation of Depleted Uranium in battlefield use (Click image twice to enlarge):




Biden Prepares To Give Up On Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

Moon of Alabama April 25, 2023

The much ballyhooed Ukrainian counteroffensive is destined to fail its purpose of severing Russias supply line to Crimea and to liberate occupied territory. The Biden administration has finally recognized this and is out to lower expectations and to preemptively blame everyone but itself.

The first to be briefed was Politico:

Bidens team fears the aftermath of a failed Ukrainian counteroffensive
Behind closed doors, the administration worries about what Ukraine can accomplish.

The New York Times joined in:

Ukraines Spring Offensive Comes With Immense Stakes for Future of the War
Without a decisive victory, Western support for Ukraine could weaken, and Kyiv could come under increasing pressure to enter serious peace talks to end or freeze the conflict.

From the Politico piece:

Publicly, President Joe Bidens team has offered unwavering support for Ukraine, pledging to load it up with weapons and economic aid for as long as it takes. But, if the impending fighting season yields limited gains, administration officials have expressed privately they fear being faced with a two-headed monster attacking it from the hawkish and dovish ends of the spectrum.One side will say that Ukraines advances wouldve worked had the administration given Kyiv everything it asked for, namely longer-range missiles, fighter jets and more air defenses. The other side, administration officials worry, will claim Ukraines shortcoming proves it cant force Russia out of its territory completely.

That doesnt even account for the reaction of Americas allies, mainly in Europe, who may see a peace negotiation between Ukraine and Russia as a more attractive option if Kyiv cant prove victory is around the corner.

The Times offers less drama:

Cont. reading: Biden Prepares To Give Up On Ukraine


Video: Days Before Being Fired, Tucker Carlson Exposed WEF Efforts To Force People To Eat Bugs "IndyWatch Feed War"

Steve Watson SUMMIT.News April 25, 2023

Just days before he was fired from Fox News, Tucker Carlson put out an expos on the efforts of Klaus Schwabs World Economic Forum to change the diets of people worldwide by pushing bug eating.

Carlson has been fired apparently for being the most successful and popular anchor on any network. So, in order to understand why, it makes sense to look at exactly who Tucker wasnt popular with.

Here is one of his last Fox programs to air:


Carlson was heavily promoting the special in the past few days:



The Dancing Sugar Plum Fairies are All Obese. They are Like Chocolate Thunder-Tucked Lizzos in Elephantine Distress. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Smoking Mirrors April 25, 2023

Dog Poet Transmitting.

My head is heavy. The dancing sugar plum drag-queen fairies are all obese. They are like chocolate thunder-tucked Lizzos in elephantine distress. The floorboards that shield the self-conscious mind from the terrors of the subconscious are not rated for this kind of weight.

Like sodden, vaccine-death floaters pulled from poisonous lakes; Lovecraftian monsters whose names can only be written in Cyrillic script, wink at me like zombie hookers from beneath the surface. I remember well when Frodo in a hypnotic stupor fell into The Dead Marshes.

The God of Materialism looks like Jabba The Hutt except not so comely and graceful. The Sugar Plum Fatties dance before him like doves before a cobra, except it is a certainty these doves cannot fly. It is a sad thing to see a culture fall so abruptly and ignominiously.

You can lead a whore-to-culture but you cant make her think.

Materialism. Its not whats for dinner because in the advanced states of Materialism, you are whats for dinner. Its bread and circuses 24-7 with fast food celebrities rolling across the windshield of the car humming on the concrete blocks going nowhere, like revolving tin ducks at a carnival shooting gallery; go ahead and confuse it with that other kind of shooting gallery.

These celebrities are the ones who keep the brainless in formation. The brainless you could call them The Mindless are a huge demographic of millions hundreds of millions around The World that allows The Deep State; Globoctopus to reach its tentacles everywhere because The Stupid who are also the brainless who are also The Mindless are the fastest growing demographic on Earth.

The only collective as rapidly increasing as they are are the people who dont know what sex they are and will sleep with anything breathing or dead, in their imaginations. The Grand Guignol is a reality. Hellraiser is the new Disneyland. It has its own cable television network with simulacrum shows that mimic the indigestible shit on the other channels with slight differences.

children with backstage mommies, and you can guess at the content. Im not going to tell you. Its like Cuties on Pornhub.

Recently I have been trying to understand why I am feeling the tremors of having been somewhere before like deja-vu all over again. I can hear Where or When playing in the back of my head. Its on some kind of looping playlist with You Belong to Me and a whole lot of other nostalgia tunes that should have been on the soundtrack for Angel...


Freedom of Religion and Other Lies "IndyWatch Feed War"

Philip Giraldi The Unz Review April 25, 2023

Israeli police at the al Aqsa Mosque

The United States government, in its incessant bullying of foreign nations to get them to see the world the way that the cabal that runs Washington sees it, ironically often cites such fictions as the rule of law that guarantees such rights as free speech and freedom of religion to justify its illegal actions. Right at the moment, the United States maintains garrisons illegally in both Iraq, where the countrys parliament has asked it to depart, and also in neighboring Syria where the government is fighting an insurgency that seeks regime change and is supported by both the US and Israel. The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 is analogous to what Russia has done in Ukraine though Moscow certainly had stronger compelling national security reasons for doing what it did while the United States had to construct a series of lies to provide as an excuse to topple Saddam Hussein, an objective strongly supported by Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, who added his own fabrications to the exchanges.

One has to look to the media to discern the reasons why some developments are wrapped in religious freedom or democracy promotion while other actions are ignored or even covered-up. Currently the right-wing Jewish extremists who have gained control of Israels government are engaging in something like genocide directed against the Palestinian population, many of whom are actually Israeli citizens though possessing second class rights when they are enforced at all. Israel regards itself legally as a Jewish state, so what is the rule of law for those who are not Jews and how does it perceive religious freedom? Considerable government pressure is being exerted to force the terrorists, as the Arab residents are frequently called, to emigrate or face the consequences if they choose not to. It is directed most particularly against those Palestinians who are leaders in their community and it has therefore focused on the major Arab religious groups, both the Christians and the Muslims.

Ironically, though one can read in the...


Jewish group and MPs urge GB News to stop indulging conspiracy theories "IndyWatch Feed War"

Peter Walker The Guardian Feb 8, 2023

The UKs leading Jewish organisation and a group of MPs have called on GB News and the media regulator Ofcom to tackle the broadcasters indulgence of conspiracy theories, warning that some recent segments and guests risked spreading ideas linked to antisemitism.

The criticism comes as the channel faces increasing scrutiny over its mix of serious news with programmes that delve heavily into conspiracies about areas including Covid vaccines and a plot to create a world government.

The decision by the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the all-party parliamentary group against antisemitism to speak out follows a recent edition of the weekly GB News show hosted by Neil Oliver, the broadcaster and historian.

Oliver, who delivers trademark monologues to camera, used the show last Saturday to discuss what he called a silent war by generations of politicians to take total control of the people and impose a one-world government.

The idea seemingly echoes a noted conspiracy theory document called Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, supposedly a secret manual for world government found by chance in 1986. This has a long section on the role of the Rothschild banking dynasty, a common antisemitic trope.

On the same show, one of Olivers guests was a man called William Keyte, introduced as a constitutional expert, who is a supporter of a fringe campaign group called the New Chartist Movement.

Keytes focus is on the supposed primacy of common law over parliament, which has no crossover with antisemitic ideas.

However, the New Chartist Movement website contains articles written by other members and contributors that contain antisemitic-linked ideas. It also features pieces written by David Icke, the TV presenter-turned conspiracy theorist who has claimed that a shadowy cabal controls the world, a familiar antisemitic argument.

Other articles on the New Chartist website include one arguing that the corporate and banking Deep State, completely supported by the Zionist state of Israel plans to take control of UK politics, another antisemitic notion. Another argues that the House of Rothschild has a pivotal role in world affairs.

Keyte has contributed an interview to another conspiracy theory website. While his video is about the common law, other parts of the site include conspiracies about Covid and the 5G network, plus a video with antisemitic overtones about the illuminati and the Bilderberg group.

Keyte told the Guardian his interest was in constitutional law. He said: It seems a shame that rather than focus on the important issues I raised in the interview with Neil in which so many people appear to be interested, you seem to be embarking on a piece about an...


Syria Comes in From the Cold. Scott Ritter "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Died Suddenly: Military Cadets, Mandated to be Fully COVID-19 Vaccinated, Are Dying Suddenly Recently "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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World Military Expenditure Reaches New Record High as European Spending Surges "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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What I learned by trying 6 Twitter alternatives "IndyWatch Feed World"

These upstart social networks offer havens for the Musk-adverse. Im glad they exist, even if its unlikely theyll all be around forever.

Back in February, I wrote about why I wasnt leaving Twitteryet. I still havent. It continues to be full of smart, clever people I enjoy hanging out with. But its finally dawned on me why Twitter has devolved into a circus and may well keep on devolving until quitting it is a necessary act of self-respect.

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Hollywood Morphs The Incredible Story Of Chevalier Into A Blah Black-Oppression Romance "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Chevalier de Saint-Georges.The real-life tale of the Chevalier de Saint-Georges and the French Revolution more broadly deserves a full telling in all its complexities and tragedies.


BREAKDOWN: What is known about the status of Ukraine's much-hyped 'counteroffensive' against Russia? "IndyWatch Feed World"

The West has pumped Kiev with modern armaments and trained tens of thousands of its troops. How ready is the Ukrainian army for a counter-offensive? So far, Ukraine's planned military assault, originally announced for November 2022, has been postponed indefinitely. Foreign sources differ in their assessment of Kiev's readiness for a counterattack against Russia and agree that it is difficult for the Ukrainians to gather enough forces. What is stopping the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) from advancing now? One of the main problems preventing the AFU from carrying out the announced offensive is considered to be a lack of experienced personnel. A large portion of the combat-ready, equipped and motivated cadre units of the AFU (as well as the NGU and Territorial Defense) have already been destroyed in Mariupol, Artemovsk, Soledar, Popasnaya, Lisichansk, Severodonetsk and during the battles in the Kherson and Kharkov regions in the summer of 2022. Meanwhile, a new grouping of equal...


Denying The Sexes Is Bigger Than Bathrooms And Sports. Its About Forcing All Of Us To Live A Lie "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

cross-dressersWe are fighting not just a culture war but a war for rationality, science, and norms that have been in place since the dawn of humanity.


Crisis Of Enslaved Migrant Kids Should Disqualify Biden From A Second Term "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

US-Mexico borderBidens first term has shown he is uninterested in and incapable of fixing our broken immigration system.


Conservatives Need To Be Producers, Not Just Consumers "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

entrepreneurs brainstorming around a tableSimply consuming news and stopping there only makes you angry. Make your anger lead toward production instead of apathy.

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