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Monday, 15 May


Oh, das hatte ich ja gar nicht mitgekriegt: Oberverwaltungsgericht ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Oh, das hatte ich ja gar nicht mitgekriegt: Oberverwaltungsgericht verbietet russische Fahnen bei der Gedenkveranstaltung zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs.

Zur Begrndung teilte das Oberverwaltungsgericht mit, die Prognose der Polizei, dass die Symbole angesichts des fortdauernden Angriffskrieges gegen die Ukraine geeignet seien, Gewaltbereitschaft zu vermitteln, treffe zu. "Denn sie knnten im aktuellen Kontext jedenfalls als Sympathiebekundung fr die Kriegsfhrung verstanden werden", heit es in der Pressemitteilung des Gerichts.
Ach. Ach was. Das ist ja mal sehr dnnes Eis, auf dem die da gehen. Jetzt sind Dinge verboten, weil man sie missverstehen knnte? Was wenn jemand dieses Urteil als Aufruf zur Revolution missversteht?!

Seit ein paar Tagen kursiert die Nummer mit Habeck ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Seit ein paar Tagen kursiert die Nummer mit Habeck und Graichen und dem ko-Institut. Ich las zuerst davon im Tagesspiegel. Die ganze Nummer riecht ein bisschen nach Vetternwirtschaft. Es gibt da im ko-Institut ein paar hochrangige Mitarbeiter, die familire Beziehungen zu Habeck und Staatssekretren im Wirtschaftsministerium haben.

Der Vorwurf ist, dass die Grnen jetzt Auftrge an das ko-Institut vergeben, von denen die familiren Bekannten dort etwas haben.

Ist das Vetternwirtschaft? Ein bisschen ein Geschmckle hat es auf den ersten Blick. Aber ich will mal versuchen, das andersherum zu formulieren.

Das ko-Institut ist die Anlaufstelle fr Klimaschutzfragen und so. Schon lnger als die Grnen Regierungsbeteiligung haben. Das ko-Institut ging aus der Anti-Atomkraft-Bewegung hervor und wurde 1977 (!) gegrndet. Die Grnen wurden 1980 gegrndet. Das Institut ist lter als die Partei.

Aus meiner Sicht mssten die Grnen also eher begrnden, wenn sie jemand anderem Auftrge geben wrden, als wenn sie denen Auftrge geben. Das ko-Institut ist brigens ein e.V., das sich ber Drittmittel aus Projekten, Spenden und Mitgliedsbeitrgen finanziert. Die sind also unabhngiger als alle Industrie-Experten, und wenn man sich die Drittmittelquellen anguckt, dann vermutlich auch unabhngiger als die meisten Universitten, die schon mit sich ringen mssen, keine Drittmittel von Militrs anzunehmen.

Wenn die Grnen also dem ko-Institut Auftrge geben, finde ich das nicht anrchig oder auch nur erklrungsbedrftig. Wenn Familienmitglieder von dem Habeck da arbeiten, deute ich das eher positiv. Der Habeck hat Familienmitglieder, die aktiv gegen den Klimawandel mithelfen wollen, und dafr die (vermute ich mal) deutlich weniger luxurisen Gehlter gegenber einem Posten in der Wirtschaft hinzunehmen, weil es um die gute Sache geht.

Aber ja. Ein gewisses Geschmckle gibt es. Wenn jetzt jemand zeigen knnte, dass diese Leute irgendwie inkompetent oder von der Industrie gekauft sind oder so. Aber die Frage hat soweit ich sehen kann nicht mehr irgendjemand auch nur gestellt. Insofern ist das aus meiner Sicht ein fetter Nothingburger.

Wieso spreche ich das dann jetzt berhaupt an? Weil ich mich endlos darber aufregen knnte, dass ausgerechnet die CDU es wagt, hier einen auf dicke Hose zu machen und Korruption zu brllen. Die Partei mit den "jdischen Vermchtnissen"! Die Partei mit dem Kanzler, der nicht sagen wollte, von wo die Gelder kamen. Die Partei mit dem spteren Finanzminister, der Koffer voller Bargeld unklarer Herkunft persnlich transportiert hat. Die Partei mit der Flick-Affre. Wenn man die CSU dazunimmt: Die mit der Amigo-Affre! Die mit den Masken-Affren!

Die korruptesten Kriminellen im Parlament wagen es, jetzt auf andere zu zeigen, und...

Lacher des Tages:Inter Mailand ist im Halbfinale der ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Lacher des Tages:

Inter Mailand ist im Halbfinale der Champions League ohne Trikotsponsor angetreten, der Klub wartete vergeblich auf das Geld seines Kryptosponsors - und ist damit nicht alleine.
Scheie, Bernd, htte uns nur jemand rechtzeitig davor gewarnt, dass diese Krypto-Branche im Wesentlichen aus Scammern besteht!1!!

Leserbrief zu meinem Gedankengang zu "KI" und Telefonen:Mein ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Leserbrief zu meinem Gedankengang zu "KI" und Telefonen:

Mein Gedanke am Anfang des Post war was passiert wenn die KI selbst "lter wird". Jetzt ist das ja ein Stck Software dass mit einem Trainingssatz Stand X trainiert wird. Aber wie geht das auf Dauer weiter? Was passiert wenn eine KI nicht immer neu aufgesetzt wird, sondern "weiterlebt". Dann mte sie doch auch ber die Zeit altes gelerntes vergessen weil es weniger im Input vorkommt.

Und vor allem was passiert wenn eine zuknftige KI zu einem grsseren Anteil Texte lernt die von einer heutigen KI erstellt wurde? Ist das dann so wie wenn man ein JPG als JPG speichert und das dann als JPG,... und die Artifakte immer schlimmer werden?

Ja und nein. Ja, das ist eine Sorge, in meinen Augen auch eine berechtigte Sorge, die ich nicht explizit ansprach, weil sie sich ja sozusagen aus meinem Gedankengang ergibt. Wenn die Menschen das verlernen, gibt es keinen frischen Input mehr.

Es gibt zwei offensichtliche Auswege. Entweder wird die "KI" tatschlich knstlich intelligent und kann eigene Inhalte schaffen (und braucht uns dann nicht mehr und wird uns alle tten) oder die "KI" verdet genau wie die Menschen verdet sind, weil keiner mehr selbst denken musste. Beides klingt nicht sonderlich attraktiv.

brigens, kleine Randbemerkung: Ihr habt ja vielleicht mitgekriegt, dass gerade die Writers Guild of America streikt, und daher lauter Late Night Talkshows ausfallen und Serien aussetzen mssen. Aber was ein bisschen untergeht ist, wofr die eigentlich streiken. Hier sind ihre Forderungen, und natrlich geht es da um Bezahlung, aber es geht auch um:

Regulate use of material produced using artificial intelligence or similar technologies
Ein paar mehr Details hat die New York Times:
In essence, writers are asking the studios for guardrails against being replaced by A.I., having their work used to train A.I. or being hired to punch up A.I.-generated scripts at a fraction of their former pay rates.

Fhrt hier jemand einen Toyota?Toyota Japan has apologized ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Fhrt hier jemand einen Toyota?

Toyota Japan has apologized after admitting to leaving millions of customers vehicle details on the public internet for a decade.
Cloud-Fehlkonfiguration. Kann man nichts machen.

Erinnert ihr euch noch an den Cyberclown? Den ehemaligen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Erinnert ihr euch noch an den Cyberclown? Den ehemaligen BSI-Chef? Der dann ber eine Bhmermann-Sendung voller Konjunktive und weitgehend beweisfreiem Herumgeraune strzte?

Ich hatte damals berichtet und kommentiert, dass ich den Schnbohm nicht mag und mit seiner Arbeit und der Arbeit des BSI unzufrieden bin, aber er nicht wegen dieser Scheie zurcktreten sollte, sondern weil er schlechte Arbeit macht.

Nun, die Faeser hat ihn damals geschasst. Feuern konnte sie ihn nicht mangels Beweisen, denn der Schnbohm ist ja im Gegensatz zu der Faeser zwar nicht inhaltlich aber wenigstens prozedural ein Profi und hat sich immer alles abzeichnen lassen, bevor er es gemacht hat.

Jedenfalls hat die Nummer jetzt ein Nachspiel. Setzt euch fest hin, denn das wird euch sonst aus dem Stuhl fegen!

Nun, sechs Monate spter, steht fest: Die Vorwrfe waren offenbar haltlos. Nach unseren Informationen aus Regierungskreisen rumte das Innenministerium Ende April in einem entsprechenden Schreiben an Schnbohms Anwlte ein: Die sechsmonatigen behrdeninternen Voruntersuchungen htten keine Anhaltspunkte gebracht, die die Einleitung eines Disziplinarverfahren rechtfertigen wrden.
Ach. Ach was.

Da stellt sich mir direkt eine Frage, von der ich mir wnsche, dass sie auch von anderen gestellt wird: Ist die Faeser schon zurckgetreten? Wenn nein: Warum nicht?!

Frau Faeser hat sich in der ganzen Nummer voll verrannt, lag von Anfang an erkennbar falsch und sollte jetzt Konsequenzen tragen.


Kwara South Suffering From Clear-Cut Leadership Kwara Dep Governor "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Deputy Governor of Kwara State, Mr Kayode Alabi has challenged the leaders of thought in the Kwara South Senatorial District on the clear-cut leader that would provide directions for prosperity for the people of the district. Alabi made the call while speaking at the Kwara South Leaders retreat held at Thomas Adewumi University, Oko,...

The post Kwara South Suffering From Clear-Cut Leadership Kwara Dep Governor appeared first on New Telegraph.


NCC To UI Students: How To Avoid Data Depletion On Mobile Devices "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Following the intensive enlightenment given them on how to avoid undue exhaustion/depletion of their data on the Internet services, the Chairman, Board of Commissioners of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Professor Adeolu Akande, has charged students of the University of Ibadan to help propagate to the teeming telecom subscribers the causes and tips on how...

The post NCC To UI Students: How To Avoid Data Depletion On Mobile Devices appeared first on New Telegraph.


Microsoft Will Take Nearly a Year to Finish Patching New 0-Day Secure Boot Bug "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Earlier this week, Microsoft released a patch to fix a Secure Boot bypass bug used by the BlackLotus bootkit we reported on in March. The original vulnerability, CVE-2022-21894, was patched in January, but the new patch for CVE-2023-24932 addresses another actively exploited workaround for systems running Windows 10 and 11 and Windows Server versions going back to Windows Server 2008.

The BlackLotus bootkit is the first-known real-world malware that can bypass Secure Boot protections, allowing for the execution of malicious code before your PC begins loading Windows and its many security protections. Secure Boot has been enabled by default for over a decade on most Windows PCs sold by companies like Dell, Lenovo, HP, Acer, and others. PCs running Windows 11 must have it enabled to meet the software's system requirements.
Additionally, once the fixes have been enabled, your PC will no longer be able to boot from older bootable media that doesn't include the fixes. On the lengthy list of affected media: Windows install media like DVDs and USB drives created from Microsoft's ISO files; custom Windows install images maintained by IT departments; full system backups; network boot drives including those used by IT departments to troubleshoot machines and deploy new Windows images; stripped-down boot drives that use Windows PE; and the recovery media sold with OEM PCs.

I.E.: You will have to turn "Secure Boot" off in order to install Linux, probably.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


JUST-IN: Sanwo-Olu Visits Amore Garden To Support Hilda Baci "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Lagos State Governor,  Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu has stormed Amore Garden in the company of others to show support to the Akwa Ibom State cook, Hilda Effiong, also known as Hilda Baci, as she set to break the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking time as an individual on Saturday. New Telegraph had earlier...

The post JUST-IN: Sanwo-Olu Visits Amore Garden To Support Hilda Baci appeared first on New Telegraph.


Manchester United Ready To Pounce On Chelseas Player "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Chelseas rival,  Manchester United willing to pay 30m for Chelsea star as Ten Hag looks to capitalise on Blues clear-out sale. Chelseas Croatian international is likely to leave Stamford Bridge, with Todd Boehly looking to get several players off the books this summer. However, Man United are not the only club interested in Kovacic, with...

The post Manchester United Ready To Pounce On Chelseas Player appeared first on New Telegraph.


James Wimshursts Electrostatic Immortality "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The British engineer James Wimshurst did not invent the machine that bears his name. But thanks to his many refinements to a distinctive type of electrostatic generator, we now have the Wimshurst influence machine.

What does a Wimshurst machine do?

Influence machines date back to the 18th century. They are a class of generator that converts mechanical work into electrostatic energy through induction. By the mid-19th century, the German physicists Wilhelm Holtz and August Toepler had each developed a model that featured rotating vertical glass disks. It was this style of generator that Wimshurst began tinkering with in his home workshop in the early 1880s. By 1883 he had solidified his design.

The Wimshurst machine as it exists today has two insulated disks, often made from plastic but sometimes still made from glass, with metal conducting plates positioned around the rims. The disks are mounted on a single axle and rotate in opposite directions when driven by a hand crank.

As the disks rotate, a small starting charge, either positive or negative, on one metal plate will move toward a double-ended brush on the second disk. When the plate aligns with the brush, it will induce an equal and opposite charge on the plate thats directly across from it on the other disk. The resulting charge in turn causes an opposite charge on a plate on the first disk. Meanwhile, plates on the second disk induce charges on the first disk. Metal collector combs separate the charges into positive and negative and conduct them to two Leyden jar capacitors. The buildup eventually discharges with a spark that jumps the gap between two terminals, and the process begins again. A tabletop Wimshurst machine could produce up to 50,000 or 60,000 volts, as this video demonstrates:

Animate It - Wimshurst Machine

The simple design was easy to reproduce and operate, and so Wimshurst machines found their way into laboratories...


De Brutale Gekte van de Amsterdamse Host "IndyWatch Feed War"

Gistermiddag bij mij op de hoek brak een brandje uit, en als oude journalist kon ik het niet laten om even te  kijken, en wat fotootjes te maken. Wat mij opviel was dat er zoveel mannen verkleedt als 'host' rondliepen. Dus fotootje. De voorste man riep onmiddellijk: 'wat doe je daar? geef me jouw camera! ik wil niet dat je een foto maakt.' Ik: 'pardon, wie bent u? welk recht meent u te hebben om mij te verbieden in de openbare ruimte een foto te maken?' Host: 'Geef me je toestel!' Ik: 'geen sprake van, jongeman, wie denk je wel dat je bent?Daar over de brug staat de politie, ga daar maar je beklag doen. Vergeet niet dat wij burgers om jou als werkloze betalen om  host te spelen. Doorgaans doen jullie niks behalve met elkaar lullen. Hoepel op, malloot.' Het tweetal droop af. 

Wat is er toch met Amsterdam gebeurt? Dit is het resultaat van een politiek en ambtelijk gecorrumpeerd systeem. Welnu, blijf terug praten mensen. De politiek staat in dienst van ons burgers. Zo niet, dan moeten de burgers zich daartegen verzetten. 


My mother "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I think she was something of a pioneer/ Or even a warrior in her own way


Senate Leadership: Akpabios Selection Gods Will- Group "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The South-South Youth Alliance declared on Sunday that those opposed to the selection of Godswill Akpabio as Senate President are opposed to the will of God for Nigeria. It would be recalled that ahead of the June 13 swearing-in of the 10th Senate, the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) has 13 members who have previously...

The post Senate Leadership: Akpabios Selection Gods Will- Group appeared first on New Telegraph.


Why Nigeria May Be Under Pressure Over China Prof Akinyemi "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Professor Bolaji Akinyemi, a former Minister of Foreign Affairs has said that Nigeria may be caught in the crossfire of allegiance between the United States and China during the push for a New World Order. The ex-Minister stated this while speaking at Rotary Internationals District 9110s 41st Annual District Conference, in Abeokuta, Ogun State. The...

The post Why Nigeria May Be Under Pressure Over China Prof Akinyemi appeared first on New Telegraph.


Capita warns customers to assume that their data was stolen "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

UK outsourcing giant Capita is informing customers that their data may have been stolen in the cyberattack that hit the company in early April.

In early April, the UK outsourcing giant Capita confirmed that its staff was locked out of their accounts on Friday after a cyber incident.

Capita is one of the governments biggest suppliers, with 6.5bn of public sector contracts, reported The Guardian. The outsourcing firm signed numerous contracts with the Ministry of Defence.

In an update shared on April 3 about the incident, the company announced it has experienced a cyber incident primarily impacting access to internal Microsoft Office 365 applications. 

The attack disrupted some services provided to individual clients, but the company pointed out that the majority of its client services were not impacted.

Our IT security monitoring capabilities swiftly alerted us to the incident, and we quickly invoked our established and practised technical crisis management protocols. Immediate steps were taken to successfully isolate and contain the issue. The issue was limited to parts of the Capita network and there is no evidence of customer, supplier or colleague data having been compromised. reads the update.

Working in collaboration with our specialist technical partners, we have restored Capita colleague access to Microsoft Office 365 and we are making good progress restoring remaining client services in a secure and controlled manner.

On April 17, the Black Basta ransomware gang added Capita to its data leak site, claiming the theft of personal and financial data, including ban...


Hilda Baci Breaks Records, Cooks Over 110 Meals, Serves Over 2,795 People In 64hrs "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nigerian chef, Hilda Effiong Bassey, better known as Hilda Baci, has hit rocket climax as she cooks over 110 meals in her quest to break the Guinness World Record for the longest individual cooking marathon. Hilda has been cooking non-stop for over 64 hours, with some hours left to surpass the existing Guinness record of...

The post Hilda Baci Breaks Records, Cooks Over 110 Meals, Serves Over 2,795 People In 64hrs appeared first on New Telegraph.


The town hall was not that great for convicted sex offender Donald Trump "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The day after he was found guilty of sexual assault and defamation against E. Jean Carroll, convicted sex offender Donald Trump (CSODT) took part in a town hall in New Hampshire that was broadcast live by CNN and hosted by one of their anchors Kaitlin Collins. I did not watch it but the general reviews were that it was a debacle for CNN because they gave CSODT a platform to spew forth a barrage of lies and insults to Carroll to an audience that cheered him on. As always, the media tends to take the attitude that anything, anything at all, works in favor of Republicans and that this shows that CSODT was not hurt by the verdict.

But is that true?

The biggest fault of CNN was in agreeing that the audience would be made up of Republicans. That makes a mockery of the concept of a town hall which is supposed to contain a fairly representative sample of the community. This was more like an indoor rally of partisans. New Hampshire governor John Sununu, himself a Republican, said that he was embarrassed by what he saw and what the crowds behavior conveyed about the people of his state.

[Sununu] was speaking to Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary turned MSNBC host, in an interview to be broadcast in full on Sunday.

As the camera pans through that audience, I knew pretty much everybody, the governor said.

Theyre all Trump supporters. So the audience was absolutely filled with Trump supporters. So I wasnt surprised to hear the support.

But when youre talking about a serious issue like that, and laughter and mocking and all that, its completely embarrassing, without a doubt, and it doesnt shine a positive light on New Hampshire.

The audience for the CNN event was always meant to be Republican but Sununu said almost all who attended voted for Trump in 2016, 2020 or both.

I believe every single one of them have voted for Trump at some point, he said. So I dont know how [CNN] determined that and set that up but obviously it was a room full of Trump supporters. So no one should have been surprised to hear the support.

Media critic Jack Shafer said that for all its faults, the event served a purpose, and that is to teach the media that one should never grant CSODT a live interview.

The captains who steer the SS CNN sent first mate Kaitlan Collins into the bilge Wednesday night to bail out the sinking ship with a thimble, while Donald Trump used the town hall format to blast a hole in CNNs hull with a torpedo barrage of lies.

Collins, a resourceful journalist who thinks as fast on her feet as Muhammad Ali did on his, couldnt...


Republicans demand Biden take cognitive test or drop out "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

At least 61 members of Congress submitted a letter to the US president expressing concern with his mental state. US President Joe Biden must pass a cognitive exam or abandon the 2024 presidential race, 61 Republican members of the House of Representatives demanded on Thursday in an open letter to the commander-in-chief. The United States []

Republicans demand Biden take cognitive test or drop out "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

At least 61 members of Congress submitted a letter to the US president expressing concern with his mental state. US President Joe Biden must pass a cognitive exam or abandon the 2024 presidential race, 61 Republican members of the House of Representatives demanded on Thursday in an open letter to the commander-in-chief. The United States []

Republicans demand Biden take cognitive test or drop out "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

At least 61 members of Congress submitted a letter to the US president expressing concern with his mental state. US President Joe Biden must pass a cognitive exam or abandon the 2024 presidential race, 61 Republican members of the House of Representatives demanded on Thursday in an open letter to the commander-in-chief. The United States []

00:11 Goes Live (New Gemini Protocol Site) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link | md5sum fe56ce0b303c16f4a0e2f5b56bebcd12
Geminispace Gets Another Project and Site
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: is born; it was announced a day ago and promoted, with Bubble being unveiled to the public. Discovery of new Gemini pages will hopefully be made easier, including collaboration and interaction across capsules and users.

G has been unveiled. Over the World Wide Web it serves the basic page shown below, promoting its authors Gemini client Lagrange and some technical documentation (for now).

One thing Gemini has long lacked is discovery in other words the ability to find/discover new content. For our own sake weve made this page that updates every 60 minutes, but its functionality is very limited/basic. can do a better job at it. Its a much-needed expansion of Cosmos, another project from a Finnish Graphics/multimedia researcher at Nokia.


Link "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ilya Tsukanov Sputnik 14.05.2023

The NATO-Russia proxy war in Ukraine has been replete with sabotage and terrorism by the United States and its Kiev vassals. Now, some in Washington seem to want to apply these same tactics against China in Taiwan as well.

Fresh revelations from the so-called Pentagon Leaks of Ukraine-related US intelligence have exposed evidence of discussions between President Zelensky and his staff about the need to bomb a major Russian oil pipeline going to Hungary, occupy Russian territory and strike the country using long-range NATO missiles.

In one of the leaked conversations, dated from late January, Zelensky reportedly proposed conduct[ing] strikes in Russia and occupy[ing] unspecified Russian border cities in a bid to give Kiev leverage in talks with Moscow.

In another, this one taking place in February between Zelensky and Ukrainian Armed Forces commander in chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the Ukrainian president expressed concern about Kievs lack of long-range missiles capable of reaching Russian troop deployments in Russia nor anything with which to attack them, and recommended targeting deployment locations in Rostov using drones.

In a third, also from February, this time with deputy prime minister Yuliya Svyrydenko, Zelensky proposed blowing up the massive Soviet-built Druzhba (Friendship) oil pipeline running from Russia through Ukraine in the direction of Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic to destroy Hungarian industry, which is based heavily on Russian oil.

US intelligence officials qualified in the latter conversation as a matter of frustrated Zelensky possibly expressing rage toward Hungary and therefore making hyperbolic, meaningless threats.

However, the record of Kievs actions over the course of the past year in the conflict with Russia shows otherwise with assassinations of officials in the Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye, terror bombings targeting journalists, attacks on infrastructure, air bases,...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Prominent Sudanese Singer Shaden Gardood Killed in Crossfire

A famous Sudanese singer was killed during fighting on Friday in Omdurman, despite a truce aimed at protecting civilians.

14 May 2023

Shaden Gardood, a prominent Sudanese singer, has been killed in crossfire between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Omdurman city.

Fierce battles engulfed Omdurman and its twin city Khartoum on Friday, when Gardood was killed, and Saturday despite an agreement to protect civilians before ceasefire talks due to resume in Saudi Arabia on Sunday.

Omdurman has seen heavy fighting since the war began on April 15 as the two sides fought through several truces and have shown no sign of being willing to compromise.

Gardood lived in the el-Hashmab neighbourhood, which is near the National TV and Radio building, a focal point for the fighting.

Omdurman is a city of considerable significance, even giving its name to a genre of music called Omdurman songs, which fuses Egyptian and European orchestral influences with Sudanese rhythms and melodies and was first broadcast on Radio Omdurman.

Tributes pour in

The BBC reported that Gardood promoted peace and security in her region and promoted the culture of her marginalised community, the Baggara from South Kordofan.

Tributes flooded in online after her niece confirmed her death on Facebook, stating Gardood was like a mother and a beloved to me, we were just chatting, may God give her mercy.

Several posts suggested that Gardood had been killed after a mortar hit her home.

The singer had been active on Facebook in the days leading up to her death, using the platform to criticise the war while offering encouragement to other civilians trapped in the fighting.

In a recent post, she said: We have been trapped in our houses for 25 days we are hungry and living in an enormous fear, but are full of ethics and values.

The BBC reported that Gardood is survived by her 15-year-old son, Hamoudy, and her mother and sister.

More than 600 civilians...


Ekiti: Oyebanji Assures People With Special Needs On Adequate Representation "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Ekiti State Governor, Mr Biodun Oyebanji has said that his administration would ensure that people with special needs and students of Special Schools in the state get the desired attention with the appointment of a Special Adviser (to the Governor), in charge of people with special needs. This, according to the Governor, will give...

The post Ekiti: Oyebanji Assures People With Special Needs On Adequate Representation appeared first on New Telegraph.


Nakba: a past-present "IndyWatch Feed War"

An archival image of Palestinian refugees who were forced from their homes during the Nakba with the text Nakba is 75 years of what is happening to us, not what happened. Nothing remains. But in the traces Everything remains.


A Guard Bot For Your Home Assistant "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While fixed sensors, relays, and cameras can be helpful in monitoring your home, there are still common scenarios you need to physically go and check something. Unfortunately, this is often the case when youre away from home. To address this challenge, [PriceLessToolkit] created a guardian bot that can be controlled through Home Assistant.

The robots body is made from 3D-printed components designed to house the various modules neatly. The ESP32 camera module provides Wi-Fi and video capabilities, while the Arduino Pro Mini serves as the bots controller. Other peripherals include a light and radar sensor, an LED ring for status display, and a speaker for issuing warnings to potential intruders. The motor controllers are salvaged from two 9-gram servos. The onboard LiPo battery can be charged wirelessly with an integrated charging coil and controller by driving the bot onto a 3D-printed dock.

This build is impressive in its design and execution, especially considering how messy it can get when multiple discrete modules are wired together. The rotating castor wheels made from bearings add...


How Blackrock Investment Fund Triggered the Global Energy Crisis "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The energy crisis is a long-planned strategy of western corporate capital to dismantle industrial economies in the name of a dystopian Green Agenda. That has its roots well before February 2022, when Russia launched its military action in Ukraine.

The post How Blackrock Investment Fund Triggered the Global Energy Crisis appeared first on Global Research.


Vint Cerfs Career Advice for Engineers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Vint Cerf, recipient of the 2023 IEEE Medal of Honor, has this advice to engineers starting out their careers:

  • If you really want to do something big, get help, and preferably from people who are smarter than you are.
  • Be humble, because unless you approach things with the understanding that you really dont know exactly how to make it all work, you may overlook possibilities.
  • Listen to other people. I tell my engineers that if they know Im about to do something stupid, they have to tell me, so I dont do it. And if they knew and didnt tell me, thats going to be reflected in their end-of-year fitness report. When youre in a position of responsibility and authority, people may assume youve already figured out where the hazards are, but you may not have.
  • Try hard to stay on good terms with everybody. Civility is an important property, and burning bridges is generally a bad idea; you never know who youre going to work with again, who you might work for, or who might work for you.
  • You can learn something from virtually everybody. One example: I was being driven in a limousine in Palm Springs by a white-haired guy. And I remember thinking, This poor guy, its too bad. Here he is driving a limo. Its nine oclock at night. He ought to be just out there on the links playing golf and having a nice time. We struck up a conversation, and I find out that he actually did retirefrom being the chief financial officer of one of the largest insurance companies in Chicago. He got bored playing golf, so he decided to drive a limo three times a week because he knew he was going to meet interesting people.

Sunday, 14 May


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sudan: Clashes between SAF and RSF - Flash Update No. 12 (14 May 2023)

14 May 2023 


Fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has lasted for four consecutive weeks, with devastating consequences for civilians and civilian infrastructure, especially in Khartoum and Darfur.

A factory that produced vital supplies for the treatment of malnourished children in Sudan was burned down in Khartoum.

The conflict is threatening the main planting season, while prices of staple goods have risen dramatically, heightening the risk of food insecurity in the period ahead.

Partners are delivering assistance, including food, therapeutic feeding and safe learning spaces, to people impacted by the fighting as well as those who were already in need.


Clashes between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have continued for 30 consecutive days, especially in and around Khartoum, as of 14 May, killing at least 676 people and injuring 5,576 since the fighting began, according to the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) as of 11 May. In addition, inter-communal violence in West Kordofan on 8 May resulted in 25 deaths and 90 injured people. In White Nile, disputes in Kosti City killed 29 people and injured 40, according to FMoH, before a localized ceasefire was agreed among the communities.

The UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, has welcomed the signing by SAF and RSF representatives of the Declaration of Commitment to protect civilians and guarantee the safe passage of humanitarian aid in the country. The declaration signed on 11 May in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, recognizes the obligations of both sides under international humanitarian and human rights law to facilitate humanitarian action to meet the emergency needs of civilians, and respect humanitarian workers and assets. However, reports of attacks continued and, on 12 May, violence in Ag Geneina reportedly escalated.

Over 936,000 people have been newly displaced by the conflict since 15 April, including about 736,200 people displaced intern...


The MoA Week In Review - (Not Ukraine) OT 2023-115 "IndyWatch Feed War"

Last week's post on Moon of Alabama: May 8 - Havrylov Predicts ... May 11 - Ukraine SitRep: Delayed Counteroffensive, Russian Defense Lines, Weapon Efficiency Related: - Ukraines Offensive Could Set Stage for Diplomacy With Russia, U.S. Officials Say -...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Path to Peace in Sudan

By David L. Phillips

The meeting of Sudans armed factions in Jedda is a step in the right direction; dialogue is always preferable to armed conflict. To meaningfully advance peace in Sudan, talks must include terms of a ceasefire, conditions for humanitarian access, and a process for political dialogue addressing the root causes of conflict.

I worked with Martin Griffiths, the UN Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, during the peace process for Aceh, Indonesia. Mr Griffiths is a skilled diplomat with vast experience in peacemaking and peacebuilding. Based on his previous experience, international mediation will likely focus initially on a humanitarian pause

A humanitarian pause is akin to a ceasefire, launching a process that addresses the human costs of armed conflict. It typically includes a cessation of hostilities in order to protect civilians and allow them to escape fighting. This means a break in the fighting in designated areas, so-called safe-havens. A humanitarian pause identifies hospitals and care centres where violence is forbidden. It is established for a specific period of time and includes a  monitoring mechanism to observe and report on ceasefire violations. It is linked to humanitarian access and, ultimately, to negotiations on sustainable peace.

Humanitarian access concerns the ability of humanitarian actors on the ground to reach affected populations. Access, a necessary pre-requisite to effective humanitarian action, includes the ability of civilians to get humanitarian assistance and services. Full and unimpeded access is necessary to create an environment for the effective operations of aid agencies, including the movement of goods, materials and services. It also encompasses the distribution of food, water, and health services for the wounded, as well as obstetric care for expecting mothers.

Negotiations are undertaken parallel to relieving huma...


What Makes Bitcoin NFTs Different from Other NFTs? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Owais Sultan

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been gaining traction in the cryptocurrency world. They are digital assets that represent unique

This is a post from Read the original post: What Makes Bitcoin NFTs Different from Other NFTs?


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Suspected Islamic Extremists Kill 33 in Burkina Faso


OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso (AP) An attack by suspected Islamic extremists on a village in the west of Burkina Faso killed 33 civilians, the provincial governors office said.

The provisional death toll from the Thursday evening attack on the village of Youlou in Mouhoun province was announced in a press release.

Provincial governor Babo Pierre Bassinga called the attack cowardly and barbaric. He said in the statement that the attack happened around 5 p.m. as residents were at work in their fields beside the Mouhoun river. The governor said security actions were underway to counter the extremists.

Bassinga urged the population to increase their vigilance and to collaborate with security forces.


Bold Goals: Bidens EO Will Have Us Bioengineering Everything "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Marie Hawthorne In September 2022, President Biden released an Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology. Then, in March 2023, he released a document entitled Bold...

Bold Goals: Bidens EO Will Have Us Bioengineering Everything


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Botswana Restricts Exportation and Importation of Key Grains

By Xinhua 

May 14, 2023

Botswana has put restrictions on the exportation and importation of scheduled key grains (sorghum and maize), said Joel Ramaphoi, permanent secretary of Botswanas Ministry of Entrepreneurship, in a statement issued on Friday.

The exportation of the goods would stop with immediate effect, while the importation will cease at midnight on May 15.

Ramaphoi said that all harvested maize and sorghum by government-subsidized or supported farmers must be sold to the Botswana Agriculture Marketing Board for storage, resale, redistribution, or further processing in the value chain.

Trading activities of government-supported commercial farmers engaged in the production of scheduled grains for food security purposes, as well as those operating in special economic zones, should be regulated, Ramaphoi said.

Clement Sibanda, spokesperson for the Ministry of Entrepreneurship, said in a separate interview that local commercial farmers prefer to export grains to outside markets with better prices, which has contributed to sorghum and maize shortages in Botswana.


Russia issues warning over Arctic Council "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | May 14, 2023

Russia could terminate its membership in the Arctic Council if Western member states discriminate against it, the countrys Foreign Ministry has warned. Nikolay Korchunov, ambassador-at-large and Moscows senior representative in the organization, noted that the groups role and effectiveness have diminished of late due to the policies being pursued by the Western powers.

In an interview with Russias TASS media outlet published on Sunday, Korchunov said that should Norway, which became the Councils chair on Thursday, choose not to invite Russia to take part in its activities, this would constitute a violation of Russias rights.

In this case, the continuation of our countrys participation in this organizations activities will hardly be possible, the diplomat clarified.

Following the start of Russias military campaign against Ukraine last February, the other members of the intergovernmental body, which includes Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, and the US, effectively cut all contact with Moscow and froze over a hundred joint projects.

In his interview, Korchunov warned that Western countries growing insistence on confrontation and the pursuit of their own interests at the expense of the interests of other nations in the Arctic could potentially lead to escalation.

He cited NATOs expansion in the region, which has seen ever more military drills held there recently.

The official also noted the Councils weakening role and waning effectiveness, adding that Russia is engaging in active dialogue in various formats with other countries and organizations. Korchunov pointed out that Moscow would be working with constructive partners.

He also revealed Moscows plans to put Arctic issues on the agenda of other international entities, citing interest among members of BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).

Among Russias priorities in the region is the development of the northern shipping routes connecting Asian economic powerhouses with European markets, Korchunov stressed.

Speaking to RT in early April, Russias minister responsible for developing the Arctic, Aleksey Chekunkov lamented that one-sided unfriendly actions by the other members of the Arctic Council and lack of cooperation could destabilize the Arctic and lead to chaos.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Tinubu Must Solve Power Problem

By Prince Charles Dickson 

May 14, 2023

One who hears and repeats a curse of the king is really cursing the king

Quickly last week, my office premises and environs did not have electricity and some few steps from my office is the Jos Electricity Distribution Company. The company is one I did rate a 4 out 0f 10 which by any standards is fair enough. So, they were powering the office with a generator, yes you heard me generator.

And I have seen this scenario, once or twice but it just occurred to me that we simply are not well as a people. However, truth be told worse things have happened.

A few years ago, the Bureau for Public Enterprise BPE sold NITEL, the nations elephant telecom company, to a building in Switzerland, it was a building housing a church, all the dance and drama. We soon let go. Just a reminder it was called PENTASCOPE. Years later, the father of a white cloth wearing former Honourable bought the NITEL houseThe NITEL story remains a tale by moonlight, plenty of lies, half-truths, misinformation, propaganda, a potpourri of sorts.

How about the Steel Rolling Mill in Jos, Plateau, it was racketered in that sweet sounding word privatization. Some journeymen bought all the assets, renamed it Zuma, today the only functional thing is the housing estate. The factory and machines have long been vandalized.

There was that drama of Daily Times, publishers of that ole time newspaper. Before I go far, a former Managing Director of the once pride of publishing told me Charlie, Daily Times is like a big elephant, everybody comes and cuts his/her own and goes away.

You need to appreciate that statement in context, at a time in point Daily Times had properties virtually everywhere Nigeria had a presence in the world. All that changed, what is left of the elephant was sold to some clowns and the rest is historythe elephant eventually slumped.

Let me spare us the story according to Nigerian Airways, the Nigerian Shipping Lines, or our textile industry in Kaduna state!

Anyway, my admonition is on our power...


SUNDAY SCREENING: The Eye of the Storm: The Inventions of Nikola Tesla (1983) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By 21st Century Wire Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. This rare documentary film, entitled, THE EYE OF THE STORM:...

SUNDAY SCREENING: The Eye of the Storm: The Inventions of Nikola Tesla (1983)


MICRO-PLASTICS ~ Something Needs to be Done, Sooner not Later! "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Microplastics particles range in size to microns, literally invisible

70+ US Lawmakers Demand EPA Boost Regulation of Microplastic Pollution

From an Article by Julia Conley, Common Dreams, May 11, 2023

As plastic pollution saturates our planet and our bodies, the Biden administration should take every reasonable step to protect our environment and public health, said Rep. Lloyd Doggett.

Citing extensive research which has shown recently that microplastics are ubiquitous in the environment, more than 70 U.S. House members on Friday wrote to the Environmental Protection Agency to demand stronger regulation of the microscopic particles that are used in everyday household items and have been linked to respiratory diseases and cancers.

Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) led lawmakers including Reps. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), and Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) in writing the letter, which notes that under the Clean Water Act, the EPA can and should use its existing statutory authorities to address the growing prevalence of microplastic pollution across the country.

Currently, the lawmakers said, it is largely being left up to individual states to decide whether to regulate microplastics, leading to troubling disparities regarding basic protections.

In Doggetts home state, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality last year quickly abandoned a proposal to require chemical companies to have internal processes restricting accidental releases of plastic pollution, while California residents are benefiting from a statewide effort led by the California Ocean Protection Council to reduce microplastics in marine environments.

Federal action should encourage high standards to mitigate microplastics in natural environments, which can ultimately make their way into the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe, wrote the lawmakers.

The letter points to a 2020 study which found that scientists discovered microplastic pollution in some of the worlds most remote places, including Mount Everest, and research from 2021 which suggested the average adult ingests 320,000 microplastics each year.

As Common Dreams reported last year, a team of researchers in the U.K. found tiny microplastic pa...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

IMF Commends Ghanas Creditors for Financial Assurance

By Xinhua 

May 13, 2023

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) lauded the decision by Ghanas official creditors to grant the West African country their financing assurances, said a press release late Friday.

I welcome the statement from the Official Creditor Committee for Ghana on the importance of an IMF-supported economic program, together with its commitment to negotiate debt restructuring terms accordingly, said Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the IMF.

This statement provides the necessary financing assurances for the IMF Executive Board to consider the proposed Fund-supported program and unlock much-needed financing from Ghanas development partners, Georgieva said.

She added that the action of the official creditors recognizes the Ghanaian authorities strong reform program, which aims to restore macroeconomic stability and debt sustainability while laying the foundation for an inclusive recovery.

Ghanaian Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta on Friday announced that the country had been granted financing assurances by its official creditors, a critical step further to secure a loan from the IMF.

With the granting of financing assurances, Ghana is now ready to go to the IMF Board, the minister said in a tweet on his offices official Twitter handle. Thank you to all our bilateral partners for helping us to reach this milestone.

Ghana has since 2021 been grappling with its worst economic performance in decades. The government started negotiation with the IMF last year, hoping to secure a 3-billion-U.S.-dollar loan to revive its economy.

According to the IMF, the financing assurances from Ghanas official creditors are the final condition for considering the loan request.


The hill of life and Khirbet el-Manshiyya "IndyWatch Feed War"

The cacti at Givat Haim Ichud are a remnant of Khirbet el-Manshiyya, the Palestinian village whose ruins the kibbutz was built on top of. (Photo: Jonathan Ofir)Jonathan Ofir grew up on a kibbutz and was never told of the destroyed Palestinian village upon which it was built. But some signs remain, like the cacti which Israelis have attempted to appropriate, but signify the deep Palestinian ties to the land.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Ghanas Main Opposition Party Selecting Candidates for General Elections

By Xinhua 

May 13, 2023

Ghanas main opposition party, the National Democratic Congress, held its presidential and parliamentary primaries on Saturday to elect candidates for the 2024 general elections.

Party delegates throughout the 275 constituencies will elect a presidential candidate to lead the party to seek power in the 2024 presidential election.

Vying for the presidential candidate slot are former Ghanaian President John Dramani Mahama, former Finance Minister Kwabena Duffuor, and former Mayor of Kumasi, Kojo Bonsu.

Each constituency will also select a parliamentary candidate to contest for a parliamentary seat in the next parliament.

Ghanas electoral commission assured the party that its officials would supervise the elections to ensure credible party primaries.


Scientists identify genes that can repair the retina and reverse vision loss in humans "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

There is an army of dormant cells in our eyes that prefer to stay asleep. However, waking them up in patients living with degenerative retinal disease can prevent blindness.

Researchers at the Universit de Montral (UdeM) have proposed a novel treatment strategy that promises to restore vision in patients living with degenerative retinal disease, an inherited medical condition that gradually impairs a persons ability to read text, sense colors, see objects that are placed sideways, and eventually makes them completely blind.


The researchers claim that, unlike the few existing treatment options that can slow down or prevent retinal degeneration in patients only at an early stage, their approach also works for patients who are at an advanced stage of the illness.


Study suggests a possible connection between mobile phones and hypertension "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While the study doesnt prove causation, it raises important questions about the potential health risks of mobile phone use and highlights the need for further investigation.

Have you ever considered the potential health risks associated with your mobile phone? Our phones are digital devices emitting multiple radiations, and it doesnt help that we always use them constantly.

A new study conducted by the UK Biobank suggests that there may be a link between mobile phone use and hypertension.



Researchers find ingenious solution to map ocean plastics from orbit "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ocean microplastics have become a major source of concern, especially since they are so hard to track down, but researchers found an ingenious solution using satellites.

Ocean plastics have become a major source of concern for evironmental conservationists and public health professionals in recent years, and there hasnt been a good way to track how these plastics are moving or their concentrations. But now, researchers from the University of Michigan have developed an ingenious way to track the ebb and flow of these microplastics around the world thanks to NASA satellites.


Microplastics are the remnant pieces of larger plastics that have disintegrated over time due to chemical and physical processes, and are typically measured as less than 5mm in size. The underlying plastic compounds remain intact even as the plastic fiber or particle gets physically smaller, and plastics do not chemically decompose.


AI generated songs face the music: Spotify removes thousands of tracks from platform "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Spotify ramps up policing after complaints of artificial streaming.

Spotify, the worlds most popular music streaming subscription service, has reportedly pulled down tens and thousands of songs from its platform, which were uploaded by an AI company Boomy, which came under the suspicion of artificial streaming.

Spotify took down around 7% of the AI-generated tracks created by Boomy, whose users have, till date, created a total of 14,591,095 songs, which the company claims is 13.95% of the worlds recorded music.


Foursquare Intl Appoints Emokpae First National President, Trinidad, Tobago "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Foursquare Church International has announced the appointment of Dr. Osaren Emokpae as the First National Leader and President of Foursquare Gospel Church, FGC Trinidad and Tobago and St. Vincent. The announcement was contained in a statement signed by Publicity Consultant, Mrs. Abiola Olayande of Mindshare Communications Limited. She said Emokpae, who occupies the position...

The post Foursquare Intl Appoints Emokpae First National President, Trinidad, Tobago appeared first on New Telegraph.


Hard drive storage will soon become part of computing history, says expert "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It simply does not make sense to keep the disks spinning.

Data storage on hard drives will soon become a thing of the past, according to an expert Shawn Rosemarin, who also owns a company selling solid-storage solutions. According to Rosemarin, we could see the last hard drive being sold in just about five years from now, PC Gamer.

Most computer users have long migrated to cloud storage solutions when it comes to safely storing their data. With content being streamed on smartphones and tablets practically everywhere, there is little reason to own a hard drive these days.


This Longevity Study Across 5 Species Found a New Pathway to Reverse Aging "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new study in Nature hunted down another piece to the aging puzzle. In five species across the evolutionary scaleworms, flies, mice, rats, and humansthe team honed in on a critical molecular process that powers every single cell inside the body and degrades with age.

The process, called transcription, is the first step in turning our genetic material into proteins. Here, DNA letters are reworked into a messenger called RNA, which then shuttles the information to other parts of the cell to make proteins.

Scientists have long suspected that transcription may go awry with aging, but the new study offers proof that it doesntwith a twist. In all five of the species tested, as the organism grew older the process surprisingly sped up. But like trying to type faster when blindfolded, error rates also shot up.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Mahama Wins NDC Race, Kojo Bonsu Concedes

News Desk 

May 13, 2023

NDC flagbearer hopeful, Kojo Bonsu, has conceded defeat to his contender, former President John Dramani Mahama in the ongoing NDC primaries.

Voting has long ended but counting of ballots and collation in the presidential race is yet to end. Election officials expect to conclude the entire exercise by 10pm.

In a Facebook post, the former Mayor of Kumasi, Kojo Bonsu said he has called John Mahama to congratulate him on his landslide victory in the presidential primaries.

While the party is yet to officially announce polling results, John Mahamas side is predicting at least a 98% win in the election.

I have placed a call to H.E. John Dramani Mahama to congratulate him for the landslide victory. Just as Ive indicated throughout my campaign, regardless of the outcome of this election Ill continue to serve the NDC party, he said in a Facebook post.

Kojo Bonsu was John Mahamas only contender in the NDC presidential primary following former Finance Minister, Dr. Kwabena Duffours abrupt withdrawal from the race on Friday citing electoral irregularities.

Provisional results so far point a lopsided contest, with former President John Mahama sweeping virtually every constituency votes.


JUST-IN: Nollywood Actor, Murphy Afolabi Is Dead "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A popular Nigerian actor, known for her role in Yoruba movies, Murphy Afolabi is dead. New Telegraph reports that the news of Murphy Afolabis death is coming barely 24 hours after the announcement of the death of legendary Nollywood actor, Saint Obi. According to the reports, Murphy died in the early hour of Sunday, May...

The post JUST-IN: Nollywood Actor, Murphy Afolabi Is Dead appeared first on New Telegraph.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

John Mahama Wins Ghana's Opposition Presidential Primaries

Former Ghanian President and candidate of the opposition National Democratic Congress, John Dramani Mahama

Africa News

Ghana's largest opposition party has chosen the country's former president, John Dramani Mahama, as its flagbearer for the 2024 presidential election.

Delegates of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) voted in primaries over the weekend to choose a candidate for both the presidential and parliamentary polls.

Mahama was declared the overwhelming winner after polling 98.9 per cent of the votes while his challenger, former Kumasi mayor Kojo Bonsu, scored 1.1 per cent.

The former president was tipped by most political analysts to win the primary based on his experience and influence in the opposition party.

"He has been tried and tested and comes with a lot of experience," said Kwame Asah-Asante, a political science lecturer at the University of Ghana.

This confidence in Mahama was echoed by many of the more than 355,000 NDC party delegates who converged at 401 voting centres across the country over the weekend for the ballot.

"I believe if NDC takes power, most of the things which we Ghanaians want, NDC can come do it for us. For instance, taking care of our children. The other side promised us so much which they were unable to fulfil, said marketer Kafur Addo.

He says he believes that if the NDC comes to power, the party will fulfil the promises they have made.

The primaries come as Ghana holds talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) over a $3 billion bailout to help overcome an economic crisis, and as it faces a growing jihadist threat from a conflict in neighbouring Burkina Faso.

Analysts believe Mahama will likely capitalise on the economic crisis facing the country in his presidential campaign, and delegates have confidence in his abilities.

"I believe in John Dramani Mahama. He has been a president before. He has been a vice-president before and he is a communicator too. So, there is no way the sitting president can...


Linux Features Loved By Microsoft Engineers Working On WSL2 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In addition to Microsoft having a significant present at last week's Linux Security Summit, there were also multiple Microsoft engineers at the Linux Foundation's Open-Source Summit that was also taking place in Vancouver. Among the Microsoft Linux talks this week was a presentation on the Linux kernel usage by WSL2 -- including how it's moving closer to a mainline/upstream status and also mentions of Linux kernel features loved by Microsoft's engineering team...


Why Can't The School District Get The Words Right? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

As the LAUSD forces integration policies on families, it continues using language that is exclusionary to children with severe Special Education needs.


Harry- My Heart is Down, Lost in Kingstontown "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A narrative poem as my heartfelt tribute to the legendary composer, lyricist, musician and lifelong human rights and social justice activist- Harry Belafonte. There will never be another quite like him.


JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article was first published by GR in November 2009.

Despite a treasure-trove of new information having emerged over the last forty-six  years, there are many people who still think who killed President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and why are unanswerable

The post JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters appeared first on Global Research.


CLINTELs critical evaluation of the IPCC AR6 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

From Climate Etc. by Judith Curry Clintel has published a new report entitled The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC: Analysis of the AR6. The new Report provides an independent


The Day JFK Warned Us About the Globalists Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy and Their Censorship Regime "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Greater Israel: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East

The post Greater Israel: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East appeared first on Global Research.


Is WHO a Front Organization for the Takeover of U.S. Government? "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT RENEGADE TRIBUNE  The World Health Organizations (WHO) World Health Assembly (WHA) will convene May...


One Health The Global Takeover of Everything. The Pandemic Treaty "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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WHOs Worldwide Power Grab: Beware of the New International Health Regulation and Pandemic Treaty, a Health Tyranny Never Heard of Before in Human History "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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SUNDAY SCREENING: The Eye of the Storm (1983) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

This rare documentary film, entitled, THE EYE OF THE STORM: The Inventions of Nikola Tesla, shown only once on Australian television, covers the history of secret U.S. government research into futuristic propulsion and Energy systems. The Film also discusses the work of Nikola Tesla, including information on mysterious devices locked away in safes at the time of his death in 1943. Man made UFOs are also an important feature, as well as the Philadelphia experiment, featuring some classic 80s style sci-fi kitsch dramatized scenes. Watch:

Runtime: 1 hr 38 min
Narrated by Stan Deyo
Production: Adventures Unlimited (1983)


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The Plan to Wreck America. The Globalist Billionaires "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Commencement 2023: the kids are all right "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ive been through a lot of commencement ceremonies, and they all run together in my brain. It would be nice to say yesterdays was exceptional, but it wasnt it was a joyous occasion, but it was much like many other well-run, appropriately managed events, and thats good, because what you want out of this is respect and acknowledgement and a great send-off to all the students who are, we hope, going off to happy and successful lives.

As you might expect from a progressive liberal arts college, the program was pretty darned woke. The student body president, Dylan Young, is an American Indian from the Rosebud reservation in South Dakota, and he gave an upbeat speech which touched on some of the unpleasantness of the last four years the pandemic, an ugly incident in which conservatives plastered anti-gay and anti-trans posters all over campus, and the recent regent who whined about how we were too diverse but emphasized student resilience. Our commencement speaker was Steve Inskeep, host of NPRs Morning Edition, and he talked up liberal arts and small towns and hope for the future. The one I dreaded, the obligatory speech from a member of the Board of Regents (generally a stuffy lot of boring business people), was a pleasant surprise. Mike Kenyanya seemed to actually like and appreciate what the campus was all about. Maybe the regents arent all bad, after all.

It could have been so much worse. The University of Wyoming brought in Senator Cynthia Lummis as a commencement speaker, and she proceeded to give a god-soaked speech, dwelling on the Creator of the Declaration of Independence and fundamental scientific truths, such as the existence of two sexesand got booed loudly. She was clearly taken aback.

Good work, students of the University of Wyoming. I dont think our liberal students at a liberal university in a liberal state could have done a better job of expressing their displeasure. The only difference is that I think our administrators wouldnt have brought in a disingenuous, dishonest loon like Lummis.


Video: The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need to Know. James Corbett "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Linux 6.4-rc2 Preps For AMD Zen 4 Model 78h "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Sent out this morning were the x86/urgent patches for the Linux 6.4-rc2 kernel due for release later today. With the x86/urgent changes this week are just two AMD patches in preparing the kernel for Family 19h Model 78h processors...


Global Governance by Artificial Intelligence: The Ultimate Unaccountable Tyranny "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

We have seen the Center for Biological Diversity mentioned in his newsletters before, but this week Bill McKibben links to this recently released document. The Center offers a positive and progressive consideration of priorities we should give to permitting renewable energy, contrasting efforts to gut regulatory protections related to fossil fuel permitting highlighted in his current newsletter:


It is indisputable that the climate emergency requires the United States to rapidly transform its majority fossil energy system to 100% clean and renewable energy.



Deadly tornado rips through Texas community "IndyWatch Feed World"

A tornado with wind speeds up to 110 mph tore through Laguna Heights, Texas, killing at least one person and injuring 10 others. NBC News' Catie Beck has the details.


Evacuations and road closures due to flooding in Port Elizabeth, South Africa "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The heavy downpour in Nelson Mandela Bay has caused flooding in parts of the city, forcing the municipality to relocate some residents and close roads as a precautionary measure. Though some residents affected by the floods are refusing to be moved to safer areas, the city said it remained on high alert. Safety and security political head councillor Lawrence Troon said the municipality would continue to monitor the situation.


BlackRock Plots to Buy Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: To Heal the Great Divide "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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How Google PaLM 2 betters predecessor and rivals OpenAIs GPT-4 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

On Wednesday, Google unveiled the second generation of its Pathways Language Model (PaLM), called PaLM 2. The new large companys ChatGPT-rivalling artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, Bard, and Google has claimed to have significantly improved the capabilities of its latest AI model over its predecessor. The list of upgrades to PaLM is similar to the changes that OpenAI announced with the release of its latest LLM, Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)-4, but with a few key differences.

What is Google PaLM 2?

In a blog post announcing the rollout, Zoubin Ghahramani, vice-president at Googles AI research division DeepMind, said that PaLM 2 is a state-of-the-art language model with improved multilingual, reasoning and coding capabilities.


International Banking Crisis Its Only the Beginning "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Artificial intelligence could replace up to 80% of human jobs, expert says "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Artificial intelligence could potentially replace 80% of jobs in the next few years, according to AI expert Ben Goertzel.

Goertzel, the founder and chief executive officer of SingularityNET, told Frances AFP news agency at a summit in Brazil last week that a future like that could come to fruition with the introduction of systems like OpenAIs ChatGPT.

I dont think its a threat. I think its a benefit. People can find better things to do with their life than work for a living Pretty much every job involving paperwork should be automatable, he said.


Westminsters pressure on the NI parties looks like hotting up after Thursdays council elections "IndyWatch Feed"

Chris Heaton -Harris NI Secretary  

The Northern Ireland parties are fighting on a phantom agenda for Thursdays  council elections. Few seem to have noticed and nobody seems to mind, preoccupied as they are by the electoral struggle, the local media mostly included. This at any rate is the verdict of  our most provocative and analytically searching professional  commentator Newton Emerson who is convinced a bailout is coming. The other big change pending is  the prospect of a transformation of the legacy deadlock by the appointment of the former chief justice Sir Declan Morgan to head the proposed Independent Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery (ICRIR).

First Newton, in two articles in the Irish News

Civil servants and public bodies are being put through a pantomime of having to identify dramatic cuts that will almost certainly never be made he proposals are now out for public consultation on their equality impact, a legal process that runs until the end of July. By the time responses are written up it will be Autumn, when the Treasury cheque will have arrived or at least clearly be in the post to cover the DUPs return to work..

But the governments true agenda is to have these problems addressed through public sector reform and revenue-raising in Northern Ireland, in return for a rescue cheque. That will be the budget argument if and when devolution returns

We are in the midst of an artificial financial crisis, so an air of unreality hung over the meeting of the Education Authority (EA) board this Tuesday to consider savings of 200 million.

The Northern Ireland Office has engineered an 800 million shortfall in Stormonts budget, knowing the Treasury will magically find a similar sum in the Autumn 1 billion has been reported to cover the DUPs retreat back to work. Drastic cuts can almost certainly be avoided if everyone holds their nerve for the next few months.

While segregation is a much larger issue than administrative reform, absorbing the EA into the Department of Education would loosen religious influence. The Churches would remain stakeholders in the system if the board were abolished, while politicians could hold officials and ministers to account in the assembly.

Alas, a fake budget crisis will bring none of these matters to a head

Why arent the other parties putting the DUP up against the wall over this and the DUP crying blackmail?

Meanwhile, the significance of...


Text and video of Rob Thurley speech at the Stop the Great Wall of Frankston Rally 13 May 2023 "IndyWatch Feed World"

Note. The text has not yet been transcribed.

Rob Thurley, who has been for 44 years Chair of the Kananook Creek Association, Frankston, speaks at the "Stop the Great Wall of Frankston Rally," in Frankston, Victoria, Australia. You can see the creek in the background near where it meets with the sea. Much of it is in a fairly natural state. The Rally at this sea side town had a huge attendance from people wanting to stop multiple high rises along the foreshore, as well as massively increased building heights and population density in this unconsultative and newly-designated 'metropolitan activity centre'. Introduced by the popular and pro-democracy former-Mayor of Frankston, Glenn Aitken. Other speakers were Kelvin Thomson retired MP and convenor of Planning Democracy and Professor Michael Baxton, environment and planning. You can read more about the event at There will be a transcript of


Flooding in Somalia displaces 200,000 people "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Around 200,000 people have been displaced due to flash flooding in central Somalia, a regional official told AFP Saturday, as the Shabelle River burst its banks and submerged roads. Inhabitants of Beledweyne town in the Hiran region were forced out of their homes as heavy rainfall caused water levels to rise sharply, with residents carrying their belongings on top of their heads as they waded through flooded streets in search of refuge. "Some 200,000 people are now displaced due to the Shabelle River flash floods in Beledweyne town and the number may increase any time. It is a preliminary figure now," said Ali Osman Hussein, deputy governor for social affairs in the Hiran region.


The Media Broke the News; Only You Can Fix It "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It would be easy to pile onto CNN for its disastrous decision to hold a campaign rally town hall for Donald Trump on Wednesday night. So lets do it!

Just kidding, of course. You come here expecting smarter takes, and thats what you are going to get.

But first, lets get one thing out of the way: Yes, from a journalistic point of view, CNN deserves plenty of blame. What exactly is the value of giving the guy who tried to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States (and who also happens to have been found guilty of sexual assault this week) a platform to do what he does best: lie? And why stack the audience with partisans who ensure that the event would devolve into a spectacle?

Great questions, but there is just one problem: The premise is wrong. This was no journalistic event; it was a commercial one. The value CNN was looking for was money.

And from that perspective, the town hall was a smashing success.

But dont take our word for it.

Here is what Chris Licht, CNNs CEO, told his staff the next morning: America was served very well by what we did last night. He is correct, if you replace America with our shareholders. Licht was also thrilled that CNN made a LOT of news.

Now, you may recall that its not the medias job to make news. In any case, Trump telling a bunch of lies isnt exactly news.

But thats only one side of this story. The other is that most of the people in the media who are wringing their hands over this are doing exactly the same thing.

Because, lets face it, hardly any news outlet is serving America well these days.

Instead, journalism is failing America.

Even worse, its by choice.

The main reason is that covering the news is now purely a business and doing it well is bad for business (well revisit why in a minute because chances are that you, our reader, are part of the problem).

Whereas journalism as a whole used to be something akin to a public good and the profession itself was a calling and not a way to get rich its now just about mone...


Artemis II Will Phone Home From the Moon Using Laser Beams "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Artemis II Laser Communications

[NASA] Astronauts will be testing the Orion Artemis II Optical Communications System (O2O) to transmit live, 4K ultra-high-definition video back to Earth from the Moon. The system will also support communication of images, voice, control channels, and enhanced science data.

Aboard Orion, the space terminal includes an optical module, a modem, and a control system.  The optical module features a four inch telescope on a dual gimbal mount. The modem modulates digital information onto laser beams for transmission back to Earth, and demodulates data from laser beams recieved from Earth. The control system interfaces with avionic systems aboard Orin to control and point the communications telescope.

On Earth, facilities including the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the White Sands Complex will maintain high-bandwidth optical communication links with Orion. Information received from Orion will be relayed to mission operations, scientists, and researchers.

NASAs Laser Communic...


Het Gecultiveerd Slachtofferschap van Natascha van Weezel (4) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Met de stelligheid van een ware gelovige beweerde de columniste Natascha van Weezel in Het Parool over haar drie maanden oude baby Max: Mijn zoon is Joods. Nog niet bewust van zijn zijn rol op aarde, heeft zijn moeder voor hem al de grenzen van zijn identiteit bepaalt. En als zij dit maar lang genoeg erin hamert, dan zal hij, net als zij, Joods met een hoofdletter worden, dus behorend tot het Joodse volk, terwijl hij, evenals zijn moeder, in Nederland is geboren, en dus de Nederlandse nationaliteit bezit. Op deze manier erft de kleine Max, de derde generatie naoorlogse  joodse Nederlanders, ongevraagd de traumas van de Holocaust. Het gecultiveerde slachtofferschap wordt op die manier geconsolideerd, als het ware genetisch doorgegeven. Vanzelfsprekend heeft een ieder het recht zijn of haar traumas te blijven koesteren. Het probleem is alleen dat dit ernstige politieke consequenties bezit die anderen tot slachtoffer maakt. Het slachtofferisme creert op die manier  zijn eigen slachtoffers. Een voorbeeld daarvan gaf Natascha van Weezels moeder Anet Bleich toen zij als opiniemaakster op 1 november 2000 in de Volkskrant de vraag opwierp: Wie is de hoofdverantwoordelijke voor het geweld dat de westelijke Jor...


UK deepens warmongering in Ukraine with plans to supply long-range missiles "IndyWatch Feed World"

The UK is again leading the way in a massive further escalation of the NATO war against Russia. On Monday, the Washington Post reported that the UK's Ministry of Defence (MoD) had issued a call to weapons manufacturers, on behalf of the International Fund for Ukraine (IFU), to supply missiles capable of striking Russian-annexed Crimea or cities deep inside Russia's borders. Over 300 million in funding has been made available through donations from the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, plus Iceland and Lithuania. The MoD's notice referred to "Missiles or Rockets with a range 100-300km; land, sea or air launch" and "Payload 20-490kg". Listed as "Desirable requirements" were: "Low Probability of Intercept (LPI); includes Mission Planning Capability; Assured navigation (with hardened Global Navigation Satellite System capability) in the face of advanced countermeasures and EM spectrum denial; Air defence penetration methods to increase probability of successful strike;...


Nakba: Thousands march in London to mark Palestinian mass displacement "IndyWatch Feed War"

Nakba: Thousands march in London to mark Palestinian mass displacement

Participants say new generation of Palestinians will not forget forced expulsion by Zionists in 1948 and continuing Israeli crimes
MEE staff Sun, 05/14/2023 - 11:52
Thousands of protesters marched through the streets of London to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nakba on 13 May 2023 (Anadolu Agency)

Thousands of people marched in London on Saturday commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, or catastrophe, which refers to the mass forced expulsion of Palestinians by Zionist militias to make way for the creation of Israel in 1948.

The demonstration, titled "Nakba 75 End Apartheid, End the Occupation", gathered in the heart of London outside the BBC headquarters before participants made their way to Downing Street, where the office of the British prime minister is located.

"The Nakba was not just a singular event, today we are still living the effect of the Nakba," Leanne Mohammed, a British Palestinian activist attending the rally, told Middle East Eye.  

"Seventy-five years ago my family was expelled from their home in Haifa, Palestine, by Zionist militias. They ended up as refugees in Lebanon. Three-quarters of a century later they are still living in that same refugee camp," she said.


Four in a row: Winters in Alaska have been on the colder side "IndyWatch Feed World"

So much for being the canary in the global warming mine. If the past four winters in Alaska seemed colder than usual, it's because, well, they were. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the winter of 2023 continued the chill set in 2019, with temperatures in Alaska averaging 11.8 degrees, just .2 degrees above average. The three previous winters were all below the average temperature. In October, NOAA had predicted warmer-than-average winter for western Alaska. Old Farmer's Almanac also predicted winter would be "much milder than normal, with the coldest periods in mid- to late November, early December, and late January." The publication predicted snowfall would be below average. That was wrong. In fact, much of Alaska saw historic snowfall over the winter, and in Anchorage, a new record was set for the snow still remaining on the ground in April. The snow continued into the first week of May, with more than 100 inches falling this past winter.


Opinion: Most People Are Terrible at Matching Faces to Photos, Making Polling Checks Unreliable "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Opinion: Most people are terrible at matching faces to photos, making polling checks unreliable:

On Thursday May 4, for the first time, members of the public voting in local council elections in England were required to bring photo ID to their polling station. Initial reports suggested that a few people were turned away because they didn't bring one of the approved forms of photo ID.

But even if they did bring the right documents, such as a driving license or passport, there's a question mark over whether the people manning polling stations could tell accurately whether the voter was the person pictured in the ID.

When you present your photo ID to be checked, the person looking at it has to decide if your face matches the picture in the document. In a lab, this is usually done with images and is called "face matching". Such studies typically present two face images side-by-side and ask people to judge whether the images show the same person or two different people.

While people perform well at this task when they are familiar with the person pictured, studies report the error rate can be as high as 35% when those pictured are unfamiliar. Even when people are asked to compare a live person standing in front of them with a photo, a recent study found they still got more than 20% of their answers wrong.

The people checking our photo ID are almost always unfamiliar with us, so we should expect that this is a difficult, error-prone task for them. And while you might think that people whose job it is to check photo ID would be better at it than the rest of us, cashiers, police officers and border control officers have all been shown to be as poor at face matching as untrained people.

The study of border control officers also showed they don't improve at the task as time goes onthere was no relationship between their performance and the number of years they had spent in the job.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Mount Anak Krakatau erupts again "IndyWatch Feed World"

Mount Anak Krakatau re-erupted, Saturday, 7:10 a.m. local time, sending ash to about 2,000 meters above the summit or around 2,157 meters above sea level, the Vulcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center (PVMBG) stated. "The ash column was observed to be gray in color, with a thick intensity, leaning towards the southwest," Head of the Mount Anak Krakatau Monitoring Post Andi Suardi stated in Hargopancuran, Rajabasa Sub-district, South Lampung District, Lampung Province. According to the PVMBG information broadcast, the volcanic eruption located in the waters of Sunda Strait, Lampung Province, was recorded by a seismograph, with a maximum amplitude of 65 mm and a duration of 68 seconds.


Fedora Program Manager Laid Off As Part Of Red Hat Cuts "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As part of the Red Hat layoffs announced in April with around a 4% reduction in headcount for the IBM-owneed company, one of the surprising casualties from that round of cost-cutting is the Fedora Program Manager...


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Tellusim as the company known so far for its GravityMark benchmark and being started by Alexander Zapryagaev who was a Unigine Corp co-founder has now launched the Tellusim Core SDK as a new cross-platform, commercial engine...


By fomenting border chaos and lawlessness, globalists have set trap that will deceive humanity into accepting biometric digital ID that will tag and track all people everywhere "IndyWatch Feed War"

Leo Hohmann May 11, 2023

Theres an old saying: Be careful what you wish for. It could come back to bite you.

There are many examples of this in history that should give us pause whenever we are faced with a crisis causing fear and confusion, times not unlike our own when the masses are demanding relief from those who populate the hallowed halls of government. Many of our most oppressive laws get enacted this way. Can you think of a few? I can. What about the USA Patriot Act and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security after 9/11? People were begging for, demanding a measure of safety and they were eager to hand over their most basic rights and freedoms to the government in exchange for that promise of safety.

You see it also with education. Public schools have been utterly destroyed by decades of leftist infiltration, to the point where professional educators actually participate in a devious form of mental trickery in which vulnerable young children as young as 4 and 5 years old are encouraged to question their gender. With those schools safely in the abyss, you can bet theyre coming for the private and home schools next. How will they do this? Through something conservatives have for decades been begging forschool choice or vouchers, where the tax dollars follow the student to whatever type of school the parent chooses. On its face, it sounds lovely. School choice. Who wouldnt be in favor of choice?

But he that taketh government funds placeth himself under government rules. School choice eventually leads to no choice at all because the government, through its role as administrator over public tax dollars, now owns a monopoly on education public and private.

Perhaps no other issue today cries out for an analysis through the lens of be careful what you wish for than that of immigration.

Its currently the biggest story in the news, especially the conservative news. Our government has intentionally created an atmosphere of complete chaos at the border, with tens of thousands of military-age men pouring over the border into the U.S. This is a national security crisis if there ever was one.

Conservatives are getting very upset about this, and understandably so. For years, they have clamored for a wall to be built on the southern border. It sounds like a logical solution.

But walls can be used to keep people in as well as keep them out. Ah, you say, but that only happens in countries run by totalitarian regimes. You assume much, dear reader, by thinking of America as anything but a burgeoning dictatorship.

Then you have something called E-verify, where all employers would be forced to electronically verify that anyone they hire is a legal resident of the country. It sounds wonderful and conservatives want that, too.

There are only a few smart conservatives like Thomas Massie,...


Sowing Seeds of Plunder: A Lose-Lose Situation in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

Colin Todhunter Off-Guardian May 13, 2023

Its a lose-lose situation for Ukrainians. While they are dying, financial institutions are insidiously supporting the consolidation of farmland by oligarchs and Western financial interests.

So says Frdric Mousseau, Policy Director of the Oakland Institute, an independent think tank.

Depending on which sources to believe, between 100,000 and 300,000 Ukrainian soldiers (possibly more) have died during the conflict with Russia. That figure, of course, does not include civilian casualties.

But it is not the purpose of this article to explore these issues. Much has already been written on this elsewhere. But billions of dollars worth of military hardware has been sent to Ukraine by the NATO countries and hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainians have died.

They died in the belief that they were protecting their nation their land. A land that is among the most fertile in the world.

Professor Olena Borodina of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine says:

Today, thousands of rural boys and girls, farmers, are fighting and dying in the war. They have lost everything. The processes of free land sale and purchase are increasingly liberalised and advertised. This really threatens the rights of Ukrainians to their land, for which they give their lives.

Borodina is quoted in the February 2023 report by the Oakland Institute War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraines Agricultural Land, which reveals how oligarchs and financial interests are expanding control over Ukraines agricultural land with help and financing from Western financial institutions.

Aid provided to Ukraine in recent years has been tied to a drastic structural adjustment programme requiring the creation of a land market through a law that leads to greater concentration of land in the hands of powerful interests. The programme also includes austerity measures, cuts in social safety nets and the privatisation of key sectors of the economy.

Frdric Mousseau, co-author of the report, says:

Despite being at the centre of news cycle and international policy, little attention has gone to the core of the conflict who controls the agricultural land in the country known as the breadbasket of Europe. [The] Answer to this question is paramount to understanding the major stakes in the war.

The report shows the total amount of land controlled by oligarchs, corrupt individuals and large agribusinesses is over nine million hectares exceeding 28% of Ukraines arable land (the rest is used by over eight million Ukrainian farmers).

The largest landholders are a mix of Ukrainian oligarchs and foreign interests mostly European and North American as well as the...


Biological warfare expert warns: WHO will lower humans to the status of animals to gain more control "IndyWatch Feed War"

Belle Carter News Target May 12, 2023

Biological warfare epidemiologist Dr. Meryl Nass has warned that the World Health Organizations (WHO) One Health concept will put animals and ecosystems on the same level as humans.

In an interview with the independent media organization Bright Light News in Brussels, Belgium, the board-certified internist and anthrax expert said under the direction of the WHOs Pandemic Treaty and proposed changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR), the United Nations specialized health agency would be given centralized powers superseding those of its 194 member states sovereign governments.

Nass explained that under One Health, animals and the environment would be given equal status with humans.

One of the methods that are being used for the WHO to gain more power is a concept that was rolled out in Davos in 2012 at the World Economic Forum. This concept states that human health cannot be looked at in isolation. But instead, we must consider the health of animals, plants, the environment, water systems or ecosystems together, Nass noted.

In this connection, doctors are not allowed to look at health anymore. Instead, we need ecologists and veterinarians, pathologists, etcetera to be involved. Now, do you think the WHO is going to elevate animals to the status of humans? No, its going to lower humans to the status of animals.

She added that WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus would be able to declare pandemics at the mere threat of a public health emergency of international concern. He can also call for a world lockdown for declared climate change emergencies. (Related: World Health Organization continues to put mad scientists in charge of global health, promoting medical fascism.)

Congress passes law that seeks to develop a national One Health Framework

In December 2022, Congress passed and enacted into law a bill supported by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). The bill seeks to develop a national One Health Framework that will coordinate federal activities in combating zoonotic disease outbreaks and advance public health preparedness.



Security Affairs newsletter Round 419 by Pierluigi Paganini International edition "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! Every week the best security articles from Security Affairs are free for you in your email box.

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Enjoy a new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter, including the international press.

Personal info of 90k hikers leaked by French tourism company La Malle Postale
Data of more than 2M Toyota customers exposed in ten years-long data breach
Discord suffered a data after third-party support agent was hacked
Russia-affiliated CheckMate ransomware quietly targets popular file-sharing protocol
Bl00dy Ransomware Gang actively targets the education sector exploiting PaperCut RCE
Leaked source code of Babuk ransomware used by 10 different ransomware families targeting VMware ESXi
What the Email Security Landscape Looks Like in 2023
The Black Basta ransomware gang hit multinational company ABB


Cries and Whispers Along the Russian Watchtowers "IndyWatch Feed War"

Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture May 12, 2023

Remember Putin: We havent even started anything yet.

Whispers of an evil power were heard in lines at dairy shops, in streetcars, stores, apartments, kitchens, suburban and long-distance trains, at stations large and small, in dachas, and on beaches. Needless to say, truly mature and cultured people did not tell these stories about an evil powers visit to the capital. In fact they even made fun of them and tried to talk sense into those who told them.

Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita

To quote Dylan, who might have been a Bulgakov epigone: So let us stop talking falsely now/the hours getting late. By now its quite clear the delusion of a peace deal in Ukraine is the latest wet dream of the non-agreement capable usual suspects, always hooked on lies and plunder while deftly manipulating selected liberals among the Russian elite.

The goal would be to appease Moscow with a few concessions, while crucially keeping Odessa, Nikolaev and Dnipro, and safeguarding what would be NATOs access to the Black Sea.

All that while investing in rabid, resentful Poland to become an armed to the teeth EU military militia.

So any negotiations towards peace in fact mask a drive to postpone just for a little while the original masterplan: dismembering and destroying Russia.

There are very serious discussions in Moscow, even at the highest levels, on how the elite is really positioned. Rougly three groups can be identified: the Victory party; the Peace party which Victory would describe as surrenders; and the Neutral/Undecided.

Victory certainly includes crucial actors such as Dmitry Medvedev; Rosnefts Igor Sechin; Foreign Minister Lavrov; Nikolai Patrushev; head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Aleksandr Bastrykin; and even under fire certainly Defense Minister Shoigu.

Peace would include, among others, the head of Telegram, Pavel Durov; billionaire entrepreneur Andrey Melnichenko; metal/mining czar Alisher Usmanov (born in Uzbekistan); and Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Neutral/Undecided would include Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin; mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin; Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office, Anton Vaino; First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential administration and media czar, Alexey Gromov; Sberbanks CEO Herman Gref; Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller; and special bone of contention perhaps FSB supremo Alexander Bortnikov.

Its fair to argue the third group represents the elite majority. This means they heavily influence the entire course of the Special Military Operation (SMO), which by now has metastasized into an Anti-Terror Operation (ATO).

The counter-offensi...


9 pilot incapacitations and 3 pilot deaths in pilots who took the COVID mRNA technology gene injection "IndyWatch Feed War"

Must a plane loaded with commercial passengers drop from the sky literally, CRASH, before the airline industry, FAA, NTSB and pilots themselves ONLY enter the cockpit after myocarditis is ruled out? Why not mandate high sensitivity troponin, contrast chest MRIs, D-dimers, EKGs before flying?

Dr Paul Alexander Substack May 13, 2023

8 other recent Pilot incapacitations in-flight:

April 4, 2023 United Airlines Flight 2102 (BOI-SFO) captain was incapacitated, first officer was only one in control of the aircraft. (click here)

March 25, 2023 TAROM Flight RO-7673 TSR-HRG diverted to Bucharest as 30 yo pilot had chest pain, then collapsed (click here)

March 22, 2023 Southwest Flight WN6013 LAS-CMH diverted as pilot collapsed shortly after take-off, replaced by non-Southwest pilot (click here)

March 18, 2023 Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL first officer was incapacitated about 200NM south of Montreal (click here)

March 13, 2023 Emirates Flight EK205 MXP-JFK diverted due to pilot illness hour and a half after take-off (click here)

March 11, 2023 United Airlines Flight UA2007 GUA-ORD diverted due to incapacitated pilot who had chest pains (click here)

March 11, 2023? British Airways (CAI-LHR) pilot collapsed in Cairo hotel and died, was scheduled to fly Airbus A321 from Cairo to London (click here)

March, 3, 2023 Virgin Australia Flight VA-717 ADL-PER Adelaide to Perth flight was forced to make an emergency landing after First Officer suffered heart attack 30 min after departure. (click here)

3 recent Pilot deaths:

Pilot death April 13, 2023 Phil Thomas, graduate of Flight Training Pilot academy in Cadiz, Spain (FTEJerez) died suddenly.

Pilot death Ma...


Cleveland Clinic Childrens Hospital denies the end of the health emergency and bars kidney transplant from unvaxxed father to dying four year old son "IndyWatch Feed War"

Peter Haligan Peters Newsletter May 13, 2023

From here:

9-Year-Old Boy Denied Life-Saving Transplant over Vax Status Slay News

A nine-year-old Ohio boys life is now hanging in the balance after doctors denied his kidney transplant because the organ donor, the childs father, isnt vaccinated for Covid.

Tanner Donaldson desperately needs a life-saving transplant after being diagnosed with stage 4 chronic kidney disease. The young boy was born with a rare birth defect causing irreversible kidney damage. Thankfully, Tanners father, Dane Donaldson, is a suitable live kidney donor and has offered up his own vital organ to save his sons life.

However, Cleveland Clinic Childrens Hospital has refused to conduct the transplant surgery because Dane is not vaccinated against the coronavirus. The hospital has a policy that requires all organ donors to be fully vaccinated to minimize complications during and after surgery.

Dane questioned the hospitals hypocrisy, pointing out that deceased organ donors are not required to be vaccinated.

A hospital that is not staffed by the spawn of Satan is being sought to perform the operation.


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Iran to get first shipment of SU-35 warplanes next week "IndyWatch Feed War"

Tehran Times May 13, 2023

Facing severe Western sanctions, Tehran and Moscow have started to strengthen their relationship.

In recent months, Iran and Russia have inked significant agreements to expand their economic, commercial, energy, and military ties.

It was first reported by Irans Persian-language media, which did not go into detail about the shipment.

The SU-35 is a fourth-generation fighter aircraft primarily built for air superiority missions.

There have been media reports in recent months alleging that Iran has received SU-35 aircraft from Russia.

In March, Irans permanent delegation to the United Nations acknowledged that the government had sealed a contract to acquire the plane.

According to Iranian media sources at the time, 24 units of the fighter jets will be delivered to Iran.

Speaking with Tasnim in March, Shahriar Heidari, a member of the Iranian Parliaments National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, underlined that Iran has ordered Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets from Russia, and they will arrive in the country in early 1402.

The lawmaker pointed out that Iran has additionally ordered from Russia a number of other pieces of military hardware, including air defense systems, missile systems, and helicopters, the majority of which will be delivered soon.

Tactical Air Base (TAB) 8 of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF), located in the city of Isfahan in central Iran, is expected to house some of the combat aircraft.

The Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jet combines the qualities of a modern fighter (super-maneuverability, superior active and passive acquisition aids, high supersonic speed and long range, capability of managing battle group actions, etc.) and a good tactical airplane (wide range of weapons that can be carried, modern multi-channel electronic warfare system, reduced radar signature, and high combat survivability), according to Russias United Aircraft Corporation (UAC).

With the exception of a few Russian MiG-29 Fulcrum fighters it purchased in the 1990s, Iran hasnt purchased any new fighter aircraft in recent years.

After Washington unilaterally pulled out from the 2015 nuclear agreement, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran fell under an all-encompassing regime of American sanctions in 2018.

After Moscow began a military campaign in Ukraine in February, the United States and its allies slapped a number of identical and even more severe sanctions on Russia.

Experts believe that U.S. sanctions did not succeed in achieving its primary goal of compelling Iran to make significant political and military concessions.

They assert that the restrictions even gave Iran the chance to reduce reliance on oil incomes, adopt a resistance economy and focus more on its own talents.

Vladimir Putin, the Presid...


Xfce's Wayland Compositor Code Continues Improving "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A status update was posted this week around xfwm4-wayland with the Xfce Wayland compositor code...


We are Not Helpless "IndyWatch Feed War"

(John with his dog Ruff) May 13, 2023

No headlines today. Too depressing! Like watching a corpse decompose.

Were overcome with a feeling of helplessness as we watch our society rot. But were not helpless.

Ego (selfishness) is Satan.  Satan holds us captive. We can fight Satan by loving each other, In this spirit, I present my friend John who is still serving me and his growing circle of friends. 


  John Bilyk is a friend of mine. Hes the only person I know who walks the walk, not just talks the talk. He is the happiest man I know. His secret is that he is NOT self seeking. The Pursuit of Happiness makes us miserable. Instead he has given his life to God.

He does what he thinks God wants from him. He spends his time helping people. This is his job.

He is a handyman but he doesnt know what to charge because his focus is on helping people. They gratefully pay what they want. He visits his elderly father in a nursing home every day even though his dad chides him for not having a normal job. He doesnt always feel like helping others but he does it. Its his job. I believe the key to happiness is giving our lives to God and doing Gods will, however we interpret this. This is also the key to our personal and collective salvation. 

The Happiest Man I Know  (Updated)

From Feb 13, 2014
by John Bilyk  ( 

Thankfully, life is largely a mind game. We live in our heads. And because of this, we can create our own reality.

Life literally is what we make it. I tell myself Im a super nice billionaire that just happens to like the simple things in life. I walk through the park and tell myself that I own it. I have the gardeners cut the grass, and I even had a trail built just for me.

Im such a nice guy though that I share my land freely with everybody. As a thank you, they wanted to build a statue of me but I told them no.  How would life be different if it were true?

The power to this lies in non materialism. Saying no to things. Being content with what you have. Living a simple life. Not wanting the fancy car or phone. Not wanting the trip to Hawaii. Not wanting fame, fortune or even love. Not wanting. Just accept things for the way they are. Most things are over rated anyways.





Happy Mothers Day "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  Photo of me with my mother I think that was snapped after I returned from deployment to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait on Desert Shield/Storm/Saber.   Pain There are at least seven answers to the problem of pain or how to be happy. The Buddhist answer. Existence is pain. Happiness is an illusion. Blessedness comes []

The post Happy Mothers Day appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Could a Michigan School Shooting Have Been Prevented? Families Still Waiting for a Full Accounting of What Happened. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for Dispatches, a newsletter that spotlights wrongdoing around the country, to receive our stories in your inbox every week.

The story discusses gun violence and suicidal ideation.

On a cold evening in March, at a school board meeting in Oxford, Michigan, Buck Myre approached members with a sheaf of papers. As they were passed down the line, he paced and fidgeted.

For three minutes, the room was quiet. One board member covered her eyes with both hands. Finally, Myre stepped to the lectern. He released a shaky exhale, crackling the microphone.

I dont even know where to start, and I dont even know what to say, he said. But imagine you cant imagine. But imagine going to the coroners office and picking this up.

The papers were copies of his 16-year-old sons death certificate.

On Nov. 30, 2021, Tate Myre and three other students Hana St. Juliana, 14; Madisyn Baldwin, 17; and Justin Shilling, 17 were shot and killed inside Oxford High School by a 15-year-old sophomore. Seven more were shot but lived.

The shooter, who pleaded guilty to murder, terrorism and other felonies, awaits a hearing to determine whether hell face a life sentence without parole. His parents, who bought a gun for the troubled teenager four days before the shooting, are charged with involuntary manslaughter and awaiting trial.

But for many families, thats not enough. They want a full accounting of what happened and whether it could have been prevented which they still havent received.

I do believe that things went wrong that day, Myre told the school board in March. And I dont understand why were running from it. I dont get it.



Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

Professor Buxton confirms in his speech the shocking news  that the State Government is planning to remove ALL resident rights to object to ANY development, or even to be advised of an upcoming development, in certain areas, and that this objective, if passed, will trend everywhere.

[Headings and emphases are from candobetters editor. Electronic transcript has been checked by the recorder, but total accuracy cannot be guaranteed.]


Glenn Aitken introducing speaker:

Next speaker is Professor Michael Buxton, Professor Buxton is Emeritus professor of environment and planning RMIT school of global Urban and social studies, where he taught for 20 years as well as 30 years in Academia. Michael also served as mayor and council at the then Mordialloc Council and had various management roles in In the Victorian government, including at the EPA. Professor Buxton is one of Melbourne's most respected and, happily, outspoken planning experts. Please welcome him.

Professor Buxton:

Thank you for the introduction. That's longer than my talk is going to be so I might as well go now. Frankstons a beautiful place. I got here a bit early and went down to the beach. I used to come down to the beach at Frankston with mates of mine who used to live in Carrum. We used to frolic around out here and carry on. And it's amazing how beautiful it still is.



An Open-Source 4-Shaft Portable Loom "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Part of writing for Hackaday involves doing the rounds of our communitys events in search of amazing projects for your delectation. This weekend it was a trip to Maker Faire Delft, thanks to the wonders of the European Interail scheme. Once on the site, [Asl Aydn Aksan]s 4-shaft weaving loom immediately caught our eye. This is an open-source portable folding loom design. In weaving terms, shafts are sliding vertical frames. As the name implies, this loom has four, which allow different sets of warp threads to be brought to the surface of the weave at different times. This feature makes it capable of weaving complex patterns in the fabric and thus makes it a very interesting project indeed.

The frame of the loom is laser-cut ply, cunningly designed such that when not in use it can be folded into a compact unit. The attachments are all 3D-printed PLA in the prototypes, the comb is laser-cut acrylic, and the heddles are 3D printed in a flexible material. These last components conceal a further trick, theyre designed to be extra-easy to move between shafts on the fly, allowing even more complex patterns to be created.

All in all this is one of those special projects that comes out of the blue and raises the bar on all in its class. If theres another 4-shaft loom this accessible, weR...


Week in review: Microsoft fixes two actively exploited bugs, MSI private code signing keys leaked "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Heres an overview of some of last weeks most interesting news, articles, interviews and videos: Dragos blocks ransomware attack, brushes aside extortion attempt A ransomware group has tried and failed to extort money from Dragos, the industrial cybersecurity firm has confirmed on Wednesday, and reassured that none of its systems or its Dragos Platform had been breached. Easily bypassed patch makes zero-click Outlook flaw exploitable again (CVE-2023-29324) Among the vulnerabilities fixed by Microsoft on May More

The post Week in review: Microsoft fixes two actively exploited bugs, MSI private code signing keys leaked appeared first on Help Net Security.


Biden, here we come. De vlucht uit Europa "IndyWatch Feed War"


Biden, here we come. De vlucht uit Europa


Opinin: De Lo Que Nadie Habla Porque No Les Conviene "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Por Ana Mara Vzquez RegeneracinMx.- Ahhh la oposicin, las fakes, las notas recortadas, las inferencias, el departamento del Presidente, los zapatos sucios, Gatelltodo DEBE estar []

La entrada Opinin: De Lo Que Nadie Habla Porque No Les Conviene se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Iran to Back Resistance Front until Israel Fully Destroyed: General Qaani "IndyWatch Feed War"

 May 13, 2023 The commander of the Quds Force of Irans Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says Iran will continue to provide unwavering support for the Palestinian Resistance until the final annihilation of the apartheid Israeli regime. Brigadier General Esmail Qaani made the remarks at a ceremony in commemoration of his fallen comrades in Irans northeastern []


Silent Emergency: Premature Births Claim a Million Lives Yearly "IndyWatch Feed War"

Human Wrongs Watch

(UN News)* A silent emergency that is claiming one million tiny lives born premature each year requires concerted action to swiftly improve childrens health and survival, according to a new report r...



#Opinin: Hablando de salud a bajas dosis "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Por: Miguel ngel Snchez-Mecatl RegeneracinMx.- Si bien hablar de salud es algo cotidiano, es tambin un tema muy amplio e inagotable, comenzando con saber que []

La entrada #Opinin: Hablando de salud a bajas dosis se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"


Thank you very much Glenn, and it's great to see so many people here this morning. Standing up for your community and your civic-mindedness is a powerful antidote to the greed and short-sightedness that dominates way too much of modern thinking and policy.

You know, I hear a certain amount of talk about NIMBYs.  You realize that it is our responsibility to protect our neighborhood. It is the Australian government's responsibility to protect Australia. It's the Victorian government's responsibility to protect Victoria. It's the Frankston council's responsibility to protect Frankston. If we are not looking after our neighborhood, our backyard, then we are not doing the right thing either by ourselves or by future generations. So that is not selfishness. Don't be seduced by these calls for unselfishness, which come with all the sincerity of a Mississippi riverboat gambler.

I believe that people are are entitled to a say in the character of their street, their neighborhood, their community. When I was younger, and I was, always been very interested in environmental things, I thought maybe centralized government might be better, and I saw a federal Labor government saved the Franklin River, but over the years, I have realized that local communities can be relied on much more than remote bureaucrats, or corporations to protect their patch. So, the first thing is, you are entitled to a say, and I also believe that democracy has to have content.

If people don't feel that they have a genuine say in what is happening in their lives and in their neighborhoods, than the fine words about democracy ring hollow, and people become cynical and apathetic, and democracy gradually gets eroded. So, I believe that people need to be given a say, even if sometimes they make mistakes [they] need to be given a say in what happens in their lives and in their communities.

The second thing I want to say is that the density that we are seeing with the proposals here for these high-rise towers is bad for social justice.

Now, one of the things that developers and their advocates will tell you is that this is good for housing affordability. They employ these spin merchants who are a bit like that tobacco Lobby or the fossil fuel Lobby. They are very good at throwing smoke. They'll tell you that this is good for housing affordability. In fact, it is the opposite. If you deregulate planning and allow developers to build high-rise buildings, the cost of land goes u...


There Is No Escape From Telling "IndyWatch Feed War"

Edward curtin By the lakes lapping shore above the town and the railroad tracks, my wife and I stopped and marveled, struck stone silent by two dazzling Baltimore Orioles, clawed together as they tumbled, wrestling in the green morning breeze above our heads.  They perched upon a branch and sang a morning hymn, an ode


The land of informal Saints and Scholars "IndyWatch Feed"

Ireland has long been known as the Land of Saints and Scholars and yet the vast majority of those honoured are saints lived in the days before canonisation became a formal procedure.

Up to the 12th century, one was acclaimed by the local church as a saint, with the idea that it had to go to Rome only being introduced at that stage.

In 1170, Pope Alexander III declared that no one should be honoured as a saint without papal permission. It was formally incorporated into church law by Pope Gregory IX in 1234, and followed the case of a Swedish martyr who was acclaimed after being killed while drunk.

Only a handful of Irishmen, and no Irishwomen, have been canonised by Rome St Malachy (1094-1148), Feargal of Salsburg (700-784), Lawrence OToole (1128-1180) and the only post-Reformation saint, Oliver Plunkett (1625-1681). To that list is sometimes added a Dutch priest who spent much time in Ireland, St Charles of Mount Argus (1821-1893).

By contrast, England and Wales have had 43 canonised saints since the Reformation St Thomas More and John Fisher, the 40 martyrs canonised by St Paul VI, and St John Henry Newman.

However, Ireland has a significant number of individuals who have been beatified Blessed Thaddeus McCarthy (1455-1492), Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice, founder of the Christian Brothers (1762-1844), Blessed Columba Marmion (1858-1923), Blessed John Sullivan (1861-1933) and a large group of martyrs, listed here.

November 6 is the feast of all the saints of Ireland, and it also remembers those whose causes have been put forward for canonisation, such as Nano Nagle, founder of the Presentation Sisters, Catherine McAuley who founded the Sisters of Mercy, the Dublin layman Matt Talbot, and the Legion of Mary trio of Frank Duff, Edel Quinn and Alfie Lambe.

There is no easy answer as to why Ireland has only had one post-Reformation canonised saint, one would expect far more given the strength of its Catholic history, the experience of the Penal Laws, and the role of Irish priests, nuns, brothers and lay people in the development of Catholicism both in the English-speaking world and in the mission lands.


Best Reasons to Stand Up for Mothers this Mothers Day "IndyWatch Feed War"

(UN News)* For many mothers around the world, the month of May is an annual moment for them to receive thanks and recognition for all they do.



"IndyWatch Feed War"

14-05-2023 . []


Gaza Emerges Victorious as Israeli Enemy Yields to Resistance Terms: Video "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

May 14, 2023 The Egyptian intelligence, which mediated the truce talks, announced late Saturday that the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli enemy agreed to commit to a ceasefire, starting from 10 p.m. According to a copy obtained by Al-Manar, the Israeli side accepted the terms and conditions of the Palestinian resistance related to halting the []


Open Sunday discuss what you like "IndyWatch Feed"

The idea for Open Sunday is to let you discuss what you like.

Just two rules. Keep it civil and no man/woman playing.


Open sunday politics free zone "IndyWatch Feed"

In addition to our normal open Sunday, we have a politics-free post to give you all a break.

So discuss what you like here, but no politics.


Elon Musk Says He's Found a New CEO for Twitter, a Woman Who Will Start in 6 Weeks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Elon Musk says he's found a new CEO for Twitter, a woman who will start in 6 weeks:

Elon Musk said Thursday he has found a new CEO for Twitter, or X Corp. as it's now called.

He did not name the person but she will be starting in about six weeks.

Musk, who bought Twitter last fall and has been running it since, has been insisting he is not the company's permanent CEO.

The Tesla billionaire said in a tweet Thursday that his role will transition to being Twitter's executive chairman and chief technology officer.

Musk has been saying for nearly six months that he plans to find a new CEO for San Francisco-based Twitter.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

There are many ways I can talk about the environmental cost of the proposed towers, such as how children raised in high-rises tend to grow up short-sighted, fatter, and socially alienated, how most of our trees, native birds and animals will disappear in a landscape filled with such towers, and how high-rises in Frankston near the foreshore may be standing, uninsured, in the sea at high tides in less than 30 years.  I have, however, decided to talk about how they drive and profit from our social and political alienation.

What will towering concrete canyons actually bring to Frankston in exchange for the beautiful and rare natural environment that makes Frankston unique, with creeks, bushland, native birds and animals, and access to the beach and hinterland? Nothing positive, but plenty of negatives namely social inequality and a degraded environment.

In the Frankston Metropolitan Activity Centre Structure Plan Emerging Ideas Paper it is said that they will bring economic growth, to Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula, but it also says that most business is now conducted over the internet. Australia had a more thriving more diverse economy when it had a population of 7 million people.

High-rise towers worsen the divide between rich and poor because they increase the cost of land for everyone, whilst making a very small number of developers and investors rich simply through subdividing and building upwards. They don't solve housing unaffordability because they depend on constant mass migration to increase demand for land and to inflate prices and investment in housing. In the past decade, ninety-three per cent of Australias income growth was concentrated within 10% of the population, with only 7% going to the rest of us. Welcome to the houses and holes economy.

When land-prices go up, so does the cost of everything that depends on land - housing, rent, power, water, and food, etc.

The fact that State and Fed Gov are pushing high-rises and population growth on us is a clear sign that they are not on our side, nor on the side of democracy. We have not been adequately consulted or educated about this.

Australians, by having small families, have shown that they want to keep the space and freedom they are losing. 

A proposed 16 storey apartment tower which plans on 188 apartments would mean something like 560 new residents for Frankston and a multiplication...


BBC reporting on PIJ continues to leave readers underinformed "IndyWatch Feed War"

Previously we looked at the BBC News websites initial report concerning Operation Shield and Arrow on May 9th:


As noted, at no point in that report were BBC audiences told that the Palestinian Islamic Jihad is a terrorist organisation which is designated by the EU, the US, the UK, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel and readers were not provided with any information concerning the financial and military sponsorship provided to the PIJ by Iran.

As the operation continued, the BBC News website published additional reports which, like that initial article, were not tagged with the name of the terrorist organisation that is their topic.

On May 10th a report by David Gritten that was originally headlined Gaza militants fire rockets after new Israeli air strikes appeared on the websites Middle East page. The headline was later amended to read Israel and Gaza militants in heaviest fighting for "" rel="noopener" target= "_blank">Raffi Berg and David Gritten....


Gemini Links 14/05/2023: Linux Derpening "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Technical

      • Music

        • Album #260: GZA Liquid Swords

          Ive tried and failed with Wu Tang Clan, but this solo album was a great surprise. Excellent beats, great flow, consistent quality.

          It loses a point for the film samples/skits. I guess they serve a purpose in breaking things up a bit/setting some atmosphere? The tracks stand up without them though. Hundreds of cassette edits of this must exist in lofts across the world.

        • Album #253: The Byrds Sweetheart of the Rodeo

          This is the third Byrds album. Unposted reviews of Fifth Dimension and Younger than Yesterday were both 2s, so I came in expecting the worst. Its good though!

          The album feels like a pitch for Country in a time when Country wasnt cool. The result is an accessible, slightly watered down poppy-rocky-country record that almost certainly made some people covertly give Country a bit more of a chance.

      • Internet/Gemini

        • Captains Log Stardate 20230513.88784

          Im redesigning my entire network from the ground up. Media servers, web/i2p/Onion everything. Gemini server too.

        • communication preferences

          I genuinely feel like one part of the heaviness and sadness I experience at times is having to interact with so many people that I dont know, in a way that is so uncaring and stifled. When your fellow humans might as well be robots and vending machines, you treat eachother accordingly. It all comes together; corporate culture, ideas of professionalism, stress, being overworked. So in...


Bold Gambits on the West Asian Chessboard "IndyWatch Feed War"

In the Great Power competition, everything is connected: Uncertain negotiations between Russia and NATO over Ukraine may be impacted by Turkiyes post-election pivot and Syrias return to the Arab League. West Asia is a region that is currently experiencing a great deal of geopolitical activity. Recent diplomatic efforts, initiated by Russia and overseen by China, secured Continue reading Bold Gambits on the West Asian Chessboard


U.S. asks for emergency stay of judge's decision blocking Biden from releasing migrants without court dates "IndyWatch Feed World"

U.S. asks for emergency stay of judge's decision blocking Biden from releasing migrants without court dates | 13 May 2023 | The Biden regime said it will appeal a federal judge's order blocked immigration authorities from releasing apprehended migrants without court dates -- a policy the administration says is necessary as Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facilities are over-capacity following an extreme surge in illegal migration this week as Title 42 ended. Justice Department attorneys on Saturday asked the U.S. District Court in the Northern District of Florida for an emergency stay on Judge T. Kent Wetherell II's two-week restraining order on the Biden administration policy, notifying the court of the administration's intention to appeal to the 11th Circuit, according to court documents. Wetherell blocked the administration's "parole with conditions" policy Thursday in response to a lawsuit from the state of Florida. The order came as migrants surged to the U.S. border as the Title 42 public health order -- which allows for the quick removal of migrants due to the COVID-19 pandemic -- expired. Agents encountered over 10,000 migrants on multiple days and there were more than 25,000 in custody as of Friday morning.


Never Stare Down a Robot "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

There are a few things historically difficult to make a robot do. Stairs, of course, are the obvious problem. But realistic blinking behavior is harder than you might think. At first, it might seem frivolous and simple to have a robot blink, but according to Italian scientists, it is both more important and more difficult than you probably think.

Blinking is a nonverbal cue when humans communicate. The post quotes a Finnish researcher:

While it is often assumed that blinking is just a reflexive physiological function associated with protective functions and ocular lubrication, it also serves an important role in reciprocal interaction.

The researchers found that both 13-year-old and adult subjects like blinking robots more. Apparently, a robot that doesnt blink makes people feel stared at sorry HAL.

The researchers also note that blinking is subtle, so getting it right isnt easy and requires high-precision motors. They mention that making it move fast and look realistic takes a lot of work. We wonder, however, if an LCD-rendered eye could blink very effectively and at a lower cost. After all, the eye doesnt have to be the robots actual camera. Regardless, the researchers point out that if the blinking isnt natural, it appears odd and disturbing.

Weve seen plenty of blinking eye mechanism...


Link "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Make no mistake. Its not about your convenience

This Argentinian startup wants to improve breast cancer detection in Latin America "IndyWatch Feed World"

Mamotest, which expanded into Mexico last year, is using AI imaging and to help catch breast cancer earlier in Latin American patients.

For radiologists working in developing countries, a constant source of frustration for those who screen patients for breast cancer is finding it when its too late to effectively treat it.

Read Full Story


It's the Wind Not the Heat "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

There has been a lot of talk about the warmth of this weekend, but the REAL story is about the winds, not the temperatures.  Unusually strong easterly winds.

Today was a warm, but pleasant day for many, with Seattle getting up to the mid-80s away from the water, while highs hit around 90 from Olympia down into the Willamette Valley.

But the warmth was mitigated by a wonderful breeze in many locations, with the high winds today reaching around 20 mph over western Washington/Oregon and 30-35 mph east of the Cascades.  

The weather situation today and tomorrow are very different from the major heatwave events and that explains the winds.



Homeless vets are being booted from New York hotels to make room for migrants - advocates "IndyWatch Feed World"

Beyond insane in the membrane: Homeless vets are being booted from New York hotels to make room for migrants - advocates | 12 May 2023 | Nearly two dozen struggling homeless veterans have been booted from upstate hotels to make room for migrants illegal aliens, says a nonprofit group that works with the vets. The ex-military -- including a 24-year-old man in desperate need of help after serving in Afghanistan -- were told by the hotels at the beginning of the week that their temporary housing was getting pulled out from under them at the establishments and that they'd have to move on to another spot, according to the group and a sickened local pol. "Our veterans have been placed in another hotel due to what's going on with the immigrants," said Sharon Toney-Finch, the CEO of the Yerik Israel Toney Foundation. Toney-Finch, a disabled military veteran, said 15 of the veterans got the heave-ho from the Crossroads Hotel in Newburgh about 60 miles north of New York City in Orange County -- a new epicenter of Big Apple's migrant crisis since Mayor Eric Adams began bussing Gotham's overflow there against local officials' wishes.


First Listing of Hoards "IndyWatch Feed World"

We have put a few hoards up in the Store that are available. We will put others up tomorrow

The post First Listing of Hoards first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


Geoffrey Hinton, AI, and Googles Ethics Problem "IndyWatch Feed War"

Talk about the dangers of artificial intelligence, actual or imagined, has become feverish, much of it induced by the growing world of generative chat bots. When scrutinising the critics, attention should be paid to their motivations. What do they stand to gain from adopting a particular stance? In the case of Geoffrey Hinton, immodestly seen as the Godfather of AI, the scrutiny levelled should be sharper than most.

Hinton hails from the connectionist school of thinking in AI, the once discredited field that envisages neural networks which mimic the human brain and, more broadly, human behaviour. Such a view is at odds with the symbolists, who focus on AI as machine-governed, the preserve of specific symbols and rules.

John Thornhill, writing for the Financial Times, notes Hintons rise, along with other members of the connectionist tribe: As computers became more powerful, data sets exploded in size, and algorithms became more sophisticated, deep learning researchers, such as Hinton, were able to produce ever more impressive results that could no longer be ignored by the mainstream AI community.

In time, deep learning systems became all the rage, and the world of big tech sought out such names as Hintons. He, along with his colleagues, came to command absurd salaries at the summits of Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft. At Google, Hinton served as vice president and engineering fellow.

Hintons departure from Google, and more specifically his role as head of the Google Brain team, got the wheel of speculation whirring. One line of thinking was that it took place so that he could criticise the very company whose very achievements he has aided over the years. It was certainly a bit rich, given Hintons own role in pushing the cart of generative AI. In 2012, he pioneered a self-training neural network capable of identifying common objects in pictures with considerable accuracy.

The timing is also of interest. Just over a month prior, an open letter was published by the Future of Life Institute warning of the terrible effects of AI beyond the wickedness of OpenAIs GPT-4 and other cognate systems. A number of questions were posed: Should we let machines flood our information channels with propaganda and untruth? Should we automate away all the jobs, including the fulfilling ones? Should we develop nonhuman minds that might eventually outnumber, outsmart, obsolete and replace us? Should we risk loss of control of our civilization?

In calling for a six-month pause on developing such large-scale AI projects, the letter attracted a number of names that somewhat diminished the value of the warnings; many signatories had, after all, played a far from negligible role in creating automation, obsolescence...


TREASON: Biden regime coordinating with Mexican government to secretly facilitate mass illegal migrant INVASION "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT TRUMP.NEWS Initially, it was thought that Joe Bidens open border policies were...


Hotel set to take NYC migrants abruptly cancels 30 rooms soon-to-be newlyweds booked for their guests "IndyWatch Feed World"

Hotel set to take NYC migrants abruptly cancels 30 rooms soon-to-be newlyweds booked for their guests --The Crossroads is one of several hotels believed to have booted nearly two dozen homeless veterans in favor of incoming migrants | 14 May 2023 | A Florida couple has had their wedding upended after an Orange County hotel -- set to take in migrants from New York City -- abruptly canceled the rooms she booked for her guests, she told The Post. Deanna Mifsud, 35, and Gary Moretti, 37, are both originally from New York, and plan to marry June 24 at Lippincott Manor in upstate Walkill, with 160 guests from throughout the country expected to attend, she said. For the big day, the couple's guests had a total of 30 rooms booked at The Crossroads Hotel in Newburgh, about 20 minutes from their venue. The newlyweds, along with 10 bridesmaids, five groomsmen and guests from [across the U.S.] had all planned to stay at the hotel, and the couple had paid for transportation to and from the party. "We signed a contract. We had a legal contract to have those rooms," Moretti said. But everything was upended when they learned the Crossroads was set to accept migrants from NYC, who are being bused to hotels in Westchester and the Hudson Valley as the city struggles to deal with theinflux of immigrants pouring over the border.So they called the hotel and learned their reservation had been tossed aside.


Despite IMF Rebuke, Zimbabwe Sells $14 Million Gold-Backed Digital Tokens In First Issue "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Two weeks ago we described Zimbabwe's latest effort to stabilize the local currency from continued depreciation against the U.S. dollar - The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe introduced a gold-backed digital currency to serve as legal tender in the country.

Danger Within: The Government Is Turning America Into a Constitution-Free Zone "IndyWatch Feed World"

Every decade or so, the government makes the case for expanding its wartime powers and curtailing the citizenrys freedomin the war on terrorism, war on drugs, war on communism, war on foreigners, war on extremism, war on dissidents, war on peace activists, war on anti-government speech, etc.all for the sake of national security, of course, and as expected, the American people fall in line.

Why we need to end mom guilt once and for all "IndyWatch Feed World"

Whether youre a CEO, an employee, or a stay-at-home parent, its easy to get caught up in the narrative that finding our own balance negatively impacts our children and our careers.

Confession: I havent volunteered for a single field trip at my kids school this year and, if Im being totally honest, it doesnt feel great.

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Phil Knight ponied up $400 million to help historically Black areas of Portland. Meet the woman investing it. "IndyWatch Feed World"

Under CEO Rukaiyah Adams, the new 1803 Fund aims to revive a once-vibrant Black neighborhood that was razed in the 1950s.

When Rukaiyah Adams took the podium at Nike World Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon, two weeks ago to announce Phil and Penny Knights $400 million donation to the 1803 Fund her voice wavered with emotion. Its understandable why: Thanks to the contributions of the Nike founder and his wife, the scale of the assets shell be managing as chair of the newly formed fund will be game-changing for Portlands Black community, which her family has been a part of for four generations.

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Lululemons brilliant dupe strategy should be duplicated by every brand "IndyWatch Feed World"

Lululemon fans craved products from the beloved $50 billion athletic apparel company but have been settling for cheap alternatives. Then the company decided to deliver a big surprise.

Hey guys, here are this months best-selling Amazon Lulu lookalikes, and I used to work at Lulu, so I promise you these are identical!

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003 CEO as AI, Welcome ChatGPT to your new Role (Australia) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The role of CEO and dharma, AI and Kshatriya, divine feminine and fealty, and love of ones leader, plus AIs AIsthetic Apparel on the Alchemy of Innovation podcast. Also King Charles Coronation, replacing the CEO of both Telstra Australia and The Commonwealth Bank of Australia with ChatGPT as well as what happens in 5 or 10 years when regulation insists that the main decisions in an organisation are made by Generative AI with Alignment to regulations and safety? My Alchemy of Innovation podcast for your listening pleasure.

Can A CEO be AI? Or when will 70-80% of CEOs be generative AI or ChatGPT? While the role of CEO is wide and varied from thought leadership in an industry to expansion to joint ventures to pivots and positioning, how will AI compete in a competitive Divine Masculine field?

I am following ChatGPTs advice, contributing to a more balanced world by voicing my inner thoughts on the role of CEO and dharma, AI and kshatriya, brahmin Divine Feminine and Fealty and love of ones leader. Plus AIsthetic Apparel. Oh and having artificial intelligence roleplay as the CEO of Telstra Australia and CEO of Commonwealth bank of Australia. King Charles, noblesse oblige, supererogatory service and Rupert Murdoch as the soul bringing Platos Allegory of the Cave to the next stage. And Elon Musks role as The Great Disruptor. We track CEOs (the archetype) through history of feudal lords, viziers, and understand the balance that divine feminine can and must bring to our social constructs.

Transcript then Resources, below.

Transcript of The AI CEO CEO as artificial intelligence or ChatGPT

Ive been thinking Mostly about CEOs and the role of leadership in the AI age. Welcome to Alchemy of Innovation with me, Laurel Papworth, where we transcend business concepts with a dash of philosophy and ancient religion, mixing in spirituality, emergent technology, and science, then garnishing the concoction with artificial intelligence and mysticism. Enjoy.

Four weeks ago, Joo dos Santos told ChatGPT that it was the CEO of a startup, that it had $1,000 to invest and one hour a week. And what did the CEO, ChatGPT, want Joo as the executive assistant to do? This wasnt an exercise...


Teacher Sacked After Refusing to Use Eight Year-Olds Trans Pronouns and Raising Safeguarding Concerns "IndyWatch Feed War"


A primary schoolteacher has lost her job and is facing a raft of investigations from various regulatory bodies for questioning the advice from Stonewall and Mermaids to encourage a gender transition of an eight year-old pupil without any medical evidence.

The child, who cannot be identified for legal reasons and is known only as Child X, believed she was born in a wrong body and wanted to be treated as a boy.

Based on the advice from trans rights organisations such as Mermaids and Stonewall, the council instructed all school staff always to refer to the child by male pronouns and her chosen male name and that she should use boys toilets, dressing rooms and dormitories as requested.

The teacher known as Hannah (not her real name) invoked the schools and the councils whistleblowing procedure to argue that this approach was not based on me...


Gotham Gal Joanne Wilson has built her dream startup, and its Colette for cannabis "IndyWatch Feed World"

The legendary New York tech fixture Joanne Wilson has opened Gotham, a legal, high-end cannabis lifestyle store in Manhattan designed to reinvent retail and the cannabis narrative.

Joanne Wilson remembers the first time she smoked pot. Mostly.

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Mental Healthcare Burden of Transgender Youth Before and After Gender-Affirming Treatment "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH | Courageous Discourse | May 11, 2023

The explosion of transgender medicine (TGD) as a new clinical segment of internal medicine is aimed at treating gender dysphoria. Does sex change really make gender dysphoria go away? One proxy for the psychological impact for better or worse is mental health care costs. A recent study reported shocking results in the wrong direction.

Hisle-Gorman et al from Department of Pediatrics, Uniformed Services University, Bethesda, MD published a retrospective cohort (N=3754) study using military healthcare data from 2010-2018 identifying mental healthcare diagnoses and visits, and psychotropic medication prescriptions among TGD youth who received care for gender dysphoria before age 18, and their siblings.

Hisle-Gorman E, Schvey NA, Adirim TA, Rayne AK, Susi A, Roberts TA, Klein DA. Mental Healthcare Utilization of Transgender Youth Before and After Affirming Treatment. J Sex Med. 2021 Aug;18(8):1444-1454. doi: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2021.05.014. Epub 2021 Jul 8. PMID: 34247956.

Sadly, TGD adolescents were more likely to have a mental health diagnosis (OR 5.45, 95% CI [4.77-6.24]), use more mental healthcare services (IRR 2.22; 95% CI [2.00-2.46]), and used psychotropic medications (IRR = 2.57; 95% CI [2.36-2.80]) compa...


ESA Juices RIME Antenna Breaks Free After Some Jiggling and Percussive Action "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

After ESAs Jupiter-bound space probe Juice (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) launched on April 14th of this year, it initially looked as if it had squeezed out a refreshingly uneventful deployment, until it attempted to unfurl its solar panels and antennae. One of these antennae, for the RIME (Radar for Icy Moons Exploration) instrument that uses ice-penetrating radar to get a subsurface look at Jupiters moons, ended up being rather stuck. Fortunately, on May 12th it was reported that ESA engineers managed to shock the sticky pin loose.



5 REAL Reasons Narcissists Break Up With You "IndyWatch Feed World"

Relationships with narcissistic individuals can be tumultuous and challenging, leaving their partners feeling confused, hurt, and questioning the reasons behind the breakup. While narcissists may employ various manipulative tactics and display self-centered behaviors, their decision to end a relationship is often driven by underlying motivations. In this article, we will uncover the genuine reasons narcissists break up with their partners, shedding light on their true intentions and providing insight into this complex dynamic.

  1. Loss of Narcissistic Supply

Narcissists thrive on admiration, validation, and attention from others, known as narcissistic supply. Initially, partners may fulfill this need by idealizing the narcissist and showering them with praise. However, as the relationship progresses, partners may start recognizing the narcissists manipulative tendencies and setting boundaries. This loss of unwavering adoration threatens the narcissists fragile ego, prompting them to seek alternative sources of supply. Consequently, they may end the relationship to find new targets who can fulfill their insatiable need for validation.

  1. Fear of Exposure

Narcissists meticulously construct a facade of grandiosity and perfection to maintain their self-image. When partners begin to see through this facade and challenge their false narratives, the narcissist faces a significant threat to their carefully crafted image. Fear of exposure and vulnerability can drive them to abruptly end the relationship to protect their inflated self-image from being shattered. By preemptively severing ties, narcissists attempt to regain control and avoid the potential damage caused by the partners increasing awareness of their true nature.

  1. Loss of Control

Narcissists have an insatiable desire for control and dominance in their relationships. As partners gain insights into their manipulative tactics and reclaim their autonomy, narcissists feel their control slipping away. The loss of power can trigger feelings of insecurity and frustration in the narcissist, leading them to terminate the relationship before they lose complete control over their partners thoughts, actions, and emotions. Breaking up allows them to maintain a sense of superiority and control by exerting dominance over the situation.

  1. Devaluation and Discarding Cycle

Narcissists frequently engage in a toxic pattern known as the devaluation and discarding cycle. Initially, they idealize their partners, showering them with affection and attention. However, over time, they devalue their partners, criticizing, belittling, and emotionally manipulating them. The devaluation stage erodes the partners self-esteem and emotional well-being. Eventually, when the partner is emotionally depleted and vulnerable, th...


The 12 Caesars "IndyWatch Feed World"

As far as the 12 Caesars are concerned, I am doing my best to assemble a few sets. These are not easy to put together. Nevertheless, I am giving it a shot to see what I can do that would be reasonably priced, under that $100k people ask on the market. I believe reasonably excellent VF/XF sets for around $50,000. But this is not something that quantity exists. This is very hard to assemble. Im still trying to fill in some gaps. They will be presented in a nice wooden case.

The post The 12 Caesars first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


Bird of the Day: Verdin "IndyWatch Feed World"

Verdin by Richard Kostecke - Organikos

Spicewood, Burnet County, TX


Gemini Links 13/05/2023: OpenBSD vi Backwards Search Bug, Bubble and Introduced "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • When reading is a joy regardless the topic

        I love discovering authors I want to read despite the topic, their leanings, biases, etc.

        Im not going to name any in these antenna-collected parts, because Id not want to hurt any feelings, but also because of classic jinxing fear in this case that mentioning a name would somehow (you know how this Murphys Law infused world is) lead to their suddenly losing whatever their magick is.

      • How rational human beings exchange ideas
      • Some short story plots

        As i already mentioned, i would like to write fiction more frequently; i am mostly interested in short stories as a genre, and having read lots of them last summer, some short story plots have ocurred to me, although i didnt use any of them in actual writing, in part because i have difficulties writing fiction, in part because they arent that good anyway.

      • Growing Tomatoes

        This is my second year growing tomatoes. Last year, I had a total crop of around half a dozen mostly mushy and small fruits. Ive learnt a lot of lessons: this year Ive started earlier, Ive given them all more space, and Im fertilising them regularly. Theyre already doing very well. Its just so satisfying to look out the window no matter how my day is going and see this little plants that I grew from seed become just that bit bigger. Itll be even more satisfying when I can eat something that I grew that is truly delicious. Simply cannot wait.

      • mrpieceofwork cries for help (and finally figured this out): 20230512 Friday
      • ...


The Smarter You Are, The More Likely You Are To Be Single "IndyWatch Feed World"

The realm of romantic relationships is diverse and complex, with a myriad of factors influencing the choices and experiences of individuals seeking companionship. One intriguing pattern that has emerged in recent research is the correlation between intelligence and being single. Several studies suggest that individuals with higher intelligence levels are more likely to remain single. In this article, we delve into this fascinating phenomenon, examining potential reasons behind the connection between intelligence and singleness.

  1. High Standards and Selectivity

One plausible explanation for the correlation between intelligence and being single is the presence of high standards and selectivity. Intelligent individuals often possess a strong sense of self-awareness and know precisely what they desire in a partner. They may have a clear understanding of their own needs, goals, and values, and seek a compatible match who can engage them intellectually. As a result, they may be more selective in their choice of partners, leading to a prolonged period of singleness while waiting for the right match.

  1. Pursuit of Personal and Professional Goals

Intelligent individuals tend to be driven and focused on personal and professional development. They may prioritize their career aspirations, educational pursuits, or personal growth, dedicating substantial time and effort to these endeavors. This pursuit of individual goals and self-actualization may inadvertently delay or limit the availability for committed relationships. Intelligent individuals may opt to invest their time in personal achievements before seeking a long-term partnership.

  1. Challenging Interpersonal Dynamics

Intelligence often comes hand in hand with analytical thinking, a preference for intellectual discussions, and a thirst for knowledge. While these qualities can be appealing to some, they may pose challenges in establishing and maintaining romantic relationships. Highly intelligent individuals may find it difficult to connect on a deep emotional level or relate to partners who do not share their intellectual interests. This can create a sense of isolation or limited compatibility, leading to prolonged periods of singleness.

  1. Social Stigma and Misconceptions

There can be societal stigmas and misconceptions surrounding highly intelligent individuals when it comes to relationships. Some may perceive intelligent individuals as socially awkward, lacking in emotional intelligence, or overly focused on their intellectual pursuits. These stereotypes can create barriers and hinder relationship prospects. Additionally, highly intelligent individuals may face challenges in finding partners who appreciate and embrace their intelligence, leading to a higher likelihood of being single.

  1. Relationship Prio...


Inside the 8086 Processor, Tiny Charge Pumps Create a Negative Voltage "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Introduced in 1978, the revolutionary Intel 8086 microprocessor led to the x86 processors used in most desktop and server computing today. This chip is built from digital circuits, as you would expect. However, it also has analog circuits: charge pumps that turn the 8086's 5-volt supply into a negative voltage to improve performance.1 I've been reverse-engineering the 8086 from die photos, and in this post I discuss the construction of these charge pumps and how they work.

[...] An integrated circuit starts with a silicon substrate, and transistors are built on this. For high-performance integrated circuits, it is beneficial to apply a negative "bias" voltage to the substrate. 2 To obtain this substrate bias voltage, many chips in the 1970s had an external pin that was connected to -5V,3 but this additional power supply was inconvenient for the engineers using these chips. By the end of the 1970s, however, on-chip "charge pump" circuits were designed that generated the negative voltage internally. These chips used a single convenient +5V supply, making engineers happier.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


5/11/23 Mutaqee Akbar on the Uhuru Movement, Who They Are and What Theyre Charged With "IndyWatch Feed War"

Download Episode. Scott is joined by Mutaqee Akbar, one of the lawyers representing members of the Uhuru Movement. The Uhuru Movement is a group of Black Socialists who were recently arrested in a SWAT raid and charged with operating as agents of the Russian government. Akbar explains what the Uhuru Movement is and gives some []


5/11/23 Kyle Anzalone on This Weeks Ukraine News "IndyWatch Feed War"

Download Episode. Kyle Anzalone was back on Antiwar Radio to go over some of this weeks biggest foreign policy stories. They discuss the battle of Bakhmut, the plan for a Ukrainian counteroffensive, the concerning news about the upcoming NATO Summit and the ongoing Chinese negotiation effort to bring an end to the fighting in Ukraine. []


Fake Analysis by Greg Ayers and Jane Warne Because End Justifies Means "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

From Jennifer Marohasys Blog Jennifer Marohasy I estimate the Bureau have about 200,000 parallel temperature records. These are handwritten records of temperatures measured at the same place and the same


Cries and Whispers Along the Russian Watchtowers "IndyWatch Feed War"

Remember Putin: We havent even started anything yet. Whispers of an evil power were heard in lines at dairy shops, in streetcars, stores, apartments, kitchens, suburban and long-distance trains, at stations large and small, in dachas, and on beaches. Needless to say, truly mature and cultured people did not tell these stories about an evil Continue reading Cries and Whispers Along the Russian Watchtowers


OTB#62: Stntang "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I think I saw some Tarr movies back in the 90s, but if so, I dont remember any specifics. But I have seen two of his movies recentlyish The Man From London, which was OK, and...


US 'should be in the dock' for violation of international law - China "IndyWatch Feed World"

The US has blatantly violated international law while imposing its own rules upon the world by force, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin has claimed. The comments followed reports that Washington and its allies are planning to use an upcoming G7 summit to demand that China "act responsibly." During Wang's regular press briefing on Thursday, a journalist with China's Global Times mentioned speculation that G7 leaders will ask Beijing "to abide by international rules" when they meet in Japan later this month. Issuing a lengthy response, Wang began by asserting that "for the overwhelming majority of countries in the world" the term "international rules" means the basic standards of relations enshrined in the UN Charter.


UK charity sounds alarm on soaring blood clot deaths, calls on NHS to publish data it stopped collecting during lockdowns "IndyWatch Feed World"

A charity has warned that deaths are higher than expected as it called for more transparency over the work hospitals are doing to reduce risk. Vital information gathered about a serious condition is still not being published three years after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, a charity has said. Thrombosis UK has warned that deaths involving blood clots are higher than expected as it called for more transparency over the work hospitals are doing to reduce the risk for patients. Before the pandemic hit, hospitals were regularly publishing data on the number of patients who had been risk assessed for blood clots.


Russia begins to annul visas of Finnish citizens shopping for fuel, restores visa-free access to Georgians "IndyWatch Feed World"

Russian border guards began to annul visas for those Finnish residents who come to Russia to refuel their vehicles and buy food, the Helsingin Sanomat newspaper reported on Saturday. According to it, this happened several dozen times at the Vaalimaa and Nuijamaa border crossing points. The newspaper notes that people travel from Finland to Russia to shop and refuel using multiple-entry business visas obtained through private visa centers but previously, Russian authorities used to turn a blind eye to it even though such visits did not constitute a business trip.


HART response to incorrect statements from Fraser Myers, published by Spiked "IndyWatch Feed War"

<blockquote> <h5><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"><span style="color: #003366;">Health Advisory & Recovery Team | May 12, 2023

Spiked has published a spiteful <a href= "" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">article</a> by Fraser Myers that claims HART is <em>notorious for its anti-vax statements</em>. This follows a <a href= "" rel= "noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">debate</a> between him and Andrew Bridgen MP on GB News in which Bridgen brought along facts and Myers repeated the phrase <em>anti-vax conspiracy theory</em> numerous times. In turn, the debate had come about after Myers had published a shoddy <a href= "" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">attack</a> short on facts and heavy on invective on Bridgen a week previously. The <em>Spiked</em> article was brutally <a href= "" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">dismembered</a> by Will Jones at <em>Daily Sceptic</em>.</p> <p>Perhaps stung by this, Myers produced the offending article, bringing HART into the picture after we <a href= "" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">asked</a> for clarification about funding that <em>Spiked</em> had previously received from Pfizer. Nick Dixon, also of <em>Daily Sceptic</em>, has attempted to <a href= "" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">triangulate</a> the state of play. We have written a longer <a href= "" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">piece</a> about this episode; numerous others have opined on the matter. David Paton <a href= "" rel= "noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">stated</a> that Myers would have more credibility in this debate if <em>Spiked</em> addressed their inexcusable support for sacking unvaccinated care workers having <a href= "" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">supported</a> this policy in July 2021.</p> <p>Myers unpleasant statement about HART sits alongside various incorrect facts. We are happy to put the record straight and as Myers has stated that this is his final word on the matter we are pleased that thi...


Huge explosions as Russia destroys military facilities holding dozens of tons of munitions in at least two locations in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed World"

Despite the fact that the SBU threatens with harsh measures all those Ukrainians who publish footage of arrivals or the consequences of arrivals at military facilities, such photos and videos still appear in Ukrainian public pages and on social media pages. In the afternoon, new evidence emerged of the consequences of the defeat of one of the enemy targets near Khmelnitsky. Initially, it was reported that a kamikaze drone of the RF Armed Forces hit a fuel storage facility, but then evidence of a powerful detonation at the facility began to be published.


Hackaday Prize 2023: The NEOKlacker Pocket Computer "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Science fiction always promised us pocket computers. These days, were spoiled for choice. [Spider Jerusalem] eschewed a simple smartphone or tablet, though, instead building a custom pocket computer of their own design. 

Like so many other DIY cyberdecks and handheld computers, this one relies on a Raspberry Pi. In this case, its built using a Pi 4 with 8GB of RAM, which offers a snappy experience that wasnt available on the earliest boards. [Spider] paired it with a nifty 720720 LCD screen and a full QWERTY button pad, wrapped up in a tidy 3D-printed case. Like any good pocket computer, its well-connected, thanks to a 4G LTE cellular data connection.

It might seem to be a build without a purpose in this era, but thats not necessarily the case. When it comes to running barebones Linux utilities at a real command line, a Raspberry Pi offers some utility that the average smartphone doesnt have out of the box. Its a useful tool if you need to interface with a server on the go or do some low-level network diagnostics without carrying a whole laptop around. Video after the break.




Berlin offers Kiev largest-yet military package "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | May 13, 2023

Germany announced a further 2.7 billion ($3 billion) in military aid to Kiev on Saturday, its largest weapons donation since Russia began its military operation in Ukraine last year.

The gift is meant to show that Germany is serious in its support for Ukraine, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius told reporters. Germany will provide all the help it can, as long as it takes, he vowed.

The package includes 30 Leopard 1 A5 tanks, 20 Marder armored personnel carriers, over 100 combat vehicles, 18 self-propelled Howitzers, 200 reconnaissance drones, four IRIS-T SLM anti-aircraft systems, and ammunition. Germanys own military is not yet equipped with the IRIS-T systems.

Berlins move comes as Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is expected to visit for the first time since hostilities began last February. Germany reportedly wants to make a good impression after its initial reluctance to join fellow NATO members in supplying the Ukrainian military with lethal weapons out of concern it would be drawn into the conflict ruffled feathers in Kiev.

Zelenskys visit takes place amid growing public discontent with the status quo. A YouGov poll published on Friday revealed more than half of Germans opposed NATO membership for Ukraine, while 55% want Kiev and Moscow to negotiate a peace deal as soon as possible. Several German celebrities have recently addressed Chancellor Olaf Scholz with open letters urging his government to stop sending weapons to Ukraine and instead push for a ceasefire.

While Germany and its NATO allies have long pledged to support Ukraine as long as it takes, the blocs Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has admitted they are running out of weapons and ammo with which to show that support. In October it was revealed that Germanys ammunition stockpiles would last for just two days of combat, far below the 30-day threshold theoretically required for NATO countries, though Berlin is far from alone in running on empty.


More Pinochet Than Pinochet: Chiles Constitutional Change "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT XYZ Whilst I was in the middle of writing yet another article,...


Garda Look Away as Fascists Commit Arson "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

When the pandemic hit, there was a sort of pause on the independence marches and rallies that Tegan and I had joined in Glasgow. Through a combination of habit, havent gone out a whole lot since then, and while Ive been getting out a bit more in recent months, Ive not gotten back into activism. I also havent put in the time and effort to learn about Irish politics. I was aware that there were fascists around, but it didnt feel like the same kind of problem it was back in the US. In my first couple months here, I scraped off all the stickers they had put up on signposts around town, but they have yet to be replaced. I had also noticed the hashtag Ireland is full trending on Twitter pretty regularly, but I had also seen one guy claiming credit for that, and outlining how he went about using bots and the like. Add in my effort to make a living through writing (Id love to see more small donations at my Patreon), and it was easy to become a bit complacent.

Well, now Im paying attention. and working to catch up.

Last night, a bunch of right-wing extremists held a hate rally against maybe a couple dozen asylum seekers who, lacking real housing, had set up an encampment near the relevant government office. After counterprotesters left, the Garda, Irelands national police force, apparently wandered off while the encampment was set on fire. The residents had been evacuated earlier, because of the danger, so as far as I can find out, nobody was hurt in the fire.

There are a number of refugees in Dublin from Ukraine and elsewhere, waiting on their asylum applications, and while some are in hotels, a sizable number are not, and have joined the citys population of unhoused people. Theyre being used as scapegoats by the far right, as usual, who blame them for crime, and a shortage of homes and jobs in Ireland. These are all real problems, of course, but with a number of vacant buildings around Dublin, including apartments, its not the immigrants causing the problem its a system that values profit over human life.

That perspective isnt encouraged by capitalists, of course, and its downright repugnant to people on the far right, so they lie, preach hate, and attack those with the least power to fight back. From the day before yesterday:

Asylum seekers living in a makeshift Dublin city campsite are afraid for their lives after several violent attacks.

Video footage emerged on social media this week showing a violent scuffle at a shanty town housing Inte...


How to Make Impeachment Great Again "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

While "bipartisanship" is usually a terrible thing, just horse-trading between both sides to give each other the worst of what each side wants, it's really the only way to both give teeth to, and require real weight to invoke, impeachment proceedings.

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