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Monday, 17 April


Donnerstag sagte ich:Genau wie bei den ganzen Polizeigesetzen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Donnerstag sagte ich:

Genau wie bei den ganzen Polizeigesetzen verspricht man uns vorher, dass das blo in absoluten Ausnahmefllen und gegen schwerste Schwerkriminelle eingesetzt werden darf. Und dann, zwei Wochen spter, verfolgen sie damit Urheberrechtsverletzungen und Steuerhinterzieher.
Zwei Wochen war konservativ geschtzt. dazu:
Justizminister Marco Buschmann will umfassend Auskunftsansprche ausweiten: auf Urheberrechtsverletzungen, Messenger und private Inhalte.
Ach. Ach was.

Nur Nixon konnte nach China gehen.

Nur die Grnen konnten einen Angriffskrieg fhren.

Nur die FDP konnte die Vorratsdatenspeicherung einfhren.

Findet ihr zu krass, die Formulierung? Dann guckt mal, wie es weitergeht:

Der zitierte Paragraf regelt die Schadensersatzpflicht, wenn jemand vorstzlich oder fahrlssig das Leben, den Krper, die Gesundheit, die Freiheit, das Eigentum oder ein sonstiges Recht eines anderen verletzt. Das Ministerium nennt selbst als Beispiel eine Restaurantkritik mit wahrheitswidrigem Nutzerkommentar.

Wisst ihr noch neulich? Dieser Aufruf, die "KI"-Forschung ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wisst ihr noch neulich? Dieser Aufruf, die "KI"-Forschung ein halbes Jahr auszusetzen? Weil, h, *papierraschel* AGI das berleben der Spezies gefhrdet?

Mit Elon Musk als bekanntestem Unterzeichner?

Ihr ahnt ja nicht, was fr eine Firma Elon Musk gerade gegrndet hat!1!! (falls das WSJ das paywallt: Heise dazu)

Damit ist klar, wieso Musk wollte, dass die anderen nen halbes Jahr warten. Damit er in der Zeit seine Firma soweit hat, dass sie mitreden kann.

Ich bin ja jetzt kein groer Fan von "KI" oder der Forschungstiefe dahinter, aber in einem halben Jahr kriegst du keine Firma aus dem Boden gestampft, die mit Microsoft, Google und Facebook konkurrieren kann.

Der wissenschaftliche Dienst des EU-Parlaments hat ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Der wissenschaftliche Dienst des EU-Parlaments hat ein Papier zur Chatkontrolle ausgearbeitet. Den Volltext hat verffentlicht (deren Text dazu).

Die Beurteilung hinterlsst verbrannte Erde. Es funktioniert nicht, zersgt unsere Grundrechte, schafft sinnlos Mehrarbeit in Behrden, sammelt viel zu viele Daten, ist unverhltnismig.

Wisst ihr noch 2021, als ein Klrwerk in Florida Ziel ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wisst ihr noch 2021, als ein Klrwerk in Florida Ziel eines furchtbaren Cyberangriffs von kriminellen Kriminellen mit einem Hchstma an krimineller Energie wurden?

Stellt sich raus: Da hat blo jemand versehentlich auf den falschen Knopf gedrckt. Einen Angriff gab es nicht.

Das war der Auslser fr die Panik vor Cyberangriffen auf kritische Infrastruktur damals.

Rheinmetall hat mal wieder operative Herausforderungen.Wie ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Rheinmetall hat mal wieder operative Herausforderungen.

Wie schlimm ist es? So schlimm:

Der DAX-Konzern ermittele derzeit das Schadensausma und stehe mit zustndigen Behrden im engen Austausch. "Mit Blick auf die laufenden Ermittlungen kann zu Details derzeit keine Stellung bezogen werden", erklrte Rheinmetall-Sprecher Hoffmann.
Die wissen noch nicht mal, wie schlimm es ist. So schlimm ist es.

Pass uff, Atze, wir machen am besten weiter Windows, Active Directory und Office. Packen wir halt noch eine Schicht Schlangenl drber. Wieviel haben wir dann? 17? Das wird ja wohl reichen nchstes Mal!1!!

Jetzt kommt hier gerade die Frage auf, ob ich auch ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Jetzt kommt hier gerade die Frage auf, ob ich auch ein Problem mit der Verletzung der Dpfner-Privatsphre htte, wenn das einfach der Julian Reichelt war, der sein SMS-Archiv als Rache fr seine Kndigung an die "Zeit" weitergereicht htte.

Dann wre mir das in der Tat viel lieber als wenn hier ein Telefon gehackt worden wre oder so. Dann wrde ich der "Zeit" deutlich weniger Vorwrfe machen. Sie htten immer noch nicht den Dpfner so blostellen sollen mit seinen Tippfehlern, einfach aus menschlichen Grnden, aber die Verwertung von von Ex-Mitarbeitern geleakten Daten durch die Presse halte ich grundstzlich fr legitim.

Dann wrde ich mir auch keine Sorgen machen, dass Leute die privateren Nachrichten von Dpfner gesehen haben, denen er sie nicht selbst geschickt hat.

Wie schaffen es die Ransomware-Gangs eigentlich immer, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wie schaffen es die Ransomware-Gangs eigentlich immer, dass die VW-Mitarbeiter auf ihre Phishing-Scheie reinfallen und in Word Makros anschalten?

Nun, das wurde ihnen sorgfltig antrainiert!

IMPORTANT: When you open the document, a message box appears. Please activate the content/macros in it and also confirm that this document is trustworthy. This is the only way to ensure the full gaming experience. Have fun!
Volkswagen AG 2023
Was zur Hlle? Die haben ja echt den Schuss nicht gehrt. Weia.

Ich habe einige Leserbriefe in der Inbox, die alle ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ich habe einige Leserbriefe in der Inbox, die alle finden, die "Zeit" habe ja keine privaten Dinge von dem Dpfner rauserzhlt. Daher sei das nicht so schlimm.

Das kann ich halt nicht so sehen. Wir wissen nicht, wo diese Nachrichten herkommen. Vielleicht aus einem internen Chatforum. Vielleicht hat jemand Dpfners Telefon gehackt. Vielleicht hat Dpfner seine Nachrichten in die Cloud gebackupt und da hat sie jemand kopiert. Wissen wir nicht.

Ich muss daher davon ausgehen, dass hier jemand auch die ganzen privaten Dinge von dem Dpfner gesehen hat. OK, auf dem Weg hat jemand gefiltert, vielleicht der Leaker, vielleicht die "Zeit", und bei der Verffentlichung dann gefiltert. Das ist aus meiner Sicht ja wohl der absolute Mindeststandard an der Stelle! Das entschuldigt doch nicht den ursprnglichen Einbruch!?

Ich sehe das, wie ich auch Trojanereinsetz der Polizei sehe. Die schwren uns auch, dass sie die Intimsphre waren werden. Aufnahme aus dem Schlafzimmer werden direkt gelscht sagen sie. Das mag ja sein, aber dafr muss die ja jemand angehrt haben, um zu merken, dass die aus dem Schlafzimmer waren!

Privatsphre bezieht sich nicht nur auf die Verffentlichung sondern auch darauf, dass jemand berhaupt Zugriff auf diese Daten hat.

Ich bin jetzt nicht Dpfner und kann mir das nur aus der Ferne vorstellen, aber fr mich wrde sich das glaube ich anfhlen wie eine Hausdurchsuchung. Nur halt nicht von der Polizei durchgefhrt! D.h. ein Einbruch.

Ich kenne jemanden, dem mal jemand in das Haus eingebrochen ist und Dinge geklaut hat. Als niemand im Haus war, immerhin. Aber der hat Jahre gebraucht, bevor er sich in seinem eigenen Haus wieder sicher gefhlt hat.

Ich selbst habe mal bei einer Einreise in die USA erlebt, dass vor mir alle ihre Fingerabdrcke abgeben mussten. Als ich dran war, meinte der Typ nur so: Nee, deine haben wir ja schon. Ich habe Monate gebraucht, bis der Schock wieder aus meinen Knochen rauswar. Meine hatten die schon, weil ich mit Visum einreiste, und bei der Visumsbeantragung gibt man die Fingerabdrcke ab. Ich dachte aber, dass man die abgibt, damit die bei der Einreise vergleichen kann. Nee. Offensichtlich nicht. Man gibt die ab, weil die USA gerne alle unsere Fingerabdrcke bei den Akten haben wollen.

Vielleicht bin ich da berdurchschnittlich sensibel, aber der Gedanke, dass jemand alle meine privaten Nachrichten liest, und dann ein paar davon rauspickt, die er fr "beruflich" hlt, und verffentlicht? Das finde ich einen absoluten Horror!

Ein paar Leser fanden auch, dass der Empfnger entscheidet, ob eine Nachricht privat ist. Das finde ich nicht. Ich betreibe eine Firma mit einem alten Uni-Freund zusammen, und wir erzhlen uns stndig private Dinge von Arztbesuchen bis Familienproblemen. Da sind auch einige mit Nachrichtenwert dabei, die wir nicht ffentlich erzhlt haben, weil wir dem Kunden Verschwiegenheit zugesichert haben. Wenn die morgen in der "Zeit...

A Front Company and a Fake Identity: How the U.S. Came to Use Spyware It Was Trying to Kill "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The secret contract was finalized on Nov. 8, 2021, a deal between a company that has acted as a front for the United States government and the American affiliate of a notorious Israeli hacking firm. Under the arrangement, the Israeli firm, NSO Group, gave the U.S. government access to one of its most powerful weapons a geolocation tool that can covertly track mobile phones around the world without the phone user's knowledge or consent. Only five days earlier, the Biden administration had announced it was taking action against NSO, whose hacking tools for years had been abused by governments around the world to spy on political dissidents, human rights activists and journalists. The White House placed NSO on a Commerce Department blacklist, declaring the company a national security threat. The secret contract ... violates the Biden administration's public policy, and still appears to be active. The contract, reviewed by The Times, stated that the "United States government" would be the ultimate user of the tool, although it is unclear which government agency authorized the deal and might be using the spyware. Elements of America's expansive national security apparatus in recent years have bought the weapons, deployed them against drug traffickers, and have quietly pushed to consolidate control of them into the hands of the United States and its closest allies. The F.B.I. purchased access in 2019 to NSO's most powerful hacking tool, known as Pegasus, which invades mobile phones and mines their contents.

Note: Read how journalists and activists have been targeted with NSO Group spyware. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on government corruption and the disappearance of privacy from reliable major media sources.

Censorship by Proxy: How Big Tech Censors Global News Platforms "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Big Tech giants and their oligarchic owners now engage in a new type of censorship, which we have called "censorship by proxy." Censorship by proxy describes restrictions on freedom of information undertaken by private corporations that exceed limits on governmental censorship and serve both corporate and government or third-party interests. Censorship by proxy is not subject to venerable First Amendment proscriptions on government interference with freedom of speech or freedom of the press. Censorship by proxy alerts us to the power of economic entities that are not normally recognized as "gatekeepers." For example, in 2022, the digital financial service PayPal (whose founders include Peter Thiel and Elon Musk) froze the accounts of Consortium News and MintPress News for "unspecified offenses" and "risks" associated with their accounts, a ruling that prevented both independent news outlets from using funds maintained by PayPal. Consortium News and MintPress News have each filed critical news stories and commentary on the foreign policy objectives of the United States and NATO. PayPal issued notices to each news outlet, stating that, in addition to suspending their accounts, it might also seize their assets for "damages."  Joe Lauria, editor in chief of Consortium News, said he believed this was a case of "ideological policing." Mnar Adley, head of MintPress News, warned, "The sanctions-regime war is coming home to hit the bank accounts of watchdog journalists."

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on corporate corruption and media manipulation from reliable sources.

Pentagon Tries to Cast Bank Runs as National Security Threat "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In recent months, the Pentagon has moved to provide loans, guarantees, and other financial instruments to technology companies it considers crucial to national security a step beyond the grants and contracts it normally employs. So when Silicon Valley Bank threatened to fail in March following a bank run, the defense agency advocated for government intervention to insure the investments. The Pentagon had even scrambled to prepare multiple plans to get cash to affected companies if necessary, reporting by Defense One revealed. Their interest in Silicon Valley Bank stems from the Pentagon's brand-new office, the Office of Strategic Capital. The secretary of defense established the OSC in December specifically to counteract the investment power of adversaries like China in U.S. technologies, and to secure separate funding for companies whose products are considered vital to national security. The national security argument for bailout, notably, found an influential friend in the Senate. As the Biden administration intervened to protect Silicon Valley Bank depositors on March 12, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., who chairs the powerful Senate Intelligence Committee and also sits on the Banking Committee, issued a press release warning that the bank run posed a national security risk. Warner the only member of Congress to have publicly tied SVB to national security has received significant contributions from the financial sector. Since 2012, Warner has received over $21,000 from Silicon Valley Bank's super PAC.

Note: Many tech startups with funds in Silicon Valley Bank were working on projects with defense and national security applications. Explore revealing news articles on the rising concerns of the emerging technologies that the Defense Department is investing in, given their recent request for $17.8 billion to research and develop artificial intelligence, autonomy, directed energy weapons, cybe......

US Army awards Lockheed up to $4.5 bln missiles contract "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) said on Monday the U.S. Army has awarded a multi-year production contract for Joint-Air-to-Ground Missiles (JAGM) and HELLFIRE missiles, in a deal that could go up to $4.5 billion including follow-on awards. The contract, which will have a total value of $439 million in its first year, is among the first multi-year awards for precision munitions, as the Pentagon looks to build stocks in the hopes of deterring China. In March, President Joe Biden requested $842 billion for the Pentagon and $44 billion for defense-related programs at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Energy and other agencies. The 2024 budget proposal is $28 billion more than last year's $858 billion. Lockheed added the contract also offers three additional follow-on awards which will start in late 2023, allowing for a total contract value of up to $4.5 billion over the next four years. The JAGM program anticipates a "significant increase" in international demand for the weapon system, Lockheed said.

Note: Many benefit financially from warfare when it comes to provoking proxy wars and furthering U.S. agendas of full-spectrum dominance, as thoroughly explored in the book War is a Racket by the highly decorated general Smedley D. Butler. According to a revealing report, at least 47 members of Congress and their spouses hold between $2 million and $6.7 million worth of stock in Lockheed Martin and other companies that are among the top 100 defense contractors.


Group Urges Supporters To Stop Advocating Chief Of Staff For Tinubu "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The National Chairman and Coordinator for Team Prosper, Mr Shehu Bankole-Hameed, has advised support groups to desist from advocating a Chief of Staff for the President-elect, Bola Tinubu. Bankole-Hameed in a statement issued on Sunday said the decision should be an exclusive decision of the President-elect. He said, We at Team Prosper note with care, []

The post Group Urges Supporters To Stop Advocating Chief Of Staff For Tinubu appeared first on New Telegraph.


Priscilla Ojo Got People Talking On Social Media Over Her Glamorous Outfit To Queen Charlotte Movie Premiere "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Priscilla Ajoke Ojo, a brand influencer and daughter of a Nollywood actress, Iyabo Ojo has left many drooling and talking on social media over her glamorous outfit at the Queen Charlotte movie premiere. The 22-year-old took to her Instagram page to share photos of the premiere of Netflixs new movie in South Africa which was []

The post Priscilla Ojo Got People Talking On Social Media Over Her Glamorous Outfit To Queen Charlotte Movie Premiere appeared first on New Telegraph.


CSO Alleges Plot To Cause Disaffection Among Security Chiefs "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A Civil Society Organisation, the Centre for Advancement of Peace, Security and Social Development (CAPSSD) has alleged that the spate of highly sensational and promotional articles published in national dailies recently about security top officers in the country was a deliberate ploy to cause disaffection amongst leaders of various security agencies. The CSO in a []

The post CSO Alleges Plot To Cause Disaffection Among Security Chiefs appeared first on New Telegraph.


3D-Printable Foaming Nozzle Shows How They Work "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

[Jack]s design for a 3D-printable foaming nozzle works by mixing air with a fluid like liquid soap or hand sanitizer. This mixture gets forced through what looks like layers of fine-mesh sieve and eventually out the end by squeezing the bottle. The nozzle has no moving parts but does have an interesting structure to make this possible.



WATCH: Meeting People is Easy #SolutionsWatch "IndyWatch Feed War"

Previously on #SolutionsWatch James Corbett has looked at Building Community as a key part of the solution to the issues that we face . . . but how do you find that community in the first place? On the most recent episode of the de-program James goes through just a few of the many, many,


Video: Bajan a pasajero de Viva Aerobus, esto se sabe "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Tras la viralizacin del video en el que se observa a un hombre ser bajado por la Guardia Nacional de un avin de Viva Aerobus, []

La entrada Video: Bajan a pasajero de Viva Aerobus, esto se sabe se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Message for You and West Virginia and our Earth! "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

<div class="wp-caption alignleft" id="attachment_44950" style= "width: 300px;"><a href= ""> <img alt="" class="size-medium wp-image-44950" height="300" src= "" title="A0D7115F-73E1-4C52-82BC-D99479FF5CC7" width="300"></a> <p class="wp-caption-text">The authors continue to add meaning, advice and warnings!</p> </div> <strong>Words Sometimes Provide Tremendous Meaning for the Future</strong> <p>From the <a href= "">Announcement by Mary Anne Hitt, Author & Activist, Shepherdstown, April 5, 2023

Its publication day! I have an essay in this book edited by Rebecca Solnit and Thelma Young-Lutunatabua, and the title sums up everything Ive ever tried to say about climate change in three words Not Too Late.<br> <br> I practically fell out of my chair when Rebecca reached out and asked me to contribute an essay to this new climate anthology. The full title of the book is Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Conversation from Despair to Possibility, and Rebecca is one of my favorite writers because shes constantly changing important conversations from despair to possibility. In her work she reminds us the future has not yet been written, and persuasively makes the case that each one of us can be its author, inspiring us with the stories of those before us who built a better world against the odds, who are doing so alongside us even today. <br> <br> My essay is a love letter from our clean energy future, imagining a day in the all-important year of 2030 when were looking back at the better world weve created, because we actually stepped up and tackled the climate crisis. I think this is possible down in my bones, with every fiber of my being, and every morning I wake up trying to live and love and work from that place. Were the last generation of people with the power and opportunity to turn this crisis around, if we can block out the cynical voices telling us nothing can be done.<br> <br> Im astounded by the amazing company Im in here, writers and leaders I love and admire including Leah Stokes, Adrienne Maree Brown, Mary Annase Heglar, Nikayla Jefferson, Jacquelyn Gill, and many more. Thank you Rebecca and Thelma for bringing this vision to life, and for including me as part of it. I think its just what the world needs right now. </p> <div class="wp-caption alignright" id="attachment_44955" style= "width: 150px;"><a href= ""> <img alt="" class="size-thumbnail wp-image-44955" height="150" src= "


Inside the Files: TigerSwan's Target -- Standing Rock "IndyWatch Feed War"

Photo by Rob WilsonInside the Files: TigerSwan's Target -- Standing RockBy Brenda NorrellCensored NewsApril 15, 2023With the release of 50,000 TigerSwan spy documents, the Intercept published its first article this week, revealing the details of how the mercenaries spied on Water Protectors at Standing Rock.The TigerSwan spy files reveal that the mercenaries targeted individuals like LaDonna


Military Situation In Yemen On April 16, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Military Situation In Yemen On April 16, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • The Liaison and Coordination Officers Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 111 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah in the past 24 hours
  • On April 14, thousands of Yemeni people held massive demonstrations in AnsarAllah-controlled governorates to commemorate the International Quds Day
  • According to the agreement between Saudi Arabia and the government of Sanaa, 706 Yemeni prisoners will be exchanged for 181 prisoners of the Saudi coalition


The post Military Situation In Yemen On April 16, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


Robot Police Dogs + Fake Crime Waves "IndyWatch Feed War"

NYPD Adds Spot, the Robot Dog, to Force

NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell assured the public that the use of this technology will be transparent, consistent, and always done in collaboration with the people who we serve. [emphasis added]



Fighting for the Victims: How Chicago Lawyers Are Taking on Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuits "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Camp Lejeune is a U.S. Marine Corps base in North Carolina that was the site of water contamination for decades. The contaminated water has been linked to several serious health problems among residents and their families. In recent years, many lawsuits have been filed against the U.S. government seeking compensation for the Camp Lejeune water []


Osun: Residents Protest Erratic Supply Of Electricity, Chase IBEDC Staff Out Of Office "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Residents of Ipetumodu, Edunabon, Moro, Yakooyo, Asipa and Akinlalu communities in the Ife North Local Government area of Osun State on Sunday took to the streets to protest what they termed erratic supply of electricity in their various communities. The protesters, who staged the peaceful protest to register their grievances, said they were not happy []

The post Osun: Residents Protest Erratic Supply Of Electricity, Chase IBEDC Staff Out Of Office appeared first on New Telegraph.


Communism with Christian Characteristics: China's Good Example "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

SUNDAY HOMILY: China's socialist policies stand more in accord with the spirit of Jesus and the early church than "our" government's neoliberal policies.


Onuesoke Faults Lawmakers Proposal Of  Five Years Compulsory Service For Medical Doctors "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS APRIL 16TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Chieftain and former Delta State gubernatorial aspirant, Chief Sunny Onuesoke has  faulted member of House of Representative  proposal of  five years compulsory service for medical doctors in Nigeria,  describing it   as discriminatory and undemocratic.

How would government enforce that? Any doctor who feels that he is not satisfied with his service condition is free to go anywhere. Why and how will he be tied down if conditions of service are not improved? he queried.

Recall that the Nigerian House of Representatives recently passed a contentious bill aimed at addressing the countrys medical personnel shortage. The proposed legislation requires doctors trained in Nigeria to practice within the country for a minimum of five years before being granted a license to practice abroad.

Onuesoke who condemned the proposed bill   while addressing newsmen on arrival at Asaba International, Asaba, Delta State from Lagos wondered why members of the House of Representative  should  focus on  medical doctors when Nigerians across all professions are fleeing the country in droves to seek greener pasture elsewhere because of the decline of the nations economy?

He argued that  the proposed bill  is undemocratic because it  infringes on medical personnel freedom of movement to seek good  means of  economical livelihood  in other part of the  world after spending years and finance to acquire the profession.

According to him,  Policy makers who  go for medical trip overseas are now telling doctors who suffered and was trained by their parents on where to work. Do you dictate to me on where to work after my studies? If it is easy who do their children  not become medical doctors?

Onuesoke disclosed that policymakers must balance the desire to retain medical professionals in the country with the need to encourage individuals to pursue medical training by not only providing good medical infrastructures in the hospitals, but equally provide encouraging welfare packages in order to retain their services.

He advised  that  Government must take a holistic approach to address the healthcare crisis in Nigeria, which includes not only retaining medical professionals but also encouraging more individuals to pursue medical training in the country...


Saudi Arabia to host first Hamas delegation in over a decade "IndyWatch Feed War"

Saudi Arabia to host first Hamas delegation in over a decade

Palestinian leaders, including Ismail Haniyeh, to travel to Riyadh on Monday to discuss improving relations after years of tension
MEE staff Sun, 04/16/2023 - 16:37
Ismail Haniyeh, a senior political leader of the Palestinian movement Hamas and de facto ruler of the besieged Gaza Strip (AFP/File photo)

Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh will visit Saudi Arabia on Monday for the first such visit in years, according to Palestinian media sources.

A senior delegation from the group will head to Riyadh after years of frosty relations with the kingdom, which has arrested many people with ties to the group.

While there has not been official confirmation of the trip from Riyadh, the delegation is expected to hold talks with Saudi officials on a number of Palestinian and regional issues as well as bilateral relations between Hamas and the kingdom. 

According to Palestinian media outlets, the issue of Palestinian detainees in Saudi Arabia will top the agenda of talks.

Following its landmark rapprochement with Iran, Riyadh is looking to also reset its relationship with Hamas. 

The high-level delegation includes Hamas politburo chief Haniyeh, his deputy, Saleh al-Arouri, and the head of the group abroad, Khaled Meshaal, according to various Palestinian and Arabic-language medi...


Kogi APC Primaries: NUJ Warns Disgruntled Politicians Against Misrepresentation Of Facts "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

says Our members monitored exercise across the state, didnt manufacture stories. Allegations that no election was held falsely show disrespect for journalists The Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Kogi State Chapter, has cautioned aggrieved aspirants in the Kogi State Governorship primary election against misrepresentation of facts regarding the conduct of the elections, saying that, as []

The post Kogi APC Primaries: NUJ Warns Disgruntled Politicians Against Misrepresentation Of Facts appeared first on New Telegraph.


Military Situation In Donbass On April 16, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Donbass On April 16, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • Russian Army struck the AFU 125th and 102nd territorial defence brigades near Yampolovka
  • Russian Army destroyed three ammo depots of the AFU near Terny
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Avdiivka
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in the western part of Mariinka
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Bakhmut
  • Up to 80 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 armored vehicle, 1 howitzer were destroyed by Russian artillery on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Russian MOD
  • Up to 145 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 tanks, 2 armored vehicles, 3 pickups were destroyed by Russian artillery on the Donetsk front, according to the Russian MOD
  • Up to 45 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 armored vehicles, 1 howitzer were destroyed by Russian artillery in the South Donetsk and Zaporozhye region, according to the Russian MOD


The post Military Situation In Donbass On April 16, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


Something in Form is Disappearing: Astrology Forecast April 16th 23rd, 2023 "IndyWatch Feed World"

April 17th, 2023 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World On April 20, an ultra-rare hybrid solar eclipse begins as an annular ring of fire eclipse and transitions into a sky-darkening total eclipse along its path. It is the first solar eclipse in Aries since 2006 and starts a whole series of wild card eclipses []

The post Something in Form is Disappearing: Astrology Forecast April 16th 23rd, 2023 first appeared on Wake Up World.


Hakimi Divorce: Womenll Labour With Men And Gets Nothing, Satans Agenda Prophet Opoku "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Prophet Opoku-Sarkodie, the General Overseer of Potters City has strongly condemned the widespread commendation of Moroccan footballer, Achraf Hakimi for dribbling his ex-wife, Hiba Abouk in their divorce process by putting all his assets in his mothers name to deny her a juicy divorce settlement. The Ghanaian preacher who spoke on Sunday in a viral []

The post Hakimi Divorce: Womenll Labour With Men And Gets Nothing, Satans Agenda Prophet Opoku appeared first on New Telegraph.


Olu Of Warri Condoles Demise Of Olomu Monarch,  Says He Was A King With Difference "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS APRIL 16TH (URHOBOTODAY)-THE Olu of Warri Kingdom, HRM. Ogiame Atuwatse III said that the departed Ohworode of Olomu Kingdom, HRM.(Dr) R.L. Ogbon, Ogoni-Oghoro I JP OON, world oldest Monarch was a king with a difference.

HRM Atuwatse III spoke during a condolence visit to the Royal Family and the People of Olomu Kingdom at the Palace of the Ohworode in Ogoni-Olomu, Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State.

The Olu of Warri official condolence message was signed by the Director, Palace Administration of Warri Kingdom, Chief Clement A. Maleghemi.

According to the Olu of Warri, His Royal Majesty Ohworode of Olomu Kingdom was a king with a difference, full of humility, peacemaker, a bridge builder and an embodiment of love.

We are consoled by the fact that His Royal Majesty Ohworode of Olomu Kingdom lived a fulfilled life and his reign speaks volume whose legacies the Olomu Kingdom should endeavour to sustain and build upon. May his soul rest in perfect peace. Adieu Your Majesty.

Ogiame condolence message was read by Chief Solomon Areyenka before the people of Olomu Kingdom.

The Uwangue of Warri Kingdom, Chief Gabriel Awala, Chief Patrick Yalaju JP and Chief Solomon Areyenka represented the Olu of Warri Kingdom, HRM. Ogiame Atuwatse III during the condolence visit to Olomu Kingdom.

Daily Independent



How Music Hijacks Our Perception of Time "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

One evening, some 40 years ago, I got lost in time. I was at a performance of Schuberts String Quintet in C major. During the second movement I had the unnerving feeling that time was literally grinding to a halt. The sensation was powerful, visceral, overwhelming. It was a life-changing moment, or, as it felt at the time, a life-changing eon.

It has been my goal ever since to compose music that usurps the perceived flow of time and commandeers the sense of how time passes. Although Ive learned to manipulate subjective time, I still stand in awe of Schuberts unparalleled power. Nearly two centuries ago, the composer anticipated the neurological underpinnings of time perception that science has underscored in the past few decades.

The human brain, we have learned, adjusts and recalibrates temporal perception. Our ability to encode and decode sequential information, to integrate and segregate simultaneous signals, is fundamental to human survival. It allows us to find our place in, and navigate, our physical world. But music also demonstrates that time perception is inherently subjectiveand an integral part of our lives. For the time element in music is single, wrote Thomas Mann in his novel, The Magic Mountain. Into a section of mortal time music pours itself, thereby inexpressibly enhancing and ennobling what it fills.


More Than 20 Shot At Alabama Party "IndyWatch Feed World"

What a surprise, during the season of sacrifice, which lasts from the 22nd of March until the 1st of May, we have a mass shooting.


Rerun: Umana Losses As APC Wins Abak Fed Constituency Poll "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The candidate of the All Progressives Party (APC), Mr Clement Jimbo has won the Abak/Etim Ekpo/Ika Federal Constituency supplementary elections in Akwa Ibom State. Jumbo polled 22, 225 votes to defeat the incumbent member, Mr Aniekan Umanah of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) who scored 20,793 votes. Speaking following his announcement as the winner of []

The post Rerun: Umana Losses As APC Wins Abak Fed Constituency Poll appeared first on New Telegraph.


EPL: Arsenal let slip two-goal lead to draw at West Ham "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Leaders Arsenal missed a penalty and threw away a two-goal lead as they drew at West Ham in a blow to their hopes of winning the Premier League. A close-range finish from Gabriel Jesus and Martin Odegaards volley put the visitors 2-0 ahead inside the opening 10 minutes at London Stadium as they looked []

The post EPL: Arsenal let slip two-goal lead to draw at West Ham appeared first on New Telegraph.


Your Robotic Avatar Is Almost Ready "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Robots are not ready for the real world. Its still an achievement for autonomous robots to merely survive in the real world, which is a long way from any kind of useful generalized autonomy. Under some fairly specific constraints, autonomous robots are starting to find a few valuable niches in semistructured environments, like offices and hospitals and warehouses. But when it comes to the unstructured nature of disaster areas or human interaction, or really any situation that requires innovation and creativity, autonomous robots are often at a loss.

For the foreseeable future, this means that humans are still necessary. It doesnt mean that humans must be physically present, howeverjust that a human is in the loop somewhere. And this creates an opportunity.

In 2018, the XPrize Foundation announced a competition (sponsored by the Japanese airline ANA) to create an avatar system that can transport human presence to a remote location in real time, with the goal of developing robotic systems that could be used by humans to interact with the world anywhere with a decent Internet connection. The final event took place last November in Long Beach, Calif., where 17 teams from around the world competed for US $8 million in prize money.

A wide angle photo showing a dozen different robots lined up next to each other in a competition arena. While avatar systems are all able to move and interact with their environment, the Avatar XPrize competition showcased a variety of different hardware and software approaches to creating the most effective system.XPrize Foundation

The competition showc...


Colonel MacGreggor: The Gathering Storm "IndyWatch Feed War"

 FOREIGN AFFAIRSThe Gathering Storm

Americas self-inflicted trouble in Ukraine aggravates our dangerous trouble at home.



Theres Plot To Undermine Democracy, Provoke Violence In Adamawa Atiku "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (APC), Alhaji Atiku Abubakar has described the decision of the Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) in Adamawa State to declare the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate, Senator Aisha Binani, as the winner of the election, as a case study to the shambolic nature of the 2023 elections in []

The post Theres Plot To Undermine Democracy, Provoke Violence In Adamawa Atiku appeared first on New Telegraph.


Book Review: Everyday Hate, by Dave Rich "IndyWatch Feed War"

Dave Rich began writing his masterful book The Lefts Jewish Problem: Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and AntiSemitism in 2011 as a doctoral thesis at Birkbeck, University of London, but it was fortuitously published in 2016 during the Labour antisemitism crisis.

Whereas The Lefts Jewish Problem was an academic exploration into the political and intellectual origins of contemporary hostility to Israel and antisemitism in the UK, the latest work by Rich, Director of Policy at the CST, Everyday Hate: How Antisemitism Is Built Into Our World And How You Can Change It, though no less erudite or well-researched, is more personal, and is accessible to readers of various levels of knowledge about the worlds longest hatred.

The book, though short and concise, is nothing if not ambitious. It explains much of the language, ideas and imagery that gave rise to ancient antisemitism, and how those anti-Jewish stereotypes are woven into contemporary rhetoric, culture, literature and politics knowledge Rich hopes can help construct a revived societal defence against a racism which threatens not just Jews but society as a whole.

In addition to providing a dizzying number of examples of antisemitism his organisation recorded in a mere seven days before he began writing the book, Rich illustrates the scale of the problem by way of statistics.  This includes a 2018 EU poll showing that 38% of Jews across 12 countries in Europe avoid going to places in their neighborhood because they dont feel safe there as a Jew, while 27% of British Jews sometimes choose not to go to a Jewish event or site because they dont feel safe.  Further, in 2022, Jews (though representing less than a half of one percent of the population) were the victims of 22% of all religiously motivated hate crimes in England and Wales.

Also of interest: Though British Muslims, polls show, are 3.5 more likely as the general population to hold hardcore antisemitic attitudes, they due to their small numbers arent responsible for a significant percentage of the overall number of annual antisemitic incidents; And, that antisemitic attitudes are far more prevalent amongst youngest Britons than the older population.

Moving beyond the numbers, he argues that while antisemitism targets Jews, such (Jew-centred) conspiratorial explanations for why things go wrong erode trust in the...


Fintiri Reacts To REC Declaration Of Binani As Governor-Elect "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri of Adamawa State has described as provocative the controversial declaration of Aishatu Binani of the APC as the governor-elect by the Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC), Hudu Yunusa during the rerun election. Addressing journalists on Sunday afternoon, Governor Fintiri said The illegal announcement by merchants of anarchy headed by Mallam Hudu Yunusa []

The post Fintiri Reacts To REC Declaration Of Binani As Governor-Elect appeared first on New Telegraph.


Ubiquitous fake crowds "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Washington Post writes: "The Russian government has become far more successful at manipulating social media and search engine rankings than previously known, boosting ... [propaganda] with hundreds of thousands of fake online accounts ... detected ... only about 1% of the time."

Fake crowds can fake popularity. It's easy to manipulate trending, rankers, and recommender algorithms. All you have to do is create a thousand sockpuppet accounts and have them like and share all your stuff. Wisdom of the crowds is broken. This can be fixed, but first you have to see the problem clearly. Then you'll see that you can't just use the behavior from every account anymore for wisdom of the crowd algorithms. You have to use only reliable accounts and toss everything spammy or unknown.


Sudan: Schoolchildren among hundreds trapped by fighting in Khartoum "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sudan: Schoolchildren among hundreds trapped by fighting in Khartoum

Journalists and kidney patients also stranded in place due to intense fighting over the last two days
Mohammed Amin Sun, 04/16/2023 - 15:42
Smoke billows above residential buildings in Khartoum on 16 April 2023, as fighting in Sudan raged for a second day in battles between rival generals (AFP)

Efforts are underway on Sunday to evacuate hundreds of civilians, including schoolchildren, caught in the middle of the clashes that broke out between the Sudanese army and the powerful Rapid Support Forces (RSF) paramilitary near the army headquarters in the capital Khartoum.

Aid workers told Middle East Eye that negotiations were ongoing to convince the warrying parties to open safe corridors for evacuation operations, adding that "the operation may begin in the coming hours immediately when we get the approval from the armies".

In the late afternoon, the army and the RSF said they had agreed to a United Nations proposal to open safe passage for humanitarian cases, including the evacuation of wounded, for three hours from 14:00 GMT.

Both sides maintained their right to "respond in the event of transgressions" from the other side.

The hundreds of civilians that have been trapped in downtown Khartoum include schoolchildren, journalists, patients in medical centres and others who have been staying indoors for two days under the intense fire of the warring parties.

Aid workers have call...


Military Situation In Syria On April 16, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Syria On April 16, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • On April 16, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no cases of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours
  • On April 16, clashes between the Turkish-backed SNA and the SAA were reported in the Tadef area
  • On April 16, Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad travelled to Algeria and met with his counterpart and other Algerian officials
  • On April 15, an SAA official was wounded by unknown armed men who attacked a security outpost in the Quneitra area


The post Military Situation In Syria On April 16, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


NCR was the victim of BlackCat/ALPHV ransomware gang "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

NCR was the victim of the BlackCat/ALPHV ransomware gang, the attack caused an outage on the companys Aloha PoS platform.

NCR Corporation, previously known as National Cash Register, is an American software, consulting and technology company providing several professional services and electronic products. It manufactures self-service kiosks, point-of-sale terminals, automated teller machines, check processing systems, and barcode scanners.

NCR is suffering an outage on its Aloha point of sale platform since Wednesday after it was hit by a ransomware attack conducted by the BlackCat/ALPHV ransomware group.

NCR Aloha POS is a comprehensive restaurant point-of-sale and management software, the company claims it is used by more cashiers and servers than any other POS in the industry.

The company has started notifying its customers, confirming the ransomware attack:

As a valued customer of NCR Corporation, we are reaching out with additional information about a single data center outage that is impacting a limited number of ancillary Aloha applications for a subset of our hospitality customers. On April 13, we confirmed that the outage was the result of a ransomware incident. reads the notice sent by the company to the customers via email.

NCR notified law enforcement and engaged third-party cybersecurity experts to investigate the incident and determine the scope of the attack.

The company pointed out that restaurants impacted are still able to serve their customers and that the incident only impacted a specific functionality.

Only specific functionality is impaired. There is no impact to payment applications or on-premises systems. continues the notice.


Delta Obidatti Groups Rejoice With Chris Oyovwayes Family On His Wife, Sons Birthday Celebration "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS APRIL 16TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The Delta State Chapter of Obidatti Support Groups Worldwide has congratulated Deacon Chris Oyovwaye  on the occasion of his wife and Sons birthday celebration which took place on Saturday 15 April, 2023.

The Chairman of Delta State Obidatti Support Groups Worldwide, Comrade Gometi O Crested in a statement made available to  described Chris Oyovwaye as one of the major force and  pillar of the Obidient movement in South-South of Nigeria, particularly in Delta State who made major sacrifices and commitment in the  victory recorded in the just concluded presidential election in Delta State.  He added that it is  therefore of importance that the Obidient family identify with his family on a day like this.

On behalf of the Obidient family, Delta State Chapter, I appreciate the Almighty God for his unfailing and unlimited mercies, love and provision towards the family.  It is my prayer that the good Lord will continue to use this family to demonstrate to the world  that true blessings and riches come from Him who owns the universe and the fullness thereof., he stated.

Gometi Crested equally used the opportunity to appeal to Nigerians, particularly the Obidient family home and abroad to engage in constant serious prayers for God to divinely intervene in the Obidient movement, because its not just a common movement, but a cry of positive change. According to him, We must note that the movement is not just about Peter Obi or Labour Party as a political party, but a platform where well meaning Nigerians are craving for positive change in the political space which is the bedrock of positive transformation in every Nation.

I also use this opportunity to call on the judiciary to ensure evidence based judgement as the whole world  await the outcome of this case to judge the level of credibility in our judiciary system.

Once again, Congratulations to the family of  Deakon Chris Oyovwaye, and a big appreciation to all Obidients for the selfless effort to ensure that Nigeria regain her lost glory.



The Tennessee state legislature goes off the rails "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The old saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely was provided another example in the Tennessee state legislature where Republicans have a supermajority that enables them to do pretty much anything they want. Recently they used that power to vote to expel two young black members of the legislature because of their calls for gun reforms following yet another mass shooting in the US, this one resulting in the deaths of three students and three staff members at a Christian school in Nashville. This expulsion has made national news and the two expelled members have become national figures.

Sue Halpern gave the background to this action.

On March 30th, three Democratic membersGloria Johnson, Justin Jones, and Justin Pearsonnow known as the Tennessee Three, stepped into the well of the chamber without being formally recognized and led the student protesters sitting in the gallery in the chant No action, no peace, demanding that lawmakers pass gun-reform legislation. Jones and Pearson used a megaphone. On April 6th, their Republican colleagues voted to expel both members for having violated the decorum of the chamber. When Johnson was asked why they, and not she, had been kicked out, she was blunt, saying, It might have to do with the color of our skin.

This article reports on the backlash to the expulsions, including the fact that the constituencies represented by the expelled members acted quickly to send them back into the legislature as interim members until elections are held in their districts.

Two Black Tennessee lawmakers are back in the state House, barely a week after Republicans expelled them. To say the expulsions backfired is a drastic understatement. Almost no one outside their districts knew who Justin Jones, Justin Pearson, and their colleague Gloria Johnson were before Republicans used their super-majority to punish them. Now theyre symbols not only of their gun-control cause, but of the increasingly aggressive anti-democratic impulses of a GOP teetering into authoritarianism.

What were those Tennessee Republicans thinking? Well listen for yourself. Youll hear elected officials...


Why Mass Shootings Never End""Or Likely Will "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It has been well-established that Congress for decades since 1994 has been totally paralyzed on passing any meaningful gun control legislation. In those decades, mostly Democratic-controlled state legislatures in such states as California and New York passed tough gun laws.


Timeframe: The Little Desk Calendar That Could "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Usually, the problem comes before the solution, but for [Stavros], the opposite happened. A 4.7 E-Ink screen with integrated battery management and ESP32 caught his eye, and he bought it and started thinking about what he wanted to do with it. The Timeframe ( link as well) is a sleek desk calendar based around the integrated e-ink screen.

[Stavros] found the devices MicroPython support was a little lackluster, and often failed to draw. He found a project that used an older but modified library for driving the e-ink display which worked quite well. However, the older library didnt support portrait orientation or other niceties. Rather than try and create something complex in C, he moved the complexity to a server environment he knew more about. With the help of CoPilot, he got some code that would wake up the ESP32 every half hour, download an image from a server, and then display it. A Python script uses a headless browser to visit Google Calendar, resize the window, take a screenshot, and then upload it.

The hardest part of the exercise was getting authentication with Google working reliably. A white sleek 3d printed case wraps the whole affair in an...


Lithium Battery Ripe for Disruption, Inventor Says "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The lithium-ion battery isnt going anywhere soon. Thats what M. Stanley Whittingham, the Nobel laureate who created the first rechargeable lithium-ion battery some 50 years ago, told attendees of the SLAC-Stanford Battery Research Center Launch Symposium on Thursday. The new organization aims to bridge gaps between organizations that research, manufacture, and deploy large-scale energy storage systems.

M. Stanley Whittingham

Its going to be at least five-to-ten years before any alternative technologies can compete on cost with lithium-ion technology, Whittingham predicted.

Granted that this technology remains the incumbent for some time to come, Whittingham has concernsbig concernsabout how the world makes and uses these energy storage devices. Here are the big issues he worries about:


Its ridiculous that manufacturing technologies havent changed in 30 years, Whittingham says. We need to reduce the 60 to 80 kilowatt hours) of electricity it takes to produce a one kWh battery, he says. Weve got to find new manufacturing technologies.


Whittingham is also worried about recycling technologies. Hes encouraged that facilities to recycle lithium-ion batteries are being built around the world, but he adds, We need to make sure they are clean.


The supply chain for the minerals used in battery manufacturing in the first place also need work. We need regional supply chains, Whittingham says. And we need to look at clean mining with clean energy.

Heavy Metals

Given that some components of a lithium-ion batterys traditional chemistry are inherently toxic, they must be engineered out of the device as soon as possible, Whittingham says. He put it bluntly: Co...

Sunday, 16 April


Military Situation In Bakhmut On April 16, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Bakhmut On April 16, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • Clashes are ongoing in the Selyshche district
  • Clashes are ongoing near the Bakhmut 2 Railway Station
  • Clashes are ongoing near Chaikovskoho street
  • Clashes are ongoing near the Avangard stadium


The post Military Situation In Bakhmut On April 16, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


AMD Squeezes In AMDGPU Fixes, FPO/FAMS Display Power Savings For Linux 6.4 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While we are basically past the cut-off of new feature material to into DRM-Next that wants to be part of the upcoming Linux 6.4 merge window, this week AMD sent in a fixes-oriented set of AMDGPU/AMDKFD kernel driver updates that does include some minor feature updates...


The MoA Week In Review - (Not Ukraine) OT 2023-91 "IndyWatch Feed War"

Last week's post on Moon of Alabama: Apr 10 - Ukraine SitRep: Leaked Briefings, Holding Roads, Split Training Related: - Ukrainians said to pull back in Bakhmut as Moscow launches new push - MSN - The Increasing Number of Trial...


Life on Mars: When and How | The Next Stage of Human Evolution and the Possible Demise of the Planet "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

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Do you know why humanity still doesnt have colonies on the Moon or Mars? Because the big companies that mightve invested their money in building the said colonies are not sure when theyll get their investments back and start making a solid profit. Well, at least thats one of the reasons.

But the cheaper space flights will get and further the technologies that can help cost-efficiently settle on other planets will develop, the more countries, billionaires, tech giants, startups and institutions will get into the space race, whose finish line is right on the Red Planet. Why are they reluctant to do this? Are they afraid of future cataclysms? Do they know something we dont? Are they dreaming of claiming the title of pioneers? Or hoping to mine rare metals in the asteroid belt?

Watch this video to find out all about the whens and hows of life on Mars, as well as about its outcomes, including a new round of human evolution and the possible demise of the planet itself! Wheels up!

00:00 In this video.
01:00 Mars will try to kill you.
01:30 Mars is a totally hostile environment for human life.
02:25 With Mars, Earthlings have a better chance.
04:01 What have we already found on the Red Planet?
05:22 Ilon Musk.
06:04 Prolonged flight exposes people to the greatest horror.
07:45 development of new super-powered engines.
08:24 an inflatable heat shield for astronauts to land on the planet.
09:12 Mars has no planetary magnetic field.
10:27 But the...


Vitamin B6: Increase NAD Without NR, NMN, or Niacin? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

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How to fight for democracy "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The events of May Day 1998 and lessons from Ola Oni on fighting for democracy in multi-ethnic societies.

Image credit Carsten ten Brink via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

As a young student-activist at Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria, I came in contact with many left and liberal activist organizations. For anyone who knew the left culture in universities generally, there existed many tendencies arguing for different means to achieve the same goal: a social revolution. At Ife, I had the opportunity to relate with both student activists and activist lecturers from many groups. Everyone had an argument and a story to tell, but one name was consistently mentioned as a source of inspiration: Comrade Ola Oni.

Oni was renowned as an activist, librarian, and lecturer, who turned his home in Ibadan into a hotbed of the intellectual debate that characterized the struggle for democracy in Nigeria during the military regimes. In fact, it is impossible to narrate the history of Nigerias struggle for democracy without mentioning Oni. As a teacher, he offered a counter-education to the innately biased university curriculum of the authoritarian period.

Sadly, activists of my generation cannot meet his bright mind except through his works. Thus, I was elated when I found a digital archive of Onis documents. What struck me as I began to delve into this extensive collection was Onis alternative class analyses to capitalist economics, and his unrelenting insistence on the use of political education to achieve real democracy. The archive is meant to preserve the intellectual heritage of prominent Nigerian activists, and it is not only a step in the right direction but also an important connection of the thread of our struggles for human dignity (political and economic) over time. In this respect, the events leading up to the May Day protest of 1998 in Ibadana crucial event in the struggle against the Sani Abacha regimeare significant for our present moment.

Before this event, Ola Oni was known as a rallying figure for left-leaning activists in Ibadan and had played roles in the Social Democratic Party (SDP). He was active not just in struggles on the streets, but also in political parties and organizations, and as a writer. Incidentally, Ibadan was the hub of Yoruba nationalist activism from the days of Adegoke Adelabus struggle to lead the western region. Adelabu was a popular radical nationalist politician from Ibadan who became the opposition leader...


Linux Fix On The Way For A Scheduler Imbalance Overflow Issue "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Sent in this morning for Linux 6.3 is a Linux CPU scheduler fix to deal with an imbalancing issue that's been present in the mainline kernel since a scheduler rework that landed back in late 2019...


The Tremendous VR and CG Systemsof the 1960s "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ivan Sutherland has blazed a truly unique trail through computing over the past six decades. One of the most influential figures in the story of computing, he helped to open new pathways for others to explore and dramatically extend: interactive computer graphics, virtual reality, 3D computer graphics, and asynchronous systems, to name but a few.

The Computer History Museum recently made public its two-part oral history with Sutherland. These interviews present a wonderful opportunity to learn more about Sutherlands life in computing, in his own words. The interview transcripts can be downloaded here and here. And the two-part video of the interview is available here and here.

Bob Sproull, a lifelong colleague of Sutherland and himself a major figure in computing, served as instigator, interviewer, and editor for these oral histories, and he involved me, Marc Weber, and Jim Waldo in the effort. The Museum is making this oral history interview public during the 60th anniversary year of Sutherlands breakthrough in interactive computer graphics, the program Sketchpad, for which he earned his Ph.D. from MIT in 1963.

Ivan Sutherlands Unique Perspective

There is a phrase, popular in 17th and 18th century England, that occurs to me when thinking about Ivan Sutherland: A man of many parts. The phrase refers to an individual who had made serious contributions to a domain, while also possessing multiple, and often diverse, talents and pursuits. The description fits Sutherland well, although it also misses something important: There is a commonality in his many accomplishments, a shared wellspring for his many parts.

To get at this wellspring, start with geometry. From his youth, Sutherland possessed an unusually keen spatial, geometric intuition. In his mind and at his hands, he experienced an immediacy in perceiving how things fit and worked together. Perspective drawing involves a set of techniques to represent a three-dimensional scene on the two-dimensional plane of a sheet of paper or a stretch of canvas. These renderings can proceed in different ways, determined by the number of vanishing points employed. Together the v...


Luxury Beliefs And Energy Policy: The Fatal Conceit "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Todays luxury belief of choice, net zero and the climate crusade, seems to be coming apart in front of our very eyes.

Zionism in crisis: Palestinian resistance forges a new horizon "IndyWatch Feed War"

Members of the Palestinian resistance hold their weapons during a memorial service for Mohammed al-Azizi and Abdul Rahman Sobh, who were killed by Israeli forces in July 2022, in the West Bank city of Nablus. (Photo: Shadi Jarar'ah/APA Images)For too long, the global solidarity movement has only understood Palestinians as victims of Israeli violence. The current moment calls us to question the invincibility of the Zionist project and reassess our struggle.


Major April snowfall in the Alps - 40 inches of snow in 5 days "IndyWatch Feed World"

Some ski areas have reported snowfall totals of up to a metre (40") on their higher slopes above 2,500m, and particularly above 3,000m, in the Alps over the last five days. The cold, snowy weather has led skiers and boarders in the mountains at present to compare mid-April to mid-Spring. About 80% of ski areas in the Alps have already ended their 22-23 seasons however and more will close from Monday.


Springtime "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Just yesterday I was savoring the rapid retreat of the piles of snow heaped up by the roadside, enjoying a nice long walk on sidewalks that were not covered with ice, and anticipating the flourishing of spiders everywhere I even released about a hundred surplus lab spiderlings in my yard and garage. Today

Cold. Windy. Light snow. Spring!


Upgraded View of 'Fuzzy' Supermassive Black Hole is a Shade More Menacing "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Machine learning has boosted the resolution of an image produced by Event Horizon Telescope data captured six years ago:

Using machine learning, a team of researchers has enhanced the first image ever taken of a distant black hole. Importantly, the newly updated image shows the full resolution of the telescope array for the very first time.

[...] The machine learning model has sharpened the otherwise blurry image of black hole M87, showcasing the utility of machine learning models in improving radio telescope images. The team's research was published today in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

"Approximately four years after the first horizon-scale image of a black hole was unveiled by EHT in 2019, we have marked another milestone, producing an image that utilizes the full resolution of the array for the first time," said Dimitrios Psaltis, a researcher at Georgia Tech and a member of the EHT collaboration, in an Institute for Advanced Study release. "The new machine learning techniques that we have developed provide a golden opportunity for our collective work to understand black hole physics."

[...] But even using radio telescopes around the world doesn't give astronomers a complete view of the black hole; by incorporating a machine learning technique called PRIMO, the collaboration was able to improve the array's resolution. What appeared a bulbous, orange doughnut in a 2019 image has now taken on the delicate, thin circle of The One Ring.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Microsoft Continues Building Out Its Linux Distribution With More Packages "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Microsoft has published its latest CBL-Mariner 2.0.20230407 Linux distribution images this weekend as their in-house open-source OS that is used for a variety of purposes, mostly around Azure infrastructure...


Because its Sunday "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

    Religious denominations in Europe at the end of the 16th century.   Nature The beekeeper forgot to insert the frames in the hive in which the bees collect the honey. The hardworking insects then built their own architecture from the honeycomb so that the air can flow freely and maintain a stable temperature. []

The post Because its Sunday appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Remcos RAT campaign targets US accounting and tax return preparation firms "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Microsoft warns of a new Remcos RAT campaign targeting US accounting and tax return preparation firms ahead of Tax Day.

Ahead of the U.S. Tax Day, Microsoft has observed a new Remcos RAT campaign targeting US accounting and tax return preparation firms. The phishing attacks began in February 2023, the IT giant reported.

Remcos is a legitimate remote monitoring and surveillance software developed by the company BreakingSecurity.

In 2021, CISA added Remcos to the list of top malware strains due to its use in mass phishing attacks using COVID-19 pandemic themes targeting businesses and individuals.

The recent campaign exclusively aims at organizations that deal with tax preparation, financial services, CPA and accounting firms, and professional service firms dealing in bookkeeping and tax.

Crooks use lures masquerading as tax documentation sent by a client. The message contains a link that points to a legitimate file hosting site where the cybercriminals have uploaded Windows shortcut (.LNK) files.

Upon clicking on the file, a malicious file is fetched from a domain under the control of the attacker which leads to the installation of the Remcos RAT.

What we have observed is that the link in the phishing email points to Amazon Web Services click tracking service at awstrack[.]me. The initial link then redirects the target to a ZIP file hosted on legitimate file-sharing service spaces[.]hightail[.]com. The ZIP file contains LNK files that act as Windows shortcuts to other files. reads the report published by Microsoft. The LNK files make web requests to actor-controlled domains...


CVE-2023-2002: Linux Bluetooth: Unauthorized management command execution "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Ruihan Li on Apr 16


An insufficient permission check has been found in the Bluetooth subsystem of
the Linux kernel when handling ioctl system calls of HCI sockets. This causes
tasks without the proper CAP_NET_ADMIN capability can easily mark HCI sockets
as _trusted_. Trusted sockets are intended to enable the sending and receiving
of management commands and events, such as pairing or connecting with a new
device. As a result, unprivileged users can acquire a...


Ukraine Corruption - The Schemes And Techniques For Enriching Officials "IndyWatch Feed War"


Ukraine Corruption - The Schemes And Techniques For Enriching Officials 

By Major General Paul Vallely (USA, Ret)
April 15, 2023
Views: 2125


CVE-2023-24831: Apache IoTDB grafana-connector Login Bypass Vulnerability "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Jialin Qiao on Apr 16

Severity: low


Improper Authentication vulnerability in Apache Software Foundation Apache IoTDB.This issue affects Apache IoTDB
Grafana Connector: from 0.13.0 through 0.13.3.

Attackers could login without authorization. This is fixed in 0.13.4.



The factory making bionic arms for Ukrainian soldiers BBC News "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Thousands of people in Ukraine have lost their limbs in the war against Russia, according to World Health Organisation estimates.

The Ukrainian charity Superhumans and the UK-based company Open Bionics have partnered to create bionic arms for the wounded.

The BBC visited the factory in Bristol, England, responsible for creating the prosthetics.

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#Ukraine #BionicArm #Bristol


CVE-2023-30771: Apache IoTDB Workbench: apache/iotdb-web-workbench: forge the JWTToken to access workbench "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Jialin Qiao on Apr 16

Severity: low


Incorrect Authorization vulnerability in Apache Software Foundation Apache IoTDB.This issue affects the
iotdb-web-workbench component on 0.13.3. iotdb-web-workbench is an optional component of IoTDB, providing a web console
of the database.




Counting Down: List Of Russian Army Equipment Not Yet Destroyed In Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
Russia's one year anniversary of its special military operation in Ukraine marks a pivotal point not just for its symbolic significance, but also because it coincides with a sudden realisation on our part. That being that keeping track of the types of armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) and aircraft in use by the Russian Armed Forces that have been destroyed has become considerably harder than listing those that haven't been, and subtracting from that list as time progresses. Hence, the list that follows.
Obviously, not all equipment in use with Russia's military may be deployed in Ukraine or even be actually operational for that matter, so to keep things manageable this list will include only those systems that have been acknowledged to be in mass production. Nevertheless, certain systems may be included or omitted on a case-by-case basis for instance because they are expected to be used operationally or, conversely, because including them would be impractical. Categories that have been excluded are small-sized (EOD) UGVs, civilian-grade UAVs, transport and training aircraft, naval vessels, coastal defence (missile) systems and (armoured) trucks. This list is updated as additional vehicle types are confirmed to be destroyed or captured.

Our list showing Ukrainian Army equipment not yet destroyed or captured can be found here
(Click on the equipment type to get a picture of it)



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Man being mauled to death by stray dogs caught on camera in Uttar Pradesh, India "IndyWatch Feed World"

In the CCTV footage shared on social media, a man could be seen attacked by at least 7-8 dogs before he succumbed to his injuries. A man, out on a morning walk in Uttar Pradesh's Aligarh on Sunday, was bitten to death by a pack of stray dogs. In visuals shared on social media, more than half a dozen dogs attacked the retired doctor, identified as Safdar Ali. The incident happened at around 6 am inside the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) campus of Thana Civil Line area, according to Pravesh Rana, station house officer (SHO), Civil Lines. (WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT)


Why Harlan Crow Has Me Yearning for Batman "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The revelation that Harlan Crow, a billionaire with a Nazi fetish, has been showering Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas with gifts (and that Thomas did not disclose receiving them) has caused quite a stir in Washington, DC.

Perhaps the clearest sign of how bad this looks is that even 40 percent of Republicans disapprove of Thomass behavior. Sure, some of that might be due to the fact that he is Black, but Donald Trump could literally defecate on the Constitution and only about 20 percent of his voters would have a problem with that.

By the way, the most insane finding of that poll is that 12 percent of Republicans strongly approve of Thomas receiving expensive gifts and vacations without disclosing them. It would be understandable if they didnt have an opinion or didnt want to say anything bad about one of their own, but how do you strongly approve of a justice hiding his corruption???

Its pretty clear that Thomass behavior is odious. However, its not as though he needs an incentive to rubberstamp whatever position the courts right-wing majority takes. Hes doing that without the luxury trips and the Third Reich-themed dinners. Bribing Thomas to vote the right way is like bribing a child to stay up a little later to play video games and eat ice cream.

So thats not the most disconcerting part of this story. Whats really troubling, apart from how long this went unnoticed, is that there are probably lots of Harlan Crows out there. And were not talking about Hitler fanboys, although that isnt great either, but rather people with way too much money who want to invest a portion of their wealth toward turning the country into whatever they want it to be.

And nobody is talking about it. Admittedly, Hakenkreuz napkins are a juicy detail, but they are not nearly as much of a threat to democracy as ultrarich dudes with a God complex.

Here is why they are so dangerous: First of all, the USs system of unrestrained, predatory capitalism without fair taxation has created too many people for whom money is no object. Eq...


Detecting Anti-Neutrinos from Distant Fission Reactors Using Pure Water at SNO+ "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Although neutrinos are exceedingly common, their near-massless configuration means that their presence is rather ephemeral. Despite billions of them radiating every second towards Earth from sources like our Sun, most of them zip through our bodies and this very planet without ever interacting with either. This property is also what makes studying these particles that are so fundamental to our understanding so complicated. Fortunately recently published results by researchers behind the SNO+ neutrino detector project shows that we may see a significant bump in our neutrino detection sensitivity.



Cyclone Ilsa sets a new wind record as it smashes into Australia's western coast - 218 kph (135 mph) "IndyWatch Feed World"

Cyclone Ilsa smashed into a remote stretch of coast in Western Australia around midnight Thursday local time with wind speeds that broke previous records set more than 10 years ago in the same place. After brewing off the coast for days, Cyclone Ilsa made landfall between De Grey and Pardoo Roadhouse as a category 5 storm, according to Australian Bureau of Meteorology - the equivalent of a category 4 Atlantic hurricane. The cyclone has since weakened and is moving southeast across the state, bringing heavy rain and sustained winds of 120 kilometers per hour (74 miles per hour). Just before it hit the mainland, Ilsa sped over Bedout Island, a tiny uninhabited island, where its sustained wind speeds reached 218 kph (135 mph) over a 10-minute period.


FSF Slams Google Over Dropping JPEG-XL In Chrome "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Last October Google engineers decided they would deprecate JPEG-XL support in Chrome over some debated rationale for the move. Even amid the community uproar they went ahead to drop the JPEG-XL support. The Free Software Foundation has finally commented on the matter...


Dads Army: List Of Russian Army Equipment Deployed In Ukraine Older Than Our Parents "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer, Joost Oliemans and Kemal
Those expecting the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine to be a spectacle of Russian military might were soon left sorely disappointed. Yet the degradation of its combat abilities has continued apace, and one year into its war the cracks in the Russian military machine are starting to widen into chasms. Sustaining losses that meanwhile number over 1800 tanks and more than 2000 IFVs, the Russian Army has already reached the point at which it is no longer able to replace lost equipment with armament that is at least roughly equivalent to the combat worth of the equipment lost. [1] In order to replace its lost T-72B3 Obr. 2016s and T-80BVMs MBTs, the Russian arms industry hasn't churned out any of the much anticipated T-14 Armatas, but rather begun introducing hundreds of refurbished or upgraded variants of the antiquated T-62 MBT and even 1950s-era T-54s in an unmodified state. [2]
The situation is hardly any better for other components of the Russian Army, with 1950s and 1960s-era BRDM-2 AFVs and BMP-1 IFVs and BTR-50 APCs finding their way to frontline units as Ukrainian forces are starting to take delivery of advanced Leopard 2A6s, M1 Abrams MBTs and M2A2 and CV90 IFVs from partners in the West. While Russian tank repair plants busy themselves upgrading ageing equipment to feature additional protection so that they can theoretically stand a chance on the battlefields of Ukraine, the brunt of its reactivated relics is sent to the front in a virtually unmodified state, save for an oil change.
This emerging makeshift military has meanwhile included a hodgepodge of other antiquated materiel, including howitzers from the 1940s, AFV-mounted naval guns from the 1950s and even Mosin-Nagant bolt-action rifles that have been noted to be i...


Gator attack: 72-year-old man's leg bitten off in Titusville, Florida "IndyWatch Feed World"

A 72-year-old man's leg was bitten off by an alligator in Titusville Friday afternoon, according to Brevard County Fire Rescue officials. The man, who officials did not identify, was attacked by the alligator off Windsong Way, at Great Outdoors RV resort in Titusville, just before 2 p.m. Friday, according to a statement from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The bite amputated the man's leg just below the knee, said Don Walker, a spokesperson for the county. The man was airlifted to Holmes Regional Medical Center for his injuries, and a nuisance alligator trapper was dispatched to the location, the FWC statement said. No specifics regarding the circumstances that led up to the attack have been released. The FWC is actively investigating and is the lead agency regarding the incident.


Attrition In Action: List Of Ukrainian Army Equipment Not Yet Destroyed By Russia "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
February 2023 marks one full year of epic struggle on Ukraine's part to preserve its very existence. Rather than succumbing to the invaders beleaguering the country from the North, South and East, it has managed take the initiative in a conflict that was heavily stacked against it. Yet one year also marks the point where the war is beginning to surpass perhaps any conflict since WWII in terms of ferocity and, necessarily, losses. Though these losses are skewed to the Russian side, attrition on the Ukrainian side is also unprecedented, and sustainable only through material support from its allies. With new contingents of Western armament on the way, this list now attempts to denote what types of heavy equipment are known to be in use on the battlefield that have not yet been confirmed destroyed or captured. As opposed, to the Russian counterpart of this list, we might thus expect this list to grow rather than dwindle down as time progresses.

Obviously, not all equipment known to have been developed by Ukraine or pledged delivered by an ally may be actually operational, so to keep things manageable this list will include only those systems that have been acknowledged to be in use with the military. Nevertheless, certain systems may be included or omitted on a case-by-case basis for instance because they are expected to be used operationally or, conversely, because including them would be impractical. Categories that have been excluded are small-sized (EOD) UGVs, civilian-grade UAVs, transport and training aircraft, naval vessels and (armoured) trucks. This list is updated as additional vehicle types are confirmed to be destroyed or captured.

Our lis...


digiKam 8.0 Released With Expanded File Format Support, New OCR Tool "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The digiKam 8.0 open-source professional photo management software has been released. The digiKam 8.0 release brings a host of new features and improvements, including ongoing work of porting over to the Qt6 toolkit...


Net zero is the goal, but will chaos in the regions delay energy transition goals? Article by Jack Archer "IndyWatch Feed World"

Towns and regional centres with relatively small populations, existing workforce shortages and limited local housing will need to host hundreds and sometimes thousands of new workers to support alternative energy construction projects. Governments and industry don't really understand the difficult trade-offs for local communities with alternative energy projects. Without community support, chaos may well ensue.

[This article, by Jack Archer, was originally published at ABC Australia on 16 April 2023]

Net zero is the goal, but will chaos in the regions delay energy transition goals? Article by Jack Archer

After a decade of limited progress, the pace of change in action on energy and climate change over the past 12 months has been incredible.

Accelerated investment in transmission lines is now triggering the development of an enormous pipeline of renewable energy projects with supporting energy storage expected to follow.

Shorter time frames for closures of coal-fired power stations, requirements for our largest emitters to reduce their carbon footprint and new rules for carbon offsets have been put in place. 

While the cities turned the tide in electoral terms in 2022, the rapid economic and environmental change will occur in regions.

As well as all of the power stations due to close, the vast majority of large emitters are mines and industrial facilities located in regional areas. 

New renewable generation, storage and supporting transmission infrastructure is occurring almost exclusively outside of cities, much of it in inland, rural areas. 


Carbon offset projects already occupy large areas of the landscape.

What will make the next few years truly revolutionary, however, is the scale of private and public investment following behind these policy changes. 

Estimates vary on the total spend needed, but it is estimated that over $20b per year will need to be invested in the Australian climate transition over the coming decades. 



Teachers Corner: Fuck TikTok Parents "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This took a long time writing. I started this post a few times, but I was just too emotionally involved at that time. By the time of this post, the whole situation has resolved as so often: The child changed schools, nothing is actually solved, it just became somebody elses problem. Let me try to start at the beginning

Social media is a mixed batch. We all participate in some kind, it can be a tool of liberation, to create community and organise, it can be a tool of oppression, censoring and blocking, boosting fascist propaganda. All of this is true for adults and children, but with children there are some added problems. Theres safeguarding issues, grooming, cyberbullying, all that shit. But all those dangers are external threats, there are mechanisms, laws and we can offer some protection, but nobody really protects the children from the threat at home, one that is much subtler, that is hard to spot at first, and where our already outdated laws when it comes to digital issues are completely useless. Nobody protects children from over zealous social media parents.

For us, the story started with the new school year. The new kids in year 5 started and right away a mother whose son had a fight with another kid showed up, hit the other kid and threatened him. Things calmed down a little after that, until the kid started bragging about being a TikTok star. He is the star of his mothers channel with 42k subscribers right now. Of course that meant that he was exempt from certain school rules, like doing your home work, right? And he should be the popular kid, right? You can imagine how that went down with a bunch of 5th graders, which is when trouble in class started. Also, his TikTok brand is eating things considered disgusting like innards, snails, insects, so the older kids started teasing him. They didnt think him cool and brave at all. Or funny. They thought him an arrogant jerk.

At that point, his mother started cashing in on the alleged bullying of her son. Teary videos were shot, there was (is) a life chat every evening from around 6pm to 10 pm, where she and the kid rehashed every single minute, telling how badly the poor boy is being treated, with people lapping it up like a telenovela. If you had a critical remark, she was quick to block the heretic. I only watched very little of it, but it was completely bizarre (and honestly, its one of the reasons why Im very sceptical about online tales of how Im being bullied). The audience isnt kids. No kids find any of this cool or interesting. The audience is adults, mostly women, who adore that cute as a button (blond, sparkling blue eyes) oh so lovely boy (who used to walk past kids, randomly insulting them as whores or sons of a whore). The audience is also generous, sending gifts and money.

As you can see from this...


Review of EO Film: Three Hooves Up in High Heaven. Films Featuring Animals as Protagonists "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Artificial Intelligence (A.I.): A Threat to Civilization and Humanity? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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The post Artificial Intelligence (A.I.): A Threat to Civilization and Humanity? appeared first on Global Research.


This Just Changed My Mind About AGI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

There have been 4 research papers and technological advancements over the last 4 weeks that in combination drastically changed my outlook on the AGI timeline.

GPT-4 can teach itself to become better through self reflection, learn tools with minimal demonstrations, it can act as a central brain and outsource tasks to other models (HuggingGPT) and it can behave as an autonomous agent that can pursue a multi-step goal without human intervention (Auto-GPT). It is not an overstatement that there are already Sparks of AGI.

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An Australian dollar buys increasingly less in the property market a colossal failure of policy - by Gareth Hutchens "IndyWatch Feed World"

Should we start indexing wages to property prices, since wages cannot keep up with property price inflation, and property is not included in the CPI? This is the subject of this logical and innovative article, republished from ABC Australia.



[This article by Gareth Hutchens was originally published by ABC Australia on 16 April 2023 at Several of the original illustrations have been omitted by Candobetter.]

An Australian dollar buys increasingly less in the property market a colossal failure of policy - by Gareth Hutchens

In this period of high inflation, most have noticed our weekly income can't buy the same amount of goods as it could a few years ago.

But long before this inflation crisis, a similar phenomenon has been eating away at the value of the money we use to buy a home.

Since the early 1990s until recently, the average annual rate of inflation in consumer prices has been 2.5 per cent, so it may have felt like the value of our currency was relatively stable before the pandemic.

But the value of our dollar hasn't been maintained in every market.

When it comes to the property market, it's been obliterated.

Property price inflation has killed the Australian Dream of widespread home ownership for younger generations.

What is a dollar worth these days?

Why did policymakers let this happen?

In the post-war years, it typically cost two to three times average household earnings to buy a property.

Today, it's up to six to 10 times (or even higher).

Useless is the old advice, that our grandparents provided, that you could buy a house for three ti...


How China is breaking the colonial effects of Western lending "IndyWatch Feed World"

In their latest Geo Economical Report economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson discuss Russia's move away from the 'West'. The points on Russia are certainly interesting. But they also remark on the tussle between China and 'multilateral' international lenders about debt forgiveness. This is a theme that played out in Washington DC last week during a high-level sovereign debt roundtable on the sidelines of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund Spring meetings in Washington. In their talk Radhika Desai explains the basic problem with international debt: RADHIKA DESAI: Well I think that the whole issue of debt, world debt in particular, has become a really important issue at this point, and it's become an important issue because precisely now China is such a large part of the scene. I remember going back to the earliest days of the pandemic when Third World debt had also figured as a major issue. Already at that point, the key reason why the debt issues were not going to...


Yemen: Houthis and government free 90 prisoners on last day of exchange "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Yemen: Houthis and government free 90 prisoners on last day of exchange

The last of a three-day exchange saw dozens of prisoners released, with more expected during the day
MEE staff Sun, 04/16/2023 - 10:02
A girl greets her freed father after an International Committee of the Red Cross-chartered plane carrying freed prisoners lands at Sanaa Airport, amid a prisoner swap between the Houthis and the government, in Sanaa, 16 April 2023 (Reuters)

Yemen's Houthi rebels and government forces on Sunday freed 90 prisoners as part of a wide prisoners exchange of nearly 900 detainees, as the warring sides move forward with measures to end the eight-year-old civil war. 

On the last of a three-day exchange, planes carrying detainees took off at the same time from the Houthi-held capital of Sanaa and the government-controlled northern city of Marib, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said.

ICRC media adviser Jessica Moussan told AFP that "48 former detainees were on board the Marib-Sanaa flight, and 42 on the Sanaa-Marib flight".

Three other flights carrying prisoners are expected during the day, which would complete the deal reached in Switzerland last month to exchange 181 government forces for 706 rebels.

Four journalists sentenced to death by the Iran-aligned Houthis are part of the exchange, said government negotiator Majed Fadail.

Rebel political chief, Mahdi a...


UN Secretary-General Wrong to Blame Climate Change for Somalian Suffering "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Social and political instability is a much more likely culprit, especially since Somalias current drought is not unprecedented, and neighboring countries also under drought conditions are have not experienced similar crop declines.


George Soros's army of lieutenants get easy access to Biden White House "IndyWatch Feed World"

George Soros's army of lieutenants get easy access to Biden White House | 15 April 2023 | Billionaire oligarch [WEF dirt-bag] George Soros has a legion of loyal lieutenants who've racked up over two dozen meetings with top officials at the White House since Joe Biden took office, The Post has learned. The progressive kingmaker's unrivaled access into the Biden administration extends well beyond his 37-year-old son Alexander, who chairs the powerful, liberal grant-making network Open Society Foundations founded by his dad, and as The Post reported on Page 1 last week, has taken on the role of a de-facto White House "ambassador" by making at least 14 visits there. At least four other past or present leaders at Open Society Foundations have amassed a combined 33 private meetings and other confabs in less than two years, according to recently updated White House visitor logs. Tom Perriello, executive director of the group's United States operation, and a former Virginia congressman, scored 17 visits alone since May 2021, records show.


These Iraq War Supporters Are Still in Congress "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Hunter DeRensis | The Libertarian Institute | March 18, 2023

On March 19, 2003 the United States began its military invasion of Iraq. The Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq passed Congress in October 2002, with 296 congressmen and 77 senators voting in favor of giving President George W. Bush carte blanche authority to decide if and when to go to war.

Twenty years later, this is a list of members of Congress who voted for the AUMF and are still in office.

There are sixteen congressmen, including nine Republicans and seven Democrats.

  • Ken Calvert (R-CA)
  • Darrell Issa (R-CA)
  • Mike Simpson (R-ID)
  • Hal Rogers (R-KY)
  • Sam Graves (R-MO)
  • Chris Smith (R-NJ)
  • Frank Lucas (R-OK)
  • Joe Wilson (R-SC)
  • Kay Granger (R-TX)
  • Sanford Bishop (D-GA)
  • Steny Hoyer (D-MD)
  • Stephen Lynch (D-MA)
  • Bill Pascrell (D-NJ)
  • Adam Schiff (D-CA)
  • Brad Sherman (D-CA)
  • Adam Smith (D-WA)

There are ten senators, including five Republicans and five Democrats.

  • Susan Collins (R-ME)
  • Mike Crapo (R-ID)
  • Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
  • Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
  • Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
  • Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
  • Tom Carper (D-DE)
  • Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
  • Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
  • Ed Markey (D-MA)1

These politicians voted for arguably the most unnecessary foreign policy blunder[?] in United States history and incurred no electoral repercussions.


Week in review: Microsoft patches zero-day, Apple security updates, HashiCorp Vault vulnerability "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Heres an overview of some of last weeks most interesting news, articles, interviews and videos: Making risk-based decisions in a rapidly changing cyber climate In this Help Net Security interview, Nicole reveals the three key indicators she uses to assess an industrial organizations cybersecurity readiness and provides valuable insights for businesses and governments on fortifying their critical infrastructure against cyber threats. Data-backed insights for future-proof cybersecurity strategies In this Help Net Security interview, Travis Smith, More

The post Week in review: Microsoft patches zero-day, Apple security updates, HashiCorp Vault vulnerability appeared first on Help Net Security.


[CuriousMarc] Repairs a Floppy "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

[CuriousMarc] has a pile of 8-inch drives, all marked bad. You cant just pop over to the computer store and buy a new one these days, so it was off to the repair bench. Although the target drive would do a quick seek,  once it was in use, it just kind of shut down. So [Marc] started sending low-level commands to the device to see if he could isolate the fault. You can watch the whole adventure in the video below.

Using a breakout board, he was able to monitor and exercise all the pins going into the floppy. A quick study of the schematics, and connection to the scope were all [Marc] needed to build some theories of what was happening.

One of the theories was that the head amplifier was disabled, but it turned out to be fine. After several other dead ends, he finally found a broken spring and came up with a creative repair for it. But there was still no clear reason why the drive wouldnt work. By process of elimination, he started to suspect an array of diodes used for switching, but again, it was another dead end.

Luckily, he had one working drive, so he could compare things between them. He found a strange voltage difference. Turns out the old advice of checking power first might have paid off here. One of the voltage regulator ICs was dead. In all fairness, there are two 12V power supplies and he had checked one of them but had missed the second supply.  This supply is only used for head bias which switches the diodes he h...


Writers and Publishers Face an Existential Threat From AI: Time to Embrace the True Fans Model "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Writers and publishers face an existential threat from AI: time to embrace the true fans model:

Walled Culture has written several times about the major impact that generative AI will have on the copyright landscape. More specifically, these systems, which can create quickly and cheaply written material on any topic and in any style, are likely to threaten the publishing industry in profound ways. Exactly how is spelled out in this great post by Suw Charman-Anderson on her Word Count blog. The key point is that large language models (LLMs) are able to generate huge quantities of material. The fact that much of it is poorly written makes things worse, because it becomes harder to find the good stuff[.]

[...] One obvious approach is to try to use AI against AI. That is, to employ automated vetting systems to weed out the obvious rubbish. That will lead to an expensive arms race between competing AI software, with unsatisfactory results for publishers and creators. If anything, it will only cause LLMs to become better and to produce material even faster in an attempt to fool or simply overwhelm the vetting AIs.

The real solution is to move to an entirely different business model, which is based on the unique connection between human creators and their fans. The true fans approach has been discussed here many times in other contexts, and once more reveals itself as resilient in the face of change brought about by rapidly-advancing digital technologies.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Court Rejects Bragg's Request for Restraining Order Against Jordan "IndyWatch Feed World"

Court Rejects Bragg's Request for Restraining Order Against Jordan | 14 April 2023 | Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's urgent request to enter a restraining order against Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) was rejected on April 11, the same day it was filed. U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil, a Trump appointee, turned down Bragg's emergency request for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction against Jordan, at least until a hearing is held. "The Court declines to enter the proposed Temporary Restraining Order and Order to Show Cause," Vyskocil said, noting that she hadnt yet received several documents that were referenced in Bragg's filings.


How I Hacked The US Government Aged 16 | Minutes With | @LADbible "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In this weeks episode of Minutes With we sat down with Mustafa Al-Bassam, a former member of Anonymous and one of the founders of LulzSec.

Mustafa tells us how he got in to hacking and how he ended up getting involved in attacks on The Sun, The Westboro Baptist Church and even the US Government.

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US DARPA RACER Off-Road Autonomous Vehicles Teams Navigate Third Test "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

U.S. DARPAs Robotic Autonomy in Complex Environments with Resiliency (RACER) program recently conducted its third experiment to assess the performance of off-road unmanned vehicles. These test runs, conducted March 1227, included the first with completely uninhabited RACER Fleet Vehicles (RFVs), with a safety operator overseeing in a supporting chase vehicle. The goal of the RACER program is to demonstrate autonomous movement of combat-scale vehicles in complex, mission-relevant off-road environments that are significantly more unpredictable than on-road conditions. The multiple courses were in the challenging and unforgiving terrain of the Mojave Desert at the U.S. Armys National Training Center (NTC) in Ft. Irwin, California. As at the previous events, teams from Carnegie Mellon University, NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the University of Washington participated. This completed the projects first phase.

We provided the performers RACER fleet vehicles with common performance, sensing, and compute. This enables us to evaluate the performance of the performer team autonomy software in similar environments and compare it to human performance, said Young. During this latest experiment, we continued to push vehicle limits in perceiving the environments to greater distances, enabling further increase in speeds and better adaptation to newly encountered environmental conditions that will continue into RACERs next phase.

At Experiment Three, we successfully demonstrated significant improvements in our off-road speeds while simultaneously reducing any interaction with the vehicle during test runs. We were also honored to have representatives from the Army and Marine Corps at the experiment to facilitate transition of technologies developed in RACER to future service unmanned initiatives and concepts, said Stuart Young, RACER program manager in DARPAs Tactical Technology Office.


Mixed Reality Tracking System For Future Pilot Training "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Vrgineers and Advanced Realtime Tracking demonstrate the combination of XTAL 3 headset and SMARTTRACK3/M in a mixed reality pilot trainer. The partnership between these two technological companies started in 2018. At IT2EC 2023 in Rotterdam, the integrated SMARTTRACK3/M into an F-35-like Classroom Trainer manufactured and delivered to USAF and RAF will be for display. This unique combination of the latest ART infrared all-in-one hardware and Vrgineers algorithms for cockpit motion compensation creates an unseen immersion for every mixed reality training. One of the challenges in next-generation pilot training using virtual technology and motion platforms is the alignment of the pilots position in the cockpit. By overcoming this issue, the simulator industry is moving forward to eliminate the disadvantages of simulated training.

We are continuously working on removing the technological challenges of modern simulators, one of which is caused by front-facing camera position distance from users eyes. We are developing advanced algorithms for motion compensation to minimize the shift between virtual and physical scene, making experience realistic. The durability and compact size of SMARTTRACK3/M, which was optimized for using in cockpits, allows us as training device integrator to make it a comprehensive part of a simulation, says Marek Polcak, CEO of Vrgineers.

This is the application SMARTTRACK3/M was designed for., We have taken the proven hardware from the SMARTTRACK3 and adapted it to the limited space available. As a result, we have the precision and the reliability of a seasoned system in a form factor fitting to simulator cockpits says Andreas Werner, business development manager for simulations at ART.


OpenAIs CEO confirms the company isnt training GPT-5 and wont for some time "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

GPT-5 isnt being developed, but who cares when GPT-4 isnt yet understood.


Searching for the holy grail of Unionist Unity "IndyWatch Feed"

An often-discussed but little-understood aspect of Unionism is how divided it is on almost every topic. The divisions go far beyond competing visions and healthy debates and are frequently about power, control, and egos mixed with a generous dollop of Ulster thran. As a consequence of internal divisions and warring factions, Unionism has suffered, the bloc has shrunk, its continually on the back foot and there are endless fears about further splits. A movement whose core objective is to maintain the Union with Great Britain but cannot maintain any form of union with itself is an irony not lost on many.

The underlying problems associated with the often-divisive nature of Unionist politics have never been understood, much less addressed. The need for Unionist Unity is a term half-heartedly bandied about by Unionist politicians, usually in the lead-up to an election, and even that leads to greater disunity as nobody can agree on what the term means whilst others take offense from it. It has often been said that if the leaders of the UUP, TUV, DUP, and PUP were left in a room to discuss Unionist unity, by the end of the meeting there would be seven Unionist parties, 18 different policies, and at least one resignation from politics. An ongoing gripe from Unionism is that its not being heard, the problem is that there are dozens of different versions of Unionism and as a result the overall message is opaque.

In 1968 Unionism was united, outwardly at least but problems were bubbling under the surface. The then Northern Ireland Prime Minister Terrence ONeill famously stated that Ulster stands at the crossroads, the statement was aimed at Unionists against a backdrop of civil unrest and mounting pressure from the then Labour government. When ONeill made the speech he was attempting to fend off a serious split within Unionism due to his Five Point Plan which proved controversial within Unionism. The attempt would prove futile, and fractures that were always there would soon be exposed. The reforms introduced to Northern Ireland were controversial not only within Unionism but also within the UUP. ONeill called a surprise general election to shore up support, UUP members stood on pro and anti-ONeill tickets. Pro-ONeill candidates won the most seats but the results proved that Unionism was divided and shortly after the election, Terrence ONeill resigned.

At every big decision in Northern Irelands history, Unionism has found itself split, isolated, or both, and each time the UK government has dismissed Unionist opposition. ONeills reforms split the UUP. The UUP narrowly backed the Sunningdale agreement but internal revolts and wider Unionist opposition led to the agreement collapsing. Unionism collectively opposed the Anglo-Irish Agreement but the UK government supported it, widespread Unionist opposition and protests eventually resulted in the treaty faili...


Saudis among prisoners released in landmark exchange with Yemen "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Freed prisoners exit an International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)-chartered plane after it arrived at Sanaa Airport, Yemen, amid a prisoner swap, in Sanaa, Yemen, on April 14, 2023. (Photo by Reuters)

Press TV April 15, 2023

Scores of prisoners of war, including Saudis, have been freed as part of a cross-border exchange between a Saudi-led military coalition and Yemens Ansarullah movement, the International Committee of the Red Cross says.  

The exchange on Saturday was part of a multi-day transfer involving nearly 900 detainees, that comes amid peace talks which have raised hopes for an end to an eight-year-old war on Yemen.

The flight from the southern Saudi city of Abha took off before 9 a.m. local time (0600 GMT), carrying 120 former detainees who headed for Yemens capital Sanaa, ICRC spokeswoman Jessica Moussan said.

It was followed by a flight from Sanaa to Riyadh carrying 20 former detainees, among them 16 Saudis and three Sudanese, that landed around midday local time, according to the state-affiliated al-Ekhbariya channel.

The release operations are the result of talks concluded on March 20, 2023 in Bern, Switzerland, where the parties to the conflict in Yemen finalized the plan for the release. The ICRC co-chaired these meetings with the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, the ICRC said.

Fabrizio Carboni, the ICRCs regional director for the Near and Middle East, noted, With this act of goodwill, hundreds of families torn apart by conflict are being reunited during the holy month of Ramadan, a glimmer of hope amidst great suffering.

Our deep desire is that these releases provide momentum for a broader political solution, leading to even more detainees returning to their loved ones, he added.

The development comes a day after the Saudi-backed Yemens Presidential Leadership Council and Ansarullah movement exchanged 322 prisoners, marking a significant confidence-building measure and a major step toward peace in the warn-torn Arab country.

Saudis meet Ansarullah officials ahead of ceasefire talks. Click to enlarge

A total of 72 prisoners were sent from Sanaa airport to Aden airport on board two flights,...


Ruthless! U.S.A. Foments Coup detat in Sudan Just Two Weeks After Russia Approachment "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Hal Turner The Hal Turner Show April 15, 2023

Two weeks ago, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited the African nation of Sudan.  One of the topics discussed: A Russian Naval Base on the Red Sea.   Here we are two weeks after that discussion, the U.S. has fomented a military Coup in Sudan.

Russias agreement . . . out the window.  Thats how utterly RUTHLESS the USA is.  It took our CIA just two weeks to make it all happen.

You see, when the USA cannot get what we want by peaceful means, or bribery, we foment the overthrow of an entire countrys government.

It comes down to power. The USA is the Top Dog of this planet, and the people running the USA are not going to allow anyone else to unseat us.

Whatever it takes to keep hold of our power, the people running our government seem willing to do.  Economic sanctions, trade war, election fraud, bribery, or, as we see with Sudan (and as we saw with Ukraine) the OVERTHROW of a government.

The USA will not be dislodged from its perch above the world and anyone who tries, gets crushed, ruined, destroyed, or dead.

That is what our country has become.

That is why much of the world is distancing itself from us, and from our currency.

Unless the American People step up to put a stop to the way our government is doing things, I FEAR our country will get stopped.  By Russian nuclear missiles.

What choice are we leaving the Russians?   We wont leave them alone.  Weve been surrounding their country for decades with more and more NATO members all of whom then start aiming missiles at Russia.

We smash countries like Syria who are allied with Russia.  We takeover countries that we cannot induce to join NATO (i.e. Ukraine), and when Russia tries to peacefully negotiate a naval base on the Red Sea with Sudan, we are now overthrowing the Sudan government.

No matter what Russia does, we interfere.  Sometimes peacefully.  Sometimes legally.  Most times through Bribery and force.

Sooner or later, the Russians are going to realize that the USA simply will not stop; will not peacefully co-exist.

When that realization happens, there will be only one choice Russia has left: To either utterly destroy the United States, or capitulate to it.

The sleazy douchebags who infest the US Government think Russia will capitulate.   I think Russia will push the launch button.



Sacred Christian site Emmaus destroyed by Israel "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Road to Emmaus, 1877 painting by Robert Zund. The Gospel of Luke account remains beloved reading and gives inspiration to spiritual retreats. United Methodist News Service.
By Alison Weir | Israel-Palestine News | April 15, 2023

Emmaus is a profoundly important place in Christianity. The Bible says that after Jesus death and resurrection, he appeared before two of his disciples while they were walking on the road to Emmaus, although at first they didnt recognize him. When they arrived in Emmaus, Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it in pieces, and gave it to them.

In 1967, after Israel launched its Six Day War, Israel expelled the inhabitants of Emmaus...


Mike Stone Pentagon Leaker is a National Hero! "IndyWatch Feed War" April 15, 2023 

When your country has been subverted by traitors (globalists, satanists, communists, perverts and criminals,) when your elections are fixed, and your courts are corrupt, treason is an act of Patriotism.

By Mike Stone

Can someone answer a question for me?

Why is Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers, regarded as a hero by the mainstream press, while recently accused Jack Teixeira, who basically did the same thing as Ellsberg, is flagged as a heinous criminal?

The Pentagon Papers is the United States Department of Defense history of our countrys involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967. It apparently details illegal actions by our military in Vietnam. When Ellsberg leaked the document, it was reported on the front page of The New York Times as if he were a whistle-blowing hero.

Jack Teixeira allegedly leaked a similar document regarding our countrys involvement in the military conflict between Russia and the Ukraine. Like the Pentagon Papers, the information Teixeira allegedly leaked shows illegal actions by our military in the Ukraine. Only Teixeiras treatment by the media is the exact opposite of how Ellsberg was treated. Not only that, but apparently it was the New York Times the same paper that heralded Ellsberg as a hero who outed and identified Teixeira. They had his house staked out before the Feds even arrived.





Dr. Ryan Cole Told By Fauci Dont Do Autopsies on COVID Patients "IndyWatch Feed War"

Hal Turner The Hal Turner Radio Show April 14, 2023

In the brief, nine minute video below, Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, trained by the Mayo Clinic in Clinical Pathology, reveals how the COVID Vaccine are causing Immune System dis-regulation causing people to die from diseases weve always (usually) been able to fight-off.  He also reveals Doctors like him have been told Do not do autopsies on COVID Patients.

Spend the nine minutes to hear this:




The IMF Has Just Unveiled A New Global Currency Known As The Universal Monetary Unit That Is Supposed To Revolutionize The World Economy "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Michael Australian National Review April 15, 2023

A new global currency just launched, but 99 percent of the global population has no idea what just happened.  The Universal Monetary Unit, also known as Unicoin, is an international central bank digital currency that has been designed to work in conjunction with all existing national currencies.  This should set off alarm bells for all of us, because the widespread adoption of a new global currency would be a giant step forward for the globalist agenda.  The IMF did not create this new currency, but it was unveiled at a major IMF gathering earlier this week

Today, at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings 2023, the Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) announced their official launch of an international central bank digital currency (CBDC) that strengthens the monetary sovereignty of participating central banks and complies with the recent crypto assets policy recommendations proposed by the IMF.

Universal Monetary Unit (UMU), symbolized as ANSI Character, , is legally a money commodity, can transact in any legal tender settlement currency, and functions like a CBDC to enforce banking regulations and to protect the financial integrity of the international banking system.

As the press release quoted above indicates, this new Universal Monetary Unit was created by the Digital Currency Monetary Authority.

So who in the world is the Digital Currency Monetary Authority?

Honestly, I had no idea until I started doing research for this article.

The press release says that the organization consists of sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and other financial institutions

The DCMA is a world leader in the advocacy of digital currency and monetary policy innovations for governments and central banks.  Membership within the DCMA consists of sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and other financial institutions.

Basically, it sounds like a secretive cabal of international banks and national governments is conspiring to push this new currency down our throats.

We are being told that the Universal Monetary Unit is Crypto 2.0, and those that created it are hoping that it will be widely adopted by all constituencies in a global economy

The DCMA introduces Universal Monetary Unit as Crypto 2.0 because it innovates a new wave of cryptographic technologies for realizing a digital currency public monetary system with a widespread adoption framework encompassing use cases for all constituencies in a global economy.

I dont know about you, but this sounds super shady to me.

Of course the Digital Currency Monetary Authority is not the only one that has been working on a new digi...


Mad scientists are now experimenting with mRNA injections in beef, poultry, pork, and produce food supply bioweapons? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Lance D. Johnson Natural News April 14, 2023

Scientists across the United States are receiving massive funding to test out novel mRNA vaccine systems on rodents, livestock, and produce. The deleterious nature of the mRNA platform and the deadly failures of its application in human populations has not stopped the US government from funding new mRNA experiments to re-engineer animals, food, and humans. Mad scientists are now experimenting with mRNA injections in beef, poultry, pork, and produce. There are currently no laws to protect the food supply and the human genome from an onslaught of mRNA experiments and the mass production and deployment of biological weapons inside animals and produce.

The mRNA experimentation continues in cows at Iowa State University

In fact, the Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine Department at Iowa State University is testing out an mRNA vaccine system on cows. The stated goal is to induce immunological protection in cows that are prone to RSV infection. The vaccine platform includes a prefusion F mRNA delivered continuously by a vaccine implant. The implant delivers preprogrammed mRNA into the cows cells, instructing the cells to produce a pathogenic protein antigen that the cows immune cells are trained to attack. The technology will be first carried out in mice, before it is unleashed as a cost-effective way to sustain cow populations.

As of April 5, 2023, the National Cattlemens Beef Association heeded, There are no current mRNA vaccines licensed for use in beef cattle in the United States. Cattle farmers and ranchers do vaccinate cattle to treat and prevent many diseases, but presently none of these vaccines include mRNA technology. Their Association doesnt seem concerned that mRNA experiments are headed into the beef supply.

Merck and Genvax are in a race to transfect pork with mRNA injections

The drug company Merck has wasted no time getting their mRNA products into pork. In fact, pork producers have been using Mercks Sequivity platform to re-engineer the cells of pigs to express various porcine diseases, including swine flu. This mRNA platform is mass producing toxins in pigs and forcing their immune cells to generate specific responses to the foreign bioweapon proteins. To make matters worse, this mRNA platform has not yielded any specific benefit to pork populations. Sow...


Confused About MRNA Vaccines in Meat? Thats Exactly How They Want It. "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Marie Hawthorne The Organic Prepper April 13, 2023

Rumors have been circulating about mRNA vaccines in livestock.  Fact-checkers have been scoffing, but whats really going on?  Could we be eating animals that have been treated with mRNA?  How do we know whats in the meat at our grocery store?

PORK: Yes, its probably been treated with mRNA.

Unfortunately, if youve been eating pork from the grocery stores, even organic pork, its probably been treated with mRNA because pork producers have been using mRNA products since 2018 Mercks SEQUIVITY platform is used with different sequences of various porcine diseases, including swine flu, to get immune responses in pigs.

Interestingly enough, sow mortality rates have increased slightly, from 11.1% in 2017 to 12.6% in 2021.  However, raising animals in large quantities is very complex; increased mortality could be linked to countless factors, and many producers admit they dont have enough qualified employees to pay optimal attention to animals.   The only certainty here is, new pharmaceutical products have not been a magic bullet for the pork industrys problems.

I guess we, as a society, dont have enough money for more agricultural and veterinary workers so that hog farmers can optimally monitor the pigs that will become our food.  And yet, its still full steam ahead with ever-more-complicated bioengineering solutions.  A few months ago, GenVax Technologies, a startup that wants to bring self-amplifying mRNA (saRNA) technologies to animal health, received $6.5 million to begin producing vaccines 100% specific to African Swine Fever variants that may be circulating in pork herds.  There always seems to be enough money for mRNA.

Sound familiar?

If this sounds similar to a product widely used on humans the past few years, thats because it is.  As in human mRNA treatments, Merck claims that the RNA cant replicate itself and only lasts a short time in the animals bodies.  They also say that animals do not shed any RNA particles.  Given the wide range of findings in humans after mRNA treatme...


Open sunday politics free zone "IndyWatch Feed"

In addition to our normal open Sunday, we have a politics-free post to give you all a break.

So discuss what you like here, but no politics.


Open Sunday discuss what you like "IndyWatch Feed"

The idea for Open Sunday is to let you discuss what you like.

Just two rules. Keep it civil and no man/woman playing.


Will you lose your job to AI and tech like ChatGPT? "IndyWatch Feed World"

Heres what experts say about which jobs AI will make obsoleteand what jobs it could create.

Popular new consumer technology often gives rise to its fair share of ominous doom in public discourseand the recent rapid adoption of generative AI and tools such as ChatGPT has so rankled the establishment that some tech executives have called for a six-month moratorium on continued innovation in the space. But, as the saying goes, you cant stop progress. And businesses hungry for easy ways to scale and inexpensive productivity solutions have been quick to integrate AI into industries ranging from content production to human resources to healthcareno surprise, as modern history lays bare a graveyard of last-century juggernauts that failed to innovate in the digital age.

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BBC double standards on terrorism evident in Hamra attack reports "IndyWatch Feed War"

As regular readers know, the BBCs editorial guidelines on War, Terror and Emergencies include a section titled Use of Language which instructs BBC journalists reporting on acts of terror to avoid the use of the term terrorist, except in quotes:

11.3.5 Our reporting of possible acts of terror should be timely and responsible, bearing in mind our requirement for due accuracy and impartiality. Terrorism is a difficult and emotive subject with significant political overtones and care is required in the use of language that carries value judgements. We should not use the term terrorist without attribution.

11.3.6 The word terrorist itself can be a barrier rather than an aid to understanding. We should convey to our audience the full consequences of the act by describing what happened. We should use words which specifically describe the perpetrator such as bomber, attacker, gunman, kidnapper, insurgent and militant. We should not adopt other peoples language as our own; our responsibility is to remain objective and report in ways that enable our audiences to make their own assessments about who is doing what to whom.

However, as we have repeatedly documented on these pages, the BBC is happy to ignore those guidelines when terror attacks take place in the UK or some other European countries.

A terror attack which took place near Hamra in the Jordan Rift Valley on April 7th received an unusually large amount of BBC News website coverage, presumably due to the fact that the three victims a...


Precise Spatial Proteomic Information in Tissues "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Despite the availability of imaging-based and mass-spectrometry-based methods for spatial proteomics, a key challenge remains connecting images with single-cell-resolution protein abundance measurements. Deep Visual Proteomics (DVP), a recently introduced method, combines artificial-intelligence-driven image analysis of cellular phenotypes with automated single-cell or single-nucleus laser microdissection and ultra-high-sensitivity mass spectrometry. DVP links protein abundance to complex cellular or subcellular phenotypes while preserving spatial context.


Real Radar Scope CRT Shows Flights Using ADS-B "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Real-time flight data used to be something that was only available to air traffic controllers, hunched over radar scopes in darkened rooms watching the comings and goings of flights as glowing phosphor traces on their screens. But that was then; now, flight tracking is as simple as pulling up a web page. But wheres the fun in that?

To bring some of that old-school feel to his flight tracking, [Jarrett Cigainero] has been working on this ADS-B scope that uses a real radar CRT. As you can imagine, this project is pretty complex, starting with driving the 5FP7 CRT, a 5 round-face tube with a long-persistence P7-type phosphor. The tube needs about 7 kV for the anode, which is delivered via a homebrew power supply complete with a custom flyback transformer. Theres also a lot going on with the X-Y deflection amps and beam intensity control.

The software side has a lot going on as well. ADS-B data comes from an SDR dongle using dump1090 running on a Raspberry Pi 3B...


Fiscal Insanity: The Government Borrows $6 Billion a Day, and Were Stuck with the Bill "IndyWatch Feed War"

John whitehead Were not living the American dream. Were living a financial nightmare. The US government is funding its existence with a credit card. The governmentand that includes the current administrationis spending money it doesnt have on programs it cant afford, and we the taxpayers are the ones being forced to foot the bill for


Cars soon unaffordable for 50% of Germans, expert warns "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

... warns half of Germans will no longer be able to afford a car.


IMF Unveils New Global Currency Known As The Universal Monetary Unit "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: The Economic Collapse Blog: The Universal Monetary Unit, also known as Unicoin, is an international central bank digital currency that has been designed to work in conjunction with all existing national currencies. This should set off alarm bells for all of us, because the widespread adoption of a new global currency would be a []


Why Marxists Need Darwin: Evolutionary Mismatches Challenge the Darwinian Unconscious "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Marx claimed that human beings are "the ensemble of social relations." This implies that bio-evolutionary life has no significant impact on present humanity. If we include the field of Darwinism "evolutionary psychology", do we risk being called biological determinists? How is the evolutionary psychology of hunter-gatherers different from the evolutionary psychology of industrial capitalist societies?


Interview: Youre Either In Power or in Prison "IndyWatch Feed World"

Click here to listen to my latest interview with Blind Spot: Youre Either in Power or in Prison.

Episode Description:

Martin Armstrong pops in to tell us his story, including how he developed his Socrates trading algorithm which predicted the Russian financial crisis of 1998 as well as the details behind the circumstances that found him in contempt of court and thus incarcerated for 11 years. The interview starts about halfway into the podcast.
The post Interview: Youre Either In Power or in Prison first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


Masks Made in Sweatshops "IndyWatch Feed World"

To virtue signaling with masks, know there is a chance it was created in a sweatshop. Half of the items you own likely were created in these conditions.

The post Masks Made in Sweatshops first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


Foodtech investors are making a mammoth mistake "IndyWatch Feed World"

Backing whiz-bang tech versus things that might actually improve how we eat does us all a disservice.

When Mark Post made the first cell-cultured burger back in 2013, he hoped we might use it to talk about the reality of growing meat outside the body of an animal. In many respects, his gambit worked. The media covered it widely and investors began tracking it. Today, nearly $3 billion has been invested in more than 150 startups according to the Good Food Institute, trying to develop whats now known as cultivated meat.

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Algospeak is helping social media users evade algorithmic detection "IndyWatch Feed World"

Typically, coded speech has been employed by small groups. But given the reach of social media, algospeak has the potential to influence everyday language.

A linguistic arms race is raging onlineand it isnt clear whos winning.

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You need to establish a personal brand to succeed in the workplace of tomorrowheres how "IndyWatch Feed World"

A strong personal brand sets you apart from the pack.

While the digital age gave those who opted in the means to amplify themselves, the hybrid and often virtual landscape we now work in proves that having a personal brand is no longer a choice; its a requirement. To succeed, we must have the means to convey who we are no matter what the medium. A strong personal brand sets you apart from the pack and secures your professional longevitybecause what you do today may not be what you do tomorrow.

Read Full Story


Hacking Humanity: Transhumanism "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Michael Rectenwald [This piece is an excerpt from The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty.] The notion that the world can be replicated and...

Hacking Humanity: Transhumanism


Online Security Concerns Shouldnt Enable a Surveillance State "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Kimberlee Josephson At the 2012 London Olympics, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the World Wide Web, crafted the message This Is For Everyone. And...

Online Security Concerns Shouldnt Enable a Surveillance State


Steal Something from Work Day 2023 : Take Matters in Your Own Hands "IndyWatch Feed War"

Welcome to Steal Something from Work Day 2023! Every year, we observe this day as an opportunity to reflect on the individualized forms of anti-capitalist resistance that millions upon millions of employees engage in on a daily basis, and to imagine forms of collective action that could take that resistance as their point of departure.

Today, well zoom in on a particular variant of workplace theft: the leak.

Cheers to Yugoslavian film director Duan Makavejev and hip-hop duo Test Their Logik.

Leak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

There are many things you can steal from work. You could steal money, time, goods, raw materials, access to specialized equipment. Another thing you could steal is information. For this years Steal Something from Work Day, lets talk about the last of these.

In the information age, knowledge is power. The circulation of classified information is integral to the lattice of repressive institutions that maintain the prevailing order. Information is the blood in the bloodstream of the beast.

Controlling which information circulates and which does not has always been central to statecraft. But in the heyday of social media, this is arguably the most determinant aspect of rule itself, even more so than military force.

In a digitally interconnected world, whoever has the most robust networks, the right relationship between visible and opaque channels, and the most persuasive narrative will triumph. Communication and coordination trump brute force when any clash can draw in a potentially infinite number of participants on either side.

-Canary in the Coal Mine: Twitter and the End of Social Media

In a globalized economy in which work has penetrated into every corner of our lives, practically every...


New Model for How Earth's Oceans Formed "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

You don't need alien asteroids, you just need a hydrogen-rich atmosphere and liquid hot magma:

A new research model shows that Earth's oceans could have formed from interactions between a hydrogen-rich early atmosphere and oxygen within the planet's magma.

The study from the multi-institution AETHER project also demonstrates why Earth's core is lighter than it should be, owing to the presence of gaseous hydrogen.

Edward Young, professor at the University of California Los Angeles, and colleagues propose that one of the protoplanets involved in the formation of Earth was heavier than thought. By maximizing its size to more than a fifth or third of Earth, the researchers show there would have been enough gravity to make the hydrogen-rich atmosphere hang around long enough to interact with the magma ocean, according to a paper published in Nature this week.

Prevailing theories explaining the abundance of water on Earth oceans make up around 70 percent of the planet's surface depend on the impacts of water-carrying asteroids.

[...] In a statement coinciding with the publication, co-author Anat Shahar, staff scientist and deputy for Research Advancement Earth and Planets Laboratory at Carnegie Science, said the inspiration for the new model came from studies of planets forming outside the solar system.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


A Pre-Sermonette "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

   ..Post-it-Notes..   *** Eva Vlaardingerbroek The global center of the bug-feed industry is undertaking a compliance test. Let them eat bugs!   *** St. Augustine Because I do it with a small boat, I am called a pirate and a thief. You, with a whole navy, molest the world and are called an emperor. []

The post A Pre-Sermonette appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Study Shows Mothers Who Earn More Than Dads Do More of the Housework "IndyWatch Feed World"

A recent study has found that mothers who earn more than their male counterparts tend to take on a majority of the chores. The study, conducted by the University of Connecticut and published in the journal of Sociology of Education, sheds light on an often-overlooked aspect of gender dynamics in relationships.

The study surveyed over 1,000 married or cohabitating couples with children under the age of 13. Researchers found that when mothers earned more than their partners, they tended to do more of the housework as well as the child care. This was particularly true when the couple help traditional gender beliefs when the mother believed that it was her responsibility to take care of the household and children.

The study also found that when mothers earned more, they were more likely to report feelings of guilt about not being able to do more for their families. This guilt was compounded when the mother believed that her partner was not doing enough to help around the house.

These findings challenge the notion that higher-earning women are more likely to have partners who take on a greater share of domestic work. In reality, the opposite seems to be true: when women earn more, they take on more domestic responsibilities, often due to societal expectations and gender norms.

This study highlights the need for greater recognition and support for working mothers. Women who earn more than their partners should not be expected to shoulder the majority of domestic responsibilities, and men should be encouraged to take on a more equal share of the housework and child care. This is not only fair, but it also benefits the entire family, as research has shown that fathers who are involved in their childrens lives have better outcomes in terms of academic achievement and mental health.

To address this issue, employers can offer more flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting or flexible hours, to allow parents to better balance their work and family responsibilities. Policymakers can also implement policies that support working families, such as paid family leave and affordable child care.

In conclusion, the study shows that gender dynamics in relationships can be complex, particularly when it comes to household responsibilities. Mothers who earn more than their partners are more likely to take on a greater share of the housework and child care, even when they hold traditional gender beliefs. To support working mothers, we need to challenge societal expectations and promote more equal sharing of domestic responsibilities between partners.



Covid Inbound "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Stretch goal reached!
Look for my rap video, most likely before the end of the month.


Somebody in my household just blew hot for the Creepin Crud.  The Corvide.  The 2019 Gift That Keeps on Giving.

There are three of us.  One is fortyish and too disabled to have a day job, one is 65 and  works in an office five days a week, and theres me in the middle at forty-six, working in a mostly empty office one day a week and telecommuting another three.  Our resident senior citizen, unfortunately, had the largest exposure, works with covidiots plague rats (forgot my policy), and brought that stuff right home to us, breathing in our grits relentlessly until the hot test less than a half hour ago.

So were pretty much gonna get it, and Im probably going to have to reschedule the procedures I have scheduled for the 25th and 27th of this month.  Vexatious.  Tempted to be pretty fucken mad at our senior citizen because she is a lot less conscious about keeping her mask on than we are, but she cant help being a dingus, and she does mask more than most people in the USA right now.

Im hella POd tho.  As ever, motherfuck the United SnaKKKes for treating the pandemic as a chance to practice capitalist medicine on the rest of the (more) civilized world, squatting over the medicines like dragons on gold, guaranteeing this will go on forever and ever.  I never stopped masking.  I surely never will.  But will that keep me from getting covid?

Fucking of course not.  Still worth it to lower viral load and minimize long-term symptoms, but yet another reminder you can do everything in the world to take care of yourself and your people and still get taken the fuck out by the scumbaggery of others.


Relive the Glory Days of Sun Workstations "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When the IBM PC first came out, it was little more than a toy. The serious people had Sun or Apollo workstations. These ran Unix, and had nice (for the day) displays and network connections. They were also expensive, especially considering what you got. But now, QEMU can let you relive the glory days of the old Sun workstations by booting SunOS 4 (AKA Solaris 1.1.2) on your PC today. [John Millikin] shows you how in step-by-step detail.

Theres little doubt your PC has enough power to pull it off. The SUN-3 introduced in 1985 might have 8MB or 16MB of RAM and a 16.67 MHz CPU. In 1985, an 3/75 (which, admittedly, had a Motorola CPU and not a SPARC CPU) with 4MB of RAM and a monochrome monitor cost almost $16,000, and that didnt include software or the network adapter. Youd need that network adapter to boot off the network, too, unless you sprung another $6,000 for a 71 MB disk.  The SPARCstation 1 showed up around 1989 and ran from $9,000 to $20,000, depending on what you needed.

[John] points out that, unlike a modern PC, SunOS ran on very tightly-controlled hardware, so it is pretty fussy about some things being just right. Apparently, QEMU could not boot the OS without some workarounds until recently, but the setup [John] outlines seems straightforward.

In its heyday, the machine would get network configuration from a RARP and NIS server, but those have long given way to more modern standards like DHCP. Not...


5 Common Ways Men Turn Women Off In Relationships "IndyWatch Feed World"

Building a successful relationship requires effort, time and patience from both sides. However, sometimes men unintentionally turn women off in relationships, as do women causing strain and possibly leading to the end of a relationship, causing strain and possibly leading to the end of the relationship.

In order to save their relationship and your time, it is essential for men to be aware of the things that turn women off, so that they can make a conscious effort to avoid them.

1. Lack of Communication

Communication is key in any relationship, but to women, communication is everything. When men do not communicate openly with their partners, it can cause tension in a relationship and misunderstanding. Women want their partners to be open and honest with them, and to work through problems, rather than just dancing around them and forcing the woman in the relationship to keep it all down.

2. The Burden of Unshared Chores

Typically, the woman in the relationship carries the load of household responsibilities on herself. When the man pitches in, the act is usually labeled as help or support, when in reality it is just carrying their own weight.

This unfair division of household chores can cause severe relationship problems. For instance, a recent study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found women who did the larger proportion of the household labor relative to their partners felt lower sexual desire for their partners, as they felt it to be unfair.

Another study from the University of Bath found that women who earn more than men do more of the household work than their male partners.

3. Boring Physical Activity

The most common way that we see sex paints the female orgasm as secondary and the male orgasm as key. Putting more effort into female satisfaction will get you so much further.

3. Lack of Emotional Connection

Emotional connection is crucial in a relationship. Women want to feel emotionally connected to their partners, and when they dont, it can be a turn-off. Men need to show interest in their partners thoughts, feelings, and experiences to create emotional connection. When men are emotionally unavailable, it can cause their partners to feel neglected and unimportant.

4. Lack of Respect

Respect is a fundamental aspect of any relationship. Women want to be treated with respect, and when men dont show it, it can be a major turn-off. This includes being respectful of their partners time, opinions, and boundaries. When men dont respect their partners boundaries, it can lead to feelings of mistrust and discomfort in the relationship.

5. Lack of Effort

Relationships require effort from both partners. When men dont put in the effort to maintain the relationship, it can be a major turn-off for women. This includes taking the time to plan dates, showing affection, and making...


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 15, 2023, #401 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Dane Wigington This week there were regions of the US that went from daily record high temperatures pushing 90 degrees or more to snow in the span of just over a day.The historically unprecedented Florida flooding is only a foreshadowing of whats coming. On the other side of the spectrum are droughts that never end, drying


Snowflake Manufacturing Data Cloud improves supply chain performance "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Snowflake has launched the Manufacturing Data Cloud, which enables companies in automotive, technology, energy, and industrial sectors to unlock the value of their critical siloed industrial data by leveraging Snowflakes data platform, Snowflake- and partner-delivered solutions, and industry-specific datasets. The Manufacturing Data Cloud empowers manufacturers to collaborate with partners, suppliers, and customers in a secure and scalable way, driving greater agility and visibility across the entire value chain. With Snowflakes Manufacturing Data Cloud, organizations can More

The post Snowflake Manufacturing Data Cloud improves supply chain performance appeared first on Help Net Security.


Fort Lauderdale Weather In Context "IndyWatch Feed World"

Police evacuate residents from this weeks epic Ft. Lauderdale floods

You probably did not need Bill McKibbens newsletter to tell you about this weather event, but putting it in context is what he is particularly good at:

Were in for a stretch of heavy climate

Ominous signs that the next step phase of global warming is starting;

This weeks Fort Lauderdale rainstorm was, on the one hand, an utter freak of nature (storms trained on the same small geography for hours on end, dropping 25 inches of rain in seven hours; the previous record for all of April was 19 inches) and on the other hand utterly predictable. Every degree Celsius that we warm the planet means the atmosphere holds more water vapor; as native Floridian and...


Oral Argument In CHECC v. EPA: The Issue Of Standing "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

How do you know that electricity prices are going to go up? Have you offered sufficient proof of that?


PRIVATE BLOG Wheat May be Lining Up with the ECM as Well "IndyWatch Feed World"

PRIVATE BLOG Wheat May be Lining Up with the ECM as Well

Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

The post PRIVATE BLOG Wheat May be Lining Up with the ECM as Well first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


Ukraine's FM threatens to hold France24 journalists accountable for simply reporting from Russian training camp, channel pulls story "IndyWatch Feed World"

Oleh Nikolenko, speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, criticised the French channel France 24 for a story from the occupied territory of Ukraine about the training of the Russian military. Source: European Pravda, Nikolenko's post on Twitter. Quote: "The France 24 report on Russian troops preparing to kill Ukrainian people is [a] disgrace to journalism. Going to occupied territories without Ukraine's consent violates Ukrainian legislation, and those who participate in such actions will be held accountable by the law," he said.


Italy's rampant debt hits historical high of 2.772 trillion, inflation at record high "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Bank of Italy confirmed on Saturday that the country's sovereign debt skyrocketed by 21.6 billion euros in February to hit a historical high of 2.772 trillion euros ($3.075 trillion). The debt number was described as rampant by the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, which added that in 2022, goods and services amounting to 1.909 trillion euros were produced by the country, resulting in a massive 145% ratio between Italy's GDP and debt. Italy is facing a mammoth deficit this year of 5.6% of GDP, which Italy PM Giorgia Meloni stated in December that she intends to progressively cut down to 4.5% in 2023 and then 3% in 2025. However, funds will result from a higher windfall tax on energy companies and worthy cuts in citizens' income.


Bright meteor fireball explodes over Israel, residents report hearing sonic boom on April 15 "IndyWatch Feed World"

Locals are reporting that a bright "bolide" meteor was sighted over Israel. The bolide crossed the sky at a fast speed going northeast, and was seen for approximately three seconds before exploding. Many locals reported hearing a supersonic boom. The Israeli Astronomical Association says it received reports of an explosion that was heard after the bolide was sighted. "We heard a boom like from a plane," commented one Facebook user on the association's post concerning the meteor. Another Facebook user wrote: "It was heard well above Ramat Gan," "What a boom!" wrote another. Other users shared that they thought it was a missile or an Iron Dome interception.


Merit Over Identity: Dismantling DEI bureaucracies is the key to reviving American universities "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Editor's note: The following is adapted from the author's remarks at a debate arguing the resolution, "Resolved, that academic DEI programs should be abolished," co-hosted by the MIT chapter of the Adam Smith Society and the MIT Free Speech Alliance on April 4. I start from the following proposition: being female is not an accomplishment. My being female should play no role in my being hired for a job. Of course, my sex undoubtedly has made me the target of sex preferences on numerous occasions, thus casting doubt on any actual qualifications I might presume to possess. My being female should be particularly irrelevant in a university. Until recently, universities were dedicated to the Enlightenment ideal of universal knowledge. A male Chinese engineer and a female Nigerian engineer may have no spoken language in common, but they can communicate through the universal languages of mathematics and physics. Whether the buildings they erect stand or fall depends not on their...


El campo mexiquense dejar de ser un botn poltico: Delfina Gmez "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Delfina Gmez con organizaciones campesinas del Valle de Los Volcanes, en Amecameca. Campesinas y campesinos vitorearon a la candidata de Morena Regeneracin, 15 de abril []

La entrada El campo mexiquense dejar de ser un botn poltico: Delfina Gmez se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Predicador orilla a 4 fieles a morir de inanicin, rescatan a 15 en Kenia "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Tres hombres y una mujer fallecieron cuando eran trasladados luego de ayunar para morir de hambre e ir al cielo. Pastor Mackenzie arrestado en Kenia []

La entrada Predicador orilla a 4 fieles a morir de inanicin, rescatan a 15 en Kenia se public primero en RegeneracinMX.

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