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Thursday, 16 March


Lass uns unsere Payroll-Daten in einem Spreadsheet ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Lass uns unsere Payroll-Daten in einem Spreadsheet in der Cloud verwalten! Was kann da schon schiefgehen?

When the accounting lead for PeopleDAO accidentally shared an editable accounting spreadsheet link in a public Discord channel, an enterprising member of the Discord decided to take advantage. They inserted a row with their own wallet address for a 76 ETH (~$120,000) payment, then hid the row so it wouldn't display to the other viewers.
Was als nchstes passierte, knnte die Bevlkerung verunsichern.

Ich wei gar nicht, was ich lustiger finde: Dass Facebook ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ich wei gar nicht, was ich lustiger finde: Dass Facebook den NFT-Schei einstellt, oder dass sie ihre Produktabkndigungen auf Twitter machen statt auf ihrer eigenen Plattform.

Randnotiz zu "KI":Microsoft laid off its entire ethics ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Randnotiz zu "KI":

Microsoft laid off its entire ethics and society team within the artificial intelligence organization as part of recent layoffs that affected 10,000 employees across the company
Ethik und gesellschaftliche Folgeabschtzungen sind ja auch blo im Weg fr sich schnell bewegende Innovatoren wie Microsoft!

Bei Digitalisierungsfragen erscheint offensichtlich, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Bei Digitalisierungsfragen erscheint offensichtlich, dass die FDP mit ihrem Blockchain-Bullshit die schlechteste Wahl ist, aber man darf nicht die CDU aus den Augen verlieren, die ernsthaft eine Microsoft-Lobbyisten fr sich in die Koalitionsverhandlungen schicken.

So tief muss man erst mal sinken!

Und sie merken erst, dass das vielleicht ein bisschen zu streng riecht, als sie von der Presse ins Gesicht darauf angesprochen werden.

Die absolut allerletzten in Sachen Digitalisierung. Da ist mir ja die FDP lieber! Die haben wenigstens eine eigene Position, auch wenn die absolut indiskutabel ist.

Immer dran denken: Dass die CDU berhaupt eine Stimme einfahren konnte, liegt an der Performance von Franziska "Clankriminalitt" Giffey und der SPD.

Der Ukraine-Liveticker heute hat ein paar bemerkenswerte ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Der Ukraine-Liveticker heute hat ein paar bemerkenswerte Meldungen im Kleingedruckten. Liest das eigentlich berhaupt jemand, diese Liveticker? Ich berspringe die immer, aber diesmal wies ein Leser auf diese Meldung hier hin:

In Bulgarien haben Getreideproduzenten einen Importstopp fr ukrainischen Weizen gefordert. Die um gut 30 Prozent billigere, zollfreie Einfuhr aus der Ukraine mache die heimische Weizenproduktion nicht mehr konkurrenzfhig [] hnliche Probleme gebe es auch infolge des Imports von preisgnstigeren Sonnenblumenkernen aus der Ukraine.
Jetzt macht der Putin auch noch unsere Bauern kaputt!!1!

Aber die Meldungen drumherum haben auch ein paar Klopper. Den hier z.B. finde ich super:

Die Grnen fordern raschere Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine.
Man vergleiche das mal mit den Wahlkampfplakaten vor dem Krieg. Aber es stellt sich auch noch eine andere Frage. Von wem fordern sie das konkret? Ich dachte die sind in der Regierung?

Oder wie wre es mit dem hier:

Russland hat im vergangenen Jahr dank hoher lpreise einen Handelsberschuss von 332,4 Milliarden US-Dollar (gut 311 Milliarden Euro) erzielt. Das Exportvolumen sei um 19,9 Prozent auf 591,5 Milliarden Dollar gestiegen, der Import im gleichen Zeitraum um 11,7 Prozent auf 259,1 Milliarden Dollar geschrumpft, teilte die Zollbehrde mit. Gegenber 2021 ist der Handelsberschuss Russlands damit um 68 Prozent gewachsen.
Die Sanktionen wirken!! Nur nicht in die Richtung, in die sie gedacht waren. Der lpreis wre ohne die Sanktionen nie so hoch gegangen.

Auf der anderen Seite muss man natrlich immer vorsichtig mit solchen Angaben sein, denn sie kommen von der Landesregierung. Die hat ein Interesse daran, dass die Zahlen so aussehen, wie sie aussehen. Da knnte es ein paar Flle von kreativer Buchfhrung auf dem Weg gegeben haben, wie bei uns mit der Arbeitslosenstatistik z.B.

Auerdem gab es noch die Meldung, dass die Russen die CIA-Story nicht glauben, dass der Nord-Stream-Angriff von einem verwirrten Einzeltter aus der Ukraine gekommen sei, denn die Ukraine habe ja dadurch nichts zu gewinnen gehabt.

Aber die Topp-Meldung in der Liste ist ganz am Ende:

vergangenes Jahr stieg die Ukraine durch die Militrhilfen aus den USA und Europa jedoch zum drittgrten Rstungsimporteur auf.
Wer importiert denn gerade bitte noch mehr Waffen als die Ukraine?!? Dafr muss man zur Primr...

Benutzt hier jemand ipmitool?Nee, diesmal keine Sicherheitslcke ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Benutzt hier jemand ipmitool?

Nee, diesmal keine Sicherheitslcke im Code, sondern im Kopf. Github hat den Maintainer rausgeschmissen und die Repositories zu Waisen gemacht.

Eine Begrndung gab es keine.

Aber schaut mal, ob ihr vielleicht selbst drauf kommt, wenn ich euch sage, dass der Typ "Alexander Amelkin" heit und in Moskau wohnt.


US Schools Need to Teach Kids About Proxy War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Is the US Funding an Experiment in Digital Control in Ukraine? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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CIA, SBU Terrorize Ethnic Russians in Transnistria "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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CODEPINK Joins National Call-In Days to Remove Cuba from State Sponsors of Terrorism List "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Protest Song Of The Week: We Were Here By Aysanabee "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Originally published at Ongoing History of Protest Music

Born Evan Pang, Aysanabee is a Canadian Indigenous multi-instrumentalist, producer, and singer-songwriter. He is Oji-Cree and began creating music under his mothers maiden name in order to reclaim his family name.

Aysanabees mother gave him the last name Pang because she felt that a non-Indigenous name would make it easier to find employment.

His 2022 debut album Watin was named after his grandfather. His grandfather was renamed from Watin to Walter by the McIntosh Residential School in northwestern Ontario that he was forced to attend.

Watin actually started out as a series of conversations between myself and my grandfather, said Aysanabee. We spent the first year of the pandemic talking about things weve never spoke about, his life on the trapline on Sandy Lake First Nation, falling in love, his life in residential school and then leaving everything behind..we never spoke of it until now. Even though we were over 1,000 kilometres apart, it was probably the closest weve ever been.

The album includes nine spoken word interludes featuring his grandfather, which add poignancy to the music.

The opening interlude relates to Watins harrowing experiences in residential school: Ya I was eight years when I went to Residential School. Somebody from outside, the government person, said if you dont send your kids out, you guys, were not going to help you. And so I went to school. We had no choice. It was 300 kids that went to school, and I used to cry. I was lonesome. I was wondering why I was sent here. And I didnt know why. What did I do wrong?

One of the albums highlights is the anthemic We Were Here. It opens with the potent lyrics, They say that we can reconcile this. Put it in the past. They say that we can reconcile this. What if I cant?

The song and album are all about reclamation in the face of fading memories, fleeting stories, and disappearing words. Even though there may be efforts to whitewash history, Aysanabee defiantly declares that its in my blood.

The post...


The Not-So-Winding Road from Iraq to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Russia to expand 'fake news' laws "IndyWatch Feed World"

A bill introducing stricter punishment for disinformation about the nation's military operations has been passed by the State Duma Russian laws protecting military service members from slander and "fake news" are to be expanded. Amendments were approved by the State Duma on Tuesday, which are intended to protect the country's military from disinformation attacks amid the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine. Russia already has laws which prohibit knowingly publishing false information about its military forces or slander against service members. The two linked bills passed by the lower house of parliament will apply the same rules in respect of volunteer units, organizations and individuals assisting the armed forces.


Freeing America from the Quagmire of Inequality "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Brazil - 8 killed, homes destroyed after landslide in Manaus, Amazonas "IndyWatch Feed World"

Heavy rains in areas of the state of Amazonas in northwestern Brazil on 12 March triggered deadly landslides in the state capital Manaus. The government of Manaus said at least 11 houses were destroyed after a landslide in the Jorge Teixeira neighbourhood. Eight bodies were located under the rubble and debris. Three people were rescued alive.


Naira Crisis: Why APC Cant Sanction Emefiele Morka "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has revealed why it could not sanction the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Godwin Emefiele, for defying the Supreme Court ruling on the controversial Naira redesign policy. Speaking in an exclusive interview with the Punch, the National Publicity Secretary of the party, Felix Morka said in as []


Former US National Security Advisor: Destroy Taiwan Semiconductor Factories If China Invades "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Comparing Online Suboxone Doctors With Traditional Physicians "IndyWatch Feed World"

The ongoing opioid crisis has forced many individuals to seek treatment for opioid use disorder. Suboxone is a powerful medication that can be used to help treat opioid addiction, but not every person is able to access a traditional healthcare provider to get the prescription they need.

Fortunately, there are online suboxone doctors that can provide a safe and convenient way to access this powerful medication.

In this article, we will compare online Suboxone doctors with traditional physicians to help you decide which option is best for you. We will list the advantages and disadvantages of both options and leave it up to you to decide which one works. If youd like to consider the former, Confidant Healths suboxone doctors are a message away to help you deal with your concerns.

Traditional Physicians


The first option for individuals looking to get a Suboxone prescription is to visit a traditional healthcare provider. This could be a doctor, a nurse practitioner, or a psychiatrist. Some conventional doctors, such as primary care physicians (PCPs), may be generalists as well. When a certain health problem or illness affects many physiological systems, multiple doctors may collaborate to regulate your symptoms or manage your diseases. This traditional medicine method is widely seen as reactive rather than preventative.

These providers are trained and experienced in diagnosing and treating opioid use disorder and will be able to provide you with a prescription for Suboxone if they determine that its right for you.

1. Advantages of Traditional Physicians

The primary benefit of going to a traditional physician is that they will be able to assess your individ...


Death of an ivermectin influencer "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Thanks to the internet and the rise of social media, we now live in a world where there are vast numbers of so-called influencers, people who try to tell others what to do in pretty much every area of their lives, even if they have no expertise or credentials in that field. What is surprising (to me at least) is that there are so many people willing to follow their advice.

Daniel Lemoi was one such influencer and he died on March 3, 2023 at the age of 50. He used his channel on the social media app Telegram to advocate for the use of the drug ivermectin, the deworming medicine that gained popularity as a prophylactic and treatment for developed to treat humans for certain specific ailments, he chose horses and cows, something that has been strongly discouraged by medical professionals. But its use took off after some people promoted it as an alternative to Covid vaccines and treatments.

For the last decade, Lemoi had taken a daily dose of veterinary ivermectin, a dewormer designed to be used on large animals like horses and cows. In 2021, as ivermectin became a popular alternative COVID-19 treatment among anti-vaxxers, he launched what became one of the largest Telegram channels dedicated to promoting the use of it, including instructions on how to administer ivermectin to children.

animals on a daily basis in 2012, after he was diagnosed with Lyme disease, according to a detailed account of his medical history he gave on a podcast last November. He said then that five months after first taking the drug, he quit all other treatments and believed ivermectin had regenerated his heart muscle.

And according to the Missouri Poison Center, ingesting large doses of ivermectin formulated for animals has a long list of side effects, including seizures, coma, lung issues, and heart problems. Veterinary ivermectin is not a cure or effective treatment for COVID, the FDA has repeatedly warned, and is highly concentrated because it is designed for large animals like horses and cows. Such high doses can be highly toxic in humans, the FDA cautions.

Many of the people who had been following Lemois advice have been reporting on his Telegram channel the numerous kinds of side effects that medical experts had warned might occur if people veterinarians.

Lemoi explained away the negative side effects of taking veterinary ivermectin by describing them as herxing, a real term to describe an adverse response that occurs in people who take antibio...


Blood Does Not Wash Away Blood "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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92.5% of Palestinians Killed This Year: Members of Terror Groups Or Active in Attacks, Rest Were Caught In Crossfire "IndyWatch Feed War"

Adin Haykin is an Israeli who just as he did last year has been documenting every single Palestinian killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank this year, and identifying their terrorist affiliations or, absent any, their participation in attacks. Elder of Ziyon put Haykins current thread on a Twitter Thread Reader post. []


Review: XHDATA D-219 Short Wave Radio Receiver "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As any radio amateur will tell you, the world of radio abounds with exciting possibilities. Probably the simplest pursuit of them all is that of the SWL, or short wave listener, who scours the airwaves in search of interesting stations. SWLs will often have fully-featured setups with high-end general-coverage communications receivers and tuned antenna arrays, but it can start with the cheapest of radios at its bottom end. Such a radio is the subject of this review, the XHDATA D-219 is a miniature portable receiver that costs under ten dollars, yet is currently the talk of the town in SWL circles. This interest is in no small amount due to its being an especially low-price way to get your hands on a shortwave radio using one of the SIlicon Labs integrated software-defind radio receiver chips. We dont often review a consumer radio here at Hackaday, but with an avid eye for unexpected gems at the cheaper end of the market this ones worth a second look.

What Do You Get For Your Tenner?



More Than 100 Groups Demand EPA Conduct Dioxin Testing in Areas Impacted by the East Palestine Train Derailment "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Israel and Its US Lobby Dealt Major Blow by China-Saudi-Iran Peace Initiative "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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YoroTrooper Stealing Credentials and Information from Government and Energy Organizations "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A previously undocumented threat actor dubbed YoroTrooper has been targeting government, energy, and international organizations across Europe as part of a cyber espionage campaign that has been active since at least June 2022. "Information stolen from successful compromises include credentials from multiple applications, browser histories and cookies, system information and screenshots," Cisco


Pakistans Fascist Post-Modern Coup Regime Risks Replicating the East Pakistan Tragedy "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Awful NYTimes article glorifies an Israeli Mossad agent who helped murder an innocent man. Why? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ronen Bergman being interviewed by CNN's Christiane Amanpour on January 26, 2023. (Screenshot)Ronen Bergman's profile of Mossad agent Sylvia Rafael is breathtaking in its immorality and dishonesty.


The Cell Phone Is a Pair of Red High Heels "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Microsofts latest layoffs could be the beginning of the end for ethical AI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Microsofts latest layoffs throw ethics out the window and we should all be worried.


Debian project leader elections 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 2023 election for the Debian project leader looks to be a relatively unexciting affair: incumbent leader Jonathan Carter is running unopposed for a fourth term. His platform lays out his hopes and plans for that term.


A 53-year-old longevity researcher says his biological age is a decade younger thanks to 4 daily habits but the science behind them is mixed "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Thats got molecules in it that will prevent cancer, among other things like anti-inflammatory properties, he said. Some older research has shown, for example, that green tea consumption might be linked to a lower risk of stomach cancer.

Sinclair also said he takes supplements (like those sold on the Tally Health website) that contain resveratrol, which his teams research has shown can extend the lifespan of organisms like yeast and worms.

While the compound, famously found in red wine, is known to have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, heart health, and brain health benefits, the research is mixed on if or how well such benefits can be achieved in humans through a pill.


New Bakhmut Report: High Casualties - Low Morale - Russian Tactics "IndyWatch Feed War"

Last week I explained why Bakhmut is falling. The piece included long excerpts from a piece published by Kyiv Independent. The reporter had talked with soldiers who had been at the Bakhmut front. Their description of the situation there was...


LancetGate: Scientific Corona Lies and Big Pharma Corruption. Hydroxychloroquine versus Gileads Remdesivir "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The campaign against HCQ is carried out through slanderous political statements, media smears, not to mention an authoritative peer reviewed "evaluation" published on May 22nd by The Lancet, which was based on fake figures and test trials.

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Security updates for Wednesday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (node-sqlite3 and qemu), Fedora (libmemcached-awesome, manifest-tool, sudo, and vim), Red Hat (gnutls, kernel, kernel-rt, lua, and openssl), Slackware (mozilla), SUSE (amanda, firefox, go1.19, go1.20, jakarta-commons-fileupload, java-1_8_0-openjdk, nodejs18, peazip, perl-Net-Server, python, python-cryptography, python-Django, python3, rubygem-rack, and xorg-x11-server), and Ubuntu (ipython, linux-ibm, linux-ibm-5.4, and linux-kvm).


New Wuhan Scandal: US Agencies Double-Paid Virus Research Costs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden The US government may have made tens of millions of dollars in duplicate payments for virus research at the Wuhan Institute for...

New Wuhan Scandal: US Agencies Double-Paid Virus Research Costs


Austria: Increased police presence in Vienna over threat of jihad attacks at churches "IndyWatch Feed War"

Apparently the jihadis wish to target Muslims who refused to join the jihad, and are planning on hiding out in churches. Welcome to the new, diverse Austria! Terrorist alert: risk of attack on churches in Vienna, translated from Terroralarm: Anschlagsgefahr auf Kirchen in Wien, Kronen Zeitung, March 15, 2023 (thanks to L.): Increased police presence []


Climate Depot: Reality Check to Biden "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Here is what Biden said, and what follows is a Climate Depot point-by-point rebuttal to each of Bidens claims.

The post Climate Depot: Reality Check to Biden first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

Wednesday, 15 March


You can clearly see the direction they want to go "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The conservative vision of the future of America is quite clear. Lets hide the ugly parts of our history. An eighth grade history teacher was canceled.

Finally, on Feb. 8, 2022, at 4:05 p.m., Wickenkamp scored a Zoom meeting with Superintendent Laurie Noll. He asked the question he felt lay at the heart of critiques of his curriculum. Knowing that I should stick to the facts, and knowing that to say Slavery was wrong, thats not a fact, thats a stance, Wickenkamp said, is it acceptable for me to teach students that slavery was wrong?

Noll nodded her head, affirming that saying slavery was wrong counts as a stance.

We had people that were slaves within our state, Noll said, according to a video of the meeting obtained by The Post. Were not supposed to say to [students], How does that make you feel? We cant or, Does that make you feel bad? Were not to do that part of it.

She continued: To say Is slavery wrong? I really need to delve into it to see is that part of what we can or cannot say. And I dont know that, Greg, because I just dont have that. So I need to know more on that side.

He left the teaching profession after that load of waffly rubbish.

They hate women. Conservatives have a radical perspective on abortion and contraception.

The House Judiciary Committee in Arkansas was scheduled to discuss a bill that would classify causing the death of an unborn child as a homicide. Im not using the word abortion here for a reasonbecause while the legislation would certainly make abortion prosecutable as a homicide, it goes far beyond that. HB 1174 says that its a crime to end a pregnancy by wrongful act, neglect or default, language so broad that women who have had miscarriages could be prosecuted for murder if the state decides that they somehow caused it. (The bill even specifies that accidental miscarriage is not prosecutable, which means that legislators believe there is such a thing as a miscarriage that is not accidental.)

So if a woman miscarries and the state decides that it happened because she lifted a heavy box, or didnt take her prenatal vitaminsthey could charge her with murder. I wrote about this bill back in January, but its worth repeating: There is no limit to what a zealous prosecutor could argue caused a miscarriage or stillbirth. In fact, cases like this have already been brought forward befor...


Student nurses excluded from Jeremy Hunts free childcare "IndyWatch Feed"

Expansion of the free childcare scheme is supposed to help struggling families, but there are still barriers for trainee nurses


Have You Noticed America Is Looking Like a Third World Nation? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

America has an entirely new type of slum we haven't seen here since the 1930s, the product of 42 years of the Reagan Revolution. We call them "tent cities" and roadsides lined with old RVs and cars"


JUST-IN: Buhari Swears In ICPC Board Members "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

President Muhammadu Buhari has sworn in seven reappointed board members for the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other related Offences (ICPC). The ceremony, which took place in the Council Chambers of the State House, was conducted ahead of the weekly Federal Executive Council (FEC), chaired by the President. Members sworn in were: Justice Adamu Bello (retd) []


FG To Remove Fuel Subsidy Before Buharis Tenure Elapse Finance Minister "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Federal Government has said it will implement the removal of subsidy on Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) otherwise called petrol before May 209, 2023, which is the end of the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari. The Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Zainab Ahmed disclosed this during a courtesy visit to the Voice of []


Bank Collapses: Yes, It's a Taxpayer Bailout "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

US president Joe Biden "stresses that Silicon Valley Bank is not getting a bailout," The Hill reported on March 13.----"[N]o losses will be borne by the taxpayers," he said of the federal government's decision to cover depositor losses in excess of $250,000. "Instead, the money will come from the fees that banks pay into the Deposit Insurance Fund."----But Biden's explanation doesn't support Biden's claim.


Suicide as a way of solving problems "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Spiritlessness and the lack of positivism in modern times negatively affects the psychological state of the population of any country. These topics attract an audience, but on the other hand, they lay a huge negative that can lead to suicide. Every year, more than 800 thousand people do not find another way out and take their own lives.


What Is The School District Hiding? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Are charter schools in Los Angeles also affected by declining enrollment? The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Charter School Division will not release the information.


Lithuania is on a slippery slope hosting NATO troops "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

As Lithuania not only calls on NATO partners to increase military presence on its territory, the authorities also allocate large sum of money to develop national military infrastructure.----Thus, the Ministry of National Defence is implementing an infrastructure development project in preparation for hosting the NATO Very High Readiness Joint Task Force.


America Isn't Sweet Home, DeSantis! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This is an article responding to the fascist DeSantis and his attempt to return Ameria to the days of the plantation.


The United Nation commemorates the first-ever International Day to Combat Islamophobia "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The United Nations on March 10 commemorated the first-ever International Day to Combat Islamophobia with a special event in the General Assembly Hall, where speakers upheld the need for concrete action in the face of rising hatred, discrimination and violence against Muslims, the United Nations website reported.


The Federal Reserve Bank Killed Silicon Valley Bank "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By raising interests rates to high and too fast, the Federal Reserve Bank killed Silicon Valley Bank.


China's Steel Wall "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

"China's leader Xi Jinping on Monday vowed to bolster national security and build the military into a "great wall of steel," in the first speech of his precedent-breaking third term as president." - CNN


Ukraine: The Greatest Geopolitical Catastrophe of the...? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ukraine war can spiral out of control. But that could pale in comparison to a greater danger that is little known.


Indict Trump? Sure, But Don't Forget That's Exactly What He Wants. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

If there's probable cause to believe Trump committed crimes, he should be charged and prosecuted. Prosecutors in New York and Georgia may make their moves soon, and special counsel Jack Smith could conceivably recommend charges relating to the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.----But, buyers beware: That's exactly what Trump wants.


Vitamin D Reduced Dementia by 40% "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Never forget how mainstream/corporate controlled medicine refused to acknowledge the Vitamin D Covid relationship. My guess is that you wont hear much about this Vitamin D dementia research from them either. Via: Dr. John Campbell:


Still more snowfall in the Alps - 5 feet of snow after weekend snowstorm "IndyWatch Feed World"

It is snowing again in the Alps following the huge snowfalls in France, as well as some ski areas in western and northern Austria, Italy and Switzerland at the weekend. The snowfall today (Tuesday 14th March 2023) is more widespread than the weekend falls, with many areas further east in Italy and Switzerland as well as in Austria posting good falls down to the valley floor. The snowfall follows a temperature spike yesterday which saw many areas see afternoon highs of +10 to +15C on lower slopes, and is expected to just last a day or so before drier weather for the rest of this week. The weekend snowstorm brought up to 1.5 metres (five feet) of snowfall to ski areas in the northern French Alps. Avoriaz, Cervinia, La Rosiere and Tignes were among the resorts posting the biggest jumps in their upper slope base depths (at least a metre each). Avalanche danger levels have also risen to 3 (considerable) or 4 (high) on the scale to a maximum of 5. Tignes had the deepest upper slope base...


Inflation Inches Up To 21.91% In February "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The steady rise in the price of food commodities such as yam, cereals, bread; potatoes amongst others accounted for a slight push-up in the Consumer Price Index ( CPI) settling at 21.91% in February compared to the January Inflation figure of 21.82%. The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) confirmed the figure on Wednesday in the []


How Mirel Sehic relies on simplicity to focus on product security "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If you are developing a modern medical, manufacturing, or logistics facility, theres no doubt that a large portion of your investment was made into the electronic aspects of your device. Sensors, connected devices, and machinery are synchronized to deliver a streamlined experience. For facility operators, this includes elevators, HVAC systems, PLC controls, valves, pumps, and a whole slew of systems that we dont think of as connected. And thats precisely the problem. Many of the More

The post How Mirel Sehic relies on simplicity to focus on product security appeared first on Help Net Security.


Barca to wear Rosalia Motomami logo on Clasico shirt "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Barcelona will wear a logo from Spanish pop singer Rosalia on their shirt for this weekends El Clasico against Real Madrid, in place of the Spotify symbol, the Catalans said on Wednesday. It is the second time this season Barcelona have changed their shirt for the Clasico, wearing Canadian rapper Drakes OVO Owl logo []


First Demonstration of Universal Control of Encoded Spin Qubits "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

First demonstration of universal control of encoded spin qubits:

HRL Laboratories, LLC, has published the first demonstration of universal control of encoded spin qubits. This newly emerging approach to quantum computation uses a novel silicon-based qubit device architecture, fabricated in HRL's Malibu cleanroom, to trap single electrons in quantum dots. Spins of three such single electrons host energy-degenerate qubit states, which are controlled by nearest-neighbor contact interactions that partially swap spin states with those of their neighbors.

[...] The encoded silicon/silicon germanium quantum dot qubits use three electron spins and a control scheme whereby voltages applied to metal gates partially swap the directions of those electron-spins without ever aligning them in any particular direction. The demonstration involved applying thousands of these precisely calibrated voltage pulses in strict relation to one another over the course of a few millionths of a second.

The quantum coherence offered by the isotopically enriched silicon used, the all-electrical and low-crosstalk-control of partial swap operations, and the configurable insensitivity of the encoding to certain error sources combine to offer a strong pathway toward scalable fault tolerance and computational advantage, major steps toward a commercial quantum computer.

[...] "It is hard to define what the best qubit technology is, but I think the silicon exchange-only qubit is at least the best-balanced," said Thaddeus Ladd, HRL group leader and co-author.

Journal Reference: Aaron J. Weinstein et al, Universal logic with encoded spin qubits in silicon, Nature (2023).

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


FIFA show complete disregard for national leagues LaLiga "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  FIFA has shown complete disregard for the importance of national competitions, Spains LaLiga said after the world soccer governing body approved a 32-team Club World Cup as well as an expanded World Cup with 104 matches. Ahead of its Congress in Kigali, Rwanda, FIFA on Tuesday announced that the 2026 World Cup will have []


UK: Home Secretary orders woke police to tackle crime instead of hurt feelings "IndyWatch Feed War"

In a precedent-setting move, UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman is confronting the continued assault on freedom of speech in the UK that is tying up valuable police resources. In 2018, London Mayor Sadiq Khan invested in a police hunt against offensive communication amid Londons violent crime surge. Less than a year later, Khans $2,000,000 (USD) []


ufa168 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

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Arabic press review: Egypt and Iran maintain contacts of a special nature "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Arabic press review: Egypt and Iran maintain contacts of a special nature

Meanwhile, thousands remain displaced in Libya despite ceasefire and Qatar provides a grant to victims of Israeli settler attacks in the Palestinian town of Huwwara
Mohammad Ayesh Wed, 03/15/2023 - 11:50
Policemen gather in Tehran with images of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on 8 January 2023 (AFP)

Egypt and Iran maintain contacts

An informed source in Cairo told the Saudi Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper on Tuesday that communication channels exist between Egypt and Iran, but in circles of a special nature".

On Monday, Nasser Kanaani, spokesman for Irans foreign ministry, called for a resumption of diplomatic relations between the two, noting that "Egypt is an important country in the region.

Kanaani's statements came days after Saudi Arabia and Iran announced that they had reached a Chinese-brokered agreement to resume diplomatic relations after years of tensions.

Kanaani said the Iranian foreign minister and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi had a quick and positive meeting during the Baghdad II Summit that Jordan hosted late last year.



My friend was jailed for eight years for opposing Russias war "IndyWatch Feed"

Dmitry Ivanov has been sentenced to eight and a half years behind bars for speaking out. This is his story


First nor'easter of the season dumps heavy snow (3 FEET), cuts off power to hundreds of thousands across US Northeast "IndyWatch Feed World"

The season's first nor'easter has dropped nearly 3 feet of snow over parts of the US Northeast as of Tuesday evening, piling on trees and power lines and causing power outages for tens of thousands in the frigid weather with more snow possible into the night. More than 240,000 customers across the region were without electricity as the sun went down Tuesday, including in New York, Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, according to utility tracker Areas from upstate New York into southern New England have reported snowfall totals of at least 2 feet since Monday night, and parts of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine could see another 6 to 12 inches through the night, according to the Weather Prediction Center.


Social Media Fans  React As Thieves Bore Hole Underground To Steal Wares Sapele Boutique "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 15TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Social media fans react when thieves broke into a boutique in Sapele, Delta state, by boring  a hole underground and passing through it to gain access to the store.

A netizen identified as E? Mahrihz ?ncelot reported the sad incident on the Facebook group Rant HQ Extention earlier on Tuesday with photos from the robbery.

 Facebook Lancelot wrote: See how these thieves stole from a boutique in Sapele. They dug from underground into the store.

 The pictures showed that the robbers strategy was carefully planned and precise. Netizens expressed surprise at the method the robbers employed, speculating that they may have had help from someone on the inside.

Social media reactions Oge Umoru said: Putting out here isnt a good idea. It is going to put ideas into peoples head,but then,this is Rant.

Mario Dafz CeoDafzenterprises said: This one na suffer head tif na.. Why not just break the wall Instead.. Well I know this is not true.

Samson Blair Luga said: Very hard-working chaps. I hope they will not relent when they are finally caught and sentenced to long jail terms with hard labour?

Ikedinachi Micheal Frank said: They cant use one day to dig that hole,they might have been digging that hole for days.

Wonder Dickson said: Sapele things always different,those men hv PhD when it come to stealing.

Vinn Sainti said: See energy put into stealing another mans sweat. Maad people.

Queen Hope said: I just they think. Hope say no be land wey God tell Abraham say make he commot we dey so !!! Sodom and Gomorrah no do reach Nigeria before God vex o. May God have mercy on us





US Shoots Itself in the Foot in Africa "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Human Wrongs Watch

By Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report TRANSCEND Media Service*

In Africa as in the rest of the world, US machinations undermine its goals and bring other nations together as they seek to protect themselves from a desperate empire.



The US cant seem to understand that the rest of the world, including Africa, doesnt like to be pushed around. African nations refusal to reinforce US foreign policy in the UN General Assembly is a case in point.

During the Assemblys February 16 vote on a resolution deploring Russias action in Ukraine, nearly half the nations who abstained were African, 15 of the 32 , although only 54 of the UNs 193 member nations are African.

Those abstaining  were Algeria, Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

No African nations were on the list of nations introducing the resolution, and two of the seven who voted noEritrea and Maliwere African.

In 2022, South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor deplored Congressman Gregory Meekss Countering Malign Russian Activities Act as a totally unwarranted intrusion that goes against international law, and the South African Development Corporation joined South Africa in that sentiment. The House had passed the Act on a voice vote, but the Senate at least seems to have realized that it was...


Nita Farahany: Neurotech Poses An Immediate Threat To Our Last Bastion Of Freedom "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Battle for Your Brain websiteMeta has 'technology that can embed sensors into basically like a watch. And that picks up brain activity' as it goes your body and tells it what to do.


Stump the right-winger "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Who the heck is Bethany Mandel? I had to look her up on Wikipedia to find out: shes a conservative pundit, one of those weird libertarian goons.

She transferred to Rutgers University in 2005 for its strong Jewish Studies department and Jewish student community, and worked full-time while a full-time student, graduating in 2008 with a degree in history and Jewish studies. During her college years, she adopted conservative views after finding that Medicaid and other government welfare programs she had expected to help her after her mothers death were inefficient and ineffective, objecting to the idea that as someone who had grown up in poverty, she had any white privilege, as well as due to the influence of college friends and the writings of Ayn Rand.

She has recently written a book titled Stolen Youth, about how the left is waging an all-out battle on the American family, particularly the youngest members. If they can make our children miserable, lead them to question every building block of society, and rebuild their entire concept of reality, then the left and their woke indoctrinators will consider that a victory. Right. That kind of popular right wing fanatic.

I dont have any sympathy for the kind of fame shes getting right now. She was being interviewed, and was asked to define woke. Watch her brain short circuit its quick.

Woke is the understanding that we need to totally reimagine and redo society in order to create hierarchies of oppression

She did manage to scrape up a very bad definition: woke is not about being aware of systemic bias, its about creating hierarchies of oppression, which is kind of the absolute opposite of the idea. No wonder she hates it!

Thats a good way to handle these clowns: just ask them to define what theyre railing against, and either theyre going to give an accurate definition (as Desantis did, the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them), which made him look like a hateful idiot for opposing it, or they have to invent a fake definition (like Mandel, the need to reimagine society in order to create hierarchies of oppression) and look like an ignorant idiot.

Good work, Briahna Joy Gray. You made that skewering look effortless.


AI Might Be Seemingly Everywhere, but There Are Still Plenty of Things It Cant DoFor Now "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

These days, we dont have to wait long until the next breakthrough in artificial intelligence impresses everyone with capabilities that previously belonged only in science fiction.

In 2022, AI art generation tools such as Open AIs DALL-E 2, Googles Imagen, and Stable Diffusion took the internet by storm, with users generating high-quality images from text descriptions.

Unlike previous developments, these text-to-image tools quickly found their way from research labs to mainstream culture, leading to viral phenomena such as the Magic Avatar feature in the Lensa AI app, which creates stylized images of its users.


The Stanford Free Speech Debacle Is Another Reason Universities Need To Fire 99.9% Of Their Administrators "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Stanford speaker shouted down by woman who should be firedUniversity bureaucrats will continue to flex their power, stifle learning, undermine the qualities of professors, and shut down viewpoint diversity until faculty and students demand they be banished from campus.


The Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt "IndyWatch Feed World"

A worker removing sargassum with machinery at a resort in Cancun, Mexico, last year. Alonso Cupul/EPA, via Shutterstock

We have seen its beauty and otherwise tended to feature its positive uses, but not all seaweed is created equal; so, our thanks to Livia Albeck-Ripka and Emily Schmall for this news and analysis:

A Giant Blob of Seaweed is Heading to Florida

The mass, known as the great Atla...


Data loss prevention company hacked by Tick cyberespionage group "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

ESET researchers have uncovered a compromise of an East Asian data loss prevention (DLP) company. The attackers utilized at least three malware families during the intrusion, compromising both the internal update servers and third-party tools utilized by the company. This resulted in two of the companys customers being subsequently compromised. Illustration of the chain of compromise ESET attributes the campaign with high confidence to the Tick APT group. Based on Ticks profile, the objective of More

The post Data loss prevention company hacked by Tick cyberespionage group appeared first on Help Net Security.


Meteor fireball over New Jersey and nearby states on March 14 "IndyWatch Feed World"

We received 9 reports about a fireball seen over MD, NJ, PA and VA on Tuesday, March 14th 2023 around 06:44 UT. For this event, we received one video.


Kellogg Pledged $91 Million To Racial Division While Slashing Employee Benefits "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Kellogg VideoIt looks like Kellogg's corporate executives are more interested in leftist virtue signaling than paying their workers.


The International Space Station Is Always Up There "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Thanks to its high orbital inclination, the International Space Station (ISS) eventually passes over most inhabited parts of the Earth. Like other artificial satellites, though, its typically only visible overhead during passes at sunrise and sunset. If youd like to have an idea of where it is beyond the times that its directly visible, take a look at this tabletop ISS tracking system created by [dpelgrift].



Major Gas Utility Is Pouring Money Into Reversing an Oregon Citys Electric-Only Mandate "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Oregons largest gas utility has funneled nearly a million dollars of cash and in-kind contributions into a campaign to overturn a new electrification mandate in the states second-largest city. 


Just days after the Eugene City Council voted on February 6 to ban gas hookups in new low-rise residential construction, a group named Eugene Residents for Energy Choice was registered with the Oregon Secretary of State


Its materials frame the group as a grassroots coalition pushing back on Eugenes electrification policy. Our voices need to be heard, its website states. We encourage everyone who supports energy choice and who believes that the Eugene City Council ignored the will of the people to join us.


But the group appears to be more astroturf than grassroots. As of late February, NW Natural appears to be its sole funder. Between February 10 and February 24, NW Natural gave close to $950,000 to the new group, including cash donations totaling $875,000 and in-kind contributions of $51,401 and $22,679. The group has since paid an outside company to gather enough signatures to put the law on Novembers b...


Linux 6.4 Looking To Drop The SLOB Memory Allocator "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A patch series is proposing that the SLOB memory allocator be removed from the Linux 6.4 kernel this summer...


British Columbia is restructuring the English language to dumb down the population "IndyWatch Feed World"


Last week the Government of British Columbia, Canada, announced legislation to correct outdated language. Apparently, its so trans and non-binary people cant be erased by laws that use only he and she. Read More


Outright Hatred Towards Muslims, Risen to Epidemic Proportions "IndyWatch Feed War"

Human Wrongs Watch

Terrorism and violent extremism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization, or ethnic group.
Islamophobia is a fear, prejudice and hatred of Muslims that leads to provocation, hostility and intolerance by means of threatening, harassment, abuse, incitement and intimidation of Muslims and non-Muslims, both in the online and offline world.

Hate speech including online has become one of the most common ways of spreading divisive rhetoric on a global scale, threatening peace around the world, says UN chief.

MADRID, Mar 13 2023 (IPS)* Islamophobia is a fear, prejudice and hatred of Muslims that leads to provocation, hostility and intolerance by means of threatening, harassment, abuse, incitement and intimidation of Muslims and non-Muslims, both in the online and offline world.

Consequently, suspicion, discrimination and outright hatred towards Muslims have risen to epidemic proportions.

These are not the words of this convinced secular journalist, but those of the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief.

In fact, a recent report launched ahead of the International Day to Combat Islamophobia (15 March), warns that, motivated by institutional, ideological, political and religious hostility that transcends into structural and cultural racism, it targets the symbols and markers of being a Muslim.

This defi......


Pfizer wants EU to Keep Paying for Unused Covid Jabs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

by Carlo Domenico Cristofori VERSIONE IN ITALIANO In addition to damages for more than a million of adverse reactions recorded in the European Union by the mRNA gene serum Comirnaty produced by Pfizer and Biontech, the subject of international complaints and investigations, there is also mockery. Indeed, as reported by the Financial Times, New Yorks []


The Latest from New Horizons "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Latest from New Horizons

New Horizons is, like the two Voyagers, a gift that keeps on giving, even as it moves through the Kuiper Belt in year 17 of its mission. Thus the presentations that members of the spacecraft team made on March 14 at the 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Papers will flow out of these observations, including interpretations of the twelve mounds on the larger lobe of Arrokoth, the contact binary that is being intensely studied through stereo imaging to identify how these features formed around a larger center mound. Alan Stern (SwRI) is principal investigator for the New Horizons mission:

We discovered that the mounds are similar in many respects, including their sizes, reflectivities and colors. We believe the mounds were likely individual components that existed before the assembly of Arrokoth, indicating that like-sized bodies were formed as precursors to Arrokoth itself. This is surprising, and a new piece in the puzzle of how planetesimals building blocks of the planets, like Arrokoth and other Kuiper Belt objects come together.

Science team members also discussed the so-called bladed terrain, evidently the product of methane ice, that seems to stretch across large areas of Plutos far side, as observed during the spacecrafts approach. It was intriguing to learn as well about the spacecrafts observations of Uranus and Neptune, which will complement Voyager imaging at different geometries and longer wavelengths. And Plutos true polar wander (the tilt of a planet with respect to its spin axis came into play (and yes, I do realize Ive just referred to Pluto as a planet). Co-investigator Oliver White:

Were seeing signs of ancient landscapes that formed in places and in ways we cant really explain in Plutos current orientation. We suggest the possibility is that they formed when Pluto was oriented differently in its early history, and were then moved to their current location by true polar wander.

Image: Plutos Sputnik Planitia, the huge impact basin found in Plutos heart region, seems to have much to do with the worlds axial tilt, while the possibility of a deep ocean pushing against the basin from below has to be taken into account. This image is from the presentation by Oliver...


Security Firm Rubrik breached by Clop gang through GoAnywhere Zero-Day exploitation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Data security firm Rubrik discloses a data breach, attackers exploited recent GoAnywhere zero-day to steal its data.

Cybersecurity firm Rubrik disclosed a data breach, a ransomware group stolen compeny data by exploiting the recently disclosed zero-day vulnerability in the Fortra GoAnywhere secure file transfer platform.

The company was the victim of a large-scale campaign targeting GoAnywhere MFT devices worldwide by exploiting the zero-day vulnerability.

Rubrik immediately launched an investigation into the incident with the help of third-party forensics experts.

In early February, the popular investigator Brian Krebs first revealed details about the zero-day on Mastodon and pointed out that Fortra has yet to share a public advisory.

According to the private advisory published by Fortra, the zero-day is a remote code injection issue that impacts GoAnywhere MFT. The vulnerability can only be exploited by attackers with access to the administrative console of the application.

Installs with administrative consoles and management interfaces that are not exposed on the internet are safe, however, security researcher Kevin Beaumont discovered about 1000 Internet-facing consoles.

Fortra recommends GoAnywhere MFT customers review all administrative users and monitor for unrecognized usernames, especially those created by system.

According to a statement published by Rubrik, the breach was quickly contained and only impacted a non-production IT testing environment.

We detected unauthorized access to a limited amount of information in one of our non-production IT testing environments as a result of the GoAnywhere vulnerability. Importantly, based on our current investigation, being conducted with the assistance of third-party forensics experts, the unauthorized access did NOT include any data we secure on behalf of our customers via any Rubrik products. reads the statement.  

The current investigation has determined there was no lateral movement to other environments. Rubrik took the involved non-production environment offline and leveraged our own security systems and solutions to quickly contain the threat and help restore our test environment. 

The company states that stolen data include internal sales information, certain customer and partner company information, and a limited number of purchase orders from its distributors. The company pointed out that customer...


Open3D 0.17 Released For Open-Source 3D Data Processing "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Open3D as an open-source library for 3D data processing from 3D machine learning tasks to adaptable viewing of 3D data is out with its newest feature release...


What Algorithms Get Wrong About Taxes (and What Humans Fail To Fix) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Every time your local elected officials tell you they dont have money for park maintenance, public school teachers, or basic public safety measures, remember this: Theyre only telling part of the story, wrote Joe Minicozzi on how his county of Buncombe, North Carolina, uses flawed formulas to generate valuations which result in thousands of dollars worth of tax breaks for owners of larger, more expensive homes. These tax breaks, caused by incorrect assessments, are not only the fault of a flawed computer software system, but also the humans who carry a responsibility in fixing it.

You wouldnt let a kid come home with a 50% report card, Minicozzi said. But to Minicozzi, it seems like assessors (in North Carolina and nationwide) are allowing the property tax system to do just that. It's a whole other thing when a human actually has the test score to look at and chooses to ignore it.

Minicozzi has been advocating for transparent local accounting in North Carolina, along with the Just Accounting for Health Project (JAfH), for a little over a year. While Minicozzi has noted that assessors may just be married to a corrupt systemone theyve received advance training in and may not realize is corrupthes deeply questioning why local assessors havent made significant changes in closing the assessment gap, as more and more evidence of a broken property tax system surface. According to JAfH and national research by Dr. Christopher Berry of the University of Chicago, the assessment gap is present nationwide throughout the property tax system; in other words, the property tax burden has been shifted from owners of larger and more expensive properties to people who own smaller and less expensive homes.

In North Carolina, the assessment gap can be seen through a miscalculation in true value, where more expensive homes are underassessed. The state law directs that the true value of a home is equal to the market value, meaning a home must be assessed at the sale price so the owner receives the correctly charged property tax bill....


Ebonyi Guber: Umahi, Anyim Reconcile After Long Standing Feud "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Ex-SGF endorses APC candidate as Governor Governor Dave Umahi of Ebonyi State and former Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Anyim Pius Anyim have reconciled their differences. Umahi and Anyim who played major role in the emergence of the governor, have been at loggerheads since the governor defected to the All Progressives Congress []


Ogun Guber: APC Planning To Rig Election With Thugs PDP Alleges "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Ogun State, Ladi Adebutu has accused the All Progressives Congress (APC) and Governor Dapo Abiodun of planning to rig the Saturday, March 18 election with thugs. Adebutu made the allegation while addressing hundreds of PDP supporters at a mega rally held in Abeokuta, the Ogun []


SPECFEM3D 4.0 Released With AMD HIP GPU Support "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The latest notable high performance computing (HPC) open-source project adding mainline support for AMD HIP with ROCm is SPECFEM3D...


They will not put us in a display case: Q&A with Indigenous artist Daiara Tukano "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Whether youre looking at her giant paintings of Indigenous women creators or having a chat before the interview, Daiara Tukano always transmits her power, her well-honed critical viewpoint and excellent sense of humor. Daiara Tukano, who is also a political activist, educator and communicator, hails from the Yep Mahs people, also known as the Tukano, who are native to the Upper Rio Negro region in Brazils Amazonas state. She visited So Paulo in February for the opening of her first solo exhibition, Am Numi, held on a sunny Saturday morning at a packed gallery in the city. Her first remarks regarding what she took away from the event left us reeling: I thought it was incredible that there were so many children there, and even three dogs. In this exclusive Mongabay interview, the artist speaks frankly about museums still run with a colonial air, tells of the importance of seeing Indigenous women in government, and quotes U.S. drag queen RuPaul when she speaks about what moves her to create. The interview has been translated from Portuguese and lightly edited for length and clarity. Daiara Tukanos show at the Millan Gallery in So Paulo. Image courtesy of Ana Pigosso/Millan Gallery. Mongabay: Does art help drive the Indigenous fight? Does it reach places that information from organizations like nonprofits doesnt, for example? Daiara Tukano: Without a doubt, the work of Indigenous musicians, painters and influencers reaches an audience far beyond those already following the issues being debated in Congress. Our artistic expressionThis article was originally published on Mongabay


New Cryptojacking Operation Targeting Kubernetes Clusters for Dero Mining "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered the first-ever illicit cryptocurrency mining campaign used to mint Dero since the start of February 2023. "The novel Dero cryptojacking operation concentrates on locating Kubernetes clusters with anonymous access enabled on a Kubernetes API and listening on non-standard ports accessible from the internet," CrowdStrike said in a new report shared with The

GCC 13 Adds RISC-V T-Head Vendor Extension Collection "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Being merged today into the GCC 13 compiler is the set of T-Head vendor extensions to the RISC-V ISA. This set of vendor extensions is designed to augment the RISC-V ISA and provide faster and more energy efficient capabilities...


What Are The Best Skills About Metallic Candle Labels "IndyWatch Feed War"

If you want to design a candle label for your business, there are many tools available. One of the most recommended is Canva, which has tons of templates. When designing a label, your fonts play a major role. Choose a font that matches the overall design of your label and also has good contrast with the background.

Metallic Candle Labels

Adding Metallic Candle Labels to your products is a great way to make them stand out on shelves. They can also help customers identify the fragrance or type of candle they are buying, making them more likely to purchase again. Labels that are in-line with your companys aesthetic and brand identity are the best. Choosing the right color scheme for your labels is crucial for drawing attention to them. A black background, for instance, can look drab on a candle. A contrasting color scheme makes the label more eye-catching.

A label that matches the packaging and branding of your candle is essential. You need to ensure that your labels are consistent with the rest of the package, so you sure that customers will know which product theyre looking at. Choosing the right material for your candle label is also important, as it must be able to withstand the extreme temperatures that candles experience. Flame temperatures can reach up to 1,500 degF (850 degC), while wax melts at around 120-160degF (49-71degC).

Once youve made your label material decision, its time to choose an adhesive that will stick to the surface of your candle containers and jars. This will depend on the type of packaging and whether or not you want to use a permanent adhesive for your labels. The most common choice for labeling is biaxially oriented polypropylene, or BOPP, which can handle temperatures up to 300degF (149degC). You can also opt for polyester labels that have an added temperature resistance.

Types Of Candle Labels

If youre a candle maker, then you know how important it is to make the right choices when it comes to labels. They not only need to look great, but they also need to be able to withstand the heat created by your candles. Choosing the right label material and adhesive is essential to protecting your investment. Experts recommend a thick biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) material and a permanent acrylic adhesive. Candles can melt at temperatures as high as 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit, so your labels need to be able to handle that heat without failing. In addition, they need to withstand temperature fluctuations, as the candle is lit and extinguished.

Youll also need to choose the right size for your label. A large label  used for a larger container, but its best to choose one thats smaller for smaller candle containers.

If youre just getting started, then you can opt for a cut-to-size candle label. These are more convenient for small label projec...


Iran, China and Russia kick off naval drills in Sea of Oman "IndyWatch Feed War"

Wednesday, 15 March 2023 11:25 AM  [ Last Update: Wednesday, 15 March 2023 11:29 AM ] The naval forces of Iran, China and Russia have started a joint exercise in the Sea of Oman, as the three countries are teaming up to deepen exchanges and cooperation among their navies. The maritime drills, dubbed naval security belt combined war game []


Drunkard, You Spend N50m On Alcohol Per Week Amaechi Fires Wike "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The former Governor of Rivers State, Rotimi Amaechi has described the incumbent Governor of the state, Nyesom Wike as a drunkard. Amaechi stated this on Tuesday while reacting to the statement made by Wike that he was drinking a very expensive 40-year-old whiskey, in the morning when leaders of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) were []


Now Your Tax Dollars Will Pay for Gender Madness for Veterans "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: If youre a veteran of the United States Armed Forces and now youve become convinced that youre really a woman, youre in luck: Old Joe Biden and his henchmen are going to start devoting taxpayer money to aiding and abetting your delusions and fantasies: the White House budget proposal for 2024 []


Failed Saudi Attempts To Affect Yemens Position After Restoring Relations With Iran "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Mar 13, 2023 The Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen in Tehran, Ibrahim Al-Dailami, confirmed that the Saudi regime failed in its attempt to influence Sanaa political and military position, and that the only way for Riyadh to find peace with Yemenis is to stop the aggression and siege imposed on them, and begin serious []


The Qt Group Launches Qt Insight "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Qt Group as the company behind the Qt open-source toolkit has launched Qt Insight as their newest software offering. However, Qt Insight does not appear to be open-source and is marketed as a SaaS product...


Re: TTY pushback vulnerabilities / TIOCSTI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Jan Engelhardt on Mar 15

But also: "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to
add, but when there is nothing left to take away", and it would
appear TIOCSTI does not have -criticality.


Local farmers spearhead soil testing after train derailment "IndyWatch Feed World"

Wallace partnered with the state Department of Environmental Protection, the EPA and its contractors to collect 15 soil samples from farms across the region for more testing. Farmers in western Pennsylvania began offering their soil samples for collection in recent weeks after contamination concerns about the train derailment in nearby East Palestine, Ohio went unaddressed. Cliff Wallace, president of the Beaver-Lawrence Farm Bureau, told The Center Square on Tuesday he's spoken with property owners seven miles out from the burn site who say they saw plumes of smoke drifting over their land in the aftermath of the crash.


Founder of the Free Software Movement, Richard Stallman, Turns 70 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Summary: In some parts of the world it is already the 16th of the month; thats the 70th birthday of Richard Stallman


The Different Methods and Stages of Penetration Testing "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The stakes could not be higher for cyber defenders. With the vast amounts of sensitive information, intellectual property, and financial data at risk, the consequences of a data breach can be devastating. According to a report released by Ponemon institute, the cost of data breaches has reached an all-time high, averaging $4.35 million in 2022. Vulnerabilities in web applications are often the


Re: TTY pushback vulnerabilities / TIOCSTI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Hanno Bck on Mar 15

From a security perspective tossing out functionality is the better
option compared to restricting access. If there is practically no use
of that functionality and it's mostly a security risk, then removing it
is the right choice.

Reducing complexity is a good principle for IT security.


Re: TTY pushback vulnerabilities / TIOCSTI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Casper Dik on Mar 15

I think it makes it mostly useless.

In Solaris we've changed how TIOCSTI works; when a process reads the
packet with the stuffed input, it then checks the credential of the
sender. So while the stuffed input is still echoed but ignored:

# su nobody -c tiocsti
echo Payload as `whoami`

But when having root calling tciosti, you get:

# su root -c tiocsti
echo Payload as `whoami`
# exit
Payload as root

(The exit here is not...


Futurists predict a point where humans and machines become one. But will we see it coming? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Or throw like a bone of contention to the dogs of Wah. THe AIs are here, yes, but are we prepared to be absorbed like in the movie The Blob, at Lover's Lane, Janey (humans) telling AI Steve, "I know what you want, Steve."


UAE 'arbitrarily detaining' thousands of Afghan refugees "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

UAE 'arbitrarily detaining' thousands of Afghan refugees

Afghan asylum seekers describe 'miserable conditions' in UAE facilities, which they were transferred to after Taliban takeover
MEE staff Wed, 03/15/2023 - 09:30
Afghan refugees protest at the Emirates Humanitarian City facility in Abu Dhabi (Social media)

Thousands of Afghans are being arbitrarily detained by the United Arab Emirates, according to a Human Rights Watch (HRW) report published on Wednesday. 

According to HRW, between 2,400 and 2,700 Afghan asylum seekers have been kept for the last 15 months in miserable conditions in the Emirates Humanitarian City, a logistics hub in Abu Dhabi.

'From adults to children, they are all suffering from depression, and this is getting worse the longer they stay in the camp'

- witness speaking to HRW

The UAE should urgently release those arbitrarily detained and provide access to fair and efficient processes for determining their status and protection needs, said HRW in a statement. 

Following the Taliban takeover of Kabul on 15 August 2021, the United States, Nato, the UAE and other governments evacuated tens of thousands of Afghans out of the country to various locations around the world.

The Abu Dhabi government took thousands of Afghans, moving them to the Emirates Humanitarian City, where they awaited onward transfer to other countries. The 2,400-2,700 Afghans still detained are kept without any prospect that their situations will be resolved. 

Emirati authorities have kept thousands of Afghan asylum seekers locked up for over 15 months in cramped, miserable conditions with no hope of progress on their cases, said Joey Shea, UAE researcher at Human Rights Watch. 

HRW also voiced concern that the authorities in the UAE were perpetuating the enduring s...


Elon Musk reacts to ChatGPT successor GPT-4 passing major exams, says what will humans do? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

ChatGPTs successor GPT-4 has not just passed various major exams, but has actually aced them. Elon Musk has now reacted to the news and says, What will humans do?


Tick APT Targeted High-Value Customers of East Asian Data-Loss Prevention Company "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A cyberespionage actor known as Tick has been attributed with high confidence to a compromise of an East Asian data-loss prevention (DLP) company that caters to government and military entities. "The attackers compromised the DLP company's internal update servers to deliver malware inside the software developer's network, and trojanized installers of legitimate tools used by the company, which

Scientists Create the Most Complex Map Yet of an Insect Brain's 'Wiring' "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It'll allow researchers to develop a 'a mechanistic understanding of how the brain works':

Researchers understand the structure of brains and have mapped them out in some detail, but they still don't know exactly how they process data for that, a detailed "circuit map" of the brain is needed.

Now, scientists have created just such a map for the most advanced creature yet: a fruit fly larva. Called a connectome, it diagrams the insect's 3016 neurons and 548,000 synapses, Neuroscience News has reported. The map will help researchers study better understand how the brains of both insects and animals control behavior, learning, body functions and more. The work may even inspired improved AI networks.

"Up until this point, we've not seen the structure of any brain except of the roundworm C. elegans, the tadpole of a low chordate, and the larva of a marine annelid, all of which have several hundred neurons," said professor Marta Zlatic from the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology. "This means neuroscience has been mostly operating without circuit maps. Without knowing the structure of a brain, we're guessing on the way computations are implemented. But now, we can start gaining a mechanistic understanding of how the brain works."

[...] As a next step, the team will investigate the structures used for behavioural functions like learning and decision making, and examine connectome activity while the insect does specific activities. And while a fruit fly larva is a simple insect, the researchers expect to see similar patterns in other animals. "In the same way that genes are conserved across the animal kingdom, I think that the basic circuit motifs that implement these fundamental behaviours will also be conserved," said Zlatic.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Google AI just announced the PaLM API! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It will be released with a new tool called MakerSuite, which lets you prototype ideas, do prompt engineering, synthetic data generation and custom-model tuning. Waitlist available soon.


Now Microsoft has a new AI model "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Microsofts Kosmos-1 can take image and audio prompts, paving the way for the next stage beyond ChatGPTs text prompts.

Microsoft has unveiled Kosmos-1, which it describes as a multimodal large language model (MLLM) that can not only respond to language prompts but also visual cues, which can be used for an array of tasks, including image captioning, visual question answering, and more.

OpenAIs ChatGPT has helped popularize the concept of LLMs, such as the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model, and the possibility of transforming a text prompt or input into an output.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

brazil-operation 404sBrazils crackdown against pirate sites, IPTV services, infringing apps, and other mechanisms delivering illegal content to the masses, continues to press ahead.

In the wake of similar operations in previous years, including action reported in August 2022, a new phase of Brazils Operation 404 anti-piracy initiative was announced on Tuesday.

Operation 404.5 Phase 5

The launch of the 5th phase of Operation 404 is described by Brazils Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP) as an international mobilization coordinated by the MJSP, through the National Secretariat for Public Security (Senasp), with support from police in eight states.

The objective is the removal of audio and video content, such as games and music, blocking and suspension of illegal streaming websites and applications, de-indexing of content in search engines and removal of profiles and pages on social networks, an MJSP announcement reads.

In this 5th phase, eleven people were arrested: four in So Paulo, two in Paran, one in Bahia and four in Minas Gerais, the government ministry reports.

Search and seizure warrants to locate computer equipment were executed in the states of Pernambuco, So Paulo, Paran, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, Cear and Rio de Janeiro.

199 illegal streaming and gaming sites and 63 music apps were also removed, in addition to blocking 128 domains, the ministry says.

A total of six messaging app channels with more than 4,000 subscribers were also blocked, reportedly for distributing music that had not been officially released.

International Cooperation

The local operation received significant international support. Authorities say they collaborated with the UKs Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit and the British Embassy, Peruvian intellectual property protection agency INDECOPI, MPA Latin American, anti-piracy group Alianza, and US-based videogame industry group Entertainment Software Alliance (ESA).

TorrentFreak obtained what appears to be a notice directed toward visitors to seized sites and domains. In addition to the groups listed above, it reveals the participation of the UKs Intellectual Property Office, the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment, Brazil-based music industry group APDIF, and global music industry group IFPI.


Re: TTY pushback vulnerabilities / TIOCSTI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Dave Horsfall on Mar 15

I hate tossing out functionality; would you not make it a privileged
operation instead?

-- Dave


CVE-2023-25695: Information disclosure in Apache Airflow "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Jarek Potiuk on Mar 15

Severity: low


Generation of Error Message Containing Sensitive Information vulnerability in Apache Software Foundation Apache
Airflow.This issue affects Apache Airflow: before 2.5.2.


kuteminh11 (finder)



The Republican Party is still in thrall to Trumpism, with or without Donald "IndyWatch Feed"

OPINION: There are no moderate Republican presidential candidates, as this years CPAC conference shows


DESOPADEC: Accelerated And Impactful Interventions In Health, Education, Roads And Transportation (PHOTOS) "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori, at the Matriculation Ceremony of the 4th batch of DESOPADEC Skills Academy trainees

LAGOS MARCH 15TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Since 2019 when the current board of the Delta State Oil Producing Areas Development Commission, DESOPADEC, was inaugurated, the leadership has upheld and pursued the clear executive directive of His Excellency, Sen. Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, Governor of Delta State, to achieve tangible impact in the oil producing areas of the state.

As an intervention agency of government, the engagement has been undertaken with every ounce of dynamism and full commitment to changing lives and the infrastructure narrative of various communities within available resources.

The array of interventions has been delivered with unalloyed adherence to quality, prudence and direct impact on the beneficiaries. The projects, evenly spread across the ethnic nationalities of Itsekiri, Ijaw, Urhobo, Isoko, Ndokwa and Ika, span the fields of Education, Social and Community Development, Housing, Water, Health, Power, Transportation and Human Capital Development, with the Commission undoubtedly surpassing the assessment parameter on the dashboard.


Ogulagha Model Secondary School complete with fully furnished boarding facilities, ultra modern dinning hall, science laboratories, staff room and water treatment plant




Tidbits of Conspiracy News

There's an interesting take at Luongo that what's going on is a currency war between the USSA and the Davos set.  It's an intriguing

The post TIDBIT: LUONGOS TAKE ON FEDGIMMICK AND THE US$ appeared first on The Giza Death Star.



Babylon's Bankers

This week, as you know, I've been blogging about the growing movement in the USSA which, for want of a better description, we'll simply



Whitmer Concedes Her COVID Rules Didnt Make Sense "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Nowhere did the COVID hysteria blight the land as remorselessly as it did in Gretchen Whitmers Michigan, and now that the Lefts lockdown narrative has thoroughly unraveled, the embattled governor will need a new fake FBI kidnapping plot to divert attention from how she drove her once-thriving state into a ditch and revealed []


Midweek Muse "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  The Ides of March have arrived and the first day of Spring is around the corner. Back at the White Wolf Mine a lot of the snow has melted and were bracingfor more snow. I dont know who to blame but I could go on a groundhog-killing rampage this year just to stop this []

The post Midweek Muse appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Climate Crisis? What Climate Crisis? Part One: The Evidence "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Those who have been bamboozled into believing there is a climate problem at all, let alone a crisis, need to look at the facts, evaluate them, and reach their own conclusions.

The post Climate Crisis? What Climate Crisis? Part One: The Evidence first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

Dozens of Museums and Universities Pledge to Return Native American Remains. Few Have Funded the Effort. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. This story is part of an ongoing series investigating the return of Native American ancestral remains. Sign up for ProPublicas Repatriation Project newsletter to get updates as they publish and learn more about our reporting.

Until this year, the University of Kentuckys William S. Webb Museum of Anthropology had never returned any of the more than 4,500 Native American human remains in its collections.

That is about to change.

Weeks after ProPublica published the Repatriation Project, the university told federal officials that 138 ancestral remains in its collection could be repatriated to three Shawnee tribes in Oklahoma and Missouri. The university also announced it will commit nearly $900,000 over the next three years and hire three more staff members to work on repatriations.

This significant investment in staff and resources is a testament to the universitys steadfast commitment to Native nations and completing the sensitive process of repatriation with transparency, dignity and respect, Kristi Willet, a university spokesperson, said in an email to ProPublica.

The University of Kentucky is among more than a dozen U.S. schools and museums that have pledged to redouble their efforts to return the human remains and belongings in some cases numbering in the thousands that were taken from Native American gravesites. Institutions have also publicly acknowledged the harm inflicted on tribal communities by continuing to keep ancestral remains and cultural items, including after the 1990 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act called for them to be returned to tribes.

The wave of respon...


Canberra: Join us - rally, say No to War protect truthtellers 8am 20th March ACT Courts "IndyWatch Feed World"

Join us - rally, say No to War protect truthtellers 8am Monday 20th March at the ACT Courts. On the 20th anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq, and as the Coalition of the Willing which was responsible for the illegal invasion of Iraq on 20 March 2003 has regrouped as AUKUS, we should remember the legacy of that disastrous war and other destructive wars. (Reposted from .)


Two people in particular are suffering persecution today because they dared to expose war crimes. Julian Assange released material including a video of the Baghdad airstrike which killed two Reuters journalists and other civilians, and ADF Major David McBride gave the ABC information about alleged war crimes in Afghanistan. David will be in court on the day to learn the date of commencement of his trial after 4 years!

We have a great line up of speakers

Dr Monique Ryan MP, Major David McBride, Senator David Shoebridge, Lawyer and survivor of a political prosecution, Bernard Collaery, Dr Sue Wareham, President of MAPW, GetUp CEO. Larissa Baldwin-Roberts and CBA whistleblower, Jeff Morris. Co Convenor of AAPP, Craig Andrews will MC the rally.

The wars on Iraq and Afghanistan resulted in the deaths of many hundreds of thousands of people, as well as injuring or displacing millions more. The wars caused widespread environmental destruction.

Join us to call on the Australian government to:

bring Assange home

drop the charges against McBride, and


Please come along to support David McBride and Julian Assange and to express horror that the countries which were responsible for so much heartbreak in Iraq and Afghanistan are bent on engaging in another war.

This rally is a joint event between the Alliance Against Political Prosecutions, the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network and the Medical Association for the Prevention of War.

MAPW Fundraising dinner 6.30pm, 28 March, Ainslie Football Club, with speaker Prof Clinton Fernandes, author of Island of the Coast of Asia, and the recent Subimperial Power: Australia in the International Arena on AUKUS and Australias Role in the Emerging World Order.

This talk examines the contours of a changing global order and Australias...


Amaechi Replies Wike, Says I Never Promise To Compensate Igbos In Rivers "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The immediate past Minister of Transportation, Rotimi Amaechi has finally broken the silence following the news making the rounds that he promise to compensate Igbos for their abandoned properties resulting from the Nigerian Civil War. New Telegraph had on Monday reported that Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers State accused Amaechi of playing politics with the []


Mujeres periodistas en riesgo: defendiendo el derecho a informar "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

En el marco del 8 de marzo, un da para conmemorar cmo las mujeres han tenido que luchar de manera colectiva para poder tener acceso al espacio pblico, platicaremos con periodistas destacadas por su trayectoria, de lo que significa ejercer el periodismo como mujer en un pas como Mxico. Nos hablarn de su labor, de los riesgos y ataques que han sufrido por ejercer el periodismo y cules son las vas para garantizar que las periodistas puedan ejercer en un entorno seguro, libre de violencia.

Participan Rosa Mara Rodrguez Quintanilla, periodista y fundadora de la Red de Mujeres de Periodistas de Tamaulipas; Antonia Ramrez Marcelino, periodista nahua del estado de Guerrero; Luca Lagunes, directora de Comunicacin e Informacin de la Mujer A. C. (CIMAC) y tambin Valentine Sbile, Oficial de derechos humanos de la ONU-DH.

Publicado originalmente en ONU-DH Mxico


Re: TTY pushback vulnerabilities / TIOCSTI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Fabian Keil on Mar 15

Shawn Webb wrote on 2023-03-14 at 16:57:25:

In ElectroBSD I removed TIOCSTI support in 2017 [0] and haven't
noticed any problems.

According to the commit message "TIOCSTI is still used in tcsh,
but as tcsh isn't compiled on ElectroBSD we don't care".

I should probably do the same.




Key aerospace player Safran Group leaks sensitive data "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Top aviation company Safran Group left itself vulnerable to cyberattacks, likely for well over a year, underlining how vulnerable big aviation firms are to threat actors, according to research by Cybernews.

Original post at

The Cybernews research team recently discovered that the French-based multinational aviation company, the eighth largest aerospace supplier worldwide, was leaking sensitive data due to a misconfiguration of its systems. The vulnerability left the company at risk from cyberattacks over an extended period of time.

According to its own estimates, Safran Group s revenue for 2022 was above 19 billion. It collaborates with Airbus, the second-largest aerospace company globally after Boeing, to manufacture aerospace equipment.

The Safran Group is also involved in developing cutting-edge technologies beyond aviation, such as modules currently in use in the James Webb Telescope, the worlds largest optical telescope in space. Also, the company manufactures surface-to-air defense systems and missiles.

Cybernews reached out to Safran Group regarding the leak researchers found, and at the time of writing, the misconfiguration has been fixed.

The discovery

Researchers found a publicly available environment file used by the beta deployment of the open-source video-calling app Jitsi Meet. The Cybernews team estimates that the file stayed publicly available for around a year-and-a-half, leaving Safran Group vulnerable to potential attacks throughout that time.

The leaked sensitive information included the Laravel app key, JSON Web Token (JWT) key, MySQL credentials, and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) credentials for the no-reply email.

The Cybernews researchers highlight that the exposure of these keys and credentials could have made it relatively easy for attackers to gain access to the websites backend, employee computers, and other servers.

The Laravel app key is a token that helps to keep user browser cookies safe. If threat actors know this token, they can use it to decrypt cookies, which might contain session IDs. Knowing them, a threat actor could be able to hijack the session and therefore the account.

The leak also included the JWT secret key, another type of token, which is usually used for authentication. These tokens can be both for a user, and for an admin. If attackers had access to this key, they could create an admin account and have privileged access to a website.

The JWT secret key is used to generate and verify...


West blasts Balkan regions plan to replicate US law "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT March 14, 2023

US and EU authorities have come out in opposition against a Bosnian Serb proposal to copy American legislation on foreign agents, by linking it to Russian influence. They have added claims that it endangers human rights and democracy.

Milorad Dodik, the president of Republika Srpska (RS) the Serb half of Bosnia-Herzegovina has proposed to copy the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) of 1938, using Republika Srpska instead of the US. The identical law would protect the RS from meddling by foreign-funded organizations, including those of George Soros, Dodik told local media on Friday.

The US and EU reaction to Dodiks proposal mirrored their opposition to a foreign agents registration bill in Georgia. Last week, thousands of protesters besieged the parliament for days, incited by accusations that the government had advanced a Russian law on foreign activity. Tbilisi officially backed down on Friday.

A foreign agents law would significantly reduce the space for civic engagement in Bosnia, the EU mission to Sarajevo said. Any unfounded limitation of the effective exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms, including the right to association (and expression), is in itself contrary to the aspirations of Bosnia and Herzegovina to progress on the European path, the missions spokesman Ferdinand Koenig told the CNN affiliate N1.

The US embassy in Sarajevo also chimed in, saying FARA does not ban or restrict any activities, and it does not apply to independent media or civil society organizations, merely allowing Americans to be informed about activities of foreign agents without limiting freedom of speech or association in any way.

We have seen this movie before, and we know how it ends, the embassy said, calling Dodiks proposal a copy of the Russian repressive legislation to suppress dissent, eviscerate civil society, and eradicate free media.

USAID head Samantha Power joined the chorus, accusing Dodik of trying to pass Kremlin-inspired draft laws that rob residents of their basic rights, silence dissent and allow corruption to flourish unchecked.

Dodik responded to both claims over the weekend, tweeting that Republika Srpska is copying the American model that made the US one of the worlds great powers, which is...


FINANCIAL CONTAGION: Silicon Valley Bank Collapse and USDC Drop Just The Beginning of the Financial "IndyWatch Feed War"

Jeff Berwick Dollar Vigilante March 13, 2023

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El derecho de las mujeres a la tierra es la base para un futuro mejor "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Garantizar los derechos de las mujeres y las nias a la tierra est relacionado con el aumento del liderazgo y la autonoma de las mujeres, la mejora de las oportunidades econmicas, una mejor seguridad social, la proteccin y una posicin social digna. (ILC/Jason Taylor)

Garantizar los derechos de las mujeres y las nias a la tierra est relacionado con el aumento del liderazgo y la autonoma de las mujeres, la mejora de las oportunidades econmicas, una mejor seguridad social, la proteccin y una posicin social digna. Todo ello contribuye a forjar hogares y comunidades prsperos y resilientes que disponen de mejores ingresos, una mejor nutricin infantil, mayores logros educativos para las nias, una mayor capacidad de accin de las mujeres y un uso ms sostenible de los recursos naturales.

No obstante, en muchos pases asiticos el acceso de las mujeres a la tierra, y su poder de decisin sobre ella, en el sentido de propiedad, uso y seguridad de tenencia, son limitados y a menudo se ven obstaculizados por comportamientos patriarcales y normas sociales vigentes. Esta situacin se ve exacerbada por instrumentos polticos y marcos jurdicos restrictivos o por una aplicacin deficiente de la ley a escala local y nacional.

Las identidades transversales de las mujeres como la indgena, la joven, la rural y la urbana pobre, entre otras determinan la importancia de su acceso a la tierra y a los recursos naturales. As pues, las mujeres indgenas, por ejemplo, se basan en unos conocimientos tradicionales transmitidos durante generaciones para el desempeo de su vida cotidiana. Unos conocimientos que les permiten, al mismo tiempo, conservar tanto sus tierras y territorios como su cultura.

El contexto de los derechos de las mujeres a la tierra en Asia Meridional

Banglads, Nepal y la India son tres regiones que ilustran las desigualdades climticas y territoriales. Segn un estudio de la International Land Coalition (ILC), Asia Meridional y Amrica Latina presentan los niveles ms altos de desigualdad en cuanto a tenencia de tierras agrcolas: el 10% de los terratenientes ms ricos acapara hasta el 75% de las tierras agrcolas, mientras que el 50% ms pobre posee menos del 2%.

En Banglads, por ejemplo, las estrictas leyes de sucesin basadas en leyes personales de carcter religioso, impiden a las mujeres poseer tierras y bienes. Las mujeres que estn solteras, divorciadas o que son cabezas de familia tambin se ven privadas de la posibilidad de heredar bienes y, adems, en los hogares hay una gran tendencia a no incluir el nombre de...


Russia will use a Poseidon underwater missile to wipe Britain off the map with a 1,000ft-high radioactive tsunami "IndyWatch Feed War"

Lt-Gen Buzhinsky

Introduction March 14, 2023

Recent Russian warnings take on an ominous significance in light of predictions made by Alois Irlmaier. A devout German Christian, Irlmaier was gifted with prophetic insight and what he said when he was interviewed by writer Conrad Adlmaier in the 1950s assumes an ominous significance in view of recent developments.

According to Irlmaier, three Russian armoured columns would launch simultaneous strikes into Western Europe. Accompanied by overwhelming air support, they would roll into Serbia, northern Italy and Germany. Leaving a trail of destruction, particularly in West Germany, where the Rhine Valley and Frankfurt will be completely devastated.

However, Irlmaier foresaw even more destruction in Britain. In his words:

There is an earthquake. The southern part of England slips into the waterOne part . . . disappears, when the thing falls into the seaThe countries at the sea are endangered of the water heavily, the waves go high as a house; it foams, as if it would boil Islands disappear A part of the proud island sinks, if the thing falls into the sea, which the pilot drops. Then the water lifts itself as high as a tower and falls down. What this thing is, I do not know. When it comes, I do not know.

 Did Irlmaier foresee the use of a Poseidon Tsunami bomb against Britain? After all, if the Russian high command was contemplating such a strike the south coast of England would be an obvious target. Most of Britains important surface naval bases are located there. Plus, it would also have a very severe impact on London and large swathes of southern England. Ed.

Russian media warns of the consequences of UK meddling in Ukraine

  • Yevgeny Buzhinsky called for attacks on UK with Poseidon underwater missile
  • He said Britain will definitely not exist if Russia unleashed the nuclear weapon

Will Stewart The Daily Mail March 14, 2023

Russian state media has urged Vladimir Putin to use his underwater nuclear missile to wipe Britain off the map with a 1,000ft-high radioactive tsunami if NATO troops put boots on the ground in Ukraine.

Retired Russian general Yevgeny Buzhinsky called for attacks on Britain with a Poseidon underwater missile that he said would trigger a 1,000ft radioactive tidal wave.

Lt-Gen Buzhinsky, chairman of the Russian Centre for Policy Research, said Britain will definitely not exist if Russia unleash...


Ukraine Media Start To Acknowledge Reality "IndyWatch Feed War"

Moon of Alabama March 14, 2023

Finally some truth about the real state of the Ukrainian military is sneaking into main stream media. It is as bad, still not fully disclosed, as we have described it again and again.

As the Washington Post provides:

Ukraine short of skilled troops and munitions as losses, pessimism grow

Ill leave out the propaganda bits and go for the factual beef. The quotes are long but needed to grasp the depth of horrible situation.

The opening paragraph:

The quality of Ukraines military force, once considered a substantial advantage over Russia, has been degraded by a year of casualties that have taken many of the most experienced fighters off the battlefield, leading some Ukrainian officials to question Kyivs readiness to mount a much-anticipated spring offensive.

That spring offensive is as likely to happen as the announced relief campaign to unblock Bakhmut. The later is bogged down in mud which will only become worse over the next few weeks.

The spring campaign will be made up of green recruits which will use a wild mix of weapons they are not familiar with. Unless there are some western surprises I see no way how it can overwhelm the well prepared Russian defense lines.

Back to the piece:

Cont. reading: Ukraine Media Start To Acknowledge Reality


: "IndyWatch Feed War"

  15 2023 []


Guest on French TV Show Said That Celine Dion and Other Celebs Take Adrenochrome and Mass Media Lost It "IndyWatch Feed War"

Vigilant Citizen March 14, 2023

Touche Pas Mon Poste (TPMP) is a highly popular French TV show where guests are invited to discuss current events. In the past weeks, one event captured the attention of French media: The car accident of comedian Pierre Palmade and the revelations that ensued.

Heres a quick summation of what happened:

On 10 February 2023, Palmade was responsible for causing a car accident, colliding head-on with another vehicle traveling on the other lane near Villiers-en-Bire in the south of Seine-et-Marne. Palmade was sent to the hospital in critical condition at the Kremlin-Bictres hospital but recovered the next day, and his life was no longer in danger. The other car was carrying a pregnant woman, her brother-in-law, the driver of the vehicle, and his six-year-old child. Due to trauma of the accident, the 27-year-old woman was taken to the hospital, where she had an emergency cesarean section. Her seven-months old baby died.
Wikipedia, Pierre Palmade

Pierre Palmade

Following the car accident, it was revealed that two people fled Palmades car. They were escort boys, young prostitutes Palmade had hired to engage in chem sex with. Furthermore, Palmade tested positive for enormous doses of cocaine and other drugs.

To make things worse, a few days later, people close to Palmade accused him of viewing and possessing pedophilic pornographic material which prompted the launch of an investigation. In other words, Palmade was involved in typical occult elite degeneracy.

To discuss this affair, the French TV show TPMP invited a guest who knows all about this degeneracy: Grard Faur.

Grard Faur Spills the Beans



10,000 Dutch Farmers Protest Govts Crippling Nitrogen Emissions Target In The Hague "IndyWatch Feed War"

Thomas Brooke Activist Post March 14, 2023

Protesters claim the Dutch government is lying about the extent of the emissions problem in order to grab privately owned land

Thousands of Dutch farmers protested on Saturday against the governments policies to reduce nitrogen emissions, warning they will put farms out of business and affect food production.

Hundreds of tractors from across the Netherlands could be seen driving to the event in The Hague ahead of regional elections this week, and more than 10,000 farmers were in attendance, according to the Reuters news agency.

Protesters accused the Dutch government of forcing farmers off of privately owned land in order to appease Brussels, and carried banners reading No farmers, no food and There is no nitrogen problem.

We are fighting against a corrupt and unjust government, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a prominent campaigner in defense of the farmers, told attendees. She spoke of a government that drives our farmers from their land and which has turned on its own population.

For centuries, our farmers have produced food for millions of people worldwide. And instead of what those liars in The Hague claim, they have done so in a responsible and sustainable way.

But our cabinet doesnt care about nature. They have simply created a lie to steal our farmers land, she added.

Prime Minister Mark Ruttes administration has vowed to take radical action to meet its ambitious target of halving the countrys nitrogen emissi...


The China and Russia 'no limits friendship' 2.0 "IndyWatch Feed World"

Many in the West have been predicting a downturn in the China-Russia alliance in the wake of the ongoing Russian Special Military Operations in Ukraine. A recent article in the Foreign Affairs magazine pointed out 'key' points of disagreement between Beijing and Moscow to highlight the obvious 'limits' of the otherwise 'no limits' friendship. According to such projections, we should have seen conflict between both countries. But what we are actually seeing is the exact opposite of this prediction: China and Russia recently reaffirmed their 'no limits' friendship, an alliance that originally started almost a year ago ('no-limits 1.0') and is now growing to the next level as 'no-limits' 2.0. This reaffirmation has caused some trouble in the Western world, as the latter has already started to scramble allies to 'punish' China for its persistent support for Russia against the combined strength of NATO. As reports in the mainstream media show, the US is already consulting with its G7...


Pfizer Just Bought a Cancer Treatment Company for $43 Billion. Create the Problem, Offer a Solution. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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We are All Transmission Devices for What Passes Through Us, and That is Determined by The Point of Focus. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Smoking Mirrors March 14, 2023

Dog Poet Transmitting.

Maybe it was around 3 years ago. There was a Blood Moon eclipse. The astrological chart for the event in The U.S. was a mirror image of the chart for France during their head-rolling revolution in the eighteenth century. Since that time, we have seen the shadow of the hammer of political correctness-cancel culture fall upon the country. We are experiencing a revolution here too. So far it is relatively bloodless, but that could change.

I know Ive mentioned that before.

Recruits for the new thug armies are coming across the borders like waves of Brazilian army ants. They are being waved in by eraser clappers and hall monitors in the employ of The New Jacobin dream-weavers. Anything could happen, but the possibilities of Anything do not trouble me. Things have a way of working out, even when the worst intentions are on the rise; depending on your relationship with the one who works things out. If youve got that ACTIVE, youll be alright.

As Ageless Wisdom teaches us (should we care to learn) bad intentions usually fall back upon those who harbor them. If you take a pot of water and cause it to slosh to one side, it automatically sloshes back to the other. If you set it down, it will soon enough become a still surface. The only time it sloshes in any direction is when something or someone disturbs it.

What does that should that teach us? If you want water to be disturbed, you have to disturb it. What about the ocean, visible? Whos asking, and more importantly why? Everything is exactly the way it is supposed to be at all times; sloshing not sloshing whats that got to do with you? Ah yeah, thats the ticket; did you slosh it?

In recent times courtesy of my invisible friends, I have learned some truly remarkable things, having to do with the way things work. I wish I could share them with you, and I do in telepathic fashion; the same way I received them. We are all transmission devices for what we permit to pass through us, which is determined by our area of focus.

Weve all heard that if something is really important to you, perhaps you shouldnt share it with others if you want it to remain important to you. At least not right away. Not until youve gone some distance to manifesting it.

We have all experienced what happens when you try to tell someone about an idea or an event, and you are unable to communicate it effectively, and the person you are sharing it with does not have the same value placed on it that you do. The telling of it diminishes it colors it with doubt or disinterest and makes it irrelevant. Suddenly, it is no longer important to you either. You feel cheat...


Objectivity Has Got To Go: News Leaders Call For End Of Objective Journalism "IndyWatch Feed War"

Jonathan Turley Feb 1, 2023

We previously discussed the movement in journalism schools to get rid of principles of objectivity in journalism. Advocacy journalism is the new touchstone in the media even as polls show that trust in the media is plummeting. Now, former executive editor for The Washington Post Leonard Downie Jr. and former CBS News President Andrew Heyward have released the results of their interviews with over 75 media leaders and concluded that objectivity is now considered reactionary and even harmful. Emilio Garcia-Ruiz, editor-in-chief at the San Francisco Chronicle said it plainly: Objectivity has got to go.

Notably, while Bob Woodward and others have finally admitted that the Russian collusion coverage lacked objectivity and resulted in false reporting, media figures are pushing even harder against objectivity as a core value in journalism.

We have been discussing the rise of advocacy journalism and the rejection of objectivity in journalism schools. Writerseditorscommentators, and academics have embraced rising calls for censorship and speech controls, including President-elect Joe Biden and his key advisers. This movement includes academics rejecting the very concept of objectivity in journalism in favor of open advocacy.

Columbia Journalism Dean and New Yorker writer Steve Coll decried how the First Amendment r...


Ken Thompson, Who Co-created UNIX, is Now Moving to Debian GNU/Linux (Raspbian) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

New talk: Ken Thompson Closing Keynote SCaLE 20x Invidious

Video download link | md5sum 37094b98ccf1f1e690ddd4f2739085b5
The Person Who Created UNIX Has Abandoned It and Is Now Moving to Debian GNU/Linux (Raspbian)

Summary: Ken Thompson has shared incredible news; hes moving to GNU/Linux (transcript of the excerpt above can be found below)

[00:00] Audience member: ok, Ken. Whats your operating system of choice, today?

Ken Thompson: I have for most of my life, because I was sort of born into it run Apple. Right now, recently, meaning within the last five years Ive become more and more and more depressed and

[laughter from audience]

what Apple is doing to something which should allow you to work

[00:30] is just atrocious but they are taking space and time to do it so its ok. And I have come within the last month or two to say even though Ive invested a zillion years in Apple, Im throwing it away and Im going to Linux, Raspbian in particular.

[applause and cheers from audience]

Ken Thompson: Anyway, Im half transitioned now.


Medical schools are lowering standards in the name of equity to boost minority acceptance (while abandoning quality of care) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Lance D. Johnson Natural News March 14, 2023

Americas top medical schools including Columbia, Harvard, the University of Chicago, Stanford, Mount Sinai, and the University of Pennsylvania are all lowering their academic standards for admission in order to boost minority acceptance and graduation rates. The loosening of standards is being conducted in the name of equity diversity and inclusion. Lowering medical school standards will have profound consequences in the years to come, especially in a medical environment that is already overrun by corruption and malpractice.

The importance of academic achievement in medical education

Academic achievement is a critical component of medical education. Students who have excelled academically are better equipped to handle the rigorous coursework and demanding workload that comes with medical school. They are also better prepared to provide high-quality care to patients once they enter the workforce.

The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a standardized test that is used by medical schools to evaluate the academic readiness of prospective students. The test is designed to assess critical thinking, problem-solving, and knowledge of scientific concepts.

Lowering academic standards for admission will have a detrimental effect on the quality of education that medical students receive. Students who are not adequately prepared may struggle to keep up with the coursework, leading to a lower quality of education and potentially compromising patient care.

The MCAT is a critical component of the medical school admissions process. It provides a standardized measure of academic preparedness that can be used to evaluate applicants from diverse backgrounds. By placing less emphasis on the MCAT, medical schools are potentially overlooking qualified applicants in favor of those with less academic preparation.

The top medical schools are beginning to make the MCAT optional or dropping the test requirement entirely. In doing so, these schools are falling in national rankings, which is why they are colluding to jointly withdraw from US News and World Report rankings. If consumers cannot measure a prospective doctor based on any standard of academic achievement and accreditation, then the consumer is forced to accept equity and the lower standards of patient care that inevitably result.

Medical schools are discriminating against qualified candidates and sacrificing academic merit in the process

In an......


Bombshell from Germany's Federal Minister of Health "IndyWatch Feed World"

Karl Lauterbach is Germany's Federal Minister of Health. Yesterday, he dropped a bombshell on Germans in an interview. It has been posted on Youtube with English subtitles. You can find the video here (start: 3:54; end:15:17 [interview with minister of health starts at 8:07). The COVID-19 'vaccine'-induced injuries that were covered in this program are severe, life-altering, and permanent. More people are waking up to the reality that more of these severe injuries have occurred and continue to emerge than what has ever been admitted publicly by those pushing the shots. This is the nature of passive monitoring systems, particularly when coupled with active dissuasion of reporting. COVID-19 'vaccine'-injured people are finding themselves falling between the cracks in health care systems. This is horrible, but unfortunately, is not news for most of us. The news agency and Minister of Health confirmed that the Pharma companies are free of liability due to 'vaccine' injuries. This...


Recipe for Disaster: With $22.5 Billion Deficit, California Looks to Pay $640 Billion in Reparations "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: The Land of Fruits and Nuts had a $100 billion surplus last year, thanks to capital gains and federal relief for COVID-19. However, it also has an insane socialist government, and so all that money is gone now and the state is looking at a $22.5 billion budget deficit for this []


La lucha por el agua contra las granjas porccolas en Homn "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Indignacin

Maribel Ek Can, indgena maya integrante de Kaanan Tsonot (Guardianes de los cenotes de Homn), comparte en la cuarta entrega de las #CharlasDH la importancia de proteger los cuerpos de agua amenazados por las granjas porccolas.

Son tesoros que, desde que empiezas a descender, puedes mirar la vida que tiene en sus paredes, como lo son las filtraciones de agua. Te puedes detener a mirar cmo trabaja la naturaleza, porque ella trabaja sin moverse, sin tener voz, sin tener manos, sin tener pies.

Publicado originalmente en ONUDHMxico

A Smart Home That CAN Do It All "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In an ideal smart home, the explosion of cheap WiFi and Bluetooth chips has allowed hundreds of small wireless devices to control the switches, lights, and everything else required for a smart home at a relatively low price. But what if you dont want hundreds of internet-connected devices in your home polluting the wireless spectrum and allowing potential security holes into your network? If youre like [Lucas Teske], you might reach for something wired and use cheap and (currently) available Raspberry Pi Picos to create PicoHome.

The unique twist of PicoHome is that it uses a CAN bus for communication. One of [Lucas] goals was to make the boards easily swappable when hardware failed. This meant board-to-board communication and protocols like I2C were susceptible to noise (every time a relay triggered, the bus would lock up briefly). The CAN bus is designed to work in an electrically noisy environment.

There are two parts to the system: pico-relay and pico-input. The first connects to a 16 relay board and can control 16 different 24v relays. The second has 16 optoisolators to read from 12v-24v switches and various buttons throughout the house. These can be placed in a giant metal box in a central wiring location and not worry about it.



Concesiones excesivas y falta de lluvia, causantes del estrs hdrico del pas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Mxico sufre estrs hdrico debido a la gran cantidad de concesiones otorgadas, a que ya no llueve como antes, adems de que el cambio climtico ha causado estragos en la cultura del lquido, tanto rural como urbano, afirm el doctor Daniel Murillo Licea durante el Conversatorio Tan claro como el agua, organizado por la Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana (UAM). [Minuto 29:35]

El titular del Seminario Agua y Cultura del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologa Social (CIESAS) de la Ciudad de Mxico propuso tener cuidado con conceptos como administracin del bien, que aparece desde fuera para tratar de incrustarse en la forma como se maneja en nuestro pas, aunque no ha sido muy bueno segn vemos en la historia de la Comisin Nacional de Agua, fundada en 1989 con el paradigma de la gestin integrada de recursos hdricos, que tiene a Mxico en un verdadero desastre en la materia.

Adems, cuando hablamos de las mediaciones y relaciones de los grupos colectivos entramos al terreno de las pugnas por el bien con tantos elementos alrededor que lleva a conflictos multifactoriales, porque no slo es la afectacin directa, sino que crear un conflicto social impresionante, como el que podra ocasionar la planta de amoniaco en la Baha de Ohuira, en Sinaloa.

El egresado de la licenciatura y doctorado en Ciencias Sociales de la Unidad Xochimilco mencion en su ponencia Agua y cultura que para evitar la escasez del lquido en las ciudades o cualquier mbito lo primero es dejar de hablar de la cultura del recurso como se ha abordado institucionalmente.

En principio se tiene que reconocer de dnde viene, si le preguntas a nios de una escuela, slo uno de cada diez sabr contestar; entonces para avanzar hay que trabajar sobre el conocimiento en la materia y aprender que cultura y agua estn relacionadas.

El especialista, que colabor en el Consejo Mexicano del Programa Hidrolgico Internacional de la UNESCO de 2007 a 2018, recomend consultar los trabajos de los doctores David Barkin Rappaport y Jorge Legorreta Gutirrez sobre los ros que llegan a la Ciudad de Mxico y cmo podra solucionarse la escasez del bien.

Entonces hay que releerlos y retomar las ideas de avanzada sobre la limpieza de esos cuerpos de agua y la crtica a la gestin integral de los recursos hdricos que vislumbran los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sustentable (ODS) definidos por la Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas, convino el doctor Javier Velzquez Moctezuma, Profesor Distinguido de la UAM, quien moder la ponencia.

Murillo Licea calific esas prcticas como rapia, porque lo que estn buscando algunas empresas es pagar mucho dinero a cambio de instalarse, cuando son de las peores contaminadoras del vital lquido.

En tanto, que es equivocado que las autoridades interpreten que el pago a tiempo del recibo es cultura del agua, pues slo son consumidores y la Ley de Aguas Nacional actua...


Gordofobia, fenmeno cada vez ms arraigado en el pas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Mxico ocupa actualmente el quinto lugar en obesidad en el mundo, segn la Federacin Mundial de Obesidad, una entidad cuyo objetivo es impulsar los esfuerzos globales para reducir, prevenir y tratar esta enfermedad. Por esto, no resulta raro que el trmino gordofobia, que describe el rechazo y la discriminacin ejercidos en contra de las personas gordas u obesas, est cada vez ms arraigado en nuestro pas.

La gordofobia es practicada, sobre todo, por quienes se sienten superiores a la gente con sobrepeso u obesidad, y la menosprecia o repudia. Sin embargo, nadie es perfecto. Ni siquiera las modelos de Victorias Secret o las que salen fotografiadas en las revistas de modas lucen un cuerpo 100 por ciento armonioso. Es ms: estar delgado no necesariamente es sinnimo de estar sano, dice Martha Georgina Ochoa Madrigal, jefa del Servicio de Psiquiatra, Paidopsiquiatra, Psicologa y Neuropsicologa del Centro Mdico Nacional 20 de Noviembre, del ISSSTE, y acadmica de la Divisin de Estudios de Posgrado de la Facultad de Medicina (FM).

Desde nios, las personas con sobrepeso u obesidad son objeto de burlas, maltratos y hasta violencia por ser diferentes o tener un cuerpo que no entra dentro de la norma establecida. Y esta actitud intolerante de los dems, hoy llamada gordofobia (trmino que, por cierto, no forma parte de la jerga de la psiquiatra y la psicologa), no dejan de sufrirla cuando se convierten en adolescentes, jvenes y adultos.

Por ejemplo, las estadsticas sealan que no es sencillo que una persona con sobrepeso u obesidad sea contratada para un trabajo, y si logra conseguir el empleo, tambin padecer, tarde o temprano, algn grado de rechazo o discriminacin. De ah la importancia de combatir la idea de que hay cuerpos perfectos y no olvidar que en el otro extremo de estas enfermedades estn otros dos trastornos de la alimentacin: la anorexia y la bulimia, indica Ochoa Madrigal.

Habra que incorporar en el da a da el concepto de salud integral y prestar atencin no slo al aspecto fsico de nuestro cuerpo.

Sndrome metablico

Por supuesto, el sobrepeso y la obesidad no slo acarrean burlas y maltrato en la infancia y adolescencia, y discriminacin...


The media ignore Democrats in Congress stepping on freedom of speech "IndyWatch Feed World"

Last week, Congress and the federal government stomped on press freedom and the press said nothing. Four watershed events lead to the inescapable conclusion that the entire Democratic Party and parts of the GOP have become the enemy of free speech and, astonishingly, they are aided and abetted by the most prestigious brands in news media, that have become tools of oppression, rather than defenders of the First Amendment. 1. Democrats in Congress tried to force a journalist to reveal his sources. Nowhere more sickening was the Democratic Party's lockstep defense of censorship than in Thursday's hearing of the House "Weaponization of Government" subcommittee. Independent liberal journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger were asked to testify about the censorship regime imposed by the federal government, academia, NGOs and Twitter, as revealed in the Twitter Files. For their trouble they were slimed and threatened by Democrats.


Russia Finally Admits to Destroying NATOs Deep Underground Command Bunker in Kiev "IndyWatch Feed War"

According to Pronews , dozens of NATO officers were killed in a terrifying strike by a Mach 12 missile. March 14, 2023 By  Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor As reported on March 12 by the Greek portal of political and military information Pronews, citing American sources, in the course of an operation to retaliate for []


Grupos vulnerables, desdibujados en la configuracin de ciudades "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

En la Ciudad de Mxico hay 5.4 millones de vehculos particulares registrados, lo que implica que, en promedio, hay un automotor particular por cada dos habitantes, sin contar motocicletas, transporte de carga, ni de pasajeros.

A lo anterior se suma que en los procesos de expansin de las ciudades se ha dado prioridad a la motorizacin de los desplazamientos; es decir, el espacio pblico es monopolizado por el uso del automvil, lo que genera un ambiente hostil para los grupos de la poblacin ms vulnerables: las infancias, personas con discapacidad, adultos mayores, mujeres, personas en situacin de calle, indic Roco Garca Flemate, estudiante de maestra del Posgrado de Urbanismo.

Al participar en el Coloquio Ciudad en Movimiento. Accesible, caminable e interconectada. 2a etapa, Charla con expertas, expres: segn estimaciones del Instituto de Polticas para el Transporte y el Desarrollo, a escala nacional 80 por ciento de los recursos para proyectos de transporte y movilidad se destina a obras de ampliacin y mantenimiento de la infraestructura vial para autos particulares.

En el pas, abund, los accidentes de trnsito son la principal causa de muerte en la poblacin infantil, ya sea violenta o accidental. La OMS ha considerado a estos eventos como un problema de salud pblica global, pues en el mundo un promedio de 1.24 millones de personas pierden la vida de esa manera, 21 por ciento de ellos son menores de 14 aos, sobre todo cuando son peatones.

El Instituto Nacional de Estadstica y Geografa seala que 41.4 por ciento de nias y nios mayores de tres aos se desplazan a la escuela caminando, lo que permite concluir que cuando las infancias salen a la calle enfrentan un ambiente en el que sus vidas estn en riesgo porque en la configuracin de las ciudades no se consideran sus necesidades, ni sus caractersticas.

Ello nos muestra que se trata de un ambiente hostil para esa poblacin y para la ciudadana en general. Adems, est el hecho evidente de que nias y nios poseen caractersticas distintas a las de los adultos en mltiples aspectos: cognitivo, conductual, fsico, dimensiones, estaturas, etctera, pero tambin los pequeos tienen formas especficas de movilidad que los convierte en un grupo vulnerable en este contexto urbano vial, apunt la universitaria.

Al salir a las calles, nos encontramos con un ambiente de trnsito complejo, en constante cambio y exigente en el sentido de que nos obliga a poner en marcha en un tiempo corto una diversidad de procesos cognitivos complejos los cuales an se encuentran en desarrollo en las infancias como la percepcin, atencin, toma inmediata de decisiones, capacidad y velocidad de reaccin, identificar y medir el peligro, riesgos que se transforman constantemente conforme sus etapas de desarrollo avanzan, enfatiz.

Se refiri...


Per ha perdido ms de 3 millones de hectreas de bosques y la mitad de sus glaciares en 37 aos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Cunto bosque amaznico ha perdido Per? Cul es el estado de sus bosques secos o de sus glaciares? Si bien estas respuestas son difciles de contestar, un grupo de cientficos ha monitoreado y analizado los cambios en el territorio peruano a lo largo de los ltimos 37 aos. El proyecto se llama Mapbiomas Per y ha podido establecer, por ejemplo, que entre 1985 y el 2021 se perdieron ms 3 millones de hectreas de bosque a nivel nacional: 2 600 400 hectreas en la Amazona y ms de 1 milln en la zona andina. A eso se suma el retroceso dramtico de los glaciares y los impactos visibles en los distintos biomas del pas.

Ha sido un trabajo de cuatro aos en que se ha logrado construir una herramienta que puede ser til tanto para el Estado peruano como para investigadores y ciudadanos. El cdigo es abierto y de libre acceso. En los prximos aos la herramienta permitir conocer de forma ms precisa la situacin de otros biomas de menor tamao como por ejemplo las lomas costeras, afirma Renzo Piana Arenas, director del Instituto del Bien Comn (IBC), organizacin que encabez el proyecto y que cont con el apoyo de socios clave como la Red MapBiomas Network y la Red Amaznica de Informacin Socioambiental Georreferenciada (RAISG). Cabe precisar que el Per es el segundo pas que tendr acceso a esta herramienta, el primero fue Brasil y se proyecta continuar con Bolivia y Ecuador.

El derretimiento glaciar ha avanzado hasta en 108 hectreas en 37 aos. Hay nevados como el de Pastoruri casi extintos. Foto Nicole Moreno.

El primer paso para los investigadores fue definir los biomas a estudiar, entendiendo esta categora como la agrupacin de sistemas ecolgicos que comparten los mismos criterios climticos (temperatura, precipitacin) y geogrficos (topografa, altitud, entre otros). Luego establecieron cules seran incluidos en esta primera coleccin: la Amazona, los Andes, el bosque seco y el desierto costero.

A partir de ello, se proces la informacin y para ello se us la plataforma de Google Earth Engine con la que se trabaj un mapeo completo del territorio. Se trata de una serie de algoritmos que se trabajan en la misma nube de Google, estos nos han permitido procesar gran cantidad de datos y mapas desde 1985 hasta el 2021. Cada ao se obtiene un resultado distinto y con eso se puede ver no solo la cobertura vegetal sino conocer las transiciones (cmo ha ido cambiando el territorio), dice Sandra Ros, investigadora del IBC y coordinadora de MapBiomas Per. Ahora con la web que se ha construido, aade la experta, se pueden ver los mapas georreferenciados y hacer distintos cortes para analizar l...


5 DreamWorks Movies To Watch Instead of Disneys Sexual Propaganda "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Most Disney movies are saturated with political and sexual propaganda. Watch these more wholesome DreamWorks movies instead.


Anthony Blinken arrives in Ethiopia as part of broader US push in Africa "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The visit comes amid a flurry of trips by US delegations to Africa amid concerns about the influence of China and Russian Wagner Group mercenaries on the continent.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken became the latest senior US official to visit Africa as part of a broader push by Washington to re-engage with the continents leaders at a time when the region is facing stark security challenges and economic fallout from the war in Ukraine.

Blinken arrived in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa late Tuesday, and is set to meet Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Wednesday to discuss a peace deal struck late last year to end a brutal two-year civil war. Hell also meet with parties to the cease-fire.

The visit comes amid a flurry of trips by US delegations to Africa amid concerns about the influence of China and Russian Wagner Group mercenaries on the continent. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield and First Lady Jill Biden all recently made multi-nation visits after President Joe Biden hosted African leaders for a summit in December.

Blinkens delegation which includes Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee and White House National Security Council Senior Director Judd Devermont will also discuss humanitarian issues and Ethiopias drought crisis, as well as economic relations following the US decision to suspend its duty-free access under the African Growth and Opportunity Act. The US has provided more than $3 billion in assistance to Ethiopia since 2020.

What were looking to do is refashion our engagement with Ethiopia, Phee said in a pre-trip briefing with reporters on Friday. But to put that relationship in a forward trajectory, we will continue to need steps by Ethiopia to help break the cycle of ethnic political violence that has set the country back for so many decades, including most acutely in this recent conflict.

Wagner Resistance

The top US diplomat, who will brief the media later on Wednesday, is also set to meet with African Union Commission Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat. The two will discuss how the US and the continental body can cooperate in strengthening the capability of African countries to resist and overcome the negative consequences of Wagners activity, Phee said.

The sanctioned Russian mercenary group is compromising African sovereignty, worsening insecurity, harming civilians, and ex...


The case for keeping all your email forever "IndyWatch Feed World"

More or less by accident, I wound up with more than 25 years of email at my fingertips. Heres why Im glad I never deleted anything.

This story is from Fast Companys new Plugged In newsletter, a weekly roundup of tech insights, news, and trends from global technology editor Harry McCracken, delivered to your inbox every Wednesday morning. Sign up for itand all of our newslettershere.

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Former US natsec advisor: destroy Taiwan semiconductor factories if China invades "IndyWatch Feed World"

A growing body of evidence suggests that the US would blow up the global economy to prevent China from laying claim to Taiwan's semiconductor factories. Former White House National Security Advisor Robert C. O'Brien has hinted at a sinister US contingency plan in the event of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Rather than see Taiwan's semiconductor factories fall into the hands of the Communist Party of China, the US and its allies would simply pull a Nordstream. "The United States and its allies are never going to let those factories fall into Chinese hands," O'Brien told Semafor, a news outlet that has been funded by jailed Democratic financier Sam Bankman-Fried and his brother. O'Brien went on to compare the destruction of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's (TSMC) to Winston Churchill's bombing of a French naval fleet after the country's surrender to Nazi Germany. Semiconductors made in Taiwan are necessary for the functioning of everything from smartphones to cars. Taiwan...


Why quitting can be the best career move you can make "IndyWatch Feed World"

If you get out of the money for time exchange, and price your work for the value it brings you can bring in multiples of your current salary.

You dont have to pull a Jerry Maguire walkout or make an infamous TikTok video to pull a power move. Quitting can be the best career move you make if you have clarity about what you want out of your career and life and are not simply running away from the negatives of your current job.

Read Full Story


Morgan Stanley is testing an OpenAI-powered chatbot for its 16,000 financial advisors "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The bank has been testing the artificial intelligence tool with 300 advisors and plans to roll it out widely in the coming months, according to Jeff McMillan, head of analytics, data and innovation at the firms wealth management division.

Morgan Stanleys move is one of the first announcements by a financial incumbent after the success of OpenAIs ChatGPT, which went viral late last year by generating human-sounding responses to questions. The bank is a juggernaut in wealth management with more than $4.2 trillion in client assets. The promise and perils of artificial intelligence have been written about for years, but seemingly only after ChatGPT did mainstream users understand the ramifications of the technology.

The idea behind the tool, which has been in development for the past year, is to help the banks 16,000 or so advisors tap the banks enormous repository of research and data, said McMillan.

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