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Sunday, 09 April


Schade, dass der Berliner Senat ausgerechnet Franziska ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Schade, dass der Berliner Senat ausgerechnet Franziska "Clankriminalitt" Giffey zur Bausenatorin gemacht hat, die ja bereits angesagt hat, dass sie auf den Willen der Bevlkerung in Sachen Verstaatlichung der Wohnungsbaugesellschaften zu scheien gedenkt.

Im Moment wre die Gelegenheit gnstig gewesen.

Hier kamen eine Mails rein, die verwundert waren, wie ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Hier kamen eine Mails rein, die verwundert waren, wie ich offenbar definiert habe.

Daher hier mal als Abgrenzung:

Sieht fr mich wie die plausibelste Erklrung aus, aber vielleicht bersehe ich ja was.
Ich kann mir nichts vorstellen, das zu einem anderen Schluss fhren wrde.
Sieht so aus aber ich habe Zweifel.
Sieht so aus, aber ich wei, dass es nicht so ist.

Wieso fragt die Presse eigentlich nicht mal jemanden, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wieso fragt die Presse eigentlich nicht mal jemanden, der sich mit sowas auskennt? Nun, manchmal tun sie das. Der RBB hat meinen Kumpel Honkhase befragt. Den Teil ber den DDOS htte ich ein bisschen anders formuliert. DDOS heit, dass nicht den Server angreifst, sondern die Leitung zum Server. Das kann man generell nicht verhindern, dass dieser Angriff mglich ist. In konkreten Fllen kann man hufig tricksen, und nach einer Weile geht der Angriff von alleine weg, weil ein ISP ja merkt, wenn aus ihrem Netz ein DDOS durchgefhrt wird. Das belastet auch deren Auenanbindung und die tun dann hoffentlich was.

Wichtiger finde ich Ransomware. Da sagt mein ansonsten wohlinformierter Kumpel folgendes:

Wenn jemand in die Systemlandschaft eindringen will, dann kann er beispielsweise eine Phishing-Mail schicken, in der ein manipulierter Link oder ein Anhang drin ist. Wenn ein Mitarbeiter den ffnet, dann ldt er sich unwissentlich eine Schadsoftware runter oder fhrt diese direkt im Anhang aus - mglichst klein, kompakt und effizient. Die schaut dann, wie es sie sich ins System einnisten kann und wie ein Angreifer von auen hnlich einer Fernwartung auf das System zugreifen und Dinge tun kann.
Das stimmt in der aktuellen Praxis unter Windows, Office und Active Directory, aber nichts davon ist gottgegeben oder ein Selbstlufer. Wenn du deinen Mitarbeitern eine Arbeits-Infrastruktur hinstellst, bei der sie nicht auf Mails oder Links klicken drfen, weil das die Sicherheit der ganzen Firma gefhrdet, und es dann zu ihrem Job machst, dass sie Mails ffnen und Links klicken, dann hast du meines Gerechtigkeitsempfindens nach alle Schden verdient, die das nach sich zieht. Das ist wie wenn du den Leuten Dienstwagen gibst, die per Funk zur spontanen Explosion bewegt werden knnen. Da kannst du auch nicht rummeckern ber die Teenager mit den Funkgerten. Diese Autos httest du halt nicht in Umlauf bringen drfen!

Auf diesen Aspekt kann man gar nicht oft genug hinweisen, finde ich. Die lassen das immer alle so klingen, als sei das halt so. Unsere alte Software ist halt schlecht und ttet ab und zu Menschen. JA H DANN VERWENDET DIE HALT NICHT MEHR!

Der Rest des Artikels ist aber lohnenswert. Da erklrt er, wieso die Verwaltungen nichts in Security investieren.

Was wrdet ihr machen, wenn euch das hier passiert?I ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Was wrdet ihr machen, wenn euch das hier passiert?

I have been writing about the threat of AI to free speech. Then recently I learned that ChatGPT falsely reported on a claim of sexual harassment that was never made against me on a trip that never occurred while I was on a faculty where I never taught. ChapGPT relied on a cited Post article that was never written and quotes a statement that was never made by the newspaper.
Ja gut, das sind diese ChatGPT-Leute. GPT-4 ist bestimmt viel besser!!1!
When the Washington Post investigated the false story, it learned that another AI program Microsofts Bing, which is powered by GPT-4, repeated the false claim about Turley.
Turley ist der Autor von dem verlinkten Blogeintrag.

Ich hab ja schon ein paar Mal erklrt, dass eines der Probleme bei "KI" ist, dass das trainiert und nicht konstruiert wird, und man das daher auch nicht debuggen kann, wie man regulren Code debuggen wrde, und man kann auch nicht Bugs fixen, weil der Kram aus Gewichten in einem neuronalen Netz o.. kommt, statt aus Code.

Man hat dann genau drei Optionen: Neu trainieren, nachtrainieren, oder einen Filter davor tun, der genau das Problem erkennt und wegmacht. Alle drei Optionen sind Mist. Auch das neuronale Netz wei nicht, welche Gewichte wofr zustndig sind. Nachtrainieren wird also eine Lavine aus anderen nderungen bewirken, alle vllig unklar. Vielleicht wird es dadurch sogar schlimmer.

Neu trainineren wird vermutlich dasselbe Problem wieder haben, denn wir haben ja keinen Weg, das beim Training zu verhindern.

Und der Filter wird nicht funktionieren. Das versuchen Zensoren seit Jahrzehnten und dann reden die Chinesen halt von Winnie the Pooh. Die erfolgversprechenste Implementation eines Filters wrde selber auf Machine Learning basieren, was das natrlich direkt ad absurdum fhrt.

Kurz gesagt: "KI" ist ein Schuss in den Ofen. Lasst euch mal nicht aufschwatzen, dass das a) neu oder b) besser oder c) die Zukunft ist. Die Zukunft, die das wre, in der wrdet ihr nicht leben wollen.

Die Tagesschau liefert mal wieder :-( Exklusiv HackerangriffeCybermafia ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die Tagesschau liefert mal wieder :-(

Exklusiv Hackerangriffe
Cybermafia von Putins Gnaden?
Da rgere ich mich ja direkt ber das "EXKLUSIV". Wenn ein Fragezeichen im Titel ist, ist es nicht exklusiv. Dann ist es nicht mal Fakten-Berichterstattung sondern Mutmaung. "Cybermafia" und "von Putins Gnaden" sind natrlich stark vorbelastete und lenkende Begriffe, die Berichterstattung eh ausschlieen. Das ist Meinungsmache.

Kann gerechtfertigte Meinungsmache sein, aber es ist jedenfalls Meinungsmache.

Gucken wir mal weiter.

Europaweit werden Webseiten lahmgelegt - womglich von prorussischen Hackern. Experten warnen vor der Entstehung einer Mischszene aus Cyberkriminellen, Hacktivisten und russischen Geheimdiensten.
"womglich" ist ein Wieselwort und heit: Wir wissen es nicht, Beweise haben wir natrlich auch keine, nicht mal ordentliche Indizien. "Experten warnen" ist auch eine groe rote Warmlampe, dass hier Bullshit kommt.

Womglich ist nicht mal ein gutes Wieselwort. Ich nehm immer "offenbar". Das sagt, dass das eine Deutung von mir ist, und damit eine Meinung und keine Tatsachenbehauptung. Ist euch hoffentlich schon aufgefallen, dass ich das Wort gerne und hufig verwende, und dass ich hier verdammt selten verklagt oder abgemahnt werde.

Pltzlich ging nichts mehr. Webseiten und Internetportale bundesweit waren in dieser Woche nicht mehr erreichbar, darunter die Onlineauftritte von Landesministerien und Polizeibehrden.
Da krieg ich direkt Stresspickel. It was a dark and stormy night. Das ist so "Onkel erzhlt Kleinkind eine Geschichte"-Niveau. "Pltzlich ging nichts mehr". *gbel*

Wieso publizieren die sowas? Wollen die, dass ihre Leser mitkriegen, wie wenig ernst genommen sie werden?

Auerdem: Wenn Webseiten von Ministerien und Polizeibehrden ausgefallen sind, ist die Story erst recht nicht "exklusiv". Wenn ich das aus meinem Wohnzimmer sehen kann, ist das nicht exklusiv.

Sie brachen unter der Last von massenhaften Zugriffen auf die Server schlichtweg zusammen.
Das nennt sich DDOS und ist kein Hackerangriff. Eher eine Sitzblockade.

Und so geht das weiter. Murmeln, Andeutungen und Hrensagen, garniert mit lenkender Wortwahl und Meinungsmache.

Ich finde das sehr enttuschend, dass das Niveau derartig schlecht ist bei der ARD. Der Autor von diesem Artikel fllt schon lnger negativ auf, durch Wiedergabe von Geheimdienst-Einflsterungen statt Journalismus.


Tiger Woods Makes Consecutive Cuts To Equal Masters Records "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

American golfer, Tiger Woods will over the weekend play at Augusta National Golf Club.  The 15-time major winner finished his second round at 3-over par but got a little help from his friend Justin Thomas to make the cut. Tiger Woods ties the record for most consecutive cuts made at the Masters Tournament with 23 []


Raytheon Director and His Wife Killed in Plane Crash "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: Daily Mail: Two couples from Indiana were killed when their plane crashed off the coast of Venice, Florida after they flew in to have dinner with friends. The single-engine plane crashed near the Venice Fishing Pier soon after takeoff on Wednesday evening on its way back to St. Petersburg, Florida. Jeff Lumpkin, 64, an []


Easter Celebration: Kwara Gov Celebrates With Christians "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Kwara State Governor,  AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq has congratulated the Christian community in the state on the Easter festivities, calling it a period of introspection, self-discipline, sacrifice, forgiveness, and commitment to God. In a statement issued on Saturday, the Governor called on Nigerians to take advantage of the period to seek Gods favour for the country and []


Crece el dengue y chikungunya en Amrica, esto se sabe "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El chikungunya registr en enero 135 mil casos frente a los 50 mil caso durante el primer semestre de 2022. Dengue en 2022 se duplic, []

La entrada Crece el dengue y chikungunya en Amrica, esto se sabe se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Ive Key To Igbo Presidency Joe Ibgokwe "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and Special Adviser to the Lagos State Governor on Drainages, Joe Igbokwe has claimed that he has the key to the Igbo presidency. Taking to his verified Facebook page, Igbokwe said the Southeastern people are not interested in secession but are unhappy with how the country treats the []


Kogi Guber Race: Smart Adeyemi Cant Win, Says Former NUJ VP "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A former Vice President of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Zone D, Comrade Tims Ejigah, has described the lawmaker representing Kogi West Senatorial District in the National Assembly, Senator Smart Adeyemi, as a politician with character baggage who lacks the capacity to win the election for any political party. Ejigah, who was one of []


US deploys guided-missile submarine to Middle East "IndyWatch Feed War"

Press TV April 8, 2023

The United States says a nuclear-powered American guided-missile submarine is operating in the Middle East in support of the US Fifth Fleet, which is based in Bahrain.

The USS Florida entered the region on Thursday and began transiting the Suez Canal on Friday, Commander Timothy Hawkins said in a statement on Saturday, according to Reuters.

It is capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and is deployed to US 5th Fleet to help ensure regional maritime security and stability, Hawkins added.

This came after the US Navy relocated a warship in the Mediterranean to the coast near Syria after tensions rose between Tehran and Washington over deadly attacks on Iranian military advisors in Syria.

Irans envoy to the UN Amir Saeid Iravani earlier on Monday warned that the Islamic Republic will take decisive measures to protect its forces and interests in Syria against any threats posed by the United States or others.

Last week, two Iranian military advisers stationed in Syria were killed in an Israeli airstrike near the countrys capital Damascus. Following the attack, the IRGC issued a stern warning to the Israeli regime on Sunday, vowing retaliation for the killing of its military advisers in Syria.

The relocation of the US warship came as US President Joe Biden claimed in March that the United States was not seeking a conflict with Iran.


Rashford injury does not look well Ten Hag "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Manchester United manager Erik ten Hag says it does not look well for Marcus Rashford after the striker picked up an injury during Saturdays 2-0 win against Everton. The 25-year-old England international pulled up with an apparent groin injury towards the end of the match, reports the BBC. TV pictures showed Rashford walking slowly []


'Peace In The Middle East? That's A Threat.' "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Thanks to China's and Russia's mediation peace is breaking out in the Middle East. Elijah J. Magnier @ejmalrai - 4:14 UTC Apr 8, 2023 #BreakingNews: The United Arab Emirates has begun withdrawing its forces from #Yemen. The Saudi-Emirati-Yemenite agreement...


RT International extends reach via new platforms "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

RT | April 7, 2023

RT International is now freely available via satellites operated by the Arab Satellite Communications Organization, which is based in Saudi Arabia, and Egypts Nilesat. The channel has also been added to Indias DD Free Dish service.

The Russian news networks English-language channel is now broadcast by Arabsats Badr 4 satellite and the Nilesat 201 satellite. No subscription is required for either service.

Both transmitters predominantly serve audiences in North Africa and the Arab Peninsula. The Badr 4 signal can also be picked up in numerous European countries, according to its stated coverage. Viewers in some parts of Sub-Saharan Africa can likewise tune in to Badr 4 and Nilesat 201.

The receiver settings for the two satellites and the list of places where they are available are as follows:

Badr 4

Position: 26.0E
Frequency (MHz): 12054
Polarization: V
Modulation: DVB-S (QPSK)
Symbol Rate (SR): 27500
FEC: 5/6
SID: 1850
VPID: 2140
APID: 2255

Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Faroe Islands, France, Gaza Strip, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Oman, Palestine (PNA), Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, SADR (Western Sahara), San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Serbia (Kosovo), Slovakia, Slovenia, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Trkiye, UAE, United Kingdom, Vatican City, West Bank, Yemen.

Nilesat 201

Position: 7.0W
Frequency (MHz): 11958
Polarization: H
Modulation: DVB-S (QPSK)
Symbol Rate (SR): 27500
FEC: 5/6
SID: 839
VPID: 554
APID: 555

Algeria, Bahrain, Cyprus, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gaza Strip, Gibraltar, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine (PNA), Qatar, SADR (Western Sahara), Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, UAE, Uganda (in some parts), West Bank, Yemen.

Residents of India can now find RT International on the DD Free Dish satellite service operated by state-owned broadcaster Prasar Bharati. The channel was added to its content on April 1.

The US and its allies have been working for years to reduce RTs international presence, claiming that the outlet serves as an instrument of Russian propaganda. After the conflict in Ukraine escalated last year, many Western nations demanded that platforms ban RT content from being shown on their territory.



EPL: Newcastle, Bournemouth, West Ham win; Chelsea lose "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Alexander Isak scored a superb winner as Newcastle came from behind to beat Brentford and strengthen their position in the Premier Leagues top four. After Joelintons ball across the face of goal was diverted into the net by Brentford goalkeeper David Raya to level the scores after 54 minutes, Eddie Howes side got the []


Round-Up: ChatGPT, Bard, etc - We Did Ask What Could Go Wrong, Didn't We? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

OpenAI threatened with landmark defamation lawsuit over ChatGPT false claims

A spokesperson for Gordon Legal provided a statement to Ars confirming that responses to text prompts generated by ChatGPT 3.5 and 4 vary, with defamatory comments still currently being generated in ChatGPT 3.5. Among "several false statements" generated by ChatGPT were falsehoods stating that Brian Hood "was accused of bribing officials in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam between 1999 and 2005, that he was sentenced to 30 months in prison after pleading guilty to two counts of false accounting under the Corporations Act in 2012, and that he authorised payments to a Malaysian arms dealer acting as a middleman to secure a contract with the Malaysian Government." Because "all of these statements are false," Gordon Legal "filed a Concerns Notice to OpenAI" that detailed the inaccuracy and demanded a rectification. "As artificial intelligence becomes increasingly integrated into our society, the accuracy of the information provided by these services will come under close legal scrutiny," James Naughton, Hood's lawyer, said, noting that if a defamation claim is raised, it "will aim to remedy the harm caused" to Hood and "ensure the accuracy of this software in his case.")

It was only a matter of time before ChatGPTan artificial intelligence tool that generates responses based on user text promptswas threatened with its first defamation lawsuit. That happened last month, Reuters reported today, when an Australian regional mayor, Brian Hood, sent a letter on March 21 to the tool's developer, OpenAI, announcing his plan to sue the company for ChatGPT's alleged role in spreading false claims that he had gone to prison for bribery.

To avoid the landmark lawsuit, Hood gave OpenAI 28 days to modify ChatGPT's responses and stop the tool from spouting disinformation.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Deterrence can never fail, it can only be failed "IndyWatch Feed World"

The government of a country makes explicit or implicit threats to another: if you cross this line, we will inflict harm upon you. The threat fails; the government crosses the designated line. Has deterrence failed?

Well, yes. Of course. By definition. It is, for example, unequivocally true that the United States did not deter Russia from invading Georgia in 2008, nor Ukraine in 2014, nor Ukraine (again) in 2022. Should you have any doubts about this, you can always go read a nearly four-thousand word Foreign Policy article on the subject.

I agree with its authors, Liam Collins and Frank Sobchak, that U.S. policymakers made a number of mistakes in handling Russia. Trumps rhetoric concerning NATO, Russia, and Ukraine did not exactly help make U.S. deterrence credible; then again, Trump wasnt in office when Putin ordered the invasion. In retrospect, Obamas decision to withhold lethal aid from Ukraine was probably mistake, as not much seemed to happen when the Trump administration reversed course. But do we really think that providing more javelins in 2015 or 2016 would have deterred Putins invasion?

Apparently, yes. For Collins and Subchak, Washingtons failure to deter Russia means that U.S. policymakers should, ipso facto, have adopted a more hardline policy toward Russia. But much like the opposite claimthat Georgia and Ukraine prove that the U.S. should have adopted a more accommodating approach toward Russia, for example, by not expanding NATOwere looking at reasoning that is less ipso facto than post hoc ergo propter hoc.

That is, just because X preceded Y does not mean X caused Y. In the context of policy analysis we might add that just because Y is bad doesnt mean Y would be better.

Sometimes, X isnt even X. The fact that deterrence failed doesnt imply that any attempt to accommodate Russia was a capitulation to Moscow. Sometimes the opposite is true.

For instance, Collins and Sobchak argue that Ukraine shows the folly of Obamas decision to cancel the Third Site anti-ballistic missile system, which involving placing radar in the Czech Republic and interceptors in Poland.

But the Obama administration replaced the Third Site with the European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA), which (as the Russians soon figured out) was easier for the United States to upgrade into the kind of system Moscow worried about. EPAA also entailed eventual deployments in Romania; Obama...


Finally, Some Real Precipitation for the Pacific Northwest "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

One thing that really stands out this winter has been the lack of heavy rain over western Washington, particularly since the start of the new year.   One hardly needed an umbrella for the past few months.

To illustrate, below is a plot of the daily precipitation over the past six months at SeaTac.  A handful of wet days (up to 1-1.5 inches) in December and then the spigot turned off in 2023,  with the wettest days only hitting around 0.5 inches.   I have cycled to work pretty much every day.

The central issue is that there has been a lack of warm, wet atmospheric river events moving into the Northwest.  Instead, the moisture plumes have gone into California.   Interestingly,  during this winter San Francisco has received Seattle's normal rainfall and vice-versa (see below).



Kyrgyzstan: Police fine Catholic nun for alleged evangelization "IndyWatch Feed War"

Its the same story the world order: so many Muslims, like Leftists, are desperately insecure and fearful of any kind of challenge. Thus they move to crush free speech regarding Islam as well as proselytizing for any other religion. Indeed, proselytizing for any other religion among Muslims is a Sharia offense. Kyrgyz police fine Catholic []


What Flight 50 Means for the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

JPLs Ingenuity helicopter is preparing for the 50th flight of its 5-flight mission to Mars. Flight 49, which took place last weekend, was its fastest and highest yetthe little helicopter flew 282 meters at an altitude of 16 meters, reaching a top speed of 6.50 meters per second. Not a bad performance for a tech demo that was supposed to be terminated two years ago.

From here, things are only going to get more difficult for Ingenuity. As the Perseverance rover continues its climb up Jezero craters ancient river delta, Ingenuity is trying its best to scout ahead. But, the winding hills and valleys make it difficult for the helicopter to communicate with the rover, and through the rover, to its team back on Earth. And there isnt a lot of time or room to spare, because Ingenuity isnt allowed to fly too close to Perseverance, meaning that if the rover ever catches up to the helicopter, the helicopter may have to be left behind for the rovers own safety. This high-stakes race between the helicopter scout and the science rover will continue for kilometers.

Two years in, 10 kilometers flown, and were well over an hour now in the skies of Mars.
Teddy Tzanetos, NASA

For the Ingenuity team, this new mode of operation was both a challenge and an opportunity. This was nothing new for folks who have managed to keep this 30-day technology demo alive and healthy and productive for years, all from a couple hundred million kilometers away. IEEE Spectrum spoke with Ingenuity Team Lead Teddy Tzanetos at JPL last week about whether flying on Mars is ever routine, how they upgraded Ingenuity for its extended mission, and what the helicopters success means for the future of airborne exploration and science on Mars.

IEEE Spectrum: Is 50 flights on Mars a milestone for you folks, or are things routine enough now that youre looking at it as just another flight?

Teddy Tzanetos: Its hugely meaningful. Well come back to the routine question in a second, but its very meaningful for all of us. When we hit 10 and then 25 it was big, but 50 is a pretty serious number now that were 10X our initial flight count. Two years in, 10 kilometers flown, and were well over an hour now in the skies of Mars. So hitting flight 50, its a big thingwere probably going t...


What Happens When Your Social Media Photos End Up in the Hands of Police "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Law enforcement agencies, from police departments to ICE, are using facial recognition, sometimes leading to wrongful arrests.

On Continuity in U.S. Military Basing Practices "IndyWatch Feed World"

If you are interested in U.S. military basing policy, you have a lot of good work to read these days.

Some recent contributions to this literatureMichael A. Allen et al.s Beyond the Wire: U.S. Military Deployments and Host Country Public Opinion and Sebastian Schmidts earlier Armed Guests: Territorial Sovereignty and Foreign Military Basinghave already been covered on The Duck. Claudia Junghyun Kims new book, Base Towns: Local Contestation of the U.S. Military in Korea and Japan, is just the latest entry in a burgeoning field.

Much of this work is motivated at least in part by an increasingly powerful China and debate about the extent to which overseas U.S. bases will allow it to project sufficient power to deter Chinese revisionism in the region. (This similarly motivates recent work that seeks to specify different types of revisionism.) The debate on the efficacy of tripwire forces, for example, is oriented toward such concerns.

Given such interest in current U.S. basing arrangements, this literature tends to focus on basing as it has been practiced since the end of World War Two (or, instead, since the Spanish-American War of 1898). There is often good reason to do so, but as I will discuss in an MPSA presentation next week, I believe that there is more continuity in the history of U.S. military basing policy than is typically assumed.

Allen et al. offer a helpful starting point in thinking about this continuity. As they write, The US has a long history of using military bases to expand its influence. The process of westward expansion across the North American continent was accompanied by the construction of numerous military bases to aid in the projection of military power against Great Britain, Spain, France, Mexico, and Native Americans, as it sought to assert control over the increasingly vast territories settlers occupied.

Allen et al. ultimately distance this pre-1898 basing from post-1898 basing: [T]he US ultimately sought to extend direct control over these territories, making...


Good Friday Agreements heavy-lifters still wait for Easter Sunday "IndyWatch Feed"

In Northern Irelands most challenged neighbourhoods and communities, where advocating for the Agreement carried the greatest risk, the 25 years since its signing have been a long harrowing of broken promises, stalled initiatives, and predatory practices.

From the mid-nineties onwards, buoyed by the prospect of local power-sharing, a raft of social policies emerged with the potential of consolidating the decades of grassroots activism that maintained local communities (urban and rural) in the face of violence.

Under New Labour, the first Compact between Government and the community and voluntary sector was re-interpreted locally through the lens of the newly formed Department for Social Developments Partners for Change document recognising the big-picture role of the sector in delivering shared outcomes. The role of churches in building social capital was also increasingly recognised by the Department.

Sure Start, a targeted programme for parents and children under the age of four living in the top 25% most disadvantaged wards in Northern Ireland, was introduced in 2000 as part of the Northern Ireland Childcare Strategy. People and Place a strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal was launched in 2003, supporting 150 projects in 36 neighbourhoods in the most deprived 10% of wards across Northern Ireland as identified by the Noble deprivation measures.  

Despite some positive indicators around education, performance of the Neighbourhood Renewal strategy has been mixed in relation to economic indicators, and poor in relation to health and crime indicators. The most recent evaluation of the strategy (a considerable nine years ago) revealed People and Place did not substantially deliver on its overall aim of closing the gap in the quality of life between people in those areas and the rest of society. However this performance needs to be understood within the constraints of funding cuts by the NI Executive.

During this evaluation period the total Neighbourhood Renewal budget was 25m   already having been cut by 25% during 2007-2014. Following a reduction to 18.3m in 2016, the budget for 2018 faced a further 4% cut. In February 2020, the then Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey publicly committed to a review of the strategy which is still ongoing.The most recent confirmed annual allocation was around 18m. 

While most of these initiatives originated in the years before the NI Executive, or while it was suspended, the...


The Sensitive Ukraine Documents Werent Grabbed From Social Control Media, Just Leaked There (Microsoft Azure, Windows, and/or Rogue Insider Most Probable Factor to Blame) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It also appeared in Microsofts Minecraft (proprietary) first, not Telegram or Twitter; Azure has many security holes and permission/access problems


Sinking ship

Summary: Microsoft-friendly media seems to be running somewhat of an intentionally deceitful campaign blaming the wrong companies or misplacing liability; the war documents that leaked didnt come from Telegram or Twitter (Social Control Media) but servers we suspect were hosted by Microsoft, a notorious war grifter in Ukraine (profiting from mayhem and contributing to the mayhem* at both sides**)
* 2022 report, citing this one: The Telegraph tries to pin the blame for the lack of service on the headline-grabbing Ukraine war, saying that it is due to the company agreeing to host Ukraines entire government on its remote servers.

Microsoft declines new cloud customers after promise to Ukraine

** Also 2 days ago in Compliance Week and elsewhere:



YouTube suspends pro-Trump network on eve of President Trumps arraignment "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Cindy Harper | Reclaim The Net | April 4, 2023

YouTube has suspended the channel of Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) for allegedly violating its election misinformation policies. The 7-day ban came a day before Donald Trumps arraignment in Manhattan, and the networks coverage of the arraignment.

RSBN is an independent media organization founded in 2015, primarily focused on providing conservative news coverage and commentary in the United States.

The network gained prominence during the 2016 presidential campaign by live-streaming Donald Trumps rallies and events. Since then, the network has continued to cover conservative political events, speeches, and interviews, while also providing analysis and opinion on relevant topics.

RSBN is recognized for its pro-Trump stance and sharing of conservative viewpoints in the media landscape.

On Monday, the network received a notice that several of its videos, including an exclusive interview with Trump in Mar-a-Lago, his recent rally in Waco, Texas, and his comments at the most recent CPAC event, had been removed for violating its election misinformation policies.

Aside from violating policies against making claims of fraud in the 2020 elections and 2022 election in , the videos were also removed for lack of countervailing views.

Because of the violations, YouTube imposed one strike and temporarily suspended the channel for a week, the same week when President Trump became the first US President in history to face criminal charges.

Accordingly, the videos have been removed and a strike has been applied to the channel, and as a result, uploads and live streams by your account are suspended for a week. You can read more about our strikes system here, a YouTube representative told RSBN.

Conveniently, YouTubes Orwellian censorship practices have returned just one day before President Trump is arraigned in a gross weaponization of the justice system, RBN said in a statement.

Rather than allowing RSBN to show a countervailing view are simply shutting down our efforts. Again, they are leaving millions of Americans voiceless in the face of tyranny.

This isnt the first time RSBN has been suspended from YouTube just hours before a planned event.


Estimulacin de lluvias ya se refleja en suelos del polgono del Cutzamala "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Los primeros eventos de lluvia los absorbe la tierra y luego habr escurrimientos hacia las presas Cutzamala, Valle de Bravo y El Bosque. Garantizar abasto []

La entrada Estimulacin de lluvias ya se refleja en suelos del polgono del Cutzamala se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Zulum Flags Off Construction Of N5.84bn Flyover, City Estate In Maiduguri "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Borno State Governor, Prof. Babagana Zulum has flagged off the construction of N5.84 billion Borno Express flyover in Maiduguri to ease tragic congestion in the city and 16 blocks of 2-storey bedroom houses. The flyover is the second of its kind to be constructed in the city, second to the Customs Flyover, the first []


How Buhari/Cabal Misled Atiku Into selling Properties, Shares in Apple, Borrowed $30M from Chief Arthur Eze "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

As the presidential campaign threw into full gear, Atiku obliged and kept his end of the bargain against the wishes of many PDP top shots who were privy to the details of the gentlemanly agreement with the President. Other political associates close to Atiku were also uncomfortable with the arrangement and expressed misgivings. But Atiku []


Will You Become a Computer Before You Die? | Unveiled "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Is THIS how well all live forever?? Join us, and find out!


In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at a new rival to AI and quantum computing OI Organoid Intelligence! Using tiny versions of our own brains, scientists are powering a new digital revolution! But could it ALSO mean that, one day, we all live forever??

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
6 Scientific Breakthroughs Predicted For Your Lifetime
Did This AI Just SOLVE Quantum Physics

0:00 Intro.
0:38 Future Computers.
2:20 Organoid Intelligence Biocomputers.
4:29 What Will Happen Next?
5:20 Chance to Live Forever?
7:11 Conclusions.


Osun NUJ Greets Christian Faithful On Easter "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Chairman of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Osun State Chapel, Comrade Wasiu Ajadosu has said it is only in the display of love that the essence of the Easter celebration could be meaningful. In his message to Christians on the Easter celebration, Ajadosu beseeched adherents of the faith to show love for one []


The MK-II Aurora spaceplane reaches a major milestone with rocket flight "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Dawn Aerospace.

In case you have not heard of them, Dawn Aerospace is one of the fastest-growing private space companies in the world, with clients from Europe, Asia, and the United States. They call themselves a green in-space propulsion supplier, and they also, to date, have around 11 operational satellites currently in orbit.


Physicists Simulated a Black Hole in The Lab, And Then It Started to Glow "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A synthetic analog of a black hole could tell us a thing or two about an elusive radiation theoretically emitted by the real thing.

Using a chain of atoms in single-file to simulate the event horizon of a black hole, a team of physicists observed the equivalent of what we call Hawking radiation particles born from disturbances in the quantum fluctuations caused by the black holes break in spacetime.

This, they say, could help resolve the tension between two currently irreconcilable frameworks for describing the Universe: the general theory of relativity, which describes the behavior of gravity as a continuous field known as spacetime; and quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of discrete particles using the mathematics of probability.


Early KDE Plasma 6 Development State: "It's Still Rough, But It's Usable" "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

KDE developer Nate Graham is out with his weekly recap of notable KDE desktop developments for this first week of April...


Why the US Fears Arab Normalisation with Syria "IndyWatch Feed War"

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticised US President Joe Biden for meddling in Israeli affairs by warning against the current extreme right-wing governments plan to subjugate Israels supreme court to control by the Knesset.  This means subjecting the court to the authority of the government-of-the-day and its prime minister.  The court serves as the sole check on the legislative Continue reading Why the US Fears Arab Normalisation with Syria


Uncovering the Secret Service Scandal: The Malia Litman FOIA Case and Revealed Documents "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Malia Litman FOIA case refers to a notable Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by Malia Litman, an attorney and blogger who sought records related to the U.S. Secret Services alleged misconduct during a 2012 trip to Cartagena, Colombia.

Malia Litman is an attorney and blogger who focuses on government transparency, accountability, and misconduct. She is particularly known for her work in uncovering and sharing information about the Secret Service scandal.

In 2012, a group of Secret Service agents and military personnel were accused of soliciting prostitutes and engaging in other inappropriate conduct while on assignment in Cartagena, Colombia, for the Summit of the Americas. The incident led to an internal investigation, with several agents being dismissed or disciplined.

Litman filed a FOIA request seeking records related to this incident, and after experiencing delays and unresponsiveness from the Secret Service, she sued the agency in 2014 to obtain the documents. In 2016, the agency finally released thousands of pages of records in response to her lawsuit.

The released documents revealed details about the misconduct, including the involvement of more agents than previously reported, attempts by some agents to cover up their actions, and questionable management practices within the Secret Service. The records also highlighted broader issues of culture and accountability within the agency.

In summary, Malia Litmans FOIA case played a significant role in shedding light on the Secret Services misconduct during the 2012 Cartagena trip and sparked discussions about the need for greater transparency and accountability within the agency.

These records were provided by the family of anthologist and transparency activist Russ Kick, from his papers, facilitated by the generous assistance of Dr. Susan Maret. This is not a complete collection set of his papers, but rather, a selection of items sent to The Black Vault for digital preservation.

Document Archive



4 Ways to Put Lasers on Silicon "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Photonic integrated circuits, which combine a collection of optoelectronic functions on a single chip, are an increasingly common part of everyday life. They are used in high-speed optical transceivers that link server racks in data centers, including the one used to deliver the IEEE Spectrum website, in lidars to keep self-driving cars on track, and in spectrometers to spot chemicals in the atmosphere, among many other applications. All these systems have grown less expensive and, in some cases have become economically feasible, by making most of the IC with silicon fabrication technologies.

Engineers have been able to integrate nearly every important optical function, including the essentials of modulation and detection, on silicon photonic chips, except for one: light emission. Silicon itself doesnt do that efficiently, so semiconductors made of so-called III-V materials, named for the place of their constituents on the periodic table, are typically used to make separately packaged components to produce light.

If you can live with an external laser diode in your design, theres no issue. But several factors have recently been pushing engineers to integrate lasers with silicon photonics. There may be, for example, no space for a separate light source. Tiny devices meant to be implanted in the body to monitor, for example, blood-sugar levels, might face this problem. Or an applications cost might call for closer integration: When you can fit hundreds or thousands of lasers on a single silicon wafer, you will end up with a lower cost and often higher reliability than when you need to connect separate chips.

There are many ways to achieve this tighter integration of lasers and silicon. Working at Imec, a Belgium-based nanoelectronics R&D center, we are currently pursuing four basic strategies: flip-chip processing, microtransfer printing, wafer bonding, and monolithic integration. What follows is a guide to how these approaches work, their level of scalability and maturity, and their pros and cons.

A cartoon tray about half-full of red rectangles with an arrow connecting it to a larger gray disc covered with gold rectangles. In flip-chip bonding, las...


Twitter faces fines for not acting on German censorship demands "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Cindy Harper | Reclaim The Net | April 7, 2023

Twitter is facing fines in  for not censoring content deemed illegal under the countrys strict hate speech laws.

The federal government announced that it was investigating Twitters failures to act on censorship requests.

According to Chan-jo Jun, founder of specialist IT law firm JunIT Rechtsanwlte, the federal government is only acting on a few, out of the hundreds, of cases that have been reported.

Jun will be representing the Antisemitism Commissioner of the state Baden-Wrttemberg, Michael Blume.

Towards the end of last year, Juns firm filed a lawsuit against Twitter for refusing to remove hate speech content.

The court said that the tweets were illegal. On Tuesday the federal government said that there were sufficient indications of failures by Twitter.

Jun initially reported several tweets to the Federal Justice Office (BfJ). However, they were told that there was not enough material to prove systemic failure.

We had reported a number of cases to the [BfJ] at that time, and found that they agreed that these tweets were illegal but said they do not have enough material for a systematic failure. And thats when a group of volunteers started to systematically search for illegal content and keep reporting that and making a huge database and they kept submitting that to the [BfJ]. So its over 600 cases, he said.

The ones that are now subject to the [federal governments] case appear to be just the first ones. They picked them out because they were all similar in that way I think they came from the same user and had the same content. Thats probably why they chose those because it would be the easiest case to see that is systematical failure. That it was not a single failure of one content moderator but actually that the vast majority or all of reports were wrongly handled.

NetzDG carries a fine of up to 50 million per case, but Jun said it was unlikely that Twitter would be fined the maximum.

The law expects fines of up to 50 million for each case. It is possible that at first they will not take the full amount. Theres actually a table that states the intensity of the failure. So I would expect something between 5M and 20M to be the first fine, he suggested, in an interview with TechCrunch.


Ramadan in Nigeria: Muslims murder nine Christians in Plateau State "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Ramadan is the month in which Muslims redouble their efforts to please Allah. So Ramadan would be the ideal time for jihad attacks against non-Muslims, as it is the month in which observant Muslims try to do more of what Allah wants them to do. Kill them wherever you find them, says the Quran (2:191, []

When the Beatles Went to Boarding School "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Sixty years ago this week, a boys boarding school in England had a surprising presentation in its theater. 

The Beatles.

The group was just a year away from conquering the world, but it was already a phenomenon in England, and a date at a posh high school in Buckinghamshire was a curious booking.

Stowe School is a well-known private institution (what used to be called a public school). My best friend from prep school went there in the early 70s, and, because of his height, got roped into playing rugby. I remember it as an impressive, stately pile, set amongst one of the most famous of English gardens and parkland designed by Capability Brown, among others in the 18th century, and now managed by the National Trust.

Its also famous for the following ditty:

Where do you go?
What do you do?
Anything else?

That sells the school a bit short; its actually a well-regarded institution in a beautiful setting, and film fans might recognize the main building from such productions as The Crown, X-Men: First Class, Stardust, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

The schools history doesnt go back as far as some British private schools do; it was opened after the First World War as a new kind of educational experience, which probably just meant the boys werent beaten senseless and were fed rations that were likely to keep them alive.

The Beatles at Stowe has the ring of The Rolling Stones at Phillips Academy or Bob Dylan plays Groton, except that the Stones and Dylan are still extant (Dylan has been willing to play anywhere; the Stones have always had their price), and this was early 1963....


4/5/23 Matt Taibbi on the Danger of Digital Censorship "IndyWatch Feed War"

Download Episode. Scott was joined by Matt Taibbi this week on Antiwar Radio. They discuss some of Taibbis recent reporting on the government-NGO-corporate media joint effort to flag and suppress certain news and opinions that they deem to be disinformation. They take a step back and look at the broader context behind this story and []


Playing Games in Gemini: The Story of SpellBinding and More "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Video download link | md5sum 8d196c2e2e88e279fc4334d75dd299bb
SpellBinding in Gemini
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: A puzzle/game called SpellBinding has been going on for years at Geminispace and today we take a closer (but quick) look at it

Games aren't a new thing in Geminispace and we already covered some examples in the past, except we probably neglected to mention SpellBinding, which has daily riddles (this is todays).

Its how the Web used to be. Back when it was safe (secure) to useIn spite of its growth, many still bash Gemini because it does not do JavaScript and cannot impose layouts (styles) on visitors, instead allowing them to choose their own. In Gemini it is possible to implement and run programs, games etc. A lot of the heavy lifting is done at the server side, not the client side. This is a good thing. Its how the Web used to be. Back when it was safe (secure) to use

The above video shows a number of other Gemini pages from today, aside from our own. There may be millions of Gemini pages out there already. Its difficult to keep count. The developer of the client used above is back to working on it. Gemini has maintained growth momentum so far this year.


US efforts to ban TikTok are pure projection by the worlds biggest spy power "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Timur Fomenko | RT | April 4, 2023

As the United States contemplates a possible ban on TikTok, it relentlessly accuses Beijing of using the popular Chinese-owned social media application as a means of espionage, claiming that the Communist Party has access to user data.

Ironically, Washington itself is known to be doing exactly what US politicians are accusing China of doing. Using the unique advantage of having jurisdiction over the worlds top internet companies, the US has given itself the right to look into the private communications of foreign citizens anywhere in the world. Combine that data-sharing between intelligence agencies of the US and its allies, and you get the most comprehensive espionage regime in the world.

While American politicians and media constantly talk about fears of Chinese espionage, the near-absence of coverage of Washingtons own spying efforts ought to be a reminder of where the true power lies. When it comes to the shady activities of the CIA and the NSA, the public tends to only learn what they did years later from declassified documents, or what they have been doing all along from rare whistleblowers like Edward Snowden. All discussion and speculation about what they may be doing right now tends to be dismissed as conspiracy theories. Conversely, allegations of Chinese spying activities are constantly explained as we all know theyre doing it in the public eye, despite the lack of solid proof.

These warning signs remind us that the most cryptic source of all spying in the world is not China, but the US. Since the Second World War, the US has, in conjunction with Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, maintained a worldwide spying regime known as the Five Eyes which, in the age of mass communications, has been designed so that each government can bypass its own privacy laws and judicial restraints in order to spy on each others citizens, while supplying information within the group. In doing so, they have created a number of communication interception and surveillance programs, as revealed by Snowden, such as PRISM, ECHELON, XKEYSCORE, etc.

Of course, the US nearly holds a monopoly over the means of information and data gathering definitely more so than any other country. This is because it has the privilege of having the worlds most dominant internet companies located on its own soil, such as Google, Microsoft, Twitter and Meta. These organizations are required by law to share data with the US government and authorities should they request it. But the US has also gone even further, as revealed by the Washington Post in 2020, the CIA had secretly...


China warns US seeking cyber hegemony "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | April 8, 2023

China has dismissed US moves to control spyware and accused Washington of seeking to maintain hegemony in cyberspace under the false pretext of national security.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said the recent White House order to crack down on certain surveillance tech would not change the fact that Washington is the biggest threat to global cybersecurity. US agencies have targeted foreign states and companies under the pretexts of national security and human rights without any evidence, Ning claimed.

The US government, in an attempt to maintain its hegemony in cyberspace, knowingly abuses technology for cyber surveillance and theft of secrets, she told reporters on Friday, urging the US to stop its global hacking operations.

While US president Joe Bidens new executive order called to ban commercial spyware that poses risks to national security or has been misused by foreign actors, a reporter at Fridays press briefing noted the move was at odds with the administrations previous work with the Israeli cyber surveillance firm NSO Group.

According to a report in the New York Times earlier this week, the US government signed a secret contract with the firm through a front company in 2021, which allowed officials to use NSO Groups Landmark geolocation tool to covertly track thousands of phone users in Mexico. The deal also allows for Landmark to be used against mobile numbers in the United States, though the outlet said it had no evidence that had happened yet.

Despite language in the executive order urging federal agencies to stop employing tools that have been misused by governments abroad, the deal with NSO Group still appears to be active, the NYT reported.

The Israeli firm has previously come under fire for allegedly working with more than a dozen foreign states to target lawyers, journalists and human rights activists using its powerful Pegasus spyware program, including in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Mexico. Other media reports have also claimed the FBI bought the tech under a secret agreement and tested ways to hack into American cell phones, though it remains unclear to what extent the program was deployed against US citizens....


Taiwanese PC Company MSI Falls Victim to Ransomware Attack "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Taiwanese PC company MSI (short for Micro-Star International) officially confirmed it was the victim of a cyber attack on its systems. The company said it "promptly" initiated incident response and recovery measures after detecting "network anomalies." It also said it alerted law enforcement agencies of the matter. That said, MSI did not disclose any specifics about when the attack took place


Bear kills jogger on woodland path in northern Italy "IndyWatch Feed World"

A bear attacked and killed a jogger on a woodland path in north-east Italy, the first case of its kind, a source close to the case told AFP on Friday. Andrea Papi, 26, was killed on Wednesday while out running in the mountainous region near his village, Caldes, in the Trentino region. His family raised the alarm when he failed to return and a search team found his body overnight. He had suffered deep wounds to the neck, arms and chest, and an autopsy carried out on Friday concluded that he had been attacked by a bear, the source added, confirming Italian news reports. In March, a man was attacked by a bear in the same region, prompting a debate on the dangers posed by the animals, which were reintroduced there between 1996 and 2004.


Mikel Reveal How He Paid Crazy Ransom To Rescue His Dad "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Former Nigerian football player, Mikel John Obi in a recent interview disclosed how he was able to rescue his father from the hand of his abductors in 2018. Speaking on Dubai Eye 103.8 Sport, the ex-Chelsea player revealed that he paid the abductors a crazy amount of money to get his dad back. It would []


Europa Vernietigt Zichzelf (42) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Negentien jaar geleden zond de BBC televisie The Power of Nightmares uit, een fascinerende serie waarover  Wikipedia het volgende meldt:

The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear is a BBC television documentary series by Adam Curtis. It mainly consists of archive footage, with Curtis narrating. The series was originally broadcast in the United Kingdom in 2004. It has subsequently been aired in multiple countries and shown at various film festivals, including the 2005 Cannes Film Festival.

The film compares the rise of the neoconservative movement in the United States and the radical Islamist movement, drawing comparisons between their origins, and remarking on similarities between the two groups. More controversially, it argues that radical Islamism as a massive, sinister organization, specifically in the form of al-Qaeda, is a myth, or noble lie, perpetrated by leaders of many countries and particularly neo...


Being Igbo "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Culturally, we are wired to seek the best at all times and in all circumstances! But being Igbo would not earn you an advantage with the Igbo over a more competent non-Igbo that ticks the desired boxes we admire hardwork honesty is a desirable virtue among my people competence is a character trait one must []


Easter: Sports Minister Reminds Nigerians On Need To Embrace Love, Peace "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Sunday Dare has expressed his desire for Nigerians to continue to abide in the love of Christ and to extend that love to one another whilst also including brothers and sisters of different faiths. The Minister who spoke to Nigerians in a statement issued on Good Friday penned down []


The Parang "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Most bladesmiths have a shelf of shame and woe or a box labeled fucked in their shop. If theyre busy smiths, its generally pretty full.

When I first went out to Dragonfly Forge, I was almost sent into shock by the stack of katana blades (lightly rusted) stacked against one open piece of wall what a waste! Now, however, I know that each of those is there for a reason: a bad weld, a chipped edge, a botched quench, a severe warp, or simply that it belongs to that guy who never came back for it. Its easier to make a fresh start with a fresh billet, than to figure out all that stuff. When Jenna The Welder came over to my shop (to teach me how to weld better!) she noticed on piece that was sitting there (lightly rusted) and asked about it. It was a weird square-ended heavy choppy thing I made as an experiment and I never finished because the shape of the blade made me think itd be really rough to grind an edge onto. So: it sat.

The problem is, you cant just tell someone, oh, take it and go finish it because its a blade you made, and if they go screw it up and then go show all their friends, Marcus made this and the way they finished it sucks, people will conclude you suck. Given all that, I picked the thing up and went over to the grinder and a couple hours later, it had actually turned out pretty well. Coincidentally, I had a block of black linen micarta and some silver rod stock, so there, thatll be the handle etc.

These notes resume in progress of a blade that was made two years ago, so there is a large gap in the story. I probably have photos of the blade being made, but to find them Id need to know the date the blade was forged, so I could search my iPhone image archive (which is foldered by day). And I dont care that much. Lets pick up with some things about making a slab handle.

The parang is about 1/4 thick at the spine, so sharpening it meant removing a whole lot of metal. I did most of that with an angle grinder and flap disk, and a die grinder with a sanding drum for the interior curves. Then, I used the platen on the grinder to flatten where the handle will go, and took it over to the drill press for some holes for the pins, and a lanyard hole at the butt, because: lanyard hole! I have been meaning to do a posting about the importance of tangs in knives, and how you must get those right, or else, especially for a weapon. This thing has to withstand the repeated shock of hitting the concrete-hard skull of proud boys, so its nice and thick. Besides, if youre whacking someone on the head with a 19 long bar of 1/4 thick steel, it may not even need an edge just call it a crowbar and be done.



Snowbird resort in Utah got 5 FEET of April snow in 3 days - season total currently 809 inches "IndyWatch Feed World"

Here's a couple quick photos of the April showers have totaled 60+ inches since Sunday at Snowbird Ski Resort in Utah. Yesterday the resort had avalanche on the lower portion of Mt. Superior and above the Chickadee lift, which forced Little Cottonwood Canyon back into interlodge. A full search was conducted of the avalanche debris which confirmed that no guests or employees were buried.


Design for People "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

We all make things. Sometimes we make things for ourselves, sometimes for the broader hacker community, and sometimes we make things for normal folks. Its this last category where it gets tricky, and critical. I was reminded of all of this watching Chris Combs excellent Supercon 2022 talk on how to make it as an artist.

But Im not making art! I hear you say? About half of Chris talk is about how he makes his tech art worry-free for galleries to install, and that essentially means making it normie-proof making sure it runs as soon as the power is turned on, day in, day out, without hacker intervention, because venues hate having you on site to debug. As Tom joked in the podcast, its a little bit like designing for space: its a strange environment, you cant send out repair teams, and it has to have failsafes that make sure it works.

What is striking about the talk is that there is a common core of practices that make our hardware projects more reliable, whatever their destination. Things like having a watchdog thatll reboot if it goes wrong, designing for modularity whenever possible, building in hanging or mounting options if thats relevant, and writing up at least a simple, si...


Tehran Professor: Less Than 10% of Iranians Want to Annihilate Israel "IndyWatch Feed War"

Prof. Sadegh Zibakalam, once a supporter of the Islamic Republic, has been more and more outspoken in his criticism of the regime. Some Iranians in exile are still suspicious of him, given that he is apparently able to avoid punishment and even retains his post as a professor at Tehran University. More in Zibalakams recent []


It Takes All Kinds to Make the World Go Round "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Like the world, it takes all kinds to make America, America: and now is the time for every American to decide what kind of American they are.

Saturday, 08 April


Turkey 'targets SDF commander' in Iraq strike for second time in months "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey 'targets SDF commander' in Iraq strike for second time in months

Kurdish armed group denies its leader has been targeted following a drone attack in Sulaymaniyah
Levent Kemal Sat, 04/08/2023 - 14:43
Mazloum Abdi gives a press conference near the northeastern Syrian Hassakeh province on 24 October 2019 (AFP)
Mazloum Abdi gives a press conference near the northeastern Syrian Hassakeh province on 24 October 2019 (AFP)

A senior Kurdish military leader was reportedly targeted in a drone attack on Friday in Iraq's Sulaymaniyah, which Iraqi and Kurdish officials blamed on Turkey.

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in northern Iraq said that an explosion occurred near the Sulaymaniyah airport in the afternoon but left no casualties or damages. 

The target was a convoy which included Mazloum Abdi, the commander of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), and three US military personnel, Kurdish activists and US officials have said.

There were no casualties in the strike, which was confirmed by a spokesperson for US Central Command, according to the Wall Street Journal. 

The KRG and the SDF denied the reports that Abdi was targeted.

Turkey has not commented on the strike. 

Middle East Eye asked Turkish authorities for comment but did not receive a response at the time of publication. 

Abdi on Saturday blamed Ankara for the attack but stopped short of confirming if he was in the...


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

<p><a href="" rel= "noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img alt="" class= "wp-image-45178 aligncenter" height="473" src= "" width="688"></a></p> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><a href= "" rel= "noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">PRIVATE BLOG Can the Stock Market Crash & the Dollar Together?


Macron & Von Der Leyens Trip To China Served A Very Pragmatic Purpose "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Andrew Korybko | April 8, 2023

Many in the Alt-Media Community (AMC) dismissed the importance of French President Macron and European Commissioner Von Der Leyens trip to China, implying that President Xi wasted his precious time meeting with them over several days all for nothing. In truth, their trip actually served a pragmatic purpose in that it allowed each party to speak candidly about their concerns at this pivotal moment in the global systemic transition, hence why all sides made the time to meet with one another in Beijing.

While its true that the two European representatives wishfully hoped that theyd sway their Chinese counterpart around to seeing the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine the same way that they do, that wasnt the primary reason why everyone took the time out of their busy schedules last week. What really brought them all together in Beijing was the impending inflection point thats quickly approaching in that aforementioned conflict.

Kievs upcoming counteroffensive will be a make-or-break moment. On the one hand, it could wildly succeed in pushing Russia back to its pre-2014 borders, in which scenario China could then feel compelled to arm Moscow as a last resort in order to preemptively avert the possibility of it losing. That would in turn prompt the US to pressure the EU into sanctioning the Peoples Republic, thus spiking the chances that theyll swiftly decouple, which would harm both of their interests while advancing the US.

On the other hand, however, Kievs counteroffensive might not ultimately achieve all that much as evidenced by the Washington Posts report a month back about how poorly its troops are faring. In that scenario, Russia could either flip the momentum to make a major breakthrough across the Line of Contact and beyond or seriously encourage Kiev to agree to a ceasefire. The last-mentioned possibility would certainly be...


SCOTUS Bonus "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas accepted expensive vacation trips from a powerful right-wing billionaire and failed to disclose them. 

While youre here enjoying Ted Ralls latest cartoon, please take a moment and read articles on related topics: 


AI Video Generators Are Nearing a Crucial Tipping Point "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Memes made with AI video generator algorithms are suddenly everywhere. Their sudden proliferation may herald an imminent explosion in the technologys capability.


What is the Marburg virus? WHO confirms outbreak of the deadly viral disease in Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The World Health Organization confirmed an outbreak of the virus in Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania earlier this year. Authorities first issued a warning for Equatorial Guinea in February following a series of deaths in early January. The Ministry of Health of Tanzania then announced its own outbreak in late March.

There have been 14 confirmed cases in Equatorial Guinea since the epidemic began, with 10 of those patients dying, according to the CDC An outbreak among a group of fisherman in Tanzania produced eight confirmed cases of the viral fever, five of which were fatal, the CDC said.

The CDC on Thursday warned doctors to watch for possible imported cases and patients exhibiting symptoms that include fever, fatigue, and blood-strained vomit and diarrhea. There have not been any reported cases of Marburg virus thus far in the US and the CDC said the risk of imported cases is relatively low.


Samsung employees reportedly leaked sensitive info on ChatGPT "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Samsung Electronics employees interacting with artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT accidentally leaked company information, according to an exclusive report by the South Korean outlet The Economist.

Employees in the companys semiconductor division told the news outlet that corporate data was leaked on three separate occasions.

The website said the leaks came within 20 days after the South Korean conglomerate had lifted a ban on the chatbot.


Is Artificial Intelligence Better at Assessing Heart Health? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Who can assess and diagnose cardiac function best after reading an echocardiogram: artificial intelligence (AI) or a sonographer?


Sparks of AGI: early experiments with GPT-4 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

CSAIL lectures with Sebastien Bubeck (April 6,2023) The new wave of AI systems, ChatGPT and its more powerful successors, exhibit extraordinary capabilities across a broad swath of domains. In light of this, we discuss whether artificial INTELLIGENCE has arrived.


How a worms embryonic cells change its development potential "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers have spotted how specific proteins within the chromosomes of roundworms enable their offspring to produce specialized cells generations later, a startling finding that upends classical thinking that hereditary information for cell differentiation is mostly ingrained within DNA and other genetic factors.

The Johns Hopkins University team reports for the first time the mechanisms by which a protein known as H3 controls when and how worm embryos produce both highly specific cells and , cells that can turn certain genes on and off to produce varying kinds of body tissue. The details are published today in Science Advances.

The new research could shed light on how mutations associated with these proteins influence various diseases. In children and young adults, for example, histone H3 is closely associated with various cancers.


Gods in the machine? The rise of AI may result in new religions "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The increasing presence of artificial intelligence could lead to a new wave of AI-worshippers enough to form an organized religion.


Iran installs cameras in public to monitor women taking off hijab "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iran installs cameras in public to monitor women taking off hijab

Iranian police will send text messages to women who break the country's dress code rules
MEE staff Sat, 04/08/2023 - 14:11
Iranian women shop at the bazaar of Tajrish in northern Tehran on January 25, 2023. Iran said it will also urge business owners to report women who are not wearing the veil (AFP)

Iranian police have installed cameras in public places and thoroughfares to stop women from taking off the hijab and violating the country's dress code.

In a statement, police said that those who violate the country's rules would receive a "warning text message as to the consequences" of their actions. 

The police statement also urged business owners to "seriously monitor the observance of societal norms with their diligent inspections".

Many Iranian women have been taking off their veils and publicly posting about it online in protest against the government since 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died in police custody last year after being arrested for allegedly wearing her mandatory hijab "inappropriately".

Despite security forces violently putting down the protest against Amini's death, many women continue to defy the obligatory dress code in malls, restaurants, shops and streets. 

After the 1979 revolution, Iran enforced laws demanding women to cover their hair and wear long, loose-fitting clothes to disguise their figures. Those who violate the law face public rebuke, fines o...


Dead whale discovered in San Leandro, California "IndyWatch Feed World"

A dead whale appeared to washed ashore near San Leandro Marina Park Friday. NBC Bay Area's SkyRanger flew over the area and captured it near the San Leandro Marina. A group of people were seen gathered around it taking pictures. The Marine Mammal Center told NBC Bay Area that their team was alerted Friday afternoon by the California Academy of Sciences of a dead gray whale that was floating offshore in San Leandro. Officials added that group of their experts plan to respond to the dead whale "depending on tidal patterns and location accessibility."


One Killed, Resident Flee As Rival Cult Groups Clash In Ughelli "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


File photo

LAGOS APRIL 8TH (URHOBOTODAY)-An unidentified man suspected to be his late 30s has been killed in an alleged resumed hostilities between two rival cult groups in Ughelli, Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta state.

Though, the cause of the rivalry between cult groups could not be ascertained as at the time of this report as the remains of deceased was seen lying lifeless at the entrance of Ughwe street in Otovwodo-Ughelli

Residents of the street have all fled the area for fear not to be arrested innocently by the Nigerian Police for questioning.

A source who pleaded anonymity told Independent that the incident occurred around 9:40pm yesterday. we were all indoors at that time, when i heard gun shots and I peeped through my window I saw boys wielding weapons I immediately asked my son to put off our power generating set.

According to the sources, at time the entire street became quite like grave yard and said the situation lasted for about fifteen minutes, then the voices of the boys clashing outside died down.

when dawn came, it was one of my neighbours that that told me that it was a rival cult clash between Aro baga and Eiye fraternity and that there is a lifeless body with stain of blood on the street and residents around the area are all fleeing their home for fear of not falling victim of Police extortion over something they no nothing about.

The Delta State Police Command Police Public Relations Officer PPRO Mr Edafe Bright when contacted said, the clash between the two rival cult groups in Ughelli came as a rumour, there was no official report of the incident and I heard that the family members of the slain cult came to carry the body away.

Daily Independent



Austria: Six Afghan Muslim migrants sexually assault woman "IndyWatch Feed War"

Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslim migrants involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Quran. In France, a Muslim quoted Quran while raping his victim. A survivor []


10 Graphs That Sum Up the State of AI in 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) has assembled a years worth of AI data providing a comprehensive picture of todays AI world, as they have done annually for six years. And I do mean comprehensivethis years report came in at 302 pages. Thats a nearly 60 percent jump from the 2022 report, thanks in large part to the 2022 boom in generative AI demanding attention and an increasing effort to gather data on AI and ethics.

For those of you as eager to pour through the entire 2023 Artificial Intelligence Index Report as I was, you can dive in here. But for a snapshot of the entire set of findings, below are 10 charts capturing essential trends in AI today.

Large language models dont come cheap

While the power of large language models, like ChatGPT, has increased dramatically, the price of training such models has increased dramatically as well. And of all machine learning systems, language models are sucking up the most computing resources.

Carbon costs are also high

While its not easy to estimate carbon emissions of an AI system, the AI Index team gave it their best shot, considering the number of parameters in a model, the energy efficiency of data centers, and the type of power generation used to deliver electricity. It concluded that a training run for even the most efficient of the four models considered, BLOOM, emitted more carbon than the average U.S. resident uses in a year.

Its the governments turn to step up

For the first time in a decade, private AI investment decreased, falling about a third from 2021 to $189.6 billion. The reason isnt clear. Says Ray Perrault, co-director of the...


Drop all and answer it: The Red Cross neutrality in Northern Ireland "IndyWatch Feed"

Sam Guthrie is an oral historian and project manager of the Our Stories Our Times project with the British Red Cross.

For thirty years Colonel Sir Michael and Lady (Aileen) McCorkell kept a secret. On June 20, 1972, their home Ballyarnett, just outside Derry had hosted the first meeting between representatives of the British Government and the Provisional IRA on June 20, 1972. While others waited outside Frank Steel, Dith Conaill, P. J. Woodfield and Gerry Adams explored the possibility of a ceasefire in the McCorkells front room. Discussions, without which, there may never have been a Good Friday Agreement as we know it. Recently, through the British Red Cross heritage project, Our Stories Our Times, the role of the Red Cross movement in Northern Irelands peace process is being examined for the first time.

In December 2002, the McCorkells received a call informing them that they were to be mentioned in the upcoming release of State Papers, did they have any comment on the meeting at Ballyarnett? Sir Michael wrote a brief statement: [our] home was chosen because it was near the border and [for] who my wife was, head of the Red Cross organisation respected by both sides of the community. Aileen consulted her own contemporary notes of the meeting, she remembered meeting the young men and she recalled baking a chocolate cake.

My mother was the first to say, Call me Aileen. Her Morris Minor criss-crossed from the Waterside to the Bogside, often laden with the days Meals on Wheels, transporting casualties of violence, and offering help to those in need, but always with a Red Cross in the window.

David McCorkell, second son of Michael and Aileen, has recently been in conversation with the British Red Cross, kindly opening the familys papers and recounting the work of both his parents, especially that of his mother. The story of this meeting has been told before, but current research is highlighting the role of Aileen and the Red Cross in the earliest stages of the peace process.

The British Government held Michael in its esteem for his military service and leadership which, undisclosed, continued even in 1972, and according to Aileens papers it was John Hume of the SDLP who had specifically endorsed her suitability to Secretary of State Whitelaw. Aileens respect had been earnt on the streets of Derry through her dedication to the fundamental principles of the Red Cross movement: humanity, neutrality, impartiality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality. She always said the Red Cross is neutral even in Northern Ireland.

Ever since the start of the riots in Derry I felt the Red Cross has a part to play, but that role never became clear to me until the morning of Tuesday, 13th August 1969 wrote Aileen. That morning she learnt that the unfolding civil unrest, the Battle of the Bogside, had disrupted the regular Meals o...


Boston University: Forgive Third World Debt to Advance Climate Goals "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

According to Boston University, banks need to forgive the national debts of nations run by corrupt despots, to advance climate and development goals.

Ben-Gvirs private militia moves forward, and Palestinians are in the line of fire "IndyWatch Feed War"

Itamar Ben-Gvir (Photo: Wikipedia)Itamar Ben-Gvir is one step closer to having power over his own private militia, rights groups warned this week after the Israeli government advanced the creation of a National Guard.


North Dakota Republicans take food from children while adding to their own plates "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It is an evident truth that, whatever may be the rate of increase in the means of subsistence, the increase of population must be limited by it, at least after the food has once been divided into the smallest shares that will support life. All the children born beyond what would be required to keep up the population to this level must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the deaths of grown persons. It has appeared indeed clearly in the course of this work, that in all old states the marriages and births depend principally upon the deaths, and that there is no encouragement to early unions so powerful as a great mortality. To act consistently there- fore we should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavouring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality ; and if we dread the too frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction which we compel nature to use. Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlements in all marshy and unwholesome situations.^ But above all we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases ; and those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders. If by these and similar means the annual mortality were increased from 1 in 36 or 40, to one in 18 or 20, we might probably every one of us marry at the age of puberty, and yet few be absolutely starved

When Thomas Malthus wrote that, he was convinced that population growth would inevitably outstrip our ability to produce food. He was wrong, of course, but more than that his solution was eugenics based on the assumption that poor people were the problem, and the solution was to deliberately make their lives worse so theyd die faster. Once upon a time, I might have written that, since were more than capable of feeding everyone on the planet, we have  outgrown this misguided and murderous idea. Unfortunately, I think its as popular as ever, particularly among those to whom Malthus recommendation would not apply. They also seem to love the perspective that poor people are sub-human, and more like livestock to be controlled, than actual people. I dont know whether capitalists actually believe it, but they all adhere to the dogma that because anyone can make it under capitalism, that means that the poor chose their lot in life by not working hard enough. Poverty, under this ideology, is itself proof of unworthiness, and the only way to make people better is to punish them for...


New Money Message Ransomware Gang Hits MSI, Threatens of Data Leak "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Waqas

The Money Message ransomware group has reportedly demanded a ransom of $4 million from MSI.

This is a post from Read the original post: New Money Message Ransomware Gang Hits MSI, Threatens of Data Leak


Ive been seen! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Yeah, right now Im the lone weirdo walking the halls on campus or the aisles of the grocery store wearing a mask. Im not planning to stop.


Hamas-linked CAIR sues Virginia prison for denying Ramadan accommodations to newly converted inmate "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is yet again fighting for the expansion of the Islamic presence in a prison. It has just sued the Virginia Department of Corrections and officials at a correctional facility for their refusal to provide Ramadan accommodations to a Muslim inmate. The prison already provides special accommodations to Muslims []


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

Heatmap Illustration/Getty Images

We are happy to see a new platform that Robinson Meyer has co-founded for climate-related news:

Are Wind Farm Tours the Hoover Dam Trip of the 21st Century?

Marvel at Americas green transition on your next vacation.

Scroll past San Jacinto Mountain, Brandini Toffee, a bicycle-powered bar crawl, and 13 other attractions on Tripadvisors list of Things to Do in Palm Springs and youll come to Palm Springs Windmill Tours. Its user-generated blurb tells would-be visitors to expect a tour in the middle of wind turbine generators, lest the name suggests something slightly more romantic and Dutch. In the accompanying photo, a black convertible noses toward the white gyrating towers that have become synonymous with the north entrance to the Coachella Valley.

If you leave your uncannily verdant gated community and drive up Highway 10 away from the Mod Squad architectural tour and the horseback rides at Smoke Tree...


How I generally feel reading headlines "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This headline Crisis: Socialist Woke Capitalism Bailout Ban Slammed sounds like the kind of confusing word salad youd get from Fox News or James Lindsay or Chris Rufo or any of a thousand right-wing nutcases, so I have to a agree with the conclusion that its probably evil, yeah.

I dont agree with the accelerationist scumbag composing the articles, though.


Massive sperm whale beaches itself, dies in Bali, Indonesia "IndyWatch Feed World"

Animal experts were preparing Thursday to conduct an autopsy on an 18-metre (59-foot) whale that died after washing up on a beach in Bali, conservation officials said. The sperm whale, believed to weigh many tonnes, beached itself in the east of Bali on Wednesday before locals and officials pushed it back out to sea. But after swimming away it became stranded again just hours later on a different beach and died on the shore with no visible wounds, local marine and fisheries official Permana Yudiarso told AFP.


North Dakota Republicans Must Override Gov. Burgums Veto Of Ranked-Choice Voting Ban, Election Integrity Group Says "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The state capitol in Bismarck, North DakotaAn election integrity group is calling on North Dakota Republicans to override Gov. Doug Burgum's veto of a bill banning ranked-choice voting.


Spring snow blankets Jiuzhaigou in SW China "IndyWatch Feed World"

Spring snow fell in Jiuzhaigou County, southwest China's Sichuan Province on April 6, forming a fairytale snow scenery.


How to Update Copyright: Nigeria Shows the Way for Africa and the World "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

How to update copyright: Nigeria shows the way for Africa and the world:

This battle over [copyright] moves to adopt an open-ended fair dealing based on the US approach, rather than one with a limited list of permitted exceptions and limitations, is an important one that is happening all around the world. Open-ended fair use is clearly more helpful for dealing with developments in technology that were never envisaged when old copyright laws were drawn up. They allow at least a basic flexibility in the way that copyright is applied, for example online.

Once again, the current resistance to countries adopting fair use or open norms is the result of the copyright industry refusing to allow any legal developments that favour the public or indeed anyone except themselves. A good example of the fierce battles being fought is South Africa, where President Ramaphosa sent the Copyright Amendment Bill back to Parliament after it was passed, largely because of lobbying by copyright supporters against its fair use provisions.

Nigeria's new law is important because the country is already a leader in Africa, and is predicted to become one of the world's top economies. What happens in Nigeria matters, because it sets an important precedent for other rising nations looking to update their outdated copyright laws to maximise the benefits of the digital world by adopting open norms.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.



In the United States of America there has long been a simmering war between the the Republican Party elites and those of the Democratic Party. With the election of Donald Trump to President in 2018, the temperature between the two political wings of the USAs ruling class, increased from simmering to boiling. The animosity between them was seen by all sides as existential both politically and personally. Since Trumps election the elders of the Democratic Party have been out to destroy him politically and in this way ensure he can never again seriously damage or debunk their own sham pretensions to care for anything other than their own personal and class interests.

Neither Party is concerned about the welfare of the working classes and the poor, therefore they are both essentially correct when in order to garner votes they vehemently accuse each other of that fact. The primary concern for both these political wings of the US elite is the preservation of their own wealth and status and their retention of substantial control of the state system that guarantees both. Metaphorically speaking Republicans and Democrats are like the two sides of an officially minted coin. After being spun up in the hot air of debate, whichever side lands face up wins and thus the entire coin remains an essential and functional part of the electoral system.

However, during the entire Democratic Party campaign against the Republican Donald Trump, the media commentators covering this political struggle have completely misunderstood the historic nature of the current situation in the US and elsewhere. Political strife such as this animated and ill-disposed jousting between the two sides is just a surface disturbance of a system in structural meltdown. The fact that the Democratic Party has been able to mobilise the US state apparatus to assist in disarming of Donald Trump may have temporarily assisted Democratic Party ambitions to severely restrict the activities of their elite rivals and thus maintain their own hold on political power. But it hasnt changed the reality of 21st century economic, financial and ecological living, and reality is ultimately the determining factor.

Moreover, this particular tactic of displacing the Donald in the hope of a future Democratic victory has come at the cost of revealing the underlying economic and political forces now at play in the USA. Trumps pre-Presidential speeches about draining the swamp has, of course, earned him the hatred of those government officials who are employed in the bloated bureaucratic state apparatuses of administration and control which all modern capitalist mass societies have found necessary to dampen down the violent contradictions. But these non-productive bureaucracies along with the theatrical performances by politicians and the media over Trump are not solutions in the making, but symptoms of capitalism in its present crisis stage of dysfun...


Your Fuji Digital Camera Is Hackable "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

There was a time when a digital camera was a surprisingly simple affair whose on-board processor didnt have much in the way of smarts beyond what was needed to grab an image from the sensor and compress it onto some storage. But as they gained more features, over time cameras acquired all the trappings of a fully-fledged computer in their own right, including full-fat operating systems and the accompanying hackability opportunities.

Prominent among camera manufacturers are Fuji, whose cameras it turns out have plenty of hacking possibilities. Theres something of a community about them, with all their work appearing in a GitHub repository, and a cracking April Fool in which a Fuji camera appears able to be coaxed into running DOOM.

The Fuji cameras run the ThreadX real-time operating system on a variety of ARM SoCs, with an SQLite data store for camera settings and Fujis own software controlling the camera hardware. The hackability comes through patching firmware updates, and aside from manipulating the built-in scripting language and accessing the SQLite database can include code execution. We really wish the DOOM was real! So far theres no acc...


Bargain Basement Influence Peddling: Now You Can Get a Hunter Biden Painting for Only $85,000! "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: If youve been waiting for the prices to come down on work from that hottest of new artists, Hunter Biden, nows your chance: while the groundbreaking paintings of this new Picasso quite recently went for a cool half a million dollars, now you can get your very own Hunter Biden original, suitable []


Intel Sends In Last Round Of Graphics Driver Feature Updates For Linux 6.4 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Following this week's drm-intel-gt-next pull with more Meteor Lake enablement and other new feature code, a final batch of drm-intel-next feature updates were also submitted to DRM-Next for staging ahead of the upcoming Linux 6.4 kernel merge window...


Linux 6.4 To Fix Bug Where Nintendo Controllers Could Indefinitely Rumble "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

For those Linux gamers making use of Nintendo controllers, a few notable fixes are on the way for the upcoming Linux 6.4 kernel cycle...


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cloud Hypervisor 31 was released this week as the Rust-written VMM started by Intel that runs atop Linux KVM and Microsoft MSHV while these days is a Linux Foundation project receiving regular contributions from not only Intel and Microsoft but also Tencent, Arm, and other players...


Just How Many Feds Were Among the Jan. 6 Insurrectionists? "IndyWatch Feed War"

My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. Many people have charged that the Jan. 6 insurrection, if any such thing took place at all, was []


Chinese Investors Visit Delta Plans To Generate $24m From Cassava Production Annually "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Delta State logo


LAGOS APRIL 8TH (URHOBOTODAY)- Chinese business delegation from Chadoon Province, yesterday, arrived in Delta State with plans to invest in the agriculture sector and generate a projected sum of $24 million from cassava and rice production and processing.

 The delegations visit, facilitated by the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) Governorship Candidate, Chief Immanuel Edijala, visited the Olu of Warri, Ogiame Atuwatse III and the Ovie of Idjere, Udurhe I.
At the palace of the Olu of Warri, members of the delegation made known their plans to acquire lands at Jakpa and Ugbodede communities in Warri North Local Government Area.
The leader of the delegation, Lui Singyongand beng Lin, who spoke through an interpreter, said that they would be focusing their attention on improving Nigeria domestic production of cassava and rice.
He said that they would also be involved in cassava chips production for export purposes

Lin added that the investment would not only provide employment opportunities but enhance the economic potential of the benefitting communities and the state and country at large.
The Olu of Warri, told the Chinese delegation that the communities were yearning for such investments to fast track their development.
The Ovie of Idjere, on his part, stated that adequate land would be provided to the delegation but noted the needs for development of the Ethiopia River for recreational activities.
Chief Immanuel Edijala, explained that the cassava processing project would go a long way in improving the gross domestic product (GDP) to Delta state and push the state to an enviable economic height.


Delta Bulletin




Saudi Arabia and the Multipolar World "IndyWatch Feed War"

Saudi and Iranian negotiators, Faisal ben Fahrane and Hossein Amir-Abdollahian respectively, who signed a rapprochement agreement on 10 March in Beijing, have met there once again to put the finishing touches before the implementation of the document. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will visit Riyadh at the invitation of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in late April. At the same time, Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov and tanker Kama arrived at the Saudi port of Jeddah. Saudi Arabia had (...)


Grist for the Mill "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  The Russian Services Claudio sent me this article and it sent me back in time for a moment. Circa 1980, the GRU (including Spetznaz) used to drop their people in Central America, theyd hitchhike,  cross the US/Mexico border illegally and make their way to New York City, where theyd be exfilled back to Mother []

The post Grist for the Mill appeared first on Virtual Mirage.



Tidbits of Conspiracy News

This is Easter weekend for folks in the west, so to those of you observing the feast, every prayerful good wish and blessing.  Our

The post THIS WEEKS HONOURABLE MENTIONS appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Sign of the Times: UK College Cancels Annual Dinner for Christian Saint, Will Celebrate End of Ramadan Instead "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: There are around four million Muslims in Britain, and with that rapidly growing population come societal changes. Oxfords Magdalen College has in the past celebrated St. Georges Day on April 23 with a ceremonial dinner; this year, however, St. Georges Day plans have been deep-sixed, and Magdalen will instead host a []


Guardian: Gas is Dragging Up the Cost of Renewables "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

According to The Guardian, a publicly owned company could overcome the impediment of private companies, which are reluctant to cut household energy bills by investing in renewables.


Xi divides and conquers during Macrons China visit "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Timur Fomenko | RT | April 8, 2023

French President Emmanuel Macron has wrapped up a three-day visit to China, accompanied partly by European Commission Chief Ursula von der Leyen, who went home a day earlier.

The dual visit came at a time when EU nations, worried about a growing Sino-Russian partnership, are looking for ways to strengthen their own diplomatic engagement with Beijing.

Von der Leyens presence on the trip was widely seen as a check on Macron, there to ensure he complied with European unity on the matter of the EUs relationship with China. Before the visit, she gave a hawkish address warning China against supporting Russia in the Ukraine conflict and slamming Beijing for becoming more repressive at home and more assertive abroad.

While she urged the bloc to reduce dependencies on China, she also opposed full decoupling of economies, as called for by the US. Enduring trade relations were made abundantly clear by the fact that Macron was accompanied by a 50-strong delegation of business leaders who came to Beijing to sign deals.

It is unusual that Macron, an advocate of the EUs so-called strategic autonomy in negotiating with other actors on the world stage, and von der Leyen, an ardent atlanticist who is reportedly in the wings to be the next NATO secretary general, were both in China together.

Despite their somewhat conflicting agendas, their visit was a net positive for Beijing and a net negative for US attempts to force the EU to fully take its side in its own geopolitical crusade against Beijing. The US looks upon all attempts by the EU to engage with China with disdain, and does its best to undermine it where possible.

Likewise, when it comes to the Ukraine conflict, Chinas effort to open talks by presenting its 12-step peace plan was immediately dismissed by Washington, with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken accusing Beijing of providing diplomatic cover for what he called Russias attempts to freeze the war. However, Xi Jinpings recent visit to Moscow has apparently shown EU leaders, who would prefer the war to end rather than drag on indefinitely, the potential consequences of losing China and now Macron is urging Xi to mediate a return to...


From John Wayne To John Wick, American Cinema Loves The Noble Outlaw "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence Movie Poster and John Wick 4 TrailerMoviegoers consistently appreciate characters like John Wick, the noble outlaw, the cowboy in a bulletproof Armani suit.


FLASHBACK: Edward M. Kennedy address at the public memorial service for Robert F. Kennedy "IndyWatch Feed World"

Edward M. Kennedy Address at the Public Memorial Service for Robert F. Kennedy delivered 8 June 1968 at St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York Your Eminences, Your Excellencies, Mr. President: On behalf of Mrs. Kennedy, her children, the parents and sisters of Robert Kennedy, I want to express what we feel to those who mourn with us today in this Cathedral and around the world. We loved him as a brother, and as a father, and as a son. From his parents, and from his older brothers and sisters -- Joe and Kathleen and Jack -- he received an inspiration which he passed on to all of us. He gave us strength in time of trouble, wisdom in time of uncertainty, and sharing in time of happiness. He will always be by our side.


Trabajadoras del hogar "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Cada 30 de marzo se conmemora el Da Internacional de las Trabajadoras del Hogar con el fin promover el valor del trabajo del hogar y reivindicar los derechos de quienes lo realizan. En este programa escuchamos las voces de mujeres que han dedicado parte de su vida a realizar este trabajo, muchas de ellas jvenes de comunidades indgenas y campesinas que han migrado a las ciudades buscando oportunidades econmicas, y cmo se han organizado para dignificar su trabajo y defender sus derechos laborales.


  • Trabajadoras del Hogar Radio Huaya
  • Marcelina Bautista, fundadora del Centro de Apoyo y Capacitacin para Empleadas del Hogar y del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras del Hogar Extracto del podcast Ms all del Rosa
  • Testimonio de Mara Floriberta Rivera Cruz Aide Lpez
  • La historia de urea Rosa Garca Cano Especialidad De Comunicacin Comunitaria CESDER
  • Conduccin: Aide Lpez (Comunidad Ngiba Ngigua, Oaxaca) y Lorena Gmez (Boca de Polen)
  • Imagen: Csar Martnez Lpez / CIMAC Noticias

Publicado originalmente en Canto de Cenzontles


Reactivating a Harris RF-130 URT-23 Transmitter "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If you enjoy old military hardware, you probably know that Harris made quite a few heavy-duty pieces of radio gear. [K6YIC] picked up a nice example: the Harris RF-130 URT-23. These were frequently used in the Navy and some other service branches to communicate in a variety of modes on HF. The entire set included an exciter, an amplifier, an antenna tuner, and a power supply and, in its usual configuration, can output up to a kilowatt. The transmitter needs some work, and hes done three videos on the transmitter already. Hes planning on several more, but theres already a lot to see if you enjoy this older gear. You can see the first three below and youll probably want to watch them all, but if you want to jump right to the tear down, you can start with the second video.



Reclaiming the US "IndyWatch Feed War"

At what point does a beleaguered population living near or below the poverty line rise up in protest? The United States is undergoing the most vicious class war in its history. Social inequality has reached its most extreme levels of disparity in over 200 years, surpassing the rapacious greed of the era of the robber barons. The legislative, executive and judicial Continue reading Reclaiming the US


Resolucin antimapuche en Mendoza: Una muestra ostensible de discriminacin y racismo "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Gabriel Liceaga

En una decisin inslita, la Cmara de Diputados de Mendoza vot una resolucin que desconoce al Pueblo Mapuche. Silvina Ramrez, abogada especializada en Derechos Indgenas, cuestiona la legitimidad de los legisladores para establecer identidades y afirma: Es una medida equvoca, carece de legitimidad y es arbitraria.

Para poner blanco sobre negro, la Cmara de Diputados de la provincia de Mendoza aprob una resolucin cuyo origen es un dictamen de mayora de la Comisin de Derechos y garantas para determinar que el Pueblo Mapuche no es un pueblo originario (ni de Mendoza ni de Argentina). Este dictamen, bsicamente, utiliz tres argumentos: 1) la incompetencia del Instituto Nacional de Asuntos Indgenas (INAI) para emitir resoluciones sin la participacin de otros actores involucrados; 2) la nulidad del decreto de necesidad y urgencia que prorrog la vigencia de la Ley de emergencia territorial 26160; 3) la determinacin de la extranjera del Pueblo Mapuche.

Cada una de estas vas argumentativas merecen ser comentadas y contrarrestadas. No obstante, me limitar a la ltima va elegida, porque expresa una ignorancia conceptual relevante, un desconocimiento de la normativa vigente (y, por ende, de los derechos indgenas que ya existen y tienen fuerza normativa en nuestro pas), contraviniendo el propio texto constitucional.

La interpretacin de los derechos indgenas regulados en la carta constitucional cuenta con innumerables consensos, frente a la persistente negacin identitaria de algunos sectores. No es mediante resoluciones que podrn derribar lo que claramente afirma la Constitucin Nacional.

Por otra parte, no deja de llamar la atencin que, soslayando una vasta literatura especializada de historiadores, antroplogos, cronistas de poca, desconozcan la existencia de un pueblo (y su calificativo de originario) en un espacio territorial cuya organizacin como Estado fue muy posterior a la presencia de pueblos indgenas; al momento de la conquista y la colonizacin los pueblos originarios habitaban y se desplazaban de un lado a otro de la cordillera, sin estar condicionados por lmites convencionales que se gestaran a partir de la creacin de los Estados modernos en el siglo XIX, cuyas fronteras no llegaban a los territorios que hoy estn en disputa.

Merece la pena destacarse, si es que la tuviera, cul es la consecuencia jurdica de este tipo de resoluciones legislativas, y si los representantes del pueblo mendocino se encuentran legitimados para decidir cundo un pueblo indgena es originario del pas.

En otras palabras, si estn habilitados a definir su identidad, la que es producto de un complejo proceso que se deriva tanto de los...


Iran-Based Hackers Caught Carrying Out Destructive Attacks Under Ransomware Guise "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Iranian nation-state group known as MuddyWater has been observed carrying out destructive attacks on hybrid environments under the guise of a ransomware operation. That's according to new findings from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence team, which discovered the threat actor targeting both on-premises and cloud infrastructures in partnership with another emerging activity cluster dubbed


Perpetual Cognitive Dissonance "IndyWatch Feed War"

Todd Hayen Theres a clinical term in psychology, which in the vernacular would be described with the phrase, I think I am going crazy. This is cognitive dissonance. I have actually seen this term show up in casual reading more often in the past couple of years than in all the years before. It seems


How Marian Anderson Shaped The Civil Rights Era With A Song You Learned In Sunday School "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Marian Anderson on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial singing during the March on WashingtonOn the day of MLK's 'I Have a Dream' speech, Anderson stood before the integrated audience of 250,000 people and sang, 'Hes Got the Whole World in His Hands.'

New type of genetically-engineered T-cell may destroy solid cancer tumors "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Promising but likely slo mo to actual product and may also be risky to work up as well

Yet good to see.  Yet another tool in the kitbag.

Sooner or later we will have the whole thing put together and cancer will be banished.

New type of genetically-engineered T-cell may destroy solid cancer tumors

April 05, 2023\

Researchers have created a new type of genetically engineered chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell that shows great promise in treating solid cancer tumors

Cancer cells are notorious for evading detection by the bodys immune system, making them difficult to treat. But a promising new type of genetically engineered T-cell that can effectively destroy solid cancer tumors may be just what the doctor ordered.

Killer T-cells are an important part of the immune response. They are the bodys security guards, actively patroling for things that dont belong, such as infections and other diseases. Killer T-cells possess surface receptors that recognize and latch on to foreign invaders and abnormal cells, destroying them.

Cancer cells can evade detection by killer T-cells, making them difficult to destroy. But there is a way our bodys T-cells can be taught to recognize and attack cancer cells. One approach is to use...

Codex Mendoza: A Glimpse into the Aztec World "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I had not really heard of this manuscript and that is odd.  yet its creation was inspired.  The method really did try to combine two alien scholarship traditions to produce a valuable testament available to us today.

During this time ,the population was suffering a severe population contraction and royal patronage was so neccessary to produce this.  So it is a miracle to have it.  So many local docs were then lost.  that we knew.

So this is a blessing.

Codex Mendoza: A Glimpse into the Aztec World


Ever wanted to step back in time to the days of the Aztecs? With the Codex Mendoza, you can. Reading this document takes you back to the mid-16th century, shortly after the Spanish conquest of Mexico, to the Aztec empire. Named after its first known owner, Antonio de Mendoza, the first viceroy of Mexico, this illustrated manuscript is a masterpiece of history, geography, and culture.

Historians consider the Codex Mendoza one of the most important primary sources for the study of Aztec civilization. So, what exactly is found in the Codex Mendoza that makes it such an important document?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will run as a Democrat in 2024 against Biden "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Qute amazing actually. One MEME has it that TRUMP has been CofC since 2020.  all this while the Military drains the SWAMP.  AnotherMEME is that JFK jr is sworn in as VP during all this.  Now Robert sgows up to collect the remnants of the DEMs back into a coherant party under his leadership.

It is plausible that Trump will step aside for 2024 after it all becomes public.  His task is done.

Robert as president is also plausible with a crushed DEEP STATE.

As I have posted, there is a global WAR underway and it impacts every nation.  We are seeing folks standing down all over now for literally years.  

ITS OFFICIAL: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will run as a Democrat in 2024 against Biden

Thursday, April 06, 2023 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Just as he suggested he might do, Childrens Health Defense (CHD) chairman and founder Robert F...

Plasma and scale and Ball lightening "IndyWatch Feed Tech"


Plasma and scale and Ball lightening

This really gets to the heart of the matter.  We have now projected three types of matter all of which follow naturally from the creation and continuing creation of the SPACE TIME pendulum.

The first is the neutral neutrino pair which forms a tetyrahedra and acts upon it edges as it literally produces TIME by switching back and forth.  We can never detect that.

Then we have the neutral electron pair or maybe the electron positron pair with 2400 axis to react along

These can still form clouds which can align and with no charge to detect either.  

Either is a frame work for a logic machine and can also plausibly decay into a particle we can identify.

The third is our universe.  we reside in an ocean of neutral neutron pairs that literally fill our galaxies and also often beyond.  Understand that such a pair has a mass equivalent to a hydrogen atom but also slightly smaller because the electron has not freed up.  again we have no means of actually detecting any of this except perhaps with ball lightening.

It appears that ball lightening is a contained ball of this stuff surfaced with hot electrons held neutral on the surface.  They are not flying apart at all.  And like hydrogen, it can pass through solid walls.  We do not store hydrogen very well.

Obviously a whole bunch of problems in physics change when we start working with this model.  Yet so far it all conforms to observation.

Understand that in vsuch an universe, opening a void actually does two things.  Space is created allowing new matter to be created in order to fill that void.  This is posited to look like an inner sun.  There is also a boundary event happening as well, both inside and outside the boundary and both involve gravity compression of the neutral neutron pairs.  We no not know what actually occurs, but spontaneous matter creation appears plausible

The sun could be producing hydrogen as we look at it.

the mere existence of this neutral neutron pair as a primary constituant of our galaxy makes th...


La vaquita marina es una de las vctimas del mal manejo del sector pesquero en Mxico "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Cientficos y miembros de organizaciones no gubernamentales lo alertaron desde hace, por lo menos, un ao. Mxico, decan, est a un paso de ser sancionado por no realizar las acciones necesarias para detener la extincin de la vaquita marina (Phocoena sinus), una pequea marsopa que solo habita en el Alto Golfo de California. Los llamados de los especialistas slo se toparon con odos sordos.

El 27 de marzo de 2023, la Secretara de la Convencin sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres (CITES) llam a los Estados miembros a suspender todo el intercambio comercial con Mxico de las especies incluidas en los Apndices de esta convencin. Con ello, el pas entra a una lista nada grata en donde tambin estn naciones como Afganistn, Liberia y Libia. La sancin afecta, sobre todo, a decenas de comunidades que han desarrollado programas de manejo sustentable alrededor de varias especies de flora y fauna y que exportan piel de cocodrilos, orqudeas, cactus o candelilla, planta endmica de Mxico con la que se elabora cera natural y cuya venta representa una importante fuente de ingresos para familias del norte del pas.

La candelilla es una planta endmica de Mxico que crece en las zonas ridas del pas y con la cual se produce cera natural. Foto: Comisin Nacional Forestal.

La Secretara del CITES notific que la sancin estar vigente hasta que Mxico presente un plan de accin adecuado que garantice, con tiempos bien establecidos, que se har todo para detener la extincin de la vaquita marina.

Desde hace poco ms de una dcada, esta marsopa de tan slo 1.5 metros es considerada como el mamfero ms amenazado del planeta. Su poblacin decay debido a la pesca incidental. Las vaquitas marinas quedan atrapadas en las redes, conocidas como chinchorros, que se utilizan para la captura de camarn y en la pesca ilegal de totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi). Este pez tambin est en Peligro Crtico, debido a que sus vejigas natatorias son vendidas en Asia, sobre todo en China.

En entrevista con Mongabay Latam, el bilogo Alejandro Olivera hace un recorrido por la historia de ilegalidad e impunidad que desencaden la sancin. Si Mxico pierde esta especie, pasara a la historia como el pas que no quiso salvarla por falta de la aplicacin de la ley, por dejar en el olvido al sector pesquero, dice el representante en Mxico del ...


The Promisesand Perilsof Ocean Desalination "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As the world gets drier, do we need to turn to the ocean?

Sean Bothwell can understand why people think desalination is a silver bullet. When he was a kid living in California's Orange County, the ocean was always close by. It didn't make sense to him that all the water near him wasn't usable.

"I grew up thinking, like, why the heck aren't we desalinating?" said Bothwell, who is now executive director of the California Coastkeeper Alliance. "Why are people always saying that we need to save water and conserve?"

[...] For his part, after doing his graduate school thesis on desalination as an adaptation mechanism for climate change, Bothwell's mind began to change on the process of ocean desalination, and he finally understood its problems and limitations.

"I realized all the things that people don't understand about desalof all the issues we work on, [the efficacy] is the toughest thing to communicate to people," he said. "Everyone thinks it's a good idea."

[...] It's not just what gets sucked into plants that poses a problem for the ocean. The potable water produced by desal plants has an evil cousin: the super-salty discharge that remains, a substance known as brine, which is roughly twice as salty as the original seawater. Brine is heavier than seawater and can sink to the bottom of the ocean, where it creates a deoxygenated dead zone. [...]

"Our ocean is already under a ton of different pressures: nutrient runoff, ocean acidification, climate change," said Bothwell. "You add desal on top of it, and it creates a dead zone."

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Territorios de mujeres: La lucha contra las violencias extractivas y patriarcales en Oaxaca "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

En el nmero 48 del boletn de anlisis y reflexin poltica El Topil, titulado Mujeres, agua y vida comunitaria, diversas voces de mujeres defensoras abordan temticas sobre la tierra, el agua, el maz, la cultura, el servicio pblico y la educacin.

La reflexin abre el con artculo, Doris Vernica Carmona Domnguez de EDUCA, se centra en los territorios de las mujeres: Los pueblos y las mujeres luchan por mantener la vida, la memoria histrica, los espacios de gobierno local, los lugares sagrados, el bosque, el agua y la tierra () y todo lo que ha sido el sustento familiar y comunitario por generaciones, parte fundamental de la cosmovisin de los pueblos en Oaxaca.

En esta permanente tensin entre las industrias extractivas y los pueblos, entre el desarrollo y la vida digna, sobre las mujeres se imponen las violencias extractivas y patriarcales. En Oaxaca la empresa minera Cuzcatln, filial de Fortuna Silver Mines, impuso el proyecto San Jos en el distrito de Ocotln.

En este despojo legalizado, la empresa minera se beneficia no solo de los minerales del subsuelo, tambin de las condiciones de pobreza y desigualdad de las mujeres en esta regin, usando a las mujeres (trabajadoras o esposas de trabajadores de la mina), para promover la minera, desmovilizar y dividir a las comunidades, a cambio de mantener empleos o dar becas a la niez, alerta la autora.

Frente a una fuerte reconfiguracin de los territorios comunitarios, en Oaxaca y en muchas latitudes del Abya Yala, en los ltimos aos las mujeres estn mucho ms presentes en los espacios pblicos de las comunidades, combatiendo violencias machistas, patriarcales y extractivistas, y adems, nos articulamos con mujeres defensoras del territorio que participan en procesos organizativos. Leer toda la reflexin titulada: La defensa es por la vida y los territorios de las mujeres: esperanza y dignidad al centro de las luchas en El Topil.

El Topil 48. Mujeres, agua y vida comunitaria

Este material se comparte con autorizacin de Educa Oaxaca


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Announces 2024 Presidential Bid "IndyWatch Feed World"

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Announces 2024 Presidential Bid | 7 April 2023 | Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., best known for his positions on environmental law and vaccine safety, filed the paperwork to run in the 2024 race for president of the United States on April 5. He filed as a Democrat, according to a Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing. "America is enduring an apocalyptic tribal polarization more toxic and dangerous than any time since the Civil War," Kennedy told The Epoch Times exclusively following the filing of the paperwork. "And while Democrats battle Republicans, elites are strip-mining our middle class, poisoning our children, and commoditizing our landscapes. I will focus my campaign, not on the issues that divide us but the values we have in common."


Judge Overseeing Trump Case Appears to Have Donated to Biden's Campaign and 'Stop Republicans' Group - FEC Records "IndyWatch Feed World"

Judge Overseeing Trump Case Appears to Have Donated to Biden's Campaign and 'Stop Republicans' Group - FEC Records | 7 April 2023 | Juan Merchan, the judge overseeing the Manhattan criminal case against former President Donald Trump appears to have donated at least $35 to Trump's 2020 political opponents, according to a recent review of Federal Election Commission (FEC) records. The FEC lists a $15 entry from a "Juan Merchan" in 2020 to "Biden for President"--Joe Biden's official 2020 campaign. Another FEC entry lists a $10 donation to the "Progressive Turnout Project"--an organization whose stated mission is to "rally Democrats to vote." A third FEC entry lists a $10 donation to "Stop Republicans"--a subsidiary of the Progressive Turnout Project that describes itself as a "grassroots-funded effort dedicated to resisting the Republican Party and Donald Trump's radical right-wing legacy."


2 Democrats Expelled From Tennessee House by GOP Legislature, 3rd Spared by 1 Vote "IndyWatch Feed World"

2 Democrats Expelled From Tennessee House by GOP Legislature, 3rd Spared by 1 Vote | 7 April 2023 | After several hours of debate, two Tennessee Democrats were expelled from the Tennessee General Assembly by the Republican supermajority-controlled House of Representatives on Thursday. The third state representative facing expulsion held her seat by a margin of only one vote on a historic day in the Tennessee legislature. The close vote came as a shock, as eight Republican lawmakers broke ranks to vote against the expulsion of Rep. Gloria Johnson of Knox County. Resolutions to expel the members were introduced on April 3 after the lawmakers led protesters with a bullhorn in chants calling for tighter restrictions on gun rights while on the House floor. This came after the deadly Covenant School shooting in Nashville the week before.


Former San Francisco fire commissioner attacked with crowbar day after tech mogul stabbed to death "IndyWatch Feed World"

Former San Francisco fire commissioner attacked with crowbar day after tech mogul stabbed to death | 7 April 2023 | Neighbors of former San Francisco Fire Commissioner Don Carmignani said "no one is safe" in the city after he was brutally attacked by a transient with a metal crowbar just steps away from his family's front door. Carmignani was attacked a day after Cash App founder Bob Lee was stabbed to death by an unknown assailant early Tuesday morning. Carmignani, 53, was leaving his mother's home at about 7 p.m. in the Marina District when he was accosted by a man waving an industrial metal crowbar, friends of the ex-commissioner told The Post. San Francisco Police later arrested Garret Doty, 24, who was booked on assault with a deadly weapon. [In Soros DA-land, he'll be out of jail in no time, so he can kill again.]


The close conjunction of Jewish, Christian and Muslim festivals this month is very interesting in a rapidly changing Ireland "IndyWatch Feed"

The next couple of weeks will see a close calendar alignment of the Jewish Passover (5th 13th April), the Roman Catholic and Protestant Easter (9th April), the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Easter (16th April), and the end of Ramadan (21st April). Our newest faith communities in Ireland Orthodox Christian and Muslim now number about 80,000 each and join over 20,000 Pentecostals (African, Latin American and Romanian) as the fastest growing religious groups on our rapidly changing island.

The Garda Sochna and PSNI are not expecting any trouble from the various monotheistic faithful this April; but the congested calendar may pose significant challenges in Jerusalem, the city that birthed them. There is one slither of land in particular that stirs much greater passions than the dreary steeples of Fermanagh and Tyrone. The 24 acres of the Temple Mount / Haram Al-Sharif elevation is revered by the three great Abrahamic religions; and it continues to reignite the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. It even divides people in Ulster with some of us discovering our inner Hamas and others adopting the Zionist cause, burning distant flegs on our tribal pyres.

For many Jews, Mount Zion is the most sacred spot on Earth. It is the very place where the world began where God formed Adam out of dust and where on the Day of Judgement it will end. Jewish tradition maintains it was here on Temple Mount that Abraham stood ready to sacrifice his son; that Jacob wrestled with an angel; and that Solomons ancient Temple was built. For five centuries this First Temple protected the Tabernacle (Gods Dwelling Place amongst His Chosen People) and the Holy of Holies that concealed the Ark of the Covenant. And long after the First Temple was torn down by the Mesopotamian King Nebuchadnezzar II, it would become the site of the Second Temple (built by returning Babylonian exiles and magnificently expanded by the Roman client king Herod the Great).

The destruction of the Second Temple by General Titus legions in 70 AD, a reprisal for the Great Jewish Revolt, was utterly calamitous for the Hebrew peoples and saw many of them exiled and dispersed across the Empire and beyond. Only one section of a sole retaining wall has survived the Western Wall and it is the closest point to the Holy of Holies that Jews are allowed to gather for prayer today. Here, many of the faithful wait and yearn for the coming of the Messiah and the resplendent emergence of the glorious Third Temple.

Jewish Messianism gave birth to Christianity. Mary came to the Herodic Temple to offer the sacrifice demanded by the Torah for the birth of her infant son; the teenage Jesus taught on the Temple Mount; and the adult Jesus predicted the Temples destruction (according to Marks Gospel which may have been written shortly after the temple was torched). The destruction of the Second Temple provided a breakthrough for Jesus...


How the Milwaukee Bucks built a thriving global brand "IndyWatch Feed World"

New Bucks brass deployed five key tactics to transform the franchise into a dominant team and a marketing magnet.

Heading into next weeks playoffs, the Milwaukee Bucks have the best record in the NBA.  They posted this seasons longest winning streak (16 games), and theyve gone about their business without the drama that makes for headlines and fuels talking-head debate shows.

Read Full Story

Video game giant EA Sports unveils its FIFA-less brand for FIFA soccer "IndyWatch Feed World"

After splitting with soccers governing body, EAs FIFA video game is now EA Sports FC. Will a game by any other name have the same cultural power?

Video game publisher Electronic Arts announced a momentous change last May for its flagship soccer series, known simply as FIFA. A spat with the sports governing body over licensing costs saw EA part ways with its games namesake, ending a partnership that over three decades had produced one of the worlds biggest-selling and most profitable video game properties.

Read Full Story


Automated Weekend Sales "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

At Browserling and Online Tools, we love sales.

We just created a new automated weekend sales campaign.

Now each weekend, we show a 50% discount offer to all users who visit our site.

Here's how it looks:

Run weekend sales too and see you next time!


A Veil of Secrecy "IndyWatch Feed War"

US Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto

This demonstrates neatly just how much the USA and China are different teams.

James Roguski April 7, 2023

The meetings of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to facilitate the negotiation of the WHO CA+ (Pandemic Treaty) have largely been conducted in secret.

The INB met again this past week, and the vast majority of the meetings and the documents were NOT made available.

CLICK HERE for the latest meeting info

The very word Secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society

John F. Kennedy

The United States has been accused of supporting a Veil of Secrecy over the negotiations regarding the WHO CA+ (Pandemic Treaty).

International Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and activists have called out the United States for siding with China to exclude the public from seeing drafts of the pandemic accord as it is being negotiated by World Health Organization (WHO) member states.

The letter arises from China and US opposition to a proposal by the European Union (EU) that all inputs and additions to the zero draft should be available to all stakeholders, which was made during the fourth meeting of the WHOs Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) that is thrashing out the accord.

However, China insisted that circulated only to drafting group participants, and this was backed by the US.

US Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto stated: I think at this stage, I have some concern about sharing the draft to all stakeholders given where we are in the process and so I just want to be careful about that and certainly if we are sharing it with all stakeholders [we] would support removing the attribution of member states.

The attempt to create a veil of secrecy now surrounding the substantive and technical text-based negotiations on the WHO pandemic treaty sets a dangerous precedent for norm-setting at the multilateral level, the group says in a letter sent on Wednesday to the US Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Excluding the public undermines trust in the process at a time when attacks on the WHO and on the pandemic accord are increasing, according to the letter signatories, which include Health Action Internat...


Were masks in hospitals a waste of time? Hated NHS policy made 'no difference' to Covid infection rates, study finds "IndyWatch Feed World"

Masks made 'no discernible difference' to Covid transmission rates in hospitals, new research suggests. Infection rates didn't soar when mask mandates were removed in NHS facilities during the middle of an Omicron surge. Experts today said the findings did not mean face coverings are 'worthless'. But they called for 'rational and proportionate' masking policies in hospitals during future Covid flare-ups because the benefits are 'at best, modest'. Governments around the world including the UK made it mandatory to wear a face covering in indoor public spaces.


US military experts concerned about effectiveness of Wagner PMCs "IndyWatch Feed War"

Wagner PMCs in Syria

Hal Turner Hal Turner Radio Show April 7, 2023

The Department of Defense (DoD) conducted an in-depth analysis of the activities of Russias Wagner Private Military Contractors (PMCs) and came to the conclusion that no similar structure in the USA, Great Britain, or France is comparable.

Insiders in the DoD are concerned about the Wagner PMCs, because they are the most organized and combat-ready PMCs in the world, surpassing even the American Blackwater PMCs, the British Aegis Defense Service PMCs, and the French Salamandre PMCs. Among other things, the mentioned Western PMCs have never encountered operations and tasks that the Wagner PMCs successfully perform.

Thanks to the highest level of training and equipment, the Russians operate at a level previously unattainable for private military companies. An unnamed Pentagon official involved in these types of operations in Afghanistan said: Their effectiveness is absolutely stunning. If we had used similar strategies in Afghanistan, we would not have caused the chaos that we have left in the Middle East.

According to the estimates of many experts, the Wagner fighters perform a number of tasks of increased complexity and increased risk. These are not only traditional tasks of all PMCs, such as the protection of diplomatic missions and civil operations. In general, these are the most complex combat operations in their implementation: ground attacks, control of artillery, air forces, and the use of air defense systems.

The fighters of Wagner carry out reconnaissance tasks, information gathering and data analysis, which were later used to make strategic decisions during the missions.

Earlier, the Dutch journalist Sonia van den Ende said that Wagner can become the main weapon of anti-globalism in the modern world and can eliminate the domination of oligarchic elite groups of the West, which is ruinous for the entire human civilization.



Russia Claims Leaked Pentagon Intelligence on Ukraine is U.S. Disinformation "IndyWatch Feed War"

A Ukrainian serviceman takes cover in a trench during shelling next to a 105mm howitzer near the embattled city of Bakhmut, on March 8, 2023

Paul D. Shinkman US News and World Report April 7, 2023

One of Russian President Vladimir Putins surrogates suggested Friday that leaked U.S. war plans for Ukraine that appeared on social media are actually an act of American disinformation, muddying an issue that already has prompted widespread confusion about the state of the conflict.

This is a classical information special operation, Vladimir Rogov, Ukraine-based chairman of the so-called We Are Together With Russia movement tasked with executing Putins vision for assimilating the former Soviet state, told Russian state news early Friday.

Rogov, who is based in Zaporizhzhya, home to a nuclear power plant frequently in the line of fire, cited a particular detail visible in the photographs of the supposed leaked documents widely circulating on Twitter and Telegram that indicate Ukraine is prepared to mobilize tens of thousands of new troops to push toward the front lines. He said claims such as these are designed to telegraph to Russia that Ukrainian forces are not ready yet and that pro-Russian troops can still relax.

There is quite possibly some truth in this claim, Rogov said, but regarding the timing, this is definitely not the case.

Speculation has swirled about the veracity of the leaked planning documents dated early last month that appear to show the U.S. and NATO assessment of the Russian and Ukrainian sides including their respective battlefield losses and how the West plans to prepare Kyiv for the hotly anticipated spring offensive. Many analysts believe that campaign will decide the future of Russias invasion and its attempts to break the burgeoning and embarrassing deadlock.

Several military analysts told The New York Times that the documents appear to have been manipulated, likely by Russia, to overstate U.S. assessments of how many Ukrainians have been killed in battle and downplay the number of Russian war dead....


Guide to Nigeria Sports Betting Laws and Regulations "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In recent years, weve seen an increase in gambling and sports betting regulation worldwide. However, the trend has been much more present in European countries and the United States, while many places in Asia and Africa still have fairly relaxed and undefined laws, especially when it comes to the online segment.

Nigeria is one such country. While gambling laws are in place for the land-based establishment, there isnt anything in the regulation to tackle online sports betting or casinos.

The current law stipulates that properly licensed local venues can organize lotteries and sports betting, while other games of chance, such as roulette and slots, are deemed illegal. However, this only applies to brick-and-mortar establishments operating within the countrys borders.

Online Sports Betting Regulation in Nigeria

As mentioned, sports betting is legal and regulated in Nigeria. However, the National Lottery Regulatory Commission is only in charge of issuing licenses and overseeing physical businesses in the country. The online segment still remains largely unregulated.

Because of this, Nigerians can bet on sports online on many offshore betting sites established outside of the country. There are no legal obstacles to doing so, and punters from Nigeria dont have to deal with any type of restrictions on monetary transactions, either.

Banking institutions in the country are more than happy to process deposits and withdrawals to and from these betting sites. In fact, many of them offer players the possibility to maintain their online bankrolls in Naira, which makes things even more convenient and helps to avoid paying fees.

Sports Betting and Taxes in Nigeria

Betting operators registered in Nigeria have to pay taxes and licensing fees as stipulated by the National Lottery Regulator Commission. Offshore operators are not subject to these rules as they dont have local licenses, so even though they accept players from Nigeria, they dont pay the taxes like locally-licensed businesses.

As for the players, their winnings are subject to tax, the rate of which can depend on many factors. In theory, all winnings resulting from legal gambling activities (such as sports betting) are taxable.

In practice, when placing bets with offshore sites, it is much harder for the country to keep track of your winnings. This isnt to say that you shouldnt pay taxes, as this can lead...


The Holy Trinity behind Russian military dominance in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

Drago Bosnic Aletho News April 7, 2023

If we were to believe a single word uttered by the mainstream propaganda machine about the performance of the Russian military, wed be convinced that Moscow is using WWII-era equipment begrudgingly manned by conscripts armed with shovels. Not to mention that, according to CNNs well-informed (and yet, anonymous) sources, the morale of the Russian military is supposedly plummeting due to heavy casualties inflicted by the victorious AFU. On the other hand, those interested in Russias top-of-the-line weapons will often (over)focus on its truly world-class hypersonic missilesdirected-energy systems, superfast high-flying interceptorsnext-generation fighter jets, etc.

However, what both ends of these two extremes ignore either completely (in the first case) or overlook for the most part (in the second case) are Russias bread-and-butter weapons that are inflicting the vast majority of casualties suffered by the embattled Kiev regime forces. Distinguished Serbian defense expert Slobodan Djukic recently identified three such weapons Krasnopol/Krasnopol-M precision-guided artillery shells, MPK kits for turning freefall gravity bombs into high-precision glide bombs and Lancet kamikaze drones. All three are being used by the Russian military, to devastating effect on hostile troops, while significantly reducing Russian casualties.

Krasnopol/Krasnopol-M precision-guided artillery shells

Owing to its stellar performance during ground operations against foreign-backed terrorist forces in Syria, the Krasnopol series of high-precision artillery munitions was mass-produced and more widely adopted by the Russian military in recent years. Krasnopol was developed by the Tula-based KBP. There are several basic and improved variants used by 152 mm howitzers such as the towed D-20 or 2A65 Msta-B and self-propelled 2S3 Akatsiya or 2S19 Msta-S. It uses inertial guidance at mid-course and semi-active laser homing at the terminal phase. The target is illuminated by an external laser designator and once the laser signal is detected, the onboard guidance system will maneuver the shell to the target. This allows frontline troops to call in fire missions on specific high-priority targets for almost immediate destruction by a single shell.

The baseline versions hit probability of 70-80% was improved to over 90% in newer variants. Such advanced munitions have a devastating effect on...


Is Henry Makow Good for the Jews? "IndyWatch Feed War" April 7, 2023 

(Good for the Jews   as in reflects positively on Jews in general )

Got this today from a longtime Jewish correspondent and historical revisionist-

We both had Jewish mothers. We are both aware of the worlds villains. When you label Jews, satanic, you imperil nice people, like me. You also endanger nice people like my kids and my grandkids (who arent satanic btw) and thousands of grandmas who make delicious chicken noodle soup. Do you have grandkids, Henry? (Hitler didnt, thats why THEY used him as the ruse to protect their identities.) I remember being caught in a school lockdown while visiting my grandkids school for a play. It was a Jewish school. Jewish schools must have security guards at the door. As do synagogues on Sabbath and holidays. We both know that bad people who call themselves Jews do bad things, like genocide. Nice Jews wind up paying for it. Those that survive, live in fear. The word Jew is like the word people. There are wonderful ones, mediocre ones, and horrible ones. I have dedicated my life to identifying the horrible ones that are above the law and get away scot-free for murdering millions both Jews and non-Jews. It wouldnt suck if you would differentiate the culprits from the victims. This may make you appear soft in the eyes of those of your readers who have been cultivated by indiscriminate hatred, however you wont appear to be a click whore to those of us who know the difference between the perpetrators and the victims. Im sure you have an answer to put me in my placelet it rip.


I make that distinction all the time. In fact I am proof that all Jews are not Satanists. But Jews  are too brainwashed to see  that I am actually fighting anti semitism.

This is from the article currently on my homepage. An apology is in order.

Ordinary Jews cant believe it because they are not Satanists. But many Cabalist Jews are. They have the money, comprise the secret leadership, and manipulate the rest.  Trachtenberg was a Reform Rabbi for 30 years. His portrait gazes down on his personal library housed at Temple Emeth in Teaneck NJ.

He is one of many decent Jews like my former self who have been used as dupes and shills for the Illuminati under the aegis of communism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, Zionism, neoconservatism and gay rights.

In the eyes of Jewish dupes, antisemitism is not caused by the sociopathic Communist Satanic agenda of Organized Jewry which includes fake pandemics, and lockdowns, toxic vaccines,...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Chad Gives German Ambassador 48 Hours to Leave Country

Saturday, 08 April 2023 2:33 AM

Germany's ambassador to Chad will be expelled within 48 hours for his "impolite attitude" and "non-respect of diplomatic practices", the government in N'Djamena said in a statement Friday.

The ambassador, Jan Christian Gordon Kricke, has been in the role since July 2021, and the government gave no official explanation for his expulsion.

Government spokesman Aziz Mahamat Saleh urged him to "leave Chadian territory within 48 hours."

"We have not been officially contacted," a source at the German Embassy told AFP on condition of anonymity, who said he had heard the news via social media.

Kricke has previously served as a diplomat in Niger, Angola and the Philippines. He was also a special representative for Germany in the unstable Sahel.

A government source told AFP, on condition of anonymity, that Kricke was seen as "interfering too much" in the governance of the country and making divisive remarks.

He had been warned on several occasions, the source added.

General Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno took power after his father, President Idriss Deby Itno, who ruled the country for 30 years, died during an operation against rebels in April 2021.

The military junta initially promised to hand power to civilians, however, in October, Deby's rule was extended for two years.

The German embassy joined others, such as France, Spain, and The Netherlands, in expressing its concern over the delayed return to democracy.

(Source: AFP) 


Heres what happens when you investigate why young people are dying "IndyWatch Feed War"

Steve Kirschs Newsletter April 7, 2023

Executive summary

As Dr. Ryan Cole has said many times, You cant find what you dont look for.

In Japan, they decided to investigate the death of a 14-year old girl who died two days after she got the safe and effective booster shot for kids.

What they found is that the vaccine attacked multiple organs and killed her.

Now ask yourself, was this the ONLY child in the world to get unlucky? I dont think so. I think this is the norm for kids who die and we just dont want to look.

Heres the tweet:

Heres the abstract

A 14-year-old Japanese girl died unexpectedly 2 days after receiving the third dose of the BNT1262b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Autopsy findings showed congestive edema of the lungs, T-cell lymphocytic and macrophage infiltration in the lungs, pericardium, and myocardium of the left atria and left ventricle, liver, kidneys, stomach, duodenum, bladder, and diaphragm. Since there was no preceding infection, allergy, or drug toxicity exposure, the patient was diagnosed with post-vaccination pneumonia, myopericarditis, hepatitis, nephritis, gastroenteritis, cystitis, and myositis. Although neither type of inflammation is fatal by itself, arrhythmia is reported...


The Meaning of Melanie Martinezs Bizarre New Alter-Persona "IndyWatch Feed War"

Melanie Martinezs new alter-persona for the album Portals

Vigilant Citizen March 6, 2023

With her new album Portals, Melanie Martinez introduced her fans to a new, bizarre, and slightly horrifying alter-persona. What is the meaning of this thing? Heres a look at the symbolism surrounding this album and its first single DEATH.

Melanie Martinez is one of those artists that is constantly praised for her creativity and inventiveness. That said, when one analyzes her works, we end up finding the same exact messages and symbols found throughout the music industry. As such, despite being different, Martinez ultimately fits the industrys many agendas. Thats the price to pay for a lucrative record contract with Atlantic Records.

One-eye sign = Owned by the industry.In my 2019 article The Sinister Messages of K-12 by Melanie Martinez, I described the disturbing themes surrounding her act: The sexualization of children, Monarch mind control, satanism disguised as feminism, and, of course, the omnipresence of the one-eye sign.

While Martinez has been enjoying massive support from her fans and the industry, shes also been facing controversy. In 2017, a female friend accused Martinez of rape during a sleepover. While she was never formally accused, the stink surrounding this story keeps following her.

Also, theres Martinezs creepy alter persona named Cry Baby.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Hamas Praises Heroic Shooting Operation Against Israeli Settlers

Friday, 07 April 2023 6:04 PM 

Hamas spokesman Mohammad Hamada

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has praised as heroic a Friday shooting operation in the occupied West Bank, saying it showed resistance forces are ready to quickly react to any act of aggression by the Israeli regime.

Hamas spokesman Mohammad Hamada said described the attack, which left two settlers dead and another injured, as a crushing response to Israels aggression. He said resistance is now in the hearts of Palestinians and Israeli aggression against al-Aqsa Mosque and its defenders wont go unanswered.

Hamada reiterated Hamass position that al-Aqsa is a red line for Palestinians.

Iran says the international community should take effective and deterrent action against Israel.

The shooting attack left two Israeli settlers dead and another seriously injured near the settlement of Hamra in the West Bank.

It said the women were fired on in a car in the northern part of the Jordan Valley.

No group has so far claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Israeli military said it had launched a manhunt for the perpetrators of Friday's shooting.

The regime carried out airstrikes and artillery bombardment on the Gaza Strip and Lebanon following rocket attacks in retaliation for Israeli assaults against unarmed worshippers at al-Aqsa in the past couple of days.


The Destruction of the American Male "IndyWatch Feed War"

Paul Craig Roberts April 6, 2023

The backbone and principal resource of every country is the male heterosexual population. Without them there is no country, no births to take the place of deaths. Men have the temperament and strength to fight and to lead. They protect women and children, property, borders. They lead families, communities, businesses, and governments. That has always been their role throughout history. When men become effete, the society collapses. In America this indispensable resource is being destroyed.

It begins with boys, which means they never become men. I remember when boys were trained for leadership. They received more discipline and were given more independence than girls, who were trained for nurture and motherhood. The roles of the sexes were as distinct as the sexes. There was no such thing as a girl who wanted to be a boy or a boy who wanted to be a girl. Transgenderism is an invention of a sick and dying society.

Everything related to becoming a man has been banned. School playground fights, today an excuse to call police and arrest children, were part of growing up. Sports were where you developed confidence as you learned to catch a high fly, field a grounder, throw a strike, hit a single or a home run. Boys were encouraged. They had their own space, sandlot teams, Little League, Boy Scouts. They had after school jobsnewspaper routes, bagging groceries, cutting lawns, washing cars. Girls developed cooking skills, sewing skills, artistic skills, chaste demeanor. None of this meant that women were barred from professional lives. They were authors, Registered Nurses, accountants, para-legals, teachers, scientists, scholars.

The destruction of the male began with feminism. The feminists were the first transgender advocates. They insisted on no difference in the role of men and women. It was the feminists insistence that the male role was better than the females and that women assume male roles and male sexual promiscuity, combined with their attacks on men as misogynists, that destroyed the role of men in society. All of a sudden it was not alright for boys to have their spaces. Boy Scouts had to have girls. Little league teams had to have girls. Think about this for a minute. Parents felt they had to support the girl players. Effusive praise would follow a girl catching a high fly, fielding a grounder, getting a hit. But as these are things the boys were expected to successfully do, they didnt get the praise, and it went on from there. As diversity and multiculturalism progressed in America, it was less safe for girls to be as independent from home as boys. The equality on which feminists insisted meant that the independence of boys had to be curtailed. Today American parents who allow their male children the independence my generation had are arrested for child endangerment.

The feminist desire...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Two Israeli Settlers Killed, One Critically Wounded in Northern West Bank Shooting

Friday, 07 April 2023 10:26 AM 

This picture shows the scene of a purported shooting attack in the occupied West Bank, near the illegal settlement of Hamra, on April 7, 2023. (Photo via Twitter)

At least two Israeli settlers have been killed and another is seriously wounded after they came under a shooting attack in the northern part of the West Bank, amid heightened tensions across the occupied Palestinian territories after Israeli forces violently stormed the al-Aqsa Mosque compound and attacked Palestinian worshipers.

According to the Israeli ZAKA emergency service and local officials, the women were shot at near the illegal settlement of Hamra in the Jordan Valley on Friday. Two of the three settlers later succumbed to their gunshot wounds.

The Israeli military announced in a statement that troops are searching for suspects who opened fire at the car, causing it to crash.

Tensions are remaining high in al-Quds since Israeli forces attacked worshipers in the al-Aqsa Mosque compound overnight on Wednesday, during the holy month of Ramadan. The raid on the sacred site left at least 12 Palestinians injured.

World leaders have condemned Israeli forces violence against Palestinian worshipers at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound.

The raids continued into Thursday morning when Israeli troops were once again seen assaulting and pushing Palestinians out of the compound and preventing them from praying before extremist settlers were allowed in under police protection.

At least 400 Palestinians were arrested on Wednesday and remain in Israeli custody, according to Palestinian officials. They are being held at a police station in Atarot settlement in occupied East al-Quds.

Palestinian witnesses said Israeli forces used excessive force, including stun grenades and tear gas, causing suffocation injuries to the worshipers, and beatings with batons and rifles.

UN Secretary-General A...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

President Raeisi Calls for Muslim Convergence Against Israeli Atrocities

Friday, 07 April 2023 5:38 PM 

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi talks to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Tehran on July 19, 2022. (File photo by

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi has called for a convergence in the Muslim world against the atrocities of the Israeli regime as the occupation forces assaulted defenseless worshippers at al-Aqsa Mosque.

During a phone call with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday, Raeisi strongly slammed the recent attacks of the Israeli forces against al-Aqsa Mosque as a desecration of the holy place. He also slammed Israeli aggressions on Syria and Lebanon.

Raeisi reiterated the call for holding an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to discuss ways to confront the brutal actions of the Israeli regime.

Stressing the need to respect the territorial integrity of regional countries, Raeisi said the most important approach to confront terrorism and separatism is to support the national sovereignty of states.

For his part, Erdogan called for Muslim unity to support Palestine. "The Islamic world should be united against Israel's attacks in Palestine," he said, according to the Turkish Presidency's Directorate of Communications.

Irans President Raeisi has called for an emergency meeting of the OIC to discuss the latest Israeli forces raid on Palestinian worshipers at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound.

Noting that reasonable thinking could prevent a new cycle of violence in Palestine, Erdogan said adopting common sense will be beneficial for all sides.

He also called on Tehran to continue efforts to preserve the status of holy places, including al-Aqsa Mosque, at international organizations.

The conversations came amid a new wave of Israeli hostilities against Palestinian people during the fasting month of Ramadan.

On Wednesday night, and for a second night in a row, heavily-armed Israeli forces stormed Muslims' third holiest site and removed peaceful wor...


Apple Releases Updates to Address Zero-Day Flaws in iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and Safari "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Apple on Friday released security updates for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and Safari web browser to address a pair of zero-day flaws that are being exploited in the wild. The two vulnerabilities are as follows - CVE-2023-28205 - A use after free issue in WebKit that could lead to arbitrary code execution when processing specially crafted web content. CVE-2023-28206 - An out-of-bounds write issue in


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Russia Calls for Multilateral Talks to Resolve Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Lavrov

The foreign minister pointed out that the Quartet has not been convened for some time and its meetings are being blocked by the United States

Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service/TASS

ANKARA, April 7. /TASS/. Moscow is in favor of resuming multilateral negotiations to find a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which would involve the Quartet on the Middle East and the Arab League, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference after talks with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu on Friday.

"We have long been advocating to resume the multilateral process for the Israeli-Palestinian settlement, as there is a universally recognized collective mediator, which is the Quartet comprising Russia, the United States, the European Union and the United Nations," he said. "It is in this very framework, with the mandatory involvement of the Arab League, that we can, in practice and with hope for some kind of result, search for agreements that should be based on the principles of the two-state solution, as they are formulated in documents."

Lavrov pointed out that the Quartet has not been convened for some time and its meetings are being blocked by the United States.

"Regrettably, the UN Secretary-General, who is supposed to initiate such meetings, has faded into the woodwork, as apparently he is unwilling to irritate US colleagues, since the United States has outspokenly declared its course of handling this by itself and of getting the Palestinians and Israelis to reconcile," the minister said.

According to Lavrov, the conditions suggested by Washington do not comply with the principles laid down in the US resolutions.

On Tuesday, the Palestinian news agency WAFA reported that Israeli law enforcement officers stormed into the Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem, firing stun grenades, spraying tear gas and using rubber bullets and b...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Russian Air Defenses Intercept Two US-made HIMARS Rockets in Ukraine Operation

It is reported that Russian forces destroyed roughly 20 Ukrainian troops and a D-20 howitzer in the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye areas over the past day

Russian Defence Ministry Press Service/TASS

MOSCOW, April 7. /TASS/. Russian air defense forces intercepted two rockets of the US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket system and destroyed 11 Ukrainian drones over the past day during the special military operation in Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Friday.

"During the last 24-hour period, air defense capabilities intercepted two rockets of the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system. In addition, they destroyed 11 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in areas near the settlements of Olginka and Privolnoye in the Donetsk Peoples Republic, Karmazinovka and Novokrasnyanka in the Lugansk Peoples Republic and Removka in the Zaporozhye Region," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroy 30 Ukrainian troops in Kupyansk area

Russian forces struck Ukrainian army units in the Kupyansk area, destroying 30 enemy troops over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kupyansk direction, aircraft and artillery of the western battlegroup struck the Ukrainian army units in areas near the settlements of Sinkovka and Kislovka in the Kharkov Region. As many as 30 Ukrainian personnel, two motor vehicles and a D-30 howitzer were destroyed in the past 24 hours," the spokesman said.

Russian forces eliminate over 50 Ukrainian troops in Krasny Liman area

Russian forces eliminated over 50 Ukrainian troops and a Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system in the Krasny Liman area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Krasny Liman direction, assault aircraft, artillery and active operations by units of the battlegroup Center inflicted damage on the enemy in the area of the settlement of Terny in the Donetsk Peoples Republic," the spokesman said.

Over 50 Ukrainian personnel,...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

IAEA Head Adjusting His Zaporozhye NPP Security Initiative Russian Diplomat

Rafael Grossi visited the Zaporozhye NPP on March 29

A view of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant in the city of Energodar Erik Romanenko/TASS

MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi is trying to "adjust" his initiative on security and safety of Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant to speed up its implementation, there is no question of delaying the process. Mikhail Ulyanov, Russias envoy to the international organizations in Vienna, said this talking to TASS.

According to the diplomat, certain changes in Grossi's approaches to ensuring nuclear and physical nuclear safety and security at the Zaporozhye NPP occurred even before his last visit to the plant on March 29.

"He [Grossi] refused to use the word "zone" and clearly indicated that the object of protection would be the plant itself, without the territories adjacent to it. It seems that there is no question of delaying the process. Rafael Grossi is trying to adjust his initiative in such a way as to speed up its implementation," Ulyanov explained.

Grossi visited the Zaporozhye NPP on March 29. He inspected the plant facilities that had been damaged in Ukrainian shelling attacks. In particular, he could see the site between the coolant reservoirs at the fourth power unit that had been hit by a Ukrainian rocket. It was Grossis second visit to the nuclear power plant in the past six months (his first visit took place on September 1, 2022).

On April 5, the head of the IAEA visited Kaliningrad and discussed the security issues of the Zaporozhye NPP there with high-ranking representatives of several Russian agencies.

IAEA Head Will Have to Go Extra Mile in Dialogue with Kiev on Zaporozhye NPP Diplomat

Mikhail Ulyanov noted that the consultations on this issue, which took place on April 5 during Grossi's visit to Kaliningrad, "were held in a businesslike and constructive manner"

MOSCOW, April 8. /TAS...


Expert-Led Webinar: Learn Proven Strategies to Secure Your Identity Perimeter "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The stakes are high when it comes to cybersecurity. No longer are we dealing with unskilled hackers trying to break into corporate systems with brute force. Today, cybercriminals are using highly sophisticated methods like social engineering, spear phishing, and BEC to target users directly and log in with valid credentials. This is why the identity perimeter has become a critical battleground


Researchers Discover Critical Remote Code Execution Flaw in vm2 Sandbox Library "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The maintainers of the vm2 JavaScript sandbox module have shipped a patch to address a critical flaw that could be abused to break out of security boundaries and execute arbitrary shellcode. The flaw, which affects all versions, including and prior to 3.9.14, was reported by researchers from South Korea-based KAIST WSP Lab on April 6, 2023, prompting vm2


Pi Microcontroller Still Runs a Webserver "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

At first glance, the Raspberry Pi Pico might seem like a bit of a black sheep when compared to the other offerings from the Raspberry Pi Foundation. While most of the rest of their lineup can run Linux environments with full desktops, the Pico is largely limited to microcontroller duties in exchange for much smaller price tags and footprints. But that doesnt mean it cant be coerced into doing some of the things we might want a mainline Pi to do, like run a web server.

The project can run a static web page simply by providing the Pico with the project code available on the GitHub page and the HTML that youd like the Pico to serve. It can be more than a static web page though, as it is also capable of running Python commands through the web interface as well. The server can pass commands from the web server and back as well, allowing for control of various projects though a browser interface. In theory this could be much simpler than building a physical user interface for a project instead by offloading all of this control onto the web server instead.

The project not only supports the RP2040-based Raspberry Pi Pico but can also be...


This companys virtual group therapy could help curb the youth mental health crisis "IndyWatch Feed World"

With its virtual intensive outpatient program, Charlie Health offers a mental health treatment option for teens and young adults amid a mental health crisis.

When Carter Barnhart was fourteen, she was sexually assaulted. For over two and a half years, she struggled to sleep through the night, grappling with PTSD and anxiety. Finally, she went to Newport Academy, a residential mental health treatment program in California that had just started. Barnhart was patient No. 2 and, at Newport, she found healing. Her freshman year of college, she emailed the founder and asked if she could intern. She would spend the next 11 years working for Newport.

Read Full Story


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Russian Forces Eliminate Ukrainian Reconnaissance Group in Southern Donetsk Area

"A Leleka UAV was shot down by small arms fire," Alexander Gordeyev said

Russian Defence Ministry Press Service/TASS

MOSCOW, April 7. /TASS/. Russian forces eliminated a Ukrainian reconnaissance group in the southern Donetsk area over the past day during the special military operation in Ukraine, Spokesman for the Battlegroup East Alexander Gordeyev reported on Friday.

"In the southern Donetsk direction, units of the battlegroup East thwarted an attempt to reconnoiter our troop forward positions by fire and also destroyed an enemy reconnaissance group. A pickup truck and up to 20 militants were eliminated. The team of an Osa-AKM air defense system shot down a Leleka unmanned aerial vehicle," the spokesman said.

In the Zaporozhye direction, a Russian Penitsillin artillery reconnaissance system uncovered and the teams of Akatsiya self-propelled artillery guns destroyed two enemy howitzers in areas near the settlements of Zatishye and Chervonaya Krinitsa in counter-battery fire, Gordeyev said.

"A Leleka UAV was shot down by small arms fire," the spokesman said.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Kiev is Preparing Provocation to Discredit Russia Russian Defense Ministry

They specified that the Kiev regime would hold a special information campaign to divert the attention of the international community from the facts of numerous war crimes published by the UN

Russian Defense Ministry Sergey Bobylev/TASS

MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. Kiev is preparing a large-scale information campaign to discredit Russia on the international arena. A representative of the interdepartmental coordination headquarters of Russia for humanitarian response in Ukraine said this to reporters on Saturday.

"According to available data, confirmed by several independent sources, a large-scale provocation aimed at discrediting the Russian Federation on the international arena is being prepared under the leadership of the office of the President of Ukraine," the headquarters said.

They specified that the Kiev regime would hold a special information campaign to divert the attention of the international community from the facts of numerous war crimes published by the UN, committed by the Ukrainian army and militants of nationalist groups.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Civil Rights Probe Launched After Fatal Park Police Shooting


April 6, 2023

This image taken from police body camera video released by the U.S. Park Police shows the scene after 17-year-old Dalaneo Martin was fatally shot by a U.S. Park Police officer on March 18, 2023, in Washington. The Justice Department has opened a federal civil rights investigation after a U.S. Park Police officer fatally shot Martin who drove off with an officer in the back seat after the teenager was found asleep in a suspected stolen car. (U.S. Park Police via AP)

WASHINGTON (AP) The Justice Department has opened a federal civil rights investigation after a U.S. Park Police officer fatally shot a 17-year-old who drove off with an officer in the back seat after the teenager was found asleep in a suspected stolen car.

The FBI and the U.S. attorneys office in Washington launched the investigation this week after federal officials released body-worn camera footage showing the officer fatally shooting Dalaneo Martin last month.

The police video is one of the first released by the National Park Service and follows a 2022 order by Interior Secretary Deb Haaland requiring the agencys 3,000 law enforcement officers to wear body cameras. It is also one of the first times body-worn camera footage has ever been released by a federal law enforcement agency.

Martins death comes amid an ongoing national reckoning over authorities use of force and months as the beating death of Tyre Nichols by police in Memphis, Tennessee, renewed scrutiny on this issue after widespread protests over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis in 2020.

The March 18 encounter began around 9 a.m. when two Park Police officers were called by a Metropolitan Police Department officer who was responding to a report of a suspicious vehicle in northeast Washington. Several officers surrounded the car, saw Martin asleep behind the steering wheel and told dispatchers that the ignition of the car was punched, a sign the car might be stolen, authorities said.

As the office...


US resumes biolabs program in Ukraine - Russian MOD "IndyWatch Feed World"

US resumes biolabs program in Ukraine - Russian MOD --Washington is constructing secretive new facilities and is training personnel, Moscow has claimed | 7 April 2023 | The US has quietly resumed its controversial biolabs program in Ukraine and is focusing on the construction of secretive new facilities and the training of personnel, the Russian Defense Ministry has claimed. A new trove of documents on alleged US-funded biological programs in Ukraine was presented by the commander of Russia's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Forces, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, during a media briefing on Friday. Kirillov cited the protocol from a meeting dated October 20, 2022, which was attended by representatives of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and multiple Ukrainian officials, as well as figures from the Jacobs/CH2M engineering company.


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