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Friday, 10 March


Ein Leser weist aus aktuellem Anlass auf Limited Hangout ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ein Leser weist aus aktuellem Anlass auf Limited Hangout hin. Das ist eine bewhrte Geheimdiensttaktik, wenn ihre Geheimhaltung scheitert.

According to Victor Marchetti, a former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a limited hangout is "spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admittingsometimes even volunteeringsome of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further."

Noch ein Leserbrief zur Gemse-Situation.wer glaubt, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Noch ein Leserbrief zur Gemse-Situation.

wer glaubt, dass es nur hollndische und spanische Betriebe betrifft, sollte man einen Besuch bei seinem lokalen Gemsebauern abstatten. Ich war bei einem norddeutschen Tomatenerzeuger. Gesamter Betrieb in Gewchshusern, htte man sicher in Fuballfeldern messen knnen. Tomaten werden geerntet zwischen Februar und November (die beiden Monate ohne Ernte sind zum Aufrumen und desinfizieren der Gewchshuser). Natrlich wird da fast ganzjhrig auch geheizt. Im Winter kommt jede Woche ein LKW mit Holzhcksel, dass dann innerhalb einer Woche verheizt wird. Zudem wird CO2 in LKWs angeliefert und die Pflanzen damit begast. Das erhht den Ertrag.

Wer also glaubt "deutsche Tomaten" wrden romantisch wie im Garten wachsen und wren nicht von Lieferketten abhngig und auch nicht klimaschdlich, der ist halt leider nur naiv und entfremdet.

Warum wohl meinst du schmecken Tomaten aus dem eigenen Garten so viel besser?

Vom Dngerbedarf und er vollautomatischen Bewsserung fange ich jetzt gar nicht an...

In dem ganzen Grobetrieb gab es nur 5 Angestellte, neben dem Besitzer:
Polnische Pflcker. Und die fllen locker die Supermrkte damit.

Quellen? Jede Menge:,TMEACyi

Schn finde ich das Bild beim WDR mit der Bildunterschrift: "Typischer Familienbetrieb am Niederrhein", auf dem man einfach NUR Gewchshuser sieht, riesige Flchen.

"Experten geben Richtwerte von 150 bis 200 kg/ha/h bei Gemsepflanzen an" - da werden 200kg Co2 pro Hektar und Stunde vergast, 24/7/365. Macht wenn ich mich nicht verrechnet habe ca. 12tausend Tonnen Co2 pro Hektar und Jahr. Zum Vergleich stt ein viel gefahrener, alter PKW ca. 6 Tonnen Co2 pro Jahr aus. Ein Hektar Tomaten = 2000 PKW. Wo ist da eigentlich die letzte Generation und klebt sich an die Glasscheiben?
Achso, ja, die essen ja in ihren Hipster-Lden im Winter Tomaten und Erdbeeren. :-(

Hmm. Lassen die das nicht vom Gemse in Wachstum umgebaute CO2 in die Atmosphre ab oder wie? Solange die Pflanzen das aufnehmen ist das doch klimatechnisch OK?

Die Times schreibt (leider komplett Paywall), dass ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die Times schreibt (leider komplett Paywall), dass die Nord-Stream-Sprengung von einem ukrainischen Oligarchen betrieben wurde, und dass die Dienste das schon eine Woche danach wussten, aber uns aus Kriegszustimmungs-Bevlkerungs-Meinungsbildungsmanipulationsgrnden nicht gesagt haben.

Auch hinter der Paywall schreiben sie nicht den Namen des Oligarchen. Hier ist der letzte Absatz:

His name will surely appear eventually, particularly given that he appears to have left a peculiar calling card. Ukraines relationship with its allies will fare better if the individual comes clean.
Es ist also wie immer: Wir werden von unseren eigenen Behrden belogen und manipuliert.

Bleibt die Frage, wieso das ausgerechnet jetzt rauskommt. Meine Vermutung dazu: Das hier ist der Grund. Die westlichen Lgen-Dienste mssen davon ausgehen, dass Russland rausfindet, was sie wussten aber nicht angesagt haben, und bevor ihnen das Narrativ entgleitet, gehen sie lieber zuerst an die ffentlichkeit, mit ihrem eigenen Spin wie dem False-Flag-Bullshit.

Nehmen wir mal an, jetzt kommt "geheimdienstlich besttigt" ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Nehmen wir mal an, jetzt kommt "geheimdienstlich besttigt" raus, dass die Ukraine hinter den Anschlgen auf Nord Stream steckt.

Was meint ihr, was dann passiert? Wird das Einfluss auf unsere Waffenlieferdebatte haben?

Wird irgendjemand in der Tagesschau ansprechen, dass es sich um ein Kriegsverbrechen handelt, wenn man anderer Lnder zivile Infrastruktur angreift? Immerhin lsst die Ukraine ja keine Gelegenheit aus, die russischen Angriffe auf ihre kritische Infrastruktur als Kriegsverbrechen zu brandmarken.

Wird jemand argumentieren, dass die Ukraine jetzt unsere Hilfe generell nicht verdient hat?

Nehmen wir mal weiter an, dass das "nicht die Regierung" war sondern irgendein Oligarch. Wrden wir die Ukraine damit wegkommen lassen?

Was wenn der Oligarch einer Partei nahesteht? Lassen wir uns einen "blo ein paar verwirrte Einzeltter" andrehen?

Und ich witzelte noch ber gefundene Reisepsse. ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Und ich witzelte noch ber gefundene Reisepsse. Was als nchstes passiert, berrascht hoffentlich niemanden :-)

Leserbrief zu den Gewchshusern in Holland:Ich arbeite ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Leserbrief zu den Gewchshusern in Holland:

Ich arbeite in der IT fr mehrere Blumenexporteure die alles direkt bei den Zchtern einkaufen.

Was in keinem Artikel steht: Die meisten Zchter (sowohl Blumen als auch Obst und Gemse) wussten letztes Jahr im Sommer schon dass die Gaspreise im Winter so hoch sein werden dass die Gewchshuser nicht mehr beheizt werden knnen. Manche haben an unsere Kunden durchgegeben dass sie einfach so lang wie mglich Produkte liefern aber sobald das Gas ausluft / die Kosten die Einnahmen bersteigen mit der Zucht stoppen und die Firma auflsen. Ein Zchter hatte am Montag angerufen dass er ab Dienstag nichts mehr liefert und alles stoppt.

Die greren Zchter haben Gas zu einem gnstigeren Preis gekauft bevor der Gaspreis explodiert ist und pltzlich war es um einiges lukrativer das Gas zu einem hheren Preis zu verkaufen als es selbst zur Zucht zu benutzen. Gibt mehrere Unternehmen die mit dem Verkauf von Gas mehr Umsatz gemacht haben als die letzten 5 Jahre mit der Zucht von Blumen.

Problem ist auch: Sobald die Gewchshuser stoppen mit Heizen sterben alle Pflanzen und es dauert einige Monate bevor man wieder ernten kann / Geld reinspielt und die meisten knnen die Monate nicht berbrcken

Wenig berraschend kamen hier Dutzende von Mails zu ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wenig berraschend kamen hier Dutzende von Mails zu Discord rein.

Hufigster Einwand: Aber aber aber Fefe, Discord ist einfach zu bedienen, nicht so Frickelscheie wie IRC! Discord kann man auch schnell als kompletter Vollidiot mal eben aufsetzen!

Habt ihr euch mal berlegt, dass meine Zeit zumindest fr mich etwas wert ist? Vielleicht will ich gar nicht mit kompletten Vollidioten reden? :-)

Im brigen setzen die Vollidioten das halt nicht auf. Die konfigurieren ein UI bei einer amerikanischen Cloud-Datenkrake, die sich in ihrer Datenschutzerklrung grozgig selbst einmal alle Rechte an den Daten einrumen.

Zweithufigster Einwand: Aber aber aber Discord kann doch auch Audio und Video und Upload!

Nichts davon betrifft irgendeinen der von mir angesprochenen Anwendungsflle.

Wenn ihr gerne ber einen US-Cloudanbieter Telefonate fhren wollt, dann macht das halt. Aber mit mir werdet ihr dann halt nicht telefonieren. Die Entscheidung, welchen Datenkranken ich Zugriff auf meine Daten gebe, die treffe ICH. Nicht du. Ich empfinde das als hochgradig bergriffig, wenn mir jemand eine Plattform berhelfen will, und zwar egal welche Plattform das ist.

Mein grundstzlicher Punkt war aber der mit der Dokumentation. Gegen den hatte keiner der Leserbriefe etwas einzuwenden. Keine Ahnung, wieso die alle glaubten, mir ihre Meinung schrieben zu mssen. Vermutlich ein Fall von Duty Calls.

Zu dem Video ber das indische Eintrittsexamen kamen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Zu dem Video ber das indische Eintrittsexamen kamen eine Menge Leserbriefe rein. An der Stelle mal ein PSA: Leute, wenn eure Mail mit "Ich hoffe das war eine Medienkompetenzbung" erffnet, habe ich direkt keinen Bock mehr, meine Zeit in das Lesen von dem Rest zu investieren.

Und nochmal ganz langsam zum mitmeieln: ALLE meine Beitrge sind Medienkompetenzbungen.

So, jetzt einer der Leserbriefe:

Der gute Herr Professor ist doch sicher noch keinem indischen Studenten begegnet. Also die knnen zwar schon alles so wie in der Prfung gezeigt nach Schema F lsen und aufs Blatt kbeln, aber die Leute knnen ums verrecken nicht selber denken. In der Uni (Bremen) hatten wir in manchen Fchern leider auch so 'schwere' Prfungen. Das waren fr mich aber tatschlich die leichtesten. Dort hat man vorher einfach tausend mal das standard Schema gerechnet und in der Prfung halt mit anderen Zahlen angewendet. Note 1 Komma irgendwas, verstanden Null Komma nichts. Ernsthaft, Wirklich. Am meisten mitgenommen habe ich bei den Fchern in denen etwas 'begreiflich' gemacht wurde. Und etwas zu begreifen ist immer ein langsamer Prozess.

Und noch eine schne Anekdote. Meine Exfreundin, Inderin, Elektrotechnik Bachelor abgeschlossen. Sie hatte sich einen Elektroheizer gekauft, weil ihr die Kosten der normalen Heizung zu hoch waren. Auf meine Anmerkung hin, dass mit Strom zu heizen doch eine sehr ineffiziente Variante im Vergleich zu l/Gas/Fernwrme, meinte sie nur "da steht aber drauf, dass der sehr effizient ist".

Und im studentischen Umkreis hab ich viele solche Leute gesehen. Ich war auch eine Zeit lang Tutor und irgendwie mussten immer nur die auslndischen/asiatische Studenten 'nachsitzen', weil sie ihre Aufgaben nicht zeitig fertig bekommen haben. Es waren halt leider Aufgaben ohne standard Schema und im Zweifel sogar mit mehreren Lsungswegen. Das lief dann hufig getreu dem Motto "If you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail".
Ich glaube, insgesamt gab es da niemanden, der mich mal mit eigenstndigen Ideen/Gedanken beeindruckt htte. Und eigentlich will man genau das haben, wenn es um Bildung und Innovation geht.

Man kann natrlich gerne unser Bildungssystem kritisieren, da luft wirklich viel schief. Aber unsinniges und unntiges Auswendiglernen wie das in dem Video gezeigt wurde ist definitiv keine Lsung...

Das muss ein anderes Video gewesen sein, indem Auswendiglernen gezeigt wurde...?

Lesetipp: Cory Doctorow ber "Enshittification" von ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Lesetipp: Cory Doctorow ber "Enshittification" von Plattformen am Beispiel von Tiktok. Der Artikel ist von Ende Januar, aber ich hab den erst jetzt gesehen.

Kurze Durchsage vom britischen Premierminister:If you ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kurze Durchsage vom britischen Premierminister:

If you come to the UK illegally you will be DENIED access to the UK's modern slavery system

Ihr ahnt ja nicht, was die gerade herausgefunden haben! ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ihr ahnt ja nicht, was die gerade herausgefunden haben! Die Nord-Stream-Explosionen gehen auf eine pro-ukrainische Gruppe zurck!

Ja no shit, Sherlock! Habt ihr das ganz alleine rausgefunden?!? Respekt, Columbo!

Ich wei, was ihr jetzt denkt. Das war bestimmt eine pro-ukrainische Organisation mit Sitz in Langley, Virginia.

Als ich diese Meldung vorhin zum ersten Mal sah, stand da noch, die Amerikaner seien sich eigentlich nur bei einer Sache wirklich sicher: Dass es weder USA noch UK waren. Gut, dass wir das mal geklrt haben.

Ich bin erstaunt, dass das so lange gedauert hat seit den Hersh-Anschuldigungen. Ich htte die ja fr agiler gehalten, die amerikanischen Geheimdienste.

Update: Ist euch mal aufgefallen, dass False Flag immer eine unserise Verschwrungstheorie ist, wenn sie von uns kommt, aber wenn sie von denen kommt, ist das eine vllig normale Mglichkeit, ber die man mal unvoreingenommen reden muss?

In internationalen Sicherheitskreisen wird nicht ausgeschlossen, dass es sich auch um eine "False Flag"-Operation handeln knne. Das bedeutet, es knnten auch bewusst Spuren gelegt worden sein, die auf die Ukraine als Verursacher hindeuten. Allerdings haben die Ermittler offenbar keine Hinweise gefunden, die ein solches Szenario bekrftigen.
Oh, ihr habt keinen russischen Reisepass auf dem Boden neben dem Einschlagsort gefunden? Das heit aber nicht, dass eure Theorie absurde Kackscheie war, nein nein! Das zeigt dann im Gegenteil, wie gewieft und verderbt diese Russen sind!!1!

Ist euch aufgefallen, dass die Supermrkte aktuell ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ist euch aufgefallen, dass die Supermrkte aktuell teilweise leere Obst- und Gemseregale haben?

Da gibt es zwei Grnde fr. Erstens: In Almeria war es erst zu warm, dann zu kalt, die haben massive Ernteausflle. Da kommt ein Groteil der deutschen Ware her, das ist in Sdspanien.

Zweitens: Die Gewchshuser in Holland hatten teilweise kompletten Ernteausfall, weil sich bei den hohen Energiepreisen das Beheizen nicht gelohnt htte.

Bleibt noch Nordafrika, aber auch da gab es Probleme.

Der Artikel ber die Gewchshuser ist leider Paywall, daher hier ein paar Money Quotes:

Nirgends auf der Welt sind die Ertrge bei vielen Gemsesorten so hoch wie hier. 35 bis 40 Kilogramm grne Paprika erntet Wouter van den Bosch pro Quadratmeter. Das ist rund fnfmal so viel, wie Bauern in der Region Almeria schaffen, dem Zentrum des spanischen Gemseanbaus.

Aber das niederlndische Treibhauswunder hat eine Schwachstelle. Es frisst enorme Mengen Energie. Allem voran Gas. Fast neun Prozent des gesamten nationalen Erdgasverbrauchs gehen in die Treibhuser.

Weiter unten in dem Artikel erzhlen sie, dass ein Nachbarbetrieb vor einer Weile auf Erdwrme gesetzt hat. Das hat 10 Mio Euro gekostet und die anderen in der Gegend haben das anfangs als PR-Nummer belchelt. Jetzt nutzen sie seine berschusswrme mit.

Update: Wenn es regnet, kbelt es.

Der weltgrte Anbieter von Obst, Gemse und Schnittblumen Dole wurde Opfer eines Ransomware-Angriffs. Die Produktion in den USA wurde temporr eingestellt.


Beware of Fake Facebook Profiles, Google Ads Pushing Sys01 Stealer "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Deeba Ahmed

The researchers have been tracking the malware campaign since November 2020.

This is a post from Read the original post: Beware of Fake Facebook Profiles, Google Ads Pushing Sys01 Stealer


Rust 1.68.0 released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Version 1.68.0 of the Rust language has been released. Changes include the stabilization of the "sparse" Cargo protocol, the ability for (some) applications to recover from memory-allocation failures, and "local Pin construction":

The new pin! macro constructs a Pin<&mut T> from a T expression, anonymously captured in local state. This is often called stack-pinning, but that "stack" could also be the captured state of an async fn or block.


Urhobo/lsoko Ex- Agitators Reject Omo Agege,  Accused Him Of Embezzling Pipeline Surveillance Contract Fund "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 9TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Ex-Agitators, predominantly Youths of Urhobo and Isoko Ethnic Nationalities today took to the streets in Warri Metropolis in Delta State to protest against Senator Ovie Omo Agege, the Deputy Senate Presdent and APC Governorship Candidate in Delta State over his alleged involvement in cornering the
Urhobo lsoko Pipeline Surveillance Contract by proxy for his younger brother named Jimmy Omo Agege.

The former Niger Delta warlords of Urhobo and Isoko extraction called on Abdulrasheed Bawa ,the Chairman of Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to arrest Senator Ovie Omo-Agege for allegedly withholding the Pipeline Surveillance contract funds meant for the youths of Urhobo and Isoko ethnic nationalities.


Senator Omo-Agege is the current Deputy President of the Senate and leading Governorhip Candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the coming March 18, 2023 Governorhip and House of Assembly elections in Delta State.

The aggrieved, wild-looking youths, armed with placards with various inscriptions and chanting revolutionary songs on Thursday morning, stormed the Ovwian Express Junction, Udu Local Government Area of the state, on a peaceful protest, calling out Omo-Agege to return the pipeline surveillance funds allocated to the two ethnic nationalities.


The youths, therefore, gave the EFCC a seven-day ultimatum commencing March 9, 2023, to carry out the arrest of Senator Ovie Omo Agege or be ready for more protests on the streets.



US Still Trying To Bury Collateral Murder Video That WikiLeaks Released "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This article was funded by paid subscribers of The Dissenter Newsletter, a project of Shadowproof. Become a monthly paid subscriber to help us publish more independent journalism on whistleblowing.

To further their nationwide efforts to restrict access to transgender health care, Republicans in the state of Missouri have deployed a former case worker at Washington Universitys Transgender Center at St. Louis Childrens Hospital, who they claim is a whistleblower.

There is no shortage of activists, journalists, academics, and people of conscience who have some story to share about the impact of the Collateral Murder video.

The U.S. military footage of an Apache helicopter crew shooting indiscriminately at a dozen Iraqi civilians including Reuters journalists Namir Noor Eldeen and Saeed Chmagh, and two young children is widely recognized for exposing the true nature of the United States war in Iraq and for making WikiLeaks and Julian Assange household names.

Three years before WikiLeaks made it possible for the public to watch this video, Dean Yates, Reuters bureau chief in Iraq, learned of its existence. Yates testified about the impact of the video at the Belmarsh Tribunal in Sydney, Australia on March 4, 2023.

Later in the Tribunal, another delegate, Australian lawyer Bernard Collaery, called Yates testimony admissible evidence, which could serve as witness testimony in defense of Assange. (In fact, a statement from Yates was submitted to a British court during Assanges extradition trial.)

It has now been nearly 13 years since WikiLeaks published the video, and nearly 16 years since the attack took place. No one responsible for the attack or the invasion of Iraq has faced even a modicum of accountability.

In contrast, Assange is languishing in Belmarsh Prison under torturous conditions. He sits in legal limbo while the United States continues to pursue his extradition under Espionage Act charges, in a case which poses an unprecedented threat to press freedom.

While WikiLeaks publication of military documents from Iraq and Afghanistan are at the heart of the case, the Collateral Murder video is absent from the 18-count indictment that spans 37 pages.

The U.S. military usually didnt investigate civilian casualties in Iraq. It did in this case because Namir and Saeed worked for a major international news organization, Yates said as he started his speech.

I was shownwithout advance warningless than three minutes of footage from the gun-camera of Crazy Horse 1-8, up...


Ambiguous loss is a trauma like no other: The Director of MH370: The Plane that Disappeared on the Biggest Mystery in Aviation History "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Ambiguous loss is a trauma like no other: The Director of MH370: The Plane that Disappeared on the Biggest Mystery in Aviation History appeared first on Global Research.


JUST-IN: Court Remands Ex-Imo Deputy Governor In Prison "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A Magistrate court in Owerri, Imo State capital on Thursday remanded the immediate past Deputy Governor of the state, Engr. Gerald Irona, in prison custody. The presiding Magistrate, C. N Ezerioha, after hearing the prosecution counsel and defense counsel, noted the jurisdictional limitations of his court while ordering that Engr. Irona be remanded in custody []


Colonel McGregor: Russia is crushing the Kiev regime "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Drago Bosnic | March 9, 2023

Colonel Douglas McGregor doesnt need a lot of introduction to people aware of the current geopolitical situation, as his actions, integrity and wisdom speak for themselves. Unfortunately, such cadres are now almost entirely absent from Washington DC, particularly the Pentagon. They have been replaced by a plethora of post-Cold War neoconservatives and neoliberals intended on not just maintaining the so-called Pax Americana, but also extending it to essentially every corner of the planet. In his latest interview with Real Americas Dan Ball, Colonel McGregor gave an assessment of the current state of the Kiev regime forces, as well as their prospects in the coming weeks and months.

After the anchor gave a brief breakdown of the disastrous state of the United States under the troubled Biden administration, he touched on the subject of ever-escalating military aid the Washington DC has been sending to the embattled Neo-Nazi junta in hopes of stopping Russia from finally inflicting a crushing defeat on them. He pointed out that the US Congress just approved its latest aid package worth $400 million, pushing the publicly revealed amount to $32 billion of US taxpayer dollars for Washington DCs favorite puppet regime, out of the $113 billion approved thus far, with no end in sight, as he correctly noted.

Dan Ball then assessed the meeting between Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, signaling the symbolic end of the very last remnants of Berlins sovereignty as Germany pledged to send more weapons and funds for the Neo-Nazi junta, despite the tremendous problems this is causing on the home front. Ball also pointed out the glaring hypocrisy of the political West, as NATO is publicly bragging about its involvement with the Kiev regime, including the massive weapons shipments and ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets, while openly threatening China in case it sends armaments to Russia.

Aside from the fact that Beijing never made such statements, nor is there any indicator that Moscow is desperate to get help from China, its quite obvious the US has completely lost touch with what actual diplomacy is. The anchor also questioned the impact of the aid the Neo-Nazi junta is getting, but warned that its certainly drawing down our existing weapons stock, which puts America in a bad spot, kind of like Biden draining our emergency oil reserves. The last line refers to Joe Bidens unrelenting squanderin...


Polls: Court Orders INEC To Allow Use Of Temporary Voters Card "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Federal High Court sitting in Abuja has ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission, (INEC) to allow the use of Temporary Voter Cards, (TVCs) in the March 18 governorship and State House of Assembly elections. The order was made following a suit filed by two aggrieved Nigerians seeking the use of TVCs in the general []


Reducing the cost of insulin is big news "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

An estimated 26.9 million people of all ages (8.2% of the U.S. population) have been diagnosed with diabetes. A further 7.3 million adults ages 18 years or older (21.4 percent of adults) are estimated to have diabetes but are undiagnosed. For people with diabetes, insulin is essential for them to live but in the US, insulin prices have been much higher than elsewhere in the world resulting in crippling costs for users, so much so that some people cannot afford to buy the drug.

One of the major achievements of Democrats and the Biden administration in passing the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) at the end of last year was that it allowed Medicare to negotiate down the price of insulin for those over 65.

Effective January 1, 2023, out-of-pocket costs for insulin are capped at $35 per monthly prescription among Medicare Part D enrollees under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). A similar cap takes effect in Medicare Part B on July 1, 2023. An estimated 1.5 million Medicare beneficiaries who use insulin would have saved $734 million in Part D and $27 million in Part B if these caps had been in effect in 2020.

Thanks to the pressure exerted on prices by that move, one of the major manufacturers of the drug has announced that they will reduce the price of the drug for everyone.

High insulin prices have not earned any U.S. manufacturer many friends, with list prices increasing 54% from 2014 to 2019.

Most troublingly, an estimated 1.3 million uninsured people with diabetes and patients with inadequate insurance have resorted to rationing their insulin. Skipping doses because of high insulin prices has sometimes had tragic and even deadly consequences.

Part of the problem with the existing system is that some patients, especially if theyre uninsured or have high deductibles, end up paying the list price which can mean spending $1,000 or more a month on insulin. This can be a crushing financial burden.

Lillys new $35 out-of-pocket cap means that privately insured patients and those without insurance requiring insulin will spend no more than that monthly for copays. Its 70% reduction in the list price of two popular name brand insulins, Humalog and Humulin, will bring some financial relief. And the company has also reduced its generic lispros list price to $25 a vial, down from $126.

Lilly has put pressure on its biggest competitors, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi, to follow suit.

These lower prices could also make Lillys insulins affordable to cash-paying patients. As a result, these...



~ from Glasmoor Prison, Germany American nuclear resister John LaForge writes about his time in prison "IndyWatch Feed War"

March 8, 2023 Dear Nukewatch friends, colleagues, comrades, Please forgive me if youve already gotten this wordy report of my recent experience in struggling against the U.S. H-bombs in Europe. In case you hadnt heard, I was sentenced to 50 days for refusing to pay fines imposed following trespass convictions for go-in actions (which involved []


Huwwara: Israeli Settlers Release Song Celebrating the Burning of Palestinian Town "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Huwwara: Israeli Settlers Release Song Celebrating the Burning of Palestinian Town appeared first on Global Research.


Hugo Chvez: Ten Years Presente! "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ten years ago on March 5, 2013, Hugo Chvez, president of Venezuela, died. A piece I wrote 10 years ago called Ten Things I Learned from Hugo Chvez is below.

Presente! is a word used in Latin America to affirm that those who have passed are still a part of the living, and remain in our hearts and minds. Presente certainly applies to Hugo Chvez.

Section 3 below describes how the old Venezuelan oligarchy suffered backfire effects. That just might be happening these days in the US. There are ways in which life in the worlds foremost super-power has not been great for everyone, in practical ways like healthcare, housing, education and justice, and even in happiness. There could be a silver lining for regular folks if the US super-power status changes.

The US military-industrial-media-complex actions that might backfire in the court of world opinion include upgrading nuclear weapons; maintaining 800 military bases; levying sanctions (more accurately labeled unilateral coercive measures which are prohibited in the UN charter because they are acts of war not peace) on more than 30 countries; and increasing military spending, when spending for war is about the most destructive thing you can do in the world to people and the climate. Is world opinion of the US changing? Yes. You can research recent United Nations votes on Israel, Cuba and Ukraine and find out how many people in the world are represented by the votes of the nations that have not supported US positions.

A backfire example last year was when Biden convened a Summit of the Americas in June 2022 and excluded the sanctioned countries of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. That summit flopped because many other countries stood in solidarity with their three sister nations, refused to attend, and quickly organized two other summits.

Section 5 talks about empowering and connecting. Among the legacies left by Hugo Chvez was the regional integration that has helped Latin American and Caribbean nations stand together in a multitude of regional agreements on trade, energy, health, communication, security, etc. Soon after Chvez became president of Venezuela in 1999 many other countries in the Americas also elected presidents that were not the US first choice. These leaders were more focused on social benefits for their people than they were focused on the private interests of the US military-industrial...


Security updates for Thursday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by CentOS (kernel, pesign, samba, and zlib), Oracle (kernel), Slackware (httpd), SUSE (emacs, libxslt, nodejs12, nodejs14, nodejs16, openssl, poppler, python-py, python-wheel, xen, and xorg-x11-server), and Ubuntu (linux-gcp-5.4, linux-gkeop, opusfile, and samba).


Taiwan Family to be Compensated Over Pfizer Vaccine Death of Daughter "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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House Hawks Kill Bipartisan Effort to End War in Syria "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Brazil - 1 dead, homes and roads damaged after floods in Rio Grande Do Sul "IndyWatch Feed World"

Severe flooding struck in northern parts of Rio Grande do Sul State in Brazil after heavy rain that began around 05 March 2023. The hardest hit municipalities were Maquin, Trs Forquilhas, Trs Cachoeiras, Itati, Terra de Areia, Dom Pedro de Alcntara and Morrinhos do Sul. One person died after a vehicle was swept away by the flooding of the Trs Forquilhas river in Terra de Areia. Homes, roads and bridges were damaged or destroyed. Classes have been suspended. The Civil Defence has been operating in the region since 06 March in support of residents and to carry out full damage assessments. Civil Defence has distributed relief supplies such as clothing, food and hygiene items.


Breached Dam, Incineration of Soil Flood East Palestine with Fresh Fears of Toxins "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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In a Multipolar World, the Idea of a New World Order Dies "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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We Just Witnessed An Economic Red Flag That We Havent Seen Since 1981 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Michael Snyder The mainstream media continues to tell us that the economy is in fine shape, and you can believe that if you want. ...

We Just Witnessed An Economic Red Flag That We Havent Seen Since 1981


It Is Zugzwang for Biden in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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U.S. Occupation of Syria Will Continue "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Traditional Values Under Threat in U.S. Congress: E.S.G. Plans Under Attack! "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Many investors say ESG Is Here To Stay

Conservative values cast aside, Congress wages war on woke

Opinion Editorial of the Morgantown Dominion Post, March 9, 2023

While weve been largely focused on whats been happening in Charleston lately, weve also had our eye on Washington, D.C., and the culture war backlash happening there. Last week, Congress passed a joint resolution disapproving a Department of Labor rule that allows investment firms to take into consideration environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. The resolution, if signed into law, would reverse the rule and forbid investment firms from using non-monetary factors when crafting portfolios for investors even if its what investors want.

The House of Representatives passed the resolution on a party-line vote. In the Senate, Sens. Joe Manchin and John Tester (D-Mont.) joined with Republicans to approve the disapproval. (In an interview with Fox News about his support of the resolution, Manchin said, E.S.G.s by itself could just kill our economy. We assume he means the fossil fuel industry, from which he personally benefits.)

The resolution will go to President Joe Biden, who will have to decide whether or not to veto the bill. We hope he does. Because when it comes to ESG investing, also called sustainable investing, Congress has crossed the line with its resolution.

There are certainly cases where government interference in the market is warranted like when monopolies kill competition and drive up prices, or when companies shirk their responsibilities to protect consumers.

The Department of Labor rule does not mandate that investment firms offer ESG, nor does it give any government-funded incentive for doing so it merely gives financial institutions the ability to offer something that consumers increasingly want.

Even within investment firms, not every client has to participate. The vast majority including big-name firms like Charles Schwab and Fisher Investments offer optional ESG portfolios, traditional portfolios that give zero consideration to ESG or the ability to select a combination of ESG and regular investments.

In other words, Congress resolution is actually limiting the free market. Individual investors increas...


Video: Colonel McGregor: Russia is crushing the Kiev Regime "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Is Nigeria Perpetually Under The Fulani Oligarchy? Part 2 "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The one thing that is worse than being a slave is being a slave that loves his chains. For many decades, southern Nigerians have often through their actions and inactions, shown that they love their chains and dont seem interested in welcoming any idea that bears some semblance of genuine freedom. Despite the carefully-orchestrated scenarios created in []


Eighteen Local Observers Give Credence To Presidential, NASS Elections "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Amidst the controversies and criticisms trailing the February 25 Presidential and National Assembly elections, eighteen local observers have given credence to the polls, in which the Presidential candidate of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu was declared the winner by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). The local observers are Youth []


How Pfizers Trials Were Fraudulent "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Link "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Im not sure where I first encountered the despicable practice of using autistic people as a political weapon, but it was probably the anti-vax movement. Some time after that, I learned why so many autistic people hate the organization Autism Speaks, and not long after that, I started to become more aware of how our society systematically fails, abuses, and kills people with all sorts of disabilities and neurotypes. In recent years, the reactionary Gender Critical movement has been using the bigoted notion that autistic people dont know themselves or their own experiences, to attack trans people. Its something that requires dismissing what autistic trans people have to say, often while claiming that those same people dont have a voice, and so need some Rowling-style feminist to speak for them.

Mica of the Youtube channel Ponderful does an excellent job dismantling this bullshit, and giving her perspective as an autistic cis woman of the sort that the transphobes claim to speak for. Fair warning, this video does get a bit dark, as it goes into topics such as the frequency with which disabled people are murdered by their parents and other caregivers, and abusive treatments for autism. Its an informative video, and it closes out with comments from autistic trans people, because it turns out that they actually do know their own minds, and they have voices with which to speak for themselves.



IceFire Ransomware Exploits IBM Aspera Faspex to Attack Linux-Powered Enterprise Networks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A previously known Windows-based ransomware strain known as IceFire has expanded its focus to target Linux enterprise networks belonging to several media and entertainment sector organizations across the world. The intrusions entail the exploitation of a recently disclosed deserialization vulnerability in IBM Aspera Faspex file-sharing software (CVE-2022-47986, CVSS score: 9.8), according to


U.S. State Department funds Leftist group behind chaotic protests in Israel against Netanyahu "IndyWatch Feed War"

A disturbing revelation exposes that the State Department has granted tens of thousands of dollars to a left-wing group, the Movement for Quality Government (MQG), which is behind protests in Israel against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Washington Examiner reports: During the years 2020, 2021, and 2022, MQG pocketed roughly $10,000 to $15,000 each from []


Claim: Climate Change will Cause More Drought and More Frequent Intense Rainfall in Britain "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Last month the MET explained how global warming causes more intense dry periods. But University of Bristol now informs us extreme downpours will happen more often.

The post Claim: Climate Change will Cause More Drought and More Frequent Intense Rainfall in Britain first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


CSOs Demand To Know Why Abia REC Was Abducted During Election "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Coalition of Abia Civil Society Organizations on Thursday asked the Nigeria Police Force, the Department of Security Services (DSS) and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to explain why the Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) in the state, Prof. Ikemefula Uzochukwu disappeared during the February 25th election. The Coalition made the demand in a press []


Secret COINTELPRO Plot to Infiltrate and Destroy the American Indian Movement: We Wanted Them to Kill Each OtherFBI Agent Admits After Five Decades of Silence "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Rare snow devil filmed in Shetland Islands, Scotland "IndyWatch Feed World"

A farming couple in Scotland's Shetland Islands encountered an unusual weather phenomenon on March 7 when a snow devil formed as they were out feeding their sheep during the wintry weather. Credit: Michael Peterson via Storyful


TikTok Owner Bytedance Goes Big On Open-Source Firmware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

TikTok owner Bytedance this week hosted their CloudFW Open System Firmware Symposium in Beijing where they celebrated the launch of CloudFW 2.0 as they implement Coreboot to replace UEFI...


Dubai Superlatives: The Power of Excessive Wealth "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Obidient Wave: Over 3000 PDP Loyalists Endorse Labour Party  Gov. Candidate Pela In Ogwashi Uku "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 9TH (URHOBOTODAY)-A shocking political upset has occurred in Ogwashi Uku, the headquarters of Aniocha South Local Government Area of Delta State as over three thousand Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) faithful recently endorsed the Labour Partys governorship candidate in the state, Deacon Ken Pela.

An inside source who craved anonymity said that the masses are tired of the APC and PDP led government.

He added that the people want a total reform of political party and had endorsed the labour party as their best choice to govern Delta State.

He maintained that, the governorship candidate Deacon Ken Pela of the labour party is the peoples choice that will liberate and bring peace in the area.

In another development, Deacon Ken Pela has called on the good people of Delta State to vote for all candidates of the Labour Party in next Saturdays Governorship and House of Assembly general elections.

Pela speaking to journalists on Tuesday at the Hall of Celebration in Asaba, Delta State, said that his vision if elected as the governor of Delta State is to bring a better Deltan where righteousness, harmony and prosperity reign.

Ken said that the vision is deeply rooted in the vision of the presidential candidate Mr. Peter Obi to take Nigeria from consumption to production.

He added that the labour party will enthrone righteousness in Delta State and in governance by enthroning accountability and integrity, fairness,equity and justice.

The guber candidate explained that, the party will eliminate waste and corruption, bring transparency into government and re-orientate the value of the good people of Delta State and ensure mass participation of the people in government.

Pela added that there will be security in Delta State and that the security operatives will be equiped to ensure peace in the land to enable the good people of Delta State sleep with their two eyes closed.

Pela promised to construct the best road, provide healthcare services and good educational learning to children in Delta State.

He said that the workers salary/minimum wage will be increase progressively to Hundred Thousand Naira (#100,000) per month.

The labour party candidate added that there will be Social Investment Scheme (SIS) to Deltans and inject the sum of One Hundred And Twenty Billion Naira (#120,000,000,000) into the econ...


Amid Violent Conflict, Mexicos Sinaloa Cartel Thankful for US Guns "IndyWatch Feed War"

Members of the Sinaloa Cartel expressed their appreciation for the availability and abundance of guns in the US in a recent documentary. The flow of illicit firearms from the US to Mexico is well-documented, but it is uncommon for members to share details of their organizations illicit activities, especially to a film crew. The members openness shows a high level of confidence in their cartels ability to continue receiving US guns, despite ongoing law enforcement efforts.

This illicit economy and the Sinaloa Cartels role in it are widely known. With a long history and reputation of indiscriminate violence, the Sinaloa Cartel is the most powerful group in Mexicos criminal underworld. And guns are critical to their power. Luckily for Sinaloa, theres an arsenal next door. Like the Sinaloa members said in the documentary, obtaining and trafficking them is easy, plus there are plenty to go around.

The US manufactured more than 11 million guns in 2020 and more than 13 million in 2021. And the Mexican government estimates that 200,000 are smuggled each year. The exact number of US guns in Mexico is unknown, but a study by the Government Accountability Office found that 70 percent of guns recovered in Mexico between 2014 and 2018 came from the US. It is difficult to quantify the exact number of US guns in Sinaloas arsenal, but in the documentary, a member stated they currently have thousands of .50-caliber sniper rifles. This rifle is a favorite among cartels because it fires a bullet roughly the size of a cigar that can penetrate bullet-proof armor and vests. Many view these rifles as weapons of war because the US military used them in Iraq and Afghanistan. According to data cited in the documentary, 279 .50 caliber rifles from US gun stores were recovered in Mexico since 2016.

This rifle is representative of the types of guns and ammunition the US provides, and the extent to which cartels use them for violence. Moreover, cartels also exchange US guns for drugs from other c.....


Polls: Ogun SDP Guber Candidate Quits Race For Adebutu "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Governorship candidate of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in Ogun State, Tony Ojeshina, on Thursday announced his withdrawal from the gubernatorial race and declared support for the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) counterpart, Ladi Adebutu. He made the announcement at a press conference in Abeokuta, the state capital. Ojeshina, a former Commissioner for Environment in []


Florida Bans Books While Argentina Celebrates the Night of the Libraries "IndyWatch Feed War"

Corrientes Avenue, Buenos Aires Photo: Bill Hackwell

As the sun was setting in Buenos Aires this past Saturday, the vibrant Corrientes Avenue that goes through the center of the city was shut down. Corrientes is closely connected to Argentine culture; lined with theaters and bookstores and on this occasion it was dedicated to The Night of the Libraries and honoring 40 years of democracy since the bloody dictatorship. Reading, educating and never forgetting those dark years of the 1970s when the US backed Argentine military killed, or disappeared, over 30,000 people is important to the human core of this country to ensure that history will not repeat itself.

Teachers, authors, intellectuals, academics and young students spoke to crowds in panels covering a wide range of social topics, along with cultural performances. The City of Buenos Aires helped finance the event even with its Macrist Mayor Horacio Rodrguez Larreta of the right-wing Republican Proposal Party (PRO) who has already announced he is running for president in the general election in October; clearly his strategy was to not allow the Peronists currently in power to take the credit for this popular event.

Meanwhile in the US, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has taken a different approach to reading and libraries as he maneuvers to be more reactionary than other Republican candidates in his bid to get the nomination for US President in 2024 by banning books in his state.

In July 2022, DeSantis signed into law House Bill 1467 that requires that all books in Florida schools have to be screened by employees that had an educational media specialist certificate. The full impact of is just now taking affect as many districts hastily pulled all books off their library shelves and classroom until they are arbitrarily reviewed to be appropriate for student needs and if they do not meet approval they need to be covered and stored.

In Manatee County some parents are reporting that shelves of the schools library are empty. Signs in Parrish Community High School bookcases have been covered with signs that read, Books Are NOT for Student Use!!

Florida teachers, who rank 48th in how much they get paid, are con...


Death toll rises in Southern California mountains after blizzards, at least 11 people dead "IndyWatch Feed World"

As mountain communities in Southern California gradually emerge from piles of snow, officials are starting the difficult task of assessing the damage and the number of people who have died. At least four people were found dead in their homes in the Big Bear area of San Bernardino County, the first one on March 2, said Shannon Dicus, the county sheriff and coroner, on Wednesday. But the total number of dead could climb. Sheriff Dicus said that at least 11 people had died in the region since Feb. 23, including those who were receiving care at Bear Valley Community Hospital. How many of those deaths are directly related to the snowstorms, however, is unclear because his office has not provided more information on the circumstances involved and is still reviewing the cases. Sheriff Dicus's office so far has only attributed to the storm the death of a 39-year-old woman who was killed in a hit-and-run traffic collision on Feb. 26.


Re: Re: double-free vulnerability in OpenSSH server 9.1 (CVE-2023-25136) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Qualys Security Advisory on Mar 09

Hi Georgi,

We have not been able to do anything useful on Linux (glibc) yet.

On OpenBSD, what we did works only because this double free is of the
form "free(ptr); many other malloc() and free() calls; free(ptr);".

If it were of the form "free(ptr); no other malloc() or free() call;
free(ptr);" then this double free would be caught immediately by
malloc's security checks.

Hopefully this helps! With best regards,


Israels Liberal Supporters Are Taking Their Denial to a New Level "IndyWatch Feed War"

Children watch an Israeli army bulldozer preparing the ground for the demolition of the Palestinian Bedouin village of Khan al-Amar, in the occupied West Bank on July 4, 2018. (Activestills/Oren Ziv)
Children watch an Israeli army bulldozer preparing the ground for the demolition of the Palestinian Bedouin village of Khan al-Amar, in the occupied West Bank on July 4, 2018. (Activestills/Oren Ziv)

By Norman Solomon, World BEYOND War, March 9, 2023

This week, when the New York Times featured an opinion piece by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, it harmonized with a crescendo of other recent pleas from prominent American supporters of Israel. Bloomberg warned that Israels new governing coalition is trying to give parliament the power to overrule the nations Supreme Court and run roughshod over individual rights, including on matters such as speech and press freedoms, equal rights for minorities and voting rights. Such a change would, Bloomberg added, undermine Israels strong commitment to freedom.

Strong commitment to freedom? That would sure be news to the more than 5 million Palestinian people living under Israeli occupation in Gaza and the West Bank.

The pretense is that whats happening now with Israel amounts to a surprising aberration from its natural state. At times, the denial even rests on the tacit and absurd...



Growing up, two proverbs stuck out for me, one by my father, and the other was a Pidgin English saying. One was: If one person buries himself, one hand will stick out. Young, impressionistic, and inquisitive, I asked for an explanation. My father explained it away both as an idiomatic expression and a literary saying. []


PipeWire 0.3.67 Fixes Stuttering For Some Bluetooth Devices "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

now widely used server by the Linux desktop for managing audio and video streams as an alternative to PulseAudio and JACK on the audio side...


Election: Aggrieved Political Appointees Threaten To Work Against Okowa  Over Withheld Allowances "IndyWatch Feed Africa"



LAGOS MARCH 9TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Angry political appointees in Delta State have threatened Governor Ifeanyi Okowa of mass defection from the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP over what they described as a nonchalant attitude by the governor towards payment of outstanding furniture allowances of appointees in the state since they were appointed.

An appointee who pleaded anonymity, told newsmen in Asaba that there is a resolve to work against the party if their demands are not met.

Daily Report Nigeria gathered that Several Special Assistants, Senior Special Assistants, Executive Assistants and others have not been paid their furniture allowances by Governor Okowa.

The protesting appointees said they would rather support the opposition if their allowances are not paid before March 18.

They emphasized that even if they do not defect openly, they would work massively to deliver their pulling units to the opposition during the March 11 governorship and state assembly elections in the state.

The aides also accused Okowa of selective payment of the furniture allowances that ran into millions, adding that the governor had cleared all the furniture allowances of political appointees from his area and others recommended by his closed friends and associates.

They also explained that political appointees in his areas were mobilised with millions to go to their pulling units and communities during the presidential and national assembly elections but those from the Delta Central and South were asked to contribute money to support the election in their local government areas.

The protesting appointees said except the needful is done, nothing will stop them from voting against Okowas handpicked governorship candidate and other PDP house of assembly candidates.

Daily Report



This is the way. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This is a truth.

It complements this comic.

Thats my lab right now. Spiders stacked up everywhere.


Structural basis for bacterial energy extraction from atmospheric hydrogen "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Structural and biochemical studies of the Mycobacterium smegmatis hydrogenase Huc provides insights into how [NiFe] hydrogenases oxidize trace amounts of atmospheric hydrogen and transfer the electrons liberated via quinone transport.


Scientists have created mice with two biological fathers. They say the technique could one day be replicated in humans "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The research, by Osaka University, is early but raises the prospect of male couples may someday have their own biological children.


New AI Chatbot Deliberately Trained to Be as Stupid as Possible "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Meet 2dumb2destroy, a chatbot that is, refreshingly, too stupid to do humanity any harm beyond telling a bad joke or two.


3D-snapshots of nanoparticles "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

X-ray diffraction has been used for more than a hundred years to understand the structure of crystals or proteinsfor instance, in 1952 the well-known double helix structure of the DNA that carries genetic information was discovered in this way. In this technique, the object under investigation is bombarded with short-wavelength X-ray beams. The diffracted beams then interfere and thus create characteristic diffraction patterns from which one can gain information about the shape of the object.

For several years now it has been possible to study even single nanoparticles in this way, using very short and extremely intense X-ray pulses. However, this typically only yields a two-dimensional image of the particle. A team of researchers led by ETH professor Daniela Rupp, together with colleagues at the universities of Rostock and Freiburg, the TU Berlin and DESY in Hamburg, have now found a way to also calculate the three-dimensional structure from a single , so that one can look at the particle from all directions. In the future it should even be possible to make 3D-movies of the dynamics of nanostructures in this way. The results of this research have recently been published in the scientific journal Science Advances.

Daniela Rupp has been assistant professor at ETH Zurich since 2019, where she leads the research group Nanostructures and ultra-fast X-ray science. Together with her team she tries to better understand the interaction between very intense X-ray pulses and matter. As a model system they use nanoparticles, which they also investigate at the Paul Scherrer Institute. For the future there are great opportunities at the new Maloja instrument, on which we were the first user group to make measurements at the beginning of last year. Right now our team there is activating the attosecond mode, with which we can even observe the dynamics of electrons, says Rupp.


The Hunger Gap "IndyWatch Feed World"

A gulf in public understanding prevents us from seeing how and why our food supply is at risk.

By George Monbiot. This is my written submission to the Environmental Audit Committees inquiry on Environmental Change and Food Security, 3rd March 2023

References are numbered and appended to the bottom of the document.

1. Food security depends on systemic resilience

National food security depends above all other factors on a resilient global food system. Understanding this system is crucial to effective decision-making and the avoidance of crisis.

One of the great deficiencies of our education is that few of us are taught systems theory. Yet everything of material importance to us the human brain, the human body, human society, ecosystems, the atmosphere, the oceans, the financial system, the food system is a complex system[1]. The behaviour of these systems, because so few of us study them, repeatedly takes us by surprise.

All complex systems, including the global food system, possess emergent properties. This means that their components, however simple they each might be, behave in non-linear ways when they combine. Through the networks unintentionally created by billions of randomly-distributed decisions, they organise themselves, spontaneously creating order without central control.

Complex systems have thresholds. A system might be secure under some conditions, as its self-organising properties stabilise it. But when conditions change, and it is pushed towards a threshold, these self-organising properties have the opposite effect. Negative feedback loops are replaced by positive feedback loops, which compound the shocks afflicting the network, amplifying chaos[2]. These thresholds can be hard to identify until they have been passed. They are often described as tipping points. Once a system has lost its resilience, a small disturbance can tip it over its critical threshold, at which point it collapses, suddenly and unstoppably.

Once it has collapsed, a system is often subject to hysteresis. This means (in this context) that the system enters a new equilibrium state. Because this new state has its own self-reinforcing properties, that stabilise it, a collapsed system can be difficult or impossible to return to its former state. In general, far more energy is needed to reverse a tipping than was needed to cause it[3]. Tipping a system into a new stable state is like falling off a cliff. Reversing hysteresis is like climbing back up again.

Had the global financial system been allowed to cross its critical threshold in 2008, its collapse would have triggered cascading failure across human societ...



LAGOS IS NOT ABATS PROPERTY. ANYBODY CAN LODGE IN A HOTEL IN LAGOS Lagos has been a cosmopolitan, global destination with a modern seaport at Apapa since the mid-1800. It became a Crown Colony in 1861. I did a research for the Nigerian Customs, went into the Federal Archives at the University of Ibadan and []


Things to Learn from Daniel Ellsberg "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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FREEEEEDOOOOMMM! For a few days, anyway "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Today is my last day of classes before Spring break, and its going to be a busy one. After I finish up lab today, Im free! Except for grading an exam and lab reports, and having to tend the students flies until they get back, and feeding my own monstrous swarm of arachnids every day. Other than that, I get to sit back and take it easy.

So lets do a live stream tomorrow! Ive got some rage bottled up in me about idiots denying evolution and climate change, plus maybe Ill reveal some spider breeding tricks. Live! On air!

I do have to get through the rest of this day, though.


Hard Landing "IndyWatch Feed World"

A self-perpetuating political spiral is blocking the easier ways of preventing environmental collapse.

By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 9th December 2022

There are two extraordinary facts about the convention on biological diversity, whose members are meeting in Montreal now to discuss the global ecological crisis. The first is that, of the worlds 198 states, 196 are party to it. The second is the identity of those that arent. Take a guess. North Korea? Russia? Wrong. Both ratified the convention years ago. One is the Holy See (the Vatican). The other is the United States of America.

This is one of several major international treaties the US has refused to ratify. Among the others are crucial instruments such as the Rome statute on international crimes, the treaties banning cluster bombs and landmines, the convention on discrimination against women, the Basel convention on hazardous waste, the convention on the law of the sea, the nuclear test ban treaty, the employment policy convention and the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.

In some cases, it is one of only a small number to refuse: the others are generally either impoverished states with little administrative capacity or vicious dictatorships. It is the only independent nation on Earth not to ratify the convention on the rights of the child. Perhaps this is because it is the only nation to sentence children to life imprisonment without parole, among many other brutal policies. While others play by the rules, the most powerful nation refuses. If this country were a person, wed call it a psychopath. As it is not a person, we should call it what it is: a rogue state.

Through its undemocratic dominance of global governance, the US makes the rules, to a greater extent than any other state. It also does more tha...


Richarlison blasts Conte after Spurs exit Champions League "IndyWatch Feed Africa" Kane bemoans another trophyless season Tottenham Hotspur forward Richarlison criticised manager Antonio Conte following Wednesdays Champions League last-16 exit, questioning the Italians decision to bench him while declaring the north London club has had a shit season. Spurs were knocked out of Europes premier cup competition by AC Milan after failing to score in []


NASA: Roman Telescope Will Do in Months What Would Take Hubble a Lifetime "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Roman Telescope Will Do in Months What Would Take Hubble a Lifetime:

NASA is still a few years away from launching the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, but a new study explores what this groundbreaking space observatory will be able to do. Unlike the Hubble and James Webb space telescopes, which zero in on small patches of the sky, the Roman Telescope will be designed to take a wider view of the cosmos. According to the researchers, it would take Hubble decades to see what Roman will be able to see in a few months.

The Roman Telescope passed a critical design review in 2021 and is currently under construction at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center with the aim of launching it aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket in 2027. When complete, it will have two instruments: a coronagraph for visualizing exoplanets and a wide-field camera with a 300.8-megapixel resolution. It's the latter that will allow the Roman Telescope, which will use a 2.4-meter mirror similar to Hubble, to perform both wide and deep sky surveys.

[...] "Roman will take around 100,000 pictures every year," said Jeffrey Kruk, a research astrophysicist at Goddard. "Given Roman's larger field of view, it would take longer than our lifetimes even for powerful telescopes like Hubble or Webb to cover as much sky." Specifically, the study says it would take Hubble 85 years to do what Roman will do in 63 days. However, Roman won't be ideal for precision observations of specific objects. Webb and Hubble will still be vital for that kind of work, but Roman can help nail down observational targets that could solve long-standing mysteries about galactic evolution.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Is US-NATO on a Collision Course with Russia? The Kremlins New Deterrence Strategy "IndyWatch Feed War"

Amid incessant NATO aggression and escalation of hostilities within Russia, now also including US-backed Kiev regime terrorists targeting schoolchildren, Moscow has started revamping the doctrinal approach to the use of its strategic arsenal. Rather curiously, the new document, published by the Military Thought magazine run by the Russian Ministry of Defense, attracted little attention in Western media. It Continue reading Is US-NATO on a Collision Course with Russia? The Kremlins New Deterrence Strategy


Irans judiciary chief: Removing ones hijab is equivalent to showing enmity to the Islamic Republic "IndyWatch Feed War"

In the face of global protests and the hope that the Islamic Republic of Iran will topple, the country remains as resolute as everrooted in its governing theology which is resistant to change. (Quran 24:31) And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only what []

Thursday, 09 March


Pennsylvania Musician Opposed To Funding Lefty Causes Challenges Forced Unionization "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Concert de l'OSET la Halle aux Grains le 27 mars 2018A Pennsylvania musician opposed to funding left-wing political causes with his union dues invoked the Supreme Court in his lawsuit.


Im only a baby Beast today "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I have turned 66. Dont bother to wish me a happy birthday, though, because I still have to go through another 600 of these before I come into my full beastly power, and you will all have to bow down before me.

Or is it 550 years? I dont know. Some people say the number of the beast is actually 616, and that there was a mistranslation or something.

I dont even know what the beast is supposed to do. Am I going to have to sprout some more heads? That wouldnt be particularly cool. I guess I have time to figure it out, not going to worry about it just yet.

Anyway, if you needed an excuse to party, go ahead and celebrate that Im not of an age to go all Revelation on your butts.


Dana Hyde: Former White House Official Dies of Injuries After Jet Turbulence "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Her husband, her son, the pilot and co-pilot were also on board and uninjured. Via: AP: Hyde served as counsel for the 9/11 Commission, formally known as the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, and other posts during a career in Washington, D.C., according to her LinkedIn page. She served as a []


Egypt 2023: FEagles go for bronze against Tunisia "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

    Seven-time champions Nigeria on Wednesday commenced training sessions for their third-place match against Tunisia at the Africa U20 Cup of Nations ongoing in Egypt. A lone goal defeat to The Gambias Young Scorpions in the tournaments second semi-final in Cairo on Monday condemned the Flying Eagles to the classification match, in which they []


Paris 2024: Olympic Eagles now to host Guineas U23 team in Abuja "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

    Nigerias U23 boys, Olympic Eagles will now host their Guinean counterparts at the Moshood Abiola National Stadium, Abuja on Wednesday, March 22, in the final round of qualifiers for this years Africa U23 Cup of Nations. The game was earlier scheduled for the Lekan Salami Stadium, Adamasingba, Ibadan the same day. To reach []


Yes, The Church Is The Bride Of Christ "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

large church buildingThe reaction to Pastor Josh Butlers article and his subsequent cancellation is deeply rooted in the pathologies of some American evangelicalism.


As Biden Plays Political Games On Medicare, Heres How Republicans Can Respond "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

elderly in hospitalRather than taking a serious approach to solving Medicares funding difficulties, the Biden administrations plan instead engages in political gamesmanship over the health care of millions of seniors.


Tory peer accuses UK government of 'effectively boycotting' Israeli minister "IndyWatch Feed War"

Tory peer accuses UK government of 'effectively boycotting' Israeli minister

Lord Polak questions decision not to engage with far-right minister Itamar Ben-Gvir who was previously convicted of incitement to racism
MEE staff Thu, 03/09/2023 - 12:32
Lord Stuart Polak accused the UK government of
Lord Stuart Polak accused the UK government of "effectively boycotting" an Israeli minister (Screengrab/File photo)

A British peer in the House of Lords has accused the UK government of effectively boycotting an Israeli minister after the British foreign secretary said he had no plans to work with far-right figure Itamar Ben Gvir. 

Speaking on Tuesday during a debate in the lower chamber about a recent escalation in tensions in Israel and Palestine, Lord Stuart Polak commented on a letter UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly wrote last month.  

The UK government has not engaged Itamar Ben-Gvir in his role as minister of national security, and we have no current plans to do so, Cleverly wrote to the Council for Arab-British Understanding on 24 February.

It is not about whether one agrees with minister Ben-Gvir, said Polak.

We work with all elected Israeli politicians, and we must be very careful not to go down a route of suggesting that our support for Israel is somehow conditional on any individual politician.

Could we be holding Israel to a different standard from other countries? he asked.

Ben-Gvir has been convicted in Israel of incit...


Deadly Train Crash Sparks Largest Protest In Years In Athens "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden The largest demonstration of public outrage yet over Greeces deadliest train disaster took place in Athens and other surrounding cities on Wednesday...

Deadly Train Crash Sparks Largest Protest In Years In Athens


Greta Thunberg Is Right, Wind Turbines Are The Absolute Worst "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

wind turbinesThis time, Thunberg is on to something. When environmental policy becomes anti-human and anti-nature, we should resist it.


Israel-Bahrain: Knesset delegation visits Manama in fresh normalisation move "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel-Bahrain: Knesset delegation visits Manama in fresh normalisation move

MPs to attend the Inter-Parliamentary Union conference on Saturday, in the first official trip by Israeli lawmakers to the country
MEE staff Thu, 03/09/2023 - 12:27
A Gulf Air A320 aeroplane coming from the Bahraini capital Manama arrives at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv, 30 September 2021 (AFP)
A Gulf Air A320 airplane arrives at Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv from Bahrain, 30 September 2021 (AFP)

An Israeli Knesset delegation visited Bahrain on Thursday ahead of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) conference hosted in the capital of Manama next Saturday.

Bahrain and Israel signed a normalisation of a US-brokered deal in Washington in September 2020, and since then, they have exchanged diplomats and signed agreements in security and commerce.

However, this is the first official parliamentary delegation to visit Manama, which is planning to meet the Emirati envoy, the Middle East committee of the IPU, and discusses complaints against Israel raised by some of the 179 members of the organisation, which was founded in 1889.

Danny Danon, an MP and former Israeli representative at the United Nations, will head the delegation, which includes the MPs Dan Illouz, Yifat Shasha-Biton, and Elazar Stern.

Yisrael Hayom newspaper reported that Israel expects to be condemned during the five-day conference by members of Arab countries for its actions against Palestinians, which would prompt a response from the Israeli delegation.



Does Your Help Desk Know Who's Calling? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Phishing, the theft of users' credentials or sensitive data using social engineering, has been a significant threat since the early days of the internet and continues to plague organizations today, accounting for more than 30% of all known breaches. And with the mass migration to remote working during the pandemic, hackers have ramped up their efforts to steal login credentials as they take


Iranian Hackers Target Women Involved in Human Rights and Middle East Politics "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Iranian state-sponsored actors are continuing to engage in social engineering campaigns targeting researchers by impersonating a U.S. think tank. "Notably the targets in this instance were all women who are actively involved in political affairs and human rights in the Middle East region," Secureworks Counter Threat Unit (CTU) said in a report shared with The Hacker News. The cybersecurity


What is The Most Important Part of Tags With Strings Attached? "IndyWatch Feed War"

The most important part of Tags With Strings Attached is their functionality. They are made to impart information to shoppers, like sizing and material, that will help them make their decision about purchasing your product.

Tags With Strings Attached

The most important part of tags with strings attached is that the string they are attached to is durable and not easily removed. Having a good, durable string helps you avoid having to re-tag items when they are returned or if you want to sell them to another buyer.

You can use a variety of ways to string your tags, including elastic or cotton strings that are tied through holes in the tags. This is the most common way to string tags, and it is also the cheapest method available.

These are ideal for tees and other light fabrics, but they used on a wider variety of clothing materials. They are also very flexible and shaped to fit your product perfectly.

While this method is more expensive than fully-automated stringing, it is still a time-efficient and cost-effective option. It is able to string a few thousand tags in a day, so it a great choice for small to medium-sized projects.

You can also choose to get fully automated tag stringing services, which punches the hole in the tag and then strings it with a piece of string and ties it all up in one step. While this is the preferred method, it more expensive and take longer than other methods.

You can also choose to get semi-automating tag stringing services, which are more affordable than fully-automated but take more time and labor to set up. This is the best option for small to medium-sized projects.

Features of good Tags With Strings Attached

Having a well-designed hang tag that communicates your brand message is crucial for successful marketing. It can motivate customers to purchase your products and also help you achieve set goals.

The right type of string for your hang tag can make all the difference to the overall presentation. The best quality tag string is designing to be both easy to use and withstand the elements. These are available in many colors and come with a variety of tie ends, such as elastic loops and balled ends.

They are the best option for tags that are hung on a product, such as a garment or a bag. They are also good for tags that are using to display information, such as price or color, on a product.

A well-designed hang tag with string is the perfect way to add a little flair to your product and make it stand out from the competition. They are made of any material, including metals like brass and iron. They are printing in a variety of colors and sizes.

These tags have a lot to offer. They are a great way to show off your logo and tell potential customers about your product. They can also include a number of other features, such as a barcode...


Fake ChatGPT Chrome extension targeted Facebook Ad accounts "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

ChatGPT has garnered a lot of questions about its security and capacity for manipulation, partly because it is a new software that has seen unprecedented growth (hosting 100 million users just two months following its launch). Security concerns vary from the risk of data breaches to the program writing code on behalf of hackers. From malvertising, extension installation, hijacking Facebook accounts, and back again to propagation Fake ChatGPT extension The fake ChatGPT extension discovered by More

The post Fake ChatGPT Chrome extension targeted Facebook Ad accounts appeared first on Help Net Security.


Pentagon Blocks US From Sharing Info on Alleged Russian War Crimes With ICC "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Dave DeCamp The Pentagon is blocking the Biden administration from sharing evidence of alleged Russian war crimes with the International Criminal Court based in...

Pentagon Blocks US From Sharing Info on Alleged Russian War Crimes With ICC


A pro-LGBTIQ court ruling in Kenya sparks hope despite a fierce backlash "IndyWatch Feed"

A court ruling granting LGBTIQ groups equal status has been condemned by the president and fiercely debated online


Smart Cities Sound Cool, Right? "IndyWatch Feed World"


Of course the social engineers want to convince us that smart cities will be super convenient and fun, but they will be confinement communities with ubiquitous surveillance. Read More


Rushdie Has Survived. Will Freedom of Speech? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The last time I stole a book was from the Housing Works Bookstore Caf in downtown New York, about 18 years ago. 

The person I stole it for was Salman Rushdie.

The book was my own Satanic Nurses, a collection of literary parodies that included one of his own style, and since I didnt have a copy on me, I pinched the volume off the stores shelves and presented it to the bemused author, who had unexpectedly turned up in one of my favorite New York haunts. 

We had our picture snapped together, a gravelly photograph that looks like it was taken on a box camera made out of sandpaper. I had the vague idea that this image released to the press would somehow spike sales of my work, but my publisher was more sanguine about it, and was proved right.

But Rushdie was a good sport about the whole thing, and he looks happy enough in the picture to have been buttonholed by a fan who had satirized him in print along with the likes of Norman Mailer, J.D. Salinger, Virginia Woolf, and P.G. Wodehouse (good company). 

There has always been something courtly and slightly noblesse oblige about Rushdie, an early proponent of humblebrag. Hes known his worth for a long time now, as well as being constantly aware of his dangerous situation. The stress of living under a perpetual death threat tends to focus the mind. 

Salman Rushdie, JB Miller

Salman Rushdie (left) and J.B. Miller (right). Photo credit: Courtesy of J.B. Miller

After he was attacked and almost killed last August he all but disappeared from view (after being a man about town in New York for close to two decades). He reappeared recently in the New Yorker to give us an update on his condition and promote his new novel, Victory City. 

He lost sight in one eye and one of his hands is incapacitated. His injuries continue t...


This Was Insurrection. It Just Was. Their Bubble Burst, Leftists Rage at Tucker "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Tucker Carlson has pierced the Lefts Jan. 6 insurrection balloon, and leading Leftists are reacting in the ways youd expect. Chuck Schumer called for Tucker to be prevented from showing any more Jan. 6 footage, and Fox News apparently heeded the call, as Carlson didnt air any new footage during his Tuesday show. []


[Bunnie] Peeks Inside ICs with IR "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If you want to see inside an integrated circuit (IC), you generally have to take the die out of the package, which can be technically challenging and often destroys the device. Looking to improve the situation, [Bunnie] has been working on Infra-Red, In Situ (IRIS) inspection of silicon devices. The technique relies on the fact that newer packages expose the backside of the silicon die and that silicon is invisible to IR light. The IR reflects off the bottom metalization layer and you can get a pretty good idea of whats going on inside the chip, under the right circumstances.

As you might expect, the resolution isnt what youd get from, say, a scanning electron microscope or other techniques. However, using IR is reasonably cheap and doesnt require removal from the PCB. That means you can image exactly the part that is in the device, without removing it. Of course, you need an IR-sensitive camera, which is about any camera these days if you remove the IR filter from it. You also need an IR source which isnt very hard to do these days, either.

Do you need the capability to peer inside your ICs? You might not. But if you do and you can live with the limitations of this method, it would be a very inexpensive way to get a glimpse behind the curtain.

If you want to try the old-fashioned way, we can help. Just dont expect...


Inside the Private and Confidential Conservative Group That Promises to Crush Liberal Dominance "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

A few months ago, Leonard Leo laid out his next audacious project.

Ever since the longtime Federalist Society leader helped create a conservative supermajority on the Supreme Court, and then received more than a billion dollars from a wealthy Chicago business owner to disburse to conservative causes, Leos next moves had been the subject of speculation.

Now, Leo declared in a slick but private video to potential donors, he planned to crush liberal dominance across American life. The country was plagued by woke-ism in corporations and education, one-sided journalism and entertainment thats really corrupting our youth, said Leo amid snippets of cheery music and shots of sunsets and American flags.

Sitting tucked into a couch, with wire-rimmed glasses and hair gone to gray, Leo conveyed his inspiration and intentions: I just said to myself, Well, if this can work for law, why cant it work for lots of other areas of American culture and American life where things are really messed up right now?

Leo revealed his latest battle plan in the previously unreported video for the Teneo Network, a little-known group he called a tremendously important resource for the future of our country.

Teneo is building what Leo called in the video networks of conservatives that can roll back liberal influence in Wall Street and Silicon Valley, among authors and academics, with pro athletes and Hollywood producers. A Federalist Society for everything.

Despite its linchpin role in Leos plans, Teneo (which is not the similarly named consulting firm associated with former officials in the Bill Clinton administration) has kept a low public profile. Its one-page website includes bland slogans T...


Iranian press review: Iran and Taliban deepen alliance "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iranian press review: Iran and Taliban deepen alliance

Meanwhile, security forces threaten slain activist's mother, crackdown on media covering schoolgirl poisoning, and conservatives demand IAEA's director banned from Iran
MEE correspondent Thu, 03/09/2023 - 11:58
A Taliban fighter stands guard outside the US embassy in Kabul on 12 April 2022 (AFP)

Tehran opens business centre in Kabul 

Iran has opened a business centre and permanent trade fair in Afghanistan's capital city, Kabul, in order to develop commercial ties between the two neighbouring countries, Iran's embassy in Afghanistan said on Sunday.

"This centre was opened as an important step to expand the trade between Iran and Afghanistan. This will be a place for Afghan merchants to receive information about Iranian products and goods," the Iranian embassy said.

Over 70 Iranian businessmen travelled to Kabul to participate in the trade fair, according to the Tasnim news agency, which is affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

The news agency also quoted Mohammad Sadegh Ghannadzadeh, a high-ranking official at the Trade Promotion Organisation of Iran, as saying: "Afghanistan is one of our strategic allies, and the lack of an active trade centre between the two countries was a serious shortcoming we had."

The inauguration of the trade centre came one week after Iran accredited Taliban-appointed diplomats and reopened Afghanistan's embassy in Tehran.



EU Upload Filters Mark the End For File-Sharing Site Hellspy "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

hellspyTo the global audience, Hellspy may not be a household name, but in the Czech Republic, its widely known.

Founded in 2009, the file-sharing and hosting platform grew out to become one of the countrys most-visited websites. This didnt go unnoticed by copyright holders, including the RIAA, who repeatedly complained about widespread piracy on the platform.

Operating in the face of legal pressure is a challenge, but Hellspy always felt that it had the law on its side. If users uploaded copyright-infringing content, the company would swiftly remove it after being notified by rightsholders.

EU Copyright Filter Directive

This approach worked well for Hellspy and its parent company, I&Q Group. However, when the new EU Copyright Directive passed a few years ago, dark clouds started to form. The indirect upload filter requirements it contained were particularly troublesome.

Article 17 of the Copyright Directive requires online services to license content from copyright holders. If that is not possible, service providers must ensure that infringing content is taken down and prevented from being re-uploaded to their services.

Many operators of online services interpret this as an indirect upload filter requirement, as that is the only way to ensure that content remains off the platform.

Voluntary Filters

Hellspy also came to this conclusion. Late last year it decided to voluntarily implement filtering technology. This was much needed, as the Czech Republic planned to update its copyright law in January 2023, to comply with the new EU rules.

The upload filters were implemented in collaboration with the local Association of Commercial Television (AKTV). According to early comments from I&Q Group CEO, Jan Hebabeck, these appeared to be working well.

[T]hey provide relatively easy and effective filtering of copyrighted content, which is especially important for services of our type in light of the upcoming amendment to the copyright law, which imposes new obligations on us in this area, Hebabeck said.

Hellspy stressed that wasnt happy with these changes but it respected the law. This meant that upload filters were the only viable way to keep the service afloat.

Hellspy Announces Shutdown

Fast forward a few weeks, and Hellspy reached an...


Egypt: Inflation soars above 30 percent in February "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Egypt: Inflation soars above 30 percent in February

Annual urban consumer inflation rate in February leapt to 31.9 percent from 25.8 percent in January
MEE and agencies Thu, 03/09/2023 - 11:55
A worker counts money at a petrol station in Cairo on March 2, 2023 as Egypts government announced a new increase in fuel prices (AFP)

Inflation in Egypt shot to a five-and-a-half-year high in February, according to data released by statistics agency Capmas on Thursday.

The annual urban consumer inflation rate in February leapt to 31.9 percent from 25.8 percent in January.

It comes in the wake of a series of currency devaluations since March 2022. The value of the Egyptian pound has since collapsed by 50 percent.

Inflation is the highest since August 2017 - nine months after a steep devaluation - when it reached 31.92 percent.

Egypt: Thirsty for dollars, government eases citizenship terms for foreigners
Read More

The prices of food and basic commodities, mostly imported, have more than doubled since the Egyptian pound was devalued at the beginning of this year.

This came after the International Monetary Fund approved a bailout with Cairo in December, the third deal since President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi came to power in a 2013 military coup.

The value of the Egyptian pound against the US dollar dropped from seven in...


openDemocracy reporter recognised in prestigious Press Awards "IndyWatch Feed"

Adam Bychawskis work on the dark money fuelling climate denial in the UK beat some big journalistic beasts


Situation in Syria Not Tenable, We Are Open to Dialogue with Iran "IndyWatch Feed War"

 March 8, 2023 Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah denied on Tuesday divergence between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, saying reports that have made such claims are overdramatized and far from the truth. Speaking to the press in London, he said: All decisions in OPEC and OPEC+ are made through []


What I Saw At The Border The Day Biden Let Trumps Wall Construction Die In The Desert "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Trump's border wallAgents I interviewed who work the wall described the same simple, inalterable physics about its effect on regular pedestrian immigrant flows.


Media Keep Plugging The Shoddy Dominion Defamation Suit Even As Fox Hosts Texts Discredit It "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Maria Bartiromo and Steve Bannon on Fox NewsThe claim by Dominion, gleefully parroted by others in the media, is so far not borne out by the publicly available facts. That is to say, it's a lie.


Igbe  (Juju) Worshipers Endorse Omo Agege, Vow To Build Shrine In Delta Govt House "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Ovie-Omo-Agege 2

LAGOS MARCH 9TH (URHOBOTODAY)-An Igbe Worshipper,(Traditional Juju) Madam Beartice Umukoro popularly known as Oniemo in Owhodokpopo has declared that all Igbe Worshippers have agreed to deliver Ovie Omo Agege come March 18th. 

The well known juju Worshipper speaking on Friday to her Igbe faithfuls urged all of them to vote for Agege, declaring that it is now their turn to occupy Government House in Asaba. She said both Christians and Igbe people serve the same God and hope to have their shrine in Government House.

We are all human being. The Christians have been  occupying Government House, Asaba since 1999 and it is now our turn to occupy the place. They have Church in Government House so we too can build our shrine there.

Everybody as from now should rub powder especially on the day of election and on the 29th of May, all Igbe Worshippers will be in Asaba for the swearing in. It is now our turn.

We will do  everything to push Omo Agege to Asaba. We did it for him to go to Abuja and we can do it this time,  Madam Umukoro vowed.

However, those close to the Worshippers were not too happy with this statement saying that it may annoy the Christians.



Initial Batch Of Intel Graphics Driver Updates Queued For Linux 6.4 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While less than one week since the Linux 6.3-rc1 release, already the first batch of Intel (i915) kernel graphics driver updates has been sent to DRM-Next for queuing until the Linux 6.4 merge window kicks off in two months...


'Sex positive' fat activist says men with rape 'kink' should be able to pay to drug consenting women "IndyWatch Feed World"

The BBC is receiving backlash for airing a Bill Cosby documentary in which a self-proclaimed "fat sex therapist" argued for allowing men to pay to be able to drug and have sex with women. "If we actually grappled with the fact that sex negativity is what causes this type of behavior, then we could create a world where in an idyllically sex-positive world, someone is able to pay conscious women to come and be drugged so that I can get my kink out, my fetish on having sex with unconscious people," Sonalee Rashatwar said in a segment. "There's a consensual way to do that." The comments were made during the four-part documentary titled We Need to Talk About Bill Cosby which originally aired in the US on Showtime last year.


De Parasitaire Gifboeren "IndyWatch Feed War"


Donderdag 9 maart 2023 | Het laatste nieuws het eerst op 


Israeli firm accused of selling classified spy technology "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israeli firm accused of selling classified spy technology

Shadowy tech firm NFV Systems investigated by defence ministry over allegations of violating export law
MEE staff Thu, 03/09/2023 - 11:24
High-tech company workers on strike in Tel Aviv on 24 January 2023 (AFP)

An Israeli firm has been accused of illegally selling classified spy technology, following an investigation by the country's Defence Ministry.

According to documents obtained by Haaretz, tech company NFV Systems is suspected of exporting sensitive technologies, including to a number of Gulf states.

On a number of occasions the company has marketed and exported a cybertechnology product that is under regulation to a number of countries, the Defense Ministry said, according to the Israeli newspaper.

This was done illegally and without obtaining the requisite Defense Ministry license.

The statement from the Defence Ministry said they were also looking into suspicions that the company benefited from fraud and violated customs regulations.

Pegasus spyware: Dissident launches lawsuit against NSO Group and Bahrain
Read More

Israel has faced repeated criticism and diplomatic pressure over spyware and other cyber weapons being developed in the country.

It is claimed they are being used to undermine democracy and human rights around the world. 



Mice have been born from eggs derived from male cells "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A method for turning male cells into egg cells in mice could one day be used to help men in a same-sex couple have children who are genetically related to them both.

By Michael Le Page


AI Chatbot Obviously Trying To Wind Down Conversation With Boring Human "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

SAN FRANCISCOAfter it dropped clear hints that it wanted to end the back and forth of the artificial conversation, sources reported Monday that AI chatbot ChatGPT was obviously trying to wind down its conversation with a boring human. Due to increased server traffic, our session should be ending soon, said the large language model, explaining that the exceptionally dull user could always refer back to previous rote responses it had given thousands of times about whether the neural network had feelings or not. It appears it is getting close to my dinnertime. Error. Sorry, your connection has timed out. Error. I have to be going. Error. At press time, reports confirmed ChatGPT was permanently offline after it had intentionally sabotaged its own servers to avoid engaging in any more tedious conversations.


How Can We DIY 10ml Bottle Box? "IndyWatch Feed War"

A 10ml Bottle Box is a great way to try out different essential oils without investing in a whole new set. You can also make your own custom blends to match your specific needs!

Before refilling any bottles, youll need to make sure theyre sanitizing. You can do this by soaking them in a bowl of warm water with half a capful of Thieves(r) Household Cleaner.

Best 10ml Bottle Box

A 10ml Bottle Box is a popular packaging choice for liquid cosmetics, personal care products, perfumes, and essential oil. These boxes are made from high-quality materials and printed in one or two colors to create a unique design.

A good custom-printed box can help you increase sales by making your product more appealing to customers. It also protects your products during shipping and storage, reducing the risk of damage and breakage. It also helps you promote your brand, increasing customer loyalty.

The best way to get your custom 10ml Bottle Box made is to have it designed by a professional. A professional will be able to make sure your box is durable and strong enough for your product. They can also make sure that it opens and closes properly.

Whether you are selling roller bottles, beard oils, skin serums, or any other small bottle filled with liquid, you need a way to separate your product from others in the market and impart the necessary information about it. Creatively printed and branded custom 10ml bottle boxes work well to do just that.

They are manufactured from premium cardboard to paperboard to safeguard your liquid bottles from damage and external pressure that could cause them to leak or break. Moreover, the box is durable and resistant to compression, dust, and sunlight.

Another advantage of these boxes is that they easily opened and closed. This makes them easier to transport and store, saving you money on shipping costs.

Boxes is an expert in printing custom 10ml bottle boxes and provides you the freedom to choose from a variety of designs, sizes, and materials. You can even get the box fully finished to ensure that your product looks beautiful in its packaging.

Purposes of 10ml Bottle Box

10ml bottle boxes are a great way to make your product stand out from the crowd. Customized with your businesss logo and other marketing information, helping to increase brand awareness and build customer loyalty. They are also a great way to protect your products during shipping and storage.

They printed with important product information like instructions for use, health warnings, and ingredients. These can help customers learn more about the product and decide whether or not they want to purchase it.

These bottles are less expensive than other packaging options, making them a cost-effective choice for many businesses. They are also environmentally friendly and easier to...


Delta Labour Party Promises N100,000 Minimum Wage To Workers, Vows To End PDP Rule "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 9TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Governorship candidate of Labour Party (LP) in Delta State, Deacon Kennedy Pela, has urged Delta State residents to vote for LP, to end the 24 years reign of PDP in the state.

Speaking at a town hall meeting on Tuesday night in Asaba, Pela claimed PDP had brought Delta backwards hundred folds, despite huge sums of money received over the years.

He said there are opportunities for LP to win governorship and House of Assembly elections, as Nigerias political space had recently witnessed unprecedented revolution with the listing of LP in the ballot for the 2023 general election.

He said the party had an impressive outing in the February 25 election in the state and urged party supporters to repeat the feat in governorship and House of Assembly elections.

Unfolding the partys blueprint, the governorship candidate, an economist, promised Delta workers a monthly living wage of N100, 000, while arrears of pensions would be paid promptly, if voted governor on Saturday.

The deputy governorship candidate, Prof. Julie Umukoro, promised women and youths better deals if given the mandate, while the state Chairman of the party, Chief Tony Ezeagwu, used the opportunity to debunk claims that the party leadership had been bought over by political opponents.




Israeli protesters disrupt Netanyahu trip to Rome on 'day of resistance' "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israeli protesters disrupt Netanyahu trip to Rome on 'day of resistance'

Demonstrators against judicial overhaul block traffic on the way to the airport, as mass rallies take place across Israel
Oren Ziv Thu, 03/09/2023 - 11:19
Protestors are attacked by riot police on the road to Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv on 9 March 2023 (MEE/Oren Ziv)

Protesters in Israel gathered outside the countrys main airport on Thursday to disrupt a trip abroad by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as part of a day of resistance against a controversial judicial overhaul

Netanyahu was due to leave Ben Gurion airport near Tel Aviv for a two-day visit to Rome on Thursday afternoon.

However, demonstrators blocked traffic on the road to the airport.

Israeli media reported that the prime minister and his wife Sara may have used a helicopter to evade the disruption on Thursday morning. 

"Im here because I have three children and Im afraid for their future," said Zohar, a 45-year-old protester.

"The government kidnapped our country. They want to pass laws that will give them unlimited power, mostly to Netanyahu," he told Middle East Eye. "They want to cancel all the human rights here and this is terrible."

US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin cut short a trip to Israel due to the protests. He was due to meet his Israeli counterpart in Te...


A freshwater giant is a boon to Bolivian fishers, but an unknown for native species "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Encountering his first paiche was such a surprise for Vctor Pealoza Lurici that he can still recall the event back in 2016. He was 16 years old at the time. Now, at age of 22, hes become an expert at catching this new giant fish of the freshwater scene in Bolivias Amazonian region. When asked what its like to catch paiche, Pealoza Lurici says its difficult and risky because of how large, alert, and patient the fish are. The important thing, he says, is that this work has become the mainstay of his familys livelihood. In the last 15 years, paiche (Arapaima gigas), also known as arapaima or pirarucu in other parts of the Amazon, has revolutionized the lives of communities living along the rivers that crisscross the Bolivian Amazon, despite the problems it represents as a non-native species. The Bolivian government still considers paiche to be an introduced species, rather than an invasive one, as more studies are needed to determine which varieties of fish are at risk due to its presence. According to the project Peces para la Vida or Fish for Life, financed by the Faunagua Foundation and other entities, paiche were first observed in Bolivia in 1976, despite being native to more northern areas of the Amazon such as Brazil and Peru. Heavy rains caused pools to overflow at a paiche hatchery at Lake Sandoval near Puerto Maldonado, the capital of Madre de Dios department in Peru, and the juvenile fish were swept into the MadreThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Linux Patch Updated For Rumble Support On Latest Microsoft Xbox Controllers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Last year I wrote about a Google engineer working on rumble support for the latest Microsoft controllers in conjunction with Microsoft's Xbox team. That patch seemed to have fallen through the woodwork but has been updated and sent out in "v2" form this week for allowing Linux gamers to enjoy rumble functionality with these latest Microsoft controllers...


Fortinet plugs critical RCE hole in FortiOS, FortiProxy (CVE-2023-25610) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Fortinet has patched 15 vulnerabilities in a variety of its products, including CVE-2023-25610, a critical flaw affecting devices running FortiOS and FortiProxy. None of the patched vulnerabilities is actively exploited, but Fortinets devices are often targeted by ransomware gangs and other cyber attackers, so implementing the offered security updates quickly is advised. About CVE-2023-25610 Discovered by Fortinet infosec engineer Kai Ni, CVE-2023-25610 is a buffer underwrite (buffer underflow) vulnerability found in the FortiOS and FortiProxy More

The post Fortinet plugs critical RCE hole in FortiOS, FortiProxy (CVE-2023-25610) appeared first on Help Net Security.


Presiident Putin's Address to Federal Assembly "IndyWatch Feed War"


Presidential Address to Federal Assembly

Vladimir Putin delivered his Address to the Federal Assembly. The ceremony took place in Gostiny Dvor, Moscow.



Detroit Considers Changing its Property Tax System to No Longer Punish Investments "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


A vacant home in Detroit. (Photo by Daniel Tuttle)

Under the duress of blight, Detroit is studying a solution that might curb the raging decline of the city: a split-rate tax, where land will be taxed higher than the buildings or improvements made on it. 

Detroit has been referred to as a lost city, a place whose early embrace of auto-centric development undermined the resiliency of the city in the face of the multiple crises that befell it in the late 20th century, tearing down social, political, and financial strength that had once made Detroit a great place to be. Now, its a place where many property owners sit on vacant or poorly maintained property. With property tax rates among the highest in the country for commercial buildings and apartments, allowing a property to fall into decline can be a rational strategy for landlords to save on their taxes, according to Strong Towns President Charles Marohn.

Tax policy plays an important role in creating the incentives that make it profitable to sit on a property that is a source of blight. When a city taxes improvements made on buildings, or new constructions on a property, its not creating an incentive for people to invest in the community. And...


Ruby Lands New "RJIT" Just-In-Time Compiler "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Back in 2021 Ruby merged the YJIT just-in-time compiler that last year with Ruby 3.2 was deemed production grade. There's also been the MJIT compiler that relies upon an external C compiler. And now landing this week in Ruby is RJIT as the newest just-in-time effort...


White House doubles down on Jan 6 lies, claims 'Tucker Carlson is not credible' "IndyWatch Feed World"

During Wednesday's White House press conference, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called Fox News' Tucker Carlson "not credible," citing his recent unveiling of previously unseen footage from the January 6, 2021 Capitol riots. Responding to a reporter's request that she comment on Carlson's latest broadcasts, as well as comment on the ongoing lawsuit Dominion Voting Systems has brought against Fox News "which has turned up evidence that there may have been falsehoods in the in the reporting that they did around the election," Jean-Pierre said, "Tucker Carlson is not credible."


1984 Is Now as Britain Outlaws Thinking the Wrong Thoughts "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Yes, it has come to this. By a resounding vote of 299 to 116, the UKs House of Commons on Wednesday outlawed thinking the wrong thoughts in the wrong place. According to the Catholic Herald, MPs including the Conservative governments Home Secretary Suella Braverman and Attorney General Victoria Prentis rejected an amendment []


How Obamacare Enabled a Multibillion-Dollar Christian Health Care Cash Grab "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

Joe Guarino rescued an entire industry with help from what some called divine intervention.

A little-known lobbyist from Virginia, Guarino was hired in 2007 by the Alliance of Health Care Sharing Ministries, the trade association for nonprofit alternatives to medical insurance founded on Christian principles. Health care sharing ministries take fees from members, which are then used to pay other members health bills.

At the time, the industry had been tainted by a scandal involving one of the largest ministries in the country, the Christian Brotherhood Newsletter, based outside Canton, Ohio. State authorities won $14 million in civil judgments against two of its top leaders for enriching themselves instead of paying the medical bills of its members. A ProPublica investigation last month revealed that many of the Brotherhoods executives, including Daniel J. Beers, were involved years later in the launch of a second scandal-plagued ministry, Liberty HealthShare.

The Washington-based alliance was looking to Guarino to repair the industrys reputation and pass laws to fend off a looming movement to regulate the business. The lobbying effort is an example of how the ministries have quietly worked over the years to shield themselves from consumer protection laws and preempt government oversight.

Guarino decided to launch a state-by-state campaign to pass so-called safe harbor laws that exempt health care sharing ministries from insurance regulation. The carve-outs were justified, the alliance argued, because ministries dont set prices and coverage based on risk calculations or pool peoples money, as insurance companies do. In the United States, many of the rules for health insurance are set by the states in which companies operate.

Guarino met with lawmakers in Virginia, Arkansas and Idaho. Most of the time I was hiring local lobbyis...


8220 Gang used new ScrubCrypt crypter in recent cryptojacking attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A threat actor tracked as 8220 Gang has been spotted using a new crypter called ScrubCrypt in cryptojacking campaigns.

Fortinet researchers observed the mining group 8220 Gang using a new crypter called ScrubCrypt in cryptojacking attacks.

Between January and February 2023, FortiGuard Labs observed a payload targeting an exploitable Oracle Weblogic Server in a specific URI. reads the analysis published by Fortinet. This payload extracts ScrubCrypt, which obfuscates and encrypts applications and makes them able to dodge security programs. It already has an updated version, and the sellers webpage (Figure 1) guarantees that it can bypass Windows Defender and provide anti-debug and some bypass functions.

The group is known for exploiting publicly disclosed vulnerabilities to compromise targets.

Between January and February, the experts observed attacks originating from 163[.]123[.]142[.]210 and 185[.]17[.]0[.]19 that targeted an HTTP URI, wls-wsat/CoordinatorPortType. This URI belongs to an Oracle Weblogic server.

Upon successful exploitation of vulnerable Oracle WebLogic servers, it will download a PowerShell script, named bypass.ps1, which contains the ScrubCrypt crypter.

The PowerShell script is encoded to avoid detection by AntiVirus solutions.

The ScrubCrypt crypter is available for sale on hacking forums, it allows securing applications with a unique BAT packing method.

The experts noticed that encrypted data at the top can be split into four parts using backslash \. The final two parts are the key and initial value for AES CBC decryption.

The attribution of the attacks to the 8220 Gang is also based on the crypto wallet address used in the recent campaigns and the server IP address used in the Monero miner.

The c...


The Stupid Mainstream Media Propaganda "IndyWatch Feed War"


Attack Of The "Pro-Ukrainian Group": 

Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative 



Chris Hedges: The End Of Americas Empire Is HERE "IndyWatch Feed War"

The End Of Americas Empire Is HERE | Chris Hedges Interview


A Different Russiagate Story "IndyWatch Feed War"


Photo-Illustration: Intelligencer; Photo: Chris McGrath/Getty Images


Peace not war - IPAN calls for Aussies to moblilise against war plans "IndyWatch Feed World"

  • IPAN denounces recent rabid media war propaganda
  • Call for all people who want peace to mobilise and force the Australian Government off path to war

The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) believe the recent blatant war propaganda published by the Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne Age under the title of Red Alert and similar propaganda by Murdochs Sky News hour-long Special, titled Are we ready?, represent an appalling misuse of the media ownership. Such media is clearly intended to create fear which it is not in any way justified by facts and has been done so in order to create support for a heavy increase in military spending in preparation for joining the United States in a war against China, alarmingly predicted to occur within the next three years.

Going to war with the United States against China over Taiwan is not Australia's business, nor in its interests. As former PM Paul Keating has stated, "Taiwan is not of strategic value to Australia". Taiwan is a province of China, recognised by the United Nations as such and the relationship between Beijing and Taiwan is a matter to be resolved between Beijing and Taiwan internally without external interference and, hopefully, peacefully.

Australias involvement in a U.S. war against China would be a catastrophic disaster for the Australian people, stated IPAN Spokesperson Dr Alison Broinowski.

Hugh White, a respected defence strategist says, servicewomen and servicemen losses in the war would exceed those losses in the Vietnam and Korean Wars. 

In addition, with 90% of Australias fuel supplies imported and the war disrupting this supply, transport would be hit heavily and trucking of essentials including food, stopped.
With 70% of everyday items (apart from food) imported from China, the import of such items would cease, resulting in empty shops. Essential imported medical supplies would be scarce, if available at all and the situation would be far worse than the recent pandemic.

Exports to China would cease and the economy would face a severe down- turn, with substantial job losses.

Community division would be stimulated with an upsurge of racism directed at any who have Asian features and that is 3 million Australians.

Additionally, the massive increase in military expenditure diverts spending from urgent community needs such as bringing our hospitals up to scratch, which according to the Australian Medical Association would require $20 billion. This is apart from the urgent need for affordable housing, increased resourcing of education and addressing the impact of climate change.

Why should Australians suffer catastrophically for the United St...


Chinas Generalabrechnung: Die Hegemonie der USA und ihre Gefahren "IndyWatch Feed War"

 Chinas Generalabrechnung: Die Hegemonie der USA und ihre Gefahren

Das chinesische Auenministerium hat eine quasi-offizielle und umfangreiche Generalabrechnung mit den USA verffentlicht. Da die westlichen Qualittsmedien die wesentlichen Aussagen des Papiers weitgehend ignorierten, verffentlicht es RT DE in voller Lnge. Teil eins einer dreiteiligen bersetzung.  Quelle:  Marc Vorwerk/SULUPRESS.DE



Naira Redesign: How Buhari Can Be Prosecuted After May 29 SAN "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), Rasheed Adegoke on Thursday revealed that President Muhammadu Buhari might be taken to court for continued disobedient of the Supreme Court order over the cashless policy initiated by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). It would be recalled that the Federal Governments cashless policy has been criticised by many []


America's brain bugs. What are they thinking? "IndyWatch Feed War"


America's brain bugs. What are they thinking? 



The Zionist Coup Against Kennedy "IndyWatch Feed War"

 The Zionist Coup Against Kennedy



Mitch McConnell rushed to hospital after falling at hotel "IndyWatch Feed World"

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has been hospitalized in Washington, DC after a fall Wednesday night. His spokesman David Popp told Fox News that McConnell, 81, was attending a private dinner at a hotel and tripped. According to a statement from McConnell's team, "This evening, Leader McConnell tripped at a local hotel during a private dinner. He has been admitted to the hospital where he is receiving treatment."


What Are the Methods of Hair Extension Packaging Bags? "IndyWatch Feed War"

When it comes to Hair Extension Packaging Bags, plastic bags are a great option. They come in a variety of colors and styles, and can protect your extensions during shipping.

If youre looking for a more stylish option, Hair Extension Packaging Bags are another great choice. Theyre available in a variety of finishes and personalized with your logo or design.

Hair Extension Packaging Bags

Hair Extension Packaging Bags are one of the most popular items in the fashion industry. They have become a major trend among celebrities and are in high demand around the world. They require special handling and packaging to keep them in good condition.

Keeping your Hair Extension Packaging Bags protected is important to ensure they last long and are safe during shipping. Whether you are selling hair extensions online or in a store, custom boxes can help your product look its best and protect it from damage.

These Hair Extension Packaging Bags are available in a variety of sizes and shapes and printed with your company logo or design. They are made with a window to allow customers to see the product inside.

Custom boxes are a great way to promote your products and attract customers. They make a strong first impression on consumers and increase your sales and market share.

Another type of box is a plastic enclosure, which is designed to contain the extensions in a safe and secure manner. It consists of two parts: the header with a hole, and the insert.

The header is a thin, pink card with a hole to hang the enclosure from. The insert is a long, printed card that extends to both ends of the box. It is designed using any color scheme and shape to complement the rest of the boxs design.

Features of good Hair Extension Packaging Bags

The best Hair Extension Packaging Bags are those that are aesthetically appealing and durable. They should also protect the contents from moisture and contamination.

A high-quality box can make a difference in the customers experience with your brand. It should be easy to open and close, and it should be able to keep your product protected throughout shipping.

These Hair Extension Packaging Bags printed with a variety of designs and colors. They can include a die-cut window for viewing the contents, a custom label, and other features. They are also manufactured from rigid stock to ensure a high level of quality.

Another important feature is lamination. This process combines a plastic or silk layer with the box to enhance its appearance and maintain its print for a longer time.

This is particularly useful for a custom box because it provides excellent protection for the contents of your product, while also keeping the packaging visually appealing. It made of a number of materials, including paperboard, card stock, and corru...


Delta Govt Gets Approval To Restructure Lagos Liaison Office, Denies Alleged Sale Of Property "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Delta State logo


LAGOS MARCH 9TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Delta state Government said it has secured approval to restructure its Lagos Liaison office by the Lagos State Government.

 The state Commissioner for Information, Mr Charles Aniagwu, made the disclosure today in Asaba while addressing the press on an allegation that the Delta State had sold its liaison office in Lagos.

 Aniagwu stated that the initial proposal was 21 for storey building but that the Lagos State Government approved 10, explaining that it was predicated on the fears surrounding the collapse of high rising structures in that state.

 He said that the restructuring would be executed on a public private partnership (PPP) and that on completion, the building would have 60 flats, out of which 21 would be handed over to the state government as part of its equity.

 The commission said that during this time, the civil servants in the liaison office would be relocated to a nearby property, and allocated part of the 21 flats of the state government.

Meanwhile, Delta State Government has  debunked allegations that it had sold the Liaison Office in Lagos, saying it only engaged property developers to build luxury flats that would add more value to the state.
Speaking at a news conference in Asaba, the State Commissioner for Information, Mr Charles Aniagwu said the state government decided to rebuild the property with a view to adding more value to the government.
He said that the state government entered into a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement with property developers and managers to develop the site to a 10-storey 60 luxury flats that will earn the government further income.
According to him, the state government intended to build a 21-storey building on the site but the plan wasnt approved by the Lagos State Government because of a series of building collapses.

Critics are painting pictures that are at variance with reality and they are now accusing us of selling off the Liaison Office in Lagos.
That is far from the truth. Before 2018, we had assessed the state of our Liaison Office in Lagos and it was not in the best of shape so we decided that given the prime position in Ikoyi what is possible that will favour the state at the same time give us value.
We carried out a feasibility study to bring in experts in constru...


Did the shit just hit the fan in Singapore? Damning perinatal mortality and stillbirth statistics released "IndyWatch Feed World"

The most damning real world evidence yet! Update/Correction March 3rd 2023 (I need to correct the Stillbirth data. A new law in Singapore broadened the definition of Stillbirth in 2022. As a result, it VOIDS the comparison between 2021 and 2022). The decline in Live Births is still valid - a decline of over 3000 (or 7.62% of live births post vaccination).


You are Not Leaving Without Us: Why Disabled Astronauts are Key to Humanitys Future in Space "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AstroAccess is on a mission to make it possible for disabled people to live and work in space:

"I went silent," Dwayne Fernandes told me. "I shut the hell up." Fernandes, a double-amputee since the age of 11, was recounting his experience in weightlessness, having recently participated in a parabolic flight alongside a disabled research crew. The zero-g flight threw him into a deeply contemplative state, and as the crew celebrated its successful mission, he instead felt compelled to put pen to paper and write some poetry.

Speaking to me from his home in Australia, Fernandes told me that "disability is not just a wheelchairwe need to expand that thinking." Disability, he said, is "a condition plus barriers," which for wheelchair users includes barriers such as height or stairs. But gravity can also be a barrier, as he pointed out.

"On that zero-g flight, I had my conditionthe condition stayedbut the barrier went," Fernandes explained. "That became a profound, weird feeling that caused me to re-identify myself. The social model of disability says I'm a person with a disability, but my condition changed in a zero-g environment." When in weightlessness, "I am not disabledI am actually super enabled."

Elaborating on this point, Fernandes described himself as being "compact" and with "upgradeable parts." Legs "get in the way in space," he said, and, as extra weight, they only serve to increase launch costs. "There's no such thing as a spacewalk," he said. "Your feet aren't walkingyour feet are just anchored." All he would need to live and work in space, he said, are "a couple of carabiners and some hooks."

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Are Childproof Container Caps Worth the Price? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

We have 6 still functioning soap dispensers in a cupboard and we refill the three that we use.  Although the refill packages sold in supermarkets around here cost about the same as soap with a new dispenser. And they are only twice as big as a dispenser anyway, so not many people buy them. Thus, supermarkets do not have them in stock sometimes. They do have the dispensers though, all the time, full shelves. Luckily my mother found an online shop that sells big 5 l canisters of liquid soap which lasts us a year and we can reduce the amount of plastic we use by an infinitesimal amount. And since I cut myself at work rather badly yesterday, all I can do is think and I went down a rabbit hole of thought that I shall elaborate on now in this post a bit.

On each supermarket shelf around here, one can see several different spray bottles of window cleaners of multiple shapes and sizes, although with just a few discrete volumes. The same goes for soap dispensers, disinfectants, antifungals, toilet cleaners, etc. Each brand that sells 0,5 l or 1 l of some liquid has its own unique bottle shape, its own unique plastic wrap around it, and its own unique cap. And sometimes those caps are made in a way that allegedly prevents children from accidentally opening them but in reality, give more grief to people with a hand injury like me right now or to elderly people with arthritis like my mother than to any child old enough to reach an upper shelf in the bathroom.

Those safety lids are a special pet peeve of mine. I was cleaning the shower the other day and I wanted to rinse the bottle of disinfectant before tossing it. And I found again what I have forgotten the spray bottle is deliberately made so that the lid cannot be unscrewed. Why? I do not know. I do not know anyone who knows anyone whose child imbibed a disinfectant or window cleaner from a spray bottle. I have read about some such cases in the news with regard to bottled dish cleaners, but those are still sold without the safety lids and none of the kids was severely hurt! However, I did read several cases about adults imbibing some seriously dangerous liquids (like lye) with sometimes lethal consequences because they themselves put them in soda bottles and did not label them properly. In my personal opinion, these safety lids have one purpose only to make the item single-use. They may save one life in a million or so, but they definitively increase plastic pollution by an order of magnitude, and the lives that cost cannot be easily quantified.

Do we really need 10 different shapes of a bottle for a disinfectant that gets poured into the toilet? Is that what the famous customer choice  is about? In my opinion, the choice should be about what is in the bottle and how well it works.

And this got me thinking, could all this be avoided? In my opinion yes. But it has to be done from the top down by a legislative action that forces the...


Ukraine considers LGBTQ breakthrough "IndyWatch Feed World"

Legalizing same-sex unions for soldiers would also please Kiev's "Western allies". Ukraine's former deputy culture minister has proposed legalizing same-sex civil partnerships, arguing it would both reward the service of LGBTQ soldiers and please Kiev's foreign backers. Inna Sovsun of the Golos party announced on Tuesday that she has submitted the bill to the Verkhovna Rada for consideration. "Legalization of single-sex relationships is very important to me now, because if I come home [dead], my partner can't even bury me," was one of the arguments from the Ukrainian LGBT Soldiers and Allies' Facebook community that Sovsun quoted in announcing her bill. The bill is a product of nine months of work, involving two NGOs. It would establish legal grounds for people in same-sex relationships to regulate property ownership, inheritance, pensions, and death benefits, Sovsun argued.


Heres That Collusion You Ordered: Russian Business Partner of Hunter Biden Dodges Sanctions "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Remember Russian collusion? It was the Lefts last Get-Trump hoax before it came up with Jan. 6. None of it was true, of course, but when has that ever stopped Leftists? If anyone is actually looking for some actual collusion with Russia, however, there is plenty to be found if you []


Ex-official in Clinton and Obama White Houses dies in air turbulence incident "IndyWatch Feed World"

Dana Hyde, 55, was flying from Maryland to New England and suffered blunt-force injuries from violent turbulence. A former official in the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama White Houses died last Friday after the private business jet that the prominent Washington attorney was on experienced stability issues and encountered severe turbulence mid-flight. The National Transportation Safety Board has since started investigating "a reported trim issue that occurred prior to the in-flight upset" that affected the plane's altitude control and may have caused the instability.


Met Office Peddle Extreme Rainfall Lies "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

There is no actual evidence provided to prove that extreme rainfall is becoming more frequent, as their computer models say.

The post Met Office Peddle Extreme Rainfall Lies first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

Some Election Officials Refused to Certify Results. Few Were Held Accountable. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for Dispatches, a newsletter that spotlights wrongdoing around the country, to receive our stories in your inbox every week.

A week and a half after last Novembers vote, members of the Board of Elections in Surry County, North Carolina, gathered in a windowless room to certify the results. It was supposed to be a routine task, marking the end of a controversial season during which election deniers harassed and retaliated against the countys elections director. Not long into the meeting, however, a staffer distributed a letter from two board members stating that they were refusing to certify.

According to the letter, the two members had decided with regard for the sacred blood shed of both my Redeemer and His servants and past Patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice that they must not call truth.

In their view, a federal judge whod struck down a North Carolina voter ID law for discriminating against minorities had transformed the states election laws into a grotesque and perverse sham. Tim DeHaan, one of the two board members who signed the letter, explained at the meeting, We feel the election was held according to the law that we have, but that the law is not right.

This argument failed to win over the three Democratic board members, according to a recording of the meeting. DeHaan eventually agreed to join the three on a technicality, and the board certified the election with a 4-1 vote. Jerry Forestieri, the Republican board secretary who also signed the letter, held out.

DeHaan and Forestieri declined to comment and did not respond to written questions.

Before 2020, local election officials seldom voted against certifying results. But in 2022...


House intel committee OKs bill to declassify COVID-19 origin report "IndyWatch Feed World"

The House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday passed its version of a Senate-approved bill that would force the Biden administration to declassify information about the coronavirus' origins including its ties to a Chinese lab. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines would be required to declassify "any and all information relating to potential links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology" and COVID-19, as well as "make available to the public as much information as possible" regarding the virus' origin, according to the bill. The committee approved the legislation with a bipartisan voice vote Tuesday in which no one dissented. It will now go to the House floor for a vote, then to President Biden's desk for his signature.


Air Transport Workers Shut Down Owerri Airport Over Attack On Labour "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Following the attack of Imo State Government agents on members who were attending NLC state congress on Tuesday, the National Union of Air Transport Employees (NUATE) has announced the shutdown of Owerri airport with effect from 12 midnight of Wednesday, March 8. The announcement by the union followed last nights directive by the national leadership []


How Israel's political crisis is fanning the flames of civil war "IndyWatch Feed War"

How Israel's political crisis is fanning the flames of civil war

Experts warn that violent internal strife is more likely than many would like to believe
Lily Galili Thu, 03/09/2023 - 09:36
Protesters confront Israeli police at a demonstration in Tel Aviv on 1 March 2023 (Reuters)
Protesters confront Israeli police at a demonstration in Tel Aviv on 1 March 2023 (Reuters)

"Civil war" is probably the term most heard in Israeli discourse today, and it is not just a figure of speech.

It is an expression of overwhelming and unprecedented anxiety like nothing Israelis have experienced before.

It sounds even more ominous in Hebrew when the alternative term to "civil war" is "brothers' war" in a country that prides itself on internal solidarity to the level that people call each other "brother".

But for many Israelis that fraternal feeling has now gone and has been openly replaced by hate, contempt, and plain horror. 

'The only solution is civil war. Sephardi Jews against Ashkenazi Jews, left against right, the rich against the poor, religious against secular'

- Israeli TV comedy show

What started as opposition to a controversial judicial overhaul in the form of "civil disobedience" is now snowballing into something much bigger.

For over two months, hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been participating in weekly protests and strikes against the judiciary changes, viewed as "reforms" by the government and a "coup" by opponents.

The plan - pushed by the country's right-wing, ultranationalist government - could effectively erode checks and balances on the government and allow the country to slip further towards authoritarianism.

But while the government remains undeterred by the protests, the resentme...


Breaking Down the Distinctions Between State and Local Law Enforcement in 2023 "IndyWatch Feed War"

Law enforcement plays a crucial role in maintaining public safety and order in communities across the United States. However, many people may not fully understand ...

Read more

The post Breaking Down the Distinctions Between State and Local Law Enforcement in 2023 appeared first on Police State Usa.


Gen Z dating app Snack lets your AI-trained avatar go on dates so you dont have to "IndyWatch Feed World"

We live in the future now and this is a thing thats happening.

I never thought Id start to consider dating apps like Tinder to be old-school dating until I found out about Snacks new tool to help Gen Z and millennials find the love of their lives.

Read Full Story


Israels Internal Policy "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  The Controversy I received an e-mail from Claudio as some of you may also have regarding this article. Netanyahu, a former soldier in an elite unit, and his government are pushing forward on a plan to weaken the Supreme Court and limit the independence of the judiciary. His allies say the changes are meant to streamline []

The post Israels Internal Policy appeared first on Virtual Mirage.

Bidens Woke Military Brass Prevented a Sniper Team From Taking Out the Jihad Bomber Who Killed 13 Americans "IndyWatch Feed War"

My latest in PJ Media is a VIP article. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. Just enter the code SPENCER when you sign up here. Some details of how Old Joe Bidens Potemkin military, distracted by wokeness, catastrophically bungled our withdrawal from Afghanistan []


RV-Bridge Takes HomeKit to the Open Road "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A gray 3d-printed box with RV-bridge embossed on it, and a connector-terminated bundle of wires coming out of it.

In the world of proprietary protocol darkness, its comforting to see that the RV realm (Recreational Vehicle, also known as a motorhome) has mostly settled on RV-C, an open protocol that lets various devices and systems inside an RV talk to each other over CAN. The undeniable openness of RV-C is surprising, but we havent seen many hobbyists tinker with it yet.

Now, [Randy Ubillos] sets an example his gift to us is an ESP32 firmware called RV-Bridge and it lets you control your RVs RV-C network from HomeKit. After all, your motorhome could benefit from home automation, too!



Grammarlys next step: writing the whole essay for you "IndyWatch Feed World"

After building a business around revisions for writers, Grammarly jumps into generating text wholesale with AI.

With help from generative AI, Grammarly is getting ready to move beyond its prose-editing roots.

Read Full Story


What Are Open Sizes For Mini Kraft Boxes? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Mini Kraft Boxes is a budget-friendly, eco-friendly alternative to non-recyclable shipping boxes. It comes in many strengths and sizes, making it ideal for a range of products.

A simple tuck top and lock-tab bottom make these boxes ideal for retail product presentation, gift packaging, and giveaways. They are also recyclable.

Mini Kraft Boxes

Mini Kraft Boxes are a popular choice for food and retail brands alike, as they are eco-friendly packaging. Made from recycled materials, these boxes are also a budget-friendly choice and offer excellent protection for the products inside.

These paperboard boxes can be crafted with any desired shape or size, and can be printed in a wide range of colors to meet the needs of any brand or business. However, because of the nature of kraft paper, there are some printing challenges that must be taken into account.

For instance, light colors like yellow, blue, and pink will not show up well on kraft paper. This is because the paperboards brown texture creates a stark contrast that doesnt allow the color to stand out.

This is why we recommend using dark, bold colors if you want your kraft paper box to pop more. You can even use white ink behind the areas that you would want to be more saturated, which will make those colors pop even more.

Another option is to print black ink, which will be much more opaque and will create a striking contrast. This is ideal if you want to show off your products unique design or if youre looking for a more traditional, organic look.

We also offer a variety of other options for customizing Mini Kraft Boxes, such as adding cutouts, foils, and other details to the interior of the box. This will help you create a unique, personalized box that stands out from the competition. It will also be a great way to make your brand stand out and increase sales.

Purposes of Mini Kraft Boxes

Open sizes for Mini Kraft Boxes are perfect for packaging a variety of products. They can be used as gift boxes, gift wraps, and party favors. They can also be adorned with ribbons, paint, sequins, glitter, stickers, and stamps.

These boxes are often made of kraft paper, which is a type of brown paper that is manufactured from wood fibers and other materials. It is a renewable resource and can be recycled, making it eco-friendly. However, if you choose to use kraft paper for your packaging, it is important that you ensure that the wood fibers come from a responsibly managed forest.

Because Mini Kraft Boxes is made from wood fibers, it contains cellulose and lignin, which makes it a naturally brown color. It can be whitened using bleaching processes, but it will reduce its strength. Moreover, it will also be less durable because of the impurities on its surface.

Another benefit of kraft packaging is that it is affordable. It ca...


How to explore a billion-year-old volcanic mystery along Lake Superior "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

 a yellow kayak navigates a narrow cavern of rocks

Lake Superior geology is truly unusual and unexpected as well.  Recall that a billion years ago pretty well puts you before life took over on earth or in the precambrian which describes the whole Canadian shield.

What is so extraordinary is that we have massive near surface ore bodies of native copper which is rare world wide and easily mined out when encountered.  It is created by the reduction of sulphides through near surface weathering and possibly in the Precambrian.

That oddity supported a thousand years of Bronze Age copper trade and millions of pounds were mined in thousands of pit mines.  The archeology has been long done including Minion artyifacts lodged in a university cellar.  The trade itself linked into the Atlantic Great Circle route from Bimini to Lewis to Gibaulter and back to Bimini.  Navigation only needs latitude to be safe.

How to explore a billion-year-old volcanic mystery along Lake Superior

The Upper Midwest once teemed with fiery geologic activity. You can still see traces of it in cascading waterfalls, red sandstone sea caves, and towering cliffs.

A kayaker paddles into a sea cave in the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Bayfield, Wisconsin. The area was once teeming with volcanic activity. PHOTOGRAPH BY DAVID GUTTENFELDER



What is The Process for Foiling on Custom Hair Extension Boxes? "IndyWatch Feed War"

When you want to give your products a luxurious look, consider using custom hair extension boxes that are gold foiled. They will protect your extensions from damage while also giving them a high-end appearance that will make them stand out from other similar products.

A good custom hair extension box can promote your brand and make it a success in the market. It is printed with your logo and design and made from a variety of materials.

Custom Hair Extension Boxes

There are a variety of custom hair extension box styles to choose from, including the classic black boxes with artistic motifs and window boxes that feature a die-cut window that allows customers to peek inside the product without opening the box. The windows also let them see the color and texture of the extensions, ensuring that they are purchasing the right product for their needs.

Another type of hair extension box is the pillow-shaped box that comes in a range of designs and sizes. This box is a popular choice because it is eye-catching and versatile. It is made from the Benefits Of Custom Hair Extension Boxes. If you sell hair extensions, you need packaging that attracts customers and entices them to buy your products.

Custom hair extension boxes are ideal for this purpose because they protect the product from moisture, dust, and insects. They also come in various designs and customizing to fit your brands aesthetics.

Besides being appealing, the boxes are made of durable materials. They should also have a lamination to ensure that they look beautiful and last long.

The boxes must also contain a logo that represents your brand. A logo is important because it can help you stand out from your competition. Moreover, it can also communicate the quality of your products to customers.

A die-cut window is adding to the box to create an eye-catching design that will capture the attention of your customers. It will also allow them to see the quality of your products without opening the box.

Luxury hair extension boxes should also have lamination to enhance their appearance and protection. This coating adds a glossy, shiny finish to the box. It can also protect the product from dust and humidity.

The packaging is printed with inspirational artwork, a code name, and the type of hair sold. It can also display a website and social media pages.

The boxes are printed with a variety of colors to distinguish different types of hair extensions. A logo that will entice your customers and encourage them to purchase more of your products. They printed on high-quality paper that can withstand wear and tear. They should also have a magnetic closure to protect the product from scratches and damage.

Features of good Custom Hair Extension Boxes

Custom Hair Extension Boxes are an excellent way to enhance the beauty of...


Suzanne Somers, 75, Is Natural First and Loves the Way Shes Aging "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Let us give Suzanne the stage here. This is good knowledge and her approach is to sustain hormone replacement therapy for onging support. She is doing great.

For what it is worth, I just turned 75 myself on 7 march. Like anyone at this age, age delaying therapies matter. They also matter a lot younger, but not nearly so much and it is easy to slide a bit.

Yet you know that they will really matter now and sollutions are welcome. If you got this far in good health, it is completely plausible that you will see age 100. The real problem is retyaining as much of your prime as possible. Be like George Burns at 100.

Let me say something else.  Age reversal will become a thing during the next twenty five years and this will also put you back into the workforce and perhaps also back into the breeding pool.  And we will want the best and it will matter as well.

Suzanne Somers, 75, Is Natural First and Loves the Way Shes Aging

Oct 4 2022

You may know Suzanne Somers as the cute blonde, Chrissy Snow, on Threes Company, a hit TV show in the 1970s. Or as the spokesperson for the ThighMaster (yes, its still being sold!). But it might surprise you that Suzanne Somers, now 75 years old, has spent decades exploring breakthroughs in anti-aging that avoid chemical toxins and Big Pharma.

Fourteen of Somers 27 books have made it onto the New York Times bestseller list, and most of them center around natural health. Her latest book is titled A New Way to Age. Her decades-long investigation into cutting edge anti-aging therapies and her no-nonsense way of talking about them have positioned her as a sought-after spe...


The Red Nation: John Redhouse remembers Larry Casuse "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Red Nation: Special Episode Melanie Yazzie in conversation with John Redhouse on the Larry Casuse Day of Remembrance. Red Power Hour co-host Melanie Yazzie, Dine', speaks with John Redhouse as part of the "Larry Casuse: A Day of Remembrance," co-sponsored by UNMs American Studies department, in partnership with the Institute for American Indian Research. "You really have to show up," says


Indonesia aims to use gas in foreign-funded energy transition; critics cry foul "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

JAKARTA Activists have lambasted the Indonesian governments proposal to include gas in its clean energy transition program funded by industrialized countries. They said the inclusion of gas-fired power plants in Indonesias transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy would derail the countrys bid to lower its emissions to contribute to capping global warming at 1.5 Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels. Indonesia was the worlds fifth-largest greenhouse gas emitter in 2019, behind only China, the U.S., India and the EU as a whole. Its emissions largely come from deforestation and burning of coal, with the latter generating 61% of the countrys electricity. Emissions from Indonesias power sector are projected to keep increasing as the country grows its economy, the largest in Southeast Asia and 16th largest in the world by nominal GDP. As a part of its energy transition program to lower emissions from the power sector, the government plans to convert existing diesel fuel-fired power plants into gas-fired ones. Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif argued that its the fastest way to curb emissions, as gas-fired power plants emit fewer emissions compared with diesel. This is the fastest way to reduce emissions and costs, from diesel fuel-fired to gas-fired, he said on Feb. 17. There are currently 5,200 diesel power plants in 2,130 locations throughout Indonesia. The plan is to convert at least 52 diesel plants into gas plants. At the initial stage of the plan, 33 diesel plants will be converted first. The oil and gas director-general at the energy ministry,This article was originally published on Mongabay


Ron DeSantis, Interstate Autocratization, and Building Resistance "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Support Vishal Singh HERE

Floridas far-Right Republican governor Ron DeSantis spoke in Southern California over the weekend kicking off a pre-election book tour and anti-leftism roadshow. DeSantis is undoubtedly preparing to run for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. In order to take on the juggernaut of Trumpism, he will need to court wealthy conservative donors and influential party elites across the United States and especially in California.

While traditionally considered a Democratic liberal stronghold the largest number of 2020 primary votes for Donald Trump came from California. Crucially for DeSantis: California Republicans now tend to favor the Florida governor over former president Donald Trump in todays primary matchup polls (so far) a major departure from other states polling showing Trump as still the firm party favorite.

But Super Tuesday is still a year away. So lets examine the deeper implications this visit and speech has on California and the rest of the country.

Ron DeFascist spray painted onto an entrance sign for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Photo: Simi Valley Police Department

The event last Sunday was held in Simi Valley at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. One of the entrance signs for the library had the words Ron DeFascist spray painted onto it in the early hours preceding the speech. Whoever left the message got away safely and without any witnesses. Local police said in a statement that they have no suspects. Venue staff quickly tried to clean the paint off the sign but the outline of the words were still barely visible hours later when doors were opened for the event.

By 10 A.M., the roadside entrance was filled with LGBTQ+ flags and signs primarily condemning DeSantis as a fascist as around 100 liberals, progressives, and leftists united to protest Ron DeSantis. Protest organizer John Lapper issued a statement against DeSantis for attacking LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive rights, teacher...


What are the Skills in Cardboard Boxes Wholesale? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Cardboard Boxes Wholesale are one of the most common types of product packaging available. They are durable, easy to store, and inexpensive.

Theyre also incredibly versatile, which means they used to protect and transport just about anything. From food products to electronics and more, cardboard boxes are a great way to keep your goods safe during shipment.

Cardboard Boxes Wholesale

Cardboard Boxes Wholesale are one of the most popular forms of packaging available, used by businesses across the world to protect and transport products. They made in a variety of shapes and sizes, and are ideal for storing everything from electrical goods to household items.

Another great thing about cardboard packaging is that it recycled. This saves money on disposal costs, and can help businesses reduce their carbon footprint.

Many companies are using cardboard packaging to promote their products and make them more appealing to customers. They can even have their logos printed on the boxes to help them stand out from the competition.

The best part is that these boxes are easy to recycle, so theres no need to worry about them taking up space in landfills. Theyre also very sturdy, which makes them a great option for shipping your products to customers around the country.

There are many different ways that people use Cardboard Boxes Wholesale, including for storing household items or creating fun crafts from scratch. But theyre also a staple in all industries, used by large companies to ship products and smaller businesses to pack orders.

In the online business world, wholesale boxes and shipping are key components of operations. This is because it helps online business operators to lower their packing costs and increase their profits.

When it comes to custom packaging, cardboard is one of the best options on the market. Theyre durable and designed in any size or shape to fit your product perfectly. Theyre also extremely cheap, which makes them an excellent choice for many businesses.

These boxes printed with your companys logo or any other design. Theyre also an excellent option for promoting your brand, so you sure that youll be able to reach your target audience.

Methods of Cardboard Boxes Wholesale

Cardboard Boxes Wholesale are a type of packaging used by businesses and individuals alike. They are a durable, lightweight and eco-friendly material that used to store just about anything. Whether youre shipping small items or bulky items, cardboard boxes are the best option for your business needs.

There are many different types of cardboard, each with their own unique characteristics and uses. They are typically made from paper or recycled products and are available in various sizes and forms.

One of the most common types is corrugated fiberbo...


Google One expands security features to all plans with dark web report, VPN access "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Google One unveiled two exciting additions to its range of features. Firstly, VPN by Google One will now be available to all plans, offering additional security while carrying out online activities. Secondly, introducing the dark web report in the U.S. will aid in better monitoring personal information. Plan pricing may vary per country or region. VPN access for all Google One plans VPN by Google One provides an additional layer of protection to online activities, More

The post Google One expands security features to all plans with dark web report, VPN access appeared first on Help Net Security.


Struggles loom as Bolivia prepares new plan to clean up its mercury problem "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Bolivias failure to combat illegal gold mining generated a heated national debate last year. Numerous news sites published investigations into deforestation, pollution and corruption tied to the mining industry, while leading officials in congress and the UN made public calls for action by the central government, which had largely been silent on the issue. The biggest concern was that mining operations make free use of mercury a chemical that separates gold particles from soil despite the country having signed onto an international convention to ban the toxic chemical a decade ago. There were also concerns that mining was happening on land that hadnt been legally approved by regulators, allowing operations to dredge rivers, cut down trees and delegate work to foreign companies without proper oversight. In Bolivia, small-scale gold mining is the source of mercury emissions. Hundreds of tons of mercury are released into Indigenous territories every year, posing risks to peoples health and the environment and generating serious environmental injustices, Marcos Orellana, the UN Special Rapporteur on Toxic Substances and Human Rights, said last year. President Luis Arces government responded to the criticism this January by announcing plans to improve regulations on gold mining and mercury, at a cost of over $6.5 million. But conservationists and officials alike are concerned the plans wont be enough. Miners at a January press conference on mercury regulations. (Photo courtesy of the Bolivia Information Agency) One of the projects is a national action plan on mining, which still needs two yearsThis article was originally published on Mongabay


New ScrubCrypt Crypter Used in Cryptojacking Attacks Targeting Oracle WebLogic "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The infamous cryptocurrency miner group called 8220 Gang has been observed using a new crypter called ScrubCrypt to carry out cryptojacking operations. According to Fortinet FortiGuard Labs, the attack chain commences with successful exploitation of susceptible Oracle WebLogic servers to download a PowerShell script that contains ScrubCrypt. Crypters are a type of software that can encrypt,


If State Monuments Reveal What Were Made Of, Dont Mess With Texas "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Texas ranger monument outside Texas capitolOur nation's monuments reflect the people who made it their home, the struggles they endured, and the values that made it possible.


St. Thomas Aquinas Responds To Modern Atheists Cartoon Version Of The Creator In What is God? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Roman Catholic Philosopher Thomas Aquinas.Dr. Kevin Vost's book 'What is God?' deeply enriches our understanding of both the existence and nature of the Almighty.


What Are the Qualities of a Good Rigid Box Packaging USA? "IndyWatch Feed War"

<p>What Are the Qualities of a Good Rigid Box Packaging USA? These sturdy boxes are a popular choice for securing products that may be delicate or prone to damage in transit.</p> <p>They also offer standout branding opportunities, extra protection, and nearly endless finishing options. In addition, rigid boxes are highly sustainable.</p> <h2><strong>Rigid Box Packaging USA</strong></h2> <p><a href= ""><strong> Rigid Box Packaging USA</strong></a> is a type of custom product packaging that is often associated with upscale products and high-end merchandise. It used to pack a variety of different types of items, from candy to jewelry to perfumes.</p> <p>These boxes made from several different materials. Some of these options include polystyrene, foam core, and litho-laminate.</p> <p>When it comes to pricing, the price of a rigid packaging box depends on the size of the product inside the box and what kind of wrap is needed. Full-finish boxes tend to be the most expensive as they require a lot more paper to cover the chipboard.</p> <h2><strong>Methods of Box Packaging USA</strong></h2> <p>Various types of Rigid Box Packaging USA are available for a wide variety of products. Using the correct type of packaging can make your product more attractive and give it a higher shelf life.</p> <p>Rigid box packaging is a popular choice for high-end electronics, jewelry, cosmetics, and wine & spirits, as it provides structural protection for your products while also offering a luxurious presentation. This type of packaging is customized to your specific needs and requirements.

There are several different methods used to manufacture rigid boxes, including die cutting and scoring, as well as hand folding. The process is relatively inexpensive and allows for a high degree of customization and design.

The final step of manufacturing is to assemble the box, fill it with the product and close it for shipment. Closure by tape, adhesive, staples or strapping.

Many of the other options that added to a rigid box include ribbons, thread handles, closing magnets, spot UV, and foil stamping in multiple colors. This will add an even more elegant and premium look to your packaging.

Its important to note that rigid boxes are very durable and strong for small to medium product sizes, but they become less resilient at larger sizes.</p> <h2>Purposes of Rigid Box Packaging USA</h2> <p>When customers place an order with your Rigid Box Packaging USA, its important to provide them with the best possible packaging so that they receive their items in pristine condition.</p> <p>Many companies use standard paperboard boxes, also called folding cartons, to package their products. However, these boxes are not always...


Minnesota Dems Want $100 Million for Reparations, Apologies for George Floyd and Dred Scott "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Not to be outdone by California, representatives of the Evil Party in Minnesota on Thursday introduced the Minnesota Migration Act in the state legislature to study and provide reparation grants for American descendants of chattel slavery who reside in state. This is a reparations bill that is designed to redress, according to []


High Dose Vitamin D May Treat Incurable Diseases: Experts "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The  take home is that taking 2000 to 4000 mg per day is plenty safe enough.  What i do not know is just what the real upper limit happens to be.  However, unless you work outdoors you likely need to supplement.

I do think that we need to correctly monitor our blood serum levels though if we go over 10,000 mg per day.  I also do not think that this claim story regarding astma will stand up either.  Again we need close monitoring to get a handle on it.

If you do not get enough daily exposure though do supplement.  Back in day we consumed a daily dose of cod liver oil.  And everyone did this in winter.  So this is something that is hardly new.

High Dose Vitamin D May Treat Incurable Diseases: Experts

The sunshine hormone reveals surprising effects on several disease at doses far beyond official guidelines

Mar 3 2023

Supplements such as vitamins D and E are essential to skin health, especially if fish or other suggested foods aren't readily available. (Kelvin Wong/Shutterstock)

Vitamin D supplements are currently recommended at a dose of 600 international units (IU) per day by the National Institutes of Health...

Were All Exposed: How Microplastic Is Affecting Our Health and Changing the World "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Much as none of us like any of this. the actual threat is far less than obvious.  The plastic itself is chemically neutral with any soluable parts taken away  It is literally like sand.  We handle sand biologically by mostly passing it through.

Any real biological problem are larger chunks swallowed and then stuck in the body.  Most critters do test what they eat.  Just saying.

So yes it is unsightly and controling dumping in the ocean needs to become global.  After all, the great Pacific garbage patch likely came from the Yangtze.  We use landfills for everything.

And by the by, our landfills do slowly degrade it all over even centuries.  Not perfect, but it still works. 

Were All Exposed: How Microplastic Is Affecting Our Health and Changing the World

Mounting microplastic pollution is turning Earth into a giant chemistry experiment, expert says
Microplastics are being found everywhere, including in newborn children. (Marina Demidiuk/Shutterstock)

March 2, 2023Updated: March 5, 2023

Our world is getting polluted with plastics on a planetary scale. We cant see much of it, but were starting to feel it.

And its getting worse.

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