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Sunday, 02 April



The term hacker may have gained notoriety in recent decades, but the act of hacking, or using clever and unconventional methods to achieve a goal, has been practiced for centuries. Here are ten historical figures prior to the 19th century who would be considered good hackers by today's standards.

1. Archimedes (287 BC - 212 BC)

Archimedes, the ancient Greek mathematician, engineer, and inventor, is famous for his contribution to the field of mathematics and physics. He was also known for his clever tactics during the Siege of Syracuse in 214 BC. Archimedes used mirrors and lenses to focus sunlight on the Roman ships, setting them on fire.

2. Julius Caesar (100 BC - 44 BC)

Julius Caesar, the Roman statesman and military leader, is known for his brilliant tactics on the battlefield. He also used cryptography to send secret messages to his allies, using a code in which each letter was replaced with the letter three places down the alphabet.

3. Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)

Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath who excelled in multiple fields, including painting, sculpture, engineering, and science. He also had a keen interest in cryptography, creating a code in which letters were replaced with symbols and shapes.

4. Mary Queen of Scots (1542 - 1587)

Mary Queen of Scots, the Scottish monarch, was known for her clever escape attempts from captivity. In one instance, she dressed up as a servant and escaped from a castle in which she was being held captive.

5. Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642)

Galileo Galilei, the Italian astronomer and physicist, is known for his contributions to the field of science. He was also a skilled telescope maker, designing and building his own telescopes to observe the stars.

6. Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)

Benjamin Franklin was an American statesman, scientist, and inventor. He is known for his contributions to the fields of electricity and physics. Franklin was also a skilled printer and used his knowledge of printing to disseminate his ideas and beliefs.

7. Jeanne de Clisson (1300s - 1359)

Jeanne de Clisson, a French pirate, was known for her ruthless attacks on French ships during the Hundred Years' War. She would paint her ships black and red to symbolize her hatred for the French monarchy.

8. Matsuo Basho (1644 - 1694)

Matsuo Basho was a Japanese poet who is considered one of the greatest poets of the Edo period. He is known for his haiku, a form of poetry that is characterized by its brevity and simplicity.

9. Ada Lovelace (1815 - 1852)

Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician and writer who is considered to be the world's first computer programmer. She wrote the first algorithm for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, a mechanical computer that wa...



Bob Dylan has written so many ballads over the years that it was inevitable one would be about hackers. We were able to find the lyrics to this unrecorded piece written on the back of several napkins (or possibly the front - it's hard to tell the difference). Perhaps a spirited campaign will convince Bob to finally record this - and give it a title!

Come gather round, hackers all,
And listen to my tale,
Of how some took to their keyboards,
And the governments did assail.

It all began in the 80s,
With hackers breaking in,
To corporate and government systems,
For a thrill, and sometimes for a win.

But it was in the 90s,
When things really took off,
With groups like Cult of the Dead Cow,
And the formation of the EFF.

Hackers began to see,
The power that they could wield,
To fight against censorship,
And to expose truths concealed.

They hacked into Chinese sites,
To protest Tiananmen Square,
And into the Church of Scientology,
To show their secrets bare.

Then came the rise of WikiLeaks,
With Julian Assange at the helm,
Leaking government secrets,
And causing quite the realm.

The Arab Spring was fueled,
By hacktivist group Anonymous,
Who launched attacks on government sites,
And helped to topple oppressors.

But with the power came the risk,
Of being hunted down,
By the FBI and other agencies,
And ending up in prison bound.

So now we must ask ourselves,
What is hacktivism's fate,
Will it continue to be a force for good,
Or will it meet a darker date?

But one thing is for certain,
Hacktivism won't go away,
As long as there are truths to be told,
And injustices to be slayed.



The 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:

Section 1: The right to reverse engineer technology and repair personal property shall not be infringed.

Section 2: Reverse engineering shall be defined as the process of dismantling or analyzing a product to understand how it works, with the goal of creating a similar or improved product.

Section 3: The right to repair shall be defined as the ability of individuals or entities to repair their personal property, including but not limited to electronic devices, motor vehicles, and home appliances, using available parts and documentation.

Section 4: Manufacturers and sellers of products shall not be allowed to restrict or limit the ability of individuals or entities to reverse engineer or repair their personal property.

Section 5: Manufacturers of products shall be required to provide consumers with access to the necessary tools, parts, and documentation for repair and maintenance of their products.

Section 6: Manufacturers of products shall not be allowed to void warranties or impose penalties for repairs made by individuals or entities outside of the manufacturer's authorized service providers.

Section 7: The federal government shall have the authority to enforce this amendment through appropriate legislation and regulation.

Section 8: This amendment shall not be interpreted as limiting any existing rights or protections under the law.

Section 9: This amendment shall take effect immediately upon ratification.

The purpose of this amendment is to protect the rights of individuals and entities to reverse engineer and repair their personal property, as well as to promote innovation and sustainability by allowing for the creation of new and improved products through reverse engineering. The amendment also seeks to prevent manufacturers from limiting the ability of consumers to repair their own property and to provide greater access to the necessary tools and documentation for repair and maintenance. By protecting these fundamental rights, this amendment will ensure that individuals and entities are able to maintain control over their personal property and promote a more sustainable and equitable economy.



Hello boys and girls! We're here today to learn all about quantum computers! It's easy - and fun!

Imagine you have a toy box filled with different toys, like blocks and dolls. Each toy has a specific shape and color, and you can use your hands to pick them up and move them around.

Now, imagine you have a special toy box that can do things your regular toy box can't. This toy box is called a quantum computer. It's like a really fast and smart toy box that can help you solve really big problems.

In a quantum computer, instead of using your hands to move the toys around, you use something called "quantum bits" or "qubits" to store and process information. These qubits are like special blocks that can do different things depending on how they're arranged.

Just like how you can use blocks to build towers or castles, quantum computers can use qubits to solve complex problems and make new discoveries. They can help us understand things like the weather, how medicines work, or even how our universe was created.

So, just like how your regular toy box helps you play and have fun, a quantum computer helps scientists and researchers discover new things and solve important problems.

Ready for Part 2? Then click here!


I was typing away at my computer, working on the day's April Fools' Day prank for the website. Suddenly, everything went black.

I panicked, but then the screen flickered back to life. Except, it's not the normal screen. It's the program that creates web posts. And I'm trapped inside.

At first, I thought it was a joke. A prank that someone is playing on me. But as the hours passed, I realized that this is no joke. I'm really trapped inside the program.

I tried to post a message on the website, explaining my situation and begging for help. But no one believed me. They all think it's part of the April Fools' Day prank.

I'm stuck inside the program, unable to eat, drink, or sleep. I tried everything I can think of to get out, but nothing works.

As time drags on, I'm beginning to lose hope. I wonder if I'll ever be able to escape this virtual prison.

And so, I remain trapped inside the program, trying desperately to get someone to believe me and help me break free. But as time passes, it becomes clear that I may never be able to escape.



The question isn't how Shakespeare was able to write about this centuries before it happened. The question is how did this long forgotten masterpiece fall into our hands. And the answer is, of course, SecureDrop. If you have a literary work from the Elizabethan Era that you'd like to leak anonymously, just visit our SecureDrop site at

Here then, are the words from the Michelangelo scene of Shakespeare's unreleased "Charles III":

Oh, Michelangelo! How thou art feared,
A virus that doth cause such great dismay.
Thou spreadeth fast, and none may be spared,
From thy deadly, destructive, viral way.

Like Michelangelo, thou art an artist,
Creating chaos and destruction all around.
Thou maketh thy victims truly hardest,
As they struggle to restore their lost ground.

But unlike Michelangelo's works so grand,
Thy legacy is one of pain and woe.
For thou dost wreak havoc across the land,
Leaving naught but destruction in thy flow.

Oh, Michelangelo virus, thou art vile,
And we shall never forget thy wicked guile.


Ihr ahnt ja nicht, was die gerade herausgefunden haben!Starke ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ihr ahnt ja nicht, was die gerade herausgefunden haben!

Starke Nutzung von sozialen Medien hilft Jugendlichen nicht, ihre digitalen Kompetenzen zu verbessern
NEIN!! Oh, warte, geht noch weiter:
Soziale Online-Medien werden von den Jugendlichen hufig parallel zu schulischen Aufgaben genutzt. Dieses Multitasking beeintrchtigt jedoch Verstehens- und Lernprozesse und im Ergebnis sehen wir insgesamt geringere ICT-Kompetenzen

Ich wei, was ihr jetzt denkt. Das hat bestimmt die CIA herausgefunden. Die finden ja alles raus!

Doch nein. Es war das Leibniz-Institut fr Bildungsverlufe. Na ein Glck, dass da mal Experten draufgeguckt haben. Ihr seid bestimmt genauso berrascht wie ich gerade.

Understatement des Tages: Russland reagiert zurckhaltend ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Understatement des Tages: Russland reagiert zurckhaltend auf Lukaschenkos Vorsto.

Welcher Vorsto? Nun, ...

Der belarussische Prsident Alexander Lukaschenko fordert einen sofortigen Waffenstillstand in der Ukraine sowie Gesprche fr eine dauerhafte Friedenslsung. In einer Rede an die Nation erklrt er, fr eine Feuerpause drfe es keine Vorbedingungen geben.
Dem Lukaschenko wird aufgefallen sein, dass er auf der Liste westlicher Militrschlagsziele mit der Stationierung russischer Nukes deutlich nach oben gerckt ist.

Ich bitte um Entschuldigung, dass ich die ganzen Glckwnsche ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ich bitte um Entschuldigung, dass ich die ganzen Glckwnsche nicht einzeln beantworten kann. Alleine auf bloginput kommen hier pro Monat gehoben vierstellig viele Mails rein, und heute hab ich ja auch noch explizit dazu aufgerufen, da ist das nochmal fnfmal so viel wie sonst.

Vielen Dank fr all die freundlichen Briefe jedenfalls, und eine Sache berrascht mich ja jetzt doch: Wie viele von euch die Medienkompetenzbungen gut finden. Ich kriege sonst hauptschlich das negative Feedback ab, von Leuten, die das fr eine plumpe Ausrede halten, oder die finden, ich wrde hier ihren Anforderungen auf Recherche und Quellenprfung nicht gerecht. Die bislang schweigende Mehrheit berwiegt die zahlenmig bei weitem.

Das freut mich natrlich sehr!

Ein Leser empfahl mir dieses Paper ber KI in der ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ein Leser empfahl mir dieses Paper ber KI in der IT Security, und ich mchte die Empfehlung gerne an euch weitergeben.

Ich fasse mal zusammen: Also das mit dem Machine Learning ist ja voll unvertrauenswrdig und nicht nachvollziehbar, das kann man ja schlecht produktiv ausrollen. Aber warte, knnen wir nicht eine unvertrauenswrdige KI in einen vertrauenswrdigen, nachvollziehbaren Decision Tree reverse engineeren?

Den Schritt knnte man sogar automatisieren!

Hmm, dann ist das immer noch unvertrauenswrdig. OK, pass uff, Atze, wir setzen einfach eine Turnhalle voller Experten mit Domain Knowledge hin, die dann nur den sinnvollen, nachvollziehbaren Teil von dem Decision Tree durchlassen!1!!

Und in unserem nchsten Paper diskuitieren wir dann, wieviel mehr wir htten schaffen knnen, wenn wir die Experten direkt Regel htten schreiben lassen :-)

Ich bin mir gerade nicht sicher, ob das Paper eine Satire sein soll. Wenn ja, dann ist es jedenfalls brillant!

Our focus in this paper is on post-hoc global model interpretability for the application domain of network security problems.
Das hat ein Mensch formuliert. Nicht ChatGPT. Ich kann nur sagen: Hut ab!
However, the set of requirements that we impose on the DT explanations is non-standard and makes this a challenging problem [...] For one, we require that our new DT extraction method be model-agnostic; that is, applicable to any given black-box model. Second, we also demand that the method produces high-fidelity DT explanations; that is, DTs whose expected predictive performance is similar to that of the black-box model
Wait what? Diese Forderungen sind neu? Das hat man bislang nicht gefordert?!?
The third requirement we impose is that the extraction method also results in low-complexity DT explanations such that selected parts of the DTs are intelligible and comprehensible (i.e., easy to understand by domain experts) and accurately describe how the black-box model makes most of its decisions.
Oder, ich meine, also mal ganz unter uns jetzt, man knnte auch einfach sagen: Das mit der "KI" ist eine schlechte Idee. Wir sollten das lieber sein lassen.

Das Paper geht dann mehrere Dinge durch, die sie mit Machine Learning zu erreichen versucht haben, z.B. VPN-Traffic von Nicht-VPN-Traffic unterscheiden. Das hat die "KI" daran erkannt, ob das 4. Byte in der MAC-Adresse kleiner 17 ist. Dann wollten sie Heartbleed erkennen. Die KI hat das an der Lnge der Handshake-Antwort des Opfers erkannt. Das ist natrlich auch Bldsinn.

Leserbrief zu den "exklusiven" "Investigativ"-Journalisten:Interessant ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Leserbrief zu den "exklusiven" "Investigativ"-Journalisten:

Interessant auch, dass es in Bezug auf die Pipeline Story einhelliges Bashing gab, dass sowas kein Journalismus sei mit einer anonymen Quelle und das gleiche bei der Cyberkrieger Sache als exklusiv, investigativer Qualittsjournalismus geframed wird. Von den gleichen Akteuren.
Da habe ich ein paar Zuschriften zu gekriegt, die Seymour Hershs Quelle mit dem anonymen Whistleblower des ukrainischen Militrgeheimdienstes vergleichen. Es gibt da aber einen fundamentalen Unterschied. Seymour Hersh kennt seine Quelle. Die "exklusiven" "Investigativ"-"Journalisten" nicht.

Bei Hersh gibt es also eine Konstellation "ich vertraue dem Hersh, dass seine Quelle glaubwrdig ist". Diese Cyberwar-Nummer kam von einer anonymen Quelle, d.h. die SZ ist in der Position, in der ich bei Hersh bin. Es gibt fr mich also keinen Grund, der SZ zu glauben, dass ihre Quelle kein ukrainischer Geheimdienst-Psyops-General war. Das wissen sie selber nicht.

Wenn man Seymour Hersh nicht traut, ist das natrlich egal, was er fr Zusicherungen macht, wie toll seine Quelle ist. Daher habe ich auch absichtlich im Blog so formuliert:

Seymour Hersh glaubt, dass es die USA waren, die Nord Stream gesprengt haben.
Keinerlei "dann wird das wohl stimmen", kein "klingt plausibel", kein "also ICH glaube das".

Leserbrief zu den Tarifverhandlungen:ich arbeite im ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Leserbrief zu den Tarifverhandlungen:

ich arbeite im ffentlichen Dienst als Sozialarbeiter in der Wohnungslosenhilfe. Was mir bei den ganzen Tarifverhandlungen aufgefallen ist: Dass ich jetzt erstmals das Gefhl habe, ver.di meint es ernst und Sie lassen sich nicht so einfach abspeisen wie frher.

Was ich aber erschreckend finde ist, dass ver.di "nur" einen Inflationsausgleich fordert. Wrden die eine reale Lohnerhhung fordern, mssten Sie mindestens 12 - 15% fordern.

Mir ist auch nicht begreiflich, wie die Gesellschaft und die Medien da emprt sein knnen, dass die Personen, die auf die Kinder aufpassen und als erste Bildungseinrichtung so "frech" sind und einen Inflationsausgleich fordern. Aber dann im Nachgang meckern die Leute rum, wenn Kitagruppen wegen Personalmangel geschlossen werden mssen. Wenn U-Bahnen ausfallen, weil kein Personal da ist. Die DB nehme ich mal da raus, weil dort auch die Infrastruktur im Eimer ist.

Man knnte noch unendlich weiter aufzhlen, welche Jobs schlecht bezahlt werden und dadurch die Qualitt der Dienstleistng sinkt. Man bekommt halt, was man bezahlt.

Ich glaube die Emprung kommt daher, dass wir dank Neoliberalismus auf Jeder Gegen Jeden gedrillt sind, und dann annehmen, dass die blo Inflationsausgleich sagen, aber viel mehr fordern. Denn ICH wre nicht so blde, blo einen Inflationsausgleich zu fordern, und mich dann am Ende noch runterhandeln zu lassen. Daher nehme ich an, dass verdi da schon noch einen Hebel drinhaben wird irgendwo.

Update: Leserbrief zum Leserbrief:

Das hat der Chefkonom der Gewerkschaft verdi bei Jung & Naiv erkl

Die EU reformiert gerade die Maschinenrichtlinie. Da ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die EU reformiert gerade die Maschinenrichtlinie. Da steht unter anderem drin, was fr Sicherheitsmanahmen und Prfungen vorgeschrieben sind.

Guckt mal hier, da gibt es folgende Frage des Interviewers:

Im Gesprch waren Maschinen, bei denen Safety-Funktionen auf KI basieren ...
Safety-Funktionen sind die, die verhindern, dass die Maschine Menschen ttet.

Schnell, fllt jemandem hier eine NOCH schlechtere Idee ein, als das von KI machen zu lassen? Mir nicht.

Heute wird dieses Blog volljhrig!Vielleicht sollte ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Heute wird dieses Blog volljhrig!

Vielleicht sollte ich doch mal einen Presseausweis beantragen.

Fhlt euch eingeladen, die Gelegenheit fr einen Leserbrief zu nutzen :-)

Wie schlimm ist die Lage (in England)? So schlimm!One ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wie schlimm ist die Lage (in England)? So schlimm!

One in ten Britons have performed dentistry on themselves, half in the last two years
Wait, what?!
From extracting teeth to attempting root canals and melting down polybeads to use as false teeth, Britons have shared desperate experiences in a survey that gives new insights into the unfolding crisis in dentistry.
Au weia. Gibt es ber Deutschland vergleichbare Untersuchungen?

Update: Siehe auch...

Disney hat DeSantis ausmanvriert.DeSantis ist der ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Disney hat DeSantis ausmanvriert.

DeSantis ist der Gouverneur von Florida und ein Riesenarschloch, der gerade seine Lebensaufgabe darin sieht, Trump noch zu berbieten in hirnrissigen Ideologie-Inszenierungen.

Eine davon war das "don't say gay"-Gesetz, das Schulen verbieten, im Unterricht den Kindern zu erzhlen, dass es auch andere Familienformen als Mnnlein und Weiblein gibt.

Nun ist eine der Disney-Erbinnen Lehrerin und Transgender und fand das Gesetz Scheie und hat daher dafr gesorgt, dass sich Disney gegen das Gesetz positioniert und LGBTQ+-Veranstaltungen auf ihr Park-Gelnde einlud.

Darauf hat DeSantis so reagiert, wie ihr jetzt vermutet: Wie Rumpelstilzchen. Er hat dann mal geguckt, wie er Disney mglichst so brutal vors Schienbein treten kann (immerhin einem der grten Arbeitgeber in seinem Bundesstaat!), dass da nur verbrannte Erde und vielleicht ein Parkplatz brig bleibt. Es gibt da irgendwelche historischen Vereinbarungen zwischen Disney und Florida, die Disney weitreichende Autonomie einrumen, bis hin zur Erlaubnis zum Bau eines Atomkraftwerks.

DeSantis hat sich dann irgendeinen Notfall-Schei aus dem Arsch gezogen und das Board fr den Sonderbezirk mit Disneyworld drinnen mit seinen Kumpel besetzt, damit die Disney plattmachen.

Aber Disney hat das kommen sehen und das alte Board eine Proklamation machen lassen, die DeSantis und seine Cronies entmachtet. Nun drfen solche Vertrge nicht "fr immer" gelten, weil das formaljuristisch schwierig ist. Also macht man in solchen Fllen eine Bedingung rein, die formal nicht "fr immer" ist, aber in der Praxis drankommt. Hier knnt ihr die Klausel einsehen, Punkt 7.1 am Ende von Seite 289.

... this Declaration shall continue in effect until twenty one (21)years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King CharlesIII, King of England living as of the date of this Declaration
Das ist ja mal ein Fnord! Da sollte mal jemand ein Film drber machen! Hey, wieso nicht Disney? Die knnten mal wieder einen Film brauchen, der seine Produktionskosten wieder einspielt!

Bei Twitter sind jetzt Busladungen von Mitarbeitern ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Bei Twitter sind jetzt Busladungen von Mitarbeitern gefeuert worden. Aber die Site luft nicht nur weiter, sondern es finden auch noch Wartungsarbeiten und Entwicklungen statt.

Wieso stellt eigentlich niemand die Frage, ob man nicht auch bei den meisten Konzernen mal eben die Hlfte der Mitarbeiter rausschmeien knnte, ohne dass irgendjemand (auer den Mitarbeitern natrlich) irgendwelche nachteiligen Effekte erkennen wrde?

Alle labern immer von Effizienz und Einsparungen herum. Hier haben wir eine geradezu epochale Einsparung erlebt, und die FDP sagt nichts?

Versteht mich nicht falsch: Ich finde nicht, dass jetzt alle berflssigen Jobs gestrichen werden sollten. Ich bin dafr, dass man die Kosten fr dieses Jobs mal ehrlich aufsummiert und dann guckt, ob man mit der Kohle nicht das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen bezahlen knnte.

Dann bin ich dafr, das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen einzufhren und alle berflssigen Jobs zu streichen. Wre fr die Leute und fr die Gesellschaft viel schner, wenn die etwas tun knnten, was sie geistig fordert und voranbringt, Kunst, Literatur, Geschichte, Openstreetmap und Wikipedia verbessern, egal! Als wenn sie bei irgendeiner verkackten Konzernabteilung hinter einem verkackten Schreibtisch ihre Zeit verplempern und dabei blo anderen im Weg sitzen.

Oh Scheie, Bernd! Der Spiegel hat eine investigative ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Oh Scheie, Bernd! Der Spiegel hat eine investigative Exklusiv-Story ber russische Cyberkrieger!

Ach Scheie, ist Paywall.

Oh, die Sddeutsche hat eine investigative Exklusiv-Story ber russische Cyberkrieger!

Oh, ist auch Paywall.

Geh ich halt zu Le Monde. Die haben auch eine exklusive Investigativ-Story ber russische Cyberkrieger! Oh. Auch Paywall.

Macht nichts. Dieselbe "exklusive" "Investigativ"-Story gibt es auch bei dem ZDF, dem Standard, der Washington Post und dem Guardian.

Stellt sich raus: Ein "Whistleblower" (bestimmt nicht die Psyop-Abteilung der ukrainischen Streitkrfte!1!!) hat der Sddeutschen vor einem Jahr (nein, wirklich! Seit einem Jahr sitzen die da jetzt drauf!) ein paar Papiere "geleakt". Alle diese "investigativen" "Exklusiv"-"Berichte" basieren auf denselben Papieren.

Leute, h, "exklusiv" und "investigativ" haben eine Bedeutung. Aber nicht die, die ihr zu glauben scheint.

Exklusiv heit, dass man das nur bei dir lesen kann.

Investigativ heit, dass ihr das selbst rausgefunden habt. Durch, h, Nachforschungen. Wenn euch ein Whistleblower eine Festplatte in die Hand drckt, ist das nicht investigativ.

Und inhaltlich? Ich seh da erstmal nur Geraune ber angebliche Malware, an denen diese Firma Schuld gewesen sein soll. Quelle: Sagen westliche Geheimdienste und westliche Security-Firmen, die damit in ihrer Werbung Aufmerksamkeit generiert haben.

Sorry, das ist schon in Friedenszeiten Scheie. In Kriegszeiten, von einem "anonymen" "Whistleblower" ist das mehr als Scheie. Da ist das "wir verbreiten Propaganda".

Strong M7.0 earthquake hits southeast of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia "IndyWatch Feed Pacific"

A very strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.0 hit southeast of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia at 05:44 UTC on March 31, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth. The quake...... Read more

Strong tremor and Crater Lake heating at Ruapehu, Aviation Color Code raised to Yellow, New Zealand "IndyWatch Feed Pacific"

A strong volcanic tremor and new heating cycle started at Mt. Ruapehu's Crater Lake two weeks ago. On March 28, 2022, GeoNet raised the Aviation Color Code to Yellow. The Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 2 since March 21. Ruapehus Crater Lake (Te Wai...... Read more


Birding Texas Part 3 Laguna Atascosa, Padre Island, Sabal Palm Bird Photography "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Birding and bird photography in South Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley part 3. Highlights include Aplomado Falcon along Old Port Isabel Road, Red-crowned Parrot pair in Sabal Palm Sanctuary, nine species of wading birds along the boardwalk at South Padre Island Birding and Nature Center. Sparky also visits Laguna Atacosa National Wildlife Refuge and SpaceX []


Viennese mosques promote Islamic separatism and actively obstruct integration of Muslims into Austrian society "IndyWatch Feed War"

Anyone who is surprised by this is naive. The Quran teaches that non-Muslims are the most vile of created beings (98:6) and that Muslims are the best of people (3:110). Did anyone really expect that the best of people would adopt the laws and mores of the most vile of created beings? Only the willfully []


Sparky has Cabin Fever! Two CRAZY Creative Bird Photography Ideas for winter. Epic Fail or Success? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Its been quite a winter here in northeastern Minnesota; tons of snow and long! How does Sparky keep his photographic sanity? A series of inspirational books saves the day and motivates Sparky to try some out of the box bird photography ideas. The books are the annually-published Bird Photographer of the Year compilations, and the []




Vornado Realty Trust Announces Plans to Transform Former Hotel Pennsylvania Site into a Center for the Overprivileged

New York City, NY - Vornado Realty Trust, one of the largest real estate investment trusts in the United States, announced today that it will be transforming the former site of the Hotel Pennsylvania into a luxurious center for the overprivileged. The new center will provide an exclusive escape from the daily stresses of life among the middle class, and will feature multiple floors reserved for polo, swimming, and croquet. Admission to the center will be restricted to those earning over $750,000 a year.

The Hotel Pennsylvania, a historic landmark in the heart of Manhattan, has been an iconic part of the New York City skyline since 1919. As a testament to its legacy, the building has undergone numerous renovations over the years, becoming a hub for tourists and locals alike. However, the building has now outlived its usefulness, and Vornado Realty Trust has decided to demolish it to make way for this new venture.

"This is an exciting time for Vornado Realty Trust and for New York City," said Steven Roth, Chairman and CEO of Vornado Realty Trust. "We believe that the overprivileged deserve a place where they can relax and enjoy the finer things in life. This new center will provide a sanctuary for those who have worked hard to achieve success and are looking for a well-deserved break from the middle class."

The new center will feature state-of-the-art facilities, including multiple swimming pools, a polo field, and a croquet court, as well as other luxurious amenities. In addition, the center will offer a range of exclusive services, including private chefs, personal trainers, and spa treatments.

As the demolition of the historic Hotel Pennsylvania continues, Vornado Realty Trust is committed to ensuring that its legacy is not forgotten. The company will be preserving a number of key artifacts from the building's storied history, which will be on display in the new center.

"We recognize the Hotel Pennsylvania's significance in New York City's history, and we are committed to honoring its legacy," said Roth. "We look forward to opening this new center for the overprivileged and providing them with a truly unique and exclusive experience."

Construction of the new center is set to begin in the coming months, with an expected completion date in the next two years.

Saturday, 01 April


Will we finally start to SOLVE THE PUZZLE as to where our winter HAWK OWLS come from? Virtually Live 35 S3E10 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Sax-Zim Bog: Hawk Owls, Evening Grosbeaks, Hoary Redpoll: Virtually Live 35 S3E10 In this episode of Virtually Live we celebrate with UMD Biology grad student Hannah Tuotonghi as she finally is able to put a satellite transmitter on an elusive Sax-Zim Hawk Owl! We also check in with David Yeany III (Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program) []


I Rent the WHOLE RANCH! Texas Bird Photography Part 2: Laguna Seca Ranch "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Laguna Seca Ranch in south Texas is a unique bird photography destination. For a $280 fee I had a personal guide and use of three different photo blinds. One for raptors including Crested Caracara, Harriss Hawks, Black Vultures and Turkey Vultures.The songbird blinds produced goodies like Green Jays, Long-billed and Curve-billed Thrashers, Pyrrhuloxia, Bobwhite, Golden-fronted []


3/30/23 Dave DeCamp on Bakhmut, Nord Stream and the Escalations over Taiwan "IndyWatch Feed War"

Download Episode. Dave DeCamp was back on Antiwar Radio this week to discuss some of the weeks biggest foreign policy news. They discuss Ukrainian President Zelenskys recent comments about what would happen if Russia takes the eastern city of Bakhmut. They then move on to Seymour Hershs report about a joint U.S.-German coverup of the []


Bird Photography from a Snow Blind/Hide: Ancient Skills for a Modern Use "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Snow BlindMaking a Photo Blind / Photo Hide out of snow for bird photography. Sparky and Ryan put ancient skills to a modern useA quinzhee is a type of snow shelter used by the Ojibwa in the North Woods and it is a perfect shelter for hiding the photographer. Sparkys kids also put in a []


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Blender open-source 3D modeling software as well as the GTK toolkit are the latest open-source projects this week ironing out support for Wayland's fractional scaling protocol...


Links 01/04/2023: Red Hat Turning 30 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

<div> <div id="contents01124152"> <p><img align="right" alt="GNOME bluefish" border="0" height="118" hspace="20" src= "" vspace="4" width="120"></p> <h3 id="m0112415200">Contents</h3> <ul> <li><a href="">GNU/Linux</a> <ul> <li><a href= "">Audiocasts/Shows</a></li> <li><a href= "">Instructionals/Technical</a></li> <li><a href= "">Games</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="">Distributions and Operating Systems</a> <ul> <li><a href="">Fedora Family / IBM</a></li> <li><a href="">Open Hardware/Modding</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="">Free, Libre, and Open Source Software</a> <ul> <li><a href= "">Programming/Development</a> <ul> <li><a href="">Rust</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="">Leftovers</a> <ul> <li><a href= "">Education</a></li> <li><a href= "">Hardware</a></li> <li><a href= "">Health/Nutrition/Agriculture</a></li> <li><a href= "">Proprietary</a></li> <li><a href="">Security</a> <ul> <li><a href= "">Integrity/Availability/Authenticity</a></li> <li><a href= "">Privacy/Surveillance</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href= "">Defence/Aggression</a></li> <li><a href= "">Transparency/Investigative Reporting</a></li> <li><a href= "">Environment</a> <ul> <li><a href= "">Energy/Transportation</a></li> <li><a href= "">Overpopulation</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href= "">Finance</...


Link "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Part 1Sparkys Texas Bird Adventure Leaving snowy Minnesota behind Sparky returns to the Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas for some birding and bird photography.  I explore Estero Llano Grande & Bentsen state parks and find some great stuff including roosting Pauraques, Fulvous Whistling-Duck, Tropical Kingbird (what a great name!), Red-crowned Parrots, Gray Hawk, White-tipped []


Mask Study Makes little or no Difference in COVID-19 Transmission "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Mask Study Makes little or no Difference in COVID-19 Transmission appeared first on Global Research.


SNOWY OWLS! winter bird photography Glacial Ridge NWR Prairie Chicken Snow Bunting Minnesota Tundra "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

February 2023: Sparky makes a quick birding/bird photography trip out to Minnesotas tundra of Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge and Polk County. Is there anything to be found out here at Minus-40F? YES! Snowy Owls, Greater Prairie Chickens, Snow Buntings, Gray Partridge, basking Red Fox and more! Sparky even makes a visit to Key Westbut []


Wolf Encounter! Sax-Zim Bog in February; Winter Finches; Birding; Virtually Live 34 S3E9 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

February 2023: Wolves are not uncommon in Sax-Zimbut to see one is a very special event! In this episode Sparky runs across a semi-cooperative Timber Wolf. Plus we hike down Gray Jay Way to meet a Snowshoe Hare, find some Red Crossbills, meet volunteer Jim and find THREE signs of spring in early February. And []


Worlds Coldest BirdathonSax-Zim Bog XC Skiing Virtually Live 33 S3E8 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

January 2023: Join Sparky in Grand Marais on the Friends of Sax-Zim Bog BRRRRdathon-Worlds Coldest Birdathon. Long-tailed Ducks, Bohemian Waxwings. We also answer some of your questions about Sax-Zim Bog including Why arent there more owls this winter? Also we cross-country ski on the only ski trails in the Sax-Zim Bog.


Sax-Zim Christmas Bird Count 2022: Three Great Gray Owls-one hunting; Virtually Live 32 S3E7 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

On a very cold December 19th day, a dozen intrepid birders go forth and find 35 species of birds in the Sax-Zim Christmas Bird Count 15-mile diameter circle. Winter finches were the heroes of the day, but a late afternoon Great Gray Owl (the third of the day) silently searched for voles as Sparky filmed []


With Trump Indictment, Revisit 20 Times Leftists Melted Down Over Lock Her Up Hillary Gibe "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Trump walking onto balconyTrump, who was indicted Thursday, never did throw Hillary in jail, likely because he understood what the optics would do to the country.


Wine-Staging 8.5 Adds Patches To Allow Diablo IV To Run Without Errors "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Following yesterday's Wine 8.5 bi-weekly development release, some 500+ extra patches are applied atop the upstream Wine code-base...


Heavy rains, flooding destroy homes in Peru "IndyWatch Feed World"

Peru's northern regions have been hard hit by heavy rains and subsequent floods, leaving streets underwater and causing houses to collapse. Piura resident Brigith Ramirez told local media on Thursday (March 30) she and her two children have been homeless for seven days.


How AI will destroy us "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Adam Conover sums up the state of AI.

I agree with him, mostly. What all the AI hype is about is finding a way to sneakily glean the products of human intelligence from their babbling on the internet, scrape it up into a goulash without paying any people for it, and use it as a marketing tool a bad marketing tool. Tell me, does anyone seriously believe that claiming theres AI in your search engine is a great selling point? People are starting to catch on that its all annoying nonsense. Its the algorithm, that excuse marketers were using previously to justify unwanted behind-the-scenes rules on Twitter or Facebook that they claimed were there to increase the likelihood you would see stuff you wanted to see, but was actually an excuse to make sure you got served up lots of ads and spam.

The only advantage to AI is that it does cut out direct human intervention and gives the companies the means to circumvent paying authors and artists, so it might be cheaper. For now. Until the companies kill off their competition and starts gouging customers again, as they inevitably will.

Behind the AI facade, of course, is the real villain of the story, capitalism. Skynet isnt going to kill us all, were instead going to be drowned in a glurge of computer-generated bullshit that will temporarily bring great profit to the techbros of silicon valley, all the Elon Musks of the world.


Taliban arrest at gunpoint prominent activist for girls education and founder of Afghan girls school project "IndyWatch Feed War"

As international human rights organizations has called for the release of Matiullah Wesa, founder and leader of Pen Path charity. No one knows where he is following his arrest at gunpoint and beating by the Taliban.. Afghanistan is known as as the most repressive country in the world for womens rights; the country adheres rigidly []



Title: "Beaver's Bytes"

Logline: In 2023, a grown-up Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver finds himself caught up in a world of cybercrime and corporate corruption when he discovers that his beloved town of Mayfield is under threat from an unknown hacker group. With the help of his old friend, Elliot Alderson, the mastermind behind the infamous fsociety hack, Beaver sets out to uncover the truth and save his hometown from destruction.

Synopsis: "Beaver's Bytes" is a hybrid of the classic family sitcom "Leave It To Beaver" and the cyber thriller "Mr. Robot." Set in the year 2023, the show follows the now-grown Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver as he returns to his hometown of Mayfield after a long absence. He quickly realizes that Mayfield is no longer the idyllic town of his youth, but instead a place overrun with corrupt corporations and cybercriminals.

Beaver reunites with his childhood friend, Elliot Alderson, who has become a legend in the world of hacking thanks to his work with the fsociety group. Elliot has been lying low since the end of the "Mr. Robot" series, but Beaver's return to Mayfield gives him a reason to come out of hiding and help his friend.

Together, Beaver and Elliot set out to uncover the identity of the hacker group that is threatening Mayfield, using their unique combination of old-school sleuthing and cutting-edge hacking skills. Along the way, they encounter a cast of characters both old and new, including some familiar faces from the original "Leave It To Beaver" series.

As the investigation heats up, Beaver and Elliot begin to realize that the threat to Mayfield is much bigger than they initially thought. They must race against time to stop the hackers before they can cause irreparable damage to the town and its residents.

"Beaver's Bytes" is a unique blend of comedy, drama, and suspense, featuring a cast of beloved characters from a classic sitcom alongside the gritty, high-stakes world of cybercrime. With its timely themes of corporate corruption and online privacy, the show is a thrilling and thought-provoking ride that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.


Fortress Taiwan: Listing AFVs In Service With The Republic Of China "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans

The Taiwanese Army has historically received the least amount of funding out of the Taiwanese Armed Forces' three main service branches. With a yearly budget of only $19 billion (in 2023), the Taiwanese Ministry of Defence (MoD) is forced to prioritise investments in the country's air force and navy to have some chance in keeping up with China's rapid military build-up. As the Taiwanese Army will enter combat only after Chinese forces have already landed on Taiwan or one of the various island groups off China's coast, the priority for the Taiwanese Armed Forces has been to establish a viable deterrent and realistic wartime capabilities through the acquisition of weapons systems like fighter jets, anti-ship missiles and air defence systems to deter China from carrying out an amphibious landing in the first place.

While these investments have resulted in a number of highly advanced indigenous weapons systems tailored to Taiwan's defensive needs, such as the Hsiung Feng III AShM and the Tien Kung III SAM system, the Taiwanese MoD has largely shied away from investing in conventional military equipment such as AFVs and SPGs as a result. The majority of the vehicle and equipment inventory of the Taiwanese Army and Marine Corps on first glance appears little different from that of the U.S. Army of the 1970s or early 1980s. Despite the recent purchase of a number of modern assets from the United States (108 M1A2T Abrams MBTs in 2019 and 29 M142 HIMARS in 2020 and 2022) and from local production lines, Taiwan is still facing widespread obsolescence throughout the ranks of its equipment inventory.

Most notably, the primary MBTs of the Republic of China Army (ROCA) and Republic of China Marine Corps (ROCMC) are some 450 CM-11s of indigenous manufacture and 460 second-hand M60A3T...


Alta Ski Area in Utah surpasses 800 inches of snowfall this season for first time in recorded history "IndyWatch Feed World"

On March 24th, Alta Ski Area broke its all-time season snowfall record of 748 set in the winter of 1981-82. Today, after getting 19 of new snow overnight, the legendary Utah ski area has surpassed 800 of total season snowfall for the first time in its history. Wow. Alta is currently sitting at 801 with a 226 base.


Just Four Days After Christian School Murders, Biden Goes Full-Throttle on Trans Madness "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: On the same day that his principal opponent was indicted on the most dubious of charges, our Supreme Leader Joseph R. Biden Jr. proclaimed Friday to be the Transgender Day of Visibility, complete with a presidential proclamation. With six people dead in Nashville at the hands of a transgender American just four []


Snowbasin resort in Utah has snowiest month on record "IndyWatch Feed World"

Snowbasin, UT, is soaring past more records thanks to Snowmageddon. With 26 inches falling in the last 48 hours, the Utah resort has received 200 inches in March alone, making this the snowiest month on record. The previous record was 191 inches in December of 1983. It's not lightening up either, with snow still falling today and an additional 30 inches to come over the next five days. Snowbasin has received an incredible total of 532 inches of snowfall this season. Snowbasin will host the annual Snowbasin Spring Showdown this weekend, so grab your snorkel and skis and come make the most of this endless winter! Please remember that the resort is dealing with a massive amount of snow, more than they have ever seen before. Please be patient as staff is busy uncovering signs, digging out lifts, and plowing lots to ensure your safety and make sure you get to enjoy the mountain.


Squeezing Secrets Out Of An Amazon Echo Dot "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Photo of the Echo Dot PCB, highlighting the capacitor that needs to be shorted out for the exploit to work

As we have seen time and time again, not every device stores our sensitive data in a respectful manner. Some of them send our personal data out to third parties, even! Todays case is not a mythical one, however its a jellybean Amazon Echo Dot, and [Daniel B] shows how to make it spill your WiFi secrets with a bit of a hardware nudge.

Theres been exploits for Amazon devices with the same CPU, so to save time, [Daniel] started by porting an old Amazon Fire exploit to the Echo Dot. This exploit requires tactically applying a piece of tin foil to a capacitor on the flash chip power rail, and it forces the Echo to surrender the contents of its entire filesystem, ripe for analysis. Immediately, [Daniel] found out that the Echo keeps your WiFi passwords in plain text, as well as API keys to some of the Amazon-tied services.

Found an old Echo Dot at a garage sale or on eBay? There might just be a WiFi password and a few API keys ripe for the taking, and who knows what other kinds of data it might hold. From Amazon service authentication keys to voice recognition models and maybe even...


Science-Based Solutions "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Another horrific mass shooting, this time in Nashville, TN, at a Christian school. Theres no sign whatsoever that Congress, especially congressional Republicans, is willing to address the problem in any significant way.


While youre here enjoying Ted Ralls latest cartoon, please take a moment and read articles on related topics:



The following 100 hacker handles are unclaimed in the Hacker Registry. If you are interested in obtaining one of these, registration will open on Monday. For a monthly fee of $8, we will register the handle of your choice to you (first come, first served). There is a limit of two handles per Social Security number.




KDE Ends Out March With More Fixes - Including More Plasma Wayland Work "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The KDE developers ended March on a high note with more fixes, continued porting around Qt 6, and also taking care of more Plasma Wayland issues...


Conservative students unlikely to voice opinions at University of Wisconsin System schools: survey "IndyWatch Feed World"

Recently released results of a survey on free speech shows that conservative students enrolled throughout the University of Wisconsin System are not comfortable voicing their opinions in the classroom for fear of social retribution. The results of the "Views on Freedom of Speech" survey, taken last year, were released in February. They highlighted a general hesitancy by conservative students to voice their opinions in a classroom setting. Some 67 percent of Republicans said they wanted to express a viewpoint during class but chose not to. When listing reasons why, the top response was fear of being disagreed with, followed by fear of not knowing enough about a topic, then fear of being dismissed as offensive.


New newspeak just dropped: Michigan State inclusive language guide says 'bunny,' 'gift,' 'America' are offensive "IndyWatch Feed World"

The latest "inclusive language" guide offering comes from Michigan State University where now even words like "bunny," "gift" and "nickname" are considered offensive. The guide, courtesy of the school's Brand Studio, states that "in alignment with strategic efforts around diversity, equity and inclusion [...] Michigan State University values communications practices that support belonging for all Spartans." All Spartans? That certainly is debatable.


US tornadoes: At least six dead after winds rip through southern and Midwest states "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least six people have been killed after a tornado ripped through including US states in Arkansas and Illinois. One person died while more than two dozen were left injured in the Little Rock area, Arkansas authorities said. The town of Wynne in northeastern Arkansas was also devastated, and officials reported two people had died, along with destroyed homes and people trapped in the debris. Two other fatalities were reported in Sullivan County Indiana.


Politico Admits Case Against Trump Is Weak, Watches Our Republic Circle the Drain, Says So What? "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Donald Trump was indicted Thursday and the sun came up as usual on Friday; all this business about the United States descending to banana-republic status is just right-wing hysteria, right? Wrong. The far-Left flagship Politico thumbed its nose at patriots on Thursday, cheerfully admitting that the case against Trump is a farrago of []



The United States government is set to outlaw the use of VPNs later this year, citing concerns about their use for illegal activity. VPNs, or virtual private networks, allow users to connect to the internet through a server in another location, which can be used to mask their identity and location. This has made them popular for a variety of activities, including accessing blocked websites, pirating copyrighted content, and committing fraud.

The government argues that VPNs are a major tool for criminals and that outlawing their use will help to reduce crime. However, some critics argue that the ban will stifle freedom of speech and privacy. They argue that VPNs can be used for legitimate purposes, such as protecting oneself from government surveillance.

The ban on VPNs is set to go into effect later this year. It is unclear how the ban will be enforced, but it is likely that users who are caught using a VPN will be prosecuted.

Here are some of the reasons why VPNs are considered dangerous:

They can be used to access blocked websites and content. This can be used for illegal purposes, such as pirating copyrighted content or accessing child pornography.

They can be used to commit fraud. For example, VPNs can be used to create fake identities or to steal credit card information.

They can be used to hide illegal activity. For example, VPNs can be used to hide the location of a computer that is being used to commit a crime.

They can be used to spy on users. For example, some VPN providers may sell user data to third-party companies.


AI Image Generator Midjourney Stops Free Trials but Says Influx of New Users to Blame "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AI image generator Midjourney has stopped free trials of its software:

AI image generator Midjourney has halted free trials of its service, blaming a sudden influx of new users. Midjourney CEO and founder David Holz announced the change on Tuesday, originally citing "extraordinary demand and trial abuse" in a message on Discord (this announcement was spotted first by The Washington Post). In an email to The Verge, Holz stated that the pause is "because of massive amounts of people making throwaway accounts to get free images."

"We think the culprit was probably a viral how-to video in china," said Holz over email. "This happened at the same time as a temporary gpu shortage. The two things came together and it was bringing down the service for paid users."

Given Holz's reference to "abuse," it was originally thought that the pause was linked to a spate of recent viral images created using Midjourney, including fabricated images of Donald Trump being arrested and the pope wearing a stylish jacket, which some mistook for real photographs. However, Holz characterized earlier reports as a "misunderstanding" and notes that the free trial of Midjourney that creates the most realistic images and which is thought to have been used for these viral pictures.

[...] Midjourney maintains a list of banned words "related to topics in different countries based on complaints from users in those countries," as per a message from Holz last October. But it doesn't share a last year, "Almost no one ever notices [the ban list] unless they're specially trying to create drama which is against our rules in tos [terms of service] 'don't use our tools to create drama.'"

[...] At the time of writing, Midjourney is still not allowing free users to generate images, though this may change in the future. "We're still trying to figure out how to bring free trials back, we tried to require an active email but that wasn't enough so we're back to the drawing board," said Holz.



Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

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Jeetbuzz Casino "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Jeetbuzz Casino

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888 Casino Review 2022 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

888 Casino Review 2022

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US Navy employs new suicide prevention strategy - AP "IndyWatch Feed World"

Recruiting chaplains to connect with young sailors might be a good way to improve mental health without any social stigma. The US Navy plans to deploy more chaplains as regular members of crew aboard ships in an effort to tackle growing mental health distress, which has led to a spate of suicides, the Associated Press reported on Thursday. The Navy plans to have 47 chaplains aboard ships based at Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, within the next two years up from 37, currently.


Bay Area police union leader allegedly smuggled fentanyl into US to sell in bulk "IndyWatch Feed World"

Segovia received 61 shipments over eight years, federal prosecutors allege. The head of a police union in the San Francisco Bay Area faces federal charges for allegedly smuggling thousands of synthetic opioids into the U.S. from multiple countries with the intent to distribute them. San Jose Police Officers Association Executive Director Joanne Marian Segovia, 64, has been charged with attempt to unlawfully import a controlled substance -- specifically valeryl fentanyl, a fentanyl analog -- according to a complaint filed in federal court earlier this week.


Open Forum "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  No, its not an April Fools Day prank, it actually is an open forum day where you can express yourself here on Virtual Mirage.   US Navy Desert Patrol Vehicles Originally they were called Fast Attack Vehicles and were developed by/through SEAL Team Five.  These photos are of the original prototype, tested at []

The post Open Forum appeared first on Virtual Mirage.



Tidbits of Conspiracy News

Happy April Fools' Day everyone. Unfortunately, all these stories are true. Our thanks to S.D., V.T., K.M., L.G.L.R., and W.G.: Trafigura faces $577 million

The post TIDBITS: THIS WEEKS HONOURABLE MENTIONS appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Ignorance is Bliss "IndyWatch Feed War"

Todd Hayen I was lying on my bed this morning playing with our new puppy, Daisy, and was focused on the moment. The cute dog, the soft bed, the warm room, the fact that I could breathe, my heart was beating, all seemed good and pristine. Then my mind started to wander outside the room,


Trump Supporter Found Guilty, Faces Ten Years in Prison for 2016 Anti-Hillary Meme "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Donald Trump has been indicted, essentially for the crime of being Donald Trump and opposing the Lefts total hegemony over everything. But as Trump himself has often warned, theyre not really after him, theyre after us, and he is just in the way. A 33-year-old Trump supporter named Douglass Mackey discovered the truth []


The Great Salt Lake Losing Its Greatness? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

For 13,000 years, the lake has existed with no outlet to the sea, her large deposits of salt left behind through evaporation. Lately, evaporation from heat and drought accelerated by climate change, combined with overuse of the rivers that feed it, have shrunk the lakes area by two-thirds.

Happy Month Sales "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

At Browserling and Online Tools, we love sales.

We just created a new automated sales campaign called "Happy Month Sales".

Now each new month, for the first couple of days we show a 50% discount offer to all users who visit our site.

This month it's "Happy April Sales". Next month it will be "Happy May Sales", etc.

Here's how it looks:

Run Happy Month Sales too and see you next time!


It's not an insurrection when we do it: Three Democrat state lawmakers join protesters invading Tennessee state capitol "IndyWatch Feed World"

Protesters called for an assault weapon ban in the wake of the mass shooting. Three Democratic lawmakers in the Tennessee state House joined pro-gun control protesters who invaded the state capitol following the tragic Monday shooting in Nashville. Chants of "no justice, no peace" and "save our children" echoed through the Tennessee House of Representatives chamber as pro-gun control protesters posted up both inside and outside the state capitol building. Three Democrat state lawmakers Reps. Justin Jones, Justin Pearson, and Gloria Johnson brought the Tennessee lower chamber to a halt when they joined in chanting with the protesters.


TV UNAM y la Cineteca Nacional estrenan el documental Nmadas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

  • El viernes 28 de abril, a las 22:00 horas y el domingo 30 de abril, a las 15:30 horas, TV UNAM estrenar el documental Nmadas, un trabajo de Emiliano Ruprah que recupera el periplo de algunas de las especies animales ms emblemticas que viajan por Mxico a lo largo del ao.
  • El documental, narrado por la actriz y cantante Sasha Skol, tambin se proyectar del 20 al 30 de abril en salas y pantalla exterior de la Cineteca Nacional.

Cada ao, distintas especies de animales emprenden un viaje rumbo a Mxico para alimentarse, reproducirse y tener sus cras. Recorren miles de kilmetros en un viaje sin precedentes que puede demorar meses y que no est exento de dificultades.

Para dar cuenta de las aventuras y desventuras de estas especies, en colaboracin con la Cineteca Nacional, TV UNAM estrenar el documental Nmadas (Mxico, 2019), de Emiliano Ruprah, producido por Oscura Producciones, el viernes 28 de abril, a las 22:00 horas, con retransmisin el domingo 30 de abril, a las 15:30 horas, en el espacio Tiempo de Filmoteca UNAM. Al finalizar la cinta, el crtico de cine Jos Antonio Valdez Pea conversar con el director del documental.

El pblico tambin podr ver el documental en la pantalla grande de la Cineteca Nacional, del 20 al 30 de abril, en diferentes salas y horarios, as como en la gran pantalla exterior.

Con la edicin de Dylan Marriot y Andrew Dikinson y la produccin de Paula Arroio, el documental Nmadas, narrado por la actriz y cantante Sasha Skol y musicalizado por Jacobo Lieberman y Leonardo Heiblum, sigue de cerca la vida de algunos de los animales ms carismticos y emblemticos que viajan por Mxico a lo largo de un ao: tortugas, flamencos y ballenas grises.

El documental cuenta con la participacin de grandes fotgrafos, como Alfredo Barroso, Martn Boege, Grant Brokensha, Chels Briseo, Ricardo Deneke, Nicholas Donelly, Johnny Friday, Luciano Larobina, Emiliano Ruprah y Emiliano Villanueva, quienes realizaron tomas sin precedentes de reas naturales protegidas, para explorar la relacin entre los miembros de cada familia de animales luchando por sobrevivir. En este recorrido se conocen sus historias ms ntimas y sus batallas ms picas.

Nmadas fue galardonado como el Mejor documental en el Wildlife Conservation Film Festival (WCFF) y en el Matsalu Nature Film Festival gan los premios de Mejor director y Mejor pelcula. Asimismo, particip en la seccin oficial de la 27edicin del Festival Internacional de Cine del Medio Ambiente de Barcelona.

Emiliano Ruprah ha trabajado para National Geographic, Smithsonian, Discovery y RYOT en zonas de conflicto de 28 pases como productor de documentales sobre culturas y especies en peligro de extincin, el medio ambiente y la...


Rand Paul says Fauci is lying about being retired, is secretly working for Biden admin "IndyWatch Feed World"

Speaking with Sean Hannity on Tuesday, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said he has "information" that proves Anthony Fauci is lying about being retired. "There's a massive cover-up going on, and the lead in all of the cover-up has been Fauci," the Kentucky senator said. "We now have information that he's still working for the government, even though he says he's retired," Sen. Paul added before claiming Fauci is working for the government out of fears he might be indicted.


America, the reality TV show, reaches new depths with Trump's indictment "IndyWatch Feed World"

US politics have gotten even raunchier with the country's first prosecution of a former president. Just when one might have supposed that American politics couldn't get any trashier, New York City prosecutor Alvin Bragg and former President Donald Trump have proven that the nation hasn't yet reached the bottom. The US political system now resembles a reality television show, and with Trump's indictment on Thursday by a Manhattan grand jury, viewers should cringe at how vulgar and obnoxious the program has become. In fact, if it were a scripted soap opera, it would be too unbelievable and tacky for daytime TV audiences. Consider the story line, which begins with a $130,000 hush-money payment to a porn star, stage-named Stormy Daniels, to buy her silence on allegations of an affair with the Republican Party's leading presidential candidate. Then you have the boisterous defendant, a former reality TV star who has been divorced twice and is currently married to an ex-model 24 years his...


Microsoft Fixes New Azure AD Vulnerability Impacting Bing Search and Major Apps "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Microsoft has patched a misconfiguration issue impacting the Azure Active Directory (AAD) identity and access management service that exposed several "high-impact" applications to unauthorized access. "One of these apps is a content management system (CMS) that powers and allowed us to not only modify search results, but also launch high-impact XSS attacks on Bing users," cloud security


Denuncian simulacin de autoridades en saneamiento de la Cuenca del Alto Atoyac "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Ciudad de Mxico | Desinformmonos. El gobierno de Tlaxcala slo ha dado anuncios de acciones imprecisas o desordenadas para atender la devastacin socioambiental de la Cuenca del Alto Atoyac, mientras que en la prctica no se vislumbran polticas adecuadas y contundentes para el saneamiento integral, denunci el Centro Fray Julin Garcs Derechos Humanos y Desarrollo Local.

Luego de que la gobernadora estatal Lorena Cullar participara en la Conferencia Internacional del Agua 2023 de la ONU en Nueva York, donde asegur que firm una serie de compromisos para mitigar la contaminacin de la Cuenca Alta [sic] en el ro Atoyac, que pasa por los estados de Tlaxcala y Puebla, el Centro manifest su preocupacin ante la simulacin para hacer creer all, pero sobre todo a la ciudadana tlaxcalteca, que el gobierno estatal est llevando a cabo acciones eficaces para limpiar la cuenca afectada por las industrias.

Consideramos que se utiliza la informacin sobre las problemticas de las descargas industriales y la grave situacin de enfermedades relacionadas con la devastacin provocada por las grandes industrias, de manera superficial y solo para justificar un supuesto cumplimiento de acuerdos internacionales en torno al derecho humano al agua, seal el Centro en un comunicado.

Adems, destac que en el estado se favorece la impunidad para las grandes industrias y se culpa a las micro y pequeas empresas en el territorio de la contaminacin sin que se ofrezcan alternativas para no daar el ambiente, al mismo tiempo que, tanto en sus acciones como en su discurso, el gobierno del estado omite considerar la construccin de polticas y la realizacin de acciones en torno a la responsabilidad de las grandes industrias manufactureras sobre la utilizacin del agua, el saneamiento y la disposicin de sus aguas residuales, de sus residuos slidos y de las emisiones que realizan al aire.

Por ello, el Centro insisti en que los avances reales frente al problemtica en la Cuenca no se midan como tradicionalmente se han hecho, es decir, solo a partir del nmero de acciones realizadas, sino con los indicadores de disminucin de la contaminacin a los cuerpos de agua provocada por la contaminacin; atencin y disminucin de la enfermedades relacionadas con la contaminacin; y la restauracin de la biodiversidad y preservacin de los cuerpos de agua de la Cuenca y sus afluentes.

A continuacin el comunicado completo:

Preocupa en demasa que la accin gubernamental del poder ejecutivo estatal para remediar la devastacin socioambiental en la Cuenca del Alto Atoyac, se oriente a anuncios de acciones imprecisas o desordenadas, mientras en la prctica no se vislumbran polticas adecuadas y contundentes para el saneamiento integral. 

El pasado 23 de marzo, la gobernadora Lorena Cullar Cisneros, de acuerdo con un comunicado de su oficina, particip en la Conferenc...


U. S. Government Promotes Large-Scale HYDROGEN HUBS for Regional Energy Supply? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

<div class="wp-caption alignleft" id="attachment_44751" style= "width: 300px;"><a href= ""> <img alt="" class="size-medium wp-image-44751" height="168" src= "" title="2384ECD4-E266-4A38-A73D-A915C4459212" width="300"></a> <p class="wp-caption-text">Hydrogen Hub intended to generate green hydrogen as an alternative fuel</p> </div> <strong>The Outlook for U.S. Hydrogen Hubs: What Can They Achieve?</strong> <p>From an <a href= "">Article by Anna Mende & Emily Kent, Clean Air Task Force, March 29, 2023

As efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address the impacts of climate change ramp up around the world, public and private sources of capital have turned their attention to hydrogenan energy carrier that does not produce carbon emissions when utilized in fuel cells or combusted. This zero-carbon fuel has garnered attention for its potential to play a key role in achieving full, global, economy-wide decarbonization.</p> <p>In 2022 alone, private equity and venture firms spent over $5 billion on hydrogen-related companies on the tailwinds of the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). Beyond authorizing $1.2 trillion of investment in infrastructure upgrades to help the United States transition to a zero-carbon economy, the legislation allocated $8 billion for the Department of Energy (DOE) to fund four Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubsor H2Hubsacross the U.S., and DOE has indicated that it may use the funding to support the development of as many as ten H2Hubs. The hubs will be localized centers for the production, transportation, storage, and end-use of hydrogen. This first-of-a-kind demonstration program intends to catalyze domestic clean hydrogen production in the United States and can serve as a platform and framework for operationalizing the technological and commercial advances developed through DOEs Hydrogen Shot program, which aims to bring the cost of production down by 80% to $1 per kilogram in one decade.</p> <p>Given the massive investment by the federal government and the promising benefits hydrogen hubs can provide, it is important that these hubs are developed thoughtfully and designed in a way that maximizes climate and community benefits.</p> <p>The IIJA directs the DOE to fund hubs that:</p> <p>1. Demonstrably aid the achievement of the clean hydrogen production standard;</p> <p>2. Demonstrate the production, processing, delivery, storage, and end-use of clean hydrogen; and</p> <p>3. Can be developed into a national clean hydrogen network to facilitate the production and use of low-emissions hydrogen in sectors of the ec...


Bamfords Spyfail exposes corruption at center of Netanyahu judicial reform crisis that is tearing Israel apart "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

By Grant F. Smith | IRmep | March 30, 2023

James Bamfords new book Spyfail: Foreign Spies, Moles, Saboteurs, and the Collapse of Americas Counterintelligence devotes nine chapters to the impunity of Israel, its spies and U.S. lobby.

Bamford is best known as Americas premiere chronicler of the ultra-secretive National Security Agency in his books The Puzzle Palace and The Shadow Factory.

Unlike most authors published through mainstream publishing houses, Bamford has not held back on exposing extremely damaging and behind the scenes exploits of Israel and its lobby in this damning look at U.S. counterintelligence. That was a shock to the second most prominent reader reviewer on who claimed, I did not expect a full-throated anti-Israel screed completely devoid of nuance or historical context. Most other reviewers were much more appreciative of Bamfords honest take.

Among the most scandalous episodes chronicled in Spy Fail are stunning new details about Hollywood movie producer Arnon Milchans espionage and weapons smuggling operations targeting the United States.

Bamford follows Milchans early efforts to prop up apartheid South Africa through well paid weapons dealing and propaganda, including the production of feel good theatrical works depicting exploited blacks as happy with their lot in South Africa. Milchans recruitment into Israels Bureau of Scientific Relations Lakam spy agency then leaves him scouring the U.S. for nuclear weapons related technology.

Since Israel had already stolen enough U.S. weapons grade uranium to build atomic bombs from NUMEC, Milchan was tasked to obtain high speed switches that could provide the precisely timed pulses to trigger a detonation. Milchan recruited the hapless Richard Kelly Smyth to set up the front company Milco in Huntington Beach California by bedazzling the failing businessman with stars and starlets at his Hollywood parties.

Smyth provided the triggers and many other export prohibited items, but always managed to give away what he was doing to vigilant federal government authorities. Smyth (but not Milchan) was eventually indicted and fled overseas. When he soug...


TV UNAM estrena La Ilada, una nueva mirada artstica sobre el poema pico ms antiguo de occidente "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

  • Los lunes, a partir del 3 de abril, a las 19:00 horas, TV UNAM estrena la serie La Ilada, diez episodios sobre el poema pico ms antiguo de la literatura occidental
  • A partir de iconografa y animacin en tercera dimensin, la serie documental recrea la epopeya mtica, cuya fuerza potica y alcance universal ha alimentado la imaginacin de los artistas a lo largo de los siglos. 

A travs del acervo artstico sobre los momentos y los personajes ms importantes de La Ilada, de Homero, la serie documental recrea la historia de la Guerra de Troya. A lo largo de diez captulos, la iconografa y la animacin 3D permiten seguir el asedio de los aqueos a la ciudad de Troya, para rescatar a Helena, esposa del rey Menelao, que fue raptada por Paris, prncipe troyano.

La Ilada (Francia, 2020), de Sylvain Bergere, Gaetan Chabanol, Camille Dalbera y Sebastien Rancourt, se transmitir los lunes, del 3 de abril al 5 de junio, a las 19:00 horas, con retransmisin los domingos, a las 18:00 horas, por TV UNAM.

En el primer captulo, La manzana de la discordia, Eris, la diosa griega de la discordia, enva a un festn del Olimpo una manzana dorada con la inscripcin para la ms hermosa. Zeus, incapaz de decidirse entre las diosas Afrodita, Hera y Atenea, deja que Paris, el joven hijo del rey Pramo de Troya, elija el destino de la manzana. Su decisin da origen a la Guerra de Troya.

En el segundo captulo, La hora del sacrificio, los reyes griegos y sus ejrcitos han respondido a la llamada de Agamenn para invadir Troya, excepto Odiseo, que finge estar loco y Aquiles, el mayor guerrero griego.

En el tercer captulo, La ira de Aquiles, han pasado diez aos desde que las fuerzas griegas desembarcaron en las costas de Troya, pero la ciudad del rey Pramo todava no ha cado.

En el cuarto captulo, La sangre de la diosa, Agamenn puede ver en un sueo que Troya ser tomada. Todo el ejrcito griego est concentrado alrededor de las murallas de la antigua ciudad decididos a empezar la guerra.

En la quinta entrega, La espada y la balanza, el caos que reina entre griegos y troyanos se ha extendido al monte Olimpo. Zeus decide que cualquier dios que vuelva a ayudar a alguno de los bandos ser derribado.

En el sexto captulo, La astucia de Hera, Ulises y yax intentan convencer a Aquiles de que vuelva al combate, pero el guerrero griego se obstina y lo rechaza, quiere volver a Grecia.

En el sptimo captulo, Patroclo y los Mirmidones,...


Whatever Happened to the Dems Saying That Lock Her Up Chants were Banana Republic Stuff? "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Back in 2016, it was a feature of Trump rallies: the candidate would mention Hillary Clinton, and the crowd would start chanting Lock her up! In Oct. 2016, at their second presidential debate, Trump himself said it to Hillary: If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a []


Apple Never Gave Them USB. Now, Theyre Getting It For Themselves "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

These days we use USB as a default for everything from low-speed serial ports to high-capacity storage, and the ubiquitous connector has evolved into a truly multi-purpose interface. Its difficult to believe then, that the first Apple Mac to be designed with a USB interface was shipped without it; but thats the case with 1997s grey Power Mac G3.

On the personality board are all the footprints for a single USB 1.1 port, but USB-hungry Apple fanboys had to wait for the translucent iMac and later G3 before they had a machine with the parts fitted. [Croissantking] is righting that particular wrong, by piecing together the missing Apple circuit using parts from contemporary cards for PCs. Over a long forum thread there are a few teething problems, but it certainly seems as though grey G3 owners will soon be able to have reliable USB upgrades.

If omitting USB from a 1997 Mac seems unexpected, its as well to remember how slow the first USB versions were. At the time SCSI was king in the high-speed peripheral world, and USB seemed more appropriate as a replacement for Apple Desktop Bus and the serial port. Even when they embraced USB they were reluctant to follow the standards of the PC world, as we remember finding out when for curiositys sake we tried swapping the mice and keyboards between an...


Mexico: Resistance and Repression in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The vultures of capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, and nation-states continue to circle over the Indigenous and campesino communities and lands of so-called southern Mexico. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec is the latest feeding ground. There, a multiplicity of national and international state and private interests seek the imposition by any means necessary of the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. The objective: connect the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans with a modernized train and industrial corridor, facilitate the extraction, production, and transportation of capital in the region, reorganize time and space, exploit land, labor, and resources.

The Isthmus of Tehuantepec is the narrowest stretch of Mexico, with just under 200 kilometers of land between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, and around 300 kilometers between the ports of Salina Cruz on the Pacific, and Coatzacoalcos on the Gulf. For its strategic location and characteristics, it has long been an area of geopolitical interest, particularly of the United States. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec is also a region inhabited predominantly by Indigenous peoples, who maintain unique forms of political and territorial organization, including collective land management in the form of communal and ejido lands. These forms of community organization are in direct confrontation with the projects of State and capital in the region.

Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec

In June of 2019 the president of Mexico, Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador (AMLO), signed a decree for the creation of the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (CIIT for its initials in Spanish) revamping the historical mission of global capitalism to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. A train line between the two ports had originally been opened in 1907 by the infamous dictator Porfirio Daz, yet with the inauguration of the Panama Canal in 1914, the interoceanic train lost its importance as a shipping route and was basically abandoned.

AMLOs proposed Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec seeks to rescue that project, expanding its scope significantly. With the modernization of the train lines connecting the ports of Salina Cruz and Coatzacoalcos, the Interoceanic Corridor seeks to serve as a dry canal to transport cargo via train between the two ports and between the two oceans. It promises to cut shipping time by hours compared to the aging Panama Canal, and will serve as an alternative route to move cargo between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

The Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec is much more than just the modernization of the train lines though. It is not just one but a series of megaprojects. It includes the moder...


US Wars "IndyWatch Feed War"

Human Wrongs Watch

By John Scales Avery, Ph.D. TRANSCEND Media Service*

Over 300 Wars!


John Scales Avery

As documented in the Wikipedia timeline of U.S. wars, and in the Wikipedia list of wars involving the United States, the country has been more or less continuously at war ever since the American Revolu...


New Documentary Explores The Moment In Abraham Lincolns Political Rise That Changed American History Forever "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Right Makes MightLincoln sought to communicate the moral philosophy defining the American founding in ways all people could understand.



The Highwire with Del Bigtree | March 30, 2023

A recent publication by the world-renowned scientific group, The Cochrane Collaboration, has shown that masks did little to nothing positive during the pandemic response. Following the release of this study, New York Times opinion writer, Zeynep Tufekci, along with the editor-in-chief of the Cochrane Collaboration, Karla Soares-Weiser, threw the authors of the mask study under the bus. Jefferey Jaxen does a deep dive to uncover the important details of this story.


The Highwire with Del Bigtree | March 30, 2023

Despite the CDC preparing for the COVID shot rollout in 2020, newly released internal documents reveal that VAERS, the system for tracking vaccine adverse events, was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of submissions despite expecting record reports. Even after planning for a worse case scenario of 1,000 reports per day, an untenable deluge swamped the system and its contractors in just 6 days after going live. But it didnt stop there. Jeffery Jaxen reports.


Las desoladas burocracias de la desaparicin (o de la importancia de dar cuenta del desgaste y el maltrato institucionales) "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Hay una novela de Charles Dickens, La casa desolada, cuya trama argumental gira en torno a un proceso judicial eternizado a lo largo de aos y aos de espera, y que termina arrastrando a los protagonistas a consecuencias fatales y desesperantes. Fue as como Dickens quiso criticar los procesos y el ser mismo de una Cancillera anticuada e ineficaz. Considero que, hoy en da, es necesaria una crtica similar hacia los sistemas y procesos institucionales y burocrticos de la bsqueda y de la desaparicin, en Mxico.

Pienso en esa novela mientras escribo este texto unas horas despus de salir de una importante cita en la fiscala de San Pedro Barrientos, en el Estado de Mxico. A quienes conozcan el lugar, es probable que les traiga un mal recuerdo. Y es que, como si se tratara de una metfora sobre el alcance de la justicia, para llegar a la entrada de la fiscala hay que subir unas empinadsimas escaleras que quitan el aliento y agotan las pocas ganas que se puedan tener de llegar hasta el final. Considero que se trata de un mensaje material y simblico del esfuerzo que implica promover la procuracin de justicia. Imagine usted que es una mam, una hermana, una esposa o una hija y busca a su familiar. Pasa los das caminando de aqu para all, acompaando a otras familias, llevando papeles, pegando boletines, saliendo a buscar en las barrancas y en los cerros y, cuando le citan en Fiscala un lugar en donde, en teora, se les tendra que brindar una atencin profesional y diligente, la condicin para que le reciban es que suba unas escaleras infames. Parece chiste, pero es ancdota.

La cita en cuestin era tan relevante porque se acababa de encontrar una carpeta de investigacin que llevaba perdida seis largos aos. Hizo falta que se promoviera su bsqueda desde los ms altos niveles de la jerarqua burocrtica para que los ministerios pblicos de la mesa se decidieran a hurgar en las polvorientas carpetas acumuladas entre el tiempo y la desidia de los das. Esa carpeta, huelga decirlo, no son simples papeles ni expedientes, sino que es informacin sustancial sobre una de las personas a las que estamos buscando. 

A la luz de estos hechos, me pregunto: qu conjunto de prcticas desaseadas y negligentes tienen que suceder para que se llegue a ese punto? En palabras de la propia servidora pblica que nos atendi, lo que aqu haba era un cochinero, nos llev meses ordenarlo todo. Ella atribuy la prdida al desbarajuste de papeles que tenan en la oficina. La burocracia altamente racionalizada de la que hablaba Max Weber [1] encuentra sus lmites en las oficinas mexicanas, donde una carpeta se puede perder por desorden, o por algo peor. La deshumanizacin de los servidores pblicos y su desconexin con la dolorosa realidad de las familias es el da a da de los procesos de bsqueda. Y es que las carpetas no se pierden, las pierden y, ya sea por una perezosa omisin o por un propsito oscur...


Rep. Jamaal Bowman Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Indictment Is About Preventing Trump From Running Again "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-Mad Rage), fresh from his hissy fit over the prospect of law-abiding Americans being armed and able to defend themselves, has confirmed what everyone suspected about the Trump indictment: its all designed to prevent him from being able to run for president again in 2024. The entire weak case that []


Science Confirms Turmeric Is as Effective as 14 Drugs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

We always wondered why for tumeric.  After all it is endemic in Indian food.  From this we certainly see it is justified.

I personally use it and ginge and black peppar to augment my grapefruit peel boiled extraction.  Seemed like a natural add in to my brew and otherw8ise harmless.

I then take a couple of ounces of my extra ct and add hot water along with a heaping teaspoon of ascorbic acid.  It works well to drink a cup of this yellow tea or potion which packs natural quinine,.

Science Confirms Turmeric Is as Effective as 14 Drugs

Over 12,000 studies reveal wide-ranging effects of a potent compound found in this bright spice

Apr 2 2021
Turmeric is one the most thoroughly researched plants in the world and a possible cause of sleepless nights for some pharmaceutical company executives. (Shutterstock)

If ever there were an herb that puts existential fear into the bottom line of pharmaceutical companies, its turmeric.

Woman Who Felt Abandoned by God Dies in Hospital Room, Receives Answer From Jesus "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This is a remarkable report of a near death experience that is much richer than any i have read before and the information shared adds well to what is known.

The major teaching here is just how deeply we chose our lifeway before we are born.  I was not expectiing that.  We discover lefe experiences are carried forward using even our cells which must have that super computer.

What must be noted is that we think in terms of DNA which is nice enough.  Yet every single lectron has 2400 vertices and inforamtion handling capacity and we do not understand how to integrate photon ribbons all tied into all this.

So why not just tie information forward into time in order to inform our present.  somehow our off on concept of cognition is tattered.

Woman Who Felt Abandoned by God Dies in Hospital Room, Receives Answer From Jesus

MARCH 27, 2023 PRINT


Trump indictment shows that power-crazed Democrats are incompatible with human society "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A nice statement here which is how this cascade of leftist behavior can be seen.  Just why though?  How can a minority of odd thinking folk rise up this way and expect a good result.

It is completely proper for a minority taste to approach the majority and ask for forbearance.  We saw exactly that evolve in our acceptance of public homosexuality, even though even today, the watch word is descreet.

And discreet should be the watch word for all this.  No women needs to be wolf whistled.  It will all be good when that goes out of fashion.

Right now, a lot of indiscreet behavior is been foisted upon the majority expecting actual acceptance or some other good result.  It vis not ever going to work out without a majority culture of forebearance and ample discretion

Trump indictment shows that power-crazed Democrats are incompatible with human society

I believe that Trump's indictment by power-crazed Democrats is yet another necessary step for the trial by fire that will see America rise up against tyranny, censorship, election rigging and the demonic infestation of the Left that has produced child grooming, transgenderism, trans terrorism and widespread psychological trauma.

As you'll hear today in my Brighteon Broadcast News episode (below), I also believe that Trump himself needs to make it through this trial by fire to achieve a personal transformation.

I think Trump's arrest and prosecution may actually be the wake up call that Trump needs to finally get serious about draining the swamp and using executive power to arrest and imprison the traitors, operatives and treasonous actors who have declared war on this nation.

Explorers Uncover Cave in Spain With Over 100 Prehistoric Engravings Depicting Copper Age Pastoral Life "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This is interesting is only because it involves the copper age which is recent compared to known cave paintings.  No real comment on age here and that must wait for archelogical work to actually be done here.

It may well have also been known over thousands of years, but only to a few in each generation.  These caves do not seem to ever have been used as storage caches even though well suited.  Lousy locations usually.

Which likely speaks to a singular visitation site, perhaps used by a shaman.

Explorers Uncover Cave in Spain With Over 100 Prehistoric Engravings Depicting Copper Age Pastoral Life

MARCH 28, 2023

A Spanish cave lost for 80 years has been rediscovered with over 100 unique prehistoric engravings on its interior walls. The caves eight panels of incredible hand-engraved art are delivering further insight into prehistoric life in Spain.

The cave, known as Cova de la Vila in Catalan, was rediscovered in the village of Febr at Baix Camp, Tarragona, during a topographical expedition by the group of speleologists, Barranc de la Cova del Corral, on May 13, 2021. The cave was originally excavated in the 1940s by the researcher Salvador Vilaseca, whose team later lost its location.

This mixed reality installation at Brooklyns Pioneer Works shows off the beauty of Magic Leaps headsets "IndyWatch Feed World"

Created by AR studio Tin Drum, the undulating Medusa installation frees architecture from its physical realities.

Pioneer Works, the arts center and, until April 16th, the home of the mixed reality installation Medusa, occupies a former iron works on a remote corner in Red Hook, Brooklyn. (It is remote in the sense that the closest macchiato is a three-minute walk away.) Now emptied of its machinery and overseen by the artist Dustin Yellin, the main factory floor feels more like a cathedral. The racket of bygone flywheels and presses have been replaced by silence and sunlight. Never has the place felt more ecumenical than than now, when the vast space is completely empty, save for a solitary Yamaha Disklavier piano emitting an ethereal sound, its keys moving as if by an unseen hand.

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La memoria en abril "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Abril comienza con el aniversario de la proclama de las Fuerzas Populares de Liberacin (FPL) de El Salvador encabezadas por un pequeo grupo de comunistas, Salvador Cayetano Carpio, Comandante Marcial, quien fuera Secretario General del PCS al frente, decididos a fundar un partido de nuevo tipo. Las FPL y el Bloque Popular Revolucionario (BPR) como organizacin de masas, crecieron hasta encabezar la fundacin del Frente Farabundo Mart para la Liberacin Nacional (FMLN).

Guerra popular prolongada fue la lnea poltico-militar, socialismo maana, demasiado para los gobiernos contrarrevolucionarios empeados en el dilogo y la negociacin a toda costa. El gobierno de Mxico con Carlos Salinas de Gortari al frente y Porfirio Muoz Ledo y Camacho Sols como leguleyos, impulsaron el Grupo Contadora hasta su culminacin en los Acuerdos de Paz firmados en Chapultepec en enero de 1992, luego que el Comandante Joaqun Villalobos del Ejrcito Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP) y uno de los asesinos del poeta Roque Dalton, entregara, frente a cmaras y micrfonos, su fusil de asalto a Salinas de Gortari.

Demasiado para no suscitar divisiones poltico-militares concretadas en el asesinato de Mlida Anaya Montes, Comandante Ana Mara, en abril de 1983 en Managua, Nicaragua.

Mural en Santo Domingo Pedregales. Sobre el grabado de Arturo Garca Bustos, Luca Vidales agrega a Vicente Guerrero.
Foto: CHG

La injusta inculpacin del Comandante Marcial lo llevan das despus al suicidio en su encierro en Managua con el dolor por la campaa en su contra promovida por quienes fueran sus hermanos, dijo en sus cartas finales. Termin as la posibilidad revolucionaria no solo en Centroamrica.

Otros desastres acompaaron la certeza de las soberanas imposibles. El 2 de abril de 1982, el ejrcito argentino ocup Las Malvinas. El ejrcito ingls no lo permiti con un gran saldo trgico para Argentina. Es menester tener presente derrotas y masacres como la de los 6 millones de judos asesinados por los nazis en la Segunda Guerra Mundial de 1939 a 1945, segn se conmemora el 8 de abril.

La lucha por la tierra, el agua y sus cultivos comunitarios hacen de Emiliano Zapata ejemplar revolucionario, asesinado en una amboscada del Estado el 10 de abril de 1919 en la Hacienda de Chinameca. En 1927, la Columna Prestes encabezada por el Secretario General del Partido Comunista de Brasil, recorri 30,000 kilmetros liberando tierras.



El bazar comunitario que los militares convirtieron en una masacre en el Putumayo "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El 28 de marzo de 2023 se conmemora un ao de la masacre perpetrada por el Ejrcito, la Armada y la Fuerza Area colombiana contra comunidades en el Alto Remanso en Puerto Leguzamo, Putumayo.  El ataque dej 11 personas muertas, cuatro heridas y cinco desaparecidas, entre las cuales haba menores de edad y una mujer embarazada.

El 28 de marzo de 2022, la Junta de Accin Comunal de la vereda del Alto Remanso organiz un bazar de tres das con el fin de recoger recursos para arreglar la va principal de la vereda, en el tercer da de celebracin se produjo la incursin armada de sujetos sin identificar, pero que posteriormente se demostrara pertenecan a las Fuerzas Armadas colombianas.

Segn los testimonios de las personas sobrevivientes, los militares dispararon durante una hora y media y despus retuvieron e intimidaron a la comunidad para impedir cualquier protesta, pues esta manifest siempre que en el lugar no haba nadie armado. Contrario a las versiones oficiales, lo que ocurri fue una masacre donde los soldados asesinaron, entre otras personas, al presidente de la Junta de Accin Comunal, Divier Hernndez, y a su esposa Ana Mara Sierra, quien estaba embarazada y que muri desangrada cuando intentaba escapar. El Ejrcito tambin mat al Gobernador indgena Pablo Panduro, y a un menor de edad llamado Brayan Pama. Tambin dej varias personas heridas y desaparecidos.

Los militares justificaron la matanza argumentando que era una operacin contra las disidencias de las FARC. Incluso, el entonces Ministro de Defensa y actual candidato a la alcalda de Bogot, Diego Molano, dijo el 28 de marzo a las 4.35 pm, mediante un trino: Neutralizados nueve criminales y capturados cuatro ms en Puerto Leguzamo. Ms tarde se confirm que eran 11 las vctimas, siendo el entonces Presidente Ivn Duque, quien report las cifras como una exitosa operacin militar.



Autonoma en el aire "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

En nuestros pueblos contamos con sistemas polticos propios y modelos de gobernanza comunitaria amplios, transparentes y diversos que aportan al pas plurinacional que somos. La imposicin del sistema de partidos afecta nuestra forma de gobernanza comunitaria y desequilibra el ambiente social dentro de nuestros territorios, por lo que en este programa ahondamos en cmo nuestros medios de comunicacin aportan a fortalecer la autonoma en nuestras comunidades. Con este programa nos tambin nos sumamos a la campaa #NuestrasRadiosNuestrasNormas Concela y smate!


  • Mxico Plurinacional Boca de Polen
  • Los cargos comunitarios en territorio Masewal Radio Tosepan Limakxtum
  • Los topiles como forma de organizacin en Huahuaxtla, Puebla Radio Tsinaka
  • Partidos polticos en territorio indgena Radio Nahndi
  • El anhelo de la libertad: la experiencia de Estreo Lluvia, una radio indgena concesionada Estreo Lluvia
  • La radio comunitaria y el camino por la autonoma Radio Mayaaw
  • Conduccin: Kenia Roque (Estreo Lluvia) y Jess Jarero (Radio Yucuhiti)
  • Imagen: Adrin Lpez / Radio Tosepan Limakxtum

Publicado originalmente en Canto de Cenzontles


No More Double Standards and Impunity. West Provokes Russia. Result: Nukes in Belarus on NATOs Borders "IndyWatch Feed War"

Editorial Strategic Culture Foundation March 31, 2023

The Anglo-American-led NATO alliance has no longer the presumption of impunity. The decades of unchecked aggression from NATO expansionism and criminal Anglo-American subterfuges in foreign countries are over.

The historic and unacceptable deployment of U.S. nuclear weapons in several European NATO states as well as the recent announcement by Britain of supplying depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine is the prologue to Russias decision to place tactical nukes in Belarus. The Western outcry following Russias decision is absurd and hypocritical.

The pattern is familiar and speaks of incorrigible arrogance. The United States and its NATO allies make reckless escalatory moves that are unprecedented in their aggression toward Russia; then Moscow makes a reciprocal move, and yet the Western governments and their dutiful news media become apoplectic with rage over Russias threatening conduct and nuclear blackmail.

Maybe one day, Western leaders will eventually choke on their own illogical apoplexy.

This week there was frothing and fuming in the West about Moscows decision to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, despite the move being fully in accord with the Minsk government, a longtime ally of Russia and fellow member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. The CSTO is organically comparable with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), having a shared defense commitment between allied states that were formerly members of the Soviet Union.

In ratifying the deployment, Russian President Vladimir Putin was accused by Western powers of jeopardizing international security, threatening European neighbors and violating the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Belarus borders three NATO members: Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.

But the decision by Russia to install tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus (which Moscow would reportedly retain control over) was in response to the NATO move to supply its anti-Russian Kiev proxy with depleted uranium (DU) weapons. Britain announced last week that Challenger 2 battlefield tanks sent to Ukraine would be equipped with DU shells. It is understood that the United States is also ready to supply depleted uranium armor-piercing munitions to Ukraine with its Abrams tanks. Video footage from Londons Ministry of Defence...


US Urges Americans In Russia To Leave Immediately "IndyWatch Feed War"

NDTV March 31, 2023

US State Department Secretary Antony Blinken on Thursday requested the Americans living in Russia to leave the country immediately, after the reporter was arrested in Moscow.

Taking to Twitter, Mr Blinken said, We are deeply concerned over Russias announcement it has detained a U.S. citizen journalist. The State Depts highest priority is the safety and security of U.S. citizens abroad. If you are a U.S. citizen living or travelling in Russia please leave immediately.

These remarks came after an American reporter for Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Evan Gershkovich was arrested in Russia on espionage charges, according to Al-Jazeera.

In a statement, Mr Blinken said, We are deeply concerned over Russias widely-reported detention of a U.S. citizen journalist. We are in contact with the Wall Street Journal on this situation. Whenever a U.S. citizen is detained abroad, we immediately seek consular access, and seek to provide all appropriate support.

In the strongest possible terms, we condemn the Kremlins continued attempts to intimidate, repress, and punish journalists and civil society voices, the statement added.

Meanwhile, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre also expressed concern over the arrest of Evan Gershkovich in Russia. She also stated that last night, White House and State Department Officials spoke with Gershkovichs employer, the Wall Street Journal.

The Administration has also been in contact with his family. Furthermore, the State Department has been in direct touch with the Russian government on this matter, including actively working to secure consular access to Gershkovich, the press secretary said in a tweet.

The targeting of American citizens by the Russian government is unacceptable. We condemn the detention of Gershkovich in the strongest terms. We also condemn the Russian governments continued targeting and repression of journalists and freedom of the press, she added.

She also stated that the US government should heed the warning to not travel to Russia.

US citizens residing or travelling in Russia should depart immediately, as the State Department continues to advise, Ms Pierre tweeted.

WSJ in a statement said, The Wall Street Journal is deeply concerned for the safety of Gershkovich.

The Federal Security Service (FSB), a top KGB successor agency, said that the WSJ reporter was detained from the Ural Mountains city of Yekaterinburg while he allegedly tried to obtain classified information.

In a statement, the FSB said, Gershkovich acting on the instructions of the American side, collected information constituting a state secret about the activities of one of the enterprises of the Russian military-indust...


Yet More Bad News From the Donbass "IndyWatch Feed War"

Rolo Slavskiy The Slavland Chronicles March 30, 2023

Look, its not just me saying it. Lots of people who are pro-Russia are coming out and saying it. Lets take a look together.


The Novorussians decided to repost an analysis by Murz a professional pessimist on Telegram with a large following. This is kind of a big deal.

And no, Murz is not a Strelkovite, nor part of an anti-Kremlin conspiracy of 6th Columnists. In fact, these patriot-traitors all dislike each other and theres a huge tangled web of ideological disagreements within the Kremlin-critical camp.

Murz, from what I can tell, is a Stalinist, Strelkov a Tsarist, Prigozhin an Ancap.

Regardless of the details, an official government website published this essay. This is only possible because Russia does not have as strict of a censorship regime as the West and because the LDNR people seem genuinely fed up with Moscow. That is why alternative viewpoints can still peek through the smokescreen of bullshit promoted by the Russian state media.

The piece above is extremely detailed and very long. But, the key points are that, again, the local authorities actually republished this extremely critical piece of the war effort, and that the piece concludes that the war is all but lost for Russia unless something drastic changes.

If the expected Ukrainian spring offensive, using both fresh reserves and new types of weapons with new capabilities, ends only with our retreats and mumbling about regroupings, then February-1917 with the subsequent collapse of the state will become inevitable. And, even if after February new Bolsheviks with a new October appear from somewhere, the results of the troubles that will be summed up a few years later, even in the most optimistic outcome, do not bode well.

The first thing that can help in overcoming the upcoming problems is an understanding of the seriousness and complexity of the...


Russia lists US as its main security threat in new foreign policy doctrine "IndyWatch Feed War"

CNN March 31, 2023

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday signed a decree on a US as the main security threat to Russia and the just development of mankind.

Moscow considers Washingtons course as the main source of risks for its own and international security, for peace and the just development of mankind as a whole, the document read.

The new concept of foreign policy provides for the possibility of symmetrical and asymmetric measures in response to unfriendly actions against the Russian Federation, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said after presenting Putin with the updated doctrine.

The 42-page document outlines the main objectives of Moscows foreign policy, among which are the strengthening of the military cooperation with allies and elimination of US dominance in world affairs.

The document made no direct mention of Ukraine even as Russia continues its full-scale invasion of the country, but did say that Moscow is stepping up the process of registration within the framework of international law of its state border and jurisdiction over the territories it controls.

The main goal in the near abroad is to turn the region into a zone of peace, good neighborliness and prosperity, it continued.

According to the document, Moscow also sees risks of aggravating conflicts involving large countries, as well as their escalation into a local or global war. The factor of strength increasingly determines relations between countries.

Russia will also focus on deepening ties with India and China as well as increasing cooperation with Latin American countries.



CBS execs bar the word transgender from reports on Nashville shooter: This is not journalism "IndyWatch Feed War"

Alexandra Steingrad New York Post March 30, 2023

Top executives at CBS News have banned staffers from using the word transgender when reporting on Nashville shooter despite the fact police have said Audrey Hale was transgender and cited it as a key point in the case, The Post has learned.

The shooters gender identity has not been confirmed by CBS News, the networks executives insisted in a Tuesday memo obtained by The Post. As such, we should avoid any mention of it as it has no known relevance to the crime. Should that change, we can and will revisit.

The CBS News directive was delivered on a Tuesday morning editorial call by Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews, the executive vice president of newsgathering; and Claudia Milne, the senior vice president of standards and practices, according to sources close to the Tiffany Network.

Right now we advise saying: POLICE IDENTIFIED THE SUSPECT AS A 28-YEAR-OLD AUDREY HALE, WHO THEY SHOT AND KILLED AT THE SCENE, the Tuesday memo said. And move on to focus on other important points of the investigation, community and solutions.

CBS asked employees to avoid identifying shooter Audrey Hale as transgender in its reporting, even though the police provided the information as part of its investigation.Linkedin/Audrey Hale

Sources said Ciprian-Matthews and Milne spent 15 minutes on the Tuesday call discussing the directive bewildering many journalists, given that the Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake said Hale was transgender and that her identity may be relevant to the motive.

This is absurd because the police identified Hale as transgender, a CBS insider said. If the cops didnt address it, maybe you could avoid it but withholding information is not journalism.

The decision has since been reflected in the networks coverage. Hours after the shooting on Monday morning, correspondent Janet Shamlian reported on CBS Evening News with Norah ODonnell, that Hale identifies as transgender.

Following CBS Tuesday call, however, the mentions of Hales gender identity stopped.

Norah ODonnells CBS Evening News program stopped mentioning Hales transgender identity after CBS News execs made a network-wide decision. CBS via Getty Images

We are waiting to see the Manifesto and any details about motive, a CBS spokeswoman told The Post. As we say in our guidance, we will then review and revise our reporting.

The CBS spokeswoman declined to comment further.

The Tuesday call with the CBS News execs left the networks roughly 150 staffers stunned into awkward silence, according to a source who was on the call.

The source noted that the two CBS News execs appeared to be twisting themselv...


Irish passport holders in the North to benefit from access to the controversial new 20 million Newry Duty-Free Zone "IndyWatch Feed"

For generations, border people have been arbitrage experts, using the different regimes North and South to their advantage. In the Second World War they would smuggle things like butter and eggs, but in recent years, it has more likely been diesel, cattle and even waste.

Now renowned local Newry entrepreneur Dan Amibaarein is looking to capitalise on the NI Protocol by building a new 8 million pound Duty-Free Shopping Centre on the outskirts of Newry. Under the NI Protocol rules, shoppers from the south can avail of Duty-Free prices in the North.

This new growth opportunity has opened up as a result of the changes made by the Windsor Framework to the VAT and Excise rules that apply under Article 8 of the Protocol. Although the Principal VAT Directive 2006/112/EC will still apply in NI, it now enjoys a six county-shaped  carve-out. This is spelled out in a revision to Annex 3 of the Protocol under joint UK-EU declarations on Excise and VAT. These specify the manner in which the Union acts listed in sections 1 & 2 of Annex 3 apply to and in the United Kingdom in respect of Northern Ireland. Now that NI can diverge from EU rules in line with certain UK VAT rules and excise duty changes, travel across the Irish border now counts as travel into a different territory.  As long as goods are for personal consumption, those crossing the border are now free to make the most of their personal allowances  for VAT- and Duty-Free shopping as visitors to the other territory.

 With the recent minimum alcohol Unit prices in the south, the savings can be considerable.

A 12-pack of Guinness now costs around 25 in Dublin, but Dan claims it will be around 7 in his duty-free store. A 1-litre bottle of Jameson Whiskey would be 32 in the South, but only 11 in the North. The biggest savings will be in tobacco. 200 Benson and Hedges would cost you 132 in a shop, but with Duty Free they would cost only 35.

And it is not just booze and fags, Dan also expects to do a roaring trade in electronic devices like phones and tablets.

Already Newry does a roaring trade with Southern Shoppers, but it is expected the new Dans Duty Free store will turbocharge cross border trade.

In a further twist, Dan believes Irish passport holders in the North can access the duty-free prices. He says:

The main requirement for purchasing is to show a non-UK passport. If someone presents with an Irish Passport it is none of my business if they live in Dublin, Cork, or Craigavon.

Since Brexit increasing numbers of people in Northern Ireland have been applying for Irish Passports. Will the temptation of cheap goods attract even more?

All this has major implications for other traders in Newry and even a substantial loss of tax revenue to the UK and Irish Governments. But Dan is confident he is on a firm legal footing and has engaged several high-profile lega...

Betty Friedan: Feminism Classic Commie Jewish (Satanic) Subversion "IndyWatch Feed War"

(Husband-Carl Friedan revealed that Betty was never a real housewife but a pill-popping psychopath.) March 31, 2023

I reprise this key 2003 essay about the mother of Feminism, Betty Friedan, as a reminder of how Communists use deceit to subvert society. Like the covid hoax, (re-branded flu) their appeals to social justice & equality are a con game.

They are grifters. Their real goal is to get rich by bankrupting the nation. 

Nancy Pelosi is worth $100 million.   Bernie Sanders: $2 million

Obamas $135 million.   The Clintons $240 Million

Communism is Cabalist Judaism which is Satanism

We have all been inducted into this satanic cult. 

We are under occult attack. Covid is Communism in white coat. America has been eaten alive by these satanist termites.

Related-  Makow  We have de facto Communism and What is Communism?

Comrades, you will remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy The attacking army was unable to achieve victory until, with the aid of the famous Trojan Horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy camp. George Dimitrov, Comintern General Secretary, August, 1935.

Betty Friedan: Mommy was a Commie

by Henry Makow Ph.D. (Updated from Nov 19, 2019)

Betty Friedan, the founder of modern feminism pretended to be a typical 1950s American housewife who had a revelation that women like her were exploited and should seek independence and self-fulfillment in a career.

Friedan (nee: Betty Naomi Goldstein) didnt mentio...


Adidas is tarnishing its stripes with its checkered behavior "IndyWatch Feed World"

The global apparel giant has lost the plot with its flat-footed actions with Ye, Beyonc, and Black Lives Matter.

Its been a tough week for Adidas.

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Donate to Censored News: Reader Supported News "IndyWatch Feed War"

Censored News live coverage in Bolivia. The most censored: Buffy Sainte Marie at Dine' College. Photos by Brenda Norrell.Please Donate for Laptop and Audio Equipment====== Censored News is reader-supported news, with no ads, salaries, or revenues, and depends on reader donations to keep going. We are in our 17th year, with more than 22 million page views. Currently, we are in need of a new


America, the Reality TV Show, Reaches New Depths with Trumps Indictment "IndyWatch Feed War"

US politics have gotten even raunchier with the countrys first prosecution of a former president. Just when one might have supposed that American politics couldnt get any trashier, New York City prosecutor Alvin Bragg and former President Donald Trump have proven that the nation hasnt yet reached the bottom. The US political system now resembles Continue reading America, the Reality TV Show, Reaches New Depths with Trumps Indictment


Building a Successful Stakeholder Engagement Plan: Best Practices and Management Tips "IndyWatch Feed World"

Effective stakeholder engagement is a critical component of successful project management. This is a structured approach that outlines how an organization will engage with its stakeholders to achieve specific goals. A well-designed plan can help an organization build trust, enhance collaboration, and manage risks associated with project implementation.

Here are some best practices and management tips to help you build a successful stakeholder engagement plan:

1. Identify your stakeholders

The first step is to identify all potential stakeholders who may be impacted by the project. These may include customers, employees, shareholders, regulatory bodies, suppliers, and local communities. Once you have identified them, you can prioritize them based on their level of influence and interest in the project.

2. Define your objectives

The next step is to define your stakeholder engagement objectives. These objectives should align with your overall project goals and should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Your objectives may include building trust, improving communication, enhancing collaboration, and managing risks.

3. Determine your engagement strategy

Once you have identified your stakeholders and defined your objectives, you need to determine your engagement strategy. This strategy should outline the methods and tools you will use to engage with them. Your engagement strategy may include meetings, surveys, focus groups, social media, and other communication channels.

4. Develop your communication plan



Mohawk Nation News 'Canada Will Soon Be Dissolved' "IndyWatch Feed War"



Vatican's Renouncing of Discovery Doctrine Lacks Accountability "IndyWatch Feed War"

Carlisle Indian School, Pennsylvania, 1884Native Healing Coalition believes Vatican's statement renouncing Discovery Doctrine lacks accountability March 30, 2023MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota -- After decades of advocacy from Native leaders and advocates, the Vatican formally repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery, which was created by the Catholic Church and later incorporated into US law. This doctrine


Queremos recuperar nuestro mundo. Y nuestra universidad! "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Lo que sigue son fragmentos de la carta que circula en ASTA Universitt Hamburg sobre la conferencia internacional de Kurdistn.

La administracin de la Universidad de Hamburgo ha anunciado la retirada de las salas para la conferencia We want our World back, que se celebra en el campus del 7 al 9 de abril, con tan poca antelacin y por motivos polticos.

El 28 de marzo, la administracin de la universidad prohibi el uso de las salas que se haban concedido con mucha antelacin. La razn aducida ha sido un mensaje del Verfassungsschutz (servicio de inteligencia alemn) que atestigua el extremismo de la conferencia. Todos los intentos por parte de mantener conversaciones con la presidencia de la universidad han sido rechazados o ignorados.

Este ao  asistirn ms de 1.300 personas y cientficos de renombre mundial como John Holloway y ponentes como Mara de Jess Patricio Martnez, forman parte del ciclo Desafiando la modernidad capitalista. Ya se llev a cabo en la Universidad de Hamburgo tres veces, la ms reciente en 2017, y est organizada por el sindicato estudiantil, AStA, de la Universidad de Hamburgo en cooperacin con Network for an Alternative Quest (AQ). Los participantes de la academia, los movimientos sociales y el cuerpo estudiantil de Hamburgo discutirn temas apremiantes de nuestro tiempo, como la crisis climtica, las alternativas al capitalismo y la violencia patriarcal, en talleres y paneles. Para permitir la participacin internacional, la conferencia se traducir simultneamente al ingls, al kurdo, al alemn, al turco, al italiano, al espaol y al rabe. Este espacio de convergencia para la ciencia y la sociedad civil, as como el carcter verdaderamente internacional de la conferencia son nicos. Sin embargo, el presidente de la universidad, Hauke Heekeren, no parece apreciar este pluralismo. Es un escndalo sin parangn que la administracin universitaria no defienda la soberana de la universidad, sino que deje que el servicio de inteligencia decida quin puede participar en el debate acadmico.

La decisin de la universidad tiene consecuencias de gran alcance. Est en juego nada menos que la libertad de la ciencia. Ser posible en el futuro celebrar en la Universidad de Hamburgo actos cientficos crticos que desafen el statu quo? No aceptaremos que la agencia de inteligencia pueda dictar el contenido de una conferencia cientfica internacional. Nos corresponde a nosotros defender la libertad acadmica.

El AStA sigue insistiendo a la administracin de la universidad a que mantenga el acuerdo original.

Como representantes de ms de 40.000 estudiantes, no aceptaremos esta decisin!

Queremos recuperar nuestro mundo. Y nuestra universidad!


Working With Old High-Voltage EPROMs Is Fussy "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

EPROMs, those UV-erasable memory chips of the 80s and 90s, once played a crucial role in countless electronic devices. Theyve become relics of a bygone era, but for enthusiasts of vintage electronics, the allure of these light-sensitive devices remains strong. Today, were diving into [Kevin Osborn]s nostalgic journey as he uncovers the secrets of old EPROMs loaded with Atari 7800 code.

[Kevin] used to work at General Computer Company, which produced the Atari 7800 and several games for the system. Thus, he had a handful of old carts and development EPROMs sitting up in his attic along with an old console. Recently, he decided to try and uncover what was on the EPROMs and begun an investigation. They wouldnt run in his Atari, and he quickly realized why: the EPROMs werent cryptographically signed, so the system wouldnt load them.

After a little work, he was able to dump the EPROMs with the help of a TL866II+ reader. After some hacking, he was able to fettle the data on the EPROMs into something that would run on the A7800 emulator. This was easy enough, as the emulator doesnt run checks for properly signed code. From there, he was able to use a UV phone sanitizer to wipe the EPROMs, and re-burn them with signed versions of their original code. This took the application of some high voltage, but with the aid of an external power supply, it worked. He was able to successfully run the obscure ROMs on real Atari 7800 console hardware.

UV-erasable PROMs, or EPROMs, have long been superseded by the more convenient...


Link "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Jacob Rees-Mogg interviews Looby Loo!

How these LGBT executives broke the gay glass ceilingand how theyre helping future leaders "IndyWatch Feed World"

Queer business leaders have identified a common element in their rise through the ranks.

In 1995, WPP US Public Affairs Lead Brian Ellner was a summer associate at his first law firm, taking a bus to a company golf outing. When hed come out as gay in law school, hed resolved not to hide his sexuality for the sake of his career, but surrounded by his predominantly straight coworkers, he didnt feel so brave.

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Pickleball in a pickle: Even Boomers dont want to watch it on TV "IndyWatch Feed World"

Americas fastest growing sport may not be translating to screen.

More than 36 million Americans reportedly played pickleball between August 2021 and 2022, amounting to 9 million simultaneous doubles matches. Despite cries of noise pollution and pushback from freshly-courtless tennis players, the sport is thriving.

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Silence Gets You Nowhere in a Data Breach "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Your victim status won't last long if your response is nonexistent:

In cybersecurity, the phrase "what they don't know won't hurt them" is not only wrong, it's dangerous. Despite this, it's a motto that remains in many organizations' PR playbooks, as demonstrated by the recent LastPass and Fortra data breaches.

[...] TechCrunch+ has learned that LastPass has already lost customers because of its silent-treatment approach to its breach. And Fortra is likely to face a similar fate after TechCrunch+ heard from multiple customers that they only learned that their data had been stolen after receiving a ransom demand; Fortra had assured them that the data was safe.

Smaller companies, too, are employing a silent-treatment approach to data breaches: Kids' tech coding camp iD Tech failed to acknowledge a January breach that saw hackers access the personal data of close to 1 million users, including names, dates of birth, passwords stored in plaintext, and about 415,000 unique email addresses. Concerned parents told us at the time that they only became aware of the breach after receiving a notification from a third-party data breach notification service.

[...] While getting hacked can be forgivable, an organization's victim status will not last long if it fails to respond appropriately or at all as demonstrated by LastPass and Fortra.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Cacti, Realtek, and IBM Aspera Faspex Vulnerabilities Under Active Exploitation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Critical security flaws in Cacti, Realtek, and IBM Aspera Faspex are being exploited by various threat actors in hacks targeting unpatched systems. This entails the abuse of CVE-2022-46169 (CVSS score: 9.8) and CVE-2021-35394 (CVSS score: 9.8) to deliver MooBot and ShellBot (aka PerlBot), Fortinet FortiGuard Labs said in a report published this week. CVE-2022-46169 relates to a critical


Hackers Exploiting WordPress Elementor Pro Vulnerability: Millions of Sites at Risk! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Unknown threat actors are actively exploiting a recently patched security vulnerability in the Elementor Pro website builder plugin for WordPress. The flaw, described as a case of broken access control, impacts versions 3.11.6 and earlier. It was addressed by "Improved code security enforcement in WooCommerce components," the Tel


Reader Poll "IndyWatch Feed War"

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I made this poll to find out how many people visit this blog on a daily/weekly basis.

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Reportan que Enrique Alfaro es hospitalizado en Jalisco "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El gobernador de Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro fue internado en un hospital de Jalisco para realizare una serie de estudios mdicos. RegeneracinMx, 31 de marzo de []

La entrada Reportan que Enrique Alfaro es hospitalizado en Jalisco se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


France in Flames : Macron Attempts to Crush the Movement against the Pension Reform with Lethal Violence "IndyWatch Feed War"

In France, a powerful movement has erupted in response to an attempt to raise the retirement age. While millions have gone on strike and poured into the streets, President Emmanuel Macron and his henchmen have attempted to crush this movement by escalating police violence to lethal extremes. In the following report, we offer a chronology of the events of the past week, including a translation of an account by one participant in the movement and a statement from the parents of another who remains in a coma. You can read an overview the first phase of the movement and an analysis of the issues at stake here.

When French president Emmanuel Macron ran for office last year, part of his platform was an unpopular pension reform that would force workers to work several years more before retirement. Forced to choose between outright fascists and neoliberals, French voters grudgingly elected Macron, but a showdown has been brewing ever since.

The movement against the pension reform got underway with a strike on January 16, 2023. Polite protests gave way to generalized unrest on March 16 when prime minister lisabeth Borne used article 49.3 of the Constitution to bypass a vote in the National Assembly, implementing the new law by force. As the revolt gathered steam, it expanded beyond opposing the pension reform to rejecting neoliberalism as a whole. The protests, strikes, and blockades became gestures of resistance against the arbitrary power of the executive office as well as against Macron and his cronies (Macron et son monde), reminiscent of the Yellow Vests movement in 2018.

Today, the movement has reached another stage. In response to the intensification of the struggle and the diversification of tactics and battlefronts, police have dramatically escalated the violence with which they are targeting demonstrators. Even corporate business media like the The Financial Times are criticizing Macrons repressive and authoritarian handling of the movement.

Protests in Lorient on Tuesday, March 28.

The General Strike of March 23

On March 22, the day before a general strike called by the unions, Macron stoked the fires of resentment. He showed up to address corporate media wearing a watch worth 80,000 euros, which...



Cundo se van del INE Lorenzo Crdova y compaa? "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

A partir de la entrada en vigor del llamado Plan B en materia electoral del presidente AMLO, el INE y sus consejeros como Lorenzo Crdova []

La entrada Cundo se van del INE Lorenzo Crdova y compaa? se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Beyond Alphabet Boys: Police Infiltration and Repression in the Denver Area "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

On this episode of the Its Going Down podcast, we speak with a member of Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists about the history which has now been placed center stage on the popular podcast series, Alphabet Boys, which looks at how the FBI used informants during the George Floyd uprising in the Denver, Colorado area.

As Democracy Now wrote:

A new podcast out today called Alphabet Boys documents how the FBI disrupted racial justice organizing after the police killing of George Floyd in 2020, including paying an informant at least $20,000 to infiltrate and spy on activist groups in Denver, Colorado. The informant also encouraged activists to purchase guns and commit violence, echoing the FBIs use of the COINTELPRO program to sabotage left-wing activist groups in the 1960s.

But as our guest explains, the FBIs use of informants during the George Floyd protests was only the latest example of government agencies engaging in surveillance, infiltration, and repression of grassroots left-wing movements in the Denver area. This includes surveillance of groups like the American Indian Movement (AIM), infiltration of socialist organizations and community spaces, and the placement of informants even within tenant union organizations.

Repression is a constant mode of activity for the state and the US has engaged in a campaign of counter-insurgency against movements from bellow and communities which threaten the established order since its conception. As A Murder of Crows wrote:

Because of democratic baggage, repression is often understood as simply an anomalous and outrageous violation of rights. What people fail to comprehend is that repression is part o...


The U.S.s Democratic Model for Dictatorships "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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RFK, Jr. : Airline Safety Is Not a Partisan Issue, FAA Must Investigate Spike in Pilot Health Emergencies "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Parental Authority for Covid Vaccination of Young Children: Ontario Law Case "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Dr. Rosalie Bertell: Zero Tolerance for the Destructive Power of War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Hamilton's Revolution: War, Sex and Politics "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The musical, Hamilton, is a not-to-be-missed masterpiece about how deeply flawed people can still make extraordinarily valuable contributions to humankind. It is a revolutionary production about a Revolutionary time, hopefully sparking a much-needed evolution in consciousness as we embark on America's second revolution.


Study reveals first osteological evidence of severed hands in ancient Egypt "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

IN A NEW STUDY PUBLISHED IN THE JOURNAL SPRINGER, THE SEVERED RIGHT HANDS FROM 12 INDIVIDUALS HAVE BEEN ANALYSED OSTEOLOGICALLY, REVEALING TROPHY-TAKING PRACTICES IN ANCIENT EGYPT. The severed right hands were discovered by archaeologists in three pits in the courtyard of the Hyksos palace at Avaris/Tell el-Dab'a in north-eastern Egypt. The palace dates from the 15th Dynasty (1640-1530 BC), during which time the Lower and Middle Egypt up to Cusae was ruled by the Hyksos kings, marking the first period in which Egypt had foreign rulers. Although the practice of placing severed hands is documented in tomb inscriptions and temple reliefs from the New Kingdom onwards, this is the first example of an osteological analysis using physical evidence. Anatomical markers indicate that the hands are from at least 12 adults, belonging to 11 males and possibly one female. Once the attached parts of the forearm were removed, the hands were deposited in the pits with the fingers wide-splayed,...


Modern Irans Advanced Information and Communication Technology "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Trump indictment shows that power-crazed Democrats are INCOMPATIBLE with human society "IndyWatch Feed World"

READ MORE AT NATURAL NEWS  I believe that Trumps indictment by power-crazed Democrats is yet...


Uranium Dossier. Yugoslav Scenario "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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How Tabitha Brown is building an entertainment empire based on joy "IndyWatch Feed World"

Tabitha Brown has turned a viral moment in 2017 into a sprawling empire across entertainment and retailand shes only getting started.

Sometimes all you need to find your purpose is to eat a good sandwich.

Read Full Story


U.S. Not Ready for War Against Both Russia and China "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Why Would the TN School Shooter Stop to Change Her Shoes? "IndyWatch Feed World"

  READ MORE AT RENEGADE TRIBUNE  Im sure you are all aware of this by...


The Future of Therapy: Cat GPT "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I finally signed into Chat GPT myself instead of just forcing my boyfriend to use it for me. Perhaps its for the best I went solo on this because I had an important question about our relationship. How do you feel about Chat GPTs answer?

Great American Satan:  i accidentally called my boyfriend by my cats name.  i also accidentally tried to feed him cat food.  did i do these things because i subconsciously believe he is a cat?  that would not be good.  why did i treat my boyfriend like a cat?

Chat GPT:  As an AI language model, I dont have access to your subconscious thoughts or feelings, so I cannot say for certain why you made these mistakes. However, its important to remember that accidents happen, and its possible that you simply made an innocent mistake.

Its also possible that your mind was preoccupied with your cat, and you were simply distracted when you called your boyfriend by your cats name or tried to feed him cat food. Its important to take a step back and evaluate the situation without jumping to conclusions about your subconscious thoughts or beliefs.

If youre concerned about your behavior towards your boyfriend, it may be helpful to reflect on your relationship and any underlying feelings or issues that may be causing you to act in this way. Consider talking to a trusted friend, family member, or therapist about your concerns. They can offer an outside perspective and help you work through any issues you may be experiencing.

The struggle is real.  When Mochi was alive and not feeling enthusiastic about eating, Id taken to tapping his food bowl and scooting it toward him to get his attention and trigger his tracking instinct.  One time I not only put the cat food on my boyfriends desk, I tapped it and scooted it toward him.  Just tonight I was low key busting my boyfriends chops and started to call him Hecubus.  But then, my boyfriend is what tumblrites are calling a pathetic little meow-meow.

Im running a fundraiser through April 21st!  Donate at least $3 and you can suggest a word to me that I will rhyme in a rap.  If I just get a few bucks, this rap will be a text poem.  If I reach $500 I will record myself rapping.  If I reach $600 I will do a short video.  Help cover a medical situation, thanks!



Nancy Pelosi gets swift lesson in basic law after declaring Trump must 'prove innocence' after indictment "IndyWatch Feed World"

Nancy Pelosi gets swift lesson in basic law after declaring Trump must 'prove innocence' after indictment | 31 March 2023 | Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) received a swift lesson in basic criminal law on Thursday over her backward response to former President Donald Trump being indicted. "The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law. No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence," Pelosi reacted. "Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right." The problem with Pelosi's response is obvious: The U.S. criminal justice system does not afford the accused "the right to a trial to prove innocence." Rather, Americans accused of crimes are assumed to be innocent. Prosecutors, who officially charge individuals, are responsible for proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. And if a jury unanimously agrees the government failed to meet that standard -- even if everyone "knows" the accused is guilty -- the criminal justice system dictates that the accused is not guilty.


Before European Hegemony by Abu-Lughod revisited "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

On Chinese President Xi Jinping's two days (March 20, 21) visit to Moscow, Pepe Escobar said: In Moscow this week the Chinese and Russian leaders revealed their joint commitment to redesign the global order, an undertaking that has 'not been seen in 100 years.' ----Escobar: In 'Before European Hegemony', Janet Abu-Lughod built a carefully constructed narrative showing the prevailing multipolar order when West lagged behind.


IOF kill Palestinian youth in Al-Aqsa Mosque "IndyWatch Feed War"

April 1, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen Net By Al Mayadeen English  Israeli occupation forces close the doors of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Old City in Al-Quds and assault Palestinian worshippers. Al Mayadeen correspondent in occupied Al-Quds reported that Israeli occupation forces opened fire on a Palestinian youth near Bab Al-Silsila in Al-Aqsa Mosque under the pretext of attacking []


Socura releases Managed SASE service to secure the hybrid workforce "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Socura has launched its Managed SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) service in partnership with Palo Alto Networks Prisma. Market industry researchers expect SASE to be a $60bn industry by 2027 fuelled by the rise of flexible working, which was enshrined into UK law in December 2022, whereby millions of UK employees were granted the right to request flexible working hours throughout their employment. By combining SASE with its Managed SOC (Security Operations Centre) service, Socura More

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Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Philadelphia Judge Denies Latest Appeal for the Release of Mumia Abu-Jamal

Dear Friends, 

"Mumia is the community, Mumia is the world movement, Mumia is the heartbeat  when we talk about revolutionary thinkers, and you know, Mumia represents all that are in prison. Mumia's story as a political prisoner is the story of your family members and your friends who are being held behind bars from a racist system. So we're not stopping , we're not stopping at all." - Jamal Jr. on Black Power Media

Today at 4:08 pm, March 31, 2023, Common Pleas court Judge Lucretia Clemons denied Mumia Abu-Jamals request for a new trial. 

This is simply devastating news.

After 43 years in prison, Mumia Abu-Jamal has exhausted nearly all of his avenues for relief.   

Make no mistake: Justice required that Mumia Abu-Jamal be given a new trial.  

The enemy now is time. At 68 years old Mumia is suffering from cardiac disease and has had a double bypass, and nearly died from lack of treatment for acute Hepatitis C.

If you put thick blinders on that block out all reality and rely on procedural minutia for cover, honestly, it is still impossible to avoid the scorchingly blatant racism of trial Judge Albert Sabo, Assistant District Attorney Joseph McGill, Mayor and former police chief Frank Rizzo, District Attorney during Mumias trial Ed Rendell, and Ron Castille, DA and former Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice.

Striking Blacks from the Jury

Judge Clemons stated that she was dismissing the claim of striking Black jurors on procedural grounds, dismissing Mumia's claim about the prosecutor excluding Black people from the jury, without addressing the merits of the claim.  One only has to look at the McMann training tapes that were made by the Philadelphia DAs office which instructed prosecutors how to strike Black jurors. The tapes were made after Mumias trial, but they document the practice which was th...


18 Years Later "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I recently wrote that I had been looking at many old photos, trying to basically recall much older days because of my sisters wedding (4 days ago).

Roy in ZermattOne experience that I still remember was in 2005 (Zermatt). It cemented my decision to do Free software activism for a lifetime if possible. I wasnt rich, but I came to realise that all the superficial nonsense rich people dwell in does not bring true happiness. Its more about show-off and class consciousness. Thus, the concept of hoarding money or showing money was rather pointless. Id never be interested in it.

My stance or my position has not changed since then (18 years ago). I still do campaigning, I still share all my work/code, and Ive worked hard to secure that for at least another decade to come.


Florida Governor Desantis will not Extradite Trump for Soros-Backed Manhattan Prosecutor "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A New York grand jury has voted to indict Donald Trump following a lengthy investigation into alleged hush-money payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. The decision marks the first time a former US president has ever faced criminal charges, sending the courts into uncharted legal territory. Meanwhile Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, has ripped the []


Russian Minister Medvedev: If US Deploys Peacekeepers to Ukraine, We Will burn Them Up "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Russia will consider so-called NATO peacekeepers as legitimate targets if they get deployed in Ukraine on the front line, Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday. They will be a legitimate target for our armed forces if they are placed on the front line without the consent of Russia with weapons in their []


Meet The Dis-United States of America "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Let me just give you a few on-the-spot personal reactions of mine about the news of the Grand Jury Indictment of former President Donald Trump. Clearly, this is the first time in US history that a former president who is campaigning for office has been arrested for a crime. But This will also be the []


Syria: A State that Withstood a Global War and Emerged Victorious (Part II) "IndyWatch Feed War"

March 31, 2023 Somaya Ali Translated by Areej Fatima Husseini It is impossible to continue with Assad. How can we look forward with a Syrian president who has murdered over a million of the countrys citizens? Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at a press conference in Tunisia in December 2017. The Turkish presidents claims show []


Creating a 3D Visualization of Freely Moving Organisms Using Camera Array and Software Algorithm "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Observing a colony, swarm or similar grouping of creatures like ants or zebrafish over longer periods of time can be tricky. Simply recording their behavior with a camera misses a lot of information about the position of their body parts, while taking precise measurements using a laser-based system or LiDAR suffers from a reduction in parameters such as the resolution or the update speed. The ideal monitoring system would be able to record at high data rates and resolutions, while presenting the recorded data all three dimensions. This is where the work by Kevin C. Zhou and colleagues seeks to tick all the boxes, with a recent paper (preprint, open access) in Nature Photonics describing their 3D-RAPID system.

This system features a 96 camera grid, making for a total of 54 cameras which image the underlying surface. With 66% overlap between cameras across the horizontal dimension, there enough duplicate data between image stream that is subsequently used in the processing step to extract and reconstruct the 3D feat...


Zenoss introduces monitoring capabilities for Kubernetes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Zenoss has launched a free trial for monitoring Kubernetes, the de facto standard platform for running containers in production at scale, including in on-prem and cloud environments. This real-time monitoring of Kubernetes streaming data is another advancement of the Zenoss unified monitoring vision. The Zenoss monitoring capabilities for Kubernetes enable customers to: Begin monitoring in minutes with no training required for operations personnel. Leverage secure, cloud-based monitoring with zero install. Gain insights for Kubernetes clusters More

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Linus Tech (Illiteracy) Tips, LTT, Buys Phoronix Media "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Linus I gotchu fam: Linus Tech (Illiteracy) Tips and PTS

Summary: Phoronix Media is being acquired by a larger company; the site will not change though

Linus Gabriel Sebastian, founder of Linus Tech Tips (LTT), has just announced the transfer of Phoronix Media (best known for and PTS) to his company based in Canada.

Readers of the site wont be affected. They can still get a spoonful of Microsoft chaff along with plenty of (other) and PTS are a strategic addition to our growing portfolio, remarked Yvonne Ho, who will oversee the operations to ensure the benchmarks always include ClearLinux and articles habitually include a Microsoft distro that only Microsoft uses.

Michael Larabel could not be reached for comment. He has been busy this past month trying to figure out new and innovative ways to block all the ad blockers. Mr. Sebastian insists that evading ads is nothing short of piracy.

Readers of the site wont be affected. They can still get a spoonful of Microsoft chaff along with plenty of (other) ads.

Phoronix on Microsoft


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Chinas Global Influence Looms Over Harris Trip to Africa


U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, left, is greeted by Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema in Lusaka, Zambia, Friday March 31, 2023. Harris is on the last leg of a a seven-day African visit that took her to Ghana and Tanzania. (AP Photo/Salim Dawood)

LUSAKA, Zambia (AP) When Vice President Kamala Harris arrived in Zambia on Friday for the final stop of her weeklong trip across Africa, she touched down at an airport thats doubled in size and features glittering new terminals.

Rather than a symbol of promising local development, its a reminder of Chinas deep influence. Beijing financed the project, one of many that has expanded its footprint on a booming continent thats rich in natural resources, often generating goodwill among its citizens.

The global rivalry between the United States and China has been a recurring backdrop for Harris journey, and nowhere has that been more apparent than Zambia and her previous stop in Tanzania.

Besides the airport, China built a 60,000-seat stadium in Lusaka, plus roads and bridges around the country. Zambia is on the hook for all of the development with billions of dollars in debt. Tanzania is a major trading partner with China, and it has a new political leadership school funded by the Chinese Communist Party.

The developments have alarmed Washington, and President Joe Bidens administration is worried that Africa is slipping further into Beijings sphere of influence.

Harris has played down the issue on her trip, preferring to focus on building partnerships independent of geopolitical competition. However, she has acknowledged theres limited time for the U.S. to make inroads on the continent, telling reporters earlier in the trip that there is a window that is definitely open now for American investments.

At a news conference with Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema on Friday, Harris reiterated her call for all bilateral official creditors to provide a meaningful debt re...


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

<p><a href="" rel= "noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img alt="" class= "wp-image-45178 aligncenter" height="473" src= "" width="688"></a></p> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><a href= "" rel= "noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">PRIVATE BLOG North Korea Gets Nukes & Sends 50,000 to Ukraine


Bird of the Day: Lineated Foliage-gleaner "IndyWatch Feed World"

Lineated Foliage-gleaner by Richard Kostecke - Organikos

Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Lukashenko Calls for Negotiations on Settling Ukraine Crisis

As the Belarusian president stressed, in a situation that "the West again tries to use the pause for strengthening its positions by deceit, Russia must employ the entire power of its defense industry and army to prevent the conflict escalation"

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko BelTA/TASS

MINSK, March 31. /TASS/. Negotiations on settling the Ukraine crisis should start as soon as possible, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said in his address to the nation and the parliament on Friday.

"It is necessary to start the negotiations today, not tomorrow. Today, while it is possible. It is necessary to stop now until an escalation begins," the Belarusian leader stressed.

Lukashenko suggested halting the hostilities in Ukraine "without the right of troop movement and regrouping by both sides, without the right to move weapons and ammunition, manpower and equipment."

As the Belarusian president stressed, in a situation that "the West again tries to use the pause for strengthening its positions by deceit, Russia must employ the entire power of its defense industry and army to prevent the conflict escalation."

West's desire to subjugate world triggered conflicts of past decades Lukashenko

The Belarusian leader added that Washingtons policies had placed "self-sufficient, in some respects very strong and truly independent states under external administration"

MINSK, March 31. /TASS/. The hot conflicts of the past few decades began with the West's irrepressible desire to subjugate the world, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said in an address to the Belarusian people and parliament on Friday.

"What started the hot conflicts of recent decades? It was the irrepressible desire of the West to subjugate the whole world. And not even of the West - of just one country," said Lukashenko.

He added that Washingtons policies had placed "self-sufficient, in some respects very strong and truly indep...

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