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Monday, 24 April


VHS Robot Swaps Tapes, as Seen in Hackers Hackaday

A home-made tape robot that stores VHS tapes

Tape robots are typically used in places that store vast amounts of data think film studios and government archives. If youve seen the 1995 cult movie Hackers, you might remember a scene where the main character hacks into a TV station and reprograms their tape bot to load a series he wanted to watch. Its this scene that inspired [Nathan] over at [Midwest Cyberpunk] to make his own tape robot that loads VHS tapes.

[Nathan] has thousands of tapes in his collection, but the robot is not built to manage all of them. Instead, its meant to help him run his VHS streaming channel, saving him from having to physically go to his VCR every time a tape needs swapping. For that, a ten-tape storage capacity is plenty.



Organoid Intelligence: Computing on the Brain IEEE Spectrum

In parallel to recent developments in machine learning like GPT-4, a group of scientists has recently proposed the use of neural tissue itself, carefully grown to recreate the structures of the animal brain, as a computational substrate. After all, if AI is inspired by neurological systems, what better medium to do computing than an actual neurological system? Gathering developments from the fields of computer science, electrical engineering, neurobiology, electrophysiology, and pharmacology, the authors propose a new research initiative they call organoid intelligence.

OI is a collective effort to promote the use of brain organoidstiny spherical masses of brain tissue grown from stem cellsfor computation, drug research and as a model to study at a small scale how a complete brain may function. In other words, organoids provide an opportunity to better understand the brain, and OI aims to use that knowledge to develop neurobiological computational systems that learn from less data and with less energy than silicon hardware.

The development of organoids has been made possible by two bioengineering breakthroughs: induced pluripotent stem cells and 3D cell culturing techniques.

Taking the existing field of neuromorphic computing, where the structure of neurons and the connections between them are studied and mimicked in silicon architectures, OI extends the engineering analogy with the opportunity to directly program desired behaviors into the firing activity of animal brain cell cultures.

Organoids typically measure 500 microns in diameterroughly the thickness of your fingernail. As organoids develop, the researchers say, organoids constituent neurons begin to interconnect in networks and patterns of activity that mimic the structures of different brain regions. The development of the organoids field has been made possible by two bioengineering breakthroughs: induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCs) and 3D cell culturing techniques. IPSCs are stem cellsnotably capable of developing into any cell found in an animals bodythat are created by turning an adult cell back into the stem cell. These induced stem cells are then biochemically coaxed into the specific neurons and glia needed to construct a given organoid. More recently...

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Sunday, 23 April


Epigenetic Test #5: Impact of NMN? Lifeboat News: The Blog

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Linux 6.3 Features Have A Lot For AMD & Intel, Steam Deck, ASUS Motherboards & More Phoronix

The Linux 6.3 stable kernel is likely to be released later today so here is a reminder about the most exciting aspects of this spring kernel release...


Libreboot 20230423 Allows A Few More Boards To Run On Fully Open-Source Firmware Phoronix

Libreboot as the downstream of Coreboot focused on ensuring 100% open-source system firmware support without any lurking binary blobs is out this Sunday with a new feature release...


AI breakthrough lets humans talk with bats and bees changing what we know Lifeboat News: The Blog

Scientists have begun using artificial intelligence to help them communicate with animals and theyre starting small with bats and bees.

AI allows humans to use breakthrough techniques to decode and observe how animals communicate so we can try to speak back to them.

Scientific American spoke with Professor Karen Bakker who is the author of the new book The Sounds of Life: How Digital Technology Is Bringing Us Closer to the Worlds of Animals and Plant.


Task-driven Autonomous Agent Utilizing GPT-4, Pinecone, and LangChain for Diverse Applications Lifeboat News: The Blog

NOTE: This article was written by GPT-4 based on the code base. For more info, read this.


In this research, we propose a novel task-driven autonomous agent that leverages OpenAIs GPT-4 language model, Pinecone vector search, and the LangChain framework to perform a wide range of tasks across diverse domains. Our system is capable of completing tasks, generating new tasks based on completed results, and prioritizing tasks in real-time. We discuss potential future improvements, including the integration of a security/safety agent, expanding functionality, generating interim milestones, and incorporating real-time priority updates. The significance of this research lies in demonstrating the potential of AI-powered language models to autonomously perform tasks within various constraints and contexts.


ChatGPT wont take over from humans for now, says Infosys founder Lifeboat News: The Blog

Murthy said he will use ChatGPT as an instrument, an assistant in producing better quality of work and output but not as a human replacement.

At the end of the day, I am a great believer in the theory that the human mind is the most powerful imagination, machine. There is nothing that can beat the human mind.

Infosys is the worlds third most valuable IT services brand with a brand value of $13 billion, trailing behind Accenture and Tata Consultancy Services, according to brand valuation firm Brand Finances Global 500 2023 report.


Comment les activits spatiales peuvent-elles voluer vers plus de durabilit ? Lifeboat News: The Blog

Remark: This article is from The Conversation France written by Victor DOS SANTOS PAULINO & Nonthapat PULSIRI (V&N) Experts from Toulouse Business School and The SIRIUS Chair (France)

Lorsque nous parlons despace, nous pensons aux toiles que nous voyons la nuit ou de bons films de science-fiction. Or, lespace comprend galement tous les satellites et engins qui sont lancs depuis la Terre. Dans certains engins spatiaux, il y a des astronautes, comme lAmricaine Christina Koch ou le Franais Thomas Pesquet, qui voyagent pendant plusieurs jours ou mois pour de nombreuses missions.

Pendant ce temps, plus de 8 000 satellites non habits oprent sur les orbites terrestres pour amliorer la vie quotidienne. Par exemple, les satellites de communication contribuent amliorer laccs Internet dans les zones blanches, les satellites dobservation sont essentiels pour les prvisions mtorologiques et les satellites de navigation (GPS) sont indispensables pour les besoins de transport actuels et futurs tels que les vhicules autonomes.

Les progrs dans le secteur spatial offrent aujourdhui de nouvelles opportunits dans la mise en orbite de constellations de milliers de satellites (par exemple, la flotte Starlink lance par SpaceX, la socit de lhomme daffaires amricain Elon Musk) ou encore dans lexploitation minire spatiale et le tourisme spatial. Certains pays (dont la France et les tats-Unis) ont par ailleurs annonc que soutenir leur cosystme spatial constituait une priorit pour dynamiser lconomie.

Des socits comme SpaceX ou encore Blue Origin, lance par le milliardaire amricain Jeff Bezos, peuvent en effet stimuler les modles daffaires dautres entreprises dans des secteurs non spatiaux comme ceux de la logistique et de lnergie. Ces nouveaux entrants contribuent ainsi largir limpact des activits spatiales dautres secteurs.

Plus de 3 300 satellites non oprationnels en orbite

Dans le mme temps, la socit civile apparat cependant de plus en plus proccupe par les problmes croissants de dveloppement durable dans les activits spatiales.

Le premier problme...


Generating Entangled Qubits and Qudits with Fully On-Chip Photonic Quantum Source Hackaday

As the world of computing and communication draws ever closer to a quantum future, researchers are faced with many of the similar challenges encountered with classical computing and the associated semiconductor hurdles. For the use of entangled photon pairs, for example, it was already possible to perform the entanglement using miniaturized photonic structures, but these still required a bulky external laser source. In a recently demonstrated first, a team of researchers have created a fully on-chip integrated laser source with photonic circuitry that can perform all of these tasks without e...


AI Weapons Among Non-State Actors May be Impossible to Stop SoylentNews

Governments also have no theory on how nefarious groups might behave using the tech:

The proliferation of AI in weapon systems among non-state actors such as terrorist groups or mercenaries would be virtually impossible to stop, according to a hearing before UK Parliament.

The House of Lords' AI in Weapon Systems Committee yesterday heard how the software nature of AI models that may be used in a military context made them difficult to contain and keep out of nefarious hands.

When we talk about non-state actors that conjures images of violent extremist organizations, but it should include large multinational corporations, which are very much at the forefront of developing this technology

Speaking to the committee, James Black, assistant director of defense and security research group RAND Europe, said: "A lot of stuff is very much going to be difficult to control from a non-proliferation perspective, due to its inherent software-based nature. A lot of our export controls and non-proliferation regimes that exist are very much focused on old-school traditional hardware: it's missiles, it's engines, it's nuclear materials."

An added uncertainty was that there was no established "war game" theory of how hostile non-state actors might behave using AI-based weapons.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Improved Linux Power Savings For Intel Haswell/Broadwell Laptops In 2023 Phoronix

It's been just shy of ten years since Intel launched their Haswell processors that were very successful at the time and was followed by Broadwell. While Intel's open-source Linux driver engineers are primarily concentrated on recent and future Intel hardware platforms, occasionally there is an improvement worth mentioning for mature platforms like Haswell and Broadwell. A new patch series this week will help with some minor graphics power-savings for those still running a nearly decade old Intel Linux laptop...


Flashrom Splits Into Two For This Firmware/ROM Flashing Utility Phoronix

The Flashrom project that serves as an open-source firmware/ROM flashing utility not only for system BIOS/UEFI on motherboards but also capable of flashing firmware for various network / GPU / storage controller cards and other programmable devices has decided to effectively split into two...


Google Continues Working On More Linux HDCP Bits Phoronix

Google engineers continue working on enhancing the Linux infrastructure around supporting High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) for Chrome OS...


Elon Musk spoke about crystal balls, bank lending, self-driving cars and lithium refineries this week. Here are his 10 best quotes from Teslas Q1 earnings call Lifeboat News: The Blog

Musk warned of stormy weather ahead, flagged Teslas key challenges, and touted its Dojo supercomputer and autonomous driving tech as revolutionary.


Week in review: 5 free online cybersecurity resources for SMBs, AI tools might fuel BEC attacks Help Net Security

Heres an overview of some of last weeks most interesting news, articles, interviews and videos: Balancing cybersecurity with business priorities: Advice for Boards In this Help Net Security interview, Alicja Cade, Director, Financial Services, Office of the CISO, Google Cloud, offers insights on how asking the right questions can help improve cyber performance and readiness, advance responsible AI practices, and balance the need for cybersecurity with other business priorities. Wargaming an effective data breach playbook More

The post Week in review: 5 free online cybersecurity resources for SMBs, AI tools might fuel BEC attacks appeared first on Help Net Security.


The Shuttle Engine Needed 3D Printing, But Hackaday

If we asked you to design a circuit to blink a flashing turn signal, you would probably reach for a cheap micro or a 555. But old cars used bimetallic strips in a thermomechanical design. Why? Because, initially, 555s and microcontrollers werent available. [Breaking Taps] has the story of NASA engineers who needed some special cooling chambers in a rocket design for the Space Shuttle. Today youd 3D print them, but in the 70s, that wasnt an option. So they used wax. You can see a video about the process, including a build of a model rocket engine, in the video below.

The issue is the creation of tiny cooling channels in the combustion chamber. You can use additional thin pipes brazed onto the engine. However, there are several disadvantages to doing this way, but early rocket engines did it anyway. Having the cooling path integrated into the system would be ideal, but without 3D printing, it seems difficult to do. But not impossible.

The technique uses wax and machined slots that will eventually become the tubes required. Then you electroplate material on top of the wax to form the outer shell of the tube. In fact, NASA used two electroplating steps: a thin copper layer to close the tube and a thicker nickel layer to provide strength. Copper survives contact with the cryogenic coolant better than nickel does, but nickel is much stronger, so the combination makes sense. Because electroplating n...


Researchers in Japan develop a new ultra-high-density sulfonic acid polymer electrolyte membrane for fuel cells Lifeboat News: The Blog

In a project commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), researchers at Nagoya University in Japan have developed poly(styrenesulfonic acid)-based PEMs with a high density of sulfonic acid groups.

One of the key components of environmentally friendly polymer electrolyte fuel cells is a (PEM). It generates through a reaction between hydrogen and oxygen gases. Examples of practical fuel cells include fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) and combined heat and power (CHP) systems.

The best-known PEM is a membrane based on a perfluorosulfonic acid polymer, such as Nafion, which was developed by DuPont in the 1960s. It has a good proton conductivity of 0.1 S/cm at 7090 C under humidified conditions. Under these conditions, protons can be released from sulfonic acid groups.


Proton Expands its Private Tech Ecosystem With a Password Manager SoylentNews

The encrypted email service has more features than ever and surpassed 100 million users worldwide:

Encrypted email company Proton has announced one of the biggest new additions to its growing suite of privacy-focused apps: Proton Pass, an end-to-end encrypted password manager.

[...] To get a better perspective on Proton's recent changes and its ambitions for the future, Gizmodo sat down with Proton's CEO, Andy Yen, to discuss what the company's been up to and where it's headed in the future. Proton Pass is the most consequential new feature that Proton has released in quite some time. Currently available only as a limited beta, Pass can only be accessed by Lifetime and Visionary Proton users, and even then on an invite-only basis. That said, the company says that a general launch of the app will happen "later this year," meaning it should soon be available to all users.

"A password manager has been one of the most common requests from the Proton community ever since we first launched Proton Mail," Yen wrote in a company blog post. "Proton Pass is not just another password manager. It's perhaps the first one built by a dedicated encryption and privacy company, leading to tangible differences in security."

[...] Speaking with Gizmodo, Proton's Yen said that the growth of consumer interest in privacy services over the past several years has generated more competition in his industry but it has also helped drive business to Proton.

"Back when we started, end-to-end encryption, abbreviated E2EE, was something that spies or crazy people were usingit was barely something most people had heard about," Yen tells me. That changed in the intervening yearsas an ever-compounding slew of privacy scandals drew attention to the dangers of surveillance capitalism and government spying. Today, the average consumer is much more well versed in services like E2EE, said Yen.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


CEO is so worried about remote workers using A.I. and doing multiple jobs he threatens to increase quotas Lifeboat News: The Blog

Clearlink CEO James Clarke has drawn attention for praising an employee who gave up a family dog to return to the office, but his A.Iare also timely.


AI-Powered Speaker is a Chatbot you can Actually Chat with Hackaday

A small speaker with an LCD showing chatbot responses

AI-powered chatbots are pretty cool, but most still require you to type your question on a keyboard and read an answer from a screen. It doesnt have to be like that, of course: with a few standard tools, you can turn a chatbot into a machine that literally chats, as [Hoani Bryson] did. He decided to make a standalone voice-operated ChatGPT client that you can actually sit next to and have a conversation with.

The base of the project is a USB speaker, to which [Hoani] added a Raspberry Pi, a Teensy, a two-line LCD and a big red button. When you press the button, the Pi listens to your speech and converts it to text using the OpenAI voice transcription feature. It then sends the resulting text to ChatGPT through its API and waits for its response, which it turns into sound again through the eSpeak speech synthesizer. The LCD, driven by the Teensy, shows the current status of the machine and also provides live subtitles while the machine is talking.

To spice up the AI boxs appearance, [Hoani] also added an LED ring which shows a spectrogram of the audio being generated. This small addition really makes the thing come...


Terravision - 2,075,625 breached accounts Have I Been Pwned latest breaches

In February 2023, the European airport transfers service Terravision suffered a data breach. The breach exposed over 2M records of customer data including names, phone numbers, email addresses, salted password hashes and in some cases, date of birth and country of origin. Terravision did not respond to multiple attempts by individuals period over a period of months to report the incident.


Simulations with a machine learning model predict a new phase of solid hydrogen Lifeboat News: The Blog

Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe, is found everywhere from the dust filling most of outer space to the cores of stars to many substances here on Earth. This would be reason enough to study hydrogen, but its individual atoms are also the simplest of any element with just one proton and one electron. For David Ceperley, a professor of physics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, this makes hydrogen the natural starting point for formulating and testing theories of matter.

Ceperley, also a member of the Illinois Quantum Information Science and Technology Center, uses computer simulations to study how interact and combine to form different phases of matter like solids, liquids, and gases. However, a true understanding of these phenomena requires , and quantum mechanical simulations are costly. To simplify the task, Ceperley and his collaborators developed a machine learning technique that allows quantum mechanical simulations to be performed with an unprecedented number of atoms. They reported in Physical Review Letters that their method found a new kind of high-pressure solid hydrogen that past theory and experiments missed.

Machine learning turned out to teach us a great deal, Ceperley said. We had been seeing signs of new behavior in our previous simulations, but we didnt trust them because we could only accommodate small numbers of atoms. With our machine learning model, we could take full advantage of the most accurate methods and see whats really going on.


A Delicious Advancement in Battery Tech Hackaday

A series of food items along the bottom of the frame including an unidentified grey block, an almond, a food supplement capsule, a square of seaweed, a square of beeswax, and a crumpled up piece of gold foil. At the top of the image is a fully assembled battery with electrodes sticking out the ends of a block of beeswax and a half finished battery with the nori separator visible.

Electronics have been sent to some pretty extreme environments, but inside a living host is a particularly tricky set of conditions, especially if you dont want to damage the organism ingesting the equipment. One step in that direction could be an edible battery cell. (via Electrek)

Developed by scientists at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, this new cell is made from food additives and ingredients to skirt any nasty side effects one might experience from ingesting a less palatable battery chemistry like NiCd. A riboflavin...


Sebastian Marchano on GNU Taler Techrights

Video download link

Summary: The above LibrePlanet talk was uploaded by the FSF 4 days ago (PeerTube); From the official page: If we look to email as an example, free software made a revolution that is still strong today. Thanks to the protocol definition, the software and the communities around it are able to setup, run and help each other. GNU Taler is a protocol and software that promotes the same revolution in payment methods, where people can participate freely to generate an essential infrastructure for todays society. In this talk we are going to introduce how it works, which are the main components, we will navigate a demonstration and answer why it is different in comparison with other digital payment systems. We will end the session with a roadmap and a guide to join in and contribute.

Licence: CC BY SA 4.0


In Taiwan, Windows Shedding Off Share, GNU/Linux Gaining Techrights

Since COVID-19 broke out in China:

GNU/Linux 1% in 2019, about 4% by now
National security will improve if or when Windows is eliminated altogether. Months ago GNU/Linux rose above 4%.

Summary: The rate at which GNU/Linux is adopted in Taiwan is noteworthy; if those statistics are reliable enough, then from around 1% of desktops/laptops in 2019 GNU/Linux rose to about 4% by now


Detailed Notes on Working With OpenBSD on a ThinkPad X270 SoylentNews

Theologian Dr Corey Stephan has documented his exploration of installing OpenBSD on an old ThinkPad X270. He has posted his rather thorough personal notes which cover the intial setup, such as power management, performance tweaks, Wi-Fi configuration, audio and video, tracking -current, and getting software from the ports tree. He also goes into a bit of his favored tools and workflow.

It is hard not to cherish the partnership of a slightly older ThinkPad and OpenBSD. The ThinkPad X270 and OpenBSD are both minimalist, robust, and customizable. Specifically, the ThinkPad is minimalist with regard to features, robust with regard to physical durability, and customizable with regard to hardware repairability and replaceability. OpenBSD is minimalist with regard to code, robust with regard to security, and customizable with regard to every aspect of the system. Further, since a healthy number of OpenBSD's developers long have used ThinkPads (to the point that I have read some jokes come out of members of their ranks like 'I may use any kind of laptop that I may like, as long as it is a ThinkPad'), the operating system works brilliantly on the laptop both with their stock settings.

Overall, installing and configuring OpenBSD -current on the ThinkPad X270 was the simplest minimalist installation of any operating system on any hardware that I ever have done, even simpler than Debian GNU/Linux or my beloved FreeBSD (and much simpler than a proprietary, dysfunctional operating system Windows or MacOS). Was the total setup process easier than, say, that of a GNU/Linux distribution that uses the Calamares installer and comes preconfigured with a huge array of GNU/Linux drivers? Well, no, it was not, but that is not the point. OpenBSD is secure, nimble, and customizable in an elegantly simple way that interoperates smoothly with this small ThinkPad for my mobile academic research and writing. Even in this topsy-turvy era in which other popular desktop operating systems are have many design choices for form over function, OpenBSD comes as a serious, professional product that is ready to let me focus on my work.

(2021) Recent and Not So Recent Changes in OpenBSD That Make Life Better
(2020) Using OpenBSD Routing Tables to Segment the Home Network for Privacy
(2018) OpenBSD Chief De Raadt Says No Easy Fix For New Intel CPU Bug
and many others.



Alchemy of Innovation Social Network by Laurel Papworth

My thoughts on Emergent Technology, Ancient Religion, Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy and .. stuff.

We are entering into a new epoch for business, for society, for humanity. As AI/ChatGPT swiftly reconfigures our world, how do navigate such vast and alien landscapes while trying to keep jobs, companies, families, education goals? Finding what is uniquely human in our story will help. Id like to think my rambling words might trigger a thought process: how can you be unique & irreplaceable? What is your dharma, your path? Its a big ask: lets take business news also emergent tech, metaverse, AI. Plus philosophy, spirituality & ancient religion. Magic. Then mix. xx Laurel Papworth, (trainee) Alchemist

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Python Package Index Malware Scanning It Will Never Work in Theory

With attacks via open source package repositories becoming more common, it is vital for the community to understand what counter-measures might actually work. "Scan everything" doesn't work: as this intensely practical study shows, even a one-in-ten-thousand false positive rate is too high for repository administrators, but existing tools have false positive rates many times higher than this. What seems more promising is a collaborative approach, and the authors practice what they preach by making their tools and analysis available online.

Duc-Ly Vu, Zachary Newman, and John Speed Meyers. Bad snakes: understanding and improving python package index malware scanning. In Proc. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2023,

While attackers often distribute malware to victims via open-source, community-driven package repositories, these repositories do not currently run automated malware detection systems. In this work, we explore the security goals of the repository administrators and the requirements for deployments of such malware scanners via a case study of the Python ecosystem and PyPI repository, which includes interviews with administrators and maintainers. Further, we evaluate existing malware detection techniques for deployment in this setting by creating a benchmark dataset and comparing several existing tools, including the malware checks implemented in PyPI, Bandit4Mal, and OSSGadgets OSS Detect Backdoor.

We find that repository administrators have exacting technical demands for such malware detection tools. Specifically, they consider a false positive rate of even 0.01% to be unacceptably high, given the large number of package releases that might trigger false alerts. Measured tools have false positive rates between 15% and 97%; increasing thresholds for detection rules to reduce this rate renders the true positive rate useless. In some cases, these checks emitted alerts more often for benign packages than malicious ones. However, we also find a successful socio-technical malware detection system: external security researchers also perform repository malware scans and report the results to repository administrators. These parties face different incentives and constraints on their time and tooling. We conclude with recommendations for improving detection capabilities and strengthening the collaboration between security researchers and software repository administrators.


Mesa 23.0.3 Released With Another Batch Of Fixes Phoronix

Mesa 23.0.3 was released on Friday as the newest stable release for this collection of open-source user-space GPU driver components...


Tiny Three-Tube Receiver Completes Spy Radio Suite Hackaday

In our surface-mount age, its easy to be jaded about miniaturization. We pretty much expect every circuit to be dimensionally optimized, something thats easy to do when SMDs that rival grains of sand are available. But dial the calendar back half a century or so and miniaturization was a much more challenging proposition.

Challenging, perhaps, but by no means unachievable, as [Helge Fyske (LA6NCA)] demonstrates with this ultra-compact regenerative vacuum tube receiver. Its a companion to his recent spy transmitter, a two-tube radio built in or on, really an Altoids tin. The transmitter was actually a pretty simple circuit, just a crystal-controlled oscillator and an RF amplifier really, but still managed about 1.5 Watts output on the 80-meter ham band.

The receiver circuit ended up being much more complicated, as receivers do, and therefore harder to cram into the allotted space. [Helge]s used a three-tube regenerative design, with one tube each devoted to the RF amp, detector/mixer, and audio amplifier stages. As in the transmitter, the receiver tubes are mounted on the outside of the box, with the inside crammed full of comp...


Abandoned Eval PHP WordPress plugin abused to backdoor websites Security Affairs

Threat actors were observed installing the abandoned Eval PHP plugin on compromised WordPress sites for backdoor deployment.

Researchers from Sucuri warned that threat actors are installing the abandoned Eval PHP plugin on compromised WordPress sites for backdoor deployment.

The Eval PHP plugin allows PHP code to be inserted into the pages and posts of WordPress sites and then executed every time the posts are opened.

The malicious code uses the file_put_contents function to create a PHP script into the docroot of the website with the specified remote code execution backdoor. The backdoor will be injected into the file structure when threat actors visit one of the infected posts or pages.

The experts pointed out that the plugin hasnt been updated in over a decade and the number of real active installs is very low. Since the beginning of April threat actors are installing the Eval PHP plugin on compromised WordPress sites and using it to inject malicious PHP code into web pages.

During the last ten years, since the end of March, 2023, the plugin rarely had 1 download a day. Around March 29, the researchers observed daily downloads spike to 7,000. Then, every single day the plugin totaled 3k-5k downloads, while the total number of downloads reached 100,000.

The Eval PHP plugin continues to be available through the WordPress repository, Sucuri explained.

The cause of the surge of downloads is the hacking campaign conducted by the threat actors.

Sucuri reported that all the requests originate from three IP addresses, 91[.]193[.]43[.]151, 79[.]137[.]206[.]177, 212[.]113[.]119[.]6.

The experts explained that the PHP backdoor can hide requests as cookies to avoid detection.

Since the backdoor uses the $_REQUEST[id]...


Distribution Release: blendOS 2023.04.22 News

blendOS is an Arch Linux-based, rolling release distribution which automates installing software from supported distributions (Arch, Fedora, and Ubuntu) into containers. The project's latest snapshot replaces distrobox containers with podman. It is now also easier to install software from Arch straight onto the host distribution. "In addition to....


Movie Company Exposes 150 Alleged BitTorrent Pirates Using DMCA Shortcut TorrentFreak

pirate-flagTracking BitTorrent pirates isnt all that hard since IP addresses are broadcasted publicly. With help from Internet providers, these addresses can then be linked to an account holder.

ISPs dont hand over this data voluntarily; they typically require a subpoena or court order to take action.

In the United States, these subpoenas are typically obtained by filing a copyright complaint in federal court against a John Doe whos known only by an IP address. Most of these cases are filed against a single person, which makes it a relatively expensive process.

The filing fee for these cases is over $400 and there are no guarantees the money will be recouped. Some rightsholders believe that this cost of admission is money well spent, but others are prepared to test alternative routes.

Capstone Studios Targets 150 IP-addresses

Movie production company Capstone Studios is one of those rightsholders. The company decided to take action when it noticed that its survival thriller film Fall, which it co-produced with BuzzFeed, was widely pirated through various torrent sites.

To stop these infringements, Capstone sent takedown notices to Internet providers whose customers IP-addresses showed up in the public swarms. These warning notices, sent through the Cyprus-based company PML Process Management, were meant to be forwarded to the linked subscriber accounts.

We respectfully ask that you stop infringing and redistributing Capstone Studios Corp. copyright protected content, and take the proper steps to secure your Internet so that others do not infringe and redistribute our content as well, they read.

fall notice

The enforcement effort didnt end there. A few days ago, Capstone requested a so-called DMCA subpoena at a federal court in Colorado. The request targets 150 IP-addresses that are linked to allegedly infringing Centurylink accounts.

Clerk Signs Off

These types of subpoenas dont require a court hearing and are typically signed off by a clerk. Thats also the case here. Within a matter of days, Capstones request was granted, which means that Internet provider Centurylink, also known as...


Your Fork Could Someday be Made of Sugar, Wood Powders and Degrade on-Demand SoylentNews

Researchers have created a sturdy, lightweight material made from sugar and wood-derived powders that disintegrates on-demand:

Sturdy, degradable materials made from plants and other non-petroleum sources have come a long way in recent years. For example, cornstarch-based packing peanuts disappear simply by dousing them in water, and some utensils are based on polymers synthesized from plant sugars. But those packing peanuts can't be used to protect anything wet, and plant-derived polymers still take a long time to break down. One potential alternative is a new type of rigid material designed from isomalt, which is a sugar alcohol rather than a polymer. With isomalt, bakers can create breathtaking, but brittle, structures for desserts, and then dissolve them away quickly in water. So, Scott Phillips and colleagues wanted to boost the sturdiness of isomalt with natural additives to create a robust material that degrades on-demand.

The researchers heated isomalt to a liquid-like state and mixed in either cellulose, cellulose and sawdust, or wood flour to produce three different materials. Then, using commercial plastics manufacturing equipment, the materials were extruded into small pellets and molded into various objects, including balls, a dodecahedron, a chess piece and flower-shaped saucers. All of the tested additives doubled the strength of isomalt, creating materials that were harder than plastics, including poly(ethylene terephthalate) (known as PET) and poly(vinyl chloride) (known as PVC), but were still lightweight. In experiments, samples dissolved in water within minutes. And saucers made of the material, and coated with a food grade shellac and cellulose acetate, withstood being immersed in water for up to seven days. However, once the saucers were broken and the coating cracked, they rapidly disintegrated in water. The team also repeatedly crushed, dissolved and recycled both coated and uncoated objects into new ones that were still as strong as the original items.

The researchers say that the material could be used for food-service items and temporary dcor, and then crushed and sprayed with water to fall apart. But even if such items were simply tossed into the trash or somehow got into the environment, the slightest crack in the coating would start their collapse into sugars and the plant-based additives, which the researchers say might be good for soil.

There is also a video

Original Submission



Haptic System Creates Finger-Touch Sensations Hardware-Free IEEE Spectrum

One of the trippiest virtual-reality experiences that Ive ever had was being able to touch an object that didnt exist. Getting immersed in a virtual world through a headset that provides video and audio is one thing, but adding in touch is somehow transformative; physical interaction brings you into that virtual world in a much more direct way. But as with everything related to VR or AR, its all extremely hardware intensive. And especially in the case of augmented reality, all of that hardware can get in the way.

This hardware layer is a problem for virtual touch, because it seems like theres just no way around it. Video and audio have ways of making themselves transparent, like with glasses or contact lenses or bone conduction, which let you experience the real world with an additional layer of reality added on topaugmented reality. With touch, though, there arent good options for transparency, because there has to be some physical thing touching, say, your fingers for you to actually feel sensations. Typically, this is some sort of glove, and whether or not the glove is transmitting a haptic signal, youre still wearing it all the time, which is not transparent at all.

Researchers from the University of Chicago have figured out a clever way around this problem. In a paper that will be presented at the 2023 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, or CHI 2023, (where it will also be honored with a best paper award), they demonstrate a wearable system that can generate tactile sensations across the bottom of your fingers and palm without any hardware getting in the way, by hacking into the nerves on the back of your hand instead.

This method depends on whats called referred sensation, where stimulation of your body in one place gets felt in another placeits like when you accidentally bash your elbow against something but can feel tingling up through your fingers, because the signal has traveled along your nerves up through your hand. In some places, including in the fingers, referred sensation can be targeted with a reasonable amount of precision. With a signal electrode on the top of a finger and a ground electrode closer to the wrist, its possible...


Op Amp Contest: Clever Continuity Tester Tells you Where the Problem is Hackaday

A schematic for a continuity tester that modulates its pitch based on the resistance measured

A continuity tester, as found on most multimeters today, is a great tool for finding broken connections and short circuits. But once youve found a short, its up to you to figure out which part of the circuit its in a tedious job on a large PCB with hundreds of components. [John Guy] aims to ease this task with a continuity tester that modulates the beepers tone according to the resistance measured in the circuit. Tracking down a short circuit is then simply a matter of probing multiple points along a track and observing whether the pitch goes up or down.



Erin Rose Glass: LibrePlanet 2023 Keynote Talk on Education and the Future of Software Freedom Techrights

Video download link

Summary: The above LibrePlanet keynote talk was uploaded by the FSF 4.5 days ago (slides here; PeerTube link); From the official page: As the political stakes of digital technology become increasingly apparent, its clear that an ethical approach to software use and development is more important than ever. While a number of organizations and advocates are doing important work to advance ethical forms of software practice, we continue to miss one of the key sites where software habits and expectations are reinforced and normalized at scale, that is, institutions of education. In this talk, I will discuss the inadvertent role higher education plays in teaching students to passively accept broad forms of digital surveillance and control through its use of popular educational technologies like learning management systems, word processing software, and test taking tools, and how this submission leads to the broader mass helplessness in the face of current technological struggles. Starting with my chance encounter with free software as a humanities graduate student, I will highlight a range of promising contemporary examples of experiments in higher education that push against exploitative trends in educational technology and expose students to the differentiating value and possibility of software freedom. As we chart the course of the future of software, these examples shine light on the importance of educational institutions in the struggle for software freedom and the urgent need for broader community support to help sustain and encourage these precarious endeavors.



Newsom Sending National Guard to San Francisco

The article states: Additionally, the Governor instructed the California National Guard to identify specialist personnel and resources to analyze drug trafficking operations, with a focus on dismantling fentanyl trafficking rings. The California National Guard is going to analyze drug trafficking operations??? Via: Daily Mail: The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, has ordered state police and []


CISA adds MinIO, PaperCut, and Chrome bugs to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog Security Affairs

US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) added MinIO, PaperCut, and Chrome vulnerabilities to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog.

U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has added the following three new issues to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog:

  • CVE-2023-28432 (CVSS score 7.5) MinIO Information Disclosure Vulnerability. The issue resides in a cluster deployment where MinIO returns all environment variables, which allows for information disclosure.
  • CVE-2023-27350 (CVSS score 9.8) PaperCut MF/NG Improper Access Control Vulnerability. PaperCut MF/NG contains an improper access control vulnerability within the SetupCompleted class that allows authentication bypass and code execution in the context of system.
  • CVE-2023-2136 Google Chrome Skia Integer Overflow Vulnerability. The vulnerability is an Integer overflow in the Skia graphics library, the issue was reported by Clment Lecigne of Googles Threat Analysis Group on April 12, 2023. A remote attacker who had compromised the renderer process can exploit the integer overflow in the Skia library to potentially perform a sandbox escape via a crafted HTML page.

According to Binding Operational Directive (BOD) 22-01: Reducing the Significant Risk of Known Exploited Vulnerabilities, FCEB agencies have to address the identified vulnerabilities by the due date to protect their networks against attacks exploiting the flaws in the catalog.

Experts recommend also private organizations review the Catalog and address the vulnerabilities in their infrastructure.

CISA orders federal agencies to fix this flaw by May 12, 2023.

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Redesigned Flathub Site Launches For Flatpak Apps Phoronix

this weekend's Linux App Summit. Flathub remains the centralized website for exploring and finding new Flatpak sandboxed Linux apps...


Archaeologists Unearth a Fanciful Ancient Winery Near Rome SoylentNews

The winery's layout and finishes suggest the wine-making was merely a spectacle for ancient Roman elites:

Archaeologists have discovered the remains of an 1,800-year-old winery at the Villa of the Quintilii outside of Rome. By the team's measure, the winery was designed as much for the spectacle of wine-making as the practice itself.

Decorated rooms around the winery appear to have hosted guests who would observe the wine-making process, the researchers found, and the finishes (including marble floors) seem installed for appearances over practicality. The team's research is published in Antiquity.

"Agricultural labor was romanticized by the ruling classes of many ancient cultures, especially as it was often the source of both their wealth and status," said Emlyn Dodd, a researcher at the Institute of Classical Studies at the University of London, in an Antiquity release.

Journal Reference:
Emlyn Dodd, Giuliana Galli and Riccardo Frontoni, The spectacle of production: a Roman imperial winery at the Villa of the Quintilii, Rome [open], Antiquity, 97, 2023. DOI:

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Mrs. Davis | Official Trailer | Peacock Original Lifeboat News: The Blog

This group might appreciate this new show about fighting the AI overlord, lol:

Mrs. Davis is streaming April 20th on Peacock:

Synopsis: Mrs. Davis is the worlds most powerful Artificial Intelligence. Simone is the nun devoted to destroying Her. Who ya got?

#Peacock #MrsDavis #OfficialTrailer.

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Live: Eliezer Yudkowsky Is Artificial General Intelligence too Dangerous to Build? Lifeboat News: The Blog

Live from the Center for Future Mind and the Gruber Sandbox at Florida Atlantic University, Join us for an interactive Q&A with Yudkowsky about Al Safety! El


At least 2 critical infrastructure orgs breached by North Korea-linked hackers behind 3CX attack Security Affairs

North Korea-linked APT group behind the 3CX supply chain attack also broke into two critical infrastructure organizations in the energy sector.

Symantec researchers reported that the campaign conducted by North Korea-linked threat actors that included the 3CX supply chain attack also hit two critical infrastructure organizations in the energy sector.

The X_Trader software supply chain attack affected more organizations than 3CX. Initial investigation by Symantecs Threat Hunter Team has, to date, found that among the victims are two critical infrastructure organizations in the energy sector, one in the U.S. and the other in Europe. reports Symantec. It appears likely that the X_Trader supply chain attack is financially motivated, since Trading Technologies, the developer of X_Trader, facilitates futures trading, including energy futures.

The researchers also state that two other organizations involved in financial trading were also breached.

North Korea APT groups are known to carry out both cyber espionage campaigns and financially motivated attacks, for this reason, the compromise of critical infrastructure is worrisome.

The attack chain analyzed by Symantec commences with the Trojanized installer named X_TRADER_r7.17.90p608.exe. The executable file is digitally signed by Trading Technologies International, Inc. and contains a malicious executable named Setup.exe.

The malware employed in the attack achieves persistence by invoking a CLSID_TaskScheduler COM object, attempting to create a scheduled task to run periodically the file TpmVscMgrSvr.exe.

The X_Trader application was retired in 2020, but users can still download it from the companys website.

Upon installing the legitimate X_Trader executable, it side-loads the two malicious DLLs dropped by the installer.

The discovery that 3CX was breached by another, earlier supply chain attack made it highly likely that further organizations would be impacted by this campaign, which now transpires to be far more wide-ranging than originally believed. concludes the report. The attackers behind these breaches clearly have a successful template for software supply chain attacks and further, similar attacks cannot be ruled out.

Symantec provided indicators of compromise for this campaign.

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Biofriendly Transient Devices Emerge IEEE Spectrum

Researchers at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., and the University of Sussex, Brighton, England, have created prototypes of new environmentally sustainable devices that can monitor blood pressure and heartbeat, or heal persistent afflictions such as diabetic ulcers.

The devices are also far more advanced than proof-of-concept stage; the Northwestern device, a transient bandage that uses electrotherapy to both monitor and heal diabetic wounds, is resorbed into the body. It may be ready for human trials within a year to 18 months, according to Guillermo Ameer, director of Northwesterns Center for Advanced Regenerative Engineering. The bandage consists of two small molybdenum electrodes connected to a battery-free power-harvesting unit and a near-field communications module that communicates with control software in a smartphone or tablet.

In a study conducted on diabetic mice published in Science Advances, Ameer and his collaborators, including resorbable electronics pioneer John Rogers, found the device led to 30 percent faster healing than a control group using ordinary bandages.

The device works by transmitting a small current from the outer ringlike electrode, which sits around the wound site, to the inner flower-shaped electrode, which is about 120 micrometers across and sits atop the wound. (The mouse study used about 1 volt of current, and Ameer said that may change in upcoming studies on larger animals.) The current stimulates healthy skin regeneration, the progress of which is measured by current differential between the electrodes. As the wound heals and dries, the current differential decreases.

Perhaps the most compelling element of the device is the inner electrode. As the wound heals, the regenerated skin grows over the electrode and completely absorbs it. The outer ring electrode and the accompanying power and communications unit are detachable from the inner electrode. Results of the mouse study showed molybdenum concentrations in the body returned to those similar to the control groups within 22 weeks.

Ameer said he and his colleagues would not have moved forward with the idea if they did not think it was safe.

Its a matter of risk/benefit, like any other drug or medical device, he said. This is not designed for your kid who gets a...


The Freedom to Fail Hackaday

When you think of NASA, you think of high-stakes, high-cost, high-pressure engineering, and maybe the accompanying red tape. In comparison, the hobby hacker has a tremendous latitude to mess up, dream big, and generally follow ones bliss. Hopefully youll take some notes. And as always with polar extremes, the really fertile ground lies in the middle.

[Dan Maloney] and I were thinking about this yesterday while discussing the 50th flight of Ingenuity, the Mars helicopter. Ingenuity is a tech demo, carrying nothing mission critical, but just trying to figure out if you could fly around on Mars. It was planned to run for five flights, and now its done 50.


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1xbet On Line Casino Evaluation $1500 Bonus April 2023

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One Of The Best Reside Casino Sport Reveals 2022 An Final Entertainment h+ Media

One Of The Best Reside Casino Sport Reveals 2022 An Final Entertainment

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Zink OpenGL-On-Vulkan Performance Looking Very Good For Intel Arc Graphics Phoronix

Mesa's Zink driver that implements OpenGL atop the Vulkan API has for a while been in wonderful shape for open-source AMD Radeon graphics and even in decent shape for the NVIDIA proprietary driver stack while it's also been getting into more robust shape for use on Intel's dedicated graphics cards...


CDC Director Admits For The First Time That Vaccinated People Can Spread COVID

Via: Summit News: For the first time, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted to Congress Wednesday that those who have taken the COVID vaccine are still capable of spreading the virus to others. Walensky, who has recently had COVID despite being 5x vaccinated, claimed that her own earlier statements about the virus not being carried by []


CATL Announces 500 Wh/Kg Semi-Solid State Battery

Batteries with an energy density around 500 Wh/kg could definitely be a game changer, depending on cost and cycle life, but none of those details were released. Via: PV Magazine: Chinese battery giant CATL on Wednesday unveiled a new ultra-high energy battery technology initially slated for aviation, and with an automotive cell under development. The []


The Gulagboy Matthew Garrett is Once Again Defending Criminals Techrights

Sooner or later one cannot ignore a trend

Judge: 'insulting' Matthew Garrett

Summary: The misogynistic troll who defends Microsofts serial strangler (he does not believe crime victims who are women), boasts about wanting to stab Debian volunteers, and works on Microsofts agenda inside Linux (including trying to dethrone the founders of Linux and of GNU) has once again topped our expectations by siding with crimes of Sirius Open Source


Alphabet CEOs Pay Soars to $226 Million on Huge Stock Award as Thousands Fired

Via: Bloomberg: The pay package awarded to Alphabet Inc. Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai soared to $226 million in 2022, boosted by a triennial stock grant, making him one of the worlds highest-paid corporate leaders. In January, Alphabet started cutting about 12,000 jobs, or 6% of its global workforce, following months of other measures []


LibrePlanet Talk About Getting Paid to Develop Free Software (and Whether That Should be Done) Techrights

Video download link

Summary: The above LibrePlanet talk by Chris Thompson, Keegan Rankin, Micky Metts, and Ben Melancon was uploaded by the FSF 4 days ago (slides here; PeerTube link); From the official page: There is a great challenge around payment for building platforms and working on free software projects. Sometimes a client will pay for development and other times there are unfunded projects that are built for community use by volunteers. What are some good business models that financially support the developers? Is an infrastructure needed to support payment for working on free software projects? Could OpenCollective be a path for sponsoring multiple development projects for teams of developers?

Licence: CC BY SA 4.0


Meet LOOP: Airbus new space station includes sci-fi-like centrifuge Lifeboat News: The Blog

And it could fly to orbit, in only one launch, by the early 2030s.

European aerospace giant Airbus has just revealed a new concept space habitat called LOOP. The 26-foot-wide (8 meters) multi-purpose orbital module will feature three customizable decks, all of which will be connected by a tunnel overlooking a space greenhouse.

In a press statement, Airbus said its new space station design could accommodate up to eight crew members, and it could be deployed to orbit, in only one launch, by the early 2030s.


The 26-foot-wide (8 meters) multi-purpose orbital module will feature three customizable decks, all of which will be connected by a tunnel overlooking a space greenhouse.


We all contribute should we get paid for that? Lifeboat News: The Blog

In Silicon Valley, some of the brightest minds believe a universal basic income (UBI) that guarantees people unrestricted cash payments will help them to survive and thrive as advanced technologies eliminate more careers as we know them, from white collar and creative jobs lawyers, journalists, artists, software engineers to labor roles. The idea has gained enough traction that dozens of guaranteed income programs have been started in U.S. cities since 2020.

Yet even Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI and one of the highest-profile proponents of UBI, doesnt believe that its a complete solution. As he said during a sit-down earlier this year, I think it is a little part of the solution. I think its great. I think as [advanced artificial intelligence] participates more and more in the economy, we should distribute wealth and resources much more than we have and that will be important over time. But I dont think thats going to solve the problem. I dont think thats going to give people meaning, I dont think it means people are going to entirely stop trying to create and do new things and whatever else. So I would consider it an enabling technology, but not a plan for society.

The question begged is what a plan for society should then look like, and computer scientist Jaron Lanier, a founder in the field of virtual reality, writes in this weeks New Yorker that data dignity could be an even bigger part of the solution.


SpaceXs successful failure is a wake-up call for Starships timeline Lifeboat News: The Blog

SpaceX launched a fully integrated Starship launch vehicle for the first time on Thursday morning, a long-awaited and highly anticipated milestone in the vehicle development program.

The orbital test flight surpassed many expectations. The vehicle cleared Max Q the point at which the most aerodynamic pressure is exerted on the vehicle and flew for nearly three minutes despite eight of its 33 rocket engines failing. The rocket reached an altitude of almost 40 kilometers, the point of stage separation, at which time the upper stage failed to separate from the booster, leading to uncontrolled tumbling and a spectacular midair explosion.

Despite its fiery fate, the test was a success: SpaceX got tons of valuable data that will inform future Starship and Super Heavy prototypes. But for all the wins, the test was a stark reminder that Starship mission timelines are in need of a reset.


First beating-heart transplants from cardiac death donors Lifeboat News: The Blog

Using an organ from a donor who underwent cardiac death, Stanford Medicine surgeons transplanted a heart while it was beatingthe first time such a procedure has been achieved.

Initially performed by Joseph Woo, MD, professor and chair of cardiothoracic surgery, and his team in October, the technique has since been used in adult and five more times by surgeons at Stanford Medicine.

Stopping the heart before implantation can damage the cardiac tissue, so keeping it beating during transplantation avoids further injury to the organ.


Unlimited Hangout: Consolidating Control with Catherine Austin Fitts

Via: Unlimited Hangout: Unlimited Hangout with Whitney Webb Consolidating Control with Catherine Austin Fitts Whitney is joined by Catherine Austin Fitts to discuss the current financial situation and what to expect in the short term, why the US government is using the crisis to push for greater bank consolidation, the FedNow service and the []


AI Poised to Transform Video Compression Landscape SoylentNews

Apple's WaveOne purchase heralds a new era in smart-streaming of AR and video:

Apple's surprise purchase at the end of last month of WaveOne, a California-based startup that develops content-aware AI algorithms for video compression, showcases an important shift in how video signals are streamed to our devices. In the near-term Cuppertino's purchase will likely lead to smart video-compression tools in Apple's video-creation products and in the development of its much-discussed augmented-reality headset.

However, Apple isn't alone. Startups in the AI video codec space are likely to prove acquisition targets for other companies trying to keep up.

[...] AI codecs, having been developed over the course of decades, use machine-learning algorithms to analyze and understand the visual content of a video, identify redundancies and nonfunctional data, and compress the video in a more efficient way. They use learning-based techniques instead of manually designed tools for encoding and can use different ways to measure encoding quality beyond traditional distortion measures. Recent advancements, like attention mechanisms, help them understand the data better and optimize visual quality.

During the first half of the 2010s, Netflix and a California-based company called Harmonic helped to spearhead a movement of what's called "content-aware" encoding. CAE, as Harmonic calls it, uses AI to analyze and identify the most important parts of a video scene, and to allocate more bits to those parts for better visual quality, while reducing the bit rate for less important parts of the scene.

Content-aware video compression adjusts an encoder for different resolutions of encoding, adjusts the bit rate according to content, and adjusts the quality scorethe perceived quality of a compressed video compared to the original uncompressed video. All those things can be done by neural encoders as well.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


NFC Antennas Have Other Uses Hackaday

As NFC chips proliferate, so do the antennas they require for operation, and since many NFC-enabled items are single-use, this means theres an opportunity to put them to other uses. Its an avenue pursued by [Brother-live], as he strips the antennas from spent metro tickets and gets experimenting.

The antenna in an NFC-enabled card is a flexible PCB laminated between the plastic outer layers, with the tracks forming a coil round the outside of it. Using some solvent the cards can be easily separated and the antennas retrieved. Once the chip has been removed they can be cleaned up and soldered to, allowing wires to be connected.

What can you do with an NFC antenna? Not a huge amount as you can see in the (Russian language, English subtitles) video below the break, but he tries it as a not-very-good heating pad, a power harvesting antenna from NFC readers, and perhaps most promisingly, as the coil of a moving-coil speaker. Were not sure how much effort would be worth making on that last front, but we think with a bit of care there might be room for audible improvement.

If youve ever been tempted to have a look at an NFC card, its a subject weve covered before.



KDE Developers Focused On Tackling Many Bugs This Week Phoronix

KDE developers were quite busy this week... In addition to shipping KDE Gear 23.04, lots of bug fixing took place this week with around half of Plasma's VHI priority bugs being addressed...


Santo Fortunato joins our Complex Systems Board. Lifeboat News

Santo Fortunato joins our Complex Systems Board. At Indiana University Bloomington, Santo leads his CoNeX Lab at the Center For Complex Networks and Systems Research.


New injectable cell therapy could resolve osteoarthritis Lifeboat News: The Blog

Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) scientists have created a promising injectable cell therapy to treat osteoarthritis that both reduces inflammation and also regenerates articular cartilage.

Recently identified by the Food and Drug Administration as a public health crisis, osteoarthritis affects more than 520 million people worldwide who deal with pain and . Osteoarthritis is typically induced by mechanical or traumatic stress in the joint, leading to damaged that cannot be repaired naturally.

Without better understanding of what drives the initiation and progression of osteoarthritis, effective treatment has been limited, said lead author Johanna Bolander of WFIRM. Initially, we studied what goes wrong in osteoarthritic joints, compared these processes to functional environments, and used this information to develop an immunotherapy cell treatment.


A patch for the new generation of ESA astronauts Lifeboat News: The Blog

As five new ESA astronaut candidates started their basic training at the European Astronaut Centre in the beginning of April, there is a new patch to represent their transforming journey from Earth to space explorers.


Crimes of Sirius Open Source Reported to the Police

Series parts:

  1. YOU ARE HERE ? Sirius Crimes Reported to British Authorities, Formally Registered With References (Many Victims), Heres What It Means and What Happens Next

Meme on crime: The secret ingredient is crime.

Summary: Sirius is a good case study, especially for longtime insiders; Techrights investigates what it takes to deal with white-collar crime, starting with evidence-gathering to investigation and prosecution (maybe well have some mugshots to share at the end)

PENSION fraud seems rather common in the UK. Companies like pension providers profit from it. It seems to be happening routinely. So much so that it is a special category with loads of options. How many people in the UK report pension fraud each year? Probably a lot.

The crimes of Sirius Open Source go beyond pension fraud, but well focus on pensions here. Sirius isnt so unique in this regard, but there are points to note. The CEO escaped the company last month, but people below processed the payslips with fake claims of pension payments adding up. These payslips were basically lies. The company, Sirius, offered us a pension that did not exist. This was done not just to me but also to my colleagues; there are similar letters sent to them too, with accompanying payslips to demonstrate the glaring anomaly.

For over 5 years the company deducted money, for pension (arranged by Sirius, with alleged contributions of its own), but the money was not given to the pension provider, as formally confirmed by the pension provider itself (final response issued and challenged a week ago).

The company kept deducting for pensions, for another about 4 years, after it no longer even had any records with the pension provider (see letter).

The company refused to talk about this, even when inquiries came from former staff a long time ago. Now the company is in hiding, without a physical office. The companys CEO abruptly left last month (when all this was exposed and verified by the pension provider).

There are at least 3 people who participated in this embezzlement. It must be acted upon urgently as they may be hiding money and tampering with evidence.

As we noted a day ago, theres an upcoming series about the deception as the company may have engaged in debt/tax dodge/bankruptcy. All those pertinent shells of the co...


Holding Criminals Accountable Part I Sirius Crimes Reported to British Authorities, Formally Registered With References (Many Victims), Heres What It Means and What Happens Next Techrights

Series parts:

  1. YOU ARE HERE Sirius Crimes Reported to British Authorities, Formally Registered With References (Many Victims), Heres What It Means and What Happens Next

Meme on crime: The secret ingredient is crime.

Summary: Sirius is a good case study, especially for longtime insiders; Techrights investigates what it takes to deal with white-collar crime, starting with evidence-gathering to investigation and prosecution (maybe well have some mugshots to share at the end)

PENSION fraud seems rather common in the UK. Companies like pension providers profit from it. It seems to be happening routinely. So much so that it is a special category with loads of options. How many people in the UK report pension fraud each year? Probably a lot.

The crimes of Sirius Open Source go beyond pension fraud, but well focus on pensions here. Sirius isnt so unique in this regard, but there are points to note. The CEO escaped the company last month, but people below processed the payslips with fake claims of pension payments adding up. These payslips were basically lies. The company, Sirius, offered us a pension that did not exist. This was done not just to me but also to my colleagues; there are similar letters sent to them too, with accompanying payslips to demonstrate the glaring anomaly.

Now the company is in hiding, without a physical office.For over 5 years the company deducted money, for pension (arranged by Sirius, with alleged contributions of its own), but the money was not given to the pension provider, as formally confirmed by the pension provider itself (final response issued and challenged a week ago).

The company kept deducting for pensions, for another about 4 years, after it no longer even had any records with the pension provider (see letter).

The company refused to talk about this, even w...


Air Hockey Solitaire Hackaday

While air hockey is a fine amusement, it isnt much fun if you cant find someone to play against. Unless that is, you build a mini table with a robotic defender. [Vaib], [Nathan], and [Navish] can show you how. There is a video you can see below that shows two players using the table without the robot.

The project takes a bit of woodworking, as you might expect. You also have to drill 576 holes for the air to lift the puck. Some of the components are 3D printed in PETG, too. The automated defense uses a camera and relies on the fact that the puck is the only red thing on the table. A servo moves to intercept the incoming puck and return the shot. We were disappointed the video didnt show the automated play.

We wondered if they had considered making a pair of the detachable robots and letting them play with each other. If you prefer football, the robot could probably adapt. Weve seen other robot air hockey contenders, so maybe a better idea would be to build different robots and let them compete for a gold medal.



The Humanoid Robot Dream Lifeboat News: The Blog

Heres a nice video exploring the history of the quest to create multipurpose humanoid robots! It briefly discusses promising AI-based methods for generalized motor cognition as well.


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Scientists Discover Mysterious Warm Liquid Spewing From Oregon Seafloor Lifeboat News: The Blog

The field of plate tectonics is relatively new, and researchers are still uncovering the intricacies of geologic faults that cause earthquakes. One such fault, the Cascadia Subduction Zone, is a potentially catastrophic offshore fault located in the Pacific Northwest that has yet to reveal all its secrets. Despite its eerie calmness, it is capable of producing a massive magnitude-9 quake.

A study led by the University of Washington discovered seeps of warm, chemically distinct liquid shooting up from the seafloor about 50 miles off Newport, Oregon. Their research, published in the journal Science Advances.

<em>Science Advances</em> is a peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal that is published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). It was launched in 2015 and covers a wide range of topics in the natural sciences, including biology, chemistry, earth and environmental sciences, materials science, and physics.


LibrePlanet Presentation on Trisquel GNU/Linux Techrights

Video download link

Summary: The above LibrePlanet talk by Rubn Rodrguez Prez was uploaded by the FSF a few days ago (slides here; PeerTube link); From the official page: A recap of the progress and challenges of making Trisquel GNU/Linux 11 Aramo, adding support for ARM and Power architectures, keeping the console installer, packaging of key components, and more.

Licence: CC BY SA 4.0


After Dinosaurs Went Extinct, These Ten Giant Creatures Roamed the Earth Terra Forming Terra

Giantism is wonderfully convenient for those that get there and it is obviously common enough.  Yet it demands a stable environment for it to emerge and few actual individuals.

What has changed on land certainly has been the advent of humanity which is competing for the same food sources.  Other events have also interfered, but competition stopped any rebound.  And yes we did hunt some of those critters.

It is also possible that some of those giants are still extant such a giant snakes and crocs.  Their environment has always been hostile to human entry and they would naturally have a large local exclusion zone.

After Dinosaurs Went Extinct, These Ten Giant Creatures Roamed the Earth

Though we often think of the terrible lizards as behemoths, many later reptiles and mammals also grew to massive sizes

Science CorrespondentApril 18, 2023 3:52 p.m.

Many giant animals roamed the Earth after non-avian dinosaurs went extinct. Illustration by Emily Lankiewicz / Dmitry Bogdanov via Wikipedia under CC BY-SA 3.0 / Dmitry Bogdanov via Wikipedia under CC BY-SA 3.0 / Pagodroma721 via Wikipedia under CC BY-SA 4.0 / Sergiodlarosa via Wikipedia under CC BY-SA 4.0 / public domain


Why atoms are the Universes greatest miracle and the Crystaline Aether Terra Forming Terra

Let us talk first about the Crystaline Aether.  I have finally come to understand that the aether itself has three levels of scaling and that packing is both intense, but also wonderfully separated by scaling.

I also have been telling you that the first level consists of neutral neutrino pairs, naturally self assembling into Platonic Solids able to decay into charged particles whose largest member is the electron or positron.  The bulk is still neutrasl and this allows packing..

The second tier of particles or matter consists of neutral electron pairs which also tend to pack wonderfully again using platonic solids.  The largest packed product is also a platonic solid which we identify as a neutron or more properly as a neutral neutron pair.

what we identify as an atom is a decay product of the NNP and its assemblages.  This has a huge effect on scaling.

Understand that the proton of a hydrogen represents about 4% of the impressed volume.  What that also tells us that the NNP is actually scaled at the level of the the 4% core and that the rest is atomic space is likely filled with NNPs with whatever is their natural spacing.  We have all understood empty space, but i now see packed NNPs unable to react with decayed particles.  

All this passes through us without note or reaction.  The big surprise is just how much the scaling matters.

Why atoms are the Universes greatest miracle

With a massive, charged nucleus orbited by tiny electrons, atoms are such simple objects. Miraculously, they make up everything we know.

Although two atoms ca...

Inside the Sacred Tomb of Newgrange Terra Forming Terra

What makes this interesting is the location and the time.  3200 BC or almost a thousand years before the Great pyramid.  this locality was a certain anchor point for the Bimini to Lewis sea route that had likely already started when this was built.

This is a cultural center and any bones were likely later internments.  sighting the soltice in was common and part of later sites like stonehenge.  Understand that the fleet came here, sailed down to garand Mann in Wales and onto Bristol area for tin and Stonehenge.

when we seriously look, we will find multiple sites on the coast from Georgia around to the mississipi and Lake Superior. The annual trade fleet likely packed several thousand men quite able to build things like this wherever they wanted to land and have a base.  After all they needed to get restocked after making the trip..


Inside the Sacred Tomb of Newgrange: A Fascinating Look at Prehistoric Ireland (Video)

In County Meath, Ireland, stands one of the most mysterious ancient structures in the world - Newgrange. This massive stone tomb, built around 3200 BC, predates famous monuments like Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid . It's almost the size of a football field and contains an estimated 200,000 tons of stone. What's most intriguing about Newgrange is its unique design, including a tri-spiral symbol and a passage leading into the interior.


Yellow crazy ant males have two sets of DNA Terra Forming Terra

Rather interesting to put it mildly.  It can obviously mate with either type, but just how do you create more males with this?  The doubling has to happen as well.  I expect it is a challenge to explain.

I do think chimeras are way more common and normally simply not recognized. I think that the cheeta may well be a chimera lilely created by humanity in the distant past.  They did not stop there at all.

Recall our special crops emerged handy to use around 10,000 years ago in several separate locales around the globe.  This looks like a plan and possibly genetic manipulation as well. Just saying.  Now is this ant useful in some way?

Yellow crazy ant males have two sets of DNA

by Bob Yirka ,

Yellow crazy ants (Anoplolepis gracilipes). Credit: Seychelles Islands Foundation/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY

A small international team of molecular and evolutionary scientists has discovered that male yellow crazy ants (also known as long-legged ants) have two sets of DNA throughout their bodies. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes the unique find and discusses possible reasons for it. Daniel Kronauer with The Rockefeller University has published a Perspective piece in the same journal issue discussing the work by the team and suggests that the unique genetic feature of the ants may explain why they are such a successful invasive species.

Prior research has shown that yellow crazy ants, which are native to Asia and West Africa, have the ability to ada...


Lazarus X_TRADER Hack Impacts Critical Infrastructure Beyond 3CX Breach The Hacker News

Lazarus, the prolific North Korean hacking group behind the cascading supply chain attack targeting 3CX, also breached two critical infrastructure organizations in the power and energy sector and two other businesses involved in financial trading using the trojanized X_TRADER application. The new findings, which come courtesy of Symantec's Threat Hunter Team, confirm earlier suspicions that the


Reporting Crime at Sirius Open Source

Arrest - Mark Taylor SiriUS: I steal money from Sirius staff

Summary: The seriously rogue company, Sirius Open Source (it is not Open Source), has run out of time; with the doors closing and with evidence-gathering concluding, its time to face the music

MY earlier post hinted that this coming week, starting this weekend, we shall escalate a little, starting with a mini series about crimes of Sirius Open Source. These crimes started the very year I joined (2011), based on hard, verifiable (and already-verified) evidence. In parallel, special law-enforcing authorities in the UK shall be getting involved. Such involvement is imperative. The crime was committed by more than one person and several culprits are based in the United Kingdom.

As the title suggests, as before, none of the enablers and beneficiaries would speak about this. Their consistent approach boils down to hide, keep quiet, pretend not to exist. At this stage there is no other choice but to proceed with prosecution and arrest. Litigation isnt necessary, just as youd not sue a thief who broke into your house; you phone the police and report the crime. Weve already gathered the evidence for almost everything. It just took time, but it spares cops the typical excuses/stalling. The Pension Regulator isnt a cop; hence, it doesnt deal with crimes.

As noted several days ago, we got formal (written) letters confirming our allegations. We no longer explore draining out NOW: Pensions (bank details for withdrawal or cheque for us to pick up with paperwork signed) because after months of insistent reminders the company finally did the right thing and followed that up days later. Its just a blunder and a scandal that it took so long and involved them lying about half a dozen times (managers also). How many people out there, outside Sirius, are similarly scammed but arent aware of it. Probably a lot.

Sirius management does not wish to talk about it. When the special crime units phone them all up they will be forced to talk. Those who will face or accept unpleasant consequences did it to themselves. And they did that at great expense to other, innocent, unknowing people (this was covered by several external entities, including Standard Life).


Kodiak Robotics Will Haul Freight Autonomously for Tyson Foods SoylentNews

Kodiak Robotics will haul freight autonomously for Tyson Foods:

Autonomous trucking startup Kodiak Robotics is partnering with truckload carrier C.R. England to autonomously ship Tyson Foods products between Dallas and San Antonio, Texas.

A human safety operator will be present in the one dedicated truck Kodiak is allocating to this pilot. Deliveries will begin this month, according to the company.

The pilot program is the latest in Kodiak's growing string of paid partnerships with major carriers, and it further demonstrates the startup's potential path to sustainability and even profitability once it removes the human safety driver from operations.

A spokesperson for Kodiak said the company aims to remove the safety operator within the next couple of years.

[...] Kodiak says the partnership is not only emblematic of how human-driven trucks and autonomous trucks can work together, but it also provides a use case for autonomy as a solution for moving perishable products in a timely manner.

[...] As part of the partnership, C.R. England is also joining Kodiak's Partner Development Program, which is Kodiak's way of working with carriers to help establish autonomous freight operations and, hopefully, integrate Kodiak's self-driving system into their fleet.

"Our intent is to be a 'one-stop shop' for customers, whether they need their freight moved autonomously or not," said England.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Sirius Open Source Declines to Comment on Fraud at Sirius Open Source Techrights

Arrest - Mark Taylor SiriUS: I steal money from Sirius staff

Summary: The seriously rogue company, Sirius Open Source (it is not Open Source), has run out of time; with the doors closing and with evidence-gathering concluding, its time to face the music

MY earlier post hinted that this coming week, starting this weekend, we shall escalate a little, starting with a mini series about crimes of Sirius Open Source. These crimes started the very year I joined (2011), based on hard, verifiable (and already-verified) evidence. In parallel, special law-enforcing authorities in the UK shall be getting involved. Such involvement is imperative. The crime was committed by more than one person and several culprits are based in the United Kingdom.

As the title suggests, as before, none of the enablers and beneficiaries would speak about this. Their consistent approach boils down to hide, keep quiet, pretend not to exist. At this stage there is no other choice but to proceed with prosecution and arrest. Litigation isnt necessary, just as youd not sue a thief who broke into your house; you phone the police and report the crime. Weve already gathered the evidence for almost everything. It just took time, but it spares cops the typical excuses/stalling. The Pension Regulator isnt a cop; hence, it doesnt deal with crimes.

Sirius management does not wish to talk about it. When the special crime units phone them all up they will be forced to talk.As noted several days ago, we got formal (written) letters confirming our allegations. We no longer explore draining out NOW: Pensions (bank details for withdrawal or cheque for us to pick up with paperwork signed) because after months of insistent reminders the company finally did the right thing and...


CISA Adds 3 Actively Exploited Flaws to KEV Catalog, including Critical PaperCut Bug The Hacker News

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Friday added three security flaws to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog, based on evidence of active exploitation. The three vulnerabilities are as follows - CVE-2023-28432 (CVSS score - 7.5) - MinIO Information Disclosure Vulnerability  CVE-2023-27350 (CVSS score - 9.8) - PaperCut MF/NG Improper Access Control


Before You sudo rm -rf /, Take Some Precautions Hackaday

Maintaining or administering a computer system remotely is a common enough task these days, but its also something that can go sideways on you quickly if you arent careful. How many of us are guilty of executing a command, having it fail, and only then realizing that we werent connected to the correct computer at all? [Callan] occasionally has this issue as well, but in at least one instance, he deleted all of the contents of the wrong server by mistake. To avoid that mistake again, he uses color codes in the command line in a fairly unique way.

The solution at first seems straightforward enough. Since the terminal hes using allows for different colors to be displayed for the user and hostname on the bash prompt, different text and background colors are used for each server. The only problem with this is that his friends also have access to these servers, and one of them is red/green colorblind, which led to another near-catastrophic mix-up. To ensure no edge cases are missed, [Callan] built a script which runs on every new server he spins up which selects two random colors, checks that they contrast well with each other, dont create problems for the colorblind, and then applies them to the bash prompt.

For a proble...


Virsec automates the path to zero trust workload protection Help Net Security

Virsec has unveiled a suite of capabilities that automates the path to zero trust workload protection to increase the speed of protection, stopping attacksincluding zero-daysin milliseconds. Its distinctive feature-set strikes the right balance between granular control, ease of onboarding, and day-to-day operations, with the comprehensive protection. Virsec turns a previously hard-to-use protection approach into a usable solution for security teams of any maturity level. An industry stuck detecting, not preventing Detection and response solutions (EDRs) More

The post Virsec automates the path to zero trust workload protection appeared first on Help Net Security.


Next DLP adds ChatGPT policy to its Reveal platform Help Net Security

Next DLP has unveiled the addition of ChatGPT policy templates to the companys Reveal platform, which uncovers risk, educates employees and fulfills security, compliance, and regulatory needs. The launch of these new policy templates is in response to the dramatic increase in use of large language model platforms in the companys global customer base. With the new policies customers gain enhanced monitoring and protection of employees using ChatGPT. The first policy educates employees on the More

The post Next DLP adds ChatGPT policy to its Reveal platform appeared first on Help Net Security.


Onapsis updates its platform to strenghten ERP cybersecurity Help Net Security

Onapsis has unveiled a series of new product updates for the Onapsis Platform. Enriched with the threat intelligence, the Onapsis Platform further simplifies business application security for CISOs and CIOs alike with a new Security Advisor, new updates to its Comply product line, and critical enhancements that streamline code security from application development to production. As the only cybersecurity and compliance solution endorsed by SAP, Onapsis is proud to lead the charge in helping organizations More

The post Onapsis updates its platform to strenghten ERP cybersecurity appeared first on Help Net Security.


A10 integrates Next-Gen WAF to enable multi-layered security Help Net Security

The last decade of digital transformation has turned most organizations today into true digital businesses. But the effectiveness and economics of cloud operating models have become top concerns. How to best secure, optimize, and automate hybrid cloud environments in the most effective manner is a significant challenge. To solve this problem, A10 Networks is announcing a combined solution of the Thunder Application Delivery Controller (ADC) and the new A10 Next-Generation Web Application Firewall (WAF), powered More

The post A10 integrates Next-Gen WAF to enable multi-layered security appeared first on Help Net Security.


The Cyber Resilience Act Threatens Open Source Hackaday

Society and governments are struggling to adapt to a world full of cybersecurity threats. Case in point: the EU CRA Cyber Resilience Act is a proposal by the European Commission to enact legislation with a noble goal: protect consumers from cybercrime by having security baked in during design. Even if you dont live in the EU, todays global market ensures that if the European Parliament adopts this legislation, it will affect the products you buy and, possibly, the products you create. In a recent podcast, our own [Jonathan Bennett] and [Doc Searles] interview [Mike Milinkovich] from the Eclipse Foundation about the proposal and what they fear would be almost a death blow to open source software development. You can watch the podcast below.

If you want some background, you can read the EUs now closed request for comments and the blog post outlining the problems from At the heart of the issue is the need for organizations to self-certify their compliance with the act. Since open source is often maintained by a small loose-knit group of contributors, it is difficult to see how this will work.



Upcoming Series: How Sirius Attacked Itself (and Its Own Staff) Techrights

Last week: What Happened Months Before Seattle Police Sent Almost 3,000 Pages About Its Arrest for Pedophilia at Home of Bill Gates

Sirius UK blames Sirius US
Sirius US or SiriUS was all along a smokescreen, vapourware, maybe an attempt to debt evasion

Summary: Taking note of the crimes of Sirius Open Source, well soon proceed with a new mini-series about how a company basically self-destructed, based on inside communications


How to Create Your Own Auto-GPT AI Agent SoylentNews

Create an AI agent that works from a set of goals:

To get good output from ChatGPT or another LLM, you usually have to feed it several prompts. But what if you could just give your AI bot a set of fairly broad goals at the start of a session and then sit back while it generates its own set of tasks to fulfill those goals? That's the idea behind Auto-GPT, a new open-source tool that uses the OpenAI API (same LLM as ChatGPT) to prompt itself, based on your initial input.

We've already seen a number of Twitter users talk about how they are using Auto-GPT for everything from creating marketing plans to analyzing market data for investments to preparing topics for a podcast. Based on our hands-on experience, we can't say that it always works well (we asked it to write a Windows 11 how-to and the result was awful), but it's early days and some tasks may work better than others.

If you want to try Auto-GPT on your computer, it is easy to install, and while there are a few sticky points in the process, we've found ways to work with them, or around them to write this condensed guide on how to create your own Auto-GPT AI to help you in your goals.

[...] You may or may not need to add payment information to your OpenAI account. By default, the system will give you a certain amount of free credits. In Editor-in-Chief Avram Piltch's case, it was $18 worth of free credit that he was able to use without entering any payment methods. You may not get as much free credit or may need to add a payment method to your OpenAI account to proceed.

The article has a step-by-step guide for getting up and running on a Windows machine. If you choose to add a payment method, make sure put a limit on how much money it can charge.

Let the chaos begin!

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Links 21/04/2023: More Ads Inside Window, More Layoffs in Proprietary Giants Techrights

  • GNU/Linux

    • Desktop/Laptop

      • Unicorn Media System 76 Adds ThreeCount em, ThreeNew Linux Laptops

        System76 is already taking orders for two of the three new laptops it announced on Thursday, with the third expected to be ready for prime time within a few months. These are in addition to two other new laptops the company has already released since February.

    • Server

      • New Oracle Linux developer preview releases now available

        Oracle announces developer preview releases of Oracle Linux 9 Update 2 and Oracle Linux 8 Update 8 for the 64-bit Intel and AMD (x86_64) and 64-bit Arm (aarch64) platforms.

      • Load Balancing

        Past a certain point, web applications outgrow a single server deployment. Companies either want to increase their availability, scalability, or both! To do this, they deploy their application across multiple servers with a load balancer in front to distribute incoming requests. Big companies may need thousands of servers running their web application to handle the load.



Distribution Release: Manjaro Linux 22.1.0 News

Philip Mller has announced the release of Manjaro Linux 22.1.0, an updated build of the project's rolling-release distribution set with a choice of KDE Plasma, Xfce and GNOME desktops, as well as several community flavours (with Budgie, Cinnamon, i3, MATE and Sway): "Since we released 'Sikaris' in December....


Manjaro 22.1 "Talos" Released With Various Updates Phoronix

Building off December's release of Manjaro 22.0, this Arch Linux based distribution is out now with its next iteration...


Desktops and Laptops in India: 10% for GNU/Linux Techrights

Windows in a freefall, more so if one counts mobile

Desktop Operating System Market Share in India - April 2023

Summary: Desktop Operating System Market Share in India April 2023, as shown above, is a positive sign for GNU/Linux in the worlds most populous nation


Dakota J aka Tomat0 on Building Better Future in the Fediverse Techrights

Video download link

Summary: The above LibrePlanet talk by Dakota J is a physical presence talk which was uploaded by the FSF 3.5 days ago (slides here; PeerTube link); From the official page: The biggest problem that faces the Fediverse right now is the same one that faces a lot of other free-software initiatives. Not mindshare, not features, but one of contribution: how do we encourage people to contribute, how do we make it easier to contribute, and how do we ensure our efforts are coordinated towards what is most needed for the ecosystem? This presentation will focus on lessons Ive learned over the years in my involvement, lessons learned from the recent Twitter exodus, and how this ties back to the importance of organization.

Licence: CC BY SA 4.0



A Dataset of Python Code Change Patterns It Will Never Work in Theory

One of the most effective ways to encourage collaboration is to share your code and data, and that's what the authors of this paper have done. They have assembled a dataset of generalizable Python code change patterns, each of which is annotated with a description of what it does, how it is applied, and where it occurred. I can think of half a dozen ways to use this, and I'm sure many readers can think of more. If you'd like to play with the dataset, you can download it from Figshare.

Akalanka Galappaththi and Sarah Nadi. A data set of generalizable python code change patterns. 2023. arXiv:2304.04983.

common way of discovering unknown change patterns. Such change patterns can be used in code recommender systems or automated program repair techniques. While there are such tools and datasets exist for Java, there is little work on finding and recommending such changes in Python. In this paper, we present a data set of manually vetted generalizable Python repetitive code change patterns. We create a coding guideline to identify generalizable change patterns that can be used in automated tooling. We leverage the mined change patterns from recent work that mines repetitive changes in Python projects and use our coding guideline to manually review the patterns. For each change, we also record a description of the change and why it is applied along with other characteristics such as the number of projects it occurs in. This review process allows us to identify and share 72 Python change patterns that can be used to build and advance Python developer support tools.


Solar Protocol Envisions a Solar-Powered Web Hackaday

A black and white image of the Sun and Earth with a series of lines radiating out from the sun and bisecting rings circumscribed around it. On the Earth are three dots with the text "Active Server" on one exposed to the Sun and two dots representing "Inactive Server"s on the dark side.

The transition to low carbon energy is an important part of mitigating climate change, and the faster we can manage, the better. One project looking at how we could reduce the energy requirements of the web to more quickly adopt renewable energy is Solar Protocol.

Instead of routing requests to the fastest server when a user pulls up a website, Solar Protocol routes the request to the server currently generating the greatest amount of solar power. Once a user is on a website, the experience is energy-responsive. Website style and image resolution can range based on the power left in the active servers batteries, including an image free low power mode.

Another benefit to the projects energy efficiency approach is a focus on only the essential parts of a page and not any of the tracking or other privacy-endangering superfluous features present on many other websites. They go into much more depth in the Solar Protocol Manifesto. As a community project, Solar Protocol is still looking for more stewards since the network can go down if an insufficient number of servers are generating electricity.

For more details on the project that inspired Solar Protocol, check out this low-tech website....


A Prehistoric Method for Tailoring Clothes May be Written in Bone SoylentNews

A punctured bone fragment predates eyed needles in Western Europe by about 15,000 years:

An animal bone fragment full of human-made pits hints at how prehistoric people in Western Europe may have crafted clothing.

The nearly 40,000-year-old artifact probably served as a punch board for leatherwork, researchers report April 12 in Science Advances. They suggest that the bone fragment rested beneath animal hide while an artisan pricked holes in the material, possibly for seams. If so, it's the earliest-known tool of its kind and predates eyed needles in the region by about 15,000 years.

Found at an archaeological site south of Barcelona, the roughly 11-centimeter-long bone fragment contains 28 punctures scattered across one flat side, with 10 of them aligned and fairly evenly spaced.

The marks don't seem to have been a notation system or decoration, given that some holes are hard to see and the bone fragment wasn't otherwise shaped, says archaeologist Luc Doyon of the University of Bordeaux in France. He thought leatherwork could have made the marks. But it wasn't until he visited a cobbler shop and saw one of the artisan's tools that the hypothesis solidified, guiding Doyon's next steps.

[...] Scientists knew that humans wore clothing long before the oldest-known eyed needles existed (SN: 4/20/10). "What [the new finding] tells us is that the first modern humans who lived in Europe had the technology in their toolkit for making fitted clothes," Doyon says.

Journal Reference:
Luc Doyon, Thomas Faure, Montserrat Sanz, et al., A 39,600-year-old leather punch board from Canyars, Gav, Spain [open], Sci. Adv., 12, 2023. (DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adg0834)

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.



Software Detective Debunked Mike Lindells Election Fraud Claims IEEE Spectrum

Robert Zeidman, a software detective who literally wrote the book on looking for evidence of wrongdoing in lines of computer code (The Software IP Detectives Handbook), was awarded US $5 million on 19 April by an arbitration panel for winning the Prove Mike Wrong challenge. That is, he debunked a claim made by MyPillow founder Mike Lindell, who insisted that he had data documenting Chinese interference in the 2020 election. Lindell announced the contest during a 2021 so-called cyber symposium in South Dakota. He handed 11 files over to contestants, including binary files, text files, and a spreadsheet, and offered the cash prize to anyone who could prove that the data wasnt related to the 2020 election.

Zeidman quickly did so, documenting his analysis in a 15-page report that concluded the data Lindell provides, and represents reflects information from the November 2020 election, unequivocally does not contain packet data of any kind and do not contain any information related to the November 2020 election. Zeidman detailed the steps he had taken to analyze the data, ruling out an election connection.

I am a digital detective. I can figure out who stole what from whom.
Robert Zeidman

Coming to this conclusion this apparently wasnt all that hard. Some of the data, Zeidman recently told the Las Vegas Review-Journal, looked like someone had simply typed random numbers; another data set had been created just days before the contest, not before the 2020 election, pretty obvious given that creation dates on the files had not been altered.

Lindell rejected Zeidmans attempt to claim the prize.

Zeidman, per the contest rules, took the matter to arbitration, and on Wednesday the arbitration panel found for Zeidman. In its 23-page report, made available by The Washington Post, the panel pointed out that Zeidman said he entered the contest not expecting to winbelieving that any data offered had to have been strictly vettedbut in order to see history in the making. The data had, the report indicated, been sent to a so...


1xbet Promo Code India 2023 Vip Bonus h+ Media

1xbet Promo Code India 2023 Vip Bonus

Ultimately, you can bet with the confidence that your money will be protected and guarded. Theres lots of selection on the net site, and youll choose essentially the most suitable one in your betting needs. When you make your first deposit, youll be rewarded with a 130% deposit match bonus of up to EUR1,500 and a hundred and fifty free spins. You will have to wager the quantity of the bonus twice, in accumulator 5x bets or 1x video games. Many players have an interest in the question of where to get 1xBet Promo Code free of charge bet. Unfortunately, when registering, players are given a deposit bonus.

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Newest Online Betting India h+ Media

Newest Online Betting India

Make sure to learn the entireT&Cpage for all details concerning the usage of this bonus. To declare the primary portion, you need to deposit no less than 10, whereas for the remaining deposit match offers, you should deposit no less than 15 in forex equivalent. Accumulator of the day If your accumulator guess of the day wins, 1xBet will improve the odds by 10%. Another betting website, FairPlay, too, has been on an advertising overdrive in the course of the Asia Cup and the US Open, in an try to lure new prospects.

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Each bonus must be wagered 35 instances on games contributing to the wagering requirement. See the separate record of games excluded underneath clause 26.2. We advocate you open the aspect menu and head onto your Personal Details page to enter the lacking details.

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The sports activities section is straightforward to seek out within the high menu bar with a drop-down option which can take you on to popular sections throughout the betting section. Once you find the 1xbet app, click on on Get to download and install the app on your device. On the other hand, the choice of 1xBet payment strategies is huge, and they also accept over forty totally different cryptocurrencies. Both of the above choices are available in English and Hindi which is no less than one redeeming factor. We have heard some reviews of it taking a very long time to get a reply by way of e-mail, therefore wed counsel talking to a customer support agent over the cellphone. Its worth noting that theres no details given on how long itll take 1xMan to reach after your request is made.

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Dairy Foods Helped Ancient Tibetans Thrive in One of Earth's Most Inhospitable Environments SoylentNews

Ancient protein evidence shows milk consumption was a powerful cultural adaptation that stimulated human expansion onto the highland Tibetan Plateau:

The Tibetan Plateau, known as the "third pole", or "roof of the world", is one of the most inhospitable environments on Earth. While positive natural selection at several genomic loci enabled early Tibetans to better adapt to high elevations, obtaining sufficient food from the resource-poor highlands would have remained a challenge.

Now, a new study in the journal Science Advances reveals that dairy was a key component of early human diets on the Tibetan Plateau. The study reports ancient proteins from the dental calculus of 40 human individuals from 15 sites across the interior plateau.

[...] Ancient protein evidence indicates that dairy products were consumed by diverse populations, including females and males, adults and children, as well as individuals from both elite and non-elite burial contexts. Additionally, prehistoric Tibetan highlanders made use of the dairy products of goats, sheep, and possibly cattle and yak. Early pastoralists in western Tibet seem to have had a preference for goat milk.

"The adoption of dairy pastoralism helped to revolutionize people's ability to occupy much of the plateau, particularly the vast areas too extreme for crop cultivation," says Prof. Nicole Boivin, senior author of the study.

[...] "We were excited to observe an incredibly clear pattern," says Li Tang. "All our milk peptides came from ancient individuals in the western and northern steppes, where growing crops is extremely difficult. However, we did not detect any milk proteins from the southern-central and south-eastern valleys, where more farmable land is available."

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


1xbet App 1xbet Cell 1xbet App Download 1xbet Apk Download 1xbet Android h+ Media

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There are eight levels gamers can reach and each considered one of them brings extra lucrative prizes than the final. The more you play, the soo...


Betting Website, Blacklisted And Declared Illegal In Several International Locations Together With Us, Uk And Russia, Makes Backdoor Entry Into India h+ Media

Betting Website, Blacklisted And Declared Illegal In Several International Locations Together With Us, Uk And Russia, Makes Backdoor Entry Into India

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Each of the events in the line has a special icon a monitor with the word inside. A lot of usual soccer teams make cyber models and enroll gamers for FIFA to develop their model on the planet. Ability to use INR for...


1xbet Bonus India 2022 h+ Media

1xbet Bonus India 2022

The waiting time to recharge your wallet usually takes a couple of minutes, however it all depends on the fee system you choose. To simply work out how to do this, read our information below. Popular worldwide group recreation with a ball and objective. Teams of eleven gamers should rating probably probably the most targets towards their opponents to win. At 1xbet all soccer tournaments could be present in your betting. You will have the power to watch LIVE Broadcasts in good quality.

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1xbet Cricket Betting Evaluation h+ Media

1xbet Cricket Betting Evaluation

The commission charge is usually round 4-7% per withdrawal, relying on the e-wallet youll finally select to install. A good line, many various sports, high coefficients. I am an enormous fan of cricket and when selecting a bookie I always pay consideration to how this sport is introduced on its web site. Bonuses vary from 25 to 100%, relying on the deposit made. Depending on the selected kind of registration, enter the knowledge in the required fields.

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Miniature Concrete Hoover Dam Is Tiny Engineering Done Right Hackaday

Growing up, we got to play with all kinds of things in miniature. Cars, horses, little LEGO houses, the lot. What we didnt get is a serious education with miniature-sized dams. This recreation of the glorious Hoover Dam from the [Creative Construction Channel] could change all that for the next generation.

The build starts with the excavation of a two-foot long curve in a replica riverbed. A cardboard base is installed in the ditch, and used as a base for vertical steel wires. Next, the arch of the dam is roughed out with more steel wires installed horizontally to create a basic structure. The cardboard is then be removed from the riverbed, with the steel structure remaining. Its finally time to pour real concrete, with a foundation followed by the main pour into foam formwork. The dam is also given 3D printed outlets that can be opened to allow water to pass through complete with sma...


American Bar Association (ABA) suffered a data breach,1.4 million members impacted Security Affairs

The American Bar Association (ABA) disclosed a data breach, threat actors gained access to older credentials for 1,466,000 members.

The American Bar Association (ABA) is a voluntary bar association of lawyers and law students; it is not specific to any jurisdiction in the United States. The ABA has 166,000 members as of 2022.

The attackers may have gained access to the members credentials for a legacy member system that was decommissioned in 2018.

The security breach was detected on March 17, 2003 and according to the company the intrusion begun on or about March 6, 2023. The organization on Thursday began notifying members.

On March 17, 2023, the ABA observed unusual activity on its network. The incident response plan was immediately activated response, and cybersecurity experts were retained to assist with the investigation, reads the data breach notification email sent to impacted members, as reported by BleepingComputer.

The investigation determined that an unauthorized third party gained access to the ABA network beginning on or about March 6, 2023 and may have acquired certain information.

The investigation launched into the incident revealed that that an unauthorized third party obtained usernames and hashed and salted passwords for members online accounts on the ABA website prior to 2018 or the ABA Career Center since 2018.

According to BleepingComputer, 1,466,000 members were impacted by this breach.

The organization did not provide details about the attack.

It it important to highlight that even with the passwords being hashed and salted, threat actors can obtain the plain text the passwords, especially for weak passwords.

The bad news is that many members used a default password assigned by the platform and never changed it over the time....


The Python Software Foundation on European cybersecurity

This ten days old but hopefully better late than never: the Python Software Foundation has put out an article describing how the proposed European "cyber resilience act" threatens the free-software community.

Under the current language, the PSF could potentially be financially liable for any product that includes Python code, while never having received any monetary gain from any of these products. The risk of huge potential costs would make it impossible in practice for us to continue to provide Python and PyPI to the European public.

The Internet Systems Consortium has also recently put out a statement on the proposal.


Distribution Release: Voyager Live 23.04 News

Voyager Live is an Ubuntu-based distribution featuring the GNOME and Xfce desktop environments. The project's latest release merges its two desktop editions into one which allows the user to select their session at login time. An English translation of the French


Europe, World: Heating and Breaching SoylentNews

It looks like the Paris Agreement is as dead as the fried chicken at my local deli.

At Paris, in 2015, the World agreed to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The latest report of the EU's Climate Change Service shows (summary pdf) that this target has been royally breached, at least for Europe. Temperatures there, averaged over the last 5 years, have increased by 2.2 degrees celsius.

Europe, at least, has a climate change service to measure these things. As for the rest of the world, an extrapolation of the pattern shown in Figure 1c, here, indicates that, there too, demand for swimming pools and flood insurance will grow.

To illustrate the complexity of the problem, the heatwave in mid-July of 2022 was caused by hot air from the Sahara moving into Europe, driving temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius. By mid-August, a stationary high-pressure system with clear skies and weak winds took hold, and caused a second heatwave, which was made worse due to the soil being dried out by the mid-July event, and no rains since.

Events above the Sahara might have come a second time in play, here. Increasing temperatures lead to a stronger evaporation over sea, while the land heats up more. This results in a stronger temperature gradient, which draws rains deeper inland: heavier rainfalls now are reported in the central Sahara, in summer, with formerly dry valleys being put under four meters of water. This causes less Sahara dust in the atmosphere, and hence shields the land less from solar radiation: the EU's report mentions that 2022 surface solar radiation was the highest in a 40 year record, and part of a positive trend.

To end with a positive note, the EU ain't doing so bad, compared to Greenland: three different heatwaves in 2022, and an average September temperature more than 8 degrees Celsius higher than normal.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Btrfs Receives A Very Important Last Minute Fix For Linux 6.3 Phoronix

Ahead of the Linux 6.3 kernel being potentially released as stable on Sunday, two last minute patches for the Btrfs file-system driver were submitted today to address a pressing problem since Linux 6.2...


Legit Torrents Shuts Down After 17 Years TorrentFreak

legit torrentsOver the years, we have reported on the demise of hundreds of torrent sites. Many of them folded due to legal pressure.

This week yet another site bites the dust; one that has been around since 2005, when the likes of TorrentSpy and Mininova ruled the scene.

While those two giants would eventually succumb to legal pressure, Legit Torrents kept on going. Unlike most others, this site specifically focused on content that would not cause any trouble with rightsholders.

RIP Legit Torrents (2005 2023)

Legit Torrents managed to flourish in its small niche for roughly 17 years but has now decided to shut down. According to its founder and operator, Dustin Montgomery, recent technical issues proved to be too much of a challenge.

The trouble started when the servers IP address was null-routed for sending spam or hosting malware. The action was the result of a larger IP address being blocked, which made it impossible for the sites hosting provider to restore the server remotely.

Technically, it would have been possible to rebuild the server and site, but after spending most of his life maintaining Legit Torrents, Dustin decided that the time had come to shut it down.

I started Legit Torrents in the fall of 2005. I was still in high school and back then there was no 100% legal torrent tracker that anyone could easily submit to, he recalls in a farewell message posted on the site.

Millions of Views

Like many others at the time, Legit Torrents began as a hobby project with minimal resources. Dustin recalls that it initially started out with a free subdomain. When traffic eventually started to come in, he made the sites first investment by picking up the name for $0.99.

Legit Torrents in 2007

legit torrents 2007

In the years that followed the site signed up roughly 50,000 users and hosted 5,500 torrents. With a few thousand pageviews a day, it certainly wasnt the most popular torrent sit...


Distribution Release: Ubuntu Kylin 23.04 News

Ubuntu Kylin is an Ubuntu community edition optimized for an updated Mesa graphics driver. The release announcement (Chinese, English) reads: "On April 21, 2023, the Ubuntu Kylin team....


System 76 Adds ThreeCount em, ThreeNew Linux Laptops FOSS Force

System76 is already taking orders for two of the three new laptops it announced on Thursday, with the third expected to be ready for prime time within a few months. These are in addition to two other new laptops the company has already released since February.

The post System 76 Adds ThreeCount em, ThreeNew Linux Laptops appeared first on FOSS Force.


Video Friday: Googly Eye IEEE Spectrum

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

Robotics Summit & Expo: 1011 May 2023, BOSTON
ICRA 2023: 29 May2 June 2023, LONDON
RoboCup 2023: 410 July 2023, BORDEAUX, FRANCE
RSS 2023: 1014 July 2023, DAEGU, SOUTH KOREA
IEEE RO-MAN 2023: 2831 August 2023, BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA
Humanoids 2023: 1214 December 2023, AUSTIN, TEXAS

Enjoy todays videos!


[ Atonaton ]

Off-road terrain presents unique challenges for autonomous driving: steep slopes, ditches, rocks, vegetation, and ever-changing weather conditions. To ensure that our software stack is robust to anything it may encounter, we are constantly in the field testing and learning. This video shows clips of our field activities in late 2022 and early 2023, including our initial work with fully unoccupied vehicles.

Some real DARPA Grand Challenge vibes here, except where these robots are going, they dont need roads.



This Harvard Law Professor is an Expert on Digital Technology IEEE Spectrum

Jonathan L. Zittrain wears many hats. An expert on the Internet, digital technology, law, and public policy, he regularly contributes to public discussions about what digital tech is doing to us and what we should do about itmost recently around the governance of AI and the incentives that shape major social media platforms.

He holds several roles, all at Harvard, reflecting his many converging interests. He is a professor of international law at Harvard Law School, a professor of public policy at its Kennedy School, and a professor of computer science at the universitys John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Hes also cofounder and faculty director of Harvards Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society.

In his various capacities, he has been tackling many sticky cyberpolicy issues over the past 25 years.

Jonathan L. Zittrain




Professor of international law, professor of public policy, professor of computer science


Yale, Harvard


The Future of the Internetand How to Stop It (Yale University Press, 2009)

Lately, Ive been working on the question of how to regulate and govern generative technologiesthat is, technologies like the Internet, the Web, and generative AI that allow contribution and development from nearly anyone or anywhere, Zittrain says.

Hes also curious about what role public interest plays in techs evolution, which these days is largely a product of market forces.

Im deeply interested in whether and how fast-growing and rapidly deployed technologies such as AI large language models and new distributed activity networks like those of Web3 should be governed or regulated.

CompuServe launched his career

Zittrain first got involved with computers in 1983, when he was in high school, and his parents gave him a US $99 Texas Instruments TI-99/4A, the first 16-bit home computer. Using a hand-me-down television set as a monitor, and a dial-up modem, he connected the computer to...


With AI Watermarking, Creators Strike Back IEEE Spectrum

This article is part of our exclusive IEEE Journal Watch series in partnership with IEEE Xplore.

AI models rely on immense data sets to train their complex algorithms, but sometimes the use of those data sets for training purposes can infringe on the rights of the data owners. Yet actually proving that a model used a data set without authorization has been notoriously difficult. However, a new study published in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, researchers introduce a method for protecting data sets from unauthorized use by embedding digital watermarks into them. The technique could give data owners more say in who is allowed to train AI models using their data.

The simplest way of protecting data sets is to restrict their use, such as with encryption. But doing so would make those data sets difficult to use for authorized users as well. Instead, the researchers focused on detecting whether a given AI model was trained using a particular data set, says the studys lead author, Yiming Li. Models known to have been impermissibly trained on a data set can be flagged for follow up by the data owner.

Watermarking methods could cause harm, too, though. Malicious actors, for instance, could teach a self-driving system to incorrectly recognize stop signs as speed limit signs.

The technique can be applied to many different types of machine-learning problems, Li said, although the study focuses on classification models, including image classification. First, a small sample of images is selected from a data set and a watermark consisting of a set pattern of altered pixels is embedded into each image. Then the classification label of each watermarked image is changed to correspond to a target label. This establishes a relationship between the watermark and the target label, creating whats called a backdoor attack. Finally, the altered images are recombined with the rest of the data set and published, where its available for consumption by authorized users. To verify whether a particular model was trained using the data set, researchers simply run watermarked images through the model and see whether they get back the target label.

The technique can be used on a broad range of AI models. Because AI models naturally learn to incor...

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Friday, 21 April


Sharper 3D Holograms Come Into Focus IEEE Spectrum

Actual 3D holograms may be achievable in a projected medium that arent blurry or fuzzy but still appear to have real depth, according to a new study. The researchers, based in China and Singapore, exerted a new level of control over the hologram projections scattering medium.

Much like flying cars or warp-speed travel, holograms are a kind of technology that was overpromised by science fiction but underdelivered in reality. Today this technology is advanced enough to resurrect pop stars, like Whitney Houston, for convincing stage shows, but the depth of these projections mean that the hologram experience lacks convincing three-dimensionality. Low axial resolutionwhich is equivalent to the distance from the nearest image plane in focus to the farthest field in focus, also called depth of fieldand high levels of crosstalk interference between projection planes have long prevented 3D holograms from achieving finer depth control.

One of the innovations the team developed is a modulating medium for projecting imagessimilar to what LCD display screens use.

Now, a research team from the University of Science and Technology of China and the National University of Singapore have reported a new technique to solve both of these problems at once to create ultrahigh-density 3D holograms.

Our work presents a new paradigm towards realistic 3D holograms that can deliver an exceptional representation of the 3D world around us, says senior author on the paper, Lei Gong, an associate professor of optical engineering at the University of Science and Technology of China. Gong and colleagues call this method 3D scattering-assisted dynamic holography.

The new method might benefit real-life applications such as 3D printing, optical encryption, imaging and sensing, and more, he continues.

Large-scale 3D holograms are typically created by scattering a projection across many planes to create a stack of pixels that when viewed together give the impression of a virtual, 3D object. Stacking these image planes close together can create high-density images. However increasing the plane density can also generate interference in the form of cross talk, Gong says.

In short, cross talk is the mutual-intensity interference between images projected at different depths, he says....

Thursday, 20 April


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