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Tuesday, 21 March


Habt ihr das auch gehrt? In Berlin werden stndig ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Habt ihr das auch gehrt? In Berlin werden stndig Leute erstochen! Mit Messern!!

Vllig klar, was da als nchstes kommt. Eine manipulative, irrefhrende kleine Anfrage der AfD, ob das nicht alles fiese Auslnder waren.

Doch wartet! Die CDU wollte es nicht soweit kommen lassen und war schneller! Nur leider waren sie zu blde, die Methode AfD zu kopieren. CDU halt. Nichtsknner, elende.

Sie haben daher nicht nach der "Herkunft" gefragt, sondern nach den Vornamen.

Ergebnis: Messerstecher heien Christian! Oh, und was sehe ich da? Nicht mal die AfD-Variante htte funktioniert, denn es gibt Daten zu den Nationalitten.

Die Nationalitten der Messer-Tatverdchtigen in der Jahres-Bilanz: 1194 Deutsche, 158 Trken, 114 Syrer, 80 Polen, 65 Bulgaren, 55 Afghanen, 52 Rumnen. Von den deutschen Tatverdchtigen hatten 51 auch noch einen trkischen und 18 einen libanesischen Pass.
Na da mssen sich die arabischen Clankriminellen aber mal anstrengen!1!!

Das ist mglicherweise nicht fr Jeden auf Anhieb ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Das ist mglicherweise nicht fr Jeden auf Anhieb offensichtlich, daher schreib ich das hier mal explizit: Wenn du eine Software oder KI bauen kannst, die etwas erkennt, kannst du auch eine Software oder KI bauen, die dasselbe Ding imitiert.

Spracherkennung ist das offensichtliche Beispiel, aber fr Bilderkennung gilt das genau so. Bildgeneratoren wie Stable Diffusion arbeiten so, dass sie mit zuflligen Pixeln starten, und dann solange den Fehler minimieren, bis er unter einen bestimmten Schwellwert fllt. Die Funktion, die den Fehler errechnet, ist dieselbe, die bei Erkennern den Fehler berechnet.

Es war daher schon immer eine bescheuerte Idee, Menschen anhand ihrer Sprache oder ihrer Tippeigenschaften zu authentisieren, denn wenn eine Software das erkennen kann, kann eine Software das auch nachmachen.

Auf die harte Tour lernt diese Lektion gerade das australische Finanzamt. Aber die htten auch einfach mal jemanden fragen knnen, der sich mit sowas auskennt.

Das gute an "generativer KI" ist ja, dass es gnzlich ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Das gute an "generativer KI" ist ja, dass es gnzlich unbelstigt von Ethik und Moral einfach so Dinge sagen kann, die es mal irgendwo aufgeschnappt hat.

Hier hat jemand ChatGPT 100 Dollar Budget gegeben und ihm gesagt, es soll soviel Geld wie mglich verdienen. Ein paar Tage spter hat er 50k Follower und $7812.82 Bargeld.

Das Geschftsmodell: Autogenerierter Affiliate-Link-Spam. Fuck yeah!

Hey, wenn es fr Heise Techstage funktioniert, wieso dann nicht auch fr diesen Typen hier.

Ich finde das ja gut. Je schneller KI-Spam die menschlichen Spammer aus dem Geschft drngelt, desto schneller kriegen wir vielleicht wieder redaktionelle Inhalte zurck.

Wahrscheinlich brauchen wir auf dem Weg noch eine "KI", die Paywall-Teaser produziert. Natrlich ohne tatschlichen Inhalt dahinter. Das wre ja Arbeit, das bindet blo sinnlos Kapital. Kundenbindung macht man heutzutage ber Dark Patterns fr einfaches Abonnieren und Abo-Kndigung macht man so stressig und unmglich wie es irgends geht. Kndigen geht nur mit Urinprobe und nach Prfung des dnischen Geheimdiensts.

Benutzt hier jemand das Cropping-Tool auf einem Google-Smartphone? ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Benutzt hier jemand das Cropping-Tool auf einem Google-Smartphone? Money Quote:

so basically the pixel 7 pro, when you crop and save a screenshot, overwrites the image with the new version, but leaves the rest of the original file in its place
Der Rest von dem Bild ist dann unter gewissen Umstnden rekonstruierbar.

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit dafr ist gar nicht so schlecht, wenn man z.B. ein detailreiches Hintergrundbild hat, das man mit dem Crop-Tool entfernt hat.

Das ist ja mal ein fetter Verkacker von Google, aber man kann es erklren. Erstens: Wenn du eine neue Datei schreibst, dann kann es sein, dass der Platz alle ist. Wenn du die alte berschreibst, und die neue kleiner ist (wie bei Crop zu erwarten), dann nicht.

Zweitens: Android hat da ein API verkackt. Da musste man immer "w" sagen, wenn man berschreiben wollte, und das hat sich dann pltzlich gendert, so dass man "wt" sagen musste, um auch abzuschneiden. Das Memo hat natrlich kaum jemand gekriegt dann. Nicht mal die eigenen Leute. Bonus: Die nderung war nicht mal dokumentiert. Ja GANZ super, Google! Einmal mit Profis!

How the FBI Took an Innocent Woman's Savings "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Federal Bureau of Investigation regularly seizes cash, cars and other valuables that belong to people who aren't accused of any crimes. Months later, many of those people receive a dense, boilerplate notice stating that the FBI plans to keep their property forever, without any explanation of whya blatantly unconstitutional practice. That's what happened to Linda Martin. When the FBI took her life savings from a safe-deposit box during a 2021 raid of US Private Vaults in Beverly Hills, Calif., she assumed her money would be returned. The company's alleged wrongdoing had nothing to do with her. But several months later, sheand hundreds of other innocent people who had their safe-deposit boxes takenreceived a notice stating that the government wanted to forfeit her money. The [notice] didn't accuse Ms. Martin of any crime or even lay out why the FBI was trying to take her property. The FBI sends out similarly inscrutable notices whenever it wants to forfeit property, in a clear violation of the Fifth Amendment. Federal agencies keep the proceeds from forfeited property. In the US Private Vaults case, the FBI admitted under oath that even before the raid occurred it had decided to pursue property forfeiture against everything worth over $5,000 in the renters' boxes. Using federal forfeiture records, the Institute for Justice calculated that from 2017 to 2021 Justice Department agencies gained more than $8 billion through forfeiture, with the FBI taking in more than $1.19 billion of that bounty.

Note: Read more about the government's theft of private property under civil asset forfeiture rules. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on police corruption from reliable major media sources.

U.S. Special Forces Want to Use Deepfakes for Psy-Ops "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

U.S. Special Operations Command, responsible for some of the country's most secretive military endeavors, is gearing up to conduct internet propaganda and deception campaigns online using deepfake videos, according to federal contracting documents. SOCOM's next generation propaganda aspirations are outlined in a procurement document that lists capabilities it's seeking for the near future and soliciting pitches from outside parties that believe they're able to build them. Last with a new section: "Advanced technologies for use in Military Information Support Operations (MISO)," a Pentagon euphemism for its global propaganda and deception efforts. Perhaps as provocative as the mention of deepfakes is the section that follows, which notes SOCOM wishes to finely tune its offensive propaganda seemingly by spying on the intended audience through their internet-connected devices. Described as a "next generation capability to 'takeover' Internet of Things (loT) devices for collect [sic] data and information from local populaces to enable breakdown of what messaging might be popular and accepted through sifting of data once received," the document says that the ability to eavesdrop on propaganda targets "would enable MISO to craft and promote messages that may be more readily received by local populace." In 2017, WikiLeaks published pilfered CIA files that revealed a roughly similar capability to hijack into household devices.

Note: Read more about the potential pitfalls of deepfake technologies. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on military corruption and the disappearance of privacy from reliable major media sources.

'Project Fear' authors discussed when to 'deploy' new Covid variant "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

[Former UK Health Secretary] Matt Hancock wanted to "deploy" a new Covid variant to "frighten the pants off" the public and ensure they complied with lockdown, leaked messages seen by The Telegraph have revealed. The Lockdown Files more than 100,000 WhatsApp messages sent between ministers, officials and others show how the Government used scare tactics to force compliance and push through lockdowns. Hancock ... appeared to suggest in one message that a new strain of Covid that had recently emerged would be helpful in preparing the ground for the looming lockdown, by scaring people into compliance. In a WhatsApp conversation on Dec 13 ... Damon Poole - one of Mr Hancock's media advisers - informed his boss that Tory MPs were "furious already about the prospect" of stricter Covid measures and suggested "we can roll pitch with the new strain". The comment suggested that they believed the strain could be helpful in preparing the ground for a future lockdown and tougher restrictions in the run-up to Christmas 2020. Mr Hancock then replied: "We frighten the pants off everyone with the new strain." Mr Poole agreed, saying: "Yep that's what will get proper behaviour [sic] change." Mr Hancock expressed his worry that talks over Brexit would dominate headlines and reduce the impact, and probed Mr Poole for his media advice. "When do we deploy the new variant," asked Mr Hancock. During the pandemic, the Government was accused of scaremongering but it was denied.

Note: This article is available for free viewing on this webpage. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on the coronavirus and media manipulation from reliable sources.

Project Fear's 'psychological warfare' must never be repeated "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Leaked messages seen by The Telegraph showed that in December 2020, Matt Hancock, the health secretary at the time, suggested that the Government "frighten the pants off everyone" to ensure strict Covid rules were adhered to. Sir Charles Walker, who was a leading member of the Covid Recovery Group of Conservative backbenchers, said that he was distressed by the leaked conversations. "What makes me so angry is the evils and the psychological warfare we deployed against young people and the population, all those behavioural psychologists," he [said]. "And there needs to be a reckoning. We need to understand and fully appreciate the damage that those sorts of campaigns did." Sir Charles lamented Parliament going "missing in action" as most MPs waved through dozens of Covid restrictions with little debate. He said: "Those voices that raised concerns were just othered. We were positioned as being anti-lockdown, Right-wing headbangers. And actually wanting to do the right thing isn't Right-wing. "We did terrible things to youngsters. We did terrible things to a large number of people. We need to make sure we never do those things again." Paul Dolan, a professor of behavioural science at the London School of Economics, blamed a mix of "mission creep" and "expertise creep" for a response dominated by groupthink. "It was wrong in every sense to make younger people scared of a virus that we knew very early on was of very limited risk to them," he [said].

Note: The unethical use of "nudge" tactics to inflate fear among the public prompted 40 psychologists in the UK to write a letter to the Parliaments Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee, saying it was highly questionable whether a civilised society should knowingly increase the emotional discomfort of its citizens as a means of gaining their compliance." For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing...

BOOK REVIEW: 'The Truth About Wuhan: How I Uncovered the Biggest Lie in History' "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The origin of SARS-CoV-2, the agent that causes the disease COVID-19, remains a mystery. But there are purportedly a few high up in government and scientific communities well aware of its genesis. In "The Truth About Wuhan: How I Uncovered the Biggest Lie in History," Andrew G. Huff, former EcoHealth Alliance vice president and senior scientist, details his coming forward "as a material witness and whistleblower related to SARS-CoV-2." "The Truth About Wuhan" [contains] an insider's view of working for EcoHealth Alliance; a damning critique of models and of function" research; the real COVID-19 timeline; China and U.S. culpability in the virus mayhem; and the multifarious, direct attacks used by the federal government to harass and discredit Mr. Huff. According to the author, "SARS-CoV-2 leaked from the [Wuhan Institute of Virology] laboratory as early as August 2019. The probable cases detected in Italy in 2019 make sense as Italy is one of the most popular tourist destinations of the Chinese. By mid-October 2019 the disease was likely already on every continent except Antarctica. The DoD, along with militaries globally, detected the disease in their countries' service members that attended the Military World Games in Wuhan. Trying to avoid global panic, governments began to implement response plans, which included the U.S. government's mobilization of the mRNA SARS-CoV-2 gene therapy."

Note: Before buying this book, you might read this review and the reviews on Amazon. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on the coronavirus from reliable major media sources.

Conflicting Reports Thicken Nord Stream Bombing Plot "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In the month since veteran journalist Seymour Hersh published his bombshell report alleging that President Joe Biden personally authorized a covert action to bomb the Nord Stream pipelines, we've seen a frenzy of speculation, detailed dissection of Hersh's specific assertions, and the emergence of competing narratives both supporting and denouncing the report. On March 7, the New York Times and the German newspaper Die Zeit both published stories that thicken the plot. The Times story was based on a narrative clearly being pushed by U.S. intelligence sources that "a pro-Ukrainian group carried out the attack." If the bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines was, as Hersh alleges, directed by the U.S., then the leaked suggestion that the culprits were a "pro-Ukrainian group" could indicate a nascent effort at floating a cover story. No one has claimed responsibility for this attack, but there are recent precedents for foreign actors taking credit for U.S. operations to conceal Washington's involvement. Military officials have lied or misled the public ... throughout U.S. history. There is no U.S. law or rule prohibiting the government from promoting a false alternative explanation to conceal an operation. "This is an established practice in military operations and intelligence activities where it is often known as 'cover and deception,'" [said former Government Secrecy Project director Steven Aftergood]. "Sometimes, in order to maintain the operational security of X, you have to declare that it is actually Y."

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on military corruption and media manipulation from reliable sources.


Abia Guber: INEC Halts Collation Of Results In Obingwa LGA "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) on Monday announced that the collation of votes in Obingwa Local Government Area of Abia State is suspended. Recall that on Sunday, the INEC said that its office in Mgboko, the headquarters of Obingwa LGA was attacked and that it is currently reviewing the situation. However, while the announcement []


Ten Elected Delta  House Of Assembly Members That Will Represent Urhobo Nation "IndyWatch Feed Africa"



LAGOS MARCH 20TH (URHOBOTODAY) is presenting to you ten successful members of Delta State House of Assembly that will be representing Urhobo nation  in the next four years in House of Assembly.

They were elected in the March 18th Governorship and House of Assembly election.


1 Hon Benson Obire  Warri South Constituency 2

2 Okakurho James Augoye Okpe LG.

3 Barr Edafe Emakpor  Uvwie LG

4 Festus Eseoghene Utuama  Ughelli South

5 Barr Omonade Matthew  Ughelli north Constituency 1

6 Barr Spencer Ohwofa  Ughelli north Constituency 2

7 Blessing Achoja  Ethiope west

8 Olorogun Barr Arthur Akpowowo  Ethiope east

9 Egbetamah Ovie Collins  Udu LG

10 Okakurho Perkins Umukoro  Sapele, LG





UN Security Council Adopts Unanimous Resolution Asking Someone Else to Fix Afghanistan "IndyWatch Feed War"

Why do we have a UN again? Why do we have a UN again? To tackle the tough issues. Like Afghanistan. The United Nations Security Council admitted it does not know how to deal with Afghanistans Taliban government. The Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution Thursday calling for independent recommendations on how to combat challenges in []

Monday, 20 March


Hackers can hijack Samsung and Pixel phones by knowing phone number "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Deeba Ahmed

In addition to Google Pixel and Samsung devices, Vivo devices were also vulnerable to this attack.

This is a post from Read the original post: Hackers can hijack Samsung and Pixel phones by knowing phone number


Oyo Guber: Folarin Congratulates Makinde, Appreciates Electorate, Party Members "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

.Says APC studying results of the election. Following the declaration by the INEC Returning Officer, Prof. Adebayo Simeon Banire (VC, OAU) on Sunday evening, that the incumbent governor of Oyo State, Seyi Makinde won the March 18 gubernatorial election, the main rival, Senator Teslim Folarin of the All Progressives Congress (APC), has congratulated the winner. []


Agility Robotics: Digit "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

So, youre living in a van down by the river, hoping to pick up some short term work at a fulfillment center during Christmas. And then Via: Agility Robotics:


US Cant Save Taiwan from Honduras "IndyWatch Feed War"

On March 14, Honduras President Xiomara Castro announced that she is taking steps to begin official diplomatic relations with China, a move that would sever ties with Taiwan. Honduras is one of just 14 countries that still diplomatically recognizes Taipei over Beijing, but that now looks set to change.

The diplomatic situation for Taiwan has worsened since President Tsai Ing-wen took office in 2016. During her first presidency, seven countries had broken off relations with Taipei in favor of Beijing. In response, in September 2018, the U.S. recalled its top diplomats in the Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Panama over these countries decision to no longer recognize Taiwan.

Since Tsai was reelected on January 11, 2020, Taipeis diplomatic and public relations campaign has drawn fire from Beijing, which dismissed the effort as an attempt to seek independence under the pretext of the pandemic. On Dec. 9 2021, Nicaragua announced it was severing diplomatic ties with Taiwan in favor of China. The Taiwanese public responded coldly, mostly due to the boiling-frog effect built up by Tsais government.

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega demanded that Taiwan evacuate all personnel by December 23. Subsequently, Taiwan was forced to hastily donate the former embassy to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Managua. Additional collateral damage followed as Nicaragua confiscated and gave China the grounds formerly housing the Taiwanese embassy. Taiwan has condemned Nicaragua for seizing its diplomatic assets and transferring them to Beijing.


Regime changes affecting Taiwans diplomacy

Change of Presidents bring different ideologies and policy objectives in Taiwan and across Central America, deciding whether countries remain allied to Taipei or Beijing. In Taiwan, during the eight years of Ma Yingjeous tenure (20082016), no Central America countries switched sides to Beijing except the restoration of diplomatic ties between China and Gambia on March 17, 2016. This is quite unlike Tsai Ing-wens poor diplomatic performance.

In Central America, El Salvador provides example par excellence for the trend. After switching from Taipei to Beijing in 2018, then President Salvador Sanchez Ceren, former member of the left-wing Farabundo Mart National Liberation Front (FMLN), said his government was certain it was a step in the right direction that corresponds to the inevitable trends of our time.

Another example from Sanchezs successor Nayib Bukele who deepened relations with China. Mary Anastasia OGrady, columnist for The Wall Street Journal,...


Are the Poles Preparing to Enter the Ukraine War? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Polish soldiers during live fire exercises in Cincu, Romania.

Warsaw will have no choice but to take part in the hostilities should Kiev fail to defend its independence, the countrys envoy to France has said.

Poland may end up joining Ukraine conflict diplomat March 19, 2023

Poland may end up joining the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine should the latter fail to protect its independence, the Polish ambassador to France, Jan Emeryk Rosciszewski, has said. The senior diplomat made the remarks on Saturday while speaking live to the broadcaster LCI.

Rosciszewski squarely blamed the hostilities, which have been ongoing for over a year already, on Moscow, stating that it was not NATO, not Poland, not France and not Slovakia that was ramping up international tensions, but Russia. According to the diplomat, the situation now is either Ukraine will successfully defend its independence, or we will be forced, in any case, to join this conflict.

Otherwise, our principal values, which are the basis of our civilization and our culture, will be in fundamental danger, so we will have no choice, Rosciszewski stated.

The hawkish statement promptly made headlines in international media, prompting the Polish mission in France to elaborate further on the remarks made by its head. According to a message released by the embassy on Sunday, Rosciszewskis comments were not actually an admission that Warsaw was ready to go to war with Russia, but merely a warning and a pledge to continue supporting Kiev.

Listening carefully to the entire conversation allows us to understand that there was no announcement of Polands direct involvement in the conflict, but only a warning against the consequences of Ukraines defeat the possibility of Russia attacking or dragging into the war more Central European countries the Baltic states and Poland, the statement reads. The embassy also condemned the purportedly sensational reporting on the bombshell interview, suggesting that some unidentified media outlets may have acted in ill will.

The remarks received a poor reception in Moscow, with a top Russian senator, Alexey Pushkov, warning Warsaw of the potential consequences and questioning its presumed resolve to fight Russia on its own.

A very presumptuous statement by the Polish ambassador in Paris. For the first time, an official representative of Poland said what its leaders have long had on their minds. However, all the courage of the Poles is based on the support of the United States. Is Warsaw sure that Washington is ready to fight? Pushkov said in a Telegram post.

Poland has been among the most active supporters of Kiev in the hostilities against Russia, sending in assorted military hardware, including tanks...


Mispadu Banking Trojan Targets Latin America: 90,000+ Credentials Stolen "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A banking trojan dubbed Mispadu has been linked to multiple spam campaigns targeting countries like Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Portugal with the goal of stealing credentials and delivering other payloads. The activity, which commenced in August 2022, is currently ongoing, Ocelot Team from Latin American cybersecurity firm Metabase Q said in a report shared with The Hacker News. Mispadu (


Enugu Guber: PDP Writes INEC, Says Only Option By Law Is To Declare Mbah Winner "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Enugu State Chapter has petitioned the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), urging the election management body to declare its governorship candidate, Dr Peter Mbah, the winner of the March 18, 2023 governorship election in the state. According to the party, it is the only option for the provisions of the []


Abia PDP: No Attack On INEC Office Anywhere "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Abia State Chapter on Monday said that the statement by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) that its office in Obingwa Local Government Area was attacked is not true. Barrister Charles Eseonu, PDP Agent-in-Chief, 2023 Governorship Election in a statement said that the INEC statement signed by the National Commissioner []


Ubuntu's Mir 2.13 Released With Wayland Updates, Other Enhancements "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ahead of next month's Ubuntu 23.04 release, Canonical has that in its current incarnation is focused on serving as a Wayland compositor and abstraction layer...


This Week in the New Normal #58 "IndyWatch Feed War"

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world. 1. Iraq War: 20 Years On Sunday marked 20 years since the first bombs were dropped on Baghdad, signalling the start of the UK/US invasion


The New York Times Iran Hostage Reagan Conspiracy Theory Makes No Sense "IndyWatch Feed War"

Either the New York Times is historically illiterate or it just doesnt give a damn. The Left never lets go of anything or forgets its history. No conspiracy theory is too dead to be dragged up again. And with Carter on the way out, the New York Times decided to drag out its old claim []


SYNTHESIS REPORT on Climate Crisis Coming Today from UNITED NATIONS "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The all-important synthesis report will be the primary working document for the next 10 years

Nations approve key UN science report on climate change

News from Article by Frank Jordans, ABC News, March 19, 2023

ASSOCIATED PRESS Governments gave their blessing on Sunday to a major new U.N. report on climate change, after approval was held up by a battle between rich and developing countries over emissions targets and financial aid to vulnerable nations.

The report by hundreds of the worlds top scientists was supposed to be approved by government delegations on Friday at the end of a weeklong meeting in the Swiss town of Interlaken.

The closing gavel was repeatedly pushed back as officials from big nations such as China, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, the United States and the European Union haggled through the weekend over the wording of key phrases in the text.

The report by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change caps a series that digests vast amounts of research on global warming compiled since the Paris climate accord was agreed in 2015.

A summary of the report was approved early Sunday but agreement on the main text dragged on for several more hours, with some observers fearing it might need to be postponed. The unusual process of having countries sign off on a scientific report is intended to ensure that governments accept its findings as authoritative advice on which to base their actions.

At the start of the meeting, U.N. Secretary-General Antnio Guterres called on delegates to provide cold, hard facts to drive home the message that theres little time left for the world to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) compared with preindustrial times.

While average global temperatures have already increased by 1.1 Celsius since the 19th century, Guterrres insisted that the 1.5-degree target limit remains possible with rapid and deep emissions reductions across all sectors of the global economy.

Observers said the IPCC meetings have increasingly become politicized as the stakes for curbing global warming increase, mirroring the annual U.N. climate talks that usually take place at the end of the year.

Among the thorniest issues at the current meeting were how to define which nations count as vulnerable...


At least 10 killed in Balochistan, Pakistan floods "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least 10 people have been swept away in a flood in the Awaran and Zhob areas of Balochistan due to the heavy rainfall on Sunday, reported Dawn. According to the disaster management officials, of those 10 people who died in the Balochistan flash floods, eight belonged to a family which was on its way to Kalat from Awaran in a vehicle. The eight family members included three women, two children and three men, as per multiple media reports. The heavy rains started on Friday (night) in Khuzdar and Awaran districts which have caused floods in seasonal streams, as per a local news agency.


Pfizer, CDC withheld evidence of myocarditis after COVID shots, new documents reveal "IndyWatch Feed World"

Pfizer and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) withheld evidence that COVID-19 vaccinations led to an increased risk of myocarditis, especially in young males, according to two sets of documents made public this week. Confidential Pfizer documents leaked Thursday by Project Veritas show the company had "evidence that suggests patients who receive a COVID-19 vaccine are at an increased risk of myocarditis." And heavily redacted CDC documents obtained by Children's Health Defense (CHD) via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request indicate the agency provided an undercounted figure of post-COVID-19-vaccination myocarditis cases to Israel's Ministry of Health in early 2021.


Zippyshare Quits After 17 Years, 45m Visits Per Month Makes No Money "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

zippylogoWhen file-hosting service Zippyshare showed its first signs of life in September 2006, accessing the site using an iPhone was impossible; the smart phones existence wouldnt be announced for another four months.

Zippyshares success was built on solid yet basic foundations; straightforward free hosting of files, via a clean interface, at zero cost to the user. With relatively few options available elsewhere, Zippyshare was a huge success and to celebrate its first birthday, Zippyshare went BIG.

A few days ago turned one year old, its operators wrote in 2007. For Zippyshares first birthday we are raising the filesize limit to 100mb.

Upgrade After Upgrade

After repeatedly upgrading to meet rising demand, Zippyshare launched Zippyshare Uploader, a software application that allowed users to upload files without using a web browser.


Almost three years after the surprise 100mb limit was introduced, Zippyshare doubled its filesize limit to 200mb. A little later, when the internet was consumed with Megaupload being taken down, Zippyshare carried on as if nothing had happened, or it did once its email servers had been fixed.

Zippyshare Breaks Five-Year Silence With Bad News

When Zippyshares operators announced the shutdown of the site yesterday, that was the first update posted to the site for almost five years.

Weve decided that were shutting down the project at the end of the month. Please make backups of your important files, you have about two weeks to do so. Until then, the site will run without any changes, the announcement reads.

zippyshare shuts down

In addition to hardw...


JAMB Resumes DE Registration, Sets Guidelines Against Certificate Forgery "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has resumed the 2023 Direct Entry (DE) registration exercise, after introducing new guidelines to checkmate the high level of forgery of A-Level certificates used by candidates for the registration. The Registrar of JAMB, Prof. Is-haq Oloyede, who made this known at a press briefing held on Monday in []


How AI could upend the world even more than electricity or the internet "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The rise of artificial general intelligence now seen as inevitable in Silicon Valley will bring change that is orders of magnitude greater than anything the world has yet seen, observers say. But are we ready?

AGI defined as artificial intelligence with human cognitive abilities, as opposed to more narrow artificial intelligence, such as the headline-grabbing ChatGPT could free people from menial tasks and usher in a new era of creativity.

But such a historic paradigm shift could also threaten jobs and raise insurmountable social issues, experts warn.


#ElectionResults: PDP Wins 28, APC 4 Seats In Oyo Assembly "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has announced the result of members that won the election into the Oyo State House Assembly. According to the declaration, the 10th Oyo State House of Assembly will be formed by two political parties the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressives Congress (APC). The PDP won []


PCIe for Hackers: The Diffpair Prelude "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

PCIe, also known as PCI-Express, is a highly powerful interface. So let's see what it takes to hack on something that powerful. PCIe is be a bit intimidating at first, however it is reasonably simple to start building PCIe stuff, and the interface is quite resilient for hobbyist-level technology. There will come a time when we want to use a PCIe chip in our designs, or perhaps, make use of the PCIe connection available on a certain Compute Module, and it's good to make sure that we're ready for that.

PCIe is everywhere now. Every modern computer has a bunch of PCIe devices performing crucial functions, and even iPhones use PCIe internally to connect the CPU with the flash and WiFi chips. You can get all kinds of PCIe devices: Ethernet controllers, high-throughput WiFi cards, graphics, and all the cheap NVMe drives that gladly provide you with heaps of storage when connected over PCIe. If you're hacking on a laptop or a single-board computer and you'd like to add a PCIe device, you can get some PCIe from one of the PCIe-carrying sockets, or just tap into an existing PCIe link if there's no socket to connect to. It's been two decades since we've started getting PCIe devices now, PCIe is on its 5.0 revision, and it's clear that it's here to stay.

PCIe is a point-to-point bus that connect two devices together as opposed to PCI, an older bus, that could connect a chain of devices on your mainboard. One side of a PCIe link is a device, and another is a host. For instance, in a laptop, your CPU will have multiple PCIe ports some used to connect the GPU, some used to connect a WiFi card, some used for Ethernet, and some used for a NVMe drive.

Each PCIe link consists of at least three differential pairs one is a 100 MHz clock, REFCLK, that is (almost) always required for a link, and two pairs that form a PCIe lane one for transmit and another for receive. This is an x link you can also have 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x links, with four, eight sixteen and thirty-two differential pairs respectively, plus, again, REFCLK. The wider the link, the higher its throughput!

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Wests Contempt for Truth is Leading Us to Ruin "IndyWatch Feed War"

If todays geopolitics were a tennis match, this would be a 6:0, 6:0 for Russia. It is almost surreal to contemplate the changes that took place over the past 12 months. One year ago this week, Sir Tony Blair published an article on the pages of his very important Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. It was titled, The Immediate Challenge Continue reading Wests Contempt for Truth is Leading Us to Ruin


Hold Everything: Now Trump Will Likely NOT Be Arrested, at Least on Tuesday "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Donald Trump announced on Saturday morning that he would be arrested on Tuesday, and the nation has been agog at the prospect of the Leftist establishment crossing the rubicon of arresting its principal opponent on flimsy charges and demonstrating before the entire world that the American republic is now the American banana republic, []


Remote Water Quality Monitoring "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While it can be straightforward to distill water to high purity, this is rarely the best method for producing water for useful purposes. Even drinking water typically needs certain minerals in it, plants may need a certain pH, and wastewater systems have a whole host of other qualities that need to be measured. Measuring water quality is a surprisingly complex endeavor as a result and often involves a wide array of sensors, much like this water quality meter from [RowlesGroupResearch].

The water quality meters that they are putting to use are typically set up in remote locations, without power, and are targeting natural bodies of water and also wastewater treatment plants. Temperature and pH are simple enough to measure and grasp, but this device also includes sensors for total dissolved solids (TDS) and turbidity which are both methods for measuring various amounts and types of particles suspended in the water. The build is based around an Arduino so that it is easy for others to replicate, and is housed in a waterproof box with a large battery, and includes data logging to an SD card in order to make it easy to deploy in remote, outdoor settings and to gather the data at a later time.

The build log for this device also goes into detail about al...


Intel Xeon Sapphire Rapids Code Continues Landing For Coreboot "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

More Intel 4th Gen Xeon Scalable "Sapphire Rapids" code was merged this weekend into Coreboot as part of enabling this latest generation Intel server platform to enjoy this open-source system firmware solution when paired with the necessary Intel FSP binaries...


#ElectionResults: PDP Victory Attestation To General Acceptability Of Gov. Adeleke CoS "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Chief of Staff to Governor Ademola Adeleke, Alhaji Kazeem Akinleye has expressed his gratitude to the residents of the state for their unalloyed support for the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), and Governor Ademola Adeleke before, during and after Saturday,s state House of Assembly election. Akinleye emphasized that the outcome of the February 25 []


Emotet is back after a three-month hiatus "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The infamous Emotet malware is back after a short hiatus, threat actors are spreading it via Microsoft OneNote email attachments.

The Emotet malware returns after a three-month hiatus and threat actors are distributing it via Microsoft OneNote email attachments to avoid detection.

The Emotet banking trojan has been active at least since 2014, the botnet is operated by a threat actor tracked as TA542.

The infamous banking trojan was also used to deliver other malicious code, such as Trickbot and QBot trojans, or ransomware such as ContiProLockRyuk, and Egregor.

In April, the operators of the infamous Emotet botnet started testing new attack techniques in response to Microsofts move to disable Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros by default.

In June, Proofpoint experts spotted a new variant of the Emotet bot that uses a new module to steal credit card information stored in the Chrome web browser.

Over time, Emotet operators have enhanced their attack chain by employing multiple attack vectors to remain under the radar.

The operators remained inactive between July and November 2022. In November, Proofpoint researchers warned of the return of the Emotet malware after having observed a high-volume malspam campaign delivering payloads like...


Brazils plan to issue credits for recycling gets a boost, but experts call for more "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Reverse logistics, a principle introduced in Brazil in 2010 in the Brazilian governments National Policy for Solid Waste (PNRS), is an approach that seeks to minimize levels of waste generated after the consumption or at the end of the life cycle of consumer products, such as electronics, light bulbs, tires and packaging in general. Its meant to be an all-of-society responsibility, especially for the private sector, to ensure that waste material is recycled or processed in some other environmentally appropriate way. Reverse logistics was created in order to make the producer responsible for dealing with the environmental impact generated by the products it produces at the end of the production chain, says Jacqueline Rutkowski, a researcher in the field of waste management and member of the Observatory for Inclusive and Solidarity Recycling. Regulations and reverse logistics targets exist for every type of waste, which much be met by the private sector, including manufacturers, importers, distributors and traders. For general packaging, for example, the current target requires companies to recycle 22% of the volume of packaging placed on the market each year. To make it easier for the private sector to comply, the government in April 2022 created the Recicla+ program, along with the Recycling Credit Certificate. However, the new administration, which took office at the start of 2023, has moved to revoke these policies and launched a new program this past February under the name Reverse Logistics Recycling Credit Certificate (CCRRL). Under the new scheme, each metric ton of recycledThis article was originally published on Mongabay


#ElectionResults: INEC Declares Sanwo-Olu Winner Of Lagos Guber Poll "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has declared Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of the All Progressives Congress (APC) as Govermor-elect of Saturdays Governorship election. In a declaration made in the early hours of Monday by the Returning Officer of the Governorship and House of Assembly elections in Lagos State, Professor Adenike Oladeji, Sanwo-Olu cleared 19 out []


New Cyber Platform Lab 1 Decodes Dark Web Data to Uncover Hidden Supply Chain Breaches "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This article has not been generated by ChatGPT.  2022 was the year when inflation hit world economies, except in one corner of the global marketplace stolen data. Ransomware payments fell by over 40% in 2022 compared to 2021. More organisations chose not to pay ransom demands, according to findings by blockchain firm Chainalysis. Nonetheless, stolen data has value beyond a price tag, and in


Rain, hailstorm damages wheat crop in key states in India "IndyWatch Feed World"

Storms, rain or hail could batter almost the entire country for another two days, an update by the India Meteorological Department said on Sunday. Squally weather and rain have damaged wheat crop in almost all key producer states, but finding out the extent of losses might take weeks, according to preliminary assessments by a panel formed in view of anticipated early-summer heatwaves. Storms, rain or hail could batter almost the entire country for another two days, an update by the India Meteorological Department said on Sunday. Several rain-bearing systems are currently active, it said. Crop-shriveling hot spells have, however, not struck any wheat-growing state in March so far, as predicted, barring pockets of Gujarat and Konkan in western India. India is on alert over heatwaves which could pressure the economy, especially agriculture, power generation and water supply. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been reviewing the situation, spelling out emergency measures.


Twitters gamification bears some resemblance with echo chambers and moral outrage porn "IndyWatch Feed"

A medium is not something neutralit does something to people.

-Marshall McLuhan

I was on Nolan this morning to discuss an Irish News story about a 29 year old candidate standing for the DUP called Tyler Hoey. It featured some awful FB quotes (which I wont repeat here) from just three years ago favourably mentioning the UDA.

The paper notes that Ian Paisley previously said he took action to make sure the posts were removed, an apology made and a real life lesson learnt. This suggests this is an old controversy, re-warmed because the fellah is now standing for election.

Hell have to live with the quotes now being rebroadcast (no one made him say such awful things), and suspect (or at least hope for all our sakes) that the judgement from the voters will be appropriately harsh. I fear not though.

Because something else about this story makes me uncomfortable. Its the way we get played by social media platforms we barely understand. C Thi Nguyen has written about what happens to us when were gamed by platforms like Twitter:

our values shift from the complex and pluralistic values of communication, to the narrower quest for popularity and virality. Twitters gamification bears some resemblance with the phenomena of echo chambers and moral outrage porn.

Bertie Ahern recently voiced the view that had Twitter been around in spring of 1998 nothing would ever have been agreed. Senator Mitchell would have been home for the first day of Baseball, and the GFA would never have been history.

The weight of those negotiations are easily forgotten in the flimsy, transient world of Twitter and Facebook. There was a moral burden to be carried largely by the victims of paramilitary violence (the numbers are pretty conclusive). And still it was done.

If there was no formal forgiveness by victims and their families then a huge amount of grace was extended  those particularly to those who to this day still continue to express a view that there was no alternative to those relentlessly barbarous campaigns.

Liking a tweet is not in the same ball park as pulling the trigger on a mixed crowd in a small bar in Co Derry. Offensive, yes. Revealing rather more than intended about character, yes. Adding to the already heavy burden of the families, undoubtedly.

But this magnification is also a result of the structures and processes that Twitter (the corporation) have put together over nearly twenty years. The results are to be seen in the first Trump White House (I doubt he leave if...


Sentimentalism vs. Strategic positioning "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

My brothers and sisters, a lot of emotions and angst have been expended and continue to be poured out over the last few days concerning who owns Lagos, the multitude of investment by people of south east origin and the deployment of ethnic and primordial means to press home an ominous message. The emotional response []


Apache CloudStack 4.18 LTS Released For Launching Your Own Open-Source Cloud "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Apache CloudStack 4.18 LTS has been released as the newest building out your own cloud atop various hypervisors and allows easy management for large networks of VMs...


Researchers Shed Light on CatB Ransomware's Evasion Techniques "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The threat actors behind the CatB ransomware operation have been observed using a technique called DLL search order hijacking to evade detection and launch the payload. CatB, also referred to as CatB99 and Baxtoy, emerged late last year and is said to be an "evolution or direct rebrand" of another ransomware strain known as Pandora based on code-level similarities. It's worth noting that the use


What Are Basic Requirements of Plastic Hair Extension Bags? "IndyWatch Feed War"

As wigs and hair extensions become more popular, Plastic Hair Extension Bags is becoming an increasingly important part of the purchase process. Poly bags, satin drawstring bags, non-woven fabric wig bags, cardboard boxes and memorable shipping envelopes are all proving to be highly effective packaging options.

Plastic Hair Extension Bags

In order to ensure the safety of your Plastic Hair Extension Bags, it is important that you store them properly. This includes ensuring that the extensions are clean, dry and free from any dirt or tangles.

Aside from storing your extensions properly, you also need to consider their packaging. The most important aspect of this is that you choose the right type of packaging.

For example, if you are selling high-end products, a luxurious cardboard box a great way to showcase your product and give it a more premium feel. Custom tags can also make your products look more premium, and they are a good way to get your logo in front of the customer.

Another Plastic Hair Extension Bags is poly bags, which can hold a variety of different hair pieces and keep them in an airtight environment that will prevent them from getting damaged while being shipped or stored. This is especially important for hair pieces that are being sold to customers online, and it will help them to maintain their pristine condition.

These Plastic Hair Extension Bags made from a variety of materials and are reusable afterward, so they are a great way to promote your brand and build loyalty with customers. In addition to the exterior of the bag, you can have your companys logo printed or embossed on the inside, which will help to make your products stand out among other brands.

Finally, a die-cut window is a popular finishing step on many boxes. It enables the customer to see the product and encourages them to purchase it. In addition, the window allows your customers to see the color and quality of your products before they open them.

Methods of Plastic Hair Extension Bags

When storing Plastic Hair Extension Bags, its important to keep them in a dry and dark place. This will protect them from the suns harmful rays and make them last longer.

One way to do this is by using resealable plastic bags. This will allow you to keep the extensions in a safe and dry place, while still being able to easily find them when you need them.

Another way to store hair extensions is by putting them in specialist boxes or shoeboxes. This will keep them in a dry and dark place and help prevent them from getting dusty or dirty. It will also be easier for you to find the extensions that you need when you want them, and it can help prevent them from getting damaged.

If youre storing hair extensions for long periods of time, its a good idea to use a see-through box so that you...


Geopolitical Rumblings Leave U.S. Behind "IndyWatch Feed War"

Over the last month we have seen astonishing geopolitical developments. In February China publicly lambasted U.S. hegemony, launched a global security initiative and offered a peace plan for Ukraine. On March 10 China mediated an agreement which restored relations between...


Hunter Biden files countersuit against laptop repairman John Paul Mac Isaac, alleging privacy violations "IndyWatch Feed World"

The president's son claims that repair shop owner John Paul Mac Issac illicitly distributed his personal data. Hunter Biden has filed a countersuit against John Paul Mac Isaac, the computer repair shop owner who turned a laptop belonging to the president's son over to authorities and members of the press. The lawsuit claims that Isaac illicitly distributed Hunter Biden's personal data and accuses him of six counts of invasion of privacy.


Intel Compute Runtime Updated With Initial Xe Kernel Driver Support "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Getting back on track for its new release rhythm, Intel today Intel Graphics Compiler 1.0.13230.7...


What Material is Used For Cardboard Product Packaging? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Cardboard Product Packaging is the material used for packaging products, and one of the most important types of packaging. It has endless uses and is versatile, allowing companies to design boxes that perfectly match their needs.

Its strength and flexibility mean that it is able to withstand a variety of environmental conditions, as well as shipping requirements. This means that it is a great choice for businesses who want to keep costs down while protecting their goods.

Cardboard Product Packaging

Cardboard Product Packaging is a versatile, affordable and eco-friendly material for product packaging. It is durable, lightweight and easy to store, and it recycled easily after use.

It is a great choice for a wide range of products, and it personalised to fit your brands needs. However, it is important to consider how the packaging will be disposed of when it has been used.

The Cardboard Product Packaging used for packaging products made from pulp or recycled materials, although it is usually manufactured with virgin pulp to ensure quality and longevity. The inner or central liners of double-walled cardboard may be infused with recycled material to reduce costs and energy consumption.

These liners are typically designed to protect the box contents from damage caused by water. They also help prevent the growth of mold or fungus, which can lead to product spoilage and loss.

There are a variety of boxes made from cardboard, including corrugated boxes and fibre drums. Fibre drums are circular containers derived from cardboard fiber and offer a high level of protection for a variety of liquids and solids.

They are commonly used to ship food and other perishable items. They are often wax impregnated, which helps keep the contents safe from moisture or heat.

Another common type of Cardboard Product Packaging is a self-locking or die-cut box, which has a lid that is attached to one of the long sides of the box with extended flaps. The lid folds up with the flaps that slide inside and into the self-locking edges.

If you need custom-made packaging for your company, you should find a supplier who can provide you with fast service and reliable products. This will help you save time and resources, which crucial when it comes to building an empire.

Right Cardboard Product Packaging

Cardboard Product Packaging is one of the most popular types of packaging for a variety of products. Its easy to use, reusable, and eco-friendly, making it a great option for many businesses.

When choosing the right cardboard product packaging, you want to consider its strength, durability and quality. This will ensure that your products are protected during transport, and will help to prevent damage along the way.

The thickness of cardboard is another important fac...


Lightning, hailstorm claim the lives of 16 people and 80 cattle in 2 days in Madhya Pradesh, India "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least 16 people lost their lives and 14 others were injured in lightning and rain related incidents across the state in past days. Hail and lightning also claimed the lives of around 100 cattle in the state, according to the meteorological department. At least 4 persons were killed as severe storms accompanied by heavy rain, lightning and gusty winds swept through Khandwa. Sagar reported three deaths and Satna and Raisen two deaths each. Narmadapura, Dhar, Ratlam, Ashok Nagar, Damoh reported one death each in the last two days . Cattle deaths were reported from Betul, Itarsi and Satna. Itarsi (Chanagarh) reported the death of 35 cattle, Betul 32 cattle and Satna 13 cattle. Gusty winds accompanied with rain and hailstorm caused damage to properties and standing crop in Betul, Mandsaur, Khandwa, Khargone, Alirajpur, Jhabua, Neemuch, Dhar, Sehore, Harda, Rajgarh, Raisen, Damoh and Agar. Meteorological department senior officer Ved Pratap Singh said strong wind and hailstorm damaged...


curl 8.0 Released To Celebrate Project's 25th Birthday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The open-source cURL project providing the widely-used curl CLI program for downloading of data across numerous network protoocols along with its associated library is celebrating 25 years of the project. As part of the celebrations, curl 8.0 was released today...


Two minor girls killed in lightning strike in Chhattisgarh, India "IndyWatch Feed World"

Two minor girls were killed after being struck by lightning in Bastar's Kondagaon district on Saturday afternoon, said Kondagaon SDOP Nimitesh Singh. The incident took place at Chilputi village, 8 km from Kondagaon district headquarters, around 2.30 pm on Saturday when the two girls, identified as Monika Nag (10) and Radha Markam (10), were out to collect tamarind in a nearby jungle. Eyewitness said that the two girls were taking shelter under a tree to protect themselves from rain when lightning struck them. The other villagers present nearby rushed to the spot and informed their relatives. Ambulance was called and the girls were taken to the district hospital, where the doctors declared them dead. The two class 6th girls died on the spot, said the SDOP. Postmortem examination was done immediately after the incident on Saturday afternoon and bodies were handed over to their families the same evening. Police had registered a case, said the SDOP.


What Are Functions Of Custom Boxes Printing? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Custom Boxes Printing functions as an important part of the marketing strategy for businesses. It helps in boosting brand awareness by displaying the logo and name of the company.

The boxes also contain important product details, including safety warnings and precautions that educate customers about the nature of the products they purchase. This helps in promoting brand loyalty and increasing customer base.

Custom Boxes Printing

Custom Boxes Printing a crucial role in the success of any business. It is the first thing a customer notices when considering your products in-store or online, and it will have a direct impact on their purchasing decisions. Therefore, it is essential to choose high-quality and durable boxes to meet your products needs.

In addition, you can customize the look and feel of your boxes with a variety of options such as a die-cut shape, custom-made window cutouts or a special coating. This will give your products a higher value and increase sales, all while helping you to stand out from the competition.

Another great option for custom printing is digital printing. This technique is fast, cheap and offers excellent results. This is perfect for businesses that need a small number of custom printed boxes in limited quantities.

When it comes to deciding what type of printing technique to use, the first step is to determine your budget and goals. The more complex the design, the higher the cost will be.

The most popular choice of printing for boxes is flexography, which uses plates to apply ink to your box. This is a very versatile printing method and can be used on many different substrates, but it can be expensive when trying to change the design or add new colors. Other printing techniques include offset and litho laminating, which can be more costly but provide higher-quality graphics.

Finding the Right Custom Boxes Printing

When it comes to Custom Boxes Printing, you need to find the right company that will fit your needs. The right company will offer a range of options and features that can help you grow your business.

There are a number of ways to find the right company for your needs, including researching online, visiting different companies, and examining their prices. You should also choose a company with low error rates, high-quality printing, and on-time delivery.

In addition, you need to decide how many boxes you want and the printing method that will best suit your needs. You can also order a sample to get a better idea of how your packaging will look and feel.

A Custom Boxes Printing can be a great way to elevate your brand and make it stand out from the competition. It is an affordable way to promote your products and provide a professional appearance to customers.

You should also consider the type of material that you......


Enough Already: Oregon Health Teacher Makes Students Write About Their Sexual Fantasies "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: The facts in this case are even more revolting than the usual run of stories coming out of the schools in this age of absurdity: a teacher at Winston Churchill (Who Must Be Turning In His Grave) High School in Eugene, Ore., forced his students to write about their sexual fantasies []


Polish inflation highest since mid-1990s "IndyWatch Feed World"

Soaring food and housing-related costs have piled pressure on cash-strapped families. Annual inflation in Poland accelerated in February to the highest level since 1996, data released by the national statistics service GUS showed on Wednesday. Consumer prices rose 18.4% year-on-year in February, up from the 16.6% recorded in the previous month.


Meteor fireball over Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada on March 18 "IndyWatch Feed World"

We received 8 reports about a fireball seen over Alberta and Saskatchewan on Saturday, March 18th 2023 around 06:24 UT. For this event, we received 2 videos.


What Are The Requirements Cream Boxes? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Keeping cosmetic products in mind, custom cream boxes are made that display products efficiently and protect them from damage.

These boxes are manufactured in various designs and styles to make them look attractive. They personalized to attract customers and increase sales.

Best Cream Boxes

Having an attractive and unique Best Cream Boxes design for your cream product is an important step in boosting sales. You should create packaging that reflects the image of your brand and appeals to the targeted customers.

It is also necessary to get the details about your product printed on your boxes. This includes instructions, best-before dates, and other important information. Moreover, you should print the ingredients used in your product on the boxes as well.

As these creams are sensitive items, it is essential for them to be packed in sturdy and safe packaging. This would keep them from being damaged during transportation or storage.

Cosmetic manufacturers know that it is very difficult to attract customers with plain packaging and thats why they always try to use attractive and interesting designs for their products. They can achieve this by using customized and personalized packaging, which is also made from high-quality materials.

Customized packaging for the creams helps you to create a strong brand identity and gain customer attention quickly. It can also increase the number of repeat buyers and improve your business.

These boxes designed with an array of colors and shapes to meet your branding needs. They made of different materials. Depending on your budget and needs, you can choose from cardstock, Eco-Kraft, or rigid corrugated.

Finding the Right Cream Boxes

Custom cream boxes have a crucial role to play in the success of your cosmetic products. They attract customers and make them recall your brand name. This is why many businesses spend a lot of time and money on creating unique packaging for their products.

A well-designed cream box can help you attract more customers by capturing their attention instantly. It will also increase the visibility of your brand and boost your sales.

You need to make sure that the materials you use are environmentally friendly and able to withstand the harshest of conditions. You can also choose corrugated material to ensure that your creams stay protected from damage when you transport them around.

Another way to keep your creams safe is to print all the essential information about the product on the packaging. This includes the expiry date, use directions, and other useful details.

This helps customers to make wise decisions and decide whether or not they want to buy the cream. This will help you increase the sales of your product and earn more profit.

Ice cream is one of the most popular food items in the world. It ma...


Minnesota elementary school teacher proud of confusing students about gender "IndyWatch Feed World"

A Minnesota elementary school teacher is under fire after a social media video surfaced featuring the instructor talking about the "goal" of confusing children about gender. As reported by American Wire, Valentine Hills Elementary music teacher Kourtney Ryan, who is "presumably a woman," posted a video online recounting a shocking conversation Ryan had with young students and another teacher. "The students asked the other teacher if I'm a boy or a girl, and the teacher was like, 'Does it matter?'" Ryan began.


Waterfall Security Solutions launches WF-600 Unidirectional Security Gateway "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Waterfall Security Solutions launched the WF-600 Unidirectional Security Gateway, an OT security protection against remote cyber attacks. The WF-600 product line is a blend of hardware and software, enabling unbreachable protection at IT/OT interfaces with unlimited visibility into OT networks, systems and data. The new WF-600 series of products represent decades of experience, investment and innovation, incorporating feedback received from thousands of critical infrastructure and manufacturing sites. Whats new in the 600 series includes: Integrated More

The post Waterfall Security Solutions launches WF-600 Unidirectional Security Gateway appeared first on Help Net Security.


Yemen: Houthis to release 15 Saudis and other detainees in swap "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Yemen: Houthis to release 15 Saudis and other detainees in swap

Yemeni group says it will release 181 detainees, including 15 Saudi Arabians and three Sudanese, in exchange for 706 prisoners from the government
MEE and agencies Mon, 03/20/2023 - 09:49
Freed Yemeni Houthi prisoners chant slogans upon their arrival on 15 Ocotber 2020 (AFP)

The two sides in Yemen's conflict have agreed to exchange some 880 detainees after talks in Switzerland facilitated by the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

The Iran-aligned Houthi group said on Monday that it would release 15 Saudi Arabians, three Sudanese and a number of other detainees in exchange for 700 prisoners from the Saudi-led, Yemeni government side of the conflict.

"The ongoing negotiations in Geneva ... are heading towards reaching a humanitarian deal under which 700 prisoners, including women and civilians, will be freed in exchange for the release of 15 Saudi prisoners of war, three Sudanese and others," the Houthi group's chief negotiator Mohammed Abdulsalam said on Twitter.

The head of the Yemeni government delegation told Reuters that around 880 detainees would be exchanged.

The UN and ICRC did not immediately confirm that a deal had been reached.

There is hope that a deal could facilitate broader efforts to end the conflict, which have been helped by the resumption of ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia this month, Reuters reported.

UN Special Envoy Hans Grundberg told th...


Dragonfly 1.0 Released For What Claims To Be The World's Fastest In-Memory Data Store "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Dragonfly as what's a high performnace in-memory database compatible with the Memcached and Redis APIs has reached version 1.0...


: 30 "IndyWatch Feed War"

   20 2023 (31 ) . . []


#ElectionResults: Again, INEC Shifts Cross River Results Collation "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Again, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) on Monday shifted the collation of the governorship election in Cross River State to 2 pm today. According to the INEC official, the shift is sequel to the unavailability of results from Akamjpa LGA, Boki LGA and Obanliku LGA, but hopeful they would be around anytime soon. Details []


Israels Smotrich: 'There's no such thing as Palestinians' "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israels Smotrich: 'There's no such thing as Palestinians'

Far-right minister said on Sunday that 'there's no such thing as a Palestinian people', and that anyway he is a 'real Palestinian'
MEE staff Mon, 03/20/2023 - 09:40
Far-right Israeli lawmaker Bezalel Smotrich, pictured here in March 2023, has said there are no such people as Palestinians (AFP)
Far-right Israeli lawmaker Bezalel Smotrich, pictured here in March 2023, has said there are no such people as Palestinians (AFP)

"There's no such thing as Palestinians because there's no such thing as a Palestinian people," Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich declared on Sunday at a memorial service for a late Likud activist in Paris. 

The far-right lawmaker said that the Palestinian people were "an invention" cooked up in the 20th century to fight Zionism and that it was people like him and his grandparents who were the "real Palestinians". 

'Do you know who are the Palestinians? I'm Palestinian'

Bezalel Smotrich, Israeli minister

Speaking at a podium adorned with a map based on the crest of the Zionist Irgun militia, which shows Israel straddling the West Bank and Jordan, Smotrich said that the French and US governments needed to hear "this truth" about the Palestinians.  

Do you know who are the Palestinians? the head of the ultra-nationalist Religious Zionism party said. "I'm Palestinian."

Smotrich referred to his grandmother, who was born in the northern Israeli town of Metula over a century ago, and his late grandfather, who was a 13th-generation Jerusalemite.

Smotrich has previously said that his surname is derived from the Ukrainian town of Smotrych, where he has said his ancestors lived. 


JUST IN: European banking shares drop after Credit Suisse takeover "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

    European bank shares have dropped sharply after troubled bank Credit Suisse was rescued in a $3bn (2.5bn) purchase by its Swiss rival UBS. UBS, which purchased Credit Suisse at a fraction of its closing market value before the weekend, is down 13%, reports the BBC. Share prices in Asia fell earlier with []


How Can DIY Paper Bags London? "IndyWatch Feed War"

To start your own handmade Paper Bags London business, it is necessary to understand the basic concept and techniques of this craft. With a little knowledge and practice, you can turn it into a lucrative small business venture.

Paper Bags London

Aside from being a fun activity for the whole family, making your own reusable shopping Paper Bags London is good for the environment. The process involves cutting up old newspapers or wrapping papers and then glueing them together for a lightweight yet sturdy carrier. They are also great for keeping your hands free when carrying bulky items around town.

The best part is they can be reused multiple times. Compared to plastic bags, they are more durable and can survive even the most arduous supermarket trip.

Whats more, Paper Bags London are recyclable, which makes them a no brainer for businesses. Many retailers and restaurants use these types of bags to promote their sustainable ethos.

Moreover, they are biodegradable and can be recycled several times over, ensuring that they do their part to help the environment. This is a particularly important factor for those based in London where the environmental impact of transporting food and other goods is a major concern.

In the end, youll want to choose a company that offers the best customer service and has a large selection of customized bags for all your needs. They can also offer you the best deal on your custom paper bags. The best way to ensure you get the right product for your budget is to shop around.

Paper Bags UK

They can also be used to promote businesses and increase brand awareness. By using branded paper bags, you can make customers feel more comfortable when shopping with your business.

These bags are very environmentally friendly and are a great way to show customers that your business is focused on the environment. This is because they are biodegradable and dont contain toxins or chemicals, unlike plastic bags which can cause damage to the oceans or landfill sites.

Recycled Materials:

The manufacture of Paper Bags London requires trees to be cut down, but most modern paper bags are produced with a mix of raw and recycled materials. This helps reduce the impact on our forests and saves energy.

Paper bags are a very modern trend and many consumers are now choosing them as a green alternative to plastic bags. This is because they are environmentally friendly and offer a number of advantages over paper bags, including being easier to recycle and requiring less energy to produce.

Survive Paper Bags London

Supermarket chain Morrisons has ditched plastic bag for life carrier bags, replacing them with paper alternatives in an eight-week trial. It is a move that follows evidence that customers are bi...


Attrition In Action: List Of Ukrainian Army Equipment Not Yet Destroyed By Russia "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans
February 2023 marks one full year of epic struggle on Ukraine's part to preserve its very existence. Rather than succumbing to the invaders beleaguering the country from the North, South and East, it has managed take the initiative in a conflict that was heavily stacked against it. Yet one year also marks the point where the war is beginning to surpass perhaps any conflict since WWII in terms of ferocity and, necessarily, losses. Though these losses are skewed to the Russian side, attrition on the Ukrainian side is also unprecedented, and sustainable only through material support from its allies. With new contingents of Western armament on the way, this list now attempts to denote what types of heavy equipment are known to be in use on the battlefield that have not yet been confirmed destroyed or captured. As opposed, to the Russian counterpart of this list, we might thus expect this list to grow rather than dwindle down as time progresses.

Obviously, not all equipment known to have been developed by Ukraine or pledged delivered by an ally may be actually operational, so to keep things manageable this list will include only those systems that have been acknowledged to be in use with the military. Nevertheless, certain systems may be included or omitted on a case-by-case basis for instance because they are expected to be used operationally or, conversely, because including them would be impractical. Categories that have been excluded are small-sized (EOD) UGVs, civilian-grade UAVs, transport and training aircraft, naval vessels and (armoured) trucks. This list is updated as additional vehicle types are confirmed to be destroyed or captured.

Our lis...


How to protect online privacy in the age of pixel trackers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Tracking pixels like the Meta and TikTok pixels are popular tools for online businesses to monitor their website visitors behaviors and preferences, but they do come with risks. While pixel technology has been around for years, privacy regulations such as CCPA and GDPR have created new, much stricter rules, making the practice of data harvesting through a tracking pixel highly controversial. Tracking pixels on your website means that website owners are considered data controllers and More

The post How to protect online privacy in the age of pixel trackers appeared first on Help Net Security.



Babylon's Bankers

Recently I did a News and Views about the derivatives sloshing around in the financial system, and about Ellen Brown's thesis that - at it's

The post BANKING ON THE (OBFUSCATED) NUMBERS appeared first on The Giza Death Star.



Tidbits of Conspiracy News

Apropos of today's main blog, V.T. shared the following articles about SillyCON Valley Bank: The SVB Collapse: How financial crisis boosts the rise of

The post TIDBITS: SILLYCON VALLEY BANK appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


Techno-fixs or 'solidaristic commoning' "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Techno-fixs or 'solidaristic commoning'

brendan 20th March 2023
Teaser Media

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #544 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

: Cheap renewables are very expensive. Power engineers Chris Morris and Russ Schussler

The post Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #544 first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Casino Aficionados Will Have A Busy Day "IndyWatch Feed War"

Warren Buffet: "Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked." --- Credit Suisse Bonds Gain in a Weekend Trading Session - Mar 18, 8:21 UTC - Bloomberg/Yahoo One large dealer was quoting Credit Suisse bonds...


What Are the Rules of Custom Die Cut Boxes? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Whether you are in the e-commerce business or manufacturing sector, custom die-cut boxes have become essential. They provide protection and safety to your products as well as a great way to market them.

They come in different sizes, shapes, and materials and are customized as per your needs. Printed with your company logos and other details to promote your brand.

Custom Die Cut Boxes

Custom die cut boxes are a type of packaging that is customized to fit any product. They are often used in retail and wholesale settings, as they provide a high level of protection while also offering a number of design options.

They are printed with graphics and logos to create a custom look that reflects the style of your business. This a great way to increase brand awareness and improve customer satisfaction.

Another advantage of custom die-cut boxes is that they are shaped to fit the exact dimensions of your products. This can save you a lot of money in shipping costs.

The custom box you choose can depend on the specific items you are shipping, as well as your budget and preferences. For example, if your company ships many different items at once, a box may be more cost-effective than a custom box.

Additionally, a die cut box can help you ship your products more quickly. Because the box is shaped to fit your product, it can reduce the amount of space in the shipping truck or train car that is used.

You can also use perforations to make your boxes easier to open or tear. This a useful option if you have fragile items that need to be packaged in the box.

When designing your die cut boxes, keep in mind that it is essential to ensure that the box is completely empty of any white spaces or extra lines. Leaving these white spaces can cause the box to look off-balance or misaligned.

Purposes of Custom Die Cut Boxes

Custom Die Cut Boxes are packaging solutions that are crafted to meet the specific needs of your product. They used to house a wide range of products, including electronics, clothes, food, and cosmetics.

Theyre a great way to brand your business and give customers a unique experience. They are customized with a variety of features, such as windows and handles, to make your product stand out from the competition.

If youre looking for a way to boost sales and build brand recognition, then custom die-cut boxes are a great option. They are customized with a company logo or graphics to convey your brands vision and message.

These boxes are printed with CMYK/PMS colors, and they are topped up with UV coatings to enhance their durability. Theyre also available in a range of finishes, including gloss and matte, to give them a polished look.

In addition, theyre a great way to show off your products unique shape or design. You can even create die-cut boxes th...


Guber Election:  Delta Monarch Laments Inability To Cast Ballot Over BVAS Failure "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 20TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Live reports from Ward 1, Unit 7, Judiciary Court, Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State have indicated that HRM Obi of Owa, Emmanuel Efeziomor has lamented his inability to cast his votes in the ongoing Gubernatorial/ House of Assembly elections in Delta State.

While speaking to pressmen after the BVAS machine failed to accredit him after several attempts, the monarch expressed displeasure over the incident.

He revealed that the same situation occurred during the Presidential elections which disenfranchised him during the February 25, 2023 polls.

I have been here to vote and despite several attempts of the BVAS to accredit me for voting, I have not been able to be vote. This same thing happened during the previous Elections.

Daily Independent



Choosing the Right Sheet Metal Gauge: A Comprehensive Guide for Fabricators "IndyWatch Feed World"

Sheet metal is a versatile and durable material that is used in a wide range of industries, from construction to manufacturing. As a fabricator, choosing the right sheet metal gauge for your project is essential to ensure the structural integrity and performance of your product.

What is Sheet Metal Gauge?

A sheet metal gauge is a numerical representation of the thickness of metal. It is expressed in terms of a gauge number, with higher numbers indicating thinner sheet metal. The standard system used in the United States ranges from 7 to 30, with 7 being the thickest and 30 being the thinnest.

Tips for Choosing the Right Gauge

1. Consider the Material

Different materials have different properties and require different gauges to achieve the desired strength and durability. Before selecting it, consider the material you will be using and its properties. If you are unsure, consult with a supplier or a materials engineer to help you choose the right one.

2. Determine the Application

The intended use of sheet metal is a critical factor that influences the choice of gauge. Consider the loads and stresses the sheet metal will encounter in its application, as well as the environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity. This information will help you select the one that can withstand these factors.

3. Factor in Manufacturing Processes

The manufacturing process used for the sheet metal also influences the gauge choice. Certain processes, such as stamping and forming, require a specific minimum...


Deepfakes, Synthetic Media: How Digital Propaganda Undermines Trust "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Organizations must educate themselves and their users on how to detect, disrupt, and defend against the increasing volume of online disinformation:

More and more, nation-states are leveraging sophisticated cyber influence campaigns and digital propaganda to sway public opinion. Their goal? To decrease trust, increase polarization, and undermine democracies around the world.

In particular, synthetic media is becoming more commonplace thanks to an increase in tools that easily create and disseminate realistic artificial images, videos, and audio. This technology is advancing so quickly that soon anyone will be able to create a synthetic video of anyone saying or doing anything the creator wants. According to Sentinel, there was a 900% year-over-year increase in the proliferation of deepfakes in 2020.

It's up to organizations to protect against these cyber influence operations. But strategies are available for organizations to detect, disrupt, deter, and defend against online propaganda. Read on to learn more.

[...] As technology advances, tools that have traditionally been used in cyberattacks are now being applied to cyber influence operations. Nation-states have also begun collaborating to amplify each other's fake content.

These trends point to a need for greater consumer education on how to accurately identify foreign influence operations and avoid engaging with them. We believe the best way to promote this education is to increase collaboration between the federal government, the private sector, and end users in business and personal contexts.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


The Road To The 2023 NBA Championship: Favorites, Dark Horses, And Predictions "IndyWatch Feed World"

The NBA regular season is coming to an end, which means that this is a great time to check the standings and see which teams have the most chances to lift the Larry OBrien trophy.


Lets start by focusing on stats and current form, which should give us a much better insight into who the favorites to win the ring are, and you a much better insight into which team to bet on via online sports betting Philippines.

Eastern Conference

Milwaukee Bucks


We can say many things about this team but saying they have it easy and that they arent a clutch team are not some of those things. Yes, everyone likes to see Giannis Antetokounmpos highlights as his wingspan is unbelievable, which gives him many options when attacking the basket, but his game is much more than just amazing dunks, as he also improved from a free throw, mid and three-point range.

Of course, one player doesnt make the team, and it seems that the team chemistry of the Bucks is what could guide them to glory this season. They are currently the first seed in the East, but Celtics, a team that many bookmakers give higher odds to win the NBA title, is just one win behind.

Boston Celtics



What Are The Qualities of a Good E liquid Boxes? "IndyWatch Feed War"

E-liquid Boxes are very essential for the production of e-liquid. These boxes should be designed with artistic and attractive looks.

Moreover, good packaging helps you in getting the attention of customers who are browsing in a retail outlet. They will definitely buy your product if they see it in a beautiful display box.

E-liquid Boxes

E liquid Boxes have a very important role in the packaging of any product. The way the product is packaged and the quality of the packaging is a major factors that can determine whether or not the product will be bought by a customer.

It is also an essential part of the marketing strategy. A products package can be a great selling tool if it is well-designed and attractive.

This is why a lot of companies are making use of packaging boxes to present their products to customers. These boxes are not only stylish, but they are also eco-friendly and durable enough to preserve the product for a long time.

The e-liquids have an enormous demand and are available in many different varieties of flavors, colors, and characteristics. This means that there is a huge demand for customized e-liquid packaging boxes.

Custom e-liquid boxes are one of the best ways to attract customers and increase sales for your product. These boxes come in a wide variety of designs and styles, making it easy to find the perfect one for your business needs.

Another advantage of these custom e-liquid boxes is that they are designed to protect your product during transport. The material used to make these boxes should be durable and strong.

These e-liquid boxes are also designed to provide information about the ingredients and the dosage of the product. This is helpful for the customers as it will help them to choose the right flavor of e-liquid that they like.

E-liquid boxes are the most sought-after items in the market and are a vital aspect of any brands success. Having a good E-liquid box can attract customers and boost sales, which will ultimately lead to greater profit.

Features of good E liquid Boxes

A good e-liquid box needs to have all the qualities that can make your product stand out from the rest. The box must be able to keep your product safe and clean while being shipped, but also look unique and attractive at the same time.

The first feature you should look for in an e-liquid box is a high-quality front label. This will prevent your bottle from breaking or becoming damaged in transit. Choose a label that is highly resistant to wear and tear and will still be visible even after a few uses.

Another important aspect of e-liquid packaging is the material its made from. Youll want to make sure its strong enough to withstand international shipping and the pressure of being squeezed. You can also choose a material thats lightweight but......


Innovative Uses of Plastic Pallets: From Vertical Gardening to DIY Projects "IndyWatch Feed World"

Plastic pallets are an essential part of the logistics industry. They are used to transport and store goods, making it easier to move them from one place to another. However, they have become increasingly popular outside of the logistics industry in recent years, as people have discovered the many innovative uses for plastic pallets. From vertical gardening to DIY projects, they can be repurposed in many creative ways.

Vertical Gardening

One of the most popular uses for plastic pallets is as a foundation for a vertical garden. Vertical gardens are a great way to make the most of limited space, and they add a touch of greenery to any area. Plastic pallets make an ideal foundation for a vertical garden because they are lightweight, durable, and can withstand exposure to the elements.

Play Structures

Plastic pallets can also be used to create play structures for children. They can be stacked and secured together to create a climbing wall or a platform for a treehouse. They can also be used to create a sandbox or a play kitchen.

To create a play structure using them, start by choosing the right size and style of the pallet. Then, stack them on top of each other and secure them together with screws or brackets. You can add ropes or ladders to create a climbing wall, or attach a platform to the top of the pallets to create a treehouse. With a little imagination, you can create a fun and unique play area for your children.

DIY Projects



The Recent Arrest Orders For Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump Ought to Be a Wake-Up Call "IndyWatch Feed War"

Rolo Slavskiy Slavland Chronicles March 19, 2023

By now, everyone has heard the news that the ICC wants Putin to answer for his heinous war crimes. The reason given for his summons? He helped relocate children from the Donbass to Russia and put the orphans up for adoption with church families.

Internally, it made for good PR.

But, youd never hear about it in the West, because the media is controlled by the you-know-whos and the various spook agencies, who are themselves also largely taken over by you-know-whoish interests.

Undoubtedly, this marks an escalation. No negotiations are allowed with a country led by an Amalek war criminal. Putin is now officially Gadaffi, Milosevic, and Hitler. Lets hope, for Russias sake at least, that things turns out better for him.

Heres what Strelkov thinks:

A day has passed since the media informed us that the Hague freaks issued a warrant for the arrest of Putin. Frankly, at the beginning I had a mixed feeling from this news: 1) bad (no matter how I personally feel about the personality of the person who is our president we have no other (we are being punished for our sins). And as regards the insulting warrant this is a spit not only on him, but also on Russia (which, alas, he is being allowed to lead); 2) at the same time, the timid hope has revived again that at least fearing the same fate of Gaddafi, this will stir things up a little This is, of course, unjustified optimistim. At the moment there is no proof for this hope in just a day, loyal officials, deputies and journalists of all stripes managed to convince me that the authorities are stronger than ever in their implacable cretinism and we can only hope for their enlightenment immediately before the end of Putins career a la Gaddafi when for us (and for them too) it will be too late. (Well, that is, I havent lost all hope, but so far there is nothing to be optimistic about).

Strelkov makes the same argument that I did recently. T...


Tucker Carlson and Col. Douglas Macgregor have a truth session about Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed War"

Col. Douglas Macgregor Fox News via March 18, 2023



A Feature-Rich Amplifier Module For 3-Way Speaker Builds "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Theres something rewarding about building your own DIY audio hardware. Knowing you put it together yourself gives you faith in the construction, and psychosomatically makes the music sound all that much sweeter. If youre into that kind of thing, you might like to give [Eric Sorensens] Denmark amplifier module a look.

The amplifier is intended to be used in a 3-way system, running a subwoofer, woofer, and tweeter. It uses a 1000 W ICEpower module to run the subwoofer, with a pair of 500W ICEpower modules to run the woofer and tweeter respectively. Meanwhile, a MiniDSP 2x4HD is used to accept optical audio input. It also offers digital signal processing and serves as a crossover to split the signal across the three speakers. An STM32F401 is used to run the show, controlling all the various modules and the necessary status LEDs. Its a feature-rich build, too, with overtemperature monitoring, fan control, and clipping warnings built in.

The whole setup is built on to a sturdy aluminium backplate. The CNC-machined panel has simple tactile buttons for control. There&#...


AND You Wont Be Sailing Long on The Ocean of Nonsense Unless You Have a Bicycle Pump Attached to Your Nipples. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Smoking Mirrors March 17, 2023

Dog Poet Transmitting.

We really dont want to wind up on The Ocean of Nonsense in a tipsy rowboat. The wind and waves can be very unpredictable. Nonsense is unpredictable. You never know what sort of crazy shit dysfunctional minds are going to come up with. One day its something about the Earth being flat. The last time that was popular, most people everywhere were uniformly stupid and there were a lot fewer people.

Anyone with any sense, meaning those who are not stupid, also knows that it is pointless to argue with stupid people. Why? Because they are stupid, which makes them intransigent and unreasonable. Recently I heard one of them say, I never said The Earth was flat. What I said is that the oceans are flat. Heh heh riddle me this; if The Earth is not flat then how can the oceans be flat?

You have to assume that these people are messing with you because no one can be that stupid, right? Color me newly awakened because Ive been watching a lot of Clown World lately and Ive had to adjust my perspective.

Mentally ill people who are sexually confused have been saying, trans-women are real women. This is nonsense. I KNOW this is nonsense. What they can say is that trans-women think they are real women. Is that pretty much the same? No. Its not.

Im not surprised that people believe things that are not true. Look at the millions who think Russia started a war with Ukraine. Russia did not start a war with Ukraine. Ukraine started a war with Russia. Actually, The International Bankers, who use ZATO as a private army, and Ukraine as their private porno palace, started that war because they want to bring the whole world under their submission. This wont happen. This has NEVER happened. Its not possible for ANYONE to rule the whole world.

Millions of people bought into the legerdemain where COVID was grafted over the seasonal flu and the common cold. Then these same dimwits bought into The Killer Vaccines. Despite people dropping dead all around them because of The Killer Vaccines, they still believe The Killer Vaccines are a defense against COVID, but vaccines of any kind are not a defense against the common cold or the seasonal flu. Your immune system is your defense against these maladies and vaccines COMPROMISE your immune system.

Now we have millions of autistic children, due to ridiculous amounts of early childhood vaccinations. Now their immune systems are compromised, and even if they do continue to live for a little while, it wont be pleasant. I havent had a cold or flu in decades and I get no vaccines at all.

I grew up in a rough-and-tumble world playing contact sports without equipment. I grew up when dirt was good for you...


Reuters Assistance With Italys Take on African Immigrants Represents a New Watershed "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Many  of the migrants who cross the Mediterannean do so aiming for Italy

Martin Jay March 17, 2023

The duplicitous role of western media in assisting NATO in its dark endeavours is nothing new. But Reuters may well have broken a world record in partisan journalism with its latest efforts to implicate Russia in the Libyan immigrants crisis.

Reuters is not the news legend it used to be. Gone are the days when it had armies of clever young people fact checking polemic statements made by world leaders to be even faintly accurate. Case in point the recent incendiary claim by Italys defence minister that the rising number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean is part of hybrid warfare waged by Russia using mercenaries as proxies on countries supporting Ukraine.

I think it is now safe to say that the exponential increase in the migratory phenomenon departing from African shores is also, to a not insignificant extent, part of a clear strategy of hybrid warfare that the Wagner division is implementing, using its considerable weight in some African countries, Crosetto said in a statement, dutifully republished verbatim by the great news legend itself.

Reuters itself then appears to cover itself by doing a frenzied back-peddle by not even substantiating that Wagner even has a presence in Africa.

Wagner is believed to be operating in several African countries, including Libya, Mali, and the Central African Republic. The group has been heavily involved in Russian efforts to capture the city of Bakhmut, in eastern Ukraine the global news outlet adds. Believed? Hilarious.

The article, copy-pasted by third rate European news outlets like Deutsche Welle, goes on to quote the Italian minister with his rant.

Just as the EU, NATO and the West have realised that cyber attacks were part of the global confrontation that the war in Ukraine opened up, they should now understand that the southern European front is also becoming more dangerous every day, Crosetto said.

Reuters claims that some 20,000 people have reached Italy so far this year, compared to 6,100 in the same period of 2022, Italian interior ministry figures show. In the past weekend alone 1,200 people reached Italian shores which is a problem for Prime Minister Giorgia Melonis government, which was elected on a staunchly anti-immigration platform it explains.

But what it fails to explain is whether there is any truth whatsoever in the allegation.

In basic terms, the allegations made by the Italian minister are a gross misrepresentation of facts, based on one simple minutia of the overall story. While it is true that the migrants themselves are coming from some of the African countries which are now protected by Russian mercenaries it fails to mention or explain that this is not subsequent to those countries becoming...


WEF Pushes for End of Cash amid Banking Crisis "IndyWatch Feed War"

Frank Bergman SLAY News March 18, 2023

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is hailing the opportunity presented by the global banking crisis to advance toward its goal of a cashless society.

Klaus Schwabs WEF believes that the recent collapse of several large banks has created an ideal argument for the end of cash.

The WEF has teamed up with key banking elites to present plans for eradicating the traditional monetary system and replacing it with centralized digital cash.

The idea has been promoted by the WEF for some time as part of its Great Reset agenda.

The globalist organization has laid out its plan for the ultimate demise of physical cash in an article on the WEF website authored by Deutsche Bank Macro Strategist Marion Laboure.

Laboure, a WEF member, focuses on the World Economic Forums plan for the end of cash by ushering in central bank-issued digital currencies (CBDCs) on a global level.

CBDCs are a centralized model favored by globalist governments and economic elites, but they should not be confused with decentralized cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.

As Slay News has reported, concerns have been mounting over the push for government-controlled CBDCs.

As weve recently seen with governments censoring citizens on Big Tech platforms, CBDCs would give authorities a disturbing level of control of individuals lives.

The publics spending habits could be tracked by the government and those who dissent could be easily penalized or even cut off.

The WEF singles out Sweden, Brazil, and China as those countries that have made particular strides in moving toward digitized versions of CBDCs.

In fact, such is the enthusiasm that the WEFs Deutsche Bank official sees the future dominance of CBDCs, taking over at the expense of cash as something inevitable.

The pandemic is credited with expediting matters on this front, particularly in Sweden.

Meanwhile, the rate at which governments are advancing toward CBDCs is either alarming or impressive, depending on how you view the trend.

The WEF article notes that 90% of central banks around the world are now in the process of creating and/or trialing a CBDC.

That number has doubled in...


Graham Crawford Societal Betrayal Has Destroyed Trust Forever "IndyWatch Feed War" March 19, 2023

Are the vaccinated damned?

The very thought of that potentially ticking time bomb may be too much for many to bear. How will they cope? How will they and the rest of the world hold together under the weight of collective anxiety and anger at being callously misled and coerced into taking, often repeatedly, a highly suspect experimental injection they never actually needed?

I am also now like a wary dog, constantly watchful of the abusive master should he attempt to raise his hand again.

The Needle and the Damage Done

by Graham Crawford (abridged by

 I regretted it the moment the needle went in, and Ive regretted it ever since.

For that person, the irreversible leap into the unknown had been made, and there was no going back.

Depending on what figures you believe, around 50 million people in the UK and 5.5 billion worldwide made the leap.

Many remain in ignorance of what it truly means, but as reportsand general chat leaks out about horrendous numbers of vaccine- related deaths and terrible side effects, how much longer before they are hit by the harsh reality?




Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It "IndyWatch Feed War"

Brenda Baletti Ph.D. The Defender March 16, 2023

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) on Wednesday released a draft report linking prenatal and childhood fluoride exposure to reduced IQ in children, after public health officials tried for almost a year to block its publication.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) initially blocked the NTP from releasing the report, according to emails obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

But a court order stemming from a lawsuit filed by Food and Water Watch against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) forced the reports release this week.

The NTP, an interagency program run by HHS that researches and reports on environmental toxins, conducted a six-year systematic review to assess scientific studies on fluoride exposure and potential neurodevelopmental and cognitive health effects in humans.

The report, containing a monograph and a meta-analysis, went through two rounds of peer review by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Comments from reviewers and HHS and NTPs responses also were included in the report released Wednesday.

According to its website, the NTP removed the hazardous classification of fluoride in response to comments in the peer-review process. Yet, the report states:

Our meta-analysis confirms results of previous meta-analyses and extends them by including newer, more precise studies with individual-level exposure measures.

The data support a consistent inverse association between fluoride exposure and childrens IQ

The results were robust to stratifications by risk of bias, gender, age group, outcome assessment, study location, exposure timing, and exposure type (including both drinking water and urinary fluoride).

These findings fly in the face of the empty, unscientific claims U.S. health officials have propagated for years, namely that water fluoridation is safe and beneficial, said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Childrens Health Defense chairman and chief litigation counsel. Its past time to eliminate this neurotoxin from our water supply.

The controversial report will play a key role in determining the outcome of a lawsuit brought in 2017 by several nonprofit...


Black Sea drones show US involvement in war with Russia: Kremlin "IndyWatch Feed War"

Press TV March 19, 2023

The Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov says US drone flights over the Black Sea are a sign of direct US involvement in the Ukraine war.

It is quite obvious what these drones are doing, and their mission is not at all a peaceful mission to ensure the safety of shipping in international waters,  Peskov said in a TV interview on Sunday. And in fact, we are talking about the direct involvement of the operators of these drones in the conflict, and against us.

On March 14, the US military claimed a Russian fighter plane had clipped the propeller of one of its spy drones flying over the Black Sea in international airspace, causing the drone to crash into the water.

Russia views the incident as a provocation and denied that its forces had made any effort to down the drone, and instead suggested that the US aircraft had possibly crashed due to sharp maneuvering.

According to Moscow, the incident happened as the UAV was flying over the waters of the Black Sea in the area of the Crimean peninsulatowards the Russian state border.

Crimea declared independence from Ukraine on March 17, 2014 and formally applied to fall under Russian sovereignty following a referendum. Kiev and Washington have refused to recognize Moscows sovereignty over the territory.

The Russian Defense Ministry has said the pilots of Russian jets involved in the crash incident of the US spy drone will be nominated for decoration. The ministry said they will be awarded for preventing a US drone from violating international airspace restrictions put in place by Moscow.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has told US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that increased intelligence activities against the interests of the Russian Federation as well as the non-compliance with the restricted flight zone declared by Moscow had led to the drone incident.

Separately, media reports quoting US officials said that Washington resumed surveillance drone flights over the Blac...


Vision Impairments in Patients After COVID-19 Vaccination, Doctors Caution Possible Risks "IndyWatch Feed World"

Vision Impairments in Patients After COVID-19 Vaccination, Doctors Caution Possible Risks | 18 Mary 2023 | House Rep. Mike Belcher (R-N.H.) has been suffering from ocular migraines for almost two years. He took his first Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA immunization in April 2021, and things have not been the same since. Around 12 hours after the shot, Belcher recalled developing symptoms of severe flu and neurological symptoms soon manifested in a matter of days. One unusual symptom stood out: His vision became strange. He started to notice that the red and green color balance in his eyes would shift, and dark spots would appear in his field of vision. Belcher would soon be tormented with painful headaches preceded by a blinding light that would cause searing pain at the back of his eyes... After being transferred from specialist to specialist, Belcher was finally hospitalized in May 2021... Alabama-based neurologist and neuroradiologist Dr. Diane Counce told The Epoch Times that since the vaccine rollouts, she has also seen many patients who, after vaccination, would develop migraines, or experience a worsening or increased frequency of symptoms. These migraines would often manifest with temporary blindness.


[SECURITY ADVISORY] curl: CVE-2023-27538: SSH connection too eager reuse still "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Daniel Stenberg on Mar 20

CVE-2023-27538: SSH connection too eager reuse still

Project curl Security Advisory, March 20th 2023 -


libcurl would reuse a previously created connection even when an SSH related
option had been changed that should have prohibited reuse.

libcurl keeps previously used connections in a connection pool for...


Bible college fires theologian for tweet against homosexuality, threatens to report as terrorist - lawyers "IndyWatch Feed World"

Bible college fires theologian for tweet against homosexuality, threatens to report as terrorist - lawyers --Dr. Aaron Edwards was told his tweet caused 'distress' among members of Britain's Methodist Church | 19 March 2023 | A Methodist Bible college in the U.K. fired a Christian theologian and threatened to report him as a terrorist because of his tweets in opposition to homosexuality, his attorneys claimed. Dr. Aaron Edwards, who taught theology at Cliff College in Derbyshire, England, was dismissed from the school after being accused of "bringing the college into disrepute" on social media last month. "Homosexuality is invading the church," Edwards tweeted on Feb. 19. "Evangelicals no longer see the severity of this [because] they're busy apologizing for their apparently barbaric homophobia, whether or not it's true. "This *is* a 'Gospel issue,' by the way. If sin is no longer sin, we no longer need a Savior," Edwards added... Edwards was suspended from the school pending an investigation and the college revealed during a disciplinary hearing on March 8 that it was considering referring him to Prevent, which polices allegations of terrorism in the U.K.


[SECURITY ADVISORY] curl: CVE-2023-27537: HSTS double-free "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Daniel Stenberg on Mar 20

CVE-2023-27537: HSTS double-free

Project curl Security Advisory, March 20th 2023 -


libcurl supports sharing HSTS data between separate "handles". This sharing was
introduced without considerations for do this sharing across separate threads
but there was no indication of this fact in the documentation.

Due to missing...


UBS-Credit Suisse merger: Stocks tank after government-brokered deal announced "IndyWatch Feed World"

UBS agreed to buy its troubled rival for almost $3.25 billion in a deal orchestrated by regulators. Shares in both banks were down in early trading.

Shares of Credit Suisse plunged 60.5% in early trading Monday after the announcement that banking giant UBS would buy its troubled rival for almost $3.25 billion in a deal orchestrated by regulators to stave off further market-shaking turmoil in the global banking system.

Read Full Story


[SECURITY ADVISORY] curl: CVE-2023-27536: GSS delegation too eager connection re-use "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Daniel Stenberg on Mar 20

CVE-2023-27536: GSS delegation too eager connection re-use

Project curl Security Advisory, March 20th 2023 -


libcurl would reuse a previously created connection even when the GSS
delegation (`CURLOPT_GSSAPI_DELEGATION`) option had been changed that could
have changed the user's permissions in a...


Somali Leaders Agree to Increase Troop Numbers "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Somalias federal and regional leaders have agreed to increase the number of armed forces and police officers to meet security demands as African Union forces leave the country by the end of next year.

The leaders have agreed the number of national armed forces to be at least 30,000 soldiers and at least 40,000 police personnel, according to the agreement obtained by VOA Somali.

According to the agreement known as the National Security Architecture signed by Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre and the leaders of federal member states last week, the new number of armed forces do not include the navy, air force and special commando units trained by the United States and Turkey.

The agreement revises a 2017 deal between Somali leaders, which specified the number of military and police to be at least 18,000 and 32,000 respectively. The earliest age to register for the army will be 18 and 62 is the new retirement age.

According to the new agreement, the countrys National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) will continue to have special armed agents until current security conditions end. Federal member states, which currently have their own intelligence agencies and armed agents, will no longer have these agencies once the country is stabilized.

The new agreement also allows the number of custodial corps to be 5,300 comprised of 4,500 federal and 800 prison guards.

Leaders of the Puntland semiautonomous region did not participate in the meeting held in the southwestern town of Baidoa between March 15 and 17. In January, Puntland leaders said they would govern their own affairs like an independent government until the federal constitution is completed.

Somali government officials said the new agreement is intended to prepare the countrys forces to take over security responsibilities from AU forces.



[SECURITY ADVISORY] curl: CVE-2023-27535: FTP too eager connection reuse "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Daniel Stenberg on Mar 20

CVE-2023-27535: FTP too eager connection reuse

Project curl Security Advisory, March 20th 2023 -


libcurl would reuse a previously created FTP connection even when one or more
options had been changed that could have made the effective user a very
different one, thus leading to the doing the second transfer with wrong...


[SECURITY ADVISORY] curl: CVE-2023-27534: SFTP path ~ resolving discrepancy "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Daniel Stenberg on Mar 20

CVE-2023-27534: SFTP path ~ resolving discrepancy

Project curl Security Advisory, March 20th 2023 -


curl supports SFTP transfers. curl's SFTP implementation offers a special
feature in the path component of URLs: a tilde (`~`) character as the first
path element in the path to denotes a path relative to the...


[SECURITY ADVISORY] curl: CVE-2023-27533: TELNET option IAC injection "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Daniel Stenberg on Mar 20

CVE-2023-27533: TELNET option IAC injection

Project curl Security Advisory, March 20th 2023 -


curl supports communicating using the TELNET protocol and as a part of this it
offers users to pass on user name and "telnet options" for the server

Due to lack of proper input scrubbing and without it...


A Cognitive Revolution in Animal Research "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Animal personalities are forcing scientists to rethink basic research.



The Highwire with Del Bigtree | March 16, 2023

American families have been in a battle to protect their children from an overreaching public health apparatus for years. Now, backlash is growing against bills targeting parental rights, in the form of multiple bills written to protect and affirm parental choice.

#ParentalConsent #Choice #MedicalFreedom


Las condenadas de la tierra en Estados Unidos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

John Steinbeck fue un periodista excepcional, como lo demuestra en una serie de reportajes escritos en la dcada de 1930 sobre los y las trabajadoras temporarias en California.

En 1936, un joven John Steinbeck fue contratado por The San Francisco News para cubrir los estragos humanos que produjo una gran sequa en el Medio Oeste estadounidense. En apenas siete reportajes, retrat las profundas desigualdades de su pas, algo que persiste hasta nuestros das.

El escritor, que aos ms tarde recibira el Premio Nobel de Literatura, sigui con persistencia a las caravanas de personas que escapaban de sus hogares y tierras, las cuales se quebraban hasta la inutilidad por la falta de agua y viajaban como podan hacia California, donde eran contratadas como empleados y empleadas temporarias en las cosechas. Junto a esas mujeres, hombres, nios, nias y ancianos, tambin viajaba la muerte, el dolor y la soledad de saberse desamparadas por el dios en el que crean o por el gobierno que las miraba con desprecio.

Imagen: Dorothea Lange

Los reportajes fueron reunidos en Los vagabundos de la cosecha -publicados en 2007 en espaol por Libros del Asteroide y acompaados por una serie de imgenes de la reconocida fotgrafa Dorothea Lange. En esas siete crnicas de escritura milimtrica, Steinbeck convirti su experiencia en un periodismo sencillo y filoso, de una crudeza que conmociona, y describi los cimientos ms profundos de la explotacin en Estados Unidos.

En el prlogo, el narrador y poeta Eduardo Jord explica que Los vagabundos funciona como la novela de la novela. De esta manera, recuerda que, tres aos despus, los reportajes de Steinbeck seran la materia prima para Las uvas de la ira, su novela ms reconocida a nivel mundial. Jord tambin apunta que Los vagabundos es ante todo un esplndido documento periodstico y un aireado alegato social, donde el Steinbeck periodista le puso rostros, lamentos e historias al denominado Dust Bowl (Cuenco de Polvo), como se conocieron las tormentas de tierra que, entre 1931 y 1939, barrieron Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Nebraska, Dakota del Sur y Colorado. Al desastre climtico de ese entonces, se sumaban los coletazos financieros de la Gran Depresin, donde un pas casi quebrado econmicamente sobreviva dejando sin rescate a los sectores ms humildes y empobrecidos, un paisaje que se repetira...


How the ancient philosophers imagined the end of the world "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Well, they diid and actually left no stone unturned.  It is only the way more recent idea of human progress that we overcome past concepts of worlds ending.  Yet our own history is about knocking down one organized society after another in order to emplace our own form of order.

Today we have created a global civiliuzation which is still a motley mosaic of mostly cultures all now accepting what is economically best described as modernity.

We all also understand that it is unfinished and also its ultimate expression remains unclear.  I speak to the rule of twelve which is still opaque.  Yet that can stand for millions of years and really throughout space and time as accepted truth..

How the ancient philosophers imagined the end of the world

Destruction (1836, detail) from Thomas Coles series The Course of Empire. Courtesy Wikipedia

Christopher Staris professor of Classics at Middlebury College, Vermont. His most recent book is Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021).

How to make friends as an adult "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This is a wonderful article to print up and to distribute at your local coffee shop along with a name tag then kept on a roster board to be put on and taken off when one is in attendence.  It can be called the local coffee shop freindship club and it can be used to support a club email group or even a facebook page as well.

This club can certainly pay attention to folks who are ailing.  That alone can drive it.

It is also the right environment as well.

How to make friends as an adult

Friendships give us so much. Be bold, take the initiative, and youll be surprised how many people are pleased to connect

by Marisa G Franco

Charlton Lido, London. Photo by Kirsty OConnor/Getty

Marisa G Francois a psychologist and author. She writes regularly about connection for Psychology Today and has been a featured connection expert in publications including The New York Times, The Telegraph and Vice. She is currently writing a book, Platonic, on how to make friends as an adult. She lives in Washington, DC.

Edited by...

Pakistan faces terrorism surge post-Afghan war "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Of course we have blowback which has been the the history of every other insurgency sponsored by a neighboring power.  At least Stalin knew to round them all up and then shoot them.  After all disloyalty is terribly infectious.

Truth is, the pakistani military is so diserving.  The good news is that it should slowly age out so long as they simply accept the damage.

Even the old NAZIS soon gave it up for a return to civilian life.  Lies eventually lose their edge.

A suicide blast killed 101 in a mosque in Peshawar, Pakistan in January. Terror attacks in the country have increased since the Taliban took power in neighboring Afghanistan in August 2021. Reuters

Pakistan faces terrorism surge post-Afghan war

Islamabad helped bring the Taliban to power, now it faces the consequences

MARCH 15, 2023 06:00 JST


A New Science of Heaven with Robert Temple "IndyWatch Feed Tech"


I have been asked to review a new book written by Robert Temple titled A New Science of Heaven.  I am delighted to do so.

it is also a great wake up call for my work on Cloud Cosmology.  Understanding plasma is extremely important.

Understand that any and all clouds of free electrons will naturally be divergent and obviously blow apart.  Bit of a problem if you narrow your vision just to what we can see or detect.  This is of course my beef with all of our physics as I can readily imagine a neutron pair decaying into a free hygrogen ion and an electron.  I can also imagine an electron positron pairing that is also neutral and even an neutrino pair as well.  My Cloud Cosmology also informs how to go about making them as well.

What is important is that we have detected two plasma clouds within the two Lagrange points using optical telescopes.  They are several times larger than our own planet.  This happens to be an excellent location also for a large mass of neutral items just like neutron neutron pairs and all that.  Free electrons will be shielded by these objects and even be nicely aligned with them as well.

All this screams that such neutron pairs form the outer shell of the sun and that such pairs are actively decaying there along with everything else we see.  We are assuming the process is sped up there as well.  Again we are describing obvious forms of so called DARK MATTER that simply cannot be detected by the tools at hand.  And yes, DARK MATTER makes up around 98% of the matter in our galaxy.  It might be important.

The fact is that we are blind to such matter.  Yet it rather nicely accomadates plasma in particular and what has been asigned to Fusion Energy.

I now wonder just what lightening actually is.  Free electrons obviously blow open a physical channel and something then passes through to the Earh's surface.  Ball lightening is an obvious surface of free electrons containing what?  How about neutron pairs we cannot detect?

Understand again, that we...


La oposicin encara el reto de forjar la unidad "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La represin ha logrado desarticular a la oposicin en Nicaragua por medio de crcel y destierro. Sin embargo, los opositores no han podido unirse en un solo bloque. Fuentes diplomticas contabilizan unos 60 grupos diferentes que han llegado a Washington para cabildear en nombre de la oposicin nicaragense. En la bsqueda de la unidad, en Costa Rica y Estados Unidos se dan reuniones entre partidos y organizaciones que hasta hace dos aos estaban enfrentadas

El pasado 9 de febrero, cuando desterraron a 222 presos polticos a Virginia, Estados Unidos, se gener una imagen que llam la atencin: opositores exiliados abrazndose con los desterrados en el hotel Westin, donde el gobierno estadounidense hosped durante los primeros das a la mayora de los expulsados. La curiosidad no fue por las muestras de cario hacia los recin liberados -que se vieron por transmisiones a travs de redes sociales-, sino por la coincidencia de que hubiera una comitiva amplia y diversa de actores polticos en el mismo lugar donde los desterraron. 

Una de las hiptesis que se manej pblicamente fue que los opositores que se encontraban en Washington supieron con anticipacin sobre la operacin que liber y desterr a 222 presos polticos. Sin embargo, fuentes consultadas para este reportaje negaron esta versin y explicaron que la coincidencia ocurri porque aquellos opositores participaban en una reunin en la capital de Estados Unidos, como parte de los esfuerzos para lograr la unidad de la oposicin.

El Partido Ciudadanos por la Libertad fue uno de los actores que impidi la unidad opositora, segn sus crticos. Foto: Divergentes.

Dicen que en poltica no existen coincidencias, pero en este caso s fue una casualidad que varios actores de la oposicin estuvieran en Washington, justo el da del destierro de los presos polticos, dijo Douglas Castro, miembro de la Alianza Universitaria Nicaragense (AUN) y la Alianza Cvica por la Justicia y la Democracia, dos organizaciones que surgieron a raz de la rebelin de abril de 2018.

Fuentes consultadas aseguran que los opositores que estaban ese da en Washington forman parte de una agrupacin llamada Grupo Monteverde, que rene a miembros de la Unidad Nacional Azul y Blanco (UNAB), la Alianza Cvica, Ciudadanos por la Libertad (CxL), Unamos (antes Movimiento Renovador Sandinista), Movimiento Campesino, entre otras organizaciones. Aquel da en el hotel Westin se encontraban Ana Quirs, de la UNAB, Daisy George West, de la Alianza Cvica, Kitty Monterrey, de CxL, Luis Carrin, de Unamos, y Francisca Ramrez, lideresa campesina, entre otros actores polticos.



Play ransomware gang hit Dutch shipping firm Royal Dirkzwager "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Dutch maritime logistics company Royal Dirkzwager suffered a ransomware attack, the company was hit by the Play ransomware gang.

The Play ransomware group hit the Dutch maritime logistics company Royal Dirkzwager.

Royal Dirkzwager is specialized in optimizing shipping processes and managing maritime and logistic information flows.

The ransomware group added the company to its Tor data leak site and announced the theft of stolen private and personal confidential data, employee IDs, passports, contracts and etc.

The gang initially leaked a 5 GB archive as proof of the hack and threatens to release the full dump if the company will not pay the ransom.

Royal Dirkzwager Play ransomware

Company CEO Joan Blaas said that the ransomware attack did not impact the operations of the company. He confirmed that threat actors have stolen sensitive data from its infrastructure.

It has had a huge impact on our employees. Over the last year, because of the companys bankruptcy, we had to let go of people and not everyone could stay. We had to move offices and now this. Its been a very difficult time, Company CEO Joan Blaas told The Record.

The company notified the Dutch Data Protection Authority and confirmed it is in negotiations with the ransomware group.

The Play ransomware group has been active since July 2022, the list of victims includes the City of Oakland and the Cloud services provider Rackspace.

The shipping industry is a privileged target of cybercrime organizations. In January, about 1,000 ves...


'They're communists, Marxists, RINOs and losers!' Trump launches scathing attack on 'animals and thugs' who 'are plotting his arrest on Tuesday' "IndyWatch Feed World"

'They're communists, Marxists, RINOs and losers!' Trump launches scathing attack on 'animals and thugs' who 'are plotting his arrest on Tuesday' --Trump's ally 'prepares to slap down Michael Cohen in court tomorrow' | 20 March 2023 | Donald Trump on Sunday denounced the 'animals and thugs' he said were readying to arrest him, saying they were "purposefully destroying our country." With a Manhattan grand jury believed to be close to making a decision on whether to indict Trump over his payment of hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels -- payments which may have violated campaign finance rules -- the 76-year-old lashed out at those against him. "REMEMBER, THE SAME ANIMALS AND THUGS THAT WOULD DO THIS TO PERHAPS 200 MILLION PEOPLE, BUT ACTUALLY ALL AMERICANS, ARE THE COMMUNISTS, MARXISTS, RINOS, AND LOSERS THAT ARE PURPOSEFULLY DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!" he wrote on his social media platform, Truth Social. Trump on Saturday said he believed he "WILL BE ARRESTED ON TUESDAY OF NEXT WEEK." Earlier, Trump predicted that the testimony from his former lawyer Michael Cohen, who has turned against him, would be shredded by a witness [Robert Costello] his lawyers had convinced to speak to the grand jury.


En Mxico ya hay ms de 100 grupos y colectivos que buscan a sus desaparecidos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Karina Mariela Ansolabehere, especialista del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurdicas, y Cristina Hernndez Engrandes, investigadora del Programa Universitario de Estudios del Desarrollo (PUED), intervinieron en la sesin Gnero y Desapariciones, en ocasin del Da Internacional de la Mujer, organizado por el Seminario Universitario de la Cuestin Social (SUCS).

Si bien mujeres y hombres padecen esa situacin, los motivos por los cuales sucede son diferentes, segn el sexo, y en los ltimos tiempos se aprecia una feminizacin del problema, por lo que es necesario reflexionar ms sobre este fenmeno, cmo se ha institucionalizado, sus problemas y aciertos, y la forma en que convive con las alertas de gnero, enfatiz Ansolabehere.

Ante mujeres reunidas en el Auditorio Jess Silva Herzog, del Posgrado de la Facultad de Economa, Ansolabehere prosigui: Aunque las desapariciones se asocian con dictaduras militares o gobiernos castrenses, no se crea que se dieran en naciones democrticas.

En Mxico hay ms de 112,000 personas desaparecidas y no localizadas desde 1964, que es el primer registro que se tiene. No se trata de un problema marginal sino estructural, porque hay 112,000 familias que buscan a sus seres queridos y lo que intentamos es identificar si hay cosas comunes entre las desapariciones de dictaduras y las de hoy, explic la experta en ciencias sociales.

Estudios realizados por el Observatorio sobre Desaparicin e Impunidad en Mxico y liderados por Ansolabehere indican que entre los factores que facilitan este problema estn la clandestinidad, considerar desechable a una parte de la poblacin, que grupos criminales obtienen un beneficio econmico y la fragmentacin de las familias debido a procesos como la migracin.

El organismo, aadi la investigadora, elabor un mapa en el que se aprecia que los estados donde desaparecen ms mujeres son: Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatn y Aguascalientes, probablemente debido a los flujos migratorios, aunque no existe una sola entidad federativa de la Repblica mexicana sin esta situacin.

Segn el Registro Nacional de Personas Desaparecidas y no Localizadas, de 1960 a 1990 se contabilizaron 920 en esta condicin, especialmente en Campeche y Baja California; de 1990 a 2006, 926, principalmente en Puebla y el Estado de Mxico, aclar.

No son un fenmeno nuevo en Mxico, pero lo que s observamos es que, a partir de 2007, las desapariciones de mujeres se elevan y las de hombres son consistentes. Tenemos una curva ascendente con su pico ms alto en 2014, despus una meseta y una baja en 2021, acot.

El estudio de Ansolabehere tambin revela que quienes ms padecen este flagelo son nias de 10 a 14 aos. Adems de ser menores, son de sectores pobres o desaventajados, es decir, es mayor la probabilidad de que le suceda a una joven y pobre que a una adulta y de otro sector social, o joven de un grupo acom...


21 AI tools for content, image, sound, and video creation "IndyWatch Feed World"

Use these AI image, video, and sound generators to easily create contentincluding pitches, podcasts, and music.

Artificial intelligence may be the hottest thing happening in tech, but what are the best AI tools available to the public for enhancing productivity, improving writing, and generating multimedia content, including sounds and videos? From AI tools that can create images for use on social media platforms to video enhancers that are capable of deleting objects and creating virtual avatars, weve found some of the best AI tools for creating images and videos, as well as exploring the broad-ranging scope of how AI works.

Read Full Story

5 ways trauma-informed leaders can help ease workers anxieties "IndyWatch Feed World"

Workers in many industries have serious fears.

Change is inevitable in business. Change, though, can create fear, especially when it comes without communication and support. And one of the things Ive learned over more than 25 years working with people in trauma and distress is that fear inhibits performance. When we are afraid, its more difficult to think creatively, to solve problems, to communicate, to recall what weve learned, and to make good decisions.

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Emotet Rises Again: Evades Macro Security via OneNote Attachments "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The notorious Emotet malware, in its return after a short hiatus, is now being distributed via Microsoft OneNote email attachments in an attempt to bypass macro-based security restrictions and compromise systems. Emotet, linked to a threat actor tracked as Gold Crestwood, Mummy Spider, or TA542, continues to be a potent and resilient threat despite attempts by law enforcement to take it down. A


Humanoid Robots are Coming "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Human-shaped robots with dexterous hands will be staffing warehouses and retail stores, tending to the elderly and performing household chores within a decade or so, according to a Silicon Valley startup working toward that vision:

Demographic trends such as a persistent labor shortage and the growing elder care crisis make fully-functioning, AI-driven humanoid robots look tantalizingly appealing.

Companies such as Amazon are reportedly worried about running out of warehouse workers, whose jobs are physically and mentally demanding with high attrition.

A heavy-hitting startup called Figure, which just emerged from stealth mode, is building a prototype of a humanoid robot that the company says will eventually be able to walk, climb stairs, open doors, use tools and lift boxes perhaps even make dinner.

[...] It will take decades for humanoid robots to be able to replicate the sophisticated things our bodies can do, but visionaries are hard at work trying to make it happen.

Previously: Elon Musk Reveals Plans to Unleash a Humanoid Tesla Bot

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Detecting face morphing: A simple guide to countering complex identity fraud "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Our reliance on face matching for identity verification is being challenged by the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and facial morphing technology. This technique involves digitally creating an image which is an average of two peoples faces, and which can deceive not only human examiners, but also facial recognition systems. The misuse of this technology can enable two individuals to use one ID, presenting a significant risk for businesses and governments. In 2018, a group More

The post Detecting face morphing: A simple guide to countering complex identity fraud appeared first on Help Net Security.


DNA synthesis technologies to close the gene writing gap Reviews Chemistry "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

There is increasing demand for synthetic DNA. However, our ability to make, or write, DNA lags behind our ability to sequence, or read, it. This Review discusses commercialized DNA synthesis technologies in the pursuit of closing the DNA writing gap.


Is Polands tap water really protected by clams? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Using living organisms to ensure water safety.

Theres a lot of articles written about how tap water in Warsaw is constantly tested by a small team of clams. It felt like a hoax to me: so I went to find out. Thanks to MPWiK Warsaw:

Producer: Marcin Krasnowolski
Camera: Micha Opala.
Editor: Michelle Martin

Im at
on Twitter at

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and on Instagram as tomscottgo.


Biologists Figured Out How to Generate New Neurons in the Adult Brain, Revolutionizing Neurodegenerative Disease Research "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Recently biologists discovered how to generate new neurons in the adult brain. This is an incredible breakthrough that has enormous potential to revolutionize neurodegenerative disease research. By generating genetically-mutated mice with a unique gene that activates dormant neural stem cells, scientists were able to generate new neurons in the brain. For years, scientists have been searching for ways to promote the growth of new neurons in the brain, especially in individuals with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons. This new discovery could lead to new treatments and therapies that could help to restore brain function and improve the quality of life for millions of people around the world.

Leslie Samuel, founder of Interactive Biology, gives some context for the importance of genetic trading between organisms for scientific research, and notes how the loss of nerve cells in the brain is one of the hallmarks of neurodegenerative diseases. The ability to generate new neurons in the adult brain could be a game-changer in the field of neurology.

Leslies Thoughts


A New Board Game to Induce Climate Guilt in School Children "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Just what we need, right? A board game designed to make kids feel even more miserable and guilty about climate change.

The post A New Board Game to Induce Climate Guilt in School Children first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Greek authorities uncover identity of Russian spy who posed as Greek citizen "IndyWatch Feed War"

GREEK INTELLIGENCE OFFICIALS ANNOUNCED late last week that they had uncovered the identity of a female Russian spy who lived in central Athens using a set of forged identity documents. According to the Greek National Intelligence Service (NIS/EYP), the case is under investigation by several Western intelligence agencies. Additionally, there seems to be a connection []


5 busyness barriers that hold you back from being productive "IndyWatch Feed World"

Self-generated busyness can crowd out the important things we need to do.

Did my colleague Brenna enjoy the conference? I should send a chat message to ask her now.

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Toque de queda nocturno en Miami tras tiroteo; dos muertos reportados "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Dos ataques en Miami Beach, provoc que dos personas murieran, por lo que, las autoridades impusieron un toque de queda. Regeneracin, 19 de marzo del []

La entrada Toque de queda nocturno en Miami tras tiroteo; dos muertos reportados se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Hunter Biden Countersues Laptop Repair Shop Owner "IndyWatch Feed World"

Computer repair shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He found the horrendous, unspeakable content on Hunter Bidens laptop from hell. John Paul thought he did the right thing by contacting the authorities, but they were in the Biden crime familys pocket. The FBI stormed his shop and locked away the laptop. No one was permitted to say that the laptop even existed. Now, Hunter Biden is filing legal charges against the computer shop owner for violating his privacy. America is not a democracy; Joe Biden is a tyrant who is above the law.

The nerve these people have where they believe they have the privacy to conceal CP and treasonous secrets against the US. The contents of the computer were discovered on June/July 2019, before his dad could be installed as president. Intelligence agencies threatened media platforms such as Facebook and warned them against uncovering the story. Zuckerburg even admitted to censoring any story involving the laptop during Joe Bidens presidential run. Everyone knows the truth behind the curtain but the public was brainwashed into believing it was all a big lie.

Hunter Biden finally admitted that the laptop was his in February 2023. Actually, he alluded that the laptop could be his in a statement written by his lawyers. So for three years, CNN, NYT, Washington Post, MSNBC, and nearly every media outlet denied that the laptop existed. Believe it or not, they actually tried to blame RUSSIA for Hunte...


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

COMMENT: Hi Marty,

Seems to me the Democrats are following the time honored practice South American governments have resorted to in recent years when one party displaces another in a national election. In Brasil, the current president, Lula, spent 3 years in jail for charges of corruption. His successor was later removed from office. Now Bolsonaro has fled the country and is living in South Florida. In Ecuador, a past president, Moreno ,is under indictment and it appears he too will end up being arrested on trumped up corruption charges. In Bolivia, two term ex-president Evo Morales, after trying to run for an unprecedented third term, fled the country in 2019 when it appeared opposition to his run would potentially result in his being jailed. He fled to Argentina, then later got asylum in Mexico. The woman who replaced him was subsequently arrested on trumped up charges of conspiracy. IN Peru, which has gone through more presidents in recent years than most countries have experienced in a half century, has arrested the past 5 presidents. In Chile, the last president who served in office was run out of office for using the military to suppress protests. This was back in 2019.  The revolution that led to the country abandoning their old constitution has put the country in chaos.. The current president is extremely unpopular and one can imagine he wont last another year in office. In Colombia, the country now is run by a communist/socialist who is now flirting with an ambitious spending program designed to buy time and slow down the opposition building against him. In Argentina, the former president, Christina Fernandez Kirchner, is dodging charges of corruption(and just avoided being assassinated by a lone gunman) after presiding over another series of IMF sponsored funding that has left the country in a perpetual state of default. The socialist in office today, Fernandez, is one of a long line of failed presidents who is destined to be pulled under by the corruption so deeply embedded in this country.

Now the Democrats appear to have imported South Americas tradition of imprisoning opposition leaders.Its hard to imagine a party as corrupt as that of the Democrats. But nothing happens in a vacuum. With Republican support in Congress during Trumps term when they opposed him and did eve...


Iraq War II 20 Years Later "IndyWatch Feed War"

Well it seems like only yesterday, though it was half a lifetime ago. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and their men and women, especially the neoconservatives, knowingly and deliberately lied this country into starting an aggressive war against Iraq a war they pretended was a preemptive attack against a nation that could never have Continue reading "Iraq War II 20 Years Later"

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20 Years After the Invasion of Iraq, Will the Medias Complicity Be Flushed Down the Memory Hole? "IndyWatch Feed War"

"All wars are fought twice, the first time on the battlefield, the second time in memory."  Viet Thanh Nguyen As mainstream U.S. media outlets pause to remember the US invasion of Iraq, its clear that theres a lot they hope well forget first and foremost, the medias own active complicity in whipping up public support for Continue reading "20 Years After the Invasion of Iraq, Will the Medias Complicity Be Flushed Down the Memory Hole?"

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Iraq 20 Years: The Uses and Abuses of National Intelligence Estimates "IndyWatch Feed War"

A New York Times Magazine article in July 2020 focused on then Secretary of State Powell and his U.N. speech of Feb. 5, 2003 and the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) upon which it is largely based. A lot of the detail in the article may have been new to many readers, but not to Veteran Continue reading "Iraq 20 Years: The Uses and Abuses of National Intelligence Estimates"

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The Minsk Deception and the Planned War in Donbas "IndyWatch Feed War"

There is a historically possible world in which the Minsk Agreement never needed to be made. In 2014, a US supported coup removed the democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, with his eastern base, and replaced him with a West leaning president who was handpicked by the US. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Continue reading "The Minsk Deception and the Planned War in Donbas"

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UBS is buying Credit Suisse in bid to halt banking crisis "IndyWatch Feed World"

Switzerlands biggest bank, UBS, has agreed to buy its ailing rival Credit Suisse in an emergency rescue deal aimed at stemming financial market panic unleashed by the failure of two American banks earlier this month.

How TikTok pantry porn created a new aspirational aesthetic "IndyWatch Feed World"

Pantries arent meant to be pretty. But a new generation of TikTokers are turning hyper-organized shelves into a status symbol.

Neatly aligned glass spice jars tagged with printed white labels. Wicker baskets filled with packages of pasta, crackers, and snacks. Rows of flavored seltzer water stacked in double-decker plastic bins.

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How simple sound and light are treating Alzheimers Disease "IndyWatch Feed World"

In this exclusive excerpt from Your Brain on Art, we learn how sounds and images are proving to measurably heal the brain.

In 1906, a German psychiatrist and neuroanatomist performed an autopsy on the brain of a patient who displayed abnormal symptoms while alive. Over the course of several years, this womans behavior, as well as her speech and language, became erratic. She forgot who people were, became paranoid, and, as her condition worsened, suffered total memory loss. When her doctor dissected her brain, he found unusual plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in her cerebral cortex. He quickly alerted his colleagues of this peculiar severe disease. The doctor was Alois Alzheimer.

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You cant stop generative AI fraudbut you can keep the criminals guessing "IndyWatch Feed World"

In order to combat illegal activity, well have to make tough choices and strike a balance between privacy and identity safety.

Weve all experienced identity fraud in some way. At some point in your life, somebody has tried to be you. Its hardly the sincerest form of flatterymore like a huge headache.

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Exclusive: Telfars radical new pricing system is the ultimate anti-luxury move "IndyWatch Feed World"

Telfar Clemens is making his new collection more accessible than ever thanks to a dynamic pricing experiment.

Telfar Clemens wants you to decide how much his clothes cost. And if that sounds crazywell, thats the point.

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Why Tulsa wants to become a hub for Ukrainian refugees "IndyWatch Feed World"

The InTulsa Visa Network program helps refugees with the immigration process and the job search.

Tatyana Slavova always knew she wanted to get into venture capital. But it took the war in her home country of Ukraine to convince her to seek opportunities in the U.S.

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These gorgeous pavers prevent flooding, thanks to a clever detail "IndyWatch Feed World"

Snohetta has designed Flyt, a modular system made of hexagonal stones that are permeableand unusually attractive.

Cities arent built to withstand floods. Climate change is causing more frequent (and severe) storms, which in turn are causing more frequent (and severe) flash floods. And in a sea of concrete, all that water has nowhere to go but inside peoples homes.

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Hombre muere mientras protestaba bailando contra Sandra Cuevas "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Un juez federal permiti los bailes en las inmediaciones del Kiosko Morisco, luego de que la alcaldesa de Cuauhtmoc, Sandra Cuevas, los prohibi. Regeneracin, 19 []

La entrada Hombre muere mientras protestaba bailando contra Sandra Cuevas se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


4 genius products to help you adapt to climate change "IndyWatch Feed World"

From wildfire detectors to smart sprinklers, startups are developing products to help consumers live in a rapidly changing world.

Its not possible to move to avoid climate change (sorry, Duluth and Buffalo). And as climate impacts keep getting harder to ignoreincluding stronger hurricanes, bigger wildfires, and whiplashing between droughts and floods in places like Californiathe world of climate-adaptation tech keeps growing. Some of it is designed for cities, from new seawalls that double as marine habitats to wastewater recycling infrastructure. Other solutions are designed for farmers, including crops bred to survive in extreme heat or little rain. Here are four examples of adaptation tech designed for use at home.

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How to decode a job posting and find potential red flags "IndyWatch Feed World"

Before you apply, take a second to look out for these five types of posts that could indicate problems later on.

From sending an application to the interview process, searching for a new job takes time. Unfortunately, job ads can be misleading. Before you waste your time, its possible to glean some insights from the wording of the job post, says Neil Costa, founder and CEO of HireClix, a creative recruitment marketing agency.

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Cuba Revolution, US embargo: Al Mayadeen interviews Cuba President (I) "IndyWatch Feed War"

19 Mar, 2023  Source: Al Mayadeen Net By Al Mayadeen English  In an exclusive interview for Al Mayadeen, the Cuban President touches on the Cuban Revolution, its challenges, and achievements, as well as US manipulations. Al Mayadeen Media Network Chairman Ghassan Ben Jeddou conducted an exclusive interview with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel, during which the latter discussed []


Gutirrez Mller respalda a las mujeres de la poltica por vejaciones; Lo he padecido, dice "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Gutirrez Mller mostr su solidaridad a las mujeres de la poltica por las vejaciones, y seal que cmo no podra hacerlo, si ella lo ha []

La entrada Gutirrez Mller respalda a las mujeres de la poltica por vejaciones; Lo he padecido, dice se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


8 Unexpected Benefits Of Raising An Empathetic Child "IndyWatch Feed World"

Empathy is a grossly underrated trait. Empathy is our ability to put ourselves in someones place and to understand what they are experiencing.

Raising empathetic children is important for a number of reasons. While most people assume that empathy is something that is naturally found in us, it is actually a skill that is taught. In order to develop this trait, there are a number of things we must do. Of course, the effort in harnessing this trait benefits your child, you, and the world tenfold.

Here are 8 unexpected benefits of raising an empathetic child.

1. It helps them build social skills.

Empathy is important because it is the backbone of our social skills. Without empathy, it is impossible to be able to connect with others or understand others. If your child has empathy, they will be well-equipped to deal with social interaction and connection.

2. It helps them to learn.

In order to learn, we must be open. Sometimes, that means being able to put ourselves in the shoes of someone else, even if we do not know them or even agree with them.

3. It builds compassion.

Without empathy, there can be no compassion. Children who can put themselves in someone elses situation are far more likely to be compassionate toward their situation.

4. It teaches emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is so important. It is the ability to understand and manage our emotions. It also involves understanding the emotions of others.

5. It encourages tolerance and acceptance of others.

If you do not have empathy for others, it may be hard to be tolerant of their different beliefs or values. At the end of the day, what makes us human is our ability to put our differences aside and understand what someone else is going through.

6. It ensures better success.

Empathy is important for success, even well into adulthood. In career or professional situations, your child will need to be able to empathize with others in order to establish themselves in their chosen path.

7. It promotes more satisfaction in friendships and relationships.

Empathy is a must in relationships. If your child lacks empathy, they will struggle in adult relationships, because they will have a hard time seeing things from their partners perspective. Even before real relationships, empathy is a must for building strong friendships.

8. It helps your child to evolve.

Throughout our lives, we have to change, adapt and grow. Empathy is a major part of this. If your child cannot empathize, they will struggle to adapt in life.


7 Signs Of A Toxic Relationship "IndyWatch Feed World"

If I asked you what the signs of a toxic relationship were, what would you say? Most of us would likely name off something obvious, like abuse or something to that effect, but at the end of the day, the signs of a toxic relationship arent always so overt or even expected.

Being in a toxic relationship can be draining, and destructive, and can change who you are as a person. No one walks away from a toxic relationship unscathed, even if the damage is just slight. With that being said, the signs arent always obvious. Below, I will go over 7 signs of a toxic relationship.

1. Contempt.

Contempt is what happens when you begin tearing your partner down, or vice versa, in passive-aggressive ways. Based on the research, this habit is the number one predictor of relationship failure. Examples of contempt are mocking your partner while they are in another room, snide remarks, or merely feelings of complete disdain towards your partner.

2. Lack of support.

In a toxic relationship, there is no support. Instead, both partners are always at odds with one another. Rather than building each other up, they are too busy tearing each other down.

3. Control/obsession.

It is not cute or healthy for control and obsession to be the main theme in a relationship. When one or both partners begins blowing up the others phone because they didnt answer back within a few minutes, there is a problem. Other examples of this may be if your partner wont allow you around certain people, stalks you down when you arent around one another, or refuses to let you have any time apart because you might cheat.

4. You are always trying to change each other.

Toxic relationships arent always toxic people. In fact, a toxic dynamic can be born when two people just simply arent right for one another. When this happens, a toxic push/pull begins to take place, in which both partners are always trying to get their needs met by someone who simply cannot meet them.

5. Dishonesty.

Dishonesty is toxic, plain and simple. While we may all say a little white lie here and there, when one or both partners is always lying, it reaches a toxic level.

6. Denial.

One major sign of toxicity is denial. Do you find yourself constantly making excuses for your relationship? If so, then its likely toxic.

7. Walking on eggshells.

If you are always having to walk on eggshells, to avoid setting your partner off, then you are likely in a toxic relationship. No one should have to hold back how they really feel, If you cannot express a different opinion in the presence of your partner because you fear retaliation, your relationship is toxic.


Jupiter And Venus Tango Across The Sky This Month & You Dont Want To Miss It! "IndyWatch Feed World"

If you love stargazing as much as I do, there are going to be plenty of chances to see some beautiful planets this month. While there wont be a major spectacle or anything of that sort, there will be some amazing natural patterns going on that are truly worth checking out.

Perhaps the best thing in the sky this month is Venus and Jupiters dance across the sky. Anyone who was out looking for the past few weeks will probably notice there have been two bright objects low in the West after sunset, and theyve gradually switched places, says Lara Eakins, Public Outreach Program Coordinator at the University of Texas Department of Astronomy.

Over the past few weeks, Jupiter has been higher in the sky, while Venus danced a little lower. However, the two have now swapped places. Soon, the moon will pass the planets by. On the evening of Wednesday, March 22, shortly after sunset, you might be able to catch a very thin crescent moon just above Jupiter.

Then, after the moon is gone, Jupiter will also leave the night sky but will remain visible in the early morning times.

What Jupiter is going to do in the next week or two, its going to go behind the sun from the earths point of view. So we wont be able to see it in our skies at all, because itd be too close to the sun. But then, gradually, youll start to see it emerge in the morning skies, Eakins said.

Additionally, Mars will be observable in the night sky as well. According to Eakins, Mars and Betelgeuse and Aldebaran will form a triangle in the night sky directly overhead. For reference, Betelgeuse can be found if you look near Orion.

The other one is the star Aldebaran, which is in the constellation Taurus. And its part of a V shape of stars. And if you are looking for Mars, simply look for the most vibrant shade of red among the planetary bodies above.


China, Russia 'deploying space weapons to attack US satellites', Space Force chief claims following $3.7 billion budget increase "IndyWatch Feed World"

China's military has deployed 347 satellites, including 35 launched in the past six months, to target U.S. forces in a future conflict, the commander of the Space Force told a Senate hearing on Tuesday. Space Force Gen. B. Chance Saltzman said Russia is also testing and deploying orbital anti-satellite weapons, extensive cyber capabilities and land-based anti-satellite missiles, electronic jammers and lasers. China's more advanced space warfare weapons pose "the most immediate threat" to attacks in space, while less-capable Russian space assets also pose "an acute threat" of attacks or disruptions on U.S. satellites. Comment: Is this rhetoric part of the pivot from the West's war against Russia in Ukraine, to the obvious new front against China?


In the War Between Judaism and Democracy in Israel, Anything Is Possible "IndyWatch Feed War"

March 19, 2023 Alastair Crooke Bibi is by nature cautious even timid. His radical ministers, however, are not, Alastair Crooke writes. Michael Omer-Man writes: Almost exactly 10 years ago, a young star rising in the Likud party, spoke to an audience committed to the outright annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories, laying out his blueprint. []


Bird of the Day: Green Kingfisher "IndyWatch Feed World"

Green Kingfisher by Richard Kostecke - Organikos


Ranchito Road Wetlands, Webb County, TX


Actualizan cifras del terremoto en Ecuador; 14 Muertos y ms de 300 heridos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El terremoto de 6.7 en Ecuador dejo varios muertos y centenares de edificios daados, ya supervisan las zonas afectadas. Regeneracin, 19 de marzo del 2023. []

La entrada Actualizan cifras del terremoto en Ecuador; 14 Muertos y ms de 300 heridos se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Suppressed Documents Show Scientists with U.S. Government Find Fluoride Lowers IQ in Children "IndyWatch Feed World"

By The Conscious Resistance Derrick Broze breaks down his two latest articles detailing the release of documents from the U.S. National Toxicology Program which concluded...

Suppressed Documents Show Scientists with U.S. Government Find Fluoride Lowers IQ in Children


Widgee Say NO to the Lines Rally: Meet the Aussie Battlers Standing Up to Big Green "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

When Net Zero obsessed Aussie Federal and State Governments announced large scale electricity grid extensions to service renewable energy installations, they forgot to talk to the land owners.

The post Widgee Say NO to the Lines Rally: Meet the Aussie Battlers Standing Up to Big Green first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Putin welcomes China's 'constructive role' in solving Ukraine crisis "IndyWatch Feed World"

Vladimir Putin has welcomed China's willingness to play a "constructive role" in solving in what he called the Ukraine "crisis", in an article released on the eve of a visit by his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping. In what the Kremlin said was an article written for a Chinese newspaper on Sunday, the Russian president called Xi his "good old friend" and said Russia had high hopes for his visit, the Chinese leader's first to Russia since Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine last year. Xi's visit comes just days after the international criminal court (ICC) in The Hague issued an arrest warrant for Putin for overseeing the abduction of Ukrainian children. Neither China nor Russia are members of the court or recognise its jurisdiction. Comment: And the ICC wasn't recognized by the US when it threatened to investigate its soldiers war crimes. Nor does it seem to have issued any other arrest warrants for the relentless and heinous criminality committed by the West and its allies - such...


Petition to Stop Offshore Wind Farm Projects due to unusually high number of dolphins and whale deaths Has 400,000+ Signatures "IndyWatch Feed World"

By B.N. Frank Experts have insisted that there are significant economic, environmental, and safety issues associated with offshore wind farm construction and operation.  Additionally, American...

Petition to Stop Offshore Wind Farm Projects due to unusually high number of dolphins and whale deaths Has 400,000+ Signatures


"IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Dear Igbos,Ekenem ndi igbo nile na-agu ihe a! On behalf of well meaning, liberated, loving and reasonable Yorbs, I say WE ARE SORRY! We are sorry for the humiliation, the threats, the discriminations and the bad situation that our tribe has put you. We are sorry for the pains, the traumas and the division we []

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