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Saturday, 18 March


Vielleicht sollte ich anstatt ber Schlangenl zu ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Vielleicht sollte ich anstatt ber Schlangenl zu meckern lieber schlechte Ideen verffentlichen.

Prior Art 1: Mit einer "KI" erkennen, welche Teile einer Konfigurationsdatei Keywords und welche variable Werte sind. Dann Konfigurations-Fuzzing!

Prior Art 2: In Echtzeit Konfigurationen unternehmensweit durchrotieren, so dass die Funktionalitt bestehen bleibt, aber stndig andere Parameter ntig sind fr die Inanspruchnahme von Diensten. So reduziert sich die Angriffsoberflche automatisiert und man belstigt Exploiter!1!!

Prior Art 3: Auf Mobiltelefonen haben Apps einen serialisierten State, den sie dem System sagen, und anhand dessen sie in genau denselben Zustand wiederhergestellt werden knnen. So kann man eine App killen und spter neustarten, ohne dass fr den Benutzer erkennbar ist, dass die App in der Mitte weg war. Das knnte man auch auf Servern machen! Dann in der Mitte des Unternehmens einen Orchestrator haben, der stndig Dienste killt und neu startet mit dem State, vorher meinetwegen dafr sorgt, dass die solange aus dem Load Balancer genommen werden. So verhindert man, dass irgendwo ein Angreifer Schadcode injected hat.

Prior Art 4: Antivirus / Firewall / AI based anomaly detection fr den hinterlegten State. Observability. Einmal das ganze Programm!!1!

Prior Art 5: Serviceangebot: Wir fahren Angriffe auf Ihr Unternehmen, aber nicht um Schwachstellen zu finden, sondern damit Ihre "KI" Anomalien zum Trainieren hat!1!!

Hat noch jemand brillante Ideen, bei der man den Patentanwlten mal in den Pool pinkeln msste?

Update: Ein paar Kumpels meinen, Prior Art 3 werde jetzt schon so gemacht. Man nenne das "Rejuvination". Einer meinte gar, das sei bei der Mondlandung so gemacht worden.

Update: Aus Prior Art 1 knnte man auch noch eine Firewall und Anomaly Detection "erfinden".

Update: Prior Art 6: Bei der Passwortrcksetzung knnte man einen KI-Chatbot haben, der vorher schon mit dir gechattet hat, und dich dann wiedererkennt anhand frherer Konversationsthemen und -Meinungen. Quasi sowas wie Schrittmustererkennung, nur halt fr Textchat!

Prior Art 7: Eine KI benutzt das ber dich vorhandene Wissen aus dem Netz, um Kandidaten fr die Sicherheitsfrage zu bewerten (abzulehnen) bei der Accountregistrierung.

Hier kam gerade noch die Frage auf, wieso eigentlich ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Hier kam gerade noch die Frage auf, wieso eigentlich diesen Leuten nicht der Antivirus geholfen hat. Oder das SIEM. Oder die Endpoint Security. Die cloudbasierte Echtzeit-KI? Die Threat Intelligence? Das Attack Path Management?

Wir sind uns ja wohl alle einig, dass die betroffenen Institutionen alle smtliche verfgbaren Schichten an Bullshit-Schlangenl ausgerollt hatten. Das ist ja heutzutage eine Compliance-Frage!

Hand aufs Herz. Habt ihr irgendwo (auer hier, natrlich) jemanden darber nachdenken sehen, ob das vielleicht alles nutzloser Tand ist?

Ein paar Leser weisen darauf hin, dass man auch als ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ein paar Leser weisen darauf hin, dass man auch als Student eine Steuererklrung machen sollte, weil man einen Verlustvortrag geltend machen kann spter, wenn man dann erstmalig was verdient.

Wenn ihr euch angesichts des Feuerns der Chefredaktion ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wenn ihr euch angesichts des Feuerns der Chefredaktion der "Bild" gefragt habt, ob man die nicht einfach komplett durch GPT-4 ersetzen knntet seid ihr nicht alleine. Frank hat mal GPT-4 nach einem Bild-Style-Artikel ber Migration aus der Ukraine gefragt und das Ergebnis ist berzeugend.

Reicht euch noch nicht? Wie wre es mit einem "Bild"-"KI"-Artikel ber Risiken der Elektromobilitt?

Also ich an deren Stelle wrde mir ja schon mal diskret einen neuen Job suchen.

Wenn ihr mal raten msstet, was der Chief Administrative ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wenn ihr mal raten msstet, was der Chief Administrative Officer von SVB Securities vorher gemacht hat

Gute Nachrichten! Die Beantragung der #Einmalzahlung200 ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Gute Nachrichten! Die Beantragung der #Einmalzahlung200 hat nur exakt 4 Minuten gedauert!1!!!

Und nebenbei hat er jetzt auch noch eine "ntzliche" BundID!

So geht Digitalisierung, wenn man die FDP machen lsst! Unseris, unprofessionell, unehrlich.

Zu dem 200-Ding gibt es gerade teilweise wunderschnen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Zu dem 200-Ding gibt es gerade teilweise wunderschnen Internethumor.

Hier ist beispielsweise die Bewerbung zum Bundes-CIO von Lilith Wittmann.

Und der hier hat mir auch sehr gut gefallen.

Die Hollnder haben eine Tradition, bei ihren Wahlen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die Hollnder haben eine Tradition, bei ihren Wahlen der Regierung massiv in die Eier zu treten, wenn sie mit deren Arbeit unzufrieden sind. Wenn eine neue Partei antritt, kriegt die gerne mal aus dem Stand viele Stimmen. So lief es damals mit Geert Wilders und seiner "Freiheitspartei", bei der letzten Wahl mit dem "Forum fr Demokratie" (auch Rechtspopulisten) und dieses Mal konnte die 2019 aus den Bauernprotesten gegen Umweltauflagen hervorgegangene Bauernpartei BBB aus dem Stand die meisten Stimmen abrumen.

Die Regierungskoalition hat nur noch ein Drittel der Sitze nach aktuellen Hochrechnungen, d.h. die werden da kein einziges Gesetz mehr durch kriegen, auer es gefllt den neuen Mehrheiten. Mit Klimawandel und Umweltschutz ist es dann wahrscheinlich erstmal vorbei.

Haupt-Wahlkampfansage der Bauernpartei war, dass sie gegen die Stickstoff-Emissions-Halbierungsplne sind, die die Regierungskoalition eingebracht hatten. Die Regierung hatte vorgeschlagen, den Viehbestand zu halbieren.

Ich vermute mal, dass das auch was mit Dnger-Reduktion zu tun hatte wegen Wasserqualitt.

Gute Nachrichten: Die Credit Suisse war wirklich strukturell ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Gute Nachrichten: Die Credit Suisse war wirklich strukturell integer und stabil. Sie mussten nur 50 Milliarden Franken Sofortkredit von der Zentralbank abheben.

Aber keine Sorgen, ist alles im Griff.

Bundesfinanzminister Lindner betont, das deutsche Kreditwesen sei "stabil".
Hey, wenn so in der Schweiz die stabilen Banken aussehen, dann fragt man sich ja schon, wie deren instabile Banken aussehen!

OK, also pass uff, Atze, wir verschenken jetzt 200 ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

OK, also pass uff, Atze, wir verschenken jetzt 200 an alle Stundenten.

Alles, was die brauchen, ist eine "Bund ID".

Ja und wo gibt's die? Na da musst du entweder ein Elster-Zertifikat haben (wieso wrden typische Stundenten das haben!?), oder du benutzt halt die Online-Funktion von dem verkackten Personalausweis.

Nein, wirklich! Ohne Schei jetzt!

Die wollen gerade alle Studenten in diesen nPA-Dreck reinntigen, nach dem keiner gefragt hat und den keiner haben wollte und den jetzt aber trotzdem alle bezahlen mussten, weil die arme Bundesdruckerei Industriefrderung brauchte und die Behrden simulieren wollten, dass wir in diesem Lande ja auch sowas wie Digitalisierung haben.

Ein Riesenskandal, wenn ihr mich fragt.

Aber, weil ich ja hier auch einen Bildungsauftrag habe: Wenn ihr das Kleingedruckte lest, gibt es noch einen dritten Weg. Man kann sich von der Uni eine PIN ausstellen lassen.

Wer heute noch nicht dazu gekommen ist, muss sich keine Sorgen machen. Ich hab die Inbox voll mit "Passierschein A38"-Mems von Leuten, die da stundenlang in Warteschleifen hingen, um dann an Serverfehlern zu zerschellen.

Einer hing erst in der einen, dann in der anderen Warteschleife, und dann schmiss ihn das System raus, weil er zu lange fr seinen Vorgang brauchte.

Digitalisierung Marke FDP. Man muss wahrscheinlich froh sein, dass da keine Blockchain beteiligt zu sein scheint. Was fr elende Totalversager.

Oh, und, frs nchste Mal. Der Staat sollte fr solche Aktionen keine luschtigen Bullshit-Domains anmelden, sondern das sollte eine Webseite unter einer wohlbekannten Ministeriums-Domain sein, oder oder so. Was ist DAS denn schon wieder fr eine unprofessionelle Elendsdreckpfuschkackscheie alles ey!

Die Gtterdmmerung im Bankensektor geht weiter.Erstens:ZURICH, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die Gtterdmmerung im Bankensektor geht weiter.


ZURICH, March 15 (Reuters) - Credit Suisse shares slumped by as much as 30% on Wednesday after its largest shareholder said it could not provide further support, prompting the Swiss bank's CEO to make new assurances on its financial strength.

Saudi National Bank (SNB) (1180.SE), which holds 9.88% of Credit Suisse (CSGN.S), said it would not buy more shares on regulatory grounds.

Ach. Ach was. der grte Anteilseigner der Credit Suisse sind die Saudis? Das riecht ja auch mal wieder hocharomatisch! Aber keine Sorge, die Schweizer Notenbank hat schonmal unauffllig die Hand auf den Geldhahn gelegt.
Die Credit Suisse erfllt die an systemrelevante Banken gestellten Anforderungen an Kapital und Liquiditt. Die SNB wird im Bedarfsfall der CS Liquiditt zur Verfgung stellen.
Wir sagen das nur der Vollstndigkeit an. Das ist wie in Wien! Alles kein Grund zur Beunruhigung. Gehen Sie weiter, gibt nichts zu sehen hier!


Neben Crdit Suisse gehren die franzsischen Socit Gnrale, BNP Paribas, die italienischev Monte dei Paschi und UniCredit zu den Banken, deren Aktien der Pan-European Stoxx-Index an diesem Mittwoch inmitten einer massiven Verkaufswelle aussetzte.

An der Brse in Paris waren Socit Gnrale und BNP Parisbas um acht Prozent eingebrochen und wurden dann vom Handel ausgesetzt. Dabei steht der franzsische Finanzminister Bruno Le Maire in der Kritik, der gerade erklrt hatte, die Banken in Frankreich seien sicher.

Mit den Banken ist das wie mit der Kernkraft, msst ihr wissen. Bei UNS ist die SICHER!

Benutzt ihr eigentlich Exchange? Ich frage ja schon ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Benutzt ihr eigentlich Exchange? Ich frage ja schon gar nicht mehr nach dem warum. Dumme Leute werden dumme Dinge tun.

Aber an der Stelle knnt ihr ja mal freundlich euren neuen Untermietern aus Moskau zur Begrung die Hand schtteln.

Microsoft has patched an Outlook zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2023-23397) exploited by a hacking group linked to Russia's military intelligence service GRU to target European organizations.

The security vulnerability was exploited in attacks to target and breach the networks of fewer than 15 government, military, energy, and transportation organizations between mid-April and December 2022.

Sag blo! Exchange ist unsicher?! Also DAMIT konnte ja wohl NIEMAND rechnen! Dabei haben wir doch extra auch Outlook und Active Directory auf unserem Windows im Einsatz!!1!

Ich hab hier die Inbox voll mit Leuten, die daran scheitern, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ich hab hier die Inbox voll mit Leuten, die daran scheitern, sich die 200 abzuholen, die gerade pauschal unter Studenten und Azubis (?) verteilt werden, wegen der hohen Energiepreise.

Dafr haben sie offenbar eine Webseite eingerichtet, die sofort unter dem Ansturm zusammengebrochen ist.

Alle Einsendungen eint die Gewissheit, dass es sich um ein Softwareproblem handelt und man da nichts machen knne.

Lacher des Tages! Jemand hat im Microsoft Store einen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Lacher des Tages! Jemand hat im Microsoft Store einen Windows 10 Pro Key gekauft, und der lsst sich nicht aktivieren. Also schaltet er den offiziellen Support von Microsoft ein.

Die knnen nicht helfen. Also eskaliert er das zum 2nd Level Support. Einer von denen loggt sich ber Quick Assist bei ihm ein und installiert einen Aktivierungs-Crack aus einem schattigen Internetforum!

Er hat Screenshots gemacht und konnte seinen Augen nicht trauen, geht also selber zu diesem Forum und fragt die Leute da. Die so:

It's not official and not legal.

Kennt ihr das, wenn jemand einen Zusammenhang herstellt ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Kennt ihr das, wenn jemand einen Zusammenhang herstellt zwischen Dingen, die ihr bisher nicht im Zusammenhang betrachtet habt, und pltzlich rast euer Hirn los und bewertet Dinge neu?

So ging mir das gerade bei der Lektre von diesem Jonathan Haidt-Artikel. Jonathan Haidt hatte ich hier schon ein paar Mal verlinkt, der hat die Heterodox Academy mitgegrndet. Da geht es darum, dass unter College-Professoren die politischen Positionen sehr einseitig verteilt sind und das am Ende dem jeweiligen Feld schadet, wenn da nur noch gegenseitiges Schulterklopfen statt kritischer Auseinandersetzung gemacht wird. Ihm ging es um Psychologie und Geisteswissenschaften, er ist auch selber Psychologieprofessor. In der Forschung ist sein Gebiet vor allem Moralfragen.

Haidt wurde berhmt mit einem Buch namens "The Coddling of the American Mind", auf das sich natrlich die ganzen Konservativen gestrzt haben, weil sie glaubten, es sttze ihre Position.

Aber betrachtet den Artikel mal unabhngig von dem ganzen geschichtlichen Ballast. Das Buch geht zurck auf eine Kooperation mit einem Freund, der unter Depressionen leidet, und dafr im Krankenhaus in Behandlung war, wo man ihm CBT beigebracht hat, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Sie haben ihm gezeigt, worauf er achten kann, in seinem eigenen Verhalten, um zuknftige Depressions-Episoden abzumildern oder ganz zu vermeiden. Anders ausgedrckt:

Thinking in these ways causes depression, as well as being a symptom of depression. Breaking out of these painful distortions is a cure for depression.
So und die These von dem Papier ist jetzt, dass viele dieser Verhaltensmuster heute (ihm geht es vor allem um Universitten, aber das lsst sich auch auf Schulen und Bibliotheken verallgemeinern) angewendet werden, nicht um absichtlich die Schler krank zu machen, aber dass das eben der Effekt ist.

Naja, knnte man denken, dann zeig uns doch mal die Zahlen, dass die Uni-Studenten alle psychisch krank werden. Jetzt liegen da ein paar Zahlen vor. Besonders heftig betroffen sind junge linksliberale weie Frauen.

Ich hatte noch nie von CBT gehrt und daher ist die ganze Herangehensweise seines Kollegen absolut neu und faszinierend. Vielleicht geht euch das ja auch so.


[$] Generic iterators for BPF "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

BPF programs destined to be loaded into the kernel are generally written in C but, increasingly, the environment in which those programs run differs significantly from the C environment. The BPF virtual machine and associated verifier make a growing set of checks in an attempt to make BPF code safe to run. The proposed addition of an iterator mechanism to BPF highlights the kind of features that are being added as well as the constraints placed on programmers by BPF.


Polls: Police Restrict Movements In Ebonyi "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The operatives of Ebonyi State Police Command have said there will be total restrictions on human and vehicular movements across the state in tomorrows governorship and State House of Assembly elections. According to the command, the restrictions were in compliance with the Inspector General of Police directives. The command disclosed this in a statement signed []


A Moon-forming Cataclysm Could Have Also Triggered Earths Plate Tectonics "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The hypothesis could help in the search for other Earthlike worlds:

The leading explanation for the origin of the moon proposes that a Mars-sized planet, dubbed Theia, struck the nascent Earth, ejecting a cloud of debris into space that later coalesced into a satellite (SN: 3/2/18). New computer simulations suggest that purported remains of Theia deep inside the planet could have also triggered the onset of subduction, a hallmark of modern plate tectonics, geodynamicist Qian Yuan of Caltech reported March 13 at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.

[...] Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain the initiation of subduction, a tectonic process in which one plate slides under another (SN: 5/2/22; SN: 6/5/19; SN: 1/2/18). Yuan and his colleagues chose to focus on two continent-sized blobs of material in Earth's lower mantle known as large low-shear velocity provinces (SN: 5/12/16). These are regions through which seismic waves are known to move anomalously slow. Researchers had previously proposed these regions could have formed from old, subducted plates. But in 2021, Yuan and colleagues alternatively proposed that the mysterious masses could be the dense, sunken remnants of Theia.

[...] While the simulations suggest the large low-shear velocity provinces could have had a hand in starting subduction, it's not yet clear whether these masses came from Theia. "The features ... are a fairly recent discovery," says geodynamicist Laurent Montsi of the University of Maryland in College Park. "They're very fascinating structures, with a very unknown origin." As such, he says, it's too early to say that Theia triggered plate tectonics.

"It's provoking. This material down there is something special," Montsi says of the large low-shear velocity provinces. "But whether it has to be originally extraterrestrial, I don't think the case is made."

Journal Reference:
Q. Yuan. A giant impact origin for the first subduction on...


Its Your Human Right to Access Russian News and Analysis Sites in English if You Want "IndyWatch Feed War"

Its your human right: Access Russian news and analyses sites in English if you want

Collage Jan Oberg 2023

The human right to freely seek information is laid down in the American Convention on Human Rights from 1968. Article 13 states that Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and expression. This right includes freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of all kinds.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948 states in Article 19 that: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 states in Article 19 that: 1) Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference. 2) Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.

Note above the words freedom to and no interference.

Im not a lawyer, but common sense compels me to believe that such high-level human rights declarations are violated when Western politicians actively prevent you from accessing certain leading Russian media such as RT (Russia Today) and Sputnik.

Its would seem also to be an interference in your free search for information when you are constantly told that Russia is one big disinformation machine (and never do comparative studies of NATO countries and their disinformation and disinfomation budgets) which is meant to make you doubt anything coming out of Russia.

There is also the putting up descriptions e.g., on Facebook that point out that this is a Russia state media implicitly meaning, therefore, less trustworthy. The proxy server/VPN Surfshark has even tried to put up a red wa...


Watch "Using Data Science for Crisis Management and Response" with our David A. Bray. "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Watch "Using Data Science for Crisis Management and Response" with our David A. Bray.


BayelsaDecides2023: Police Assure Of Adequate Security "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Bayelsa State Police Command has assured the people of the state, particularly voters of adequate security before, during, and after the state house of assembly election on Saturday. The Commissioner of Police in charge of election in the state, CP Mohammed Dankwara, gave the assurance on Friday while addressing newsmen at the state police []


Video: Imminent 5G Induced Genocide: Vaccinated Vulnerable To 5G Kill Grids Deadly Tech! Dr. Reiner Fuellmich "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Paying Tribute to Truth "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Alpha Centauri: TOLIMAN Moves Forward "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Alpha Centauri: TOLIMAN Moves Forward

The problem with Alpha Centauri is that the system is too close. I dont refer to its 4.3 light year distance from Sol, which makes these stars targets for future interstellar probes, but rather the distance of the two primary stars, Centauri A and B, from each other. The G-class Centauri A and K-class Centauri B orbit a common barycenter that takes them from a maximum of 35.6 AU to 11.2 AU during the roughly 80 year orbital period. That puts their average distance from each other at 23 AU.

So the average orbital distance here is a bit further than Uranus orbit of the Sun, while the closest approach takes the two stars almost as close as the Sun and Saturn. Habitable zone orbits are possible around both stars, making for interesting scenarios indeed, but finding out just how the system is populated with planets is not easy. Weve learned a great deal about Proxima Centauris planets, but teasing out a planetary signature from our data on Centauri A and B has been frustrating despite many attempts. Alpha Centauri Bb, announced in 2012, is no longer considered a valid detection.

But the work continues. I was pleased to see just the other day that Peter Tuthill (University of Sydney) is continuing to advance a mission called TOLIMAN, which weve discussed in earlier articles (citations below). The acronym here stands for Telescope for Orbit Locus Interferometric Monitoring of our Astronomical Neighborhood, a mission designed around astrometry and a small 30cm narrow-field telescope. The project has signed a contract with Sofia-based satellite and space services company EnduroSat, whose MicroSat technology can downlink data at 125+ Mbps, and if the mission goes as planned, there will be data aplenty.

Image: Alpha Centauri is our nearest star system, best known in the Southern Hemisphere as the bottom of the two pointers to the Southern Cross. The stars are seen here in optical and x-ray spectra. Source: NASA.

The technology here is quite interesting, and a departure from other astrometry missions. Astrometry is all about tracking the minute changes in the position of stars as they are affected by the gravitational pull of planets orbiting them, a series of angular displacements that can result in calculat...


NRL to Launch First In-Space Laser Power Beaming Experiment "IndyWatch Feed World"

The following was a press release sent out by the Navy Research Labs (NRL) on March 14, 2023. It is archived here for reference purposes.


NRL to Launch First In-Space Laser Power Beaming Experiment

By Mary E. Hamisevicz

The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory is set to launch the Space Wireless Energy Laser Link (SWELL) to demonstrate laser power beaming in space as part of the scheduled U.S. Department of Defense Space Test Program (STP) H9 mission to the International Space Station (ISS) March 15.
SWELL is one of several experiments that will launch aboard the SpaceX Dragon cargo vehicle to the ISS for the yearlong mission to collect data during a laser power beaming link in space conditions. The experiment, which is sponsored by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment (OUSD (A&S)) and supported by the Operational Energy Capability Improvement Fund (OECIF), will explore challenges for power beamings viability for space applications, and also highlight the possibilities for using power beaming to address energy challenges on Earth.
With this modest experiment, we will identify key focus areas for developing links of greater power and longer distance for space, said Paul Jaffe, Ph.D., Electronics Engineer and SWELL Principal Investigator. By employing laser transmitters and photovoltaic receivers, power beaming links will be established that will pave the way for rapid, resilient, and flexible energy delivery systems.
Power beaming is a means of delivering energy in the form of electromagnetic w...


Benue Guber: Coalition Of Persons With Disabilities Endorse APC Candidate "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Benue State Coalition of Persons With Disabilities For Good Governance made up of over 3, 680 members on Friday endorsed the governorship candidate of the All Progressive Congress (APC) for the March 18 polls in the state, Rev. Father Hyacinth Iormem Alia. The State Chairman of the Coalition, Mr Bartholomew Bem Ashe, disclosed this []


JUST IN: Quadri out of WTT tourney "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Nigerias Aruna Quadri has crashed out of the World Table Tennis Singapore Smash tournament after losing in four straight sets to Hugo Calderano of Brazil on Friday. The fifth ranked Brazilian beat his 14th ranked Nigerian opponent 11-7, 12-10, 11-2, 11-2. In getting to the quarter-finals, the Nigeria had upset World No. 4 player, []


US Blackmails Switzerland to Boost Military Support to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Ebonyi PDP Crisis: Embattled Chairman Tackles Deputy, Legal Adviser "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The crisis rocking the Ebonyi State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) may be far from the end as the leaders of the party have refused to sheath their swords. The party was polarized into two during the primaries last year. It deepened after the primaries when two leaders of the party; Chief Obinna []


French President Macron Approves the Pension Reform by Decree "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Why the Bank Crisis Is Not Over "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Pernicious Evil of Racism, Discrimination, Hatred, Inequality "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Human Wrongs Watch

MADRID, Mar 17 2023 (IPS)* Three-quarters of a century ago, the world adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, emphasising that all human beings are born equal in dignity and rights. The 2023 theme of its 75th anniversary focuses on the urgency of combating racism and racial discrimination.

More: nearly a quarter of a century ago, the world adopted in South Africa the Durban Declaration to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, distrust, intolerance, and hate, globally.

Since then, these contagious killers not only continued unabated but are now more spread than ever in all societies, in particular in those under the dominance of the so-called white supremacy.

A family from Sachac, a Quechua farming community in the Andes highlands region of Cuzco in southeastern Peru. When members of these native families move to the cities, they face different forms of racism, despite the fact that 60 percent of the Peruvian population identifies as mestizo or mixed-race and 25 percent as a member of an indigenous people. CREDIT: Mariela Jara/IPS - Racism harms not just the lives of those who endure it but also society as a whole. It deepens mistrust, casting suspicion on all sides and tearing apart the social fabric, warns the United Nations.

A family from Sachac, a Quechua farming community in the Andes highlands region of Cuzco in southeastern Peru. When members of these native families move to the cities, they face different forms of racism, despite the fact that 60 percent of the Peruvian population identifies as mestizo or mixed-race and 25 percent as a member of an indigenous people. CREDIT: Mariela Jara/IPS

Centuries of colonialism, enslavement

Such a P...


#TeamUK participates in Palestine Marathon, erases Israel "IndyWatch Feed War"

This was no oversight. The UK, like other Western countries, remains willfully blind regarding the Palestinian determination to destroy Israel utterly, and blandly complacent even when that imperative is staring them in the face. #TeamUK joined thousands of Palestinian and international runners in the incredible Palestine Marathon to support #FREEDOMOFMOVEMENT for all Palestinians. Great energy []


Countdown To New Yorks Rendezvous With Energy Impossibility "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

It appears that the owners of these buildings are just now figuring out that the standards that have been set cannot be met, at least not in any remotely reasonable way.

The post Countdown To New Yorks Rendezvous With Energy Impossibility first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

British Army gave top honour to soldier who 'karate chopped and kicked' Iraqi detainees "IndyWatch Feed War"

British Army gave top honour to soldier who 'karate chopped and kicked' Iraqi detainees

Chris Roberts was promoted and awarded an OBE for 'services to army boxing' despite being labelled 'shameful' by inquiry into Baha Mousa's death
Areeb Ullah Fri, 03/17/2023 - 13:00
Roberts has built a career as a boxing official since leaving the army (Boxing Scotland)

The British military nominated a former soldier for one of the UK's highest honours for services to army boxing even after an official inquiry labelled him shameful for his involvement in assaulting Iraqi detainees in Basra in 2003.

Chris Roberts, a physical training instructor in the Queens Lancashire Regiment, was found to have karate chopped at least one detainee and kicked probably three more by the inquiry into the death of Baha Mousa and the abuse of other prisoners on a British base in the southern Iraqi city.

Roberts, who held the rank of Staff Sergeant at the time, denied involvement in the violence against Mousa and nine other detainees.

But in his report into the episode, published in 2011, Judge William Gage said he did not accept Roberts denial and found him to be a very unsatisfactory witness.

British soldiers patrol a main road in Basra 10 November, 2003 (AFP)
British soldiers patrol a main road in Basra 10 November 2003 (AFP)


Friday, 17 March


Every St Patricks Day, Everywhere, All at Once "IndyWatch Feed War"

Patrick banishing the snakes
March 17 is traditionally St Patricks Day, a day when Irishness is celebrated all over the world. This date is traditionally held to be the date of the death of St Patrick  (c.385 c.461), the patron saint of Ireland. It is marked by parades through the main cities and towns of Ireland, and in recent years it has become popular as a festival around the world with famous buildings being lit up green and major rivers being dyed green.

However, in recent decades the symbolism of St Patricks Day has changed dramatically and promotes negative stereotypes (e.g., leprechauns) of the Irish people to a world audience. This is not good for Ireland or the Irish people.

It must also be noted that St Patrick is seen as the patron saint of Ireland because he defeated pagan ideology in favour of Christianity. However, pagan ideology had a strong connection with nature and the cycles of nature that resulted in seasonal festivals such as Beltaine (1 May), Lughnasadh (1 August), Samhain (1 November) and Imbolc (1 February).

St Patrick

Not a lot is known about Saint Patrick except he is believed to have been a Romano-British Christian missionary who was kidnapped by Irish raiders and brought to Ireland as a slave. After six years as a shepherd he went home and became a priest. He then returned to Ireland to convert the pagan Irish to Christianity. He is famously believed to have driven the snakes out of Ireland despite the fact there is no record that Ireland ever had snakes.

It is more likely that the snakes refer to the pagans themselves:

Scholars suggest the tale is allegorical. Serpents are symbols of evil in the Judeo-Christian traditionthe Bible, for exampl...


On This Day in 461, Irelands Adopted Son Saint Patrick Dies "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Spreader of the Christian Faith, Saint Patrick travels to Ireland and Becomes a Legend


Saoedi-Arabi en Iran zetten Westen buitenspel na Chinese onderhandelingen "IndyWatch Feed War"


Saoedi-Arabi en Iran zetten Westen buitenspel na Chinese onderhandelingen

De Saoedische minister van Financin heeft investeringen in Iran in het vooruitzicht gesteld. Als die er daadwerkelijk komen, zijn de Saoedis de eerste Amerikaanse bondgenoot die de bluf dat secundaire sancties tegen hen zullen worden gehandhaafd, aan zich voorbij laten gaan.

Waarom is dit belangrijk?
De VS hebben Europa er met succes van weerhouden economische betrekkingen met Iran na te streven als onderdeel van constructievere bilaterale banden. Maar het lijkt minder waarschijnlijk dat ze hetzelfde zullen kunnen doen voor steeds assertievere regeringen binnen de Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC: Saudi Arabi, Koeweit, Bahrain, Qatar, VAE en Oman) , die veel meer op het spel hebben staan. 


Every St. Patricks Day, Everywhere, All at Once: A Disaster for Ireland "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Every St. Patricks Day, Everywhere, All at Once: A Disaster for Ireland appeared first on Global Research.


Pakistan: The Repercussions of Imprisoning Imran Khan could be Disastrous "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

VT's man in Pakistan, Hanan Habibzai, comments on the political situation brewing in Pakistan


Bitcoin and Geopolitical Rivalry "IndyWatch Feed War"

Bitcoin, the flagship stateless cryptocurrency, is a double-edged sword that can either strengthen or harm national power. As financial warfare becomes increasingly complex, this decentralized cybercurrency is acting as a versatile strategic instrument of statecraft that can play various roles under confrontational geopolitical circumstances. This under-researched subject matter needs to be clarified because it entails meaningful implications for national security, strategic intelligence, foreign policy and grand strategy, but also for the domain of high finance. In order to provide a sharper sense of situational awareness, the following article integrates strategic forecasts that attempt to predict the hypothetical usefulness of Bitcoin for conflicts with scrutiny of illustrative contemporary examples that point in a similar direction.


Analysis of Hypothetical Applications

BTC circuits as conduits to bypass sanctions

Bitcoin can offer a potential lifeline for states under sanctions that need to ensure the continuity of their international economic exchanges. Since the BTC grid cannot be controlled by the coercive or restrictive power of national states, its borderless circuitry provides secondary financial arteries worth harnessing to bypass sanctions that limit the ability to carry out cross-border transactions and transfer wealth through more conventional platforms anchored to major reserve currencies that enable international payments. An additional advantage of decentralized virtual currencies for sanctioned states is their discretion. They offer covert gateways to engage formal financial systems or even to avoid them altogether if necessary. In other words, it is difficult to determine if sanctions are being neutralized through cryptocurrencies like BTC.

Furthermore, despite their drawbacks including wildly volatile exchange rates nonstate cryptocurrencies like BTC are helpful to evade sanctions thanks to their growing transnational projection, their unsupervised channels, and their lack of centralized nerve centers that could be politically threatened, co-opted, or influenced. An academic essay written by US military officer Deane Konowicz for the US Naval War College identifies three strategies to use unofficial virtual currencies as asymmetric equalizers to diminish or overcome sanctions imposed by an enemy with superior financial firepower. Yet, the implementation of each comes with challenging caveats.

  • The theft of wealth through acts of cybercrime against cryptocurrency exchanges or ransomware attacks to demand payments denominated in cryptocurrency. This approach requires sophisticated cyberwarfare know-how.
  • Cryptocurrency mining on a large scale as an industrial activity which generates profits that do not flow through traditional financial......


China-linked APT likely linked to Fortinet zero-day attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An alleged Chinese threat actor group is behind attacks on government organizations exploiting a Fortinet zero-day flaw (CVE-2022-41328).

A suspected China-linked group is exploiting a Fortinet zero-day vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2022-41328, in attacks aimed at government organizations.

A few days ago, Fortinet researchers warned of an advanced threat actor that is targeting governmental or government-related entities.

The unknown threat actor is exploiting a vulnerability in Fortinet FortiOS software, tracked as CVE-2022-41328, that may allow a privileged attacker to read and write arbitrary files via crafted CLI commands.

The CVE-2022-41328 vulnerability (CVSS score: 6.5) is a path traversal issue in FortiOS can can result in arbitrary code execution.

A improper limitation of a pathname to a restricted directory vulnerability (path traversal) [CWE-22] in FortiOS may allow a privileged attacker to read and write arbitrary files via crafted CLI commands. reads the advisory published by Fortinet.

The vulnerability impacts FortiOS versions 6.0, 6.2, 6.4.0 through 6.4.11, 7.0.0 through 7.0.9, and 7.2.0 through 7.2.3. The company addressed the vulnerability with the release of versions 6.4.12, 7.0.10, and 7.2.4 respectively.

Fortinet launched an investigation into the attacks after the FortiGate devices of one customer suddenly halted and failed to reboot. The devices halted displaying the following error message:

System enters error-mode due to FIPS error: Firmware Integrity self-test failed

The failure of the integrity test blocks the reboot of the device to protect the integrity of the network.

Mandiant researchers linked a series of attacks that took place in mid-2022 to a China-linked threat actor tracked as UNC3886 by the security firm.

a suspected China-nexus threat actor likely already had access to victim environments, and then deployed backdoors onto Fortinet and VMware solutions as a means of maintaining persistent access to the environments. reads the report published by Mandiant. This involved the use of a local zero-day vulnerability in FortiOS (CVE-2022-41328) and deployment of multip...


Samsung, Vivo, Google phones open to remote compromise without user interaction "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Several vulnerabilities in Samsungs Exynos chipsets may allow attackers to remotely compromise specific Samsung Galaxy, Vivo and Google Pixel mobile phones with no user interaction. With limited additional research and development, we believe that skilled attackers would be able to quickly create an operational exploit to compromise affected devices silently and remotely, Google Project Zero researchers have noted. Therefore, they decided to go public before before the end of their usual 90-day non-disclosure deadline and More

The post Samsung, Vivo, Google phones open to remote compromise without user interaction appeared first on Help Net Security.


UK: Former NUS president sues student body for racial discrimination "IndyWatch Feed War"

UK: Former NUS president sues student body for racial discrimination

Shaima Dallali launches employment tribunal proceedings against the National Union of Students over her dismissal
Areeb Ullah Fri, 03/17/2023 - 12:28
Shaima Dallali disputed claims of antisemitism and homophobia and said she found out about her dismissal via media reports and social media (Supplied)

The former president of the UK's National Union of Students, who was elected and later sacked following an investigation, will take the NUS to court for racial and religious discrimination. 

Shaima Dallali, a Black woman of Tunisian descent, confirmed on Friday that she would be taking the NUS, university and college students across the UK, to an employment tribunal for wrongful dismissal. 

Dallali's lawyers, Carter-Ruck, described her dismissal as "baseless and inherently discriminatory" and said she planned to sue the union for wrongful dismissal on the grounds of racial and religious discrimination after claiming to be "disadvantaged at every step" of her investigation.  

'Dallali considers her dismissal... to have been motivated by antipathy towards her anti-Zionist, pro-Palestinian protected beliefs'

- Carter-Ruck, lawyers

"Ms Dallali has deeply held, publicly articulated beliefs on the right of Palestinians to live free of occupation [and] as the NUS has belatedly had to accept, Ms Dallali's pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist beliefs amount to protected beliefs for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010," Carter-Ruck said in a statement. 

"She has publicly articulated those beliefs throughout her adult life, just as she has consistently and repeatedly condemned antisemitism."

Dallali became the first elected president in the national student body's 100-year history to be fired after the NUS investigated her for claims of antisemitism and homophobia relating to several tweets dating back to 2012.

During the investigation, Dallali was suspended and not allowed to take up her post.



Texas being Texas "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Texas, not satisfied with wanting to ban critical race theory, ending colleges diversity, equity, and inclusion policies, and eliminating tenure, has set its sights on banning people from countries conservatives dont like with HB 4736.

PROHIBITED ADMISSIONS. Notwithstanding any other law, an institution of higher education, as defined by Section 61.003, may not admit an applicant for admission to the institution as a student if the applicant is:
(1) a citizen of China, Iran, North Korea, or Russia;
(2) not authorized under federal statute to be present
in the United States.

Honestly, Ive never had a North Korean student the North Korean government isnt big on exposing their citizens to strange foreign ideas, much like the Texan government. Ive had lots of Chinese students, and a few Russian and Iranian students. Theyre fine. Theyre often more motivated than American students, and if they go back to their home country after a few years with a little sympathy for the US, thats a net gain for us. Or if they decide they want to stay in the US, thats also a net gain. We cant lose by freely sharing education with the world (its also a good idea for American students to study abroad). We all win.

Unless, of course, your goal is to make sure your citizenry doesnt understand and hates foreigners from certain countries that have been currently designated as an enemy.


JUST IN: Man Utd face Sevilla in Europa League qfinals "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Manchester United will meet Spanish side Sevilla in the quarter-finals of the Europa League. Qfinal draw Manchester United v Sevilla Juventus v Sporting Lisbon Bayer Leverkusen v Union Saint-Gilloise Feyenoord v Roma *Courtesy: BBC


Crypto Contagion Banks Get the Runs New World Next Week with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By The Corbett Report Welcome to #NewWorldNextWeek the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments...

Crypto Contagion Banks Get the Runs New World Next Week with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato


Irish Contributions to Understanding Consciousness with James Tunney "IndyWatch Feed War"


Video Title: Irish Contributions to Understanding Consciousness with James Tunney. Source: New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove. Date Published: February 26, 2020. Description:

James Tunney, LLM, is an Irish Barrister who has lectured on legal matters throughout the world. He is a poet, a visual artist, and also author of The Mystical Accord: Sutras to Suit Our Times, Lines for Spiritual Evolution. In addition, he has written two dystopian novels -- Blue Lies September and Ireland I Don't Recognize Who She Is. His website is 

Here he reviews Ireland's enormous contributions to both psychological understanding and esoteric thought. This extensive conversation covers prehistoric folk and fairy lore, the idealistic philosophy of Bishop George Berkeley, as well as the literary contributions from William Butler Yeats, Oscar Wilde, and James Joyce. The discussion also touches upon violent conflicts related to Irish independence. 


The Nature Book, Reviewed "IndyWatch Feed World"

Neither the author of the book,  nor Cara Blue Adams who reviews it in the essay below, is familiar in our pages. But it is an essay that evokes familiar themes, so here goes:

Searching for Unfamiliar Terrain in The Nature Book

We go to the wilderness to test ourselves against an environment indifferent to our presence. Can this experience be re-created in fiction?

The Wilderness Act, passed in 1964, established the National Wilderness Preservation System to safeguard federally owned land, beginning with 9.1 million acres, called wilderness areas, to be designated for preservation and protection in their natural condition. Wilderness was defined as a place essentially untouched by humankind, one where a person is a visitor who does not remain. The desire for places where we are not is a deep and multifaceted one. Because of the climate crisis, this desire is increasingly urgent; into this charged atmosphere comes The Nature Book, an experimental novel by Tom Comitta. The Nature Book is entirely made up of descri...


THN Webinar: 3 Research-Backed Ways to Secure Your Identity Perimeter "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Think of the typical portrayal of a cyberattack. Bad guy pounding furiously on a keyboard, his eyes peeking out from under a dark hoodie. At long last, his efforts pay off and he hits the right combination of keys. "I'm in!" he shouts in triumph. Clearly, there are many problems with this scenario and it's not just the hoodie. What's even more inaccurate is that most cyber attackers today do


New GoLang-Based HinataBot Exploiting Router and Server Flaws for DDoS Attacks "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new Golang-based botnet dubbed HinataBot has been observed to leverage known flaws to compromise routers and servers and use them to stage distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. "The malware binaries appear to have been named by the malware author after a character from the popular anime series, Naruto, with file name structures such as 'Hinata--,'" Akamai said in a


New stable kernels "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The 6.2.7, 6.1.20, 5.15.103, 5.10.175, 5.4.237, 4.19.278, and 4.14.310 stable kernels have been released. As usual, they contain important fixes throughout the kernel tree; users should upgrade.


HeheStreams IPTV Admin Sentenced to Three Years in Prison, $3m Restitution "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

hehestreamsFocusing on MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL content, Hehestreams was no ordinary IPTV service.

Instead of copied streams, captured from broadcasts, HeheStreams users were directed to genuine streams offered by sports broadcasters.

On one hand, that meant that HeheStreams didnt run up huge server bills. On the other, streams were as reliable as any official stream, because they were official streams.

After being noticed by the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment, HeheStreams shut down mid 2021. A settlement agreement was reached but the terms remain confidential.

Bug Bounty Deal Gone Bad

When TorrentFreak reached out to Streit in the summer of 2021, he informed us that some official services have vulnerabilities that fail to prevent non-customers from piggybacking onto legal streams. He informed us that hed been in discussion with one or more providers about disclosure.

A subsequent criminal complaint filed by the US Government confirmed that Streit had been in talks with MLB. Vulnerabilities were disclosed to the baseball organization and when Streit indicated that he should be paid for his work, the MLB asked for a specific amount. Streit indicated his work was worth $150K but was also informed there was no bug bounty program at the baseball league.

An FBI agent later wrote that Streit had indeed made an approach and presented as helpful. However, he concluded that a simultaneous intrusion and illegal streaming of MLB content via HeheStreams indicated that the intent was to extort MLB.

Charged With Several Crimes, Pleaded Guilty to One

In October 2021, the Department of Justice charged then 30-year-old Streit with several crimes; accessing a protected computer in furtherance of a criminal act for financial gain, accessing a protected computer in furtherance of fraud, wire fraud, sending interstate threats, and illicit digital transmission.

After consulting with his attorney, Streit concluded that signing a plea deal was the most sensible course of action. The Minnesota man pleaded guilty to one count of C...


Their anti-rape performance went viral globally. What next for LASTESIS? "IndyWatch Feed"

LASTESIS was part of a progressive movement in Chile. Then voters rejected the countrys new constitution. So now what?


Germany: Muslims call for Islamophobia commissioner and determined stance to stop criticism of Islam "IndyWatch Feed War"

Marking the four-year anniversary of the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand in which 51 people were killed and 40  injured, Germanys Muslim community is doubling down on its determination to combat  Islamophobia, which includes criticism of Islam. The Central Council of Muslims (ZMD) called for a more determined stance against Islamophobia, saying Muslims continue to []


The raccoon dogs, and the virus, didnt intend to kill us "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Some people have been pushing the idea that COVID-19 was artificially created in a Chinese lab. Theres no real evidence for that the virus itself doesnt contain any labels of its origin, that a research lab in China was studying the virus isnt evidence of manipulation (a research lab researching is what research labs do), and the people promoting the lab leak theory all seem to have a political agenda to blame someone. I sure havent been convinced. Now theres a new revelation: theyve found genetic evidence from samples collected at the Huanan wet market that infected wild animals were there.

Way back in 2019, researchers were swabbing locations in the market and filing away samples for later analysis. Guess what? Its later. Swabs sampled from a stall that was selling raccoon dogs have been sequenced, and theyve found raccoon dog DNA, which is no surprise. But they also found lots of SARS-CoV-2 mingled with it, which tells us that these wild animals were already infected with COVID.

A new analysis of genetic sequences collected from the market shows that raccoon dogs being illegally sold at the venue could have been carrying and possibly shedding the virus at the end of 2019. Its some of the strongest support yet, experts told me, that the pandemic began when SARS-CoV-2 hopped from animals into humans, rather than in an accident among scientists experimenting with viruses.

This really strengthens the case for a natural origin, says Seema Lakdawala, a virologist at Emory who wasnt involved in the research. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist involved in the research, told me, This is a really strong indication that animals at the market were infected. Theres really no other explanation that makes any sense.

Ive never been that interested in the question of its origin. I already know that we live on a planet of viruses, with an unimaginably huge population of diverse viruses squirting their DNA and RNA into every available creature, genetic material that is constantly mutating at a rapid rate, and what we ought to be amazed at is that we have molecular mechanisms of resistance, an immune system, that can cope with it at all. It was inevitable that something would evolve to get past our defenses, and that wed have to adapt or die. Thats what weve been doing for the entirety of the existence of life on Earth.

That life changes and that there are naturally inimical forces that exist...


Security updates for Friday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (sox and thunderbird), Fedora (containerd, libtpms, mingw-binutils, mingw-LibRaw, mingw-python-werkzeug, stargz-snapshotter, and tkimg), Slackware (mozilla and openssh), SUSE (apache2, firefox, hdf5, jakarta-commons-fileupload, kernel, perl-Net-Server, python-PyJWT, qemu, and vim), and Ubuntu (abcm2ps, krb5, and linux-intel-iotg).


Lightning kills mother, son in Uganda "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Two members of the same family in Rukungiri district died on the spot on Wednesday after they were struck by lightning. Kigezi region Police spokesman Elly Maate identified the victims as Enoth Tukwasibwe, 30, and his mother, Jolly Baryakabuza, 75, both residents of Keita Village in Nyabitete Parish, Bugangari sub-county. Maate told journalists that the unfortunate incident occurred at their home during a heavy downpour while the old woman was in the kitchen preparing supper and the son was in the main house with his father, who was not affected. Police were alerted by area LC1 chairperson Alex Warugaba, and the scene was visited. Bugangari sub-county chairperson Gastone Byamukama was among the leaders who came to comfort the family. He said this was the second incident of lightning in the area in two weeks after a 26-year-old woman was also struck by lightning.


Lightning in Telangana, India claims life of man, leaves 40 goats dead "IndyWatch Feed World"

Telangana saw a tragic incident yesterday, as heavy rainfall, hailstorm, and lightning were witnessed in the state. The lightning in Telangana claimed the life of a young tribal shepherd and over 40 sheep in the Nagarjunasagar mandal of Nalgonda district. The young man named Saidanayak from Chintala Thanda used to make a living by rearing goats. He had taken the goats to the forest for grazing and stopped them under a tree after grazing since morning. While it was raining heavily, suddenly there was a thunderbolt with a loud noise. As a result, the young man and about 40 goats under the tree died on the spot due to lightning in Telangana. Video of disaster due to lightning in Telangana went viral The villagers came to know about the incident and reached the spot. Uncomfortable scenes of the disaster due to lightning in Telangana went viral on social media.


Champions League Draw: Chelsea face Madrid, Man City get Bayern "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Chelsea will face holders Real Madrid in the Champions League quarter-finals. Premier League champions Manchester City will play six-time winners Bayern Munich, reports the BBC. Inter Milan face Benfica and AC Milan play fellow Italian side Napoli. The two-leg quarter-finals take place on Tuesday 11 and Wednesday, 12 April, with the return games on []


Funeral for Atsu after death in Turkey earthquake "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Hundreds of people including Ghanas president are paying their last respects to Christian Atsu, who died in last months earthquake in Turkey. His funeral is being held outside State House in Ghanas capital, Accra, reports the BBC. The late footballers widow and children are there, as are representatives of Ghanas national team and Atsus []


Welcome To Bleeding Republic Of Nigeria: A Land Flowing With Blood And Tears. "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Executive Summary of Report by International Society for Civil Liberties & the Rule of Law (Intersociety) Introduction: This Special Report (Welcome to Bleeding Republic of Nigeria: A Land Flowing with Blood and Tears) is a compilation of widespread human rights abuses in Nigeria in the past 20 months of the four-year tenure of the central Government []


GNU/Linux in Honduras: 10% Market Share? (Updated) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As per the latest statistics

GNU/Linux in Honduras

Update: Psydroid has just pointed out (in IRC) that in the United States (US) ChromeOS + GNU/Linux have a market share greater than 10% and Windows is installed on barely half of laptops/desktops. ChromeOS is technically GNU/Linux with lots of malware preloaded, but its still a kind of Gentoo and thus its fair to say that in the US the share of GNU/Linux is now about 10% or more. If one counts Android too (Android is powered by Linux), then Linux almost has majority market share in the US.


Woke Effectively Describes The Lefts Insanity, And Thats Why They Hate When You Say It "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

SNL, Levi's WokesWoke-ism is intentionally ambiguous. So when you describe it, that offends those who wish for its intentions to remain murky.


Karangetang volcano (Api Siau Island, northern Indonesia): incandescent avalanches separate from lava dome "IndyWatch Feed World"

The effusive eruption of the volcano remains intense. We are regularly given first-hand information from our local expedition leader and volcanologist, Andi, about the volcano's behavior. Glowing lava blocks continue to detach from the actively growing lava dome, located within the Crater 1, and roll over the western and eastern slopes, most of which reach the base of the dome area. Feel free to enjoy a noteworthy video from the ongoing activity here. Some people have been evacuated to avoid being affected by large hot rock falls that may result in dangerous pyroclastic flows.


Classy: Fake Girl Defeats, Mocks Real Girls at Track Meet "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: The first thing you need to know about Chloe Barnes is that he is a boy. But he knows the quick path to fame and fortune in todays Age of Absurdity, and so he claims to be a girl. While Chloe might have been a mediocre male athlete, he is now []


Virgin Orbit Pauses Operations, Seeks Funding "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It looks as though things may have gone from bad to worse at Virgin Orbit, the satellite carrying spin-off of Richard Bransons space tourism company Virgin Galactic. After a disappointing launch failure earlier in the year, CNBC is now reporting the company will halt operations and furlough most employees for at least a week as it seeks new funding.

Its no secret that company has struggled to find its footing since it was formed in 2017. On paper, it was an obvious venture Virgin Galactic already had the White Knight Two carrier aircraft and put plenty of R&D into air-launched rockets, it would simply be a matter of swapping the crewed SpaceShipTwo vehicle for the LauncherOne orbital booster. But upgrades to the rocket eventually made it too large for the existing carrier aircraft, so the company instead purchased a Boeing 747 and modified it to lift their two-stage rocket out of the thick lower atmosphere.



Dissecting the Silicon Valley Bank Debacle "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It has been a momentous week for banks and markets. What some have dubbed an extinction-level event was, at its core, the failure of a couple of banks.


To help us put all of this into proper perspective, we are joined on this weeks WhoWhatWhy podcast by two distinguished economists, J. Bradford DeLong and Dean Baker.


DeLong served as deputy undersecretary of the treasury in the Clinton administration and is currently a professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also the author of the substack Grasping Reality and the recently published book Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History of the Twentieth Century.


Baker co-founded the Center for Economic and Policy Research. His areas of research include housing and macroeconomics, intellectual property, Social Security, Medicare, and European labor markets. He has been credited as one of the first economists to have identified the 200708 United States housing bubble, and, in 2006, Baker predicted that plunging housing investment will likely push the economy into recession.


Together, they discuss the venture-capitalist libertarian overreaction to the event, as well as the way it has been massively misrepresented by all of the press, including the mainstream press.


They detail the differences between this event and the 200809 banking crisis, the power of contagion and rumor in the digital and social media age, and what actually transpired during the 36 hours the bank was shut down by the FDIC.


We discuss what this means for both small and regional banks, and for the too big to fail banks, which are now suddenly in favor.


While the whole story could be forgotten in a matter of weeks, the implications and downstream effects will be with us for quite some time.



Regulatory Failure 101: What the Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank Reveals "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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This story is exempt from our Creative Commons license until July 15, 2023.

The collapses of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank this past weekend were the end point in an all-too-familiar cycle: first the boom, then the breathtakingly speedy bust and then the bailout. We are now at the postmortem moment when everyone wonders where the regulators were.

Silicon Valley Bank has already become notorious for how obvious its red flags were. Perhaps the most telling was the rapid growth of its borrowing from the Federal Home Loan Banks system. Banking experts know this Depression-era group of government-sponsored lenders as the second-to-last resort for banks. (The Fed is, as always, the lender of last resort.) At the end of last year, Silicon Valley Bank had $15 billion of FHLB loans, up from zero a year earlier.

Thats the type of flag that says you need to look closely, Kathryn Judge, a Columbia law professor who specializes in financial regulation, told me. But theres no sign the loans triggered any regulatory attention.

Primary responsibility for the debacle lies, of course, with SVBs management. But regulators are supposed to grasp that they exist because bankers are always tempted to take risks. Bankers want to grow too fast, borrow cheaply, lend freely and lock their investments up unwisely for long periods in hope of gaining higher returns.

Some commentators are now reiterating calls for banking rules to be tightened, which is probably a wise move. But the collapse of the two banks proves once more that the culture of the regulators is as important as any rules, laws or tools at their disposal.

At least one journalist...

Still Have A Use For Adobe Flash? Ruffle Is Working To Safely Emulate It In Rust "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While Adobe Flash is officially -- and thankfully -- dead, those interested in Adobe Flash Player for nostalgia or archival purposes, Ruffle is working to emulate Adobe Flash support via this open-source project making use of the Rust programming language...


A Beginners Guide to Applying to Settle in the UK as a Partner-What to Expect "IndyWatch Feed World"

Are you considering settling in the UK as a partner? If so, you will need to understand the application process and what to expect. This guide will walk you through the entire process, from eligibility requirements to submitting your application and managing the interview process. We will cover everything you need to know to ensure your application is successful.

How Financial Requirements Shape Your Application?

When youre ready to move to the UK and start a new life with your partner, youll need to understand the UK immigration rules. These rules vary depending on your relationship status and financial situation, so its important to be familiar with them.

First and foremost, you will need to demonstrate sufficient available funds. This means that you must have enough money saved up so that you can cover any initial costs associated with moving to the UK such as flights, visas, or rent. You can estimate how much money youll need by using our handy online calculator.

Second, your application will likely require proof of income or savings. This could take the form of bank statements, pay stubs, or other documentation that demonstrates your current income or savings level. Make sure that all information is up-to-date if its not, there could be complications during the application process.

Last but not least, make sure that all your paperwork is in order and meets all required guidelines.

What Documents Do You Need To Apply?



Meteor fireball over the Mediterranean Sea (March 14) "IndyWatch Feed World"

This bright bolide was spotted from Spain on March 14, at 1:47 local time (equivalent to 0:47universal time). The event was generated by a rock (a meteoroid) from an asteroid that hit the atmosphere at about 67,000 km/h. The fireball overflew the Mediterranean Sea. It began at an altitude of about 98 km over the sea, over a point located at a distance of 25 km from the coast of the province of Almera (south of Spain). From that position it moved east, and ended at a height of around 67 km over the Mediterranean Sea. This bright meteor was recorded in the framework of the SMART project, operated by the Southwestern Europe Meteor Network (SWEMN) from the meteor-observing stations located at Huelva, La Hita (Toledo), Calar Alto, Sierra Nevada, La Sagra (Granada), and Seville.


Indian Country welcomes Apache Stronghold Convoy headed to Federal Court "IndyWatch Feed War"

Apache Wendsler Nosie greets Preston Arrow-weed, QuechanQuechan Blessings and Prayer, Apache Stronghold Convoy, Day 4Quechan Indian Community and Tribal leaders stand with Apache Stronghold to Protect Oak Flat. March 15, 2023. Photos by Steve Pavey and Bs Pike."Powerful Presentation tonight, March 14, 2023. All of Our Spirituality is at stake! We must stay connected spiritually to our mother.


Tiny Data Center Makes for a Comfortable Swim "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Tiny data center makes for a comfortable swim:

A data center about the size of a washing machine is being used to heat a public swimming pool in England.

Data centers' servers generate heat as they operate, and interest is growing in finding ways to harness it to cut energy costs and offset carbon emissions.

In this latest example, the computing technology has been placed inside a white box and surrounded by oil, which captures the heat before being pumped into a heat exchanger, according to a BBC report.

The setup is effective enough to heat a council-run swimming pool in Exmouth, about 150 miles west of London, to about 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius) for about 60% of the time, saving the operator thousands of dollars. And with energy costs rising sharply in the U.K., and councils looking for ways to save money, an initiative like this could be the difference between the pool staying open and closing down.

Behind the idea is U.K.-based tech startup Deep Green. In exchange for hosting its kit, Deep Green installs free digital boilers at pools and pays for the energy that they use. Meanwhile, tech firms pay Deep Green to use its computing power for various artificial intelligence and machine learning projects.

    Commercial Underwater Datacenter Goes Online This Year
    Microsoft's Underwater Server Experiment Resurfaces After Two Years
    Heating Homes and Businesses with "Data Furnaces"

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Intel Thunder Bay Is Officially Canceled, Linux Driver Code To Be Removed "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I hadn't heard any mentions of Intel's Thunder Bay in quite a while besides the occasional Linux kernel patch while now it has been officially confirmed as a cancelled Intel product and the Linux driver code being worked on the past 2+ years is on the chopping block...


Re: TTY pushback vulnerabilities / TIOCSTI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Hanno Bck on Mar 17

This is interesting.

Given this works only on "virtual terminals" (aka not in a terminal
window on X, not over SSH), I think the severity is much lower than the
TIOCSTI issue. Still it should be fixed.

I've created a patch for the Linux kernel very similar to the patch
that allows disabling TIOCSTI. I'll send that to the kernel devs soon,
but maybe people here want to test and comment.

drivers/tty/Kconfig | 16...


A New Security Category Addresses Web-borne Threats "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In the modern corporate IT environment, which relies on cloud connectivity, global connections and large volumes of data, the browser is now the most important work interface. The browser connects employees to managed resources, devices to the web, and the on-prem environment to the cloud one. Yet, and probably unsurprisingly, this browser prominence has significantly increased the number of


Intel Prepares More Graphics Driver Code For Linux 6.4 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Last week following the Linux 6.3-rc1 release Intel engineers already began sending new Intel i915 driver feature code to DRM-Next for queuing until the Linux 6.4 merge window in early May. This week another batch of "drm-intel-gt-next" material was submitted...


Letting Noncitizens Vote In U.S. Elections Is Foreign Interference "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Voting sign with arrow and American flagWe need to stop allowing people who can leave our country at any moment to have a say in its future.


Making the Most of Your Transportation OptionsAnd Getting Your Neighbors Onboard "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


What happens when your land use decisions result in so much traffic that you face calls to freeze all new development investment? This is a common issue in our current development pattern, and the default reaction is to double down on the problem by building bigger intersections and adding more lanes. But what happens when there is no additional land to acquire to widen streets, or not enough money to enlarge intersections? 

In 2006, I had the opportunity to work on a sector plan for White Flint in Montgomery County, Maryland. At the time, the development community wanted to change the land use pattern and redevelop White Flint with a more traditional development pattern, and a greater mix of uses. Citizens mobilized in opposition and pressured local officials to block these plans because of the potential for exacerbating the traffic woes. 



DESOPADEC Show Cases Achievements In Delta State (PHOTOS) "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


Ogulagha Model Secondary School complete with fully furnished boarding facilities, ultra modern dinning hall, science laboratories, staff room and water treatment plant

LAGOS MARCH 17TH (URHOBOTODAY)-As a mission statement expressly provided in the law setting up DESOPADEC by the Delta State House of Assembly in 2006 and fully activated in July 2007, the Commission is meant To put smiles on the faces of the people in the host oil and gas producing communities of the State through massive infrastructural and human capital development.

Without undermining one for the other, the current board rolled up its sleeves from the blast of the whistle to deliver balanced intervention across the mandate areas in critical infrastructure, education, health, housing, water, road, transportation sub-sectors, as well as in re-skilling the youth in a well thought-out, all-purpose vocational programme to empower them. 

The result was the creation of the DESOPADEC Skills Acquisition Academy with the endpoint of making the youth properly skilled, gainfully engaged and productively useful to themselves.

This innovative human capital development template which was officially kick-started in the first quarter of 2020 in a well structured non-formal curriculum saw successful pioneer candidates admitted into the scheme in a grand Matriculation Ceremony.

The intent was clear: To give successful trainees a lifetime opportunity in honing their skills in various chosen vocational fields. The skills acquisition scope include Welding and Fabrications; Electrical and Electronic Repairs; Solar Energy Works; Tiling, Interlocking and P.O.P. Works; Catering and Confectioneries; Shoe, Bag Making and Leather Works; Information and Communication Technology, ICT; Health, Safety and Environment, HSE; Fashion Design and Tailoring; Hairdressing and Makeover.


Nigerian brothers detail how they staged Jussie Smollett hate hoax "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

On March 13, Fox Nation released its documentary about disgraced actor Jussie Smollett titled Anatomy of a Hoax, which included an interview with the Osundairo brothers, whom Jussie enlisted to perpetrate the hoax and shout slurs at him, in a dubious incident that was almost immediately taken as fact by many, inducing Joe Biden. In a tweet from January 29, 2019, Biden wrote, "What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country. We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie."


This Is America #183: Report from Atlanta During Week of Action Against Cop City "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Welcome, to This is America, March 16th, 2023.

In this episode, we sit down with Clark, a member of the Atlanta Community Press Collective, who joins us to discuss the past week of action in Atlanta as the fight against Cop City continues, following the arrest of concert goers on trumped up domestic terrorism charges.

During our discussion, we talk about new revelations surrounding the police murder of forest defender Tortuguita on January 18th, as a new independent autopsy has revealed:

The autopsy conducted of Tortuguita at the request of their family by Dr. Kris Sperry has found that when Tortuguita was shot and killed, their hands were raised in the air. According to the familys lawyers, The autopsy further reveals that Manuel was most probably in a seated position, cross-legged when killed.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation says they have conducted their own autopsy, however they have yet to reveal the report.

We also discuss the actions in Atlanta that took place last week, from mass marches and protests, to rallies at city council, a Food Autonomy Festival, and also attempts by the police to harass and silence activists. As wrote in Truthout:

The March 5 mass arrest touched off an unparalleled wave of police repression throughout the following week in downtown Atlanta and Southeast DeKalb County, where the park and proposed Cop City site are located. Police deliberately targeted First Amendment-protected activity by activists, legal observers and journalists including me.

On March 10, I followed and documented a group of about...


Lookalike Telegram and WhatsApp Websites Distributing Cryptocurrency Stealing Malware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Copycat websites for instant messaging apps like Telegram and WhatApp are being used to distribute trojanized versions and infect Android and Windows users with cryptocurrency clipper malware. "All of them are after victims' cryptocurrency funds, with several targeting cryptocurrency wallets," ESET researchers Luk tefanko and Peter Strek said in a new analysis. While the first instance of


Tech tycoon offers fellow plane passenger $100K to remove her mask, she declines "IndyWatch Feed World"

A tech tycoon has been branded a "creep" after allegedly offering a woman $100,000 to take off her face mask on board a Delta flight. Steve Kirsch took to Twitter to say he made the anonymous passenger the offer last Friday. "I am on board a Delta flight right now. The person sitting next to me in first-class refused $100,000 to remove her mask for the entire flight," the millionaire wrote. "No joke. This was after I explained they don't work. She works for a pharma company."


Oyo Guber: Gunmen Invade Folarins Family Compound, Injured Many "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A reprisal attack in retaliation for yesterdays killing of three members of the Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP) in Oyo State, some hooded gunmen on Thursday evening attacked the ancestral home of All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship candidate, Senator Teslim Folarin, shot sporadically and injured many while searching for the politician. The black-colored dressed gunmen invaded []


Meatwashing "IndyWatch Feed World"

Claims that cattle ranching sequesters carbon and restores ecosystems have been used in highly effective marketing campaigns by the livestock industry. Just one problem: theyre greenwash.

By George Monbiot.

This is an extract from my book Regenesis: feeding the world without devouring the planet. Ive been prompted to publish it here by a new phase in the cattle lobbys campaign to persuade us that its products are green.

In recent years a new front in the public relations war has opened, promoting a remarkable claim: if managed in a particular way, animal farming can restore the living world and reverse climate breakdown.

Such assertions had been made for three decades. But they remained obscure until, in 2013, TED published a 20-minute talk by the rancher Allan Savory[1]. He maintained that by raising the numbers of cattle, sheep and goats kept on drylands in one case by 400% and using planned grazing in a holistic management system, he could reverse soil erosion and the spread of deserts, restore lush vegetation, bring back wildlife and even undo climate change. He showed before-and-after photos that appeared to provide spectacular proof of his claims.

His talk has now been watched 11 million times, between the TED site and YouTube[2]. His story was taken up by several documentaries, including the viral Netflix film, Kiss the Ground, narrated by Woody Harrelson[3].

I like Allan. When I was diagnosed with cancer, he sent me a kind and charming email. I know hes sincere and believes what he says. But, as soon as I watched his talk, I noticed that at least one of his claims could not possibly be correct. He stated that if we follow his prescription, we can take enough carbon out of the atmosphere to take us back to pre-industrial levels.

Since 1750, roughly 490 billion tonnes of carbon have been released from fossil fuels, and around 190 billion tonnes by cutting forests, draining wetlands, ploughing soils and other kinds of land use[4]. So, to return atmospheric carbon to pre-industrial levels, grassland soils would need to absorb 680 billion tonnes[i].

Since the dawn of agriculture, roughly 133 billion tonnes of carbon are reckoned to have been lost from the worlds soils[5]. Of this, between 70 and 90 billion tonnes has been released from step...


Poll: Anambra Will Resist Soludos Move To Have Rubber-Stamp Lawmakers YPP Chieftain "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

As Saturdays governorship and state house of assembly elections draw closer, a chieftain of the Young Progressive Party (YPP) in Anambra State, Chief Ibe Okonkwo Michael, has criticized Governor Charles Soludo for reportedly calling on the people of the state to vote only APGA candidates in the state assembly. Speaking during a political rally in []


flatpak: CVE-2023-28101: escape characters in metadata can hide app permissions in terminal "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Simon McVittie on Mar 17
Vulnerable: all < 1.10.8, 1.12.x < 1.12.8, 1.14.x < 1.14.4, 1.15.x < 1.15.4
Fixed: 1.15.4, 1.14.x >= 1.14.4, 1.12.x >= 1.12.8, 1.10.x >= 1.10.8

Flatpak is a system for building, distributing, and running sandboxed
desktop applications on Linux.

When installing or upgrading a Flatpak app using the flatpak(1) CLI,
the user is normally shown any special...


Lyin Joe Biden Says MAGA Republicans Want to Defund the Police "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Somewhere in his confused and deteriorating mind, Old Joe Biden knows that the only way that Democrats can win in 2024, other than shenanigans with ballot harvesting and mail-in ballots, is by running as far away as they possibly can from the disastrous record of his dumpster-fire presidency. Since Old Joe []


flatpak: CVE-2023-28100: TIOCLINUX can send commands outside sandbox if running on a virtual console "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Simon McVittie on Mar 17
Vulnerable: all < 1.10.8, 1.12.x < 1.12.8, 1.14.x < 1.14.4, 1.15.x < 1.15.4
Fixed: 1.15.4, 1.14.x >= 1.14.4, 1.12.x >= 1.12.8, 1.10.x >= 1.10.8

Flatpak is a system for building, distributing, and running sandboxed
desktop applications on Linux.

Jakub Wilk mentioned on the oss-security mailing list that various
projects' mitigations for the...


Codon Looks Very Promising For Super-Fast Python Code "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

While there is Pyston, PyPy, and various other alternative Python implementations being done in the name of performance, Codon is one of the newer ones and is talking up 10~100x faster performance...


Trump-appointed judge allows DOJ to hide exculpatory evidence from jury in Proud Boys J6 sedition trial "IndyWatch Feed World"

Trump-appointed US District Judge Timothy Kelly sided with Attorney General Merrick Garland's DOJ to allow the feds to hide a host of exculpatory evidence from the jury in the Proud Boys January 6th sedition trial after it was mistakenly leaked to the defense by an FBI agent involved in the case. Comment: See: Proud Boys J6 sedition trial halted after leaked chat logs show FBI agent said her boss ordered her to 'destroy evidence' As I reported last week, unintentionally leaked chat logs from FBI Special Agent Nicole Miller revealed she said she was ordered by her boss to "destroy" "338 items of evidence."



When the people conclude once and for all, that their government has become the greatest modern threat to Nigerian peace, prosperity and liberty, the rules of the game are going to change dramatically. Once the people reach a point where they no longer trust anyone in their government, when every government action from the Executive, []


Design Your Perfect Graduation Announcement Cards and High School Graduation Party Invitations "IndyWatch Feed World"

Graduation is an exciting time for students, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Whether youre finishing high school or college, graduation is a time to celebrate your achievements and look forward to the future. But, of course, one of the most important parts of graduation is sharing your excitement with your loved ones. One way to do that is through customized graduation announcement cards and party invitations.

This blog will explore the best ways to design the perfect graduation announcement cards and high school graduation party invitations.

Choose Your Style

The first step in creating the perfect graduation announcement cards and high school graduation party invitations is to choose your style. There are many different styles to choose from, and its important to choose one that reflects your personality and the message you want to convey.

One popular style for graduation announcement cards and high school graduation party invitations is the classic and timeless look. Clean lines, elegant typography, and simple yet sophisticated designs characterize this style. This style is perfect for those who want to create a traditional and formal invitation.

On the other hand, if youre looking for something more modern and trendy, consider a bold and colorful design. This style often features bright colors, playful patterns, and eye-catching typography. Its perfect for those who want to create a fun and energetic invitation that captures their personality.

For those who prefer a more minimalist and understated look, many options are also available. This style often features simple and clean designs, muted colors, and elegant typography. Its perfect for those who want to create a sophisticated and refined invitation that emphasizes their achievements.

Personalize Your Cards and Invitations

Once youve chosen your style, its time to personalize your graduation announcement cards and high school graduation party invitations. Adding personal touches is a great way...


Debian 12 "Bookworm" Enters Its Hard Freeze "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Following last month's soft freeze for Debian 12 "Bookworm", this popular Linux distribution is now in its hard freeze until its release time...


Corporate Media Disguise Spike In Border Arrests As Drop To Prevent Accountability For Biden "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

border agent confronts illegal border crossersCorporate media dishonestly touts sharp drop in border crossings in February to save Biden from border crisis criticism.


Israel's former spy chief warns that country could turn into a 'dictatorship' "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel's former spy chief warns that country could turn into a 'dictatorship'

Nadav Argaman, former head of the Shin Bet, hits out at the Netanyahu government, saying 'the anarchist has become the ruler'
MEE staff Fri, 03/17/2023 - 09:26
Israelis rally in Tel Aviv against the government's judicial overhaul plan, on 9 March 2023 (Anadolu Agency)

Israels former spymaster has likened the governments overhaul of the judicial system to a car hurtling towards the abyss in an interview with a local TV channel. 

Nadav Argaman, former director of the Shin Bet, Israel's internal security service, hit out at the reforms on Thursday evening.

'Only one person can stop this madness. Thats the prime minister'

- Nadav Argaman, former head of the Shin Bet

Argaman warned that the checks and balances holding the Israeli government accountable in parliament had broken down, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was hijacking the process.

 This is a world turned upside down, a crazy world. The anarchist has become the ruler, said Argaman. 

Only one person can stop this madness. Thats the prime minister," the former spy chief said. "He is the one who pushed for this whole move, which was meticulously planned in advance, and hes the one who can stop it. Everything is entirely in his hands.

Israel is currently experiencing a political crisis that has pitted Netanyahus far-right government against the countrys civil society, academic and business elite, as well as former government ministers and military figures.

The prime minister is currently on trial for corruption, and the reforms could enable him to evade conviction or see his case dismissed.

Since being indicted in 2019, Netanyahu has railed publicly against the justice system, saying it is biased against him.

Argaman warned that Israel could be on the brink of a constitutional crisis and insisted that Ronen Bar, the current head of the Shi...


Tunisia: European Parliament condemns country's 'authoritarian drift' "IndyWatch Feed War"

Tunisia: European Parliament condemns country's 'authoritarian drift'

Parliament calls for the release of journalists, activists, and other civil society campaigners imprisoned in Tunisia
MEE staff Fri, 03/17/2023 - 09:25
Tunisian journalists protest in front of the Prime Minister's office in the capital Tunis on February 16, 2023, in defence of freedom of expression and against the persecution of journalists (AFP)
A protest against the persecution of journalists in front of the prime minister's office in Tunis on 16 February 2023 (AFP)

The European Parliament has condemned the "authoritarian drift" of Tunisia under President Kais Saied, calling for the release of jailed journalists, activists, and politicians.

In a resolution adopted on Thursday, the parliament said it was "deeply concerned by the authoritarian drift of President Saied and by his instrumentalisation of the disastrous socio-economic situation in Tunisia to reverse the country's historic democratic transition".

MEPs called for an "end to the ongoing repression against civil society" and the release of journalist Noureddine Boutar and "the other persons arbitrarily detained".

Tunisia has been engulfed in political and economic crises since July 2021, when Saied unilaterally suspended parliament and dissolved the government, in what many have called a "constitutional coup" that reversed many of Tunisias democratic gains since the 2011 Arab Spring.

In its latest report released this week, CIVICUS Monitor, which analyses civil society and civic freedoms across 197 countries,...


Pope Francis weighs in on religious crackdown in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed World"

The pontiff called for holy sites to be respected after canonical Orthodox Church monks were ordered to leave their Kiev monastery. Pope Francis has voiced concern over the situation in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra following attempts by the Ukrainian authorities to expel monks from the iconic Orthodox Christian site. Speaking at the end of a general audience on Wednesday, the pontiff said he was "thinking about the Orthodox monks in the Kiev Lavra."


Robert Kennedy Jr: The Only Man for the Job "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Robert Kennedy Jr. is the last chance America has to avoid balkanization


DIG South-South Jitoboh Storms Delta, Warns Policemen  Against Electoral Fraud, Malpractices "IndyWatch Feed Africa"



LAGOS MARCH 17TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The Deputy Inspector General of Police South South zone, DIG Moses A. Jitoboh has warned that any officer who fail to thoroughly supervise their personnel during the March 18th Governorship and House of Assembly elections in  Delta State would be vicariously liable if any policeman attach to them is found in election fraud or malpractices.

DIG Jitoboh gave the warning on Wednesday during  his  visit to the Delta State Police Command, Asaba, Delta State  ahead of the March 18th 2023 gubernatorial and house of assembly elections in the state.

The DIG while addressing officers urged them to be apolitical as the police is not supposed to be partisan. He also warned that any officer who fail to thoroughly supervise their personnel will be vicariously liable if any policeman attach to them is found in election fraud or malpractices, statement signed by Delta State Police Public Relation Officer (PPRO) DSP Bright Edafe made available to  disclosed.

According to the statement, the visit  of DIG Jitoboh was aimed at boosting the moral of officers and men of the Command and also to assure residents in the state of the force readiness to ensure that the election is hitch free and successful.  

The DIG equally revealed that the Inspector General of Police has ordered the distribution and deployment of additional equipments which includes riot gunners, tear gas and other anti-riot equipments and also two thousand (2000) police personnel on election duty and monitoring.

In another development, the Commissioner of Police election  has  invited leaders of the various political parties to the state headquarters for the signing of peace accord. The CP in his remark, noted that for us to have hitch free elections and achieve the desired results, they were invited in line with security arrangements.

The CP noted that with the support of the political parties, there will be no problem. The CP solicit for their understanding owing to the fact that they are brothers and sisters and will remain so even after the election. The various political par...


Wearing -o- the Green "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  A tune as we pause for the cause Come out ye Black and Tans. Happy St. Patricks Day I would normally celebrate the day at Muldoons Irish Pub, but there is a long list of things to do like pick up the Honda Passport from the repair facility after the trash truck crunched it. []

The post Wearing -o- the Green appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Yes, She Really Did: Kamala Harris Says Joe Biden Is an Extraordinary Leader "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Politicians who bend the truth are as old as politics itself, but Kamala Harris bent it well beyond the breaking point on Stephen Colberts show Wednesday night when she hailed her chief, Old Joe Biden, as an extraordinary leader. As Old Joe himself might say, Come on, man! Would The Cackler []



User Answers

We round out this week's blogging about the pushback movement from the states with this story from Tennessee shared by K.M.  This is another



US Gas Consumption Trends "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

No surprise there, as gas has steadily been replacing coal in the electricity mix.

The post US Gas Consumption Trends first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Norwich City youth football coach is jailed for nearly three years after smashing man in the head with a metal pole for not wearing Covid mask at McDonald's "IndyWatch Feed World"

A Norwich City youth football coach who hit a man in the head with a metal pole for not wearing a Covid mask has been jailed. Conor Murphy was queuing for food at a McDonald's in June 2021 when he became enraged by a group of four who weren't wearing face coverings. After becoming increasingly irate, the 29-year-old went back to his car where he found the metal pole, before returning to attack one of the men.


Iranian government proposes new measures to enforce hijab law, including surveillance "IndyWatch Feed World"

Iranian authorities have proposed new measures to enforce the compulsory wearing of the hijab in the country, including the use of surveillance cameras to identify and punish women who fail to comply with the dress code amid months of nationwide unrest sparked by the death of a young woman while in police custody for allegedly not wearing her head scarf properly. In a public session of the Iranian parliament on March 14, Bijan Nobaveh a member of the Cultural Commission revealed that the body has proposed seven new measures related to the hijab, which have been fully endorsed by the leadership and discussed at the National Security Council. Under the new proposals, physical punishment will not be allowed. Violators instead will be punished according to a predetermined table. The surveillance cameras will be used to monitor public spaces for women not wearing the hijab, and offenders will be punished subsequently with measures that include cutting off their mobile phone and Internet...


The AUKUS nuclear submarine deal is part of an imperialist crusade against China "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Timur Fomenko | RT | March 17, 2023

Earlier this week, a trilateral summit was held with the leaders of Australia, the United Kingdom and the US in San Diego to flesh out the details of an AUKUS deal providing Canberra with nuclear-powered submarines, with the intention of containing China in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

The pact will also create a rotational presence of UK and US nuclear submarines near Perth, Western Australia, starting from 2027. The goal is to integrate the US and UKs nuclear sub fleet while Australia builds the necessary operational capabilities of its own.

It is no coincidence that the deal was announced on Commonwealth Day, an annual celebration of the former dominions of the British Empire. On the same day, the UK government released its integrated review, whereby it vowed to increase defense spending. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak then proceeded to describe China as an epoch-defining challenge, framing the UK, and the AUKUS alliance at large, as a benevolent force dedicated to keeping the Indo-Pacific open and free. China reacted by harshly condemning the meeting, decrying it for a typical Cold War mentality that will only exacerbate [an] arms race, undermine the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and hurt regional peace and stability.

Chinas interpretation of the AUKUS submarine deal is correct. The Biden administration is aggressively expanding its alliance system in a bid to militarily contain Beijing. Along with the AUKUS pact, it is also pushing for trilateral cooperation with South Korea and Japan, something South Korean President Yoon Seok Yeol is open to, expanding its military presence in the Philippines, and taking part in other regional groups such as the Quad. However, AUKUS is unique because it consists solely of Anglosphere nations, and as such, embodies the neo-imperialist sentiment of Anglophone exceptionalism.

The UKs decision to pursue an increasingly anti-China foreign policy is, of course, influenced by the US and against Britains best interests. However, its foreign policy narrative, especially in light of Brexit, is clothed in imperial nostalgia, which reflects back on the British Empire as a force for good. It drums up not memories of enslavement, exploitation, or aggression against o...


Russian Navy At the Site of Downed U.S. Drone "IndyWatch Feed War"

Russian Navy Blockades Downed US Drone

Hal Turner March 16, 2023

The Russian Navy has located the downed US MQ-9 Reaper Drone in the Black Sea, about 50 nautical miles from Sevastopol and has created a blockade around the crash site.

The Russian Navy salvage Vessel Kumma is enroute to the location.

It is reportedly going to attempt to retrieve the drone, which is said to be under about 90 meters of water.


Russia Wants to Recover Debris of US Drone from Black Sea

By Elena Becatoros and Darlene Superville Associated Press March 15, 2023

Russian Navy salvage vessel believed to be on its way to the site of the downed MQ-9 drone. Click to enlarge

Russia wants to recover the fragments of a U.S. surveillance drone that American forces brought down in the Black Sea after an encounter with a Russian fighter jet, a Russian security official said Wednesday.

Nikolai Patrushev, the secretary of Russias Security Council, claimed in televised remarks that Tuesdays incident was another confirmation of direct U.S. involvement in the conflict in Ukraine. He said Russia planned to search for the drones debris.

I dont know if we can recover them or not, but we will certainly have to do that, and we will deal with it, Patrushev said. I certainly hope for success.

U.S. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said the drone was flying in international airspace and over international waters when a Russian fighter jet struck the propeller of the MQ-Reaper drone.

U.S. officials accused Russia of attempting to intercept the unmanned aerial vehicle, although its presence over the Black Sea was not an uncommon occurrence.

It is also not uncommon for the Russians to try to intercept them, Kirby said, adding that such an encounter does increase the risk of miscalculations, misunderstandings.

Kirby said the drone had not yet been recovered and it was unclear whether it would be, but the U.S. took steps to protect the information and to pr...


Mysterious bombing shakes Israeli security establishment "IndyWatch Feed War"

March 15 2023 The explosive device that was planted on the side of the Route 65 highway in Megiddo has been described as very sophisticated in nature, and does not resemble those used by Palestinians in the occupied West Bank ByNews Desk A mysterious roadside bombing at the Megiddo junction in northern Israel on 13 []


Keyamo Under Attack After Financial Expert Questioned His Capacity As Labour Minister "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 17TH (URHOBOTODY)-Nigerias Minister for State Labour and Employment, Festus Keyamo has come under attack after financial expert, Kalu Ajah questioned his role in Muhammadu Buharis government as Labour Minister.

Aja suggested on Wednesday that Keyamo failed in his role as a Minister of State Labour under the Buhari government.

Keyamo was appointed by Buhari as Minister of State for Niger Delta Affairs but he was later moved to serve as State Minister for Labour in September 2019.

Buhari had promised millions of jobs and to lift 100 million Nigerians out of poverty.

Under Buharis Next Level plans, N-Power, an initiative for graduates would engage one million graduates and then there is a promise to skill up 10 million Nigerians under a voucher system in partnership with the private sector.

The plan provides for an Anchor Borrowers Programme to support input and jobs to one million farmers; Livestock Transformation Plan to create 1.5 million jobs along dairy, beef, hide and skin, blood meal, crops; and Agriculture Mechanisation Policy with tractors and processors to create 5 million jobs.

Buahari also promised $500m innovation fund to tech and creative sector to create 500, 000 jobs, train 200, 000 youths for outsource market in technology services and entertainment.

But under the administration, data released by the National Bureau of Statistics showed that Buhari would be leaving behind one of the worst unemployment record in Nigerias history.

According to the NBS, unemployment has risen to 33.3 per cent or 23.18 million Nigerians as of the fourth quarter of 2020, while underemployement is 56.1 per cent.

The NBS also revealed in a 2022 report that 133 million Nigerians live in multidimensional poverty.

Keyamo is a loyalist of the All Progressives Congress candidate, Bola Tinubu who was declared winner of the controversial February 25th presidential election.


But he has for long tweeted about his ministry and the unemployment situation in the country.

Minister of Labour and Employment that does not tweet about Labour and Employment is that one a Minister of Labour and Employment ? Aja said in a tweet.

Reacting to his tweet, Kada Ngbale with handle @Kdngbale said, This speaks to the skewed nature of administration under the purvie...


Qualcomm Tries to Kick Holes in EU 242 Million Decision "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Hopes to avoid paying up for crushing a rival while helping Huawei and ZTE to prosper:

Qualcomm on Monday began an attempt to convince the European Union's Court of Justice that it should not pay a 242 million ($258 million) fine imposed on it for anti-competitive behavior.

The fine worth about two percent of Qualcomm's 2022 profits was levied against the US chipmaker in 2019. At the time, the European Commission found that Qualcomm had sold 3G baseband chipsets at a loss to harm British rival Icera's ability to compete.

[...] In order to prevent Nvidia-controlled Icera from claiming a larger slice of the market, the European Commission says Qualcomm began selling its UMTS chipsets to the likes of Huawei and ZTE at prices its rival couldn't match.

[...] The European Commission ultimately smacked Qualcomm with a 242 million fine for its behavior. As Qualcomm's profits reached $12.9 billion last year, the fine is significant but not very damaging.

Qualcomm is nevertheless trying to avoid paying the fine. In court Monday, Reuters reports that Qualcomm Attorney, Miguel Rato claimed the European Commission was on a "crusade" against the company. Rato also called into question the basis for the Commission's argument, arguing the specific market for 3G baseband chips accounted for less than a percent of the overall UMTS market at the time.

[...] Despite handing down several billion-dollar-plus fines for anticompetitive behavior over the past few years, the European Commission hasn't had great luck getting them to stick.

Intel escaped a $1.2 billion antitrust fine imposed by Brussels for offering hardware partners rebates for its x86 processors. Chipzilla even bribed German electronics retailer Media Saturn Holding to ensure it did not sell rival AMD's parts.

But after a years-long legal battle, Intel overturned the penalty and was told it didn't have to pay. To add insult to injury, Intel returned to court last spring demanding that the EU pay 593m ($623.5m) in interest charges.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Push-me and Pull-u Dance with The Fallen Stars That Shine in The Oil Slick Wash of The Glittering Asphalt Night. "IndyWatch Feed War"

Visible Origami March 16, 2023

Dog Poet Transmitting.

On my way to a point beyond, I looked into the darkness below a number of times. Many strange and fascinating shapes continuously appear. The shining of The False Light on The Lower Nature creates a hypnotic pull that is difficult to break. It is a tractor beam on the unconscious, and before you know it, you are through the door. The objective of the attraction is to suck The Mind into a rolling darkness that is not unlike an angry sea.

Do not go down into The Dark Splendor;

or lose your way inside your own head

There were conspiracies ancient and modern; webs within webs wheels within wheels. There were entities behind sorcerers of every kind, and sorcerers behind the masks of the men and women that wear the faces of the time, to act as the channels for the darkness and as focus points for submission and longing; monkey see monkey do.

It all got old; who did what to whom. How they did it. Somebody said this way, and somebody said that way, and I? I didnt care. Thats not my world. I never really lived there in that place where nothing matters; that only matters to people who have skin in the game. The people below, in The Carnal Zone, have no idea about the people who live beyond it. The people beyond it must exercise caution when interacting with animal eyes.

It is possible to get lost for a very long time in The Hall of Appetites, in The Mirrors of Desire. When you are always reflecting on what you become in the image of what you pursue, where does that leave you? You literally have to die to the one to live in the other, and that is an act of faith in both directions. Its always easier to believe in what you can see. When you live where the only reality is what occurs on the bandwidth of the senses, how do you muster enough belief to escape it?

I practice The Presence. I rely on The Presence, and I love The Presence, with all my heart, soul, strength, and mind. Thats all I seek to do, and thats all I am essentially. Each time that I am sidetracked, my invisible friends remind me to pull back from the distractions and stop wandering about in them. I am like a passer-by in a curiosity shop who is not even remotely curious, having been that way enough times before.

You can be lost for some time before you realize you are lost. If you do not stay on track, with daily reminders on familiar roads, it is not difficult for the unfamiliar to be mistaken for the familiar; bad companions poor judgment the resident impurities of weak character. We all struggle with these conditions until we grow tired of the fight. We are boxing with our own shadows.



Glazov Gang: Cutting Off Childrens Breasts and Penises "IndyWatch Feed War"

  This new Glazov Gang episode is hosted by Anni Cyrus and features Chris Elston, an activist known as Billboard Chris who is taking a stand against gender ideology and its vicious abuse and maiming of children. Billboard Chris discusses Cutting Off Childrens Breasts and Penises, reflecting on The New and Improved Bolshevik Revolution. Dont []


Fish Tank Dosing Pump Built Using Pi Pico "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When youre maintaining a fish tank, its actually quite important to get all your basic chemistry right. Mismanage things, and youll kill all the helpful bacteria in the tank, or kill your fish when things get too alkaline or too acidic. To help him get things just right, [yojoebosolo] built a custom dosing pump to maintain his fishtank.

The pumps themselves are small peristaltic pumps sourced from AliExpress. They can be had for under $10 if you look hard enough. Two of these are assembled into a PLA housing. Meanwhile, the brains of the operation is a Raspberry Pi Pico. Its charged with running the pumps to a regular schedule, ensuring that just the right amount of chemicals are delivered when they are needed. It delivers 2 mL of Kalkwasser solution into [yojoebosolos] reef tank every ten minutes.  The pumps are switched on and off with a simple 5V relay.

If youve got a delicate and complex fish tank that demands only the best, building your own dosing pump may be the way to go. Off-the-shelf versions can be expensive, after all, so sometimes it makes sense to...

4 new approaches to leadership during this time of tech anxiety "IndyWatch Feed World"

As losses reverberate through the industry, leaders need empathy, gratitude, and a renewed hunger for success.

Nobody is immune from economy-fueled anxiety, least of all leaders in a sector thats seeing companies big and small downsize. There is little doubt the year ahead will be tough for you, your customers, and your partners. It will also test your friends and employees, plus other business leaders you know.

Read Full Story


Syrias Assad would like more Russian bases and troops "IndyWatch Feed War"

Introduction March 17, 2023

There is one key element to this story that Reuters omits to mention. The fact that Reuters doesnt note exactly why President Assad would welcome more Russian troops speaks volumes about Reuters and its objectivity.

Crucial to this story and pointedly omitted by Reuters, is the fact that the U.S. military is still in northeastern Syria.

Not only are they there illegally, they jointly occupy sites with militants who wrought havoc in Syria before Russia intervened in 2015. Prior to then they had been on the verge of ousting President Assad in a Western backed regime change operation.

The fact that they remain in northeast Syria with US support is probably the main reason Assad would welcome more Russian troops. Ed.

Syrias Assad would like more Russian bases and troops

Guy Faulconbridge and Caleb Davis Reuters March 16, 2023

-> Assad courts more Russian support
-> Assad would welcome more Russian troops
-> Assad suggests Russian bases should be permanent
-> Syria supports Putins war in Ukraine Assad

MOSCOW, March 16 (Reuters) Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad said on Thursday that he would welcome any Russian proposals to set up new military bases and boost troop numbers in the Middle Eastern country, suggesting Russias military presence there should become permanent.

When Russia intervened in the Syrian Civil War in 2015, it helped tip the balance in Assads favour, ensuring the Syrian leaders survival despite Western demands that he be toppled.

Assad, who met President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin on Wednesday, has supported Russias war in Ukraine and told Russias state news agency RIA that Damascus recognises the territories claimed by Russia in Ukraine.

Syria, Assad said, would welcome any Russian proposals to set up new military bases and boost Russian troop numbers and said they need not be temporary.

We think that expanding the Russian presence in Syria is a good thing, Assad told RIA in an interview. Russias military presence in any country should not be based on anything temporary.

We believe that if Russia has the desire to expand bases or increase their number, it is a technical or logistical issue.

Assads years as president have been defined by the conflict that began in 2011 with peaceful protests before spiralling into a multi-sided conflict that has fractured the Middle Eastern country and drawn in foreign friends and enemies.

He has stitched much of his state back together with the help of Russia and I...


Tucker goes there predicts a hot war with Russia (and maybe China) leading to wartime crushing of political dissent "IndyWatch Feed War"

Thomas Lifson American Thinker March 16, 2023

Love him or hate him, Tucker Carlson has become the most important political analyst of our era.  The release to him of suppressed J6 Capitol footage that contradicted the Democrat/media narrative dominated political news until Carlsons questionnaire on Ukraine policy to the potential GOP presidential field knocked it out of the headlines.  Not since Woodward and Bernstein dominated the news with Watergate has a media source produced results that focused the national spotlight so completely as Mr. Tucker Carlson.  Unsurprisingly, many are the progressives who want to see him knocked off the air.

Last night, he began his top-rated hour-long program with the following startling statement: Youre going to get a hot war with Russia and China whether you want one or not.

He followed with analysis of the Black Sea drone incident and the calls for retaliation and escalation from Lindsey Graham and his friends in the war party that would likely lead to outright war.  And wartime, he noted at the end of the segment, leads to extraordinary suppression of political dissent.

[T]he second we actually go to war with Russia, they will use that as a pretext to crush all dissent. Dissent is not allowed in wartime. And thats what this is really about (in addition to their personal enrichment). Its about changing the domestic politics of the United States. The second we can all say that we are at war with Russia, not in effect but in reality in a hot war which is what they want, thats the moment you are no longer allowed to express your opinion. And the penalty is jail during war.

He linked the timing of the incident to the war skepticism over Ukraine voiced by many of the GOP respondents to his presidential field questionnaire.  He also claimed that a majority of both Republicans and the general public do not support war against Russia, yet expression of skepticism is characterized in the media as supporting Russia.  The video clip examples he provided were startling, as was his analysis of the worried look on the face of General Milley discussing the incident:



Populist Farmer Citizen Movement wins big in Dutch election "IndyWatch Feed War"

Mike Corder The Independent March 16, 2023

A new powerhouse of Dutch right-wing populism took political center stage Thursday after winning its first provincial elections, a victory that was seen as a resounding rebuke to Prime Minister Mark Ruttes ruling four-party coalition.

With counting of ballots from Wednesdays vote wrapping up, the Farmer Citizen Movement known by its Dutch acronym BBB was predicted to win 15 seats in the 75-seat upper house of the Dutch national parliament, level with the bloc formed by left-of center Labor and Green parties. The provincial lawmakers elected in Wednesdays vote choose national senators at the end of May.

Losses suffered by members of Ruttes coalition weaken the government but could also strengthen their resolve to sit out their four-year term in office that ends in 2025 rather than face an early national election. They also will compound problems for Rutte in his attempts to drastically slash pollution from the countrys agriculture, industry and transport sectors to protect vulnerable natural habitats.

Victories in provinces across the nation of nearly 18 million for a party whose leader Caroline van der Plas is its only national lawmaker underscore a deep-rooted resentment of mainstream politics in the Netherlands that spreads far beyond the partys farming power base. With the count nearing completion, the BBB was forecast to become the biggest party in every province except the central province of Utrecht.

We are all normal people and all the people who voted for us are normal citizens, Van der Plas said in a victory speech.

Normally, if people no longer trust the government, they stay home, she added. Today they showed they dont want to stay at home they want their voices to be heard.

The party that traditionally has represented many farmers and conservative rural voters, the Christian Democrats, which is one of the four coalition parties, was one of the big losers in the vote Wednesday.

Mid-term elections for the Netherlands 12 provincial legislatures are often used by voters to register their anger at sitting governments, but the success can be fleeting as fickle populist voters shift their allegiances. Four years ago, the far-right populist Forum for Democracy won the biggest share of the vote, but on Wednesday it was decimated.

Van der Plas describes her party as social right wing, with its initial focus on the future of farmers and rural communities now broadened to make it appealing to a far wider electorate. Political analyst Andre K...


Biden Ignored The People Of East Palestine, Rushes To Help Billionaire Bankers In Silicon Valley "IndyWatch Feed War"

Joseph Curl The Daily Wire March 15, 2023

After a train carrying highly toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, President Joe Biden hopped on Air Force One, transferred to a train and went to Ukraine.

You see, the U.S. president is worried about their border. He doesnt care about the U.S. border, mind you, just theirs. And hes now been to the Ukraine border as many times as hes visited our southern border: once.

But when billionaire bankers once again crashed and burned, Biden was on it fast.

Everything went south on Friday, when the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapsed the second largest in history. Biden actually did some work over the weekend, assuring the financial sector that hes got their back.

Then on Monday, 30 minutes before the New York Stock Exchange opened, Biden vowed that the federal government would hand out money just like the last time the banking world imploded, just 15 years ago.

I instructed my team to act quickly to protect these interests, the president said in an effort to stem massive market losses and widespread panic.

First, all customers who had deposits in these banks can rest assured I want to rest assured theyll be protected and theyll have access to their money as of today. That includes small businesses across the country that banked there and need to make payroll, pay their bills, and stay open for business, he said.

Americans can have confidence that the banking system is safe, Biden said at the White House. Your deposits will be there when you need them.

Of course, SVB has little to do with small businesses. Roblox, the online gaming firm worth $3 billion, had about $150 million in SVB. Streaming service Roku had nearly $500 million held in deposits with SVB. U.S. cryptocurrency firm Circle had $3.3 billion of its $40 billion of reserves at SVB.

Not exactly your mom and pop small businesses.

Meanwhile, SVB CEO Greg Becker sold $3.6 million of company stock less than two weeks before the bank collapsed, and, in another one of those amazing coincidences, Peter Theils Founders Fund worth $11 billion withdrew millions by Thursday morning, Bloomberg reported.

But Biden was there swiftly to help out his billionaire buddies a lot of whom donated to his presidential campaign. That was in stark contrast to what happened in Ohio. On February 3, a Norfolk Southern Railway train derailed in East Palestine, home to just 5,000 people. The cars, carrying vinyl chloride, ethyl acrylate, and isobutylene, spilled everywhere.

For two straight weeks, Bidens Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) did next to nothing, not showing up on site until Februa......


Premier Wager "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Premier Wager

All cash prize amounts are displayed in-game within the foreign money youre playing with. The Prize pool and minimal guess for these tournaments are set up in EUR or USD and could be subject settled exterior the promotional interval is not going to depend in the course of this promotion. We reserve the right to withdraw and/or change these promotional phrases and circumstances at our sole discretion, and any decision with regard to the winnings supplied.

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Any qualifying bet in participating video games through the promotion period can set off a prize from the prize pool. Players will accumulate factors to maneuver up the Leaderboards and win cash prizes. Each win rewards you with a score primarily based on the win multiplier (for example, when you waged K17.50 and won K175, you could be rewarded with 10 points).

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Premier Bet "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Premier Bet

The minimum qualifying bet per spin so as to participate within the tournaments is K1.75. If the minimum bet quantity is unavailable, it goes to be rounded as much as the following higher out there guess measurement within the sport. We further reserve the proper to not pay the cash prizes the place, in our opinion, all or a half of the score outcomes from dishonest or collusion with other gamers.

All money prize quantities are displayed in-game within the forex youre playing with. The Prize pool and minimum guess for these tournaments are arrange in EUR or USD and may be topic to outdoors the promotional period will not depend towards this promotion. We reserve the proper to withdraw and/or change these promotional phrases and circumstances at our sole discretion, and any determination with regard to the winnings supplied.

Points obtained are summed up all through the Tournament period. The leaderboards are up to date in actual time and gamers can view the real time leaderboard in recreation at any time of their very own choosing when enjoying the collaborating recreation. The Spinomenal Leaderboard will refresh as a lot as each four minutes .

Any qualifying wager in participating games through the promotion period can trigger a prize from the prize pool. Players will accumulate points to move up the Leaderboards and win cash prizes. Each win rewards you with a rating based mostly on the win multiplier (for example, should you waged K17.50 and won K175, youll be rewarded with 10 bahis liqas istifad etmk n tlimatlar points).


Premier Bet "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Premier Bet

All cash prize amounts are displayed in-game within the currency you are enjoying with. The Prize pool and minimum wager for these tournaments are arrange in EUR or USD and 1xbet1 could be subject to forex conversion fluctuations. Any wagers positioned and settled outside the promotional interval is not going to depend towards this promotion. We reserve the proper to withdraw and/or change these promotional phrases and situations at our sole discretion, and any decision with regard to the winnings provided.

The minimal qualifying wager per spin in order to take part in the tournaments is K1.seventy five. If the minimal bet quantity is unavailable, it goes to be rounded as a lot as the next higher obtainable bet size in the sport. We further reserve the best to not pay the cash prizes the place, in our opinion, all or part of the rating results from dishonest or collusion with other players.

Points obtained are summed up all through the Tournament period. The leaderboards are up to date in actual time and players can view the real time leaderboard in sport at any time of their own choosing when taking part in the participating sport. The Spinomenal Leaderboard will refresh up to every four minutes .

Any qualifying wager in participating games through the promotion period can set off a prize from the prize pool. Players will accumulate points to maneuver up the Leaderboards and win money prizes. Each win rewards you with a rating primarily based on the win multiplier (for example, should you waged K17.50 and gained K175, you will be rewarded with 10 points).


Canadian Cancer Society: 'Trans women' should consider screenings for 'neo-cervix' cancer "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Canadian Cancer Society is advising men it describes as "trans women" who have had "bottom surgery" to discuss cervical cancer screenings with their doctors while acknowledging that men do not have cervixes. Men with a "neo-cervix" or "neo-vagina" created via surgery have "a very small risk" of developing cancers in these tissues, claimed the Canadian charity in a section titled "As a trans woman, do I need to get screened for cervical cancer?": If you're a trans woman, you may not have given much thought to Pap tests and cervical cancer. And if you haven't, that makes a fair amount of sense. After all, in order to get cervical cancer, you need to have a cervix that is, the organ that connects the vagina to the uterus. If you're a trans woman and have not had bottom surgery, you aren't at risk for cervical cancer. If, however, you're a trans woman who has had bottom surgery to create a vagina (vaginoplasty) and possibly a cervix, there's a very small risk that you can develop...


In Health Care, Freedom Is The Biggest Shortage "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

doctors working on a patient in a health-care settingAmericans cannot make their own medical decisions or decide how to spend their health-care dollars bureaucrats do that.


Monarch Of Agbarha-Warri Kingdom Joins His Ancestors "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 16TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Agbarha-Warri Kingdom in Warri South Local Government Area of Delta State has lost its monarch, HRM London Aforkerhi Itu JP Ememoh 11.

The most senior chief in the kingdom, High Chief Willie Atebefia Digbori announced the monarchs transition on Thursday.

He stated that three months of mourning throughout the seven towns of Agbarha Warri Kingdom and satellite villages have been declared.

Within the period, there is an opportunity for condolence visits here in the Regency Council Hall, Igbudu. High Chief Willie Atebefia Digbori added.

He had earlier stated that Agbarha Warri was an autonomous kingdom as shown in the Delta State Traditional Rulers Council and Chiefs Edict of 1998.

His Royal Majesty London Aforkerhi Itu JP Ememoh 11, the Ovie of Agbarha Warri Kingdom was our first gazetted monarch.

Before and from time immemorial, Agbarha Warri Clan was ruled by the eldest man, Digbori added.

He further disclosed that the traditional ruler was crowned on April 9, 1998, and given the staff of office on April 13, 1999, making it 25 years on the throne.





How Corporate Medias Top Dogs Box Out Real Reporters From Asking The White House Tough Questions "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Karine Jean-Pierre hosts press conference in the White House Briefing roomIf youve ever watched a press briefing and felt like everyone was asking the same questions, its because the corporate media drones are usually the only ones getting any.


Video Games Are Getting Re-Scripted By Leftist Translators "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

video game Fire EmblemThe world of gaming is facing censorship in the name of modern sensibilities.


San Francisco becomes latest Democratic city to crack down on gas appliances "IndyWatch Feed World"

San Francisco regulators moved forward with regulations banning future sales of certain natural gas-powered appliances as part of the Democrat-led city's climate agenda. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District, which oversees air pollution and emissions regulations for the nine counties surrounding San Francisco, greenlighted amendments to regulations Wednesday evening related to eliminating nitrogen oxide emissions from natural gas furnaces and water heaters in the region. The action requires all commercial and residential furnaces and water heaters to be electric by 2027. "The 1.8 million water heaters and furnaces in the Bay Area significantly impact our air quality, resulting in dozens of early deaths and a wide range of health impacts, particularly in communities of color," Dr. Philip Fine, the executive officer of the Air District, said Wednesday in a statement. "This groundbreaking regulation will phase out the most polluting appliances in homes and businesses to...


FDA authorizes 4th booster for babies "IndyWatch Feed War"

while data from the UK and Germany suggest you cause 22 serious injuries with the shot in order to prevent a single childs hospitalization

By Meryl Nass | March 15, 2023

We need to start charging the individual public health officials with crimes for acting outside their legal authority where is the US Pascal Najadi?

On December 8, 2022 the FDA authorized bivalent COVID boosters for children as young as 6 months old.

More children now have the opportunity to update their protection against COVID-19 with a bivalent COVID-19 vaccine, and we encourage parents and caregivers of those eligible to consider doing so especially as we head into the holidays and winter months where more time will be spent indoors, said FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf, M.D.

Yesterday, the FDA authorized a 4th dose of mRNA COVID vaccine for children aged 6 months to 5 years of age.

Risk-benefit assessment used to be the foundation of public health practice. Lets look at some recent data on vaccine risk and vaccine benefit.

The German Minister of Health, Dr. Karl Lauterbach, admitted that 1 in 10,000 COVID vaccine doses leads to a serious adverse event. He also appears to be building his alibi, claiming he did not sign the vaccine contract. Yet he did promote, cajole and enforce the vaccinations, nonetheless.

Family physician Dr. Scott Jensen, former Minnesota State Senator, noted th...


In Bemoaning What They Wont Teach Anymore, Educators Reveal 6 Ways They Indoctrinate Students "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Young children wearing face masksInstead of teaching their students how to think, educators want to indoctrinate their students and tell them what to think.


Another example of BBC vanishing of terror groups "IndyWatch Feed War"

The March 7th edition of the BBC World Services Global News Podcast was titled Six Palestinians killed in Israeli army raid in Jenin and its synopsis began:

Israel claims one of the dead killed two Jewish settlers

The programme and that lead item was introduced by presenter Gareth Barlow as follows: [emphasis in italics in the original, emphasis in bold added]

Barlow: and in the early hours of Wednesday the 8th of March, these are our main stories. The Israeli prime minister defends a raid on a refugee camp in which six men were killed according to Palestinian health officials.

The event that is the topic of this BBC report took place earlier on March 7th when the IDF carried out a counter-terrorism operation in Jenin with the aim of apprehending a terrorist suspected of the murders of Hillel and Yagel Yaniv on February 26th. As noted here previously, the BBC News website did not produce any stand-alone reporting on that terror attack.

At 01:...


Winter Vivern APT Group Targeting Indian, Lithuanian, Slovakian, and Vatican Officials "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The advanced persistent threat known as Winter Vivern has been linked to campaigns targeting government officials in India, Lithuania, Slovakia, and the Vatican since 2021. The activity targeted Polish government agencies, the Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Italy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and individuals within the Indian government, SentinelOne said in a report shared with The


The Real Reason To Celebrate St. Patrick Has Nothing To Do With Beer Or Parades "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

two parade attendees with face paint and green and white shamrock hatsThe parades and the Guinness are fun, but they overshadow what should be a celebration of a man who could see God in the midst of trials.


A Snake banisher comes of age "IndyWatch Feed"

Its that time of year when the Easter eggs have been in the shops since about early January, the daffodils (some of which have been in bloom since early January which may or may not be a consequence of climate change) set the place alight with yellow and pubs throughout Englands green (and yellow) pleasant land celebrate a famous British saint adopted by Ireland and I dont mean Jack Charlton. In a convenient tie-in with the Six Nations rugby and the Cheltenham Festival to boot (now what clever marketing executive came up with that idea?) the cardboard shamrocks are hanging on the wall, the Guinness balloons are out and the silly leprechaun hats have rolled off the production line.

Yes, rather ironically St Patricks day has almost become an unofficial holiday in England to the extent that its now almost a bigger event there than St Georges day which has traditionally been a relatively low-key event in its land of patronage. Poor George killed an evil dragon (something the Welsh werent best pleased with), yet Pat just kicked a few harmless snakes out and gets all the credit. Come to think of it, Patrick is the only patron saint of our Hiberno-Britannic archipelago (to stave off controversy, I avoid the term British Isles) to have a bank holiday in his honour in the two respective jurisdictions.

I had something of a surreal experience on St Pats night 2007 when I found myself in an Irish pub in Finchley (an area apparently as British as a certain part of Ireland but ironically certain parts of Finchley are probably more Irish than certain parts of Northern Ireland) watching a cricket match of all things. It was Ireland versus Pakistan in the World Cup a historic victory for the boys in green. Any excuse for a party I suppose, as this coming weekend will testify coinciding (probably no coincidence though) with England against Ireland in Dublin in the final round of the Six Nations. The beer and whisky will flow regardless from Abu Dhabi to Zurich, major world landmarks from Rios Christ the Redeemer statue to Sydney Opera House will be illuminated in vivid green and from Boston to Buenos Aires many people will be waking up with the headaches the next morning.

But those with a real cause to celebrate will no doubt be the directors and shareholders of Diageo plc, Irish Distillers and Paddy Power.


In Bovine Fields the Poppies Blow "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sylvia Shawcross In the ghastly world where the mooing herds furiously and fulsomely flatulate in the forever future fields of Blackrock the murmurs of discontent are rippling and snippling and whippling at the breakfast trough. Although well aware of their role of do and die and not to question why some rogue bovines are unsettling


If Biden Gets His Way, Using Correct Pronouns Could Be A Human Rights Violation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

White House with rainbow lights projected onto itBiden's America is going the way of Canada, and it's horrible news for anyone who cares about free speech.

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