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Saturday, 11 March


Ich habe schlechte Nachrichten fr euch. Das Abhrzentrum ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ich habe schlechte Nachrichten fr euch. Das Abhrzentrum Ost verzgert sich und wird teurer.

Wieso knnen diese Projekte nicht laufen wie dieses eine Projekt, das rechtzeitig fertig wurde und im Budget blieb? Ihr wisst schon, welches ich meine! Das, h, ... nee doch nicht. Komm gleich drauf!

Ich finde ja, die htten sich die Gebudekosten schonmal sparen knnen. Einfach in der Normannenstrae das alte Gebude weiternutzen.

Das Abhrzentrum Nord luft hnlich gut. 2016, h, 2020 am Start. Hatte auch operative Herausforderungen (Paywall) und ist offenbar heute noch nicht online? Finde gerade keine guten Quellen. Wei jemand was?

Smarte Ideen fr 500: Batterie mit Cloud-Anbindung.Ein ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Smarte Ideen fr 500: Batterie mit Cloud-Anbindung.

Ein Leser berichtet:

Am vergangenen Samstag sind morgens um 7 berall in Deutschland (und Europa, z.b. italien) die Lichter, bzgl die Batterien ausgegangen, der chinesische Hersteller Sungrow hat ungefragt einfach Firmware updates fr die Batterien verteilt und diese verkackt, jetzt fliegt berall die Sicherung, neuflashen geht somit auch nicht.

siehe hier und hier

Komisch dass auch keine Newspaper darber berichtet, es sind sehr viele betroffen!

Kein Changelog, kein verteiles ausrollen, ist schon geil die Abhngigkeit wenn die Europaweit die Anlagen kaputt flashen knnen

Endlich mal eine andere Geschmacksrichtung von Supply-Chain-Problemen!

Update: Achtet mal darauf, wie schlecht man heutzutage einen Cyberangriff der chinesischen Regierung auf die deutsche Renewable-Industrie von einem bedauerlichen Softwareproblem, kann man nichts machen, unterscheiden kann.

Der Lauterbach faselt doch gerade was von Gesundheitsdaten ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Der Lauterbach faselt doch gerade was von Gesundheitsdaten nutzen. Wie knnte das in der Praxis aussehen? Zum Beispiel ber Smart-Klo-Biometrie!

Parks Prototyp erfasst mit Hilfe von Sensoren, kleinen Videokameras an der Klobrille, Analysegerten und Computern Dutzende von Parametern. Ein Sensor auf der Sitzflche etwa misst, wie lange der Benutzer auf dem WC sitzt und wie lange die Defkation dauert. Eine Kamera filmt die Stuhlbeschaffenheit. So erkennt der Computer, ob der Benutzer beispielsweise an Verstopfung leidet oder an Durchfall.
Das laden wir dann am besten in die estnische Blockchain, damit der Lauterbach sanktionieren kann, wenn das mal wegkommt.

Ja aber Fefe, woher wei denn das Klo, wer gerade draufsitzt? Oh ganz einfach!

Beim Bettigen der WC-Splung erkennt ein Sensor den Fingerabdruck und kann die Urin- und Stuhl-Daten so einer Person zuordnen.

Oder man bentzt statt des Fingerabdrucks den Analabdruck als Erkennungsmerkmal.

Seit Jahren witzeln wir auf dem Congress ber Rosettenbiometrie. Ich muss echt mal mit Witzen in die Richtung aufhren. Das setzt immer irgendwer um.

Und noch ein Leserbrief zu Tomaten, diesmal nicht zu ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Und noch ein Leserbrief zu Tomaten, diesmal nicht zu CO2 sondern zum Geschmack.

der letzte Leserbrief zu der aktuellen Gemsesituation reit Teile der Probleme in Deutschland und den Niederlanden ganz gut an.

Die ganzen Punkte haben nur rein gar nichts damit zu tun, warum Tomaten aus dem Garten besser schmecken. Der Grund dafr liegt in speziellen Sorten, die (ca. seit den 90ern) einzig und allein darauf gezchtet wurden, stabile Schalen auszubilden und damit gut transportabel zu sein. Leider ist dabei das Tomatenaroma verloren gegangen, aber man kann halt nicht alles haben. Das sind die roten Wasserballons, die das ganze Jahr ber die Supermarktregale fllen.

Wer etwas Besseres haben will, ist darauf angewiesen, entweder selber Tomaten im Garten zu ziehen (Kann ich nur empfehlen. Wenn man irgendwas anbaut, dann Tomaten) oder beim lokalen Biobauern/SoLaWi etc. zu kaufen. Der Haken an der Sache: Tomaten haben, wenn man seine Gewchshuser eben nicht beheizt, nur etwa von Juni bis Oktober Saison. Den Rest des Jahres muss man halt etwas anderes essen, so wie es unsere Groeltern gemacht haben. Meiner Erfahrung nach ist es brigens nicht die "letzte Generation", die auf ihre Tomaten im Winter nicht verzichten will. In meinem Bekanntenkreis ist das Thema zumindest prsent, und es sind vor allem die "Boomer", die ihren im Laufe des Lebens dazugewonnenen Luxus nicht aufgeben wollen.

Alles in allem ist es einfach eine beschissene Idee, alles Gemse das ganze Jahr ber zu essen. Das ist ein unsglicher Luxus, den wir uns in den letzten 50 Jahren angewhnt haben. Bei den wenigen Sachen, die wir noch saisonal essen (spontan fllt mir eigentlich nur Spargel ein) macht es doch eigentlich sogar Spa und das Essen zu etwas Besonderem.

P.S.: Wenn du noch mehr schlechte Laune haben willst: Um Tomaten anzubauen braucht man neben Luft (gibts berall) und Licht/Wrme (gibts in Sdspanien einen Groteil des Jahres auch fr umsonst) auch noch einigermaen guten Boden. Der ist leider in den vielen spanischen Treibhausgebieten nicht so bombe. Wie behilft man sich: Man karrt Torf aus den letzten noch bestehenden europischen Mooren, z.B. aus dem Baltikum, ran.

Ja super!

Das CO2 in Gewchshusern erregt weiter die Gemter. ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Das CO2 in Gewchshusern erregt weiter die Gemter. Hier noch ein Leserbrief:

es ist sogar ganz im Gegenteil zu dem was der Leserbrief behauptet sogar so, dass bei der CO2-Begasung oft CO2 verwendet wird, welches ansonsten in die Atmosphre gelangen wrde, beispielsweise aus Industrieabgasen. Insbesondere wird bei Gewchshusern mit Gas-Beheizung (auch bei Biogas) normalerweise direkt das dabei entstehende Abgas in die Gewchshuser eingeleitet.

Da es dann teilweise von den Pflanzen aufgenommen wird, wird also weniger CO2 in die Atmosphre gelassen als ohne die CO2-Begasung.


Das Pentagon will nicht, dass Biden dem Internationalen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Das Pentagon will nicht, dass Biden dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof Beweise fr Kriegsverbrechen der Russen weiterreicht. Begrndung:

American military leaders oppose helping the court investigate Russians because they fear setting a precedent that might help pave the way for it to prosecute Americans.
Alles lupenreine Menschenrechtler, diese Militrs.

Der Einsender kommentiert:

Ich verstehe nicht so ganz, warum man von amerikanischer Seite berhaupt Bedenken hat. Kann man den Richtern in Den Haag nicht einfach sagen, dass es ganz bser Whataboutism wre, wenn man neben russischen auch amerikanische Kriegsverbrechen verurteilen wrde? Mit dem Begriff kann man ja gefhlt heute locker 90% aller Diskussionen derailen. Viele Menschen scheinen eh mittlerweile zu denken, alle inhaltlichen Parallelen, jede historische Herleitung, jeder Vergleich wre per se ein Whataboutism. Dass es hufig nur um das Kritisieren von Doppelmoral, bzw. das Einfordern von universalistischen Standards geht, hat scheinbar kaum noch jemand auf seinem geistigen Radar. Und gerade im Bereich der Rechtsprechung ist doch der Universalismus eine fundamentale Sule, um berhaupt ernst genommen werden zu knnen...
Immer diese Hippies!1!! American Exceptionalism! Manifest Destiny! Wir sind die Guten!!

Update: Wo wir gerade bei den Guten waren: US Special Forces want to use deepfakes for psy-ops. Na klar wollen sie! Aber das ist dann was ganz anderes als russische Wahlmanipulation und Trollarmeen. WIR wrden das nur fr die gute Sache einsetzen. Gegen die Bsen!

Die AfD wollte in einer kleinen Anfrage wissen, wieviel ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die AfD wollte in einer kleinen Anfrage wissen, wieviel Honorare die Regierung und Bundesbehrden an Journalisten gezahlt haben. Money Quote:

Nicht enthalten in der Aufstellung sind nach Angaben der Bundesregierung aus Grnden des Staatswohls Honorare, die der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) an Journalisten gezahlt hat, weil die Kooperationen des BND besonders schtzenswert seien.

Update: Hier gibt es ein PDF mit einer Liste.

Update: Nur dass wir uns richtig verstehen: Die kleinen Anfragen der AfD sind immer irrefhrende Kackscheie. Hier wollen sie offensichtlich suggerieren, dass alle ffentlich-rechtlichen Journalisten in der Tasche der Bundesregierung stecken. Das ist natrlich vllig absurd angesichts der Zahlen. Das fhlt sich vielleicht beim Rberscrollen viel an, weil es mehrere Seiten sind, aber da sind ja schon auf einer einzelnen Pressekonferenz des Innenministeriums mehr Journalisten im Raum. Wenn man wenigstens annehmen knnte, dass hier halt besonders einflussreiche Journalisten gekauft wrden, aber dafr sehe ich keine Anzeichen.

Dazu kommt, dass typische Journalisten (im Gegensatz zur rbb-Intendanz!) nur knapp ber der Obdachlosigkeit bezahlt werden. Wieso wrde man die bestechen mssen, damit sie die Hand nicht abbeien, die sie am Leben hlt? Das ergibt alles keinen Sinn, lasst euch da mal nicht verarschen.

Die kleinen Anfragen der AfD sind alle so. Lcherliches Brechstangen-Framing von irgendwelchen ideologischen Vorannahmen.

Zu CO2 in Gewchshusern schreibt ein Leser:Du musst ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Zu CO2 in Gewchshusern schreibt ein Leser:

Du musst dir das so vorstellen:
Gewchshaus - gro, am Rand liegen Plastikschluche (wie lange, aufgeblasene Plastiktten) mit Lchern aus denen das Co2 strmt. Keine Ventile oder Einstellmglichkeiten. Am einen Ende wir rein geblasen, am anderen kommt es raus.

Das soll sich dann im gesamten Raum verteilen.

Als ich da war, waren die Dachfenster direkt ber den Schluchen geffnet. (Sind sie in Gewchshusern sehr hufig, zu warm ist genau so schlimm wie zu kalt)

Wie viel Co2 da wohl von den Pflanzen aufgenommen wird und wie viel in die Atmosphre entweicht?
Es gibt auf jeden Fall keine Vorkehrungen, damit kein (oder auch nur wenig) Co2 entweicht.

Na GANZ gro.

Die britische Justiz verhlt sich nicht nur gegenber ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die britische Justiz verhlt sich nicht nur gegenber Julian Assange skandals.

Three Insulate Britain activists are serving jail terms for contempt of court for breaching rulings made by a judge that they were not to mention the climate crisis, fuel poverty or the history of the peaceful civil rights movement to juries.
Du bist hier der Angeklagte, du fieser Klimaterrorist! Deine Aufgabe ist es, die Tat zuzugeben und in den Knast zu gehen, nicht der Jury zu erklren, wieso du sie begangen hast!1!!

Lauterbach verkauft jetzt unsere Gesundheitsdaten und ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Lauterbach verkauft jetzt unsere Gesundheitsdaten und begrndet es mit Blockchain.

Wisst ihr noch, als der sich als Wissenschaftler zu positionieren versucht hat vor der Wahl? Gute Zeiten!

Kommt nicht oft vor, dass man Hoffnung kriegt, dass irgendwann mal jemand Minister wird, der sich rudimentr vorher informiert und keine Scheie labert wie

"Der Sachverstndigenrat hat sich Lsungen angeschaut in Lndern, die das sehr gut machen Estland z.B. wo es eine sogenannte Blockchaintechnologie gibt wo man gut prfen kann, wer sich in ein System einlinkt und das dann Sanktionieren kann."
*heul* *schluchz*

DHL fhrt 8,4 Milliarden Profit ein bei einem Umsatz ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

DHL fhrt 8,4 Milliarden Profit ein bei einem Umsatz von knapp 100 Milliarden.

Falls ihr euch jetzt denkt, dass sie dann ja mal ausreichend Personal einstellen knnen, um ihre Lieferzusagen auch in der Praxis erfllen zu knnen, oder das bestehende Personal anstndig bezahlen, dann irrt ihr selbstverstndlich.

Anhebung der Dividende auf 1,85 Euro pro Aktie vorgeschlagen; Aktienrckkaufprogramm um 1,0 Milliarde Euro erhht
War ja klar.

Update: Zum Vergleich: McDonald's hatte 2022 weltweit einen Vorsteuergewinn von 7,8 Milliarden Dollar.

In Berliner Schwimmbdern drfen jetzt auch Frauen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

In Berliner Schwimmbdern drfen jetzt auch Frauen oben ohne schwimmen.

Es hatte da einen Polizeieinsatz (!) gegeben, weil eine Frau ihre Brste nicht bedeckt hatte in einem Schwimmbad. Die hat sich daraufhin beim Gleichstellungsbeauftragten beschwert, und jetzt drfen Frauen in ffentlichen Schwimmbdern oben ohne baden.

Ich gebe der CDU einen Tag, bevor das wieder verboten ist. Aus fundamental-ideologischen Regressiv-Religionsgrnden. Und wegen "denke doch jemand an die Kinder!1!!" (wo ich mich immer frage, womit CDU-Mtter ihre Kinder stillen, und wieso dann Babyflaschen im ffentlichen Raum nicht auch als unanstndig gelten).

Habt ihr schon mal von einem Autobauer gehrt, bei ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Habt ihr schon mal von einem Autobauer gehrt, bei dessen Autos sich das Lenkrad lsen kann?

Jetzt habt ihr.

Update: Nissan hat auch abfallende Lenkrder. What the fuck!?

Update: Ford. Toyota. Hyundai. Buick (General Motors). Jeep. Tesla hat sich hier also nur an den Industriestandard gehalten. Race to the Bottom.


Tracing Water through the Stages of Planet Formation "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Tracing Water through the Stages of Planet Formation

The presence of water in the circumstellar disk of V883 Orionis, a protostar in Orion some 1300 light years out, is not in itself surprising. Water in interstellar space is known to form as ice on dust grains in molecular clouds, and clouds of this nature collapse to form young stars. We would expect that water would be found in the emerging circumstellar disk.

What new work with data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) shows is that such water remains unchanged as young star systems evolve, a chain of growth from protostar to protoplanetary disk and eventually planets and water-carrying comets. John Tobin, an astronomer at the National Science Foundations National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), is lead author on the paper on this work:

We can think of the path of water through the Universe as a trail. We know what the endpoints look like, which are water on planets and in comets, but we wanted to trace that trail back to the origins of water. Before now, we could link the Earth to comets, and protostars to the interstellar medium, but we couldnt link protostars to comets. V883 Ori has changed that, and proven the water molecules in that system and in our Solar System have a similar ratio of deuterium and hydrogen.

Image: While searching for the origins of water in our Solar System, scientists homed in on V883 Orionis, a unique protostar located 1,305 light-years away from Earth. Unlike with other protostars, the circumstellar disk surrounding V883 Ori is just hot enough that the water in it has transformed from ice into gas, making it possible for scientists to study its composition using radio telescopes like those at the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Radio observations of the protostar revealed water (orange), a dust continuum (green), and molecular gas (blue) which suggests that the water on this protostar is extremely similar to the water on objects in our own Solar System, and may have similar origins. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), J. Tobin, B. Saxton (NRAO/AUI/NSF).

V883 Ori is interesting in its own right as a star undergoing a so-called accretion burst, a rarely observed occurrence in which a star in the process of formation ingests a huge amount of disk material, forcing an increase i...


Villagers record 'almost apocalyptic tornado' in central France "IndyWatch Feed World"

A tornado swept through a village in Creuse, central France, on Thursday (March 9), causing damage to infrastructure and buildings. The violent weather left a number of houses in Pontarion with roofs and windows, while telephone lines were also damaged. Despite the damage from the tornado, no one was injured in the village, confirmed its mayor on Friday (March 10). The tornado was caused by the strong winds that led to weather warnings across France, with some regions seeing winds of up to 100km/h.


US-NATO Efforts to Overthrow President Assad in Syria "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post US-NATO Efforts to Overthrow President Assad in Syria appeared first on Global Research.


WhatsApp and UK government on collision course, as app vows not to remove end-to-end encryption "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The boss of WhatsApp, the most popular messaging platform in the UK, says that it will not remove end-to-end encryption from the app to comply with requirements set out in the UK government's online safety bill. Learn more in my article on the Hot for Security blog.


House Votes to Continue Illegal Military Occupation of Syria "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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To receive Global Researchs Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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The post House Votes to Continue Illegal Military Occupation of Syria appeared first on Global Research.


Rising Tensions with China "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Rising Tensions with China appeared first on Global Research.


The West Belongs to People of European Descent "IndyWatch Feed War" March 9, 2023

We are in a race war. It is not between whites and coloureds. The war is actually an insidious campaign by Organized Jewry, an arm of the Rothschild banking cartel, to use immigrants to displace people of European descent and erase their heritage. Its about time we recognized that the hate is all coming from the bankers and their Freemason shills. Its time we called globalists what they are, communist traitors.

Our country is our home. This is like a home invader accusing you of being a supremacist because you dont want to hand over the keys. Later, homeless, you discover that the invader had been working for your banker who foreclosed on your home.

from July 19, 2019 by Henry Makow PhD

I confess that I was pleased that Trump told the squad that if they think America is so bad, they can leave.
I also welcomed the chant, Send her back at the rally in North Carolina.
Under fire, Trump was forced to walk back this sentiment but it truly expressed how the majority of white Americans feel.
Of course, the squad trotted out accusations of racism.  Why not? Crying antisemite has always worked for their Jewish sponsors.
But no one is buying it. What does condoning and promoting terrorist violence against the federal government and Trump supporters have to do with race? Ayanna Pressley encouraged her followers to bring the fire; one attacked an ICE facility with an automatic weapon and was killed.
As with Organized Jewry, its their behavior which defines them, not their race.
Then, they trot out white supremacy.
Why dont we hear about Jewish Supremacy? Thats what this is really all about. Why dont we ever hear about Chinese Supremacy in China or Indian Supremacy in India?


Germany: Muslim migrant beats woman to death, is judged insane and sent to psych ward "IndyWatch Feed War"

This would be easier to believe were mental illness not so often invoked, even in clear cases of jihad violence. Ahmeds behavior toward Nicole could have been a manifestation of the culture of violence created in an environment where the societys foundational holy text commands men to beat women from whom they fear disobedience (Quran []


Biden Putting Climate Change Agenda Over Energy Security Linnea Lueken "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In her discussion with host Rachel Campos-Duffy, Lueken explains how artificially raising energy prices in America by moving away from fossil fuels is going to raise the prices of everything, especially food.

The post Biden Putting Climate Change Agenda Over Energy Security Linnea Lueken first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

What is in Oregon's Radar Gap? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

As I have noted on several occasions, Oregon has some of the worst weather radar coverage in the nation, with a huge radar gap off its central and southern coast and another in eastern Oregon

Important weather features approaching the coast can be missed, reducing the skill of short-term forecasts from western Oregon into western Washington.   Perhaps including the missed Portland snowstorm of February 22.

Below is a National Weather Service radar coverage map,  with yellow indicating the regions of low-level coverage (coverage below 3000 ft above ground level).  The coverage would be much worse near sea level.  Western Washington and the Washington coast have good coverage thanks to the Langley Hill radar (Hoquiam), the Camano Island radar north of Seattle, and the Portland radar.  

But most of the Oregon Coast has no coverage.  The Portland radar is blocked by the coastal mountains at low levels and the Medford radar is poorly placed, positioned so high (7500 ft) that the radar beam reaches the coast at 13000 ft and is even higher offshore.

Eastern Oregon is a radar disaster, with no coverage for vast areas.

So what are we missing with such poor radar coverage?  What would we see if a radar was there?

I think I can tell you, using our regional high-resolution forecasting system.   

Believe it or not, we can simulate what a radar image would be like using the 3-D precipi...

What ProPublica Is Doing About Diversity in 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

ProPublica is committed to increasing the diversity of our workplace as well as the journalism community more broadly, and each year we publish a report on those efforts. This is the report for 2023; here are all our past reports.

Our Commitment

We believe that it is imperative to staff our newsroom and business operations with people from a broad range of backgrounds, ages and perspectives. We are committed to recruiting and retaining people from communities that have long been underrepresented, in journalism broadly and in investigative journalism especially. That includes African Americans, Latinos, other people of color, women, LGBTQ people and people with disabilities.

ProPublica has continued to expand, growing from 160 full-time employees at the start of 2022 to 172 in 2023, due in part to the launch of our global public health team and additions to our visuals, audience, development, finance and talent teams. In addition to recruiting talent and awarding financial stipends for students to attend journalism conferences, ProPublicas diversity efforts last year included our largest presence yet at journalism affinity conferences and the development of an investigative editor training program.

We also worked to formalize some of our previously volunteer-run diversity efforts and have included some of our broader diversity goals in ProPublicas first strategic plan.

The Diversity Committee comprises more than 50 ProPublicans who volunteer their time to work on initiatives that are pitched and run by the staff. The current co-chairs are Vianna Davila, Melissa Sanchez and Liz Sharp.

Breakdown of Our Staff

As with last year, we tracked candidates through the applica...


Pirated copies of Final Cut Pro infect Macs with cryptojacking malware "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Torrents on The Pirate Bay which claim to contain Final Cut Pro are instead being used to distribute cryptojacking malware to Macs.


Oyebanji Commiserates With Sanwo-Olu, Lagosians Over Train Crash "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Governor of Ekiti State, Mr Biodun Oyebanji has commiserated with his Lagos State counterpart, Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu and the people of Lagos State over Thursdays train crash that left about six people dead and several injured. The accident involved a train and a Lagos State Staff bus around the Ikeja area of the State. []


Speech of Vladimir Putin 'The Free Press' Censors "IndyWatch Feed War"


Meeting with Great Patriotic War veterans, residents of besieged Leningrad and representatives of patriotic public associations

Vladimir Putin met with Great Patriotic War veterans, residents of besieged Leningrad and representatives of patriotic public associations at the State Memorial Museum of the Defence and Siege of Leningrad. 

St Petersburg


CVE-2023-26464: Apache Log4j 1.x (EOL) allows DoS in Chainsaw and SocketAppender "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Arnout Engelen on Mar 10

Severity: low



When using the Chainsaw or SocketAppender components with Log4j 1.x on JRE less than 1.7, an attacker that manages to
cause a logging entry involving a specially-crafted (ie, deeply nested)
hashmap or hashtable (depending on which logging component is in use) to be processed could exhaust the available
memory in the virtual machine and achieve Denial of Service when the object is...


The Disappearing of Julian Assange: "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Disappearing of Julian Assange: Death To A Story


OpenBSD Finally Adds Guided Disk Encryption To Its Installer "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Full disk encryption is quite important in today's computing environment while some operating systems still sadly don't provide an easy and streamlined manner of setting up an encrypted disk at install-time. Thankfully with the next release of OpenBSD, they are introducing a guided disk encryption option to their installer...


Mozambique: 117 dead in storms and floods - Cyclone Freddy dropped nearly 3 FEET of rain in 24 hours - returns to hit country again "IndyWatch Feed World"

The storms and floods that have hit Mozambique since February have taken the lives of 117 people, according to Prime Minister Adriano Maleiane. Giving information on the floods on Wednesday to the country's parliament, the Assembly of the Republic, Maleiane said that, up to 5 March, 272,000 people had been affected. Cyclone Freddy was responsible for much of the damage. When it hit parts of the southern provinces of Inhambane and Gaza in late February, it dropped between 300 and 900 millimetres of rain in 24 hours. Instead of dissipating, this cyclone has returned to the Mozambique Channel and is now heading northwards towards Zambezia province, where it is expected to make landfall on Friday.


Scientists map nearly 10 billion trees, stored carbon, in Africas drylands "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

For the first time ever, researchers have plotted out the locations and tabulated the carbon stocks of more than 9.9 billion individual trees spread across the dry belt of land stretching between the southern edge of Africas Sahara Desert, and the wetter savannas and tropical forest closer to the equator. Until now, estimates of the carbon content in these dryland trees relied on lower-resolution satellite images, or on models that use algorithms to predict where they were located and how much carbon they hold. These estimates came with a lot of uncertainty, which made it difficult to account for carbon stocks or to track programs, such as Africas Great Green Wall of the Sahara and the Sahel, which aims to boost arable land in this part of the continent by planting trees. No one knows if theyre really planted and what is the carbon stock, said Martin Brandt, an associate professor and physical geographer at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. You could not monitor these things. Now, thanks to research Brandt and his colleagues published in the journal Nature March 1, it is possible to more accurately track the progress of these types of initiatives. The new method they developed to pinpoint the trees employs a type of artificial intelligence known as machine learning that mapped individual trees found in more than 326,000 NASA satellite images. Then, by coupling these data on billions of trees with on-the-ground weights and measurements, the team was able to link canopy size toThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Threat Actors are Using Advanced Malware to Backdoor Business-grade Routers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Hiatus hacking campaign has infected roughly 100 Draytek routers:

Researchers have uncovered advanced malware that's turning business-grade routers into attacker-controlled listening posts that can sniff email and steal files in an ongoing campaign hitting North and South America and Europe.

Besides passively capturing IMAP, SMTP, and POP email, the malware also backdoors routers with a remote-access Trojan that allows the attackers to download files and run commands of their choice. The backdoor also enables attackers to funnel data from other servers through the router, turning the device into a covert proxy for concealing the true origin of malicious activity.

"This type of agent demonstrates that anyone with a router who uses the Internet can potentially be a targetand they can be used as proxy for another campaigneven if the entity that owns the router does not view themselves as an intelligence target," researchers from security firm Lumen's Black Lotus Labs wrote. "We suspect that threat actors are going to continue to utilize multiple compromised assets in conjunction with one another to avoid detection."

[...] Black Lotus still doesn't know how devices are getting hacked in the first place. Once (and however) that happens, the malware gets installed through a bash script that's deployed post-exploitation. It downloads and installs the two main binaries.

[...] Hiatus is mainly targeting DrayTek routers running an i386 architecture. The researchers, however, have uncovered prebuilt binaries compiled for ARM, MIPS64 big endian, and MIPS32 little endian platforms.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Glinner evokes the mob! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Oh no! Graham Linehan mentions me again!

He gets everything wrong again. Im not practicing mob-friendly pseudoscience the kind of stuff I do doesnt find favor with pseudoscientists or mobs. Rather, Glinner leads a hate-mob himself, and if anyone is going to get mobbed today, its me, descended upon by the anti-trans loons endemic to the UK. So far, it hasnt happened maybe Linehan is losing his social potency? Or maybe the fact that the article is not great, and is published in a magazine for conservative twits?

Hes highlighting an exercise in pedantry published in some magazine called The Critic. I never heard of it before, so I looked it up on Wikipedia.

The Critic is a monthly British political and cultural magazine. Contributors include David Starkey, Joshua Rozenberg, Peter Hitchens and Toby Young.

The magazine was founded in November 2019, with Michael Mosbacher, former editor of Standpoint, and Christopher Montgomery, a strategist with the European Research Group of Eurosceptic Tory MPs, as co-editors. It was funded by Jeremy Hosking, a Conservative party donor who had previously donated to Standpoint.

Im not familiar with many UK political figures, but Ive heard of Peter Hitchens (vapid gasbag) and Toby Young (eugenics cheerleader and generally awful human being), so Ive already got a sense of the flavor of the magazine. I think I dont need to read further.

I did check out the recommended great piece though. Its familiar stuff; its the same Twitter nonsense I criticized before. He has two points that he babbles about. One is that Im breeding spiders, therefore I know deep-down that sex is real.

Recently, Myers has started breeding spiders, a project which he is documenting in great detail on twitter. What I found intriguing is that in his spider updates, any uncertainty about the reality of sex or how many sexes there are, seems to be forgotten. When he charted the growth of his arachnoid pets, he used two colours: yellow for spider-girls and blue for spider-boys with no need for intermediate hues. His blog is full of references to his female spiders producing eggs never the males, whose function is to provide the sperm ideally without getting eaten b...


Matt Taibbi rips Twitter, mainstream media over digital McCarthyism "IndyWatch Feed War"

Matt Taibbi rips Twitter, mainstream media over digital McCarthyism

March 9, 2023 11:46am 



Maximize Your Business Potential with an SEO Agency "IndyWatch Feed World"

Welcome to the world of SEO agencies! Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving a websites visibility in the search engine results pages, which can be an effective way to increase website traffic and boost overall conversions.

An SEO agency specializes in helping businesses and organizations achieve higher rankings in search engine results so that they can reach more customers online. With the right strategies, an SEO agency can help you get more leads, convert more prospects into customers, and ultimately grow your bottom line.

Benefits of Engaging an SEO Agency


Engaging an SEO agency can be a great way to increase visibility and improve traffic and conversions for your business. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing websites in order to increase their search engine rankings. An SEO agency can provide expertise and understanding of search engine algorithms that can help you get the most out of your website. Here are just a few benefits of engaging an SEO agency:

Increased Visibility: One of the main benefits of engaging an SEO agency is increased visibility. By utilizing various strategies such as keyword research, content optimization, and technical audits, they are able to significantly improve your websites visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). This will give you more exposure on popular search engines like Google and Bing which leads to more potential customers discovering your business online.

Improved Traffic & Conversions: As mentioned before, with increased visibility comes improved web traffic. Engaging an SEO agency helps ensure that people find your website when theyre searching for what you have to offer. Additionally, optimizing content for user engagement (for example through UX/UI design or usability testing) can also lead to improved conversions from those visitors who land on your page.

Responsibilities of an SEO Agency



Lenovo Begins Supporting LinuxBoot Firmware With ByteDance "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This week TikTok-owner ByteDance hosted the CloudFW Open System Firmware Symposium to talk up their open-source firmware work, showcase their industry partnerships, and more. One interesting takeaway is that thanks to the weight of ByteDance, Lenovo is now supporting LinuxBoot in some capacity...


Scores Killed As Herdsmen Overrun Six LGAs In Benue "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

48 polling units to be relocated before March 18 polls over attacks. With few days to the conduct of the Governorship and State Assembly elections, suspected Fulani terrorists have overrun six local government areas in Benue State, killing over 34 people in the last seven days. The local government areas affected include Gwer-West, Kwande, Makurdi, []


This 1,000-foot Multi-Rotor Floating Turbine Can Power 80,000 Homes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A Norwegian Greentech company has recently unveiled its new 1,000-foot (324m) tall, floating wind turbine array. Called Wind Catcher, this innovation in renewable energy generation could be used to power as many as 80,000 homes.

The system has been developed by the Norwegian-based Wind Catching Systems (WCS), who declare that their new wind turbine setup could generate five times the annual energy of the worlds biggest standalone wind turbines. Not only that, but if scaled, it could reduce the costs of wind energy to be competitive with traditional grid-supplied electricity.


Breakthrough drug works against all the main types of primary bone cancer "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers at the University of East Anglia have developed a new drug that works against all of the main types of primary bone cancer.

Cancer that starts in the bones, rather than cancer that has spread to the bones, predominantly affects children.

Current treatment is grueling, with outdated chemotherapy cocktails and limb amputation.


Polls: UNILAG, LASU Extend Students Resumption To March 21 "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Following the postponement of the governorship and State House of Assembly elections, earlier scheduled for Saturday, March 11 to March 18, 2023, the management of the University of Lagos (UNILAG), has hereby postponed the resumption of academic activities in the institution to March 21. In a statement issued by the university and titled: Extension of []


Israel protests: Four things you need to know "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel protests: Four things you need to know

Middle East Eye breaks down what's driving the unprecedented demonstrations and what's at stake
MEE staff Fri, 03/10/2023 - 13:13
Israelis take part in a rally against the government's judicial overhaul plan in Tel Aviv on 9 March 2023 (Anadolu Agnecy)
Israelis rally in Tel Aviv against the government's judicial overhaul plan, on 9 March 2023 (Anadolu Agency)

Israel has been engulfed in political turmoil for over two months, as tens of thousands of people continue to take to the streets in mass protests.

Demonstrators want the government to scrap a controversial judicial overhaul plan they say threatens checks and balances in the country.

The demonstrations have been growing, drawing in supporters from various professions, including the military, the justice system and high-tech industry.

The government has so far remained undeterred by the protests, prompting warnings that divisions will only deepen if a compromise is not reached soon. 

Middle East Eye breaks down what triggered the protests, why they are significant and what lies ahead.

What triggered the protests?

The demonstrations were called for by opposition MPs and government critics after Justice Minister Yariv Levin unveiled a plan in January to reform the judiciary. 

Levin's proposal includes clauses that will allow parliament to ov...


Polls: CUPP, CSOs Raise Alarm Over Alleged Human Right Abuses In Ebonyi "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Coalition of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP) in Ebonyi State has raised the alarm over alleged human rights abuses in the state. At a joint press conference in Abakaliki, the state capital, CSOs and CUPP alleged that the state was one of the few states of the federation []


Meteor fireball over south of Spain (March 8) "IndyWatch Feed World"

This bright bolide was spotted over Spain on March 8, at 23:15 local time (equivalent to 22:15 universal time). The fireball was observed by a wide number of casual eyewitnesses, who reported it on social networks. The event was generated by a rock (a meteoroid) from a comet that hit the atmosphere at about 80,000 km/h. It overflew the province of Jan (south of Spain). It began at an altitude of about 79 km over Villacarrillo (province of Jan), moved northwest, and ended at a height of around 44 km over Aldeaquemada (province of Jan). This bright meteor was recorded in the framework of the SMART project, operated by the Southwestern Europe Meteor Network (SWEMN) from the meteor-observing stations located at La Hita (Toledo), Calar Alto, Sierra Nevada, and La Sagra (Granada). The event has been analyzed by the principal investigator of the SMART project: Dr. Jose M. Madiedo, from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC).


The Woke Mob Ruined Bon Appetit, And Im Still Salty About It "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

spicesI couldnt stomach a cooking magazine that is more devoted to promoting LGBT awareness than teaching readers about delicious food.


Dems blast 'threat' of 'so-called journalists' as Taibbi, Shellenberger expose 'state-sponsored thought-policing' "IndyWatch Feed World"

Update (1300ET): Well, that escalated quickly... As one might expect, the Judiciary hearing on the "weaponization" of federal agencies, featuring Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger as witnesses was full of fireworks, facts, and ad hominem friction. Out of the gate, Ranking Member Democratic Del. Stacey E. Plaskett labeled the two "so-called journalists" as dangerous and a "threat" to former Twitter employees. She claimed that Republicans brought "two of Elon Musk's 'public scribes'" in "to release cherry-picked out-of-context emails and screenshots designed to promote his chosen narrative - Elon Musk's chosen narrative - that is now being parroted by the Republicans" for political gain.


Journalistic Malpractice on Trial "IndyWatch Feed War"

This is direct evidence of knowing falsity exclaimed RonNell Anderson Jones, Professor of Law at the University of Utah, in a February 2023 interview with Jon Stewart. Jones noted that in most defamation cases the likelihood that you will find evidence of them [news outlets] saying, We know this is a lie and we would like to move forward with it anyway is deeply unlikely. However, in the case of Dominion Voting Systems v. Fox News, the filing contains just this trove of evidence of emails and text messages and internal memos that are rare both in terms of the volume of the evidence and as to the directness of the evidence. This sentiment was echoed by Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe who noted, I have never seen a defamation case with such overwhelming proof that the defendant admitted in writing that it was making up fake information in order to increase its viewership and its revenues.

In the $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit, Dominion Voting Systems accuses Fox News Channel of falsely reporting that Dominions voting machines fraudulently delivered victory to Joe Biden in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. Court documents attained by other media outlets reveal that hosts and other high-ranking Fox News Channel officials including the Chairman and CEO of Foxs parent company News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch knew these reports were false, but aired them because they were more concerned with confirming their audiences belief that Donald Trump won the election.

The evidence presented in the court documents speaks to the journalistic malpractice that plagues the cable news industry. Journalistic malpractice refers to professional journalists who privilege ideological bias and profits over truth in their reporting. Fox News Channel is patient zero for the plague of journalistic malpractice. It was created in 1996 by Rupert Murdoch and the late Roger Ailes, a media consultant for several Republican presidents, as a political project to sell conservative culture and policy to the American public with pro-...


The Frog of War "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sylvia Shawcross There are seven types of frogs in the Ukraine. So whenever you look at the map of the Ukraine to see how the war They (we cant call them the elite anymore because it upsets people so well just call them Them with a capital T or They with a capital T to


Israel: Palestinian Muslim opens fire outside Tel Aviv cafe, wounds three civilians, Palestinians celebrate "IndyWatch Feed War"

Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy (Quran 8:60) A Palestinian terrorist opened Fire at innocent civilians outside a cafe in Tel Aviv Israel. 3 civilians shot and wounded as the terrorist fired []


New Mexico Has Lost Track of Juveniles Locked Up for Life. We Found Nearly Two Dozen. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for Dispatches, a newsletter that spotlights wrongdoing around the country, to receive our stories in your inbox every week.

The New Mexico Corrections Department has lost track of nearly two dozen prisoners in its custody who are serving life sentences for crimes they committed as children, an error that could keep these juvenile lifers from getting a chance at freedom under a bill likely to be passed by the state Legislature within days.

As the legislation was being drafted, ProPublica asked the department for a list of all state prisoners who were sentenced to life as juveniles. Using court records, the news organization then identified at least 21 such individuals not on the states list. Many of them had been locked up for decades.

Denali Wilson, a staff attorney at the ACLU of New Mexico who helped discover the problem, said such carelessness on the part of the state government makes it plain that when you throw away kids in adult prison, they are lost.

Or as one of the forgotten prisoners, Sigmundr Odhinnson, told ProPublica in an email from behind bars, We are, quite literally, missing children.

This is not just a philosophical issue. The New Mexico Legislature is on the cusp of passing a bill that would give a new shot at parole to all state prisoners serving life or lengthy sentences for crimes they committed when they were juveniles, provided that they have served at least 15 to 25 years of their time, depending on their offense.

But to do that, the corrections department will first need to identify all of these individuals to help schedule their parole hearings.

When the entity that is imprisoning people isnt a reliable source for who it is imprisoning, how do we know the people exist? said Wilson.

Wilson started advocating for juveniles serving decadeslong sentences in adult prison when she was still i...

Friday, 10 March


JUST-IN: Supreme Court Sacks Shekarau As Senator-Elect "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Supreme Court on Friday sacked Senator Ibrahim Shekarau, the senator-elect on the platform of the New Nigerian Peoples Party (NNPP) and recognised Senator Rufai Hanga as the partys authentic candidate for the 2023 general election. New Telegraph had reported that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) declared Shekarau the winner of the 2023 Kano Central []


Rule change sees foreign investors back in Indonesias fisheries scene "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

JAKARTA The Indonesian government has rolled out a new fisheries management policy that, among other things, caps the catch quota for industrial fishers, but also allows foreign investment back into the marine capture sector. The government issued a decree on the policy change on March 6, aimed at maximizing state revenue from the fisheries sector. A key policy change is the introduction of quota-based capture in six fishing zones for industrial, local, and non-commercial fishers. The other major change is the lifting of a ban on foreign investment in the marine capture sector. The ban had been imposed in 2016 by the fisheries minister at the time, Susi Pudjiastuti, who blamed foreign-funded fleets for contributing to the depletion of Indonesias fish stocks. Mongabay reviewed the decree and found that foreign-funded fishing companies will now be allowed to operate in zones that cover some of Indonesias richest marine ecosystems, such as the Natuna Sea, Arafura Sea, Cendrawasih Bay, and Sawu Sea. Even so, some restrictions remain; the foreign stake in a given company is capped at 49%, with the controlling stake held by local investors. Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, the current fisheries minister, said he really want[s] these fishing zones to thrive and bring in investors from abroad, as quoted by state news agency Antara. Indonesias various fisheries management zones, or WPPs. Image courtesy of the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. The new capture quota, meanwhile, is based on the potential fish stocks and total allowable catch (TAC). TheThis article was originally published on Mongabay


The Censorship Complex Isnt A Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy, And The Twitter Files Just Dropped More Proof "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger raise their right hands before testifying about Twitter Files and Censorship ComplexSometimes there is a vast conspiracy at play, and the problem isn't that someone is donning a tinfoil hat but that hes buried his head in the sand.


When Partial Protection is Zero Protection: The MFA Blind Spots No One Talks About "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) has long ago become a standard security practice. With a wide consensus on its ability to fend off more than 99% percent of account takeover attacks, it's no wonder why security architects regard it as a must-have in their environments. However, what seems to be less known are the inherent coverage limitations of traditional MFA solutions. While compatible with


Study confirms Bolivian Indigenous park as stronghold for horned curassow "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Inside Bolivias Isiboro Scure National Park and Indigenous Territory (TIPNIS), conservationists from Asociacin Armona rigged up a network of nine camera traps and 15 audio recorders. They were seeking out the horned curassow (Pauxi unicornis), or pilisto, as the Indigenous Yuracar people call the bird. TIPNIS is one of just three protected areas, all in Bolivia, where this critically endangered species has been recorded. For Asociacin Armona, this survey was just part of a wider effort in collaboration with local communities to protect Bolivias areas of natural beauty and its wildlife. This bird is found in only three parts of Bolivia: in Ambor National Park, Carrasco National Park and the Isiboro Scure National Park and Indigenous Territory and adjacent areas, says Tjalle Boorsma, director of Asociacin Armonas conservation program. Studies were carried out by Armonas director, Rodrigo Soria, in the Piln Lajas Biosphere Reserve and Communal Lands, in Madidi National Park, and in the rainforest areas in foothill regions where it [was thought to] live, but it was not found there. Researchers wade across a stream in TIPNIS as part of their survey of the parks horned curassows. Image courtesy of Asociacion Armonia. The results of the camera and audio survey in TIPNIS have been encouraging for the conservation of horned curassow, since TIPNIS has long been where the highest population density of the species has been found, Boorsma says. The area is truly the last refuge of habitat in good condition for this species. Search for a bird endemicThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Biden calls Trump 'maybe the future President' during speech in Philadelphia "IndyWatch Feed World"

Crowd not pleased. Joe Biden had another embarrassing verbal slip up during a speech in Philadelphia when he referred to Donald Trump as "maybe the future president" to a disapproving audience. Biden was in Philadelphia to talk about his $6.8 trillion budget, but it appeared as though Trump was still on his mind.


Proud Boys J6 sedition trial halted after leaked chat logs show FBI agent said her boss ordered her to 'destroy evidence' "IndyWatch Feed World"

The feds' political persecution of the Proud Boys took a wild turn after unintentionally leaked chat logs from FBI Special Agent Nicole Miller revealed she said she was ordered by her boss to "destroy" "338 items of evidence." The leaked chats also suggest Miller failed to reveal relevant communications to the defense, potentially spied on privileged attorney-client communications and was asked by another agent to "edit out that I was present" during a meeting with a Confidential Human Source Informant.


Meteor fireball over Ontario, New York and Pennsylvania on March 9 "IndyWatch Feed World"

We received 50 reports about a fireball seen over NY, Ontario and PA on Thursday, March 9th 2023 around 01:47 UT. For this event, we received 2 videos.


Election: I Didnt Work Against Peter Obis Presidency Wike "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers State has broken the silence over his alleged involvement in depriving the Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate, Peter Obi of emerging victoriously in the February 25 election in the state. Governor Wike who denied the accusations that he worked against Obis presidential bid said he could not have worked against []


Alleged seller of NetWire RAT arrested in Croatia "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This week, as part of a global law enforcement operation, federal authorities in Los Angeles successfully confiscated, a domain utilized by cybercriminals to distribute the NetWire remote access trojan (RAT) allowed perpetrators to assume control of infected computers and extract a diverse range of sensitive information from their unsuspecting victims. A RAT is a type of malware that allows for covert surveillance, allowing a backdoor for administrative control and unfettered and unauthorized remote access More

The post Alleged seller of NetWire RAT arrested in Croatia appeared first on Help Net Security.


How a Texas plumbers Toyota truck wound up in ISIS hands "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Jared Morgan December 15, 2015 When Mark Oberholtzer traded in his truck, he was told the decals would be removed. That didnt happen and now its being used by ISIS. Texas plumber Mark Oberholtzer has had to contend with tough clogs in his business, but probably none so formidable as to require use of []


Iran and Saudi Arabia agree to restore relations "IndyWatch Feed War"

Iran and Saudi Arabia agree to restore relations

Iranian state media reports that the two sides agreed in China to resume diplomatic ties and re-open embassies, according to a joint statement
MEE and agencies Fri, 03/10/2023 - 12:16
Trilateral negotiations in Beijing resulted in reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia (Social Media/Nour News)

Iran and Saudi Arabia have agreed to re-establish diplomatic relations after days of trilateral talks in Beijing, Iranian and Saudi state media reported on Friday.

"As a result of the talks, Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to resume diplomatic relations and re-open embassies ...within two months," Iranian news agency IRNA reported, citing a joint statement by the two sides.

The official Saudi news agency (SPA) also published the statement later on Friday.

Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Irans Supreme National Security Council has been in Beijing since Monday for the talks with Saudi diplomats, according to Iranian media.

Previous rounds of diplomatic talks were held in Iraq and Oman in the past two years.

The semi-official Tasnim news agency reported that "Iran and Saudi Arabia have also emphasised the respect for the sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of each other, have agreed to implement the security cooperation agreement signed on April 17, 2001, and to carry out the agreement on economic, mercantile, investment, technical, scientific, cultural, and sports cooperation si...


The mice with two dads: scientists create eggs from male cells "IndyWatch Feed World"

Proof-of-concept mouse experiment will have a long road before use in humans is possible. Researchers have made eggs from the cells of male mice and showed that, once fertilized and implanted into female mice, the eggs can develop into seemingly healthy, fertile offspring. The approach, announced on 8 March at the Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing in London, has not yet been published and is a long way from being used in humans. But it is an early proof-of-concept for a technique that raises the possibility of a way to treat some causes of infertility or even allow for single-parent embryos. "This is a significant advance with significant potential applications," says Keith Latham, a developmental biologist at Michigan State University in East Lansing.


UKs migrant ban will trigger race to the bottom on human rights, MEPs warn "IndyWatch Feed"

Exclusive: Populists seeking to undermine Refugee Convention may be emboldened by UK plans, say EU politicians


The Biggest Idiot "IndyWatch Feed War"

Paul Joseph Watson March 9, 2023



woke "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The most useful thing about the word woke is that it allows me to instantly recognize the lying idiots. All these conservatives complaining about wokeismits like theyve tattooed LOSER on their foreheads, and theyre proud of it.

Ron Desantis, of all people, gave the game away when his lawyers had to explicitly define woke, and this is what they came up with.

Asked what woke means more generally, [Desantis General Counsel Ryan] Newman said it would be the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.

Newman added that DeSantis doesnt believe there are systemic injustices in the U.S.

Thats a fine definition, and that Desantis doesnt believe there are systemic injustices in the U.S. confirms my opinion that those who use the word disparagingly are all lying idiots.

I am surprised and reassured to learn that Im not some weird outlier in this, as well: in one poll, a majority agree that woke is not an insult.

Republican presidential hopefuls are vowing to wage a war on woke, but a new USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll finds a majority of Americans are inclined to see the word as a positive attribute, not a negative one.

Fifty-six percent of those surveyed say the term means to be informed, educated on, and aware of social injustices. That includes not only three-fourths of Democrats but also more than a third of Republicans.

Overall, 39% say instead that the word reflects what has become the GOP political definition, to be overly politically correct and police others words. Thats the view of 56% of Republicans.

I disagree that its a mistake for Republicans to abuse the term, since a majority of them think its a synonym for politically correct. Its a rallying cry used to gather all the lying idiots under the banner of whatever yahoo is running for office, and in that sense its effective, as long as you dont mind using language dishonestly and misrepresenting what people actually think.

I find it a handy flag to recognize that someone doesnt believe systemic injustices exist, and that they sure dont feel any need to oppose injustice, because they think everything is hunky dory, and we should just maintain the status quo. It certainly has made it fast and easy to spot bad people to block on social media.

But here, Ive got a video from Cody Johnston that explains the whole absurd, horrible situation at length, almost an hour of length. Its an entertai...


House Hawks kill bipartisan effort to end war in Syria "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Matt Gaetz sponsored a resolution in the House, supported by the Congressional Progressive Caucus, to force congressional oversight of the continued U.S. military presence in Syria. Ahead of a Wednesday vote on his resolution to force congressional oversight on the continuation of U.S. military operations in Syria, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla. was feeling bullish. "Hope springs eternal," he told The Intercept when asked whether the measure would pass. The resolution was ultimately voted down on Wednesday night with 47 Republicans joining 56 Democrats in support of the bill. Despite the resolution's defeat, it was just the beginning in a string of efforts to end U.S. military operations abroad, according to its sponsor. "Syria is my leadoff hitter. We're going to take a trip around the globe. We may go to Yemen. We may have stops in Niger. We may have stops in Sudan. Maybe ultimately, we'll end in Ukraine," Gaetz said.


Cornell Updates Their MCU Course for the RP2040 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University has made [Bruce Land]s lectures and materials for the Designing with Microcontrollers (ECE 4760) course available for many years. But recently [Bruce], who semi-retired in 2020, and the new lecturer [Hunter Adams] have reworked the course and labs to use the Raspberry Pi Pico. You can see the introductory lecture of the reworked class below.

Not only are the videos available online, but the classs GitHub repository hosts extensive and well-documented examples, lecture notes, and helpful links. If you want to get started with RP2040 programming, or just want to dig deeper into a particular technique, this is a great place to start.

From what we can tell, this is the third overhaul of the class this century. Back in 2012 the course was using the ATmega1284 AVR microcontroller, and in 2015 it switched to the Microstick II using a Microchip PIC32MX. Not only were these lecture series also available free online, but each has been maintained as reference after being replaced. One common thread with all of these platforms is their low cost of entry. Assuming you already have a computer, setting up the hardware and software development en...


Mitch McConnell Takes A Fall; Its Time for Him to Retire "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Mitch McConnell has fallen at a hotel in Washington and is currently in the hospital. Two questions immediately spring to mind, neither of which have answers at this point: is this the end of the dreary McConnell era of establishment Republican Me-Tooism? And is there some karmic relationship between Mitchs fall []


Why Christopher Hitchens Matters Now "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Christopher Hitchens was an ardent defender of free speech, as well as a champion of universal liberal values. Drawing inspiration from George Orwells commitment to truth and free expression, Hitchens believed in the enduring power of Enlightenment values and was an avowed internationalist.


In this weeks WhoWhatWhy podcast, journalist Matt Johnson discusses his new book, How Hitchens Can Save the Left, which argues that Hitchenss legacy has been unfairly maligned by some on the far Left due to his support for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. 


According to Johnson, Hitchens believed that free speech, individual rights, and other fundamental liberal values were under threat across the democratic world. Additionally, according to Johnson, Hitchens saw the rise of identity politics and the perception that liberal democracies are institutionally racist, exploitative, and imperialistic, which led some on the Left to abandon the universalist principles that underpinned liberalism from its inception.


Johnson argues that Hitchenss message of universal Enlightenment principles is more important than ever and could help save liberalism from its current malaise. By embracing Hitchenss legacy, Johnson contends that the Left can avoid the pitfalls of identity politics and return to its roots as a defender of individual rights and freedoms.


Channeling Hitchens, Johnson describes how liberals can resist the emerging orthodoxies on both the Left and the Right, and reconstruct a liberalism that is true to its foundational principles.

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Officials Move to Address Problems Facing Immigrant Workers on Wisconsin Dairy Farms "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Learn how to help us investigate the dairy industry. Haz click aqu para aprender cmo ayudarnos a investigar la industria lechera.

State and local officials in Wisconsin said they were horrified to learn of the conditions leading up to the 2019 death of an 8-year-old Nicaraguan boy on a dairy farm, as well as the flawed law enforcement investigation that followed. Now they say they want to address some of the issues highlighted by a ProPublica investigation, published last month, into Jefferson Rodrguezs death.

What happened should never have happened, said state Rep. Sylvia Ortiz-Velez, a Milwaukee Democrat whose mothers family worked as migrant farm laborers in Wisconsin in the 1960s.

Jefferson was run over late one summer night in 2019 by a worker operating a skid steer on a farm in rural Dane County, about a half-hour north of Madison, the state capital. It was the workers first day on the job, and he told us that he had received only a few hours of training. Our investigation showed how the authorities who investigated Jeffersons death wrongly concluded that his father had run him over.

The failure was due in large part to a language barrier between the boys father, Jos Mara Rodrguez Uriarte, and the Dane County sheriffs deputy who interviewed him. Rodrguez does not speak English; the deputy considered herself proficient in Spanish, but not fluent. When we interviewed the deputy, we learned that when she questioned Rodrguez in Spanish about what happened, her words didnt mean what she thought and would likely be confusing to a Spanish speaker.

Jeffersons death was ruled an accident. Nobody was charged criminally.

Proficiency in a crisis isnt good enough, said Dana Pellebon, who sits on the Dane County Board of Supervisors. Unfortunately, until a situation like this happens, sometimes we dont see the gaps in service.

Pellebon and several other supervisors told ProPublica they were looking into mea...


Father charged after 3-year-old child critically injured by pack of pit bulls in Memphis "IndyWatch Feed World"

Police say a child was attacked by a pack of pit bulls in Tennessee Monday night. The Memphis Police Department reports officers were called to a neighborhood regarding a person being bitten by a dog around 5 p.m. Police said they found that five pit bulls attacked a 3-year-old named Lorenzo, who suffered critical injuries. WMC reports the child was taken to the hospital in critical condition where the staff was able to stabilize the toddler's vital signs.


Dr Naomi Wolf issues formal letter of apology to conservatives and admits she was duped by the Left "IndyWatch Feed World"

There is no way to avoid this moment. The formal letter of apology. From me. To Conservatives and to those who "put America first" everywhere. It's tempting to sweep this confrontation with my own gullibility under the rug to "move on" without ever acknowledging that I was duped, and that as a result I made mistakes in judgement, and that these mistakes, multiplied by the tens of thousands and millions on the part of people just like me, hurt millions of other people like you all, in existential ways. But that erasure of personal and public history would be wrong. I owe you a full-throated apology.


Embree 4.0.1 Released With Intel Data Center GPU Flex Series Support "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Embree 4.0.1 is out with a few changes to note for this open-source high performance ray-tracing library for CPUs and GPUs...


First Nation mourns 5-year-old boy killed in dog attack in northern Alberta "IndyWatch Feed World"

A First Nation in northern Alberta is mourning the death of a five-year-old boy who was killed by his family's dogs on Sunday. The child died after being attacked by his family's dogs on Whitefish Lake First Nation on Sunday, Const. Kelsey Davidge said Thursday. "He did die from a dog attack/mauling," she said. "They were family-owned pets. There is no public safety concerns or other concerns to the public." Davidge said the family killed the dogs themselves following the attack. She was unable to say how many dogs were involved in the attack.


Chrome 112 Beta Released With CSS Nesting, WebAssembly Tail Call "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Chrome 112 beta is now available for testing as the next step forward for Google's web browser...


Poll: ASATU Prime Minister Drums Igbo Support For Plateau LP Guber Candidate "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

A prominent Igbo leader and Prime Minister of Anambra State Association of Town Unions (ASATU), Ambassador (Dr) John Chukwudi Metchie, has called on the Igbo community in Jos and other parts of Plateau State, to rally around and give massive support to Dr Patrick Dakum, the Labour Party (LP) governorship candidate in the forthcoming election. []


Dictators at WHO aim to begin installing a One World Government under the guise of Global Health Security "IndyWatch Feed World"


WHOs pandemic treaty will radically alter the global power structure and strip you of some of your most basic rights and freedoms. Read More


Biden DOJ crusade to jail young man for anti-Hillary memes just got much uglier "IndyWatch Feed World"

Last month, Revolver profiled the Biden Administration's persecution of former Twitter anon Doug Mackey, who was a famous pro-Trump voice back in 2016 under the moniker of Ricky Vaughn. For those whose memory is foggy, a quick review: In the late stages of the 2016 race, Mackey posted several memes, designed to resemble Hillary Clinton campaign images, claiming that supporters could vote by simply texting a phone number.


Expose Governors Stealing LG Funds, Wike, Ortom Challenge Buhari "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Governors of Rivers and Benue States, Nyesom Wike, and Samuel Ortom, have challenged President Muhammadu Buhari to expose governors responsible for stealing local government funds. The governors who were part of the five Integrity Governors among the governors of the Peoples Democratic Party threw the challenge to the President during the inauguration of the []


Internet crime in 2022: Over $3 billion lost to investment scammers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In 2022, investment scam losses were the most (common or dollar amount) scheme reported to the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), the FBI shared in its 2022 Internet Crime Report. This category includes crypto-investment scams such as liquidity mining, celebrity impersonation, pig butchering, and many more. Business email compromise (BEC) scams are overall the second most financially destructive, followed by tech support scams and personal data breaches. 2022 Internet Crime Report: Additional findings The number More

The post Internet crime in 2022: Over $3 billion lost to investment scammers appeared first on Help Net Security.


AMD Releases AOMP 17.0-0 For Latest Radeon OpenMP Offloading Compiler "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

On Thursday AMD engineers released AOMP 17.0-0 as the newest latest development patches around Radeon/Instinct OpenMP GPU/accelerator offloading support...


Metas powerful AI language model has leaked online what happens now? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Supposedly bouncing around out of 4C and in hacker forums.

Metas leaked AI language model could be a big deal.


First Complete Wiring Map of Neurons in Insect Brain: 3016 Neurons and 548,000 Synapses Mapped "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Summary: A newly constructed brain map shows every single neuron and how they are wired together in the brains of fruit fly larvae.

Source: UK Research and Innovation.

Researchers have built the first ever map showing every single neuron and how theyre wired together in the brain of the fruit fly larva.


Bank of America Obsessed With AI, Says Its the New Electricity "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The financial industrys response to artificial intelligence has been all over the place. Now, Bank of America is weighing in very much on the side of the bots.

In a note to clients viewed by CNBC and other outlets, BofA equity strategist Haim Israel boasted that AI was one of its top trends to watch and invest in for the year, and used all kinds of hypey language to convince its clients.

We are at a defining moment like the internet in the 90s where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is moving towards mass adoption, the client note reads, with large language models like ChatGPT finally enabling us to fully capitalize on the data revolution.


Long-Sought Math Proof Unlocks More Mysterious Modular Forms "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Using refreshingly old tools, mathematicians resolved a 50-year-old conjecture about how to categorize important functions called modular forms, with consequences for number theory and theoretical physics.


Can Dreams Predict The Future? What Is Precognitive Dreaming? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

14553979 l normal none

14553979 l normal none

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

One of the foremost experts in the field of parapsychology and psychology, as well as the study of consciousness, is Dr. Stanley Krippner. His special area of interest, for over 50 years now, has been precognitive dreaming. It is his belief that every citizen is capable of such dreams, and claims to have solid, empirical research to back that claim up. In one of...


Reserve Bank launches centralised digital currency pilot program "IndyWatch Feed World"


Australias central bank intends to analyse 14 different Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) use cases in collaboration with our Big Four banks.

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Ekweremadu Reveals Why He Sought Kidney Donor Outside "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The embattled former Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekeremadu has revealed why he sought his daughters kidney donor outside his family members. Ekweremadu who spoke on Friday at a court in London said he was advised by his doctor against seeking a kidney donor from among his family members. Ekweremadu and his wife, Beatrice, are currently []


5 Tips for Aging Gracefully in 2023 "IndyWatch Feed World"

No one is exempted from aging. Its part of the natural process of life. However, getting old doesnt need to equate with decline. Genes indeed play a part in aging, but it also has much to do with how you care for yourself. You can age gracefully, which means living a longer, quality life and enjoying every moment. It requires having a healthy mind and body. Here are tips on how to do it.

1. Take care of your skin


Your physical appearance matters in aging gracefully. If you look fine, you will be more confident and happier. Of course, signs of aging will eventually appear, but there are things that you can do to slow them down or stop them from appearing prematurely. The sun can damage your skin and cause various problems, including wrinkles, dry skin, and dark spots. Protect your skin from UV radiation by wearing protective clothing like long-sleeved shirts and pants. Use sunscreen, and reapply at least every couple of hours if staying out for an extended period. Also, make sure to remove make-up and clean your face before bed.

2. Consider professional treatments

Thanks to the advancement in technology, many treatments can now help delay the signs of aging and make you feel happier. Some are minimally invasive, while others are non-invasive. Most of them need little to no recovery period, so you can quickly return to your routine. One example is blepharoplasty treatment. Its a surgery that reduces or removes saggy skin around the eyes, which is a common concern in aging. Your doctor will give you a complete eye exam before surgery, often in an outpatient setting. Most patients can return to their usual activities within 10 to 14 days.

3. Exercise regularly



Distribution Release: siduction 22.1.1 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Ferdinand Thommes has announced the release of siduction 22.1.1, un updated build of the project's distribution based on Debian's "unstable" branch and offering official variants with KDE Plasma, LXQt and Xfce desktops: "We are pleased to offer siduction 2022.1.1 as a bug-fix release. It is based on an....


Washington State Bill Would Reduce Low-Level Traffic Stops "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


Photo by Wayan Vota

A new bill in Washington state would reduce traffic stops for low-level violations. State Bill 1513, currently in committee in the state House, would raise the threshold for a traffic stop to vehicular problems in which an equipment failure on the vehicle may cause immediate, serious injury to the operator or other persons in the vicinity of the vehicle. This would eliminate stops for such infractions as missing one tail light, and reduce law enforcement encounters in situations that have proven dangerous for drivers, passengers and police. 

The bill also sets requirements for law enforcement to document the primary reason for any traffic enforcement (e.g. if it was in response to a citizens call), whether searches were conducted and if property was seized.

If enacted, the law would be similar to a Virginia statute passed in 2020 that bans traffic stops for minor offenses such as tinted windows or no license-plate light. The Virginia law says that evidence collected in such a stop will be invalid in court. Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and San Francisco have recently passed similar laws

The legislation comes against a backdrop of high-profile deadly encounters between motorists and law enforcement across the United States. Washington State Representative Chipalo Street, who sponsored the bill in the House, puts the focus primarily on traffic safety: There is clear correlation between what we ask our police to enforce and the safety related outcomes.



Forget Designer Babies. Heres How CRISPR is Really Changing Lives "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The gene-editing tool is being tested in people, and the first treatment could be approved this year:

Forget about He Jiankui, the Chinese scientist who created gene-edited babies. Instead, when you think about gene editing you should think of Victoria Gray, the African-American woman who says she's been cured of her sickle-cell disease symptoms.

[...] But the designer-baby debate is a distraction from the real story of how gene editing is changing people's lives, through treatments used on adults with serious diseases.

In fact, there are now more than 50 experimental studies underway that use gene editing in human volunteers to treat everything from cancer to HIV and blood diseases, according to a tally shared with MIT Technology Review by David Liu, a gene-editing specialist at Harvard University.

Most of these studiesabout 40 of theminvolve CRISPR, the most versatile of the gene-editing methods, which was developed only 10 years ago.

[...] To scientists, CRISPR is a revelation because of how it can snip the genome at specific locations. It's made up of a cutting protein paired with a short gene sequence that acts like GPS, zipping to a predetermined spot in a person's chromosomes.

[...] The first generation of CRISPR treatments are also limited in another way. Most use the tool to damage DNA, essentially shutting off genesa process famously described as "genome vandalism" by Harvard biologist George Church.

[...] Liu's lab is working on next-generation gene-editing approaches. These tools also employ the CRISPR protein, but it's engineered not to cut the DNA helix, but instead to deftly swap individual genetic letters or make larger edits. These are known as "base editors."

[...] Now that gene editing has had its first successes, Urnov says, there's an "urgent need" to open a "path to the clinic for all."

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


The UK and EU must leave the Energy Charter Treaty together "IndyWatch Feed"

OPINION: We cant be held hostage by a 1990s treaty that allows fossil fuel firms to sue governments




Remember when Anthony Albanese and his mates told you theyd reduce your power bill by $275 per year?

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Coronavirus: why its not like the other fake epidemics "IndyWatch Feed World"

by Jon Rappoport

(To join our email list, click here.)

Continuing my greatest COVID hits articles. To read my introduction to this ongoing series, go here Read More


Guber Poll: Ill End Agbero System In Lagos Rhodes-Vivour "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Lagos State Gubernatorial candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Gbadebo Rhodes-Vivour has promised to eradicate touts and thuggery under the guise of the Agbero System in the state if elected governor in the forthcoming election. The governorship hopeful made this promise while reeling out his plans for the state at the Youth Oclock breakfast []


Tucker Carlson is arguing with fog "IndyWatch Feed World"

but let's clear some of that fog with court documents and see what's there What did Jacob Chansley do? What did the government say he did? Chansley was sentenced to 41 months in federal prison, to be followed by 36 months of supervised release a total of six and a half of years of punishment. Tucker Carlson maintains, with video to support his description, that Chansley did nothing much to earn that sentence: He walked through the Capitol with police who didn't try to stop him. But what's the other side of the argument? Comment: See: Tucker Carlson releases exclusive Jan. 6 footage, says politicians, media lied about Sicknick, 'QAnon Shaman'


ESPN & beIN Accused of Stealing Fans Viral Ancelotti Chewing Gum Video "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

rights moneyViral videos are big business. Therefore its no surprise that specialized companies emerged to help the lucky few to monetize their viral content.

These companies typically take care of licensing and legal issues. This is also the case with Videohat, which uses the catchy tagline Rights = Money.

Unfortunately, however, getting paid isnt always straightforward. When a video goes viral, thousands of copies are made without permission, even by mainstream news outlets, other licensing companies, and some of the worlds largest copyright businesses.

Viral Gum Video

This is also what Youssef Abu Bakr noticed when he uploaded a TikTik video of Real Madrid manager Carlo Ancelotti, sharing one of his trademark chewing gums. This gesture generated millions of views on TikTok and was reposted thousands of times without permission.

ESPNs Watermarked TikTok

espn gum

Bakr licenses his videos through Videohat and the latter found out that rights dont always equal money, not directly. In addition to thousands of smaller accounts, mainstream companies including ESPN also copied the clip, as shown above.

Hoping to get rewarded, Videohat reached out to ESPN with a licensing deal but that didnt get the desired result. This eventually prompted the company to file a formal case at the U.S. Governments Copyright Claims Board (CCB) which was launched last year to deal with these types of smaller disputes.

ESPN Hit With Copyright Claim

According to the claim, ESPN is a renowned network that should be quite familiar with copyright law and licensing requirements. Despite this, ESPN reportedly failed to cooperate when Videohat reached out.

The alleged wrongdoing isnt limited to the TikTok video either. Similar posts appeared on ESPNs Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube accounts....


Images of Incoming: exclusion and belonging in Northern Ireland "IndyWatch Feed"

To coincide with International Womens Day, the Linen Hall Library hosted an event showcasing a Photovoice project that involved over 70 women from Northern Ireland and Canada, expressing their sense of inclusion and exclusion in their new countries. Dr Federica Ferrieri, the project coordinator, presented a selection of their images and expanded on their captions with themes and subthemes revealed through the work.

Ferrieri described the background and framework of the project, which was a partnership between Queens University Belfasts Open Learning, the University of the Fraser Valley in British Columbia, and the University of Atypical. The main research question to examine was, How can we create a postdigital, arts-based, co-research model which can offer migrant women a voice to articulate their resistance to negative stereotyping and exclusion and to reveal what belonging means?

There were two types of participants: women migrants and women newcomers.  All lived in rural areas. Identifying the participants was a challenge that was greatly facilitated by community facilitators, and Ferrieri listed several who assisted in the recruitment. The participants came from more than thirteen countries of origin, with a wide range of backgrounds and cultures, from Africa to China, to India and Europe and beyond.

The workshops were co-designed within Northern Ireland and Canada separately. For example, in Northern Ireland many of the sessions were conducted online during childcare-friendly times (mornings and evenings), while in Canada they were more in-person, with childcare, transportation, and food provided. Ferrieri reported on the excitement among all participants during the exchange joint workshops, which helped create solidarity among the women and enhance the international element of the project.

Two main themes emerged from the work: (1) how newcomer communities define exclusion and belonging to their own communities; to the new, host communities; and/or to a new liminal identity; and (2) how communities in Northern Ireland and Canada can learn from each other about policies of inclusion and exclusion, and feed back this knowledge to policymakers.

A recurring subtheme was navigating fractured identities, where you feel a sense of inclusion in a new place as well as exclusion in the place youve come from. Or the opposite if your nostalgia is stronger. Or both at the same time. For example, Ferrieri described this as being in possession of two identities, or being possessed by two identities. As one participant put it, Th...


Xenomorph Android Banking Trojan Returns with a New and More Powerful Variant "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new variant of the Android banking trojan named Xenomorph has surfaced in the wild, the latest findings from ThreatFabric reveal. Named "Xenomorph 3rd generation" by the Hadoken Security Group, the new features that allow it to perform financial fraud in a seamless



Daily News

.... well.... finally! T.M. spotted this one and passed it along, and it's another one of those articles I've got to blog about and bring



Willie Soon: Global warming: Mostly human-caused or natural? | Tom Nelson Podcast #79 "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

In 2018, he founded the Center for Environmental Research and Earth Sciences ( in order to tackle a wider range of issues and topics without fears nor prejudices.

The post Willie Soon: Global warming: Mostly human-caused or natural? | Tom Nelson Podcast #79 first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

How to Track Your Tax Refund in 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

Youve figured out your deductions or credits, calculated how much you owed in taxes and successfully filed your return. If youre sitting around wondering where your money is, youre not alone. Lucky for you, the IRS offers several ways to track your tax return.

How Do I Track My Tax Return?

Once you have filed your tax return, there are three options for tracking your refund:

What information do I need to track my tax return?

To track your tax return, there are three things you need:

  1. Your Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).
  2. Your filing status: single filer, married filing jointly, married filing separately, head of household or qualifying widow or widower. Find out what these mean...


AT&T is notifying millions of customers of data breach after a third-party vendor hack "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AT&T is warning some of its customers that some of their information was exposed after the hack of a third-party vendors system.

AT&T is notifying millions of customers that some of their information was exposed after a third-party vendor was hacked.

CPNI is information related to the telecommunications services purchased by the customers, including the number of lines for each account or the wireless plan to which customers are subscribed.

We recently determined that an unauthorized person breached a vendors system and gained access to your Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI). reads a data breach communication sent by the company to the impacted customers. However, please rest assured that no sensitive personal or financial information such as Social Security number or credit card information was accessed.

Exposed data dont include financial information (i.e. credit card data) or sensitive data (i.e. Social Security Number, account passwords).

The vendor was hacked in January, and AT&T told its customers that vulnerability exploited by the attackers has been already fixed. The Telco giant added that its systems were not compromised.

The company has notified federal law enforcement, but the data breach notification does not provide the number of impacted customers.

Our report to law enforcement does not contain specific information about your account, only that the unauthorized access occurred. continues the notice.

BleepingComputer reported that approximately 9 million wireless accounts were impacted.

The company recommends its customers to add an extra security password protection to their account at no cost.

On August 2021, ShinyHunters group...


[Podcast Series] An eighth woman: the changing worlds of labour and migration, social reproduction, and capitalism in CEE -Episode 2 "IndyWatch Feed World"

[Podcast Series] An eighth woman: the changing worlds of labour and migration, social reproduction, and capitalism in CEE -Episode 2

Episode 2. Field notes and reflections from the workers dormitory in Czechia: Conversation with Hannah Schling

Host: Olena Fedyuk

Picture by authors

As a part of her work on social reproduction of migrant workers in the Czech FDI-driven electronics industry, Hannah spent 3 months living in a workers dormitory. Hannah discusses how life in the dormitory is linked to the rhythms of just-in-time factory production, and how, for these precariously employed and hourly-paid agency workers, time spent in the dormitories becomes time waiting for work.

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What Is Nanotechnology? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Nanotechnology is a field of science and engineering that focuses on the design and manufacture of extremely small devices and structures.


Sales Of Crude Oil Rise By 46% To N21tn NBS "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has said that Nigerias crude oil sales rose by 46.41 per cent to push Nigerias total export to N26.79tn in 2022. This is as total trade rose by 31.79 per cent from N39.75tn in 2021 to N52.39tn in 2022. In 2022, crude oil sales totalled N21.09tn, a 46.41 per cent increase []


A Tape Loop Echo you Can Build "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Echo and reverb are now electronic audio effects done in a computer or an integrated circuit, but originally they were achieved through mechanical means. Reverb units used springs, and echo units used loops of magnetic tape. As a musician hankering after a mechanical tape echo unit, [Adam Paul] was left with no choice but to build his own. We featured an early prototype, but now hes back with a finished version thats intended to be replicated by other musicians.

The unit takes a cassette mechanism from one of the last still-manufactured players available through the usual sources. It splits record and play heads, with the normal cassette replaced with a tape loop made from extra-thick computer tape. A custom PCB replaces most of the electronics, and the auto-reverse system is disabled.

The result is a functional tape echo system, as can be seen in the video below the break. This is ready to build yourself, with everything on a GitHub repository and an extremely comprehensive build guide, so do any of you fancy a go?

Read about the devices earlier incarnation here.



Malaysia asked to reopen MH370 probe after claims of new evidence "IndyWatch Feed World"

Families of the victims have called for a renewed search after the findings of a US-based marine robotics company emerged. Malaysian authorities are being asked to launch a new search for flight MH370, nine years after it disappeared from radars over the South China Sea. The request comes after US marine robotics company Ocean Infinity claimed to have found new evidence of the plane's possible location. The Boeing 777 was en route from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Beijing with 239 passengers on board on March 8, 2014, when it vanished from the grid less than an hour into its journey. For three years, Malaysia, China, and Australia searched for the plane in the Indian Ocean, where it was believed to have crashed, only to come up empty-handed. The search was officially called off in January 2017, with no conclusion made about what could have happened to the mystery flight.


Bad Onboarding Can Lead to High Quit Rates for New Workers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A large percentage of employees are dissatisfied with their experience of joining a company:

New employees who start a job feeling undertrained and disconnected from their work environment are far more likely to quit than those who have a good onboarding experience.

With the unemployment rate lower than it has been in decades  even more so in technology fields job candidates more often than not field multiple offers. So, if the onramp to a new job is bumpy, they're far more likely to reconsider staying with the organization, even in the short term.

According to research firm Gartner, 63% of new hires are satisfied with their onboarding experience. A recent survey by payroll and human resources provider Paychex showed onboarding experience affected how quickly they would quit after taking a position.

The survey of about 1,000 Americans by Paychex, released last month, found half (50%) of newly hired employeesplan to quit soon.

[...] Among the percentage of remote workers who said they're likely to leave their current job soon, 88% described their latest onboarding experience as boring, 78% called it confusing, and 74% saw it as a failure. On-site and hybrid employees fare better; only 36% of them viewed the onboarding process as confusing.

Remote workers are most likely to feel disoriented (60%) and devalued (52%) after onboarding, the survey found.

[...] Without a streamlined and supportive process, employees can be left frustrated, she said, which can muddle a new hire's first experience in a new position and affect their morale.

[...] "You need a two-way connection where they're not only learning about the company, but the company [is] learning about the employee and tailoring the onboarding experience to them. In that, they're also learning what the new hire brings to the table," Kohn said. "It works a lot better when a new hire comes in and sees a manager and a team already recognizes [that the new hire] brings strengths to the table."

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Matt Taibbi: My statement to Congress "IndyWatch Feed World"

Editor's note: at around 10 a.m. EST this morning, Michael Shellenberger and I will be testifying at the "Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on the Twitter Files" for the House Judiciary Committee, in the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Just before, around 9:00 a.m., we'll also be releasing a TwitterFiles "Statement to Congress" thread, which will be submitted to the record. It contains some surprises. My opening: Chairman Jordan, ranking member Plaskett, members of the Select Committee, My name is Matt Taibbi. I've been a reporter for over 30 years, and an advocate for the First Amendment. Much of that time was spent at Rolling Stone magazine. Over my career, I've had the good fortune to be recognized for the work I love. I've won the National Magazine Award, the I.F. Stone Award for independent journalism, and written ten books, including four New York Times bestsellers. I'm now the editor of the online magazine Racket, on...


Virginia Teachers Union Pushes Senate Democrats To End Anti-Asian Victims Of Communism Day "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Learning about Chinese Communist Mao Zedong could arouse anti-Asian sentiments.The Democrats will blindly follow the teachers unions into their ideological destruction of historical education.


In Milwaukee Public Schools, A Is For Activism "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

two high school girls lying on the ground looking at a laptopInstead of promoting academic achievement, schools are using resources to promote a get-out-the-vote scheme to benefit the left.


A Startup Company In Kenya Will Generate Energy By Capturing CO2 And Putting It In Volcanic Rock "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Good News Network

In a far-flung area in northern Kenya, a startup company will grow minerals by gathering CO2 from the air and storing it at least 1,300 feet beneath the ground, placing it in volcanic rocks. Then, theyll allow nature to take its course by turning them into stone via greenhouse gas.

These otherwise incredibly fertile grasslands of Tsavo or Amboseli national parks is considered quite barren, precisely due to its volcanic history. And this process of placing CO2 into basalt rock, which has been successfully used in Iceland, is something new to the African country, but the hope is that they will be just as fruitful.

The company, called Cella Mineral Storage, will partner with Kenyas growing geothermal energy sector to provide this zero-emission permanent carbon sequestration solution. The hope is to place a facility that sucks CO2 from the air and place it underground, where the geothermal plant is drilling to produce electricity.

Africa admits to being one of the continents that is one of the last in line when it comes to being a climate-neutral continent, mostly due to having weak access to electricity and unreliable grids.



Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Motorbikes and Ouagadougou's Women: A Journey to Freedom

A woman rides a motorcycle in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on March 2, 2023.

By Lauriane Noelle Vofo Kana and AFP


In Burkina Faso's capital, many ride their motorcycles every day to commute, go to school or move around the city.

In 2020, nearly one Burkinabe in seven owned a motorcycle.

the vehicle is also a tool of emancipation, For women like Valrie Dambr

"This defines the Burkinabe woman, the courage of women. In fact, riding a motorcycle demands courage," the motorist.

When Nigerian filmmaker Kagho Idhebor first came to Ouagadougou he was blown away by how many women whizzed about on motorcycles. So much so that he directed "Burkina Babes", a documentary on that. It even ran at Africa's largest film the FESPACO, the pan-African cinema and TV festival of Ouagadougou.

"I have been to couple of parts of the world and even in Nigeria you see a lot of motorcycles, guys driving motorcycles but I have not seen women in the last country driving motorcycles with so much attitude and very independent and that captivated me, like I was blown away!," the man in his thirties exlaims.

Since 1977, the Women's School for Skills Initiation and Training is based in Ouagadougou. It has trained over 700 women to be mechanics and bodywork repairers.


"In the coastal countries (in West Africa), people went straight to cars" from walking or using bicycles, said anthropologist Jocelyne Vokouma. "But we (in Burkina) turned to motorbikes before using cars."

The key period of change was the early 1990s, she said.

Until then, "a woman would proudly say that her motorbike had been bought by her husband. 'My husband is doing OK,' was what women used to say," Vokouma revealed.

But the country went through wrenching austerity and many men lost their jobs.

Women then picked up the baton, setting up small businesses such as selling fruit and vegetables to make money -- and as time progressed, many used their savings to...


Talking to a broad-minded sporting unionist who defies all the southern stereotypes "IndyWatch Feed"

Brian Dougherty is a unionist. This Derry community worker says he is more determined in his unionism than he has ever been. Yet in every other way he goes against the narrow stereotype that most people in the South have of unionists: he is a socialist who is hugely committed to his working class community; open to and interested in Irish music and culture; in favour of cross-cultural legislation including promotion of the Irish language; a board member of an all-Ireland sporting body; and a regular participant in meetings to discuss north-south cooperation and the prospects (and perils) of Irish unity.

Dougherty is a small farmers son from Creevedonnell, a few miles outside Derrys Waterside. He comes from a strong unionist background. His father was in the B-Specials, his brothers in the UDR, his great-uncles members of Rev. Ian Paisleys Free Presbyterian Church and his grandfathers Orangemen (one had donated the land for the local Orange Hall). He doesnt deny that they were hard-line and sectarian in their attitudes, rejoicing in the successes of the security forces and the killing of IRA men, and indifferent to the fate of those who died on Bloody Sunday.

He was a bright boy, and passed the 11-plus exam, meaning he could go to the local state (i.e. 98% Protestant) grammar school, Foyle College. There, although he was all too conscious that he was a working class boy in a largely middle class environment, he did well, partly because he was good at rugby and cricket. But also because he felt that education was his way to get out of Derry: I couldnt wait to leave. I thought it was the biggest and most hostile shithole in Northern Ireland.

His experience as a Protestant from the Waterside going to school on Derrys overwhelmingly nationalist city side in the 1980s had been a hair-raising one. Wearing Foyle Colleges maroon uniform and cap you might as well have been wearing a union flag. Our buses were regularly stoned. I was physically attacked twice. My sister got beaten up by four girls at one point. All that was really frightening for an 11-year-old.

Those early experiences shaped much of this thinking. I went from being proud of my British identity and feeling I was part of a great country, to something a bit more sinister: a feeling we were under attack here, and had to do what we needed to survive. Here we were again in the 1980s under attack and my brothers and uncles were joining the security forces. There was always a sense that there was something to defend. And someone trying to strip away your identity only meant it became more important.

He ended up at Manchester University doing a masters degree in town planning. But then he came home again. In the early 1990s he returned to Derry, first to work for the Housing Executive and a few years later to move to become a community worker in Tullyally in the Wa...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Ghana Soldiers Train in US Imperialist Military Exercises 'Flintlock'

African soldiers on board Spanish navy ship Audaz as part of Flintlock 2023 training exercise, in Accra on Mar. 9, 2023.

A group of African soldiers have been selected to participating in an annual U.S. military-led counterterrorism exercise.

The Flintlock 2023 drills, a two-week training, are being staged in Ghana and Ivory Coast.

On Thursday (Mar. 9) the troops were in Accra, on board Spanish navy ship Audaz. US Major DeMarco explained the benefits of such training.

"The benefits to Ghana and its neighbouring countries from this specific training is it not only prepares our African partner nations for maritime security operations but it also fosters the interoperability and collective security that we are trying to aim for with exercise Flintlock."

Thursday's training saw troops learning how to conduct anti-piracy operations. Spains ambassador to Ghana deemed the partnership with West African countries strategic adding that "events in the region have direct impact [...] on Europe."

"We have been cooperating for many years and with counties like Ghana, we are contributing to facing common challenges like terrorists and piracy and at the same time building local capacities. We believe that these are activities for mutual benefits of both parties and we're cooperating with our partners like Ghana."

Terrorist insurgencies have destabilized countries in the region like Burkina Faso and Mali.

The training will run until March 15, 29 nations and over a thousand personnel will participating in Flintlock 2023.

Flintlock - U.S. Africa Command's largest annual special operations exercise - has taken place annually since 2005.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

China's Xi Jinping Handed Historic Third Term as President

Friday, March 10, 2023

China's President Xi Jinping (2nd R) arrives with Politburo Standing Committee members Zhao Leji (L), Wang Huning (2nd L) and Li Qiang for the third plenary session of the National People's Congress (NPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on March 10, 2023. 



Xi Jinping was handed a third term as Chinese President on Friday, capping a rise that has seen him become the country's most powerful leader in generations.

The appointment by China's rubber-stamp parliament comes after Xi locked in another five years as head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in October.

Since then, the 69-year-old Xi has weathered widespread protests over his zero-Covid policy and the deaths of countless people after its abandonment.

Those issues have been avoided at this week's National People's Congress (NPC), a carefully choreographed event that is also set to appoint Xi ally Li Qiang as the new premier.

On Friday, delegates handed Xi a third term as China's president and re-elected him as head of the country's Central Military Commission in a unanimous vote.

Xi's re-election is the culmination of a remarkable rise in which he has gone from a relatively little-known party apparatchik to the leader of a rising global power.

His coronation sets him up to become communist China's longest-serving president, and means Xi could rule well into his seventies -- if no challenger emerges.

Adrian Geiges, co-author of "Xi Jinping: The Most Powerful Man in the World", told AFP he did not think Xi was motivated by a desire for personal enrichment, despite international media investigations having revealed his family's amassed wealth.

"That's not his interest," Geiges said.

"He really has a vision about China, he wants to see China as the most powerful country in the world."

Tearing up the rulebook

For decades, China -- scarred by the dictatorial reign and cult of personali...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Senegal ex-PM in Police Custody After Questioning President Macky Sall

Friday, March 10, 2023

In this file photo taken on August 27, 2021 President of Senegal Macky Sall attends the Vaccine Equity for Africa event in Berlin, amid the Covid-19 pandemic.



Senegal's former prime minister Cheikh Hadjibou Soumare was taken into police custody on Thursday after asking President Macky Sall if he had financed a French political figure, a defence lawyer said.

Soumare, who was budget minister and then prime minister from 2007 to 2009 under former president Abdoulaye Wade, was summoned by police on Thursday, a police official told AFP.

In an open letter to President Sall last weekend, Soumare asked the president whether he had donated 12 million euros ($12.7 million) to a "French political figure" whose party is distinguished "by hatred and rejection of others".

The Senegalese government, in a statement on Tuesday, denied making any financial donation to the leader of France's National Rally, Marine Le Pen, who visited Sall in the capital Dakar on January 18.

In a statement, it said it "rejects and strongly condemns such insinuations" which it described as "cowardly and unfounded".

"We have just been notified that (Soumare) has been placed in custody" after his interrogation by the police "at the request of the public prosecutor", Mame Adama Gueye, a defence lawyer, told reporters on Thursday.

Rights defenders and Sall's opponents say civil liberties in Senegal are coming under pressure in the run-up to the February 2024 election.

The government refutes that there has been any regression and says the law is applied fairly in Senegal.

Sall, who was elected in 2012 and again in 2019, has not confirmed or denied whether he intends to override the constitution and run for a third presidential term in 2024.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

International Womens Day 2023: How Boomplay is Driving Equality and Equity Through Music Streaming

What you need to know:

Boomplay has a diverse music catalogue of 95 million songs from across Africa and globally. It gives artists both men and women alike the opportunity to earn from their musical talent, thus enabling a more inclusive music industry.

Together with its partners, Boomplay has shown that it is possible for women musicians and performing artistes in general to fully unlock their potential. Women artistes have pushed their foot in and theres no turning back because the African society is, thankfully, gradually embracing equity.

By Evans Ongwae

As the world celebrates and shines a spotlight on women for this years International Womens Day (IWD) and Womens History Month, we look at Kenyas music industry and the plenty of success it has to showcase. Narrowing it down to music streaming, the most popular means of accessing music in todays world, we spoke to some great women at Boomplay, as well as their partners and artists, to understand their thoughts and role in embracing equality and equity in their individual spaces.

For Boomplay, charity seems to truly begin at home. Tosin Sorinola, Boomplays Director of Artist and Media Relations, puts it succinctly: One can easily tell that Boomplay is a huge supporter and driver of womens representation and empowerment through our workforce, which consists of great women in leadership positions at management and other levels across our local, regional and global operations. The General Managers of four of the six countries where Boomplay has a physical presence are female, and we also have women in director positions in our global leadership teams.  

These top executives, backed by their respective Boomplay teams, are changing the narrative of the under-representation of women in Africas music industry. Boomplay, which has a diverse music catalogue of 95 million songs from across Africa and globally, gives artists both men and women alike the opportunity to earn from their musical talent, t...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Extremists Kill 25 Fishermen in Northeast Nigeria


MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) Islamic extremists killed at least 25 fishermen during an attack in northeastern Nigerias Borno state, the police told The Associated Press on Thursday,

The rebels attacked the fishermen in the remote Mukdolo village of Borno where the years-long extremist violence is concentrated, said the local police chief Abdu Umar. Some of the bodies in the Wednesday attack were recovered and buried on Thursday, he said.

There is no single human being in that place because it has been abandoned but the villagers from Dikwa go there to fish. Unfortunately, this time, Boko Haram (extremists) surrounded the place and killed 25 of them and nine escaped, the police chief said of the attack. Locals reported more than 30 killed in the attack.

Nigeria, Africas most populous country and largest economy, continues to grapple with a 14-year-old insurgency in the northeast by Islamic extremist rebels of Boko Haram and its offshoot, the Islamic State West Africa Province. The extremists are fighting to establish Shariah law and to stop Western education.

More than 35,000 people have died and over 2 million have been displaced by the extremist violence, according to the U.N. Development Program.

Abba Modu with the local security outfit in Borno said the latest attack on Wednesday occurred after the rebels warned locals to stay off the river in the Mukdolo village which is near Sambisa forest, a popular hideout for the militants.

The Boko Haram people said they now own the river, and no villager would be allowed to fish there except their members, said Modu.

It was a tragic and sad event that happened to our people, and we have just returned from attending their burial, Mohammed Zakariya Dikwa, a local lawmaker from the area, told The AP.

In the last two weeks, dozens of the rebels have either been killed or arrested while more than 1,300 of them surrendered to Nigeria troops, according to Musa Danmadami, a spokesman fo...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

<p><span style="font-size: x-large;"><b>Election Postponement: Voters, Parties Express Mixed Reactions</b></span></p> <div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href= "" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="224" src= "" width="400"></a></div> <p>By Fidelis Mac-Leva, Abbas Jimoh & Saawua Terzungwe   </p> <p>A cross section of Nigerians and some political parties have expressed mixed reactions to the postponement</p> <p>By Our Reporters</p> <p>Fri, 10 Mar 2023 5:18:23 WAT</p> <p>By Fidelis Mac-Leva, Abbas Jimoh & Saawua Terzungwe

A cross section of Nigerians and some political parties have expressed mixed reactions to the postponement of the governorship and state assembly elections by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

Daily Trust reports that INEC on Wednesday night postponed the earlier scheduled March 11 governorship and state assembly elections to March 18, 2023.

The commission, in a statement issued by its National Commissioner and Chairman, Information and Voter Education Committee, Festus Okoye, said the postponement was a result of the litigation against the electoral body.

He said following Wednesdays ruling by the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal on the reconfiguration of the BVAS used for the presidential election held on February 25, 2023, the commission met to assess its impact on its preparations for the governorship and state house of assembly elections scheduled for March 11, 2023.</p> <p>Mixed reactions have trailed the postponement from political parties and some Nigerians. While some welcomed the development, others said they were disappointed with INEC even as others cautioned the electoral body not to do anything that would erode the confidence in them by Nigerians.</p> <p>Speaking with Daily Trust in Kano, Salihu Tanko, the governorship candidate of the PRP, said there was no reason for INEC to be failing in terms of logistics and operations.</p> <p>Secondly there is no issue with IReV; one of the reasons I decided to contest is that of confidence in the process based on INECs assurances. I was given so much assurance by INEC and the presidency but IReV failed on the Election Day and now INEC has shifted the next round o...


Are Butterflies Wildlife? "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

A legal quirk leaves officials in at least a dozen states with little or no authority to protect insects. Thats a growing problem for humans.

The post Are Butterflies Wildlife? first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nigeria Bus Crashes into Train; 6 Dead and Dozens Injured


Victims of a train crash receive treatment outside the emergency unit of the Lagos general hospital in Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria, Thursday March 9, 2023. Three people were killed and more than 80 injured after a passenger bus was crushed by a moving train in Nigeria's commercial hub of Lagos, the emergency response agency said on Thursday. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)

ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) Six people were killed and dozens injured when a train crashed into a passenger bus in Lagos, Nigeria on Thursday, said the emergency response agency.

The bus was taking government staff to work when it collided with the intra-city train in the Ikeja area of Lagos, said Ibrahim Farinloye, head of Nigerias National Emergency Management Agency in the state.

So far, 84 people were rescued alive and taken to the hospital ... (and) the total deaths so far is six including those who died at the hospital, said Farinloye. All of the injured people were from the bus, no one on the train was hurt, he said.

Train and truck accidents are common in many Nigerian cities where traffic regulations are usually not adhered to, say local residents. They are a serious problem in Lagos, Nigerias largest city and commercial hub, despite tough penalties introduced by authorities in recent years to try to curb the crashes.

The bus driver involved in Thursdays crash disobeyed the traffic signal, said Olufemi Oke-Osanyintolu, secretary with the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency. According to Oke-Osanyintolu, the immediate cause of the incident was the bus drivers reckless driving in which he tried to beat the train traffic signal before the train hit him.

Lagos governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu, said he was deeply saddened by the news and called for blood donations. Lets say a prayer for the families and a prayer of mercy and protection for our state, he tweeted.


Associated Press journalist Dan Ikpoyi in Lagos, Nigeria contributed.


Russian Hypersonic Missiles Wipe Out US/NATO Secret Command in Kiev, Dozens of Top US Officers Vaporized "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Insiders reported heavy losses among the officers, including American ones. It seems that the shadow General Staff of the proxy-NATO got a lot.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

La Nina, Which Worsens Hurricanes and Drought, is Gone


FILE - A house sits in Rock Creek after floodwaters washed away a road and a bridge in Red Lodge, Mont., Wednesday, June 15, 2022. After three nasty years, the La Nina weather phenomenon is gone, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Thursday, March 9, 2023. (AP Photo/David Goldman, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) After three nasty years, the La Nina weather phenomenon that increases Atlantic hurricane activity and worsens western drought is gone, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Thursday.

Thats usually good news for the United States and other parts of the world, including drought-stricken northeast Africa, scientists said.

The globe is now in whats considered a neutral condition and probably trending to an El Nino in late summer or fall, said climate scientist Michelle LHeureux, head of NOAAs El Nino/La Nina forecast office.

Its over, said research scientist Azhar Ehsan, who heads Columbia Universitys El Nino/La Nina forecasting. Mother Nature thought to get rid of this one because its enough.

La Nina is a natural and temporary cooling of parts of the Pacific Ocean that changes weather worldwide. In the United States, because La Nina is connected to more Atlantic storms and deeper droughts and wildfires in the West, La Ninas often are more damaging and expensive than their more famous flip side, El Nino, experts said and studies show.

Generally, American agriculture is more damaged by La Nina than El Nino. If the globe jumps into El Nino it means more rain for the Midwestern corn belt and grains in general and could be beneficial, said Michael Ferrari, chief scientific officer of Climate Alpha, a firm that advises investors on financial decisions based on climate.

When theres a La Nina, there are more storms in the Atlantic during hurricane season because it removes conditions that suppress storm formation. Neutral or El Nino conditions make it harder for storms to get going, but not impossible, scienti...


Casa Blanca responde a republicanos; no va a intervenir en Mxico ni nombrar terrorista a narcos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El Gobierno de Joe Biden respondi a los republicanos que piden se declare a los narcotraficantes como terroristas, pero esto dijo la portavoz. Regeneracin, 9 []

La entrada Casa Blanca responde a republicanos; no va a intervenir en Mxico ni nombrar terrorista a narcos se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Presidential Election: Group sues Nigerias INEC, demands criminal prosecution of its officials. "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

For Immediate Release, March 8, 2023 A group of Nigerians led by Govindex Leadership, Empowerment and Development Foundation have sued the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) over its failure to comply with Section 160(I) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (As Amended) and Sections 60(5) and 148 of the Electoral Act, []


Sorry to Bother You But People Are Dying! "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

An open letter to Joe Biden By Olivia DiNucci Dear President Biden, My name is Olivia DiNucci and I am the anti-war activist who interrupted your dinner in DC the other night. You, the most powerful man in the world, were sitting right in front of me. Normal people like me dont often have access to people []


In a Multipolar World, the Idea of a New World Order Dies "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

When former US President  George W. Bush and his neocon regime launched their anti-terrorism campaign after the September 11th attacks, he declared that Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.   Western threats against the Global South continue today.  In the recent Munich []


How Rockefeller Founded Modern Medicine and Killed Natural Cures "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

This was originally published in October 2015. People these days look at you like a weirdo if you talk about the healing properties of plants or any other holistic practices. Much like anything else, there is a lot of politics and money behind our modern medical system. It all starts with John D. Rockefeller (1839 1937) []


Is the U.S. Biden Administration Behind the Blowing Up of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 Pipelines Between Russia and Western Europe? "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

[NATOs goal is] to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down. Lord Ismay, first NATO Secretary-General (1952-1957). Near-term-thinking [by political and business decision-makers] is not only deeply irresponsibleit is immoral. Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, (in a speech to the General Assembly, Monday February 6, 2023). Ukraine, a new and important space on []


Disparan contra Testigos de Jehov en Alemania; hay varios muertos "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Autoridades de Hamburgo, Alemania, informaron que el ataque contra una congregacin de Testigos de Jehov dejo muertos y heridos. Regeneracin, 9 de marzo del 2023. []

La entrada Disparan contra Testigos de Jehov en Alemania; hay varios muertos se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Entregan a familiares en EE.UU. cuerpo de los estadounidenses secuestrados en Matamoros "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El cuerpo de dos de los cuatro estadounidenses que fueron secuestrados en Matamoros el pasado 3 de marzo, ya fueron entregados a sus familiares. Regeneracin, []

La entrada Entregan a familiares en EE.UU. cuerpo de los estadounidenses secuestrados en Matamoros se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


A Tale of Two Traitors "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

An article detailing the treasonous activities of two members of the US House of Representatives, Mr Jordan and Mr Schiff.


Nothing up here but us, uh, balloons "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Bottom line for the Pentagon? Don't patronize people who want to know what the heck is roaming around our atmosphere and don't act as if shooting down, never mind just seeing, a few UAPs or UFOs is no big deal. Local or interstellar, tell us what's going on out there.


With a cooling La Nia gone, media will go into Global Warming Overdrive as El Nio hits. "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

March 2023 ENSO update: no more La Nia! BY EMILY BECKER originally published on NOAAs La Niathe cool phase of the El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) climate patternhas left the building!

The post With a cooling La Nia gone, media will go into Global Warming Overdrive as El Nio hits. first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Ukrainian Soldiers Starting to Give Up? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The best thing Ukrainian soldiers can do now is to give up their allegiance to the Jewish oligarchs who are desperately trying to destroy much of Europe and America.


Amazon lanza programa Lgralo Online el programa de apoyo al emprendimiento femenino "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

En asociacin con disruptivo Tv y socialab, Amazon lanz el programa Lgralo online que est dirigido para empresas lideradas por mujeres. Regeneracin Mx, 9 marzo []

La entrada Amazon lanza programa Lgralo Online el programa de apoyo al emprendimiento femenino se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Cofepris autoriza permiso para poder comercializar el cannabis "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La Cofepris indic que se otorg el permiso debido a un amparo para la comercializacin de la cannabis en Mxico a empresa canadiense. Regeneracin, 9 []

La entrada Cofepris autoriza permiso para poder comercializar el cannabis se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Video: Joven frustra intento de asalto usando gas pimienta "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La empleada de una tienda de abarrotes en Guanajuato frustr un asalto con arma de fuego utilizando gas pimienta para defenderse. Regeneracin Mx, 9 marzo []

La entrada Video: Joven frustra intento de asalto usando gas pimienta se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Desfalco millonario en Segalmex; FGR ordena aprehensin de 22 involucrados "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La FGR ya realiza las investigaciones en contra de trabajadores y otras personas por el desfalc millonario en Segalmex. Regeneracin, 9 de marzo del 2023. []

La entrada Desfalco millonario en Segalmex; FGR ordena aprehensin de 22 involucrados se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


So Far In 2023, Announced Job Cuts Are Running 427 Percent Higher Than They Were At This Time In 2022 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Michael Snyder Major employers all over America are announcing mass layoffs, but the mainstream media continues to insist that everything is just fine.  Every...

So Far In 2023, Announced Job Cuts Are Running 427 Percent Higher Than They Were At This Time In 2022


Biden Asks for Massive $886 Billion Military Budget for 2024 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Dave DeCamp The White House is asking Congress for a whopping $886.4 billion military budget for the fiscal year 2024, with $842 billion of...

Biden Asks for Massive $886 Billion Military Budget for 2024


It's time to retire the city and state retirement funds "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

995%-100% of city and state pension funds will never go to pensioners; they are simply rolled over every year. Why are centi-billion dollar pension funds that make 0%-5% net after fees and excluding contributions being kept at all?


SNP leadership: Its the Economy and NHS with voters "IndyWatch Feed"

By Russell Bruce

Redfield and Wilton have done a full Scottish poll and it is clear the next general election would mean a lower turnout for the SNP as things stand compared to 2019. The SNP is on 39% with Labour on 29%, Conservatives on 22% and Lib Dems on 6% based on likelihood to vote with Dont Knows excluded. That is a long way from Ash Regans 50% plus 1. On a referendum tomorrow Yes is on 45% and No on 55% suggesting a static situation at best.

Its the economy stupid

We made this point in our last poll analysis. It is always the economy. Those surveyed said The Economy was their biggest concern at 71% followed by The NHS which was a priority for 63%.

SNP leadership ratings with 2021 SNP voters

Our headline graphic sets out the view of SNP voters at the 2021 Holyrood election on how they view the 3 candidates. Kate Forbes is in first place with 25% and a positive rating of +6%. Both Humza and Ash are in negative territory with SNP voters with Humza on -11%. With identified SNP members Humza pulled back to gain the lead with 27% to Kate Forbes 21%.

In our last analysis we suggested the result between the two leading candidates was likely to be close and within 5% or less. The Redfield and Wilton poll does not change our view for the present. As voting is on a preference basis one of the candidates will drop out and that is most likely Ash Regan. The question then is to whom do her second preferences votes go to. Kate Forbes is thought to be the most likely recipient where a second preference has been given.

On these figures, with 18 days to the result, Kate Forbes would need to pick up just half of Ashs votes to squeeze a narrow victory. A lot can happen in 18 days with more party hustings and media debates to come.

A divided party?

There have always been differences but the SNP have had a remarkable ability to present overwhelming unity. That there are differences between the candidates other than they all are committed to independence should not be a surprise. Debate is healthy and difference in approach should not be condemned. Threats of leaving the party if this or that candidate wins does not help the cause of independence as the SNP is the only party that can build support for independence to a level where Sunak and Starmer saying No becomes unsustainable. The SNP is a centre left social democratic party.

How the parties stand in Scotland

The poll asked voters to indicate their favourability rating each party. Alba was -47%, Conservatives -35%, Greens -18%, Labour +9%, LibDem -13% and the SNP -1%.

When it came to the relevant performance of the UK and Scottish governments there was wide divergence. On The Economy...


Sound Money Bills Moving Forward Rapidly in Many States "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Stefan Gleason Because there is so much activity happening at the state level with respect to sound money legislation, here is a quick update...

Sound Money Bills Moving Forward Rapidly in Many States


Chief Martin Agbaso (Ochudo) MFR: A journey of courage and leadership "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Chief Martin Agbaso is a Nigerian economist, politician and was a one time winner candidate for Governor of Imo State. He was a special assistant on Ecology to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Olusegun Obasanjo and is married to Robin Agbaso, an American. The Agbasos have three children. Formative Period Chief []


How to Lose Weight in 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Losing weight can be a hard task for many, but it doesnt have to be that way. There is an abundance of information on health, wellness, and fitness. If a person in the year 2023 wants to know how to lose weight, then this is the article for them. Losing weight can be as simple []

The post How to Lose Weight in 2023 appeared first on Guardian Liberty Voice.


Novatada universitaria termina en tragedia; muere alumno tras castigos de compaeros "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

John Matthew Salilig, un universitario originario de Manila, en filipinas, muri tras ser golpeado durante la novatada de su fraternidad. Regeneracin Mx, 9 marzo 2023. []

La entrada Novatada universitaria termina en tragedia; muere alumno tras castigos de compaeros se public primero en RegeneracinMX.

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