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Friday, 17 March


Gute Nachrichten! Die Sozen machen eine Demokratie-Reform! ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Gute Nachrichten! Die Sozen machen eine Demokratie-Reform! Unter dem Vorwand, die ausufernden Abgeordnetenmassen im Parlament zu reduzieren (warum eigentlich?!), haben sich SPD, Grne und FDP zusammengetan, um alle anderen nachhaltig zu benachteiligen. Wenn das so durchkommt, sind CSU und Linke drauen aus dem Bundestag.

Ja aber gibt das keinen Widerstand von den Betroffenen? Keinen Aufschrei? Doch klar, daher haben sie das in Hinterzimmern besprochen und in letzter Minute als nderungsantrag drangepappt.

Fehlt nur noch, dass sie das im Fischereiausschuss besprechen.

Tja und so stehen die Linken mit heruntergelassenen Hosen da und haben nur ein paar Hail-Mary-Antrge im Kcher, von wegen Whlen ab 16 statt ab 18 und Auslnderwahlrecht. Das war es dann wohl mit den Linken. Tja, so ist das halt in Deutschland. Man stimmt lieber fr die Neoliberalen. Niemand whlt die eine Partei, die wenigstens in ihrem Programm fr die groe Mehrheit der Whler eintritt. Das ist bestimmt Schuld von dieser Wagenknecht!1!!

Siehe auch hier zum Verhalten der CDU in der Sache. Fr die initiale Irrefhrung siehe hier. Das Verfassungsblog ist auch eher unzufrieden mit der Gesamtsituation. Money Quote:

In einem im jetzigen Gesetzgebungsverfahren in aller Eile formulierten Beschlussantrag der CDU/CSU-Fraktion fand sich dazu der Vorschlag, die Zahl der Grundmandate, die fr den Einzug in den Bundestag ausreichen, von drei auf fnf zu erhhen. Damit htte man die Linkspartei aus dem nchsten Bundestag herausgekickt und so per Wahlrechtsnderung womglich ein fr allemal erledigt, die CSU hingegen bliebe mit ihren ber 40 bayerischen Direktmandaten auf der sicheren Seite
Was fr ekelhafte Stinkmorcheln. Ich nehme das mal zum Anlass, die CSU endgltig unter 5% zu schicken, und die Linkspartei zu whlen. Eine bodenlose Frechheit und ein illegitimer Angriff auf die Demokratie.

Bei diesem Amoklauf bei den Zeugen Jehovas gab es ja, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Bei diesem Amoklauf bei den Zeugen Jehovas gab es ja, habt ihr sicher gelesen, vorher eine Warnung bei der Polizei. Jemand hat die Polizei gewarnt, dass der Typ psychisch erkrankt ist und ein Buch geschrieben hat, das Massenmord als legitim darstellt.

Die Polizei hat den spteren Tter dann unangemeldet besucht. Immerhin. Um zu gucken, ob er die Waffen ordnungsgem aufbewahrt.

Ja aber was ist mit dem Buch, fragt ihr euch jetzt vielleicht? Nun, ... das wurde brutalstmglich aufgeklrt!

Im anonymen Hinweisschreiben war seinen Angaben zufolge auf das Buch hingewiesen worden. Die Beamten htten bei der Internetrecherche den Namen des Tters und "Buch" eingegeben - und dabei kein Ergebnis erhalten.
Die Moral von der Geschicht: Immer schn SEO machen, damit die Polizei euer Buch nicht findet. Viel Arbeit ist dafr nicht notwendig.
Die Homepage des mutmalichen Tters sei nicht ausgewertet worden, deshalb sei die Behrde nicht auf das Buch von Philipp F. gestoen.
Frher htte man Kriminellen geraten, keine Beweise zu hinterlassen. Heute reicht es, wenn die Beweise nicht bei der Suchmaschine auf der ersten Seite sind.

Update: Das ehemalige Nachrichtenmagazin behauptet unverlinkbar hinter der Paywall, dass sie statt

"Vorname Nachname" Buch


Vorname Nachname Buch

gesucht haben.

Ich habe ja ein paar Mal berlegt, ob ich nicht als ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ich habe ja ein paar Mal berlegt, ob ich nicht als Scherz einen Docker-Container mit gatling publizieren sollte.

Wieso Scherz? Weil da nur eine Datei dringewesen wre. Das gatling-Binary. Das ist ja gerade der Grund fr dietlibc und co, dass da self-contained binaries rausfallen.

Das wre also ein winziges Image gewesen, und ohne Dependencies. Sozusagen die Antithese zu den ganzen unmaintainten Bloat-Dependencyhllen da drauen.

Hab ich aber nie gemacht, weil das halt ne Firma ist. Ich sehe prinzipiell nicht ein, meine Lebenszeit unbezahlt fr die Profitmaximierung irgendwelcher Firmen zu investieren.

Jetzt stellt sich raus: Docker aussitzen war die richtige Entscheidung.

Terrorpanik in Wien:"Polizistinnen und Polizisten sind ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Terrorpanik in Wien:

"Polizistinnen und Polizisten sind mit schusssicherem Helm und schusssicherer Weste und einem Sturmgewehr ausgestattet. Sie werden berwachungsttigkeiten durchfhren und auch im Straenverkehr Kontrollen durchfhren", zitierte der sterreichische Rundfunk ORF einen Polizeisprecher.
Oje, denkt ihr euch jetzt vielleicht. Das ist ja bedenklich! Da muss man sich Sorgen machen!

Aber nein, da kann ich Entwarnung geben.

Der Sprecher betonte jedoch, dass es keinen Grund zur Panik und keine akute Gefahr gebe.
Seht ihr? Keine Gefahr fr die Anwohner!1!! Deshalb haben wir auch Polizisten in kugelsicheren Westen und mit Sturmgewehren hingestellt. Weil keine akute Gefahr vorliegt.

Dusch-Gedanke: KI-Nutzer sind wie Nichtwhler.Nichtwhler ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Dusch-Gedanke: KI-Nutzer sind wie Nichtwhler.

Nichtwhler tragen nichts zur Gestaltung der Zukunft bei und mssen am Ende mit dem Mist leben, den die anderen abgestimmt haben.

KI-Nutzer tragen nichts zur Gestaltung der Zukunft bei und mssen am Ende mit dem Mist leben, mit dem die anderen die "KI" trainiert haben.

Ladies and Gentlemen, wir haben einen Gewinner. Fr ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ladies and Gentlemen, wir haben einen Gewinner. Fr den schlechtesten Support einer Firma. Gewonnen hat Electronic Arts.

Ich spiele gelegentlich gerne mal eine Runde Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer. Seit dem letzten Hardwarewechsel meint das Spiel pltzlich, ich bruchte einen "Online Pass". Es gibt keinen Online-Pass fr die PC-Variante. Da ist irgendein Flag im Account falsch gesetzt, offensichtlich.

Der EA Support textbausteint mich jetzt seit ber einem Monat voll, wollte im selben Ticket gerade die vierte Verifikation der E-Mail-Adresse haben, und erschpft sich inhaltlich mit "installiere das Spiel neu" und "update deine Konsole" (ich habe keine Konsole und das Spiel ist frisch installiert).

Hhepunkt war, als sie behaupteten, sie htten das Problem gefixt (hatten sie nicht) und dann meinten, ich knne es ja mal mit dem Livechat probieren (den gibt es nicht mehr).

Wieso existiert diese Firma noch? Sollte sowas nicht der Markt regeln?

Die Amerikaner sind schockiert und emprt ber die ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Die Amerikaner sind schockiert und emprt ber die Unprofessionalitt, mit der die Russen eine ihrer Abhrdrohnen ber dem schwarzen Meer runtergeholt haben.

Der ganze Artikel ist voll von Meinungen von Amerikanern, was das fr eine unprofessionelle Aktion war, als die Russen ihre Drohne zum Absturz zwangen. Da flogen zwei Abfangjger zur Drohne, begleiteten sie eine Weile, und dann kollidierte einer von ihnen mit der Drohne, woraufhin die runter musste.

Das Money Quote des Artikels ist ganz am Ende. Ich zitiere das hier mal in Gnze, weil das so groartig ist:

Mary Ellen OConnell, a Notre Dame Law School professor and expert on international law and the use of force, noted that by dumping fuel and downing the drone, the Russian pilot was further polluting the fragile Black Sea, but she noted the US had not called the interception unlawful.

In all likelihood the Reaper was conducting surveillance for Ukraine. Under the laws of armed conflict Russia may disrupt such assistance, OConnell said.

Ach. Ach was. Na sowas.

Gaby Weber bemht sich ja seit einiger Zeit darum, ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Gaby Weber bemht sich ja seit einiger Zeit darum, Einblick in die Kohl-Akten zu bekommen. Die Akten mssen eigentlich dem Bundesarchiv bergeben werden, wo Gaby dann reingucken knnte, aber das ist nicht geschehen, und das Gesetz sieht offenbar keine Sanktionierung fr den Fall vor.

Bisher wollten die Gerichte Gaby auch nicht klagen lassen. Erst hie es, nur das Bundesarchiv knne die Akten fordern. Dann fing das Bundesarchiv an, die Akten zu fordern. Dann hie es, die Akten seien gar nicht in Oggersheim bei der Kohl-Witwe. Bis dann der offizielle Kohl-Biograph mehrfach ffentlich ansagte, er habe dort Einblick in die Akten erhalten.

Die ganze Nummer erklrt Gaby hier in aller Ruhe, und das ist ja so eine dermaene Schande fr unser Land, dass ihr das alle gelesen haben solltet.

Aber deshalb blogge ich das nicht. Ich blogge das, weil das Bundesverwaltungsgericht in Leipzig berraschend einen viel frheren Termin veranschlagt hat als blich und als Gaby dachte: Den 29. Mrz um 11 Uhr. Die Verhandlung ist ffentlich, falls da jemand hingehen mchte.

Gaby sieht das als Zeichen dafr, dass diese Rechtsbeugung jetzt beendet wird. Sie hofft, dass die deutsche Justiz von den Vorgngen in den USA um Donald Trump energetisiert wurde, und die deutsche Justiz jetzt spontan damit anfangen will, ihren Job zu machen.

Deutsche Medien haben ausfhrlich ber die Durchsuchungen des FBI berichtet und, unterwrfig wie immer, auf die Frage verzichtet, ob das deutsche Bundesarchiv irgendwann mal das Bundeskriminalamt nach Oggersheim und St. Augustin schicken wird.
Die Frage stelle ich dann hier in Vertretung fr den Rest der Medien. Man muss verstndnis fr die haben. Wenn man den Kopf so tief in den Arsch gesteckt hat, ist es halt dunkel.

Man darf auch der Justiz nicht so bse sein. Die hat schlielich die Hnde damit voll, Tapeten zu verfolgen, das beA zwar den Anwlten aufzuzwingen aber selber dann die Sachen auszudrucken und per Briefpost zu antworten, und DNS-Provider zur Zensur zu zwingen.

Ich bewundere Gaby fr ihren Optimismus.

Update: Der Termin ist am 29., nicht wie ich hier versehentlich erst schrieb am 31.!

Old and busted: GPT-3.New hotness: GPT-4!So und jetzt ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Old and busted: GPT-3.

New hotness: GPT-4!

So und jetzt guckt mal, was deren Metrik ist fr das Training von dem Modell. Lauter Kompetenztests fr Menschen!

Bar Exam ist sowas wie bei uns das Jura-Staatsexamen. LSAT ist der Eignungstest frs Jurastudium. SAT ist der Scholastic Aptitude Test, damit testen Unis ihre Bewerber. USABO ist ein Wettbewerb in der Biologie.

AP steht fr Advanced Placement, das ist ein College-Level-Test. Dann haben sie da drei Schwierigkeitsstufen eines Sommelier-Tests (Weinexperten) und eines Coding-Tests.

Mit anderen Worten: Microsoft richtet ihr Sprachmodell absichtlich darauf aus, dass es mglich gut in Prfungen beim Bescheien helfen kann.

Ich fnde das ja super, wenn sich jetzt die ganzen "ich habe mich mit GPT-4 durch die Prfung gemogelt"-Flachpfeifen bei Microsoft bewerben. Am besten sollten die nur noch solche Leute kriegen. Das wre eine gerechte Strafe fr so eine gesellschaftliche Sabotage.

Aber vielleicht sollte ich nicht berrascht sein, denn das ist das erste GPT-Release, seitdem Microsoft das KI-Ethikteam komplett gefeuert hat:

Yannis Varoufakis ist verprgelt worden. In einem ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Yannis Varoufakis ist verprgelt worden. In einem Restaurant. Von schlecht informierten Idioten, die ihm vorwarfen, er habe Griechenland an die Troika verkauft.

Das ist ja als wrde man die CDU verprgeln, weil sie zu stark gegen Korruption vorgegangen ist! Oder die Grnen, weil sie zu pazifistisch sind.

Tja. So sieht erfolgreiche Agitationspropaganda aus. Gute Arbeit, liebe Medien.

Infrastrukturapokalypse: Schulsystem.In Stdten wie ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Infrastrukturapokalypse: Schulsystem.

In Stdten wie Kln fehlen Pltze an den weiterfhrenden Schulen. Die wenigen, die es gibt, werden im Losverfahren vergeben. Wer Pech hat, muss Schulwege von bis zu drei Stunden hinnehmen.
Tja, so ist das halt mit unvorhersehbaren Schicksalsfragen wie wieviel Schulpltze man brauchen wird. Wenn man das nur irgendwie voraussagen knnte!1!!

Update: Es muss mal dringend jemand bei Firefox handgreiflich werden, finde ich. Der zeigt dir die URL als markiert an aber fgt dann eine andere ein. Absolute Vollpfosten da in der UI-Abteilung.


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

<p><a href="" rel= "noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img alt="" class= "wp-image-45178 aligncenter" height="473" src= "" width="688"></a></p> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><a href= "" rel= "noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">PRIVATE BLOG Crisis in Leadership Inside & Outside Government


Poll: LP Vows To Take Over Lagos, Rivers, Edo, Benue, Others "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

As the governorship and State House of Assembly election is barely two days to kick off, the Labour Party Youth Wing has vowed to take over Lagos, Rivers and Edo States, among other South-South and South-East states in Saturdays poll. Acting National Youth Leader of the party, Kennedy Ahanotu disclosed this at a news conference held []


AFCON 2023: Peseiro calls Musa, Osimhen, Lookman, 20 others for Guinea Bissau "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

    Super Eagles Head Coach, Jos Santos Peseiro has invited team captain Ahmed Musa, in-form forwards Victor Osimhen and Ademola Lookman as well as 20 other players to the national teams camp, ahead of this months 2023 Africa Cup of Nations qualifying fixture against the Djurtus of Guinea Bissau. Nigeria and Guinea Bissau clash []


OpenSSH 9.3 released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

OpenSSH 9.3 has been released. It includes a couple of security fixes, as well as adding an option for hash-algorithm selection to ssh-keygen and an option that allows configuration checking without actually loading any private keys.


India, Australia, and the Indo-Pacific Imperative "IndyWatch Feed War"

With the rising challenge of China, Indo-Pacific geopolitics is headed for more uncertainty. In his recent visit to India, Australia Prime Minister Anthony Albanese visited INS Vikrant, Indias newest aircraft carrier.

Aboard the INS Vikrant, PM Albanese declared that there has never been a point in both of our countrys histories where weve had such a strong strategic alignment. He noted that India is a top-tier security partner and that the Indian Ocean is central to both countries security and prosperity.

The visit to INS Vikrant underscores the growing importance of the maritime dimension of Indo-Pacific geopolitics. Hosting the Australian PM on an aircraft carrier is also a demonstration of the strength of Indias strategic ties with Australia. Furthermore, it underlines the evolving strategic alignment between India and Australia.

The defence and security partnership has emerged as one of the key pillars of Indo-Australian strategic partnership. Both countries are participants in the Malabar naval exercises and are deepening and widening their military-to-military exchanges. Australia has invited India for Exercise Talisman Sabre. Such joint exercises not only build interoperability and familiarity but also contribute to creating greater trust and awareness about each other.

In the context of growing Chinese assertiveness across the Indo-Pacific, military cooperation has assumed critical dimensions. Just like India, Australia too faces growing Chinese challenge in its own region. Chinas forays in the South Pacific have galvanised Australia and the United States into action. India too is slowly increasing its outreach to the island states of South Pacific.

The security in the Eastern Indian Ocean, especially along maritime Southeast Asia, is a shared area of concern for India and Australia. China looms large, geographically as well as strategically, over this region. Building strategic convergence to limit Chinese influence and expanding the strategic partnership is in the interest of India and Australia.

Along with defence and security, trade and economy are also key areas of cooperation. India and Australia signed an Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA) last year. The agreement is expected to add economic muscle to the burgeoning politico-military partnership. As India...


100,000 Californians have no power as storms whip hurricane-force winds, flood homes "IndyWatch Feed World"

The storm system that's hammered California this week is heading east - but not before dousing the state with more torrential rain and knocking out power with ferocious winds. Daily rainfall records were shattered Tuesday in Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and Santa Maria. The deluge will keep hitting Southern California on Wednesday before moving east, threatening 25 million people in the central US. California Gov. Gavin Newsom expanded a state of emergency to cover 43 of the state's 58 counties Tuesday night as high winds and intense rain wrought havoc in the state. Some cities endured hurricane-force winds. Top wind gusts of 97 mph were measured at Santa Clara County's Loma Prieta, 93 mph at Alameda County's Mines Tower and 74 mph at San Francisco Airport, according to the National Weather Service. In San Francisco, firefighters believe fierce winds sent out glass falling from a downtown high-rise building, they said.


[$] Zero-copy I/O for ublk, three different ways "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The ublk subsystem enables the creation of user-space block drivers that communicate with the kernel using io_uring. Drivers implemented this way show some promise with regard to performance, but there is a bottleneck in the way: copying data between the kernel and the user-space driver's address space. It is thus not surprising that there is interest in implementing zero-copy I/O for ublk. The mailing lists have recently seen three different proposals for how this could be done.


Biden says efforts to restrict transgender rights 'close to sinful' "IndyWatch Feed World"

President Joe Biden called efforts to restrict transgender rights in Florida "close to sinful" in an interview released Monday, suggesting federal laws should be passed to protect those rights in all states. "What's going on in Florida is, as my mother would say, close to sinful. It's just terrible what they're doing," Biden said during an interview with Kal Penn for "The Daily Show." Biden's comments came as an unprecedented number of measures are introduced in state legislatures this year that are seeking to restrict LGBTQ rights. The proposed bills cover a wide range of policies, including some that seek to restrict transgender people from competing on sports teams or using bathrooms that align with their gender identity.


The Versatility of Aluminum Windows: Custom Designs and Colors to Match Your Style "IndyWatch Feed World"

Aluminum windows have become a popular choice for homeowners and architects because of their versatility in design and durability. They offer several benefits, including energy efficiency, low maintenance, and a sleek, modern appearance. However, what many people may not realize is that they are also highly customizable, allowing homeowners to create custom designs and colors to match their unique style and preferences.

Advantages of Aluminum Windows


One of the main advantages of aluminum windows is their flexibility in design. They can be made in various shapes and sizes, from traditional rectangular windows to circular, triangular, or even irregular shapes. This versatility allows homeowners to get creative with their window designs and create a unique look that complements the overall style of their homes. For example, if you have a contemporary home, you may opt for large, floor-to-ceiling aluminum windows with slim frames to create a minimalist, streamlined look. Alternatively, if you have a traditional or historic home, you may choose smaller, multi-paned aluminum windows with a more decorative frame design to match the period style of your home.

Another way to customize aluminum windows is by choosing the color of the frame. Aluminum frames can be powder-coated in virtually any color, allowing homeowners to match the windows to the color scheme of their homes exterior or interior. Whether you want to create a bold contrast or a subtle blend, there is a wide range of colors to choose from, including popular neutrals like white, black, and gray, as well as bold hues like red, blue, and green. Additionally, many manufacturers offer custom color-matching services, allowing you to create a truly unique shade that perfectly matches your homes color scheme.

When it comes to finishes, there are several options available, each offering a different look and feel. Anodized finishes provide a metallic appearance, making them a great choice for modern and...


EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Demands Answers From Meta, Google, And TikTok In New Senate Probe "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ted CruzThe Texas senator followed up with Silicon Valley's major players to explain their initial responses to congressional inquiries were not adequate.


Making new friends as an adult "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Friendships are important to ones well being, even for introverts like me, with quality being more important than quantity. It is easier to form friends when one is younger, during ones school and college days, when one is thrown together with peers for extended periods of time with few responsibilities and relationships can develop organically. But once one starts working and settles into a nuclear family, it becomes more difficult to form new friends, since work place friendships can be tricky to handle. Also, when one starts working, one tends to move to different locations and lose not only the physical proximity that is conducive to maintaining existing friendships but one has fewer opportunities to make new friends.

This article by Marisa Franco discusses how to make new friends.

Our adult lives can become a monsoon of obligations, from children, to partners, to ailing parents, to work hours that trespass on our free time. A study of young adults social networks by researchers at the University of Oxford found that those in a romantic relationship had, on average, two fewer close social ties, including friends. Those with kids had lost out even more. Friendships crumble, not because of any deliberate decision to let them go, but because we have other priorities, ones that arent quite as voluntary.

Such is the pace and busyness of many peoples adult lives that they can lose contact with their friends at a rapid rate. For instance, a study by the Dutch sociologist Gerald Mollenhorst found that, over a period of seven years, people had lost touch with half of their closest friends, on average. Whats especially alarming is that many of us seem to be losing friends faster than we can replace them.

If were not careful, we risk living out our adulthoods friendless. This is a situation thats worth avoiding. Friends are not only a great source of fun and meaning in life, but studies suggest that, without them, were also at greater risk of feeling more depressed. Its telling that in their study Very Happy People (2002), the American psychologists Ed Diener and Martin Seligman found that a key difference between the most unhappy and most happy people was how socially connected they were.

Social media can give the illusion that one is well connected because one may have lots of friends on the networks but those can be superficial, really more like acquaintances than friends.

The article suggests various strategies to overcome the hesitation that many people have to initiating contact with others. The fear of rejection is a big one, that people might not like you. But Franco says that people tend to underestimate how much others, even those they may have just seen, like them. She m...


Lagos Guber: Rhodes-Vivour Speaks On Godfatherism, Fires Jandor "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Labour Party (LP) governorship candidate in Lagos State, Gbadebo Rhodes-Vivour has denied the news making the rounds that he was being pushed to run for the position of the state governor by some godfathers. Rhodes-Vivour who spoke on Arise TV on Thursday said, In the Labour Party, theres no godfather. I have no godfather. This []


Cyclone brings rare flooding rains to Peruvian capital Lima "IndyWatch Feed World"

The heavy rains accompanying Cyclone Yaku led to flooding Wednesday in seven districts of Peru's capital, a desert city that rarely experiences significant precipitation. Prime Minister Alberto Otarola said the government will declare a state of emergency in the beachfront district of Punta Hermosa, which suffered a massive mudslide during the overnight hours. Cabinet ministers are "directing aid and coordinating with the local authorities" in all of the affected areas of the Lima metropolitan area, which includes the port city of Callao and is home to nearly a third of Peru's 34 million people. In Cieneguilla, on the eastern side of the capital, district Mayor Emilio Chavez told TVPeru that rain-driven mudslides forced some 2,500 residents from their homes. The houses of at least 100 families were completely destroyed, he said.


Graeme MacQueen: The Indispensable 9/11 Writers Latest Book "IndyWatch Feed War"

This free eBook The Pentagons B-Movie: Looking Closely at the September 2001 Attacks (rat haus reality press, 15 March 2023) by Graeme MacQueen contains a collection of his articles and essays on the attacks of September 11, 2001, the subsequent anthrax attacks, and analyses of other false flag operations. They are profoundly important and shatter the official versions of those events. No one reading this book can come away from it not convinced that the U.S. government is a terrorist state. MacQueens conclusions are not based on rhetoric but on a deep empirical analyses, facts not propaganda. With this volume, Graeme MacQueen takes his place alongside David Ray Griffin as a prophet without honor in his own time. History will declare him a hero. To write the following introduction is a great honor, for my esteem for Graeme and his work is immense.


Graeme MacQueens work is a testament to a man devoted to the search for truth and the freedom and peace that ensue from its discovery. I think it is surely not an accident that he is a Buddhist scholar and a former professor of religious and peace studies. In this regard, he reminds me of two other inspired theologians who carry the message of love and peace into the political realm where their extraordinary writing has given great hope to those yearning for truth and justice: James W. Douglass and David Ray Griffin, the former the great JFK scholar and the latter the author of a dozen or so groundbreaking books on the events of September 11, 2001.

In this book, which is a primer on government propaganda, Graeme continues to teach how illusions must be punctured and the veil of government secrecy parted, lessons gleaned from the core of the worlds religions. That the truth will set us free is the essence of these teachings. Yet truth is a hard taskmaster and requires great courage, fortitude, and determination, which Graeme possesses in abundance, both in his person and in his writing.

Exposing the lies of the official versions of September 11, 2001, the anthrax attacks, etc. tak...


North Carolina Strives To Extend and Increase Low-Performing Virtual Charter Schools "IndyWatch Feed War"

Brick-and-mortar charter schools are notorious for being low-performing schools, even though they often cherry-pick their students to get the best test results. Poor academic performance is one of the three main reasons charter schools, which are privately-operated, close every week, leaving many parents, students, and teachers high and dry. Mismanagement and financial malfeasance are the other two key reasons charter schools close every few days. All three usually occur together. Not surprisingly, such chaos and anarchy leave a bad taste in the mouths of many.

But virtual charter schools, also known as cyber charter schools, perform even worse than their brick-and-mortar charter school counterparts (see below). Indeed, virtual charter schools across the country have consistently abysmal academic results. They have developed quite the name for this disreputable profile. But some in North Carolina want to expand this failed neoliberal education model.

House Bill 149, which was recently passed by the full House of the North Carolina legislature:

would authorize charter schools to provide remote instruction to students when approved to include a remote charter academy. HB 149 would also provide a one-year extension to the expiring virtual charter school pilot and provide enrollment growth and funding in the same manner as other charter schools for the remainder of the pilot.

This is odd because:

The states two virtual charters have been low-performing since they began in 2015. Some lawmakers in a House education committee questioned why a bill under consideration would allow it to continue as a pilot for another year.

Indeed, the states two cyber charter schools have consistently been designated by the state as low-performing schools (emphasis added). Representative Julie von Haefen stated, I really dont understand why we are continuing to extend this pilot program. Since 2016, these schools have received D ratings and have not met growth standards. I really dont understand that. Can you explain that?

All of this makes even less sense when considering that, overall, seventy percent of North Carolinas charter schools earned a C or lower recently. Nationally, 5,000 charter schools have failed and closed over the past 31 yearsa very high number considering that there are only about 7,500 charter schools in the U.S. in 2023.

House Bill 149 now goes to the Senate, where it may not pass. If it does pass, HB 149 would go into...


The United States Is Literally Sucking the Blood of the Poor "IndyWatch Feed World"

You already know things are not good for a lot of people in the United States.

As of two months ago, 64% of the country said theyre living paycheck to paycheck. Even if we exclude the million or so homeless across the U.S., recent data shows that approximately 5.3 million households are behind on their home mortgage payments.

Another report from 2018 showed that around 130 million people in the U.S. admitted an inability to pay for basic needs like food, health care, housing, or utilities. And those numbers are before the pandemic began, which is like saying it felt hot in here before a fire burned down the building.

The fine citizens of our late-stage empire have resorted to drastic means to make ends meet. Can you guess what it is? No, its not sex trafficking, or black market organ deals, or selling fake nuclear material that you pass off as real on Etsy. Its none of those.

I mean, it is it totally is but thats not what Im talking about at the moment. No, Im talking about blood. You have it, and corporate America wants to suck it.

The U.S. supplies fully 70% of the worlds plasma the liquid portion of your blood. That accounts for over 2.5% of all U.S. exports, according to a mid-2022 CNBC report.


 Late Stage Capitalism

All this time, I thought U.S. exports just consisted of missiles, Beyonces line of male bikinis, and pride in ignorance. But no, its also blood sucked from the poor. Blood now represents more of the U.S. export market than corn or soybeans. The number of collection centers in the U.S. has more than doubled since 2005.

Selling your blood to try to survive in dystopia is a booming business! What says well-functioning society like scores of destitute struggling humans lining up outside vampire corporations aching to devour their internal juices?



The X Macro: A Historic Preprocessor Hack "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

If we told you that a C preprocessor hack dated back to 1968, youd be within your rights to remind us that C didnt exist in 1968. However, assemblers with preprocessors did, and where there is a preprocessor, there is an opportunity to do clever things. One of those things is the so-called X macro, which saw a lot of use in DEC System 10 code but probably dates back even earlier. You can still use it today if you like, even though there are, of course, other arguably better ways to get the same result. However, the X macro can be very efficient, and you may well run into it in some code, too.


Preprocessing used to be a staple of programming. The idea is that code is manipulated purely at the text level before it is compiled. These days, languages with a preprocessor usually handle it as part of the compiler, but you can also use an external preprocessor like m4 for more sophisticated uses.

Modern languages tend to provide other ways to accomplish many of the tasks handled by the preprocessor. For example, if you have a constant you want to set at compile time, you could say:

int X = 32;
y = X;

But then youve created a real variable along with the overhead that m...


Fighting Off the Encroachment "IndyWatch Feed War"

Paul Cudenec I belong to that much-maligned breed of people who have spent their whole lives protesting about various things. I have demonstrated enthusiastically! against road-building and fracking, against surveillance cameras and anti-terrorist laws, against arms fairs and drone factories, against privatisations and bankster bail-outs, against the City of London and the British


Who Needs To Major In English or History or Philosophy, When All Things Digital Are Available? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Marymount University is a Catholic institution in Virginia that has always focused on the liberal arts: English, History, Philosophy, Art. But Marymounts trustees are keenly aware that we have entered a brave new world, where vocational training, and not liberal education, in the traditional sense, must take precedence, because what counts now is not the []


Foundation Trains 52 Public Servants On Leadership Programme "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Committed to transforming service delivery in the nations public sector, the AIG- Imoukhuede Foundation and Oxfords Blavatnik School of Government have trained 52 public servants drawn from various Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in its 2022 Public Leaders Programme (PLP). Chairman of the Foundation, Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede who spoke at the closing ceremony of the AIG []


Saudi-Iran Dtente: Chinas First Domino? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Last weeks surprise announcement of a China-brokered deal to reestablish diplomatic ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran became the latest signal of Chinas geopolitical prowess and capacity to replace the United States as the regions mediator. As the largest trading partner of both countries, Chinas foray into conflict resolution is backed by its capacity as an importer of the regions commodities, as well as its standing as a critical growth market for the Saudis and as an economic lifeline for Iran amid sanctions.

Chinas role as a mediator in the region follows President Xi Jinpings visit to Riyadh last December during a Gulf Summit, as well as a state visit to Iran made last month. In Riyadh, Xis visit emphasized and encouraged yuan-denominated trade, citing benefits against an appreciating dollar that has led to currency volatility among Gulf exporters. Last months visit with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi concluded with a joint statement to lift sanctions imposed upon Iran as a prerequisite to re-implementing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the landmark agreement that had curbed Irans nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.

The post Saudi-Iran Dtente: Chinas First Domino? appeared first on Geopolitical Monitor.


Ebonyi Guber: Ill Perform More Than Expected Nwifuru "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Speaker of Ebonyi State House of Assembly and the governorship candidate of All Progressives Congress (APC) in the state, Chief Francis Nwifuru has said that he will perform more than expected if voted into power. Nwifuru stated this in Abakaliki, the state capital during a town hall meeting of the people of the Abakaliki []


People urged to take gonorrhoea tests as cases rise "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Gonorrhoea cases in England have resurged since the easing of Covid restrictions, health officials are warning people who are sexually active. Condoms can stop the spread of this and other sexually transmitted infections, reports the BBC. Provisional data shows diagnoses in the first nine months of 2022 hit 56,327 21% higher than for []


Edward Horgan: A Former Military Officer Turned Peace Activist "IndyWatch Feed War"

Edward Horgan protesting with World BEYOND War and #NoWar2019 outside Shannon Airport in 2019
Edward Horgan protesting with World BEYOND War and #NoWar2019 outside Shannon Airport in 2019

By Pillars of Society / The Phoenix, March 16, 2023

DUBLIN (March 10, 2023) Recently acquitted of criminal damage to a US navy warplane in Shannon Airport six years ago, the 77-year-old ex-military officer, commandant Edward Horgan, must be one of the most resilient (and formidable) anti-establishment campaigners Ireland has seen for many years. He has been in and out of Irish courts and Garda holding cells down the years in his campaigns for peace and he has returned his military and UN decorations and his presidential commissioning certificate in protest at the governments participation in the Iraq war (given the US militarys transit to the Middle East via Shannon).

He is a founding member of the Shannon Peace Camp and a leading member of the Peace and Neutrality Alliance. And in his writings and ideas as enunciated to peace activists and defenders of Irish neutrality Horgan has become the most effective, human face of the peace movement in Ireland over several decades.

Horgan could have become a senior member of the officer class, possibly even a chief-of-staff, had he played the game with the top brass and relevant ministers. He describes the highlight of his military career as his appointment in 1983 as officer commanding the 1st tank squadron.

In 1985, Horgan became senior instructor in armoured warfare at the Command and Staff School, where he says he had to teach future senior commanders of the armed forces military strategy based on manuals from the British and US armed forces, which I knew were almost totally inappropriate towards defending the territory and people of the Irish republic.

As Horgan puts it: I had concluded that Ireland did not have the resources to defend its territory by conventional military means and that it could only be defended, as our independence had been achieved, by guerrilla warfare.

The counter argument was that if we had a squadron of fighter aircraft and...


Cryptojacking Group TeamTNT Suspected of Using Decoy Miner to Conceal Data Exfiltration "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The cryptojacking group known as TeamTNT is suspected to be behind a previously undiscovered strain of malware used to mine Monero cryptocurrency on compromised systems. That's according to Cado Security, which found the sample after Sysdig detailed a sophisticated attack known as SCARLETEEL aimed at containerized environments to ultimately steal proprietary data and software. Specifically, the


Israel Protests Should Not Be Confused With the Palestinian Struggle for Equality "IndyWatch Feed World"

As hundreds of thousands throughout Israel joined anti-government protests, questions began to arise regarding how this movement would affect, or possibly merge, into the broader struggle against the Israeli military occupation and apartheid in Palestine.

Pro-Palestine media outlets shared, with obvious excitement, news about statements made by Hollywood celebrities, like Mark Ruffalo, about the need to sanction the new hard rightwing government of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu.

Netanyahu, who sits at the heart of the current controversy and mass protests, struggled to find a single pilot for the flight carrying him to Rome on March 9 for a three-day visit with the Italian government. The reception for the Israeli leader in Italy was equally cold. Italian translator Olga Dalia Padoa reportedly refused to interpret Netanyahus speech, scheduled for March 9 at a Rome synagogue.

One can appreciate the need to strategically use the upheaval against Netanyahus far-right government to expose Israels fraudulent claim to true democracy, supposedly the only democracy in the Middle East. However, one has to be equally careful not to validate Israels inherently racist institutions that had existed for decades before Netanyahu arrived in power.

The Israeli Prime Minister has been embroiled in corruption cases for years. Though he remained popular, Netanyahu lost his position at the helm of Israeli politics in June 2021 following three bitterly-contested elections. Yet, he returned on December 29, 2022, this time with even more corrupt even by Israels own definition characters such as Aryeh Deri, Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir, the latter two currently serving as the ministers of finance and national security, respectively.

Each one of these characters had a different reason for joining the coalition. For example, Smotrich and Ben Gvirs agenda ranged from annexing illegal West Bank settlements to the deportation of Arab politicians considered disloyal to the state.

Netanyahu, though a rightwing ideologue, is more concerned with personal ambitions: maintaining power as long as possible while shielding himself and his family from legal problems. He simply wants to stay out of prison. To do so, he also needs to satisfy the dangerous demands of his allies, who have been given free rein to unleash army a.....


Sunak grants 5 billion boost to the military despite growing issues of poverty and inflation "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ahmed Adel | March 16, 2023

Britains updated defence and foreign policy strategy envisages an additional 5 billion for armaments and is a demonstration that Londons priority is confrontation with Russia and China. Although UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak promised this considerable appropriation for the military over two years, it is unlikely to appease British conservatives as the figure did not meet the demands of spending 3% GDP on defence.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace wanted a larger military budget but officials are reportedly delighted with the settlement. This is unlikely the case behind closed doors.

Most of the 5 billion will be used to replenish ammunition stockpiles given to Ukraine and work on the AUKUS project to develop nuclear-powered submarines for Australia. Effectively, the main priority of Londons updated defence and foreign policy strategy is to oppose the main geopolitical threats to Anglo hegemony Russia and China.

Speaking from San Diego on March 13, Sunak said: Its clear that the world has become more volatile, the threats to our security have increased. And thats why were investing 5 billion more in our world-beating armed forces over the next two years and increasing our defence spending to 2.5% of GDP so we can continue to be a world leader when it comes to defence and keeping our country safe.

Of course, this omits the obvious failures in Afghanistan and Ukraine, and the fact that neither Russia or China pose a threat to Britain. In fact, it is evident from the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan that the threat is the UK.

Russophobia guides the British political and media establishment, and has thus shaped British public opinion for more than 200 years. Therefore, in the context of Russias special military operation, the updated strategy does not represent anything new in terms of escalation. Rather, it just merely shows the British establishments continuous Russophobia.

The procurement of ammunition and atomic armament demonstrates that the Sunak government is continuing what Boris Johnson, and those before him, started. What is telling though is that a 5 billion boost is being allocated to the military, partially to replenish stocks given to Ukraine, just as the UK is experiencing the worst economic catastrophe of the 21st century, thus far.

According to the latest figures (2020/21), around one in five people in the UK (20%) were in poverty, or 13.4 million people. Of these, 7.9 million were working-age adults, 3.9 million were children and 1.7 million were pensioners. Therefore, one in four children in the UK are living in poverty (27%).

However, a report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, an independent social change organization working to solve poverty in the UK, said in January 2023 that living standards are likely to have fallen since the latest official dat......


The desert of the real; Russia's SMO a year later "IndyWatch Feed World"

Alexander Dugin argues that the conflict has transformed from a limited SMO into a full-scale conflict against the unipolar neoliberal world order. One year into the Russian special military operation (SMO), Alexander Dugin argues that the conflict has transformed from a limited SMO into a full-scale conflict against the unipolar neoliberal world order. According to Dugin, the miscalculations which shifted the course of the war came early and were only reacted to later: "[t]he Kremlin probably did not take into account either the psychological readiness of the Ukrainian Nazis to fight to the last Ukrainian, or the scale of Western military aid." From my perspective here in the United States, I was aware of the Nazi presence in the Maidan coup since 2014, as were a good many others. Yet, what caught me off guard was the complete, total/totalizing, and in fact uncritical acceptance that Ukraine=Humanity and Russia=Barbarism. I wrote about this in the early days of the special...


Dogs Living Near Chernobyl Are Now Genetically Different From Other Dogs In The World "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

dogs running near waving sea 2022 03 04 05 49 52 utc

dogs running near waving sea 2022 03 04 05 49 52 utc

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the dogs living near Chornobyl can have a different genetic makeup than other dogs around the world. And this has been confirmed by recent research that was conduct...


2 fatal avalanches in 3 days in Nendaz, Switzerland "IndyWatch Feed World"

An avalanche on Monday morning killed a 28-year-old Dutch skier near the ski resort of Nendaz, Switzerland. The victim had been skiing off-piste with two friends on the heights of Nendaz in an area known amongst Freeriders as 'Stairway to Heaven' when the avalanche was triggered. His friends located him, dug him out, and contacted search and rescue, which tried resuscitation. He was revived and transported to the hospital but later died. Unfortunately, he did not survive. On Wednesday, a separate, massive avalanche was triggered outside the marked tracks in the same location near the Col de Gentianes on the Nendaz side. It was between 300 and 400 meters wide and triggered an extensive search and rescue effort involving eight rescue helicopters and several search dogs. It was unclear at the time how many people may have been buried in the snow. At one stage, it was believed that up to ten skiers were in the avalanche, but apparently, all could free themselves and did not require...


What to Look For in a Reliable and Trustworthy Car Removal Company "IndyWatch Feed World"

You may be thinking about hiring a vehicle removal service if you want to get rid of an old, damaged, or unwanted car. These businesses provide a simple and convenient way to get rid of your automobile, and many of them will even pay you cash for it. However, not all vehicle removal businesses are made equal, so its crucial to conduct research to find a reputable business that will offer you the best service. With the help of well delve deeper into what to look for in a dependable and trustworthy car removal company in this piece.



One of the most crucial factors to consider when choosing a car removal company is its reputation. You want to work with a company that has a solid reputation in the industry, with positive reviews from previous clients. A reputable company will have a track record of providing reliable, efficient, and trustworthy services. You can research online for reviews and testimonials from past clients to get an idea of the companys reputation. You can also ask for references and contact them to inquire about their experience working with the company.

A reputable car removal company will also have proper licensing and insurance. They should have the necessary insurance to protect their clients in the event of any damages or accidents, and they should be registered by the appropriate authorities to operate in your area. Make sure to ask for proof of licensing and insurance before hiring a car removal company. A reputable company will have no issue providing you with the necessary documents to prove its legitimacy.

Experience and Expertise

Experience and expertise are essential factors to consider when choosing a car removal company. A business will be better equipped to handle various vehicles and...


Snowboarder dies in central Oregon avalanche "IndyWatch Feed World"

A snowboarder died after an avalanche south of Bend, Oregon, at Paulina Peak Wednesday afternoon. Deschutes County Sheriff's Sgt. Jason Wall told KTVZ that a person had died several hours after a call for help was received by dispatchers. Three snowboarders had used snowmobiles to reach the area and were snowboarding down the 7,984-foot (2,433-meter) peak, located east of La Pine and the highest point on the Newberry Volcano, when the avalanche happened, according to Wall.


Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestine (Weekly Update 09-15 March 2023) "IndyWatch Feed War"

March 16, 2023 Violation of right to life and bodily integrity Nine Palestinians were killed, including 3 civilians: 2 of them were children. One of the children succumbed to his previous injury, while a Palestinian was killed by an Israeli settler. Meanwhile, 10 Palestinians, including a child and a journalist, were injured, while dozens of []


Geofence Surveillance: First, They Spied on Protesters. Then Churches. Youre Next. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By John W. Whitehead I know the capability that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this...

Geofence Surveillance: First, They Spied on Protesters. Then Churches. Youre Next.


Iran warns Europe: Designating Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps a terrorist group declaration of war "IndyWatch Feed War"

Irans threat presents a big dilemma for Western leaders, as Iran is the most powerful Shia country in the world, and Western leaders are still willfully blind to the fact that one cannot separate politics from mainstream Islam. The Sharia is divine law. For mainstream Muslims, no law in the world transcends it. The Sharia []


E.P.A. Tells States:  Clean Up Your Smokestacks "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The Biden administration is strengthening the Good Neighbor rule, to cut pollution from power plants and factories in the West and Midwest that wafts east.

The post E.P.A. Tells States:  Clean Up Your Smokestacks first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

Linux Kernel Networking Driver Development Impacted By Russian Sanctions "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The US and western government sanctions around the Russian government and its defense industry/companies due to their war in Ukraine has caused interesting issues in the open-source world. A few days after ipmitool was archived/suspended on GitHub that turned out to be due to the current maintainer's affiliation with a Russian tech company, separately there is now a blocking of Linux kernel contributions from selected Russian developers...

Twenty years later, Rachel Corrie lives "IndyWatch Feed War"

Twenty years ago, an Israeli bulldozer crushed Rachel Corrie to death as she protected a Palestinian home. She has since become a global symbol for those seeking justice. Israel may have killed Rachel, but she lives on in us.

Thursday, 16 March


Another anniversary! "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Today I learned from webcomic that yesterday was the anniversary of the death of HP Lovecraft in 1937.

That all caps subhead, WROTE ABOUT ASTRONOMY, cracks me up, although apparently it was true, he wrote a regular column for a newspaper. I guess WROTE WEIRDLY RACIST AND NIHILISTIC COSMIC HORROR didnt fit the column width.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It's been nearly one month since AMDVLK 2023.Q1.2 as AMD's latest open-source Vulkan driver code drop while today it was replaced by AMDVLK 2023.Q1.3 as what will likely be their last Vulkan driver update for the quarter...


Meteor fireball over Louisiana and other states on March 15 "IndyWatch Feed World"

We received 6 reports about a fireball seen over AL, AR, LA and TX on Wednesday, March 15th 2023 around 05:00 UT. For this event, we received 2 videos and one photo.


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

Globally, seaweed production has grown by nearly 75 percent in the past decade.

After news of the blob coming our way, here is another useful seaweed story in excellent interactive format:

Seaweed Is Having Its Moment in the Sun

Its being reimagined as a plastic substitute, even as cattle feed. But can seaweed thrive in a warming world?

For centuries, its been treasured in kitchens in Asia and neglected almost...


US Government Opens $2.5 Billion in Funding for Community EV Chargers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This includes hydrogen fuel stations:

[...] The Department of Transportation is now accepting applications for its $2.5 billion Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program, which will hand out funds to cities, counties, regional governments and tribes to help deploy EV chargers, hydrogen fuel stations and other reduced-emissions systems near their residents.

Half of the program's funding will go to chargers and stations in "publicly accessible" places like parking facilities, parks and schools. The rest will install this equipment in "alternative fuel corridors" along highways to help with long-distance travel. The initial round of funding will make $700 million available, with the rest coming over the program's five-year span. Officials have to apply no later than May 30th.

The initiative is part of [a] broader campaign to build 500,000 charging stations by 2030, or about five times as many as there were in early 2022. The money, assigned as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, is meant to ensure charging access within 50 miles of someone's location in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. While the effort is intended to spur overall EV adoption, there's an added focus on underserved communities like some urban and rural areas.

A strong charging infrastructure is widely considered vital to successfully transitioning away from combustion engine cars. Existing stations can sometimes be crowded or unreliable, and don't always support the fast charging available with recent EVs.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


JUST IN: Burna Boy to perform at Champions League final "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Ajibade Olusesan Grammy-award winner, Burna Boy, has been confirmed as one of the star musicians to perform at this years UEFA Champions League final in Istanbul, Turkey. The European football-governing body confirmed this much on Thursday on the official UEFA Champions League Twitter handle. Accompanied by a video of Burna Boy, the tweet read: Big []


Yo saba que mi hija no se haba suicidado: Irinea Buenda, madre de Mariana Lima "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Foto: Berenice Chavarra Tenorio

Aunque le dieron 70 aos y le dieran ms, mi hija no va a volver. Pero s me queda la satisfaccin de saber que ese feminicida no va a matar a otra mujer, Irinea Buenda, madre de Mariana Lima Buendia. 

El cambio de nueve jueces, ms de 20 ministerios pblicos, 150 audiencias, ms de 30 testigos y 13 aos de revictimizacin y amenazas: a ese sistema se enfrent la familia de Mariana Lima Buenda -asesinada en junio de 2010 en Chimalhuacn, Estado de Mxico para alcanzar una sentencia condenatoria de 70 aos contra su feminicida, Julio Csar Hernndez Ballinas.

Cuando Mariana Lima fue asesinada su feminicida asegur que ella se haba suicidado. Por aos esta postura se mantuvo debido a que Julio Csar Hernndez manipul declaraciones y el lugar de los hechos, asegur Irinea Buenda. Esto lo hizo el ahora sentenciado desde el lugar de poder que ocupaba entonces como polica judicial en el Estado de Mxico

Sin embargo, luego de 13 aos la madre de Mariana Lima Buenda pudo demostrar lo que desde un inicio era evidente: su hija no se suicid, a ella la haban asesinado. 

Nos damos cuenta de que la verdad tarde o temprano sale a flote. Yo saba que mi hija no se haba suicidado. Antes que las autoridades nosotras hicimos mapas de geolocalizacin, georeferenciacin y revisamos la sbana de llamada. Ahora seguiremos luchando porque no queremos ms corrupcin, queremos transparencia para poder tener acceso a la justicia. Luchamos contra la impunidad, corrupcin, simulacin, indiferencia, indolencia de las autoridades que desgraciadamente son omisas, negligentes y obstruyen investigaciones, expres Irinea Buenda en conferencia de prensa realizada este 15 de marzo en Toluca. 


AUMFs Have not Been the Same as a Declaration of War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Michael Maharrey I recently testified before a Maryland House committee in favor of the Maryland Defend Our Guard Act. Specifically, I was asked to...

AUMFs Have not Been the Same as a Declaration of War


Nepals vultures, recovering from a poisoning crisis, fly into another "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

KATHMANDU As dawn breaks over the forest in the Kawasoti area on the edge of Nepals Chitwan National Park, early risers can catch a glimpse of rare vultures roosting in their nests perched in the tall trees. This was the sight Ankit Bilas Joshi, vulture conservation program manager at the NGO Bird Conservation Nepal, expected to see on the morning of March 13. But the scene in the forest that day was different. The adult birds of prey werent in the treetops: they were lying motionless on the ground, their wings outspread and insects buzzing around their lifeless bodies. Vultures from surrounding areas, some of which are tagged, feed on a carcass provided at a vulture restaurant in southern Nepal. Image by Abhaya Raj Joshi for Mongabay. When Joshi and local residents looked around, they discovered six dead white-rumped vultures (Gyps bengalensis), a critically endangered species. We also found the corpse of a golden jackal [Canis aureus] nearby, Joshi told Mongabay. Looking at the corpse of the jackal, we believe that it was poisoned by the local community using rodent poison. The alleged poisoning incident came on the heels of an international Saving Asias Vultures from Extinction (SAVE) meeting in the area, where international delegates applauded the success of community-led programs such as vulture restaurants that provide a safe source of food for the birds. Initiatives like these came about following the South Asia vulture crisis of the 1990s, when vultures in the region died in massive numbers fromThis article was originally published on Mongabay


Honduras. Entre el progresismo y las resistencias de abajo "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Vivir en Honduras hoy es como estar condenado a la pena de muerte, dice Itsmania Platero, periodista experta en derechos humanos, es vivir con el miedo constante de no saber qu va a pasar contigo al da siguiente.

Potente resumen de al menos 50 aos de historia de un pas donde las personas que lo habitan se encuentran luchando a diario entre la violencia y la pobreza, resultado de las opciones polticas y econmicas que han marcado a Honduras desde la dcada de 1970.

Tegucigalpa, la capital, es una sntesis del pas. El centro se sita en torno a la plaza de la iglesia, de la que parte un breve camino que conecta con la calle comercial. Unos cientos de metros de va cerrados al paso de coches, llenos de comercios, dos bancos y mucha gente. La seguridad efmera y diurna de estos escasos metros est garantizada por decenas y decenas de policas armados. Ves pocos turistas que en su mayora son centroamericanos. Los occidentales acuden en masa a las zonas costeras y por motivos de trabajo se encuentran en las ciudades y sus alrededores.

El pas ha sido colonizado por multinacionales de todo el mundo por lo que las grandes cadenas son las dueas y a diferencia de lo que se ve en Mxico o Guatemala es ms difcil, en los centros urbanos, encontrarse con vendedores ambulantes y comida callejera. Economas informales que llenan las zonas ms pobres de la ciudad, a diferencia de la inmundicia que se generaliza. En el centro de Tegucigalpa conviven montones de basura con un trfico desenfrenado que se alimenta de la ausencia de semforos.

El aeropuerto internacional est ubicado en San Pedro Sula, la capital econmica del pas. No hay taxista, en las dos principales ciudades, que no cuente historias de asaltos nocturnos, robos o amigos asesinados por unas pocas lempiras por miembros del crimen organizado. Cuando oscurece, las ciudades se vacan por miedo a las agresiones. Los problemas econmicos alimentan el fenmeno de la delincuencia, lo que aumenta la inseguridad, por lo que Honduras es uno de los pases con mayor tasa de migracin en el mundo. La pobreza es un hecho estructural del pas, dice Bartolo Fuentes, poltico y periodista, una pobreza que ha crecido enormemente durante los aos del gobierno dictatorial de Juan Orlando Hernndez.

Hoy estamos hablando de un 74% de la poblacin que vive en la pobreza, un 47% incluso de forma extrema. Y es as como, a la espera de la noche, todos los das, un nmero variable de personas intentan partir hacia Estados Unidos. Quienes viven el gran viaje se concentran en torno a la terminal de mnibus de San Pedro Sula. All nacieron las caravanas de migrantes, a partir de 2018, que tuvieron el papel fundamental de visibilizar el fenmeno, un proceso que exista desde haca aos pero que en realidad era invisible, recuerda siempre Bartolo Fuentes. Segn el poltico hondureo, las caravanas tambin fueron una herramienta que hizo posible que incluso...


CVE-2023-24278 - Reflected XSS vulnerabilities in Squidex "/squid.svg" endpoint "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Giannis Christodoulakos on Mar 16

Hello all,

Squidex, a "headless" open source CMS framework was found to have two reflected XSS vulnerabilities in the "/squid.svg"
affecting versions prior to 7.4.0. The vulnerabilities have been
CVE-2023-24278 was assigned to these vulnerabilities by MITRE.

The vulnerabilities affect both authenticated and unauthenticated users and allow for
malicious JavaScript...


43 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Today is our 43rd anniversary, and this morning I was thinking about our wedding.

It was a nice wedding, not too fancy, not too stressful, exactly as my wife-to-be planned it. There were many people there: family from both sides, and lots of familiar friends from the University of Washington, where both of us had attended (Id recently graduated and had moved to Eugene, Oregon, where Mary would shortly follow). Wed been living in the dorms on campus, and had a close-knit crew whod been applying to the same rooms year after year 5th Floor Lander Hall, represent! There was the gang I played D&D with. Of course my two best friends since Junior High, Steve Klopfstein and Steve Dixon, were in attendance. These were all people I liked very much, and was happy to have a little party with them.

As I was reminiscing, though, I realized that this was also the 43rd anniversary of leaving all those good friends behind. I was never very good at being sociable, and immediately after the wedding Mary and I were off on our peripatetic academy journey, and we lost contact. I didnt tell them how much our friendship mattered, and I drifted away, no forwarding address provided (not that it would have mattered, we moved so often over the years), and didnt even try to stay in touch. I was the flavorless marzipan groom, I could stand woodenly on the cake, and do nothing but fail to communicate, no matter that I wanted to.

I guess my shriveled little heart only had enough love for one person there. At least thats held up for a good long while.


3/10/23 Jim Bovard on Waco, 30 Years Later "IndyWatch Feed War"

Download Episode. Jim Bovard is back on the show to discuss the Federal Governments siege at Waco thirty years ago. Scott and Bovard reflect on how they both first learned about the story. Bovard then goes through his experience reporting on the governments evolving PR campaign to avoid blame for committing mass murder in the []


Interfering in Elections? Israel uses high-technology to influence results "IndyWatch Feed World"

A week ago an interesting story surfaced briefly in the news about how the developing Republican presidential candidate bids by Nikki Haley and others had been attacked over the past eleven months by possibly as many as hundreds of thousands of false automated personas, referred to in the trade as "bots," on Twitter and other internet based social media. Interestingly, the activity was discovered and shared with Associated Press by an Israeli internet security company called Cyabra, which also claimed that the "bots" generation seem to have originated in three separate networks of false Twitter accounts. The accounts appear to have been created in the United States and it is believed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are increasingly being used to create completely lifelike fake personas, extremely difficult for security filters and censors to detect. The article claimed that those thousands of electronically generated non-persons had been programmed to disparage Haley...


Video: BetterHelp Shares Your Data With Facebook "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

I think Ive been fairly open about this, but for those who dont know, I have a bit of an anxiety problem. Its mostly because of climate change, but also most of the other stuff I write about here (especially ground-hunting bats. Those things are terrifying), and Im generally taking meds for it. I have also had a couple therapists, neither of whom helped a whole lot, but it was kind of nice to have someone to talk to I guess? I think its something that should be available to anyone who needs it, especially if theyre dealing with trauma of some sort. Family and friends can be very helpful, but they dont always know how to help, and that can put pressure on any relationship.

One service that a therapist provides, supposedly, is confidentiality. A therapy session is supposed to be a place where you can share anything thats troubling you, without worrying that it will affect your social interactions. If you have a crippling fear of small, furry creatures with wings that arent flying, you may not want to let other people know about that. You might worry that others will think less of you, or feel uncomfortable around you, knowing that youre constantly on the lookout for crawling bats.

In a therapy session, at least a good one, you can feel confident that the person youre talking to you will take you as you are, and try to help you on your terms. What I would not want, for example, is for a giant corporation to find out about my pekapekaphobia, and start giving me ads for, I dunno, t-shirts with crawling bats on them, or crawling bat phone holsters or something. Or, which is more likely, theyd sell that information to a company wanting to sell me bat-repelling boots, knowing that I would do anything to finally feel safe. It goes further than that, though, because Facebook has a record of massive data leaks, and so if, somehow, they got ahold of my information, anyone could find out!

Im mentioning all this to you, in confidence, because one of my therapists was through the online service BetterHelp. It was cheaper than conventional therapy, and much easier, as I didnt have to travel to the other side of town for a session I just had to have a laptop. Unfortunately, it turns out that my sessions may not have been as private as I wanted,  because as The Illuminaughti will explain, BetterHelp shares your data with Facebook:



Vulnerable renters hounded by utility companies to pay off landlord debts "IndyWatch Feed"

Thames Water has apologised for chasing a tenant who was recently homeless for his landlords bills


The EU needs to extend solidarity to Belarusian dissidents "IndyWatch Feed"

Belarusian civil society activists in exile in the EU need support, not restrictions and misperceptions


CIA and Mossad-linked surveillance system quietly being installed throughout the US "IndyWatch Feed World"

Under the guise of stopping mass shootings, a surveillance system backed by top Mossad, CIA and FBI officials is being installed in schools, houses of worship, and other civilian locations throughout the country, much of it thanks to the recent donation of an "anonymous philanthropist." Launched in 2016 in response to a Tel Aviv shooting and the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida, Gabriel offers a suite of surveillance products for "security and safety" incidents at "so-called soft targets and communal spaces, including schools, community centers, synagogues and churches." The company makes the lofty promise that its products "stop mass shootings." According to a 2018 report on Gabriel published in the Jerusalem Post, there were an estimated 475,000 such "soft targets" across the U.S., meaning that "the potential market for Gabriel is huge." Gabriel, since its founding, has been backed by "an impressive group of leaders," mainly "former leaders of Mossad, Shin Bet...


Rare waterspout swirls over Darwin Harbour, Australia "IndyWatch Feed World"

A waterspout was seen swirling near Darwin Harbour in the Northern Territory on Wednesday, March 15. Credit: Taryn Hirst via Storyful


How Peter Obis Victory Positioned Rhodes-Vivour Over Jandor In Battle Against Sanwo-Olu "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nothing underscores the dynamics of politics better than the meteoric rise of the Labour Party (LP) governorship candidate, Mr Gbadebo Rhodes-Vivour, in the race for the soul of Lagos State, the Centre of Excellence, and the city of aquatic splendor. Lagos, according to Daily Trust is now the cynosure of all eyes as the country []


Acomdate rbol, orden el robot "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La modernizacin del campo con herramientas mecnicas, automticas, y ahora supuestamente inteligentes, se promueve argumentando que la tierra producir ms con el mismo o menor trabajo, as que los trabajadores sern aliviados de la carga.

Las deslumbrantes tecnologas digitales para la agricultura no se disean para la mayora del mundo rural, que sin embargo produce al menos 70 por ciento de la alimentacin y nutricin que nos mantienen con vida.1 La agricultura campesina, familiar, barrial, slo es posible mediante la relacin entre personas, parcelas, diversidad de plantas, animales y ciclos vitales. Es un tejido de tareas que se llevan a cabo creativamente y que van haciendo frente a los distintos problemas del ao (sean polticos o climticos).

En contraste, adems de empobrecer las habilidades de las personas dedicadas al campo, los sistemas basados en la tecnologa digital promueven unos monocultivos peores que los que conocemos, para que los robots y otras mquinas agrcolas automatizadas se desempeen bien. Actualmente hay robots que siembran, recolectan, desyerban, y aplican fertilizantes. Se usan en las plantaciones industriales de manzana, pera, cereza, fresa, mango y algunos tipos de nueces.

Erick Nicholson, defensor de trabajadores agrcolas en Estados Unidos, describe alarmado cmo estn cambiando las tierras de la manzana. Dice que en 2022, entre un tercio y la mitad de los huertos del noroeste de ese pas estaban en venta debido a la digitalizacin. O sea, quiebran los empresarios que se quedan atrs en las cantidades que se cosechan y venden. Cuenta que estn desapareciendo los huertos como los hemos conocido siempre, donde los rboles extienden sus ramas, naturalmente, hacia todas direcciones en busca del sol. En los nuevos huertos bidimensionales, as les llaman a donde entran los robots los rboles frutales se plantan y con estructuras de alambre se fuerzan a crecer aplanados, en largas hileras, por las que puedan navegar mquinas de recoleccin que utilizan inteligencia artificial para identificar y recoger las frutas.

Para que estas tecnologas digitales funcionen, el paisaje tiene que transformarse, violentamente, en algo muy rido y simple, donde las plantas pierden su forma natural, donde no haya nada que no sea el cultivo principal, ni qu decir que se acerquen animalitos, insectos o aves, pues unas mquinas tienen sensores y cmaras, mientras otros robots pizcadores son flotantes o voladores y nada debe estorbarles. Los mecanismos, llenos de distintos sensores para distinguir la fruta madura o que ya tiene el tamao reglamentario, estn an muy pobremente diseados, pero...


Indonesia - 4 dead, 7 missing after floods and landslides in Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least 4 people have died and 7 are missing after floods and landslides in the provinces of West Java, South Sulawesi, Lampung and South Sumatra in Indonesia over the last few days. Meanwhile, search and rescue operations at the site of the massive landslide in Serasan, Natuna Regency, have found the bodies of 46 victims. As of 12 March, 9 people were still missing. West Java Province Indonesia's National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) reported heavy rain caused a large landslide in Empang Village, South Bogor District in West Java Province on 14 March. The Bogor City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) reported that the landslide material then buried 6 houses and 1 place of worship. As a result, 17 people were buried under the rubble. Eleven people have since been found safe. Two of the victims died and 4 others are still missing.


Infantino re-elected FIFA president unopposed, promising greater revenues "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

  Gianni Infantino was re-elected as FIFA president during the 73rd Congress in Kigali on Thursday, promising record revenues in the next four-year cycle of $11 billion as he called for more football to be played around the world. Infantino stood unopposed, making his re-election as head of footballs governing body a formality, even if []


Ebonyi Guber Race: Umahi/Anyim Alliance Inconsequential PDP "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Ebonyi State Chapter has described the alliance between Governor Dave Umahi and former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Anyim Pius Anyim ahead of Saturdays governorship election in the state as inconsequential. Anyim, a former Senate President and member of the Board of Trustees (BoT) of the Peoples Democratic []


Israel: Palestinians destroy ancient ruins, pave road over First Temple relics, burial caves "IndyWatch Feed War"

Back in December, when he visited an historic site dating back to the First Temple period, where pillars still stand and the remains of King Herods giant theater from the Second Temple period can be seen, MK Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu, who is now Israels Heritage Minister, warned that Arabs were erasing history in ancient Samaria []


Security updates for Thursday "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Security updates have been issued by Debian (firefox-esr and pcre2), Oracle (nss), Red Hat (kpatch-patch and nss), SUSE (java-11-openjdk, kernel, and python310), and Ubuntu (emacs24, ffmpeg, firefox, imagemagick, libphp-phpmailer, librecad, and openjpeg2).


El discurso antiimperialista encubre el saqueo: entrevista con Silvia Adoue "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La profesora argentina Silvia Beatriz Adoue, magster en Integracin Latinoamericana, doctora en Letras de la Universidad de So Paulo y docente en la Escuela Nacional Florestan Fernandes del MST , sostiene que el rgimen Ortega-Murillo ejerce una forma descarada de violencia, de extractivismo, de disciplinamiento de los territorios y de la clase trabajadora. Defiende la importancia de vincular las luchas por las libertades democrticas en Nicaragua con las que combaten el extractivismo.

Otras Miradas: Usted argumenta que el antiimperialismo de Ortega es retrico, ya que integra a Nicaragua a las cadenas extractivas del capital globalizado. Puede explicar esto?

Silvia Adoue: La integracin a las cadenas de acumulacin globalizadas no comienza con Ortega. Es parte de la dinmica del capital y las estrategias de los fondos de inversin para los territorios de toda Amrica Latina, de modo ms acelerado para los insumos de la industria 4.0. Eso vale para todo el mundo, inclusive para frica y Asia.

Este territorio tiene oro que es la principal materia prima exportada por Nicaragua. El segundo rubro son camisetas de algodn, y despus viene el caf y otros productos, como el cable de electricidad cubierto. El principal destino de las exportaciones nicaragenses es Estados Unidos. En este ranking, los segundos, terceros y cuartos en la lista son los pases vecinos. Por once aos consecutivos el FMI felicita al gobierno por cumplir con sus recomendaciones.

La retrica antiimperialista es una cscara que les permite confundir con un discurso que no es acompaado con polticas de gobierno o de Estado que apunten hacia la independencia econmica, o que intenten romper con el capitalismo dependiente y con otras formas de colonialidad en nuestra regin. Las polticas del gobierno Ortega y Murillo facilitan y estimulan la integracin a estas cadenas de acumulacin.

La extraccin de oro corre por cuenta de la empresa britnica Condor Gold S.A. y la canadiense Gold Corporation. Las empresas transnacionales controlan las cadenas, pero no son sus propietarias: hay una serie de empresas o de grupos intermedios que se benefician y facilitan esa cadena, que es flexible. En la punta de la cadena, en los territorios, lo que vemos es la explotacin por despojo y la destruccin de los biomas.

Pero la cadena del oro no es la nica. Es la ms importante, en volumen y en valores, pero hay otras como la del camarn en la regin del Pacfico. La gran operadora es la empresa espaola Pescanova, pero actan tambin fondos de inversin del capital financiero de Estados Unidos. Ni...


Arctic sea ice winter peak in 2023 is fifth lowest on record "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Arctic sea ice has reached its maximum extent for the year, peaking at 14.62m square kilometres (km2) on 6 March. It is the fifth smallest winter peak in the 45-year satellite record.

The provisional data from the National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) shows that this years Arctic maximum extent was 1.03m km2 below the 1981-2010 average maximum.

While the past six months have been fairly uneventful in the Arctic, the Earths other pole has seen a record-breaking melt season.

Antarctic sea ice extent reached a new record low minimum of 1.79m km2 on 21 February, setting the record for a second straight year.

For several months this year, global sea ice extent Arctic plus Antarctic has been at a record low, one expert tells Carbon Brief.

Arctic winter peak

Arctic sea ice extent changes throughout the year growing during the winter before reaching its peak for the year in February or March, and then melting throughout the spring and summer towards its annual minimum, typically around September. 

Using satellite data, scientists can track the growth and melt of sea ice, allowing them to determine the size of the ice sheets winter maximum extent and to record the size. This along with the late-summer minimum is a key way to monitor the health of the Arctic sea ice.

The NSIDCs announcement says that this years Arctic maximum extent of 14.62m is 1.03m km2 below the 1981-to-2010 average maximum extent ranking as the fifth lowest in the satellite record. It adds that the date of the maximum this year, 6 March, was six days earlier than the 1981-to-2010 average date of 12 March.

The plot below shows Arctic sea ice extent on 7 March, with the median sea ice extent for 1981-2010 shown by the orange line. (The 7 March image is being used due to missing data on the prior days map.)



Turkey - 14 dead, 5 missing after flash floods in anlurfa and Adyaman (UPDATE) "IndyWatch Feed World"

Disaster authorities in Turkey report at least 1 person has died and 4 are still missing after torrential rain caused flash flooding in parts of the southeastern anlurfa and Adyaman provinces. Flooding struck on 15 March 2023 following heavy rain. According to figures from Turkey's General Directorate of Meteorology, in a 24-hour period to 15 March, Karakpr in anlurfa recorded 104.5 mm of rain and elikhan in Adyaman recorded 125.6 mm. Areas of neighbouring Malatya Province also recorded very heavy rain, with Doanehir recorded 151.4 mm during the same period. Local media reported the rivers broke their banks in Adiyaman Province. Trkiye's disaster management agency AFAD, police, gendarmerie and municipality teams were evacuating residents from flooded areas. One person died and 4 were reported missing in Tut District. Search and rescue operations are ongoing.


Video Released of MQ-9 Reaper Drone and Russian Su-27 Collision on March 14, 2023 "IndyWatch Feed World"

U.S. European Command has released footage of the MQ-9 Reaper Drone and Su-27 Russian aircraft collision. Their official press release outlining the footage was the following:

STUTTGART, Germany U.S. European Command released declassified footage of a Russian Su-27 aircraft conducting an unsafe/unprofessional intercept of a U.S. Air Force MQ-9 in international airspace over the Black Sea, March 14. In addition to the footage, a storyboard of the events with declassified stills from the MQ-9 footage is also released.

The following is a summary of the video:
00:00: [Start of video] A Russian Su-27 approaches to the rear of the U.S. Air Force MQ-9.
00:05: A Russian Su-27 begins to release fuel as it passes.
00:09 A Russian Su-27 passes over the U.S. Air Force MQ-9 while releasing fuel. As the Su-27 passes over the top of the MQ-9, it also disrupts the video transmission.
00:11: The propeller of the U.S. Air Force MQ-9 can be seen and remains undamaged.
00:22: A Russian Su-27 begins a second approach toward the MQ-9.
00:27: A Russian Su-27 begins to release fuel on the approach toward the
MQ-9. The Su-27 proceeds to pass even closer.
00:29: A Russian Su-27 collides with the MQ-9 and the MQ-9s camera feed is lost for approximately 60 seconds.
00:39: The MQ-9s camera feed has returned to working order. At this time the propeller can be seen again and one of the props can be seen damaged.
00:42: [End of video]

(Editors Note: This declassified video has been edited for length, however, the events are depicted in sequential order.)


: ! "IndyWatch Feed War"

  16 2023   . . []


Russia is fighting for its very existence - Putin "IndyWatch Feed World"

The ongoing conflict with Ukraine is not about achieving some geopolitical gains, the president says. The ongoing conflict with Ukraine - and the West - is a fight for Russia's very existence, rather than a mere geopolitical game, President Vladimir Putin has said. He made the remarks on Tuesday while meeting with aircraft factory workers in the capital city of Russia's Buryatia Republic, Ulan-Ude. "For our Western so-called 'partners' - for, actually, our adversaries, we can say that openly today - the matter is about improving their geopolitical stance," Putin stated, adding that the situation is very different for Moscow.


Shallow 7.0-magnitude earthquake hits Kermadec Islands, causes small tsunami "IndyWatch Feed World"

A powerful 7.0-magnitude earthquake has struck the Pacific Ocean near the Kermadec Islands, far north of New Zealand's mainland, seismologists say. Small tsunami waves were observed at a nearby island. The earthquake, which struck at 1:56 p.m. local time on Thursday, was centered about 195 kilometers (121 miles) southeast of Raoul Island, the largest of the Kermadec Islands, or 1,125 kilometers (700 miles) northeast of Auckland. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.0, down from 7.1 in an earlier assessment. It struck about 22 kilometers (14 miles) below the seabed, making it a shallow earthquake. Tsunami alerts - which were initially issued for the Kermadec Islands, Fiji, New Zealand and Tonga - were canceled when it was determined there was no longer a threat.


Gaming company appoints AI bot as new CEO, sees record-breaking growth in stock market "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Tang Yu, the AI CEO of the gaming company NetDragon Websoft, was assigned typical duties of the company that included reviewing high-level analytics, making leadership decisions, assessing risks, and fostering an efficient workplace. Tang Yu was the first CEO of a company that worked 24*7, without receiving compensation. The company said while appointing the AI chatbot as CEO that it will play a crucial role in the development of talents and ensuring a far and efficient workplace for all employees.

Tang Yus appointment highlights the Companys AI + management strategy and represents a major milestone of the Company towards being a Metaverse organization. Tang Yu will streamline process flow, enhance the quality of work tasks, and improve speed of execution. Tang Yu will also serve as a real-time data hub and analytical tool to support rational decision-making in daily operations, as well as to enable a more effective risk management system, NetDragon Websoft said in a blog post.

Interestingly, the AI bot helped the company in generating revenue. As per reports, the company outperformed the Hang Seng Index, which tracks the biggest companies listed in Hong Kong.


Worlds First Ethical Algorithm "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

This post is also available in: he (Hebrew)

Experts at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have pioneered the worlds first ethical algorithm for autonomous vehicles, which could see autonomous driving become the norm globally.

The researchers ethical algorithm is significantly more advanced than its predecessors, as it fairly distributes levels of risks instead of operating on an either/or principle. The algorithm has been tested in 2,000 scenarios of critical conditions in various settings, such as streets in Europe, the US, and China. The innovation could improve the safety and uptake of autonomous vehicles worldwide.


A comprehensive circuit mapping study reveals many unexpected facts about the norepinephrine neurons in the brainstem "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A small nucleus in the brainstem called locus coeruleus (literally the blue spot,) is the primary source of a major neuromodulator, norepinephrine (NE), an important mediator of the fight or flight response in animals. However, very little is known about the local connections of this small albeit critically important group of neurons. A recent pioneering study published in eLife from the laboratory of Dr. Xiaolong Jiang, investigator at the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute (Duncan NRI) at Texas Childrens Hospital and assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine, now reveals the cellular composition and circuit organization of the locus coeruleus in adult mice.

In this study, we undertook the arduous task of mapping local connections of NE-producing neurons in the locus coeruleus, Dr. Jiang said. This is the first study of such an unprecedented magnitude and detail to be performed on the locus coeruleus, and in fact, on any monoamine neurotransmitter system. Our study has revealed that the neurons in the locus coeruleus have an unexpectedly rich cellular heterogeneity and local wiring logic.

Locus coeruleus (LC) is known to house the vast majority of norepinephrine-releasing neurons in the brain and regulates many fundamental brain functions including the fight and flight response, sleep/wake cycles, and attention control. Present in the pontine region of the brainstem, LC neurons sense any existential dangers or threats in our external environment and send signals to alert other brain regions of the impending danger.


Comer reveals new Biden family member has emerged in GOP-led probe: 'We've got a problem here' "IndyWatch Feed World"

House Oversight Committee reviews 14 years of financial records related to Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., has revealed that a new Biden family member has emerged in the investigation into Hunter Biden's overseas business dealings - Hunter Biden is the son of President Joe Biden. Comer, who is spearheading the investigation into the matter, declined to reveal the identity of the family member Tuesday but said the revelation raises more national security concerns about foreign "influence peddling."


Photo of the Week Mai Lai Massacre (16 March 1968) "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Photo of the Week Mai Lai Massacre (16 March 1968) Mai Lai Massacre   16 March 1968 The Mai Lai Massacre occurred during the Vietnam War in Indochina. US soldiers from Charlie Company were responsible for murdering 504 Vietnamese men, women and children. Twenty-five US Army officers were charged with complicity in the massacre and cover-up. []

The post Photo of the Week Mai Lai Massacre (16 March 1968) appeared first on Global Justice Ecology Project.


Pentagon officials suggest alien mothership in our solar system could send mini probes to Earth "IndyWatch Feed World"

New research paper, in draft form, comes from the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office. Pentagon officials said in a draft document last week that aliens could be visiting our solar system and releasing smaller probes like missions conducted by NASA when studying other planets. A draft research report authored by Sean Kirkpatrick, the director of the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) and Abraham Loeb, chairman of Harvard University's astronomy department was released on March 7 and focuses on the physical constraints of unidentified aerial phenomena.


Republicans Cant Beat Democrats Election-Industrial Complex By Adopting Its Strategies "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ballot boxThe sudden rise of well-funded election activist nonprofits represents a paradigm shift away from persuading and motivating voters, and toward manipulating the election process to benefit Democrats.


Laser and Webcam Team Up for Micron-Resolution Flatness Measurements "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When you want to measure the length, breadth, or depth of an object, there are plenty of instruments for the job. You can start with a tape measure, move up to calipers if you need more precision, or maybe even a micrometer if its a really critical dimension. But what if you want to know how flat something is? Is there something other than a straightedge and an eyeball for assessing the flatness of a surface?

As it turns out, there is: a $15 webcam and a cheap laser level will do the job, along with some homebrew software and a little bit of patience. At least thats what [Bryan Howard] came up with to help him assess the flatness of the gantry he fabricated for a large CNC machine hes working on.



Gas Stoves Pose Health Risks. Are Gas Furnaces and Other Appliances Safe? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Poor air quality is a long-standing problem in Los Angeles, where the first major outbreak of smog during World War II was so intense that some residents thought the city had been attacked by chemical weapons. Cars were eventually discovered to be a leading cause of smog, but they werent the only ones. In 1978, the regional air quality authority created regulations aimed at reducing pollution from a surprising source: gas-powered water heaters found in homes throughout the city.


Gas stoves have become an unlikely front line in the culture wars thanks to growing awareness of their contribution to health problems like childhood asthma, not to mention their links to climate change. But the other gas-fueled appliances found in many American homes water heaters, furnaces, and clothes dryers, to name a few have received far less attention, although they also pose risks to public health and the environment.


Im not here to scare folks, said Brittany Meyers, the national director of healthy indoor air policy at the American Lung Association. But that said, we do know that there are impacts to both indoor and outdoor air quality that come from the burning of fuel inside the home that is vented outside, which is the appliances youre talking about.

Gas Appliances Can Give Off Toxic Carbon Monoxide and Other Air Pollutants

Approximately half of American households rely on gas appliances for heat and hot water. According to the US Census Bureau, piped natural gas powered around 61 million water heaters, 58 million furnaces, and 20 million clothes dryers in 2021. Other common gas-powered appliances include fireplaces (approximately 7 million), air conditioners (around 2 million), and space heaters.


Health risks associated with gas appliances center on the chemical composition of the fuel they burn. Natural gas consists primarily of methane, a powerful heat-trapping gas thats partly responsible for climate change, which the World Health Organization has called ...


This Is the Left in Power: Newark Becomes Sister City With Fictional Place "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: What happens when you elect people to office who have only the most tenuous grip on reality, and actually think that Rachel Levine is a female admiral, Lia Thomas is a champion female swimmer, and Old Joe Biden is a competent, capable president of the United States? Theyre finding out the []


How Forest Loss Can Unleash the Next Pandemic "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In 2013, the worst Ebola outbreak in history started in a small village in southern Guinea, eventually tearing through West Africa. By the time it ended in 2016, more than 11,300 people were dead. Scientists have linked this and other Ebola outbreaks to specific patterns of deforestation.

To understand why, ProPublica adapted an academic model to show how the way forests are being cut down around the locations of multiple previous outbreaks could increase the risk of another outbreak today.

See more in our interactive story.


Multiple threat actors exploited Progress Telerik bug to breach U.S. federal agency "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Multiple threat actors exploited a critical flaw in Progress Telerik to breach an unnamed US federal agency, said the US government.

joint advisory issued by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) revealed that multiple threat actors, including a nation-state actor, exploited a critical vulnerability in Progress Telerik to breach an unnamed US federal agency.

The three-year-old vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2019-18935 (CVSS score: 9.8), is a .NET deserialization issue that resides in the Progress Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX. Exploitation can result in remote code execution.

CISA analysts determined that multiple cyber threat actors, including an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) actor, exploited a .NET deserialization vulnerability in Progress Telerik user interface for ASP.NET AJAX. Exploitation of this vulnerability allowed malicious actors to successfully execute remote code on a federal civilian executive branch (FCEB) agencys Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) web server. reads the advisory. Actors were then able to upload malicious dynamic-link library (DLL) files (some masqueraded as portable network graphics [PNG] files) to the C:\Windows\Temp\ directory. 

Threat actors exploited the vulnerability to execute arbitrary code on a Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) web server used by a federal civilian executive branch (FCEB) agency.

In 2020 and 2021, this flaw was included by the US National Security Agency (NSA) in the list of the top 25 vulnerabilities exploited by Chinese state-sponsored hacking groups in attacks in the wild.

The flaw was also used in the past by the NetWalker ransomware gang in its operations.

The joint alert recommends network defenders review the Malware Analysis Report, MAR-10413062-1.v1 Telerik Vulnerability in U.S. Government IIS Server, to reference CISAs analysis for the identified malicious files.

According to the MAR, CISA received 18 files for analysis from a forensic analysis engagement conducted at a Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB)...


Student Loan And Big Bank Bailouts Wont Help When The National Debt Crisis Comes "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

When Silicon Valley Bank went insolvent, the Biden administration rushed to bail it out, but American taxpayers will not have the same advantage when a national debt crisis comes.The losses will pile up, and American taxpayers will foot the bill until they no longer can.


NVIDIA Improving wlroots For Better Dual-GPU Gaming Performance "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A NVIDIA engineer has opened up a merge request to improve the wlroots Wayland library so compositors based on it can enjoy better gaming performance for dual-GPU systems, namely around laptops sporting a discrete NVIDIA GPU but can help other GPU hardware/drivers too...


LibreSSL 3.7.1 Released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

With a message to openbsd-announce and other lists, Brent Cook (bcook@) announced the release of LibreSSL 3.7.1, with numerous improvements.

before the upcoming OpenBSD 7.3 release.

The announcement reads,

Subject:    LibreSSL 3.7.1 Released
From:       Brent Cook 

We have released LibreSSL 3.7.1, which will be arriving in the
LibreSSL directory of your local OpenBSD mirror soon. This is the final
development release for the 3.7.x branch, and we appreciate additional testing
and feedback before the stable release coming soon with OpenBSD 7.3

Read more



In politics, philosopher John Locke is best known as a proponent of limited government. He uses a theory of natural rights to argue that governments have obligations to their citizens, have only limited powers over their citizens, and can ultimately be overthrown by citizens under certain circumstances. This is not the case in Nigeria. Our []


Denver Residents Wont Be Satisfied Until I-25 Ramp Project Is Officially Canceled "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

<p> </p> <figure class="sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic"><img alt="" class= "thumb-image" src= ""> <figcaption class="image-caption-wrapper"> <p class=""><em>I-25 in Denver, CO. (Source:</em> <a href= "" target="_blank"><em>Wikimedia Commons</em></a><em>.)</em></p> </figcaption> </figure> <p class="">In February, the Denver Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) <a href= ""> announced plans</a> to add safety improvements for people who walk, bike and roll to a controversial project that would rebuild the interchange of Interstate 25 and Broadway. In that same announcement, DOTI even expressed interest in abandoning rebuilding the interchange altogether, referred to as the <a href= ""> South Broadway & I-25 Improvement Project. Residents critical of the interchange rejoice at DOTI's words, but fear that the projectwhich has loomed over Denver since the 2000smight still possess enough momentum to move forward, despite opposition.</p> <p class="">The project originally took shape in 2006 and lay dormant until 2020, according to neighborhood advocates. Even the projects <a href= ""> 2008 Environmental Impact Statement</a> (EIS), a mandatory assessment that outlines the impact of a proposed project on its surrounding environment, is still cited in the projects 2023 iteration. In a 2022 <a href= ""> letter addressed to DOTI</a> personnel, the Lincoln Broadway Corridor Registered Ne...</p>


Why Igbos Can Not Be Non-Indigenes In Lagos "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

It is correct to say that transformed and untransformed Retreatist Osun State-born Lagosians are dangerously breeding insurgency in Lagos State, Nigerias smallest land-massed and most populated sub-national entity. The Retreatist Osun State-born Lagosians presently threatening lives and properties of defenseless nationalities in the state or any part thereof have been found to belong to a []


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Last month Qualcomm published updated patches for their Cloud AI 100 kernel driver to support this inference accelerator. The Qualcomm engineers said at the time that their user-space driver and associated compiler would be published shortly. That panned out and the user-space portion of this open-source AI inference stack was recently published...


Dylan Charles and Judith Kwoba on Night Flight "IndyWatch Feed World"

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

Its been a hot minute since Ive given this blog any love or posted much content at all. I decided to take some time off to focus on other things that required my attention, and in the furlough Ive been watching the predictable yet shocking turn of events in this world. Now, more than ever we are challenged to look at the world with a sense of powerful non-attachment and inner peace in order to have the strength and fortitude to stand in

Over the last couple of years Ive been pursuing personal coaching as a way of using my experience, wisdom, and knowledge to assist people like you in developing the emotional clarity and personal power needed to rise to the occasion of these low times.

In this talk with the amazing Judith Kwoba of Night Flight, we discuss what it means to strive for and achieve emotional sobriety. What I see over and over again with my coaching clients is an inner condition marked by anxiety, nervousness, agitation, fear, overwhelm, and discouragement, which is clouding their ability to produce and prosper in this dense fog of propaganda and ominous world events.

I hope you enjoy this conversation and that you get something useful out of it. And if youre at all interested in how my coaching can help you to achieve a state of calm resilience, then visit my coaching site HERE, or book a FREE 15-minute call with me, HERE.

Peace and Power,


About the Author

Dylan Charles is a self-mastery and self-sabotage coach, the editor of Waking Times, and host of the...


Secular Media Is Getting Scandoval All Wrong "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Tom SandovalThe raw emotional wreckage of Scandoval points out that prioritizing sex, booze, and work in your twenties and thirties is not a healthy cultural norm for Americas young professionals.


NASA's Latest Request for Cash Includes Big Plans for a Deorbiting ISS 'Space Tug' "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The Biden administration wants $27.2 billion for NASA's 2024 budget, with the space agency prioritizing Moon and Mars missions:

NASA is staying focused on the Artemis lunar program, its Moon to Mars objectives, and maintaining a presence in low Earth orbit as part of the agency's proposed budget for 2024. The space agency also has a new item on its annual wishlist: a space tug to deorbit the International Space Station (ISS) at the end of its life.

[...] NASA's proposed budget includes $180 million for developing a deorbit capability for the ISS by the end of 2030. Should the budget be approved, the space agendcy would call upon the private sector to come up with a space tug concept to lower the orbit of the ISS so that it can reenter and burn up through Earth's atmosphere. NASA had previously suggested using Russia's Progress cargo spacecraft to deorbit the ISS, and apparently that option is still on the table as well.

[...] Still, NASA's Artemis program sits at the top of the space agency's to-do list, snagging $8.1 billion from the budget (an increase from last year's $7.5 billion). The plan still stands for NASA to land humans on the Moon as early as 2025, and start on the construction of the Lunar Gateway, an outpost orbiting the Moon that will house astronauts and scientific research.

The budget request will allocate $2.5 billion towards the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, which was used for the liftoff of the Artemis 1 mission in November 2022, "to focus on successful completion of Artemis 2, and make necessary preparations for Artemis 3 and 4, which includes the enhanced upper stage configuration and other upgrades," Schaus said during the call.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Sorry, Media Nerds, The War In Ukraine Is Literally A Territorial Dispute "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Ron DeSantis should say it one more time for the people in the back. The war is literally a dispute over territory.


Salman Rushdie Had It Coming and 11 Other Songs? Cat Stevens Has a New Album "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Heres some good news for aging hippies. Its time to replenish your stocks of patchouli oil and weed; youll want to be celebrating, because Cat Stevens has a new album coming out this summer! According to an Associated Press report Wednesday, the Peace Train hitmaker worked for years on the 12 new songs, []


Link "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

New nuclear looks different, which requires new types of financing. New investment and partnerships are seemingly occurring every day across the industry, including SK Groups $250million investment into Terrapower, and X-energys partnership with Dow Chemical.

What can be done to encourage financial investment and improve the economic viability and the ROI of SMRs? How does new nuclear differ, and how do we finance that?

Reuters Events latest report Capital Funding, Financing & Economic Viability of SMRs dives into the vehicles that will assist with advancing financing to support SMRs and advanced reactors deployment and commercialization. What to expect from the report:

  • Expert insight into funding developments analysis of new types of funding for SMRs and advanced reactors, who they would help, and means to ensure financing. Deep dive into how utilities can help standardized deployment and licensing approaches
  • Securing financing for new nuclear: Advancing financing is key for SMR commercialization. How can new forms of financing assist start-up companies who could move away from simply talking, and towards signing deals?
  • We need to see operators signing deals - The CNSC has 10 vendors in pre-design review, 2 of whom propose to design a license for the model. SMRs should be more investable and easier for licensing, yet what are the blockers for operators putting pen to paper?


Elizabeth Holmes Has Two Young Children. Should That Keep Her Out of Prison? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Sending new moms to prison has devastating consequences. Some states are starting to rethink the practice.


Qt 6.4.3 Released With 300+ Fixes "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Qt 6.4.3 is out today as the newest point release to this current stable series of the Qt6 tool-kit. This release is another big one with 300+ fixes in tow...


The Just Won't Stop - NYT Pushes New False Claims By Debunked Anti-Russia Propagandist Clint Watts "IndyWatch Feed War"

This propaganda is way too obvious. Russias Spring Offensive in Ukraine Could Include Cyberattacks, Microsoft Says - New York Times, Mar 16 2023 Moscow also appears to be stepping up influence operations to weaken European and U.S. support for sending...


Authorities Shut Down ChipMixer Platform Tied to Crypto Laundering Scheme "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A coalition of law enforcement agencies across Europe and the U.S. announced the takedown of ChipMixer, an unlicensed cryptocurrency mixer that began its operations in August 2017. "The ChipMixer software blocked the blockchain trail of the funds, making it attractive for cybercriminals looking to launder illegal proceeds from criminal activities such as drug trafficking, weapons trafficking,


Mold 1.11 High Performance Linker Released With Initial POWER10 Support "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

performance linker that rivals the likes of LLVM LLD and GNU Gold for very speedy linking across multiple CPU architectures...


Delta Guber: Obidient Movement Endorses Ken Pela Of LP, Denounces Oppositions Claim "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 16TH (URHOBOTODAY)-A Coalition of Supports Groups for the Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Mr Peter Obi, otherwise known as OBIDIENTS disassociated the movement from opposition parties parading with the endorsements posters from Peter Obi.

The group who gave this warning in Asaba, urged citizens and voters in Delta State to be wary of members of other political parties campaigning with the name of Peter Obi and Obidients.

The group said that the warning was prompted by the observation that various campaign materials, including billboards, posters, handbills and even radio and television jingles of different political parties telling the people to vote for their parties and candidates because they or their candidates are also Obiedients and sympathisers of Peter Obi.

Addressing a press conference in Asaba yesterday, the group, comprising the Delta Reformation Movement (DRM), the Big Tent, the coalition for Peter Obi (CPO) and the Delta State Coordinators Forum (DSCF), described as a clear case of impersonation by fraudulent politicians who were hellbent on deceiving unsuspecting members of the public to secure electoral victory in the governorship and house of assembly election in Delta State.

They further denounced candidates of the Peoples Democratic (PDP), the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the Social Democratic Party (SDP) for deceitfuly using the name of Peter Obi and the Obidients Movement in a desperate attempt to win the election.

In a statement by Mr Benok Nwanji, the spokesman of The Big Tent, Delta State Chapter, and presented by Prince Jude Obiekwugo, the group said, There is nothing like Obidiently Sheriffied, Obidents for Omo-Agege, Obidients for Emeka Nwaobi or any other as the case may be, the coalition said, noting that anybody who did not vote for Peter Obi and LP during the 25th February presidential and National Assembly election is definitely not one of us in the Obidients Movement fold.

In Labour Party, we have people like us, the Obidients People who have used money from their pockets and bought fuel and made real sacrifices without counting the cost.

These people other candidates have been living on government funds for over 20 years. So, they dont have compassion; they are only interested in th...


Libya: More than two tonnes of natural uranium missing, warns nuclear watchdog "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Libya: More than two tonnes of natural uranium missing, warns nuclear watchdog

Delayed investigation from International Atomic Energy Agency warns of 'radiological risk' from missing material
MEE staff Thu, 03/16/2023 - 09:35
Rafael Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), speaks to journalists after the IAEA's Board of Governors' meeting at the agency's headquarters in Vienna, Austria on March 6, 2023 (AFP)
Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Rafael Grossi speaks to journalists in Vienna, Austria on 6 March 2023 (AFP)

Around 2.5 tonnes of natural uranium has gone missing from a site in Libya, the international nuclear watchdog warned on Wednesday.

Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported earlier this week that they had discovered 10 drums containing uranium ore concentrate "were not present as previously declared" at a location in Libya.

In a statement seen by Reuters, IAEA chief Rafael Grossi told the organisation's member states that they would continue investigations "to clarify the circumstances of the removal of the nuclear material and its current location".

Libya: Cables reveal secret preparations for Haftar's visit to Russian aircraft carrier
Read More

Although natural uranium cannot immediately be used for either energy or military purposes, it can be refined into weapons-grade material over time with the proper expe...


Stunning room-temperature-superconductor claim is retracted "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Retraction undermines the bold claim by physicists who said their material conducted electricity without resistance at 15 C.


Hornetsecurity VM Backup V9 protects users against ransomware threats "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Hornetsecurity launched VM Backup V9 the newest version of its virtual machine (VM) backup, replication and recovery solution. This latest iteration offers ransomware protection leveraging immutable cloud storage on Wasabi and Amazon S3, with Microsoft Azure soon to follow. This new key feature enables customers to protect their backup data from ransomware by making their data tamper-proof for a defined period. A recent Hornetsecurity study revealed that 15% of ransomware attacks specifically targeted backups, More

The post Hornetsecurity VM Backup V9 protects users against ransomware threats appeared first on Help Net Security.


The Environmental Cost of the US Superpowers Economic, Hybrid War Games in Indian Ocean "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

On the cover image the moment in which U.S. Navy and Marine Corps began exercise Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT)/Marine Exercise (MAREX) Sri Lanka 2023 with the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) and Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) in Colombo, Jan. 19, 2023 (photo US Embassy in Sri Lanka)  by Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake Dr. Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake, []


Ukraine - Effective Mortar Range And A Map "IndyWatch Feed War"

A gallery on the current homepage of the New York Times includes this picture: bigger The picture's caption says: Casiv Yar The 71st Separate Hunting Brigade of the Air Assault Forces firing a mortar at a Russian target. Tyler Hicks...


DeSantis Strips! the Liquor License From Hotel That Held Drag Show with Kids Present "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Aside from some grumbling from social conservatives, the Hyatt Regency Miami likely never dreamed it would suffer any consequences for hosting A Drag Queen Christmas. The sexually explicit celebration of our current societal obsessions took to the stage last December with children present. After all, the big corporations have thoroughly []


This and That "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  In search of the lost ark   AUKUS trilateral security pact between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States (Defense News) On Monday, the U.S., Australia, and the United Kingdom unveiled new details about their partnership to produce for Australia its own nuclear-powered submarine by 2040, known as the SSN AUKUS. The U.S. []

The post This and That appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Claim: Arctic Climate Modelling Too Conservative "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

[Its been a while since weve had a good Its Worse Than We Thought story~cr] UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG Climate models used by the UNs IPCC and others to project climate

The post Claim: Arctic Climate Modelling Too Conservative first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

Wealthy Executives Make Millions Trading Competitors Stock With Remarkable Timing "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

On Feb. 21, 2018, August Troendle, an Ohio billionaire, made a remarkably well-timed stock trade. He sold $1.1 million worth of shares of Syneos Health the day before a management shake-up caused the companys stock to plunge 16%. It was the largest one-day drop that year for Syneos share price.

The company was one Troendle knew well. He is the CEO of Medpace, one of Syneos chief competitors in a niche industry. Both Syneos and Medpace handle clinical trials for biopharma companies, and that year they had jointly launched a trade association for companies in the field.

The day after selling the Syneos shares in February 2018, Troendle bought again at least $3.9 million worth. The value of his Syneos stake then rose 75% in the year that followed.

In February 2019, Troendle sold much of that position, netting $2.3 million in profit. Two days later, Syneos disclosed that the Securities and Exchange Commission was investigating its accounting practices. The news sent the companys shares tumbling. Troendles sale avoided a 25% loss, the stocks largest decline in such a short period during either that or the previous year. (Troendle declined to comment.)

The Medpace executive is among dozens of top executives who have traded shares of either competitors or other companies with close connections to their own. A Gulf of Mexico oil executive invested in one partner company the day before it announced good news about some of its wells. A paper-industry executive made a 37% return in less than a week by buying shares of a competitor just before it was acquired by another company. And a toy magnate traded hundreds of millions of dollars in stock and options of his main rival, conducting transactions on at least 295 days. He made an 11% return over a recent five-year period, even as the rivals shares fell by 57%.

August Troendle (via the Medpace website)

These transactions are captured in a vast IRS dataset of stock trades made by the countrys wealthiest people, part of a trove of tax data leaked to ProPublica. ProPublica analyzed millions of those trades, is...


Jesus Wasnt Really Named Jesus So What Was His Real Name? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

55750569 m normal none

55750569 m normal none

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

In the 21st century, the name of the Son of God has been synonymous with Jesus. But, several theologians and historians show that the very name of Jesus has gone through multiple translations and alterations over the centuries. This implies that Jesus real name is actually not Jesus, but some ancient name that is different in different regions. In ancient Greek, the real name is Iesous. In other Hebrew texts, the name of Jesus is Joshua. And in multiple versions of the Bible- the New Testament- the name of Jesus is Hoshea. This name is in itself a variant of the name Jehoshua. The latter predates the mass exodus of the Jews centuries before he was even born, which then evolved to Jeshua, and finally- Jesus. Needless to say, this name has been in usage since modern times as his devotees call him by it. 

Subscribe to Truth Theory on Youtube, new videos every week:...


CISA adds Adobe ColdFusion bug to Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

US CISA added an actively exploited vulnerability in Adobe ColdFusion to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog.

U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has added a critical vulnerability in Adobe ColdFusion, tracked as CVE-2023-26360 (CVSS score: 8.6), to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog.

This week Adobe released security updates for ColdFusion versions2021 and2018 to resolve the critical flaw CVE-2023-26360 that was exploited in very limited attacks.

Adobe is aware that CVE-2023-26360 has been exploited in the wild in very limited attacks targeting Adobe ColdFusion. reads the advisory published by the company.

The vulnerability is an Improper Access Control that can allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code. The vulnerability could also lead toarbitrary file system read and memory leak.

According to Binding Operational Directive (BOD) 22-01: Reducing the Significant Risk of Known Exploited Vulnerabilities, FCEB agencies have to address the identified vulnerabilities by the due date to protect their networks against attacks exploiting the flaws in the catalog.

Experts recommend also private organizations review the Catalog and address the vulnerabilities in their infrastructure.

CISA orders federal agencies to fix this flaw by April 5, 2023.

The US Agency also added the following vulnerabilities to the catalog that must be addressed by April 4, 2023.

Follow me on Twitter: @securityaffairs and...


After ACE Shuts Down Streamzz, Pirates Demand Refunds But Get Zebras Instead "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

ace-aimAs part of its relentless campaign to shut down as many pirate sites as possible, on Wednesday the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment reported yet another big win.

The anti-piracy coalitions latest victim is Streamzz, a stream hosting platform that reportedly supplied over 75,000 movies and 15,000 TV episodes, which helped to fuel more than 60 pirate streaming sites.

ACE says that a third of the sites seven million monthly visits can be attributed to users in Germany, where Streamzz itself was based. Germany is also the home of ACE member Constantin Film, a film production and distribution company that worked with the coalition to take Streamzz down.

ACE Celebrates Win, Streamzz Infuriates Users

In an announcement Wednesday, ACE chief Jan van Voorn said that the closure of Streamzz shows that the coalition is capable of targeting pirates no matter where they exist in the chain of supply.

The shutdown of Streamzz is fresh proof that no one in the content piracy ecosystem whether theyre a streaming service, video streaming host or anything in between is above the law. We will target piracy services of various kinds in order to protect the global creative economy, he said.

Some users of Streamzz, meanwhile, have concerns about their own economies.

How it Started.

Streamzz (or simply Streamz) has been around since 2019, operating from several different domains. In a 2020 interview with Tarnkappe, one of the sites operators declined to comment on future successes leading to the sipping of cocktails on a tropical beach. We just let ourselves be surprised, he said.

On March 14, three of the sites domains, and had their records updated to reveal their new owner: Motion Picture Association, Inc. Domains still to be taken over currently deliver a message: We currently have server problems. Please understand.


Omo-Agege, Oborevwori Stylishly Dodge Arise TV Governorship Debate "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 16TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Delta State governorship candidate of the All Progressive Congress (APC) and Deputy Senate President, Ovie Omo-Agege, his counterpart in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Sheriff Oborevwori, have chickened out of the governorship debate by Arise TV slated for yesterday evening in Warri.

In an intriguing moves, Oborevwori, few minutes later announced his withdrawal from the debate, citing clash with his earlier scheduled campaign programme in a letter signed by the deputy director, Media and Publicity, Delta PDP campaign council/state Publicity Secretary, Dr Ifeanyi Osuoza and addressed to Arise TV, DMD, Mr. Emmanuel Efeni.

In a spontaneous reaction, Omo-Agege, in a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Sunny Areh, also announced his withdrawal blaming his decision to opt out on the non availability of the candidate of the PDP, Sheriff Oborevwori.

In the evening of Tuesday, March 14, 2023, the Delta APC Campaign Organisation received a letter from Arise News, operators of Arise Television, inviting the leading contender for the March 18 governorship election in Delta State and APCs flagbearer, Senator Ovie Omo-Agege, to a debate involving the major candidates. The said debate is scheduled to hold today, Wednesday, March 15 at 6pm.

Although the invitation came rather late and we had no prior knowledge of the event while having other engagements already lined up, Senator Omo-Agege is prepared to review his appointments and participate in the debate.

However, his readiness had always had a caveat: His main opponent and candidate for the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, should also be in attendance.

Unfortunately, we have confirmed that Rt. Hon. Oborevwori has chickened out of the debate. Of course, this does not come as a surprise as the PDP flagbearer had repeatedly indicated that he will not participate in any debate, probably to conceal his inadequacies and avoid his hollow persona being unraveled by the discerning electorate.

As a result, Senator Omo-Agege is not inclined to participate in the debate when Rt. Hon. Oborevwori is not there.

However, if as the PDP stated in their letter declining the offer from Arise News that should the organization resched...


Amazon Linux 2023: Create and execute cloud-based applications with enhanced security "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AWS has been offering Amazon Linux, a cloud-optimized Linux distribution, since 2010. This distributions latest version is now available. Amazon Linux 2023 is provided at no additional charge. Standard Amazon EC2 and AWS charges apply for running EC2 instances and other services. This distribution includes full support for five years. By deploying your workloads on Amazon Linux 2023, you can enjoy three advantages: a robust security standard, a dependable lifecycle, and a uniform update process. More

The post Amazon Linux 2023: Create and execute cloud-based applications with enhanced security appeared first on Help Net Security.


Prigozhins Most Explosive Interview Yet Confirms Everything That This Blog Has Been Saying For Months Now "IndyWatch Feed War"

Rolo Slavskiy The Slavland Chronicles March

Here, watch this first:

Prigozhin either states of strongly implies the following in just this short clip:

  • He has been cut off by the Russian MoD
  • He is no longer cooperating with the MoD nor they with him
  • He is being denied access to military comms so that he cannot securely communicate with others on the front
  • He suspects that he is being snooped on
  • He hints that his internal enemies want him and his pilot to have an accident in the air
  • The MoD is jealous of Wagners success and does everything in their power to prevent him from showing them up
  • They are actively sabotaging the Bakhmut effort so that Wagner cannot take credit for it
  • They believe Prigozhin has political ambitions
  • They are doing all they can to torpedo Wagners rising popularity
  • The Russian army is not doing well on other fronts
  • Shell hunger is a real problem on the Russian side

Other points not raised by Prigozhin in the interview this time, but which are also very relevant to the discussion and ought to understood:

  • There is a Russian state media blackout on Wagner to limit their popularity
  • Many in Russias ruling and cultural class have an patriotic pro-Russian views of many of its commanders
  • Russias army is basically a feudal conglomeration of squabbling warlords and their private military fiefdoms with the MoD playing favorites with some, but not others
  • Wagner has the potential to be a new political player within Russia, and the entrenched elites fear this potential development

I suppose it all boils down to who you want to believe about the state of this war going forward.

Wagner, Strelkov, Rolo and all the other Right-of-Kremlin bloggers and analysts?

Or, Russian state media and their loyal 5D blogger mouthpieces in the West?

That is the decision readers and writers have to both make going forward. And, there can be no pretending that this dichotomy no longer exists.

There can be no more pretending that there isnt a huge pro-Russian, but...


Appian Protect safeguards sensitive and highly regulated data "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Appian introduced Appian Protect, a new set of security offerings that delivers reliable data monitoring and end-to-end encryption for cloud and mobile applications. Appian Protect gives Appian customers increased control over their security posture, with top-tier encryption capabilities, 24x7x365 monitoring, defense-in-depth data protection, and a host of compliance accreditations. Appian is committed to providing the most trusted platform for complete process automation. Customers using Appian Protect receive all the powerful security features embedded in the More

The post Appian Protect safeguards sensitive and highly regulated data appeared first on Help Net Security.


Epic Games might owe you money from Fortnite: Heres how to check "IndyWatch Feed World"

The video-game company has been ordered to pay affected users $245 million for deceptive design tactics that tricked them into making unwanted charges.

If you or your children played Fortnite over a nearly six-year period beginning in 2017, Epic Games may now owe you money. Thats because the maker of one of the worlds most popular video games has agreed to settle with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) over allegations that Epic used dark patterns to trick players into making unwanted purchases and let children rack up unauthorized charges without any parental involvement, according to a notice from the regulatory body.

Read Full Story


The Winning Streak Of  Legacy Board Of DESOPADEC In Delta (PHOTOS) "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


Ofagbe-Ibrede Road


LAGOS MARCH 16TH (URHOBOTODAY)-As a mission statement expressly provided in the law setting up DESOPADEC by the Delta State House of Assembly in 2006 and fully activated in July 2007, the Commission is meant  To put smiles on the faces of the people in the host oil and gas producing communities of the State through massive infrastructural and human capital development.

Without undermining one for the other, the current board rolled up its sleeves from the blast of the whistle to deliver balanced intervention across the mandate areas in critical infrastructure, education, health, housing, water, road, transportation sub-sectors, as well as in re-skilling the youth in a well thought-out, all-purpose vocational programme to empower them. 


Concrete walk/driveway connecting Ogheye Dimigun and Oboghoro/Utonlila communities

The result was the creation of the DESOPADEC Skills Acquisition Academy with the endpoint of making the youth properly skilled, gainfully engaged and productively useful to themselves.

This innovative human capital development template which was officially kick-started in the first quarter of 2020 in a well structured non-formal curriculum saw successful pioneer candidates admitted into the scheme in a grand Matriculation Ceremony.

The intent was clear: To give successful trainees a lifetime opportunity in honing their skills in various chosen vocational fiel...


Wooden ITX PC Case Smacks Of Sophistication "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Computer cases have come a long way from the ugly beige boxes of the early 2000s. Still, if it was going to sit on his desk, [MXC Builds] wanted something with a little more class. His custom Ironbark ITX PC seems to fit the aesthetic nicely.

The cases outer shell is ironbark wood cut at 45 degrees and joined for a beautiful waterfall edge (the wood grain seems to flow uninterrupted). The power supply was heavily modified to take a thinner but larger fan, and a new cover and intake grill were 3D printed. As there were no mounting holes on the bottom of the power supply, he printed a bracket with spring clips to hold the PSU securely. Next, he routed a PCI riser cable to the other side of the internal panel so the GPU could mount on the back. He cu...


How Terrorists Of The Mind Weaponize Section 230 and Islamophobia For Character Assassination "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Asra Nomani and Woke ArmyMuslim radicals wage a war to discredit Muslim reformers and the right as Islamophobes, using Section 230 as a shield for their propaganda.


Zimbabwe poised to ditch dollar in trade with Russia - official "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Settlements between the countries could be arranged in local currencies or gold, a senior lawmaker has suggested. The central banks of Russia and Zimbabwe should establish settlements in local currencies and look at opportunities for securing trade in gold reserves, the speaker of the Zimbabwean ruling party ZANU-PF, Christopher Mutsvangwa, told RIA Novosti on Wednesday. The southern African country has been under Western sanctions for 22 years, the official noted, adding that curbs imposed on Russia should not handicap trade between the two countries. Earlier this year, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced that Russia and countries in Africa were developing a cooperation strategy to replace the US dollar and the euro in settlements, adding that the parties were preparing documents on rearranging the mechanism of cooperation under Western sanctions.


Black Sea Grain Deal expiration on March 18 puts more than 40 million lives at risk in East Africa "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nairobi, Kenya, March 16, 2023    As the Black Sea Grain Initiative, a UN-brokered agreement to ensure lifesaving grain reaches dozens of countries from Ukraine and the region, nears expiry on March 18, the International Rescue Committee calls for renewal of the UN-brokered deal for 12 months to help stave off hunger in the most food insecure countries. Somalia is on the verge of famine, and shipments of grain to countries most in need, including Somalia, hinge on the critical renewal of the Black Sea Grain Initiative. To further avert mass global hunger, the UN should also reenergize the High-Level Task Force on Famine and increase the ability of children in the region to access lifesaving malnutrition treatment.

Before the July 2022 deal was struck, Ukrainian grain (around 20 million tons) was stuck in silos and unavailable for export, contributing to a jump in food prices globally that affected food insecure countries the most. Renewing the Black Sea Grain deal and prioritizing export destinations is crucial to averting the imminent risk of starvation in East Africa. Food price inflation is currently double in the countries most at risk of humanitarian catastrophe this year (nearly 40%) compared to an 18% food inflation rate in the rest of the world. The deal is important to ensure that the global food prices do not further increase the vulnerability of the populations already affected by drought.

Millions of people are facing extreme hunger in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya. Somalia, which has been struggling for years with conflict and violence is on the verge of another famine, after the 2010-2012 crisis which claimed more than a quarter of a million lives, half of them children. The country is the second most vulnerable country to the effects of the climate crisis, according to the ND-Gain Index, and this vulnerability has become clear in the wake of its worst drought in recorded history.  Somalia receiv...


How The False Promises Of The Sexual Revolution Created A New Religion "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Mary Eberstadts new book, 'Adam and Eve After the Pill, Revisited,' shows how the sexual revolution became a destructive cultural movement.


NASA Reveals Prototype Spacesuit The First Woman On The Moon Will Wear "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In the first public event presenting the Artemis III Lunar Space Suit, NASA revealed the prototype that will be worn by the first woman and person of color to go to the Moon. Made by Axiom Space, the next-gen spacesuit will eventually be white, but is currently on display with a black cover while they finalize the top layers final design.

The Axiom Extravehicular Mobility Unit, or AxEMU (fingers crossed this is the brief for the missions zero-gravity indicator plushie), got a grand reveal at Space Center Houstons Moon 2 Mars Festival. As a prototype, itll join a fleet of training suits sent to NASA later this year so that astronauts can begin preparing for the next crewed lunar landing, Artemis III, set to take place in 2025.

When that first woman steps down on the surface of the Moon on Artemis III, shes going to be wearing an Axiom Spacesuit, said associate administrator for NASA Bob Cabana at the reveal. Were going back to the Moon but were going to the South Pole this time. Why are we going there? Its challenging. .


The First Complete Brain Map of an Insect May Reveal Secrets for Better AI "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Breakthroughs dont often happen in neuroscience, but we just had one. In a tour-de-force, an international team released the full brain connectivity map of the young fruit fly, described in a paper published last week in Science. Containing 3,016 neurons and 548,000 synapses, the mapcalled a connectomeis the most complex whole-brain wiring diagram to date.

Its a wow, said Dr. Shinya Yamamoto at Baylor College of Medicine, who was not involved in the work.

Why care about a fruit fly? Far from uninvited guests at the dinner table, Drosophila melanogaster is a neuroscience darling. Although its brain is smaller than a poppy seeda far cry from the 100 billion neurons that power human brainsthe flys neural system shares similar principles to those that underlie our own brains.


A Better Production Line for Atom Arrays "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new algorithm can organize hundreds of atoms into pristine patternsincluding a honeycomb lattice, a fractal called a Sierpiski triangle, and a lions head.


The Cosmos as a Colloid "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new methodology for analyzing the 3D distribution of galaxies borrows techniques from the study of colloids and other disordered materials.


The Impact of Ions on DNA "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A study of the electron excitation response of DNA to proton radiation has elucidated mechanisms of damage incurred during proton radiotherapy.

Radiobiology studies on the effects of ionizing radiation on human health focus on the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule as the primary target for deleterious outcomes. The interaction of ionizing radiation with tissue and organs can lead to localized energy deposition large enough to instigate double strand breaks in DNA, which can lead to mutations, chromosomal aberrations, and changes in gene expression. Understanding the mechanisms behind these interactions is critical for developing radiation therapies and improving radiation protection strategies. Christopher Shepard of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his colleagues now use powerful computer simulations to show exactly what part of the DNA molecule receives damaging levels of energy when exposed to charged-particle radiation (Fig. 1) [1]. Their findings could eventually help to minimize the long-term radiation effects from cancer treatments and human spaceflight.

The interaction of radiation with DNAs electronic structure is a complex process [2, 3]. The numerical models currently used in radiobiology and clinical radiotherapy do not capture the detailed dynamics of these interactions at the atomic level. Rather, these models use geometric cross-sections to predict whether a particle of radiation, such as a photon or an ion, crossing the cell volume will transfer sufficient energy to cause a break in one or both of the DNA strands [4 6]. The models do not describe the atomic-level interactions but simply provide the probability that some dose of radiation will cause a population of cells to lose their ability to reproduce.


The experimental observation of quantum avalanches in a many-body localized system "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Strongly correlated systems are systems made of particles that strongly interact with one another, to such an extent that their individual behavior depends on the behavior of all other particles in the system. In states that are far from equilibrium, these systems can sometimes give rise to fascinating and unexpected physical phenomena, such as many-body localization.

Many-body localization occurs when a system made of interacting particles fails to reach even at high temperatures. In many-body localized systems, particles thus remain in a state of non-equilibrium for long periods of time, even when a lot of energy is flowing through them.

Theoretical predictions suggest that the instability of the many-body localized phase is caused by small thermal inclusions in the strongly interacting system that act as a bath. These inclusions prompt the delocalization of the entire system, through a mechanism that is known as avalanche propagation.


2B and 8 Years On, Still No Emergency Services Network "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

And not even a tentative date for a system go-live either:

By the end of this month, the UK Home Office will have spent just under 2 billion ($2.4 billion) on a new critical communications network for the country's police, fire and ambulance services with nothing to show for it, according to a report by the National Audit Office (NAO).

Even worse, the multi-year project has fallen further behind schedule and the Home Office cannot say when the replacement system will be operational, according to the spending watchdog.

The Emergency Services Network (ESN) program first kicked off in 2015 the idea being that it would fully replace the existing near-indestructible Airwave units and system, which uses the Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) network; would "cost less"; and would provide users with access to modern mobile data. ESN was supposed to move critical emergency services off of the tried and tested TETRA (which, among other things, you can access ubiquitously across the London Underground) and onto LTE radio comms with some obvious modifications and associated features like the push-to-talk ESN Direct.

[...] The UK's Competition and Markets Authority started a probe into the matter in 2021, with the PAC already noting in 2019 that Motorola's involvement in both the new and old contract had led "to perverse incentives" and put "the department in a weak negotiating position." Motorola has denied conflict of interest and said last year that "Airwave, over its life, is a much better deal for the UK taxpayer than the Home Office originally agreed."

[...] In January, eight years after the first proposals for a new system to replace the outdated Airwave platform were unveiled, the Home Office and Motorola Solutions agreed to end their work on the ESN contract in December 2023.

The Home Office, meanwhile, does not currently know when ESN will be ready or how much it will ultimately cost.

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Vitamin D reduced dementia by 40% "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Dr John Campbell | March 13, 2023

Mosquito net distribution in Uganda, donations to this project,

More videos from this project,

Vitamin D supplementation and incident dementia: Effects of sex, APOE, and baseline cognitive status https://alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wi

Alberta, Canada Known association, vitamin D deficiency, incident dementia



Somalia Executes three al-Shabab militants "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

MOGADISHU  A military court in Somalia has ordered the executions of three al-Shabab militants it said pretended to be a doctor and soldiers to carry out bombings and shootings.

The military appeals court in Mogadishu ordered the executions carried out Wednesday of three men it said were al-Shabab militants who disguised themselves to carry out deadly attacks in the city.

The court said 38-year-old Mohamed Abdi Nur Jirow used fake names and titles, including calling himself Dr. Fanah and claiming to be a a neurologist.

Authorities say in 2021 he bombed two restaurants in Mogadishu, killing 20 people.

The court said Jirow also killed two people in an attack on a football stadium on the outskirts of Mogadishu, though it didnt say when, and helped with a suicide bombing in February that killed one soldier.

Mumin Hussein Abdullahi is the deputy prosecutor at the military court.

He said today they executed the convicts Mohamed Abdi Nur Jirow, also known as Dr. Fanah, Mohamed Abdulle Abkow, known as Bimalow, and Sharif Mohamed Barqadle Ayanle, also known as Jeego.

The court said 36-year-old Bimalow pretended to be a military lieutenant and bombed a restaurant in Mogadishu in 2019, killing 11 people.

The court said Bimalow also helped al-Shabab militants attack Mogadishus international airport one year ago, killing one soldier.

The court said 53-year-old Ayanle had actually served in Somalias army but claimed to be a captain, which the military denies.

The court said Ayanle bombed a Mogadishu mall in February, killing 16 people and injuring 38.

The appeals court was upholding a January lower court death sentence for the three men after they were said to have confessed.

The executions come just one week after a military court in Somalias Puntland region ordered the execution of 13 al-Shabab and Islamic State militants.

The court also ordered the execution of five Somali soldiers for killing civilians.

The post Somalia Executes three al-Shabab militants  appeared first on Horseed Media.


BEST OF THE WEB: Study: More infant vaccines lead to higher infant mortality "IndyWatch Feed World"

Do childhood vaccines impact a child's mortality risk? While controversy around this issue continues to swirl, peer-reviewed research suggests the answer is a yes. In 2011, Neil Miller, Ph.D., and Gary Goldman, Ph.D., published a paper in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology showing infant mortality rates correlated with childhood vaccination rates, with high-uptake countries having higher child mortality. As detailed in the abstract:1 "The U.S. childhood immunization schedule specifies 26 vaccine doses for infants aged less than 1 year the most in the world yet 33 nations have lower IMRs. Using linear regression, the immunization schedules of these 34 nations were examined and a correlation coefficient of r = 0.70 (p < 0.0001) was found between IMRs and the number of vaccine doses routinely given to infants.


Deltans ll Retaliate Against PDP, APC On Saturday Pela, LP Guber Candidate "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 16TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The Labour Party, LP, Governorship Candidate in Delta State, Ken Pela, has said that  Deltans will take their revenge against the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, and All Progressives Congress, APC, in the state, which he described as PDP I, and PDP II, on March 18, for suppressing them and stealing their commonwealth, in the last 24 years.

Pela, who spoke to Vanguard in an interview, weekend, said: You know that PDP and APC in Delta are one and the same in Delta state. It is PDP 1 and II, Otapiapia, and sniper, whichever one you consume, you will die.

With BVAS, we now have the true votes, and for the first time, the voice of Deltans was heard on February 25. Deltans will go out on March 18 to revenge, everywhere I have been in the last two to three weeks, Deltans are united, saying it is time to be free.

Like we already know, BVAS has shown that the fictitious names and fishes use to manufacture to vote in the riverine areas are no more there. Those fabricated votes that use to come from Warri North, Warri South West, and Warri South local government areas are no more there.

They are united, saying that the Labour Party is where they would be, so I am saying to every Deltan; it is time for a new dawn. It is time to move forward and consolidate the gains of the February 25 polls. Let us show them that it was not a fluke, let us show them with even a wider margin that the PDP and APC have been widely rejected by everybody.

The average person in the street wants a change, mostly from PDP and APC, and I am confident that on March 18, they will show it.

Both PDP and APC have oppressed us (Deltans) for 24 years, they have kept us in poverty and penury, stealing and pillaging our commonwealth, and at every election cycle, they held the people back with rigging, he said.




Battle of Bakhmut: Ukrainian soldiers worry Russians begin to taste victory "IndyWatch Feed War"

Asami Terajima The Kyiv Independent March 15, 2023

Editors note: The Kyiv Independent is not revealing the soldiers surnames or the exact location of their deployment due to security concerns amid the ongoing war. Some military personnel spoke without the authorization of their commanders or a press officer. 

DONETSK OBLAST Just days before heading back to fight in the Battle of Bakhmut, a Ukrainian soldier Volodymyr, 54, said he felt ill-prepared.

When they drive us to Bakhmut, I already know Im being sent to death, Volodymyr told the Kyiv Independent during his brief stay in Kramatorsk, a city in Donetsk Oblast some 25 kilometers west of the front line.

Volodymyr, an infantryman from the 93rd Mechanized Brigade, said he struggled to eat after fighting in Bakhmut for months. He looked shaken as he talked.

For two months, Volodymyrs unit was tasked with guarding Bakhmut against small Russian assault groups creeping into the city. The brigade was constantly under mortar fire as soldiers were outdoors where shrapnels could wound or kill them at any moment.

A Ukrainian serviceman takes cover in a trench during shelling next to a 105mm howitzer near the embattled city of Bakhmut, on March 8, 2023, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click to enlarge

(The Russians) keep firing at us, but we dont have artillery so we have nothing to attack them back with, Volodymyr said. I dont know if I will return or not. We are just getting killed.

Ukrainian infantrymen interviewed by the Kyiv Independent described the fighting in Bakhmut as a desperate survival challenge against Russias infinite stocks of artillery munitions and manpower. With just their machine guns and rifles, they say they braced relentless Russian mortar and artillery attacks until their hideout was eventually destroyed.

Volodymyr is haunted by the thoughts of his comrades killed in Bakhmut. He recalls a 29-year-old comrade whom he found lying dead after shrapnel hit the young mans head at a position.

I knew he was dead, but I just kept wrapping his head (with bandages), Volodymyr said.

Volodymyrs story is far from the only harrowing account of what soldiers face as they defend Bakhmut.

Eight mo...


What's Wrong with Manufacturing? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In last year's edition of the Security Navigator we noted that the Manufacturing Industry appeared to be totally over-represented in our dataset of Cyber Extortion victims. Neither the number of businesses nor their average revenue particularly stood out to explain this. Manufacturing was also the most represented Industry in our CyberSOC dataset contributing more Incidents than any other

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