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Sunday, 18 June


Habt ihr das auch gehrt? Wahlcomputer sind voll sicher!1!! ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Habt ihr das auch gehrt? Wahlcomputer sind voll sicher!1!! Hat die CIA herausgefunden.

Oh nee, warte. Hat MITRE herausgefunden.

Mitre? Die berhmten Brokraten, die anderer Leute Sicherheitslcken sammeln, ohne selbst irgendeine Art von Kompetenz auf dem Gebiet zu haben?

Nein, nein, Fefe. Du bist voll gemein. Lass uns mal gemeinsam gucken gehen, was Mitre selbst glaubt, was sie tun.

We discover new possibilities through objective insight and trusted access that brings data to decisions.
Hmm hmm. OK. But what do you DO?
We create unexpected opportunities from a unique vantage point, working across the whole-of-government to freely adapt proven strategies to new challenges.
Hmm hmm. OK. But. What. Do. You. DO?!
We lead by pioneering together for the public good, bringing innovative ideas into existence.
OK liebe Leser, ihr seht selbst. Auch Mitre hat keine Ahnung, was sie eigentlich tun. Daher nebelwerfen sie auf ihrer Homepage diese Hohphrasen, und hoffen, dass keiner merkt, wie hohle diese Hohlphrasen sind.

Jedenfalls. Diese kompetenzfreien Brokraten-Sesselfurzer haben einen Report ber die Sicherheit von Wahlcomputern in Georgia geschrieben. Wieso ist das jetzt ein Aufreger? Nun, ganz einfach:

Anders als Halderman und dessen Co-Autor Springall habe Mitre keinen Zugriff auf Dominions Wahlmaschinen gehabt und keinerlei Sicherheitstests vorgenommen. Stattdessen habe Mitre versucht, das Risiko potenzieller, von Halderman und Springall beschriebener Angriffe ohne essenziellen Zugriff auf die Informationsquellen zu bewerten. Dementsprechend verwende die Mitre-Analyse fehlerhafte Begrndungen und untertreibe das Risiko des Missbrauchs gefhrlich mit der Behauptung, die Angriffe seien "operativ nicht durchfhrbar".
Wenn ihr euch jetzt denkt, Halderman? Kenn ich nicht! Kann ja jeder kommen!1!! Dann lasst mich kurz ausfhren, dass Halderman der weltweit fhrende Spezialist fr Wahlcomputer-Sicherheit ist, und seine Forschungsgruppe ber die Hlfte der relevanten Untersuchungen durchgefhrt hat auf dem Gebiet. Wenn es eine Koryphe zu dem Thema gibt, ist es Halderman.

Oh, und Halderman steht hier auf der anderen Seite der Nummer. Er hat nmlich eine Analyse zu diesen Wahlcomputern gemacht, und einen Haufen Lcken gefunden, darunter wirklich ble. Die hat er gefunden, weil er im Gegensatz zu Mitre Zugriff auf den in Frage stehende Wahlcomputer hatte. Die kmpfen also nicht mal in derselben Liga. Halderman wei, was er tut, und wovon er spricht, und hatte Zugriff auf die Systeme. Mitre wei nicht, was sie tun, und wovon sie sprechen, und hatten keinen Zugriff auf die Systeme.

Lasst euch also nicht von Mitre blenden, nur weil die mehr schlecht als rech...

Ihr habt ja wahrscheinlich gehrt, dass Reddit gerade ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ihr habt ja wahrscheinlich gehrt, dass Reddit gerade schwere See durchkreuzt. Die haben unilateral angekndigt, dass ihre APIs jetzt kostenpflichtig werden, aber da erst eine Nebelkerze angehngt, dass es sich blo um "wir grasen die ganze Site fr unser KI-Schrottprojekt ab" handelt.

Dann kam vllig berraschend raus, dass es auch regulre Apps betrifft. Die Apps, die Reddit berhaupt erst gro gemacht haben. Reddit hat eine eigene schrottige App gebaut, aber die kann mit den anderen Apps inhaltlich nicht konkurrieren, also klemmt Reddit die anderen Apps jetzt halt unter Ausnutzung ihres Marktmonopols ab.

Daraufhin haben diverse Subreddits angekndigt, in Protest "schwarz" zu gehen. Das gab es schon hufiger, hat nie lange gehalten. Dementsprechend hat der Reddit-CEO dann eine Mail rumgeschickt intern, dass die Leute mal ein paar Tage ihre Reddit-Logos auf Kleidung und Taschen und Laptops verstecken sollen, und in ein paar Tagen ist der Spuk vorbei. Wir sitzen das jetzt aus.

Die Mail leakte. Das hat die protestierenden Subreddits angefeuert, den Protest noch nicht einzustellen.

Und jetzt? Jetzt haben Leute beobachtet, dass Reddit undelete auf alte gelschte Inhalte macht, d.h. lschen war bei denen nicht lschen sondern "als gelscht markieren".

Auerdem geht das Gercht um, dass Reddit widerspenstige Moderatoren entmachtet.

Hier sieht man mal wieder, wieso es eine schlechte Idee ist, eine kommerziellen Firma eine Plattform stellen zu lassen. Das ist bisher noch immer ein Reinfall geworden, so halt jetzt auch hier.

Die Situation wird sich auch nie verbessern, solange ihr solchen Plattformen Macht gebt, indem ihr ihnen eure Inhalte und Aufmerksamkeit schenkt.

Update: Noch kurz zur Einordnung. Der Inhalt bei Reddit kommt von unbezahlten Usern, von denen Reddit am besten noch Geld haben will jetzt. Die Moderation und damit die Wertschpfung kommt von unbezahlten Moderatoren, die sagen, dass das nur mit 3rd party Apps zu leisten ist, und von denen Reddit jetzt auch noch Geld haben will. Das Geld kassiert Reddit, die auer ein paar ranzige AWS-Dienste zu mieten und Firmen Werbung einblenden zu lassen keine Leistung erbracht haben.

Wie ein Hohn muss einem da diese Aussage des CEO von Reddit vorkommen:

It's time we grow up and behave like an adult company
Wie, ihr wollt jetzt anfangen, eure Mitarbeiter zu bezahlen? Whoa whoa whoa, ruhig Brauner! Nun wollen wir hier mal keine absurden Ideen in die Welt setzen!1!!

Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm!Cash-strapped ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm!

Cash-strapped Taliban selling tickets to ruins of Buddhas it blew up
Einmal mit Profis arbeiten!

Mandiant macht, was sie immer machen: Sie blasen ein ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Mandiant macht, was sie immer machen: Sie blasen ein monumentales Verkacken ihres Auftraggebers zu einer weltweiten Geheimdienstverschwrung auf. Aktuell: Barracuda und "die Chinesen".

Am Ende ist das Narrativ dann so Mission Impossible, dass niemand mehr fragt, wieso Barracuda-Produkte berhaupt angreifbar waren. Mandiant hat ja auch etabliert, dass man sich gegen "die Chinesen" eh nicht wehren kann.

Mandiant firmiert zwar als Security-Bude, aber man sollte die eher als PR-Bude betrachten. Die beauftragst du, wenn deine Htte brennt, und du deine Kunden und Investoren von deinem Versagen ablenken willst, fr das du eigentlich in den Knast gehren wrdest.

Mandiant hat auch den Begriff "APT" oder "Advanced Persistent Threat" erfunden, und arbeitet gerne und hufig fr die US-Regierung. Achtet brigens mal drauf, wie hufig Mandiant schon die amerikanischen Geheimdienste hinter einer weltweiten Verschwrung identifiziert hat. Ich krze das mal ab: Noch nie.

Die Iraner, Chinesen und Nordkoreaner sind ja auch doof. Die sollten Mandiant ein paar Regierungs-Groauftrge geben! Dann wre sofort Schluss mit Attribuierung von Cyber-Cyber zu ihnen! Dann kme ab morgen alles aus Vietnam oder so. Nee, warte. Kambodscha!!

Wer CDU whlt, kriegt CDU-Ergebnisse:Keine neuen Radwege ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wer CDU whlt, kriegt CDU-Ergebnisse:

Keine neuen Radwege mehr fr Berlin, wenn dafr auch nur ein Pkw-Stellplatz wegfllt
Die Verkehrssenatorin heit Manja Schreiner (CDU).


Cop tries to detain suspect but soon realizes the parking brake on her vehicle is off "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A video uploaded to TikTok shows a police officer ordering a suspect to get on their knees, but quickly realizing that she forgot to activate the parking brake on her vehicle. Get on your knees right now! the officer says to the suspect. As the officer gives orders to the suspect, she looks back briefly []


Peltier, Oak Flat and Enbridge Line 5: Priorities in UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Report "IndyWatch Feed War"

The U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues urged UNESCO to step up the protection of world heritage sites to protect sites from the mining giant Rio Tinto, including Apaches Oak Flat. Rio Tinto blew up 46,000 years of Australian Aboriginals' history and sacred teachings when it blew up Juukan Gorge caves in Western Australia. (Panel of ancient rock art painting, Quinkan Cave near Laura, Cape


Get In Over Your Head! "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

When you talk to hackers whove just finished an epic project, theyll often start off with a very familiar refrain: I had no idea what I was getting into. And maybe theyll even follow up with the traditional second line If I knew how hard this was going to be, I probably wouldnt have tried. And thats from people who have just finished wiping the sweat from their brow.

Dont get me wrong, sometimes you do get in over your head and take on more than you can chew. But lets be honest, how often does that really happen relative to how many projects end up looking easy at first, and then end up teaching you a lot along the way, often the hard way? If youre like me, the latter happens more than the former, and I dont think Im particularly clever.

Instead, its just the nature of learning. In the beginning, you dont know something, so you dont realize how difficult it is, hence the first classic line. And of course its going to be hard, because learning is always hard. If you knew it already, it would be easier, but it wouldnt be learning!

Whether you get through or not depends on your own stubbornness and of course the nature of the hurdles. But whether you learn or not depends entirely on you not knowing what youre doing in the first place.

Pay good attention to the se...


U.S. Spy Agencies Buy Vast Quantities of Americans' Personal Data, U.S. Says "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

From the Wall Street Journal: U.S. Spy Agencies Buy Vast Quantities of Americans' Personal Data, U.S. Says

The vast quantities of Americans' personal data available for sale has provided a rich stream of intelligence for the U.S. government but has created significant threats to privacy, according to a report newly released by the U.S.'s top spy agency.

Commercially available information, or CAI, has grown in such scale that it has begun to replicate the results of intrusive surveillance techniques once used on a more targeted and limited basis, the report found.

"In a way that far fewer Americans seem to understand, and even fewer of them can avoid, CAI includes information on nearly everyone that is of a type and level of sensitivity that historically could have been obtained" through targeted collection methods such as wiretaps, cyber espionage or physical surveillance, the report concluded.

[...] Since the 1970s, the intelligence community has been circumscribed in using intrusive surveillance techniques on Americans without court oversight. However, data available for sale is generally considered "open source" and its collection doesn't require special authorizations.

The partially redacted report is available online: ODNI-Declassified-Report-on-CAI-January2022

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.

Saturday, 17 June


The Loving Truth-Teller That Was Daniel Ellsberg "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Daniel Ellsberg, the whistleblower and peace activist who released the Pentagon Papers that exposed the Vietnam War, has died at the age of 92. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on February 17, and doctors gave him three to six months to live.

He was a subscriber to Shadowproofs Dissenter Newsletter. So it is only appropriate that I share some of my personal memories in honor of who he was and because he meant so much to so many people.

Nearly two weeks after his diagnosis, Dan messaged his friends and supporters. That message was republished by various news media outlets as it circulated.

I feel lucky and grateful that Ive had a wonderful life far beyond the proverbial three-score years and ten, Dan wrote. I feel the very same way about having a few months more to enjoy life with my wife and family, and in which to continue to pursue the urgent goal of working with others to avert nuclear war in Ukraine or Taiwan (or anywhere else).

Dan mentioned that his cardiologist had given him permission to abandon his salt-free diet, and that his energy level was high. He had done several interviews and webinars on Ukraine, nuclear weapons, and first amendment issues. He had two more scheduled interviews.

One of those interviews was with me. In fact, around the same time that Daniel learned that he had cancer, I contacted him to ask if he would help me with the launch of my bookGuilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange. He already had given me a blurb for the book.

Dan graciously agreed to talk with me once again about the Assange case. He even asked for a hard copy so that he could review the book. My publisher Censored Press quickly mailed a copy to him, and we planned to record on Wednesday, March 1.

That became the day that friends and supporters of Dan were notified by him that he had cancer.

When it was time for us to do the interview, Dan called me. He had not had a chance to read my book yet. Dan wanted to know if he could have a couple of hours to read the book and then we would record the interview. He even asked, which chapters should I read?

I had asked Dan for an interview simply because I believed posting a conversation the same day that my book was released would help me get the attention of potential readers. I did not need him to prepare for the interview by familiarizing himself with specific sections of the book, and yet, thats what Dan was willing to do because he was a generous person.

The attention Dan gave to you was a sign of the love and respect that he had for those who were willing to fight for the same causes that were crucial to him.

Dan logged on to record, but before he would allow me to...


Ukrainian Counteroffensives Second Week Ends in Failure "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Scott Ritter Sputnik 17.06.2023

Operation enters the second week of Ukraines long-awaited and highly touted counteroffensive, some basic conclusions can be drawn even though the fighting continues, and will continue to rage, for some time to come.

First and foremost, the counteroffensive gambit has failed. While there is still considerable combat strength left in the Ukrainian military, including more than 75% of the NATO-trained and -equipped 60,000-strong cohort Ukraine had assembled in the past eight months, fundamentally flawed assumptions about the quality of the force on which Ukraine and its NATO allies had placed their collective hopes for victory over Russia have been exposed. In short, Ukraine lacks the military capacity to overcome Russian defenses.

Ukraines most elite assault brigades, equipped with the latest Western military technology, failed to advance out of what Russian defensive doctrine calls the cover line of defensethe buffer that is designed to channel and disrupt an attacking force prior to reaching the main line of defense. Ukrainian casualties were extremely heavy, with Russia achieving a 10:1 kill ratio in terms of manpower, which is unsustainable from the Ukrainian perspective. The reasons for the Ukrainian failure are fundamental in nature, meaning that they cannot be overcome as things currently stand and, as such, the Ukrainian military has zero chance of success, no matter how hard they press subsequent attacks.

First and foremost is the quality of the Russian defenses, especially in terms of the barrier network (minefields, obstacles, and trenches) which, when combined with the tenacity of the Russian defender and the overwhelming superiority Russia enjoys in terms of fire support (both artillery and air-delivered), is the reason the Ukrainians are unable to advance beyond the cover layer of the Russian defenses. Ukrainian equipment and tactics are insufficient to the task of breaching the Russian obstacle barriers in any meaningful manner, dooming the attacking forces to be destroyed piecemeal by Russian artillery and air strikes, as well as local counterattacks mounted by Russian special forces.

Besides the poor tactics and equipment deficiencies (yes, the Leopard tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles were not the miracle weapons Ukraine and its Western supporters had hyped them up to be), the Ukrainians are paying the price for Russias impressive suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) campaign that has been ongoing for many weeks now.

Russian fixed-wing aircraft have been able to deliver precision-guided munitions with deadly effect to the assembly areas used by Ukraine to gather their attacking forces pri...


Capitol rioter nicknamed Jack the Tripper is slapped with lengthy prison sentence "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A Pennsylvania man was sentenced this Thursday for assaulting police during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, according to a press release from the Department of Justice. Mikhail Edward Slye, 32, was sentenced to 30 months in prison and 18 months supervised release, and ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution. He plead guilty in January of []


Lisa Su Reaffirms Commitment To Improving AMD ROCm Support, Engaging The Community "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AMD CEO Dr. Lisa Su has reaffirmed the company's commitment to the open-source ROCm compute stack and working with the community and ultimately improving their software support...


Ukraine drone attack on Russian oil pipeline to EU failed, official says "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | June 17, 2023

Ukrainian drones have attempted to strike the Druzhba pipeline that delivers Russian oil to several European countries, Bryansk Region governor Alexander Bogomaz has said. He added that the attack was thwarted by Russian air defenses.

On his Telegram channel on Saturday, Bogomaz wrote: Last night, air defense units of the Russian armed forces repelled the Ukrainian militarys attack on the oil-pumping station Druzhba. According to the official, a total of three UAVs were brought down.

Last month, the Washington Post claimed, citing leaked Pentagon documents, that back in February Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky had suggested to Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Sviridenko that Kiev should just blow up the [Druzhba] pipeline, which pumps oil to Hungary and other states.

According to the report, Zelensky described the destruction of Hungarian [Prime Minister] Viktor Orbans industry as one of his goals.

While Zelensky dismissed the allegations as fantasies, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto several days later accused Kiev of virtually attacking Hungarys sovereignty by supposedly plotting to undermine the security of Budapests energy supply.

Around that same time, a loading station of the Druzhba oil pipeline in Bryansk Region was shelled by Ukrainian forces, with three fuel storage tanks, all of them empty, damaged as a result.

In March, Transneft, the pipeline operator, reported that several drones had dropped explosives in the vicinity of an oil-pumping station. Multiple incidents of shelling had taken place before that as well.

The Druzhba (Friendship) pipeline is one of the largest oil-transport networks in the world, spanning some 4,000 kilometers (2,485 miles) and transporting oil from Russia to Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany.

Bryansk Region, which is adjacent to Ukraine, has repeatedly been targeted by cross-border strikes.

In March, a Ukraine-based neo-Nazi unit conducted a sortie into the region.


Henningsen: NATO Breakdown Turkey Still Not Backing Swedens Membership "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Turkeys showing its independence for sure, as Erdogans whirling dervish foreign policy throws NATO into a tail-spin.

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on June 13, 2023, Patrick shares his thoughts on Turkey not backing Sweden and Finlands NATO membership due their Kurdish problem, as well as the anti-Islamist movement in Sweden. Also, the illegal drugs and narcotics trafficking from Kurdish and Turkish regions echoes similar western intelligence black market trade in other war zones such as the heroin trade in Afghanistan, and arms and cocaine in Central America during the 1980s. All this and more.  Listen:

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):




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Preparing to Wage a Nuclear War? Nuclear Attack F-16 Fighters to Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

US-NATO escalation against Russia brings Europe to the threshold of nuclear war. The political-media complex falls a "curtain of silence" so as not to alarm European public opinion and prevent it from reacting.

The post Preparing to Wage a Nuclear War? Nuclear Attack F-16 Fighters to Ukraine appeared first on Global Research.


INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell The Fiat Economy: A Sinking Titanic + EU Nation Adopts BTC "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on June 14, 2023, Patrick talks with 21WIRE writer and commentator Blake Lovewell, about our fiat economy being on extended life support, with politicians left to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. Meanwhile, the EU country Liechtenstein has adopted Bitcoin as an official state method of payment. All this and more. Listen:

More from Blake:

TUNE-IN LIVE to TNT RADIO for the Patrick Henningsen Show every MON-FRI at 12PM-2PM (NEW YORK) | 5PM-7PM (LONDON) | 2AM-4AM (BRISBANE):




Get Surfshark - Jaw Dropping Deals on Fast, Easy-to-Use VPN


Canada is a Country Run By Idiots "IndyWatch Feed World"

Read More At 21st Century Wire Still clinging to power, unpopular Canadian PM Justin Trudeau...


The Appalling Silence of the Good People "IndyWatch Feed War"

Time itself is neutral; it can be used either destructively or constructively. More and more I feel that the people of ill will have used time much more effectively than have the people of good will. We have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people. Human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability; it comes through the tireless efforts of men and women willing to be coworkers with God, and without this hard work, time itself becomes an ally of the forces of social stagnation. We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963

Two days ago I publicly read these words during a time for public comment of a Newark, NJ-based state agency, the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission. In the Ironbound environmental justice neighborhood in inner city Newark, an area which already has three of them, PVSC plans to build a fourth fracked gas power plant. There has been a strong resistance movement against this plan for years, led by local residents, and we have jammed it up so far.

As one of the tactics used in fighting this project members of our movement have been attending, in person and virtually, the monthly meetings of this agency. This was probably the tenth such meeting Ive attended and spoken at. Before each meeting I try to think of a different angle to get through to the PVSC board members. This time, because of my having read several months ago all five of Dr. Kings books, the idea came to me of reading from Kings Birmingham jail letter.

I dont know enough about this group to know how good each of them are, but Im sure most of them see themselves as upstanding citizens. So when I read it, I emphasized Kings line about the appalling silence of the good people.

What King wrote in 1963 is always applicable to some degree or the other. There are always people who live decent lives on a personal level, love their family and work hard but who never speak up or speak out about systemic injustice and oppression. Indeed, successful mass movements like the civil rights/Black Freedom movement of the 50s and 60s win important victories largely because they are able to dramatically expand the ranks of those willing to speak up and take action.

How can those of us already actively working for a just, peaceful and loving world do this today, right now, at this worst of times that can also become the best of times if we unite, stay strong and keep organizing?

The most important way is to be a consistently good example for others, day after day, hour after hour.

There is a deep and long history on the political Left worldwide of people who were once justice-seeking revolutionaries becoming corrupted after they individually or the movements they led...


RFK Jr. Says He Must Be Careful The CIA Doesnt Assassinate Him "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Via: Summit News: During a discussion with Joe Rogan, Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy junior admitted that he is putting his life in danger by speaking out about the assassinations of his uncle and his father, and that he takes precautions to ensure the CIA doesnt kill him. Rogan asked RFK Jr. what he thought []


The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves Should Not Be a Template for Energy Policy "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The negative energy messaging is easy and effective though. Look out the window. See smoke? Fossil fuels caused that. See a drought? Same. See heat? Same. See a flood? Same. 

The post The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves Should Not Be a Template for Energy Policy first appeared on Watts Up With That?.

When an Israeli airstrike destroys your house for the second time "IndyWatch Feed War"

Children sit amidst the rubble of their home, which was destroyed in an Israeli airstrike in Deir al-Balah in May 2023.Many in Gaza have had their houses destroyed multiple times during Israeli attacks over the last 15 years. Some families still in debt from rebuilding their home the first time, now find themselves having to rebuild again.


Remembering Daniel Ellsberg "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Cindy Cohn Popular government without popular information is but the prologue to a farce or tragedy. James Madison The world lost an unmistakable...

Remembering Daniel Ellsberg


Notorious Grifting Marxist Bill de Blasio Hit With Record Fine For Abusing NYC Resources "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By Tyler Durden Former New York Mayor, notorious socialist Bill de Blasio, was ordered to pay almost a half-million dollars by the city Conflicts of...

Notorious Grifting Marxist Bill de Blasio Hit With Record Fine For Abusing NYC Resources


House Oversight Chairman Says There Is Evidence Of $20-$30 MILLION Of Illegal Payments To Bidens "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Its going to be hard for Biden to explain? All he can do is mumble and make work for his handlers. Via: Summit News: House Oversight Chairman James Comer revealed Thursday that he expects there is evidence of at least $20-$30 million being made in illegal payments by foreign nationals to the Biden family. Appearing []


Uneasy Locations: The Russian Embassy Site in Canberra "IndyWatch Feed War"

They think we are mugs and its insulting. Its all fine for politicians to be swimming, swerving and tossing about in the goo of paranoia that is surveillance, chatting to the ghost called foreign interference; but to expect the rest of the citizenry to be morons is rather poor form. But the formula has always been such: We terrify you; you vote us in, and we increase the budget of the national security state.

Regarding the business of the Russian embassy site in Canberra, this is all the more stunning. Australias parliamentarians rarely pass bills and motions at such speed, but the measure to ensure that the Russian embassy would not have a bit of real estate 500 metres from the peoples assembly was odd, at best. On June 15, legislation was whizzed through, effectively extinguishing Russias lease.

It was also prompted by a rather bruising matter: the Russians had already been triumphant in the Federal Court. They had been granted the lease for the Yarralumla site in December 2008 by the National Capital Authority. But the 99-year lease was cancelled by the same body on the basis that ongoing unfinished works detract from the overall aesthetic, importance, and dignity of the area reserved for diplomatic missions.

Russia duly challenged the cancellation and won. In May, the court found in its favour, negating the cancellation of the lease. This seemed to have a curiously unifying effect in Parliament: agents of the Kremlin would be a mere stones throw away from the elected chamber.

Members of the Albanese government were tediously, predictably, on message, claiming that their intelligence services were all cognisant of a threat no one else could possibly take seriously. According to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, the government had received very clear security advice as to the risk presented by a Russian presence close to Parliament House. The whole parliamentary measure had taken place to ensure the lease site does not become a formal diplomatic presence.

The cabinets most eager of beavers, Home Affairs Minister Clare ONeil, affirmed the Prime Ministers concerns. The principal problem with the proposed second Russian embassy in Canberra is its location, she suggested. The government has received clear national security advice that this would be a threat to our national security and that is why the government is acting decisively to bring this longstanding matter to a close.

This entire comic episode also led Albanese to anticipate Russian stroppiness and reference to precedents in international law. This prompted the rem...


Sky Free NOW TV Security Hole Exposed For Months, Researcher Claims "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

holeRightsholders consider piracy of live TV channels as one of the most serious threats to their business.

Subscription channels often end up in IPTV subscription packages, sold to the public at a fraction of the cost after being obtained by pirates using both legal and illegal means. In some cases streams are obtained directly from broadcasters official source servers, something that is surprisingly common and, with the right tools, not especially difficult either.

Early this week, TorrentFreak was contacted by an anonymous source who explained how, in their words, one of the biggest broadcasters in Europe (and in the world) completely ignores how people can watch all of its live channels (in the UK, Germany and Italy) without even having an account.

Telegram Groups Selling NOW TV Decryption Keys

NOW TV is a subscription OTT TV service operated by Sky Group. Launched in the UK back in 2012, NOW TV is also available elsewhere in Europe, including Italy and Germany. In January 2023, a researcher by the name Mark K says he came across Telegram groups offering to sell decryption keys granting free access to the NOW TV service.

This piqued the researchers interest since Microsofts PlayReady DRM protects NOW TV streams in Italy and Germany.

[T]here was absolutely no interest for me in buying the mentioned decryption keys just to test them, plus I didnt know if there was a sort of scam going on. But since I am a security enthusiast, I really wanted to know what happened behind a possible PlayReady leakage, so I decided to have a chat with the owner of the channel with the interest of getting technical details, the researcher explained.

I tried to question how the keys were getting grabbed if PlayReady was proven to be broken. He didnt want to tell me any detail regarding this matter, he just wanted to hard-sell the decryption keys making me a few offers; that until as a last chance, he provided me a URL, a key identifier, and a decryption key for an Italian channel: Sky Sport 24.

The researcher said he tested the key, and it worked. Further research led to other sellers offering decryption keys for Sky services not only in Italy, but also Germany and the UK. So basically all the Sky OTT packages available, for not more than $2000, the researcher added.

Researcher Says He Quickly Warned Sky

Mark K claims to have taken a numbe...


[Meme] Their Power is Your Wasted Time "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Walk away. Your power is in walking away from them.

Social control media (Reddit, YouTube, Twitter etc.) vs Users

Summary: Social control media platforms are exploitative monsters. Stop participating in them.


Warning: Fake GitHub Repos Delivering Malware as PoCs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By Waqas

According to researchers, these fake accounts on GitHub and Twitter are spreading malware that infects both Windows- and Linux-based systems.

This is a post from Read the original post: Warning: Fake GitHub Repos Delivering Malware as PoCs


The US Meat Supply May Soon be Widely Contaminated with mRNA Proteins From Biotech Vaccines "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Video: A Jewish-Russian Proxy President: Zelensky Transformed into a Nazi? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Energy Breakthrough Machine Learning Unravels Secrets of Argyrodites "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers from Duke University and associated partners have uncovered the atomic mechanics that render a group of substances, known as argyrodites, promising prospects for solid-state battery electrolytes and thermoelectric energy converters.

Their findings, made possible through a machine learning.

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that deals with the development of algorithms and statistical models that enable computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine learning is used to identify patterns in data, classify data into different categories, or make predictions about future events. It can be categorized into three main types of learning: supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning.


Brain imaging study shows that lonely individuals process the world idiosyncratically "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A new study published in Psychological Science investigated the relationship between loneliness, brain activity, and social interactions. The results suggest that individuals who experience loneliness may process social information differently from those who do not, contributing to feelings of isolation and disconnection.

The study highlights the importance of social connection for psychological well-being. It emphasizes the need for further research in this area to develop effective interventions to help individuals experiencing loneliness improve their social connections and overall quality of life.

Humans are social creatures, and social connection is essential for physical and mental health. Social isolation and loneliness have been linked to various adverse outcomes, including depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease, and even mortality.


IBM Says Its Made a Big Breakthrough in Quantum Computing "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

By using error mitigation, IBM scientists believe theyve worked around the quantum noise that plagues quantum processors.


Large Hadron Collider may be closing in on the universes missing antimatter "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Physicists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are closing in on an explanation for why we live in a universe of matter and not antimatter.

Matter and antimatter are two sides of the same coin. Every type of particle has an anti-particle, which is its equal and opposite. For instance, the antimatter equivalent of a negatively charged electron is a positively charged positron.


1500 Scientists Say Climate Change Not Due to CO2 The Real Environment Movement Was Hijacked "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The Plan: WHOs Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030), Leading to World Tyranny "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Lavrov: London and Washington control collective West "IndyWatch Feed World"

London and Washington run the show in the "rules-based world order," trying to dictate policy to their own allies as well as countries outside the West, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told RT on Friday. Russia fully understands that building relations with other countries needs to be based on mutual benefits and equal partnerships, Lavrov said in an interview with RT at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). "This is not what we see in the West these days. The Anglo-Saxons are basically running the show, controlling the rest of the collective West. They are using the current situation, which they created through Ukraine - this war against Russia - to remove competition," Lavrov elaborated. "They see us as a competitor, they see China as a competitor. Their doctrinal documents clearly state that. But they are also removing their competition in continental Europe. It's obvious. The economic and social processes in Germany are grim. Other countries are not...


Zakharova: West pressured countries to skip SPIEF "IndyWatch Feed World"

The US and its allies threatened countries with consequences if they decided to send delegations to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said. Speaking to TASS news agency on the sidelines of the forum in Russia's second-largest city on Saturday, Zakharova was asked whether the West had tried to pressure nations that intended to participate in the event. "There was immense pressure," she replied, adding that "literally every country" was approached. "They wrote letters. Threats were made during the meetings," she claimed. Washington was the "leader" of these efforts, and was helped by other "NATO-centric countries," the spokeswoman said.


Scientists discovered a crucial element for life gushing out of Saturn's icy ocean moon "IndyWatch Feed World"

Scientists have found another clue that the ocean beneath one of Saturn's moons may be capable of supporting life. An international team discovered signs of sodium phosphates, a salt sometimes used in deli meat here on Earth, in a plume of ice shot out from a subsurface ocean on Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons. This doesn't mean someone's curing meat around Saturn; phosphates are a basic key ingredient in the chemistry of geology and biology. Astronomers have long been interested in oceans on other worlds, since water is a fundamental requirement for life as we know it. If these alien oceans also contain salts and organic molecules like Earth's oceans do, they, too, might be capable of supporting life. The difficulty with subsurface oceans is that they're locked below a thick, icy crust, where NASA's robotic explorers can't yet reach. But Enceladus conveniently erupts every once and a while, spewing material from its hidden ocean in a vast plume of water ice. These plumes were...


Blaire White censored by YouTube for showing sexually explicit Pride parade footage where children were present "IndyWatch Feed World"

On Wednesday, YouTube added an age restriction to a video from transexual YouTuber Blaire White who shared a video of a Pride parade where children were present. YouTube determined that the content "may not be suitable for viewers under the age of 18." "YouTube has age-restricted my video containing Pride parade footage," White announced on Twitter. "If it's not appropriate for minors to watch on Youtube, how is it appropriate for them to go to the actual events???" In a statement to the Post Millennial White said, "Other than the frustration that this move by YouTube limits my ability to speak out about what goes on at Pride parades, I actually do not contest their decision because it reinforces my opinion that Pride is NOT for kids." "The real issue is why an event deemed too inappropriate for Youtube is somehow culturally viewed as appropriate for child attendance," White concluded.


Senior Russian MP rules out Chinese-style 'Great Firewall' to police online activity "IndyWatch Feed World"

Moscow will not set up a Chinese-style system to police what people do online, Aleksandr Khinshtein, a senior member of the lower house of the Russian parliament, said on Thursday. Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the legislator explained that while it is "technically possible" to utilize the Chinese model, Russia does not plan on copying the mechanism dubbed 'The Great Firewall' by the Western media. In use since the 1990s, the system allows Beijing to block access to entire domains and IP address ranges, as well as blacklist certain keywords and phrases to hide search results from users.


Putin orders creation of psychiatric center focusing on behavior of LGBTQ people and issues surrounding gender roles and identity "IndyWatch Feed World"

Russia is set to create a new psychiatric institute dedicated to studying, among other things, the behavior of LGBTQ people as well as issues dealing with gender roles and identity, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko revealed during a discussion in the State Duma on Thursday. Amid a lower parliament discussion of a bill that would ban sex change operations in Russia, Murashko was asked by Deputy Anatoly Wasserman to what extent the Health Ministry was paying attention to studies on psychological and, if need be, psychiatric methods of bringing misconceptions about gender back in line with reality. The minister responded by pointing out that there are several medical research centers in Russia that are already studying this issue. He added that President Vladimir Putin has also ordered the creation of "an additional institute on the basis of our federal center of psychiatry to study not only these, but also a number of behavioral areas, including social behavior."


CentOS Stream 10 Starting To Get Underway, More Activity In 2024 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Some Fedora Enterprise Linux Next (ELN) plans were shared on Friday with the process of launching CentOS Stream 10 getting underway that will ultimately form the basis of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 10...


Oh good, now it's snowing in Wyoming "IndyWatch Feed World"

Well, if you missed the snow after all it's been month good news, it's back. Snow is falling on Powder River Pass in the Big Horns on Friday morning. Not a shocker for meteorologist Don Day as the coldest of the most recent cold fronts are moving through Wyoming this weekend. "Surprised? Not at all," Day said. "July is the only month we get a break in Wyoming." Day said not to expect any measurable amount of snow from the weather pattern although it will be unseasonably cool for the next two days with a warmup beginning on Sunday.


Greece shipwreck explained: The claims and counterclaims "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Greece shipwreck explained: The claims and counterclaims

Government denies survivors' claims that it tried to tie a rope to the trawler that led to its sinking, as hundreds are feared dead
Areeb Ullah Sat, 06/17/2023 - 12:32
Survivors of a shipwreck off Greece's Peloponnese peninsula sit inside a warehouse at the port in Kalamata town, on 15 June 2023 (AFP)

Three days on and more questions than answers are emerging on how a rusty trawler carrying "hundreds" of people sank off the Greek coast in the deepest part of the Mediterranean Sea. 

On Friday, the United Nations called for an urgent investigation into the incident as hundreds were feared missing - including 100 children onboard the vessel.

Greek officials said it recovered the dead bodies of 78 men, women and children in the immediate aftermath of the shipwreck on Wednesday. Since then, no bodies have been found. 

Around 104 survivors - all men and primarily Syrian, Egyptian and Pakistani - were rescued after the incident, though as many as 500 more people are missing and feared dead.

But as Greek officials wrap up its search operation, many are asking if the Hellenic coastguard and its European partners could have done more to rescue people onboard the ship.



Resume Builders "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Donald Trumps approval ratings increased after he was indicted on business fraud charges by the Manhattan district attorney. A similar phenomenon appears to be in play as the GOP rallies around their frontrunner following his indictment for mishandling classified documents.


While youre here enjoying Ted Ralls latest cartoon, please take a moment and read articles on related topics: 



Linux 6.4 Lands Fix For Open-Source NVIDIA Driver Use-After-Free Issue "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

As a follow-up to yesterday's article about the believed fix for the Nouveau use-after-free bug plaguing Linux 6.3 users of this open-source NVIDIA driver, the fix has now been merged to Linux 6.4 Git and in turn should also be picked up for an upcoming Linux 6.3 point release...


OpenSMTPD 7.3.0p0 released "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The OpenBSD project has released version 7.3.0p0 of OpenSMTPD, the project's SMTP server. The announcement reads in part:

Changes in this release:

Includes the following security fixes:
  - OpenBSD 7.2 errata 20 "smtpd(8) could abort due to a
    connection from a local, scoped ipv6 address"
  - OpenBSD 7.2 errata 22 "Out of bounds accesses in libc resolver"

Configuration changes:
  - The certificate to use is now selected by looking at the names
    found in the certificates themselves rather than the `pki` name.
    The set of certificates for a TLS listener must be defined
    explicitly by using the `pki` listener option multiple times.


Our learnings from 42 Linux kernel exploits, we are limiting io_uring "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Posted by Tams Koczka on Jun 17

Hello everyone,

We've posted the following article to the Google Security Blog which
contains some of our learnings from 42 Linux kernel exploits we got so
far on our kCTF VRP and the actions we are taking based on these
learnings (tl;dr: we are limiting io_uring in our products):

In 2020[1], we integrated kCTF into Google's Vulnerability Rewards
Program (VRP) to support researchers evaluating the security of...


The Pfizer Vaccine: A Tale of Two Reports. Money vs. Mortality "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch.

Minor edits. February

The post The Pfizer Vaccine: A Tale of Two Reports. Money vs. Mortality appeared first on Global Research.


Kinefox Tracks Wildlife for a Lifetime "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

An image of two dogs and a bison wearing harnesses with the energy harvesting system. Text next to the animals says Dog 1 (Exp. 1), Dog 2 (Exp. 2), Dog 2 (Exp. 3), and Wisent (Exp. 4)

Radio trackers have become an important part of studying the movements of wildlife, but keeping one running for the life of an animal has been challenging. Researchers have now developed a way to let wildlife recharge trackers via their movements.

With trackers limited to less than 5% of an animals total mass to prevent limitations to the their movement, it can be especially difficult to fit trackers with an appropriately-sized battery pack to last a lifetime. Some trackers have been fitted with solar cells, but besides issues with robustness, many animals are nocturnal or live in dimly-lit spaces making this solution less than ideal. Previous experiments with kinetically-charged trackers were quite bulky.

The Kinefox wildlife tracking system uses an 18 g, Kinetron MSG32 kinetic energy harvesting mechanism to power the GPS and accelerometer. Similar to the mechanical systems found in automatic winding watches, this energy harvester uses a...


Distrobox 1.5 Released With NVIDIA GPU Containers Support "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Distrobox is the open-source project for quickly and easily firing up other Linux distributions as containers on your desktop. Distrobox is a delight to use if needing to try different Linux distributions on your system or wishing to leverage different distributions for specialized workloads...


Pit bull breed kills owner after falling unconscious in Beckley, West Virginia "IndyWatch Feed World"

A man having a medical emergency in Beckley was killed by his dog last Thursday. According to Beckley police, Robert Showalter, 71, was sitting with a neighbor on his porch on Wilson Street when he fell unconscious. The neighbor reported to police that he ran next door to get a phone to call 911. When Beckley firefighters and EMS arrived on scene, police said they found what appeared to be a pit bull type breed belonging to Showalter latching onto his throat. They called for police backup and when a Beckley Police officer arrived at the home, he shot and killed the dog to stop the attack. Beckley Police said Showalter was taken to an area hospital where staff attempted to save him but were unsuccessful. Beckley Police, Beckley Fire, and EMS all responded.


Waterspout comes ashore at Clearwater Beach, Florida - 2 sent to hospital "IndyWatch Feed World"

As thunderstorms rolled into the Tampa Bay area Friday evening, a small waterspout that moved ashore at Clearwater Beach sent two people to the hospital. It happened at around 4 p.m. The 63-year-old man and a woman said to be 70 years old, both from Kansas, were taken to Morton Plant Hospital as a precaution with "very minor injuries," police said. The couple was at Barefoot Beach House restaurant when some rough weather rolled through, authorities reported.


Plasma 6.0 Development Continues, More Plasma Wayland Fixes Land "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It may be the middle of summer but there are no signs of Plasma 6.0 development efforts slowing down at all with this being another interesting week for KDE development...


Ibute Ike Syndrome Among Our Youths "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

These youngsters are now on another level. What wont they do to bute ike. Now eggs are being broken on their heads and blood sprinkled on them by Ezemmuo (hopefully not human blood). It has not occurred to the boys that allowed themselves to be filmed in the viral video where I munched these pictures []


6.2 magnitude earthquake south of Tonga - 3rd major quake in area in 25 hours "IndyWatch Feed World"

6.2 magnitude earthquake 259 km from 'Ohonua, Eua, Tonga UTC time: Friday, June 16, 2023 19:10 PM Your time: Friday, June 16, 2023 at 8:10 PM GMT+1 Magnitude Type: mww USGS page: M 6.2 - 251 km SSW of 'Ohonua, Tonga USGS status: Reviewed by a seismologist Reports from the public: 0 people


Top Democrat Has Had It up to Here With GOP Nonsense "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

There is a popular trope in movies and TV shows involving socially awkward boys who claim that they have a hot girlfriend in Canada. Thats very similar to Republicans who swear that they totally have super-secret evidence that conclusively proves that President Joe Biden is corrupt.

And just as the boys in the movies can produce a photo of that girlfriend, often a cutout from a magazine, Republicans point to Form FD-1023.

According to the Society of Former Special Agents, that is the form the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) used to record raw, unverified reporting from confidential human sources (CHSs).

According to Republicans, it is not merely a smoking gun but rather a volcano of incrimination. However, they cant actually show it to people because the FBI doesnt want to release Form FD-1023 to the public to protect that source.

Therefore, conveniently, Form FD-1023 is whatever Republicans want it to be.

And they want it to be a lot of different things.

Above all, to them it is definitive proof of Biden accepting millions of dollars from a Ukrainian businessman. There are also tapes that undoubtedly nail the president. Or maybe not. And the FBI is investigating Biden for bribery right now. Maybe.

In any case, Republicans definitively have a hot girlfriend in Canada.

Now, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), the ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, has had enough.

On Friday, he sent a letter to FBI D...


What the council votes say about the next Assembly and Westminster elections: Foyle, LV, FST and the mystery of Clogher Valley "IndyWatch Feed"

For a full explanation of the various charts used in this piece please see the introduction in the first article in this series.

What the council votes say about the next Assembly and Westminster elections: East, North and West Belfast Slugger OToole (

Fermanagh and South Tyrone

Comparing the Assembly vote with the Local Government vote under the current boundaries shows only marginal change. A small dip in the others with a similar uplift for nationalists. Nationalists may also receive a minor advantage from the new proposed boundary changes. Minor it may be but, in the context of Westminster elections won and lost on handfuls of votes, that could be very significant.

The increase in the overall nationalist vote would not have taken place without the contribution of Clogher Valley. The size of the swing from unionist to nationalist has attracted comment, with some wondering whether Sinn Fin might have developed a new campaigning technique which could be rolled out elsewhere. However, there is a more prosaic possible explanation which does not rely on some new secret sauce.

A picture containing text, screenshot, diagram, number Description automatically generated

Over the constituency as a whole Sinn Fin made considerable advances against their poor performance in 2019. But as can be seen, the performance of the SDLP and other nationalists held them back from achieving their 2022 Assembly share.

The Other Nationalist are all Independents, two of whom were elected to the council. Those two were Barry Montieth, a long-term Independent and former SF councillor in Dungannon, and Kevin McElvogue in Clogher Valley. Together with another Independent candidate in Dungannon, and two in another Mid Ulster Council DEA outside the FST constituency, they fought the election under the name of Independent Republican, campaigning in all respects as a local political party.

My guess is that Sinn Fin recognised this incipient challenge and prioritised their resources on these two DEAs, in particular canvassers and leafleters before the election, and get-out-the-vote activists on polling day, in order to maximise their own supporters turnout. And, of course, in Clogher Valley nationalist voters who were not attracted to SF or the SDLP now had an alternative nationalist option who brought out voters who might otherwise have stayed at home.

This t...


Python 3.13 Aiming For More Performance "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Python 3.12 isn't even being released until October and Python 3.13 won't be out until H2'2024, but already the developers working on tuning CPython performance are aiming to make more enhancements this next development cycle...


Putin on West attempts to lower Russias nuclear arsenal: S**** them "IndyWatch Feed War"

June 17, 2021 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English Russias president says that the first batch of nuclear weapons to Belarus has already been sent and their full deployment will be completed this year. As you know we were negotiating with our ally, Belarusian President [Alexander] Lukashenko, that we would move a part of these []


Flash flood hits Pensacola, Florida as foot of rain falls in hours "IndyWatch Feed World"

Life-threatening flash flooding swept across swaths of Pensacola, Florida early Friday morning as deadly severe thunderstorms dumped several inches of rain and brought a possible tornado, leaving one person dead and parts of the region buried under feet of water.


Special Report the Men Who Embezzled Nigerian Airways to collapse "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

29 OCTOBER 2018 On Tuesday, as the Nigerian government commenced payment of the pension of retired employees of the defunct Nigerian Airways, members of the House of Representatives passed a resolution to investigate those indicted for looting the resources of the fallen national carrier. After weeks of verification, the government eventually cleared about 6,000 former []


Another 16-pin RTX 4090 Power Adapter Has Melted, but From the PSU Side This Time "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Another 16-pin RTX 4090 power adapter has melted, but from the PSU side this time:

Since October, dozens of RTX 4090 owners have reported melting power adapter cables. Despite investigations from Nvidia and third parties, a definitive cause has yet to be determined. It was thought that pairing the GPU with an ATX 3.0 power supply was a safe solution... until now.

A new report of a burnt GeForce RTX 4090 power cable has emerged on Reddit, but this case is fundamentally different from prior incidents. If it's connected to the same flaw, it could cast doubt on earlier theories as to the problem's source.

User "Shiftyeyes67k" posted a picture of severe burn damage on a 16-pin 4090 12VHPWR power cable connector and the corresponding connection port on a 1000W BeQuet Dark Power 13 ATX 3.0 power supply. This case is potentially significant because despite looking similar to previous examples of scorched 4090 cables, it lacks two common factors between the others.

The few dozen cases that have emerged since October resulted in damage to the connectors plugged into the graphics card. Furthermore, they all affected customers who used the 4090's bundled 16-pin connection adapters to plug the GPU into an ATX 2.0 power supply's 12-pin socket.

Shiftyeyes67k bought an ATX 3.0 PSU with a 16-pin socket specifically to avoid this problem. Prior incidents led users to blame the adapter, and upgrading to an ATX 3.0 power supply is a small investment compared to the $1,600 4090, but this instance involved no adapter. Another owner who reported the problem last month had used a high-end third-party adapter, casting early doubt on Nvidia's included attachments as the source of the issue.

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Greenlands Summer Ice Melt Delayed "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The consequence has been a lot of snow, delaying the beginning of the summer melt:

The post Greenlands Summer Ice Melt Delayed first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


La verdad est pendiente: impunidad en la contrainsurgencia "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

En el marco del caso Antonio Gonzlez Mndez vs Mxico ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, exigimos al Estado mexicano que reconozca su responsabilidad por los crmenes cometidos en el marco de su poltica contrainsurgente implementada en Chiapas durante los aos noventa, incluyendo la desaparicin de Antonio Gonzlez, quien debe ser exahustivamente buscado. El 21 de junio ser la audiencia del caso


Clock Project Doesnt Require a Decision "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

You decide to build a clock. The first thing you have you determine if it is going to be digital or analog. Or is it? If you build [Ivanek240267]s clock, you can have both.

The digital portion uses an OLED display. The analog portion contains two rings of smart LEDs. The WiFi configuration is always an issue in projects like this, and this clock also offers options. In addition, the Raspberry Pi Pico-based clock also sets itself via NTP.

You can, of course, compile the WiFi credentials into the code, and assuming you dont plan on changing networks, thats fine. But if youre in a more dynamic situation, the clock can also read its configuration from a memory card.

The analog clock uses colors. The green LEDs represent quarter hours. The blue LEDs are for minutes, while the red ones are full hours. Of course, reading the OLED doesnt require any special interpretation.

When debugging, the timing doesnt drive the smart LEDs. That means if you need to work on that part of the code, you wont be able to count on debugging support.

Weve mentioned before that digital clocks are all analog, anyway. If you want to use fewer LEDs, you can...


We Need Committed Dads To Quiet Our Cultural Chaos "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Father and young daughter walk hand-in-hand.The future of America depends in large part on men devoted to character and action who are unafraid to stand up for their wives and children.


Techrights Statement on State of the News Industry Online "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

We need some more Free software to help find the news which matters (or pages that matter, e.g. release pages)

R.R.R.R.R., one tool used for curation, developed earlier this year

Summary: Finding important and meaningful news on the World Wide Web (or even Gemini) is hard and very time-consuming an activity; we need better tools for the task and weve been developing some (even with graphical user interfaces)

Techrights put on pause some of its news curation activity this past Tuesday. The reason? The signal-to-noise (s/n) ratio in the news (the rate of adequate journalism rather than filler) is too low. In some cases, for some domains, for every real news story there would be 5-10 SPAM items, either some sponsored fodder or sales disguised as an article. Yet worse, a lot of deliberate misinformation, i.e. disinformation, is being published. This can harm peoples mental health and embolden extremist worldviews. The extent of this problem is unprecedented. Weve seen domains that, instead of going offline with some dignity, simply became spamfarms (for money). Even some former LINUX sites have become exclusively spam. A few of them actively promote the opposite of Linux. The situation is barely tenable as it seems to be further aggravated each week in every way. The deterioration is continuous and any prospects of amelioration require a lot of manual work, such as filtering and curation. Its a lot of work. Its more and more work each month if not every week. Itll get worse over time.

It might take only 30 minutes per day to trot through every worthy coverage of GNU/Linux issues on the World Wide Web.This sentiment is shared among several of us. Three months ago we focused on developing some tools for curation, but even those tools are now challenged by a really awful s/n ratio. Since the site was shut down (IBM made some face-saving excuses two months later because we had chastised them for it), several more LINUX sites became SPAM (or worse), and even finding an adequate number/quality of news about GNU/Linux is no longer easy. It might take only 30 minutes per day to trot through every worthy coverage of GNU/Linux issues on the World Wide Web. Gemini is growing, but its still nowhere near the magnitude of the Web.

We must thus carefully reconside...


Tierra carnvora "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La polaridad naturaleza-cultura, que fue y es bandera del modernismo, pas a ser el exterminio de la naturaleza por una cultura de la depredacin permanente. El paradigma vigente es algo que podra llamarse la sumatoria de desarrollismo y progresismo.

Los diversos informes que he podido revisar tienen aspectos muchas veces confusos. Los testimonios son contradictorios y resulta casi imposible confirmarlos de una manera veraz. Como siempre, los grandes relatos se van construyendo a retazos. De la parte, incluso de la pequea parte, a un todo que no siempre ser totalmente armnico y comprensible. Los primeros retazos fueron consignados, pero apenas estudiados.

Sabemos que las anomalas de un paradigma son inicialmente desestimadas. El paradigma vigente es algo que podra llamarse la sumatoria de desarrollismo y progresismo. Cuanto ms se crece, mejor se crece. La cantidad asegura la calidad. Y otros eslganes por el estilo. Lo originario es lo anticuado y lo intil.

La polaridad naturaleza-cultura, que fue y es bandera del modernismo, pas a ser el exterminio de la naturaleza por una cultura de la depredacin permanente. Los primeros indicios fueron tres operarios de una empresa que arrasaba bosques triturados en un lodazal. Entre parntesis, si bien son trabajadores, estn al servicio de todas las formas del saqueo. Tema a discutir, pero hasta los soldados pueden decidir qu causa defienden. No estaban en un pantano. Los cadveres estaban apenas cubiertos por tierra. Haban sido triturados y no hubo ninguna explicacin viable de cmo haba sucedido.

Esta situacin se empez a repetir en distintos lugares. Nunca hubo reportes serios que permitieran entender o al menos investigar esas situaciones. Si Pars bien vale una misa, como se le atribuye a Enrique de Borbn, los negocios billonarios de todas las formas de extractivismo bien valen todas las formas de encubrimiento. Los denominados accidentes, y realmente parecan accidentes, se empezaron a multiplicar en todas las zonas de explotacin de bosques, aguas, tierras. Sin informarlo siquiera para evitar el ataque de pnico de los accionistas -que no se puede evitar por mas clona que se claven- oblig a un pacto perverso de silencio absoluto. Se implementaron teoras sobre nuevos movimientos tectnicos, se tom de ejemplo a la falla de San Andrs, el tsunami que arras la central nuclear de Daiichi de  Fukushima y otras catstrofes naturales.

No se relacion que hablar de natural llevaba nuevamente a la polaridad naturaleza-cultural. Escrib un artculo que nadie public cuyo ttulo era algo as como la venganza de la naturaleza. Empez a formarse un movimiento que entendi que, aunque parecieran accide...



The Highwire with Del Bigtree | June 15, 2023

World-renowned Critical Care Pioneer, Dr. Paul Marik, is back in the news as the CHEST Journal, which published his benchmark life-saving Vitamin C Protocol for sepsis, reaffirmed the study after it came under attack. Dr. Marik joins Del to detail the pharma-driven war on repurposed drugs, and cheap early, non-pharmaceutical interventions for weight loss, overall health, cancer, and more. These are the treatments that pharma doesnt want you to know about.


En memoria de Maria Mies: rebelin e imaginacin feminista "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Un mes despus del fallecimiento de la sociloga feminista Maria Mies, este texto recupera sus principales aportes al ecofeminismo

Solo conectar. Esta frase sintetiza la apuesta poltica del ecofeminismo, afirma Ariel Salleh en el prefacio del libro Ecofeminismo, de Maria Mies y Vandana Shiva. El presente texto rinde homenaje a Maria Mies, fallecida el pasado 16 de mayo, que durante muchos aos fue, como intelectual y militante, una fuente de inspiracin para las feministas populares que estamos comprometidas con las luchas ecologistas.

Maria Mies fue una sociloga alemana que aport mucho al feminismo y especialmente al ecofeminismo con sus planteamientos sobre el desarrollo, las dinmicas de acumulacin, la globalizacin y la crisis ecolgica. Se ocup especialmente del anlisis de la opresin patriarcal y colonial de las mujeres en el Sur Global, y fue una importante interlocutora de pensadoras como Vandana Shiva y Silvia Federici. Para Salleh, las feministas ecologistas no solo pelean en la calle; hacen tambin filosofa. Mies fue una de ellas, como muchas de nosotras.

Solo conectar. Ninguna otra perspectiva poltica liberalismo, socialismo, feminismo, ecologismo puede integrar lo que hace el ecofeminismo: por qu los gitanos an son tratados como animales; por qu las mujeres realizan en el mundo el 65 por ciento del trabajo por el 10 por ciento del salario; por qu en internet las imgenes de nios vctimas de abusos sexuales generan millones de dlares; por qu se cran pollos solo por su hgado y sus alitas; o por qu la propia Tierra est siendo manipulada como arma de guerra. La prdida de especies es endmica, se acerca el pico del agua, el suelo est perdiendo integridad orgnica, la atmsfera es azotada por furiosas tormentas.Ariel Salleh

Solo conectar es una apuesta poltica que Maria Mies llev hasta sus ltimas consecuencias. Al hacerlo, expuso las profundas conexiones entre patriarcado, capitalismo y colonialismo y construy una teora radical por la liberacin de las mujeres y los pueblos.

En consonancia con otras feministas ecologistas, en su libro Patriarcado y acumulacin primitiva a escala mundial traducido y publicado por la editorial Traficante de Sueos nos recuerda que el paradigma del crecimiento y el progreso ilimitado es un mito patriarcal. Un paradigma que no puede concretarse en la realidad, ya sea porque vivimos en un mundo materialmente finito, ya sea porque el progreso de ci...


Hace tres aos frenaron la instalacin de una planta de cianuro y an sufren agresiones en Durango "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

No es grande. Maderas, cobijas y lonas forman las paredes improvisadas. No tiene ventanas. Como techo hay carpas de vinilo que filtran los rayos del sol y al interior generan una luz roja. Los gritos de nios y nias se entremezclan con los corridos tumbados que suenan desde los celulares de los adolescentes. A ese lugar lo han bautizado como el campamento norte. Es el epicentro de su resistencia en contra de una planta para producir cianuro.

Karla Chavira, Reynalda Hernndez y Gloria Mendoza sienten que ah es su nuevo hogar. No lo planearon. Apenas se conocan cuando comenzaron a compartir la cocina para alimentar a quienes, desde el 23 de julio de 2020, se plantaron afuera de lo que iba a ser una fbrica de cianuro. La resistencia uni a las mujeres y tambin a sus familias.

La planta de cianuro se pretenda instalar en los lmites de la comunidad de Dinamita, justo frente a Pueblo Nuevo El Siete, en la regin conocida como la Comarca Lagunera, en el estado de Durango, al norte de Mxico.

El campamento norte donde las tres mujeres cuentan su historia es uno de los dos instalados por el Frente Unido de Pueblos de la Laguna en Defensa de la Vida, el Territorio y el Agua, organizacin conformada por unas 700 personas de 22 comunidades. Desde ah vigilan que se cumpla con la sentencia que, en 2020, consider como nula la autorizacin del permiso ambiental del proyecto y, por lo tanto, orden que se detuviera la construccin de la planta que comenz en 2017.

Planta cianuro_Mxico
Los integrantes del Frente Unido instalaron dos campamentos porque, aunque ganaron la demanda, temen que se avance con la construccin de la planta. Foto: Roxana Romero.

En esa fbrica, llamada Chemours Laguna, la empresa qumica multinacional estadounidense The Chemours Company antes DuPont contemplaba producir 65 000 toneladas de cianuro de sodio al ao. Con ello pretenda convertirse en el primer productor en Mxico de uno de los principales insumos del sector minero para la extraccin de oro y plata, segn la  Manifestacin de Impacto Ambiental (MIA).

Chemours Laguna era un proyecto nuevo en la Comarca Lagunera, pero no en el pas. En 2016, la empresa intent instalar su planta, bajo el nombre Chemours San Luis, en Guanajuato, un estado del centro de Mxico, pero no consigui los permisos ambientales y de construccin gracias a las protestas de la poblacin. Entonces, la empresa mud su proyecto a Durango.

Cristbal Gonzlez y Bernardino Ochoa, esposos de Karla Chavira y Reynalda Hernndez, fueron de los primeros en sumarse al movimiento en contra de la planta en la Comarca Lagunera. Al inicio, segn cuentan...


"Infantry pours blood in liters": Arestovich breaks all Ukrainian propaganda (VIDEO) "IndyWatch Feed World"

Former adviser to the head of the Zelensky administration Alexey Arestovich in an interview with Yulia Latynina* voiced extremely unpleasant prospects for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Kiev regime. And we are not even talking about the fact that Arestovich is talking about "liters of blood" poured by the Ukrainian infantry, but that no one seems to believe in the success of the current "counteroffensive". "I now speak directly on international forums, on the sidelines, from the stands, and when everyone nervously asks me about the counteroffensive: according to your military doctrine, a counteroffensive against a prepared defense can be successful only on the conditions of AI superiority.


Killing Us Softly "IndyWatch Feed War"

Todd Hayen We have, for quite some time, been exposed to a myriad of silent killers. These are the subtle murderers of both the physical body as well as the spirit. I used to think most of these killers were unintentional and merely the result of ignorance or a non-existent understanding of the non-material world


How This Legal Group Plans To Halt Democrats Jihad Against Election Integrity Laws Ahead Of 2024 "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Election Day polling place signThe goal is to 'protect the integrity of the ballot box from delusion, mismanagement, errors, [and] fraud,' RITE President Derek Lyons told The Federalist.

Hugely ambitious self-sufficient floating city to host 40,000 people "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

what this is doing is conditioning our market for this concept.  this concept will not fly but soon enough a practical build will happen and away we go.

Now do understand that the salish sea has 6900 square miles and could easily float one for every square mile.  what that means is that we can float 6900 individual cities housing 40,000 folks.  that translates into a population of 276,000,000 or pretty well the population of north america.

Better yet this housing would be immune to known natural disasters of any kind outside a direct meteor strike.  The adriatic is five times as large and could easily house well over one billion.  i consider tgese as the two best locales to uses.  And san francisco bay has about 500 square miles as well allowing for 20,000,000 by this counter.

i do think that this will become a preferred living protocol. chesapeake Bay has around 4000 square miles and can also house 200,000,000 folks as well.  all thi
s must also apply world wide once we get into building this large.

Hugely ambitious self-sufficient floating city to host 40,000 people

June 12, 2023

Dogen City would measure 4 km (almost 2.5 mile) in circumference and host up to 40,000 people

Japan's N-Ark has revealed plans for...

Trump Pledges to Destroy the Communists "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It is hard to believe that we are going to actually call them out.  the banding parties will soon begin.

I was well aware that trump was a friend of joe McCarthys lawyer.  And Archbishop fulton sheen and his mother like mine was a scottish prespatyr.  these were certainly his mentors and he certainly chose to understand communist method.

what is certainly coming is a complete round up of all the REDS old and new.  This political cult has been about for decades and needs to end now.

*** Trump Pledges to Destroy the Communists ***

JUNE 12, 2023

NY Times Headlines:

"This Is the Final Battle" : Trump Casts His Campaign as an Existential Fight

Trump Supporters Violent Rhetoric in His Defense Disturbs Experts

The former presidents allies have portrayed the indictment as an act of war and called for retribution.



Canadas Chinagate The Resurrection of Joseph McCarthy in Canada "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

No one is really pushing this ,but it is a certain vulnerability and we can be certain that this will not be done in Canadas best interest.  So yes, the liberals under comrade justin did win the last election and he immediately made it up with the NDP which is a classic socialist political movement rooted in old line trade unionism with a respectible history of avoidence of Marxism.

I considered the win suspect, but it only takes a little to jiggle a dozen ridings to pull this off and difficult to ever prove.  It allowed me to become suspicious at least.

So here we are with CCP operatives been flushed out in deflagio as they could say and it is drawing serious attention .  i do not expect much except that it will now be more difficult.

Canadas Chinagate

The Resurrection of Joseph McCarthy in Canada

Mans Biological Clock Set Back 10 Years "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

We do not have a bettyer way and this is unexpected and the so called negatives are easily countered.

There are plenty od additional questions, but right now from the getgo ,three months down gives you a ten year reversal in telomeres and a hunfred fold increase in stem cells.

The instant take home is that anyone over fifty needs to do this every ten years inorder to optimise ones working health.That is good enoughh and any bigger picture can wait.

the pressure is real but obviously not deep deep diving at all.  It does means living in a monitored suite  for three months and possible occasional oxygen enrichment as well in case that helps.

building a pressure suite is not too difficult provided we do not go crazy.  It can be designed around around eight foot by eight foot panels consisting of a steel frame and a blown plastic bubble rated to a certain pressure..  Then bolting and cabling these together to form a living box should also be practical.  then seal the joints and pressure test.

you then set up an interior using wood and drywall even and away you go.  This would actually become a hotel type if we get serious here. particularly if simply sleeping is good enough to do the job over longer time spans.

Mans Biological Clock Set Back 10 Years After 93 Days Living Under the Ocean in a Research Station

-Jun 8, 2023

A man of science locked himself in a 592 square-foot underwater research station for 100 days to document the effects of pressurization on the human bo...


From Cryptojacking to DDoS Attacks: Diicot Expands Tactics with Cayosin Botnet "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered previously undocumented payloads associated with a Romanian threat actor named Diicot, revealing its potential for launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. "The Diicot name is significant, as it's also the name of the Romanian organized crime and anti-terrorism policing unit," Cado Security said in a technical report. "In addition,


The Waco Tragedy feat. Dave Hardy, Dan Gifford, James Tabor, Paul Fatta, David Thibodeau, Jim Bovard, Barbara Grant, Mike McNulty "IndyWatch Feed War"

Scott discusses the 1993 Waco tragedy with David Hardy, Dan Gifford, James Tabor, Paul Fatta, David Thibodeau, Jim Bovard, Barbara Grant: the Branch Davidians history and theology, David Koresh, the ATFs investigation and raid, the 51 day siege, the FBIs tank and gas attack, the April 19 fire, analysis of infra-red imagery, the role of []


Temazcales: Agua y fuego para sanar "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El bao de temazcal es un ritual que ha sido utilizado con fines curativos desde tiempos ancestrales, y representa el viaje de vuelta al tero y de reconexin con la Madre Tierra. En este programa platicamos con las temazcaleras y temezcaleros, quienes nos cuentan cmo guan estas ceremonias, y cules son los elementos que emplean para ello, como piedras, agua y fuego, msica y oraciones, y tambin plantas medicinales.


  • El temazcal como bao tradicional Radio Mukulum
  • Petra Pelico: temazcalera Radio Tsinaka
  • Cantos para el temazcal Radio Tsinaka
  • Los temazcales de la regin Ngiba de Oaxaca Aide Lpez Rivera
  • Guardianes del Temaskal Movimiento Cuatro Vientos
  • Conduccin: Patricia Emiliano Franco y Juan Gabriel Arrieta Ramos Radio Tsinaka
  • Imagen: Andrea Fernndez Sevilla

Publicado originalmente en Canto de Cenzontles


Worlds first cosmic-ray GPS can detect underground movement "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A team of scientists have successfully demonstrated the worlds first cosmic-ray GPS to detect movement underground and in volcanoes which can potentially aid in future search-and-rescue missions.

Cosmic rays are high-energy particles originating from outer space, including sources such as the sun, distant galaxies, supernovae, and other celestial bodies. Although we cant see or feel cosmic rays directly, they constantly bombard the Earth from outer space.

In fact, these particles are so abundant that scientists estimate one cosmic ray hits one square centimeter of the Earths surface every minute! Scientists study cosmic rays to learn about the universe and how particles interact at high energies.


Physicists create contained ball of turbulence in a tank "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

University of Chicago physicists have finally engineered a way to create turbulence in a tank of water by using a ring of jets to blow loops until an isolated ball of turbulence forms and stays.


YuMi the autonomous robot is helping to reverse deforestation in the Amazon "IndyWatch Feed Tech"


This is according to a press release by ABB published on Tuesday.


Rocket Lab to launch mysterious space mission what could it be? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

NASA recently announced its Wallops Visitor Center wont be open for the mission and there is no live stream planned for launch.

Rocket Lab will launch a mission from NASAs Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia within the next few days, but the company has not disclosed what it is lifting to orbit and it wont stream the mission live.

NASA announced via Twitter on Tuesday, June 13, that its Wallops facility is scheduled to support a Rocket Lab launch between June 1520 in the evening.


SOTT FOCUS: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - May 2023: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs "IndyWatch Feed World"

** Sorry the Earth Changes Summary Video for May is so late - all chroniclers were attending a wedding! ** If you thought the unseasonable snow and cold temperatures would end in April, you were wrong. Records continued to be broken in May in both hemispheres, and many countries suffered from heavy floods due to tons of melting snow. Some snowy events to highlight: Michigan - 26 inches of record snow.West Virginia - 20 inches of record snow.Sierra Nevada, California - 15 inches in 48 hours. (State snowpack over 300% of average)Teller County, Colorado - Heavy unseasonable snow.Spain - Unseasonable snow after an early heatwave.Iwate Prefecture, Japan - Record snow for May.New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory - Record coldest May temperatures.And flooding events: Alaska - Catastrophic flooding after ice jams and melting snowEmilia Romagna, Italy - Heavy floods take the life of 14.Southwestern Germany - Heavy floods cause closure of rail lines.Lapland, Finland -...


An acceptance of the fact that we in Northern Ireland have shared an experience "IndyWatch Feed"

I have discovered that I share something in common with Eamonn McCann, Snow Patrols Gary Lightbody and local writer Glenn Patterson. That something is a Northern Irish identity.

While writing this article I have come to realise how differently people from this part of Ireland (the North, NI, as you wish) view their identity. You often hear people saying Look youre Irish. You live on the island of Ireland. I do not deny my Irishness but this view is simplistic. For many people Irishness is not their primary identity.

That fine Ulster poet John Hewitt saw his own identity in the following terms: Im an Ulsterman, of planter stock. I was born on the island of Ireland, so secondarily Im an Irishman. I was born in the British archipelago and English is my native tongue, so Im British. The British archipelago consists of offshore islands to the continent of Europe, so Im European. Not so simple!

Many years ago whilst in an unfulfilling job I decided to write a letter to the Belfast Telegraph, which is what you did in the days before political blogs like Slugger OToole. In it I promoted the idea of an Independent Northern Ireland and it caused a wee bit of a stir with letters to and fro. I dont think I ever really believed in independence but in the bleak atmosphere of those times even independence seemed like something worth considering. I still have the newspaper cutting. Its only purpose now is to remind me that this feeling of Northern Irishness is something Ive harboured for a long time.

So where do I get my own identity from? Well I grew up in a mixed, but predominantly protestant area and attended a protestant grammar school. I attended the local Church of Ireland and was in the Scouts so I was familiar with marching on Remembrance Day and other occasions. Quite a few of my contemporaries at school (the hard working ones) went on to become successful in business, law and academia across the water. (One of them wrote the official history of MI6). Is it at all surprising that I should feel a sense of Britishness coming from this sort of background and having known people like this who, in essence, became part of the British Establishment?

Regardless of my Northern Irish identity I have a real affection for the South. I have holidayed, worked and taken part in sport there. But back in the day, as a youngster, I was aware of things like Irish road signs, the different accents, the wee grocer shops that sold beers and spirits, people referring to the six counties, and this all reinforced the feeling that it was different to up North. I well remember back in the 70s the warden of a youth hostel in Dublin saying to a group of us that the IRA were true Irish Patriots. I suppose it was naivety on my part but this shocked and angered me. In the early days of the Troubles this was a very insensitive remark and it left me wondering how many people in the South have similar views? Again it got me thinking....


Ukraines failed Mala Tokmachka assault lays bare counteroffensive challenges "IndyWatch Feed War"

Introduction June 16, 2023

Days before the Western mainstream media could put its spin on events, videos and photos of wrecked Ukrainian tanks and fighting vehicles were all over the internet.

As far as Ukraines backers in the corporate media were concerned there was no going back. They had to acknowledge that Ukrainian forces had taken casualties and then move on.

Thats what the Guardian tries to do in the following but readers will note that it makes no attempt to see how this fits into the broader Ukrainian counteroffensive. Thats because what happened at Mala Tokmachka is symptomatic of what happened across Ukraines counteroffensive as a whole.

Ukrainian forces made little headway and took heavy casualties in the process. Unfortunately, we dont think that this will make Ukraines backers see reason. The West is already getting ready to double down with Spain and Germany pledging to send more Leopard II tanks to Ukraine.

Meanwhile the article goes onto quote Phillips P OBrien, professor of strategic studies at the University of St Andrews, who says such losses are to be expected.

In other words, the West really does intend to fight to the last Ukrainian and its using the media and various pundits like OBien in order to achieve that. As a result young Ukrainian teenagers are being recruited and sent to the frontline with just 3 or 4 days basic training.

Having fought in the Rhodesian Army Special Forces I know that that is just not enough. I was only sent into battle after six months basic training and even then I went in as part of a four-man team, with the other three being battle-hardened veterans who watched over me.

Sending such young recruits with so little training to the front is symptomatic of a regime on its last legs.

My heart goes out to these young Ukrainians. Truly, they are being sent like lambs to the slaughter while the Western MSM cheers them on. Ed.

Ukraines failed Mala Tokmachka assault lays bare counteroffensive challenges

Peter Beaumont and Patrick Wintour The Guardian June 14, 2023

The footage that began circulating on Russian social media channels last week depicted what was portrayed as a significant military setback for Ukraine at the beginning of its counteroffensive.

In a flat, open area south of Zaporizhzhia bisected by hedges and a wide muddy track about 12 Ukrainian armoured vehicles had become pinned down, bunched too close together near a minefield.

In one video, shells and rockets can be seen tearing into the ground a...


NUCLEAR ESCALATION: Biden to approve transfer of depleted URANIUM to Ukraine for first time since Russian invasion "IndyWatch Feed War"

Ethan Huff Natural News June 16, 2023

For the first time since the Russian invasion, the Biden regime is transferring depleted uranium shells to Ukraine in what appears to be the next step in the escalation of World War III.

For the past several months, the Biden clown car of transgenders and deviants has been debating whether or not to send the nuclear armaments to Volodymyr Zelensky, who continues to receive welfare check after welfare check from American taxpayers.

According to Bidens people, there are no major obstacles to sending these depleted uranium shells, so why not? They are to be used to equip M1 Abrams tanks that, like everything else in Zelenskys possession, was procured by Washington, D.C., via American taxpayers.

It was Ukraine itself that requested these nuclear munitions, stating that the Pentagram (Pentagon) has urged that the Abrams tanks the U.S. is providing Ukraine be armed with depleted-uranium rounds, which are regularly used by the U.S. Army and are highly effective against Russian tanks.

(Related: The Pentagon has been itching for nuclear war with Ukraine since at least last fall, threatening to drop bombs if Putin does not pull out of the country.)

Ukraine and the West are the problem, not Russia

While less radioactive and threatening than actual nukes, depleted uranium rounds are still technically nuclear. There are concerns that the soils they land on will become contaminated in a similar way to nuclear fallout, though less extreme.

Nevertheless, the sending of these munitions represents another escalation in Ukraine and the Wests war against Russia, the latter of which is trying to cleanse one of the worlds most corrupt nations, Ukraine, of its U.S.-run bioweapons laboratories that continue to threaten the rest of the world.

The United Kingdom has already been providing Ukraine with armor-piercing rounds containing depleted uranium for its Challenger 2 main battle tanks. The British defense ministry first announced this back in late March.

Russia was swift to condemn the UK for this move, stating that it is akin to using a dirty bomb, given the highly dangerous remnant effects of depleted uraniums use on the battlefield.

Such rounds are highly effective in defeating modern tanks and armored vehicles, the UK defense ministry said at the time, to which Moscow responded with:

These shells not only kill, but infect the environment and cause oncology in people living on these lands.

For many years, international watchdog groups have been pressing to get depleted uranium shells banned via international treat...


June 16 Russia May Need to Nuke the West "IndyWatch Feed War" June 16, 2023

Please send links and comments to 

Russian official- Nuclear weapons may be necessary to make (((NATO))) back off

This article has sparked major debate among experts in Russia about nuclear weapons, their role and the conditions of their use. 

This is especially the case given Sergey Karaganovs status as a former presidential adviser to both Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin, and his position as head of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, a noted Moscow think tank. 

KaraganovIt seems to me that our country and its leadership are facing a difficult choice. It is increasingly clear that the clash with the West will not end if we win a partial or even a crushing victory in Ukraine

The West is losing the ability it had for five centuries to suck out wealth from the whole world, imposing, first of all, by brute force, political, economic orders and establishing its cultural dominance. So, a quick end to the defensive, but aggressive confrontation unfolded by the West is not to be expected. This collapse of moral, political and economic positions had been brewing since the mid-1960s, was interrupted by the collapse of the USSR, but resumed with renewed vigor in the 2000s (the milestones were the defeats of the Americans and their allies in Iraq, Afghanistan, as well as 2008. 


Continues with more links and headlines


On The Failure Of The Ukrainian Counterattack "IndyWatch Feed War"

Moon of Alabama June 16, 2023

On June 4/5 the Ukrainian military launched its long announced counteroffensive in southeast Ukraine. Ten days later there is no significant progress.


This is not the outcome the war propagandists expected:

[General Petreus] spoke about the situation in Ukraine to BBC Radio 4s Today programme.

On the counteroffensive, he said:

I think that this counteroffensive is going to be very impressive.

My sense is that they will achieve combined arms effects in other words, they will successfully carry out combined arms operations where you have engineers that are breaching the obstacles and diffusing the minefields and so forth; armour following right on through protected by infantry against anti-tank missiles; air defence keeping the Russians aircraft off them; electronic warfare jamming their radio networks; logistics right up behind them; artillery and mortars right out in front of them.

And most important of all is that as the lead elements inevitably culminate after 72-96 hours, physically thats about as far as you can go, and theyll have taken losses you have follow-on units that will push right on through and capitalise on the progress and maintain the momentum and I think that can get the entire Russian defence in that area moving, then I think you have other opportunities that will open up on the flanks as well.

Back in reality the lead elements of the Ukrainian attack got slaughtered. They culminated, i.e. lost their ability for further attacks, in less than a day:

Cont. reading: On The Failure Of The Ukrainian Counterattack


BREAKING: Cyber attack hits federal agencies; Hackers announce another attack they say will target Western banking system "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Leo Hohmann June 15, 2023

There is breaking news today, June 15, that several agencies of the U.S. federal government have been hit with a cyber attack, the extent of which is not yet known, while another attack targeting the Western financial system has been dangled out there by a group of hackers said to be affiliated with Russia.

This global cyberattack is reportedly exploiting a flaw in widely-used software used by several U.S. federal government agencies.

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) confirmed the attacks in a statement to CNN.

CISA is providing support to several federal agencies that have experienced intrusions, said Eric Goldstein, CISAs Executive Assistant Director for Cybersecurity. We are working urgently to understand impacts and ensure timely remediation.

The officials have yet to confirm whether the recent string of intrusions may be related to a Russian-speaking ransomware group claiming responsibility for a string of cyberattacks that they say will occur by tomorrow, June 16, targeting the Western financial infrastructure.

Biden, when asked by a reporter about the cyber attack today against the federal agencies, refused to comment.

Several news outlets reported Wednesday evening and into Thursday that three notorious hacktivist groups, KillNet, Anonymous Sudan, and REvil, declared a cyber war on the West targeting banks with membership in the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT). Russia was kicked out of the SWIFT system last year after its invasion of Ukraine as part of a slew of economic sanctions that have largely backfired on the West.

The three hacker groups declared their intention to unleash a massive cyber onslaught on the European banking system, threatening to bring it to its knees within 48 hours (this threat as made Wednesday afternoon), the Russian online newspaper reported Wednesday. The hacker groups are claiming this will be a devastating cyber attack that shuts down the flow of money that is financing the military aid to Ukraine. (See below)

Klaus Schwab, the globalist/transhumanist founder of the World Economic Forum, announced last summer that a coming major cyber attack would strike the global banking and financial sector and it would cause repercussions so...


Rapefugee-Ruined Sweden Announces Reversal Of Immigration Policy. US MSM Totally Represses "IndyWatch Feed War"

<h1 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Patrick Cleburne VDare June 15, 2023</strong></h1> <p><em>Above, extremely fit-looking off-duty Swedish police officer Mikaela Kaellner kneels on a man she caught stealing a mobile phonesee</em> <a href= ""> What Kind Of Man</a><a href= ""></a> <a href= ""> Did Swedish Bikini Cop Arrest For Stealing From Sunbathers? Probably A Gypsy</a> (2016)</p> <p><strong>Earlier: <a href= ""> In Sweden, Rape Capital of Europe, Women Cant Carry Pepper Spray; Academics Cant Reveal Rapists Ethnicity</a></strong></p> <p>On Swedens National Day, Tuesday June 6th, Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson <a href= ""> published</a> on <em>Aftonbladet</em> (one of the countrys <a href= "">top five websites)</a> a dramatic essay which might well signify a watershed in Europes so far catastrophic Refugee policies.</p> <p>Remix reported <a href= ""> <em>Mass immigration and poor integration does not work!Swedish PM calls for strictest migration policy in the EU</em></a><em>,</em> by Thomas Brooke, June 7, 2023.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Mass immigration and poor integration does not work! Swedish PM calls for strictest migration policy in the EU. <a href= ""></a></p> <p> Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) June 8, 2023

 </p> <p>Calling his proposals</p> <p style="padding-left: 40px;">a radical shift in the countrys migration policy</p> <p>Remix quoted him saying</p> <p>Massive immigration and poor integration just doesnt work. That is why we are now changing Swedens migration policy and <em>making it the strictest in the EU</em>,</p> <p>( emphasis)</p> <p>Kristersson added encouraging specifics:</p> <p style="padd...


US Surveillance gone rogue police state "IndyWatch Feed War"

Vanessa Beeley June 15, 2023




Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Tops Biden And Trump In New Favorability Poll "IndyWatch Feed War"

Mary Whitfill Roeloffs Forbes June 14, 2023

2024 Democratic presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy environmental lawyer with anti-vaccine views and a strong family dynasty at his backhas higher favorability numbers than either President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump, according to a new poll by The Economist and YouGov, even as Biden maintains a lead in the 2024 primary.

Key Facts.

Kennedy Jr. was viewed favorably by 49% of respondents and unfavorably by just 30%, leaving him with a net rating of 19 pointshigher than any other candidate in the poll, which surveyed 1,500 adult respondents from June 10 to 13.

Biden had a negative 9-point net favorability rating, with 52% of respondents viewing him somewhat or very unfavorably while 45% have very or somewhat favorable impressions, and Trump had a negative 10-point net rating, with 53% viewing him unfavorably and 43% favorably.

However, some 21% of respondents didnt offer an opinion on Kennedy, far greater than the single-digit figures posted by Trump and Biden.

Some other high-profile 2024 candidates posted negative favorability ratings: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) had a favorability rating of negative 5 points, and former Vice President Mike Pence (R)s net rating was negative 17.

Only 19% of people view Democratic candidate and self-help author Marianne Williamson favorably, compared to 24% who viewed her unfavorably, though 57% of respondents didnt have an opinion on her.

Big Number

20%. A CNN poll last month showed that about one-fifth of Democratic voters supported Kennedys run for president. Some 60% planned to support Biden, and 8% favored Williamson.

Key Background

Kennedy Jr. announced he would challenge Biden for the 2024 Democratic nomination in April, joining a largely empty field. He is the son of assassinated former attorney general and 1968 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, and the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy. Previously known as an environmental lawyer, he has become known in recent years for promoting dubious claims about ties between vaccines and autism, and for touting conspiracy theories surrounding mass shootings and the Covid-19 virus.

Surprising Fact

A collection of...


Makow- All Porn is Gay "IndyWatch Feed War" June 16, 2023

(Porn king relied on gay porn) 

Think of heterosexuality as monogamous and dedicated to rearing children; homosexuality as promiscuous and concerned with sex for its own sake and the more the better.

Satanist social engineers have made heterosexuals behave like homosexuals. 

Latest -Hefs Bisexual Son Joins Onlyfans

 (Updated from Feb. 2006 and April 23, 2018) 

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

In 2004, a woman revealed details of Hugh Hefners sex life.

If the Playboy founder is any indication, a life dedicated to porn and promiscuity leads to homosexuality and impotence. The 60s icon of suave masculinity was, in old age, a grotesque self-parody.

Hefner, who died September 27, 2017 paid a bevy of whores $2000 a week to be his girlfriends and have sex with him every Wednesday and Friday. He used Viagra and watched male gay porn to stay erect while as many as ten concubines mounted him in succession. The other girls simulated lesbian sex to arouse him.

He doesnt really do anything, says Jill Anne Spaulding, author of the book Upstairs. He just lies there with his Viagra erection. Its just a fake erection, and each girl gets on top of him for two minutes while the girls in the background try to keep him excited. Theyll yell things like, F-k her daddy, f-k her daddy! Theres a lot of cheerleader going on!

No one becomes a playmate without having intercourse with Hefner. The girl next door is now a whore, and Hefners maudlin example of arrested development is a fitting epitaph for his Playboy Philosophy.

Playboy was not a spontaneous phenomenon. It was social engineering designed to foster homosexuality and family breakdown. See my Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution. This is why Spauldings revelations got so little publicity.




No, BBC, Flight Turbulence Is NOT a Worsening Problem in Global Aviation "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The evidence suggests that this is just one more in a growing line of BBC climate scare stories attempting to scold or scare people into not flying.

The post No, BBC, Flight Turbulence Is NOT a Worsening Problem in Global Aviation first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


The Program that Locked Down the World "IndyWatch Feed World"

COMMENT: Marty that was a fantastic interview with Kim. You should have added that people in the British government who opposed the lockdowns gave you the Gates-funded program to review. You said it was a childs game like SimCity. You are way too modest. You were a decade before everyone with AI. I was there at your 1985 WEC. I remember the delegations from all the OPEC countries and the groups in white dress. It was a memorable event.


REPLY: Thanks. Yes, 1985 was memorable. I was also a lot thinner back then and I still had some hair. So many people have come to me from around the world for so many different trends and crises its hard to remember them all. As I have always said, I was trained by my clients. They opened my eyes to see how the world functions by everyone pursuing their own self-interest exactly as Smiths Invisible Hand states, but on every level right into government.

The post The Program that Locked Down the World first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


Detienen nuevamente a la regidora del PAN en Texas, EE.UU. "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La regidora panista, Denisse Ahumada, fue detenida de nueva cuenta por autoridades de Texas, por posesin de sustancias prohibidas. Regeneracin, 16 de junio del 2023. []

La entrada Detienen nuevamente a la regidora del PAN en Texas, EE.UU. se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Biden Admits He is a Puppet "IndyWatch Feed World"

COMMENT: You are just anti-Democrat and always against Biden.


REPLY: Sorry, you are so biased you cannot look objectively at anything. When Biden utters the phrase Im deviating from the script, and I going to get in trouble dont you understand that someone is scolding him if he speaks his own mind? Im sorry. That is irrefutable evidence that he is nothing more than a puppet.

You obviously do not care who is really calling the shots. So far, these people behind the curtain using Biden have destroyed the world economy by corrupting SWIFT, the sanctions on Russia have only divided the world economy ending globalism. Then they have the audacity to threaten China that if they supply arms to Russia there will be sanctions against them. All of this is when the US is supplying arms to Ukraine. They have transformed the USA from the policeman of the world to the arrogant world dictator.

There was the One China policy and the Biden administration has abandoned decades of peace ensuring now that China has no choice but to invade Taiwan or appear subservient to the United States. Then these people have NATO expanding opening in Japan to spread dislike exercising their dictatorial power. NATO is now the greatest threat to Europe. The only country that sees this is France. NATO will destroy all of Europe.



Dan Ellsbergs Parting Plea: Dont Wait "IndyWatch Feed War"

Sam Adams Associates for Integrity honored the late Dan Ellsberg with our annual award for fearless integrity on April 11, 2023. It was clear that Dan summoned much of his remaining strength to leave an unambiguous message to people of conscience as to why they should blow the whistle on government lies, as he did, Continue reading "Dan Ellsbergs Parting Plea: Dont Wait"

The post Dan Ellsbergs Parting Plea: Dont Wait appeared first on Original.


Daniel Ellsberg Has Passed Away. He Left Us a Message. "IndyWatch Feed War"

When Daniel Ellsberg died on Friday, the world lost a transcendent whistleblower with a powerful ethos of compassion and resolve. Ellsbergs renown for openly challenging the mentalities of militarism began on June 23, 1971, when he appeared on CBS Evening News ten days after news broke about the Pentagon Papers that hed provided to journalists. Continue reading "Daniel Ellsberg Has Passed Away. He Left Us a Message."

The post Daniel Ellsberg Has Passed Away. He Left Us a Message. appeared first on Original.


Second Life turns 20: metaverse lessons for Apple, Meta, and Roblox from the pioneering virtual world "IndyWatch Feed World"

Second Life has had a loyal following but never became a mainstream success. Its story reveals why building the metaverse is still so hard.

This coming week, hundreds of thousands of people are expected to congregate with their avatars in Second Life to celebrate the pioneering virtual worlds 20th birthday. There will be live music, DJs, dance performances, and a massive bazaar with more than 1,000 vendors hawking avatar clothing and other digital creations. In years past, up to 300,000 people attended this two week-long birthday bash. This year, participation is expected to be even higher.

Read Full Story

Why you wont be eating cell-cultivated meat any time soon "IndyWatch Feed World"

Cell-cultivated meat may appear to be proceeding ever closer to being on sale in the United States, but production, cost, and formulation issues are still bedeviling the one-time disruptors.

This month, the USDA approved labeling of the food once called lab-grown meat. In quick succession the regulatory agency granted Eat Just and then Upside Foods approval of what the startups could call their product. The verdict: cell-cultivated meat.

Read Full Story


Biden reconoce que EE.UU. enva armas peligrosas, especialmente de asalto, a Mxico "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Estamos enviando armas peligrosas a Mxico reconoci este viernes Joe Biden, luego de que se refiri al problema del fentanilo en EE.UU. Regeneracin, 16 de []

La entrada Biden reconoce que EE.UU. enva armas peligrosas, especialmente de asalto, a Mxico se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


ESG Dystopia: Why Corporations Are Doubling Down on Woke Even As They Lose Billions "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the authors name.

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The post ESG Dystopia: Why Corporations Are Doubling Down on Woke Even As They Lose Billions appeared first on Global Research.


Gobierno de Baja California inicia proceso de expropiacin de terrenos en Rosarito "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Por causa de utilidad pblica tres terrenos ubicados en Rosarito, Baja California, sern expropiados por el gobierno del estado. Regeneracin, 16 de junio del 2023. []

La entrada Gobierno de Baja California inicia proceso de expropiacin de terrenos en Rosarito se public primero en RegeneracinMX.



Listos los aspirantes para continuar la transformacin de Mxico "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Este viernes se estableci como fecha limite para que los aspirantes a obtener la candidatura presidencial por Morena, se registraran. Regeneracin, 16 de junio del []

La entrada Listos los aspirantes para continuar la transformacin de Mxico se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Video: Captan momento en que una nia es atropella por motocicletas; esto ocurri "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Un video difundido en redes sociales, mostr el sorprendente momento en el que una nia es atropellada por al menos 3 motociclistas en Colombia. Regeneracin []

La entrada Video: Captan momento en que una nia es atropella por motocicletas; esto ocurri se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


6/15/23 Judge Andrew Napolitano on the Indictment of Donald Trump "IndyWatch Feed War"

Download Episode. Judge Andrew Napolitano joined Scott to discuss the DOJs case against Donald Trump. Napolitano believes it is an incredibly strong case and that the former Presidentand current Republican front-runneris likely facing prison time. He and Scott run through what was revealed in the indictment, how it fits into what we already knew and []


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

South African President Ramaphosa Urges Russia, Ukraine to De-escalate

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky (L) listens to South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa as they address media after their talks in Kyiv on June 16, 2023.

By Africa News and AP- AFP

South Africa's President, on Friday (June 16), called on Ukraine and Russia to de-escalate the war.

Shortly after his arrival with Senegal's, Zambia's and the Comoros' presidents, the leaders went to Bucha, a suburb of Ukraine's capital where the Russian army is accused of killing civilians in 2022.

An air raid in Kyiv during Cyril Ramaphosa's visit provided a reminder of the challenges they face.

"As we were here, we heard of missile strikes, and those types of activities are not good for fostering peace, and we argue that there must be de-escalation on both sides, so that peace can find a way to resolve a problem."

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky ruled out talks with Russia as he met with the delegation.

Senior officials from Uganda, Egypt and The Congo are also part of the delegation. They will head to Moscow on Saturday (June 17).

As of May 8, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) had recorded 23,606 civilian casualties in Ukraine.

The African peace overture comes as Ukraine launches a counteroffensive to dislodge the Kremlins forces from occupied areas, using advanced weapons supplied by countries including the United States, France, The UK or Germany in attacks along the 1,000-kilometer (600-mile) front line. 

China presented its own peace proposal at the end of February.


Claim: Weve Pumped So much Groundwater that Weve Nudged the Earths Spin "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The shifting of mass and consequent sea level rise due to groundwater withdrawal has caused the Earths rotational pole to wander nearly a meter in two decades

The post Claim: Weve Pumped So much Groundwater that Weve Nudged the Earths Spin first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Mart Batres asume la jefatura de Gobierno de la CDMX; habr dilogo con todas las fuerzas, dice "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Mart Batres reconoci el consenso que existi en el Congreso capitalino para nombrarlo jefe de Gobierno de la CDMX. Regeneracin, 16 de junio del 2023. []

La entrada Mart Batres asume la jefatura de Gobierno de la CDMX; habr dilogo con todas las fuerzas, dice se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Despite the Hype, Artificial Intelligence Remains Inferior to the Human Brain "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Op-Ed by Mathew Maavak With new alarming predictions being made every week, it is important to explore the limitations of AI. The human brain provides...

Despite the Hype, Artificial Intelligence Remains Inferior to the Human Brain


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

On Ukraine-Russia Trip, South African Leaders Delegation Stuck at Polish Airport Over Arms Permits


In this photo provided by the South African Government Communications and Information Services (GCIS) South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, left, and other delegates travel on a train towards Kyiv, from Warsaw, Poland, Thursday, June 15, 2023. Ramaphosa is taking part in the African Peace Mission aimed at a peaceful resolution of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. (South African Government Communication and Information Services via AP)

JOHANNESBURG (AP) A delegation of security officials, diplomats and journalists accompanying the South African president to Ukraine and Russia was stranded on a separately chartered plane at Warsaws airport for more than 24 hours. Polish authorities said on Friday that the problem was over permissions for firearms.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa is among a group of African leaders visiting Kyiv and Moscow on a mission to encourage a resolution to Russias war on Ukraine.

According to the Poland Border Guard agency, Ramaphosas security detail did not have permission for the weapons they were carrying, which resulted in a standoff. The presidents office described the incident as very unfortunate and deeply regrettable but said his security was not compromised.

Members of the delegation had weapons which they did not have permission to bring, but they could leave the plane themselves, the Polish agency tweeted Friday.

Our officials remain engaged with their Polish counterparts in trying to resolve the situation, said Vincent Magwenya, Ramaphosas spokesman.

Among the group was Maj. Gen. Wally Rhoode, the head of Ramaphosas personal protection unit, who claimed the delegation faced hostile treatment from Polish authorities, including one of their female colleagues who was strip searched.

Rhoode told journalists from the steps of the plane that Polish officials were being deliberately obstructive and had tried to confiscate firear...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Thousands of Sudanese Fleeing Fighting With No Travel Documents Trapped on the Border With Egypt


Ibn Sina Mansour, a Sudanese-British national, waits for a call from his older brother, al-Samual Mansour, who is trapped in Sudan, at his hotel in Aswan, Egypt, on May 10, 2023. Ibn Sina traveled to Aswan to be close to his brother, who lost his travel documents and is unable to cross into Egypt. (AP Photo/Samy Magdy)

ASWAN, Egypt (AP) When fighting in Sudan erupted in mid-April, Abdel-Rahman Sayyed and his family tried to hold out hiding in their home in the capital, Khartoum, as the sounds of explosions, gunfights and the roar of warplanes echoed across the city of 6 million people.

They lived right by one of the fiercest front lines, near the militarys headquarters in central Khartoum, where the army and a rival paramilitary, the Rapid Support Forces, battled for control. Three days into the conflict, a shell hit their two-story home, reducing much of it to rubble.

Luckily, Sayyed, his wife and three children survived, and they immediately fled the war-torn city. The problem was, their passports were buried under the wreckage of their home.

Now they are among tens of thousands of people without travel documents trapped at the border with Egypt, unable to cross into Sudans northern neighbor.

We narrowly escaped with our lives, the 38-year-old Sayyed said in a recent phone interview from Wadi Halfa, the closest Sudanese city to the border. He said he was stunned that Egyptian authorities wouldnt let his family in. I thought we would be allowed in as refugees, he said.

Two months in, clashes continue to rage between the two rival forces in Khartoum and around Sudan, with hundreds dead and no sign of stopping after talks on a resolution collapsed. People continue to flee their homes in droves: This week the total number of people displaced since fighting began April 15 rose to around 2.2 million, up from 1.9 million just a week earlier, according to U.N. figures. Of the total displaced, more than 500,000 have crossed into neighbori...


Turbo Lung Cancer: 24-Year-Old UK Paramedic Coughed Up Blood and Died Within Five Months of Stage 4 Lung Cancer Diagnosis "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Turbo Lung Cancer: 24-Year-Old UK Paramedic Coughed Up Blood and Died Within Five Months of Stage 4 Lung Cancer Diagnosis appeared first on Global Research.


The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Future of AI, The Past of Homo Sapiens? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website drop down menu below the authors name or on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

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The post The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Future of AI, The Past of Homo Sapiens? appeared first on Global Research.


Roles of Bromelain and Curcumin in Battling Recurrent SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Exposures "IndyWatch Feed War"

Natural Products have Strong Rationale for Use Post-COVID-19 and Vaccine Syndromes

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH | Courageous Discourse | June 16, 2023

I find it interesting that a large group of post-COVID-19 acute sequalae are occurring in those who have taken failed COVID-19 vaccines. We are a long way off from definitive clinical trials of multidrug strategies for patients who have had multiple exposures to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein via vaccination or recurrent COVID-19.

Kritis et al point out:

Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) is a natural phenol found in turmeric (Curcuma longa), a member of the ginger family of plants [4]. Curcumin modulates inflammation preventing the subsequent cytokine storm by inhibit...


Russia wont let Ukraine be bleeding wound "IndyWatch Feed War"


With the Ukrainian offensive under way for a fortnight, all eyes are on the battlefields, and, crucially, Russias options ahead. In a little over three weeks from now, the NATO will be holding a summit in Vilnius and the West has choices to make too. We are arriving at a fork in the road. 

The NATO expected the Ukrainian forces to punch through key Russian fortifications by now. In reality, they are struggling to get anywhere near the sprawling layered fortifications and in that desperate attempt, are taking  massive losses, entrapped in minefields and taken to pieces by Russian artillery and missiles and the dreaded multi-role attack helicopters known as Alligator.

The signposts are best seen in Russian President Vladimir Putins Kremlin press conference on Tuesday, lasting over three hours, with war correspondents. In just a weeks time after Ukraines offensive began, 2530 percent of the supplied equipment (from NATO) has been destroyed, Putin said. 

Putin underscored three things. First, the goals set for the special military operations are fundamental for us because Ukraine is part of the effort to destabilise Russia. What does that mean? 

It means Russian operations will not end without realising the twin objectives of demilitarising Ukraine and uprooting the present neo-Nazi regime in Kiev. The security and welfare of the Russian population also remains a cardinal objective no more pogroms. Putin said Russia is going about realising these objectives gradually, methodically.

Second, Putin flagged: The Ukrainian defence industry will soon cease to exist altogether. What do they produce? Ammunition is delivered, equipment is delivered and weapons are delivered  everything is delivered. You wont live long like that, you wont last. So, the issue of demilitarisation is realised in very practical terms. 

Third, the Kremlins preference so far has been to continue to grind down the Ukrainian military, whilst giving selective responses whenever any red lines were crossed eg., Russian strikes on Ukraines energy system, the destruction of the headquarters of the Ukrainian military intelligence. By the way, in that Kiev strike, Russia claims to have seriously injured Ukraines spy chief Kyrylo Budanov, the poster boy of western media. 

Going forward, Putin said everything will depend on the potential that is left at the end of this so-called c...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Malis Top Diplomat Demands UN Peacekeepers Leave the Country After More Than 10 Years


BAMAKO, Mali (AP) Malis top diplomat demanded Friday that U.N. peacekeepers who have been in this West African country grappling with an Islamic insurgency for more than a decade leave immediately, claiming they had failed in their mission.

Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop made the request in a speech to the United Nations Security Council. He said the U.N. mission had not achieved its objectives and was sowing distrust among the people.

Mali has struggled to contain an Islamic extremist insurgency since 2012. Extremist rebels were forced from power in Malis northern cities the following year, with the help of a French-led military operation, but they regrouped in the desert and began launching attacks on the Malian army and its allies.

The U.N. peacekeepers a contingent of more than 15,000 came in a few months later in what has become one of the most dangerous U.N. missions in the world. At least 170 peacekeepers have been killed in the country since 2013, according to the U.N.

The Malian government asks for the withdrawal without delay of the peacekeepers, Diop said in his speech at the council. He said the mission has not been able to adequately respond to the security situation in Mali and that its future outlook doesnt seem to respond to the security needs of the Malians.

Mali has been ruled by a military junta following two coups, starting in 2020, led by Col. Assimi Goita, who now runs the country.

Since Goita seized power, relations with the international community have become tense in part also because the junta brought in mercenaries fromRussias Wagner Group, who are engaged in Moscows war on Ukraine.

In recent months, Malis government has constrained the peacekeepers ability to operate, and countries such as Benin, Germany, Sweden, Ivory Coast and the United Kingdom have announced troop withdrawals.

Diops demand came as the Security Council began discussing the missio...


The Racist Bone Connected To Da Head Bone "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The utterance, that exclusively comes from European-Americans, that "I don't have a racist bone in my body" is sickening. It is, also, insulting as hell.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Nigeria Lets Market Set Currency Exchange Rate to Stabilize Economy, Woo Investors


June 15, 2023

FILE- A trader counts US Dollars inside a shop in Lagos, Nigeria. Monday, June. 20, 2016. Nigeria's central bank has unified all foreign exchange rates, removing a significant distortion in the financial market in the latest move by policymakers in Africa's biggest economy to woo investors and help stabilize the local currency, Angela Sere-Ejembi, director of financial markets at the Central Bank of Nigeria, said on Wednesday, June 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba, File)

ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) Nigerias central bank has ended its distorted foreign exchange rate, a move the new government in Africas biggest economy hopes will help woo investors and stabilize the local currency.

The announcement Wednesday from the Central Bank of Nigeria led to a record fall in the value of the naira currency to 755 per U.S. dollar. It has since recovered some.

The move reflects the changes that new President Bola Tinubu has pledged to make to strengthen the ailing economy, analysts said. He also has removed the head of the central bank following divisive policies and ended fuel subsidies, which economists have lauded as a long-term benefit even as they cause people short-term pain.

Nigeria has for years operated multiple exchange rates for the naira with the official exchange rate dictated by the central bank, while a far higher unofficial rate determined the price of imported commodities like wheat, which are priced in dollars.

The exchange rate now will be determined by market forces and no longer the central bank, a move that analysts on Thursday said would boost inflows of money and help stabilize an economy battered by surging inflation and a record unemployment rate.

But it also is expected to make the price of imported goods more expensive, which could affect many in a country heavily reliant on imports.

The multiple exchange rate regime was a major distortion to the workings of the market, such that there was no level playing field for man...


Federal Judge Extends Temporary Restraining Order on Activation of School Rooftop Cell Tower "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

By B.N. Frank A growing number of Americans dont want cell towers and antennas near their homes or their childrens schools due to health and...

Federal Judge Extends Temporary Restraining Order on Activation of School Rooftop Cell Tower


4 sites for getting (and giving away) free stuff in your neighborhood "IndyWatch Feed World"

Whether its time to downsize your collection of possessions or youre looking for some diamonds in the rough, these sites can help.

I never thought of myself a hoarder.  Recently, though, its dawned on me that if we bring one more item into this house, we may inadvertently end up on a reality TV show. So, Im most interested in using the local sites below to get rid of some of that clutterbut if youve got more self-control than our family does, theyre also  great for giving no-cost items a second life in your own home.

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The Collapse of Kiev "IndyWatch Feed War"

The fate of arms has decided. The moment of truth has spoken. The Ukrainian counter-offensive has failed miserably. NATOs considerable armaments were useless. The battlefield is littered with corpses. All for nothing. The territories that joined the Russian Federation by referendum will remain Russian. This checkmate not only marks the end of Ukraine as we Continue reading The Collapse of Kiev


Rescatan a ms de 60 perros en Coyoacn; eran utilizados para rituales de santera "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Elementos de la Brigada de Vigilancia Animal de la SSC-CDMX lograron rescatar a ms de 60 perros, y se detuvo a tres presuntos implicados. Regeneracin, []

La entrada Rescatan a ms de 60 perros en Coyoacn; eran utilizados para rituales de santera se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Video: Captan a tiburn en las playas de Orihuela; nadaba cerca de la orilla "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El avistamiento de un tiburn caus pnico entre los baistas de las playas de Orihuela, pues se le capt nadando a escasos metros de la []

La entrada Video: Captan a tiburn en las playas de Orihuela; nadaba cerca de la orilla se public primero en RegeneracinMX.



Ken Klippenstein, an investigative journalist at The Intercept, has exposed how the Pentagon very quietly launched a new internal division, dubbed the Influence and Perception Management Office (IPMO), in March. Its existence is not strictly secret, although there has been no official announcement of its launch, let alone an explanation from Department of Defense (DoD) officials as to Continue reading EXPOSED: DISTURBING DETAILS OF NEW PENTAGON PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT OFFICE


West is a dictatorship in decline: Venezuela FM in exclusive interview "IndyWatch Feed War"

16 Jun 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen Venezuelas Foreign Minister says the United States and the West are both in decline, calling the former an exploitative dictatorship. By Al Mayadeen English Al Mayadeen interviewed Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil, asking him about various topics from the recent visit may by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to the country to the []


Climate Change and Possible Human Responses "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

A future of frequent forest fires and flooding in a shrunken -- by sea water -- United States. It is also a future to be shared with most of the world as well, reminding us once again that the time to act is now.


Rochester man given 180 days in jail for raping girls "IndyWatch Feed World"

A 20-year-old Rochester man will serve 180 days in jail and up to 30 years of probation in a case involving the rape of two juvenile girls in Olmsted County. Mohamed Bakari Shei appeared before District Judge Jacob Allen Monday, Jan. 30, 2023, for his sentencing hearing where multiple family members spoke about how Shei's actions affected them. Shei was facing three different felony first-degree criminal conduct charges in two separate cases. His plea deal called for no prison time, a stay of adjudication and the dismissal of two out of three charges. If Shei completes his probation, all charges against him will be dismissed and will not be on his criminal record. One of the juveniles in this case was around 9 years old and the other juvenile was between 4 and 5 years old at the time of the sexual assaults. "There is no moving on or getting over it, I've tried," one of Shei's survivors said while fighting back tears in court Monday. She broke down and cried following her statement...


Labor Movement Means More Than Unions "IndyWatch Feed War"

Since the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, headlines have focused on union organizing victories at Starbucks and Amazon. But a recent New York Times story declaring New York Delivery Workers Are Getting a Bump in Pay reminds us that workers outside the union movement are part of the labor movement too. However important, unions are just one part of a larger labor movement that consists of all workers who collectively struggle to improve their conditions of employment, whether through union based collective bargaining or by taking to the streets for political action. New Yorks delivery workers provide a good example of the latter.

New York Citys more than 60,000 gig delivery workers, who navigate through hazardous traffic on electric bikes, currently net about $11 per hour, including tips, after deducting expenses. Thats significantly less than New Yorks $15-hour minimum wage. But not for much longer. On June 12, Mayor Eric Adams and the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DWCP) announced that the minimum wage for food delivery workers in New York City will be $17.96 per hour before tips beginning on July 12, 2023, and increase to $19.96 on April 1, 2025. Thanks to the political efforts of the delivery workers, New York has now become the first major city in the country to guarantee a minimum wage for gig delivery workers.

How did the delivery workers achieve this milestone? Delivery gig workers are independent contractors who work primarily for Door Dash and Grub Hub. Since they are not employees, they are not protected by federal labor laws. They lack collective bargaining rights and do not have unemployment insurance or workers compensation. To get a decent minimum wage and better working conditions, political action was their only option. They turned to the City government for relief. The Workers Justice Project (WJP) a workers center funded in part by the City Council assisted first by creating an educational center in Brooklyn to inform these mostly immigrant workers of their legal rights as workers. The WJP then initiated a successful organizing campaign that eventually enabled workers to form a new organization, Los Deliveristas Unidos. With the backing of the Service Employee International Union (SEIU) and the Transport Workers Union (TWU) and support from a coalition of community groups, the delivery workers launched a political campaign. They lobbied the Council and held mass public demonstrations designed to bring their plight to the public. In September of 2021, the City Council responded to their efforts by passing six bil...


In the Name of My Father "IndyWatch Feed War"

For thirty years I have taken my fathers name in the vain hope that some of his exquisite writing and character would be recognized through his sons hand.  When he died in 1993, I was devastated.  I was the middle child squeezed between seven sisters.

As the only son, my father and I had a very special bond, heralded by my being named after him and sealed by an intimacy exclusive to the two males in the family.  When he died, I became the oldest man in a vast extended family bearing the name Curtin.  I felt older and more responsible.

Shortly after he died, I very consciously dropped the Jr. from my name to carry on his.  This seemed like a way to keep him with me, as if we were one, and just as he once seeded me into life with my mother, I could give him continued life in me, for naming is numinous and in the beginning and end are the words.

From the start, he was my great supporter in all I wrote (and did).  With him behind me, I have always felt filled with supreme confidence, as the word attests to its meaning as a shared faith.  His in me and mine in him and both of us in something far larger than us: God, the Spirit that inspires us.  I would send him my published writings and he would respond with wit and praise, sometimes disagreeing with some of the content of my work but always instilling in me the inner confidence that I was born to write.  And as his letters were works of art themselves, I always felt he was blessing me, as if we were poetic souls together exchanging communion, as we often did when I was young and we would attend early morning Mass together, often stopping afterwards for his favorite corn muffins, a simple second act of breaking bread together.

As Irish-American Catholics educated by Jesuit priests, we both had the sensibilities of James Joyce when he said in a letter, [A writer] is a priest of the eternal imagination, transmuting the daily bread of experience into the radiant body of everliving life.  Since we lived more than a hundred miles from each other, a life of letters between us ensued.

We both knew that daily life often left something to be desired and our task was how to find ways to fulfill that never-ending desire.  In our ways we differed, at least on the surface, for those differences concealed a shared affinity for wit, literature, sports, and things spiritual, to name but four his spirituality being of the conventional sort and mine more heterodox.  When he read the English writer Edmund Gosses classic account of his Victorian childhood and his conflicted relig...


Israeli Occupation Forces Demolish Palestinian Home Without Warning, Second Time in a Month "IndyWatch Feed War"

15-06-2023 Bethlehem / PNN / The Israeli occupation authorities today demolished a Palestinian-owned house in the Bethlehem-area city of Beit Jala claiming it was built without a permit, according to a local activist. One of the homeowner, Thair Zareena, stated in a phone call to the PNN news network that the occupying forces suddenly stormed []


Mxico avanza a la final! Vence a Francia en el Sub 23 del Torneo Maurice Revello "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

La seleccin mexicana sub-23 venci a su rival en casa 4-3 logrando con ello pasar a la final del Torneo Maurice Revello Regeneracin Mx, 16 []

La entrada Mxico avanza a la final! Vence a Francia en el Sub 23 del Torneo Maurice Revello se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Weapons of the West Bank resistance: Where do they come from? "IndyWatch Feed War"

June 16 2023 Israel is concerned about increased weapons proliferation among Palestinian resistance groups, focusing on smuggling from Jordan. However, these weapons may be coming from a source closer to home. By Qassem Qassem On 22 April, Israeli occupation authorities apprehended Jordanian parliamentarian Imad al-Adwan at the Allenby Bridge crossing. But this was no ordinary arrest. []


Interview with UPS Teamster on the Possibility of Huge 2023 Strike "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

The Black Rose Anarchist Federation (BRRN) speaks with a rank-n-file member of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) about a possible upcoming mass strike at UPS.

The contract for some 340,000 UPS workers, organized by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), is set to expire at midnight on July 31st. In preparation for a possible walkout, Teamsters across the country began casting strike ballots earlier this week.

A strike by UPS Teamsters would be the largest labor action at a single firm in the history of the U.S.

To better understand of how Teamsters are thinking about and preparing for a possible strike, we spoke with Big Will Pina, a 30 year veteran of the UPS Teamster rank-and-file.

Black Rose / Rosa Negra (BRRN): Would you describe who you are, where you are based, how long you have been working at UPS, and what kind of work you do there?

Will: My name is Will Pina, a 51 year old out of southeast Los Angeles. I have been working for UPS for 30 years come August. I am a full time package car driver. Worked my way up through the part time ranks.

BRRN: What does your average day look like on the job? Given your experience, can you describe some of the changes that you have seen in your years working at UPS? What have the conditions been like over the last few years?

Will: My average day starts at 9 AM and ends anywhere from 7 PM til 9 PM. Some of the changes have come through new technology. Drivers had to have knowledge of the routes and how they worked, now most of them are lined up by computer routing programs. They know exactly how many miles it takes, how many packages and stops per hour you should be doing. The technology does not take into account road conditions or weight of the packages.

Routes used to have larger time allowance so basically now its hard to break the route or make scratch. Drivers are usually regularly followed by management when these unrealistic expectations are not met. To say we are over supervised and harassed would be a huge understatement. If it were not for my union and the protections our contract provides I probably wouldnt be working there.

Also on a side note; I am very proud to serve my area in a historic brown neighborhood and thats another reason I have chosen to stay a package car driver.

Covid has really affected all of us in my local. When the pandemic first broke out many drivers went on disability fearing catching it because they had underlying health conditions or bringing it back home and infecting their families. For the rest of us that stood behind and worked through it we were met by overloaded routes...


European health chief - in 2010: 'Pandemic' is a massive medical scandal caused by pharmaceutical companies whipping up panic "IndyWatch Feed World"

In March 2010, the Council of Europe met to discuss the handling of the 2009-10 influenza H1N1 'pandemic' by member states. The handling had been criticised in an initial motion at the end of 2009 by Dr. Wolfang Wodarg, an epidemiologist and then outgoing MEP. The Council appointed the late Paul Flynn, then a Labour MP as rapporteur. One of the first criticisms focused on the apparently shifting definition of the influenza pandemic, which WHO appeared to change and tone down in May 2009 in connection with the far-from-devastating impact of the influenza outbreak. In the Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, Peter Doshi summed up the initial controversy as follows: Since 2003, the top of the WHO Pandemic Preparedness homepage has contained the following statement: "An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness."...


Wildfire Smoke From Canada Blankets Upper Midwest, Heads East "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Wildfires in Ontario, Canada continued to bring thick smoke to the midwestern U.S. Thursday, compromising air quality for residents of Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin.

The worst air quality in the U.S. was detected in St. Paul, Minnesota, on Wednesday, The Associated Press reported.

As of Thursday, at least 50 wildfires were burning in Ontario, with the northwest region the most affected, according to a map of the wildfires.

Another map showed smoke from the wildfires in parts of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, North Dakota and Michigan.

The state Department of Natural Resources warned, People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion, reported CNN.

Last week, smoke from the wildfires came down from Quebec, blanketing a large portion of the U.S., from the mid-Atlantic and Northeast to the Midwest, and lowering air quality.

The air in New York City, Washington, DC, and Philadelphia had a hazy orange tinge that lingered for days. Flights were grounded, and schools, beaches and zoos were forced to close.

Scientists have warned of the likelihood of more frequent and severe wildfires as the climate crisis continues.

Research shows that changes in climate create warmer, drier conditions. Increased drought, and a longer fire season are boosting these increases in wildfire risk. For much of the U.S. West, projections show that an average annual 1 degree C temperature increase would increase the median burned area per year as much as 600 percent in some types o...


In 1967, Dr. King Diagnosed Trump and His White MAGA Supporters (REVIEW ESSAY) "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

In 1967, the prophetic Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968; Ph.D. in theology, Boston University, 1955) published his last book, Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? (Harper and Row). The prophetic Dr. King foresaw the chaos of Trump and his white MAGA supporters -- he likens them to the prodigal son.


Untangling the Legacy: The untold story of long hair in men's history "IndyWatch Feed World"

Throughout history, long hair has held significant cultural symbolism, particularly for ancient civilisations like the Greeks. From warriors to philosophers, the men of ancient Greece revered their long locks as a symbol of masculinity and freedom. Delving into the rich history of long hair, one uncovers its associations with strength, honour, and personal expression. Here we unravel the intriguing stories behind ancient Greek men and their luscious manes. A Testament to Masculinity and Freedom Traditionally, long hair has always been a symbol of masculinity. All of history's great warriors had long hair, from the Greeks who wrote odes to their heroes' hair; to the Vikings who flaunted their braids; from the American Indians, famous for their long shiny hair; to the Japanese. And the longer and more beautiful the hair was, the more manly the warrior was considered to be. Achilles' hair [kom] is thick [amphilaph], lovelier than gold [khrusos], and becoming [euskhmn] no matter...


Nueva moneda de 20 pesos? Esto debes saber para ampliar tu coleccin "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Mediante un decreto establecido en el Diario Oficial de la Federacin se anunci que habr una nueva moneda conmemorativa de 20 pesos. Regeneracin Mx, 16 []

La entrada Nueva moneda de 20 pesos? Esto debes saber para ampliar tu coleccin se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Replacing Coal Power with Wind and Solar Increases Net CO2 Emissions "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The most significant effects of adding wind and solar power to any grid are to destabilize it and greatly to increase the cost of electricity for homes and businesses everywhere

The post Replacing Coal Power with Wind and Solar Increases Net CO2 Emissions first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


Right-wingers boycott Zelensky's Swiss parliament speech "IndyWatch Feed World"

Rightwing members of the Swiss parliament boycotted an address by Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky that called for war materiel export restrictions to be eased. Members of the Swiss People's Party were absent from the parliamentary chamber in protest against perceived interference of Swiss affairs. Zelensky has in the past urged Switzerland to beef up sanctions against Russian oligarchs and now wants Swiss-manufactured weapons to be sent to Ukraine. "I know there is a discussion in Switzerland about the exportation of war materiel to protect and defend Ukraine. That would be vital," Zelensky said during his video-link address on Thursday. "We need weapons so we can restore peace in Ukraine." "Hundreds of Ukrainian families are suffering from Russian attacks, many Russian drones are being sent against our people every night."


Am Rande des Krieges (III) "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Luftkrieg ber Deutschland

Bereits vorab hatte die Bundeswehr einen zwei Wochen andauernden, harten und intensiven Flugbetrieb angekndigt.[1] Fr die Manverflge hat sie zeitlich befristet begrenzte Luftrume fr das Militr reserviert drei bungsluftrume im Nordwesten, im Nordosten und im Sden der Bundesrepublik, in denen fr die zivile Luftfahrt praktisch ein Flugverbot gilt. Um die Aufteilung des Luftraums zwischen ziviler und militrischer Luftfahrt kmmern sich die Luftwaffe und die Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS) laut Bundeswehr Hand in Hand. Ausdehnung der Zeitfenster und Luftrume werden Anlassbedingt verhandelt und festgelegt. Der Zugriff des Militrs auf den deutschen Luftraum bleibt damit skalierbar.[2]

Dreh- und Angelpunkte

Die Flugpltze, die bei Air Defender 23 hauptschlich genutzt werden, sind Wunstorf, Jagel, Hohn, Lechfeld und Spangdahlem. Dabei kommt den Standorten Wunstorf (Niedersachsen) und Jagel (Schleswig-Holstein) laut Angaben der Bundeswehr als Dreh- und Angelpunkte[n] der multinationalen Flugmanver eine besondere Bedeutung zu.[3] Demnach ist Wunstorf die zentrale Logistikdrehschreibe der Kriegsbung. Truppen aus den USA verlegen zunchst auf den Fliegerhorst, schlagen auf ihm ihr Material um und ziehen von dort aus weiter unter anderem auch ber das deutsche Straennetz. Um den immensen Kraftstoffbedarf whrend Air Defender 23 decken zu knnen, haben deutsche Soldaten in Wunstorf eigens ein Feldtanklager errichtet. Die Luftwaffe kndigt an, dieses Provisorium nach Abschluss der bung weiter zu nutzen zu wollen, um das in Wunstorf bestehende fest installierte Tanklager zu modernisieren.[4] Der Fliegerhorst wurde 1934 fr die Wehrmacht angelegt. ber das Gebiet der Bundesrepublik hinaus kndigt die Bundeswehr Aktivitten in Tschechien, Polen und den Baltischen Staaten, in Rumnien [5] und den Niederlanden [6] an. Es werde tgliche ... Hin- und Rckflge nach Rumnien und ins Baltikum und damit an die ukrainische und russische Grenze geben, teilt die Bundeswehr mit.

First Responder

ber die Manverinhalte gibt die Bundeswehr an, die NATO probe whrend Air Defender 23 die gemeinsame Reaktionsfhigkeit ihrer Luftstreitkrfte in einer Krisensituation.[7] Die bung basiere auf einem Beistandsszenario nach Artikel 5 des Nordatlantikvertrags und habe damit rein defensiven Charakter. Geschtzt werden sollen neben dem Bndnisgebiet der NATO auch die Interessen ihrer Mitgliedstaaten.[8] Die Luftstreitkrfte der NATO-Mitglieder gelten in einem mglichen Konflikt mit Russland als First Responder (Erstreaktionskrfte). Die bung mache die transatlantische Geschlossenheit nach auen sichtbar, heit es.[9] Erst im Februar hatte der deutsche Verteidigungsminister im Umgang mit Russland eine Demonstration von Strke gefordert.[10] Deutschland bereitet da...


Peoples Brains and Bodies Are Not Protected Against Attacks by Electromagnetic Waves and Neurotechnologies "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Peoples Brains and Bodies Are Not Protected Against Attacks by Electromagnetic Waves and Neurotechnologies appeared first on Global Research.


The Covid Killer Vaccine. People Are Dying All Over the World. Its A Criminal Undertaking "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

First published on November 26, 2022


We are being accused of  spreading disinformation regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. 

The Reuters and AP media trackers and fact checkers will be out to smear the testimonies of parents who have lost their

The post The Covid Killer Vaccine. People Are Dying All Over the World. Its A Criminal Undertaking appeared first on Global Research.


Senior official: Russia an 'ark of normalcy' to Western traditionalists "IndyWatch Feed World"

Tens of thousands could relocate to the country to raise families, Evgeny Primakov predicted Russia is perceived as an "ark of normalcy and serenity" to Westerners who appreciate traditional family and cultural values, according to Evgeny Primakov, the head of an agency in charge of humanitarian contacts. Tens of thousands of such people may move to the country, he believes. Primakov heads an agency called Rossotrudnichestvo, which is tasked, among other things, with fostering interpersonal interactions with foreigners. He touted resettlement projects for Western migrants in an interview with the newspaper Izvestia on Thursday. "We are discussing an 'American village' in Moscow Region. We plan to allocate 27 hectares (67 acres) for this project near Serpukhov," he said, referring to a city located about 100 km (60 miles) south from the Russian capital.


SOTT FOCUS: MindMatters: The Unbroken Individual Is the True Source of Moral Responsibility "IndyWatch Feed World"

This week on MindMatters we take a third and final look at the prescient and resounding thoughts of Ernst Jnger's The Forest Passage and reflect on what it means - in the philosophical and practical sense - to be a forest walker, or forest rebel. For our previous episodes on the book see: Part 1: MindMatters: Freedom in Tyranny: Ernst Jnger's The Forest PassagePart 2: MindMatters: The Road Best Traveled: Ernst Jnger's Forest PassageHow one resists and chooses to respond to totalitarianism is at least as crucial as making the choice itself. But what are some of the many considerations involved? What inner resources does one draw upon and where might one find the light that helps to make the best of all choices? What does one fall back on when many of the institutions that are meant to morally support a society have been effectively gutted, or done away with completely? What is the responsibility of an unbroken and 'concrete individual' to step in and rectify institutional failure...


The Italian Left was blinded by Berlusconi "IndyWatch Feed World"

Those who succeeded him were more dangerous In 1994, when Berlusconi launched his political party Forza Italia, I was 12 years old. At the time, the last thing I was interested in was politics, and yet Il Cavaliere, as he was known, soon became a part of my life for the simple fact that, along with every other kid of my generation, I spent my afternoons watching Japanese anime cartoons on the Mediaset channels he founded. In the three months leading up to the general election, which Berlusconi won, Mediaset ran Forza Italia ads around the clock. I soon knew the party's cheesy jingle by heart. Many of the elements of Berlusconismo were already present in that first campaign to become prime minister: Berlusconi's larger-than-life persona, his unscrupulous use of his media empire to propel himself onto the political stage, his proto-populist marketing-style approach to politics. Yet, for several years, as far I was concerned, Berlusconi was little more than an annoying interruption...


Video: Ukraine Is Harvesting Childrens Organs in Adrenochrome Labs "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Video: Ukraine Is Harvesting Childrens Organs in Adrenochrome Labs appeared first on Global Research.


Places and Non-Places "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"


To close out this Member Week, we wanted to share a classic post from Andrew Price, originally written back in 2014. We felt it perfectly captured the theme of this Member Week: Look around you.


I grew up around walking. I see cities as these magical, energetic, and complex places that are best experienced on foot. Through the eyes of a pedestrian trying to navigate a city, my perception of any place was skewed toward areas that could be reached on foot. I would gravitate toward places that had the most destinations within walking distancefrom shops, to river fronts, to amenities and street lifeand I viewed these centers of activity, where everything was within a few minutes walk, as the ultimate freedom of mobility.

Cities are collections of people, so I find it perverse when I see how much land is forbidden, unsafe, or otherwise not designed for people. Every wide road or parking lot I encounter as a pedestrian is just another obstacle, pushing the destination I am trying to get to further away. Even before I became an urbanist, I contrasted the pedestrianized shopping street in the city center, which needed no landscaping or other padding to be pleasant and enjoyable, with the rather spaced-out suburban environment.

I view everything that is not a destination (i.e., a place with a purpose) as just padding. When I encounter padding, it really takes away from the city experience. Some of this padding is necessary because it has to accommodate an environment where everyone drives. Yet, are these people driving because everything is spaced so far apart?

When you hear me talk about Places and Non-Places, I am attempting to distinguishing between the places that are destinationswhere people are actually trying to get toand the padding between them. (I was not the first to write about Places and Non-Places, by the way. That credit goes to Nathan Lewis.)

Places and Non-Places

All of the land used in cities can be divided into two categories: Places and Non-Places. Places are for people. Places are destinations. Whether it is a place to sleep, a place to shop, a place of employment, or simply a place to relax, it has a purpose and adds a destination to the city. Building interiors are the most common form of Places found in cities. Examples of outdoor Places include:

  • Parks and gardens.

  • Plazas.

  • Human-oriented streets.

Non-Places are the padding between destinations. Examples of Non-Places include:

  • Roads.

  • Freeways.

  • Parking lots.

  • Greenspace.

  • ...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Russia Appreciates Algerias Willingness to Help Resolve Ukraine Crisis, Putin Says

The Russian President noted that his Algerian counterpart had shown great interest in what was happening in Ukraine and "called for peace" during their one-on-one talks on Thursday

ST. PETERSBURG, June 16. /TASS/. Moscow is grateful to Algeria for its desire to help resolve the Ukraine crisis, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

In response to the moderators question as to what Putin and Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune would like to say to the audience following the forum, the Algerian leader said that his country was ready to offer its mediation services to resolve the conflict around Ukraine. Putin, in turn, said that the Algerian president had shown great interest in what was happening in Ukraine and "called for peace" during their one-on-one talks on Thursday. "We appreciate your position, Mr. President, as well as your willingness to help, particularly supporting our efforts to find a peaceful solution to the crisis in Ukraine," the Russian head of state said.

The Algerian presidents visit to Russia and his address to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum indicate his leadership qualities and respect for the national interests of his country, Putin pointed out. "We have always - for decades - had good, deep and literally friendly relations with Algeria, many other countries of the region, Africa in general and Arab countries. We can see that the leaders of these countries are primarily guided by their national interests," the Russian head of state emphasized.


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Zelensky Tells African Delegation He is Against Freezing Conflict

After the meeting with Vladimir Zelensky, the African delegation is expected to head to St. Petersburg where it will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 17

MOSCOW, June 16. /TASS/. At a meeting with a visiting delegation of African leaders, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky spoke out against freezing the Ukrainian conflict and reiterated his demand that Russian troops withdraw from territories Ukraine considers to be its own.

"We spoke today with a delegation of heads of state and high representatives from African countries about ways of establishing real and fair peace," he wrote on his Telegram channel on Friday. "Obviously, <> their (Russian troops - TASS) complete withdrawal from Ukraines territory is what can stop this war. Neither Ukraine nor the world need any frozen conflicts or simmering wars."

The delegation included President of the Comoros Azali Assoumani, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, President of Senegal Macky Sall, Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema, Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly, special envoy for the president of the Republic of the Congo Florent Nsiba, and special envoy for the president of Uganda Ruhakana Rugunda.

After the meeting with Zelensky, the African delegation is expected to head to St. Petersburg where it will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 17.


US: First Muslim woman confirmed as federal judge "IndyWatch Feed War"

US: First Muslim woman confirmed as federal judge

Nusrat Choudhury will assume her lifetime appointment in New York's Brooklyn Federal Court
MEE staff Fri, 06/16/2023 - 20:47
Nusrat Choudhury speaks at a news conference in Milwaukee, on 22 February 2017 (Associated Press)

The US Senate has officially confirmed Nusrat Choudhury as a federal judge, making history as the first Muslim woman and the first Bangladeshi American to join the federal judicial bench.

The 50-49 vote took place on Thursday and passed along party lines. Choudhury will assume her lifetime appointment in Brooklyn Federal Court in New York.

She will be the second Muslim judge on the federal bench, after Zahid Quraishi, a district judge for the District of New Jersey. 

Nusrat Choudhury is a trailblazing civil rights lawyer with a remarkable record of advancing equal justice for all in our nation, Anthony Romero, ACLUs executive director, said in a statement. 

He added that Choudhurys confirmation is an exclamation point on her long track record of protecting civil liberties and civil rights.

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, among others, opposed her nomination because of her work in police reform.

Law enforcement officers in West Virginia and across the country go above and beyond the call of duty to protect our communities, and I am incredibly grateful for their service, Manchin said in a statement, CNN reported



Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Russia Always Retaliates After Ukrainian Strikes Putin

Kiev must understand that in case of continued attacks on Russian territory, Moscow will consider creating a "sanitary cordon" in Ukraine, the Russian leader warned

Sergey Bobylev/TASS

ST. PETERSBURG, June 16. /TASS/. Russia always responds militarily to Ukrainian strikes, but it seldom presents its retaliation as breaking news, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Friday.

"We hit military targets with high-accuracy long-range and high-yield weapons and succeed in this respect. It's enough to see arms depots, warehouses and barracks housing personnel, including foreign mercenaries destroyed. <...> There always follows a retaliation. We just avoid presenting it as breaking news very often, but this retaliation is sensitive and the enemy knows this," Putin said.

Kiev must understand that in case of continued attacks on Russian territory, Moscow will consider creating a "sanitary cordon" in Ukraine, he warned.

"If these attacks on our adjacent territories continue, we will consider creating a 'sanitary cordon' on Ukrainian territory. They just have to realize where they are heading for," he said.

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), the largest annual economic and business event in Russia, is running on June 14-17. The theme of this year's forum is "Sovereign Development as a Basis for a Just World: Joining Forces for Future Generations". The event is organized by the Roscongress Foundation. TASS is its official media partner.

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