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Sunday, 26 March


Erinnert ihr euch an Afroman? Der mit dem Sommerhit-Kiffersong ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Erinnert ihr euch an Afroman? Der mit dem Sommerhit-Kiffersong Because I Got High?

Zu dem hat der Guardian gerade eine Geschichte.

Stellt sich raus: Die Cops haben bei dem letztes Jahr eine Hausdurchsuchung gemacht und nach Strich und Faden verkackt. Ein Richter hat einen Durchsuchungsbefehl u.a. wegen Kidnapping ausgestellt.

Jedenfalls hat Afromans Frau mit ihrem Handy ein Teil von der Razzia gefilmt und Afroman hat daraus dann ein paar Musikvideos gemacht.

Und gegen die Video klagt jetzt die Polizei. Sie haben eine einstweilige Verfgung beantragt, dass Afroman die Bilder und Videos wegmachen soll.

The police officers allege that Afromans actions were willful, wanton, malicious, and done with conscious or reckless disregard and claim that they have been subject to ridicule by the public.
Ganz im Gegensatz zu den Cops und dem Richter, versteht sich. Die hatten nur die besten Intentionen!!1! Dass die sich nicht schmen, so eine Klage einzureichen. Tja, Polizisten waren halt schon immer moralische Vorbilder fr die Gesellschaft.

Wenn ihr mal zurckdenkt, einmal ber die gesamte ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Wenn ihr mal zurckdenkt, einmal ber die gesamte Menschheitsgeschichte, ob euch ein Fall von Bcherverbrennung, ideologischer Indoktrination oder anderweitiger Zensur einfllt, wo man rckblickend sagen wrde: Ja, war gerechtfertigt. Das waren die Guten.

Mir fllt da keiner ein. Anderen Leuten vorschreiben was sie lesen oder sehen drfen war immer ein Instrument von kleinen, bsen Menschen, die gegen andere Macht ausben wollten.

Ich komme drauf, weil die Bayerische Landesmedianstalt gerade stolz verkndet hat, dass sie fr ihre Bcherverbrennung, ideologische Indoktrination und anderweitige Zensur jetzt ... KI einsetzen. Money Quote:

"Der Jugend- und Nutzerschutz im Internet rckt in der digitalen Welt immer strker in den Fokus", sagte BLM-Prsident Thorsten Schmiege der Mitteilung zufolge. "Zudem ist der Masse der problematischen Inhalte hndisch nicht lnger beizukommen. Moderne Aufsicht muss in der digitalen Welt auch mithilfe von KI arbeiten."
Jeder Aspekt an dieser Geschichte rgert mich gewaltig. Dass die sich Medienaufsicht nennen, als wenn hier ein paar erwachsene Erziehungsberechtigte ein paar Kleinkinder beaufsichtigen. Das ist direkt die erste Lge.

Dann: Nutzerschutz. Ach. Ach was. Ihr schtzt Nutzer vor Desinformationen, ja? Auer sie kommen von der CSU oder wie?

Dann, dass sie so tun, als ginge es hier gegen Desinformation und Rechtsextremismus. Die CSU steht seit ihrer Grndung fr Desinformation und Rechtsextremismus! Das ist die Partei von Stoiber, Guttenberg, Dobrinth und Sder. Die CSU zensiert doch nicht, um die Bevlkerung zu schtzen! Lest euch mal die Rolle von Strau bei der Spiegel-Affre durch, dann wisst ihr, wofr die CSU zensiert.

Bleibt noch Glcksspiel. Haha, was haben wir gelacht. Was soll hier also tatschlich zensiert werden? Kinder sollen keine nackten Menschen sehen, weil die CSU aus fundamental-religisen Grnden findet, dass man sowas alleine im Dunkeln machen und sich dafr schmen soll.

Also lasst euch mal nicht verarschen, dass hier Jugendliche geschtzt werden sollen. "Die CSU kmpft gegen Desinformation" ist genau dieselbe Nummer wie "Putin kmpft gegen Desinformation". Sucht euch irgendein Thema, und die CSU lgt dazu wie gedruckt. Tempolimit. Flughfen. Arbeitslosigkeit. Obdachlosigkeit. Korruption, Energiepolitik, Umweltschutz. Nirgendwo in Deutschland findest du so viel Lgen auf einem Haufen. Und geht da diese Landesmedienaufsicht mal gegen vor? Natrlich nicht! Die beit doch nicht in die Hand, die sie fttert!

Aber hey, vielleicht ist der KI-Einsatz auch ein gutes Zeichen. Dass sie keine Menschen mehr finden, die bereit sind, dermaen unmoralische Zen...

Old and busted: Leute laden ihre private keys bei Github ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Old and busted: Leute laden ihre private keys bei Github hoch.

New hotness: Github ldt ihren private key bei Github hoch!

Einmal mit Profis arbeiten!

Update: Das ist besonders lustig, weil Github ihren Usern seit geraumer Zeit einen Service reindrckt, der bei Checkins guckt, ob irgendwas wie ein private key aussieht, und dann das Checkin abbricht. Ja, so hufig ist das anderen Leuten passiert, dass sie dafr einen Service gebaut haben, der das verhindern soll. Und trotzdem schaffen sie es, selber ihren private key hochzuladen.

Das muss dieser Fachkrftemangel sein, von dem man immer hrt.

Ich beobachte ja immer mit einer Mischung aus Entsetzen ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Ich beobachte ja immer mit einer Mischung aus Entsetzen und Faszination, wie Firmen sich in irgendwelche Komplexittsmonster hineinsteigern. Hufig aus einem vllig absurden Wunsch heraus, "mehr wie Google" oder "mehr wie Netflix" zu sein.

Da hat jemand gelesen, wie geil Google angeblich skaliert, und was fr einen tollen Zoo aus Microservices Netflix hat. Das brauchen wir hier auch!

Erst glaubten alle, sie bruchten unbedingt Virtualisierung. Damit sie Server umziehen knnen. Hat jemals jemand von denen eine VM umgezogen? Eher selten bis gar nicht.

Dann glaubten alle, sie brauchen Kubernetes. Fr ihre Flotte von Microservices. Wofr braucht ihr denn so viele Microservices? Isoliert und sandboxt ihr da Operationen voneinander? Nein. Soll das die Cores besser ausnutzen? Warum denn, wieviele User habt ihr denn pro Sekunde? Oh. Zehn? Hrmjanunh.

Zumindest letzteres kann man ber Reddit nicht sagen. Die haben genug Benutzer, um sich ber Skalierbarkeit ernsthaft Gedanken machen zu mssen. Und im Allgemeinen flutscht deren Site ja auch, fhlt sich nicht trge an. Aber neulich war die mal fr ein paar Stunden weg. Umso erfreulicher, dass es am Ende ein Post-Mortem gab.

Das Ergebnis ist: Sie haben einen Kubernetes-Cluster updaten wollen, und das Update flog ihnen um die Ohren. Naja, h, kein Ding, denkt ihr euch jetzt vielleicht. Sowas macht man ja immer rollbackbar. Dafr hat man ja Microservices. Damit die einzelnen Einheiten eine mglichst kleine Granularitt haben und man da einzeln Herumupdaten kann. berhaupt sollte Kubernetes ja noch am problemrmsten hoch- und runter-schiebbar sein, denn da liegen ja alle gefhrdeten Daten in Pods. Wir reden hier vom Kubernetes selbst, das sie geupdated haben. Wrde man denken. Tatschlich ist es aber so:

But, dear Redditor Kubernetes has no supported downgrade procedure. Because a number of schema and data migrations are performed automatically by Kubernetes during an upgrade, theres no reverse path defined.
I-de-ale Voraussetzungen fr ein Stck kritische Infrastruktur! Diese Enterprise-Fuzzys labern immer rum von wegen Verfgbarkeit und Metriken und setzen dann sowas ein?!?

Tsja. Nchstes Problem: Alle Metriken waren ausgefallen. Heutige Installationen sind so krass ultrakomplex, dass man da ohne Metriken nicht mehr so richtig diagnostizieren kann. Gut, wenn die Metriken ganz weg sind, dann klingt das nach einem Netzwerkproblem. War es dann auch.

At some point, we noticed that our container network interface, Calico, wasnt working properly.
Wieso haben sie das nicht sofort gemerkt, fragt ihr? Tsja. Da fehlte die institutionelle Erfahrung. Die hatten lauter Leute, die wussten, wie sie in ihrem Admin-Interface Dinge klickt. Aber was man tut, wenn das Admin-Interface nicht geht, weil das Netz dazwische...

Von den Leuten, die uns das Konzept der "Passivbewaffnung" ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Von den Leuten, die uns das Konzept der "Passivbewaffnung" gebracht haben, kommt jetzt: Sekundenkleberverbot fr Klimaaktivisten, 1000 Euro Zwangsgeld drohen.

Wer konkret ist verantwortlich? Das Kreisverwaltungsamt. Aber ist nicht so schlimm wie ihr jetzt denkt, sagt das KVR:

Im KVR betont man, dass die Anordnung nur befristet gelte, dass die 1000 Euro keine Strafe seien, sondern blo ein Zwangsgeld.
Jetzt wollt ihr bestimmt wissen, welche Partei das KVR gerade kontrolliert. Ich klr mal auf:
Im grn-gefhrten KVR hat man auf Basis des Landesstraf- und Verordnungsgesetzes Anordnungen gegen Aktivisten erlassen.
Ach. Ach was. Die Grnen? Die ehemalige pazifistische Umweltschutzpartei?

Na das passt ja mal wieder wie Arsch auf Eimer.


Gordon Moore, 1929 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The news emerged yesterday that Gordon Moore, semiconductor pioneer, one of the founders of both Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel, and the originator of the famous Moores Law, has died. His continuing influence over all aspects of the technology which makes our hardware world can not be underestimated, and his legacy will remain with us for many decades to come.

A member of the so-called Traitorous Eight who left Shockley Semiconductor in 1957 to form Fairchild Semiconductor, he and his cohort laid the seeds for what became Silicon Valley and the numerous companies, technologies, and products which have flowed from that. His name is probably most familiar to us through Moores Law, the rate of semiconductor development he first postulated in 1965 and revisited a decade later, that establishes a doubling of integrated circuit component density every two years. Its a law that has seemed near its end multiple...


AMLO lamenta la muerte de Xavier Lpez Chabelo "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El presidente AMLO habl sobre el legado que dej el mtico personaje de Xavier Lpez Chabelo quien muri a los 88 aos de edad. RegeneracinMx, []

La entrada AMLO lamenta la muerte de Xavier Lpez Chabelo se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Zelensky Admitted That Ukraine Already Ran Out Of Ammo "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Andrew Korybko | March 25, 2023

The US-led Wests Mainstream Media (MSM) began reporting more accurately on the military-strategic dynamics of the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine since the start of the year, but the true test of their comparatively improved integrity will be whether they raise awareness about Zelenskys latest damning admission. In an interview with Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun, he candidly told his interlocutors that We do not have ammunition. For us the situation in the East is not good.

This is a major revelation for several reasons. First, it proves that Russia is winning NATOs self-declared race of logistics in the sense that its armed forces still have ammo to continue fighting while the Wests Ukrainian proxies already ran out of that which their patrons provided over the past year. Second, the aforesaid aid that was already extended to this crumbling former Soviet Republic exceeds $100 billion, which makes Russias leading position in this race of logistics all the more impressive.

Third, Zelenskys admission adds credence to what the Washington Post recently reported regarding how poorly Kievs forces are faring in this conflict, especially its severe ammunition shortages that one of its sources spoke about. Fourth, the preceding points drastically decrease the chances that Kievs upcoming counteroffensive will achieve much of anything and actually make it increasingly likely that such a move would be an epic mistake that could ultimately lead to a decisive Russian breakthrough.

And finally, it can therefore be expected that Zelensky and his agents of influence across the West will beg for even more aid, arguing that the failure to pay up would risk making their prior investments in this proxy war all for naught if Kiev ends up losing to Russia. The problem, however, is that no amount of money can make ammunition appear out of thin air since it...


Eastwoods tells delegates SDLP is here to stay "IndyWatch Feed"

200 delegates gathered in St Columbs Hall for the SDLP conference. Gathering in the party heartland of Derry after a terrible year the SDLP is doing some soul-searching about its future. Recent polls have shown the party is still struggling to gain traction with the electorate.

This conference is aimed at beginning the fightback for the party and what they are betting the house on is a New Movement for a New Ireland.

This idea is not an original one. The SDLP has always argued for a New Ireland, but the party is aiming to put more meat on the bones of the concept and become the persuaders for it. Ultimately using the premise that Sinn Fein can only take this project so far and that Alliance wont advance it at all, this is where the party can position itself.

Colum Eastwood was the main attraction of the day with his leaders speech. Below are a few excerpts of his remarks.

On the DUPs opposition to the Windsor framework

We are gathered here in the week that Westminster voted by 515 votes to 29 to back the new Windsor framework between the European Union and the British Government.And yet despite that overwhelming vote, the DUP are still digging their heals in. To paraphrase a great man if the word No was removed from the English language Jeffrey, Jim and Jamie would be left speechless. I know the irony is obviously lost on them but it turns out that even British parliamentary democracy doesnt cut the mustard with Ian Paisley Junior and the DUP

On Stormont reform;

The SDLP has already set out an ambitious agenda for reform of the Assembly. Under our proposals, the titles of the First Ministers would be made equal to reflect their equal standing in government.We would return to co-nomination of the heads of government and require a weighted majority vote for their election. We would reduce the number of votes subject to one party veto and end the abuse of the petition of concern to deny people their rights. And we would introduce a new weighted majority vote to appoint the new Speaker. Its time to remove the poisonous politics of veto from the beginning of every mandate.

On an agenda in Opposition;

That is why the first priority for the SDLP opposition in a new Assembly will be to address the outrageous cost of childcare. It is so compelling an idea even Jeremy Hunt and the Tories get it. There is no good reason why parents here are offered less than half of the free childcare given to parents elsewhere on these islands. Working families see progress in Britain. They see the Irish government investing billions in a new childcare programme. They are sick to death of childcare bills costing them more than their mortgage.The childcare costs crisis is an emergency and it is a scandal that Stormont has let it go on this long.So this is our pledge the SDLP will...


Theo de Raadt at CanSecWest: Synthetic Memory Protections "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

We recently reported that Theo de Raadt (derradt@) was scheduled to present at CanSecWest. That's now happened, and slides of Theo's presentation, Synthetic Memory Protections, can be found in the usual place. Video is available on the bird site.


Military Situation In Syria On March 25, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Syria On March 25, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • On March 25, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no cases of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours
  • On March 23, US aircraft attacked positions of the SAA and Iranian-backed groups in Deir Ezzor, reportedly killing 6 SAA servicemen. The attacks were carried out in response to the death of American contractor in an attack of resistance groups
  • On March 24, SAA and Iranian-backed groups attacked US positions in CONOCO facility, Omar oil field and al-Shaddadi with several rockets and drones. A US serviceman reportedly were wounded
  • On March 25, US President Joe Biden claimed that despite the ongoing escalation the United States does not does not, emphasize seek conflict with Iran


The post Military Situation In Syria On March 25, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


Why Buhari Dont Want To Hand Over To Tinubu Presidency "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Following the news reports making the rounds that President Muhammadu Buhari does not want to hand over to the President-elect,  Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, the Presidency on Friday described the media report as outrageous and fake. In a statement issued by the presidential aide, Garba Shehu, the Presidency wondered why after campaigning for Tinubu, President Buhari []


Obasanjo Laments Igbophobia "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has condemned the extraction, which he describes as Igbophobia. Speaking at an event in Anambra State to commemorate Governor Chukwuma Soludos one year in office, Obasanjo recalled his work with the professor of economics as well as the current Director General of the World Trade []


Sweden: Muslim enters soccer stadium, utters religious threats, carries bag with dangerous contents "IndyWatch Feed War"

Note how careful this article is. Its quite clear that this fellow was an Islamic jihadi wearing a djellaba and carrying Islamic literature, but all that were told is that he was uttering threats that had religious indications and was wearing ankle-length clothing. This unwillingness to come right out and state the obvious seems to []



Kanye West: Jonah Hill made me like Jewish people again "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Kanye West seemingly walked back his campaign of antisemitic hatred (although theres no word if hes still a fan of Hitler) after watching actor Jonah Hill on 21 Jump Street. In a post to Instagram, West shared an image of the 2012 films poster to Instagram alongside a caption that read: Watching Jonah Hill in 21 Jump Street []


Adis amigo! Muere Xavier Lpez Chabelo "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El gran actor y conductor de la televisin, Xavier Lpez Chabelo muri a la edad de 88 aos, se inform en su cuenta oficial. RegeneracinMx, []

La entrada Adis amigo! Muere Xavier Lpez Chabelo se public primero en RegeneracinMX.


Video: The UK Parliament Speech About mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. Andrew Bridgen, M.P. "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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The post Video: The UK Parliament Speech About mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. Andrew Bridgen, M.P. appeared first on Global Research.



The much awaited 2023 elections have come and gone with its happiness and sorrow. With the belief and disbelief in the existence of God. But in all these, the Bible admonished us to thank God. So we thank God for everything. For students of political history, the various INEC and IREV results as variously announced []


Pwn2Own Vancouver 2023 awarded $1,035,000 and a Tesla for 27 0-days "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

On the third day of the Pwn2Own Vancouver 2023 hacking contest, the organization awarded $185,000 for 10 zero-day exploits.

Pwn2Own Vancouver 2023 is ended, contestants disclosed 27 unique zero-days and the organization awarded a total of $1,035,000 and a Tesla Model 3. The team Synacktiv (@Synacktiv) (Benoist-Vanderbeken, David Berard, Vincent Dehors, Tanguy Dubroca, Thomas Bouzerar, and Thomas Imbert) won the competition, they earned 53 points, $530,000, and a Tesla Model 3.

On the third day, contestants were awarded $185,000 after demonstrating 5 zero-day exploits targeting the Ubuntu Desktop, Windows 11, and the VMware Workstation software.

The day began with the hack of Ubuntu Desktop by Kyle Zeng from ASU SEFCOM, he used a double-free bug and earned $30,000 and 3 Master of Pwn points.

Thomas Imbert (@masthoon) from Synacktiv (@Synacktiv) used a UAF against Microsoft Windows 11. They earn $30,000 and 3 Master of Pwn points.

The researchers Mingi Cho of Theori used a UAF against Ubuntu Desktop, the team earned $30,000 and 3 Master of Pwn points.

The STAR Labs (@starlabs_sg) team used an uninitialized variable and UAF to hack the VMWare Workstation virtualization software. They earned $80,000 and 8 Master of Pwn points. The STAR Labs team also attempted to demonstrate an exploit against Microsoft Teams, but failed to do it within the time allotted.

Bien Pham (@bienpnn) from Qrious Security successfully targeted Ubuntu Desktop, but used a known exploit, for this reason, the attempt was classified as &#...


Turkey ordered to pay $1.4bn to Iraq in Kurdistan oil arbitration case "IndyWatch Feed War"

Turkey ordered to pay $1.4bn to Iraq in Kurdistan oil arbitration case

The international arbitration court ruled in favour of Baghdad in Kurdistan oil dispute with Ankara, which stopped oil shipments on Saturday
Ragip Soylu Sat, 03/25/2023 - 15:35
Former Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz (L) swaps documents with former Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani after signing a deal to extend for 15 years the use of the main pipeline linking its northern oilfields to the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan, on 19 September 2010, in Baghdad (AFP/file photo)

An international arbitration court has ruled against Turkey in a long-running dispute with the Iraqi government regarding crude oil exports from the autonomous Kurdistan region, two Turkish sources familiar with the issue, but not authorised to speak to the press, told Middle East Eye. 

The Iraqi oil ministry in a separate statement on Saturday welcomed the favourable ruling from the International Court of Arbitration that had been issued on Thursday, saying that the judgement confirmed that Iraqi national oil company SOMO is the only entity authorised to manage oil export operations through the Turkish port of Ceyhan. 

The ministry said that it would discuss mechanisms for exporting Iraqi oil through the Ceyhan port, both with the Turkish government and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq, in a way that would guarantee the continuation of shipments. 

Iraq sued Turkey nearly nine years ago due to an oil deal between Ankara and Erbil concerning exports through the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline. Iraq maintained for years that the Iraqi Kurdistan region doesn't have any authority to make energy exports without Baghdad's consent. 

One source familiar with the lawsuit told MEE that Iraqi authorities demanded $33bn from Turkey for the damage, but couldn't get that amount. The source added that Turkey was ordered to pay Iraq $1.4bn to cover the 2014-2018 period.



Hungary comments on Ukraines NATO and EU bids "IndyWatch Feed War"

RT | March 25, 2023

Hungary will not agree to Ukraine joining NATO and the EU as long as Kiev continues to discriminate against ethnic Hungarians living in Transcarpathia, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has said.

Szijjarto added that he raised the issue at a meeting with the UN assistant secretary general for human rights, Ilze Brands Kehris.

Up to 99 Hungarian primary and secondary schools are in danger of being closed in Ukraine due to the nations education law, Szijjarto said. I made it clear to Ilze Brands Kehris that Hungary will not be able to support Ukraines transatlantic and European integration [bids] under any circumstances as long as Hungarian schools in the Transcarpathia region are in danger, the minister wrote on Facebook on Friday.

Kiev has been cracking down on minority language rights for years. Laws enforcing the use of Ukrainian in education and television were adopted as early as 2017 under then-President Pyotr Poroshenko. In 2018, another law banned the teaching of Russian, as well as Romanian, Polish, and Hungarian beyond the primary school level.

In 2019, the Council of Europes Venice Commission criticized Ukraines State Language Law, saying it fails to strike balance between strengthening Ukrainian and safeguarding minorities linguistic rights.

Budapest has been among the most vocal critics of Kievs language policies in the West. According to Szijjarto, Ukraine has not done anything substantial to address Hungarys concerns.

For the past eight years, we have continuously received promises from the Ukrainian authorities that they will solve this problem, but they have not actually done anything, he said.

Around 156,000 ethnic Hungarians live in Ukraine, most of them in the western region of Transcarpathia. Ukraine is also home to around 150,000 ethnic Romanians and more than 250,000 Moldovans, and Bucharest previously joined Budapest in demanding that the language laws be revised.

In February, Szijjarto announced that the Council of Europe will review Kievs treatment of minorities and issue a report on its alleged discrimination against ethnic Hungarians and Romanians living in Ukraine this summer. He pointed to yet another law adopted in December 2022, which mandated the use of Ukrainian in most aspects of daily and public life, including schools.


Obasanjo Warns Against Igbo Phobia "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Lauds Soludo/ Iwuala As His Best. Former President of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo has warned against the dangers of the conspiracy against the Igbos of the South East which he described as Igbo Phobia, contending that it would not mean well for the unity and development of the country. Obasanjo who spoke at the one-year []


Military Situation In Bakhmut On March 25, 2023 (Map Update) "IndyWatch Feed War"

Military Situation In Bakhmut On March 25, 2023 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size image

  • Russian forces advanced in the Sobachivka district and captured School N 5 area
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in the south of AZOM plant
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Khromove
  • Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Samolet and Budenivka districts


The post Military Situation In Bakhmut On March 25, 2023 (Map Update) appeared first on South Front.


Flying taxi service coming to Chicago using eVTOL aircraft "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In the latest sign of growing interest in the flying taxi sector, United Airlines and air mobility startup Archer Aviation have announced an upcoming service for hops between downtown Chicago and OHare International Airport.

The service will offer a sustainable, low-noise, and cost-competitive alternative to ground transportation for folks traveling to and from the airport, United and Archer said in a release.


The Personalized Stem Cells That Could One Day Treat Parkinsons and Heart Failure "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Could an injection of lab-cultured brain cells, created from a persons own cells, reverse symptoms of Parkinsons disease? Thats an idea that Aspen Neuroscience Inc., a startup based in San Diego, plans to test in human trials later this year.

In patients with Parkinsons, neurons die and lose the ability to make the chemical dopamine, leading to erratic, uncontrollable movements. Aspen Neuroscience will test if the newly injected cells can mature into dopamine producers, stopping the debilitating symptoms of this incurable disease, says Damien McDevitt, the companys chief executive officer. Tests in animals have shown promise, the company says.


Suspected Burglars, Policemen Clash In Kwara Market "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Scores of people were on Saturday injured as law enforcement agents and suspected shop breakers clashed at the Mandate market, Adewole area, Ilorin, Kwara State. It was gathered that some shop owners in the market had complained to security agencies that some petty traders, guards, cleaners or load carriers who reside in the market always []

Scramble For Manchester United Gets Intense As Bidder Lobby For Place "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Sheikh Jassim Bin Hamad Al Thani has submitted a new bid to buy Manchester United. Raine Group, the firm handling the sale of Manchester United, has granted extensions to Qatars Sheikh Jassim and Sir Jim Ratcliffes INEOS to make second bids. Finnish entrepreneur, Thomas Zilliacus has also made an increased offer; Elliott Management wants a []


People And Machines Will Merge Sooner Or Later "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

The idea of the technological singularity was inspired by how ubiquitous and invasive AI is becoming. As they combine thought and machine, recent advanceme


Link "IndyWatch Feed World"

QUESTION: Hello Martin,
I have been reading you since your handwritten and from memory letters were getting out from your incarceration. You are truly an amazing man sir.
I realize that both the Kondratieff and the Brenner cycles are mostly just coincidental to market cycles today but my question is are both the Kondratieff and the Brenner cycles still accurate for agriculture goods and the farm economy to this day?
Thank you for your consideration of this question as well as for all the good you have done for mankind.
Thank you.



Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare by Tayacn, Report dated October 18, 1984 "IndyWatch Feed World"

This document, released by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), serves as a guide for psychological operations (PSYOP) in guerrilla warfare. The primary focus is on how to leverage psychological tactics to influence and control the population and enemy forces during an insurgency. The guide outlines the importance of understanding the target audience, establishing credibility, and utilizing propaganda to promote the guerrilla movements objectives. Additionally, it highlights the role of armed propaganda teams in executing these operations.

The authorship of Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare by Tayacn is not definitively known, and the name Tayacn is likely a pseudonym. The document has been attributed to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and it was released to the public under the Freedom of Information Act. The guide is believed to have been produced to aid insurgents, particularly during the Cold War era, when the United States and other Western countries were supporting various guerrilla movements against Communist regimes. The identity of Tayacn remains unclear, but the document is still a valuable resource for understanding the strategic use of psychological operations in guerrilla warfare.

Key Highlights:
  1. The guide emphasizes the importance of intelligence gathering and analysis for effective PSYOP, which includes understanding the enemys strengths and weaknesses, as well as the social and political environment in the area of operations.
  2. The document explains that PSYOP should be tailored to the target audience, using cultural and linguistic nuances to maximize its impact.
  3. It outlines various tactics, such as rumor campaigns, psychological pressure, and the use of mass communication channels to disseminate propaganda and control public opinion.
  4. The guide highlights the importance of credibility and consistency in messaging to ensure the success of psychological operations.
  5. It describes the role of armed propaganda teams in spreading the guerrilla movements message, winning th...


Canada: Via Rail revisiting policies after Muslim man told not to pray at Ottawa station "IndyWatch Feed War"

The Muslim Via Rail customer Ahmed drew nationwide attention to himself by praying in an empty hall, he says, and being rebuked by a security guard for it. A Muslim site with a guide for Muslim travelers wanting to engage in prayer advises: Praying in public is often thought of as being intimidating, especially when youre []


Adelekes Victory: Timi Frank Hails Appeal Court Over Osun Judgment "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The former Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Comrade Timi Frank has congratulated the Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke, over the reinstatement of his mandate by the Appeal Court. Frank in a statement issued on Saturday in Abuja, also lauded the Justices of the Appeal Court that courageously decided []


TMG, CISLAC, Others Disown Group Calling For Cancellation Of Kano Guber Poll "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Transition Monitoring Group (TMG), Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Center (CISLAC) and the Kano Civil Society Elections Situation Room have distanced themselves from a Group they described as a Fake Civil Society calling for the Cancellation of the Kano gubernatorial election. Rising from a Press Conference at the Tahir Guest Palace on Saturday, Chairman TMG, []


Observers Demand Cancellation Of Guber Election In Ogun "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Some accredited observers have called on the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to cancel the March 18 governorship election in Ogun State and conduct a fresh one. The observers, under the aegis of Civil Societies and Non-governmental organizations, (NGOs), faulted the election, saying it fell short of the voters expectations. INEC had on Sunday declared []


Hotel Rwanda hero released from prison following Qatar and US talks "IndyWatch Feed War"

Hotel Rwanda hero released from prison following Qatar and US talks

Paul Rusesabagina has had his sentence commuted by Rwandan President Paul Kagame in a move welcomed by the US, Qatar, Israel and the UK
Oscar Rickett Sat, 03/25/2023 - 14:33
Rwandan President Paul Kagame and Qatar's emir, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, meeting in Doha on 21 March 2023 (Social media)

Paul Rusesabagina, hero of the Hollywood film Hotel Rwanda, was released from prison by the Rwandan government on Friday following talks mediated by the United States and Qatar.

The release of the hotelier and activist, who was played by American actor Don Cheadle in the film, is a public relations boost for the British government, which has been heavily criticised for striking a $146m deal to deport migrants and asylum seekers to Rwanda.

Both US President Joe Biden and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken welcomed the news, with Blinken thanking Qatar for its assistance.

Rusesabagina, 68, was sentenced in September 2021 to 25 years over his ties to an opposition group that has an armed wing. He denied responsibility for armed attacks and boycotted the trial, calling it a sham. 

In an October 2022 letter to Rwandan President Paul Kagame, Rusesabagina said: "I regret not taking more care to ensure that members of the MRCD coalition fully adhered to the principles of non-violence." He wrote that if he was pardoned and freed, he would spend the rest of his days in "quiet reflection" in the US. 



Senate Presidency: CD Asks EFCC, ICPC To Probe Alleged $10,000 Bribe "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The Campaign for Democracy, (CD) has called on the Economic And Financial Crimes Commission, (EFCC) and the Independent Corrupt Practice And Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), to beam their searchlight on the National Assembly members. The Civil Society group in a statement signed by its Secretary General, Pastor Ifeanyi Odili, specifically asked the anti-graft agencies []


Imran Khan, a Zionist Army Chief, and Pakistan-Israel Normalization "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Historical Precedent

While many base Pakistans enmity towards Israel on the latters post-1948 transgressions such as occupying Gaza and West Bank, military incursions in Gaza, ethnic cleansing of Arabs, building unlawful Israeli settlements, and innumerable other events, this is an incomplete story. Pakistans opposition to Israel can be traced back to Muhammad Iqbal and Muhammad Ali Jinnah, two of Pakistans founders, when the two nations were nonexistent.

Mr. Iqbal, Mr. Jinnah, and their political party worked selflessly toward the cause of Palestine after World War I, despite chasing the dream of Pakistan. They sent Indian Muslim delegations to aid with the Palestine question, built anti-British/Zionist momentum through scathing letters and speeches, passed countless resolutions for Palestine, organized Palestine Days, and started a Palestine Fund for Arab victims et cetera. They did so much, that on several occasions even the Grand Mufti of Palestine acknowledged their efforts.

Pakistans Current Situation

After the Abraham Accords in 2020, the Middle Easts already waning anger toward Israel dissolved further. In a shock move Oman, UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan, recognized Israel. There were similar murmurings of Saudi Arabia being next as it was not possible for UAE, Bahrain, and Oman to recognize Israel without big brother Saudi Arabias blessing.

While in office, Pakistans ex-PM Imran Khan verified that he was fighting enormous exogenous pressures to recognize Israel. One of the nations placing such pressures, he asserted, was America, yet he abstained from referencing the other countries. However, he did note that they were close allies of Pakistan, which many perceived as Saudi Arabia and UAE. Imran Khans position on the Palestine issue, aptly, reflected that of Pakistans founders as...



American Labor: Prospects and Possibilities "IndyWatch Feed War"

Starbucks workers at over 100 sites greeted Spring and the companys new CEO by walking off the job. Some pundits hail this action as a reflection of labors growing new strength. Public approval of unions is at a fifty year high, petitions for union elections are on the upswing, and the recent well-publicized organizing victories at Trader Joes, Amazon, outdoor outfitter REI, and almost 300 Starbucks stores, among others. suggest that unions are on the rise. But glowing reports of the resurgence of the American labor movement are premature. The organizing efforts by Starbucks workers illustrate the many obstacles produced by corporate animus toward unions and hostile labor laws. In contrast, many other American labor activists have sought to avoid the strictures of labor law by taking their case directly to the streets and state legislatures, while European labor offers an entirely different model for securing workers rights sectoral bargaining.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz insists hes not an anti-union person. Growing up in a Brooklyn housing project, he says he understands the working class. He believes that unions have a place in companies that the lack worker-friendly environs of Starbucks, which, he contends, offers the best possible workplace for his so-called partners. Instead of helping workers, American labor law gives CEOs like Schultz the tools for keeping unions out. Workers who want a union must first convince co-workers to petition the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for a union certification election. Once 30% of workers sign the petition, the NLRB sets a time and place for the election. Starbucks relies on its union busting law firm of Littler-Mendelson to tie the union up in court for months, if not years. A typical first step is to challenge categories of workers included in the bargaining unit. For instance, the Taft-Hartley Act excludes supervisors and independent contractors from union coverage. Other legal avenues exist for Starbucks to obstruct unionization. While union backers can organize only on break-time or outside the workplace, Starbucks can wage its anti-union campaign twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week by distributing anti-union literature, forcing workers to attend anti-union meetings, and compelling workers to watch anti-union videos. Starbucks can, and does, threaten store closings too, and when the threats dont work, store closings do.

In addition to legal anti-union activities, Starbucks, like other anti-union companies, frequently violates labor laws. The New York Times reported that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has filed 81 unfair labor practice charges and over 500 complaints against Starbucks for violations of federal labor laws, including illegally disciplining or firing workers for their union activities. Recently, a federal judge in Michigan ordered Starbucks to stop the firings and paved the way for the NLRB to reinstate workers fired f......


Massive Aurora Australis solar storm seen over Tasmania, Australia and New Zealand "IndyWatch Feed World"

Naked eye aurora australis visible from Franklin, Tasmania on the night of 23/3/2023. All the colours visible in this footage were visible to the naked eye, which is extremely rare for Aurora. This is easily the biggest and brightest aurora display I've seen in the 23 years I have been chasing aurora. It doesn't get much better than this from Australia. Aurora gets such a bad wrap for being colourless, but once it got bright enough the colour receptors in my eyes suddenly switched on. It was like upgrading from a B&W TV to full HD.


Moderna CEO Brazenly Defends 400% COVID Shot Price Hike, Downplays NIH's Role "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In congressional testimony Wednesday, Moderna CEO Stphane Bancel unabashedly defended the company's plans to raise the US list price of its COVID-19 vaccines by more than 400 percentdespite creating the vaccine in partnership with the National Institutes of Health, receiving $1.7 billion in federal grant money for clinical development, and making roughly $36 billion from worldwide sales.

Bancel appeared this morning before the Senate's Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee, chaired by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who has long railed at the pharmaceutical price gouging in the US and pushed for policy reforms. After thanking Bancel for agreeing to testify, Sanders didn't pull any punches. He accused Moderna of "profiteering" and sharing in the "unprecedented level of corporate greed" seen in the pharmaceutical industry generally.
Early doses were priced between $15 to $16, while the government paid a little over $26 for the updated booster shots. When federal supplies run out later this year and the vaccines move to the commercial market, Moderna will set the list price of its vaccine at $130.

"This vaccine would not exist without NIH's partnership and expertise, and the substantial investment of the taxpayers of this country," Sanders summarized. "And here is the thank you that the taxpayers of this country received from Moderna for that huge investment: They are thanking the taxpayers of the United States by proposing to quadruple the price of the COVID vaccine."

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Osun PDP Hails Judiciary For Upholding Fairness, Justice "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

.Enjoins Oyetola, APC to bury their hatchet, congratulate Adeleke Following the unanimous decision of the appellate court that validate the mandate of Governor Ademola Adeleke on Friday, the Osun State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has urged the defeated opposition party in the state, APC and former Governor Gboyega Oyetola to quit grandstanding []


Global Hegemony: Americas Grand Strategy in the Asia-Pacific "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Narendra Modis Cricket Coup "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Abu Ghraib Survivor: Taking the Hood Off 20 Years After Iraq War "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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CLIMATE CHANGE IS NOW A CRISIS ~ Time is Running Out ~ Lets Admit It! "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Keeling Curve showing how carbon dioxide is accumulating in the atmosphere

Time is Running Out, American Petroleum Institute Chief Said in 1965 Speech on Climate

From an Article by Sharon Kelly, DeSmog Blog, November 20, 2018

The warning is clear and dire and the source unexpected. This report unquestionably will fan emotions, raise fears, and bring demand for action, the president of the American Petroleum Institute (API) told an oil industry conference, as he described research into climate change caused by fossil fuels.

The substance of the report is that there is still time to save the worlds peoples from the catastrophic consequence of pollution, but time is running out. ~~~ The speaker wasnt Mike Sommers, who was named to helm API this past May. Nor was it Jack Gerard, who served as APIs president for roughly a decade starting in 2008. The API president speaking those words was named Frank Ikard and the year was 1965, over a half-century ago.

It was the same year that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led a civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Muhammad Ali felled Sonny Liston in the first round, and Malcom X was fatally shot in New York. The first American ground combat troops arrived in Vietnam and President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the law establishing Medicaid and Medicare.

It would be another four years before American astronaut Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon and another decade before the phrase global warming would appear for the first time in a peer-reviewed study.

And 1965, according to a letter by Stanford historian Benjamin Franta published this week in the peer-reviewed journal Nature, was the year that President Johnsons Science Advisory Committee published a report titled Restoring the Quality of Our Environment, whose findings Ikard described at that years annual API meeting.

One of the most important predictions of the report is that carbon dioxide is being added to the Earths atmosphere by the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas at such a rate that by the year 2000 the heat balance will be so modified as possibly to cause marked changes in climate beyond local or even national efforts, Ikard presciently added, according to excerpts from his speech published in Nature.

Text of a speech by American Pet...


The size and quality of ones social groupings "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Maria Konnikova looked at the research done by anthropologists on the sizes of social groupings. The research initially studied why non-human primates spent so much time on grooming one another but then got extended to humans.

[I]n the nineteen-eighties, the Machiavellian Intelligence Hypothesis (now known as the Social Brain Hypothesis) had just been introduced into anthropological and primatology discourse. It held that primates have large brains because they live in socially complex societies: the larger the group, the larger the brain. Thus, from the size of an animals neocortex, the frontal lobe in particular, you could theoretically predict the group size for that animal.

Looking at his grooming data, [anthropologist and psychologist Robin] Dunbar made the mental leap to humans. We also had humans in our data set so it occurred to me to look to see what size group that relationship might predict for humans, he told me recently. Dunbar did the math, using a ratio of neocortical volume to total brain volume and mean group size, and came up with a number. Judging from the size of an average human brain, the number of people the average person could have in her social group was a hundred and fifty. Anything beyond that would be too complicated to handle at optimal processing levels.

So what are the sizes of the groups one finds in human societies?

Judging from the size of an average human brain, the number of people the average person could have in her social group was a hundred and fifty. Anything beyond that would be too complicated to handle at optimal processing levels.

This number is called the Dunbar number but in actuality there are several such numbers.

The best known, a hundred and fifty, is the number of people we call casual friendsthe people, say, youd invite to a large party. (In reality, its a range: a hundred at the low end and two hundred for the more social of us.) From there, through qualitative interviews coupled with analysis of experimental and survey data, Dunbar discovered that the number grows and decreases according to a precise formula, roughly a rule of three. The next step down, fifty, is the number of people we call close friendsperhaps the people youd invite to a group dinner. You see them often, but not so much that you consider them to be true intimates. Then theres the circle of fifteen: the friends that you can turn to for sympathy when you need it, the ones you can confide in about most things. The most intimate Dunbar number, five, is your close support group. These are your best friends (and often family members). On the flipside, groups can extend to five hundred, the acquaintance level, and to fifteen hundred, the absolute limit......


This Is Unnecessary, Maduagwu Slams Omotola Over Unclad Photo "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Uche Maduagwu, controversial Nollywood actor and social media personality has criticised veteran Nigerian actress, Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde for sharing a bedroom photo with her husband, Captain Matthew Ekeinde. New Telegraph had earlier reported that in celebration of Captain Matthews birthday and their 27th wedding anniversary, the 45-year-old actress took to her official IG page to share []


Bring Our Troops Home: Matt Gaetz, Rand Paul Repeat Call for Syria Pullout Amid New Attacks "IndyWatch Feed War"

By Ilya Tsukanov Sputnik 25.03.2023

President Joe Biden warned Friday that Washington would act forcefully to protect our people against attacks by Iranian-backed groups in Syria, which were blamed for a kamikaze drone attack that killed a US contractor Thursday. A US service member was reportedly injured Friday after attacks on US bases at Syrias largest oil and gas fields.

A group of anti-interventionist Republicans in the House and Senate have repeated calls for a US pullout from Syria after a fresh round of violence in the war-torn country left a contractor dead, another injured, and up to half a dozen US service members wounded in two days of violence.

Warmongers in both parties say keeping troops in Syria is necessary to preserve the balance of power. That is simply not true. If they believe that, they should say it directly to the parents of Americans in Syria who have to sleep there tonight and guard oil fields against Irania...


Who Do You Believe, and Why? "IndyWatch Feed War"

Todd Hayen There is an awful lot of I know Im right chatter going around on both sides. I am just curious, what makes you so sure you are right? And what makes them so sure they are right? Unless you are Einstein or something, Im sure you are like the rest of us and


A LEGO Camera You Just Might Own Yourself "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A camera makes for an interesting build for anyone, because its an extremely accessible technology that can be made from materials as simple as cardboard. More robust cameras often require significant work, but what if you could make a usable camera from LEGO? Its a project taken on by [Zung92], who hasnt simply made a working 35 mm camera from everyones favorite construction toy hes also managed to make it exude retro style. Best of all, you can vote for it on the LEGO Ideas website, and you might even get the chance to have one for yourself.

Frustratingly theres little in the way of in-depth technical detail on the Ideas website, but he does mention that it was a challenge to make it light proof. Even the lens is a LEGO part, and if diffraction-based photography isnt for you theres also a pinhole option. We look forward to seeing this camera progress, and we hope well see it advance to becoming a LEGO Ideas kit.

This is an extremely polished design, but surprisingly, its not our first LEGO camera.

Thanks [Michael] for the tip.


In Gaza, 70% Youth Unemployment Leads to Despair "IndyWatch Feed War"

For young Gazan Arabs, life is terrible. There are scarcely any jobs, even for those with higher degrees. Positions are filled not on merit, but on the applicants connections to Hamas, or Fatah, or to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Corruption is colossal, siphoning off billions that ought to have gone to all of the people, []


Nigeria Needs People Like Mike Igini As INEC Chairman-Prof Akinyemi "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 25TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Professor Bolaji Akinyemi, a former minister of Foreign Affairs has asserted that the Independent National Electoral Commission needs people like Mike Igini in the office.

 The former Resident Electoral Commissioner for the Akwa Ibom state election stimulated the jailing of Professor Peter Ogban in 2019 over the manipulation of results in the Akwa Ibom senatorial election.

Peter Ogban who allegedly manipulated the results  in order to favour Senator Godswill Akpabio, the APC Senatorial candidate. 

Professor Akinyemi speaking in an interview with Arise TV alleged that since the state governors have immunity against prosecution. He clarified that RECs and INEC officials do not have that exemption from prosecution.

He argued that if the system have people like Mike Igini who could fight till the end to jail corrupt officials in the commission, then the system will gradually change.

In his words, Nigeria needs people like Mike Igini as INEC Chairman. If you would recall that Professor Peter Ogban was sentenced to three years in imprisonment in 2021 with a fine of N100,000 for manipulation of results.

He said, We need more Mike Igini in the INEC. We need more people like him as RECs and even as the INEC Chairman. Mike Igini jailed Professor Peter Ogban in 2019 senatorial election over manipulation of results.

I know of people with integrity in this country because I have served on many committees. But something goes wrong when you are dealing with election of governors and the Presidential election. People start to compromise when they get money. We need a change of mind so that we can turn around the system.




The Terrorist Forefathers of Israel: The Irgun and Lehi "IndyWatch Feed War"

To the unbiased eye, Israels true colors are not obfuscated due to its innumerable crimes against the Palestinians whether in the form of innocent Gazans being killed or the proliferation of illegal settlements in the West Bank. It is interesting to note that the state of Israel and the IDFs (Israel Defence Forces) terrorist proclivities are nothing new instead, they are rooted in the ideologies and actions of Jewish pre-independence terror groups, the Irgun and Lehi. The article describes the Irgun and Lehis origins, sheds light on their gruesome terrorist undertakings in Palestine, and then concludes with how their extremist legacy has been kept alive via the actions of the state of Israel.

The Irgun and Lehi

The Haganah was a paramilitary group active between 1920-1948 to protect Jews from Arab attacks and rioting. Poorly organized and composed mainly of farmers in its infancy, the group became better equipped and structured after the 1929 riots as well as the 1936-1939 Arab revolt. Until the end of WWII, the Haganah was moderate in its approach according to its policy of havlaga (self-restraint). The group was ordered not to attack Arabs indiscriminately and cooperated heavily with the British security forces in Mandatory Palestine. Such moderation, however, irked some members of the group which later led to splintering and the creation of the more indiscriminately violent Irgun (or Etzel) and Lehi (or Stern Gang).

Akin to many militant organizations, the Irgun evolved from a rudimentary group to a proper fighting force over time complete with a chain of command. The Irgun was formed by Zeev Jabotinsky, a Revisionist Zionism leader. Throughout the years it also battled an inward ideological tug of war i.e. the debate of self-restraint versus actively attacking the Arabs and British.

In response to dissatisfaction with Britains governance, Zionist land purchases, dispossession, and debt, the...


Internet Archive is Liable for Copyright Infringement, Court Rules "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

internet archiveIn 2020, publishers Hachette, HarperCollins, John Wiley and Penguin Random House sued the Internet Archive (IA) for copyright infringement, equating its Open Library to a pirate site.

IAs library is operated by a non-profit organization that scans physical books and then lends the digital copies to patrons in an ebook format.

While digital book lending is not uncommon, libraries typically loan out DRM-protected files after acquiring a license from publishers. In this case, IA sent physical books it owned to a scanning facility and made its own copies.

Fair Use or Mass Copyright Infringement?

These digital copies were subsequently loaned out to patrons, with IA ensuring that only one person at a time could access a single digital copy of a single physical book.

IA previously sought summary judgment in its favor, arguing that a digital copy of a physical book transforms the original work, with lending limits and the absence of profit also supporting a finding of fair use.

In contrast, the publishers described IAs library as a rogue operation engaging in willful mass copyright infringement. Claiming direct damage to their bottom line, the publishers lawsuit aimed to put an end to the illegal lending program once and for all.

The publishers went on to request summary judgment and a declaration that this type of copying is a clear case of copyright infringement.

Opinion and Order

Earlier this week, the parties had the opportunity to back up their arguments during a New York Court hearing. District Court Judge John Koeltl questioned both sides on their summary judgment requests, before deliberating on his final decision.

After weighing the arguments. Judge Koeltl published his opinion and order yesterday. His order clearly sides with the publishers, whose request for summary judgment was granted. IAs fair use defense and summary judgment in its favor was denied.



Richard T. Perles 1996 Clean Break Report to Destroy Syria and Iraq "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Venezuela: Monmeros Sale on the Table Amidst Conflicting Reports "IndyWatch Feed World"

The alleged sale would take place for a reported US $300 million, significantly below valuations of the agrochemical producer.


Twelve Years Ago: The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria. Who Was Behind the 2011 Protest Movement? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

It was not a protest movement, it was an armed insurgency integrated by US-Israeli & allied supported jihadist death squads. From Day One, the Islamist freedom fighters were supported, trained & equipped by NATO & Turkeys High Command.

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Iran International: Inside the Saudi-Funded Network Promoting Regime Change in Iran "IndyWatch Feed War"

MARCH 24, 2023 Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360  ALAN MACLEOD As part of the historic, Chinese-led Iran Saudi Arabia dtente deal, multiple outlets have reported that Riyadh has agreed to stop funding or tone down critical coverage of Iran in Iran International, a high-profile English and Persian language outlet. Tehran accuses Iran International of supporting terrorism and engineering the []


Oborevworis Victory Is Victory For Urhobos, Deltans-Onokpite "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 25TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The President of Ogbe Political Change (OPC), King Emmanuel Ufuoma Onokpite has congratulated the winner of the just concluded Delta State Governorship election,  Rt. Hon. Sheriff Francis Oborevwori who is also the speaker of the states House of Assembly ascribing  his victory to the people of Urhobo nation  in particular and Delta State in general.

Recall that Oborevwori scored 360,234 votes to beat his closest rival of the APC, Senator Ovie Omo-Agege, who got 240,229 and the Labour Party candidate, Ken Pela, who polled 48,047 votes the just concluded March 18th., 2023 Delta State Governorship election.

Ufuoma Onokpite  who congratulated Oborevwori while addressing group of journalists in Warri, Delta State advised the Governor-Elect to be wise and make good use of the office that God has giving to him to uplift the life of  the impoverished Urhobo youths .

Sheriff Oborevwori should   be wise and make good use of the office that God has giving to him. This is an opportunity for him to uplift not only the Urhobo nation,   but the impoverished youths. The life and  future of   Urhobo youths  is in the hands of Sheriff Oborevwori right now.

If Sheriff fails the Urhobo youths today, history will never forgive him because my late elder brother, Chief Ogbe Onokpite has played his part for the people of Urhobo. The people of Urhobo nation  will never forget the role he played. If Ogbe Onokpite was to be alive today, he would have been very happy that his own blood from Okpe is the governor of the state.

It is now time for Sheriff Oborevwori to prove that he is the true son of the Urhobos. He has the opportunity to make all the Urhobo youths successful. He should be thinking of creativity for the Urhobo youths like arranging programme for training for  them  in different professions by sending them abroad to uplift their  quality of life and standard of living.

He should think of industrializing the Delta Central constituency by building industries in all nook and crannies to create jobs for the teeming unemployed youths in the state. He should not only improve on what past leaders did but he should move ahead of them to do what they were not unable to do in Delta State, he advised.

He  urged him to ensure balance in his new office by leading    Delta State to greater heights t...


The Iraq War 20 Years Ago No Shame. No Lessons Learned. No Arrest Order on NATO State Leaders. Jan Oberg "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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China expanding in Iraq via Belt and Road Initiative "IndyWatch Feed War"

The red-green axis is expanding exponentially while the Biden administration sinks ever deeper. After brokering an Iran-Saudi Arabia deal, China is now expanding its operations in Iraq. The new Iran-Saudi deal prompted  jihad outlets throughout Middle East to emphasize (and celebrate) Americas decline. This decline is proceeding on many fronts, including Bidens slow destruction of []


Last Chance Travel (climate alarmism in a suitcase) "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

The mentality of the doomsday crowd is something to behold.

Israeli authorities charged with safeguarding cultural sites are now led by far-right settlers "IndyWatch Feed War"

Israel Antiquities Authority Archeologist Yaakov Billig conducts an excavation in occupied East Jerusalem as part of the City of David project. (Photo: Israel Antiquities Authority/Facebook)The Israel Antiquities Authority, led now by a member of Ben Gvirs far-right Jewish Power Party, is expected to advance settlement expansion and de facto annexation.

Saturday, 25 March


Are Rads Escalating? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Q: Are Rads escalating? Thats Deadly Gamma Radiation to you and me. That is a tricky question to answer. The Rad plays a big part in lowering the average age of death of Americans. The Rads especially target unborn babies and little infants. The Rad is especially vicious; always has been; always will be. Nothing []


Lenovo Flex 5G / Qualcomm SC8180x Support Being Worked On For Mainline Linux "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In addition to the mainline Linux kernel seeing recent support for the Arm-powered Lenovo ThinkPad X13s and Lenovo Yoga C630, among others, another Lenovo model working toward mainline kernel support is the Lenovo Flex 5G...


Banking Crisis 3.0: Time to Change the Rules of the Game "IndyWatch Feed War"

On CNN March 14, Roger Altman, a former deputy Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, said that American banks were on the verge of being nationalized:

What the authorities did over the weekend was absolutely profound. They guaranteed the deposits, all of them, at Silicon Valley Bank. What that really means is that they have guaranteed the entire deposit base of the U.S. financial system. The entire deposit base. Why? Because you cant guarantee all the deposits in Silicon Valley Bank and then the next day say to the depositors, say, at First Republic, sorry, yours arent guaranteed. Of course they are.

So this is a breathtaking step which effectively nationalizes or federalizes the deposit base of the U.S. financial system.

The deposit base of the financial system has not actually been nationalized, but Congress is considering modifications to the FDIC insurance limit. Meanwhile, one state that does not face those problems is North Dakota, where its state-owned bank acts as a mini-Fed for the state. But first, a closer look at the issues.

Bail In, Bail Out, or Socialism for the Rich?

On Friday, March 10, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was put into receivership by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The FDIC announced that deposits over the $250,000 insurance limit would get an advance dividend within the next week, and would receive a receivership certificate for the rest of the funds. Most of the depositors were venture-backed startups that needed to keep large deposits in the bank to meet payroll and pay suppliers, and over 95% of the deposits were uninsured and at risk of being lost. It was basically a bail in of the uninsured deposits, which would be recoverable only if funds were available after the banks assets had been sold.

But that arrangement lasted only two days. On March 12, Signature Bank was put into receivership; and the FDIC, Treasury and Federal Reserve jointly announced that all of the deposits at the two banks, not just those under the insurance limit, would be available for withdrawal on demand.

At a Senate Finance Committee hearing on March 16, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that the guarantee would not apply to all deposits at all banks. Rather, the determination would be made on a case-by-case basis.

In a Bloomberg News interview on March 16, former FDIC Chair Sheila Bair criticized that decision. She observed that the two banks getting special treatment were not systemically important, and that the cost of the expanded guarantee was to be covered by a special assessment against all insured banks, including th...


Delta Chief Judge Releases Two Inmates From Sapele Custodian Centre "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 25TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Delta State Chief Judge, Honourable Justice Tessy Diai has released two Inmates, Abubakar Abdullahi and Ufuoma Victor, from the Sapele Custodial Centre as she commenced first quarter of 2023 jail delivery exercise yesterday. 

 Abubakar Abdullahi had been in detention facility since 2020 for alleged offence of conspiracy, kidnapping and armed robbery while Ufuoma Victor who was allegedly accused of the same offence had been in custody since 2022.

 According to the Chief Judge, the court has struck out the same case involving two other defendants charged along with Abubakar Abdullahi when he was still in Ogwashi-Uku custodial centre, noting that there was no justification for his continued detention.

In the light of this development there is no good reason for the continued detention of defendant in this facility. He is hereby discharged, she pronounced.

Narrating his ordeal, Mr. Abdullahi who expressed joy over his release stated he was innocent of the criminal charge preferred against him.

According to him, he went to the market to buy a cell mobile phone, and it was thereafter somebody came and started dragging the phone with him. And before he knew was happening he was arrested and taken to court.

He thanked the Chief Judge for releasing him even as he prayed for her long life and prosperity.

In her opening remark, Justice Diai stated that the purpose of the jail delivery exercise was to ensure that everybody in custody was in legal custody, and that no inmate awaiting trial has stayed beyond the number of years he would have served had he been convicted.

The chief judge, who also released one Master Isaac Frank, 16 years, from Remand Home/Children Correctional Centre, Sapele, reviewed 208 inmates awaiting trial at the Sapele Correctional Centre and 11 at the Remand Home.


Delta Bulletin




Trudeau's censorship slammed on opening day of Canada Strong and Free Networking Conference "IndyWatch Feed World"

Day 1 of the Canada Stong and Free Networking Conference kicked off in Ottawa on Wednesday, and included in the first day's lineup was a panel on Bills C-11 and C-18. Both bills have been shrouded in controversy and blasted for their impact on freedom of speech, access to the news, and content creation in Canada. Rachel Curran, Head of Public Policy for Meta Canada, expressed concern over the way the bills would regulate user-generate content. She highlighted how the government allegedly did not want to regulate user-generated content, however an amendment that was rejected by the house suggests "there is probably some indication there that the government DOES want to get at user-generated content. We're concerned about that."


AUKUS, the Australian Labor Party, and Growing Dissent "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Banking Crisis 3.0: Time to Change the Rules of the Game "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Bellies of the Rich Swell Further on the Back of Hunger "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate This Article button below the authors name.

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The post Bellies of the Rich Swell Further on the Back of Hunger appeared first on Global Research.


Sneaky AiG "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Part of the money-making strategy at Answers in Genesis is to constantly promote how popular they are in a never ending cycle of self-fulfilling prophecy. One of the recent lies has been that they bring in so many tourists that hotel chains are building new places near the Ark Park to meet the booming demand.

It is true that the country contains many yokels who like to vacation in a boring wooden box that reassures them that their interpretation of the Bible is true, but its not exactly a growth industry. Theyve had to constantly misrepresent their popularity to get support from state and local government, and wouldnt you know it, hotels arent springing up all around the place. Ken Ham has been bragging about one new hotel in the neighborhood, but surprise surprise, it isnt in response to demand AiG is spending its own money to have it built. Gotta spend money to make money, you know. If that involves building a whole Potemkin village to make themselves look popular, thats what theyll do.

Ken Ham is being quiet that Answers in Genesis (AIG) owns part, or perhaps all, of the new Hampton Inn that just opened adjacent to the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky. Moreover, he is trying to make it look as if the supposed success of the Ark Park has brought the new hotel to the region. Information below shows that AIG shares a high-level employee with the new hotel, and the LLC that owns the hotel shares a Post Office box with AIG.

AiG is perfectly within its rights to use its own money to build a hotel to serve its little attraction, but it does bring into question the purpose of all those tax subsidies it has received, and I also wonder why they are so desperate to hide their role.

Fabulous new housing development going up in Wiliamstown, Kentucky!


Delta Govt Uncovers Alleged INECs Plan To Compromise Presidential Election Result "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

Delta State logo

LAGOS MARCH 25TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Delta State Government said it has uncover plan by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to undermine the results of the presidential election held February 25, 2023.

The Spokesperson of the Atiku Abubakar Campaign Council and Delta State Commissioner for Information, Mr Charles Aniagwu, made the allegation yesterday while briefing members of the press at the Ministry of Information Conference Hall, Asaba.

Aniagwu disclosed that INEC had directed all state resident electoral commissioner (REC) and that of Abuja to ensure that they compare results being submitted to the Abuja were with those published in the commissions IRev portal.

He stated that the move by INEC was aimed at altering the primary data from the various polling centres, saying that instead of INEC to rely on the primary data, it was using the secondary data in its portal to change original evidence from the states.

The spokesperson reasoned that the delays occasioned in uploading the presidential results over alleged system glitches into the IRev was a source of concern to all, saying that the delay had created room for manipulations of the original results.

The commissioner said that the result declared by INEC did not reflect the yearnings and aspirations of Nigerians, stating that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), after consultation, decided to challenge the result in court.

We are already challenging what is in the IRev and you are compeling RECs to compare their data with what is in the IRev.

Let it be that it is what transpired in the field that will be interrogated in court and not what that has been cooked up.

Do they want us to rely on what has been manipulated? It amounts to comparing a primary data with a secondary data, Aniagwu stated.

On how the state government got to know about the alleged plan by INEC, the commissioner said that it was an internal document sent to all RECs and not for public consumption.

He said that the procedure being mobilized by INEC was wrong and that the PDP would not wait until the harm was committed before bring it knowledge to the public domain.

While saying that instruction by INEC was to vitiate the true outcome of the presidential elections, the presidential campaign spokesperson con...


Election Defeat: Delta LG Chairmen Dissolve Executive Arm, Sack Aides "IndyWatch Feed Africa"


LAGOS MARCH 25TH (URHOBOTODAY)-The loss of election by loyalists of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) in some local government areas during the last gubernatorial and assembly elections in Delta State has led to loss of jobs.

The executive arm of Ughelli North local government area has been dissolved while his counterpart at Sapele local government has sacked seven of his aides.

The chairman of Ughelli, Hon Godwin Adobe in a statement signed by the secretary to the council, Hon Felix Ayemidejor, said the dissolution affected the secretary and the supervisors.

In a release personally signed by the chairman of Sapele LGA, Hon Godwin Adode, the council thanked all those affected and urged them to hand over government properties in their possession to the head of personnel management with immediate effect.

This is to inform the general public that the executive arm of Ughelli North Local Government  comprising the secretary and the supervisors are hereby dissolved with effect from today.

By this dissolution you are to hand over all Government properties in your possession to the Head, Personnel Management, the release stated.

The aides affected are Hon Adibor Igho executive assistant to the chairman on legislative matters, Mr Frank Nujimen chief strategist, Mr Ese Egigba special adviser on education.

Others are Miss Vivian Umukoro SA, girl child, Florence Mujakperuo SA , women mobilisation, Mebugbandu A. Etan SA, youth mobilisation and Shine Omamogho SA, youth mobilisation.

He said, Accordingly, I am to request that you take necessary steps to hand over all government properties in your possession to the office of the Secretary to the Local Government forthwith. The sack is with immediate effect. Thank you for your cooperation.





South Africa: University of Capetown Jewish group outraged over Palestinian students streaming Hamas, PIJ messages "IndyWatch Feed Africa"

The bizarre reasoning of Palestinian students at the University of Capetown goes like this: If Jewish students can invite Israeli Defense Force (IDF) representatives to the University of Capetown, who defend the existence of the state of Israel, then Palestinian students can steam violent jihad messages, too. The Hamas Covenant is formally entitled The Covenant []


At least 23 dead in 'destructive' Mississippi tornado outbreak "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least 23 people died in a "destructive" tornado outbreak that rolled across Mississippi late Friday, leaving a trail of damage for more than 100 miles, local and federal authorities said. The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency said at least 23 people have died, and there are "dozens injured." Four people are missing. Search and rescue operations were underway in Sharkey and Humphreys counties, MSEMA said late Friday. The agency issued a series of tornado warnings in counties throughout the state. "Many in the MS Delta need your prayer and God's protection tonight," Gov. Tate Reeves said on Twitter. "We have activated medical support -- surging more ambulances and other emergency assets for those affected. Search and rescue is active." At least 13 people were dead, Sharkey County Coroner Angelia Easton told ABC News, adding that she could not yet confirm their ages. Jose Watson, a Mississippi Highway Patrol trooper, said another person died in Silver City, in Humphreys...


Sign of the times: Trans flight attendant dead from suicide after being featured in United Airlines ad "IndyWatch Feed World"

On Monday, transgender flight attendant Kayleigh Scott was found dead in her Colorado home just hours after posting to Instagram that she was planning to end her life. Scott, 25, gained notoriety after being featured in a 2020 Transgender Day of Visibility ad campaign for United Airlines wherein she shared the story of her transition. "As I take my final breaths and exit this living earth," Scott wrote on Instagram, "I would like to apologize to everyone I let down. I am so sorry I could not be better. To those that I love, I am sorry I could not be stronger. To those that gave me their everything, I am sorry my effort was not reciprocated."


France blocked for 4 years, by Thierry Meyssan "IndyWatch Feed War"

The crisis that France is going through today is not just another episode in an eternally agitated country. It is about a deep crisis of mode which will be solved only with the beginning of a new society. The country will go through several years of blockage, before embarking on a complete transformation, a revolution that will last at least a generation.


Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Palestine (Weekly Update 16 22 March 2023) "IndyWatch Feed War"

March 23, 2023 Violation of right to life and bodily integrity: 5 Palestinians, including 3 civilians; one of them was a child, were killed, while 42 others were wounded, and dozens of others suffocated in Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) attacks in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Details are as follows: On 16 March 2023, []


Quantum Computers Vs Supercomputers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Supercomputers and quantum computers are potent tools for handling difficult calculations, problem-solving, and data analysis. Although they both have the potential to transform computing technology, their speeds and capacities differ greatly.

Supercomputers quickly process massive volumes of data to provide a single result using a conventional computing strategy with numerous processors. These computers are the most powerful in terms of raw computing speed, but they can only do one task at a time, and Moores Law places a cap on how much data they can process (the principle that computer processor speeds double every two years).

Quantum computers, on the other hand, utilize laws of quantum mechanics to process information in ways that regular computers cannot, resulting in vastly higher processing speeds. They can manage several activities at once and take on challenging issues that would take supercomputer months to resolve. Yet, because of their great sensitivity to temperature fluctuations and need for isolation from outside influences, quantum computers require more upkeep than their conventional equivalents.


Seymour Hersh makes new Nord Stream sabotage claim "IndyWatch Feed World"

The Pulitzer Prize winner has alleged the US blew up the pipelines because it was unhappy with a lack of German support for Ukraine. US President Joe Biden ordered the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines because he was unhappy with the level of support provided by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has claimed. Hersh first accused Washington of destroying the key European energy route in an article released in February, and made more allegations in an interview with the China Daily newspaper published on Friday.


Microsoft's CBL-Mariner Linux Distribution Continues Cultivating More Packages "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Microsoft's in-house Linux distribution that they make public, CBL-Mariner, began with a very niche focus while over time has continued adding additional packages as it is worked into becoming a more robust Linux platform...


Notorious Australian neo-Nazi joins Ukrainian forces to fight Russia - media "IndyWatch Feed World"

Canberra had tried but failed to prevent the violent criminal with deep extremist ties from traveling, local media has reported. Daniel Newman, a far-right extremist and a violent criminal, has flown from Australia to Ukraine to join the fight against Russian troops, Australia's Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) newspaper reported on Thursday, citing its sources. The development coincides with efforts by Canberra to prevent violent extremists from traveling to the war-torn country to gain combat experience, SMH said. Newman first traveled to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and then to Europe in February, before arriving in Ukraine this month, the report claims, adding that the man had supposedly told his associates he was planning to take up arms against Russian forces.


Utah's record snow is so deep it buried measuring equipment "IndyWatch Feed World"

The record-breaking snowfall this winter has been phenomenal, maybe even more so in the eyes of those who study it closely. The director of the Snow Hydrology Research to Operations Lab at the University of Utah said she could have never predicted that her equipment at the top of Little Cottonwood Canyon would ever be buried by snow. But that's exactly what happened. "The snow really has not stopped," said McKenzie Skiles, an assistant professor at the University of Utah, and head of the Snow Hydrology Research to Operations Lab. "This winter we've just been getting storm after storm after storm, and we have finally just matched the record for peak snow water equivalent that was set in 83." That record was later eclipsed in the afternoon. We caught up with her today in the midst of a snow squall, which seemed like the perfect setting.


'War crimes in Palestine': UK government urged to refer Israel and Netanyahu to ICC "IndyWatch Feed War"

'War crimes in Palestine': UK government urged to refer Israel and Netanyahu to ICC

British NGO says Israeli policies amount to the crime of apartheid and should be deemed a violation of the ICC statute
MEE staff Sat, 03/25/2023 - 11:05
Pro-Palestine campaigners speak on a platform outside Whitehall in London on 24 March 2023 (MEE/Alex MacDonald)

The UK-based International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) has called on the British government to refer Israel to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes committed in Palestine, and to recognise the court's jurisdiction with respect to the situation.

The call follows the UK's decision to lead the joint referral of the situation in Ukraine to the Court, in tandem with a coordinated group of ICC State Parties.

"It is a gross double standard that while the UK government assists and facilitates international accountability and legal action against the leader of one nation for war crimes, they support and engage in friendly relations with another," Tayab Ali, ICJP director and partner at Bindmans LLP, said.

Israel-Palestine: How British policy could trigger Third Intifada
Read More

"Palestinians are entitled to the same rights and protections under international law as those living in any other territory, and it is imperative that the UK government demonstrates t...


In Memoriam: Gordon Moore, 1929 - 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In Memoriam: Gordon Moore, 1929 - 2023:

With great sadness, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation announces the passing of our founder, Gordon Moore.

With his characteristic humility and word economy, Gordon Moore once wrote "my career as an entrepreneur happened quite by accident." A brilliant scientist, business leader and philanthropist, Gordon co-founded and led two pioneering technology enterprises, Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel, and, with his wife, Betty, created one of the largest private grantmaking foundations in the U.S., the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

He may argue that his career as an entrepreneur happened by accident, but his world-changing contributions did not. Never one to trumpet his own accomplishments, Gordon wasn't able to dissuade others from celebrating his wide and long-reaching legacy: the revolutionary technologies and breakthroughs, a long and generous history of philanthropy, and the very culture of experimentation, invention and relentless progress that now defines Silicon Valley.

It took decades for Gordon to be able to speak with a straight face of his eponymous "Moore's Law," the prophetic 1965 observation that became a cornerstone principle of innovation and driving force for the exponential pace of technological progress in the modern world. Gordon later observed that he had looked it up and was pleasantly surprised to find more references on the internet to "Moore's Law" than to "Murphy's Law."

Dubbed a "quiet revolutionary" by his biographers, Gordon always worked in the absence of any pretense or desire for recognition, driven instead by an exceptional curiosity, generosity and unassuming commitment to hard work.

Gordon was always a visionary. Even at the start of his career, he keenly recognized the impact that the technologies he was developing would have on the world. And at an industry event in 1979, he told an Intel audience: "We are bringing about the next great revolution in the history of mankind the transition to the electronic age." (Moore's Law, Thackray, Brock and Jones).

Although Gordon was reluctant to spotlight his own contributions, his biographers have been less reticent about attribution. Gordon is simply, they argue, "the most important thinker and doer in the story of silicon electronics."

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


OPWC lies debunked "IndyWatch Feed War"

An Arria-formula meeting on the "Politicization of the Activities of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons" was held on the sidelines of the United Nations Security Council on 24 March 2023. Greyzone journalist Aaron Mate exposed the inconsistencies of the OPWC report on the alleged chemical attack that the Syrian army was accused of perpetrating against its own people in Douma on 7 April (...)


Bidens Brain Fog Thicker Than Ever as He Babbles About Disarming His Advisors "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Practically every day, Old Joe Biden gives us new evidence that he should be relaxing in his taxpayer-funded, walled Delaware beach house and watching Matlock reruns oh wait, thats what he is doing most of the time. But nearly every day he shows the world anew that he shouldnt be doing this while pretending []


If We Dont Take On Bullies Particularly Fascist Bullies They Never Stop "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), an infamous bully who once chased then-17-year-old Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg down the street screaming epithets at him, bullied her pooch, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), into threatening New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg with a congressional investigation if he didnt back off from prosecuting her role model, Donald Trump. 

Following up, Rep. Gym Jordan (R-OH), notorious for bullying any witness who appears before his committees or brings up his alleged cover-up history, has now been joined by Rep. James Comer (R-KY; accused of abusing a girlfriend and then getting her an abortion), and House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil (R-WI) in demanding Bragg give their committees all the information hes gathered on Trumps crimes relating to his paying off porn star Stormy Daniels.

For his part, Bragg is having none of it, pushing back with a statement though a spokesman:

We will not be intimidated by attempts to undermine the justice process, nor will we let baseless accusations deter us from fairly applying the law.


Bullying has now become the trademark behavior of the GOP, the result of Donald Trumps entrance on the scene in 2015, when he successfully bullied and cowed every other candidate for the Republican nomination for president.

This parallels the rise of fascism as the political system now most vigorously embraced by the GOP, from rigging courts and elections to resorting to violence and threats of murder to try to stop the peaceful transfer of the presidency from Trump to Biden on January 6, 2021.

As Madeleine Albright wrote in her book Fascism: A Warning:

Decades ago, George Orwell suggested that the best one...


Clever Mechanism Powers This All-Mechanical Filament Respooler "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

No matter how far down the 3D printing rabbit hole we descend, chances are pretty good that most of us wont ever need to move filament from one spool to another. But even so, youve got to respect this purely mechanical filament respooler design, and you may want to build one for yourself just because.

We were tipped off to [Miklos Kiszely]s respooler via the very enthusiastic video below from [Bryan Vines] at the BV3D YouTube channel. He explains the need for transferring filament to another spool as stemming from the switch by some filament manufacturers to cardboard spools for environmental reasons. Sadly, these spools tend to shed fibrous debris that can clog mechanisms; transferring filament to a plastic spool can help mitigate that problem.

The engineering that [Miklos] put into his respooler design is pretty amazing. Bearings excepted, the whole thing is 3D printed. A transmission made of herringbone gears powers both the take-up spool and the filament guide, which moves the incoming filament across the width of the spool for even layers. The mechanism to do this is fascinating, consisting of a sector gear with r...


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MidnightBSD as the desktop-focused OS forked from FreeBSD and relying on the Xfce desktop environment by default is out with its big MidnightBSD 3.0 update...


North Korea unveils 'radioactive tsunami' weapon "IndyWatch Feed World"

Pyongyang claimed the system is able to "annihilate enemy ship groups" without detection. North Korea has tested a new "underwater nuclear strategic weapon," claiming the platform can produce a "radioactive tsunami." Pyongyang claimed it has been forced to strengthen its "war deterrence" amid a flurry of military drills by Washington and Seoul. A series of tests were carried out between Tuesday and Thursday this week by the North Korean military and were overseen by supreme leader Kim Jong-un, the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported. The trials were intended to confirm the "lethal strike capability" of the new "secret weapon," which has been dubbed "Tsunami."


US rulers keep the masses divided and distracted from demanding justice "IndyWatch Feed World"

Political tribalism protects America's leaders from being held accountable for everything from failed policies to war crimes. Washington is where securing political power means never having to say you're sorry - regardless of how many thousands or millions of people you might have gotten killed. Tribalism is what keeps the perpetrators from ever being held accountable. Consider, for example, this month's Axios/Ipsos poll showing that more than six in ten US adults believe that George W. Bush's 2003 invasion of Iraq was a mistake. While it might seem encouraging that most Americans have come to realize that the Iraq debacle was a bad move - sort of like recognizing that the sun comes up in the East - a glance beneath the headline number reveals that voters haven't really learned anything.


AMD Sends Out Patches For Enabling New Graphics IP Blocks (NBIO 7.9, GMC 9.4.3) "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

AMD on Friday sent out new patches for enabling some new graphics IP "blocks" as part of their block-by-block enablement strategy they've been using to introduce new GPU support to their Linux graphics stack by focusing on smaller patch series with versioned parts of the GPU rather than big monolithic patch series with colorful fishy codenames...


Casinos Not On Gamestop Experiment: Good Or Bad? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Casinos Not On Gamestop Experiment: Good Or Bad?

Below are the principle markets that punters can find on an LA Lakers online sportsbook. Now, eSport sites must purchase licenses of operation and in addition go the extra mile to cushion the personal information of their users from the unhealthy guys on the internet. Well, if you have ever placed bets on sports similar to football, tennis, horse racing, and golf, then you have already got a touch about how eSports betting works. In reality, betting on eSports is very a lot much like playing on common sports activities.

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Comparing US and Russian military strength 'pointless' - Medvedev "IndyWatch Feed World"

Washington's purported superiority is meaningless as there would be no winner in an actual war, the former Russian president has warned. Any serious conflict involving the world's leading nuclear powers would "obviously" have no winner, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has outlined. As a result, comparing the strength of the Russian and American militaries is pointless, he added. The consequences of a nuclear war would be "monstrous" and make it "impossible to say which army was the first and which second," the senior official told the Russian media this week. The prowess of a military force is measured by the outcomes of its campaigns, added Medvedev, who is now the deputy chair of Russia's National Security Council.


WATCH: Kamala Harris Tosses Yet Another Word Salad "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: Up for lunch? Vice President Kamala Harris is serving her trademark word salads again, and this one is particularly delicious. On Wednesday, speaking before a gaggle of appreciative women, Harris said in ringing, anthemic tones, as if her ceremonial clichs actually had some heft: So during Womens History Month, we celebrate and we []


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22 Underdogs Ideas Underdog, Inspirational People, History "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

22 Underdogs Ideas Underdog, Inspirational People, History

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This section is entirely dedicated to video games, with out mentioning which our Melbet consider may be faraway from being accomplished. In this section, yow will uncover card video games much like poker and 21, slots, Wheel of Fortune in several variants, roulette, and one other electronic video video games. The left-hand aspect has a list of sports, the middle has crucial betting markets, and the highest half has the wager kind with a wide selection of adverts. Melbet India rewards you if you contribute...


Habitual Daily Intake of a Sweet and Fatty Snack Modulates Reward Processing in Humans "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Why we can't keep our hands off chocolate bars and co.:

Chocolate bars, crisps and fries - why can't we just ignore them in the supermarket? Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Cologne, in collaboration with Yale University, have now shown that foods with a high fat and sugar content change our brain: If we regularly eat even small amounts of them, the brain learns to consume precisely these foods in the future.

[...] To test this hypothesis, the researchers gave one group of volunteers a small pudding containing a lot of fat and sugar per day for eight weeks in addition to their normal diet. The other group received a pudding that contained the same number of calories but less fat. The volunteer's brain activity was measured before and during the eight weeks.

The brain's response to high-fat and high-sugar foods was greatly increased in the group that ate the high-sugar and high-fat pudding after eight weeks. This particularly activated the dopaminergic system, the region in the brain responsible for motivation and reward. "Our measurements of brain activity showed that the brain rewires itself through the consumption of chips and co. It subconsciously learns to prefer rewarding food. Through these changes in the brain, we will unconsciously always prefer the foods that contain a lot of fat and sugar," explains Marc Tittgemeyer, who led the study.

Journal paper highlights:
- Daily consumption of a high-fat/high-sugar snack alters reward circuits in humans
- Preference for low-fat food decreases while brain response to milkshake increases
- Neural computations that support adaptive associative learning are also enhanced
- Effects are observed despite no change in body weight or metabolic health

Journal Reference:
Sharmili Edwin Thanarajah, Alexandra G. DiFeliceantonio, Kerstin Albus, et al., Habitual daily intake of a sweet and fatty snack modulates reward processing in humans [open], Cell Metabolism, 2023, ISSN 1550-4131,

Original Submission

Read more of this story at SoylentNews.


Why Zelensky Is Cracking Down on the Church "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: The ruling body of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) appealed to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Friday, asking that he reconsider his decision to evict it from its headquarters, the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra monastery. Many outside Ukraine, including some who have admired Zelensky and hoped he would manage to defeat the Russians, []


Now and Then "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

  Thumper Just so you remember that black guns matter. The M-79 had several ammo options available.   Bullet Points: ** Voting Machines More are coming. Soon the machines will be able to decide how you planned to vote and will cast a vote for the democrat of your choice without you having to []

The post Now and Then appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


More than 100 Lawyers Vow Not to Prosecute Climate Change Protestors "IndyWatch Feed Enviro"

Lawyers backing climate activists are HEROES says Just Stop Oil protester

How Cigna Saves Millions by Having Its Doctors Reject Claims Without Reading Them "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as theyre published.

Join the reporters Tuesday, March 28, for a virtual discussion with a former Cigna executive and other experts about Americas broken health insurance system.

When a stubborn pain in Nick van Terheydens bones would not subside, his doctor had a hunch what was wrong.

Without enough vitamin D in the blood, the body will pull that vital nutrient from the bones. Left untreated, a vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis.

A blood test in the fall of 2021 confirmed the doctors diagnosis, and van Terheyden expected his companys insurance plan, managed by Cigna, to cover the cost of the bloodwork. Instead, Cigna sent van Terheyden a letter explaining that it would not pay for the $350 test because it was not medically necessary.

The letter was signed by one of Cignas medical directors, a doctor employed by the company to review insurance claims.

Something about the denial letter did not sit well with van Terheyden, a 58-year-old Maryland resident. This was a clinical decision being second-guessed by someone with no knowledge of me, said van Terheyden, a physician himself and a specialist who had worked in emergency care in the United Kingdom.

Nick van Terheyden (Jared Soares for ProPublica)

The vague wording made van Terheyden suspect that Dr. Cheryl Dopke, the medical director who signed it, had not taken much care with his ca...


U.K. National Crime Agency Sets Up Fake DDoS-For-Hire Sites to Catch Cybercriminals "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

In what's a case of setting a thief to catch a thief, the U.K. National Crime Agency (NCA) revealed that it has created a network of fake DDoS-for-hire websites to infiltrate the online criminal underground. "All of the NCA-run sites, which have so far been accessed by around several thousand people, have been created to look like they offer the tools and services that enable cyber criminals to


Tornadoes tear through Mississippi killing at least 10 and leaving 100-mile destruction path "IndyWatch Feed World"

Tornadoes tear through Mississippi killing at least 10 and leaving 100-mile destruction path | 25 March 2023 | A severe weather outbreak across several southern states Friday evening and Saturday morning produced at least one deadly tornado in Mississippi. FOX News Channel confirmed at least seven dead in Rolling Fork, Mississippi and three in Carroll County, Mississippi, after the storm pummeled across the state Friday evening, destroying buildings and knocking out power for thousands of residents. FOX Weather confirmed at least two people were injured, too. Those numbers are expected to rise. The severe line of storms prompted a tornado emergency to be issued in a few towns, which is the most dire of tornado-related alerts.


Profitable India Betting On-line On Reputed Website 1xbet "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Profitable India Betting On-line On Reputed Website 1xbet

This process must be done by visiting the 1xBet main website. 1xBet has made certain that an revolutionary set of options can be found for these who wish to guess on the various video games. The first of the progressive selections would involve cryptocurrency funds, as the likes of bitcoin are supported. For those who wish to use the normal means of creating funds, the channels out there are Skrill, NETELLER, EcoPayz, Qiwi, and more.

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So, when you determine on becoming a member of the bookmaker and taking half in on the 1xBet web site, you need to do a couple of simple actions. They embody creating an account, logging in, choosing a sports activities match for betting or a on line casino recreation for playing, and begin having fun with the method. As for other entertainment, the positioning presents profitable slots online free on line casino from famed 1xBetbookmaker. The main advantage right here is that you can play in demo mode without using your individual funds. The alternative the best bookmaker is a assure that sports activities bets will bring you really good earnings.

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The 1xbet cellular utility is user-friendly, making it straightforward for Indian customers to navigate and place bets. The app is out there on both iOS and Android devices, and it presents a seamless expertise, making it simple for customers to search out their most popular sports activities and occasions....


Is 1xbet Banned In India Up To Date In 2023 March "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Is 1xbet Banned In India Up To Date In 2023 March

The 1xbet mobile application is user-friendly, making it simple for Indian users to navigate and place bets. The app is available on each iOS and Android devices, and it provides a seamless expertise, making it simple for users to search out their preferred sports activities and occasions. 1xBet India additionally provides its customers a range of stay betting and streaming choices.

The sports activities menu comes in the type of a side-scrolling listing that is displayed on the high of the betting menu, so it could all the time be accessed. In our opinion, this isnt essentially the most user-friendly approach to navigate a sports activities betting menu. 1xBet has a stay casino section that provides a broad range of game kinds. These games might be performed with a stay supplier to provide a true casino experience, and Indian gamers prefer games with Hindi-speaking stay dealers. 1xBet features a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods which are generally utilized by customers from India.

To do that, click on its icon in the principle menu of your cellular device. Also within the software, everlasting and occasion promos are available. For example, you can win a car in the Grand Slam promotion or free bets in the Big Bash!

In truth, we counted 133 different ways to deposit money into your account. Importantly, the live betting opportunities never cease, with markets out there around the clock. Match stats are posted live so youll find a way to observe the action, whereas some events are even streamed reside. The intensive alternative offered by 1XBet India additionally extends to their live betting where theres a bumper number of markets. When it involves offering nice odds, 1XBet is amongst the finest. There is always a worry that an unfamiliar betting website wont be 100% respectable, and some bad critiques can add to this sense.

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The model provides a chance to bet on a number of cricke...


1xbet Evaluation For Indian Users "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

1xbet Evaluation For Indian Users

There is a lot going for this model and customers are unlikely to make the mistake of going with 1xBet registration when attempting to guess on cricket matches. Launched in 2007, 1xBet is an online on line casino thats operated by the corporate Exinvest Limited based in Cyprus. Theyre one of many greatest betting sites youll be able to encounter in India, with an nearly overwhelming array of betting choices and on line casino video games. 1xbet app download could be easily done via their official page.

This is a welcome bonus offer from 1xbet, designed for on line casino entertainment. You can get up to 1,500 + 150 Free Spins on the most effective casino slots after your first deposit at 1xBet. To get it, you must agree to receive the bonus within the Account Settings tab. 1xBet India additionally offers phone assist to its clients.

1xBet India also presents gamers the choice to sign off with a single click. Players can deposit 1xBet India by deciding on their most popular payment technique, entering the quantity they wish to deposit, and clicking on the Deposit button. 1xBet India accepts deposits in a number of currencies, including Indian Rupees , US Dollars , and more.

1x Bet is a really good gambling website in India with wonderful sports activities betting and online on line casino sections. Indian gamers can claim many casinos, and sports activities bonuses like the first deposit bonus of 20,000 and as a lot as one hundred pc promo matches, TV Bet Accumulators and far more. The primary characteristic of 1x guess service is live betting with sports events going down in real-time.

By the best way, our research reveals that reside streaming is of good high quality and obtainable to all users free of charge. 1xbet is completely different in that cricket betting could be carried out in euros, dollars, Indian rupees, and other currencies. The Curacao-licensed firm can provide a extensive range in deciding on outcomes on high matches, as nicely as betting on the athletes stats. The common margin in each pre-match and in-play is 6-7%.

The app also has the identical functions because the desktop version, so you wont be losing out on anything. Bet India is not a betting site and we do not settle for fee from players in any form. Bet India doesnt endorse or promote unlawful gambling practices. Basically, each Friday any 1xBet person can receive a bonus of EUR . The bonus is counted as 100 percent of this quantity, however not more than one hundred EUR. This money have to be used on sports activities playing, and you cant obtain more than one.

However, not all betting websites settle for all of these methods, and a few may have completely different deposit and withdrawal limits than others. The Indian Premier League is the top-tier Twenty20 cricket league in India and some of the renowned cricket leagues on the planet. Since Crictips...


At least 11 dead after tornado-spawning storms roll through Mississippi. One town is 'gone,' resident says "IndyWatch Feed World"

At least 11 dead after tornado-spawning storms roll through Mississippi. One town is 'gone,' resident says | 225 March 2023 | At least 11 people were killed after powerful storms and at least one tornado pummeled western Mississippi on Friday night, damaging homes and knocking out power for thousands, officials said Saturday morning. At least eight deaths were recorded in hard-hit Sharkey County, which is roughly 60 miles northwest of Jackson, according to county coroner Angelia Easton. Three others were killed and at least two people are in critical condition in Humphreys County, emergency management director Royce Steed told CNN early Saturday morning.


Digitizing Sound On An Unmodified Sinclair ZX81 "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Whatever the first computer you used to manipulate digital audio was, the chances are it came with dedicated sound hardware that could play, and probably record, digitized audio. Perhaps it might have been a Commodore Amiga, or maybe a PC with a Sound Blaster. If you happen to be [NICKMANN] though, you can lay claim to the honor of doing so on a machine with no such hardware, because he managed it on an unmodified Sinclair ZX81.

For those of you unfamiliar with the ZX, it embodied Clive Sinclairs usual blend of inflated promises on minimal hardware and came with the very minimum required to generate a black-and-white TV picture from a Zilog Z80 microprocessor. All it had in the way of built-in expansion was a cassette interface, 1-bit read and write ports exposed as 3.5 mm jacks on its side. Its these that in an impressive feat of hackery he managed to use as a 1-bit sampler with some Z80 assembler code, capturing a few seconds of exceptionally low quality audio in an 81 with the plug-in 16k RAM upgrade.

From 2023 of course, its about as awful as audio sampling gets, but in 1980s terms its pulling off an almost impossible feat that when we tried it with a 1-bit PC speaker a few years later, we didnt succeed at. Were impressed....


OnlyFans Superstar Finds God, Leaves It All Behind "IndyWatch Feed War"

New in PJ Media: The world today seems to be inundated with craziness, but reality TV star and OnlyFans model Blac Chyna has made some dramatic changes in her life that show that all is not lost: the still, small voice can still break through in the noisiest life, and sanity can return even to []


12 aos de esperanza entre arena y nopales "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El colectivo Justicia y Esperanza de San Luis de la Paz se moviliza ante la doceava conmemoracin de la desaparicin forzada de sus familiares

Mariela dice que ahora ya llegan los das en los que recuerda ms a Ale. Viene la temporada de calor y de viento que levanta la tierra como aquella tarde en la que su hermano se fue. En la sobremesa, sigue recordndolo: hoy es 7 de marzo y pienso que estas fueron las dos ltimas semanas en las que convivimos con mi hermano. Esa tarde del 21, cuando Ale nos dijo que ya se iba para el norte, hicimos una carne asada para despedirlo. A m me dijo, chale ganas, tienes que terminar de estudiar, porque l nos iba a ayudar a todos los hermanos menores con los estudios, y ya no fue as. Ahora veo la casa y me acuerdo de cmo cambi desde ese momento; antes no haba la entrada, ni la cocina estaba como est ahora. Todos pasamos tambin por la edad que Ale tena cuando se fue, 12 aos ya, Helena. 12 aos ya [suspira]. Cada rato se acuerda uno de l, pero en estos das los recuerdos llegan ms. 

El 21 de marzo de 2011, Alejandro Castillo, hermano de Mariela, se fue para Estados Unidos junto con otros 21 migrantes. Salieron de comunidades cercanas a San Luis de la Paz, Guanajuato, donde hay una larga tradicin migratoria, sobre todo de hombres. Cuando migraron, eran muy pocas las opciones de empleo en la regin, y como sigue sucediendo en la actualidad, las personas salan de la comunidad para construir sus casas, mantener a sus familias y ofrecerles una vida digna.  

El grupo de 22 migrantes de San Luis de la Paz sali con dos coyotes personas que, en algunos casos respondiendo a la tradicin familiar y del entorno, se dedican a cruzar migrantes a Estados Unidos y, por lo menos, dos personas ms de Hidalgo que tambin se sumaron al viaje. Hasta la fecha se encuentran desaparecidos; slo se encontr el cuerpo de uno de los coyotes en las 48 fosas de San Fernando, Tamaulipas, halladas en 2011. Cuando en la comunidad se expandi el rumor de que estaban desaparecidos, de boca en boca supieron que otros jvenes iban en ese viaje y las familias empezaron a reunirse. Juntas fueron a las casas de los coyotes a preguntar por ellos, pero ante la falta de respuestas del paradero de sus hijos, esposos, hermanos, padres y vecinos, crearon el colectivo de bsqueda Justicia y Esperanza. 

El 14 de marzo de este ao, a una semana de la doceava conmemoracin de la desaparicin de los 22 migrantes, el colectivo viaj de noche desde sus comunidades con el objetivo de llegar de madrugada al Zcalo de la Ciudad de Mxico. El grupo estaba compuesto por  seoras mayores, nios y mujeres con sus hijos cobijados para soportar el fro de la maana. Su propsito era hacerle llegar al presidente Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador la siguiente pregunta: por qu a cuatro ciudadanos estadounidenses los localizaron en tres das[1], y nosot...



The Highwire with Del Bigtree | March 23, 2023

German Health Minister, Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach just made a massive mistake on-air. He recently went on a German news station and admitted COVID vaccine injury is 1 in 10,000 with no way of helping the injured. The genie is out of the bottle never to return again. But is that the real rate? Jefferey Jaxen reports.


Nuevas construcciones agotan zonas de recarga hdrica "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

Las zonas de recarga de agua que podran ser los bosques se estn acabando por las nuevas construcciones que ejercen una mayor presin sobre el recurso, pero es una problemtica de la que casi nadie habla, advirti la doctora Delia Montero Contreras, investigadora de la Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana (UAM). [Minuto 04:23]

Entonces, estamos en un escenario grave que ningn tomador de decisiones quiere enfrentar porque le quitara votos, por lo que slo se limitan a echar la culpa al Cutzamala y a las escasas lluvias. En parte tienen razn, aunque no es el principal punto del conflicto, porque 60 por ciento del abasto proviene del subsuelo de la Ciudad de Mxico y la infiltracin no se da ni siquiera con buenas precipitaciones debido a que no hay sitios para hacerlo.

En entrevista, la acadmica del Departamento de Economa y fundadora de la Red de investigacin en Agua de la UAM seal que sta organiza actividades todo el ao, con el fin de reconocer el trabajo de acarreo de las mujeres para llevarla el lquido a sus hogares en lugares donde no hay, tal es el caso del Primer Seminario de Estudiantes de Maestra y Doctorado, al igual que la indagacin desde diversos enfoques que se realiza en toda la Institucin.

En este trabajo colaborativo hemos hecho acciones muy bonitas porque el agua es un tema que puede manejarse desde la ciencia, la tecnologa, los mbitos social o econmico, y en la universidad desde hace muchos aos damos alternativas viables y planteamos objetivos realistas y alcanzables.

Sin embargo, en la temporada de estiaje slo se invita a los habitantes de la capital a cuidar el bien hdrico sin decir las medidas que deben adoptar, mientras que a las empresas tambin les hacen el llamado al ahorro, aunque con la concesin de pozo y la autorizacin de extraer determinados metros cbicos diarios, realmente no se sabe cunto sacan.

Si no hay una sancin y no se aplica la ley seguirn con un gran consumo del lquido a pesar de la emergencia, por lo que es prioritario informarles de un incentivo si reutilizan una parte importante que lleve a disminuir la extraccin de los pozos, lo cual sera una poltica sustentable.

No obstante, en la Ciudad de Mxico hay una gran inequidad en el abasto del agua potable, porque mientras en algunas reas un residente consume 350 litros diarios, en Iztapalapa, por ejemplo, slo pueden acceder a 50 y a veces ni siquiera les llega el recurso, siendo que el consumo confort es de 150 litros por persona al da.

La doctora Montero Contreras explic que adems la calidad es muy mala y puede generar enfermedades de la piel, sobre todo a los menores de edad, razn por la cual en esa regin se consume alrededor de un litro del producto embotellado al da por habitante e incluso hay quien compran hasta de las purificadoras para baarse.

Antes de la pandemia el precio del garrafn en Iztapalapa o la zona oriente era de entre s......


Los empobrecimientos profundos de Nicaragua "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

El periodista y poeta mexicano sostiene que no se debe comparar la dictadura Ortega-Murillo con regmenes revolucionarios desgastados pero autnticos, como Cuba o Venezuela, y tampoco con la ola progresista latinoamericana. Por el contrario, la revolucin popular degener en un populismo clientelar y corrupto que se ha convertido, de hecho, en una dictadura familiar.

Ningn pas debera expulsar y quitar la nacionalidad a su gente. Ni siquiera a los criminales. A veces los expulsados son algunos de sus mejores hijos, como sucedi con la Alemania nazi y la Espaa franquista. Denota mezquindad, abuso, extravo de la razn de Estado. Ahora lo vemos en Nicaragua. Si no fuera tan terrible y aberrante el rgimen retro-sandinista, movera a risa la dupla Daniel Ortega-Rosario Murillo con su obsesin bananera por el poder, vagamente pintada de izquierda, merced a la historia heroica y digna de la revolucin liberadora que el comandante y su crculo usurparon hace muchos aos.

En realidad, despus de 1979 la revolucin sandinista fue un breve verano. Una dcada o poco ms. Luego, en vergenza, debi convivir con sus opositores de centro y derecha. Como de costumbre, en aquello pesaba la intervencin descarada de Estados Unidos contra un rgimen comunista para desestabilizarlo (en este caso mediante la Contra) desatando los demonios de una guerra civil. A la larga se hicieron del poder los peores de entre los que parecan los mejores. El sndrome de Camboya.

El presunto antiimperialismo del gobierno nicaragense actual permite que todava se lo traguen observadores de izquierda en Latinoamrica y Europa, y volteen al otro lado mientras contina empobrecindose la libertad, la vida cultural, poltica y material del pas.

Resulta ocioso comparar el orteguismo con regmenes revolucionarios desgastados pero autnticos como Cuba o Venezuela, as como es intil equipararlos con la ola progresista y democrtica que, con sus vaivenes, caracteriza hoy a la regin. Lo de Nicaragua hace mucho que dej de tener vestigios de revolucin popular, mal disfrazada bajo un populismo clientelar que, desde sus buenos y ochenteros tiempos, el Frente Sandinista de Liberacin Nacional (FSLN) tuvo a mal imitar al prismo mexicano y naufrag en la bochornosa piata. A la vuelta del tiempo y los cambios el gobierno secuestrado por Ortega degener en una red de privilegios corruptos, que acenta esa desigualdad que la revolucin sandinista prometa eliminar.

Atrapada en la dictadura familiar orteguista, la nacin centroamericana padece una penosa comedia dictatorial; ni El Salvador de Bukele, ni la Guatemala de Giammattei lucen tan desoladores, mientras las poco exploradas ligas del orteguismo con...


FBI Files: Celebrities "IndyWatch Feed World"

The following is a list of FBI files on different celebrities.

 Declassified Celebrity FBI Files

Bud Abbott Abbott, Bud Bud Abbott was a part of the Abbott and Costello comedy team. They made movies and performed on television. This release is references on Abbott only. It contains correspondence between Abbott and Director Hoover, Espionage and Interstate Transportation of Obscene Material matters.
Gracie Allen Allen, GracieFile #1 ] | FILE #2 ] Gracie Allen, her husband, George Burns, Mary Livingston (wife of Jack Benny) and Jack Benny were investigated in 1939 for bringing jewelry and clothing into the country from Europe and not paying the duty tax on it. The investigation by the New York City authorities resulted in Jack Benny and George Burns paying fines. It is alleged that the real smugglers were Gracie Allen and Mary Livingston.
Steve Allen Allen, SteveFile #1FILE #2FILE #3FILE #4 ] Steve Allen, an entertainer, was the victim of two extortion attempts investigated by the FBI. The first extortion attempt consisted of a letter sent to the CBS network in New York demanding that the writer be given $30,000 or Mr. Allen would be harmed. Prosecution was declined by the United States Attorney. In the second extortion attempt, the writer accused Mr. Allen of being a communist and threatened to sho...


Alzheimers first signs may appear in your eyes, study finds "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Finding early signs of dementia in the back of the eye may be a way to catch the disease early and start preventive treatment, a study says.


Today, we lost a visionary "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Gordon Moore, thank you for everything.


Highest-Order Electromagnetic Transition Observed "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Observations deliver evidence of an exotic sixth-order electromagnetic transition in the gamma-ray emission of an iron isotope, a finding that could provide new ways to test nuclear models.


Beaming in a Spin Texture "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Researchers use an optical vortex beam to create a stable pattern of electron spins in a thin layer of semiconductor material.

Spin-based electronic, or spintronic, devices can benefit from techniques that coax electron spins into static spatial patterns called spin textures. A new experiment demonstrates that an optical vortexa light beam that carries orbital angular momentumcan generate a stable spin texture in a semiconductor [1]. The research team showed that the vortex generates a pattern of stripes that has potential uses in processing spin information. Previous experiments have optically stimulated these striped textures, but the optical vortex has a structure that approximately overlaps with the stripe pattern, allowing faster spin-texture formation.

The spins of unbound electrons in a material can be aligned by a magnetic field or by polarized light. But as these electrons moveeither through diffusion or through conductiontheir spins will begin to rotate in response to so-called spin-orbit interactions within the material. The direction and rate of these rotations for any given electron depend on the path that it takes. Thus, two nearby electrons that start out aligned will become misaligned as they move along different paths, even if they arrive at the same destination. So maintaining an electronic spin texture seems like a doomed enterprise.


Astronomers discover helium-burning white dwarf "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

A white dwarf star can explode as a supernova when its mass exceeds the limit of about 1.4 solar masses. A team led by the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) in Garching and involving the University of Bonn has now found a binary star system in which matter flows onto the white dwarf from its companion.

The system was found due to bright, so-called super-soft X-rays, which originate in the nuclear fusion of the overflowed gas near the surface of the white dwarf. The unusual thing about this source is that it is and not hydrogen that overflows and burns. The measured luminosity suggests that the mass of the white dwarf is growing more slowly than previously thought possible, which may help to understand the number of supernovae caused by exploding . The results have been published in the journal Nature.

Exploding white dwarfs are not only considered the main source of iron in the universe, they are also an important tool for cosmology. As so-called Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia), they all become roughly equally bright, allowing astrophysics a precise determination of the distance of their host galaxies.


Digital restoration of historical documents "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

One of the best ways to learn about any historical period is by conversing with the people who lived through it. Speaking with people from the distant past is very one-sided, as they are typically dead and have stopped listening long ago. However, they speak volumes if you have the patience to listen, or rather, read what they say in letters, diaries and primitive post-it notes with no sticky back sides.

An international group of computer scientists from Italy, the U.K. and Pakistan have teamed up to resurrect the dead from writings that have been degraded by time by developing a computer-assisted method to virtually return documents to a more legible and decipherable condition. In their research paper, Restoration and content analysis of ancient manuscripts via color space based segmentation, published in the journal PLOS ONE, the team details their digital restoration techniques method and experimental results.

We get a sense of ancient civilizations from their writings, both trivial and profound. The Sumerian cuneiform writing on reveals 4,000-year-old merchant transactions, geometric calculations, and poetry detailing the fall of a great city. Had they been written on paper and not in clay we would likely not have them today.


Y tambin msica "IndyWatch Feed Noramerica"

En este pas con nombre de agujero y profundidad hay gestos colectivos que sostienen la vida, la esperanza y el anhelo. En el norte de Honduras hay una ciudad que un tiempo se llev los premios como la ms peligrosa del mundo, an cuando bien sabemos que hay muchas como sta en los Estados Unidos, pero no hay prensa suficiente que repita esto. Como sea, en la ciudad de San Pedro Sula existen territorios estigmatizados como residencias del crimen organizado, nidos de mareros, el refugio de las personas indeseables. Bien sabemos que son barrios donde campea la violencia, sostenida casi siempre por esta brutal pobreza en la que nos hemos crecido y a la que resistimos, por la ganancia que significa para algunos pocos el terror colectivo.

Sin dar detalles locales, pues no hay nada que no sepamos de otras ciudades conocidas y queridas en Abya Yala, aderezadas con el tono que los medios corporativos de comunicacin no desperdician cuando se trata de estas inmensas poblaciones. Ah mismo, uno de estos sectores ms estigmatizados es conocido como la Rivera Hernndez, nombre formado por los apellidos de dos luchadores que pelearon la tierra para cientos de familias hace ya muchas dcadas. Sangrienta fue la disputa en este lugar de rboles frondosos, de casitas pequeas donde descansan por las noches miles de personas que trabajan en las maquilas, comercios, escuelas, mercados de la ciudad, oficinas; gente de muchos oficios: pepenadores, amas de casa, estudiantado, maestros, cajeros de bancos, cantantes, zapateras, albailes.

Todo lo que hay en la Rivera lo ha tenido que hacer la gente misma, menos la desgracia que esa s les viene de afuera. Territorio de migrantes internos que han buscado en la costa norte la ilusin del empleo, del dinero, del progreso y donde siguen haciendo maravillas. Hoy, deben vivir al menos 200 mil personas repartidas en casi trescientas colonias y barrios. De esas, mucho ms de la mitad son personas menores de 20 aos, nios y nias que crecen bajo el sol de la costa. Cuando estos jvenes terminan sus bachilleratos y buscan trabajo tienen que ocultar su lugar de residencia, venir de la Rivera para la cultura laboral se ha convertido en una mancha, un desprestigio.

Y as es como esa ciudad proletaria se ha llenado de patrullas policiales y de polticas de exclusin financiadas por el Estado que nunca les resolvi ni el agua ni la tierra ni la salud; y s los rodea de vigilancia y muerte.

Para que se sepa entonces que en esas colonias disputadas al clasismo ms puro, a la indiferencia generalizada y los mecanismos polticos que dividen a la poblacin en trminos de bien y mal, ha crecido un programa que trabaja con nios y nias desde hace ya 21 aos. Se llama Paso a Paso1 y es lo ms entraable que una puede conocer, amar y respetar...


Ukraine is Preparing a Massive Offensive and Theres Really No Denying It Anymore "IndyWatch Feed War"

Rolo Slavskiy The Slavland Chronicles March 24, 2023

So, heres the relevant clip of what Strelkov had to say recently.

And heres what Prigozhin recently came out with.

This is well, its even worse than what I predicted.

I expected a simple push on Zaporozhye in the south like what the Ukrainian army pulled off in Kharkov. But now, the two guys who have been talking the most sense about this war so far are coming out and talking about attacks being prepared all up and down the Russian line and even into Russia proper in the Kursk/Belgorod region.

The fact that Ukraine is attacking and Russia is on the defensive should come as no surprise to anyone who doesnt have his head stuck up into a place where even the radiant glory of Yahwehs angels light dont shine.


  • The Russian army is fighting outnumbered.
  • There is no mass one-sided slaughter of Ukrainian soldiers occurring.
  • Both sides are slugging it out and taking heavy losses.
  • Ukraine has been massing and preparing a new breakthrough army

You can pretend now that literally everyone knew that this attack was going to occur, Rolo and that all is going according to Putins Judo plan. But this is simply not true and really just a typical goalpost moving defense in depth strategy being employed by the 5Ders. In the winter, they were talking about a massive Russian offensive. This never materialized. At the same time, the doomers such as myself were talking about how the attack would come from Ukraine, not Russia. Now, they pretend that they were in the know the whole time. Whats worse, their lying works...


Why Would China be an Enemy? "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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BP Extracted Iraqi Oil Worth 15BN After British Invasion "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Ukraine war planned for the Great Reset? "IndyWatch Feed War"

kla.TV March 24, 2023

February 24th marked the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops. One year of war and no end in sight! wrote, The Kremlin had a lightning bolt victory in mind when it attacked Ukraine a year ago. Twelve months later, there is a stalemate between Kiev and Moscow Neither Moscow nor Kiev is willing to negotiate on the basis of the status quo. Well, a blitzkrieg was supposedly planned but there has now been more than a year of war. More and more people in Europe, but also in the Ukraine itself, are asking the question, Is Russia really not capable of achieving a military victory?

If, however, you compare the military strength of Russia and the Ukraine in 2022, the Russian army should be far superior.


Are there ultimately other goals behind this war than Moscow is ostensibly communicating? Could it therefore even be a matter of design that there is no end in sight? This program tries to find possible answers to these questions.

First of all, we have to look at the motives and intentions Moscow put forward for the war. Purported motives for the war:

  1. Eastward expansion of NATO and the threat of the Ukraines entry into NATO
  2. Aid to the Donbass Peoples Republics
  3. Denazification of the Ukraine.

The eastward expansion of NATO, as Putin calls it, right up to Russias borders has taken place in five steps since 1999. Other candidates would include Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine. That this does not please Russia is hard to deny.

The conflict in the eastern Ukraine, which has been ongoing since 2014, had by the end of 2018 alone cost the lives of 13,000 people, including some 3,300 civilians, according to UN figures. Attacks by Ukrainian troops on the population in the Donbass increased dramatically from mid-February 2022, before Russian troops had entered the country. OSCE neutral observers counted up to 1,400 explosions per day from February 17, 2022. 100,000 civilians were reportedly evacuated to the interior or to Russia for protection. The Azov Regiment is a volunteer battalion that became part of the National Guard of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukraine in 2014. According to Wikipedia, the unit is controversial because of links to far-right groups and Nazi symbolism.

Taking stock after one year

After one year of war, we are now taking stock of the extent to which Russia has pursued or achieved its stated goals.

A group discussion on the Internet portal NuoViso with Billy Six provides some pointers on this. Billy Six is...


JewsYou are in Grave Danger "IndyWatch Feed War" March 24, 2023

Two things are guaranteed to generate a violent response; 1) when the food supply disappears and 2) peoples children are being destroyed.  The Good Jews who had nothing to do with these evil deeds will be blamed for everything, along with the evildoers.

We are at the tipping point, people are waking up as we reach the point of no return; the time to make your choice is here.

By CK (

To my Jewish Friends,

You are in grave danger.  You know this.  Thats why you are running large scale anti-semitism billboards in major US cities.  The victims of the Satanist plots operating under the banner of Jews are waking up from their slumber and the Jews are going to be blamed for many terrible things you probably had nothing to do with.  It has always ended this way.

Real Jews are Compassionate. They also follow Truth and are Tolerant.  These are the people I have known all my life that I support and will lay down my life to protect.  The good people reading this should know you have many other true friends who will help you in times of need.  Good Jews are all around us and I call many of them my Dear Friends.

You can judge good or evil by using Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. Carefully watch their words and actions.




Rockets hit US military base after airstrikes target Syrian troops "IndyWatch Feed War"

Press TV March 24, 2023

A military base housing US forces in eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr has come under a rocket attack hours after the Pentagon carried out multiple airstrikes against Syrian troops.  

Lebanons al-Mayadeen television news network, citing local sources, reported that the rockets landed in the vicinity of US-controlled al-Omar oil field at around 11 a.m. local time (0800 GMT) on Friday, causing several explosions.

There were no immediate reports of injuries and the extent of damage.

The attack came hours after the US military launched several air raids against Syrian forces. Washington said it hit the positions of resistance fighters behind a drone strike that killed an American contractor, wounded another and also hurt five US troops.

The Pentagon said in a statement that the attack against US personnel took place at a base near Hasakah in northeast Syria at approximately 1:38 p.m. local time (1038 GMT) on Thursday.

Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin said the US airstrikes were carried out at the direction of President Joe Biden and targeted facilities used by groups opposed to the presence of American forces in Syria.

The airstrikes were conducted in response to todays attack as well as a series of recent attacks against coalition forces in Syria, Austin said in a statement.

Local sources pointed out that the target was not an Iran-aligned military post as the US military claimed, but rather a rural development center and a grain center in Hrabash neighborhood, near Dayr al-Zawr military airport.

Meanwhile, no Iranian was killed in the act of aggression.

A military source in Syria told Press TV that the resistance groups reserve right to respond to the American attack and will take reciprocal action.

The US military has for long stationed its forces and equipment in northeastern Syria, with the Pentagon claiming that the deployment is aimed at preventing the oilfields in the area from falling into the hands of the Daesh terrorists.

Damascus, however, maintains the deployment is meant to plunder the countrys natural resources. Former US president Donald Trump admitted on several occasions that American forces were in the Arab country for its oil wealth.



NHL Players Who Refuse to Wear Pride Jerseys Are Facing Authoritarian Media Backlash "IndyWatch Feed War"

Vigilant Citizen March 24, 2023

Theres something deeply unhealthy happening in the National Hockey League (NHL) this year. Week after week, a different NHL team hosts a Pride Night to celebrate the LGBTQA+ community and, week after week, a new controversy emerges where a player is berated by mass media for not complying.

As the controversies pile up, theres a bizarre, authoritarian pattern emerging where players must either submit or be shamed by mass media for days on end.

The main problem of these Pride Nights: ALL players from the home team are required to skate around while wearing rainbow flag jerseys during warmups and/or games. By forcing players to be draped in the pride flag on jerseys that bear their last names these celebrations turned into some kind of authoritarian pledge of allegiance. And those who refuse to wear these jerseys are suffering authoritarian consequences: Character assassination from elite-sponsored media.

Did you know that Communist China engaged in similar tactics during its Cultural Revolution?

Heres a short timeline of what has been happening in the NHL.

Ivan Provorov



6 Weeks with the NHS "IndyWatch Feed"

Criticising the NHS and promoting private health care as the answer has been in the news recently. According to the chair of the Royal College of GPs in Northern Ireland there has been a significant rise in patients having their health needs met in the private sector. Considering how bad the queues are for some treatments by the NHS, this is not surprising. When you see a relative in significant pain for well over a year with no end in sight, you will find a way to speed things up if you can afford it.

Two Tier System

Unfortunately, if those of us with more money are using private care, we will not experience the queues, we may not be aware of them and certainly will have little incentive to pay more in tax to allow the NHS to employ the doctors and nurses needed to reduce the queues. There is an increased danger that we will leave much of the population with a declining service that fails to meet their health needs. This is not a criticism of those who pay for private health care (doing the best for your family is natural) but it is important to warn of the pitfalls for society of moving away from the NHS.

There is a real danger that anti-private sector think-tanks who want to reduce tax as much as possible will cultivate a very negative attitude toward the NHS as a way of reducing support for tax increases. Right wing publications such as the Spectator run stories with headlines such as The NHS is failing us all (27 April 2022) or The data that proves the NHS is failing Britain in the Telegraph (15 April 2022) and I fear that we are not looking at NHS funding rationally.

But are the failings of the NHS due to an existential inability of the NHS model to work or has it been run down with under-investment, fewer healthcare training places and creeping privatisation, resulting in staff choosing better pay and conditions in the private sector?


Alternative methods for paying for health care will always be under consideration but we should remember that private companies provide a service for a fee because they expect to make a profit it would be nave to expect them to put our welfare before their profit. (Look at the number of private health scandals in the USA insulin for diabetics is just one example. A vial of insulin that costs $12 will cost you $98.70 in the USA. People die trying to use less insulin. President Biden is currently trying to bring the price down to $35 across the USA.)

The chart above shows the expenditure of a range of countries we should note that several countries like Sweden, France, Norway and Germany pay more per person for their health care systems, so perhaps we should not be surprised if they have better outcomes and shorter queues.

It is p...


Seymour Hersh: I am very used to the stupidity of my government "IndyWatch Feed War"

Zhao Manfeng China Daily March 24, 2023

In an interview with China Daily, Seymour Hersh, a US investigative journalist who revealed that the US government is the mastermind behind the Nord Stream pipelines explosion, said that he would not be surprised at the stupidity of what the US government does when he first heard the news and confirmed by a source that the Nord Stream pipelines was bombed at order from US President Joe Biden.

Hersh also said that it was no secret that Biden wanted to bring an end to the Nord Stream, but Western media have turned a blind eye to it.

In an article published on February 8, Hersh citing an anonymous source with direct knowledge of the operation claimed that during the BALTOPS 22 maritime exercise, US Navy divers, operating under cover, planted remotely triggered explosives that destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines.

As an investigative journalist and political writer, Seymour Hersh gained recognition in 1969 for exposing the My Lai massacre and its cover-up during the Vietnam War, for which he received the 1970 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. During the 1970s, Hersh covered the Watergate scandal for The New York Times, also reporting on the secret US bombing of Cambodia and the CIAs program of domestic spying. In 2004, he detailed the US militarys torture and abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib in Iraq for The New Yorker. Hersh has won a record five George Polk Awards, and two National Magazine Awards.




The world's toughest animal could one day help save your life "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

It is a seriously complex critter, yet it also does the impossible. Just where can we extend all this? we certainly can start here.

Just how do they rehydrate?  Yet They do.

Now imagine us doing just this in order to travel far into space..

The world's toughest animal could one day help save your life

March 20, 2023

Water bear, moss piglet, scientific marvel: the tiny tardigrade

Theyve been fired from a gas gun to test their candidacy for panspermia, are believed to have survived the Beresheet lunar probe's crash-landing on the Moon, can live without water, withstand radiation, survive being frozen and are expected to be one of the...

Russias Economy Is Booming Despite or Because of Sanctions? "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

To start with, Russia is internally able to be self sufficient.  This means zero external leverage.  Thus sanctions simply kick started supply replacement.

This always creates a boom as it did in Japan and Germany back in the day.

The skills are all there as well and it is easy to do.

Russias Economy Is Booming Despite or Because of Sanctions?  "Russian economic sovereignty has increased." President Putin

Global Research, March 20, 2023

It is true, western sanctions have failed miserably in destroying Russias economy. To the contrary, Russias economy has been booming since 2022 and keeps doing well, also projected into the future. Why?

We have exponentially increased our economic sovereignty, President Putin commented at a recent meeting with aircraft factory employees in Ulan-Ude, Buryatia. The autonomous Republic of Buryatia is in the south of Eastern Siberia, along the border with Mongolia.

Its territory takes up two thirds of the water area of Lake Baikal (see map below). This just as an idea of the enormous landmass, called Russia, and what lays above and beneath her.

Economic sovereignty, is one of the main reasons for Russias economic growth during the time of the worst sanctions any country has ever undergone by the west led, of course, by the US and its puppet Europe. The latter has followed the sanction circus, even though it is self-destructive for Europe. This, indeed, is well known to those who have been put into the position of leading or rather destroying Europe as an economic force.


The Language of Four: The Meaning of Tetragrammaton "IndyWatch Feed Tech"


So much of all this represents past efforts to create a natural foundation for all our knowledge.  Not a bad endeavor.

The act of creation must be binary or otherwise it falls apart.  Then the additional creation of TIME makes it a natural tetra creation.  Such a creation looks most like a tetrahedron with four axis and four surfaces as well.

It is no trick to add letters and create mapped words as part of your efforts.  Or embed the I ching symbol as part of a circle then extended into three dimensions for the SPACE TIME pendulum.

It all needs to be taught this way.

The Language of Four: The Meaning of Tetragrammaton

March 22nd, 2023

Tetragrammaton is the Greek word for the Hebrew four letter word for God, YHWH. The exact pronunciation of YHWH is unknown, in part because of the lack of vowels in Heb...

Neutral Neutron Pairs "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

I have slowly come to grasp just what science has been missing because normal matter is so dominating.  Yet provided the neutral neutron pair is a reality, then the whole galaxy is full of this stuff, and better yet we literally breath it as well.

understand though that hydrogen is equally undetectable except by indirect means.  It even penetrates matter as we know it.  For that reason our proposed neutral neutron pair has a free ride past everything we can do.  Accidental hits will be seen as just that and of no import.

From our knowledge of Cloud Cosmology we do have some things we can aassert:

1      The NNP does react along a number of axis allowing one NNP to be attached to another NNP.  This is not what i describe as a hard lock but quite weak but still real and allows ordered conglomerates.  These are in fact describable as proto Elements and Isotopes that can potentially decay into the expected elements on the basis of multiple NNP decay.  They can just as easily be torn apart as well.  I am not so sure that decay is taking place out in space as well as in the sun.

2      Gravitational pull is far less than for elements.  The spacing is too large between NNPs.  however it is not zero.  Packed elements should squeeze out the majority of NNP content.  This gives us the surface nature of all planets and also the Sun.  This can then be a shell.

3      Understand that Cloud cosmology projects three types of neutral matter.  I use the word neutral only because the word is convenient and allows us then to identify axis as separate.  Neutral assumes mathematical continuity which is not real.  We are now just understanding how important the NNP is in the evolution of our third level phys...

The Greatest Show on Earth gets a second chance "IndyWatch Feed World"

<p>After a six-year closure, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey is undertaking an epic new act: resuscitating an 150-year-old American brand.

When the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circusback after a six-year absencebegins its 50-city tour of North America this September, it will include 75 highly trained performers and a litany of extravagant acts. Tightrope walkers will flit across a triangular rope, 30 feet in the air. Acrobats will launch themselves between four spinning wheels suspended from stadium ceilings. BMX bikers will spring off a giant trampoline. And a 360-degree set studded with massive video screens and enhanced with sonic spatial technology will envelop audiences in the spectacle.</p> <p>Read Full Story</p>


Combating Skepticism: Federal Grant Funds New Effort to Combat Misinformation "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Canadian Tire Fire #56: International Day Against Police Brutality, Protesting Grocery Store Price Gouging, Mining Convention Disrupted "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

This week we cover news from the International Day Against Police Brutality, and actions disrupting business as usual at a grocery store and a mining conference.

In Montreal, a banner was dropped in solidarity with those arrested for fighting Cop City in Atlanta, and in remembrance of Tortuguita. At the edge of Weelaunee forest, every cop pushed back with fireworks and every piece of construction equipment set ablaze is welcomed with cheer from companions all over turtle island and beyond.

Now lets get to the news!

International Day Against Police Brutality

Every March 15th, anarchists, police abolitionists, and the family and friends of those killed by police observe the International Day Against Police Brutality. This year, events took place in Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Montreal. As always, send us reports if events happened in your city!

In Vancouver, an art and memorial event took place to remember the victims of police killings in the city.

In Winnipeg, a march and rally took place outside the Millennium Library. The library has recently had an increase in police and security, having the effect of preventing people from using it. City budget deliberations were taking place at the same time as...


The 20th Anniversary of the Sociocide of Iraq by Bush/Cheney "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Stop the War, Stop Sending Arms to Ukraine. An Appeal from Brussels "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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Police Needs to Intervene in the Sirius Open Source Scandal "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Summary: Sirius Open Source is collapsing, but that does not mean that it can dodge accountability for crimes (e.g. money that it silently stole from its staff since at least 12 years ago)

A SCREENSHOT of the PDF from Standard Life was shared here (with sensible redaction) a few days ago. Things are belatedly progressing.

This post has taken a long time to prepare as we need to separate gossip/speculation from verified facts. Standard Life also claims to be pursuing the facts (since the 7th of March). As per their own update: Dear Dr Schestowitz, I have attached our acknowledgement to your complaint. [...] If youve any questions, or problems accessing your acknowledgement, please email me at [redacted] and Ill do all I can to help you.

Theyve basically been looking into how on Earth the company (Sirius) was claiming to be paying into Standard Life accounts that dont even exist!

The simplest explanation is, Sirius engaged in embezzlement. The management was contacted several times, being kindly offered the opportunity to explain what actually happened. Each and every time the response was schtum. For reasons we detailed here before, litigation seems imminent. Class action lawsuit is also likely, though the company is in hiding. Staff that actively oversaw and participated in the embezzlement is criminally liable, even if leaving the company later. Theyve been made aware of this (fraud, theft, forgery/embezzlement among the possible charges). Failing that, or in addition to that, pension providers can be sued. Well explain the legal grounds some other day.

What does this have to do with Techrights? Sirius is describing itself as Britains most respected and best established Open Source business.

If this is what the most respected and best established boils down to, then theres serious trouble. Sirius is a major liability and a stain. This isnt the company I joined more than 12 years ago. You need to lie to keep your job or take one for the team or do something unethical/illegal to keep your salary is the hallmark or symptom of criminal management, which needs to be prosecuted, not served (except served papers). I confronted the management many times before leaving (for over a year!) and nothing improved. They kept paying the salary, but behaviour only worsened over time, so I reached out to a friend.

Suffice to say, you need not be particularly charismatic to persuade workers whom you pay to also...


Microsoft Warns of Stealthy Outlook Vulnerability Exploited by Russian Hackers "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

Microsoft on Friday shared guidance to help customers discover indicators of compromise (IoCs) associated with a recently patched Outlook vulnerability. Tracked as CVE-2023-23397 (CVSS score: 9.8), the critical flaw relates to a case of privilege escalation that could be exploited to steal NT Lan Manager (NTLM) hashes and stage a relay attack without requiring any user interaction. "External


Could Putins war crimes charges give ICC more authority over Western leaders? "IndyWatch Feed"

OPINION: Comparisons between destruction in Iraq and Ukraine could boost the International Criminal Courts authority in the West


German-Japanese Military Cooperation Does Little to Deter China at Sea "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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US to Relocate Its Warplanes to Intimidate Moscow and Beijing "IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica"

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OpenAI Reveals Redis Bug Behind ChatGPT User Data Exposure Incident "IndyWatch Feed Tech"

OpenAI on Friday disclosed that a bug in the Redis open source library was responsible for the exposure of other users' personal information and chat titles in the upstart's ChatGPT service earlier this week. The glitch, which came to light on March 20, 2023, enabled certain users to view brief descriptions of other users' conversations from the chat history sidebar, prompting the company to


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