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Wednesday, 26 April


Hunter Biden for 2024 Armstrong Economics

Joe is too old and he just reads the cue cards anyway for those who are really the president like Dick Cheney was behind Bush and Hillary behind Bill. Lets not have any more surrogate presidents. Hunter Biden has shown amazing qualifications.

He was a top executive in a Ukrainian Energy Company so he has vast experience in the energy field. He is a Chinese major financier with personal relations that will come in handy all the way to the top of the Chinese Communist Party. And in Africa, he was a major land developer. He understands that income taxes are immoral and will probably end the IRS.

He is obviously a Renaissance Man capable of handling the entire world all while he was on cocaine and simultaneously banging hookers who would probably save the country and prevent him from pushing any buttons out of frustration.

So lets Get on Board Hunter for 2024

The First Family Role Model of the Century


The post Hunter Biden for 2024 first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


The War on Free Speech Is Really a War on the Right to Criticize the Government Dissident Voice

Since when have we Americans been expected to bow submissively to authority and speak with awe and reverence to those who represent us? The constitutional theory is that we the people are the sovereigns, the state and federal officials only our agents. We who have the final word can speak softly or angrily. We can seek to challenge and annoy, as we need not stay docile and quiet.

Justice William O. Douglas

Absolutely, there is a war on free speech.

To be more accurate, however, the war on free speech is really a war on the right to criticize the government.

Although the right to speak out against government wrongdoing is the quintessential freedom, every day in this country, those who dare to speak their truth to the powers-that-be find themselves censored, silenced or fired.

Indeed, those who run the government dont take kindly to individuals who speak truth to power.

In fact, the government has become increasingly intolerant of speech that challenges its power, reveals its corruption, exposes its lies, and encourages the citizenry to push back against the governments many injustices.

This is nothing new, nor is it unique to any particular presidential administration.

For instance, as part of its campaign to eradicate so-called disinformation, the Biden Administration likened those who share false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information to terrorists. This government salvo against consumers and spreaders of mis- dis- and mal-information widens the net to potentially include anyone who is exposed to ideas that run counter to the official government narrative.

In his first few years in office, President Trump declared the media to be the enemy of the people, suggested that protesting should be illegal, and that NFL players who kneel in protest during the national anthem shouldnt be in the country.

Then again, Trump was not alone in his presidential disregard for the rights of the citizenry, especially as it pertains to the right of the people to criticize those in power.

President Obama signed into law anti-protest legislation that makes it easier for th...


Lea Vajsova: There is a boom of feminist organizations in Bulgaria after the debate on the ratification of the Istanbul Convention Lefteast

Lea Vajsova: There is a boom of feminist organizations in Bulgaria after the debate on the ratification of the Istanbul Convention

Note from Lefteast Editors. We repost Vladimir Mitevs interview with sociologist and left feminist activist Lea Vajsova, which originally appeared at Crossbordertalk on 13 February 2023.

We saw the conservative insistence on the traditional Christian family around the Istanbul Convention debate as a metaphor behind which a process of re-traditionalisation was taking place as an effect of dismantling the welfare state, which plays (and played before 1989 in socialist Bulgaria) a significant role in terms of achieving womens emancipation and socio-economic equality.

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Over an average April month's rainfall in just a few hours triggers flash floods in Trinidad Signs of the Times

For the second consecutive day, parts of Trinidad recorded more than an average April month's rainfall in a few hours. The torrential rain triggered street and flash floods across parts of central, north-central, and northwestern Trinidad during the afternoon on Monday. Which areas were affected? As thunderstorms and heavy rainfall swept across Trinidad, flooding was first reported in Claxton Bay, along the Southern Main Road. As rain moved north, floods quickly began in Port-of-Spain along the typical flood-prone areas. Flooding occurred along Richmond, Edward, St Vincent, Charlotte, Park, Pembroke, Abercromby Streets, and Independence Square North and South. City Gate at South Quay in Port-of-Spain temporarily became impassable. Only one of the four eastbound lanes on St Joseph Road, exiting Port-of-Spain, was passable early Monday afternoon due to flooding.


Friedrich Hayek Design + Inspiring Lysander Spooner Quotes Activist Post

Spooner is best known for this historic coup over the government, yet he had a long career of sticking it to the man. He broke state...

Friedrich Hayek Design + Inspiring Lysander Spooner Quotes


Aggression, Guns, and Marcuse Dissident Voice

Better not knock on the wrong door or drive into the wrong driveway, you may get shot. Kids are afraid to go to school for fear of getting killed, as the body count from mass shootings climbs every day. Hate crimes are increasing, and just driving to work is potentially dangerous. Think of tailgaters honking their horns and flipping you the bird as they speed past. Politicians address these issues by calling for gun safety legislation, increasing the number of police, and so on. But these policy responses accept the existence of aggressive behavior as a given and only treat the symptoms. The jugular question focuses on why people are becoming increasingly more violent and aggressive in the first place. We think Herbert Marcuses analysis of the relationship between late capitalism and the human psyche provides a good tool to answer this question.

Marcuse claims that the United States is a sick society, sick because its basic institutions and structures do not permit the use of available material and intellectual resources for the optimal development and satisfaction of individual needs. In other words, Marcuse saw that late capitalism possessed the material potential for people to enjoy much more freedom from want and work than they realized, but capitalism would never permit the fulfillment of this freedom because it would threaten the privilege and power of its ruling class. He calls this disparity between the potential for free human development and the constrained conditions of society surplus repression. In late capitalist society surplus repression is so strong and prevalent that social stability necessitates the opening of the human psyche for manipulation and control, thus creating human automatons, one-dimensional beings incapable of critical thought. This invasion of the mind, he argues, is not a conspiracy. Its rooted in the very structure of power in an advanced consumer capitalist society.

The objective of late capitalism to negate consciousness of the rupture between the individual and the societal imposed mode of existence has implications for the human psyche. Marcuse assumes the validity of Freuds concepts of Eros the life instinct and Thanatos the death instinct to explain how the structures of late capitalism breed aggressive behaviors. In arresting the development of human potential, late capitalism stifles Eros and fortifies Thanatos, he claims. This dynamic, he argues, creates destructive energy that is socially useful not only to maintain but to reproduce the dominant system of economic, political, and technological power. In short, the ascendancy of Thanatos creates the aggressive psyches necessary for the stability of late capitalism. The abundance of goods and services available provides almost unlimited opportunities for consumers to buy goods that reproduce the system of domination and create an endless supply of aggressive human beings. In other words, in a supposed exercise of freedom....


The Pros and Cons of the Raw Food Diet Wake Up World

April 26th, 2023 By Ty and Charlene Bollinger Guest Writers for Wake Up World Have you ever wondered if eating raw is right for you? Have you ever felt confused as to what exactly the raw food diet even is? No matter how familiar you are (or arent!) with a raw food diet, this article []

The post The Pros and Cons of the Raw Food Diet first appeared on Wake Up World.

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Tuesday, 25 April


The privileged ignorance of Daniel Radcliffe Signs of the Times

What a shame that JK Rowling made a star out of such a privileged plonker. It was King Lear who said, 'How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child'. I always think of it whenever I see the latest nasty little jibe at JK Rowling from one of the mediocre actors whom her novels shot to stardom. Now Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe has opined - more in sorrow than in anger, no doubt, with a caring, sharing smile on those sensitive lips - that adults concerned about children changing gender are 'condescending'. More specifically, he 'affirmed' the beliefs of six trans and nonbinary children at a discussion organised by LGBTQ charity The Trevor Project this week, saying: 'There are people who also have a slightly condescending, but well-meaning attitude of "People are young... and it is a huge decision".' According to Radcliffe, 'We can trust kids to tell us who they are'.


Welcome to NATOstan (formerly known as Europe) Signs of the Times

And the vicious circular argument to eventual global catastrophe continues... "The NATO expanders are telling us that Russia's actions inside its unchanged borders are exactly why we had to expand NATO's borders. Russia's reaction to NATO's expansion enlargement justifies NATO's enlargement expansion." - Patrick Armstrong


The Bud Light revolt: Pissed-off patriots reject "woke" indoctrination (that is being led by the CIA) Signs of the Times

Budweiser is not just the company that made our beer. It's the company that pretended to share our values. Now we can see that it was all bullshit. Why are people so angry about the Bud Light ad? Is it because they are narrow-minded bigots who hate transgender people? No, that's not it at all. In fact, most guys don't spend much time thinking about transgenders at all. It's just not in their wheelhouse. (See here: "We don't give a fu**")


Astral Magic: The occult religion of modern cosmology Signs of the Times

How the Renaissance revival of ancient alchemy birthed the mythos of modern science. The European Renaissance was defined as a cultural rebirth, but what was it actually a rebirth of? This "rebirth" was a disastrous reintroduction of Hermeticism into European scholasticism, establishing the Hermetic tradition as a crucial factor in the development of modern science. Quite simply, the Renaissance was the rebirth of neoplatonic astral magic flooding into European culture. This Hermetic dominance of modern scholastic thought can be quite obviously seen in its great impact on the Copernican revolution. With the entire Renaissance being funded by the Medici Italian banking family, their Laurentian library was the knowledge hub of Europe, housing countless occult manuscripts that ushered in the golden age of alchemy. As Erasmus of Rotterdam saw this alchemical obsession begin to unfold, he forewarned, "I have a fear and it is, that, with the study of ancient literature, ancient Paganism...


Polyamorous Dating: Navigating Multiple Relationships Simultaneously The Event Chronicle

Polyamorous dating, also known as consensual non-monogamy, involves having romantic and/or sexual relationships with more than one person at the same time. It can be a rewarding and fulfilling way to approach relationships, but it also requires careful communication, boundary-setting, and emotional management. Here are some important considerations for anyone interested in exploring polyamorous dating:

Defining your boundaries and needs


One of the most important aspects of a poly relationship is being clear about your own boundaries and needs. This includes being honest with yourself and your partners about what you want and dont want in a relationship. This can involve discussing topics such as time commitments, sexual health practices, and emotional expectations. Its important to remember that everyones needs are different, so its important to communicate openly and respectfully.

Navigating jealousy and emotions

Jealousy and other strong emotions can be a challenge when navigating multiple relationships. Its important to recognize that feeling jealous or insecure is a natural human emotion and does not mean you are bad at polyamory. Instead of trying to suppress or ignore these emotions, its important to communicate them openly and honestly with your partners. This can involve finding healthy coping mechanisms, such as practicing self-care, seeking support from a therapist or counselor, and taking time for yourself when needed.

Building healthy relationships



Spring warming thwarted by unseasonal cold in China - 9 inches of snow, latest spring snowfall since records began for some areas Signs of the Times

A rare strong cold front has put the brakes on spring warmth, with most parts of China seeing the mercury drop sharply since Thursday. Temperatures dropped by as much as 20 C in parts of Gansu, Shaanxi and Shanxi provinces, which were hit by heavy snow, the National Meteorological Center said. Long periods of rain and snow are rarely seen in April, the center said, adding that some areas had experienced their latest spring snowfall since records began. Elsewhere, heavy rain, thunderstorms and hail hit some areas in Guizhou, Hunan and Guangdong provinces, the center said. On Thursday in Shanxi, as much as 24 centimeters of snow fell in some areas while others were hit with heavy rain, according to the provincial meteorological service, which added that many weather stations in southern Shanxi had record precipitation for late April.


The Lifeblood of Democracy Dissident Voice

The Lifeblood of Democracy
Two cornerstones of democracyfreedom of expression and freedom of informationare under concerted attack, in the United States and around the world.

In the US, for example, reactionary elected officials seek to ban books in schools, often in the name of protecting children; and government agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, seek to curb online speech that they deem dangerous.

Here and globally, tech companies and social media platforms engage in algorithmic gatekeeping, throttling online traffic to progressive news outlets and vital LGBTQ+ content, while embattled leaders in nations such as Benin and Malaysia use fake news lawsenacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, ostensibly to restrict misinformation about itto harass, jail, or silence journalists whose reporting challenges those regimes. Anonymous individuals serve the fossil fuel industry by filing bogus copyright complai...


Monster Heat Hits 1/3rd of World Population Dissident Voice

It has started, and its fierce Monster Heat!

Its a monster heat spell like none before, according to climatologist and weather historian Maximiliano Herrera, describing Asias heatwave as the worst in history. (Source: Extreme Heat Scorches Asia, Affecting at Least a Third of the Worlds Population, The Verge, April 19, 2023)

Global warming is hitting full stride as SE Asia, inclusive of parts of China and India literally roast. Its a bad omen for the rest of the world as the entire planet is threatened by an emerging El Nio event starting this year.

El Nio is the warm phase of the El Nio-Southern oscillation that originates in the equatorial Pacific every few years, bringing on more heat throughout the planet. According to, El Nio is forecast to return in 2023 and could set new temperature records.

Hundreds of weather stations across China broke April heat records. Is a new rapid-rising temperature trend in place because of global warming? It sure looks that way. For example, last year both China and India experienced severe heatwaves, shuttering factories, but it happened under the influence of La Nia, which is the cool phase of the El Nio-Southern oscillation, hmm. China sweltered under a devastating 70 days of intense heat that the country had never experienced before. There is nothing in world climatic history which is even minimally comparable to what happened in China last year, Ibid. This year (2023) is already similar, if not worse.

This years record heat in Thailand, China and South Asia is a clear climate trend and will cause public health challenges for years to come, according to scientist Fahad Saeed, regional lead for the climate policy institute, Climate Analytics. (Source: Hot and Hotter: Swaths of Asia Sweat in Heat Wave, Japan Times, April 20, 2023)

Can Europe at +2.2C Above Pre-Industrial Withstand a Repeat of 2022?

According to Copernicia Climate Change Service (C3S), Europe is warming around twice as quickly as the world average at 2.2 degrees Celsius over the past five years compared to the pre-industrial era. (Source: Fast-warming Europe Risks More Droughts as Alps Glaciers Melt at Record Rate,, April 20, 2023)

The worlds leaders must hit the panic button now by organizing a worldwide Marshall Plan for tackling the global warming monster. Just image a year thats worse for Europe than what happened in 2022: (1) at least 20,000 heat-related deaths (2) heat-related crashes of computer systems at two major London Hospitals (3) train tracks and roads buckled (4) some airport runways melted (5) Alpine glaciers, sources for major commercial rivers, melted at record rates (6) drinking water trucked to more than 100 towns in France (7) commercial supply issues as waterways shrunk passage for barges (8) Frances Loire River could be crossed on foot (9) high river temps restricted power pla...


Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Working With AUC ROC Curve 2023 Guide The Event Chronicle

When working with machine learning models, evaluating their performance is critical to determine their accuracy and effectiveness. One of the most commonly used metrics is the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUC ROC) curve, which measures the models ability to distinguish between positive and negative classes. However, working with the AUC ROC curve can be tricky, and there are several common pitfalls that data scientists and machine learning practitioners should avoid. In this article, we will discuss some of these pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Understanding the AUC ROC Curve


The AUC ROC curve is a graphical representation of a binary classifiers performance, showing how well it can distinguish between positive and negative samples. The curve plots the true positive rate (TPR) against the false positive rate (FPR) at different classification thresholds. The area under the curve is a measure of the classifiers overall performance, with a higher value indicating better accuracy.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

1. Using the AUC ROC Curve as the sole metric for model evaluation

The AUC ROC curve is a useful metric, but it should not be the only one used for model evaluation. There are other metrics that can provide additional insights, such as precision, recall, F1 score, and accuracy. Relying solely on the AUC ROC curve can lead to inaccurate conclusions about a models performance.

2. Ignoring class imbalance

Class imbalance occurs when the number of samples in one class is significantly higher than in the other. This can lead to biased AUC ROC curve results, as the classifier may be better at predicting the more frequent class. To avoid this, data scientists should balance the dataset by either oversampling the minority class or u...


Lightning kills family of 4 seeking shelter under tree in Maharashtra, India Signs of the Times

A tragic incident occurred when a couple and their two children were struck by lightning while seeking shelter under a tree during a sudden rainstorm. The family had been returning from a wedding ceremony in Sarwadi and had stopped their bikes under the tree when the tragedy occurred. A tragic incident occurred on Kurkheda-Desaiganj road in Tulsiphata where a family of four was struck by lightning while seeking shelter under a tree during a sudden rain and thunderstorm. The lightning strike killed all four on the spot. The victims were identified as Bharat Rajgade (35), his wife Ankita Rajgade (29) and their two children Bali Rajgade (2) and Devashi Rajgade (4). The incident happened around 6:45 pm.


How to Get Rid of Fat With Saxenda Weight Loss Pen The Event Chronicle

Saxenda is a weight loss pen that contains liraglutide, known for its effectiveness in helping people with high body mass indexes (BMI 27) lose weight. When applied in combination with a lower intake of calories and a well-rounded exercise program, the solution can lead to significant fat reduction within the first 12 weeks of use in adults and individuals of various ages.

The Saxenda injection pen is designed for subcutaneous injections and is recommended for use in the stomach area, upper leg, or upper arm. Its important to avoid injecting the solution into veins or muscles, as it can have adverse effects. Additionally, rotating injection sites with each use are recommended to prevent the formation of lumps.

One of the advantages of Saxenda is that it can be self-administered and can be taken with or without food, at any time that is convenient for the user, once daily. However, its crucial to be aware of potential side effects before starting this medication for weight loss, which is why there is a dosing schedule that gradually increases over the first four weeks to ensure the body can tolerate the treatment.

Its important to note that pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid taking Saxenda, as it may harm the unborn child. Individuals with known allergies to liraglutide should also avoid using Saxenda to prevent triggering allergic symptoms. Its always advisable to consult with a doctor and provide a detailed medical history before using Saxenda to receive proper guidance on its use.

5 reasons to use the Saxenda pen injector for weight loss


1. Saxenda pen injector is an effective tool for weight loss, particularly for individuals with a high body mass index (BMI), when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Saxenda is known for its ability to aid in weight loss, especially in individuals with a high BMI. When used as part of a comprehensi...


Meteor fireball over south of Spain (April 23) Signs of the Times

The bright fireball in this video was recorded over Spain on April 23, at 6:10 local time (equivalent to 4:10 universal time). The event was generated by a rock (a meteoroid) from Comet 1P/Halley that hit the atmosphere at about 240,000 km/h. The fireball overflew the provinces of Crdoba and Badajoz. It began at an altitude of about 122 km over Villaviciosa de Crdoba (province of Crdoba), moved northwest, and ended at a height of around 84 km over Hinojosa del Valle (province of Badajoz). This bright meteor was recorded in the framework of the SMART project, operated by the Southwestern Europe Meteor Network (SWEMN) from the meteor-observing stations located at Huelva, La Hita (Toledo), Calar Alto, Sierra Nevada, La Sagra (Granada), Sevilla, and Valencia del Ventoso. The event has been analyzed by the principal investigator of the SMART project: Dr. Jose M. Madiedo, from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC).


Fossil Fuel Companies Found Lie-Liable Organikos

Following record rains in April of 2014, a section of Baltimore street simply collapsed. Now theres some chance of holding the culprits accountable.

Thanks to Bill McKibben for this legal news following plenty of precursor stories on the same topic:

High court lets cities and states sue...


Shallow earthquake measuring 7.1 off Indonesia's Sumatra island briefly triggers tsunami warning - 2nd major quake within 24 hours Signs of the Times

A strong undersea earthquake has sent streams of people fleeing to higher ground in western Indonesia, after a tsunami warning was briefly triggered. Footage released by the National Disaster Mitigation Agency showed how streams of people in a village on Mentawai Island fled to the highlands by foot and motorcycles under the rain in darkness early Tuesday, while some patients at the village's hospital were evacuated to its yard as cracks showed in the facility's floor. The shocks were felt in districts and cities of West Sumatra and North Sumatra provinces, and some places ordered evacuations to higher ground. Residents in parts of West Sumatra province, including the provincial capital of Padang, felt the earthquake strongly for about 30 seconds, disaster agency spokesperson Abdul Muhari said.


Mass layoffs havent dented pay for tech and finance internships, says Glassdoor Fast Company

Despite high-profile job cuts, companies like Coinbase, Capital One, and Amazon still top the list of best-paying employers for interns. But will they want to apply?

Its easy to wonder if the recent, and in fact very much ongoing, waves of layoffs in tech and finance could be putting knots in these high-paying industries hiring pipelines. But not only does data show the number of job openings is up (heres a report from earlier this month showing more than 315,000 open tech positions), but these industries are still offering the best-paying internships to students, according to new data from the career site Glassdoor.

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Engagement Ring Rules: When to Break Them and When to Follow Them 2023 Guide The Event Chronicle

Getting engaged is a major milestone in a couples life. It signifies the start of a new chapter and is often accompanied by the presentation of an engagement ring. Engagement rings have been a tradition for centuries, and with time, a set of rules have developed around them. But, like any tradition, these rules are meant to be broken. Heres a guide on when to follow them and when to break them.

Rule 1: Spend Two Months Salary on the Ring


This is a widely known rule that says you should spend two months worth of your salary on an engagement ring. However, this rule doesnt account for your financial situation, which is unique to you. If you can afford it, great! But if its going to put you in a difficult financial situation, its best to break this rule.

Instead, opt for the one that fits within your budget. There are many beautiful rings available that wont break the bank. For example, engagement rings London are the perfect way to find so many options that will suit any budget.

Rule 2: Diamonds Are a Must

Diamonds are the traditional stone for engagement rings. However, not everyone wants a diamond ring. Some people prefer gemstones or alternative stones like moissanite or cubic zirconia. If your partner has a specific stone in mind, its best to go with their preference rather than sticking to tradition.

If you do decide to go with diamonds, its important to note that the four Cs cut, color, clarity, and carat weight are essential to consider when selecting a diamond. The cut refers to the diamonds proportions, while the color refers to the presence or absence of color in the diamond. Clarity refers to the diamonds imperfections, and carat weight refers to the diamonds size.



U.S. Department of Defense issued a contract for 'COVID-19 Research' in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist Signs of the Times

The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health Organisation officially named the novel coronavirus disease as Covid-19. So with this being the official truth, why does United States Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for 'COVID-19 Research', at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19? The shocking findings, however, do not end there. The contract awarded in November 2019 for 'COVID-19 Research' was not only instructed to take place in Ukraine, it was in fact part of a much larger contract for a 'Biological threat reduction program in...


I Had To Find Out If This Was True Terra Forming Terra

Why now? A credit induced contraction of the auto loan book would knee cap auto sales and must be questioned.

Right now our economy is loaded with misinformation and plausible enemy action as well.

Yet the banks must put money out or they go out of business.  So just how real is this all/

I Had To Find Out If This Was True

April 19, 2023 by Michael  Shah

Top Pathologist confirms Cancer, Infertility & Strange Blood Clots are common side effects of Covid-19 Vaccination Terra Forming Terra

This now tells us that the weight of scientific opinion is now extremely negative regarding the JAB and yes ladies, it was never a vaccine for anything.  It was a very dangerous scientific experiment targeting the whole global population and just because of that, it was attempted genocide at the least.

We do not know the extent of ongoing damage, but i do remain cautiously hopeful.  Not least, because i do think that MIL INTEL was able to intervene and block the worst potentials.  Let us hope that turns out to be true.  We still have seen millions killed globally and we do not know what happened in China.

The clots are a real thing for some folks and we are still tracking worse effects.

What we do not know is the actual level of distribution because a portion would have been placebo.

Top Pathologist confirms Cancer, Infertility & Strange Blood Clots are common side effects of Covid-19 Vaccination

According to an experienced pathologist, Covid injections toxic lipid nanoparticles and mRNA induce the body to make hazardous spike proteins, which then distribute themselves throughout the entire body increasing the risk of inflammation, micro blood clots and fibrous blood clots.

Unfortunately, according to the same experienced pathologist, who has carried out studies to prove this, Covid injections also have the ability to cause cancer and infertility.

Dr. Ryan Cole is an Idaho pathologist who is no stranger to controversy. His claims of horrific side effects from mRNA vaccines and his recommendations of alternative treatments for Covid launched medical board investigations in multiple states, prompting the doctor to defend his license. As the owner of...

Chile Stuns Markets And EV Makers By Nationalizing Lithium Industry Overnight Terra Forming Terra

This sets the stage for a ten fold ramp up of Canadian lithium prpduction as exploration will rocket.  That is always the answer to those who wish to plasy monopoly.

Throw in the real risk of outright replacement and this rewally promises to be a crash and burn and much quicker than is obvious.  Lithium has lasted so long because it was first into the battery optimization market against good old Lead zinc battery tech.

There are ample alternatives to pursue and optimize and this is how you do it..

Chile Stuns Markets And EV Makers By Nationalizing Lithium Industry Overnight


FRIDAY, APR 21, 2023 - 09:25 AM

The weaponization of commodities in a world that is increasingly turning multipolar and where legacy trade links and commercial bridges are burning down metaphorically (and in some cases literally) is accelerating.

Chile's President Gabriel Boric stunned the world on Thursday when he said he would nationalize the country's lithium industry, the world's second largest producer of the metal essential in electric vehicle batteries, to boost its economy and protect its environment.

The shock move in the country with the world's largest lithium reserves would in time transfer control of Chile's vast lithium operations from industry giants SQM and Albemarle to a separate state-owned company.

What is DNA Computing, How Does it Work, and Why it's Such a Big Deal Terra Forming Terra

This is a worthy item allowing anyone to come up to speed. You do not need to even understand normal computer tech here.  It pfroduces deeply parallel computation that can be applied to a problem that needs it and those certainly exist.

And it looks like we are going to have it.

Can we do photon based calculations inside a synthetic gem and then output  a hologram based image report?  This would make the Holodec easier.

What is DNA Computing, How Does it Work, and Why it's Such a Big Deal

Scientists are making steady progress in DNA computing, but what is DNA computing and how does it work?

Created: Mar 20, 2019 10:08 PM EST

For the past decade, engineers have come up against the harsh reality of physics in the pursuit of more powerful computers: transistors, the on-off switches that power the computer processor, cannot be made any smaller than they currently are. Looking beyond the silicon chip, an intuitive alternative is currently being developed using DNA to perform the same kinds of complex calculations that silicon transistors do now. But what is DNA computing, how does DNA computing work, and why is it such a big deal?

The issue with transistors is that they now exist at the scale of a few nanometers in sizeonly a few silicon atoms thick. They can't practically be made any smaller than they are now.


Yelp rolls out AI, video to enhance business searches Fast Company

The review platform is getting its most significant update in recent years featuring some of todays trendiest technologies.

Yelp is improving its search and review functionality with a number of features based on two of-the-moment internet technologies: artificial intelligence and short-form video. Its part of the online review platforms most significant update in recent years, according to the company.

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Slack Canvas arrives, but dont call it a Notion clone Fast Company

Slacks new document editor is more limited than others, but may be useful in its own way.

Slack would really like you to know that its new Canvas document editor isnt competing with the likes of Notion and Coda.

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America's empire is bankrupt Signs of the Times

Let's start with the basics. Roughly 5% of the human race currently live in the United States of America. That very small fraction of humanity, until quite recently, enjoyed about a third of the world's energy resources and manufactured products and about a quarter of its raw materials. This didn't happen because nobody else wanted these things, or because the US manufactured and sold something so enticing that the rest of the world eagerly handed over its wealth in exchange. It happened because, as the dominant nation, the US imposed unbalanced patterns of exchange on the rest of the world, and these funnelled a disproportionate share of the planet's wealth to itself. There's nothing new about this sort of arrangement. In its day, the British Empire controlled an even larger share of the planet's wealth, and the Spanish Empire played a comparable role further back. Before then, there were other empires, though limits to transport technologies meant that their reach wasn't as...


This sleek electric RV was designed by two former Tesla engineers Fast Company

Lightship has solar panels and a battery large enough that it can self-propel, so a truck towing it can save on gas.

Three years ago, stuck in a Bay Area apartment in the early months of the pandemic, Ben Parker quit his job as an engineer at Tesla, rented a Winnebago, and took off on a 6,000-mile road trip. He dove into research for what he saw as the next opportunity for a better electric vehicle: RVs.

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WEF orders governments to start limiting food to fight climate change Signs of the Times

The World Economic Forum said jump and corrupt infiltrated governments said how high. New York Mayor Eric Adams is the first to announce the master plan, justifying his administration's plans to restrict the food supply for New Yorkers, declaring that 20% of New York's greenhouse gas emissions are tied to food. Mayor Adams promised to take a bite out of New York City's greenhouse footprint Monday by reducing carbon output when it comes to emissions caused by the production and consumption of food especially meat. New data released by the city shows that 20% of the Big Apple's greenhouse gas emissions are tied to food the third largest source behind buildings, which contribute 34% of emissions in the city, and transportation, which causes 22%. Mayor Adams eats a plant-based diet and he has announced his goal is to reduce food-related emissions produced by city government by 33% within seven years time, and to accomplish that he and city officials are going to restrict how much...


How a clever Budweiser ad is helping to save Brazils public basketball courts Fast Company

An ad campaign from Budweiser is helping communities in Brazil save public space.

In one of the latest songs from Brazilian rap star Rincon Sapincia, streetwise lyrics take an unexpected turn to legalese. Sapincia starts out celebrating street culture and recalling his time spent playing basketball as a youth. But then in an interlude, after bemoaning the fact that many street basketball courts in Brazil are being displaced by development, he calls out the countrys cultural heritage lawsspecifically articles 1 and 17 of law 25/1937 (as in 1937)as a tool for their protection.

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Meet the worlds lightest champagne bottle Fast Company

Champagne bottles are notoriously thick to ensure they can withstand immense pressure from the bubbles inside. A new bottle by French champagne house Telmont is thinner, lighter, and ultimately, more sustainable.

In 2020, Ludovic du Plessis, then newly president of the century-old champagne house Telmont, embarked on an ambitious, if niche, journey: To make the best champagne in the most sustainable way, as he describes it. First came the soil: No more herbicides, pesticides, or chemicalsjust organic agriculture. Then came the packagingno more gift boxeswhich helped Telmont cut its carbon footprint by 8% per bottle. And then came the material of said bottle, as the company switched from using transparent glass, which contains 0% recycled glass, to green glass bottles that contain up to 87% recycled glass.

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They Explained Armstrong Economics

People often ask who I am referencing when I refer to they. THEY are the leaders of the pack; the neocons. They are the people who create endless wars and use the people as their toy soldiers for war gameswe are the toys.

None of these wars affected our way of life and we had no need to be involved in Ukraine, Vietnam, Afghanistan, you name it. But they will create false flags to bring us into wars. It may be a conspiracy but it is not a theory. They conspire to create these wars and use fake news. There were the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that never existed. The sinking of the Lusitania that propelled us into World War I was intentional. Former President Johnson admitted that Vietnam never attacked us, and leading neocon Robert McNamara admitted before his death that America was wrong for condemning Communist nations. But he died with the guilt of sacrificing 58,000 American lives on the neocon altar of war.

The neocons have a theory that a regime change will save the day. They demonize the head of state and convince themselves that people will cheer once that individual man is overthrown. Saddam, Gaddafi, the list goes on. They think they can overthrow these leaders and simply install a democracy. The problem is that we do not have a democracy; we have a republic. We cannot vote on whether we go to war or if we want to die for the neocons.

They are the aggressors and the ones who created the current conflict. They are on both sides of the political aisle and are installed in positions of power throughout the world. They create division internally to promote civil unrest so that they can elect the person of their choice who will claim to solve the problems they created. They want to create digital currencies to control everything we do while plundering what they allow us to have. They are pushing society as a whole to a breaking point, and unfortunately, their next war game will not end well.

The post They Explained first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


The Banking Crisis Of All Time Armstrong Economics

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Your knowledge and database on financial crises is really unprecedented. I googled the first banking crisis and it brought up only the Crisis of 1763, which started in Amsterdam. Yet that list published in the WSJ which showed 1683 as the first panic and the siege of Vienna was most interesting. I know you have written about the sovereign defaults on the ancient central bank in Delos. My question is, was there any major financial banking crisis between antiquity and 1683? I figured if anyone would know, he had to be you.


ANSWER: As the 13th century unfolded, the cost of endless Crusades burdened both the crowns of England and Fra...


Is Your Money Safe in a Regional Bank? Armstrong Economics

People often ask if their money is safe in a regional bank. Yesif you keep it under $250,000 to guarantee the FDIC insures those funds. Some clueless minds brainwashed into fighting the class warfare thought, Oh well! for people who had more than them in the bank and did not care if the Silicon Valley Bank or Signature Bank failed.

My phone did not stop ringing and the bankers wanted to know if they should cover ALL the deposits. I actually lost my voice, screaming, YES YOU MUST COVER ALL THE DEPOSITS! ALL OF THEM!!! Aside from the fact that no one deserves to lose their hard-earned money, the primary issue here is that failing to cover the deposits would have completely wiped out small businesses.

Small businesses comprise 70% of GDP and must be protected at all costs. They must park large sums in the bank to cover payroll to pay their employees and operational costs. Small businesses would come to a standstill and banks would fall like dominoes. Unemployment would spike and the entire economy would plummet. We would see a massive banking crisis if all small businesses went under. More banks will go broke, it is only a matter of time, but it is crucial that deposits are covered.

The post Is Your Money Safe in a Regional Bank? first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


Internet pioneer Vint Cerf: As AI becomes part of online life, we must embrace truth and accountability Fast Company

A so-called father of the internet, Cerf says he worries about AIs tendency toward misinformation.

Vint Cerf, widely known as one of the Fathers of the Internet, will be presented next month with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers prestigious Medal of Honor. But awards are nothing new for Cerf, the codesigner (with Rober Kahn) of the TCP/IP protocols that enable the movement of all kinds of information over the internet.

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The striking consistency of MasterCards logo Fast Company

The MasterCard logo has been an icon of the financial services industry for more than 50 years thanks to its bold, recognizable graphics.

Youd recognize it anywhere: Two circlesone red, one yellowoverlapping to create an intersection of orange. MasterCards logo is arguably the most famous icon of any financial institution on the planet, and its one of the rare marks that has retained much of its DNA from the early days.

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Focusing on happiness can make you unhappy. Do this instead Fast Company

As a nation, were obsessed with self-help and positive thinking. But we arent always good at knowing what will actually make us happy.

Americans long to be happy. A lot of this drive is wrapped up in consumerism, with many of todays brands trying to sell happiness. The positive-thinking movement is also fueling the focus, with the abundance theory and other self-help genres naming happiness as the objective, says Monica C. Parker, author of The Power of Wonder: The Extraordinary Emotion That Will Change the Way You Live, Learn, and Lead.

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John Mulaney escapes the prison of likability in his new Netflix special Fast Company

Baby J, the comedians fifth special and first in five years, is his most autobiographicaland darkestyet.

In one of John Mulaneys most famous bits, he asks the audience to imagine a horse running loose inside a hospital. A horse pops up in Baby J, his new Netflix special, too, once again in unlikely proximity to medical treatment. But this time the circumstances are much different.

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Chicago must rehire, pay back wages to workers punished over COVID-19 vaccination mandate - judge CLG News

Chicago must rehire, pay back wages to workers punished over COVID-19 vaccination mandate - judge --Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D-Deranged) implemented a COVID-19 vaccination mandate for city employees in October 2021. | 24 April 2023 | An Illinois judge ruled that the city of Chicago must rehire and pay back lost wages of unionized city employees who were fired or disciplined for violating COVID-19 vaccination requirements. Administrative law judge Anna Hamburg-Gal, writing on behalf of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, said that the city "failed and refused" to bargain in good faith with union leaders "over the effects of its decision to implement a COVID-19 vaccine mandate." The decision applies to unionized city of Chicago employees working as carpenters, bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, machinists, and other job categories. Affected employees must also be paid back lost wages and benefits with 7% annual interest, according to the ruling.


Bird of the Day: Painted Bunting Organikos

The Lost Tinamou Nature Preserve, Guatemala


Blood, Golf, and Saudi Arabia Dissident Voice

The recently concluded LIV Tournament in Adelaide was a matter of bread, circuses and golf. It was something of a triumph for the chief sponsor: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and, more notably, the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Critics, and criticism about the regime and the blood spattered House of Saud, were generally forgotten.

This vulgar display of denial and indulgence was typified by the face of Australian golf, Greg Norman. After three days of competition at The Grange, The Advertiser ran with the painful headline: LIV-ing the dream: Golfs boom weekend for SA. The South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas, who scandalously threw his states money into a mix also funded by Saudi Arabias Public Investment Fund (his government refuses to say how much), was also glowing. To everyone who turned up and showed what Australia is about thank you.

When questioned about the Riyadh connection and its blotchy human rights record, the insufferable South Australian Tourism Minister, Zoe Bettison, proved to be a well of useless information. Im aware of the issues that people have raised, she stated. But each and every one of us here uses equipment [and] different businesses every day that the Saudis are invested in. Presumably she does not mean hacksaws, which, in Saudi hands, have a habit of finding their way onto the necks of critical journalists.

Golfing professionals such as the unprincipled Mammon follower Dustin Johnson also expressed delight at the way the tournament had gone. The support weve had from the fans and the city awesome. Obviously, the crowds were unbelievable this week, so it was a lot of fun.

Peter Uihlein dreamily speculated about future numbers, burgeoning in their promise: 90,000 attendees over three days in the 12th event would surely mean even greater numbers by the 40th or 50th? People lose sight of that a little bit. This is literally the 12th event. The sky is the limit.

There were efforts made by the organisers to mimic their PGA Tour rivals, who, to be fair, are also corrupt, but not in the capital punishment-killing journalists sense of the term. A ticket to the Cellar Door Marquee back of the 12th green, Guardian Australia...


Office building occupancy in major US cities falling Signs of the Times

Landlords in Houston and Dallas are having a tougher time filling their empty office buildings with new tenants than any other market in the country, according to office market statistics compiled by CoStar and JPMorgan. Why? One reason: They overbuilt when interest rates were low. Houston and Dallas put up more new office space between 2010 and 2021 than all regions except New York. Despite the disruptions of the pandemic, they still have millions more square feet under construction. Vacancies now are higher than any other metro area, despite attempts to fill the gaps with heavy discounts.


US considered targeting Russia's Wagner commanders in Africa, leaked files reveal Signs of the Times

American officials have reportedly considered taking lethal action against senior officers from the Russian private military company, Wagner. According to documents leaked by a US guardsman and obtained by The Washington Post, US officials have looked at a range of scenarios for "coordinated US and allied disruption efforts" against Wagner, including "kinetic" options, in an effort to curb the group's growing influence in Africa. Comment: Despite the dodgy nature of these leaks, with what seems to be truth mixed with propaganda and the MSM tasked with revealing them, this seems to be a believable claim. The United States has been alarmed by the rapid expansion of Russia's influence in Africa, prompting a push to target Wagner's network of bases and business fronts with strikes, sanctions and cyber attacks.


The Credit Crunch Is Going To Be One Of The Biggest Stories Of The Next 6 Months Activist Post

By Michael Snyder Right now, financial institutions all over America are getting really tight with their money.  That means that less credit will be available...

The Credit Crunch Is Going To Be One Of The Biggest Stories Of The Next 6 Months


Two mass extinctions occurred alongside massive volcanic eruptions 260 million years ago, new research reveals Signs of the Times

Massive volcanic eruptions millions of years apart caused two mass extinctions during the Middle Permian Period, according to a study of uranium isotope profiles in marine samples. The findings highlight the potential effects of modern-day global warming on ocean food chains and the importance of addressing environmental issues to prevent further extinctions. Long before dinosaurs, Earth was dominated by animals that were in many ways even more incredible. Carnivores such as Titanophoneus, or "titanic murderer," stalked enormous armored reptiles the size of buffalo.


First Appellate Court Finds Geofence Warrant Unconstitutional Activist Post

By Jennifer Lynch The California Court of Appeal has held that a geofence warrant seeking information on all devices located within several densely-populated areas in...

First Appellate Court Finds Geofence Warrant Unconstitutional


Expert Reveals Utility Smart Meters are programmed to overcharge consumers (charts included) Activist Post

By B.N. Frank Opposition to privacy invasive and unsafe utility smart meters electric, gas, and water has been increasing in the U.S. and...

Expert Reveals Utility Smart Meters are programmed to overcharge consumers (charts included)


Your Messaging Service Should Not Be a DEA Informant Activist Post

By Mario Trujillo A new U.S. Senate bill would require private messaging services, social media companies, and even cloud providers to report their users to...

Your Messaging Service Should Not Be a DEA Informant


Rather Than Restoring Soundness to the Dollar, Senators Seek to Debase the Nickel Activist Post

By Stefan Gleason Fiat currencies that are undergoing inflation eventually reach the point where the smallest unit of account becomes practically worthless more trouble...

Rather Than Restoring Soundness to the Dollar, Senators Seek to Debase the Nickel


80 MEPs want China's France envoy to be declared persona non grata for calling Crimea 'historically Russian' Signs of the Times

Members of the European Parliament have accused the Chinese diplomat of violating international law and threatening the security of France's European partners. About 80 members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have urged French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna to declare Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye a persona non grata over his remarks about the status of former Soviet republics. In a letter to Colonna published by a French newspaper on Monday, the MEPs noted that the Chinese diplomat "publicly stated that the former republics of the Soviet Union do not have effective status within the framework of international law."


Dollars Destruction and Rollout of CBDC Activist Post

By Neenah Payne Growing BRICS Spells Imminent End of US Dollar explains that several nations are applying to join or are considering joining the five...

Dollars Destruction and Rollout of CBDC


Lavrov spearheads multilateralism and fairer world order as Russia set to chair UN Security Council, warns world at 'dangerous threshold' Signs of the Times

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is due to chair UN Security Council meetings on April 24-25 as Russia's month-long presidency in the international body is about to wrap up. What can we expect from Lavrov's trip to the US and how is Russia spearheading the idea of multipolarity amid the ongoing geopolitical shift? Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is expected to hold a high-level UN Security Council open debate on "Effective multilateralism through the Defense of the Principles of the UN Charter", one of the signature events of the Russian presidency, this April 24. Meanwhile, on April 25, Lavrov is due to chair a discussion on the Middle East, which will feature Tor Wennesland, special coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process. The meeting will focus on the stagnation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict resolution and the escalation of tensions. Russia's Effective Multilateralism


Apple Tries to Prevent iPhone Lawsuit from Going to U.S. Supreme Court Activist Post

By B.N. Frank Decades of research have already revealed that exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from cell phones and other wireless sources including 5G...

Apple Tries to Prevent iPhone Lawsuit from Going to U.S. Supreme Court


Don't do it Joe: Poll says fewer than 50% of Democrats want Biden to run in 2024 Signs of the Times

However, the majority of party supporters will back the 80-year-old anyway if he is nominated for the presidential race Fewer than 50% of US Democrats believe President Joe Biden should run for a second term in the Oval Office, a new poll has indicated. However, the majority of respondents said they would still back the incumbent in 2024, if he is selected as the party's candidate. On Friday, the Associated Press published the results of a survey it carried out among 1,230 adults between April 13 and April 17. Only 47% of Democratic voters said they wanted Biden to run for president again, with that number notably lower among younger demographics. Only 25% of Democratic respondents under the age of 45 would definitely support him, AP reported.


'Entire downtown is effectively dead:' Baltimore descends further into turmoil Signs of the Times

Downtown Baltimore is plagued with shootings, carjackings, muggings, and out-of-control packs of teenagers wreaking havoc. Baltimore residents can thank five decades of Democrat politicians for mismanaging this once-thriving town. Earlier this month, the Inner Harbor district was overrun by hundreds of teenagers that resembled an apocalyptic scene from a Hollywood or Netflix movie. The video below might provide some insight into why people are shunning the area, which caused a plunge in foot traffic, making it difficult for retail stores to survive. This leaves us with local media outlet Baltimore Brew's reporting about a mall situated on the waterfront, once popular with tourists and residents, had lots of activity, and is now nothing more than a ghost town.


Market Talk April 24, 2023 Armstrong Economics



Coca Colas President and CFO, John Murphy, expressed confidence in Indias economy, stating that it remains resilient with a strong job market and robust consumption. The company has increased its availability in over 300,000 stores in India, driving 3 billion transactions in the first quarter at affordable price points. Coca-Cola is focused on delivering value for its customers and consumers through integrated execution with its bottling partners. The company has seen growth in both developed and developing markets, including Asia Pacific, where the reopening of China has led to an increase in consumer activity. Although consumption is still recovering to pre-pandemic levels, Murphy believes that Indias economy will continue to remain strong.


The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today:

  • NIKKEI 225 increased 29.15 points or 0.10% to 28,593.52
  • Shanghai decreased 25.84 points or -0.78% to 3,275.41
  • Hang Seng decreased 115.79 points or -0.58% to 19,959.94
  • ASX 200 decreased 8.40 points or -0.11% to 7,322.00
  • Kospi decreased 20.90 points or -0.82% to 2,523.50
  • SENSEX increased 401.04 points or 0.67% to 60,056.10
  • Nifty50 increased 119.35 points or 0.68% to 17,743.40



The major Asian currency markets had a mixed day today:

  • AUDUSD decreased 0.00015 or -0.02% to 0.66885
  • NZDUSD increased 0.0022 or 0.36% to 0.61550
  • USDJPY increased 0.167 or 0.12% to 134.317
  • USDCNY increased 0.00518 or 0.08% to 6.90438


Precious Metals:

  • Gold increased 6.91 USD/t oz. or 0.35% to 1,989.80
  • Silver increased 0.172 USD/t. oz or 0.69% to 25.203


No economic news from last night:


Some economic news from today:


Core CPI (YoY) (Mar) decreased from 5.50% to 5.00%

CPI (YoY) (Mar) decreased from 6.3% to 5.5%

Hong Kong:

Unemployment Rate (Mar) decreased from 3.3% to 3.1%





The former chief economist of the Bank of England predicts that inflation in the UK will fall rapidly in t...


The latest government line of defense on Covid shots: We said it, but we didn't MEAN it Signs of the Times

Back at the end of January, a coalition of medical professionals asked the FDA to change the labels on the mRNA injections for Covid-19. Among other things, the Coalition Advocating for Adequately Labeled Medicines wanted the "vaccines" to be labeled with a warning that they don't prevent infection or transmission. Here, as a PDF file, is the complete (and very long) April 18 response to that petition from Dr. Peter Marks, the director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research the office at the FDA that regulates vaccines: If you don't want to read all of that, the remarkably clear heart of the response is on page 12: The vaccines are not licensed or authorized for prevention of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus or for prevention of transmission of the virus, nor were the clinical trials supporting the approvals and authorizations designed to assess whether the vaccines prevent infection or transmission of the virus.


Mother of 7 Denied Kidney Transplant for Refusing COVID Shot in Georgia CLG News

Mother of 7 Denied Kidney Transplant for Refusing COVID Shot in Georgia | 24 April 2023 | On dialysis and potentially facing death, a 41-year-old homeschooling mother of seven young children has been rejected as a candidate for a life-saving kidney transplant by Emory Healthcare Inc. of Atlanta. The reason? The woman, who has already had COVID-19, refused to receive the [often deadly] COVID-19 vaccine on religious and medical grounds. To protect her privacy, the patient will be referred to in this article as Jane Doe. Affiliated with Emory University, Emory Healthcare is one of the leading organ transplant centers in the South. According to Liberty Counsel (LC), a national non-profit legal organization helping Doe, she was referred to Emory by her nephrologist after suddenly coming down with end-stage kidney disease.


Russia to amend law allowing gender change on ID papers, banning the practice Signs of the Times

The Russian Ministry of Justice is to review national legislation in order to ban the changing of one's gender in passports and other ID documents, ministry chief Konstantin Chuychenko told TASS on Monday. The existing practice of gender-changing on documents creates legal collisions and doesn't fit Russia's "basic principles" in national policy or "constitutional priorities," he explained. Russia permitted gender change in 1997. In 2018, a mechanism was created that allowed a person to change their gender at will in any identity papers. Currently, one has to provide a simple clearance certificate from a medical institution to request such a document change. According to Chuychenko, a person does not need to go through gender-reassignment surgery to legally change gender in any documents.


Stockholm International Peace Research Institute: Defense spending in Europe back to Cold War levels Signs of the Times

The UK was 2022's biggest spender in the region at $68.5 billion, according to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Europe's military expenditure saw its sharpest year-on-year increase in at least 30 years in 2022, driven by the conflict in Ukraine, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute's (SIPRI) latest annual report. Meanwhile, total global military expenditure was up 3.7% in real terms, reaching a new height of $2.24 trillion. Worldwide, the three biggest spenders last year were the United States, China and Russia, together accounting for 56% of the total. US spending dwarfed that of its geopolitical adversaries, however, reaching a total of $877 billion, while Beijing spent $292 billion and Moscow about $86.4 billion, according to SIPRI data. The sharpest rise by far (13%) was seen in Europe, however, largely driven by Russian and Ukrainian spending, but also by ramped-up fears in neighboring states.


Wisconsin high school under fire after trans woman, 18, 'exposed their male genitalia to four freshmen girls, 14, in locker room showers' Signs of the Times

A letter sent by a law group on Thursday claimed that the Wisconsin-based Sun Praire Area School District [SPASD] has not "adequately" addressed a violation of students' privacy rights after a transgender woman walked into a shower with four high school freshmen girls inside of it. The letter, written by the Wisconsin Institute of Law and Liberty (WILL) urges a response by the SPASD to resolve the issue and claims its actions have "been completely inadequate." "We are calling on you to address this immediately and put policies in place that will protect the safety and privacy of all students (and provide public notice of what those policies are)," WILL attorneys wrote.


BEST OF THE WEB: Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News Signs of the Times

Fox News has announced that it has parted ways with Tucker Carlson, the network's highest-rated prime time host. "Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways," the network said in a statement. "We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor." The announcement comes just a week after Fox agreed to pay Dominion Voting Systems $787.5 million to settle Dominion's defamation lawsuit, which was set to go before a jury. While Fox made no mention of Dominion in its statement about Carlson, his exit from the network follows the departure last week of weekend host Dan Bongino, who left the network after failing to reach agreement on a new contract. At the time, many of Bongino's supporters speculated that the end of his Saturday night show, Unfiltered with Dan Bongino, may have been part of a wider talent shuffle related to the Dominion settlement. Fox said Carlson's Tucker Carlson Tonight had its last episode Friday April 21st....


Galpagos Reef Discovery, Deep Organikos

The video is worth a minute of your time, and the short article that follows is as close as we get to nature-related good news these days. Our thanks, as always, to Yale e360:

Pristine Deep-Sea Reef Discovered in the Galpagos


White House 'disconnected' from intelligence - Seymour Hersh Signs of the Times

Biden seems uninterested in what spooks say about the Nord Stream sabotage, the journalist said in an interview aired by RT... US President Joe Biden doesn't seem interested in complicated analysis from the intelligence community, including information on the Nord Stream sabotage, American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has said. Speaking to Afshin Rattansi on Going Underground, which was aired by RT on Monday, Hersh remarked: "There are people [in US intelligence agencies] that do analysis and write complicated foreign policy studies. It's an intellectual game. Many of them feel isolated, because there is no sign that the White House is terribly interested in long-term national intelligence estimates. And they certainly don't want one on the pipeline." Hersh reported earlier this year that Nord Stream, which had supplied oil from Russia to Germany, had been sabotaged in a joint US-Norwegian operation ordered by Joe Biden last September. Both nations deny the allegation.


Rep. Harriet Hageman calls for Antony Blinken to appear before the Weaponization Committee Signs of the Times

Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY) on Saturday called for Secretary of State Antony Blinken to appear before Congress to answer questions about his role in the crafting of a letter by 51 former intelligence officials that discredited the Hunter Biden laptop story weeks before the 2020 presidential election. In an exclusive interview with Sirius XM's Breitbart News Saturday with host Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle, Hageman, who sits on the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, said: "He better. He needs to. We have either the Judiciary or the Weaponization Committees. We need to find out what happened here. And we need to find out to what extent he is compromised because, again, as secretary of state his obligation and oath is to the United States and the American citizens." Ohio Republican Reps. Jim Jordan, chair of the Weaponization Committee, and Mike Turner, chair of the Intelligence Committee, on Thursday revealed that former CIA...


Biden strands thousands of Americans in Sudan with no evacuation plan amid embassy disaster Signs of the Times

U.S. forces carried out an evacuation of government personnel from the U.S. Embassy in Sudan on Saturday, as confirmed by President Joe Biden in a statement issued in the evening. The extraction operation was conducted by the U.S. military at the embassy located in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The city has been marred by armed conflict between the army and a paramilitary group, prompting the need for the evacuation of embassy personnel. Biden reportedly said: "Today, on my orders, the United States military conducted an operation to extract U.S. Government personnel from Khartoum. I am proud of the extraordinary commitment of our Embassy staff, who performed their duties with courage and professionalism and embodied America's friendship and connection with the people of Sudan. "I am grateful for the unmatched skill of our service members who successfully brought them to safety. And I thank Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Saudi Arabia, which were critical to the success of our...


Presidential candidate RFK Jr. vows to 'unwind US empire' Signs of the Times

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nephew of JFK, is set to challenge Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination in 2024... US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr has pledged to wind down American military interventionism abroad if he is elected to the White House in 2024. Kennedy, who is the son of Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, confirmed his candidacy for the Democratic nomination at a campaign rally in Boston last week, placing him in competition with current US leader Joe Biden. Also known for being a prominent anti-vaccine activist, the 69-year-old environmental lawyer has acknowledged that he is not an "ideal" candidate given his often-controversial brand of discourse, but has argued that he is "not one of those people who said I have to be careful because one day I'm going to be in the White House." Chief among Kennedy's campaign proposals, as noted in a six-point plan published on his official website, would be drawing a line through US...


After disastrous debates in 2020, Democrats have decided to not hold presidential debates in 2024 Signs of the Times

Communists don't need debates. Their leaders are chosen. As noted in the first chapter of The Steal: Volume II - The Impossible Occurs - Joe Biden was lost during the 2020 campaign: ...former Vice President Joe Biden was a disaster. He looked lost at times and was embarrassing during the Democrat debates. Early on, it was clear he wasn't going to be able to take on President Trump. After a short time, it appeared that none of the Democrats running for office could take on President Trump. The Democrat debates in 2020 were a total disaster because of the communist-leaning policies of the left that no decent American supported and because their candidates were awful. TGP reported on this at the time. In December 2019, the Democrats held a debate and nobody cared. The debate received the smallest audience to date. These debates got worse and worse.


Feds have no data on how regulations reduce emissions audit finds Signs of the Times

The federal government does not know the extent that regulations are reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, despite committing $200 billion towards the issue. Jerry DeMarco, commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, holds a press conference in Ottawa on April 20, 2023. (The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick) An April 20 report indicates that Environment and Climate Change Canada does not attribute emission results to specific regulations. The federal department does not measure, nor report on the contributions of each regulation toward meeting the set target for 2030. An audit by the commissioner concluded that Environment Canada "used modelling approaches to estimate greenhouse gas emission reductions." The federal government does not know if regulations to limit methane emissions are achieving their target, said the report. The audit found that large sources of methane emissions were unaccounted for in inventories and not covered by any existing regulations.


American killed in Sudan: State Department confirms US citizen is among the dead in brutal fighting Signs of the Times

American killed in Sudan: State Department confirms US citizen is among the dead in brutal fighting as bodies line the streets. An estimated 16,000 Americans are believed to be in Sudan The State Department confirmed that a U.S. citizen had been killed in fighting The Pentagon says it is working on options to evacuate diplomatic staff At least one American has been killed during clashes between rival military factions in Sudan, the State Department said Friday, as the Pentagon prepares options for evacuating U.S. diplomatic staff. The African nation has been rocked by violence during the past week as its two most senior generals vie for power.


Naftogaz held talks with US oil companies about energy projects in Ukraine Signs of the Times

Ukrainian state-owned gas company Naftogaz has held talks with Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N), Halliburton (HAL.N) and Chevron (CVX.N) about projects in Ukraine as the country looks to lure back foreign investment to its energy sector, the Financial Times reported on Friday. Oleksiy Chernyshov, chief executive of Naftogaz, told the FT that he held meetings in Washington with Halliburton and ExxonMobil in recent days. "We understand that it's rather hard for the private companies to step in during the war," he told the newspaper, adding that they are working on insurance mechanisms to protect their equity. The talks with Exxon and Chevron are at an early stage and would take longer to yield results, FT said. Naftogaz hopes to sign a contract with Halliburton that would help increase production to a target of 13.5 billion cubic metres this year, a jump of about 1 billion cubic metres from 2022 levels, the report added. Naftogaz, Chevron, Exxon and Halliburton did not immediately respond to...


Ex-Russian counterspy chief reveals how Hitler tried to assassinate Stalin Signs of the Times

Turncoats posed as agents of the SMERSH counterintelligence service in an attempt to get close to the Soviet leader... A family of Nazi spies on a mission to assassinate Joseph Stalin impersonated the very people tasked to identify them - agents of the military security service SMERSH, a veteran Russian counterintelligence officer has said in an interview. SMERSH was a Soviet wartime organization, the name of which translates as "death to spies." It was created in 1943, after the tide had turned against the Axis invaders, and the leadership of the USSR needed greater focus on collecting fresh intel for planning offensive operations and stopping would-be saboteurs. Wednesday marked the 80th anniversary of the creation of SMERSH. Rossiyskaya Gazeta spoke on this occasion to Col. Gen. Aleksandr Bezverkhniy, a former Russian counterintelligence commander and enthusiast of the history of clandestine operations. The plot to assassinate Stalin was hatched by Operation Zeppelin, Nazi...


April 27, Free EMF/RF Forum 11,000 Pages of Evidence; 1,000 Days and Nights, Driven from Home Activist Post

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Image of Amelia Gilardi counting down the days that her family has been seeking assistance regarding the Pittsfield...

April 27, Free EMF/RF Forum 11,000 Pages of Evidence; 1,000 Days and Nights, Driven from Home



No, Saudi Arabia did NOT do 9/11 Signs of the Times

The bombshell 911 news this past week, is that a freshly-published court filing from Jul 2021, has revealed at least two of the 19 alleged "hijackers" may have been recruited by the CIA. Now this isn't exactly "news", after all it has long since been established that the CIA, FBI and/or any other US alphabet agencies simply must have been involved. It couldn't have happened without their involvement. Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, the new release doesn't go that far. Instead, the testimony from Donald C Canestraro Declaration - former lead investigator for the Office of Military Commissions - discusses the "intelligence failures that led to 9/11", while focusing mainly on the "hijackers" and their backgrounds. According to a report in Grayzone, the court filing relies on anonymous testimony from "high-ranking CIA and FBI officials": ...the filing is a 21-page declaration by Don Canestraro, a lead investigator for the Office of Military Commissions, the legal body overseeing...


Tucker Carlson Leaves Fox News, Effective Immediately CLG News

Tucker Carlson Leaves Fox News, Effective Immediately | 24 April 2023 | Fox News on Monday confirmed that it "parted ways" with popular primetime host Tucker Carlson, offering no explanation why. "FOX News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways. We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor," said a news release from the news channel. The release said that his departure from the network is effective immediately. Carlson's last show was on Friday, April 21. It means that Carlson will not have the opportunity to host a final Fox News show and bid his viewers farewell. In Carlson's place, Fox News Tonight, will air starting at 8 p.m., a time slot that Carlson has held since April 2017. That will be "an interim show helmed by rotating FOX News personalities until a new host is named," said Fox's news release. [Don't bother. No one will be tuning in to watch Paul Ryan's cesspool of big pharma shills and neocons. CLG News Founder Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., was one of Tucker's last guests. Michael appreared on Tucker Carlson Originals in a segment called "Let Them Eat Bugs."]


Mind, matter and the danger of subjectivism Signs of the Times

It has often been claimed that the material world plays a subordinate role and must take a back seat behind mind and spirit, or even behind the supernatural world. However, this move carries dangers since it threatens to steer the gaze inwards a little too much. Thus, Goethe rightly remarked that "Know thyself" is often no good advice: rather, he argued, we urgently need to look into the mirror that other people hold up to us. The trick here is to distinguish between those individuals who are well-disposed toward us and who themselves are far along in their development, and those who are pursuing their own destructive agenda and threaten to draw us into their downward spiral. No, withdrawing into our own minds is not a solution and quickly leads to irrationality and subjectivism.


Vaccine injuries have become the dominant theme of German reporting on the mRNA jabs Signs of the Times

Last month, German Health Minister and renowned virus pest Karl Lauterbach gave a remarkable interview in which he denounced "exorbitant" pharmaceutical profits, deplored "dismaying" vaccine injuries, and called for the manufacturers to set aside funds for those who have been harmed. He did so amid a growing wave of reporting on vaccine injuries in the German press - a wave which his statements have now turned into a tsunami. In the weeks since, vaccine injuries and side effects have become the dominant theme of German press coverage on the jabs, from local papers to national media. It's been a serious shift, the likes of which I'm not sure has unfolded in any other country. To give you a taste of it, I've assembled a representative selection of stories from the last eight weeks or so, in roughly reverse chronological order. As you read through them, remember that these are all links to publications read by ordinary people; I've excluded all media with overt Covid-sceptic...


SpaceX Starship Launch Heavily Damaged Launch Platform and Surrounding Facilities

I love it. Looks like Wile E. Coyote was in charge. Via: Alpha Tech:


Grambank shows the diversity of the world's languages Signs of the Times

An international team has created a new database that documents patterns of grammatical variation in over 2400 of the world's languages. What shapes the structure of languages? In a new study, an international team of researchers reports that grammatical structure is highly flexible across languages, shaped by common ancestry, constraints on cognition and usage, and language contact. The study used the Grambank database, which contains data on grammatical structures in over 2400 languages. The project was initiated by the Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, in collaboration with a team of over a hundred linguists from around the world. Linguists have long been interested in language variation. What are common or universal patterns across languages? What limits the possible variation between them? Grambank, the world's largest and most comprehensive database of language structure, enables...


Seymour Hersh: The Wests Weapons For Ukraine Are Ending Up on the Black Market Activist Post

By Mac Slavo The infamous journalist who uncovered the news that the Biden administration was responsible for the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage, says that the...

Seymour Hersh: The Wests Weapons For Ukraine Are Ending Up on the Black Market


Magnitude Of Losses And Outflows Is Alarming: Credit Suisse Hemorrhages $69 Billion In Assets Activist Post

By Tyler Durden Credit Suisse reported Monday that clients had withdrawn 61.2 billion francs ($69 billion) in the first quarter and that outflows were continuing, highlighting the...

Magnitude Of Losses And Outflows Is Alarming: Credit Suisse Hemorrhages $69 Billion In Assets


Why Sunlight Deficiency is as Deadly as Smoking Activist Post

By Sayer Ji A groundbreaking study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine has revealed something absolutely amazing about the role of the Sun in...

Why Sunlight Deficiency is as Deadly as Smoking


The CIA, AQAP, and the Never-Ending Excuse to Bomb Yemen Vanguards of Illusion Activist Post

By Joziah Thayer On January 30th, the US launched an R9X flying Ginsu knife bomb from a drone, killing Hassan al-Hadrami, the current leader of...

The CIA, AQAP, and the Never-Ending Excuse to Bomb Yemen Vanguards of Illusion


The Surprising Benefits of Waking Up at 5am Every Day Wake Up World

April 25th, 2023 By Amelia Harris Staff Writer for Wake Up World Waking up at 5am every day may seem like a daunting task, especially if youre used to hitting snooze and sleeping in. However, research has shown that waking up early can have a multitude of benefits for both your physical and mental health. []

The post The Surprising Benefits of Waking Up at 5am Every Day first appeared on Wake Up World.


Bidens' corrupt web unraveling before our eyes Signs of the Times

It is said that history turns on small hinges, with the poem For Want of a Nail the classic example. Another example is unfolding before our eyes. The sudden flurry of evidence and allegations about the Biden family's money-making schemes is a direct result of the GOP winning control of the House of Representatives last year. The margin of midterm victory was very small just five seats but the impact is very large because the majority comes with subpoena power. And aggressive new Republican committee leaders are eager and willing to use that power.


Central Bank Gold Buying At Highest Since 1950s, As 30% Of World Economies Are Now Sanctioned By The G7 Activist Post

By Michael Every of Rabobank ARS-sault and Barter-y Optimists were assaulted by Fridays data, the Eurozone manufacturing PMI down to 45.5 despite subsidies, stimulus, and...

Central Bank Gold Buying At Highest Since 1950s, As 30% Of World Economies Are Now Sanctioned By The G7


The Great De-Dollarization Fraud of a Lifetime Armstrong Economics

COMMENT: Marty; I was in a board meeting and I just wanted to let you know one guy who is there simply because his family had a stake in the company with zero worldly experience, started ranting about the end of the dollar he probably read on that biased _____________________. I asked this fool, should we then move all our company funds to Russia or China since Brazil is too small of an economy? Should we stop dealing with Americans? He had no response.

Separating a fool from his money seems to be a never-ending fact about humanity.


You are the only sane one out there these days


REPLY: I know what you mean. The people promoting this BRICS nonsense have no understanding of the real world. Institutions cannot park billions in Brazil, China, or Russia. Especially in the face of war. The reason the Euro has failed as a serious reserve currency is that there is NO NATIONAL EURO DEBT! Institutions have to still jockey between the various risks of each country and all the Euro did was transfer the foreign exchange risk to the bond market. Sorry, I just do not see where the dollar is in some state of collapse.




Big sales are coming to your Bed Bath & Beyond as stores prepare to close forever Fast Company

The troubled retailer is still seeking a buyer, but in the absence of one, it will wind down this summer, which means everything must go.

After more than 50 years in business, Bed Bath & Beyond (BB&B) is packing it in. The company, whose finances have been fraught for years now, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and will shutter all 360 of its remaining brick-and-mortar stores.

Read Full Story


This Organization Is Behind EVERYTHING & You Dont Know It! Jay Dyer (Half)

I managed to get through a super obscure text that is not available anywhere Dr Colemans Tavistock text from 2005. This book has not been in print for many years but I made my way through it for you guys. We will cover the first half and in so doing we will see how, like the Committee of 300 text, it was spot on for where our world was designed to go and how far weve come in this emergent dystopia, as well as what is to come. Live tonight at 8PM CST

Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles July 6 with @jamiekennedycomedy !! 5 hours of shenanigans with Kennedy as headliner! Get tickets here!

Big Live Event in Nashville June 3-4 before my Cali event! Ill be speaking here! tix HERE

The New Philosophy Course is here!

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The post This Organization Is Behind EVERYTHING & You Dont Know It! Jay Dyer (Half) appeared first on


The Left and the Ukraine War Dissident Voice

To be a leftist in the United States is a dispiriting experience, but in the last year one of the more dispiriting things has been to see the attitude of many leftists themselves on a subject of crucial importance: the war in Ukraine. The consensus of the Washington establishment remains that the U.S. must support Ukraine against Russian aggression, in the form of providing enormous amounts of military aid. Progressives in Congress largely share this consensus, having voted for military aid and even cravenly retracted their letter to Biden in October that suggested he pursue diplomacy. Outside the halls of power, too, many leftists effectively support Washingtons policies. To be sure, they add the qualification that one must also oppose American imperialismbut when theyre supporting a U.S. proxy war that is providing pretexts to increase military spending and expand NATO (an instrument of U.S. power), this is an empty qualification. The sad fact is that there is little vocal advocacy in the U.S. today for the only moral position, namely to engage in immediate negotiations to end this horrific war.

Instead, most liberals, conservatives, and even leftists seem to support Antony Blinkens rejection of any ceasefire or negotiations that would potentially have the effect of freezing in place the conflict, allowing Russia to consolidate the gains that its made. In other words, negotiations have to be postponed until Russia is in a weaker position than it is now. In fact, the official U.S. war aim is to see Russia weakened to the degree that it cant do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine, as Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin says. That means Russia has to be so devastatingly weakenedpreferably defeatedthat its capacity to wage war is destroyed. This, in turn, means that the war must go on for a very long time, perhaps to the last Ukrainian, as John Quigley speculates. Zelensky, who seems heroically willing to countenance the ongoing destruction of his country, is now even insisting that Russia give up Crimea.

All this is madness, and it ought to be seen as such by any clear-eyed opponent of the U.S. empire (which is vastly more global, hegemonic, and dangerous to the worlds population than todays Russian emp...


How should ANZAC Day be commemorated? (We) can do better

In the First World War, a total of 16 million died of which 62,149 were Australians. In addition, from March 1918 until February 1919, in the of the (misnamed) Spanish Flu, which was brought to Europe by American soldiers, 21 million died. The figure of more than 12,000 Australians who died from the Spanish Flu pandemic raised the total Australian death toll from the first World War to over 74,000.

What seems to me to have never seen asked in the publicity surrounding ANZAC commemorations, is the question: Could the First World War - in which 16 million - or if the 22 million death toll of the Spanish Flu epidemic of March 1918 until February 1919 were to be added, 38 million died - have possibly been avoided?

Lest we forget how Australia helped start the First World War

The Australian War memorial , "When Britain declared war in August 1914 Australia was automatically placed on the side of the Commonwealth."

So, how was Australia automatically "placed on the side of the Commonwealth?" Was it not possible for Australia, as a sovereign nation, with its own parliament, to democratically discuss whether or not it should support Britain in its war with Germany and act on whatever decision it had arrived at?

In fact, as shown in Hell-Bent - Australia's leap into the Great War (2014) by Australian author Douglas Newton, Australia, in the years prior to the First World War, on two occasions - during the Agadir Crisis of 1912 and during the Second Balkan War of 1913, the Australian government did its utmost to fan the flames of war.

... And those who tried to prevent war

According to Newton, what prevented war from breaking out on those two occasions was "British and European labour movements ... get[ting] into the streets. French and German socialists organised a series of monster demonstrations against war in August and September. British Labour also held rallies for peace."

On one other previous occasion, in 1905, war could have broken out when the Swedish government tried to use force to prevent Norway from seceding. On this prior occasion, Swedish socialists, led by Zeth Hglund, led mass protests and succeeded in preventing war and allowing Norway to be independent.

August 1914: Australia tips the balance in favour of war

However, following the Sarajevo incident of 28 June 1914,...


Borrell and His Likes Should Avoid Leading Europe into a Ditch Dissident Voice

The European Parliament just spent a whole week discussing China, and the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell will convene foreign ministers from across EU on April 24 local time to discuss the same topic. In anticipation of this meeting, Borrell published a column on April 22 urging the EU to take a more active role in the Taiwan question and calling for European navies to patrol the Taiwan Straits.

This highly provocative statement immediately attracted a lot of attention, especially in light of the fact that the South Korean leader made similarly incorrect remarks about Taiwan around the same time. We can reasonably assume that the G7 foreign ministers meeting, held in Japan not long ago, discussed the Taiwan question in a coordinated manner, and the result was that Washingtons will was more fully implemented. For Europe and South Korea, this is not only a sad loss of independence, but also means moving closer to meaningless risks.

Borrell has been criticized for engaging in gunboat diplomacy, which is more of a sarcastic mockery than a criticism. This not only reminds people of the infamous colonial history, which is still missed by some Europeans, but also makes it more repugnant that Europe cannot let go of the idea of interfering in Asia-Pacific affairs despite its absolute decline in power and being mired in multiple difficulties. Just like a senile old man who has long been out of touch with the times, if European warships still want to show off their might in the Pacific today, the result would only be an embarrassing failure. For the Peoples Liberation Army, which has powerful strength to defend its homeland, facing European warships that come to provoke and show off is not even worth raising an eyebrow. We advise them not to bring shame upon themselves.

Borrell is known as the foreign minister of Europe, but the extent of his representativeness is debatable. Most Europeans, especially ordinary people, neither understand nor care about Taiwan. What they are really concerned about is whether their lives can be guaranteed and improved in the context of the prolonged Russia-Ukraine conflict and difficult economic recovery. However, Borrells article reflects that there is indeed a political force within Europe that always divides ideological boundaries and holds a cold war mentality toward China. Regardless of w...


The 75-year Thievery of Joint Tax Returns Dissident Voice

Another tax season has ended, and more than 50 million returns arrived at the Internal Revenue Service marked Married filing jointly.  Few of the filers had any idea that joint returnscreated in 1948 and modified in 1969may be the oldest tax inequity in America. Theyve been picking various pockets for 75 years, and theres little chance theyll ever stop.

Lets find out how and why the returns came to be, and whats at the root of the thievery. Lets see how different parties, notably women, have been paying the price. Lastly, lets examine a newfound connection between joint returns and Americas racial wealth gap.

The modern personal income tax dates back to 1913, and it began with individual returns. Taxes after all are levied on individuals, and thats how they were reported.

But a shipbuilding magnate named Henry Seaborn decided to test the rules: he sharply reduced taxes by splitting his income with his nonworking wife and filing separate returns. The IRS retaliated by assessing a surtax for the amount hed saved. Seaborn paid up, then sued in federal district court to get his money back.

He won the district court case, and won again when an appeal by the IRS was denied by the Supreme Court. Some states, though, didnt allow income-splitting. Congress ultimately nullified those rules with the Revenue Act of 1948, setting up joint tax returns that effectively divided the incomes of all couples.

Overnight, marital status became a major determinant of taxes. Different rates for singles and married couples created specific winners and losers.

Traditional, single-earner families were the big winners. The new joint returns were set up to split total incomes in half and tax each half at the same marginal rates. On the downside, singles were the first financial victims of joint returns. They had to pay a singles penalty, higher taxes than married couples making the same incomes.

Joint returns changed, drastically, with a...


The USD Could LOSE Petrodollar Status: How Do You Prep for That? Activist Post

By Daisy Luther If you knew that you or your familys breadwinner was terminally ill and there was absolutely nothing you could do to stop...

The USD Could LOSE Petrodollar Status: How Do You Prep for That?


Cryptocurrency: The Battle Rages in the War on Consciousness Wake Up World

April 25th, 2023 By Open Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Whether we realise it or not, humanity is being engaged in a war on consciousness. It goes back aeons, at least to the time of hybridisation during the epoch known as Atlantis. Now, the current iteration is a full-on attempt to frog-march souls into the []

The post Cryptocurrency: The Battle Rages in the War on Consciousness first appeared on Wake Up World.

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People Are Getting Plastic Surgery Now So They Can Try To Look Like These Filters

I just emailed this to a friend with a teenage daughter who is a heavy Tiktok user. I thought Tiktok was mostly a bunch of short attention span nonsense, wasting peoples time. Nope. Its much worse than that. Names have been changed: Hi John I saw a disturbing video about TikTok. I remember you mentioning []


EUA HAS FINALLY Ended But Not So Fast Activist Post

By Maryam Henein After three years, the emergency use authorization has finally ended. But not so fast. On Easter Monday, on the same day the...

EUA HAS FINALLY Ended But Not So Fast


The left thinks your kids should be in charge of their parenting: This is what it means for America Signs of the Times

Permissive parenting is the left's newest, totalitarian way to separate the family unit How much control should a parent assert over their child? Should the kid's wants and desires always win out? Writing on the Institute for Family Studies website, Dr. Leonard Sax told the mind-boggling story of a mother bringing her child into his medical practice and then saying "her body, her choice" when the child refused to let the doctor examine her throat. Sax writes, "For the first time, I am seeing a political dimension to parenting. It is now much less common to find left-of-center parents who are both strict and loving. Loving, yes, but not strict. I'm seeing a growing number of parents like the mom I just described parents who truly believe that it's virtuous to let the kid be in charge, even when the kid is a six 6-year-old with a fever who is refusing to let the doctor look at her throat." This is the natural progression from the idea that children should be the leaders in...


Interview with Garland Nixon Dissident Voice

Events continue to unfold at a quickening pace. Facing an alarming escalation in tensions around the world, we asked Garland Nixon for his current thoughts. We focus here on the realities of the international power struggle unfolding in real time, specifically addressing the role of the U.S. in the tensions and its capacity to reduce them.

Garland Nixon is a veteran progressive radio and television talk show host, whose analysis and hard-hitting commentary targets U.S. foreign policy with a comprehensive focus on anti-imperialist movements worldwide. He spent over 20 years in law enforcement and retired holding the rank of Major. He then went on to teach criminal justice for several years before settling on full-time journalism. Garland has made numerous appearances on NPR, was a regular panelist on Fox News from 2010 through 2019. He is also an outspoken civil libertarian and First Amendment advocate. You can follow him on Twitter @GarlandNixon.

We are looking for paradigm-shift ideas for improving the prospects for peace. Here is what Garland had to say.

Q:  We hear a lot of terms and acronyms bandied about. Deep State MIC FIRE sector ruling elite oligarchy neocons.  Who actually defines and sets Americas geopolitical priorities and determines our foreign policy? Not officially.  Not constitutionally. But de facto.

Garland Nixon:  The foreign policy of the United States is set by an ideology. The various named groups are set in place to support the ideology rather than the other way around. A powerful cabal of corporate owners and leaders who maintain the legacy of this ideology push a coercive expansionist foreign policy which prioritizes cheap access to raw materials and the suppression of potential competitors.

Q: Weve had decades of international tensions. Recent developments have seen a sharp escalation in the potential for a major war. The U.S. apparently cannot be at peace. Threats against the homeland are allegedly increasing in number and severity. The trajectory of our relations with the rest of the world appears to be more confrontations, more enemies, more crises, more wars.

Is the world really that full of aggressors, bad actors, ruthless opponents? Or is there something in our own policies and attitudes toward other countries which put us at odds with them, thus...


Barry Humphries: Misunderstood Anarchist of Culture Dissident Voice

He was always a step ahead, his mind geared not only for the next move, but the next sequence. He also smelt it, anticipated the audience reaction, shaped the prejudice in context for consumption. and enraged audiences with his polymathic, panoramic reach.

The genius of the late Barry Humphries first took root in Britain, along with a flowing of other Australian expatriates who had made Blighty their home. It became evident in Britains most famous, remorseless panner of reputation and issue, the satirical magazine Private Eye, that weedkiller of inflated reputations. There, another genius of comedy, Peter Cook, understood a kindred spirit. At Cooks suggestion, Humphries ran a comic strip that made him famous and eventually found celluloid expression: The Adventures of Barry McKenzie.

The reception of the comic strip in Australia, with its slang-fluent, rough protagonist stomping through the Mother Country, was a foretaste of things to come. Compiled in three book collections, the first two were banned by the Customs Department under the Customs Prohibited Import Regulations. The silly justification was section 4A, which prohibited the importation of works and articles deemed blasphemous, indecent, or obscene, or unduly emphasising matters of sex, horror, violence or crime, or are likely to encourage depravity.

The harebrained nature of this measure, one that could only have been appreciated by Humphries, was that selections from Private Eye, including Barry McKenzies Naughty Night, were already available in the country in the 1965 publication Penguin Private Eye.

Her Dame Edna Everage (Mrs Norm Everage to some) act, hewn from the dull, insular terrain of Moonee Ponds in Victoria, was always going to be an uneven sell for home audiences. In the sex-suppressed Anglosphere, with its hypocrisies of gender, control and concealment, it was brilliant, a poking, full frontal display of the bigoted housewife giving bigotry a lengthy outing.

The bricks of the mythmakers are now being assembled, an effort to build a mausoleum of deception. Always be suspicious of the he was much loved by all tag; they usually have a fair share of aggrieved, envious enemies.

There are, however, clues in the coverage. Humphries was a comedy export read, not palatable in straitlaced, monochrome Australia, a bit too salty, or gamey, for local consumption. He tested his various alter-egos the barely tolerable Edna, the monstrous, dribbling Sir Les Patterson and so forth on foreign soil. (Rarely mentioned in tributes is his more complex,...


Labor Market and Mainstream Economics Dissident Voice

Market and labor in market are crucial questions both to capital and labor. The questions have been discussed and answered by economists, from the mainstream, and also from the camp of labor.

Markets, writes Michael D. Yates in his Work Work Work: Labor, Alienation, and Class Struggle (Monthly Review Press,  2022), act as a veil, hiding the face of the system. They are impersonal mechanisms, which allow us to use them without knowing what is underneath.

Yates elaborates the issue: We buy goods and services and are thereby dependent on those who produce our food, clothing, shelter, and services of every kind. However, we simply exchange money for them. And as the Romans said, Pecunia non olet. Money has no smell.

He shows the argument employers use to defend self-interest: Employers say that they pay the market wage. If it is too low for survival, that is no fault of the boss.

Bosses never coerce

Bosses are always faultless! They define whats right and whats wrong, what rights are and what goes beyond rights, what should be enforced and what shouldnt be. Its now an old, well-known fact: In former times, writes Marx, capital resorted to legislation, whenever necessary, to enforce its property rights over the free laborer. (Capital, vol. I, Progress Publishers, Moscow, erstwhile USSR, 1977) He cites example from 1815: The emigration of mechanics employed in machine making was, in England, forbidden, under grievous pains and penalties. That, pains and penalties, was faultless, no fault by the bosses. There was no coercion; bosses never coerce. This story of pains and penalties isnt told today.

Coercion-free arrangement

This faultless, coercion-free arrangement and environment is also present today, in countries, in markets, in labor markets, in varied forms, which is overlooked tenaciously. The Roman slave was held by fetters, as Marx again tells another fact, the wage-labourer is bound to his owner by invisible threads. (ibid.) So, whats now told is whats called the push and pull factors: Peasants t...


Navigating the Global Business Mobility Visa Application Process in the UK The Event Chronicle

With the increase in global business travel, the need for streamlined visa application processes has become more important. As a hub for global business, the UK has introduced the Global Business Mobility visa to facilitate international business travel.

However, navigating the visa application process can be challenging, especially for those unfamiliar. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on navigating the UKs global mobility visa application process.

Main Features


This program is designed to simplify the visa process and eliminate the need for individuals to apply for a new visa each time they enter the country. It allows multiple entries and is valid for up to 5 years. The program also allows visa holders to travel to other countries in the Schengen area without needing a separate visa.

One of the main features is its flexibility. Visa holders can enter and exit the UK as often as they need for business purposes without applying for a new visa each time. It also offers flexibility in terms of the duration of stay.

For example, visa holders can stay in the UK for up to 6 months per visit, which can be extended up to 5 years. Another key feature is that it is specifically designed for individuals who frequently travel to the UK as part of their job, such as managers, business owners, and employees.

In addition to these features, there are several business benefits. The program can help businesses streamline their travel processes, reduce costs associated with visa applications, and increase productivity by allowing employees to travel to the UK more frequently. The program can also help businesses expand their operations and reach new markets by facilitating travel to the UK for business purposes.

What Are the Requirements?

Applicants must meet several requiremen...


Corona: if they lied then, why wouldnt they lie now? Crazz Files

by Jon Rappoport (To join our email list, click here.) Continuing my greatest COVID hits...


Two children mauled to death by dogs in separate incidents in Uttar Pradesh, India Signs of the Times

In shocking incidents, two kids have been mauled to death in Uttar Pradesh's Aligarh and Moradabad districts. As per reports, in Aligarh, a three-month-old infant was mauled to death by a stray dog on Sunday when her family was attending a wedding near their house while she slept unattended. The incident took place under Quarsi police station limits, reported IANS. The infant's father, Pawan Kumar, a daily wager, told IANS: "My two sisters were getting married and we had stepped out to attend the function. The baby was asleep unattended. In our absence, a dog took away our child and mauled her to death. When I returned, I could not find my daughter. When I looked for her, I saw the stray tearing into her in a nearby plot." SHO Arvind Rathi said: "The family cremated the body without informing us. A police team later inspected the spot, and higher officials have been informed about the incident."


The Pfizer Papers: BioNTech Downplayed Harms of Lipid Nanoparticles Crazz Files

READ MORE AT TOTT NEWS  Genetically-modified mRNA lipid nanoparticles were injected into billions of people...


Man dies in avalanche in closed-off area of Lake Louise resort, Alberta Signs of the Times

A man died Saturday after he and two others were caught in an avalanche in a closed-off area of Lake Louise Ski Resort. In a statement, the resort in Banff National Park said the avalanche happened around 2:20 p.m. in the West Bowl area. When crews arrived at the scene, they determined that a group entered the closed-off area and triggered a size 3 avalanche. None of the people were wearing avalanche safety equipment, the resort said. According to AHS EMS, three people were buried in the snow, two partially and one fully. The two people partially buried suffered minor injuries while the fully buried individual died.


Insider staffers say they are walking off the job today as layoffs sweep the media industry Fast Company

The walkout action comes as a growing number of media outlets implement staff reductions in the face of economic uncertainty.

Hundreds of Insider staffers are expected to walk off their jobs today over proposed layoffs at the company. The Insider Union, which represents numerous Insider employees, announced the walkout protests in a tweet last night. Union members and their supporters will begin picketing at 9 a.m. this morning.

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What do apple cider vinegar gummies actually do? Golis $438 million business may or may not have the answer Fast Company

Pushed by an army of social media influencers, Goli went viral on Instagram and TikTok. Then came the lawsuits.

Ask entrepreneur Michael Bitensky, founder of Goli Nutrition, what he considers his biggest accomplishment, and he doesnt point to the gummy vitamin companys hundreds of millions in annual revenue or the thousands of Target, CVS, and Walgreens stores that stock his products. Nor does he point to the companys ranking as a perennial top seller on Amazon Prime Day, its vast network of Instagram influencers, or even the investments of A-list celebrities Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez. Instead, Bitensky points to the more than 350,000 reviews his companys apple cider vinegar gummies have garnered on Amazon.

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Air Water Company, formerly known as Eshara Water, will trade on the NYSE after SPAC merger Fast Company

The Dubai-based company, which uses direct air-to-water technology, is merging with a special purpose acquisition company led by Isabelle Freidheim.

Water scarcity is a big and growing problem. As many as 2.3 billion people live in water-stressed countries, according to the United Nations, and for many of them, there isnt an easy solution to creating access to fresh, clean water. Importing water from other areas causes other problems, toofor instance, as there are geographic, political, and environmental concerns at play.

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Lightning strike kills two in Uttar Pradesh, India Signs of the Times

Two persons were killed in a lightning strike in the Chandwak area here on Sunday evening, officials said. Santu Ram (65) and Jeera Devi (45) were grazing goats in Ramgarh village when suddenly it started raining. They were struck by lightning while they were taking the herd to a safer place, District Magistrate Anuj Kumar Jha said. The bodies have been sent for postmortem, the officials said. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has expressed grief over the loss of lives, the CM's office said. The chief minister has instructed that Rs 4 lakh each be paid to the family members of the deceased, it said. PTI



Tidbits of Conspiracy News

This was spotted by SD, and for those paying close attention, and apropos of today's main blog, there's a connection to SpaceX: Rocket science:

The post TIDBIT: A SPIRAL IN ALASKAS SKIES appeared first on The Giza Death Star.



Cosmic Warfare

One of this website's regular contributors of articles is K.M., who shared the following article about Tunguska. When I saw the heading and read

The post TESLA AND TUNGUSKA: ANOTHER LOOK appeared first on The Giza Death Star.


This startup is turning the RTO debate on its head by creating a digital twin of the office Fast Company

Katmai is a virtual office space, allowing employees across countries and time zones to come together in a simulated office environment located in your web browser.

Imagine a world in which every detail in your office, down to the assortment of items on your desk, is available from the comfort of your home. Now, that possibility is not just imaginable, but entirely possible through Katmai, a virtual communications platform launching today that creates the office experience right in your browser.

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Sweetgreen is asking customers to pay $10 a month for its new loyalty program Fast Company

And it just might be worth it.

Sweetgreen has a Monday and Friday problem.

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Earthquake of 7.1 magnitude strikes Kermadec Islands Signs of the Times

An earthquake of 7.1 magnitude hit the Kermadec Islands region near New Zealand on Monday, stated the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The earthquake occurred at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles). USGS initially reported the magnitude of the earthquake at 7.3 but later downgraded it to 7.1. The US Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre stated that the tsunami threat which occurred from the earthquake that jolted the Kermadec Islands region has now passed. As per the National Centre for Seismology, the earthquake's longitude was -178.02 and its latitude was -29.95. The National Centre for Seismology tweeted that New Zealand's Kermadec Islands were rocked by an earthquake of 7.2 magnitude on Monday.


Jewish Organizations Are Close To Legally Ending Free Speech On The Internet Crazz Files

WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES 2019/06/04: Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO & National Director, speaking at...


Second gunman not Mark David Chapman may have shot John Lennon, author claims Signs of the Times

Imagine that. Mark David Chapman might be innocent in the murder of John Lennon, according to a British author and TV producer who said his upcoming documentary and book outline how a second shooter might have killed the iconic singer. Chapman may have been brainwashed by the CIA to serve as a patsy, according to David Whelan, who spent three years investigating what he called astonishing inconsistencies in the official narrative of Lennon's 1980 slaying as well as weird coincidences. Whelan, whose book "Gimme Some Truth - The Assassination of John Lennon" and a documentary will be released later this year, told The Post he believes the official narrative that Lennon was shot from behind by Chapman is untrue, and that a more professionally trained gunman shot him from the front, into his chest. As part of his research, Whelan spoke to the surgeon, Dr. David Halleran, and two nurses, Barbara Kammerer and Dea Sato, who tried to save the dying Lennon at the former Roosevelt Hospital...


15 Top Tips for Designing and Ordering Custom Name Badges for Your Team The Event Chronicle

Custom name badges are a great way to identify team members and promote unity and professionalism within an organization. Whether youre ordering name badges for a large corporation or a small startup, there are several key factors to keep in mind when designing and ordering custom metal badges for your team.

Here Are Some Top Tips To Consider

1. Choose The Right Name Badge


There are several types of name badges available, each with its unique benefits. Some of the most popular options include magnetic badges, pin badges, and clip-on badges. Custom Metal Badges are easy to attach and remove but may not be suitable for people with pacemakers. Pin badges are a cost-effective option, but they can damage clothing. Clip-on badges are easy to attach and wont damage clothing, but they can be uncomfortable to wear for extended periods. Consider the needs and preferences of your team members when choosing the type of name badge to order.

2. Keep Design Simple

When designing custom name badges, its important to keep the Design simple and easy to read. Avoid cluttering the badge with too much information or graphics, as this can make it difficult to read from a distance. Choose a clear and legible font, and keep the text size large enough to be easily visible. Also, include your company logo or branding on the badge to help promote your business.

3. Please Include Relevant Information

While its important to keep the Design simple, you also want to ensure the badge includes all relevant information. Typically, name badges should include the persons name, job title, and company name. Depending on the nature of your business, include additional information such as department, location, or contact information.

4. Choose Durable Materials

Name badges are meant to be worn daily, so its important to choose durable materials that can withstand wear and tear. Look for badges made from high-quality materials such as metal, plast...


Building an E-commerce Website With Adobe Commerce: Tips and Best Practices The Event Chronicle

E-commerce websites have been revolutionary in the past couple of decades. Most physical and traditional business models have been given a run for their money through e-commerce websites. The online model of business has led to an unparalleled rate of expansion that traditional businesses would only envision. While there are so many successful websites, the demand for a good website has risen massively. Web development provides immense opportunities for career growth, and that is where various software comes in.

What Is An E-commerce Website?


The term e-commerce stands for electronic commerce. E-commerce is the term used to describe the process of ordering, transacting, and paying for products and services online.

Without a face-to-face meeting, the vendor and the customer can communicate in this form of online business transaction. A website that allows or facilitates e-commerce transactions to take place is considered an e-commerce website.

In order to have a proper website where such transactions can take place, you need to opt for Adobe commerce web development. A professional web developer shall provide you with enough information regarding the website you need. Designs and utilities will all be tailored to your business. Before you choose a service to build your e-commerce website, however, you need to know what kind of business you have.

Types Of E-commerce Business Models



Italian data privacy watchdog accuses ChatGPT of scraping peoples data Crazz Files

READ MORE AT NATURAL NEWS  The popular artificial intelligence-powered chatbot ChatGPT is scraping peoples data...


Genetic chaos leads to rapidly developing cancers Terra Forming Terra

Is it  possible that cancer cannot be fully cured and only suppressed?  Even AIDS has been successfully suppressed so we can take that solution.

What is obvious is t5hat the whole mRNA protocol is reckless in the extreme.

Worse is that they all act like they are ok with global genocide.

Genetic chaos leads to rapidly developing cancers

A recent study has found that genetic chaos leads to rapidly developing aggressive cancers that are difficult to treat.

The part of the cell which reads the instructions in our DNA is known as the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains over 40 million proteins including RNA molecules. mRNA vaccines are designed to invade the cytoplasm and repurpose its RNA mechanisms for other tasks. About as close to genetic chaos as we can imagine.

Moderna recently announced it will extend the use of its mRNA injections as a vaccine against all sorts of conditions, including canc...

Your Brain Is Shaped Like Nobody Elses Terra Forming Terra

I would like to know just what the area of individual brains happens to be.  It is unlikely a constant, but its usage is hardly understood.  The stuff published is not confidence inspiring and it has trickled down as long past guesses.

We need a scanning method that captures all the topography and then we need to map htat surface against observed internal activity.

Then we may have enough data to see a real pattern and associations.  Right now it is fuzzy and untrustworthy which is why no one makes promises..

Your Brain Is Shaped Like Nobody Elses

Every brains white matter is differentand that might hold the key to better treatments.

By Sofia Quaglia
April 19, 2023

With a large blade resembling a bread knifebut without the jagged edgesStephanie Forkel slices through the human brain lying in front of her on the dissection table. A first-year university student, Forkel is clad in an apron and protective gear. Its her first day working in the morgue at a university hospital in Munich, Germany, where the brains of people whove donated their bodies to science are examined for research.

Her contact lenses feel dry because of the dense formaldehyde hanging in the air. But thats not the only reason she squints a little harder. When she looks down at the annotated brain diagram in the textbook shes supposed to use for ref...

Western Media Failures Regarding Ukraine. An Irish Historical Perspective Terra Forming Terra

The surprise to me is that the NAZI meme both predated WWII and then persisted under the rule of the USSR.  And it is fair game for an Irish commentator because they can never be blinded by the propaganda of the majority opinion.  If your fasmily is sympathetic to a minority taste, you end up atually been objective.

This is a solid analysis, and yes, all Russia has to do is stay the course while the Ukraine burns of all available resources.  In WAR it is all about numbers after the early scrapping is done.  that is why an inferior force must have an early decision.  And then it wil not matter if the other side has staying power and that is what we are seeing here.

A superior force is now holding a long front and slinging artillary well in excess of what the Ukraine can do.  Like Korea, this can go on for years and may well do so.  In the meantime Russia has what it wants.  

Western Media Failures Regarding Ukraine. An Irish Historical Perspective

Global Research, April 20, 2023

Theme: History
In-depth Report: UKRAINE REPORT

Relating to the situation in Ukraine, it can be revealing to look at perceptions of its ongoing developments from abroad. Even to non-military observers located hundreds o...

A cure for grey hair on the horizon? Terra Forming Terra

This actually promising and hopefully it also leads back to hair loss, though that seems unlikely.  Yet everyone and particularly women want this.

We do know that the majority of men put things off with hair dye and most women do color anyway.  None of that matters, but having yournatuaral color back would be welcome to most.

All men would prefer a thick head of hair.  It thins at least for all men.  color remains optional and thinned youthful hair is still doable for most.

A cure for grey hair on the horizon? Scientists discover the mechanism for the color change in breakthrough that could allow us to REVERSE it

Scientists believe greying is due to the immobility of stems cells


 19 April 2023

Its the tell-tale sign of aging that men and women have tried to cover for generations.

But scientists are one step closer to finding a way to reverse greying hairs without resorting to regular trips to the hairdresser.

A team of researchers has discovered stem cells which are able to de...

Innovation and differentiation can buoy small colleges Fast Company

I dont want to live in a world where workplaces are dominated by graduates of 50 elite schools.

Hello and welcome to Modern CEO! Im Stephanie Mehta, CEO and chief content officer of Mansueto Ventures. Each week this newsletter explores inclusive approaches to leadership drawn from conversations with executives and entrepreneurs, and from the pages of Inc. and Fast Company. Sign up to get it yourself every Monday morning.

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POV: How AR is transforming the construction industry Fast Company

As we enter the age of the megaproject, construction professionals must build increasingly complex structures. A suite of new digital tools help make that task possible.

Many construction sites today look like something out of a sci-fi movie, filled with automated robots, Extended Reality headsets, touchpads, and everything with a flashing light. Increasingly complex software, and hardware, is changing the construction industry. ConTech investment in 2022 reached $5.38 billion, with over four-fifths of this being in North America and Europe, according to investment specialists Cemex Ventures.

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How a Frankenbuilding became a stunning new art museum Fast Company

Studio Gangs new design for the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts transformed 8 separate buildings into one.

The new folded concrete roof that swoops across the center of the sprawling Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts (AMFA) in Little Rock is the rare expressive design feature thats also essential to making the building work better.

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Public Health Agency of Canada report calls for toppling of 'capitalism and liberty' CLG News

Public Health Agency of Canada report calls for toppling of 'capitalism and liberty' --The report's all-white authors identified themselves as 'uninvited land occupiers,' before calling for the wholesale 'decolonization' of society in the interest of public health By Tristin Hopper | 20 April 2023 | A new Health Canada report suggests public health officials should be openly advocating for the toppling of capitalism, Western society and even the very concept of "liberty and individualism." "Fundamental changes in our socioeconomic structures are needed to rebuild our relationships with each other and with our planet," reads the conclusion of the April 17 report prepared for chief public health officer Dr. Theresa Tam. The paper -- written by three authors who "identify as white settlers" -- also recommended that Canadian public health actions should focus on "decolonization, justice and equity" above all. The 72-page report, What We Heard: Perspectives on Climate Change and Public Health in Canada, was commissioned to detail the "impacts of climate change on the health and well-being of people living in Canada." The authors surveyed 30 academics and public health experts for their input.


Former CIA Director Admits Biden Created the Russian Disinformation Hoax Armstrong Economics

Bidens camp completely interfered in the 2020 US Presidential Election by hiding Hunters illegal business dealing through bribes and coercion. The House Judiciary Committee released a letter addressed to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken that revealed Biden and Blinken deliberately created the story that Hunters laptop from hell was Russian disinformation in order to help him steal the election.

When will the people say that they have had enough? How could they arrest a former president for an affair when the current president and his crime family have actively engaged in countless international criminal activities. CIA director Mike Morell ADMITTED that 51 members of the intelligence community signed a letter declaring the laptop was Russian disinformation act the request of the Biden Administration. This propaganda spread to reporters of prominent newspapers, social media platforms, and government officials across the US. The FBI completely dropped their investigation after the laptop was handed over to them and wiped clean from t...


Stoltenberg: Ukraines Rightful Place is in NATO Armstrong Economics

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that there would be a global world war on Friday when he announced that Ukraine will be invited to join NATO. Stoltenberg, who recently took a trip to Ukraine to show his full support, said that Ukraine will be permitted to join after the war ends. Zelensky is begging for NATO to permit Ukraine to join NATO immediately.

At a joint news conference in Kyiv, Zelensky and Stoltenberg spoke on NATOs unwavering support for Ukraine. Over the years, NATO Allies have provided training for tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers. And since last February, NATO Allies have delivered more than 150 billion euros of support, including 65 billion euros of military aid, Stoltenberg said. Let me be clear: Ukraines rightful place is in the Euro-Atlantic family. Ukraines rightful place is in NATO. And over time, our support will help you make this possible. He said their approach will take multiple years to ensure full interoperability with the Alliance.

Stoltenberg went on to explain why NATO was helping an unaffiliated nation. He hit on every trick in the book, from it being morally right to demonizing the head of state (Putin) as if removing him could solve this crisis:

I expect the NATO Allies to do so both because its the morally right thing to do. A sovereign independent nation in Europe, Ukraine has been attacked, as a victim of a brutal war of aggression and therefore it's Ukraine's right to defend itself and it's our right to support Ukraine in upholding the right of self defense, a right which is enshrined in the UN Charter but it's also in our self-interest. Because if President Putin wins it will make the world more dangerous and us more vulnerable, because then the message is that when authoritarian powers, like Russia, like President Putin uses forces, they get what they want. So it's in our security interest, it's in the security interest of NATO Allies to support Ukraine.

Zelensky said, per usual, that the efforts of the West have not been enough. There is not a single objective barrier to the political decision to invite Ukraine into the alliance and now, when most people in NATO countries and the majority of Ukrainians support NATO accession, is the time for the corresponding decisions, the com...


Twitter Corruption Went Deeper Than We Thought Armstrong Economics


Elon Musk discovering Twitter secrets #elonmusk #tuckercarlson #discovery #twitter #twittermemes #usgovernment #exposed #truth #CapCut

original sound itscrazyhuh

We knew Twitter was corrupt before the Musk takeover. We knew that Twitter had verified fact-checkers and the ability to de-platform individuals of power, such as then-President Trump. Yet, this piece of information has been swept under the rug. The government had backdoor access to view every users private messages. All of them!

The degree to which government agencies effectively had full access to everything that was going on on Twitter blew my mind, Musk told Tucker Carlson. Every government official and head of state uses Twitter from around the world. Twitter emerged as the favored platform for leaders to speak directly to the public in real-time. Musk also highlighted the dangers of AI in that interview, which is an important topic for another day.



Who Runs the World? - Organized Crimes Front Groups & Secret Societies BlackListed News

When people ask me who runs the world, my stock answer is something along the lines of: It appears to be Rockefeller, Banking/Central Banking interests who hijacked the world using a variety of front organizations, NGOs, intelligence agencies, banks, central banks, supra-national banking institutions (BIS, World Bank, Import-Export Bank, IMF, etc.) and the cartel companies and monopoly media organizations they stole with fractional reserve dollars. People, companies and organizations are controlled using this network and C-level executives, NGOs, and media organizations are organized under the World Economic Forum and Council on Foreign Relations.

Three St. Louis residents indicted on charges of illegally pushing pro-Russian propaganda BlackListed News

A federal grand jury has charged three St. Louis residents with illegally pushing pro-Russian propaganda and misinformation about Ukraine and sowing discord across Missouri, Georgia and Florida through the African Peoples Socialist Party.

9/11 revelations is Washington now throwing Riyadh under the bus? BlackListed News

Recently released court filings outlining how two of the 9/11 hijackers had knowingly or unknowingly been recruited into a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation, confirmed what was already open knowledge.

DNC Says There Will Be No Primary Debates As Poll Finds Majority of Dems Say Biden Shouldn't Run Again BlackListed News

Only 45 percent of Democrats want Joe Biden to run again in 2024 compared to 51 percent who think he should be put out to pasture, according to a new NBC News poll.

Pfizer, Lockheed Martin, others donated $61.8 mln for Bidens inaugural BlackListed News

U.S. President Joe Biden raised $61.8 million for his inauguration events, receiving large contributions from corporations, labor unions and wealthy individuals, according to a financial disclosure.

Public Health Agency of Canada report calls for toppling of 'capitalism and liberty' to combat climate change. BlackListed News

The report's all-white authors identified themselves as 'uninvited land occupiers,' before calling for the wholesale 'decolonization' of society in the interest of public health

A California bill would regulate automated decisions. But is its definition of AI too narrow? Fast Company

Assembly Bill 331 would create rules for machines that make consequential decisions, but legal experts say the wording contains loopholes.

A new California bill seeks to put groundbreaking guardrails around how people use AI to make important decisionsbut some advocates worry the legislation could stumble over imprecise definitions that have already hindered efforts elsewhere.

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The forgotten story of Americas first female architect Fast Company

Minerva Parker Nichols ran her own firm beginning in the 1880s, but much of her story has been lost to history.

The story of Minerva Parker Nichols is finally being told. A trailblazing architect, she was the first woman in the U.S. to practice architecture independently, designing notable buildings along the East Coast beginning in the 1880s. But while other female architects from the early and mid-20th century have been lauded for their contributions to the built environment, Nichols, arguably the first female architect in the nation, has mostly faded from public memory.

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This is the money mindset freelancers need to be successful Fast Company

The way you think about money can dramatically affect your chances of success. Fortunately, you can reverse those invisible scripts and adopt a successful mindset.

Want your freelance business to succeed? Pay attention to the money. A survey of 500 founders by the invoicing software, Skynova, found that the top two reasons businesses fail are lack of financing and running out of cash.

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Chicago teens charged with misdemeanor for stealing car, causing crash that killed baby, hurt 3 others CLG News

Chicago teens charged with misdemeanor for stealing car, causing crash that killed baby, hurt 3 others | 23 April 2023 | Two Chicago teens have been charged with only a misdemeanor for stealing a car and crashing it into a pickup truck, resulting in the death of a baby and the wounding of three passengers. The boys, age 14 and 17, were speeding down West Washington Road where they blew through an intersection and collided with a pickup truck carrying an adult woman and three children. Cristian Uvidia, a 6-month-old, died of his injuries while the other three passengers, 34, 17, and 7 years old, were treated at Stroger Hospital... Manslaughter in Illinois carries a sentence of 2 to 5 years, fines up to $25,000, and four years probation.


Epidemic of 15-19 year-olds dropping dead in schools and dorms across U.S., Canada in April 2023 CLG News

Epidemic of 15-19 year-olds dropping dead in schools and dorms across U.S., Canada in April 2023 By Dr. William Makis, MD | 23 April 2023 | There truly seems to be an epidemic of sudden deaths in schools across USA and Canada recently. Here are the most recent tragic cases...


9 tools to get your inbox under control Fast Company

Many of us spend more than 10 hours a week on email. Here are ways to make your inbox a less stressful spot.

This article is republished with permission from Wonder Tools, a newsletter that helps you discover the most useful sites and apps. Subscribe here.

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Yes, the labor market is tight. No, child labor is not the solution Fast Company

Politicians could start by making it easier for women to reenter the workforce.

The pandemic upended Americas workforce, and the labor market is still reeling, with 3 million fewer Americans working today compared to February 2020. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, every state is facing an unprecedented challenge finding workers to fill open jobs.

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Bird of the Day: Pileated Woodpecker Organikos

Pileated Woodpecker by Richard Kostecke - Organikos

Granger Lake Willis Creek Wildlife Area, Williamson County, TX


This specific kind of stress makes managers less effective Fast Company

New research suggests that even the highest performers are in danger of drowning from microstress at work. Heres how to help your team avoid that fate.

My team is constantly in fire-fighting mode, Gavin shared with us. As part of a service team in global software organization, Gavin (not his real name) had been coaching his team to try to better advocate for themselves when they were inundated with requests for their time, both from him, as their manager, and from the other parts of the organization that they served. Individually each ask might have seemed manageable, but cumulatively they were adding up to the point where they affected his teams performanceand their overall well-being. He was worried about his entire team being at risk of burn out.

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Panic of 1857 & Gold Armstrong Economics

QUESTION: Didnt you also buy gold bars from the SS Central America ship that was discovered? The gold bugs hate you and say you are bearish gold but you buy a lot of it.

All the best


ANSWER: Oh yes. I tend to collect important relics from major economic events.  The sinking of that ship set off a financial panic in NYC because the banks were counting on that gold shipment. I did buy bars. There were some 30,000 pounds (13,600 kg) of gold and about 15 tons were recovered.

They are a piece of history. I would not melt them down.

The post...


Photosynthesis doesn't work exactly like we thought it did, accidental discovery reveals Signs of the Times

One of the most well-studied chemical processes in nature, photosynthesis, may not work quite how we thought it did, scientists have accidentally discovered. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae and some bacteria convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and sugars to use as energy. To do this, the organisms use sunlight to oxidize, or take electrons from, water; and reduce, or give electrons to, carbon dioxide molecules. These chemical reactions require photosystems protein complexes that contain chlorophyll, a pigment that absorbs light and gives plant leaves and algae their green color to transfer electrons between different molecules. In the new study, published March 22 in the journal Nature , researchers used a new technique, known as ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy, to study how photosynthesis works at a timescale of one quadrillionth of a second (0.000000000000001 second) for the first time. The team was initially trying to figure out how...


EU 'foreign minister' Borrell calls for European navy patrols in Taiwan Strait Signs of the Times

Comment: Quiet, maggots, The Gardener of Europe is speaking: The European Union's foreign policy chief has called for maritime patrols along the Taiwan Strait in a sharp contrast to France's announcement that it is opposed to the EU being caught up in the escalation of tensions between China and the United States. In an opinion piece published in French Weekly on Sunday, Josep Borrell wrote that the bloc's battleships should patrol the Taiwan Strait in a show of commitment. In regard to EU presence in the Taiwan Strait, Borrell insisted that Europeans must be "very present on this issue," noting that developments in regard to the US-China crisis in the region concerned the European continent "economically, commercially and technologically."


Zimbabwe to introduce gold-backed digital currency Signs of the Times

Zimbabwe will soon introduce a gold-backed digital currency meant to stabilize the local unit from its continued depreciation against the dollar, state-run Sunday Mail reported, citing central bank governor John Mangudya. This will allow those holding small amounts of Zimbabwe dollars to exchange their money for digital tokens to store value and hedge against currency volatility, the report said. The tokens will help ensure that those with low amounts of currency can buy the gold units "so that we leave no one and no place behind, Mangudya told the Sunday Mail.


German unions end months-long strikes after compensation payment & 2024 wage agreement Signs of the Times

German public workers and their employers concluded a wage agreement after four rounds of talks concluded on Saturday in Potsdam, outside of Berlin, announced Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced, calling the deal "good and fair." The deal ends a wage dispute that has brought disruption to Europe's biggest economy. "The employees perform a good service in the general interest of all of us, and times are very difficult, so we must also pay them appropriately," she said.


New Congressional Committee Created to Investigate current government attacks on American civil liberties Activist Post

By B.N. Frank Last month, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray admitted that the agency had purchased location data on American citizens without...

New Congressional Committee Created to Investigate current government attacks on American civil liberties


Central Bank Hoard of Gold Armstrong Economics

It is very interesting that I just purchased a hoard of $20 liberties, all uncirculated like the day they came from the mint and all dated 1904. The source was a foreign central bank. They were going through their reserves and came across this exciting hoard. It just goes to show that sometimes being disorganized results in new discoveries and excitement all the time. This batch was 500. The fact that every coin has the same date demonstrates that it was indeed a reserve asset directly from the Philadelphia Mint.

The post Central Bank Hoard of Gold first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


The Great De-Dollarization Armstrong Economics

All we hear is the same claims that the dollar is dead and it will be totally worthless any day now. Over the last few weeks, all we hear from the majority now is that the dollar is finished. Virtually every page you turn or site you visit claims the death of the dollar. They are calling this the de-dollarization of the world economy and that the future of the US dollar as well as the American empire itself is now collapsing. The general claim is that the group of economically-aligned nations known collectively as BRICS is a major threat to the greenback. That was the same story we heard about the Euro back in 1997.


As their scenario goes, the BRICS [Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa] have moved to form an anti-dollar colation and Saudi Arabia is considering jumping on board. They insist that once that happens, the petrodollar will die and cease to be a reserve currency.

This is then followed by the forecast that the economy will suffer and that any bounce in exports will be short-lived simply because the dollar will be dead for the long term. Of course, this has been the favorite forecast that they keep putting out since Bretton Woods collapsed. They were wrong back then for the dollar rose between 1972 and 1976 against the British pound, with the collapse...


New Film on Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) Nominated for Awards Activist Post

By B.N. Frank Decades of research has already confirmed that exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) also referred to as Electrosmog is biologically harmful. ...

New Film on Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) Nominated for Awards


Nutritional Risk Factors in Suicide: How Vitamin D Can Help Wake Up World

April 24th, 2023 By Sayer Ji Contributing writer for Wake Up World Globally, approximately 800,000 people die from suicide every year, [1,2] which seems shocking. This is more than the entire population of Seattle, Washington. In the age groups 15 to 29 and 15 to 44, suicide is the second and third leading cause of death. [2] According to experts, the []

The post Nutritional Risk Factors in Suicide: How Vitamin D Can Help first appeared on Wake Up World.


Lebanese Wineries Map Blog Baladi

If youre coming to Lebanon this summer and want to go wine tasting, check out this comprehensive map of all its wineries. The map is one of many cool Lebanon posters sold on Cantina Beiruts website.

Cantina Sociale Beirut is a cosy space located in Achrafieh that offers food and a wide range of wines. I wasnt aware of their online shop but they have some nice posters, postcards and weirdly enough sacred hearts of Mexico.

The map groups the winers by district and lists all 53 wineries in Lebanon. Bekaa has the highest number of wineries with 22, followed by Batroun (8), Keserwan (7) and Matn (6).

Check it out:


Can we trust the World Health Organisation with so much power? Signs of the Times

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely...", observed the English historian, Lord Acton, writing to a friend in 1857. This widely-quoted aphorism should lead us to reflect on the absolute powers that the World Health Organization is currently seeking for its director-general (DG). The organization has abandoned the broad, interdisciplinary vision of health based on primary care and public engagement that characterized its original mission and was expressed in the Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978. What we now see is a top-down, command-and-control approach, based on a narrow scientific base and the preferences, or prejudices, of a few major donors. This model has palpably failed to deliver in times of crisis. If the response is to strengthen the powers of command, can the organization be trusted to use these wisely, responsibly and effectively?


Louisville bank shooter left manifesto stating anti-gun motive for massacre Signs of the Times

Chilling 13-page manifesto laid out three reasons for killing spree Louisville bank shooter Connor Sturgeon wrote a chilling manifesto before slaughtering five senior executives at the branch where he worked, can exclusively reveal. The 13-page missive describes his goals before the horror at the downtown Old National Bank, where the 25-year-old livestreamed the massacre on Instagram as he gunned down co-workers at their morning conference. Sturgeon made three key points in the manifesto, which is in the hands of the police: he wanted to kill himself, he wanted to prove how easy it was to buy a gun in Kentucky and he wanted to highlight a mental health crisis in America. The mass-murderer legally purchased an AR-15 assault rifle on April 4, six days before he entered the bank at 8:33am where he was met by a friendly woman colleague at the entrance. He told her 'you need to get out of here' before he tried to shoot her.


Learning to Speak One-Percent Dissident Voice

Review of Succession (contains spoilers)

Title screen for the HBO series, Succession.

In ancient Rome, at one point, they wanted to make all the slaves wear something so they could identify them. Like a cloak or whatever. But then they decided not to do it. And do you know why? Hmm? Because they realized if all the slaves dressed the same, they would see how many of them there were, and theyd rise up and kill their masters. But the point is, if-if we wanna survive, you and I, then we need a hell of a lot of little folks running around shitting us data, you know, for the eyeballs, for the revenue, for the scale.
Succession S03 E09


The popular series Succession is nearing its final episodes as the battle for control of a conglomerate heats up. The story centres around an ageing father and his children who are in a battle for succession. The series is well made with sharp dialogue that demonstrates the ruthless attitudes of the Roy family. The use of deception in their struggle for power is straight out of the Sun Tzu and Machiavelli playbooks of old. However, differences arise over who should have access to these playbooks when we examine the political ideas and philosophy of Leo Strauss who has a very different perspective on what the public should know and not know.

Tom: Greg, this is not fucking Charles Dickens world, okay? You dont go around talking about principles. Were all trying to do the right thing, of course we are...


Biden approval dips near lowest point: AP-NORC poll Signs of the Times

Approval of President Joe Biden has dipped slightly since a month ago, nearing the lowest point of his presidency as his administration tries to project a sense of stability while confronting a pair of bank failures and inflation that remains stubbornly high. That's according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, which shows there have been modest fluctuations in support for Biden over the past several months. The president notched an approval rating of 38% in the new poll, after 45% said they approved in February and 41% in January. His ratings hit their lowest point of his presidency last July, at 36%, as the full weight of rising gasoline, food and other costs began to hit U.S. households. In recent months, approval of Biden had been hovering above 40%.


The Ukraine Kill List and Weaponizing Anti-Semitism, with David Miller MintPress News

In this latest thought-provoking episode of The Watchdog, esteemed academic and public intellectual David Miller returns, this time delving into the covert tactics used by the powerful Israel Lobby to silence advocates for Palestinian rights. Drawing upon firsthand experience, Miller exposes the systematic campaign to force him out of Bristol University and the weaponization of the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism to stifle dissent. He reveals how academics who have dared to speak out against the Israeli governments policies towards Palestine face severe repercussions, including threats of termination and professional blacklisting.

On Ukraine, Miller and Lowkey discuss the insidious influence of the Center for Countering Disinformation, funded by the US State Department. Miller exposes their published list of individuals to be prosecuted as war criminals in relation to the conflict in Ukraine, raising alarm bells about potential harm and abuse of power. He uncovers disturbing connections between the Ukrainian government and the Peacemaker kill list website, which enjoys support from NATO, US, and UK, including organizations funded by the State Department and the National Endowment for Democracy. Shockingly, NATOs Center of Excellence on strategic communications and Western propaganda experts advise the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, revealing a web of geopolitical interests at play.

But the revelations dont end there. Miller sheds light on the British militarys involvement in propaganda and misinformation through the enigmatic 77th Brigade, which has been training Ukrainian special forces. The conflict of interest concerns raised by MP Tobias Elwoods dual role as a member of parliament and part of the Ministry of Defense adds another layer of intrigue to this complex geopolitical puzzle.

In this captivating episode of The Watchdog, Miller presents the murky and sometimes disturbing realities of modern propaganda campaigns, exposing the multifaceted tactics and connections involved in the conflicts in Israel-Palestine and Ukraine, and much more.

Lowkey is a British-Iraqi hip-hop artist, academic, political campaigner, and a MintPress video and podcast host. As a musician, he has collaborated with the Arctic Monkeys, Wretch 32, Immortal Technique, and Akala. He is a patron of Stop The War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the Racial Justice Network, and The Peace and Justice Project founded by Jeremy Corbyn.

The post...


Earth's Ultimate War: A Battle to Control the Noosphere Signs of the Times

You feel it, don't you? There's something deeply wrong with our world. And I don't refer to the planet's geosphere. I mean, there's something deadly wrong with society overall, and the ways in which we interact and react. Something is coming, and many understand what it is. We are like people under [a] sentence of death, waiting for the date to be set. We sense that something is about to happen. We know that things cannot go on as they are. History has reached an impasse. We are now on a collision course. Something is about to give. - Reverend Billy Graham A few years ago, I wrote a report on NEO entitled "Vladimir Putin's Third Way: As Seen Through the Nooscope." The piece covered Mr. Putin's "Third Way" of governance, and a stunning invention by his now chief of staff Anton Vaino. The invention, the Nooscope was reportedly a device capable of measuring the noosphere, or the highest stage of biospheric development, that of humankind's rational activities. And through the...


The Empire's Revenge: Set fire to Southern Eurasia Signs of the Times

The collective cognitive dissonance displayed by the pack of hyenas with polished faces driving U.S. foreign policy should never be underestimated. And yet those Straussian neo-con psychos have been able to pull off a tactical success. Europe is a ship of fools heading for Scylla and Charybdis - with quislings such as France's Le Petit Roi and Germany's Liver Sausage Chancellor cooperating in the debacle, complete with the galleries drowning in a maelstrom of hysterical moralism. It's those driving the Hegemon that are destroying Europe. Not Russia. But then there's The Big Picture of The New Great Game 2.0. Two Russian analysts, by different means, have come up with an astonishing, quite complementary, and quite realistic road map. General Andrei Gurulyov, retired, is now a member of the Duma. He considers that the NATO vs. Russia war on Ukrainian soil will end only by 2030 - when Ukraine would basically have ceased to exist. His deadline is 2027-2030 - something that no one so...


REVEALING FREAKOUT! This Says A LOT About Society! We Are Change

This report shows you how our society is losing it and whats revealing about it.

The post REVEALING FREAKOUT! This Says A LOT About Society! appeared first on We Are Change.


Supreme Court takes on the administrative state and power-hungry bureaucrats Signs of the Times

Justice Clarence Thomas sent a warning shot across the bow of the expansive administrative state in a recent opinion suggesting it was time the court upend the litany of agencies that act as quasi-judges and slap fines or other penalties on people with only an abbreviated chance for regular judges to get involved. The Securities Exchange Commission and the Federal Trade Commission both claim such powers, and Justice Thomas said the two agencies go well beyond what the founders of the country envision. Justice Thomas wrote: "I have grave doubts about the constitutional propriety of Congress vesting administrative agencies with primary authority to adjudicate core private rights with only deferential judicial review on the back end." His opinion came as part of a ruling on a technical jurisdiction issue involving the SEC and FTC, in a case known as Axon Enterprise, Inc. v. Federal Trade Commission.


Pentagon leaker began sharing classified data earlier than thought - NYT Signs of the Times

Suspected Pentagon leaker Jack Teixeira may have begun sharing sensitive data online earlier than previously believed and with a much larger group of people, the New York Times has reported. The US Air National Guard serviceman was arrested last week and charged with unauthorized removal, retention and transmission of classified US national defense information. The case relates to documents on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict and other issues that the 21-year-old published to a group of 50 people on the Discord social media platform. But the NYT claimed on Friday that it had discovered another Discord group with some 600 members, in which Teixeira may have been sharing sensitive information since late February 2022, when Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine.


US occupation loots more Syrian oil: SANA Signs of the Times

The US occupation forces continue to steal and loot Syrian wealth, transporting dozens of tankers loaded with stolen oil from the northeast Jazeera region across the border and into Iraqi territory in recent days, Syrian state media SANA reported on 22 April. Private sources from the countryside of Al-Yarubiya told SANA that the US occupation transported a convoy of 34 tankers loaded with stolen oil through the illegal Mahmoudiya crossing, in addition to transporting 40 additional tankers through the illegal Al-Waleed crossing to Iraqi territory. On 11 April, the US occupation transported a convoy of 77 vehicles, including 32 tankers filled with oil stolen from Syrian fields and 6 military armored vehicles, from the Hasaka countryside through the Al-Waleed crossing as well. As William Van Wagenen detailed in a report for the Libertarian Institute, Western efforts to loot Syrian oil date back to April 2013, at the height of the US-led covert war to topple the Syrian government.


FLASHBACK: 5 Stupid Ideas Governments Actually Tried (2017) Activist Post

By The Corbett Report Ask anyone whos ever worked in the public sector: With a never-ending stream of taxpayer money and no competition in sight,...

FLASHBACK: 5 Stupid Ideas Governments Actually Tried (2017)


Judge orders Chicago to reinstate employees docked and fired for refusing to get COVID-19 shot Signs of the Times

An Illinois judge has ruled that Chicago city employees who were fired for refusing to get a COVID-19 vaccine must be reinstated and that the mandate be rescinded. More than 20 unions representing city workers signed on to an unfair labor practices lawsuit with the state panel after outgoing Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot imposed the policy in 2021. Administrative Law Judge Anna Hamburg-Gal said in a 78-page decision that while the city was within its right to implement a vaccine requirement for workers, it failed to negotiate with the union over the consequences, which included putting employees on a "no-pay status" and later terminating them completely. The city should have negotiated with the union until both sides reached an agreement or were at an impasse, Hamburg-Gal said. She ordered Chicago to reinstate the employees who were punished and have their personnel records wiped clean and pay workers for lost pay with 7% interest.


'How is Israel a democracy?' Amna Nawaz grills Naftali Bennett Signs of the Times

Last year the PBS News Hour was anchored by Judy Woodruff, who in two marquee interviews, exhibited a callous indifference to the Palestinian perspective. One was her interview with Secretary of State Antony Blinken last June, barely a month after Israel killed Shireen Abu Akleh. Woodruff pressed Blinken about the Saudis' murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018 but said nothing about Abu Akleh. Then last fall, Woodruff did a softball interview of then former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, promoting his new book, allowing him to push for a military threats against Iran and treating Palestinians as an afterthought, toward whom Netanyahu might have good faith: "What sort of life do you foresee for them in the years, generations to come?... And do you see a home for Palestinians in years to come?" Truly embarrassing. What a difference a year makes. Woodruff has become a senior correspondent, and one of the new co-anchors is Amna Nawaz, an Asian-American and Muslim,...


Anti-CRT measures adopted by 28 US states Signs of the Times

More than half of U.S. states have passed measures against the teaching of critical race theory - for example in schools or government employee trainings. Another dozen have seen successful initiatives on a smaller scale, with single cities, counties or school districts (or both) establishing such laws and directives. This is according to a tracking project at the University of California Los Angeles law school. Additionally, as Statista's Katharina Buchholz reports, almost all states that haven't yet passed any such measures have seen them proposed on the state level, the exceptions being California, Vermont and Delaware. In California, however, several school districts have already decided to prohibit or limit the teaching of critical race theory, including in Orange county and Paso Robles. A few states with no finalized laws or directives on any level remain: They are Illinois, Nevada, Vermont, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey and Hawaii.


Bill is 'a dumpster fire' that threatens to incinerate free speech' at Ohio's colleges - Opinion Signs of the Times

The only Republican to vote against the Second Amendment and "Constitutional Carry" in the Ohio General Assembly has yet another unsolicited "gift" for conservatives a speech code fit for a dictator. Senate Bill 83 is a dumpster fire that threatens to incinerate free speech in higher education. Speaking as a conservative Republican who just so happens to be a law professor at Cleveland State University and Sen. Jerry Cirino's constituent in Lake County, his proposed legislation is a poorly disguised big government takeover of Ohio's colleges and universities. Professor: 'We can't take this lying down.' Draconian bill aimed at OSU, other colleges If I were a state senator rather than a faculty senator, I would vote "no" on Senate Bill 83 and introduce something positive, like a 100% property tax exemption for seniors.


How the English once planned to seize the Russian North Signs of the Times

When he was expanding diplomatic relations with England, the first Russian tsar, Ivan the Terrible, could hardly have anticipated that, shortly afterwards, his "partners" would want to turn part of the Tsardom of Muscovy into their own colony. The English set foot on Russian soil for the first time on August 24, 1553. The Edward Bonaventure ship belonged to an English trading company known as the 'Mystery and Company of Merchant Adventurers for the Discovery of Regions, Dominions, Islands, and Places Unknown' and Richard Chancellor was its captain. The ship entered the mouth of the Northern Dvina and moored not far from the Nikolo-Korelsky Monastery, 35 km from Arkhangelsk. From there, Chancellor went to Kholmogory and then on to Moscow, where he handed Ivan the Terrible a letter from King Edward IV. From that moment on, the tsar allowed the British to trade in Russia.


SOTT FOCUS: NewsReal: British Govt Sends Out Alert: 'Putin Preparing to Attack UK!' Signs of the Times

Attention citizens! Putin is preparing to attack the UK! At least, that's what British media and govt officials are reporting, while testing their new 'emergency alerts' system on every mobile phone in the country. The government wouldn't do fake news and hype up non-existent threats, would it? Also on this NewsReal, Joe and Niall discuss Anglo-American certainty that Ukraine is poised to retake Crimea and join NATO and the 'Eur-Atlantic Family' - whatever that is - the admission by an ex-CIA Director that 'the US intelligence community' interfered in the 2020 presidential election, the confirmation by Elon Musk that said community has been 'all over' the back-end of social media platforms reading people's private messages, the potential impact of Bobby Kennedy Jr's entry into the 2024 presidential race, Trump's warning that the US is in its worst crisis in 200 years, and more! Running Time: 01:23:08 Download: MP3 57.1 MB


A $300,000 Salary Feels Like $100,000 In These U.S. Cities Activist Post

By Tyler Durden Today in why, again, do we need inflation? news, a brand new study by SmartAsset reveals that in several U.S. cities, earning as...

A $300,000 Salary Feels Like $100,000 In These U.S. Cities


Once Weekly Yoga Practice Clinically Shown to Reduce Anxiety Activist Post

By GreenMedInfo Research Group If current events are generating increased feelings of anxiety for you, research shows that yoga may be all you need to...

Once Weekly Yoga Practice Clinically Shown to Reduce Anxiety


Chinese Are All Over Afghan Lithium

Via: ZeroHedge: A Chinese company has offered the Taliban $10 billion and a proposal to build key strategic infrastructure connecting north-south Afghanistan in exchange for access to the countrys lithium reserves. Darbey said the Chinese interest in the region is not newin 2021, two Chinese companies were sent to Ghazni to conduct technical research []


Ex-FBI Agents Accuse Top CIA, FBI Officials of 9/11 Coverup; CIA Said to Use Saudis, Others for Illegal Domestic Spy Operations

Im posting this with the following caveat: This should not be considered an endorsement of any aspect of the official story of how 9/11 was carried out. My take on this is that it might indicate some activities related to CIAs management of patsies ahead of the big day. Via: Florida Bulldog: It is nevertheless []


California Meets 100% Of Water Requests For First Time Since 2006

Via: ZeroHedge: Due to a wet winter and record mountain snowpack, California will provide 100% of the water requested by cities and farms, marking the first time in nearly two decades. The office of California Governor Gavin Newsom released a statement Thursday that said, State water contractors to 100% of requested supplies for 29 public []


SOTT FOCUS: Tucker Carlson's Heritage Speech: 'Evil Forces Have Re-instituted Child Sacrifice' Signs of the Times

Comment: Great short speech from Carlson, on the nature of good and evil, and evil's takeover of the body politic in these times. And no, this is not just another polarizing 'hot take' in the 'culture wars'. Carlson specifically shares that he's been surprised to discover in recent years that he can no longer predict who among us will do, or stand up for, 'the right thing' based on their outward identity within a particular social milieu, or their self-declared political views... "What you're watching is not a political movement, It's evil." The side of evil is characterized by violence, hate, disorder, division, disorganization, and filth, Carlson said in remarks at the black-tie-optional affair at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center here. And praying to protect America against such things is something he too often forgets to do, he told a ballroom audience of about 2,000. The battle is not about economics or policy papers, Carlson said, as it was in 1991 when he...


Heavy April snow blankets central Colorado Signs of the Times

Heavy snow fell in central Colorado, on Saturday, April 22. Accumulation would be more likely in the mountainous areas of the state, and travel disruptions were possible in mountain passes, the National Weather Service said. This footage by @hiracing shows heavy snow falling in his backyard in Woodland Park, a suburb of Colorado Springs. In another Tweet, he showed that 4 inches of snow had accumulated in his area. Credit: @hiracing via Storyful


Strong cold front freezes vast parts of northern China Signs of the Times

A strong cold front has swept parts of northern China in recent days, bringing ice rain and snow. A local meteorological center said that the snowy weather is conducive to soil moisture, ensuring smooth spring plowing and sowing.


Michigan's total snowfall this winter shows heaviest area over 20 feet of snow Signs of the Times

For some Michigan cities the snow tallies for this winter did pile up much higher than normal. Like many winters in Michigan we can also find areas that had less than normal snow amounts. Far southern Michigan had about normal snowfall this winter. Most cities in southern Michigan have come between 5 inches below normal and 5 inches above normal for the snow season. The Grand Rapids area has had over 33 inches more snow that normal. Just up the road at Muskegon the snowfall has only tallied 60 inches, which is 27 inches below normal. Working our way up into northwest Lower, most cities had just slightly above normal snowfall. Traverse City at 114.5 inches of total snow is 14 inches above normal. Crossing the Mackinac Bridge, Sault Ste. Marie and Marquette both have significantly more than normal snow totals.

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Sunday, 23 April


The Forest Gives Much Organikos

Freshly harvested logs from the Menominee Forest in Keshena, Wis., marked with color to indicate each logs grade.

Sustainable forestry is a long-running topic in these pages over the years. The previous times we have linked to Cara Buckley stories we have been enriched by the humanity in environmental stories, so here we combine her unique talent to the topic of forestry:


Saturday, 22 April


Not So Happy Earth Day Organikos

Over the past three decades, the rate of ice loss from Greenland has increased sevenfold. Photograph by Kerem Ycel / AFP / Getty

On yet another Earth Day, whatever those two words mean together in tandem these days, a message from a reliable source:

Its Earth Dayand the News Isnt Good

New reports show that ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica are melting faster than anticipated, and other disasters loom.

The Greenland ice s...

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